unisnake · 3 months
Wolf, Snake, Webs, Diane: Have any of you ever cried in public?
Snake: What?
Wolf: W-why would you ask? I mean we don't cry, at least not in public I mean.
Webs: Uh, yeah, we're cool like that.
Diane: ...
Webs: Di?
Diane: I once cried while I was at a event, I admit it. It was a swan made of old motorcycle parts, kinda like the one at the Fine Arts Muesum. Someone made for their dad who died. By a girl named Emmylou.
Wolf: Oh...
Diane: It was beautiful... I don't care if everyone saw me. It touched my heart.
Snake: Sniffles.
Wolf: Snake?
Snake: Hey! It's touching okay! 🥺
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vanityplatesofmi · 3 months
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awesomex7 · 6 months
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First attempt at drawing a The Bad Guys book character with my own interpretation. Here is Hogwild with her own biker gear and helmet. Wanted to capture that reckless energy in her design as I imagine she would be close to Piranha in craziness in the movie universe. Having bike skills that can put Diane to shame. Though she would have a tendency to rush into things head first. ^^'
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weirdboi · 1 year
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A romantic drawing of Pam and Rhonda
Yes I ship them
I know half of people ship Legs x Rhonda and Lam x Lou but I'm like
These two are my lesbian life supermercy
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Random drawing of Emmylou
Enjoy (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
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picaroroboto · 3 months
think of all the times an NPC will praise the WoL up and down before giving them a quest to do something really unpleasant - putting them up on a pedestal one breath and treating them as a tool the next. The WoL's skills make them superhuman, their tendency for violence makes them subhuman, but their most defining trait is their compassion, making them more human then most. Their adventurer status makes them a perpetual outsider but they have allies they can call on in every port. They have no choice but to be Hydaelyn's chosen one but they consistently choose to go above and beyond their duty to help others. They're an empty vessel for the player to inhabit and they're a distinct being that exists in the world of the game. You get it right
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saphushia · 1 year
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i read a wonderful little sickfic that had phantom!etho in it, and despite never even considering the concept before i now can't stop abt etho phantom mechanics and him just being silly with it <3
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tele-phoneline · 2 years
Listening to a song isn't enough I need to eat it
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jojotier · 10 months
Thinking now about Dirk loving puppets because Alpha Rose lets Alpha Dave know his interests so Alpha Dave contacts the Jim Henson company so that baby Dirk sees him acting alongside Muppets for his PBS style educational videos. Alpha Dave also putting together a "making of" for when Dirk is older showing how even he had trouble remembering the Muppets were actually puppets and not costars, showing little bloopers of this adult man trying so desperately to put together a curriculum for the apocalypse. One tape has Elmo doing the lil "Elmo loves you, Dirk! :D" and then it's revealed that it's the only Muppet voice Alpha Dave could get right so that's him saying that. No one fucking look at me
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builtintripping · 4 months
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never forget...
read again?
no you did not see me repost this, shh
hemlo!! thank ya'll so so much for enjoying this lil comic series!! i know it's been a year since the first part, but most importantly i finished it 💀✨️
every single tags ya'll leave on me posts and past questions i recieve about this au is super appreciated, they make me smile the widest you have no clue!! im just a lil mad at myself that i couldn't expand on this au more so yall could have had more crumbs. irl stuff happened + still getting the hang of drawing and socializing again after years of doing neither of those 😭
but still, im glad i could share this comfort comic i made for myself, and for you guys too. it's a pretty personal one despite the characters not being mine 😅 i hope that you can walk away from this story believing (entirely or not) that someone out there still thinks of you, whether they're from a late/absent loved one who still wants the best for you or a dear friend who will make room in their hearts for you. life will never not be hard, but if you keep them close to your heart, adulting will be bearable 🫂
thank you so much for reading 💕
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writer-room · 1 year
Created more civilian memes post-Merge because I am ill
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Look me in the eyes. Never-Realm inhabitants would see what Zane’s life is like in Ninjago and I know, in my heart of hearts, someone would instantly go “oh thats nice. wanna hear about that time he tried to murder us for, like, sixty years?” and Ninjago just has to like. live with this.
1, 3, 4
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chromiollies · 7 months
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high school me's freaking out. thank you army of the doomstar for pulling me back into the hellhole
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unisnake · 3 months
Hey, y’all! Today is International Women’s Day, so I’d like to wish a good day to Diane and Webs, as well as the chief, and Tiffany Fluffit, if she’s there, now, and even the International League of Heroes… *whispers so that Diane can’t hear* …especially Ellen.
Diane: Thank you!
Webs: That's nice of you!
Chief: Very much appreciated.
Tiffiany: Thank you~ 😄 Happy International Women's day to all!
Diane: Whispers. Ellen really appreciates it too.
Hogwild: Jumps in and does a cartwheel before leaving! So do I!
Diane: WOAH! Woah! Who was that just now? 😳
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oh yeah almost forgot. just a little something from yesterday while i was processing the news and trying to cope [spoilers?? ig for the lmk s5 trailer?? i don't know if the trailer counts as spoilers tho honestly its a trailer but we gonna tag as such to be safe] (all my posts about the trailer and the upcoming season will be tagged as lmk s5 spoilers)
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caerbannogs · 5 months
Today I trawled through my folder of 900+ mods I've made to find some stuff worth sharing. Behold! 33 mediocre-to-decent mods!
Make sure to read the index before getting your hopes up :P Feel free to do whatever with these, just link back to that drive folder if you publish it. Here’s some images of highlights.
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basu-shokikita · 5 months
Dethklok's reaction to knowing they're gonna die
So here I am on my bullshit once again. Just wanted to talk about that one scene from AOTD 'cause it's been haunting me lately.
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First things first, the way Nathan's expression contorts with fear upon realizing that he might have fucked up, and now they're all gonna die.
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Immediately Pickles' breath hitches up as he tries to confirm the information. Nathan is not any more optimistic the second time.
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Then this: Pickles tries to hug Toki, who barely reacts, standing very still instead. Now this one stuck with me, why? Because Pickles is very obviously trying to keep up his 'motherly' role be there for the youngest one. Because of Toki's attitude towards Skwisgaar during AOTD, Pickles can only have concluded that the little guy wants to be physically comforted. So, that's what he does. He goes in for the hug, because Toki must be really scared of death, right?
Now I don't doubt Pickles' good intentions, but I think he's also projecting a little. He's the one having the most visceral reaction to what Nathan said. He's upset, he's terrified, he wants out. He wants to be comforted but how can he be when he's the one supporting everyone? He can't break down, he's been the backbone this whole time. So he clings to Toki, and feigns a protective role when really all he wants is to be protected right now.
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Then you have these two. Skwisgaar is hunched, head hanging low, barely showing emotion. Just like Toki, he is shocked.
Murderface is avoiding sadness as ever, venting instead with his favorite projection device: Planet Piss. He's not sad about dying, oh no, he's mad he never finished Planet Piss! And he's gonna be a loser for it and that sucks! But he's not sad, he's just angry, obviously.
Skwisgaar doesn't even try to be a smartass or sarcastic. He's just defeated, it's not just them that are gonna die, everyone will. Everyone will die and nothing will matter. Nothing will have mattered at all because they will all be gone. Definitely think it's interesting that the guy with the biggest ego in Dethklok is the one thinking about how it's not just them that will meet their end, but the rest of humanity as well.
Murderface then is less mad, and more like relieved. He won't be a loser and he won't be seen as a loser because no one will be around to judge him. Speaks a lot about his fear of rejection and constant attempts to fit in. There's no one to fit in with if they're all dead.
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And then we get to this, this. The callback to the infamous 'Sees you in Vallhaska' scene. This little thing right here drives me insane because, I can't believe they referenced to that scene, and because, god, the context is so much more different now.
Back then it was just the two of them, about to be slashed by MMA. And that's when Skwisgaar turns to Toki and tells him he'll see him in Valhalla. But it was just the two of them. (Important to note, though: in the season 2 finale Skwisgaar and Pickles are stuck in a similar situation but Skwisgaar doesn't initiate any interaction, and it's Pickles instead who does it, wanting to confess he managed to suck himself off before dying.)
But here is the whole band, the whole band is about to die. Scratch that, humanity as a whole is gonna vanish.
And Toki, right after Pickles tried to comfort him and he didn't react, Toki walks to Skwisgaar. He walks to Skwisgaar and only addresses him. And he says that he'll see him in the afterlife. He doesn't tell this to Dethklok, he doesn't even tell this to Pickles who just tried to support him. He doesn't even say it to Murderface who was talking to Skwisgaar just a few seconds ago. No, he says it to Skwisgaar only.
Toki tells Skwisgaar that they'll hang out everyday for eternity. And there's most likely at attempt at cheering Skwisgaar up, or even cheer himself up, or both, really. But he doesn't look thrilled about it either, he doesn't want things to end up like this. So it ends up coming as a (death) sentence, rather than comfort. And that's what Skwisgaar senses too, he knows Toki is reluctant and so is he because, fuck, is it really gonna end like this? And he's mad but so helpless too that he asks if Toki's implying they're going to hell.
And it's such a cold thing to say for sure but let's be honest the way Toki worded it didn't sound great. Not that he can be blamed really, their situation is so fucked up anyway.
But the most glaring thing about it all for me is the acknowledgment Toki has of their bond. Rather than wanting or wishing to stay with Skwisgaar forever, it's more like he knows, he feels in his heart that that's what's going to happen to them. And maybe it's not the best situation but at least they'll have each other. And that's just incredible to me.
Because back then, Skwisgaar spoke to Toki when it was just the two of them about to meet their end. Here, Toki is choosing to address Skwisgaar only when they're all about to kiss their lives goodbye. It wasn't just circumstance back then, nor is it a coincidence now, these two are tied in some way that goes beyond regular life and death, and they know it. And in a way, it's not really their choosing. It's just the way things are.
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nyancrimew · 1 year
what would you think if someone made fanfiction of you doing normal-ish stuff. I had an awesome fanfiction idea of "Maia Arson Crimew runs out of cinnamon toast crunch so it goes to the store and discovers that the cinnamon toast crunches are alive and are being forced into being eaten by their tyrannical ruler, Cap'n Crunch so she helps the cinnamon toast crunches overthrow their unjust leader" but i know making fanfiction of real people can make them uncomfortable so i wanted to ask first.
I would probably shorten the name, too.
i think maia slice of life fanfic would be really funny
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