#hoh dudes
bunabi · 4 months
btw bread baking update: I'm in my pita era
diced chicken & romaine & olives with a little tzatziki has healed me
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spaciebabie · 10 months
The jumpscare I got seeing springtrap ass in my notifications
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gaycaelus · 10 months
weeps sobs cries i love fontaine so fucking much :''']]]
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a9saga · 9 months
if they keep red and backdoor jag for no good reason after saving him last week I'm gonna snuff it
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ruegarding · 3 months
hold up...does piper actually have adhd/dyslexia? does jason?
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angelmeateater · 1 year
god I need my appointment with the audiologist to come sooner 😞 I am literally loosing my ability to socialise
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fedoranon · 4 months
Having a lot of people repeating what I said quieter, faster, and with worse enunciation today :/
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leviathiane · 5 months
fuck i just watched a silent voice with my roommates and im all torrn up, jesus fucking christ
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left-twin · 1 year
i cant stop thinking about these stupid motherfuckers
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provokedgoalie · 2 years
I was talking to myself about hockey & my dad (his back is facing me) was like who are you talking to?? & I'm like jabdjsj MYSELF,, he was like I thought you were talking on the phone
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bishopinblue · 2 years
Remembers what Wolfwood is going to look like in the new Trigun series.
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theflagscene · 7 months
The hand rubbing scene is the gayest sex scene GMMtv has ever had on screen, allow me to explain to you why.
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Gifs by @wanderlust-in-my-soul 
Now I can’t speak as someone who is completely blind (obviously) but I can speak as someone who has been progressively losing their sight for the past 15 years - ironically enough from a car accident. Why hello Day, I see you! (pun intended) But I’m also a person who grew up HoH (hard of hearing) from the age of two years old onward, I had tubes put in my ears, wore hearing aids, the whole shebang. The chances of me actually regaining my ability to hear completely was very very slim, the fact that I did actually end up regaining some - not all - of my hearing by my late twenties was a damn shock to us all. The point being, when you are a person who’s lost one of your senses that you are used to having, your body starts to overcompensate.
Most everyone has heard/read/seen things about how removing one sense can lead to your other ones becoming stronger. There’s even been studies that show people born deaf or deafened at a very young age, that their brain starts to rewire itself to allow them to experience sound in a visual way, via touch. It’s sort of like how blind people learn to read braille in a way, the touch creates a picture in your mind allowing you to see the way that word looks and sounds and feels. Theres a whole bit in Scientific America you can check out if you want that breaks it down in layman terms without the writing acting like you’re stupid, which is always nice when it comes to medical jargon lol.
So my point that to Day, his sense of touch is not only in overdrive because it like much of the rest of his senses - smell seems to be a big one they’re leading with - are scambling to try and overcompensate for the sudden lack of sight that is getting worse as time passes. But because he had pulled away from basically the entire world post blindness setting in, spending the last year of his life in his room hardly interacting with anyone, his own mother and brother barely being allowed to touch him. That for Day, his sense of touch is absolutely frantic. Which is why it’s so important for Mhok to constantly place his hands on him, not only to help lead him back into the world but to allow Day to recognize him by touch alone. And it’s being shown that he is, Day already knows Mhok’s voice and it’s touched a bit on the way he smells (ciggs) but this last episode is really starting to show how the touch of people is starting to fully affect Day, especially when he’s out of the house and how Mhok is instantly recognized even though he always follows up his touch with a vocal confirmation that it is in fact him that is touching Day.
So that hand stroking scene, the way Mhok runs the pads of his fingers gently up the centre of Day’s palm, how he strokes the back of his hand like it’s a kitten. That right there could genuinely feel like sex to Day, if not sexual in manner at the very least. The fuzzy look Day gets in his eyes, going from blank, to blissful to bashful and then finally awkward. It wasn’t just because of the fact that the dude he lowkey is starting to have a crush on is rubbing his hand in what I’m seeing being called a ‘weirdly intimate way’. It’s because Day’s body and brain is reacting to that touch in a way that people with all five senses might not completely comprehend, imagine your most intense erogenous zone (btw the palms of the hands are occasionally considered one) now imagine if that intensity was ramped up by ten, or twenty or even fifty and then imagine that that erogenous zone was suddenly everywhere. The most innocuous part of your body could bring you the most incredible sensations, both sexual and emotional, that’s what Day is feeling.
Mhok, now Mhok, he’s not stupid. Far from it in fact, he’s clued in on that not only is Day queer but also that he has a bit of a crush on him. Mhok has also quickly adapted to how he needs to teach Day to see the world in a new way, hence all the touching and smelling and reinforcement that Day can in fact do things for himself, including asking for help when he needs it. So Mhok knew exactly what he was doing with the hand rubbing, sort of. Did he know the sensation would be heightened, my best bet is totally. But did he expect to have his reaction to it go beyond that of teasing? Given his own bashfulness, doubtful. When you’re dating someone with a loss of one or many senses, you tend to change your own preconceived notions of what intimacy with your partner is. For some people offering a foot rub to their partner is a clear come on, an offer for something to lead to more. But for a blind person, especially a newly blind person like Day. They use their hands to navigate their entire world - you literally read with your fingers - so a blind persons hands are basically their most important tools in a lot of ways. To have someone touch your hands with such care, such reverence, it’s not just intimate, it’s full on foreplay.
Mhok wasn’t just touching Day, he was touching Day. It was meant to be seen as intimate because it was intimate, so intimate, in a way I don’t think either Mhok nor Day were expecting it to be because neither had ever experienced something like that before. That scene was truly the beginning of their relationship shifting, that hand scene was kind of like their first kiss.
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Gifs by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
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cheri-2047 · 28 days
Idk if it's a good request or nah, but can you do a imagine in which the reader got adopted by Lyney, Lynette and Freminett family? Not like adopted by the HoH and arle. The trio adopt us but keep us away from Fatui business. We are obviously young and just got isekai'ed to Teyvat. I hope it's not a weird request, I just really want some platonic time with the trio :')
I’m gonna make it so the ages are like, freminet is 16, lyney and Lynette are around 20 and they found you when you were like idk 6
This is so badly written in sorry it’s cause tumblr deleted my progress thrice and my lazy ass lost my motivation on this.
This went from a third person perspective to a first so MY BAD. I’m really sorry like genuinely 😞
Hearth siblings adopt you <3
Tags: none this is in a family situation
Characters: Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, mentions of Arlecchino
Lyney and Lynette were in a mission together, to gather some information from a well-known noble in Fontaine.
The pair had gotten tickets to go to a banquet as requested by father, to “extend connections” and to fulfill their task.
They were in their usual get up, with small extra details such as some pearls on Lynette’s hair and as for Lyney, he had temporarily glued on extra sequins on his hat.
The two introduced themselves, blending in with the crowd smoothly as they had the noble in sight.
“My if it isn’t the greatest magicians in Fontaine!”
The noble recognized them, after seeing them in the Steambird countless times.
“Ah, hello! Pleased to meet you! But ah sir, you must be quite wrong. For we are actually the greatest in all Teyvat!”
Lyney joked, extending his hand for the noble to shake.
“Lyney and Lynette, correct?”
The man said, shaking the boy’s hand. They both nod, as Lynette bowed her head.
“Pleasure to meet you.”
The three chat, as there was a sudden commotion from the food area.
The Gardes yelled, pointing to the door. The crowd looked curiously, to see a small child running out of the building.
“Ah little dumb kids. Which noble would bring their child to a grand place like this?”
The noble chuckled. The twins (though they didn’t want to) laughed along with his remark.
The twins were smooth, they knew how to talk so they would get answers. They got all the information they needed and decided to linger around longer, to promote themselves as well.
“Ah well sir, we are going to take our leave for now. Thank you!”
The two introduced themselves to others.
“We’re Lyney and Lynette!”
They said, showing others small card tricks.
After a few hours they got all they needed and more, and left the venue. As the two walked out and made their way to the Hotel Bouffe D’ete, they heard small cries.
“….brother look.”
The cat-hybrid pointed towards a bush, walking towards it a little. They saw…a child, a child who looked barely an age over 5. Hugging their knees while shivering and crying.
The cat hybrid held out her hand, only for the child to look even more terrified.
“We won’t hurt you…”
The hybrid kneeled down to the child’s height, as the young boy approached them and kneeled down as well. The child only looked more scared.
“Hey…your knee is bleeding…”
The young boy said, reaching for his pocket to grab a handkerchief.
“May I?”
The child didn’t speak.
“Ah..parles-vous francais?” (Do you speak French?)
The child shook their head. “Ah…”
“What’s your name little one?”
The boy said, suddenly reaching his hand out with the handkerchief.
“I’m just gonna wipe your wound okay?”
The child nodded, as if saying it was okay before telling the twins their name.
“Nice to meet you! I’m Lyney and this is my sister”
“Lynette. Where are your parents?”
The child shook their head. the hybrid understood.
“I see… are you from here?”
Lynette tried to not talk about parents, since it might have been a sensitive topic for you
Her eyes widened in shock, but decided not to question it.
“Ah..I see..”
The boy finished wiping your knee. He could have sworn he had seen you somehwere.
“Can you walk?”
You nodded. Standing up. Suddenly, the magician regcognized you.
“…ah! You were the child who got chased out by the gardes!”
You froze. Were they going to get angry at you? Tell you to scramble off? Were the-
Your stomach grumbled.
“…you were looking for food Weren’t you?”
You nod.
“Well in that case..why don’t you come home with us?”
Lyney turned to his Sister in shock.
“Lynette- we can’t possibly just bring another child to the hearth. You’ve seen how the other kids reacted..”
“They have no home. Where else are they to go?”
“Anywhere but the hearth.”
They kept whispering to each other, not wanting you to hear anything.
Lyney didn’t mean to sound rude, he just wanted to keep you out of fatui matters. He wanted to keep you safe especially since it looked like you didn’t know anything.
“Alright Reader… we will take you to a new home okay?”
Lyney sighed. as he carried you up in his arms and started to walk with you.
“We’ll introduce you to our little brother once we get to the hea- at home.”
Lynette pulled some extra sweets out of hee bad, she fed you while her brother was carrying you. As all 3 of you walked, you fell asleep in his arms.
Lynette and lyney were trying to figure out how to take care of you. They didn’t want to tell father, since they didn’t want you to suddenly be forced to enter a life full of a murderer and a criminal.
After awhile, you suddenly woke up in a bed, with a short boy sitting on the edge of it.
“Ah..um…you’re awake…”
“Hello there…I’m freminet..”
The boy introduced himself, as he Pat your head.
“I’m their little brother.. and I’ll be taking care of you today since they’re in a missio- ah- since they’re busy”
You nodded
The three would keep you in a different place outside the hearth. They would do everything to ensure that nobody from the hearth knew you and father would never find out
You hang out with freminet mostly. He makes the clockwork machines a lot while he’s in your room.
The twins always check on you everyday, and entertain you with magic tricks.
Any attempt of calling them your father or mother, they would immediately shut it down and say “no no you don’t have to-“ and laugh afterwards
Whenever you get sick one of the twins would make an excuse to father to not go on a mission, and instead take care of you.
Freminet often gives you some toys, he gets slightly happy whenever he comes back to your home to see you playing with them.
As you grow up, the three teaches you more things (like for school) and they even let you watch some of their shows. On the condition that “you must act like you don’t know us personally. Got it?”
Honestly they would be really nice older siblings to you, they also feel pride in themselves that they “raised a kid normally”
They let you leave your room whenever you want, on the condition that you must say a fake name and call them whenever you go out (and when you’re back).
Sometimes on missions, they feel bad for leaving you out so if they go to another ball, they have an extra ticket for you. They often tell you they’re just “promoting the show” but you don’t mind it.
You get really suspicious and weirded out sometimes, but then freminet would just make an excuse like “since you’re not from Fontaine, people might look for you…”
I bet the three genuinely think they’re being so slick but in reality, arlecchino knows about this. I dont know how she found out, maybe the way all three of them have gotten more food than usual? But she knows about you. She knows your real name, your age and how you look like, but she pretends to not know a thing. She finds it amusing that her 3 kids are trying so hard to give you a normal life and she wants to see the outcome of this.
All 4 of you become really close. Lyneys always there if you need someone to cheer you up, lynette is always there if you want comfort or desserts, and Freminet is literally like your best friend.
They set your birthday in the day they found you. Whenever it’s your birthday, all three give you presents and gives you their favorite food.
On their birthdays, they visit you late (since the hearth also celebrates) but whenever they do, they have their favorite foods and you have a gift for them too that they always appreciate. (And they would always use)
Whenever you’re alone for long periods of time, they would apologize and make up for it by staying with you the entire day the next day.
I’m actually so sorry for the shitty writing like genuinely and this wasn’t proofread either 😔 but thank you so so much
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steveshairychest · 2 years
HoH Steve needing to read people's lips to help him understand what they are saying but Eddie doesn't know this, he doesn't even know Steve is hard of hearing bcs no one has bothered to tell him. So Eddie thinks Steve is flirting like crazy. He thinks the reason Steve stares at his lips and leans closer to him when they are talking is because he's being a major flirt. "My eyes are up here, Steve." He says one day while he's leaning on the Family Video counter in front of Steve.
Steve just rolls his eyes. "If you want me to have no idea what you're saying then sure, I'll stare into your pretty eyes, Munson." He then proceeds to lean on the counter very closely to Eddie and stare into his eyes with a mischievous grin. "Wow, so pretty."
But poor Eddie is still trying to process what Steve said. Not know what he's saying? "Wait, what? Are you deaf, Steve?" And that's when Steve realises that no one told Eddie. He leans back from the desk in shock. He could have sworn he told him.
"Oh my God, Eddie. Yeah, I'm deaf in my left ear, hard of hearing in my right. I can hear a little of what you're saying if I stand close to you but I mainly read lips. Dustin's trying to teach me sign language as well but that's, uh, taking a while. I swear I told you." But the look of complete surprise on Eddie's face tells Steve that this is very new information to him. "I'm sorry! Sometimes I forget it's not common knowledge."
Eddie runs a hand through his hair and laughs. "Dude, It's okay. I get it." He gives Steve a soft smile but then his face falls. "Oh god, I thought you were flirting with me this whole time with the whole lip reading thing. I'm sorry if i was being weird." He looks so flustered it makes Steve want to jump the counter, grab him by the shirt and kiss him silly.
Instead, Steve gives Eddie a small shrug, "Don't worry, i was flirting with you." And then he leaves him standing there dumbfounded while he serves a customer.
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wrens-writings · 2 months
Pretty Boy
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: ̗̀➛ Jason Grace x clearsighted mortal!gn!reader
: ̗̀➛ In which you witness something horrible and wake up wishing it was just a dream, only to be met with the prettiest man you’ve ever laid your eyes on
: ̗̀➛ oh my gods??? hi??? yall absolutely ATE UP my percy fic??? i was actually SO nervous abt posting my writing, but the positive feedback made me so happy :,) also yes, this is set during HoH. do i care? no! piper is a gay icon and im sorry but i clocked in IMMEDIATELY that she wasn’t straight. my gaydar is just THAT good. also, i’m not entirely the biggest fan of this piece, but i believe in posting what i make. i use it as progress markers :)
: ̗̀➛ WARNINGS: probably out of character, near allusions to a panic attack (mr stapler eater thwarts it quickly 😌), jason being FINE.
‘oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!’ you think to yourself as you stare, unable to tear your eyes away from the Neptune statue that you frequently found yourself at this summer.
you watch as two weird furry things giggle and laugh at two boys. you don’t understand any of what’s happening right now, but you do know that whatever those weird ass creatures are, they stole the boys belongings.
you’ve never been the type to just let people get harassed, even if you don’t know them, or if their harassers are… four foot tall furry things… “hey! those don’t belong to you!” you growl at the creatures, stepping out of the shadows of the alleyway and approaching the broken fountain.
you let out a startled squeak as the shorter boy lights his hands on fire out of shock and defence when you approach. the sound that left your body as well as the EVERYTHING happening around you somehow distracted you from the telltale feeling of lightning preparing to strike on you.
in a flash, golden cords extend from Neptunes fingers, wrapping mostly around the blond boy. one of them misses the brunet, only to latch itself onto you.
just as you’re caught up in the tight golden cords, your body pressed tightly against the blond boy’s, a bolt of lightning strikes Neptunes trident, and suddenly the world went black.
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vaguely, you can hear someone telling you to wake up, almost as if they were in a panic. thinking it was your mother trying to tell you that you’re going to be late for school, despite it being july, you curl yourself tighter into the nearest surface.
‘wait a damn minute…’ you think to yourself briefly. ‘this… this isn’t my pillow or my blanket…’
your eyes fly open, and are met with the clearest blue you’ve ever seen. theyre so blue that you weren’t sure if you were looking at the sky for a split second. and then it all comes rushing back.
“oh my god!” you cry, your voice shaking with confusion. it was real? why did it have to be real? why couldn’t this whole thing have just been a dream??
the pretty blond boy was clearly panicking a bit himself. “hey! hey! calm down, it’s okay!” he says over your panicky breathing. “my name is Jason. everything is oka— breathe, dude oh my gods calm down?!”
well that snapped you out of it.
“excuse me?!” you snap, your eyes narrowing with distaste. “don’t you tell me to calm down when i’m hanging upside down with some himbo lookin’ ass who’s acting like this is a regular ole thursday!”
the boy, Jason, bites his lip to stifle a laugh. if he wasn’t so damn attractive, you would’ve been incredibly offended. “sorry.” he giggles.
as you study his face, your own softens slightly. Jason didn’t portray it with his heart on his sleeve, but looking deeper into those mesmerizing clear blue eyes, you could see the horrors. something tells you that he doesn’t get to let loose very often.
“y/n.” you say, much softer than before. “my name is y/n.”
Jason smiles, and the small scar on his lip twitches. briefly, you wonder what the story behind it is. “it’s nice to meet you, y/n. i’m Jason. i wish it could’ve been under better circumstances.” he offers kindly.
you scoff and roll your eyes with a hint of fondness. “yea yea. you know how to get us out of this, Pretty Boy?” you ask with a small, slightly nervous smile.
Jason chokes, clearly not expecting the compliment. “er- yea. uh, just… don’t freak out when i pull out my sword.” he says sheepishly.
your eyes widen. sword?! before you even realize it, there’s a satisfying shrng! of metal in the air. Jason’s golden blade cuts through the cords that hold the two of you up and you tumble to the ground.
you wince and cradle your head. “ow…” you murmur, a frown on your lips.
despite you CLEARLY being in pain, Jason laughs at you softly. he offers you his hand to help you up, and with a shy smile, you take it. “these streets probably aren’t that safe right now… let me walk you back to… er… wherever you came from?” he offers kindly.
you can’t help but chuckle now yourself. “oh, sure, let’s walk to america.” you say with a snort as you begin to walk down the pretty streets of italy with an equally pretty boy. “won’t your friend need help, though?”
Jason shrugs your worry off. “nah, Leo’s fine. he’s as resourceful as they come.” he tells you with a smirk.
you nod and continue walking. “so i assume that there’s a reason i could see those weird things?” you ask softly, almost afraid of the answer.
Jason nods stiffly. he opens his mouth to answer you, but you don’t hear it. you’re too busy staring at him. at those clear, electric blue eyes that are shielded by a pair of glasses and hide so much pain. his soft looking pink lips and the scar along them. his windswept blond hair, as though he’d been flying through the sky without any protection. the way he talks and walks, as if he’s been trained his whole life to be a diplomat.
jesus christ, this boy is pretty as they come.
when you finally tear your eyes away from him, you frown. you’re somehow at the home your family has rented for the summer. already?
“thank you, for walking me back.” you say to him shyly as you look back into his gorgeous eyes.
Jason’s cheeks light pink, just barely, but enough that you can see. “of course. it’s no problem.” he responds as he rubs the back of his head nervously. “take care of yourself, okay, y/n?”
you nod and say your farewells, watching him as he turns and runs back the way you walked, intent on finding his friend. you wonder if you’ll ever see him again, if the fates will ever allow you to cross paths with such a beautiful person ever again.
your eyes fall as you watch him leave, but snap back up quickly. damn! he has a nice ass, too…
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murasaki-cha · 9 months
Honestly sometimes I don't even know how Rick managed to get HoH to pass as a totally apropriate kids book for multiple (completly badass) reasons, but especially the scene with Akhlys.
"(...)He wanted to choke this goddess. He wanted to watch her drown in her own poison. He wanted to see just how much misery Misery could take."
.................. gods dam my dude. Dark Percy was just.... yeah.
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