#holding aleksis' arm
Wanted to share a draft of the first chapter for my story!!
Maybe I’ll add more chapters on here as well?
“It’s so dark.” He thought to himself as he struggled to open his eyes.
Sounds of muffled voices fill the air as he slowly comes to. His vision blurred as his eyes crack open, blinking while attempting to take in the surroundings. He forces himself to sit up, suddenly realizing something…where was he?
His eyes shot open and no longer drowsy, his eyes dart around the room.
“This isn’t the lab.” He thought in his head, “Where am I? How did I get here?”
His mind racing faster than the speed of light. The muffled voices, the beeping of machinery, the bright lights. He was panicking more and more, he was about to make a run for it, until…
“Hey, calm down. You’re alright.” A voice spoke, he glanced over.
A young man sitting in a chair next to the bed. His eyes had small bags under them, and messy split toned hair. Who is this?
“You’re okay now, deep breaths. You must be Amado, am I correct?” He smiles softly at Amado. Amado returning a subtle nod, still panicked.
“I’m Aleksy, or you could just call me Alex. How are you feeling?”
Amado didn’t answer, he just took in the man’s appearance and assessed his surrounding. He came to the conclusion that this was a hospital. But why? Why here?
“You must be wondering why you’re here. Frankly, we don’t know either. You just appeared out of nowhere at the front door last night.” He smiles softly, trying to get Amado caught up with what they know. “Do you know how you got here? It would be wonderful if you told me.”
No response again. This time, Aleksy reached over and rests a hand on Amados shoulder, which frightened Amado and sent him back into another panic. All Aleksy could do was try his best to calm the kid down.
“Hey- hey! Shh, it’s ok, it’s ok. Deep breaths.”
Amado curled up in the corner of the bed and glared at Aleksy, scrunching his nose a bit. Amado wanted to show he wasn’t afraid of him, but it was lie, he was terrified and thee was no hiding it. He had no idea where he was, how he got here, and even his past was a bit fuzzy.
Aleksy tries talking with him again.
“I know this all seems so scary, but its alright. I’m here to help, I’m going to be your caretaker for as long as you’re here. I’m going to keep you safe.”
He smiles reassuringly, he moves to sit on the edge of the bed, Amado growled at him, which Alesky hadn’t expected.
“Now now, no need for that. I’m not going to hurt you kid.” He reached over to Pat Amados head, hoping that would get a better reaction from Amado. Instead, Amado flinched as Aleksy raised his hand and slapped it away.
This surprise Aleksy, but he’d read up on Amados file that was left with him. It read that there was quite a bit of abuse in his past, Aleksy could see many scars that covered the kids body.
Amado was trying to look as intimidating as he could, trying to hide his fear. But Aleksy can see the pain in his eyes, he saw tears prick the edges, threatening to spill any second.
“Alright, no touching. I got it.” He smiles, “But I still need to check your iv, blood pressure, and some other things, so if you could hold still-“
Iv? Amado looked at his arm as Aleksy went to make sure it was in properly, his eyes widened in fear. What were they doing? What were they planning to inject into him?
With all that’s happening in just a short amount of time, he’s not able to think straight, his first thought was to rip out the iv and make a run for it while he still could.
So in just a few seconds, he ripped the iv out, letting out a cry of pain and tried to stand. Luckily Aleksy caught him and forced him to sit back down.
“Shh, hey, Shh. It’s alright, calm down-“
He’s cut off by Amados cries and struggles to get lose. Aleksy knows he can’t let go now. He knows Amado didn’t want to be touched, but he had no choice when Amado was trying to run off. He attempts to soothe amado as he cried out loudly for help. He’s scared, scared no one would hear him or even come to help. He’s scared of what’s going to happen to him while he’s here. Will anyone rescue him? Will he be alone again?
The thoughts race and race, he cried and screamed, fighting Aleksys grip until he couldn’t fight any longer.
“Deep breaths, Shh, deep breaths.” Aleksy soothes him, “Shh, I’m here, you’ll be ok honey.”
After a long while, Amado exhausted himself from all the fighting and screaming, all he could do was cry in defeat. No one was coming. He was alone. Would it be easier to just surrender now?
“Shh, let it out. You’re safe here, you’re going to be okay.” He wipes a few stray tears.
Tears fall down his face while he wept, Aleksy felt awful for putting Amado through this, but he couldn’t have Amado hurt anyone or himself. He hummed a gentle lullaby and squeezed Amados hands. His hands were soft and careful, while Amados were rough and cracked, riddled with scars, bruises., and calluses. He can only imagine what this kid endured. He wants to know, but Amado will have to let him know as time goes on.
For now, he hums the soothing lullaby, Amados eyes grew heavy as he slumped forward. Aleksy caught him and held him close, letting him fall asleep and lied him back down, pulling the blanket over the kid and helped him get comfortable once more.
“This is going to be tougher than I thought. But don’t you worry, I won’t leave your side for a minute.” He caressed Amados matted hair while he slept, careful not to wake him.
He got everything back in order and even prepared some food for when the kid awoke. He reviewed the notes on Amado that had been found in the booklet that was left with him.
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 02/24/1997
Height: 5’1 (154cm)
Weight: ~95 lbs
Parents: unknown
Aleksy carefully rereads the page talking about the abuse Amado had endured, but it wasn’t specific. He wanted to help, but with such little information, he could only do so much.
He glanced at the sleeping boy and smiled sadly. He was going to help him somehow, but they would have to start slow.
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ifidiedinadream · 6 months
How do you think the guys would kiss you for the first time? Like what kind of a situation and passionate, heated, shy, etc. Like how do you think it would happen? ❤️
aleksi: i like to think of a situation where you're crushing on each other, everybody knows but you still haven't confessed, and maybe one night you're at a get together and maybe you drank a bit and you start chatting on the couch, it feels nice and you're both having fun, and at some point he tells you he thinks you're beautiful and he'd really like to kiss you right now. you would lean in and kiss him, and maybe he would be a little shy at first, but once he's confident you'd spend the whole night latched at the mouth
joel: he'd be shy. you'd be talking about something else, but he just can't stop thinking about what you might taste like, and at some point his impulsivity gets the best of him and he kisses you midsentence. you'd be taken aback, and he'd be as red as a tomato, but then you would smile and give him another kiss and his face would relax
joonas: i think he'd take you out on a date. he'd take you to a fancy restaurant and he'd kiss you as soon as dinner is over and you are on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. he'd be sweet, but if things got heated then he'd gently push your back against the wall, never breaking the kiss
tommi: i think it would happen in the comfort of his or your home. you've been spending more time than usual with each other, always ending up over at each other's house. one day you're watching tv at your place, you'd be sitting close to each other, and you'd be scooting closer and closer to him withouth even realizing it (blaming it on the cold, maybe). he'd kiss you during a commercial break, it would be sweet and gentle
olli: i can picture a first kiss in the context of laughter and light-hearted mood. maybe he just did some of his trademark Olli Bullshit, forgetting or breaking something, or maybe someone is joking at his expenses, and you'd try to "comfort" him by hugging him or taking his face in your hands. he'd use this moment to give you a kiss and you'd melt instantly in his arms
niko: the first thing that comes to mind is his smug smile. so maybe he's been talking to you with the idea of flirting all day, trying to make it happen, holding eye contact as much as he can, moving closer to you than necessary, and then he finally tells you that he likes you, and when he kisses you at last it'd be very passionate
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theflyingfeeling · 2 months
another getting-this-out-of-my-system-with-no-proofreading kind of Olli/Allu bedtime story by Yours Truly, enjoy <3
(sort of smut with lots of feelings)
It was nothing, Aleksi decided. It couldn’t be. 
So what if he got an unexpected hard-on during a playwrestle – in his defence, so did Olli, or so Aleksi had judged by the bulge on the front of his jeans; therefore, it was nothing out of ordinary. A bit of friendly roughhousing, nothing else. 
So what if Olli then, later that same evening, climbed into Aleksi’s bunk and, with his eyes blacker than the nighttime surrounding them, hovered over him, pinning Aleksi down with his gaze as well as his hips. Not a single word was exchanged as Olli began moving against Aleksi in a circular motion that started off slow and careful, then hastened as Olli’s eyes lost focus and finally rolled back in their sockets, mere seconds before he went still and limp on top of Aleksi with his heavy breathing in Aleksi’s ear an Aleksi’s erection rock-hard in between them. 
So what if Aleksi came within seconds after Olli sneaked a hand inside his boxers, the warmness of Olli’s hand alone bringing him over the edge. Could’ve happened to anyone, really, with the way Olli had been grinding into him, hardening him from the semi he had still been sporting inside his pants, panting into his neck and ear and shoulder, throwing his head back and exposing his neck for Aleksi to marvel at. 
So what if he wondered whether it’d feel as smooth against his lips as it looked then, in the dark of his bunk and up so close. 
It was nothing, surely, and even if it was something, it would be nothing but the fact they were on tour and under a lot of pressure and one had to let it out somehow. 
It was nothing. How could it be anything else? 
It was nothing, even when it happened again the next night, only this time without the playfight-induced awkward boners.
So what if Aleksi had already been palming himself through his pyjama pants while entertaining himself with the thought of it happening again. So what if the thought also tortured him, placing a heavy mass inside his chest that was only removed when he saw the curtain of his bunk being pulled aside and Olli’s face appeared above him again, his eyes even darker than the night before, his cock even harder than last time.
So what if Aleksi let his arms be held in place above his head. So what if he liked it so much it scared him. 
(It all scared him, although not enough to do anything about it; not enough to object when Olli sank his nails into the skin around Aleksi’s wrists, not enough to resist when he felt teeth nibbling on his earlobe. So scared he was, in fact, that he willingly helped Olli remove his pants by lifting his bum off the mattress while Olli fumbled with both their clothes with one hand, the other still holding Aleksi’s arms against the headboard.) 
So what if Aleksi had never come as hard as he did when he felt Olli’s bare cock against his own. So what if Olli spilling on his stomach almost made him do it again.
But, you know. It was still nothing as far as Aleksi was concerned. It was all the pressure, all the tightness of their schedule and the tightness inside Aleksi’s head that he needed an escape from. It was the coldness of the spring in Germany and they were just being practical, huddling together for warmth the way they were. 
It was nothing. Promise. 
It was nothing. It was nothing it was nothing it was nothing. Maybe if Aleksi repeated it enough in his head, his stupid brain would be more convinced. 
So what if he started anticipating Olli’s arrival already before the show, trying to find clues in Olli’s behaviour (he drove himself crazy over-analysing Olli’s every move, that’s what).
So what if his eyes kept trying to find Olli’s whenever the stage lights were dim enough for him to do so discreetly (he’d miss his cue for the beginning of the next song, that’s what).
So what if he’d avoid Olli’s gaze, Olli’s touch, Olli’s presence when they’d give their final bows, just to keep his heart in check (his hands and chest would feel empty with no Olli by his side, that’s what). 
So what if he was already about to open his mouth about it when he felt Olli’s fingertips graze up and down his sides as they lay next to each other. So what if it felt a new kind of intimate, sending a new kind of shiver down his spine and shutting his mouth in the process. 
So what if he fell asleep like that, with Olli’s touch soothing him, as if a reassurement of some sort.
It’s nothing, Aleksi pretended it said. 
Hypothetically, if it was something, it would’ve explained a lot of things.
Such as why Aleksi found it easier to spend the day out and about with Joonas instead (right until he saw the disappointment on Olli’s face, that was). Or why just the smell of Olli’s cologne made his stomach flip when they squeezed in for a group photo (then again, it could’ve also been the room temperature leftover pizza he had eaten for breakfast). 
Or why he, after having stared at the ceiling of his bunk waiting for Olli to climb in his bunk for what felt like well into the early morning, he couldn’t lie in wait for any longer and dived into Olli’s bunk himself. 
The reality was, though, that it was still nothing. So what if, when Olli rubbed him into oblivion, he forgot his latest argument for it. 
“It’s nothing.” 
“Didn’t say it was not nothing.” 
Aleksi shot Niko his most murderous death-glare. 
“I know. But still. It’s nothing.”
“Yeah, well, whatever it is, just… tone it down a little, will you? Some of us would like to get some rest before the morning.”
The embarrassment burned Aleksi’s cheeks, had been doing so since Niko had asked him about what was happening below his bunk these days. The look on Niko’s face had revealed he had an idea; Aleksi figured attack was the best form of defence. 
Niko’s smirk was infuriating when he spoke his next question.
“Are you at least enjoying yourself while keeping me up all night?”
Aleksi heard giggling from behind him when he walked back inside the tour bus. 
So what if I am?
It’s nothing, Aleksi said to himself as he studied Olli’s side profile that same night.
(But if it’s something, it’s the way I was losing my mind with the way you didn’t talk to me all day.)
It’s nothing, Aleksi said to himself as their hands brushed when picking up their key cards off the reception counter.
(But if it’s something, it’s how I look for you in every room we’re in; how you’re my favourite person in every time and space.)
It’s nothing. Right? Aleksi asked Olli’s backside when they lay on the hotel room bed before their Uber for the venue would arrive. 
(Please tell me it’s something.)
But how could it be something, he then wanted to ask himself, if the very thought of it being something scared him to the bone, to the point he thought he was going to lose it?
How could it be nothing, if all he did was miss Olli whenever he allowed his broken brain to foster such feelings? How could it be nothing at all, when every single cell that inhabited his damned body and soul wanted it to be something? 
He tried to find answers in Olli’s eyes in the elevator back up to their room after the show. He couldn’t find any, so he went for Olli’s lips instead.
So what if someone could see them stumbling across a hotel corridor attached at the mouth. So what if Olli’s fly was already open when Aleksi pushed him against the bathroom door. So what if Aleksi’s skin thirsted for Olli’s touch like he was tinder-dry soil and Olli was an April shower. So what if their lips barely broke apart when Aleksi yelped, feeling a finger inside him, then another and maybe a third at some point, he lost count the second another set of fingers wrapped around his cock. So what if Olli’s fingers massaging his insides and his erection sliding against Aleksi’s own made Aleksi forget himself, lose himself at the touch of Olli’s mere fingertips. 
So what if he wanted Olli inside him, more than he had ever wanted anything. He could still pretend it was nothing the next morning if he really wanted to; he had had a lot of practice on that as of late.
So what if finally having Olli inside him made him want to cry a little. So what if he did when he came, and when he saw the wetness of Olli’s eyes staring into his. 
“It’s…” Olli trailed off when Aleksi forced himself to ask about it. 
Don’t say it. Don’t say it’s nothing. 
Aleksi didn’t let him; he kissed Olli instead, while he was still inside Aleksi. He urged Olli to move again, to take him again, to do anything but say what Aleksi feared he was going to say. 
As if it hadn’t been his own mantra all this time.
It’s nothing if I want it to be nothing, he said to himself when he noticed Olli losing himself in the rhythm of his thrusts again. 
But do I?
It was silent in Aleksi’s head the next morning. He didn’t know if he should have been relieved or concerned. 
He planted a kiss on a bare shoulder to find out. 
Olli hummed when he turned to his side, eyes still closed, a smile dancing on the lips Aleksi wanted to feel in between his own again. He felt them on his chest instead, just above his pecks, near his collarbone. Warm fingers appeared on his side, trailing over his hips and waist and ribcage, up and down, much like the other night. 
“You need to stop doing that.” 
“Doing what?” There was a hint of a sleepy smile in Olli’s voice.
“That. Touching me like this.”
There was a short silence before Olli’s response.
“‘Cause you’ll make me fall for you.” 
The silence that followed was a little longer this time, and Aleksi would have grown worried if it wasn’t for the fingers that kept dancing tirelessly on his skin. 
It’s 'nothing'? Aleksi wanted to laugh. It’s only everything. 
At last the smile against his chest widened.
“So what if I will?”
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mondscheinprinzessin · 3 months
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I was seeing a ballet yesterday, and naturally I gained inspiration to make an AU for BC out of it, so here have Blind Channel as Giselle:
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(tw: suicide(as in the original))
part I:
our main character of the story is Olli: a peasant boy living his life in a beautiful little village enclosed by forests and fields, son to a family owning the local tavern 🍻
due to his families good status, there's not many worries to his daily life
only: his heart
there's Aleksi, huntsman of the area, a young man who has grown up alongside Olli, their families close due to their professions, and for years the two boys have played together in the close creek, or the flower fields, or spend long evenings observing the drunk patrons, and Aleksi has always liked teaching Olli about the wildlife, the traces the animals left in the dirt, and adored how eagerly Olli has listened to his words, and how adorable he looked with his big eyes when Aleksi has found a particularly beautfiful flower 🌸
it was no surprise (to him or anyone else except Olli) that Aleksi fell in love, and for him it was etched in stone that Olli would marry him as soon as Aleksi asked him to
but then why did Olli block off all of his romantic advances?
it didn't deter Aleksi from his mission however; every day he would make sure to see him, and bring him and his family gifts, little presents that would make Olli's life brighter and keep him in his mind
part II:
Joonas has always liked the forest more than his home, a big castle with every richness that he could think of. but the thick tress around him gave him the one thing his status as a nobleman couldn't provide: freedom ⚜
the little village at the edge has always peeked his interest, and not even his squire could keep him from his newly formed plan
it was one day where he just had to wander off somewhere where noone knew him and his duties, and so he just dumped his mantle and sword into his squire's arms and ordered him to hide his possession in an abandoned shed
and oh how much lighter his steps were from then on, and how much fresher the air smelled, and...
how beautiful this boy looked!
it was by no means an easy feat to get the boy to even look at him without golden locks shielding his eyes, and rednes to cover his cheeks; his shyness the cutest thing Joonas has ever seen
but how much better it was even to be able to hold Olli's hands, to hold him by his waist, to spin him around, see him laughing!
his heart was gone, it was no longer his, all of it belonged to Olli, and Joonas was sure he would never meet someone as loving as him (there was an admonishing voice in the back of his head reminding him of a fiancé, but Joonas was good at keeping it quiet) 🌞
part III:
Aleksi, after time growing suspsicious that Olli was drawing back more and more, and wondered where his best friend and lover was venturing off to couldn't hold back a cry of pain when he saw him and a man of unknown to him arm and arm with each other
it couldn't be! Olli has been his forever, and should have been his forever! ⚡
he had to know who that man was, and so one evening Aleksi quietly followed the mystery man all the way to a shed, and witnessed as he put on a royal red cape, a sword, and took a trail that led him to a horse bound to a tree
this man couldn't be from here, couldn't be from their village or from any around them, there was only one conclusion, and Aleksi couldn't believe it
that nobleman could have everyone, had probably many people laying to his feet, but he had to come here, and take Olli away from him?!
meanwhile the harvesting festivities were in full swing and there was even word the Duke would come honour the village! 🍁🍂🧅
and it was Aleksi's perfect chance
after having to watch Olli and that lying man prance around the marketplace his time has come: just when the party of noblemen and the Duke was to arrive and Joonas took his leave, Aleksi took him by his collar and pinned him down to declare to the whole village what evil was among them, and opened Olli's eyes to the hoax he has fallen victim to
he produced the nobleman's sword as a proven fact, and it fell to the ground as loudly shattering to his ears as Olli's cries were
the madness has gotten him! Aleksi tried to support his friend's body, calling for him to be relieved, to spare his tears; it was alright now, Aleksi was by his side, danger was gone, he would never have to see that man again, but Olli only pushed him aside, trying to cling to Joonas who by now showed only defeat 💔🖤
it was a dance of lunacy, and Aleksi gasped when Olli took hold of Joonas' sword and-
it was too late. two pair of hands stretched to prevent him from doing this horrific act, but the sword was already pushed into his abdomen by his own doing
Olli was laying on the ground in a pool of blood that was quickly washed away by weeping men, both Aleksi and Joonas alike
part IV:
because of his suicide Olli wasn't granted a place in the local cemetery but had to be buried somewhere in the forest, at a place many sould have found their last place for many different but sad reasons
Aleksi was there this first night when on his way back home he made a detour to visit Olli's grave ✝
he could sit there for hours, staring, crying, screaming, regretting, so much regretting
dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong
it was time, and Aleksi has lost it
this hour was for the vila, and this place was theirs to hunt: the many women who got abandoned on their wedding days and gotten their hearts broken and betrayed by men to the point of their deaths and were now on a path of vengeance 💢⚔
and they have gotten Aleksi circled, a lonesome grieving target, and he was theirs to use a puppet, to make him dance dance dance till the sun got up and his feet bled and his lungs gave up and his body broke and he joined the land of the dead
the same fate could fall upon Joonas, who just as Aleksi found his way to Olli's grave, and this night too he was there at the feet of the stone cross
and he could swear he was hearing Olli's whispering, and a swish of white fabric at the corner of his eye made him turn around and there he was: a beautiful etheral appearance
but it wasn't the only one. more and more white creatured with long hair and veiles appeared and within seconds it seemed he was in the center of them
one of them, glowing and with a crown sparkling in the moonlight, came gliding towards him-
but Olli was suddenly between them, begging to leave him be, but Joonas was already enchanted, his feet no longer dancing to his own will
and Olli was desperate, knew that every second was more like 30 minutes for Joonas, and he was aware he couldn't survive as long as their queen was continuining her plan of torture and her subjects of vila helped her bring death upon all men
Olli didn't want to be part of this; yes he had been betrayed, but he was one thing his queen never experienced: forgiving
he couldn't hate Joonas, he could never
it didn't matter who Joonas actually was, he had won his heart fair and square with his charm, and his wit and his jokes, and his warmth, and Olli didn't want him to suffer like he did; he had to protect him
he kept pleading as he protected Joonas to his best ability, they only had to make it to sunrise and they would be safe🌤
Olli could move on, and perhaps Joonas could move on, and his queen wouldn't have any power over both them anymore
it wasn't long any more, they had to make it!
dong dong dong dong dong dong
not long anymore!
There's three different endings to this story originally and you can decide for yourself if Joonas survives or not. Aleksi is supposed to die though, and for this story I think it would be nice if Olli is freed and he and Aleksi meet in some kind of after-life and continue to h(a)unt the forest together, playing like when they were children, Olli having forgiven him and understanding that Aleksi only wanted the best for him, and Aleksi understanding that no matter what he did he couldn't just decide to take Olli's heart. Happy end, all was well :)
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the-very-rubiest · 2 years
Rating the BC guys by how good they are at picking up Aleksi:
(In light of recent developments)
Tommi: Can pick up almost anyone, including our Little Man. Holds him steadily, can lift him up to reach high places, can probably walk around with him on his arms for a while without getting tired. Very safe, very comfy. 100/10 perfect papa bear/son vibes.
Olli: A solid fireman carry. Naughty little gremlins get scooped and carried off like ill-behaving kids getting put in timeout. Can’t lift him as high or hold him as long as Tommi does, but points for the sheer badassitude of lifting and carrying someone larger and heavier than him. 9/10, not perfect but impressive as hell!
Niko: Data unclear. Going by his build he should be able to do it if even Olli manages, but he doesn’t actually seem very good at wrestling. Has he even tried to pick the little man up? Probably not. Shame on him. He might actually do a passable job if he tried. Could be decent, but 4/10 for lazy parenting.
Joonas: Absolutely cannot do it. Look at the man. He’s a stickbug. Aleksi can pick him up and throw him down on the mattress without batting an eye. If anything he’s the one getting picked up here. May not be entirely aware of that fact though, given that he still tries to wrestle him. 2/10 for the sheer audacity.
Joel: Should be able to do it. Is very much not able to do it. Attempts to prove the opposite may or may not have resulted in getting scooped himself, slumping down on Aleksi in defeat, or losing balance and hitting the ground with a smug Aleksi flopping on top of him. No one knows if it’s his lanky build, a lack of technique, or if he’s just a bit of a wimp. Possibly all three. -6/10.
Aleksi: 10/10. He’s a smart cookie, he always knows how to pick himself back up.
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lnights · 2 years
omg i saw you're taking mini fics prompts again! if you wanted to write something joel/joonas/olli with pining and fluff, maybe something like sharing a bed or cuddling? i hope you're doing well! - 🐺
Hi Wolfie! An interesting trio.
Olli sighed, watching the two blondes in the corner of their studio.
Joonas was sitting in Joel's lap, arms around the each other and talking quietly.
They were working on their new album and Niko and Aleksi had gone for lunch, Tommi taking a walk to stretch his legs, leaving just the three of them there.
Olli wished he had gone with Tommi, but when he tried Tommi had sent him a look that could scare the reaper himself and froze him to his spot.
Apparently Tommi had enough after hearing Olli's whining for the 8 hour drive from Oulu, telling him for the 337th time that if he really was interested in both of them he just needed to talk to them.
Olli's argument, also for the 337th time, was that if he said anything and they didn't feel the same it would make the band awkward and he didn't want that to happen.
He couldn't blame Tommi for being fed up with him, he had been in love with Joonas since he was a kid, and with Joel since they first met in highschool.
And it had almost shattered him to see them get together at graduation.
But he was happy for them; eventually. He figured his feelings for each of them would go away since they were taken, but it just got worse and worse.
"Hey Olli," Joonas called, "you ok?"
Olli broke out of his thoughts with a start, feeling his cheeks warm from the look they were both giving him.
"Y-yeah," he stammered, "just thinking."
"What about?" Joel asked, playing with one of Joonas's curls.
Olli shrugged, willing his cheeks to cool down.
They regarded him for a moment before Joonas slipped off Joel's lap and scooted a space away from him, patting the spot between them.
"Come here man," Joonas said with a grin.
Olli tried to put anything beyond purely platonic thoughts out of his and joined them on the couch.
He gave a small yelp when Joel's thin arm wrapped around him and pulled him against his side, Joonas practically throwing himself on his other side.
"I can tell you what we were thinking about." Joonas said conversationally as they squished him.
"Oh?" Olli asked, slightly muffled by Joel's chest.
"We were talking how it's supposed to be a warm night," Joel told him, "perfect for getting a bite and walking around the city."
Olli was glad his face was hidden, trying to ignore how his heart squeezed at the sweet date idea.
"So?" Joonas asked, "would you like to join us?"
Olli turned to him as much as he could, "what, all the guys?"
"Nope just the three of us... A date." Joel said quietly.
Olli could swear all of them were holding their breath. But he could feel the smile spreading across his face, even as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, Niko and Aleksi's voices coming closer.
"Of course." He said, earning a tight hug from both of them.
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😲📸 can i ask for a aleksi and maya first time interaction? it'd be so complex to they meet to me
Here's a gift to my followers, especially those that crave badass women vibes
alexandra and maya sakamaki: the beginning of the end of the beginning
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Hmm if I'm being honest, Aleksi and Maya's relationship kind of mirrors Loid and Yor's dynamic from Spy x Family (just make it platonic big sis-lil sis friendship and imagine them working together)
It's like spy x assassin combo right there
So yeah as mentioned from @besnella 's post of how Aleksi first saw Yui, it was also the same time Aleksi met Maya and guuurl the height difference between them is so large, Aleksi looks like her big sis (I want a big sis omg)
Just imagine Aleksi's 185 cm height vs Maya's 145 one. Go figure.
Aleksi thought "ah this girl's cute" cause Maya has this Japanese standard look on her, ya know long coal hair, sharp doll eyes, pale skin, the works (she actually reminds Aleksi of those Japanese kokeshi dolls, ya know it's like Japanese matryoshkas)
On the other hand, the only thing that comes to Maya's mind when she saw Aleksi was "fire" and "power" (Alexa, play Girl on Fire)
Aleksi heard of Maya being a former human who turned into an incomplete vampire bcos of a blood transfusion spell, then was later on sired by one of the Sakamaki's and married her to seal the deal.
Yeah, as if Karlheinz wreaking havoc in the demon and human world is not enough, he had to make his spawn man child (this is Kanato but let's pretend we don't know him) wed the poor doll.
So one time Aleksi was becoming the queen of the night, enjoying the party to bliss when she nearly had her fall and someone was pouring wine.
Good thing, Maya managed to save her, catching her by the arm before matters got worse.
And yes, some obnoxious gaslighting vampire noble became the victim of that pouring wine but we don't care abt them cause they just think of us humans as blood bags anyway
That was just the beginning.
One day, Aleksi was assigned on a mission, but not just a mission where she kills and retrieves info then go.
The thing is, she can never be caught. Like she had to make it seem like the vampire drug den and all the people did not exist. And even though it's relatively easy, Aleksi cannot move hastily.
Because one, the den was located in the human world and the person behind it was some famous personality sht. It's like Karlheinz being Togou Sakamaki in that world.
Pft. Fucking asshole
But she was just informed that someone is backing her up from the shadows so she just needs to do her usual work.
So yeah the mission went smoothly. Aleksi murdered the mastermind, got the files she needed from their inventory room, etc. She was about to leave the damn place when she heard a man scream from the hallway.
The next thing, the fvcking sht was crawling his way towards her.
Aleksi made a stance, readying her gun to end his poor fate when the man suddenly stopped in his tracks then died, blood spilling from his mouth.
After a few minutes, Aleksi saw Maya enter the room casually, unscathed like nothing happened while holding her silver bow and arrow.
Maya bowed to her in respect.
"Thank you for your work, miss. I will handle the rest."
Aleksi didn't expect that but oh well
And the next thing, Maya summoned all her skeleton familiars from the demon world to fix the mess in the den. Like the den has to be freaking empty, to a point that no one had been there.
"Have you been doing this for a long time now?"
Maya nodded. "It's quite hard to clean blood once it has dried up so I've been fixing things before they get quite difficult."
And that's how they bonded. Turns out, Aleksi will prob have missions involving Maya since the vampire doll is tasked to ensure no mythical beings (esp vampires) are causing havoc in the human world.
Aleksi "So do you just cover up their mess or you kill them?"
Maya "Depends. Most of the time, I just kill them in the dream world so they would die of natural causes."
It was purely a strict business relationship between the two... until Aleksi started sending her snake familiars to Maya so they can bond over other things like shopping, spa, salon etc
Like there was one time Maya was serving snacks to the Sakamaki bros when a small snake appeared and wrapped itself around her hands
I swear Ayato freaked out and thought their family doll has a secret pet snake. Even Reiji was so ready for his lecture when Maya just casually told them
"It's a snake familiar sent by a business partner."
But yeah Aleksi taught Maya things like dressing up for the mission, what kind of makeup she should put on during disguise. Even taught her how to wear a wig properly so Maya won't have to deal with tons of hairstyle accessories just to make her hair different for every mission
"Just dye your hair, Maya-chan! I bet you'll look pretty in blonde."
"... I still don't want to."
Sometimes they would bond during training sessions, especially when Maya wants to vent out abt the Sakamaki bros, like when they screw up somewhere and want her to clean up their mess.
"I swear I will kill Ayato-san if he weren't my husband's older brother." 💀💀💀
But yeah overall they trust each other completely with their life, and it's evident by how they watch each other's back during missions.
If Aleksi was the one fighting the battles, Maya will work in the shadows to ensure no one gets in her way.
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I have a request for you if you did like :)
"The reader helping the BC guys fall asleep."
Thank you! And I love your writing 😍
Of course of course! Always here for requests!
And sorry that it took me so long!
Hope you enjoy 💜
Helping the boys fall asleep:
He can fall asleep almost everywhere, so it won’t be too difficult to get him to sleep. You two also happen to take a lot of naps together and the other guys are used to finding both of you curled up in weird places and the most uncomfortable positions. He also loves to cuddle while sleeping and gets a bit clingy whenever you want to get up.
Aleksi is a night owl and workaholic, to get him into bed you first have to get him away from his laptop or DJ gear. Distraction is key here. Either you start massaging his back or kissing his cheek and neck or you just flop yourself down on his lap and cuddle into him until he gives in and joins you in bed. When he really can’t sleep you often go out for a short walk with him and Rilla so he can take his mind of, before you three curl up in bed together.
When it comes to sleeping Olli is a professional. He can sleep everywhere and he needs at least 5 alarms to wake up. So you mostly struggle with getting him out of bed instead of getting him to sleep. It also happens that he randomly falls asleep on you during cuddle sessions or when you two watch a movie together. But you don’t care much, you just cuddle up beside him and enjoy being close to him (and maybe take a few funny and cute pictures of him for the bands group chat).
Good luck with that one. Getting Joel to sleep is the damn hardest and most of the times you are the one who falls asleep on him while you let him rant. On bad nights you would get him his sleeping pills and let him be the little spoon until he falls asleep. Other times you try to get him tired with sex (which mostly keeps you two up even longer). If none of these work he would stay up all night and watch you sleep, just glad to have you next to him.
Most times you are the one seeking comfort from him. But there are some nights when Tommi feels restless or has too much on his mind. Whenever that’s the case you let him rest on your stomach, parting your legs so he can lay between them. You would caress his hair and softly talk to him until both of you fall asleep. The next morning you most likely would find yourself in his tight embrace.
If Niko can’t sleep you would often find him sitting in bed typing lyrics into his phone or roasting people on Twitter. But it doesn’t take much to convince him to put his phone away. Either you just cuddle into his side and try your best to get his attention. Or if that doesn’t work you would suggest to watch Titanic for the 2527 time, so he can nerd talk himself to sleep while he holds you in his arms.
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rpf-bat · 2 years
Flufftober Drabbles, Day 15: “Accidents Don’t Just Happen Accidentally”
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I did Joel/Aleksi again today. It’s 418 words. 🖤
Joel found Aleksi on the balcony of their hotel room.
At first, he thought the DJ was having a smoke. Then, he realized that Aleksi was simply spacing out, staring out at the night sky and the foreign city below them.
“Ale?” Joel asked softly, putting a hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder, as he came up behind him.
“Oh, hi, kulta,” Aleksi blinked, startled.
“What are you thinking about?” Joel wondered, wrapping his arms around the smaller man.
“I was just thinking about how…I found you by accident,” Aleksi mumbled.
“What do you mean?” Joel replied, cocking his head in confusion.
“I mean…,” Aleksi explained. “I got so busy touring my solo album, that I fucked up my first chance to talk to you. I ghosted you and made you hate me. And then - by sheer coincidence - I saw you again, at that Bring Me The Horizon concert.”
“Right, Joonas and I just happened to spot you in the crowd,” Joel recalled. “And we gave you a second chance.”
“What if I hadn’t decided to go to that concert?” Aleksi sighed. “What if I’d gone, but I’d stood in a different part of the crowd? I would’ve never met you. I would’ve never joined Blind Channel…”
“And we would’ve never written Dark Side together,” Joel realized. “We would’ve never won UMK. Never taken sixth place in Eurovision…”
“You would’ve succeeded, with or without my help,” Aleksi argued.
“That’s not true!” Joel insisted. “For eight years, this band struggled to get off the ground. Then, after you became our sixth member, everything changed. Everything we’ve achieved in the past year, it’s because we had you.”
“It’s not only because of me,” Aleksi shook his head. “You’re a great singer, and so is Niko, and…”
“But you took our sound to a whole other level,” Joel interrupted. “All of it - the headline tour in Europe. Going to America. Opening for fucking Slipknot. None of it would’ve happened, without you.”
“Imagine if I’d never joined Blind Channel,” Aleksi frowned. “We would’ve never had all those amazing experiences together. And I would’ve never started dating you. And we wouldn’t be here, in Spain, right now, celebrating our anniversary.”
“I don’t think it was an accident that you were at that concert,” Joel smiled peacefully, holding Aleksi tight. It blew his mind that they had started dating a full year ago, while putting the finishing touches on their fourth album.
Accidents don’t just happen accidentally, Joel thought happily. Meeting Aleksi was fate.
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paleangels13 · 2 years
40. tummy kisses! please! 🥺🙏🏻💋
Nobody asked for this huh... well, warning folks it's mpreg 😶‍🌫 and tooth-rotting fluff, hope you enjoy (well mainly you of course Alex :D🥰)
Prompt: tummy kisses
243 words
“Ouch,” Aleksi groaned, trying to sit up. Robin hurried to help him with that. 
“Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?” 
Aleksi smiled softly at his fiancé and leaned against the pillows behind his back. “Yeah, don't worry. Our little one just didn't like the position I was lying in it seems.”
Robin placed a gentle kiss on Aleksi's forehead before crouching down next to the sofa, hand slightly tugging at the hem of Aleksi's shirt. “May I?” 
“Of course, baby.”
Robin pushed the shirt up a little, drawing small circles on the tight but soft skin. 
“Hey, little guy, don't be so mean to your dad, hm? He has to rest too, you know. And in a few weeks, I doubt we'll get any rest at all,” Robin spoke in a soft voice, a smile pulling on his lips. Aleksi huffed, a little amused while looking at his partner who was now placing a few small kisses on his round belly making him giggle. 
It was cute, it really was and he beamed with happiness at Robin's next words. 
“I can't wait to meet you, little bean, and finally hold you in my arms.”
A small tear fell from Aleksi's eye, pure joy filling him. Robin would be a great father, he just knew it, and he was everything Aleksi could have hoped for but had never dared to dream of. 
“I love you.”
Robin looked up, smiling. 
“I love you too, Allu.”
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ifidiedinadream · 3 months
lying in bed with aleksi after a long day, cuddled up to each other, and when i initiate sex at first he follows along, but then i notice he doesn't seem to be in the mood much. i ask him if everything's okay and after some hesitancy, he tells me he's stressed about something (may be career related) and he's been feeling self conscious about it. he says sorry about the sex and i tell him it doesn't matter. i hold him closer. he asks if i would still love him if the bc tour doesn't sell as many tickets as they were expecting or if the songs don't climb too high in the charts. i tell him of course, he's a great musician to me no matter the success, but most importantly he's the man i love and i don't care about these things. we fall asleep in each other arms. when he wake up the next day he's big spooning me, his body is ready, and we make slow, lazy, sweet love 🥰
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theflyingfeeling · 2 months
sooooo here's a bit of Olli/Allu something I wrote shortly after Emma Gaala 2024. I'm probably gonna regret posting this because 🫣 but I just reeeeeeaally love how this one turned out 💔
[in the bedroom]
The tinkle of her earrings. The clack of her high heels against the laminate flooring. The click of a lipstick case closing. The beep of an incoming message, informing their cab has arrived.
It’s all too loud for Aleksi to handle, deafening in the middle of all that silence. He’d rush out of the house to escape it, but he’s still not wearing any shoes. 
He stares at the two pairs by his feet. The other is white, spotless, unused (unloved). The black leather ones Olli once said looked cool. 
He chooses the white ones.
[in the cab]
Sleet on the glass. Streetlights blinding him through the glossy view. The reds and the yellows tinted dark through the black hue of the backseat window. The back of the driver’s headrest becomes blurry, so Aleksi rubs his eyes.
They don’t talk, but that’s nothing new. She’s on her phone or stares out on her side of the car, at her side of the world. Aleksi stares at his own and wonders if hers is as gloomy as his.
Only a small Mercedes, yet the entire Grand Canyon between them. A spacey tour bus, yet Aleksi was always drawn to Olli like a magnet. It’s laughable, and the others do laugh at it, do make fun of them, and Aleksi ignores it, because what else was he supposed to do. Olli laughs along, because of course he does, because he isn’t stuck in the crumbling ruins of a relationship he’s too cowardly to abandon before it collapses on him. 
The Mercedes drives away, but the Grand Canyon stays.
[on the red carpet]
His new shoes soaked from the first puddle on his way to the venue. His tie like a rope around his neck so he rips it off and drops it in the bin by the door. The champagne glass cold against his hand, icy like the look in her eyes before she turns to the cameras.
Olli would’ve hated it, the flashing lights and the empty questions, would have rolled his eyes at them so only Aleksi could see, and then turn back to give the photographers the most stunning picture any of them would take that evening. She hates it too, though she doesn’t mind hiding it, and (selfishly) Aleksi lets her fake it for them both.
Her hand slithering around his arm, although he’s the snake with the way he wants to slither himself free from it, and with the way his mind is poisoned with guilt and disgust, and with the way he almost sinks to the ground when someone wearing Olli’s cologne walks past them. 
He was going to need another glass of sparkly wine to get a hold of himself (and to hold something instead of her hand).
[at the gala]
Joonas’ eyes staring at him from across the table are full of questions Aleksi can’t answer. He’s worried for him, Aleksi knows, but he doesn’t need Joonas’ judgement on top of his own.
“If there’s anything on your mind… you know you can tell me, right?” Joonas said the other day, and Aleksi appreciates the sentiment, but hell would freeze before Aleksi could tell anyone what was on his mind, never mind it’s a one-word answer.
Besides, as long as he leaves it all unsaid, he can still pretend it’s not true. If he keeps quiet, he can still convince himself he’s a good, loving boyfriend who’s not in denial about his feelings for a friend. He says nothing, so nothing ever happened. 
He’s confident about it for about three seconds. Three seconds, and then he notices the text message.
You both looked so good on the red carpet
Three seconds from that, and Aleksi’s thoughts are already somewhere else. 
[in a hotel room]
Heavy breaths. Warm hands. Eyes as dark and terrified as Aleksi’s own. 
His moans. His mouth. His greedy fingers sinking into Aleksi’s hair. Aleksi has no energy, no willpower to stop them.
It happens, and Aleksi lets it happen. It happens, and it’s incredible in all the wrong ways and terrible in all the right ways. It happens, and it’s the best (and worst) thing that ever did happen. 
Olli smells of vanilla and hotel room soap. Somehow the scent is strongest in his neck, so that’s where Aleksi buries his nose and leaves the rest of his tired kisses before they fall asleep.
Olli lets him, so Aleksi supposes he’s not much better than him.
[in the bathroom]
He stares at the text until he can’t see it anymore, until it becomes a blur and mixes with everything else in the message thread (pointless pictures and reckless I-miss-yous at three in the morning). 
‘You looked so good’, but not as good as you did that night, sweaty and breathless next to me. ‘You looked so good’, but not as good as you did when you climbed over me, pinned me down, sank inside me. ‘You both looked so good’, yes, she’s a goddess and you’re every bit as divine as she is, and I deserve neither of you.
And neither of you deserve me, the lowest scum of the earth for playing with you both like this. 
He can’t stop his breaths coming out in short gasps and choked sobs. 
“Ale, is everything okay? Should I get–”
“Can you unlock the door, then? Please? Aleksi, I’m getting worried here. Have you taken something?”
He’s still sobbing when Joonas walks in. The spikes of Joonas’s jacket are rough against his cheek.
This time, Joonas asks no questions, not even with his eyes. There’s only oh, Aleksi, and I wish you’d just tell me already, but the tone isn’t demanding.
“Tomorrow,” Aleksi promises.
Joonas redoes Aleksi's eyeliner and takes his hand. It’s no longer sleeting outside, but Joonas still wants his umbrella from the cloakroom. 
Aleksi reads the text again and squeezes Joonas’ hand. 
I wish you were here.
“Okay, let’s go.”
Joonas offers him a cigarette from the packet he made Aleksi fish from his pocket for him. He takes it and remembers Olli’s drunken cigarette kisses on a summer night in Oulu. 
I wish you were here. 
“Fuck, the wind is cold tonight.”
Aleksi agrees. He listens to Joonas’ nail decorations clink and thinks of Olli’s chain necklace on the bedside table next to his own.
I wish you were here.
“Gonna need another drink to warm up. I hope they’ll have some good whiskey.”
Olli’s lips tasted like whiskey once. Aleksi no longer remembers where it was, only that his own did too the morning after.
I wish you were here.
“Aight. Let’s get back inside?”
Aleksi almost gets too lost in the memory to answer. 
“Yeah, I’m right behind you, just… just need another moment.” 
Joonas looks at him almost long enough for Aleksi to follow him after all (or perhaps open his mouth and tell him everything right there on the street), but leaves eventually. The second he’s gone, Aleksi opens Olli’s text again.
The wind is blowing right through him, but it’s not enough to stop his fingers from moving along the keyboard.
I wish you were here.
That wasn’t the whole truth, and he knew Olli knew that. Hell, sometimes he felt as if the whole fucking world knew that, probably better than he himself did.
I wish you were here, so that we could snicker at Joonas speaking out of his turn in interviews. I wish you were here, so I could find your hand under the table and intertwine our fingers until someone would walk by and we’d get too scared. I wish you were here, so I could whisper you a joke only we find funny. I wish you were here, so I could take you somewhere no one can see us and bite your neck so that everyone will see it afterwards. I wish you were here, so I could take you anywhere else but here, because I can’t take you home with me.
I wish I could take you home with me.
I wish you were her.
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[ BEHIND ]:         upon entering the same room as the receiver, the sender steps behind them, and winds their arms around the receiver’s waist, drawing them close against them.
with Joel and Aleksi? 🥺
Turning into the kitchen he found Joel with his back to him, shoulders partly hidden by his loose hair that was inviting him to play with it with his fingers, but Aleksi was also drawn closer by something else, eyeing the unconcealed skin of his ribs poking out under the top with the open sides under his arms.
Slowly he made his approach but loud enough that Joel wouldn’t be scared. His high-pitched screams came often enough when they were taking a walk by the sea, Aleksi didn’t need them inside the studio as well or he would assume some bird has found its way into the rooms and his boyfriend needed to be rescued.
“We need more energy drinks.” Joel started without turning around, head buried deep in the fridge as if some cans might show up in a distant corner. “I could go to the corn- oh. Hi, there.” His bright smile was evident when he spoke again, and Aleksi smiled against his back as well, feeling stupid for being so effected by Joel’s mere voice.
His arms tightened some more where he had pushed them inside Joel’s top through the sides, hands resting high on his stomach, and he used his grip to pull Joel even closer, moving his face so he could press a kiss to his bare shoulder.
Joel closed the fridge door and turned his head to the side to look at him as best as he could, and Aleksi hid his face into the back of his shoulders again, an embarrassingly unnecessary blush having risen up on his cheeks.
“What are you doing?” Joel asked still smiling and put his hands on top of Aleksi’s over the fabric.
“Just thought I could use the opportunity now that everyone knows about us anyways.”
Barely a week ago they wouldn’t have dared to do this so openly as anybody could walk in any minute, but now it didn’t bother them anymore. They had kept their relationship secret long enough and now that they were certain it wasn’t just a summer fling, feelings amplified by the heat and endless weeks stacked on top of each other on a tour bus, they hadn’t been able to hide this any longer from their friends.
And moreover, they hadn’t been able to keep their hands to each other, so one of them would have slipped one of these days anyways, kissing the other as a goodbye or greeting or taking their hand when they sat together, raising the suspicion of their already nosy friends.
But now that the word was out they really were a couple they could freely express their love, even if it was only a quick cuddle in the kitchen, to recharge before they had to go back working.
“So you wouldn’t mind if I-” Turning in his arms, Joel came to face him, his hands raising to push the longer growing hair out of his face and then to pull him closer to kiss him, Aleksi not prepared for it all but nonetheless melting into it, nails slightly digging into Joel’s back.
The small peck this morning definitely hadn’t been enough. Not when their last night had been a few days ago and Aleksi needed more of Joel than a fleeting touch of his lips or a short hug. This here however was just right and Aleksi didn’t mind the seconds passing by while Joel didn’t make a move to let go of him.
Not until they heard a not so disguised coughing behind them and turned in their holds to see Joonas standing in the entrance with his arms crossed and a smug smile. The mood was ruined but the smile didn’t slip from Aleksi’s face when Joel kissed him high on his cheek before the entangled himself from Aleksi and went with Joonas and left Aleksi alone in their little kitchen.
Huh, Aleksi had forgotten what he came here for initially.
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exquisiteagony · 2 years
I had uuh Thoughts I want to share after I saw a kink post.
Olli as Aleksi's pillow princess dom making Aleksi prep and fuck him and telling him how good he looks, how well he's doing, how good he's being for Olli, just constantly praising him but physically not doing much more than lazily stroking his thighs and his ass.
Aleksi absolutely glowing from the praise and not wanting to come before he's fucked Olli into an orgasm and then another one purely through the overstimulation and getting so so so much more turned on from hearing how good he's making Olli feel and how good he's doing for him, how he can make him moan so much he needs to start several times to praise him until the only praise left is Olli grabbing onto Aleksi's back and moaning his name and various swear words over and over.
Dom princess pillow Olli being happy to lay back and let himself be fucked into oblivion by his pretty pretty sub who's so eager to please and be good and obedient for him, and telling Aleksi to hold off a little longer after he's made him come twice, because Olli likes how Aleksi feels inside of him trying very hard not to move, until he eventually allows him to come but only inside of him.
Olli pulling Aleksi down to lie on him and praise him some more for his good behavior, stroking his hair and his back. And after a few minutes, letting his hands wander lower and start stroking Aleksi's ass and around his hole, making him whine from being so sensitive. Olli lightly spanking his ass and telling him if he's good, he gets to pick the toy Olli will use to let Aleksi fuck himself back onto while still being inside Olli (Aleksi's favorite is a red silky rotating vibrator with a heating function).
Olli telling Aleksi if he's not as good as Olli knows he can be, he'll make him sit on his vibrating, almost uncomfortably large, wil-definitely-make-you-sore butt plug on the chair in front of the mirror with his hands tied back and spank his thighs and cock and chest and upper inner arms into next week until he remembers why Olli would prefer to praise him instead of punish him with a paddle and riding crop.
Aleksi might remind him that he's more than welcome to tie and spank him as a reward, and that they promised Joonas a pic/video of next time Olli decided to spank Aleksi.
(Someone take this from me and write it please, I have no time for it anytime soon, someone adopt this please oh god)
😳😳😳😳🥴🥴🥴🥴😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 anon i love this idea so much! power bottom olli is such a top tier idea, and aleksi as his sub who tries so hard to pleasure him is perfect! and the punishments for coming early are certainly very 🥵🥵🥵
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joonasslut · 2 years
I saw a lot of asks about being BCs fuck toy and used by the boys as their stress relief…
But what about being their cuddle buddy (as well), like curling up with them whenever they need a hug or some comfort. Or just sitting down and holding hands while one of them talks their heart out to you.
joel hokka will never admit it but he needs one so badly
as much as i might need a whole fic about this if possible 👀
the other guys might be a bit more open to it, like
- aleksi would straight up hug you from behind and rest his chin on your shoulder
- olli might ask you to talk first and then he would get closer until your arms are around him
- tommi would pull you on him while he’s laying down
- niko would hug and never stop, he would make the both of you lie down and cuddle until infinity
- joonas would do grabby hands at you asking for cuddles out loud (and joel would make fun of him while being jealous af)
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lnights · 2 years
Hey Awkward,
(Sorry if tmi) I am still sick, my face hurts and to top this shit sandwich off I have the period from hell to the point I cannot concentrate on Harry Potter 🤬… I blame the little biohazards I work with for the former
My comfort food and film are not helping and everything fucking hurts so I was wondering if we can get some band sick comfort - maybe Olli as he’s always the one who plays doctor.
I hope that made sense my brain feels like cotton wool
Love and fluffy Bat hugs (though from a distance don’t need you getting ill)
Anxious 🦇🖤
Hi Anxious dear,
🍍🍇🫐 have your fruit and drink and try to get some sleep.
"Stay in your bed or I am having Tommi stuff you back in there."
Aleksi rolled his eyes at Olli but couldn't hold back a cough, curling up slightly in his bunk.
Getting sick on tour was the worst, Aleksi thought disgruntled. Olli had been sick as well but he had gotten better after a couple days.
Aleksi though, it had seemed to settle in his chest, his cough getting worse even as his stuffed nose cleared, making it hard for him to move on stage.
He had to get better, he couldn't let them cancel another show...
Although they could always go on without him...
He didn't love either scenario but he knew it would get there soon if he didn't get better. But he couldn't lay in his bunk all day either, he was going nuts!
Olli was still at the front of his bunk, the curtain pulled back enough to look at him.
"Try to get some more sleep," Olli said, voice softer then before.
"I can't sleep all day." Aleksi argued, "eventually I just can't." He broke off has a cough tore through him.
Olli sighed, "I think you need to see a doctor, that sounds bad, Ale."
"I get sick too easy." Aleksi grumbled, "I'm not missing a show for it."
"We'll do whatever we have to, don't worry about that."
Aleksi took a breath to argue, an insecurity on the tip of his tongue, but he decided against it, there was no reason to bother Olli with it.
But his bandmate saw it.
"what's wrong?"
Aleksi tried to shrug the question away, but a moment later Olli had crawled in the bunk with him, pulling the heavy curtain closed.
"You'll get sick!" Aleksi tried to protest.
"Already was," Olli argued, voice low, "tell me what's up. It's not that big of a deal, people get sick, it happens."
"Don't wanna let you guys down." Aleksi muttered, finding his head pressed against Olli's shoulder in the cramped space.
Olli sighed, moving his arm so it was around him instead, his head ending up on Olli's chest.
"You should know us better then that by now," Olli told him softly, "we've got your back regardless whatever happens. If you have to sit out a couple shows, we'll deal; no one will think less of you for it. Now please try to get some more sleep."
Laying against Olli, his reassuring words and presence helped lull him back to sleep.
He was right of course, he thought. His boys always had his back.
It would be ok.
Somehow this became an American tour sick fic 😅
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