spirk-trek · 3 months
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bucklemonster2 · 1 year
Future Computer Dream / Toekomst Computer Droom
There was a computer that could come up with a story, with all kinds of well-known characters, you saw these characters play everything out in a 3D scenario in which you lived and could do anything. It was GTP meets holodeck. The computer worked a bit like a mandelbrot, or something that grows exponentially. If something sad happens the story will get more and more sad and if something happy happens the story will get more and more happy.
Het was snachts. Er was een computer dat kon een verhaal bedenken, met allerlei bekende personages, deze personages zag je dan alles uitspelen in een 3D scenario waarin je zelf leefde en van alles kond doen. Het was GTP meets holodek. De computer werkte een beetje zoals een mandelbrot, of iets dat exponentieel groeit. Als er iets triestigs gebeurd zal het verhaal steeds triestiger worden en als er iets vrolijks gebeurd zal het verhaal steeds vrolijker worden.
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axamdotvbs · 8 months
accidentally stumbled across an old abc page from 1998 that’s somehow still up LOL https://www.abc.net.au/science/holo/default.htm
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the-drunk-game-master · 3 months
So I didn't play the insomniac spiderman games, even though I fucking love apiderman games. Just don't have a PS5. But that got me thinking...
Insomniac made spiderman stories that are better than some spiderman movies. Just from a viewing perspective. And there are a lot of video games with great stories, like God of War.
With movie theaters being just... unbearable some times, and some movie CGI being just as good as videogame CGI, I wonder if video games might one day replace movies.
That's basically the holodek from star trek, isn't it?
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mulyatin1089 · 2 years
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#buku You Tomorrow Tentang Masa Depan Kita Penulis Dr. Ian Pearson Penerjemah Dria Soetomo Tebal 540 Halaman Berat 550 Gram Ukuran 15 x 23 Cm Sampul Soft Cover ISBN 978-602-1201-46-6 Penerbit @ReneBook Cetakan Pertama, Januari 2019 Agen Reseller @mulyatin1089 물야띤 ملیت Harga Rp139,5Ribu
Sinopsis Dr. Ian Pearson memaparkan prediksi akuratnya tentang masa depan Manusia dalam 30 hingga 50 Tahun mendatang Mulai dari Kehidupan Sehari-hari, Jenis Kelamin, Gaya Hidup, Karier, Penemuan Keabadian Elektronik, Migrasi Dunia Virtual & Nyata, #Technology Holodek, Perkembangan Cetak 3D, Alat Transportasi, Arsitektur hingga Kemajuan Peralatan & Tenaga Medis Dan masih banyak lagi Penemuan lain yang tak terbayangkan sebelumnya
Hal baru yang dulunya hanya ada dalam Alam Imajinasi mewujud Nyata & Massif di depan Kita Kitapun mulai terbiasa Hidup berdampingan dengan Mesin, Robot bahkan zombie Persaingan Dunia Kerja tak lagi dengan Manusia, tapi dengan Mesin yang dilengkapi Kecerdasan Buatan Pertanyaannya Sejauh Mana Kesiapan Kita? Menjadi Penguasa Telnologi/justru diperbudak Teknologi? Membaca #book ini membuat Kita, baik secara Individu maupun Social, bisa mempersiapkan Diri lebih Baik, mengantisipasi Perubahan Zaman yang sedang berlari Kencang Bacaan yang menyegarkan untuk Anda yang mau berpikir & tidak mau Ketinggalan Zaman
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keldabekush · 2 years
For some reason I mistook your new Dogma (catma, cat-dogma??) Icon for a Star Trek themed Icon and I went "Oh neat, new fandom they're getting into, their art's awesome so Ill enjoy I-" and then it caught up to me and I went "Wait a minute.....is that Dogma?! With cat ears?! Lol nice." Brain why are you like this....
We all deserve a star trek / star wars crossover i think
Your fav gets to play around on the holodek and replicate the most fucked up meals imaginable and deeply contemplate the inherent duty of kindness for a week while science officers follow them around muttering "fascinating" and making rapid notes
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raziraphale · 3 years
I am endlessly delighted by how much data loves dressing up and roleplaying. like oh riker you are going to quickly talk to picard in the holodek? can you wait five minutes so I can get into my costume and go with you
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trillgendermetaphor · 3 years
i can’t get over how star trek just stopped putting characters in strange semi-historical situations and saying “yes this is real no don’t question why this planet has nazis” and rolling with it
the worst decision the next gen made was to let holodeks take over the weird semi-historical shit. now suddenly there are cowboys but “it’s all a simulation they aren’t real we’re still on a starship uwu” NO. i demand REAL cowboys
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kadaryanto97 · 4 years
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YOU TOMORROW Tentang Kita di Masa Depan Penulis : Dr. Ian Pearson Penerbit : Renebook Cetakan : I, Januari 2019 ISBN : 978-602-1201-46-6 Ukuran : 15 x 23 cm Tebal : 540 halaman Jenis Kertas : Book Paper Cover : Soft Cover Original Harga Rp139.500 diskon 15% Rp118.575 Sinopsis 85% PREDIKSI-PREDIKSI YANG DIBUAT IAN PEARSON AKURAT — The Bussines Magazine You Tomorrow berisi tentang kumpulan prediksi Dr. Ian Pearson tentang perubahan dunia dalam kurun waktu 30, 50, hingga 100 tahun mendatang. Akan banyak penemuan tak terbayangkan di abad ini. Kita akan mulai hidup berdampingan dengan mesin. Persaingan dunia kerja tidak lagi dengan sesama manusia, tetapi dengan robot yang dilengkapi kecerdasan buatan. Buku ini memaparkan peluang di masa mendatang dan jenis pekerjaan yang akan diambil alih oleh mesin. Teknologi masa depan yang dibahas oleh Ian Pearson antara lain adalah holodek untuk kamar dan ruang kelas, yoghurt cerdas, keabadian elektronik, alat interaksi mimpi, benda elektronik yang fleksibel, perhiasan canggih, video visor, robot berbentuk hewan, dan penemuan lainnya. #masadepan #buku #bukumurah #jualbuku #novel #bukuanak #bukubagus #bukuislami #bookstagram #bukuonline #book #indonesia #bukuislam #tokobuku #bukubestseller #literasi #books #bukuagama #tokobukuonline #bacabuku #jualbukumurah #novelmurah #bukubaru #bukudiskon #bookstore #sastra #bukuimport #bukusunnah #islam #indostar_bookstore https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zQuW9hHni/?igshid=y6fld7vp1v3w
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loosetees17-blog · 5 years
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foggybear42 · 5 years
Oo, what's Endless Spell about? I'm super curious!!
Ah yes I finally get to talk about it!! So basically, Virgil and Roman get into a fight (one much larger than normal) and eventually a lot of stuff happens and Roman accidentally gives Deceit control over the mind palace (which in this au is basically a Holodek from Star Trek. I can’t remember if it’s like that canonically). With this power Deceit traps Roman, Virgil, Patton, and Logan inside and transforms the mind palace into a Fairytale land. He kinda possesses Virgil and turns him into A Mad King character type, and puts him in a castle. Roman, Patton, and Logan are changed as well, Roman is turned into a knight, Patton a princess, and Logan is a mage. They all have their memories, but not the same powers. The entire AU is Roman, Patton, and Logan on a quest to save Virgil. I’m still working out all the kinks but this is what I have so far!!
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tomjeromenewton · 7 years
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I like to use my action figures for snapchats
This was something that occurred to me, a joke along the lines of if the X-Men have a Danger Room, it makes sense that they’d also have a Safety Room, and I got the image in my head of those places being the same depending on what setting the room is on (sidenote: anyone ever notice how the Danger Room and the Holodek have the same ‘why do we have that lever?!’ conundrum in common? That, and Patrick Stewart is responsible for both).
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drum-hr · 8 years
Iskustvo Star Trek Holodecka bit će nam dostupno za 15 godina
Iskustvo Star Trek Holodecka bit će nam dostupno za 15 godina
Star Trek Holodeck iskustvo je nešto što bi svi mi vrlo rado iskusili, a prema nekim najavama, takvo nešto će nam biti dostupno za kojih 15 godina. Današnji VR (virtual reality) uređaji imaju neke naznake koje su slične Star Trek Holodecku, pa se tako ističe HTC Vive čija prednja kamera spaja stvarne objekte s virtualnim prostorom. No, u Oculusu smatraju kako nam predstoji kojih 15 godina da bi…
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loosetees17-blog · 5 years
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