#holy moly this was a doozy
cor-lapis · 2 years
Quest-Related Content
Chapter I Act IV Prelude: Bough Keeper Dainsleif
Chapter I Act IV: We Will Be Reunited (extra)
Version 1.5: Beneath the Light of Jadeite (Zhongli Story Quest II, Teapot quest)
Bennett and Barbara hangouts, other misc doodles
Chapter II Prologue: Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves (and other 1.6 content)
Chapter II Act I and II, Yoimiya and Ayaka Story Quests
Version 2.1: Chapter II Act III (Trailer, Omnipresence Over Mortals) and Raiden Shogun Story Quest I, Kokomi Story Quest
Version 2.2: Labyrinth Warriors
Version 2.3: Shadows Amidst Snowstorms (Trailer, Quest) and Arataki Itto Story Quest (extra Itto doodles)
Interlude Chapter Act I: The Crane Returns on the Wind
Chapter II Act IV: Requiem of the Echoing Depths
Interlude Chapter Act II: Perilous Trail (pre-release cowabunga)(quest summary)(alt ending animatic)(childe moment)
Chapter III Act I and II
Version 3.1: Pre-release anti-gap-moe + aranyaka, Chapter III Act III and IV, SCREW TIRZAD
Version 3.2: Pre-release scara drip, Chapter III Act V
Interlude Chapter Act III: Inversion of Genesis
Version 3.4: Al-Haitham demo, Desert World Quest 2
Chapter III Act VI
Version 3.5: Windblume's Breath
Version 3.6: A Parade of Providence
Chapter IV Act I and II
Chapter IV Act III and IV
Version 4.2: Furina demo, Chapter IV Act V
Version 4.3: Roses and Muskets
Version 4.6: Pre-release Cyno SQ2, Arlecchino Story Quest, Cyno Story Quest 2, Cyno SQ2 Outtake
Chapter V Act VI: Bedtime Story
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daitranscripts · 7 months
What Pride had Wrought Pt. 11
Petitioner's Chambers
What Pride had Wrought Masterpost First: Speaking With Morrigan First: Meeting Kieran Previous: The Ancient Crypts Previous: Hall of Shrines
The party enters a large room that looks empty. Morrigan turns as they walk.
Morrigan: ‘Tis not what I expected. What was this chamber used for… Hmm.
A number of Sentinel appear behind them in a flash of smoke.
PC: We’re being watched.
As they continue into the chamber, an elf walks out on the dias.
Abelas: Venavis. You… are unlike the other invaders.
Abelas (Solas in party): You stumble down our paths at the side of one of our own. Abelas (Sera in party): You stumble down our paths alongside elvhen, or at least those having our features. Abelas (Dalish PC): You have the features of those who call themselves elvhen.
Abelas: You bear the mark of magic which is… familiar. How has this come to pass? What is your connection to those who first disturbed our slumber?
Dialogue options:
General: They are my enemies. PC: They are my enemies, as well as yours. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
General: “Our slumber”? PC: I don’t understand the “slumber” bit. Who are you? ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
General: First tell me who you are. PC: I won’t be interrogated at sword point. Declare yourself.
Abelas: I am called Abelas. We are Sentinels, tasked with standing against those who trespass on sacred ground. We wake only to fight, to preserve this place. Our numbers diminish with each invasion. I know what you seek. Like all who have come before, you wish to drink from the vir’abelasan.
Morrigan: “The Place of the Way of Sorrows.” He speaks of the Well!
Abelas: It is not for you. It is not for any of you.
1 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: You’re actual ancient elves? [2]
Investigate: What is the Well? [3]
Special: Solas, talk to him. [4]
Special (Dalish PC): The elves need you! [5]
General: We mean you no harm. [6]
General: That Well could be useful. [7]
General: We came to stop Corypheus. [8]
2 - Investigate: You’re actual ancient elves? PC: So… you’re elves from ancient times? Before the Tevinter Imperium destroyed Arlathan?
Abelas (Dorian not in party): The shemlen did not destroy Arlathan. We elvhen warred upon ourselves. By the time the doors to this sanctuary closed, our time was over. We awaken only when called, and each time find the world more foreign than before. It is meaningless. We endure. The vir’abelasan must be preserved. [back to 1]
Abelas (Dorian in party): The shemlen did not destroy Arlathan. We elven warred upon ourselves. By the time the doors to this sanctuary closed, our time was over. Dorian: Wait… that’s not right. What are you saying? Abelas: You would not know truth. Shemlen history is as short as the pool of your years. Dorian: What did the Imperium do, then? Are you saying it wasn’t a war? Abelas: The “war” of carrion feasting upon a corpse, yes. We awaken only when called, and each time find the world more foreign than before. It is meaningless. We endure. The vir’abelasan must be preserved. [back to 1]
3 - Investigate: What is the Well? PC: What is this vir’abelasan, exactly? Abelas: It is a path, one walked only by those who toiled in Mythal’s favor. Morrigan: He speaks of priests, perhaps? Abelas: More than that you need not know. [back to 1]
4 - Special: Solas, talk to him. PC: Solas, perhaps he’ll listen to you. Solas: What shall I say, Inquisitor? Shall I sway him from a millennia of service by virtue of our shared blood? He clings to all that remains of his world, because he lacks the power to restore it. [back to 1]
5 - Special: The elves need you! PC: Our people have lost everything. They need you. They could learn from you! Abelas: “Our” people? The ones we see in the forest, shadows wearing vallaslin? You are not my people. And you have invaded our sanctum as readily as the shemlen. PC (completed rituals): We knew this place was sacred. We’ve respected it as best we could. Abelas: I believe you. PC (did not complete rituals): We came to stop them. Abelas: I do not believe you.
6 - General: We mean you no harm. PC: We did not come here to fight you, nor to steal from your temple. Abelas (completed rituals): I believe you. Abelas (did not complete rituals): I do not believe you.
7 - General: That Well could be useful. PC: If the Well of Sorrows is a source of power, now is when it’s needed. Abelas: It is not power. Not such as you could use, even if I permitted it. PC: Yet Corypheus’s minions are here to claim it. Unless you’ve defeated them already. Abelas (completed rituals): We have not. Abelas (did not complete rituals): We shall fight them as we shall fight you.
8 - General: We came to stop Corypheus. PC: We came to stop Corypheus. He’s here to take your well, not I. Abelas (completed rituals): I believe you. Abelas (did not complete rituals): I do not believe you.
9 - Scene continues.
Choice dependent dialogue:
Completed rituals [10]
Did not complete rituals [11]
10 - Completed rituals
Abelas: Trespassers you are, but you have followed rites of petition. You have shown respect to Mythal. If these others are enemies of yours, we will aid you in destroying them. When this is done, you shall be permitted to depart… and never return.
Party comments:
Solas: This is our goal, is it not? There is no reason to fight these Sentinels.
Sera: So they can stab us in the back afterwards? Stuff that.
Dorian: I’ll admit, the idea of fighting the last of their kind… does not thrill me.
Cassandra: I do not trust them. We know not what they’ll do once the battle is over.
Morrigan: Consider carefully. You must stop Corypheus, yes, but you may also need the Well for your own.
Dialogue options:
We will ally. (Accept the Sentinel elves’ bargain.) [12] + Solas Greatly Approves + Cole Greatly Approves - Sera Disapproves
I don’t trust them. (Refuse the Sentinel’s offer) [13]
We may need that well. (Refuse the Sentinel’s offer) [14]
12 - We will ally. PC: I accept your offer. Abelas: You will be guided to those you seek. As for the vir’abelasan… it shall not be despoiled, even if I must destroy it myself. [15]
13 - I don’t trust them. PC: I refuse. Abelas: As you wish. Our duty is clear. [11]
14 - We may need that well. PC: I refuse. Abelas: As you wish. Our duty is clear. [11]
15 - Scene continues.
Abelas leaves.
Morrigan: No!
Morrigan turns into a raven and gives chase to Abelas.
PC: Morrigan!
Party comments:
Dorian (if in party and asked about ancient elves): He said the elves destroyed themselves, before my countrymen came along. Could that be true? I can hardly believe it.
Dorian (if in party and didn’t ask about ancient elves): One stayed behind. Our guide, I suppose?
Varric: They left someone behind. A handy guide, maybe?
PC: This would be our guide?
Sentinel: Mythal’enaste.
PC: That’s helpful, since Morrigan chased off on her own.
Party comments:
Vivienne: Dear Morrigan left to use the Well herself, undoubtedly.
Solas: She seeks to protect the Well of Sorrows.
Cassandra: She’s worried about this Well, not Corypheus.
Cole: She turned into a bird!
They follow the guide down a twisting hallway into the vaults.
PC: This place looks untouched.
Party comments:
Iron Bull: You have any idea how much this place is worth? Solas: We did not come to cart off the last of elvhen glory. Iron Bull: I’m just saying! PC: Don’t let Solas hear you say that. Iron Bull: Admit it. You were wondering.
Cassandra: The entire temple must have looked like this long ago. How could the elves pour such devotion into this… nonsense? Solas: We can always ask our hosts. Cassandra: I will leave that to you.
Blackwall: I’ve seen Orlesian palaces with less gold. What did the ancient elves do here? Solas: Perhaps it was meant to kindle a sense of awe in visitors.
They continue through the halls.
Sentinel: Penshra! Ghilas vellathan!
Party comments:
Solas: I believe she would prefer that we remain close.
Varric: I think she wants us to go back?
Cassandra: She wants us to stay close.
PC: Just a quick look around.
They hear the sentinels fighting Venatori/red templars.
PC (sided templars): The Sentinels are holding against the Venatori. PC (sided mages): The Sentinels are holding off the red templars.
Party comments:
Solas: We should hurry. Their numbers are not endless.
Dorian: Count your blessings we’re not still fighting both at the same time.
Vivienne: How tragic. Our elven friends might exhaust themselves here.
Varric: Glad we’re not between them.
Sera: Good for something, I guess. If they keep it up.
Solas: Abelas gave us his word. Sera: Well, good for Dusty-Butt.
Cole: They’re dying. Faster than they wanted to.
The sentinel continues to guide them down hallways and up stairs.
Sentinel: Vir sumeil.
PC (Dalish): I’ve never heard that phrase. Can anyone translate? PC (non-Dalish): Can anyone translate?
Solas: “We are close.” Ma serannas, ghilan.
Sera (Solas not in party): I’ll try. (Clears her throat.) Can. You. Talk. Like. Us! Sentinel: Delltash! PC: Never mind.
The PC exits the vaults. Scene ends.
11 - Did not complete rituals: - Solas Greatly Disapproves - Cole Greatly Disapproves - Dorian Greatly Disapproves - Blackwall Disapproves - Sera Approves - Iron Bull Approves
Abelas: Our duty is clear. The vir’abelasan shall not be usurped… even if I must destroy it. Masal din’an.
Abelas leaves.
Morrigan: No!
Morrigan turns into a raven and gives chase to Abelas.
PC: Morrigan!
The Sentinels attack, and the party fights.
Party Comments:
Vivienne: Stop their mages!
Dorian: Watch out for the mages!
Solas: They have mages!
Cassandra: Careful! Their assassins disappear!
Iron Bull: Watch the assassins!
Blackwall: Careful! The have assassins!
Varric: Watch the archers!
Sera: Archers, yeah! Pointy shits!
Cole: Archers! Be careful!
Party comments:
Solas (if in party): That was unnecessary. A pointless waste of life.
Dialogue options:
General: I agree. [16]
General (completed rituals but did not ally): What else could we do? [17]
General: What else could we do? [18]
General: This was their fault. [19]
Don’t respond. [20]
16 - General: I agree. PC: Such a waste. To live through eternity, only to end up like that… Solas: Then perhaps you should have agreed to his deal. Solas: Then perhaps you should have done the rituals, instead of blundering after the magisters.
17 - General: What else could we do? PC: I should have trusted his so-called deal? Solas: Why not? Did he not seem honorable? PC: He’s a guardian, trying to eliminate one group of invaders before the next. Solas: You don’t know that. [21]
18 - General: What else could we do? PC: Were we supposed to lie down and die for those elves? Solas: If we’d completed the rituals, perhaps the Sentinels would have been open to discussion. PC: Would you risk our lives on it? Solas: (Sighs.) No. I would not. [21]
19 - General: This was their fault. PC: I didn’t make them attack, Solas. They’re the ones clinging to their pointless duty. Solas: Pointless, is it? This is their land, not yours. PC: We had to come to stop Corypheus. You followed me here! Solas: (Sighs.) Yes. So I did. [21]
20 - Don’t respond Solas: (Sighs.) I should have known. [21]
21 - Scene continues.
Party comments:
Dorian (if in party and asked about ancient elves): He said the elves destroyed themselves, before my countrymen came along. Could that be true? I can hardly believe it.
Dorian (if in party and didn’t ask about ancient elves): How many centuries have they guarded this place? Only to be gutted for no good reason.
Blackwall: I thought ancient beings were supposed to be wise.
Cole: Sleep, protect, serve. So little of them left, but still they were afraid to lose it.
Iron Bull: Apparently humans aren’t the only stubborn fools on this continent.
Sera: Pfft! How old could they be if they died so stupid? Right?
The party heads through the vaults, fighting sentinels and Venatori/red templars as they go.
PC: This place is like a maze.
Party comments:
Sera: Elfy-elves didn’t want normal people near their precious Well. Vivienne: Is is a maze. This Well of Sorrows was clearly not for the common man.
Varric: You surprised? This temple doesn’t exactly roll out welcome mats.
Cassandra: Be ready. These elven Sentinels will know every turn.
Iron Bull: There better be something good at the end of this.
Cole: Can you hear that ahead? People whispering?
Dorian: Let’s follow the sound of the fighting. That usually works for us.
The party exits the door at the end of the vault.
Next: Confronting Calpernia Next: Confronting Samson
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lil-feenz · 1 year
haha 🙃
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ayeforscotland · 9 days
Catching up on the US presidential debate and holy moly, Trump is absolutely fried.
Can’t see how the remaining republicans who support it can spin that absolute doozy of a performance.
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soundcrusher · 2 months
Alright, the lab partner-stuck in elevator-employee trainer ask game seems fun to me, so I shall also contribute (all characters from Armada of course):
Optimus Prime, Megatron and Hot Shot. Curious about your choices! :D
Holy Moly, this will be a doozy!
Lab Partner: Optimus Prime
I think OP would be a pretty decent lab partner. Maybe not as great as other versions of himself, but he looks like someone who would follow the books, while also being able to make the subject sound less confusing.
Although, he would also be strickt about not messing around with the substances, and make sure that the safety precautions are all met.
I can also see myself starting to talk about every random shit I can imagine while working with him. Poor OP is gonna get an ear ful of random facts and Zelda lore.
Stuck in Elevator: Megatron
There are only two ways this can go. One of us dies, or I end up giving Megatron live advice and help him realize that the thing he and OP have can never be safed.
The love they had, if there ever was one, is dead.
They killed it together.
Embloyee Trainer: Hot Shot
He's young, barely out of college, and already a trainer who's the most laid back guy you'll ever meet. At least, that's his vibe.
He would probably a pretty fair trainer, who thought he could do it, but ends up realizing that he might be over his head.
But hey! At least his trainees are loyal!
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storyxonline · 1 year
Reader Question - The book about the married couple and she had a boyfriend and had to choose between the two...
Sana is looking for this one! Ooooooh boy this one is a guilty pleasure doozy and I AM DYING TO KNOW which one it is. OKAY WAIT!! WAIIIIIIIIIT!!!! Could it be OMG YES IT MUST BE Arsen by Mia Asher. HOLY MOLY that book made us soooooooo mad and we LOVED IT!!!! She asks: Hi Maryse, I hope you’re doing well. I was hoping to get some help finding the name of a book I read 3-4 years ago. I posted my…
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mommasaystoread · 2 years
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Harrison and Rae definitely kept me on my toes. And holy moly, are they ever an exercise in frustration! At the same time, I can't get enough of them. Piper Lawson is quickly becoming an author I need more of - even if she does drive me to distraction with these cliffhangers. Yep, this one has a cliffy too. It didn't quite sneak up on me as much as the first one did, but those last few minutes were doozies. Rae and Harrison spent less time being enemies in this second book, but that didn't diminish the fire between them. Those sparks between them are as strong as ever, and if ever two people were meant for each other, it's this pair. I realize they're written that way, but opposites rarely complement each other like Harrison and Rae. It's like a magnetic force between them, and as I mentioned, they frustrate me to no end when they resist that force. Shane East and Samantha Brentmoor give another top-notch performance, and they capture all the feels between this couple. If you enjoy age-gap romance, I'd definitely suggest this one, and if you don't like cliffies, the next book in the trilogy is available now. I am totally hooked on this couple and can't wait for more of their story.
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some27-url · 2 years
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sourmiguel · 2 years
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Get You The Moon by AClosedFicIsNeverRead (wc180958, explicit)
Summary: The one where Derek has been gone for 6 months building a new life, finds out that Stiles is being assaulted by Theo, so he comes back to Beacon Hills to kick some serious ass and rescue the loudmouthed human who stole his heart.
Holy moly. This fic will rip your heart out. But also put it back together and wrap you in FEELS. It's a doozy, but omg it's so worth it. Please go read it right now. But also sleep when you need it, it's long.
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dancsjournal · 4 years
Week 13 of CST 325
YEEZUS CHRIST, this one was a doozy of a hw! Not that it was exceptionally hard, challenging, or tricky to solve, but that holy moly I just couldn’t understand the text at times. None of it is on the professor though, it’s 10000% on me because fuck I’m blind. He basically spoons feeds us this assignment, and here I am biting my own finger. Although I also had some issues, 100% not my fault, with Spectre.js (it won’t show the camera render in firefox, but works on chrome), most of my problems this time were based on me thinking way too hard. I definitely learned a whole hell of a lot, and I honestly feel like next semester (as a TA) will be a breeze what with all of the help I’ve gotten both from the professor and from the current TA. Lol most of my work has enough notes to help anyone understand what is going on, even my partner lol Thank you again for all of your help Michael!
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
The Reader said Sebs name as she came?! Holy moly Schnauz that's a doozy and a half! I know you'll be busy home schooling Little Dude, but just wanted to say with that ending of the most recent part to I Waited, am super stoked to read what happens next :)
Yo dude, so i know i sat on this ask for a week because i didn't want to spoil the chapters for other readers, but yeah i had SO MUCH FUN writing that twist in. I'm gonna try and keep to my updating schedule even with lockdown and having to homeschool little dude. It helps me keep my sanity.
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olivenight17 · 5 years
Tanktop Master x Reader “Never Meet Your Heroes”
Holy moly this one was a doozy, I’ll tell you that much. So, this was requested by @ireaderstuff and I have to say, as my first request this was really interesting! I always write for the side characters because I always fall for them, so it was nice to have a request asking this of me. And Tanktop Master is just such a good guy, I had a lot of fun writing for him. Well, I hope this was to your liking, I’m sorry if I wrote him out of character and I’m sorry this took so long! School has had me busy studying for finals so it’s been a while since I had time to work on it. The next one I’ll be working on is She-Ra (hopefully in a much quicker time span), so watch out for that. Enjoy!
They say never meet your heroes.
It was a motto you believed wholeheartedly. Citizens saw what heroes did on camera, but  who knew what they were like behind the scenes? Just because they saved people, didn’t mean their intentions were always good. But, they saved the world from complete destruction and no matter their intentions, you were always grateful for that.
Living in the most inner parts of the city, you were privy to seeing villain attacks on a daily basis. It was always fun and games, unless the attack damaged your apartment, and in this case it did.
You sighed, this was not what you needed right now. Work had already been tough on you for the last week and you really needed to go home and destress. So much for that. You picked around the rubble of your apartment building, trying to find any remnants of your things. The only things found were tattered clothing and a broken picture of your family.
Hastily picking them up and placing them in your bag, you began making your way out when a heavy hand was placed on your shoulder. Spinning around, you were faced with a torso. You almost had to take a step backwards to look at the tall man in front of you. He had cropped blond hair, brown eyes and was wearing a tanktop.
Then it dawned on you. “So, you’re the one who aided in wrecking my apartment?” You asked nonchalantly.
He seemed taken aback by the question but slowly nodded his head. “Yes, I came to apologize for the damage caused. I’m more than willing to give you any money necessary for staying somewhere else.” He offered, making you pause in your bitterness.
Very rarely had you heard heroes apologizing for the damages, much less offering to pay for them. The look he was giving you was so sincere too, maybe he actually meant-
“Tanktop Master! Give us details on the daring battle you went through!”
“What is your relationship to the person next to you?”
The press flooded in almost immediately and you flinched at the flashing lights of their cameras. “She’s a victim of the building I destroyed, I was simply trying to repay her for ruining her home.”
“Wow, you are truly thoughtful, Tanktop Master! Hey miss, what do you have to say?”
“Yeah, will you accept his generous offer?”
You refrained from snarling at them and shook your head, hoisting your bag further up your arm. “No, I won’t. It’s kind, but I can get by just fine. Good day,” You replied before walking away. Of course, the kindness was only for the cameras. It was stupid of you to think otherwise.
Your walk picked up into a jog as the press continued on, pestering you with more questions and flashing lights. You raised your hand to block the light. It needed to stop, this was too much for you.
Then, a shadow loomed in front, blocking the paparazzi. “Leave her be, she’s just trying to get out. I will answer any questions you may have at this time.” You stared up at him, was he still seriously trying to act like a good person? Fine, whatever, at least he got them off your back.
You disappeared as much as you so possibly could, taking out your phone and texting a friend. They had decided to let you stay in their apartment until you got settled again and you thanked them fervently.
But even after you relocated, you still saw that guy around. You found out his name was Tanktop Master, he was an S-class hero and the leader of the Tank Topper Army, but that was about it. The man kept his life relatively private to the public save for the vast majority of articles and videos of him. You hadn’t found any videos with you in it, surprising considering how many times you’d see him around. You had simply taken to ignoring it, he wasn’t trying to draw attention and he never personally went up to you so you let it be.
Though there were some instances that he did appear.
“Hey, where you goin’?” You whipped around at the sound of your co-worker’s leering voice and tried to breathe.
“I’m going back to my apartment. My job is over, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You said as calmly as possible.
You turned to walk down the steps and onto the street, but he grabbed you by the wrist. “Come on, you always go straight home, why not let me take you out on a date? It’ll be fun, I promise.” He insisted and you clenched your fist, reminding yourself it wouldn’t be wise to hit him.
“I told you a million times already, Makoto. I don’t date coworkers, now let go of me!” You tried to yank your wrist out of his hand, but it didn’t budge.
The grip became stronger and you winced at the force. The smirk on Makoto’s face was gone and a scowl replaced it. “Now, I don’t think that’s very fair. I’ve been nothing but nice. Don’t I deserve something?” He tugged you closer and you shook your head.
“You don’t deserve shit, you pig! Get your hands off of me before I scream,” You ordered. Your gaze became steely as his glare met your own.
Makoto still hadn’t let go of you and you were about to swing your foot into his shin when suddenly, his face went pale. He let go of your wrist, took a hesitant step back and was it just you or had the sky gotten darker?
He apparently wasn’t looking at you, so you turned around and was met with a familiar blue clothed chest. Tanktop Master stared down at your coworker with a malice you hadn’t seen from him before. Before Makoto could even stutter, the tall blond spoke up. “I would hope there isn’t any trouble going on, is there?” Makoto frantically shook his head, any words he could have said completely escaped him. “And there will continue to be no trouble?”
“Yes sir, absolutely sir!” He squeaked out and tried to side step Tanktop.
He stood still for a moment longer before stepping to the side. “Good,” He finally moved and Makoto quickly scrambled down the steps and down the road. When he was out of sight, Tanktop turned to you. “Are you alright, not seriously injured?” He stepped forward to take a look at your wrist but you weren’t as concerned about that.
No, you were more preoccupied looking for hidden cameras. Tanktop noticed and cocked his head, looking around. “Did you see something?”
“No, I’m looking for the hidden camera guy you have in order to use this as a publicity stunt.” You answered simply, pushing apart some of the bushes near the staircase. There was no one there and you started looking up, maybe they were in the trees.
Meanwhile, the tall blond merely stood shocked at your statement. “You… you think this is a publicity stunt?” He asked, completely dumbfounded.
You nodded. “It makes sense now. I gave you trouble with the press, so you decided to follow me and wait until I got into trouble to save me and have someone post the footage. That way the press can swarm me once again and force me to be grateful to you while you get praised left and right for being such a great hero,” You explained. He continued to look at you in surprise and you shrugged. “Sorry bud, you’re not as clever as you think you are. If you don’t mind, I really want to get home.” Giving a half-hearted wave, you took off down the street.
But, you were stopped when he jogged up to you. You sighed, beyond annoyed with his behavior. “Wait! I think this is a misunderstanding, let me explain. Please, just hear me out and then I will do my best to stay clear of you.” Tanktop pleaded and you hesitated before stopping.
“Fine, you’ve got five minutes. Then I’m leaving.” You replied curtly, crossing your arms.
He sighed in relief before talking. “First of all, none of what just happened was for publicity. I live in this area of town so when I’m not called away for work I just do my own patrol here. I was walking by, saw what was going on and I didn’t want to see you get hurt so I stepped in.”
Your eyes narrowed. “I doubt you just happened to be walking by, almost every time I’m out somewhere you’re just there. So what, do you normally stalk the people you save?”
Tanktop Master almost recoiled at the venom in your words and he paused for a moment. “No, no I don’t. I just recognized you from the attack. I’ll admit I shadowed you for a bit the first few times to make sure everything was going smoothly for you, but beyond that, it was coincidence. I’m truly sorry if you felt my behavior was inappropriate,” He explained quietly.
Looking into his eyes, it seemed like there was genuine guilt. You felt a pang of regret for being as harsh as you were. “Well, I still have to admit it was kind of creepy, but I’m being harder on you than what’s really deserved. I’m sorry, I just don’t trust heroes. It’s hard to know what’s real and what’s for the press, y’know?” You looked downwards and scuffed your shoe against the ground.
There was silence for a moment before Tanktop Master spoke up. “Well, if you’d let me, I’d like to change your viewpoint,” He offered.
You hesitated, debating whether or not this would be a good idea. “This isn’t a trick, is it? You’re not going to use me and then dump me when I don’t have anything else to offer?” You questioned, risking a glance up at his gentle brown eyes.
He shook his head and put his hand to his heart. “Not on my life, or on my tank top would I ever do such a thing. I swear to you.” You bit your lip, hoping you wouldn’t regret this as you agreed.
And no, you didn’t regret it one bit.
The more you hung out with Tanktop Master, the more you noticed your skepticism fading. He introduced you to many different heroes who truly weren’t in it to pretend to be great while hiding dirty secrets. You had even become friends with some of his army. It was mainly Tanktop Girl, but you also found yourself hanging around Tanktop Vegetarian, especially after his fight with Garou. They rubbed off on you so much, you even started wearing more tank tops. After months of spending time with them and getting to know them, they really brought you out of your shell.
Of course, the man to thank for it all, was Tanktop Master.
Out of all the heroes you had met through him, there was always some part of you that wanted to cling to him. He had brought you out of your cynicism on heroes and to you, he was the very definition of what a hero was supposed to be. Maybe he wasn’t the strongest, but unlike what you had thought before, he had a heart of pure gold. He truly only wanted to do good for the people and keep them safe. Getting to know him really brought in the human aspect of heroes and you appreciated it so much.
Eventually, you found him on your mind more than half the day and realized you had really begun to miss him a lot more than usual when he was called to work. So, it was time to tell him.
Your shaky finger tapped his shoulder one day while he was training. His head turned and softened into a heart-warming smile when his gaze landed on you. “Ah, (Y/N), you surprised me,” He chuckled.
You grinned nervously back at him. “Yeah, I guess. I’m sorry to interrupt your work-out and all, but can we talk?” You asked him and he nodded almost immediately.
“Of course, anything for you. Let me just set this weight down first.” The blond went off, carrying the large weight with him and suddenly your stomach exploded into butterflies.
Maybe this was a mistake, seriously take a look at the guy. He’s caring, kind, handsome and definitely more than well muscled. He could date anyone in this entire country. For fuck’s sake you basically thought of him as no less as a dirty liar when you first met him! There was no way he was picking you. If you run fast enough, you might be able to make it out of the room before he-
“(Y/N), are you okay? Your face is flushed and you’re sweating a bit.”
Your train of thought was interrupted at the sound of Tanktop Master in front of you, making you almost jump a foot in the air. He gave you a strange look and you let out a high pitched laugh. “Yes, perfectly fine! No need to worry!” You stuttered out, gripping the edge of your shirt tightly.
Tanktop didn’t look convinced. “There’s no need to lie. I can tell something’s bothering you, you can tell me. I’m not going to judge or laugh if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Sighing, you shook your head. “No, I know you wouldn’t,” You chuckled, a hint of sadness laced within it. “Of course you wouldn’t. That’s just it. You’re basically perfect and I’m, well, me…” You sucked in a breath. This was stupid, you shouldn’t have come.
The man simply tipped his head to the side. “What’s wrong with that? I personally find you amazing, (Y/N). You’re a strong, intelligent and kind woman.”
“I’m not any of those things, if I was then I wouldn’t have been so close minded.” You scoffed. The ground was suddenly far more interesting than anything else in the world.
But, you weren’t allowed to look at it long before your head was tipped back up to face Tanktop. “You were before, but you changed. You’re a better person now.”
“Tank, you know I’m not. Don’t lie.”
“I’m not lying, (Y/n).”
“Yes you are! How can you say those things are true?”
“Because I love you!” The response cut through the air and easily quieted both of you. His gaze shifted away from you and he let his hand fall back to his side. “I mean, I…” He trailed off before sighing and looking back at you. “It’s true. You always caught my eye since the beginning. You have such a fiery personality, but it always turns to kindness in the end, and you’re so passionate in everything you do I just couldn’t help it. Now, you don’t have to accept my-” He was cut off when you pulled him down by his tank top and kissed him hard.
Once the initial shock faded, he kissed back, lips moving in perfect harmony to yours. It felt perfect to you, and by the time you both pulled away, you were shining with love for this man all over again. “I love you too, Tank. That’s what I was actually coming over to talk to you about. But then, I got nervous.” Giving him a sheepish grin, you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly.
He only smiled and pulled you into a hug. “Well, it’ll be my job to make sure you never feel that nervous with me again. And I’m more than happy doing so.”
They say never meet your heroes.
But who said they were right?
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stunnerbody · 5 years
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- 💥WANT A LEG AND CORE CIRCUIT YOU CAN DO AT HOME?💥. - Well, I got a doozy for you, and the best part, is you don’t need any equipment. Now, you *could* weight all of these exercises (except the reaching plank - it’s perfect as-is) if you want to take this up a notch. - Here’s how I want you to try it: - ➡️4 Rounds - ✅Squats x 8. ✅Reverse Lunges x 8/leg. ✅Slow Russian Twists (like REALLY REALLY Slow) x 8/side. Have a tutorial on my Youtube Channel (Link in Bi0). ✅Single leg glute bridges x 8/leg (SQUUEEEZE YO Butt). ✅Single leg RDL x 8/leg. ✅Slow Reaching Plank - 3 x 8/side (super slow). - Try not to rest until after the slow reaching plank. - Want to up the challenge without upping the weight? Add 1/2 reps to everything! Holy Moly will that make a big difference - This circuit is great if you are short on time and can’t get to the gym, if you are traveling and don’t have access to a gym, or if you workout at home and don’t have any equipment. - Look, fitness is not an all or nothing thing. You don’t have to spend 2 hours at the gym. The cool thing is you can get creative, and make the best of your current or changing circumstances, and STILL MAKE PROGRESS! So, if you haven’t started, or have gotten a little bit off track, it’s time to go. - Who’s ready to feel better, look better, and burn some fat? You? Give this workout a try, and let me know how it goes!! - @susanniebergallfitness #bolafit #circuittraining #circuitworkout #hotelworkout #squat #lunge #plank #workout #coreworkout #workoutplan #strengthtraining #strengtrain #fitness #fitontheroad #fitnesshelp #fitathome #bodyweighttraining #bodyweightexercises #fatlosshelp #fatlossprogram #weightlosshelp #weightlossprogram #fitover40 #fitover50 #fitover55 #fitandforty #fitandfifty #sfinnercircle #susanniebergallfitness
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singledigger35-blog · 6 years
Shaken Iced Matcha Latte
June 4, 2018
Shaken Iced Matcha Latte
by Kare Breakfast, Dessert, Drinks, Fast (20 Minutes or Less), One Dish Two Ways, St. Patrick's Day, Summer 1 Comment / Leave a Comment »
Holy moly, May was a doozy. Not, like, in a super serious way, and I am grateful for that, but still a doozy.
Toward the end of April, our kindergartener came down with an illness that had her temperature spiking to 106! She went from perfectly fine, munching on dinner, to a super high temp within an hour. We’d never seen anything like that with her and we were terrified. It went on for several days (and many doctor visits) but we finally confirmed that it was a flu-like virus that just needed to run its course. And run its course it did – through our entire family. A couple of weeks later, this jerky virus had me down and out, too, for a good 10 days (much of it feverish; fun times). And even my guy, with his usually iron-clad immune system, is just now coming out of his own week of misery.
Now that we’re at the end of the jerk virus, we’re looking around our yard and home and feeling overwhelmed with all of the half-completed projects we’ve gotten ourselves into. I can’t decide if I just want to run away and hide or go all ninja minimalist and get rid of 90% of everything.
No matter what I decide, I’m gonna need some energy. And what’s a great way to get energy? You guessed it: Caffeine!
The boost you get from matcha is potent, yet also what most describe as “smooth.” Jitters – like you get from coffee – are minimal. It’s just a nice solid boost of energy. So that you can mow the lawn, and build another flower bed, and erect another fence, and put in a few more garden beds, and oh by the way finish painting the kitchen cabinets already.
Okay, so what is matcha, and what does it taste like, you ask?
Matcha is a form of green tea, but instead of steeping the leaves, they’re ground up superfine and dissolved right in to your drink. That’s why it’s that glorious, glorious green color. So pretty!
It’s … not always delicious, I will say that. No matter the quality (hugely important) or how you doctor it up, in my opinion, matcha is an acquired taste. It’s a bit … grassy and vegetal. But there are things you can do to make it crave-worthy.
The first is making sure you do not buy culinary grade green tea. It’s more of an olive green in color and it tastes bitter. Get yourself what some companies call “latte grade” or, a more expensive but highest quality, ceremonial grade matcha.
I’m pretty loyal to Encha brand latte-grade matcha. I’ve had a hard time finding good-quality matcha – Encha brand or otherwise – in grocery stores around here, so I order it either directly off of their website or via Amazon (affiliate link).
Once you have the right matcha, how you prep it is also going to be key. I’m not quite a hardcore matcha drinker yet so I don’t whisk mine up in a bowl and drink it straight up or anything. Rather, I fluff it up with some sweetener, uber-creamy lite coconut milk, and some vanilla. Soooooo delicious.
One problem with iced matcha lattes is that the matcha can be lumpy. I’ve solved this problem by first dissolving the matcha – I mix it with with warm water right in the mason jar.
Then, you add the rest of your ingredients, put a lid on it, and shake shake shake until it’s ice cold, gloriously creamy and frothy, then sip sip sip.
So easy, so refreshing, so energizing, so green.
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Yield: Serves 1 or 2
Shaken Iced Matcha Latte
Prep: 5 minutes
Total: 5 minutes
Rich and creamy, this iced matcha latte goes down easy and is even easier to make. Simply dissolve the matcha right in your mason jar, add the remaining ingredients, screw on the lid, and shake shake shake until gloriously cold and frothy. Then just plop in a straw and drink for instant energy!
1 teaspoon good quality (latte grade or ceremonial grade) matcha
3 tablespoons hot tap water
1-2 cups ice
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup lite coconut milk*
1 to 1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
Grab a 24-ounce mason jar, and lid. Add matcha and hot water. Stir with a fork or whisk until most of the matcha is dissolved (there might still be a couple of lumps, but most of it should dissolve nicely).
Add one or two ice cubes and stir to cool down the mixture, then add one more cup of ice. Add maple syrup, vanilla, and coconut milk. Screw the lid onto the jar and shake well. Remove the lid and add 1 cup almond milk. Top off with more ice and/or more almond milk if desired.
Plop in a straw and serve!
I will cut this recipe in half and make it in a 16-ounce mason jar or I’ll pour half into another jar and share it with my guy. The reason is I’m a bit sensitive to caffeine and I find 1/2 teaspoon matcha at a time to be about my limit. So if you’re sensitive to caffeine like I am, I suggest going slowly!
* I like Thai Kitchen brand lite coconut milk. It has guar gum in it, which helps it stay creamy even on ice.
All images and text ©Kare for Kitchen Treaty.
Like this? Here's More:
Recipes with Green Tea
Kare is a vegetarian home cook living among carnivores. She loves creating irresistible and flexible recipes that help multi-vore families like hers keep the peace - deliciously.
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Source: https://www.kitchentreaty.com/shaken-iced-matcha-latte/
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hongism · 3 years
Hi, welcome back!!
I never write long asks in response to fics (mostly bc my brain is usually mush and can only go "very good, thank you") but holy moly that was a DOOZY of a chapter of Blood Masquerade and my brain is WHIRRING. Where do i even BEGIN??
First of all i LOVE this mc's personality. She feels very gaslight gatekeep girlboss in the BEST of ways. The way she's almost puppeteering the boys in this chapter to bend them to her will, and the subtle mindgames she has all of them engaged in has me SO drawn in and on the edge of my seat.
And as much as i was expecting San to continue to make veiled threats, i DIDN'T expect him to come in with a physical threat to her life, weapon and all??? That scene was so well executed, the subtle but constant presence of the dagger to her back, the grip she had on the back of his head, the BACKSTORY oh my. I didn't know his visceral disdain for her country was going to be quite that personal, but i suppose looking back, it does make sense. I don't think he'd be quite so worked up over mere politics.
The humanising and sobering moment she had with Hideyoshi after that little altercation was nice to see too. I like the little moments of fear and panic we get to see when she (pun not intended) lets her mask slip, or is given a moment to mull over her situation by herself. She's not quite as untouchable and unflappable as she likes to make people think.
The conversation with Seonghwa had me laughing so much. She's really not afraid to call the boys out on behaviour she finds unsavoury, calling him a "petulant child" and all, oh poor Seonghwa. Though i will say, that doesn't seem too far from the truth. Although seeming fairly knowledgeable, he does seem to have an air of innocence around him?? Although mc begins to doubt the validity of Seonghwa's descriptions of the personalities of the other boys, it doesn't seem like its come from a place of him being deceitful, but moreso of viewing his long time friends with rose tinted glasses, and a dash of empathy for their individual situations.
I also barked out loud with laughter when she straight up lied to Hongjoong and told him she was wearing the gift from the fox, just to rile him up and test her theory on how much the two remain butting heads. This mc is so cunning and puts so much meticulous thought into her every word and action, its fascinating to witness, especially through all of her internal dialogue.
I'm impressed by how confident in her own capabilities she is too. Seducing Yunho and taking off to go fuck him in private, all to test whether he's there to kill her or not? An entirely risky move, yet she seemed certain that she'd be able to worm her way out of any sticky situation that might arise. Either that, or her clear love of playing a risky game overtook her. Maybe both. Though i don't think that kind of confidence in winning the game could be baseless, so i have to wonder what she's capable of when it really comes down to it...
I do also love that throughout this game she's playing of having the boys court her, she's playing a secondary game, always having to look over her shoulder to work out just what Ryuunosuke's up to. I'm excited to continue to uncover exactly what's going on with him, and i'm excited to see how the boys play into it all.
I'm going to have to mull over the decision for a while this time, bc coming out of that chapter, i truely have NO clue who i want to see more from, and which pairing i want to choose.
ahhh please thank you first of all im happy to be back i missed getting to post for you guys sm T-T and thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely and detailed response to my fic wow im honored and v grateful 😭
i'm so glad you adore the mc's personality, i was a bit worried about her being off-putting or too much to some but you all are so sweet and kind and im !! so glad yall are on board with the idea of her being a boss bitch who gets shit done !!!
i truly had so much fun writing that san scene i won't lie it was giving me strong 'dancing with your enemy at a crowded ball' vibes and i was WHEW! excited for it! but truly he has VERY good reason to be so angry beyond mere politics, especially for a man who isn't in line to the throne 👀
as ,much as i adore a tough mc, i do love vulnerability as well and giving her that moment with hideyoshi was two fold for showing she can let her mask slip and that she does have those moments of fear and panic like anyone else would but also to show how deep her relationship with hideyoshi goes <3
poor seonghwa indeed she went for the jugular then and there didn't she 😭 of all the stances people have on seonghwa, i'd say yours is closest to the truth especially with the air of innocence and the rose-tinted glasses he views his friends with bc of course he wouldn't be an ass and talk about the worst qualities in his best friends even if it is somewhat of a competition!! i think we'll see his personality kinda fall apart a bit as we go as well, but he's definitely not intentionally being deceitful !
she's such a delight to write i won't lie i had so much fun writing her banter with hongjoong bc it's fun to write a back and forth with a cunning character vs one that gets riled up so easily ahhhh im so so glad it reads well too that's such a joy to hear as well T-T
and of course my personal highlight of the chapter that i fought to get in there bc i couldn't resist having it in this chapter! the whole interaction and scene with yunho wow it was such a thrill to write whew! that theme of her confidence vs her thrill of the game will be one that's reoccurring as well, and we'll see a lot of that internal struggle coming to light as well but you bring up a good point in saying that that confidence couldn't be baseless bc it would be plain stupid to go into such a dangerous situation if she couldn't genuinely defend herself on her own right? it does beg the question that if yunho wasn't the one there to kill her, what exactly was his intention and how did it involve ryuunosuke 🤔
but truly the game is heating up and now there are more pieces on the board and it's getting more complicated as that happens but it's exciting as well heh im so glad you enjoyed and im eager to know which pair you ended up going for and why!!
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le-styling · 5 years
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Holy. Moly. The #leonardcohen exhibit is a doozy. @thejewishmuseum #inspired via Instagram http://bit.ly/2WFtyIB
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