#holy shit everything just escalated so quickly
blackjackkent · 11 months
Aight, busy day but now pokin' some more BG3 before bedz. (As always, block "#bjk plays baldur's gate 3" to skip the liveblogging shenanigans. :D
Hector, the fish-out-of-water monk, is currently proceeding with his party in search of Halsin, who will hopefully a) solve the issue with Kagha trying to evict the tiefling refugees from the grove and b) know something about how to get the tadpoles out of their heads.
We left off having reached the goblin camp where Halsin is apparently imprisoned, and Hector having been tricked into rubbing shit on his face unnecessarily to get inside. So he's...not really in a good mood right now.
He even gets a fun little status buff(?) for it:
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The goblins don't appear to be bothered by our presence - after rereading my liveblog from yesterday, I realized it's because we're marked with the parasite and so are they (or at least marked by mind flayers) so they're viewing us as allies. That gives us, apparently, a certain amount of leeway to wander around but we need to make sure we don't do anything suspicious.
At least until the jailbreak.
With this in mind...he's pretty surprised when a wave of pain bursts through him out of nowhere, hard enough to knock him off his feet.
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It's the same feeling as the pain that comes with the telepathic connections - but orders of magnitude stronger. His vision blurs and he staggers, falling to his knees in the camp's putrid muck. Every muscle in his body clenches and writhes with the need to escape, but the pain is coming from within, and there is no running from it.
Dimly he is aware of his companions also collapsing, each of them locked in their own world of agony.
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The pain forms into white-hot, blinding words, a voice searing through him like a knife.
Narrator: The voice is irresistible. You recognize the overwhelming authority that you've used on others, only infinitely stronger, and turned against you...
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Narrator: Your vision clouds, leaving you in a dark, featureless shadowscape. Nothingness in every direction.
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Narrator: Then, there are three figures before you. An armored male elf, exuding power and command. A handsome younger man with a quick, easy smile. And a pale young woman with even paler eyes...
He tries to shift, to cry out, to scream, but the sound emerges choked, a strangled, desperate moan. Tears stream from his eyes and the image of the strange figures blurs. He tries to curl into himself, to look away, but they are there whichever way he writhes.
And the voice is inescapable, a hammer-beat of syllables in his mind.
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The pain is unbearable. The words flow over him and he doesn't understand them.
Dimly he is aware of movement at his side in this black void. Shadowheart has struggled onto her knees, and the abyss is lit by a pale pink glow from between her fingers as she lifts the artifact she carries.
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Rather than the inert block he has seen it as before, it is shining a sudden, radiant light from each sharpened tip. As she lifts it into the air, an orb of glowing energy begins to spread outward from it in all directions...and then it bursts, filling the void with light and knocking Shadowheart back onto her heels.
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...and the pain eases...
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Narrator: You feel energy pulsing from the artefact. Lifting the pain from you. Pushing the voice away.
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Slowly, in the light of the artifact's burst, Hector begins to come back to himself. He can feel his legs, move his arms again. The pain begins to fade, and he becomes aware of the dry sandpaper feeling on his tongue and the tight clench of his teeth.
The voice still speaks, though its words are more distant now, fading. "MY POWER GROWS. MY FORCES GATHER. THE RECKONING DRAWS NEAR..."
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He slowly pushes himself up from where he has been lying face down in the muck. His companions are also sitting up slowly, and there is the sound of the harsh breathing of four sets of lungs in tandem, trying to slow their heart rates.
Slowly Hector manages to gain his feet. Reaching over, he grabs Gale's forearm and helps him up as well, and as he does so, his eyes lock on Shadowheart, who has stumbled to a standing position and is looking down at the artefact, now inert again, clutched in both hands.
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She flinches when she feels his gaze on her.
"Don't give me that look. I don't know what just happened any more than you do. We should keep going."
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"I don't know what that toy of hers is," Astarion mutters, staggering upright and swaying slightly. "But I'm glad it's on our side."
Hector isn't to be shaken off, and takes a step forward towards her. "You've got some explaining to do first," he says firmly. "What is that thing you have?"
She pauses, meets his eyes for a moment and then looks away again. "I don't know," she says. "Not exactly. All I know is it's important I get it back to Baldur's Gate. At any cost."
He lets out a heavy breath between his teeth, eyeing her. He suspects what she is saying is truth - just not all of it. She seems as lost as he feels, but there must be more to the story. "Why Baldur's Gate?" he asks. "What aren't you telling me?"
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She squares her shoulders, turns to look at him fully, visibly coming to some important decision. "I suppose if we're to continue together, I may as well tell you. I serve Shar. My home is a secret cloister in Baldur's Gate."
He feels as if a sucker punch has just landed in his stomach, almost as impactful as the pain they just suffered through. Shar - the antithetical goddess to that which Hector has served in the monastery all his life. Shar is the twin goddess of Selune - the goddess of primal dark where Selune is that of light and creation.
And he has been traveling with one of the dark one's clerics.
She's still speaking, either unaware of his reaction or trying to ignore it. "A group of us were sent to retrieve the artifact. Now I'm the only one left. I can't afford to fail." She fidgets with the object, nervously rubbing her thumb along one of its edges. "I can't tell you any more. This mission required utmost secrecy - we all submitted to having our memories suppressed so that we couldn't betray Shar's confidence. If I reach my contact in the city, I'll have my memories restored. Until then, I have to guard the artifact with my life."
Her fist clenches around it and she tucks it forcefully into her belt. "There. You have the truth, for all it's worth. Let's continue."
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Gale shifts uneasily, glancing at Hector. "You worship Shar? Blimey. She and my beloved Mystra are not exactly friends."
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"I didn't agree to join up with a Shar worshipper," Hector snaps out before he can stop himself. Perhaps in some other circumstance he might be more controlled about a difference of faith, but he was already frightened, humiliated, and smelling of warg shit, and after what just happened the terror has taken full hold again.
"Then it's your own fault for not asking," she snaps back, flaring a little at the unexpected fierceness of the jab.
His jaw works, but he regains a little control over himself, turns away sharply, struggling for the internal rituals to calm himself that always came naturally to him before all this began. He can't afford to alienate her completely...he needs allies in this mess...but this is all too much, too much to handle...
Finally, he grinds out, "In future, I expect you to be honest. Let's leave it at that for now."
"Gladly," she says coolly, and turns and walks away.
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bloopitynoot · 4 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 14
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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New book new book! Can you believe I am on book three already? Holy heck, time has flown by.
I thought I would switch up my tea process today with a new cup but also I wanted to show off my collection XD We bought some new and some refill teas from the ren faire yesterday (one of our favourite localish tea blenders) and what a collection my partner and I have amassed. I didn't realize how huge it was until I snapped the pic- it feels very at home apothecary LOL
I went with a lady grey latte and instead of my heart mug I was feeling the spooky vibes and and using my mug by Jaxx b. I have a few other handmade mugs I might start featuring because they are fun as heck!
I've rambled enough about my tea and mug let's get into this chapter!
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okay right away bless MXTX for doing such a good job immediately place setting. We are in the demon realms! p9
oof. the energy between Luo BInghe and Shen Qingqiu is so uncomfortable right now. Neither of them saying anything. I am intrigued to see how they sort through this. I know they are end game but like- this is so awkward. p9
oh gosh. Luo Binghe 10000% modeled the room he is basically locking SQQ in after the Bamboo House. Yes SQQ, there most definitely is meaning in it being familiar. p10
So. LOL SQQ's rationale. Instead of "looking too much like a respectable woman kidnapped by a ruffian" p. 10 is to essentially play gay chicken?
RIP well, luo binghe did find out about the blood. so sexually charged though in the way he decided to find out. p11
How is Luo Binghe even surprised that after SQQ being treated this way that he requests that Luo Binghe never see him/see him as little as possible? What did he even expect would happen here?? p12 There is a lot of trust broken between these two.
oh? System feature upgrade? p13
LOL "luxury edition" p14 There must be fanfics about SQQ kept trophy husband
omg what kind of novels was SQQ's sister reading XD those are some wild fantasies. pp14-15
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SQQ: "I will not have stockholm syndrome" okay buddy, we will see what happens with your 'luxury edition' p15
oh luo binghe, that sweet baby boy is having them plant bamboo and is cooking SQQ's meals.p16 this would be even cuter if they talked about things instead of having such a weird dynamic.
Jesus Christ. Shang Qinghua enters again. How does this man stealth so well when he is kind of an idiot? I feel like terrible decisions and bad luck follow him everywhere- but he is just slippery enough to get away. p17
LOL SQQ: Your protagonist turned gay. Shang Qinghua: eh, it's fine as long as I'm not the love interest. sucks to be you. p18
okay but I want to know how deep the info of this world goes. Where does it pool the information to generate everything- just published content OR is it everything and anything Airplane thought about or created (ie the lost computer files about Luo Binghe's dad) p19
uuuugh not another interruption- I feel for you SQQ, I too want to know what he was going to say about your tragic backstory in the original edit. p22
Airplane really said 'no homo' "That man of yours is here. Let's do it later- wait, I mean let's chat later" p22
okay okay okay! The boys are talking for real about their mutual deception of one another. Is this the path to them figuring their shit out?? Maybe they will talk about their trust issues. p23
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Okay I am with Luo Binghe on this- it did feel as though SQQ completely did a 180 on fundamental life beliefs RE: no one is inherently evil because of their race. p23. So I understand Luo Binghe here- I am glad they are talking.
OMG pp24-25
well. that escalated quickly LOL pp24-25
Luo Binghe probably "hit me harder daddy shizun" p26 +500 satisfaction points.
is Luo binghe going to assault him 😭😭😭😭 this is not it. that was not cool that entire part was so gross "If shizun see's me as no better than a beast either way, I might as well live up to expectations" p27
thank fuck all of that was interrupted, but also now i'm deeply concerned for SQQ!!!! is it the other demon blood? Is it past (young SQQ) trauma?? What's happening?? (no one actually answer this I 1000% know it will be resolved in due time, but I am having a panic about the guy).
Well that's not good at all
this was one rollercoaster of an opening act omg. Not a good time for everyone involved at the end there. I am VERY glad SQQ was not assaulted but I am SRESSED now for other reasons.
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ilikesuperheroesokay · 2 months
My thoughts when watching No Good Nick for the first time
”Oh, I like Jeremy! He just cares about his family, and he’s so hardworking and passionate! He has every reason to be suspicious, and it’s only fair that he’s a bit disgruntled.”
“Wow, this family is NOT close.”
“Aw, Ed makes beautiful art!”
“How sweet of Molly to make Nick feel comfy.”
“Wow, I can see where Jeremy gets his determination and dedication from! Look at Liz go, she’s a beast in the kitchen!”
“Aw, Nick’s flashbacks. :( “
“Wow, Ed’s such a good dad! Trying to make Nick feel at home, gosh I love him! It’s giving Patton Sanders.”
“Aw…Liz. Your wedding ring.”
“Damn, Molly needs new friends.”
”Damn, Molly needs new friends.”
“Wow, Nick is so clever!”
“Damn, this system is really fucked.”
“Aw, Eric and Jeremy are so cute! I’m getting a bit of a vibe from both of them, both together and separate, but I bet that it probably won’t become anything.”
“Is Jeremy autistic? That would explain a bit.”
“Aw man, I don’t like Lisa Haddad, but I Love Josie Totah! Look how pretty she is! 🤩 I haven’t seen her since Jessie!”
“Wow, Jeremy and Eric would be so cute together, but I’m sure it’s just one of those queer coded shows that never actually does anything.”
“Ooh, I really like Will. He’s cute, and he’s perfect for Nick.”
���Get outta here Riley, you’re gonna blow Nick’s cover!”
“Gosh golly gee wilikers, Eric and Jeremy sure are getting quite close!”
“Ugh, Nick, istg you’re digging yourself a deeper hole!”
“Oh no, Will’s a traitor.”
“Roses are red, cacti are prickly, holy shit that escalated quickly.”
“Seriously, why do people hate Jeremy? In all seriousness, I’d be his friend! We can work on his election process together.”
”Aw, Ed. Look at you, helping your son out with something he really cares about. Dad of the year.”
“No! Jeremy’s coming out plan was ruined! But it’s okay, because they accepted him! (Ed missed everything)”
“…I need…I just…I need a couple minutes to just…cry.”
“Wow, time to watch it five more consecutive times! But there’s gonna be more seasons, right? Right? Right? RIGHT?!?”
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canirove · 6 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 31
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"Keys, wallet, water bottle, notebook, pens, tissues… I think I have it all."
"Are you sure?" Silvia says.
"I… Shit" I say when I see her holding my phone.
"I've never seen you this nervous on a first day before. Not even on your very first day."
"Yeah, well… Back then I wasn't dating someone famous and the whole world knew about it" I sigh. Because now everyone knows. 
A few days after the photos in Tenerife were published, someone started to share details about me, sending them to magazines and fan accounts. People now knew my full name, what I had studied and where, what I did for a living, some of my hobbies… And, of course, my age. That had made things escalate quickly, the word cougar being thrown right and left. Though the comments that were hurting me the most, were the ones saying that I should not be teaching kids when I am dating someone so young.
"You aren't doing anything wrong, Val" Silvia says, taking my hand on hers.
"I know, but… I already got some weird looks from other teachers the other day. And I know that the moment the parents see me, they'll start gossiping."
"Then let them. You've been dating Pedri for three years already while teaching their kids, and they all have loved you and said you are amazing. Now because they know who you sleep with you suddenly are a bad teacher? C'mon…"
"People are like that, Silvia…"
"Stupid, that's what they are."
"A bit, yeah" I chuckle. "Anyway, I better go."
"Good luck, Val" she smiles.
"Thank you" I reply, walking towards the door. "Holy mother of Jesus!" I yell when I open it.
"Morning, gorgeous" Pedri smiles.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm driving you to work."
"I wanted to be there on your first day."
"Did you know about this?" I say, turning to look at Silvia.
"I… Maybe?" she replies. "It was supposed to be a surprise."
"Oh, you have definitely surprised me. And given me a heart attack too."
"You opened when I was about to ring. But will this make you feel better?" he says, showing me the bouquet of flowers he was hiding behind his back.
"It's a start…"
"I can do other things to make you feel better, but we don't want to be late" Pedri smirks.
"Idiot" I reply, rolling my eyes.
"Should we go, then?" he says.
"Yeah, let's go."
"And Val…" Silvia says. "Haters gonna hate."
"Did you just quote Taylor Swift?" I laugh.
"She's right, so" she shrugs. 
"Maybe we should listen to that song in the car" Pedri offers.
"Ok, ok. You are kinda scary when you use that tone" he laughs. "Bye, Silvia."
"Bye, guys!" 
"It's time" I sigh, picking up my bag and the flowers.
"Everything will be ok, Val."
"It will, yes" I say, trying to convince myself.
"Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?" Pedri says, caressing my cheek.
"I'm not sure…"
"Well, I am doing it now. I am so proud of you, Val. What you teachers do is amazing and people should show you more respect."
"Aww, Pepi."
"It's the truth" he shrugs. "Now go there and show those kids how good you are."
"That sounds like what Xavi tells you before a game" I chuckle.
"It does, doesn't it?" he laughs. "But, again, it is the truth. You are amazing, Val."
"And you are gonna make me cry" I say, hitting his arm.
"Sorry" he smiles. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Val! Good morning!"
"Good morning, Beth" I smile.
"The flowers arrived earlier today, uh?" she says, nodding towards the bouquet in my hands.
"And that was him, wasn't it?" Luis says. "He has a really nice car."
"Did he drive you to work?"
"He did, yes. He wanted to be with me on my first day" I say with a shy smile.
"That is so cute."
"I always drive you to work" Luis says.
"Yeah, but because we live together" Beth replies, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, let's go. We can't be late on our first day, can we?"
"We cannot, no" Luis sighs.
As we walk towards the school, many parents turn to look at us. I can see them whispering, nodding, and even pointing towards me. The moment we walk past them they say good morning with their best smile, but then the whispers are back.
"He probably bought her those flowers."
"And she's brought them so we all can see them."
"Her bag looks new. And expensive. I'm sure he bought it for her."
"Watch her start dressing like the other wags. No more Zara for Miss Valeria."
"She should be ashamed of herself. Dating someone so young…"
"Val, hey. Valeria" Beth says, linking her arm with mine. "Ignore them. They are just bored and jealous."
"Exactly. We know you and support you" Luis says to my other side.
"Thank you" I reply, trying to smile and focus on them, on my friends. Though it won't be easy…
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How did it go? 
Ok? What does it mean?
It means that it was ok
Val, what happened?
Nothing  The kids are great One of them was wearing your shirt and came to show me with the biggest smile And then he asked me if I could get him your autograph
Cheeky 😂
What did you tell him?
That I would depending on how well he behaved and his grades Same to everyone else
Great motivation 😅
But if it was ok, why are you… off?
I'm not off
Val, I can feel it and we are just texting while being kilometres away
What happened?
Val… what did we promise each other?
No more secrets
Ok, fine It was the parents They kept whispering and gossiping as I walked past them It was very uncomfortable, they were making me feel as if I had done something bad
But you haven't
I know, but… It doesn't matter
It doesn't It was just the first day, the novelty In a few days they will have moved on into something else Like a parent having a fling with another or whatever
Val, are you sure you are ok?
Do you want to facetime?
I'm fine, Pedri I'm going to bed already, I'm shattered  And so should you, you have a game tomorrow
If I don't sleep well and play badly we'll probably lose.
Yes, but I don't want you to lose because you were shit I want you to lose because the others suck
Always so thoughtful 😂
But Val…
What now 🙄
I love you 🤍
I love you too 🤍
"I can't fucking believe it."
"What happened?" Silvia asks me.
"Isabel, I mean, “the mole”, just shared more photos" I sigh.
"What? How? I thought you had deactivated all your accounts."
"I did. But she must have download the photos or something."
"That is so fucked up, Val… Has the people Barça hired said something?"
"That whoever this person is, they are uploading and sending the photos using public WiFi signals and fake emails. That they know what they are doing."
"And do you really think Isabel is capable of doing all that?"
"She hates me, Silvia. She's capable of that and more." 
"Yeah, but… The teenagers are nuts" she says. "They could have hacked someone's account or something and be the ones doing this."
"It has been Isabel since the beginning. What has been shared about me are things only someone who actually knows me and has done it for years can know, and she had access to all my photos through Marc's accounts. It is her." 
"What are you going to do? Because this can't keep going on, and if they aren't able to catch her…"
"I don't know" I sigh. "And that must be my car" I say when my phone pings.
"Val, maybe you shouldn't go to today's game."
"I have to, Silvia. They are playing against Manchester United, Ferran is back, and he's gonna introduce us to his girlfriend. I can't miss it."
"But Val…"
"I have to go" I say, getting up from the sofa and leaving before she can keep talking, taking deep breaths on the lift to calm myself down. Which is what I've been doing the most these past couple of months. Take deep breaths, and cry.
At the school things have calmed down. After just a week, what I had told Pedri would happen became a reality and they moved on into a new piece of gossip, though I still get some disapproving looks. Online, it is a different story.
Most fans are ok with me dating Pedri or don't care. The only thing that matters to them is if he is happy or not, and they can see that he is. But there are others who don't share that sentiment and who are ruthless, constantly overanalyzing every photo of us or just me alone that they find, calling me the most awful and mean nicknames they can think of. 
A couple of weeks ago, someone started to send them photos of Pedri and I together or from when I was at uni and in high school, private photos I had on Instagram and Facebook and that only my friends and family were supposed to see. And, of course, the mean comments didn't slow down. They only got more and more disgusting.
"Val, hi!" Ter Stegen's wife, Dani, says while waving at me.
"Hi" I smile.
"How are you? Ready for tonight's game?"
"Ready" I say, sitting down. 
Before the season started I promised Pedri that I would watch him play with the other girlfriends and wives, that there will be no more getting tickets all around the stadium. And so far, I had managed to do it, Dani helping me to not feel so out of place. Though with the comments she and the others would get every time they would post a photo where you could see me, the only thing that helped was ignoring or blocking. 
"It feels a bit weird to see Ferran on the other team, doesn't it?" Dani says.
"It does… ouch" I complain when something hits my head.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. I guess someone lost their bottle's lid" I say, looking up.
"At least it was just that and not water. Or worse, beer. I saw that happen in Germany to a friend of mine."
"Oh my God."
"Yep" she laughs.
"Cougar!" someone shouts behind us.
"What the fuck" Dani says, turning around. 
"Ignore them."
"What? They are insulting you, Val."
"They just want attention. The best we can do is ignore them."
"Please, Dani. Let's focus on the game."
"Ok, fine. We'll do as you say."
But the insults don't stop. The girls sitting a few rows behind us spend the first half of the game calling me names, making fun of me and throwing me popcorn.
"We should tell security, Val. This is not ok."
"And end up all over the internet like happened years ago? Hell no."
"But you would only be defending yourself from some bullies!"
"Dani, let it go."
"And if I go talk to them? Maybe they will listen to me."
"No, no, no. I don't want you getting involved."
"Val, you are my friend. I can't just sit and do nothing while two stupid teenagers keep insulting you."
"Dani, please" I beg her.
"Urgh, fine. You are looking at me the same way my kids do and I can't say no to that."
"Thank you" I say, trying to smile. And I say trying because a ball of paper just hit my head, the girls laughing like crazy.
"Hello" Pedri smiles, walking towards me.
"Ready to meet Ferran and… Val, what happened?" he says, throwing his bag next to his car and cupping my face while giving me a concerned look. 
"Nothing" I shrug.
"Val, you've been crying."
"Valeria…" he sighs.
"It's nothing."
"If it has made you cry, it definitely is something. Talk to me."
"But what about Ferran? He probably is waiting for us, the team must be leaving soon and…"
"Don't worry about him now. Tell me what happened."
"It's… it's nothing, really."
"Please, Val. I hate seeing you like this" Pedri says, the way he is looking at me breaking my heart.
"There were a couple of girls sitting behind us, and they…"
"They what?"
"They spent the whole game insulting me and throwing me popcorn."
"And didn't security do anything?"
"Dani wanted to call them, but I didn't let her."
"You didn't? Why?"
"Because I didn't want to make another scene, and those girls only wanted attention."
"They were bullying you, Val. And they made you cry. Because they are the reason why you were crying, weren't they?"
"Yes" I nod. "When the game ended we walked past them and they… they…"
"They what?"
"They were basically calling me a whore" I say, starting to cry again.
"See why you should have told security about them?" Pedri says, raising his voice.
"That would have only made things worse and you know it."
"What I know is that this can't keep happening, Val. It can't! I'm gonna speak with my team, the club and whoever is necessary and put an end to this."
"No! I'm not gonna allow my so called fans to keep bullying the woman I love. Enough is enough!" he says. I think I had never seen him this angry before.
"Please don't say anything. Please" I cry.
"What? Are you out of our mind, Val?"
"If you say something it will only get worse. And I… I won't be able to deal with that. Please let it go, Pedri. Please."
"Please" I beg him, hugging him as tightly as I can while crying on his shoulder. "Please."
"I… fine" he sighs. "But if it happens again, you will let me do something. We are done looking the other way, ok?"
"Ok" I say, still not letting go of him, feeling like he is the only thing keeping me from truly breaking apart.
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holy shit i just realised i asked u to write for shoto and awhile u replied to an anon who sent the exact same thing i did but with the emoji i was about to use but changed last minute…. wtf ANYWAYS PLS WRITE FOR SHOTO 😍😍😍😍😍🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 LOVE UR WORKKKK
Hi!! I’m sorry this took a while to get out, but thank you for your request! Now that it’s Summer I’ll be able to write more and quickly, so even though this is a bit rushed, I hope you like it :)
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Pairing: Pro!Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Warnings: fluff; like it’s basically just fluff; so proud of myself for being able to do a single one-shot without writing smut
Word Count: 0.8k
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The vibration of your phone rumbled over your table, effectively grasping your attention.
A bookmark was quickly placed within your novel, some murder-mystery series that Mina had recommended. While the writing was pretty good, you were almost sure that she enjoyed it primarily for the charming antihero, a move that you both respected and related to.
You picked up your phone, waiting a few seconds for the facial recognition to pick up on your features.
Flitting through a few reminders, you read your most recent notification, eyes lighting up.
“Sho!” You called, voice echoing through your shared apartment.
It only took a few moments for the bathroom door to open, steam slipping through the growing crack to reveal your fiancé. Times like this only reminded you how unconsciously angelical he was, damp hair falling over the scar adorning his features.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, head tilting in a way that was oddly reminiscent of how a confused dog would question his owner. “Did you get scared by the drying going off again."
A towel lay low on his hips, an extra detail that only caused you to momentarily forget why you called him in the first place.
Regardless, you shook the thought off, playfully rolling your eyes and holding your phone up for him to see. “That happened once. And no, look.”
Shoto blinked, gaze traveling from the device back to you. “Twitter?”
“Yes, baby, it’s Twitter, but that’s not what I meant.” You pushed it into his hands. “Scroll.”
He complied, bi-colored eyes scanning for anything that would've caused you to need him.
It took a few seconds for him to recognize the reason for your excitement, gaze flitting back up to meet your smile and outstretched hand.
“Pay up.”
Last year, 'The People's Hero Billboard Chart' had been the last thing on your mind.
At least, that was until Ochako called, her laughter bubbling over the line.
It was mainly run by online voting and polls, awarding the Pro's trivial titles such as 'Best Hair' or, your personal favorite, 'Most Likely To Secretly Be Dating a Villain.'
You never would have expected that Shoto would have been receiving that of 'Best Looking.'
Obviously, you weren't blind.
It was quite apparent that your partner was extremely attractive. However, you weren't exactly one to keep track of social media that didn't include funny animal and/or panda-shaped bread making videos.
But this was just another opportunity to appreciate what you already knew was true.
He wouldn't say it out loud, but the whisper of a smile gracing his lips gave some hint as to how much he enjoyed your doting, a desire that you were more than happy to indulge in.
Your actions sizzled off as the months went by, but it only took the reminder lighting up your screen to resume them.
Despite receiving a nomination, Shoto had waved away your harmless teasing, only leading for it to escalate, something that he only should've expected.
"Can you even win something twice in a row?"
You shrugged, mindlessly sorting certain silverware into its rightful spot. "For most things, I guess."
"Like what?" He asked, handing you another spoon.
"Uh..." You thought about it for a second, all prior knowledge on sports or artistic awards that could have provided an instance suddenly vanishing. "Like, maybe when Gryffindor wins all the damn time in Harry Potter."
"What's that?"
The dislike of your deficient, and fictional, example completely evaded you, the feeling immediately replaced by one that could only be described by blunt shock. "You're joking."
"No." He blinked. "Should I?"
"Yes, I seriously cannot wait to see the giant rock you've been hiding under." You playfully quipped, earning a low chuckle from the man behind you. "But regardless, I'm ready to bet anything that you'll win again. I'll give you whatever you want."
"But I already have everything I want."
His words made your heart flutter, a giddy smile creeping over your features. "There's really nothing that you want from me?"
Tilting his head, he took a moment before giving you a smirk that he only ever put on when you were alone. "I mean-"
Laughing, you nudged his shoulder, trying to hide the slight warmth bleeding into your cheeks.
It didn't matter what he asked of you.
You won.
He smiled softly, blunt honesty doing nothing to hide the subtle excitement hiding in his actions.
Taking your still-outstretched hand, he tossed your phone onto a pillow and pulled himself onto the covers beside you. He gently took your arm and moved it over his torso, your head now resting on his chest.
Shoto would've given you anything that you asked, regardless of whether or not you had won some silly bet.
But time spent with him was really all you wanted.
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lonelylonelyghost · 3 months
Re-watch of The Spirealm. Episode 28
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This will haunt me
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"Some go with the wind, some enter our dreams, and some linger in our heart."
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Poor soul, the funeral hasn't even happen yet, but she already has to deal with all this...
"The Spiralm harms people, and many innocent lives have been lost. Over the years, most of the money that Li-ge earned went to the families of these people. Li-ge often said the game hurts people. Since we can't destroy it, why not do something for their families in the end?"
Nooooo... We're not worthy of Li Dongyuan...
"Why not join us? You'll have some support."
"No. White Deer is Li-ge's hard work. Even if I die, I will die with White Deer."
And now Zhuang Rujiao has to grow up, quickly and without the right to make any mistakes... Excuse me while I'll go cry in the corner
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That was very hot of him, ngl
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Very pretty. Do they sell Spirealm merch?
"Lingling-ge, I heard that Ruan-ge is now involved is now involved in the management of White Deer. He didn't used to be like this. He used to always turn a blind eye to everything."
"Has he changed a lot?"
"Since you came, he has indeed changed a lot."
Yeah, love does that to people sometimes
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Sunny Girl Door!
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Pretending to meet each other for the first time while looking at each other like that
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And her face lol
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Literally poking a tiger right now. Girl, what are you doing?
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And Qiushi's reaction at someone hitting on his boyfriend - "Do you think he has eyes literally for anyone but me? Good luck, lmao"
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I like that the exposition that we get in every door is literally a part of the plot, because it's the game and those people are NPCs. But even then they don't make it boring or obvious, you still have to figure lots of stuff out
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A Power Couple
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I hate this dude with my whole heart, but I get it. Listening to rich kids arguing which super-uber-luxury places and hotels they're gonna stay in is a special kind of torture.
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It's giving me "a newly-moved gay couple visiting their neighbours" vibe
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"Drop the flag. Drop the flag.
Softly behind your friend's back.
Everybody, quiet down.
Quickly, quickly run around."
I love that every Door has its own thing, either song, or proverb or rhyme. It's so cool
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What was, but could not last
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Men want only one thing and it is to have BREAKFAST. With each other.
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Oh god, do not remind me of eggs 😨
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Nonverbal communication
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Why are they so beautiful?...
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"Sunny Doll, Sunny Doll! May tomorrow's weather be clear, just like the sky in my dreams. If it's sunny, I'll give you a golden bell.
Sunny Doll, Sunny Doll! May tomorrow's weather be clear. If you listen to my wish, I'll give you sweet wine to drink.
Sunny Doll, Sunny Doll! May tomorrow's weather be clear. If it's still cloudy and rainy tomorrow, I'll chop off you head."
Well, that escalated quickly, holy shit 😦
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gardenofbookworms · 5 months
today is a very special day and so i am taking advantage of this opportunity to give you all my manga recs before rose kills me :D
(“bee i thought you hated romance there's a lot of bl on here” bl doesn't count okay. shhh)
*note: author and character names are in last-name-first-name format when full name is shown
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Kindergarten Wars by Chiba You
in japan there exists an establishment called kindergarten noir, where children can often be seen running around in the playground out front. though it may look unassuming—this is the safest kindergarten in the world, daily attacked by assassins (such as leo) yet never having lost one single child. rita is one of the staff members, all of which are former convicts with more kills than their age in years and enough baggage to weigh down a jet. her only goal in life? to find a hot boyfriend (and definitely NOT her nicotine addicted swindler colleague). but before that, there’s something that must be done at any cost—protect the children.
the balance in this manga is actual, literal perfection. it’s officially classified as a comedy, and yet there’s a real seriousness behind the characters and their missions that makes it so, so emotional (the end of the asakusa arc…). not only that, but there seems to be a lovebug going around, and of course it’s not complete without the resident manga otaku (luke). the “elite” from another level in fighting aren’t set apart from the others in the kindergarten, either—the characters are constantly unified and there for each other which only made it worse when [redacted].
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Servamp by Strike TANAKA
shirota mahiru is a very simple person. if you see a lonely cat, you pick it up, right? but what if the cat is a vampire, or rather, servamp, and he's just been dragged into the complex world of the supernatural (y'know, vampires, werewolves, demon children splitting in half)? with tensions growing between the seven and the “eighth”, the servamps draw closer to war. and, thinking simply, mahiru and his neet vampire kuro are the only ones who can stop it—and not without help, of course. now, how much of that was a lie?
word is that servamp is ending this year which, nooo…but holy shit is it a good series. everything escalates really really quickly (and ridiculously but that's the charm) but each arc is obviously carefully thought out (sakuya……lilly……ophelia……tsurugi……). the complexity makes it a little hard to follow sometimes, but seeing the way the characters struggle to keep their morals and navigate relationships with each other and more stuff i can't fit here is so, so worth it.
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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead by Aso Haro and Takata Kotaro
tendo akira has a definite zombie apocalypse role—the guy who’s just happy not to go to work. having had his dreams crushed by an exploitative corporation, akira would readily take a zombie apocalypse over another day in the office. when his prayers are answered, he realizes he’s had no free time to be anything other than an employee. so what does he do? make a bucket list, of course! after a reunion with college friend kenchiro ryuzaki, the two travel japan and meet other survivors—shizuka, a strategist whose dream is to become a doctor, and beatrix, a foreigner and samurai who came to japan with bright eyes. hordes and manipulative former bosses may follow them, but they can’t fall to their level—because they’d much rather be eaten by zombies than miss out on a chance to live.
i first found out about this manga through the anime (which is phenomenal but beware for your mental health). the way it kicks off really set the tone—akira tries confessing to his coworker, but it goes nothing like he’d ever plan for—that bittersweet start had me hooked throughout the manga. a lot, if not all, of the circumstances are nothing short of ridiculous, my favorite examples being the zombie shark (defeated by electric punch) and the government robots (defeated with the help of a gamer girl). above all, the bad guys aren’t the zombies! it’s—you guessed it—capitalism (yay!).
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The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All by Sumiko Arai
highschool gyaru oosawa aya is set apart from the rest of her glamorous friends by (mostly) one thing—her music taste. deviating far from the typical, fresh j-pop that everyone seems to listen to, aya prefers her much-treasured american indie rock bands. koga mitsuki, who quickly earns her reputation as “the prince”, is the same way, except she’s on the opposite side of the school spectrum. but it just so happens that mitsuki, one of those “loner-types”, sits right next to aya in class. when their paths cross for real at the record shop where mitsuki works, a case of mistaken identity is the first thing that sets off their relationship—but when you break it down, they’re just two people who really love music.
there are two things that i absolutely adore in this manga. a) MUSIC IS A BIG FOCUS. AHHHH if you can’t tell im also obsessed with music so (btw on spotify i have a playlist of all the songs featured in the manga if you’d like to take a look). really loved the exploration with mitsuki and aya’s feelings about music and also mitsuki’s uncle AND kanna too. and b) the art style is so captivating…the use of green, and especially neon green at that, is so so cool. it kind of reminds me of glitter pen ink with all its shiny-ness. flashy teen romances are definitely not my thing but this series…
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Hirano and Kagiura by Harusono Shou
kagiura akira has never been good at waking up early, despite all his early basketball practices. luckily, he's got his new school dormmate hirano taiga to help him get out of bed. but as the school semester progresses, kagiura begins to realize something—he is horribly, hopelessly, in love with hirano. when he figures out hirano doesn't return his feelings, they enter a compromise; for ten seconds a day, kagiura is allowed to touch him with more affection than just between “friends”. starstruck, kagiura is willing to give him all the time he needs to come to terms with his feelings. but hirano isn't even sure of them himself—kagiura is so, so close to his heart, but are those feelings really romantic? and just how long is he okay with making him wait? and when will they be past the point of trying?
how do i even start to describe this manga. every single chapter i read, there were at least three times i had to put my phone down and take a deep breath. why? because they are so cute rahhhhhh. kagiura’s initial underlying uncertainty about his feelings growing into something he's more sure about is. an amazing reflection of his maturity. meanwhile hirano is still catching up, trying to sort through everything but still cheering his kagi-kun (that's so affectionate i’m gonna cry) on. and obviously, because this is bl and who are we kidding, there's niibashi and hanzawa for comical outsider pov commentary (while i'm on that pipeline, i adore how hanzawa knows and trying his best to be supportive).
“but bee, i thought you had seven recs?” i do, but unfortunately i am lazy af and forgot to write the last summary for given (kizu natsuki). it’s still one of my favorites though. music, romance, and of course, angst. yes it’s bl, shhh. i also highly recommend the bungou stray dogs series (asagiri kafka and harukawa sango) but since that’s a little more widely known (and we trend once a month, if yk yk), i’m not gonna get into it.
hope you enjoyed :DDD
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quietpagan · 8 months
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish and yes I'm late, so sue me
I wasn't going to watch any of the PiB movies but I heard 'Death' was a character, so
First two minutes: It's GORGEOUS and here's an entire post of me freaking out over the visual mastery of this film
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If I'd seen this in theatres today I'd get kicked out for gasping so much
I can't even
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The animation style is so beautiful I'm gasping out loud and had to stop three minutes in to begin this post, it's wild. The particles - !
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Every single frame of this film is a goddamn work of art. Look at the stars on the wooden ceiling. Look at the lighting.
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Even the reflection in the glass, holy shit
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They need to stop flexing before I have a frickin heart attack here
Also thank you for putting actual blood and not just a reddish cut, actual dripping blood, thank you :)
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This is such a love letter to animation and art and I'm here for it
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The scene transitions are absolute *chef's kiss*
THEY ACTUALLY *BEEPED* OUT A SWEAR WORD it's a third of the way through and this is my new favorite movie
Each glitter particle glistens in its own moment, I cannot
I feel like a lot of modern movies have some weird fear of putting genuine color into a film. WELL NOT HERE FOLKS. ABSOLUTE PSYCHODELIC COLOR EXPLOSIONS THROUGHOUT.
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What the fuck, that escalated quickly
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THe dog has a potty mouth and every swear word is BEEP'd out and he swore a LOT
I love how all of the characters just rant the fuck off in Spanish when they get mad
I didn't see the other Puss movies but Softpaws?? Was declawed at some point?? That's so mean?? that's literally amputations omg her poor hands
And she left Puss at the altar at the same time that HE left HER at the altar, these assholes deserve each other at this point because absolutely nobody else will put up with either of them on a serious level
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except for the dog, who deserves the world. LOOK AT HIM
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Kitty wasn't going to wait for a egocentric asshat to put down his ego for her, YOU GO GIRL
somebody put the puppy in a sock and tried to drown him omg
he has the saddest backstory but he's just happy to have his life and his friends, whereas Puss had nine lives and didn't appreciate any of them, okay, I get it now
The dog actually calmed Puss down from a panic attack and you could hear his heartbeat calming and it was really sweet
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The framing of this film is fantastic. Also, Death? Actual Death? The thing that Puss wasn't aware he was afraid of or even needed to be afraid of yet was running from his entire life? Such an incredible villain
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I can't concentrate on anything else about the movie because everything is just so goddamn pretty.
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The movements and the visuals are just a little bit choppy and a little unfinished, making every still look like a painting. It's so stylized and wonderfully so
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jesus christ what a visual callback
Okay movie's done and I can talk now
THE CAT LADY i love her <3
I appreciate that Goldilocks finally accepted her family but it's okay to want other things, I think, as long as you're not taking for granted what you currently have. That said, they're definitely going to have to talk it out because stuff like that doesn't just go away with a quip and a new business plan
One that note, the fucking cricket was hilarious. John Mulaney's character was a riot and I appreciate the cricket giving up on him as a bad job.
I was worried about Death's defeat being a bit of a cop-out but it wasn't. Death was angry that Puss was given so many lives and appreciated exactly none of them, thinking himself invincible forever, not understanding consequences because they never really applied to him, so they decided to cheat and take his last one early. But Puss accepted his mortality and began to appreciate his last life properly, so Death let him live it. It was done well.
I don't really like the 'tough girl no trust femme fatale love interest' thing, I think it's tired and overwrought, so Kitty wasn't my favorite, but I liked her anyway. And I liked that she's able to poor-little-meow-meow Puss when he least expects it.
The doctor scene where we went through each of Puss's lives was storyboarded so beautifully, even the title cards were gorgeous
the fight scenes are so pretty
I can't do anything besides gush over how fucking pretty this film was, I'm useless
Anyway watch the film, it's just a masterpiece and the music was fantastic and I loved the whole thing
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prismaticpichu · 10 months
25 for Seph and 6 for Zack <3
Heck yeah! You got it! ❤️ (I actually just answered #6 with Zack so i’ma skip that one if that’s all good! Though main takeaway is that I associate with his unwavering faith in others <3)
What was your first impression of this character? How about now? ~ ohhhhh YES YES YES i love this question xDD I always hoped for an opportunity to talk about my first discovery of Sephiroth shshdhhd. So! What was my first impression of Sephiroth..? Did I faint? Did I melt? Did I combust into flames at the sheer majesty?
Oh, no. My first impression of him was complete and utter HATRED…
For about 2 minutes.
Okie doke so this isn’t as much as a “first impression” as it is my emotions under the circumstance in which I was introduced to him, but I wanna tell the unasked for story anyway lol. So, basically, imagine this: it’s winter or 2020. Little Pichu is stuck inside alongside the rest of the world. There wasn’t much to do, not much to look forward to. But ofc, I always had video games to entertain me. Specifically, Smash Ultimate—a game I played obsessively during lockdown, day after day. Anywho, like I said, it’s winter of 2020. December. And what was coming up in just a few days…? The Game Awards.
Normally, I really wouldn’t care all too much. I never really gave a poo before lol. But this year??? This year, it was different. It was almost guaranteed that a new smash fighter was gonna revealed. And as someone who’s heart and soul was tethered to the game at the time, this was everything to me xD
So! There I am, sitting on the couch in front of the TV. It’s the 10th of December. The Game Awards would be on any moment. Already I’m sitting there and letting my brain trip over all the potential fighters that can be revealed. The anticipation is REAL, man. SO REAL.
The Game Awards start.
The first thing to appear on the screen is a Smash Bros trailer.
Little Pichu is PSYCHED. Heart tenses. Breath hitches. All the characters are there on the cliff. No indication as to who it can be. All options are valid. Every single hope has a chance. They’re about to fight Galeem. The thing prepares to unleash an attack. The music escalates and the god gets sliced in half and—
The F*ck.
Is that.
So, yeah, um, I was very uncultured and had no idea who one of the most iconic villains to exist was x,D It’s actually REALLY embarrassing lol. Anyways, as Sephiroth descended from the sky and that random choir began chanting in the background, all I could feel was RAGE. I’m tell you. It was cold, bitter FURY. How could they add another swordfighter??? We have ENOUGH. Who is this woman??? What??? WHY??? WHY HER?????? WHY NOT SOMEONE I KNOW AND WANTED—!
You know how I said the anger lasted for 2 minutes.
It was prolly more like 55 seconds.
As almost as quickly as I wanted to chuck my remote at the screen, I had turned into, like, a mesmerized sheep. The trailer was (as my vocab would say at the time) freaking EPIC, man! The dude was UNSTOPPABLE. He plowed through anything and everything and holy SHIT DID HE JUST KILL MARIO?—
Yeaaaaah so that’s how it started tor me xD It wasn’t long until I was binge watching memes of Sephiroth’s entrance to smash, scarfing down comics of him and Pichu, and coming to the realization that I actually wanted to know a lot more about this character. I still remember the moment I opened up Google and typed in “Who is Sephiroth?” That’s how engraved this man is into my essence xD Pichu get help. I was brought to a wiki page, and there was literally no turning back lol. I learned that he used to be a hero—a good guy—which absolutely plunged me into wanting to hunt down the Nibelheim Incident and see his downfall. I became so invested in what I didn’t see from his good side that I hunted down an 8 hour playthrough of Crisis Core, as that’s what I discovered was the prequel to it all. Next came devouring fanfic and headcanoning- and, well, here we are today xDD Needless to say I love this stupid psycho to death, and i don’t think that’s changing anytime soon!
…..This has no right to be this long dhdhdhhd.
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piratefalls · 2 years
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four years after writing my last sterek fic i realized i never made a master list. since the movie has me dipping back into the fandom, i figured now is as good time as any to do it. listed in order of when they were posted.
Say a Prayer and Close Your Eyes (It's Just a Little Turbulence) (t, 9k)
Everything in Derek's life has been broken down to before and after.  Before the alpha pack.  Before the kanima.  Before Laura died. After everything.
Derek just wants to stop dreading what could be next.
Man, Interrupted (m, 4k)
Or: 5 Times Derek Tried to Get Off (And the One Time He Did)
That Escalated Quickly by (t, 1k)
Derek and stairs are not on good terms.
New Favorite Day (series, t, 34k)
Wherein Derek fails at recognizing his accidental pop culture references.
Today and Every Day (t, 8k)
Or: Five Times Derek Tries to Propose (and the One Time He Does)
After six years together, Derek feels like it’s the right time to propose. The Universe, however, has other plans.
The Comedy (Is That It's Serious) (t, 15k)
They say that lightning never strikes in the same place twice.
Unfortunately, not all things work that way.
Ho, Ho, Holy Shit (Or, The Time Derek Hale Forgot About Christmas) (t, 6k)
It’s December 10th when it hits Derek, roughly around the same time the plate he’d been holding hits the floor, that Christmas is two weeks away and he’s done a grand total of nothing. Stiles has been hoarding presents all year (he’s a “buy it when you see it” kind of guy) and as such has long since finished and wrapped all of his gifts.
And then there’s Derek, slack-jawed in the middle of his kitchen floor, surrounded by shards of porcelain because he fucking forgot Christmas.
Cause of Death (series, t, 5.5k)
“I’m gonna die,” he squeaks out.
Derek sighs. “You’re not going to die, Stiles.”
He carries on like Derek hadn’t even spoken. “I can see it now: Here lies Stiles Stilinski. Cause of death: attempted boning.”
(Waiting) Until the Sky Falls Down on Me (e, 3k)
Or: Why Derek Hale is Never Listening to Stiles Ever Again
Derek's been cursed by a witch, and as a result, he's supernaturally super-glued to Stiles until the next full moon.
It wouldn't be so bad, if the struggle to hide their relationship weren't real enough to begin with.
Nose Goes (g, 1k)
prompt: sterek, things you said that i wasn't meant to hear
it's my (pants) party and i'll cry if i want to (e, 5k)
Stiles really should have known by now that dating a witch who’s liable to get angry at the drop of a hat probably wasn’t his best relationship decision. But he didn't.
Stiles just never thought that, after she cursed him, it would turn out to be so literal.
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cosmicjoke · 7 months
Okay, chapter 209 of "Vinland Saga", and holy shit, Ivar done fucked up.
Another short chapter, but at least this one felt like it had real consequences. Ivar got his hand chopped off. This is what happens when you play with swords and don't actually know how to use them. Ivar, as is typical, glorified war because he didn't actually have any experience with it. He thought he was hot shit, and now he's getting an ugly dose of reality. His reaction to Ganglati dying shows he has no experience. He's never even seen a dead body, probably. It would be funny, except it's actually terrifying, especially in terms of what it could mean for Thorfinn.
I really do wonder what's going to happen now. All of the supposedly able bodied men that were so ready to fight walked right into the Lnu's trap and have been shot full of arrows. They need Thorfinn to save them, but he's still back in the forest with Hild, trying to deal with everything that's going on there. Things are escalating so quickly in the village, and I know Einar and Bug-eyes are headed there too. It definitely feels like a disaster waiting to happen, or already is a disaster, really, and I don't know if Thorfinn can make it back on time, and even if he does, things have spun so rapidly out of control, it doesn't at all seem salvageable. He's going to have to fight. This group of Lnu clearly aren't interested in anything like negotiation. They came to take. Ga'aoqi especially seems filled with blood lust, especially now that he's gotten a taste of the kind of damage a metal sword can do.
This chapter got me right back to feeling the tension of before, so that's good. I really want to see what's going on with Thorfinn and what's going to happen when he makes it back to the village, what his reaction is going to be. Several people have been killed already. I don't know if the Lnu are going to leave, now that they've gotten what they came for, or if they're going to start raiding and pillaging. I'm actually hoping for the latter, for drama's sake. I don't want to see another easy resolution to this conflict. I don't think there will be one. I think Thorfinn's vow of pacifism really needs to be tested and pushed. In a way, he's already had to break it, by fighting back against the Lnu in the forest. But when he sees some of his own people have actually been killed, people that he was charged with the protection of, as their leader, that's going to push him even further. He can't just stand by and let them be slaughtered. And with Einar and Bug-eyes on their way there, what will Thorfinn's reaction be if they're directly threatened?
Ugh, waiting a month is going to be hard.
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A Clash of Kings - 01 ARYA I (pages 27-33)
Arya begins her journey north with Yoren and his Night's Watch 'recruits' while trying to deal with the emotional fallout of her father's murder.
She wished the Rush would rise up and wash the whole city away, Flea Bottom and the Red Keep and the Great Sept and everything, and everyone too, especially Prince Joffrey and his mother. But she knew it wouldn't, and anyhow Sansa was still in the city and would wash away too. When she remembered that, Arya wished for Winterfell instead.
Awwww. Sisterly forgiveness and affection is not "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you" it's "You aren't included in the intended victims of my plot or on the hit list I gave to God for his divine smiting."
They took five wagons out of King's Landing, laden with supplies for the Wall; hides and bolts of cloth, bars of pig iron, a cage of ravens, books and papers and ink, a bale of sourleaf, jars of oil, and chests of medicine and spices. Teams of plow horses pulled the wagons, and Yoren had bought two coursers and a half-dozen donkeys for the boys.
Again, this is one of my favourite details about GRRM's works, the details. I have read so many books that would have left it at "-laden with supplies for the Wall." IF they'd bothered to mention supply wagons at all. ehehe, spell of summon supply wagon. Can only be used at your destination.
Arya hated them making fun of Needle. "It's castle-forged steel, you stupid," she snapped, turning in the saddle to glare at them, "and you'd better shut your mouth." ... "He probably stole it." "I did not!" she shouted. Jon Snow had given her Needle. Maybe she had to let them call her Lumpyhead, but she wasn't going to let them call Jon a thief. ... Yes, I do, Arya could have said. I killed a boy, a fat boy like you, I stabbed him in the belly and he died, and I'll kill you too if you don't let me alone. Only she did not dare. Yoren didn't know about the stableboy, but she was afraid of what he might do if he found out.
Ah, there's the tricky bit. Arya has always been the kind of girl who speaks her mind, whether it's appropriate or not. She's doing well to keep her tongue and keep to herself, for the most part, despite the boys being Grade A asshats, but she does still have her lines that she can't quite keep from snapping. Like insults to Jon.
Arya slid her practice sword from her belt. "You can have this one," she told Hot Pie, not wanting to fight. "That's just some stick." He rode nearer and tried to reach over for Needle's Hilt. Arya made the stick whistle as she laid the wood across his donkey's hindquarters. The animal hawed and bucked, dumping Hot Pie on the ground.
Yes! Good attempt at de-escalating, solid negotiation attempt, and an excellent improvisation when it failed. Good, quick thinking and action!
Holy- that escalated very quickly, and violently! Hot Pie really should have just stayed down. Pride be damned.
Oh! Yoren with the stick. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I know this is the kind of world that still thinks that's an appropriate punishment, and he can't show Arya much of any favour or risk her cover, but damn. And yes, okay, she just brutally, and literally, beat the shit out of Hot Pie, but damn.
Calm as still water, she told herself, the way Syrio Forel had taught her. "Some." He spat. "The pie boy's hurting worse. It wasn't him as killed your father, girl, nor that thieving Lommy neither. Hitting them won't bring him back." "I know," Arya muttered sullenly. "Here's something you don't know. It wasn't supposed to happen like it did. I was set to leave, wagons bought and loaded, and a man comes with a boy for me, and a purse of coin, and a message, never mind who it's from. Lord Eddard's to take the black, he says to me, wait, he'll be going with you. Why d'you think I was there? Only something went queer." "Joffrey," Arya breathed. "Someone should kill him!" "Someone will, but it won't be me, nor you neither."
Still mad at Yoren for flogging her thighs, but he knows what's up. Decent talk down... mind you given this series, that actually a pretty high compliment.
Also happy to see Syrio mentioned. Too many series forget the dead mentor as soon as the body is off screen, and dredge it up when they need a quick 'hey remember your angsty backstory' moment. I like that what she's remembering is basically a meditation and calming technique. The show freaking robbed us. It was all swish-swish-stab, and none of the quieter things.
It did give us the 'what do we say to the god of death' meme, but that's just a variant on "Today is a Good Day To Die" "Yeah, but tomorrow's an even better one"/"A good day for you to die."
When Arya squinted the right way she could see a sword too, only it wasn't a new sword, it was Ice, her father's greatsword, all ripply Valyrian steel, and the red was Lord Eddard's blood on the blade after Ser Ilyn the King's Justice had cut off his head. Yoren had made her look away when it happened, yet it seemed to her that the comet looked like Ice must have, after.
Valyrian steel = 🥛
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surrealsunday · 2 years
SO I FINALLY CAUGHT UP THR LAST THREE CHAPTERS AND WOW- so much to say ngl and kinda glad you split chap6-7 in two, very grateful for that :))). okay so little rambling time ahah
• chapter 5: what a rollercoaster on its own holy shit! it went from weird vibe, flirting to quickly escalate to an argument and then to sth very intense with the last scene 😏 but as always i really loved it! the first scene with basile and eliott’s interaction made me smile ngl, like i said earlier their dynamic would have been so worth showing in the show 👌🏻 also the flirting part when eliott is just staring at lucas’ face and blushing when he notices 🥺 my baby 🥺and that line im so obsessed and soft pls “no need when Lucas is sitting in the sun looking like that - like a fallen angel. Fallen perhaps because no one who looks that sinfully good could ever remain untouched in heaven.”
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oh yeah also idriss with manon…seriously one of my fav thing💗 elu’s hug at the end with the “it can wait” warmed my heart, i smiled like an idiot sjsbsb
• chapter 6: probably one of my fav chapter! i love how they’re already so gone for eo (literally), their teasing is exquisite every time omg i love them sm 🤌🏻 also the moment when lucas explained the thing with ch*rles…i never wanted to punch someone that hard in the face, seriously sbsjdbd i kept repeating “wanna slap him omg i so wanna slap him”, and then eliott saying “i will kill him”, like same bestie!! 😭 also idk if it’s just me but you can already see that kind of domesticity between them, like it’s as if they’ve been tgt for years dbdjdb
• chapter 7: again. the rollercoaster that chapter was! eliott wanting to look nice for lucas 🥺 lucas taking the initiative to hold hands with eliott and saying “i feel safe with you” I DIED OF CUTENESS PLS. also basike drunk is so fucking funny LMAOO, he’s such a mood here 🤣
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plus, that moment where eliott learns lucas wants to move out from his fam house and he already can see them living their little cosy life tgt doing domestic stuff, my heart just explode he loves him so much 🥺 they’re gonna be the death of me, in every universe istg 😭
the fact i already knew what was coming but still- it was hard, very hard 🥲 like i couldn’t stop nervously laugh knowing what’s gonna happen. but then even that “sack of shit” said those words omg 😭 i imagined the look of lucas’ face, how he was feeling,…i felt so fucking bad and wanted to hug him forever🤧 i literally screamed and insult him even more, then queen daphy bite the crap out of him 😌 and then again, u broke me with “i hate u more”
little summary of my mood throughout this chapter:
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they better figure everything out quick or imma jump into this story and lock them in a room to have a proper talk lmaoo. no but seriously i know they’re gonna be okay but still this moment is tough, but worth it 😌
anyways, i hope you’ll have a nice nye’s celebration and wish you the best for this new year! (also never more looked forward to get the new update than now ngl, i kinda feel hollow now 🧍🏼‍♀️🤣)
Omg adlkfjasdlkfj your reactions and memes are just the actual best and I'm dying 😂😂😂❤️️❤️️❤️️.
The line you pulled out of chapter 5 (Lucas as a fallen angel), literally how accurate tho? Eliott was so right for that.
I love how much so many people loved chapter 6 ☺️! I didn't really have a fave chapter in this fic but peoples reactions to that one made me appreciate it so much more. And wanting to punch Charles... very much a mood. I was forever grateful that him getting punched was something that actually happens in the movie. I was happy to stay true to that. I also agree that they settle very quickly into comfortable domestic vibes. That's definitely the point. That instant comfort that comes from being around the right person. It's the same vibe in the next chapter when Eliott is immediately imagining them living together. He's right that it's a little ridiculous to be thinking about something like that when he and Lucas are still so new, but when it's the right person, it's the right person. And there's really no timeline when that's the case.
Lucas deserves all the hugs though, it is true. Poor bub is definitely going through it 🥺. Let himself fall for the 'cool hot guy' again and got so much more badly hurt. Lucas's last line though... ngl... I love it 😌. Truly a fave for me.
Your moodboard throughout the chapter tho 😂😂😂. Yeah that seems about right. Exactly what I was looking to evoke too. The 'laughing nervously' one makes me seriously lol.
Thank you so much for sending your thoughts! I love love love reading what you were thinking!!!
I hope you have a lovely New Year's as well! I will be doing nothing (which is how I like it) aside from maybe a fun makeup look for nobody but my cat. I really do need to work on the next chapter tho so that is the goal for the next couple days!
Happy New Year to you too! 🥳💗💗💗💗
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Hiya!!! Hope you're doing well! JASPER WITH HIS LITTLE COLLAR AND TAG!!! BAT DOG 🦇🐕 😭😭😭😭! Adorable. Adorable!! Tattoo do be poppin' and them cowboy boots ..... okay, okay, I see you. They also look stellar by the way.
Haven't had a chance to look at our boy Delaney but that snippet 👀👀👀 oof.... things indeed escalated quickly.... how very interesting 😏😏😏. BUT YOU WITH THESE CHARACTERS AND THEIR SLUTTLY LITTLE BUTTON POPS AND SHIRTS JUST HAPPENING TO COME OFF?!?!? SIR... sir.... please ... PLEASEEEE have mercy on thine souls 🫠🫠🫠
Alright, now that I've gotten that out, let's get into it.
Just The Sunshine | Bob Saginowski x gn!reader
Ohhohoho.... honey, it ain't the sun that's got 'em all hot an' bothered like that. Don't know how much help that umbrella is gonna be there, Bobby boy 😂. Awe, but they cute, they cute as hell: looking at him like it's their first date.... fuckin' gush.
The Flirting Game | Eames x gn!reader
“Just fucking leave it, alright?!” You snapped, pushing him away from you before storming off to the bedroom. 
Cobbs, FUCK OFF!! But they confessed! They both confessed and now the two of THEM can go on a date. Let's go!!
Our Little Game | Bane x gn!reader
“I’m watching something,” you told him with a shake of your head. “I’ve been dying to watch it for over a year, so please, fuck off, my love.”
Very lovingly, and don't forget that you are the light of my life, but kindly get the fuck out.
“Oh no, I’ve been caught,” you laughed, sarcasm would only make things worse. “What ever shall I do? Surrender to the big, bad man who broke the Bat’s back?”
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This little shit!!! OMG this was literally everything I hoped for and more. Absolutely living for the sassy reader and Bane pairing, let me tell you!
My Robin Redbreast | Bane x gn!reader
"And yet, all Heaven is still in a rage. And will be, until Gotham and its people are free of corruption and greed. There are thousands of robin redbreasts just like you, my beloved.”
🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm not crying, YOU are.... that's bloody beautiful. Both of them working tirelessly so that those who have been pushed to the margins, stepped over, forgotten, may once again have a voice and the remember their own power. And that little requirement of their's.... HIS Robin.... I'm gone 😢😢. They’re like, Imma put that ring on him.
Lucky Sergeant | Alfie Solomons x m!reader
You sighed, breath shaky as you thought about it. “If we’re both gonna die… fuck it. We die together.”
Alfie grinned as he nodded. “That’s my boy. There’s the scrappy cunt I knew back home.”
“Just do not let me die here,” you told him. “Let me die in your arms. And only your arms.”
🥹🥹🥹🥹 Oh fuckin' hell. Either would do anything to ensure the other got out of this and I'm not crying you bloody are... holy fuck 😭😭😭.
The worst part was that you knew he would have done the same, too. 
Oh, the weight of this and especially that they're together now, you know these two bastards are gonna make sure the other makes it out, even if it means sacrificing themself to do it.
Missus Solomons mention!!! My beloved ♥️! And their little reunion 😍😍😍 we got caught last time. Babes.... mans is the cunt in charge now so you lot kiss away!!!!
Broken Soldiers | Alfie Solomons x m!reader
“I ain’t gettin’ any fuckin’ rest unless you come with me,” he told you plainly. “Fuck sleep. If you’re stayin’ up, so am I.”
“Not tonight, Sir,” you chuckled. “Too tired for it.”
Okay. I love these two (I know I literally say that about every pairing but holy shit, I love these two). The level of care and understanding between them. He doesn't need to ask where Alfie was, doesn't need the man the utter the words, intuitively, he knows. Just from his mannerisms, the way he carries himself, and he doesn't need to ask Alfie why he's injured because he already knows that. That type of understanding and familiarity coming from a life time of being at each other's side, of always being there for the other, regardless of who was in the lead or not.... I just... I really love them.
Poor man and Alfie trying to everything in his power to help him, his plea, "you can talk to me about it, you know." And reader knowing that he can, Alfie also understanding that if he needs to, he'll talk to him but until then, he'll continue to be his biggest support and provide him with whatever he needs 🖤🖤. They'll always protect the other, there's no question about it.... fuck... that's beautiful.
Thank you, thank you for writing these! I loved them as always and shit did I really need them. Thank you again and til next time, my friend! Stay safe, as well as you can be and we'll speak soon!!!
Much love 🖤🖤🖤
Good evening!!! I’ve been okay, except this heatwave is killing me lmfao I’m fucking dying, it’s too hot, I can’t lie 😭Jasper’s little Batman getup…. he does REALLY suit it tbf - it’s like, his Thing now. he’s a Batman dog!! that’s his thing!!! and thank you!! so far, the healing process hasn’t been too bad - it’s been a lot easier bc my artist said I can air it out and that (as long as I keep it clean, 3-4 washes a day), then I can keep the clingfilm off bc w the heatwave, obviously i’m gonna sweat, so the risk of infection would’ve been that bit higher. so at least i don’t have to do the cling film djkffhgjkhg so so far it’s been alright! thankfully lmao touch wood! the cowboy boots are MEANT to be for work only for when I’m doing stuff on the garden/private land, bc they’re built for that purpose, buuuuuuuut they’re too comfy 😭so I wear em constantly dfkhkgfh it’s just a shame they don’t match my hat bc it’s black but thank you!!
oooh you’re in for a treat next time you check ao3 👀so far, Once We Were Close has 5 chapters (chapter 6 is otw!) 👀👀 and stands at 6073 words atm 👀 it’s a slow burner 👀👀👀 I GOTTA ADD THE SLUTTY BUTTON POPS AND THE SLIGHT BIT OF STRIPPING, IT MAKES FOR GREAT ENTERTAINMENT DJKFHGHFKJGFGHJFHK like MCD, it’s a niche of mine 
Just The Sunshine
Bob assuming it’s the heat……. suuuure it is, buddy. sure. of course. it’s definitely not bc you’re shirtless and all sweaty. nope. what an idiot (affectionate), he’s so oblivious to the fact that his s/o’s gettin all worked up over him, just thinking it’s the heat and nothing else - bless. that umbrella definitely ain’t gonna help, BUT MAYBE IF BOB WASN’T A SLUT AND PUT A SHIRT ON- they love him so much, like, every day they fall in love w him a little more and all over again at the same time; just completely head over heels for each other in every sense. Bob wouldn’t even mind if his s/o was honest, like, he’d be flattered ofc and he’d get all blushy and giggly about it, but he’d enjoy it bc he knows he would do EXACTLY THE SAME and has done before.
The Flirting Game
Eames is going through literal turmoil over it, but he still can’t help but to be RIGHT THERE at the reader’s side, even if they might not want him to be there to begin with; he loves them!!! he really does, bc he KNOWS them!! and the reader loves Eames for the exact same reason: to be known, is to be loved.
Our Little Game
they’re so fucking cheeky and the worst part is they KNOW they can get away w it bc Bane lets them every single fucking time. big guy has a massive soft spot for one (1) person and it’s fucking obvious. they’re fucking terrible to him fdkjhgkhfkgh an absolute nightmare, they’re gonna put him in an early grave (not that he’ll complain) if they don’t go careful  but I’m glad it’s what you had hoped for!!!! reader’s snark will DEFINITELY get them in trouble w everyone else (except Harley and Constantine bc they’ll bounce off of each other and have a back and forth thing) and Bane would ABSOLUTELY have to step in bc reader’s big mouth needs to be muzzled 💀
My Robin Redbreast
HE GENUINELY DID, ALL HE WANTED WAS TO SURPRISE THEM!!! HE’S BEING ROMANTIC!!!  communism. that is all fhkhkfhfk communism mixed w William Blake. perfect combo when put w Bane fkghjgh reader is definitely, like, MORE of the Robin Hood type than Bane is; they’re definitely the one who would rob the rich to give to the poor and never even HESITATE to put someone in need above themselves. they’re definitely the type to be more similar to the old fairytale, and Bane knows that, but he doesn’t want to use that AGAINST them, he wants to work it into what he’s already got planned bc he loves them! he wants to make sure that they’re getting what they want, too, even if they have selfless wants! HIS robin redbreast, who HE rescued from the cage…. ofc they’re do what Beyonce said to do!! 
Lucky Sergeant
the deplorable conditions of the trench, they’re enough to break anyone - but the ONLY reason why neither Alfie or Sgt. have broken is bc of the other. wanting to be together, to die together, to either see the end of the war or to see the end of their lives TOGETHER, is the only thing that has stopped them from breaking - bc they’re in a shit position! they’ve seen the horrors - shell shocked children in army uniforms, starvation, disease, having to rob the dead. they’ve seen what happens in the trenches, but they STILL keep fighting to be together bc they NEED to be together - they NEED to see the end of either themselves or the war, together. they’re both in a really shit position tbh, like, they both know that they’re dead men walking bc that’s just the nature of the first world war and the soldiers on the frontlines - they are dead men walking. so their choices are either die together, or live together knowing what the fuck they have been through. and living, unfortunately, isn’t up to them - just popping their head over the trench slightly could get them shot with a sniper’s bullet through the skull. just walking through the trenches could get them both torn to pieces by a grenade, or a shell. their choices are shit, and their position is shit.  MISSUS SOLOMONS <3 <3 everyone’s beloved!! she’s worried sick about her boys, worried if they’ll actually make it home or not, and with all the horror stories she’s hearing, she’s slowly getting less and less hopeful, especially bc Alfie stopped writing (too busy trying to keep everyone alive).  Alfie’s in charge! who the fuck is, realistically, gonna challenge him lmfao 
Broken Soldiers
there’s a lot of stuff that’s unsaid - Alfie and the reader have been through a fucking LOT together, and even Alfie didn’t make it out 100% the same as he did going in. but the reader knows him probably better than anyone else, he knows what Alfie’s thinking, what he’s feeling, just be quickly looking at him. he knows when he’s upset, happy, anxious. it’s in the eyes, the eyes never lie. but he’s more than willing to step up and to look after Alfie, bc Alfie does it for him in return. it’s symbiotic, almost - he helps Alfie, Alfie helps him, and they can’t be without the other bc no one gets the other the way they do. they’ve been through a LOT together, they know each other as well as themselves, and really, no one could ever have that level of emotional and mental intimacy that they do - they’ve been to war together both literally and figuratively.  more than anyone, Alfie understands what it’s like to have blood on his hands; he knows what it’s like to kill and to live with the guilt of not being able to save people. he knows what it’s like to feel ashamed, shunned, guilty and embarrassed for living through the wars when others couldn’t. he knows. but he also wouldn’t force the reader to speak if he didn’t want to - he knows shellshock is a complicated thing, and he’s trying his best to find his footing in terms of helping his bf get through it. he’s trying, genuinely. Alfie loves that guy, and there’s no doubt about it, but they’re so protective of each other that… maybe it’ll turn out to be a bit of an issue sooner or later. 
you’re so very welcome!!! I’m done w requests now, so if you do have any more, feel absolutely free to send them - I’ll be around at some point or another to get them done lmao I’m so glad you enjoyed them <3 genuinely <3 and I’m glad they were there when you needed them and hope that they helped!! you’re very welcome, again!! we’ll speak soon, but for now, take care and keep yourself safe and healthy!! 
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briamichellewrites · 1 year
What did Brad do wrong? He existed on the same planet as her. After going over to his house, Bria found he wasn’t home. She got back to Mike’s about an hour later because she stopped to get a drink from a gas station. The band was surprised to see her back so soon. They were all in the kitchen taking a break, so Joe asked what happened. He wasn’t home. She rang the doorbell and then waited for about five minutes before leaving. What drink did she get?
It was peach-flavored Mountain Dew, which was delicious. Though, she might regret it later. Joe joked about Mike regretting it later. They waited for her to kick his ass. No, he was too fucking cool. He considered that a compliment! After she walked away, they congratulated him. She called me fucking cool! He could die a happy man. They laughed. Mike saw her in the living room after poking his head out.
“Bria, you just made Joe’s day!”
“Fuck yeah, dude!”
They laughed. She came back in full of energy. What the hell was she going to do now? She had no fucking idea but she had so much energy, she wanted to run a marathon! Rob and Brad were still keeping their distance, as the five of them ate the snacks Mike provided. She didn’t notice because she was too busy bouncing around. Phoenix joked that she should never have Mountain Dew again. She stopped bouncing and gave him a look. Uh oh. They knew that look.
Now you ruined it, asshole! They laughed. Brad told her they loved, respected, and feared her. They laughed. As she was bouncing, her phone went off in her pocket. She took it out and saw it was him, so she put him on speaker. After saying hello, he asked if she was coming over to hang out. She told him she was just there but he wasn’t home, so she left.
“I rang the doorbell and everything.”
“I went next door quickly.”
“You’re an asshole. I’m on my way over. Just so you know, I’m drinking a twenty-ounce Mountain Dew, so I’m already fucked up on energy.”
“If you get arrested for driving under the influence or speeding, I don’t know you.”
“Fuck you. I’ll be over in an hour.”
He laughed before saying goodbye. Was she going back over there? Yes, she had some ass to kick. They said goodbye to her. She called out over her shoulder that Joe was under her protection and if anyone hurt him, she would kick their ass! Brad would make sure they didn’t. They looked at each other after she left. Holy shit.
What the hell was that? It was likely her ADHD and mania combined with caffeine and sugar. They would make sure she didn’t have Mountain Dew in the future. The cats noticed the humans in the kitchen, so they meowed for food. Mike was defeated. He went over and shook their food bowls to magically make them more full. Thank you, human! As much as he thought it was annoying, he would someday miss their meowing demands. He was a slave to the cats. After eating, they ran off again.
Brad, I know you’re avoiding me and I know why. I am so sorry for going overboard. I should have kept everything to myself and I’m beating myself up for what I said. I scared you and made you uncomfortable. Please talk to me. I just need to know that there is a chance of being friends again because I miss that. Tell me how I can make it up to you. – Rob
Give me space. Please. I accept your apology. The way you can make it up to me is by giving me time and by getting help! What you said, even if it wasn’t intentional, freaked me the fuck out so much that it made me reevaluate our friendship. I thought you just had a crush on me and I thought that was cute. I figured that’s all it was. Then, you told me about your fantasies about making love to me. No, you should not have said anything. I wish you never had. I don’t want this to escalate further because I do care about you as a brother. I will treat you with respect and kindness because I don’t want this to affect the band. It’s not fair to them. I will let you know when I’m ready. Until then, please don’t contact me. – Brad
Bria was out of energy when she got to Brad’s. It had only taken a half hour, due to traffic. They went down to his basement bar. After sitting down, he asked if she was dating anyone. Yes, she was. Ironically, his name was Brad. They had been together for about a year. He poured her a shot of whiskey before saying he was happy for her. She took a drink. It was very strong, stronger than she was used to.
He wanted to make love to her, but not when she had a boyfriend. What about him? He took a shot. No, he was single. He hadn’t dated anyone since Jennifer. As they continued drinking, they continued talking. She was drunk after three shots since she didn’t drink that often. He laughed because he had never seen her drunk before. She was slurring her words and nothing she said made sense. He gave her some water to help get rid of some of the alcohol.
Hey, this is Brad. I’m using Bria’s phone. She’s going to have to stay here because she’s drunk. If you want to talk to me, call me at 123-456-7890. – Brad
“Bria’s drunk. Brad just texted me”, Mike said.
“How many times has she been drunk”, Joe asked.
“She rarely drinks, so maybe once in her entire life.”
The hangover was going to suck. She was not going to feel good for twenty-four to forty-eight hours, depending on how much she drank and the kind of alcohol she had. Getting drunk every once in a while was okay. As long as it didn’t become a problem. Brad took her and placed her on the couch. He then kissed her and she ran her hands down his chest. His mind told him no! She couldn’t consent. He pulled away and got up. After getting a blanket, he put it over her.
He checked on her after ten minutes and found she wasn’t breathing. Bria! He shook her but got no response, so he called 911. The operator had him turn her to her side, in case she threw up. He gave him more steps to follow, which he did. An ambulance was dispatched and rushed to the address with its sirens on. He let them in and brought them down to where she was unconscious.
They administered CPR until her heart started beating again. They then put an oxygen mask over her face before putting her on a stretcher. Mike got a phone call from Brad. Bria was on her way to the hospital after falling unconscious while asleep. Was she okay? He didn’t have an answer to that. They would meet him at the hospital. After hanging up, he gave the guys the news. Rob backed out on going to the hospital because he didn’t feel like he was welcome. Phoenix decided he would stay with him.
That left Joe, Mike, and Brad. While in the ambulance, Bria woke up. They were relieved, though they didn’t know if she had any brain damage from being without oxygen. Brad introduced himself to Mike. He was introduced to Joe and Bria’s boyfriend, Brad. Since their main concern was her, they would not kick his ass. He thanked them. They then sat down and waited for news.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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wndaswife · 2 years
I'll definitely try to message soon but anyways onto the storytime session that's gonna escalate fairly quickly cause I suck at story-telling lmao. Also apologies for any spelling errors cause I'm lazy :")
For timeline purposes, I first met M back in early September when one of my friends decided to introduce me to a few of the friend groups he was in. Mostly playing video games at night each day since usually everyone is mostly avaliable during that time.
Now I have to admit, I absolutely love to play flirt so I tested the waters to see if it was okay a couple weeks into meeting and hanging out with M. Everything was really going well and we consistently joked, play flirted and got to know each other a bit more each day.
Fast forward a bit past Halloween and into the start of November, we just full on start discussing kinks and what me and M are into. I rarely ever had the courage to talk about kinks until now, mostly cause I highly trusted M and my closest friends in the group vc. Plus I knew it was a safe place to not be kinkshamed to the moon and back lol.
Anyways in one particular moment, I confided in M that I had a massive breeding kink and wished that I had a cum filled strap-on to play with. I don't have any toys myself, and I have never went to a sex shop yet either. On the downlow I kinda playfully joked that I wished M could buy me one (and maybe to fuck/breed me with 😏). We danced around that joke for a bit until M really seriously went, "🦐 I swear, I'm serious. Don't joke with me, I will fucking buy you one."
Fully blushing and giggling at this point over the mic, I just blurted out that I was being serious too and wanted her to buy me one. To which M agreed and a few days later, a bit before Thanksgiving I got a text really late at night from M on my ps messages in our dm.
I was really tired and on the verge of falling asleep, so I didn't really process it when M messaged me that she found and met a really nice women at sex shop relatively close in a nearby town next to my own town/state. I kinda gushed like the oblivious tired lesbian I was in the heat of the moment just going like, "Oh that's cool. Didn't realize there was a sex shop that close lol."
Then a bit past Thanksgiving, M asks me in the vc for my address if I'm comfortable with giving her that information. I chuckled slightly before teasingly requesting if she wanted my phone number too. M laughed in return and just simply replied, "If you're comfortable with that too, then yes."
We both giggle as I excitedly agreed, giving her both pieces of info into our dm. Again, because I'm an oblivious lesbian...IT DIDN'T REGISTER IN MY POOR BRAIN THE REASON M MENTIONED A SEX SHOP AND ASKED FOR MY ADDRESS Cckwkkzskka 👏😭
So the next day, I decide to text M and blindly ask her why she wanted my address. To which after I press send, I kinda anxiously check my phone consistently until M texts me back with, "Christmas Gift <3"
Like a bloody tidal wave, suddenly everything clicked and the realization finally dawned on me. My face turning bright red as I danced around getting hints about my gift with M and her vaguely giving me small hints of the details. To confirm that she is sending me a custom-made package with a variety of possible accessories and toys 😳
I say possible accessories and toys because one past days fairly recently I joined the vc and M went "🦐!! Hiiii I was just talking to (another friend in vc) about everything in the package I'm sending you."
My brain is bloody RACING at this point from all the possibilities that M ordered for me in that package. Cause I know we discussed other things like handcuffs in my favorite color or blindfolds and etc. LIKE SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING I LOVE AND ITS GOT ME SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT SHE GOT ME BUT IT ALSO MAKES ME WANT TO GET HER A GIFT IN RETURN AAAAAAAAAA
I would love to give a small update once the package arrives but I also need to ask for permission and see if I can openly it immediately or have to wait. 🥺
Until then I'm going feral and constantly waiting for M to send the message that my package has arrived 🤤
- 🦐
i must be rly deprived i felt like gelatin reading this 😫 omg that's sssssoooooooo
u rly have a sugar mommy............ u rly do i love that so much for you seriously
from someone who has sent packages from where i live- canada- to russia, it's literally the best and most surreal feeling to have an online friend get ur gifts like it feels amazing
has the gift come yet??? when u get it and you can open it, you could call her at the same time! and what a thrill would it be to send her videos of you........... using her toys help
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