#home gym consulting
homegymsolutions · 2 months
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Bespoke Fitness Solutions, Home gym equipment Leeds, Harrogate, UK
Home Gym Solutions offers a selection of different home gym equipment, consulting services to create the ideal bespoke gym design to suit your training area. If you are not sure which type of fitness hire would best suit your needs you can call us FREE on 01134334455 for expert advice.
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mintseung · 3 months
School Boyfriend —L.H.S
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⑅ Pairings LeeHeeseung! X fem!reader
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SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG Who accidentally threw a basketball at your head, and the second you both looked each other in the eye, he fell in love with your beauty.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG Who tried to approach you the next day to apologize, but the real reason was that he wanted to talk to you.
"H-hey," Heeseung stammered as he gently tapped your shoulder, hoping to catch your attention. "Uh, hi?" you replied, turning to face him with a curious expression. "I'm really sorry about yesterday at the school gym," he apologized sincerely, offering you an ice pack to ease any lingering discomfort.
"It's okay, honestly, it's not a big deal," you reassured him with a warm smile as you accepted the ice pack. "Uh, what if I make it up to you by taking you out somewhere?" Heeseung asked tentatively, his nerves palpable as he looked down at his shoes, his heart pounding louder than ever.
"Oh, okay. Where do you have in mind?" you responded, intrigued and smiling encouragingly.
"Well, there's this newly opened café just close to our school," he suggested, trying to contain his excitement despite the grin that threatened to spread across his face.
"Mhm, sounds great," you agreed, closing your locker. "I'll see you then." With a final smile, you turned and walked away, leaving Heeseung with a mixture of relief and anticipation swirling in his chest.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who spent hours in his closet, meticulously searching for the perfect outfit. He tried on various combinations, each time glancing at himself in the mirror, practicing the best smile to greet you. He rehearsed how to speak confidently in front of you, wanting every word to be just right.
Turning to the internet for guidance, he searched for "how to act like a gentleman in front of your crush," absorbing tips and tricks. Seeking reassurance, he also consulted his friends, gathering advice on how to make a lasting impression.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who walks you back to your house.
While walking, Heeseung noticed an ice cream shop on your way back home. "Hey, want some ice cream?" he asked, looking at you with hope in his eyes, wishing that you would say yes. "Oh, sure! Thank you!" you replied with a smile.
"Here you go," he said, smiling as he handed you the ice cream.
"Wow, mint chocolate chip?! How did you know I love this flavor!" you exclaimed, smiling widely. "You mentioned it to me a while ago while we were eating," he said, chuckling softly.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG Who loves waiting for you after class so the two of you can walk home together.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who comes with you in the library to study together.
"Baby~" he pouted beside you, "I need kisses to make my brain function," he whined, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Hee, We're in a public place," you glared at him.
"I don't care," he interrupted before grabbing your chin and kissing you passionately. You gently pushed him away and hit his shoulder while looking around. "God, Lee Heeseung," you exclaimed, catching his eye with a smirk.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG Who sends you food in your classroom if you don't come out for lunch.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who puts a picture of you in his I.D letting people know he's taken.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who gets really clingy when he drinks to much.
"I love you so much" heeseung giving you a bunch of kisses in your face.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who gives you his jersey so you won't be worried girls will come over him.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who holds your things even tho you didn't asked him to.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND HEESEUNG who helps you with your homework whenever you don't know how to answer it.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 24 days
Nik turns 50. TF 141 throw him a surprise party. (As the author continues to build their voices and headcanons in his head.)
cw: none.
“I can't believe Nik’s going to be fifty next week. The man's aging like a fine wine. It must be something in the water over there.”
It had been a fairly innocuous comment by Laswell over one of their frequent phone calls, but it had sent Price into an unfathomable tailspin.
Fifty was a big birthday where Price came from. The kind where the extended family, and wider community around them, were invited to a village hall for an old fashioned knees up, and you ended up carrying your uncle Rodney home so your aunt didn't smother him with a throw pillow after he pissed all over the doorstep.
Price had never really thought much about the families and wider lives of his contacts. They got the job done and then they parted ways. In every sense, a contact held the same position in Price's mind as the weapon in his hand; a tool to be used and then set aside once you were done.
But Nik… Nik was becoming more than a contact. A lot more. Price knew there was no uncle Rodney for Nik. There was no family whatsoever. No one special to mark half a century with, except maybe… fuck.
Price didn't share scotch with just anyone, let alone pass his cigar over for them to take a toke. As much as he respected Laswell, he was never inclined to spend hours with her chattin’ shit, until the sun broke through the blinds and they both had to slam some black coffee so they looked remotely presentable for their operators. His hand never lingered on anyone else's carrier vest, and no one else's voice made warmth and light curl in his chest.
No one else slotted against Price's... everything quite like Nikolai.
Price wasn't stupid. He knew what these signs meant, but that didn't mean he had any idea what the fuck to do about them. It was safer to just… be, too cowardly to progress any further. And yet, this felt like a milestone somehow.
“Captain, are you there? John?”
“Rog, yeah… uh. Continue.”
By the time Price had hung up, he had resolved to do something to mark Nik’s birthday. Laswell had coughed up the exact date and then slyly asked why Price was so interested. Her tone suggested she already had a hunch. “141 tradition,” he'd said, before hanging up. Rude, but she'd cope.
He finished some paperwork and turned in for the night, but sleep didn't come easy. His plans played out across the dark ceiling above his head and each time he settled on a course of action, he picked a hundred holes in it and cast it aside.
“Buy him a bottle of vodka and put a bow on your prick,” Simon said over eggs and bacon. The majority of the base was still asleep, with only a few other troopers skulking around the canteen.
Price choked on his gulp of tea and thumped his chest. “Classy, Simon.”
“You’ve been dancin’ round each other for years,” Simon murmured, rubbing at the stubble below the line of his mask. “Best time as any to pull the trigger.”
“Pot. Kettle. Black,” Price said as he stabbed at the bacon on his plate to emphasise each word.
“Fuck off,” Simon grumbled, “sir.”
Price snorted a laugh and they finished the rest of their breakfast in companionable silence. After a session in the gym, a myriad of brain-numbing meetings and supervising some training runs, Price was no closer to shaking out of his decision paralysis. If they were on mission he could have hashed out a plan without taking a breath, but he… didn't want to fuck this up. It felt too important.
Price was left with no choice but to consult professionals.
“Surprise party,” Soap said gleefully, chucking his playing cards onto the coffee table. “In th’ hanger, we invite him over tae ‘discuss an op’,” Soap lifted his fingers to emphasise the spoken quotation marks, “get Laswell tae send the invite.”
Gaz nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, then he won't suspect anything - oh, oh, I've got Farah's number, we can get her in on it. She’ll know if he’ll want anyone else, and… uh, you know, we’ll get clearance.”
“Right,” Price leaned back, arms folded over his chest. “So, what… we need food, and cake.”
“Aye, sir,” Soap said, squinting. “And booze. Gaz an’ I'll sort the logistics, and ye jus’ need tae sort the pressie.”
“We’re on it, sir. Leave it to us.”
The present. Price could do that. No worries.
Two days later, he stared down at the forty item long Amazon wishlist he had titled “Operation Black Hawk” and had no idea what to get. Something that walked the line of funny but sentimental, that said ‘you’re hot as fuck but I'm not desperate but I absolutely wank over you in the shower’.
“Fuckin Christ,” Price whispered at this office ceiling, slouched deep in his chair. He closed his eyes and forced his mind to quiet but for thoughts of Nik. Think, think.
So many conversations, ice tinkling against glass, low chuckles and borish jokes; a warm palm on Price’s shoulder and a smile so toothy it was contagious. Endless memories of time at Nik’s side. There had been that summer Nik had come fishing with him. Just a few days of peace before they both returned to the field. Nik had snoozed through most of it, exhausted by their previous mission, but in between he had surveyed the lake, watching the insects flit across the water.
“Попрыгунья Стрекоза. Лето красное пропела,” Nikolai had murmured.
“Cursing my ancestors?” Price had asked before gulping down a mouthful of beer.
Nik had chuckled. “Nyet, captain. It means a playful prankish Dragonfly, the whole summer have sung out. It is a poem by Ivan Karylov. One of my favourites.”
“Yeah? What's it about?”
“It is a fable...”
“Oh bloody hell, not another Russian morality lesson.”
“Pssh, this is good one. You will like it,” Nik had sat up in his camping chair. “It is about a beautiful dragonfly who spends her summer dancing and resting, while the hardworking ant prepares. When winter comes, she begs the ant for help, but he refuses, because he worked hard and she did not.”
“Harsh but fair. Work hard, play hard, them’s the rules..”
“You see, I knew you would like it. You are an ant. You earn your rest. This,” Nik had gestured at fishing tackle, the camping equipment, and the lake, “is the fruit of your labour, and I am privileged to share it with you, my friend.”
“And I you, mate.”
They had knocked their bottles together and moments later one of Price’s reels had begun spinning out. By that point they'd drunk so much that landing the damn carp had left them both up to their knees in lake water, pissing themselves laughing on the bank. It had been both the worst and best fishing expedition of Price’s life.
Price opened his eyes in the present and grinned at the ceiling, digging his phone out of his pocket. He knew exactly what he was going to get Nik.
The rest of the week sprinted by quicker than a RAF pilot on his way to a champagne dinner, and before he knew it Price was standing on a rickety plastic chair hanging a bloody banner from a rusty nail high on the hanger wall.
“It's wonky, cap,” Gaz said just as Price was climbing down.
“I think you'll find your eyes are wonky, sergeant.”
“Of course, sir. I'll get that sorted.”
Price pressed his hands to the small of his back and glanced around at the preparations. The sergeants had done well. Soap had even managed to draft Simon in on the booze run and there was a healthy selection of spirits on the buffet table by the birthday cake. It was a Colin Caterpillar from Marks and Spencers, one of Nik's favourite shops to visit when he was in the UK, with a joke candle stuck in the top that he wouldn't be able to blow out. Soap's idea.
The majority of Chimera had turned up to mark the occasion, as had a few faces Price recognised from previous ops with other organisations and task forces. Soap had said a few didn't quite pass the bar for security clearance, which wasn't surprising.
It was just as Gaz and Soap were bickering over the playlist that they heard the telltale drum of helicopter blades beat overhead. “Places, places!” Soap crowed from the hanger door, slamming the lights off. Booted feet scuttled across the dusty floor to find hiding places behind the vehicles and crates stacked around the edges, and Price joined Soap by the door.
Several minutes passed, and then… “And you have no idea where the weapons store is?”
“None at all, Nik. Price should have more intel,” Laswell replied. She had rendezvoused with Nik in Germany as part of the plan. Her wife was currently squatting behind a crate with Gaz.
“I hope so or this will be a difficult mission.”
Soap was practically vibrating at Price's shoulder as Nik rounded the corner. He slammed on the lights and everyone erupted from their hiding places on cue. Price didn't miss how Nik’s hand dropped for his sidearm, his eyes blown wide.
“Laswell, what is–?”
“Happy birthday, Nikolai,” she said, walking by to plant a kiss on her wife's cheek.
“I–” Nik glanced around the hanger as he accepted hugs from Gaz and Syd, handshakes from others, still bewildered. “How–?”
“It was th’ captain's idea,” Soap said, jutting his chin at Price. “He told us ye were hittin’ the big five-oh, old man. Ye not gettin’ off that easy.”
“Here, drink,” Simon grunted, pressing a glass into Nik's hand. “I'm startin’ the food, Johnny. I've been patient.”
“Aye, L.T. Bust open th’ sarnies. Farah, th’ ones on the left are halal - aye, bet.”
Nik was drawn into conversation briefly and Price hung back, glancing at the badly wrapped parcel he'd stashed on top of an empty oil container. He was so focused on his internal misgivings that Nik’s hand on his elbow made him startle. “Oi, give me a bloody heart attack…”
“You did this?”
“MacTavish and Garrick did this,” Price said.
Nik, who knew that the 141 did nothing without Price's express permission, grinned toothily. They stood in silence as he surveyed the many faces scattered around the hanger, some shoving sandwiches in their faces while others swigged from freshly open bottles. “I… have never had a birthday party before.”
“What? Not even as a kid?”
Nik shrugged one shoulder. “Nyet, it was not a… priority.” He looked back at Price, dark eyes heavy with something complex and unreadable. “Thank you.”
Price swallowed and tried to ignore the heat creeping up his neck. “You're uh… you're welcome, I… got you something. But, uh…” Before he could wuss out, Price grabbed the poorly wrapped parcel and shoved it into Nik's hands. “Happy birthday.”
Nik set his glass aside. “Your wrapping skills are…”
“Bloody fantastic.”
“I'll take it.”
Nik huffed a laugh as he tore the brown paper away and flipped the book over in his hands. Price was relieved to see his face brighten. “Aesop’s fables. Captain, this is beautiful…”
To be fair, it was a damn pretty book. The hardcover was illustrated with the animals from the fables, the pages edged in gold, and the inside cover was patterned. You know… posh. And then Nik found the second part, tucked about a quarter of the way through. It was a photograph from their fishing expedition. A rough selfie, with half a fish head in shot where Nik was trying to display their catch, and Price’s face smeared with mud from where he had stumbled onto the bank.
Nik's eyes lingered on it, his fingertips brushing over their grinning faces, and he swallowed.
Price panicked. “I'm sorry, it's shit, I'll uhm–”
Nik pulled him into an embrace that crushed the air from his lungs. There was definitely a stutter in Nik’s chest, and Price wrapped his arms around him in return. If he happened to turn his nose into Nik's neck, and Nik happened to press his face a little closer, then that was fine. More than fine.
Price's toes curled in his boots, his fingers tightened in Nik’s shirt, the aching in his chest becoming that much harder to ignore. “You alright?”
“Da,” Nik said tightly. “I just need a minute.”
“Take all the time you need,” Price murmured, closing his eyes as he cradled Nik against him. He didn't mark the time, happy to revel in the warmth of the solid body in his arms, and the smell of Nik's skin, pressed so close Price could feel the thrum of his heartbeat.
When Nik finally pulled away, slightly reddened eyes lingered on Price’s lips before turning to the rest of the party, who were doing a shitty job of pretending they hadn't all been watching. “Later, I would… like to spend some time with you.”
Price didn't want to examine the heat under his skin too closely, lest it be entirely misplaced. “Course.”
“Nik, get over ‘ere tae blow th’ oot before Ghostie eats yer cake’s face!”
Nik tucked his book under his arm and walked over to the buffet table with Price to a horrifically off-key rendition of ‘happy birthday’. Once Nik had worked the candles out, flicking them at Soap with a loud Russian cuss, festivities descended, as they usually did on base, into raucous drinking games and whatever the sergeants decided passed for dancing. Simon lost the Ring of Fire and had to down the filthiest pint Price had ever seen in his life, Laswell thrashed them all at beer pong and Gaz tried to teach Farah how to do the worm. As far as fiftieth birthday parties went, it definitely beat out the village hall knees up.
Later, when the majority of the party had slunk off to dark corners, fallen asleep where they sat or retired in good order, Nik pulled his captain back into his arms and kept him there until the sun rose. Except, this time, they did a damn sight more than talk.
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pinkthrone445 · 5 months
-Let it burn to the ground- Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:love, hurt, confort, funny, smut
Warnings:Mention about past trauma, fires, SEX! SEX YOUR SINFUL SOULS
Summary:Melissa lets the fire of love consume her when she meets the new chief of the fire station. And then she musters up the courage to take you on a date.
Your phone rang with a notification while you were lying down watching TV. Today was your day off and after dropping your child off at school and going to the gym, you came home to watch TV and get some rest. You wiped your hand full of Doritos powder on a napkin and took your cell phone
-🔥Miss Schementti🔥:"Hello chief, I hope that you are enjoying your day off... I'm exited about tonight..."-The redhead had sent you a message and you stared at your phone for a few seconds. While you had accepted the invitation the day before, it had been a while since you had a date and now you were questioning whether this was the right decision.
Your fingers danced on the keyboard without touching any keys while you chewed your lip, wondering what the appropriate response would be. Your cell phone vibrated again
-🔥Miss Schementti🔥:"I must warn you that I am not a person who eats little, not even in first dates, so do not get scared when you see me ask for another portion or two, you've been warned..."-The message made you laugh imagining her eating and the answer came naturally.
-You:"I get it, you don't have to worry, I'm also a big eater. In my childhood my nana taught me that if there was still room to breathe, there was room for food. Now I know how to stop when I'm satisfied, but it's not easy to get to that point either..."-You replied with a smile and your fingers danced again on the keyboard and then sent another message
-You:"Excited for tonight too... But I haven't played the dating game in a long time, be gentle with me please" - Your heart pounded from the nerves of admitting that, the bubbles that the redhead was writing seemed on screen for a few seconds and then disappeared. When 30 minutes went by without an answer, you questioned again if this date was a good idea. After a few more minutes, your cell phone rang again
-🔥Melissa Schemmenti🔥: "Sorry Chief, a kid put a bean in his nose and it got stuck and we had to go to the nurse, I even thought about calling you to come to the rescue, but I didn't wanted to bother you on your day off... Don't worry about tonight, we'll let things flow, step by step. I promise"-The message calmed you down somehow, and you decided to go through your closet to see what you would be wearing that night.
Later that day, you took your car and drove to pick up your son. As you waited for her class to come out, Melissa came up to you smiling and adjusting her jacket
-"Hey Chief..."-The redhead whispered, lengthening the vowels in a seductive tone
-"Hey Miss Schementti... Where are you taking me tonight?" - You consulted smiling watching as the redhead adjusted the jacket to her body because it was a little cold
-"It's a surprise... One that I hope you like and enjoy... Will you bring your child? He is welcome if you want..."-She whispered a little nervously and embarrassed
"No, he's going to stay at his aunt's house... Do you want me to pick you up tonight?" - You offered, and she nodded, smiling. The truth is that you offered to pick her up because if the date went wrong, you weren't the one who depended on her taking you home.
-"Mama!" - Your little one ran to you and you lifted him up holding him tight to your chest, while Mel couldn't help but watch the way your arms twitched
-"Hola baby" - You spoke and he smiled hiding in your neck-"How did school go?"
-"Good! We are learning cursive! I can write a letter now" - He commented and you laughed tenderly
-"I'm sure you can, son... Let's go home for lunch and then you have to visit your aunt, your abu and your cousins for sleepover" - You commented, and the little guy smiled excitedly-"See you later Schementti..."- You answered with a smile and walked to your car.
After dropping your son off with the family, you got dressed with the casual suit you choose and decided to drive to pick up the redhead.
When you arrived to her address, you got out of your car and knocked on her door gently, almost immediately Mel opened it
-"Wow Chief...Hi, sorry... I never thought you'd look better than wearing your firefighter uniform, but you're amazing right now with that suit..."-She whispered silly looking at you and you laughed
-"Hi Schementti... You look very good too with your dress... I love your leather jackets they hug you body so perfectly" - You commented before you could hold you back-"Ready?" - You murmured and opened the door of the car for her. The redhead smiled and climbed up carefully, letting you close it.
While at first you were very nervous as you had lost the practice of meeting people and dating, on your date with the redhead you felt an instant connection and everything went smoothly, she took you to a nice place with good food and entertaining music. The tables had some board games which you decided to use and have some fun.
While you beat her up by playing uno, the redhead took the opportunity to know and learn more about you
-"So...why do you say you've lost the practice of going out? You are a beautiful and attractive woman, not to mention that you are very hot and brave... I don't think you're short of opportunities where people will ask you out on dates..."-She asked, lifting the 12 cards from the deck that had accumulated with the draw 4
-" It's not that... It's just that since my husband passed away, it was difficult to get my life back on track... I didn't just want to have sex with someone I have no conetion with, aside from the fact that it's hard to do it because I live with my son, and I couldn't find anyone who would catch my eye to have a relationship with... Nobody wants to date you when you have a child like in my case, so it's been two and a half years since I've dated anyone or had sex in that time... You're the first person I've dated since he passed away..."-You muttered a little embarrassed to admit it out loud-" I know it's been a long time since I've had sex, but between work and my son I'm pretty busy and I don't have much time to think about it..."
-"I'm flattered that you chose me to go on your first date after so long..."-she replied and you rolled your eyes
-"Please don't make fun of it... It's embarrassing enough as it is..."-You replied blushing and she smiled as she took your hand on the table
-"I'm not making fun of it, I'm really flattered by it. It means that you did feel a connection with me, like the one I feel with you from the first time I saw you..."-The redhead responded by kissing your hand and you smiled looking into her eyes as you got close to her
-"Thank you Mel..."-You whispered close to her lips laughing and dropped a +4-"UNO, I chose red, I win"-You spoke almost close to her lips and laughed pulling away from her
-"That's cheating! You got me distracted!" - The redhead screamed annoyed because she didn't liked to lose and you laughed
-"Everything is valid in games and love..."-You answered and she rolled her eyes
-"Do you want to go dancing? Before you keep kicking my ass at board games..."-She offered and you nodded still laughing
The rest of the night you talked more and danced together, having a beautiful time together. You were really surprised by the connection you felt with her...
When it got late, you drove to her house to get her to safety, while you let the conversation flow.
When you parked at her door, you got out and opened the car for her and escorted her to her entrance
-"I really had a nice time... Thank you for being patient with me... I was scared, but now I feel really happy..."-You whispered looking into her eyes and she opened the door for you
-"Want to come in for a coffee? I don't want this to end yet..."-she offered and you nodded.
When you entered, while she was making coffee, you took advantage and observed a little bit of her house and the photos on the wall smiling, you liked that Mel was a family woman. Her house was quaint and well-kept, somehow the house suited her.
When the coffee was ready, the two sat down on the couch letting the television gently play in the background
-"And you? How about your dating life? You looked so calm tonight, like you had practice..."-You asked while tasting the amazing coffee, somehow the taste reminded you of your home when you were little, which relaxed you and made you feel happy and calm
-"I was married for a long time... When I broke up it was hard for me to get back in the game, but when I did, I started dating a man, but we didn't have the same goals, so I decided to end that relationship... Then I had casual sex a couple of times..." - She muttered embarrassedly not wanting to admit that it was with someone you knew, she didn't know how you were going to take it
-" I know that, with the captain of the station I was sent to take care of"-You replied and she raised her eyebrows surprised and a little embarrassed-"I know everything that happens at my station, it's not for nothing that I'm the Chief" - You replied and she smiled when she saw that you didn't take it the wrong way
-"Yes, with him... Don't make me embarrassed by making fun of it" - she muttered, hiding her face in her hands and you laughed
-"I won't make fun of it, if I'd gone out with him I'd have a lifetime of remorse just think about it and I think that's enough for you, you don't need me to make fun of it to feel embarrassment" - You joked and she slapped your shoulder laughing. Her hand didn't move away from your arm, but gripped it tighter
-"Wow... You are very strong... Look how firm is your arm..."-She murmured in a seductive tone and you blushed-"Do you think you can lift me up?" - she asked and you nodded-"Can we try?"
-"Sure" - You carefully set your cup down on the table and grabbed her waist, your hands fitting perfectly as if they belonged there and her skin was comfortably warm. Forcefully but without getting up from the couch, you picked up the redhead with ease and sat her on your lap again. Immediately Mel spread her legs, straddling on your lap comfortably, smiling very big
-"Wow, that turn me on in a hundred different ways" - The redhead said without thinking and you laughed looking at her lips
-"You are a gorgeous and funny woman" - You whispered, smiling without taking your hands off her waist, caressing the skin that the blouse had revealed as she stood up a little. Mel's excited smile changed to a softer one and her gaze also turned to your lips, leaning slightly millimeters from your lips. Although you didn't want to admit it, you felt so nervous to do this, you weren't even sure about going on a date on the first place, and now she was sitting on your lap about to kiss you. Was that right? Or was it all going too fast? Even your angels of good and evil must have been frightened, for not a word of your conscience occupied your mind. Without realizing it, you connected your lips to her. A sigh left your mouth when you felt her close, if her skin was soft, her lips were like a clowd, round, soft and filled, perfect
The kiss at first was slow, but after a few seconds it became deep and hard, shaking you and making your heart beat very hard, your hands squeezed her waist tighter as you felt short of breath, making the redhead moan softly
-"Let's go to my room" - She muttered quickly to kiss you again, you nodded and got up from the couch, grabbing the redhead's ass to lift her with you, she immediately wrapped her legs around your waist, gently kissing your neck as you climbed the stairs carrying her.
Her kisses on your neck clouded your senses, even blurred your vision and your breathing ragged. Upon entering the room, you closed the door with your feet and left the redhead on the bed, admiring the sight of her slightly disheveled clothes and tousled hair, her breathing was ragged, and her chest bounced gently with each breath
-"Do you have a strap or you want my fingers?" - The question took the redhead by surprise, but she'd be lying if it didn't make her more excited. With her hands she pointed to her nightstand, which you opened to find a purple dildo in a delicate leather strap.
-"I want everything" - She responded agitated and excited. Smiling, you took it with one hand as you peeled off your pants and kicked them to the ground, with that same hand you opened your shirt but without taking it off. With hands a little shaky with excitement or nerves, you placed the strap on your hips on top of your underwear, it was delicately clean and smelled like raspberry. When you turn, your knees almost buckle when you saw the redhead waiting for you in bed with only her underwear on, with a red bra and panties that matched, kneeling and sitting on her legs, staring at you smiling.
The redhead's gaze swept over your face, your breasts, your abdomen and the way your crotch hid behind the strap on your hips. She had to force herself to close her mouth to avoid drooling.
You delicately rested one of your knees on the bed to reconnect your lips on hers, placing your hand on the nape of the redhead's neck to gently pull her hair making her lie on the bed without taking your lips off hers.
You gently sucked her lip into your mouth, making her moan and taking the opportunity to claim her mouth with your tongue, battling for dominance and winning easily as the redhead was overstimulated just by having you there wearing her strap.
Your kisses slowly moved down from her lips to her jaw, alternating between kisses and gentle bites as you let your leg slip to the redhead's crotch, generating gentle friction and pressure making her moan. Mel took your hair in her hands and pulled it a little, needing a little touch to ground her, especially when you started biting her collarbone and went down to her breasts biting the part that the bra showed. She inadvertently began to move her hips against your leg, desperately looking for more friction, but a frustrated moan left her lips as you firmly grasped her hip, letting her press on your leg but not rub against it.
When you began to feel her wetness on your leg, you quickly stripped off what little underwear she had left on her body, admiring for a second her complete nakedness. You smiled and kissed her forehead and then her lips again going slowly down.
Your lips found her nipple sucking hard as your life depended on it, alternating between gentle, delicate sucks to firm licks with a few bites.
When you finished giving both breasts their attention, you kissed her deeply again as you replaced your leg with your hip, letting the dildo rub against her crotch, which was already very wet and slippery, but not entering her yet.
Your hand went down to her crotch to check if it was really wet enough to go in, when you felt her swollen and wet cliroris on the top of your fingers, you moaned on her lips at such perfection. You gently began stroking it with your index finger as you guided the strap to her entrance, enjoying every moan and sigh that the redhead let out into your mouth.
When you were well positioned and sure you wouldn't hurt her, you pushed in slowly, pulling away from her lips to watch as her body slowly hugged and took every inch you offered her. Your gaze wandered for a second to watch as the redhead squeezed the sheets with one of her hands while with the other she desperately squeezed and pinched her breasts, letting out a couple of profanities with your name included in a few of them.
When the strap went all the way in and your hip connected with hers, it was your turn to let out insults, that woman was a wish come true with how beautiful and sexy she looked open like that.
Gently you placed yourself back on top of her, kissing her vigorously as you slowly pulled the strap back as your finger gently twirled over her cliroris. You tried to stay calm and slow down for a few minutes, but when the redhead started to shake and breath heavily and the sounds of how wet she was reached your ears, you couldn't hold back for much longer.
Both of your hands went to her hip and you started to go faster, with short but deep thrusts. Watching how her breasts bounce, her hair brushed against the pillow and tousled it and her mouth was slightly open trying to breathe with each thrust you gave it.
One of your hands grabbed the woman's leg and you placed it on your shoulder, giving you a new angle and more strength to lunge. For her age, it was surprisingly flexible, allowing you to bend down a bit to get to kiss her shoulder.
Mel pressed down on your back with her leg, digging her heel into your back and pulling you deeper into her.
You started kissing her thigh which was close to your face and giving her gentle bites and marks.
Mel began to breathe more heavily, and to move her hips erratically and desperately, moaning almost like a pornographic movie. Your thrusts became desperate as well when you saw that she was close, squeezing her hips with one of your hands, taking advantage of hearing the slapping sound every time your skin collided with hers and the wet sound of her juices coating the toy and your legs.
In a matter of seconds, as your fingers gently pinched the redhead's clit, Mel's body began to shake uncontrollably as one of the strongest orgasms of her life took over her entire body, from the tips of her toes to her head, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning and every millimeter of her body was charged with electricity.
For a few seconds, the redhead contracted so hard that she caught the dildo inside her and your hips collided with her so hard that, you didn't know if it was because you hadn't been with someone for years or because just looking at the redhead naked was enough to reach your breaking point, but a surprising and strong orgasm came in your body too, feeling your juices dripping down your legs and leaving you exhausted and lost for a few seconds.
When the redhead's walls relaxed, you removed the toy from her, detaching it from your body and throwing it on the floor. Agitated, you lay down next to her and grabbed her waist, pulling her to you and hugging her against your body protectively.
-"That was..."-It was the only thing the redhead managed to formulate between her agitated breathing
-"Amazing" - You whispered, kissing her forehead. Before either of you could say more, a sleppy blanket took you both by surprise, making you sleep in each other's arms .
The next morning, the redhead woke up with pain all over her body but happiness covering all her thoughts. But when she turned in bed and saw no sign of your presence there or in the house, a feeling of sadness took her by surprise, a feeling that grew when she texted you over the next few days and you didn't answer, see her or call her again.
You disappeared completely, you didn't even pick up your son from school and you always sent someone else for him to avoid seeing her and the redhead didn't understand why. She thought everything had gone well, even perfect, but apparently she was wrong.
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growingstories · 8 months
Danny the feeder (NEW PICTURES)
At 36 years old, Danny was in amazing shape, tall, very handsome and had a big paycheck as a freelance tax consultant. He was a proud gay man and a fitness freak, spending hours in the gym sculpting his physique. However, Danny had a peculiar habit that raised a few eyebrows among his friends.
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Danny had a tendency to seek out young, ripped men at gay bars and take them home. But instead of pursuing typical romantic relationships, he would shower them with gifts, cook delicious meals, and pay for everything. He would manipulate them into eating more, making them lazy, and ultimately causing them to gain weight. Once they complained about their newfound weight and planning on losing weight, Danny would break up with them and move on to his next victim.
One day, Danny met Diego, a student from Brazil. Diego fell head over heels for Danny, enticed by not only the great sex but also the lavish meals, gifts, and new clothes. However, as time went on, Diego began to feel lonely and lazy. Danny forbade Diego from going to the gym without him or going out in general. Danny would make sure to keep Diego busy with big meals, Netflix series, expensive gifts and sex, lots of sex. Danny was hitting Diego up and lured him into eating a bit more in return of a blowjob or all the way. Danny would get up early to prepare a big breakfast, after breakfast Diego would be too full and tired to get out of bed which gives Danny time for a good workout. Danny would let Diego stay in bed for days bringing him more food and sex. The only time Diego would be outside was for his classes or to drive from home to a restaurant for a lavish meal combined with lots of booze followed by passionate sex. Danny gave him an unlimited Uber account so Diego wouldn’t have to walk a single step.
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Three months into their relationship, Diego found himself ten kilograms heavier, feeling lazy, and having lost his coveted six-pack. Danny, however, had already started shopping for bigger-sized clothes to accommodate Diego's expanding waistline. Diego wanted to eat healthy again and go to the gym to get back in shape, which led to many very heated arguments with Danny. Danny labeled him ungrateful and stopped the cooking and paying.
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Diego panicked as he didn’t have any savings left so he apologised and hoped he could sneak in some cardio in his day sometime. Danny started cooking bigger meals and became more controling. He drove Diego everywhere and wanted to know every detail of his day. Diego got teased in classes for his new belly but also running the school stairs up and down became a challenge. One morning after an amazing session of sex and a huge breakfast Danny left Diego alone in bed again for his workout. Diego thought this would be a moment to go for a run and get fit again. First he couldn’t find his workout clothes, so he tried on some of Danny. XL… he used to be a M when he started dating Danny. He tried to close his shoes but his belly was in the way. When he was ready to go out he saw Danny back in the house. Danny was back early because he was horny and wanted a second session, therefor he brought a dozen doughnuts and two big frappucinos. But when seeing Diego in his workout clothes his mood changed and got en evil look in his eye. Diego got scared and awaited Danny’s reaction. Danny ordered him to eat the doughnuts and drinks at once. After the sixth Diego protested. Danny calmly said, I pay so I play. If you don’t like the rules you can leave. Diego realized that this game was pure manipulation so he got up and left.
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Back in his dorm, Diego found himself broke, 25kg heavier, out of shape and with clothes that no longer fit him. Diego went into the college gym and started his journey to become his old self again.
Six months passed and Diego felt confident again to move on and decided to visit a gay bar. There, he struck up a conversation with Thomas, a very handsome nerdy guy with a big broad chest and shoulders and big round biceps. He did however have with a bit of a potbelly. It was a fun night but Thomas revealed that he was already in a relationship but promissed to stay in contact as friends.
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Curiosity sparked, Diego checked Thomas's Instagram and discovered that Thomas was Danny's new boyfriend! Thomas, too, had fallen victim to Danny's manipulative ways, as evident by his potbelly becoming more prominent with each passing week on social media.
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Diego saw that Danny would take Thomas out almost every day, which he wasn’t allowed. Fancy restaurants and bars and big piles of food on every picture. Every week he would see Thomas in new clothes and wear expensive watched and get a bit bigger.
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Diego started chatting to Thomas determined to help both himself and Thomas escape from Danny's clutches, Diego told him how he himself was being manipulated to eat more and gain weight. Thomas was in denial first, he claimed that he was very happy and he didnt mind the extra weight as he felt strong and Danny appreciated him for it.
After a few weeks Diego received a call from Thomas that he wanted to meet up. Diego found Thomas nervously eating a big piece of cake. He saw that Thomas gained even more weight.
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Thomas explained that he wanted Danny to stop because he had Thomas stand on the scale every day and if he hadn’t gained weight that day he would be locked up in the kitchen until he finished the extra calorie amount. He got scared because he didn’t want to become too fat and lose control over his life.
Diego explained Danny’s routine. Thomas was surprised to hear that Danny would do this to guys. Diego asked how Thomas was allowed to leave the house without him. Thomas told Diego that he had been in in the house for 4 days of not stop eating, Netlfix and sex and that he really needed to get some air and choose his own groceries. So in order to get his daily goal he ate a cake and brought home two more. Danny was disappointed that he left without him and he got home Danny played the victim.
Thomas felt sorry for Danny and gave him another chance, resulting into more eating and control by Danny. Diego concocted a plan and asked Thomas to trust him and do what he would say.
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Diego started to flirt with Danny online, showcasing his new and improved body. Even though he never got his six pack back he looked better then ever. Danny, unable to resist the temptation, invited Diego to a restaurant. Danny informed Thomas that he had a business engagement and would be home at 8, while simultaneously Diego instructed Thomas to prepare a sumptuous dinner for himself and Danny.
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At the restaurant, Diego ordered large meals, feigning an inability to finish them. Danny, eager to please Diego, gladly polished off the leftovers. Back at home, Thomas prepared an indulgent dinner, but Danny claimed he wasn't hungry. Thomas persisted with his questions of where he was until Danny finally relented and ate to avoid further interrogation.
This pattern continued for several weeks, with Thomas and Diego successfully luring Danny into overeating. Thomas noticed Danny's abs becoming less defined and shared his observations with Diego, confirming that their plan was indeed working. Thomas too, continued to gain weight as Danny kept feeding him snacks and binge watch nights of Netflix. Together, Diego and Thomas initiated phase two.
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Diego invited Danny over to his place, ensuring that Thomas could go to the gym while Danny was occupied with him. Thomas prepared a breakfast for Danny upon his return, followed by morning intimacy. Then, as Danny headed off to work, Diego had a big dinner prepared to satiate Danny's ever-growing appetite.
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Weeks went by, and Danny expanded larger and larger, becoming an ex-jock with a prominent belly. People at the gym started to make remarks about his weight gain, but he dismissed these comments by claiming that he was bulking up. Still addicted to the attention, the sex, and the food, Danny continued to eat whatever Thomas and Diego served him in exchange for their affection.
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Months passed, and Danny's once athletic physique was now unrecognizable. With a big belly and struggling to tie his shoes, Danny found himself helpless and unable to stop. He pleaded with Diego to stop cooking such lavish meals, but Diego shut him down, reminding him to eat his food or there would be no sex. Thomas followed suit, and Danny resigned himself to this new reality. But also Diego and Thomas could’t keep up with the amounts of food they were having. Diego started to grow a belly again and Thomas just continued to grow bigger. It was really urgent to change.
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Phase four was the final stage of their plan. Both Thomas and Diego decided to break up with Danny simultaneously, leaving him completely surprised. They told Danny the truth about how Danny had manipulated and mistreated them, using food as a weapon to control their weight. Danny broke down in tears, expressing sincere remorse and apologizing to both of them. Danny had transformed into a blimp of his former self, and he didn't know where to start on his journey toward redemption. It was at this moment that Thomas and Diego, having seen the error of their ways, decided to show compassion and take care of Danny. Despite their tumultuous history, they began to rebuild their friendship, ensuring that Danny remained full and satisfied so that he wouldn't be driven to manipulate and harm others again.
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bouquetface · 1 month
Vedic Astro Notes 2
Accuracy is influenced by ENTIRE chart. Looking at only a few specific aspects or placements will only give general insight.
Gemini ASC
Curious people. Communicative people. Quick/fast-paced people - this can manifest as an anxious, overthinking person or a clever/witty person. Most likely a mix of both types throughout your life.
Gemini ASC have a Pisces 10th house. The mutable nature of this sign can result in trying out different industries or different roles in one industry.
Gemini ASC have a Sag 7th house. You may encounter people (platonic, romantic, or business) that push their beliefs on you. You may encounter people who believe they know better, arrogant & preachy people. On the bright side, you will have very communicative relationships. You encounter funny, educated &/or experienced people. Your partners expand your world views. The best relationships in your life will keep you mentally stimulated.
Venus in 8th House
In a man's chart, I have seen this as the man having relationship's that are taboo. EX: Dating a much older woman, Dating a woman who has 2 children from a previous relationship, Dating a woman who has a "scandalous" career, and cheating/secret affairs.
This taboo nature can manifest in many ways. Sometimes, it isn't negative. It can simply be a personal choice to keep the relationship private.
In Vedic, the 8th can show the partner's family. Venus in 8th shows benefitting from the spouse's resources - their family, their connections, their money, etc. Financial matters like this may be what you wish to keep hidden with this placement.
Another thing I've noticed is these people are secretly spiritual. They would deny having interest in things like the occult in front of people. It is only when you really get to know them, you will discover them to be more open & interested in these types of things.
Moon in Virgo for Gemini ASC
You will make the most money through your speech. Reasons will vary, a few EXAMPLES: You have a good singing voice. You are informative in speech like a teacher or consultant. You are persuasive like a lawyer or marketing manger. There are so many careers in which you can use your communicative abilities to make more money.
These people will realize routine is very important to them. The home and/or mother is very important to them. They rely on routine and their home or mom to maintain good mental health.
Often I notice these people at a later age become very focused on health. EX: Religiously going to the gym, stretching daily, drinking teas that are good for the body, taking vitamins not because they are ill but because it makes them feel more stable/in control of their health. They will still indulge every now and then but they will always fall back into their routine.
Very likely to find success in whichever career they choose. They can work their way up to leadership roles. They may end up working for themselves.
The mother may take on some of the traits above as well.
Rahu in 3rd House
This can make someone a good communicator. You can have charming speech. You may be a good writer. You could be clever in speech too.
Your career may involve working with the hands. EX: Writing in career - writing legislative, writing textbooks, writing songs, etc. Or building products.
The negative you may be prone to exaggerate or lie. EX: A salesman who tricks customers into thinking their product is worth more than it is.
An indictor of marrying someone from a different background. This can be a person from a different race, ethnicity, religion, etc.
You may not have a formal education with this placement. You may have not gone for higher education. Or I've seen people who do have a formal higher education (law school) but believed it was unnecessary to succeed in their field. They may consider some parts of formal education to be a scam or a money grab.
5th House Ruler is Mars
This is one indicator for having children at an earlier age. However, this is not the only possible manifestation. It is more likely if Mars is in 4th House. And/or if rahu is placed in either 4th or 5th or has strong aspects to 5th ruler.
Rahu conjunct Venus
Rahu is an obsessive energy that is never satisfied. When paired with Venus, the person can be obsessed with wealth and appearance.
This can make a person very vain especially if Venus or Rahu is the aatmakaaraka. One may seek out cosmetic procedures to enhance appearance. One may have an obsession with appearing youthful.
These people may be obsessed with making or hoarding money as well. They can have expensive tastes. However, depending on house & sign they may be very stingy with their money. EX: They dislike tipping waiters.
Sometimes, it can be due to outside influence that they are forced to care so much about their appearance. EX: They may have a career where appearances are important to make money. The job may have a formal buisness dress code.
7th Ruler Mercury in 9th House
If there is no affliction, you can end up with an educated spouse. They may be formally educated or self taught - ex: a spouse who knows a lot about literature or film.
The spouse could come from a different background - ethnicity, nationality or religion. You can be attracted to people who have something to teach. You enjoy good humoured, philosophical, adventurous/spontaneous people.
Saturn in 4th
Generally, this suggests you come from a disciplinary home. Your parents set up a routine for you and had expectations that you followed this routine. They may even have expectations for your future career and life that they expect you to follow.
The mother can be strong and harsh sometimes. The negative manifestation is that you have a distant relationship with the family. The positive manifestation is your family instils good work ethic in you. This can lead to a person being very successful.
These people can excel in real estate. They can be home builders too.
Retrograde Pisces Saturn in 4th House
Now, this is more specific. This placement may relate to some of the above. This placement is likely to have felt with a lot of pressure in youth too.
However, it is likely they had more freedom than the typical saturn in 4th placement. This freedom could have led them to have a life where there are very little boundaries and restrictions in youth. This could have led the person to make many mistakes or feeling unprotected in youth.
EX: Relationships with older people when you are a teen. Or adults constantly criticizing you as a teen - feeling unprotected from the harsh world.
This can lead to a person DESIRING protection and structure in their life. They may have/want children and a spouse from a young age. They may dream about having that routined & structured family life - where the woman nurtures the kid(s) and the man will protect his family.
However, the above is influenced by the entire chart. For example: Lets say a person has Pisces Saturn in 4th BUT Sag Venus & Sun in 1st. This can indicate someone who wants to seek adventure and freedom. They likely do not want to be cooped up in the home or with family during their younger years.
Venus DK
If venus has the lowest degree in your natal, this is the planet that represents your spouse. When venus is the DK, I have noticed one will have a feminine spouse regardless of their gender. The wife or husband can be soft spoken, well mannered and well groomed. They will care about good hygiene. They may have interest in art and aesthetics (photography, poetry, fashion, etc).
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nectar-cellar · 5 months
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rest of the cook family: lady cook & cressida wells makeovers
the lore says cressida is lady's personal, live-in esthetician but in my mind, cressida is more like lady's esthetician + personal assistant + babysitter for the family's teen daughter + captive audience for lady's emotional breakdowns.
in her youth, lady used to be a model and actress in bridgeport before she decided to marry jeffrey cook for his money, and to live the life of a pampered stay-at-home trophy wife. 20-ish years later, she finds herself painfully bored, lonely, and absolutely hating her husband and her daughter. the only things that distract her from her misery are her shopping trips, consulting her plastic surgeons for procedures to try next, and getting treatments at the spa. recently, she has been trying to spend more time at the upscale SOLSTICE members-only gym wellness club downtown, taking yoga and pilates classes in the afternoons and evenings. she hopes to make some girlfriends, and well, the attention from the hunky trainers and gymgoers is nice too. for a few hours, she's in a luxurious bubble full of beautiful people and organic handcrafted fruit smoothies and eucalyptus-scented towels, where none of her troubles can follow her.
cressida hates her job but at least the cooks pay well, and at least she isn't hunched over all day at the spa giving massages and pedicures and breathing in the fumes of god knows what chemicals. occasionally lady even gives her some designer items she doesn't want anymore, which cressida promptly sells off at the consignment.
on cressida's rare days off, she likes to go out dancing with the other girls from the spa, drop the customer service persona, and catch them up on the latest cook household drama. all of them take turns venting about their wealthy clients' bullshit shenanigans over drinks and appies. cressida wants to eventually meet a guy, settle down and start a family, but she's not in a hurry. working for the cooks has taught her the importance of choosing a partner wisely because she knows she doesn't want to end up miserable like them.
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tenderlyrenjun · 1 year
Personal Trainer
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When Park Jisung told his roommate - Jeno - that he wanted to start working out, Jeno told him that he was already working out.
And Jisung deadpanned.
Jeno teases him too much. He had to clarify that he wanted to start working out more intensely, like Jeno and Jaemin. Although, Jaemin uses the gym to deal with a break up, unlike the rest of them. Still though, Jisung wants the same result, and he thought that Jeno would get the hint, that he wanted Jeno to train him. But Jeno just forwarded him the number of the front desk person at his gym: you.
You also happen to be a trainer ... and were the only available person to do his kick off session, a free, one-hour personal training consultation to, essentially, gauge his goals, set up his work out plan, etc. So, reluctantly, Jisung accepted (he had to) - mainly because Jeno actually really had no time to consistently train him like you, nor did Jaemin, and he wasn't about to ask Renjun for breathing exercises.
But then, everything changed when he found out that you're hot.
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To his first session, Jisung arrived early.
Surprisingly, Jeno's gym is an easy 15-minute walk from their apartment; five minutes, if he felt energetic enough to run, but he wanted to give himself time to mentally prepare for meeting a stranger. He never really goes out, except work and stuff, preferring to stay home. Unfortunately, he hopes to eventually make the gym part of his routine, so he has to get used to seeing new people. Plus, the extra few minutes let him get a lay of the land before his muscles inevitably gave out in front of a girl.
And besides, you were running a few minutes late to your shift - not that his session started with your shift. You staggered it by about 15 minutes, you told him over the phone the previous day, in case he showed up to stretch in advance - which he did, kind of. He only remembered to stretch after seeing you, so he discarded his jacket in the tiny lockers by the turf and started those basic shoulder rolls he learned in middle school.
You came over after he passed a few sets, correcting his form, "Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Your chest should be slightly ahead of your abs."
Of course, he jumped, not having expected you, like, at all.
"Sorry," you apologized yet still inched closer. You held your hands a couple inches off his back, fingers stuttering back and forth from his rhomboid. "Can I touch you?" Jisung nodded, fighting the smile that breaks into the corners of his mouth. "You should feel it -" You closed the gap and touched your fingers to his spine, eventually flattening your hand between his shoulder blades, and he inhaled sharply. Your hands felt small, smaller than his at least, your fingers not even taking up the half space of his rhomboid (though, he couldn't see it). "- right here."
Jisung tensed, fixing his posture and lifting his chin higher.
"Sorry," you apologize again, immediately withdrawing your hand, and he turned around as equally fast. "Did that feel weird?"
"No," he answered loudly, then cleared his throat. "No, it was, um, helpful. I - I don't think I know exactly where to -" He covered half his face to hide the increasingly pinkish hue and the dimples in his cheeks. "- to feel it, so anything you do is ... appreciated." Jisung tried to avoid your gaze too, looking at the ground, but you are shorter than him, so you met his eye incidentally, also stepping into his personal bubble.
The whole first session went like that for the most part - you correcting his form; him giving you honest feedback; you stepping into his personal bubble, touching him; etc.
No wonder Jeno keeps coming back to this place, Jisung thought. If not just for how attentive and detailed with him you are, then for - and this was where Jisung started to feel bad - how sexy you look demonstrating every exercise. (He felt guilty, semi-pathetic, literally running home to masturbate in the shower for an hour).
Because every time you parted your knees, Jisung, too, nearly dropped to his.
He had to watch you, from a bird's eye view, standing while you illustrated simple hip raises on the ground, giving him an excuse to stare at your camel toe perfect range of motion in your ilolumbar ligaments. Even worse, when you and he did high planks across from each other, because he could see down your loose neckline, down your tight, compression bra, at the slightest peak of your cleavage.
And he couldn't stop staring, waiting for a flash of your tits, like a pervert, or for your leggings to roll down your stomach a little bit more, before you covered the waistband of your panties all over again (he would have sworn, on Sakura Yamauchi's grave, that you wore a thong, and that you wear a thong to every session).
Then, the kick off ended so soon, and you summarized all his strong points, noting the slight bulge of his bicep, asking him whether he would want to continue strengthening your core, as is your specialty. Jisung hadn't the heart (or hormones) to deny you. His main goal, he figured, - to bulk - could be done on the days he doesn't train with you, since he planned on joining Jaemin, Jeno, or Haechan for weight lifting the other times.
But you catch him.
Pretty easily, actually, on one of your off days.
"Hey, stranger," you greet him, a few months after that first session. Jisung looks up at you, from the ground, where he reracks 25-kg dumbbells next to an even taller storage rack. You hold a medicine ball, in both arms, so tightly to your stomach that he can see the way your cleavage spills over your sports bra, even under the oversized t-shirt.
Jisung giggles, just once, timidly, under his breath - half-winded from his bicep curls - and smiles at the ground. "We saw each other on Saturday."
"Well," you sing a little, throwing the 3-kg med ball between your hands. "Actually, I could've sworn I saw you on Tuesday, a mere two days ago," you tease him, and he looks up again, kneeling on just one knee now.
"Ah ... Really?"
"Yup!" you emphasize the last syllable, then turn to the racks, squinting at the empty top row high above your head. "I thought, 'Hmm, couldn't be my Jisungie', since you were counting concentration curls." Those are not part of the workout plans you make for him. "Mmph." You jump a little, throwing the ball, but it stays on the ledge and rolls back into your hands. Jisung stands up immediately, behind you, and racks the ball for you.
He hopes you don't hear his heart beating through his chest, or at least that you attribute it to his final workout. But you called him yours. And he needs to hear it again.
You tilt your head up, following his hands, until making eye contact with him upside down. He presses against your back a little tighter, to really settle the ball on the rack, and incidentally, he also feels the curve of your ass hit his wide thighs.
Jisung lowers his arms, slightly, shuffling forward. He hangs one hand on the ledge behind you, while the other finds the waistband of his Adidas sweatpants. For a second, as he tries to meet your gaze, Jisung dips down to your legs, hoping to glimpse another outline of your panties, but you just wear an innocent pair of biker shorts. The black fabric barely peeks out from under your oversized t-shirt, only showing off your legs and pubic bone. Jisung's short sleeve, also oversized (as is the trend) does little to hide his own hips, since he holds it, folded, over his abs. The sleeves, though, fall down his bicep without his workout, and hide the wrong bulge.
You turn around, in his strong arms, brushing your own arm between his defining pecs.
"Sorry," he apologizes, panting thickly through his pouty lips, suddenly worried that you could read his thoughts. "Was that ... Was that weird?" Jisung lifts his hand off the rack with the intent to brush away the messy black bangs in front of his eyes, but you grab his wrist and drag him even closer than he had initially been. He purses his lips and tilts his head to the side.
"Jisung - ah," you clear your throat, rubbing your collarbone with the hand that was just on his arm. Jisung shifts to the tips of his toes, to better hear you as you start whispering, "Do you - do you want a free session? Right now? With me?" You brush your face closer into his personal bubble, and your pupils get bigger.
Jisung tilts his head a little deeper, nearly kissing you on the cheek, and scans your face. This might be more awkward, might have made him self-conscious - the borderline public indecency PDA - if today were not a random Thursday at 10 AM. But it is. The mostly empty gym really doesn't have anyone to notice the two of you. And Jisung takes advantage of it.
He nods.
"Meet -" You inhale, squeezing his arm once, marveling at the veins. Deliberately, he flexes. And your entire body jolts taller, giving you the momentum to look him in the eye again. "Meet me in the racquetball room in five."
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Jisung actually meets you in seven minutes, too busy splashing water on his face in the locker room.
Ironically, the racquetball room offers more privacy than the bathrooms all the way in the back of locker rooms. It might have something to do with how many people are able to use each room at any given time.
So, Jisung takes a deep breath and wipes his hands, palms to fingertips, on his athletic pants. Then, he opens the door.
He barely gets a second to walk through the entrance, when you shove him against the door, fitting your lips onto his mouth.
You only peck him once, practically jumping into his chest, but Jisung still gasps, inviting you to bite his bottom lip - which you do, causing him to yelp.
"Oh, my God," you nearly scream, climbing off him - not that you climbed him very high, or that you stuck on him tight enough to topple him over (but if you did, he would have caught you). You teeter on your toes, fingers stuttering back to your chest. "I'm so sorry, Jisung. Was that weird? I - I thought -"
Jisung cuts you off, this time. One hand slides over your cheek, his nails knotting in the roots of your hair, and the other grabs you by the waist, pressing his hips into yours. He kisses you once, like that, nearly snapping the both of you in half. A scant moan leaves his esophagus, as low as a groan, before he switches sides and picks you up. His palm scoops your entire ass, helping you into his arms.
You gasp. "Whoa, Park Jisung??"
Your ankles tie together behind his small waist, and the momentum of his scoop pushes him into the wall. You readjust a little higher, cradling his face once you get stead. Your hands feel soft on his freshly shaved jaw.
"You're so tall," you whisper, slotting your lips together.
"There," he says with some finality, some assurance. Jisung shifts you up even more, using the wall as support, and smiles, innocent in his eyes, naughty in the way his squeezes your ass. "Now you're taller." He kisses you again, trying to lick your lips clean. Your hand slips down to the front of his neck, as you suck and bite his lips. His bottom lip follows you, while you change angles, grinding your hips on his abs, driving him firmer against the wall. Jisung pulls off, briefly, his eyes still closed. "Fuck, baby."
Jisung kisses you even harder and slides both his hands under your ass, spreading your ass cheeks wide. His middle fingers brush your cunt, poking around the thin string, finally verifying that you do, in fact, wear a flimsy thong.
"Shit," he swears when you tug his hair unexpectedly. Your nails scratch his temporal lobe, fisting and re-fisting around his split ends.
His hands automatically dig into your thighs. And you yank his hair again, this time backwards, pulling off him. Jisung gasps without your mouth to suppress his moans, and his fingers slip lower into your inner thighs. You withdrew just far away enough to take off your shirt, and his jaw falls, heavy pants shaking his entire chest as he inspects your sports bra. A deep v-neck cuts straight between your tits and the tight material pushes them together and up, although slightly misaligned - half your nipple exposes under the black fabric. Jisung almost bites one, when you yank his hair a third time, making him look up at you, his eyes glassy around the rim.
"Sungie," you pant and lick your lips. God, he wants to kiss you again; he even parts his lips to ask, but you speak first, "There's something I want to do. Really bad." You cup his jaw, and he swallows thickly. "Can I suck you off?"
"Fuck," he swears again, kissing you harder. "Yes. Yes, baby, fuck, please suck me off," he begs, chanting an affirmation mixed with your name. You moan equally with him, and your legs tighten around his waist as a single one of his hands roams your back, snapping at your bra. His other palm gives your ass more support, slipping into your shorts, into your thong.
He kisses you a few more times, his lips pursing forward more and more as you pull away, slowing down his tongue into quick pecks. Jisung knocks his head against the wall and shakes his bangs out of his face. He scans your face, then realizes that he likes looking at you.
"I said you're pret -"
Jisung doesn't get to finish his praise, because you push a thumb past his lips, holding down his tongue. Instantly, his cheeks hollow, but your thumb tugs backward a little, so he sucks even harder, to trap you there, amidst his whiny protest .You pull a little bit more, enough to reopen his mouth, and replace it two fingers. Satisfied again, he licks at your index finger, imagining how you would blow him with those small hands (how will you wrap them around his cock?). His dick, standing upright toward his abs, between your legs, jumps, and your eyes darken.
You jump off his lap, simultaneously pushing him against the wall.
"Shh, Jisungie," you whisper. Your hands creep into the waistband of his trackpants, folding over the layer until the inseam reaches his thighs. "You're so loud."
"I can be louder," he whimpers. But still, he mouths, "Oh, my God," and bites his lip, hitting his head on the wall again. His hips work on a mind of their own, thrusting forward (only slightly), anticipating you to do more, especially after you asked, so nicely, to suck him off. "Baby, please." Finish what you started.
Your next few actions move like a virgin who only has experience from watching porn. Not that Jisung has any complaints, remembering how he was with his first partner. Except, you don't bumble around like an idiot, like he did. No, you spring his dick free and gasp. He looks down, mouth sluttily ajar, panting all over again as the air conditioning brushes his shaft. With your eyes wide, you slowly wrap your fingers just below his tip - the fingers that were in his mouth. They prevent you from dry rubbing his erection, not that he needs it, necessarily. His cock embarrassingly dribbles through the slit, clear liquid sliding down in beads. He has to grit his teeth to will himself not to cum, but you stand on your knees, barely tall enough to point his cock down your throat. You rest your palms on his thighs, keeping him still, and lean a bit higher to swallow his tip, just the tip.
Jisung's fingers hook under your jaw, making you look up at him.
And he nearly cums at the sight. You're so fucking sexy.
Your eyes dilate, looking at him through your pretty lashes and messy hair. And his dick throbs, again - which makes your mouth pulse around the tip. Mmm, you moan, lips tightening involuntarily. Jisung thrusts forward, faintly, bending at the knee as his dick, 85% hard, fits halfway in your mouth. You shift a little bit taller and take more of his cock, by yourself.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Jisung whines, hiding his pout lips behind one hand. "You're so good, baby." The hand that stayed on your jaw fists its way into your hair, supporting your temporal lobe enough for him to slide his cock all the way down your esophagus. "I don't even need to train your throat. You're already so good for me."
Then you pull off his cock, coughing and rubbing your throat. You hold his length at the base, but the momentum held and his cock slaps your cheek, leaving a puddle of precum and spit on your cheek. "You're so big, Jisungie," you whine, lips swollen and pouting.
But your thighs squeeze together, and he can just tell that you ride the thick inseam on your crotch. He bets, too, that your clit got caught in your thong, pressing in all the right areas. It might look like how your tits look right now - raised and spilling out of your tight sports bra. God, he wants to cum on them. He can't, this time at least, because it would make a huge mess, but next time, if you'll let him.
"Baby, finish what you started, please," he begs, flopping his dick back in your mouth, guiding your head down his shaft. "I'll repay you after, I promise, but I'm so fucking hard right now. I need to cum."
You take half his cock down your esophagus, sloppily drooling down the corners of your mouth. He can feel his tip hit your tongue, grating the fucking moist foliate.
Jisung's thrusts get clumsier and clumsier as he tries to memorize the way your body moves. Your wrist flicks his cock inverse to how it goes down your tongue. You grope and squeeze your own tit, slipping your hand into your bra, bringing out one of your stiff nipples for him to gawk at. Your thighs shake, ass driving your pussy forward like those hip thrusts you showed him on the first day. Jisung feels your nails graze the veins in his cock, and he looks down, panting open-mouthed, moans spilling.
He cups your face with all ten fingers enveloping your cheeks. Your own hands drop down to your body, back to your tits and pussy. Jisung jerks your face around, swirling your mouth around his cock to prepare you for the entire length. He groans, abs crunching, barely shoving his dick halfway, before you retake control.
"Gawk, gawk, gawk," you swallow, half gagging, half sobbing.
"Yeah, fuck, I'm almost there," he chooses to interpret.
You stand tall again, on your knees, and squeeze his cock between your tits, freeing them from your restrictive bra. Jisung slowly feeds his cock all he way, as you raise your tits, visibly pinching your nipples with your index and middle fingers. His tip, angry, leaking, and throbbing, knocks on your tongue, and you get the hint, bobbing your head. You look at him through your lashes again, eyes somehow wider, more innocent, before rolling them to the back of your head. You force a little bit of his cock out of your mouth, down your tongue like a slide, letting him take over.
Jisung's stomach drops, and he shoves his cock down your throat, brushing his pelvis against your nose.
"Hnng, fuck, fuck, fuck," he moans. His entire cock throbs with your esophagus as you choke on the width. Then he cums.
Jisung slowly pulls out while he cums, letting his thick, white semen pool in your mouth. You fold your tongue into a cup, as wide as you can, showing off how good you take him, still jerking off his cock between your tits. You swallow all the cum you can, before it starts streaming down your cheeks, like your tears.
"Cute," he mumbles, pushing his cock in your mouth, only halfway until he stops cumming. Then, he helps you stand up.
You swallow again, panting after an audible, large gulp, and wipe your bottom lip clean with your wrist. "I know -" You heave, wrapping your arms around his neck, falling against the wall with him. "I know guys don't like to make out or anyth -"
Jisung cuts you off again, pressing his lips chastely against yours. He brushes his nose across your cheek, smelling the prominent salt and sweat on your skin before parting your lips with his tongue and lifting you back into his arms. "I don't care," he whispers. "I'll cum inside you and eat you out, too."
You grab his jaw and scan his face. "Really?" you ask, almost doubting him.
So, he spins you around, pinning you to the wall. You, again, tighten your legs behind his back, steadying on his shoulder.
"Yeah, baby, I'm gonna put all these muscles to use."
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zxxccx · 11 days
This is a work of fiction. All characters are 18+. Contains male fart fetish content.
I guess I kind of brought this on myself. They always say what goes around comes around, but I still think my friend took things too far. I'll admit, my little prank was pretty embarrassing for him. I spilled water on the crotch of his shorts right before he had to get up in front of the class and do a presentation. He was pretty pissed (pun intended), but he took it like a champ and actually aced his presentation. Afterwards, we both kind of laughed it off and he admitted that I got him good. We played pranks on each other all the time, so I thought this was part of our little game and figured he'd to something to embarrass me a little at some point and then we'd be even. Oh how wrong I was!
To fully understand what happened to me, you need to know a little more about my friend or more specifically his job. College is expensive, so in order to help pay off his loans, he worked part-time in addition to attending classes. They recently discovered that high doses of methane could kill certain household pests which lead to a revolution in the fumigation industry. It didn't take long for them to make the connection between methane and human farts. So now, most fumigation jobs could done by hooking a really gassy guy up to the building's ventilation system and having him let rip. People didn't necessarily love the lingering smell that remained afterwards, but it eventually faded and was safer than the harsh chemicals they used to use.
My friend is an extremely gassy guy (and having been the victim of many a fart prank from him, I could personally vouch that his gas is particularly potent), so getting a job as a part-time fumigator was a no-brainer for him. I remember when he first got the job, he thought it was hilarious that he was essentially being paid to fart. I told him he got lucky and that he better do a good job because if he got fired he'd never find anyone else crazy enough to pay for his rancid gas. He immediately turned my words against me by wrestling me to the floor, sitting directly on my face, ripping ass repeatedly, and not letting me up until I agreed to pay him $20 and thank him for providing me with such amazing service.
Back to now, my friend told me I had to see the house he just got hired to fumigate. Apparently it was one of those McMansions you only see in really high end neighborhoods. When he went for the initial consultation, he saw they had a home gym, a movie theater, a game room, and all that. He said he could give me a quick tour before he got started and then I could “watch the master at work”. I didn't want to be anywhere near him while he “worked”, but he assured me all his gas would be filtered into the house and I wouldn't have to smell any of it. So we drove there. It was a hot day, so on the way he offered to run into 7-Eleven and grab us both sodas which I greatly appreciated.
When we got there, I saw he wasn't kidding about the size of the house. As we walked up, I asked how he could possibly gas out the whole place. I know he was a powerful farter, but this seemed almost impossible. We stopped by the A/C unit outside, and he told me how the system worked. There was a hose plugged into the A/C unit and the other end went into the back of a harness that looked kind of like a pair of rubber boxers. They had to be rubber, my friend explained, in order to be airtight. The hose would be positioned so that it sat right between his bare ass cheeks and inline with his asshole. He would then fart and it would go into the A/C unit which would circulate the air throughout the whole house. Given how intense his gas was, and with the power of the A/C fan to help spread it, I had full confidence he'd be able to make the whole house reek in no time.
After he finished showing me his setup, we went inside and he started giving me a tour. I was worried about coming into contact with whatever critters the owner was trying to get rid of, but my friend assured me that this was a termite fumigation. We went through a bunch of the rooms, and my friend went definitely right about how impressive the place was. I was admiring the home theater when all of the sudden I felt off. My friend asked me if I was okay and I said I felt a little woozy. My friend suggested that I sit down and then said something to the effect of “gee, I hope no one messed with your soda…” Before I had time to process what that meant, I blacked out.
I woke up dazed and confused. My friend was looking down at me grinning. I tried to say something but my mouth was taped shut. I also realized that was tied spread eagle on an unfamiliar bed with each of my limbs secured to one of the bedposts. I gave my friend an inquisitive look and he started to explain the situation. Apparently, he was still pretty upset about how I embarrassed him in class. He had been thinking for a while about how to get me back, and then he came up with a brilliant idea. He knew how much I hated his farts, so why not use that against me. He put something in my soda to knock me out, and while I was passed out he tied me to one of the beds in the house. I was still going to get to see his work, but I was going to experience it from the inside. He even gagged me to make things more “fun” for me and to ensure that I fully got to experience his gas.
I started freaking out. There's no way he could do this. Wasn't it dangerous? He simply pointed out that he couldn't understand what I was saying and didn't care. This was going to happen to me whether I wanted it to or not. He then double checked the ropes to make sure there was no way I could escape. He also added a couple extra layers of tape to my mouth to make sure that I could only breathe through nose. After teasing me a bit more and telling me to think twice before messing with him on the future, he said it was time to get started. I tried to plead with him one more time but he left and assured me that he was going to love every second of this.
After a few minutes, I heard the A/C turn on. I really tried to struggle and free myself, but it was no use. I was fully stuck and there was no way out. I laid there filled with dread, waiting for the inevitable. Then it happened: I head the first fart rip through the vents. I didn't smell anything yet, but the fans were blowing strong. I heard another longer fart rip and then another. They just kept coming. It took a bit, but the smell finally started to reach my nose. I panicked but there was nothing I could do. I just had to lie there and take it. With each fart, the smell around me intensified. What started off as an unpleasant sulfuric smell escalated into full on raw sewage territory. I don't think I've ever smelled anything this bad before. And still it kept going. My friend was ripping nonstop and I was trapped in his fart cloud. You know how sometimes a smell is so powerful you can actually taste it? That started happening to me here. Even though I was gagged, my mouth began to fill with the bitter taste of my friend’s gas. My eyes even started to burn and I had to close them. I was fully and completely consumed by farts. After several minutes of pure torture, I finally slipped into unconsciousness.
I woke up a few times, but the lingering smell was so strong that I was immediately knocked back out. I finally came to on the lawn in front of the house. I was initially terrified to see a person in a gas mask looking down at me, but it was pulled off to reveal my laughing friend underneath it. Evidently the smell was so strong that, when he went in to drag me out, he had to wear a gas mask. I went to take a much needed breath of fresh air only to be shocked when I still smelled my friend's gas. I panicked and when I explained what was happening my friend laughed so hard that he fell over. I had been subjected to his gas for so long that it had imprinted on my sense of smell. I lost it and flipped out. He told me this is what I deserved for embarrassing him, but I told him he went way too far. I kept yelling at him, but he said if I didn't stop complaining he'd drag me back inside and leave me there. That shut me up.
As I was getting in the car, he jokingly reminded me that I didn't finish my soda. I glared at him. Then he got in and his face crinkled up. He immediately rolled down the windows and told me that I reeked. I told him that it was his fault and he jokingly said that he marked me as his territory. I sulked the whole way back and when he finally dropped me off at my dorm, I took the longest shower of my life. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. It took over a week for me to be able to breathe in without smelling a hint of his gas and even longer for me to be able to walk around campus without people crossing the street to get away from the smell that was embedded in my skin. My friend made sure to tell everyone we knew what happened and they all thought it was hilarious. I wanted to get back at him so badly, but I was too afraid. I never wanted to experience anything like that ever again, so I let it go…as much as I could at least. Anytime my friend ripped ass near me from that point on, my mind always brought me back to being tied up on that bed surrounded by his gas. My body would shudder at the memory and my friend would laugh and rip another one just to drive home the point that I would never truly be free from his gas.
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justjams2003 · 9 months
Fast Pace- 9
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic. Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, the word 'daddy', tell me if I missed any
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @s-silk
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @dark-night-sky-99 @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis @carlossainzwho @lordpercevalcharles @topguncultleader @kitixie @serp3ns0rtiae
Word count: 3,1k
Part 8~Part 10
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“How was your day?” She asks from the bathroom. I shrug only to realise she can’t see me. “The usual,” I can hear her zip something up. “What is the usual?” I too am getting dressed in something more comfortable. It’s already 5 and we had dinner called up. For me, however, getting dressed is much quicker.  
“Well, especially now that we are in the home of Ferrari, Charles and I spend a lot of time on the racing simulator. With that we have the chance to speak to the factory workers, thank them for their hard work and really speak with the engineers. Then after that I spend a lot of time in the gym.” Yet these days, I spend a lot of the time there thinking about her.  
However, before I can say much else, she finally exits the bathroom in the first outfit. It’s a tweed white set. Oh, how I do love her in white. It gives me a sneak peak of the day she becomes mine. She looks so professional, ready to boss around whoever denies her anything. Too, at the same time, so elegant in the way her hair falls to the way her eyes shine.  
“And how was your day?” I ask, allowing her to change outfits, she had just shown me ravishing white bikini that has me needing to think of something else. “Oh, Carlos, I had so much fun. I just love the car so so much, people were taking pictures of it and me all day. Don’t you think it would look beautiful in like, a light pink?”  
I can’t help but laugh. “What? Would it be considered some sort of car treachery?” This does make me laugh even more. She is so cute. Holding the smallest things with such high honour but still always staying true to her heart. “There are some men out there who would call it...a betrayal to the craftsmanship. But those men are the ones who can’t afford the car and haven’t felt a woman’s touch since they were born.”  
Her laugh explodes from the bathroom. It warms my heart and brings a wide smile to my face. How I wish I could bottle that sound and carry it with me, for the days when everything becomes too much. That laugh of hers takes me to another dimension, one when it’s only me and her and not a single thing on this earth could come between us.  
The moment she steps out of the bathroom, my heart stops. She is just so gorgeous. She should be locked up in my house forever. How no one has stolen her heart yet is beyond me. She gives so easily her heart. There is so little I have to give and so much that she gives me. “Carlos, you haven’t said anything. Do you not like it?”  
How long have I been staring at her? How could I ever stop looking at her? “Would you prefer I bend the knee, or bow down fully?” Her laugh is like music to my ears. “What are you talking about?” Her eyebrows furrow, but I can’t look past just how much healthier she looks. The withdrawals seem to have gone for the most part.  
I’d been giving her medication to help, of course after consulting the best expert I could find. That crease in her forehead is gone and her eyes don’t seem as foggy anymore. “You are a goddess. This has to be the only conclusion. And I am your loyal follower, sent to worship you.” She coos, a pink hue becomes her. 
“Wait until you find out the name of the dress.” I motion my hand for her to continue. “Mon Amour.” Of course, because the universe knows. She must have seen me smile so bright because she says more. “When I told the shopping clerk, that it is one of your many names for me, he immediately called the designer over.”  
I do love listening to her talk. I could to it until the end of time and still not get tired. “I didn’t even know the designer was in house. I mean, it’s Channel, you’d expect that from a small boutique not a big house like them. Anyways, when he saw me in the dress, he was, as he said, ‘overwhelmed with my beauty.’” 
This causes my jaw to tick. Yes, I had sent the Channel store a generous sum of money, telling them about the very important client that would be visiting their store. I knew she’d go there; Chanel is her most visited page on Instagram. Besides mine, these days. She doesn’t need to know how I know that.   
What I didn’t know is that they’d send a designer in. Or the fact that this designer would be a he. “He said what?” Her words make my jaw tick. “He said something along the lines of ‘the way your body simply is, is inspiring.’ His words really made me blush.” The urge to show her just exactly who she belongs to is strong.  
Not only that, but I’d love to find this ‘designer’ and beat him to a pulp. Yes, his words are correct, but the fact that his attitude made her blush? That should have him sent to prison. “He then started styling me, oh I can’t wait to show you.” She then runs off only to return in a tight denim dress.  
One that hugs her curves like the red dress but shows just a bit less skin. Yet still, the thought him evaluating her body, watching her as I do now, is infuriating. What the fuck was he thinking? And why would she allow him to do any of this? She does a turn before going back, only to come out with a black skirt and pink top.  
I don’t say anything, I mostly spend the time plotting the man’s murder. The next is a green set, one that highlights just how heavenly she is. A fairy roaming in the gardens. A mermaid walking for the first time. An angel who has just gotten their wings. “After I finished paying for all this, he gave me his business card. Said to call him when I start getting serious about modeling.”  
I hold out my hand and she places the card in my hand. Without hesitation I tear it up. This man will never contact her ever again. In fact, no one should. I don’t want people from the outside filling her heads with all sorts of stories. They could drive a wall between us. And if that happens, my plans for her will have to take a drastic jump.  
“Carlos! Why would you do that?” Her lip pushes out and her arms cross over her chest. “I don’t want him contacting you. If he wants to speak to you, he’ll have to talk to me first.” She rolls her eyes at me and then sighs. “You have to be joking.” I raise my brow at her. This is incredibly serious. “In fact, I don’t want anyone outside our inner circles contacting you.” She gasps and her mouth hangs open.  
“This is taking it too far, Carlos.” Her eyes are usually big, doe and sparkling, but now I see a fury and an anger. “That’s what assistants are for. So that you don’t have to spend your time worrying about schedules or weeding out the people who will further your future and those who just want to use you.”  
I can show her far. Someday it will only be me and her and the Sainz family. There will be no interruptions from people. She will not be tainted by the words and opinions of others. They will not take her from me. Nothing will. “Oh,” her mouth snaps shut and that fire in her eyes dim. “What, do you think I’d shut you out from the world? I’m not that jealous.”  
A little lie here and there won’t hurt her. After all, once she is in my hands, it will have happened so slowly she won’t even realise that she has been taken home. I am her home. No one else. Not her parents, not her friends, not her co-workers. Not even the other drivers on the grid. She will be untouchable, unreachable by everyone but me. The goddess and her dress and her disciple.   
There is a knock at the door, I glance at the balcony and see it’s already dark out. After the outfits, she had also shown me the jewels she bought along with a purse and some shoes. It was quite fun actually, seeing her eyes shine like the gems she had bought. Her smile so wide, I just want to eat her up. I settle for a kiss on the forehead. “Go get in your pj’s, I’ll get the food.” 
“What movie are we watching?” I ask, turning off the big light after we ate. She’s already snuggled in bed, like a kid on Christmas. “Pretty Woman, duh. I’m going to point out every time I felt like Julia Roberts.” I can’t help but laugh at her shenanigans. And still give her a kiss on the head and climb in the bed next to her.  
But I can see the way she eyes me, with a longing glance and those big doe eyes. “Come here, mi amor. Snuggle in close.” Her eyes beam again and without hesitation I pull her close into my arms. She cuddles in close, almost rubbing her face into my chest. She curls herself into a small ball and I make sure she isn’t uncomfortable for a single moment.  
Yet, still, she’s fidgety. “Sit still, o te pondré en una posición en la que no tendrás más remedio que quedarte quieto.” I squeeze her legs tight, to really drive it home. Her squirming has caused an effect on my body that I’m sure she’s not ready to handle yet. She whines, “I’m sorry, can I show you something?”  
“Of course,” I make small circles on her delicate skin, encouraging her to tell me more. She pulls out her phone and then goes to the videos. She then continues to show me a video in the Instagram reel format of her enjoying her day shopping. “Do you think it’s cringe?” She asks, biting her lip and this time it’s me that squirms.  
“No, of course not, I’m glad that you’re finally pursuing your dreams. Even if it’s a small start. Not to mention, it’s really well done.” A blush coats her cheeks, she so up and down. One moment she’s the hottest girl I’ve ever met and the next she’s as cute as can be and I want to hold her like this, all bundled in my arms, forever.  
I haven’t seen this video on her Instagram yet. “Why haven’t you posted it yet?” She bites her lip and avoids my gaze. “No seas tímido conmigo,” she gasps when I nip at her ear and it forces a deep chuckle from me. “I’m scared of what they’ll say about me. I’m scared that they’ll piece together our agreement.” I scoff at her, and shake my head. “So what if they do?”  
She whines and rolls her eyes. “If my modelling career starts, I don’t people to think it’s because I whored myself out.”  Whored herself out? How dare she even think something like that? If anyone ever even dare to talk even slightly bad about her, I’ll have them castrated. I have a tough security and they do anything I ask.  
Money does a lot for a person and for her... I, myself don’t even know how far I’d go. “If you ever say that again, I’ll fuck the word right from your mouth.” I just love the way her eyes go big and she begins to stutter when I say something even slightly seductive. It turns me on, just how much power I hold over her.  
“Dios, eres tan lindo. Here, give me your phone.” She does it without hesitation, still flustered by my words. I open the camera and the moment she sees the selfie side, she ducks behind my arms. I take a picture, it’s as cute as can be. I go to set it as her wallpaper but see that the photo she took on the first day is already the wallpaper.  
I raise my brow at her and she just shrugs. I look and see her lock screen is her and her other two friends that I hear so much about. “I always keep the most important things in my life as my wallpaper.” I feel so warm at her words. How much more perfect can she be? I take my phone and do the same as she has. And proceed to post it on my story.  
“Post the video. Let them talk, that just makes it more fun to prove them wrong.” She just gazes up at me with such love in her eyes. Then her eyes flicker back to the TV and she gasps, “Look, look. Look at how awful these fancy ladies are to her. She’s just this big bundle of energy and childlike joy and they’re just so cruel.”  
I stay listening with extreme intent. It’s almost funny, the way she describes this girl, because it sounds just like my Y/N. “It happened in the store, just today. Before I went to Chanel, I walked into Gucci. I had parked a bit away, for safety. A bit of a habit, I guess. They didn’t see the car, but they gave one look and went ‘we have nothing in your size.’”  
My grip grows tighter than I want it to be. I don’t want her to know the effect she has on me, I’m certain that she’d use it against me. If she truly wanted, she could have me like putty in her hands. Wrapped around her finger, she could have me on my knees with one look. She doesn’t notice it, but there are tears that pool in her eyes.  
“I’m a size ten! That’s very average. Shouldn’t they make clothes for an average person like me.” She pouts, pushing out her bottom lip. Subconsciously, she wraps my arms tighter around her. I’m her protection, she doesn’t realise it, but I am her safety blanket. I scoff at her words. “Please, you are the least average person I have ever met. I’ll have the store bankrupt by next week.”  
She gasps and gives me a slight hit on the arm. “You will do no such thing.” I laugh, kissing her neck. “And why not?” I whisper, pulling her closer into my arms. “Because, you are just race car driver, you will not bankrupt a store that has been standing there for decades with a fashion rich history. I will not have some nepo-baby with too much money on his has destroy it over some girl he met two weeks ago.”  
Her words would be harsh coming from anyone else. But when she says it, it only makes me laugh. “Is that really what you think of me?” She blushes, “I’m sorry I said that. I don’t know much about cars, but I can see you have a real passion for it and a real talent for it. You know, outside of your father’s influence.” She makes me feel like a superhero. In her eyes I can do no wrong. It feels like everybody has been criticizing me all my life, but she? No, she just loves, open and free and can’t find anything wrong with it.  
“And I’ll support you. Always, like you do me.” How I wish now I could kiss her. Just to make the words stop, because if she says one more thing, I might just cry. “Speaking of fathers... Next week is an off weekend and I still owe you a visit to your family.” She sighs, a loud, heavy drawn out one, she leans against my arm and pretends to go back to the movie.  
On instinct I just know, and once again open her phone and find her messages with her mom. She doesn’t stop me, actually she encourages it by giving her password. I can see almost each time her mother has messaged her, she either replied with a dry answer or just didn’t reply at all. “I don’t know what to tell her.”  
“You haven’t told your family about us yet?” Her shy eyes avoid my gaze and I know she feels guilty. “I don’t know what to say. Oh, yes, I’m in the arms of a man I’ve only known two weeks, because, you know, he paid off my student debt and is also so hot it’s unfair to any other guy that has ever lived.” Yes, her words are true but we both know we’re forever. And if she doesn’t realise it, I’ll just have to convince her.  
A low hum escapes my throat, “They do not watch the race? They haven’t seen you there?” She laughs and shakes her head, “They wouldn’t dream of it. They both are kickers for the good old days and when they do watch TV, it’s just those old soaps. In fact, I got my first job when I was 16 and with my first paycheck I bought a shitty phone. After school I’d walk to the nearest café, use their Wi-Fi and watch every fashion movie I could find. Illegally, of course.”  
I love hearing everything about her. It feels as though I could never know everything about her and that breaks my heart. “Well, I suppose we have to have a story for them and the media too. Let’s say this, we keep the story the same, we just move the timeline back about a year. So, instead of 13th of August, let’s make it...the 1st of February.”  
“And why wouldn’t I tell my own mother, about a guy I’m dating, for six months.” That’s a good point. “Well, let’s say that we wanted to keep it private until we’re sure of us.” She shrugs, “That makes sense, ooh, can I buy them presents tomorrow?” I chuckle, always so thoughtful. “Of course.”  
I have to buy them over somehow. If they don’t aprove of me... I’d hate to break my girl’s heart. Having a bit fall out with your own parents can be very traumatic. But I won’t hesistate. I’m sure mother would love her just as much as I do. And father, he would understand why I do, what I need to do.  
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homegymsolutions · 7 months
Bespoke Fitness Solutions, Home gym equipment Leeds, Harrogate, UK
Home Gym Solutions offers a selection of different home gym equipment, consulting services to create the ideal bespoke gym design to suit your training area. If you are not sure which type of fitness hire would best suit your needs you can call us FREE on 01134334455 for expert advice.
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smok3r7 · 4 months
One Door Closes & Another One Opens
Joel x OFC!Divorce Lawyer
Explicit, 18+
The Duality Of Life
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Main MasterList & Series Masterlist - My AO3
Summary: She’s a divorce attorney and he’s a husband looking for help to save his daughter, and himself, from his gambling addict wife. Renae Russo is a woman who fights for her clients and wins. She’s satisfied with her life and what she does - but she wishes she could have a little more. What happens when Joel Miller becomes her client and an old flame of Renae’s reignites in the same breath?
Chapter Summary: The reality starts to really set in for each of them, but for different reasons.
Word count: 2.1k
It’s been two weeks since Renae first met Joel and about twelve hours since their last consultation, all about Annie getting served divorce papers on a day that just so happens to be today.
She just knows shit is going to hit the fan. In other words, Annie’s going to throw one big, giant fit.
Joel told Renae the first time he and Sarah left to stay at Tommy and Maria’s place that Annie would nonstop call and text him - along with his brother and his sister in law - about how “unfair” he’s being. She even tried to break into his brother's home, multiple times. The woman has some screws loose, to put it politely, and Joel has told Renae more than she needs to know, but he wants to make sure she knows every detail of what’s going on - not just for the court.
Rather, because there’s not a day that goes by without her or Joel texting and calling one another. They can’t leave each other alone and the lines have been blurred many times already, by both sides.
Even at the gym, where Renae is currently working out with her cousin, Ally, who’s only a year younger than her. She’ll send him sweaty pump pictures in the locker room mirrors, clearly trying to show her ass and thicker hourglass figure, though with a bit of class. She’s not afraid to admit that she does feel something for Joel, but she knows how careful she must be - in the eyes of the law, the man is still married and Renae is not, and she will never be a homewrecker. But as long as he proceeds with this divorce - which she knows he will - then there’s no issue. Right?
You’re dangerous, you know that?
Renae reads Joel’s message again and again. She couldn’t hide the way her heart flutters or the heat that radiates from her cheeks, even if she wanted to. It’s a natural reaction after continuous texts and conversations that dwell into the deeper parts of one another. Things that Renae wants to learn about, not for her job, but for her to grow closer with him and be able to understand Joel as an individual. Not a married man.
Her thumbs playfully do a little dance above her keyboard while she thinks of a slick response to toy with him even more than she is.
Who me?? Neverrr ;)
“What are you over there cheesin’ about?” Ally questions as she unlocks her locker and starts grabbing her things. Renae and her have grown increasingly close since Gia left for New York, not a replacement by any means but definitely another sister-like relationship.
Joel. She one words Ally as she sets her phone down to pull her large graphic tee over her sticky, sweaty body. Renae’s brought up Joel to Ally before, only briefly - his name and that they met at the diner - but word gets around fast here. Even though she trusts Ally with her life, there are some things that she keeps to herself.
“What’s goin’ on with that by the way?”
The question lingers in the locker room for what seems like thirty seconds, while Renae tries to figure out how far she wants to divulge. On one hand she wants to tell somebody what’s going on because she has all these questions and feelings clouding her conscience. But on the other, she doesn’t want this to blow up in her face later on - with her job or her life - because something like this could mess with her reputation.
She does not want to be known as the sleazy attorney that sleeps with her clients. It would ruin her completely. So Renae decides to keep this to herself.
“Just havin’ some fun, is all.”
His eyes shoot open and his heart sinks, this can’t be good. He raises his right hand above his eyes like a visor so he can see the human figure that stands in the doorway. The raging sun beats down on him and Sarah who’s floating on pool toys in the water to cool off from the yard work they finished an hour ago.
Suddenly Joel’s eyes adjust from the brightness and he sees Tommy waving his hand, motioning Joel to come inside. Serving Annie must’ve not gone as smoothly as he prayed for. But in reality, he knew she was going to make it harder for him and Sarah because there’s nothing simple about Annie.
Small things such as asking her to do a simple load of laundry or dishes turns into a huge debacle in itself, so he can’t even begin to imagine how this went.
“Stay in the shallow end, please,” he reminds Sarah, who’s now swimming back and forth with her bright pink goggles on her eyes, as he pulls his white shirt over his head and wraps his large beach towel around his waist covering his bathing suit. Okay, dad, rings through the backyard creating this little song with the birds that hang out in the trees above her, causing Joel’s cheeks to glow.
Gliding his fingers through the curls that hang in front of his face so they slick back and stick to his drenched head, he builds up the courage to face Maria, who offered to serve the papers. Maria and Annie have gotten into it at least a dozen times before because of the way Annie has tried to create this havoc in Maria’s life, unnecessarily.
Annie’s lost every time.
“How bad?”
Tommy does nothing but spin around and stomp through the four-season porch, then push the screen door open that leads into the kitchen, leaving it open for Joel to follow. But his feet are almost melted to the boiling cement, he can’t move, or at least his mind won’t allow him to. It’s like the wires that connect from his brain to his muscles are malfunctioning, Tommy only acts like this when something goes haywire.
Maybe this divorce wasn’t a good idea…maybe I shoulda’ stuck it out just a little bit longer…I mean, was my life really that bad? I coulda’ faked it longer…but could Sarah? Joel only turns his head to take one more look at his daughter who’s now playing mermaid with her Barbie’s, nothing but a bundle of joy and cuteness. Her brown hair clings to her shoulders and face when she breaks the barrier of the water but quickly disappears when she dives again. No… I’m doing the right thing.
Finally grounding himself, he steps out of the warm comfort of the sun and enters the chilly house. Sliding the screen door shut behind him, he shouts into the empty kitchen asking where they are. “Bedroom,” Tommy responds. Joel inhales deeply through his nose and as he exhales he mumbles, the biggest steps are the hardest but that means you’re movin’ on. Words from Renae that have stuck with Joel and help him get through days like today, days that impact him more than people would think.
Without really preparing himself for whatever fresh hell he’s about to see, he strides to Tommy and Maria’s room where he sees Maria laying down with Tommy next to her. Her nose bloody, right eye swollen, and knuckles a mix of blood and bruises - fuck.
“I’m okay.” Maria reassures him instantly, then turns to her husband, “Tommy! You gotta calm down!” Joel rushes to her side of the bed and kneels on the floor, carefully folding his hands around her hand that lays on the comforter. Apology after apology flies out of his mouth, he never wants this to happen. It's not good for anyone, even if Annie gets put in her place - or an ass beating - because his life is now affecting his little brothers.
“Joel, stop. I offered to do it,” Maria tells him and she continues to reassure him that he has nothing to be sorry about. She’s actually really proud of him for taking this big leap in his life and it all being about Sarah, she finds it’s very admirable that he fights hard for his daughter.
“Thank you,” he mutters, standing up to leave them for the evening knowing that everything’s fine and is going to be. Halfway through the kitchen he stops, partially losing his balance he leans his right hand on the large wooden table to stable himself. His lungs grow and shrink in a slow rhythm, he finally feels relieved.
The biggest steps are the hardest but that means you’re movin’ on.
“Wait…so you’re tellin’ me he cheated on you?”
“Twice. I can’t believe I was that naive, but what can ya do? Just the way the world works I guess.”
Joel’s chuckle feels warm in her ear, like he’s laying next to her in bed letting her head rest on his chest, playing with her fiery hair while her arm wraps around his belly and she squeezes him. But he’s really on the other end of the phone, in his own home, his own room, his own bed. When all she wants is nothing more than to smell his musk and run her acrylics through his salt and pepper curls that lay on the nape of his neck.
Renae rolls onto her stomach, placing her phone between her elbows as she watches “Joel<3” scroll at the top of her screen with an hour and forty-nine minutes underneath. The longest phone call they’ve had yet and somehow, the most memorable. Renae’s finally opening up to him after three weeks, feeling that she can truly trust this man with things she rarely has told anyone.
For once she feels vulnerable and safe at the same time, which she hasn’t felt with anyone in years. It’s like the world is finally rooting for you instead of against, she feels she can maybe relax some more. Just knowing this man is here for her whenever she needs; to simply chat about nonsense or when something is bothering her to the point of irritation, helps heal parts of her she didn’t even know were still bleeding.
“Well, the bastards missed out on the fun one.” Renae can hear the hoarseness in his voice, getting more and more tired as the seconds pass. “The gals like you are the resilient ones. The ones who can make it through anythin’ ‘n may come out with some bruises, but you dust off the dirt ‘n grow from it.”
Her face flush from the genuine words and affirmations from Joel, her stomach bounces around that she rolls onto her back and covers her eyes with both her forearms. She tries to control her breathing from the adrenaline that pumps through her veins, which slows down a tiny bit - but not much.
“You gotta stop doin’ that thing!” She can’t help the giggle that follows her words, like a teenager on her first date.
Doin’ what, Rae? The lowness of Joel’s voice vibrates her phone on her mattress, one of her favorite things he does over the phone. She’s not sure how he does it or if he even knows he’s doing it, all she knows is that she loves it. The nickname started last week, all on Joel’s own and she hasn’t loved the way anyone has called her pet names, since Dominic - Mia Sole, My Sun.
“That right there!” She laughs, “You’re gonna get me in trouble old man.”
“Old man, huh?”
Mhmm, she smiles into her bedroom as she pets Frankie who’s just hopped up next to her. She can’t help herself from toying with him, especially since he bites back or at least he usually does, unless he just lets Renae have her fun taking shots at him. Like tonight, the man had a hard day at work today, he’s pretty sure he tweaked his back a bit - hence why he sounds exhausted.
“Well, young lady…this old man’s tired ‘n your sweet southern charm is rockin me to sleep ‘n I don’t wanna fall asleep while you’re tryna chat-“
“I don’t mind.”
She’s not sure why she blurts that out, it just did. This happens far too frequently for her to not know why her body naturally reacts to him like this, it’s almost like her body is set on matching them together. But nonetheless, she stands ten toes down on her feelings, Renae wants this man to herself.
She’s gonna get him one way or another.
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Never Been Kissed - Part Three - Matthew Knies
Below is part three of my entry for @cellythefloshie's birthday BINGO, featuring Matthew Knies. Again, my 5 tropes (Virginity, Age Gap, Secret Lovers, Meet Cute, Pining) are spread across the 3 parts.
In case you missed it - linking Part One and Two
Warnings/Notes - general smut (p in v), allusions to smut (both m and f oral), swearing. For anyone who read the first two parts, I did adjust the OC's age slightly. I hadn't received any feedback, but after some more research to get a grasp of overall public opinion on age differences in dating, I did change Lana's age slightly.
Celly - I hope you had the most amazing birthday....you are truly one of my favourite writers on here so it makes me happy to try and do something for you. I hope you have enjoyed this journey with Matthew Knies -- I have really enjoyed writing him.
Word Count - 6.7k
With the promise of their lunchtime rendezvous solidified, the pair went off in their separate directions—Lana heading into the office and Matthew to his condo and then to the gym.
Lana's casual attire—flowy linen pants and a t-shirt—was a clear signal that she did not plan to remain in the office for long. When Ainsley walked in and saw Lana's outfit, with her hair swept up in a loose bun, she knew something was up.
Ainsley approached Lana's office and softly knocked on her door. "Lana… are you okay?"
Lana noticed the concern on her assistant's face and tried to sound reassuring as she fibbed. "I'm fine, but something's not agreeing with me. Since it's slow today, I think I'll take the rest of the day off and deal with this at home."
"Is it like food poisoning or something?"
Lana wanted to tie up the line of questioning quickly and just get the hell out of there. "No—but let's just say my stomach isn't thanking me for the hot dog I had at the ball game yesterday."
"You ate a hot dog? Were you drunk or something? You never eat stuff like that…"
"Yeah, well, now I remember why." Lana rubbed her stomach for extra effect as Ainsley winced in a show of sympathy. "Anyway, call me if there are any issues. Looks like it might be a slow week anyway with the long weekend coming up. A nice relaxed week would be nice before the craziness of September hits."
Ainsley nodded and wished Lana well, telling her to go home and rest before the forecasted downpour begins. Lana felt a twinge of guilt for being untruthful to her assistant, but in this case, the less Ainsley knew, the better. Besides, Lana was aware that Ainsley had veered off the path of truth and accuracy on more than a few occasions.
Although it wasn't because of the hot dog, drinks, or anything else she had eaten the day before, Lana's stomach felt like it was turned upside down. Nervous energy swirled within her as she returned home with a few grocery items and one box of condoms that she painstakingly selected. After seeing so many brands, sizes, sensations, and everything else under the sun in the family planning section of the store, in a panicked state, she called Jason. Lana decided calling her brother would be awkward, and other friends might pry too much, so Jason became her unlikely condom consultant—a role he embraced with surprising enthusiasm.
Lana guesstimated that Matthew might return by about 11:30, so she had time for some personal care. With underarms, bikini line, and legs as smooth as silk, she slathered her favorite lotion from her neck all the way to her polished toes.
She dressed in a simple white t-shirt and loose-fitting pants and went about assembling fresh flatbread pizzas, salad, and some sweet but healthy options for dessert. Lana had no clue what hockey players ate while training, so she was forced to wing it to the best of her ability.
Meanwhile, across the city, Matthew smirked and shook his head as he evaded questions about his recent whereabouts from a few of his teammates, as he quickly packed up to leave the gym. Joe wasn't among those who kept pestering Matthew to come out with them after their session, but being one of his closest friends, he knew something was up with his buddy.
As Matthew smiled and bee-lined it to the door, giving a rather hurried wave to those around him, Joe quickly gathered his things, grabbed his bag, and bolted after him.
"Matty—hold up a sec…" Joe hollered as he ran to catch up to Matthew at the door. With a few long strides, Joe was next to him walking out into the parking lot. Joe chuckled at the determined expression on his good pal's face. "Hot date? Where're you heading off to in such a rush?"
Matthew decided to stretch and manipulate the truth as best as he could. Lying wasn't his forte. "I have an appointment with the realtor—just some things to, uh, you know… finish up—I guess…," his voice trailing off.
"How about we go out to that ping-pong bar tonight—y'know, get some of the boys and get some challenges going?"
Distracted by the rumble of thunder in the distance, Matthew fidgeted, shifting his backpack from one shoulder to the other. "Uh—yeah, maybe… I'm not sure just yet… let me do what I planned to do and I'll let you know after I get a nap in."
Given his recent mood shifts and the fact he'd been a bit of a ghost for the past couple of weeks, Joe had all but expected Matthew to decline. "Yeah? OK… yeah, man… sounds good… shoot me a text then and we'll figure it out."
Matthew hurriedly threw his bag in the backseat of his vehicle, quickly blurted a "I'll message ya later" towards Joe, and promptly sped off, leaving his good friend even more puzzled than before.
As Matthew eased along Dundas Street West, he thought solely about Lana. He knew he might be too young to even have this notion, but he had never known a woman like her. He scoffed at himself, acknowledging how much of a cliché it was to even think the thought. Falling for a bona fide woman—a stunning, successful, electrifying woman—is what Matthew realized he craved. Girls his age were fun, vibrant, and awesome to hang out with, but the influx of women who'd emerged this past season had provided Matthew with a clearer picture of what he didn't want.
Matthew realized he was licking his lips incessantly as the nervousness began to build when he turned onto Lana's street. Drops of rain began to spatter onto his windshield, filling him with anticipation of the hours ahead. Unless something drastic had changed, he would be making love to Lana sooner rather than later, and this time, he was prepared.
Using the garage pass Lana provided him with that morning, he parked his vehicle beside Lana's in the underground lot and used the elevator that stopped directly in her place. Lana knew he had arrived even before the elevator doors had opened, having spotted him on the security monitor in her kitchen. How the sight of him walking across the lot to the elevators felt bizarrely familiar, Lana would never know. It felt as though he was meant to be there all along.
Matthew's face lit up as Lana came to greet him. She was about to ask him how everything went, but Matthew's mouth was already on hers, muffling her words. She couldn't help but smile and chuckle into his kiss before Matthew's kiss became a little more hungry and his grip around her more needful. She closed her eyes and offered everything she had within her to him.
Matthew began to walk them upstairs to her bedroom, but the sight of the prepared lunch stopped him in his tracks.
He looked at Lana bashfully. "Oh—man, everything looks incredible—sorry, I didn't mean to just come in hot like that… I just couldn't help it. We can eat—I don't want anything to spoil."
With a newfound confidence, Lana spoke as she kissed him. "None of it's gone into the oven yet—so… it can wait… if you had something else in mind…," Lana said softly between kisses, followed by a wink.
That's all the invitation Matthew needed. Within minutes, the two found themselves naked in bed, hands and mouths exploring in tandem, drawing out the most erotic sounds from each other.
The now torrential downpour added a glorious backdrop of white noise which accompanied the sweet, suggestive murmurs spoken against each other's warm flesh.
The condom conversation eventually occurred, and they couldn't stop laughing when they discovered the new bounty of latex sheaths that each had brought.
Lana was ready for Matthew, but nervousness continued to twist in her stomach. She bit her lip and tried to catch her breath as she watched Matthew carefully roll the condom down his firmly erect shaft. Like the day before, she fixated on every detail of his cock, and she felt a greater need for him blossom within her.
Matthew's hips pressed against hers as he leaned over and kissed her deeply. She raked her fingers through the longer strands of hair towards the base of his neck before her palms descended across his shoulders and along the ridges of his back muscles.
Lana spoke near his ear. "I think I'm ready, Matthew. Can we try now?"
Matthew nestled his face in the crook of her neck and responded "Yes" while softly kissing along her throat.
He positioned his cock at her entrance, rubbing the tip through her inner pussy lips. Slowly, he guided the head of his cock into her entrance as he gently pushed the full tip inside of her.
Matthew was careful and studied Lana's expressions and movements after she encouraged him to keep going deeper. She moaned and gripped his rock-hard forearms as he gently pumped his hips, allowing more of his shaft to slide inside her.
Matthew's full length was inside of Lana. Their gaze trailed from each other down to watch his cock enter and stroke her inner walls. Matthew noticed Lana start to relax as her initial discomfort began to dissipate. Her eyes fluttered closed, her mouth fell open, and her head lolled to the side as her hands roamed along all of his well-sculpted muscle groups. He gently worked his thumb around her clit, using the same technique that had brought her such bliss the night before. Steadily, Matthew continued his fluid motions, gliding in and out while he carefully caressed her highly sensitive bud, only stopping to wet his thumb, tasting her on his tongue.
Try as he might to prolong it, Matthew was getting close. He threw his head back, grunting loudly as he pumped Lana a little more quickly. When he heard her moan his name, he stretched out on top of her while her hands grasped onto his ass. Lana cried out and held onto Matthew's body as he tried to maintain his rhythm, but she just felt so good. Matthew gasped out that he was going to cum and gripped the pillow on either side of her head, flexing his muscles as his body spasmed and twitched with his release.
He remained on top of and inside Lana for a moment, breathing heavily, knowing how incredible he felt but unsure about Lana. But when their eyes connected, they shared a moment that was full of awe and amazement as their rapid breathing slowed.
For Lana, she had no expectations of what her first time would be like. She knew there would be discomfort and it wasn't going to look like the glorified Hollywood sex scenes she had seen in movies. But Matthew made losing her virginity feel natural, beautiful, and more enjoyable with his attentiveness and care.
The rain continued steadily into the early afternoon, but the dreariness outside was a perfect recipe for some relaxation, which Lana realized she had been lacking. Barely clothed, the two brought the flatbread creations back to bed and only stayed upright long enough to eat and drink. They kissed, chatted, and laughed while their hands feathered over each other's bodies. As they lay together, she learned about some of Matthew's physical scars, and he learned about the more emotional ones from Lana's childhood.
Eventually, Matthew enveloped Lana in his arms and held her tightly as he settled in for a nap. To Lana, a midday nap was unheard of; however, not long after Matthew's rumbling snores filled the room, Lana's eyes grew heavy, and she nodded off to sleep as well.
She awoke hours later to Matthew's mouth kissing her shoulder and his arm reaching over her to grab his phone. She smiled, hearing him groan and yawn beside her. She could hear him swiping and tapping the screen as she remained still with her back facing him.
Lana stirred slightly to signal she was awake. The typing on the screen ceased, and Matthew promptly set his cell aside. His hands then roamed her body, fondling everything within reach.
"Do you have anything going tonight? Or is it okay if I hang out here? I hope you're not sick of me yet," Matthew said.
She visualized his smile, one she found so disarming that she'd immediately cancel her plans, if she had any.
Lana kissed along Matthew's arm. "No, I have no plans… if you would like to, I would love to have you stay." She shifted her body, turning to face him. "So, you have nothing going on? I thought you boys would be constantly out on the town during this last stretch of summer," Lana said with a grin as she ran the back of her fingers down his cheek.
Matthew had just sent a message to Joe cancelling their potential plans for that evening. He knew he had begun to raise some questions in Joe's mind—questions that he would need to address at some point. But how could he when he really had no idea himself about what he and Lana were—or weren't?
"My buddy—Joe Woll—not sure if you know him?"
Lana nodded her head that she did.
"We had talked about getting together tonight with some of the guys that are in town now. But I just cancelled—I sort of wanted to stay here… hang out some more with you." Matthew seemed a little sheepish, now that he actually heard how the words sounded out loud.
Lana's brows furrowed with Matthew's admission. "Matthew—I hope you didn't feel like you had to stay… I know you have a life too—I'm not looking to get in the way of that."
"I know… I'm just not ready to leave this little space that we're in right now." Matthew's voice trailed off and then he chuckled. "I really like being with you and I want to do so much more of this… like, the last couple of days—getting to know so much more about you—I just—fuck—I think you're amazing…." Matthew's cheeks flushed at his confession, uncertain of whether Lana felt an ounce of what he had been feeling. "I hate asking this but, do you feel the same about me? Sort of like—do you have a picture of what we are… or could be? Maybe I shouldn't even be asking this…."
Lana looked up at Matthew, her expression warm and soft and full of affection for him. It boggled her mind that the soon-to-be 22-year-old would ever consider a relationship with someone well beyond his years.
"I'd like to continue this—whatever 'this' is... spending time together. I'm not sure of the proper label. Dating? Seeing each other?" Lana nestled closer to Matthew's chest, her fingers tracing patterns on his skin. She paused, then added softly, "But there's something I can't quite grasp."
Matthew shifted to get a better view of her face. He hadn't anticipated Lana's question and had to bite his tongue, allowing her to finish before he spoke.
"Why me? I'm not meaning to sound like I'm putting myself down, but I have tried to consider a few angles—you've got this incredible career ahead of you. You could have your pick of women—women more your age. Young women—models, athletes, whomever—that you can start your young lives together," Lana paused, gathering her thoughts. "I'm just… worried… I have lived my twenties. I'm in a whole other decade than you. And please don't get me wrong, when we're together, I rarely think about our age gap. You're so mature, intelligent, articulate, thoughtful..." She punctuated each compliment with a soft kiss on his chest. Then, worry clouded her face. "But don't you ever worry—if we were to start a relationship—that your family, your friends might feel I'm too old for you? You might even feel that way at some point down the road. I've seen all sorts of relationships with athletes, but this—this with me and you is something entirely different—"
Matthew interjected, shaking his head. "God—no. I know there's still so much we have to figure out about each other, but this being different is exactly what I want. I know I might seem too eager with wanting to spend as much time with you as I can—maybe I come across as immature... but it's because ever since we met, I never want our conversations—our time together—to end. It's like the biggest no-brainer I've ever had. So no—I don't think about whether there's a difference in age… I don't feel anything like that. I just can't ignore how great I feel when we're together."
Lana listened closely to Matthew's words, trying to uncover any red flags in how he viewed her. This didn't appear to be a ruse or him looking for a mother-figure, or anything else of that nature.
"Lana—look, I've been on the other side of things with my past girlfriends, even more than once—when everything becomes an argument, when even the simplest things seem hard, and being around them feels like a chore or an obligation. Fuck, I wasn't even looking to start dating—meeting you took me out at the knees and every single time we were together… you just—you brought out the best of me—and I think I did that for you too. So... if you're willing to give me a shot, I'm all in."
Lana's mind, once again, instinctively drifted into her natural mode of calculating risk. She could certainly see risks with Matthew, not just solely from his age, but questioning whether it was emotion or logic driving his feelings for her. She was in her own struggle between using logic or emotion, which was proving easier said than done.
But as Lana ran her hands down his broad chest, she agreed with him in her mind. He brought out the lighter parts of her personality, and she liked it. "I'd like to try. Take things day by day… spend what time we can with each other. I'm not looking to rush anything, and until we're both comfortable, I would prefer to keep this totally private. Does that sound okay?"
Matthew thought for a moment, reminding himself he had to be patient—this was her first relationship and she was understandably cautious. Matthew lifted her chin and kissed her gently while saying "Absolutely."
The rain subsided just before dinnertime. The two hadn't ventured much beyond the bedroom, and Lana fully and completely reveled in their lazy day together. Matthew's mouth explored more of Lana, and she, in turn, fueled by her fascination and internal drive, gave him her very first blow job. She thoroughly enjoyed the act, but it was the praise she received which made her positively giddy inside.
In Lana's mind, there could never be a comparison for the day she just spent with Matthew. He eased her comfortably into a whirlwind of changes and new experiences. Nothing felt overwhelming. It all just felt exactly as it should be.
In the days leading up to the Friday before Labor Day, Lana and Matthew managed to deftly arrange their respective schedules to maximize their newly sacred alone time. Knowing that Lana would remain up north for two weeks from Labor Day, Matthew pulled out all the stops, with romantic gestures and all-out wooing her before she departed for Muskoka Friday morning.
First, the bouquet of 11 long-stemmed white roses and 11 chocolate-dipped strawberries that arrived the following day. Ainsley delivered the gifts to Lana's office just as she exited the conference room, bidding farewell to her new client. Lana stifled a smile when she saw Ainsley's puzzled expression. She knew her assistant was bursting at the seams to ask the million questions she surely had bouncing in her mind. Lana glided over to her desk, marveling at the perfectly formed rosebuds, blushing as she removed the sealed envelope attached to one of the stems, and another on the box of strawberries.
"LANA—oh my god, it's killing me… who sent you roses and strawberries? Please… I won't tell anyone… please—are you seeing someone?"
Ainsley did not know about Lana's personal history. Although Lana had a good relationship with her assistant, it was after careful observation once Ainsley was hired that Lana saw Ainsley might be a touch too comfortable in sharing the private matters of others.
Lana fibbed. "Just a thank-you from Aryne Tavares for helping Matthew. I'm just going to call her now—I'll stop by your desk afterwards so we can go over some things while I'm away."
Ainsley recognized Lana wasn't eager to dive into a personal chat and quietly closed her office door, stopping to gossip with another sales rep in the break room.
Lana double-checked the door was closed before she opened the first envelope. The card read:
"11 is my new favorite number."
Lana wasn't sure of the reference right away, but it soon dawned on her. Their difference in age.
She chuckled and shook her head, grinning widely as she opened the second envelope.
"Better than beet juice. You can share these at the office—there will be more later."
Lana pressed the card against her heart. There will be more later echoed in her mind.
And there was more.
After Lana sent Matthew a quick thank-you note, they swiftly made plans to meet as soon as she arrived home from the office.
Just as Lana returned home, Matthew arrived at her door with two more bouquets of 11 long-stem roses—one red bouquet and one yellow, as he wasn't sure which color she liked the most.
Matthew also brought a second box of strawberries, dipped in rich Belgian chocolate, which had a dual purpose.
The strawberries, which were later placed on Lana's bare torso, would serve as edible foreplay.
After the delectable appetizer, the sustenance it provided fueled the pair for a marathon in bed. The freedom of knowing they wanted to try for a future together proved to be a powerful aphrodisiac.
Night had fallen, and Lana lay across her bed, breathless. Her skin still rosy and flushed, covered in a light sheen of sweat as she watched Matthew return from the bathroom. He crawled onto the bed, placing kisses over her naked body as she lazily ran her hands through his hair and down his back.
Lana mused that she could get used to this.
The Saturday of the Labor Day weekend was picture perfect. Bright and sunny skies, with every shade of blue on display in every direction. Lake Rosseau was still for the moment, the surface of the water would rival the smoothest glass.
Lana and Andrew's shared lakefront home was already buzzing with activity. Their Labor Day shindig was one of the area's most popular get-togethers, as the brother-sister duo were known for their warmth, hospitality, and delicious offerings from local food and drink venues. Lana and Andrew had long ago decided to take turns organizing the annual event. After Lana threw one of their most revered parties the previous year, Andrew and Jason were determined to outdo her this time. This friendly sibling rivalry to host the better get-together likely made their end-of-summer event one of the most sought-after invitations around Port Carling.
Andrew spotted Lana stealing a few moments alone on the south-facing deck of a sitting area. He handed her an espresso, which she hadn't asked for but deeply appreciated.
"Just got a message from Aryne Tavares," Andrew said. "She already RSVP'd for her and John, but it sounds like they have a few guests staying at their cottage. She wondered if we could accommodate some extra mouths to feed. What do you think?" Andrew maintained a straight face until he saw Lana trying not to smile, as she quickly guessed who one of the "extra mouths" might be.
"Drew, this is all yours," she replied, feigning innocence. "If your numbers say yes, then there's your answer."
"Aryne mentioned one of their guest's names is Matthew Knies. Ring any bells?" Andrew teased.
"You're such a donkey sometimes, Drew. Total jackass." Lana scoffed and bumped against him.
"I actually cannot wait to meet him. See the guy that's lifted all of that shit off your shoulders that our mother laid on you. Did you know he was up for the weekend?"
"He messaged me that he was staying with John and a few teammates for the weekend. Said he hoped that he could stop by for a bit."
“Well, once we’re all cleaned up here after the party, Jason and I are going on a little road trip, so your two weeks alone will be starting tomorrow. Although, the alone thing…maybe not so much anymore, eh?”
Lana chuckled and shrugged her shoulders.
“Sound carries like crazy up here but the glass doors are sound proof - I recommend keeping them closed if you and Matthew are - you know…”
“Jesus Andrew - will you stop?” Lana laughed.
“I forgot to mention - well done too….Jason and I were watching some press conferences… he sure looks like he’s got stamina. Built like a brick shithouse, as they say….”
“Fuck - I’m outta here…you’re too much…”
Lana stood up but stopped to wrap her arms around her brother. “I love you, Drew.”
“Love you to sis. I’m happy for you. Jason and I both are.”
Matthew spotted Lana first. Her naturally wavy hair flitted in the breeze with the ends brushing the small of her back. She absolutely took his breath away. She looked happy, relaxed, and incredibly beautiful as the light wind off the lake swept her hair to the side.
The man Lana was speaking to was no less beautiful, and Matthew had to get his bearings and calm his mind before he approached her. It was difficult not to react to the knot in his stomach given how close Lana seemed to be with the unknown man, who appeared athletic, tanned, and pretty much perfect.
Aryne, John, Joe Woll and Fraser Minten (otherwise knowns as Mints), signaled to Matthew that they were heading to get a drink and waved for him to join them. When Matthew indicated he’d be there in a minute, barely taking his eyes off Lana, Joe - in a flash - pieced it together of why his good friend had been so distant since he first started his search for a new place to live.
Joe watched from afar as Lana sensed a presence behind her. She turned around to see Matthew's face, and her own lit up, with bashful adoring smile. Lana approached Matthew and introduced him to the man she had been standing with.
"Matthew Knies—this is Jason Morin, my brother's partner. Jason, this is Matthew."
Jason shook Matthew's hand. "Great to meet you. I'm a really big fan of yours - and the team. Hoping for an amazing season ahead for you guys."
Matthew’s eyes widened once he realized he had misinterpreted the situation. “Oh - Jason - wow, awesome to meet you too. Yeah, it’s going to be an exciting season I think.”
The three chatted for a few minutes before Aryne, John, and the rest of their group made their way over to greet them. Hugs and handshakes and introductions were made and the group fell into mostly a comfortable exchange.
Eventually Lana ushered Aryne back into the grand main cottage - Aryne had her eye on some fixtures and dressings throughout the main room and Lana was glad to give her the details of the designer.
John and Fraser wanted to go explore the massive boathouse and the multi-dock/deck system, leaving Matthew and Joe with their Corona beers. They did a quick cheers and silently surveyed the southern view from the main deck at the back of the cottage.
Joe broke the silence but didn’t turn his head from the view. “Amazing spot.”
“Sure is.”
Joe smirked knowingly. He could tell Matthew was aware that Joe's keen "spidey senses" had picked up on something.
“Lana seems nice. Oh - right - she’s the one that helped you find your new place?”
Matthew fought against wanting to smile. “Yep.”
Joe bided his time and took another sip from his bottle. “Yep. Seems really nice.”
Matthew tried to fight it off but he broke in to a laugh. “Fuck dude - just ask what you want to ask or say what you want to say man - might as well get it over with.”
Joe teased his buddy. “You better work on not cracking under pressure like that - jeez, I was barely egging you on…”
Matthew rolled his eyes and scoffed. “So? What do you wanna know?”
Joe shrugged. “Anything you’re willing to divulge….”
“Well….. Lana and I are seeing each other.” Matthew exhaled deeply without even realizing he’d been holding his breath.
Joe’s eyes smiled for his friend. “Good for you, man - that’s great…”
Matthew nodded and looked around at the groups of party goers that had congregated near the bar. “She wants to keep it private - she’s worried that my family and friends are going to think she’s too old for me.”
“Ahhh - yeah, I get it.” Joe knew Matthew’s family would just want him to be happy but he certainly saw Lana’s point. “How old is she?”
“32. So just over 10 years difference.”
“Shit, that’s not bad at all. You’re 22 next month so yeah, ten years isn’t bad.”
"But… Jesus, Joe. Fuck, I couldn't help it. I swear, she took me out at the knees — first time I saw her, I was standing in her office behind John worrying I was about to pop an awkward boner."
Joe laughed, nearly choking on his gulp of beer.
"I couldn't have cared less about viewing the condos — I probably could've gotten everything decided in the first couple of hours, but I acted all indecisive for weeks, just to see her again. Man — she's just such an amazing person. She really is."
Aryne's voice behind Joe startled him and Matthew. "Is John still down at the boathouse?"
Matthew peered around a few groups of people and pointed John out to Aryne.
"Lana — I'll be back in a sec…," Aryne called over her shoulder as Lana approached Matthew and Joe.
“How are you guys doing? Do you need anything at all?” Lana said as she assessed the remaining beer in each of their bottles. She pointed out so additional food stations that had just been set up and rhymed off the varieties of cuisines, if they were hungry of course.
Joe smiled widely and chatted with Lana briefly before excusing himself, leaving Matthew and her alone together.
Barely moving his lips and pretending to look around, Matthew spoke under his breath to Lana how gorgeous she looked. Blushing, Lana did the same.
She paused for a moment and then asked if Joe knew about them. Matthew glanced downward and then apologetically looked into her eyes. Matthew explained that Joe had guessed - and that Joe was also exceptionally smart and seem to notice….well, everything.
Lana’s soft voice soothed Matthew’s mild panic, telling him it was ok that Joe knew. Her brother and Jason knew so it really was only fair.
Matthew had a sudden need to be alone with Lana and he leaned in towards her. “Think I could get a private tour of the inside?”
Lana’s eyes were directed towards a local power couple as she smiled and waved at them, but her mind was solely on Matthew. “Mmmm…I can give you a tour a little later - I have something else in mind. There’s a main staircase inside - follow it upstairs and I'll meet you up there in about 5 minutes, okay?”
Matthew chuckled and jokingly looked over his shoulder, then back to Lana. “Yes ma’am.”
Long after Matthew left with the Tavares’ Saturday evening, and once Andrew and Jason had departed on their scheduled road trip the following day, Loren was alone. She traipsed around from room to room absorbing the tranquility of the house, and the bright a breathtaking scenery outside. She always loved this time of year, and there was an odd satisfaction with taking time off when it felt most were venturing back to the work week and school grind after their summer breaks.
Lana changed into her typical work out attire, and headed down to the lake where her one-person scull awaited her on shore. Lana loved her solo rowing trips, especially on a day where the lake was as quiet as it was.
She rowed the lightweight boat along the shoreline at an impressive speed, concentrating on her tempo, proper posture and breathing. She was far off in her own world inside her mind, and barely glanced at the million dollar lake houses with their enormous floating docks and monster ski boats and jet-skis tied to each one.
After an hour-long trip around the lake, she approached her own dock and spotted a tall figure standing by the swim ladder. She stopped rowing to shield her eyes from the sun to get a better look— unintentionally rocking the boat and squealing a little when she realized it was Matthew.
As fast as she could, she hopped into the water and dragged the boat onto the sandy part of the shore, and ran up towards the gangplank where Matthew was climbing down to meet her.
Lana wrapped her arms around Matthew. “I am so happy you’re here but - I thought you had planned to go back to the city yesterday?” She was still puffing - partly from rowing but mostly from Matthew surprising her.
“Sorry - I hated being sneaky but yeah, I really wanted to surprise you. Worried me a little when I showed up and I couldn’t find you. I came out here and kept seeing a flash of something - it was the sun reflecting off your oars. You’re such a badass out there….”
They strolled up the path and chatted animatedly about the hours that passed when they were apart. They entered the main cottage through the large glass doors just off the kitchen.
Matthew was still in awe of Lana’s lake front setup and as they talked, he would meander off, poking his head in and out of rooms with a “not too shabby” expression on his face.
Lana beamed, looking at Matthew as he approached her, backing her up against the countertop by the kitchen sink. He slowly pressed his mouth onto hers and asked if he could interrupt her "quiet time" and stay for a few days. He would need to make his way back into the city at some point that week, but it was Joe who encouraged him to take the chance, come back to Lana's, and spend time with her before training camp got fully underway.
Lana wrapped her arms tightly around Matthew’s neck, her kiss full of need and desire for him. She was elated that he came back, otherwise, the thought had crossed her mind to leave the cottage, surprise him at his condo door - like they do in so many rom-coms - probably drenched from rain, too.
Every moment that followed, a sense of peace washed over Matthew and Lana, which neither had even known they needed. They simply wanted to be together. Whether they were exploring the beautiful towns nearby, sunning themselves on the dock (Matthew couldn't believe what a rocket Lana was in her bikini), or enjoying dinner for two on the boat as they cruised the lake — anything that allowed them to be near one another.
If their shared sense of peace was a surprise to them, their appetite for each other was not. At the party, after they stole away into Lana's bathroom for a few minutes (in reality it was more like 30), Lana channeled her newly discovered sexuality. Behind the locked door, Lana stripped down to her strapless bra and lace panties, and promptly palmed Matthew's cock through his pants. It wasn't much longer before Lana had her hand over her mouth, stifling her cries of bliss while Matthew kneeled in front of her, her one leg draped over his shoulder as he dined on her.
A "Car Ride" soon took on a completely different meaning after their road trips would extend past sunset. Lana was surprised to find a number of secluded spots to climb onto Matthew's cock and experience heaven — sometimes more than once.
For Matthew, picnics in bed had become a fast favorite. The amount of teasing that they unlocked with various edibles was positively sinful. If things got too sticky or messy, well then a joint shower, and everything that entails, would need to be had.
It was Lana's appetite for Matthew that brought her back to the city early, well before her two-week break had concluded. After Matthew had left their bubble to go back to Toronto to buckle down with training, Lana tried to push past the longing that had settled in deep for Matthew. She knew how to be alone—she had always been comfortable with her own company. But she missed him, plain and simple. As Matthew drove home after a morning skate, he scrambled to press "read" on his dashboard after a text from Lana appeared.
"Good morning, Matty. Would you be around for dinner tonight, or sometime soon? Just arrived home. Was missing someone terribly."
Matthew called Lana immediately.
"You're back?! God—that's really—wow… really good news. I was missing someone pretty badly too." Matthew heard Lana giggle and he felt his heart could burst with happiness.
"So, I was wondering if I could take the someone I was missing terribly out on a date tonight? That is, if he's available?" Lana asked hopefully.
Matthew was positively moony. "Does he have to wait that long—or can you maybe fit him in before tonight? Like, maybe now, if not sooner?"
Lana's smile could be heard in her voice. "I can. I'll meet you at yours in the next half-second."
Matthew's cock twitched at Lana's suggestive tone, and he let out a little groan. "See you soon then."
The afternoon was mostly spent horizontal—limbs intertwined and lips connected to each other in every way possible.
They slowly peeled themselves off each other, enjoyed a long and lazy shower, and got ready for their date. Matthew peppered her with questions as to where they were going, and Lana simply answered, "To dinner… and then I guess we'll see after that."
The only other hint she gave Matthew was that she was taking him to her favorite restaurant.
From a window seat atop the ManuLife Centre, 51 floors up, Lana gazed out at one of the most stunning sunsets she'd ever seen—a breathtaking display of reds, oranges, and purples. It felt as if the universe itself was sharing a knowing wink with her. She had gotten her wish - and what a redemption this was from the last time she sat in this restaurant.
The only thing that surpassed the outside view was the man she sat across from. His magnetic charm, disarming looks, with a genuinely kind heart.
Matthew Knies had been well worth the wait.
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
Request: from @unknowntoyou2205 Can you do spencer platonic where she is Derek sister and generally goes to them after school but one day she comes in hurt
Derek Morgan x sister!reader, Spencer Reid x platonic!reader
Summary: You're lying to Derek about how you got hurt at school but you can't hide from a bunch of profilers, much less a genius too.
A/N: Thanks for the request! As always, feedback is appreciated.
CW: reader has minor injuries, talks of bullying, one swear word incase someone cares about that lol
Hiding your limp would be painful, but easy. Your bloody lip on the other hand would be harder to disguise. You winced as you pressed a cold paper towel to the cut in an attempt to help the swelling go down, but it wasn’t working and if you didn’t catch the next metro to Quantico your brother, Derek, would likely assume that someone had kidnapped you. You slung your backpack over your shoulder and limped out of the bathroom towards the metro platform.
For the entire fifteen minute train ride you tried to come up with the best story possible to explain why your lip was busted- so far your best idea was just to tell everyone that you got hit in the face with a dodgeball during gym class- but there were no seats available on the underground car, forcing you to stand on your aching leg. By the time your stop was reached it was nearly impossible for you to walk normally without wincing. Still, you put on a brave face as you got into the elevator and pressed the button that would take you to the sixth floor.
You thought about your story again for just a second. Was there even a point in hiding the truth from profilers?
The elevator doors opened and you decided the best course of action was to hide your limp as best as you possibly could and go with the dodgeball story. You practiced keeping a straight face as you walked into the bullpen area.
Just like everyday they were home from a case, your brother looked over at you as you walked through the glass doors and toward his desk.
“Hey (Y/N), how was- oh what happened?” Derek stood up from his desk as you reached him, touching a gentle hand to your face.
“Dodgeball is what happened,” you said, pulling your face away. “It’s fine.”
“Are you sure it’s fine?” Spencer said from his desk.
Ugh, you thought. Profilers. “Yeah. It’s fine.”
You went to move to the empty desk across from Derek’s but couldn’t contain a wince as you sat down. You could feel the looks of your brother, Spencer, and Agent Prentiss watching you carefully as you took out your homework and continued to try to convince them that everything was truly fine.
It was almost the end of the work day. Prentiss had already left with JJ and Garcia for girls night. Rossi had gone too- probably to do some rich guy stuff. Your brother was sitting in Hotch’s office, the two of them discussing one last consult before going home. The only people in the bullpen were you and Spencer.
You finished up your homework and put it away, grateful that you could forget about school for the day.
“So, dodgeball?” Spencer asked as you bent down to put your folder in your backpack.
“Yep,” you said. “Dodgeball.”
“And you got hit on the hip too?” Spencer said. You didn’t reply. “I don’t think there’s a formal statistic for being hit in the face with a dodgeball and on the hip at the same time, but I’d imagine the chances are about 0.032% depending on the environment.”
“I guess I’m just that lucky,” you replied, avoiding the agent’s gaze as you sat up, wincing at the movement of your hip again.
“(Y/N),” Spencer said. “Did someone hurt you?”
You sighed. “Not exactly.”
Spencer raised his eyebrows, encouraging you to go on.
“I really don’t want to talk about this.”
“I think you really should,” Spencer retorted. “You hang out around a bunch of profilers and we have Garcia. We’re going to find out what happened eventually.”
You sighed. “You won’t because it’s not on record.”
“So there was a risk of something being on record?”
Shit. You had really given yourself away on that one.
“(Y/N), if someone is being mean to you-”
“They aren’t mean to me,” you started, frustration having built up in your chest. “There’s this kid. He skipped the third grade so he’s a year younger than everyone else. He’s super nice though. I was struggling with homework the last time you guys were on a case and he just came over to me in the library one day and started helping me. I didn’t even have to ask. He reminds me of you.” You sighed. “But the upperclassmen like to pick on him. On the way to lunch there was a group trying to shove the guy in a locker and I- I couldn’t just stand there…”
“So you got in the middle of them?” Spencer asked.
You nodded. “Yeah. I have hand-to-hand training but it was still stupid of me. There were three of them and one of me.”
Spencer shook his head. “I don’t think it was stupid. I think it was brave.” He smiled at you a little bit. “I wish someone would have done that for me when I was in school.”
You were about to reply when Derek called to you from just outside Hotch’s office. “(Y/N)? You ready to go?”
You nodded and rose to your feet, wincing as you put pressure where your leg was still sore. Derek walked out of the bullpen with you and the two of you got in the elevator together.
“So,” he said. “Dodgeball got you good, huh?”
“It did. I think I need another hand-to-hand class,” you said.
Derek nodded. “Alright. We can do that. There’s one on Saturday that has an opening.”
You thought for a second about what Spencer had said before adding, “Do you think I have room to bring a friend?”
Derek smiled. “What kind of friend?”
You shook your head. “Nothing like that, big brother. Just someone who reminds me of Reid and had a run-in with a dodgeball today as well.”
Derek smiled softly. "Alright. I'll make room for your friend. And next time, maybe you should tell the dodgeball that your brother carries a gun."
You laughed. "Will do."
975 notes · View notes
604to647 · 11 months
The Wedding (Drabble)
Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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A/N: What if I never finish the “main” fic and just write one-shots and drabbles in this AU (Series Masterlist)? What then? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Anyways, in the AU, Din used to be an enforcer for the Fett Family (now he owns and runs a boxing gym where the mob guys hang/work out 🥊) Let’s go to a Mob wedding! 🙌🏻
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), no smut (but promises of?), established relationship, no implied age gap, dirty talk and pet names (baby, pretty girl, pretty bird, reader calls Din "Daddy" once).
Word count: 860
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It wasn’t every day that the niece of one Don married the son of another. 
Security teams from both families had been working tirelessly, and almost miraculously, together for the past few months to make sure the wedding went off without a hitch. Even top dogs like Din who were technically out of the game had been called in to consult and strategize, all so that both sides of the aisle could celebrate without the threat of any bad blood spilling.  To everyone’s happy surprise, the celebratory spirit had been infectious and all evening long, new and old bonds of camaraderie were made and cemented with good food and even better music.
With the happy couple having had their honeymoon send off and the evening almost over for most, it would be particularly brazen for someone to try something now.
And yet, there’s a disturbance that’s only getting louder emanating from the reception hall that the venue staff is trying to take down.  It’s probably nothing that can’t be handled quickly, but Din doesn’t want you to be near if things turned ugly.
“Pretty bird, I need you to let Jimmy take you home while I go take care of this.  Can you do that for me?”
You’re already wrapped in Din’s arms; it was a lovely wedding, but you’ve missed him.  Although he was a guest, he had also been working during the event and tended to his security responsibilities throughout the evening.  You wouldn’t have much minded the lack of dancing or him disappearing at random points during the reception if he didn’t look so fucking hot tonight.  With his arms still tight around your waist, you lean away to run your hands over the dark suit jacket that hugs his broad shoulders so snugly, feeling his muscular arms underneath you let out a deep sigh.  From the moment you had spotted him when you walked into the venue foyer earlier, he had taken your breath away.  You were stopped mid-stride by the sight of him filling out his perfectly tailored black suit, going over security plans with the Don’s men; when you saw him point to the floor plans, the silver rings he wore on his thick fingers came into view and you had immediately felt heat pooling between your legs.  You remember that he had looked up at that exact moment and caught you practically drooling; you're sure he’s been purposefully teasing you all evening ever since. 
It started during the ceremony and later the reception, Din had systematically inched his hand higher and higher up the thigh slit of your dress every time he was seated next to you.  While mingling during the stand-up cocktail hour, his hand had felt hot on the small of your back, occasionally dipping lower to palm your ass when he thought no one was looking.  That was to say nothing of all the low whispers in your ear throughout the night, ranging from sweet compliments to dirty ramblings that made you blush.  Dipping his lips just below your earlobe, Din’s trimmed facial hair would graze your jaw so lightly it made your skin prickle.
“Look so gorgeous tonight, pretty girl.  What a lucky guy I am, having you on my arm.”
“You shouldn’t be allowed to look so sexy in that dress, baby.  Gonna have to punish you for it later tonight.” 
“You’re driving me so fucking crazy, pretty bird.  My cock has been leaking for you all night.”
And of course, you had teased him right back.  Dragging your nails with feather light touches up and down the back of his neck and toying with the curls at the base of his neck whenever he sat down next to you.  Slipping your hands under the front of his suit jacket and raking your fingers possessively over his stomach, then discretely tucking your fingers into the waistband of his dress pants while making polite small talk with other guests during cocktail hour.  You would rest your head in the crook of his neck and coo back all sorts of compliments and longings of your own.
“Din, this suit makes you look like a brickhouse, fits you so perfectly.”
“Can’t wait to feel your weight on me, baby.  My panties are soaked just thinking about being underneath you.”
“I want to suck those rings right off your fingers, daddy.”
That last one had Din threatening to bend you over the dinner table and take you in front of all the other guests right then and there.
Din looks as pained as you feel about the prospect of delaying going home and fulfilling all the dirty promises you had exchanged over the course of the evening.  Running your fingers through his combed-back hair before cupping his face, you plant a chaste kiss on his lips and nod in assent to his request.  “Please be safe, baby.  Come home soon?  I’ll be waiting for you, Din.”  You look up at him, doe eyed and desperate.
Din pulls you in for a greedy goodbye kiss, and whispers low so only you can hear, “Keep that pretty dress on, sweetheart.  I want to be the one to take it off of you tonight.”
Part 2
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sneakerguybln · 11 months
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2051: The society changed and reproduction is controlled under law. Young guys between 18 and 25 are drawn randomly for vasectomies. For each year there will be a quota to reach. Guys can get a vasectomy voluntarily. If they do so they get rewards. They get $5,000 per month for one year from the government and will qualify for the vasectomy reward system. In addition the city of Liverpool is adding a 5 year membership at a local gym. These 5 friends are going into their voluntary vasectomy procedure today. Will (20, left), Damian (19, second from left), Marvin (19, second from right) and Bill (19, right) are gay and decided to get the procedure. In the center is standing Dennis, the 18 year old brother of Damian. He turned 18 a day earlier. This qualifies him for an additional reward: $10,000 if he's doing it within a week after his 18th birthday. The procedure is consisting of following stages:
In this stage the volunteers get the last informations about the procedure and sign all documents. They can stop the procedure at this point. But there are rumours that nearly all people were drawn for mandatory vasectomy after ducking out at this stage. And that would mean that they get the procedure but without rewards.
All guys get a harvesting session before vasectomy. This is starting with a drugged drink. This drink is an aphrodisiac and produces a boner for at least an hour. Then the guys have to get naked and are restrained. They get a cannula into their arms. A milking machine is connected to their dicks and then they're milked until nothing comes out. As this procedure is exhausting a calming drug is injected into each guy via the cannula. The harvested cum is stored and can be bought by women/families for reproduction.
Then the vasectomy is starting. For that the milking machine is removed and the dick and balls are to be cleaned. After that a numbing spray is applied but the most guys are still in their dream world from the harvesting drug. And some volunteers are describing the vasectomy as if it happened in a dream.
All volunteers are getting RFID chips into their hands. These chips are the proof to get the vasectomy rewards. Then the cannula is removed and the guys will be put into the consciousness room where they wait in a lounge area until the drug isn't working anymore. Then a taxi service is bringing them home. Next day they'll find the first money at their bank accounts.
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