#homestuck rouge of doom
babycurtis · 3 months
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What if outsiders was homestuck and I drew it (paradox aspect by @superxstarzz )
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r0zaria · 2 years
Ughhh shits myslef
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godtier designs for me + 2 friends
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homestuck-hell · 2 years
Tonnis Malkar, Rouge of Doom, Derse
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Always wears shorts
Enjoys being able to make a case do a 180
Has been lucky with being able to escape certain doom
Land of Scales and Oil
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candiestars · 2 months
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This whole group is a bunch of trolls who came together, of various ages and backgrounds, to form a LARP group. Hopefully they don't end with as much tragedy as the actual LARP group in homestuck lol
Leikri Tankko, she/her, Rust Blood, Seer of Breath
Westby Dasada, he/him, Bronze Blood, Bard of Void
Madlen Cheinn, they/them, Gold Blood, Rouge of Blood
Gidora Draikn, she/they, Lime Blood, Maid of Rage
Grindl Vihlun, he/him, Olive Blood, Witch of Space
Uhnnah Seelie, She/he/they, Jade Blood, Prince of Mind
Arthur Aurmor, he/him, Teal Blood, Page of Hope
Tridis Bardak, he/him, Cobalt Blood, Mage of Life
Dillin Canutt, he/him, Blue Blood, Knight of Light
Pilget Pouxed, They/he, Purple Blood, Heir of Heart
Jeanna Arctic, she/her, Violet Blood, Thief of Time
Ichime Nintet, she/her, Fuchsia Blood, Sylph of Doom
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gmanwhore · 8 days
I uh. I homestuck classpected all the skills for fun if u want like explanations I can give em. Yeah.
Logic: Page of Mind
Encyclopedia: Rouge of Light
Rhetoric: Knight of Heart
Drama: Witch of Rage
Conceptualization: Mage of Void
Visual Calculus: Maid of Mind
Volition: Sylph of Heart
Inland Empire: Seer of Space
Empathy: Rouge of Blood
Authority: Knight of Doom
Esprit Du Corps: Seer of Blood
Suggestion: Knight of Blood
Endurance: Prince of Doom
Pain Tolerance: Sylph of Life
Physical Instrument: Heir of Life
Electrochemistry: Rouge of Rage
Shivers: Mage of Time
Half Light: Heir of Rage
Hand/Eye Coordination: Witch of Breath
Perception: Seer of Hope
Reaction Speed: Knight of Breath
Savoir Faire: Mage of Hope
Interfacing: Maid of Breath
Composure: Heir of Hope
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I saw someone else do this and now I want to share my opinion of this incredibly niche topic.
DRV3 cast as Homestuck God Tiers based on the attached diagram
Kaede Knight of Hope
Knights are both wielders and protectors of their class. Kaede's goal is to spark hope within everyone. Her memory keeps hope alive within Shuichi, and hope is her legacy.
Shuichi Prince of Void
Prince players destroy the concept of their aspect over time. When Shuichi starts the game he is the very embodiment of void, the absence of self. Over time he becomes more and more sure of himself, culminating in his dismantling of the entire game that brings nothing but misfortune and holds them all captive.
Rantaro Knight of Light
Another knight, like Kaede- but this time the aspect is light, knowledge. Rantaro fights to shed light on the situation they're in and within Rantaros' lore we unlock the final piece of information that Shuichi needs to solve the game. Rantaro is information, Knight of Light.
Ryoma Heir of Doom
One who inherits his own self-destruction. Doom is an aspect of sacrifice, illness, and over all bad vibes and Ryoma never pulls himself out of that ideology. To the very end he is his own misery, he is his own past.
Kirumi Sylph of Rage
Kirumi does not fail. (Usually) A Sylph has the power to take one thing and transform it into its opposite, and rage represents losing control. Failing. Falling. These are Kirumis' biggest fears, and her biggest downfall. As she attempts to change all the failures of the world, she loses control and the rage changes her instead.
Himiko Maid of Space
Himikos' talent of magic aligns perfectly with the space aspect, as this aspect is the closest thing to witchcraft the game has. Space players are very powerful and typically also quite reserved and distracted. Himiko is a faithful devotee to her beliefs and her sense of self. She blossoms throughout the game play and maintains a sense of home and belonging for Maki and Shuichi.
Angie Witch of Breath
Witches are very powerful and usually very unhinged, quirky individuals. The class allows one to manipulate or invert their aspect. Angie demonstrates this by seamlessly restricting everyone through her cult and her ideology hinges upon the idea that wanting freedom is selfish and wrong.
Tenko Maid of Breath
Contrary to Angie, the other breath player is one who values and encourages the aspect. Tenko is a faithful servant to the idea of freedom and always charges forward with her heart on her sleeve because of it. She inspires others around her to think for themselves and is generally just a very good and fair person. Her sense of maid allows her to relate to Himiko and want Himiko to open up more, while simultaneously putting her at odds with Angie who is actively working against that mind set.
Korekiyo Thief of Doom
Thief's take from one and give to another. Korekiyo spreads death and misfortune everywhere he goes in an attempt to gift his "true love" with that pain.
Miu Rouge of Light
Rouge are usually pretty wild-child in nature but have noble motivations. Light is information and assistance, and Mius main goals are to share her "incredible brain" with the world. She goes to extreme lengths all to make sure her inventions can help humanity.
Gonta Prince of Mind
The second prince, princes tend to hold a lot of weight in a story and are usually regarded as a critical point in a plot line. Gonta losing his memory, being persuaded by kokichi, and his general lack of knowledge on most common knowledge things lends him to the prince of mind role. His ignorance and selflessness causes his own downfall, and the story takes a huge leap from there as everyone is affected by this.
Kokichi Seer of Life
Starting off I knew I wanted Kokichi to be a seer, more than anyone else he has this ability to just look right through the other classmates. He cuts through BS like he's used to it and can easily see the core of who someone really is and what their intentions are. He senses when something is off and acts accordingly. Seer players are sarcastic, aloof, and play their cards close to the cuff. He may instinctively know a lot about the people he interacts with but you'd be pressed to get any of that information out of him.
Kaito Page of Heart
Kaito as a page of heart just makes sense. It's a passive roll and Kaito is a passive player. His murder was basically all someone else's idea down to the book of lines he was asked to read, and when faced with a real challenge he always folds. But, he also deeply believes in his friends and is a very sweet person. You want a Kaito type on your side, he will lift you up and encourage you to be the best version of you, no matter what.
Maki Heir of Blood
Aside from sounding cool AF, blood players are all about unity and keeping things together. At the start of the game Maki is a standoffish loner who believes she can never be truly close with anyone. Over the course of the game she strengthens her bonds so deeply, she falls in love, becomes Shuichis best friend, and is part of the surviving 3. Maki by the end of the game is the very embodiment of keeping everything together, as shown by her using the flashback light, attempting to rescue Kaito and even her offering to give everyone a quick and painless death.
Kiibo Mage of Mind
Unlike the coyness of a seer, mages are considered an active source of knowledge. And mind governs logic and consequences. Kiibo thinks more rationally than any other person in this game, he stays optimistic but also realistic. His critical thinking keeps him on track throughout the trials, and he is a very reliable source of information. His logical reasoning ability is what drives him to take action against the school itself, which proves effective in freeing the survivors.
Tsumugi Bard of Time
She destroys the time line. She also creates a new timeline, and then destroys everything in it.
I've ignored the gender discrimination.
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 11/12
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I never considered that Aradia could be feeling sincere gratitude towards Equius - that's a good point, and might partially explain her flushed feelings for him. Similarly, I never thought about how difficult and impractical a relationship would be for Equius, given he has this kind of strength paired with this kind of dexterity.
Anyway, I half-agree with your thesis. I can imagine a hypothetical kismesissitude between an older, more mature Equius and Aradia, and I think that relationship could potentially be healthy, for the reasons you describe.
But the one we're getting is doomed from the start - Equius's mind-control shenanigans have pretty much torpedoed the whole thing. I don't think he can have a healthy relationship until he figures out why that was wrong.
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I'll give you a freebie right now - most of the Jojo villains would fit right in with the Felt!
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Yeah, it's not like romantic rivalry is a new idea. Really, the more I think about it, the more I think Hussie's riffing on real relationship tropes with all the quadrants.
Hell, I could probably list some fictional characters that work pretty well as Moirails - and I'm not just talking about The Locked Tomb!
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[ sent when you posted your troll ranking! - C ]
She's the best, she's the worst, and she's destined for great terrible things.
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Sorry Eridan - someone had to nab last place!
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He does have a great design. The cape and scarf work well together - I can see how he'd be easy and fun to cosplay.
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We have two opposing views here, and they both make good arguments. Aristocrats do tend to be egotistical by nature - but Alternia would expect him to act that way, even if it wasn't his natural tendency.
I personally don't think Eridan ever intended to exterminate the land-dwellers, but I'm not sure he ever realized that himself.
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Don't forget Insane Clown Hussie, which is when your webcomic author keeps putting more harlequins in their story.
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Toby, what are you doing back in my ask box? Get outta here, you scamp!
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It's funny, I never considered that many people are reading through the liveblog/chrono/ tag. I'm almost never on my blog's page; I see it through the dashboard!
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Happy belated birthdays, Jade, Dave, and, Rose!
Odd. It really looks like John's birthday should be December 2nd. Maybe something went wrong with his meteor.
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The Newtonverse is a corruption of Homestuck, but Homestuck is already a parody of a million other things. It's one layer too deep, and feels 'wrong' as a result.
Unless Cool and New Webcomic is a similar style of parody, in which case, who knows? Maybe the Newtonverse is simply real, and trying to break into our reality.
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Yeah, that makes sense. She certainly looks like a classic eldritch monster.
I can't see the commentary - I assume because some of it contains spoilers. For comments that don't spoil anything, feel free to send them along.
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It's always very tempting to check out other livebloggers so I can compare and contrast. I won't, though - quite aside from any worries about spoilers, I just don't want to influence my own opinions!
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This has always been a blind spot with me, and it always will be. Try as I might, I will never recognize the difference between Rouge and Rouge.
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I knew the comic had about 8000 pages, but it's good to know it clocks in at 8128.
It annoys me more than it should that it's not 2^13, or 8192. It would have been a nice round number to finish on!
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Thank you, and welcome!
Eridan's beliefs don't really make sense - but it makes sense that they don't. It's bigotry, after all.
He knows trolls like Kanaya, and can clearly see that there's nothing inferior about her - but he can't let go of what he's been taught, so he just doesn't address it, and continues on as normal.
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This comic is damn long, so it's a fun reference to make.
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I'd probably pick one. No special reason - I just sort of vibe with the number, and it's the closest to something kooky like zero, or a negative number.
I would have picked the cueball, but I don't think I want Scratch as a rival...
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Ok, that's fair, actually.
I love how she's trying to 'cull' them.
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It's a good bit. I wonder if this means Hussie's trollsona is a green-blood, like Kanaya?
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Read it!
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It's not intended to! The others all link to the post where the work was recommended to me, but Con Air wasn't recommended - it's just a movie slightly relevant to Homestuck. I have it up there for completeness, and it's underlined for consistency.
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Fastest barebones intro post in the west
This is a blog for a Scp Homestuck au
Run and owned by
@banesberry-anomoly - Alto / Cryptid / Banesberry - Collectively It/He/They + Neos
@vinefilledarchways - Robin / Kondraki / Icarus - Collectively He/They
Both of us are systems and queer as fuck ✌
Some basic au info and tagging system under the cut
The main session we will be focusing on consists of twelve actual players:
Clef - Mage of Blood
963 - Page of Time
Glass - Sylph of Mind
Gears - Knight of Void
Iceberg - Bard of Breath
Kondraki - Rouge of Rage
Mann - Witch of Life
Light - Heir of Doom
Rights - Thief of Heart
Kain - Prince of Light
Talloran - Seer of Space
Draven - Maid of Hope
There are some others that will be along for the ride, like Roth, and there will be other parallel sessions taking place aswell
We will be making a 963 varient specifically for this au because its funny
We are willing to throw ocs into the mix, whether as players in a side session or along for the ride, and will be making a definitive post about it once we flesh out the au more, but feel free to talk about them in our inbox before that point :]
Feel free to send any and all questions in, itll help us flesh out the au and we both like info dumping
Tagging System
Banesberry Smoothie - posts by @banesberry-anomoly
Fae Bitch Talks - posts by @vinefilledarchways
Name :: Classpect ‐ Format for tagging characters (all characters will be given a classpect even if they arent a player so we can follow this format)
Name :: Classpect :: Oc - Same as above but for ocs
Getting Pestered - Ask tag, will be paired with a tag with the username of the person asking for sorting
Filed away - Reblog tag for stuff directly related to the au
There will be more tags later but theres the basic ones
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transboykirito · 10 months
rate my classpects for the twelve SAO characters in my SAO/Homestuck AU
Kazuto "Kirito" Kirgaya - Thief of Blood Alice Zuberg - Heir of Heart Suguha "Leafa" Kirigaya - Bard of Doom Ronye Arabel - Page of Space Eugeo - Mage of Breath Keiko "Silica" Ayano - Sylph of Life Yuuki "Zekken" Konno - Knight of Void Asuna Yuuki - Witch of Light Shino "Sinon" Asada - Rouge of Mind Rika "Lisbeth" Shinozaki - Maid of Hope Kyouji "Speigel" Shinkawa - Seer of Time Tsuboi "Klein" Ryoutarou - Prince of Rage
a couple notes: i made sure aspects and classes weren't repeated, and yes there were some weird player choices but it was calculated 😎
using my extremely extremely limited homestuck knowledge and memory to approve of this. 10/10 no notes
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Okay, think I've got the list. With apologies to anyone who get cut. I'll start working on grouping everyone tomorrow. In the meantime, if you want to send in infodumps/propaganda about these nonships, by all means do! That will give me something to work with when I build the graphics
James Ironwood and Boyd Drake (RWBY and Ducktales/DTLS)
Isaac "Felix" Gates, David Gates, and Jaune Arc (RvB, Camp Camp, RWBY/Luna Brothers)
Louie Duck and Oscar Pine (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Knight and Survivor Slugcat (Hollow Knight and Rainworld)
Brett Hand and Susie (Inside Job and Deltarune)
Pizzazz and Roxanne Wolf (Gem and the Holograms and FNAF)
Trunks Briefs and Chibiusa (Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon)
Halloween and Nightcore (Castles of the Calendar and Holiday Spirits)
Mamoru Amami and Steven Universe (GaoGaiGear and Steven Universe)
Penny Polendina and Uran (RWBY and Astro Boy)
Wahuu Matsuri and Adam Ainosuke (Tokyo Ghoul and Sk8 the Infinity)
Jon Sims and Jonny D'ville (TMA and The Mechanisms)
Eddie Munson and Jason Scott (Stranger Things and Power Rangers 2o17)
The Aurora and BEE (The Mechanisms and Archivistbot)
Wakko Warner and Babs Bunny (Animaniacs and Tiny Toons)
Zuko and Todoroki Shouto (A:tLA and BNHA)
Diamonds Droog and Kaz Brekker (Homestuck and Six of Crows)
Tucker Foley and Clawdeen Wolf (Danny Phantom and Monster High)
Team Lit (from White Boy Bracket)
Stanley and Cesare (from White Boy Bracket)
Cody Burns and Penny Proud (Transformers Rescue Bots and The Proud Family)
Leo Walker and Iris (Egyxos and Lolirock)
Tim Stoker, Lup and Taako (TMA and TAZ)
Globine and Webby (Globi and Ducktales)
Rouge the Bat and Meta-Knight (Sonic and Kirby)
Jevil, Marx, and Dimentio (Deltarune, Kirby, and Super Paper Mario)
Ruby and Rarity (Pokespe and MLP:FiM)
Madoka and Sakura (Madoka Magica and Cardcaptor Sakura)
Cody Burns, Marinette, and Mirabel (Rescue Bots, MLB, and Encanto)
Bill Cipher and Ouma (Gravity Falls and Danganronpa)
Church and Kris Dreemur (RvB and Deltarune)
Gregory, Crying Child, and Omori (FNAF and OMORI)
Sonia Nevermind and L (Danganronpa and L)
Cassandra Cain and Soundwave (DC and Transformers)
Dick Grayson and Drift (DC and Transformers)
Tim Drake and Red Alert (DC and Transformers)
Rook Blonko and Prowl (Ben 1o and TFA)
Bruce-Damian Wayne and Tony-Morgan Stark (DC and MCU)
Pit and Sora (Kid Icarus and Kingdom Hearts)
Rosaline and Lucas (Super Mario Galaxy and Mother 3)
Roy and Roy Koopa (Fire Emblem and Super Mario Bros)
Meg Griffin, Bert, and Ernie (Family Guy and Sesame Street)
Riley Freeman and Jack Horner (Boondocks and Puss in Boots)
Stanley Parable and Arthur Dent (Stanley Parable and Hitchhiker's Guide)
Chidaruma and Lord English (Dorohedoro and Homestuck)
Ruby Rose and Fukase (RWBY and Vocaloid)
Yang, Gumi, and IA (RWBY, Vocaloid, and Cevio)
Leonardo, Dewey Duck, and Sonic (Rise:TMNT, Ducktales, and Sonic movies)
Nightcrawler and Nightwing (DC and X-Men)
Alfred, Bucky, and Steve (DC and Marvel)
Yelena Belova and Damian Wayne (Marvel and DC)
Ventus and Hunter (Kingdom Hearts and The Owl House)
Mark Beaks and Tyrian Callows (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Lancer and Bowser Jr (Deltarune and Super Mario)
Shigeo and Molly McGee (MP1oo and The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Isabelle and Doomslayer (Animal Crossing and Doom)
Mystery Kids (?)
Gentle Heart Lamp and Chris Walker (CareBears and Outlast)
Grumpy Bear and Billy Hope (CareBears and Outlast)
Boyd Drake and Penny Polendina (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Maya Fey and Doctor- 12 (Ace Attorney and Doctor Who)
Mario and Sonic (Super Mario Bros and Sonic franchise)
Han Solo and Peter Quill (Star Wars and MCU)
Commander Fox and Commissioner Gordon (Star Wars and DC)
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millin21 · 1 year
Watched a lackadaisy live stream today and heard that the guy who voiced Wick is a fan of not just Digimon but also Homestuck.
And I have been spiralling into organizing which classpect the Lackadaisy crew would be.
So far i am stumped on Rocky either being a knight of hope because of his delusional ideals... Or a prince of life because by golly does he do a good job destroying things in a way that takes a lot of energy.... And that screams the royals.
And Freckle? .... If you've seen Hiveswap Xefros... You'll understand why I call Freckle a Page of Rage.
And Ivy? i'd like to think of her as maybe a rouge of mind. But I might be wrong. Its been a while since ive thrown myself into anything homestuck related.
As for the other characters, only ones i can think off so far are Mitzy either being a maid or a witch of Life/Doom? Wick I can see being an Heir of Life (because life players tend to be wealthy??? But maybe another would fit him better since Life aspect is also known for its rulebreaking.) And Zib? .... Seer of Doom? (He seems the most grounded??? In a way??)
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turntechgaykid · 5 months
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Imagine description below 👇
PJOStuck AUs:
(Homestuck Godly Parent: Dave: Apollo, Rose: Apollo, Jade: Hecate, John: Hermes, Dirk: Aphrodite, Roxy: Dionysus, Jane: Kymopoleia, Jake: Mars
Karkat: Unknown, Aradia: Hades, Tavros: Satyr, Sollux: Janus, Nepeta: Ares, Kanaya: Aphrodite, Terezi: Nemesis, Vriska: Tyche, Equius: Hephaestus, Gamzee: Dionysus, Eridan: Neptune, Feferi: Amphitrite)
(PJOStuck classpects: Percy: Knight of Life, Annabeth: Maid of Light, Nico: Bard of Doom, Jason: Page of Heart, Piper: Mage of Hope, Leo: Rouge of Breath, Hazel: Witch of Mind, Frank: Heir of Blood, Reyna: Sylph of Rage)
(PJO Trolls: Percy: Blue blood, Annabeth: Teal blood, Nico: Rust blood, Jason: Violet blood, Piper: Jade blood, Leo: Yellow blood, Hazel: Olive blood, Frank: Bronze blood, Reyna: Fuchsia blood)
PJOStuck Family Tree:
Dave - Dirk Half brothers (Same Mortal Dad, Different Godly Moms)
Dave - Rose Half "twins" (Different Mortal Parent, Same Godly Parent)
Rose - Roxy Half sisters (Same Mortal Mom, Different Godly Dads)
Jane - John Half siblings (Same Mortal Dad, Different Godly Moms)
Jade - Jake Cousins
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soldiertransgender · 1 year
I also have. A bit stewing for the trolls (It's Breen, Cave, and Caroline) but here is the main au
A little background information: There are two groups of characters, humans and trolls. The trolls are an alien species from the planet Alternia, and the whole species is raised to be pretty agressive. Each of the groups play a game that ends the world and requires the players to breed a frog to create a new universe inside the frog to win the game. (The game is called Sburb for the humans and Sgrub for the Trolls) A Time player and a Space player is nessecary to completely this, it does not matter what class they are or if there are any other players with other aspects. During the game, each player is assigned a moon they go to when they dream (derse or prospit depending on personalty), a planet that is tailored specifically to each person, an aspect which is the ideal or thing each person embodies, and a class which describes how the person uses their aspect. Once a character dies twice, their second death either being a heroic death or on their quest bed, they can god teir. The Space and Time player needs to God Teir, but the other aspects don't nee to. In this case all of the characters will god teir. In this case the human session is the Half Life characters (Gordon, Barney, Alyx, Adrian, and G-man) and the Troll session is hlvrai (Gordon, Coomer, Benrey, Bubby, Tommy, and G-man again.) Due to the way Homestuck was structured the Troll session goes first, and creates the universe that the human session takes place in.
Human session G-man is a Muse of Space who is a Derse dreamer. Muses passively manipulate their aspect almost by convincing it to do what they want it to do, which I think fits how G-man acts in the main series. Muses are also very close to their session, and are empthetic to their struggles. Derse dreamers like structure, but it has to be their own structure as they don't follow the rules of most places. His planet is the planet of Stars and Frogs. (Space players need to have frogs in their planets so one can be made into the universe frog)
Gordon Freeman is a Heir of Hope who is a Prospit dreamer. Heirs "provide their aspect of provide with their aspect" which in this case is shown through Gordon being pretty much the embodient of hope for humanity. Heirs tend to feel a obligation to be their aspect as well. Prospit dreamers also are very creative, but make sure to stay within the bounds of the rules (they colour inside the lines, pretty much). His planet would be the land of Crystals and Light
Barney would be a Knight of Heart. Knights defend their aspect and defend through their aspect, and Heart is the aspect related to love and romantic connections. So you know. Uhhh yeah. His planet would be the land of Metal and Feathers
Alyx is a Witch of Time who is a Prospit dreamer. Witches change through their aspect, and change with their aspect. Witches also tend to be very friendly and do things specifically to help their group. Time players of course govern time, and as a Witch of Time she can literally change how certain things go, which I mean is a canon thing she does with G-man's help so it fits! Her planet would be the land of Gears and Fur.
Adrian is a Rouge of Doom. Rouges steal their aspect to give to others, this shifting their aspect through eople and distributing it. Doom as an aspect is just that. I uhhh...yeah. He's that. His planet would be the land of sand and blood.
Gordon and Adrian's first death both come at the hands of G-man, which kind of demonizes G-man for the session even though he was ensuring they both god teir. Not quite sure about Alyx and Barney's first deaths but I do know that Barney and Gordon both god teir after a heroic death, and Alyx and Adrian die on their quest beds
Troll session G-man would be a Lord of Time and a derse dreamer (derse dreamer simply because he is a prospit dreamer in the other session). Lords fully control their aspect, and can manipulate it in whatever way they want. They are much more active then muses.
Gordon Feetman is a Bard of Hope who is a prospit dreamer. Bards cause destruction of their aspect or through their aspect, which fits as his existence in the game destroys the hope of everyone else. He is also a gold-blooded troll, who tend to be the more serious and down to earth workers of the blood castes. His planet would be the land of Oranges and Ash
Coomer is a Seer of Void and who is a prospit dreamer. Seers know everything about their aspects. It also fits with the whole "there's nothing out there." thing. He is a teal blooded troll, who tend to be the more active workers of the castes tending towards public services jobs such as lawyers and secertaries. His planet would be the land of Darkness and Slime
Bubby is a Prince of Space who is a derse dreamer. Princes destroy their aspect of destroy through their aspect, and tend to be very active and violent. Bubby is a cerulean blooded troll who are manipulative and ambitious. His planet would be the land of nebulae and frogs.
Benrey is a Thief of Doom who is a derse dreamer. Thieves obviously steal their aspect to use for their own gain. In Benrey's case though, I think that he would steal doom from his friends in order to protect them, thus inflicting the doom upon himself. He is a purple blooded troll, who tend to be the most violent of the blood castes but they keep themselves under control through various ways. His planet would be the land of Passports and Games.
Tommy is a Sylph of Blood who is a prospit dreamer. Sylphs are healers who use their aspects to help, and the blood aspect is the aspect of friendship, but also actual blood. He is also a bronze blood, who tend to be more overlooked and belittled by the other castes. His land would be the land of soda and dogs.
All the trolls god teir because Benrey kills them.
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homestuck-hell · 2 years
Omania Ovefli, Rouge of Doom, Prospit
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Contagious optimism
Recently taken up drawing as a hobby
Nothing makes her madder than littering
Land of Pollution and Piles
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orangegreenbracket · 2 years
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and with that, we're done with round 1 (and 1.5)
Here's the matchups for tomorrow, starting at 8 am PST/11 am EST
Dirk Strider & Jake English (Homestuck) VS Cure Sunny & Cure March (Smile Precure)
Zhongli & Xiao (Genshin Impact) VS Caleb Widogast & Nott the Brave (Critical Role)
Velma Dinkley & Shaggy Rogers (Scooby-Doo) VS Achilles & Patroclus (The Illiad)
Phineas Flynn & Ferb Fletcher (Phineas & Ferb) VS Sailor Jupiter & Sailor Venus
Daisy & Luigi (Super Mario) VS Dexter Grif & Samuel "Locus" Ortez (Red vs Blue)
Michelangelo Hamato & April O'Neil (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS Pumpkin & Peridot (Steven Universe)
Harrier Du Bois & Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) VS Flareon & Leafeon (Pokemon)
Rena Rouge & Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug) VS Applejack and Granny Smith (My Little Pony)
Katsuki Bakugou & Izuku "Deku" Midoriya (My Hero Academia) VS Annoying Orange & Pear (Annoying Orange)
Redd & Tom Nook (Animal Crossing) VS The Second Coming & Green (Animator vs Animation)
Samuel "Locus" Ortez & Isaac "Felix" Gates (Red vs Blue) VS Rena Ryugu & Mion Sonozaki (Higurashi)
Tony the Tiger & The Grinch (Classic Animation) VS Miles "Tails" Prower & Cosmo (Sonic X)
Jasper & Peridot (Steven Universe) VS Cliff "Robotman" Steele & Larry "Negative Man" Trainer (Doom Patrol)
Zenyatta & Genji Shimada (Overwatch) VS Davesprite & Jadesprite (Homestuck)
Shrek & Puss in Boots (Shrek Universe) VS Fred Fredrickson & Wasabi (Big Hero 6)
The Lorax & The Onceler (The Lorax) VS Nikaido & Kaiman (Dorohedoro)
See y'all then!
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gmanwhore · 9 months
The character general information post I always make for my Homestuck aus. Halfstuck edition. Lol. Lmao.
Beta Session:
Gordon: Pesterchum Handle: crowbarCascade (shut up I don't have anything better) Strife Specubus: Crowbarkind Fetch Modus: Chest (honestly just a regular game inventory he can just take shit out. We are nice to the chosen one) Classpect: Heir of Hope Planet: The Land of Crystals and Light
Alyx: Pesterchum Handle: mechanicalHands (again shhhhh) Strife Specubus: Gunkind Fetch Modus: Guess Who Classpect: Witch of Time Planet: The Land of Scraps and Wires
Barney: Pesterchum Handle: blueShift Strife Specubus: Stunstickkind (sstickkind) Fetch Modus: Stack Classpect: Knight of Heart Planet: The Land of Slopes and Sun
Adrian: Pesterchum Handle: opposingForce Strife Specubus: Critterkind Fetch Modus: Pictionary Classpect: Prince of Doom Planet: The Land of Barbed Wire and Bugs
Colette: Pesterchum Handle: metallicLupis Strife Specubus: Suitkind (yes the HEV suit) Fetch Modus: Tree Classpect: Rouge of Blood Planet: The Land of Paths and Jungles
Gina: Pesterchum Handle: enternalInquisitor Strife Specubus: Explosivekind Fetch Modus: Random Sort (something random will be at the top each time it is opened, acts similar to stack) Classpect: Maid of Light Planet: The Land of Rocks and Desert
Chell: Pesterchum Handle: tenaciousTester Strife Specubus: Portalgunkind Fetch Modus: Pocket (she can only carry one item at a time) Classpect: Theif of Rage Planet: The Land of Bridges and Lazers
G-man Pesterchum Handle: misconcievedSteward Strife Specubus: Briefcasekind Fetch Modus: Briefcase (it is very useful) Classpect: Lord of Space/Seer of Space (doomed timeline) Planet: The Land of Mysteries and Fog
Alpha Session:
Cave: Pesterchum Handle: flamingChariot Strife Specubus: Lemonkind Fetch Modus: Wallet Classpect: Bard of Time Planet: The Land of Mirrors and Pistons
Caroline: Pesterchum Handle: omittedPostcard Strife Specubus: Penknifekind Fetch Modus: Filing Cabinet Classpect: Maid of Void Planet: The Land of Mirrors and Pistons (Yeah Cave stole her planet. Like an asshole.)
Eli: Pesterchum Handle: electricEye Strife Specubus: Raygunkind Fetch Modus: Binder Classpect: Knight of Life Planet: The Land of Changes and Conveyor Belts
Azian: (YEAH SHE'S HERE I LOVE HER!!!) Pesterchum Handle: moonageDaydream Strife Specubus: Gunkind (yes it gets handed down to Alyx) Fetch Modus: Wheel of Fortune Classpect: Witch of Space Planet: The Land of Nooks and Crannies
Issac: Pesterchum Handle: lightningSavant Strife Specubus: Beakerkind Fetch Modus: Stack Classpect: Mage of Light Planet: The Land of Rivers and Goop
Breen: Pesterchum Handle: pyrricSupervisor Strife Specubus: Knifekind Fetch Modus: Miracle Classpect: Prince of Breath Planet: The Land of Snow and Moon
Judith: Pesterchum Handle: fleetfootFelis Strife Specubus: Cordkind Fetch Modus: Safe (each card has it's own code to be inputted to unlock it) Classpect: Rouge of Mind Planet: The Land of Strings and Scissors
Rosenburg: Pesterchum Handle: fritResearcher Strife Specubus: Paperkind Fetch Modus: Monopoly Classpect: Heir of Doom Planet: The Land of Reports and Dead Ends
Keller: Pesterchum Handle: watercolourMonitor Strife Specubus: Penkind Fetch Modus: Go Fish Classpect: Seer of Heart Planet: The Land of Twists and Pits
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