howifeltabouthim · 2 years
Women think that beauty lies in approximation to a harmonious norm. The only reason why they fail to make themselves indistinguishably similar is that they lack the time and the money and the technique.
Iris Murdoch, from Under the Net
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tenth-sentence · 2 months
No wonder, I'm tempted to say, selling the idea of a homogeneous society to a people that prides itself on hosting a cultural melting pot, and advocating anti-immigration in a country where few people don't perceive themselves as immigrants seems a little ludicrous.
"Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists" - Julia Ebner
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nakeddeparture · 2 months
By/For/Of The People - Barbados, a Homogeneous Society - Why don’t the BLP and the DLP support each other post elections?
There’s a bitchiness present that looks unbecoming on The People given elected offices (past/present/potential). As a manumit people, you should compliment each other for the good of the/your country.
Where is Chris Sinckler? Have your say. Naked!!
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ud2023rc11group · 5 months
The inhabitants situate themselves in this space; the architects and political authorities know how to control it: we are dealing with a code. This is probably the only time in the history of space where there is a unique code for the different stratified levels, that is, the level of the apartment, buildings, the row of buildings, the quarter, the town, and its position in the surrounding space. This is the source of the harmonious and fixed beauty of the towns that adopted this model. Capitalistic space: for perspectival space, capitalistic space would be the space of catastrophe. Capitalistic space initiated its destruction. The phenomenon is visible since Picasso’s analytic cubism and the paintings of Kandinsky. This destruction of perspectival space is characterized by the fact that a monument, a work of architecture, any object, is situated in a homogeneous space and no longer in a qualified (qualitative) space.
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forgottenbones · 5 months
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jerseymuppet · 4 months
getting up on my soapbox for a moment. i find it laughable that nearly every time someone says they don’t like rap they cite hamilton and k-pop as the only rap they can tolerate. because everything else is just so violent and full of blatant consumerism. first off. so is k-pop. secondly. idk how to tell you the founding fathers were some of the most violent people around (coming from a black american descentant of slaves who is most likely related to thomas jefferson. shouldn’t have to explain the relevance here). thirdly. hamilton and k-pop both reference and interpolate rap. so idk what to tell you babes. you do like rap. you just don’t like black people. say it with your full chest next time.
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kunhongintl · 6 months
Homogeneous Transparent Coil Flooring
Homogeneous Transparent Coil Flooring
Homogeneous and transparent flooring: There are many varieties and decors available. Such as carpet patterns, stone patterns, wood floor patterns, etc. The pattern is realistic and beautiful, with rich and colorful colors, simple and easy to cut, easy to assemble, fully unleashing human creativity and imagination, and fully meeting the personalized needs of designers, different users, and different decorative styles. And it has no color difference, is light and radiation resistant, and will not fade after long-term use.
Specifications of Homogeneous Transparent Flooring:
KLF series 、 ALB series
thickness(1.5-3.0mm)× width(2m) ×length(20mm)
Multiple decors and patterns available, with customizable sizes
Characteristics of Homogeneous Transparent Flooring Products
1. Environmental protection and health. PVC is used as raw material for production, without recycled PVC.
2. The wear resistance life is generally longer than that of multi-layer composite PVC flooring. According to EN685 classification, M-level or above can be used in high-flow commercial/industrial places. Due to the presence of stone powder, the floor surface has good heat resistance, and when heat marks are generated on the surface, they can be eliminated by polishing.
3.Installation and construction are fast, maintenance is convenient, and cement mortar is not needed. It can be used in 24 hours.
4. Widely used, inexpensive, and highly secure. Simply clean with a damp mop, saving time and effort. After installation, there is no need for waxing, and only regular daily maintenance is required to make it as smooth as new.
5. Environmentally friendly regeneration. The installation and construction of homogeneous transparent plastic flooring is relatively fast, easy to clean, maintenance free, and not afraid of water immersion, oil stains, dilute acids, alkalis and other chemical substances.
6. Homogeneous and transparent plastic flooring is the only ground material that can be recycled, which has great significance in protecting our natural resources and ecological environment on Earth.
7.  Comfortable foot feel. The dense surface layer and high elastic foam cushion layer, after seamless treatment, have strong bearing capacity and buffer heavy glassware from falling to the ground, ensuring a comfortable foot feel.
Scope of Application
★ Education system: schools, training centers, kindergartens, etc
★ Medical system: hospitals, laboratories, pharmaceutical factories, sanatoriums, etc
★ Commercial system: shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, entertainment and leisure centers, catering industry, specialty stores, etc
★ Sports system: sports venues, activity centers, etc
★ Office system: office building, conference room, etc
★ Industrial system: factory buildings, warehouses, etc
★ Transportation system: airports, train stations, bus stations, docks, etc
★ Home system: indoor, living room, bedroom, kitchen, balcony, study, etc
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whats-in-a-sentence · 10 months
A solution is a homogeneous mixture in which the atoms, molecules or ions of the components freely intermingle (see figure 3.10).
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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xtrablak674 · 1 year
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When Did I Become Black?
Was having a very interesting conversation with my nibling this morning, about the lack of Puerto Rican culture that was cultivated in their household and how their Boricua-ness would be gone by the next generation, if it wasn't gone already.
When did I become Black? If I was being honest, other than a cookout or two a year, we weren't really overtly Black in my household either. It is such a curious thing to think about because I am known as the #ExtraBlack uncle to my nieces, niblings and nephews. I was more likely to get Frankenberry for breakfast than anything remotely ethnic.
For all intensive purposes, I was raised American. Watching American television shows, going to American schools, participating in American extracurricular activities, all the while speaking English. I guess the obvious thing is to unpack what exactly is American, if I am looking through a childhood lens, it would be popular culture that seemed to be practiced by everybody else, no matter what their social economical background.
I grew up in a time when even though cable had just began to peek its head out, we were all watching the same television shows at the same times. We bought similar food at the supermarket, we ate out at the same places, the Chinese restaurant, the pizza shop, my mom bought her meat at Butcher Boys like everyone else in our small town.
My mom never made black-eyed peas with neck-bones or fish and grits, a unique dinner meal for us was pork chops and applesauce, the very same thing I knew the Brady family ate on television. And for all intensive purposes my peers were having the same thing at least I assumed they were. The most unique thing my white friend Robert bought to school in his homemade lunch was fruit roll ups, which he always shared with me if I made a funny face for him. I was one of the free lunch recipients but both Black and white kids got free lunch.
My local public elementary school was pretty dichromatic, you were either white or Black. Even looking at the low-resolution class photo, there are maybe some Latinx folks in the class, but the only colors that come through clearly are white and Black. There are about four kids who may be "other" albeit at the time I had no idea of what that other could be, my interaction with Latinx kids was severely limited, I remember meeting a Latino cousin at a family picnic in the park and I thought he was so cool, more-so for just being something different than what I normally experienced.
Dr. King was on the peripheral of my existence, no portrait of him hung in any of the homes I was raised in. My mom did have a bust of Nefertiti, but she felt like a white lady to me, I didn't know any Black women who looked like that. I can clearly recall my mom's dashikis, but I just thought they were comfortable shirts, not a statement or a symbol of defiance against The Man. I guess the Blackness was there, but not in such great amounts to make it distinctive against the homogeny of Americanness.
Seriously, I am not the first person to ask what qualifies as Black, an albeit its such a huge part of my identities today, its like I said in another essay, "I Never Made It About Race, America Did". As I told my nibling, I hadn't really considered my race other than the altercation I had biking through this neighborhood in my town and being chased away by white boys being called a nigger. My race didn't really come to the forefront until I moved to the Bronx after my mom died, and it seemed like I entered an episode of Oz because everyone was grouped by where their ancestors came from, not the fact that we were all just American kids trying to figure out puberty and the world around us.
It was at this time Asians came to my awareness and Latinx became much more prominent, I then also learned that there were special groups of white people like the Albanians who terrorized my Bronx neighborhood. But city-life was much different than life in a small town, we had gangs in a city, a whole new vegetable, as I entered junior high school and I was terrorized by Decepticons, who were not ten foot tall talking robots.
Colorism was introduced to me way before racism, which is curious because colorism is racisms first cousin. I remember repeatedly being called out for being dark-skinned usually by people who had complexions just like mine. Meaning my Black peers or more-than-likely their parents had drank that white supremacy Kool-Aid that sought to divide us as far back as the plantation up into current times.
Very early I learned that my complexion wasn't as desired as my brothers medium browns or my mixed first cousins very fair complexions due to their whyte mom, my Aunt Cynthia who was married to my mom's youngest and only brother. The call was coming from inside the house, which did lead to me thinking less of myself and wanting to be lighter like my siblings.
I am gonna stop and post this here, but this feels like a topic I can explore a lot deeper because in my head I haven't answered the question I put forth at the top. I didn't answer my own question in my essay, I think the topic is much more complicated than I initially thought and that Blackness was something I came into slowly over a long period of time, not necessarily because I wanted to, but because I was forced to.
[Photo by Brown Estate]
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thepostedia · 1 year
Rental companies support sustainable multimodality and uniform regulation
Rental companies support sustainable multimodality and uniform regulation
The National Federation of Driverless and Driverless Car Rentals (Feneval) took advantage of its annual meeting with key mobile players, traditionally held before Christmas, to outline its position on recent regulatory developments affecting its sector. The most notable is the definition of mobility as a “social right of all citizens”, which recognizes the text of the sustainable mobility bill…
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zegalba · 5 months
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Homogenizing and Transforming World (2014) Designed by: teamLab
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whetstonefires · 24 days
'Saying things in a funny way' is an op skillset for real though.
Latest example 'when you're late coming home and I don't know why I get worried about you and think perhaps there has been a car accident and this is why I send check-in texts' = distressing concept, explains the texting as something other than controlling behavior but still sounds neurotic and may increase any aversion felt toward it
'When I don't know why you aren't home yet I start to think maybe you got eaten by a car' = funny, sympathetic, likely to make such texts less burdensome to receive.
Why is communication like this.
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polaraffect · 1 year
y'all remember when book fairs used to have those "banned books" display sections that advertised books based on that fact that they had been banned in schools in the past and everyone went "haha wow, it's crazy that they banned books like this! what a wacky thing to do!" haha........ yeah....... who would even do that......
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scoobit9 · 4 months
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Huge fucking Jooster dump you know the drill
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2001hz · 10 months
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Björk for Raygun magazine (1997) Photography By: John Scarisbrick & John Holden
Wearing Hussein Chalayan collection.
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listography · 6 months
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