kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
guy at school: hi guuys
ahshe matyt richard (all at same time): whaht?
guy at school: can you sign the oath to never do drug?
ahse: yeahh!!!
matyty richard: .........ok
richard: i go first!
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matyty: ok i go second
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richahrd: woaoh!! wher did you get those colored pencils from?
matyt: 🤗
matyt: ok ahse you rturn
hahse: ah...ummumm...(⊙//o//⊙)ok
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richahrd: waoh our handwirintg is the same!! it's like they were writeen by someone else who forge our signature
hashe: ye..e.ehaeyah it's kind of wierd. please don't read what i put
matuut: woowah!!!!
ahshe: noo!!! don't look *cover signature*`(*>////<*)′
richahrd lvoes coutnry girls ahshe love coyuntry boys(wialrdo) and mamtty love country fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guy at shcool staring at papepr with quicklyu hompobia. ajcktually he woudl if he was bale to readit expcpept ahse cover it and handwiriitng forge
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fairydust-stuff · 2 years
Black Butler: Alois Trancy, hate, Mental illness, and Gender roles? Spoilers for season two
Alois trancy seems to be hated for various reasons, i’ve heard fans talk about what an awful character he is.  he’s selfish, abusive, evil ect.  
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The curious thing is all the Black Butler Characters are immoral, only about two or three aren’t. And Alois isn’t the most cruel, or most hard hearted of any of the characters shown on Black Butler. Madam Red is Jack the Ripper, The Count Druit selling people on the black market, and Agni was a criminal who slaughtered people just because he had class issues. 
Now maybe these characters aren’t that popular, but i know of three very amoral characters who are loved by the fans who cann’t stand Alois.
One Grell is a comedic phycopath, who murdered Madam Red her lover, for refusing to kill Ciel. But humor aside lets take a look at her personality, She is completely selfish, vain and takes stalking and ignoring consent to a whole new level. Will sleep with anything that moves demon dogs included,  Remember she was ready to help Ciel, because he promised to let her do what she wanted to Sebastian. The guy who hates and is repulsed by her. She even says dispite her feelings for Sebastian she’d hack him up and is completely serious when she says it.
Sebastian- Lets ignore how hot he is, although fan girl do realize he’s a mutilated crow right?  Another Amoral character he is a demon who is preying on a child, seasoning his soul so he can simply have a good meal. Sebastian smirks at Ciel’s suffering and pain constantly. Manipulates and lies when it suits him and enjoys squishing humans who have no chance aginst him like bugs. In season two he violated Ciel’s trust lied to him, and once Ciel was a demon and had no soul Sebastian killed him. Proveing the only warm feelings Sebastian has  toward kitties.
Lastly Ciel himself he’s saddistic, cold, cruel and willing to sacrifice what’s left of his family and friends for revenge. To avenge his pride. He has already killed two people and ordered the deaths of many more. Shows no remorse and will let his Demon  be abused to suit his purposes or will pimp him out.
All these characters have personality traits Alois has been accused of or warped into by fanfiction. He does in fact share these same traits with other characters so why are they loved for them, while he’s hated? I think it has to do with gender roles and the idea of people being unable to accept, what they do not perceive as normal behavior. People hate what they don’t understand.
It all starts with media,. years of watching boys and men in fiction shrug off every trauma and abuse, and remain unaffected by it has made viewers forget. In real life Boys who go through half the things they go through in movies, books, and television would end up completely messed up. Media and society stresses this idea of manly strength boys, don’t get hurt, boys don’t cry boys can take anything. Any boy who cann’t is weak hence, complete contempt for Alois trancy’s character. Who gets hysterical when the lights go off and cries a lot and gets scared.
He’s very emotional, needy and immacurity in contrast the Ciel who’s cold detachment, apparent “machurity” and calm disposition reflects the manly ideal. Ciel goes around ordering Sebastion to kill people and in fiction male characters are judged by their willingness to wield power. Alois has power but would rather have Claude as an friend then a slave.
 Plus Alois likes blue bells, wears frilly nightgowns, dresses up as a girl and likes soft girly colors like pink and purple and his carefree attitude toward gender roles and implied sexuality is bound to make anyone who’s homophobic or insercure uncomfortable. He dosen’t care about dignity, money or power like Ciel another what men want steriotype, but instead wants comfort, safety and love.
Alois is mentally ill so his behaviors and mood swings scare people, and make them feel uncomfortable much like how people react when confronted with real mental illness. Its easier to judge then to understand.
   When people see someone like Alois they feel resentful and feel the need to put them in their place. They scream  ” Stop acting like that!”  But that’s why i love Alois. Throughout the show he was told by everyone. That he was filthy and worthless, crazy and weak that his emotions were wrong even his demon Butler Claude told him, Alois was unworthy because he loved him. Everyone around him perfer’s the cold detached  Ciel phantomhive.
Only Hannah  a fellow outcast accepts and loves Alois for who he is faults and all. She helps Alois triumph in the end and in the end its he who controls the fates of the  oh so perfect  Ciel, and both demons. In the end he wins the game because he embraces his emotions and turns them into a strength beating the more manly, cold detached and more popular characters. 
Claude is also really cold and calculateing and Sebastian simply uses emotion to manipulate people, underneath the mask he’s also pretty chilly. This makes some fans angry because Alois character not only challanges social and gender roles with his behavior but succeeds even when it seems he’d been crushed like a bug. 
Grell is aloud to have the same behaviors as Alois and viewers are fine with it, because Grell is a trans women. Women are supposed to be passionate and emotional according the the sterotype.
Or maybe i’m over thinking it and fans just hate Alois because he’s going aginst Ciel and they like Ciel and he put Sebastian out by making him unable to eat Ciel’s soul. Or even they see him as a threat to their Sebastian X Ciel ship. And maybe people just love Grell beacuse of her big chain saw. I don’t know for sure those were just my thoughts on the matter.
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hail-skatan-666 · 5 years
•New Beginnings•
✨ God, to think that just a few months ago we were just playing out our lives of living together, just a dream and now?? We’re actually moving out into our first real home together. Not only because we have no choice but because we’ve been wanting to leave this toxic place.I can’t believe it, it’s like a dream. I’ve never felt at home except for when I’m in your arms. Our first place is gonna be somewhere we finally feel accepted.
No more hompobia
No getting yelled at for nothing
No more feeling bad about yourself for things out of your control
No more hate
The list goes on...
It’s gonna be you, me, our animals and the world. We’re gonna adopt a new dog together, our new baby and of course it’ll be hard. We’re gonna struggle but we’ll find a way to get through it. I’m excited for where we’re gonna go and what we’re gonna do. No one is going to hold us back or keep us apart. ✨
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herovillain · 3 years
Ahhh I'm going crazy! Does anyone have that meme/picture of an ant with a bindle(the bag in a stick used in the old times)?? I can't find it anywhere. I remember it was on that post that was like "homophobes reading 'anti-hompobia' on your dni" or something.
Please I need this fucking picture.
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x-h3kk3ning-x · 7 years
Don’t be fooled, they may have sparkly titles, but they’re actually trash monsters from another dimension, come to slowly kill humanity from the inside :) love yourself, and know that while the gay council may pander to their hunger for hatred and harm, you are loved in the A-spec community
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