#honestly thooooooo
thementalshawty · 7 months
PAC Meeting Your Next Partner/Lover
Hello! I’m back with another PAC this time I’m only giving a little information the rest will be on my patreon which I’m happy to share that I finally have a new member of my madhouse patreon and for them they shall get the most detail from this reading on there, I was so shocked, and surprised in the best way! I didn’t think that anyone would honestly, so thank you madhouse patient member! If you’d like to sign up for my patreon to get the full details of this reading and any new reading coming out the link is below this! Now this reading will be a little about the meeting between you and your next partner/lover/SO (Significant Other), on Patreon it’ll be a message from them as well so that’s for my patients only. Remember this is a general reading not a personal one take what resonates and like water let the rest roll off! Choose an emoji and let’s get into the Meeting!
P2: 🐝
When you first meet your partner I feel like they’re going to notice you way before you notice them and they’ll be following you around, stalking you lowkey, kind of keeping a safe distance to observe you before making their presence known to you. They most likely found you so fuccin attractive! You’ll be very playful with them during the meeting, you’ll be teasing and poking fun at them, lightly roasting but all in good fun, I think that some of you are aggressive with your flirting (I am) but I am hearing that they are going to love it thooooooo, absolutely go fucking ape shit over the fact that you’re funny and you roasting them. They’ll roast you back, I’m hearing this person will be able to keep up with you. Some of my P1’s I’m hearing the word MOST, so MOST of my P1’s have trouble making connection only cos you feel misunderstood? In communication? I’m not sure but it’s hard for you to make connections with others so you’re not going to believe and some of my p1 may try to light roast as a way to self sabotage, but it won’t work, this person loves and can handle that attitude of yours p1! This person you will automatically be atttacted tool sexually, some in this pile will be FWB with their person before a relationship even starts only cos the vibes are so intense and lustful and that’s okay first and foremost don’t feel bad or not go for it! Be their FWB! You’ll be getting to know each other, it won’t be just sex, it’ll just be sex fueled but again that’s just the beginning stages. Sometimes emotions take over first other times it’s physical urges, I’m feeling the need to justify it as if someone will be against it and hey it’s your life but you have NOTHING to feel ashamed of P1! GO 👏🏽 FOR 👏🏽 IT 👏🏽!!
*Extended reading is on my patreon the link is at the end of the reading.
When you first meet them they’ll have a bit of an attitude that day and more so kind of cold and standoffish not really saying much and it’s cos they’re having a shitty day before meeting you. They’re a business owner in some way and they’ll be bragging and showing off about how they own a company and how great it is. This person has a huge ego. Friends will introduce you two to each other, maybe your friends works for them, your friends could be friends with them? I am seeing friends setting you two up, some of you they know of you already, like in p1 they’re afraid to make a move towards you but I’m seeing this is more about them not knowing how to approach you which can lead to why your friends introduce you two. When you two will be having your conversation, they may get pulled away to talk to someone else about business or something but you’re not going to like that. You’re going to be jealous whenever they’re talking to anyone else but you, I’m seeing you feeling a little possessive over them you want their attention all on you! It’s actually kind of cute, I’m not sensing anything cringey or anything. They’ll be bragging so much about their successes and wins and how much money they have, they have a lot of money, p1 was rich but your person p2 is hella wealthy!!! My p2 you will be going through a rough time in your life when you meet this person. P1 it was their partner but with you guys it’s you who’ll be going through a rough patch in your life, dealing with drama I heard. You’ll drink, party, smoke, and get lit with them, I’m seeing some of you even dancing with them, close asfcc. It’ll be such a vibe. I’m seeing a couple meeting ina club and the lights are low and the music is playing and they’re dancing slow and close and it’s like everyone disappears. Because of their bragging and their image and wealth you’ll have some pre-judgements about them.
*Extended Reading on my patreon, Link is at the bottom of the reading!
I’m seeing that when they will be talking to others engaging in other conversations it’ll make you feel a little bit peeved and jealous. When you two are getting to know each other they’ll be stalking you, not in a aggressive way but I’m seeing them lurking on your page or randomly showing up wherever you are so you guys can “coincidentally” interact with each other, it’s actually sweet. Like p2 you and your partner will have a deep long conversation, I don’t see it being hella emotional or soul revealing but I do see it being a long impactful conversation you two are alone having. You are going to be shocked and awe over who this person is. You had an expectation of them and it can be because of you judging them due to past pain but they prove you wrong for judging them prematurely. “You’re not what I expected!” That’s the vibe of you meeting especially on your end. During the conversation you’ll say something triggering to them, not seeing them get mad more so shocked anyone said that too them. They’ll notice you first across room and played it cool waiting for the best moment to approach you. Uh oh 😕 soo this I’m not really liking, you two will trauma bond instantly, this gives me karmic soulmate vibes. You two may argue with them p3, this by far is the toughest pile which again makes me feel this is a karmic connection. You two definitely get off on the wrong foot in some way during your meeting it can be the triggering thing you said to them. Some of you may be traveling, vacationing, or some even overseas. Will be making them giggle, laugh and blush ☺️ . Unforgettable meeting.
*Extended Reading on Patreon Link at the end of this post
Thank you guys so much I hope that you guys enjoy it and if you’d like to see the extended reading for more details and exclusive messages from them the link is below ⬇️
Join the madhouse! Check yourself in! You won’t regret it 💋 !
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danger-tits-lute · 2 months
ʘ‿ʘ Honestly i do cause they are fun to read ^-^
Put ʘ‿ʘ in my askbox if you like to sneak-read my roleplays.
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{ ahhhhh I'm glad you find them entertaining. I feel so exposed thooooooo lol. tysm! }
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kmp78 · 2 years
VK hating anon. I really don't know how to tell you this, but vk hasn't done anything lately to tag herself to JL. She's GONE. I know that's hard to comprehend for you in your fragile state, but you have to let it go. It's only mentioned here to tease you, but seriously, you have to forget her, he certainly has. She's not a prostitute you silly obsessive. She's just enjoying a luxurious life that none of us would turn down. Honestly, let her go, I know she's been living in your head for a long time, but try to remove her from it. You'll have such a peaceful life. We promise you.
"He already has"
But... haaaaaaaaaaaas he thooooooo...? 🤔
Seems to me like she he lost her (yes, LOST her), he's been on a bit of a downward spiral and flailing all over the place trying to find substance in his life and just about ANYONE to hang with! 🤷🏼‍♀️
What does it say to you that for example this Suzanna character was NNNNNEVERRRRRR invited on his vacays while he still had VK and CB and Reedy and the rest of his old gang around? 🤔
Even tho we know he already knew her. 🤷🏼‍♀️
But now that everyone has left him, suddenly Suzie gets invites. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Same with the Shop Twins. They were cast aside for yeeeeeeears while he had VK and the crew, but now when they're gone, guess who suddenly remembered the Shoppies exist?! 🤷🏼‍♀️
He's so damn obvious with this shit it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad...
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falling-rhayne · 5 years
So we know from Caduceus that Vandran is somewhere out there trying to make amends. You know who else is out there doing the exact same thing?
Gustav Fletching.
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sukugo · 2 years
for today's dream we have: Homoerotic Twincest!
so!!! the dream was as if i were watching a show. the show had 2 eps and it went like this:
we have episode 1.
the story is about two twins. let's call them Twin A and Twin B. they look kinda like rin okumura from ao no exorcist, just for u guys to have a visual idea. A and B are twins, but they very much have a older brother-middle brother dynamic going on (id say younger brother but middle brother is more the vibe)
(it does end up being revealed they have a younger brother tho so i guess it's accurate but shhh spoilers for ep 2)
also as in classic shounen protag way, they don't have parents, so A is the one who takes care of them.
so yes, these twin brothers have powers. the source of these powers is a small blue crystal that takes place in their throats.
what happens is that Twin B kind of has special powers/is more powerful and Twin A wants to be more powerful. so what he tries to do is take the crystal away from B. and we have A, along with a few of his friends, going after B.
this brings me to the other cast! Twin A has a girlfriend, who is also part of the group chasing B. the other friends (i think they were 2) aren't really important lmao
so a fight breaks out! while Twin A has a group and Twin B is alone, B is still proving hard to catch. Twin A finally reaches, on the top of a high platform with some strips branching out. They fight, A tries to take the crystal, he comes really close BUT Twin B has mastered how to break down the crystal into little pieces and have it surge around his body instead of being lodged in his neck in one piece.
they keep fighting, both of them moving towards the edge of the platform, which looks down to a pretty high drop. A punches B, he kicks him, but B is too agile and he evades! throwing A to the edge of the platform, and following him. they struggle against each other, hits exchanged on the floor, UNTIL B pins A to the ground.
and now they're looking at each other, huffing breaths, A giving B a vicious glare, oozing hostility, while B has him trapped underneath him, A's leg pulled to his chest while B pushes against him.
the platform creaks under them from their weight
Twin A's girlfriend and all his friends can only stare at the exchange from afar, and the way the legs of the structure holding them start bending.
and the twins stare at each other, A raging, B solemn. and they stare, and the platform is kinda breaking and shit, its crumbling under their weight and fuck, panic rises in A, eyes widening as he tries to get B off him but B doesn't budge and the creaks under them get louder and fuck, B what are you doing, we're going to fall, get off me--
B presses their lips together.
A is stunned, he doesn’t move, while B presses further into the kiss. they separate and they share looks, longing on B and realization on A
the platform crumbles beneath them and they fall
-end of ep 1-
so the episode ends there but!! the dream was kinda interesting as in there were fandom/tumblr reactions running parallel to the show lmaooo
so like at the same time the episode was playing, next to it we had the fandom on tumblr reacting to everything as it happened. and boy did people (and me lmao) go fucking crazy with the kiss. we were all screaming bc holy shit, they KISSED and did this show fucking give us canon twincest??? it was insanity
but anyways let's move on to episode 2.
episode 2 takes place some days/week after the events of ep 1. things have cooled down after all that. they survived the fall obvs bc uh magic powers and all that 
so apparently the whole im tryna kill u and taking the stone from u was a spur-of-the-moment thing, A and B are literally super cool now (gay ppl and their dramatics i guess 🙄) but yeah things are all resolved between them they're Bros (TM) again
*coughs* perhaps a bit more than bros 👀
turns out after the whole revelation and B confessing his feelings with that kiss, Twin A has recognized that yeah, he wants to kiss his brother too!!! so yeah!! they kiss now!! and fuck too i guess idk we didn’t get to see that much 😔
so yes, for ep 2 we start with A and his girlfriend in an office/workshop at the university where they study. a teacher is there but he's on his own desk working.
A and Girlfriend are sitting on a table and Girlfriend says they need to talk. also for some reason B is also there with them lmao
so well by talk Girlfriend means she's breaking up with A. she starts telling A that it's not personal, that she just realized that their thing would not work out in the long run bc, and i quote, "you have brothers whose mouths u have to feed, whose bodies you have to keep warm" AND THE LOOK TWIN A AND B HAVE GIVEN EACH OTHER WHEN SHE SAID THAT I SCREAMED
(oh girl they're keeping each other's bodies warm all right)
SO THE FANDOM'S GOING CRAZY OBVIOUSLY. bc we're all stuck between did she see kiss or did she not see the kiss. bc why would she break up with him now, after that event, WHY would she frame it like that, like girl??? what do u know?????? (guess we'll have to keep watching to find out)
so yeah that happens, and the ep ends with a flashback of A and B the day before sitting on the floor of their bedroom making out 
and that’s the dream :D
stay tuned for ep 3!!! if i ever have it lmao
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gershwinn · 5 years
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colesprouse: Volcano view @haciendadesanantonio 
colesprouse: Some mercurial pool
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softetony-blog · 8 years
tony stark: [confirmed to have major depressive disorder and constantly doubts himself]
marvel writers: HOW ABOUT THAT EGO HUH
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pintobordeaux · 2 years
10 characters/10 fandoms tag. Thank you @therehavebeenstranger for the tag! I think I know how to play this? Hopefully I got the idea right. So here’s 10 fandoms I’ve fucked with, and one of my favorite peeps from it. In no particular order:
1. DCU - Superman/Clark Kent (i mean Bruce is nice, but ma boi Clark is everything to me)
2. Star Trek - S’Chn T’Gai Spock (my OTP OTP is spirk 100%, isn’t everyone’s?)
3. Fullmetal Alchemist - Roy Mustang (He’s my broken little wet cat of a strong military man. And that uniform mmmmmmmmm)
4. BNHA/MHA - Yagi Toshinori/All Might (that double life trope thooooooo)
5. Sherlock - Sherlock Holmes (This was a toss up between him and John. Honestly its both. Together. Forever. Yes I was deep in the “wholock” parts of superwholock)
6. Legend of Zelda - Shiek (my boi! He works as always male. He works as a trans icon. He’s the whole package 20+ years later)
7. Trigun - Vash the Stampede (this is starting to show a pattern. I have a thing for BAMF sunshine boys who secretly hold in all the pain don’t I? 😅)
8. Harry Potter - Severus Snape (block me if this changes your opinion of me. I’m not here to fight fandom debates. YKINMKATOK. This pathetic meow meow can pack so much angst into such a small amount and I love it.)
9. The Expanse - Amos Burton (Listen. LISTEN. The expanse series is amazing and the fact that there are under 250 fics for the books and under 800 total for the show is a travesty)
10. MCU - Bruce Banner (I just love me a tortured genius. He needs soft things and to be treated to kindness)
Gonna tag uhhhhh @superbatlvr1, @lament-of-0rpheus, and @januariat. No pressure to do it or ignore if you already have and I missed it!
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1eos · 2 years
I finally got to watch nope and I’m so glad I’m finally able to see your posts abt it ofc it was a MASTERPEICEEEE and the only problem I had was my stepmom saying it was horribly even calling it the r slur bc she couldn’t connect the dots -_- I think the worst part is even attempting explaining the scenes she immediately dismisses them 😣 but anyway moral of the story I love you
literally nope was so good the only thing that can damper the experience is seeing it with someone with no media literacy 😔 forget her thooooooo so glad you liked it it's honestly the horror movie of the year for me. i need to live blog a rewatch bc i still have Thoughts
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You’re the Worst Rewatch
Soooooo I just finished s5 and I’m d y i n g and sobbing and obviously I have to rewatch the whole series again and who can blame me? Not you. I need to figure out how it’s this fucking good.
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sophsicle · 3 years
“I expect,” Snape’s tinny voice cuts through the noise, “if we were talking about dicks we’d have more of your attention.”
I honestly debated about this line for so long, cause I was like "is this too crude?" But I just couldn't get rid of it. The amount of sass that occurs in this chapter is truly off the charts.
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biancablack2474 · 3 years
I want Nutella.
Also you should search up children's head x rays of their teeth. Like before their adult teeth pop out, like that is some stuff straight from a horror movie to look at.
Wait. No. I dont want to be healthy im 25 years old if im gonna die of a sugar overdose id like it to be something extremely unhealthy but del- nope ya I still want watermelon.
BIANCA. sorry my ADD is kicking in because my adderall wore off.
DID YOU KNOW....hippos are the most dangerous animals in the wild? Like them bitches can crush your skull faster than I can spell supercalafragilisticespialidocious. Which is pretty damn fast if I do say so myself. But like I saw a video of one swimming towards a boat and like apparently they're so heavy they sink to the bottom of the lake and dat bitch was like JUMPING through the water meaning it was running so fast under water that it was able to keep up with that boat and honestly the person who recorded that is probably dead now 😐 or extremely luck, were gonna say that so I may sleep at night better.
Iron Man's Punk Ass Hoe.
Anooooooonnnn (like Idk who you are),
Haven't had any Oreos apart from the original and chocolate. But Oreo milkshakes and Brownies are ugh so good *simping for food*
I thought of putting a screenshot of the x rays before I searched it up.......... But after I did, I—no. It was just waaaaaayy to creepy. Definitely horror movie material👌🏼
I HAVE MANGOS. Love watermelon, don't have any now😔
But like mood. Also have I ever told you this? I wanna be stabbed to death. I think that would be so cool and either heroic it villainous, depending on the context.
You just said so many things about hippos and the only thing in my head is SUPERCALAFRAGILISTICESPIALIDOCIUS
That movie was golden *sigh*
Haha just imagine, if the person recorded it and the last thing they did before dying was to post a video of a hippo running towards him on the internet before he's out like a fish out of water....... Or me in water, same thing.
Love you 👀
Son just don't <3
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choiyeonjuns · 3 years
The Dream Chapter was all about growing up, starting in innocent teenhood in Crown, to rebellious teens in Magic, and transitioning into angsty teenhood in Eternity. The Chaos Chapter is our full transition into that angst, shown in the significant change in sound to a pop punk title with really sad and more mature lyrics and really gritty vocals from the boys. If I were to make a prediction for the next two installments of TCC, I'd say the next one will be even angstier (txt give me a horror concept, you'd kill it. you've been teasing horror elements throughout the dream chapter, just go full out pleeeease) and then the last one will be like a "graduation" of sorts, where we're transitioning out of teenhood into adulthood and letting go of that teen angst. that's just my theory thooooooo
YOUR PREDICTION OF MAYBE SOMETHING HORROR?? OMMG YES PLEASAEE I would really love to see something like that honestly. If they were to do something like transition out of teenhood into adulthood I would cry. I love your theory sm! You are so smart
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kmp78 · 3 years
That Jesse Metcalfe is awful, a steroids looking dude, and he looks like a jog jerk, he matches better with that empty plastic clone, Shannon is many times better.
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis heeeeeeeeeeee thooooooo...? 🤔
Honestly SL looks so horrible right now it's like he "pushes out soy" (Finnish way of saying a person SWEATS 🤢😓) even from simply walking up one flight of stairs. 🙈
And with his extra weight and mega-stumpy legs he looks like he wouldn't even be able to walk properly but rather just waddle like a damn duck! 🙈
And as far as douchy personalities go... 🤔
Weeeeeeeeeeeell... 🙈
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dabluestpsy · 4 years
Personal babble. Mental health is really hard. Especially when you’ve dedicated your livelyhood to studying and better understanding the complexities of mental health... And then being effected by it and feeling inadequate or like an imposter... or like why can’t I just take my own advice... sadness is so engulfing. It sometimes feels like sadness physically manifests it’s self then crawls into you and latches on. Why can an emotion be felt so somatically... and it honestly sucks being at the point where I can see the signs of me slipping back into depression because even with awareness there is impuissance.. it’s like an out of body experience. Seeing yourself drift but not being able to really do much. Writing does help thooooooo
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all-gold-and-silver · 7 years
Some next level exhaustion when it makes you exhausted to see someone else do things
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