#honestsycrets: love alphabet
ymaohoh · 8 months
Hellcheer Headcannons - Love Alphabet Template
Template by honestsycrets.
These are just my headcannons. Tag - what are yours?
A = Affection 
Eddie and Chrissy are the king and queen of PDA. They can’t get enough of each other. Eddie touches Chrissy to reassure himself that he’s not dreaming. They’re big on hugs and kisses and physical signs of affection. 
B = Babies 
Chrissy wants kids but she wants to live a little first. She wants to go to college and maybe see more of the world. Eddie has never thought about it before (he’s never had a reason to) but the idea of Chrissy getting big with his child makes him feel all hot and gooey inside. He’s afraid of being a crap dad though. 
C = Cuddles 
They cuddle a lot. Chrissy is usually the little spoon as she likes having Eddie’s arms snug around her waist. Eddie loves holding her too. He likes kissing the top of her head and nuzzling into her neck.
D = Darling  
Chrissy calls Eddie Eddie, but the way she says it makes it sound like the most intimate and private of nicknames. Eddie called her Cunningham at first, then Chrissy, then Chriss. He calls her ‘baby’ and ‘sweetness’ and it makes her melt. 
E = Enamored 
They fall for each other quickly and they fall hard. They are not the ‘slow burn’ troupe. They go right for the kill. 
F = Firsts 
Chrissy isn’t Eddie’s first but it feels that way when they eventually fuck for the first time. He’s nervous as shit but in the end it’s fucking amazing. They fit together like a puzzle. Chrissy makes Eddie wait a little as she’s nervous (she’s read that once you give it away to a guy you can never take it back) but Eddie makes her realise it’s not something he wants to take. Eddie shares it with her, and makes her sing. 
G = Good Morning
Chrissy is a morning person. Eddie is not. That takes some adjusting but Eddie doesn’t mind. It gives them more time together (though he insists on strong black coffee). 
H = Hugs 
Oh yes. All the time. Chrissy hugged Eddie for the first time when he saved her from Vecna. It wasn’t planned but the weight of his arms felt like safety. 
I = In Labor 
Eddie is freaking out but he’s trying his best to keep calm in front of Chrissy. He makes sure she has everything she needs and he hates seeing her in pain. They ask him if he wants to step out of the room when it’s showtime but he holds onto Chrissy’s hand like an anchor (even though she squeezes so tight he thinks the bones might break). He cries later as he takes in his entire world. 
J = Jealousy 
Eddie can get jealous. He has baggage and it takes him time to accept, yes, Chrissy really truly does like him. He hates seeing guys checking Chrissy out. Chrissy makes an effort to remind him she’s not going anywhere. 
K = Kisses 
They kiss a lot. With tongue. Without tongue. 
L = Loyal 
Are you kidding? Ride or die. 
M = Memory 
Chrissy’s is their first time together. She didn’t know girls could get off like that. Eddie’s is when he first saw Chrissy in a Hellfire T-Shirt. That blew his mind.
N = Never! 
Their only rules are they both need total honesty and trust. They never lie to one another.
O = On the Rocks 
They never really argue (which is a shame as Eddie thinks the make-up sex would be fucking incredible). 
P = Playtime 
Eddie loves going down on Chrissy. It’s his favourite thing in the entire world. Chrissy loves riding face. He coaxes all sorts of fun and wild things out of her.
Q = Quiet Time 
They can be totally quiet together easy. They spend quiet nights watching movies, reading, Eddie practising his guitar. 
R = Rapture 
Is each other. And strawberry flavoured lipgloss. 
S = Soulmate
Eddie admits to being pretty jaded about all things to do with love before he met Chrissy. Chrissy calls him her soulmate and says she thinks they’d find one another in any dimension or universe. Eddie calls her a total freak when she says that and kisses her neck but knows she’s right. 
T = Together 
Everything is better and more interesting to explore together. They do spend a lot of time together and it’s almost embarrassing how needy they are. Where one goes, the other will follow.
U = Unyielding 
Eddie will tell any interloper very bluntly to fuck off. Chrissy got mad once when some girl at a music gig tried touching Eddie’s arm and boy was she all over Eddie that night. 
V = Vulnerable 
Eddie is vulnerable with Chrissy. Everyone else sees him as this scary mean freak (and they're not wrong) but he’s soft with Chrissy. Chrissy used to keep a lot of things bottled up like bubbling champagne but Eddie had a corkscrew.
W = Wedding 
Chrissy always pictured having a white wedding with the big dress and fuss. Eddie does suggest this as he wants her to be happy (though honestly he’d be happy with a quickie at the courthouse) but in the end they have something intimate and special with just their friends (and Wayne) attending. She's sad when her parents don't show. When Eddie puts a ring on her finger and she’s now Christine Munson she cries. So does he. 
X = (E)x 
Jason tries to cause trouble when they first come out as a couple, but there’s not much he can do when Chrissy and Eddie look so god-damn happy all the time. 
Y = Yearning
Chrissy will call Eddie in the middle of the night if she misses him (he’s reassured her this is okay). The next day he’ll swing her up into his arms and tell her he’s missed her and she’ll laugh and pepper his face with kisses. 
Z = Zzz… 
They usually sleep at Eddie’s. Eddie sometimes sneaks into her bedroom (climbing up the trellis) but they can’t really ever relax with her parents around.
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Congratulations on 8500 followers, well deserved!
🍓 Could I get A,C and D from the romantic alphabet with Steve Rogers please? 🥺
Oh my goodness of course lovely, thank you! :)
Steve Rogers Romantic Alphabet - A,C,D
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(I do not own Captain America or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @askthesuperhusbands. Romantic Alphabet template credit goes to @honestsycrets.)
A = Affection (PDA, what sort of affection they give)
HUGS!! SO. MANY. HUGS. Steve has lost a lot in his life: his parents, his best friend, and even his own time and prior life, so he grips onto you at every opportunity he can get for two main reasons. One: to close his eyes, dip his head into your neck and breathe in your scent, reminding himself that you're real. He hasn't lost you, and neither are you some kind of ethereal dream, or a HYDRA cruel illusion. Secondly: he's afraid that if his strong arms aren't around your waist, tucking you into his pecs until your palms are resting gingerly against them, that somehow the universe will find a way to take away the one thing he cares about most in the world.
He's definitely a kissy man as well. Not huge, PDA, sweeping you off your feet kind of kisses, because he has some of that residue nervousness from before the serum, when he was just an overlooked kid trying his best to fight for a scrap of any prestige. His kisses are far sweeter: he often leans down before he has to leave the Avengers Tower for a mission, a shy smile shining from his radiant face as he slowly pecks your lips. He's embarrassed when he's found out for it, but sometimes he adds an extra little nose rub against your own before he fully pulls away.
C = Cuddles (How they cuddle or are cuddled)
This man is the ultimate cuddler. It comes from multiple, cold, New York nights, where he and Buck could barely afford the rent, and had to spend the night curled up together under his mother's old, mildew stained couch cushions. He knows how to tuck up into a person, which is why it's so sweet that often times in bed he'll try to tuck himself up to your front, curling up like a hedgehog despite his larger stature now. If your arms get tired from holding itself over and around his bicep though, he immediately can tell, and immediately feels really bad. He's getting a lot more accustomed to being the big spoon, feeling a sense of pride at the exhale of pure peace you give when you feel his knees knock up behind your own. Once his hard chin bumps against the top of your head, and you can feel his fluttering heartbeat rest right against your spine, you're able to fall into the most deep, peaceful sleep you've had in a long time.
D = Darling  (Pet names)
'Doll' is definitely his go to, mainly out of habit. Sam tried to trick him a couple of times into trying to call you some really cheesy nicknames from like the 90s like 'my boo', but he still sometimes calls you it to tease you after he saw how hard you laughed at his stuttering pronunciation. Bless his heart.
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honestsycrets · 4 years
Sigurd Snake in the Eye Love Alphabet
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❛ sy’s notes | underappreciated, underrated, underloved. anon here is your request for the little snake, Sigurd. gifs to my girl @thelaughinghvitserk​
A = Affection (PDA, what sort of affection they give)
“Are you alright?” 
Sigurd’s affectionate. He doesn’t really care who is looking. Whether that is his father, brothers, or anyone else. He’s prone to touch if he thinks something is wrong but otherwise, enjoys it when you touch him first.
B = Babies (Anything you want about babies)
Babies give Sigurd some anxiety. Mostly because his own association with babies were Ivar-- and Ivar is Ivar. He takes coaxing into the idea of having a child.
C = Cuddles (How they cuddle or are cuddled)
“Ubbe told me...” he begins, and you know its one of those nights, one for firetime stories and gossip.
Lazy nights by the fire. He enjoys laying in bed and watching the fire crackle, embers flick into the air and he runs his fingers over your shoulder. Most often he lazily talks with you about silly rumours.
D = Darling  (Pet names) 
More often than not he uses your name, but there’s a certain thrill in calling you his wife-- especially after Ubbe stole his last love interest. There’s something special in knowing you’re his. Completely. Fully.
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E = Enamored (how hard do they fall when in love)
He’s a devoted poodle. He falls in love hard-- and will often wait and see what is in the best interest of his love interest whether that is him... or someone else. Someone like Ubbe.
F = Firsts (A first on anything you pick)
“Get it away!” 
On his first hunt, Sigurd squirmed like a little bit of a bitch when Ubbe cleaned and gutted the kill. Never a big fan of blood, Sigurd has taken some time to get used to the concept of guts and glory.
G = Good Morning (How do they wake you up)
Sigurd spins a thin springy stem in front of your nose. Purple, it’s spring.
Sigurd is something of a romantic. While he likes going to bed with his oud, he wakes up his beloved with a freshly picked flower and soft morning kisses after the morning fire is stoked. He doesn’t really give a shit if stoking a fire is womanly, something Ivar likes to pick fun at.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs?)
He’s fine with hugs. But he might prefer something else.
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I = In Labor (Labour and Delivery)
“Come on,” Hvitserk wrenches him out of the room. 
Sigurd isn’t overly fond of this part of pregnancy. He tries to be supportive, of course, but more often than not he makes being in labor more uncomfortable by standing back and watching. 
J = Jealousy (Are they jealous? How do they handle it?)
“Go with him, then.” 
He’s a watcher. When he’s jealous, he’s oftentimes the one to sit there and leer at you. He’ll make sure you know that he knows what is going on before it adds up-- and Sigurd snaps.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss? How often?)
“Come here.” 
Often. Besides training, cleaning his weapons, sharpening his weapons, and playing his oud-- his next favourite task is sneaking you away from your work. Somewhere private. Or if he knows Ivar is watching, maybe not so private at all. 
L = Loyal (How loyal are they?)
M = Memory (Their favourite memory about you?)
“Need help?” he asks as if he hadn’t been there all along.
Spying on you-- it can be anywhere. In the kitchen. Naked in the lake. There’s something fresh, sexy, unique about seeing you doing your work quiet and alone. 
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N = Never! (Dealbreakers)
“Are you here for me? Or for him?”
You have to have his side. If he feels as if you’re not here for him, he will get wary. But its even worse if you take Ivar’s side. He’ll get skeptical of your interests in him. Maybe you, like his mother, will take Ivar’s side.
O = On the Rocks (How do they make up?)
Material possessions. It’s not an issue of throwing a gift and expecting it will all be good, but he feels a good song, flower, or the occasional jewel will open the door for an apology. He may not be able to apologize to his brothers, but you? you’re something else.
P = Playtime (Any headcanons on sex)
“No one is coming,” he says, hinging on a laugh. “Now let me see.” 
Sigurd enjoys a good show. He’s not particularly a dom, no, that’s not him. But he prefers to be teased with soft draping fabrics, something sheer and light, a tease when he brings you out into the fields to play.
Q = Quiet Time (How do they wind down?)
Strumming his oud and shutting out the world. He prefers it when you’re there to braid or unbraid his hair after a long day, where you can listen to his every growl and whim about his brothers. 
R = Rapture (What makes them happy?)
“Did you make this for me?” 
Sigurd loves it when you make him something. The thought you put in behind a new loaf of freshly made bread, or a newly dyed and made tunic. Both of these are the sweetest gifts from a different, simple world than the life of being a prince.
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S = Soulmate (What do they think of soulmates?)
“Soulmates? No such thing.” 
Doesn’t believe in them. He might say it openly among his brothers-- but if he’s with you, he tries not to mention it. Sigurd doesn’t want to hurt you. Still, the concept of soulmates seems fabricated by people with nothing more to do than dream about fairytales.
T = Together (What do you like to do together)
The arts. He loves to watch you drum along side him or stand up, dance and dance beside him until you can’t dance anymore. It’s both a show and an intimate act-- like having sex, he says.
U = Unyielding (How do they handle interlopers on the relationship?)
It depends on who. If it’s Ubbe, who he cares for, he might be a little quieter until you stress why it bothers you. But if its by a stranger, he’s prone to get into a fight-- and quickly at that. 
V = Vulnerable (Are they vulnerable often? How do they handle it?)
“Leave me alone.” 
Sigurd doesn’t like to be vulnerable. When you try to push him further than he’s comfortable, he’s liable to lash out and push you away. It’s better to just... accept him for what he is.
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W = Wedding (Wedding headcanons)
Sigurd does traditional weddings both for the nostalgia, and you. Although, he wouldn’t exactly complain if you just wanted to run away. His family is insane and he rather not be in the middle of a glare off between Lagertha 
X = (E)x (How do they handle exes? What do they do if they see them)
He smiles, small and slight, as you walk by.
Sigurd isn’t someone who holds on. What happened, happened. He moves on-- although he might be distantly a bit jealous, he does wish the best for his partner in the long-run. 
Y = Yearning (What do they do when they miss you?)
Spends time alone. For Sigurd, the public and crowds can be suffocating. He much rather spend time alone, away from the chaos of his family, and spend time reflecting on how much time is left before he can come back, see you, be with you.
Z = Zzz… (Sleeping headcanons)
Sleepy head-- it’s easy to walk in on him knocked clean out. But when he’s woken up, it’s with a surprised start. You remind him to learn to sleep lighter-- its not good for a Ragnarsson to sleep so heavy.
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laketaj24 · 5 years
A-Z Kinks
Kinky Alphabet!! Alright I am going to open up my inbox to do questions about characters!! These fandoms are the ones I am opened to writing!! I hope that you send them in lol I am tagging everybody. Just send in the letter and character. 
Vikings, Last Kingdom, Black Panther, Marvel and Peaky Blinders because I am definitely having a moment!!! Hope to hear from you!! 
A - Anal
B - Bondage
C - Creampie
D - Deepthroating
E - Exhibitionism
F - Fingering
G - Gags
H - Hair
I - Intimacy
J - Jizz
K - Kneel
L - Love
M - Multiple orgasms
N - Nipple play
O - Orgasm denial
P - Panties
Q - Quickies
R - Rimming
S - Spanking
T - Threesome
U - Under the table
V - Vibrations
W - Whispers (Quiet sex)
X - XXX (The Kinkiest experience they’ve ever had)
Y - Yes
Z - Zoo (call this the wild card and send any question you like!)
Vikings/ Last KingdomList
list: @ivarsshieldmadien | @equalstrashflavoredtrash | @whenimaunicorn |@akamaiden | @siren-queen03 | @titty-teetee | @sparklemichele | @wilddrabble | @imgoldielikehawn | @greennightspider  | @kenzieam@tomarisela  | @scumyeol | @raindrop-dewdrop |  @naaladareia | @vikingsmania  | @readsalot73| @oddsnendsfanfics |  @amour-quinn | @wheredidallthedreamersgo| @unsure-but-trying  | @lisinfleur |  @ceridwenofwales | @leaderradiante | @ceridwenofwales |  @valynsia  |  @captstefanbrandt | @therealcalicali | @lol-haha-joke | @b-j-d | @cinnabearice | @tephi101 | @grungyblonde | @ivarslittlebadgirll-deactivated| @igetcarriedawaywithyou | @honestsycrets | @sunnyfortomorrow | @earthsmightiestasses | @sincerelysinister | @dangerousvikings | @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla |  @tgrrose | @tierneygonzalez | @ivaraddict | @alicedopey | @brownsugerhippy| @purplerain85 | @quaint-and-curious-being | @doloreschanal | @ilvebeenabad | @strangunddurm | @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol | @young-ugly-god | @blackspiritshake | @starrmoondaisy | @trailerthoughtstexas | @booyouwhore | @athroatfullofglass | @riottkatt |  @honeyofthegods| @car-karaoke  | @funmadnessandbadassvikings | @jennadoll19-blog| @khiraeth | @geekandbooknerd | @rabeccablake | @savismith| @boo-youwhoreeee-blog | @chinduda | @innerpaperexpertcloud | @crushed-pink-petals |@bewitch3dforivar | @pancakeboat | @mdlady| @ainatirb-j | @red-rose-21 | @isthat-tyra98 | @trashqueenbitch | @walkxthexmoon | @anunintentionalwriter | @millie67 | @lol-haha-joke | @eleventhdoctorsangel | @reeree1500 | @tamed–chaos | @queenbeeta |  @medievalfangirl | @fangrltiara | @artsyle | @fallslikefeather | @eclecticblkgirl | @pinkrockstar19 |
Black Panther Tagging:   @wakanda-inspired | @misspooh  @whoramilaje @harleycativy @virgosapphire79  @theunsweetenedtruth @marvelpotterlove  @ahhhhkeya  @iamrheaspeaks @thiccdaddy-mbaku @muse-of-mbaku @myboyfriendgiriboy  @someareblindtoitsbeauty@brittyevans@almostpurelysmut @readsalot73 @ivarsshieldmadien@slimmiyagi@cinnabearice @royallyprincesslilly @hutchj@im5ftbutmythroat66@igetcarriedawaywithyou @madamslayyy @bartierbakarimobisson @killmongersaidheyauntie  @babygurlniah43 @thehomierobbstark
Marvel Taglist: @taytayize123 | @isthat-tyra98 | @hexqueensupreme| @valynsia | @vibranium-soul | @suz-123 | @xostephanie | | @marvelmaree | @disneysdarlingdiva | @patzammit | @lilythejumper | @luci-her | @oceanscorazon | @ultracrii | @savismith | @itreywalk | @spicyatnight| @kashirenae92| @letsshamelessqueen-m  | @imgoldielikehawn | @sparklemichele | @rahjah-dat | @areubeingserved | @siren-queen03
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lisinfleur · 5 years
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Author’s Notes | Haha don’t worry babe! I also lose myself PRETTY EASILY into these places! Why they just CAN’T place platform C and D close to one another??? Universe | Vikings Pairing | Sigurd x Reader Info | Modern Age AU, requested by @lyanna-the-giantsbane for 5CW6 | Sigurd’s curses are in Norwegian according to Google Translator! Words | 1414 ⁑ Warnings: Some cursing.
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With tons of days for consecutive unforeseen, it had to happen on your first vacation day. Of course!
First, the electrical system of your house had a problem at night and what was the only affected plug that stopped working? What was??? Your phone charger! Bingo!
No battery in the morning, therefore no wake-up alarms! Yay!
Lucky of yours you were used to waking up early in the morning so you just lost one hour from your plans: swallowing breakfast faster would replace the time lost and maybe take a shortcut to the airport would warrant you would be there on time for your plane.
It was a perfect backup plan... If the damn airport platforms weren't organized in any way but alphabetical order!
You have heard the last call to your plane and you just simply couldn't find the damn platform! Your ticket in hands, you were walking with your eyes on every single signal - and maybe that's the reason why you didn't see the blonde man coming in your direction.
He was looking around - probably searching for his platform as well! That place was an endless maze!! - so he didn't see you either. Bazinga!
"Oh, damn, I'm sorry!" his voice sounded first.
The sound of your hand suitcase splatting open on the ground came right after. Fucking great! You would surely have cursed his mother and four generations of his family after him if it wasn't his hands, both of them, preventing you from falling straight after your suitcase.
And the sound of HIS bag going straight to the ground after yours...
"I'm so sorry," he said, helping you to get your balance back and starting to pick your things from the ground, bringing them back to you. "I'm so, so sorry! This place is an endless maze! I can't find my platform... I was searching for it and I didn't see you coming. You're so smaller than me and I was looking up and..."
Wait... Smaller than him? You placed both of your hands on your waist.
"Are you calling me a midget?" you asked, pretending to be offended.
Somehow, he was sounding so... Cute. You couldn't avoid making a joke trying to relax a little.
"NO! No, I... I'm just... Å, dritt!" he cursed, and you frowned at that strange language.
"Hey, that's fine. I was just joking, I mean... It was an accident but... You're not from here, are you?" you said, closing your suitcase again as he got up checking on his own bag and smiling at you a little clumsy.
"No... In fact, I am..." his eyes saw the planes screen changing and he sighed, disappointed, changing his sentence with frustration in his voice. "I WAS going home today. Jævla det, Ivar will kill me for being late..."
Again, that strange accent and expressions that made you smile.
"I don't know what does it means, but it seems both of us will have to stay a little more..." you sighed, noticing your plane was just gone as well. "Shitty platforms."
"Lost your plane?" he said, smiling at you.
"Vacation trip is going to start later and be more expensive. Yay!" you said, shaking your ticket in front of him.
Noticing his eye was different when he came closer to look at your ticket. It was stained, different...
Maybe he didn't see you properly because of that. You kinda felt ashamed of cursing him mentally because of the accident.
"Wait, can I see your ticket?" he asked and you handled it to him who took a similar paper from his jacket, comparing and giggling. "The third person in this line will make the trip of her life: you were supposed to be sitting right beside me!" He said, showing your seat.
12A. He was 12B.
You giggled.
"Fated to find each other," you joked, "I'm Y/N," you introduced yourself extending your hand towards him and he shook your hand with a smile.
"I'm Sigurd Ragnarsson," he smiled. "It seems you were going to my country and now I'm stuck in yours." he joked.
And you smiled bigger.
"We can try to remake our check-ins and reset the tickets. If we're lucky, we can sit side by side again," you suggested and he took your ticket once again, together with his.
"Taxes on me," he surprised you, fully gentle.
"But... No... Sigurd, this will be super expensive and..."
Sigurd's hand touched your shoulder.
"Hey... I dropped your case, got you late to our flight, and yet you were fully gentle with me. Taxes on me and you can tell me where we can find a good coffee around ok?"
His smile was so sweet, you couldn't say no to that smile.
The two of you went to the company ticket office and settled the new tickets, also communicating the company your luggage was already dispatched on the first flight, so they would save the cases for you and Sigurd when the two of you arrived in Norway.
Through the whole time, you saw him being utterly gentle to the company employees, earning a lot of smiles and everything solved fast for him.
In less than an hour, everything was placed for your vacation and his trip back home.
"You're very good with words, aren't you, Sigurd?" you praised, and Sigurd smiled back at you.
"Well, I'm good at dealing with people," he answered back, with a smile.
"I still owe you a good coffee," you smiled back. "Come with me!"
You took him to a coffee shop near the airport, a place you loved to eat in your free time. And the two of you sat to exchange some words while waiting and appreciating your drinks.
He told you he was an artist in ascension yet his family owned a company in which he was also working beside his brothers. You told him about your work and the fact that those were the first vacations you were taking in a long time.
He asked you why you decided to go to Norway and the two of you engaged in a long conversation about the Viking culture and the roots of his people. There was a long time since you shared such good moments with someone that seemed to know so much about the place you wanted to visit!
Sigurd even offered himself to guide you through some places in Norway if you wanted some company and you readily accepted his invitation: it would be lovely to have the chance to know him better. Why not?
What was a terrible day was starting to become something amazing when his phone started ringing and he asked you a moment to answer the call, which he did in his own language.
You took yourself watching as he seemed to be arguing with someone on the other side of the phone. His accent was so charming... And even the way his eyebrows were frowning with some angry was beautiful.
But crossing your fingers under your chin to keep looking at him, you turned your eyes to the clock for a second.
The most blessed second on Earth: the two of you were so distracted with one another that the time for your plane had come again and both of you would lose the flight one more time.
"Sigurd!" you called him, showing the clock and he said something to the other person on the phone, hanging up the call. "Our plane!"
"Dritt! Something really wants us to lose our flights, uh, søtnos?" he said, calling you something you couldn't understand.
Sigurd laughed at your frowned face, touching the wrinkles of your forehead with his index and a smile.
"When we arrive in Norway, we set a new day for us to meet each other. And then, I tell you what it means, søtnos. Now come! We must hurry!"
A good way to set a reason for you to accept a new meeting with him. Not that he really needed it: You were already charmed by those stained eyes and meeting him again would be really a pleasure.
But having an excuse to pretend he didn't catch you wrapped around his finger was a good idea.
The two of you ran into the airport, this time checking out where was your correct platform and taking your seats on the last minute before the departure.
But all you could think was that those vacations would surely be the best you ever had...
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Hi!! Could I request Kendall Roy and K R Y Z from the love alphabet please? 🥰 any of those letters you like of course!
Hey lovely, thank you so much! :)
K, R, Y, Z Alphabet - Kendall Roy
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(I do not own Succession or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif goes to @technicolourtelevision. Romantic alphabet credit goes to @honestsycrets.)
Warning: mentions of smoking!
K = Kisses (How do they kiss? How often?)
Kendall Roy is someone who can't function unless he's kissing you every chance he can get. About to leave for work? He's dragging you back into the apartment, a wide, toothy grin on his face as he cups your cheeks and brings you back up to his awaiting lips. He's sitting in his office, waiting for his father to return from his meeting like an obedient puppy? He's waving you in from across the hall, not caring if anyone's looking (he can just fire them later) as he pulls you down into his lap, and becomes a whining mess as you loosen his tie and start sucking little, sweet hickeys against the stubble on his neck. His favourite kisses, though, are the ones right before he falls asleep. Where he can see that you're tucked up into his side, and he finally realises that all the good things in his life aren't just imaginary. You wait, not wanting to fall asleep until he finally leans down and presses the last kiss of the night against the side of your lips. It's sweet, and lingering, and you never mention in the morning how you can feel the slight sting of salt against your mouth when he pulls away.
R = Rapture (What makes them happy?)
Kendall's favourite thing in the whole world is to sneak off with you. It started when he was a teenager; Ken used to try and get a respite from the harsh business regime his father was instilling him into before he left to college by bumping your shoulder as he passed you in the mansion's corridor. It was always his tell-tale sign that he didn't want to hang out in his bedroom today: instead, the two of you would sneak off into one of the cloth covered, dusty, unused except for storage rooms his father never went near in the east wing of the house. Kendall used to keep a stash of cigarette boxes and a lighter underneath a very creaky sounding grandfather clock, and the two of you would spend the afternoon sitting opposite each other on the window sill, and passing the stub back and forth. Every time Kendall's fingers brushed against yours as he passed it over, a shot of electricity would race through his muscles, and he would have to pull his cable-knit jumper further up his neck to hide his blush. Bless his heart, he looked like a shy little hedgehog, ducking down into his burrow and further into himself every time you caught his eye, he was so embarrassed by his crush.
Y = Yearning (What do they do when they miss you?)
Kendall's on the phone 24/7 whenever you're away - you are fully his impulse control, and he feels like both his heart and head have too many screws missing if you're gone from him. You're fully keeping the man together, so be ready for fifteen missed calls, seven face time calls, and about fifty texts in the span of thirty minutes. He can't help it, he's genuinely buzzing around his apartment like a fly who's fallen into a can of energy drink until he can hear your voice again, and then he finally calms down, feeling like everything is right in the world again.
Z = Zzz… (Sleeping headcanons)
Ken isn't one for sleeping. Waystar Royco keeps him so busy, and more often than not his father uses late night file sorting or international calls as a form of punishment for not being the perfect shrine to Logan's martyrdom. If he's not at home, you usually are woken up by a late night text asking if you can come round and visit him, and despite how groggy your eyes are as you run to your driver, you sure as heck go. This happens far too often: the two of you curled up on his office sofa, his suit jacket draped clumsily over the two of you, his head firmly against the top of your chest as his fingers languidly play with the uncovered skin lying beneath your collar bone. Despite how messily your limbs are tangled over each other, and despite how annoying the crick in the back of his neck is the next day, he sleeps like a baby as long as he's able to grip onto you.
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