#Sigurd Snake in the Eye
Vikings preference: your friend hits on you and gets aggressive
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Ragnar Feels genuinely hurt because he thought he could trust your friend. Whenever Ragnar went away, he'd ask your friend to keep an eye on you and generally make sure you're safe and sound. Makes veiled threats and passive-aggressive jokes at first, hoping that he can both force a boundary and not sour any relationships but his humour is gone when he realizes that your friend is not keen on taking no as an answer. If you raise your concern about "safety vs. keeping a friend", Ragnar makes a sarcastic comment about your sentiment - because a guy who forced himself on you is such a great friend to keep, right?
Gives you a knife to keep on you at all times. If you have the guts, and such an occasion arises, to stab the man once he gets physical with you, Ragnar will have your back no matter what. Also, low-key thrilled. But if you don't end up fighting your own battles, he'll gladly do it for you. Not an ounce of regret on his face during or after.
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Bjorn Pretty direct. Makes plausible threats and will fulfil them. Terrifyingly calm and collected for the most part. He's angry but also disappointed that someone you considered a friend could repay your kindness and affection in such a way.
If you tell Bjorn that you're unsure what to do because you want to keep your friend or you think that he's overdoing things, he might get short with you but it's not out of malice. He's worried that if you don't see your male friend for the lying snake that he is, you might get even more hurt and that possibility enrages him so much he doesn't entertain that thought longer than necessary.
Bjorn is definitely the type to make his revenge somewhat public. Not only will that make others keep their distance from you but it will also earn him respect among other men - he takes his husbandly duties seriously. Whether your "friend" lives or dies is entirely up to them and how callous they have been with you. Whether he meant to or not, Bjorn causes people to look away from you when you're walking through the town. No one wants to risk getting your friend's treatment.
After that, Bjorn will never trust any man who tries to be your friend or claims to be one.
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Ubbe Tries to be the bigger person at first and has a stern word with your friend. Ubbe is probably the only one to seriously take your word/assurance that there's nothing to get worked up about. He will also wait relatively the longest before getting seriously involved - not because he doesn't care, it's quite the contrary. He doesn't want to impose on your independence, so even if he's uncomfortable with the situation but you keep saying "I've got this", he will keep to himself although will voice his concerns (and will refuse to leave you alone at any place or time). When things become serious and the man starts to get physical, Ubbe will make it clear that from now on he's more concerned about your well-being than your freedom: "I'm sorry for disregarding your wishes but I can't sit and watch you get hurt". Believes to be responsible for your safety as your husband.
Ubbe is the type of person who will seek your friend out on his own and resolve the issue right then and there. He goes to the other man's house one night and leaves it only when an agreement is reached - doesn't matter how far he has to go to ensure that. Ubbe's not afraid to get his hands dirty for the right reasons.
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Hvitserk Also hurt because he was actually getting along well with the other man. Hvitserk will ask about your perspective and wishes but if your safety is compromised, he won't make them a priority. At first, he's trying to get you out of harm's way, so you're leaving your house only if he's by your side. But once he learns that your supposed friend forced his way into your home and put his hands on you, Hvitserk is determined to take things into his own hands. He won't seek out your friend on his own but rather wait for an opportunity to arise; doesn't start the fight but surely will end it. The next time another unwanted advances are made towards you, Hvitserk has an axe in his hand and this time, he's the one who doesn't take no for an answer.
If you ever befriend another man after that, Hvitserk will tolerate him but never let go of any suspicions. Also, might tell the story of your previous "admirer" to scare your new friend into behaving properly.
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Sigurd The most probable to get into a brawl right away. At first, he feels quite self-conscious seeing another man flirting with you but when the man in question starts to become aggressive, Sigurd coins his insecurity into hostility, effectively picking a fight. After what seems like lakes of blood and an entire concert of bones breaking, the brawl ends. Sigurd looks like he's been through Hell and still that's a lot better than your friend, who would be pronounced dead if it wasn't for the sporadic raise of his chest as he tries to take in a ragged breath. Sigurd will also voice his anger as he's caving in the other man's skull ("Was it fun when you grabbed her? Enjoying a little manhandling, eh? I'm happy to provide").
Gains respect in his brothers' eyes but none of them quite wants to admit it.
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Ivar He would also feel self-conscious at first. Considers your friend's bold behaviour an assault on his masculinity ("You think I'm not man enough and therefore think you have any right to bother my wife"). Not surprised in the slightest. Hated the guy's guts from the very beginning and made it obvious. Might actually say the dreaded "told you so".
Because he perceives your friend's aggression as somewhat personal, Ivar is driven to go quite far in order to make the punishment fit for the crime. Not only does he do it for your sake but also to make sure that everyone knows just how much of a true Viking is inside him. Some say that "silence is golden", so if your friend decides to use less-than-savoury language towards you, he might end up with his throat filled with liquid gold to ensure no more offence leaves his mouth. Similarly, he's going to suffer the "equivalents" for whatever other thing he's done. He grips your hand so hard there's a bruise? Ivar will wrap his hand with a chain and slowly tighten it until all the bones crack and the wrist is literally torn away from the forearm. But no matter what he does, in the end he still feels like it doesn't quite make up for your friend's wrongdoings.
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ubbesbabymama · 2 years
Their friend is pregnant, pt. 2.
↳ Pairing. Hvitserk The Berserker, Sigurd Snake in The Eye, Ivar The Boneless.
↳ Summary. How would they react to their dear friend being pregnant. [I imagine this with them having the same kind of friendship that Ragnar had with Athelstan but with the reader].
↳ Warnings. Violence, death, abusive relationships, smut/mention of sex.
↳ Note. A second part so I could write the ones that are left because is just so much fun to write this plot.
Part one.
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Hvitserk The Berserker.
He adores you, he genuinely thinks you’re the only perfect person on earth and he would do anything to protect you from anybody, even himself.
He is busy between a thrall’s legs, making everything in his power to make her scream his name, thrusting like a madman when he hears his name being called and he stops right away. That’s not the thrall’s voice.
“Hvitserk,” You sob and he can’t help but to pull out and push the woman, running to you while fixing his pants.
“Come here, come here,” He mumbles, taking you in his arms and walking to another room that doesn’t smell like sex.
He sits on the floor in front of a bonfire with you on his lap, and you move around till your legs are around him just like he is around you. You move again and he grunts.
“D-Don’t move too much,” He whispers.
“O-Oh! I’m sorry, forgive—,” You try to move but he grips your thighs. “Hvitserk.”
“Forget everything else and tell me why are you crying,” He says. “Talk to me.”
“Why do I have to talk to you while your cock is poking into my backside?” You ask him and he grunts again, this time because of your stubbornness.
“That is because I got interrupted while I was getting it down, now, talk to me or I am going to take my axe and go look for the information myself.” He threatens.
You sigh and clean your face a little before looking at him.
“I am with child.”
“That’s not true,” He chuckles and panics when your eyes start to fill with tears, and he takes your face in his hands. “Wait— no, no, no sweat heart.”
“Y-You don’t believe me either,” You sob in his hands and he shakes his head.
“I thought it was another one of your pranks, I apologize little one,” You nod, sobbing. He frowns. “Either?”
“He kicked me out of the house… literally,” You whisper, rolling your dress to show him your scratched knees, you show him your hands and they’re scratched too. “He said I cheated on him, that a whore like me could find a man to breed me really fast just so I could trap—,”
You stop talking when Hvitserk moves you around, standing up and taking you with him. He puts his hand on the small of your back to guide you out of the room and back to his room. In silence he takes off your dirty dress and tosses it to the side, he looks around for a moment and comes back with a shirt of him, he helps you put it on.
“I’m going to be right back, get under the covers,” He quietly says, you shake your head, and he sighs. “Under the covers, please.”
“You’re going to kill him.” You whisper.
“Of course, I’m going to kill him, for starters, I gave you that house, he has no right to kick you out, and second, while you’re with child?” He snorts with malice.
“Hvitserk,” He looks at you and holds your stare to let you know that he is not backing down. You nod to yourself and kiss his cheek. “I’ll wait for you awake.”
You know he is back when some thralls enter the room with the tub, he enters right behind them and you gasp, he is bathed in blood, from the hair to his boots.
“What in Odin’s green earth did you do to him?!” You ask alarmed, he shrugs and starts to take his clothes off in front of you and the thralls. “Hvitserk!”
“I tied him to a tree and started beating him,” He looks up slowly, his eyes cold. “I beat him till his last breath.”
“You’re insane,” You whisper, getting out of bed when he gets inside the tub. You start to undo his braids.
“For you, I can be worse than Ivar, you know this already.” He chants, not a single trace of regret on his face.
“Yeah well, you killed the abusive father of my child,” You roll your eyes. “So it’s safe to say that you’re now a father.”
He smirks.
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Sigurd Snake In The Eye.
Everybody could see how much you mean to him, it was as obvious as the fact that the sun would shine every day. When it comes to you he knows no reason or shame, going as far as to beg if he needs to.
“I-I can’t find her,” He murmurs when all his brothers are gathered to hunt.
“Who?” Ubbe asks.
“What do you mean you can’t find her? It’s almost as if you live together,” Hvitserk jokes.
“I think her husband has something to do with her suddenly disappearing.” He swallows and just now everybody feels the tension in the air. “I-I need help, please.”
Suddenly Ivar starts crawling away and everybody looks at him, he stops and looks back directly at Sigurd.
“What are you doing there? We have to find her.” He grunts and in no time Sigurd is by his side.
That’s how much you mean to Sigurd, so much that even his younger brother whom he always argues about anything not dare to joke around.
And he finds you, in a small cabin deep in the woods, thanks to Hvitserk’s insight in the town he founds that your husband owns this cabin for when he goes hunting alone.
He enters the cabin and sucks a breath when he sees you in a corner hugging your legs. He takes one step and your husband comes out and pulls you by the hair, you yelp.
“If you get close I will kill them both!” He screams and Sigurd frown.
“Who’s them?” He whispers to himself, and you sob.
“You didn’t tell him? You’re carrying his child and you didn’t—,”
“Because it’s not his!” You cry, looking at Sigurd and his stare makes you stop trembling a little. You’re safe, Sigurd is here.
Suddenly an arrow enters from behind Sigurd, right on top of his head, and embedded right onto your husband’s head, him being so tall makes it easy for the archer to shoot without fearing it would hit you.
Sigurd looks behind him and nods to Ubbe, who just nods back and starts walking back with his brother, leaving him with you.
He opens his arms and watches how you run and jump on him, his arms sliding around you, one on your thigh and the other on your waist.
“I’m here now, shh…” He comforts you while walking till he leans on a wall. “Nobody can’t hurt you anymore.”
You sob on his neck and he hums.
“I’m tired,” You murmur and he nods.
He takes you back to the town and directly into his room and orders the thralls to prepare a bath for you. When everything’s ready he undresses you and lets you get inside the tub, he’s about to start looking for clothes for you but your grip on his hand stops him.
“I’m not going anywhere, I’m getting in with you,” He says to calm you down and when he sees you expectant he undresses and gets inside too, behind you.
He starts to caress your belly, he supposed you haven’t seen your monthly blood and that’s why you know you’re with child since it’s not clear in your belly.
“You’re going to start living here,” He whispers in your ear. “So I can take care of you better.”
“You have obligations,” You whisper.
“And you’re the main one,” He hums. “Yes?”
Ivar The Boneless.
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Nobody understands how you can stand Ivar, with the man being borderline obsessed with you. The only reason why you can lay with men is that he is certain that he can’t satisfy a woman and he would rather be burned alive than disappoint you from all people, but other than that, he lets no man get close to you unless you directly tell him that you chose that man to warm your chambers, he has bodyguards for you, thralls for you, he gives you a quarter of everything he owns or gets. Even when he goes raiding everybody knows that a lot of the goods are yours and yours only. That’s how obsessed Ivar The Boneless is with you.
Of course, it’s almost impossible to hide things from him, more so with the people in town being so eager to bring him information about you just to be favored, so as soon as you’re being yelled at and tossed around by the Viking Ivar is notified.
“You think after three times you can already be with child?! Do you think I’m stupid?!” The man was yelling at you, but you weren’t backing down. No sir.
“After ONE time of laying together, I can already be with child, or do you think your seed is so weak you need more than once? even more than three? Poor you.” You mock and gasp when he pushes you, making you fall onto your backside, you whimper at the burn in your hands for breaking the fall.
“I should just kill you and that bastard right now!” He yells, and you spit on your side in response.
“Who?” You freeze, feeling chills run down your spine. That voice only means problems, and a lot of them. “Who are you going to kill? My woman?”
You feel him right beside you, leaning on his crutch. He looks down at you and nods and you nod back, slowly standing up.
“L-Lord I-Ivar,” The man stuttered.
“So? You’re going to kill my woman, you say?” Ivar says, his tone friendly but his eyes, oh those eyes.
“N-no, no my lord,” The man keeps stuttering. “It’s this woman who says she’s carrying my child.”
Ivar face snaps to the side, looking at you while anger starts to bubble in his system, a burning feeling in his chest, he squints his eyes at you and silently you start to pray to the gods for the life of the man.
“When I was hunting and you were keeping me company, that was your last month bleeding, right?” Ivar says and he’s not actually asking, he knows that information, for he’s the one you always go to when you’re in pain, but you nod anyways. “And he pushed you while you’re carrying a child?”
You nod again.
“Yes, Ivar.” The man grimaces when he hears you call Ivar by his name and without honorifics, why nobody told him he was laying with someone so important? “He did.”
Ivar’s face slowly turns to the man, and he grins.
“Now I have to decide whether you die—,”
“Ivar can I—,” You start but are interrupted.
“NO!” He snaps, pointing at you with his finger. “You do not get to save him from this, you do not get a saying this time!”
“Ivar,” Your own anger makes you grind your teeth. “Can I go home? My feet are hurting and I need to get a healer for my hands.”
He blinks and looks down at your bloody hands from the fall before, he sighs, feeling bad at the way he talked to you when you weren’t even trying to help the man.
“I’ll finish this quickly,” Ivar says and in the blink of an eye, the man is being dragged by Ivar’s men while crying and babbling apologies.
You don’t let Ivar say anything more and start walking home and when you get there you ask for a healer and after being done with your hands and a quick checkup on your overall health you ask for a hot bath.
“It’s ready, my lady,” The thrall says just in time for Ivar’s entrance, she gasps and starts to tremble.
“You can go now, don’t come back again, you may take the tub out tomorrow,” You whisper tiredly.
Ivar is covered in blood and even you get a chill run down your spine. It looks grotesque, never has he had so much blood on him from just one person, he looks demonic even.
“I’m—,” He starts but you lift your hand.
“I honestly don’t want to hear it,” You murmur, starting to get undressed.
He looks at you with attention, watching you moan when the hot water gets in contact with your skin.
“I’m sorry.” He finishes what he was saying earlier and you roll your eyes.
“I’m with child, I got pushed by the father of the child and then he got killed by you and I imagine it was in the most animalistic way you could think of,” You tell him coldly. “I’m tired, I didn’t need you snapping at me when I was the one being mistreated, you may go now if that’s going to happen again.”
“I’m sorry.” It’s all he says, he looks emotionless, his voice too. But you know that those words coming out of Ivar’s mouth is already a blessing.
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
“I’m not leaving.” He says, crawling more closer.
“You look scary.”
“I’ll get clean after you tell me how are you,” He whispers and you sigh.
“What am I going to do now?” You whisper to him, getting close to him.
“Nothing, you don’t need to do anything,” He whispers. “Just let me take care of you. Both of you.”
“You already do that,” You smile.
He smiles and leans, giving you a soft kiss although you could tell it doesn’t mean anything more.
“Yes I do, until the gods call me to Valhalla.”
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bravo4iscool · 2 months
i started watching vikings like two weeks ago and this came to my mind😭
(ubbe ragnarsson x fem!reader; lothbrok/ragnarsson family & fem!reader)
(we’re just gonna act like they’re all a happy family and no one hates each other and everyone is a decent human being lol)
(this is also anything but canon, everyone’s alive, no one’s dead and this has like no place in the timeline lmao. this is just my delusions taking over😭. this probably will have multiple parts too (if people want that lol))
(masterlist | join my tag list!)
you’re standing at the docks, erik on your hip and little ingrid by your side as you watch the ships slowly run into the habour of kattegat.
your daughter is all giddy beside you, just waiting for her father to finally arrive. “where is he mama? where is he?” she keeps asking, jumping up and down in excitement.
“i don’t know, baby,” you chuckle while the first ships arrive at the docks, the men leaving them in a hurry to get off. “i’m sure he’ll arrive soon,” you promise, ruffling your daughter hair.
meanwhile ubbe can’t walk towards you fast enough. there’s a big smile on his face as he keeps his eyes focused on you and the kids. he needs to take you into his arms again, he couldn’t wait.
he calls out your name when you don’t seem to notice him just yet and your head snaps up at his voice. your eyes light up when you finally see him almost running towards you.
once he reaches you he picks you—and erik—up in his arms, spinning you around. “my love,” he mumbles. “i’ve missed you.”
he sets you down again, immediately connecting his lips with your while his arms hold you close to his body. you sigh into the kiss, more than happy that your husband had finally returned.
when erik begins to squeak you both break the embrace. “look at you,” ubbe coos. “all grown up, my boy.” he takes erik from your arms and holds him up before he peppers his chubby face with kisses. “have you been good to your mama?” he asks, grinning when the baby begins to giggle.
“papa, papa!” ingrid starts to jump up and down again, grabbing her fathers clothes. “will you give me a kiss too?” she asks, her voice sweet and innocent as she blinks up at ubbe.
he looks at her and crushes down, “of course, my darling,” he smiles before he places his other arm around her and starts to plant small kisses all of her face.
the little girl starts to giggle, clearly happy that she’d gained her fathers attention. you only look at the three of them, thanking the gods that ubbe had returned home safe and healthy.
“papa?” ingrid then asks. “can i go greet uncle bjorn?” she’s giddy on her feet, looking at ubbe with those big eyes. “pleaseeeeee?”
ubbe looks at you and you give him a subtle nod. “you can,” he ruffles her hair. “but be careful, the docks can be dangerous.” his voice contains a clear warning but he doesn’t know if ingrid heard him because she’s already running off.
she’s quick on her feet as she dodges the people on the docks, searching for bjorn’s ship. once it came to her vision she let out a happy squeal.
bjorn stands on the docks, only seconds off the ship before ingrid launches herself into his arms. “oof,” he just manages to catch her, laughing when he clutches to him.
“i missed you uncle bjorn,” ingrid mumbles against bjorn’s chest, pressing her face against his armour. he tightens his arms around her, just enjoying the hug.
“i’ve missed you too,” he then mumbles. “my favourite niece, eh.” a smile breaks out on his face while he ruffles ingrid’s hair.
she giggles, “i’m your only niece.”
“that you are,” he smiles. “but you’re still my favourite.” ingrid starts to play with bjorn’s beard while he gently rocks her around in his arms. he wasn’t married, he had no kids, so he enjoyed the attention ingrid gave him.
“you’re standing in the way, brother,” a annoyed voice then sounds from behind bjorn and he turns around to see ivar standing behind him.
bjorn sighs and shifts ingrid in his arms. “there’s enough space to walk around me, ivar. don’t be such a baby.”
ingrid tilts her head and looks at the youngest ragnarsson. “hello uncle ivar.” she gives him a toothy smile, waving.
ivar only scowls and stumbles past bjorn and his niece. “do not call me that,” he hisses, not paying them both another glance. as he limps away the smile on ingrid’s face fades and she looks at bjorn with question marks in her eyes.
“why doesn’t he like me? or my mama?” she wants to know, turning in bjorn’s arms to look after ivar.
bjorn sighs again and grabs the back of her head gently to place a kiss on her hair. “you should not think about that, little one,” he softly mutters before he starts to move and walk towards his brother and sister-in-law.
you laugh as ingrid climbs all over bjorn’s shoulders, using his tall and broad frame as some kind of tree while your sitting back against ubbe’s side, erik in your arms. “be careful ingrid, you might fall,” you still warm her though, your eyes trained on her.
bjorn only chuckles and raises his hand to tickle her. “don’t worry about that. i’ll make sure nothing happens.” he winks at you.
“don’t flirt with my wife,” ubbe grumbles at that, still a small smile on his face.
hvitserk laughs and slightly shoves ubbe’s arm at his comment. “at that point, she’s our wife, my dear brother.”
ubbe shoots him a dead panned look before he rolls his eyes. “she’s more like a mother to you than anything else,” he huffs out a small laugh.
you slightly smirk at your husbands comment, patting his hand. “i like it that way,” you smile, standing up when erik starts to fuss around in your arms.
“you keep an eye on ingrid,” you point your finger at bjorn as you start to rock erik and make your way towards the door of the great hall. maybe fresh air would calm him down a bit.
you softly hum to your son, as you walk away from the hall a bit, just until you reach the first fields. “shhhh,” you coo at him, caressing his cheek with your finger.
but no matter what you did, he didn’t seem to calm down.
“maybe you should throw him away,” a familiar voice then sounds and you turn around to see ivar standing a few meters away from you. he’s propped up on his crouch, a permanent scowl on his face.
you let out a small huff and shake your head. “he’s a baby, ivar. he can’t express his feeling yet. sometimes crying is just easier for him,” you explain in a soft voice, continuing to rock erik.
“that’s why i don’t like babies,” he grumbles.
“you were a baby once.”
“i know.” his facial features were still tense as he stared at you, then at erik. “but i’m not a baby anymore.”
you didn’t know why ivar had—most likely—followed you out here. you knew he wasn’t particularly fond of you or your children. you couldn’t recall anything that would make him hate you but in the end of the day, that was how he was.
but even though he didn’t want you in his family, near his brothers, you loved him. he was your husbands brother. by marrying ubbe his brothers became your brothers and you loved them.
you look at ivar and slowly take a step towards him. “ivar,” your voice is soft and gentle as you speak, only erik’s little whines being audible. “why is there so much hatred in your heart?”
he freezes at your question, his eyes boring into yours. “i don’t have a heart,” he then hisses, taking a small step into your direction. “and i don’t need you to act like you care about me.”
“but i do.”
“no, you don’t,” he says, his jaw clenched and his body tense. “you’re lying. no one cares about me, except for my mother.”
you subtly shake your head and walk towards him until you’re standing in front of him. he had his head turned, staring at something behind you. “look at me ivar,” you softly demand, erik suddenly quiet in your arms.
ivar doesn’t listen to you. deep down you knew he wouldn’t but it was worth a try. so, you carefully raise your free hand, leaving enough time for him to pull back, and cup his cheek. “i said, look at me, ivar,” you say again, your voice gentle and calm, soothing even.
“why should i?”
you slowly start to caress his cheek bone with your thumb. “because i want you too see that my concern for you is genuine,” you answer, surprised that he hasn’t pulled back yet. he didn’t like being touched.
slowly ivar lifts his head to look at you, the conflict clear in his eyes. he was acting against all his instincts, against everything he knew.
a small smile plays around your lips as he looks at you. “you’re my brother, ivar,” you start. “and i love you. i care for you. whatever people might’ve done, might’ve said, you’re my family and i keep my family close to me.”
he’s silent while he listens to you, letting your words sink in. barely anyone has talked to him like that before. he wasn’t used to being at the receiving end of such feeling. he didn’t deserve that.
he swallows, “after all i’ve done—”
“i don’t care what you’ve done ivar or what you thought.” you gently pat his cheek before you pull your hand back to shift erik in your arms. “my love is unconditional. and if you never need someone to talk to or someone to listen, even a shoulder to cry on, my door is open. always.”
you get interrupted when you see ubbe walking towards you. he calls out your name, the concern evident in his voice.
“i think that’s my sign to get back inside,” you softly smile before you place your hand on ivar’s neck to pull him down and place a gentle kiss on his forehead. “think about my words, ivar.”
that’s the last sentence you say before you walk past him to assure your husband that you were alright.
pt.2, maybe a little series???
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incorrectvikings · 1 year
Ivar: I am a very bad person. I am a very, very bad person. I am a horrible person.
Ivar: “No you’re not, Ivar! We still love you, Ivar!”
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levithestripper · 2 years
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“I'm going to cook you, little piggies! Ohh, and eat you for dinner!”
VIKINGS 03x01 “Mercenary”
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viking-chaos · 1 year
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Sigurd, Ubbe, Hvitserk & Ivar Linnéa Lindström, Jordan Patrick Smith, Marco Ilsø & Alex Høgh Andersen
Vikings (2013-2020) Season 4b, Episode 1
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Ivar: Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff.
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hiddenqveendom · 1 year
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* — a look at ... EISA THE DAMMNED ( vikings )
❝ they say she was cursed. damned. she chose to sacrifice herself to the gods, but her true fate was much worse than death …❞
tag list : @erraticrandomficwriter , @victoriapedrcttis , @sgtbuckyybarnes ,  @decennia , @veetlegeuse , @arrthurpendragon , @raith-way , @scootermcooter , @stanshollaand , @chrissymunson , @foxesandmagic , @eddiemunscns ,  @waterloou , @endless-oc-creations, @kingsmakers, @https-svnshine, @starlit-epiphany, @dyhlanobrien, @fragilestorm , @nolanhollogay , @carmens-garden , @impales , @emilykaldwen, @darkwolf76, @princessmadelines, @iloveocs, @nectarines-rule , @nyra-fireheart , @rebloggingocs​
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gif credit : [ x , x , moi ]
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mamaskullz · 9 months
┊┋ Pairing: Ubbe x OC
┊┋ Series Summary: "I see you'll create a
┊┋legacy and when you knew your end is
┊┋coming, that’s when you start lacking
┊┋in the one wish you desired the most
┊┋because of your adventurous ways”,
┊┋the tone in the childs voice as she
┊┋spoke to the great Ragnar with the
┊┋winds flowing through her silver black
┊┋hair that would gently swiftly moves in
┊┋the wind with the hues of her white like
┊┋grey slate eyes knowing her destiny
┊┋would soon start dealing with the sons
┊┋of Ragnar.
┊┋ Notes: Tw:
┊┋ 686 Words Count
┊┋ Masterlist
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As the day crossed while the ravens squalled in their morning routine, a woman walked out of her cobblestone little cottage and proceeded to her daily routine wearing a strap dress with an undergarment that was fitted to her curves-like shape body as her animal hide tunic wrapped around her shoulder strap as well.
The young assiduous woman came to a halt when the presence of a familiar figure came upon her approach he, with her doe eyes from her white like grey slate hue eyes as her demure state fell upon seeing the great himself, Ragnar. "You were just a little kid, Skuld Draugr", the great Viking king spoke towards her as she stood there with her taciturn nature like always to amaze the Viking Ragnar.
"What has become of who was once the youthful, strong who now become the old and lost Ragnar Lothbrok", as the words fell from her pink perched lips with a voice that was seraphic with a rasp that soothes a person's ears she looked at the old man who she once had an encounter with long ago in her youthful as a child.
"I believed at a time when I first encountered a child in the woods with a basket filled with herbs who still had that taciturn and demure fearless nature told me once that as I grew my legacy there will be a time when my journey comes to an end is when i lack the one wish i desired", Ragnar spoke with his bearded lips while coming close towards skuld as she stood still watching him, listening to the words she once told him when she was a child. "Your death is nearing Ragnar Lothbrok, where you will be greeted by the Valkyries who will take you home as they summon you", She spoke yet again knowing it was time for his offspring to continue a family legacy...
As a flock of ravens flies around squalling as Skuld looks at the ravens her eyes set upon a man with runes embedded in his skin with one eye out of the socket wearing a black linen cloak with raven feathers covered around it appears in her sight speaking "The embodiment of the goddess of fate, and the skilled strength of a Valkyrie with the dark petrified aura of a Draugr... its time to prepare the journey of a great embark of your own for the offspring of Ragnar Lothbrok will need your presence and strength, Skuld Draugr", hearing his voice who was deep-toned and groggy she knew it was time for the one who spoke to her was none other than Odin himself who appeared in her vision, as kept looking coming back to reality seeing where Odin was standing was not there no more and the ravens was no more to be seen, as that was the sign that it was time for her journey to begin...
Skuld Draugr was none like no shieldmaiden or no Viking but yet had the skill of a Valkyrie warrior, her mother was gifted by the gods to give such a daughter with the beauty of skin that color was different from the rest as her white-like grey slate eyes, as Skuld was set out to be Odin's Valkyrie, that in death she will be welcomed upon her fellow Valkyries. But as she grows, she encounters the great king Ragnar who she sees in her visions as a seer seeing what future lies in his paths and that it is she who will give her presence upon his offspring when they grow up into young adults, given shes slight younger than Bjorn but older than Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar...
"You are not like any woman I have encountered with such skills like yours" " The Eldest Son of Ragnar and Queen Aslaug spoke with such compassion in his voice that made Skuld grow a smile with her heart beating not knowing what's become over her. Until the visions leave the woman with her eyes slowly opening having a feeling that this journey is going to be difficult...
A/N: Sorry if the prologue was small…
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miss-madness67 · 6 months
2. In This Life (Ivar Vikings)
Sometimes you feel as if you belong in another era, the past seems to be more your home than the present. Other times, you are stuck in the now. Through a dozen of lifetimes, you have searched for each other. From a Viking to a university student, Ivar has always been the love of your existence.
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Chapter 2: Dream Man
They say dreams are reality modified. They say you dream what you most desire. Apparently, in the clouds of unconsciousness and peaceful rest, the choices are infinite and utterly yours. Hidden yearnings shape what shows before your eyelids, or more like, inside your brain. That is the romantic, hopeful explanation of dreams. It doesn’t seem to be true at all, at least not for you. Bullshit. If this were the case, why would you crave someone you have never met? Every night, gorgeous blue orbs, only for your enjoyment. Or better yet, why would your nights be plagued with someone you just noticed for the first time? Ivar Lothbrok. He has been in your class since the beginning of the semester, and you just became aware of it. To believe that want him is a joke. Then why is he so, softly looking at you right now, and you instantly melt.
Read on: AO3 / Patreon
Tags: @cdauni @justsomecreaturewandering
Let me know if you want to be tagged.
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sigridsdottir · 2 years
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vikings + fave bts pics (2/?)
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asa-writes · 1 year
okay so first of all i ADORE your content so much and i wanted to ask if you could write a oneshot for sigurd x reader mayhaps? basically the reader goes skinnydipping in a lake in the woods and sigurd accidentally finds her and eventually joins her and the atmosphere is like magical and stuff- maybe with some cute smut if you’re comfortable with that 🫶🏻
Thank you so much!! Of course, here's the oneshot. I hope it's not too magical for you but this was the first thing that came to my mind...
"The Hunt"
Pairing: Sigurd x F!Reader
18+ Minors DNI!
Word count: 1,1K
Warnings: Smut heheh, light fluff, magic, unprotected sex, magical prn with plot
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Sigurd pushed through the dense foliage, his bow in one hand and a quiver full of specially-fletched arrows on his back. He followed the trail of broken twigs, bent grass, and mud puddles left behind by the doe up until he reached the small creek. He scanned the muddy banks for hoofprints, but the tracks disappeared into the shallow water. Taking off his shoes and socks, Sigurd stepped into the cold water, careful not to make too much noise.
As the faint sound of rippling waves echoed up from behind a gigantic boulder that blocked his view of the lake and its secret inhabitant, Sigurd instinctively reached for an arrow and notched it upon his bow. His body tensed as he focused on what lay beyond that massive rock, yet nothing prepared him for the sheer beauty he beheld in that moment. A faint melody floated towards him, so gentle and ethereal that it seemed to come from another realm entirely. He could almost feel himself being transported away by its sweet embrace.
As Sigurd's body tensed, he almost followed the impulse to shoot in the direction of the sound. Then, there you were - a young woman standing waist deep in the lake, illuminated by a thousand stars that were entwined in an embrace with the sun. You both were gazing up into its colours spreading like wildfire across the sky in awe, as a cool evening breeze whispered through your ears. Unveiled and unashamed, you moved towards him in graceful strides, swimming throughtout the lake's surface like a creature from another realm of existence. To Sigurd's eyes it seemed as if your movements held some magical power that enchanted his innermost desires.
Mesmerized by your beauty and dancing gracefully in what seemed like perfect harmony with nature around both of you, Sigurd couldn't help but stare; he felt awed by this beautiful scene playing out before him.
You stood in place, the lake around you a kaleidoscope of light reflecting off the millions of shimmering droplets; your well-formed body slowly rising and falling with the calm ripples of the water before him. Glittering eyes beckoning him to come closer, you spoke with an ethereal voice that seeped into his mind like a dream. "Come forth, Sigurd Snake-in-the-eye", you said in that soft familiar yet distant cadence, "Don't be scared, join me". He smiled at your invitation, mesmerized by the beauty of this surreal moment.
He felt his loins stir as he tried to resist the siren call of your presence. "Who... or what... are you?" he struggled to ask, drawn in by your unearthly beauty. "Why do you know my name? And why are you here?"
You simply chuckled softly at his questions and waved them away with a flick of your hand. "I am no one of consequence," you spoke gently, flashing him an ethereal smile. "I have come only to cleanse myself."
Sigurd cast a wary glance around the forest. Was this all too good to be true, or had the universe conspired in his favor? The doe that had led him here seemed to have a purpose - perhaps the will of the gods themselves. With trepidation and curiosity warring within him, Sigurd took a step forward towards you and began to disrobe himself, watching all the while for any sign of danger. Perhaps this was all meant to be. Maybe fate was steering him towards his destiny.
As Sigurd undressed, your eyes shone like a field of stars on a moonless night. It was as if you had been waiting for him, expecting him to join you all along. You moved closer to him, the water lapping against your rounded thighs, and gave him a coy smile.
Sigurd felt a shiver run down his spine as your soft hand touched his bare chest. Your touch was like nothing he had ever experienced before - it was gentle and comforting yet electrifying at the same time. He could feel his heart rate quicken as you led him deeper into the water.
The cool liquid enveloped Sigurd's body, sending a jolt of arousal coursing through his veins. As you swam together in the lake, it was as if time had slowed down; every moment was filled with an intense feeling of euphoria.
Your lips found his in a passionate kiss, your tongue as sweet as honey. He felt your hands wander over his body, exploring every inch of him with a hunger that matched his own.
They moved together in the water, their bodies entwined, a blur of flesh and lust. You touched him more tenderly than any other woman had, so he decided to do so as well, caressing your cold throat, chest, breasts and shivering thighs.
"Tell me, temptress," he breathed out, feeling your perfect hands gently tugging on his braids, "May I take you? May I touch you? May... may I hold you in my arms?"
You smiled up at him with a look of pure desire. "Yes, Sigurd," you whispered. "Take me. Touch me. Hold me in your arms."
Sigurd needed no further encouragement. He moved his hands over your body, exploring every curve and contour, as he kissed you deeply. He felt your softness against him, your cunt's warmth enveloping him, and he felt himself losing control.
As your bodies moved together in the water, Sigurd knew that this was where he was meant to be and gripped you by your hips, pulling you down until he bottomed out and spilled his seed deep in your hot, fluttering cunt. This was the purpose that the gods had intended for him - to take you. He was lost in the moment, in the feel of your skin against his, in the sound of your moans as you rode your own high out on him, bouncing delightfully on his long, hard member.
He held you in his arms as you moved together, your breaths mingling in the cool night air. It was as if you were two halves of the same whole - two celestial beings brought together by destiny. And Sigurd knew, without a doubt, that this moment would be etched into his memory forever.
As you finished and laid back into the meadow, he pressed a hasty kiss on your forehead and quickly went back to the lake, washing himself and turning around to grab his clothes.
He almost jumped out of the water in surprise, noticing a figure in the distance. It was the doe. It bowed its majestic head and left him naked in the water, galopping away.
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bravo4iscool · 1 month
task force 141 x modern!military!vikings!AU
(idk what possessed me to write this🧍🏼)
(also i don’t really know anything about the norwegian army so… this is probably very inaccurate💀)
tag list - @bumblebeesfromvenus @yazt09 @blackhawkfanatic @hatterripper31
(masterlist overview | vikings masterlist | call of duty masterlist | join my tag list!)
they weren’t a normal task force. they were anything but normal. yet, they were dangerous. more dangerous that one might like.
captain price was surprised when he was told he would work together with them. he’d heard about them. they were the pinnacle of the european task forces, just behind the 141.
but he didn’t know anything about them. no one did. they were a tale, a faint whisper in the wind. they came and they went with the shadows, another body added to their count.
price had briefed his boys on that task force—they didn’t even know its name—and now he was keen on meeting them. the mission must be hard if they needed the 141 and them.
he’s standing on the tarmac, waiting for their guests to arrive. simon is standing beside him, his hand resting on his vest. they didn’t even had time to properly change into their uniform before he’s been told their guests would arrive.
a few minutes later a chopper touched down and price straightened his back. here they’d come. there was a slight frown on his face as he took in the men (and a woman) who walked towards him.
they were tall, as tall as simon at least, and they were broad. strong shoulders and big arms. almost every single one of them had a heavy beard. probably normal in norway, price thought.
they came to a hold in front of price and simon and one of them extended his hand. “captain price, i’m captain lothbrok.” price nodded and shook lothbrok’s hand.
“a pleasure to finally meet you,” price smiles before he looks at simon. “this is my lieutenant, simon riley.” simon let out a small grunt and nodded at the soldiers in front of him. they looked good, skilled.
lothbrok nodded and started to introduce his people. “my ex-wife, lagertha, she’s my lieutenant,” he starts and price’s eyes widen. ex-wife? “that’s my second lieutenant, bjorn, he’s my oldest son.” son? “and those are my other sons, and sargeants. ubbe, hvitserk and sigurd.“ other sons?
price can’t help but notice the one man—he looked very young—in the wheelchair. lothbrok notices the captain’s gaze. “oh, that is my youngest, ivar, he’s our strategist and tech guy,” he explains, resting his hands on his own vest.
simon grunts again, “you’re all family?” he couldn’t really believe it. what kind of family managed to form a task force on their own. how did they all pass training?
lothbrok grins. “we are. hard to believe, huh,” he laughs.
“johnny’s gonna have a field day with this,” price mumbles before he shows his guests inside.
“okay, let me get this straight,” johnny looks at bjorn. “your father and your mother were married and had you and your sister, then he cheated and your parents broke up and your father married the woman he cheated with and now you have four half brother?”
bjorn shrugs and looks at the chicken wing in his hand. “pretty much. it’s a long story.”
“and your mother and father like, don’t want to kill each other?” johnny couldn’t quite grasp the history that surrounded this task force. how did it came to be and how was it allowed?
bjorn shrugs again, “ivar and my mother clash from time to time but that’s it.” he looks up from his chicken wing. “but that’s not why we’re here. we have a russian to capture and that’s what we should focus on.”
johnny nods and takes a bite off his own chicken wing. “what do you know about your target?” there hasn’t been an official briefing yet but johnny was eager to know who they were dealing with.
“i’ve heard a lot about you lieutenant riley,” lothbrok says at another table while he takes a sip of water. “you’re famous among the norwegian army.”
simon purses his lips beneath the mask. “is that a compliment, sir?” he wants to know and lothbroks laugh.
“it is a compliment lieutenant,” he muses. “there aren’t many people with a record like yours. captain price must be proud to have you.”
price quietly grunts, “i am proud. simon is an important asset to our team,” he explains. “and please, call me john. everyone does.”
lothbrok nods. “then call me ragnar.”
“if you take advantage of this hill here and charger from on top, rather than from the side, you’ll have a significant advantage,” ivan explains while he points to the map on the screen. “if anything they’ll expect you to enter from this side—“ he rolls his wheelchair to the other side of the screen. “—but if it’s as it looks they barely have any security here—“ he moves his wheelchair again, pointing to a different entry. “—so you could technically just walk in there:”
once he stops talking he looks at the others, waiting for an answer. bjorn purses his lips and walks towards the screen. “what about those woods here? what if they have reinforcements there?” he looks at his youngest brother, a slight scowl on his face.
“good question bjorn,” ivar mumbles before he rolls towards his laptop to zoom in on the woods. “i tried to find out if they have any secondary bases in the woods but it’s practically impossible…” he sighs. “we could send in a drone before we charge though.”
“how close do we need to get you?” ragnar asks, scratching his beard.
ivar types a few things in his laptop before he looks at his father. “a few clicks, not too close.” he goes back to typing and ragnar steps in front of the screen.
“what do you think john?” he asks and turns around. “you will be leading after all.” he crosses his arms in front of his chest, waiting for price to speak up.
the captain purses his lips and steps beside ragnar. “it’s a good plan. ivar thought it through perfectly.” price looks at simon johnny and gaz. “what do you think? simon, will you be able to cover us?”
simon nods. “will be possible, yes.”
“sounds like a solid plan,” gaz approves, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
johnny purses his lips before he nods too. “what could go wrong?” he smirks.
ragnar walks through the plane, checking with lagertha and his sons. “hvitserk, sigurd, you will go with ivar,” he instructs his son, clasping their shoulders. “once he’s done you’ll join us.”
hvitserk stretches his neck and flexes his fingers around his gun. “copy that.” sigurd confirms his fathers commands with a subtle nod.
simon follows those interactions with watchful eyes, curious of how the mission would play out. ivar clearly was a strategic genius and if his family was as good in the field as he was told this mission could only go easy.
“ubbe, you’ll go with lieutenant riley. you’ll both cover us.” ubbe shoots simon a look and the lieutenant nods. ubbe seemed like a calm soldier. should be easy.
once everyone knew their role they got their green light and jumped out of the plane, even ivar. he had his crutches on his and was strapped to hvitserk’s back.
this has potential for a pt.2🧍🏼
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ivarsgard · 2 years
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worms-in-guts · 26 days
my favourite prinesess
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made in paint
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
A Snowy Army || Ragnarssons x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄
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Summary: Making snow angels with Ivar is a whole new experience.
Warnings: none
Word count: 2409
Authors: Bear & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Making Snow Angels
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Snow danced in the sunlight, a ballet choreographed by the gentle wind. As he watched, Ubbe's eyes widened, as wide as his younger brothers' when they saw the street had turned into a new page, ready for their playful feet and mittened hands. "Y/N?" Ubbe called your name, casting a glance through a chamber warmed by the crackling fire in the fireplace.
While carrying a few logs of wood to the fireplace to ensure everyone stays warm, you gasped in surprise upon hearing your name. "Yes, Ubbe?”
"Don't you think it's lovely outside?" Ubbe chimed in.
His words were met with Ivar's snorting. "Yeah, what beautiful weather, with cold wind and tons of snow."
"It's beautiful indeed, but it's a shame that such beautiful weather is accompanied by such a coldness," you replied softly.
Ivar clapped his hands and pointed to you, exclaiming, "See what I mean? Even a thrall understands that winter is dreadful. And mother claims that all the thralls are stupid."
Hvitserk had now joined the conversation he had overheard while napping by the fireplace. "Ivar, stop being a jerk to Y/N and behave."
You waved your hand and shrugged, "I'm used to it, no worries," you said. "Hvitserk? Do you need anything?”
"No, Y/N, but thank you for asking," Hvitserk replied, closing his eyes again in an attempt to fall back asleep.
Ubbe suggested, "Can we go outside for some fresh air?"
As Sigurd entered the Great Hall, his loud voice echoed from the walls, "I'm in. The snow is so fluffy, and it's not that cold outside."
As you glanced at Ubbe and others, you smiled but still wrapped fur around Hvitserk to make sure he wouldn't get cold. "Shall I bring your furs?”
"I have mine," Sigurd said, pointing to the thick fur he wore.
"I'll get mine, though. I believe we should give Hvitserk some rest for he had a rough night," Ubbe responded with a nod of his head.
"Bring me mine, thrall," Ivar said. "Did you forget I'm a cripple?"
"Ivar!” Ubbe yelled at his younger brother, this time being out of patience with his rude behavior.
As you bowed your head, you headed to bring Ivar's fur to avoid aggravating him further.
Ubbe approached Ivar, who was sitting by the table, sipping his herbal drink, and smacked the back of the younger man's head.
"Hey! What was that for?!" Ivar looked at his older brother, an unhappy grimace on his lips.
"What did I say about treating our thralls well?"
Ivar's fur was quickly found and returned to him by you. "Would you like me to help you put it on?”
After being chastised by his older brother, Ivar gave you a look and nodded, "Yes, please." He emphasized the last word to demonstrate to Ubbe that he understood his older brother's message.
Ubbe gave you a gentle smile and asked you to assist Ivar while he and Sigurd waited outside.
By softly nodding, you helped Ivar. You put the fur around his shoulders and then ensured it wouldn't slip off by wrapping it around him. "Here you go. Now you won't get cold."
"Thank you," Ivar whispered quietly after ensuring that none of his brothers were present, so they wouldn't mock him for being so polite; it was the side of himself he tried his hardest to hide from the world.
As you walked away to take care of your other duties, you said, "You're welcome."
You were just a thrall, no matter how much you wanted to join the brothers.
Ivar inquired, out of the blue, "Maybe you want to join us?"
Your eyes widened as you stared at Ivar.
Did he really invite you to join? You? Out of all the people.
"I would love to, but I'm not sure if I can."
"Why? I'm inviting you right now. Are you going to refuse my offer?"
"N-No. I wouldn't dare," you whispered.
As Ivar carefully sat on the floor and crawled toward the door, he said, "Follow me then and stop whining."
As soon as you found the fur you owned, you wrapped it around yourself before following Ivar.
Before leaving the Great Hall, Ivar put on his gloves to protect his hands from the cold of the frozen ground.
It wasn't long before Ubbe and Sigurd were joined by you and Ivar.
Ivar scoffed as he watched his older brothers fight with snowballs.
When you looked at Ivar, you asked, "You... You think I can try too?" Sure, Ivar invited you to join them, but you weren't sure if you could play around with them - they were princes and you were nothing but a thrall.
Ivar shrugged a little. "Of course, why not?"
With a smile, you grabbed some snow, made a ball out of it, and threw it at Ubbe.
The oldest brother gasped loudly, not expecting you to join them. A huge snowball soon hit your shoulder, and then your tummy.
You laughed loudly and decided not to let them win, so you threw more snowballs at Ubbe and Sigurd.
Ivar sat on the snowy ground, watching you all interact.
Soon after, Ubbe grabbed you by the waist and lifted you into his arms, making it impossible for you to escape as he locked you in a bear hug.
Trying to escape his tight embrace, you squealed loudly, but it was no use, so you just giggled.
And that was when you were attacked from behind by Sigurd, who stuffed some snow under your fur and tunic while Ubbe held you tightly in his arms.
The cold made you whimper loudly, "No! Not fair!"
Ivar couldn't stop laughing at the situation.
Ubbe set you back down and tapped your nose, "Come on, snow is great fun!"
You shook your head, "NOT WHEN IT GETS UNDER MY CLOTHES!"
"We can always help you get rid of those clothes," Sigurd slyly remarked.
Blinking, you blushed. "Well... I don't think such a thing would help me at the moment."
"You'd get warm again," he slightly wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
Ubbe shook his head a little and pulled you out of Sigurd's embrace. "The snow's fluffy, let's try something."
As you looked up at Ubbe, you asked happily, "Like snow angels?!"
Ivar was the one who made a comment on your words, "It's clear you used to be a Christian. You even refer to shapes made in fresh snow as angels."
As you shrugged, you explained, "That's what we always called them. Because they did indeed look like angels."
"Angels. Ha! Pathetic explanation," Ivar summed up wryly; it met Ubbe's disapproval. 
"Ivar, if you have to say all these nasty words, better shut up this time," the oldest brother claimed.
"Ubbe it's okay. I'm used to it."
As soon as you left Ubbe, you landed on the snow right where you had hopped. As you moved your arms and legs, you created a shape in the snow; once you were done, you raised your hand in triumph. "Ubbe, can you help me get up?"
Ubbe took a giant step towards you and extended his hand, assisting you in getting back up.
Grasping his hand, you let him lift you up. Obviously, you were careful not to ruin your snowy creation. "It does look like an angel."
Ubbe examined the shape and quickly agreed with you that it did resemble an angel. "Y/N is correct."
You smiled and asked, "Ivar? Would you like to give it a try?"
Ivar looked up at you with a frown. "Do I appear to move my legs in the same way you did to make this shape? No, I don't believe so."
You thought for a moment. "You can move your arms! Your angel simply won't have a dress, or I can move your legs."
In a loud scowl, Ivar said, "Don't touch my legs, I can do everything by myself." After these words, Ivar crawled to where you had made your snow angel. He sat flatly on the snow, moved his left leg left, then his right leg left, then repeated the action in the other direction. After that, he lay heavily down and only moved his left arm a few times.
"If you don't do both arms, your angel will only have one wing," You said, hiding under Ubbe's soft fur.
Ivar sat on his butt again and started to draw something on the snow. Soon, he carefully left the snow and crawled out, revealing a shape looking like a warrior with a sword.
You and Ubbe walked closer. With a grin on your face, you nodded your head. "Well, that's always something new."
Ubbe slowly raised his eyebrow. "Well, that's interesting."
Sigurd was the second to approach and check the final result. "Ivar, brother, you're the man of many talents. Your talent goes far beyond being a brat. You have the power to fuck everything you get your hands on."
"Sigurd," you frowned at him and then smiled at Ivar. "Don't say that. Ivar makes pretty things in his own way. I like it."
Upon seeing Ivar looking up at you, you could swear he had a twinkle in his eye and a slight smile on his lips.
"Can you help me make more warriors like you did? WE COULD MAKE OUR OWN ARMY!" You enthusiastically inquired.
Ivar cocked his eyebrow while looking at you but nodded without unnecessary words.
You flopped down on the snow and began making your army.
Ivar observed you but soon followed, trying to make another shape in the fluffy snow.
As you copied his technique, you made some crooked shapes in the snow. You tried to make better-looking ones with an unhappy growl.
Ivar created a few more shapes with some struggles, but after that he was truly proud with the final outcome.
As Ubbe helped you shake the snow off your fur, you smiled and thanked him. 
You looked proudly at all the shapes. "Beware! I present to you your brother's army that will conquer the world!"
Ivar, who was sitting on the ground, looked up at you and actually gave you a smile. "It's not that bad in the end. They don't look like pathetic angels."
"I won't do snow angels again," you giggled, "They look like great warriors, so it will be only snow warriors from now on."
"Snow warriors, I like it, actually," Ivar replied proudly.
Despite rolling his eyes, Sigurd agreed that the shapes looked pretty neat.
Your head was bowed, and you said, "It's your own army, my prince."
Ivar kept smiling at you, but soon his smile vanished from his lips.
As Sigurd walked away, he mocked, "This is the only army he'll ever get.".
Using some snow, you rolled a ball and threw it at Sigurd. You walked to Ivar next. "Don't worry. You'll have a great army soon, I'm sure."
Ubbe watched the scene for a moment, but soon he decided it was time to leave you and Ivar alone, so you could try to get along together - Ivar used to be very snappy towards you since the very first day you were taken in by Ragnar and Aslaug.
"Yeah, in my fucking dreams."
"Oh, Ivar. Please, you never know what gods have prepared for you," you reassured him.
"Gods seem to hate me," he told you, slowly crawling away.
Following him, you shook your head. "No, Ivar. They don't. You are still here. It means one thing - they have a great plan for you."
"How can you be so cheerful? So full of hope?" He asked with a nasty tone.
"The positive side of life is what I try to focus on," you explained. "By being down the entire time, you will make things harder for yourself."
Ivar crawled to the nearest stable, where he crawled inside and sat on the hay. He started petting one of the horses. "Maybe you're right."
It was brave of you to sit next to him. "Each of us has a purpose in this world. If you are here, it means your purpose hasn't yet been fulfilled."
"Maybe you're right. I dream of becoming the most powerful man in the world."
"My belief is that one day you will be the most powerful man in the world."
He cocked his eyebrow, looking at you. "You say all those things, and you're kind to me only because I am a cripple, and you're scared of my mother."
There was a roll of the eyes from you. The reason I am polite to you is because I want to, and even if you aren't nice sometimes, I don't think you deserve to be hated or treated worse than others."
His eyebrow slowly went up a little as Ivar tilted his head.
"Am I saying something?"
As you shrugged, you replied, "No, but I've seen this look before."
"Do you?"
"Yes," Nodding, you grabbed his chin and turned his face enough to kiss him gently.
Ivar gasped; this was the last thing he expected of you. Your lips were soft, warm and welcoming. Ivar instinctively closed his eyes and moved his lips slowly against yours, giving the kiss back.
After kissing him for a moment longer, you pulled away. Seeing his lightly shocked expression, you giggled. "Would you be able to smile for me now?"
Hesitantly, Ivar smiled but soon turned his head away, trying to hide the blush and surprise that painted on his face.
You kissed his cheek briefly and got up to leave the stable. "This expression suits you much better," you said. "We'd better get back before your mother gets angry at me."
"Angry at you? Why? You're guarding her crippled son," Ivar patted the horse one last time and crawled slowly after you.
You concluded, "I keep him outside when it's freezing as well. If you get sick, it's my fault. Not only will she punish me for that, but she will make me take care of you, and you're even more moody when you're sick."
"That's not true," he protested, but followed you anyway.
"How could that be? Every time you are sick, you almost cry that you are dying."
"Because this is how I feel, like dying!"
"Oh, yes, yes. Let's get back inside. I will make you something warm to drink."
He followed you, thinking he could warm himself up with one more kiss from you.
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