#Sigurd x Reader
axelsagewrites · 5 months
Where Am I?*Part Four
Pairing: modern!f!reader x (to be determined...) Ubbe, Ivar, Sigurd, Hviserks, Bjorn
Word count: 2146
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Warnings: drinking, Sigurd making a cripple joke, drunk reader
Series Summary: After falling head first the reader wakes up face to face with a group of strangely dressed men who look eerily like the vikings she studies
Part one Part two Part three
Masterlist Here
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Something your arrival seemed to have distracted from was the success of the latest raid. “You’ll love it,” Hvitserk told you over breakfast. He, you had soon noticed, was the only morning person of the bunch. Ivar looked even more homicidal while Sigurd was still too asleep to piss him off. Meanwhile Ubbe was still in bed, threatening to cut off whoever’s hand tried to wake him, “We pull out all the stops. Wines, mead, ale, -“
“Is anything not alcohol related?” you joked just as Bjorn walked in. You’d honestly expected him to have breakfast with his father, but Bjorn said nothing as he took a seat beside you. You knew he was tall but him sitting shoulder to shoulder with you made you realise just how not only tall, but wide he was. The man was built like a bear.
“Hello?” Hvitserk said, waving his hand in front of your eyes, “I swear none of you appreciate the morning,” he tutted.
“Die,” Ivar grunted, earning an agreement from Sigurd. You chuckled a little at seeing them finally on the same side.
Still, you shot Hvitserk an apologetic smile. “Sorry Hvitserk I just spaced out,”
“Spaced out?” He asked, even Bjorn looking down in confusion.
“Like got distracted?”
Hvitserk nodded in understanding, but Bjorn wasn’t satisfied, his head tilting even further in confusion. “Why do you say ‘like’ all the time? You always say like at the start of everything its strange,”
“I guess it’s like,” you said, pausing to chuckle at the accident though he didn’t laugh, “I don’t know it’s just how we talk where I’m from. Like how in every conversation someone threatens someone’s life here,” you said, finally earning a crack of a smile from him, “Where I’m from that would be the weird thing,”
“It’s not as if we mean it,” Hvitserk said.
“It’s brotherly love,” You turned to look at Ivar and Sigurd who both just kind of shrugs.
“It’s something all right,” Sigurd muttered. Ivar’s glare said enough on his behalf.
You ignored them both and turned back to Hvitserk with a laugh. After all they were brothers after all. It was all just talk. Surely. “So, if I go wake Ubbe up right now he won’t actually cut off my hand?” This time they all shared a concerned look. Okay maybe not.
“Take back up with you,” Ivar said. “Just encase,”
You sighed and rolled your eyes at the dramatics of all of them “Seriously? Right come on then,” you said, nodding your head at Ivar as you stood.
For a moment you actually saw a slight look of fear wash over his face, “But I’m still eating,” he tried to weasel his way out of it making Sigurd laugh. That was until you turned to him, hands on hip and his eyes suddenly dipped to the floor and the laughing stopped.
You threw your hands up, “He cannot be that bad!” you protested as you headed to Ubbe’s room.
As you headed for the door you heard someone’s chair scrape against the floor following you. You knocked on the door before quickly pushing it open, “Rise and shine sunshine- “
A loud groan came from the lump under the furs that was presumably the grumpy Ubbe everyone had warned you about. He quickly went to sit up and you jumped back when you saw the axe in his hand. Right back into what you soon realised was Bjorn’s chest.
Realization dawned over Ubbe’s face when he saw you, “Oh,” he said, dropping the axe onto the furs, “Sorry I didn’t realise it was you,” he mumbled, collapsing back into bed.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” you mumbled, stepping away from Bjorn and hoping he didn’t see the blush covering your cheeks from the previous closeness. Then they went even redder when Ubbe sat up in bed and you realised he had nothing on. “I’m just gonna,” you span around, trying to leave, before almost smacking right back into Bjorn’s chest. You almost gulped before looking up at him, “Sorry,” you mumbled, rushing out past him, not noticing the smirk on Bjorn’s face or the way Ubbe laughed at your antics.
Ivar had finished eating by the time you’d returned, and you very quickly insisted on him showing you the market like he’d promised last night. He almost jumped at the chance and debated flinging his knife into Sigurd’s chest when he insisted on joining you both. However, you weren’t out for long before Aslaug sent a thrall to fetch you.
Aslaug had arranged for you to receive another dress for tonight’s festivities since “our guests represent our honour,” and you weren’t going to turn down the clean clothes.
The boys had gone out to do some training leaving you to get ready. You debated doing some makeup, you did have a couple items in your bag after all. “What is that?” Aslaug asked as she and a woman you recognised as Helga walked into the room. You’d been sat at a table in the middle of the house to utilise the little light inside and hadn’t heard them walk in, “Its eyeliner,” you said, showing them the black on your eyes, “Like how you use charcoal on yours,”
“Can I watch?” Helga asked, excitement written on her face as she sat across from you, “What’s this?” she asked, picking up the liquid blush, “It’s so bright!”
“It’s blush,” you laughed, “It’s for your cheeks,”
Aslaug sat next to her, eyeing over the cosmetics, “Like berries?”
“Kind of?” you said, gently taking it out of Helga’s hand so you could put it on to show them,
“See?” you asked patting it in, “Same sort of thing but this lasts a bit longer,”
“Can we try some?” Helga asked and even Aslaug looked interested at the idea. For the next while you helped them apply some moisturiser and blush to ease them into it. you were honestly scared to show them your eyeshadow pallet considering how Helga reacted to a pink blush.
then it was your turn. Apparently, the hair problem was long overdue. Helga was gentle when she brushed but you winced as Aslaug took over the intricate braids. “Do all girls fuss where you’re from?”
By the time she was done however you had to admit it looked beautiful. “You almost look like one of us,” there was almost fondness in Aslaug smile.
Helga looked up with a large grin, “You’ll get used to the pain. You looked wonderful though,”
Walking into the bustling hall by Aslaug’s side was both comforting and terrifying. On one hand it meant no one would question you but on the other, everyone was staring. When the boys finally returned Hvitserk was the first to greet you and you happily accepted the ale he offered.
You were sat at a table with the five of them, Hvitserk and Ivar on either side of you, and Bjorn, Ubbe, and Sigurd across from you. However, something the group were quickly realising was their tolerance to ale was far higher than yours. “Do you not drink where you’re from?” Ubbe teased as your cheeks flushed from the alcohol.
“We do! I swear I’m not a lightweight. This stuffs just strong!” you laughed.
Apparently, the laugh was infectious as soon they were all giggly. All but Bjorn but for once there was a permanent smile on his face, “What’s a lightweight?” Bjorn asked.
“Someone who can’t hold their alcohol,” you told him, very matter of factly making them all laugh at your drunken confidence, “You lot wouldn’t last one second on a night out at my campus. I’m talking tequila shots, body shots, Jello shots,” you began to drunkenly list off as the boys tilted their heads in amused confusion.
“What’s a shot?” Hvitserk asked making you face palm.
“Oh, I have so much to teach you,”
Unfortunately, while the boys were great company and had adjusted well to you being in their groups your presence seemed to disrupt everyone else. It was Hvitserk who first noticed everyone staring at you, but you were too tipsy too care. However, as Ivar and Ubbe drank more both began to glare at the men whose eyes stayed too long.
Despite all the boys warning you about Ivar’s temper they all seemed to ignore Ubbe’s even when he insisted on you all leaving because a drunken Viking tried to hit on you. You however were happy enough to follow them all the edge of the lake and sit on the cold sand with a flask of ale being passed around.
As you were all walking down to the lake Hvitserk, and Sigurd were in a heated debate over which slave girl was hotter while Ubbe carried a giggling Ivar on his back. somehow, you’d ended up at the back of the pack, stumbling down the hill beside Bjorn.
“Woah,” he gasped, grabbing your waist before you could stumble and fall over a tree branch. “Steady,”
“Careful Bjorn,” you grinned up at him, holding onto the arm he offered you so you wouldn’t risk falling again, “Someone might think we’re friends,” you teased.
A smirk quickly showed on his face, a teasing light in his eyes, “Oh? Are we not friends already? I am wounded,”
“Friends don’t try kill their friends,” you pouted but you weren’t able to keep the charade up for long before grinning again like a Cheshire cat.
Bjorn just rolled his eyes with a smile however, “We weren’t friends then. We are now,”
“So, you won’t try kill me again?”
Another eye roll, “I won’t try kill you, no,” he said, shaking his head as he helped you to where the rest of the group had begun to sit.
“Pinky promise?” you asked, pulling out of his grip and extending his arm.
His eyes narrowed, head tilting, “What’s a pinkie promise?”
“Its where,” you said, stepping closer to grab his hand, “You lock pinkies,” you said wrapping yours around his, not noticing the smile on his face, “And promise something. And if you break it, I get to break your pinkie,”
“So, an oath?”
“An oath with a threat,”
“Of breaking a finger?”
“Pinkie specifically but yes,” you grinned, “So do you promise?”
“I promise,”
“Good,” you grinned, pulling your pinkie away from his grip before turning to join the group. You plopped down on the ground next to Ivar who was staring off into the sea, “Hi,” you grinned.
Ivar turned to you, laughing when he saw the wide grin on your cheeks, “Hello,” you could hear a slight drunken slur in his words. “Want some?” he asked, passing you, his ale.
You gladly accepted it, taking a drink of the alcohol you first hated but soon grew to love, “Thanks. You’re always so sweet to me,” you smiled before taking a drink, missing the way Ivar’s cheeks went red at your sweet words. Sigurd however didn’t want you to miss it.
“Aww look at the cripple,” he teased making Ivar scowl, “He’s blushing like a baby,”
You passed Ivar his drink back, noticing how tense his jaw was and quickly checking to see how close he was to his axe. After all you didn’t need to be here when the fall out happened, “Why do you care so much Sigurd?” you asked, rolling your eyes.
Everyone’s eyes seemingly went wide, shocked that your bubbly attitude had so quickly dropped. “you don’t get it,” he tried to brush off, “you’re not from here,”
“Then explain it to me,” you said, sitting up straight, “Explain what’s so funny about Ivar’s legs. Ill wait,”
“Well its just,” he tried to stutter earning a snigger from Hvitserk, “I don’t know it just is. Why do you care?”
You were honestly a bit hurt by that, “because he’s, my friend?” you said it like a question because the answer seemed so obvious.
“Okay well I’m sorry,” Sigurd shrugged, his eyes focused on the ground.
Luckily the night quickly moved on from the brief ugly confrontation however Ivar couldn’t get the reaction out of his mind. He was so used to fighting his own battles that he never even expected someone else to back him up, let alone speak up before him. Despite his bruised ego Sigurd thankfully stayed civil for the rest of the night.
A few hours passed before you all decided to walk home. You were in a world of your own at this point, your eyes fixed on how bright the night sky was with stars with no city skyline or factory gases to ruin your view. You didn’t even notice the stares from the boys or hear Hvitserk and Ubbe talk about how you stood up to Sigurd. For the first time this week you didn’t have a care in the world.
Part five
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Vikings preference: your friend hits on you and gets aggressive
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Ragnar Feels genuinely hurt because he thought he could trust your friend. Whenever Ragnar went away, he'd ask your friend to keep an eye on you and generally make sure you're safe and sound. Makes veiled threats and passive-aggressive jokes at first, hoping that he can both force a boundary and not sour any relationships but his humour is gone when he realizes that your friend is not keen on taking no as an answer. If you raise your concern about "safety vs. keeping a friend", Ragnar makes a sarcastic comment about your sentiment - because a guy who forced himself on you is such a great friend to keep, right?
Gives you a knife to keep on you at all times. If you have the guts, and such an occasion arises, to stab the man once he gets physical with you, Ragnar will have your back no matter what. Also, low-key thrilled. But if you don't end up fighting your own battles, he'll gladly do it for you. Not an ounce of regret on his face during or after.
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Bjorn Pretty direct. Makes plausible threats and will fulfil them. Terrifyingly calm and collected for the most part. He's angry but also disappointed that someone you considered a friend could repay your kindness and affection in such a way.
If you tell Bjorn that you're unsure what to do because you want to keep your friend or you think that he's overdoing things, he might get short with you but it's not out of malice. He's worried that if you don't see your male friend for the lying snake that he is, you might get even more hurt and that possibility enrages him so much he doesn't entertain that thought longer than necessary.
Bjorn is definitely the type to make his revenge somewhat public. Not only will that make others keep their distance from you but it will also earn him respect among other men - he takes his husbandly duties seriously. Whether your "friend" lives or dies is entirely up to them and how callous they have been with you. Whether he meant to or not, Bjorn causes people to look away from you when you're walking through the town. No one wants to risk getting your friend's treatment.
After that, Bjorn will never trust any man who tries to be your friend or claims to be one.
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Ubbe Tries to be the bigger person at first and has a stern word with your friend. Ubbe is probably the only one to seriously take your word/assurance that there's nothing to get worked up about. He will also wait relatively the longest before getting seriously involved - not because he doesn't care, it's quite the contrary. He doesn't want to impose on your independence, so even if he's uncomfortable with the situation but you keep saying "I've got this", he will keep to himself although will voice his concerns (and will refuse to leave you alone at any place or time). When things become serious and the man starts to get physical, Ubbe will make it clear that from now on he's more concerned about your well-being than your freedom: "I'm sorry for disregarding your wishes but I can't sit and watch you get hurt". Believes to be responsible for your safety as your husband.
Ubbe is the type of person who will seek your friend out on his own and resolve the issue right then and there. He goes to the other man's house one night and leaves it only when an agreement is reached - doesn't matter how far he has to go to ensure that. Ubbe's not afraid to get his hands dirty for the right reasons.
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Hvitserk Also hurt because he was actually getting along well with the other man. Hvitserk will ask about your perspective and wishes but if your safety is compromised, he won't make them a priority. At first, he's trying to get you out of harm's way, so you're leaving your house only if he's by your side. But once he learns that your supposed friend forced his way into your home and put his hands on you, Hvitserk is determined to take things into his own hands. He won't seek out your friend on his own but rather wait for an opportunity to arise; doesn't start the fight but surely will end it. The next time another unwanted advances are made towards you, Hvitserk has an axe in his hand and this time, he's the one who doesn't take no for an answer.
If you ever befriend another man after that, Hvitserk will tolerate him but never let go of any suspicions. Also, might tell the story of your previous "admirer" to scare your new friend into behaving properly.
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Sigurd The most probable to get into a brawl right away. At first, he feels quite self-conscious seeing another man flirting with you but when the man in question starts to become aggressive, Sigurd coins his insecurity into hostility, effectively picking a fight. After what seems like lakes of blood and an entire concert of bones breaking, the brawl ends. Sigurd looks like he's been through Hell and still that's a lot better than your friend, who would be pronounced dead if it wasn't for the sporadic raise of his chest as he tries to take in a ragged breath. Sigurd will also voice his anger as he's caving in the other man's skull ("Was it fun when you grabbed her? Enjoying a little manhandling, eh? I'm happy to provide").
Gains respect in his brothers' eyes but none of them quite wants to admit it.
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Ivar He would also feel self-conscious at first. Considers your friend's bold behaviour an assault on his masculinity ("You think I'm not man enough and therefore think you have any right to bother my wife"). Not surprised in the slightest. Hated the guy's guts from the very beginning and made it obvious. Might actually say the dreaded "told you so".
Because he perceives your friend's aggression as somewhat personal, Ivar is driven to go quite far in order to make the punishment fit for the crime. Not only does he do it for your sake but also to make sure that everyone knows just how much of a true Viking is inside him. Some say that "silence is golden", so if your friend decides to use less-than-savoury language towards you, he might end up with his throat filled with liquid gold to ensure no more offence leaves his mouth. Similarly, he's going to suffer the "equivalents" for whatever other thing he's done. He grips your hand so hard there's a bruise? Ivar will wrap his hand with a chain and slowly tighten it until all the bones crack and the wrist is literally torn away from the forearm. But no matter what he does, in the end he still feels like it doesn't quite make up for your friend's wrongdoings.
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blakeswritingimagines · 5 months
Sitting Down on Their Lap
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Ragnar: First he would be a bit cautious trying to work out why you chose that particular time to do that. He might get you to explain yourself and give you some playful jibes about it but would most likely play along and snuggle against you making sure to tickle you a few times, it's his duty after all.
Athelstan: His eyes widen in shock as you gracefully plop down onto his lap. He can feel his jaw drop at the unexpected weight and warmth, and his heart begins to skip beats. His whole body feels flushed and his palms begin to sweat. "Wh…what are you doing?" He'll question you but will let you stay.
Floki: He would be taken by surprise but ultimately amused by this unexpected development, as it is clear that you are just being playful. He responds by wrapping his arms around you, his fingers dancing up and down your sides as he pulls you tighter into his lap. He'll ask playfully, "Well, what have we here?"
Lagertha: She loves it when you randomly sit on her lap. It's unexpected and intimate and shows a level of comfort and trust between you both. It reminds her of how much you just want to be close to her, even if you have no idea how it affects her. It's a simple, but powerful gesture that shows your warmth, and your connection.
Aslaug: She'd be a bit surprised at first, but then she'd wrap her arms around you and give you a kiss, pulling you close to her so you're close as close could be.
Bjorn: Bjorn's heartbeat speeds up, and he glances down at you to see what you are doing. The sudden invasion of space is unexpected, but the contact sends a jolt through Bjorn as he feels your warmth. He puts his arms around you, pulling you closer, leaning his head down until his face is close to yours to kiss you.
Ubbe: He wraps his arms tight around you without a second thought, pressing you into the warmth of his chest. His hands find the curve of your hips as he pulls you even closer. Your weight is comforting and familiar like you belong there. He'll caress your soft hair, running his fingers up and down your neck.
Hvitserk: Well, he’d first laugh. Your sudden weight would catch him off guard, and the fact that you would be so silly as to plop down on his lap would be quite comical to him. He’d take that as a chance to squeeze you as tightly as he could, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around you.
Sigurd: Initially surprised, but then immediately pleased. He would wrap his arms around your hips and pull you closer to him. After a moment he would gently push you to your feet and stand up, then gesture for you to sit on the couch next to him. Sitting closely together, he would wrap an arm around you and squeeze your body against his.
Ivar: A slight smirk crosses Ivar’s lips as you plop down in his lap. He wraps his right arm around you, pulling you in a bit closer, while his other hand moves down to caress you. He leans forward, his lips close to your ear, and he whispers, “I don’t mind one bit.”
Halfdan: He'd be startled and maybe a little bit annoyed at first, but he'd also find it endearing. You would likely be seeking out an affectionate reaction from him, so he'd give you what you were looking for. He'd wrap his arms around you and kiss your head.
Harald: He would wrap his arms around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head as you sit in his lap. He would smile down at you, amused by how unpredictable you can be sometimes. He would kiss your forehead and pull you closer to him, savoring the moment.
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« i have no interest in peace. peace is a dirty word. »
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Sigurd Ending: Vikings - Una Flor
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Summary: For some, it takes just a bit of bravery to find the one that will dance alongside you.
Pairing: Sigurd x Reader (romantic)
A/N: Took me forever and a day, but that should be it! Sigurd was the final Ragnarsson for Una Flor and as bittersweet as it is, I'm glad that I finish with him.
Una Flor Series Masterlist
Music had always been a part of his life. It thrummed through his veins and sang in his souls in a way that it could never be expressed through simple words. It was just something that ingrained itself into his life, and despite the mocking words of his brothers, it would never be something that he could see himself leave behind. 
But it made him all the more grateful that music was a part of his life, because how else would he be able to have such an amazing view of the light of his life dancing to her hearts content to the beat of the music that he made. His love and three tiny loves were dancing joyfully in tune to the rhythm, along with an additional little love that clumsily clapped as he sat beside him. 
The two had married swiftly after the night that Sigurd had confessed to (Y/N), as the red - haired brother had no intention of letting his brothers think that they had a chance of changing her mind after she had accepted his sweet starry night confession. They spent a few years of being happily married before the couple decided that they wanted to expand their family. They would go on to have their three lovely daughters; Calliope the eldest, followed by Erato, and then Thalia. The girls were near identical copies of their mother but with their father’s eyes.  
Both Sigurd and (Y/N) had thought their little family was complete after the births of their three girls, but it wasn’t long before they were blessed with their only son Canto. A happy and chubby little baby boy that loved to clap along to music to the best of his abilities and has his mother’s eyes and father’s features.  
"Come on Papa, join us!" Said Calliope with a giggle, the girls held on to each other as they danced in their small circle.
(Y/N) left the girls dancing and quickly scooped up Canto into her arms, bringing adorable squeals from the baby boy as he cuddled into his mother.
“Mi amor, leave your instrument and join us!” 
He wasn’t much of a dancer, rarely joining in during his youth because he never had anyone that would be willing to dance alongside him, often being second choice over one of his brothers. Sigurd didn’t think himself to be the most handsome, most intelligent, the wittiest, or the strongest of his brothers. 
But although he would never say it, he thought that perhaps he was the bravest of his brothers. He was brave enough to be himself despite the years of mockery that he wasn’t man enough. He was brave enough to let himself be vulnerable and he was brave enough to confess his heart to his muse. 
Now he would forever have someone to share his music with and someone to hold his hand to dance alongside. 
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mushies-stories · 2 years
what it's like to be with the Vikings
My totally correct not OC at all headcanon at all takes on the boys and how to treat you.
Ragnarssons X reader
Warning: implied female reader, kinda.
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Buying you things and offering power and a crown. While he wants you to love him for him, the boy just wants to keep you happy and content above all for fear that you will one day decide that he was a good for nothing cripple who couldn't even give you a child. You could be royalty, a shield maiden or even a slave but he will make sure to give you everything you could ever ask for. This is regardless of how much you try to reassure him of your love for him. 
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Okay so this man? He will shower you with affection. Compliments and telling anyone who will listen how amazing you are. No matter what you do for a living he supports you 100%. he's the kinda man to see a flower on his way through the village and bring it back to you just to see you smile. But making sure to tell you how much more beautiful you are compared to the flower. Has respect for you and your thoughts and ideas. 
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The goofy one who always seems to show up randomly when you are having a bad day only to relentlessly flirt with you until you are blushing and feeling even a little bit better. Brings you to see stars at night just so he can see how your eyes light up in the moonlight. Always wanting to bring you off on some adventure for the day only to bring you home much too late. Likes when you drink with him and everyone in the great hall.
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The most low key really. Enjoys calm days with you by some water or in a meadow just playing his lyre or singing. He Enjoys just spending time with you and talking to you. Will gift you things like hair pins or new furs in the winter. Generally wants to take care of you. Cant believe that someone like you would choose him over one of his brothers and is thankful everyday for you. 
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Homie just kind of tell you he wants you and that's kind of that. If you happen to want to be with him then he would bring you back gifts from his travels, jewels and clothing mostly. If you also happened to want to travel with him, he would be worried for your safety but would take you anyways. Overall, he wants you safe and happy.
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mamaskullz · 9 months
┊┋ Pairing: Ubbe x OC
┊┋ Series Summary: "I see you'll create a
┊┋legacy and when you knew your end is
┊┋coming, that’s when you start lacking
┊┋in the one wish you desired the most
┊┋because of your adventurous ways”,
┊┋the tone in the childs voice as she
┊┋spoke to the great Ragnar with the
┊┋winds flowing through her silver black
┊┋hair that would gently swiftly moves in
┊┋the wind with the hues of her white like
┊┋grey slate eyes knowing her destiny
┊┋would soon start dealing with the sons
┊┋of Ragnar.
┊┋ Notes: Tw:
┊┋ 686 Words Count
┊┋ Masterlist
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As the day crossed while the ravens squalled in their morning routine, a woman walked out of her cobblestone little cottage and proceeded to her daily routine wearing a strap dress with an undergarment that was fitted to her curves-like shape body as her animal hide tunic wrapped around her shoulder strap as well.
The young assiduous woman came to a halt when the presence of a familiar figure came upon her approach he, with her doe eyes from her white like grey slate hue eyes as her demure state fell upon seeing the great himself, Ragnar. "You were just a little kid, Skuld Draugr", the great Viking king spoke towards her as she stood there with her taciturn nature like always to amaze the Viking Ragnar.
"What has become of who was once the youthful, strong who now become the old and lost Ragnar Lothbrok", as the words fell from her pink perched lips with a voice that was seraphic with a rasp that soothes a person's ears she looked at the old man who she once had an encounter with long ago in her youthful as a child.
"I believed at a time when I first encountered a child in the woods with a basket filled with herbs who still had that taciturn and demure fearless nature told me once that as I grew my legacy there will be a time when my journey comes to an end is when i lack the one wish i desired", Ragnar spoke with his bearded lips while coming close towards skuld as she stood still watching him, listening to the words she once told him when she was a child. "Your death is nearing Ragnar Lothbrok, where you will be greeted by the Valkyries who will take you home as they summon you", She spoke yet again knowing it was time for his offspring to continue a family legacy...
As a flock of ravens flies around squalling as Skuld looks at the ravens her eyes set upon a man with runes embedded in his skin with one eye out of the socket wearing a black linen cloak with raven feathers covered around it appears in her sight speaking "The embodiment of the goddess of fate, and the skilled strength of a Valkyrie with the dark petrified aura of a Draugr... its time to prepare the journey of a great embark of your own for the offspring of Ragnar Lothbrok will need your presence and strength, Skuld Draugr", hearing his voice who was deep-toned and groggy she knew it was time for the one who spoke to her was none other than Odin himself who appeared in her vision, as kept looking coming back to reality seeing where Odin was standing was not there no more and the ravens was no more to be seen, as that was the sign that it was time for her journey to begin...
Skuld Draugr was none like no shieldmaiden or no Viking but yet had the skill of a Valkyrie warrior, her mother was gifted by the gods to give such a daughter with the beauty of skin that color was different from the rest as her white-like grey slate eyes, as Skuld was set out to be Odin's Valkyrie, that in death she will be welcomed upon her fellow Valkyries. But as she grows, she encounters the great king Ragnar who she sees in her visions as a seer seeing what future lies in his paths and that it is she who will give her presence upon his offspring when they grow up into young adults, given shes slight younger than Bjorn but older than Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar...
"You are not like any woman I have encountered with such skills like yours" " The Eldest Son of Ragnar and Queen Aslaug spoke with such compassion in his voice that made Skuld grow a smile with her heart beating not knowing what's become over her. Until the visions leave the woman with her eyes slowly opening having a feeling that this journey is going to be difficult...
A/N: Sorry if the prologue was small…
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miss-madness67 · 6 months
2. In This Life (Ivar Vikings)
Sometimes you feel as if you belong in another era, the past seems to be more your home than the present. Other times, you are stuck in the now. Through a dozen of lifetimes, you have searched for each other. From a Viking to a university student, Ivar has always been the love of your existence.
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Chapter 2: Dream Man
They say dreams are reality modified. They say you dream what you most desire. Apparently, in the clouds of unconsciousness and peaceful rest, the choices are infinite and utterly yours. Hidden yearnings shape what shows before your eyelids, or more like, inside your brain. That is the romantic, hopeful explanation of dreams. It doesn’t seem to be true at all, at least not for you. Bullshit. If this were the case, why would you crave someone you have never met? Every night, gorgeous blue orbs, only for your enjoyment. Or better yet, why would your nights be plagued with someone you just noticed for the first time? Ivar Lothbrok. He has been in your class since the beginning of the semester, and you just became aware of it. To believe that want him is a joke. Then why is he so, softly looking at you right now, and you instantly melt.
Read on: AO3 / Patreon
Tags: @cdauni @justsomecreaturewandering
Let me know if you want to be tagged.
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bravo4iscool · 1 month
i will die on my fix-it siggy hill. y’all can do NOTHING about it.
(sigurd ragnarsson & siggy bjornsdottir!reader)
tag list - @bumblebeesfromvenus @yazt09
(masterlist overview | vikings masterlist | join my tag list!)
your breath catches in your throat when you see ubbe walk along the docks on his own. where were hvitserk? and ivar? you’ve already seen bjorn. but most importantly, where was sigurd?
“ubbe!” you call out, running towards your oldest uncle. once he sees you his eyes widen and he stops walking. you frown at the look on his face and quicken your steps. “ubbe!” you call again. “where is sigurd?”
you look around for your other uncle but he’s nowhere to be seen. ubbe looks at you, not answering your question. and that when it dawns on you. he wouldn’t come back…
“no…” your voice breaks. “he’s not—” a painful sob interrupts you while tears gather in your eyes, ready to flow freely down your cheeks. “don’t tell me he’s dead,” you cry.
ubbe wordlessly embraces you, his hand at the back of your head to keep you close to him. you cry into his arms, your body trembling with the force of your sobs.
his touch against your back is gentle and comforting while he slowly rocks your around. “he’s not dead…” he then mumbles. “but he was damn near…”
you break the hug, sniffing you look up at ubbe. “where is he now? will be okay? who hurt him?” the questions ramble out of your mouth and ubbe cups your face before he kisses your forehead.
“he’s already being treated, he will be okay.” you notice the way he didn’t answer the last question. “do you want to see him?”
you sit beside sigurd’s bed, waiting for him to wake up. he hasn’t really been awake since a few weeks now, his injury weakening him more every day.
your head shoot’s up when you hear the door opening. you look towards the noise, your eyes narrowing when you see the visitor.
“what do you want?” you question in a annoyed voice, not wanting to pay a tiny bit off attention to your father.
bjorn scoffs and closes the door. “i want to make sure he’s doing okay. he’s my brother after all.” he stays by the door, leaning against the wall beside it.
“since when do you care for family?” you mock him, turning around to face sigurd again. the only one who made you feel wanted and loved when you were just a little child…
“don’t start with that now siggy,” he sighs. you bite your lip and flex your hands. you were this close to actually slice open his throat.
you turn around again to look at bjorn. “what? is it wrong that a daughter wants her father to acknowledge her?” you stare at him, having the same piercing eyes as him.
“we talked about that—”
“yeah and all you can come up with are pathetic excuses,” you spit as you jump up from the stool. “you were behaving like a child! how is it my fault she left? how can you make me responsible when it was her that fell out of love with you!”
“don’t you dare say that!” he yells, taking a step in your direction. there’s that familiar rage in his eyes and you knew that—maybe—you went to far but you didn’t care right now.
“i say what i want!” you yell back, your own body evident of the pent up anger you felt towards your father. “you can’t reason the way you treat me, you don’t get to say anything!”
you storm past him out of the room, tears making their way down your cheeks. he just wouldn’t understand, he wouldn’t care for anything you said.
every time when you see him talk to his sons your heart shatters into pieces. and the only one who managed to put it back together was sigurd.
he was the one that saved you from the river, he was the one who took care of you even though he was still a child himself. he was the one who was more a father than your own one.
sigurd was the one who kept you alive.
“i thought i’d find you hear,” a familiar voice grunts before you see sigurd sit down beside you. his wound was still healing but he was able to walk now and go on about his day almost normal.
you give him a slight smile and lean your head against his shoulder. “how are you?” you want to know, staring out at the sea.
he puts an arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him. “i could ask you the same. i heard you and bjorn a few weeks ago…” he doesn’t expect an answer from you, knowing you don’t like to talk about him.
you let out a heartfelt sigh and close your eyes. “he was being an ass again,” you mumble. there were rarely any occasions where bjorn wasn’t an ass.
“he’s trying siggy,” sigurd says in a quiet voice, rubbing your arm in a comforting manner. “he doesn’t know what to do and he’s too proud to ask for help. you know him…”
“do i?” you question, your voice cracking. “all k want is for him to notice me sigurd… i just want him to love me.” a few silent tears trickle down your cheeks.
sigurd tightens his arm around your shoulders and turns his head to press a kiss to your hair. “he loves you. not as much as i do maybe, but he loves you. i know he does.”
it broke his heart to see you like that. for years he was the only one who really payed attention to you, who made sure you were safe and alright and he knew it weighted you down.
seeing bjorn being a father to his own sons, even the son of jarl borg, but failing to be there for you set something in him off. was it rage? or confusion? maybe even pity? he didn’t know…
but he loved you. he loved you more than anything, you were like his sister—sometimes even like his daughter—and he would set the world on fire to see you smile, to know that you were alright…
you sniffle and wipe away your tears. “but he fails to show me he loves me…” so far bjorn has failed you in everything. you weren’t even surprised anymore.
sigurd presses another kiss to your head. “one day he’ll realize his mistakes and then he’ll suffer. the gods will make him suffer,” he promises in a soft voice. “but we must have patience siggy…”
“i know…”
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timetraveling!vikings + modern tv/movies
Summary: how timetraveling!vikings characters would react to modern tv/movies
Notes: took a while for me to write this, but i still hope everyone enjoys :)
Taglist: @leithdragon @demon-of-the-ancient-world @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @alicedopey, @ivarlover @levithestripper @batmandallyboy (hmu to be added!!)
based on this request | Masterlist | requests are OPEN!
Ragnar loves TV
ESPECIALLY reality tv
Lives for the drama
Heartbroken when you tell him it’s scripted
Never recovers
Big on Euphoria (is team Maddy, obviously)
Freaked out at the TV
She’d rather experience all that stuff herself
Does like watching a movie sometimes, but it can’t be too sci-fi
Beats up filmbros if they come at Pride and Prejudice
She loves true crime
Sits down with a glass of wine she can periodically sip
Shakes her head at narrators that are boring
If you say true crime is lame, you’re banned from eating from her charcuterie board
Yes she makes them herself, yes they are perfect
Freaked out by the TV
Once he calms down he starts to like the mcu (derogatory)
‘there’s just too much wokeness’
Stfu Bjorn
Adores sitcoms
Especially modern family and derry girls
There’s just something about them
It’s totally not the non-toxic chaotic family vibes
Tunes in for them on weekends
He really likes the Mandalorian and the Witcher
It’s totally not the gruff warrior unexpectedly adopting a young child
(please someone write this fic with Hvitserk)
He demands a baby yoda plushie
Cries whenever adoptee gets separated from dad
Totally does not live on the found family tag on ao3 (ofc he reads fanfic he’s not uncivilized)
One word: FLEABAG
Religiously (haha) watches this show
Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a god amongst men
Also cries for three hours after watching everything, everywhere, all at once (same, and also, this movie is so good)
Screams at jumpscares, throws the snacks in shock
Loves the BCU (what is that you may ask? The Barbie Cinematic Universe, obviously)
Deeply relates to Raquelle in Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse
Don’t tell him you know he watches it or you won’t wake up tomorrow
Watches baking shows with Hvitserk
They have a whole ritual around it, and they never EVER miss it
Not even when there’s major events going down
Power outage? You bet Hvitserk has a fully charged powerbank to livestream the show with his mobile data
Helga bakes the treats from the prior week and eats them while watching
Watches the weird conspiracy shows that run at like 11pm
Fully believes them
Get him away from the TV
Like literally. He already is a flat earther, you don’t need to add to that
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thyshadowwriter · 1 year
Ragnarssons with a male s/o
A/n: Today in headcanons nobody asked me lol
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Has a preference for feminine looking men.
Does like a man that can put on a fight and likes even more to overpower them.
Is going for the warrior couple thing.
He is at times insensitive and patronizing, so his s/o needs to be able to deal with his own things.
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His preference relies a lot on how he is treated, not so much on specific traits.
Is very much into if he is a warrior.
Is still as jealous and possessive as they come.
Likes to watch his s/o walk. Might want him to do it naked in private.
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Listen, if someone is alive and pretty, there’s a 50/50 chance Bjorn would bed them.
Does not have a clear preference. Younger or older than him, softer or fit body, shorter or taller (has to make an effort to find someone taller lol). If he finds the man attractive, he’s up for it.
He is a dominant man, but is up for some play just for the kink.
Does not change his flirty behavior based on his partner’s sex. He still has a problem with keeping it in his pants.
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Would prefer one a bit older than him.
He goes back and forth a lot before making a decision, so would enjoy having someone with a more assertive nature.
He’s up for anything in bed.
If his man is also a warrior, he is surprisingly worried. Hvitserk doesn’t have a lot of luck.
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Prefers a man in his height and age range.
Likes a symmetrical beauty.
Doesn't really care if he is or not a warrior. But if he’s an artist or traveler, that catches his attention.
Is more of a romantic himself, so he likes to have that appreciated.
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axelsagewrites · 8 months
Where Am I?*Part Two
Pairing: modern!f!reader x (to be determined...) Ubbe, Ivar, Sigurd, Hviserks, Bjorn
Series Summary: After falling head first the reader wakes up face to face with a group of strangely dressed men who look eerily like the vikings she studies
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Word count: 3026
Part one here
Masterlist Here
Warnings: time travel being possible, getting chased by vikings, imprisonment
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The only thing that was stopping you from going insane so far was Ivar. He’d stayed true to his word and brought you bread and meat later that night which you devoured in seconds, suddenly realising how hungry you were. However, he also brought you mead which was a welcome blessing. But Ivar couldn’t leave it there. He had practically a thousand questions.
You did your best to answer them, but you didn’t exactly have all the wars and political events from the early Viking age to your time memorised to be able to answer them. The company however was refreshing. You’d been in this cage for three days now. Well, that’s what he told you anyway.
Ivar had visited you at least three times a day so far. Ubbe stopped by each day, sometimes with either of the other brothers, but always with a small hunk of bread and soup.
“Here,” he told you this morning as he passed it through the bars though this time, he was alone. He sighed as he watched you take it. “Will you tell me your name?” you had yet to speak to any of the other brothers and Ivar was determined to keep your conversations a secret it seems. “Do you understand me?” Ubbe asked as you bit into the bread.
He pointed to himself, “Ubbe,” he said, jabbing his chest. “My name is Ubbe. What is,” he pointed at you, “yours?”
“Ubbe,” you said pointing at him. he looked shocked that you could speak which made it hard for you not to chuckle, but you supposed that wouldn’t please him.
“Yes,” he smiled, pointing at himself again, “Ubbe. You?” he pointed at you again. You finally decided to give in and tell him your name, “What an unusual name,” he murmured before someone began to call for him. Aslaug you thought. She hadn’t visited you once since your last meeting, but you were oddly grateful for that. “I go now,” he said pointing to himself then the door. “You stay here. I will be back,” he went to leave but paused to add, “We don’t want to hurt you, but we can’t let you go. Not just yet,”
As if you could leave, you wanted to say but you bit your tongue. You weren’t sure how much time had passed between Ubbe leaving and Ivar creeping into the room, but you were grateful to see him, nonetheless.
This time he brought you chicken which was a welcomed gift. “How old are you?” he asked as you ate the food. You told him as you finished the meat, sitting the bone in the bowl. You grimaced however as you moved. “Are you okay? did someone hurt you?” he asked, an anger flaring behind his eyes.
You tried to calm it quickly, “No. only Ubbe visits with food but he never stays long. it just hurts sitting still for so long. my back aches,”
Ivar nodded, seemingly processing and debating something in his mind, “I could let you out,” he offered, though quickly adding, “but you cannot leave. If you do, they will find you. but I could let you move around,”
“Really?” you said desperately, clinging to the bars, “Oh Ivar even just 10 minutes to stretch my legs would do me the wonder of good,”
Ivars eyes narrowed for a moment as he eyed you up and down, “I will let you out,” he finally decided, “but don’t be fooled. I may be a cripple, but I am not dumb,”
“Of course, you’re not dumb Ivar,” you said, honestly a bit shocked by how casually he called himself that.
He nodded, cautiously moving to unlatch the cage. You waited until he shuffled back to let yourself out. You sighed as you stood up, stretching and hearing your joints pop as you did so. “That feels amazing,” you sighed, moving your legs around. “Thank you, Ivar,”
When he visited now, he would let you out during it, staying for longer each time so you could relax your legs. Two more days passed before Ragnar would return. The news came while Ivar was visiting you.
“Ivar! Where are you?” you heard Aslaug call out.
“Go!” he whispers yelled at you, urging you to get back in the cage. You did so quickly, shutting the door, “I’ll be back,” he said, rushing to the door to find his mother before she found him.
However, as the door shut behind him you realised. He hadn’t locked it.
At least an hour had passed, and he still had not returned. The cage lay unlocked. You listened carefully for any noises outside but there was none. Your eyes fell to where your bags sat in the corner. Carefully you opened the cage and crept out.
You padded over to the front door, your legs still feeling stiff as you did so. Pushing it open slightly you peered out. You barely stepped outside as you surveyed the area. You were in a hut on what looked like the near outskirts of town. There were a few other huts around, all bigger than this one, however no one else was here.
Behind you was a forest thick with trees, in front of you was a cliff edge where you could see the classic Viking style boats sailing in. you knew if you went left and followed the path you’d likely end up at the docks or somewhere else populated with Vikings.
You crept back inside and quickly grabbed your bag and opened it. just from going through it quickly you realised it hadn’t been touched. Perhaps they’d been too frightened of what it was to attempt it. you quickly zipped your backpack and put it over your shoulders. You grabbed your guitar bag and put the long strap over your shoulder before creeping back out the hut.
Now that you had stretched your legs there was no way you could go back in that god forsaken cage. Instead, you decided to take the risk and try the forest again. Maybe somehow, you’d trip and hit your head hard enough to snap out of this hellish nightmare.
However, as you went through the woods you realised just how tired your body was from sitting in one position for so long plus the sun was beginning to set. After walking for what you guessed was half an hour you decided to take a break for the night by a small lake you found. You dumped your bags on the ground and sat down on the dirt and sighed a breath of relief. You were free, for now at least.
Ubbe’s pov.
“It’s a good thing fathers back,” he said to his brother Hvitserk who raised an eyebrow at him, “That girl. We can’t keep her like that much longer,” he sighed as he watched his mother talk with his father presumably about the girl judging by their concerned faces.
“She’ll be fine brother,” Sigurd said, “For all we know she’s a witch,”
“I don’t think she is,” Hvitserk said making them both look at him questioningly, “If she was a witch wouldn’t she have well done something to us by now? Or escaped?”
“You all worry too much,” Ivar sighed, and it was hard for Ubbe not to roll his eyes. A random girl in strange clothing shows up out of nowhere not knowing their language and with some weird bag contraption and of course the youngest brother is not even slightly afraid.
Their debates however were quickly ended when Aslaug walked over, “Go fetch the girl. Bring her our home,” she said, her eyes flicking between Ubbe and Hvitserk, “and be discreet about it,” she added in a whisper, “we do not need these men to worry,”
There was only one slight problem, “Where the fuck is she!?”
“Fuck Sigurd was right!”
Both boys sprinted back to the mass gathering of celebrating raiders bragging to all the women and their panic did not go unnoticed, “Mother,” Hvitserk panted as he reached where she stood with Ragnar and Bjorn, “She’s gone. The girl is gone,”
“Who’s gone?” Bjorn asked, his eyes flicking between the group, “What happened while I was away?”
Your pov
You sat beside the small fire you’d managed to create and mentally thanked yourself for buying a lighter that day, so you didn’t have to rub sticks together. you had also gone through your back and found some sweets you had bought. However, you only let yourself half a couple to ration them out however you did gulp down the water you had.
Your phone however was still acting up so to entertain yourself you decided to take out your guitar and strum a couple songs quietly, singing under your breath. However even that got boring. Your stomach also began to growl so you decided to eat one of the granola bars you’d pact. Thank god you’d time travelled on a day you’d actually been prepared you laughed to yourself.
Eventually you’d even tried to skip stones to pass the time but that also grew tiresome. Soon you were sat in front of the fire, bored out your mind, flicking your lighter on and off.
Ubbe pov
“We should just grab her,” Sigurd whispered to Ubbe and Hvitserk as the three stared at the girl through the trees.
Ubbe was honestly half disappointed she hadn’t run further away all things considered. However, he was glad to be the one that had found her. “Okay,” he said, nodding his head as he tried to think of the best way to do it since last time you had outrun them for an embarrassingly long time. “On the count of- “
“Wait,” Hvitserk said, flying his arm across his brother’s chest to stop them, “What is she doing?” he said before all three boys jumped back, “Is she holding fire?”
“I think she’s creating it,” Sigurd whispered, his eyes growing wide, “I’m not getting burned to death by a witch!” he whispers yelled at them.
Ubbe felt his blood run cold. “Its okay,” he said quietly, knowing full well it was not okay that their prisoner had escaped and could now control fire, “Sigurd go run and get father and once we have back up, we will grab her. we will stay watch,”
“Can I go instead- “Hvitserk tried to ask but Ubbe shot him a glare. Hvitserk nodded before turning to Sigurd, “Well hurry up then!” he whispers yelled at him before his eyes turned to glue themselves back onto the prisoner who was now turning fire off and on in her hand.
Ivar’s pov
He didn’t know what was worse. The fact he’d accidentally let you escape or the fact he didn’t think you would have run. Now he was sat with his father, mother and older brother who know all anxiously waited in the great hall for his other brothers to hopefully return with you.
Bjorn had wanted to send out multiple search parties, but Aslaug had convinced him and Ragnar to try keep this as quiet as possible, so they only told the highest-ranking men. However, that was clearly going to change by the way Sigurd sprinted into the room.
“We found her,” he panted, “but there’s a problem,” he announced which made everyone in the hall stop their chatter.
“Well, what is it?” Bjorn asked, standing from his chair. “What has she done?”
Ragnar had been sat back in his chair the whole time, not fully believing this girl could be some kind of threat. That was until Sigurd spoke, “We found her holding fire,” several gasps came from around the room.
“What do you mean holding fire?” Ragnar asked, sitting up suddenly, “What did you see?”
“She was making fire appear in her hand. We saw it with our own eyes,”
“Where is she? Take me to her,”
Your pov
By now it was dark, and the fire was still burning pretty well considering you’d never done one before. you’d decided however to stash the lighter back in your bag since you weren’t going to figure out how to light one from scratch anytime soon. Now you were laying down a foot or so from the fire with your eyes shut.
Even though the whole situation was absolutely terrifying there was something oddly peaceful about this moment. You could hear owls hooting and the wind grazing through the leaves and a crackling fire. It was calm and serene. The only reason you even sat up was to stop yourself from being lulled asleep.
However, as you did you felt your blood run cold at the sight of two Viking men with a sack and a rope creeping towards you. “Fuck!” you tried to scramble to your feet but as you tried to run you felt one grab your wrist and a bag was forced over your head.
You weren’t sure where they were taking you or why they felt the need to tie your hands together in front of you, but you knew one thing. This couldn’t be good.
You weren’t sure how far you had walked but you knew your legs hurt and they men forcing you along did not slow down even when you would trip and almost fall. Without a warning the bag was ripped off your head and one of the men grabbed your shoulders tightly to stop you from running.
Your eyes went wide when they met with the bright blue eyes of Ragnar Lothbrok. Surely you had went insane. “Who are you?” he asked, stepping closer to examine you better, “What are you?” he asked as your eyes quickly scanned the room.
It looked like some kind of village hall, and it was filled with the most terrifying looking Vikings you had ever seen in your life. Which to be fair was very few till now. However, your eyes soon caught another blue pairs gaze. “Ivar,” you whispered, “Help me please Ivar tell them I didn’t do anything,” you soon began to beg when you noticed every single man in the room had their hand on the hilt of their weapons.
“How do you know my son?” Ragnar yelled, stepping closer, “Who sent you here?”
“No one I swear I haven’t done anything please,” your voice grew higher, and your eyes looked around the room in a craze. Soon they fell on the other three brothers who were now looking at Ivar with very concerned looks. “You said you didn’t want to hurt me,” you pleaded to Ubbe who’s eyes grew somehow wider than your own.
“I don’t,” he said, stepping forward making Bjorn glare at him. Bjorn, you suddenly realised, as in Bjorn ironside aka someone you really did not want glaring at you right now, “Father please. she hasn’t done anything,”
“She was holding fire,” Bjorn spat at his brother as Ragnar stepped back from you as if in some kind of internal debate.
Your face however scrunched up in confusion, something Ragnar seemed to take note of, “No I wasn’t!” you protested, searching for some kind of explanation when it suddenly clicked, “It was a lighter. I was using a lighter I swear I didn’t hold fire it was just a lighter,”
Silence fell across the room as Ragnar turned to look at you, “What is a lighter?”
You sighed. How the hell where you supposed to explain this without sounding like a witch? “It’s a device where I’m from that produces a flame but that’s all. It isn’t dangerous,”
You weren’t sure if they believed you. Ragnar stepped back to speak to his eldest son who whispered something in his ear while his eyes were fixed on you. Ragnar nodded before stepping forward again, “Show us this ‘lighter’,” he said.
“Its in my bag. I don’t know where it is,” you said just as one of the men behind you shoved the bag into your hands as quickly as possible. You wanted to roll your eyes but decided now wasn’t the best time. you crouched down with the bag and tried to unzip it as quickly as possible with your hands tied together.
Ragnar however took a step away from you as you searched in the bag. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you and finally you found it and stood back up. “See?” you said, flicking the flame on making them all jump back. You took your finger off the button so it would go away making them gasp, “Here. You try,” you offered it to Ragnar.
He went to reach for it, ignoring his wives protests as he took the plastic into his hand. “What do I do?” he said, looking the thing over.
“Press that down,” you tried to reach to show him, but he flinched from your touch, “Sorry,” you mumbled.
Ragnar narrowed his eyes at you before turning his attention back to the lighter. He took a deep breath and pushed it down. The flame sparked. The men in the room gasped, Ragnar jumped making the flame disappear, but a smile found its way onto his face. He tried it again, “Did the gods give you it?” Aslaug called over to you.
“No,” you said as you looked to her, now feeling more confident in your speech, “but where I’m from we have lots of things like this,”
“Is it magic?” a random man called out.
“No,” you said as Ragnar continued to play with the lighter before passing it to Bjorn. “I don’t have magic,” you were tempted to point out that magic wasn’t real but at this point who knew what was real, “it’s just science,”
Before anyone could question what that was Ragnar finally decided to speak after Bjorn had just burnt his finger trying to test if the flame was real, “Untie her hands,” he said and another man, Floki you somehow recognised, tried to protest but Ragnar spoke again, “You are no longer our prisoner but a guest. The gods have sent you to us and it is high time we showed you our hospitality,”
Part three
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General taglist: @strvngestark @headinfantasy @meg-ro @427120lxld @obx-josie18 @ravenmoore14 @tessakate @justtilly @jjkjbhj @clairacassidy @valeskafics @perla434 @justtilly @selenestar78 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @urfavnoirette
Vikings taglist: @tessakate @queen-dk @fleureeee @ellabellabus07 @sashadevil766 @thefirebreather00 @ringpopdust @hypocritic-trash-baby @bellroclucky03
Series taglist: @chimtaesty-main @fan-goddess @finannn @paninibit @fleureeee @ellabellabus07
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Hello there :) please could I request something for Vikings with a female reader if possible. Where the reader (a shieldmaiden) meets the ragnarssons for the first time after being taken in by Ragnar when her parents are killed, and they start developing feelings for her later on? 💙
Hey! Thought that making this into headcanons/preferences would be the best format, message me if you want a full work where I elaborate!🌺
Vikings preference: Falling for a shieldmaiden taken in by Ragnar
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Bjorn A little rough around the edges, at first - you're a complete stranger, after all. Maybe he criticizes your posture one day and you're more than willing to make him prove his 'superiority'. Whether you win or lose is not as important as the sole fact that you were a challenge for him, although he might not outright admit that. Despite being a shieldmaiden and Bjorn having witnessed your abilities first-hand, he still perceives you as a woman first - the burden of upbringing, one might say. Because of that, he often tries to fight your battles for you, both on the battlefield and outside of it. Most of the time it's small things: bringing you this, giving you that. He definitely might come off as overbearing at times but there's no malice in his heart - Bjorn genuinely believes he's doing the right thing. The downside is that even your stern words might not knock off his habits (the two of you fought numerous times about his overprotective attitude). That protective side of him comes out especially strong during cold winter months when he needs to be extra sure that you're well-fed and warm. In his hot and cold attitude, you find irrefutable proof of his affection. After all, what else if not love could bring warmth and care out of a man known for his dauntlessness and reserved attitude? Bjorn puts his fondness into words in a very peculiar manner: suggesting your possible gains. In other terms, he hints at all the goods you'd have and the shortages you wouldn't suffer if he could have your hand. See that pile of wood that's going to last you for at least a month? Or the furs on your bed that are just enough to stay warm on a freezing winter night? Without half-truths and subtext, Bjorn assures you that he could provide you so much more. Although 'could' should be read as 'wants to' - a desire he's determined to fulfil only if you agree to be his.
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Ubbe The one who actually talks to you first, with no expectations or prejudice. Even if he did have those, he's capable of looking past them and making a fair judgement only after getting to know you. At first he's a little uncomfortable with the situation and your person because you're kind of like a sister but not really? That apprehension doesn't last long, however: he's a little too smitten with you. To his own surprise, your presence makes the long absence of his father a little easier to bear - Ragnar didn't leave on a whim, he had a reason to do so and it was a good reason. If the other Ragnarsons treat you with malice, thinking of you as the sole reason they had to grow up fatherless, Ubbe is always ready to step in and de-escalate the situation. In some way, he's similar to Bjorn in expressing his affection in the sense of being protective. Ubbe perceives you as a woman, a woman he loves to be exact, and only then a warrior, despite getting a taste of your skills on his own. Just like his half-brother, he'd try to do things for you, deal with the mundane burdens of everyday life; he only cares about you. The thing that sets them apart is Ubbe's willingness to stand back - once he knows you can stand your ground, he lets go a little, although reluctantly. Another thing is that he already acts like your husband despite being yet to earn that title: always being in your vicinity, fighting any men who try to woo you, thinking ahead and gifting you anything you might need in the near future. Whenever his training alongside his brothers, Ubbe tends to tease them saying that you're better than them. Whether that is true or just brotherly spitefulness is yet to be determined. When the moment comes and Ubbe confesses his affections, he's very straight-forward, telling you how much you mean to him.
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Hvitserk Curious and fascinated - you're pretty and courageous. Even if you end up rejecting him (a possibility he doesn't think is realistic), you seem like a great person to be around. He's friendly from day one. Keeps hinting at his romantic interest in you through smooth, sublime and yet unambiguous remarks, so there is no doubt about his intentions. In an attempt to spend more time with you, Hvitserk offered to join you in training. Clashing swords and breadth-of-hair ducks were not enough to stop his flirting (you had this growing suspicion that he's also unnecessarily touchy - not that you were one to complain). The only difference from his daily sweet talk was that with a sword in his hand, Hvitserk's words became vividly more explicit. Some of them caught you off guard but once the surprise washed away, you realized you had nothing against those generous offers becoming true. Even if his brothers are also interested in you, he doesn't see them as a competition or a threat of any sort. His approach wouldn't be a surprise to anyone who had even once seen you two together - there was no chance any other Ragnarson could sweep you off your feet. Truth be told, you knew Hvitserk's feelings before he told you, although it should be clarified that he didn't explicitly confess his affections: during a quite intimate moment, in bed and under furs, he suddenly asked you to marry him. Relationship-wise, out of all the Ragnarsons Hvitserk is the one to treat you the most equally to him.
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Sigurd Begins to be interested in you simply because his brothers were. Then he noticed your ambivalence towards Ivar and how much it was pissing the youngest brother off and Sigurd was instantly on board - he might yet find an ally in you. Out of the Ragnarssons, he is the most invisible brother and so he didn't quite expect to pique your interest. To his surprise, you're the one to accost him, asking about living in Kattegat and the family reputation he has to hold up. Not to mention all the prince's responsibilities he has to suffer. From your own words, Sigurd learned that, just like him, you're not one for big crowds and front rows, preferring to stray from the eye of the storm that so often seemed to emerge around Ragnar and his sons. He finally found someone who understood his perspective and not only that - they shared it. The two of you are often disappearing somewhere together and the general population of Kattegat quite quickly catches on but you and Sigurd care little about those rumours. Definitely spent hours upon hours coming up with a wax poetic ballad about you. He put himself in one of the verses describing his growing fondness for you. Luckily for him, he won't have to change the verse about the shieldmaiden loving some guy named Sigurd back.
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Ivar Acts like he doesn't care and tries to make himself believe that mainly because deep inside he had immediately dismissed the possibility of you being interested in him. You've heard stories of course but a certain degree of scepticism is a trait of a good warrior - it keeps you level-headed. Once when you were sitting on the pier, enjoying a moment of solitude, Ivar approached you only to ask about his father. After all, you'd spent more time with Ragnar than he did, even if he wasn't your actual parent. While sharing stories about the famous Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar noticed that you're neither apprehensive nor fearful of him. In a way, it upsets him - he found himself in a situation where he doesn't have the upper hand. But this surprising and wholly unwelcome vulnerability didn't backfire. Truthfully, the longer you talked about the legend of Ragnar Lothbrok, the more Ivar wished you would stop talking about his father and simply talk about yourself. Except for his parents, you were the only person whose presence he didn't completely detest and Ivar was yet to make an opinion on how that made him feel. He definitely hates seeing you interact with his brothers as he naively thought that he was the only recipient of your sympathies and it's exactly that lack of exclusivity that makes him go out on a limb and make less-than-ambiguous remarks that you happily reciprocate. Sometimes, when he can't sleep at night, Ivar climbs onto his father's throne and dwells on various fantasies of glory and bloodshed. In those dreams, there's always a place for you - a brave and beautiful shieldmaiden that rides into battle by his side and gives birth to his children, who go on to become kings, emperors and conquerors.
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Who fell first and who fell harder
Ragnar: You fell first but he fell harder.
Athelstan: He fell first and harder.
Floki: You fell first and harder.
Lagertha: You fell first but she fell harder.
Aslaug: She fell first and harder.
Bjorn: You fell first but he fell harder.
Ubbe: He fell first but you fell harder.
Hvitserk: He fell first and harder.
Sigurd: He fell first but you fell harder.
Ivar: You fell first but he fell harder.
Halfdan: You fell first and harder.
Harald: He fell first and harder.
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cherry-flavoured-thot · 6 months
Hello! Hope you are doing well! Can I request the flower prompts Violet with Sigurd from Fire emblem? Thank you
38. Violet - a daydream about the future
While at times it can be somewhat complicated to decipher what's on Sigurd's mind. you can tell when something seems to perturb him. When he speaks of late his words are short, sentences words off of being complete. He expression goes flat, and while attempting to sort whatever is racing around his mind. He stares.
"Of course, that seems..." it happens again, mid conversation. You await for him to finish his words, only for a minute to pass. His gaze is upon you, his mind lingering on an unforeseen mental image. You wave a hand in his face. He blinks rapidly, shooting you an apologetic smile. "My apologies! I was distracted."
"You seem to be distracted quite often of late." His expression turns sheepish, even more so as your stare becomes more accusatory as the seconds pass.
"I have but I assure you your woe is unnecessary, you have merely managed to occupy both my heart and thoughts." While his words are as sweet as honey, it doesn't satisfy the nagging curiosity about what seems to loom over him.
"With such a serious express?"
"I have merely been cautious with my expressions, as if I were too open it would give me away." His expression softens. "I have been thinking about the future, and what happens next." Your heart races, you'd almost assume the worst if it weren't for the gentleness in his eyes.
"And what did you decide?" He gently grasps your left hand, lowering down to one knee.
"That no matter what awaits, I would be happy just to know you would stay by my side." With his spare hand, he pulls a ring from his pocket. "Would you do me the honour of marrying me?"
"Yes! Yes of course I would!" You can barely contain your excitement, your heart is about to burst from your chest. The moment he stands up after placing the ring on your finger, you can't help but throw your arms around him. A gesture that causes him to smile warmly.
He'd spent so long contemplating the future, that he had overlooked this moment. The joy was far greater than he ever imagined.
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mushies-stories · 2 years
I'll wait
Ubbe x reader
warnings: female reader.
word count: 1513
fluff, I just really like fluffy Ubbe I'm sorry... not really.
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You had been traveling with your father. He wanted to find you a good husband with good ties so he brought you along to meet the sons of kings and earls. You were just happy to be out of your village. Your village was small but It had the best farming land and it resided in the middle of a few other smaller villages so it made a good profit. The end goal of the journey was to reach kattegat then return home, hopefully with you to be married. 
Queen Aslaug took your family and men in for the night and invited everyone to the feast that night. You and three of your handmaidens sat at a table with horned cups of mead, pleasantly looking around and talking. You insisted on having your girl with, after all it's boring without them. 
Across the great hall sat Ubbe and Hvitserk, not so discreetly looking at your party. “stay here.” Ubbe says to his brother as he stands up suddenly, taking his cup with him. 
“C’mon now brother now that’s not fair!” Hvitserk argued with a chuckle.
“Who said I played fair brother?” Ubbe said with a laugh as he made his way across the hall and threw the tangle of people. He stopped across from you and greeted the ladies surrounding you with a nod and small smile before directing all his attention on to you, “may i sit and have a drink with you?” he asks.
You look at him and smile softly. “If you'd like…”
“Ubbe” he says as he sits down across from you. “Lady Y/N”
The girls begin to whisper to one another around you. “Prince Ubbe, what are you doing taking pity and sitting with a farmer's daughter like me?” you tease and hush the girls around you. 
“Well really it was either me or my brother.” he nods his head towards where his brother still sat, watching them and raising his glass at them. 
You laugh softly and the girls wave back to him. “Yes, the girls were about to start a bet on which one of you would come over first.”
“Well ladies, if you seek fun while here it looks like my brother is quite lonely and could use company, if you allow it.” he says, looking at you. 
You nod your head and wave them away. “Go, have fun.” you tease them. The girls all say thank you and make it over to Hvitserk who seems more than thrilled to have the company. “Like they haven't had enough fun.” you joke. The girls really have been enjoying the trip more than they probably should be.
“And you, Have you been enjoying your journey?” Ubbe asks, taking a sip from his cup. 
“I've been enjoying the sights, all the different villages and people, so yes I suppose so.” you tell him. 
“Suppose so.” he repeats. “How are you liking Kattegat then?” he asks with a smile. 
“Oh it is very nice! Quite big I fear I'd lose myself at any turn however.” you say with a chuckle. “I found a few things at the stalls to bring home to my younger brother and mother as well.” you added.
“That is very good to hear, my family takes a lot of pride in the village.” Ubbe states.
“Yes you all grew up here didn't you, easy to get around when you saw the roads being made and stalls being out up.” you tease him with a giggle that made Ubbe laugh in response. 
“Suppose that's so.”  Ubbe takes a moment and just looks at you. “How would you like to go for a walk? Since I know my way around, I'd like to show you the shores.”
“You like to huh?” you look back at him and think for a moment. Standing suddenly and telling him to wait a moment you cross the hall to your father who is speaking with the queen. You greet the queen then turn to your father. “Father, I'm going out for a walk.” you tell him. 
“Oh? With who is taking my daughter out in the night?” he inquired.
“Prince Ubbe, father.” you state.
“Your boy Queen Aslaug. Tell me then, I shall let my daughter go off with your son?” he asks her.
She smiles at him then you. “I should think so, yes. He is a fine man.” she tells you both. 
With a nod from your father you head back to Ubbe, who was patiently waiting for your return. He smiles up at you when he notices you standing next to him. “Well then?”
“Lead the way.” you say with a smile
Standing he stretches his arm to you and you take it. He leads you through the village, telling you that this is the fastest path to the stalls from the great hall. And it really did seem faster than the way up. Then he led you to the shore where you two sat on the sand and looked at the stars.
You talked for a long while about everything and anything. He told you stories from his childhood in Kattegat and you about growing up on the farm and your small village. You talked about the stars and seeing the other lands that Ubbe has traveled to and how, if you wanted to of course, go with him and see for yourself. After a while you had fallen into a comfortable silence. Just looking out at the sea and the stars.
“Beautiful, the stars shine so bright.” you didn't want to take your eyes off of them, even though you could feel Ubbe looking at you. “What are you looking at?” you ask, eyes never leaving the night sky. 
“You.” he says planley. “You are the most beautiful thing out here after all, why look anywhere else?” he says with a smirk. You could feel on your cheeks now. You hadn't expected him to be so outright with his flirting. “Tell me, why aren't you married yet? A farmer's daughter is normally wed by now, correct?”
You turn now to look at him. His blues almost glowed under the big full moon that hung above the two of you. “I don't want to marry just anyone. I want to marry someone I know, someone I trust and for love. If it helps my father, then that is good but if not? Then that is for me to decide.” you stated flatley. 
Ubbe nods, like he agrees with everything you said. “That is what you want then that is all that matters.”
You tilt your head to the side a little, staring a little harder into his eyes. “And what is it that you want, prince Ubbe?” 
Ubbe smiles, a wide confident one. “I would like it if you stayed.” his hand rose from the sand to move a strand of hair away from your face before settling on your cheek and cradling your face. “And I would like to get to know you,” he confessed. 
You were almost in shock, no man has ever spoken to you like that, like he wanted you. Not to just fuck but for just simply you. You didn't know how to respond, your heart was beginning to race and his eyes seemed to pin you in place. So you nodded your head ever so slightly. 
Ubbe couldn't help the faint smirk on his face at how flustered you had gotten. “I don't think that's much of an answer, do you?” he asks as he ghosts his thumb over your bottom lip. 
You nod once more. “Yes, I would like to stay. I love my village but here it is wonderful and full of life.” you place your hand on Ubbes own holding you. “I would like to be here with you to show it to me.” you confessed. 
A full smile was on Ubbes face now as he now held your face in both hands, pulling you both together and kissing your lips. He was gentle and his lips felt like they were always meant for yours but he was also unyielding as well, wanting to make sure you knew he meant that he wanted you. Parting you look at each other and smile. 
“You know…” you trailed off. “My father might be upset that I will not return home with him. After all, I was to find a husband or go back with some promise of marriage.” you inform him.
Ubbe kissed your forehead. “Whenever you are ready, I'll be waiting,” he whispers.
You smile up at him. “I fear you might not be waiting long.” Ubbe made you think of marriage faster than any man has before in just one night of talking. His gentleness shows how caring he is, warms your heart and makes you want to hold on to him forever. 
At your words Ubbe pulled you in closer, wrapping his arm around you and holding you closer and you rested your head on his chest. “Good.” he said, kissing the top of your head.
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