#honey don’t worry my eyes are elsewhere
ezra-poetry · 10 months
Honey, you are stardust.
I can see it in your eyes when you look at me, but more importantly, at him.
I see it when you are human.
You may run and run to escape it, craft faces to linger behind, but the shadows you coat yourself in betray you.
They show your humanness to the world.
You create with reckless abandon the way only humans can.
Your hands draw good into the world at a speed like no other.
Magic spills between our lips with every sentence.
How could something as Good as you be crafted by the same gods as the rest of us? They make their toys from ashes but honey, you and I are stardust.
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luveline · 5 months
i would absolutely love a Hotch and stripper reader, him taking care of her after some kind of incident at her club or something? maybe a bit of angry hotch at the beginning, some angst? 💗💗💗
Your throat burns by the time his car pulls up. 
You take the butt of the cigarette from between your lips and ash it next to the first. Your hand is sore between the index finger and thumb from a bad stretch, aching as you press into your pocket for your stolen box of Marlboro golds. You’ll apologise for taking them some other time. 
You press the third between your lips and flick the lighter. You’re not good at lighting them, worse at the first inhale, your throat an agony that rivals the sting of your battered cheek. 
Shoes on the sidewalk, a scratch of loose gravel. Your eyes well with another line of tears that you work hard to hold in, taking another quick, cruel drag. They don’t make cigarettes long enough, in your opinion. They don’t last. 
He stops in front of you. Quiet, Agent Hotchner looks down at you where you’re sitting on the low wall, expression as steely as ever. You meet his eyes, worried your wobbly lip is giving you away, not sure calling him was the right thing to do after all. 
When he raises his hand to the cigarette you let him take it. His fingers wrap carefully around the butt of it, the side of his thumb brushing your lips. 
He flicks it to the ground and steps on it flat. 
You don’t say hello. It’s obvious you’ll cry, he can tell too, and he doesn’t make you. You wince as he raises his hand again, your eyes squinting closed, but he isn’t going to hurt you. His palm is warm where it cups your cheek, turning your face to the light emanating off of the club neons. 
“Do you know his name?” he asks. 
He raises your chin higher still. His frown turns to a glare, the brunt of which is directed elsewhere but intimidating all the same. His touching is gentle at least. 
“What happened?” 
“I told him no.” 
His jaw ticks. “Can I take you home?” 
You sniffle, turning your face out of his hand and down to your lap. He’s kissed you, he’s done more than that, but he knows you’d felt like you had no choice and so he’s giving it to you now. It’s exactly why you’d called him. It’s the man he is, and he should never have ended up looking after you. 
“Sorry I called you,” you say, hiding your face in one hand. Pain flickers behind your eyes as tears mount for the tenth time tonight. 
Hotch gives a sigh, sitting on the wall beside you. He wraps his arm behind your back and with a familiarity you need desperately. You press yourself into his side, sew your arm hesitantly over his stomach, the starch of a pressed shirt crisp on your clammy skin. 
“It’s cold out here,” he murmurs, bringing both hands to your arm, one to hold you tight, the other to rub your cool skin. 
“I think I want to quit.” 
He nods into the side of your head. “I think you should,” he says, “if that’s what you want… honey, you can do whatever you want.” 
“I don’t think I can. I’m trapped and it’s my fault.” 
“It’s not your fault.” He encourages your head under his, your face to his neck. When he talks, it’s a quiet, lulling promise. “You’re not trapped. I’ll do anything you need me to do. If you want an apartment, I’ll get it for you. If you want to shut this place down, I will. The last thing either of us want is for you to work here when you don’t want to.” 
“You don’t have to say work here like I’m not a glorified prostitute,” you say hotly, anger turned in rather than out. 
“You don’t really think that.”
Being a sex worker is complicated. You don’t know how you feel about it, and you can’t ever understand why Hotch would bother with you. You’d worried at first that your vulnerability is what attracted him, like a kid with a broken bird, but he’s proved a hundred times that your job is pretty much separate from why he likes you. He thinks you're pretty. He loves your voice. You make each other laugh, and somehow inexplicably he’s the first person you call when things go wrong. 
“Quit your job,” he says. “Even if it’s just to dance somewhere else.” 
“You can say strip.”
He nods. “You shouldn’t have to worry whether your ‘no’ will be met with a backhand. You know that breaks my heart?” 
You blink and pull away from him. He isn’t unemotional, but it’s a surprise nonetheless to hear him talk like this. “Aaron–” 
“Please,” he says. “I shouldn’t ask you to. But there are better places for you. You deserve more.” 
If it were anyone else you might get defensive. Only people who do your job could understand why you do it, it’s a hundred different things to you, but you do deserve more. You’re sick of leery men, sick of wolf whistles and bad tips and other people's hands. Hotch has never asked you to stop, but now he is, it’s to keep you safe. 
You can’t begrudge him. 
“I’m sorry,” you say. 
“No.” He rubs your arm. “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. And I’ll make it right.” 
“It’s not your fault.” 
“I’ll make it right,” he promises. “No matter what. No one gets to hurt you.” 
You could quit. You want to. Even if it’s just for a couple of weeks, just so you don’t have to pretend you know what you’re doing. You’ll think about it in the morning. “Could I stay with you for a bit?” you whisper. “Just tonight. Please.” 
Hotch taps your back for you to stand. He stands with you, brushing down your coat, his eyes impassive where they look over your face, your purpling bruise. 
“You can wait in the car,” he says quietly. “I’m going to ask a few questions inside before we leave.” 
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aoshihugs · 1 year
“imma nick ya’ name and keep you right here”
↦ captain buggy’s nicknames for his s/o
↦ don’t mind me just needed to get my thoughts out ☺️
↦ ‘x reader’ format; i’m 20 episodes into the anime after bingeing the live action, so likely ooc! ib @usopps-devotee
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LIVE ACTION! flirty, with exaggerated confidence and a slightly mocking tone. knows what he likes and wants to know what you like. pays careful attention to how you react with each new endearment. did you squirm? fluster? brush it off? loves to catch you off guard by adding ‘my’ to a new moniker, no matter whether you stutter or raise an unamused brow. all bark, no bite – often opting for dirtier, degrading names that aren’t necessarily reflective of his role in the bedroom. never with intent to hurt you, just thrilled to earn your attention. he wants – no – needs anyone and everyone listening to know you’re his.
casually, followed by a wink and smug grin: sweets, sweet/pretty thing, toots, gorgeous, doll, babydoll/babyboy
sarcastically, accompanied by a (playful) sneer: darling dearest, honey, baby, sexy, little circus freak, freakshow
affectionately, often in private with ‘my’ attached: dear, love, showstopper
ANIME! hesitant, wants to show you off to the world but worried he’ll drive you away. thus, tends to stay away from anything with strong sexual undertones. finds it hard to slip them into casual conversation. more often than not, he’s straining as he squawks the endearment while parroting orders at his crew. puffs his chest but avoids eye contact when he tries a new label, eyes glancing about before sneaking a peak at you as soon as your attention falls elsewhere. if he can’t say it directly to your face, he’ll loudly bring it up in his conversations with others, opting to add ‘our’ instead of ‘my’ to hide his embarrassment.
awkwardly, with false bravado as he tries to laugh it off: showrunner, jester, star, main attraction, spotlight stealer, our favorite (magician/acrobat/silkster/etc)
softly, whispered into your skin as he hides his blush: darling, my love, spectacle, treasure, mine
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luxury — azealia banks
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alwaysmoncheri · 6 months
hiii would u be open to writing remus lupin x reader with the prompt *x put head on y’s shoulder* “just don’t leave…” with either remus saying it or the reader? no worries if not <3 🦌🦌
hi, my love!! thank you for requesting! i hope this is what you’re looking for! i was in a little bit of a writer block last night so this may not be my best work, i apologize for that, honey </3
cw: fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, mentions of remus being a werewolf, remus feels insecure, the marauders not being very helpful, established relationship, crying, 0.9k
Remus isn’t one to hide who he is, you know he’s a werewolf, he’s been vulnerable with you before, so when he starts to become a little distant from you, you know exactly why. The past few days have been rough for him, you know. Leading up to a full moon is almost always worse than the aftermath. But this time, Remus seems particularly bothered. He still holds your hand to classes and reads to you at night, but something about the way he always is distracted, like loosely holing your hand without knowing and constantly losing his place while reading makes you feel like his mind is truly elsewhere.
The Marauders aren’t helping the situation either. Sure, they’re supportive of their friend and you know they’re always there for him, but the pitying glances don’t go unnoticed by both you and Remus and you don’t presume he is very fond of those looks. You don’t blame him.
At dinner, the night before the full moon, James, Sirius, and Peter keep repeating the same set of motions. Their eyes dart from each other, their food, to Remus, and back to each other. You fight the urge to roll your eyes at their obvious display of concern because Remus doesn’t really need that right now and they should know that after all this time. After tolerating the silent glances for the majority of dinner, Remus shifts uncomfortably, his eyes not leaving his food. You gently slide your hand into his, hoping offer some comfort, and when he accepts you take it a step furthur and draw small circles with your thumb on the back of his hand. This doesn’t last long. When the other three boys offer sympathetic smiles, Remus notices and stands from his seat, dropping your hand and walking out of The Great Hall with quick strides.
“Would you guys quit it?” you hiss at the boys across the table who’s eyes widen at the abrupt snap of your head in their direction.
“What?” They reply in unison and share a few nervous glances before returning to your harsh gaze.
“Remus clearly isn’t doing well,” you say, pointing out the obvious, “the least you can do is not look at him like he’s dying.” you add gesturing in the direction of the door, where Remus had walked out of.
“We’re not—”
“Save it,” you cut James off, who makes an attempt to defend the three of them. You roll your eyes, standing from your seat, “I’m going to check on him.” you state before following the previous path of your boyfriend, out the door and to your dorms.
When you arrive in the common room and head towards the boys’ dorm you hear quiet sobs echoing through the door. Your throat tightens and you hesitate to move towards the sound, but you do anyway because you know Remus needs somebody and you’re always willing to be that somebody.
“Remus?” you call out before pushing the door open and are met with a sniffling Remus, eyes red and puffy. Your heart almost breaks in two, the sight enough to make you feel the clenching in your chest and for a moment, you unknowingly hold your breath.
“Hey, lovely.” Remus greets and his voice cracks with the attempt to cover a sob that might’ve escaped his lips.
“Oh, honey.” you whisper and Remus bows his head, with shame or just to wipe the tears off his face, you don’t know. You walk towards the bed before sitting next to him, hand rubbing his shoulder, slowly sliding down to hold his hand, once more, “Do you want to talk about it?” you offer, bringing Remus to lift his head up and meet your gaze, a lump grows in your throat at his broken expression and you try to keep it together for him.
“I’m just so tired—” Remus starts, before a sob escapes his lips. He reaches out for you and you don’t hesitate to bring him into your arms, his head rests on your shoulder, your hands cupping the back of his neck, while his hands wrap around you waist, “ —I don’t want to be like this anymore.” Remus admits, his voice breaking and you feel your shirt dampen with tears.
“Hey, I’m here.” you say, gently running your hands through Remus’s hair and up and down the length of his back, “James, Sirius and Peter are here.” You add and you feel Remus’s sobs turn to sniffles against your shoulder. “Even if they get on your nerves, they mean well.”
“I know…” Remus says, the sound muffled against your shoulder. He lifts his head, your eyes meeting his puffy ones, “Is it okay if we just stay like this?” Remus asks hesitantly, as if you would ever say no to him.
“It’s more than okay.” You whisper, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. You start to shift your body further onto the bed before Remus’s tight grip around your waist prevents you from doing so. Your eyebrows furrow with confusion before hearing Remus’s desperate voice.
“Don’t leave me, please…” Remus begs, clinging onto you.
I’m never going to leave you,” you reply and Remus nods continuously against your shoulder, his hair falling into his face and brushing yours, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Remus says, his voice shaky but calmer than before, “I don’t know what I would do without you.” He admits and your heart warms with his words.
You smile, pulling the both of you back onto his bed in a more comfortable position with his head still tucked into your shoulder, “And you’ll never have to know,” you whisper before you close your eyes and allow yourself to rest.
masterlist . remus lupin masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
tags: @googie-jeon, @annoyingmidgetwhowrites, @jordie-gvf, @marauderswhxre, @vixparker, @moonsupremacy01, @enamoredwithbella
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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milswrites · 7 months
Cupid’s Sword
~Azriel X Fem!Reader~
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Summary: Azriel has a crush but finds himself unable to approach them. Unable to just stand by and watch their friend’s desperate pining, Nesta and Cassian take it upon themselves to play Cupid and try and set them up. Will their efforts lead to success or is Azriel destined to remain single forever?
Warnings: Mentions of drinking. Stabbing but the good kind?
Azriel was staring again. Staring at her. His golden eyes hadn’t moved from her soft form all night, locked in place as if he were stuck in a trance. Which he may has well have been, her hypnotising features melted their way into his mind and invaded his senses, clearing them all of anything but her.
He found himself drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Her sweet voice carried from the bar where she was sat drinking with Nesta, causing his shadows to stir and attempt to crawl their way towards her in desperation for her presence. Her honeyed voice which delivered words like poetry, had always affected Azriel in ways he couldn’t explain. The velvet laugh that left her mouth as she spoke animatedly with her friend was as smooth as the whiskey Azriel was nursing.
He was hooked. Her presence a drug that Azriel hasn’t been able to get enough of since he had first laid eyes on her. Azriel hadn’t even been invited to Rita’s tonight. But when his shadows had reported to him that you had agreed to go tonight with Nesta, he knew there was no other place he wanted to be. Nesta’s permission be damned.
And so here he was, hiding in the shadows of a booth with Cassian, who was fearful of being caught by his mate on the one night where she was free of his company. Cassian had been unable to say no to his friend who had claimed he needed a drink or two after a hard days work, but now they were here Azriel could tell his brother was catching on to the real reason why he had wanted to come.
“Something caught your eye brother?” Cassian teased, bored of sitting and drinking in silence as Azriel’s attention was elsewhere, “or should I say someone?”
Azriel cursed under his breath. He would have been better off coming alone. If Cassian caught wind of his admiration for Nesta’s new friend he would never let Azriel live it down. Azriel could already imagine the relentless mocking that would ensue.
With great effort, he tore his eyes away from Y/N at the bar and settled them onto the overjoyed face of his brother manically grinning before him. “I don’t know what you mean” Azriel muttered, gaze moving to his half-empty drink to avoid his brother being able to read his lies. But of course once Cassian had started something he just couldn’t leave it alone.
“No?” Cassian mused, “the hole you’ve burned into Y/N’s head says differently. Unless of course it was my mate you’ve been staring at, in which case you’re more than welcome to come warm our bed tonight.”
The latter part of Cassian’s remark didn’t phase Azriel, he was used to the crude comments that spew from his friend’s mouth. He even sometimes heard them from Nesta. The first few words however caused Azriel’s heart to start beating faster and his palms grew clammy, skin clinging uncomfortably to the glass he was gripping for support. Defensively he said, “I wasn’t staring at Y/N.”
“Hm sure Az and I’m not the sexiest man - oh hey Y/N!”
Azriel’s head snapped to where Cassian had directed his voice, scared the woman had witnessed the conversation. She wasn’t stood there. Y/N was still happily sat at the bar with Nesta gossiping away with matching smiles on their faces. At his frantic reaction Cassian had broken out into a hearty laugh, his hand flying to his chest to brace himself as he did so. His booming chortle was enough to start drawing attention from the other customers who had found their way into Rita’s tonight.
“You’re whipped brother!” Cassian ginned merrily at Azriel who began to desperately shush his brother as his worried eyes briefly jumped to the bar, afraid the woman in question would be listening in.
“Yes! Ok! I like her!” Azriel hissed quietly between his teeth, hoping his admission would stop Cassian from teasing him for the whole club to hear.
“I knew it…I knew it” Cassian beamed in satisfaction as if he had just solved Azriel’s deepest secret. As if it wasn’t obvious enough from the way Azriel had been pining after Y/N from the shadows of their booth for the majority of the evening.
“Go over to her! I’m sure she’d say yes if you ask her in a date!” He urged Azriel, gesturing excitedly towards the bar as if playing wingman was his lifelong dream profession.
“And leave Nesta to discover we’re here ruining her girls night? She’s killed people for less” Azriel retorted in hopes that his brother wouldn’t make him go over to the bar and no doubt embarrass himself by being rejected in front of the mass of people in Rita’s tonight.
“Ah” Cassian dismissively waved his hand, “what Nesta doesn’t know won’t hurt her, I’ll hide in the toilet and you-”
Cassian was interrupted by the cold snap of his mates voice, “Nesta doesn’t know what dear?”
The two males gulped at Nesta’s sudden appearance, both having no intention of saying anything lest they anger Nesta even further. There was no doubt the terrifying woman would easily give them both a piece of her mind without them even needing to speak.
“Do you want to tell me, darling mate, why you’ve come to stalk me on my girls night?” She continued, her presence enough to leave both males breathless in fear.
“I wasn’t stalking you! I was watching Y/N!” Cassian blurted before he realised how his words had sounded and continued rambling before his mate could smite him, “not me! Him! Azriel made me come, he’s in love with her so I told him to go ask her out!”
“Cassian!” Azriel gasped with wide eyes, disbelief crossed his features as his brother betrayed his secret crush. Anxiously Azriel leant over to look past Nesta, trying to find the object of his affection and make sure she didn’t hear what Cassian had said.
Nesta’s face flashed with surprise at the information before her expression morphed into something more mischievously sinister as her eyes landed on the sputtering Azriel. “Don’t worry she didn’t hear. She’s gone home” Nesta reassured him.
But Azriel was feeling anything but reassured. The spark that had ignited in Nesta’s eyes caused him to feel unsettled and shrink back into his seat, wanting to escape the woman’s scheming gaze. Even Cassian seemed uneasy, shuffling where he was sat as he observed Nesta’s silent plotting, unsure of where this was going to go.
“It’s ok Azriel” she finally said in a sickly sweet voice as she placed a hand onto his shoulder, gripping it tight enough that Azriel knew he should definitely be scared, “we’ll get you that date.”
If Nesta could be described in a single word Azriel would say she was relentless. Ever since she had found out about Azriel’s not so little crush on Y/N at Rita’s over a week ago, she had been a force of nature.
He knew Nesta loved her friend dearly. Having nothing but good things to say about her since she had been introduced to Y/N by Madja. The elder woman had hired Y/N as an apprentice with the hope that she would be able to take over her healing duties when the time came for her retirement. Azriel had been curious about this woman that the usually reserved Nesta spoke so fondly of and so the next time Madja had brought her along after receiving the call that Cassian needed to be healed, Azriel had made sure he was there.
He was not disappointed. Y/N had been blessed by the cauldron in both looks and heart. Her presence on the day they had met being enough to stun him into a paralytic awe as he found himself unable to string even a few words together to speak to her.
Azriel was content to watch on in silent appreciation. Spending the days whenever she was at the House of Wind hovering close by, longing to hear a trace of her soft voice. If he was particularly lucky, he would on occasion receive an earth-shattering smile as she acknowledged him from a distance. But that was all it ever was, a distance.
Until Nesta had gotten involved and suddenly Y/N was everywhere. There was no room Azriel could enter that Y/N wasn’t in alongside a beaming Nesta. His inability to speak around her growing more and more frustrating as he had to grumble a shy hello before excusing himself, nerves too overwhelming for him to say anymore and his embarrassment at this stupor being too much for Azriel to want to stay in silence.
His reaction to her new overwhelming presence caused Nesta to grow frustrated. She had obviously been thinking that this would be an easy match and ignored Cassian’s warnings about how debilitating Azriel’s crush actually was. Nesta would have to try harder than just making sure Azriel could never escape Y/N’s presence. It’s a good thing she had a mate who was more than willing to help out his struggling friend.
Cassian was not a subtle man, he definitely wasn’t the type of person who did things in small measures. If Cassian was going to set his brother up he would do it his way, and hopefully not destroy any buildings in the process.
Azriel had grown used to Y/N being here. Which meant he had become very good at avoiding her whilst she was, his shadows reluctantly reporting to him not to leave his room whenever she was around.
Instead Azriel’s new favourite past time was wallowing in his own self pity as he laid face down on his bed in frustration at his situation. Which is where he was when Cassian had entered, neglecting to knock and alert him of his presence.
“Hey buddy,” his words interrupting Azriel’s sulking, “Can I have your help with something?” Azriel emitted a grunt of acknowledgment, not deigning to lift his head to look at his brother. “Great…cool” Cassian continued, “so I am superrr busy with work right now but I had promised Rhys I’d get some paperwork over to Madja. Think you can help me out?”
Deciding that doing Cassian’s chores would be a suitable distraction from his thoughts, Azriel raised his head slightly and grunted once more.
“Brilliant thanks Az!” He grinned, rubbing his hands together before turning to leave the room. Azriel sat up fully now in confusion, facing his retreating brother, “Cassian?”
The male jumped as if he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t and slowly turned back towards Azriel waiting to hear what his friend had to say. “The paperwork?” Azriel asked.
“Huh” sounded Cassian.
“The paperwork for Madja? Where is it?” Azriel watched as realisation crossed the generals features, mouth dropping open in a small o.
“Right… the paperwork. I’ll go get it!” Cassian said before running off, his footsteps pounding down the corridor as he ran to his room and back. Once he had returned, panting slightly at his hurried movement, he handed Azriel a sealed envelope, “here you go! And uh… don’t open that it’s highly confidential.”
Azriel enjoyed the flight over to Madja’s estate, the opportunity to spread his wings and allow the cool air to clear his head was refreshing. He landed smoothly and opened the door, ready to greet the elder woman he and the rest of the Inner Circle were so fond of. Yet Madja wasn’t there. Instead, Y/N was sat at Madja’s desk scribbling away at the papers laid before her.
At the sound of the door creaking open, her head raised, a bright smile adorning her face at the sight of the shadowsinger. “Azriel! Hi, what can I do for you?” Her honeyed voice made Azriel’s spine tingle and he found himself wishing for her to say his name again. Liking the way it sounded coming from her lips.
“Uh…where’s Madja?” He didn’t mean to sound as rude as he did when asking that question. However, the irregular pounding of his heart made his senses slip and his anxiety spike.
Y/N didn’t seem to mind, smile still on her face as she answered, “I’ve started taking over for her. When there’s not any serious injuries of course,” her smile then faltered a little, “but I thought you knew? You sent the flowers?”
A matching frown crossed Azriel’s features, “flowers? What flowers?” He asked as she directed his attention to the ridiculously large bouquet of flowers placed lovingly into a vase on the chest of drawers behind Azriel. He squinted his eyes, enabling him to read the note sticking out of them. The note which was written in Cassian’s untidy scrawl.
To Y/N
Congratulations on the promotion
With love, Azriel
He blanched, “Yes! The flowers of course. I ordered them so long ago that I forgot I’m sorry”
Y/N’s frown grew deeper at his excuse, “I only got the news yesterday?”
“Madja told me a week or two ago” he lied, desperate for the topic of this conversation to change before he dug himself a deeper hole. The lie seemed to do the job though as Y/N was obviously pleased with the thought of the older healer telling Azriel about it, telling him about her.
“Oh well, thank you! I love them” her blissful smile returned causing the butterflies already present in Azriel’s stomach to go wild. He wanted to tell her no problem, to ask her how her days going, to potentially ask her out on that date he was so badly craving. But Azriel’s tongue had grown heavy, glued to the roof of his mouth rendering him speechless.
Like a fool he stood there before her just staring. Admiring the way the golden glow of the sunlight shining through the window danced on her rosy cheeks. Taking note of the way her eyebrow slightly twitched as it did whenever she was confused. It was only when his shadows began to shift around him that Azriel allowed himself to return to the present only to realise just how long he had been in that trance and how uncomfortable he must have made Y/N.
Wanting to escape his anxiety, he began to sputter out a pitiful goodbye as he stumbled his way to the door. “Wait Azriel!” Y/N called out after him, “why is the letter empty?”
This was the second mistake Cassian had made. The first was not warning Azriel about the flowers. The second was handing him an empty envelope to give to Y/N with no explanation. What must she think of him? Turning up to her office with an empty letter and no idea about the flowers which appeared as though they were sent from him.
Neglecting to provide her with an answer, Azriel rushed from the building, wanting to avoid any accusations from her about him being a creep. He took off as fast as he could, leaving a confused Y/N behind in the empty office.
Azriel stormed through the house, wings flared and siphons glowing dangerously. He didn’t stop until he came face to face with a smirking Cassian who was loitering in the kitchen having waited for him brother’s return.
“Am I genius or what?” He chortled, arms outstretched as he waited for a hug he would never receive, “we better get you ready for that date!”
“There is no date” Azriel growled through gritted teeth, batting down Cassian’s arms as he watched the grin drop from his friends face at the statement.
“What? But I set everything up perfectly?” Cassian said in confusion, as if there was no possible way his perfect plan could have fallen through.
“Perfectly?” Azriel laughter bitterly, anger growing fiercely inside of him, “you made a fool out of me! She thanked me for the flowers to which I told her I didn’t know what she was talking about and then she opened the letter and found out it was empty! I looked like an idiot!”
Cassian sucked in air between his teeth awkwardly, “I guess I didn’t think that through…”
“No Cassian,” seethed Azriel, “you never think. And now you’ve ruined any chance I ever had of… you know what just forget it.” With that Azriel stalked off, needing to clear his head and mourn over the relationship he was never even able to start.
Cassian had begged his brother for forgiveness, unable to last another minute with Azriel’s sullen form sulking about the house ignoring him. Of course Azriel wasn’t actually mad at his brother, most of his bitterness was reserved for himself. He should have understood Cassian’s hints and help and followed along with it, then maybe things would have gone differently and maybe he would have gotten the girl.
Not wanting to admit his true feelings about it to his brother, Azriel said he’d forgive him but that Cassian should expect hell at during their next training session. Azriel had lots of frustration to expel.
Which is what led them to where they were now. Azriel beating down on his brother with all his might, the two locked in a deadly combat together. Cassian having to block powerful blow after powerful blow that his brother was delivering.
It wasn’t until Azriel struck hard enough to disarm him did Cassian then suggest the two took a break before he ended up being skewered. Nesta released a low whistle from where she had been watching as she moved towards the men in the ring, Azriel’s frustration at the pair of them was almost tangible.
“Remind me not to get on your bad side” she joked, slightly worried eyes absorbing the frazzled state Azriel had left her mate in.
“Yeah well whatever stops you two trying to play Cupid” he defended, reminding Cassian why he had fought so hard.
Nesta snorted, “Cupid? Have you seen Cas try to use a bow? I’d be better poking you to your senses with Ataraxia.” Nesta’s eyes lit up at her own joke. That same unstettling feeling that Azriel had fallen victim to in Rita’s had returned.
Nesta unsheathed her dagger, stalking towards Azriel who was backing off with his hands raised. “What’s going on Nesta?” Azriel anxiously said as his back met the edge of the ring, halting his retreat.
“It’s alright, relax Az! Things will work out ” Nesta smirked. And the next thing he knew, her dagger had been plunged into his upper arm as he screamed out in pain and gripped onto the handle of the blade which was sticking out of his bicep. Blood slowly trickling down his arm.
“Y/N thank the cauldron you’re here!” Nesta gasped in mock relief at the appearance of her friend.
The woman ran towards Azriel from where Cassian had landed with her in his arms, worry plastered on her face as it had been from the moment Cassian had frantically shown up at her door and said that Azriel been stabbed.
“Oh mother! What happened?” She cried, pulling out a towel before pressing it tightly to Azriel’s bleeding arm, knife still lodged in his muscle. Azriel opened his mouth to give her the honest answer but Nesta beat him to it, “Freak accident! Happened out of nowhere. Super unfortunate. We’ll leave you to it, come on Cas!” She dragged her mate away, the two whispering aggressively together as they left. Cassian had obviously not been privy to Nesta’s plan.
“Freak accident?” She said in disbelief, pulling the knife out before beginning to use her healing magic to stitch the wound together. “Cupids sword apparently” Azriel hummed quietly, the majority of his focus being on how attractive he found Y/N’s concentrated face as she worked. Her presence alone numbing the pain he was feeling.
“I thought Cupid used a bow and arrow?” She laughed in confusion, attention not straying from the intricate magic she was performing on Azriel.
“I don’t think Nesta has ever used a bow and arrow in her life” he huffed, face twitching in pain as Y/N’s healing powers created a small burning sensation on his arm.
“So Nesta’s Cupid?” She mused, small smile on her face as Azriel froze at the realisation of what he had said, likely due to the blood loss, “or is it Cassian? He did send the flowers instead of you right?”
Azriel’s eyes widened in Suprise, “you…you knew?”
“It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. He’s not exactly subtle. And neither is Nesta apparently” she said gesturing to the thin red line of raised skin that now marked his arm where the knife had been.
“Yeah” Azriel shyly laughed in anticipation of what was transpiring between them, a soft blush dusting over his cheeks, “guess they just really want me to be happy… in their own weirdly demented way.”
“I can’t think of anyone who deserves to be happier more than you do” Y/N stated, her finger absentmindedly brushing over his new scar sending shivers dancing down his spine again.
“Yeah” Azriel manages to squeeze out of his anxiously closing throat, her close proximity reawakening the butterflies that seemed to have permanently made their home in his stomach.
“So?” It was Y/N’s turn to urge Azriel to ask her the question, “are you going to let Nesta go through all the trouble of stabbing you just so you can let me walk away? I’ve been waiting a while you know”
This time Azriel was able to find his courage, “I really like you.” He finally confessed, wanting to get the truth out before his inability to speak around Y/N returned, “I find myself unable to keep control around you, I can’t pull myself together and I always end up acting like an idiot. Because I am crazy about you Y/N.”
“You’re a very cute idiot” she teased, finger now travelling from where it was brushing his arm to trail down his chest. Her words made Azriel flush, he attempted to answer but all that came out were small broken sounds of disbelief.
“Come on Azriel” she continued to tease. Y/N had complete control over this situation, over Azriel. His spirit drawn to hers as her lips moved closer to his, “use your words. Ask me.”
“Will you go on a date with me?” He managed to squeak out. Transfixed by the hold she had over him. Y/N breathed out an airy laugh before gripping onto his shirt and dragging Azriel into her before their lips collided.
Whilst Azriel may have had problems speaking with her, he definitely didn’t have any issues when it came to kissing her. Making sure to pour every ounce of longing and pining that he had been feeling since he first laid eyes on her into the kiss. Their lips moulded together as if they were made for each other. A perfect match.
“Yes” she confirmed pulling back from the kiss to catch her breath. Azriel shifted his eyes to the movement occurring from behind her shoulder, gaze finding its home on Cassian and Nesta who were excitedly jumping, holding their thumbs up to the male.
Azriel wrapped his unbloody arm around Y/N’s shoulders, a grin of appreciation on his face as he looked to his friends thankfully.
There were worse friends to have.
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msfantasy-comics · 1 year
The Perfect Match
Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary: A head cannon on how you’re the perfect match for Bruce.
Warning: Established relationships
Masterlist - Tip Jar
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Bruce had always considered the concept of a perfect match to be a feeble notion. The idea that a someone could be perfect and perfectly compliment one’s self was simply illogical and just not possible.
But that’s the thing about hypotheticals, they’re just theories until proven otherwise. Bruce can distinguish five instances on when he recognised you to be his perfect match.
You weren’t a genius capable of rattling off theories and solving impossible equations. Not by any means. You were, however, incredibly intelligent when it comes to people and making them feel important.
It wasn’t a super power or psychological trickery. It was that you listened to people and ask them questions about their hobbies or family.
It was the way that you leaned in as if you were keen to hear what that person had to say.
It was the way you smile softly when people start to babble off in excitement as you reciprocate the conversation
Whilst you didn’t fully comprehend quantum physics or the engineering to Bruce Wayne’s degree
You sat there happily indulging Bruce as he discusses a new equation he solved
It was the way you made him feel like he could talk about anything without judgement or without your eyes wondering elsewhere in boredom.
Bruce: “Anyway, you probably have more important things to do.”
Y/n: “Don’t be silly. You’re just as important. Go on, finish what you were saying.”
Bruce dreaded needy women who are utterly incapable of being self-sufficient. Who required rescuing and constant entertainment like a puppy.
Bruce: “I have an emergency work trip for an unspecified amount of time. I probably won’t be able to contact you too much. Will you be okay without me?”
Y/n *acting like a damsel in distress*
Y/n: “Oh no! I’m being abandoned in the biggest mansion with a butler, a library and a black Amex card. What could one do with one’s self? What a travesty!”
Bruce would return from his two week trip excited to see you again after not being in contact the whole time.
Only you weren’t at the mansion at 4pm on a Tuesday.
Bruce *calling your phone*
Y/n: “Hi honey! I missed you so much!”
Bruce: “Come home and show me how much you’ve missed me.”
Y/n: “What? I finish work in an hour, surely you can survive 60 more minutes without me- oh I have to go, I’ll see you soon my love!”
Bruce didn’t make it to your anniversary dinner.
He didn’t even have a chance to call you and cancel.
He exited the bat cave feeling utterly guilty for abandoning you on such an important occasion.
Bruce felt utterly defeated. A failure of a father. Batman got into a one on one fist fight with Red-Hood, attempting to save the Jokers life, only for his son to forsake himself. Now he had to face his failures as a husband.
Opening the door he sees you laying in bed, scrolling away at your phone.
As soon as you noticed him you tossed the phone and made a mad dash, pulling him into a bear hug.
Y/n: “Honey, I’m so proud of you. Being there when your son needed you most. You’re such a good man. Don’t be hard on yourself, remember that Jason is a grown man who made his decision.”
Pulling Bruce to bed, you pull him into a tight hold and continue to comfort him.
Bruce really appreciated that you didn’t bring up his absence.
Bruce: “I missed our -“
Y/n: “You didn’t miss anything. Your with me now aren’t you? Happy anniversary my beloved.”
Emotionally Stable:
Damian was over your nagging.
Y/n: “Damian, you need to get more sleep. I’m worried your burning yourself out.”
Y/n: “When was the last time you had a proper meal? You can’t survive off burgers alone you know.”
Y/n: “When was the last time you saw Jon? You have to maintain your friendships or else they fall apart.”
Y/n: “Stop having these energy drinks! It’s basically poison for your body - have you had any water today? You look dehydrated!”
You snatched the can out of his hand and threw it in the bin.
Damian lost his absolute shit.
Damian: “Enough with your incessant criticism!You’re getting on my nerves!”
Crosses his arms over his chest and looks off in irritation.
Bruce stands frowning behind him, ready to give his son the scolding of a life time.
But instead your laughter booms across the bat cave.
You find Damian’s little outburst amusing and adorable rather than rude and hurtful.
Y/n: “You’re right D, I’m sorry, I’ll lay off you a bit.”
You’d pull him into that tight hug he says he hates but he always leans into your comforting hold.
Y/n: “You boys be careful tonight, I’ll see you both in the morning”
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scmg11 · 3 months
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A/N: HELLO HELLOO! How are you guys doing? Missed me?
Enjoy this new chapter ❤️
Sending you love ❤️
Summary: Emily meets Y/N at the well one day and just falls in love for her. When she tries to find her again the next days, it seems like she just disappeared. She was ready to lose hope when one day she finds her in her house to start a job as her new maid with her aunt Maggie. What will happen then?
Warnings: just slightly groping, nothing too much explicit.
Word count: 15380 words.
The sun beamed all over the expanse of the Dickinson’s garden, warming up Emily’s face as she decided to spend her morning outside, leaning on her favorite three and just soaking up in the calmness that was the nature. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the tree’s trunk surface to take a few moments of quietness in, smiling widely when she heard a few birds chirping around her, setting a warm and fuzzy feeling in her chest that always put her in a good mood. "Emily!"
The brown haired girl sighed loudly at her moment being ruined and tried to drown the sound away, but she heard it again a few seconds later and inevitably opened her eyes and turned towards the source of the sound coming from her right side, right where her house was, "yes?" Emily had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes when her mother called her name once again, ignoring her answering to her calls and making her sit up and abandon her morning in the nature to go and see whatever she needed from her.
"Emily?! Emily?!" The brown haired girl scoffed under her breath on her way back to her house, she knew her mother had head her when she was leaning on the tree but called her over nonetheless and was keeping calling her despite seeing her walking over her house, "oh Emily, dear, you’re here."
"Yes mom, what did you need? I was enjoying my day out in nature."
"I am sure it can wait, honey. I need you to go fetch water."
"Why can’t Austin or Lavinia do it?"
As if on cue the blonde made her appearance from behind Emily’s mother with what Emily deemed her trademark adorable frown since they were kids, "I did it yesterday and Austin is a man. He can’t do it."
"Right, you would believe he would be perfect for it since men’s are always bragging about themselves being strong, stronger than women, when in fact they are staying all day behind a desk while women do all the physical, exhausting stuff."
"You’re talking nonsense sweetheart." Emily rolled her eyes right in her mother’s face and grabbed the two empty buckets she had in her hands and trudged begrudgingly outside her house to walk towards the well to go fetch water as her mother asked her to.
"Oh no, I’m so sorry! I should’ve watched where I was going! Oh no, your dress is completely drenched, here let me help you." In mere seconds Emily bumped accidentally into a girl carrying four buckets full of water, resulting in one of them spilling over her blu navy dress, but got also got flooded with a multitude of rushed words of regret and of apology, an adorable sight that made Emily forget about her dress being completely drenched in the late summer weather.
"Don’t worry, it’s totally fine. I wasn’t watching where I was going, I had my head elsewhere. So I should be the one apologizing." Emily smiled reassuringly at the distressed girl as she desperately tried to find something to dry Emily’s dress.
"No, no. It was my fault!"
Emily tried to look at the girl’s face but it was completely covered by her hair cascading in front of it as she had her head down in search of a cloth in her small apron’s pocket she had around her hips, "I insist on taking the blame. Hey, please stop worrying. It will dry up eventually, it’s not a big deal."
"No, no. It should be here. I had it here an hour ago!"
"Hey, please. Relax, take a deep breath." Emily tried to calm the girl down and for the first time she seemed to do listen to her, sighing loudly as she took her hands out of her apron’s pocket and lifted her head up slowly.
Emily felt like the world stopped existing for just a moment when her eyes met the girl’s ones, establishing a connection that send a thrill down her spine and that lighted up her whole body, a sensation she had never felt before. "Are you okay?"
Emily took her time to commit to memory every single feature on the girl’s face, from the perfect slope of her nose to the soft bump of her cheekbones, from the gentle but still defined angle of her jaw, to the smooth surface of her chin and finally focusing all her attention on the plumpness of her velvety lips. Emily almost got lost again in the vastness of the girl’s eyes when she met them again that she almost forgot to answer the girl’s question, making her appear a bit dumb in front of her for gawking at her, "yeah, yes. I’m fine. Totally fine. Great. Hm-." Emily cleared her throat to stop herself from embarrassing herself some more continued with a regained composure, "how about you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am fine. Thank you."
"Good, I’m glad to hear that." Emily smiled gently at the girl before shaking her head as if she was the dumbest person on earth, "I’m Emily by the way."
"Y/N." The girl smiled gently at the poet while putting a strand of hair that fell in front of her face behind her ear, a gesture that made Emily’s brain melt as she took in the girl’s beauty.
"Y/N." Emily repeated, testing the girl’s name out, feeling a warmth spreading throughout her entire body as the name rolled over her tongue. "I like it. Y/N. It’s a really pretty name."
"Thank you. Emily is a great name too."
"Yeah, it has a Latin origin, it-."
"It’s a Roman name. It means laborious and eager among other things." Y/N interjected the brunette before she could speak and Emily had never felt so infatuated by someone in so little time.
"Yeah, how do you know that?"
"I like reading a lot. I do it whenever I can." Emily didn’t know it could have been possibile being interested in someone in so very little time, but she was starting to feel something for this girl, something she had only felt for one person only before.
"I like that too, a lot. What are you reading right now?"
"I just finished reading ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ by Dickens. I liked it. What about you?"
"I am in the middle of reading The Divine Comedy by Dante. I’m halfway through Inferno."
"Oh I liked it a lot even though Purgatorio and Paradiso are just as beautiful. I mean his writing style gets more complex and more refined after each part."
Emily felt like she was floating through a new dimension where only Y/N and her existed, instigating a myriad of new emotions Emily never felt before that mixed with a few ones she only felt for Sue. "Wow, I-. I don’t know what to say. It’s the first time I hear someone talk about Dante’s amazing work without it being repeated from some stupid journalist’s review. No one really care to really read it. Or at least comprehend its real meaning behind his words."
"Because not everyone can see through what’s in front of them. There’s beauty hidden in every single thing we know, creating something new that just awaits to be discovered, studied. Most people just waits for someone else to do it." Y/N reasoned with a shrug, like she just didn’t made Emily fall madly in love with her brain.
"Wow- I- I feel like you had been in my mind and found a way to make it speak for itself. You-."
"Y/N! Are you ready to go?!" The poet got interrupted by a loud voice coming from behind Emily and when she turned around to look at who was yelling, she found a middle-aged woman with blonde hair styled in a perfect, classy bun, a blue dress with an apron on her front similar to Y/N’s one waving at her from the grocery’s shop a few feet from them.
"Sorry, I need to go. It was great talking with you Emily."
Emily felt her stomach drop at the aspect of having to part ways with Y/N, trying to find a way to prolong their time together. As she closed herself in her mind to think she didn’t notice Y/N refilling the bucket she unwillingly spilled over Emily and walked towards the woman, saluting Emily with a small nod. The gesture pulled Emily out of her thoughts and coming up empty-handed with ideas to make Y/N stay with her a bit longer, she could only sigh out loud, resigned but also completely smitten for the Y/H/C girl, before letting out softly, "the pleasure was all mine Y/N."
"Emily, where is the water?"
"What?" Emily got ripped out of her own thoughts full of the mysterious and intriguing Y/N by her mother as soon as she entered her house, her mother stopping her in their small hallway in front of the door and the living rooms before she could run upstairs and let her thoughts flow freely as she wrote a poem or two.
"The water Emily. I sent you fetching water an hour ago. Where is it?"
"Oh shit!" Emily just then noticed she came home empty-handed, she forgot her empty buckets at the well after her encounter with Y/N. "I forgot them at the well!"
"How?! You went there just for fetching water. How did you manage to forget that Emily?"
"I- I gotta go. Later!"
"I don’t have time mom, I need to-." Emily got stopped mid-sentence and in her track towards her house’s door by her mother’s authoritative voice calling her from the living room.
"Emily! Come here, now."
"Mom, I have everything under control. I got distracted and I forgot the buckets there. I will be quick. I will go get them, fetch water and come back here." Emily explained quickly, hoping her mother wouldn’t be so much angry at herself for not doing what she asked her to do and getting ready for her scolding when she sighed out loud, pinched the bridge of her nose angrily and closed her eyes.
"It’s not that Emily. You are always avoiding doing chores, always complaining about them and never doing them in the end. It’s time for you to grow up. You will need to know how to be a proper housewife."
"But mom, I-."
"No buts." Emily’s mother ended their discussion with those final words spoken with authority and nodded at her daughter when she nodded dejected at her not winning this argument. "Since Lavinia is going to get a few groceries from the store and I’m going with her with the carriage, I’m going to go fetch water, while you’ll go into your room and think about what you did."
"Okay, mom. I’m so sorry." Emily’s mother smiled gently at her daughter for apologizing and laid a soft kiss on her forehead before she walked towards the stairs that would led to the first floor where the bedrooms were. She smiled apologetically at her mother once again but before she could go up the stairs and into her room to think and most importantly let her mind flow with writing her poems, she got stopped in her tracks.
"What is happening here?" Emily turned around at the sound of her father’s voice reaching her ears as he made his way into the living room after exiting his office, where he had been holed up the whole morning.
"Edward, your daughter Emily this morning was tasked to go fetch water and after disappearing for more than an hour, she also forgot our buckets at the well. Unbelievable!" Emily hung her head down in shame and closed her eyes to get herself ready for one of her father’s scoldings, not particularly thrilled on having her good mood ruined right now, but she had a feeling it was coming anyway as it was well due after her forgetting their buckets at the well.
"But also hilarious." Emily lifted her head up in shock after hearing her father’s words, not exactly expecting them, and widened her eyes comically. What was actually hilarious to Emily was her mother’s bewildered expression that stretched over her face as she stared in shock at her father. If she wasn’t already walking on thin ice, she would have laughed at her mother’s expression, so she kept quiet and listened to the conversation unfolding in front of her.
"Excuse me, dear, what?!"
"Oh c’mon, Mrs. Dickinson. You have to admit, it’s funny." Emily laughed nervously when her father started laughing loudly while looking at her mother then at her.
"But-." Emily bit on her bottom lip to prevent her smile to widen when her mother tried to reason with her father but he waved her off with a few chuckles still coming out of his lips.
"Oh, come on now Mrs. Dickinson. I know you want to laugh." Edward smiled at his wife and pointed his finger at the blonde woman, not putting it down until she saw a small grin making its way onto the woman’s lips, "ah there it is!"
"Oh dear, always finding a way to laugh! Anyway, I’m going with Lavinia to the grocery store and to retrieve our buckets to fetch water for dinner tonight."
"Great, I’m coming with you girls. I need to go to speak to Ronald about a really important matter I worked on this morning."
"Oh that’s wonderful, dear. Emily, why don’t you make it up to us by starting dinner?" Emily almost let her jaw drop down on the floor at her mother’s request. She knew she wasn’t a great cook, she hated cooking and something always ended up catching fire. But she also knew this was her mother’s way to tell her she wasn’t forgiven for the fetching water fiasco as her father made it sound and as much as she wanted to fight over it, she knew there wasn’t a way out of this. Oh, well it was worth a try.
"Mom, I don’t th-."
"Oh what a wonderful idea Mrs. Dickinson! I can’t wait to taste what you will prepare for us Emily! Let’s go now, we are gonna be late!"
Emily sighed dejected while making her way towards the kitchen to start up dinner and as she tried to not set the whole house on fire, she let her mind fill with the few memories she had of Y/N. She was fascinating, captivating, alluring. She piqued Emily’s interest with just a few words and when Y/N expressed her passion for books, ignited a fire in Emily that had been extinguished since she had broken things off with Sue. Could that mean something? Emily was sure she felt their souls connect in such a raw and deep way she had never experienced before, but would that be enough for Y/N as it was for her? As she started baking the freshly made loaf of bread, a sudden need to know if Y/N felt the same hit her and with a renewed determination she set her mind to try to encounter the Y/H/C girl the next morning.
"Good morning my dear mother." Emily entered the kitchen with a grin so bright they could have used it to light up the whole house at night, arousing suspects from her mother that stared at her warily as she watched her make her way towards her as she prepared their breakfast.
"Emily, good morning to you too. Did something happen that put you in a good mood?"
"Nothing in particular. I just woke up like this today. Do you need help? I still want to make it up to you again for yesterday. Maybe I can go fetch the water again? This time I will bring back the buckets, I promise." Emily tried to be as subtle as she could without making her mother ask the real reasons behind her intentions on wanting to go fetch water, finishing with a joke to sell it better.
"Oh sweety, what a wonderful idea. You can help me with putting everything in the living room. And don’t worry about fetching water, Vinnie already went this morning."
With her heart sinking down in her stomach, she reluctantly grabbed the tray full of their breakfast her mother already prepared to the living room, trudging a bit in her steps as she tried to think of another strategy to meet Y/N again.
"Emily can you please help me with dinner?"
"I can’t mom, I need to write. I don’t have time to help you with dinner or chores."
"Well, I am sure it can wait." Emily snorted under her breath at her mother’s rebuttal as she made her way into her room.
"No mom, it sadly can’t. When words flow out of me I can’t stop them or ask them to wait to help with chores."
"It’s worth a try, isn’t it? I need help Emily, Vinnie is setting the table after cleaning the house, so you’re the one who will help me. C’mon, it will be fun!"
"I’m sure it will, but I really can’t right now. It would be so much easier if we get a housemaid to help you out."
"You are talking nonsense Emily, I am perfectly capable of doing it all by myself and with the help of my daughters everything can be done faster, so now please come down with me and help me out. You will write later." Emily sighed out as she let her pencil fall down on her desk, the soft clinking sound of the pencil hitting the wooden surface of her desk calmed Emily just a little, making a quick grin appear on her lips before a small frown took its place. The poet sat up slowly from her desk, placing both of her hands on it to slowly stand up, the screeching sound of the chair moving back filling the sudden silent room as her mother watched her movements with rapt attention.
"I will help you for just a bit, but I can’t take too long on helping you with chores because I’m really trying to finish a poem."
"That’s the spirit! C’mon honey, I will show you how to make the perfect roasted chicken that will make you the perfect housewife every gentleman would love to marry."
More like gentlewoman. Emily added in her mind and as soon as that thought came into her mind, Y/N appeared right after as she smiled lovingly at her. That instantly made Emily stop in her tracks on the stairs, watching blankly her mother’s back as she descended the stairs and rambled about roasted chicken Emily wasn’t interested in listening at the moment. What made Emily freeze in her spot was the fact that for the first time since she could remember she didn’t imagine marrying Sue. She imagined Y/N. And that thought excited her to no end, instead of scaring her. "Shit." Emily sighed dopily as she smiled with her eyes full of love as another image of Y/N waving at her entered her mind.
"Emily, hurry up!" Emily let her dumb smile linger a few more seconds on her features before shaking her head and resuming her way down the stairs to join her mother in the kitchen and help her with their dinner.
"We should hire a maid to help mom out in the house."
"We should hire a maid to help mom out in the house."
"I heard you the first time dear, I was just shocked by the request." Edward smiled gently at her daughter repeating herself before going back to being serious as he regarded her with a curious look in his features. "Why should we hire a maid? Your mother is perfectly capable of doing a good job here."
"Ah- a great job dear! I told you this earlier Emily. We don’t need a maid."
"But it would be so much easier for you. For all of us! She would help mom with chores so she doesn’t tire herself out every single day. And she would do a lot of things mom asks me or Vinnie to do. C’mon dad, think about it!"
"Edward you are not seriously considering it, aren’t you?"
"Honey, she is not completely wrong. She would help you out, you know I hate how much tired you are at the end of the day."
They kept discussing it for a few more minutes as they enjoyed their dinner but when the dessert came, her mother served it in an unsettling silence so they moved onto a new subject Emily wasn’t interested in listening. As she ate her dessert she couldn’t help but let her eyes linger on her mother a few times and observed her as she stayed quiet for the rest of the dinner with a sad expression on her features. Despite her mother not taking assuming a maid to help her too well, Emily was sure she will come around eventually. Emily knew she was asking to hire a maid to have more time to write but she also really wanted her to help her mother and ease her load of work to do in the house.
"Good morning dear family."
"Good morning to you too Edward." Emily’s mother smiled widely at her husband as she finished serving everybody’s breakfast before her grin got ten times wider and brighter when Edward leaned over and kissed her gently.
"Hm, I can smell so many delicious things today." Emily watched as her father sat down in his chair and brought up his newspaper to read the news, his smile never dampening.
"I can see you are in a good mood this morning, dear."
"Because I am."
"I’m glad to hear that, honey."
"How is my family doing this morning?" Edward brought his newspaper down after reading a few paragraphs of the first news and took a sip of his tea, then moving onto taking a bite of her wife’s famous scones, humming in satisfaction at the taste.
"I am good dad, I just finished reading an article about financial management that I found pretty interesting." Austin was the first to speak up after taking a sip of his own tea, smiling at his father as he did so when he nodded at him in understanding.
"And what about my girls?"
"Last night I finished sewing a pillow for my cat, he loves it!" Lavinia announced with a bright grin, her enthusiasm filling the room as everyone at the table smiled at the ecstatic blonde.
"I finished a few poems I was working on."
"That’s great guys, I see everyone is proud of their achievements! But now let’s move on why I am in a good mood today. There is a reason and that said reason is- after considering it for the last few days, I decided that we will hire a maid to help in the house!"
"What?!" Everyone exclaimed at the table at the same time with excited tones, except for Mrs. Dickinson, who looked at her husband like he went completely nuts.
"Yeah!" Edward smiled alongside his son and daughters, not noticing her wife’s expression yet, "I thought about it and in the end it was a really great idea Emily!"
"I’m so happy to hear that dad!"
"Honey, why are you doing this?" Mrs. Dickinson finally found her voice to speak up and asked in a strained tone the first thing that came up in her hazed mind still shocked from the news Edward delivered.
"Oh dear, it will be good for the house and for you. You tire yourself up too much for this house."
"But- I’m fine."
"I know you want to make it look like it, but I know some days are really stressful. I see how spent you are after those days at night. I’m doing this for you too!" Edward explained calmly as he enjoyed his breakfast, his good mood still on.
"Yeah, I can be a little tired, but a great night of sleep sweeps it all away and restores my energy back."
"I am sure of that, but it will good! We can do more small trips or spend days differently when I am not working and you’re not thinking about doing any kind of chore in the house."
"Yeah, mom, it will be good for everyone here, you’ll see!" Austin butted in with a cheerful tone and nodded at her mother still looking worried and skeptic.
"Yeah mom, you can finally focus on yourself a bit more." Lavinia then decided to add her thoughts too, trying to encourage her mother on relaxing on this topic, although she knew it was a sore spot since she always aspired to be a great housewife and having a maid restrained her from doing that in her mind.
"Mom, think about it, you can find a new hobby with the extra free time you will have!" It was Emily this time that spoke up, encouraging her mother with a brighter-than-the-sun grin that unfortunately her mother didn’t reciprocate as she stayed frozen in her chair with her eyebrows furrowed together and a sad expression on her features.
"See? The kids have all good points!" Edward looked at his wife with a wide grin, nodding at her encouragingly, "anyway, the decision is already made. They are coming here tonight."
"They?" Emily wanted to snort under her breath at the outraged tone her mother used to pose the question to her father, but decided to stay still for once and enjoy the show in front of her.
"Yeah, two of them. One of my dearest friends is moving to Minnesota and he doesn’t need his maids anymore since he won’t take them with him, so they are coming here. He told me they are the best maids in Amherst. An Irish woman and her niece."
"That’s so exciting!" Lavinia exclaimed as she clapped her hands enthusiastically, making Emily and Austin smile fondly at her.
"Ah, good evening! Come inside please!"
"Good evening Mr. Dickinson." Emily could hear from downstairs his father greeting guests at the door but she shrugged and went back to her poem, but for some reason her attention shifted back to the new guests in their house and after a few more attempt of focusing to write a few more lines in vain, the poet gave up and sighed out loud as she placed everything in her small drawer in her desk, before sitting up from the chair and making her way downstairs to greet their guests.
"We’re so happy to have you here!"
"The pleasure is all ours Mr. Dickinson." An Irish accent waved through the air, increasing Emily’s curiosity and made her almost sprint down the stairs to go see the new maids as soon as she realized who their guests were.
"Oh Lavinia, come here. They are our new maids."
"Nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you Miss Dickinson." Something like a familiar voice reached Emily’s ears as she descended the last few steps and almost fell down of them when she got at the top of the last set of stairs and her eyes met with a pair of wonderful, familiar irises.
"The pleasure is all mine, trust me!"
"Ah, Emily! You are here too. They are our new maids."
"Oh hello Miss Dickinson."
"Good evening Miss Dickinson."
"H-hello. Just call me Emily, please." The poet found the strength to descend the last few steps and even talk coherently before walking slowly towards the two new guests in her house, stopping right beside her father.
"You will meet my son soon. He is coming here with his wife tonight. And about my wife, I really don’t know where she is." Edward joked, making the two guests laugh softly under their breath, clear, wide smiles etched on their lips. "Anyway, they are Mrs. Maggie and Miss Y/N."
"It’s a real pleasure meeting you both." Lavinia butted in sincerely and nodded at them softly, meanwhile Emily still tried to properly kickstart her brain.
"It’s a pleasure for me too. I hope you will enjoy staying here."
"Oh Miss Dickinson, I am sure it will be amazing staying here." Maggie countered back with a warm grin, mirrored by Y/N right after with a small nod of her head.
"Alright, girls would you mind showing them around?"
"I need to finish a few things for my art lesson tomorrow." Lavinia admitted dejectedly and the fact that she could potentially be alone with Y/N again thrilled Emily to no end.
"I can show them around the house, no problem Vinnie. Dad we will see you later."
"Okay, have fun!" Emily smiled and nodded at her father before dorkily lifting her thumb up and saluted him before signaling Y/N and Maggie to follow her in the kitchen.
"Alright, this is the kitchen. A place my mom likes to call her kingdom." Emily joked with a soft snort that morphed into a squeal when her mother appeared out of nowhere.
"That’s right dear."
"Mom! You scared our guests!"
"I think you were the most scared here, honey." Emily rolled her eyes at her mother’s teasing and shook her head with an amused smile.
"Mom, they are Y/N and Maggie. Our new maids."
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Dickinson." Y/N was the first to speak up, trying to look cool when inside she was freaking out about meeting Emily again. She thought she would’ve never encountered her again.
"It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Dickinson."
"You are so young Maggie." Emily smiled subtly as she sunk her teeth on her bottom lip to prevent to be caught laughing about her mother being so caught up in being mad for having maids in their house that she didn’t even pay attention remember their names, since she called Y/N Maggie.
"Mom, she is Y/N. She is Maggie." Emily emphasized the word ‘she’ as she pointed to the redhead and noticed, to her surprise, that both of their guests had amusement on their faces.
"Oh sorry, I have a terrible headache and I do not have my usual laser focused attention on anything today." Emily’s mother tried to cover up her mistake with a made up lie and laughed softly to light the air up quickly.
"Ah you should see me with an headache, I don’t even walk straight. I bump into things all the time." The redhead joked before moving on telling Emily’s mother an old Irish remedy for headache.
After a delicious dinner her mother prepared Y/N and Maggie disappeared into the kitchen to clean everything up, despite her mother’s protests, who in the end stayed still in her loveseat in the living room. The whole family stayed about an half an hour to chat, before everyone called it a night, saying goodbye to Sue and Austin, before going upstairs to sleep. Emily stayed in the living room a little bit more to pretend to read, staring at the words written on her book, as she waited for the perfect moment to ‘casually bump’ into Y/N before she could go to sleep in her room. Luckily she didn’t have to wait too long. "Go to bed aunt Maggie. We are almost done. I can finish the last touches myself."
"Are you sure?" Emily could hear the hesitation in Maggie’s tone, not wanting her niece to finish alone, but she could already picture Y/N protest with a resolute nod despite not knowing the girl at all except for a few details they shared a few days prior.
"I am sure auntie. Go. I will finish this up quickly and I will go to sleep too."
"Okay munchkin. Don’t wear yourself out. We have to wake up early tomorrow for breakfast."
"I won’t. Goodnight auntie."
"Goodnight Y/N/N." Emily immediately moved herself from her position on the loveseat as she was leaning over to take a small peak from the kitchen and eavesdrop as good as she could and pretended to casually read before Maggie could catch her. "Oh Miss Dickinson, still up?"
"Oh hey, Maggie. Yeah, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to read for a bit hoping sleep to find me."
"Ah, you should try the concoction my uncle used to make me when I couldn’t sleep. It was disgusting but it always made me sleep like a baby." Maggie delivered another one of her great and funny anecdotes to give her personal advice and Emily smiled kindly up at her as she caressed the pages of her book.
"One of these days you could make me some and we will see if it works for me too!"
"Alright. Goodnight Miss Dickinson."
"Goodnight Maggie." Emily smiled widely at the redhead before watching her walk up the stairs until she disappeared behind the wall. Emily stayed still for a few more seconds, listening for Maggie’s room’s door to close before immediately closing her book and sitting up, placed the book back in its designated place and almost sprinted into the kitchen, excited to finally spend some time alone with Y/N. She had been trying to do that for the whole evening, but she always had something to do with someone always in the way.
"Spying on people is wrong Miss Dickinson." Emily jumped up in fright as she had been caught staring from the threshold of the kitchen Y/N putting the plates they used during their dinner in the cabinet on top of the counter.
"Sorry, I was watching you work."
"Yeah, I noticed it." Emily smiled as her teeth sunk in her bottom lip at Y/N’s sarcastic counter back and walked into the kitchen, stopping right in front of Y/N, the kitchen’s wooden table separating them. The fire in the fireplace was still crackling softly in the silent room, bathing the room with an orange light that highlighted Y/N’s Y/E/C irises and almost made Emily faint at such ethereal beauty.
"Have you finished yet? You must be tired."
"I am, just a bit, but I am almost finished."
"Do you need some help?" Emily asked in hope Y/N would say yes, so she could prove to her she wasn’t the snotty rich girl that didn’t want to help in her house with chores. She didn’t exactly know why, but she just wanted to do it.
"No don’t worry. Aren’t you tired?"
"Not at all, I tend to have a lot of energy at night."
"Oh so you sleep during the day?"
"Not really. I am not a morning person, but I don’t oversleep."
"Oh I see." Emily detected a sarcastic lilt in Y/N’s tone and immediately wanted to prove to Y/N she wasn’t a lazy person.
"I swear I am not! Do you remember when we met a few days ago? It was around 7 a.m.! That was early in the morning!"
"Yeah, but I also remember that after that you forgot your buckets at the well." Y/N teased making Emily drop her jaw on the floor flabbergasted, making Y/N snort under her breath.
"I-I was distracted! I wanted to get them back but my mother prevented me to and did it herself."
"Yeah, I saw her." Y/N still had an amused grin on her lips but Emily could see the entertainment in her eyes that made Emily realize she was just messing with her and for a mysterious reason Emily wanted her to keep going, she wanted to be the subject of her teasing and entertainment just to see her smile.
"I tried to find you again at the well the next few days but I never did."
"Yeah, I was busy in the house helping Mr. Peterson with packing all his family’s stuff for their moving."
"Oh, yeah. That makes sense." Emily nodded in understanding before detaching her eyes from Y/N’s magnetic ones and focused instead on her wringing hands.
"Did you finish Dante’s Divina Commedia?"
"Yeah, last night actually. This morning I tried to find something new to start but nothing piqued my interest." Emily admitted after moving her gaze back on Y/N, who now placed the cloth she had previously in her hands neatly folded on the table.
"Ah I see. It happens to me all the time."
"Do you have some recommendations?"
"Hm, I need to think about it. I am a little bit tired and I can’t actually think about anything worth your while right now." Y/N chuckled after finishing speaking as she shyly made her way towards Emily, who stood a few feet from her.
"Oh then I won’t keep you away from sleeping."
"No, no. Don’t worry. I like talking to you but for now, as late as it is, I would like to keep our conversation as simple as possible."
"That’s fine by me."
"Do you want to stay here or-."
Emily didn’t let Y/N finish as she spoke up without thinking, blurting words out without any control, "we can go up to my room."
Y/N seemed taken aback for a few quick moments before a mischievous grin replaced the confused frown she had on, "oh I see where this is going."
"What-? OH! NO, NO, NO, NO! Y/N!" Emily exclaimed in shock before slapping Y/N’s shoulder gently, watching as she snickered under her breath at her joke.
"What?! It was a legit reaction from me!"
"I am not trying to seduce you!" But I would like to. Emily thought wistfully in her head as she tried to look as shocked as she felt a few seconds prior instead of looking like a kicked puppy yearning for cuddles.
"That’s not what your words sounded like Miss Dickinson."
"Ugh, you are unbelievable!"
"Let’s go now." Y/N shook her head with a small chuckle, making Emily’s heart clench at her cuteness.
"I-Okay. But it’s not done!"
"Whatever, now let’s go!"
"Okay, okay. Relax." The two made their way up the stairs as quietly as they could since everyone was already asleep and as soon as Emily closed the door behind herself, she felt butterflies fly around her stomach in excitement. She was with Y/N, in her bedroom, alone.
"Nice room." Y/N admitted as she took Emily’s bedroom in, walking around the small room to try to take in as much details about Emily as she could in the softly lit room.
"Thank you. You can sit on my bed, you are tired. I will take the chair."
"I can’t sit down Emily. I am your maid."
"I don’t care."
"I am serious Emily. It won’t be a problem-." Emily stopped Y/N mid-sentence by walking towards her and stopping right in front of her before placing her hands on her shoulders and pushing her gently backwards until the back of her knees touched her mattress, then she pushed her down and made her sit on the bed.
"There, it wasn’t so bad, was it?" Emily smirked proudly down at a shocked Y/N and following the bold thrill she had been hit on, she sat right beside Y/N and bumped their shoulders together.
"You are always so full of surprises Miss Dickinson." Y/N admitted and Emily called herself crazy because she saw Y/N blush slightly under the soft light coming from the fireplace. It must be her infatuated mind playing her games.
"It’s something you need to get used to from now on."
"Hm, I like it though."
"I’m glad to hear that." For a moment they just stood there, sat in silence in Emily’s room, gazing into each other’s eyes as small smiles adorned their features.
"I noticed all those small scraps of paper on your desk, what are those for?"
"Oh I write my poems on them. I am actually working on a poem right now."
"Are you serious?"
"Very." Emily nodded and smiled as she pushed her chest up proudly, "do you want to read a few things I’ve written?"
"Oh yeah! Absolutely!"
"Okay then." Emily sat up from her bed and walked towards her desk, opened the small drawer and grabbed a few poems she was sure Y/N would’ve liked, of course she didn’t grab the few ones she wrote about her.
"Wow, there are so many!"
"Yeah!" Emily smiled brightly like a kid on Christmas Day, just like every time she talked about her poems, and watching Y/N’s eyes fill with excitement warmed her heart.
"I can’t wait to read them!"
"Okay, which one do you want to start with?"
"I don’t know, you are the poet. You should tell me."
"I- I don’t actually know! Let me think- I want you to start with-." Emily trailed off to pick one out of the five ones she brought to Y/N as she sat back down on the bed, "this one, but then I also want you to read this one first." Emily pointed to another poem with her pointer finger as she held the previous poem she choose in her hand and smiled sheepishly at Y/N.
"Okay, let’s try with this. What is the poem you are the most proud of. Don’t think too much. Just point at it."
"Okay, hm- this one then."
"Alright." Y/N grabbed the poem Emily gave her and opened the small folded up paper, reading the words written in Emily’s elegant but a bit messy handwriting. The edges of the paper were a little bit dirty with ink but it only made the poem ten times better, full of raw emotions and vulnerability.
"What do you think?" Emily asked anxiously after a few minutes passed by and Y/N haven’t opened her mouth yet, her Y/E/C irises glued on the small piece of paper and her face completely blank, making reading her face a really difficult task for the poet.
"I-I-. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read, Emily. It’s so raw, so real. It opened my mind to new possibilities, it made my eyes see the world from another point of view. It felt like I was in your mind and I could see the world how you see it."
"Do you think so?"
"Absolutely!" Emily felt tears prickle behind her eyes at Y/N’s words, something really rare despite how emotional Emily was about her poems. She was very proud of them and when people complimented them it only helps to boost her self-esteem but it never happened that just a few words made her almost cry. Y/N was really special.
"Thank you. Truly." Emily smiled appreciatively at Y/N as she tried with all her might to not cry in front of Y/N. "No one ever complimented my poems that way."
"Well people are dumb and stupid. You are an amazing writer and your poems will change lives." Emily smiled bittersweetly at that as she picked at a thumbnail nervously. Those words. She recalled them being said by Sue.
"Yeah, I already heard that. Someone already told me."
"And why do you not believe in them?"
"It’s not that I don’t believe in them." Emily started slowly, swallowing the small lump that immediately formed in her throat as her mind filled with memories of Sue, of all the great time she spent with her, of how much she cared for her. "It’s just that- the person that told me that doesn’t tell me those words anymore."
"Why? Did they change their minds?"
"No absolutely not. We just- grew apart I think. She has a new life now. I’m not a part of it anymore."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Y/N asked in a soft voice, leaning her head to the side, in a cute manner Emily noted, and looking at Emily with a gentle gaze as soon as she noticed the poet’s sad expression on her features.
"Not right now. I will, I trust you. I just- I don’t want to ruin the mood or like- annoy you."
"You won’t ever annoy me Emily Dickinson. You have such a way with words that you make listening to you alluring." Emily felt her eyes prickle slightly with unshed tears again as she listened to Y/N’s words and smiled appreciatively at her.
"I- I don’t know what to say. I-thank you."
"You don’t need to thank me Emily. I mean that. I hope you know I am sincere."
"I know, I can sense it from your voice and your eyes." Emily pointed her words out with her brown eyes as she glued them to Y/N’s Y/E/C irises, noticing Y/N swallowing almost imperceptibly at the bold gesture but decided to not comment on it.
"You know-." Y/N started after a few moments of them just staring into each other eyes, both feeling the air around them charge with an unknown electricity but not dwelling or thinking about it too much, but got cut off by a big yawn. She promptly covered her mouth with her hand before placing it back on her lap and smiling embarrassedly at Emily with a small blush on her cheeks, "sorry, I am a bit tired."
"Don’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing for keeping you up this late at night after the busy day you had. Not to mention the busy early day you will have tomorrow. Shit, I am so sorry." Emily grimaced after she realized she had been keeping Y/N from her well-needed sleep, but Y/N, the cute self she is, only shook her head gently.
"No, no, no, Emily. It’s fine. I wanted to spend some time with you too."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." Y/N smiled widely at Emily before starting to get up from her bed, "well, I should go to sleep now. I need to be up at 6 a.m. to start preparing breakfast."
"Do you need some help with that tomorrow morning?"
"Another one of these questions. Hm, are you sure you really needed a maid? You seem to want to do all these chores by yourself." Y/N questioned with a mocking tone as a small, entertained smirk appeared on her lips, mirth clear in her Y/E/C irises as they eyed Emily teasingly.
"I just-." Emily trailed off to ponder her options. She could easily lie about her real intentions behind her question or she could be bold for once and actually tell she just want to spend as much time as she could with Y/N to get to know her. She decided to be bold for once. She was tired not listening to her heart’s desires. "I like your company and I really want to spend more time with you."
"Oh Emily, we will spend more time together, I promise. My aunt Maggie established a few shifts between us. I have an early morning but I work till 6 p.m., then I’m done for the day. We can do something together after dinner like tonight." Y/N suggested as she idly played with her fingers, anticipation filling her whole body as she waited for Emily’s reaction to her suggestion.
"That would be great!" Emily exclaimed excitedly and had to really stop herself from jumping up and down in happiness at the prospect of spending more time with Y/N, just sticking on grinning widely at Y/N, who did the same.
"Okay then. Goodnight." Y/N nodded towards Emily and turned around to open the door, before turning her head back around to look at Emily once again, waiting her answer.
"Goodnight Y/N. Sleep well."
"You too."
Y/N opened the door completely and exited the room, smiled at Emily one more time before closing the door, sauntering into her room, across from her aunt’s one. As soon as the door closed, Emily sighed out dreamily and let herself fall on her mattress with a dopey smile on her lips, the soft thud filling the silence in the room. "Y/N." She whispered under her breath before closing her eyes and let her mind be filled with images of Y/N as she let sleep take over her.
"Good morning!" Emily exclaimed as soon as she entered the living room, her face illuminated by a big grin that lighted up the whole room, making her whole family, already seated at the table, look at her curiously.
"Someone is in a great mood today." Edward pointed out after he pushed his newspaper down and took a look at her daughter.
"I just slept good, that’s all."
"You are right on time honey, I was just telling your father that Austin and Sue will join us for dinner tonight again." Emily spit the sip of tea she was drinking at the news, not noticing the small snort that left Y/N’s mouth as she served the poet her breakfast, luckily only Emily heard that.
"Isn’t it amazing? It’s been too long since they had been here with us. They are so busy with their sophisticated parties these days. It’s a rare occasion having them joining us for two nights in a row."
"Parties I am paying." Edward pointed out making Emily grunt in acknowledgement. She was avoiding Sue at all costs and she was glad the night prior they were all busy chatting, it made avoiding Sue easier.
"Parties we are not invited to. Em you are Sue’s best friend, why don’t you ask her to invite us?" Lavinia lamented with a whining tone, pushing gently on her sister’s shoulder but then crossing her arms stubbornly when Emily just gently shook her head.
"She has new friends now. She is not interested in hanging out with us anymore." Y/N couldn’t help but notice the bittersweet tone Emily used as she addressed her sister’s question and the sad expression that flitted over her features for just over a second before it got covered by a calculated blank expression, but she couldn’t dwell on it too much as she kept serving breakfast to the Dickinson family, so she made a mental note to ask Emily about it that night.
"Speaking of friends, Emily!" Emily’s mother caught the poet’s attention and continued only when she met her eyes, "I met George this morning at the grocery store. He is such a nice guy."
"I know where this is going mom. I’m not going to marry him. He is a great friend. That’s all." Y/N missed Emily’s mother counter back and she didn’t hear the rest of the conversation going between Emily and her mother as she returned to the kitchen to tidy up the kitchen a bit before starting up lunch, not having the time to notice her stomach jumping up in happiness at Emily refusing to marry her friend.
"Are you sure? I can help you with all this mess."
"Oh don’t worry Y/N/N, go get some rest. You had a very stressful day. It’s my turn now." Maggie assured her niece, waving her off as she tidied up the kitchen after the Dickinson’s dinner. "No, don’t try to convince me. Go!"
"Thank you. Goodnight."
Y/N exited the kitchen to go up the stairs and to her room, but unfortunately she had to pass by the living room where the Dickinson family was still chatting after their dinner. Y/N sighed out of relief when no one seemed to notice her presence and kept minding their business and continued her quiet way up the stairs, a little bit sad that she probably won’t spend some time with Emily like they planned. Despite good mood being slightly dampened by hers and Emily’s plans ruined, when she arrived at her door she sighed out wistfully at the mere thought of finally getting rid of her devilish corset and lay on bed, but before she could open the door a hand touched her shoulder and squealed in fright. "Shit- Emily!"
"Sorry, sorry! I thought you heard me." Emily reasoned with an apologetic grimace, warming Y/N’s heart at the cute sight when she turned around and was met with puppy dog eyes.
"No, I was just thinking about getting rid of my corset."
"Oh I know the feeling. Looking forward on breathing normally again, hm?" Emily joked, making Y/N snort softly as she nodded in agreement with the poet.
"You have no idea."
"I have actually, because I need to get rid of my corset too. I can’t stand having it on me for one more second. Do you mind if I change in my night gown and then we can hang out?"
Y/N looked a bit taken aback from the question, not really expecting it from the brunette, "don’t you have your entire family downstairs?"
"Yeah, but they will be fine. I spent enough quality time with them, now it’s time to spend some quality time with you." Emily admitted with the slightest rosy tint on her cheeks and for once she was grateful for the lightly lit hallway so she can hide it from Y/N, who didn’t seem to notice Emily’s shy behavior.
"You make me feel too special Emily. Choosing me over your family, wow- that’s flattering." Y/N felt the need to half joke with her hand on her heart as she tried to not show how much touched she was by Emily’s words, since she only met the poet a few days prior and she was her maid.
"Get used to it! Now let’s go, I’ll help you with your corset then you’ll help me with mine."
"Hm, so eager to see me naked. Are you trying to seduce me Miss Dickinson?" Emily felt her face heat up in a millisecond at the question, not sure this time she could hide it from Y/N, her heart skipping a beat before starting beating fast in her chest as her mind filled with completely not innocent images of a naked Y/N on h-. "Emily? Are you okay?"
"Oh- I- I was-wasn’t. I was just trying to help, y’know since corsets are so difficult to take off. I always ask Lavinia to help me because I can’t reach the strings behind me, but she is busy right now so sh-."
"Emily, it’s okay. I was kidding, relax." Y/N giggled softly under her breath and bumped her left shoulder with Emily’s one to help the girl calm down, effectively stopping her ramblings.
"Oh I- I knew that." Emily laughed awkwardly for a few moments before clearing her throat, "should we, I don’t know go in your room or-?"
"Oh yes, let’s go, so I can help you undress." The last part of Y/N’s phrase sent Emily’s brain out of control as it replayed those words over and over again and each time it only helped melting her brain into mush as far from innocent images filed in.
"O-okay, let’s go." Y/N nodded and opened her bedroom door, letting Emily in first then following her, closing the door a moment later to have some privacy.
"How was dinner?" Y/N asked as she tried to look as nonchalant as she could despite having a really pretty girl in her bedroom about to undress her. Okay that totally sounded really dirty and out of context it could sound like what it actually sounded like, but we all know the truth, right?
"It was good. I liked your special bread recipe, you need to teach me how to make it."
"Oh yeah, it’s actually aunt Maggie’s recipe, but I added a little bit of raisins to enhance its flavor."
"They definitely do their work because it was the best bread I’ve ever tasted. Do not tell my mother that." Emily was quick to whisper the last part with the hand on the left side of her mouth, making Y/N laugh heartily at her goofiness.
"Noted." Y/N nodded as she still smiled widely at Emily, before starting playing with her fingers nervously. "Hm-."
"I- I really can’t resist another second in this. Can you please-?" Y/N trailed off, letting the half-finished question hang in the electrified air between them as she stared at everything around the room but at Emily’s magnetic brown irises, moving her hands to signal behind her back to hint at Emily she needed to take off her corset.
"Wha- OH! Your corset. Of course. Yeah. Yeah." Emily nodded as she stumbled over her words, grimacing inwardly at her awkwardness. "Hm- turn around please. I’ll help you out."
"Oh yeah, thank you." Y/N held her breath as she turned around and almost gasped out loud when a pair of slightly cold hands touched the skin of her back.
"Sorry, my hands are a bit cold."
"Don’t worry." Y/N let out in a breath as she tried to calm herself down and not look like she was actually melting under Emily’s touch. After a few moments, Emily succeeded in loosening the strands of Y/N’s corset and the girl visibly relaxed, "letting your corset loose is like- the best feeling ever, right?"
"Yeah, every night I feel like my soul comes back in my body."
"Yeah, they should be banned. Why women need to suffer this much while men wear the comfiest clothes ever created?"
Emily listened to Y/N talking as she focused on her fingers unfastening Y/N’s corset, "that’s what I’m always thinking about. I tried pants once, it was a breakthrough. Never had on something so comfy in my life. Even my night gown isn’t that comfortable."
"Wait- you had the privilege to try pants on?"
"Yeah! Of course my parents don’t know that, but yeah."
"Wow, I always imagined trying them! How do they feel?"
"Amazing! And I even tried a blouse with a vest. No corset on. Even better than having pants on." Emily admitted and watched delighted Y/N’s face illuminate like a Christmas three, full of curiosity and wonder.
"Wow, that sounds amazing." Emily focused on untying the last strand of Y/N’s corset with shaky hands even if she tried to stop her body from shaking with her nerves, the mere thought Y/N was a few beats away from being naked short-circuited her brain. "I always wanted to try men’s clothes on."
"When do you have the whole afternoon free?" Emily asked with excitement shining brightly in her eyes, almost jumping up and down in her spot in anticipation as an idea popped in her mind.
"Thursday. I start at 18 Friday afternoon then."
"Alright, I really hoped it was Thursday afternoon. My parents and Lavinia are going to some kinda spa thing my aunt Lavinia organized, I’m not going because I’m not in the mood to go, even if my mom and Lavinia have been trying to convince me for days. But now that I know we can have almost 24 hours together I’m definitely not going."
"Wait- hold on, are you serious?"
"Yeah, I can even convince them to bring Maggie with them or let her have a few days off. I think they will be back Friday night or maybe Saturday morning, I need to ask them."
"Wow, I don’t know what to say!"
"Well, my dear Y/N get ready for these days all by ourselves." Emily announced excitedly, finding the same amount of excitement she had in her eyes into Y/N’s Y/E/C irises, warming her heart to no end. She was afraid she could come off as too eager to spend some alone time with Y/N, but the Y/H/C girl didn’t seem to mind or she didn’t pay attention to it and it reassured Emily.
"I can’t wait." Y/N exclaimed excitedly before shivering slightly as cold air hit her hot skin, "I should put something on quickly."
"Oh yeah, it’s freezing!"
The two girls stayed looking at each other for a few more seconds before Y/N moved her gaze away to find something to put on, Emily quickly turning around as her cheeks warmed up and her heart beat loudly in her ears. "Okay, we can go now."
"Oh thank God, I seriously need to get rid of this corset as well."
"We better hurry up then." Y/N snickered at Emily’s whiny tone, ushering her out her room.
"Have you ever thought-." Emily stopped in her tracks when, after looking at Y/N for a moment on her way out Y/N’s room, she turned back around to look where she was going to not trip over something and she was met with a pair of familiar eyes.
"Sue." Y/N exited the room right behind Emily and stopped in her tracks too when she was met with Sue’s confused and also a little bit… jealous? - Y/N couldn’t tell - eyes, but she sure she could feel a little bit of electricity palpable in the air, especially when Sue detached her eyes from her and stared Emily down with an hard gaze, silence filling the small hallway for a few long moments.
"I- I hoped we could talk a bit. It’s been a while."
"Oh- can we do it tomorrow? I am a bit tired."
"Oh- oh y-yeah, s-sure. How is it going with your poems?" Sue asked with a bit of a shaky voice, her eyes full of a nostalgic glint that intrigued Y/N to no end.
"It’s going just fine. They are my safe place where I can hide when I need to be away from the world."
"Yeah, I remember. They were the most powerful way for your heart and mind to speak out loud. I miss them." Sue admitted with a nostalgic tilt in her tone that kept fueling Y/N’s curiosity about the strange dynamic that Emily and Sue shared.
"Well you decided you didn’t want them anymore. So it’s a bit hypocritical missing them, don’t you think?"
"I- I- uh, that’s why I wanted to talk to you." Sue started with her voice full of anxiety and anticipation, "it’s been too long and I-."
"You were pretty clear the last time we spoke to each other. If you want to tell me about your amazing parties and your new friends, fine. But if you want to say anything else, you don’t need to worry. There is nothing else to say."
"I-." Sue sighed out loud while her shoulders lost their tension and slumped back in their position, "I guess you are right. I have no right to want to make amends after what I did and said. I just miss my best friend."
"What? Aren’t your new friends enough? This explains your need to always want more."
"I guess I deserved that." Sue hung her head down a few beats before meeting Emily’s eyes again, "I didn’t want this. Us fighting."
"I didn’t want this too. I- listen, we will talk. Tomorrow. Okay?"
"Thank you." Sue went to hug Emily but she stopped in her tracks when she stepped back and shook her head a bit.
"Right. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."
"Have a good night Mrs. Dickinson." Y/N chimed in for the first time since they bumped into Sue and smiled politely at the girl who looked her up and down before smiling politely too and nodding back.
"Have a good night too-."
"Y/N." Y/N finished for Sue, who trailed off waiting for the Y/E/C girl to help her out.
"Y/N." Sue repeated before turning around and going down the stairs where chatter was still going animatedly. Y/N watched the brunette’s back a few seconds as her mind replayed everything that went through in the last couple of minutes before focusing her attention back on Emily, finding her already looking at her, making her heart skip a beat.
"Hey." Y/N started with a soft voice, her smile widening when Emily grinned gently at her.
"Hey. Sorry you had to witness that." Emily apologized as she opened her bedroom door and lead them in her bedroom.
"That’s fine. Are you okay?"
"Yeah." Emily sighed out loud and nodded gently at the Y/H/C girl while closing her bedroom door. She stared a few seconds at Y/N before turning around, "can you help me?"
"Yeah sure." Y/N’s voice was a slightly bit hoarse as she walked on shaky legs towards the poet, who was standing in the middle of her bedroom, but she paid her no mind as her brain played the conversation she had with Sue a few minutes prior.
"I can’t believe she told me those things. She had no right to tell me those things!"
"I’m sorry Emily but I don’t know what you’re talking about."
"You’re right. I will tell you after getting out of this damned corset."
"I feel you." Y/N snorted as she started unfastening the knots on Emily’s corset to help her out of it faster, the poet already sighing out happily.
"Oh yes. This is wonderful." Emily moaned out in delight as soon as she felt the corset starting to loose around her upper body, creating a tingling sensation all over Y/N’s body at the unexpected sound, but she kept going instead of fainting embarrassingly behind Emily.
"Yeah, I feel you."
"I hope one day we can get rid of these things. They are awful." Emily admitted and watched as Y/N nodded in agreement when she turned her head around slightly to Y/N behind her still working on unfastening her corset’s straps.
"Yeah. It will take a lot but I’m sure they won’t be used anymore."
"We would wear something similar, maybe something that doesn’t feel so tight and that doesn’t need help to take it off."
"Oh wow, that would be wonderful. I still struggle trying to take it off myself." Y/N snorted under her breath as she shook her head.
"Wait, do you really take it off yourself?"
"Well yeah, most of the times I ask my aunt Maggie to help me, but a few times I had to do it myself when she is still busy or not around in that moment."
"Wow." Emily exclaimed, but furrowed her eyebrows when she heard Y/N chuckle under her breath, "why are you laughing?"
"Because I remembered I once struggled so much in taking my corset off that I didn’t see the bed and fell down on it and then on the floor." Y/N explained, giggling after finishing with Emily doing the same as she imagined the hilarious scene, "here you go. I’m done. You’re free from your corset."
"Oh yes! Thank you!" Emily moved without properly thinking and pushed the top of her dress and her corset down to her hip as she turned around, exposing her upper body to Y/N, who widened comically her eyes as they inevitably fell on Emily’s exposed chest. "Oh my God!"
"Oh- sorry, sorry!" Y/N immediately turned herself around and covered her eyes as a deep, burgundy blush fell on her cheeks. "Sorry for looking I- hm." Y/N cleared her throat and tried to find the right words that would not make this situation even more embarrassing but her brain seemed to be stuck in a spiral of images of Emily’s round and full breasts and was incapable of forming coherent thoughts, so she decided to just shut up.
"No, no. Don’t apologize. I should be sorry for- flashing my tits in your face." Emily turned around too, making now both of their backs face each other, and touched her cheeks to try in vain to subdue her scorching blush, while frantically searching her night gown to put on.
Y/N snorted imperceptibly under he breath and let the next, murmured words slip out of her mouth without her consent, "I should thank you instead."
It was almost imperceptible, but Emily caught it since the wired silence surrounding them was almost deafening and it made her stop in her tracks as she opened her drawer. She couldn’t have heard right, could she? Do those words mean Y/N felt something for her too? Or maybe that she was at least attracted to her? She needed answers. "I’m sorry again. I wasn’t thinking."
"Don’t worry. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable."
"Are you serious? I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable." Emily countered back as she carefully took her dress and corset down her body, then putting her night gown on, purposefully choosing one that has a slight see-through fabric around her chest area. This way she could know if Y/N was interested in her in that way or not. If her eyes struggled to not stay focused on her chest, maybe she had a chance with her. "You can turn around."
"So, what happened with-." Y/N did as Emily told her but stopped mid-sentence when Emily turned around and she almost flashed her breasts to her again. The top half of Emily’s dress’ fabric was see-through, that much so that Y/N could see Emily’s erect nipples, but she wasn’t sure they were erect from the cold of the room despite the fire crackling on the right side of the room or from something else. Y/N immediately noticed her slip up and her ogling and forced her eyes to look at a portray on Emily’s wall, beside her head, instead as she cleared her throat, forcing herself to not stare at Emily’s visible chest again, "hm- with Sue?"
"Oh yeah, right, hm. Can I trust you?"
"Emily of course. I promise your secrets are safe with me."
"No, I know it. It’s just- nobody knows about this but- we had a thing going on." Emily admitted quickly, not exactly knowing how to put into words what she wanted to say, extremely afraid to watch Y/N’s facial expression at her revelation, so as soon as she finished talking, she focused her eyes on the fire crackling on her left and played around with her fingers.
"Oh wow."
"Did you love her?" Y/N asked after a few beats of silence, completely taking Emily off guard.
"Wow, I wasn’t expecting this question."
"Sorry, it was too personal. You don’t have to answer me."
"No, I didn’t mean it like that. I-hm, I was expecting you- well I don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe you asking about our arrangement. Or maybe not reacting this well about this- new information about me."
"Oh yeah, I got it. You don’t have to worry about that. Like ever. I- I know what it feels like to like- love a woman."
Emily had to rectify her previous statement. That took her off guard. "Really?"
"I realized it when I was 15. I started working with my aunt Maggie in a beautiful house. Their owners were a wonderful family. Always so polite, never getting angry, very sweet with me since I was a kid but also with my aunt Maggie. They were treating us like we were part of their family. But Molly. Molly was the sweetest of them. Not to mention beautiful. We were close since we were the same age. But- hm- you were lucky enough to have some kind of something with the person I presume you loved. I wasn’t that lucky. I had to endure watching her loving someone else. For the entirety of my time as a maid in their house."
"I’m so sorry Y/N." Emily butted in as soon as Y/N, after turning around towards the fireplace, trailed off to stare blankly at the fire, too caught up in her thoughts to notice Emily approaching her slowly.
"Don’t be. It happens. Especially in the world we live in. Where people like us has to hide."
"I hope one day we don’t have to." Emily admitted a little bit wistfully, her heart aching for the pain she can clearly see in Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes when she finally looked into her brown ones. She had been lucky enough to at least act on her feelings somehow. Y/N hasn’t been that lucky.
"I hope that too." Y/N smiled gently at Emily, their eyes meeting a few seconds before Y/N’s Y/E/C one’s focused on the fireplace again.
"Did you tell her how you felt?"
"Oh God, no. Are you crazy? She would’ve ruined my life, my reputation, I could have lost my job."
"Yeah, but you broke your heart that way."
"Yeah. It will heal, eventually." Y/N shrugged like it was nothing, "it’s already healing."
"How long has it been since it happened?" Emily asked a little bit sadly, her eyes conveying as much compassion and sympathy she could to try to make Y/N feel a little bit better. Little did she know she was already making her feel better by healing her broken heart.
"About two years."
"Wow." Emily exclaimed as her brain wrapped itself around this new piece of information. She didn’t know what to say to Y/N to help her make her feel better, she had been broken hearted by Sue, but they at least had some kind of relationship.
"Woman full of words I must say. It must be easy being a poet."
Y/N’s joke made Emily snort under her breath, a gesture that she hoped distracted Y/N enough to not make her see the blush she triggered with her words. "Shut up. I was just shocked." Emily pushed on Y/N’s left shoulder when she snickered under her breath and pretended to be offended.
"Oh no, don’t be mad. I was joking. Well- not completely but- HEY! Don’t hit me with your pillow."
"Or what?" Emily smirked widely when, without Y/N noticing, grabbed the pillow laying on the chair beside her and lifted it up to hit the Y/H/C girl, but before Y/N could form any sort of warning, she got blocked by Emily swinging the pillow forward and hitting her on the face.
"Ok, you asked for it." Y/N stopped another hit with her right arm while she fumbled behind her to grab a pillow on Emily’s bed and as soon as her hand wrapped itself around the soft pillow she flung it around and hit Emily right on the face, stopping her movements altogether as she stared with a shocked but amused expression on her face at Y/N.
"You. Didn’t."
"Oh I did. I can do it again if you want."
"Don’t you dare! No! Y/N!" But it was too late. As soon as Emily finished threatening Y/N, a pillow hit her face and made her stumble a bit, but she regained her balance quickly and flung her pillow at Y/N, hitting her on her arm.
"Alright, alright. Truce." Y/N placed the pillow back on the bed and waited with an entertained smirk on her lips for Emily as she mirrored her gesture and placed the pillow onto Y/N’s one on the mattress.
"Anyway, before someone interrupted me, I was gonna say I am sorry for what you went through."
"It’s in the past now. I’m finally healing. I’m finally moving on." Y/N admitted, a slight rosy pink tinting her cheeks, something that didn’t go unnoticed from Emily but the poet decided to not ask anything about it, for now.
"I'm so happy to hear that."
"Yeah. It’s not that easy, but I will be fine. Hopefully soon." Y/N admitted with a shy smile, a gesture that Emily mirrored as she nodded in understanding.
"Good, you deserve to be happy."
"Yeah, you too. Speaking of which, how about you?"
"What about me?"
"You two had a thing going on. It must be painful calling everything off."
"It’s actually going good. I missed her a lot since we stopped our thing, but it got better in the end."
"I’m glad to hear that." Y/N smiled widely at Emily and nodded, igniting a fire within Emily that she thought it was extinguished when her thing with Sue was over.
"I- hm." Emily trailed off to ponder her next words carefully, not completely sure she wanted to admit out loud and to Y/N what she wanted to say. After a few beats of silence she made up her mind and decided she wanted to be brave, she wanted to take a shot and discover if Y/N actually liked her more than a friend. "I met someone. I- she made me feel things I thought I only felt with and for Sue."
"Oh." Y/N cleared her throat, successfully getting rid of the jealous lump it formed in her throat at Emily’s admission, but as hard as she tried no other words left her mouth.
"How is- she?" Y/N stuttered, cursing herself for being so obvious about her jealousy, but it seemed Emily paid no mind to it.
"Perfect. Extremely funny, always so polite and sweet." Emily gushed uncontrollably, her eyes shining brightly with all the affection she felt for the other girl, "oh and she has a great mind too, full of ideas that fascinates me. We have a lot of hobbies in common. She is perfect."
"Wow, from what I’ve heard from your description she might be. Is she pretty?"
"No. She is beautiful."
"Already so smitten for her, hm?" Y/N teased with an arched eyebrow and a small grin to try to divert Emily’s attention on her to prevent the poet to detect her jealousy.
"How could I not? She is perfect. I think- I never felt something so hard for someone. Not even Sue."
"Does-hm-." Y/N cleared her throat when her voice wavered a bit, "does she feel the same?"
"I don’t know, but I’m trying to figure it out." Emily admitted a little bit cryptically, noticing every little reaction coming from Y/N to at least detect any kind of sign from her and if her instinct was right, she was jealous, so she maybe felt the same.
"Have you told her?"
"No. I’m a little bit insecure about it. She could feel the same but- what if she doesn’t?"
"Yeah, I know what you’re feeling. I felt the same way with Molly. I spent a year beating myself up for not telling her. Maybe we could have worked out in some way or maybe definitely not. I spent a year living on ‘what ifs’. But I have to be honest, now that I’ve moved on I think it was better that way. I don’t think she was the one for me."
"So you’re saying I shouldn’t tell her?" Emily smiled slightly at the girl rambling her thoughts out, finding all of that an extremely adorable sight witness and it became ten times cuter when Y/N blushed at her stare before shaking her head softly.
"No, what I’m trying to say is-." Y/N trailed of to take a deep breath as she stared intently into Emily’s brown eyes, "do whatever your heart craves. I’ve thought a lot about it and with a clear head I realized I was just deeply infatuated with Molly. I wasn’t actually in love with her. If it was true love I wouldn’t have moved on. So if you feel like she is the one, like you need to tell her because you truly want her, then do it. Don’t think too much about it." Emily looked at Y/N like a lovesick puppy as she talked, flaring up the fire she felt burning for Y/N, so with a made up mind and without properly thinking, as soon as Y/N finished speaking Emily surged forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips, lingering only a few seconds before pulling away abruptly, fearing Y/N’s reaction when she felt the girl completely frozen in her spot.
"I- shit- I’m so sorry- hmph." Emily got stopped abruptly when a pair of soft lips unexpectedly pressed themselves hard on her own, making her head spin out of control with a plethora of emotions she only felt when she wrote her poems. Emily felt her brain completely shutting off as she completely dived into the blissful sensation of Y/N’s mouth on hers. Their lips danced sensually over the rhythm their heartbeats set, their bodies burned from the passion the two girls shared but had to suppress for their own fears of losing the other if their feelings weren’t reciprocated, their minds were a delicious mess as their senses were completely filled with the other’s taste, perfume, essence. It was a perfect mix that both of them wished it could never end.
But Y/N had to reluctantly slow their kiss down and pull slightly away from Emily to take some needed breath as her lungs screamed for some air and she was pretty sure Emily felt if her heaving chest was anything to go by. "Do not apologize for that. Because it was so perfect."
"I was just panicking. I thought I read your signals wrong and I went too far."
"It was extremely impossible to read them wrong since I’ve been trying to not stare at your boobs for the past 20 minutes and I’ve been failing miserably." Emily snorted at Y/N’s admission, feeling a sense of pride swell in her chest as well as a familiar burning sensation in her lower stomach lighting her whole body up at Y/N’s admission.
"I think now is the right time to confess I chose this night gown on purpose." Y/N swallowed loudly when Emily winked seductively at her while puffing her chest up, giving Y/N the intoxicating view of her half exposed breasts.
"You like to torture me." Y/N murmured under her breath as her eyes never moved away from Emily’s chest, watching it move up and down with every breath the poet took and feeling her insides melt each time a nipple came in sight through the see-through fabric of Emily’s night gown.
"Because I can’t touch them."
"Who said you can’t?"
"Yo- wait, what?" Instead of answering verbally Emily smirked mischievously, grabbed Y/N’s wrist and pulled her hand towards herself. Just when it was hovering inches from her covered chest, she lifted her right eyebrow and silently asked Y/N if it was okay for her and smiled widely when the girl instantly nodded enthusiastically. The Y/H/C girl’s grin dropped as soon as her hand came in contact with Emily’s right breast and let out a small moan without noticing, making the poet groan at the unexpected attractive sound.
"Oh, Y/N." Emily whined and gripped Y/N’s wrist a bit more strongly when the girl squeezed her breast tentatively, but just right to light up her whole body with need.
"Come here." Y/N snaked her other hand behind Emily’s neck and pushed her harshly onto her lips to share a bruising kiss, reigniting the fire they set up a few moments prior. Y/N promptly swallowed another sound coming from Emily as she changed the angle of their kiss, full of passion but still chaste. But Emily needed more. She wanted to taste Y/N’s mouth fully. Just when Emily was debating with her mind to try to find the courage to deepen the kiss, Y/N beat her to it as her tongue licked the seam of Emily’s lips to ask for entrance. The poet granted it a few beats later with another small whine and her body got completely wrecked by a shiver running down her spine when their tongues met just as Y/N’s thumb and pointer finger found her nipple and pinched it gently but firmly.
"Oh fuck." They let their desire take over for a few minutes, giving their tongues time to explore the other’s mouth, licking every nook and cranny of each other’s mouth and swallowing every small sound they could pull from the other. As they kissed fervently, Emily’s other hand, until now placed meekly on her lap, sneaked into Y/N’s hair, after freeing them from the bun she had on all day and pulled on the Y/E/C girl’s scalp each time Y/N found a new way to stimulate her nipple or when her tongue moved just right. Their small moment was abruptly interrupted when they heard Emily’s family wishing each other a goodnight and they had to reluctantly pull away from each other, but not before sharing a few small, sweet pecks.
"I should go."
"No please, stay." Emily begged, leaning their foreheads together and sighing disapprovingly when Y/N removed her hand from her chest, only to smile widely when she grabbed Emily’s hand and intertwined their fingers together.
"I can’t. Your family is going to be upstairs any minute. We can’t get caught."
"You’re right." Emily sighed and nodded gently. Y/N had a point. "With Sue it was easier. My parents always let her sleep with me."
"Already talking about your ex with me Dickinson? Are you trying to make me jealous?" Y/N teased with a wide grin that widened when Emily blushed softly and pushed her gently on her shoulder.
"No, you jerk. I just wished it was that easier with you too. We wouldn’t have to stop this." Emily murmured seductively before leaning slowly towards Y/N and capturing Y/N’s lips in a slow but sensual kiss, making it last just a few seconds to tease Y/N and smirking widely when she accomplished her mission after hearing Y/N grunt in disapproval at her pulling away from the kiss and trying to follow her lips to kiss her again. "But you have a point. You sadly need to go. When do you have some time off tomorrow?"
"Around 11 a.m."
"Perfect, meet me here. I will tell my mom I need some help with my surprisingly ripped dress." Emily winked as she stressed the word ‘surprisingly’ and felt her heart swell at the sound of Y/N’s cute giggle.
"Alright. Goodnight Emily. Sleep well." They shared another kiss full of passion before Y/N quickly slipped out of Emily’s room, just a minute before Emily’s parents walked up the stairs to go into their room, followed right after by Lavinia.
Both girls had some troubles falling asleep that night as adrenaline still pushed through their bodies still burning with their passion, but after about an hour both girls fell asleep with wide grins on their lips, excited for the next day.
"Good morning my dear family!" Emily entered the living room with a brighter-than-the-sun smile, making the whole family stare at her weirdly.
"Should we get used to her being in a good mood every morning?" Edward asked his wife as both looked at Emily weirdly, eyebrows furrowed and confused expression on their faces.
"I like it." Lavinia interjected and giggled loudly when Emily run towards her and hugged tightly her over the chair. After a couple of seconds she walked to her chair and sat down, immediately stuffing her face with the delicious breakfast she had in front of her on the table.
"Hm, Maggie this breakfast is amazing!" Emily murmured with her mouth full of chocolate cake, rolling her eyes back in pure ecstasy as all the flavors hit her taste buds, completely ignoring her mother’s reprimand stare.
"Thank you Miss Dickinson, but I didn’t make it. Y/N did."
"Oh really? Where did you take the recipe?" Emily’s mother spoke up in disbelief as she too took a bite of her cake and widened her eyes comically at the tasty cake.
"It’s actually mine. It’s not that difficult to make. The secret is chocolate."
"Ugh, Y/N you need to teach me how to do this." Emily requested as casually as she could, this time waiting to swallow the cake and swiping the chocolate away from her mouth before talking, to not rise her family’s suspicions of her asking Y/N to teach her how to make a cake since she always refused to help her mom in the kitchen. "It’s delicious."
"Oh please Y/N if you succeed in making Emily do anything in the kitchen I will give you a week off." Emily turned her head towards her mother and stuck her tongue out, making her mother laugh at her in amusement.
"It would be a pleasure Miss Dickinson."
"Miss Dickinson?" Emily asked in a mocking tone, trying to make her best impression of Y/N, on Y/N’s lips after pulling away from the bruising kiss the two shared after Emily literally flung herself into Y/N’s arms as soon as they entered her bedroom, slamming her on the door.
"I can’t call you with your first name Emily, even if you asked me to."
"I know, but it was hilarious hearing you calling me by my last name. It’s weird."
"No, weird is being in a room with your parents when all my brain could think of was how good it felt kissing you." Y/N admitted with her eyes glued on Emily’s plump lips, biting down on her own bottom lip then to emphasize her appreciation of Emily’s lips.
"Not as good as feeling your hands on me." Emily countered back, purposefully arching her back to flush their chests together but whining in frustration when their corsets and dresses prevented them to feel anything.
"Yeah, it’s pretty much a tie." Y/N joked and thanked the door behind her back holding her up when Emily giggled on her mouth and the cute sound made her almost faint. "You are so beautiful." Y/N spoke up without even noticing as she stared at the poet with a loving gaze, creating goosebumps all over Emily’s skin.
"Not as much as you Y/N. That’s the first thing I thought that day at the well. I’ve always been fascinated by the beauty of the nature, but as soon as my eyes landed on you, it was like threes and flowers never existed. It was just you."
"Shit, do not say things like that." Y/N shook her head as she bit hard on her bottom lip while closing her eyes and leaning her forehead on Emily’s one.
"Because it makes me want to kiss you."
"Then why are you not doing it?" It was all the validation Y/N needed. After opening her eyes for a brief moment to meet Emily’s brown irises for confirmation, finding in them only affection and entertainment, she surged forward and captured Emily’s lips in a slow kiss, full of passion. Y/N decided to keep the kiss as chaste as possible to savor the softness of Emily’s lips, caressing her back with both hands to feel Emily’s every curve she could despite the dress and corset in her way, but when Emily’s fingers dug in the back of her neck to silently ask for more, Y/N whined softly into the kiss and immediately bit down gently on Emily’s lips. Y/N shivered at the poet’s whispered whine but took advantage of that to slip her tongue into Emily’s mouth and lick every angle she could reach. "Oh."
"Shit." Y/N murmured into the kiss when her mind finally stopped spinning from Emily’s moan and shivered wildly when the poet took advantage of Y/N’s dazed state to suck harshly on Y/N’s tongue, pulling a whine from her throat. After a few moments Emily had to pull away to take some needed breath, not too far away, just enough so their noses could brush together gently. "That was so fucking hot. And fuck- that sound." Emily giggled at Y/N’s murmured words, her eyes staring lovingly at the her and a dopey smile adorned her kiss-swollen lips, and she thought about how happy she felt in that moment.
"Ugh, I wish you could stay here all day." Emily admitted out loud after a few seconds of them basking in the comforting silence, the two girls just existing together, wrapped up in each other’s arms, with their forehead leaned together and with their breaths mingling, sighing out sadly and leaning into Y/N touch when she caressed her back comfortingly.
"I know, but your mother and sister will be back with my aunt soon." Y/N sighed out sadly, caressing Emily’s sides gently as she committed to mind every small detail she could.
"Yeah and Sue will be over in an hour. We still need to talk."
"She just wants her best friend back, Emily. Give her a chance to be a good friend. You two were friends before having what you two had."
"You’re right. I want to talk to her too. I want my friend back, but I just- want to spend more time with you."
"You will, tonight." Y/N nodded encouragingly and smiled widely to hope to make Emily do the same and when she did a few seconds later her own grin widened ten sizes.
"Do not forget we have the house all for ourselves on Thursday."
"Already trying to get under my dress Dickinson?"
"Maybe." Emily winked with a mischievous grin, making Y/N laugh heartily before kissing her gently and slipping out of her room.
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gojos-fr-bae · 10 months
Liar pt.1
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GIF by bakemono04
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: Pregnancy, blood, mass k1lling, heavy themes kinda, angst, not proofred
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Finally done😭 This took so much energy and honestly I'm still deciding how I feel about it. Hope you like it tho.
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You looked up from your bed, buried in your blankets as you watched your husband hurriedly get dressed in his sorcerer uniform, buttoning his jacket and rushing to reach for his phone before realizing that you were awake.
He looked deep into your eyes, his being covered by his signature blindfold, and although you couldn’t see them, you could tell that they held a chaotic medley of heavy emotions.
He slowly leaned closer to you, placing his right hand against your cheek and pressing his forehead against yours.
“Where are you going?” your feeble voice whispered.
“I have to work,”
“Do you have to go now?”
“Don’t worry honey, I’ll be back before you know it,” His heart ached as he lied to you. He knew his words weren’t true, but he had no choice.
“Ofcourse, baby, I’m-”
“The strongest, yeah yeah, I know,” You croaked, feeling sleep begin to take over you once again.
Satoru chuckled softly as you slowly began to drift back into your dreams. His left hand slowly rubbed your swollen tummy.
“Keep our little Kikufuku safe until I get back, okay? He said softly, placing a kiss above your belly and then your forehead. 
As you hummed in agreement, he slowly moved away from you and walked towards the bedroom door. Every fiber of his being was telling him to stop. To turn back and stay with you. But alas, he had a role to play, and he was needed elsewhere, and there was nothing he could do about that.
As he closed the door behind him, he dragged his body away from you, from your child, and to his students and fellow sorcerers. He begrudgingly trudged himself towards the Shibuya station. 
He didn’t want to go but he had no choice, no matter what he wanted, he had to go…
He HAD to go.
Week One
You stirred from your restless slumber, shivers running down your spine from the cold latching to your skin. You groaned at the aches and pains that have been plaguing you for the majority of the latter half of your pregnancy. 
As you were still waking, you heard your doorbell ring. You slowly pushed  yourself off the bed and lugged yourself down the stairs.
As you opened the door, you were met with a somber looking Ichiji. He could barely meet your eyes as he whispered an apology, bowing his head and holding a letter out to you.
“What’s this,” you asked, heart racing because you knew exactly what it was but you didn’t want to accept the glaring truth.
“It’s from G-Gojo Sensei,” He feebly whispers, voice cracking slightly. 
Your shaky hand reaches out to grasp the letter, thanking Ijichi before closing the door. You made your way to your couch and went against every fiber of your being to open and read the letter.
Dear Y/N
Hello my love. If you're reading this it means something has happened to me.
I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise. I know you deserved better and my biggest regret is not being able to give you a life you deserved. 
I don’t know how long I’m going to be gone, and as much as it would pain me to let you go, I can’t bear the thought of you having to deal with all the burdens that come with being with me.
If you choose to leave, I fully understand and don’t blame anyone other than myself.
Please take care of our kikufuku, I know you will be the best mother in the world.
Always know that I love you more than life itself, I always have and always will. Please never forget that.
Your hand covered your mouth as a sob was ripped through from your lungs. Tears flowed nonstop from your eyes as you cried and cried and cried.
You clutched your belly as you tried to stop crying for the sake of your baby. All you could think about is how you were going to raise the baby alone and you only ended up crying even more. But you decided to be strong. You had to for your little mochi.
Month One
You squeezed your mother’s hand as you pushed through the most excruciating pain you may ever experience. The nurses were trying to coach you through your breathing as you went through labour.
“One more push,” your doctor instructed you, causing you to put all your energy into birthing your precious angel.
Suddenly, the room was silent except for the crying erupting from the newborn.
“Congratulations, he's a beautiful, healthy boy!” the nurse whispered, placing your son on your chest. 
Tears blurred your vision as your precious angel on your chest, your mother hugging you and at that moment, all you could think about is how much you loved and would lay your life down for the happiness of your little prince.
“As he slowly opened his eyes, you were mesmerised by the sea of blue that met your eyes, matching his white hair. 
“Hello Kaito,” you said with a happy but simultaneously sad smile as you gazed down at yours and Satoru’s child.
Like father, like son.
Month 2
Gojo layed silently, eyes bare and staring into the seemingly unending void of the prison he has been submitted to, and all his mind would drift to his thoughts of you and his presumably unborn child.
In the prison, no time would pass, and considering you were 8 months pregnant when he was praying to every being willing to listen to him that you wouldn’t give birth to your child without him by your side. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if you had to go through that and handle the Jujutsu higher ups without him.
Although he was surrounded by darkness, his mind was racing because on top of all of this, he was trying to understand why he had seen his best friend’s being in the station, but that wasn’t his priority. That was getting back to you and his baby, but from the looks of it, it wasn’t going to happen any time soon
Ever since you had given birth to your little prince, you had been constantly harassed by your husband’s parents as well as all the upperclassmen of the Jujutsu world. You hadn’t even been able to leave your house for the past week because It was surrounded by men trying to take your son away from you. 
You had always known that bearing the son of the strongest sorcerer in the world would come with its consequences but you and Satoru had always agreed that you would be able to face these things together. However, ever since his sealing two months ago you have been under constant pressure and harassment from the Jujutsu world telling you to give up your son, but you would rather take them all to the grave with your bare hands than even think of giving up your son to them. 
All of this had been building up even before your little mochi’s birth and it had reached a point where you don’t think you can handle this anymore. Although you were also a sorcerer, and a special grade at that, you wouldn’t be able to protect your baby from the dangers and toxicity and dangers of the Jujutsu world. You had to leave.
You wanted to raise your son in a place where he could be safe and grow happy and healthy. And although you didn’t want to leave your job and your students at Jujutsu Tech, you had to do what you had to do for the sake of your child. Even if that meant abandoning your marriage with Satoru.
Your heart ached as you looked back at Japan from the airport, baby in hand and family and friends bidding you farewell before you slowly made your way to the boarding gate. Tears filled your eyes as you thought about your now technically ex husband. You looked down at your now bare left ring finger, thinking of the future you could have had together, but you had  to do it. Not just for yourself, but for your son as well.
You had to leave.
Month 3
It had been a month since you had left Japan and although it had been extremely difficult to settle in a new country with new cultures, a different language, and different people whom you know none of. Finding a new home and job to be able to provide for your son, but it was beginning to feel worth it by the end of the month you had finally begun to feel comfortable.
However, as you looked over your son, clutching his blue and white monkey plushie, your mind couldn’t help but drift off to Satoru.
Was he back?
Was he still sealed?
Would you ever see him again?
Although you knew he would never find you where you are, what if you met him one day. You had kept in touch with megumi throughout the move considering to you, he was always going to be your son. But other than him and your parents, you never really spoke to anyone back home, and you decided that you need to look forward and focus on bettering yourself and making sure you give your baby a happy home. And you weren’t going to turn back, at least not anytime soon.
Gojo Satoru is free.
He had finally been released from the prison realm and before he could do anything, he went on a rampage, killing every curse and curse user within a 20 km radius, painting the city in all of their blood.
He finally stopped seeing red and immediately thought back to you. He warped back into your shared home, hoping to find you asleep and wrapped in the warm duvets on your shared bed.
His heart began to race as he warped into a dark, empty and cold home.
“Y/N!” He called, running through the house searching for you before reaching your presumably shared bedroom.
As he burst through the door, his eyes met your bedside clock. Three months. He had been gone for three whole months. Panic began to seep into his bones.
This means you must have already given birth. Were you okay? What if you didn’t even survive labour?
He quickly rummaged through the drawers, moving to the vanity, and his heart sank as laid atop the table were a picture of you in a hospital holding a bundle of blankets covering your precious child. The life you created together. As he held it with shaking hands, tears cascading onto it, his gaze shifted from the image to a letter, and to his regret, your engagement ring.
In the letter, you told him about the harassment you and your son had to endure, turns out you had a boy, and how you had to flee the country for both of your safety.
His heart shattered and he hated himself more than he ever had anyone else. 
“No, no, no, no, no, no no” He whispered, hand gripping your ring so tightly its gems began to cut into his palms.
He was overrun by countless emotions. Guilt, grief, regret, self hate, anger, all of them.
Sobs Ripped through his chests so violently that it ripped his throat, causing it to bleed. His knees gave in and he clutched the ring and picture to his chest and he cried. And as he cried, something inside him died. His happiness, joy, his smile, all left him at once, and his eyes lost their shine.
That night, Satoru passed away, and left behind Gojo, an empty shell of  what he once used to be. What he could’ve been.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
I tried. Longest imagine I've ever done, I'm so tired. lemme know if ya'll want a pt.2
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller
© gojos-fr-bae
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kaiijo · 4 months
Hello! I really like your fics and I saw your spotify event! I love Taylor Swift and Phoebe Bridges too so, since you've already wrote Lover (really sweet and cute), I'll ask for "Went looking for a creation myth" (I Know The End is my FAVORITE song) with Zoro. Thank you very much! 😊
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roronoa zoro + went looking for a creation myth content: fem! reader, fluff, part of the spotify wrapped event notes: i’m so sorry this is so late! i hope you like it <3
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as a pirate, there are few days you get to just relax and explore places you visit, especially given the particularly high bounty of yours and the rest of the strawhats. you struck gold when you docked in a small town that was amenable to pirate-visitors and very opposed to marine presence. 
you, nami, and robin are lounging on some beach chairs the locals lent you. while robin’s deep in her newest book, one that’s bigger and thicker than her last one, you and nami watch as usopp, luffy, and zoro wrestle at the shoreline. usopp manages to get an upper hand on zoro, springing onto his back and covering his eyes. “now, luffy!” usopp yells and luffy’s launching himself towards the two. they all collapse, usopp and luffy laughing raucously and zoro grumbling and cursing beneath them. 
“hello to the most beautiful women in the world,” sanji says as he approaches, balancing a tray of iced drinks. “care for refreshers? hibiscus and honey iced tea.” the drinks are a rich fuschia with a lemon at the rim and the sight makes your mouth water.
“thanks, sanji.” you take a drink and pass another to nami while sanji circles your cluster of chairs to get to robin, who doesn’t even look up as she flips a page and takes a glass. 
“oi, lovecook, do we get anything?” zoro saunters up the dune, followed by luffy and usopp. 
zoro scowls before turning to you. “let me have a sip.”
“no!” you say, drawing your glass close to your chest. you can feel the condensation gathering at your fingertips. “get your own!”
“curly brows won’t give me one,” zoro says. “what’s the big deal, just let me have some of yours?”
“no, you always say you’ll only have a little and then glug down half!”
“isn’t a perk of a being in a relationship sharing things with your partner?’
you snort, “please, you’re the biggest hog of us all.” zoro glowers and you sigh, “fine, you big baby.” you hold out your drink and he goes to take it when you jerk your arm back. 
“what now?” he asks.
“one condition.”
you grin brightly, tapping your cheek. “a sip for a kiss.”
“you’re impossible,” he says, cheeks flushing but he leans down anyway and pecks your cheek. your own cheeks are warm and you’re not sure it’s from the sun. 
you let him take a few sips of your drink before you say, “that’s enough, babe.”
“what? it was barely a drop! just a little more.”
“that wasn’t meant for you, mosshead!” sanji says, snatching the glass from him. he looks into the nearly empty cup and scowls at zoro before turning to you apologetically. “don’t worry, i’ll go whip up another, pretty.”
“thanks, sanji.”
“don’t call my girlfriend ‘pretty.’”
“don’t tell me what to do!”
“i’ll say whatever i want to you!”
you’re not surprised as you watch sanji aim a kick at zoro, your boyfriend immediately parrying. as they start kicking up sand, nami shouts, “ugh, can you guys do this somewhere else?” to their credit, they move their fight elsewhere (before nami has the chance to throw her discarded sandal at them).
she leans back in her chair and groans, “i don’t know how you put up with him sometimes.”
“patience,” you reply and she snorts. 
“i don’t even remember how you two got together,” she says. “it was just like one day you were both single and then the next day, you told us you were dating. 
you smile a little. you’re fond of the memory — the look of shock on the rest of the crew’s face was priceless, and predictably, sanji and zoro got into an argument about you and how zoro is the last person qualified to date you. 
“how’d it happen, anyways?”
“you and zoro?”
you try to think back on how it happened. it wasn’t like some sparks-fly moment like you’ve read in some of robin’s books nor some burning confession that was just bubbling up inside you. you remember the day he asked you on a date very well, though. 
you were sailing on a calm part of the ocean, and it was a sunny day with a gentle breeze. luffy, chopper, and usopp were playing some card game that was rapidly devolving into a cheating match. nami was tending to her tangerine tree while franky and robin were deep in some conversation. 
you and zoro had finished training in the gym and were lounging on deck. you basked in the warmth of the sun, on the verge of sleep, and you rolled over. you bumped into zoro and went to apologize but he just shrugged and pulled you in, letting you rest your head against his chest. “this comfortable?” he asked.
“yeah, you’re a good pillow,” you sighed, closing your eyes. 
there was a brief pause before zoro said, “i heard nami and curly brows talking about the island we’re going to. said there was a nice restaurant there. want to go?”
“sure, that sounds nice. are you going to be able to play nice with sanji there?”
“i was thinking it would just be use. you and me.”
you crack opened a eye and glance over at him. he wasn’t looking at you but you could see some red creeping up on his ears. you cuddle into him. “yeah, that sounds nice.”
you turn back to nami and say, “i don’t know. it just felt right. natural.”
she seems content with your answer as she nods and leans back in her chair. you do too, closing your eyes, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore and your boyfriend’s distant yells. 
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faeskiss · 3 months
In Another Lifetime
hi!! I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a a while I have been very busy with college admissions and stuff, but I got the idea for this fic out of the blue and just HAD to write it, this might be confusing at first but please keep reading it will make sense in the end I PROMISE!
The noble trials AU fic!!
zaros x reader !!
“The dessert is absolutely incredible, the royal kitchen of Serulla is blessed with gifted chefs, we are very lucky” says the woman sitting at the head of the dining table, the rest of the guests agree in unison
Her voice is as smooth as honey and as light as a daffodil, it feels comforting, quite soothing even, it tugs at your heart, almost as if it’s trying to tell you something, but your mind fails to pinpoint what or why
You have been losing your sanity trying to figure where you are, who these people are, why it all feels strangely recognisable, why everything has a tinge of haziness to it, but one thing you are certain of is that your patience is growing thin
The dining room is so huge you feel as if though it stretches on forever, the glass table is decorated with gold candlesticks, polished cutlery that gleams and dinnerware you feel anxious to eat from, mostly because you’re scared you might break a plate or two
The crystal goblets have an intricate gold pattern on them that messes with your mind, you’ve seen this design before, you have, you are certain that you have, but your brain fails to remember where, that’s when you start to feel your heart filling up with an uncomfortable anxiety, your breath quickens a bit, an ominous inkling weighs you down
“Are you alright my Earis?” asks the blonde man sitting next to you, worry laced in his voice, his voice, it’s painfully familiar, just like everything around you, your inability to understand why you feel this way is getting gravely aggravating by the minute
“Earis” the word echoes in your mind, how can a word you’ve never heard before feel like it belongs to you? like it’s yours
That’s when your entire demeanour shifts, you feel terrified and you don’t even know why, your heart hammers against your chest, panic gushing swiftly through your veins, you are certain you might faint on the spot
You clutch the lavish goblet in your hand and gulp down heaps of water, almost as if you expect it to fix your utterly disheveled state and bring you back to your senses, but it doesn’t do anything other than soothe your thirst, and you suddenly realise how dry your throat was, it must’ve been forever since you drank any water
You suddenly feel a warm hand on your shoulder and your attention is quickly directed elsewhere
“You’re really starting to concern me now, you’ve been acting so strange the entire night” says the blonde man next to you, worry still evident in his voice
His yellow locks look luminous in the warm light of the chandelier, bright like the sun, his piercing green eyes ablaze with confusion as they peer into yours
For a few moments you just stare at him, soaking him in, there is something about his disposition that makes you feel so very safe, his mere presence is comforting, almost as if you’ve known him for multiple lifetimes
He is saying something but you are too lost to even focus on his voice
That’s when you realise, his name, you know his name, the sudden rush of adrenaline fills you up with a bolt of energy
You know his name
Your heart races at the possibility of being able to remember something about this place, the possibility that you aren’t crazy to think everything around you feels-hauntingly familiar
He looks at you with perplexity painted all over his face and a faint horror in his eyes, but you brush him off and divert your attention away
You focus with every ounce of energy in your body, you know his name, it’s there, hidden deep in you, all you have to do is focus
You hear the ghost of a word swim in your mind, trying to pry it’s way out, almost on the very tip of your tongue, but as soon as you as you think you’ve finally got it, a sharp stab of pain pierces your temples, making it’s way to the back of your head, engulfing you in agony
“Why can’t I remember?” you whisper to yourself in despair
This is the breaking point, your mind is crumbling this very instant and there is nothing you can do about it, no one you know is here, no one to turn to, a helpless fear surges through you, making you nauseous
Someone gives your shoulder a slight shake, but this headache makes it impossible to think about anything else
Your patience has run out, you feel as if though you’re going crazy, a million questions flood your weary mind, overwhelming you, trying to drown you
Warm hands reach to cup your face, it’s him, the beautiful man with the sun-kissed hair, who’s name you almost died trying to recall, but now the look on his face has gone from worried to downright terrified
“What is going on? Please talk to me!” you can feel the anguish in his voice touch your heart
Tears start to bubble in your eyes, making their way down your cheeks, your headache growing stronger by the second
“I don’t know what’s going on” fear is evident in your voice as you sob in your chair, looking at him with pleading eyes, begging for help
You wonder why no one else in the room has noticed you two or noticed your crying
He looks at you with misery in his eyes, almost as if it kills him to see you in this state
His hand travels up towards your forehead, then to your neck, as if he’s checking you for a fever
“Gods you are burning up” he says in a panic
“I’m really scared” you cry out
“Nothing will happen to you, I promise” his voice is warm and reassuring, it’s the only thing keeping you from having a panic attack
“I am taking you to your room” he asserts
He offers you his hand and you take it, you get up in an instant, trying your best to not stumble to the ground, his hand encircles your waist as you hang onto him for support, every touch feels like home
“Is everything ok?”
You notice the woman get up from her chair in a hurried manner, the same woman who was sitting at the head of the table, the worry in her voice surprises you
“Why does she care?” You think to yourself
“I fear the Earis has a fever” he says
“Gods!” she cries out
Concerned voices fill up the room
“There’s no need to worry, I am taking them to their room in an instant” he says
“I’ll send the chief curer right away” she adds
You don’t know who any of these people are, or why they care, but it seems that you are someone of importance to them
He takes your hand and guides you through the hallway, you can barely walk, the dull, crushing pain in your head still throbs with intensity
He opens the doors to your room, the plush bed calling your name as he helps you to it. You feel your legs go numb as you lay on the soft covers, the pain slowly ebbing out of your body
“I think I know you, I know your name, I really do” your voice is faint, almost a whisper
“You have to believe me-“
“Just go to sleep” his hand reaches to caress your hair
“Everything will be okay when you wake up, I promise” he says softly
You feel a gentle kiss on your forehead as your vision fades to black
You are woken up by the obnoxious ringing of your alarm, you check your phone and notice that it’s already 7:00 am, you snap back to reality when you realise you have an important paper due today
The dream, you aren’t surprised, because you’ve had similar ones countless times before, the same blonde man, the same woman with the sickly sweet voice, the familiarity of your surroundings, you try to figure out who they are but you always fail, and every time, you wake up with the same goddamn headache, only this time you have a fever to go along with it
You drag yourself out of your bed, despite being sick, you cannot miss college today or you’ll simply fail the semester, you hurriedly get dressed and rush your way to your class
After having finally submitted your paper, you feel relieved, you notice your headache has gone away and your fever has gone down, you walk through the busy hallway trying to make your way out to meet your friends, but you suddenly bump into someone
“I’m so sorry-“ you stop your sentence midway because your heart simply ceases, your body grows cold, you stare at the face of the person you bumped into, it’s like you can’t breathe, no words come out of your mouth, you’re frozen from shock
It’s him, the beautiful blonde, the person who plagues your dreams, who’s name you’ve tried to remember a trillion something times, how is this even possible? You have never seen him around, never heard of him, there is no logical explanation for any of this, and what is even more shocking is that his expression mirrors yours, almost as if he is just as surprised as you
“I am sorry, I wasn’t paying attention” he says with a sense of disbelief in voice, those green eyes, his sharp green eyes are now ladened with shock
He hesitates at first, but slowly turns around and walks away
You feel a familiar shooting pain in your temples, it clouds your mind, painful and torturous, but it goes away as quickly as it came
Your mind reverberates with a faint name, growing louder and louder, till it echoes in your very soul, it’s on the tip of your tongue once again, only this time, you whisper to yourself, in the busy hallway, watching him walk away
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babyjakes · 2 years
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | kinktober 2022
prompt | dad's best friend
pairing | dad's best friend!ari levinson x reader
warnings | dad’s best friend, very innocent!reader, manipulation, ari asks to be called daddy 😈😈
word count | 448
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an | this one’s for ari’s #1 girl, @evansbby 😌🫶 hope you like this little snippet of filth, bby!
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what if your dad (andy) has over a bunch of his (hot😌🫶) friends who you know relatively well, and ari decides to take things a bit too far with innocent little you? maybe they’re all gathered in the living room watching tv and you come down from bed bc you had a bad dream, you’re looking for your dad but ari offers, “i’ll go up and help her get settled back in bed” and no one really thinks anything of it. but when he gets pretty little you back up into your room with the door closed and locked, he just can’t help it as he’s looking you over, so sweet and innocent in your white nightgown and little hair bows 🥺 he lays down with you and rubs your arms and tummy soothingly, but quickly his hands venture elsewhere. “a-ari?” you ask carefully as his hand’s pulling up your nightgown and rubbing over your clothed mound. “shhh sweetheart, don’t worry. just gonna help you relax, that okay?” and of course you trust him, ari’s such a kind and gentle man he would never hurt you!! so you just let him do whatever he wants, including sliding your panties to the side and running a finger through your folds which are now wet 😳 “oh baby,” he’s practically purring, “this all for me?” and you don’t know what’s happening to your body so you just start to apologize but he’s quick to cut you off, “no no no, sweet girl. don’t say sorry, you’re doing such a good job for me. such a good girl. and can i tell you something?” your eyes are so big as you look up at him, “good girls call nice men who help them like this ‘daddy,’ do you think you can do that for me, baby?” “okay daddy,” you’re gasping as he finds your clit and rubs, “good girl” 😈😈 “now daddy’s gonna teach you all about your special little parts down here, sweetheart, and why you’re making such a mess on my fingers. first, this is your clit. do you know what a clit is, honey?” he only laughs softly when you shake your head “well baby, your clit is a very special little button that only daddy should touch, just to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. and when daddy touches it a lot, it might make your tummy feel really warm and tingly. you’ll feel it getting tighter and tighter, and then you’ll have a big spasm, and it’ll feel really good. daddy’s gonna show you now, baby. just gonna keep rubbing your little clit… that’s it sweetheart, see? poor thing, daddy can tell you’re already getting close…..”
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vicsnook · 1 year
Ours | Jake Seresin x Reader
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word count: 1786
warnings: crying, little conflict, Iceman appearance 👀
song pairing: Ours - Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version)
notes: Hey y’all! We have officially made it to the end of this little series. I can’t lie, I did put off writing this because then it would be over but now there’s more time for writing new stuff! Thank you for sticking around and your likes and reblogs. I hope you enjoy! Please like and reblog if you don’t mind <3
Elevator buttons and morning air
Strangers' silence makes me want to take the stairs
If you were here, we'd laugh about their vacant stares
But right now, my time is theirs
Things had been great lately with you and Jake. The squad was on board with your relationship and even Maverick approved. This morning you left before Jake woke up as you had a meeting with Cyclone.
The elevator to Cyclone's office was painfully slow and made you even more nervous. Everyone in it was quiet and you could cut the tension with a knife. You wished Jake was here with you.
Finally the doors opened and you made your way down the long hallway. Dread setting in. You had no idea why Cyclone wanted to see you but it couldn’t be good if it was this early in the morning.
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you
“Lieutenant L/N, please come in and shut the door behind you.” Cyclone said as you stood in the doorway. You do as you’re told and stand in attention then sit as soon as you’re told to.
“Lieutenant L/N, it’s come to my attention that you’re in a relationship with Lieutenant Seresin. Am I correct?” He asked, his eyes told you he knew the answer already.
“Yes sir.” You replied, feeling more nervous by the second and dreading what you knew was coming.
“Well, in that case you know the rules. Both of you cannot be in the same squadron. When you dated Lieutenant Floyd, you were both in different squadrons so that’s what will have to happen again. Is that clear?” Cyclone stared at you intensely as he waited for your response.
The Dagger squad was the only one that was permanently stationed in Miramar so if you were to be moved you’d probably be stationed elsewhere. Tears blurred your vision as Cyclone cleared his throat still waiting on your answer.
“Will I have to relocate to a different base?” you asked quietly, holding back your tears.
“Yes, there’s an opening in the Spade squadron in Nevada. You will be leaving Friday.” Cyclone stated, and then stood up to open the door for you. “Unless you break off your relationship with Lieutenant Seresin. In that case there’s no need for relocation. But I take it that’s not something you’d like to do?”
“No sir.” You replied as you stood up shakily and headed out the door practically sprinting down the hall. Reaching the elevator you decided on the stairs instead. Sitting on the steps finally you let yourself cry. Everything was finally working out and now you’d have to leave and who knew for how long.
Driving back to Jake’s apartment you tried to hide the fact that you’d been crying. He instantly knew though as soon as he looked at you. Rushing to hug you as you collapsed in his arms and sobbed once more.
“What’s wrong honey?”Jake asked, concerned filled his voice as he rubbed your back.
“I’m being re-stationed.” You managed to choke out in between sobs. Feeling his body go tense at your confession.
He led you to the couch and you tried to collect yourself as best as you could. Explaining to him why and when.
So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours
“Baby, don’t worry. We’ll figure someone out. Let me talk to Mav.” Jake said, squeezing your hand reassuringly.
“I doubt there’s anything he can do Jake.” You whispered back. He pulled you to his lap and you hugged his neck. Tears filled your eyes as you wondered how long it’ll be until you could do this again after Friday.
Both of you got ready for work quietly. Jake kissing you every moment he got. The drive to work was quiet which was unusual for you both.
Jake immediately pulled Maverick as soon as you both got to the hangar. You sat with the rest of the squad and explained the situation. Everyone of them became upset at the news and vowed to find a solution.
You never know what people have up their sleeves
Ghosts from the past gonna jump out at me
Jake and Maverick talked for what seemed like a long time then Maverick stepped out to make a call. Jake smiled at you reassuringly and gave you a thumbs up. All you could hope for was more time with him. You still doubted anything could be done to prevent this.
Maverick had you all do exercises while he went to speak to someone. Jake still hadn’t told you about their conversation. You tried to shake the thoughts out of your head as you shot down Rooster and won the dog fight.
You landed quickly as Maverick came through the comms and asked you to meet him in the hangar. Hurrying towards him you saw a man who looked vaguely familiar by his side.
“Peach, come on, let's go inside and talk.” He said as you reached them. You recognized the man with him as Tom “Iceman” Kazansky.
You hoped this would be a good conversation since you knew Iceman had a lot of pull at the base. Especially after seeing him save Maverick from being discharged after he disobeyed Cyclone on the Uranium mission training.
And it's not theirs to speculate if it's wrong and
Your hands are tough, but they are where mine belong
“Peach, this is my good friend Iceman. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about him.” Maverick said as you shook Iceman’s hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir.” You said, taking a seat beside him.
“Likewise. Now as you know dating a teammate is not exactly something we encourage. However it is not up to Cyclone to remove you from the squadron over speculation.” Iceman said, your eyebrow raising in question to what he meant.
“You see Peach, your dating Seresin is just speculation. Maverick has told me you are both very private about your relationship. So there’s two possible solutions to this issue.” He continued,with you nodding along.
“Keep your relationship quiet and strictly professional on base. I will speak with Cyclone and make this restationing nonsense go away.” He finished.
“What’s the other solution?” You asked curiously.
“That you and Seresin end your relationship.” He responded, you swallowed hard at his answer.
“I take it you prefer the first solution.” He stated. You nodded in response.
“Perfect. I’ll go speak with Cyclone. Now remember, be strictly professional on base and keep everything under wraps. That includes outings near base and social media. Understood?” He asked.
“Yes sir.” You replied, shaking his outstretched hand and then following him out the door.
Maverick said after Iceman left that you should expect to hear from Cyclone’s tomorrow. You thanked him and then headed towards the squad.
“So?” asked Rooster as you sat down.
You explained everything and they all cheered. Jake’s face was somber at your mention of having to keep everything secret. You tried to smile at him reassuringly but couldn’t get him to meet your eye.
That afternoon Nat dropped you off at home to keep up appearances and once inside you headed for a much needed shower. You called an uber soon after and headed to Jake’s just like you’d done in the past. Feeling like you took 3 steps back in your relationship.
Raising your hood up, you made your way up the stairs and kept your head down. He let you in quickly after you knocked. Sadness filling his face as you sat on the couch as you did this morning.
“Talk to me.” You said as you placed his hand in yours. They fit perfectly.
“I just hate having to hide our relationship again. I feel like we’re back to step 1.” He said, exasperation in his tone.
But they can't take what's ours
They can't take what's ours
“Jake, I know it's not ideal but it won’t have to be like this forever. My contract ends in less than a year. We won’t have to hide anymore.” You replied, trying to reassure him.
“Darlin’, I thought you were staying in?” he asked, his green eyes on yours as he spoke.
“I was but not like this. I won’t let them break us over some stupid rule. I know that things will be rough for the next couple of months but we’ll be fine.” You answered, pulling him into a hug.
“But I don’t want you to leave the Navy over this. You love flying.” He countered, pulling away to look at you.
“I love you more than flying Jake. Plus I can do that elsewhere. Also not having to wear my hair in a bun everyday is a bonus.” You replied.
He pulled you in for a kiss as you finished talking. Feeling yourself melt into him as he held you impossibly close.
“I love you, Peach.” He whispered, as you both pulled away. Both of you smiling knowing it would all be okay.
Your phone ringing woke you up. Cyclone’s name flashed on the screen as you sat up and pressed answer.
“Hello?” You said, as you got up and headed to the kitchen to not wake up Jake.
“Lieutenant L/N, I’ve been informed that I was mistaken in the information I was provided in regards to you and Lieutenant Seresin. Seeing as I’ve been assured by Captain Mitchell nothing is going on between you and Lieutenant Seresin, you may disregard our previous conversation.” He said, you felt your face break into a smile at the news.
“Yes sir, thank you.” You replied.
“You’re welcome. Goodbye,” said Cyclone, then he disconnected the call.
You ran back to the room and shook Jake awake. Giggling at his hair that stuck up in all directions.
“What’s going on?” he muttered, slowly sitting up.
“I spoke with Cyclone, it worked! I’m staying!” You told him excitedly.
He pulled you to him as soon as you finished your sentence, engulfing you into a hug. You pulled your face back and pulled him in for a kiss. Giggling as he pulled you to lay back down on top of him.
You knew things weren’t going to be easy but you both had been through so much already and made it through it even better. So even though The stakes were high, the water's rough, this love is yours.
taglist: @harperdoodle, @weirdothatwritess, @rosiahills22
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#1 on the prompt list with robin? Her being the one thinking you were breaking up with her?
Girl, Relax.
Robin Buckley x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, misunderstanding between a couple, stupidest name for a restaurant ever, FOBU
WC: 0.6k
Prompt: "Hey, so I don't think I can do this..." "What? You're breaking up with me?" "No! I love you, I just meant that I can't get sushi because I'm allergic."
“Robin, you can’t wear all black. It’s a date, not a funeral.” Nancy reprimanded, giving Robin a quick once-over. “And it’s not just any date-- it’s your anniversary!”
“Yeah, Nance, I know I’m just nervous. What if I’m not enough for her? Or she breaks up with me? Or--”
“She’s not going to break up with you, Robin. She loves you. So you must calm down, get dressed like you normally do, and be ready when she gets here in fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen-- fifteen?! I’m not gonna be ready in fifteen minutes!”
“Yes, you are, and if you’re not, I’ll dump you for her.”
You knocked on the door, feeling Robin’s nervous energy radiating through the door. Nancy opened the door, a soft smile playing on her lips.
“She’s freaking out, isn’t she?”
“Yep. But have fun on your date!”
You sighed. It was going to be a long, somewhat stressful day with your lady love. 
“I thought we could go to this new restaurant that just opened up?” Robin asked from the passenger seat.
“Oh, absolutely. Anywhere you want to go, darling. Just… where is it?”
Robin let out a short, anxiety-riddled laugh. “It’s near the mall.”
“Closer on this side or farther on that side?”
“That side.”
“Oh, Robbie…”
“Yes? What- what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” You grinned, reaching across the center console to take her hand in yours. “I just think you’re adorable,” You brought her hand to your lips and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. “And I love you so much.”
Robin smiled softly, “I love you, too.”
“But? But what? Are you sure nothing’s wrong because we can just go back home and watch a movie, we don’t have to go out anywhere--”
“But! I was wondering if you wanted to put on some music.” You shot her a quick concerned glance. “Do you want to go home?”
“No, no, I’m just a little stressed.” Robin opened the glove box and started fumbling with the tapes.
“Stressed about a date with me?”
“No, it’s not the with you part, it’s the fact that this is our anniversary and I’m-- I’ve never had someone stick around long enough in a relationship to have an anniversary. And the one time they did--”
“Hey, you don’t have to talk about it, honey. You can put on our song and we can get lunch and then we can go home and watch a movie, no worries.”
“Oh. Okay.” Robin slid the tape into the car stereo and Angel by Madonna started to play. You sent her a soft smile, retaking her hand.
You pulled up in front of the restaurant, staring at the sign—Schef’s Sushi. Robin, already halfway out of the car, made for the entrance to the restaurant.
“Robin--” You got out of the car and chased after her. “Robin, wait!” You grabbed her hand and pulled her back to you. “Baby.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Robin, I can’t do this. I can’t go in there with you.”
“You’re breaking up with me?” Her eyes welled up with tears and her nose crinkled.
“What? No! No, I’m not breaking up with you. I just meant that I can’t go in there because I’m allergic to sushi.”
Robin reddened and her eyes widened. “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry! I totally forgot that you were allergic--”
“Shh, Robbie, baby, it’s okay, I promise,” You looked her over and pulled her into a tight hug. “You can get food here, I’m buying. And then I’ll get food elsewhere, and we can go home and cuddle. Sound good?”
Robin nodded. “‘M sorry.”
“Robin!” You laughed and rubbed her back sweetly. “Stop apologizing. Sometimes I forget you’re gorgeous and all I remember is that you’re beautiful.” 
You could feel her face heating up and she let out a groan.
“That’s so cheesy.” “But you love it.” 
“Yeah, I guess I do.”
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jmrothwell · 10 months
prompt 16 for the gpp?
The house was quiet, or at least as quiet as it was ever going to be, Kayla assumed. She hadn’t been over that often but every time she had the place was always filled with some form of noise. Talking, music, laughter. Admittedly though, this was the first time Kayla had stayed for the whole night. 
Only the sounds of clinking bowls and what she knew to be Carrie’s quiet singing floated over the air as Kayla carefully tip-toed her way down the stairs. Trying her best to not wake anyone or disturb the peace.
She giggled as she entered the kitchen enjoying the view of Carrie in her baggy shirt and short shorts. Strands of her honey blond hair bounced around as she danced, having escaped the extremely messy bun atop her head. 
Her whole face split into a breathtaking smile when she caught sight of Kayla. 
Kayla loved that smile. The way it crinkled up around Carrie’s dark eyes, a true show of delight without any pretense or posturing. 
"Good morning babe, what color sprinkles do you want in your pancakes?"
“You’re making pancakes?” Luke asked unexpectedly from behind Kayla, earning himself a glare from Carrie.
“With sprinkles?” Reggie delightedly added rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his hair a rumpled mess. Kayla bit back her smirk remembering the only times she’s ever seen his hair get like that. 
“Only if you don’t make me mad.” Carrie said, returning her attention back to the stove top. 
“Play nice.” Kayla whispered in Carrie’s ear as she hugged her from behind, placing a quick peck to her cheek. Smiling wider at Carrie’s pout, as she perched on a free bit of counter space. “Why don’t you surprise me?”
“Don’t worry about them.” Reggie said as he rested his head against her shoulder,practically purring when she began to run her fingers through his hair. “At this point I think pressing each other’s buttons is some sort of foreplay for them.”
“Oh my god, why would you say that?” Luke said with a sneer.
Carrie pointed her spatula menacingly towards Reggie. “Keep that up and no sprinkles for you.”
Reggie threw his hands up placatingly, quickly wrapping his arms around Kayla’s waist. When the other two turned their attention elsewhere, he leaned in and jokingly whispered, “they didn’t exactly deny it.”
Kayla buried her giggle in his shoulder, if only to save him from losing his sprinkles. Though clearly Luke knew anyway, or was still feeling bitter about the earlier comment since he threw a balled up paper towel at Reggie. 
Kayla wondered how rare a truly quiet moment in this house was as Luke and Reggie’s play fighting grew louder, with Carrie turning up her music to try and drown them out.
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wooahaes · 2 years
“i’m right here.” and 43. “i miss you…” “it’s only been a few hours.” with dino, please 🥰
the difficulties of distance
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pairing: non-idol!dino x gn!reader
prompts: 27. "i'm right here" + 43. "i miss you..." "it's only been a few hours." from these prompts
warnings: long distance relationship. mentions of bad weather canceling flights. slightly angsty. intentional lowercase, no proofreading.
word count: 0.6k~
daisy’s notes: another day, another instance of me being unable to title things.
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despite the promise he made to you that he’d only call you when he was fully home, chan had requested to video call with you barely hours after you dropped him off at the airport.
he’d told you that he had his own entertainment for waiting on his flight (the curse of international flights: having to be there so early), that he’d be fine. yet now you were listening to him ramble on about the different books in the airport shop (which would only be open for a little longer) despite not sounding interested in literally any of them.
he looked up, adjusting one of his earbuds. “yes?”
“i thought you said you weren’t going to call until you got home.”
he looked sheepish, gaze averted back to the books in front of him as he fought back a shy smile. “i’m bored. can’t i call you while i wait?”
you shifted in your bed. “we agreed it’d be too much if we did.”
“right...” his smile fell, and chan turned over another book to keep his attention elsewhere. “i wanted your expertise on books.”
and he finally looked up, setting the book back and quietly making his way back to where he’d been sitting alone. “i just wanted to see your face again. i miss you...”
you felt your heart ache at the tender way he said it, and fought back tears. no crying before he was gone. “it’s only been a few hours, channie,” you said. that’s why you both agreed you wouldn’t call. you didn’t want him to see you cry, and he didn’t want to cry in front of you like this. not this soon after your wonderful time together. he wanted to look back on it happily until the time the two of you could finally be together in the same space permanently.
“i know,” he said, voice cracking slightly, “but being with you in person is different. i don’t want to leave yet. i don’t want to leave at all,” he glanced around, wiping at his eyes. “it feels stupid. i hate that we’re going to go back to the way things were.”
amidst his upset babbling, you finally broke through to him: “hey. i’m right here,” you said. “i’m always going to be here for you, okay? one day we’re gonna fall asleep in the same bed, and--and we’re gonna wake up and not have to worry about catching a flight in a week or two... unless it’s to our honeymoon destination--”
chan laughed softly at that, wiping his eyes. “i love you.” and then he paused, looking back over at the flight times. “ah. wait...”
you were already reaching for your laptop as he apologized again, saying he’d need a minute to talk to someone. sure enough, when you pulled up the website to check his flight, his (along with a string of others) were hit with cancellations due to the weather. by the time chan returned to you, you were already grabbing your keys.
“they said--” he paused for a moment, “something about an incoming storm. it’s not safe. they’re going to book me for another flight, but the guy said that it wouldn’t be for at least another few days--what are you doing?”
“i think my boyfriend’s stuck here for a little longer. figured he’d need a place to stay--”
“honey,” chan pouted, “you don’t have to come get me.”
you held up your hand with your keys, your decision made. “i’ll drive carefully. go get the cancellation in writing, by the way. we’ll figure it out.”
chan smiled after a moment, thankful to have someone like you to ground him when he needed it most. “i love you. i’ll see you soon.”
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taglist: @wonuziex @twancingyunhao @synthetickitsune
120 notes · View notes
riahlynn101 · 9 months
Dad December - Day Ten: "Emergency Room Trip."
Trigger warning: Implied/referenced bullying at best and attempted murder at worst.
Summary: After winding up in the hospital, Izuku is interrogated (lovingly) by his worried parents. 
Word count: 591
“Now, tell us again, honey. What happened?” His mom asks, voice shaky. 
Izuku looks down. The beeping of the hospital machines doesn't give him enough reprieve to gather his thoughts. He frowns. “I…I don’t remember.” He does, in fact, remember everything. 
He remembers being led into the woods by one of Kacchan’s friends, Tsubasa. 
He remembers being cold, but the idea of having someone, anyone to play with him was too much to resist. Even if that company came from someone that likes to torment Izuku every chance they got. 
He remembers following Tsubasa far into the woods and all the way to the frozen river.
He remembers being afraid and hesitating. 
He remembers hearing the ice crack. 
He remembers calling out for help, before falling through the shattered ice. 
He remembers Tsbuasa’s laughter. 
He doesn’t remember anything after that. 
Izuku woke up cold and shivering, in wet clothes. His dad-who he could have sworn was on a business trip-carrying him through the doors of the local hospital emergency room. 
“You don’t….remember?” His dad’s eyebrows furrow. He sounds upset, and not in the way that mom is.
Izuku shrinks back. This is all his fault. If he hadn’t followed Tsubasa into the forest than none of this-
A large hand rests atop his head, soothing his wild curls down. Izuku looks up at his dad. “Sorry, Izuku, your mother and I aren’t upset because of you. We’re upset at the situation.”
“I understand,” Izuku says, even though he really doesn’t. But if his dad says it, then it must be right. “Sorry for making you both worry.”
“And that leads me into my next question. Who did this to you?” 
Izuku goes back to looking down. The hospital blankets are stark white and itchy against his skin. He wants to go home. Maybe if he-
“Izuku?” His mom asks. 
“I followed someone into the woods.” His words are quiet, almost inaudible. Mom has to lean in to hear him better, but based on the look on his dad’s face, he heard Izuku loud and clear. 
“Who?” His dad’s hand sits on his shoulder. There’s a severe look on his face, like the calm before the storm. 
Izuku swallows thickly. “No-no one,” he sputters, feeling the pressure of two sets of eyes. He can’t tell on Tsubasa. Izuku’s sure the whole thing was an accident, and it’s really not a big deal.
“No one?” His dad repeats. “Izuku, we only want to keep you safe. But how can we do that if you won’t help us?”
“You can’t…but he didn’t mean it,” Izuku says. “Really he didn’t. Tsbuasa-” he cuts himself off, slapping a hand over his mouth. 
His dad pats him on the head. “Tsubasa….hm…” he smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. 
Izuku grabs his dad’s hand. “Please, dad, he didn’t mean it.” He doesn’t know why he’s begging. The worst his former friend is going to get is a slap on the wrist, but something in his dad’s eyes screams danger. 
His dad sighs. “I think it’s time to sleep now, Izuku.”
“I want to go home,” Izuku grumbles, but allows his dad to tuck him in. “If I go to sleep, can I go home when I wake up?”
“That’s up the doctors, sweetheart,” his mom murmurs, kissing his forehead. “But it shouldn’t be too much longer.”
“Okay,” Izuku responds in a whisper, already half asleep. 
His dad laughs, kissing his cheek. “Sleep well, Izu.” 
Elsewhere, tinkering in his underground laboratory, Doctor Garaki suddenly feels afraid. 
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