#honkai impact 3rd theory
herrscherofmagic · 6 months
a random thought just occured to me, about honkai star rail
so the aeons are kinda sus because they're supposedly super-duper powerful but we don't even know hold old they are, and some of them seem very young. we don't know when the earliest Aeons were born or how many there are (at least afaik), and yet they have such a big impact on the universe.
and yet Honkai is ancient. like, unbelievably ancient. billions of years ancient.
so what if the entire concept of Aeons and the "system" of Paths was the creation of a civilization that tried to tap into the power of the Imaginary Tree to overcome the Cocoon of Finality?
The Cocoon is already established as its own thing likely separate from Aeons and Paths, and GGZ implies it came from beyond the Imaginary Tree. Meanwhile the Aeons and Paths seem to be tied directly to the Imaginary Tree.
However, there's nothing that suggests any sort of concrete structure or system or consciousness in the Tree- normal worlds grow organically and in order while bubble worlds grow chaotically and erratically.
But... if a civilization (perhaps even a post-Finality civilization like Earth, except much more advanced) tapped into the power of the Imaginary Tree to try and unite worlds to overthrow the "rule" of the Cocoon (for lack of a better term) then that could explain the existence of Aeons. perhaps the earliest Aeons were products of this system and with time the system grew out of control of its founders, becoming an independent entity that now governs "Paths" and leads to the creation of Aeons.
This is complete and utter guesswork without any solid basis in lore, of course. but I do think it'd neatly explain why Aeons are so young compared to the rest of the universe, but also why they're so inexplicably powerful. The civilizations we encounter measure time in hundreds and thousands of years, not millions and billions of years, after all. Furthermore, if Aeons can be "killed" and if we might even have to kill one or more Aeons in the future, it'd be a lot easier to believe that we mortals could achieve such a thing if Aeons were the products of other mortals instead of being fundamentally connected to reality itself.
I think this is plausible especially because some of the acts we've seen Humanity do with the power of Honkai in HI3rd seem to rival what Emanators and arguably even Aeons can do. Like Otto making an entire new branch of the Imaginary Tree, which effectively duplicated planet Earth and created a new worldline branching off of the from the one he's from. Or Project Stigma trying to unite the consciousnesses of billions of people, or the Stigmata which store memories in Imaginary Space and grant power to the Stigma Awakened, storing thousands of years of memories in immortal beings that exist outside of reality itself.
This is insane stuff, and that's from a civilization that's only 6,000 years old along with some inherited gifts from another 6,000-year-old civilization (that ended 50,000 years ago). Humanity alone couldn't achieve these things, but with the power of Honkai they could. So who's to say a larger, more developed civilization with 100s or 1000s of years of experience in a post-Finality world couldn't develop a system that tries to establish governing principles upon the Imaginary Tree itself?
just sayin'
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kxslana · 11 months
i am a firm believer in that so many hoyoverse characters look alike because kiana kaslana is subconsciously feeding the imaginary tree names and faces from her memories. (kinda like how every person you’ve seen in a dream, you’ve seen in real life thing)
this can also explain why certain things are destined to happen in every (or almost every) universe, like himeko’s death. the imaginary tree is using kiana to create events for each and every one of its branches and leaves that exist based on her actual experiences before embracing finality.
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knave-of-flowers · 5 months
genshin theory rambles
honestly most genshin theories can be answered with “honkai” or “herrscher” or a related term.
“what is forbidden knowledge?” honkai. “who is the unknown god?” a herrscher.
even the false sky/what is teyvat has to do with bubble universes i think. the samsara cycles? its the honkai repeating the civilization over and over. the curse on the hilichurls? honkai. whatever’s going on with dainsleif and arlecchino? probably honkai. honestly the decenders who are described as having power to rival a world, are probably herrschers or potential herrschers.
you get the idea. i’m just now playing hi3 and Everything Made Sense like almost immediately.
basically genshin isn’t in the same universe bc it’s in a bubble universe but the multiverse is the same. it’s still within the worldbuilding of the honkaiverse, which is multiple universes.
also i think anything bright red is related to honkai, aside from the pyro element itself (which is usually more orange)
honestly i could be wrong about all of this bc i did just start playing hi3 but to me at least it makes the most sense so far. ofc it doesn’t fill in all of the gaps, but things start to connect after a while.
if anyone else has honkai-genshin theories please do add to this! i’m really invested in the lore and i wanna know more.
also i stopped the eva/nge series (personal reasons) but from what i know, a lot of inspiration is taken from that series, including the name “impact.”
here’s a link to a video from wei of mihoyo/hoyoverse, in it he talks about his favorite anime being eva, and about making tech inspired by it. this is from 2011. go to the time 5:00.
and of course the direct collab in hi3, there’s literally an asuka battlesuit. the plots are similar. even as someone who’s only gotten halfway through the show and has read theories, it’s really similar. there’s a lot of clear inspiration.
just some thoughts! i’m also looking forward to seeing how star rail plays into this in the future.
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jaaisofficial · 1 year
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infinite-intimidator · 8 months
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cat face theory kiana. she is sniling at you
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gulava · 8 months
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Mind if I lose/erase all or most of my previous era memories from thousands of years ago, take on a new identity, and much of my old powers are lost along with every single one of my dear friends and comrades…all for the sake of my mission?
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splashyink · 1 year
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The Sins of Your Shadow Self
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trashyvanillabean · 20 hours
Crack theory:
The reason Trailblazer is able to contain a Stellaron in their body and (possibly) negate the effects of mara is because they’re the Herrscher of Binding.
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archbowmistress · 2 days
ZZZ Billy Kaslana Crack Theory
I theorize that Billy Kid was made by Lady Sunbringer (which I also theorize to be a Kaslana)
(Admittedly weak) Evidence:
Dual-Gun Fighting Style though I can't say for certain that it's the Kaslana Family Style nor can I even guarantee that Billy's gun preference is from Sunbringer.
White haired idiots, goofy and competent.
Lady Sunbringer has the Void Drifter (Kiana) eyes and long white hair.
Lady Sunbringer invented Bangboo, how far-fetched would it be to hypothesize that she had other robot projects? :0
Don't mind me, I'm just wearing the tin foiliest hat, though if you guys have your own evidence/comments about this, I'd love to hear it! :DDDD
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Weird worldbuilding/theory/headcanon thing.
So, we know that the world has been submerged in Honkai to some degree for tens of thousands of years, it is my belief that Honkai is everpresent, sort of like background radiation. Not enough to have notable effects and barely detectable if you know what you’re looking for.
With the sealing of 99% of Honkai I think there will be apocalyptic aftereffects. I believe that there are places deep beneath the ground which are held together mostly as a passive effect of Honkais presence, that with the sealing those places are no longer sustained.
Spots surrounded by myth and legend of unnatural things around the globe will begin to collapse, numerous miniscule geological differences will readjust as the force which enabled them is no longer present.
Now let’s shift to the biological. I believe that all life on the planet has probably adapted to the everpresence of Honkai, meaning that with almost all of it gone those evolutionary measures may very well prove detrimental. I’m not all that informed about biology but I doubt it would be pleasant for any being involved.
Yes, I understand that, just like everything else can be bad for you in large amounts.
The theory I am presenting isn’t that Honkai is secretely good or something, I’m proposing that the baseline for Honkai is much higher than we think.
Honkai has been around for tens of thousands of years, it’s only natural that creatures would adapt to the constant background of it.
The remaining 1% of Honkai is as spread out as ever, meaning that there was a sudden drop all around in background levels.
The closest example I can think of is if 99% of the Nitrogen in the atmosphere disappeared. You wouldn’t die instantly as far as I’m aware, but things are about to go to shit.
I was aiming for was aggregates of Honkai energy such as cubes and shards. Such instances may very well have formed in much larger fashions underground where the energy has no easy way to spread, leading to large clusters forming the crystalline matter we are familiar with. This, should the surrounding area weaken may act as a pillar of support.
Sealing the Honkai would likely leave the structure brittle, increasing the likelyhood of collapse.
I know we've seen Honkai tearing apart the ground, but tha't all really been in situations and areas relating to combat, when Honkai Energy isn't being incited by a Herrscher and/or High Rank Valkyrie or two we haven't really witnessed it causing any damage to it's direct surroundings.
@phoenix-is-the-hottest-thing Here it is, if you're interested.
Most oddness in the formating and such here is a result of it being pretty much half a copy + pasted Reddit thread .
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herrscherofmagic · 5 months
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So apparently Thelema is actually a... religion?
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terephin · 1 year
Fuck it, Honkai 3rd worldbuilding time.
Anti Entropy Server Network > General Information > Honkai Energy Weaves > Necessary Weaves
An Introduction to Honkai Weaves, presented by Doctor Henry Clarke, (Formerly) of St Freya
(Note : This edition of the document was written shortly after the incident with the Wind Herrscher.)
Honkai Energy is all around us, in doses large and small. From the smallest of AE’s batteries to the Herrschers themselves. To be a Valkyrie, or analogous, requires one to have an immense understanding of this.
Honkai Energy, when used through the outlet of Humanity, and Intelligence as a whole, is best utilized through what are commonly called Weaves. Weaves are highly complex, layered semi-constructs of Honkai Energy, used in everything a Valkyrie does, be it enhancing their body beyond human comparison or summoning giant cat paws.
In this introduction, I will go over two of the most common and crucial weaves, while more complex and niche ones will be introduced to students individually.
Now, to begin with we have the Enhancement Weave, a fairly simple weave that you’ll become intimately familiar with soon enough. The Enhancement Weave, as should be obvious, enhances the physical form.
It’s laughably simple, in truth, to generate. While I can’t explain it’s workings in an understandable way here, as it’s something rather esoteric and they still won’t update the system to support graphs and images, I can explain what it does further.
The Enhancement Weave increases speed, strength, reaction time and so much more, but what’s important is two factors. 1) This enhancement uses your current state as a basis, meaning the better your condition the stronger you are. 2) When you unravel Deactivate if you want to be boring. the weave not all it’s effects are lost There are ways to trigger this effect without unraveling it, but all are highly complex. In fact, roughly 5% of the effect remains indefinitely. When you couple these two things you get the ever increasing power of a Valkyrie.
Now, onto the next weave, which is important less often to B rank Valkyries, but is essential if you seek the A rank, alongside simply making many other things easier.
I am, of course, talking about the Friction Weave. The Friction Weave, while having a gross oversimplification of a name, is truly necessary when you reach the levels of an A rank Valkyrie. Now, you are all likely to struggle with this weave, as while it’s considered among the basics it’s also one of the more complex weaves you’re likely to run into.
The weave itself is not of human creation. In fact, to my knowledge, it was copied unfathomable long ago from either a rather powerful Honkai Beast or a full on Herrscher, both of which are known to generate it by their very natures.
The Friction Weave has very little to do with friction, inherently. But ignoring that for now, what it does, most importantly, is negates sonic booms1. It’s this weave that allows A rank Valkyries to move at speeds in excess of Mach 2, when the situation calls for it. It’s this weave that allows the most massive of Honkai Beasts to even move without tearing themselves apart. It’s this weave, all of it. And we barely know how.
However, this isn’t the time to lament the limits of human knowledge. Instead, I have one last thing to mention regarding the Friction Weave. In certain atmospheric conditions, few of which are even vaguely natural in occurance, the weave actually has the opposite effect. It generates devastating effects of various natures instead, typically vaporising everything nearby.
(Archived note, attached to main document after transfer.) It is this fact that makes me believe that a fully realised Wind Herrscher would’ve been a threat like no other. While we never got any halfway decent scans of Wendy’s weave, battlesuit scanners meant to monitor the condition of Raiden Mei (Atmosperic sensors included to note possible stormfronts) detected forming type 1 and type 5 environments all around her during the event.
1 Which can be rather terrifying when they interact with Honkai Energy, being known to have pulverised solid steel and deafened everyone within 40 meters during testing.
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glurgh · 1 year
The Honkai impact/star rail lore makes me brain hurt like bitch wtf is a sea of quanta and imaginary tree??? Do ur damn dailies!!!
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yorunokatana · 2 years
To the people of Honkai fandom
Needed for a Genshin crossover fic I'm writing. The winning Divine Key gets to wreak Scaramecha.
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qualityrain · 2 years
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raven upcoming skin 👉👈
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mikopikopon · 1 year
Could the Primordial Sea be somehow related to the Sea of Quanta?
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