#honorary tbb echo
TBB episode 11, s2
I've seen other people do these and I wanna jump on the bandwagon, so:
-I am not an engineer or anything, so take my word with a grain of salt, but I am pretty sure a ship is not supposed to be smoking and sparking like that
-that music...I had flashbacks to subnautica, but it's in space this time
-Nala Se???
-no, it's some other asshat
-I sincerely thought that they killed Lama Su in the season finale when the two troopers pointed their guns at him and the door closed
-Yeah, fucking tell her! Dump that bitch! She is doing the exact thing Mokko was doing!
-Excuse me sir, do you have a fucking death wish??? First, you go into a skirmish with a broken leg and barely come out on top in that fight, then you willingly drive a death trap in a race that has claimed lives, then you jump into the abyss with zero information on what's down there and now you are going to go alone to the bridge? While you know that something big has killed the crew?? You idiot.
-Data extraction? Would have been useful to have someone help you with that. Maybe even someone with a scomp for an arm? Huh?
-I can see his hairline from under the helmet, I am swooning
-I had a very morbid thought of that door slamming back down with Hunter still in the doorframe.
-I don't want any droid in star wars to ever do that again *looks suspiciously at my roomba*
-For a moment I thought Wrecker was gonna end up in that thing's mouth
-I need a gif with that wide-eyed Tech
-Aww, Wrecker and Hunter covering Omega from the blast <3 best dad/brother
-Tech, basically:
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-I saw that hand Tech, I know you wanted to explain in surely gruesome detail how the Zillo digested the humans on board. And thank you Hunter for stopping him.
-Again, Tech is the king of underestimation
-AWWWW, the way he grabbed Omega and shielded her from the explosion! I need a gif now!
-And helping her up on the stairs! What a good big brother!
-And forcing her into the seat before he secured himself! Tech is really outdoing himself this season, isn't he?
-Although that makes me very worried that the creators are really pushing that Omega&Tech relationship as if they want to make us cry if something really bad happens to him
-Echo???? And Rex??? And Omega is so happy at the thought of seeing her mum again!
-Also, the way that Hunter was leaning on Tech's chair and reading the screen? I don't know, it did something for me
-Also, was I the only one thinking it might be Cross in that new commando armour with the gold details? But the moment he spoke I knew it wasn't him
Overall, a great episode! I know that some people might call it filler again, because it's a retrieval mission, but like, we are getting insights into cloning! And the batch is finally considering leaving Cid! And Nala Se! And Lama Su! So much new, good stuff has happened! I love it!
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totallyunidentified · 5 months
Friendly Fire
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This is the longest thing I've written yet.
I started this right after episode 14 came out early Wednesday morning.
Enjoy my little Echo ficlet/Prophecy
When they finally make it inside Tantiss, Crosshair's hand is shaking worse than ever. He had tried everything he could to not return only for his worst nightmare to happen. He’s back and Omega was there because of him. Because of his misfire. He had hoped that he wouldn't have had to even talk about Tantiss again but here he is. They run through corridor after corridor simply taking out whatever stormtroopers they come across, they can’t afford anything going wrong. 
“We have to find Echo!” Crosshair calls to Hunter and Wrecker as they keep up their search. They had gone completely com silent so they have no idea where the reg could be. 
Emeri had led Echo to the vault. Despite her warning him, he’s shocked at the conditions the children are being held in. 
They walk in together and another female doctor walks up to Emeri looking at her with thinly veiled disdain 
“Doctor Karr you are aware that stormtroopers aren't allowed in the vault with the specimens. I shall have to report this to Dr. Hem-,” 
Before she can finish her sentence Echo is astounded when Emeri pulls her arm back and knocks out the other doctor in one hit. 
“I guess you really are a clone!” He comments as she uses the incapacitated doctor’s datapad to turn off all the security measures. 
Omega, seeing Emeri take action, immediately jumps on top of the medical droid and reprograms it telling it to shut down. She then jumps off and rejoins the other children moving to stand between them and the man in a stormtrooper uniform in front of her. 
Echo sees Omega standing in front of four other children as if she's guarding them. She’s watching him suspiciously and he realizes he’s forgotten to take off his helmet. 
“Echo!” Omega almost sobs before throwing herself in his arms. When he wraps his arms around her, Omega notices he has two hands holding her. When he lets go she grabs his robotic hand and twists and turns it trying to get a better look at it.
“This is new,” Omega comments and starts to ask but Echo just shrugs. 
“It grew back on its own,” Echo says with a straight face making Omega arch her eyebrow at him. 
“Suuuure” Omega says, rolling her eyes and grinning at him. She turns to Emeri,
 “So you finally decided you wanted to help us?” 
Emeri looks down at the floor frowning and then back up at Omega
 “I- I am a clone like you. I realize my actions have been counter to what I should have been doing, but I swear I’m ready to do better” Omega smiles at her and gives her a quick hug, shocking Emeri
 “I have…never gotten one of those before.”
“Better get used to it” Echo quips, turning to the rest of the kids in the vault. 
“…Hello. Are you guys ready to get out of here?” 
The kids look at each other and nod apprehensively. The Pantoran girl holding the baby moves closer behind the green boy, hiding. 
“We’re just kids, how are we supposed to help get us out?” she asks in a quiet voice. She's scared, they all are. Echo can see clearly. He remembers a similar situation on Kamino; while these kids weren’t soldiers, they still had something about them. Echo just had to make them see that.
Echo kneels down to see eye to eye with the kids.
“You guys are here because there’s something special about you right? Even the Imps could see it. They needed you for a reason, just like right now I need you to be brave. I need you to have courage. Be strong. You have the hearts of clones and the strength of the Jedi. Whatever it is that makes you special was in their blood and is in your blood. It’s in Omega’s blood, which I'd say is close enough to make you honorary clones. You aren’t some helpless children, you are strong and have heart! Now we need to get out of here!”
Echo starts to herd all of the kids plus Emeri to the doorway to get them out of there. 
“Wait!” Omega stops Echo. “I know a way we can get out of here. I have a distraction planned.” 
”Do you?” 
“Uh huh. The Zillo beast that they have in one of the containment areas, we can free it and let that distract the rest of the base.”
Echo just stands there for a moment and grins “You know, you remind me so much of someone that it almost scares me. He came up with these hair-brained schemes all the time too”
Omega stands up just a little straighter. “He sounds like fun”
“He was.” 
Echo turns to Emeri “You take the kids to the hangar and wait for us there.”
“Ok I’ll try. Come along, we have to hurry!” 
They run out of the vault together before Emeri points Echo and Omega in the right direction to go before urging the children to walk faster in the other direction.
As they run to the Zillo beast enclosure, Omega can't help but ask,”Where are the others?” She fears the worst but is relieved when Echo slows, “They are here…somewhere. We've gone com silent since we got here,” Omega nods at this, understanding the need to be untraceable. They fall into silence as they run through hallway after hallway with no interruptions. 
“After this…I want to be done. I want to find somewhere even more remote than Pabu and just stay there. Maybe we can find wherever Cut and Suu went! You and Rex can even join us. I'm sure Hunter wouldn’t mind,” Omega says to break the silence.
“...Omega, We-” 
“You have your mission, I know. I just want us to all be together again.” 
“Rex and I won't be done until all our brothers are free. If I'm honest even after that I don't know if I'll stop fighting for what I feel is right. There are the makings of a larger rebellion against the Empire, maybe I'll join them. I’m a soldier, ’Mega, it’s what I’m made for.”
“Yeah, but…” 
“Listen, after we get you out of here we can talk more about it but we need to find the beast and your brothers first.” 
Crosshair, Hunter, and Wrecker knew that they needed to find Omega then Echo, and fast. They run through the hallways and corridors turning corners and shooting the stormtroopers with barely a second glance. “Nothing from Echo?” Crosshair asks yet again. “Nothing!” Hunter answers as the men keep running, finding fewer troopers as they get deeper into Tantiss. Echo guides Omega through the halls keeping his new hand on her shoulder, his real hand holding his blaster. 
Crosshair is starting to panic. Omega is nowhere to be found and Echo hasn't checked in yet. He must have gotten off the ship and be somewhere in the facility. 
Omega and Echo are running towards a corner.
Crosshair comes to a T in the hallway 
They turn the corner. 
Crosshair sees a stormtrooper with a blaster in one hand and Omega grasped by the shoulder in the other.
Crosshair acts on instinct and doeswhat he had been doing the whole time they were running through Tantiss. 
His sister is in danger again. This time he wouldn’t fail her. 
His aim is sure and his hand steady as he immediately raises his rifle. 
The stormtrooper raises his hands as if to try and stop him but Crosshair has had enough, he briefly notices the strange stiffness of the trooper’s right hand but his mind is moving too fast to stop on that thought. 
He just wants to get Omega, find Echo, and get back to Pabu
He wants to leave Tantiss and blow the place to the Maker.
All these thoughts run through his head in a split second. 
Crosshair does what he does best: he shoots.
And this time. He doesn’t miss.
Hitting Echo in the chest. Directly over his heart. 
Crosshair watches the stormtrooper collapse. 
Omega screams and pushes Crosshair away when he runs to grab her.
He doesn't understand.
Until she takes off the stormtrooper’s helmet.
Crosshair can only watch in horror as Echo’s face is revealed. Somehow he is even paler than before. He lies on the ground and Omega puts her hand over his wound desperately trying to help.
All three clones rip their helmets off, dropping them to the ground. 
When Crosshair tries to step forward to try to help, Omega yells at him to just stay back. She sits on the ground beside Echo, he’s practically in her lap
Just this once Crosshair wishes that his hands had shaken.
The one time he wished he could have…Crosshair didn’t miss.
Echo knows he isn't going to make it. 
He can’t help but chuckle to himself over the way that this had occurred. It sounded all too familiar to what Rex had told him so long ago on Anaxes after he had been brought back. 
Rex walks into the room where Echo is getting a final look over by Kix and the other medics. Echo looks up at his captain, his brother. “Finally decided to tell me huh?” Rex can only nod and raises his hand to the back of his neck, his nerves all over the place. “Echo listen, I-,” Echo puts his hand up stopping him. “I know. You can tell me how but it won’t make a difference. He’s gone. He would've been here if he wasn’t. Just, just tell me he went down fighting,” Rex grimaces and brings his hand down putting it on his shoulder. He makes eye contact with Kix who moves to clear everyone else out of the room before leaving himself. “You know Fives, was there any other way?” Rex and Echo chuckle remembering Fives’ personality. “Tell me Rex…” Echo says seriously after a moment. Rex sighs but moves to sit next to Echo on the bed. “In the end…Fives didn’t die on the battlefield. I’m sorry Echo, but he was killed by a brother. By Fox. At the time we had no idea about the chips, but somehow Fives found out. We- I didn't believe him, I was there when it happened and he- well he died in my arms,” Rex says this without looking at Echo. When he finally does he sees Echo’s face not filled with anger as he suspected, but with sorrow? Even a bit of pity. “It isn't your fault Rex. You had no way of knowing, not even the Jedi knew and they were supposed to know everything.” Rex had looked at him and nodded. Echo had wanted to say more but couldn't, internally reeling about how Fives had been killed by a brother, and how he had died assuming he was the last domino to fall. 
Returning to the present, Echo’s eyes focus back on Omega and her hand on his chest. Once again reminding him of another blond clone who had left their handprint on his chest. 
Echo’s eyes move across the room and land on Crosshair, who can’t even look at him. “Hey Cross… I’d say that intel earned your hug.” And suddenly all the men are surrounding Echo and Omega. Crosshair has his hand on Echo’s scomp. He leans over and puts his forehead to Echo’s and whispers “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be, I would've done the same thing,” Echo says firmly and hopes that Crosshair believes him.
Crosshair can’t look at Echo as he stands up and turns away from him, wiping his hand across his eyes. Erasing the tears that Crosshair would refuse to say came. Hunter and Wrecker can’t even say anything. It’s Eriadu all over again. This time they are in a medical facility without their medic, and they can’t do anything to save Echo. Both take their turn to say goodbye and to put their own foreheads to Echo’s as the tears stream down both their faces. They’d gotten so used to crying around each other they barely even noticed it anymore. Unlike Crosshair who was still hiding his face.
Omega looks up just above where Echo is lying. Tears streaming down her face she swears she feels a familiar presence, one she had felt years ago as a young child back on Kamino. She looks back down at Echo who is looking at the same spot, a slight smile on his face. 
“Took you long enough you Di’kut,” Echo chuckles wincing. “You know, Fives, I never thought I'd be the last Domino to fall. Can’t say I’m glad for it.” 
Omega is the only one to hear this. Her other brothers stay back knowing that there is nothing they can do. She looks at them, scared, “Who is Fives?” The men all freeze. They all feel their stomachs drop. She looks back down towards Echo who is already watching her. The rise and fall of his chest is slowing. “Vod’ika, I-I’m… I don't want to go but, My brothers, they’re here. Fives, Rose, Hevy, Cutup, Droidbait, 99... They say I can march with them.” Echo’s eyes are glistening, unfocused. He wants to go with them but he has so much to do here. Omega can see his struggle and pushes her feelings away. 
“It’s ok Echo. You are done fighting, you can march with them.  We will be ok.” Omega’s eyes are full of tears but she doesn’t let them fall. She lays her head on Echo’s chest holding his hand in one of hers and putting the other hand on his chestplate. Feeling as his breaths grow shallow, his heartbeat slows and eventually fades away. Echo’s hand slowly lets go of Omega’s but grabs onto his twin’s. Echo barely notices the lack of metal weighing him down as Fives helps him up, grinning as he pulls Echo into a hug before he turns and leads Echo away with an arm around his neck. 
Omega looks up at Echo’s face. She doesn't think she ever saw him look this peaceful before.
The final domino. Fallen. But rising to join his brothers as they march on to forever.
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Okay one more because I also need interaction. Do you have a particular group of clones that are just your favourites, like if you could be besties with them, who would it be? For me it’s the Command batch (Cody, Fox, Wolffe, Bly, Ponds, honorary member Rex). I feel like they would just rib each other so much, but also be so tight knit with all the shit they go through as senior officers. And they seem like a particularly protective group. ❤️
honestly for me it's just the bad batch. back before tbb s1 where it was just hunter, tech, wrecker, crosshair and echo.
their dynamic we see in ep 1 s 1 is just my favourite.
but the commando batch omg yes defiantly a close second. and i 1000% believe they were all a batch. and rex joined their cause he was the only one of his original batch to not be decommed (sad i know) but it's the reason i believe cody and rex are so close. cause rex is the (annoying) little brother.
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
good golly, I’ve been writing for a little while now, and I decided to take a tiny break and check Twitter (cause that’s what I do, thanks ADHD), and I saw a post that was like “OMG what if TBB splits up at some point cause of what we’ve seen in the show (Echo wanting to fight the Empire, Tech racing, Wrecker becoming an honorary Wookiee, Omega treasure hunting with Phee) but all Hunter wants to do is be with his family and live a peaceful life and he can’t do that if they all split up he’ll never get what he truly wants cause even if he’s somewhere safe he’ll constantly be worrying about his family and not being able to protect them so he’ll never ever actually be happy” and now I’m just
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
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Countdown to Hannah’s Birthday 2022 | 5/7 - Fives Friday
“We are loyal soldiers, we follow orders, but we are not a bunch of unthinking droids! We are men! We must be trusted to make the right decisions, especially when the orders we are given are wrong!”
how appropriate that the fifth set is for this guy? 5️⃣ Fives is one of my favorite Clones of all-time. I admittingly didn’t like him as much as Echo and Hevy when we first saw him, but he quickly grew on me after the Umbara arc. it was actually his speech in Carnage of Krell that got me interested in the show after being just a casual fan priorly (I watched a clip of that scene on a whim and it was all over after that LOL). he’s super confidant and loyal, and a badass soldier to boot. if this man believes in something, he will fight to the death for it (and he did 😭💔). he also strongly opposed the idea that Clones were dispensable and hated being referred to by number (ironically). Echo was his twin and best friend, but he also had a close relationship with Rex. I personally found him a bit unhinged and chaotic at times, which made me love him even more, and I’m still upset that he went out the way that he did. bring him back please 🥺😭
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