#honored my dear!! congratulations!
thedragonkween · 22 days
King Baldwin IV - Courting Headcanons 🤍
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a/n: Here we are again! These are a couple headcanons of mine about a potential courtship with our beloved king. The pining is very real! As always, feel free to hit my inbox for any and all rambling. Hope you enjoy and thank you for reblogging!
wc: 1.3k
tags: king baldwin iv (kingdom of heaven version) x female!reader; fluff
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Ah, congratulations! You have managed to capture the heart and attention of the great Baldwin IV of Jerusalem. Baldwin never much contemplated the thought of love, having to face war, his disease and the duty to defend his kingdom from great enemies from a very young age. The weight of the crown and of his responsibilities sits heavy on his head. Which is why you are a breath of fresh air in his chaotic life. No matter how he notices you - maybe you spoke up during a conflicting situation, offering valuable insight, or maybe the King randomly met you while you strolled in his gardens, or maybe he was impressed by your spirit and fighting abilities - having Baldwin’s attention is an honor. You should be proud!
After noticing you, the King would invite you to spend time with him to get to know you better, although without the intention of courting you, at first. As like-minded individuals who share the same principles, a genuine friendship would quickly bloom between you. Even if your interests wouldn’t align at first, you would soon find yourselves eager to share your knowledge. For instance, Baldwin would listen  to you talk about the plot of the book you’re reading and the lesson you are learning from it without ever taking those blue eyes off of you. He would not only listen, but remember your conversations, as they offer him invaluable insight on the person that you are.
Even Baldwin doesn’t notice at first how much your presence is soothing to him. He keeps inviting you to mass on Sundays (giving you the honor of sitting next to him), to a walk in his gardens where he would ask you about your day, to chess games where you would have battles of wits. The hours would pass dreadfully quickly during these meetings.
Baldwin would have a random epiphany about how deeply he aches for you, and it would steal his breath. During a strategy or diplomatic meeting with his advisors, he would catch himself thinking about you. Maybe someone mentioned your homeland and suddenly his thoughts are spiraling about how your laugh warmed his heart that day, or how lovely you looked with your hair done just like that, or how he wished he could be with you. That is when it would dawn on him that you have taken much more space in his heart than he anticipated. Baldwin never gets distracted during state affairs meetings. And you managed to distract him.
This is when the doubts would creep in. He knows he can’t have an heir born of his own flesh and blood (his heart would clench when he sees you play with Sibylla’s son), thus making marriage an unnecessary option. And yet he desires it with you. It would not be a political marriage, but a union of two souls meant to be together. But would you accept to tie yourself to him in such a way, knowing that the Angel of death would come to take him from you so soon? That he would condemn you to an eternity of grieving and widowhood?
Yet, the more time he spends with you, the more fiercely you latch onto his heart. You are just so dear to him, first of all because he can feel that your interest in him is genuine, not tainted by the thirst for power. Your kindness and sensitivity have stolen his heart even before your looks did. I like to imagine that he would allow himself to be selfish and before he knows it, his mind is set, and he will start courting you. 
Ah, congratulations! You have managed to capture the heart and attention of the great Baldwin IV of Jerusalem. Baldwin never much contemplated the thought of love, having to face war, his disease and the duty to defend his kingdom from great enemies from a very young age. The weight of the crown and of his responsibilities sits heavy on his head. Which is why you are a breath of fresh air in his chaotic life. No matter how he notices you - maybe you spoke up during a conflicting situation, offering valuable insight, or maybe the King randomly met you while you strolled in his gardens, or maybe he was impressed by your spirit and fighting abilities - having Baldwin’s attention is an honor. You should be proud!
After noticing you, the King would invite you to spend time with him to get to know you better, although without the intention of courting you, at first. As like-minded individuals who share the same principles, a genuine friendship would quickly bloom between you. Even if your interests wouldn’t align at first, you would soon find yourselves eager to share your knowledge. For instance, Baldwin would listen  to you talk about the plot of the book you’re reading and the lesson you are learning from it without ever taking those blue eyes off of you. He would not only listen, but remember your conversations, as they offer him invaluable insight on the person that you are.
Even Baldwin doesn’t notice at first how much your presence is soothing to him. He keeps inviting you to mass on Sundays (giving you the honor of sitting next to him), to a walk in his gardens where he would ask you about your day, to chess games where you would have battles of wits. The hours would pass dreadfully quickly during these meetings.
Baldwin would have a random epiphany about how deeply he aches for you, and it would steal his breath. During a strategy or diplomatic meeting with his advisors, he would catch himself thinking about you. Maybe someone mentioned your homeland and suddenly his thoughts are spiraling about how your laugh warmed his heart that day, or how lovely you looked with your hair done just like that, or how he wished he could be with you. That is when it would dawn on him that you have taken much more space in his heart than he anticipated. Baldwin never gets distracted during state affairs meetings. And you managed to distract him.
This is when the doubts would creep in. He knows he can’t have an heir born of his own flesh and blood (his heart would clench when he sees you play with Sibylla’s son), thus making marriage an unnecessary option. And yet he desires it with you. It would not be a political marriage, but a union of two souls meant to be together. But would you accept to tie yourself to him in such a way, knowing that the Angel of death would come to take him from you so soon? That he would condemn you to an eternity of grieving and widowhood?
Yet, the more time he spends with you, the more fiercely you latch onto his heart. You are just so dear to him, first of all because he can feel that your interest in him is genuine, not tainted by the thirst for power. Your kindness and sensitivity have stolen his heart even before your looks did. I like to imagine that he would allow himself to be selfish and before he knows it, his mind is set, and he will start courting you. 
“Your Grace!” You quickly stand up from the bench, your book falling from your lap to lay forgotten near the rose bushes. For a moment, you wonder if you’ve been visited by an Angel - all you see is the white and gold of his robe swirling with the wind, sunlight glinting off of the familiar silver mask. You bow as King Baldwin approaches you. What has him out in such a rush, as if a horde of Saracens were at his door? The King says your name with a trembling breath, his shoulders heaving from exertion. You look even more ethereal than ever - sunlight framing you like a halo and the rose bushes arching above you, bathing you in a rainbow of red, pink, orange and white blossoms. He closes the distance between you, coming as close as he dares without breaching the rules of propriety. Something latches fiercely onto his heart when he sees the way you’re looking at him, bright eyes shining with awe and hope, lips slightly parted. Emboldened by your reaction, the King stretches his arm out behind you, gloved hand closing around the stem of a white rose. He pulls at the flower, and you wonder if he can feel the prick of the thorns. The thought is quickly forgotten when he hands the rose to you. This is so unlike him, but at this moment Baldwin feels more like a boy in love, not a King courting his beloved. He repeats your name, relishing the way your face lights up when he pronounces each syllable. “Please, allow me the honor of courting you.”
He would literally be the picture of honor and romance when courting. It’s just what you deserve! Speaking of gifts, he won’t spend a fortune on generic luxury items such as large gems or fine clothes; he’d pick out quality pieces that would be unique and surprisingly perfectly suited to your aesthetic, showing you how thoughtful he really is. Elegant quills, delicate hair pins, rare books, extravagantly scented candles or exotic fragrances would be more his style. He likes to hand the gifts to you when you are out together because he loves seeing your pretty face light up, but I also like to imagine him letting you find the presents in your chambers, with a sweet note attached, for you to still think of him when your day is coming to a close (not that you wouldn’t otherwise). Later on in the courting stage, he’d even have a chess board made just for you where the queen and king match your likeness, for you to enjoy matches together! (That chess board is now in a museum).
Another way of spending quality time would be horse riding. He would be very gallant even if you were a proficient rider, waving away the guards to offer you his hand himself to help you get on and off the horse and making sure that you are correctly mounted first. He’d make your heart race while holding his hand, which is surprisingly strong and firm under his soft glove. When asked about your sudden flush, you would blame it on the hot Jerusalem winds and sun.
His sister would be one of the first people to notice that you found the King’s favor. She is very observant, yet it does not take an expert to see that you and Baldwin have grown quite close. All in all, Sibylla would approve of you and your union with Baldwin, especially after seeing how truly devoted you are to spending time together for the pleasure of each other’s company, without seeking political advantage. She would invite you to spend time together, such as chatting while having your henna painted, because she wants to get to know the person who clearly stole her brother’s heart.
All in all, I think a courtship with Baldwin would be sweet, hopeful and discreet at first. Soon enough, the court would see that Baldwin is quite taken with you. The most ambitious courtesans would use this knowledge in hopes of exploiting your connection with the King to their advantage. Luckily, I also think Baldwin would be quite protective, and as soon as he senses that you’re attracting unwanted attention, he would get Tiberias, Balian or a trusted advisor to help him keep an eye on you. However, on a positive note, you would instantly gain the respect of the most loyal members of the court. After all, if a King as wise as Baldwin has chosen you, that speaks volumes about your character. 🙂
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dividers by: @/firefly-graphics
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devildom-moss · 1 year
MC plays favorites (with the dateables + Luke)
Luke: MC, I got a perfect score on my exam from yesterday!
MC, squeezing the life out of hugging Luke: Congratulations! You did such a good job.
Simeon: Indeed. Well done, Luke. I also received a perfect score on my last test.
MC: Would you like a hug, too?
Simeon: Could I perhaps get a kiss instead?
MC: Alright - but just on the cheek. Come here.
[MC kisses Simeon on the cheek]
Diavolo: I got caught up on all of my paperwork last night. Can I get a reward, too?
MC: Sure.
[MC kisses Diavolo on the cheek]
Solomon: I completed my Magical Potions lab ahead of the rest of the class.
MC: That’s very nice, Solomon.
Solomon: So…?
MC: Oh right!
[MC gives Barbatos a kiss on the cheek]
Barbatos: Oh my. To what do I owe the honor?
MC: Well, because.
Solomon: Because what?
MC: He’s Barbatos. He’s always well-behaved and doing a good job.
Barbatos: Your praise is too much, MC.
Solomon: I’ll say.
MC: Now, now. If there’s nothing else, I have to head to my next class. Later!
[MC leaves]
Solomon: But my kiss…
Barbatos: Oh dear. When it comes to Solomon, it seems like MC is American.
Solomon: What is that supposed to mean?
Barbatos: It appears MC’s “favorite” doesn’t include “u.”
(the demon brothers ver.)
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hookhausenschips · 2 months
Charles- Alpha Kappa Alpha
Soror Series
F1 Masterlist
Join my taglist here!
Faceclaim: none, just beautiful black women
Credit to original owners
A/N: I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to post, I’ve changed so much because I hated all of them at first. Let me know what you guys think please!!
next; Max Verstappen- Delta
📍Jackson State University
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liked by charles_leclerc, user1, user2, and 852 others
y/user/n: nothing to see here😁
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bffuser: mega slay🤩
y/user/n: I’m cringing for you
user: 👀
liked by arthur_leclerc, leclerc_pascale, charlotte2304, and others
tagged: y/user/n
charles_leclerc: congratulations mon amour🥳🩷
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francisca.cgomes: that’s my wife!!!
charles_leclerc: get out of here sewer rat
francisca.cgomes: I will pay a mechanic to ruin your car🥰
y/user/n: Thank you for coming Charlie🩷🩷
user: this is such a hard launch omg
user: I knew Charles was being too quiet
y/user/n added to her story!
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seen by charles_leclerc, riabish, lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, and others
lilymhe has replied to your story:
hand in marriage
Charles doesn’t have to know about us🫦
just a crumb ma’am 😭
francisca.cgomes has replied to your story:
It’s purring👀
Come home the kids miss you 😚
charles_leclerc has replied to your story:
You put too much trust into that top mon amour
I miss you so much
Why are Lilly and Kika asking me if we’re serious and if I can fight? They’re scaring me😭
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liked by leclerc_pascale, charles_leclerc, lilymhe, and others
y/user/n: You wish you had a nickel
You wish you had a dime
You wish you had an AKA
To love you all the time
You wish you had a quarter
You wish you had a dollar
You wish you had an AKA
To make you scream and holler🩷💚🐩
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charles_leclerc & y/user/n
📍Jackson State University
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, pierregasly, and others
y/user/n: Alumni Gala🩷
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francisca.cgomes: Um momento para o vestido? Tu e o Charles estão a falar a sério ou? [A moment for the dress?! Are you and Charles serious or?]
y/user/n: if you’re proposing I say yes, see you at the altar bby💋🫦
charles_leclerc: back off🤺🤺
pierregasly: am I chopped liver?
y/user/n: pierregasly no just an alpine driver😭🤢
pierregasly: die☺️
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liked by charlotte2304, arthur_leclerc, pierregasly, charles_leclerc, and others
tagged: charles_leclerc
y/user/n: onto Junior Year🏎️🛫
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JSUAlphaKappaAlpha added to their story!
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seen by soror4624, sororalum, y/user/n, and others
[captions: 👀🗣️]
JSUAlphaKappaAlpha & y/user/n
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liked by charles_leclerc, leclerc_pascale, carlossainz55, pierregasly, and others
JSUAlphaKappaAlpha: I am thrilled to introduce our new chapter president for the 2025-2026 school year, Y/N Y/L/N, a remarkable individual whose dedication to excellence and passion for service have already made her a shining example within our sorority. Y/N Y/L/N is a Political Science-Paralegal Studies major with a heart for uplifting others and a vision for leading our chapter to new heights. Her commitment to our sisterhood and her leadership skills make her the perfect choice to guide us forward.
Together, let us embrace this opportunity to make a difference, to inspire change, and to leave a lasting legacy of sisterhood and service. With unity and determination, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Thank you for your support, and let us embark on this journey together.
Here is what she has to say;
Dear esteemed members of the AKA Sorority Chapter at Jackson State University,
I am deeply honored and humbled to accept the responsibility of serving as your president. As we embark on this journey together, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the remarkable year ahead.
First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for entrusting me with this esteemed position. It is a privilege to lead such a talented and dedicated group of individuals who are committed to upholding the values of sisterhood, scholarship, and service.
In the coming months, I look forward to fostering a culture of inclusivity and empowerment within our chapter. Together, we will strive to create meaningful experiences that strengthen the bonds of sisterhood and support one another in our personal and academic endeavors.
As president, I am committed to amplifying the voices of all members and ensuring that each one of us has the opportunity to contribute our unique talents and perspectives to the betterment of our community. Through collaboration and unity, we will continue to make a positive impact on campus and beyond.
I am excited about the potential for growth and success that lies ahead for our chapter. Together, let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our way with grace, resilience, and determination.
Thank you once again for placing your trust in me. I am confident that together, we will achieve great things.
President, AKA Sorority Chapter
Jackson State University.
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soror1: so proud of you Y/N!!!
soror2: no one more deserving!
charles_leclerc: Félicitations mon amour, tu es venu jusqu'à présent et je suis impatient de voir ce que tu as accompli d'autre ❤️ [Congratulations my love, you’ve come so far and I can’t wait to see what else you accomplish]
y/user/n: thank you for standing beside me through it all Charlie🩷
leclerc_pascale: Félicitations ma chérie ! Nous devons célébrer quand nous vous verrons ensuite🩷 [Congratulations darling girl! We must celebrate when we see you next]
liked by charlotte2304, arthur_leclerc, and y/user/n
y/user/n: Thank you Pascale! Your support means the world to me🩷🩷
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liked by bffuser, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, and others
y/user/n: That’s a wrap baby, onto the next chapter😭🩷💚
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sororalum: congratulations!
soror735: going to miss you beautiful😢
y/user/n: I promise to visit!
charles_leclerc: so many words I could say❤️
y/user/n: Charles🥹
arthur_leclerc: so can I call you my lawyer👀
charles_leclerc: absolutely not
187 notes · View notes
writingstoraes · 1 year
world champion 🏆
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine/social media au
notes: my first insta and f1 imagine! been in a writing slump so i thought id give this a try :]] not proofread nor revised pls expect errors! lmk what u think! also lmk if u wanna be included in my taglist!
about: the favorite couple of the paddock's season-ender posts on instagram!
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liked by pierregasly, scuderiaferrari, carlossainz55, and 1,056,756 others
yourusername it's been a long and hard season but here you are victorious! congratulations on owning the wdc title, baby 🤍 never doubted you for one second. will never grow tired of cheering for you and being beside you whenever you need me to. you're p1 in my heart forever.
tagged: @charles_leclerc
pierregasly "you're p1 in my heart forever" please delete this what makes you think this was okay
ferrarifan1 idk if pierre is joking but i relate
charles_leclerc Thank you, ma chèrie ❤️ Couldn't have done it without you, you have my heart eternally.
charlespredestinato U GUYS R SO SWEET BYE im gonna bawl my eyes out
scuderiaferrari We'll look forward to seeing Charles' lucky charm next season ❤
carlossainz55 Are you saying im not his goodluck charm?
charles_leclerc Yes Carlos you're not.
yourbrotherusername Congratulations, Charles 🏆 See you back at home!
pascale_leclerc My favorite couple ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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liked by lewishamilton, arthurleclerc, danielricciardo, and 2,056,901 others
charles_leclerc P1 in the whole world! 🏆 What an amazing season it has been. All the hardwork and rigorous effort poured in this year has definitely paid off. All of this still seems very surreal to me.
My greatest gratitude to the people behind this success - my dear friends, my family who believed in me till I crossed the checkered flag, the passionate fans and of course my angel that served as my anchor throughout the whole season. Je t'aime, yourusername ❤️ See you all next year on the track!
yourusername my world champion 🤍 does this mean i get you all to myself now?
charles_leclerc I'm all yours just like I have always been, chèrie 💋
danielricciardo Ah so is this how he won you over, Y/N?
carlossainz55 So you're a smooth talker and I am a smooth operator, then?
lewishamilton Congratulations, mate! It has been an honor to race with you this season 🏎
scuderiaferrari Well deserved win from the Il Predestinato! ❤️
sebastian_vettel You did amazing, another win for the red team!
arthurleclerc Congrats, bro! Bring me a souvenir home from the trip gifted to you by Y/N 😄
charles_leclerc What trip?
yourusername ARTHUR NO
tagging: @slytherheign my first supporter <3
notes: writing this was so fun but i didnt realize it takes some time lol please let me know what u think by commenting or messaging! i hope the format doesnt get ruined or anything idk sh1t about tumblr formatting so 😭
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ethereallocs · 1 year
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Jorrāeliarza Mēre (Dear One) Part 1.
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Velaryon Fem Reader
Content: 18 PLUS 🔞, Incest, Age-Gap, Sibling Rivalry,Angst.
Word Count: 2,080
Summary: House Velaryon has come to King’s Landing to celebrate the betrothal of Ser Laenor Velaryon and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. You are the youngest sister of Laenor and Laena. Your sister, now being of age to be married, has set her sights on your cousin the Rogue Prince, himself Prince Daemon. You could care less about being married off just yet, but Daemon has other plans for you.
Authors’s Notes: There will be translations in High Valyrian and it just might suck (their English translation will be in italics next to them.)I’m doing a lot of research to make it as authentic as possible, so bare with me and feedback is always welcome. Thank you and I hope you ENJOY!
Your family's boat has just docked at King’s Landing, the bells of the city bells tolling to greet you, foreshadowing the celebration to come. You and your family have finally arrived at the Red Keep. Being announced to the king and all other patrons, your entourage enters gracefully dressed in gold with your heads held high.
Not too soon after you all have taken your places at the table, the Rogue Prince struts in behind you even after being exiled by the King, but as the Kingdom knows, Daemon listens to no one, not even his own brother. Your sister Laena notices him and somewhat swoons while a servant made a seat for him next to the King’s Hand, Ser Lyonel Strong. “Is he not handsome?” You, on the other hand, were not so easily impressed by his arrogance, but he did have a pretty face.
  “If that is what piques your interest, dear sister, who am I to deny you of it?” Little did you know he spotted you from the moment he walked past and hasn’t taken an eye off you since. King Viserys stood at his feet to welcome his guests and speak before the festivities commenced. “Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight, is only its beginning. We honor the crown's oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons. With House Targaryen and...”
The King being quickly interrupted by Alicent’s rather late entrance wearing the House of Hightower’s colors for all to see. Her lack of respect for the king did not go unnoticed by him or the entire court, but appearances needed to be kept. Taking her seat beside her husband, she turned to Rhaenyra, “Congratulations, stepdaughter. What a blessing this is for you.” Viserys could sense the chill behind her words and only sighed to turn back to his subjects to finish his speech. After the applause, Laenor and Rhaenyra took to the floor to begin with the first dance of the night. Your family knew of your brother’s true preference, though your father would rather deny it. You couldn’t help but notice how out of place he looked, and it saddened you a bit.
You think to yourself, "If being forced to marry someone other than for love is the only way. Then to hell with it." You were the youngest daughter after all, it honestly didn’t matter what you wanted anyway. Once the dance of the dragons was over, everyone else joined them on the dance floor. Daemon had decided to take his niece from her betrothed for a dance. Your sister watched closely and after a while she sprung to her feet and took your hand, practically dragging you along. “Gods, Laena! Are you trying to pull my arm out of the socket!?”
She laughed, “Sorry, Y/N. I don’t want to miss this dance with him.” Being within a few feet from him he noticed you, first noting the annoyance on your face, but his attention had swiftly turned to your sister who eagerly waited for him to notice her.“Hello, my Prince.”, She beamed the brightest smile he could and while she was beautiful, he couldn’t help but want to center his gaze upon you. “Hello, Laena..Y/N. How you both have grown to be such beautiful young ladies.”
His voice quite captivating. You took this time to find a glass of wine to hold onto while your sister was occupied with trying to court him. You slipped away into the crowd hoping no one noticed your absence, but he did. After his dance with your sister, he went looking for you and that wasn’t too hard of a task. You were tucked away into a corner sipping a goblet of wine smiling at your brother and sister dancing together until you noticed someone standing over you.
 “Lilagon lēda nyke gevie.” “Dance with me, beautiful.”  Holding a hand out to you and you hesitantly took hold of it as he led you to the dance floor. You both bowed slightly, and he made the first move, coming around you slowly, his eyes burning into you. You were nervous. No boy nor man has ever looked at you in such a way, but you refused to let him see you in such a state.
 “Issa sȳz naejot ūndegon ao qȳbranna.” “It is good to see you, cousin.” You tried to seem uninterested, but his gaze made you feel dizzy while his hands met your waist. He smiled, seeing the red rush to your cheeks.  He leaned into whisper in your ear. “It is good to see you too, Jorrāeliarza mēre.” “Dear one.”
What was he doing? He hadn’t really seen much of you since you were but a babe. There is no way he could be interested in you. You were seven and ten and your sister was practically throwing herself at him. She looked confused and a bit flustered at the sudden attention she was receiving.
 “I have a question, little cousin. Have you had any suitors offer to wed you yet?” She was stumped for a response. The honest answer? No, not at all. She wasn’t the type for arranged marriages and every chance she had she’d sabotage the match.
 “No, my Prince, but my sister has. In fact, I think she’s rather interested in you, unlike myself.” She gave a smug smile which caused him to chuckle before leaning into whisper in her ear again. “Well, from the blush on your face, ñuha byka rūklon, you seem very interested but maybe my knowledge of body language has become a bit blurred.” “My little flower.”
 Laena had been watching you two and a hint of jealousy washed over her. He hadn’t been that open with her the entire dance and she was more than open about her obvious interest in him. Meanwhile, you were practically running from him as he inhaled your scent. You smelled of honey and you were so intoxicating to him.
 Such a gesture made her cheeks warm and the butterflies in her stomach fluttered ever so slightly. “Excuse me, cousin. I need to get some fresh air.” Bowing quickly, she practically sprinted away, finding herself out in the courtyard where the Godswood stood.
 Your heart was beating out of your chest when the sound of approaching footsteps approached you and the voice of your unhappy sister filled the silence. “Since when did you start having feelings for, Daemon dear sister?” Confusion furrowed on her brows. “Laena…You couldn’t possibly think I have any kind of feelings for him. Sister, I would never betray you like that.”
Of course, that was what she was telling her sister and even herself, but the way his hand held onto the curves of her hips, the intensity in his eyes started a fire within her that she hadn’t yet realized. Laena fiddled with her fingers feeling her insecurities may have gotten the best of her. She saw the way he looked at you and jumped to conclusions of your true intentions with him.
You held a hand out for her to grasp so that you two might sit under the Godswood tree and talk about anything other than The Rogue Prince. And of course, your sister did the opposite of that, so you just sat there leaning against the bark of the tree listening. Letting your mind wander you closed your eyes. You could hear his voice echoing about your mind.
“Ñuha jorrāelagon mēre.” “My dear one.” Feeling someone nudge you, your eyes open quickly to see Laena staring at you. “What were you dreaming about, little sister?” Gaining your composure, you managed to get your sister to go back inside while you continue hiding. Once she was out of sight, Daemon appeared from the shadows. “Skoro syt gaomagon ao ruaragon hen nyke byka rūklon?” “Why do you hide from me, little flower?”  
You moved away from where you were seated with your hands behind you back to go back inside. “Oh..Prince Daemon. My sister was just going inside to look for you. Would you like for me to go get her for you?” A sly smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “If I knew any better Y/N I’d think you’re trying to avoid me. Are you?” He grabbed your arm pulling you into the shadows of a dark hallway pressing your back against the cool wall.
“Cousin..this looks rather inappropriate and my sister wouldn’t appreciate us in such a compromising position.” He laughed softly burying his face into your neck to inhale your scent again. “I rather like this position, Y/N. And please call me Daemon. You and your sister act as if I already belong to her. I haven’t asked for her hand yet and I can see she’s very interested in me, but unfortunately for her my eyes haver wandered elsewhere.”
“Please Daemon, someone will see us.” You struggled to get from between the wall and him, it only made him press his chest against yours harder. “Dōna mēre, I know you want me..but I’ll let you go..for now.” “Sweet one.” He pulled away from you slowly, your breathing was erratic. Why was he doing this? Surely his advances would cause a divide in her own home. Why couldn’t he just be happy with Laena? She would be an amazing wife to him.
You waited in the hall for a moment more before going into your chambers for the night to sleep off whatever had happened tonight. Maybe your sister could catch his attention while you were gone. You closed your eyes seeing him the moment they shut. He took over your every thought even finding his way into your dreams. The feel of his calloused hand caressing your skin, him leaving heated kisses against your skin it felt all too real. You toss and turn, waking up in a cold sweat. This was to be a long night and an even longer week.
The morning light shined through your windows waking you before you handmaidens came inside to do so. You and your family were to have breakfast with the King this morning. After a short bath your maids helped you find something to wear. You decided to wear a seafoam-colored dress with white flowers embroidered along the bodice of the dress. The corset pushed your chest up causing the area to be rather accentuated.
Your platinum hair flowed over your shoulders and down your back while two braids were tied in the back. Taking one more look in the mirror you left your chambers only to be greeted by the man you were trying to avoid. “Sȳz ñāqes, dōna riña. Geron lēda nyke?” “Good morning, sweet girl. Walk with me?” Extending his arm to you, you reluctantly wrapped her arms in his. “Did you sleep well? You look exhausted. But, still so beautiful.” You yawned and quickly covered your mouth. “Forgive me, my Prince…Nightmares...” He smiled, “It’s quite alright, dōna riña. So, what if you ended up being betrothed to someone? How would you feel? “
You were in silence thinking of how to respond. “Well, it seems like I wouldn’t have a choice so I’d do what is asked of me, but I don’t think I would be too happy about it. But, if he’s a good husband then maybe I could be happy.” He listened so intently and reveled in the fact that you were so close to him. His eyes still so intense while he watched the way your lips fell when you spoke. How he wished to feel the soft flesh against his own. He slowed the walk trying to ready you for the surprise that awaited you at breakfast.
Finally, the both of you made it to the hall. All of your family was seated along with King Viserys, Queen Alicent, and Princess Rhaenyra. “Ahh brother I see you’ve found your bride to-be. Come sit I want to make a toast for another wonderful union that further binds our houses together.” You froze in your tracks your eyes searching the room to find your sister sulking in her seat burning a hole into your head. You were in shock and couldn’t believe no one informed you of this until today. “So, when the fuck were you going to tell me about this, Cousin? And you father, mother?” You storm off with your betrothed following behind you seething at your behavior.
To Be Continued….
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tremendum · 1 month
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Me and the Devil; iv
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previous next series masterlist
word count: 9.5k i think
summary:  "We've always known what the Harkonnens are. And yet, they sent me, happily, to marry the devil. To become one."
warnings: canon-typical violence, blood, incorrect lore probably, brief allusion to blood kink (blink and you miss it), reader has some mommy issues and also some daddy issues, reader is also a bit of a diva buttttt thats ok shes grieving, height difference mention (Paul is taller than reader).
notes: back with chapter four! Thanks so much again you guys for all of the feedback, it's so so appreciated. I'm happy you're liking it!! this is very unedited. lmk what you think :)
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My Dear Niece,
I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits, despite the trying times you have endured. It has been far too long since we last spoke, and I have often found myself thinking of you and wondering how you are faring - but I am hopeful that Caladan will be more forgiving with message deliveries.
First and foremost, allow me to offer my condolences. I cannot begin to imagine the pain and sorrow you must have experienced in the wake of the tragedy that befell your family at the hands of those beasts. To have been thrust into the midst of such turmoil and danger, surrounded by those who brought about such devastation, must have been unimaginably difficult.
I write to you also with a sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your recent betrothal to Paul Atreides. While I understand that this union may have come as a surprise, I have every confidence that you will make a splendid bride and wife. Duke Leto is a noble and honorable man, and I have no doubt that his son is the very same. I know that he will cherish and protect you with all his heart.
Please know that you are not alone in your sorrow, my dear niece. Though distance may separate us, if ever you feel the need for comfort or companionship, know that our home is always open to you. You are welcome to visit whenever you please, and I would be honored to meet your new husband and welcome him into our family.
In the meantime, I hope this message finds you well and brings some small measure of comfort to your troubled heart. You are a strong and resilient woman, my dear, and I have every confidence that you will emerge from this darkness stronger than ever before.
With all my love and affection,
Lady Ginaz
- Message sent to Lady Bourbon from the Lady Ginaz. 10191. Caladan.
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For the second time in his life, Paul is roused by his mother in the dead of the night.
When she insists he follow her, she wears a similarly grave face to the first time - spooked, uneasy. He was not given the grace to even find shoes this time before she grasped his bicep, pulling him along to her own quarters and through a hallway lit only by the full moon outside; Too tired to protest and still yawning at the curling tendrils of slumber, he drags his bare feet along the stone floor. Still blinking sleep from his eyes, a sense of dread fills him when he crosses into the dimly lit chamber at the end of the hall; an ornate chair placed in the center, and on sitting atop it is the imposing figure of the Reverend Mother.
Paul's heart clenches; his eyes are alert immediately.
Their previous encounter; searing pain, the Gom Jabbar - a test of his humanity. He struggles to conceal the rage that simmers beneath the surface, a bitter reminder of what he'd endured - and for no reason.
He should never have told his mother about the dreams.
Already knowing, but needing the affirmation, he clenches his jaw. "What's this?" He turns to ask his mother, whose stare is icy and less fearful than it was those years before. She doesn't respond, only nudges him forward, towards the woman in the center of the room.
As the Reverend Mother's piercing gaze meets his own, Paul squares his shoulders, steeling himself for what is to come; He'll have to tread carefully, lest he betray the depth of his emotions - or the truth about his dreams.
The Reverend Mother speaks, her voice a low, commanding tone that fills the room. "Tell me of your dreams, Paul Atreides," her eyes bore into his own. Paul hesitates for a moment, glaring to his mother- Lady Jessica nods subtly, her expression urging him to speak the truth; Anger courses through him, but he knows there is no choice for him now.
Summoning his courage, Paul begins to recount the vivid images that have haunted his nights.
Leaving out the details he suspects are less...important, he instead focuses on the more foreboding parts; The eerie familiarity of the clearing, the ceremonial sheet spread like a shroud. Ash falling from the sky, the missile streaks in the sky and the burning of the large pine; a shiver runs down his spine - the visions feel like a portent of doom, and it brings him to a hushed quiet.
"I've tried to make sense of them," His voice comes out just as frustrated as he feels, "But they're elusive. Fragmented. She's always there."
It seems he doesn't have to elaborate on who he's talking about - the woman's eyes flash before him from under her thick veil. She says nothing, but a sharp glance from his mother makes him clear his throat, confessing the dream his mother had woke him from not minutes ago.
"And in the last dream," Paul's jaw tightens, the memory of the vision burning bright in his mind, "I saw someone... stabbing me," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper. "A black-hilted knife, with an engraved blade."
The words hang heavy in the air, sending a ripple of unease through the chamber. Paul can feel the weight of the Reverend Mother's scrutiny, her eyes boring into his soul as if searching for the truth buried within. He's not sure if his mother is making the connection; you've brought that knife with you nearly everywhere since you got it back. To him, it's inevitable.
The Reverend Mother's expression is unreadable as she absorbs his words. Paul braces himself for her response, knowing that what he's revealed may have far-reaching consequences; He cannot afford to hide the visions that plague his mind—not if what you said about Sabberon is true. The Reverend Mother regards him with a penetrating stare. "Interesting," she murmurs. "Your dreams hold great significance, Paul Atreides."
Paul's frustration boils to the surface as he listens to the Reverend Mother's cryptic response; He knows what she is capable of, he knows how powerful the Bene Gesserit are in the galaxy - yet his resentment grows and boils within him. Resisting a snarl, he glares sharply, trying to quell the anger, confusion.
"Significance?" Paul retorts, his voice laced with bitterness. "I will not be a pawn in your schemes," he declares, his voice ringing with conviction. "I am the heir to House Atreides. I will not allow my fate to be dictated by prophecy or visions."
His words echo in the chamber; Lady Jessica places a sharp hand on his shoulder, her sharp inhale bristling the hair on Paul's neck.
Whatever words of anger he was about to say halt on his tongue. Prickles of anger wash over him when he comes out of the quick haze; she dares use the Voice on him, yet again.
Her voice is harsh when it comes, eyes sharp as tiny beads behind the black of her dressing. "You are the heir to a great legacy, but with that inheritance comes duty. Tread carefully, Paul Atreides. The choices you make will shape the fate of many." These words are extremely discomforting; Once again he is filled with the spoilt disdain of their fanatic manipulations.
The Reverend Mother continues, her gaze steady and unwavering. "You possess a strength within you, a strength born of both blood and spirit; but true strength lies not in the wielding of power, but in the mastery of oneself. Trust in your instincts, but do not let them blind you."
He refuses to speak.
His mother is fearful behind him; he can feel it radiating off of her, and it fills him with even more indignation. His eyes pierce through her veil, waiting for her to finish. "You may go." She dismisses, and he has no problem turning heel, walking briskly to the door.
"Not you, Jessica."
Jaw clenching at the tone of disrespect the woman uses towards his mother, he almost turns around; but somewhere in his mind is a hazy insistence from his mother- urging him to leave them. He does, lingering to listen to the hushed whispers behind the closed door for only a moment.
"-with the girl, too.You must ensure they go down the right path."
He doesn't bother to stay and hear the rest of it.
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The clashing of blades chimes in your ears with surprise when you arrive for training in the late morning.
It's more common than not to find Duncan sitting, cleaning blades or stretching when you arrive for lessons, but today, it seems he and Paul are thoroughly engrossed in sparring and don't notice when you enter.
They move with that dance-like rhythm you grew up learning; one then the other - legs lunging, arms parrying and striking. They circle each other with cautious precision; Paul's movements are fluid and graceful, calculated - his proficiency comes as somewhat of a shock to you. With such a lithe, deft body, you'd assumed him little match for someone like Duncan. Perhaps, in your own vain perception, you'd expected him to have been meagerly gifted in the art of fighting, having been so well-endowed in the areas of strategy, politics, governance. Of course, you sigh. He's grown up here on Caladan - a Duke's son, trained to become a fair and mighty ruler one day. You suppose you shouldn't be so surprised, he's trained for it all his whole life.
You're sourly impressed as Paul matches him blow for blow, cheeks dusted with pink, barely a glean of sweat across his furrowed brow. A strike against Duncan hits unblocked; The older man, in turn, lets out a huff of laughter - pride flickers in his eyes as he watches Paul strike again.
It turns your blood to acid as you lean against the doorframe; waiting is becoming quite a drag. Duncan, watching Paul as if he were his own son; anger bites at your heels, pushing down the resentment you harbor. He couldn't have done anything when you were sent to Giedi Prime; rationally, you understand that, but the bitterness lingers, a reminder of the betrayal you felt at being abandoned to your fate years ago. There was a time years ago where you would spar with him like this in the weapons arena on Sabberon during the Harvest season- leaves falling red and yellow from their branches, the smell of roast and cider rising into the air.
Duncan's blade presses to Paul's side in a sudden move. Grunting, Paul can't seem to parry, and the blade is moments away from penetrating the shield and breaking through; God forbid he hurts that precious porcelain skin, You think. Briefly, as you watch the shield flicker red, you wonder how dark Paul's blood would flow. Feyd-Rautha's blood was so dark it was nearly black - a crimson color when it smeared across his skin; a tangy, sharp metallic taste when he'd pressed his bloodied fingers to your lips. You blink your eyes hard, pressing away the urge with a furrowed brow.
Your patience is gone, but luckily, Duncan seems to notice you first.
A spare glance in your direction as you linger in the entryway and he's fumbling - Paul takes the moment to strike, knocking Duncan to the ground with his blade pressed against his throat. Your brows raise.
With a wipe of sweat from his brow, Duncan's eyes skirt to the clock and he huffs, "Sorry, we must've lost track of the time." He mutters, taking Paul's extended hand. Paul nods at you in greeting; you nod back just as terse, ignoring the shocked look on Duncan's face at your appearance.
"It's fine. I believe I'm early." You reason, turning to walk towards the mat, avoiding eye contact. You can feel Duncan's stare on you; since you refused the veil from Hestia this morning, each person has looked at you the same - surprise, intrigue. You have to resist a snarl.
Paul, whose eyes flick to you then towards the weapons table, seems to be the only person this morning who hasn't stared at you as if you'd grown another head - but you're not fooled by his capacity to regard you simply as yourself this morning. Yesterday, he promised to never disrespect you; you suppose in turn, you will never disrespect him. That much will be given. But respecting someone is not the same as enjoying someone's company, and a moment of camaraderie is just a moment of weakness; You know he doesn't want this as much as you don't, but you will have to use this marriage as leverage if you ever want to make sure the Harkonnens stay off of Sabberon. And that means building trust.
Paul looks at you from the corner of his eyes for a moment before beginning to disinfect the blade he'd been using; Reaching to hold it out for you to take, you decline the offer.
Instead, your hand finds the hilt of your own blade, "No, thank you. I prefer to use my own."
Paul's eyes catch and linger on the blade; He blinks those long lashes a few times, as if deep in thought, before nodding. "Of course." He says, voice quiet as he turns. Duncan watches with disinterest, sipping on a cup of water as Paul brushes past you, giving you a tight-lipped, emotionless smile.
It's not until he's gone that you turn your stare to Duncan Idaho.
"He fights like you," You observe, beginning to stretch; if it's instigative, let it be.
Duncan's brow raises, "That's a good thing." He retorts, running a finger over the blade Paul had set down. You roll your eyes, concealing it by unsheathing your blade to begin sharpening it.
You can feel his stare. you know Duncan - he's not going to come out and say it, given how you've received his presence since arriving on Caladan; Instead, you beat him to it, turning to meet his eyes. "Did you expect me to be bald under the veil?" You ask, lifting a brow, "I lived there long enough, didn't I?"
He holds his hands up defensively, "I didn't say anything." He's right; you're acting up. Acting out. Probably both. You send him a look, "You didn't have to." You feel a defensive streak kick in yourself, considering what you'd learned about your own heritage by Paul yesterday. You'd been embarrassed in front of him - not knowing your own House's marriage traditions, or even the correct mourning phases? You looked like a fool.
He shakes his head. "You just... you've gotten older. You look like your mother." A pain that you've been holding down surfaces, striking you in the small gap your wall had built around your heart; guilt of survival, anger at your mother and all she'd done, everything shatters. You glare, throwing your knife onto the table in front of you.
"Don't speak to me of any of them, Duncan Idaho." You snap, eyes burning with emotion. "I was never prepared to be the last Bourbon alive, but now there's nobody left to witness my traditions being broken but myself." You say coldly, "I'm done with the veils and the gowns; I'm barely a Bourbon at all anymore. I didn't even know there were traditions until my betrothed informed me of them." Your voice is venomous; You can tell Duncan is preparing himself for a fight of words and not blades as he walks towards you.
"You've always been a fighter, my lady," Duncan chooses, his tone filled with respect; you can't help but hear the voice of someone who is approaching a cornered hound. "But you don't have to face it all alone."
Astounded, you almost laugh. "Really?" You snap, "Then where were you?"
You knew it would boil over at some point; By the look on his face, he knew it too.
Hands shaking, you take a shaky breath, "I was there with them - with him - for four years. Four years." You say, heart thundering, "Not one single fucking check-in, no visit, nothing. Nobody batted an eye when my messages stopped delivering, when there was never a wedding?"
You're not finished; the floodgates open, you're at your own mercy to stop and you can't help but continue. "-They had to have known what kind of monsters they'd shipped me off to, right? We were allies with the Atreides for centuries; we've always known what the Harkonnens are."
You laugh mirthlessly, "And yet, they sent me, happily, to marry the devil. To become one." You're breathing hard, hands shaking - the room feels hot and you can't seem to catch your breath. "-And I know, Duncan. I know that your hands were tied." You sigh, pressing your hands to your cheeks to soothe the heat. Thankfully, no tears fall. "I don't blame you, really, but- you're the only person left to be angry towards." Your voice cracks as you look down, shame burning on your face.
Duncan's expression softens, his gaze filled with regret and remorse. "I'm sorry for everything you lost, my lady." he says, his voice heavy; You resist the urge to pull him into an embrace, to feel the warmth of someone else and feel safe for the first time in so long. Instead you stand, barren and alone, in the middle of the floor.
"I should have been there for you - they should have, too."
It strikes a bout of guilt in you to make him admit something so ugly when you know he is grieving their loss just as you are. "They should have done something to help you. It's okay to still be angry with them, what they did to you, even if you're mourning them."
His words cut through the haze of anger and pain and you're stuck with an exhaustion - one that comes from the years of neglect and abandonment. You look down at the ground; perhaps it won't hurt to have someone on your side, someone you trust. It's been a dangerous and lonely several years, and you're tired of always trying to watch your own back. Clearing your throat, you nod. "I'm sorry, Duncan." You utter, looking up at him squarely. "I shouldn't have treated you coldly. I haven't been taking this change well at all." You confess.
He gives you a look, shaking his head, "There is nothing for you to apologize for, Little Bourbon." At the shadow of a smile on your face, he grins; He's always known what will cheer you up - tossing you your blade from where it sat on the table, he squares himself. You catch it deftly, rolling your neck and squaring yourself, thankful for the end of such a vulnerable moment.
The sound of footsteps disrupts you. You crane your neck behind you; A soldier walks through the room, but instead of addressing Duncan after bowing to you, he speaks to you.
"My lady." He starts. You raise a brow in question. "The Lady Jessica wishes to speak with you over lunch in her quarters now, if you have a moment."
You grit your teeth, a shot of uncertainty flooding you. You've yet to dine with her on your own yet - something about her sets you on edge, and you'd really prefer to spar to take your mind off of everything.
But you know better than to refuse the lady of the house's wishes.
"And spoil my fun here?" You ask, voice dry. "Alright."
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Lunch is barely picked at before Lady Jessica brings it up.
When she speaks, your eyes meet hers - less stony than usual, she regards you with an interest in her eyes that you've yet to see before. "You were once on the path of the Bene Gesserit," Lady Jessica starts, her voice tinged with empathy; You try to hide the set of your jaw, looking away briefly.
"Circumstances may have led you away, but your training has not been forgotten." She adds. You suspected this would be one of the reasons she called you in. "Yes, my lady," You affirm, setting down your fork; you send her a tight-lipped smile. "I trained when I was younger."
She nods, "Have you considered continuing this path? Honing your skills once more—to strengthen your voice, your intuition, your presence."
You take the moment she gives you to consider it; of course, you've thought of it now and then. But you have, to put it lightly, a very conflicted past with the Sisterhood, one that you prefer not to relive; Your mother's stern visage, relentless training regimens appear in your mind. Countless hours in rigorous physical and mental exercises - pressure to conform to their strict teachings weighing too heavily upon you and all three of your sisters' shoulders.
There's a part of you that can't help the twinge of curiosity that sparks through you; The allure of such an ancient order, unlocking hidden potential, the possibility of power and mastery of certain skills. It sounds glamorous, but you know better- you saw what kind of mistrust it sewed in your own house; The crack between your father and his court on behalf of your mother and the sisterhood, the loss of thousands of years of tradition.
Your lips open, and they feel suddenly very chapped. "I'm... not sure, my lady." You say honestly, blinking down at the unappetizing food below you.
"I understand your hesitations," she continues, voice earnest, "but given the current circumstances, it may be wise to strengthen all of your skills, including those you learned with the Bene Gesserit. It's imperative to ere on the side of caution."
"Circumstances?" You parrot, tilting your head. You know what she's implying; it doesn't ease the suspicion that rises, the feeling that the strings which tie themselves to Lady Jessica's limbs and lips are being pulled from much higher above your head; high enough to have actual, galactic implications. It is keenly upsetting.
"Yes, my dear." She begins, taking a sip of water, back straight; she doesn't bother to elaborate for you, and a tinge of irritation courses through you. "Tell me," She says, stirring the tea in front of her, "Even after your time with the sisterhood, did you ever experience visions? Dreams that stayed with you long after you woke?"
Your throat dries so quick you almost cough. Cheeks heating up, your eyes lock with hers; so it was a look of importance at the strategy council yesterday. It seems Lady Jessica has been keeping close tabs on you, after all. You hope she cannot read your mind thoroughly, for she would likely not enjoy what your dreams entail.
"You seem to already know my answer." You say, voice chilly in the warm room. Lady Jessica's lips press together. "Indeed," she affirms; gentle, yet probing. "But I need to hear it from you."
You pause, grappling with the memories that surge forth at Lady Jessica's inquiry; The dreams, the visions—they haunt you, asleep or awake - and despite your reluctance to acknowledge them, they have persisted, lingering like a shadow upon your consciousness. Swallowing against the dryness of your throat, you gather your thoughts before speaking.
"Yes," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "I have."
Lady Jessica nods. "I suspected as much," she murmurs, her eyes reflecting a depth that is distinctly familiar. "These dreams may hold greater significance than you realize, dear. They may be the key to understanding the path that lies before you."
Her words hang in the air, pregnant with meaning and yet still exasperatingly cryptic; You are, in your silence, forced to acknowledge for the first times that these dreams - they are a calling, a beckoning towards something that you cannot ignore. You feel the soreness of your jaw and will your teeth to unclench.
Lady Jessica continues, murmuring your name firmly, "I urge you to consider resuming your training with the Bene Gesserit. Not out of obligation, but out of necessity. In times of uncertainty, it is essential to be prepared."
You meet Lady Jessica's gaze; despite your reservations, despite the ghosts of the past, you know that finding your studies again might be effective; the potential you will have with the skills and power of the Bene Gesserit are undeniable, but the pause you feel is very strong. There is something bizarre about the timing, about the whole interaction. To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers, you remember your mother saying years ago.
With a nod of affirmation, you square your shoulders. "I will consider it, my lady," you respond, meeting her gaze, "Thank you for your guidance."
Lady Jessica offers you a reassuring smile, one which does little to quell the raging in your stomach.
"You're stronger than you realize, my lady."
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It is past dark when Paul finally exits his mother's quarters.
Exhausted and overwhelmed, he lets his feet drag across the floor on his way back, thinking quite fondly of his bed and pillow, of the warmth of his sheets.
His stomach growls - his normally ravenous appetite has eluded him all day since this morning; The visit from the Reverend Mother earlier in the day had left him teetering on the edge. Admittedly, she is as commanding as she is disfavored by Paul; yet it was his mother's reaction that troubles him the most.
The last few hours, sparring on knife skills, were spent tense; He, upon entering the room, had asked nearly immediately what the Reverend Mother had told her when he was dismissed earlier in the morning, yet she remained silent and instructed him not to question it. Whispering, quiet and serious: He would find out in due time.
Lost in thought, Paul quickens his pace, his footsteps echoing down the dimly lit hallway; The weight of dual weapons training today has set his muscles to ache and groan with each step, mind not too far behind body - the sooner he is in bed, the better.
But as he rounds a corner, Paul nearly hits someone - you, in fact.
Blinking in shock, for a moment your eyes meet; nothing happens. You've stepped back slightly, seemingly just as startled as he - you're just perfectly positioned in the hall that the dim lights reflect on your clothes and you look warm, comfortable; So unlike yourself in the daylight.
"Apologies, my lady," Paul offers, his voice tight with tension as he inclines his head in a respectful nod, gaze flickering down the hall you both seemingly planned on walking down. Truthfully, he is not in the mood to speak to anyone, in particular you after the uneasy sight of your knife, hilt catching the reflection of the lights beside you.
You return the gesture, expression signaturely guarded as you mutter, "No harm done, my lord."
He clears his throat; Though your hair looks nice and your skin healthy, you look quite tired - he's not sure when he'll get used to seeing your face.
"I was just heading-" He gestures down the hall, and you nod stiffly, "So was I."
And so you fall into stride alongside him, watching the walls pass as you both take a slower pace than either of you would likely prefer. Perhaps, in an ordinary world, he would feel giddy to walk his prospective wife to her quarters after a long day; but this world is not ordinary, and he's still getting used to treating you as less as a threat and more of an ally.
A large window passes on his right, illuminating your figure in silvery light before hushing you back into the shadows again. He wonders what the moons are like on Sabberon.
He doesn't expect you to speak; in fact, he himself has no plans to. Yet after a few minutes your voice comes hesitantly and with the tranquility of a sleeping cat.
"I had lunch with your mother today."
Alarm bells sound in his head; He certainly did not expect that. When he turns to look at you, he finds you already staring up at him; perhaps you're gaging his reaction to this information - he doesn't try hard to hide his displeasure.
"What did she tell you?" He asks before he can stop himself.
You give him an inquisitive look, lifting a brow. "Why do you assume she had things to tell?" You rebut. His shoulders relax ever so slightly as he sighs, slowing his pace as you near his door.
He doesn't respond, yet something in his features must convince you to start again, to be less facetious in your words; You set your jaw as you look away and back to him.
"She wants me to take up Bene Gesserit training again." You say, eyes narrow as you gaze at him - cold, scrutinizing - perhaps to once again see his reaction. His nostrils flare; This must be what the Reverend Mother instructed his mother to do - to ensure you are going down the right paths. Why though, he is still unsure.
"She asked about your dreams, didn't she?" He asks; this time, it's Paul who watches your face for a reaction - and he gets one. Your eyes blink in shock as you nod stiffly. "Yes, she- how do you know this?" You ask, hand grabbing his elbow as you both slow to a stop.
There's a bout of silence, in which he debates nearly everything; muscles aching, he wishes to just go to sleep - but your eyes hold an alarm in them that makes him hesitate.
Opening his mouth to speak, Paul stares down at you; If what the Reverend Mother was saying is true, then you might truly be as dangerous as he'd thought. But he knows what their order is like - all in the way of maintaining power. A faint echo down the hall of someone makes his eyes snap away from your heavy stare; Perhaps the hallway is not an appropriate place for such a conversation. "We shouldn't be speaking of this here," He glances at you, "Would you come in?" He asks. He opens the door that leads to his quarters. You stare at him for a moment, as if surprised - but with a glance around, it seems you decide the coast is clear, and you slip in past where he holds to door ajar with his arm.
You walk less assured than usual in the unfamiliar territory; he knows you've been active in your time here in the castle, but this is certainly one part of the fort you have not yet seen. A guiding hand presses your back as he quickens his pace, hoping to get this over with swiftly as he leads you to his bed chamber; though your back tenses, you do not push him away.
You repose on the chair but Paul is restless, standing in front of your expectant gaze.
"Paul," You start, leaning forward; It's with a startle that he registers your use of his first name - a tone which provides no warmth but a hint of anxiety as you look up at him. "If we are to do this together, we need to build trust." You start, and he knows you're right. This - marriage, ruling Caladan, representing the House Atreides - and whatever else is to come.
"Just tell me. How concerned do I need to be?" You ask; this was not what he'd thought you would say, and it takes him a second to think of anything to respond with. The truth is a thousand pieces scattered through dust and sand, and he cannot stop slipping through it.
"I don't know." He says, candor dripping through his exasperation. "I was visited by the Reverend Mother this morning." He admits, relief finding his shoulders. If you are to be by his side in the upcoming months, you'll surely learn of all of this sooner or later; It's better to come from him than elsewhere.
Your face darkens slightly at the mention and you raise a brow.
"What did she want with you?" You ask.
"I've been having dreams." He admits to yet another person he'd rather not; "Dreams about... Sabberon. In them, I feel like..." He exhales, "I feel like I have to go there. I'm meant to." He finishes, not wishing to delve any further into what the dreams entail. You look completely shocked, though; ghostly, uneasy.
He has no answers and so instead he tells you most of what he knows; Your expression turns more grim as he continues, describing his interaction with the Reverend Mother that morning. Your eyes flick to his in shock when he mentions the previous meeting with her years prior.
"The Gom Jabbar?" You say suddenly, sitting up straighter. He nods, "Yes. It was a test-"
"-No, I know what it is. I also received it." you swallow, brows furrowing. "But I don't understand why she would give it to you."
A deep, pregnant pause in the room, where Paul debates what he's about to say. Knowledge is a weapon and a burden.
"My mother has trained me in the ways of the Bene Gesserit too."
Your face morphs for only a moment as you stare at him in disbelief. Schooling yourself, you're quieted by this revelation; Paul waits patiently for you to respond. You gather your thoughts within a few moments.
"She warned me," You say, eyes swimming through his; he feels scrutinized under your intense stare. "She said that continuing as Bene Gesserit is not out of obligation but necessity." You add, "That continuing is the key to understanding the path that lies before me. That dreams could have more meaning than we think."
His stomach drops that the phrasing. You must ensure they go down the right path. That manipulative crone; playing you, his mother, and him all as she wants for the benefit of her sisterhood. Fury boils within him, but he knows what you need is an explanation. "There's a prophecy that my mother mentioned to my father once. I was young, eavesdropping-" He shakes off the sly look you give him at this, his cheeks heating up, "- and I didn't hear all of it, but I heard parts."
He's not sure how else to piece it together than to just tell you everything he's thinking. "When the Reverend Mother administered the Gom Jabbar, she told my mother there would be two candidates for something. That I may be one of them. Today, she told me to trust my dreams, that they may be the key to unlocking something important. Which is... troubling."
The bitter laugh you let out surprises him, and he lowers himself to sit on the chaise longue beside yours. "Troubling." You mutter, shaking your head. It's the exact thing Lady Jessica implied with you.
"I'm not sure if it means anything," Your tone suggests otherwise, "but I have also been having dreams about Sabberon." You admit - his eyes snake to yours, hands clenched together; stomach dropping, dread fills him. He worried this, too; having the same dreams, however alike or different they may be, are foreboding.
"-On a mountain I do not recognize. My house has a sacred Pine, you know? It represents the Harvest. I dream that I'm there... with you." You let out a sigh, and Paul swears he hears it shake. "I haven't told anybody, not even your mother." Your eyes are sharp - fearful, he realizes.
For a beat, he feels less alone. Another soul, trapped in this web of visions and politics and power; He's sympathizing with you, a foreign and unexpected emotion. Paul is starting to nurse a sharp headache; closing his eyes, he exhales and nods, "You're there in my dreams, too." He admits.
The two of you sit, then; Paul, slumped with consternation and you, back rigid with stress.
A moment of silence in which Paul is overthinking and you likely are too.
"Do you trust her?" You ask; A foolish thing to ask one of one's mother - yet his hesitation shocks not just you, but himself as well.
He starts hesitantly. "I believe that she loves me and my father, and by extension, she cares for you." He is well-aware of the vagueness behind his words. He licks his lips, "I know that the sisterhood instructed her to have a daughter. But instead, for my father, she bore him a son. The Reverend Mother is still unhappy about it."
You stare, but you say nothing. Uneasy with the intensity of your attention, he plays with a spare thread poking from the chaise longue. "This morning, I overheard the Reverend Mother telling my mother to ensure we are on the right path. Both of us."
You, sharp as ever, nod thoughtfully, "Which is why she decided so abruptly to offer for me to train again."
He nods in affirmation, biting his lip; a bad stress habit, one he got from his father. Your voice is almost dreamy as it comes out, his eyes staring off at the small bull figurine that sits on his table. You ask, "How do we know which path is the right one?"
He laughs bitterly, shaking his head as he stares ahead. He has no clue. "I wish I had an answer," he admits, his voice tinged with frustration. "All we can do is trust our instincts, but even then, there are no guarantees. Not if we don't believe them."
You nod in understanding, a solemn but signature expression painting your features. "It's a heavy burden to bear," you remark softly, your voice echoing his sentiments; Heavy, yes. But you seem used to burdens. "All things are known because we want to believe in them." You say. He perks up, looking at you; That's something his mother has said during skills training training before - but in your voice, now, next to him - it sounds much different.
Weary and exhausted, Paul sighs. "Perhaps if I'd had a sister, this wouldn't be happening."
You snort softly from your nose, a gentle exhale that is becoming quite familiar to his ears. "I had three. They were a handful." You say, hugging yourself.
He hums. For a moment, he can almost picture it; You, ten years smaller, just a young teen - fighting in a snow field with three sisters, a little boy chasing after you. He almost hears your screams when your younger sister jumps into a half-frozen lake, the water green as emeralds against the white fields and evergreens in the distance. The laughter that leaves you as you plunge, dress and all, into the icy depths besides her and pull your sisters with you; Handmaids wearing furs and soldiers boasting roaring wolf armor run to fish you out. They almost feel real. "What was it like, growing up with siblings?" he asks, seeking to reciprocate the gesture of openness that you've surrendered in the dark.
Your demeanor shifts slightly, your guard momentarily lowering as you reflect on your upbringing. "It was...complicated," your voice is contemplative, small. "We were close in some ways, but distant in others. There was always a sense of competition between us even when we were young, especially between me and my sisters. My mother was Bene Gesserit and was very strict."
He's studied so much about Sabberon, learned about your House's old customs and traditions - but yet, he realizes how little he truly knows about you; A pang of guilt washes over him for his previous assumptions and judgments.
Your boots look foreign against the rug on his bed chamber floor as you drag the tip of one. "They were like having built-in friends." You acquiesce, "They made me laugh all the time."
It's hard for Paul to picture you joking or laughing at all. "I don't have siblings," He states - obviously - "but I've always wanted to be a brother."
He knows the bittersweet territory he's crossed, and does not wish to upset you or remind you of all you have lost. But instead, you just send him a kind smile; one that's almost shy. "You'd be a good one." Your eyes are nostalgic and sincere; he has to look away.
Clearing his throat, he notices your hands as they sit in your lap. "It looks better," He says, nodding to your hand, where the sting had been reduced to a mere blemish. You smile, a sheepish thing, but it still brightens Paul's dark room. "I thought you'd been tricking me." You admit, face flushed as he lifts a brow, "Trying to make me look foolish."
He hums at this, tilting his head. "I assumed you'd thought I was trying to poison you." He admits, smiling just as sheepishly. Speaking with you feels surprisingly relieving - perhaps he is more tired than he thought.
"The possibility did cross my mind." Your voice, keenly serious, makes him chuckle slightly. He shakes his head, "I wouldn't have tricked you. I know how bad those crabs sting." He recalls one day lathering the chewed root onto his toe, fighting tears as his father watched with an amused sternness. If you disrespect them, he'd said, they'll disrespect you.
"I was considering amputating my hand before you showed up." Another attempt at a joke, from you? You're opening up; despite himself, he grins. Your eyes are deep - under the dim lighting, they shine in a way he hadn't expected; staring, he loses his track of thought. You seem to have as well, clearing your throat awkwardly.
"Is this your book?" You ask suddenly, rising to pad over towards his bedside, tilting your head to run your spine over the book that sits, embarrassingly, on his bedside table. The Noble Lineage: Exploring the Customs and Cultures of the Houses Major of Landsraad: House Bourbon. He nods, "If you'd like to read it, help yourself."
Craning your neck back you look at him, lifting a brow, "Is it interesting?"
For a second, he stares, unsure what to say - it dawns on him that you're teasing, and he cracks a small smile. Odd as it is to see a woman who was a mere shell open up, he's glad to have the priviledge of your trust, no matter how small or weak it may be.
"Haven't decided yet." He retorts, the feeling foreign.
"Maybe I will borrow it, then." You muse, "Perhaps it'll finally be the thing to lull me to sleep."
He stands to meet you; three steps over and he stands before you, taking in - not for the first time - your height and how your neck moves to look into his eyes. "You should get some rest if you can tonight." He agrees, "We've got to be at the Strategy Council tomorrow morning."
You nod, clearing your throat, "Oh- Yes, apologies." You sigh, "It's been a long day."
He hadn't meant to insinuate you should leave, but as he escorts you to the main hall, his eyes are drooping. Mercifully, though he tries to, you insist he need not walk you to your room.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:
Alone back in his room, he stares at the book; Despite the barriers that still exist between he and you, there's a shared humanity that binds you together— funny enough that fear and reluctance is the thing that has made him realize such an obvious sentiment. He falls asleep and dreams within minutes.
You return to your chambers, the warmth of the last few minutes wearing off of you slower than molasses.
Alone, you are left with haunting thoughts; What do the Bene Gesserit have in store for you if you do choose to continue? Looming further is the prospect of galactic war should the Harkonnens leverage their petroleum reserves. The implications of you and Paul's shared visions; despite yourself, your cheeks flush with heat - how similar are these dreams of yours...?
And Paul - his eyes are very green.
He keeps his room neater than you'd thought - and with a bit of shock you'd seen all of the books on planets, flora and fauna, biology, culture. You secretly wished you could have observed them all closer - there were ones you've never heard of, and even one that had struck you right in the chest - Giedi Prime. Their culture was horror, after all.
You shake off the warm feeling of conversation - though the subject had left you on edge, it was terribly reassuring to have someone who not only you could speak freely with about your dreams and the Bene Gesserit, but who seems to hold similar opinions as you. Emotional whiplash has given you a staunch headache - you still believe that respecting someone is not the same as enjoying someone's company... but perhaps it doesn't always have to be mutually exclusive.
You sigh, rubbing your eyes; you can't get the smell of his bedroom off your clothes. You change into your robe. Before drifting to sleep, you catch sight of your bureau, the daunting metal that stares at you gleaming from across the room.
Yawning, you pad over to it.
The message remains on your desk, where it's been since being delivered a few days ago. You'd read it already, yes - read, cried, raged, and accepted it. Now, you suppose, it is time to respond. And in due time, it's finished.
My Dearest Aunt Ginaz,
Your letter arrived at a very uncertain time for me and for that, I am profoundly grateful. I apologize for the delayed response, it has been quite an adjustment for me after leaving Giedi Prime; Before that, as you've suspected, my keepers preferred I did not receive or send messages. There wasn't a day that passed where I didn't wish to read them.
For my betrothal to Paul Atreides, your kind words of congratulations reassure me; Truthfully, the prospect of marrying into such a noble family is daunting, yet they have been quick to assure I have felt welcomed. It is a sharp change from my previous engagement.
The loss of my family continues to weigh heavily upon my heart, and there are days when the pain feels unbearable. Yet, every day I am learning to live again. I can walk to the sea - the sea, which I have never before seen in my life. I spend my days educating, training with Swordmaster and your old friend Duncan Idaho, and have begun to sit in on the Duke's Strategy Councils. I believe I will live well here.
The final arraignment at the referendum is nearing, and I wonder if you will be attending alongside Lord Ginaz - Even if you are not able to attend, I will face the challenges that lie ahead knowing I have you on my side.
Your offer of sanctuary is a gift beyond measure, and I cannot express how much it means to me. I long for the day when we can be reunited and I might hear more of your life. In the meantime, know that I am safe and well, and that I carry your love and affection with me always.
With all my gratitude,
Your loving Niece
You almost feel guilty for the lies you've woven through your message - though not explicit, they are little and white and still deceiving. Your mother's bastarded sister, who succeeded your mother's parents when they died, inherited the noble last name as one of her father's dying wishes. They'd had several daughters - all married off to other houses, like your mother - and she had been left to learn to run the Swordmaster School. She now rules over their house with her husband, who took the name Ginaz when they wed.
You smirk, thinking of this: Paul Bourbon - it has a poor ring to it, you decide, wiping away the thought before it can blossom. You blink deliriously, knowing you are in acute need of sleep, and sigh.
You'll have Hestia send the message out in the morning; for now, all you can do is try not to dream as you curl up on your bed, eyes heavy with the weight of the day.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:
You know you're dreaming this time.
The clouds are too fluffy, sounds muted as if you'd stuffed cotton into your ear canals. The hands that are on you are Paul's, you know this. But you're not embracing, no - there is no pleasure; his hands are slippery against your flesh and you're gasping in pain, gasping for breath. You are bleeding.
Or, is that his blood?
You squint, trying to find the ground, but all you see is the hilt of your nameday blade glinting in the sun, blood dripping from the tip. Who wields it? You let out a short groan, filled with pain - Paul leans against you, his weight heavy. The air is heavy with snow - no, not snow, ash. Ash that rains from the sky in flurries, fighter ships booming above your heads.
Another flash of your knife, this time in a hand. Gasping,Your hand comes away from your own abdomen, tainted black - black as the sun you once lived under.
"Hello?" A fuzzy voice, laced with pain, but you could pick it out of millions. You look into his eyes and see green; hands cup your cheeks, staining handprints over your trembling skin. An explosion somewhere in the distance -
"Paul." You breathe, fear lacing every fiber of you. You're dreaming, you're dreaming. You can't breathe.
But then, Paul's face changes - a sickening recognition flickers over his features when you speak, and something shifts. There is something wrong; He says your name as if he's surprised to see you, as if... as if you were in the wrong dream.
He looks down, as if expecting to see something between the two of you. But with his head tilted down, you squint, just barely making out the glint of another figure; glowing skin, sickeningly pale. A black smile.
There is someone behind Paul, and he is holding your knife.
It has the blood of your husband on it.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:
follow @tremendumnotifs for updates.
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drakoneve · 2 years
The Poisoned Cup
request: Hey, dear! if you are taking requests could i get an angst imagine/oneshot Daemon x Martell fem!reader where she and Daemon are married (they really love each other) and she is pregnant and they are beaming, but reader ends up being poisoned and consequently loses the baby, feeling guilty she ends up running away, but before she leaves a letter for viserys asking for an annulment, before making any decision he talks to Daemon who is furious that she ran away and asks for an annulment + so he goes to Dorne after his wife, she doesn't want to see him at first but he doesn't give up, eventually they talk and reader expresses everything she is feeling just like he does, they cry together and he assures her that everything will be fine and asks her to come back with him, which she agrees to, please? (with a lot of angst, fluffy and happy ending)
pairing: daemon targaryen x y/n martell
word count: 3k (#oops)
warnings: fem bodied!reader, miscarriage, poisoning, reader’s feeling guilty and v depressed
a/n: i apologize if there are any mistakes regarding house martell, i don’t know much abt them. i also didn’t describe much of the reader besides longer hair 
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When your older brother Qoren Martell told you he’d arranged a marriage between yourself and Prince Daemon Targaryen with King Viserys, you were unbelievably angry with him that you wouldn’t speak to him for days. But eventually you came to accept that marrying the prince was your duty to keep peace between Dorne and the rest of Westeros following the war in the Stepstones. 
Daemon talked to you before the wedding about how he wanted to wed you in the traditions of Old Valyria, and you agreed even though you were quite hesitant. In the end it was a beautiful ceremony and you felt undoubtedly connected to your new husband.
It wasn’t but three months after your wedding that your lady in waiting, Elaena, pointed out to you that you hadn’t had your monthly bleed. You visited the maester that morning and he confirmed you were indeed with child.
Everything was going smoothly until two months later, when Rhaenyra ended her search for a husband ended and King Viserys announced a marriage between his daughter and Ser Laenor Velaryon, son of Lord Corlys Velaryon of Driftmark. The feast of celebrations had begun and you sat at the end of the royal table in between Daemon and Lord Lyonel Strong, Hand of the King. 
“Everything to your liking, my love?” Daemon asks, then sips on his wine. 
You grin at him, pulling apart the sweet roll in front of you to get to the soft, warm center. “Mhm,” you hum. “We’re quite satisfied, dear husband.”
He reaches his free hand to rub your growing belly. You cover his hand with yours and continue on to dine on the fine food presented before you.
Unbeknownst to you, Ser Gerold Royce approaches the royal table.
“Your Grace, Princess Rhaenyra, congratulations are in order,” Ser Gerold greets the king and princess.
“We are honored to have you as a guest, Ser Gerold,” the king says graciously. “I must say, I was most distressed to hear of the Lady Rhea's tragic passing. I'm very sorry for your loss.” “Lady Rhea was a unique character. Her kind... is not soon to be seen again,” Ser Gerold says before turning to glare at Daemon. “In the Vale, men are made to answer for their crimes. Even Targaryens.”
“If there is anything the crown might do to aid House Royce...” Viserys tries to deflect, but Daemon doesn’t allow the show of disrespect.
“Who are you?” Daemon quips as if he hadn’t paid the man the slightest bit of attention until now. 
“Ser Gerold Royce of Runestone,” he announces proudly with a puff of his chest.
“I am cousin to your late lady wife, Rhea Royce.”
Your stomach clenches at the mention of Daemon’s first wife. You not only knew the truth of what happened, but you helped Daemon plan it out with the help of some of your spies in the Vale. They were married at the time Daemon proposed to you, and there was no way you believed Viserys would allow his rebellious brother an annulment or a second wife in the traditions of Old Valyria. The only solution either of you could come up with to open the negotiations for your hand in marriage was to rid Daemon of is bronze wife completely.
Daemon’s lilac eyes harden as he clenches his jaw before eyeing the man. “Ahh, yes,” he says finally. “Terrible thing. I was positively bereft. Such a tragic accident.”
“You know better than anyone, it was no accident,” Ser Gerold spits.
You gasp lightly, placing both hands on your stomach as if you were in shocked by the accusation. Daemon caught on and sat up in his seat, feigning concern on his features.
He turns back to Ser Gerold with fire in his eyes. “Are you confessing some guilt, Ser Gerold?”
“I am making an accusation.”
“You know, in King's Landing,” Daemon all but growls, “men are made to answer for their slanders. Even old bronze cսոts like you.”
Before Ser Gerold has the chance to come up with a rebuttal, chaos breaks out amongst those on the dancefloor. You can’t see exactly who, but a Kingsguard has overpowered someone you cannot see at all, and is pummeling down with a hard right fist. 
Knights from behind the royal table rush forward upon the king’s command, furthering the tension in the room. At this point you’ve risen from your seat and secured a place behind Daemon, who has now drawn Dark Sister from her sheath.
The chaos lasts for a few more minutes but eventually the Kingsguard take control of the room, and the knight who began the fight in the first place was escorted from the throne room. Maids immediately begin working on cleaning the mess (minus the body removed by knights), and party goers resume dancing on the remaining dance floor.
Daemon pulls out your seat out for you and you kiss his cheek before taking your seat. You reach for your wine first before Daemon begins feeding you off his own fork and plate. After a few bites, alternating between the pork your husband was feeding you and the roll you were still tearing apart, a feeling of nausea began to overtake you.
You motion for Daemon to stop, at the same time placing your left hand over your stomach. “Daem, I don’t-“
You don’t even get to finish your sentence before you jump from your chair and turn around just in time to throw up behind the table and not in front of the entirety of the throne room. Daemon is at your side instantly as is Lyonel, and who is already yelling for the maesters. Before you can even really catch your breath, you get sick again.
Muscles in your abdomen tighten as a cramp shoots through you. You cry out in pain and Daemon can’t stand it anymore as he picks you up bridal style out of the throne room and to the privacy of your chambers where the maesters can take care of you properly.
Long after the throne room had emptied and Rhaenyra and Laenor were wed the maesters came looking for Daemon. Despite fighting to stay by your side, Viserys convinced his brother to step away from you and allow maester Orwyle to do his work. 
Orwyle approached Daemon, accompanied by his brother and Lord Lyonel, with his hand laced together in front of him, a grim look upon his face. “Prince Daemon,” the maester begins solemnly. “I come with grave news. I’m afraid your lady wife has lost the babe, my prince.”
The news hits Daemon like a punch to the gut, but he swallows his grief for the moment. “And what of my wife? Is she alive?”
“Yes, my prince. She’s asleep now, I gave her milk of the poppy to ease her pains.”
Lyonel steps forward, “What’s the cause of such illness? The princess seemed fine all evening.”
Maester Orwyle nods grimly, “I believe the princess’s illness to be a direct result of greycap poisoning. How the princess ingested such a thing is yet to be discovered, but I will not stop until I’ve discovered it. Thankfully this is not the first time I’ve encountered such a thing.”
Viserys reached out a grateful hand and squeezed his trusted maester’s shoulder. “Thank you, Orwyle. Your services do not go unnoticed.”
Daemon turns away from the group of men and begins down the hall for your shared chambers.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 
Two weeks after the attempted assassination and you finally began to feel healthy again. Daemon hardly left your side during your healing process like he no longer trusted anyone else in the world with your care. Maester Orwyle was still giving regular updates to Viserys which you advised him was unnecessary. 
It wasn’t the poisoning that had been plaguing you the past couple weeks, it was the loss of your unborn babe. This was your first pregnancy, and neither you or Daemon could’ve been happier to receive the official word from the maester. Everything was going well in terms of the pregnancy until the attempt on your life. 
You couldn’t help but spend your time recovering riddled with the guilt of the idea that you could’ve- should’ve done more to protect your baby. Your one job for nine months was to home and protect your baby and you felt you’d failed completely. As a wife, especially to someone of Daemon’s status- the Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, your job was to give your husband as many heirs as possible, and you couldn’t even do that. 
The guilt had been eating away at the strong resolve you’d built over the years of being an outspoken woman in court. You’d failed your husband, your one true love. Now, even weeks later and after everything he’d done to support you, you found it difficult more now than ever to meet Daemon’s eyes. 
When you first learned you were with child you were beyond ecstatic as was Daemon. Despite his previous union, Daemon had yet to become a father and was looking forward to becoming one. You hadn’t any children either and the two of you spoke often of various names for your unborn babe, and began to pick out some of Westeros’s finest silks and fabrics for clothes to be sewn. Now there was no need.
How he didn’t revolt away in disgust, you had no idea. You couldn’t understand why Daemon would stay so loyally by your side when you’d been so unprepared to give him a healthy child. Daemon’s own loyalty did nothing ut remind you just how majorly you’d failed him, and this worked as the straw that finally broke down all the fight you’d had left.
So, you wrote the king a letter.
King Viserys I Targaryen,
I must first apologize to you for the chaos my circumstances has caused the Red Keep as it was never my intentions to cause such disruptions within your court. My brother Qoren stressed the importance of my union with your brother Daemon, and the past year I’ve spent as his wife has been the happiest year of them all. 
So it is with a broken heart, and the purest of intentions, that I graciously ask you to annul my marriage to Daemon so such tragedies do not continue to plague your court. 
I leave for Dorne as soon as I hand off this letter, where I will be awaiting your word in Dorne alongside Qoren. I thank you for the kindness and generosity you have shared with me this past year, your Grace. I wish you good health and fortune.
Lady Y/n Targaryen of House Martell.
And true to your word, you along with your lady in waiting Sylva, whom you’d known from before your marriage to Daemon, snuck out of the Red Keep from under the guards’ noses and set out for Dorne. 
Viserys received the letter hours after your departure, just as you’d instructed the maid to do, after Daemon had taken off on Caraxes for Dragonstone on crown business. In the time that he’d known you, the king had never known you to be one to hide away in a dark corner when trials and tribulations came your way. The king knows Martells to live honorably by their words “unbowed, unbroken, unbent,” a sentiment that had been proven when he met you.
Unfortunately for the king, Daemon would not return for another day or so, and therefore would be delayed in receiving the news of your departure for Dorne. Viserys wanted to keep the matter close at hand as he hadn’t wished for yet another set of rumors to go swirling about about Daemon. He feared his brother’s reaction should he have sent a messenger to Dragonstone to inform the rogue prince, so Viserys decided to wait until Daemon’s return to deliver the news himself. 
That’s exactly how Viserys met Daemon two days later in the Dragonpit. Daemon had just barely slid from the saddle strapped to Caraxes when approached by the king.
Before wither man has the chance to utter a word, Viserys extends his hand out to his brother, your letter in hand. “This was delivered to me two days ago, brother. I was hoping to have the matters resolved before your return, but I’m afraid I have been unsuccessful in reaching Y/n.”
Daemon snatches the letter from Viserys’ hand at the mention of your name and he wastes no time in reading it. His first reaction is anger- how dare you leave King’s Landing? How dare you leave him, your husband? The parchment of your letter crumples in his closing fist as Daemon turns away from his brother and back to Caraxes.
“Daemon!” Viserys lurches forward, trying to reason with his temperamental younger brother. “you must proceed with caution, Daemon! Your actions are sure to have dreadful consequences should you not think before you act.”
Daemon whips back around to face the king, shoving him hard once in the chest with both hands. “I do not need you to govern how I act, brother. Much less in the matters involving my wife.” 
With that, Daemon mounted the great blood wyrm and set out for Dorne just as he had the first time.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 
Qoren wasn’t exactly pleased with you upon your return, moreso afraid of what Daemon might do to Dorne as a result of your abandonment. Though you confidently assured your brother King Viserys would handle the matters, you weren’t entirely convinced yourself.
Daemon was as unpredictable as any man, though twice as dangerous on the back of a fire breathing dragon. Even the time the two of you spent together would not ensure your safety should the wrath of House Targaryen turn its ugly head towards Dorne. 
Despite the circumstances, you were happy to be home. Before your marriage you had never left Dorne before, and you’d missed the familiar comforts of your homeland while you were away. You spent time with your brother and some of his friends, catching up on all the Dornish things you’d missed while you were away.
After the second round of wine began to be poured, a member of the Martell Guard steps forward towards Qoren. “My prince, a dragon has been spotted circling overhead.”
Qoren looks to you first as if telling you to deal with the problem yourself. You sigh and reluctantly stand from your seat. “I shall take care of it,” you announce. 
Daemon has landed outside the gates of Sunspear and already dismounted from Caraxes. The moment the gates opened and he first caught a glimpse of you, he began making his way to you. You met him halfway despite the tightening knots of nausea twisting in your stomach.
Still you don’t meet Daemon’s eyes as he approaches you, afraid of his fury. Daemon is but two steps from you now and he finally plants his feet. “Imagine my dismay,” he begins. “upon returning home to King’s Landing only to be informed my lovely wife had fled back to the sun scorched sands of her homeland after asking my own brother to free her from our marriage. Tell me, wife, did you intentionally wait until I had departed from the Keep to make your escape? Or was it purely circumstance?”
His lilac eyes are furious. Daemon is no doubt holding his tongue to keep from saying something he might truly regret. A part of you wishes he wouldn’t, however. You wish he would let go and take out his anger on you, as you believed you deserved it.
Tears began to well in your eyes as you finally met your husband’s gaze. “I only meant to rid you of your burdens, my prince. A man of such status as you musn’t be burdened by the troubles of a wife who cannot provide..” 
Somehow you don’t have it in yourself to finish your sentence before erupting into uncontrollable sobs. Daemon reaches out for you and pulls you into a tight embrace despite your desperate pleas. He allows you to cry into his chest for a moment before grasping your face in his large hands and forces you to look at him. 
It’s only then you notice his eyes are red and wet with tears as well. “You had nothing to do with the poison, or with the death of our babe, dear wife. Had it been up to us, our dragon would still be in your belly, would it not?”
“Yes,” you cried pitifully, reaching one hand down to caress your stomach where you once felt the growing of your babe. “I want my baby, Daem. I want my baby.” You all but collapsed in your husband’s arms, using his large stature as support.
“I know,” he replies, voice thick with emotion. “and I swear to you, Y/n, that I will not stop until I have Ser Gerold’s head on a spike. Until then, my love, we can always try for another if you so wish.”
You pulled away, sobs ceased for the moment. “Ser Gerold? Of Runestone? What does he have to do with these matters?”
Daemon clenches his jaw before relenting. “I believe, as does Maester Orwyle, Ser Gerold is behind the attempt on your life and the murder of our babe. I planned to make way for Runestone upon my return to the Keep, but I’m afraid I’ve been side tracked.” 
In that moment the guilt that had settled itself in your gut quickly turned to a bright hot rage. “Take me with you,” you demand forcefully. “and we shall show Ser Gerold, and the rest of the realm, just what happens when you scorn the house of dragons.”
A wicked grin spreads across Daemon’s face before he offers you his hand. “Come, dear wife, and we shall show them all.”
You grasped his hand in yours before beginning towards Caraxes, but not before Daemon pulls you to a stop and leans down to bring you into a kiss. Daemon has never been one to kiss you slowly, typically opting for quick kisses in the eyes of others, and more passionate kisses for the bedroom.
But now as the two of you stand wrapped around each other in the Dornish heat, he kisses you softly, slowly. As if he’s trying to tell you he loves you in the only way he knows how. 
When the two of you finally part, you smile up at him. Your first genuinely happy smile in nearly a month. Perhaps Viserys knew just what he was doing in delaying your request for that annulment.
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felassan · 2 months
Letters from Lovers
Transcriptions of the letters from the various gear store items. under cut for length.
“My dear Hawke, Do you know anyone with a flock of parrots? I'm trying to cheat on a bet with Varric and the stakes are exceedingly high. If you help me, I shall take you to that breathtaking beach you so crave. Free of ancient horrors, too. I think. I'd hate to take respite from all my adventures, but there are other ways to make the heart flutter. In fact I'm already imagining a few. Aren't you? Sailing there can be fatal, but Admiral Isabela will keep you safe. Are you interested? I would love to see you again. Yours, Isabela”
“My love, Now before that grin reaches your ears, perish the thought that this letter was my idea. 'Tis Kieran who would not give me peace until I wrote to ask how you are faring. Regale us, if you please, with another of your tales that I might read to him in bed. He is particularly fond of those wherein you spur mischief whilst you save the day. Thank you for your most delightful gifts. I shall make certain to wear them the next time you come home. Dream of me until then, my Hero of Ferelden, and have a care. Morrigan”
“My dearest Amatus, Home is ever as it was: a glittering whirl of dancing, politics, and murder. I'm used to people staring daggers at me - I quite relish it, actually - but the glares seem to possess a new intensity since my return to Tevinter. Do they disapprove of House Pavus freeing its slaves while I work in the Magisterium to end slavery across Tevinter? Perhaps they simply covet my cheekbones, and who could blame them? Real reform will take time, but we're making inroads. I miss you terribly, Amatus, perhaps almost as much as you miss me. I treasure you and your belief in my work here. Yours always, Dorian P.S. I wouldn't take it amiss if you might send me another barrel of that dreadful Fereldan beer?”
“My love, How are you? Is it true that you recently killed darkspawn with only a mean glare and a pointy stick? Ferelden is ablaze with this rumor! You do give people so much hope. Tales of your heroism never fail to astonish me and almost ease the pain of going to sleep without you by my side. Almost. I can't wait to be with you again. I'd bring you some roses, you could give me a tour of the keep, we'd drink with the new recruits and then cuddle in a tent. Without the new recruits! Tent time is just for the two of us. I want to make that clear. Now excuse me while I practice my death glare and rummage through the dog's stash of sticks. I love you. Yours forever, Alistair.”
“By the way, I left something for you up in your cabin. Go have a look.” - Tali’Zorah  --- “Dear Shepard,   As you may remember, I presented this picture frame to you as a gift on the Normandy. It was my way of expressing my admiration for you and our bond as comrades-in-arms. On the back of the metal frame, I've emblazoned a promise that will never fade - 'Shepard, wherever you go, I'm with you.'  I know it's not much, but...this is what I look like under the mask. I'm sorry if it's not what you were expecting. I know Quarian faces can be a bit...different. Every time you look at my picture, I hope you will be reminded of our adventures on the Normandy, from our battles against the Reapers to our intimate conversations in the privacy of our quarters.    I am not one to express my emotions openly, but thank you for being my friend, my confidante, and my inspiration. I look forward to many more adventures together.  Keelah se’lai,   Tali’Zorah”
Shepard's N7 acceptance letter, from Anderson:
“N7 Congratulations on your graduation From Captain David Anderson Shepard, When I graduated from the N7 program I had the honor of meeting Admiral Grissom, the man who inspired me to pursue a career in the service, and I never thought I’d feel prouder in my life. I was mistaken. Don’t get me wrong, it was a big day. An important day. But there’s something about welcoming driven young people like yourself into the ranks that’s also pretty damn satisfying. Your distinguished service record may have gotten you into this program - but it was your courage, integrity, and tenacity that’s enabled you to join an elite few. You represent the best of humanity, and I feel certain you’ll make the galaxy a better place. And I’m not the only one who feels this way. Becoming an N7 means the entire Systems Alliance is telling you one thing - we believe in you. Let me end by saying this. Welcome to the team Shepard. We know you won’t let us down. David Anderson Systems Alliance Interplanetary Combatives Academy N7 N7 Acceptance Letter”
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calliesmemes · 4 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Are you feeling better, dearest? ”
“   You do not seem pleased. Whatever is wrong? ”
“   I knew there was something between you! ”
“   Well, tell me. Tell me everything! ”
“   You do not need to tell me anything. ”
“   You are getting what you always wanted. ”
“   It will be the grandest wedding of the year. ”
“   Has something happened? ”
“   I believe you will know what love feels like soon enough. ”
“   You think I am to follow in your footsteps? ”
“   Can there be a more dreadful fate? ”
“   The only thing I am grateful for is that I am not you, nor will I ever be. ”
“   I thought we shared an understanding with our discussions of the future. ”
“   My goodness! If anything, I am the one forcing him. ”
“   Love is surely the greatest force of all. ”
“   Nothing can stand between us. ”
“   It was a pleasure to know you. ”
“   I look forward to counting you as part of our family. ”
“   She does not owe me anything. ”
“   Have you not done enough? ”
“   I applaud you. I bring you flowers on each of my visits, and yet you still react with admirable surprise every time. ”
“   I shall need to bring you something unexpected. ”
“   Her happiness is your greatest concern. ”
“   I promise you will not be disappointed. ”
“   Oh, I do hope your wedding dress will be ready in time. ”
“   While you may be content to accept defeat, it is certainly not how I approach things. ”
“   I take that duty with the utmost seriousness. ”
“   You have always been a terrible shit. ”
“   Surely we must be able to do something? ”
“   Now, where is the dinner I was promised? ”
“   Please, come in. Make yourself at home. ”
“   Apologies. Have we met? ”
“   I see my reputation precedes me. ”
“   Feelings are irrelevant. Indeed, they're responsible for this mess. ”
“   You will seduce him? ”
“   He is not so little anymore. ”
“   After your meal, perhaps we could take a walk, like we used to do. ”
“   It is quite late for you to be up, too, is it not? ”
“   If you're nervous about the wedding, you need not worry. ”
“   I am not quite sure what you believe I am to do about it. ”
“   It was not love at first sight for either of us. ”
“   We found something far greater. We found friendship. ”
“   Her laughter brings me joy. ”
“   To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart. ”
“   I want her to be my wife. ”
“   Do you wish to marry this man? ”
“   I suppose congratulations are in order ”
“   I do hope you will remember my kindness in keeping secrets and repay me someday. ”
“   You can choose anyone but him. ”
“   Perhaps you would find it acceptable for me to live my life with a man who treats me like a mere beast? ”
“   I am beginning to feel a bit faint. ”
“   We should not be alone in here. ”
“   I know we have only known each other a short while, but… well, would you want to marry me? ”
“   You deserve a grand wedding. ”
“   I must say, I am honored and most grateful for your presence. ”
“   I hope you made the right choice. ”
“   You certainly enjoy spreading secrets, do you not? ”
“   Dear child, have you lost your wits? ”
“   I am flattered by your accusation, but it is simply not true. ”
“   What evidence have you gathered? ”
“   Tell me what you know. ”
“   What happened the other night? ”
“   I suppose I have put this conversation off for as long as I can. ”
“   Well, what do you recommend? ”
“   I'm sure you'll enjoy the peace and quiet. ”
“   I am going to miss all of you terribly. ”
“   I have a present for you. ”
“   I know we could not be any more different, but there is one thing we do share. ”
“   We need to rest before continuing on in the morning. ”
“   We should go down to dinner. ”
“   You have avoided my presence. ”
“   You have said all but a few words to me. ”
“   I could not bear witness to the misery I have caused you. ”
“   I cannot stop thinking of you. ”
“   From the mornings you ease, to the evenings you quiet, to the dreams you inhabit… my thoughts of you never end. ”
“   I am yours. I have always been yours. ”
“   You look angry and bothered. ”
“   It is you I cannot sacrifice. ”
“   I burn for you. ”
“   It has been so long since we have been blessed with your presence. ”
“   I am looking forward to making your acquaintance. ”
“   I'm no good at those things. I'll only make a fool of myself. ”
“   May I have everyone's attention? ”
“   Do you think this is a joke? ”
“   You are an ass. Do you know that? ”
“   I must make a good impression. ”
“   I am certain there is much left to see. ”
“   I found myself in continual awe of their beauty. ”
“   I knew you were flirting with her, but you flirt with plenty of young ladies. ”
“   I am not sure I have ever seen you so solemn and serious. ”
“   I was not prepared to let another of you fly the nest so soon. ”
“   It pains me you should think every compliment a mockery. ”
“   You think so little of me, I cannot bear it. ”
“   Please do not tell me you regret it. ”
“   I cannot condone your actions. ”
“   I am afraid that is not possible. ”
“   You have such a unique accent, and yet I have never asked where you're from. ”
“   I am not fooled by your little act. ”
“   I am sure we can find a solution to these difficulties, and I thank you for bringing them to our attention. ”
“   Oh, there, there, there, child. No need to cry. ”
“   I did not realize my absence would be felt this way. ”
“   You know, oddly enough, when I am actually in the presence of children, I forget all about my own concerns. They are the easiest company in the world. ”
“   I have all that I want just here. ”
“   I am very sorry. But this plan of yours, I find it wanting. ”
“   What were your favorite pastimes in the country? ”
“   Oh dear, what can the matter be? ”
“   You really are very good. You know that? ”
“   My own father does not want me. ”
“   Fool that I am, I truly thought that with your family, I might finally find acceptance. ”
“   We shall make our own family, you and me. ”
“   It is all I want. It is all I want in the world. ”
“   I wish we could be married this very minute. ”
“   We just have to make it to the border. ”
“   Are you missing home? ”
“   I will ensure everything is in order. I will ensure everything is done properly. ”
“   Should I have worn a different dress? ”
“   Perhaps I might ask your opinion on something? ”
“   I know I am new to the role, but I cannot imagine what I have done wrong so soon. ”
“   I will correct my mistake at once. I…I had no idea. ”
“   I am so very grateful for your guidance. ”
“   His childhood was not always easy. ”
“   Everyone talked as though it was her fault. ”
“   I thought you loved him. ”
“   Your love is an unrequited fantasy. ”
“   I should not have stayed away so long. ”
“   I'm at the end of the world with you ”
“   I trusted you more than anyone in this world, and you took advantage. ”
“   "Cannot" and "will not" are two entirely different things. ”
“   You chose this for yourself. ”
“   I thought you were prepared. ”
“   You took my future from me, the one thing I wanted more than anything. ”
“   I would have died for you! ”
“   Do you know — I even felt pity for you? ”
“   The ones we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars. ”
“   What thing is more fragile than the human heart? ”
“   I have learned that a grave fraud is afoot. ”
“   Should I really deliver the message? ”
“   You cannot believe I shall welcome you back into my bed after your lies and deception? ”
“   I would never dream of concealing the truth of such important matters. ”
“   I must return to my family immediately. ”
“   I will not let you out of my sight. ”
“   Hush, child, all will be well. ”
“   We are in just as perilous a position. ”
“   Perhaps if she can destroy a reputation… she can restore one too. ”
“   This is an emergency. ”
“   We do not require your assistance. ”
“   This may be the answer to all of our problems. ”
“   Pretending that nothing is amiss is the perfect way to lure the ignorant into submission. ”
“   I know you must think me a fool, but my heart pays no heed to mere logic. ”
“   When I think of her, I only want to be near her, to be with her… despite all reason otherwise. ”
“   Perhaps I can arrange a rendezvous. ”
“   It follows no reason or sense, does it? ”
“   Where have you been all night? ”
“   Do you understand me? That we no longer trust each other? ”
“   Thank you for joining us. ”
“   I did not come here to be shamed by you, nor anyone else. ”
“   You may think me a villain, but I did what I thought I must. ”
“   No one ever truly helped me, or guided me in a different direction. ”
“   You wish to know the cruelest part of your deception? ”
“   I see now that was all a lie. ”
“   We should tempt scandal more often. ”
“   Your duplicity comes so naturally. ”
“   Improvement is all a matter of practice. ”
“   How are you faring? ”
“   You have not heard what people have been saying. ”
“   All will be well again, I promise you. ”
“   I am sure you wish to avoid any further unpleasantness. ”
“   Judge not, lest we too be judged. ”
“   Something troubles you. ”
“   I know you are a grown woman now, but I am still your mother, and you can come to me when you need advice. ”
“   Well, then, share your thoughts. ”
“   I am merely trying to be of help. ”
“   For what it is worth, I am sorry. ”
“   I came here to apologize to you. ”
“   I wish it had not happened this way. ”
“   Why should he be the one to choose your future? ”
“   Do you really want to be alone? ”
“   I am quite capable of doing more than you think. ”
“   I have defeated the best, and I'm confident I shall continue to do so. ”
“   I think you would be wise to leave. ”
“   We shall teach you the rules. ”
“   Seems I have been blessed with some beginner's luck. ”
“   Would you just get to the point? ”
“   Do you not ever get tired of pretending to be so perfect? ”
“   We may not be perfect, but at least we keep our promises. ”
“   I'm trying to be a man of my word. ”
“   Well, you certainly make it look difficult. ”
“   Tell me why you are so adamant. ”
“   Your help is greatly appreciated, but there is nothing more you can do. ”
“   I’m not exactly in the mood for music and finery this evening. ”
“   I may have been a trifle harsh with you. And I'm sorry. ”
“   So you admit it now? You were acting a fool? ”
“   You may hurt now, but the pain will pass. ”
“   We live under constant threat of danger. ”
“   I risk my life every day for love. ”
“   It takes courage to live outside the traditional expectations of society. ”
“   I'm not bound by the rules of society. ”
“   You know not the future that awaits. ”
“   Don't you touch me. Stay away! Just leave me alone! ”
“   This time next week, our ruse will be well and truly over. ”
“   I shall begin practicing straightaway! ”
“   I would have expected this from anyone but you. ”
“   I am sorry for everything I have done and said. ”
“   I know I do not always say the right things, and then the things I do say, well… They are not always what you wish to hear. ”
“   However difficult forgiving someone may be, it is necessary to move forward. ”
“   However are we supposed to move forward from there? ”
“   I have come bearing grim news today. ”
“   I thought him a villain, but he was not. ”
“   We do not need to have this conversation. ”
“   You may not understand this now, but I am doing this for your own good. ”
“   You will be better off without me. ”
“   I cannot fight forever. ”
“   I merely showed him what he was capable of all along. ”
“   You still managed to put on quite a performance. “
“   What ever could be more honorable besides taking care of one's family? ”
“   You’re angry, but not with me. ”
“   What is this? And more importantly, how did you get it? ”
“   I believe I need a doctor. ”
“   This is preposterous and fantastical. ”
“   I want you there by my side. ”
“   For someone who hates ballgowns… you look exquisite in one. ”
“   I am merely glad you came. ”
“   I suppose I should thank you. ”
“   We did not expect to see you here. ”
“   Are you enjoying your evening? ”
“   I did not see it at first, but I know you were only trying to prevent me from heartache. ”
“   I wish to tell you something. ”
“   It was actually you who inspired me. ”
“   Oh, um… What was it you wished to say? ”
“   I need you to take me somewhere. ”
“   My imagination was the furthest I could allow myself to go. ”
“   I am looking out for myself. ”
“   What I know is that you are lost, and I cannot allow you to set me adrift as well. ”
“   It is a choice, dearest, one that is never too late to make. ”
“   I cannot tell you how much peace and comfort that brings to me. ”
“   There is nothing you cannot do. ”
“   I know that this is not what you had envisioned for the evening. ”
“   Just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love. ”
“   He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved, but he was wrong. ”
“   I am tired of pretending. ”
“   I cannot continue acting as if I… as if I do not love you. ”
“   I love all of you, even the parts that you believe are too dark and too shameful. ”
“   You may think you are too damaged and too broken to ever allow yourself to be happy, but you can choose differently. You can choose to love me as much as I love you. ”
“   I do not want to be alone. ”
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sebsxphia · 2 years
bobby burns.
robert ‘bob’ floyd x reader.
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→ description: you try some of bob’s, ma’s alcohol one night.
→ c/w: alcohol, implications to sex, other than that it’s all fluff, fluff, fluff.
→ a/n: this is for @callsign-phoenix 1k celly here! a huge congratulations to you again my love! your writing is absolutely incredible and i’m so honored you asked me to participate. you deserve each and every one and more! <3
You turned your head to the sight of Bob coming out onto his Ma’s front porch. The screen door squeaks on it’s hinges and he’s got a thick, woolen throw draped around his shoulders. You can hear the clinking of two smaller glasses, together combined with the larger bottle of his Ma’s questionable alcohol she brewed herself.
“Here you are, darlin’.” Bob’s drawl was thicker as he kicked the front door shut behind with the heel of his boot. Somehow, coming back home to see his family really brought out the Southern in him, but you weren’t complaining. His voice sounded like it was laced thick with honey and in the fair few mornings you’d spent here, it sent a pool of heat in between your thighs when he wished you a good morning.
“What does she call this again?” You reach out from under your throw that’s draped around your shoulders as you sit on the porch swing to take the glasses from Bob.
“Ma’s Malicious Mixer.” Bob scoops his throw under his legs to tuck it neatly around him so he can huddle next to you comfortably. You throw him a questionable gaze.
“Mixer? Isn’t it like, eighty percent spirit?”
Bob raises his eyebrows in response and huffs out a chuckle.
“She likes it strong.” He shrugs it off like it’s nothing.
He pops the cork from the bottle with a satisfying sound and pours yourself and him two even shots in the miniature glasses. He places the bottle down onto the porch floor and takes his glass from your hand. You clink them together and he holds your gaze with a sweet smile.
“To us, m’ love.”
“To us, my dear Bobby.”
You throw your heads back in sequence and shot the liquor. It hits in the first millisecond and both of your faces contort into disgust, as you try and bear the vibrant taste. Bob’s face has settled back to normal, with a squint and twitch in his eyes, before the after wave hits the back of your throat like a fireball.
“Oh my god! Bobby! It burns!” You spit out in between gagging sounds from yourself. He cannot help but fall into a fit of laughter, but keeping it hushed as to not wake the rest of his family, who are currently sleeping peacefully upstairs in his family’s ranch house.
Bob brings one hand to your back to rub it soothingly through the thick throw. “You good, darlin’?” He’s still wearing a smug little grin on his face and you can’t help but choke out a laugh with him, at the pure absurdity of sweet Bobby’s Ma, making a concoction so deadly.
You throw him a thumbs up and rest back against his hand, moving it to drape around your shoulder and pull you in close, so you can huddle against his chest. You blow out a couple more streams of air as the fiery come down fades. Bob presses a soft kiss to the side of your temple, and you feel his chest rise and fall in a deep sigh. It’s not a frustated sigh, no. It’s a sigh of complete and utter ease.
“My family love you, y’ know. Ma was just tellin’ me before she went to bed.” Bob spoke up and you turned your head upwards to meet his gaze again.
He rested his hand on your cheek and rubbed his thumb across the small baby hairs that rested there. “Really.” He confirmed with pride and ever adoring love swelling in his chest. “She did want me to tell you however, the booze was a tiny, lil’ test, and I can confirm, you passed wi’ flyin’ colours.”
You gave him a small slap to the chest at his statement. “Bobby! It feels like it burned my esophagus off!”
Bob’s smile didn’t falter as he proudly declared with a slight cock in his head and a hum, “Yes, but! You’re part of the family now.”
You felt your heart flutter at his words. You were so head over heels in love with your dear Bob and you wanted to make this work so badly. Meeting his family was the biggest anxiety you had had since day one, but knowing that you were now fully accepted, it made every worry in your body disappear.
You could really see yourself with him forever and with the way you shotted back that deadly alcohol, Bob could too.
taglist: @tallrock35 @luckyladycreator2
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months
heyy! let me tell you, not only were you a part of me discovering a new hyperfixation but pretty much the main reason 😭 anyway congrats on 100 followers!! and if i'm still on time to request something i would love dalton l. and number 4
I'm honored, and I humbly accept the responsibility. If you couldn't tell, I have same hyperfixation and I think it's a great one!😆 Thank you for the congratulations and the request! I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!
Warnings: a misunderstanding and some hurt feelings, happy ending, fluff, 0.9k+ words
Join the 100 Follower Celebration!
Prompt 4: "Can you please go sit in another room or something? I can't concentrate with you here."
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You’re beginning to think Dalton forgot about your date. It’s been nearly ten minutes since you walked into his dorm, and he asked you to wait one minute while he finished something. Not that you mind, of course, you enjoy watching him work. Your eyes are glued to his profile as he draws, his brows furrowed as his attention moves to a different area of his paper.
“I can feel you staring,” he mumbles around the pencil in his mouth.
“Good for you,” you quip. “Your observation skills are coming along nicely, my dear Watson.”
He doesn’t signify your sarcasm with a response, instead looking through his supplies for a chamois, making an “aha” sound before he begins using it to blend.
“What are you drawing?” You ask, moving to sit on the other side of his desk.
His eyes raise to yours quickly, but he doesn’t answer.
“Are you almost done?”
His eyes raise again but look over your entire face before dropping again. He raises a hand and tugs his hair over his ear. You let him focus, shifting in your seat to look at the completed artwork displayed on his wall.
Dalton takes your shift in attention as an opportunity to study your face closer, noticing that you're dressed very nicely, and it looks like you tried something new with your hair. He thinks that every time he looks, you get more attractive. Shaking his head, he smiles to himself before finishing the shading.
“The painting of the mountain is really pretty,” you say quietly.
“Can you please go sit in another room or something? I can’t concentrate with you here,” he says, not looking up.
You try not to sound too disappointed when you agree. “Call me when you’re done?” You ask, standing in the doorway.
Dalton hums an acknowledgement, so you close the door and walk to your dorm.
Twenty or so minutes later, Dalton calls and asks you to return. You knock, holding your lips between your teeth as you hope he isn’t annoyed with you for distracting him.
“You don’t have to knock,” Dalton says as he opens the door. When he sees you, his eyes widen, even though he had just seen you. “You look amazing.”
You nod and mutter a thank you, keeping your hands behind your back as you walk in. Dalton notices your behavior change and starts to reach out, then decides to explain himself first.
“Sorry about earlier. I just really wanted to finish that so we could make dinner,” Dalton explains, rubbing the back of his neck to expel his nervous energy.
“I thought the reservation was at 6?” You ask quietly.
Dalton looks into your eyes and sees the sadness behind them, hating himself for asking you to leave and making you think he forgot your date.
“I’ll assume Chris didn’t tell you, then,” he says, rubbing his hands down his face. His eyes meet yours as he further explains, “I was going to call you and tell you that they changed the reservation to 8 but Chris was here and said she’d tell you.”
“I haven’t seen her.” You sound a little more like yourself but are still too far away for Dalton’s liking.
“I’m so sorry. And I’m sorry for asking you to leave earlier, just… you look amazing and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. I wanted this to be a little more romantic but do you want to see it?” He gestures toward his desk and the new artwork lying on it.
You nod and walk side-by-side to the desk, gasping as you see a beautiful drawing of you.
“It’s amazing, Dalton,” you whisper breathlessly.
“Thank you. I had a great model.”
You lean closer and examine all the little details he put into the picture.
“I really am sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to make you think I forgot you or kick you out like that.”
You turn to face Dalton and laugh as you relax, stepping closer to him.
“What’s so funny?”
“You asked me to leave because I was distracting you. You were drawing me, Dalton. How can the model be a distraction?”
“I can’t look at you and draw at the same time,” he explains, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you close.
“Maybe you should learn,” you say, wrapping your arms over his shoulders.
“Only if you help. And we really are going to be late if we don’t leave now.”
You step out into the hall while Dalton grabs his jacket.
“Oh, hey,” Chris says as she exits the stairwell. “I was supposed to give you a message from Dalton.”
“I know,” you say as Dalton yells, “We got it covered! No thanks to you!”
He exits and drops his jacket on your shoulders, keeping a hand on your back as he leads you. You laugh again, so Dalton nudges you slightly, a silent invitation to share.
You drop your voice and say, “‘I’m trying to remember every detail of your face, but I’m getting distracted by your face. Get out.’ That’s you.”
Dalton pretends to laugh, though his smile is genuine. “I’m never living this down, am I?”
“Nope. And you’ll receive payback when you least expect it.”
“Can’t wait,” Dalton deadpans.
Truth be told, Dalton couldn’t wait. He’d send you away to concentrate a million more times if it meant you’d tease him and let him hold you so closely.
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thedragonkween · 2 months
King Baldwin IV Headcanons! ♔🤍♕
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A/N: So, here we are. I could not resist this mysterious and tormented king's charm. His silky voice makes me dream! These are some headcanons I've collected off the top of my head. The Reader is implied to be female and married to Baldwin IV. Please, do feel free to hit my inbox to ramble about our king because I'm literally dying of pining and yearning.
tags: female!reader x baldwin iv of jerusalem (from kingdom of heaven); reader is married to baldwin iv of jerusalem; fluff; slight angst towards the end
wc: 1150k
reccomended songs to listen to while reading: "Summertime Sadness" by Hildegard von Blingin; "Right Here" by Ashes Remain; "Blood, Sweat, Tears" by BTS (orchestral version)
"Many are the tales of the King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and of his Queen. Despite the varying accounts of their deeds, each one of them agrees on one aspect: the King of Jerusalem loved his Queen dearly, and the world is richer for it".
Baldwin IV is mysterious, intense, valiant, noble and utterly devoted to you, his Queen. But what does this devotion look like?
Firstly, he would believe in you like no other and would always be ready to give you his best advice whenever the weight of your responsibility becomes too much. Foreign rulers would soon learn of your qualities - there would hardly be a piece of correspondence where the King of Jerusalem does not praise the intellect and insight of his dear wife. He would glance at you from time to time, while you both work at your desks sharing the burden of paperwork, silently thanking God for having sent him not only a beautiful, but reliable life companion as well.
He values your opinions greatly and has the utmost regard for your views on political, military and state matters. Disagreements happen, yet your overall values are aligned, which is why Baldwin understands your vision and where your point comes from. During the discussions regarding complex decisions, he would let you speak and explain, then he would offer his honest thoughts on the matter, should he see another, different way from yours. 
Playing chess is a favorite way of spending quality time together in your chambers, away from the chaos of the court. If you know how to play and are proficient at it, he would delight in the thrill of challenge, as he would finally have found a true equal. If you do not know how to play, he would teach you with patience, taking pride whenever you make an unexpected and astute move. He would be such a nerd while he explains the rules to you and would be delighted to see how your mind works when devising a plan.
"Congratulations, dove. You have a checkmate."
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I can also see Baldwin taking you on long rides, if his health allows it. He would sweetly check the reins and saddle on your horse before mounting on his steed and leading you away to enjoy the cool early morning breeze, before the heat of Jerusalem becomes too sweltering. You would have a nice and secluded spot to enjoy and to pretend that you are a couple of young lovers without responsibilities and crowns weighing on your heads.
Your presence brings him safety and comfort, which is what would convince him to remove his mask when he is alone with you and the physicians. He would especially love to rest his head on your la as you gently caress his curls while the physicians tend to his skin. It is a sacred moment. He does not know how he went so long without your presence during this delicate time. Speaking softly to each other, you would distract him from the pain with talk of your hometown, fairy tales from your culture, or even simply reflecting on a happening of that day. On these occasions, you learn how to best take care of him, watching the physician tend to his arm while you tend to the other, delicately dabbing the cloth over his wounded skin. Baldwin feels so protected and safe in your presence. He thinks you are God’s greatest gift to him.
Now, jealousy. Baldwin knows he boasts the honor of having an exquisite flower such as yourself to call his own. As do powerful men and courtiers from distant lands. Many covet your loveliness as one would a precious gem. Should one of these foolish people try to take you from him or even stare at you for too long to be considered proper, they would be met with a pure force to be reckoned with. Should a knight’s eye linger on you for too long, he would be quick to put him in place in his signature glacial, elegant way. Before long, everyone learns not to disrespect the Queen consort of Jerusalem.
“Perhaps you would have understood my point, had you not been so insolently ogling my wife”. He takes out his whip. “On your knees. You will pay for insulting the Queen”.
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He would protect you with his life. He swore to protect Jerusalem and, as its Queen, that includes first of all you. Should a courtier doubt your devotion and mistake it for thirst for power, or should he learn of an orchestrated attempt on your life, he would waste no time in employing his best forces in your service to defend you.
His enemies and templars alike fear him, yet with you he is as gentle as the morning breeze that gently caresses Jerusalem. This powerful king who makes armies tremble and kingdoms shake is the same person who holds and kisses your hand (when in public, bringing your fingers to the lips of his mask), who silently admires your loveliness from afar and sighs to himself, who longs for your warmth after a tiring day. 
He would write you letters. Lots of them. And not always when he is away. Maybe he just liked the way the sun reflected in your eyes that morning. Or maybe when you helped a servant, he was moved by your kindness. Your every action inspires him, so much so that he has to let out his thoughts on paper. You have a pretty wooden box brimming with delicate papers penned by Baldwin in your honor. He is not only the King of Jerusalem, but also the king of pining, of yearning. Even when he has you near, he yearns for you.
I love to imagine him letting you accompany him to battle. He would love it too, in theory. You make him so strong, the both of you would be quite the sight, meeting your enemies head on, as one, donning your best armors. Yet, at the same time I cannot imagine him resting easy knowing that a loose arrow, a desperate soldier seeking glory for killing the Queen of Jerusalem, or fatigue and sickness could take you from him. It pains his heart to be parted from you, yet he cannot risk your safety. Instead, Baldwin would trust you with ruling the kingdom. He has absolute faith in your intelligence, willpower and cleverness, especially after all he has taught you about running the realm. He longs for you every second he’s away from Jerusalem, yet his heart is at peace knowing his kingdom is in the most capable hands.
When he feels that his time on this Earth is nearing his end, he calls for his most trusted advisors, including Balian and Tiberias. He would ask them, almost begging, to protect you always, at all costs, when he is no longer there to do so. Balian and Tiberias would exchange a quick glance to each other, vowing to respect their King’s wish until the very end.
“Protect her. Please.” “Always, my Lord”.
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Poems, songs and stories would be written in honor of your love even centuries after your passing. Many tales would speak of Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and his Queen. Different pieces of art, such as paintings and ballads, would inspire people from all over the world to find a love as devoted and unshakable as yours. Until the very end.
All in all, to love Baldwin means knowing your time together is limited. As is the time of all creatures on Earth. He would beg you to go on after his passing, to live for him. He shall wait for you and protect you from above. Until the very end.
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k-martins · 5 months
I'm late, but what matters is posting the results, so hello!
Let's move on to placing them:
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RYOMEN "You finally got a role" SUKUNA
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Also known as the one who is intimately aware of our couple's desires, desires and fears (after all, he shared a body with both of them), Sukuna is the main plot device when it comes to bringing Itafushi even closer together. It's thanks to your existence that ITFS started, isn't it? LOL.
He's a threat, he's a calamity, he's a bored old man, but most importantly, he's responsible for the line "congratulations, you've won a role" where he not only recognizes Yuji's new power, but also that our pookie pink haired girl is ready to save her sea urchin. After all, it's quite propitious for Yuji to save his soulmate in the domain called "pure and mutual love" LMAO!!!!
Fortunately, Sukuna comes in last place because he gave several traumas to ITFS, including murder, body snatching, mental and emotional manipulation, violence and a lot of anguish. He's a bad bitch we love to hate!
((I couldn't get any art from them that wasn't a ship T-T ))
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NOBARA "Boys are disgusting" KUGISAKI
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It was a close battle with second place, but I confess that not even Nobara could compete against him T-T. Our beautiful queen full of thorns is the most common third wheel in the canon, being present in moments that helped in the growth of ITFS, such as their conversation after the exchange event (where we see Yuji blush and smile after Megumi praised him hihi) and when our boys take each other's hands as a sign of trust after the fight with Kechizu and Eso. She's also the queen who helps these two idiots notice their feelings in fanfics, so what better than third place for her!!!!
It's a shame we can't see her reaction when she hears the phrase "so start saving me, Itadori", but I bet she would scream something like "get a room, you two, gay idiots!".
Anyway, Nobara, know that you will always be famous and our boys will make you proud as they finish off Sukuna and ride off into the sunset T-T
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Who but the main advocate of love to come second? Yuta has shown himself to be a huge supporter of itfs since his return to the post-Shibuya manga, from helping Yuji deal with his inner demons to agreeing to save him because he was someone important to Megumi (shoot me in the head if Megumi didn't ask Yuta save Yuji when he learned that his senpai would be the executioner).
He also had to watch from a box seat the dramatic ITFS meeting after the horrors in Shibuya, so he knows how serious Megumi and Yuji are about protecting each other. Yuta is also doing everything he can to make these two stay together, not taking long to jump against Sukuna to save Megumi and opening his beautiful domain of PURE AND MUTUAL LOVE!!!! Yes girls, Yuta is the last romantic on earth and he will be the key to our ITAFUSHI coming back to us T-T.
This boy is just not in first place, because first place belongs to him alone.
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SATORU "Personal feelings?" GOJO
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THE HONORABLE!!!! MEGUMI'S FATHER!!! THE MOST ROMANTIC EVER!!!! SATORU GOJO TAKES FIRST PLACE!!!! He was the first to notice ITFS in the SECOND EPISODE and makes a point of always bringing these two boys even closer with his discreet (and some extravagant) plans. An example of this is his readiness to accept saving Yuji because it was a request from his dear son, going against the ENTIRE JUJUTSU WORLD just because he knows what it's like to love someone who is condemned to death (stsg tears run down my eyes).
He also placed the boys next to each other, supported their relationship, blessed them, and was willing to save his son so that none of them would suffer (someone shoot me).
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Official results!
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This is the end, but we'll give some honorable mentions.
- Toji Fushiguro (his VA said that Toji would find Yuji a bit annoying at first, but would soon like him too, which is understandable, since Yuji is fantastic)
- Choso (Anyone who loves Yuji will be loved by Choso)
- Nanami Kento (no explanation, I just feel it)
- Tsumiki Fushiguro (I don't need to see this to know your opinions)
- Aoi Todo (He would always support Yuji, no matter how annoying his crush is)
- Gege Akutami (come on kitty, we all know you secretly love itfs and stsg and are cooking a beautiful and wonderful wedding for them, no need to be shy about it ;) )
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strwyofthesun · 1 year
forgive me, goodbye
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pairing: re2r!leon x f!reader
word count: 3k
synopsis: you and leon have been high school sweethearts and graduated together in 1990. but after graduating from military school and pre-med, trouble arises once leon becomes busy with being a police officer, while you start preparing to leave to the UK for med school.
cont: slight fluff, angst, high school sweethearts, college au, hurt/no comfort
a/n: for my filo readers, this is very loosely (like you have to squint to even realize it) based on raining in manila by lola amour because ive had lss and i can't stop listening to it!
part 2 here !
“—So, as we all bid farewell to this chapter of our lives, I want all of us to look back on what made us who were are now and look forward to the people we will become. Congratulations Class of 1990! We made it!” You exclaimed loudly into the mic. Everyone cheered and hugged one another in celebration of graduating from high school.
The principal smiled widely at you before you handed him the mic for his closing message to everyone. “Thank you to this year’s valedictorian for her heartfelt graduation speech. My dear students, I am so proud of all you. Congratulations!” Cheers and shouts once more echoed in the auditorium. You walk back into the crowd of students, looking for a certain someone. Amidst the bustling crowd, you spot him in his toga with medals around his neck, certificates and diplomas being held up on the right and a bouquet of roses in his left. You hurriedly ran towards his direction and stop right infront of him.
“There’s my valedictorian, I’m so proud of you love.” Leon said as he handed me the bouquet and planted a kiss on my forehead.
“Aww, Leon you didn’t have to…”
“Pft, I want nothing but the best for my girl. You deserve it [Y/N].”
“I love you so much Leon, I don’t think I would’ve survived high school without you.”
“I love you too [Y/N]. You’ll be fine with or without me. But of course you’re better off with me.” Leon said as he winked at me.
He was always such a tease. Ever since 7th to 12th grade, you couldn't believe that out of all the traits that he could keep, it had to be that one. But, it was okay, after all, all that teasing did lead you to fall for him and it was the best thing to have ever come out of your high school experience. People always said you had your head stuck in a book 24/7 and that you had no chance at love if all you ever look at was texts on a book. But now, they’re eating their words, because not only are you in the happiest and healthiest relationship with the school’s heartthrob, but your relationship with Leon outlasted almost all of your batchmates’s relationships combined. Not only that, but you also graduated valedictorian of your batch and was always a consisted honor student while dating Leon.
You had to admit that you and Leon were a walking cliché. Top student falls for the school’s heartthrob, where haven’t you seen that? But God, even if it was a cliché it was the best thing to have ever happened to you. It wasn’t always smooth sailing though. In 7th grade, Leon was always a pain in the ass to you, and it didn’t help that you were always paired up in almost every pair or group activity and project given. He wasn’t always so cooperative, he teased and picked at you, and he was always pre-occupied with either his friends or football. Yes, he was a jock, an irritatingly good-looking one at that.
He never really noticed your efforts when it came to those pair and group assignments the both of you had until one day, in chemistry class, you had held your head down, planning to rest for a little while. Little did you know that you would be waking up in the hospital. The doctor said that you had overworked your body so much to the point where your immune system had weakened drastically. Leon heard this and visited you the following day in the hospital. Your parents were aware of Leon being a big weight on you because you’d always rant to them about him so it was no surprise that when Leon entered your hospital room, he wasn’t exactly greeted warmly by your parents. Even so, they left you and him to talk privately.
“Hey [Y/N]…” Leon said as he looked at the floor. “Um, I brought you some flowers, roses, to um, brighten up your room.” He said awkwardly
You looked at him up and down with a sour look on your face before thanking him. “Thanks… Leon…” He sighed and sat at the foot of your bed.
“Look, I’m sorry… I should’ve helped you out. If I known this would’ve happen-“
“Well, it’s a bit too late for that don’t you think?” I spat back as I cut Leon off.
“I know, I know… So, to make up for it, I’ve told the teacher about me not cooperating and they have decided not to affect your grade because of my shortcomings. I’ve also come here to ask you what other assignments we have so that I can do it while you’re here. I promise I will prepare a good quality output, I’ll send it to you for checking so that you won’t have to worry.”
You were surprised at Leon’s sudden change of heart and were touched by his dedication to make things right for you. You face softened and you breathed out a small sigh.
“Thank you Leon, I’ll send you a list of what needs to be done later on. Thank you for visiting too…” You smile timidly.
“Please, don’t thank me, it’s the least I could do after everything I’ve caused.”
“Come on Leon, accept my thanks, it’s not all the time I get to say that to you.” I joked.
“Alright, alright. Fine, I accept the thanks and you are welcome. I’ll leave you be now. Rest up, recover quick okay?”
Leon gave you a smile before turning around to leave, but before he left the hospital, he talked to your parents and apologized for the trouble. He even offered to pay the medical expenses to which my parents declined. They said that if you forgave him, then they forgave him too.
On school days while you were at the hospital, Leon would always text you at lunch about what happened during the morning classes and at the end of the day, he’d text you again to tell you what happened during the afternoon classes. He gave you notes, the assignments, recorded lectures, and even stuck to his word about sending you the group works. He really did seemed like a changed man.
8th grade came around and Leon had confessed his feelings for you, to which you reciprocated. And from then on, the two of you have been dating ever since. And something you love about Leon was that he knew that you were a strong, capable, and independent person. He never interfered with your plans and always emphasized that he wanted you to always prioritize yourself over everyone else including himself. Leon supported you in all your endeavours, the competitions, the events, everything. He was and always is your number one fan and you will always be his. Every game he had, you were present. You stood in the front bleachers with the largest banner out there and screamed your head off every time he scored a point. You were everyone’s typical movie high school couple.
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“So Leon, what’s your plans for college?” You asked curiously. He never really talked about what he wanted for his future but since we were now high school graduates, it was high time to start thinking about our future plans.
“Oh, actually, I enrolled into a military academy in Raccoon City!” He said excitedly.
“Looks like someone’s excited.” You chuckle.
“Well, yeah! I mean I’ve always wanted to help people out and I think this is a good place to start.”
“I’m so glad you’re doing something you’re passionate about, love.”
“I’m assuming you’ll be pursuing your pre-med course in the city as well?”
“Mhm, that’s right. I can’t believe how fast time flies. We used to be dumb kids arguing over assignments and look at us now.”
Leon looked at you and grabbed you by the waist to pull you into a hug. “I didn’t expect myself to fall for a brainy genius like yourself.”
“And I didn’t expect myself to fall for a sweetheart of a jock but here we are.” you said as the both of you laughed together.
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Summer went by and you and Leon had moved to Raccoon City to pursue each other’s passions. The 4 years passed the two of you quickly and you were soon attending each other’s graduation. Seeing Leon in his uniform standing proud and tall made you feel all sorts of things. You can’t believe how far he’s come. Saying you were proud of him was an understatement. At your graduation, you spotted Leon from the stage along with your parents holding up a camera and recording you. He was the absolute cutest boyfriend out there. He treated you and your parents out at an expensive restaurant in the city to celebrate. While at the dinner table, your phone starts ringing. You check to see who was calling you and saw that it was one of your professors from your university. You excused yourself from the table and picked up the incoming call.
“Good evening Ms. [L/N]”
“Good evening madam, is there something you would like to discuss with me?”
“As a matter of fact, there is. If you remember, I helped you apply for a prestigious medical school in the UK yes?”
“Yes, I recall.”
“I come bearing good news! You have been accepted on a full scholarship! I am so proud of you Ms. [L/N].”
You covered your mouth from shock and turned back to look at your parents and Leon who seemed very curious about the call.
“Thank you so much madam for helping me with this opportunity. I will get back to you with my answer in a few days.”
“No problem, take your time. But if I were you, I would grab the opportunity already.”
“I have to consult my parents first madam but I appreciate the incentive.”
“Alright, please do inform me later on your decision. Goodbye and congrats!”
Your professor dropped the call and you go back to the table with Leon and your parents and let them know the good news.
“Oh my God! I’m so proud of you [Y/N]! We’ll pack your stuff right away once we get home!” Your mom said eagerly.
“I’ll help you pack too!” Your dad chimed in.
You laugh at the reactions of you parents but realized that Leon had been rather silent.
“Leon?” you said as you held his hand under the table.
“Hmm? Oh! I’m so proud of you too, love. I can’t believe you’ll be studying in another country…” Leon said as his voice slowly faded. You squeezed his hand and looked at him with a face of concern. Before he could speak again, the waiter had given Leon the bill which he paid for and later your parents left earlier than you leaving Leon and you behind.
“Love, is there something bothering you?”
“I’m… I’m gonna miss you a lot [Y/N]… But, I don’t want to hold you back, you know that.”
“Oh Leon…” You pulled him into an embrace and said, “I’ll miss you too Leon. But I’m not leaving yet, so let’s make most of my time here okay?”
“Okay… I love you [Y/N]…”
“I love you too Leon…”
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In a few days, you started getting ready to make your big move to the UK. Meanwhile, Leon had begun working as a police officer in the Raccoon City Police Department. He was always preoccupied with his job and you were busy with all the files you needed to tend to and the preparations you had to ready for med school and all the other likes. As the days progressed, the stress started to feel overwhelming and it did not help that Leon was not as available as much as he used to be. You respected his time and if he wouldn’t want to hold you back, you wouldn’t hold him back either. So you kept to yourself. All the stress, the worry, the nagging thoughts of moving to a new country alone, the pressure put on you by your professor was immense, all of it was driving you borderline insane. Juggling everything on your own felt so tiring but you never once thought of asking Leon or anyone for that matter for help because you did not want to bother them and because you wanted this for yourself. You had no one but yourself to blame. But the opportunity is right there, and you couldn't risk it slipping through your fingers.
It was a week ‘till your departure and Leon had finally decided to visit you after his long shifts at the RPD.
“Hi love, are you ready for the big trip?” He asked while trying to put on a smile on his face but it was evident that he was too tired to even put an effort.
“I don’t know Leon…” you responded.
“What’s the matter?” he asked sounding concerned.
You snapped at Leon and sarcastically replied, "Oh, thanks for finally asking.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What do you think Leon? You haven’t even bothered to check up on me all those days ago?”
“Well I’m sorry if I got too busy with work!”
“Too busy? Would it have killed you to send me at least one text asking how I was?!”
“I didn’t want to disturb you! I knew that you could handle it on your own.”
“But Leon I needed you! Where were you when I needed you?! I was practically going insane already!"
A deafening silence fell upon the room and no one dared to look at each other in the eye. You broke the silence and spoke up once more.
“Look Leon, if this is the current state of our relationship now, I fear that this won’t last once I’m further away.”
“[Y/N]… Are you…?”
“I’m breaking up with you Leon.” You never imagined those words ever coming out of your mouth but there it was, seemingly echoing in all four corners of the room making it all the more painful that it already was.
“You can’t be serious [Y/N]…”
“I am serious Leon. I can’t do this anymore…”
“Fine.” Leon said as he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
You watch him leave as tears start to run down your face. It hurt that you had to do what you did, but seeing how he didn’t even fight for the relationship broke you even more. At the back of your head, you were relieved because now, he wouldn’t have to face the days where he would need you but you were not there for him. He wouldn’t have to constantly worry about you and your well-being. He wouldn’t have to miss you so much that it made his heart ache that he could not see you. You have spent 10 years with each other and were now so used to each other presence. Being away from him pained you as much as it pained him, and nothing could have eased that.
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It's 2 hours ‘till departure, you’re at the airport simply passing the time while your parents kept you company. 1 hour left, you start to remember all the memories you’ve made in the city and can't help but shed a tear because all you could ever think off was Leon. 30 minutes, your parents comfort you and held you in their arms as you cried and wallowed in your sadness. 20 minutes, you compose yourself as your flight is near. 10 minutes, bid your farewell to your parents and start walking to the gates until you heard a voice call your name.
You turned around to look for where the voice came from, “Leon?” You mutter as you frantically search amongst the people looking for him. You spotted Leon dashing towards you and threw his arms around you as a desperate attempt to keep you for leaving just yet.
“[Y/N] please, just wait…” he panted.
“Leon, I need to board the plane, I have to go-“
“Please… think about it, think about us. I know long distance is hard but it’s something we can get through together! I know we can! So please! Don’t just leave me like this…” Leon begged as he pulled away to face you. His eyes were swollen and red, you could tell he had been crying for days straight.
“You know it’s not just about us… You have your whole future ahead of you, and I have mine. Don’t let me stop you from that.”
“But I don’t see my future without you in it. Please let me be selfish for once let me ask you for us to try again.”
“You know I can’t do that Leon…”
Leon looked at you with glass eyes and let you go. “I’ll be waiting for you [Y/N]… However long it takes."
“Leon… Don't...” You cupped his cheek and caresses it gently wiping away his tears.
“Forgive me, goodbye.” You let go of Leon and kissed him one last time before turning your back on him and walking straight to the gates. You hear Leon’s sobs and it took everything in you not to look back, when all you wanted to do was run into his arms and say “I do want you back, I’m sorry for trying to leave you.” But you couldn’t. You knew deep down that you couldn’t bring yourself to throw everything away for Leon. And you knew that he knew it too.
As the plane took off, you look out of the window and silently said goodbye to the life you once had and said hello to the new life you will live.
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seperis · 1 year
dear tumblr
This is hard for me to say.
I think I--and all of us--need to apologize to you, tumblr.  Yes, this is a hellsite, every possible design choice made is counter-intuitive to the aesthetics and logical processes of the brain of pretty much any humans, not just those who you cloned to get their skin that I assume you are wearing when you came to our planet for whatever shit aliens do and wanted to blend.
You are a dumpster fire, yes, but over the years, we were warmed by that fire or Stockholmed into thinking we were which is basically the same thing. We could leave--I mean, logically, I know that’s possible--but we don’t.  Yeah, I got nothing, I can see the doors but I can’t seem to get to them.
Anyway, we were hostile. We did not defend you when other social media sites made fun of you.  Which may explain those design choices, now that I think about it.  Yes, you did set an ai bot to catch porn and thought we got off to sexy geometic shapes like triangles, but looking back, that was kind of charming and the memes were amazing. You’re still here--I genuinely do not know how you managed--and we still come here and are reassured to see you are still very weird but now sometimes there are crabs and bells. I don’t think you actively hate your users, either, you just don’t understand people or sentient beings, so maybe you’re just bad at showing affection and are super passive-aggressive. 
Look, I”m saying you may be a hellsite but you are our hellsite and I don’t think we tell you that enough.
And right now, there is a fair to good chance that in the vast landscape of the giants of social media, you will be the last one standing and seriously, what the fuck?  This was not on my bingo card in this or any alternative universe. You did it by dint of not actively hating your users and publicly picking fights with them then taunting them when they rebelled, engaging in random acts of self-mutilation of your infrastructure for lols or being elon musk. I mean, that’s a pretty fucking low bar, come think, and honestly, it shouldn’t be that hard to clear it, but you’re pretty much the only one who did.
I say this with total sincerity and a sense that reality is crumbling around me: congratulations. I think you are going to win the social media wars.  I mean, yeah, you could disappear like tomorrow--I actually kind of expect that daily--but you will be the only one we won’t actively hate so yeah, you still win.  I am going to drink--quite a bit maybe forever--in your honor.
Hugs and kisses,
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merakiui · 5 months
For that one Fwb prompt: "Did you just congratulate me for having sex with you?" featuring our cringe-fail-loser-virgin tako <3
>:) it is time to cook!!!!!! Admittedly, he's not very loser virgin here, but that's okay. <3 we love all sides of Zuzu.
(fwb dialogues)
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In the aftermath of orgasmic bliss, drenched in fluids and panting, you reach up to pat Azul's head. His soft, silken hair is matted with sweat, but then you're no different. It's filthy, but it feels right. A joint effort to indulge in an imperfect mess in a private slice of heaven—that's what this is. Or, in less flowery terms, fucking like animals in your bedroom.
"Congrats," you manage through a raspy mumble.
Azul blinks at you, his walls rising despite your casual touch. His arms are still caging you in, unfaltering. Sweat clings to every crevice in lean musculature. He's something of a Renaissance nude, effortlessly handsome, and he's looking at you like you've just grown gills.
"Did... Did you just congratulate me for having sex with you?"
He almost stumbles over his words, but he saves himself with a swift clearing of his throat and an off-the-cuff, "Why, thank you for your kind congratulations. I'm honored."
You laugh, unfazed with his theatrics. "You're very welcome."
His hand drags along your cheek, returning your affectionate petting with gentle strokes. Sometimes you think he's trying to paint you with an invisible brush whenever he touches you like this. Sweet and mindful, as if he might break you if he exerts just a little pressure.
"Is there a reason you're congratulating me? This isn't the first time we've done this."
"I just felt like saying it."
Suspicious, Azul narrows his eyes. You drag his face down to meet yours. Rather than connecting your lips, you kiss his cheek.
"You're good in bed. Seriously! Can't I give credit where credit is due?"
"You can. But I thought we already established that fact long ago."
"Oh, so my opinions are fact now?"
"Irrefutable fact, yes."
You roll your eyes, a smile playing at your lips. "Cheeky jerk."
"Takes one to know one, my dear. There's no need to pretend otherwise."
"You say that, but look who's ready for round two. Aren't you getting too greedy? I thought you said you had somewhere to be."
"How cold of you to show me the door when I've been nothing but attentive..."
"I rescind my congratulations. You're a cheeky, irritating jerk."
Azul flashes his teeth at you in a shameless, sticky smirk-grin. His hands slide down to grab your hips, hoisting them up to meet his halfway. "We'll see how long that opinion of yours holds."
"That one's not fact, huh?"
"If it is, I'm about to prove it wrong."
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