#hope this makes sense !!
loljustignoreth4t · 5 months
when you get a new character fixation but find out that there's a lot less fics of them then you were hoping for
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crybaby-bkg · 8 months
love it when men have a wife/daughter and refers to you guys as his girls ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
bakugou always says it whenever he’s using you as an excuse for something - gotta get home to my girls early tonight or gotta get my girls some dessert since I forgot last time or my girls said I can’t go out with you idiots tonight even though you guys are begging him to go out so you can have a girls night!!!
and kirishima!!!! he always carries pictures of you guys in his wallet, as a Polaroid tucked into his phone case, as his wallpaper on his phone, tucked behind glass on his desk. perks up anytime someone asks him about his family, has the biggest grin as he goes on and on about how beautiful his girls are, how his daughters are spitting images of you, how sweet you all are to him.
just my girls ☹️☹️☹️☹️
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rin-u-pos · 1 month
If I was Tamlin, I would've told Feyre she owes me a favor for bringing back Rhysand and one day I will come back to collect it. Then I would never claim the favor. That ensures the IC wouldn't fuck with him and the Spring Court anymore because the bargain would always be at the back of their minds. It's a little mix of petty revenge and doing nice things to help Feyre.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 6 days
Why do you want the sonic character to be seen as kids so badly? /gen /nm
Because they ARE kids?
I have no issue with them being mature, saving the world, being the awesome characters they are, being serious when they need to be and stepping up simply because someone needs to.
But there is something so sweet and lovely when they do the little things that remind us of their age. Like Tails with his juice boxes amidst all his amazing tech. And Amy's silliness and enthusiasm amidst her powerhouse battle skills. And Sonic's playing video games and yelling "ECHOOO" into canyons because it sounds cool, amidst his street smart demeanor and heroic nature. I don't want them to be shown as kids in a derogatory way, a way that makes them dumber or incapable. I like it when they are shown as kids in ways that cannot be reconciled with an adult: the unfiltered joy, the shenanigans, the desires for hugs and affection, the times when they don't always do everything perfectly but they're still doing their best and it's endearing. They are oh so young, and they couldn't be more interesting because of it.
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qjaiden · 5 months
only a bi-curious man can craft the most perfect aro character
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prettiestst4r · 11 months
"So how gay do you want it to be?"
Marauders fandom: Yes
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wodimewoahtime · 4 months
the course of ivans life is locked in by sua and i think he understands that a little
its ivan who will follow till, its till who will follow mizi, and its mizi who will follow sua (and sua follows mizi too ofc)
just round and around, they go in a circle till theyre picked off for slaughter
mizi doesnt know that, but sua does!!! sua does!!!!
mizi is unaware of the threat thats coming her way, so its up to sua to leave. she doesnt. theyre stuck. when sua follows mizi, ivan sees a priest digging her grave.
my view of ivan sua is very much "ivan is willing to break the system for till, but till wont follow him"
"ivan watches as sua sacrifices herself for mizi within the system"
"ivan is envious because the person she loves is willing to follow her anywhere but the best she can do is die"
i think it says a lot about suas passive suicidal ideation
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crayonfears · 7 months
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The horror of "Annihilation" is existential and rooted firmly in the ordinary. It is film confronting the gradual ways that we are changed by the things and people around us, the ways that we slowly drift from one state into another, the terror of waking up one day to realize that we've become someone else - someone we don't recognize. […] In the final moments, Lena and Kane confront the fact that they are no longer the people they used to be. They have both changed dramatically, radically, since their relationship began. Their slow drift apart, Lena's infidelity, Kane's absence and his nearly fatal illness have compounded and altered both of them down to the core of their very being. But even if they are no longer the Lena and Kane they used to be, they are still a Lena and a Kane, and their shared experience, the way they have absorbed one another into their identities has made them into the same. They are still one person and two alone.
— Folding Ideas, Annihilation and Decoding Metaphor Annihilation (2018) Black Sails (2014 - 2017), episode XVI
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hey! I love your writing so much so I figured I’d send a little request!
Could you doing something like Steve hase always noticed Eddie but Eddie is completely oblivious? With some first kiss/love confession?
OH ANYTIME!!! Thank you :) I am always here for pining and love confessions. The sappier, the better. The more nauseating, the better. The more I want to punch a wall, the better. I hope that happens here for you with this one! - Mickala ❤️
Steve Harrington’s bisexual awakening was Eddie Munson.
He was 14 years old at summer camp for the last time because “teenagers just don’t go to summer camp, Steven.” Which was ridiculous because it was a summer camp for teenagers, but whatever, not worth arguing with his father about.
Eddie was there, hair longer than most of the other boys, floppy and curly like he was trying to grow it out but didn’t know how to manage it.
If there was anything Steve could do, it was manage hair.
So he walked up to him and offered to show him his routine.
Eddie laughed, honest to god tears falling from his eyes as he slapped his leg.
Steve just stared at him, not used to being laughed at, only with.
But Eddie seemed to sense that he was serious, so he calmed down, but kept a small smile on his face.
“Thanks man, but I can’t afford the shit you do. I just gotta deal with it.”
“I mean, you can have mine at the end of camp if you want. I’ll just buy more.”
Which felt like the right thing to say, but Eddie just looked down at the ground and shook his head.
“Nah. Don’t really need your charity, dude.”
He walked away before Steve could explain it wasn’t charity, he just really like his curls and wanted him to take care of them.
It was hard not to notice Eddie at school. He made sure he was noticed.
Everyone said it was because he was a “fairy” and thrived off the attention, even when he was getting beat up.
One particularly nasty rumor said he liked being beat up.
So when 15 year old Steve heard all this, he obviously knew he couldn’t ever say a damn thing about himself or any interaction he’d had with Eddie.
Which was really just the one time he’d accidentally insulted him.
His hair was longer now, just past his chin. The curls looked a bit better, though Steve could tell he didn’t use any type of conditioner, and he tried not to let that bother him.
He watched him though, secretly, when he could get away with it. In the halls or the cafeteria was easiest since he could always say he was staring at a girl if someone asked.
The way he just always walked with his head high, his confidence unlike anything Steve had seen from anyone that wasn’t a jock, made Steve’s stomach flutter.
He heard Carol say “confidence is sexy” enough times to start believing it was true, and that was before he watched Eddie strut around the school like he wasn’t constantly being thrown insults.
He watched as Eddie formed his own little ragtag group of friends, all outcasts because of one thing or another, only building his confidence more.
He watched as Eddie started driving a beat up van to school, making a name for himself as the guy who would sell liquor out of the back on Fridays.
People still teased him, still beat him up, but they were giving him money for liquor for their house parties left and right.
Steve watched.
Nancy was amazing, everything Steve wanted and everything his parents wanted.
She was going to have an incredible future, and encouraged Steve to work hard to have one too.
He loved her. He did.
But he still watched Eddie.
Eddie who was standing on tables in the cafeteria, giving speeches that honestly, weren’t that dramatic. Maybe if he was anyone else, people would actually listen.
Eddie who started dealing weed in the woods behind school a few days a week, admitting the liquor thing wasn’t for him when he saw how many idiot kids still got behind the wheel to drive home after the parties he supplied.
Eddie who was unapologetically himself in all the ways Steve wished he could be.
Nancy was beautiful, she was smart, she was determined.
But Eddie was like a forest fire, a small spark that ignited with just a small fan of the flame, his best qualities hidden behind the smoke.
And Steve wanted to burn.
Steve graduated. Eddie didn’t.
He didn’t get into college, so his dad made him get a summer job.
Eddie didn’t really hang out at the mall, wasn’t really his scene, but he did come into Scoops occasionally, and apparently only when Steve worked.
His coworker, Robin, rolled her eyes when Steve insisted on scooping his ice cream into the cone, ringing him out at the register, and watching him walk out.
“Are you poisoning him slowly or something? Are you planning on doing something stupid? What’s happening?”
He never told her anything, just shrugged in response.
Until the Russians. Until their stupid truth serum made him spill his guts literally and figuratively in the mall bathroom.
Robin listened as he talked about every moment, every look, every doubt he ever had about his feelings. About how he loved Nancy, he did, but she would never be the one he thought of first when someone talked about a future, about love, about a life.
Robin listened as he cried, sobbed really, explained how he knew it would never happen, but it didn’t stop him from wanting.
She listened until she couldn’t anymore.
“Steve, you’re not alone in this okay? I’m…You know Tammy?”
“Thompson?” He sniffled, finally looking up at Robin.
“Yeah. I’ve had a crush on her for like, two years.”
“What? Really?”
“But why her? She’s kind of awful.”
Robin laughed, a real laugh, not a drug-induced one.
“Yeah, but she’s also kind of not.”
Steve nodded.
“I know what you mean.”
They were trauma bonded, sure, but they were also just bonded through life’s fucked up ways of bringing people with similar qualities and interests together.
If Steve knew the next time he saw Eddie Munson would be when he was wanted for murder, a small part of him actually may have believed you.
Not because he thought Eddie was actually a murderer, but more because he knew what the town thought of him, and would have expected nothing less in the face of the unexplainable.
The three-time senior was kind of fucked if they didn’t figure this out, looking at a lifetime in prison for a murder he didn’t commit.
Steve focused on thinking about that anytime his mind wandered to how Eddie held a broken bottle to his neck, his other hand pushing him back, his leg between Steve’s to keep him there.
Robin pinched him when she could see his mind starting to drift. She was the best.
And as they worked to figure things out, and fight their way through Vecna’s curse, Steve managed to have actual conversations with Eddie.
They weren’t really ever completely alone, no one was while they were figuring things out and making a plan, but they still managed to talk.
It was enough for Steve. Enough to know he could maybe be friends with him when this was over and done. Maybe go to his graduation, maybe help him leave the town that was ready to burn him at the stake.
He didn’t expect it to be it. To be all he got.
So when he saw Dustin sobbing over a bloody body, he didn’t waste time. He had Nancy put pressure on the worst of the wounds, made Robin get Dustin out, he needs to go, started begging, pleading quietly with Eddie to just survive.
“You can’t let the fire burn out yet, idiot. Not now, not like this.”
Nancy didn’t acknowledge what he was saying, but he knew she knew.
He was tearing his shirt into pieces, makeshift bandages the only option for holding him together as Steve found a way to carry him to the trailer and through the gate.
It wasn’t easy, but nothing about any of their Upside Down trauma had been, and Eddie was worth it.
Steve waited hours.
Then he waited days.
When a week had gone by, Wayne pulled him into a hug and practically begged him to go home and get some rest.
“Our boy will wake up and we wanna look our best when he does, right?”
He couldn’t really argue with Wayne, not when he’d let him sit by Eddie’s bed with him for days.
He didn’t tell Wayne about his feelings, didn’t really know if Wayne was a safe person to tell, but he figured Wayne knew anyway.
When he managed to sleep for a few hours in his own bed, shower in his own bathroom, and eat an actual cooked meal, he found his way back to Eddie’s room. The nurses no longer paid any attention once Owens and his government buddies cleared Eddie’s name.
He walked into the same scene he’d watched for a week now; Eddie asleep, hooked up to more machines that any human should have to, chest rising and falling slowly.
But Wayne hadn’t made it back yet, hopefully getting more sleep than Steve had been able to.
So he took the chair closest to Eddie’s head, gently brushing some of his hair from his face and reaching down to hold his hand.
Even like this, bruises and scars littering his body and face, he was beautiful.
His fire was still burning, Steve could see it.
He managed to fall asleep like that, holding Eddie’s less injured hand in his, head on the bed against his leg.
A hand in his hair woke him up.
Expecting it to be Wayne or Robin, he blinked his eyes open and slowly sat up, ready for another long day of waiting.
But it wasn’t Wayne or Robin.
Steve resisted throwing himself at him, knowing he would be in pain, but he let his hands hover over him to show he wanted to.
“Hey Stevie.”
God, his voice was so nice. It was like actual music to his ears. He never wanted to go so long without hearing it again.
“How long have you been awake? Do you need the nurse? Pain meds? Where is the pain?”
Eddie chuckled quietly, small smile visible under his oxygen mask.
“I don’t really know but the pain is everywhere.”
“Shit, okay. Let me go get someone. I don’t even know who’s on shift right now. I don’t know how long I slept.”
“Calm down.”
Steve let out a disbelieving laugh, barely more than a huff of air.
“You almost died, Eddie! And you’re hurting. I almost-” Steve choked on a wet sob, his throat closing up as tears flooded his eyes.
“You didn’t though. You saved me. I’m here right?”
Eddie’s voice was barely above a whisper, and it clearly pained him to even talk, but he was doing it for Steve.
Steve suddenly realized there was far too much space between them, that if he wasn’t feeling the heat of Eddie’s flames against his skin, he couldn’t convince himself he was still alight.
He gently sat on the edge of the bed, taking Eddie’s hand back in his own.
“I almost didn’t make it in time. You were so pale, Eds. So bloody.”
“But you did. You made it.”
Steve took a shaky breath.
He knew he needed to say it. He needed to tell Eddie why he did everything he could to save him, why he hasn’t left his side except at Wayne’s insistence, why he was panicking so much now.
Eddie squeezed his hand.
“Stevie, you think I didn’t see you watching me? I started to think you were gonna kill me sometimes with how often you just stared at me.” Eddie took a few breaths, closing his eyes as he focused on what he wanted to say and not the pain. “I figured it out there. After Nancy. That’s why I came to Scoops so much. Loved that little outfit.”
Eddie was smirking at him and Steve let out a snort.
“I hated that thing. Robin did too.”
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that Robin never helped me when I came in either. It was always you.”
Steve couldn’t look at him, not while he was being seen so clearly.
“And all this? With the monsters and crazy people in this town trying to kill me? But you were the quickest to believe me. The one making sure I wasn’t going crazy. And then the one who got me out of there alive, even though I didn’t think there was any way I would.”
“Why didn’t you stick to the plan? You could’ve escaped with Dustin, been safe.”
“Because the world couldn’t lose Steve Harrington.”
“It couldn’t lose Eddie Munson, either.”
Eddie shook his head.
“I think you’re the only one who feels that way.”
“Really? You think Dustin could have handled losing you? Or Mike? He’s a shit, but he cares. And me? How was I supposed to?”
“No! You don’t get to decide that you don’t matter to people. Everyone loves you and everyone would have been devastated to lose you. Wayne’s been sitting in this stupid plastic chair for a week waiting for you to wake up. You think he would have been okay with losing you?”
“Eventually, yeah.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“I’ve heard.”
Steve shook his head.
“How do you not see how much people love you?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
Steve didn’t quite know what to say to that. It’s not that he believed he was expendable, it’s just that if it came down to someone having to die, he’d rather it be him. Not to play hero, but because picturing anyone else dying was too much to bear.
“You’re loved, too. Every single one of those kids love you like a brother. Robin would probably marry you if you had boobs. I was willing to die to keep you safe, Steve. How can you not see it?”
“It wasn’t just me.”
“No. I wanted all of you to be safe. But I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t the thought of you dying that made me cut the rope.”
“Because I watched you, too. All the time. I did things for your attention. I thought that was obvious.”
Steve shook his head. No way he was telling the truth. He constantly ranted about the popular kids, about how much he hated them and everything they represented. The hierarchy of high school continued into life and he wanted no part of it.
Eddie groaned as he adjusted a bit in the bed.
“I may need to continue this later, Stevie.”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course. Let me get the nurse,” Steve muttered as he got up.
The nurse bustled in only a minute later, followed by Steve, who thought through the entire conversation he just had with Eddie.
Did Eddie…like him?
No way. He couldn’t possibly like Steve. He hated the whole King Steve thing. He’d said so multiple times over the years.
But so did Steve.
He zoned out while the nurse asked Eddie questions and checked his vitals, thinking back to all the times he’d been watching Eddie in school.
How almost every time, Eddie had already been watching him.
How Eddie’s theatrics always waited until Steve was in the same room.
How Eddie glared at Nancy, even when she was helping him.
Steve watched as the nurse put a new bag on his IV pole, explaining to him that this would be a morphine drip that would probably knock him out for another 12-24 hours.
He watched Eddie nod along, past the point of caring what was happening and just wanting the pain to stop.
The nurse finally left, and Steve didn’t wait.
He walked over to the bed, leaning over Eddie.
“You are an idiot,” Steve said, leaning in closer to his lips, grateful that the nurse had removed the oxygen mask and replaced it with a small nasal cannula.
“Am I?’ Eddie asked with a smirk, the lids of his eyes slowly getting heavier.
“Yeah. And I can’t believe I love an idiot so much.”
Eddie’s eyes widened for a second before they started to close again.
“You gonna kiss the idiot or make him fall asleep without one?”
Steve rolled his eyes, but leaned in to place a soft kiss on Eddie’s dry and cracked lips.
Eddie smiled into it, but didn’t seem to have the energy to kiss back right now.
Steve pulled away and rested his forehead against Eddie’s, gently, like he would break if he put too much of himself against him.
“You owe me a good one when you’re not high on morphine, deal?”
“Mhm. Deal, sweetheart.”
Steve blushed at the name, but Eddie’s eyes were closed.
Wayne walked in only a few minutes later, eyes wide.
“The nurse said he was awake?”
Steve nodded from his spot in the chair, Eddie’s hand in his, fond smile on his face.
“Yeah, she gave him morphine so he can rest some more.”
“Good,” Wayne visibly relaxed. “He tell you he’s in love with you yet or do I have to keep waitin’?”
“Well, not in so many words, but, kinda.”
“And you? You told him?”
“I called him an idiot.”
“Close enough.”
Steve laughed. It felt so good to laugh.
Eddie’s fire had spread quickly, the smoke clearing away just enough to let Steve be engulfed in his flames.
Steve was burning, and it was everything he hoped it would be.
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autism--wizard · 1 year
“Actually autistic people don’t communicate worse than neurotypicals neurotypicals just don’t want to understand us”
I am killing you with my mind shut up shut up shut up I’m fucking disabled I have a fucking disorder and I fucking suck at communicating stop telling me I’m fine literally shut up
All you’re telling me is that you’re not a safe person to be around. You’re telling me that when I’m having a bad day and can’t form sentences you’ll think it’s on purpose because you don’t think my disability is disabling. You’re telling me that if I mess up at communicating with you you’ll think it’s malicious instead of me being fucking disabled.
Also neurotypical isn’t the word for not autistic, there are plenty of allistic neurodivergent ppl.
I have a disorder and it makes me worse at things. And the solution to that isn’t telling me I’m fine actually, it’s being patient when I’m having trouble.
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nebquerna · 8 months
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hoofpeet · 1 year
Ooh you wanna talk more about the Ingo+Sugar and Emmet+Spice au so bad… you wanna tell me about your Headcanons so so bad… (fr tho I’ve been thinking about this specific au of your au (au squared?) all day today pls impart upon me your Thoughts)
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Thoughts on the replacement Emmet (?) thing...
-For Spice+Emmet, I think their relationship would be pretty rough for a while. Emmet gets FURIOUS whenever Spice uses Ingo's face to be a bastard and is generally very easy to fuck with </3
-I think Spice would eventually just be impressed by Emmet's dedication to catching the legendaries and slowly stop messing with him. Eventually they'd kinda be buddies b/c Spice starts helping Emmet do stuff <3
-Spice actually ends up enjoying battling & learning new moves. I imagine Emmet would invite Spice to come back home with him after he spends so long actively helping Emmet get home
-For Sugar+Ingo... I think Ingo would be very very depressed, believing he failed Emmet as an older brother and chased Emmet away by not being outwardly affectionate enough/being more focused on work than his brother. As a result ends up getting Sugar and makes her as comfortable as possible, desperately trying not to take her for granted.
-Would eventually realize after being confronted that he's been wallowing in his own misery and that in his situation, Emmet would never give up looking for him--> leading to him researching Emmet's disappearance and eventually flying to Sinnoh to track down a legendary that can reunite them
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cistematicchaos · 8 months
The problem with being crazy (or mad) is that a lot of shitty people will hear you explain how you can't help doing certain things (because of your mental illness) and still get pissed or nasty when you do those things, while simultaneously blaming random things you do (or even opinions you have) on you being crazy (derogatory). Not only are the symptoms of your madness simply a character failing but also, everything you do that they don't like is a symptom of your madness and thus, bad [wrong].
It's so frustrating.
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genacity · 2 years
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⌗ nsfw scaramouche wankin 2 u ft kinda long drabble
hey y’all LMAO
ignore how i been inactive, trying to enjoy the christmas break w family before i go back for second semester so sorry to the sillies who been waiting on me . . .
anyways i been thinking abt a scara / wanderer who’s been berating and swatting at you for months now — ever since you started traveling together he’s always been on your ass about everything you do!
“your defense skills are sloppy!” “you’re hopeless with your weapon!” he’d scold, whacking you upside the head with the back of his hand.
smothering you in pure dissatisfaction every single day — just to turn the corner to whimper your name to himself when you retire yourself to sleep.
snug in your teapot one night, you had finally gotten fed up with the wanderer’s pessimism. before you had the chance to blow at him, you excused yourself for the night and marched hastily up the steps of your home; accompanied by a harsh-sounding shut of a door and the subtle clatter of a lock. the wanderer stood arms crossed and brows furrowed as he huffed and retreated to his own room — not because he was angry. hell, he was far from it.
he sat slumped in his bed, hat tossed onto the floor. the only source of light being the moon flickering in from his window. the wanderer exhaled as all of his thoughts of you pooled in his brain — from mellow and sweet to frustrated and angry; to warm and sultry, making his ears go red as he huffed.
why was he like this? he didn’t know. his nimble fingers wandered — as he did — mindlessly down his body, ‘til he toyed with the band of his shorts. short puffs of air as the wanderer found himself indulging in those sultry fantasies he’d been burying himself in.
“fuck,” he gasped. left hand working its way beyond his pants as he worked his cock sheepishly beneath the stubborn fabric. soft whimpers formed raspy from his lips as the wanderer teased the head of his dick with his thumb, working his slick along as lubricant. he whined to himself, chest heaving with soft pleas and apologies of his awful behavior; how he wished you would snap one day and bend him over simply to break him in half.
lips parted in a rush of feelings and saliva dribbling from his chin, he pleaded to open air — “‘m sorry for being so mean to you,” “jus’ want your attention, i swear!” “i wanna cum for you, all for you, i do — ”
and so he does. but you don’t know.
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creatorping · 10 months
“What if the boys were moodulated”presented in 4 doodle pages!
credits to @flowery-laser-blasts for the og idea! check out her post
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This is my take on how the scenes would go if Drakken and Ron are controlled by emotions. Generally, I think that both of their skills shine more when they have confidence and let it loose (especially Ron).
For example, Ron’s charisma will increase along with skills like crafting and being the Jack of all trades. Drakken will be able to create his inventions a lot faster due to heighten emotions. His decision making is stronger but may execute them recklessly.
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In Love:
Ron has all the confidence that he rarely shows, and directs it at Kim, only her. Every move he makes to woo Kim chips away her barrier of resistance. Ron would continue to show the puppy love affection, including physical touch (hugs galore). Ron asks her to the parade festival, convincing her with flowers.
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Drakken goes full The way of the Househusband mode: cooking, cleaning, and showering Shego with gifts and affection every chance he gets. Heck, he’ll even make new gadgets just to benefit Shego in any way. Shego is weirded out by his behavior but inwardly crumbles at his affections. However, she gets concerned when Drakken gradually loses his ambitions to take over the world, which she didn’t want him to lose that. Well maybe a bit more love time wouldn’t hurt as Drakken begs her to go with him to the parade as a date. (He gave her the pout and dinner)
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At the Parade:
Shego of course agreed to the festival date for fun. After overhearing about the moodulator she wants to get it to break Drakken out of control and get back to evil ambitions OR perhaps control Drakken for herself and make things easier.
She decided to use the E.M.A on the moodulator (even tho she has no idea how it works but she’ll try it) after eavesdropping on Kim and the Inventor. But girlie doesn’t know shit about inventions so she accidentally charged the moodulator to extreme anger
Extremely angry Drakken… bites. ha r d.
yeah he wrecks havoc and she loves the power he shows but he lacks the direction he had in the first place. So Shego ultimately tries to shut him down from being a mindless zombie
Shego had to use her upmost ability to shut Drakken down and not destroy himself at the parade. So at the end, she puts a muzzle on him after dragging him out of the scene. Then perhaps an aggressive kiss sets Drakken on a sudden emotional overdrive that broke the chip, which set him free from the moodulator.
In my take of Kim trying to reject Ron is that she feels he’s been a bit off and not truly himself. Like she loves the affection but the sudden bursts of emotions during the whole time makes her suspicious. Therefore Kim tried rejecting Ron at the festival
but then right as Kim tried to tell Ron her suspicions, the moodulator changes and angry Ron misunderstands the rejection and yeah…
Kim found out about the moodulator… and internally was torn about whether or not Ron’s emphasized feelings were genuine.
Ron channels his anger on not being enough for Kim and explodes with monkey kung fu, wrecking havoc at the parade. (I noticed that Ron gets the powers when his emotions take over him)
And of course kim isn’t going to be a sitting duck so she gets back with her martial art skills. They had a battle similar to what Hiro and Kim had in the exchange ep. Lowkey Kim finds it attractive of him fighting like that.
The chip breaks after they come at a draw in the fight. Ron panicked after realizing what he did to Kim and frantically apologizes but Kim kept the conversation playful to cover up the awkward confrontations until SO THE DRAMA MOVIE
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remuspenus · 4 months
man I know I'm a remus kinnie but Patton has some shit going on too. imagine no matter how hard u try to be a good person and live up to the expectations society and the people around you have for you, you can't do it. you keep making mistakes. you keep fucking it up. You're trying to be good, to make everyone happy. everyone expect you to be the good one, the upbeat one, so you push down your emotions because you think that's what's needed. You try to connect with the loner of the group but find that he's uncomfortable with the soft epithets you give him, so you try to fix that and be better. And you do become friends! and the rest of your friends accept him.
And then you fuck up making an important decision, because the rest of the group looks to you as their guiding force. And you make the wrong choice. And now your falling apart, trying desperately to convince yourself that you're still good at your job, that you can still do good things. but the pressure keeps mounting. and people keep asking questions you don't know the answer to.
And then you snap and unleash those emotions that have built up and pressurized inside you. And the people you love get hurt. And it's all your fault. And the guy you've been fighting with, who was probably the hardest on some of your decisions tells you your not the bad guy, that you need to ease off the brakes, and he'll handle things for a short while.
And you think maybe you want to be friends with this outcast as well.
and now half your group hates you again
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