#hope ur having a great day! stay hydrated and enjoy ur weekend!
inkykeiji · 1 year
what’s a day in the life of clari look like? 🤔🤔
HEHE good question!! i’m working on a lot of fun n exciting stuff behind the scenes that i’m not ready to announce yet (soon, tho!!!!!) so that soaks up most of my time everyday lately, but i also spend a decent amount of my day just doing housework! Housewife-In-Training c:
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osamusriceballs · 7 months
Eve!!! I’ve finally finished w midterms and went straight to ur profile to catch up and read ur fics😩😩(they’re sooooo good🤍🤍) did you ever get to go to the anime convention? You must be super stoked to see fall out boy- r they one of your favorite bands? Have you been busy(w holiday season) and have you been taking care of yourself? Give me an update plz🤲🏻🤲🏻
To respond from the last time: i do have to be familiar w the products Im selling but I love working w the customers so it’s worth having to do modules to learn the products (the other day I helped a 80-smth y/o woman learn how to do her makeup- it was so heartwarming seeing her smile) my classes are both theory and practice(mostly the later)
Imma j drop this off right here: husband!Kita and you out farming in the fields during a breezy autumn day, finally deciding to take a break before the day ends and holding a little picnic- u and kita simply laughing and enjoying the time you’re able to spend together🤍🤍
-🧚🏼‍♀️(live and miss u Eve! Sending big hugs and warm smiles) (hydration check!)
PLS, YOU'RE MAKING ME BLUSH HERE, I'm glad you enjoyed the fics T.T #happytears <3
Yes, I went to the anime convention!! I cosplayed as Nami from one piece and I had such a great time! I went with a friend that I met at work a few years ago (he was a regular in a cafe where I used to work and we bonded over anime), and he brought two of his friends, and I was really nervous at first, because I usually never really hang around boys only groups, but they were so nice and kind and considerate- like asking if I needed a jacket from one of them, because it was a bit cold, they were constantly worried about my feet because I wore rather high heels and we were walking quite a lot, one of them had my hairbrush and my water in his bag and he asked multiple times if I needed something- it was crazy. They surely took really good care of me and I had a great time!! <3
And the fall out boy concert was last week, AND IT WAS SO COOL OMG T.T the trip was very tiring (5 hours with the train to Berlin and 8 hours with the bus to come home) BUT THE CONCERT ITSELF!! SO DAMN GOOD T.T I loved every second of it!! Fall out boy just remembers me of good old times that's why I wanted to see them so badly <3 are you a fan too?
But enough of me!! <3
I'm sure it's very rewarding to work with kind and nice customers, the story with the old lady is so cute, I'm sure she was really happy that you took your time and did her make up!! Did you recommend any products to her? And what products do you recommend to customers often? Do you sometimes get free samples at work? Give me the secret insider tips, I'm all here for it!! <3
I hope that you still have some free time between the theory and practice classes T.T I'm sure that it's all very time consuming. Do you get to choose some of the seminars that you have to take or are they all fixed? I hope the midterms went well, do you have a break now? <3 you surely deserve it for working so hard, I know how hard it is to study and to work part-time, it's definitely not easy, you're doing so well! <3
Oh god, it's as if you could read my mind, lately I've been fantasizing a lot about husband Kita T.T he's the man, he's the ultimate husband, he's GOALS for sure <3 just the thought of all these soft moments with him- I'm melting here <3
Being farmer Kita's wife - PLS, THAT'S A NEED T.T all the soft and cute moments in the fields- watching the sunset while holding hands, imagine how he'd watch your side profile with a fond smile on his lips and thanking every deity in this world that he gets the be the lucky man on your side T.T I'm not okay here, I need kisses from husband Kita T.T
I hope you're having a great weekend, my little sunshine, and I hope that you're doing well too!! Stay healthy and hydrated, don't overwork yourself and smile when you read this!! <3 *HUGS YOU BACK*
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mandaloriandin · 3 years
hi kylie! just dropping by to tell you i treasure you and your friendship so much, i think youre v skilled and funny and hot and ily. plus your art is just muah fantastic how do you do it tell me your secrets 🔫 n e way that’s all i hope your day is a amazing as you are and you get to do something you enjoy!! 💞
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wait akshually that’s not all i have but one question. will we ever see lip (my beloved) again? no pressure ofc! i just think he’s neat
and lastly don’t forget to stay hydrated!! 💞💖✨or Else 🔫
Sira my beloved 💕💕 this was so 🥺🥺🥺 nice to see I treasure you and your friendship as well 💕💕💕 but actually stop bc ur gonna make me cry bc I seriously look up to YOU and your art!!!! I hope you had a great weekend 💕💕
And sksjsjb I have not been feeling the Artistic Motivation™ lately but here is a tiny doodle for you, Lip says Hi ❤
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writtenwhalien · 3 years
Dear Amelia, I just have to let you know how great Believe it was💖 I loved it. This story felt like a rom-com in the best way possible. I was so intrigued. Your writing style made it so easy to get lost in this story. It had a wonderful flow to it. I had such a great time with these stubborn babies. It really took them 6 years to finally have each other. But it was so worth it.
I also really liked the structure of the entire fic. We get a little introduction and she rings the doorball only to meet a familiar face and then flashback. And not just some scenes but the entire dynamic of oc and Jimin back in the days. I loved how you showed the entire development from friends to something more not only the hearthbreak. It gave the characters a great depth. You also made the process to lovers so believable. They still bickered and couldn't admit their mistakes (And the yearning, the yearning made my heart ache but I still enjoyed it very much). They were just themselves and acted in character the whole time to the point where they felt like real people. Later her parents had to play cupid to finally get them together and it was so cute. And the porch scene was a highlight. How they finally came clear. It was so worth it. And the love making by the fire place, I couldn't wish for more🥺💕
I also want to thank you for writing this monster. Thank you for all the hard work you put into it. I hope you had as much joy writing it as I had reading it.
I also wish you a great weekend. Please take care of yourself. Stay hydrated and eat well. Lots of love from me❤️
ummmm hold on minute I just need to—
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THIS IS SO SWEET ANON U SHARING UR THOUGHTS LIKE THIS W ME AND I JUST WANNA GIVE U A BIG HUG🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I definitely did enjoy writing this fic and although it was stressful writing it within two weeks, I am super grateful for reviews like this bc they make it all worth it, thank you SO MUCH 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 pls make sure ur looking after urself too☺️💓💘🌷❤️
had to get that our first 😅 and as for the fic, everyone keeps calling it a rom-com and it’s making me so happy bc for me, they’re like the some of the best love stories🥺❤️ (as cliche as they are😂)
and I’m so glad you liked the style, especially w the first flashback or whatever lol, bc I was concerned it was too long but I definitely wanted to capture all of oc and Jimin’s relationship dynamic so it’s more meaningful when they’re older 🥺❤️ and that porch scene was a highlight for me too, although definitely heartbreaking 🥺 these two defo bickered a lot but I’m so thrilled you felt their relationship was believable, I always struggle w that too😩 this whole message is very reassuring for me and I can’t thank you enough sweet anon 🥺❤️❤️
sending you ALL my love and more, have the loveliest weekend babe!!!!💘💓���️💗🥰🌷💞
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reniplier · 4 years
hi, so,, ive been having a pretty bad time lately,, would it be ok to request a wilford x reader with some comfort? its alright if not! thank u anyway! im a big fan of urs btw 💕
Warnings: Being naked, self deprecation, overworking yourself a headache and slight crying
Pronouns: None
Paring: Wilford Warfstache x Reader
A/N: Apologies for being so late, I've been kinda mentally drained lately so I kinda wrote this for myself also
Your head was pounding as you ploppped your body on the bed with your arms spread out.  Today had been awful just like the rest of the week. All you wanted to do was sleep off your headache for the rest of the weekend. You heard footsteps walk past your room before they came back. They got closer to your bed and you felt a hand run through your hair.
"Bad day?"
"Like you wouldn't believe."
Suddenly, two hands cupped under your armpits and lifted you up. You were face to face with the pink mustached man as he observed your features. Dark circles gathered under your eyes and a loud pounding echoed in your head. Your lips cracked due to the lack of hydration and hair stuck to your face. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw how worn out you really are.
"Aw hunny bun, Let's get you fixed up. Stay right here!" He put you back down on the bed before running off into a different room. The sound of running water could be heard through the house. You chose not to inspect it as you let your eyes rest.
You weren't sure how long you slept before Wilford called you into the bathroom. When you entered, the tub was filled with pink bubbles and lit candles were placed anywhere they could be.
"Ta-da!" You couldn't help the smile tugging at your lips as you saw all the effort he put into this. "Take a dip in the tub, but don't get too comfy! This is only the beginning of what I planned!"
You were a bit nervous at this plan of his but considering how nice this was, you were willing to do anything for him. You began unbuttoning your shirt as you realized Will was staring at you. A wave of heat rushed over your face when you both made eye contact.
"Oh! I suppose I should be going then." His cheeks also stained red before you stopped him. "You can join me, if you want."
What were you saying!? He'd have to see you naked! Of course you both had been dating for some time now but you still haven't made it past the aggressive makeout stage.
"O-oh! Sure!" You two began undressing as both of you tried to avoid eye contact but not before sending glances at each other. When you were done, you couldn't help but get a better view of Will. His chest filled with hair and his muscles were so beautiful you could've sworn they were trying to make your own jealous. He sent a glance at your body just before your face flushed and you hid your most insecure parts from his eyes. 
He walked towards you before stopping. Not even an inch of space between you both. He looked you dead in the eyes as he removed your hands from covering your body. You relaxed your arms not putting up a fight as it would be pointless.
"If you don't wanna do this, that's okay. But if you're backing out because you think I'm judging you, I'm not! I love you, and I'll be damned if your body is the thing that makes me stop."
He plants a small kiss on your forehead before he crawls into the pink liquid and gestures you in with him. You crawled in and rested your back on his chest. The water was above warm but not scolding hot, the bubbles covered your chest and if they were any higher they'd cover your face also.
A squirting noise could be heard behind you right before Wil began massaging your head.  Your headache soon became nothing but a memory as your hair was filled with foamy shampoo. He then scooped the water in his palms to rinse it out and began to wash your face. His fingers made patterns around your cheeks, forehead, and eyelids. It was a bit embarrassing to have someone else have to wash you, but at the same time it felt really nice to let someone else do it. His hands began to squeeze your shoulders and rub them to ease the tension and stress before wandering further.
"Snap my neck if I touch you somewhere you're not ok with."
"That's a bit much, I'll tell you though."
He let out a small hum of content. "That works too."
His hands ran up and down your arms for a while before his hands rested on your chest. You both sat in silence as you sat in the warmth of the water before it faded. You exited and felt cold air strike your body. The candles flames had lost energy some time ago due to the humidity of the air. You shivered as you looked for a towel. Wil placed a hand on your shoulder as he stopped you. He pulled out a towel and pastel pink pajamas that you assumed were for you.
"I could've had you just put on your regular pjs, but where's the fun in that?"
You dried yourself off and put on the night garments. It was a little big on you, as the sleeves probably could fit two more arms in there but it was well made. They had a beautiful silky shine on them where the light could reach.
"You look so cute, Jellybean!"
Blushing at the nickname and compliment, you covered your face in the sleeves right before Wilford pulled them away.
"No hiding that cute face of yours just yet, Sugarplum! There's still one more thing I need to show you.
You were led out the bathroom with your eyes closed into a completely different room. Wil uncovered your eyes and what you saw almost made your heart stop. All of your favorite foods and pastries were laid out on fancy platters for display. A short gasp escaped your lips as Wil smirked. Pride filled his chest at the fact he was able to give you such a great surprise to distract you from the week. Originally, his plan was just to kill all the people that gave you so much stress, but using their credit cards to pay for everything will due. For now at least.
You trotted over to the table and looked at amazement at how perfectly they all looked.
"I hope you enjoy it, if anything doesn't meet your standards I'll-"
He was cut off by you tightly hugging him with your head against his chest. "Thank you, Wilford" Tears swelled in your eyes at the displays of affection. He pulled your face up so that your eyes met. "No problem, Pudding."
You both grabbed a plate of the delicacies and sat on the couch. The TV  came on and began playing a hilariously bad romantic movie. The treats were prepared amazingly and soon you and Wil found yourselves getting seconds, thirds, and fourths.
While you and Wil were eating, your attention stayed towards the movie and you began pointing out flaws in it left and right. Laughing at every break of character and line of bad writing. Eventually, you felt your eyes grow heavy as you lost focus on the screen. Your head rested on Wil's shoulder and you closed your eyes. 
You felt everything grow dark and quiet for a while until you woke up, this time in Wilfords arms. He was carrying you to your room and gently set your head down on the pillow. It was different though, softer and supported your neck. Not that you were complaining. He crawled in bed beside you and wrapped his arms around you as your legs tangled together. You turned around so you were facing him, or his chest rather. One of his hands creeped up into your head as he drew circles on your scalp. You found yourself dozing off again but right before you heard him mumble something.
"If you liked today, you'll love tomorrow."
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dk-s · 3 years
hello ! don't worry about taking time to reply :) i take a long time too & i understand that you have life stuff goin on!! & yeah!! i love looking forward to your letters 🥰🥰🥰
kajsksjs thank u 🥺 i hope so too!! i really miss track 😔 we had cross country in the fall but it's not as fun sigh.. and yeah :(( our winter breaks are so short right when i get used to it, we have to go back to school :( even last weekend, we had a long weekend and it was great but now we have another full week and i'm not feeling it.. it might also be senioritis oops
and yes exactly!! i feel like in school all we ever learn is like .. the "americanized" version of history which always leaves out other perspectives, so it's fun to see all of the stuff that we miss out on learning in school .. and yeah!! i'm really into politics lsjdks maybe it's bc of the lack of representation or bc of the fact that our govt is Not It but!!
ahh yeah!! there's a lot of different fields that are super interesting & fun w loads of stuff u can do w it so!! i'm sure u'll find something that fits you!
LEFT AND RIGHT!!! what a bop svt has: no bad songs!!
I PICKED IT UP YESTERDAY!! i haven't gotten to read it yet bc i've had work :( but i think i'll be able to start by the end of this week and i'm so excited !!
tbh idk what rotational kinematics either . i thought i was gonna be good at it bc i was good at regular kinematics but i was proven to be completely wrong . i would offer to help you but i'm honestly useless once u get past regular kinematics and forces and energy 😔 but good luck!! physics isn't too too bad as long as you understand the concepts bc the math parts end up being fairly easy :)
I KNOW 🥺🥺 i love feeling like a princess that spends my days reading books in a cozy lil cabin, baking bread & braiding my hair & flowy, long dresses give me that vibe for some reason. very sad how it's all cold here now so now i can't wear them :(
ah yes!! shua, chan, joon the holy trinity of govt officials. have a wonderful day/evening!! and you too!! stay hydrated and eat all of the yummy foods!! sleep well & stay well rested! <33 (and enjoy your last few days of school / first few days of summer!) ~age twin anon
hoping your surgery goes well & that you feel well soon!!! sending you all of the love & hugs sunshine!! 💖 ~age twin anon
bro!!! thank u!!! thats so kind n im sending hugs and sunshine back!!!! i love u and ur letters sm!!!
cross country sounds so painful to me because like hello?! this is not lord of the rings we are not being chased why would u make me run that far for so long? but some ppl are genuinely so good at it n have a lot of endurance so i really admire that!!! and like ugh i feel u bro going back to school is hard esp when u relax so much!!
i got like eight weeks of holidays now n i know its gonna kill my routine so i got to stay focused so i can go into y12 ready ahaha!!! and yea! the western version of history is often so biased and ofc w the white saviour complex its really easy to lose ur own culture n history :(
wbk tho seventeen has zero bad songs in their discography they are kings!!! and yes!! tell me what u think bout the silm <3 if u got any book recs for me lmk 🥺
and yea! thats smth i noticed w physics!! with some sciences such as human biology u need to memorise the topics entirely but w physics i think it is more of the understanding of the concept and how it can be applies to variety of things in our world!!! so i really wanna improve in it!!!
and oh to be a lady living in soft silken dresses n tying my hair with a ribbon while hiking my skirt up as i place a plate of freshly baked bread on the table in the spring with a pot of fresh jam made from strawberries i picked from my small garden that u can see from the kitchen window!!!
i would honestly vote namjoon to be president of the entire world because his brain is very galaxy sized and the joonman is a king!! him or seungcheol <3
anyway i hope u have an amazing day!!! ily!!!! 💓
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mainvocaljin · 4 years
hello 👋🏻 i just wanted to drop by to say im so proud of u n all u have achieved , regardless of how big or how small!! im so truly thankful to have u here, laughing n smiling!! ur positivity u bring gives me all the serotonin i need,,,, knowing ur content makes me burst w luv💖. i hope that the upcoming weekend treats u well n that u get plenty rest, stay hydrated, enjoy ur time wether alone or w ppl u love,,,, laugh n smile loads, be joyous n stay ur beautiful self,,,, i love u dearly 🌹💌
JORDAN!!!!!! thank you so much for sending me this and for spreading happiness, reading this really made my day 😭😭 i wish you all the happiness in the world and i hope you have a great weekend too!!!! LOVE YOU PRECIOUS!! 💖🌼💓✨💗💫💘
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