#hope you guys like this haha!
waywardstation · 11 days
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Look for anything (or anyone) that could be familiar
For part two:
🔁 70 reblogs
Reblog with the hashtag:
🔼 for Ingo to find Emmet
🔽 for Emmet to find Ingo
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dolotonglo · 6 months
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so that popularity poll huh
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angelbitezzz · 7 days
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Boy i sure hope this partnership ends well
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hayden-christensen · 1 year
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This story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
HAPPY STAR WARS DAY The Force will be with you. Always. 
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feroluce · 1 month
I have finally finished 2.4 and oh my GOD watching Dan Heng be so protective of his friends nearly killed me, MY HEART.
And yes, the cutscene where he pushes the trailblazer out of the way and even cushions their fall with his own body, but I mean even before that! When he was already trying to protect them and March 7th from Feixiao and Lingsha!!
Because if you watch the dango trio throughout the main quest, you'll notice that they often position themselves in the same way, which is a detail that makes me super happy that Hoyo thought to include- when the three of them aren't evenly spaced, March 7th and the trailblazer tend to gravitate towards each other and stand very close together, frequently side-by-side. And by comparison, Dan Heng usually stands slightly away, and often even slightly behind them, where he can pull on their leashes to wrangle them keep an eye on them.
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This is probably a habit learned through experience, since March 7th said during Belobog she is the "queen of unannounced disappearances" fjdksajfkldjsak
And of course at least a little bit of it is just done for like, aesthetic purposes. It's a video game. Things have to look nice for the player. The trailblazer and Dan Heng are the same height, March 7th is a bit shorter, and Yanqing is even smaller. It makes sense to have the trailblazer and Dan Heng stand on the ends, with March 7th and Yanqing in the middle, it just looks nicer and more balanced that way. But still! Even when they're accommodating for Yanqing in this quest, they still all arrange themselves the same way, almost every time!
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But this changes after Dan Heng and Yanqing become suspicious of the visitors from the Yaoqing.
The dango trio still stand around relaxed and in their usual manner when they go to the artisanship delve and meet Skott,
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but Dan Heng takes notice of Lingsha when she arrives, and he and Yanqing mentioned her specifically when discussing their worries.
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Yanqing worrying so much about Jing Yuan got me right in the heart, he's such a good boy WEH
And when the four of them go out to the alchemy delve to meet Lingsha for tea, the pattern breaks. Suddenly Dan Heng is standing right up front, and even walks in and enters the scene before March 7th and the trailblazer to get to Lingsha before them. He stays a step in front of them the whole time, too.
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And then when Dan Heng and the trailblazer have to go be interrogated by Feixiao! The same deal! Dan Heng walks in ahead of them and stays in front of them! Noticeably so! Enough that even Feixiao takes note and voices it!
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Dan Heng is so so fiercely protective of his companions, and I love it, I adore hyper vigilance in the wake of trauma like this, I'm so excited to see what else he does in 2.5, I hope we either get to see him get fucked up or the trailblazer gets fucked up in his place, I wanna see them run through the meat grinder!!!
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ashipiko · 2 months
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All information on Atlan Trein ATM! Will most likely be updated ☆
Class: 2-A
Birthday: February 12th
Height: 179cm
Dominant Hand: Right
From: Land of Pyroxene / Shaftlands
Club: None
Favorite Subject: Music
Best Subject: History of Magic
Likes: Making friends
Dislikes: Being called “Mommy’s Boy”
Favorite Food: Bread
Least Favorite Food: Pumpkin
Speciality: Getting people interested in drama
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— Pomefiore Dorms - Atlan’s Room —
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…Moooom, I know it’s kind of late, so I’m sending in a voicemail, but— You can listen to this in the morning while you get ready, right?
I know it’s only the first day of this school year but please, can you just give me permission to go home or something?!
I don’t wanna be here anymore! Just take me back home! I’m not learning anything new at this school. Sure, the drama and gossip is kind of interesting, but, ugh, it gets old really fast.
—N-Not that I’m the one spreading it around. Of course not! You could never expect that from your beloved son.
Uncle is already starting to freak me out, though. I swear whenever I looked up from my desk during history, either he or Lucius would be staring straight at me. He didn’t call you before me, right? Don’t tell me he did! I promise, I haven’t done anything—!
Ugh, not to mention, it’s just as hard to provide for myself as last year… I honestly think the lack of roommates is more of a con than anything. It makes it even harder to talk to people, tch.
…Like, I get that you want me to learn how to survive on my own, but seriously…? I don’t think being surrounded by all of these… what’s a word that’s not pleb but similar… Ah. Idiotic peers, is the right way to go about it.
Oh! I almost forgot the most important part about today. At the welcoming ceremony, there was a huge and giant fiasco. Apparently some person not from here crashed the ceremony. And no, not not from here as in Sage’s Island, I mean Twisted Wonderland! Isn’t that crazy? It would be funny if it was through time travel, hahaha!
They seemed quite out of it. Lost for words and confused. I think they even got caught on fire. I couldn’t help but laugh a little. I think I even heard house warden Vil critique them!
Ah— Sorry if that was a lot. You take a long while to apply your makeup anyways, right? It’s just that I don’t really have anyone here to talk to about this, and I’m quite bad at small talk, so…
You know.
…Well then. I love you. I hope I see you soon. And consider my request—!
Atlan is twisted off of Anastasia from Cinderella!
Despite this, he isn’t Trein’s son. He’s his nephew. I figured it would be a little funnier this way.
Atlan isn’t exactly liked at NRC. To say the least, his entire personality is that he talks about other people. That’s it. Not in a praising way either— He’ll talk about whatever things he’s heard around. Hence, his ear for gossip.
His tie to Yuu would most likely stem from Yuu hearing that someone had been talking about them in a gossipy way, and therefore finding out who it was (because Yuu protection squad is a very real and scary thing). Either that or tracking him down because they think he might have information.
Atlan’s reasoning behind all his talk being rumors and topics about other people is because he’s not very good at socializing himself. He grew up a little sheltered with a bratty older sister who he’d always fight with. Lots of screaming and the such. Both of the siblings ended up being a little spoiled, and with some unbearable personalities, resulting in people not really wanting to become their friends.
The rest of his family didn’t seem to mind the fact that they weren’t as liked as others, but Atlan always sort of wanted to find out a way to reach out. To have friends and see what the normal person’s life would be. However, due to the lack of support, every time he attempted to reach for his goal, it would end up in failure. Nobody to correct his behavior, and nobody who would try to help him understand himself.
His mother, noticing this behavior of his, decided that the best course of action would to be to send him off by himself to a school filled to the brim with other people his age, who he could learn to interact with— Night Raven College.
But you would guess, something like that doesn’t go well for a boy who depended on his mother and her money for comfort.
Like a fish on land, Atlan tries his best to be open and talk to people, but upon becoming independent, he realizes that he doesn’t really have much going for him. And as people got to know him, he felt as if they were right— He’s nothing but a person who trash talks people and brags about his money.
He cracks under pressure easily when the atmosphere is awkward, and has no idea how to go about small talk. Atlan isn’t the best person to tell your secrets to, as he’ll probably end up using it as a conversation starter.
Atlan has an oresama air to him, but he really just wants to be part of the crowd rather than someone alienated for something he doesn’t know how to navigate. Maybe one day he’ll find the right crowd to surround himself with. A helping hand to guide him. But for now, he’s stuck, enrolled in NRC under his mother’s word.
More to be added!
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guideaus · 1 month
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i keep seeing posts talking about the recent animeexpo interview, and i think a lot of the dungeon meshi fandom is being massively inappropriate concerning ryoko kui. it's fine to have headcanons, but people are being very disrespectful to her, same as before when people were discussing her sexuality just because she drew a lot of women they thought were attractive. like you guys know this is a real human being, right..?
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You know this image? Yeah, it's literally them
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And their kwamis are the exact opposite
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rainrayne · 3 months
Happy (late by 3 days) birthday to me!
From me to you! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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As for by birthday, I wanted to do draw something for everyone I know so far. I couldn't finish it all on time cuz my exams ended very close to my birthday.. (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠;⁠) anyways, I hope you guys enjoy these regardless!
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This is only a small bit of my appreciation towards all of you, I hope it somehow makes your day a little bit brighter. Thank you for all your support towards me so far! <3
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bruhstation · 4 months
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myokk · 5 months
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A super fast scribble of Sebastian and Anne as kids💓
In my mind they were absolutely wild growing up, their parents pushing them outside in the morning with a picnic basket, to just run around in the fields & forests around their hamlet all day, coming home in time for dinner (totally inspired by my childhood growing up in a tiny village of 300 people 😂🫶). They always read together as a family by the candlelight before going to bed, and they’re memories that Sebastian and Anne cherish.
Also, Anne definitely took charge of their adventures and Sebastian was just happy to follow her around like a little puppy 💓💓
Bahhhh i just love thinking about their siblings dynamic 🤧🥰 sorry for my rambling haha
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timothylawrence · 1 year
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Wyll Ravengard. A memory of a memory. A man who belongs to the past.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 13 days
To all my lovelies who frequently like my posts but don’t really interact much… I am sending you all hugs and I hope you’re doing ok ☺️❤️
To all of my lovelies who are always interacting and reblogging and tagging… you guys make me smile, love having fun with you ☺️❤️
To all of my lovelies who are writers… you’re fantastic and talented, go have adventures with your blorbos ☺️❤️
To all my lovelies who are artists… how the heck do y’all do it like holy cow art is hard, you’re amazing ☺️❤️
To all my lovelies who are just lurking in the corners… I hope you’re having fun here and am leaving blankets and warm drinks and comfort food in hidey holes for you ☺️❤️
I feel like I haven’t been giving everyone a whole bunch of my time lately, so anyway, love you all ❤️
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tornado1992 · 7 months
Tails getting separation anxiety after Sonic Forces (beacuse what the hell do you mean his big brother that he thought DIED because of him was actually being held prisoner and tortured for six months in which he couldn’t do anything to help him because he didn’t know) but won’t ever tell Sonic beacuse he knows his brother doesn’t want to be stated in one place now more than ever, he wants to go around, see the world he missed for six months, he needs to run, and even though he offered him to come along he “doesn’t want to be clingy”.
Tails won’t ever hold him back or slow him down, he never has. even if it’s killing him inside.
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pnfc · 2 months
i haint watched the dang chibisode and idk if ill actually watch it with sound on sdfjk but i have a hurt feeling about them casually imbuing perry with speech for a one off gag because the idea that he needs to talk to communicate is fake. we had 4 seasons of wacky magic hijinks cartoon where perry never needed verbal speech to communicate. they couldve done this gag at any point in the show but they didn't, and the fact that they didn't felt significant. perry's muteness is such a core part of his character, to me, to the way i conceive of him/write him. i don't wanna overreact to a goofy little side cartoon (even tho i'm doing it anyway) but it's still the characters, and it still upsets me! ok that's it i've said my piece
#ill watch it at some point but despite my silence i have been like obsessively anxious about this cartoon#and pestered my friend to watch it for me sDFJKL#in a month this will have either ruined pnf for me forever or i'll have changed my mind and i like it actually its fine#for now anyway i have tons of comic sketches about perry's muteness that i no longer wanna finish and share...maybe someday but not now#i had a rly great day actually but now im falling asleep in bed tipsy and a little teary over this. cuz i love perry a lot he's#really special to me. i also got that star wars perry shirt in the mail today btw. and. it's such a good pj shirt#but back on topic#it sucks when an aspect of a character that is CORE to your appreciation of them becomes casually disregarded by the writers at some point#like im certainly not ever accepting an interpretation of perry like 'secretly hed really like to be able to talk' because its#never ever been communicated. like the idea that heinz wd prefer if perry was human. its just not in the show. the opposite is true in fact#so im left feeling stupid for caring about something that some writers(inc. dan) felt was unimportant. makes me not wanna continue my art#which sux cuz i like my comic ideas! id love to finish them. i hope i get over this.#i overreact to live-updating media when im fixated on it wh is why i prefer getting into dead fandoms haha#but they keep on bringing them back to life dont they...im never safe#it was funny me trying to explain to my friend why i efel so strongly about this meanwhile hes tried to explain why he feels so strongly ab#ut AYA and my stance on that episode has always just been “cute! its fine” lmao#@ dwampy you guys made the show that follows a specific rhythm and set of rules designed to appeal to obsessive autistic brained people ok#you invited my overreaction. unsheathes katana etc#ok im goint to sleep#meta
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frozenhi-chews · 4 days
You need to see a psychologist 😭 Bro chill tf out it's a fictional character not your ""husband"". Delusional freak 🥺
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Sorry I can't hear you over kissing my husband!!!
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