#hope youre doing well!! :D
triona-tribblescore · 7 months
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Hi Diona...you scare me
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oldbirdwithnobrain · 1 month
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Did i put aliitle too much effort into a joke.. yes yes i did! and it will happen again!
Original under cut (sorry i dont rember the user i yoinked this from)
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sneez · 2 days
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morning in the green box [id in alt text]
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
hiii!!! Also, about my moth oc, he’s a tall brown moth lit (half human/half moth) they are kinda intimidating, but when they talk they sound like Elmo. SHSHHSHSHHHHH HAHA!!! it’s so funny to do around friends. What’s Arya’s personality like? I’ve been trying to imagine what my moth lit and your oc would interact LMAOOO
Also, if I could, could I request Alerudy with a s/o who excuses their self mid cuddling session and they later find them crying in the bathroom? Not cuz their sad, cuz they are so happy to have those two dorks and the cuddling made their s/o overwhelmed? Thank you!!
Hey there! That does sound pretty amazing, they sound so cool! :D It certainly sounds like a surprise to hear him talk for the first time! Arya is a very confident person, almost kinda cocky, and she loves to tease! She's very outgoing and makes friends fairly easily! She's also not that short either, so she can seem pretty intimidating, but usually she's just a little goof! Unless you mess with her siblings or talk badly about them, because in that case she'll be very mean and make sure you never talk badly about them again! However, other than that, she's a pretty helpful person as well, willing to help out the people in need when they need it! She has the resources to do so as a noble!
AleRudy with an S/O Overwhelmed with Love for Them
Eventually, Rodolfo would knock on the bathroom door and ask you what’s wrong if you’ve been gone for a while now, not expecting to hear the quiet sobs. As you open the door, you don’t seem to be in pain or distressed however, which confuses him to no end, but he still grows concerned upon seeing the tears roll down your cheeks. Rodolfo would act immediately, pulling you into his arms and asking you what’s wrong so he can do his darndest to help. Was someone being mean to you? Do you have other problems? He’ll listen to you, he’s there for you and will do what he can to make you feel better. When you confess that you’re crying because you were just that overwhelmed with love, he’d go quiet for a second before blushing. However, you wouldn’t stop hugging him. Eventually, Alejandro, having grown worried for the both of you, would stop by as well. Rodolfo explains the situation to him as you reach out for the colonel to hug him as well.
They’d likely get you on the couch and both feel a bit honored you thought this highly of them. They adore you more than anyone else, aside from each other, so you crying because you love them this much, while unexpected, is definitely nice. However, as they both have a hand on you, they’ll reassure you that you don’t have to cry because of something like that and scare them this much. Rodolfo would wrap his arms around you and place his head on your shoulder while telling you that this is somewhat silly, but he’s not mad at you. Alejandro would definitely put your face in between his hands and give your forehead a long kiss. You’re just too cute. If anything, the two of them should be crying with how lucky they’ve gotten to be with you. While they do hope you won’t be crying if they keep holding and cherishing you like this, they certainly don’t mind, growing ever so soft around you at that moment. They won’t tease you, they won’t slip in some Spanish in the conversation either, no, they need you to understand just how much they love you back. Each of them will tell you the things they appreciate about you, from your smile to your kindness, from the way you greet them with such love to you keeping your home clean while they’re away, from you providing them however you can to you preparing such delicious meals for them. They love and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Even if it makes you cry again, it’ll be worth it because you deserve to know just how cherished you are. The night will likely continue like that, going into detail about how much the three of you love each other, that you’ll never be alone since you always have each other’s backs. The world could be turning against you tomorrow and you’ll find a way to fight it off regardless.
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questionablealibi · 11 months
Nyello? Hello! :D
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Magandang gabi! (Or umaga or hapon for others!) I,,, feel like im about to pass out m sleepy ^^; but i wanna drop in another post so that you lot know m still up n goin!! Heres some profile-study-turned-fanart-doddle ^^
I dont really,,, uh,, im shy to tag but uh,,,, h,, here :') this is BlackKat's Narrator - Black! I said i would do a little 'remake' back in one of my older posts but i couldnt bring myself to do a full body ^^;
M dipping now buhbyeee <33
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wexhappyxfew · 25 days
folklore or whatnot
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(a/n): for a month or two now, i've had three to four pages where i have blurb ideas just sitting in my drafts with no home or no direction, so now i've decided to utilize those pieces and do a little something with them for the silver bullets girls! AND! can happily say this snippet that i started with gets to see the light of day! early annie x brady mentions for anyone interested (i know we have the annie x brady girlies out there hehe), along with more of co-pilot francis montez (whom i wanted to do more writing for!), so please enjoy!! <3 note: LOTS more info regarding cpt birdie faulkner!! woo!
It had actually been Francis Montez that convinced her that she deserved to head out to the local pub that a good portion of the men from the 100th went on nights where they didn't have to stay on base.
Annie had considered the fact that Francis was actually coming around in more ways than one; after Annie's first successful mission aboard Silver Bullets, commanding their crew, from take-off, dropping the bombs and landing, Francis had turned to her in the cockpit and given her a firm look, with a smile itching at the corner of her lips. And ever since, Francis seemed to be making a more conscious effort to be around Annie. Whether it was because Francis was missing Captain Faulkner or was recognizing Annie's capabilities to command a flying fort, Annie appreciated it in more ways than one.
So, when Francis had come up to her mid-afternoon, as they were all stood around after a practice run, she had off-handedly mentioned the pub, and offered Annie to come along with them, "You don't realize how much you need something like that until you're there." Francis had promised. A majority of the girls were dispersed throughout the pub for the most part, huddled around tables with other men from the 100th or at dart boards, or taking a smoke break outside. It seemed everyone had their spots and positions and it was only Annie who felt out of place.
A replacement command pilot was enough of a set of shoes to fill, not even to mention what the reciprocation would ultimately be like.
"You want a beer?" Francis asked her as they stood side by side in the entrance. Annie felt a bit bad - Francis was clearly comfortable and used to this environment and Annie was holding her back a bit. Annie looked up at her co-pilot and nodded firmly, hiding the bit of hesitancy that was for sure living in her eyes.
"Sure." Francis nodded her head towards the bar.
"They're usually warm so…" Francis started, glancing her way with a small smile, "don't feel bad if it tastes a little funky." Annie watched as Francis got two beers and then pushed the warm mug into her grasp.
The thing was, it wasn't the warm beer or the atmosphere or even the people - it was the thought of alcohol in her system. She never had really had a problem until she had joined up and wondered if she'd become like her mother. Drunk as a skunk on any chance she had, downing beer and cheap liquor while her 15-year-old daughter ran the house. Annie swallowed nervously looking at the beer and glanced back up at Francis, who was staring at her confusedly (and with good reason).
"You good, Bradshaw?"
"Fine." Annie answered quickly, pulling the mug up to take a small sip, which did taste a little funky, "Where do you usually sit?" Francis quirked out a smile and nodded over to a table where she could see enough names to know it was certainly an officer-heavy section.
"Birdie and I….." Francis started, the 'I' getting caught in her throat a bit, "we always sat with them. As officers, ya know? Buck always saved us seats." Annie watched her quietly.
"Past few times though…."
"Yeah." Annie offered, noticing the sudden emotion warping Francis' eyes, "Let's go, let's have a sit." Francis nodded to her slowly, before turning and leading the way.
Annie watched the back of Francis' head, her dark hair down and curled, as she expertly navigated the tables and people in the crowd all around. It was very natural for her all of this - while Annie felt more stiff-backed than she ever had. She was trying to get better with that.
But, ever since maintaining the control of Command Pilot, everything she did felt monumental as in, if she fucked up, it would reflect on her crew. If she said something on the wrong end of a note, it'd fall back on, you guessed it, her crew. Her girls. And she didn't want others thinking of Silver Bullets badly, nor the possible swirling idea that Lieutenant Bradshaw couldn't lead like Captain Faulkner could - that losing Captain Faulkner was the worst thing to happen, but clearly obtaining Lieutenant Bradshaw had been worse. No. Annie was determined to make her impressions and personally, she wanted to make them worthwhile.
She was command pilot for Silver Bullets for a reason.
Clearly someone trusted her.
"Boys." Francis said as she approached, rounding on the group, as Annie's eyes quickly darted about the table, picking up the likes of Majors like Cleven and Egan, along with navigators Crosby and Payne (he went by Bubbles though, she was sure Bessie had mentioned that). Kidd was also there, with Brady and DeMarco and a few others where her mind was going blank. A few British pilots sat opposite, evidently quite, almost brooding. Annie looked to Francis again, watching as a few of the men called out to her, before looking to Annie who was still stood, frozen, with a mug of warm beer in her grasp.
"Francis Montez, you actually made it out, huh!" one of the Lieutenants called from beside Cleven - the name was gone from her mind as she watched him clap Cleven on the back before standing and reaching out a hand, to shake Francis' before the two turned and he was bounding towards Annie.
"Hey, Lieutenant, uh…."
"Bradshaw." Annie said quickly, keeping her eyes on the man watching as he smiled at her, eyes lingering from the British, to the man to her, coming around the table and wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
"Bradshaw, I don't think we've met, Curt Biddick, it's a pleasure to see you here tonight, 'specially mingling with a few guys like us, huh?" Annie saw Brady roll his eyes, as Biddick let out a chuckle, "I'm just joking with youse, I swear. Look, I'll buy you a drink-"
"Curt, do you really gotta do shit like that?" Francis said, pulling him from beside her, and bumping his shoulder, "Instead of a drink, how 'bout you offer her a seat, huh?"
"I think that's a great idea," Major Cleven offered as he stood from his, nodding to his spot between where Biddick had been and Major Egan who looked up at her with a wide grin, "Have a seat, Bradshaw." Annie looked to Major Cleven and nodded slowly to him.
"Thank you, sir." she said, stepping forward and settling herself into the seat, Cleven turning and grabbing another chair to pull up on her other side as DeMarco pulled in a chair for Francis and she settled between him and Major Egan. With almost the comfort of the men of the 100th around her, looking forward and seeing the British still watching her, quiet and contemplating, she felt slightly out of place under their stares. But, she was here for a reason, among ranking officers in the American Air Force.
"So," one of the British pilots - RAF possibly, RAF definitely - said leaning forward, care to introduce us to your new friend." The group sort of went…quiet if that was the word for it, "What happened to the other one? Too much to handle? Flying in broad daylight, huh?" Annie noticed Major Egan leaning back in his chair, looking ready to pounce himself across the table, and took it as her opportunity to intervene before someone said something they'd regret.
"1st Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw of the 100th. I'm Command Pilot for Silver Bullets, B-17. 418th." Annie said with a nod, "Captain Faulkner died on impact on a mission a month ago. I got the call and was beyond honored to fill those shoes." Looking at the British as she finished speaking, she reveled in the silence and sipped at her beer and then placed it back down on the damp wood of the table.
"So, no, not at all too much to handle," Annie said, tapping her fingers on the glass and offering a smile, "I just have the intention to do what I can for the bombing crew now and show I deserve to be here. Just like the rest of us. With a greater focus on the cause; winning the war."
"We all have our call to arms that we're answering to," Francis offered in, leaning forward against the table, "and people die every, damn, day, so I would offer you to reconsider any other thoughts towards Lieutenant Bradshaw while you sit here, okay?" The group fell into silence for a moment, as Annie looked to Francis who offered her a smirk and a wink.
Leave it to the co-pilot to have the command pilot's back; Annie made a mental note in her brain for that one.
"She's one of the best. Seen her fly myself." Brady supplied in the silence that had festered, and the whole table, Annie included looked towards him and he sent his eyes flickering around and offered her a nod. People started looking away and at each other, but she held Brady's gaze and offered a small smile in his direction. He didn't look away.
Brady's gaze was intense to say the least, but there was something in her to where she couldn't look away - offering up his own compliments in her own favor because the British had a bone to pick? She could feel the tops of her cheeks turning crimson and focused back on the beer in her grasp, attempting to forget about Brady's gaze that was evidently still on her.
"Silver Bullets, what a charming name," one of the British on the left said, "and that means….?"
"A single, tactile thing that can essentially be a game-changer, changes tides, send waves," Annie supplied quickly, looking up from her beer in record time, " I never got to meet Captain Faulkner but Lieutenant Carlisle told me that Faulkner named the fort herself. Folklore or whatnot."
"Basically means that the more you stop asking stupid questions, the more you won't have to dig yourself into a deeper hole, 'lright?" Major Egan said leaning forward, "Now, how about you all and your British manners give some respect to the lady, okay?"
"Bucky-" DeMarco started, but Major Egan held up a hand.
"Nah, nah, nah, I'm not done yet," Major Egan said and pointed a finger at her, "Lieutenant Bradshaw stood up to the challenge and took it like taking a bull by the horns, what the hell is your prob-"
"Gentlemen," Crosby said intervening, turning to the British pilots, "it's a pleasure really, but Lieutenant Bradshaw has fortified herself as an incredibly pivotal command pilot in the 100th. I mean, if you really need a visual for…such poor eyesight…feel free to come to Thorpe Abbotts any day of the week and she could probably rattle off a tour of Silver Bullets herself and fly you to France and back without breaking a sweat."
"Yeah, yeah, Crosby, thank you, yeah," Bucky said, leaning forward, "if you really thinking taking a few jabs at one of our command pilots I think-"
"I've never seen someone fly with such cool, calm, collected confidence that I have to practically reach over and make sure she's alive," Francis interjected, casting a glance at Annie, her gaze firm, as she looked back to the British, "anyone could die any given time or day. And Captain Faulkner happened to be in the crossfire. But Lieutenant Bradshaw has stepped up to the plate-"
"And hit a fucking grand slam-"
"Sir," Francis said glancing at Major Egan who held up his hands in mock protest, "if you have sort of questioning about Lieutenant Bradshaw and her confidentiality in a B-17, you can happily talk to me day or night - preferably night, but I know you do your runs then. Damn shame." The British sat in stunned silence. "So, please, feel free, but I assure you that Lieutenant Bradshaw is doing what she must and Captain Faulkner is rolling over in her grave knowing you're talking to her like this." More stunned silence. Biddick let out a low whistle as Major Egan leaned back and wrapped his arms around the backs of both her and Francis' chairs.
"Well, gentlemen, you just got bested by one of the best damn co-pilots in all the 100th," Major Egan said with a dry chuckle afterwards, "c'mon, what do you gotta say for yourselves, huh?" The British pilots continued to sit in an uneasy silence.
"Right." Major Cleven said, butting in quietly, as he laced his fingers together and nodded to the group, "Thanks for the drinks tonight, gentlemen." Major Cleven nodded to the RAF pilots, who began to protest as the group started to stand, Major Egan urging Annie to stand to her feet with her beer as she glanced back at the RAF pilots - stunned into silence and the sudden realization of having to pay for 6 to 7 drinks at their disposal.
Annie blindly followed behind Major Egan's bobbing head until the group had started to settle at a new table, away from that of the RAF pilots, whom Annie had taken a glance back to and who were slowly standing, adjusting themselves and muttering amongst one another.
"Last time I hear about their shit with Silver Bullets," Major Egan said from beside her as she settled into the open chair beside him, glancing up at the table and eyeing Francis, who was a few chairs down and nodding to her (which brought Annie a greater comfort than she could imagine), "Birdie used to sock 'em in the mouth with what she'd tell 'em. You could do that, but you're fucking eloquent with it, Bradshaw, so, they might've lost it if we kept at it." Annie glanced up at Major Egan as his sipped his beer again.
"They always got a comment," DeMarco muttered from across the table as he pulled his cigarette off his lip and glanced at Annie, "you get used to it, but it don't mean that it doesn't annoy the shit outta the rest of us. They went after Silver Bullets all the time. And they damn-well knew what it meant to."
"Birdie just never actually told them what it meant, ya know," Biddick offered with a grin and a nod, "she liked to mess with 'em all the time. Get in their heads, shit like that. She got 'em good. But, hey, you did much of the same so cheers to you, Bradshaw." Annie let out a small laugh and scratched behind her head.
"I'll be honest, I've been through enough higher order bullshit in my time and just didn't want to have to hear any sorta sob story from their mouths," Annie admitted honestly, earning a few chuckles from the table, "you get enough of that from back home. Didn't need it here to." A uniformed grouping of nods and agreements and 'Amen to that' echoed about, with people clinking glasses and smiling at her - and for a moment, she felt she won a bit of something deep in her being, for even just a statement like that.
Annie slowly glanced to her left and found Brady there - their few conversations hadn't been anything stellar, but he'd been nothing but kind to her after their first unexpected meeting together on the tarmac. She smiled at him, when she caught him watching her and she watched as his gaze subtly softened and he leaned toward her a bit as she opened her mouth to speak.
"Thanks for saying that. Back there." Annie said with a nod, as he grip on her beer became tighter, "You didn't have to, but I appreciated it." Brady watched her with a grin on his lips and nodded as he leaned towards her ear over the loudness of the group.
"You're a good pilot, Bradshaw," he said quietly and with a genuineness in his voice that it made her heart resound to even the mere compliment that anyone could give anytime of the week, "and you get sick of hearing their comments on what a whole other crew is doing with their flying and all. You handled them well, in my opinion." He leaned back from her and nodded to her with a small smile, his eyes glowing. She watched him and then found her smile again and smiled back.
"Thanks." she said with a nod, and he grinned wider at her, "If you don't mind my asking, they said…much of the same to Birdie?" Brady nodded quickly, sipping his beer again before looking at her (in that damn good looking uniform of his that would make a rock look stellar she thought), and turning his body towards her in the chair.
"All the time." Brady said, "'Course she had us, we didn't let the Brits get all their jeering out that they wanted, but Birdie held her own, and she usually would get them pretty good. Had them practically squirming in their seats. It's a bit of a treat sometimes, ya know?" Annie smiled at the thought and sent a glance to Francis, who was engaged in a serious looking conversation with Biddick and Kidd.
"And Francis?" Brady smiled at her.
"Francis always gets her digs in, they must be learning to suspect it at this point, but they should've played better when you were sitting there. They know how we all are at this point and you're no different. New ranking officer or not, we don't let shit like that slide." Brady affirmed to her and Annie smiled at him, with a look of thanks in her eyes. Brady watched her quietly for a moment as she seemed to soak in his words, before clearing his throat.
"What's this about some folklore, huh?" Brady asked her, almost innocently and sweetly enough that she looked up at him with a surprised chuckle.
"What?" Brady grinned as he leaned forward.
"Silver Bullets. Back there, you said it meant something…folklore or whatnot. What's that about?" Brady asked her, sipping his beer, "The most Birdie let on for us what that it was enough to kill us all or something like that." Annie watched him and broke into a rather loud chuckle and shook her head at him, before leaning against the table and sighing.
"Supposedly it killed werewolves, I don't know." Annie said, looking to his eyes, "You'd have better luck talking to Margie about all that though, she's into all that ghost sorta stuff." Brady let out a laugh at her words and nodded to her.
"I'll have to keep that in mind." Annie grinned.
Something about Lieutenant John Brady made her want to keep talking to him - his quiet confidence and inviting nature made her insides feel warm and almost curious to know more about himself, his story, him. She didn't have a lot of people like that back home - being young and taking care of an army of siblings who had practically been ready to call her 'Mom' instead of 'Sister' was traumatizing enough, not to even mention her lack of schooling or social outing.
Annie slowly sipped her beer again, cringing a bit at the liquid and its warmth and glanced over at Brady again, who was back to sipping his own beer and listening in on a conversation with Major Cleven, Major Egan, Crosby and Bubbles. A small smile hit her cheeks as she watched him laugh, something about him magnetic and touching all at once.
"Hey. Bradshaw." Annie looked over at Major Egan and watched as he leaned beside her, wrapping an arm around her chair and pointing to the beer, "Just. Let me know if you don't end up finishing that up. I could take it off your hands, easy." Annie watched him for a moment.
"Are you really that much of a fan of warm beer, sir?" Egan let out a dry chuckle and shrugged.
"You gotta go where the getting is good, I guess. And what else is around here except empty fucking fields and trees every square mile. A warm beer at this point is a good beer." Annie let out a laugh and slid it towards him.
"All yours." she said, "I don't drink much anyway."
"Ahhh, hey Buck, you got a fellow Saint here," Egan said, leaning over to Major Cleven and wrapping an arm around his shoulders, "she don't do much drinking either. Maybe you two can both go taking shots of water together." Major Cleven let out a chuckle as Annie rolled her eyes the slightest bit and caught Brady's slightly cold stare at Egan - but Annie didn't really care.
From the interactions she'd had with Egan, it was all in good fun - he was all in good fun. He was always looking for fun, a distraction from war. She didn't mind.
She liked the two Majors - Buck and Bucky - they'd been sweet as anything, with a bit more jeering from Egan if she was telling the truth. But they seemed to understand what it meant to have an all-female crew in the group and she appreciated that. It meant that when Birdie had been here, they had looked out for her, too, and with her, they were making sure of it.
"Hey, Bradshaw, you want a Coca-Cola?" Annie looked over at Brady leaning towards her, with a thumb jabbed over his shoulder to the bar, "Since someone took your beer-"
"Sure." Annie said, looking at him, while waving off Egan who was looking ready to start singing a musical nearly, "It's all good….I'm not a fan of beer much anyway. Here and there." Brady smiled at her, the corner of his lip curling upwards into a near-wider grin.
"Warm beer just doesn't do the trick, like beer back home, huh?"
"You got that right." Brady chuckled.
"I'll be back-"
"I can get it." Annie said, her hand jutting out to stop him by the arm, but he turned to her and offered her up a wink before heading off.
Annie watched him go before turning slowly back to the table and finding Francis watching her from across the table. She raised a brow. Annie couldn't contain the smirk and shook her head. Francis chuckled. By this point in time, she'd never felt more comfortable in a group of people and in a bomber group.
Maybe flying B-17s had always been her ultimate goal, despite everything in her life up to this point in time. Maybe all her reckless youth and sped-up childhood was for this. To come into this moment in time as a Lieutenant in the Army Air Force, with the title of command pilot for an all-female group. Maybe that's what all along, everything was coming to a head as. Maybe for once in her life, she was earning something instead of giving. Maybe she was doing it all at once.
Life seemed to be full of maybes at this point - and maybe, she was okay with that for now.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 3 months
Surprise appearance by me!
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How are you? Hope you're doing well. ^w^
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Hello drag!! I'm doing okay :'Dc
I've been very very busy as of late honestly xd it sucks but I haven't been updating myself on social media either HHH the stress was getting to me and my studies :')
I've been going out with family and friends a lot more though so that's better! I've been a little too computer obsessed these past few years so the fact it's broken rn is helping me see more people and build a social life lmao xD
Don't get me wrong, absolutely love posting art here, but it's so nice not to worry about being online when exams keep drowning me HHH
hopefully you guys don't mind the long absence cause I might be gone for a while randomly at times and I really can't help it 😔♥️♥️♥️
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flowerrworks · 1 year
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Kim Line & Black Swan // for  @monvante <3
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
hello beans!! hope you're doing well 💜 ^w^ I know you've probably gotten a lot of requests - but I'm gonna add to that pile anyway because it's fun and also your writing is wonderful and always cheers me up to read!! I'm so inspired by your drabbles and you really bring these characters and this little world to life ;w;
From drabble list #1:
14. "Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up."
Character(s): honestly anyone, but my gut was saying Es as soon as I saw that sentence so... up to you!
Woo thank you pal, same to you!! Thanks for your kind words ah ;--; This is the perfect line for Es omg, I've been cracking up over it for so long 😂 I was tempted to write them waking up for T2, taking one look around and going "uh-uh," but decided on some T1 comedy...
Es rarely dreamed. Usually it was vague images and thoughts. Sometimes it was just them thinking about breakfast the following morning. Occasionally they were plagued by a nightmare of being forced to sing karaoke with the prisoners. Most of the time, though, it was just silence that welcomed them at the end of the day. Wonderful, peaceful, silence.
Someone slammed their fist on the door. Es just about fell out of bed.
Mikoto’s voice came from outside. “Oi, get up! There’s been… uh… an incident!”
That was the last thing a prison guard wanted to hear at -- Es checked the clock -- 2am. Damn. 
They muttered to themself as they threw on their uniform. Why the prison’s cells didn’t lock was beyond them. Some of the prisoners were more troublesome than others, but the first trial had been going smoothly thus far. Why now? 
Their mind flashed with various possibilities, each one worse than the last, all urging them forward. By the time they were running down the hallway, their shirt buttons were a row off, and they had to switch their shoes to the opposite foot. They adjusted the cap clumsily on their head.
Fear gripped their chest as they heard Jackalope’s voice crying out for help from the panopticon. Jackalope never called for help. 
Es burst into the room. The prisoners froze, looking up guiltily. 
They sat in a huddle on the floor. Yuno and Muu held the little furry warden over a tub of sudsy water. Bottles of soap and shampoo sat nearby. An assortment of brushes and combs sat to the side. Splashes of water spread across the prisoners and ground, speaking to several failed attempts at getting Jackalope into the bath.
Nearby, Mahiru was holding up the tiny guard’s uniform, her sewing kit spread out on her lap. Es spotted bandages on Yuno’s and Kazui’s fingers. Shidou was currently dabbing blood off Fuuta’s nose as he fumed. Jackalope leaned over to nip at the hands holding him, but Yuno and Muu held him fast.
“Es!” came his frantic voice as he thrashed around. “You gotta help me! Make them stop, dammit!” 
From the group of prisoners who had been watching from a distance, Haruka turned to them. “Oh! Es! Th-they thought that he needed a -- uh, a bath! His uniform had a h-hole, and Mahiru can s-sew! And they thought, they thought we could do it all t-together… Muu called it a -- a spa night…” 
“At two in the morning?” Was all that came to mind.
“We tried to get him to do it earlier today,” Muu said, “but we didn’t get a chance until now.”
“They didn’t get a chance to kidnap me, she means!” He squirmed around some more, swinging his antlers wildly. “They hid around the corner and nabbed me like the filthy criminals they are!!”
Yuno said, “hold still,” as she brought him closer to the water. He kicked his feet wildly, screaming at Es to show a little authority and do something. 
“Hold on a second,” they stopped her.
They closed their eyes, pinching the bridge of their nose. They took a measured breath. They were here to contemplate sin and crime, guilt and forgiveness. Their job should have consisted of questions about morality and life and death; they never anticipated looking around their prison and asking, “is human shampoo even safe for his fur?”
Kotoko spoke up from the other side of the room. “That’s what I thought, but is he really a rabbit? He eats human food and everything, we didn’t think a bit of soap was that different.”
Jackalope disagreed (“that stuff is as bad as poison -- poison I tell you!”) but the others chimed in with their agreement. From around the room came promises that they were being gentle with him, and that they’d keep quiet, and that they’d dry and brush his fur really well when they’d finished, and that they’d feed him treats, and that his uniform was already good as new, and so on. A few complaints at getting bit mingled with Jackalope’s own insults. 
“-- Alright.” Es held up a hand to silence them all. They knew a warden shouldn’t be making compromises with their prisoners. At the same time, they didn’t have the energy to argue about bunny baths at this time of night. “You can continue, but wash him outside of the tub. And go easy on the shampoo. Any mess you make must be cleaned by morning.” 
They were met with excitement and thanks. Jackalope grumbled that they were too soft, but he sounded relieved as he was whisked away from the dreaded bathwater. 
Es sighed. There may have been a few bites and bumps, but that was all. No emergency, no fight, no danger plagued Milgram tonight. Their relief quickly turned to annoyance. They leveled their gaze at Mikoto as he entered from the hallway behind.
“Please tell me this isn’t why you woke me up.”
“Huh? Oh, this? No, no -- we have everything under control. Aw, Mappi, that looks great!”
He pointed at her sewing job, revealing bandages on his hands as well. It looked like no one was safe from the rabbit’s little teeth… Then Mikoto jabbed a thumb casually over his shoulder. “Nah, the faucet in the men’s room broke when we tried filling the basin. The whole room’s flooded now. I think it’s gonna start spilling into the hallway soon.”
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Had a thought while i was chilling with my cat today, as you do:
Penelope is the weird Water Wife™ and Anthos is a black cat. We all know that black cats are something else, just weird in their own way.
Are those two just weird together?? Do they stare at you, unblinking, with their pretty eyes?? The half-naiad queen is watching you with her cat on her lap. They're silently judging you. As if she wasn't scary enough on her own - she has a black void with two big eyes by her side as well.
I'm sorry i'm really intrigued by the idea of weird wife and her weird cat.
YES!!! I love my weirdos!!! Also her and Odysseus are a lot like cats in a way as well >:)
Have their "favorite people", chaos, don't take orders from really anyone, etc. They're like kitty cats 🥺 even with how they're affectionate in a way. they're fidgeting with each other often but also will stubbornly be like "I want snuggles. I don't care if I'm uncomfy. >:( "
Odysseus: You know, I'm not gonna stop carving. You might get some wood shavings on you~ Penelope, knowing he won't let any get on her face at least: Don' care. Odysseus: Okay, if you say so. Penelope: ... Odysseus: asdfghjkl You stop that right now 🫵👁👁
Penelope: Odysseus, I'm trying to weave. (one of the smaller looms from the later periods, not accurate but don't care) Odysseus, squeezing her tighter: MMM >:( . *insert that baby seal video type of MMM* Penelope: At least your hair is tied up, but you can't be mad at me when your hair gets woven into it...Stop fucking with the thread, Odysseus.
You want something sad? >:) You want something really sad, Niko?
Years later, while Odysseus is away, something she's wearing keeps tickling her. She gets annoyed with it and has it taken off to see what it is ("My weaving is always flawless. >:( wtf is this?") only to look in the area and see that it was hair tickling her. A tiny bit of it is coming out from the cloth. It's not black and straight like her own. Nor is it black and curly like her son's. It's auburn and curly. Anticlea died years ago. And she remembers what she was doing when she first started this weaving.
And she weeps. :') Even gone, he's constantly "there" you know?
Penelope liked these critters because of that but also, "Heyyyyy, you're pretty good at fishing, you funky little creature!!!" Also, they like playing with string so weaving is always fun. Little headcanon but Ithaca doesn't really have as many cats as Sparta (hopping off ships from Egypt). So while Odysseus has seen them, he never really thinks much of them but then Penelope is like "yes, this is my weird little creature. You think you like me? You like this creature now." and he plays with Anthos a little and then is like, "Okay, I see why you like them...Penelope, why is she buzzing?👀 You promised you wouldn't put me in dangerous situations anymore!"
Probably a few cats are brought over for her but it doesn't become like, overrun you know?
Probably others were a bit annoyed by it at first. (cat hair to clean, cats are chaos, etc.) but the king and queen are scary when they want to be. Argos gets along pretty okay with them too!
Since having kitties outdoors is very dangerous, as there are birds of prey and such. A hawk once picked up one of the kitties but an Owl brought kitty back :')
Kitties know that Olive tree bed is NOT a scratching post.
Kitties will sleep with Penelope and check on her when she weeps :'D
"PENELOPE! ANTHOS JUST PUT A DEAD MOUSE IN FRONT OF ME!" "Sometimes they do that. Think it's the cat way of showing you they care." "I don't want this!"
so it's been around 7 years (changed it from 5 to 7) of them being married when Telemachus is born. And Anthos (and others) are very gentle with him but also "please don't grab me so roughly with your little baby hands".
Anthos is a bit older by the time he's around four so Penelope usually holds her but Anthos has had some kittens and...
Penelope: Telemachus, you sure you got him, sweetie? Telemachus: Yuh-huh.
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Telemachus loves them as well btw. And he learns how to hold them right but the cat he's holding is pretty chill anyways.
When Odysseus is a "beggar", and before Penelope comes to see him. He sees two kittens playing and thinks "Okay, they're definitely from Anthos' line." and rips a bit of the rags he's wearing to make a string and kind of plays with them. Then Melantho comes in and they run off and he's like "okay, they don't like you. Why is that?" and then he sees why.
When Odysseus is on Aeaea, it's...stressful and he feels on edge. He gets a specific "nightmare" and it's not a fun time. Yes, they dance and sing but he's still very stressed. (Headcanon that Odysseus is actually a pretty good dancer.) Circe has a lot of BIG cats and she has one that is a big black panther with blue eyes (yes, this cat was once a man. he actually will kind of have a story of his own in my fics eventually) And sometimes when he's by himself and not doing well, Big Black kitty will come in and kind of lay on him. Makes him think of Anthos and home. :'D
Polites: That panther seems to like you a lot. He's always following you. Odysseus: Yeah, he's my buddy.
"You were human once... Do you miss them? Your loved ones? Do you even remember?" *headbonks him*
*Big kitty yawns* "You know, my wife has sharp teeth as well being mostly naiad. My son most likely too by now... He was teething when I last saw him but the two he did have were already sharp. Penelope would soothe him with water when he got fussy from them..."
Penelope's 75% Naiad and Telemachus is 37.5% :D In some versions, Icarius and Tyndarius are half naiad! >:D And ANY chance I can have Penelope be weirder, I will FUCKING take it.
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triona-tribblescore · 6 months
*heavy breathing* you followed me back…0•0…THANK YOU?!?!
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OFC!!! :D I thought I was following you already lol XD <333
you are always so kind and sweet!!! A lovely moot fr <3
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oldbirdwithnobrain · 2 months
woo i live! May or may not have been locked in a doctors office for a few days lol. Anyways here take some buzzed 1am doodles for your time!
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oo theres also these ones too! honestly LOVE that miss pauling headshot :D
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sneez · 1 year
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more of my oc tervis (any pronouns), the creepiest most miserable little weirdo in town. which is saying something [id under cut]
/ ID: four digital drawings.
The first image is a series of drawings of Tervis on a paper-textured background. A heading at the top reads 'Tervis (Humble)'. One is a coloured headshot of Tervis looking to the left; they have a gaunt face, short receding hair, a scar bisecting their lip and right eyebrow, greyish skin, and are wearing a red shawl around their neck. An arrow pointing at their right eye reads 'one blue eye (mostly blind)'; another arrow pointing at their left eye reads 'one brown eye'. They have a serious, hostile expression. The second drawing is an uncoloured full-body sketch of Tervis. Next to this is the same drawing but coloured and with more polished lineart. Tervis is a thin, hunched figure wearing a long, dark brown robe, a greyish bag on their back, and a red shawl around their head and neck. They are barefoot, and are leaning on a walking staff with both hands. An arrow pointing to the walking staff reads 'needed for walking, useful for hitting'. Tied to the belt around their waist are several long scrolls of paper with writing on them. An arrow pointing to the scrolls reads ''blessings' they paste on infected houses'. Tervis is looking warily out at the viewer from beneath their eyebrows. An arrow pointing to their head reads 'scar from getting hit in the face with a brick (also knocked out a tooth)'. Alongside these drawings are a series of bullet points giving information about Tervis. These read:
   indeterminate age, indeterminate gender
   religious fanatic (unclear which religion)
   lives alone somewhere in the steppe
   dislikes everyone but is nicer to children than anyone else
   has every disease
The second image is a fake screenshot from the video game Pathologic. Tervis is looking out at the viewer; the background shows scenery from the steppe. The text on screen reads:
CHANGELING: I still don’t see what you could have done that would make you personally responsible for this plague. TERVIS: Responsible… no, not merely responsible! This is my plague, cast upon my head alone. I am the originator; my sin is at the root of all. I have ventured into the town. I have seen the canker there. No matter how many houses I bless, my sickness sinks deeper. The rotted limb is the death of the body… Surely you understand me. You are a healer, are you not? CHANGELING: What is it that you are asking me to do? TERVIS: Let me be the lamb, worker of miracles! My blood shall wet the earth, and bright flowers shall grow… My putrefaction will provide the soil within which new life will burgeon, pure and free of sin and decay. Let it be done. I am ready. My failing flesh is but little sacrifice; in death my weakness will be my strength. Soon these torments will be at an end.
Below are two dialogue options:
You’re insane!
What makes you so sure your death would solve anything?
The third image is a fake screenshot from the video game Pathologic 2. Tervis is looking out at the viewer, and has been painted in semi-realistic style. The text on screen reads:
Tervis: Why do you force me to live? Damn you! Your cure is poison to me. Now I shall never be blessed. You should have left me to bleed.
Below are three dialogue options:
Don’t be absurd. I wasn’t going to watch you die.
What makes you think you deserve suffering?
I wish I had.
At the bottom of the image is a line of dialogue which Tervis has just spoken:
The air is foul. There is rot in this place. The stench of corruption shall be – what was it? What was it? The stench of corruption shall be… swept aside…
The fourth image is a coloured scene depicting Tervis and Clara. They are central in the composition; around them is the steppe, which has been rendered in a loose, painterly style. Tervis is kneeling, their walking staff cast aside, and are reaching out their hands to Clara in a desperate, pleading gesture. They are crying, their face contorted in an expression of agonised ecstasy. Clara stands beside them, one hand reaching out, the other held above Tervis’s head as though about to touch their brow. She has a solemn, pained expression. Behind her head, a break in the dark clouds gives the impression that she is haloed by sunlight; rays of the same light fall onto Tervis, illuminating their face and red robe. End ID. /
#artwork#pathologic#tervis!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D#sorry i know ive already posted that fake p2 screenshot i just wanted to keep all my tervis images in one place. please forgive me#i am having. So Much Fun. i would explode and die for tervis shes the worst i adore her#making fake screenshots is so enjoyable i love trying to match the fonts and copying all the little ui details it's so fun highly recommend#i have a lot of tervis lore which i am still developing but hopefully these drawings give you some idea of his character#hes just a mess really. hes got every imaginable problem#that last drawing is her getting sacrificed in the humble ending. she is SO happy about it#also if you didnt see my last post tervis was originally a warhammer 40k oc (which he still is ive just made a bonus pathologic tervis now)#but ive tried to keep a lot of 40k stuff in her design like the blessing scrolls and the uh. Posture#that's also my reasoning for why nobody knows what his religion is. the watsonian explanation is they are just spouting incomprehensible#disjointed passages from some obscure scripture which nobody can identify (and who would want to try really. tervis is not good company)#but the doylist explanation is that it's literally just the cult mechanicus. just ignore all the references to the weakness of the flesh and#the glory of the machine it will all be fine nothing weird here at all#anyway :-) i could talk about tervis forever but i will stop now#i hope you are all well my dear friends! i am on holiday now wahoo#i am also aware that i have several messages to answer which i will do very soon i am so sorry for being so slow as usual#i love you all i am giving you individual kisses on your individual heads. mwah
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somegrumpynerd · 6 days
staring at you with my big old bat with filled with autism as I steal all your art and devour it for breakfast/silly/silly
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Just kidding feel free to eat it all I will make more <3
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squuote · 26 days
Hi squuote! It's approaching a whole year since I last sent you an ask. It's me, the anon who went on a really long ramble about mariella in your inbox that one time. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking abt mariella today so I went and found your reply to my ask and the art you made after, and I just lay there kicking my feet and grinning about it for like ten entire minutes. I still appreciate you sm for hearing out my whole rant and it still brightens my everything to remember how my silly little word soup about mariella inspired you to make such beautiful beautiful art. Your work is so so lovely, and though I haven't been as engaged in the TSP fandom for a while I wanted you to know that that moment still sticks with me, and brings me joy. Anyway, I hope you're having a good day. <3
MARIELLA ANON !!! ngl i got so excited receiving this ask, totally caught me off guard in the best way. sorry it took me a few days to respond, honestly i still don't rlly know what to reply here other than to thank you for sending the ask in the first place. i still think about it so frequently and i always return to it whenever i am thinking about mariella. very very happy to hear that the art brightens your day, i consider it one of my best pieces from last year and i do rlly have to thank you for sending the ask that inspired it. so i am rlly happy that it does bring you joy. im glad to have made it :-) also, a lil mariella sketch for your travels <3
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good-beans · 1 month
Checking in !!!!!! Hello !!!!!!!
Hi pal, I'm doing well!! Finished my school semester, had a week of mental hibernation, and I'm back up and vibing!!!!!!
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Thanks for checking in :D How are you doing?
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