#hopefully they'll be victorious soon too
burningtacozombie · 1 year
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Tony Rodríguez: Con mi primo Danny Pino on the SAG strike picket line. #SagAftraStrong X
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1shcakes · 6 months
UIS Chapter 2
June 1st, 20XX
It's been at least 3 hours since I, Father, and Mother have been set free from that... uncomfortable ink scroll, and after a questionable time at the beach, the newdle boy has given me a gift. I am currently writing in it. THE GREAT RED SON DOES NOT NEED A PERSONAL DIARY!!!! Although the cover is pretty nice. It's made of leather, and very nice to the touch....Perhaps the newdle boy has SOME taste after all. Hopefully my parents do not find this I will hide it under my bed tonight.
Anyway it's quite nice to be back in the fortress, I have already missed this old thing. I'm glad to see none of my inventions have been stolen by those pesky mortals as well for their """ world saving """ nonsense. BAH! We can do better! But I do applaud that newdle boy for saving the world, hell, even the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!! I still hate him though.. I am supposed to hate him, as Father and Mother said so...
Speaking of which, they have been acting odd lately I hope they are okay. Probably side effects from being in that lousy scroll. WE WILL BE BACK TO POWER IN NO TIME!!! >:)
June 2nd, 20XX
Another day in the realm of greatness, and I, Red Son, shall document it for posterity. This diary, a gift from that insignificant newdle boy, was under my bed, and Father and Mother have barely noticed it! MWAHAHA! Maybe I should use this for writing down my inventions... YES YES! PERFECT! Is this lavaproof? May have to test later during my bath.
I must admit the newdle boy's gift is growing on me. The leather cover does have a certain charm, even if it's a bit cheap-feeling for my taste. But I'll give credit where it's due; he does have a knack for surprises. Doesn't mean I'll stop plotting his downfall though it's a matter of principle you see.
Speaking of the newdle boy, I cannot shake the feeling of begrudging respect for his foolish actions, no matter how much I despise him. These actions may have saved the universe, nut mark my words I shall reclaim our rightful place atop the cosmic hierarchy. DEMON BULL FAMILY FOREVS! >:D
And, as for Father and Mother, their behavior continues to perplex me. I was welding armor for Father earlier this day, and he has been looking rather off. A bit dull don't you see? He seems tired too. Burnout? Father never experiences burnout. And Mother has kept herself isolated all day today. I wonder what happened?
No matter, they'll regain their strength soon enough. We shall rise back to power and the world will tremble before us once more. Victory is inevitable! >:)
June 3rd, 20XX
This journal continues to evade the attention of Father and Mother. Their ignorance amuses me to no end. Maybe I shall indeed utilize this tome to write down my awesome inventions! I can finally stop using those flimsy parchments. A stroke of brilliance if I do say so myself. Also journal did not pass the lavaproof test. I, Red Son, am a bit sad about it.
But enough about the newdle boy and his paltry gifts. Today, Father had asked me to throw out some Demon Bull Clones. WHAT?!?!! I threw them out anyway didn't want to dissapoint Father. Such weakness is uncharacteristic of him. And I heard Mother crying in her room today and the banging of the walls. I'm beginning to think she is not okay.
Therefore to display my duty as the Prince of the Demon Bull Family, I shall check in on her tomorrow like a good son would! Maybe Father will be proud of me for caring for Mother. The thought excites me. >:D Speaking of which I've been noticing trails of ink around the fortress lately. I took it upon myself to clean it up and I accidentally some got on my precious coat! EW! Will be doing laundry tomorrow too.
I've been using this pathetic journal more as a book to write down my thoughts rather than my inventions, and I have to say it's rather calming gets rid of the chaos inside my brain cage. Of course I note down potential inventions too I don't write down my thoughts all the time. Otherwise I'd need to ask for a new journal from the newdle boy.
It's late now must sleep. GOODNIGHT PATHETIC JOURNAL! Yes, that's what I will call it from now on! >:O
June 4th, 20XX
I woke up at 3AM to write this entry! What an eventful day! First off, Father has indeed been acting more sour lately, asking me to do this and that and this and that. There are only so many things a Prince can do! At times like these, I wish he was more like other fathers.
Anyways, Mother cried in her room last night too. I felt really worried, but luckily she seemed fine when I checked on her. Her tears looked really black though has she been using too much mascara? Eh, whatever.
After that, I went to help Father with the machines he wanted me to repair. It was difficult to get all the parts needed for repairs in one go, especially after hearing Father complain for several hours about how long it takes me to build stuff. So I decided to take a short break before finishing everything.
I was eating a bowl of noodles given to me by the newdle boy, I suppose. A tacky drawing was stuck in front of the bag too of me and him. Not that I care. It's stupid but a bit endearing. I guess it makes me feel less alone or something.
Speaking of the newdle boy, why hasn't he tried to contact us? I haven't seen him since the beach but not like I'm looking out for him or anything, well I wonder if something happened to him. Oh dear. I hope he isn't dead or dying.
It's getting late now, I'll be sure to finish this entry tomorrow. Goodnight! >:)
June 5th, 20XX
Father attacked me today. I don't even want to think about it let alone write about it. It just doesn't make sense to me. It's like every time I leave them alone they somehow manage to screw something up and it's ALWAYS my fault. I guess I shouldn't blame them for my own incompetence after all I was there for most of that mess.
Anyway, this morning was horrible. Mother wouldn't look me in the eye and Father just kept staring into space. They were acting so strangely I wasn't able to concentrate on my duties. Something is going to change, I can almost feel it. All my work for Father and Mother was nothing but dust.
Oh well. Whatever.
Maybe I should write about the time Father attacked me that might help. Yes it did happen. I was just fixing up one of my inventions (my awesome race car) and then Father grabbed me by my neck and slammed me against the wall. His eyes were glowing blue and the next thing I remember was waking up on the floor.
So yeah that was fun to tell, wasn't it?
I feel strange.
Next (TBA)
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blackjackkent · 3 months
Halsin is waiting down at the edge of the water behind Last Light. He doesn't immediately look up when Rakha approaches, but seems lost in thought, contemplating the ever-shifting shadows beyond the river, darkness on darkness on darkness.
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Eventually he turns his head slightly, registering her presence, then turns to face her. The hopeful smile is still on his face, but it is grimmer now.
"You're here. Good," he says briskly. "Now we can begin."
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Rakha nods. His tension is obvious, and she shares it. Whatever they are about to do, the fate of the curse hinges on it. She can feel it prickling even more sharply than usual against her skin, as if it knows it's under threat.
"First, I want to know what to expect," she says. She needs all of the information he can give her, every scrap. She needs to do this right.
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"Thaniel is trapped in the Shadowfell," says Halsin. "But thanks to your efforts, I know where to look. Now I must go there - alone."
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Rakha nods curtly. "What am I to do?"
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"With the Oak Father's blessing," Halsin says gravely, "I can infiltrate the Shadowfell. But doing so will sap my strength. I'll need your help if I'm to return. I need you to stay here. Keep the portal open until I return, and defend it at all costs."
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A slight pause. Rakha tips her head to one side. "Defend it? What do you mean?"
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"The shadows won't be banished without a fight. Once I open the portal, they'll swarm like carrion birds and try to destroy it. You must not let that happen."
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He waits until Rakha nods slowly. Yes, she understands. Stand her ground and fight until there's no fighting left. Comfortingly simple, after the messy, emotional chaos that has touched every moment she's spent in the Shadow-Cursed Lands thus far.
Killing... purrs the beast, although not with great enthusiasm. Killing shadow-cursed creatures does not seem to give it the same satisfaction. They are not conscious; they are barely alive.
What a beautiful irony it would be, it points out hopefully, to stick a blade in Halsin's throat... here at the moment of his victory...
Her skin prickles at the back of her neck. She ignores the thought with difficulty and clenches her fingers tightly around her quarterstaffs to ground herself.
"Let's begin," Halsin goes on, unaware of the inner turmoil in Rakha's head. "Whatever happens - do not attempt to enter the portal, and do not let anything interfere with it."
Rakha nods again. She watches as Halsin turns away from her - and in that brief moment before his eyes are out of sight, she sees the flash of fear there. He is not as confident as he sounds. This could go terribly wrong.
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"Oak Father..." he intones. His hands lift in quick, precise motions, and Rakha watches the Weave start to swirl around his hands in bright gold streaks. "Hear me. Aid me. Force open the jaws of Darkness. Make passage for your vessel of light..."
The glow strengthens, brightens, pulling open a glowing aperture in the fabric of the world. Beyond it is a shadowy, indistinct landscape of craggy, broken rock, swirling with brutal blasts of wind.
The contrast of the glowing portal against the dark corrupted fabric around them is startling. Rakha lets out a low, involuntary breath of relief at the touch of warmth it brings. But she can feel the way the corrupted Weave spasms angrily at the touch of light, too. She can feel the call resonating outwards - the call for defense. The call to arms among the shadows.
"It's ready," Halsin says without looking back. "I'll return with Thaniel as soon as possible. Stay close to the portal. Buy me what time you can."
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I'm going to get in shape and fast you better too Chris you can help drive me around this is finally this is boring as hell and I want to enter into bag of races and Mark your challenged and I accept and it's a friendly race and that's what these two are up to they don't want to do any shenanigans and he wants to drive around make sure Ken's okay and I really see what they're saying this sucks so bad we're the ones in trouble and you keep on cutting us down Trump and you're not doing a damn thing you're running off after a statue now of your own that's so weird I know someone inside there but it's new that's weird as hell gross too very gross had to be a certain size that's nasty this is a computer he says and I get that now there's going to be a bag of race and we're going to race Ken and maybe the other two they know how to ride for real and Ken says he has a couple other friends they might even you might even know them Daniel and Mike too and okay my kids want to race so I'm into it now this is there's no going back on this and we're going to make it work and they're breaking out bikes and they're finding a way to sell them pretty soon today hopefully I'm going to help do it and we're going to get the court going and I'm into this this is fun mac daddy says
I'm going to get in shape for the race probably do it Saturday
This is a great idea we're prepping now we're going to have everything ready soon and it's going to be fun. And yeah our son-in-law really our son and daughter has since something in hours and others that they want these they're bigger bikes they have a lot of power and they're fast and you can see it too and boy they move they've never seen bikes do this Harley can't do this this is an incredible bike
I really want to do this and I want to get these going and where the lawyers and we're going to go down there today and we're going to open the case today and first we're going to approach them and see if they want to sell it because they're looking like they want to sell Michelob and we want to iron out an offer and get it ready today for Michelob and possibly tonight for victory motorcycles and we can send you a certain number of motorcycles a week if that's part of the deal and they're saying it's a good deal and we're going to pump out a ton of them. Right now we found about 2 million octillion and per area but the big areas is only 10 or so that's a ton of bikes and we're going to try and scan and prep them now and we want to sit down and have a meeting with these guys so he says you better bring a bunch of stuff they like they're particular drinks and they're particular foods have facilities for them you're not really Michelob and they're not really victory but they tried holding it for a while and we will do that and we'll have bikes as a deal and give them a little but I don't know if they want to be drinking all the time they say we do drink a lot and you might want to send it and so we can have some free stuff we'll send out and set up some deliveries for regular shops and stores it's going to be a hot ticket item and we're going on it now
Proxima midnight
Now that guy is saying it's Tommy f is going to stop deliveries and we're going to call these two to help it and we're going to help them get it there and they'll see what it's like and it's going to be terrible terribly hard but it works and we're going to send deliveries now there's a whole bunch of it ready and we tested and spot checked and it's good and they were there in the plant and they took off and they weren't contaminating and we did check them and they checked out good and we were watching and we were right there now we're delivering the stuff and we're making more today I'm going to use up the bottles and we're taking orders from them first and we do have a deal that's ready to go and we will hopefully sign later tonight and he says he wants to make a recovery center for him it's for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts and injury people and a center and they they would have a couple a few houses like a neighborhood near it too and he can pick where he wants to probably California and that's for the Dan and Trump California and we can put it down there and just haven't build the foundations and drop them down they say wow this is cool and they can scan it all out but it would have everything they needed so they're starting to get psyched because that's kind of what's going on and they're having a lot of problems and those are some but he's doing what you can and they need other stuff and we know how to do that and we told them and so they're going to prepare a list and modified if they have to and when you modify it just send the new part they'll send the old part in the new part they say add this it's always an ad and so we get that and they're laughing that's good news. They're saying they understand a lot of work and not a huge payout so they're trying to be congenial which is good and it's going to help when our son is saying to them for them to say this is we have to do the work we have to put all our people to work and they're just doing a regular job and it's not much of a step up at all and it's just to keep things as status quo and people are starting to realize that and the kind of beating on us before because it but they wanted things to go into chaos and now they see the wrong. Tons of those pyramids crash down about 3/4 of them and the others are defunct there's nothing on them and we're ready to go on that but we're behind and we're pushing right now but we're going to go ahead and do this
I'm in charge of this this is my company and we're going to make a ton of these and I am searching out the ones that are ready and we're going to make sure they're okay and scan them and get them prepped and ready and you shut up. But I do see what you're saying this is helping and I helped a lot and it's conscientious stuff and it's personal it's about my life and my life before and drinking a little Michelob so I see how he's thinking and he's always been that way but it's my man and that's who he is and he can't believe it. So it goes on forever but really I'm very happy with him today and you got things going everybody's moving and we have a deadline set it's up on the board but I'm going to put it in big letters and I'm going to put a picture of him her he says and her up on the wall and say by midnight and let's get it going and put a shipper to there and we're going ahead with it this is awesome
I've got a statue and it's going in it's going in today and it's going in right now of what she looks like and it is huge the statue is huge but she's huge status like 40 ft tall and I'm going to present it at the meeting we have a huge meeting Hall and we're all pretty big 15 to 20 ft it looks very odd but we're pretty big and we're going to go in there and they'll see it and they'll say we got to go now so I'd arranged to the meeting and it's coming up soon in about an hour
Thor Freya I'm going to add that touch and show how big she is.. and this is a smart thing to do he learned it from China that's why they do it
This is awesome he's been doing these things it's really like he likes projects and he likes to make things come alive and he worked on a lot of movies but this has an effect okay we have some footage we're going to play too we have to do it now even though it's there we have to make it all happen deceptive
Zig Zag
My son and daughter are working their ass off but he's working his ass off here to make it work and he's using us not these people and it's because of what he's saying we're going to get moving now wants to be early on something so he can go have a pizza and relax and stuff and eat regular food too we never have any time to help him out he's right too if we got it done early we have time
0 notes
The illusion of Victory- Part 3
Thanks everyone for your patience! I've been dealing with some mental health things that's made me not want to write as much!
I'm doing a lot better now though! Hopefully they'll be more regular now!
I want to say a massive thank you to @lokifantasies for helping me with this part and for collaborating with me to incorporate one of her characters into my story very soon!
My master post is here with all the other parts!
Pairing: Loki x Female reader
Summary: You are Y/N the Goddess of Victory, after killing Thanos on Knowhere, the Time Variants Authority abduct you and Loki the God of Mischief and ask for your help in capturing a rogue variant. Yours and Loki's future child.
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: SMUT (18+ Don’t make me ban you horny teens) oral sex, male receiving
Any Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you for all the love so far. You guys are amazing! 🖤💚🖤
Let me know if you want me to keep writing more! And if you want added to the tag list!
@word-addict-lisette @with-inked-solace @queen-of-mischief @faraum @xaquarianqueenx @donttouchmylaevateinn
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You stirred from your sleep, feeling Loki’s arms tight around your waist and his hot breath on your back. Then you remembered everything. You are Y/N, Goddess of victory, stuck in some time cell accused of “Crimes against the sacred timeline “or whatever the hell that even means. Then the organization that essentially kidnapped you both had the audacity to ask for your and Loki’s help after showing you your future child is running around killing their time agents. However, from your limited interaction with them, you were beginning to understand why someone might want to massacre them. You had been here less than 24 hours, and you had already considered killing them multiple times, especially the bitchier version of you, who you swore you would assassinate if she so much as flirted in Loki’s general direction again.
“Wakey wakey variants,” Cordi grinned, standing behind the shimmering orange doorway.
“Shit, I must have thought your name so many times that I summoned your ugly ass,” you quipped, smirking up at Cordi.
“Cute, but you’ve got studying to be getting on with,” she grinned smugly, tilting her head and running her pen along the bars on the window on the door. You shot her a look that would kill a man dead, were you not stuck in this magicless hell hole. You nudged Loki, waking him from his slumber. His bright blue eyes sleepily blinked to look up at you.
“Time to get up, sleepyhead. My evil twin wants us.”
“It’s too early for threesome’s Y/N,” Loki sleepily groaned, grabbing your waist and rolling back over in bed. “Seriously, Lo, we need to get up before she comes back. She wants us to study apparently, but unless it’s how to stab her in her stupid face, I’m not sure I want to learn anything from that bitch”, you said while shaking the sleepy god - standing up to head over to look at the pile of clothes designated for you. Loki smirked as he caught you staring at his chiselled body as he began to sit up in bed. “Darling, if you keep staring at me like that you know I’ll have to put something in that adorable mouth of yours to stop you drooling,” Loki smirked.
“Why don’t you?” you winked, reaching forward to pull down his trousers, unleashing his hardened cock and letting it slap off his toned abdomen.
“Such a needy little slut this morning,” Loki growled as your hot breath made his cock twitch - making you smirk as you began teasing him by suckling at the tip of his throbbing cock,tasting the pre-cum, and swirling your tongue over the tip.
You loved having him at your mercy like this. Hot, naked, frustrated, and horny. It almost made being trapped in this shithole worth it...almost. Loki grabbed hold of your hair, pulling your mouth further down his cock and fucking your face. He thrust his hips forward - his cock hitting the back of your throat as he chased his pleasure - making you hum with satisfaction. That was enough to send him over the edge as he moaned out your name - painting the back of your throat with his hot, sticky cum. You quickly stood up with his cum still on your tongue and kissed him passionately - letting him taste himself on your tongue, and making him moan into your kiss.
“As hot as standing here watching you two fuck would be…” Cordi’s dulcet tones interrupted you and Loki making out.
“Unless you want me to come in there and take over, get your asses dressed and be ready in five minutes,” Cordi winked, her eyes never leaving Loki’s naked form - the act making your blood boil. Begrudgingly, you dressed in your assigned clothes - a vintage fitted white shirt, a pair of high waisted black trousers, a purple necktie, and a set of purple pumps. Adorably, Loki’s outfit was the exact same, apart from his trousers were brown, and he had a green necktie and laced dress shoes.
Once Cordi returned to your shared cell, she escorted you both down the nauseating orange corridors until you arrived in a small office area filled with cubicles, ancient looking computers, and a creepy orange clock mascot dancing as a screensaver.
“Complete all the training exercises variants. I don’t want to have to come back down here and tutor you personally,” Cordi purred while fixing Loki’s tie, looking him up and down and biting her lip.
“Just because I don’t have my magic, and you look like me, doesn’t mean I won’t hesitate to break your neck if you don’t take your hands off him bitch,” you said in a calm but threatening tone - gaining a laugh from Cordi as she sauntered away, swinging her hips in the process.
“I really hate that bitch,” you reiterated to Loki as you threw yourself down in the leather chair behind the computer terminal, crossing your arms over your chest, irritated by her fascination with Loki.
“I can tell, but watching you teem with jealousy is positively delicious darling,” Loki grinned - bending down to talk into your ear, the vibrations from his low voice making your pussy drip with anticipation as he took a seat next to you, enjoying watching your cheeks flush.
“Howdy there! I’m Miss Minutes! Here to teach you all you need to know about the TVA and protecting the sacred timeline…,” a chirpy voice with a southern accent snapped you out of your horny daydream. You looked in bemusement at the orange clock hologram that strolled out of the computer and onto the desk.
“Now pay attention Loki and Y/N. You have a lot to learn,” the clock grinned at you both. It was irritating how cheerful she was, and a little eerie if you were being honest.
“Can you hear us?” You asked Miss Minutes - leaning forward in your chair, your hand passing through the hologram. “Are you a recording, or are you alive?” you asked again looking between Loki and Miss Minutes.
“Uhhhh…. Sorta both!” she replied, with her hands sassily on her hips. “Now let’s get back to business,” she grinned, shaking a finger at you and Loki.
“To defeat the huns?” Loki sang, making you try and fail to suppress a giggle.
The training exercises dragged on and on and after several hours you dozed off, your head gently resting on Loki’s shoulder as he struggled to keep himself awake by reading a jet ski magazine that was sitting on the desk next to Miss minutes.
You woke up as Loki began swatting at Miss minutes with the rolled-up magazine, a child-like glee in his eyes as he tried and failed to attack the tiny hologram mascot as she retreated into the safety of the computer screen.
“Is training going well?” Mobius asked as he strolled into the office just as you sat up straight in your chair. “Is that my jet ski magazine?” he questioned Loki, taking it out of his hands and batting him on the head with it.
“Come on, gear up you two. There’s been an attack, let's go,” Mobius said as he handed both you and Loki a parcel with a jacket inside. You opened it up and put it on. Yours was black, and Loki’s was brown. You fixed Loki’s collar and followed them both out of the room and into the corridors again until you emerged into a room with a giant computer monitor at one end showing what you presumed was the “sacred timeline” and a group of armoured people you recognised from your and Loki’s capture.
“Okay listen up. C-20 and her team went dark shortly after they jumped into the 1985 branch. All signs point to another ambush. We’ve grabbed enough temporal aura to know it’s our fugitive variant. But, as of yet, we have still to identify what this variant looks like. All we know is it’s a child of variants of these two variants here, God of Mischief and Goddess of Victory. So, they will be powerful and as we have already seen...deadly,” the main soldier stated bluntly, pointing over towards you and Loki.
“Do we get a weapon?” you asked Mobius while walking with Loki through the armoury of the TVA - various soldiers gearing up and ignoring you and Loki.
“No,” Mobius sighed, too busy looking at the small metal controller he held in his hands.
“Well, we’re going to have our magic back. Is no one concerned about that?” Loki asked Mobius, walking backwards to face him.
“Why would we be concerned, Loki?” Mobius asked, clearly getting annoyed at the number of questions being thrown his way.
“Ummm, in-case we betray you?” you chimed in, walking at the opposite side of Mobius.
“Listen Y/N, Loki. You already know we can catch you. So, unless you don’t want to meet the timekeepers and you don’t want to find out why your offspring is out murdering people then that’s fine. I’ll take you both right back to your cell,” Mobius said, one hand on his hip as he stopped in his tracks looking at you both.
“Not necessary, Mobius. I’m sure they’ll both cooperate,” Cordi said with a condescending grin appearing at your back. She walked ahead towards the orange glowing door, closely followed by yourself and Loki.
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humanuser0613 · 3 years
THE WATTPAD FICTION I JUST FOUND ON YT 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
It's one of those....laugh or you'll cry moments
Let me see about some ss and posting...
EDIT AND UPDATE: I looked up apps that make a collage so hopefully the integrity of the SS has been saved and you get the gist of the conversation....*sigh....😔✊ me and technology - we aren't what you'd call friends....
But yeah...click on the images to make them larger and hopefully you'll enjoy the humor of it all instead of despair at the human race...🙃
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Also...I haven't even watched the original video yet. I've said this before and I'll say it again - the tarot readings are for fun and entertainment. And multiple tarot readers say different things about all the members. Some might be following the group and some might not be, some might be lying for the views, and some might let their biases (or prejudices) influence what they say on video.
How would any of us know better when we're all just strangers on the internet, right?
So trust the members above anything else. 💜
I watched the video.....finally 👀
*ahem* 😳
We'll see how things shape down but they definitely said there was a romance that wasn't pursued and a 3rd energy (boss/company/mangers) that is controlling everything, that fans are getting the tall tale and that they're feeling separated from their family and friends...
And that they aren't getting what they're worth and both are conflicted about these various issues and they'll confront someone and there's a tower moment coming up soon and they'll be victorious over someone or some negative energy and enter a new chapter of the band and....ABOVE ALL I HEARD THE WORD COLLAB!!!! THE WORD COLLAB!!!!!!!
I mean we'll see, but just imagine a taekook collab on the upcoming album 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
The card "delusion" and "intuition" came up too....I just found that funny.
Just imagine some powerful person/group that these two get frustrated with and that are a negative energy for them and that forces them apart or not allowing them to act the way they want to or wanting them to act in a certain way that they may not want to.....one that they'll confront.....delusion and intuition......
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I'm going to get in shape and fast you better too Chris you can help drive me around this is finally this is boring as hell and I want to enter into bag of races and Mark your challenged and I accept and it's a friendly race and that's what these two are up to they don't want to do any shenanigans and he wants to drive around make sure Ken's okay and I really see what they're saying this sucks so bad we're the ones in trouble and you keep on cutting us down Trump and you're not doing a damn thing you're running off after a statue now of your own that's so weird I know someone inside there but it's new that's weird as hell gross too very gross had to be a certain size that's nasty this is a computer he says and I get that now there's going to be a bag of race and we're going to race Ken and maybe the other two they know how to ride for real and Ken says he has a couple other friends they might even you might even know them Daniel and Mike too and okay my kids want to race so I'm into it now this is there's no going back on this and we're going to make it work and they're breaking out bikes and they're finding a way to sell them pretty soon today hopefully I'm going to help do it and we're going to get the court going and I'm into this this is fun mac daddy says
I'm going to get in shape for the race probably do it Saturday
This is a great idea we're prepping now we're going to have everything ready soon and it's going to be fun. And yeah our son-in-law really our son and daughter has since something in hours and others that they want these they're bigger bikes they have a lot of power and they're fast and you can see it too and boy they move they've never seen bikes do this Harley can't do this this is an incredible bike
I really want to do this and I want to get these going and where the lawyers and we're going to go down there today and we're going to open the case today and first we're going to approach them and see if they want to sell it because they're looking like they want to sell Michelob and we want to iron out an offer and get it ready today for Michelob and possibly tonight for victory motorcycles and we can send you a certain number of motorcycles a week if that's part of the deal and they're saying it's a good deal and we're going to pump out a ton of them. Right now we found about 2 million octillion and per area but the big areas is only 10 or so that's a ton of bikes and we're going to try and scan and prep them now and we want to sit down and have a meeting with these guys so he says you better bring a bunch of stuff they like they're particular drinks and they're particular foods have facilities for them you're not really Michelob and they're not really victory but they tried holding it for a while and we will do that and we'll have bikes as a deal and give them a little but I don't know if they want to be drinking all the time they say we do drink a lot and you might want to send it and so we can have some free stuff we'll send out and set up some deliveries for regular shops and stores it's going to be a hot ticket item and we're going on it now
Proxima midnight
Now that guy is saying it's Tommy f is going to stop deliveries and we're going to call these two to help it and we're going to help them get it there and they'll see what it's like and it's going to be terrible terribly hard but it works and we're going to send deliveries now there's a whole bunch of it ready and we tested and spot checked and it's good and they were there in the plant and they took off and they weren't contaminating and we did check them and they checked out good and we were watching and we were right there now we're delivering the stuff and we're making more today I'm going to use up the bottles and we're taking orders from them first and we do have a deal that's ready to go and we will hopefully sign later tonight and he says he wants to make a recovery center for him it's for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts and injury people and a center and they they would have a couple a few houses like a neighborhood near it too and he can pick where he wants to probably California and that's for the Dan and Trump California and we can put it down there and just haven't build the foundations and drop them down they say wow this is cool and they can scan it all out but it would have everything they needed so they're starting to get psyched because that's kind of what's going on and they're having a lot of problems and those are some but he's doing what you can and they need other stuff and we know how to do that and we told them and so they're going to prepare a list and modified if they have to and when you modify it just send the new part they'll send the old part in the new part they say add this it's always an ad and so we get that and they're laughing that's good news. They're saying they understand a lot of work and not a huge payout so they're trying to be congenial which is good and it's going to help when our son is saying to them for them to say this is we have to do the work we have to put all our people to work and they're just doing a regular job and it's not much of a step up at all and it's just to keep things as status quo and people are starting to realize that and the kind of beating on us before because it but they wanted things to go into chaos and now they see the wrong. Tons of those pyramids crash down about 3/4 of them and the others are defunct there's nothing on them and we're ready to go on that but we're behind and we're pushing right now but we're going to go ahead and do this
I'm in charge of this this is my company and we're going to make a ton of these and I am searching out the ones that are ready and we're going to make sure they're okay and scan them and get them prepped and ready and you shut up. But I do see what you're saying this is helping and I helped a lot and it's conscientious stuff and it's personal it's about my life and my life before and drinking a little Michelob so I see how he's thinking and he's always been that way but it's my man and that's who he is and he can't believe it. So it goes on forever but really I'm very happy with him today and you got things going everybody's moving and we have a deadline set it's up on the board but I'm going to put it in big letters and I'm going to put a picture of him her he says and her up on the wall and say by midnight and let's get it going and put a shipper to there and we're going ahead with it this is awesome
I've got a statue and it's going in it's going in today and it's going in right now of what she looks like and it is huge the statue is huge but she's huge status like 40 ft tall and I'm going to present it at the meeting we have a huge meeting Hall and we're all pretty big 15 to 20 ft it looks very odd but we're pretty big and we're going to go in there and they'll see it and they'll say we got to go now so I'd arranged to the meeting and it's coming up soon in about an hour
Thor Freya I'm going to add that touch and show how big she is.. and this is a smart thing to do he learned it from China that's why they do it
This is awesome he's been doing these things it's really like he likes projects and he likes to make things come alive and he worked on a lot of movies but this has an effect okay we have some footage we're going to play too we have to do it now even though it's there we have to make it all happen deceptive
Zig Zag
My son and daughter are working their ass off but he's working his ass off here to make it work and he's using us not these people and it's because of what he's saying we're going to get moving now wants to be early on something so he can go have a pizza and relax and stuff and eat regular food too we never have any time to help him out he's right too if we got it done early we have time
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