#hopin i didnt miss any
trouvvaille ยท 7 years
Clams ==> Talk to Chosis.
periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:03 AM -- PP began texting LS -- PP: meenah told me to talk to you. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:04 AM LS: hey cho LS: howws it ZZ3B? i heard u got guests an such periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:05 AM PP: they just needed somewhere warm to stay the ni9ht. the forest is quickly settlin9 into winter. itd be cruel to leave a person out there to wander in the dark. PP: meenah told me to talk to you. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:06 AM LS: yeah its fuckin cold here too LS: yeah i just wwanted to uh LS: talk i guess aboat wwhat you said to her LS: pike i unno, i wwanted to make sure wwe understood you correctly LS: cause pike u said "i need to ask some things of you" but then you didn't exactly make them sound like you were uh LS: askin LS: you sounded pike these needed to be done or else LS: y or no periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:08 AM PP: she can do those thin9s and earn my for9iveness, or she can not. PP: i asked her to do these thin9s to earn my for9iveness. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:11 AM LS: ah LS: so all a them non negotiable on anyones part then i'm assumin LS: i mean honestly dinners a big step i wwas hopin for somethin more pike, breakfast or lunch but dinner has some big fuckin connotations to it LS: i'm assumin you talked at vvis an sal aboat this LS: i mean i wwish you'd talked at me first LS: how you said that really uh LS: i mean you knoww meenah at least a little LS: tryin to control her or corner her into a decision makes her wwanna run the complete opposite wway or hate the wwhole codamn thing LS: i'vve been wworkin at gettin her to do those things myself LS: but i don't think she's LS: ready wwith her owwn thought processes to make such a big decision or such LS: only just got her to evven think about talkin at sally LS: been tryin to take it in steps LS: i wwant this as much as you do LS: rifts, fightin LS: you uh LS: you knoww vvis' origins yeah periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:13 AM PP: no, theyre ne9otiable. i told her if she needed clarification on any of them, she could ask. PP: breakfast and lunch doesnt really mean family to me. those more mean just me and her. my offer to her isnt about me. PP: i havent talked to them, no. but they told me what made them really upset about this whole thin9. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:14 AM LS: all the fightin an shit that surrounded him wwhen he came into existance LS: oh! aight okay periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:14 AM PP: if i can be honest, clams. PP: at least im 9ivin9 her somethin9. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:15 AM LS: yeah an i mean it's LS: quite the turnaround LS: from before i mean LS: kinda broadsided the both of us wwith your tone in the wwhole thing but i can see noww it was more than likely just a mis-readin on our parts periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:15 AM PP: the more ive thou9ht about the situation the an9rier ive become. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:16 AM LS: evverythin seems pike a challenge these days but uh LS: thats wwhat happens wwhen evveryone's havin issues LS: just a wwhole lotta. stress. LS: oh LS: then not a misreadin, just anger pike i thought periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:17 AM PP: this isnt exactly a 'one emotion 9et it done' type deal. PP: i had my arm cut off by someone so deeply entan9led in my family that i cant just remove that threat. PP: at first i was scared that if i was ever an9ry, that if anyone was an9ry for me, she would hurt me a9ain. PP: i was quiet and complacent and 9uilty because i didnt want to 9et hurt. PP: but im SICK of actin9 like that. PP: im SICK OF BEIN6 SCARED. PP: vati hurt me ONCE and i havent STOPPED feelin9 scared of everyone i meet since! PP: do you know that abby talks to arch??? arch tortured wiz worse than anyone out of the bunch! abby talks to arch for protection! PP: so yes, im an9ry! but i swallowed most of that an9er because i knew if i didnt, then i was 9oin9 to do somethin9 i would really re9ret. PP: so i didnt. and i talked to felide. and i made my offer. PP: so she can either take it (with whatever clarifications she needs) or not PP: but im done with bein9 scared. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:20 AM LS: i don't care if you're angry honestly you'vve gotta right to be an so does she LS: anywway aboat those three things periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:20 AM PP: ph my 6OD lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:27 AM LS: aight i'm gonna talk about your three conditions LS: you didn't set a timelimit on this an don't set one now, please, because it's just gonna givve out a wwhole lotta pressure on her an that's the last thing anyone needs right noww LS: twwo LS: if wwe havve dinner altogether, it needs to be after she an sally do their differences an apologies obvviously LS: an for that it's gonna take time LS: i promise you i'm wworkin wwith her on it. wwe had a convversation two days ago aboat sally an vvis an howw she needs to swwallow her codamn selfishness an anger an talk at them LS: it's just gonna take time an i ain't sure how much LS: i knoww they've talked before an they said they missed each other an they said they lovved each other but i think it's somethin they gotta work up towards LS: if you wwant i can keep you updated on that LS: as for vvis i uh LS: talked to her aboat that too an i put it in a wway that she understood LS: she showwed regret for wwhat she'd done, an understandin as to howw badly it fucked evverythin up LS: she knowws she wwas in the wwrong an i'vve made no holdbacks on tellin her so LS: she's wworkin on vvis too an i think that one wwill come. easier LS: i'll agree to your conditions but i'm puttin some of my owwn up LS: i need time LS: i mean i guess you can givve us a deadline but you nevver fuckin knoww wwhat might happen to take that awway, the kids are gone an there's still a good chance wwe ourselves could find ourselvves in some sorta fight with some sort of empress LS: they'vve assured me it's fine but i still fuckin wworry aboat that shit LS: second LS: dinner has to be in a third party location. not your hivve or mine, because both options wwill have the opposite party on edge LS: i'm thinkin vvis' hivve LS: i'll organize dinner tho unless u havve any claims to it or uh, wwant to help too, i fuckin lovve organizin nice dinners an shit ZZ3B) LS: wwearin nice clothes an all that unless uh, you wwanted it to be a more casual dinner? i unno, wwhenevver someone says dinner i think a fancy formal silvver platter sorta things LS: lastly LS: i understand feelin scared LS: i feel scared around sal still LS: an pike... if it helps, i'll make an effort to be there wwhenevver she's there wwith you or near you LS: so she wwon't lose it pike she did LS: so neither a you get hurt periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:29 AM PP: there is no time limit. PP: and the dinner i had planned was at my hive. for yule. PP: so i 9uess thats a kind of time limit but its the one i had in mind. PP: its a casual event. im makin9 dinner for the whole clade. everyone is 9oin9 to be there, everyone i can wrassle up. PP: so she should be there too. PP: id rather you hadnt put my emotions last on your to do list but whatever. PP: the moment has passed. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:29 AM LS: yule, fuck, i almost forgot LS: cod this swweep is goin by fast LS: too fuckin fast periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:30 AM PP: and if she does 'lose it'. PP: i assure i wont be needin9 your defense. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:30 AM LS: evverythin just. blurs. i blink an its been twwo wweeks ugh LS: cho i'm gonna tell you somefin periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:30 AM PP: yule is in december. the 22nd. you have time. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:33 AM LS: if she loses her temper an goes after you again i'd rather stand in front of her an let her krill me than put this fuckin wwedge betwween evveryone again LS: i mean at that point the stress of the fallout wwill givve me a codamn heart attack anywway so pike LS: yeah LS: but alternativvely if you go after her wwithout proper cause LS: i wwill absolutely do the same for her LS: so you best think ovver real hard your actions if she ain't actively goin after you or yours an you just decide to get in a pre-emptivve first strike aight LS: i'd rather fuckin die than let this happen a second time periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:34 AM PP: im not 9oin9 to fuckin9 attack her. PP: THE WHOLE POINT OF MY OFFER WAS ME NOT ATTACKIN6 HER. PP: BUT IM SICK OF BEIN6 SCARED, CLAMS. PP: I AM THE FEROCITY AND I AM SICK OF BEIN6 TAMED. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:35 AM LS: then i misunderstood wwhat you said wwhen you said "i assure you i wwon't be needing your defense". periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:35 AM PP: IF SHE COMES AFTER ME A6AIN. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:35 AM LS: an i apologize for that LS: i just wwanted to make my stance knowwn periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:36 AM PP: i dont. need. your. defense. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:36 AM LS: i mean to me it just sounded pike a threat so LS: i knoww you don't, cho periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:36 AM PP: if she is a threat to me, i will be a threat back. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:36 AM LS: but i need mine LS: for me LS: myself periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:36 AM PP: i am not 9oin9 to let her hurt me a9ain. no matter what that takes. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:37 AM LS: yeah an me too LS: i mean no ones really stopped to ask me howw this shit's affectin me you feel LS: pike LS: you knoww i see vvis' nightmares yeah? or is that a thing you havven't heard yet periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:38 AM PP: clams. PP: i care about you and for that reason i am tellin9 you that ri9ht now is not the time to open up to me. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:38 AM LS: my point is if i gotta see evveryone fightin like that again i ain't gonna be happy an i'm gonna LS: try to prevvent it best i can periodicPsychosis - Today at 8:38 AM PP: i am too an9ry. PP: i need to 9o eat. lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:41 AM LS: fine. LS: you wwant dinner on the 22nd, an apology to sal, an a promise to vvis LS: no promises on the actual date but i'll see wwhat i can do. LS: until then i think it best that you don't talk to her LS: pike at all, unless she instigates it or it's important LS: aight LS: aight. consider this convversation finished.
lonelySeahorse has ceased trolling periodicPsychosis --
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mishy-mashy ยท 5 months
OC stuff masterlist
OC hired by Riley to take care of Iron Island points/facts
Unovan teacher OC that drives Cheren crazy points/facts
Some Unovan teacher OC when she was on her trainer journey points/facts
Snippets of a (manga) Unovan student OC (Jerry, BW2)
Black Butler
Teddy (OC) fic facts
Teddy snippets
Weston HCs based off of Teddy's fic
Incorrect Teddy quotes
Incorrect Teddy quotes pt. 2
Teddy has a knife up his sleeve incorrect quote
Cheslock and Teddy introducing each other incorrect quote
Teddy don't bite incorrect quote/fact
Student pickpocket HCs (based off of an OC but written like a reader-insert)
Violet Wolf inventor HCs (based off of an OC but written like a reader-insert)
Broadcaster-in-Weston OC points/facts
Demihuman band nerd OC snippets
Julius's little spirit friend (OC) snippets
Lugunica has exactly one therapist HCs
A snippet of Groovy 0.2 seconds before he gets attacked (read: hugged) is mentioned (Tiffel)
BNHA (My Hero Academia)
Barista-turned-Resistance-turned-Vestige OC snippets (Shiki)
Resistance-OC-who-died-young snippets ("Ray")
Resistance-OC-who-died-young incorrect quotes ("Ray")
A snippet between Midoriya and UA-Student OC is mentioned
Resistance OCs' snippets, what their stories focus on, and features ("Ray", Himura, "Boss", Shiki, "Batman")
Fully-text version of the post above to avoid squinting and problems with images loading
Snippets of a not-Resistance OC ("Hasta la Vista" baby + other OCs in the same story)
Not OC but a masterlist of BNHA vestige analysis and adoration
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