#hoping more people get to catch up bc i really love hearing all ur thoughts!!!
literaphobe · 4 months
who does adrien love more, ladybug or marinette?
HELLO ANON. i honestly love that u sent this. hard hitting potentially controversial questions are fun to me. i love analyzing and breaking down my writing and characters. also this is about tvl adrichat to anyone who’s seeing this <- im assuming so bc u sent it after I posted ch7
anyway, based on ch1-7, but also how tvl adrichat is in general, id say in simple terms, He Doesn’t Love One More Than The Other
in general, he thinks he shouldn’t be in love with either of them. ladybug, he sees as a door that’s been closed since jubilation. he turns that doorknob open, takes a peek every now and then, heart tightens at the sights he steals. but he’s been under the impression that they are Just Friends. he set that very boundary on his own, on multiple occasions, not to reject her—because ladybug never Properly came clean about being in love with him—but to remind himself that they weren’t a line he should cross. that is, until she revealed her plans and repressed desires to sleep with him. and then black and white swirled together to burn and blare flashing red sirens
and then as of right now in tvl, he’s falling into her arms but still sort of wary about everything he gets to enjoy. he’s afraid it’s too much and that she’ll realize that soon enough, can barely believe it’s still happening/has happened in the first place, and the indefinite nature of the situation is read as Temporary to him. it’s why he acts/acts out in bizarre ways, and tvl ladybug winds up accommodating him in ways she THINKS is sexual, but for him is usually deeply emotional
a part of him in still in denial. his plan from the get go was to not fall in love with ladybug again. he’s admitted several times to the readers that he thinks he’s doomed. but he hasn’t exactly crossed that final line, seen his tragedy for what it was -> he’s been in love with her from the start, and it’s only getting worse, the worst it’s ever been
SO. that brings me to tvl marinette. how does tvl adrichat’s love for her compare? as it has been alluded to/straight up mentioned on occasion across the chapters, tvl marinette broke up with tvl adrien years ago, but never properly explained to him why. they also remained friends, however awkward that was, best friends you could say, enduring high school and university and now they are even navigating working life together!! by literally having their jobs be intertwined. in ch7, it is implied that tvl adrichat hates his job. he mentions wanting to quit for more time with her on several occasions. undoubtedly though, he was also not being too serious, because actually going through with it would mean leaving marinette jobless
no, tvl adrichat isn’t over marinette. he doesn’t really think he is, especially before the events of tvl, and those first few years of their breakup. because he never received an explanation, the uncertainty of the whole situation, and the lack of space or boundaries they didn’t bother to establish in their friendship, a part of him just HOPED she’d change her mind, come around, and take him back. especially since all those years had her dating No One, and he followed suit because he wanted to be with her (and more importantly he just wasn’t interested in anyone else. his life oscillates between Bug Lady and Clumsy Girl)
random tidbit. in ch1 tvl adrichat mentions that he forgets everything that happens when he’s drunk, and this is why he was confused that tvl ladybug Remembered what happened to her when she was absolutely hammered. I’ll let u all make of that however u will
with tvl marinette, as seen in ch4, through adrien’s perspective GETS JEALOUS and appears somewhat into him still -> which is absolutely torturous and difficult because he’s well aware most of her confusing signals ARENT synonymous with wanting to date him again. she has this power and ability to turn his world topsy turvy that she isn’t fully aware of, and what she IS aware of makes her severely guilty
if his situation w ladybug is a closed door that creaks open from time to time, marinette is a house they’re still in together, but every time he sees her in a room, she walks into a different one. so, in conclusion, they both devastate him, and any time he’s with either of them, things aren’t easy on his heart in any sense at all
WHOOPS! poor guy!!
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mopopshop · 13 days
hey boo!! can you do hcs about Emily x YouTuber!reader? and Emily pops up on readers channel sometimes? (hopefully this makes sense)
Couple Goals
(Emily Engstler X FemOC!Reader)
i love this! i put a little extra stuff in there to make a plot and i hope y’all enjoy!!
summary: normani’s a popular influencer youtuber dating wnba player emily engstler, emily keeps popping in and out of her videos and her fans are demanding a reveal
btw if yall didn’t notice already all my oc’s are black bcs i’m black don’t hate but that’s how i do it so🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
You’re doing a quick “What’s in my bag?” video for your viewers, digging through your bag and pulling out each item to show your fans. 
“..And this— is my lipgloss, it’s the Fenty Skin lip oil in the shade…” you quickly inspect the bottle “…Barbados Cherry! So cute and it’s an absolute essential, I bring it literally everywhere”
Reaching back in your bag you pull out a Burt’s Bees chapstick and stare at it confused “Who the fu—? Oh wait y’all ignore this, this is my girlfriends” you mention Emily offhandedly and move on to the next item.
— — — 
user123: ik y’all heard her say gf..
user123: no way y’all really thought she was straight 
user123: she’s for the girls people we mf won 
user123: Normani said that like we was supposed to know she was in a relationship 
You’re in your apartment kitchen doing a cute cooking video, you asked your subscribers what to make and they decided on a simple pasta.
“It says I need.. oregano” you turn looking into the pantry but can’t seem to find it, you call for Emily while still looking in the pantry.
“Babe! Where’d you put the oregano?”
The sound of the wooden floor creaking and footsteps gets picked up the mic for your camera and viewers get a glimpse of a pale tattooed leg before your voice comes back in.
“Wait nevermind— sorry” you laugh sheepishly and the viewers can hear a small scoff then the sound of the footsteps retreating.
— — —
user123: the tattoo?? y’all peep that??
user123: okay.. i see mani with a white girl 
user123: chocolate and vanilla swirllll 
user123: am i the only one who wants to know what she sounds like 😩😩😩
— — — 
"Y’all some freaks up in this comment section," you laugh, scrolling through the flood of questions and comments that popped up after the previous video. You’re currently doing a Q&A session to rile up the fans. The way they reacted to hearing about Emily has been hilarious to both of you, and you’re determined to milk it for all its worth.
“Okay, next question…” you squint at the screen, “'Can we see more of your mystery woman in your videos?' Hmm, interesting,” you tease, a mischievous glint in your eyes. “I’ll have to ask her about that one. She’s a bit camera shy, you know?”
You glance off-camera for a second, as if checking for Emily’s reaction. “Maybe if y’all behave,” you joke, smirking at the camera.
— — —
user123: yessss bring her on the channel!!!
user123: we wanna see more of ur bae!!
user123: pls do a couples Q&A
user123: Omg do the girlfriend tag challenge!!
user123: you’re so cute together 😭
— — —
You're doing a morning routine video, starting off in your bathroom. The camera captures you brushing your teeth when suddenly, Emily’s muffled voice calls out from the bedroom.
“Baby, have you seen my phone charger?”
You quickly rinse your mouth and call back, “Check the nightstand drawer!” You then turn to the camera and chuckle, “She stay losing her stuff y’all”
The camera catches a glimpse of Emily’s hand reaching into the bathroom to grab something off the counter before she disappears again.
— — —
user123: the mystery girl strikes again!
user123: they’re so domestic I can’t 😭
user123: can we just get a full reveal already??
user123: the hand though…we’re getting closer!!
— — —
You're filming a "What I Eat in a Day" video, and you’re in the middle of making a smoothie. Emily’s muffled voice can once again be heard in the background, teasing you about your ingredient choices.
“Spinach does not belong in a fucking smoothie”
You laugh and defend your healthy choice, “I know your ass isn’t talking, don’t you eat mint chocolate chip?”
“Literally how does that correlate”
“Don’t know, I’m just better than you” you sing song playfully and Emily scoffs with a chuckle 
The camera catches a shadow moving behind you as Emily walks by, but she’s out of frame before anyone can get a good look.
— — —
user123: we need a taste test from mystery girl!!
user123: the random ice cream shade 😧
user123: I love their banter, they’re so cute
user123: is she ever gonna fully show herself? 😩
user123: spinach in a smoothie is actually fire tho
— — —
You and Emily had just come back from Barnes and Noble and you’d decided to do a book haul video. As you describe each book, Emily’s hand occasionally appears, passing you the next one. You take one from her, and the viewers catch a glimpse of her tattooed wrist.
“Thanks, babe,” you say, smiling warmly off-camera.
Emily’s voice, slightly closer this time, says, “You’re welcome.”
— — —
user123: the tattoo is back!!
user123: we’re getting more and more pieces of the puzzle
user123: this is like the slowest reveal ever 😂
user123: her voice is so soft 🥺
— — —
You're doing a live stream Q&A, and the chat is flooded with questions about your mystery girlfriend. You read one out loud, “Does she have any pets?”
You laugh, “Actually, she does. We have a cat named Rambo. She’s the cutest thing ever.”
As if on cue, Rambo jumps into your lap. Emily’s laughter can be heard off-camera as she says, “Clearly you can see Rambo is a little attention whore”
You stroke Rambo’s fur and look at the camera with a playful grin, “She takes after her other  mom.”
— — —
user123: she sounds so sweet omg
user123: we need a full family video!!
user123: normani really said slow burn with this reveal
— — —
You're doing a clothing haul, trying on different outfits in front of the camera. You call out to Emily for her opinion on one of the dresses.
“Baby can you come here?” you pout
The camera catches the sound of Emily’s footsteps as she comes from your living room to your bedroom.
You huff “I don’t know how I feel about this one”
“It looks beautiful Mani” she smiles 
“You’re biased though! Ugh never mind, leave you’re not helping”
“Bye bye!”
— — —
user123: y’all are adorable 😭
user123: we need a couple’s fashion haul!!
user123: normani being a hater LOL 
user123: she’s so supportive, I can’t
— — —
You’re doing a skincare routine video, talking about your favorite products. Midway through, you pause and listen.
“Y’all hear that?” you ask the camera, a hint of mischief in your eyes. There’s a faint sound of music coming from another room.
“Babe, are you playing my playlist?” you call out.
Emily’s voice, closer than before, answers, “Yes?”
You shake your head, smiling, “Stealing my music taste now.”
— — —
user123: the music thief 😂
user123: their interactions are the best part of these videos
user123: reveal her already, we’re dying here!!
user123: can she do a playlist video too? 😩
— — —
You're doing a “Day in the Life” vlog, and right now you’re at the gym with Emily. Currently walking on the treadmill with your camera perched, you’re just quietly talking to the camera while Emily can be vaguely seen in the back lifting.
“So, I’ve been trying to get back into a regular gym routine,” you say, wiping some sweat from your forehead. “It’s actual hell but having a gym rat girlfriend helps a little” You glance over your shoulder toward Emily, who’s focused on her set.
“There she is yall, in all her sexy muscly glory.“
Emily looks up, throwing you a wink, and smirks before returning to her workout. You turn around quickly, blushing and changing the topic “We usually start with some cardio, then move on to weights. Today’s leg day, which is her favorite.”
— — —
user123: we need that full workout video ASAP!!
user123: strong AND mysterious? we love her already
user123: y’all peep the way normani blushed?? this girls got her whipped 
user123: couple goals for real 😍
**Couples Q&A Video**
You're both sitting on the couch, the camera perfectly capturing you and Emily side by side. This is the big moment your fans have been eagerly waiting for. Emily, looking a bit nervous but excited, has finally agreed to do a full Q&A video with you.
 “Alright y’all begged and begged and begged and here it finally is. Meet Emily everyone!”
Emily enters the frame, waving shyly “I’m not really used to this youtube shit so don’t make fun of me”
“She sayin that like she hasn’t been in my videos for like the past few months but anyways”
“Man, whatever” she chuckles, shoving you lightly. 
“Moving on!! Hopefully y’all kept it PG13 for this one so let’s dive right into your questions. The first one is... ‘How did you two meet?’”
“Babe, babe, let me tell it, let me tell it” Emily begs
“No! Every time you do, you tell it wrong”
She sucks her teeth “Do not!! Shut up, you stay lying”
“…Fine.. but trust imma cut you off the second you start embellishing shit”
“We went to the same college, I met her at the.. end of my junior year? Yeah the end and Mani was a sophomore, I was there doing college ball and she was on the cheer team. Very cliche we’re aware, during summer practices our times would overlap so I’d come in and see the cheer team practice, more importantly Normani in her little black shorts and Louisville Cheer Squad crop top.” she grins 
You scoff, pushing her shoulder “You sound like such a perv”
“You were fine as fuck though. Still are” she chuckles lightly 
“Get on with the story, Em!” you blush 
“Whatever anyways, I kept seeing her and staring at practice and I kinda got the vibes she was feelin me too, plus my teammates and coach were sick of my sorry ass just staring at her, so I finally worked up the courage to ask her out and here we are”
“You made it sound cute.. I guess” you say sarcastically and she cackles.
“Two years and counting baby!” she daps you up and kisses you on the cheek 
 “Next question, ‘What does Emily do for a living? Oh! Oh! This is my chance to brag people!!” you drag out the last syllables “My beautiful, amazing, sexy, talented girlfriend is in the WNB motherfuckin A!”
Emily blushes hard, looking down and fidgeting with her hands. “You’re hyping me up too much, babe.”
“Too much? Nah, I’m just being honest!” you say, grinning at the camera. “She’s a beast on the court, y’all. Plays for the Washington Mystics, check her out.”
Emily chuckles, “Okay, okay, they get it. Next question.”
“Okay, this one’s fun: ‘What’s your favorite thing to do together?’”
Emily smirks mischievously but you notice and immediately go to cut her off
“Zip it! PG13, don’t be freaky and weird”
She groans “You’re no fun.. but we love cooking together. We try to cook something new for dinner” she leans in closer to the camera whispering “but we all know I’m the better cook”
You suck your teeth, pushing her head from the camera “Shut up, I’m better and you know it but we’ll even film something for you guys the next time we cook. Another question is, ‘What’s something you love about each other?’”
Emily smiles warmly, looking at you “I love how… supportive and caring Normani is. She always knows how to lift me up when I’m down.”
You blush and give her a quick peck on the lips before saying your answer “And I love how Emily’s always so thoughtful and attentive. She’s so good at remembering the little things”
Emily reads the last question “Alright, last question for today: ‘What’s one thing we always argue about”
“Where to fucking eat!” you blurt out “And it irritates me so bad because Emily will literally be like ‘baby you want Chipotle tonight?’ and I’ll agree and then right before dinner she’ll switch up and act like she forgot that we already agreed on Chipotle!” 
“She’s such a liar, that happened once-“
“More like six times but okay”
“ONCE and don’t act all innocent like you can’t never decide on a place to eat, ever. She’s always like ‘Let’s have Qdoba— wait let’s have Taco Bell— wait no never mind I want—“
“Emily shut up! I do not do that! See? Lemme stop ‘cause we can argue about this forever but thank you guys for watching this and I hope y’all are finally satisfied now that you’ve met Emily”
“Thanks for all your questions. We had a lot of fun doing this.”
“And if she wants to stop being shy I’ll have her in a lot more videos”
“Bye!” you and Emily wave at the same time
— — —
user123: FINALLY!!! She’s so beautiful and sweet!
user123: This was worth the wait! You two are goals ❤️
user123: A basketball player? Ohh okay basketball wife 
user123: their banter is everything 😩
user123: the way emily was blushing stop she’s so cuteee
user123: their arguments are so funny 😂 
user123: you two are just too cute i’m actually over it 
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inyomamasbed · 2 years
a/n: I accidentally deleted the request but someone asked for: "chigiri,friends to lovers" if u see this thanks for requesting,its my first ever "xreader" i hope it doesn't suck that much.
character:Chigiri Hyouma
content:fluff,a bit of angst,but mostly fluff
゚。 Friends to Lovers w/ Chigiri ♡ ゚・。・゚
As friends
•As we all know chigiri has been popular as soon as he got into highschool for his talent(and for his looks obvi)so you probably heard of him before becoming his friend
•I think it would have been hard to be his friend
•Before his knee injury, because of his football skills he always thought of himself as superior to others but i feel like he was also modest about it.
•His personality was kinda a 50/50
•After the injury that feeling of superiority crumbles but he had a hard time and ended up building walls around himself
•So yeah,to become his friend you would have to be really patient
•But lets say that u managed to overcome this arduous task and became his friend(yay!!)
•You guys would probably spend lunch together in silence enjoying eachothers company or have some small talk
•If you're somebody who's into "having a good apparece" you would probably talk about fashion,hairstyles,etc.
•I feel like before going to Blue Lock he couldn't really open up about football bc it made him remember his past
•So if you two probably didn't talk about football much and it would be better for the friendship
•He appreciates you for still being by his side since you're probably one of the few people that still recognize him for who he is,after his sister and mother. That's probably when he started to feel something for you but he kept it low-key bc he really didn't need to get hurt even more tbh😔🫂
•Also bc he wouldn't want his family to find out bc they would tease the crap out of him
•love him frfr
He starts falling for u
•I feel like with Chigiri u probably fell first but he fell harder
•You fell first but when he had girls drooling over him and he rejected all of them bc he wanted to focus only on football,gotta admit,it scared u
•And when them fake ass bitches left bc he stopped playing soccer it just felt wrong
• +100 points for u for being considerate of his feeling
•So the both of u kept ur feeling for urself and expected them to just fade away since u two we're already friends,but surprise surprise,they didn't left and u were stuck with them. Especially when he left for blue lock without saying much,u just thought about moving on but who can tbh
•Chigiri liked u for ur kind,positive and cheerful personality,the perfect energy that he needed when the world seemed against him.
•He probably realized how much he liked you when he was in Blue lock very far away from you,when no one was there to tell him that's everything was going to be fine.
•When he managed to get his hands of his phone he texted hai family and you
•You were surprised and happy that he remembered you and so was him when u texted back
•You both promised eachothers and you were gonna meet up as soon as possible
•and y'all did
•You two decided to meet up at a cute coffee shop to catch up and it's exactly what happened,you guys clicked and ended up talking for hours.
•You we're nevrvous about meeting him again since ur crush was still there but it was a relief that he was doing better and seeing him talk about football again with happy eyes
•Yup, everything was fine and you started hanging out more often when he had time
•Everyone around you probably thought you two were dating
•Everything felt so natural that u both forgot that none of y'all confessed💀
•He was so stressed about it cuz he wanted to be more than friends but didn't know how to tell u
•He was thinking to hard about it at the point that the next time u guys met up you noticed he was acting a bit weird: he was avoiding eye contact,he wouldn't even make the mistake to be close to u and his answers were really dry,but sometimes you could see him blush a little bit and noticed how sometimes his ears would get red
•While he was fighting himself to choose how to tell you about his feelings to you just managed to obtain mixed signals
•so confusing ikr
•So one day when he was taking you back to your house you decided to ask him about it
~imagine this:
You guys were side by side walking towards your house,none of you were talking,it was a bit awkward ngl.
The sun was saying its goodbye and it was getting cold but it didn't bother you since all the toughts that were going through your head were distracting you.
You stopped walking and he noticed so he stopped too after taking some steps ahead.
"Y/N..? Is everything ok?" Chigiri asked with his calm voice,but he looked at you with a bit of concern since you weren't answering.
He took some steps to get closer to you and that's when you said:" Chigiri can i ask you something?"trying to not look at him in the eyes.
"Sure" he said.
"Is everything ok between us,you've been acting a bit distant lately,did i do something to upset you?" You said,proud of yourself for managing to say it without stuttering or sounding desperate.
There was a bit of silence and you were ready to just move on and tell him that you could just walk by yourself from here.
You looked at him and it was your first time seeing him with a face color that matched his hair.
"..I'm sorry,that's the total opposite of what I'm trying to do" he said with a quiet voice audible only to you
You stayed silent waiting for him to say more.
"Actually Y/N(🤓), there's something I've been wanting to tell you for the past months"he said.
You were looking at him with eyes full of hopes that something might change from today(spoiler: it did)
"I like you..I've been liking you for a while to be precise,I don't know if it's the right time or if you-Are you crying?"
He notice you trying to opress your sobs,without much success.
"Was my confession that bad?" He asked with a nervous smile on his face.
It wasn't,in fact it was the best thing you've been told this past months.What a relief,you felt like you could finally breathe.
"No. No,it was good. Pretty good actually" you said while trying to get rid of the tears at the end of your eyes,while having a big smile printed in your face.
"It's such a relief,I'm glad" you said.
"So..Do u feel the same?" he said while coming closer to u,wanting to hold your hand.
"Isn't it obvious?" You said while laughing a bit,he also laughed,feeling at ease in the moment.
•and y'all started dating. Happy ending yay
a/n: Should I do a part.2 with chigiri as ur bf?lemme know. Thanks for reading.
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whoreadsnowadays · 2 years
hi 👁👁 first i just wanna say that u are so awesome. and like the other person said, u have great vibes💪 ur blog feels very home-y if that makes sense 😨
ANYWAYS. if i may… can i request a rottmnt leo x reader where leo is yk super flirty with them all the time (and they’re just like 😒) but one day reader says like a super good pick up line to him and he’s like 😳😳😳 LMFAOSBDKSN sorry i just love seeing blushy leo it’s like my fav thing ever
also i hope u have a great day/night!!!
:0.. dude that's so sweet I'm flattered !!!! I'm glad my blog has a homey feel to it, it's good to hear people enjoy my stuff and my vibes :]
and of course- YESSSSS YES YES YES BLUSHY LEO <3<3 I adore him sm
Honestly I had to edit this a bunch to get it to where it is, bc I just couldn't get the story to feel the way I wanted, but I'm quite happy with it now :) so hopefully you enjoy it too!
( Romantic ) Rise! Leo x Gender Neutral Reader (they/them pronouns used in fic)
Warnings: curse words, nothing else that I can think of
Fluster The Flirt
Leo knows plenty of things, even if Donnie likes to disagree. He can make plans, charm his way out of most trouble, and he's pretty confident in his ability to play medic. One thing he doesn't know, surprisingly, is romance.
So when he fell for you (and he fell /hard/) he had absolutely no idea what to do. So.. he did the only thing he really knew /how/ to do. Flirt. Badly Flirt.
Of course you had to catch on eventually. And fortunately for him, eventually would be sooner than he thought.
You were hanging in the arcade with the boys one saturday afternoon, when suddenly Leo was leaning himself against your back, and grinning that dumb fucking grin of his.
So you sighed, turning your head a bit to give Leo the attention he so obviously desired.
"Hello my wonderful and brilliant friend. How are we on this fine evening?" He asked, moving his arms to rest over your shoulders, just barely stopping himself from cuddling up to you entirely.
Raph gave him an odd look from across the room. "Leo, it's noon."
You watched as Leo's expression quickly shifted to a glare in Raph's direction. "Hush. Let them answer." And in an instant his attention was back on you, blinking up at you with his big puppy eyes.
You hummed, reaching up to gently pat Leo's arm, your silent request for him to remove himself from your shoulders. "I'm fine Leo. Just watching Mikey and Don play.. whatever they're playing? Honestly I haven't been paying attention."
"Well to fill you in!" Donnie cut in, right as Leo (a bit reluctantly) detangled himself from you, "Mikey is currently being beaten to a pulp by yours truly!"
"Not for long!" Mikey exclaimed, before pressing some long sequence of buttons, resulting in Donnie letting out a long string of indignant bird like noises.
You smiled and rolled your eyes at them, before turning back to Leo. "Yeah, that's what I'm up to. Barely paying attention to Dee's annoyed squawks."
Leo hummed and nodded, both of you ignoring Donnie's offended exclamation.
"So.. what I'm hearing is, you're free to hang out?" He asked, leaning a bit more into your personal space.
You smiled and hummed, crossing your arms and tilting your head at him.
"I guess I am. Why? You wanna ask me out?" You didn't even realize what you were saying until it had already come out of your mouth. And instantly your heart dropped to your stomach, dread filling the empty space.
But then Leo's smile wobbled, and so did he. He almost fell forward, but quickly pulled himself back up to his feet, and if you weren't mistaken, you could've sworn you'd seen a blush on his face.
"Uh well, uhm, if you- uh-" he stumbled over his words, silently cursing himself as he tried to get out even a single sentence.
You blinked, watching as he averted his gaze to the floor between the both of you. And as he continued to stumble over himself, you came to a sudden realization.
He liked you. He liked you just as much, if not more, than you liked him.
You smiled as Leo finally pulled himself together enough to look at you again, a more nervous version of his usual grin on his face.
"Well.. yknow uh, it could be.. a.." he trailed off, and you hummed.
He blinked, looking at you with wide eyes. "..seriously?"
"Mhm. Sure. How does tonight sound?" You asked, watching as he slowly bobbed his head in a nod.
"Uh yeah- Yeah! Yeah sure! That's cool, great even, awesome!" He grinned, balling his hands into fists at his sides, just barely keeping his excitement in check.
"Cool, uhm.." you glanced over at the others, noting that they were all crowded around the arcade game, paying no mind to the two of you.
You smiled and turned back to Leo, "Meet me at the park by the library." You hummed and quickly grabbed one of Leo's fists, pressing a quick kiss to the back of his hand before turning and quickly making your way out of the lair.
You were too embarrassed to stick around, so you rushed home as quick as you could. But in your haste, you missed the way Leo gaped at his hand after you kissed it, the wide lovestruck stare he gave you as you scurried off, and the way he jumped and squealed and celebrated as soon as he was in the comfort of his room.
Surely the date you hastily planned would be one to remember, but for now you could both simply relish in the excitement and anxiety that new love brought.
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takecareluv · 2 years
heyyy!! i hope you’re doing well and are living the best life you can live <3 whenever you get the chance, can you write a vinnie and reader with a big family? reader has told him how they have a lot of brothers and one little sister, he just feels nervous around them. but when they visit reader’s family, he spends time with their brothers and has the best time. not to mention, the huge protection he’s built up after reader’s little sister mentions how not everyone wants to meet them bc they’re a lot, but she really likes vinnie for reader. thanks xoxo
a.n. hiii !!! i hope you are doing well && living UR best life! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🥺 i hope you like what i came up with !! sending all my love xoxo 💌
family style || vinnie hacker x reader
Tumblr media
family was the most important thing to you. you loved your family very dearly, but the only thing about them is, well, there were a lot of them.
you were one of seven kids. you had five brothers and one sister. this meant there was never a dull moment in your house.
you weren’t ashamed of them or anything, but because of how overwhelming it could be with that many people, you never brought a guy home.
you wanted to wait for the right one, knowing how stressful it would be have eight people, who loved you more than anything, judge your boyfriend.
right when you met vinnie, you knew he would be the boy you took home to your family. but you of course waited until things got more serious.
about nine months into your relationship, the holidays were closely approaching and you were going to be flying to your hometown to visit your family. so you decided to ask vinnie to join you.
he immediately said yes, excited to finally meet the people you constantly talk about.
you had met his family months ago, loving the way you bonded with them, he wanted to do the same with yours.
although, as the day got closer, he grew more and more anxious.
not only did he have a lot of people to impress, but five of them were you brothers, who he has heard many stories of how protective they can be.
he was nervous up until the very moment you knocked on the front door of your childhood home. your family opened them both with open arms the second you walked in.
you quickly made introductions, and once you were done with the rounds, your brothers instantly whisked vinnie away. “so we hear you played baseball?”
“what video games do you play”
“you like anime?”
you giggled at vinnie’s frightened face as he whispered “help me,” to you.
your mom then guided you into the kitchen to help her finish preparing dinner.
once everything was done and set on the table, you walked down the hall in search of vinnie. you were unsure of where the boys took him until you noticed them through the window, playing a game of catch.
you could hear the laughter from the top of the stairs and thought to yourself, good they’re getting along.
you stepped outside and coughed, “sorry to interrupt your fun, but dinner’s ready.”
“okay we’ll be right in,” you heard your eldest brother groan.
they really like him.
throughout dinner, your dad and vinnie would not stop talking about cars. your dad was asking him all kinds of questions about what cars he has, how he fixes them up, and about different parts. you had never seen your dad smile so much. he even gave you an approving nod which only confirmed your thoughts, dad likes him.
once he asked your mom if she needed help with the dishes and cleaning up you knew she was sold. “that would be so lovely vinnie. no one ever helps me around here,” she said loudly so everyone could her.
“subtle, mom.”
while vinnie was assisting your mom, you walked into the living room with your younger sister who had been begging you to play dolls all night.
vinnie joined you a few minutes later and picked up one of the extra dolls. “what’s her name?”
“that one’s hannah. this one,” she pointed to the one in your hand. “is felicity. and mine is emily.” she gave him the rundown with a smile.
you both played with her for a while longer until your mom walked in, telling your sister it was time to get ready for bed.
she about to grab her toys and head out the room, but stopped and looked at vinnie. “i like you. you play dolls with me. boys never do that.” she then kissed him on the cheek and skipped away.
last one: check. everyone approves!
you and vinnie also decided to end the day and head up for bed. once you were both changed into pajamas, you cuddled up close in your bed, your twin size not leaving much room.
“i would say tonight went pretty good, wouldn’t you?” you cooed.
“yeah, it was great. your family is amazing. and your mom’s cooking is the best.”
“oh wait till she hears you say that, you’ll really be on her good side.”
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honnojis · 2 years
go forth friend. ramble about your favorites of the SV cast (w warnings where absolutely necessary ofc!!)
i wanna hear ur opinions of em !!!!
OUGH okay i will. put all of that under the cut bc i'm definitely going to talk about big spoilers AND IT'S GONNA BE LENGTHY BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. SV may be a mess in some aspects but the story is the best it's been in many gens, if not the best story in any Pokémon game
i gotta talk about the two elephants in the room first; RIKA AND ARVEN.
For Rika; She's giving me gender envy bc like. god i wish that were me. But also I want to marry her because oh my god I love her and her design so much GAMEFREAK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME. Why do they always keep getting away with this shit EVERY GOD DAMN GEN that there's a character I end up being down bad for LOL... She's so chill!! But she's also so nice!!! And I'm ough. I really hope any future DLC will give her more screentime or at LEAST let me rematch her because why the fuck can i not fight the E4 again!!! sir!!! lemme see her!!!!!!!!!
Arven.............. he is my son now. That whole last stretch of the story in area zero really REALLY solidified him as my favourite of the main cast because man he's been through a lot and this guy can't catch a fucking break!!! Had to go years without seeing his parents only to find out that the one parent he remembers and saw only very occasionally as a kid died years prior to the game's events protecting the mirai/koraidon you've been traveling with all this time. And the whole thing about Mabosstiff!!! The titan questline had me tearing up on several occasions. im AUGh.... I'm so SO weak for characters like this who appear a bit standoffish at first but then open up to the player and they're just beans that have gone through a lot and are trying to help. And his own resolution to become a chef with the knowledge he now holds over the herba mystica to help others felt like the most logical course of action for him to take so i'm glad he found what he wants to strive for next!! anyways sorry not sorry if i end up drawing him a lot LMAO he lives in my brain rent free. son boy allowed
Then there's Nemona!!! She's so fucking head empty no thoughts and I love her. And if there's something in that head of hers it's just a brick with the only thought being violence and battle. And you know what? good for her! good for her. She's really funny and probably one of the most fun rivals we've had in recent history for pokemon. I like that she's not just super talented either, she literally explains to the trainer when you talk to her in postgame that she had to work hard to even get to this point. She really feels like a mirror to the player but she just took her journey of becoming a champion a year or two earlier than the player did. But also wow same lady ur just like me fr fr
Penny!! she's just a bean that cares for her friends!!! And the team Star story stuff really felt nicely done. Trying to help her friends that were painted as bullies because of a misunderstanding and mismanagement at the school while the team Star members aren't bad people at all. I also absolutely love her sass when traveling with her in Area Zero (and subsequently the dynamic between Penny, Nemona and Arven as a whole, they're best friends now your honor)
I genuinely was not expecting that but hearing the hardbass i was like wtf holy shit they went OFF with this track!!! The track is an absolute banger too but definitely felt unexpected for a character like Penny. Good for her though!! She's got one of the best themes in the game and im jamming
And then Turo! I played Violet but I'm aware that the same thing happens with Sada in Scarlet so it's easy to just replace names. Man... I could talk about this part of the story all fucking day. The professor is probably one of the most interesting "villains" in Pokémon as a whole and I'm SO GLAD that the series finally went down this route, because they absolutely nailed the story telling with this. Area Zero blew me out of the fucking water and was so unexpected!!! This whole segment has "REJUVENATION" written all over it!!! I was literally WAITING for Jan to get to this segment after completing the game, only for him to say the same exact shit LOL. I was not expecting this from a main series Pokémon game at ALL and frankly I'm so glad it did because this whole story segment with made Violet easily one of my favourite pokemon games in the series.
AI Turo stimulating the player from the background to find the herba mystica with arven and them becoming stronger but not really wanting to talk to Arven because-- just like his original counterpart-- he's too focused on the goal of the mission to care for the son of his original counterpart (though him being an AI also might hinder processing emotional attachment even MORE than the original Turo already had problems with). The reason why Turo hasn't visited Arven in years being that the original is dead and AI Turo literally cannot leave the crater due to him needing the power of the Tera crystals to stay functional. AI Turo, despite being the same in almost every possible way, realizing and coming to agree that there's no logic in the original Turo's decision to want to introduce future Pokémon into the ecosystem KNOWING that it'd destroy the old one, making him a better person than the original was-- and painting the original Turo as the villain in this situation due to that his obsession with the future as written in the Violet book drove him to ignore how wrong he was for what he was trying to do, even after death. AI Turo knowing that he himself is part of the security system and needs to be fought in order to put a stop to the time machine, hence why he stimulated the player to keep training and taking care of Miraidon. AI Turo realizing that he needed to go in order to put a total stop to the time machine because his very existence is keeping it active. He says "I want to see the future" and leaves the present day in order to stop the time machine, but there's some deeper implications here; in practice this is AI Turo taking a massive risk by sacrificing himself to save Paldea because on the chance he ends up outside of the crater, he'll cease functioning and will practically die. And you know? The revelation that he's an AI powered robot actually makes total sense if you paid attention to his animations and speech mannerisms; he's the only character that doesn't have a breathing animation (it's not even there in the first video transmission you see of him! and it's the same for Sada in Scarlet) and is constantly identifying the player & friends through student ID's and biometrics rather than acknowledging them as actual people. BUT ALSO THAT BATTLE WAS SO FUCKING COOL!! Genuinely challenging too since you had to figure out his mons' typings on the fly, AND HE'S GOT A BANGER BATTLE THEME. Toby Fox you've done it again you madman
honorable mention goes to Clavell and Grusha, the former because Clavell is fucking funny as hell and I'm so glad he ended up being more involved in the story than I expected. Sir you're a little behind with the times AND YOU ASKED ME WHAT CHEUGY MEANS WHICH KILLED ME but you're all the funnier for it. thank you. Grusha gets the mention because he caught me off guard by having the highest leveled gym team out of any of the gym leaders with having mons at level 47 while I strolled up with my mid-30's team and got my ass blasted. thank you sir. i will now never make the mistake of thinking you're a lower tier gym leader just because TPC advertised you early. good god
All that being said, I could go on about every other character but these really were the ones that stuck out the most in my mind. i have so many thoughts about this game and i swear the brainrot's going to be around for a LONG ASS TIME
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ayyezhongli · 3 years
dom student council pres zhongli x troublemaker childe
Guess who’s back :D Back with some zhonchi smut for all u sinners. Note: Theres a lot of spelling errors bc when i wrote this i was telling it to a friend n they said i should post this n i’m too lazy to edit it so yeah! enjoy <3
summary kinda: child did something n is now stuck in detention with zhongli being a kinky president of the student council watching him.
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so childe is bored asf n tries seducing zhongli. but childe has always had a crush on zhongli. thats why he misbehaves to get his attention.
so zhongli says “ur here again” n sighs
“yup did you miss me?! dont answer that bc ik you did”
n zhongli sighs again all annoyed n shit
“seems you never learn”
“maybe i’m jus here bc i love n want to see you everyday”
n zhongli taking that as sarcasm rolls his eyes
“i doubt that.”
and so for like 30mins childe is making all these noises to get zhongli’s attention and annoy him which it works. and zhongli having enough of it already decides that he needs to be punished. so he gets up n walks over to the desk childe is sitting at cups his face with his hand grinning
“u rly like to get on my nerves dont you~…..” and childe’s tryna contain himself
“is it working~?”
“idk pretty boy….wanna find out for urself~…..”
n zhongli is like inches away from childe’s face. n childe still keeping his composure decides to tease back hoping to get what he’s longed for for so long.
“idk do i~?….”
and zhongli leans in n jus as hes abt to kiss childe he pulls away and walks back over to the teachers desk and childe is really disappointed bc he thought he finally had it but jus lost it. so zhongli goes back to working on his paperwork while childe is just furious.
”Is this how u treat everyone?! tease them and leave them with nothing. take advantage of us!!”
n zhongli bursts out laughing putting his papers in a neat stack
”ur quite interesting childe, if i said it was jus u would that make u feel better??”
and childe huffs rolling his eyes still rly pissed off.
“did u want more? were you expecting something more from me? something else?”
n childe blushing looks away
“fuck off”
n zhongli gets mad at the response and pulls out one of those long ass rulers n gets up n starts walking to childe.
“thats no way to speak to the student council president. you need to be punished”
so zhongli sets the ruler aside still pissed asf
“get up.” childe ignores.
”get up right now.” childe still ignores.
so zhongli grabs the ruler smacking it against the desk childe is at.
n childe jumps a little and gets up
“ok ok chill”
so childe walks over to zhongli n stands in front of him.
“im gonna punish n force you into submission until u completely submit to me”
childe laughs
“no way. you really think u can do that? just try”
“oh i will. just watch me”
(a/n: in this fic childe has bright pink sensitive nipples bc ughh 😩🤌🏾 well both of them have bright pink nipples but zhonglis r rly sensitive.)
so zhongli turns childe around n starts grinding against him causing childe to moan ever so slightly.
“do u like that~?”
n childe tryna keep his composure laughs to cover up a moan. n zhongli looks down and grins seeing childe’s hard erection through his clothes.
so zhongli reaches down n starts palming childe causing slightly louder moans to come out of his mouth.
“your so hard for me childe….what a naughty slutty little boy~“
childe loses it bc zhongli is finally saying the things he’s been dreaming of him saying. so zhongli amused starts licking the shell of his ear biting and nibbling it which makes childe blush harder. so zhongli reaches his hand down into childe’s pants and boxers and wraps his hand around childe’s dick which he almost cums. so zhongli starts pumping him n not even 30s he throws his head back on zhonglis shoulder n cums letting out a loud moan
“fuck zhongli~…..”
zhongli smirks very amused
“so quick to cum~ do i rly turn u on that much~?”
n childe fights the urge to nod his head and submit. he’s not going down without a fight.
“no i was just pent up. why would i be for someone like you!!”
zhongli snickers and slides his hands up childes shirt n starts taking it off.
“not submitting yet i see~….”
“did u think it would be that easy asshole? ha!”
so zhongli turns childe around.
“you should just give up now! your not go-“
n zhongli interrupts him with a passionate kiss. a long deep one filled with sexual tension n desire. he leaves childe blushing like crazy and gasping for air.
“what was that? i didnt catch the last part, say that again.”
“i said that i’m never gonna sub-“
n zhongli interrupts him again. same thing happens like 2 more times until childe gives up.
“can u repeat that one more time?”
and childe looks away with a annoyed expression on his face
“glad that shut u up~”
so then zhongli looks childe up and down bites his lip causing childe to blush.
“you’re kinda cute…i think i can use u….”
n childe blushes more
“and these nipples….”
zhongli says while pinching them making childe arch his back and moan loudly.
“they look pink and innocent…but when i pinch n twist them like this…”
childe lets out n even louder moan with a face flushed even more n drool running down the side of his mouth
“….you make such naughty noises and that really turns me on.”
and so zhongli continues pinch n play with them and then starts marking his neck.
“what if i made u mine hmm? my little fuck toy? or how abt pet?? you could be of some use to me….”
and all childe can do is whimper. so zhongli has him bend over on the teachers desk and pulls down childe’s pants. and he like squeezes childes plump round ass and caresses it before grabbing the ruler and spanking him with it which causes childe to moan n cum immediately.
“ur such a slutty masochist”
n childe groans n is like stuttering his words
“w-w-well ur so fucking sadis-“
n zhongli spanks him not with the ruler this time but his hand n childe jus looses it.
“ready to submit….?”
n childe tryna keep the ounce of pride he has left shakes his head.
zhongli spanks him again.
“how abt now?”
n so zhongli gets an idea n sticks his fingers inside childe’s mouth.
childe does so n a minute later zhongli pulls them out.
“what are you gonna d- ahh!”
and zhongli’s fingers are wiggling around inside childe tryna get him prepared. childe has just completely lost it. he’s drooling all over the desk, moaning so loudly that if there was people here they would be able to hear, clinging onto the edge of the desk like his life is on the line.
“f-fuck zhongli…ahhh”
he’s a panting slutty mess. a fee mins later zhongli pulls his fingers out n takes off his own pants and boxers lining himself up to childes entrance. he inserts only the tip of his dick causing childe to go even more crazy if thats even possible n moan so fucking loud. but its been long enough. he wants more. more of zhongli inside him. he wants all. all of zhongli inside him. so he whimpers n cries out zhongli’s name.
“whats the problem sweetheart?”
zhongli says grinning from ear to ear.
childe says desperately
“pls what?”
”pls zhongli i-….”
“you…? gotta tell me what u want otherwise i wont know.”
“pls i want more of u….!!”
“beg for more than.”
“Zhongli pls i want ur cock inside me so bad. pls i’ll do anything!! just fuck me already!!”
zhongli says slipping half way inside him.
“y-y-yes just pls fuck me!!”
n zhongli, a very satisfied man jus starts pounding into him hitting his g spot every time.
“Fuck! fuck! fuck! FUCK! ZHONGLI PLS SLOW DOWN AHH~!!”
n that only makes zhongli speed up and childe cums like multiple times. after a while, giving a few last thrusts zhongli comes for the second time inside childe. and pulls out while childe just drops to the floor completely unable to move or anything. jus a panting blushing hot slutty mess with zhongli’s cum dripping out of him. all pride lost. pulling his pants and boxers back on zhongli lifts him up to his feet and bc childe has no strength he just falls onto zhongli resting his head on his shoulder.
“now that you’ve completely submit to me, ur all mine~….mine to do whatever i pls with. mine and only mine. No one else….”
and childe jus nods groaning bc of the pain.
”i hope u learned ur lesson now. unless…. you wanna comeback again for another visit…”
n childe jus groans again.
“i see the way you look at me childe….a look filled with lust and desire…its really quite a turn on~….. you look so desperately….so needy….so vulnerable…the amount of times i wanted to bend you over and fuck u so hard until you cant walk is too much to count. i wanted to make you mine so no one else could have that innocent slutty little boy who’s just oozing with sexual desire. any man or woman would get turned on n wanna have there way with you. u needed to be protected and only by me.”
so zhongli grinds his teeth bc of how possessive he is.
“so no one but me can fuck u stupid. and now that ur finally mine…i dont have to worry abt it so much as before”
n so zhongli strokes childe’s hair n plants a kiss on his head.
“you’re my precious little play thing.”
and childe, burying his face into zhongli’s chest smiles bc thats all he ever wanted. and then he looks up at zhongli as zhongli looks down at him smiling.
“if all u said was true….why were u such an asshole to me. you were stricter on me than others, ruder to me than others, tougher on me then others….so why?”
zhongli chuckles n childe nods
“to keep a good reputation, but i also wanted to push you, everytime u got angry and gave me attitude it only turned me on. which is why i kept going….does that answer ur question?”
n childe grunts
“u sadistic fuck!”
n zhongli laughs
“says the one who got turned on every time i public humiliated or yelled at you….”
“thats not true!!”
“uh-huh…the sexual energy u admit would become stronger and i could hear your breathing getting heavier with breathy tiny moans and u would always part ur lips slightly and rub ur thighs together and on top of that, ur eyes squint ever so slightly.”
childe was speechless bc this whole time he thought he was being slick.
“w-w-well that doesnt matter!”
childe said huffing and zhongli only chuckled and kissed his head.
“hey childe…”
“i love you….”
childe was blushing like crazy. never in a million years did he think zhongli would say that.
“you can’t just go randomly saying those things?!!”
childe said burying his face deeper into zhonglis chest.
“b-but i love you too i guess…”
he mumbled and zhongli smirked.
“look at me.”
childe looked up into zhonglis ambers eyes embarrassed asf.
“wh-wh-what is it?”
“you’re really cute yk.”
n zhongli leaned down slightly and kissed him before he could say anything else. the end :)
thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed even though its formatted weird and kinda sorta a story. 🥰
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okaymybeloved · 3 years
can you do a txt as your best friend to lover trope? i love ur blog
txt best friend to lovers (´∀`)♡
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best friend to lovers!txt x reader
aaaa first txt req!! super excited about that, also thank you so much anon!! i’m glad my blog can give you joy :))) i hope you enjoy this!!
a/n: also sorry i was gone for so long,, i went on vacation hehe
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you two were the quiet kids in the back of the classroom
unexpectedly, you guys started becoming good friends when your moms met each other at the farmers market
maybe they did that “go hangout with the other kid while we go and gossip”
kinda forced to be together for hours which in return, turned you two into best friends
+ more under the cut!
he brought you to the tree you guys usually hung out at after school
soobin kinda looked nervous and suddenly just bursted out
“y/n, i usually don’t do this but i really like you and i really hope i didn’t ruin the friendship oh god oh god bye”
literally sprinted away
it took you a minute to process what just happened but you chased after him
catching him, you gave him the biggest hug
“why’d you run away before i told you that i liked you too”
okay, not to be stereotypical but yeonjun was literally the it boy
you’ve always wondered why he’s stuck with you for this long, ever since elementary school
what’s funny is that everyone knew that yeonjun had some sort of feelings for you, everyone except you
he turns down every person who asks him out and always reports back everyone who asked him out
tbh you wondered why he would tell you all of this but didn’t think much of it
until you accidentally heard him turning down one of the most popular girls in school
“sorry, __ i actually like someone right now”
honestly it made you kinda sad hearing that since you didn’t think it would be you
quickly turning around, yeonjun grabs you by the wrist
“y/n. i know you heard what i said. come on, i’m taking you out on a date today”
you were shocked but accepted excitedly
choi beomgyu. your best friend from middle school. or as everyone else knows him as, the class flirt.
there has not been one person that he hasn’t flirted with
since you were his best friend, you got the worse end of the stick
it didn’t bother you much at first but admittedly, it has been bothering you recently
why did butterflies appear every time he called you cute? he’s been calling you that since middle school, why is it happening now?
you really couldn’t handle it anymore so one day you just blurted it out while he was actively flirting with you
“choi beomgyu, i can’t tell if you’re actually flirting with me or not. i like you and i really can’t handle this”
he looked so shocked but it was replaced with a bright smile
“oh my god finally y/n. i’ve literally been trying to flirt with you since middle school but you didn’t get the hint”
you blushed hard
“i really do hate you, beomgyu. now take me out before i kiss your stupid smile away”
he winked, “i wouldn’t mind that”
you guys have been best friends for about a year
would tell each other everything, including things that were super personal
none of you guys have ever kept a secret from each other… well, until now
taehyun was generally very gentle with everyone, treating everyone with the same respect even if they were younger
however, you started noticing that he’s been completely going out of his way to be super gentle and respectful to you
since you were his best friend, it was a weird change to the usual chaotic taehyun
nonetheless, you ignored the butterflies you would get when he would help you with things
he asked you to go bike riding with him and you agreed
the bike ride ended up taking you to a small park where you both sat on the swings
both of you were sitting in a comfortable silence until he spoke
“y/n, i really like you. i’ve been thinking about it a lot recently and you are the best person i know. i cherish our times together and i hope we can spend even more”
call you a crybaby but just that alone made you cry
not even giving him an answer, you attacked him with a giant hug and small pecks all around his face
“hehe, you’re my boyfriend now”
y’all know the typical “childhood best friend” type thing? yeah, you guys were the living embodiment of that
you guys would spend so much time together, people automatically assumed that you guys were dating
both you and kai would insist that it wouldn’t work out and that you guys would be better off as friends but everyone knew that wasn’t true
the way he would always become super soft with you, the way your eyes always found him in a crowded room, the way your guy’s eyes sparkled when the latter’s name is mentioned
yeah, no way people didn’t think you guys were dating
honestly, you really wanted a relationship with kai
he was handsome, sweet, funny, smart, the whole package
kai thought the same thing, you were beautiful, hardworking, determined, and knew what you wanted
you were both pining at this point and your friends couldn’t handle it anymore
one day, they just locked you two into a room and threatened to not let you out until you talked to him
it was super awkward at first, no one wanting to make the first move
kai had enough and just straight up said
“i like you a lot , y/n. can we just get this confession over with and just date now. my heart can’t take this anymore”
you laughed bc that was the most hilarious way to confess
“fine then. we’re dating now, love”
hearing the pet name made his heart skip a beat
seeing you both walking out hand in hand, your friends silently high fived each other
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i wrote some pining Enj headcanons for you bc you're sick and you deserve them
• Enjolras is very used to people crushing on him. He's pretty and eloquent and that sorta thing usually gets you many admirers.
• HOWEVER, most people lose interest instantly when they get to know him because they think he's Too Much.
• so when he starts to notice R looking at him, he thinks it's just that. he thinks he's pretty, that's all there is to it.
• EXCEPT he's actually starting to show an interest, and Enjolras has a small, mortifying collection of napkins with little doodles on them.
• they start to speak more often, and when he's not drunk out of his mind and trying to be disruptive, he's quiet and thoughtful. he speaks in a low, deep voice and gets so tangled in his own thoughts that it seems like he's creating entire philosophies.
• enjolras has felt this pesky little feeling in his chest just once before, snd he is terrified of it. he starts looking forward to the one on one meetings they have when grantaire explains how to make flyers particularly eye catching
• he sits there, his eyes alight, talking about colors and fonts and Enjolras could not ever have imagined someone unironically saying "serif fonts are just sexier."
• they start to get closer, and enjolras can't help but be horribly, terribly enamoured. he teaches enjolras to cook simple meals when combeferre moves out because he took one look at enjolras' freezer FILLED with veggie nuggets and frozen pizzas and decided that enjolras couldn't survive like that.
• the first time he successfully makes a meal, he makes way too much, and invites R over.
• there, sitting over the table, he can see R looking at him with those beautiful, soft eyes. he's taking a bite and he looks proud.
• and enj feels all too aware that he actually put an effort into his appearance, that his curls look shiny and bouncy and his tee us actually wrinkle free for once.
• he feels this overwhelming sadness in the knowledge that grantaire himself has told him more times than he can count that he should loosen up. that he's impossible and condescending and hard to speak to.
• he idly wonders if he would even be here if he looked different.
• meanwhile, grantaire is just scooping dessert into bowls, and wondering how his life has reached a stage where sitting next to enjolras on the couch, legs pressed together, watching tales of the city.
• they stay there, long into the night, enjolras offers grantaure his clothes, feeling something swooping in his chest seeing Grantaire’s shoulders fill out his baggy tshirt.
• they end up a little tangled together, enjolras sobbing his eyes out about margot and jake.
• he doesn't remember when he fell asleep, but he remembered waking up, with sleep and tears crusting his eyes, hair wild and all over the place.
• grantaire looks at him with painfully fond eyes, and enjolras feeling his heart crawlings it's way up his throat.
"you look like shit, apollo," he says. enjolras laughs. he let's himself believe, for a moment, that this could work out
I hope you feel better, love <33
And they start going for walks and coffee together, and Grantaire takes him up to Belleville and shows him all the wall art, and talks about the graffiti artists he knows from the Parisian art scene and explains the meaning behind the art and Enjolras just smiles and nods along- It’s really nice, listening to Grantaire talking about something and hearing the passion in his voice. 
One time, they bump into someone Grantaire knows, and the person assumes Enjolras is Grantaire’s boyfriend. Enjolras tries not to feel too hurt about how quick R is to correct them, but also.....Ouch.
(Grantaire just didn't want Enjolras to be offended by the implication that they were dating...Little did he know, huh?)
and maybe, another time they're hanging out in Enjolras' apartment again, and Grantaire falls asleep this time. And he looks so at peace, in a way he never really does while he's awake, and Enjolras knows he's being a giant creep but he can't seem to focus on whatever documentary they put on. He just keeps admiring the way Grantaire's long lashes look against his cheekbone and the shape of his lips and the little bump in his nose, and oh god, Enjolras is so screwed.
Grantaire wakes up, sitting up and stretching, and he’s like “shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep, what did I miss?” And Enjolras opens his mouth, to tell him what happened in the documentary, but the words that come out are “I like you.” Shit, how did that happen? 
Grantaire (still half asleep) is like "wait, what?" And Enjolras completely panics and is like "Never mind, forget I said anything!" and then practically jumps off the couch and ends up swearing a blue streak when he whacks his knee on the coffee table
Grantaire reaches out and grabs his hand before he can run away and says “What did you say?” And Enjolras just thinks “Well, I’ve already embarrassed myself enough, so whatever I guess!!!” and says it again, “I like you.”
Grantaire simply stares at him for a moment, and then he gives Enjolras the widest smile he��s ever seen and says simply “I like you too.” 
Enjolras wakes up on the couch the next morning, his head on Grantaire’s chest, listening to his heartbeat under his ear, and he kind of can’t stop smiling
p-tri you are the best thank u for a lil bit of piningjolras to read on my sick day, this made me smile like a loon lots of luv to u <3 <3 <3
59 notes · View notes
dewykth · 4 years
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pairing. jeon jungkook | female reader | park jimin genre & au's. smut, humor / camgirl!reader, camboy!pjm, rich boy!jjk word count. 10.213 warnings. please read ! multiple explicit sexual scenes, masturbation (f + m), porn, sexting, nudes, jk in a thong (bc yes), ice play, sex toys, face sitting, sub!jk, (soft) dom!reader, sub!jm, [18+] note. AHH it's finally here!! thank you to everyone who liked the teasers, i hope you'll enjoy this baby! this went thru a lot of editing, rewriting, and deleting, but i’m finally happy w it !! feedback is vv much appreciated <3!! note two. and yes, i did take the opportunity to write subby bts, bc i can, and we need more of it. thats it. sub jk rights! 
—shoutout to vira ( @periminkle​ ) for beta reading and making me laugh w her reactions <3 ily
[teaser #1] ♡ [teaser #2] ♡ [playlist]
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synopsis. there are three rules you set for yourself when you signed up for cybersex.com. one, separate work from your personal life. two, do not get involved with any cyberboy, no matter how stupidly & unfairly gorgeous he is. and three, do not, under any circumstance, fall for a client. they're very simple, and very easy to follow. so why are you about to get in bed with park jimin, cyberboy extraordinaire, in order to spite a loyal client of yours?
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 [ :: LOADING... my strange addiction :: ]
The hot pink log-in screen of cybersex.com is a sight Jungkook is embarrassingly familiar with. Frankly, he’s afraid to admit how many times he’s logged on this past week. It takes him no longer than a minute for him to input his account information, quickly searching for the sole reason he’s still on this site at all.
Jungkook glances at the time. He might still be able to catch a bit of your show tonight. Even if it were only for a few moments, it’d be enough for him until he actually got to talk to you tomorrow. Hopefully. 
Jungkook knows better than to think he could ever get enough though.
● LIVE!: sittin here undressed...
By Sweetheart666
83,938 viewing now
The screen goes black for a second before you appear, sitting on your bed with a pink pillow between your thighs. Jungkook sucks in a breath, feeling his dick twitch in his sweatpants. Your hands are on your chest, playing with your nipples and whining softly. Your sounds spur Jungkook further, his eyes glued to the completely fucked out expression on your face and (too soon) his dick is fully erect. He doesn't know how you're able to get him like this so quickly every time.
There's sensual music in the background, but Jungkook only focuses on the pretty sounds falling from your lips. Jungkook begins to palm himself through his sweats just as you tease your fingers over the band of the mesh shorts barely leaving anything to the imagination. Jungkook's skin is hot to the touch, and he can feel the sweat building on his forehead. 
“Oh? Do you guys want this off?”
Comments fill the screen quickly, all fervently voting in favor for removing the sheer white fabric. But this isn’t Jungkook’s first time, and he knows better than anyone you like for them to beg.
“Show me how bad you want me to take it off.”
v_steponmepls_ tipped 2,000 hearts!
secretly1ntoXhibitionism tipped 5,000 hearts!
bbybun14 tipped 1,600 hearts!
“Aww, is that all? Guess you don’t want it that much...”
Your fingers leave the band of your shorts, choosing to fiddle with the heart chain around your neck as you wait. Jungkook chuckles, knowing that the comments were all probably whining at your teasing. But as previously mentioned, Jungkook was a bit more experienced in your realm. His fingers dance on the keyboard of his computer.
nj_94 tipped 10,000 hearts!
Tiny red hearts fill Jungkook’s screen as he smirks, lying back against his headboard. He sees the way your eyes flash, before you’re smirking at the camera, as if you could see how desperate Jungkook was. 
“So needy, aren’t you, nj_94? Alright, I guess I can give you a little something then...”
Jungkook suddenly feels warmth on his face, and he realizes he’s fucking blushing at your attention. There was something about you acknowledging him in front of almost ninety-thousand people that made his chest swell with pride. He’s so fucking whipped, a thought that crosses his mind momentarily before his focus is back on you. When you finally remove your flimsy shorts, Jungkook moans loudly at the sight of your dripping core. Oh, how he wishes he could stuff his face in between your thighs. 
He pulls his sweatpants to his thighs, letting his dick spring free. Jungkook gathers his saliva, spitting into his hands before leisurely stroking his shaft. You play with your clit, moaning softly. He can see your juices dripping onto your mattress, leaving a mess. Jungkook briefly wonders how you would taste on his tongue. 
nj_94 tipped 15,000 hearts!
“Wow, straight to the point huh?”
When you slip two fingers into yourself and whine, Jungkook’s strokes begin to speed up. He moans, uncaring of the fact that it was past midnight. Jungkook is mesmerized by the sight of your small fingers pumping in and out of your entrance. Your moans begin to grow louder, and he can tell by the way your hips are grinding along your hands that you're getting closer to your release. Jungkook can feel his coming as well, his strokes becoming sloppier. 
“Fuck, I wish those were m-my hands instead of yours,” he mutters, lost in the way you’re making him feel. You moan louder, almost as if you could hear the words coming from Jungkook's mouth. It's impossible, but Jungkook lets his imagination wander. 
“You’d probably make me beg for it, w-wouldn’t you?” he chuckles breathlessly as you grind down on your hand. “I-i don’t m-mind, though,” Jungkook is sure he’s mumbling nonsense, yet he can’t find it in himself to care when he’s so close to his release. “I l-love begging for you.” His voice sounds echoey, but in his lust-ridden mind, he can’t make sense of anything else other than you, you, you. Jungkook watches through lidded eyes as your hips stutter. You thumb your clit a couple more times before a loud whine rips through you, and you're reaching your climax. 
Jungkook keeps his gaze on you, stroking himself a few more times until he too is spilling his seed all over his abs with a low groan. He’s left breathing harshly, lying on his back as he stares at the ceiling in a post-orgasmic haze. It takes a couple of minutes for Jungkook to fully recover before he looks at his computer screen again, realizing your live has abruptly ended. He sighs wistfully before closing his laptop shut.
Until tomorrow.
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[ :: LOGGING IN... computer (almost, but not really) luv ::]
[ENDED]: feelin a bit bratty tonight?
By Sweetheart666 
106,729 viewers / 202,728 hearts
jacker82: sailor moon cosplay plssssss?
i_swallow_: feet?
James Miller Jr.: would love to take you to dinner some time!
catdaddyXoX: ur so hawt yumm XD
Scrolling through the comments section and reading them out loud always made you giggle to yourself. They were either always some absurd comment or a simple compliment thrown your way. And you’d be lying if you said doing these videos didn’t make your confidence go up tenfold. During the past few months you’ve been a Cybergirl, you’ve been steadily growing a following. Your past three videos have done exceedingly well, but it was always your lives that got the most attention. 
It started as an easy way to get money to pay your bills. A lonely night in your apartment spent drinking cheap wine and crying about how pathetic you felt, because you couldn’t keep a job to save your life, led you to the hot pink sign up screen of Cybersex.com.  You told yourself it would be just for you to get yourself back on your feet, but as you began to post more and see the numbers in your bank account go to the triple digits, you grew a penchant for the website. 
All it took was a bit more effort into your videos for it to become your main source of income. You’ve grown much more comfortable around the camera than when you first started, and with that you've also been able to claim your place on the Hot200. It was undemanding work, for the most part. As expected, there was heavy competition between the cybergirls, which only worked to fuel your desire to chart. You had to come up with new and creative ideas for every video, and if you were being honest, you’d say you were pretty fucking good at what you do. And of course, there was no way for you to get fired.
To put it in simpler words, you loved being a cybergirl.
But, the best part, if you had to choose, were the personal clients. The ones who would pay an additional price in order to be able to talk to you directly, maybe even get a private show or pictures if they gave a bit more. You had yet to give a private show to anyone, which was pretty expensive depending on the popularity of the cybergirl.  Not that you were complaining, there were enough message requests to keep you pleased and your pockets full.
An alert appears on the corner of your screen, signaling the low battery of your computer. After plugging it in you opt to clean your cam set-up, putting away your toys and equipment. You check the time on your phone, noting that you had time to shower before your upcoming session. One that you had been waiting impatiently for all week. 
When you emerge from your bathroom, you pick up your phone again, scrolling through the messages until your eyes fall on one in particular. You look at the time. Punctual as always.
[𝟷:𝟹𝟶 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ʜᴇʏ ;)
Nj_94 was your most loyal client, but he only messaged you twice a week. It’d been almost four months since you first started talking to him and you’d be lying if you said his messages didn’t leave you feeling giddy inside. Granted, you’ve never met him, nor do you even know what he looks like, but it didn’t exactly matter to you. Getting to know him over the soft pink message threads of the Cybersex app, you've definitely grown a soft spot for him. There was something about his cute, albeit awkward, self that sometimes had your mind brewing up visions of him beneath you, quivering and begging and-
You digress.
Your back hits the soft silk sheets of your bed, deciding to make him wait a bit. If there was anything you loved more than your little sessions with nj_94, it was teasing him. 
[𝟷:𝟹𝟺 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ʜɪ…
There’s not a moment for you to put down your phone before there’s a chain of pings! echoing through the quietness of your bedroom.
[𝟷:𝟹𝟺 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ʜɪ 
[𝟷:𝟹𝟺 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴍɪssᴇᴅ ᴜ 
[𝟷:𝟹𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴏ?  
[𝟷:𝟹𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ʏᴇs. ᴠᴇʀʏ.  
ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺 ɪs ᴛʏᴘɪɴɢ… 
ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺 ɪs ᴛʏᴘɪɴɢ…
The text appears and reappears several times before his message finally graces your screen.
[𝟷:𝟹𝟾 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴅɪᴅ ᴜ... ᴍɪss ᴍᴇ?
Of course you did, but you’d never tell him that. You sit up on your headboard, playing with the frill of your shorts for a few moments before typing out your message.
[𝟷:𝟺𝟷 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ʜᴍᴍ... ᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅs
[𝟷:𝟺𝟷 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴅɪᴅ ᴜ ᴅᴏ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴛᴏʟᴅ ᴜ?
On the other side of the screen lays Jungkook on his bed, eyes wide as he stares at your message. He knew you were going to ask him about it, but he didn’t think you’d do it right away. Of course he listened. And he enjoyed it an embarrassing amount, something he’d never be able to admit to anyone except you. Shaky fingers tap on the screen of his phone, typing out his response before he clicks the send button.
[𝟷:𝟺𝟸 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ʏᴇs ɪ ᴅɪᴅ  
[𝟷:𝟺𝟹 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ʜᴏᴡ ᴅɪᴅ ɪᴛ ғᴇᴇʟ ʙᴀʙʏ?
His heart quickens when he reads the sentence. It wasn’t uncommon for you to call him pet names, but it usually meant he was in for the night. And probably on your good side.
[𝟷:𝟺𝟹 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ɢᴏᴏᴅ. ʀʟʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ.  
[𝟷:𝟺𝟻 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛ��ᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴏʜ ᴄᴍᴏɴ ʙᴀʙʏ... ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴀʟʟ?  
[𝟷:𝟺𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ɴᴏ ɪ 
[𝟷:𝟺𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ɪ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ... ʀᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴍʏsᴇʟғ ᴛᴡɪᴄᴇ
A blush appears on Jungkook’s cheeks almost immediately after he types out the message. No matter how many times he’s texted you the most indecent and lewd words, he’ll probably never be able to fight the shyness that accompanies it.
[𝟷:𝟺𝟾 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴏʜ? 
[𝟷:𝟺𝟾 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ… ᴀʀᴇ ᴜ sᴛɪʟʟ ᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ ɪᴛ?
Jungkook glances down at his bare thighs, where the thin fabric wraps around his hips. He gulps.
[𝟷:𝟺𝟿 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ʏᴇs. 
[𝟷:𝟻𝟶 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: [ɪᴍᴀɢᴇ𝟶𝟾𝟹𝟺.ᴊᴘɢ]
There’s a moment where your mouth hangs open, watering at the sight of his salacious thighs. But, the thin black lace barely covering his prominent bulge is what makes you squeeze your thighs together. If his texts weren’t enough to show how desperate he was for you, this unexpected picture definitely got the point across. God, he was such a—
[𝟷:𝟻𝟷 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ɢᴏᴏᴅ ʙᴏʏ. 
[𝟷:𝟻𝟷 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʙᴀʙʏ 
[𝟷:𝟻𝟷 ᴀ.ᴍ.]sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴜ ᴇᴀʀɴᴇᴅ ɪᴛ
Jungkook's heart throbs, or is that his dick? Either way, it's almost humiliating how easy it is for you to rile him up from a few words. You just had that effect on him. And, god, did he fucking love it.
[𝟷:𝟻𝟸 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴜᴍ 
[𝟷:𝟻𝟸 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜ 
[𝟷:𝟻𝟸 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴘʟssss :(
This was... new. Usually, you only allow him to be the one receiving all the attention and pleasure. Despite the waning professionalism in your relationship, this was still your job. It was only after your sessions that you'd grant yourself to come to the fresh memory of his whining and pleading. But who were you to deny him?
[𝟷:𝟻𝟹 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ...ᴏᴋ ʙᴀʙʏ 
[𝟷:𝟻𝟺 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ʀ ᴜ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ʜᴀʀᴅ ʏᴇᴛ ʙᴀʙʏ?
[𝟷:𝟻𝟻 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ʏᴇs. ʙᴇᴇɴ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟʟ ᴅᴀʏ 𝟺 ᴜ…
His fingers itch, his cock aching for any form of relief, but he knows better than to do anything without your permission. Besides, you make it all worth it in the end.
[𝟷:𝟻𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴄᴀᴍᴇ 𝟸 ᴛɪᴍᴇs 𝟸ᴅᴀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴜ sᴛɪʟʟ ᴡɴᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ?
[𝟷:𝟻𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: sᴏ ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ɴᴇᴇᴅʏ, ʜᴜʜ? 
[𝟷:𝟻𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ʏᴋ ᴡʜᴀᴛ 𝟸 ᴅᴏ ʙᴀʙʏ ʙᴏʏ
nj_94 has sent 3,000 hearts!
[𝟷:𝟻𝟽 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇᴇᴇ
You laugh breathlessly despite the wetness building between your thighs at his begging. Your hand slips behind your back, unclipping your bralette before slipping it off and throwing it somewhere in your room. You angle the camera so that only the top half of your body shows before snapping the picture.
[𝟷:𝟻𝟿 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: [ɪᴍᴀɢᴇ𝟶𝟾𝟹𝟻.ᴊᴘɢ]
Fuck. Jungkook can’t take his eyes off of the image of your bare chest. Your hand sits right above the band of your thin panties, before the image cuts off. There’s a teasing glint in your eyes as you bite your lip, staring straight into the camera. Jungkook can’t help it, he whines. His hand is pulling the black panties down to his mid thigh before he can think. He sighs at the feeling, grabbing the strawberry lube -your favorite- from his nightstand drawer and squirting a generous amount into his palm. He begins to leisurely stroke his member before a ping! from his phone interrupts him.
[𝟸:𝟶𝟹 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍʏ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴜᴄʜ?  
[𝟸:𝟶𝟹 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ғғᴄᴋ ᴏғ ᴄᴏᴜʀs. ᴜʀ sᴏ ғᴜᴄᴋɴɢ ʜᴏᴛᴛ 
[𝟸:𝟶𝟺 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴡɪsʜ ɪ ᴡs ᴛʜᴇʀ ᴡ ᴜ
You wish so too. To have him begging to touch you, to feel you, right in front of you? Fuck, it definitely did things to you. He did things to you. And you wanted to show him.
[𝟸:𝟶𝟿 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: [ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ𝟶𝟾𝟹𝟼.ᴍᴘ𝟺]
Jungkook’s hand falters when he sees you’ve sent a video. Not that it was uncommon, but usually he’d have to send hearts first. But, he decides not to question it, instead choosing to click on the video. It takes a few moments to load, but once the first few seconds start playing, Jungkook’s mouth drops. 
Your fingers are in your mouth, sucking and lathering them in spit before they trail down your body and under the fabric of your thin panties. Jungkook doesn’t need to see it, no, he can hear how wet you are. The sounds of your soft moaning and your fingers entering you drive Jungkook utterly wild, and he finds himself whimpering. He can’t stop watching the way you bite your lips and giggle, as if you knew exactly what you were doing to him. Of course you knew. 
Jungkook replays the video, deliberate strokes of his hand sounding through the quietness of his room. “F-fuck, ____... what are you doing to me...” There’s another ping! that seems to reverberate in his head, and Jungkook slows his movements before he can get too lost in the endless ocean of his thoughts.
[𝟸:𝟷𝟾 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: sᴘᴇᴇᴄʜʟᴇss, ʙᴀʙʏ? 
[𝟸:𝟷𝟾 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴏʀ ʀ ᴜ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴜʀsᴇʟғ ʙᴄ ᴏғ ᴍᴇ?  
[𝟸:𝟷𝟿 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ғғᴄᴋ ɪ ᴄɴᴛ ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴍʏsᴇʟғ 
[𝟸:𝟷𝟿 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴜʀ sᴏ ғᴜᴄᴋɴ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛғʟʟ 
[𝟸:𝟸𝟶 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴄᴀɴ ɪ sɴᴇᴅ sᴍᴛʜɴ ɴ ʙᴀᴄᴋ?  
[𝟸:𝟸𝟶 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴏғᴄ ʙᴀʙʏ
A few minutes pass before your phone finally vibrates, your screen lighting up with a new message. 
[𝟸:𝟸𝟻 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: [ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ𝟶𝟼𝟽.ᴍᴘ𝟺]
You hesitate for a bit, biting your lip before you press play. The sound of his hand fervently sliding up and down his shaft fills your ears, soft whines of pleasure slipping through the speaker of your phone. If you weren't turned on before, you definitely were now. Your hand travels down your body, slipping underneath your panties. Gasping at the pool of your wetness, your hand moves along your clit expertly as his hand slides along the mess of precum and red lube. Strawberry.
Right as the video is reaching the last ten seconds, your hands speed up against your heat. Your thoughts are clouded, lidded eyes staring at nj_94’s huge cock. Right before the video ends, you hear his voice, muttering nonsense, but that isn’t what makes you cease your motions. “F-fuck, ____, see what you do to me.”
It’s clear he doesn't realize he’s said your name, your actual name. But that's not even the weirdest part. No, because the voice sounds too familiar to you. Similar to the voice of— ping!
nj_94 has sent 5,000 hearts!
[𝟸:𝟹𝟺 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ғᴄᴋ ɪᴍ ᴄʟᴏᴇs 
[𝟸:𝟹𝟻 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ʟᴛᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴄᴜᴍᴍ 
[𝟸:𝟹𝟻 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴘʟssss?  
[𝟸:𝟹𝟽 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: [ɪᴍᴀɢᴇ𝟶𝟾𝟹𝟽.ᴊᴘᴇɢ]
The still image of your drenching core is enough for Jungkook to spill his seed all over his hand. His hand slows as he pumps the last spurts of his cum, chest heaving harshly. He grabs a couple of tissues from his nightstand, using it to clean the cum off of his fingers.
[𝟸:𝟺𝟷 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ɴᴊ_𝟿𝟺: ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ  
[𝟸:𝟺𝟸 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴏғ sᴇʀᴠɪᴄᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ ʙᴏʏ
[𝟸:𝟺𝟻 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼:,, ɪᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ 
sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼 ɪs ᴛʏᴘɪɴɢ... 
sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼 ɪs ᴛʏᴘɪɴɢ...
Jungkook’s head is spinning, but he doesn’t think it’s from the breathtaking orgasm you had just given him. He’s on edge as he watches the little typing bubble appear and disappear multiple times. What could you possibly be ‘thinking’ about? Were you thinking of ending this whole thing? Oh god, were you thinking of—!
[𝟸:𝟺𝟾 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴀᴍ ɪ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ?
No, this was definitely much worse. Jungkook never would have guessed how far this would have gone when he first impulsively texted you all those months ago. After the first two months, when the sexting had turned into a regular thing, he knew you’d eventually grow curious.  He knew you’d eventually ask. And, god, does he wish he had the fucking balls to tell you. 
Jungkook would be lying if he said this hadn’t turned into something more than just sexting. At least for him. He wasn’t really sure how you felt about him, though sometimes the things you’d say when you were coaxing him into an orgasm would go to his head, and he’d think, if only for a moment, that maybe, just maybe, you felt something more as well.
But after he’d come down from his high, and come down back to reality, Jungkook knew it was just wishful thinking. How could you have feelings for someone you’ve never met, never seen? Even if you did, it wasn’t Jungkook you felt something for, it was nj_94. Which, yes technically was him, but not to you. You probably thought it was, well, literally anyone except your nerd of a neighbor who was too much of a coward to tell you who he was. What the hell would he even tell you? How the hell would he tell you?
“Oh, hey, _____! You know that guy you’ve been sexting consistently through Cybersex for four months? Well, surprise! It’s been me the entire goddamn time!”
Yet, even in the safety of his imagination, you're fuming, ears blowing steam as you slam the door in his face. A demand to never speak to you again, and Jungkook sinks into the floor from shame and embarrassment. Sometimes, you’d laugh in his face, disbelieving, or worse, unwanting of him.
Jungkook’s mind was a weird and ghastly place.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been staring at your message, but he sees you’ve gone offline, probably tired of waiting for him to reply. His thumbs hover over the keypad of his phone, but he can’t bring himself to say anything, not even to jokingly brush you off. There have been many moments before where you’ve brought up what nj_94 looks like, but somehow this time it feels different. Jungkook can’t pin down the feeling coiling in his stomach, so he does what he does best.
He ignores it.
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The blaring sound of your alarm fills the once quiet room, ripping you away from your peaceful slumber, and you groan loudly into your pillow. Your hand fumbles around your nightstand as you try to blindly reach for your phone. Once you're able to turn off your alarm, you hear the pounding at the door. You lift your head, able to make out muffled calls of your name through your clouded mind. Who the fuck is trying to knock the door down so early in the morning? 
You choose to bury your face in your pillows again, shifting the duvet over your head in order to block out the noise. Reaching for your phone once again, your eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright screen, and- oh, shit, you’re running late... again.
You throw the covers off your body, almost falling over the heap of clothes strewn over your bedroom floor. The knocking continues, and you rush out of your room, throwing the door open without sparing another glance at who’s standing at your doorstep.
“Give me five minutes!”
The figure chuckles, entering the threshold as you run back to your bedroom to throw on something presentable. “Rough night?” he says, voice sounding muffled through the closed door.
You laugh breathlessly, “More like rough weekend.” but you’re sure your voice is too quiet to be heard. Hastily brushing your teeth, you attempt to slip on your sweatpants at once. Following your successful multitasking and finishing your morning routine in record time, you emerge from your bedroom. Grabbing your keys and book bag from the living room, you pad over to the shoe rack near the front door.
“Wow, you should start waking up late every day if you’re gonna get ready this fast.”
You roll your eyes turning to shoot Jungkook a glare, “Don’t worry, I’ll start taking my time now just for you.”
Not waiting for a response, you open the door, gesturing for him to exit. He curtsies before he begins walking down the hallway to the elevator, you following closely behind.
There’s something different about you today.
You’re quiet, gazing into the distance as you both walk to the coffee shop a few blocks away from your university campus. He tries to think nothing of it, chalking it up to the sleepiness still wearing off from the early morning. But usually you’d be pointing out random things on the street, or teasing Jungkook endlessly. And maybe he might miss the (albeit playful and meaningless) flirting, but he’d never say that out loud.
You reach the shop without a word, the sound of the city waking up and Jungkook’s boots hitting the pavement the only source of noise between you. When you reach the cashier, you’re still dazed, and if Jungkook didn’t know your order by heart (something he also would never admit), you’d probably forgo ordering anything.
Despite noticing all the things off today, Jungkook decides to not ask. He really doesn't want to push you to talk. And you’d come to him if there was something really bothering you.
At least that’s what Jungkook tried to do, but when you continue to be off in your own world, unknowingly ignoring his attempts at making conversation, he decides fuck that. And even though Jungkook would deny, again, if anyone would ever ask him, he does care deeply for you. Anything bothering you, bothers him.
“Alright, what’s up?” he asks, trying to seem casual despite rethinking the words a thousand times in his head.
“Huh?” you blink, coming back down to earth. “What do you mean?”
Jungkook sends you a disbelieving look, “You know what I mean. I asked you three times if you wanted a piece of my cheese danish, and you haven’t said a word since we left your apartment. So, what’s up?”
You duck your head, suddenly feeling bashful for ignoring Jungkook, but you haven’t been able to stop thinking about... him since the weird conversation you had on Friday. And to make matters worse, the fucker has been ignoring you. The only times he has bothered to text, was only to cancel your Saturday night appointment, despite the money already being transferred to your account. And when you tried to send it back, he declined the request without a word. Everything that he does leaves you more confused than before, and now you’re left to deal with these gross feelings building inside you. 
Because even if you’re trying to ignore it, and him, as much as possible, your stupid brain can’t help thinking about all the sessions you’ve had with him, and all the mundane conversations that crossed the strictly business and purely sexual line. It was all too much, and you wished you could make sense of at least some of it, but now he won’t even talk to you. You can’t help thinking that maybe you had imagined it all. That maybe you had somehow convinced yourself that he felt the same way you did.
Or maybe he felt that it was becoming too much, too intimate, too serious, and wanted nothing to do with it. But even then, why couldn’t he have just told you that? Why did he have to fucking ghost you, for crying out loud? Why did-!
“Hello? Earth to _____!”
You blink, eyes focusing on the hand waving in front of your face. “Fuck, did I do it again?”
Jungkook chuckles, and you try to ignore the way your heart skips a beat. What the hell is up with you today? “Seriously, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just…” you hesitate, because what would you even call this? The whole situation is weird if you were to explain it to, well, literally anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Jungkook thinks you work as a coder from home. “Boy problems.” 
Jungkook clears his throat, averting his eyes and choosing to focus on the grey concrete beneath him. “O-oh,” and as much as he doesn’t want to know about the other guy who’s got you so in your head, he still asks, “do you want to talk about it?”
You’re quiet for a moment, and Jungkook thinks that you might not say anything, that you might brush him off. He almost sighs in relief but then-
“Well, there’s this guy, and well- uhm,” you stare at the iced coffee in your hands, contemplating how to word your thoughts without actually spilling your secret. “We’ve never actually met, or anything, but we’ve been talking through this,” you pause again, glancing at Jungkook, whose jaw is clenched, “dating site. And well, we’ve been talking for about four months...” 
Jungkook almost trips over his own feet whipping his head to look at you. You’re still talking, but now his brain is hazy and he can't think straight. No...  you couldn’t... you’re not... you can’t be... you can’t be talking about... him, right? There’s... there’s no way. It has to be someone else. It has to be a coincidence that almost everything you’re saying sounds exactly like your relationship with... nj_94. Right? Right, of course, you’re definitely talking about someone else and it’s all in his-!
“...and when i asked, if uh, i’d ever get to see him, he kinda ghosted me, so, yeah.” you laugh nervously, noting the way Jungkook hasn't said a thing.
But, Jungkook is more sure than ever that you’re talking about him, well, not him, but nj_94, which technically- ok, you know what? It doesn’t matter because he feels nauseous and he’s sure he’s about to empty the contents of his stomach right here on campus in front of everyone. And now you’re looking at him with worry in those beautiful gleaming eyes of yours and oh, god, he needs to do something, anything to make this go away. Jungkook opens the lid of his coffee, taking a huge gulp without thinking anything of it because- OH FUCK!
Jungkook barely registers the fact that you’ve both stopped walking, and are standing underneath one of the big trees on your campus. There’s a hand on his shoulder, and he realizes through his mess of a mind that it's yours. 
“Jesus, Kook, are you okay?”
“Mhm,” he says, like a liar because no, he’s not okay, far from it actually. Because you’re fucking talking about him, and you don’t even fucking know it. God, the last thing he wanted was to make you feel like this. Truthfully, Jungkook doesn't exactly know why he’s been ignoring you. It was in a panic that he had cancelled your next session, afraid to talk to you after the sucker move he had pulled Friday night. 
And he knows, he fucking knows that avoiding it is just making it worse. And that it won't go away, no matter how much he tries to ignore it. Jungkook is at a loss for what to do, and it's not like he could go to his friends to ask for help. This whole situation was too fucking absurd to even bother explaining. But if there was one good thing coming from this, it was learning that you did actually care about him, or...erm...nj_94, at the very least. Sure, there were almost a million other things Jungkook had to figure out, but hey, he’ll cross that bridge when he gets there.
Jungkook unconsciously pouts, willing the tingling on his tongue to go away. He’s too busy glaring at the offending coffee in his hands to notice the way your worried stare turns into one of suspicion, if only for a moment.
“Awww, do you want me to make it better?”
His head whips up at that, eyes widening at your words. Innocent and insignificant, yet Jungkook can’t help but think of the videos where you use the same tone. He’s sure that he’s completely forgotten the scalding burn on his tongue now. And it’s then that he sees it. The amused glint in your eyes, and the way your lips are pursed, seemingly holding back a laugh.
You’re making fun of him.
Jungkook scoffs, pushing your hand off his shoulder. You offer him the ice in your now empty cup, but he only rolls his eyes. You both toss your drinks in the can next to you, continuing the walk to your morning class. 
And he tries to act upset, he really does, but when he sees you start to laugh, he can’t help but do the same.
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 [ :: ENTER... the (cyber)boy of your dreams ::]
There’s a familiar ping! that sounds through your bedroom, making you run out of your bathroom, toothbrush hanging from your mouth as you reach for your charging phone. 
[𝟷𝟷:𝟹𝟸 ᴘ.ᴍ.] ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs: ᴄᴀɴ ɪ ᴊᴜsᴛ sᴀʏ ʜᴏᴡ ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠɪᴅ ʟᴀsᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ?
Trying to ignore the slight pang of disappointment in your chest, you roll your eyes at his compliment. Typing out a response, you hit send before chucking your phone across your bed, huffing as you plop onto your mattress.
[𝟷𝟷:𝟹𝟹 ᴘ.ᴍ] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴅᴏ ᴜ sᴇɴᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴛᴏ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ɢɪʀʟ ɪɴ ᴜʀ ɪɴʙᴏx?  
[𝟷𝟷:𝟹𝟹 ᴘ.ᴍ.] ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs: ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴀʙʏ ;)
Jimin was a bit of an icon in the cybersex world, adored by fans and other cyberboys alike. His videos centered on a more… demanding persona, which is what got him his mass audience. It obviously worked in his favor, if a peek at his account was anything to go by.
1,500,000 monthly viewers / 10,183,209 hearts
Most Popular: be a good girl, would you? / 7,937,937 views
And while a lot of cyberboys faked their personalities on screen, everything Jimin did had a sense of genuinity, and there was no doubt he was just as dominating in real life as he was on camera. You’d know better than anyone.
Jimin had begun texting you a few months ago, right when your videos had begun charting. It definitely took you by surprise, having only been messaged by two other cybergirls asking where you had bought your lingerie. And seeing his immense following only made you question it even more. What did he want to do with you when there were so many others who were more... on his level? 
Yet, despite you sometimes disregarding his messages due to the suspicion you had in the early weeks, there would still be a text from him every Wednesday without a doubt. This obviously led to you, eventually, texting him back, if only to satiate your curiosity. And well, he was definitely... intriguing, considering the fact that you’ve been speaking ever since. Though, your ‘acquaintance’  with him has definitely crossed that line of playful flirtiness and frisky texting.
Cyber fuck buddies was probably the best way to describe your relationship with Jimin now. One lonely, frustrating late night had led to you and Jimin exchanging some very lewd thoughts with each other. And yes, although you had broken your second rule of being a cybergirl, the intense orgasm Jimin had given you was enough for you to... tweak them a bit. 
See, at the beginning of your Cybersex journey, you had set rules for yourself, if only to make your job easier. And rule number two was to never get involved with a cyberboy. And, really, you were doing a great job at ignoring them completely, then Jimin had managed to slip his way into your life. But could you really blame yourself? Jimin was fucking hot, and you had your own desires that needed to be satisfied every once in a while. When he had just offered himself up, what were you supposed to do? Say no? It’s not like you were fucking him in real life anyway. 
So, you changed that rule to never fuck a cyberboy. Harder to actually break and straight to the point. And yet... here you were, thinking of bringing none other than Park fucking Cyberboy Jimin onto your next show.
And you know, it sounds fucking stupid because what the hell? Did you not go over your own rules just now? But Jimin was the only one that could (possibly) help you in this very... unique situation. And, no, you were not gonna fuck him. Despite how much you’ve bent your rules, you were still going to try to respect them. Besides, you had other plans for him. 
Like you mentioned before, Jimin was as demanding in his videos as in real life. Yet, there he’d be, in your direct messages, damn near begging for an opportunity to film a video with you. 
Who would have thought that Park Jimin, the one who has everyone begging for him, actually wanted to be on his knees for you. 
And at first it was easy to brush it off as a meaningless joke. Hell, you’d even respond back with a quip of your own. But when he actually explained himself, you had to say, all his points were very convincing. Something about gaining a bigger platform and a more ‘enlightening’ sexual experience. But, you had never brought anyone on your channel, and honestly, you had brushed the idea of a ‘partnership’ with him to the back of your mind. That is, until now.
Now, you needed him more than ever, for your own reasons.
[𝟸:𝟸𝟸 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ɪs ᴜʀ ᴏғғᴇʀ sᴛɪʟʟ ᴜᴘ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ... ᴄᴏʟʟᴀʙᴏʀᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ?  
[𝟸:𝟸𝟹 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs: ɪ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ’ᴅ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴀsᴋ 
[𝟸:𝟸𝟹 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs: ᴏғ ᴄᴏᴜʀsᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs   
[𝟸:𝟸𝟺 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴛʜᴇɴ ɪ’ʟʟ ᴅᴏ ɪᴛ. 
[𝟸:𝟸𝟺 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴs.  
[𝟷𝟸:𝟸4 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs: ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ sʀs? 
[𝟷𝟸:𝟸𝟻 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs: sᴜʀᴇ...ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ  
[𝟷𝟸:𝟸𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ɪᴍ ɪɴ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ 
[𝟷𝟸:𝟸𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ɴ ᴡᴇ ғɪʟᴍ ᴀᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴛʜɪs sᴀᴛ. 
[𝟷𝟸:𝟸𝟼 ᴀ.ᴍ.] sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ𝟼𝟼𝟼: ᴅᴇᴀʟ?  
[𝟷𝟸:𝟸𝟽 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs: ʏᴏᴜ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇ ᴀ ʜᴀʀᴅ ʙᴀʀɢᴀɪɴ, sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ.  
ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs ɪs ᴛʏᴘɪɴɢ... 
ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs ɪs ᴛʏᴘɪɴɢ...
[𝟷𝟸:𝟸𝟽 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs: ᴅᴇᴀʟ. 
[𝟷𝟸:𝟸𝟾 ᴀ.ᴍ.] ᴍɪɴᴄᴀᴍs: sᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ sᴀᴛᴜʀᴅᴀʏ ;)
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The buzz of quiet conversation fills the room, accompanied by the sounds of the documentary playing on the projector that no one could be seen paying attention to. Even the professor seemed to be falling asleep grading papers near the corner of the room. There were excited whispers of a party later tonight, but you, you were ecstatic for reasons completely different.
“Pssst! Jungkook!”
Jungkook lifts his head, looking around before he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns around and almost jumps back in shock from how close your face is to his. 
“Uh, yeah?” he whispers back.
There’s something in your smile that throws him off, demure and something else he can’t seem to figure out. Maybe Jungkook pays too much attention to anything you do. Fuck, you're driving him crazy just sitting there.
“Are you doing anything tomorrow?”
“Uh, no... why?” he stutters, and maybe it’s just the dark lighting in the room, but he swears he sees your eyes gleam. 
“No reason,” you respond, leaning your head against your hand. Your other hand comes to toy with the necklace sitting around your neck. “But I’d advise you to stay home this weekend.”
His eyes widen. What the fuck? Did Jungkook hear you correctly? Or is he starting to hear things too? What the hell are you doing to him? “W-what?”
“I don’t know if you’ve heard about the... show,” you make sure to look right into his eyes, “playing tomorrow night. I heard it was going to be really special.”
Jungkook blinks multiple times, sure the confusion and shock is written on his face as he stares at you. Fuck, he doesn’t know if he heard you correctly, and he’s too afraid to ask. He’s only able to dumbly murmur a “what?”
You only smile, no indication that those words had actually left your mouth. Except the fact that Jungkook had seen it. “There’s supposed to be a storm tomorrow. It’s not safe to go out.”
The lights flicker back on, and students begin to get up to leave the lecture hall. Jungkook is glued to his chair, staring at the desk you had just been sitting in. He’s too stunned to even bother thinking of a response, but luckily (or unluckily) you don’t seem to mind it. Instead you rise from your seat, swinging your bag over your shoulder. 
“I’ll see you later, Jungkook.”
He glances up, swallowing hard at the coy grin on your face. Jungkook can’t help but follow your movement, watching as you pause at the door. You turn your head, making sure that you meet his eyes once again before winking at him. You take your leave, disappearing down the hallway but lingering in Jungkook’s mind.
There was... no way you knew, right? He’d been so careful not to let anything slip. Maybe you were talking about a TV show? As much as Jungkook tried to tell himself that it was all in his head, that no, you didn’t know about his not-so-little secret, somewhere, in the back of his mind, a voice kept telling him that it was futile.
He’s embarrassed to admit that once he gets into the safety of his apartment, he runs to his computer, biting his nails as he waits for it to turn on. Jungkook clicks on the pink heart icon in the corner of his home screen, inputting his memorized account information.
PASSWORD: boyzwithfun97
Jungkook hasn’t logged onto Cybersex since last Saturday, but searching for your name is like clockwork. Right as he clicks on your profile, he sees you’ve made a new post. Usually, Fridays were the days you went live, but apparently things were different tonight.
no live tonight, babes. vv special video coming tomorrow <3.
Yeah, he was completely and utterly fucked.
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[ :: JOINING... the valley ::]
Jungkook doesn’t know how to feel.
He doesn’t even know what to expect. It’s finally Saturday, well Saturday morning and Jungkook finds himself lying in his bed, staring blankly at his ceiling. He’s already dreading the day, knowing that all that would be on his mind today would be you, and your stupid, vague words with your stupid smirk and, fuck, let’s just be real for a second; Jungkook has never been more mortified in his twenty-three years of living. Though if anyone were to ask, he’d say he’s doing fucking peachy, like the liar he is.
He hasn’t seen you since yesterday when you almost gave him a stroke from those borderline seductive words of yours. Fuck, a “show”? What else could you possibly mean? Did you know that he watched your videos? For Jungkook’s sake, he prays to whoever is up there that that’s all you know. The walls of the apartments are thin, thin enough for Jungkook to hear you moaning every time you film, and definitely flimsy enough for you to catch the sound of your name tumbling from his lips almost every goddamn time he comes. But, god, does he really wish he knew how you felt about everything. Instead of leaving him in the dark, he wished you would have at least told him you weren't angry at him for watching your videos in secret.
Oh, how things have taken a turn.
Something Jungkook is great at is pushing away his feelings. Which, in hindsight, has definitely never ever gone even remotely in his favor. Does that stop him from burying it all down? No. But it definitely has taught him ways to distract himself from anything and everything. And one of his favorite distractions is working out. In the gym located in the lower level of his apartment complex, he’s able to filter out the world, his thoughts, and throw all the shit he’s pushed down onto the treadmill. He focuses on the loud drumming of his playlist, pressing down on the arrow button until he’s completely drenched in sweat, panting from the thirty-minute sprint. Then it's weight lifting, which isn't as distracting as he’d like it to be, but if he turns his music up louder, he can't hear the way his brain is screaming at him to just! make! sense! of! his! feelings!
But it only lasts a short hour and a half during the workout. Now, all Jungkook can focus on is the way he hasn't ridden this elevator with you in what seems like forever, and how much he misses talking to you, even if it's just as nj_94. He wonders if maybe he’ll catch sight of you walking back from doing your laundry like he always does when he comes back from his Saturday workouts. Much to his dismay, there’s no sight of you when the elevator reaches your shared floor. His shoulders deflate, and he walks with his head down, feeling completely pathetic.
It’s only when he’s a few feet away from your apartment entrance that he spots the unfamiliar man leaning against your door. He’s poised, aura oozing with confidence and nonchalance. Jungkook slows his walking. Who the hell was he?
The man in question turns his head slightly, and consequently makes direct eye contact with Jungkook. Jungkook feels his eyes widen at how attractive this man was. But, honestly, he would be more surprised if he saw you with someone who looked any less than a fucking god amongst mortals. The man looks Jungkook up and down, plump lips shifting into a smirk before he tilts his head. Jungkook tenses, throwing him a quick nod of the head. His smile widens before the door to your apartment opens, and he walks in, disappearing as quickly as the door shuts. 
Great, the last chance he had to see you before tonight was gone. No questions answered, but it was fine. Everything was fine. All he had to do was wait a bit more. Jungkook glances at his watch, sighing loudly before inputting the code, rather harshly, to his apartment.
Only five more hours.
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Five minutes.
Jungkook has lost count of how many times he’s refreshed your profile page. He probably looks as crazy as he feels waiting for the clock to hit eleven. He doesn't know what he’s feeling. Excited? Unnerved? Terrified? Jungkook's willing to bet it might be all three.
The minutes seem to go agonizingly slow as if taunting him. The ticking of the clock above his bed threatens to send him into overdrive. He has half a mind to rip it from the nail on the wall and throw it across the room. Even the soft rain hitting his bedroom window makes him want to scream. But he knows every jumbled thought crossing his mind is just an attempt to distract him from the absolute fear he’s feeling right now.
Then finally, finally, after the umpteenth time Jungkook has refreshed the page, right when he feels he's about to implode and have his insides turn into mush, it appears. Right as the shorthand hits eleven.
● [LIVE!] ur fav boy on his knees... w/ a special surprise <3
by Sweetheart666
2,039 viewing now
Jungkook swears he feels his heart stop beating, and he almost doesn't click on the live, he almost shuts his laptop and walks to the corner of his bedroom to rethink his actions in shame.
The sight is familiar, one of your dimly-lit bedroom and a king-sized bed freshly made with black satin sheets. It’s a view Jungkook has grown all too accustomed to, after spending countless late nights watching you come undone under the same light. But tonight, everything has him on edge. Even the sensual music playing quietly in the background makes his heart rate increase. 
It takes another minute before you appear in frame, wearing that damned smirk on your face again. But now there’s a flash of something he can’t seem to name, that flickers in your eyes. Jungkook must either be losing his mind, or the camera was playing tricks. You greet everyone in that same sweet voice of yours, as you always do in every video. You wait a few more moments for more viewers to join, toying with the heart that hangs on the chain wrapped around your neck. Everything seemed normal so far, and for a split second, Jungkook is able to breathe again. But before his thoughts could get any further, he comes into the frame.
“Everyone, this is Minnie. You might know him as Jimin, or mincams. He’s the first person I’ve ever brought on my channel, so please be nice to him...”
The same guy that had been standing outside of your apartment door. Jungkook should’ve connected the dots. It was all right in front of his fucking eyes, yet he was too in his feelings to even realize it. This was your ‘special surprise’. 
Jimin’s face is eerily familiar, and Jungkook realizes that it’s not from the fleeting hallway interaction. No, he’s definitely seen him on the trending page of Cybersex multiple times. He doesn’t know how he didn’t recognize him at first, having clicked on his videos out of curiosity before. He briefly wonders how Jimin, the ever dominating and controlling Cyberboy, was so willing to get on his knees for you. Then again, Jungkook knew better than to doubt your authority over anyone. 
“...unless, of course, he misbehaves.”
Jungkook almost chokes on his spit, mind failing to grasp the last few words that had tumbled from your mouth. Had he heard you right? Judging by the way Jimin’s eyes light up, he’s gonna take a wild guess and say that yes, this was going exactly where Jungkook thought it was. He looks down at his pants. Jungkook was definitely more excited than terrified now.
You stand from your spot on the floor, but Jimin stays kneeled right where he is, eyes following your movement behind the camera. Jungkook glances at the growing number of viewers, half probably from Jimin’s own audience. Just one look at the comments, he notes that this is definitely something his fans had been waiting for. 
“Sit on the bed. Strip down to your underwear.”
Even though he knows your words aren’t directed at him, Jungkook’s dick has a mind of its own. Sure, he’s watched the way you dominate during your solo shows, but seeing you order about another man, fuck, does it do things to Jungkook.
He watches as Jimin obeys immediately, sitting on the edge of the bed and almost ripping his shirt in his haste to please you. You walk into frame again, holding a piece of fabric in one hand. You trace your fingers over the slope of his nose, past his lips, and down the length of his neck. “Such a pretty face. Shame I have to cover it...” you pout, though your eyes are shining with mischief. Your hands bring the silk scarf around his eyes, tying it behind his head. 
Jungkook puts his hand over his growing bulge as you guide Jimin further back onto your bed. You turn him to the side, both of your bodies perfectly lining up with the camera. Fuck, is it driving Jungkook absolutely wild knowing that this was all happening just on the other side of the wall behind him. God, the things he’d do to be in Jimin’s place. Or just be there in person.
You’re on his lap now, nipping at his neck as Jimin’s soft moans filter through the speakers of his computer. Your hands, however, are kept at your side, only making Jimin’s pleas for your touch more desperate. Yet, you give into none of it. Pulling away from him, but not without another whine from the blinded man, you grin. “So whiny.” 
Jungkook pauses his clothed palming, waiting with bated breath as you go behind the camera once again. The sight of Jimin’s flushed cheeks and harsh breathing makes his dick harden impossibly more. You appear in frame, this time with an unfamiliar object in your hand. Your hand goes to Jimin’s chest, and he jumps from surprise, then immediately after whines at your soft caresses. Once his nipple stiffens, your other hand clamps the pink clip onto it, prompting a gasp from both Jimin and Jungkook.
Jungkook watches as you adjust the tightness while struggling to pull down his pants laying down. Jimin looks even more flustered than before, hands digging into the flesh of his thighs. “Does it feel okay?” he hears you whisper, and Jimin nods eagerly. You chuckle, “Use your words, baby.”
“Yes,” Jimin’s voice is strangled, and Jungkook can see the painful swell of his cock outline through the camera lens. “It’s perfect.” 
“Good.” you pat his cheek before pushing him to lie down on his back. Another piece of fabric comes to wrap around Jimin’s wrists, placing them above his head. You climb over his body, opting to lay over his thighs, just below his prominent erection. “Tell me, baby,” Jungkook’s eyes catch the matching pink remote in your hand and the smirk on your face. Your thumb presses down on the button, and the sudden sounds of buzzing mixed with Jimin whining sets Jungkook’s skin ablaze. “Is it ok if I use you for tonight?”
“F-fuck, y-yes, p-please use me, sweetheart.” 
Jungkook has his hand on his shaft, leisurely stroking as he watches you press the button once again. The humming stops, but Jimin is left gasping, back arching off the sheets. The sight spurs Jungkook further, and he brings his own hand to his erect nipples, pinching hard. You move to straddle Jimin’s thigh before lifting the other clamp to his mouth. “Open up, baby.”
Jimin quickly complies, opening his mouth wide enough for your index finger and thumb to enter. His lips wrap snugly around them, sucking until you tap his cheek. Your fingers and the clamp emerge drenched in his spit, but Jungkook only gets a glance before you’re shoving them beneath your thin mesh slip-on. The clamps come to life once again, you and Jimin releasing simultaneous moans of ecstasy. 
There’s a thin sheen of sweat building on Jungkook’s skin as he pumps himself harder, whining at the sight. God, he’s never wanted to be beneath you as much as he wants to now. He watches as you press the remote once again, giggling quietly at Jimin’s complaining. Jungkook stops his stroking, despite how much he wants to continue, realizing he’d probably make himself come unintentionally. And he could tell you were just getting started.
Your hand trails down the expanse of his chest, trailing down his toned stomach before stopping right above the place Jimin wants you the most. Your touches are playful, teasing as you use your other hand to reattach the wet clip on Jimin’s bare nipple. Jimin gasps when you press your hand down on his erection. “Nngh, sweetheart. It hurts.” he pouts, and Jungkook is almost sure if he wasn’t blindfolded, he’d be giving you puppy eyes. 
But you’re inexorable.
“Awww, do you want me to make it better, baby?” you’re still talking to Jimin, but you look straight at the camera, and at Jungkook, as you say it, lashes fluttering.
Now that makes Jungkook cease his motions. Even in his hunger-ridden mind, the words feel strangely familiar, like he’s heard them before, but in a different situation. Jungkook can’t seem to remember, but the thought disappears as quickly as it came. You’ve left Jimin alone on the bed again, standing beside as you slowly strip yourself of your underwear. Hearts blow up the screen as you smirk at the camera. “Everyone’s so needy today, huh?”
You crawl up next to Jimin, tracing your fingers lightly over his toned chest. “You could probably come from these alone.” Jimin voices his pleading objections, desperate to feel your hands elsewhere, but you leave his side once again, walking closer to the camera. “Hmm, let’s ask your fans what they think.”
There’s no need to even glance at the video chat, because your laugh says it all. “Looks like they want you like this, Minnie.” He arches his back of the bed, attempting to plead with you for more stimulation. “Nnngh, please, sweetheart.” Yet you only giggle quietly. Your hand reaches for the remote off to the side before you turn the clamps on once again. Jimin’s breathy moans are loud, loud enough to filter through your shared wall, and Jungkook gulps. 
Leaving Jimin alone on the bed once again, you emerge with a silver bowl in your hand. You crawl onto his thighs again, clicking the button and halting Jimin’s pleasure. Your fingers pick up an ice cube before tracing it down his chest. Jimin shivers at the coolness, but otherwise stays quiet, waiting for your next move. When you reach the band of his boxers, you leave the ice cube to melt on his abs before pulling them down and letting his cock hit his stomach. Jimin gasps at the cold wetness, tied hands digging into the mattress above his head. “Is that better, Minnie?” he only nods in response, and this time it’s enough for you. 
Jungkook glances at the mess on his lap, a mix of his precum and spit lathered all over his shaft and hand. He looks back at his screen, and he sees you’ve crawled over his chest, nearing his face. Your hand goes to cradle his jaw, using your thumb to trace his bottom lip. “Tell me, Minnie, is this mouth only good for whining and complaining?” Jimin shakes his head fervently, tongue coming out to lick at your thumb. “Hmm, mind if I test it for myself then?”
Jimin swallows, trying to find his voice. “Please.”
You push his head back onto the bed, placing your knees on either side of his head. Another ice cube finds its way to your hand, and you bring it to Jimin’s lips. “Open, Minnie.” he complies, sucking the ice into his mouth. His mouth is left agape, and you smile, pleased. “Good boy.” 
You slowly sink down, just enough for Jimin to start licking and sucking your heat. You gasp, holding your breath before letting out a small whimper. The hand that’s not steadying you holds the remote, pressing down on the button once again. Jimin groans into your clit. Jungkook watches the way your back arches with pleasure as his hand speeds up on his dick. He imagines being the one underneath you, eating you out like he’s wanted to for so long. Jungkook tries to be quiet, he truly does, but, fuck, just the vision of you spread out above him, makes him moan out loud.
“C’mon, Minnie, louder. Don’t you want everyone to know how good I’m making you feel?” Jungkook doesn’t realize how loud Jimin is until he hears his moans clearer through the wall than his computer speaker. Jungkook swallows down his whines as best he can, but when he sees the way your toes curl from Jimin’s unrelenting mouth, he can’t help it anymore. He’s sure the noises falling from his mouth can be heard as clearly as Jimin’s, yet he can’t find it in himself to care. Not when he’s so close to his own release.
Your whimpers only spur Jungkook further, and he’s too lost in the way you smirk straight at the camera to worry about his volume anymore. He groans, on the edge of ecstasy when your voice sounds through his clouded mind. “C’mon, baby boy, I know you can do it.” White flashes behind his eyelids, and he comes in spurts of white all over his stomach. Jungkook doesn’t notice the way all light in his room has suddenly shut off, leaving him with only the glow of his dying computer to luminate him. 
When Jungkook finally opens his eyes, there’s nothing but darkness, the harsh sound of rain splattering against his window and the howling noise of the wind mixing with his harsh breathing. Even Jimin’s whines and the humming of his laptop has stopped. The post orgasm haze clouding in his mind the only indication that whatever just happened was actually real.
[ENDED] ur fav boy on his knees w/ special surprise <3
by Sweetheart666
687,982 viewers / 2,298,836 hearts
#16 on trending 
“Fuck.” he mutters, finally grasping the fact that the power had gone out. But, it’s when Jungkook’s eyes adjust to the darkness, that it comes back to him. Something you said that sounded too familiar, and this time he knows it’s not his imagination. 
“Awww, do you want me to make it better, baby?”
It becomes clearer as his breath evens out.
“Awww, do you want me to make it better?”
You know.
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© dewykth. all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, repost, translate or modify.
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corpsedaydream · 3 years
not such a merry christmas
corpse husband x reader
hi hi so it’s 4:20am lmao i’m not kidding
so i know i said i wasn’t going to be on over christmas but christmas wrapped up late for me and i wasn’t ready to sleep and i just started writing and this is what came of it. i know that christmas isn’t always exactly a happy time for everyone bc family and holidays can be complicated sometimes. so if ur struggling or experiencing anything negative or just not rly enjoying christmas. this ones for u friend and i’m sending love ur way
word count: 2085
You had mixed feelings about this time of year.
The holidays.
On one hand, it meant you had some free time to enjoy some quality time with your nearest and dearest. And on another hand, it meant that you would be potentially finding yourself in situations where you would be spending time with family members who you would maybe rather not spend time with.
When you were young, Christmas always felt so magical. Now you were older, Christmas felt more like an anxiety inducing chore.
You’d talked to Corpse about your family a many of times, because for the most part, you really did love your family so much. You felt lucky to have been born into the family you were - again, for the most part. There was one particular sibling who you wouldn’t include in those feelings. Unfortunately, toxic people existed and extra unfortunately, sometimes those people were related to you. After four months of being with Corpse, he thought he had come to learn all of who were apart of your family. But then you were reminiscing on a childhood memory and when sharing it with your boyfriend, he heard a name he hadn’t heard before. When he questioned you on it, he noticed the immediate change in you. The smile left your face and you went timid and very quickly, you shifted the conversation topic. You were acting in a way he had never seen you be like before, usually you were so open and talkative and here was a brother you had never mentioned and definitely didn’t want to talk about.
He didn’t push it any further that day, figuring you would tell him when you were ready. That time came in November, on the 25th.
You remembered it well, Corpse was going through his emails when he asked you, “Baby, what’s the date?”
“November twenty-fi-” You cut yourself off.
You were silent for a moment, you didn’t realise that Christmas had snuck up this quickly. It was only a month away.
“Sorry- um,” you glanced to him, giving him a meek smile before continuing,  “it’s November 25th.”
He noticed that shift in you again. “Are you okay?”
And on that day, you opened up to him. Told him about the terrible memories that haunted days that should have and could have been really happy days had it not been for a bullying, negative family member. How now, you seemed to dread Christmas because of this fact.
“Why don’t you just not go?” Corpse had questioned you, he said it as if it was the most clear outcome, but it wasn’t like for you. It was so much easier for him to say that then it was for you to do.
“I couldn’t do that to the rest of my family.”
“Why? You can see them on any other day?”
“It’s Christmas, I couldn’t not go.”
“It’s just the same as any other day if you think about it.” As much as he had cared and listened to you opening up to him, it was hard for him to understand you on this. You grew up in vastly different family dynamics.
“Not to my family, it’s important.”
The two of you continued to go back and forth for a little bit before you realised the stubbornness you both shared wasn’t going to allow you to take in the other’s perspective.
In fact, the two of you didn’t speak about it again until two days before Christmas Eve. You were spending the day together because you were planning on leaving that night to stay at your parents house until boxing day. And as your leaving time was drawing closer and closer, it was visibly clear to Corpse how anxious you were feeling about it.
“(Y/N),” he had called for you attention and you looked to him, “I really don’t want you to go.”
A soft smile was offered to him. “I’m going.”
“But I can fucking see how this is affecting you. You’re dreading it, please don’t go.”
You sighed before answering him. “I have to go.”
“No you don’t.”
“I do.”
“Please, Corpse, I don’t want to go over this again. I’m already feeling nervous about it.”
“Then stay with me for Christmas, you won’t have to feel nervous about anything, we can just be here having our own good time.”
You knew he was just trying to be there for you, but it seemed this was not something the two of you could find a common ground on. “It’s not that simple.”
But if only it had been that simple. If only you had listened to Corpse. Because you wouldn’t be where you were right now. Sitting in your car with tears running down your face. It was 5:05pm in the afternoon on Christmas Day and you’d made a dash out the front door while everyone else sat down to eat dinner. You had tried your best to stay strong, to ignore your toxic brother but when someone was constantly saying and doing things to try to bring you down, you’d broken. You wished you could pull it together, so you could go back inside for the people you wanted to be with, but you truly couldn’t take it any longer. You would call and apologise to your Mother tomorrow, you felt bad for leaving her the most.
You shouldn’t have been driving in the state you were in, tears kept blurring your vision and your mind was so distracted you knew you really weren’t paying enough attention. But by some miracle, you had made it to where you wanted to be. And in one piece and it wasn’t your own place. You were parked out the front of Corpse’s place and how you just longed to be in his arms right now.
Heavy feet carried you to his front door and before you could get the chance to knock, Corpse had already swung the door open.
“Thought I saw your car pull up- oh, fuck,” His tone was happy at first, surprised with happiness that you were there until he took notice of the state you were in. Your foundation was streaked by the thick and fast tears that had fallen down your cheeks. Your mascara and eyeliner tracked black lines, too. Your nose had the makeup removed from it and it was displaying red due to the amount of times you’d rubbed at it. And oddly enough, a Santa Hat was still sitting atop your head. Corpse had never seen a more gloomy Christmas Hat appearance. “Baby, c’mere.”
He wouldn’t hesitate to stretch out his arms to pull you in close and you so gladly accepted. When you were resting against him, his arms would be holding you so tight and yours clutching at his hoodie he was wearing, he’d kick his foot out to shut the front door once the two of you were inside. Small sobs were already leaving your body, but feeling the familiar and protective grip of Corpse really just made you break more. You were safe here, you were safe with him, you could get out any emotion you needed to, and so you did.
Sobs wracked your entire frame, it was loud, vocal and physical crying. Corpse had seen you cry before, but never like this. It was hurting him to see you so hurt. He was so concerned for you, he didn’t have to ask if you were okay, your display was making it clear you weren’t. When he could start to feel your feet starting to give out and your weight became heavier against him, and he not only heard but also felt you choking on your own cries and starting to really struggle to breathe, he felt the need to do more.
Gently, he’d bring you down to the floor with him. He’d sit with his back against the wall and grab your thighs to have you sit in his lap, your legs straddling him. He would pull you in tight enough so your chest and torso was completely against his, the two of you couldn’t be brought any closer if you tried.
“I need you to try taking some deep breaths for me.” He’d tell you right in your ear, needing you to hear him over your violent cries. And so you did, but each one was uneven and would catch in your throat and make you cough.
His hand would be rubbing big, deliberate, heavy circles into your back with a force to make its presence known, a tactic he hoped would calm you. He was caught off guard to see you like this, but after opening up to him about your toxic sibling and how anxious you had been to be around him again, he wasn’t exactly shocked. He was so concerned for you but a part of him was also furious that someone had treated you in such a terrible way to put you in this state. He now wished he had worked harder in getting you to stay with him, if you were with him, you were safe, he wouldn’t let harm - especially like this - come to you.
“I’m here.” Corpse would assure you with a longing kiss to the side of your head, rocking you back and forth.
And eventually, while sitting there, being cradled in his arms, your cries would quieten, your sobs wouldn’t make you shake so violently and your breathing would return to a more regular state.
“Feel better?” He’d ask you once you reached that more stable point and you’d nod your head from its place against his neck before doing a much needed yawn. “You’re tired?”
“Exhausted.” You’d confirm.
“Should we go lay down?” He was still holding you so strongly and securely but being so gentle with how he spoke to you.
“Yeah, I want to get some painkillers first, though, my head hurts.”
“Want to take off the Santa hat?”
“What, why?” Your answer surprised him.
“I’ve had it on all day, I’ll have really bad hat hair.” You admitted and Corpse laughed and had you been in a better mood, you would have joined in on the laughter. But it did lift your spirits to even just simply hear him laugh.
“I’m sure it won’t be that bad.”
“It will be.”
Corpse laughed softly again and shook his head slightly and when he felt you relax against him again, he brought up his hand to quickly pull the hat from your head.
“Hey!” You lifted your head then and he was relieved to see no more build up of tears in your eyes anymore.
“You’ll feel better without it on.” He argued your protest, smiling a small smile and you couldn’t help but to mirror it, which made Corpse elated to see.
“Okay, but don’t you dare look at my hat hair.” You told him and because he knew your eyes were on his, he intentionally lifted his eyes to your hair. “Corpse!” You called his name with a laugh and he was so happy to hear you laugh instead of cry. “Stop it.” You spoke through more giggles and your hands came up to land on your head over your hair until Corpse grabbed your wrists and moved your hands out of the way. “Hey!” Squirming your arms to get your wrists out of his grasp. Once you freed them, you’d place your hands over his eyes.
“Baby, let me look at your beautiful hat hair.”
“No!” You both would laugh then and this time when your boyfriend took hold of your hands to move them off of his eyes, it would be soft and he’d lift them to bring back his vision and bring your hands down a little to place kisses into the palms on each of your hands.
“You know you don’t have to hide anything from me, right?” On the surface, it could’ve sounded like Corpse was talking about just the hat hair, but on a deeper level, he meant this so wholeheartedly, and you understood.
So you’d nod. “I know. Thank you.”
And Corpse knew that once again, when you were ready you’d tell him about what took place on that Christmas Day, but for right now, he didn’t need to know. All he needed to know is that now you were okay and you were safe and you were with him.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you, too.”
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elysianslove · 4 years
first of all can i just say congrats on the 500 like i'm so happy for you and you absolutely deserve it (huge bear hug :) ) now i had this crazy hcs idea and i immediately thought of you so long story short how would Karasuno , Aoba Johsai and Nekoma react to their sweet manager having powers similar to those of scarlet witch (marvel) or mirajane strauss (fairytail anime) feel free to pick whichever one is easier and thank you so much for indulging my crazy request. love u lots - safiyah <3333
oh my goodness thank you sm for your words here’s a bear hug <3 also also i was literally just thinking just how cool it would be to have like a supernatural au haikyuu thing and then you send me this wow we on some mind reading shit. anyways i really hope you like this. sorry it’s like hq on crack if you want a serious one lemme know hsjkhsk
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karasuno high
they lose their shit. 
every single one of them. 
mentally they’re all like 12 (except daichi and mqybe ennoshita) so i definitely think they’d have a very childish reaction to it. 
it’s so endearing though. 
they find out while walking you home one night: it’s very stormy and they just wanted to make sure you get home safe because they worship the ground you walk on. cue like a fucking billboard nearly falling on you and the group of boys and your instincts just kick in and you stop it mid air. 
noya’s still screaming even after everyone’s just gone silent and is gawking at the fact a billboard (or whatever the object is i can’t think rip) is hovering above them. in mid air. because of you. what the fuck? 
daichi’s blood pressure drops he’s like somebody catch me im about to faint wtf is going on. 
you kinda freak and just toss it away and run your way back home, as far away from the boys as possible. 
but alas, you’re their manager, and you have duties to fulfill. so you show up to practice the next morning terrified for your life. 
you’re not really sure why you’re so scared and nervous. you just are? it’s a huge part of who you are and it’d be a big bummer if the most important boys in your life didn’t accept it. 
noya greets you with a really big hug
tanaka’s so loud but what’s new <3 
daichi and suga just come up to you and gently ask if you’re okay because you ran off so quick yesterday
they all act super normal during practice but you can tell
you can tell
they want to ask so many questions they’re gonna explode 
after practice, when coach ukai and takeda leave, and it’s just you, kiyoko, and the boys, it’s s o quiet. you would hear a pin drop. 
you just sigh and go “you can ask” 
your poor eardrums </3 
they’re so fascinated by everything you say 
kiyoko’s like “i had a hunch” like how do u have a hunch about something like this anyways what a queen
noya’s like “make me fly” 
and tsukki in the back “drop him on his ass pls” 
they definitely make you do so many things for them with it 
cleaning duty is now on you because hello !! you can move things with your mind !! 
kags doesn’t get it. he’s like. ok? and ? i can set volleyballs perfectly, hinata can jump really high despite his height, she can move things with her mind? so what? 
i love him 
they’re also crazy good at keeping it a secret? 
not hinata tho he slips up so often like thank god the secret isn’t realistic or believable
he’ll be like “oh yeah? well our manager can move things with her mind!” 
and suga just has to usher him away with a pained smile like “yeah she’s so incredible haha” while doing that thing moms do where they squeeze or pinch your shoulder if they’re mad at you in public 
it feels like a weight lifted off your shoulders when they find out because the closer you grew to these boys, the more they felt like family to you.
aoba johsai
my favorite team 
i hc makki as someone that smokes weed. pls don’t try to convince me otherwise. look at him. he’s a pothead <3 
this is going somewhere i swear.
so you’re a 3rd year manager, meaning you’ve been with these boys a while now, specifically the third years of the team, so y’all are pretty close. 
how they find out: it’s like 3am on a weekend, the seijoh 4 and some of the second years. you’d baked a cake with like all of them all at once in the kitchen, so it was now a mess, so you’re attempting to clean it up as fast as you can the way you know best — with your hands and your mind. makki walks in, high as shit, sees this and just. 
“damn must be the weed.” 
you don’t hear him. so. uh oh. 
he was probably sent there by iwa to get water or something, so iwaizumi walks in and just yells so loud “what the fuck!” 
it’s like they’re all summoned by this. they eventually all pile into the kitchen and you’re literally just frozen in fear with pots and pans and utensils and specks of flour hovering by you. and then you maintain eye contact with iwa as you lift one hand and direct the pans into a cupboard and slowly shut it. 
“so it’s not the weed?” 
they honestly. don’t act any different tbh 
it’s like an added feature of yours that they appreciate. 
oikawa asks you to read his mind to test if what happened that night was real and you just lift him up from off his seat. 
“i asked you to read my mind tho hm” 
yeah mind reading is just a regular thing now. they will slyly ask you to read the other team’s minds during a match and you’re like no that’s cheating. but you do. and you subtlety give them advice. like “hm i wonder if that team’s gonna do this specific attack” 
also oikawa asks (read:begs) u to like help them make it through to nationals
you say “will it feel like a true accomplishment if i do?” 
shuts his pretty face up <3 
they also make you like. toss volleyballs to them. but with your mind. multiple of them. they take it as some stupid challenge idk these boys are dumb i love them 
they also love throwing things at. YOU. LIKE WTF? 
like haha dodgeball but it’s a group of 6’0+ athletes against just. you. 
sounds fair 
they also become insanely protective of you after they find out. idk how that clicks w them but. yes. 
especially mattsun and iwa ? like men. relax.
anyways they would abuse the shit out of your powers genuinely but it’s okay it’s out of love <3
nekoma high
they. they’re idiots. all of them. 
kuroo would probably be like but scientifically ! this makes zero sense 
omg kenma would lose his MIND. 
but lowkey bc none of that simp shit </3 
ooou okay so you’re at a training camp and they sneak you in with them so you guys can play truth or dare 
bc yk. you’re kids. 
and y’all are going around and you just pick truth and someone asks what’s the biggest secret you’ve ever kept from us and they expect some dirty shit they’re nasty smh 
and then you straight up go “i can move things w my mind” 
and theyre like ok miss stop playin fr 
keep in mind it’s dark as hell in the dormitory and eerily quiet and you shift one of the chairs in there, and it squeaks loudly
yamamoto jumps and looks at you w so much fear in his eyes. “that wasn’t you” 
and then suddenly all chairs are moving all at once and yamamato deadass screams 
kuroo’s shrugging like. “it’s just the wind,” like ur not in a closed off room w all the windows shut whatever u say sir <3 
lev’s like
gone into shock. seriously someone go get him water or something. 
when morning comes they’re all like hella scared to approach you except kenma and kuroo bc kenma— is in awe. kuroo — does not believe it. 
you’re kinda :( that they’re scared of you and you approach them after the day is over and just apologize, and tell them you didn’t mean to scare them and that you’d never hurt them or even consider it. 
they do a 180 bruh they just all go “awwwwww” and suffocate you in a group hug so you shove them all off for good measure lmao 
kuroo still doesn’t believe it until you save his ass in broad daylight and he’s like ok maybe it wasn’t fake so what sue me 
whenever there are training camps where other schools come they beg u to help them prank the boys 
especially bokuto and hinata 
and you do obviously 
it’s hilarious watching them scream as something moves slightly. you never do it that it’s suspicious just enough to be like did that happen or is my mind messing w me rn 
scarlet witch also has the ability to mess w people’s mind in the literal sense and whenever one of the boys pisses you off particularly you just make them see their biggest fear 
kenma asks you to reenact some of his favorite gameplays for him
it’s literally just roleplay and you couldn’t care less someone catches the two of you you’re no pussy you can admit when you’re having fun 
overall a very chaotic reaction 
they don’t treat you any different they’re just like 100x more hyped about who you are. like the fact that you’re their manager is already a blessing and now this !!! 
incredible <3333
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sharkboygirlish · 3 years
Word count: 2793
Disclaimer:  One piece and all it’s characters belong to Eiichiro Oda, I just like to write about them.
Warning: None
Rating: T (i guess?? there’s cursing)
Author’s Note: Whale, this is the first fanfic I’ve posted on the interwebs since high school so please keep that in mind, lol. I do plan to finish it sooner than later so check back in a few days if you want to read the rest, sorry I don’t have it all done right now.  At long last it it FINISHED.
Feel free to tell me what u think! Unless it’s mean, then I ask that u keep those thoughts in ur noggin because I’m just writing these for fun not for grades.
Without further ado, here ya go.
Author’s Note pt 2: So i didn’t end up going the smut route like I originally planned, but I think it worked out better bc this one got nice and Emotional.
Summary: Zoro really shouldn’t agree to be Nami’s drinking partner if he wanted to keep their friendship from getting... Complicated.
The moon was floating high in the night sky when Nami wandered onto the deck, unable to sleep even after a few hours of sketching. 
She wanted company – specifically, she wanted the company of the crew’s resident alcoholic. It only took a few minutes to find him on the lawn deck with his back against a tree and his eye closed. ‘How typical.’
Nami smiled a small, excited smile as she strode over to him and squatted between his parted legs. An unconscious sigh left her nose as she swept her gaze up and down his face. She caught herself thinking, ‘He really is easy on the eyes isn’t he.’ ....again. 
Who was she kidding? She’d been thinking the same thing every time she looked his way lately. 
Two years ago she’d been able to keep the immature crush she had on him locked tightly away but somehow - it had gotten out and was slowly consuming her entire being. 
Nami hoped he hadn’t noticed how often she invited him to drink with her because she didn’t think she could handle being rejected. So she settled for spending time alone with him whenever and however she could. 
“Hey, moss-head,” the navigator said finally, leaning in to squint at him, “Are you asleep?”
He had literally just settled down for a nice cat nap when the navigator appeared suddenly to interrupt him. ‘Damn. What the hell did she want now?’ 
Instead of answering, Zoro chose to ignore her and pretend like he was deep asleep. ‘Why won’t she go bother someone else?’
Nami started prodding his cheek with one finger to rouse him if he really was sleeping, ”Zorooo wake up, I wanna drink,” she whined and his eyelid opened instantly.
‘Why’s she so damn pretty..’ was the first thought he had when he realized that she was a lot closer than he’d anticipated. 
He mentally chastised himself after, trying to remind his id that Nami had never once indicated that she wanted to be anything other than friends and he should respect that. 
But… There was no harm in looking from time to time was there? And she was pretty. She’d always been... ‘Oh for fuck’s sake, now he sounded like Sanji. He needed to get a grip.’
“Helloooooo,” Nami waved her hand in Zoro’s face until he snapped back to reality and snatched her wrist up, pulling it away. He scowled but it wasn’t deep, and now he was refusing to look her in the eye. “What was that about, huh Zoro?”
“Nothing.” The swordsman replied perhaps a little too quickly to avoid suspicion, “Thought I heard a noise, doesn’t matter – oi, didn’t you want to do something?” 
He couldn’t remember what exactly it was. He’d been so distracted by the way her bangs framed her face and sometimes got caught in her eyelashes—’Damnit! He was doing it again.’
Nami smirked again but didn’t press the subject anymore. She’d do that later once they started drinking. “Weren’t you listening to me? You’re so rude, maybe I should find someone else to share my booze with.”
Was it a good idea to go drink with Nami when he kept catching himself thinking about feelings that he’d been suppressing for the last two years? Probably not…
But he couldn’t just decline an opportunity to get buzzed. ‘And... Maybe he wanted to get buzzed with Nami, specifically.’  
Zoro scoffed, mostly at himself. “Quit playing games, damnit, do you want me to drink with you or not?”
“You’re so stubborn,” The navigator teased with a pleased smile that made his heart beat unevenly, “I could care less if you join me, but you’re not allowed to come unless you say you’ll be nice.”
“Nami. I am older than you, quit treating me like a fucking child or I swear-”
“That’s no way to talk to a lady who’s getting you drunk for free, Roronoa Zoro. If you can’t be nice then I’ll just add the cost of everything you drink to your debt and-”
Zoro didn’t have time to ruminate over the way hearing her say his full name made him shiver because he had to shut her up before she did charge him. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll be... nice.” He hissed through gritted teeth and her answering giggle made his pulse flutter. He had to fight to keep himself from smiling. ‘What the hell was going on with him tonight? Was he sick?’
“Good boy,” she turned and started walking towards the Sunny’s aquarium bar, glancing back over her shoulder to make sure he was coming.
“Don’t push your luck, woman.” Zoro snarled to mask his confusion over the sudden need to touch her that he felt scratching at the back of his head. He really shouldn’t agree to be Nami’s drinking partner if he wanted to keep their friendship from getting... Complicated.
He knew it, but he followed her up the stairs all the same.
                                                       * * *
“Why d’you always want to drink with me anyway, witch?” Skeptical of her intentions, his narrowed eye fixed itself on Nami as she approached him holding two maroon tinted bottles. She offered one to him and he accepted it – but he didn’t let his guard down yet.
Zoro lowered his gaze to check the label out, whistling long and low when he read 23% alcohol per volume. A couple puzzle pieces clicked together in his head ‘Oh, that’s why. Because if she tried to drink this with anyone else they’d pass out after two glasses.’
“Would you believe that I just like hanging out with you?” Though her tone was teasing she was actually being genuine, she had a lot of fun with him whenever they went out.
“No–“ He paused when Nami kicked him in the shin hard enough to make him swear. Reaching down with his free hand he rubbed the sore patch of skin and glared daggers at his crewmate. “What the fuck was that for?!”
“You said you’d be nice, Zoro! So be nice or I’ll charge you a hundred thousand beris for that bottle.” Nami uncorked hers but waited to hand the corkscrew over until he behaved himself. The look he was giving her would probably frighten a small child but she didn’t flinch.
‘This was his choice.’ He reminded himself. Of his own free will he chose to get drunk with Nami instead of napping, and that meant dealing with her bossiness no matter how much he loathed it. ‘Sometimes he just wanted to grab her by the shoulders and make her shut up, there were better things her mouth could be doing anyway-‘
“Why do you keep staring at me like that, do I have a zit or something?”
Zoro sat up so fast that he banged his shoulder on the underside of the countertop. ‘What the hell was that? What the hell was wrong with him?’ He hadn’t even opened the damn bottle and he was already making himself look like an idiot.
“No,” the swordsman grumbled, wracking his brain for a believable excuse, “Just thinking about how I’ll owe you money even after I’m dead if you keep charging me for bullshit.” That made her laugh and Zoro cursed himself for how much he liked hearing it. “Don’t see how it’s funny for me, witch.”
Nami let him take the corkscrew from her, eyes crinkled with amusement while he opened his bottle. “You’ll just have to stay alive until you pay me back in full, I guess!” She trilled before taking a long, heavy drink from hers.
“Yeah?” Zoro snorted before mimicking her and downing about half of the wine in the container. It tasted disgusting, which he’d expected, but that didn’t make the bitter aftertaste any less miserable. His nose wrinkled slightly as he set the bottle down. “I bet even if I did try to pay you off you’d find a way to charge me more.”
“You make me sound so heartless,” the navigator batted her eyelashes innocently, pretending to look hurt, “Why would I ever do such a thing?”
“Hah.” He scoffed before chugging some more wine and failing to keep track of how much he was drinking each time. “Because you want to keep me on a leash since I don’t throw myself at you like that dumbass cook.”
An impish smirk crawled it’s way onto Nami’s face that made him immediately regret what he’d just said. ‘Fuck. Damnit!’
“So…” She began slowly, savoring every second that the swordsman spent avoiding direct eye contact with her, “You admit that you are one of my lap dogs?”
A muscle in his jaw flexed and he stopped drinking for one second to grunt, “That’s not what I said.”
“That’s what I heard!” Chimed Nami as she rose from her seat, stepping over to Zoro and tracing a finger under his jaw while he drained the last few drops of liquid. “I should get you a collar, so people know who to bring you to when you get lost.”
Normally he would have snapped at her for poking fun at his sense, or lack thereof, direction but he wasn’t listening to her. She’d come close enough for him to pick up her scent and maybe it was the alcohol intensifying his feelings, but it was suffocating him in a good way.
He loved the way she smelled. Tangerines from her soaps mixed with salty seawater and traces of sunscreen. A hint of orange blossom, but only when she was close to him like this. 
Zoro inhaled deeply through his nose and, without realizing it, his expression melted into something affectionate and gentle. ‘In two years she’d changed in so many different ways… but she still smelled the same. She still smelled like home.’
                                                        * * *
“What are you thinking about, Zoro?” Her voice void of it’s usual teasing tone, Nami’s curiosity was piqued by his sudden shift in demeanor. He looked soft and peaceful, like he didn’t have anything to worry about. She wanted to know why.
‘Ah, fuck.’ What was he supposed to tell her? That he was thinking about how good she smelled? ‘Yeah right.’ Zoro was quiet for a while, mulling over his words until he came up with an explanation that didn’t sound as creepy – but also wasn’t a lie.
“I guess..” he finally murmured, his gaze shifting to meet hers, “It’s just been a while and… I was thinking about how nice it feels to be back here, with everyone…” a brief pause then he added, “I missed you guys.” ‘Look at him being all gushy and emotional, this wine really was something else.’ Zoro reached to brush his fingertips by her temple, catching a stray lock of hair and tucking it behind her ear, “I missed you.”
When had Zoro ever been this honest with her about the way he felt? Never was the answer, but now he seemed to trust her well enough to know she wouldn’t spill his secrets. Nami took his face in both of her hands, surprising him, and pulled his head down so she could kiss his forehead. “I missed you too, Zoro.”
Something about hearing her say that she’d missed him too broke a dam in his chest that he’d been trying to keep together for two years. Hormoness flooded through his bloodstream quicker than Zoro could even process them and before he knew it he was practically throwing his arms around Nami’s waist and crushing her against his chest.
“Nami—” he pressed his face into her neck to hide the tears that he couldn’t hold back anymore. Sober he might have cared about losing it like this around her but she was here and… ‘He just – needed to hold her.’ Hold her and smell her and feel how real she was because she had almost been taken from him.
‘He’d barely begun to process what he had been through on Thriller Bark when they were attacked in Sabaody. If he tried to think back on it his memories would get hazy and his bones would ache from their very cores. He knew what had happened but it’s like his brain was protecting him from understanding how close to death he’d come. Then – to be torn away from the people he loved with all of his heart? Who he had just nearly killed himself to protect?
It had ripped him apart and rubbed salt into every wound. And it fucking hurt. The same kind of pain he felt when he saw Kuina dead on the floor of their dojo. He was scared, he was furious, he was devastated – all over again but this time it was so much worse. So, so much worse.
That was why he had trained so hard over the last two years. Because he couldn’t bear the grief that came with loving them so deeply – so he got stronger. And stronger. And stronger. No matter the cost to his body, he would become powerful enough to defeat anyone who crossed them. Then… He would never have to feel the agony that he did when he first woke up on Kuraigana Island ever again.
Taking on all of Luffy’s suffering in Thriller Bark had been the most physically painful experience of his entire life – but that was nothing compared to how much it hurt to think that his friends were gone forever, that he hadn’t been able to protect them.
Training made it easy not to think about what had happened -- but now he was home, and they were safe - and he was realizing just how close he’d come to losing all of them. At once. And he could do nothing to stop it.’
Startled by him grabbing her, Nami was prepared to give the pirate a good smack if he was getting handsy but… He started trembling. ‘Was he not feeling well?’ Her mouth opened to form the question then stopped. His breathing hitched while his entire body jerked and she realized…
‘Zoro was crying.’
Roronoa Zoro, who prided himself on his strength, was sobbing wretchedly into her neck. ‘He must have been holding this in since Sabaody.’ Nami’s heart ached for him and his stupid pride that forced him to torture himself instead of letting him cry like he needed to. She’d been expecting him to crash at some point, how couldn’t he? Even someone as strong as Zoro was still a human being.
One of her arms cradled his head while the other wound round his shoulders, her fingers combing gently through his hair. “Oh you sweet, sweet boy…” she spoke in the tone that Bellemere used to use when Nami and Nojiko were frightened by a passing thunderstorm. It always calmed her, maybe it would calm Zoro, too.
‘Quit fucking crying you loser you’re supposed to be a man.’ But he couldn’t, he literally could not stop because he was trying to. “I wasn’t strong enough,” his voice quivered at the edges and he hated it. ‘He was definitely never going to drink this kind of wine again ever. Not if it turned him into a blubbering mess like this every time.’
“Shhh, no. No. Don’t you dare try to blame yourself for what happened. Hey, look at me.” Nami urged his head off her shoulder and cupped his face in both of her palms, “None of us were strong enough, okay? Not even Luffy.” Each tear that fell she tenderly swept away with the pad of her thumb. The corner of her mouth turned up as she assured him, “But we are strong enough now. We can take care of each other. Nothing is ever going to tear us apart again, Zoro.”
‘She was right. Of course, she was right. He needed to have faith in his crewmates and his captain. They could do anything as long as they had each other.’ His breathing slowly evened out as he focused on anchoring himself back to reality. He wasn’t in Sabaody or Kuraigana – he was on the Sunny. In the bar, with Nami who had grown so much since he last saw her. The look in his eye softened like it had before his breakdown.
“You’re staring at me again, Zoro.” The navigator teased, her hands falling to rest on his shoulders. He hadn’t let go of her yet but she didn’t mind, he could hold on to her for as long as he needed.
A ghost of his usual smirk passed across his face. “Sorry, Nami…” Zoro took a little risk by leaning in to press a chaste but lingering kiss to her cheek, then traced a path with the edge of his nose to her ear, murmuring, “Wine makes me a little… Messy.”
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lloydskywalkers · 3 years
Heyo! Hope your doing exceptionally well, wonderful and ur staying safe! I was reading ur little oneshots for the movie! Verse and instantly fell in love! Think u have anymore for Kai and Lloyd? (But u don’t need to listen to this, obviously hehe) Have a splendid day!
ahhH thank you, I hope you’re doing well too!! :D oh man it’s been so long since i’ve written something for movie-verse, but I’ve had this little snippet in my head for a while so I guess it’s as good a time as any (and it is, of course, about kai and lloyd bc when is it noT)
it’s a little different than what i usually write, for movie-verse? but i hope it fits the bill! (takes place pre-movie, btw)
Of all his friends, Lloyd thinks Kai is most like the sun. Not just for his codename, and the enthusiasm with which he brings fire to the team, metaphorically and far too often literally, but for how bright he is. Kai reminds Lloyd of the sun at full force, strong and blazing and staunchly refusing to let anyone hide from his warmth. An endlessly combusting ball of stubbornness and passion.
Kai also reminds Lloyd of the sun in the way that he possesses about the same amount of brain cells the sun does, which is zero, because the sun has no brain — much like Kai.
“Hey, ru—de, ow, stop—”
Kai’s petulant response strangles off in cracked pain as Lloyd hushes him, simultaneously pulling the alcohol-soaked cloth from his arm with a sympathetic wince.
“Sorry, sorry,” Lloyd murmurs, wringing the edge of the cloth. “But I’ve gotta — it’ll get infected, if you don’t—”
“Nah, s’okay,” Kai says, breath hissing out through clenched teeth. He gives Lloyd a wavering smile that could almost be encouraging, were he not bleeding over Lloyd’s faded bedspread. “Just caught me off guard, I’m good now. ‘Sides, the — the stitches are gonna be worse, so—”
“It won’t be that bad,” Lloyd promises him, cleaning the rest of the deep slashes that run across Kai’s arm as quickly as he can. The lower ones aren’t so bad — he could get away without stitches, maybe. It’s the uppermost one that scares Lloyd, cutting deep enough into Kai’s skin to pose a threat. And Lloyd has no intention of leaving Kai anywhere near in danger, especially with the reason he’s hurt in the first place.
Lloyd swallows against the thick lump that suddenly forms in his throat, trying to banish the flood of emotions that have been rising since the battle against his father’s forces earlier. Surprise, shock, gratitude—? A swirling maelstrom of a deep-seated kind of aching warmth Lloyd is utterly unfamiliar with. It leaves him off-kilter, and words don’t come easily as they usually do.
Not that words ever come easily to Lloyd, but normally he isn’t quite this stuttering. Maybe. He hopes not. Maybe he’s just hyperaware right now, after everything, and he always sounds this embarrassing.
“I promise,” Lloyd continues, yanking himself from his thoughts as he busies with the needle. “I’ve got a lot of experience, and I’ll be gentle.”
Kai watches Lloyd threading the needle with a thinly-veiled fear, but he nods, the bravado Lloyd’s more familiar with making its way across his face. “Nice,” he says. “I trust you, Dr. Lloyd.”
Lloyd’s hands falter with the needle for a moment, before he resumes sterilizing it, ducking his head. Kai sounds like he means it — Kai sounds like he means everything he says, but the way he says trust hits differently, for Lloyd.
They’ve only been a team for few months, now. Not very long at all, to form any kind of trust in the son of your greatest enemy. Lloyd’s been going to school with some of the same people since kindergarten, and they’ve never looked at him with anything kinder than hatred, much less trust. And yet Kai is here, offering him his bleeding arm in Lloyd’s tiny room, trusting him to repair the damage he only took because he was protecting Lloyd.
Lloyd doesn’t understand. He doesn’t — people don’t — but his team—
They listened to him. Actually listened to him, to Lloyd. They actually listen to him in general, have since they were all thrown together in this odd little grouping, but it hasn’t quite hit home in the way it did tonight, when he’d snapped orders at them in barely-restrained panic, Kai’s blood staining his fingers as he’d staunched the knife wounds meant for him.
They hadn’t flinched back at his raised voice. Lloyd never raises his voice — he’s learned to keep it quiet, soft, unassuming. Even the slightest slip of frustration is enough to send anyone around him murmuring in suspicion, eyes narrowing and hissed whispers of just like his father filling the air.
Lloyd’s voice had been sharp and strained, barking across the rooftop, and they’d listened. No one flinched back, no eyes widened in fear — they’d just listened. They’re still listening, carrying out Lloyd’s orders without question, and it’s — it’s dizzying, if Lloyd had to put a word to it.
Cole and Zane are taking care of clean-up — something Lloyd will have to thank them for later, profusely. Neither were particularly happy about letting Kai out of their sights, but Cole and Zane are better at keeping each other steady than anyone else. It was the right call, Lloyd knows it was. Hopes it was.
But Lloyd hasn’t been having much faith in his calls, tonight. Not after Kai went down.
He swallows, focusing on the sounds reverberating from behind his closed door. Nya and Jay are talking with his mother, Nya’s louder tones easier to hear as she laughs. Lloyd knows her well enough to catch the strain in it, but he knows it’ll fool his mother. They’re distraction — Lloyd’s house was closest, and he’s got the best supplies stashed there. No one questions why he’s the one with the fully stocked medical kit, but Lloyd suspects they’ve all drawn their own conclusions.
He wishes they’d believe him, when he says it’s because he’s worried for them. He grew up with Wu as his uncle, who picks fights on a daily basis — with Morro as his cousin, who picks fights on an hourly basis. Lloyd knows the importance of having the good kind of medical supplies.
He finishes prepping the needle, squeezing Kai’s wrist briefly in warning. Lloyd’s not usually a tactile person — not that anyone would let him be — but he knows Kai soaks up touch like a starved sponge, and Lloyd’s desperate to give any kind of comfort he can before he starts with the needle.
Kai swallows, fixing his eyes firmly on the faded glow-in-the-dark stars plastered across Lloyd’s ceiling.
“Okay,” he says, his voice tight. “Bring it on.”
Lloyd swallows, steels himself, and sets the needle against his skin. Kai flinches at the first prick, eyes squeezing shut briefly, but otherwise he doesn’t move, jaw set stubbornly as Lloyd moves quickly. For his part, Lloyd keeps his eyes locked on the stitches, his hands steady. For all that Lloyd’s made up of bouncing nerves half the time, his hands rarely shake. Never when patching wounds up. He’s always been proud of how steady he can hold a needle, and tonight is no exception.
It’s the least he can do.
Kai suddenly tenses up, a broken-off noise strangling in his throat. Lloyd’s heart twists, but he stays steady, rallying himself. Conversation — Kai likes talking, right? Distraction, he can do that.
“So, um,” Lloyd stutters. On second thought, he’s awful at small talk. But — for Kai. “The way you took down that last guy was, it was really cool. Where’d you learn that?”
Kai bites his lip, exhaling shakily before he answers. “I train too, you know.”
Lloyd’s mouth quirks, despite himself. “Not like that.”
“What, a ninja can’t — can’t get creative,” Kai replies, through half-gritted teeth. Lloyd doesn’t say anything, but Kai rolls his eyes, continuing. “Fine. When I was younger, I ah…might’ve taken a few dance classes. For Nya! ‘Cause I couldn’t let her go alone, y’know, but they were — they were kinda fun, I guess, and maybe they slip into fighting, sometimes.” His cheeks darken, and Lloyd bites back a quiet laugh.
“Nothing like Cole, obviously, ‘cause he’s an actual dancer, but — that’s where I got it from.” He pins Lloyd with a glare, that’s somewhat dimmed by the scrunched expression of pain on his face. “Tell anyone and you’re dead though, okay?”
Lloyd hums his agreement, too focused on the stitches to reply immediately. After a moment, though, he speaks up again. “I did some ballet, when I was little.”
“No way,” Kai says, sounding delighted.
“Yeah, way,” Lloyd says. “I’ve heard from a very reliable source that dancing backgrounds are useful, with ninja stuff.”
“Very reliable meaning your uncle,” Kai grins.
Lloyd shrugs. “Maybe,” he half-smiles. Kai suddenly sucks in another pained breath, but to Lloyd’s relief, it’s likely the last one. He finishes off the stitches with a well-practiced hand, snapping the end of the thread and exhaling in relief.
“There. All done.”
Kai’s eyes widen. “Seriously, already?” He glances down at his arm, his other hand moving up to touch the stitches. Lloyd smacks it away, glaring at him.
“Don’t touch. You still have to watch out for infection. I’ll text you instructions for taking care of it, and everything. Just don’t do anything, ah…”
“No ninja-ing?” Kai finishes for him, crestfallen.
“Probably a good idea,” Lloyd says, apologetic. “But it’s not too bad. Shouldn’t take long, and you can be out, uh, ninja-ing again."
Kai is quiet for a moment, regarding his stitches. Then he turns to Lloyd, who is immediately staggered at the bright smile that stretches across his face.
“Cool. Thanks, Lloyd. You’re good at this.”
Lloyd can’t answer, his throat burning. He forces the welling moisture back, looking away. Kai’s only hurt for him, and that is layered with so much more meaning than Lloyd can comprehend right now.
“No problem,” Lloyd mutters, focusing instead on the voices outside his door in an attempt to find footing again. He can hear his mom laughing at something Nya’s said, open and relaxed in a way his mom rarely is. Lloyd’s heart twists into knots.
He doesn’t deserve them, any of them. Not really.
If Kai reminds Lloyd of the sun, then the rest of the team reminds him of stars. All bright and shining, bursting with warmth in their own way. Maybe not quite at the blazing heat that Kai does, but Nya is a north star if Lloyd’s ever needed one. Jay’s a blinking constellation, scattered stars that form a complex whole much larger than you’d thought. Cole’s the kind of star you see first pop up over the horizon, blending with the oranges and purples of the sunset, like a painting you’d see in soft watercolors. Zane’s the early-morning kind of star, the ones that stay stubbornly after the night’s left, dotting the pale morning with a calm steadiness.
Lloyd would be a planet, he supposes, caught in faithful orbit around the five people who have somehow, for some reason, given him a chance. It’d be generous, though. No, Lloyd is content just to be a moon — with no light of his own, reflecting only the brilliance others give him the best he can.
Kai’s finger taps the edge of his forehead, snapping Lloyd from his thoughts, and he blinks in confusion.
“Lost you there, again,” Kai asks, words mangled through a yawn. “Where’d you go?”
Lloyd shakes his head, turning his attention back to the bloodied thread leftover in his hands. His stomach turns, and he quickly sets it aside. “Just thinking.” He pauses, momentarily lost for words. He settles for jerking his head toward the window, where the smoke trailing from their hard-won battle is still visible against the dark sky, and gives Kai a wry smile. “How much do you wanna bet the cheerleading team comes up with a new song tomorrow?”
It’s been an inside joke for them, the ridiculous songs Chen and his gang keep coming up with to throw at Lloyd, and normally it gets a laugh from Kai. This time, though, Kai is silent, his eyes searching as he stares at Lloyd. Lloyd shifts under the attention, caught off-guard again. He doesn’t know what kind of look this is, that Kai’s giving him.
“They shouldn’t talk about you like that,” Kai finally says. His voice is quiet, but Lloyd can spot the brewing anger in it. Kai’s always got anger to spare.
“Sticks and stones, remember?” Lloyd shakes his head. He’s learned, after a while, that anger changes nothing. “Words will never hurt me.”
“Words hurt when people are throwing sticks and stones at you while they yell about your dad,” Kai grumbles.
“No one’s thrown rocks since second grade, actually.”
“Hm.” Kai’s tone is a mix of thinly withheld anger and mild amusement. Lloyd tilts his head, confused, and Kai gives a huff, anger tugging loose.
“Y’know, people say that if kids throw rocks at you in second grade, it means they’ve got a crush on you.”
Lloyd knows well enough it’s a joke, but he flushes red anyways, heat spreading across his cheeks. “Yeah, sure,” he stammers. Kai laughs at his reaction, though, the odd kind of anger departing, and Lloyd feels he’s found his footing again.
They’re quiet as Lloyd finishes cleaning up the medical supplies, Kai nodding sleepily on his bed while Lloyd carefully washes the needle in the bathroom sink. Maybe he can convince his mom to let Kai spend the night, he thinks. Jay and Nya , too — their apartment isn’t very big, but it’s awfully late to make them walk home, and Lloyd is fine with taking the floor, if he needs to.
Lloyd nods to himself, resolving to ask her once he’s finished hiding the evidence. His mom’s been so thrilled about him having people over at all, he can’t see her saying no. A smile pulls at his lips as he listens to the conversation outside his door again. Jay’s rambling on now, bright and excited without any of his usual reservation. He feels a pang, wondering if Jay’s the same as him — wondering if they’re all the same, playing at muted caricatures of themselves, too fearful to let whatever lies beneath shine through.
He wonders what it means, that they’re the ones with the city in their hands, that weight on their shoulders. Wonders what it means, that Lloyd feels safer with bullets strafing the air around him and his mask on, than he ever has with it off. That Green Ninja will always, always sound better than Lloyd in his ears.
“Hey, uh.”
Lloyd starts at Kai’s voice, twisting the sink off as he turns to face him. Kai looks half asleep, but the smile he gives him is bright as ever.
“Thanks, seriously. Not just for this, but for looking out for us. You’re a good friend.”
Lloyd’s heart skips a beat, his brain latching onto the word friend and holding on tightly, tucking it somewhere safe inside his chest.
“So thanks, Lloyd,” Kai yawns, barely awake at all now, but still stubbornly clinging to the threads of awareness.
Lloyd’s got his own thank you to give back, twisted and strangled behind whatever lump’s formed in his throat, but Kai’s snoring before he gets the chance to say it. So Lloyd tugs the edge of his comforter over his friend — his friend — instead, and runs the words over in his mind again and again, like a treasured line from a book.
On second thought. Maybe Lloyd isn’t so bad. He’s only ever liked his name the way his mom says it, without any of the snapping, harsh emphasis others give it. In others’ mouths, Lloyd’s name is a curse. In his mom’s, Lloyd’s name belongs to a person.
But he thinks, maybe, he likes the way it sounds when his teammates use it, too.
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: Okay so scrolling through ur jjk makes me even sadder actually. Amazing art tho dont get me wrong ive been here since u were into haikyuu but god this is just adding salt to the wounds. At least its pretty salt with emotional value and stuff
HAH it’s okay I get where you’re coming from lmao personally I find it healing for me specifically to spend a few straight hours in a universe where they’re all happy and okay, but I can see why for some people looking at the could-have-been’s might make it more obvious of how bad things are in canon actually rip
Anon said:Hey bestie its me. I did catch up to the manga. Wtf im in so much pain. But when i recover i apologise for the spam reblogging. Anyways damn. Damn. Just. The manga really hit me
So glad to hear it got to you too 🙏 sorry for the pain, but, I mean, it’s good pain isn’t it! at least there’s that haha
Anon said:your drawings of gojo being clingy to suguru is so cute! ahhh now im thinking about how infinity must makes gojo touch starved so everytime after mission when he knows he's not in danger anymore he always clings to suguru and never let go like an overgrown koala😭❤
Anon the thought of Satoru keeping his infinity off for Suguru and Shoko exclusively and of Suguru being still an exception even after everything till the very end keeps me up at night it’s my favorite headcanon I !!!! love just how deliberate on Satoru’s part every received touch is, it makes the fact that he’s willing to be touched by them so much more significant  😭😭
Anon said: What are your thoughts on Wakunan, if you still in Haikyuu? My favorite member is Matsushima.
I AM in fact still into haikyuu, but anon I’m so sorry I straight up had to google who these guys are I totally forgot they even existed ??? I feel so bad oh my god 😂 I’d say it’s fair to guess my thoughts on them are non-existent m( ,_, )m sorr
Anon said: Wanted to come by and say I love how you do faces and expressions and mapping in your comics. U are super talented and I love your art style, I hope the universe brings you something nice bc your work always brightens my day when it comes across my dash
ANONNNNNNNN the nice thing the universe brought me was your ask!!!! this kind of stuff is so rewarding to hear thank you so much!!!!! <3<3
Anon said: hiii have you added any jjk prints to your redbubble yet?
Not yet! Still trying to figure out if there’s anything worthy of being uploaded on there, since 99% of it was made on procreate and I’m still figuring it out... I’ll see what I can do! Thank you for being interested!!!!
Anon said: It’s been a while since you’ve drawn BNHA! I kinda miss it tbh... but I bow down to your godlike art n( ._.)n Also s5 is out tomorrow and I’m so hyped!!!
Anon said: hi! no pressure, i love your jjk art its so incredible, but do you have any bnha art in the works or have you mostly left it for jujutsu kaisen? either way theyre amazing shows, just asking!
Anon said: Do you still do BNHA fanarts or has your focus shifted over to jjk totally?
It has been a while, hasn’t it! I don’t currently have anything in the work but there’s a couple things I’ve been keeping on the backburner of my brain as a reminder that I want to draw them as soon as the mood strikes - it won’t be krbk tho! Just putting it out there. I can’t say whether I’ll ever draw that again as of now, ngl, I’d need hori to backtrack on what he did with them a lot to feel inspired for them again, sadly 🙏
Anon said: as someone who doesnt read the jjk manga and only watches the anime i am very confused by everything on this blog but were gonna ignore that cuz art pretty
Oh my god it’s just a ton of spoilers for you isn’t it 😂 I’m glad you still stick around despite all of it being meaningless to you, tho!! Thank you so much!!! <3<3
Anon said: I love your drawing so much, it's inspired me to draw more and refine my own art style!! I've got a request tho... how bout kiribaku childhood friends au?? Ik you've already drawn some but they would be so cuuute as children
SUPER GLAD to hear my stuff could make you feel like drawing more!!! That’s always a wonderful, amazing thing to hear!!!! But as I said for now I don’t have any plans of drawing krbk for a while, so sorry! ;; hope you’ll understand  🙏
Anon said: Bruh your reincarnation au, for a good while my brain didnt comprehend that satoru had his glasses hanging of his hoodie but instead interpreted it as one of those school girl tie things. Bruh i thought he was wearing a schoolgirl uniform my mind was goin wild with it
I need you to know that I’ve been thinking about this ask since I got it. It’s been stuck in my brain. It’s just been constantly there. He’d rock it, btw
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ozzy-bozzy · 3 years
ANOTHA REQUEST IM SO SORRY PLS TAKE UR TIME I LOVE UR WRITING & UR BLOG. but anyway may i also request how the sk8 the infinity boys would react to their partner catching them or walking in on them doing an embarrassing habit?? or like a secret talent that they’re embarrassed off :’D and how they would react while their s/o is just laughing bc it’s so cute when they’re flustered [cries]
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okay i got a little carried away with this one... but that's ok!! since this has been sitting in my inbox for awhile!! also PLEASE ur so cute! You dont have to apologize for sending so many requests, just getting a request makes my day that much better!!! <33
also short fics under the cut, they were kinda long i didnt want to make such an obnoxious post on people's feeds :3 ALSO i only did Reki and Langa because i did longer bits!
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Reki drummed his fingers against the edge of his desk, jamming out to the music playing in his headphones. He mouthed along to the words to the song, tapping his foot on the floor. He was designing a new deck right now, waiting for you to arrive at his house. It was finally the weekend and you were spending the night at his house, and he was in an amazing mood. He ran his fingers through his hair, his bangs covering his forehead since it was one of the rare times he wasn’t wearing his signature headband. He leaned back in his chair, looking back around the room. He saw it resting near the pillow on his bed so he stood and padded over to grab it.
He picked it up, and right then the chorus of the song started up and Reki got lost in the music. He was snapping his fingers, shaking his head to flip his hair around, swaying his hips to the music, waving his arms to the beat. But, because of the volume, he didn’t hear you greeting his mom and younger sisters down the hall, and the creak of his bedroom door crack open or even see you poke your head in. Seeing Reki dancing in his room certainly was a sight you didn’t think you would ever see, and you leaned against the door, amused. Reki had actually started singing along to the song, and right in the middle of belting out a note he spun around and came face to face with you, and screamed, making you burst out laughing.
His face immediately turned bright red, and he scratched at his neck, bashfully looking away. You wiped tears from your eyes and set your bag down on the edge of his bed,
“I didn’t know you were so musical, babe”
“You don’t have to make it more embarrassing yknow” you pinched his cheeks and cooed at him
“Aww, is my baby Reki embarrassed? You’re so cute!!” He just shook your hands off and went back to his desk to pout, while you smiled and went up behind him, running your fingers through his hair and pulling it out of his face.
“Yknow, that was one of my favorite songs, I would love to sing and dance with you” He smiles at your words, peeking up at you before sitting up a bit and giving you a quick, sweet kiss.
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Langa tapped his fingers against his desk, staring out the window. It was a calm Saturday afternoon, and all he wanted to do was go skate with you. But, his mom wouldn’t let him leave until he had finished all his work. He thought it was extremely childish, but complied and has been sitting at his desk, his blank, unfinished assignment in front of him. His chin was resting him his palm, gaze shifting down to the page where he started absentmindedly doodling on the page. Before he knew it, he had his very own cute little garden scene on his paper. He knew he should stop, but his hand just kept drawing. It was better than doing the assignment anyway.
Langa had texted you and told you about his predicament and you could already tell how bummed out he was, so you decided instead of just cancelling plans all together, you would just skate to his house and ‘help’ him with his homework. You had told him you were heading over, but in the moment Langa read it as a joke, preying on his misfortune. But, he really hoped you would actually show up, not that he would let you see his creative little animal friends he was sketching out.
You arrived at his home, greeted by his mother at the door. She’s delighted to have you over and tells you she thinks it’s a good idea, that you’ll probably help lift Langa’s spirits. Creeping to his room, you decide to scare him. You peek inside, and see him hunched over his desk, and much to your surprise, he looks like he’s working hard on his assignment.
You quietly walk up behind him, peering over his shoulder and you can’t help but gasp, scaring the living daylights out of the baby blue haired boy. His hand clutched at his chest, trying desperately to calm his rapid heartbeat while you snatched the paper from in front of him, admiring it and aweing over it,
“W-wait when did you get here??”
“Awe! Langa I didn’t know you could draw so well!” He snatched the page from you
“I don’t. I just got a little bored...:”
Then you got a look at his flushed face, leaning into his palm as a way to attempt to hide it form you. A poor attempt, but an attempt nonetheless. You could tell he was embarrassed and leaned down to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek, making him blush even more,
“Love you look so cute with your cheeks all flushed!”
“Why must you say such embarrassing things??”
“I just do it ‘cause I love you!” He just sighed. You could be so difficult sometimes.
‘...I love you too…” You stayed silent, before blurting out,
“So when are you gonna draw me a bunch of cute animals?”
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