#hoping that sylvie and Kelly will be friends now
write4life13 · 8 months
Chapter 3 of Trapped for a While is now up! Hope you enjoy!!
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callsign-dexter · 4 months
Taming the Flame 18+
Request: Ahhhh I LOVE THE CHICAGO UNIVERSE SO MUCH! Too many hotties at once haha 🤤How about some love for Kelly Severide where you're working at Ambo 61 for years now and Kelly always tried getting your attention but you never let it get to you as you know about him being a Womanizer and you don't wanna be one of his chicks. One time as he sees you getting closer with some guy you met at Molly's and he even comes to the firehouse he can't take it anymore and he grabs you, kissing you with all the passion and you end up sleeping together in his quarters. Then you cuddle and he tells you that he's serious, and something in your mind tells you to believe him, so you do? 😊🙊
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut
A/N: @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms I hope you're prepared for some Kelly Severide smut.....
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For as long as you could remember you have always worked with Kelly Severide at Firehouse 51 and worked on Ambo 61. You loved your job and the people that worked there, one in particular and that would be the man himself but you always kept your feelings a secret. For years Kelly had been trying to make you jealous and get you to notice him and it had worked but you just didn’t let it show. When you both had to do a task and had to be partnered up, he would always volunteer to be your partner and you weren’t complaining in the least bit. 
Both of your shifts were just about to start. You had pulled up at the same time as he did and smiled and shook your head. You killed the engine and so did he. He got out at the same time as you did. “Good morning, beautiful.” He said while grabbing his bag and you did the same
“Morning, Kelly.” You replied back and you two began walking into the firehouse.
“When are you going to let me take you on a date?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Never.” You said somewhat meaning it and he frowned.
“Why not?” He asked 
“You know why.” You said and he raised an eyebrow and you just shook your head and headed to go and get changed. Leaving a confused Kelly standing there. When you got there Sylvie, Stella, and Gabby were getting dressed as well. 
“Good morning.” You said and they smiled.
“Good morning.” They replied at the same time.
“How was your time off?” Gabby asked
“It was wonderful. Got to sleep in and catch up with Jay and Will.” You said and they smiled and nodded. Jay and Will were your childhood friends and you all considered each other family. “How was your guy's time off?” You asked.
“It was good. Did some shopping and laid around.” Sylvie said and you smiled.
“Antonio and I had some brother and sister bonding but other than that nothing.” Gabby said just then the bell rang and everyone was rushing out to their respective vehicles and everyone was off. 
When you got to the scene it was 4 car pileups so it was all hands-on deck. Gabby, Sylvie, and you worked in unison making sure the people that needed help were directed over to somewhere and the others that didn’t need as much help were grouped together. “Someone! Please help me! My child is stuck!” A woman shouted and that made you shoot up and head over to the black sedan you looked in and saw the child was unconscious. You turned to the mother.
“Ma’am just be calm and I’m gonna get some help opening this door.” You said seeing as the door where the kid was crushed in and from what you could see the car had hit it and then another car crashed into it and pushed it away. You turned and looked to see who was free and spotted Kelly “Severide! I need you!” You yelled out and that got his attention and he was quick to come rushing to your side along with some other members. “Door is stuck and won’t open. I need to get the boy as soon as possible.” You said and he nodded.
“You got it.” He said and he turned to give orders in the meantime you were in the front seat trying to assess the injuries as best as you could. You turned to the woman.
“What is your son’s name?” You asked 
“Jake his name is Jake.” She said frantically and you smiled and nodded.
“Jake, can you hear me?” You asked and he groaned a little bit and that made you smile and he slowly opened his eyes “That’s it. My name is Y/N and I’m here to help you.” You said and he just stared at you “Kelly?” You asked.
“Just 5 more seconds.” He said and you nodded.
“Just hold on, Jake.” You said and then you heard the door coming off and then you were getting out and going to the little boy. “Does anything hurt?” You asked. 
“My arm and chest.” He said quietly and you smiled and nodded. “Where is my mom?” He asked
“I’m right here baby. This nice paramedic is going to help you.” She said and you smiled.
“Can I feel around?” You asked him and he nodded and you did so. He whimpered when you pressed his arm and around his chest. “Ok, it looks like you may have broken your arm and the seatbelt sure did its job. We’re gonna get you out of here and looked at.” You said while placing a c-collar on him.
“I’m right behind you.” Kelly said and cut the boy loose and you were moving him onto the gurney supplied by another firehouse. You rattled off the boy's condition and Kelly was just looking at you in amazement. He had liked no loved you from the moment you two had met and he wanted to be with you but he was still in his running around and sleeping around stage but after a few months he finally realized he loved you and slowed down. Now when he does it, it was to make you jealous or grab your attention but you knew him and his history of women. So, when he tried to flirt with you, you just brushed him off. He has made it his mission to get you to notice him and go out with him and maybe that would lead to some other things. It wasn't a secret that he liked you since he flirted with you nonstop, you loved it but didn't let it get you because he is a womanizer and you didn't want to be added to the list. You didn't want to be the next hook up and then he was onto the next. 
The pileup was cleared and cleaned up and everyone was headed back to the station. You had dropped off the patients that you needed to. It only took 4 hours to get everything sorted out. When the trucks and ambulance was back you took the liberty of cleaning the ambulance and restocking, you claimed that it calmed you down after a call and it was satisfying. As you were doing this and lost in your own world you didn't hear Kelly walk up. “You're so sexy when you're working you know that?” He asked and you rolled your eyes.
“Sure I am.” You said, glancing at him.
“You are.” He said and you rolled your eyes and turned back to what you were doing and a smile came across your face. 
“Ok, Kel.” You said using the nickname that you're only allowed to use for him. He was about to say something else but Casey called out his name and Kelly looked disappointed that he would have to leave you. 
“I'll talk to you later, beautiful.” He said and turned to walk away and you turned and watched him. 
You really didn't get a chance to talk to him again because either Squad 3 was called out or Ambulance 61 was. It seemed like Ambulance 61 was being called out a lot, as soon as you got back from a call you were being called to another place.
You finally got a break just 3 hrs before your shift ended and you were exhausted. As soon as you pulled into the bay and had gotten out, he was meeting you. “About time you're back. I was having a Y/N withdrawal.” He said and you tried to blush with an eye roll. 
“I'm sure you were thinking about all the other women that are falling at your feet.” You said and he shook his head.
“No, you're the only one I want.” He said 
“Sure, Kelly. Are you coming to Molly's after shift?” You asked changing the subject and he nodded.
“Only if you are.” He said and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“Yea, I'm going. I need a few drinks after this hellacious day.” You said and he chuckled.
The rest of the shift you were cleaning, filling out paperwork, and just overall hoping another call doesn't come your way. You don't look up until Kelly is standing right in front of you. “Ready to go?” He asked and you looked at your watch and nodded.
“Yes please. I'll be happy to get out of here for a few days.” You said 
“You and me both.” He said and after you got changed and headed to your car and him to his truck you two talked. Before you knew it you were following him to Molly's and parking beside him. Most of everyone else was there with you guys so it was gonna be a fun night. 
You walked in and immediately saw Intelligence and some of Med there. Then you spotted Will and Jay and walked over to them. “Hey.” You said and hugged them and they hugged you back. “Did we miss anything?” You asked and they shook their heads.
“Nope it's just been boring but now that you and 51 one is it's gonna get interesting.” Will said with a smile and you rolled your eyes and pushed him.
“Oh hush.” You said and then gave the bartender your order and it was quick to arrive. The night was spent with you mingling about and gossiping with the girls from Intelligence, Med, and 51. You scanned the bar and found Kelly talking with some blonde headed woman who only wanted one thing and seemed to enjoy it and you rolled your eyes and turned back to your conversation. You loved him, you really did but you couldn't be with him especially since he loves to hook up with random women. 
“What's with the face?” Hailey asked and you raised an eyebrow.
“What look?” You asked and then scanned again and still found Kelly in the same position.
“That look.” Kim said they looked where you were looking and suddenly understood.
 “It’s nothing guys really.” You said not taking your eyes away from Kelly.
“You have nothing to worry about. He is absolutely in love with you. You really have tamed the flame of Kelly Severide.” Gabby said and you scoffed and looked at her.
“Yeah right. I’m gonna get another beer. Anybody want anything?” You asked and they shook their heads and you took it as your que to get up and walk to the bar. When you got to the bar you had to wait for a few minutes and that gave enough time for a guy to come over and sit down next to you.
“Now what is a beautiful girl doing up here all alone?” He said and you turned to look at him. He was a doctor, law enforcement, firefighter, or paramedic. He had dark brown hair and honey-colored eyes. You smiled at him.
“Just trying to get a drink. I’m here with some work friends.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“What is it that you do?” He asked and you smiled and you thought that it would be nice to talk to someone outside of the firehouse.
“I’m a paramedic for Firehouse 51.” You said and he smiled.
“I’m Chad.” He said and then waved down the bartender.
“I’m Y/N.” You replied and then the bartender arrived.
“What can I get the two of you?” She asked
“I need another Coors Light and whatever this beautiful woman is having. Put it on my tab.” He said smoothly. You told her what you were drinking and she got the drinks for you and then you decided to stay and talk to this handsome stranger that goes by the name of Chad. 
“You should come down to the station sometime. I’m off tomorrow and the next two days and then working again.” You said and he nodded.
“I will most certainly do that.” He said and the night just continued on. That night Chad made you forget about Kelly and you had a great time and you even went home with him. 
Kelly wasn't having a good time. He was just coming over to get a drink and this random girl walked over and started chatting with him. Every now and then he would do a sweep over the bar and find you laughing and having a good time with Kim, Hailey, Gabby, Stella, and Sylvie and when he saw you laughing, he smiled. He turned back to his conversation smiling thinking of you, when he looked up, he caught your eye and his smile faded as he saw the look on his face. He was only interested in you and only you. 
The next time he looked up you saw you at the bar and he was about to walk over to you but a guy beat him to it. He watched you interact with this guy and actually smile. The girl that came up to him was long forgotten and when he stopped paying attention to her, she huffed and stormed off. Now he had to stand there and watch you hit it off with Chad. 
Kelly was jealous and he hated that feeling. It should be him over there with you. You should be with him. His mood had soured for the rest of the night and he turned down any other women that came up to him. He wanted you and only you. You were perfect for him. What tipped him off was when you left with Chad and he didn't see you for the rest of the night.
Over the course of the days, you were off you enjoyed some alone time and some time with Chad. It turns out he worked as a school teacher and he loved his job. Of course, you two had some fun together but it was never really serious because you loved Kelly. Over the days you were off you had lunch with Chad and it was great and you loved spending time with him. What you didn’t know was that Kelly just happened to be at the same little restaurant and noticed you and Chad and grew increasingly jealous because he wanted that to be him with you and not Chad. He just sighed and reminded himself that you both would be back at work tomorrow and then he would have you all to himself and nobody could steal you away from him.
You sighed as you pulled into the parking lot of the station and not a second later Kelly’s truck was pulling up next to you. You smiled and then got out as he did. “Good morning.” You said and he turned to look at you and gave you a nod and then walked off into the station an eyebrow raised but you shook it off and got your mind into work mode. You greeted the other crew as they were leaving and then greeted some of the others on shift with you. Not a word from Kelly and he hadn’t been seen and that worried you but you let it slide and started your shift. Right as soon as you got your outfit changed and stuff put away the bell rang for Ambulance 61 and that had you running and joining Gabby and Sylvie and you were off to the call. You looked out the window and saw Kelly looking at you but you couldn’t read his face but there was a slight frown. The call was easy and it didn’t take too long and you were back at the station in time. Gabby parked and everyone got out and you went into the kitchen to grab something to drink and you ran into Kelly. “Hey.” You said and he turned around and gave you a smile.
“Hey.” He said but it was short.
“Are you ok?” You asked and he nodded and then continued on what he was doing and you sighed. “Did I do something?” You asked and he jerked and looked at you.
“No, absolutely not. You did nothing wrong.” He said and that made you confused.
“Then why didn’t you talk to me this morning or why did I not see you until we got that call?” You asked curious.
“Trust me it is not you. It really is me. Y/N you have to understand that-” He began when Herrmann called your name and appeared into the kitchen.
“There is a Chad here for you.” He said and you nodded and gave Kelly one last look and headed to greet him. Kelly stood there for a few minutes with Herrmann.
“You love her, don’t you?” He asked and Kelly nodded.
“I do.” Kelly replied
“Then do something about it.” Herrmann said and Kelly nodded and watched his coworker walk away. That gave him time to think. He did love you and he wanted to be with you and only you. He had made up his mind and walked out of the kitchen and to where you were. He saw you laughing with Chad and that made his jealous rear its head and take control of his body. Kelly walked up with you with so much confidence, he gently spun you around and smashed his lips into yours in a hot passionate kiss that you were quick to return leaving Chad there stunned. After a minute or so a throat was being cleared and you broke apart and looked over at Chad. 
“I think it is best if you go.” Kelly said and he nodded.
“I’ll see you around Y/N.” He awkwardly said.
“No, you won’t.” Kelly said and then started to drag you to his quarters. When you got there you were about to say something but he was quick to push you against the door and kiss you again this kiss was filled with want and need. “Been wanting to do that for a while now.” He said and then returned to kissing you. 
“Kelly.” You moaned out and turned your head to the side giving him more access to your neck and that sweet spot. He smirked into your neck and bit that one spot that had your knee going weak. You could feel how hard he was through his pants and that made you moan and clench around nothing, you needed and wanted him at the same time. “Kel, I need you.” You moaned out and he smirked.
“You got me baby.” He said and you shook your head again.
“No, I need you to be inside of me.” You said and he grunted.
“Jump.” He said and you did and then he was turning around and walking you over to his bed, where he gently laid you down. He was quick to get your clothes off and then his was disappearing and joining yours in the pile it had created. “You are so beautiful, baby.” He said while you laid there naked in front of him and you blushed but you couldn’t help but look him up and down and then stopped at his cock and you practically started to drool. “Like what you see?” He asked and you nodded.
“Love what I see.” You said and he smirked and then was crawling up until he was seated between your legs. 
“Already so wet for me and all I did was kiss you.” He said and you chuckled.
“I can’t help that you turn me on.” You said and he smirked and then parted your legs slightly and started to kiss the inside of your thighs until he got to where you needed him the most. 
“Kel.” You moaned out when he licked a broad stripe up your slick folds and you swear you could’ve came right then and there. He continued his attack on your pussy and he wasn’t letting you up. Your hands went to his hair and grabbed on it and pulled his face further into you. One hand went to your hips to keep them still and down when you tried to buck up into his face and the other hand went to your pussy and rubbed your clit and then two fingers were being pushed into you and he started to slowly thrust his fingers in and out of you. Your head was thrown back in a mouth open in a slight moan, you knew you had to be quiet but with him pleasing you this good you couldn’t help but voice it. All too soon he stopped and pulled out of you licking his fingers and then took them out, he crawled up until you felt his cock nudging your opening.
“Damn you taste good. As much as I want you to cum on my face, I want you to come on my cock.” He said and again you clenched around nothing. He reached down and pumped himself and then he was slowly easing into you and attaching his lips to yours to swallow that moan that was coming out of you. You bottomed out and your hands gripped his sheets as he started his slow thrusting, he stretched you out in all the right places and filled you like nobody ever has. He was bigger than your previous lovers and you were loving it. You always dreamed about how it would be to have sex with him and you could finally say that your dreams were coming true and it was glorious. He finally released your lips when air was needed. You let out a loud moan and his hand was quick to come up and cover your mouth. “Shhhh. As much as I want to hear you, you have to be quiet.” He said and you nodded and he uncovered your mouth.
“Faster, Kel.” You said and he obliged and started to go faster. You wrapped your legs around him and locked your ankles. His arms came to rest beside your head and caged you in. You were just glad that the blinds were shut. 
“Oh, baby. You’re so tight.” He moaned out and he thrusted in and hit your g-spot that had you moaning practically loud and he was quick to cover your mouth. “I told you to be quiet.” He said and made a sharp thrust into you.
“I can’t help it. You fill me up and stretch me in all the right places.” You said when he took his hand away from your mouth and that made him smirk. “I’m close.” You said and he nodded.
“I am too. Cum with me.” He said and sped up and your nails dug into his shoulder blades and he hissed. His head dropped down to your breasts and he started to give them attention and when he slightly bit your right nipple that had you cumming. 
“I’m cumming, Kel.” You said and then he did it to your left and that is what you did you in. You clenched around him and that rubber band snapped and your nails went down his back leaving scratches in their wake and that was it for him.
“I am too.” He said and then his thrusts got sloppy and then he stilled inside of you. His head was thrown back and a quiet moan came out of him. After a few minutes you both came down from your high and he was collapsing next you and you turned to where you were facing him. “That was hot.” He said and you nodded. “I mean it when I said that you’re the only one for me and that you’re it for me.” He said and you smiled and looked up at him.
“I believe you. I guess Gabby was right when she said I tamed the flame.” You said and he chuckled.
“You certainly did. When I saw you talking with Chad at Molly’s I was jealous. I wanted that to be me with you.” He said
“What about that woman that you were with? You were smiling a lot.” You asked and shook his head and kissed your forehead and looked down at you.
“She came up and talked to me and I was so desperately trying to get away from her. I was smiling because I saw you laughing and having a good time with the girls.” He said and you smiled.
“I love you, Kels.” You said 
“I love you too.” He said and you laid there in each other arms enjoying being there with each other. That moment didn’t last long because the bells were ringing signaling for Squad, Truck 81, and Ambulance 61 for a call. You both groaned but were quick to get dressed as you were coming out of his quarters, you ran into Gabby, Sylvie, Stella, and a few others and they just looked at you and smirked. You hurried off and with your head hung but a smirk on your face and Kelly’s. As you were about to get into the ambulance, he caught you and kissed you and you returned it but you were being pulled into the ambulance and everyone was off to the call. 
“So, you and Kelly finally admitted your feelings and got together huh?” Gabby asked and you blushed.
“Oh hush.” You said and they laughed but you smiled. 
You and Kelly loved each other that was for sure and now you both could be with each other. Neither of you were going to let one another go and you were ok with that. You finally tamed the flame and that flame was yours and only yours.
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poppadom0912 · 8 months
Together (X)
Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, injuries, abuse, kidnappings, shootings, swearing and scary men.
Summary: Everyone's reunited at last and are never letting go.
A/N: This is the last chapter before the epilogue. I just wanna reiterate how much fun writing this has been and how much i appreciate all the love and support you've shown this series.
It's a bit too late for my liking but I've only now finished writing. This week was so busy for me but I promised and here it is!
Enjoy the last 2.5k words of angst because the epilogue is next!!🙃😊
Previous Chapter / Series Masterlist / Next Chapter
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Kelly was bursting through the seams with anxiety. The entire time while responding to the car pile-up, he was riddled with it and the tension he harboured carried through to everyone else.  
It put him at somewhat ease to know at least Sylvie and Violet were with you as well as Intelligence and then eventually everyone at Med. You were going to be surrounded by people you loved and vice versa.  
When the scene started to get cleared up, Boden wasted no time and let Kelly go, urging him to take his buggy and promising everyone would be there once everything was finished.  
The second Kelly stepped into the ED, April was at his side and guiding him towards the ICU where you were being kept for now. On the way up, she carefully explained what she knew and warned him about your appearance.  
Kelly didn't know what to think till he saw your face for himself and God, he wanted to bring hell onto earth.  
Jay heard his soft steps, picking up his head from the back of the chair. Kelly wouldn't say it to his face, but Jay looked horrible, eye bags dark and sullen, hair uncombed and frizzy and injury wise, the bandages told him enough. Somehow, Jay looked worse than what he did yesterday when Kelly last saw him.  
Upon seeing the lieutenant, Jay tiredly smiled at him, easing himself out of his chair and half limped out the room with the IV pole in his left hand. Kelly went forward hastily to help him, telling him to sit back down or help him out the room into another seat but Jay shrugged him off, weakly pushing his efforts away. 
“Go be with my sister you dumbass. April’s here to help me, don’t worry.” 
And with that, he watched his childhood friend help support his supposed soon to be brother-in-law down the white hallways of the intensive care unit. 
Kelly's eyes burned when he first caught sight of you. The last time he saw you was on the video he'd been sent of you screaming as you were being beaten up.  
Gosh, Kelly had felt so helpless and still feels as such.  
Sitting in the chair Jay had previously been inhabiting, Kelly took his time to fully study you, memorising every feature of your face once again in fear of having you ripped out his grasp again.  
You looked so different. Kelly knew your body by the back of his hand and had your every single detail down to the cell engraved into the forefront of his mind. You looked so different but so recognisable, there was no mistaking that this sleeping woman was indeed you.  
Six hours ago, everyone was ready to mourn the oldest and the youngest Halstead. Despite the resilience Intelligence bleed, everyone had been told to prepare for the worst and six hours ago, all hope was lost and giving up seemed so sweet but so sour it still stung now.  
Kelly hesitated, hand hovering mid-air over yours, eyes cast down on your battered body that he could only see little of. Healing scabs and scars alike marred your hands, the sight making him falter, wondering if it was even a good idea to hold your hand. But then the last two days flashed in his eyes and without another thought, he gently placed your hand in his.  
Relief washed over him in waves, flooding his veins. This sensation felt so bittersweet, the sweet poking the tears from his eyes and the bitter nipping at his ankles. To have you back in his vicinity, to have you back home, Kelly never wanted anything so badly before in his life. Despite this, you had been through the ringer, experiencing pain like no other, pain that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.
Actually, the Murray’s deserve worse, maybe the devil himself. Hell and a bit more sounded sufficient enough.
With his hand safely enveloping yours, Kelly felt himself calming down. Even with all the machinery beeping around him, to feel your pulse against his fingers made this dream a reality.
Soft knocking brought him out of his thoughts. Reluctantly pulling his eyes away from you, Kelly found Sylvie standing at the door with two coffees in hand, Violet nowhere in sight.
“Maggie said I can’t give this to Jay, so…” Sylvie said, dragging the word as she held out the paper cup towards him, shrugging her shoulders sheepishly when Kelly smirked in amusement.
“Thanks Brett.” Kelly smiled, gladly taking the caffeine from her hands, and drinking with no hesitation. Truth be told, no one in the firehouse slept much last night, they had too much playing on their minds.
“Crocket said surgery went well.” Sylvie started, standing by your head, fingers caressing your hair as she gently pulled each tangle apart one by one. “I know it doesn’t look like it but she’s going to be fine.”
There was a pregnant pause, Sylvie’s attention diverted and solely on detangling your matted hair before bringing a washcloth that sat on the table to get rid of any residue and dirt stuck on your face. Her trained fingers were put to work, her eyes not once leaving your face as she continued without stopping.
“She’s going to be just fine.”
Kevin was overwhelmed, so was Kim and Hailey but much less so than the aforementioned man. The rest of the team, well they were off busy with the Murray’s and their many, many (somehow attained) henchmen.
The two women were bystanders in it all, coming much later and missing out the most brutal parts. The same could not be said for Kevin and Will.
The two men were following Jay out the warehouse but at a much slower pace. Kevin was supporting Will as best he could, apologising every time the doctor winced and faltered in his steps. Eventually, Jay got so far ahead that he disappeared and very likely was already outside and getting you into the single ambulance waiting.
All of a sudden, the silence that was only interrupted by Will expressing his pain was intruded by gunfire.
They really couldn’t catch a break, could they?
Will apparently remembered the hallways and pointed out a dead-end corridor for them to take cover in and despite his pain riddled brain, he wasn’t wrong.
Without any hesitation, Kevin drew his gun from his holster and shot when necessary and whenever he found someone lurking nearby. Without diverting his attention, he grabbed his walkie and called for backup, relaying both in code and not what was happening.  
Eventually when some time had passed, way too long for Kevin to be comfortable with, Kim and Hailey appeared from around the corner, guns held up in caution before they lowered at the sight of the officer.  
Despite having everything under control, Kevin felt better having his colleagues with him now that Jay was gone. With their help, together they could probably get Will out quicker.  
Now that everything calmed down, Kevin could finally solely put his focus onto said man. Turning his back to the two women, Kevin went to talk to the redhead but found himself speechless at the sight he was met with.  
Lord knows how but up above was a window that some crazy henchman busted his way through and had silently landed on the ground behind him. The man was dressed in all black, blonde hair pocking from the mask he wore armed with both a gun and knife.  
Worst of all, the unnamed and very much unwelcomed man was way too close to Will for Kevin's liking.  
Before Kevin could properly take care of the dude, a shot was fired, and the man fell very ungracefully onto the solid floor, the sound of the impact making all the intelligence personnel internally wince.  
With the nuisance out of the way and no more pathetic distractions, Kevin turned to the redheaded man once again and the sight made him sick. So sick that he had to bite his tongue and hold back any bile from coming up.  
Kim and Hailey clearly felt the same, both gasping from behind him.  
The annoying man had been left ‘alone’ with Will for plenty long enough because along with all his injuries, another gaping wound had been added. Will was riddled in open wounds, the longer you stared the worse they looked. This one, instead of sitting among the others in his torso, was nicely placed in his thigh which conveniently was just above where Jay had been shot.  
It seemed very convenient that every place on his body that had a wound were the places that bled the most. Will was having so much fun right now.
“Shit! Will!” Kevin rushed to kneel down before the slouched man. Chucking his gun and radio aside, quite carelessly, his brain short circuited before everything kicked in.
“Pressure.” Will coughed out, visibly struggling to keep breathing steadily. “You- you need to put pressure on it.” He repeated, wheezing as he liked his chapped and pale lips.
Without question, Hailey hastily took off the thin jacket she was wearing, rushing forward, and kneeling besides Kevin. With caution and slight apprehension, she positioned the jacket around his thigh but hesitated when she was supposed to tie it.
“This is going to hurt Will.” She said firmly, her strong tone warning him.
“The tighter…” Will started, slowly blinking up at the blonde woman who he knew secretly liked his brother and vice versa. “The better.”
And with that, Hailey tied the simplest knot and pulled hard.
“Fuck!” Will exclaimed, voice breaking. “Motherfucker-“
“Sorry! I’m so sorry but it’s all done.” Hailey incessantly apologised to him; her remorse visible on her face but before she could get up, she was stopped by a hand gripping her wrist.
“You have to go tighter.” Will stated, his fingers clutching her wrist as tight as he could but Hailey barely felt any weight. “Just like a torniquet. It has- has to be tight or else…”
“Will, stay with us man.” Kevin said, his tone leaking with urgency, almost pleading him. “You’re the doctor, walk us through it.”
Forcing his eyes open, Will blearily started at the three of them. His mind was completely muddled and subconsciously, he incredulously wondered how they hadn’t been trained to make a tourniquet in the field.
Without further say, Kevin was getting up to unbuckle his belt easier, Kim replacing his space.
With much struggled, many pauses and tons of encouragement, they kept him alert enough for him to guide them through making a tourniquet around his thigh. The pain was unbearable, altogether it was blinding.
“I’m so sorry Will.” Kim whispered, sitting in front of him but she was alone with him, Kevin and Hailey gone off to find what was taking the medical attention so long to arrive. “Just a little longer I swear.”
“Jay! Stop panicking.”
“Hailey, it’s Will-“
“We’ve got him, go be with Y/N.”
“But Will- are you sure?”
“He’s trying his best, okay? Go be with our girl.”
And that might’ve been the last thing Will heard, the faint shouting between the two detective partners. Kim’s voice actually, he heard that last, her shouts for help when his eyes slid shut.
Actually, Jay’s desperate pleading, that was the last thing he heard.
"It was part of protocol we run a rape kit."
Kelly couldn't breathe. His only saving grace being that Jay wasn't currently in the room with him.
"It came out clean."
Kelly physically deflated at the good news.
"It's going to take a while but she will recover. They both will." Ethan said, having permission from Crocket to tell him the news.
"And no one's heard anything about Will yet?"
The silence was so suffocating, if Kelly squinted, he could probably see Ethan turning blue from the lack of oxygen.
"We've been told we're waiting on a body. They want us to confirm it."
Kelly didn't need to ask for Ethan to break it down for him. He knew exactly what that meant.
If he looked the Korean man in the eye, Kelly would definitely see a thin sheen of tears coating his eyes.
Antonio had been doing this for a long time, he’d seen and been through a lot himself but this, this would stay with him for a long time.
The guttural screams that tore his vocal cords to further damage. The blood trailed after him like the bread from Hansel and Gretel, painting the crime scene a war zone. His cries begging to know his baby brother and sister were safe and, in a hospital, where they could recover.
They were watching the innocent doctor become a martyr right before their very own eyes.
What happened next could only be explained by pure, sheer will and determination.
While they were hounding for an ambulance, Antonio caught men getting escorted away in cuffs, all looking identical until the final two men left the building. The rage he felt, Antonio didn’t know how any of them remained stationary.
It was a miracle Will came back to consciousness. When he closed his eyes and his body went limp, everyone truly thought that was it, after everything the Halstead’s had done to survive, this was the unhappy ending they were getting. But then, Will gave the biggest middle finger to fate because after all of this, she could be damned for all he could care.
Will remained alert enough, being continuously roused by each of the remaining intelligence members when they noticed his eyelids sliding shut. They tried distracting him, updating him on the wellbeing of his siblings, news that was happily provided.
The only ones that remained was Antonio and Kevin. The rest had been forced to accompany Jay just in case, they were all preparing for the worse case scenario. And Hank, he was making sure the bastards never got to see the light of day ever again.
Ten minutes passed. By now, it had been two hours since they got on the scene and an hour since they raided the warehouse. The more Will struggled; the more Antonio was losing his patience. Right before the naked eye, out in the open for the entire universe to see, Will was bleeding out; he was dying. Death was looming, crawling from a mile away but its stench was strong, it’s shadow too close for comfort.
Making eye contact with Kevin, they had a silent conversation and with no argument, they were lifting Will up and nearly carrying him towards the car.
This was their last chance and they weren’t going to wait for that ambulance anymore.
And for once, fate guided them with a beaming light. She overturned the hatred she'd shown and led them safely, holding out a much-needed lifeline.
And so when the car screeched to a halt at Med’s ambulance bay doors, Will found it easier to breathe.
Series Masterlist:
@mads-weasley @sowrongitslottie @elite4cekalyma @senjoritanana @hufflepuff-blackwidow @mrspeacem1nusone @kmc1989 @goth-cowgirl-03 @daggersquadphantom @photographerkaiya0306 @jamie0515 @samanthavitale @iamasimpingh0e @lanea-1 @swidkid @jamie0515
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Killer Cookie
A/n: I finally finished and I don’t know what else to say but I hope you love reading this since it’s the last part
Word count: 3.3k
summary: You get into a fight at school and Hailey helps you and your brother to stop fighting
———————————————————————— It was a chilly, no… freezing day in Chicago. It was snowing but not as much currently because the storm is supposed to hit later tonight.
You decided to walk to the firehouse instead of riding the bus because you didn’t feel like hearing everyone screaming whenever the bus would almost crash, even though you were one of those people with your friends.
Your class won a food party because they collected the most votes on the door decoration contest. Luckily none of the food had strawberries. Because you are deathly allergic to strawberries and always needed an EpiPen with you just in case.
Which reminded you to tell Will or Jay that you needed a new one since you lost your last one when you went out sledding with them.
But when you opened your locker to get your backpack and Jacket there was a box of chocolate chip cookies.
~inside the box
don’t worry there’s no strawberries, 
-secret admire ;)
You screamed internally because you lived  for Chocolate chip cookies, and you had a secret admirer?
On your way home you were starving since you didn’t eat much at school, only really some fries from the restaurant.
So you decided to eat 2 cookies and let everyone else fight for the rest, they were yours after all. 
Opening the box carefully so you didn’t drop the box and whatever was in your hands.
You shoved the whistle cookie in your mouth. You may do girl things but you eat like a grown man, especially a football player.
Not even 10 seconds after swallowing the cookie your throat started to feel dry and you couldn’t breath 
(Give me a break today this is all going to be in mine right now)
“Shit. There’s no strawberries in these, unless.” You picked up a cookie and broke it in half. “What kind of psycho put strawberries in chocolate? I- I need to get t-to the house”
You basically pushed everyone aside who tried to greet you and rushed to the kitchen.
“Ayy, Y/n how’s my favorite Halstead sibling doing” Kelly joked
Jay hit Kelly in the elbow hard. “C'mon man it was a joke, I can have favorites”
“Nah, I see how it is, guess I’m never bringing food over here again. And you can keep Y/n forever then” Jay shrugged.
“I was just trying to cheer her up, she looks upset” Kelly usually payed attention to
Your face whenever you came in. He would know if it was ok to make jokes or he needed to pull you to the side and talk to you. Right now you are upset but that’s because you weren’t processing anything.
But clearly ignoring everyone was for nothing because you barely made it to your drawer of the kitchen before you fell and your backpack cushioned your fall.
At least you didn't  hit  your head.
“Y/n you good?” Jay stood up from the chair he was sitting at. This was so unlike you. You always came in and said “Hi” or “Hello” to everyone whether or not you were having a bad day
“Y/n?… SHIT Y/N!”Jay screamed 
“Take her back pack off,” Matt said. “What’s wrong with her? She turning blue”. Someone else’s voice came out from the other 10 voices.
“Give her CPR or something” Jay spoke as Kelly was rubbing your sternum.
“Jay we don’t know what’s wrong with her let alone why she’s turning blue it could be the cold” Kelly said “cmon y/n come back to us”
Hailey practically runs in due to all the commotion with Stella and Sylvie right behind her
Sylvie and Stella ran over to you and started assessing you while Stella started CPR.
Hailey walked over your bag which was thrown a few feet away from you and decided to go pick it up, to help out.
Hailey picked up the box and your backpack so it was out of the way but when she looked in the box she saw something that she thought you wouldn’t have. 
“Shit, where does Y/n keep all her stuff in here” Hailey was looking at both Sylvie and Stella but she hoped at least both of them would answer.
“Uhh bottom drawer far left”
Hailey rummaged through the draw until she found a tube with a bright orange tip. And sprinted to you and pushed everyone out of the way.
As everyone was yelling at Hailey like she was crazy she rolled up your pant legs and Jabbed the Epi Pen in the middle of your thigh.
“Strawberries- she had strawberries” She sighed
My head feels like it’s underwater
Everything seems so muffled 
What-what happened?
Your eyes flutter open and immediately shut them due to the light.
“C'mon y/n come on back to us” a soft voice says
“Give her space guys” as time goes on the voices get louder and it forces you to open your eyes. 
“Just rest, we’re not gonna push you to talk, we’ll talk at home. We’re gonna leave soon”
Hailey had to go home while you were passed out because she had an early shift tomorrow so Will drove over to the firehouse to come and get both you and Jay.
“How is she?” Jay looked in his rear view mirror to see you guys.
Will checked your pulse again and looked at the watch on his wrist “her pulse is better but her breathing is slow, I might give her oxygen when we get home”
“Why would she eat strawberries?” 
“They were cookie Jay, maybe she didn’t know. It happens” 
“Well it better have been an accident or me her are gonna have a serious talk” Jay grumbled 
“Don’t be to harsh on her”
You woke up around 5:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep, and the one thing you hated the oxygen.
You’d much rather have the nasal one but you can’t exactly argue with adults on what’s better for your health so you just have to deal with the mask. 
Eventually it got hot and you got bored since you couldn’t find your phone. You assumed it was still at the firehouse or Jay had it.
You dragged your little tank/ machine across the room and grabbed your comforter (the very top blanket on your bed) and your pillows and one stuffed animal  and stuffed them into the bathtub and you found your laptop and you put on your favorite show.
This was better than being in your bed. 
Will woke up to the sounds of Jay screaming in his ear. So much for trying to sleep in.
“Wake up, Y/n’s gone she’s not in her bed” Jay almost screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Are you crazy? Check her bathroom, I found her sleeping in there one time after a reaction and I heard sounds coming from there this morning” Will turned his back to Jay.
Jay ran into your bathroom which was connected to your bedroom and what he saw made his heart melt. 
“Here’s the real story, the PTO had a cookie drive where you could buy cookies for your friends and stuff like that and they would put it in your locker and we would find them, mine had a note that just said that “thanks for being great friend, don’t worry there’s no strawberries” Okay, so maybe you lied a little but it’s better than jay beating up some poor boy.
“Did it say from who?” Jay asked in his detective tone
“Nope, and I’m pretty sure Hailey told me she threw the box away while I was passed out” you shrugged.
“I guess it’s fine, maybe the PTO forgot. It’s not like anyone hurt you on purpose so it's fine. Right jay” Will sent Jay that look to just drop this subject this one time.
“Yeah right…” Jay picked at his pancakes. He wanted to look into it more but Hailey would kill him.
But… the laughing and the image of you guys faded into his mind.
Flashback end… (WHAT?!??)
Will realized it, it was Milly. Milly was somewhat an old friend of yours and he remembered the day you said you told her that you were allergic to strawberries when she was over. You’ve only been allergic for around a year and half. There hadn’t been anyone else you told. 
Except for Milly…
Will shot up from the couch, grabbed his keys from the bowl and ran outside to his car.
Will attempted to call Jay but he didn’t answer. So he was probably out with Hailey. 
“Jay when you get this meet me at the Jail they have Y/n immediately. There’s not a lot of time” 
“Uhh yeah, I just opened my locker and they were there. I didn’t think anything of it, I guess I was just excited” You shrugged.
“Did you tell anyone else about your allergy other than Milly” Jay spoke
“No, not until after the incident, I honestly don’t remember much from that day, but I don't really care to be honest.” You shrugged once again.
“Y/n listen to me, you’re going to have another court date. You’re going to tell everyone exactly what you told us. We’ll get security footage from the school and we’ll also get statements from everyone at the house” You’re lawyer was pretty strict and prescient on getting you out.
It wasn’t the first time someone has gone against Milly in court and you’re lawyer had won 4 cases against 2 
1 year and 7 months ago
“Well well well isn’t it the detective's little sister?” 
“What did I do not milly?” You sighed.
“Nothing, I just wanna make your life a living hell. Your brother is horrible and if I can’t do anything to him I might as well hurt what’s best to him, his little sister-.” Milly had a smirk on her face.
“Please Milly, I’m just trying to fix my makeup” you rolled your eyes and looked back at the mirror.
“Let’s see if make up can fix this” before you could ask her what she meant when you felt stinging on your right eye.
“It’s not you I have a problem with. It’s your brother's little squad.” She spits as the rest of her group come in and corner you.
A kick from behind throws you to the ground. 
As you try to fight back Milly and get friends they overpower you as it’s 1v5 
(And yes this happened at my school but in the hallways❤️)
After a few more kicks to the stomach one of the girls speaks up. 
“Let’s go, don’t kill her.”
“You’re off the hook for now Halstead.” She kicks you once more in the stomach and you cry out in pain.
As soon as you got home you peaked behind the wall to see if Jay was watching Tv to make sure the coast was clear. Nothing 
You ran to your room and to your bathroom.
You pulled open your draw of Makeup and crabbed your concealer. 
(I don’t wear much makeup yet so give me break on how it works😭)
“Y/n? Are you good in there?” Jay knocked on the door
“Yeah, yeah just fixing something” you replied 
“Alright, Will called and asked if you wanted to go out for dinner” 
That made you freeze. You can’t go out like this… Will and Jay could tell the signs of when you used too much makeup. 
“Uhh, I don’t really feel like it. Can her just pick up chick fil a or something” 
“Are you ok? You love going out” Dam it Jay, did you really have to pick a being detective as your job.
“Yeah, I rather just hang out with you guys tonight y'know”
“Alright I’ll call him”
“Y/nnnn… Y/N”
“Is this one of those seizure things she used to have when she had that head injury?” Jay whispers to will
“No, it doesn't look like it. I’m hoping it’s not because I will sue this place down if they let her get a head injury and didn’t let any of us know.” Will grits that last part between his teeth.
“Y/N!” A voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, tell them in court got it. I gotta go bye”
“Alright, call me if you need to schedule anything or if anything happens” your lawyer stood up from the chair.
“Yeah thanks Chris” both Jay and Will got up and shook his hand and walked out.
“What was that about” Will mumbled
“I don’t know, Y/ns strange but you never know what’s going up in that head of hers.” Jay shrugged as he walked down the steps.
Just three weeks left Will said to himself, three weeks. And then you could go back to school. You missed a whole school year so you would be a year behind all of your friends. 
How could Jay not care, he hadn’t fought or visited you as much as he did. 
He would talk to him when they got back to his apartment. This was gonna be another fight 
“Yes will”Jay hummed
“You seem to not care about y/n all you do is sit her all day and watch these stupid games” 
“First of all the games aren’t stupid, and second of all how dare you say that I don’t care about her. It seems like you don’t care about her”
“ME? Oh no you sit here and go to the district come back home and drink like your Addict” 
“And you? Don’t act so innocent. You’ve been sitting there on your couch rotting away when you’re not at work” Jay scoffed
“At Least I’m trying to help, I’m trying to read about how we can help Y/n. Do you ever use your brain or are you so fucked up inside? You gonna turn up like dad if you don’t check yourself” Will shoved his finger in Jays chest.
Jay flung wills hand away. “Watch who you’re talking to. Don’t bother  coming over. And you can have y/n when she gets out since I don’t care about her. Now get the hell out of my house”
Like I said, the Halstead siblings are falling apart.
January 29th 2024
Court date
“All rise” Everyone stood up as the judge walked into the room
Will,Jay and your lawyer Chris had given you a talk on behaving and doing exactly what they said.
You were gonna follow through with those rules but you had something else in mind to add. A way that everyone would see the true face of Milly.
“I have a question for my client”
“During your first court, Ms. Taylor accused you of abusing her over the months, and looking over CCTV footage from your so called confrontation Michelle walked over to Ms Halstead instead and she threw the first punch. If you had looked at the cameras you would have seen it”
Milly looked astonished that someone had said her real legal name and not Milly. 
“MR. Olsen, I did look at the security cameras and I saw what I saw” The judge shrugged.
You had enough, the judge kept lying, Milly kept telling fake stories and everyone wans´t helping.
“I’ve had enough” You stood up. “Y/n what hell are you doing sit down” Jay yelled in a whisper.
“Back off Jay, Your name isn’t Milly Parker. It's Michelle. Isn’t that right? Ms, Taylor? There’s video proof of everything and every single one of your group of friends. You think I haven’t had an outsider for months? Giving me all the information I know right now. I knew it was you who tried to Kill me with the cookies. I got video permission and I saw it. Best part is I didn’t even have to wait for you to be proven wrong in a couple of years because IT'S ALL HERE. YOUR A FUCKING SNAKE, A LIAR AND BITCH”
Jay and Hailey got up and pulled you out of the courtroom before security did it themselves. 
“Y/n are you crazy, you’re going to end up getting more Time in jail” 
“You don’t understand Jay, she’s the one who hit me first. She’s the one who gave those strawberry Cookies” You cried.
Jay pulled you into a hug, so you wouldn’t run off and he could comfort you. “It’s alright, you’re ok. I’ll figure it out.” “Go get that footage on that screen, if they try to stop you someone named Harrison Butler will help you” Jay whispered to Hailey and she nodded back.
“Y/n I’m gonna leave you with Kevin for 5 minutes while I talk to Will about something really quick. Is that ok?” He could feel you nodding in his chest. 
“Natalie, It’s Jay. I need you to send Y/ns medical records from when we came for a check up after she had a reaction”
Jay kept humming in response when Natalie kept asking questions
“Alright thank you” 
“I’m getting super tired of the crazy shit” Jay mumbled to himself. 
“You need to listen to me. When you go in there don’t get up and scream, don’t accuse, don’t exaggerate. Stick to what Voight told you” Jay was on your level giving you a pep talk. This was the final court session. It would be decided who was guilty and who wasn’t. “Do you understand?”
“Yes. If I get to go home can I get McDonald’s?” It was worth asking.
“Of course y/n. I’ll buy you all the McDonald’s you want and whatever you want.” 
“Y/n it’s time, let’s go” Your lawyer Chris came out.
“Can Ms. Y/n Halstead come up” The judge “would please tell your side of the story to settle this once and for all.”
After the longest speech of your life which was almost 40 minutes. And other people are coming up to talk. A decision was made.
“I sentence Michelle Taylor 30 years for attempted murder, 10 years for fraud and 3 years for assault.” 
“For Y/n Halsted, she and her family will be compensated 10 thousands from the star and 25 thousand from the Taylor family from what she has been through.” You looked at Jay with a shocked face, that was a ton of money. “Case closed.” The Jude spoke. Everyone around you started clapping and cheering. 
People from your school who had also been affected by Milly were there, News stations, Your family from Med, Fire and Pd. The whole state had heard about your story and it finally worked, people came out told their stories with Milly and this Past year of Hell was over. 
You won
Now in the car With Jay and Will you guys were one of the last to leave since people were interviewing you guys like crazy. You were starving for something, not prison food. 
“Can I have McDonald’s now?” 
Jay and Will looked at each other and then looked back at you “taking that as a yes, I’m tired of prison food so let’s go”
IT'S OVER, I don’t know if I’m gonna pick this up and add to it again but I want to say I’ve been adding to this every now then since late December early January ish.
I love this and now I can focus on working on some other stuff I have to write😁
Sorry it took so long as well. I wanted to make it good but I got tired of writing this like 2 weeks ago so it’s kinda bad.
Love yall so much and thank you for all the support
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deanstead · 2 years
Wrong Target
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader
Requested: yes, by anon
Summary: When someone slips something into Y/N’s unattended drink, Kelly is able to stop it in time. But when Y/N is targeted again, Kelly unintentionally reveals his true feelings.
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Word Count: 1,987
Other Characters: Matt Casey, Jay Halstead, Antonio Dawson
Warnings: idiots-in-love, mentions of being drugged/roofied, mentions of attempted sexual assault/kidnapping, mentions of being drugged
A/N: once again couldn’t have done this without my bestie @mertes4cker !! Hope you guys enjoy this!
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“Yo, Sev.”
Kelly blinked back at his best friend who was now sitting across from him. A look crossed Matt’s face as he turned back to see what or who Kelly had been watching, before a small smile flit across his face.
“You know…” Matt started, but Kelly shook his head, cutting him off.
“We are not doing this again.” Kelly told his best friend.
You glanced over your shoulder, your eyes finding Kelly naturally where he was talking to Matt, before Gabby motioned towards you and you slid off your chair to head towards her and Sylvie, just for a bit.
Matt glanced back one last time, just as Gabby had called you away before he turned back towards Kelly.
You and Kelly had been friends for a long time and Kelly had been carrying feelings for you for a long time. Kelly still remembered Shay nagging him about it as if it was yesterday and he knew if Shay was here now she’d already be kicking his non-moving ass. But the timing had never seemed right.
Every single time that he’d thought of telling you, something had gotten in the way. So somewhere along the way, Kelly had somehow convinced himself that the universe was telling him not to do it. Besides, it felt stupid to rock a peaceful boat.
Matt was in the middle of his sentence when Kelly frowned, his head swiveling back towards the bar.
“Seriously, Sev, you…” Matt’s voice trailed off as he saw what had caught Kelly’s eye.
A sandy-haired guy was now leaning casually against the bar, where your unattended drink lay as he looked around, before he dropped a pill into your drink, the tablet fizzling in your beer now.
“That did not just…” Matt glanced at Kelly, speaking in a low voice.
Kelly pushed his chair backwards and swam through the crowd of people that were entering Molly’s now, reaching you just as you’d returned back to your original seat and put the glass up to your lips, the guy long gone.
Kelly snatched it back out of your hands and away from you, the liquid sloshing around in your glass.
“What the hell, Kelly?” You growled, pulling back a little when you noticed the look in his eyes. “What?”
Kelly cast a dark look behind him but the guy had been lost in the crowd. Matt came up to him, shaking his head and Kelly looked back down at the drink.
“Get her out of here. I’ll call Antonio.” Matt said, patting Kelly’s shoulder.
You raised your eyebrows, exchanging a confused look with Gabby before Kelly practically shoved you out of Molly’s, which wasn’t easy in the first place since the place was packed.
As the cold outside air hit you, you spun around to look at Kelly. “Will you tell me what’s going on now?”
You didn’t sound as harsh as you had inside because there was a look in his eyes that told you he wasn’t trying to be funny.
Kelly glanced down at you. “I told you not to leave your drinks unattended.” His voice was reproachful but you could hear he was worried.
“I… wait, what?”
Kelly gave you a pointed look, glancing down at the empty street. “Come on, let’s go.”
Being roommates had its perks, you mused as Kelly fell into step next to you, letting go of your elbow when he realized he was still holding onto you and that you were sober.
You glanced up at Kelly but he was looking straight ahead and you just smiled to yourself, catching yourself wondering why you were still hopelessly in love with your best friend when you knew that he would never see you as anything more than that.
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Antonio had called Matt and Kelly to let them know that based on the footage Herrmann had provided them, the limited eyewitness accounts and the MO, this was a guy that Intelligence had been trying to find in connection with a couple of sexual assaults, adding that if they were lucky they could add kidnapping to the existing charges.
But this guy was smart. He’d made sure to only strike in crowded bars, where women were alone or easily distracted. There were limited eyewitness accounts, and bars made it easy for friends to overlook someone who’d disappeared since she could easily have gone off willingly with a date.
Kelly glanced at his watch as he headed up to Molly’s. He was a little later than he would have liked but he’d been held back by a case from OFI.
Molly’s was packed as usual for a Friday night and he frowned when he didn’t spot you immediately so he headed towards the bar. Maybe you’d taken off because he was late.
“Dawson, you seen Y/N tonight?”
Gabby looked up from where she was quickly mixing a drink. “Yeah, she’s right…” Her voice trailed off as her eyes found your empty chair.
Kelly glanced in that direction, noticing your phone lying on the table.
“She was right there a second ago.” Gabby told him. “Kelly, I’m sorry we’re swamped tonight and I…”
Kelly shook his head. “I’m gonna go look for her. If anyone in Intelligence or Casey comes in…”
Gabby nodded quickly, as Kelly disappeared towards the back.
He’d barely taken two steps out towards where the dumpsters were when he caught a movement, the same sandy hair he recognized from a week ago, with you slumped against his body as he tried to push you into a car.
Damn it.
Kelly charged towards them as the guy tried his best to remain nonchalant.
“Can I help you? As you can see, I'm trying to take my girl home.” He said, glancing down at you before back at Kelly. "You know how it is."
A low growl escaped Kelly’s lips. “Get your hands off her.” Kelly leaned forward to take your hand, tugging you out of the stranger’s grasp and into his arms, amid your mumbled protests about getting into a car.
Kelly tightened an arm around you as the guy glanced down the street warily and he tugged you further back, away from the stranger.
“I suggest you don’t get involved.” He warned Kelly. “Just mind your own business.”
His arm still holding you tightly against him, Kelly growled. “She is my business. She is my girl, you picked the wrong ass target.” He glanced down at you before sweeping his head back up to look at the guy standing in front of him now, feeling the anger course through his body.
The guy stepped forward and Kelly growled in warning. On any other day, Kelly could take this guy down but now with you in tow…
Kelly stiffened, angling his body to try to shield you, before the sirens hit, the truck that Kelly recognized as Jay’s pulling up right at the front of the alley, as shouts of “Chicago PD!” came from all sides.
Kelly exhaled, putting another arm around you to steady you, as your head lolled against him.
“You guys okay?” Antonio turned to glance at Kelly as Adam shoved the guy against his own car and cuffed him.
Kelly glanced down at you. “Y/N, you with me?”
You mumbled something and Kelly shook his head. “That son of a bitch gave her something.”
Antonio nodded at Jay to take the both of you to Med straight away and Kelly swept you easily into his arms and into Jay’s truck, before Jay pressed down on the accelerator heading straight for the hospital.
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Kelly glanced at you, lying in bed, your eyes still closed.
Will had already been by to explain that the dosage hadn’t been high but that they’d flushed out the residual drugs in your system.
“We’re getting fluids into her system. Her vitals are strong, she should be fine.”
Kelly looked up when there was a knock at the door and Jay slipped in.
There was silence for a beat before Kelly spoke. “So what happened, Jay? Did Dawson call?”
“We'd already narrowed him down as a suspect, but we couldn’t arrest him with nothing. So we’d been tracking him.”
Kelly glanced at Jay now. “So what, Y/N was bait?”
Jay put his hands up. “Woah, Kelly. Not by a long shot.” He paused. “We didn’t expect him to hit the same bar, or the same girl. We already had a tracker on him, so when we noticed him heading for Molly’s, we hightailed it there. As far as I know, Gabby called while we were already on the way.”
Kelly glanced down at you before he glanced up and nodded. “Sorry.” He paused. “And thanks. I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle it with her unconscious and this guy…”
Jay patted Kelly on the shoulder, just as you stirred.
“Y/N?” Kelly’s head snapped up and Jay nodded, quietly leaving the room to give the both of you some privacy.
Your eyes fluttered open, before you sat up with a shock. “Wait, what… Kelly?”
“Shhh, it’s okay. We’re at Med, alright?”
You felt your heart rate slow, conscious of the fact that your hand was held tightly in Kelly’s. “I…”
Kelly gave you a look. “I thought we agreed to be careful with our drinks.”
“I was.” You argued, though your voice was still soft as your head pounded. “I swear, I didn’t leave my drink unattended. I don’t even… wait.”
Kelly raised an eyebrow, moving closer towards you. “There was this guy…” You said, looking up at Kelly. “He was hovering around me, maybe I took my eyes off for like a second, I… I’m sorry, Kelly.”
Kelly couldn’t even find it in himself to be mad at you like he normally would be, his features softening as he sighed. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
You gave him a small smile, pausing before you glanced at him. “Did you mean it?”
“Hmm? What?” Kelly asked a little absentmindedly, turning to see if he could spot Will.
“What you said to that creep.”
Kelly froze, realizing that you hadn’t been totally out of it.
You hadn’t. In fact, you’d been awake for most of it, just lightheaded, lethargic, and feeling like you couldn’t control your own body.
Kelly exhaled, realizing he was screwed. He didn’t have much of a choice right now. So even with the irrational worry that something was going to go wrong, or the fear that this would change things between the both of you forever, he took a deep breath and glanced back down at you, right into your eyes.
“Every word, Y/N. Every word.”
You felt your stomach tumble inside you, and heard your heart rate increase from the machine sitting right next to you that was totally betraying you right now.
Kelly shook his head. “Look, I don’t want you to feel burdened by my feelings. Nothing has to change, we just…”
“Kelly Severide.” You interrupted him.
Kelly blinked back at you.
“For once, will you let me finish before you jump like twenty steps ahead?” You nagged, although a small smile appeared on your face. “I’ve always wanted to be that person.”
“What?” Kelly frowned, confused.
“Your person.” You clarified. “Always. Shay wouldn’t leave me alone about it.”
A look crossed over Kelly’s face that told you he finally got what you were saying and he smiled, closing the distance between you and pressing his lips firmly on yours, one hand cupping the side of your face.
“Finally.” You could almost hear Shay’s voice ring out in your ears.
You smiled against Kelly’s touch, as he pulled away and you looked back into his green eyes before he leaned down for a hug. “I love you.” He whispered, pressing his lips onto your temple now.
“I love you too, Kelly Severide. Always have." You whispered, as you saw Kelly smile.
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chloe-skywalker · 9 months
Tell Him - Kelly Severide
Kelly x fem!reader
Warnings: I think the request says it all if its even a warning
Word count: 630
Requested:can i request for kelly severide where reader is asexual, but she tries to force her self into having sex with kelly (maybe cos she hears kelly talking with the guys about her not having sex with him) and she feels awful (btw kelly doesnt know she is asexual) and then she tries to have sex with him and when he takes off her bra she has a panic attack and kelly comforts her - @alanalanalanalanalana
Authors Note: I looked into the asexuailty since I personally don’t know anyone who Identifies as that so I hope it was to your liking. Thank you for your request.
One Chicago Masterlist
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“You should just tell him.” Stella told her stressed friend.
“Yeah, Y/n. He would totally understand.” Sylvie nodded in agreement.
“No one can predict how he’ll take it.” Y/n shook her head with a solemn expression.
Stella reached over, putting a hand on Y/n’s shoulder. “Kelly’s not an ass. He won’t judge.” 
“Yeah, no way. I bet he’d be supportive.” Sylvie added, she thought Stella was right. Kelly has a heart of gold, he wouldn’t judge Y/n.
But they both understood why she was nervous, they after all had heard Kelly talking with the guys too.
Y/n decided to take their advice and talk with Kelly, but first she just wanted to try once more with him. Maybe she could get herself to just ‘do it’ and not have to tell him.
Later that night when they were home at their shared place. Y/n decided to try her last ditch effort. So she stepped out in her bathrobe wearing a new set of lingerie. As she stood in the doorway to the hallway she spoke up. “Hey, I got something that I want to show you. So can you come here?”
“The games on you woman bring it out here?” he responded not removing his eyes from the t.v.
“Well, it’s kinda a bedroom activity.” y/n answered with a seductive tone.
Which of course got his attention. “Oh, well then.”
They got pretty far. Entered the bedroom, both of them laughing. Both undressed, well mostly. Kelly layed on the bed, leaning back against the headboard and pillows. Kelly leaned forward kissing Y/n’s neck. As he reached up running his hands up her back, Y/n felt her heartrate pick up. But once he went to unclip her bra, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t go through with it.
“y/n?” Kelly pulled back when he felt her breathing pick up. “Y/n, are you alright?”
Y/n tried to answer but couldn’t, she realized she was having a panic attack and she’s sure Kelly figured it out to.
“I’m sorry.” She apologized after recovering from the panic attack and calmed her breathing. Y/n buried her head in his chest out of embarrassment.
“Don’t be sorry. But Y/n, we never have to do anything you don’t want to. Never. But I think I deserve and need to know what's wrong. Did I do something?” Kelly wasn’t wrong, he did need and deserve to know. Especially since he didn’t really do anything wrong like he’s thinking.
“I overheard you talking with the guys the other day and-”
“Hey, what you heard, yeah maybe I should of just come straight to you but. Y/n/n, I don’t know what's going on and I needed advice. We keep being inches from having sex and then something happens.” Kelly shook his head pushing her back just enough to look her in the eyes. “I need to know. Did I do something? Are you not ready to take that step yet? What is it?”
Y/n knew she needed to tell him now. Or there might not be a relationship now. “I’m asexual.”
There was a few minutes of silence before he answered. Which made y/n even more nervous.
“That's it?” Kelly furrowed his eyebrows before letting out a breath of relief, giving her a soft sweet smile. “Y/n, if you don’t want to have sex when I’m trying to inicate it then just tell me. If there’s something I can do to make sex more comfortable to you than, please tell me. If I’ve learned anything about relationships it’s that we always need to talk about things. Okay?”
“Okay.” Y/n nodded smiling. Stella and Slyvie were right, he didn’t judge.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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sevcasejay1chicago · 11 months
Matt Casey x reader
Casey and his wife are expecting there second child, they have been married for three years. Y/n are working at the same firehouse as Casey but she is the paramedic for Ambo 61 and partner with Brett.
Gabby Dawson is still working at firehouse 51 but as a firefighter for truck 81. Y/n and gabby used to be partners for Ambo 61, they two are best friends.
Casey are really nervous to become a father to two kids, they already has a boy who is a toddler now and they are expecting a baby girl.
When Casey and y/n were expecting there boy they wasn’t together or married, but they got together when he was born. But they used to be a couple before there boy was conceived, but work got in the way.
Casey is really nervous, and the only one that he have told is Severide and Dawson. But Y/n finds out about how Casey feel about having a second child. Y/n gets mad at Casey for not telling her and they starts to fight. Even if they both know that they want to have another baby and to give there boy a sibling.
Scared- Matt Casey
Other Characters: Kelly Severide, Gabby Dawson, Sylvie Brett
Summary: Loosely based off of the prompt above, once the fight between you and Matt break out, you almost faint, causing everyone to rush to your aid.
Warnings: Mentions vomiting/morning sickness, dehydration, loose and possible wrong medical terminology.
Y/s/n = your son’s name.
Authors note: sorry I haven’t posted in a while! It’s been crazy and I’m not doing great in any capacity, but I’ve been trying to get something out and also trying to do your requests. I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you for your patience and support! Love y’all!
You and Matt have been married for three years. Despite once being in a relationship with Matt, you quickly befriended Gabby when you were her partner on 61. Now, Gabby is a firefighter under Matt and you are partnered up with Brett. Through all of the awkward moments between you and Gabby when it comes to Matt, you are still best friends. Gabby was one of your biggest supporters when you were pregnant with y/s/n. You and Matt had recently broken it off because of his alderman duties when you started getting violently sick. As your roommate and fellow paramedic, Gabby was obviously very concerned until she connected the dots.
Now, a little over three years later, you and Matt are married with a baby girl on the way. The morning sickness has definitely been the worst during this pregnancy, but Matt, Gabby, Kelly, Brett, and Stella have been nothing but supportive. As of right now, you are laying in Matt’s office with a trash can by his cot while Brett and Gabby are trying to calm you down as Matt rushes around to grab a few things. Kelly finds Matt pacing in the locker room, running his hands through his hair.
“Woah man. What’s wrong?” Kelly asks, coming to stop Matt and try to calm his best friend.
“God Sev.” Matt mutters, tears threatening to spill. “She is just so sick and I hate seeing her like this. I mean, I was talking to Gabby the other day and I don’t know.” Matt said, shaking his head and lowering himself to a seat on one of the benches.
Kelly sighed as he lowered himself to the bench beside his best friend. “You don’t have to be afraid Matt. You are already such a good husband and father. Adding one more will be a piece of cake.” Kelly soothed, patting Matt on the back.
Matt shook his head. “I never really had a father figure growing up. I’m scared I’m going to mess up and they are going to leave. Gabby tried to talk me down too and nothing…”
“Excuse me?” You croaked, leaning heavily on Brett as she helped steady you on the way to the bathroom while Gabby stayed behind to change Matt’s sheets.
“Y/n.” Matt sighed, standing slowly and coming over to you.
“No. You talked to Gabby and Kelly, but not your own wife? The mother of your TWO children!” You exclaimed, starting to shake as you began to yell.
“Baby. It’s not like that at all.” Matt plead, hands out to steady you, but you tumbled back, only being caught by Brett.
“You don’t get to be scared Matt Casey.” You whispered. “You and I are suppose to be in this together. I’m terrified every single moment since I’ve been pregnant. You know I have a fear of vomiting, yet I go through this because I love you and I love y/s/n and I want him to have a sibling.” You wept, closing your eyes as the world stared to tilt.
“Y/n!” Matt, Kelly, and Brett yelled.
You pushed back at Matt when he tried to touch you, letting Brett and Kelly lower you to the floor.
“Go get a sick bag, a water, and Gabby. Have her bring the go bag.” Brett said, feeling for your pulse.
“Shhhh. Breathe.” Kelly instructed, taking your face in his hands. “Everything will be just fine.”
“What if he leaves?” You sobbed, grabbing onto Kelly for dear life. “I need him. I’m just really hurt that he won’t talk to me but I need him.” You sobbed, not realizing that Matt was standing behind the three of you as he waited for Gabby clutching a sick bag and a bottle of water.
“Baby, no.” Matt whispered, coming to crouch in front of you, handing what he had off to Kelly. “Yeah, I’m scared and yes, I should have talked to you. But understand this: I. Am. Not. Going. Anywhere.” Matt emphasized, looking you dead in the eyes. “Both Gabby and Kelly found me in a panic and that’s why I told them. You are dealing with so much right now and I don’t want you to worry about me too.” Matt explained, wiping the tears from your face as Gabby came in with the go bag, slipping the pulse ox on your finger and the BP cuff on.
“How we doin?” Gabby asked, seeing your heart rate elevated and your oxygen levels at 95.
“Nauseous and dizzy.” You explained, leaning into Matt’s hands as he held your face.
“BP’s low.” Brett announced, grabbing the Iv kit from the bag. “I think you’ve got yourself dehydrated. I’m going to place a line.” Brett said, already prepping your arm.
Your eyes widened as you looked between all of your friends and your husband. “No way. Nope.” You said, trying to stand, but quickly falling back down into Kelly with Matt guiding your decent.
“You aren’t going anywhere. Relax.” Kelly said, squeezing your upper arms.
“Matt, please.” You begged, tears streaming down your face. You were starting to turn grey as the nausea built along with your anxiety.
“Shhh. It’s gonna be alright.” Matt soothed, kissing your forehead before turning to Kelly. “Switch with me. Let me hold her, it normally calms her down. Get the sick bag ready.” Matt instructed, quickly switching with Kelly as the man did what he was instructed to do. Matt sat with you in between his legs so that your back was pushed to his chest. He rested his chin lightly on your shoulder as he whispered in your ear. “Shhhh. It’s for the best. I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry. I love you. I’ve got you.” Matt whispered as you began hyperventilating from the panic of the rising nausea and the impending IV.
“Look at me. Just look at me.” Kelly said, kneeling in your line of sight. He waited until you opened your eyes to meet his own. Kelly smiled at you as he started breathing in time with Matt. “Just relax. We gotcha. We gotta do what’s best for you and the little princess, right?” Kelly said, smiling wider when you nodded. “That’s right. Just breathe. Follow us and focus on us.” Kelly instructed.
Matt noticed you starting to follow, but saw Brett going in with the needle. Matt and Kelly made eye contact as the needle pinched your skin. Kelly saw your change in color as Matt felt your gasp and then gag harshly.
“Shit. Okay, here sweetheart. Hang in there.” Kelly said, placing the bag under your chin as Matt pulled your hair back once more and held you steady around the torso.
“I’m gonna flush this, then give her some Zofran. We gotta get this under control. You cool with that and then some fluids for her Matt?” Brett asked, flushing the IV as she spoke.
“God yes. Whatever you have to do.” Matt instructed, hating how you were squirming and panting in his lap. You shook like a leaf as Matt held you on the cold tile floor.
“Gabby. Can you run and grab a blanket and a wash rag? She’s shaking like a leaf.” Kelly asked, not daring to move the sick bag too far. You were only panting right now, but you had no color to your face.
“On it!” Gabby replied, hurrying off.
“Alright. You know this might sting just a little. Then I’m gonna flush it and then run the fluids, okay?” Brett warned, speaking directly to you now. Once you nodded, Brett administered the medication and did everything else she said she would do before standing up with the bag of saline.
Gabby came running back in as Brett stood up. You were still shaking, but you felt comfortable enough to push the sick bag away. Once Gabby helped you clean your face and wiped the sweat off of your face, she wrapped the blanket around you. A silent decision was made to move you, so Kelly pulled you up and steadied you until Matt stood back up and picked you up, carrying you back into his office.
You groaned, throwing your head back. “Can someone PLEASE get me some mouth wash or my tooth brush. I can’t take this taste anymore.” You whined, shoving your face into Matt’s neck as he sat with you in his lap on his cot.
You didn’t notice Kelly depart from you guys as the lot of you left for Matt’s office. He came back in seconds later with mouth wash, your tooth brush and tooth paste, another bottle of water and another sick bag. “I figured you would want to get the taste out.” Kelly said, confused at the laughter coming from everyone else.
“Thank God. Someone with some sense.” You muttered sarcastically, making grabby hands for the items.
Matt and Gabby muttered “I beg to differ” at the same time, causing everyone to laugh. God, you couldn’t do this without them.
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
The Wrong Door
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Pairing: Jay Halstead x GN Reader
Genre: Humour, fluff, romance
Word Count: 3643
Summary: The reader opens the wrong door after a night out, but it turns out it actually might be exactly the one they should have opened.
A/N: Part of @resanoona's #resa.3kfiestabingo. This fic fills the "Woke Up Next To Each Other" square. Thank you so much, Resa, for your input on this one, it finally got me to the finish line!
“Are you seriously going to try and hike in…” Stella pauses as she drunkenly squints at her phone, “In… 4 hours?” Her eyes are impossibly wide, brows the highest they can go, seemingly mind-blown that you could even think about hiking right now.
“Stellllaaaa, you’re not helping, I promised Jay we could go. He’s been needing this, and who am I if not a very very very good friend?” You shrug, huffing out a laugh as you realise just how drunk you’d gotten, the cold night air now letting it hit you.
Stella snorts, wrapping you up in a hug as she pouts affectionately, suddenly deciding she wanted to hold your face. “You are a very very very good friend.” She repeats back, breaking out into a fit of her own giggles as she practically throws you back into her embrace. You wrap your arms around each other, swaying together as the other bar-goers spill out for closing.
You feel the alcohol weigh your legs down as you drunkenly pace the sidewalk, clutching to your companion as you wait for the taxi that you and Stella had booked.
Matt had already picked up Sylvie, but you and Ms Kidd hadn't been ready to say goodnight to the party. Kelly was out of town at a firefighting conference with the chief, so your list of available drivers had been shortened significantly.
You dared not call Jay, not when you had been so enthusiastic about the hike. He had been drowning in caseloads the past month, and with it finally letting up some time out at Starved Rock - a state park not too far outside Chicago - was the answer. Fresh air, the wilderness, open water and a way to let all of that stress go.
Even more importantly, you had been rooming with Jay since your apartment got flooded months ago, and making sure he got some clear headspace was the least you could do.
The last thing you were going to do was let him know you’d made a mistake, if there was still hope of you bullshitting your way through the day, albeit extremely hungover, you’d chance it.
As you feel your adrenaline start to dwindle, you see the headlights of the taxi approaching you and Stella, thanking the deities that your ride was finally here. 
The sooner you could get to bed, the better. Taking a deep breath, you detach yourself from Stella and climb into the back next to her, both of you letting out groaned laughter, a mix of exhaustion and delirium.
Once you exchange a brief conversation with the driver about your drop-off points you sit back in your seat, letting your whirring mind think about absolutely nothing. 
You stroke through Stella’s wild curls, admiring your friend's beautiful face, making her giggle even more. You could be really affectionate when you were drunk. “You gonna be alright at the apartment? You can stay with me and Jay if you like, he’s got a pull-out couch or you could share with me?” You knew Stella could handle herself, but with Kelly being away you wanted to make sure.
“I’m all good, I got the key, I got painkillers and I got a big ass bed to pass out in. S’not my first rodeo… You of all people know that.” Stella gives you a look, alluding to all the time you’d spent together during your time at the fire academy, both studying and enjoying the Chicago nightlife. You had come all the way up together, eventually ending up at the same firehouse, Fifty-One. 
“True, that is true.” You nod comically, squeezing Stella in another cuddle as you both sigh. 
There’s a beat of silence and then Stella speaks up again, “Y/N?”
“Yeah, Stel’?” You answer quietly. 
“You know you’re not gonna be able to hike, right?” You can hear the smile in her voice and you playfully smack her arm.
“Hey, that’s not very ‘best friend’ of you! Why aren’t you hyping me up?” Your face falls into grumpiness, pouting childishly. 
“Sweetie, the only thing that would hype you up tomorrow would be a literal bump of cocaine.”
You start laughing again, “Hm, interesting suggestion, not really sure it’s an option given who my roommate is…Ugh, Stella, I’m such an asshole, what am I gonna do?” 
“I would take painkillers, load up on some water, pass out, fake illness and hope Jay doesn’t know what time you got in.” 
You scrub a hand at your face, you refuse to admit defeat, even though you knew Stella was most likely right. 
“Okay, pills, water, pass out, fake a non-alcohol related illness, beg for mercy… I got it.”
Stella rubs your back, glancing out of the taxi as she sees you’ve arrived at Jay’s apartment building. “You got it, babe. Go on, good luck!” She encourages, scooting you out of the taxi as you give the door a firm slam shut, waving and blowing kisses as Stella moves on for home.
It takes you twice the amount of time it should have to make it to Jay’s floor, but eventually you do and as slowly and as quietly as possible you let yourself in, carefully closing and locking the door behind you. 
Then, you place your bag by the couch and sit your swaying body on it, unstrapping your shoes and toeing them off as best you can, inching stealthily into the dark of the apartment. Not daring to even turn on a light.
Tip-toeing to the kitchen area for some painkillers and water, effectively taking both of those before stopping off at the bathroom for a pee. Luckily on the back of the bathroom door, your nightshirt is still hanging up, and you’re able to free yourself of your bar clothes, slipping right into the soft and comforting fabric of your tee.
As far as you can tell you’re doing an amazing job at getting to bed without Jay hearing a thing, and you can’t wait to text Stella about your phase one victory. Totally forgetting that you’d left your phone in your bag by the couch.
From the bathroom it’s on to the bedroom, slotting yourself inside and pressing the door carefully shut. Again, you don’t waste time with lights or anything else as you walk to the bed, placing your water on the bedside table without so much as clink or clank. Then, you crawl into bed, burrowing yourself under the covers. You let out a happy little sigh as your body begins to sink, feeling the plush of the pillow and the duvet supporting your body.
“Mhm, toasty.” You murmur to yourself, relishing with surprise that the bed is really warm, a stark contrast from the chill you’d come from.
It’s not even a minute before the exhaustion sets in, the cosiness and security of being home with Jay in the room next door lull you to sleep almost immediately.
Jay wakes up just before his 6 am alarm. Some might baulk at the idea of getting up at 6 am on their weekend off, but Jay had fallen asleep supremely early by his standards, at 10 pm. He was feeling rested and ready to enjoy the sunshine out at Starved Rock with you.
In the layers of fog, before awakeness reaches Jay, he doesn’t clock the warm weight pressed against him, nor the soft huffs of breath tickling his arm. In a tangle of his duvet and the extra blanket at the foot of the bed, it doesn’t quite register that any of the sensations on his skin are human. 
He could be forgiven for not being more his usual aware self, it had been a long month, after all.  
It’s not until he tries to sit up and wake up properly that he realises something is stopping him. Or rather, someone is stopping him. 
“Wha-" He groggily murmurs, turning in his spot to see what was intruding on his personal space.
“Y/N?” He asks your sleeping form, not having been nearly loud enough to wake you. You’re sprawled in your spot in Jay’s bed, snoring softly, hugging loosely at his bicep which you’re using as a pillow. You’re drooling onto his arm, and Jay catches a whiff of the alcohol.
Clearly, you, Sylvie, and Stella had made a whole night of it.
He doesn’t know whether to be annoyed or amused, the overriding emotion still remaining confused. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he notes that it doesn’t feel weird you’re even in the bed at all, only strange due to the fact that it was unexpected.
Jay’s not sure what to do, he can only guess that there was little chance of waking up any time soon, so he opts for trying to extricate himself and go to the kitchen to start breakfast. First, however, he’d have to get out of your grip on him.
He tries several times to let your head fall onto the pillow and pull his arm free, but each time you groan in your sleep and hold him tighter, nuzzling into his arm. It makes him chuckle softly yet slightly nervous, he didn’t want to have to confront you on the predicament. Still in disbelief that you’d somehow come home, got undressed, put a shirt on, and got into his room, into his bed, all without his notice.
There’s one more attempt, a quick pull and slip of the arm is what Jay goes for but he jostles you perhaps too much, his heart quickening as you huff, letting out a disgruntled whine as your bleary eyes peak open to assess the disturbance.
What a nice dream. You think. You liked the dreams where Jay was more affectionate with you. You had been wrestling with your feelings of late.
“Mhm, good morning, handsome.” You mumble, trying to cuddle into him some more.
Except, unlike your dreams, you notice a distinct look of confusion and something akin to alarm when you cuddle Jay. He murmurs your name, trying not to be rude as he frees himself out of your grip.
There’s something about the action that sends adrenaline through you, swallowing hard as nerves thrum wildly. You realise that you’re warm still, Jay’s bare skin brushing yours feels too smooth, too real… too… 
Oh god. No. No way.
“Jay?” You utter, much more awake now even with the light of day hurting your eyes, the resounding stab of a headache in your temple. 
“Yeah, it’s me.” He answers simply, scratching at his head. He feels like he should get up, but it’s his bed you’re in.
Realisation dawns fast, and in a second you’re up and out of the bed, scrambling to the side of the room near the window, your hands in your face in a mortified fashion.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened I- I thought this was MY room! Oh, Jesus, you must think I’m such a creep.” Your hangover makes your head spin, wincing at the discomfort in your stomach. “Oh god.” 
Jay blinks at your outburst, simply watching you, there’s silence. 
Then, his whole body is juddering, he presses a hand over his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter but he can’t. 
You scowl, now certain he’s not at all offended but rather incredibly amused by your misfortune.
“Alright, laugh it up, Chuckles. I deserve it.” You motion with your hands in encouragement, letting him get it all out as you flop into the chair by his wardrobe, covering your face again, wishing the ground would swallow you up.
It takes a minute but eventually, Jay stops, catching his breath as he looks at you. 
“Hey, come here.” He calls out, watching with a smile as you peek out from your hands, waiting for some kind of telling-off. You make sure to keep looking at his beautiful face, rather than letting your eyes wander over his freckled muscular chest or his wonderfully toned arms. It wasn’t news to you that Jay was good-looking, however, you never got to see him like this, in his own space, in the haze of sleep, with a bedhead. 
It oddly made the whole thing almost too intimate, a pang of sadness rippled through you as you dwelled on the thought that this wasn’t your daily routine.
“Y/N, I won’t bite.” He teases, prompting you out of your own head, you hadn’t even acknowledged Jay’s request the first time. You sceptically move towards the bed, sitting on the edge you’d stumbled out of, with caution.
You can’t bring yourself to see his face up close, yet Jay reaches forward, his fingers clasping around your arm gently, just grasping to get you to look at him. 
“It’s fine.” He reassures, making sure to be more serious now, eyes focused on yours. “You suck, and you so owe me for the hike I know we’ll have to miss, but you’re fine. I know you didn’t mean to sneak in here, although I commend you on the stealthiness.” 
Guilt simmers within you, even when Jay had his plans upturned, he was somehow being gracious. 
You shake your head, “Jay, I’m so sorry, we can still go. It’s my own damn fault, and I don’t want you to miss out.” You sit forward, giving him your full attention.
Jay shakes his head, teasing, “No way, I’m not letting you vomit on the beauty of the state park. Seriously, we’re good. We can do it next weekend, alright? Let’s just hang out today, we can have brunch, and watch a few movies. Maybe then we can take a walk around Lincoln Park later, and grab some dinner on our way back?” 
Your stomach flutters for non-alcohol-related reasons, all of that sounded amazing and you were thankful for the compromise. 
“Brunch, huh? Didn’t take you for a brunch guy, Halstead. That is absolutely a day I’d like to spend with you, and I’ll pay for whatever we do,” You can’t convey enough your remorse, smiling at him gratefully. “Whatever you want, you got it.” You add.
Jay nods, grinning. “Alright, that’s settled then.” His hand is still holding onto you, his thumb caressing your skin without thought, a natural instinct that makes your insides burn. 
The both of you seem to realise at the same time, small laughs between you as Jay slowly releases you without making it too awkward. You smile in reassurance, you definitely hadn’t minded the contact.
He scratches lightly at the stubble on his face, stretching out the morning kinks in his back and shoulders.
You’re suddenly very aware of the fact you’re still just loitering in Jay’s room after sneaking into his bed. Now having moved much closer again, you feel self-conscious about trying not to show how much you wanted to stay. You make your exit as smooth as possible, standing back up to take a sip from your glass of water,
“So uh, I’m gonna…go, leave you to get dressed and whatnot, and I’ll uh, try not to lose my way back to my room?” You offer a sheepish smile, starting to head towards the door,
Jay laughs, “Sounds good. It’s fine, Y/N, just an accident. No harm, no foul.”
You can feel the pain in your eyeballs that reminds you you are absolutely not ready for the day, “You are actually the best...I think I'm probably gonna get a few more hours shut-eye, see you in a bit?”
He nods, “Sure thing, see you in a bit. Take some more painkillers before you sleep."
You crack open an eye from your pained expression, "Oh you can count on it, I will."  
Jay sits in bed still feeling thoroughly surprised by the discovery of you next to him, the way you’d so naturally held on to him, and greeted him in the haze of dreaming sleep in a way that felt comfortably intimate. It had jumbled his thoughts more than he’d let on to you.
Those moments where you’d sat back on the bed, his own urge to encourage you to stay close, to sleep some more beside him. It was a desire that felt like a snowball rolling down a hill. 
“Can of worms, Halstead” Jay grumbles to himself, finally willing himself away from the bed, ultimately still missing the proximity to you in those waking moments.
He hears your bedroom door shut, knowing it was clear to head to the bathroom and let his mind unscramble under the hot spray of the shower.
After a brunch that you had insisted be put together by you and you alone, the both of you decided to zone out for a while and watch the first Alien movie. The movie was a classic, one you and Jay both could watch time and time again. 
It was a particularly cold day, and with your body still reeling from last night’s fun, you found it hard to warm yourself up, even with a blanket and warm clothes. You had complained several times about your cold feet before Jay insisted you plop your legs across his lap, he tugged another blanket off the back of the couch and draped it across the both of you, resting his hands on your sock-clad feet. It solved the problem instantly, yet created a new one.
You were finding it harder and harder to keep the line drawn between you and him.
At around 3 pm you both agreed it was time to get fresh air and see the light of day, which meant putting an extra pair of socks on your feet before leaving, complete with a scarf, jacket and hat.
Then, you were enjoying the crisp air of a walk around Lincoln Park as suggested, walking comfortably side by side through the frosted grass and trees. The sun was shining brightly, making everything under its light glisten ethereally. 
Just as you had found it harder to stop thinking of Jay in a more romantically insistent light, Jay had encountered much the same problem. Holding onto you during the film, seeing the way you instantly relaxed under his touch, and now the feeling of rightness that came with spending time with you. It made his heart and gut all too clear to ignore.
Parking yourselves on a bench opposite a view out to the city’s skyline, your legs touched as you remained close. There was a silence between you as you simply took in the world passing by, the bustle of the city distant in the tranquillity of trees and water.
Without thinking you rested your head on Jay’s shoulder, instantly freezing the second your head makes contact with him, but before you can retract and apologise, you feel Jay’s arm snugly wrap around your waist, squeezing you gently into a side hug. His own beanie-covered head resting against yours.
He glances at you with a soft smile, “Thank you for today, it was, uh, it was better than a hike.”
You feel your heart skitter, and your stomach flutters in tandem. “Really?” Your brow raises, not convinced that this slightly more tame day could beat the wilderness escape you had planned with him.
“Really.” He confirms, looking at you in a way you’ve never seen him look at you, and to see it makes your breath catch in your throat.
Seconds tick by, the birds in the park chatter and chirp around you, some of them seemingly watching to see if one of you will make the first move. The wind rustles through the branches and dwindling leaves attached, it all seems to come to standstill. 
Not even other passers-by filter into your periphery as you tilt your head up to meet Jay, wrapping an arm around him in kind as you hold each other close on the bench, feeling the warmth of each other as the kiss lingers sweetly on your pressed lips.
Eventually parting for a breath, giddy smiles and low chuckles escape the both of you, knocking foreheads gently as you stay in the embrace. Naturally resuming your heads resting against one another as you continue to take in the view, sitting in the silent reassurance that you were now on the same page as each other.
After a moment, Jay moves to look at you again, a slightly more mischievous smile on his face now, 
“What?” You ask, somewhat curious. 
“I was just wondering if you planned on getting lost again on your way to bed tonight.” 
You snort, shaking your head in amusement, “Hm, I don’t know, I mean I am likely to be sober tonight… but who knows, if I forget to put the light on, I might just get confused again.” You enjoyed this teasing immensely. 
Jay is only too happy to play along, “Mhm, that would be tricky, wouldn’t it? It’s a complex hallway after all.”
“It sure is.” You muse, sharing a look with Jay that lingers, one that says… Yes, you can kiss me again.
And he does, gently cupping the back of your head as he moves in for another kiss, you sigh softly into his touch, no longer affected by the outside chill. Breaking apart and glancing to see if anybody’s offended by your little makeout.
Jay’s nose is pink in the cold, matching his lips and cheeks, breathing a little harder, “Wanna head back? We can try finding the right bed together?” It’s the corniest line he’s ever used, but he wagers it just might work for the right person, for you. 
You want to laugh at the line, but honestly, you are absolutely sold by it, giggling. “It’s an investigation I’m willing to take on, Detective. Come on.” 
As you take Jay’s gloved hand into yours, internally you thank your and Stella’s tenacious urge to make the most of a night out.
tags: @resanoona - @dumb-fawkin-bitch - @enchantedblackrose - @elius-learns-to-write
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alittlextrathatway · 6 months
"And if I'm gonna be drunk, might as well be drunk in love."
Matt turns away from Severide, mid-conversation, to find Sylvie squeezing in next to him. Without another word or even a second look, he knows she’s drunk. They’re still attempting to keep their relationship under wraps in the hopes of avoiding the 51 fishbowl as long as possible. Sober Sylvie wouldn’t be so blatant.
“Baby?” Severide asks with a smirk.
Matt reins in a goofy grin. The term of endearment showed up about a week ago and he fucking loves it. After all the angst they went through to end up together, the implied intimacy still knocks him on his ass in the best way.
“Brett,” Matt says, ignoring Severide and pointedly lifting a brow at Sylvie.
“Oh! Right!” She exclaims. She rolls her lips and holds a finger over them, soundlessly shushing herself. “I meant baby like ‘yeah, baby!’ You know, Austin Powers style.”
Kelly’s smirk doesn’t budge. He chuckles and gives Matt a disbelieving glance. “Austin Powers. You serious?”
“Yeah,” she replies. “You know, the Mike Myers movie?”
“I’m familiar.”
“Oh, good. Ba—Casey,” she begins, correcting herself. Yeah, Severide definitely knows about them now. “I think I’m hammered.”
“Possibly, yeah,” he agrees with a mirthful grin.
“You wanna know how I know?”
“Is it the Austin Powers references?” Severide asks dryly.
“Hush you,” Sylvie says, playfully glaring at him.
“How do you know?” Matt asks, playing along with whatever game Sylvie thinks she’s playing.
She leans fully into him, resting her weight into his side and forcing him to support her with an arm around her waist. Her lips hover close to his ear and she attempts to whisper, but it comes out at her normal volume. Which is only a shade softer than her voice when she’s drunk. Regardless, her breath on his neck has a shameful effect on him. Has he ever wanted a person this badly in his life? He doesn’t think so.
“Because I wanna make out with you right now and let everyone see. Especially that girl checking you out at the end of the bar. If she keeps staring I’m going to have no choice but to ravage you right here, on this bar. It’s pissing me off.”
Shit. Well, that’s officially being added to his rotating catalogue of Sylvie Brett fantasies he’s had for the last few years. Also, where is this possessive streak coming from? It’s hot as hell.
“But I know we’re trying to keep us to ourselves so the only reason I wanna do that has to be the alcohol, right? I’m drunk in love — no, drunk and in love.”
“And that’s one mystery solved,” Severide quips, with a chuckle. “Now I know where you’ve been every night the last two weeks.”
“Hush, you,” he says, intentionally mimicking Sylvie with a grin he can’t hide and a shake of his head. He clears his throat and refocuses on Sylvie. “Maybe I should get you home, huh?”
“Good idea,” she concurs. “That way I can ravage you in private and we won’t blow our cover.”
Jesus, she’s drunk. There will be no ravaging. But he’s gonna have a hell of a time resisting her.
“Godspeed, Casey,” Severide says with a mock salute as Sylvie loops her arm through his and drags him away.
“Anyone ever tell you you’re an ass?” He asks over his shoulder.
“Only every day.”
His best friend is no help at all.
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bi-bard · 2 years
I Polish Up Real Nice - Kelly Severide Imagine (Chicago Fire)
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Title: I Polish Up Real Nice
Pairing: Kelly Severide X Reader
Based On: Bejeweled
Word Count: 1,479 words
Warning(s): mention of unhealthy relationship
Summary: After Kelly messes up what he and (Y/n) had, he sees (Y/n) seemingly thrive on their own.
Author's Note: This is such a good song.
Also, I feel like I am so mean to Kelly and I'm sorry. He just fits a lot of these kinds of stories. I'll write something cute for him soon, I promise.
My first memory of that night was getting pulled into a hug as soon as I walked into the bar.
It was Sylvie, who had been texting me every time she went out to join them.
I hugged her back, chuckling a bit at her excitement.
I had been ignoring her.
I had been ignoring most people outside of work.
It was a natural part of the last few weeks I had gone through.
"I missed you," she mumbled into my ear before stepping back. "You look amazing."
"Thanks," I replied, looking down at myself for a moment.
It had been a while since I had worn the outfit that I wore that night. I liked it. It made me feel confident and happy. It was a feeling that I deserved... even though I had to actively work to convince myself of that fact.
"I'm sorry for not joining you sooner," I explained.
"No, no, it's fine," she promised. "I was just getting worried about you."
I hugged her again before letting her drag me to the bar.
I personally believe that we all deserve a Sylvie. The golden retriever that is incredibly protective and supportive. We all deserved that love and support from someone. It would suit us all well if we all took on that role for another person.
I hopped up on the bar stool.
It was a good night... for the most part.
I got to see plenty of people that I hadn't seen in a long time. It was nice to be back with them all. I had spent so much time running from work to home and then back to work that I had lost sight of the joy of being connected to my friends during times that weren't emergencies.
There was a lull in the conversation.
It was met with someone placing themself in the seat on the other side of me. Sylvie grinned at me before standing up and walking to one of the tables. I turned around and saw Jay Halstead sitting next to me.
I didn't know him super well. We had mostly seen each other in passing. He'd be at the E.D with a victim or suspect or just to talk to his brother while I was going about my work. The environment was usually too fast to give me time to stop and make small talk with him.
But now, I had the time and will to make that effort.
"Hey," I said. "Nice to see you, Jay."
"You too," he replied. "It's strange to not see you running around from room to room."
I chuckled. "Yeah... been a long time since I went out."
"I hope I don't make you regret the choice."
"I doubt it," I shrugged. "May make it worth the time."
He chuckled this time.
The conversation was nice. Natural. It had been a long time since I had so naturally fallen into a conversation with someone that I hadn't known for an extended period of time.
And then, I just felt uncomfortable.
Something washed over me like a wave.
There's this feeling when you're being stared at. It's almost like a tickle. Something just felt off, even if you couldn't see it.
I turned my head, pretending to scratch my eye as I looked over.
I managed to catch Kelly's eyes on me as I did so.
I almost groaned.
Kelly and I had a history.
He was the reason that I hadn't wanted to go out. I didn't want to see him again. I didn't want to deal with him.
Our relationship was messy. Messy and private.
I didn't mind a private relationship. I did mind Kelly's definition of a private relationship. When I pushed for more, he made me feel guilty for trying. It was all just... too much.
I felt like a secret.
He was free to talk to and flirt with whomever he wanted to. However, if he ever thought I did the same, he'd find some way to make me feel guilty.
I wanted to believe none of it was intentional. That he just didn't know better. But that doesn't make it better. That didn't mean I had to sit there in it.
So, I didn't.
I called the whole thing off.
Adjusting back to being myself was rough. I hadn't even realized how much I had changed. That's what I was trying to do by focusing on work and then going straight home. I was trying to go back to who I was before.
But here he was, already making me feel like my confidence for the night shouldn't be on display for everyone else. Just him.
I turned back to Jay a moment after I looked away.
I must've tensed a little too much. He noticed something.
"You okay," he asked. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused by the question. "You just seem uneasy."
"I'm fine," I waved it off. "Please, keep telling your story. Sorry."
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure," I promised.
He grinned at me and nodded. He found his way back to the story had been telling me. Something about his brother. I made a note to make fun of Will at work later using the information I was being given.
We had been talking for another few minutes before I felt a hand on my upper arm.
I looked over to see Kelly right next to me.
"Can we talk," he asked like I wasn't in the middle of a conversation.
I looked over at Jay for a moment. "Just a minute. I'll be right back, I promise."
Jay nodded. "I'll be here."
I grinned at him.
I stood up and followed Kelly outside. I knew that I needed to handle this now. Firm line in the sand. I needed to put up a boundary... which was nerve-wracking but necessary.
"What do you want," I asked.
"What's going on there?" he replied.
"I'm having a conversation with a person at a bar," I shrugged. "Why do you care?"
"Because I care about you."
"I'm sure," I nodded. "But good news, you and I aren't a thing anymore, meaning that you don't have to supervise my conversations. I'm an adult, Kelly."
He sighed, looking down.
"I... I don't want you to be involved in my life, Kelly. I'm sorry but I don't. You may not realize it completely, but I... I wasn't happy with you. Not the way we were. So, we're done. I would appreciate it if you would try to maintain your distance outside of work-related circumstances."
"What are you talking about?"
There it was.
That fear that he truly was unaware of what he had been doing. I thought he would have had some kind of wake-up call. I was wrong.
"I tried everything just to get you to see me as more than... whatever you thought I was," I explained. "I... I wasted so much time giving all of myself just for you to dismiss me in the morning after you got your fix."
He rolled his eyes. "Come on, you're being a bit dramatic-"
"Gifts and date plans and birthdays and new clothes to impress and... let's face it, we had different intentions when it came to this relationship, Kelly," I shrugged at him. "I'm not gonna stay in a relationship where the effort I put in isn't appreciated or reciprocated."
"So, what?" he said. "You're just gonna go hook up with Jay? A couple of weeks is what it took for you to be ready to jump into bed with someone?"
"I was gonna be mature about this," I muttered. I took a deep breath and offered him a sickeningly sweet smile. "Some of us can be friendly without the intention of getting into someone's pants. I know that's a new concept for you."
"He doesn't see it that way."
"And I can handle that," I nodded. "Be sure he takes me to dinner first."
Kelly's jaw just clenched.
"Have a good night, Kelly," I waved before walking back inside.
Jay was still sitting at the bar, awkwardly tapping his fingers against the side of his glass.
"Hey, sorry about that," I said as I sat next to him again.
"Everything okay," he asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "All taken care of."
Jay just nodded.
"You were telling me a story," I motioned for him to keep talking, wanting to get back into the conversation.
"Right, yeah..."
If Kelly came into the bar after that, I didn't see him.
I felt like a weight rolled off my shoulders as I had walked back inside that night. I felt more freedom. It was easier to breathe and smile and talk without focusing on every piece of my relationship with Kelly. I only had to focus on myself.
And I have to say... focusing on myself felt really, really good.
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Matt Casey x reader
What if Casey is dating Andy Dardens little sister who comes back to Chicago to replace gabby Dawson when she left Chicago.
Y/n had to leave Chicago to take care of her two nephews Griffin and Ben. She and Casey decided to have a long distance relationship but he visit his girlfriend as much as he can do.
It is the Stellaride wedding and y/n are coming back to Chicago to be there for her best friend and for Severide who is like a brother to her. Y/n has some news for everyone that she tells them about before the wedding.
Y/n is moving back to Chicago with her two nephews and she can finally take care of them in there home city.
Casey is gonna propose to his girlfriend in the evening of the wedding when they are alone. But there is one problem.
Gabby shows up at the firehouse the day before the wedding. Casey doesn’t care that his ex wife is in town and that she will be at the wedding.
But y/n feels uncomfortable when gabby is in Chicago seven if they used to be best friends and partners on Ambo 61 before Leslie Shay started at firehouse 51.
Y/n are best friend with Sylvie Brett and they where partners on Ambo 61 before she moved to Portland.
Based on last episode of season 10 and the first episode of season 11
Matt Casey- Home Pt1
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Things were obviously tuff after my brother Andy's death. Heather my sister in law got a DUI and ended up in prison for 15 months. During that time I looked after hers and my brothers kids, when she was released Heather took Griffin and Ben to live away in Florida. She suddenly stoped phoning me and anytime I would phone her I was cut off. Eventually I was blocked. This was heard on me because all I wanted was to speak to my nephews. Matt and Gabby got divorced then I started dating Matt.
Then one day Griffin appeared on mine and Matts doorstep telling us how his mom keeps moving him around and now is in prison again. Of course after a lengthy conversation Matt and I made the decision that I'd moved in with Griffin, Ben and Heather until I know that she can cope again.
I was gone for a long time, but Matt and I made it work doing long distance. He would also come and visit me any time he could, but it's tough. And unfortunately Heather kept getting into trouble, so Matt suggests that the kids just move in with him and I, that way Heather can sort herself out and the kids would have a stable environment. Plus with Gabby leaving I was offered to become PIC of ambo 61. I'm not just coming home because of that, it's also my best friend Kelly's wedding.
I walk into the fire house holding on to my nephews hands hoping to surprise everyone. Of course Matt and Kelly know I'm coming home, but they think my flight gets in later
"Geeze, thought I'd at least get some banners for my return"
"Babe?" Matt looks over a little shocked "thought I was picking you and the kids up later"
"Eh flight changed"
"No it didn't you said you wanted to surprise everyone"
"Thanks Ben"
"YN. It's good to have you back" Herrmann pulls me into a hug which is followed by everyone else
"YN thank you for coming back for the wedding"
"Well that's not the only reason I'm back" I say replying to Kelly
"Well don't leave us all waiting" Brett encourages
"Well I'm coming back permanently, Ben, Griffin and I. I'm gonna be the PIC of ambo 61 again"
"Yes!" Gallo fist bumps the air
"Bless our saviour"
"Oh thank god" Brett hugs me again
"What did I miss?" I chuckle
"The person who replaced you temporarily, well she's not the nicest"
"Emma just creates a lot of drama" Gallo replies for Capp
"She's been after the PIC job since you left"
"Oh well don't worry about her anymore. I'm back next shift"
"Perfect" Brett once again hugs me tight
"Right we best get you guys fed. You hungry?" Kelly asks me and the kids
"I'm starving" I reply chuckling. The kids follow Kelly to the kitchen while I get stopped by my very handsome boyfriend
"Hi" I smile up at him "don't be to mad at me for trying to surprise you"
"Just glad your here and staying" he places his hands on either side of my face and presses a kiss against my lips
"Oh Errm sorry to interrupt" we break apart and see Emma "was just coming to collect my things"
"No hard feelings right?"
"No course not" she smiles but I can see how fake it is
"Come on let's grab something to eat" Matt wraps his arm around my shoulders and we head to the kitchen
"If we had known you were coming back we would have made a nice spread"
"It's ok. Don't worry about it"
"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3 , ambo 61. Structure fire 336 Arlington"
"I'll see you guys later. Matt I'll see you at home"
"Home. I like the sound of that" I give him a peck before he shoots off
"Ok let's get you guys home hey?"
On the way home the taxi driver starts to drive passed where the fire. I notice Emma outside getting shouted at, but no Matt, Stella or Sylvie
"Hey can you stop a minute?" I ask and get out
"Hey. Boden things ok? Where's Brett?"
"Inside. Woman's giving birth and Jacobs left her"
"Chief send me in?"
"What. You don't start till...."
"I know but if someone's giving birth up there Brett's gonna need help, please?"
"Ok go"
"Ok boys I want you to stand over there with Chief Boden. Ok don't leave his side"
"Ok" the boys leave the car while I run into the burning building
"Brett? Kidd? Casey?" I shout running up some stairs
"YN?" I hear Brett yell and follow her voice
"Holy shit" I notice the room on fire
"She's crowning" Brett tells me "YN give me the bulb suction" I hand her what she needs while I tend to her wound on her shoulder "ok big push" Brett says. Thankfully we hear crying from the baby
"Ok Kidd Casey carry her out. Brett you got the baby?"
"Ok when we have them in the ambo I want to put oxygen on the baby just in case as well as the mother. Let's go" I grab the bag and follow the others out. When we get outside to safety I hear Emma getting told to clean out her locker
"Welcome home YN" Brett smiles giving me a side hug once the baby was in the ambo having oxygen thanks to other paramedics that just arrived.
We arrive back at the firehouse, everyone excited for my return when I see Gabby. My old best friend
"Hey" she smiles and Matt and I
"Hi Gabby"
"Well this is awkward" Mouch mumbles earning a nudge from Gallo
"I'm not here to cause drama. Just here for the wedding"
"Errm it's good to see you Gabby. Matt I'm gonna take the kids home. I'll see you later" I give him a kiss and leave the firehouse feeling a little uncomfortable about Matts ex being here. Yes we were once friends and yes ok I'm the bitch that dated her best friends ex husband, but doesn't mean that I'm not a little worried.
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kim-ruzek · 1 year
Review of 11x22
I haven't done a fire review since 11x2 lol, but this finale was so amazing I'm going to do it once more. And because then all my incoherent brettsey thoughts are all in one area.
I'm going to talk about all the non brettsey stuff first before getting down to that.
I loved that we got my favourite trio all talking and being friends at the beginning there. I just love seeing them be talking and discussing things, especially as that's the thing Fire gets right over the other OCs. And then I also loved seeing Stella and Sylvie talking at night too. AND then them going to see Amber for Sylvie.
I also loved seeing Stella and Casey, one of my favourite friendships ever. I loved seeing Casey reassure Stella and him immediately coming over to help. (Although Dylan is definitely right, Matt being there wasn't just because of that, but Sylvie too).
As soon as Herrmann got that reading my mind went straight to "mouch is getting hurt" and I really wish I was wrong about that. That ending with Mouch, oof it hurts my heart so much and I swear to god they better not kill him.
Although that shoot out!! Intense and amazing. I loved Matt going to distract and telling Boden he's not his boss anymore technically especially because of Boden's face. I also loved Stella going with, and her two truck boys immediately being like yep us too.
I did also really like Stella talking to Boden, even if I'm not totally fine with why. Although I do like that because of what Kelly's mom said to Stella, it makes sense that this is where her mind would go. I also loved that helping Sylvie with Amber made Stella realise she shouldn't just sit and wait, but that she should go to Kelly. And I really hope TK doesn't decide to leave permanently so that we can see Stella hauling Kelly's ass back to Chicago.
Although I am a little worried that if he does, they're going to try and do a little love triangle-esque thing with Violet, Carver and Stella.
And I adored Ritter being a source of reassurance to Kylie AND that she got into the fire academy!!! My girl is going to be a firefighter!
It is so nice to see that this time Matt gave Sylvie a heads up and then seeing his response to her wanting to adopt Julia and him just immediately getting it and supporting her. And I adored how Matt straight away went with them to go talk to Amber and everything he said to her. That man loves her so fucking much!!!
I also loved that it was clear there's still those lingering feelings. Sylvie talking about long distance with Stella and then just all the looks Matt gave Sylvie. And the way he looked when he heard about the breakup. And oof the look when Sylvie got the good news and how he so clearly wanted to be part of that hug and wanted to be her Person again.
And then that ending scene!!!! Matt talking about their first kiss, and then saying he got the ring a year and a half ago! That it wasn't just a recent purchase but that it was when they were still together.
And I'm just going to cry forever about him saying three kids 😭. Him including Griffin and Ben and also just so immediately accepting Julia. And it's in total parallel to Dylan; Matt is at the same place as Sylvie, he wants a family now and he wants it with her.
Literally at the start of this season I never EVER thought we'd get an ending this fucking perfect. That Brettsey will get a proposal!!!
They obviously still have a lot to talk about, and work out, but I definitely think their time apart, and now with Sylvie starting this journey to be Julia's mom, means that they'll be able to work a game plan going forward. Plus, in a year both darden boys will be in college, they've also settled in so it's not like Matt can't visit a bit more, and they can just have a longer engagement and build up their future together, however that may look. If Sylvie moves to him or he comes back ect.
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torreshalstead · 1 year
Knight in Shining Armour
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Summary - He told her he didn’t want to go, told her he wasn’t a fan of school dances, that he’d be happier at home. It wasn’t true. He wanted nothing more than to walk into that gym with her on his arm, but she was going with someone else. So when things change and Matt gets a chance to ride in on his white horse and take Sylvie to the dance, he isn’t going to let that opportunity slip through his fingers.
Notes - I really wanted to write a prom story and this is what happened, it was so much fun to write so I really hope you enjoy it! AO3 Link
Matt Casey had been part of the high school theatre club for the past 2 years and he loved it. He wasn’t much of an actor, couldn’t sing or dance, but he was the best the school had ever seen at creating the most elaborate props and scenery for every show that was put on. The director would come to him with ideas that anyone else in the club would tell them was impossible, but not Matt Casey. He would accept any challenge they gave him, usually making the ideas far more complex than the original concept, and he would do it with pride.
His best friend, Kelly Severide, always gave him stick for the hours he would spend painting and building sets, both during school hours but also the time he would spend in his garage at home putting the finishing touches to everything. But without fail at every show, Kelly was there to support him. Matt was grateful to have him in his life, and just how Kelly would be present at every show, every football game, Matt would be there on the bleachers cheering him on.
They were an unlikely pair, the best friends - the jock and the theatre nerd. But they had been friends since Kindergarten and it was going to take something more than a difference of hobbies to tear them apart.
Matt’s other closest friend was Sylvie Brett, the blonde haired soprano who got the lead in every show and Matt would watch from the wings as she took his breath away every time. It was thanks to Sylvie that he had joined the theatre club in the first place, she knew about his knack for design and building things; had seen the treehouse that he had built for his younger cousin. So when they were in desperate need of a props chief, Sylvie had pretty much begged him to join. She hadn’t had to beg very hard, a chance to spend more time with Sylvie was not something he was likely to turn down.
But he truly loved it, he knew it wasn’t the most usual for a high schooler but getting to work with his hands, pour his heart and soul into something, it was a rewarding task. And if he got to create something which added to Sylvie’s performance, well then that was even better.
He had been harbouring a crush on her for years, since he got paired with her in middle school science and had learnt that she hummed under her breath as she worked, usually some broadway track but she wasn’t unaccustomed to a bit of Taylor Swift either. But no matter how much grief Kelly gave him about making a move, when the pair had just got closer when they got to high school, he never had. And now he had lost his chance. He was just her friend, and she had a boyfriend.
Sylvie’s boyfriend, Harrison, was an idiot. He was on the swim team and Matt was sure he had spent too much time underwater. He didn’t deserve to have someone like Sylvie on his arm. She was smart, beautiful, caring, friendly - she was perfect. And Matt hated him. He never cared enough to remember Sylvie’s birthday, never came to her shows or even bothered to learn the name of the role Sylvie was playing.
Matt did.
Every year he would make her something special for her birthday, he had started with small things; a trinket box that was perfectly sized for her playbills, photo frames which he had themed to each of the shows she had been the lead in and last year he had built her an extra bookshelf for her room because her books were spilling out onto the floor and she refused to get rid of any of them. What a girl like Sylvie saw in someone like Harrison, he had no idea. But she was his friend, so he supported her and loved her from a distance. Putting all that love into what he created for the show. What he created for her.
Watching her on stage, taking on the persona of whichever leading lady she was portraying that night, his props, his set and backdrop only elevating her performance, it was his favourite thing. She was incredible, he was in awe of her and her talents. She was modest too, didn’t believe him when he told her how wonderful she was, how she had stolen the show and impressed everyone. She wouldn’t believe it, would always say it was a team effort, that the entire cast made the show. But Matt knew differently. It was all her.
He overheard her one day at rehearsals talking to her best friend Stella Kidd, who just so happened to be his best friend's girlfriend as well.
‘Oh Stella, you are going to look incredible in that. Kelly’s eyes are going to fall out of his head,’ Sylvie giggled, looking at whatever Stella was showing her on her phone.
‘I wasn’t sure about the colour, thought it should be a bit brighter but I fell in love and couldn’t put it back,’ Stella replied. From where Matt was standing at the side of the stage, putting the finishing touches to the backdrop he was painting, he could only just see the pair of them sitting crossed legged on the stage. They were both in the main cast and they had all been given a 10 minute break before running through the second act.
‘No no it’s perfect,’ Sylvie said. Always the supportive friend.
‘Did you pick yours yet?’ Stella asked curiously.
‘It’s between two, this purple one or this goldy one. I was going to ask Harrison’s opinion but…’ she tailed off and Matt’s ears pricked up. He knew he didn’t have a right but if he was about to hear that Harrison had said something rude or that had hurt Sylvie, his protectiveness was going to come out.
‘He’s a boy and knows nothing about dresses.’ Sylvie chuckled and agreed with Stella’s words. ‘Well show me girl and I’ll help you pick.’ The conversation dropped for a moment, Matt glanced over and saw them both staring intently at Sylvie’s phone.
‘So it’s either Speak Now or Fearless?’ Stella said. Matt had spent enough time with both Sylvie and his young cousin to know they were both Taylor Swift albums, he had CD’s of both of them in his truck, what they had to do with formal dresses though, he had no idea.
‘Yeah, I’m thinking Speak Now though,’ Sylvie said, almost wistfully.
‘Then the purple one it is, it’s very you Vie, you’re going to look beautiful.’ Matt couldn’t see but he could imagine that right now Sylvie’s cheeks would be rosy, she'd have a small smile but she’d drop her eyes as if she wasn’t worthy of the compliment. It was what she always did when someone complimented her. It always made Matt just want to tell her things like that more often, so she knew it was true.
‘Are we still getting ready at yours?’ Sylvie asked.
‘Yep, then when the boys show up to pick us up, we can take some cute photos before we leave.’
‘Well we wouldn’t want to miss out on a Stella Kidd photo shoot would we,’ Sylvie giggled again. Matt loved that sound - it was the sound of Sylvie being happy, his favourite thing.
‘You love it girl.’
The rehearsal restarted and the conversations about the winter formal stopped. Matt turned his full attention back to his painting, attempting to stop his mind thinking of Sylvie in a purple dress spinning around under the twinkly lights they would undoubtedly fill the gym with. She wouldn’t be spinning in his arms; he had to remind himself. He wasn’t even going.
Kelly had tried to persuade him to ask someone, that it would be a fun night and he could come with him and Stella, Sylvie and Harrison. There were plenty of girls he was friends with he could ask, but it didn’t feel right. There was only one person he wanted to go with, and having to spend the evening watching Sylvie dance with the moron she was dating, did not sound like a fun evening to him. Kelly dropped it after a couple of weeks of pestering, and he thought he probably had Stella to thank for that. She was a good influence on his best friend.
The formal was in 2 weeks, but with opening night for the theatre club in just 4 weeks, it gave Matt the perfect excuse to not have to think about the dance at all. He and Sylvie rarely talked about Harrison, and as she was obviously going to the formal with him, it kept the conversation about it to a minimum as well. That was until she decided to bring it up at rehearsal one night and put him on the spot.
‘So who are you taking to the formal Matt?’ She asked casually as she sat on the edge of the stage, her legs swinging, her smile beaming. Matt was crouched down whilst he was trying to attach the trim to the edge of the stage, he was thankful he could keep his head ducked and focused on his task at hand.
‘Oh, umm, I’m not going,’ he muttered.
‘What?’ She exclaimed loudly, ‘but Matt, it’s our penultimate high school dance! We’ve only got this one before the prom in May and then that’s it.’
‘Just not a big dance fan I guess,’ Matt shrugged.
‘Oh come on, it’ll be fun,’ she said, adding a sing-song effect to the word fun which made Matt hold back a smile. ‘I’m sure there’s plenty of girls that would love to go with you.’
He swallowed before humming in response. He didn’t really know what to say, there’s only one girl he wanted to go with and she didn’t know.
‘I could ask around, see who still doesn’t have a date?’ She offered sweetly.
‘Thanks Sylvie but I’ll probably still be working on stuff here, show opens soon and it’s not finished yet,’ he hoped that argument would be enough to appease her but he should have known better. Sylvie was determined when she set her mind to something.
‘I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to finish everything, you work so hard you deserve a night off!’
‘I’m alright Sylvie, really. You know I’m happy when I’m building stuff, more so than I would be at a dance,’ he said, not fully believing his own words. He did want to go, he desperately wanted to go. To walk into the gym with the most beautiful girl on his arm, to spin her around when the music was fast, to hold her close when the music was slow, to end the night kissing her on her parents porch, soft and slow until her father would come out and tell them it was time to call it a night. He wanted all of it. But he wanted it with her, and she wasn’t his to want.
‘If you’re sure Matt, I just don’t want you to be left out,’ she said, slightly dejectedly.
‘You’re a good friend Sylvie, I’ll be fine, thanks though,’ he said, finally lifting his head to meet her gaze, losing himself briefly in her blue eyes. He smiled softly, ‘I look forward to hearing all about it,’ he added, knowing that Sylvie would love to tell him after the fact what music had played, what everyone was wearing, and he would sit and listen with a smile. She loved reliving the dances she had been to, and he loved listening to her, even if he felt his heart clench every time.
The night of the dance was here and Matt was sitting in his garage, paintbrush in hand, putting the finishing touches on a table he had built for the show. The director had said they could use a standard classroom desk but it was a fairytale, a school desk had no place on that stage so Matt had taken it upon himself to build one. Sylvie had to sing a solo sat at that table, it had to be perfect.
As he stood back to admire his handiwork, his phone buzzed on the table. Expecting it to be a selfie from Kelly telling him he was missing out, he was shocked when he saw that his best friend was calling him.
‘Hey,’ he said, curiosity thick in his voice.
‘Hey, do you own a suit?’ Kelly asked quickly.
‘Umm, yeah, why?’ Matt said, his curiosity piqued.
‘Put it on and get to Stella’s now. Harrison dumped Sylvie and she’s all dressed and ready to go,’ Kelly said and Matt’s stomach dropped. He could see it in his mind, Sylvie, her dress on, her hair done, stood all alone.
‘She might not want m-’ he started, running his hand through his hair as Kelly interrupted him.
‘You’re an idiot Matt, you’re her friend, of course she wants you here. Put on your suit, get on your white horse and come and save the girl, knight in shining armour style, you love this kind of shit,’ Kelly chuckled. ‘We are supposed to be there in 15 minutes, so get a shift on.’ And with that Kelly hung up the phone.
Matt stood alone in his garage, and before he knew it, he had thrown his brushes down and was running into the house and up into his bedroom, tugging out his suit that he prayed still fitted and ran into the bathroom.
He knew how much Sylvie had been looking forward to tonight, it was all Stella and her had talked about for weeks now. And that moron had decided tonight would be the night to break up with her. How anyone could break up with Sylvie, he had no idea. But anyone with half a brain wouldn’t have done it tonight.
It took him exactly 4 minutes to get his suit on, run a brush through his hair and actually tie his bow-tie, thanks to some handy muscle memory from a family wedding the past summer when he had been made to wear it by his mother. He grabbed the flowers out of the vase that were decorating his mothers living room, shaking them to get rid of the water. They weren’t perfect but they would do. Yelling down the hall as he ran out the door that he was going to the dance and would be back late, he jumped into his truck, thanked everything that it started the first time he turned the key, and began on his way to Stella’s.
As he neared her house, his mind started to spin. Would Sylvie want to see him? Would she even want to go to the dance if Harrison had just broken up with her? Maybe she just wanted to go home.
Pulling up onto the street outside, his palms had started to sweat. It’s just a dance, he told himself, pulling it together to get out of the truck and walk up the front path, the flowers clutched tightly in front of him.
He took a second with his fist raised before he actually connected it with the wooden door, knocking loudly. Kelly opened the door, his smile wide as he winked at his friend.
‘Hey Sylvie, someone’s here for you,’ he called out loudly, stepping back to let Matt enter the house.
It took only a moment, but it felt like eternity with Matt questioning his whole existence, questioning whether him being here was even appropriate, maybe it was taking advantage of a girl's heartbreak. But when Sylvie appeared into view at the top of the steps, her smile shining as soon as she spotted him, he knew he had made the right decision.
She was stunning. She was always beautiful but tonight she was something else. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, the curls cascading down her back with her fringe tucked behind her ear. She was wearing a purple dress, the skirt flaring out just above her knees, the straps meeting behind her neck. The light from the window behind her creating a halo around her like an angel. Matt was certain his jaw was on the floor and he couldn’t help it.
‘Matt!’ She squealed, running down the stairs before throwing herself into his arms. His arms wrapped around her tightly, his head burrowing into her neck, breathing in the vanilla scent that he had come to adore, he didn’t know if it was shampoo, body wash or perfume, but he loved it. He lifted her off the ground, before spinning her around. He wasn’t sure what made him do it, but when he felt her giggle into his neck he smiled.
‘What are you doing here?’ She asked when he placed her back on the ground and took a step back, his arms falling back to his side.
‘Well I heard you needed a date so,’ he held out the flowers with a smile but panicked when he saw her eyes start to fill with tears. ‘But you don’t have to, don’t cry, I just wanted to, I mean I just-’ but Sylvie shook her head as she accepted the flowers.
‘I’m crying because I’m happy,’ she said softly. ‘I would love to go with you.’ She reached out almost subconsciously to straighten his tie and brush some imaginary dust off his shoulders. ‘You scrub up well,’ she smiled.
‘Coming from you, that’s a compliment.’ Matt grinned, ‘Sylvie, you look absolutely amazing.’ He saw the blush creep up her cheeks.
‘Come on,’ she said, grabbing his hand. ‘Stella wants to take pictures before we leave.’ He let her drag him into the living room where Kelly and Stella currently were. Both smirked at him as he entered hand in hand with Sylvie.
‘Shining armour,’ Kelly whispered as he walked past him.
‘Shut up,’ Matt said but couldn’t help the smile that was still fixed to his face at the fact that Sylvie still hadn’t let go of his hand.
Walking into the gym arm in arm with Sylvie, Matt barely had the thought to look around, to take it all in. He could focus on nothing apart from making sure he walked in a straight line, not holding the goofy smile on his face for too long and not staring at the blonde who was the reason behind that smile.
‘Wow, doesn’t it look great Matt,’ Sylvie said, squeezing his arm to bring him back to the present. Matt glanced around, it still looked like the gym he thought, but he could see the effort that had gone into making it the Winter Wonderland that had been promised. There was white and silver material draped from the ceiling to create a giant snowflake in the sky. Tables had been put out which were equally decorated in white and silver, snow globes glistening as the centrepieces and more streamers than Matt had ever seen. Instead of a classic red carpet leading into the hall, it was replaced by a silver carpet which was almost sparkling like diamonds in the spotlights that were dotted around the room.
‘It really does,’ he said. ‘Do you want me to get you a drink?’ He asked, gesturing to the table with the punch bowl set up on.
‘I’d love one,’ but just as they started to move towards the table, the music changed. ‘Oh I love this song, we have to dance!’ Sylvie said excitedly, tugging on Matt’s arm to drag him towards the dance floor.
If it had been anyone else asking him to dance, Matt would have adamantly refused but it wasn’t anyone, it was Sylvie. So he let himself get led to the middle of the dance floor, and the smile didn’t budge from his face.
He was so far out of his comfort zone, the loud music accompanied by the sound of a hall full of students singing along. Apparently it was only Matt that didn’t know the words, but with a quick glance over to Kelly who had been dragged over by Stella, he realised they were both equally lost. But looking at Sylvie who was singing loudly, jumping with her arms thrown up in the air, Matt still smiled. He let his body start to move to the music, he was sure he looked like a fool but if it made her happy then so be it.
When the song was over, Sylvie’s cheeks were a little rosy and she was slightly out of breath, ‘I could go for that drink now,’ she said, having to lean a little closer than normal to make sure she could hear him so her breath fanned across his cheek.
‘Let’s go then,’ he said and dramatically held out his arm for her half expecting her to gently swat him away but was happy to be wrong when she wrapped her small hand tightly around it. Strolling over to the drinks table with Sylvie on his arm, Matt felt like he could have fought a lion, but was sure he’d be grinning the whole time.
Matt picked up two glasses of whatever punch the school had decided was dance appropriate and followed Sylvie over to one of the tables that was currently unoccupied.
‘Not sure what flavour it is but at least it’s liquid,’ Matt said with a smirk, sliding one of the cups over to Sylvie as they sat down.
‘Thanks,’ Sylvie said and downed the drink in one. ‘I’m still not sure what flavour it was,’ she laughed loudly and Matt was sure he was starting to look like the Cheshire Cat.
‘You want mine as well?’ He offered.
‘Would it be most unladylike to say yes?’ She said, her head tilting slightly to the side.
Matt chuckled, ‘not at all, it’s all yours,’ Matt slid his own drink over to her and, similar to the other one, Sylvie drank it down in one large gulp.
The pair sat in silence for a couple of moments - Sylvie’s leg was bouncing in time to the current song choice, though what it was Matt still had no idea. He could see Kelly still dancing with Stella near the middle of the dance floor.
‘Why did you do it?’ Sylvie asked quietly. If Matt hadn’t been so attuned to her voice, he may have missed it.
‘Do what?’ He asked. He had an inkling what she was talking about but he didn’t want to assume and look like a fool.
‘Come with me tonight? You said you didn’t like dances,’ Sylvie tucked a strand of hair that had come loose behind her ear.
‘Umm,’ he debated for a second coming up with a lie, giving her some excuse like that he had decided to come anyway so was just coming to Stella’s to meet them all, but this was Sylvie. She was one of his closest friends, she deserved the truth so he took a deep breath. ‘Kelly called, said that Harrison had broken up with you,’ at which Sylvie’s head dropped and her gaze fell upon the floor, ‘he said I should get a suit and come and take you. He knew…’ he paused but decided he had started so he might as well finish, ‘he knew the reason I wasn’t coming to the dance was that the only person I wanted to go with was already going with someone else.’ Sylvie raised her head slowly at this, her eyes meeting his, blue on blue. ‘So when I had the opportunity, I jumped at it. I knew how badly you wanted to go, it’s been all you and Stella have talked about for weeks,’ he chuckled lightly. ‘You were already in your dress, your hair was done and it wasn’t right for a pretty girl like you to sit at home on a night like tonight.’
‘You wanted to come with me?’ She said slowly, and Matt couldn’t quite read her expression; curiosity, bashfulness, maybe a hint of realisation.
‘Of course,’ Matt said, his own bashfulness starting to get the better of him. ‘But you were with Harrison so it wasn’t my place.’
‘He was an idiot,’ Sylvie muttered. ‘Don’t know what I ever saw in him to be honest. Guess he was cute and actually seemed interested in me, at least to start with.’
‘He is an idiot,’ Matt smiled. ‘You deserve someone so much better Sylvie, someone who treats you the way you should be treated. Who puts you first because they want to. Who knows you’re the most beautiful girl in the room, knows when you grace that stage that the whole theatre is focused solely on you. Who understands you, who knows you picked the Speak Now dress,’ he said with a soft smile. He wasn’t sure what reaction he expected, but it wasn’t what he got.
‘Umm, I’ve got to find Stella,’ Sylvie said quickly, her face flushed as she jumped to her feet and hurried off. Matt smacked his hand onto his forehead, he had messed up, said too much, made her uncomfortable. He was just as much of an idiot as Harrison.
Sylvie rushed off, her cheeks burning. She had to find Stella and she had to find Stella now. Grabbing her best friend's hand once she reached her on the dance floor she tugged her towards the bathroom.
‘Hey hey, what’s up?’ Stella asked, sensing her friend's distress.
‘I just, I need to talk to you,’ Sylvie said breathlessly, glancing around as she pulled Stella into the bathroom that was otherwise empty apart from a couple of juniors that she knew from the chemistry team.
‘Where’s Matt?’ Stella asked and Sylvie could see the confusion lining her friend’s face.
‘It’s Matt I need to talk to you about,’ Sylvie said as she started to pace back and forth, the other occupants sensing the tone and leaving the room quickly.
‘Okay, well I’m all ears girl.’
‘He wanted to come to the dance with me. Only me. He said that I was the most beautiful girl in the room, that I deserved better than Harrison. That I deserve someone who understands me,’ Sylvie rattled off quickly, wringing her hands together as she continued to pace.
‘And all of that information was new to you?’ Stella said, raising an eyebrow with a small smile.
‘Well…’ she tailed off and stopped pacing, her expression sifting as she leant against the counter. ‘I knew I deserved better but I didn’t think…’
‘You didn’t think you deserved Matt,’ Stella said matter of factly, coming to stand next to Sylvie.
‘No, he’s just so, so…’
‘So in love with you,’ Stella said firmly, and chuckled when her friend’s head jerked up quickly to look at her. ‘Oh you really didn’t know,’ Stella said with realisation. Sylvie shook her head.
‘He’s in love with me?’ She asked but never really expected an answer.
‘Think about it Sylvie, he hates dances and yet he’s here. He never liked theatre and yet he spends more time there than anyone else now. And don’t get me started on those birthday presents he makes you,’ Stella listed off.
Sylvie’s mind started to spin. It made so much sense, he was always there for her, he would drop everything if it was opening night and he was supposed to be somewhere else. He would pick up books that he thought she would like when he went into town and then slide them onto her bookshelf without her knowing, she only found out because she caught him one day and realised it wasn’t her parents. He had been her friend for years, the one she could turn to with anything.
Even when she started dating Harrison and Matt clearly wasn’t a fan, he never said as much, just stood by her. The only reason she started seeing Harrison is because she had liked Matt for so long and he had never made a move so she assumed her affections weren’t returned. But she had been wrong. He had liked her all this time, all this time he had felt the exact same as she did.
‘Oh,’ Sylvie’s mouth fell open, ‘I’ve been so stupid,’ she said quietly, her hand coming up to cover her mouth in realisation.
‘Oh Sylvie, but you don’t have to be anymore. If you don’t want to be anyway,’ Stella said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. ‘There’s a guy out there who really cares about you, and I’m pretty certain you feel the same, judging by your reaction.’
‘He knew this was the Speak Now dress,’ Sylvie said out loud, more to herself than to Stella. ‘The trinket box he made me for my birthday, it’s the perfect size for playbills because I mentioned one time that they were getting crumpled on my shelves.’
‘That boy has it bad for you Sylvie,’ Stella smirked.
‘What do I do?’ Sylvie asked, leaning into her friend’s embrace. She was overwhelmed, just moments ago she thought she had only a friend in Matt, had spent so long pushing down her feelings for him to now only have them all bubble up at the same time and were overtaking her system.
‘Well there’s one question,’ Sylvie looked up at Stella as she talked, ‘do you want to be with him?’
Sylvie smiled widely, laughing quietly as tears started to spill from her eyes, ‘more than anything,’ she said.
‘Then you go out there and tell him, or just ask him to dance and show him how you feel,’ and when Sylvie raised an eyebrow in question, ‘you don’t have to wait for a guy to kiss you first girl.’ Stella winked and they both burst into a fit of giggles.
‘I think I messed up,’ Matt murmured, his head still in his hands as Kelly sat down next to him. ‘I as good as told her I’m in love with her and she ran off.’
‘Oh man, I’m sorry, I really thought she felt the same way,’ Kelly said, guilt obvious in his tone.
‘I kinda thought so too but guess I was just imagining it,’ Matt said. ‘I think I’m going to go, she obviously doesn’t want me here.’ He looked up at Kelly, ‘will you make sure she gets home okay? I don’t want to make her feel more awkward.’ If he had made her run away from him, he didn’t want to hang around and make the situation worse. She deserved more than that.
‘Of course,’ Kelly said, reaching out to squeeze his shoulder in a comforting gesture.
‘Can I have this dance?’ The soft voice of Sylvie made Matt spin around quickly to see where it had come from. Sylvie stood in front of him, one hand reaching out to him in offering, but he noticed her eyes were rimmed slightly in red, as if she had been crying. Had he made her cry?
‘Umm, yeah,’ he croaked out and placed his hand into her outstretched one and let himself get led towards the dance floor. The music had changed since Sylvie had left him at the table, slowed down so the dance floor was filled with couples moving together slowly in time with it.
When they reached the floor, Sylvie looped her arms around his neck and his hands fell naturally to her hips. They started to sway slowly, eyes locked on each other.
‘Sorry I ran,’ Sylvie said quietly, ‘I just got overwhelmed.’
‘I’m sorry to overwhelm you, if you want, you can just pretend I didn’t say anything,’ he said, hoping the offer would fix whatever he had done wrong but Sylvie shook her head.
‘I don’t want to do that,’ she smiled up at him.
‘You don’t?’ Matt said, shocked.
‘No, because I like you Matt. But hearing that, that you like me too, it just threw me off.’ Sylvie said. She had pulled herself slightly closer to him as she spoke, so their chests were almost pushed against each other.
Matt swallowed, ‘you like me?’ He couldn’t stop the grin from when they had first entered the gym from returning to his face.
‘I do, I just never thought you’d like me so I simply pretended I didn’t feel it. Not the smartest option,’ she chuckled lightly. ‘But I do, Matt, I really do.’ And before Matt realised what was happening, Sylvie had pushed herself up onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. They were warm and soft and everything he had ever hoped they would be. She started to pull back so he followed and melded their lips together again, sliding his arms from her hips to her back, pushing her body tight against his own, not wanting any part of them to be separated.
They pulled away from each other, but only enough to part their lips and rest their foreheads against each other.
‘Stella was right,’ Sylvie whispered. Matt pulled back so he could look at her with confusion. ‘She told me I didn’t have to wait for you to kiss me, I could just kiss you,’ she smiled softly and Matt felt his heart warm at the sight.
‘Smart girl that Stella Kidd,’ he said quietly, reaching down to press another kiss against her lips and felt her smile in response.
‘That mean I can kiss you anytime I want?’ Sylvie asked, her tongue peaking out to wet her lips as she looked up at him.
‘If I ever say no to that, please check that I’m still breathing,’ he laughed and pulled her closer into him again, her head tucked perfectly underneath his chin. They returned to swaying to the song that was playing. Matt hadn’t paid attention before, he was too preoccupied with the thought that he might have made Sylvie sad. But it was Taylor Swift playing, he had heard the song before, it was one of Sylvie’s favourites, she always put it on his truck. He didn’t know what it was called but she was singing about Romeo and Juliet and parties and ball gowns. And now he thought it would forever be one of his favourites, her singing about how their love was real. The song that was playing when the girl of his dreams said that she felt the same. The girl he had hoped for kissing him in the middle of the dance floor. The girl he was in love with being in his arms, at last.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
Characters: Chief Boden x Daughter!Reader, Kelly Severide, Sylvie Brett
Warnings: Swearing, ex boyfriends, mentions of abortion
Summary: It's your dad's first grandchild.
Shizzles. Shit. Fuck. Goodness sakes. Fudge. Flip flop. Oh no. Fuck sakes.
All the curse words and alternative curse words ran around your mind because long story short, you were fucked, big time.
This wasn't what you had planned for yourself. You had your entire life planned out and so far, it had gone perfectly till now.
You were content, over the moon happy with life and even when you found out, your mood hadn't changed till last night.
Fuck men, what are they good for?
Blowing out a puff of air, fingers drumming against the steering wheel as you were parked outside the firehouse. You had been half an hour early, hoping to have time to spill the news but you had wasted so much time over thinking and contemplating that shift was now starting in five minutes.
The thin piece of folded paper weighed you down as you got out your car, slamming the door shut and staring at the building in front of you as fear loomed over you.
"Are you going to keep staring or are you going to go inside?"
The voice scared you, screaming and jumping away from the person suddenly standing next to you. Your hands went to your chest, clutching your uniform for dear life as you sighed in relief when nothing fell out of your pockets.
"Lieutenant." You said shakily before clearing your voice, shaking your head as you collected all thoughts and feelings. "Hi, hello, hey, good morning, afternoon, evening, greetings, salutations, what's up, you good? How are you? You look great, fresh and ready for the day." You rambled.
Kelly watched you with an apprehensive smile, going from a bright friendly one to a confused and slightly worried one. Nodding his head slowly, his eyebrows slowly furrowed with the slightest smile. "You good Y/N?"
Biting the inside of your cheek, you frantically nodded, your ponytail bopping up and down along with you. You had known the people of this firehouse, this shift for so long that at times, they knew you better than you knew yourself.
Quickly changing the subject, you pointed towards the firehouse, struggling to maintain eye contact with your friend who was analysing you. "Let's go inside yeah? We've got like three minutes before we're late."
Slowly, Kelly nodded, and you walked off not waiting for him to follow you.
Sighing in relief, your legs automatically lead you through the halls of the firehouse as you were once again caught up in your thoughts.
Checking the time, finding you had one minute left, you chucked your bag into your locker before speeding off to the briefing room, not forgetting to close the door behind you, learning from experience.
You made it just in time, sliding into your 'designated' seat, sheepishly smiling at your father who was watching you scramble in, his brow raised in amusement before shaking his head and starting the briefing.
At first, honestly, you were listening but then your hands found their way into your pockets and felt the laminated paper, making your eyes drift from your dad to your abdomen.
Snapping out of reverie, Sylvie elbowed you when she noticed your lack of attention. Tilting her head to the side, she smiled at you sympathetically when she noticed your barely visible eye bags that you covered with makeup.
She eyed you with a look that made you roll your eyes. Sometimes these firefighters and paramedics could be too nice, too nosey, or too protective.
Nodding your head, you sent her a tight-lipped smile before turning back to your father who was asking for questions but with the entire room silent, he smiled.
"Alright, let's have a good shift 51."
One by one, everyone followed chief out of the briefing room, you too standing, a bit too fast to be considered normal, following after your father who was unaware of you.
Before you could let him know of your presence, he suddenly stopped, peering over his shoulder, his lips perking up when he caught sight of you.
"Hi dad." You lazily waved, the awkwardness oozing off of you despite the good relationship you had with your dad. "Can I talk to you really quick?"
Nodding, his smile lowered slightly before walking alongside you to his office.
Sheepishly smiling, you spoke to defuse the 'tension'. "Sorry about missing dinner yesterday. Tell Donna that I'll make it up to her."
Your father hummed, his eyes analysing your every movement and facial expression, trying to figure out what wrong was, if anything was wrong.
Making yourself comfortable in one of the chairs, watching as he leaned against his desk, you waited for him to indicate for you to start.
No matter how much you planned out this conversation overnight, it was much more nerve-wracking in reality. You hadn't thought this out as well as you could.
Struggling with your words, you bit the inside of your lip and handed him the picture you neatly folded in your jacket pocket.
It was hard to tell what your father was thinking, taking the picture from you as his brow raised at what he laid eyes on. You couldn't tell if he was surprised or disappointed.
Only when he looked up with glassy eyes did you let out a sigh of relief, ignoring all the cons of your situation and letting yourself relish in the one good moment you'd have since you received the news.
"You’re gonna be a grandpa." You whispered, ignoring how your voice started to crack.
Your father laughed, the biggest smile on his face as he stood up properly, arms opening for a hug.
Easily, you fell into his comforting embrace, his scent reminding you of home. Your fingers clutched the material of his jacket, eyes scrunched closed as you had a stupid smile on your face that was hidden in his shoulder.
Blinking rapidly, you fanned your eyes trying to stop any tears from falling, having shed enough the night before.
Letting your smile drop, you watched as your father stared down at the scan incredulously. You really didn't want to burst his bubble and knowing your father, you didn't want to know what he'd do once you came clean.
The words rolled off your tongue way too easily, you had practiced way too much in the mirror in preparation for this exact conversation.
Sitting on the arm of the chair, taking back the ultrasound from your father, you watched as his face fell as you went on about the events of last night.
Your words were careful, trying not to swear as you spoke of your ex-fiancé.
The worst thing about this was that everyone believed he was the one, getting the blessings of every man in your life, coming to the firehouse one day when you weren't there and asking them all for your hand in marriage.
Your dad’s job was to protect you and hearing as your voice started to tremble, it broke his heart, feeling as though he failed as your father.
But with the strongest squeeze, your appreciations spewing as he collected you in his arms again, not bothered with the silent tears that stained his uniform.
"Y/N, whatever you need, don't you dare hesitate to ask." He threatened you, letting you go so you could collect yourself, wiping your tears away with the back of your hand.
Laughing at his supposed threat, your nose scrunched in happiness.
Now, all that was left was to tell the rest of your family.
So, your dad was going to join you as you spilled the beans but was called to a last-minute meeting regarding the sudden increase in house fires on a certain street.
Inhaling a big, deep breath, you mentally encouraged yourself, bouncing on the balls of your feet as you caught sight of, coincidentally, everyone in the common room.
Walking into the room, you tried hiding your smile, trying not to show anything before you were able to tell them.
Sylvie was the first to notice, her eyes catching yours as you sat next to her at one of the tables. Turning her phone off, she turned her full attention to you, even choosing to abandon her coffee, wanting to know what was bothering you this morning. You had left after the briefing so quickly that it wasn't normal, her interest peaking when you came back twenty minutes later.
"Uh, I might as well tell all of you, it'll be easier I guess." You shrugged, mumbling to yourself under your breath even though you looked at all of them.
Gathering around the table, some occupying the empty seats as the others opted to stand.
You couldn't just hand them the ultrasound, they'd all just fight over it and knowing them, one of them would somehow rip it trying to get a look at it. So, you'd have to be smart with your words.
But then your remembered that these firefighters could be really thick sometimes, so, you'd have to get straight to the point.
"So, um, I'm pregnant."
The room broke out in a frenzy, everyone cheering and congratulating you, bringing you into hugs and patting you on the back.
They brought you a comfort that couldn't be explained. To have all of their support, it was indescribable just how much you appreciated them.
Clearing your throat, you gestured for all of them to settle back down. "There's still more."
They remained silent, watching you with beady but familiar eyes that made it all easier.
"First of all, Tyler?" You said, looking at your friends and family who nodded at everything you were saying. "He ended it last night."
"Shut up."
"No way."
"What the fuck."
Everyone's voices overlapped, all holding the same anger and shock at the news of your fiancé breaking up with you.
"Yeah." You slowly nodded, replying to all of them at once. "I honestly thought he was the one but clearly not."
"It's why he left." You shrugged. "The pregnancy."
"I told him when he got home from work, and I came back from my appointment. Straight up, I told him, and I thought he'd be over the moon since we were talking about starting a family, but then he immediately suggested an abortion."
You swallowed, watching everyone's faces as they digested every word you spoke. "Obviously, I said no, and he was just so mad. If I hadn't moved away, I swear he would've gotten physical."
All right, maybe you should've left out that detail, especially since you were talking to a bunch of experienced firefighters and paramedics. The damage they could cause, they would cause havoc Tyler had never seen before.
You sighed, lips pursing as you thought to yourself, the room sitting in silence before someone broke it.
"Just out of curiosity, do you know where he is?" Kelly asked, leaning his arms against the table, asking you with faux curiosity and innocence.
You simply laughed, shaking your head. "Not sure but he'll be back at my apartment for all his things."
With a comfortable smile permanently stuck on your lips, your eyes scanned over the group who were still in some state of shock.
"Well then, who wants to see the ultrasound?"
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Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: Yelling, Mentions of shooting, Harassment, Assault, Fighting, Guns, and Attempted murder. I think that's all tell me if i missed anything
A/n: I have finally finished 🎉. I hope y’all enjoy this as much I as I did
Summary: You get into a fight at school and Hailey helps you and your brother to stop fighting.
It was a chilly, no… freezing day in Chicago. It was snowing but not as much currently because the storm is supposed to hit later tonight.
You decided to walk to the firehouse instead of riding the bus because you didn’t feel like hearing everyone screaming whenever the bus would almost crash, even though you were one of those people with your friends.
Your class won a food party because they collected the most votes on the door decoration contest. Luckily none of the food had strawberries. Because you deathly allergic to strawberries and always needed and Epi Pen with you just in case.
Which reminded you to tell Will or Jay that you needed a new one since you lost you last one when you went out sledding with them.
But when you opened your locker to get your backpack and Jacket there was a box of chocolate chip cookies.
~inside the box
don’t worry there’s no strawberries, 
-secret admire ;)
You screamed internally one because you lived  for Chocolate chip cookies and, you had a secret admirer?
On your way home you were starving since you didn’t eat much at school only really some fries from the restaurant.
So you decided to eat 2 cookies and let everyone else fight for the rest, they were yours after all. 
Opening the box carefully so you didn’t drop the box and whatever was in your hands.
You shoved the whistle cookie in your mouth. You may do girl things but you eat like a grown man, especially a football player.
Not even 10 seconds after swallowing the cookie your throat started to feel dry and you couldn’t breath 
(Give me a break today this is all going to be in mine right now)
“Shit. There’s no strawberries in these, unless.” You picked up a cookie and broke it in half. “What kind of physco put strawberries in chocolate. I- I need to get t-to the house”
You basically pushed everyone aside who tried to greet you and rushed to kitchen.
“Ayy, Y/n how’s my favorite Halstead sibling doing” Kelly joked
Jay hit Kelly in the elbow hard. “Cmon man it was a joke, I can have favorites”
“Nah, I see how it is, guess I’m never bringing food over here again. And you can keep Y/n forever then” Jay shrugged.
“I was just trying to cheer her up, she looks upset” Kelly usually payed attention to
Your face whenever you came in. He would know if it was ok to make jokes or he needed to pull you to side and talk to you. Right now you liked upset but that’s because you weren’t processing anything.
But clearly ignoring everyone was for nothing because you barley made it to your drawer of the kitchen before you fell and your backpack cushioned your fall.
At least you’d didn’t  hit  your head.
“Y/n you good?” Jay stood up from the chair he was sitting at. This was so unlike you. You always came in and said “Hi” or “Hello” to everyone weather or not you were having a bad day
Hailey practically runs in due to all the commotion with Stella and Sylvie right behind her
Hailey picked up the box and your backpack so it was out of the way but when she looked in the box she saw something that she thought you wouldn’t have. 
“Shit, where does Y/n keep all her stuff in here” Hailey was looking at both Sylvie and Stella but she hoping at least both of them answer.
“Uhh bottom drawer far left”
Hailey rummaged through the draw untill she found a tube with a bright orange tip. And sprinted to you and pushed everyone out of the way.
As everyone was yelling at Hailey like she was crazy she rolled up your pant legs and Jabbed the Epi Pen in the middle of your thigh.
“Strawberries- she had strawberries” She sighed
My head feels like it’s underwater
Everything seems so muffled 
What-what happened?
Your eyes flutter open and immediately shut them due to the light.
“Cmon y/n come on back to us” a soft voice says
“Give her space guys” as time goes on the voices get louder and it forces you to open your eyes. 
“Just rest, we’re not gonna push you to talk, we’ll talk at home. We’re gonna leave soon”
Hailey had to go home while you were passed out because she had an early shift tomorrow so Will drove over to the firehouse to come and get both you and Jay.
“How is she?” Jay looked in his rear view mirror to see you guys.
Will checked your pulse again and looked at the watch on his wrist “her pulse is better but her breathing is slow, I might give her oxygen when we get home”
“Why would she eat strawberries?” 
“They were cookie Jay, maybe she didn’t know. It happens” 
“Well it better have been an accident or me her are gonna have a serious talk” Jay grumbled 
“Don’t be to harsh on her”
You woke up around 5:30am and couldn’t go back to sleep, and the one thing you hated the oxygen.
You’d much rather have the nasal one but you can’t exactly argue with adults on what’s better for your health so you just have to deal with the mask. 
Eventually it got hot and you got bored since you couldn’t find your phone you assumed it was still at the fire house or Jay had it.
You dragged your little tank/ machine across the room and grabbed your comforter (the very top blanket on your bed) and your pillows and one stuff animal  and stuffed them into the bath tub and you found your laptop and you put on your favorite show.
This was better than being in your bed. 
Will woke up to sounds of Jay screaming in his ear. So much for trying to sleep in.
“Wake up, Y/n’s gone she’s not in her bed” Jay almost screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Are you crazy? Check her bathroom, I found her sleeping in there one time after a reaction and I hear sounds coming from there this morning” Will turned his back to Jay.
Jay ran into your bathroom which was connected to your bedroom and what he saw made his heart melt. 
“Here’s the real story, the PTO had a cookie drive where you could buy cookies for your friends and stuff like that and they would put it in your locker and we would find them, mine had a note that just said that “thanks for being great friend, don’t worry there’s no strawberries” Okay, so maybe you lied a little but it’s better than jay beating up some poor boy.
“Did it say from who?” Jay asked in his detective tone
“Nope, and I’m pretty sure Hailey told me she threw the box away while I was passed out” you shrugged.
“I guess it’s fine, maybe the PTO forgot. It’s not like anyone hurt you on purpose so it fine. Right jay” Will sent jay that look to just drop this subject this one time.
“Yeah right…” Jay picked at his pancakes. He wanted to look in to it more but Hailey would kill him.
But… the laughing and the image of you guys faded into his mind.
Flashback end… (WHAT?!??)
Will realized it, it was Milly. Milly was somewhat an old friend of yours and he remembered the day you said you told her that you were allergic to strawberries when she was over. You’ve only been allergic for around a year and half. There hadn’t been anyone else you told. 
Except for Milly…
Will shot up from the couch grabbed his keys from the bowl and ran outside to his car.
Will attempted to call Jay but he didn’t answer. So he was probably out with Hailey. 
“Jay when you get this meet me at the Jail they have Y/n at immediately. There’s not a lot of time” 
“Uhh yeah, I just opened my locker and the they were there. I didn’t think anything of it, I guess I was just excited” You shrugged.
“Did you tell anyone else about your allergy other than Milly” Jay spoke
“No, not untill after the incident, I honestly don’t remember much from that day, but i don’t really care to be honest.” You shrugged once again.
“Y/n listen to me, you’re going to have another court date. You’re going to tell everyone exactly what you told us. We’ll get security footage from the school and we’ll also get statements from everyone at the house” You’re lawyer was pretty strict and prescient on getting you out.
It wasn’t the first time someone has gone against Milly in court and you’re lawyer had won 4 cases against 2 
1 year and 7 months ago
“Well well well isn’t it the detectives little sister?” 
“What did I do not milly?” You sighed.
“Nothing, I just wanna make your life a living hell. Your brother is horrible and if I can’t do anything to him I might as well hurt what’s best to him, his little sister-.” Milly had a smirk on her face.
“Please Milly, I’m just trying to fix my makeup” you rolled your eyes and looked back at the mirror.
“Let’s see if make up can fix this” before you could ask her what she meant you felt stinging on your right eye.
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deanstead · 2 years
Could Never Forget
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader
Requested: yes, by @enchantedblackrose
Summary: When Kelly doesn’t seem to remember Y/N’s birthday, she spends the day a little confused and worried.
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Word Count: 1,469
Tags/Warnings: Established Kelly x Reader; vague mentions of explosion/arson
A/N: Hi Ashley, I wasn’t 100% sure what to do with this lol so sorry if it's no good, but I hope you like it anyway! I wrote a similar drabble before but this was still fun to write!
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“Alright, I have to go.” Kelly glanced at his watch before giving you a quick kiss. “I’ll try to be back early. Have a good day.”
You waited, but Kelly didn’t say anything else, practically flying out the door.
You glanced back at the date on your lit phone screen, almost like you needed confirmation that you hadn’t gotten your own birthday wrong.
Blowing air out from your lips gently, you finished the coffee in the cup in front of you.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N.” You muttered quietly under your breath before you grabbed your laptop and headed out of the house.
You were kind of glad you’d decided to spend the day out of the house, even more glad that your work was mobile. But even so, as you glanced at your phone from where you sat in the café you usually were in, you realized that today, not even writing seemed to be able to distract you from the fact that Kelly had not once mentioned your birthday.
It wasn’t like you and Kelly ever had a big thing going on for either of your birthdays. It was usually just a dinner, a small celebration with friends. You didn’t even want him to spend money on flowers or gifts, you were happy just to have him.
So you weren’t exactly upset. More confused and to be honest, maybe a little worried.
The thoughts swept through your head as you glanced at your phone which had no notifications. Was Kelly okay? Was the OFI case he was on right now overly worrying him? Was something happening at the firehouse that he hadn’t told you about?
You glanced back at the blank document on your laptop screen and closed it with a sigh.
Just as you were getting restless, your phone rang. “Hey girl, happy birthday!”
Sylvie’s bright voice hit you even from over the phone and you smiled. “Hey Sylv, thank you.”
“Everything okay at the firehouse recently?” You couldn’t help yourself.
You heard the confusion in Sylvie’s voice when she answered. “Yeah, why?”
“Nothing.” You answered, quickly changing the topic.
“Wait, you’re alone?” Sylvie asked.
You nodded even though she couldn’t see you. “Yeah, Kelly had some business to take care of today, so I thought I’d get some writing done.”
“Nuh-uh, I’m coming now.” Sylvie answered, hanging up.
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Kelly glanced at his watch.
It was bad enough that he had to make the decision to follow up on an OFI case on a day he wasn’t on shift, today had to be your birthday.
Kelly knew this case was urgent, and if they didn’t catch this bastard soon, another place was gonna be blown up. It was starting to piss him off because it felt like they were always one step behind him.
So he’d left the house in a hurry, only realizing that he hadn’t wished you a happy birthday before he’d left. It felt kind of weird to do it over the phone and technically he hadn't exactly forgotten. Everything for that evening was already ready, so he figured he'd make it up to you when he got home but…
This day was taking way too long.
He’d gone to interview one of the victims at Med and came back to OFI with a big fat nothing. So, partnering with one of the OFI investigators he normally worked with, they’d visited a few of the crime scenes and by some stroke of luck had found new evidence that they’d missed, which had pointed them right to the culprit.
At least we got him.
So he was now on the way to close the case but things had gone much later than he’d planned for. And he felt his heart give a small twist as he looked back at the reply you’d sent to him within just a minute after he’d told you he’d be late.
Ok. Be safe.
Kelly exhaled, just as they pulled up in front of the address they’d been heading for.
Kelly stuffed his phone back into his pocket, nodding to the investigator and climbing out of the car.
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Sylvie had taken all of ten minutes to accost you at the café, taking your laptop hostage to make you go with her to shop, eat, have more coffee. It had been a much needed distraction so you were glad she’d done this.
Kelly, on the other hand, had sent you a few messages, as he usually did on any other day, checking in with you to make sure you’d eaten, to ask where you were but still, nothing about your birthday.
So when dinner time came around and you got a message from Kelly saying he would be late, you’d already stopped anticipating anything from Kelly today. Maybe he’d just genuinely forgotten, maybe he was worried about something that kept his mind preoccupied, but whatever it was, you just wanted Kelly to come home safe and sound, and you just wanted the day to end.
By now, you were pretty sure Kelly was dealing with something serious enough to keep his mind occupied so you weren’t really upset. Disappointed, sure. But you were just looking forward to seeing him, like any other normal day.
A normal day.
You’d dozed off on the couch while waiting, your eyes opening again when you heard the keys at the door.
You glanced up to look at the clock. 9 at night wasn’t that bad.
You got up to greet him, pausing as you saw what he was holding. A cake box and a bouquet of flowers.
“Happy Birthday, babe.”
It took you another second to process it.
Kelly frowned, spinning back around to glance at the clock to make sure he was indeed home before midnight before he looked back at you.
“Okay, I swear I didn’t forget, alright? I could never. ” Kelly had barely finished his sentence when the bell rang.
Kelly turned back to open the door, taking another bag from whoever was at the door before the door closed again.
“Will you at least take the flowers?” He half-pleaded with you and you let out a smile, taking the flowers from him before Kelly moved towards the table.
Kelly glanced up at you as he pulled out food from the bag that had just arrived. “I had a plan, but I had to change it because of you know… OFI. And I’m sorry about this. I wanted to take you out for a nice meal but…”
“Kelly.” You interrupted him.
Kelly glanced up at you, trying to read you to see how mad you really were. “This is perfect.”
You stepped up to him now, putting the flowers on a chair, before you looped your arms around him. Kelly leaned down, his palm resting against your jaw like a habit before he pressed his lips onto yours, deepening the kiss.
“I don’t need anything. Just you.” You whispered, as he pulled away.
Kelly looked you straight in the eyes. “You’re not mad?”
You shrugged. “Worried is a better word.”
Kelly frowned in confusion and you explained. “I thought something might have been bothering you. That’s why you were preoccupied and all, you know?”
Kelly sighed, leaning forward to envelope you into a hug. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to worry about me either.”
You smiled. “I’m always going to worry about you.”
Both you and Kelly stayed like this for a while more, until Kelly broke away, turning to take out the steaks he’d ordered so that the both of you could have a nice meal.
It was actually a perfect night, probably more perfect than Kelly could have imagined. This was all you really needed - a nice dinner with just Kelly, followed by a little cuddling on the couch, some cake that he’d brought back. And then to top it all off, he’d taken you for a night ride, the wind blowing your hair backwards as he sped through the empty Chicago streets before finding a quiet place by the river where the two of you could take a small stroll, breathe in the cool air, and just be by yourselves.
“Sorry I was late.” Kelly whispered, his arms encircling you from behind as the both of you stood looking out across the Chicago river.
You reached down for his hand. “Kelly, this was more than enough. It was perfect.” You paused. “Did you finish what you’d meant to?”
Kelly nodded, nuzzling your neck gently from where he was standing behind you. “Yeah, I did.”
“Good.” You whispered, turning to face him now.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N. I love you.” Kelly whispered.
You reached up to put your arms around his neck now. “I love you too, Kelly Severide.”
Kelly smiled, reaching down to give you another deep kiss.
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