#horikoshi I'm begging you
epickiya722 · 3 months
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Burnin: I just respect what he does, but I don't respect him.
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
I don't have much to say about Magne other than there was an Attempt, but. That time when Twice and Toga got angry with Overhaul for misgendering her was already indicative of what I'm going to get at in a sec, and obviously it was especially relevant because it was a direct show of respect and support from people who very clearly cared about her (and who called her big sis already as it was!!) (×2 imo because Twice was intentionally written to be the readers' insight into the LOV, and the character with whom they were supposed sympathise with the most at/since the beginning, so it's especially important that the first one who spoke up was him), but the story's progression (especially in recent years) is what most assures me that despite a rather poor execution (definitely not the best, but also certainly not the worst) Horikoshi did mean well with her. "People bound together by the chains of society always laugh at those who aren't" :(
#^ when she quotes her friend. like had the manga not gone on like it has that could have very well been a generic#We Live in a Society moment. but it wasn't. and that's what's comforting tbh#in general i think a big issue with magne from what little we know of her is that her reason for joining the lov was fighting back against#a tangibile real world issue (transphobia) vs all the other villains. whose situations Are partially real world issues as well#(eg child abuse) but they also very much present fantasy elements to them (eg toga's treatment due to her quirk)#and i'm not saying this as a justification for killing her off but. when you're writing a superhero comic with a target audience of young#cishet men it is much easier to present them with fantasy solutions to fantasy problems. again not that i think it's right!!!#but i do assume that horikoshi's thought process was more or less this. like. tiger is there alive and well#but he passes and was confirmed to be trans only via word of god so his identity has no bearing on the story itself#while magne's did. which doesn't make tiger's transness any less ''real'' than hers ofc but again i think it was a matter of what horikoshi#could actually deal with (fantasy problems) with the average readers that he has. it sucks all the way around.#which begs the question. ''why create her character in the first place then'' to which i answer: i don't fucking know man#bnha#animanga#mytext#in general. i've seen lots of people do this even with eg toga and her bisexuality (and when it comes to her i completely disagree but w/e)#but. authors who want to depic queer characters in good will but make mistakes or do it awkwardly or anything else#should Not be put on the same level as actively queerphobic authors. at all. do criticise what's worthy of constructive#criticism when you see it but don't even pretend that those two are remotely the same thing#(jic i didn't explain myself well bc i don't think that i did. what i wholly disagree with is that ''toga is a bad bi stereotype''.#i am bi people and i disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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redphlox · 2 months
Shouto's ruined character arc in the epilogue
The epilogue’s toxicity-positivity message about smiling ruined Shouto’s characterization and undoes the growth and purpose of his arc because he’s not allowed to mourn the imminent death of his brother Touya.
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Shouto partaking in these tone-deaf, festive activities with his friends in chapter 429 feels out of character, feels cheap and shallow, and is a slap in the face to his family. In the past Shouto declined school-related activities and prioritized spending time with his mom at the hospital. Now the narrative is trying to sell the idea that he would NOT spend every remaining minute alongside his family with his dying brother, who he has always wanted to know, the brother he practically begged to confront and said, "Our paths will cross whether you want them to or not" to. Shouto spent all this manga reconciling his feelings about his family and reconnecting to them to just... not be with them when they’re about to experience loss AGAIN? 
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I'm not saying I want Shouto to be miserable, but realistically (since readers are so obsessed with realism in this superhero manga), he wouldn’t be wasting the limited time he has left with his brother by going to a farewell party, or any party. Damn, can the author let him mourn? Despite all the celebration the kids are doing, Shouto didn’t get a happy ending. While the rest of their community is rebuilding and making sense of what happened, the Todoroki family is still going through their crisis. It’s not over for them. At least let them cry.
This is a regression for Shouto’s character because the concept of allowing heroes to cry was first presented through Shouto, literally through his own words. The narrative then picks up this concept again during Ochako's speech at the UA shelter civilians, and then... Shouto isn't allowed to cry in the epilogue, and is forced to fake a smile so his friends don’t worry about him.
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It’s not like Shouto has cried in this manga. He cried during the sports festival, during the Dabi reveal, and after Dabi escaped to Gunga to go after Endeavor because he knew this meant he had failed to reach his brother -- so no, it doesn’t make sense that he wouldn’t cry now. Instead, he's the one fake smiling, and only Ochako is allowed to be shown crying and being comforted. The double standard and retcon is astounding.
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You can literally see the light not reaching his eyes in this panel from 425 when Deku asks if he’s okay. And yes, Shouto is prioritizing his family in this panel, but like I said, Touya doesn't have much time left... why waste it?
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Shouto doesn’t want anyone to worry about him, so he’s putting on a brave face. And yet Deku and the other classmates reaching out to Ochako in 429 is selling the opposite message - don’t cry alone, let us be here for you, etc. Why isn’t Shouto granted the same support, especially from these classmates he claims are there for him?
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If Horikoshi was aiming for a happy ending where people smile, then Touya’s grimdark, cruel, second and final death doesn't fit because Shouto has to mourn. You can't have both fake smiling and off-screen assumed mourning… it makes no sense for Shouto’s arc, or for the epilogue’s message about reaching out for help or to help. It doesn’t make sense in any context.
Shouto's characterization feels so off in this epilogue. He’s a shell of the person he was becoming. The story starts out by saying that this character is supposed to process the trauma of childhood and a dysfunctional family that he always wished was different, but now he has his found family in his classmates instead. And I'm not saying he can't have both - I'd say the support from his friends is imperative - but, it doesn't make sense that he has seemingly moved on because the fact is, his family situation was his entire start. 
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It's not just Shouto that feels off, but his family too. Their once-considered-dead brother/son is alive, but now is dying in front of their eyes for real this time and they just… don’t try to spend as much time with him as possible? Even the sentiment that Shouto gave the family more time to talk falls empty because Touya can only endure a few minutes of conversation at a time, and it’s not like he’s slowly improving and that time will increase. It will only decrease. And yet, the family doesn’t seem too concerned or heartbroken that they’re witnessing someone they love die a second time, this time slowly. He can’t even communicate with them, and he’ll most likely have many things left unsaid when he dies.
The Todoroki family plot was set up to be about reconciliation, but they’re not reconnecting even with Touya’s upcoming death. This scene of Touya and the other siblings kicking a ball while Shoto looked on from the second story of the house begging his father to allow him to play with his siblings has been addressed like four times, and yet in the end he doesn’t get to spend happy moments with his siblings. His reward for his heroism is Touya’s slow march toward death and the knowledge that he has the same favorite food as the brother who his father neglected to death twice. 
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Instead of being shown mourning or connecting, the family is acting cold and distant - only Natsuo is acting with a semblance of his normal self. I know some readers attribute the family’s aloofness to Japanese culture not being very affectionate or open with their emotions, but that doesn’t mean Japanese people are devoid of feelings. That’s so fucking racist. We’ve seen parents express love and concern for their children in this manga, and yet the Todoroki family continues to say “we’ll talk, we’ll talk” but we’ve never seen any follow-up. It’s ironic because Shouto’s whole mentality is “actions speak louder than words”.
For a family that became unstable because of misunderstandings about feeling loved and wanted, the family continues to feel devoid of caring. No one comforts Shouto, no one talks about how they feel except for Endeavor. Shouto isn’t allowed to grieve in front of his friends because Ochako takes priority because the narrative is pushing this toxic positivity message about smiling that works on the surface but fails to address any systemic changes. 
This ending doesn't fit the hopeful tone of Shouto's arc.
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RIP Shouto’s arc. We loved you. 
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transhawks · 2 months
Why does everyone treat Hawks having always been an assassin as canon? I know he was brought in as a replacement for Nagant but as far as I’m aware there’s no actual proof he killed anyone before twice
You're right! We've never been explicitly told he has a kill-count of anything but 1 (rip Jin). However (honestly you knew this would make me actually write, didn't you?)....
1. The HSPC has changed (somewhat)
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It's spelled out to us that Madame Prez wasn't like her predecessor. Her methods weren't as brutal, she was way into a war of information. In some ways, crueler. Kaina wasn't executed - instead she had her hair shorn and was defamed, humiliated.
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Nagant assumes Keigo has been used like her. Horikoshi says Madame Prez groomed Keigo from a much earlier age than the middle school-aged Kaina so he had way less ability to leave or question (additionally, he was so sheltered from society and marginalized that he simply would have been incapable until he was an adult).
This is what the story says outright. So, yes, you're right - everything else is speculation. But then the question is why people believe this is canon outside of the typical abysmal literacy found in this fandom?
2. But Hawks being Hawks doesn't Make It Easier
Truth be told, I'm on your side. I used to very much doubt he had much of a body/kill count. I still think it might be single digits if we consider actually murdering someone with his own hands/quirk, though I suspect he might be responsible for deaths in other ways. I would have completely accepted Jin being his first (and only at this point) murder.
So why did I change my mind about this? Simply; Keigo's a fucking freak. I say this with love.
Every so often Keigo says or does something in this manga that both confirms he's kind of insane and in a very different moral space than everyone else, and just off-handedly mentioning he went and, after being subjected to third degree burns and essentially losing limbs, immediately went to eliminate every last sample even after the battle (where he was carried off by Tokoyami mind you) as in....destroying Jin's body or ensuring no one can use it. He's offended when it's clear Dabi got the better of him with this.
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Mind you, he's the world champion at repressing his feelings, duh, but the fascinating way he speaks about this (a minute after screaming they NEED TO KILL JIN AGAIN) speaks volumes. Keigo's completely undaunted about handling death and its aftermath. If he's never killed before, he's been certainly trained to in a way that he handles it professionally.
There's one more thing that makes me think Keigo did kill before Jin. We can argue over how much Keigo hesitated killing Jin, but I think it's a point in that he did in how much he ABSOLUTELY does not with All For One.
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Like he does not hesitate. Immediately tries to put a feather-knife through his brain. Logically, I mean, I think anyone would try to one-shot AFO because the more time the man that has (until he rewound himself) the more time he has to fuck you up, but still. He tries to stab through his man's head as soon as he gets out of the portal.
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Here's Keigo just admitting it, albeit saying he expected it wouldn't work, but really, he's more apologizing he can't immediately kill this man.
No hesitance.
My final piece of evidence is that Keigo is currently walking around Japan in a suit with a katana begging mfers to "try it bitch". Like being quirkless, not a hero, none of that is stopping him if he needs to defend himself. And it's not like he can pin someone away with his feathers. Nor does he have dozens of daggers at his disposal anymore, just one blade. He's the type to try and finish things quickly as the manga has shown time and time again. I really hope no one actually tries to assassinate him because there's an extreme likelihood he'll just decapitate them in the SPC boardroom.
3. Red, Red Hands
To recap, we know Keigo has been trained to kill, in a multitude of ways (and not only with his quirk), and has always seen killing as option/tool he can use. The HSPC might not be as eager to kill as Kaina's era was, but they raised Keigo with the intent to use him to be able to kill people and cover it up. While there's no proof of other murders, there's proof he's been given the training, tools, and expectation to kill. And his attitude towards killing isn't making it seem like he's not done it before. Of course, he's not agonizing over it like Kaina, which makes me think he was used sparingly to kill.
But the other thing to ask is - will Keigo continue to kill (and not like in personal defense) or lead to the deaths of others? He's already set on reforming the Public Safety Commission by allowing for the reform of Villains who cooperate, renaming the Commission to distance itself from solely heroism... We're still a few chapters away of seeing what this new president has in store for society and how he'll distinguish his methods from the people who created him, but we also have two hundred and fifty chapters of him expressing dislike of how he's used, so perhaps it's fair to say he's not continuing the cycle?
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obsessive-dumpling · 1 year
Let me be perfectly clear.
THIS drives me crazy:
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Does anyone else get these suggested articles? They make me so mad, all the time, for various reasons. I don't click them anymore because I want to stop getting them. So to be fair, I haven't read this one. Specifically what I'm mad about this time is the beginning of the title: "After Fans Begged Kohei Horikoshi To End Manga..."
Do people not get how manga works? Each chapter is drawn, colored, and lettered individually. You are getting anywhere from 7-16 pages every week if you're lucky. That's not a lot! "It's taking too long"? Look at how it translates into an anime season. It's not all that fucking long actually! But the process is!
We are blessed enough to be able to get chapters every week because of technology. Before? You used to have to wait for the magazine or the actual physical copy of the manga to release. But because we are all about instant gratification, we've become ungrateful. But let me tell you: YOUR impatience should not have any sway or effect in the timeline of content creation. If it's taking too long for you, move on and come back when it's finished. Leave Hori alone. At the end of the day it's his story, not ours. We're just lucky that 1) he decided to share it and 2) that he met the right people to make it happen and what it is today.
Grow up.
And get off my news feed.
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lilybecca1 · 2 months
A not so fun rant about MHA ending
Okay y'all I'm not okay. I'm disappointed af and no I'm not hearing anyone out who's trying to make the ending sound better by saying Bakugo worked for 8 years to help fund Deku's hero suit. Like no. Just no.
They grew apart and barely spoke at all for 6 years. That is unforgivable and I don't care that he came back. Like what happened to being inseperable, damnit?? Them, who always had each other in their life, always chasing after each other, and then FINALLY catching up and FINALLY getting a chance to mend that friendship they once had, and then we get a slap in the face that they haven't talked since graduation.
So no y'all I'm actually losing it because how are we supposed to be satisfied with this?? Like he came back but that whole big moment was literally one single panel of Bakugo reaching out a hand to him. And he didn't even call him Izuku, he called him Deku, like that's a whole manga worth of development thrown out the window like he finally accepted calling him Izuku and now 8 years later he's like Oi Deku, surprise madafaka, I'm back (Taking this one back cause people have pointed out he actually meant to use it as his hero name which is actually way better so thank you). And okay at least we got one symbolic moment with that take my hand thing but I was expecting at least a little more bkdk for the end. Considering the development they had and the symbolism and that the whole manga literally revolved around the two of them, mostly.
And we didn't even get to see what they were like until graduation, like how did their friendship turn out, was Izuku ever comforted or did he keep hiding his pain about Shigaraki and losing his quirk for 8 goddamn years having to give up on his dream?
Not to mention that Izuku literally hasn't even seen the videos of Bakugo like fr someone else had to show him a video of him? Like he used to be so obsessed with him and now he doesn't even watch the videos about him anymore???
Well, at least Deku didn't end up becoming a Burger King worker. That's a relief.
I seriously need some kind of spin-off or continuation so I don't lose my sanity. At least SOMETHING to see how their relationship turned out or what happened during the time skip or how's it going to be after. Like seriously, SOMETHING, I'm begging you Horikoshi.
But yeah, even if the ending was kind of disappointing, especially because so many things were left unaddressed, at least it was kind of a happy ending. Now My Hero Academia is officially over and it will take a while to let that sink in.
Farewell, My Hero Academia
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animelover32456 · 6 months
The type of MHA fans right now
The anime watcher: sleeping peacefully. Sunshine and rainbows
The anime watcher that saw leaks: confused. Debating whether they should find out wth any of it meant
The fan that left and came back: HOLY CRAP. THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?
The manga reader that wishes for Deku to regain certain limbs: PLEASE. I'M BEGGING YOU GIVE HIM HIS LIMBS BACK. HORIKOSHI. I'M GOING TO HUNT YOU DOWN
The manga reader that doesn't wish for those things: leave him like that. I wanna see what happens after (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
The manga reader that can't decide: AHHHH-
Not mha fans: 💀💀💀
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herblay · 2 months
Cocktails I would make for class 1A (with Shinsou, minus Mineta bc I simply wouldn't, and with Monoma because I love him)
Sorry that's a particularly deranged concept, I mean this later in their teens/adulthood in that 8 year gap where they're putting up w Bakugou's begging them for money to make Deku a hero. Not when they're the baby age of like. 15. Don't drink kids. Idc really but like it's apparently not good for u. Then again what they went thru would drive me to drink even more. I was originally going to make all the cocktails in this post but I do not have all that liquor on hand and I don't love you guys enough to buy allat. (also psst I hate some of the cocktails on this list)
Iida: You may think the answer is nothing but I beg to fucking differ. He is a distinguished gentleman of society (cough cough rich bitch) and therefore I would make him a very classy Negroni. I personally do not care for vermouth and therefore am not super fond of them, but I feel like this is the level of distinguished cocktail suitable for Mr. President.
Yaoyorozu: No cocktail, a glass of dry white wine yes though. Probably a nice Sauv Blanc (my wine of choice). Classy, crisp, and wonderful. I originally had her as a red wine gal but I think a dry white suits better.
Todoroki: Dark n Stormy. This is one of my personal old standbys, and Todoroki seems like he'd be a rum guy. Ginger beer has the nice kick to it, and the layered effect jives with him. I think this is a great cocktail.
Midoriya: Tokyo Tea. Come on. Had to use Midori for his. It's only right. I actually don't really like this cocktail, it's too sweet for my tastes, but it's an incredibly sweet cocktail that packs one hell of a punch in bright green– tell me I'm wrong about this. I dare you.
Kirishima: I love him too much to give him a Bloody Mary. He'd have a Cosmo. Because much like that cocktail he was unfairly forgotten about by Horikoshi HORIKOSHI WHERE IS MY SON Infinitely fun to drink, fun to make, and always looks wonderful. Peak.
Kaminari: Carbonation is the name of the game. Kaminari seems like he'd enjoy something a little fizzy a little bubbly. And I thought about a Moscow Mule for him, but a limoncello spritz is the far better option. It's bright yellow, very summery, and very fun to drink (allegedly. Idk. I don't like sweet cocktails, as established. But I'm a good host and I think he'd like em.)
Mina: CLOVER CLUB BECAUSE IT'S PINK AND DELIGHTFUL (seriously if you make any cocktail in this list. It's a fucking delight. And it is pink and has a nice foam and a great touch of acidity. Perfect for Mina).
Sero: A Penicillin. Idk why. The vibe came to me and I think it's correct I just don't know why. It's smoky and gingery and is a great vibe for a rainy day. I like this for him.
Jirou: Espresso martini. I literally hate making these but it really suits her. They're also, much as it pains me to admit, a wonderful cocktail. But I made them once for my friends and now it's the request 24/7 and uh. Bestie they're not exactly a quick and easy drink to make. Anyway. She'd like one. I promise.
Satou: He's a sugar guy, so a piña colada would be right up his alley. Not a super quick drink to make if you're just making one, but a super easy drink to prep if you're making a batch of em, and rum is THE sugar liquor. Not a super fancy and sophisticated cocktail, but that's hardly a bad thing. It's friendly and accessible and always welcome (like his baking).
Shinsou: THE Corpse Reviver No. 2. I was saving this one for Aizawa but objectively this is correct. Absinthe rinse MANDATORY. I like using Cocci Americano Blanco instead of Lillet Blanc for this, but really both are great, I just balance out the Lillet's added sweetness with more lemon. But yes.
Monoma: Cocaine.
Tsuyu: Queens Park Swizzle. It's like a more whimsical mojito, it's light, refreshing, and literally impossible to dislike. Got a touch more depth than a mojito as well (which is fitting for Tsuyu, she's best girl, I love her dearly).
Ojirou: I am not gonna lie the extras are hard to nail down. He seems like I would give him a vodka cran and forget about him. (Even as an adult. Idk man I really don't care about him) (Sorry to the like. 2 Ojirou fans out there. I just. Do not get him very much)
Aoyama: I am NOT giving him a French 75. 1 because that's too easy and 2 because this boy is a Mai Tai if I ever saw one. Fruity and camp. And also because I made a sparkly Mai Tai (with a rim I set on fire) for my friend's birthday and I think that was the most Aoyama drink ever.
Koda: Okay so I think Koda would not be a big drinker but I would share my edibles with him. A weed gummy or two. We could make it work.
Shoji: Mezcal Paloma. Packs a punch but it's got more depth and nuance upon the second sip. Mezcal in general is a very Shoji spirit icl. Got that slightly intimidating front to it but has a lot of texture and depth beneath the surface. We love you Shoji <3
Tokoyami: I wanted to give him a Jungle Bird just because. Funny. But let's be real he's a Death in the Afternoon type of guy. And pssst here's a secret I fucking love that cocktail. Absinthe, champagne, and that's about it. The other option is the Necromancer, which is my actual favorite cocktail ever, but it's a touch too floral.
Hagakure: Capirinha. A mostly clear cocktail that genuinely is nearly impossible to screw up. Tastes lovely, is surprisingly distinct for a lime + liquor cocktail, and is an all around vibe on a hot summer day. Felt right for Hagakure, she's one of the lighter characters.
Uraraka: Tbh I'd just share a beer with her, she seems like the type to be down to chill with a beer and some bar snacks, but if ANYONE deserves the honor of getting a French 75, it's her. Friendly and bubbly, but packs one HELL of a punch. I love you Ochako. You deserved SO MUCH BETTER (I'm still so fucken distraught at what happened with her and Toga man. Her as a quirk counselor was the only good bit in the epilogue.)
All Might: is probably getting a glass of warm milk at the bar lbr but he seems like a Long Island Iced Tea type of guy (and that fits with Midoriya's in a very cute way now that I think about it. Damn. Didn't even do that on purpose but I'm happy abt it now).
Aizawa: Sazerac! The licorice notes are really strong in the ones I make, and an absinthe cocktail fits for him.
Bakugou: Is getting water. He would simply never do any drug and would probably freak at the concept of caffeine (I do not care about canon if it contradicts me) (He went to bed at 8pm as a teen that boy is probably never setting foot in a bar much less getting drunk bless him) (He has important things to do) (And money to save to finance his sugar baby I mean rival)
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
Momo rewrite anon here!
Good news! I'm making the Momo rewrite AU it's own thing with it's lore, worldbuilding, characters! It'll have a similar structure to MHA, but not entirely. I would love to hear what you all personally wanted out of MHA and I will incorporate into this new world! I'm making a blog for it, so it can be a collaborative effort! I'll be working on it soon!
Anon, you're the coolest person I've ever met.
This is genuinely so cool! A collective effort to not only give Momo the justice she deserves but also fix Horikoshi's atrocious world building and characters.
Personally, I'd like to see:
Depth for Momo, of course: her home life, why she wants to be a hero, how she got so good at using her quirk, etc. Some people headcanon that she's the product of a successful quirk marriage, so that's something to consider
More exposure for the female pros and girls in the class (also, please fix Mirko and Midnight, I'm begging Horikoshi did them so wrong)
Autonomy for Izuku (your trans Izuku ideas are great btw)
Actual consequences for Bakugou (I personally don't mind if he's redeemed or not, as long as his actions aren't treated like they're okay)
Endeavor losing everything (I need to see this pls)
Justice for Rei
Dad Might (and also insight into Toshinori's trauma because I love him as a dad but jfc this man has been through hell)
Rewrite of Hawks' character, anything is better than what we got in canon
Rehabilitation options for villains (doesn't have to be for all or any of the LOV specifically)
Actual exploration into Eri's trauma
These are just a few of my suggestions! Feel free to use or ignore any of them. And message me when you do make the blog!
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moonsb1996 · 8 months
I'm so disappointed that I'm tired. and funny at the same time
Izuku will lose OFA, no! Said by a fan who was crying and begging for Hori to have mercy on the MC, even though it could be clearly seen that Hori was so mean to this MC. Oh oh ! Look, do you see Baby Tenko? He's crying. Give OFA to Shigaraki. Kudo: I saw Shigaraki's memories. You give him OFA. Oh! Then we'll use Tenko's gap. I'll volunteer to give Shigaraki my powers. This plan is definitely a success. MHA's brainless fan sees a picture of Bakugou throwing a piece of paper at Izuku's face: Scream!! Bakudeku Bakudeku ! Deku inhaled and exhaled Bakugou, screaming, unconscious. I see a Bakugou fan: Kudou, be aggressive like Bakugou be aggressive like Bakugou be aggressive like Bakugou Shut your mouth you whore. And some people said: I'm so proud of Deku, that's MY mc frfr (When Izuku had to give one of the OFA to Shigaraki according to Kudo's plan) I rolled my eyes for a moment. Finally the episode ends! I've complained a lot, goddamn it. I'm going to curse Horikoshi. Let him finish writing this story so he can be far away from my sight.
The funniest thing for me is Izuku fans like us all Had to ask Horikoshi to write Izuku to have a real smile on his face, which… Hori pooped on his MC again.
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So sick of hearing bs from dudebros that minimise Katsuki's importance to the plot.
Katsuki IS the central plot.
I'm not kidding. This is an enemy to lovers romance set in a superhero world.
And our hero doesn't have to be conciously aware of they're in a romance story with their antagonist from the beginning. They in fact, typically, don't get it.
Now any half-serious writer knows about 'The Hero's Journey'. A guide to plotting out the narrative and developing the protoganist.
Every hero has to follow this. A writer may wiggle some things around to spice it up, but this is the blueprint they have to cover. It sets the entire plot direction. The purpose of our hero's story.
What's unusual is that the plot in MHA is deliberately misdirected by a dream to be a hero, and an eventual showdown with AFO. But I'm going to tell you the central plot is:
Protect/Save Katsuki.
He must win over Katsuki, be equal to Katsuki, and ultimately save Katsuki.
Our protagonist refuses to voice this desire, but he is very aware (now). He does reach a moment of clarity and self-honesty (after lying about why blackwhip was activated), and from that moment on, we lose all narrated insight of his thoughts about Katsuki.
The story moves forward as though it's something else, but still critically revolves around the two of them. Everything else that happens is a sub-plot for other character development, or a plot-driver for their relationship.
What steps are in The Hero's Journey that make me think this?:
Introduction -Ordinary World
Call to Action/Adventure
Refusal of Call
Meet The Mentor
Accepting the Call/Crossing the Threshold
Let's have a look:
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First we have an Introduction: Ordinary World. The world as it is in the beginning for our protoganist, inlcuding our first insights into their existing problems and inadequacies. Things they will need to overcome by the end of the story.
And here's Izuku's Ordinary World:
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Izuku's ordinary world is introduced with his terrible relationship with Katsuki, and his quirkless inadequacy that feeds into this. He is not born equal to others, and most critically, not equal to Katsuki.
Next is Call to Action (Adventure). The hero is compelled to rise to meet the crisis.
Izuku's Call to Action:
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Someone is being killed. Smothered. It's Izuku's fault.
He accidentilly released the sludge villain while begging to become a hero to All Might. Izuku knows someone has to act right now, the kid is suffocating just like he was when he was attacked by the same villain earlier. His actions caused this, and he doesn't move. He tells himself he can't do anything.
All hero's narratively have to reject the first Call to Action.
Refusing The Call:
He doesn't act, he waits for a hero. Without a quirk, he can't do anything.
You'll notice on our Hero's Journey wheel what is supposed to happen next is Meet The Mentor.. But this step has happened already. We know Izuku meets All Might before any of this happens. What the?..
Yes. Horikoshi subverted the Hero's Journey by having Izuku meet All Might BEFORE The Call to Action. And All Might REJECTS him.
It allows Deku to go straight from clearly Refusing The Call to Avtion, to Accepting The Call (or Crossing The Threshold), which a Hero only does because something critical has changed to move them into action.
Accepting The Cal/Crossing The Threshold:
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Despite resolving to give up on his dream to save people, accepting he will never be equal to Katsuki, Izuku answers The Call by saving Kacchan, *BECAUSE* it's Kacchan.
Kacchan is Deku's critical motivator, our turning point. The Call turned out to Katsuki, and it changes everything. He answers this time without hesitation.
Some are going to argue that it's because of his 'save me' eyes, and it could have been anyone needing saving. If that's true, then Horikoshi could have made it anyone else. But he didn't, because it had to be Katsuki to set and drive the plot.
Narration: There were any number of reasons [one of is simply "Kacchan"]. But at that moment...
"You look like you needed saving."
The first "You.." in a bubble all on it's own, is not an accident. There are no accidents in storytelling. It's the answer.
"There were any number of reasons. But in that moment... You..."
The Call is not becoming a hero, because Izuku never refused to be a hero. He has PURSUED being a hero his whole life. Aggressively. Painfully. Dellusionally.
He is ALREADY a schoolyard hero -even getting beaten to defend others. It's a huge dream, and Izuku will wreck himself over it, but it's not The Call.
It serves as his growth journey to become worthy and equal, and it's a high-stakes commonality to develop the relationship with Katsuki. There's plenty of subplot, explosions, noise and badassery here to enjoy as well. It also decoys and distracts the angsty-gay-romance adverse very nicely.
Just like in a romance novel where the main character is driven to be the greatest pole vaulter, etc, 'pole vaulting hero' is not THE central plot point, or The Call -even if she has self-doubts at any point about pole-vaulting.
The central plot is the relationship. Always. Pole-vaulting is shared high-pressure to grow as a person, and critically develop the bond with her sexy, amazing, but unreasonably angry, rival, pole vaulter. It's a vehicle. It could just as easily be professional dancer, marketing executive, whatever. As long as it drives the relationship.
Back to Izuku. He may have been heroic "saving" Katsuki, but it was also kind of pathetic. He doesn't "win" Katsuki over, or prove he is equal. Katsuki rejects him immediately.
No hero wins without a boatload of growth and suffering first.
Then we get a do-over of Meet The Mentor. And this time All Might accepts him, praising him as worthy of his dream, because Izuku had already fulfilled Answering The Call.
He gets to be a hero. Most importantly, he gets to go to UA with Katsuki. I don't mean to undermine his growth as a hero, but this career's main point is to drive the physical and emotional stakes skyhigh.
So with the acceptance of The Call, our journey to equality and saving Katsuki, has officially begun...
Katsuki of course, continues to aggressively reject him, but Izuku won't let him go his own way, or back down.
Even as their relationship develops, they won't stop emotionally tormenting each other, even though it's unintentional. Relationship conflict and saving Katsuki is the whole point. Finding their EQUAL place beside each other will be the resolution.
And that's exactly how it's playing out now. They are both in a crisis phsyically and emotionally. Katsuki is at death's door, and emotionally has gone too far in his view of their respective worths, now viewing Izuku as his superior (ref apology). Not equal.
Izuku is making desperate decisions to save Katsuki, like fighting on the ground to keep Katsuki out of the battlefield. He is also aggressively fighting his feelings, because he doesn't believe their feelings are the same.
Saving Katsuki and equality of worth, feelings, and abiliity, will have to be resolved for the story's climax. So I expect we are waiting for below:
*Izuku must save Katsuki.
* Izuku reveals he has been very flawed. Not superior. Eg. Lying. His secret feelings. Losing control. Leaving Katsuki vulnerable. He apologises. They both accept they are both flawed and have hurt each other, but remain each others' hero.
*They realise their romantic feelings are the same. Katsuki will ultimately bridge the gap.
* Katsuki will also need to save Izuku to restore equality.
* They will win the war because they work together, equally important to the victory.
* Enjoy peace and working together dor bright future side by side.
I'm rambling now, but...
There is a strong secondary plot arc, and sub plots. They are ultimately pot-stirrers to our central plot which really is: Protect/Save Katsuki. It is.
Protect/Save Katsuki is why the audeince has akways felt such a sense of unease about Katsuki's vulnerability and safety, despite the rough exterior, because it's the plot. You're supposed to be invested like this.
And Horikoshi continues to naturally progress the narrative along, by repeatedly putting Katsuki in increasing levels of stakes/danger (insulted, kidnapped, speared, "dead").
It's why Izuku had to fail repeatedly to save him, he narratively MUST fail until our climax.
It's why Izuku is increasingly torn up inside, and out of control in his heart to protect Katsuki, because Katsuki is his goal. He had to become increasingly emotionally obsessed with Katsuki as progression to match the increasing stakes to Katsuki's life.
It's also why Katsuki had to grow to love Izuku over time, and then goes too far in his respect/guilt over him as the climax draws near (superior/inferior). He reverses Izuku always chasing him, and instead longs to catch up to Izuku. To be equal, narratively, he should have extreme, tumultuous feelings and experiences to match Izuku's own, so he does.
He is concurrently responding to the same increasing stakes against Izuku's life. He develops a desperate need to also save Izuku. Equal. Equal. Equal.
As clearly identified in our introduction, Normal World, Izuku will need to have fully developed self-worth, and be equal in ALL respects to finally protect Katsuki. Katsuki must equally grow and reciprocate all of it.
MHA is ultimately:
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pocketramblr · 9 months
It was revealed at the jump fest that Horikoshi initially planned for Naomasa to be an ally of AFO's who spied for him. Obviously it was scrapped later on. Now I'm thinking about all those Kurogiri is Naomasa theories that were prominent with them comparing the similar ties...
Anonymous asked: In honor of this revelation, can we get an AU where Naomasa was indeed sent to spy on All Might by AFO, but ended up falling for his target.
1- AfO stole his nifty truth detector quirk from Naomasa's father before killing him a bit before Makoto was born. As far as the Tsukauchi's mother knows, AfO is her husband's brother who helped out a lot at the time. Naomasa is the only one who knows his Uncle is lying, and he hates it, but can't tell anyone the truth because Uncle made it clear that Naomasa must pay him back for protecting his little sister and his mom. Naomasa has to be the one to teach Makoto how to manage her lie detecting quirk, has to get good grades to get to the police academy like Uncle orders, and has to not be suspicious.
2- Here, Naomasa meets All Might earlier, for a certain definition of "meet"- AfO worked hard to get them in contact on cases, but All Might is busy fighting twenty hours a day and doesn't really do the paperwork part of his job so actual communication with Naomasa is rare. Which, he's fine with, the less there is he has to pass on to his Uncle
3- When Naomasa first meets Toshinori, he actually thinks he's another spy for AfO placed closer to All Might after Uncle's injury, though he says nothing to verify that. Still, he's friendly - and then he learns he's All Might, and he starts hiding information on purpose from Uncle for the first time. He doesn't ask him for help yet though, he can't.
4- that changes after the Sky Egg incident, when All Might saves Makoto and everyone else. Naomasa waits until his sister is safe in the States, far away and not coming back soon, before he goes to Toshinori. He begs him not say anything, just to listen from the other room. Toshinori, worried, agrees, and then Naomasa takes a call from his Uncle. Toshinori recognizes the voice, and Naomasa confirms that he's alone in the room before answering other questions, carefully selecting what information to give before his Uncle hangs up. Toshinori stares at him. Naomasa looks down. "He doesn't know about you wound, or weakened form. My father... Used to have a lie detecting quirk too, you know. But he died quirkless. Anyway. I'm sorry. That's the truth."
Toshinori stares, silent, for a few more minutes. Then he says "and now, you can honestly say you never told anyone about what you did, or what he did."
"yeah. I hope I can, anyway."
To attempt to make up for what he's already given AfO, Naomasa starts passing information the other way... And does a lot of Toshinori's paperwork.
5- UA is a stressful time, with Naomasa called in to help after USJ and Uncle expecting to be told how far along the heroes are in their attempts to find him, and UA would really like Naomasa's help in sniffing out their own mole. But they manage, and Naomasa, who's been in love with Toshinori a few years at this point and said nothing, sees Toshinori so bright and happy as he ruffles Izuku's hair, and thinks seeing the real smile on the blond's face must be better than even kissing it like he sometimes is embarrassed to dream about.
(he gets a kiss later- Naomasa is furious when he discovers the mole. Not at Yuga- at his parents. Naomasa's father died before working for AfO, and his mother would have done the same, but these two are the ones who invited him in, who basically sold him their son! he's down to imprison the parents, or leave them to AfO, but not Yuga, who'd be better served hidden abroad. Toshinori watches him pace angrily about this before taking his hand, and saying he's unhappy too, but his student doesn't blame his parents and also might be liable to explode if he flees. Then Toshi promises to ensure AfO pays for what he's done, that Yuga and Naomasa and himself and Izuku and everyone will have peace when this is over. Naomasa disagrees - one, he's planning on being imprisoned himself after the war, and two, Toshinori shouldn't go out there, shouldn't get himself killed. Toshi just kisses the back of his hand though and leaves, saying it'll be all right and he'll see him later.)
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bury-me-in-potatoes · 2 months
if horikoshi decides now is the perfect time to have ochako confess her feelings to izuku i'm going to eat my curtains
please. i'm begging you. just let it go.
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kusuguricafe · 5 months
2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 16, 26 😁 -fiend
2. What fandom(s) do you wish there were more tickling content for?
link click and sk8 the Infinity 💞 and I'm always searching for more scaramouche and lyney content (from genshin) as well, those two have me in a chokehold 😫
3. What are some of your favorite tickling related stories, art, videos, or other posts on tumblr?
ohohoho, here we go:
these two incredible nsfw bakudeku fics by @otomiyaa
this lee scara fic by @ticklygiggles that makes me go absolutely crazy
this kamibakudeku fic I commissioned by @intheticklecloset
this bakudeku fic by you!!
this lee deku drawing I requested by tama-chan (@lovelymessybubbly)
this amazing art of my oc getting scara by @rand0m-s1nner
every single anemo boy drawing by @chibimochii (especially this, this, and this)
this lee lyney art that made me go feral the first time I saw it
6. What fictional character(s) would you love to see have a canonical tickle scene?
DEKU!!! SO BADLY!!!! put him in the tickle machine! give a villain a tickling quirk! let bakugou get his aggression out in a fun and harmless way!! PLEASE HORIKOSHI I BEG YOU—
7. What fictional character(s) would you love to tickle and / or be tickled by?
I would love to tickle scara and lyney, and I oh so desperately wish that either of them or bakugou (especially bakugou) could tickle me 😭
10. How did you end up on tumblr?
I honestly don't remember—I think I got on here more frequently around 2014 or so? it's entirely possible I ended up on here because I was searching for tickle fics. I definitely remember stalking @otomiyaa's blog (lucky star theme era)
16. How do you react to others finding out you are ticklish?
overreact as much as possible in an attempt to get them to do it more 😅 I also involuntarily blush bright bright red,,
26. What is your favorite thing about tickling?
god, everything. the insane adrenaline rush and tingly feeling it gives me, the way it completely clears my head, the way it feels to laugh so hard I start crying... and when tickling someone else, the way they squirm and jerk away at the unexpected sensations, their sweet, melodious, sometimes screechy laughter, the blushing, the begging, shaking their head and saying no when what they truly want is more, more, so much more until they can't fucking take it anymore—I could go on and on 💭
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bkdkdump · 1 year
please let them be together and happy Horikoshi I'm begging you
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kitthepurplepotato · 10 months
I HAD to send this comment as a massage and not in the comments section because I have so much to fucking say.
I think I want to marry you?
First of all the new chapter got me into the six dimension and I can't believe I actually got the courage to read this in the car with my dad so I had to pause and actually get home so I could react to this in peace, and OMG the d-rule.
You have no fucking idea how I fucking love the idea of the mha series happening in this universe and Deku meeting horikoshi and there are no words that can describe my feelings rn but I'll try anyway
You, you bring me happiness and this has become much more than just a fanfic, and I might be exaggerating but who can blame me when I read perfection.
But love, dear, darling, sweetie, I adore you, okay? But please please PLEASE take a break if you need to, your health means much more than us and stupid adorable deku alright? I'm begging you, do not overwork yourself, please
Alright. So have an absolutely amazing wonderful and happy birthday ever, I wish you all the goods and hugs, and everything you could ever wish for, and as always, don't forget to drink, eat, and rest my love! ❤️❤️❤️
I love you so fucking much, I swear your comments are my favorite things on Tumblr! ;D
Not going to lie I kinda thought you’re gonna send me hundreds of questions when I saw your name pop up and I was kinda excited 😂 it’s still exciting though, you made my heart go all TOKIDOKI!!! 💜💜💜
Funnily enough the D-rule thing and the KiriBaku story wasn’t even planned that just happened while I was writing 😂 it was supposed to be a basic confession scene, no My hero academia story or anything but then… Deku decided to overcomplicate the whole chapter but I really like how it turned out and the confession wasn’t as harsh thanks to it so I’m glad!
About your marriage proposal, well, it’s not impossible to be fair, might need to talk to me boyfriend of 10 years about it but he doesn’t look like he wants to marry anyway so you can totally marry me? 😂😂😂😂😂💜
Thank you for all your worries, I swear I’m completely fine! (well, kinda, but it has nothing to do with me overworking myself I’m afraid 😂)
Writing these silly fanfictions make me happy and reading your comments is my favorite thing in life, honestly! I also play the two MHA games on my phone all the time so I swear I’m not just writing and editing every single moment of my free time. The only reason I get overwhelmed is because sometimes i enjoy the chapter I’m writing so much I over-concentrate on it and I give myself anxiety because I have so much to say but everything wants to come out quicker than my fingers can move and then I burn out for a few days. I’m silly like that. (yes, I have undiagnosed ADHD 😂)
(this bit a tiny bit more personal, mostly for Ronimacaroni, but feel free to read it if you are nosy like me haha)
I don’t really know how to do anything without stressing to be honest, even those two games makes me feel like I NEED TO play a certain amount of time with it daily even if I’m not in the mood, otherwise I feel like I’m “neglecting it”. So silly.
I do the same at work by the way, I used to be in management so I always had all the responsibility on my shoulders and I changed my job due to my mental health and went down to operations (so basically just putting stock on the shelves) yet I still manage to freak the shit out and try to sort stuff out that’s not my responsibility. It’s just who I am, trying to everything all at once then making myself sick with it. I’ll try to think about your words the next time I start being an idiot though!
But I swear I don’t only post because I need to and I do take a break when I have to it’s just that I had a random spur of inspiration after my birthday and I managed to write both the Izuku and the Bakugou chapter, all in one go so I was like “why wait if I can post them sooner and read the cute comments that will make me happy” so after I came home from work because I got a flu and had a Power Nap I posted the Izuku one quickly, knowing it will cheer me up 😂
Omg why can’t I shut up I’m so sorry I love you much btw be my friend thank you 😂💜
Tell your dad I said hi! 😂💜 (that sounds so weird omg just shut me up please omg this is as long as half of a shenanigan chapter send help)
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This is me now and Inko is you, listening to my rambling thank you.
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