muspeccoll · 2 years
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Hornbook: A pedagogical tool, consisting of a piece of paper attached to a wooden handle and covered by a thin plate of translucent horn. They were used in Europe and European colonies from the 16th century to the early 18th century. What exactly was on the paper would vary, but it typically included an alphabet, the ten Arabic digits, and a prayer.
Image: Tuer, Andrew White, 1838-1900. History of the horn-book. London: The Leadenhall Press and New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1897. 099 T81
(via Half bound — Italic · Rare Books: A Glossary · Special Collections and Archives)
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔇𝔬𝔠𝔱𝔬𝔯 ℌ𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔟𝔬𝔬𝔨 𝔟𝔶 𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔞𝔪 𝔅𝔯𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔶 ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔢 (յՑկճ-յգյԴ)
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weirdlookindog · 2 years
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Leah Bodine Drake - A Hornbook for Witches: Poems of Fantasy (Arkham House, 1950). Cover art by Frank Utpatel.
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Not the Lewis Carroll poem, but the monster in this poem is named after the Lewis Carroll poem.
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
Questions 21, A, and B for the Moth and Compass crowd? 💚
this got a little out of hand, so I shall do one of the trio for each of the three questions!
21. Why do they get up in the morning? 
there’s things that need to get done!! Luna prizes routine and practicality, and even though her lighthouse is no longer operational by mundane means, it still needs to be maintained and to be lit, and it’s got to be her that does it. and in between there are books to read, and corkboards to wind around with red string, and new recipes to try, and down on the shore there are plovers and sandpipers skittering around in between the rocks and the foam. there’s a lot in her life to be excited about!
a. Why are you excited about this character?
Goodfellow is. oh my tragic idiot. he’s out of time in every possible way, and he’s odd to talk to and unsuited to every way of life he’s encountered, but he’s doing almost fine despite it! he’s walking the line between ‘too unobservative to notice that something is terribly wrong’ and ‘still hung up on a guy and a life that he left behind more than two hundred years ago’ and it mesmerizes me! he talks about men in the way that a dad who has never quite figured out that the word ‘bisexuality’ might apply to him would. despite this he did in fact have gay sex on multiple occasions whilst alive. he loves the rules because following them means he doesn’t have to think and he fell in love with a man who threw himself up against the figurative electric fence of the articles of war until it nearly killed them both multiple times. he has an imaginary collection of tank tops from beachfront crab shacks. if you ask him too many personal questions he’ll wail mournfully and vanish into thin air. he has still never quite realized that he was bad at his job. he was so bad at his job to the point where he got many people killed. and his sideburns — well, his sideburns are beautiful!
b. What inspired you to create them?
Moth, well - Moth started out as me. but along the transition from that to where we are now, once again, it was the Vincent Price audiobooks — I was the kind of kid who liked potions and rituals and looking for ghosts, but didn’t do any of those things as much as I would have liked, so when it came to Moth, I imagined the me that would have listened to Vincent Price reading ‘How To See Ghosts Or Surely Bring Them To You’ and ‘Don’t’ and taken that advice! here’s that kid with Carly Rae Jepsen on a borrowed pink ipod, weird hair and weird cat and jeans that don’t fit, and here’s the adventure they’ll have!
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I might write some short little posts on The Hornbook (by Harlan Ellison)... maybe in some nebulous future. That article he wrote about a certain Don Epstein reduced me to silent tears.
Today, you get a picture of Harlan Ellison AND Ofra Haza! Together! You're welcome.
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hedonisticvampyre · 10 months
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Death and Doctor Hornbook - William Hole 1846
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eyeoftheheart · 3 months
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“Call the world, if you please, "the Vale of Soul Making". Then you will find out the use of the world.... There may be intelligences or sparks of the divinity in millions -- but they are not Souls till they acquire identities, till each one is personally itself. Intelligences are atoms of perception -- they know and they see and they are pure, in short they are God. How then are Souls to be made? How then are these sparks which are God to have identity given them -- so as ever to possess a bliss peculiar to each one's individual existence. How, but in the medium of a world like this? This point I sincerely wish to consider, because I think it a grander system of salvation than the Christian religion -- or rather it is a system of Spirit Creation... I can scarcely express what I but dimly perceive -- and yet I think I perceive it -- that you may judge the more clearly I will put it in the most homely form possible. I will call the world a school instituted for the purpose of teaching little children to read. I will call the human heart the hornbook used in that school. And I will call the child able to read, the soul made from that school and its hornbook. Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul? A place where the heart must feel and suffer in a thousand diverse ways.... As various as the lives of men are -- so various become their souls, and thus does God make individual beings, souls, identical souls of the sparks of his own essence. This appears to me a faint sketch of a system of salvation which does not affront our reason and humanity...”
― John Keats
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Why I Think They Won't Re-Release Felicity (in any meaningful capacity)
Felicity's stories are very white and protestant in a very alienating way - and I say this as someone who related to her as a child. She's literally a member of the gentry, she's Samantha of the 18th century.
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Fun Fact: In the earliest editions of Meet Felicity, rather than referring to Jiggy Nye's language as "not proper", it's referred to as "sinful". Felicity is also chided with reminding her that disobeying one's parent's is a sin. Oh, and this change:
Nan: "Then Mr. Nye called the horse a nag, and he said the devil could have it. And he said he would skin us alive if we ever came back!”
Nan: "Then Mr. Nye called the horse a nag, and he said anyone could take it if they could ride it. And he said he would skin us alive if we ever came back!”
Her hornbook:
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(and the parentification)
Felicity and Kirsten share a very similar problem in the way they present history, they are literally the mascots for sanitized white people history. There are no black people in Kirsten's stories. Kirsten is literally Manifest Destiny: the Doll.
There's only one free man in Felicity's stories, Issac. Rose and Marcus are slaves. King's Creek is a plantation, a plantation left to Mother and the children when Grandfather dies (he knew they "loved it so.") Felicity is a slaveowner.
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She's not reading Thomas Paine there guys.
I haven't read Felicity's Beforever series. I know they're abridged, and I know they didn't substantially change them. Felicity's relationship with her Grandfather, and his subsequent death, are integral to the series.
How do her central series present her slaveownership? It was ignored as some sort of background consequence of her possession of King's Creek. Like it's just a fact of life, with no need to remark upon it.
okay, and:
Felicity was the worst selling light skinned doll in the collection. Even worse than Kirsten whose sales got cannibalized by Kit after 2000.
I'm not sure if there's a consensus on why Felicity sold so poorly. Red hair, a dainty collection, not girly enough? Her class contemporary, Samantha, is widely agreed to be one of the most popular historical dolls AG released. So it's not class consciousness.
Both don't follow the rules of the time (being a tomboy, befriending people outside her class status):
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Felicity only got a movie because Julia Roberts loved her.
Kirsten: Little House on the Prairie and All American History. This is the time of the Oregon Trail Game, after all. I lived on pioneer stories when I was little (1990s).
Samantha: Romanticized "victorian" era things were popular, and her clothing is pretty 1980s inspired. Look at it.
Molly: The Grandmothers' generation.
Is it Felicity's mob caps? She was the horse girl, and that wasn't enough. Was she frumpy, with her gowns rather than dresses? Her schooling - it's unrelatable. She's learning etiquette with Miss Manderly rather than struggling with Miss Campbell's times tables:
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Her daddy owning a fucking general store and being prominent enough to provoke a reaction with his refusal to sell tea?
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Her Beforever release was out for 2 years, releasing during the 2017 Doll Deluge or whatever we call it. She was gone by 2019. She got a doll, accessories, and undergarments. At least the latter were more period accurate.
you have to keep your trademark active.
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Kirsten's unpopularity prior to archival is easily explained by the release of Kit, the decreasing popularity of pioneer stories, and the changing times.
Felicity was never popular at the outset.
Felicity's 35th Anniversary Edition was the first to sell out, but that can mean a lot of things. AG doesn't realize sales figures and stock figures. Selling out of 2,500 Felicity is relative to selling out of, say, 10,000 Samantha. Businesses order stock based on projected sales. I'd argue, without the benefit of the full statistical picture, that Felicity collectors are a small and passionate group.
They removed Felicity from catalogs in 2001, making her an online exclusive. Did sixty somethings use the internet at the turn of the century? Mine didn't! She wasn't worth the catalog space a year after American Girl was sold to Mattel. Pleasant was inspired by colonial Williamsburg to create AG. She wasn't enough to gamble a new doll line on. She had to wait until they had some footing. I'd argue Pleasant always knew Felicity would be a poor seller.
When Felicity was removed, I got Kit. She was my next favorite after Felicity and I related to her as a small child, too.
Which reminds me, Kit is responsible for a lot in the AG Historical Collection:
She was another blonde haired blue eyed doll, but with a more relatable collection, and easier to deal with hair:
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Ta dah ^
I think Kit also a soft relaunch of Felicity:
In photos and brief:
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wearing boys' clothing
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close with their fathers
tomboys: with felicity being interested in footraces and racehorses, and kit being a newshound, lacking patience for Ruthie's princess stories (at first).
Kit was like a two-for-one special. I'd really like to see her sales stats compared to Felicity and Kirsten.
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eldritch-macabre · 11 months
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William Brassey Hole (1846-1917) Death and Doctor Hornbook
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uollb · 9 months
How to Study Law?
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Studying law is a challenging but rewarding journey that requires dedication, critical thinking, and a systematic approach. Whether you are a law student navigating through the rigours of legal education or a professional seeking to expand your legal knowledge, mastering the art of studying law is crucial for success. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of effective law study techniques.
Establish a Solid Foundation Before delving into the complexities of legal doctrines, ensure you have a strong foundation. Familiarize yourself with the basic legal concepts, the structure of legal systems, and the hierarchy of laws. A solid understanding of the fundamentals will provide a framework for more advanced studies.
Create a Structured Study Plan Develop a realistic and organised study plan. Allocate specific time slots for reading, researching, writing, and reviewing. A well-structured study plan ensures that you cover a diverse range of legal subjects and allows for consistent progress.
Active Reading Strategies Legal texts can be dense and intricate. Adopt active reading strategies such as highlighting key concepts, taking concise notes, and asking questions while reading. Actively engaging with the material enhances comprehension and retention.
Case Briefing When studying cases, create concise case briefs that summarise the key facts, issues, holdings, and reasoning. Case briefing not only aids in understanding individual cases but also helps recognise legal principles and patterns across cases.
Utilise Study Aids Explore legal study aids like casebooks, hornbooks, and online resources to gain additional perspectives on the subjects you are studying. These aids often provide clear explanations, summaries, and hypothetical scenarios to reinforce your understanding.
Participate Actively in Class Actively participate in class discussions and engage with your peers and professors. Participation not only reinforces your understanding of legal concepts but also exposes you to different perspectives and approaches to legal issues.
Develop Legal Research Skills Cultivate strong legal research skills using databases, libraries, and online resources. Understanding how to find relevant cases, statutes, and secondary sources is crucial for effective legal analysis and argumentation.
Effective Note-Taking Cultivate effective note-taking skills during lectures, seminars, and while reading. Organise your notes by topic and create outlines to condense information and facilitate review.
Practice Legal Writing Legal writing is a fundamental skill. Practice drafting legal memos, briefs, and essays to enhance your ability to articulate legal arguments clearly and persuasively.
Regular Review and Revision Regularly review your notes and materials to reinforce your understanding. Periodically revisit earlier topics to ensure retention. Make revisions based on feedback from professors or peers.
Stay Informed Keep abreast of legal developments, changes in legislation, and landmark cases. This not only enhances your legal knowledge but also helps you contextualise and apply legal principles in real-world situations.
Balance and Self-Care Maintain a healthy balance between study and personal life. Adequate rest and self-care are essential for sustaining focus and productivity in your studies.
Mastering the art of studying law is a dynamic process that requires dedication, discipline, and continuous improvement. By incorporating these effective study techniques into your routine, you can navigate the complexities of legal education, develop a deep understanding of legal principles, and position yourself for success in your legal career. Remember, the journey of studying law is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about cultivating the skills and mindset necessary to excel in the ever-evolving field of law.
Check out UOLLB for more study tips.
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aquariumdrunkard · 2 years
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The Aquarium Drunkard Show (The Halloween Edition)
Broadcasting from the Hollywood Forever Cemetery … The Aquarium Drunkard Show. The Halloween edition, Wednesday night / 7pm California time. SIRIUS/XM ~ Channel 35.
Eartha Kitt – I Want To Be Evil (AD Halloween Version) ++ The Munsters – Munster Creep ++ Bob McFadden & Dor – The Mummy ++ Danny Ware – The Zombie Stomp ++ The Sound Offs – The Angry Desert ++ The Blue Echoes – It’s Witchcraft ++ The Tomko’s – The Spook ++ Scotty Macgregor And His Spooks – I’m A Monster ++ Screaming Lord Sutch – She’s Fallen In Love With A Monster Man ++ The Gories – Casting My Spell ++ Baron Daemon & Vampires – Ghost Guitars ++ Elvira – End of Side One ++ The Five Blobs – The Blob ++ Vincent Price – A Hornbook For Witches (AD Halloween Version) ++ The One Way Streets – Jack The Ripper ++ The Swamp Rats – Louie Louie ++ Oma Liddie – J. J. Jackson and the Jackals ++ Bill Buchanan – Beware ++ Ronnie Cook & The Gaylads – Goo Goo Muck ++ Frankenstein – This Is The Fiend ++ Donovan – Wild Witch Lady ++ The Frantics – Werewolf ++ Radio Spot – I Was A Teenage Werewolf ++ The Cramps – I Was A Teenage Werewolf ++ Donovan – Hurdy Gurdy Man ++ Evariste – Connais Tu L’animal Qui Inventa Le Calcul Intégral ++ The Frantics – The Whip ++ Charles Bernstein – Jail Cell ++ The Vault of Horror ++ Lee Kristofferson – Night of The Werewolf ++ Steve King – Satan Is Her Name ++ Kip Tyler – She’s My Witch ++ The Madmen – Haunted ++ Don Hinson & The Rigamorticians – Riboflavin-Flavored, Non-Carbonated, Polyunsaturated Blood ++ Bobby “Boris” Pickett – Monster Mash (AD edit) ++ Billy Lee Riley – Nightmare Mash ++ Wade Denning & Kay Lande – Halloween ++ Los Holys – Campo de Vampiros ++ Otis Redding – Trick or Treat ++ Monsters Crash The Pajama Party ++ Bobby Bare – Vampira ++ The Sonics – Strychnine ++ Screaming Lord Sutch & The Savages – All Black & Hairy ++ Chance Halladay – Deep Sleep ++ The Weirdos – E.S.P. ++ Leroy Bowman – Graveyard ++ The Frantics – Werewolf ++ The Dynamic Kapers – Alligator Wine ++ The Surfmen – Ghost Hop ++ The Connoisseurs – Count Macabre ++ The Poets – Dead
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Vincent Price - A Hornbook for Witches.
View On WordPress
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thistleandwine · 11 days
In a Hornbook essay on children's literature, published in 1965, Petry described her driving motivations as a writer: "Over and over again, I have said: These are people . . . Look at them and remember them. Remember for what a long, long time black people have been in this country, have been part of America; a sturdy, indestructible, wonderful part of America, woven into its heart and into its soul."
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montedesno · 1 month
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A Hornbook For Witches, Stories And Poems For Halloween Illustration [Cover] – Leo And Diane Dillon
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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'their secret — how to show friendship while you flex your claws'
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