#horus egyptian god
you know what i love?
so the Ancient Greeks basically connected their gods to Egypt's gods, right?
Artemis to Bast, Hermes to Thoth, ect.
But what I really love is Apollo has a clear parrael (can't spell) with Ra (obviously. Sun god, archnemesis is a giant snake, ect.) but he was ALSO equated with Horus, Isis and Osiris's son who would take the godly throne after Osiris was reconstructed and became king of the Underworld.
Anybody else see the thing I really like about this? 👀
(Think ToA)
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b--art · 9 months
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Egyptian God of Kingship and skies. Son of Osiris and Isis. After his father, sovereign of the Gods, died by the hands of Horus' uncle, Seth, Horus defeated the traitor and was crowned the first pharaoh of Egypt. His father, reincarnated, assumed the throne of the Underworld.
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hatchstrange · 4 months
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[Projet Cartouches "Egyptian Gods"] Petit projet terminé (à moins que j'ai d'autres idées pour d'autres dieux et déesses ~) avec six cartouches qui donneront des visuels pour des stickers avant d'être simplifié pour de possibles pin's.
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godslavecomic · 11 months
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And the hits start comin' and they don't stop comin' and they don't stop comin' and they don't stop comin' and ⚡️GODSLAVE⚡️ is an action/ urban fantasy comic featuring Egyptian mythology in the modern day. Now live on Kickstarter!
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aphroditelovesu · 30 days
Could you please write a horus love letter for his darling ( who is the daughter of the Pharaoh and they aren't together yet)?
My Dearest (Y/N),
As the sun rises over the Nile, casting its golden glow upon the ancient sands, my thoughts are consumed by you, my beloved. Though we walk separate paths in this life, my heart remains bound to yours, entwined in the tapestry of destiny. Every moment without you is like an eternity of loneliness on the desert sands. Your charm and beauty rival the purest sunlight, illuminating my being with the promise of eternal love.
On the wings of the wind, my message flies to you, my sweet princess, daughter of the ruler of this land. In every star in the night sky, I see the sparkle of your eyes, reflecting the eternal light of our connection. With each passing day, I am reminded of your grace and beauty, which rival even the most radiant stars in the heavens above. Your laughter echoes in the chambers of my soul, bringing light to the darkest corners of my existence.
Although life's obstacles keep us apart, know that my heart belongs to you, like a precious jewel kept in the halls of time. In every temple erected in my honor, I find the echo of your voice, soft as a song of the gods.
I dream of the day when our destinies will intertwine, when I will be able to swear my eternal love before gods and men. Until then, I will keep your name in my heart like a sacred treasure, patiently waiting for the moment when our hands can touch and our eyes meet in endless love.
Since ancient times, my soul has been linked to yours like the pyramids to the desert, immutable and eternal. My love for you transcends the limits of time and reason, consuming me like a fire that burns incessantly.
Until then, I will keep your memory as a precious treasure, kept safe in my heart. May the other gods protect and guide your steps, my princess, until finally our paths cross and we can experience the love that burns in our souls.
With all my love,
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bruhhxiao · 24 days
Like when we were younger
paring Anubis x step-sister!reader
! warnings: paring sister reader x brother Anubis=incest (they are related by Osiris), depression, violence(?), (Y/N used) !
requested by @gongyunlian
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“Try to convince him Y/N, please…”
“uncle Seth it’s not like I enjoy this situation, my brother looks like another person” You told him walking in circle as he sat on his throne.
“Osiris changed him! My only son…” you patted Seth shoulder.
“Hours… Hours says it’s better this way..” You whispered
“He’s wrong! And you know Y/N!”
After you left Seth you went to visit your mother Isis, she fall in a deep state of sleep since your father Osiris was killed by Seth. She loved your father and she raised Anubis like her biological son, like Hours and became gods. Osiris betrayed her after all the love she gave and showed to him… she forgive him after she knew about Anubis real father.
“I promise mother, I will try to take him back.” You caressed her right cheek.
A few days later you went to Anubis temple, it was a chilly night and it was quieter than usual.
“Anubis can I have a word with you?” You knelt in front of his statue, but this time he didn’t show up like he used to. You were the most close compared to Hours. You were siblings and we never been against each other. You were one thing.
“Please I have something to tell you..” You last said before leaving the temple walking bare foot on the cold sand of the desert.
“Can you please stop following me and talk normally?” You said looking at your shadow watching Anubis coming out of it. He just stood in front of you silent.
“Look at yourself. You never talk, you always hide your face under this mask even when we are alone… where did my brother go?” You tried to reach his mask to take it off but he snapped your hand leaving you speechless.
“Your father is worried! Hours knows something i don’t. Tell me Anubis, tell me please…”
“Seth is no longer my father I don’t need to go see him” he disappeared dissolving into the darkness of his shadow.
You were bathing playing with the blue lotus that you brought with you into the bath. You were a god, the god of protection, anxiety, perfection and purity. The blue lotus was your symbol, your blessing. You probably inherited this specialty from your father and you remembered how you and Anubis played with this flower when you were younger and far from the responsibility of your journey.
“Why are you so stubborn..”
“He is keeping you safe…” You look on the side you stop Hours sitting on the balcony of the chamber looking at the red sky.
“From what Hours? He is hurting himself standing by the one who made him like that”
“You don’t get it! He wants to see Seth suffer! Watching his most important ones standing by his side!” Hours shouted flying away leaving you even more confused, how could Osiris hurt his own son to take revenge over Seth.
“You said you wouldn’t never leave me..” You said thinking about the promise you and Anubis made when you were young.
You went to his temple again sitting in front of his well sculpted stone that was made for prayers towards the god. You left a gift like human do, you left a blue lotus.
When you went back to your mother you saw Anubis talking to her leaving a blue lotus. As he was about to disappear you dashed to him grabbing his mask revealing his long curly black hair, his shocked expression made you ran through the hallway leaving the servants confused. He chased you by the shadows trying to get his mask back.
“Now you know how I felt when I was younger!” That’s right he used to tease you taking away your toys or food and made you ran for minutes until you ended up crying but that was actually an excuse to be close to you, to cuddle you, to protect you.
“Y/N…” He groaned stepping close.
You took off your mask showing your features that Anubis couldn’t see after he became a god. He grew up so you did but he didn’t expect to find you as beautiful as the first time he saw you but there was something that he never felt when he was younger. You wore his mask was jumping around your chamber trying to escape.
“I look good right? You can take mine if you wan-“ He grabbed you by the gold necklace and he pinned you to the wall.
He took the mask and he threw it on the floor, you were surprised by his actions but he didn’t give you time to realized what had happen that he grabbed your cheek pulling you against his lips. The kiss wasn’t aggressive but you could feel the desire. He picked you up caressing your hips to your breast. He snapped back making you land on your feet leaving you breathless.
He grabbed his mask walking out of the chamber. He was speechless, he was angry and guilty at same time… he hated himself for this.
“what about Isis? Please help her Anubis!” You shouted as he disappeared in the shadows.
You were walking in the dark desert a hand grabbed your ankle from the could orange sand. Anubis hand.
“Your mother.” He says as a tear falls down on your cheek
“she woke up.” He continued as his hand melted in shadows and sand.
When you arrive Isis was sitting on the edge of her bed next to her was Nephtys consoling her.
“Mother!” You shouted running towards her but your aunt Nephtys stopped you.
“Y/N! Have you seen Anubis?” She asked a bit worried looking first Isis and then back to you. You nodded.
Your back laid against the cold wall near the balcony, head lost in thoughts until a cold hand holds your shoulder.
silent as always.
“What is wrong with you!” You say angrily without even turning to see who he was. You knew, you could tell by his touch. You stood up taking off your mask grabbing his black tie pulling him near you.
”What happened to you…” You started again until he snapped his black soft curls hiding his expression, teeth biting into his lips almost about to bleed.
“Anubis..” You called softly grabbing his cheek making him look at you as you freed his eyes from the hair.
As you leaned closer caressing his cheek trying to read into his eyes he liked his lips.
“He’s gonna hurt you…” he finally spoke leaning closer to your face.
“I don’t want him to hurt you.” He continued.
He leaned close, lips crushing into yours with his hand behind your neck. As you kissed him back he pushed off. He grabbed your hips picking you up.
“I won’t let him…”
He says as he reveals your breast massaging it as he kisses your neck. He brings you to the bed laying on top kissing every inch of your body.
“you’re so soft”
He said dry as he kissed you to your lips to your hips. He takes your bottom off making you jolt by his sudden action. You covered your body calling his name for once making him snap from his fantasy…
He doesn’t say anything he kisses you cuddles you going from your neck to your hips. He kisses your intimacy softly and slowly as brings a finger inside by surprise.
He added another finger thrusting slowly but steadily while his lips leave kisses on your tummy.
He pulls the fingers out and flip you with your belly against the mattress. His chest pressed against your back as he goes inside making you arch your back.
“I can’t hold it anymore” He says while your fists clenched on the linen sheets.
He waits a few seconds before he starts moving holding your belly with his hand while you cry out the pain that becomes pleasure in no time. Anubi is gently but gives you every inch of him as he kisses your back to your neck kissing it, sucking it, biting it. He slipped out making you turn and face him.
“my baby…” you mumbled you use to tease him every time back in the past, tease his protective side as the older brother.
He grabbed your hand and he kissing it before leaning down kissing your lips while caressing you cheek.
He hugs you tightly as he goes back in with his face pressed in your neck leaving marks and wet kisses trying to hide his moans. You arch your back as you’re getting closer and he thrusts deep. He bumps his nose into yours as the thrusts became slower but stronger taking away your breath. He holds tightly as you both came together.
After a few second he leans down and kisses your lips and then laying on top of you resting his head on your chest as you stroke his curly hair while you looked outside at the dark blue sky.
It reminded you when you used to spend time with him in the past where he would let you cuddle him so you would stop complaining, but it was an excuse for him to be close to you and spoil him with your affection and cuteness. He knew that in the future you would cuddle him with stronger feelings.
Henlooo guys this is such an unlucky day! First I want to apologize to @gongyunlian for taking months to upland their request but I had some family issues. And I finished the story this morning but I was such in a hurry that most of the finale got deleted so I had to rewrite it, so apologize if it’s boring or doesn’t make sense at all. Small reminder, English isn’t my first language so ignore the grammar mistakes if there are any. LOVE YA<3 and feel free to ask something request are open!
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psychedelic-candy · 2 months
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bossnori · 2 years
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milky-rozen · 2 months
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What's better than having two bros Gods watching over you? The Ptolemaic Dynasty seemed to fancy the idea, so they built a dual temple in Kom Ombo dedicated to two of the most powerful and mightiest Gods of Egypt: Horus and Sobek! The Dual temple is a unique one since it's by far the only temple dedicated exclusively to two male gods!
Of course, Hathor, Khonsu and other minor deities make an appearance as well, accompanying the two Gods as they form two little triads, but the two symmetrical sides of the temple are all dedicated to the mighty brothers! There's also a special guest, Ptolemy VI, the one who commissioned the temple who appears in the murals worshipping the two.
United, there's nothing they can't do!
The Horus we see in Kom Ombo is actually Horus the Elder. I do have a design for him as he will soon make an appearance in the next issue of the comic, but I like two think Sobek and Horus the Younger share a special bond as well!
Interestingly, Hathor does not accompany Horus in the two Triads of Kom Ombo as she forms a triad with Sobek and... Khonsu? Yeah, I know, fair enough xD but then, who's accompanying Horus? First is a special form os Hathor and Tefnut called "The Good Sister", and we also have another God called Panebtawy or "Lord of the Two Lands."
A bit of a useless and personal fact but it's thx to this temple that I ship Hathor with Sobek lmao.
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goldenwolfen · 9 months
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Egyptian sky god Horus, who has the head of a Lanner falcon and wears the double crown of a united Egypt. His right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and his left eye was the moon or evening star, representing healing. Horus was associated with kingship, and pharaohs were considered his manifestation on Earth.
"Supremacy" Watercolor and Colored Pencil on 12" X 4.5" smooth Bristol paper. Art direction by Sandra SanTara ORIGINAL and Prints available here (clicky)!
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tomuraxashes · 10 months
Lethal beauties
Horus, thinking about Seth: There is nothing dangerous than a beautiful person who is aware of their attractiveness
Seth, thinking he means Hartor: Bullshit.
Horus: What do you mean?
Seth: They can suck up their beauty if they don’t know how to fight
Horus: .. sure. That’s a lethal combination. I am lucky to have it in 3 in 1
Seth: Lmao. Since when can Hartor fight?
Horus, confused: Since when do we talk about Hartor?
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blackrainbowblade · 4 months
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Dua Ra-Horakhty
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mothdruid · 7 months
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horus || mickey 'fanboy' garcia
"In the sky there are always answers and explanations for everything: every pain, every suffering, joy and confusion."
god of kingship, healing, protection, the sky, and the sun
symbol: eye of horus
the egyptian deities
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wistwyrm · 6 months
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godslavecomic · 11 months
Well hi there! Curious about GODSLAVE but not sure what it's about or where to start? Here's a GODSLAVE Chapter Master Post⚡️⚡️
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Start from the beginning with Chapter One Edith is a university drop-out and is unsure how to move forward with her life. She visits the museum on a whim to escape her well-meaning but nagging roommate. When she accidentally breaks a canopic jar, she discovers a little god was trapped inside!
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Chapter Two After protecting the little god in the jar, Edith finds herself in the middle of a pantheon family feud. The god says he is Anpu (Anubis), and was stripped of his ba and sealed in the jar by the rest of his family. He tasks Edith with retrieving his ba to restore his power, but she wants nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, she may already be in too deep
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Chapter Three After tangling with Heru (Horus)'s Blacksmith soldiers nonstop, Edith and Anpu try to get ahead and cast a spell to find his next ba before it manifests as a monster. But a certain infamous spellcaster herself decides to intervene.
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Chapter Four Kidnapped by Heru, he confronts Edith with the truth about who she's been serving. She's forced to decide whether to turn Anpu over to Heru, or to continue helping a murderer.
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Chapter Five Edith and Set have survived Heru, but she still doesn't trust him. So Set shows her a vision of the Egyptian Underworld and takes her to a party from his past.
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Chapter Six After a ba fight with the Blacksmiths, Edith is desperate to build better control over her powers. Meanwhile, Djehuty asks Chen and Lena to watch over the Four Sons of Heru.
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Chapter Seven The Matriarch of the Egyptian Pantheon comes to visit.
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
can I make a request of yandere Set and yandere Horus x gendere neutral, reader, love letter Egyptian gods ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
At the ends of the universe, where the heavens meet the earth, I find myself captivated by you, enveloped by your beauty like the golden sands of the desert. Your smile radiates light brighter than the midday sun, your presence is like the very oasis in the arid desert of my heart.
From time immemorial, I have beheld your grace and strength, as the goddess/god who dominates the firmament and moves the stars in your celestial dance. Our intertwined destiny was written in the stars by the ancient gods, and my devotion to you is eternal as the immensity of the Nile.
Like a lion roaring under the moon, I will protect and honor every fiber of your being. I wish to be the lighthouse in your moments of darkness, the anchor that supports you in the storms of life. May my passion for you be like the pyramids, standing the test of time and built on foundations of unshakable love.
Accept this humble expression of my being, my beloved, for you are the queen of my heart, the supreme goddess of my being. May the eternal gods witness this oath of love that I make to you, for my soul is eternally intertwined with yours.
With eternal devotion,
My dear,
In the starry skies, where the constellations dance around the moon, I find the light that guides me - the radiant glow of your eyes. Since ancient times, my soul has sought yours, yearning for your presence as the sun yearns for the dawn.
In my eyes, I see the splendor of your charms reflected as if each ray of sunlight were a painting that celebrates your beauty. Your steps are like melodies that echo through the corridors of the temples, filling my being with a sweet and intoxicating song.
Like a hawk that flies over the skies, my devotion to you is as vast as the infinite horizon. I wish to be your safe haven, your constant starry night, the guardian of your deepest secrets.
May the winds of the Nile carry these words to you, my sweet inspiration, so that you may know that, even among the immortal gods, my heart belongs to you alone.
With all my love,
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