#house designs photos com
for-a-longlongtime · 7 months
🚨 Triple Frontier concept art + "new" old photos! 🚨
I'm so excited about this! During a TF search spiral (don't we all have those?) I actually hit gold when I stumbled across Greg Berry's website. He was the Production Designer of the movie and made a book as something for the crew to look back at - and as an intro to the film.
It's really worth a look, because it has gorgeous concept art, pictures of certain spaces (the bar, Lorea's house) before they shot and how they envision it to be. There's also an image for the storage container, but this seems to be considerably smaller and different than what they ended up using.
CHECK OUT THE FULL BOOK AT https://www.gregberry1.com/film/triple-frontier
Obviously, there are also pictures of the guys which we've never seen those before. YAY!! Or actually - I shared a cropped pic of Benny with some friends and I noticed that one made it onto a Garrett fan IG already the other day, haha. But aside of that... gorgeous 'new' old stuff. I've cropped those images from the website for your convenience, so hope you'll enjoy! I don't own any of this obviously, it's all Greg Berry (bless him), so if you share these pics elsewhere please credit the man and link to his site... it's only fair!
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HELLO Francisco putting on his tact vest 💜 Some close ups (nobody likes you Tom, go away):
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Benny, Santi, go find your caps!
Fucking love this picture. Why were we robbed from this happening in good light? Francisco... check you out.
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Let's see some more of Santiago:
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Love love love. Here's when they find Lorea:
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Have some Will crops.
And last but definitely not least - where are the Benny girlies at? You're getting FED:
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Bonus picture: the shot below from an interview with Mark Russell about the VFX in TF
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Once again, definitely go check out the art book - it's gorgeous!
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greatlydelirious · 2 years
𝐃𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬, 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
wordcount: 6.1k words
summary: The night that death granted you mercy you swore to never let yourself become vulnerable again. That was until you started to be haunted by a man who knew your feelings all too well.
warnings: smut, mask stays on, slight breeding kink, angst, injury, mentions of past trauma, super fluffy, established relationships, (Ghost is highkey obsessed with you)
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“Who’s your crew?” Laswell asks while sighing, exasperated by Price’s persistence. He swipes up the stack of files she got for him before going through them.
“Sergeant Garrick.”
“Kyle?” she recalls.
“They call him ‘Gaz’. He never said anything.” Laswell looks over the front of the file before he pulls out another. “John MacTavish, SAS. Sniper- demolitions. Goes by ‘Soap’.” Once again Price hands it to Laswell.
“That’s classified.” Price’s tone is even before he moves on chuckling. “There he is… Simon Riley.” When he places this one down, Laswell’s eyebrows knit, “There’s no picture.”
He softly whistles before saying your name, “… but she only answers to ‘Rose’.”
“Rose? That’s a delicate name.” Laswell arches a brow when Price lets out a dry laugh.
“Anything but.” Price taps the photo attached to the folder. The woman was mean mugging the camera with a hardened expression that made even him shudder and was the envy of any of the men who joined her ranks.
“Now the rest…” Price swipes the files back while staring down the CIA station chief across from him. “That’s need to know. Unless we got a deal.”
Laswell stares back at him equally stoic, “What are you calling this task force?”
A light smirk plays on Price’s lips, “1-4-1.”
Sweat percolates from every inch of your skin as you make your way to your designated post. The heavy fatigues and protective gear that use to bother you now act as a comforting weight. A reminder of where you are and the mission you are about to accomplish with your team. Not some sissy team, but Task Force 141; a special operations task force military unit that housed the best and… wildest.
Wildest was far more apt than the word brightest to describe the band of seasoned soldiers Captain Price brought together. He recruited you from the United States military special force known as 75th Ranger Regiment. Anyone who has met someone you fought alongside knew the female killing machine that holds the moniker “Rose”.
At first, you wanted to decline Price’s proposition to join. You’d worked under the command of General Shepherd before during your time with the U.S. Army Rangers, but you were still hesitant. After surviving unspeakable horrors in Afghanistan, you became far too deep in your itch to maim and kill.
Not only did you need the structure being a part of a force gave you, but the thrill. When your old captain tried to give you a base job after recovering from severe injuries you went berserk. Hell, you were even moments away from joining the French Foreign Legion. Of course, Price caught wind of this and promised to put you to work. Luckily for him, he kept up his promise.
You are a specially trained fucking soldier; not a rookie, not a gun polisher, but a sharpshooter that rivaled the likes of Simon “Ghost” Riley. The statement might sound crass, but you didn’t have the luxury to lapse in confidence. Every corner you turn, every order you follow, and every shot you take must be concise and without a shred of hesitation. This wasn’t fun and games, it was life and death.
Well… maybe it’s a little bit of fun sometimes.
Scuffling noises and grunts fill the coms until they abruptly cease.
“Rose, do you copy?”
“Answer me, Rose. Do. You. Copy.” Now the question turned into gritted demands. Each word leaves a sharper bite than the last.
Silence is the only answer yet again. Before Ghost can crush the radio in his steely grip, static meets his ears.
Grunting you push the now limp body on your chest to the ground. “Copy Lt.” Blood audibly squelches as you reclaim your knife. “Can’t get rid of me that easily.” Wiping the trusty blade on your pant leg you chuckle at a joke in your head, “What has two arms, two legs, and ten holes?
Soap can be heard groaning. You are just as bad as Ghost when it comes to so-called “army humor”. “You gotta be fuckin’ kiddin-“ Someone clicks their mic to cut off Soap’s grumbling.
“What?” A gravelly voice that gives you goosebumps plays along.
“The guy I just stabbed.”
“Ten holes huh?”
“Men have nine, thought he could use an extra one in the neck.”
“You’re bloody sick.”
“No, I’m quite blood free right now and I don’t have a stuffy nose. Thanks for your concern.”
A deep huff cuts through the coms and you recognize it as Ghost’s version of a laugh. Triumph fills you with being the one to elicit that rare sound. Thankfully, no one else was around to catch the subtle blush rising on your cheeks.
Focus, Rose.
“What do you call a Russian sniper from the Soviet Army who never misses his target?” Ghost asks you right after you finish clearing the hallway that held the stairway leading to the roof of the building.
“Go on.” You encourage as you start to make your ascent.
“The most skilled marxman in the military.” Now that had to be the most military dad joke you’ve ever heard.
“Please tell me you’re at your spot Rose.” Soap once again groans and for a second he regrets every decision that got him stuck with the two of you.
With an amused lilt in your voice, you push open a metal door, cold night air giving a second of reprieve against your hot skin. “Fortunately for you and unfortunately for me, affirmative.”
Taking a deep breath, you crouch before setting your M21 EBR sniper rifle on the edge of the roof and maneuvering the ACOG Scope attached. The semi-automatic rifle has extremely low recoil and you liked its dual use for medium and longer ranges. Other soldiers had a hard time with the scope’s slight sway, but you tamed the gun how one would a horse; using a subtle, soft touch to steer it in the right direction.
Electricity thrums through you as you anticipate what is about to take place. You adjust your scope until you’re finally focused on the building across the street. Standing behind one of the windows was your target, Nabeel Bashar, drinking and laughing with other men in the room.
Nabeel Bashar is a close associate of Hassan Zyani and one of the lower-ranked leaders in the terrorist organization Al-Qatala. Although he’s not important enough to give you information you don’t already have, his death is important enough to make an impact.
That’s it Nabeel. Move one more inch to the left and I got you.
Your leather gloves slightly squeak as you adjust the grip on your sniper rifle. The gun is an extension of yourself, and it’s about to send a message to Hassan. After a few minutes that feel like hours, the man steps perfectly into your line of sight.
“Rose to Bravo 0-6. I’m in position and have a clear shot.”
“Hold your position until Ghost gives the order.”
Captain Price’s command sits at the forefront of your mind as your anticipation grows. You might have an itchy trigger finger, but you’re too seasoned to pull it prematurely. Years of training and discipline that started when you were a child kept you steadfast in waiting.
To say your father was proud of you was an understatement. As a U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran, he was a stickler for raising tough kids. Sprain something? Walk it off. Lose at a sport? Try harder. His motto is, “When all else fails, your mind is the only thing that can save you.” Advice that not only helped save your life but was engrained in your bones.
Over the years and during your time in Afghanistan, you accrued accomplishments and honorary medals that you thought of as just “chest candy,” but your father gladly took them to display in his living room to show off to his fishing buddies. Based on the way he constantly brags about you; you are most definitely his favorite.
So much so that he has more than once grilled you endlessly about the man you told your mother about. Simply calling him a man didn’t do enough justice though. Simon “Ghost” Riley isn’t just an apparition, but a carnal animal outside and inside the bedroom. Unforgivingly rough as he gets to what he wants while thrumming with a deathly power that practically begs for someone to challenge him.
Unsurprising to everyone, that’s what you did when you joined Task Force 141. The tales of the heartless Lieutenant with the seemingly permanent skull-patterned balaclava never scared you. If anything, it made you want to test your sparring skills with him. When you finally convinced him to practice with you and he managed to pin you down after an hour, he was far more than impressed. Intrigued, surprised, and aroused captured the essence of how he felt.
Ghost admires your brutality. You never hesitate, never give anyone the inkling that you’ll be an easy target. Some would say the element of surprise could work in your favor, but you like a rough fight. If you’re not feeling the aching reminder of it the next day, you don’t feel like you won. That philosophy may be dangerous, but that’s what Ghost loves about you.
Yet what he covets the most is the vulnerability you gave him the pleasure of witnessing. Everyone got to see the bloodthirsty soldier, but he got to see the resilient woman who soaked in her complex emotions behind closed doors. A woman who liked his stern voice and uncharacteristically soft touches.
You always melted in his hands like a kitten snuggling close for warmth. At times the rumbled moans that came straight from your chest even sounded like purrs. Ghost craved that soothing sound. A rare sign of mindless comfort from his “pretty rose.”
“Red Rose” was the full cover name you were given. You were as fresh as a rose when you joined the 75th Ranger Regiment, the only experience under your belt being from your short time in the army. During those beginning years of your career it was just “Rose”, but it became far too tame to describe the person you are now.
Anytime you clean sweep a room that had more than enough men to overpower you, Gaz said you “painted the roses red”. Are you a part of Task Force 141 if you didn’t have a sense of dark humor?
Like any rose, thorns covered the outside of you, not a protective shield, but a visible threat that you will bite back when handled. It wasn’t a secret what was done to you; as unspeakable as it may be. Not only did your mind plague you with vivid memories in the middle of the night, but it manifested physically as well.
Deep scars that left phantom pains in their wake littered your body. No matter how hard you itched or rubbed the pangs hit you with a vengeance. They were etched reminders of not only the pains of living but the miracle of survival. You were deeply respected for surviving what you went through, but it morphed into fear when you continued to be a part of the force.
Some people let the venom of the past take them down, but others will use the searing pain as motivation to push forward. You’re the latter.
Despite your hardened exterior and savage nature amidst combat, you get along with your team swimmingly. Yes, you snap, bark, and bite, but like any good Doberman when someone shows you they are trustworthy, you are fiercely loyal. And by this point, 141 felt more like home than anywhere else. They treated you like any other man on the team and would take a bullet for you without hesitation.
The only thing that was akin to what you feel like, is a Doberman shaking with the excitement for its next command. All you needed was that one word. Once you get that command the metaphorical leash can be dropped so the beast can attack.
In a millisecond your finger pulls the trigger. Glass shattering mixed with the whistling shot is like music to your ears, a symphony of justice executing its judgment. You watch as Nabeel Bashar falls limply to the ground, the hole in his head forming a crimson puddle underneath him. Pulling away from your rifle you grab your radio, “Nabeel’s down. Enemy K.I.A.”
One down.
“Clean shot, Rose.” Price praises through the coms. “Now let’s get you-“
Yelling erupting below makes your focus turn to the street. Stationed soldiers yell in a language you don’t understand while rushing into the building you’re in.
You manage to duck when bullets ricochet off the concrete next to you, making dust spread in the air. “I’m under fire and they’re making their way inside.” You have to practically scream to be heard over the sudden gunfire. The cadence of your voice held not even a semblance of a quiver as you barked the information. You’ve stared at the face of death before; you can do it again.
“You will do it again.” Ghost’s voice pops in your head almost in a warning. The last time you were trapped in a situation like this you had the infamous man alongside you. Except then you had a nasty stab wound to your side and Ghost had even nastier gunshot wounds to the thigh and shoulder.
Enemies are everywhere. Stray bullets whizz past your head as you make it into the empty house with half of Ghost’s weight against your hip. The plan didn’t go awry, but totally nuclear. Now you both are left surrounded and injured. Concerningly so based on the dark stain your partner was leaving on the floor. He tried to help you barricade the room, but the moment he started to tip to the ground you helped him sit down. No matter how bullheaded he is, he can only withstand so much blood loss.
Ghost’s head slowly starts to fall forward as he sits against the wall. The chopper is on its way and the only body you planned to haul with you was a breathing one. Thick fabric meets your palm as you slap Ghost awake. Even though he is sluggish, he captures your wrist before you can step back. When you try to tug out of his grip, he only squeezes harder.
You opt to instead crouch in front of him, eyes blazing, “If you leave me now, I’ll come after you.”
When he simply blinks at you, you move your face until it’s inches away from his masked one. “Do you hear me, you bloody bastard? I mean it.”
A wet chuckle leaves the man below you, “Bloody, eh? I’ve rubbed off on yah already?”
“Make it through this and you can rub off on me all you want.” Now Ghost truly laughs despite himself. Despite the pain. Jokes made the hurt go away, mental or physical, but what really made the bleeding man tick was the way your eyes twinkled with promise. You truly do mean it.
Slippery fingers intertwine as Ghost holds your other hand as well. Despite the danger and the blood, there was something so intimate about his touch.
That was the night you officially fell in love with Simon “Ghost” Riley.
“Backup is on its way now. Stand your ground, Rose.” Price’s words are meant to be comforting, but they only make you curse.
You know the team is set up in houses nearby, but these men are coming in fast. The sound of heavy footsteps pounding against metal steps further confirms your thought. Rolling your shoulders, you let a cold smile spread across your face.
Game on.
“Fuckin’ hell…” Ghost couldn’t help but breathe out the words when he finally makes it to you. He’s never mowed down enemies so fast. Any person who got in his way was given a swift death, and apparently, so did any in yours.
You’re a vision in red. Blood and entrails cling to your body as you stand in the middle of the wreckage. Fingers still twitched around the blades in both your hands, sniper rifle long forgotten somewhere. When your bullets ran out you opted to use it as a baton, cracking enemies until it got lost during a scuffle. Bodies are strewn across the rooftop like it was nothing. Like it was normal for someone to have the capabilities to fight all these men by themself; let alone a woman half their size.
Ghost has never seen anything more breathtaking. The gore only illuminates the primal energy that surged through you, through him. Every instinct urges him to run to you, feel you, and claim you just as you are now.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
With a shaky laugh, you sheath your weapons, not looking away from the man in front of you. The air is fraught with tension not stemming from the surprise attack. “Sorry, you missed the party, sir. I hope you can forgive me.” Your voice practically keens with a desire only Ghost can quell.
“Sir”, a formality laced with sin that unfurls from your tongue to snake into his ears. The sound of it coming from you so desperately, so needy, for him, calls to every fiber of Ghost’s being. You take without recourse every day; lives, commands, jests, anything you could while leaving nothing in return. Until it came to him. That three-letter title was you giving your power over to Ghost. An exchange of trust that never ceased to rock him to his core.
A grunt is given to you in response. A silent warning that said, “If you keep it up with that, I can’t be held accountable for what happens next.”
You knew that verbatim since the last time he grunted like that and you continued to push his limits, you were left with such a bad limp the next day that Captain Price made you go to medical for a check-up since he was convinced you were injured. Technically with how bad you were aching, it did qualify as an injury, but the dull throb between your legs indicated it was the good kind.
Before Ghost can make a step forward, Soap and Gaz run up in quick succession. They stop short just as Ghost did as they also take in the sight. Dark eyes continue to stay transfixed on you. Almost like you were the only person in the whole city.
Although, after a couple of minutes of three pairs of eyes ogling you, you decide you had enough for one day. Exasperated, you reach for your radio, “All clear Captain.”
By the time the team makes it to the safe house, you are utterly drained. Everything aches. The thick layer of sticky human splatter covering your form begins to gnaw at your senses. The lights feel too bright, the air too hot, and the atmosphere too quiet.
You tug off the pounds of clunky armor and gear, tossing it on an open countertop like the others. For a moment you just stare at the items. The dismantling got the surface mucked with dirty substances. Not only that but your hands, arms, and the sweat rolling down your forehead makes it spread even more.
Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. The mantra leaves you frozen, not knowing what to do, not knowing what else to say.
Someone pats you firmly on the shoulder, “I’ll take care of it, eh? Go clean up. Lord knows you deserve it.”
You can’t distinguish the voice of who’s talking when your feet begin to move at the command before your mind can register it. Normally you didn’t become this frazzled so soon, but you haven’t had time to be alone for weeks now. No time to scream into a pillow or cry in your room or feel his touch.
Every high has a crash, and you are free-falling. Fast.
Soap lets out a sigh of concern before grabbing a rag to start getting to work. He doesn’t say anything when he sees a dark shadow larger than your own follow you down the hallway.
When the bathroom door closes seemingly by itself you don’t hesitate. Nails scratch your skin as you practically tear off the clothes clinging to you. When you hear the fabric of your shirt rip you don’t care. You don’t have the wherewithal to even try. Yanking back the curtain, you blindly search for the handle. When water starts pouring down you practically jump into the shower.
You arch your head back into the stream of water. Clear, turns red, then turns black with the mixture of blood and soot as it sinks into the drain, taking your adrenaline with it. Limbs quake and memories flood uninvited into your brain. To escape the onslaught of emotions you close your eyes and try to focus on the sounds around you. Water is dripping, slipping, and sliding in your mouth. Water that was meant to soothe, but once smothered you and used as a tool to make you talk, to make you break.
Large hands encompass the sides of your head and pull you from the stream internally ripping you apart. Only then do you hear the sobs spilling from your mouth. Your eyes fly open and are confronted with misty blue ones surrounded by pitch blackness, equally searching and equally pained. Pained not only for you but for the fact that he knows exactly what you’re feeling. He knows how the past is twisting your guts until the only thing your body wants to do is destroy or be destroyed.
“Focus, angel.”
The words come out in a deep yet soft command. A shiver travels across your skin and an ache settles in your heart. Ghost is here with you. You aren’t in that place anymore. Your hands cling so desperately around his wrists as if he would drift away at any moment. Like he’s the answer to your salvation.
In actuality, you’re his.
With a harsh tug, hungry lips slam into yours. You hadn’t noticed that his balaclava was pushed up, but you couldn’t be more relieved to truly feel him. The kiss is as possessive as it is sloppy. Tongues don’t dance but spar as Ghost uses his grip on your head to keep you locked in place. Not that you would ever dream about pulling away.
He tastes of metal, grit, and something addictively sweet. He’s like one of those candies in sketchy wrapping, but when you pop it in your mouth it’s the best thing to ever grace your tastebuds. Moaning you back up against the cold shower wall to make room for the large man. His lips only move to start descending on your neck. Lips and teeth and tongue tease with a fiery passion that make you gasp at each little assault of his mouth on your skin.
Something hard presses against your slick stomach as Ghost blankets your body with his own. He towers over you not only in stature but width. Your body is perfectly hidden in front of his own like a human shield. The pure notion of what he can do to you makes heat pool in your core.
Your sudden reaction doesn’t go unnoticed. They seldom do.
A thick finger instantly meets your folds, sliding through the wet sensitive flesh in agonizingly slow pets. Ghost lets out a satisfied grunt at how willing and wet you already are for him. He pushes the digit inside your pussy with ease. You desperately grab his biceps to keep yourself from melting into a puddle at his touch.
“Please.” The wobbled plead comes out like a mewling kitten. When you say it so sweetly how could he ever deny you? When a second finger joins the first the delightful stretch that follows makes your nails dig into his taut skin. Ghost doesn’t pause as he begins to fuck you with deep, slow thrusts. Fingers curve to hit the spongy sweet spot inside your pussy that has you clenching around him like a vice.
The hardness against your stomach twitches at the sound, feel, and look of you. So devastatingly perfect, devastatingly his.
In your haze, you look down at where his body meets yours. Each stroke of his fingers makes you dizzy, but all you can focus on is his cock. The tip is ruby red as it throbs and leaks with precum with the anticipation to take you.
“Simon.” His head snaps up to search your face. The name comes out in a whisper as your eyes say a thousand more words you can’t possibly string together in a coherent sentence.
His lips ghost the shell of your ear, “My strong girl did so well today. She deserves my cock don’t yah think?” You feebly nod, unable to make any sounds except for pathetic moans. Strong hands lift your legs so they’re dangling atop his muscular thighs. He’s like a makeshift seat as he keeps your back pressed against the wall to keep you propped up for him. Now the head of his cock is resting between the lips of your sex.
Breath eludes you as you watch Ghost look at where your bodies are joined. He gently rocks against your pussy, rubbing your clit with each slow stroke. The new position leaves you no room to buck against him. You’re completely left at his mercy.
“…so fuckin’ pretty.” The admiring words rumble from his chest as he finally pushes inside. It’s almost too much. His cock never fails to split you open to the point that you think you might rip in half. He’s too hard, too long, too thick, too big. Yet you can’t help but whine when he stops moving after only half of his cock is nestled in your pussy.
Ghost shoves his face in your neck and you can feel his body trembling, not from physical exertion, but from the force he was using to control himself. Teeth nip and scrape at the tender flesh above your collarbone as he begins to slowly push more of himself into your quivering pussy. In silent submission, you crane your neck further to give him better access to your pulse point.  
You don’t want Ghost to hold back. You want the delicious pain that comes from him tearing you apart because you know he’ll always sew you back together again.
“Fuck me, bite me, take me, please.”
“Copy.” Ghost’s tone is deceptively playful and you swear you feel him smirk against your neck.
Cheeky bastard.
Any semblance of lightheartedness quickly disappears when he slams the rest of his cock inside you. Instead of biting, he sucks the spot his teeth were previously teasing. Ghost’s hands settle on your ass to pull you on and off his cock in tandem with his thrusts. He’s everywhere all at once and all you can do is desperately moan at the contact you’ve starved for.
The pace starts deep and languid before rapidly turning rough and downright feral. Gravelly groans tumble from the usually composed man as your tight walls cling to him at every pull of his cock. You’re almost too tight and he’s almost too big. Almost.
“That’s it... take my cock, angel.” Your bottom lip trembles when Ghost moves to rest his forehead against yours while continuing to fuck into you hard enough to bruise. The soft skin at his pelvis abuses your clit to the point of overstimulation with the onslaught of movement. It’s so intense that you’re sure you’ll fall apart by the next jut of his hips, but he never gives you more than you can handle. Ghost is the only person you’ve trusted with your body in many years; and for that, he’ll be forever grateful.
His eyes never leave yours as he takes in every little emotion swirling in their depths. Before you were on the brink of darkness, now all he sees is lust and a four-letter word that would be his undoing.
Once you almost died and went to hell. Now you feel like you’ve died and gone to heaven. Euphoria made you docile and pliable, a mewling, dizzy, sweet mess that only made Ghost fuck you harder. The sounds he’s making are like brimstone and ash as he fucks his fallen angel.
“Angel” was an especially fond nickname Ghost gave you at the beginning of your relationship. One he saved for your most intimate moments together. To him, you’re a celestial being; too good to be with the likes of him. He sees your drive to do good, to protect people from the torment you’d endured. Outsiders may see a bloodthirsty soldier, but he saw you for who you really are. A woman who strived to do good, to protect people from horrors unimaginable. Even if it meant sacrificing herself. Although Ghost may not be as noble, he is as driven. He’ll be your patron saint, your protector till the end of days; but even then, he’ll be too selfish to let you go. Ghost would cut down Gods and travel through hell and back for you. Anything for his angel.
A particularly sharp thrust makes you cry out. You’re so close you can feel the electricity crackling between the two of you. But neither of you cared for things that came easy. In an instant Ghost pulls out of you and flips you around with the grace of a seasoned fighter. The spray of water hits the sides of your bodies as you’re bent with your front against the shower wall.
Your forearms support your weight as you slam your palms into the wall in a poor attempt for leverage. Each aching muscle in your legs shakes from the pressure of standing on your tiptoes to reach closer to Ghost’s hips. Emptiness gives way to fullness when your pussy is once again invaded by his cock. His front molds into your back like you are made for him. You fit so perfectly tight against him, around him, pushing and squeezing as your velvet walls flutter to accommodate him.
Fingers slip between your own in an act so tender it betrays the rough slap of his hips against you. Truly an enigma even you had yet to completely figure out. But with your fast-approaching climax, you didn’t have the room to dwell on the concept. You can tell Ghost is close too; his thrusts are growing sloppy and his fingers that are intertwined with yours squeeze in a white-knuckled grip to attempt to ground himself.
His hands slip from yours to find purchase on your hip with one hand while the other snakes around to descend on your clit. Even lost in desire his movements are precise and expert in how they derive pleasure from you.
“Do you want me to fill you up, angel? Make you mine?” Ghost’s voice is distorted by growls and full-blown lust. Your emphatic moans and confirmations blend only to heighten as he slams into you and rolls your sensitive bud just right. Ghost’s ministrations, cock, voice, words, and noises all blend together in perfect symphony as you reach your rapture.
His grip on you is like steel as you meet each of Ghost’s thrusts. Your heart thumps like a hummingbird and sparks feel as though they’re lighting under your skin. A loud groan reverberates next to your ear as heat blooms in your core. You’re so tight in the throes of your own orgasm, milking Ghost for everything he’s got.
Ghost continues to push his cum inside you, thrusting in deep, hard strokes to secure it in and make it stick. The insatiable need to make you his in a permanent way motivates the overstimulating pounding. His fingers knead the flesh at your hips, coaxing you to stay open for him.
Only when your whimpers waver and turn whiny does he reluctantly slow his movements before coming to a complete stop. Ghost pulls you from the wall so he can lean you against his chest, cock still buried deep inside you. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest would lull you to sleep if you weren’t acutely aware of your surroundings again. You don’t know how much time has passed, but when Ghost pulls out of you, you shiver from the newfound emptiness.
When you start to adjust your limbs, you feel that the skin on your fingertips is pruned, indicating that you’ve overstayed your welcome. You turn around in Ghost’s grip so you can properly gaze up at him (even if you still have to crane your neck). Your hands absentmindedly rub the muscles in his chest that rumbles like a dragon. Truly an unwavering force in every sense of the word. Unfortunately for both of you, you couldn’t stay like this forever.
“We have to get out sometime, big guy.” Grunting, Ghost grabs your hand before pulling it to his lips, kissing your knuckles like he was memorizing the feel of them. Satiated blue eyes look at you with an emotion that makes you swallow thickly. He was going to be the death of you.
Wordlessly, Ghost reaches around to finally stop the stream of water before scooping you into his arms. A part of you wanted to protest that you could move on your own, but you wouldn’t ever deprive his need to feel you. You wince as Ghost helps you out of the shower. At first, you think it’s from the ache between your thighs, but the pain stems from somewhere lower.
In an instant, you’re plopped on the bathroom counter. “Didn’t care to tell me about this?” Ghost elevates your right leg with an edge of anger in his voice. Not at you per se, but the fact that you’re injured. A streak of red is trailing down your outer thigh with the other droplets of water to the floor. The gash isn’t concerningly deep, but after your exertions, the area was irritated from being neglected.
“I’ve been so caught up I didn’t even feel the damn thing.” The knife wound must have occurred when you were fighting off those men on the rooftop. Everything happened so fast since you came to the safe house that you didn’t take the time to look over yourself.
When a white-hot bolt of pain hits your gut, you’re reminded of your oversight again. You sure as hell can feel it now though. Sighing, Ghost makes quick work of cleaning and wrapping your wound with items from his bag. Of course, he brought it into the bathroom with him. The man is never unprepared.
“Wish you gave me the chance to kill those bastards, love.” The comment only makes you laugh. Leave it to Ghost to think of vengeance right after fucking your brains out.
You admire his concentration in silence. Before you met him you always “licked your own wounds” after every mission you went on, never having someone care so intimately about you to tend to your injuries themself. Now you had Ghost’s expert hands piecing you back together. Despite your pride, you cherish that those hands, invisibly coated in so many people’s blood, takes extra precaution while cleaning up yours. At this moment you feel nothing but lingering bliss and something you thought you’d never feel again… love.
Lightly twisting your leg, Ghost looks over his handiwork with a satisfied grunt. Thick fingers start to card through your wet strands of hair before moving down to cup your cheeks. His thumbs draw small circles on your skin in a manner so soothing it made butterflies awaken in your stomach.
“Do you think they heard us?” They had to of heard, but you knew that they would make themselves think they didn’t. If one of them even uttered a single syllable about it Ghost would pop their head off like a cherry stem.
“That’s the goal.” A wicked blush flames your cheeks as you playfully swat his chest.
Possessive bastard.
Sighing, you hop off the counter and grab your undergarments. Can’t delay facing the team any longer. The comfortable silence continues to stretch as you both get re-dressed. Thankfully Ghost hands you a spare shirt since you tore yours before getting in the shower. It all feels strangely domestic, especially when putting where you are into consideration. But home is where the heart is, and Ghost has yours in the palm of his hand.
Strong arms pull you to a hard chest once you’re fully dressed. A ghost of a smile plays on your lover’s lips and the sight makes you smile in return. Ghost leaves you with one last searing kiss before pulling his balaclava back down and exiting the bathroom.
Amidst war, death, and a lingering past you were able to fight your demons and find love. And as fate would have it, you love the angel of death himself.
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Any and all interactions are greatly appreciated.
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lemonmaid · 12 days
I kinda imagine Vil as a borderline Almond mom/wine mom personality.
Arrange but happy marriage with Leona, who acts like those dads in those 90s rom-coms, "Yes dear 🙄" or letting you have his black card, "use your own money? No let daddy pay for it".
Imagine this AU where Vil was a successful actor and model in his younger days, now pushing forty a successful fashion designer.
Leona "was" the heir to a successful family business that had been around for a few centuries, but was cut off after the paparazzi took some compromising photos of him in college, causing his family to quickly cut him off and publicly denounce him. Giving him a wake-up call, he quickly studied law, graduating early, getting his own law firm where he has spent five years conjuring a 500-page defamation lawsuit and a will contest.
He and Vil met at a social gathering.
Leona rest against the wall, staring at everyone in the room, watching.
He did notice a certain blonde eyeing him since he walked into the room, but who wasn't? This is the first time he has been to a social gathering since the press release.
Leona took another sip of his glass, "Leona Kingscholar correct?".
Leona eyed the blonde, "Yeah, you're the actor right?".
Vil rolled his eyes, "Yes, Vil. Vil Schoenheit".
Leona shooked Vil's hand, before going back and looking at the crowd. Vil joined him on the wall, sipping his glass.
"Vil Schoenheit you say? Hmmm you don't suppose your the same Schoenheit who pushed his competition off the runway stage?" Leona side eyed.
Vil remained quiet, taking a huge gulp of his rosè, "allegedly".
Leona chuckled, "allegedly".
Vil smiled at him, "I come with a proposal".
Leona raised his eyebrow, "I'm listening".
The next month the two had the most extravagant wedding, competeing against Ashlynn and one of the Charming brothers.
Small imagined conversations:
Vil: "stop scowling, you're gonna get crow's feat".
Leona: "Yes dear".
Vil: *getting ready for bed with five different creams on his face and using a quarz roller* " I mean, did you see what she was wearing tonight? Everyone knows you don't put brown on brown, you put brown on creme and then make it lighter, ugh it's like her PR team didn't even care- this was a black tie event".
Leona: *wearing his reading glasses, already in bed, reading papers* "mhm".
Vil: "Ugh don't get me started with the wine the event had, absolutely dreadful. Be glad Jamil wasn't there, he would've made a scene immediately".
Leona: "You're right dear".
Vil: "I know I am".
*the two publicy shopping after getting married*
Vil: *grimacing* "who is your wardrobe manager? This isnt the 1970s- plaid suits are... bleh. Come Brioni is over on the corner".
Leona: *rolling his eyes*.
Vil: *looking at the store's around them* "if we ever have kids, I will rather then be caught wearing Louxs Vuxtton than ever wearing a... Jucci item".
*their adopted sons Ruggie and Epel*.
The two were rough housing all day, to the point where they broke Vil's secound favorite mirror.
Vil: *eyebrow twitching* "just wait until your father gets home!".
Leona: *rubbing his temple* "How I both give you $50 bucks each to pretend to walk out of this room crying and you promise not to break anything for the next three months".
Ruggie and Epel are somehow being raised by the same parent but have different personalities. Epel is still fighting on everything; meanwhile, Ruggie acts like the sibling who is doing everything right but is constantly sneaky. (Just like their normal personas in the game but like they were raised by Leona and Vil).
Currently, Ruggie and Epel are banned from 54 country clubs, each time they ask the staff to call "daddy" (Leona) to bail them out. They don't wanna be embarrassed by their Karen like mummy (Vil).
*last time they asked Vil to get them*
Vil: "I'm sorry? What did you assumed they did?"
Staff: "sir, they both stole food from other people's tables".
Vil: "how were they supposed to know that wasn't theirs?"
Staff: "they... were labeled?"
Vil: "Oh please, we don't need this! My husband is a lawyer!".
Idk something about Mom! Vil and Dad! Leona raising Epel and Ruggie as their bratty, spoiled rich kids itches my brain.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 5 months
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Beautiful People 👑
🌙☯️yin & yang👯‍♀️☀️
today’s details:
📍monday night raw
💄 @makeupbykristenbacino
📷 @themattycox
tortured by @melzy917
read our interview @interviewmag
INTERVIEW. spring 2024 cover.
Photography by @nadialeecohen Interview and styling by @melzy917 Entertainment Director: @laurentabach Hair: @yusefhairnyc assisted by @naphiisbeautifulhair
Makeup: @yad1m
Nails: @kimkimnails
Set Design: @thebritttt
Tailor: @lynnlea Production: @themorrisongroup
Photo Production: @dmb_represents
Location: @duststudiosla
Special Thanks: @lermitagebh @jennnrosales @jenohill @carolyngirondo
Video Editor: @g_scruton
Quite literally transfixed by @jodiesmith. ✨ Curate and optimize your unique 4C hair-care routine with tips and product recommendations by textured hair experts now at the link in bio.
You’ll be smiling as bright as she is.
@charlienchargie 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Miss @kellyrowland for @galore.
Story by @taylorwinter.
Editor In Chief: princechenoastudio
Hair: @jstayready_
#blackmagcovers #kellyrowland
Incredibly grateful for this special moment, can’t believe it’s actually happened. And thank you @serenawilliams for chatting with me, I appreciate you so much. @challengersmovie
Damson Idris: Brick by Brick The inaugural ESSENCE Sexiest Men of the Moment list has arrived, and our first May/ June cover star is Damson Idris! The Foundation of a man. He stands 6’1, with deep auburn skin and a 4K pearly smile that glistens like ultraviolet rays off charcoal mines in the deepest sands off the coast of Nigeria. Yes, it’s that deep. His charm is tangible. His infectiousness is palatable. His future is limitless. We let the veil and Snowfall, as the curtain has called Franklin Saint to his highest heights. His recent NAACP Image Award win has cemented the bricks and built the house of a career that, like portraits, is developing in real-time. Make no error that this new era of Damson Idris has a Formula — One that follows the path of Hollywood greats and has us anticipating his upcoming feature film debut. But before we switch gears, let’s get to know the man beyond the heartthrob. The notoriously private actor dishes on his rom-com hopes, staying in line while remaining offline, and why he thinks he’s one of ESSENCE Sexiest Men of the Moment. Read the full May /June cover story on now and on newsstands on 4/23. Roll the Credits: Talent: Writer: Photographer: Stylist: Barber/Grooming: Nails: Set Design: Location: Production: Special Thanks: ESSENCE, SVP, Creative: ESSENCE, Senior Content Director: ESSENCE, Visual Director: ESSENCE, Design Director:
Eventually the dream scenario for @Zendaya is to “make things and pop out when I need to pop out, and then have a safe and protected life with my family, not worried if I’m not delivering something,” shares the star.
This May, Zendaya stars on the cover of both @VogueMagazine and @BritishVogue (posing for shoots by Annie Leibovitz and Carlijn Jacobs, respectively), and talks about what’s next: more adult roles, a turn in the director’s chair, and hopefully starting a family one day. Tap the link in our bio to read the full profile. Photographed by @annieleibovitz, Written by Marley Marius, Styled by @luxurylaw, Vogue, May 2024.
Take an exclusive look behind the scenes of @Zendaya’s latest Vogue cover shoot. This May, she stars on the cover of both @VogueMagazine and @BritishVogue (posing for shoots by Annie Leibovitz and Carlijn Jacobs, respectively), and talks about what’s next: more adult roles, a turn in the director’s chair, and hopefully starting a family one day. Tap the link in our bio to read the full profile.
@cynthiaerivo for @theglassmagazine.
Styling: @jasonbolden #blackmagcovers #cynthiaerivo
“You can’t end an era; you make an era. There are no rules in music. You do whatever feels right in your gut” @Kellyrowland is our latest cover star! We talk with her on all things music, film and motherhood!
Read Kelly’s full interview now live on www.Galoremag.com
Editor In Chief: Prince Chenoa (@princechenoastudio)
Feature Editor: Taylor Winter Wilson (@taylorwinter)
Photographer: Steven Gomillion (@stevengomillion)
Cover Art Design: Carlos Graciano (@sadpapi666)
Production: Devon Speckman (@devon_speckman)
Lighting Tech: Tyler Chick (@itstylerchick)
Digital Capture: Marvin Cortez (@marvincortes1)
Hair Stylist: Jared Henderson (@jstayready_) 
Makeup Artist: Ernesto Casillas (@ernestocasillas)
Stylist: Wilford Lenov (@tunnelmediagroup)
Assistant Stylist: Gethsemani Sanchez
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
I just saw this photo from 2018 instagram*com/p/BrVssrMlMlh/ Does Chris play piano?
So, here's my thing. Obviously, I don't know every aspect of Chris's life. So - I can't really answer that. I've never heard that he's had any formal training (and his 'acting' of playing on Glee tells me probably not) but I can't answer one way or the other. I will say - I don't think he's in any way a professional pianist, but maybe he took lessons as a kid.
But - I can think of a ton of reasons why they might have a piano...
Chris, being a musical person, wanted to have one in his house.
It's a family heirloom
He thought it worked with his interior design
Will plays the piano
It's Will's family's heirloom
He found it was once owned by Queen Elizabeth
He likes to have gatherings that involve really gay sing-a-longs
An alien told him to get one
A ghost told him to get one
His psychic told him to get one
It's fake and is here for aesthetic design for this photo
It's fake and hollow and that's where Ashley Fink lives.
It's one of those purchases he made in his sleep.
*shrugs* :) <3
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palmtreepalmtree · 2 years
Alright charmers, farmers, and idiots. It's a brisk 60 degrees in Los Angeles so don't forget your booties, because it's coooooooold out there. And I'm back with another edition of...
The Worst Movie on Netflix Right Now™
This week's feature was by request of @anasandorpygoscelis. I think. I mean, I'm pretty sure there was a post somewhere. Anyhow, on this marvelous Monday, we're doing...
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The Noel Diary. This is a movie starring Justin Hartley (This is Us) and Barrett Doss (Grey's Anatomy) and it's directed by Charles Shyer who is best known for writing and directing some rom-com classics from the late 80s and early 90s like Baby Boom and Father of the Bride.
The film is based on a book by Richard Paul Evans who apparently has a whole series of "Noel" books, so he's really the smartest person involved in this whole production because my bet is this dude is CASHING in on the whole Christmas concept (to the extent that any writer anywhere can cash in on anything, but you know what I mean).
Alright, so this movie is about a best-selling novelist, Jacob Turner, who returns to his childhood home to handle the affairs of his recently deceased estranged mother when he meets Rachel, who has come to his mom's house in search of her birth mother. ...don't worry, it's revealed early on that her mom was the nanny, so there's no weird Folger's bro/sis thing happening here. But that's the plot.
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Anyhow, my favorite part of this fucking movie was how the filmmaker actually used visual storytelling to communicate characters. Like for once we actually get some thoughtful set design - as in woooooooow this is actually trying to show me something other than generic-American-handsome man!
But like, siiiiiiiiiiiigh, nice effort, but did you have to make this dude out like some sort of Esquire magazine wet dream? As the camera pans-and-fades around his Moody Bachelors Anonymous pad, it lingers just long enough to let your eye catch a few key things: books by Bob Dylan and David Sedaris, a bulletin board with handwritten notes and black-and-white travel photos (the Eiffel tower obvs), multiple antique typewriters (an Underwood), an Edgar Allen Poe funko, a record player, and a stack of LPs with the only record showing being Nina Simone. Like... daaaaaaamn. This is the guy I wanted to date when I was twenty and was still trying to be a writer.
And of course his house is this beautifully furnished mid-century, eames-chair-sporting, ready for its Vogue walk-through drool-property. Can I just stop at this point in the movie? Job done. You've sold me. He's hot, rich, and lives in a gorgeous house with real actual art and a cute dog (that's just big enough to not be a small dog but not so big it's cliche). Like... FUCK. OH and then he tunes an actual transistor radio to... you guessed it... the local jazz station. Dating this guy is like dating an OC moodboard on tumblr.com.
This whole scene is only bested by the next set-decorating moment where he returns to his childhood bedroom: Drugstore Cowboy poster (unframed), basketball and football trophy (both???), Larry Bird signed jersey (framed), French New Wave poster (framed????), stack of miscellaneous board games with TRIVIAL PURSUIT GENUS I on top, another antique typewriter, bedside reading featuring On the Road by Jack Kerouac and A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway (like, of course), and another bulletin board with various concert ticket stubs.
Fuck, I need a cigarette.
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Honestly, that's it, that's all I want to talk about. An hour and 40 minute movie and I'm done with it 12 minutes in. He's THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD. This dude is too perfect. No amount of trauma makes this guy suddenly undateable. He's an unbelievable character not because we didn't get enough detail, but because the detail is just too perfect. Jesus, he's walking out of a Restoration Hardware catalogue dragging a brass telescope behind him and asking if you want to look at the stars (I do).
Anyhow, here's the thing about this movie - it's actually pretty well done, but FUCK it's really fucking sad. Unlike most Christmas movies that look like they spent too much time at fucking Hobby Lobby, this movie sort of side-swipes Christmas. Like all this shit is happening, and oh yeah, it's Christmas time. This is good because it avoids the cliches, but it's bad because ISN'T THIS SUPPOSED TO BE A CHRISTMAS MOVIE!?!? WHERE IS SANTA!? You can't have an entire Christmas romance movie and the only comic relief is on the dog. That's too much pressure for a pup!
Anyhow, one of my common gripes about these movies is that by the end of the movie you want to think the couple belongs together. The way this movie tries to sell you on it is essentially two key details: Rachel (the love interest) has a tattoo of Billie Holliday on the inside of her forearm and once Jacob starts playing a jazz classic on the piano (OH YEAH HE PLAYS PIANO TOO) and Rachel immediately starts singing, beautifully, along. Seeeeeeeee? They're fucking perfect for each other.
Rachel is also an interesting character in a too-perfect sort of way (she's a language major who speaks fluent Italian on screen HOTTTTTTTT!). It's still a moodboard it's just got black and white photos of Italy on it instead of France. I bet her childhood bedroom has a framed poster that says ITALIAN NEW WAVE. Annnnnyhow... are they perfect for each other?
Nah, they're still not. This entire movie is a lot of sorting through some fucked up childhood trauma and I think that would bond most people. But do they belong together? Naaaaaaah.
Rachel shows some insane amount of patience for the men in her life in this movie and I don't really want to get into the plot too deeply (even though it's a little fucked) cause it's too fucking sad. Jacob apparently suddenly decides he no longer wants to be a permanent bachelor and he's all in for Rachel and we don't know really why. But like... sure, I GUESS.
If your jam is sad Christmas vibes, then this is the movie for you. These two live sadly ever after.
Last note: Bonnie Bedelia is in this movie and she is as radiant as ever.
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Where is her movie? Bonnie Bedelia is the nosy neighbor artist next door and I have never felt so in need of a bi rom-com starring her. LET'S GO, NETFLIX. FUCK THIS SAD SHIT. GIVE ME HOT BONNIE.
Alright, that's all I got.
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fuckyeahfightlock · 2 years
Have I got a holiday movie rec for you!
Netflick gives us Falling For Christmas, a city girl/country guy snowy rom com starring Lindsay Lohan.
Let’s talk about Lindsay Lohan!
This girl is gorgeous. Fantastically pretty. She looks stunning in every shot, without a filter (but with some face work, clearly--her forehead does not budge a millimeter). And, man, is she funny! Her comic instincts and timing come as a pleasant surprise every time I see her. She does some slapstick, she does some sarcasm, she does some camp glamour. I mean. As for me and my house, we stan Lindsay Lohan and wish her nothing but the best from now until forever.
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As half of an online influencer couple, Sierra Belmont is living a glam life. Her father (played by Jack Wagner, who when I was a preteen in the ‘80s was the heartthrob on General Hospital but is somehow now old enough to play Lindsay Lohan’s father?! He’s also had some face work but most of it didn’t take) wants her to come work at his ultra-elite mega ski resort business under a title even she realises is meaningless, Director of Atmosphere. Her “ussie”-taking, trending boyfriend is very amusing. As he proposes atop a mountain during an Insta photo shoot, she accidentally falls down the mountain (hilarious) and then so does he (he tries to grab her by the engagement ring!), and she hits a tree with her head which does not kill or even bruise her, but does give her amnesia.
Unsure who she is, she is taken in by the owner of the local, smaller, ADORABLE I WANT TO GO TO THERE IT HAS SO MUCH CHRISTMAS DECOR ski resort--our second Jake of the season!--and his family (mother-in-law and daughter; wife is conveniently dead). Sierra takes on the name of one of the daughter’s stuffed animals (Lindsey and the child-actor have terrific interactions; healing the inner child much, LinLin?), Sara, and learns to live like a pleb, doing laundry, making beds, trying to flip pancakes. There’s a holiday fair and some Santa magic. There’s a fundraiser to save the down-and-out resort.
EVENTUALLY, people look for/find Sierra and remind her who she is. She ditches her fuschia rabbit fur ski hat for jeans and tartan blazer (the art direction and costuming does amazing stuff with the red/green palette--a red Maserati with green racing stripes; designer sunglasses in red and green acrylic--not OTT but appreciated), and decides maybe Jake and his Little Resort That Could might could use some help getting back on its feet.
Everything you want in a Christmas rom com. Ten outta ten.
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fndmrt · 1 year
Ghost Files Live Run-through
This is just going to be a run through of what the shows are going to be like going forward with a bit of commentary about it! As this was the first show, future shows might not follow this exact structure going forward.
With the exception of the tote bag (as a individual item) and a tour exclusive t-shirt design, all merch is currently available on watcherstuff dot com. Sizes range from S to XL, though unsure if there are smaller or bigger sizes. All prices are raised by $5 compared to online (probably to make up cost and such).
Hats for $35
Crop top sweater for $60
Hoodie for $80
Tote bag for $25
Shirts for $40 - two shirt designs available; tour exclusive is of the Ghost Files promotion poster in the front with your dates on the back, the other design is also available online.
There was another piece of merch available but was sold out before I could see was it was. I’m assuming it’s the key chain (available on watcherstuff for $10).
General Schedule
• Intro - short video skit
• Episode viewing
• Moderated conversation about episode
• Audience evidence
• Spirit Box Session
• Audience questions
Detailed Overview - Will include brief Ghost Files spoilers
• Still of the Ghost Files set is projected onto a screen with post-punk music serving as filler before the show started (think of music like Rock Lobster).
• Photography and videos are prohibited! Saw some people get scolded by staff for having their phones out as well. Unsure of it was from tour or venue staff.
• Show starts at 8pm on the dot. Begins with a small skit welcoming the audience and making references to the city’s known haunted areas.
• We are shown the first episode of Ghost Files Season 2, which is at Missouri State Penitentiary, one of the oldest prisons in the US.
There’s a 3D model of the prison shown in the beginning of the episode. Unsure if it’s a miniature model or one made with a computer program. Just wanted to point it out. Major props to the team!
The episode out of context:
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• Once episode ends, Shane and Ryan come out to talk about the episode with Lizzie as the moderator for the rest of the show. Conversation between the three begins.
S2 of Ghost Files is the most evidence packed season yet!
Missouri State Penitentiary was filled with groundhogs! Shane and on-site staff though they were hedgehogs at first. Photos will be included in the episode’s debrief.
Someone who watches the show went to one of the locations they visited a week ago and asked the ghost questions about them and received responses! They will be featured as evidence in a future episode.
Second episode is currently being edited.
Ryan struggles to find his water bottle (under his seat), struggles to open it, then spills some on his shirt. Shane calls him out for doing an improper wet t-shirt contest. The audience cheers!
Another prison is featured in this season!
Another house call! Ryan doesn’t know why people want then to investigate their homes.
• Audience evidence is then shown. Only three were shown, not sure if that’s the definitive amount going forward.
A photo that looked like an Easter head behind a window/inside a building (IMO more like an elongated Batman face).
CCTV footage of a door opening and closing very fast! Shane still doesn’t buy it.
A selfie with a face in the background! Gets a round of applause for being a lovely portrait.
• Live Spirit Box session! Ryan asked the questions while Shane was plugged in (forgot what the type of session is specifically called, sorry!). Shane gets red lighting on him for this.
‘Number one’
‘World war’
Ghost name is ‘Al’ - unsure if Al is actually the name but will continue on
‘Scientist’ - Audience confused it as Desantis, Ryan gets a laugh out of it.
Shane burps and apologizes
‘Taco baby!’
• Floor is then opened to the audience! Two lines, one on each side of the stage. This is the last segment of the show which lasts for about 45 minutes. I advise to get merch at this time if you weren’t able to get merch before the show. The line after is quite long.
If forced to haunt one of the already visited locations, Ryan would haunt Queen Mary and Shane would haunt the lighthouse (the one in Florina as Ryan points out).
Someone in the audience who also works for the venue gave context for the name Al; the building was originally a high school that had burned down with people inside. They rebuilt the school on top of it which led to the building becoming haunted. Al is suspected name of one of the victims of the fire.
Ryan would like to visit paranormal sites in Japan, Mexico, and The Philippines if given the chance to investigate on an international level. Also, when planning the first investigations for BFU, Ryan wanted to go to The Black House in Mexico but there were not contacts for the house, so they settled with the island of the dolls.
Ryan thinks all places have the possibility of being haunted, but not all will be super active. Shane thinks it’s all shit.
Hospitals aren’t haunted to Ryan though! Shane argues that Ryan should believe they are haunted. Shane pretends to die.
During the pandemic, Shane would drink sleepy tea on his balcony at midnight, sometimes high, and then would pee for 6 minutes. That is the final response for a question on creative output.
• Show ends around 10:30pm
Overall, was a very enjoyable night! Super excited to see how the other shows turn out!
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kendrixtermina · 2 months
 (On Strength)
I first didn’t realize what had happened.
I’d need it pointed out to me that my shouting had in effect shut up an awful situation.
I saw his gestures of ingratiation as I saw them once,
his fake niceties,
moves of power, trying to make me owe him
so he could hold it over me in a merry dance of ritual humiliation
but that’s not it.
I always said that he was the kind of person that was impossible to respect,
the bootlicking parrot weathervane
that would regurgitate whatever he’s told.
The kind who would spill war upon his homeland if some far right blog told him
making it clear to my very young self that he’d give me the full 220 volts
at the request of Mr. Milgram
and then when fashions change, claim to have always been a pacifist
I always said he’d have let his father put out a cigarette on his face
He let me accuse him of sucking off some polician and he took it,
just like that
someone else told me to cool it off,
but it was more a yellow light than a read
the old sucker didn’t even react.
That fucker is being obseqious.
He hasn’t changed, im not so foolish,
he’d take right over if I gave the chance
but he’s switched me, in the program,
from ‚those below‘ to ‚those above‘.
That fucker is scared of ME now!
It’s not so difficult to dominate a spineless person
go ahead and try! It doesn’t take much, only the attempt.
He known his position, he knows he’s being tolerated
from good will and obligation
I didn’t believe it, honestly, but my point of view may have been skewed
he knows he’ll be scolded
(and there was scolding, quiet and powerful
and there were whispers to let me know I wasn’t the only one)
by those with more good-will, whose sad loving voice cuts even more
and yeah, they’ll say that I was difficult,
but the designated arsehole tends to be kept around for a reason.
I appeciate finding out what it feels like
to peer through the tree crowns
I can understand how some people grow addicted
to the thrill of holding that power,
it doesn’t feel so bad
it’s not so difficult after all
I could bully you now if I wanted
and I can see the parallel universe where I might go overboard
Giving into lust and vengeance,
untill I drive it too far, push you to hard, wear out everybody’s patience
turn them against me,
and bring down the house collapsing on my head-style
like friggin Samson
But I see no reason right now to go down that option,
perfectly content to leave it as but a dream.
I haven’t that need now, I’m not so difficult
as back when I was shouting and screaming,
thinking I was the only one alone in the world
I’d rather just
keep not comming to his birthday parties
keep the awkward stares
coming his way when he has to explain why I’m not in this photo
until one day I realize I’d forgot when his birthday even is.
I’d rather close to the book on
leaving this a tiny routine weed to deal with without demolishing the garden.
I can say that you’re a joke now,
without this needy defensive tinge to it trying to prove it.
I can smile quietly in the contentment of my room now, to a trivial matter.
You know what?
I’ll take it. It'll do. I’ve known long how to be content
See? It wasn’t so much to ask.
For so long you had denied all of my being,
now, for the first time in your presence
I’ve felt that I exist.
You gave way to make space for me,
ever. so. slightly.  
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shaanf7 · 3 months
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markfisherimages · 3 months
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Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 
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openingnightposts · 4 months
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genevalentino · 6 months
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th0ru · 10 months
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Fall arrives in Blaneu, the small town where Aiden and Arslan have decided to settle down for the next year. Thanks to Arslan knowing the mayor personally, they are able to snatch a plot of land for a fantastic small price! However, that meant they had to build their own house. Thankfully that was completed during the summer months. The rainy season keeps them from going outside, but their garden is happy with all the extra water. Their time has mostly been spent indoors. Arslan gets restless when they stay indoors for too many days, after all The First Sphere ain't gonna explore itself. Rain or shine they need to make their way over to shimmer between worlds and learn the secrets hidden inside this massive changing dungeon. Nonetheless, Aiden concocts a plan and calls up the specialty coffee shop. Having a special interest in coffee and tea Aiden is able to build a rapport of camaraderie with the local town-friendly baristas. Besides Aiden is a guy who doesn't settle for the cheap kind of things in life. Arslan can drink instant coffee any day! This specialty coffee shop also allows guests to learn about the art of origami, having a special designated old lady to help youngsters. So he makes it a date and they are able to get out of the house even just a moment. Blaneu News, a local blog and newspaper featured 'Speciality Coffe' by the Palani bros. Arslan was interviewed for the paper Q: How would you describe 'Specialty Coffee'? A: Hmmm... the cozy kinda place! You walk in and the smell alone already puts you at ease. When your eyes adjust to the bright lights you see a lot of wood panels painted in a warm color. There are also a lot of little coffee mugs hanging as decorations and a soft carpet on the ground. There are there only a few tables, just enough space to accommodate everyone. It kinda makes me wanna sleep just by describing it, haha! Q: It is, isn't it? Did you have a chance to read any of the books from the lazy chair section? A: I'm more of a comics kinda guy😅 Q: Thanks for the interview! A: No prob! - CREDITS: BG photo by: vickholius nugroho (unsplash(dot)com) lens flares : several Pinterest, sources -
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edisonblog · 11 months
Paracas textiles are a collection of ancient textiles and fabrics created by the Paracas culture, an ancient Pre-Incan civilization that existed on the southern coast of present-day Peru.
The Paracas culture is believed to have flourished from around 800 BCE to 100 BCE. Their textiles are renowned for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and advanced weaving techniques.
Key features of Paracas textiles include:
Complex Designs and Iconography: Paracas textiles are known for their intricate and complex designs, often featuring zoomorphic and anthropomorphic motifs. These designs are thought to have cultural, religious, or symbolic significance, providing insight into the beliefs and practices of the Paracas people.
Vibrant Colors: The Paracas culture achieved vivid and striking colors in their textiles through the use of natural dyes derived from various plants, insects, and minerals. Colors such as red, yellow, green, and blue were prominently used.
Advanced Weaving Techniques: Paracas textiles showcased advanced weaving techniques, including complex patterns, double-cloth weaving, and embroidery. These techniques allowed for the creation of textiles with different textures and layers.
Funerary and Ritual Use: Paracas textiles were often associated with burial practices. Intricately woven textiles were used to wrap the deceased, emphasizing the cultural importance placed on textiles and their role in religious and funerary practices.
Necropolis of Wari Kayan: One of the most significant discoveries of Paracas textiles was made in the Necropolis of Wari Kayan, a burial site in the Paracas Peninsula. The dry desert climate helped preserve the textiles for centuries, allowing for their study and analysis by archaeologists and researchers.
Cotton and Vicuña Wool: Paracas textiles were primarily made from cotton and vicuña wool. Vicuñas are a type of South American camelid known for their fine and soft wool.
Cultural Significance: Paracas textiles played a crucial role in expressing social status, identity, and religious beliefs within the Paracas society. They were highly valued and were often used as a means of communication and expression.
Today, many Paracas textiles are housed in museums and collections around the world, providing valuable insights into the artistic and cultural achievements of the ancient Paracas civilization.
image: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=172397188259124&set=pcb.172402051591971
edison’s Substack
Os têxteis Paracas são uma coleção de têxteis e tecidos antigos criados pela cultura Paracas, uma antiga civilização pré-inca que existiu na costa sul do atual Peru.
Acredita-se que a cultura Paracas tenha florescido por volta de 800 aC a 100 aC. Seus têxteis são conhecidos por seus designs complexos, cores vibrantes e técnicas avançadas de tecelagem.
As principais características dos têxteis Paracas incluem:
Desenhos complexos e iconografia: Os têxteis de Paracas são conhecidos por seus designs intrincados e complexos, muitas vezes apresentando motivos zoomórficos e antropomórficos. Acredita-se que esses designs tenham um significado cultural, religioso ou simbólico, fornecendo informações sobre as crenças e práticas do povo Paracas.
Cores Vibrantes: A cultura Paracas alcançou cores vivas e marcantes em seus têxteis através do uso de corantes naturais derivados de diversas plantas, insetos e minerais. Cores como vermelho, amarelo, verde e azul foram usadas com destaque.
Técnicas avançadas de tecelagem: Os têxteis de Paracas apresentavam técnicas avançadas de tecelagem, incluindo padrões complexos, tecelagem de tecido duplo e bordados. Estas técnicas permitiram a criação de têxteis com diferentes texturas e camadas.
Uso Funerário e Ritual: Os têxteis de Paracas eram frequentemente associados a práticas funerárias. Têxteis intrincadamente tecidos eram usados para embrulhar os falecidos, enfatizando a importância cultural atribuída aos têxteis e ao seu papel nas práticas religiosas e funerárias.
Necrópole de Wari Kayan: Uma das descobertas mais significativas de têxteis de Paracas foi feita na Necrópole de Wari Kayan, um cemitério na Península de Paracas. O clima seco do deserto ajudou a preservar os têxteis durante séculos, permitindo o seu estudo e análise por arqueólogos e investigadores.
Algodão e Lã de Vicunha: Os têxteis de Paracas eram feitos principalmente de algodão e lã de vicunha. As vicunhas são um tipo de camelídeo sul-americano conhecido por sua lã fina e macia.
Significado Cultural: Os têxteis de Paracas desempenharam um papel crucial na expressão de status social, identidade e crenças religiosas na sociedade de Paracas. Eles eram altamente valorizados e frequentemente usados como meio de comunicação e expressão.
Hoje, muitos têxteis de Paracas estão guardados em museus e coleções em todo o mundo, fornecendo informações valiosas sobre as realizações artísticas e culturais da antiga civilização de Paracas. @edisonblog
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What are the current real estate market conditions in Adelaide for selling a house?
The real estate market is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape, and in the beautiful city of Adelaide, Australia, it's no different. If you're considering selling your house in Adelaide, it's crucial to have a firm grasp of the current market conditions to maximize your property's value and ensure a smooth selling process. In this comprehensive article, we'll delve into the current real estate market conditions in Adelaide, offering insights, strategies, and valuable tips to help you sell your house effectively, with a focus on sell my house Adelaide options.
Adelaide's Real Estate Market Overview
Before diving into the specifics, let's take a moment to understand Adelaide's real estate market in 2023. Adelaide, known for its picturesque landscapes, vibrant culture, and high quality of life, has experienced a steady and robust real estate market in recent years. Factors like affordability compared to other major Australian cities, a strong job market, and a growing population have contributed to the city's real estate appeal.
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As of 2023, Adelaide's housing market is characterized by:
Steady Demand: Adelaide continues to attract both local and interstate buyers, resulting in a consistent demand for housing.
Property Types: Adelaide offers a diverse range of property types, from historic homes in the suburbs to modern apartments in the city center, catering to various buyer preferences.
Affordability: Adelaide's property prices are relatively more affordable compared to Sydney and Melbourne, making it an attractive option for first-time buyers and investors.
Online Presence: The real estate market in Adelaide has seen a surge in online listings and digital platforms, including "sell my house websites," which are becoming increasingly popular.
Using "Sell My House Adelaide" Services
If you're considering selling your house in Adelaide, utilizing the services of a "sell my house Adelaide" agency can be a strategic move. These agencies specialize in helping homeowners sell their properties quickly and efficiently. Here's how they work:
Property Evaluation: A "sell my house Adelaide" agency will assess your property's value based on its location, size, condition, and recent market trends. This evaluation helps determine the optimal listing price.
Online Listings: These agencies typically have a strong online presence, listing your property on their websites and popular real estate portals. The use of digital platforms ensures your property reaches a wide audience.
Marketing Strategies: They employ various marketing strategies to attract potential buyers, including professional photography, virtual tours, and targeted online advertising.
Negotiation Expertise: "Sell my house Adelaide" agencies have experienced negotiators who can secure the best deal for you during the selling process.
Streamlined Process: Their goal is to simplify the selling process, handling paperwork, inspections, and negotiations on your behalf.
Online Resources for Selling Your House in Adelaide
In addition to "sell my house Adelaide" services, utilizing online resources and "sell my house websites" can be beneficial when selling your house in Adelaide. Here's how you can make the most of these digital platforms:
Listing Websites: Websites like realestate.com.au and domain.com.au are popular platforms for listing your property. Ensure your listing is detailed, accurate, and includes high-quality photos.
Social Media: Leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote your property. Share appealing photos, videos, and engaging descriptions to attract potential buyers.
Real Estate Apps: Utilize mobile apps specifically designed for real estate listings. These apps offer convenience and accessibility for both buyers and sellers.
Virtual Tours: Consider creating a virtual tour of your property. This immersive experience can give potential buyers a comprehensive view of your home, especially in times when physical viewings may be limited.
Engage with Online Communities: Participate in online forums, discussion groups, and local community pages to stay informed about market trends and connect with potential buyers.
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Pricing Strategies for a Competitive Edge
Setting the right price for your property is critical to attracting potential buyers. In Adelaide's competitive market, pricing strategies can make a significant difference. Here are some pricing considerations:
Comparable Sales: Analyze recent sales of similar properties in your neighborhood to determine a competitive price range.
Market Trends: Stay informed about current market trends and fluctuations in property values in Adelaide.
Flexible Pricing: Consider setting a slightly lower price to attract a broader range of buyers. This strategy can lead to multiple offers and potentially drive up the final sale price.
Timing: Timing your listing strategically can impact your property's perceived value. Consult with real estate professionals to determine the best time to list your house.
Negotiation Room: Be prepared for negotiations. It's common for buyers to negotiate on the asking price, so decide in advance how much flexibility you have.
Preparing Your House for Sale
Before listing your property, it's essential to prepare it to maximize its appeal to potential buyers. Consider the following steps:
Declutter and Clean: Remove personal items, declutter spaces, and ensure your house is thoroughly cleaned. A clean and tidy home is more appealing to buyers.
Minor Repairs: Address any minor repairs, such as leaky faucets, chipped paint, or squeaky doors. These small fixes can make a big difference.
Curb Appeal: First impressions matter. Enhance your property's curb appeal with landscaping, fresh paint, and well-maintained exteriors.
Staging: Consider professional home staging services to showcase your property's potential. Staged homes often sell faster and at higher prices.
Professional Photography: Invest in professional photography to capture your property's best angles and features. High-quality images can attract more buyers.
Navigating the Selling Process
Once your property is listed and receives interest from potential buyers, you'll navigate the selling process, which typically includes the following steps:
Property Inspections: Buyers may request inspections to assess the property's condition.
Negotiations: Be prepared to negotiate with potential buyers on price and terms.
Contract Signing: Once a buyer is secured, you'll sign a contract that outlines the sale's terms and conditions.
Settlement: The settlement process involves transferring ownership and finalizing the sale. It's typically handled by solicitors or conveyancers.
Handover: On settlement day, you'll hand over the keys and possession of the property to the buyer.
Conclusion: Navigating the Adelaide Real Estate Market with Confidence
Selling your house in Adelaide can be a rewarding experience when armed with the right knowledge and strategies. The city's thriving real estate market, coupled with the accessibility of "sell my house Adelaide" services and online resources, offers ample opportunities for sellers to achieve their goals.
Whether you choose to collaborate with a "sell my house Adelaide" agency or utilize online platforms, a well-planned approach to pricing, preparation, and marketing can significantly enhance your chances of a successful sale. As Adelaide continues to attract buyers seeking a high quality of life, your property can stand out and find its new owner in this vibrant and dynamic market.
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