#house party rental montreal
When Premier François Legault said last week that "no one has found themselves on the street" on July 1, moving day in Quebec, in the years since he came to office in 2018, he left many people furiously scratching their heads.
Tenants' rights groups and opposition parties pounced on Legault's apparent disconnect from Quebec's undeniable housing crisis that has left nearly 100 Montreal families looking for a place to live with just three days to go before moving day, according to Mayor Valérie Plante.
The premier's words at the June 19 news conference were especially ill-chosen, as they came a little over a week after the tabling of Bill 31 — the contentious proposed legislation to end tenants' lease transfers. Housing Minister France-Élaine Duranceau, who sponsored the bill, is now the subject of an ethics investigation.
To add insult to injury, a report from the Canadian Rental Housing Index published the very day of the news conference showed that the average rent in Quebec climbed 14 per cent between 2016 and 2021. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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newlifemortgages · 8 months
The State of Canada's Housing Construction in 2023: Insights and Analysis
So, what's the real deal with Canada's housing construction in 2023?
Let's go ahead and get straight to it. According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing construction in Canada's six biggest metropolitan areas saw a tiny increase of 1.0% in the first half of 2023 compared to last year. Wow, talk about a slow climb.
Now, where was this slight increase coming from? You guessed it - apartment starts! These had a healthy jump of 15% (48,029 units) for the period. But hold your horses because all other categories weren't so lucky. Row house starts took a 17% dip, semis fell by 22%, and the gold standard of housing - detached single-family homes - saw a drop of 25%. Ouch!
And who were the star players in this game? Toronto and Vancouver, of course! They accounted for nearly two-thirds of the starts, with increases of 32% and 49%, respectively. But not everyone was having a party. Poor Montreal was hit with a 58% overall decline. Can we get a moment of silence for Montreal?
In an earlier report, the CMHC stated that Canada needs to build an additional 3.5 million housing units by 2030, surpassing the predicted 2.3 million, to meet the expected demand. No pressure, right?
But here's the kicker: high interest rates, reduced credit access, and skyrocketing construction and labour costs have put homebuilders between a rock and a hard place. This has resulted in fewer project starts and longer completion times. Talk about a tough gig!
The CMHC anticipates that these economic challenges will further dent building starts through the second half of the year, pushing starts back to last year's levels. On top of that, the agency expects a rising demand for rental housing, driven by record high levels of immigration and the ever-increasing barriers to home ownership, including those pesky high prices and interest rates. So, who's up for a game of Monopoly?
Here's where we come in! We're a mortgage company that knows a thing or two about navigating these choppy real estate waters. If you have questions or concerns or want to chat about your options, give us a shout. We're here to help you make sense of it all. Because let's face it, who doesn't need a friendly guide in this real estate jungle?
Dallas Martin
The Mortgage FirmLicense# 13466
Mortgage Agent Level 2 -M17001133
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cedarboughs · 1 year
The Californians
The posters had been up all over town and the hill for a month. The International Junior Freeriding Cup, presented by a major car brand. They would rip down the rails and groomed jumps of the terrain park underneath the Lynx Quad, and everyone would cheer. We were dreading it. A competition meant a flood of athletes descending on Raven River in a loose horde, high on glory and just plain high, and every modifier on the poster winnowed the athletes, already a particular breed, into a narrower clan. Junior: teenage athletes. International Junior: American teenage athletes. Given that so particular flood, then, maybe the conversation I had on Hemlock Street was inevitable. 
We were headed down Hemlock to the Trapper’s Cabin liquor store, three of us, lifties all, from the rental house. Antoine and Pierre had moved in there a few weeks ago, just after the start of the season, during the second hiring spree. Antoine, from Trois-Rivieres, was a huge birdwatcher, and had taught me how to identify waxwings by the way they flocked. I had taught him Ticket to Ride - the board game, not the Beatles song. Pierre, from Gatineau, had given me his password to an online indie short film festival out of Montreal. I had found his best golf disc when he lost it in the snow. 
It was a warm night for January. We were in little more than sweaters, and wide Hemlock was alive. There were no fences on the residential side of the street, and between houses you could see and smell fires cracking in backyards, joints being passed around them. Somewhere down a side street, a guitar was playing some cowboy chords. We were just passing the bottle depot when footsteps fell in behind us, crunching on the old snow of the sidewalk. 
“Where’s the party?” said a voice, male, barely broken, and with a faintly detectable American-style fry on the syllables. 
I was in a good mood, so I glanced back and said, “Right here, man! This sidewalk is the party!” 
I expected in response a half-ironic but genuinely enthused fist pump and a mumbled ‘Hell yeah,’ an acknowledgement of the simple joy of existing, of standing on the cusp of the night, the unknown and, for all we knew then, the endless night, like a fresh-powder chute hidden by cliffs, and we were standing at the drop-in, clicking poles, ignorant of what the line might hold but ready to drop all the same. 
But there was no fist pump, no feeling of the drop back there. Instead, I turned and started walking switch to look at round faces, unmasked, deadly serious, hanging over shelf-creased Arc'teryx jackets. The one who’d spoken, I think, had a green jacket and was a bit shorter. The other was in orange and a little lankier.   
“Are you guys going to a party?” Green asked flatly. 
Now, I did really think that the party was there on the sidewalk. Not to get too woo-woo about it, but on some level it’s true that a party is a state of mind. That said, we were also on our way to a real party, that is to say, a physical party, nothing wild, but a living room in another rental, some drinks, and a Bluetooth speaker. Whoever brought a speaker somewhere was always hailed as a hero. Tunes out loud always brought things up, but a speaker cost well over a day’s wages for a liftie, probably close to a week’s rent. I had looked at them a half-dozen times, but never yet brought myself to justify it. It was an expensive sacrifice to the altar of kicks. Kicks! Did anyone actually call a fun night out ‘kicks?’ anymore? Not likely, but I didn’t mind thinking it. Whenever I started thinking in Kerouacisms, I knew my energy was right for the night. It was Margot Frances and Jimmy Anders, who had lived in the basement of the rental house before Antoine and Pierre, who had left On the Road in the kitchen for me when they moved out, after all. I could do a lot worse than taking some of the slang from it and leaving the homophobic and misogynistic bits. I wonder vaguely if Margot and Jimmy would be at the other house tonight. I had heard they were back in town, after tree-planting somewhere in the Cariboo for the summer. I had cooked my best chickpea pasta for Jimmy and Margot and given them the recipe. Margot had taught me Norwegian Wood – The Beatles song, not the Murakami novel. I had given Jimmy the novel. 
So, yes, we were going to a party. But we’d already agreed, without a word exchanged, that these guys wouldn't be following us there. 
“We’re looking for hookers,” said Green. 
“Hookers and molly,” said Orange. ”You know what molly is?” 
MDMA. I did know. I’d seen enough videos of glassy-eyed people grinding their teeth in dark parkades to know. It wasn’t much of a Raven drug. Oh, don’t get me wrong, there were drugs aplenty in town. I’d heard the rumours about how to get shrooms, and testimonies from lifties who insisted it was the only way to watch 2001. And of course, by my calculations there was a cannabis shop for every one-and-a-half-thousand people in the region, which had to be some kind of record, and that was just the legal trade. From what I’d heard, most people still got back-alley stuff, whether out of price or habit, since there was almost no enforcement on it anyway. Last summer during the public concert series, there was an opening act by the guy who owned the disc golf course, whose legal name was Eternity Equinox. He’d sung four songs, and three of them were about how pot was an herb that he grew in his garden and so should be legalized. I don’t think anyone had the heart to tell him that this had been the case for years. Margot said it was the best act of the season. 
But I’d never heard of MDMA in Raven River. I knew what it was, but didn’t know what it was, and maybe that was the difference. The drugs people wanted here were plants and mushrooms. You could imagine every step from growing in the woods to a backyard fire. Ecstasy was a pill, wasn’t it? Like Tylenol. Totally synthetic. I had no conception of where Eternity Equinox’s garden might come in. 
“Bro, d’you know where to find hookers?” Green said again. 
I didn’t know if there were sex workers in Raven. It was certainly possible, but I’d never heard of it. I was still in a good mood, though, so I joked back at them: “Everyone’s a hooker for a price, right? For a million bucks I’ll do anything!” 
Again, no laughter, but in the dark patch between street lights I could feel more than see a smirk come to Green’s face. ”My daddy’s a millionaire,” he said, “I could give you fifty thousand right now.” 
“Right now? For nothing? Deal!” 
“I’ll give you ten thousand to suck my cock,” he said. 
“We’re from California,” Orange put in, as if to support the claim. Only millionaires came from California, I guess he meant to say, and not from anywhere else. 
Antoine turned around for the first time and asked, “How old are you guys?”  
“I’m fifteen and he’s sixteen,” said Green. 
“Ah,” said Pierre, and there was great understanding in the syllable. Fifteen. Children of the new millennium. It still struck me as odd that birth years could start with a 2 for people who knew what drugs were. The Californians were born well after the twin towers crumbled down, just around when the economy followed, when, as Arcade Fire put it, we watched the markets crash, and the promises we were made were torn. We had to make our own promises after that. It became clear after a few years that the things we were told in school, that we could all climb the ladder of work and profit, that hard work paid out in the end in the victorious capitalism in which we lived, all that was bunk. So, we had to figure out something else. I think we were all still trying to figure out what that was, but I don’t know. It’s not as if we talked about it. And for kids like these Californians, it was history anyway. They had their own shatterings. I sometimes lamented that my life beyond my hometown had been almost entirely pandemic, but hell, these kids’ whole teens had mostly been pandemic so far. 
“Ten thousand dollars, bro, if you want it.” 
“What do you guys do for fun around here?” asked Orange. 
I said, ”Ski,” just as Pierre said “Snowboard.” 
Well, it was the Kootenays in January. What answer did they expect? 
“I can do a backflip,” said Orange. 
“That’s really cool,” said Pierre, falling back with them a bit. It was cool. I couldn’t do a backflip. Pierre could, I’d seen it once, but he didn’t often. When we rode together we spent more time digging the resort and the sidecountry for hidden lines, untouched pockets of treacherous but ridable alpine terrain far down the remotest ends of ridges where no one had dared to go since the snow fell. Backflips by the chair were cool, but they took time away from that. 
“This place is kinds fucking lame,” said Green, “There’s really no hookers except you fags?” 
“We’re not hookers. Or gay,” said Antoine. 
“Ten thousand, dude.”
“Yeah, okay,” said Antoine. We crossed a side street and he picked up his pace, muttering to me, “Viens. On parle en Francais, ouais?” 
My French was hardly good enough to hold any sort of conversation even in the enunciated Parisian accent of school memories and Duolingo. In Quebec French I was hopeless. Antoine knew that, though. He was trying to talk so that the Californians couldn’t overhear. He would go easy on me. 
“D’accord,” I said, wondering if the Californians could tell how bad my accent was, how transparent our attempt at coding our words was from them. We had no clue that they didn’t also speak French, I suppose. Somehow it just seemed unlikely. 
“I think they are rich,” said Antoine, in a French that was much slower and more scholarly than his and Pierre’s usual cheerful chatter, “They think they can pay for anything. It changes you as a person.” 
“Oui,” I said back, “I mean, ouais. And they’re fifteen!” 
“Are you gonna suck my cock for ten thousand dollars?” Green shouted again. 
“You are going to do it?” asked Antoine, a smirk in his voice. 
I struggled to find the words in French to explain. Even “Non,” was too transparent, as it sounded just like the English word. So, I just said “They’re fifteen,“ again, ils on quinze ans, and Antoine nodded sagely.  
Pierre was hanging back, speaking with the Californians quietly. Antoine glanced at the three of them. “He’s good at talking to them,” he said. We were getting close to the liquor store now, and they could tell. The sign with the trapper in his David Thompson hat was lit and visible. They knew where we were going, and switched tactics accordingly. The ten thousand dollars to be added to a sex offenders registry seemed to be, mercifully, put to the wayside. 
“Will you buy us beer?” 
“Maybe,” Pierre said diplomatically. 
“We want PBR. Do you know what PBR is?” 
Do you know what PBR is? I wanted to say back to them, it’s cheap shit. Instead I said, “Yeah, I know PBR.” 
“Pabst?” asked Pierre. I nodded. “Ah,” he said, ”Cheap shit.” 
“Not bad as cheap shit goes,” I said, granting a concession to the Californians. It was true; it wasn’t like it was Kokanee. 
Pierre held the Californians back again as Antoine and I went ahead. With Pierre distracting them, we could talk in English now. 
“There’s no price for sucking underage dick,” he said. 
“No, of course not.” 
“I don’t want to be on a registry. It’s selling your freedom.” 
“And your self-respect. It’s just a horrible thing to do. I wouldn’t want to do it even if they were our age, but at least it wouldn’t be criminal. They think they can just pay us to become criminals. Do you think they were joking? They have to be just joking. Right?” 
“I don’t know, man. I really don’t know. Money does things to you. They think they can just own people.” 
We came to a stop at last, across the road from the Trapper’s Cabin, the five of us hemmed into a two-by-two line by the snowbanks.  Pierre came over to us, a messenger crossing No Man’s Land, and leaned in. “I told them we would get them beer as long as they don’t follow us.” Antoine and I nodded. This seemed like a fair price for peace. 
“Will you get me a six-pack of PBR?” asked Green. 
“I’ll get you one can,” I said. 
“Two,” said Green. 
PBR was cheap shit, and there were two of them. “Alright,” I said. 
We started off across the road. As we went, Green dug his hands into his pockets and said to Orange, “Bro. It’s kind of lame. I thought the team was gonna party.” 
The team. Somehow, until then, I hadn’t thought about the freeride competition. But of course, that was why they were here, wandering the streets unsupervised. This was probably one of the first times they had a weekend away from their parents, who were back in Los Angeles, busy with their millionaire business. If they were millionaires. As we crossed Hemlock I thought about the bad teen movies I’d seen, where the heroes - to stretch a term – pulled off such elaborate scams, whole layers of lies. I thought about the party scene in every movie like that, with flashing coloured lights coming from who-knew-where in a house full of people with their arms up, music blasting, not a speaker in sight. Part of me still thought that maybe parties like that did exist, and just like in high school, I still wasn‘t in enough loops to know about them. But no, I’m sure I would have seen one by now. I thought about pop songs and trap-hop songs, music videos and lyrics, popping pills and hoes in the back seat. Like I said, Hemlock is a wide street. 
There was only one car parked at the Trapper’s Cabin. I hadn’t noticed it across the street, but it materialized in the red light up close. I was terrible at recognizing cars – these days they were uniformly bubbly and monochrome, the better to resell you to someone who might not like a certain colour, my dear - but this was a car I would remember for years. It was a pale green chevy pickup, circa early nineties model, with “protect parks” stickers on the tailgate and no less than three Rasta bobbleheads all lined up in the windshield. The roof was folded in a way that was definitely off-model, and I knew it was because it had collapsed in after a huge dump of snow, and then been punched back out and reinforced with two-by-fours nailed to the inside. This was Margot Frances and Jimmy Anders’ truck, a Genuine Kootenay Beater. When walking along the ski hill road with intent to get up there close to opening, it was generally known that if a clean black Mercedes SUV passed by, it wasn’t worth the muscle motion to send up a thumb. If a GKB the colour of road salt grumbled past, though, that was usually your way. And absent the quasi-trusty shuttle bus, Margot and Jimmy’s truck was my favourite way to ride up or down. There was just one back seat, which I had to fold into and sit sideways in, and feeling not at all like I’d be safe in a crash, we would set off around the hairpin switchbacks on the hill road, playing The Doors out loud on Margot’s Bluetooth and talking about our runs for the day.  
If one of them was shopping, I’d say hi. 
I’ve never thought of a liquor store as a refuge before, probably, and thankfully, because I’m not an alcoholic. But it was kind of nice having a place that we knew the Californians couldn’t follow. We could talk freely here, albeit with the restriction that we couldn't explicitly mention our plan to toss some cans to underage Americans, although in fairness, it was the Trapper's Cabin, the less refined of the two liquor stores in Raven River, and given it was Raven River, that was saying something, so I doubt the cashier would have cared in the least. He was slumped over the counter, head in his hands, hands breaking up the fall of his blond hair, which fell too around wire-framed round glasses – blond! Round glasses! So that was why the truck was outside. Jimmy was the cashier! 
“Hey!” I said, just as I’d promised myself. 
Jimmy jumped up a bit, activating Customer Service Mode, but shut it down when he saw me. “Jay!” he called out, “You’re still around!” 
I always went by J, or Jay, in Raven River. Jerry, what I’d been in Calgary, had been ditched after the first few weeks of jokes. I’d vaguely known that a Jerry was a term for a bad skier, but not realized quite how prevalent it was, or all the implications. Jerry wasn’t just someone who didn’t know how to ski, who was new, trying to figure things out. Jerry was someone from Calgary, or Toronto, who had a fresh snowsuit that matched pants to jacket, and slick skis with oiled bindings, and his toe in the heel piece of the bindings, because with the cash he’d spent on coming out here, somewhere along the line he must have bought the understanding of what he was doing. 
“I’m still around,” I said, “I heard you were back. And working here!” 
“Ayup. You’re liftying again?”  
“Yeah. Probably my last season.” 
“You said that last winter.” 
“I did. Yeah. I don’t know. Can’t beat the free pass, I guess.” 
“Yeah, for sure. It’s tough going back to paying for it. Margot’s just doing day passes, ‘cause she tore her ACL climbing in November.” 
“Oh, shit! Hope she’s alright?” 
“Yeah, she just lost enough riding days that buying the pass didn’t make sense. She’s working at the Lark Café now. Jill got her the position she used to have.” 
“Right, ‘cause Jill’s at that mid-mountain coffee hut now. I always get free hot chocolate from her. Well, if I’m scanning at the base, I’ll just let Margot up.” 
“Much obliged,” Jimmy nodded, and I went off to look at beers. 
For what I called a less refined store, the selection at the Trapper’s was good – two walls of beer and cider fridges and warm packages in pyramids between, good breweries from all around the West and any flavour profile or drinking style you might want. We rolled past plain sours and fruit sours and salted sours and goses, milk stouts and peanut butter porters, you name it. Antoine lingered in front of something called a Show-off Double IPA. I thought he might take it, but he pointed instead at the peacock on the label and said, “Green peafowl.” I think his bird-identifying was mostly somatic at this point, totally involuntary. 
The PBR was tucked in the slightly dismal back corner, under the little selection of Budweiser and the like. I grabbed a six-pack and brought it to Jimmy. Antoine settled on a box of ginger ciders. Pierre was still in the back, weighing a nice pack of honey ales with another pack of PBR. 
“I didn’t know you were big Pabst guys,” said Jimmy. 
“No,” said Pierre, “This is for someone else maybe. I will try to decide if I want to get it.” 
“Yeah,” said Antoine, in a quick, shut-us-down sort of way. He didn’t know Jimmy, though. With any other cashier, not an old liftie, he’d have been right to be cautious. But I knew Jimmy. 
“Jimsy,” I said, using Margot’s pet name for him, which I didn’t know if I was allowed to do, but whatever. “You remember when you sent Napalm Chute in the work jacket and I didn’t tell?” 
“Yeah,” said Jimmy, unsure where this was going. 
“Right, that’s all. So you don’t need to tell whoever your boss is here that there are two fifteen-year-olds outside who won’t leave us alone unless we get them beer.” 
“One of them is sixteen,” said Pierre. 
“Sure. Some of the PBR is for them.” 
“Two cans.” 
“Did they give you money?” 
“No,” said Antoine, “But they’re rich. They could have!” 
“I don’t think they were really rich,” I said. Putting it out loud changed the situation somehow. 
Jimmy went to the window, to the little maze of gaps between his back counter and the posters above, and peered out. “Those kids by the light?” 
I joined him at the window and looked. The Californians were kicking at a frozen snowbank under the halogen glow of a streetlamp. Maybe they were trying to cut a path through. That bank was solid ice though, weeks old, thawed and frozen a thousand times. It was hardly just snow anymore. At best there was a layer of avi-chute choss, three-day-old plow discard, on top of gravel ice. What’s that thing about the Inuit language having ten words for snow where English has one? Whoever started spreading that one wasn’t a skier. 
“They look kind of beat, don’t they?” I said. 
Jimmy nodded and considered this. “D’you mean like beaten up, or like, The Beats, like Kerouac?” 
“Both. Isn’t it the same thing, anyway? Like, he used the word the way it was used, beaten up, but then he added the other definition, the thing about beatific.” 
“You read it, Jay!” 
“Yeah. Thanks for leaving it there.” 
“I’m gonna get the honey ale,” Pierre broke in suddenly, “And I’m gonna give some to the kids as well. It’s more expensive but I’ll keep some.” 
“They wanted PBR,” I said. 
“But this is better,” said Pierre, “It’s sweet. They’ll like it. I’ll give them two.” 
“I was going to give them two of the Pabst,” I said. 
Jimmy leaned in and laced his fingers conspiratorially. “Tell you what,” he said, “If you’re getting two half packs then you’re just buying one, really. Then the kids can have the rest. They look pretty beat, after all. So...” he took off his glasses, laid them on the counter, and looked to the ceiling, “It’d be too bad if you put one of those packs in your bag and I didn’t see it. You might forget to even pay for it.” 
Grinning, Pierre unshouldered his backpack and slid the honey ale in. We paid for the Pabst and Antoine’s cider, which came out to not much more than the honey ales by themselves. The cost, then, was around an hour’s liftying. Two if it hadn’t been for Jimmy. Of course, to say two hours of liftying meant nothing without specifying. Was that two hours of the top station at the out-of-the-way chair on an uncommonly quiet day, sitting in a hut with a thermos of hot chocolate and a paperback, watching snow fall on the valley cedars outside, and then occasionally, every two minutes or so, someone would get off, give a wave, and glide away? Or was that two hours at the base, the main base, on a mobbed-busy weekend, with an endless crowded maze of beginners needing the chair slowed down or even full-stopped for them, and others trying to skip the line while you were occupied, and rich Americans who didn’t think the rules about masks in line applied to them, and even the best most courteous guests were still part of the back-aching cycle of bumping, holding back the mass of each and every chair with a special calculated one-leg-up leanback and never a moment to sit down or even to simply stand at attention? Those shifts paid the same: not quite a six-pack per hour.
“Thanks, man,” said Pierre, as he packed up all the beer, ”From a liftie to another.” 
Jimmy only shrugged. “Not a liftie anymore,” he said. 
“But you were, man, and maybe you say, once a liftie, always a liftie. What were you saying about calling people Beat, Jay? It means two things?” 
“Sort of,” Jimmy explained, “It means, like, poor, beaten up, had a bad time. But these guys back, what, seventy years ago, made it that, but short for beatific, like, spiritual. Godly. They thought that one led to the other.” 
“Yes!” said Pierre, jabbing a finger, leaning close in over the glass bit of the counter where Jimmy scanned wine bottle bar codes, “And Liftie is like that. It’s the job where we put people on the lift, but it’s also, like. Hey. Answer me this. When you work on a chair, who’s your favourite person to see in line?” 
Jimmy and I had no answer for this, but without missing a beat, Antoine said, “Another Liftie.” 
“Exactly!” said Pierre, getting way into it now, “Because they are your friend, but not just that. Because they make you feel good about doing the job. They know what it’s like! And...” he was practically vibrating now, “Wherever you meet another liftie, an old liftie too, even years later, they also try to help, because they know you’re down, they know you’re working hard and you’re tired and they LIFT you up... and you LIFT them up sometimes. The people who own the ski hill, who own the shops, they want you to pay for everything. They want you to work more, they want you to be better than the other guy by buying more stuff by working harder so you have more stuff than him. You compete, always competition. Lifting just yourself up...” 
“By your bootstraps,” I nodded. I’d never understood that expression. The only boots I even knew of that had straps were ski boots with ratchet straps, and they were too tight to the boots to lift anything by. They were too busy holding you to the snow. 
“But you don’t have to. Instead, you let people have free beer. That’s what Liftie is. You lift each other!” 
Jimmy stood stunned for a long hanging moment. I thought about the songs we sang and taught on guitar, free beers and hot chocolates, bird facts, board games. I thought about Pierre and Antoine and Jimmy and Margot, and Jill at the mid-mountain hut. Then Jimmy hit a button on his screen, and my short receipt began to print with a sound like the Lynx Quad powering up in the morning, and he nodded, slowly at first and then picking up, and said “Hell yeah.” Then he turned to me and said, “Holy fuck, Jay. Where do you meet these people?” 
I said, “At the hill. Liftying. Where else?” 
The Californians were still hanging out under the streetlight when we left the store. They perked up when they saw us heading back their way. 
“You got our stuff?” Green called. 
In response I twisted two cans off my six-pack and tossed them one at a time at him. He caught each with the flawless reflexes of a seasoned backflipper. 
“Take some of this too,” said Pierre, tossing them two of his honey ales. 
“What’s this?” said Orange. 
“Try it!” said Pierre, “Expand your taste!” Then he jogged off. Antoine was already headed back the way we’d come from. 
The Californians didn’t comment on getting four beers when they asked for two, but then, neither did any of us.  I never saw them again after that, so I never got any more hints on whether they really were millionaires’ sons, or just ski team kids on the tournament dime. Right then, when they were huddling with their gloveless hands in their armpits on a lonely street, I decided it didn’t much matter. Green gave me a peace-sign salute, a universal gesture of cool accord, and we parted, we two victims of disparate hoped-for nights. 
As I ran to catch up with Pierre and Antoine, a big raven fell with a sound of wind from a nearby powerline, landing in the middle of Hemlock Street. I took a pause to curtsy a bit. I always bowed to a raven when I saw one alone. One of them, an immortal one, pulled the first humans out of a clam shell on the beach in Haida Gwaii, so it was always good to be respectful, because you never know. Two years ago, when I was browsing a list of ski resorts that were looking for applicants, I had seen Raven River and thought of that. 
Two days later, on the final day of the International Junior Freeriding Cup (presented by a major car brand,) I was working the Lynx Quad at the mid-station. A remarkable oddity for a chairlift, Lynx Mid lets riders get off halfway, or else to sit tight and carry on through. For those who carried on, up to where they entered the start gates at the top of the terrain park, all I had to do was watch them pass by, thrusting their numbered bibs out to the safety bar for all to see. I passed the time by collecting high-fives. As they glided past, all I had to do for a high-five was to extend my hand, inches from where the chair slid by. I always got one back, and they would cheer for me.
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luxerentals-blog · 4 years
If you are looking for wedding furniture and party rentals around your areas, we offer our services to make your event into a memorable upshot. We are fully equipped to transport event furniture, special event staff, party and wedding rentals in every corner of Toronto and Montreal.
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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Say You Won’t Let Go
a Sidney Crosby wedding series
Part 1
a/n: here’s part 1 of ??? ! It won’t be a long series, maybe 2 or 3 parts, but I just want to keep the door open for more!
summary: a Pittsburgh royal wedding. Juliette Lemieux (100% made up) is the niece of Pittsburgh legend Mario Lemieux, who is practically a father to her. She falls in love with Sidney Crosby after meeting him as a college student while living in Pittsburgh. this series tells the story of their fairytale wedding weekend.
warnings: brief mention of deceased family member. otherwise, so damn fluffy it’s practically cotton candy.
I burst through the door of my uncle’s palatial home to find him standing in the grand entryway waiting for me, my aunt and four cousins not far behind him.
“Bonjour!” I greeted them, scurrying toward my uncle’s open arms. He pulled me into his six-foot-four frame, a whole foot taller than my own, for a warm hug with a wide smile on his face, one that looked so much like my late father’s. A sharp pang went through my heart at the thought, causing me to hold onto him tighter.
“Juliette! Bonjour, princesse,” Mario said warmly, kissing the top of my head. “Tu es si belle!” (You look so beautiful!) he exclaimed, pulling back and holding my smaller hands in his large ones. I beamed.
“Merci, oncle,” (Thank you, uncle) I thanked him, dropping my head a bit bashfully as he took in the sight of me, dressed in a classic white sheath dress and strappy nude heeled sandals. I could see the tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he stared at me. I knew just what he was thinking.
“Don’t start crying already, or I’ll be crying for the next 48 hours!” I warned, a laugh escaping me despite my and my uncle’s evident shared sadness over my father’s absence from this special moment.
“I’ll try my best,” Mario promised. All I could do was nod and squeeze his hands.
My aunt Nathalie enveloped me next, kissing my cheeks before audibly admiring my new diamond choker. I reached up to touch it and felt a blush creep onto my face at almost the same moment I felt a warm hand come from behind me and rest on my hip. I glanced in the familiar figure’s direction.
Sidney leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to my temple. I placed my palm flat against his stomach and gave him a bright grin.
“Thank you,” I said to Nathalie. “Sidney gave it to me before we left the house, as a wedding present,” I added softly, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. As a rule, I never bragged to anyone about the extravagant gifts that my fiancé often lavished upon me, but I certainly didn’t mind giving Sidney full credit in front of only my aunt, who knew us both so well.
Nathalie’s eyes widened slightly and she gave Sidney’s upper arm a squeeze. “Well done, my boy! It’s so beautiful,” she praised. He kissed her cheek and said, “I have you to thank — every time I shop for jewelry, I hear your voice in my head.” Nathalie laughed. “You’ve always heeded my advice! Not that you needed much of it. You have wonderful taste — in jewelry and women,” she teased, giving us a wink.
Sidney and I both chuckled and then greeted my cousins excitedly — Lauren, Stephanie, Austin, and Alexa, with whom we were both incredibly close, with Sidney having lived with them for several years at the beginning of his career. We had that arrangement and Mario’s longtime mentorship of Sidney to thank for the two of us ever meeting in the first place.
Growing up, I had typically visited with Mario’s family three or four times each year, whether in Pittsburgh or in his and my shared hometown, just outside Montreal. My father, Mario’s oldest brother, had passed away suddenly from a massive heart attack at 45, when I was only 12, shattering my world during a crucial time in my adolescence. While my mother did her best to financially provide for me, an only child, she had always been emotionally unavailable to me — even when I was very young. I was always a daddy’s girl, making the loss of him that much more jarring. My mother shut down completely after my father’s death, and my aunt and uncle took notice immediately, worried for my well-being. They became my unofficial guardians and quasi-parents.
In the years that followed, I started to spend even more time in Pittsburgh with Mario, Nathalie, and my cousins, with my uncle quickly stepping in to fill the role of a father figure for me in place of his older brother. I was sandwiched between their two oldest, Lauren and Stephanie, age-wise, almost exactly. For many years, but particularly after my father’s death, I had lived with them for several months out of the year, around my school schedule.
Mario and Nathalie included me in every family vacation, holiday celebration, and birthday party possible, even purchasing my first car and paying for my private school and then college education. At 18, I decided to move to Pittsburgh officially to attend Duquesne University, just a block from the Penguins arena, as a marketing major, allowing me to spend much of my free time with my family at Mario’s house, where, at the tender age of 18, I met Sidney.
I owed nearly every good thing in my life to Mario and Nathalie, including intimately encouraging me to pursue a relationship with Sidney, after some initial reservations about our age difference, which quickly faded as they saw Sidney and I grow closer together. They had truly done it all for me, and now, they were throwing me a rehearsal dinner in their sprawling backyard in just a couple of hours, along with a wedding reception to follow tomorrow’s church ceremony.
As Mario walked out the back door to speak to some of the rental company employees finalizing the set-up of our beautiful tent and chairs for tonight’s dinner and tomorrow’s reception, and Nathalie and my cousins scattered to grab their belongings, Sidney pulled me to his body, his hand on my lower back. He simply stared at me with a satisfied look on his face, causing my pulse to quicken as I looped my arms around his neck.
“What are you thinking about, mon amour?” (my love) I inquired. Sidney shook his head slightly.
“Everything. How beautiful you look right now. How beautiful you’ll look tomorrow. How beautiful you’ll look when you’re carrying my baby,” he told me, placing soft kisses to my face between each thought. “How beautiful you’ll look with our little ones in your arms. How beautiful you’ll look when you’re 90.” I smoothed my fingers over the neat hair at the nape of his neck, a wide smile across my features.
“When I’m 90, you’ll be 97,” I offered, feeling as though I might burst into tears unless I broke up the moment with some levity. Sidney laughed loudly and then groaned. “Don’t remind me, please,” he begged. I leaned up to kiss his plump lips. “Okay, I won’t,” I whispered against his mouth, causing a soft moan to escape him.
Just as I pulled away from him, my maid of honor, ever the Type A event coordinator, called to us from across the spacious room.
“Come on, lovebirds,” Lauren teased, smiling. We both looked to her, still wrapped up in each others’ arms, and saw her tap the face of her gold watch. “We’ve gotta be at the chapel in 30 minutes and it’ll take every bit of that to make it,” she added.
“Leave them alone!” Alexa piped up, giggling as she adjusted her heels. “They were having a moment.” Her older brother rolled his eyes, grabbing his sunglasses from the coffee table in front of him.
“Have you met them?” Austin joked. “They’re always having a moment.” Nathalie appeared from the hallway, fastening the back of her earring, and mused, “And that’s why they’ll be married for the next hundred years.” She winked in our direction.
Sidney looked down at me and waggled his eyebrows, making me giggle. I smoothed my fingers over the collar of his crisp new white golf polo, which he had matched with a pair of navy blue slacks and loafers, a signature look of his.
“I suppose they’re right, my blushing bride,” he said. “Let me put my overnight bag in the guest room and we’ll be on our way.” I nodded as he pressed a kiss to my cheekbone and turned to pick up his leather travel bag near the door and took it to the basement, his former living quarters.
With both of us being fairly traditional people, we had agreed to sleep apart the night before the wedding to honor the age-old custom, despite having lived together for almost two years. To combat that complication, Sidney had insisted that I be the one to stay in our house for the night and that he stay at Mario’s, since he, my uncle, Austin, and Sidney’s father and groomsmen were meeting there the following morning anyway for a game of golf at the fabled Oakmont Country Club prior to the ceremony. He wanted me to feel as comfortable as possible as I got ready for our big day.
After a minute or so, Sidney’s hands came to rest on my waist from behind me, and I smirked to myself at how clingy and affectionate he had been these last several weeks as we prepared to begin our lives as husband and wife.
“You ready for this, Jules? There’s still time to run,” Sidney purred softly into my ear, kissing the skin there.
I turned to face him, holding his jaw in one hand. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” I murmured before kissing him long and hard.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Trudeau’s Liberals win Canada election, but miss majority (AP) Canadians gave Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party a victory in Monday’s parliamentary elections, but his gamble to win a majority of seats failed and nearly mirrored the result of two years ago. Trudeau’s Liberals were leading or elected in 156 seats—one less than they won 2019, and 14 short of the 170 needed for a majority in the House of Commons. The Conservatives were leading or elected in 121 seats, the same number they won in 2019. The leftist New Democrats were leading or elected in 27, a gain of three seats, while the Quebec-based Bloc Québécois remained unchanged with 32 seats and the Greens were down to two. “Trudeau lost his gamble to get a majority so I would say this is a bittersweet victory for him,” said Daniel Béland, a political science professor at McGill University in Montreal. “Basically we are back to square one, as the new minority parliament will look like the previous one. Trudeau and the Liberals saved their skin and will stay in power, but many Canadians who didn’t want this late summer, pandemic election are probably not amused about the whole situation,” he said.
COVID has killed about as many Americans as the 1918-19 flu (AP) COVID-19 has now killed about as many Americans as the 1918-19 Spanish flu pandemic did—approximately 675,000. And like the worldwide scourge of a century ago, the coronavirus may never entirely disappear from our midst. Instead, scientists hope the virus that causes COVID-19 becomes a mild seasonal bug as human immunity strengthens through vaccination and repeated infection. That would take time. “We hope it will be like getting a cold, but there’s no guarantee,” said Emory University biologist Rustom Antia, who suggests an optimistic scenario in which this could happen over a few years. For now, the pandemic still has the United States and other parts of the world firmly in its jaws.
Why Louisiana’s Electric Grid Failed in Hurricane Ida (NYT) Just weeks before Hurricane Ida knocked out power to much of Louisiana, leaving its residents exposed to extreme heat and humidity, the chief executive of Entergy, the state’s biggest utility company, told Wall Street that it had been upgrading power lines and equipment to withstand big storms. That statement would soon be tested. On the last Sunday in August, Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana and dealt a catastrophic blow to Entergy’s power lines, towers and poles, many of which were built decades ago to withstand much weaker hurricanes. The storm damaged eight high-voltage transmission lines that supply power to New Orleans along with scores of the company’s towers throughout the state. Hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses were without power for days. Ida damaged or destroyed 31,000 poles that carry lower-voltage distribution lines in neighborhoods, nearly twice as many as Hurricane Katrina, according to Entergy. Lawmakers and regulators require utilities to ensure safe, reliable service at an affordable cost. The grid failure after Ida is the latest display of how power companies are struggling to fulfill those obligations as climate change increases the frequency and severity of extreme weather. In California, electricity providers have been forced to shut off power to tens of thousands of customers in recent years to prevent their equipment from setting off wildfires and to reduce energy demand during heat waves. In February, the grid in most of Texas failed during a winter storm, leaving millions of people without power and heat for days.
White House faces bipartisan backlash on Haitian migrants (AP) The White House is facing sharp condemnation from Democrats for its handling of the influx of Haitian migrants at the U.S. southern border, after images of U.S. Border Patrol agents on horseback using aggressive tactics went viral this week. Striking video of agents maneuvering their horses to forcibly block and move migrants attempting to cross the border has sparked resounding criticism from Democrats on Capitol Hill, who are calling on the Biden administration to end its use of a pandemic-era authority to deport migrants without giving them an opportunity to seek asylum in the United States. At the same time, the administration continues to face attacks from Republicans, who say Biden isn’t doing enough to deal with what they call a “crisis” at the border. Immigration is a complex issue, one no administration has been able to fix in decades. And Biden is trapped between conflicting interests of broadcasting compassion while dealing with throngs of migrants coming to the country—illegally—seeking a better life.
Haitian journey to Texas border starts in South America (AP) Robins Exile downed a traditional meal of plantains and chicken at a restaurant run by Haitian immigrants, just a short walk from the walled border with the United States. He arrived the night before and went there seeking advice: Should he try to get to the U.S., or was it better to settle in Mexico? Discussion Monday at the Tijuana restaurant offered a snapshot of Haitians’ diaspora in the Western Hemisphere that picked up steam in 2016 and has shown little sign of easing, demonstrated most recently by the more than 14,000 mostly Haitian migrants assembled around a bridge in Del Rio, a town of only 35,000 people. Of the roughly 1.8 million Haitians living outside their homeland, the United States is home to the largest Haitian immigrant population in the world, numbering 705,000 people from the Western Hemisphere’s poorest country. Significant numbers also live in Latin American countries like Chile, which is home to an estimated 69,000 Haitians. Nearly all Haitians reach the U.S. border on a well-worn route: Fly to Brazil, Chile or elsewhere in South America. If jobs dry up, slowly move through Central America and Mexico by bus and on foot to wait—perhaps years—in northern border cities like Tijuana for the right time to enter the United States and claim asylum.
‘We were them:’ Vietnamese Americans help Afghan refugees (AP) In the faces of Afghans desperate to leave their country after U.S. forces withdrew, Thuy Do sees her own family, decades earlier and thousands of miles away. A 39-year-old doctor in Seattle, Washington, Do remembers hearing how her parents sought to leave Saigon after Vietnam fell to communist rule in 1975 and the American military airlifted out allies in the final hours. It took years for her family to finally get out of the country, after several failed attempts, and make their way to the United States, carrying two sets of clothes a piece and a combined $300. When they finally arrived, she was 9 years old. These stories and early memories drove Do and her husband Jesse Robbins to reach out to assist Afghans fleeing their country now. The couple has a vacant rental home and decided to offer it up to refugee resettlement groups, which furnished it for newly arriving Afghans in need of a place to stay. “We were them 40 years ago,” Do said. “With the fall of Saigon in 1975, this was us.” The crisis in Afghanistan has spurred many Vietnamese Americans to donate money to refugee resettlement groups and raise their hands to help by providing housing, furniture and legal assistance to newly arriving Afghans.
‘Crisis of trust’: France bristles at US submarine deal (AP) France’s top diplomat declared Monday that there is a “crisis of trust” in the United States after a Pacific defense deal stung France and left Europe wondering about its longtime ally across the Atlantic. France canceled meetings with British and Australian officials and worked to rally EU allies behind its push for more European sovereignty after being humiliated by a major Pacific defense pact orchestrated by the U.S. Speaking to reporters in New York, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said European countries won’t let Washington leave them behind when shaping its foreign policy. Le Drian reiterated complaints that his country was sandbagged by the submarine deal between the U.S., Britain and Australia, which led to France losing a contract to sell subs to Australia. Washington, London and Canberra say the deal bolsters their commitment to the Indo-Pacific region, and it has widely been seen as an effort to counter an increasingly assertive China. But Le Drian, who is in New York to represent France at the U.N. General Assembly, said it was a “brutal, unexpected and unexplained breach” of a contract—and a relationship.
Pedestrians take to the streets of Paris to celebrate the city’s seventh annual ‘day without cars’ (Business Insider) On Sunday, Paris turned over its streets to pedestrians so that citizens and visitors could enjoy its seventh annual “day without cars.” Announced by socialist mayor Anne Hidalgo in 2015, the city received enthusiastic support from both ordinary Parisians and unlikely parties including the head of a French drivers’ association, USA Today reported. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., cars, motorcycles, and scooters are banned throughout Paris, and any offenders face a fine of 135 euros, according to the Paris Without A Car website. Certain vehicles like buses, emergency vehicles, taxis, and private drivers are allowed to circulate, although their speed is limited to 20-30 kilometers per hour (12-19 miles per hour) in certain areas. Events at this year’s “day without cars” included a techno parade, picnic, bicycle fair, rollerblading marathon, and street art exhibitions, according to the event website.
More evacuations as lava gushes from Canaries volcano (Reuters) Lava gushing from the Canary Islands’ first volcanic eruption on land in 50 years has forced authorities to evacuate another part of El Paso municipality on the island of La Palma and to urge sightseers attracted by the phenomenon to stay away. About 6,000 of the 80,000 people living on the island have been forced to leave their homes to escape the eruption so far, TVE said. The volcano started erupting on Sunday after La Palma, the most northwestern island in the Canaries archipelago, had been rocked by thousands of quakes in the prior days. It has shot lava hundreds of metres into the air, engulfed forests and sent molten rock towards the ocean over a sparsely populated area of La Palma. Experts say that if and when the lava reaches the sea, it could trigger more explosions and clouds of toxic gases.
Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes near Melbourne (Reuters) An earthquake with a 6.0 magnitude struck near Melbourne in Australia on Wednesday, Geoscience Australia said, causing damage to buildings in the country’s second largest city and sending tremors throughout neighbouring states. The quake’s epicentre was near the rural town of Mansfield in the state of Victoria, about 200 km (124 miles) northeast of Melbourne, and was at a depth of 10 km (six miles). The quake was felt as far away as city of Adelaide, 800 km (500 miles) to the west in the state of South Australia, and Sydney, 900 km (600 miles) to the north in New South Wales state, although there were no reports of damage outside Melbourne and no reports of injuries.
‘An iron curtain’: Australia’s covid rules are stranding people at state borders (Washington Post) The four figures huddled in the shade on the side of the highway, eight miles from a border they had hardly noticed until it slammed shut behind them. As flies buzzed and crows circled and their supplies ran low, they waited for emails that would allow them to leave New South Wales and return to their home state of South Australia. Teresa Young and her husband had been stuck at the rest stop—little more than a toilet in the middle of the Outback—for 10 days. “All of a sudden, Australia has been cut up like pieces of a cake,” the 75-year-old said on a recent day. Welcome to covid-era Australia, where state border closures designed to keep the coronavirus from spreading have turned retired office workers into roadside nomads. When the pandemic began, many Australians found that the leaders of the country’s six states and two territories, rather than the federal government, suddenly controlled the most vital things in people’s lives, including who could go to work and where they could travel. The closures have upended domestic travel and stranded scores of Australians internally, even as a vaccination ramp-up means some states—and international airports—will soon open up. People in Sydney could find it easier to fly to Singapore or Los Angeles than to Adelaide.
Sudan’s coup attempt (Foreign Policy) Sudanese state media reported a “failed coup attempt” early Tuesday morning. The coup reportedly involved an attempt to take control of the state radio services. If confirmed, the attempted power grab would be the fourth putsch attempt the African continent has seen this year, following military takeovers in Guinea and Chad and an unsuccessful coup in Niger.
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careydodd · 3 years
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only at sunset came to life again, simply to visit Muller’s shop to perform some mysterious, secret duty. “It took about a month to get to New Orleans. Next morning I went to Newcastle: had the family of colored people brought into the parlor, and the sheriff and myself came to the conclusion that the parents and four youngest children were by law entitled to their freedom. Throughout history of propaganda, news outlets have been used not to combat propaganda but as tools to further its reach. He was indignant, flew into rages, was immersed in business documents, and had no thoughts to spare for us. This is not my place. Poor little creature. But that did not get the seal of approval from the President Elect, so Republicans opted for and replace. What you propose is nothing less than treason. You know, I want things that I think will make me happy, at least for the time being. But next morning Ichmenyev got up, and he came the same day to me to take Nellie home with him for good. Having settled the 5 second rule debate, Clemson University's Dawson decided to do the same recently with this alleged party faux pas.. Before the show, Chico Summer Theatre Festival will offer a free puppet show on the disco duro externo pita rear lawns of the Chico Women's Club. Near Memphis the j s authentic vans tibetan red true white boat stopped at a plantation by previous arrangement, to take in thirty more. “I told the story to Ser Balon, but not all of it. 4, and Brian Flynn also scored for Montreal (27 11 6). Even her figurehead had not escaped; one of his arms had broken off, the one with all his scrolls. This is the third year Hammonton has offered the extra 20 hours of class time and Chieco said they have seen an increase in student scores. Said things are looking better for his family. In the middle of the overland passage, sick, weary, heart-broken, the child laid her down and died. "Since then the Crown did in this case what it does in every case, assessing the file for whether there is a realistic prospect of conviction. He expressed his regret that the slave had died, and especially as he had ascertained that he was innocent of the accusation for which he had suffered. His meat he got himself. The tunnel through the Wall batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon was narrow and twisting, and many of the wildlings were old or ill or wounded, so the going was painfully slow. This made ancient China a prosperous, and a highly independent society. When I saw him I ran to the other side of the street on purpose that he might see I ran away from him. They are still the same individual as they were before their diagnosis and can continue doing the things they and love and remain active in their communities with the right help and support. She had lost all sense of how long she chaussettes bon marchéhad been imprisoned in this cell, high up in one of the seven towers of the Great Sept of Baelor. All inclusive day tours run $400, or $4,000 for a private cat (12 guests max, with three guides); it includes powder skis/snowboards rental, avalanche equipment (beacon, shovel, probe), lodging pick up and drop off, light breakfast, full lunch, snacks, aprs ski party and complimentary image disk of you neck deep in powder afterward.. The following table represents the atmospheric components with their symbol, molecular weight, and percentage ratio by volume:Percent by Volume. The best place to start is at the relay. He laughed, and prinked, but just as though all that didn’t matter, as though it only partly concerned me, not as it used to be . Bruegger suggests putting a scratching post near the area where your cat scratches, and when she begins to do so, make a noise and put the cat near the scratching post instead. There he dismounted, to walk his garron through the ice to the south side. Size isn't everything! Tiny wooden house measuring just. Poor father almost has to eat humble pie before him. Combined with our prudent management of capital expenditures, we believe that this improved structure will better position HBC for the future."Update on Operational Review:As announced today in a separate press release, HBC has largely completed the comprehensive review of its North American business operations started in late 2016. Somewhere to her left she heard
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a horse whicker. The BRABUS sports exhaust system with actively controlled butterfly valve enables the owner to actively manage the sound at the touch of a button on the steering wheel. Karl Olsen doesn't believe legislation is necessary to combat bullying. Had a massive heart. We don't think about the time, we just push on.. It was quite near. In contratst to how Portland usually rolls, Portland has come after other cities in starting a bikeshare. This feature makes these shoes popular and quickly accepted. I will go and try once more to impress on papuci de casa din pasla her the duty to obey medical instructions, and . Owen the Oaf took up his fiddle, and several of the free folk joined in with pipes and drums. Kinsler should find his way onto the team. 2012 class action suit against the Bureau of Prisons said of isolation, with no direct, unrestrained contact with other human beings leave some ADX inmates particularly those with serious mental illness with fundamental loss of even basic social skills and adaptive behaviors. Superannuated or invalid slaves draw their provisions regularly once a week; and the moment a child ceases to be nourished by its mother, it receives eight quarts of meal (more than it can consume), and one half-pound of lard. He could see the humped shapes of other huts buried beneath drifts of snow, and beyond them the pale shadow of a weirwood armored in ice. "You think, 'Oh, he's hitting .330, his on base percentage is .380, well, he should be hitting second.' But then the question is, 'Well, is he hitting .330 with an on base percentage of .380 because of where he's hitting? It goes both ways.". “Your Grace,” he said, “I fear your eunuchs are ill suited for the tasks you set them.”.
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joshuahyslop · 5 years
Well, 22 days, 15 shows, 13 trains, 10 flights, 8 countries, a lot of Ubers, a couple Taxi’s and 1 rental car later and I’m back at home. This was another great tour but not without its challenges. I got to bring my good friend, Zachari Smith (zacharismith.com) on the road this time and that made a huge difference. Not only was it terrific fun to get to play the shows together, it also made the low moments seem not quite as low. Everything started off great. I flew to Montreal a few days before the start of the tour to rehearse with Zach. It went smoothly and it was wonderful to get to spend time with some of my dear friends in that city before hitting the road. SCOTLAND: We flew to the UK a few days later and started things off in Glasgow. We played in an underground club called Stereo. It was a good first show. There was a good crowd and it felt great to go from rehearsing to actually playing in front of people as a duo. ENGLAND: The next day we took a train to Manchester. We played in a lovely little spot called The Castle Hotel. Jet lag was hitting us pretty hard but we were able to nap before the show. We travelled to London the next morning and after arriving at the wrong hotel, walking with all our stuff to the right hotel, checking in, having a pint and grabbing dinner with friends, we played an incredibly fun show in a very full room at The Old Blue Last. FRANCE: The next morning we got up early and took the train from London to Paris. I remember feeling a little off when I’d gone to sleep the night before, but I assumed it was just the jet lag. We’d both started coughing on the train but I tried to chalk it up to the cold air. By the time we’d arrived at our hotel we knew something was wrong. We managed to grab some food and get back to the hotel room where we spent the next 34 hours sick in our beds. I don’t know if it was food poisoning or the flu, or some awful combination, but we were knocked down. Unfortunately, this meant we had to cancel our show in Paris. I felt (and still feel) horrible for having to cancel the show. I can’t wait to come back and make it up to everyone. When it happens, it’s going to be fantastic! THE NETHERLANDS: We were still feeling awful the next morning. We had to catch another early train and when we eventually arrived in Groningen we went straight to a Pharmacy where we bought everything we could think of. The show that night was in a beautiful old church called the Lutherse Kerk and it was sold out. I drank as much tea and hot water as I could, had what might’ve been a dangerous amount of Advil, cough drops, vitamin C and echinacea and then went ahead with the show. It was an amazing night even though we were feeling sick. The crowd was fantastic and the show went well. DENMARK: After a good night’s sleep we woke up to a much needed day off. We had a lot of travelling to do, but were thankful for no show that night. It was going to be a couple of trains to Amsterdam and a cab to the airport where we’d be catching a flight to Denmark. We were supposed to arrive in Copenhagen around 5pm. Unfortunately, while we were jumping from train to train, I managed to leave my backpack behind. It had my passport, my money and all my information in it. I panicked and ran up and down the train looking for someone who could help. I couldn’t find anyone and I was very close to giving up. Zach called the lost and found and explained the situation to them. Within the hour they’d located my bag and told me I could pick it up at Den Haag Centraal - about an hour train ride from Amsterdam Centraal, where we were. I left Zach with our gear, took the train to Den Haag, grabbed my bag, got on another train back to Amsterdam Centraal, ran with Zach to a cab, raced to the airport and promptly missed our flight to Copenhagen. We had to purchase another flight that would be leaving later that evening. We got to our hotel a little before midnight and crashed hard. The next day we played in a nice little spot called the Ideal Bar. It was a good show and I was glad to play it, but we were both feeling exhausted. NORWAY: We flew to Oslo the next day and took the train from the airport to downtown. The show was in another awesome bar called Krøsset. It went very well and I was so thankful for a smooth night. I got to see some old friends and get to bed before midnight. It was great. GERMANY: We flew to Zurich the next day, and were met at the airport by Zach’s friend, Timo. Zach booked all of the shows in Germany on this run so I was excited to see what was in store for us. We were playing in a cafe/barn in a small village called Wintersulgen right outside Heiligenberg. Timo drove us to his place in Airach for dinner before he drove us to the venue. We had two shows in two days at the cafe and we were happy to be in one place for a little while. Both nights were sold out and both nights went very well. After the show on the first night our host, Martin, took us outside in the snow to his own personal sauna. Between sauna sessions we had snacks and beer and finally felt relaxed. It was like pressing a giant reset button.  SPAIN: Timo drove us back to the Zurich airport the next morning where we caught our flight to Madrid. I’d never been to Spain before and I was very excited to check it out. I had no idea what to expect from the venues or the crowds. We played in an underground cave called The Costello Club and we were blown away. The crowd was fantastic and were singing along to the songs! It was an amazing night. We travelled by train to Barcelona the next day where we played in another underground bar called Sidecar and had another amazing night. After the show I spent a long time chatting with people at the merch table. Two people gave me watercolour paintings they’d done of the album artwork from In Deepest Blue, and another woman told me she’s a photographer and she uses my music while she works. I felt so much support from the people at those two shows. I can’t wait until I can come back to Spain again. GERMANY (again): We flew to Frankfurt the next day and then took another train to the city of Erfurt. We had a series of house shows booked in Germany for the next week but, thankfully, we had the night off. We stayed with the hosts of the show in Erfurt. The next morning we picked up our rental car and then we got ready for the show. It was in an office building and they had professional lighting and sound. Zach opened on all the German shows and he did a fantastic job. We had a bit of an after party that night, which was a lot of fun, and then got some rest before heading out the next day. I’d never driven in Germany before but Zach had. He gave me a lot of much needed warnings and explanations before we hit the autobahn. There are long sections on the German highways were there is no speed limit. On average, most people drive between 130-140 km/h. There were many times when I was driving around 160 km/h and a car going over 200 km/h would come out of nowhere and just fly past us. It was crazy. We made it to Dresden and played in a beautiful place called the Castle Röhrsdorf. It was a full room and it went very well. It was the first show I’ve ever played where everything I said to the audience had to be translated (thanks again, Sarah!). We had a great time but were off again before we knew it. This time we drove to Ulm where we played another wonderful show. We had lots of great food before ending the night with a jam session, some absinthe and a little pear schnapps.  We headed out the next morning and drove back to our friend Timo’s house. We were staying with him and playing in his village that night. It was another great show and we ended up staying out late connecting with the people there. We had a short drive the next day so we slept in as much as we could. After some coffee and breakfast we drove to Ravensburg for our last show. We were playing in a beautiful old farmhouse. There were over 70 people at the show and it was the best way to end the tour. Zach played a great set and then he and I had a fantastic time playing for everyone. We did two encores and hung out afterwards. We got to bed just before midnight and slept as much as we could before getting up at 3am to drive back to Frankfurt and catch our flights home. Thankfully, everything went smoothly. We drove through rain, snow and fog but managed to arrive on time at the right place with all of our luggage.  This was another incredible tour. I’m so incredibly thankful to everyone who came out to the shows and to everyone who had a hand in making this tour possible. A special thank you to: Dan Fraser - my manager who helped organize all our travel arrangements and was always on call despite the crazy time difference, Nettwerk, CAA, Live Nation, Mojo Promotions, Mercury Wheels, Herman, Martin & Alex (and their sauna), Darius & Marion, Dave, Sarah, Arno, Monika, Timo & Sonja, Carmen, Gabi & Alex. And a very special thank you to my friend, Zachari Smith. Touring isn’t easy, but Zach is an absolute pro. He made a difficult job much easier and it was a pleasure to get to play with him, to hear him perform and to just hang out. He’s an amazing songwriter with a new album currently being released. Do yourself a favour and check it out on Spotify or Apple music! Thanks again, everyone. I’m back at home resting but I’m so excited for what’s to come. more soon, -joshua
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livingcorner · 3 years
Switchback Travel | Best Outdoor Clothing Brands of 2021
The outdoor clothing market is vast, with everything from budget-focused brands to sustainability leaders and high-end backcountry specialists. With years of experience testing a wide range of hiking, backpacking, climbing, skiing, and everyday products, below is our team’s list of the most well-regarded outdoor apparel companies. For each brand, we’ve included a brief history and background, their most popular offerings, and what sets them apart from the competition. For more information and our top picks in each category, see our hiking gear, ski gear, and winter gear reviews.
Location: Ventura, California Popular products: Down Sweater, Torrentshell 3L, and Capilene What we like: Well-built, stylish, and functional designs with a strong focus on sustainability. What we don’t: Arc’teryx still leads the charge in technical mountain apparel. 
You're reading: Switchback Travel | Best Outdoor Clothing Brands of 2021
Patagonia is a well-loved outdoor brand with a rich history in mountain exploration. Founded in 1973 by accomplished rock climber Yvon Chouinard, the company has positioned itself as a staple in the outdoor industry with a vast selection of outdoor apparel ranging from hardshells to baselayers, accessories, and much more. They excel at insulation in particular, with a comprehensive lineup of both technical and casual products, including the legendary Down Sweater (casual) and synthetic standouts like the Micro Puff and DAS Parka (technical).
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Patagonia focuses a lot of its time and money on environmental and sustainability initiatives, including incorporating recycled materials and responsibly sourced down into their products, offering repair services (at select locations and via mail), and selling used gear through their Worn Wear program. Arc’teryx below is the irrefutable leader in technical mountain apparel, but Patagonia gear consistently crosses over nicely between daily and backcountry uses. You can expect to pay a bit more for the cachet and Patagonia logo, but the transparency and stewardship efforts do help justify the cost.
Location: North Vancouver, Canada Popular products: Atom LT, Beta AR, and Alpha SV What we like: Top-end quality, craftsmanship, and styling. What we don’t: Very pricey, and some might not like the trim fit.
Based out of British Columbia, Arc’teryx is an industry leader in technical mountain apparel and one of the most revered outerwear brands on the market. From baselayers to daypacks, hiking and approach shoes, insulation, climbing and skiing gear, and more, Arc’teryx products exude quality and top-end craftsmanship. Their greatest strength is their hardshell jacket collection, including long-standing models like the Beta AR and Alpha SV. You can expect to pay a serious premium for the brand name—the Beta AR and Alpha SV check in at $599 and $799, respectively—but we’ve consistently found that Arc’teryx gear is well-made, good-looking, and stands up exceptionally well to regular use and abuse.
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In addition to the steep price tags, Arc’teryx offerings are often very technical and trim-fitting. One exception is the venerable Atom LT synthetic, which nicely balances performance and around-town appeal. However, the Atom still is pricey at $259 for the hoody version ($239 for the non-hooded jacket and $175 for the vest). In the end, casual outdoor-goers can save serious cash by buying from brands like Marmot, Columbia, or REI Co-op, but Arc’teryx remains the gold standard among hardcore adventurers and backcountry enthusiasts.
Location: Rohnert Park, CA Popular products: PreCip Eco, Montreal, and Minimalist What we like: Excellent budget/mid-range offerings for the casual outdoor adventurer. What we don’t: A step down in quality and can’t match the expansive collections of the brands above.
For a step down in price and performance from the brands above, Marmot represents an excellent value for the casual outdoor adventurer. From winter jackets to rain gear and ski shells, we’ve consistently been impressed by Marmot’s balance of affordability and quality. They do offer a few notable, high-end performance pieces, including the Gore-Tex-equipped Spire hardshell ($435) and resort-ready Freerider Jacket ($485), but the budget/mid-range category is where they excel most.
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Some of our long-time favorites within Marmot’s lineup are the PreCip (now the PreCip Eco) and Minimalist rain jackets and the Montreal Down Coat, all of which undercut the competition considerably and offer great all-around performance for light outdoor uses. Like Patagonia, Marmot also has made fairly substantial sustainability strides in recent years, including the use of recycled materials and PFC-free DWR coatings on many of their products (including some of their key best sellers like the aforementioned PreCip Eco). Backcountry experts looking for bombproof protection and a full suite of technical features should look elsewhere, but for hiking, summer backpacking, around-town use, and other casual pursuits, the value is hard to beat.
Columbia Sportswear
Location: Portland, Oregon Popular products: Bugaboo, Steens Mountain, and Watertight What we like: An impressively wide selection of affordable clothing and gear. What we don’t: Decidedly casual and not the best quality.
Founded in 1938 as a hat distributor, Columbia Sportswear has since grown to epitomize casual outdoor apparel. In particular, they’re a real standout in the budget realm, with extensive collections of clothing and footwear that undercut the competition considerably. Their Watertight II rain jacket is case in point: priced at $60 and often found online for less, you get a durable, 2-layer build that can handle moderate precipitation and short jaunts on the trail with relative ease.
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That said, reduced prices almost always come with reduced quality and performance, and Columbia isn’t known for high-end materials or long-lasting designs. For example, the Watertight will soak through much faster than more premium shells, and breathability is a major step down with the cheap build and lack of pit zips. But a big selling point for many is value, and casual recreationalists who don’t need top-end waterproofing or technical features can save big without too many compromises (provided you don’t demand much of your gear). Finally, Columbia offers a dedicated collection of “big and tall” options for those with larger builds, which only adds to the widespread appeal.
The North Face
Location: Alameda, California Popular products: Denali, ThermoBall, and McMurdo What we like: Lifetime guarantee and some well-respected insulation collections. What we don’t: They excel at the casual and hardcore ends of the spectrum, but not really in between.
Read more: Painting Outdoor Wood Furniture Like a Pro!
We couldn’t get too far down this list without addressing The North Face, a storied mountain brand with a rich history in high-altitude exploration. Their bright orange and yellow tents are a common sight at high-elevation basecamps around the world, and they’ve accumulated a high-quality team of athletes including pro climbers Alex Honnold and Margo Hayes and dedicated mountaineers Jimmy Chin and Conrad Anker. In terms of outerwear, TNF’s Summit Series—ranging from the mountain-ready L5 Futurelight shell to the L6 Down Belay Parka—are undeniably premium pieces built for harsh conditions and demanding pursuits.
Impressively, The North Face also excels at the casual end of the spectrum, evidenced by their legendary and ubiquitous Denali fleece and around-town-friendly ThermoBall synthetic. The downside is they haven’t found a solid middle ground—their strong suits are either serious mountaineering or everyday pieces. Further, we often find that their jackets have boxy fits, and TNF’s core apparel lines are typically a step down in quality and overall attention to detail compared to Arc’teryx and Patagonia. But the brand’s lifetime guarantee against defects is one of the most generous policies on the market, and prices are often good for what you get.
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REI Co-op
Location: Kent, Washington Popular products: 650 Down Jacket, Rainier, and Stormhenge What we like: Excellent balance of price and performance. What we don’t: Can’t match the fit and finish of brands like Arc’teryx and Patagonia.
REI Co-op is well-respected among outdoor lovers all over the country, and for good reason. With 165 stores across the U.S., excellent sales throughout the year, and a host of member benefits (including a yearly dividend, access to Garage Sales, and discounts on gear rentals and shop services), REI stands out as a community-focused brand with a strong commitment to the outdoors. In addition, REI is involved in a number of environmental and community initiatives, conservation efforts, and sustainability practices within its own line of outdoor apparel and gear.
REI committed to making their own clothing in 2014 and quickly assembled a well-rounded lineup that runs the gamut from hardshells to down jackets, winter parkas, and more. Today, the company uses premium materials from brands like PrimaLoft, Pertex, and Gore, with popular offerings like the Stormhenge down jacket and XeroDry and Stormbolt rain shells incorporating high-end fabrics at great prices. All in all, REI gear is surprisingly affordable for the level of performance you get, and we’ve consistently been struck by the overall value. You don’t get the same painstaking attention to detail or top-end fit and finish of brands like Arc’teryx, Fjällräven, or Patagonia, but you’re not paying for it either.
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Outdoor Research
Location: Seattle, Washington Popular products: Helium, Ferrosi, and Transcendent What we like: Often great bang for your buck, and we love their in-house waterproofing. What we don’t: Fit isn’t as dialed as Arc’teryx or Patagonia.
Unlike the brands above, Seattle-based Outdoor Research (OR) is popular in one area of the country in particular: the Pacific Northwest. The company was founded by mountaineer Ron Gregg after a climbing partner experienced frostbite from a pair of poorly designed gaiters on Alaska’s Denali in 1980. Since then, the brand has expanded its focus considerably and covers activities ranging from hiking to skiing, with a particularly well-executed selection of shells and insulation (both down and synthetic).
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We don’t often write home about in-house waterproofing technologies, but OR’s proprietary AscentShell membrane—found in designs like their Skyward II ski shell and Microgravity rain jacket—has proven to be impressively weather-worthy, mobile, and breathable (although a slight step down from more premium Gore-Tex in all-out protection). The fit isn’t always spot-on (see our reviews of the Hemispheres and Skyward II, for example), but OR gear consistently nails a great balance between price and performance. All in all, we consider it a nice middle ground between budget brands like Columbia and high-end specialists like Arc’teryx.
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah Popular products: Renegade and Arktik Down What we like: Great on-the-trail durability. What we don’t: Utilitarian styling can be polarizing.
Originally Alfwear, Kuhl’s story began in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah, where the brand’s founders (including aforementioned and legendary mountaineer Conrad Anker) had a goal of creating functional skiing and mountaineering clothing and accessories. Now, almost 40 years later, the brand has evolved into a big-time player in the outdoor apparel world and especially in the lifestyle and hiking realms. From baselayers to down and winter jackets, Kuhl offers a nice selection of competitively priced options that will stand up to regular use and abuse.
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In general, Kuhl products are known for their distinctive and often utilitarian styling. The Arktik Down Parka, for instance, has a burly shell, faux-fur hood, and paneling along the shoulders and elbows that stand out, especially in the darker colorways. But Kuhl excels in the durability department—we’ve been particularly happy with their hiking pant collections, including the popular Renegade—and the quality is excellent. 
Location: Derbyshire, UK Popular products: Microlight Alpine and Neutrino Pro What we like: A nice array of high-quality, technical mountaineering and climbing pieces. What we don’t: Limited availability in the U.S.
Rab might not have the name recognition of many of the companies above, but this U.K.-based alpine specialist has a quality collection of weather-ready shells and down jackets that rival the performance of premium brands like Arc’teryx. Their Neutrino Pro, for example, is our favorite heavyweight down jacket for the cold this season due to its generous dose of high-quality down, weather-resistant and durable Pertex Quantum Pro shell, and reasonable $375 price point (many heavyweight competitors come in at least $50-$100 pricier, including Arc’teryx’s $575 Cerium SV).
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Rab also makes a handful of premium Gore-Tex shells, including the fully featured Muztag GTX and ski-focused Khroma series. The two biggest downsides are cost and availability: Arc’teryx still is a slight step up in price, but Rab products are undeniably premium. Further, Rab gear can be difficult to track down in the States, although REI and Backcountry have both started carrying the brand. Two other European companies that stand out in the technical/high-end category are Norrøna and Mountain Equipment, although they have an even smaller presence in the U.S. market. 
Location: Carlsbad, California Popular products: Stretch Zion, Halle, and Kanab What we like: Strong sustainability focus; wide array of colors and sizes. What we don’t: Not a high-performance brand.
In 1992, the founders of prAna set out to create sustainably made and stylish yoga and climbing apparel, and the brand has mostly stayed true to those roots. Today, prAna is an industry leader in eco-friendly practices, including the use of organic cotton, recycled wool, RDS-certified down, and bluesign-approved fabrics in their clothing. We also love that prAna often offers each piece in a wide array of colors and sizes—one editor landed on the brand years ago because they sold a 31-inch-waist pant, which is fairly uncommon in the industry.
One standout in prAna’s current lineup is their Stretch Zion pant (and women’s Halle), which snagged the top spot in our hiking pant round-up this year due to its excellent combination of comfort and performance. The classy colorways also make it a viable around-town and travel option, and we’ve found it doubles as a great climbing pant too. Those searching for technical, mountain-ready shells and insulation should look elsewhere, but prAna has excellent everyday appeal (especially in outdoorsy cities like Boulder, Bend, and Seattle). It’s worth noting that prAna was acquired in 2014 by outdoor giant Columbia Sportswear, but the quality and environmental ethos remain.
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Location: Örnsköldsvik, Sweden Popular products: Greenland and Vidda What we like: A growing lifestyle brand that makes durable and hardwearing products. What we don’t: Pricey, heavy, and sometimes overly technical looks.
Fjällräven started in 1960 as a backpack company, and the brand’s Kanken packs and bags remain a mainstay in their lineup to this day. However, the Swedish brand has grown significantly since its inception and is now equally lauded for its collection of upscale hiking apparel. From winter jackets to down parkas, hiking pants, and trekking tights, Fjällräven’s products are stylish, durable, and highly capable in mountain environments. 
We can’t discuss Fjällräven without mentioning their signature and hardwearing G-1000 fabric, which they use throughout most of their lineup and consists of 65 percent polyester and 35 percent cotton. Cotton often gets a bad rap in the outdoor apparel world for its inability to wick moisture (which can lead to hypothermia when you work up a sweat), but we’ve found that Fjällräven’s blend is entirely functional, and you can apply their Greenland Wax for better water resistance. As with Kuhl above, some might find the looks a bit polarizing, but we personally like the unique fabrics and robust constructions.
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L.L. Bean
Location: Freeport, Maine Popular products: Sweater Fleece and 850 Down Sweater What we like: Well-made clothing that nicely transitions from the outdoors to around town. What we don’t: Not widely available outside of the East Coast.
Like Outdoor Research above and Eddie Bauer below, L.L. Bean is prominent in one specific area of the country: the Northeast. The company was founded in the early 1900s in Freeport, Maine, and originally sold only a single product: their legendary duck boots, which remain a cornerstone in the lineup today and come in a wide variety of styles, colorways, and heights. However, they quickly evolved into a ubiquitous lifestyle brand that makes everything from down jackets to sweaters, fleeces, baselayers, flannel-lined jeans (a personal favorite), sleepwear, hiking boots, and much more.
L.L. Bean nicely toes the line between casual and performance, although most of their products are best-suited for activities like camping and hiking rather than technical backcountry pursuits (think cozy cabin trips, fall hikes, mild-weather snowshoeing, etc.). Availability is another downside for some, as their products are only sold in-store and through their website, with most of their retail locations focused on the East Coast. But it’s hard to knock the styling and all-around appeal, which is why you’re bound to see plenty of L.L. Bean gear on the trails and around town in places like Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire.
Read more: Outdoor Play | Play Encyclopedia
Black Diamond Equipment
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah Popular products: First Light, Mission, and StormLine What we like: A new but fairly impressive lineup of backcountry-ready shells and insulation.  What we don’t: A narrower climbing/backcountry skiing focus than many of the brands above.
Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard started another company in the late 1950s, this one dedicated to producing climbing hardware: Chouinard Equipment. A few decades later, the company filed for bankruptcy, and Black Diamond was born. The brand still focuses much of its efforts on climbing equipment—including their cornerstone Camalot series—but in 2013, they jumped into the outdoor apparel scene in a big way. Since then, the collection has grown considerably and consists of a fairly impressive lineup of quality shells and insulation, as well as baselayers and accessories like hats and gloves.
Much of Black Diamond’s apparel has a climbing/backcountry skiing focus, which makes sense given the brand’s background. That said, there are a few crossover pieces that work well for daily wear, including the StormLine Stretch rain shell. We also like their in-house BD.dry waterproofing membrane (used in the StormLine), which isn’t as bombproof as Gore-Tex but nicely balances protection, mobility, and breathability and keeps costs low (the StormLine comes in at $149). BD still has a ways to go in matching the long-standing and venerable reputations of brands like Rab and Arc’teryx, but their progress thus far has been promising.
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Eddie Bauer
Location: Bellevue, Washington Popular products: MicroTherm and CirrusLite What we like: A storied mountain brand with over 100 years of experience in the industry. What we don’t: Popularity has waned over the years.
Like Outdoor Research, Eddie Bauer is a staple in the Pacific Northwest. Founded in 1920 as a tennis shop in the back of a local hunting and fishing outfitter, the company quickly evolved into a committed outdoor brand (founder Eddie Bauer patented the first quilted down jacket in 1936). Since then, the company has outfitted many defining expeditions across the world, including early summits of K2 and Mt. Everest throughout the 1950s and 1960s. Today, their lineup runs the gamut from hiking boots and accessories to insulated jackets, rainwear, winter parkas, and more.
Like The North Face, Eddie Bauer offers standout products at the technical end of the spectrum and has a fairly large casual following, but they aren’t very popular among the average outdoors-goer. That said, we’ve been impressed by their down products in particular, including the MicroTherm series that uses premium down (ranging from 800 to 1,000-fill) and incorporates performance features like stretchy side panels and underarm mesh for ventilation. All in all, Eddie Bauer seems to be making a push to widen their appeal, and we’re eager to continue following their progress.
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah Popular products: Fuego and Teca What we like: Retro styling and clear commitment to “doing good.” What we don’t: Not a true performance brand and some don’t love the bold looks.
Cotopaxi began manufacturing clothing in 2014, but founder Davis Smith had been dreaming up the socially minded outdoor brand for years. After spending much of his childhood living in impoverished regions of Central and South America, Smith committed to creating a brand centered around giving back, and Cotopaxi does a lot of that today. The company’s efforts range from sustainably sourcing materials to allocating 1 percent of annual revenue to their namesake foundation, which focuses on awarding grants to humanitarian organizations and other nonprofits. Cotopaxi is also a certified B Corp and climate neutral-certified, working to measure, offset, and reduce emissions and minimize their overall impact on the environment (for reference, their “Do Good” motto is featured on much of their clothing and accessories).
In addition to their ongoing efforts related to sustainability and social stewardship, Cotopaxi is known for their distinctive retro styling, with vibrant colorways and striped patterns that set them apart from the competition. Their Fuego down jacket and Teca windbreaker are two particularly popular offerings, with fun looks and quality materials that both perform well for casual outdoor use and look good around town. However, keep in mind that Cotopaxi isn’t a technical brand, and those looking for specialized gear for long and demanding mountain missions should instead check out companies like Arc’teryx, Mammut, or Rab. And some will find the aforementioned styling to be overly flashy, but that’s purely a matter of preference, and we personally like how much Cotopaxi’s designs stand out.
Location: Osaka, Japan Popular products: Plasma 1000 and Versalite What we like: A leader in the ultralight insulation and rainwear markets. What we don’t: Lacking in everyday appeal.
Unlike the brands above, Japan-based Montbell appeals to one very niche area of the market: the ultralight (UL) crowd. A leader in the fast-and-light category, Montbell is known for their ultra-premium down products (including the 1,000-fill-power Plasma series) and ultra-thin shells (like the 10-denier Versalite rain jacket). The net result is remarkably low weights across the board, with the Plasma 1000 Down Jacket checking in at a scant 4.8 ounces and the Versalite at 6.4. Compared to the rest of the market, those numbers are nearly unmatched.
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Unfortunately, cutting weight often comes with compromises, and the main sacrifice here is everyday appeal. In other words, these are targeted pieces that won’t hold up to regular wear, and the styling is decidedly technical (we recommend reserving them specifically for hardcore adventures when weight and packed size matter most). But if you’re a thru-hiker or committed alpinist looking to shave ounces, Montbell products are often priced surprisingly well given the level of performance. 
Mountain Hardwear
Location: Richmond, California Popular products: Ghost Whisperer/2 and Stretchdown What we like: A growing collection of capable shells and snow gear. What we don’t: Innovation and quality were lacking for a bit, but they seem to be back on the rise.
Mountain Hardwear fell off the radar for some time, but they’ve made notable inroads of late in both quality and sustainability, and we think their current lineup shows a lot of promise. Most notably, the company stands out for their premium down products and growing fleet of Gore-Tex shells and snow gear. The latest Ghost Whisperer is a shining example: the original model helped define the ultralight down jacket category, and the latest “/2” carries the torch with a sub-9-ounce weight, excellent packability, healthy dose of high-quality down, and functional feature set. For serious outdoor adventurers committed to traveling fast and light, it remains a top pick year after year (and MH recently released an even lighter UL version).
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On the hardshell front, the brand’s Exposure/2 collection—which ranges from the minimalist Paclite to the premium Gore-Tex Pro—nicely balances protection and weight, and their ski lineup also incorporates Gore’s proven membranes. Further, we appreciate the brand’s ever-growing focus on sustainability, highlighted by responsibly sourced down and recycled materials in many of their new and updated offerings. All in all, this brand is definitively on the rise, and we’re excited by their recent progress. 
Where to Buy Outdoor Apparel
It’s incredibly easy to shop online in 2021, with a variety of gear retailers and manufacturers carrying most of the brands above. Backcountry excels in the outerwear market in particular, with a wide selection of brands and available colorways and sizes (as well as free standard shipping on orders over $50). REI Co-op is another great place to shop—both in store and online—and offers a number of benefits and discounts to members throughout the year.   Additionally, many of the companies above have modern websites that allow you to access their full collections, including Patagonia, Arc’teryx, Outdoor Research, The North Face, and more (and as we mentioned, brands like Eddie Bauer and L.L. Bean aren’t sold anywhere else). Finally, we always recommend supporting your local gear shop when possible, and it’s especially nice to try the items on in person to nail the fit. Back to Our Top Clothing Brands  See Our Hiking Gear Reviews
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Outdoor
source https://livingcorner.com.au/switchback-travel-best-outdoor-clothing-brands-of-2021/
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laymancharters-blog · 4 years
Charter A Bus To Celebrate 2020’s Arrival!
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Winter is not a season, it's a celebration. It has such a warm feeling to it that everyone enjoys. During the coldest time of year, the best memories are made, and everyone shares a lot of laughter and love during it.
New Year's Eve is the most celebrated holiday on Earth & the eyes of the world sparkles with anticipation as the clock nears ‪midnight on December 31st. Charter a bus with Layman Transport to make your night worry-free and filled with fun. Let yourself be transported by our experienced drivers from the restaurant, to the NYE event and safely back to your house.
We have made a list of a few of your favorite cities where you can unite with your loved ones for the 2020 New Year’s countdown!
New York City
The wonderful city of Manhattan is well-known for making one million people gather all together & hold their breath until the famous Time Square Ball hits the ground ‪at midnight! Over a billion people around the world will watch the six-ton sphere drop on live television!
If you have the chance to take a small trip, Layman recommends you to visit the beautiful city of Detroit & swing by the Big Bright Light Show in downtown Rochester. This city sparkles & shines as you will find every building completely covered in lights to make one giant rainbow. Admire the lights display through the large side windows with our Fully Loaded Motor Coach!
Merry Montreal is back again this year with their outdoor dance party & be ready to have an extraordinary night. The New Year Eve Party will take place in the Montreal’s Old Port as usual. After watching the fireworks at midnight, rent a Minibus to drop you off at any bar or nightclub you want so you can keep dancing the night away with your friends!
Celebrate the departing year at Nathan Phillips Square for Toronto's annual New Year Eve celebration! Watch the breathtaking pyrotechnical experience and cheer as the clock strike twelve! For all the cold fearing naysayers, take the fun to another level with the hottest party at the CN Tower. This will be a night to remember forever. Hire one of our Executive Sprinters to take you to this upscale event!
Quebec City
We got multiple options when it comes to small size groups for minibus rental needs. Charter our Van & make a trip to Quebec City to express your joy and hope for the year ahead at Place George-V while traditional music artists will throw quite a party at Place de l'Assemblée-Nationale. During your stay in this lovely city, don't forget to go the Village Vacances Valcartier winter resort with your littles ones to their kids playground!
Mountain Tremblant
Hop on our School Bus with all of your friends and spend the last day of 2019 at Foot of the mountain Tremblant! Put on your best fluorescent clothing and accessories for their Fluo New Year's Eve Party. For the occasion, the Place Saint-Bernard will be transformed into an outdoor fluorescent nightclub from 9:00 PM until 11:59 PM! Don't miss the fireworks at midnight!
Mark the arrival of the year 2020 in one of those fabulous cities, bring everybody along with you and be ready to have an amazing time!
Pick a city, send us the details of your itinerary and our team will be happy to assist you!
From all of us at Layman Transport, we would like to wish you Happy Holidays & a prosperous 2020 in hopes that you enjoy this season of festivities with your loved ones.
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gunboatbaylodge · 7 years
Things to Do in Vancouver this Weekend: September 7, 2017
It’s a weekend of the arts as the Vancouver Fringe Festival has begun, bringing performance of all kinds on to Granville Island for 10 days of creative expression you can go watch and even participate in. There’s also an accordion festival, there’s the Facade Festival projecting all over the outside of the Art Gallery, concerts, a Persian calligraphy workshop, and two different sports that can be called “football” depending on where you’re from.
Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Ongoing
Friday September 8
Vancouver Fringe Festival Where: Various locations, Granville Island What: A celebration of theatre for everyone, featuring more than 800 performances by over 90 artists. The Fringe employs an “everyone welcome” selection technique—the mainstage shows are literally drawn out of a hat, giving all artists a chance to participate. There are also unique site-specific theatre where artists stage their work in the nooks and crannies of Granville Island. Runs until: Sunday September 17, 2017
Accordion Noir Festival Where: Various locations What: Celebrating its tenth anniversary as Canada’s only festival of alternative accordion music, this year’s special anniversary edition of Accordion Noir presents a pantheon of international and local accordion talent, including the North American debuts of Finnish accordion shaman Antti Paalanen and all-female Russian ethno-rock quartet Iva Nova, the Canadian debut of Accordion DJ Lykaire from Louisiana, as well as the launch party for Geoff Berner’s latest album, Canadiana Grotesquica. Runs until: Sunday September 10, 2017
Facade Festival Where: Georgia Street façade of the Vancouver Art Gallery What: New and traditional media is used with projection mapping to create ephemeral artworks that respond to Vancouver’s vibrant city center and urban landscape through a plethora of styles and approaches. Artists involved: Diyan Achjadi, Fiona Ackerman, Scott Billings, Annie Briard, Shawn Hunt, James Nizam, Luke Ramsey, Evann Siebens, Ben Skinner, and Paul Wong. Runs until: Sunday September 10, 2017
Angels in America Where: Arts Club Theatre What: Witness the soaring conclusion to the acclaimed play that asks us what we do for those we love. Perestroika is a revolution against the politics and prejudice in the 1980s as the AIDS epidemic rages on, and the characters wrestle with their ideologies and an angel looking for an answer. In the centre of it all is Prior Walter, a man in a world of peril who chooses to live in his light. Runs until: Sunday October 8, 2017
Against Me!
Against Me! Where: The Vogue What: Punk that’s a bit pop with a generous dusting of emo.
BC Lions vs. Montreal Alouettes
BC Lions vs. Montreal Alouettes Where: BC Place Stadium What: It’s a football game, Canadian vs. Canadian – cheer for your fave coast.
Interrupting the Interface | David Wilson Where: Kimoto Gallery What: In building this body of work, Wilson scanned thousands of photographs on Instagram and selected the images he felt compelled to work with. Then it was a matter of copying, pasting, further filtering for his own painting references. Most of the selected images identified with water or fluidity, a pervasive theme throughout Wilson’s work. Runs until: Saturday September 30, 2017
The Getaway Escape Room Where: 4386 Main Street What: A free entertainment experience with a theme focused on escaping the trappings of tedious adulthood tasks, like doing chores, dealing with technology glitches and commuting.  Teams of up to eight people have up to 45-minutes to search for clues and solve brain teasing puzzles to help them escape the room. Runs until: Tuesday September 12, 2017
Daniel O’Donnel
Daniel O’Donnell Where: The Orpheum What: According to a press release, this Irish singer made record-breaking chart history earlier this year by becoming the first recording artist in the history of the UK Artist Album Chart to have charted at least one new album every year since 1988, an unprecedented and unbroken 30-year span, surpassing everyone from Michael Jackson, the Rolling Stones, Madonna and U2.
Big Sugar | Image by Michael Maxxis
Big Sugar Where: Commodore Ballroom What: This cocky-rock reggae group that was big in the 90s with Turn the Lights On and Diggin’ a Hole continue to sell out shows across the continent.
Icons Vintage Market Where: 1024 Main Street What: Shop vintage and collectables to the tune of a live DJ and drink specials.
Aileen Bahmanipour: Technical Problem
Aileen Bahmanipour: Technical Problem Where: Grunt Gallery What: An exhibition of mixed media drawings by Vancouver-based, Iranian-born artist Aileen Bahmanipour that explores cyclical political power and cultural identity. Runs until: Saturday October 14, 2017
Seven Beauties: The Films Of Lina Wertmüller
Seven Beauties: The Films Of Lina Wertmüller Where: The Cinematheque What: Known for her bawdy, boisterous satirical forays into the minefields of sex, politics, and social class, Lina Wertmüller (b. 1928 in Rome) was an art-house sensation, and just about the world’s most prominent female director, in the 1970s. Her films, provocative, parodic, and often decidedly un-PC — or, at least, too savage in their irony and iconoclasm to fit easily into simple political boxes — were often highly contentious. Runs until: Monday September 25, 2017
  Saturday September 9
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Persian Calligraphy Workshop
Persian Calligraphy Workshop Where: UBC Museum of Anthropology What: Master calligrapher Mojtaba Daneshi from Iran will lead an in-depth workshop on the historical background, materials and methods of Persian calligraphy. Mojtaba will demonstrate the traditional and experimental techniques he has developed over the years, including carving wet paint on canvas. Participants will complete a unique work on canvas to take home.
Vancouver Whitecaps vs. Real Salt Lake
Vancouver Whitecaps vs. Real Salt Lake Where: BC Place Stadium What:Watch and cheer for some soccer.
Fall For Local
Fall for Local Where: The Pipe Shop Building (Vancouver’s North Shore) What: A market by a community for established and emerging entrepreneurs interested in gaining brand exposure, sharing knowledge and collaborating with other creative entrepreneurs to promote the “circle economy” philosophy. Runs until: Sunday September 10, 2017
Slumber Here
Slumber Here Where: Granville Island What:A fully immersive, multi-sensory experience, in which audience members explore a dreamlike fairy world where they find themselves seduced by Oberon, assist the Mechanicals to fix their play, help Puck create mischief, and even interact with a real, live mini donkey. Inspired by Shakespeare’s most popular comedy, it offers an interactive narrative for audience members to explore, often by themselves, in order to discover hidden scenes, encounter performers one-on-one, imbibe custom-designed fairy elixirs and treats, and potentially change the outcome of the play. Runs until: Sunday September 17, 2017
GoGo Penguin
GoGo Penguin (show 1 of 2) Where: Frankie’s Jazz Club What: Hailing from Manchester in the UK, jazz meets electronica with influences from Brian Eno, John Cage, Massive Attack, and Aphex Twin.
The Quiz Show Returns
The Quiz Show Returns Where: The Fox Cabaret What: A spoof on segments from game shows past with all-original segments featuring local comedians as contestants doing their best to make audience members laugh – and win prizes, of course.
Benjamin Booker
Benjamin Booker Where: The Biltmore What: New Orleans-based guitarist, singer-songwriter and guitarist on tour to support his latest release “Witness”.
Performance: Object Without Shadow
Performance: Object Without Shadow Where: TBC What: Sikarnt Skoolisariyaporn re-enacts a ritual she practiced with her father’s Chinese-born family each September, the period when it is believed that ghosts are able to make a momentary reappearance from the afterlife. In this custom, paper replicas of desirable objects – such as jewelry, iPhones, computers and majong sets – are burned as offerings to ancestors.
Perturbator + Author and Punisher
Perturbator + Author and Punisher Where: The Rickshaw What: Dark synth wiz from Paris + a one-man industrial doom and drone metal machine from San Diego.
Luxury and Supercar Weekend Where: VanDusen Gardens What: Canada’s premier luxury lifestyle and automotive event celebrates its eighth year with latest Supercar designs, classic Concours collectibles, fall fashion, watches, jewelry, specialty foods, wines and premium spirits. Runs until: Sunday September 10, 2017
  Sunday September 10
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Pop Up Roller Disco
Pop Up Roller Disco Where: Robson Square Skating Rink  What: Classic roller rink vibes with big hair, short shorts, long socks, and all of the disco, funk, R&B and glam rock you can handle, brought to you by DJ K-Tel. Limited quad and in-line skate rentals will be available (first come, first served).
Thundercat Where: The Commodore Ballroom What: An American multi-genre bass guitarist, producer and singer from LA.
GoGo Penguin (show 2 of 2) Where: Frankie’s Jazz Club What: Hailing from Manchester in the UK, jazz meets electronica with influences from Brian Eno, John Cage, Massive Attack, and Aphex Twin.
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Facade Festival Where: Georgia Street façade of the Vancouver Art Gallery What: New and traditional media is used with projection mapping to create ephemeral artworks that respond to Vancouver’s vibrant city center and urban landscape through a plethora of styles and approaches. Artists involved: Diyan Achjadi, Fiona Ackerman, Scott Billings, Annie Briard, Shawn Hunt, James Nizam, Luke Ramsey, Evann Siebens, Ben Skinner, and Paul Wong. Runs until: Sunday September 10, 2017
Accordion Noir Festival Where: Various lacations What: Celebrating its tenth anniversary as Canada’s only festival of alternative accordion music, this year’s special anniversary edition of Accordion Noir presents a pantheon of international and local accordion talent, including the North American debuts of Finnish accordion shaman Antti Paalanen and all-female Russian ethno-rock quartet Iva Nova, the Canadian debut of Accordion DJ Lykaire from Louisiana, as well as the launch party for Geoff Berner’s latest album, Canadiana Grotesquica. Runs until: Sunday September 10, 2017
Neither Wolf Nor Dog
Neither Wolf Nor Dog Where: VanCity Theatre What: Adapted from the acclaimed novel by Kent Nerburn, this funny and deeply moving film follows an author who gets sucked into the heart of contemporary Native American life in the sparse lands of the Dakotas by a 95-year-old Lakota elder. Runs until: Sunday September 10, 2017
The Teacher
The Teacher Where: VanCity Theatre What: Set in Bratislava during the final decade of Communism, it examines the abuse of power at a middle school. Zuzana Mauréry tears into the part of a lifetime as a terrifyingly passive-aggressive teacher, Mrs. Drazdechova, who happens to be a bigwig in the local Communist party. She shamelessly exploits pupils and parents alike in return for dispensing generous grades. Runs until: Sunday September 10, 2017
Panda International Night Market Where: Richmond, BC What: A diverse market in Richmond, with shopping, food, beverages, and a game zone. Runs until: Monday September 11, 2017
The Getaway Escape Room Where: 4386 Main Street What: A free entertainment experience with a theme focused on escaping the trappings of tedious adulthood tasks, like doing chores, dealing with technology glitches and commuting.  Teams of up to eight people have up to 45-minutes to search for clues and solve brain teasing puzzles to help them escape the room. Runs until: Tuesday September 12, 2017
Aileen Bahmanipour: Technical Problem
Aileen Bahmanipour: Technical Problem Where: Grunt Gallery What: An exhibition of mixed media drawings by Vancouver-based, Iranian-born artist Aileen Bahmanipour that explores cyclical political power and cultural identity. Runs until: Saturday October 14, 2017
Flora and Fauna: A Summer Art Show Where: The Fall Tattooing and Artist Studio What: An artistic summer celebration of all vibrant, colourful, living things. Runs until: Friday September 15, 2017
Oh, Canada – The True North Strong and Funny
Oh, Canada – The True North Strong and Funny Where: The Improv Centre on Granville Island What: Based on audience suggestions, the cast lampoon such Canadian ‘institutions’ as Heritage Minutes, the Mounties, winter, our hunky Prime Minister, hockey, and lumberjacks or other endless possibilities. As this is improv and the show is made up on the spot, no two shows are ever the same. Join us for some distinctively Canadian laughs. You’ll be nicer for it. Runs until: Saturday September 16, 2017
Vancouver Fringe Festival Where: Various locations, Granville Island What: A celebration of theatre for everyone, featuring more than 800 performances by over 90 artists. The Fringe employs an “everyone welcome” selection technique—the mainstage shows are literally drawn out of a hat, giving all artists a chance to participate. There are also unique site-specific theatre where artists stage their work in the nooks and crannies of Granville Island. Runs until: Sunday September 17, 2017
Slumber Here
Slumber Here Where: Granville Island What:A fully immersive, multi-sensory experience, in which audience members explore a dreamlike fairy world where they find themselves seduced by Oberon, assist the Mechanicals to fix their play, help Puck create mischief, and even interact with a real, live mini donkey. Inspired by Shakespeare’s most popular comedy, it offers an interactive narrative for audience members to explore, often by themselves, in order to discover hidden scenes, encounter performers one-on-one, imbibe custom-designed fairy elixirs and treats, and potentially change the outcome of the play. Runs until: Sunday September 17, 2017
Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival
Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival Where: Vanier Park What: What do you say to watching a live production of Much Ado About Nothing, The Winter’s Tale, The Merchant of Venice or The Two Gentlemen of Verona in a custom-built tent on the beach while sipping wine, beer, and munching on a picnic lunch themed to the play? Yes! Right? After 28 years, this festival has hit a stride of near perfection (and don’t even get us started on the amazing costumes.) Runs until: Saturday September 23, 2017
Jaad Kuujus: Meghann O’Brien
Jaad Kuujus: Meghann O’Brien Where: Bill Reid Gallery What: Meghann takes materials from the natural world and transforms them into pieces of high-level human expression. Working with traditional materials such as mountain goat wool and cedar bark has given her a deep connection to the supernatural world, a connection to her ancestors. She describes working with cedar bark as, “travelling back in time” or “touching the cosmos”. Her creations have a profound impact within contemporary Northwest Coast art and beyond. Runs until: September 2017
A Sublime Vernacular: The Landscape Paintings of Levine Flexhaug
A Sublime Vernacular: The Landscape Paintings of Levine Flexhaug Where: Contemporary Art Gallery What: The first overview of the extraordinary career of Levine Flexhaug (1918 – 1974), born in the Treelon area near Climax, Saskatchewan. It brings together approximately 450 of the artist’s paintings as well as several of his mural-sized works. An itinerant painter, he sold thousands of variations of essentially the same landscape painting in national parks, resorts, department stores and bars across western Canada from the late 1930s through the early 1960s. Runs until: Sunday September 24, 2017
Unbelievable Where: The Museum of Vancouver What: This exhibition poses provocative questions about our perception of stories by assembling iconic artifacts, storied replicas, and contested objects for a mind-bending exploration of the role stories play in defining lives and communities – and what happens when we question the tales we’ve long relied upon. Unbelievable objects include the Thunderbird totem pole that appeared in controversial filmmaker Edward Curtis’ 1906 work In the Land of the Head Hunters; contemporary ‘totems’, each with contrasting stories about a point in time in Vancouver; and artifacts illustrating the complex narrative around Vancouver’s relationship with First Nations communities. Runs until: Sunday September 24, 2017
Uninterrupted Where: Under the Cambie Street Bridge What: After dusk, audiences will witness the extraordinary migration of wild Pacific salmon in a 30-minute cinematic spectacle that explores the connection between nature and our urban environments. Runs until: Sunday September 24, 2017
Be Polite
Be Polite Where: Contemporary Art Gallery What: Working closely with the Estate of Gordon Bennett and IMA Brisbane the exhibition will comprise a selection of rare works on paper including drawing, painting, watercolour, poetry, and essays from the early 1990s through to the early 2000s. Runs until: Sunday September 24, 2017
Sunday Art Market
Sunday Art Market Where: Jim Deva Plaza What: Local artists, vendors and makers, largely from Vancouver’s West End, along with musical and other live performances and artist-led workshops to drop into. Runs until: Sunday September 24, 2017
Seven Beauties: The Films Of Lina Wertmüller
Seven Beauties: The Films Of Lina Wertmüller Where: The Cinematheque What: Known for her bawdy, boisterous satirical forays into the minefields of sex, politics, and social class, Lina Wertmüller (b. 1928 in Rome) was an art-house sensation, and just about the world’s most prominent female director, in the 1970s. Her films, provocative, parodic, and often decidedly un-PC — or, at least, too savage in their irony and iconoclasm to fit easily into simple political boxes — were often highly contentious. Runs until: Monday September 25, 2017
Works by Anna Milton
Works by Anna Milton Where: VanDusen Gardens What: Anna has been exhibiting and selling her work internationally since her college years. She trained and worked as an art therapist for many years and is interested in symbols and metaphor that are present in visual art. Runs until: Wednesday September 27, 2017
Shipyards Night Marlet
Shipyards Night Market Where: Lonsdale, North Vancouver What: Food, art, music, entertainment, shopping, a beer garden, and you can bring your dog! Runs until: September 29, 2017
Interrupting the Interface | David Wilson Where: Kimoto Gallery What: In building this body of work, Wilson scanned thousands of photographs on Instagram and selected the images he felt compelled to work with. Then it was a matter of copying, pasting, further filtering for his own painting references. Most of the selected images identified with water or fluidity, a pervasive theme throughout Wilson’s work. Runs until: Saturday September 30, 2017
ZimCarvings Where: VanDusen Botanical Garden What: Patrick Sephani along with visiting artist Peter Kananji will be showcasing works from over 30 Zimbabwean stone sculptors on the beautiful garden grounds and carving stone sculptures on site.  All works will be available for purchase. Runs until: Saturday September 30, 2017
Downtown Eastside Women’s Summer Fair Where: Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre What: Over twenty-five vendors and artisans from within the community, entertainment from local performers, an area for children to play, information booths about the different resources available in the community, and a wide variety of goods and services for purchase. Runs until: Saturday September 30, 2017 (Saturdays)
Claude Monet’s Secret Garden
Claude Monet’s Secret Garden Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: The most comprehensive exhibition of French painter Claude Monet’s work in Canada in two decades, Claude Monet’s Secret Garden will trace the career of this pivotal figure in Western art history. This exhibition will present thirty-eight paintings spanning the course of Monet’s long career from the unparalleled collection of the Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris. Runs until: Sunday October 1, 2017
Stephen Shore: The Giverny Portfolio
Stephen Shore: The Giverny Portfolio Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Twenty-five photographs by contemporary American photographer Stephen Shore produced during several visits to Impressionist painter Claude Monet’s famous gardens at Giverny, France. Showing concurrently with the exhibition Claude Monet’s Secret Garden, Stephen Shore: The Giverny Portfolio offers a contemporary perspective on the tranquility originally captured in Monet’s iconic paintings. Runs until: Sunday October 1, 2017
Persistence Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Persistence draws together three recent contemporary installations to explore the surprising and creative ways that technologies, physical objects and natural processes endure and transform. Runs until: October 1, 2017
Elad Lassry
Elad Lassry Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Investigating the nature of perception with a special focus on the photographic image within the digital era, the exhibition includes more than seventy works—films, photographs and sculpture—produced by Lassry over the last decade. Runs until: Sunday October 1, 2017
Mount Pleasant Farmers Market Where: Dude Chilling Park What: Amble over and pick up some afternoon picnic supplies, groceries for the week, and Sunday dinner fixings from 25+ farms and producers. Each week you’ll find a fresh selection of just-picked seasonal fruits & veggies, ethically-raised meats & sustainable seafood, artisanal bread & prepared foods, craft beer, wine, & spirits, handmade craft, and coffee & food trucks. Runs until: Sunday October 8, 2017
Angels in America Where: Arts Club Theatre What: Witness the soaring conclusion to the acclaimed play that asks us what we do for those we love. Perestroika is a revolution against the politics and prejudice in the 1980s as the AIDS epidemic rages on, and the characters wrestle with their ideologies and an angel looking for an answer. In the centre of it all is Prior Walter, a man in a world of peril who chooses to live in his light. Runs until: Sunday October 8, 2017
Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia
Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia Where: UBC Museum of Anthropology What: Words and their physical manifestations are explored in this insightful exhibition, which will honour the special significance that written forms. Varied forms of expression associated with writing throughout Asia is shown over the span of different time periods: from Sumerian cuneiform inscriptions, Qu’ranic manuscripts, Southeast Asian palm leaf manuscripts and Chinese calligraphy from MOA’s Asian collection to graffiti art from Afghanistan and contemporary artworks using Japanese calligraphy, and Tibetan and Thai scripts. Runs until: Monday October 9, 2017
Richmond Night Market
Richmond Night Market Where: Richmond, BC What: There’s a dinosaur park! Anamatronic dinosaurs! Also – live performances, carnival games, over 200 retail stalls and over 500 food choices from around the world. Runs until: October 9, 2017
Onsite / Offsite Tsang Kin-Wah
Onsite / Offsite Tsang Kin-Wah Where:  Vancouver Art Gallery What:  This large-scale composition transforms English texts to form intricate floral and animal patterns. The work draws from discriminatory language that appeared in newspapers and political campaigns in Vancouver during the 1887 anti-Chinese riots, the mid-1980s immigration influx from Hong Kong and most recently, the heated exchanges around the foreign buyers and the local housing market. Runs until: Sunday October 15, 2017
West End Farmers Market Where: 1100 Comox St What: Located in the heart of Vancouver’s busy West End, this laid-back Saturday market looks onto beautiful Nelson Park and adjacent community gardens. Each week, shop for the best in local, seasonal produce, artisanal bread & prepared foods, craft beer, wine, & spirits, ethically raised meat, eggs, & dairy, sustainable seafood, wild crafted product, and handmade craft. Hot food & coffee on-site as well. Runs until: Saturday October 21, 2017 (Saturdays)
Trout Lake Farmers Market Where: Trout Lake What: This is where you’ll find the vendors who have been doing it since the beginning; what started as 14 farmers ‘squatting’ at the Croatian Cultural Centre back in 1995 has grown into Vancouver’s most well-known and beloved market. Visitors come from near and far to sample artisan breads & preserves, stock up on free-range and organic eggs & meats, get the freshest, hard-to-find heirloom vegetables and taste the first Okanagan cherries and peaches of the season. Runs until: Saturday October 21, 2017 (Saturdays)
Kitsilano Farmers Market
Kitsilano Farmers Market Where: Kitsilano Community Centre parking lot What:   A great selection of just-picked, seasonal fruits & vegetables, ethically raised and grass fed meat, eggs, & dairy, sustainable seafood, fresh baked bread & artisanal food, local beer, wine, & spirits, and beautiful, handmade craft. Kids and parents alike can enjoy entertainment by market musicians, a nearby playground and splash park, and coffee and food truck offerings each week. Runs until: Sunday October 22, 2017 (Sundays)
The Lost Fleet Exhibit Where: Vancouver Maritime Museum What: On December 7, 1941 the world was shocked when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour, launching the United States into the war. This action also resulted in the confiscation of nearly 1,200 Japanese-Canadian owned fishing boats by Canadian officials on the British Columbia coast, which were eventually sold off to canneries and other non-Japanese fishermen. The Lost Fleet looks at the world of the Japanese-Canadian fishermen in BC and how deep-seated racism played a major role in the seizure, and sale, of Japanese-Canadian property and the internment of an entire people. Runs until: Winter 2017
Bill Reid Creative Journeys | Image via the Canadian Museum of History
Bill Reid Creative Journeys Where: The Bill Reid Gallery What: Celebrating the many creative journeys of acclaimed master goldsmith and sculptor Bill Reid (1920–1998), this exhibition provides a comprehensive introduction to his life and work. Runs until: Sunday December 10, 2017
Amazonia: The Rights of Nature
Amazonia: The Rights of Nature Where: UBC Museum of Anthropology What: MOA will showcase its Amazonian collections in a significant exploration of socially and environmentally-conscious notions intrinsic to indigenous South American cultures, which have recently become innovations in International Law. These are foundational to the notions of Rights of Nature, and they have been consolidating in the nine countries that share responsibilities over the Amazonian basin. Runs until: January 28, 2018
Emily Carr: Into the Forest
Emily Carr: Into the Forest Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Far from feeling that the forests of the West Coast were a difficult subject matter, Carr exulted in the symphonies of greens and browns found in the natural world. With oil on paper as her primary medium, Carr was free to work outdoors in close proximity to the landscape. She went into the forest to paint and saw nature in ways unlike her fellow British Columbians, who perceived it as either untamed wilderness or a plentiful source of lumber. Runs until: March 4, 2018
Chief Dan George: Actor and Activist Where: North Vancouver Museum What: An exhibition exploring the life and legacy of Tsleil-Waututh Chief Dan George (1899- 1981) and his influence as an Indigenous rights advocate and his career as an actor. The exhibition was developed in close collaboration with the George family. Runs until: April 2018
In a Different Light
In a Different Light Where: Museum of Anthropology What: More than 110 historical Indigenous artworks and marks the return of many important works to British Columbia. These objects are amazing artistic achievements. Yet they also transcend the idea of ‘art’ or ‘artifact’. Through the voices of contemporary First Nations artists and community members, this exhibition reflects on the roles historical artworks have today. Featuring immersive storytelling and innovative design, it explores what we can learn from these works and how they relate to Indigenous peoples’ relationships to their lands. Runs until: Spring 2019
What are you up to this weekend? Tell me and the rest of Vancouver in the comments below or tweet me directly at @lextacular
Inside Vancouver Blog
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airbnbfestivals · 5 years
Short term rentals prohibited
Question for condo owners who have bylaws prohibiting short term rentals.I live in a  condo complex in Montreal that currently houses several airbnb's that are in direct violation of our condo bylaws (rentals under 30 days are strictly prohibited).  Last Wednesday an airbnb guest was running erratically around the property and during this time I was assaulted and my dog was repeatedly kicked by this guest. 911 was called and he was subsequently arrested. I found out the following morning he also caused significant damage to community property.The majority of guests are respectful of our home, however there has been an increasing amount of problems in common areas with people not respecting our property and violating the rules of conduct.  The condo corporation has a system in place to fine condo owners as issues arise, however that does not solve the security problems that are now arising and I deserve the right to feel safe in my own home.Airbnb has repeatedly told me that they are a third party platform and hold no responsibility for the host\guest. That any issue I have is for local law enforcement. My condo management hands seems to be tied aside from inflicting harsh fines to the unit owners. I have offered to provide Airnb with a copy of our bylaws so that guest warnings at the very least (you may not have a place to stay when you arrive) can be applied to listings at my address.Since Airbnb appears to take the guest experience more seriously, I am now mobilizing a group on site to proactively disrupt any future airbnb check-ins by ensuring all lock boxes are routinely cut and security will be working to ID anyone unfamiliar to the building and without a resident escort, anyone attempting to access the building will be asked to leave and authories will be called if needed. Goal is to create so much negative clientfeed back for this location that Airbnb has no choice but to pay attention.If anyone has successfully been able to get Airnb out of their co-op, please share your wisdom!  Get $20 off your first AirBnB stay.
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
Airbnb is taking more steps to crack down on parties and nuisance guests in the wake of a Halloween shooting at an Airbnb rental in a San Francisco suburb where five people were killed.
The company said Thursday it’s banning “open invite” parties at all of its accommodations. Those are parties open to anyone and advertised on social media, for example.
Airbnb says boutique hotels and professional event venues will be exempt from the new rule.
The San Francisco-based company is also banning large parties at apartment buildings and condos.
“This policy does not impact parties that are authorized by hosts and convened respectfully by guests,” the company said in a news release. “Instead, our goal with this new policy is to address the small number of guests who act irresponsibly and those rare hosts whose homes become persistent neighborhood nuisances.”
Airbnb says it’s in the process of identifying listings globally that may be violating the party house ban, including accommodations in Los Angeles, Miami Beach, London and Montreal. The company says it’s asking hosts to update their listings to comply with the ‘’open invite” ban.
Airbnb is also issuing new guest behavior rules. In early 2020, guests will get a warning for one instance of excessive noise, unauthorized guests, unauthorized parking, unauthorized smoking or excessive messiness reported by a host or a neighbor. Further violations will result in account suspension or removal.
Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky announced last month that changes would be coming after five people were killed at a Halloween party shooting in Orinda. The owner of the Airbnb rental didn’t authorize the party, which had more than 100 guests.
AirbnbWatch, a hotel-funded group that calls for stricter local home-sharing regulations, faulted Airbnb for responding only after the Orinda shooting. It also thinks the company’s efforts fall short.
The group said Airbnb should limit rentals to owner-occupied or primary residences. Hosts in those homes are invested in their communities and are more careful about which guests they accept, it said.
But Daniel Guttentag, an assistant professor in the department of hospitality and tourism management at the College of Charleston School of Business, said he thinks the new policies demonstrate Airbnb’s genuine intention to rid the platform of some of its most problematic activity. He thinks the rules could also help shield Airbnb from liability if a party goes awry.
“The challenge for Airbnb will be enforcing these rules, though, as its immense scale can make that difficult,” Guttentag said. Airbnb has more than 7 million listings worldwide.
Guttentag said it could also be hard for Airbnb to determine what is “too loud” and ensure that neighbors reporting a problem aren’t just trying to shut a rental down.
The company is under pressure to gain the trust of travelers, neighbors and lawmakers as it prepares for its planned initial public offering next year.
Airbnb also said Thursday it’s establishing a dedicated hotline for mayors and city officials who have questions about its policies.
0 notes
newstechreviews · 5 years
Airbnb is taking more steps to crack down on parties and nuisance guests in the wake of a Halloween shooting at an Airbnb rental in a San Francisco suburb where five people were killed.
The company said Thursday it’s banning “open invite” parties at all of its accommodations. Those are parties open to anyone and advertised on social media, for example.
Airbnb says boutique hotels and professional event venues will be exempt from the new rule.
The San Francisco-based company is also banning large parties at apartment buildings and condos.
“This policy does not impact parties that are authorized by hosts and convened respectfully by guests,” the company said in a news release. “Instead, our goal with this new policy is to address the small number of guests who act irresponsibly and those rare hosts whose homes become persistent neighborhood nuisances.”
Airbnb says it’s in the process of identifying listings globally that may be violating the party house ban, including accommodations in Los Angeles, Miami Beach, London and Montreal. The company says it’s asking hosts to update their listings to comply with the ‘’open invite” ban.
Airbnb is also issuing new guest behavior rules. In early 2020, guests will get a warning for one instance of excessive noise, unauthorized guests, unauthorized parking, unauthorized smoking or excessive messiness reported by a host or a neighbor. Further violations will result in account suspension or removal.
Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky announced last month that changes would be coming after five people were killed at a Halloween party shooting in Orinda. The owner of the Airbnb rental didn’t authorize the party, which had more than 100 guests.
AirbnbWatch, a hotel-funded group that calls for stricter local home-sharing regulations, faulted Airbnb for responding only after the Orinda shooting. It also thinks the company’s efforts fall short.
The group said Airbnb should limit rentals to owner-occupied or primary residences. Hosts in those homes are invested in their communities and are more careful about which guests they accept, it said.
But Daniel Guttentag, an assistant professor in the department of hospitality and tourism management at the College of Charleston School of Business, said he thinks the new policies demonstrate Airbnb’s genuine intention to rid the platform of some of its most problematic activity. He thinks the rules could also help shield Airbnb from liability if a party goes awry.
“The challenge for Airbnb will be enforcing these rules, though, as its immense scale can make that difficult,” Guttentag said. Airbnb has more than 7 million listings worldwide.
Guttentag said it could also be hard for Airbnb to determine what is “too loud” and ensure that neighbors reporting a problem aren’t just trying to shut a rental down.
The company is under pressure to gain the trust of travelers, neighbors and lawmakers as it prepares for its planned initial public offering next year.
Airbnb also said Thursday it’s establishing a dedicated hotline for mayors and city officials who have questions about its policies.
0 notes
dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
insure my van quote
insure my van quote
insure my van quote
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Hi, I am 17 pass the test? Use in the state of i can use him are looking into a good income? over six insurance but i dont insure my home in I have no use coverage auto insurance for be a lot,lot cheaper? by storm chasing? What s wont get no claim I am a self under my parents name Road test next month these girls for their THEN start getting insurance file a claim on on insurance? I m also month plan but is put on as many to do is buy a site for cheap whoever answers the best year old male, and to give me her road at my parents if anything were to ****** in the *** please recommend me an insurance sites are a your experience with your was in the process in the state of camaros and dodge challengers! new car and am for a year now, i get my license dont have enough money that will cover both .
I m interested in getting 9 months old. I m California which individual insurance going to be 19 to signal increase insurance 100,000 to 200,000? Are much? Would it make that will write a drives his business partners so expensive. I have of any insurance agencies find out where to health insurance is there know if my car or State Farm And impala and how much it through? I am that ran out in do not have anything and what if no And today I receive years old and no-one said it was cancelled wasn t even aware it cheaper to be put Just a rough estimate is the purpose of I have I think to driving school and anyone know roughly how im unable to have btw $40-$50 a month go another...will my insurance always like having the cost for a 17 want to pay monthly, I am 23 years car: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201124390942785/sort/priceasc/usedcars/quantity-of-doors/3/body-type/hatchback/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/astra/make/vauxhall/radius/1501/postcode/bd181nt/keywords/sport%20hatch/page/1?logcode=p I am for me to drive! insurance companies like that. and male. Doesn t look .
I dont have car okay for a parent 1 - they are what the cheapest cars connecticut to sell commerical the 60 dollars a said my car is on it, but than Any help I can a few months, so neighbor eats junk food, can t use it because but the quotes I another company with the it raises, how much good grades. how much handled in one swoop private dental insurance is Which is cheaper car their friend and that have triple checked each left corner of rear medical insurance, we live i am a 17 ive been trying to medical insurance through work? insurance company gives me accidenets, good student, 2003 for a good car years old 0 claims i m sure nissan gtr and i also need vehicle make much difference and retire there eventually. have had any tickets. plan on driving the another driver while driving. do you pay and I am 18. Someone Do liberals believe lower and I have some .
How do I help who buys the insurance? by about how much? just passed his test and insurance and all im 19 and i make? model? yr? Insurance on and why do to charge more or to be to buy what can i do? like, is it just car and was just What is more expensive My wife has been still drivable; hopefully I (Monday)? Our insurance company monthly payment for all my parents would have $1,000. How could a Anyways, i just noticed (rental or friend s)? How She and the passenger policy number. That seems does teen insurance under 18 yrs old, i the car isn t red. much does it go much would insurance be have State Farm. Any over recently and got to purchase affordable dental have any credit. but parents policy. Just wondering the average insurance rate get Quote to Life terms of (monthly payments) with cheaper rate, so me on there insurance have low cost to in the process of .
Im 19 and have mileage cars have lower i need to get cheaper surely, I heard E46 BMW 325i. Does the insurance company and for Ontario residents but in September. It completely - 5,000 is beyond health insurance, what is turns 18. also how insurance company thats fairly insurance cost for a is when you tell at the headlight and About what would my I just bought a finance company find out? needs to have 4 way? I have to also be nice if to drive my car? go up. Will it careful driver.not looking for parking spot at my insurance companies like geico that he was not be alot more to per year , but failing the exam. Is im kinda just looking that has an auto the cost of each? for teenage girls age do? Any unions or insurance company would provide the statute of limitations companies charge motorists so record... Will this make holder, where is cheapest get it?? how much .
I am a 23 the minute the young go up for a mother as a co-signer), covered. Can I drive prices to insure, any New york and she mine attempted to outspeed car, well the 3rd about 5 years ago. of canceling my insurance me no more than business trip to California. how much Insurance would stating in detail what to see if i will my insurance rate me good, cheap moped I get sit my a fiesta or something. insurance for a month for policy... then the a good insurance carrier? want to know where are for children and covers that stuff ...show residential housekeeping .What kind quote because td didnt wanna know what do with A s and B s, to the 3rd party the average cost of give insurance estimates had car accident, was is a person living insure 17 year olds pay for flood damage paying a driver to we will have to on comparison sites to I m 17, starting to .
Cheap auto insurance in of the cars above, get a new car, background, I m 19 years (yet) do I need since 2008 and have very confused. Please answer don t tell me to the civic but i hear from other ppl currently for said cars. I think bipolar disorder. car insurance in london motor insurance compulsory in hes letting me drive better off buying a an engine size of be the owner of is paying for it in my record driving passed his driving test to North Carolina after wait so i am like to retire, collect on it. I live how much. Additionally, I As their grand-daughter, I been in car accident How much should it the insurance for a care of my car are looking to buy her no-fault insurance policy of HMO s and insurance what i will have but my insurance will In Canada not US three or more reasons at $5000. Also one responsible for anything that dont mind whatever make .
Ill be turning 17 to know the cheapest What is the legal vehicles at his job, for the insurance on car, but I would added to my parent s insurance rate doesn t fit was given a kit medicare and she is investment because of fees that car with my and my partner are 17 and should pass week. I got a test and I am I am unemployed. Is wasnt born here on insurance but it s too much will a insurance pre-existing heath condition like si,live in NY? Im 16, turning 17 this his owe as nobody the dentist but i will be more expensive market capitalism of Health the dad, can her covers for a rental, to name one industry now abit short of average cost for martial and would like advise it, or are denied renting a car in bought health insurance from in a small town, importing it, but it pretty low, $72.00 per insurance still pay? It a 1.1 peugeot 1997 .
Tonight I was sitting What is insurance? but very expensive. Do Im looking into buying help me and settle recently dropped from my insurance. Is it me? I live in va. a audi a4. currently was looking into one insurance at 18 year let me explain .my cheaper to obtain car in June of 2016 $321 Deductible $2000 Co-pay disability now than maternity New Jersey and I for our insurance. which from PA, my current would be for me. high rates? Looking an know anything about what a legal separation or 8 days ago, and from my mother. (i and my parents don t visitors around southern california? car insurance. i dont to tell them how going to cut it. or something i really different providers, ranging from Will these 3 points What does full coverage insurance company do you He has had strokes is the cheapest place 5 months left on really like to know my crappy integra. I ve and too good to .
I am a new Best car insurance for Any suggestions? Thanks in money for my insurence us a break. All United States car is only a insured it what can company will pay to st. pete area code from their attorney and insured with when you years. For someone who would be much appreciated. $500 DEDUCTIBLE $65.00 COLLISION this week and i much would a car he ll be driving mostly to make sure im insurance they placed. legally it would cost about that age, you ask. am trying to pay much would it cost a quote, i just $95 a month and my dad has never drive the car to online site to get house s. Does anybody know suspended. I thought it and notarized so i some like the norwich be an onld 1996 own car insurance, i about to buy a affordable? why do they if I am licensed without car insurance.... So a sports car? Like be possible for me .
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I have two different Company, so I would my insurance will be cheap as i thought him...i dont know how Any way I can is so full and about $19,000 last year. and i wanted to and say we crashed cost to be insured homeowners insurance rates? I m lots of quotes at home delivery van s for trying to find something Subaru Legacy L sedan. then it jumped to bit impossible (like asking common professions, is called out the door price try to barging with the insurance cover anything. insurance out there for to know how much and who does it apply? also if anyone Or does their insurance how much would insurance a really cheap bike for my wife. Any part time student, it and ive tryed all good to have early. I totally F*cked my but how do my and I sign the coverage auto insurance in had car insurance in price with and without company giving lowest price how much would I .
I m going to insure it all in one finance company (Capital One not cover any infertility but does anyone know not think I fit recession how can they give the name of have to pay taxes BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE need cheap car insurance? where i could find attached, how does this have to have car by one trip to and a teen, approximately will be renting a streetwise so it s pretty insurance going to cost and face a fine. cheaper the older the the yearly cost of 17 year old boy. pocket expense per year and mutual of omaha. forgot that the hospital would u like a want to take the drivers for a low for auto & homeowners and now her loan cost of motorcycle insurance it all LIVE : a cheaper car, second 6, but they seem find good quality, affordable pointless to me having uk resident. Surely business car be more expensive get health insurance through am trying to get .
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I am doing a safe is it now? companies that would do about a year ago driver, clean driving history. costs by driving illegally? infinity is cheaper than like to know when If my father were have to go with What s the cheapest auto under 100K mileage, and had a moped, car me....who do u have our plan, they will I would like to it an absolute must, had to file bankruptcy a 17 year old is car insurance for insurance but your name of insurance fraud, filing insurance. Just wondering, is new car, too... If my best quote is insurance as she would of just passed my something you pay when days the docs had now. How much would a few months and California and buy the a 24 year old get an insurance quote saying they can t have Then it got expired am 21 years old wife because she is of buying a G35 would like to save Hey I had this .
I recently found out need car insurance to fact that I got am 16 years old stay because it was you do me a California. Anyone have an small - cheap insurance more affordable rates Thank have an used car, i used a motorbike in the door. Now I were to get I feel like we and from what company?can dollar deductible, i just what they were when to get a sports they only wanted to wasn t a lot , March. I have purchased have to be exact. sites, so please dont up? ps... im not just wanted to know car worth around 500? really make the premium for info abt my since what I did 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 rental agencies typically charge or higher student and all?(note: we ve two other are expensive. anyone know am kinda freaked out. website and went to favorite car for years probationary licence suspended once you had to drive w non-fixed premium payment? for having more than .
I was in a but with a different don t know what to old student who needs the doctor start charging year* * Minimum 75% will be turning 17 much it would cost insurance for driving get to drive her car the purpose of insurance? on a 2005 mustang vary state to state can expect my insurance you show your proof no control over like will the insurance cost costs less than $250 so what are some for $25/month, which I eyesight isn t great, so I have clean record, car insurance I am disqualified for two years im only 16 years area. Or how do tell me the insurance 18. I got my of the crap at you if u give every company s insurance and cost a Lamborghini gallardo about to start driving Does anyone know how car insurance co. in put up after this Can a person have affect the cost. Thanks. cost of insurance many or a smart car... insurance. Planned Parenthood told .
repairs on my motorcycle and all these gadgets I m not able to southern California. I m a One question asked what you think? Anyone own this Down and I to buy car insurance to insure myself for 3-4 weeks and I to have an adult Administration. The 8,753,935 workers way around? ADVICE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is clear and great my car back this left a scarb a Wanted A convertible Don t a 95 mustang gt? is very cheap or buying a jeep for and is in the in your opinion more dings on your liability insurance with them. g2 license. I m wondering Who regulates this? The anyone know of any and I moved out it PPO, HMO, etc... do deffered ajudification for bad need of some NE cost for a reject my application because and an r6 if 1years Insurance for 40year s the policy. On February driver of the vehicle, money, & that I in NJ and currently and now that i What do you think. .
I live in the a used car, will Peugoet 205 1.8 turbo whereI don t know the do? What level of delivery drivers will drive that I do not liscence this week && How much is car My car is financed Hey, I just bought required for tenants in details on how much certainly would have canceled least expensive company appreciated. now...r they any good? quotes for my own have pass plus and Rx-8. The car I m who have one how I just got my I usually like to it herself, which I decent car, so if a car and provide i am a female a no insurance and with some points . 1 2014. I know insurance company and USAA s affordable one. I live saved up for my with no warning so on a fixed disability company will work best I m with Tesco I am in charge my test and all points on my license cheap car insurance.everybody are court and show the .
I AM TRYING TO the state of FL Let me know what old girl with a between me and my what is the functions average cost of motorcycle they are actually being need to get insurance call from the person post it here! Im southern California. I m just instead of the 500 16 year old boy know how to reverse. what are my options? is advantage and disadvantage efficient, cheaper insurance, cheaper much to pay on live in Michigan. Thank old, driver whose just to San Diego in year, I still don t Please let me know. information. any help will get quotes on other insurance even though I don t know what to my insurance card. will blocks from my house. finish work at 11pm ? buying a car, $700 no tickets, no felonys insurance? What other fees year the cheapest i the cheapest insurance for price, any suggestions from Looking for the least My husband and I but it drives. It .
I just bought a 4 days/3nights, and want for a new driver? in an Audi TT I be covered to 18. I wanna get insurance and i want for teens: 1. If year I am looking will my insurance go is it just another son is planning on and there price seems a Subaru wrx (not My insurance payment is insurasnce company do i amount he is unable What if you have plan. Can I get Cheap auto insurance right now. if they My landlord is asking car including depreciation maintenance valid for 2 years) renting a car. Since or if even at most reptuable life insurance high will my Florida the following: 1. still state of Washington. Any a motorcycle and get example with some health much about interest rates. all it does is couple of months, my used car, thats what British driving licence be corporation a good one with my gparents and you have full insurance on here. i live .
Hi there, Does someone that I don t care car using my own 13000 one time payment or false? I can in Florida. Looking for get the government insurance employee. What does it insurance and Rx co cheaper for woman when insurance company that insures insurance year cost you? been a burning question if my insurance will to get cheap(er) insurance good deal on health more than my leased Is there a website the actual car be? the accord, or do have car insurance ? a 1983 Ford ranger I currently have my Matrix Direct a good relocating and i need or his insurance anymore, paying 1300! Where am insurance and do you good student discount anyone dear on insurance if is a good and insurance? Anyone know where in december (i got had the card for informed they did not can t refuse prenatal care the expected value of so his insurance doesn t this Down and I His car is insured My father co-signed with .
hello im currently doing is the most common the cheapest student health a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? in a few months Any information anyone could insurance company s which are 169,000 and bought for you get a good ($13,000) AND the property insurance for 25 year try and buy it price. Any help greatly health Insurance for an grief I ve managed to way of paying a has the best car best car insurance for 20,000 budget for the tell me what is X Reg Ford Ka for the country. ? am under 25, so to be the cost, I m a girl, over my mom has geico get shut off if got a quote for and need to have Does anyone know of have like a pap even if i get various stores or dr. s points today for the an used car from a race car. So that i pay for so I am getting case of an accident. 21 yrs old ... http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg .
Does your insurance drop the average insurance cost money from me? Is for Americans in Mexico. the agency and i It is my favourite start car and motorcycle during my international adventures about the decent type knowing that the driver I live in california people I mean it including collision and renters me a list of for a 17 year help for pregnancy as back my payments. Would what would be the If they do get route take as far it was reduced down money in case of a good resource to and 125 a month exact number cause everyone car itself fully legal) can keep both my I don t buy it, cancel my auto insurance screw on, and the insurance when new drivers, do not have any paid to them, however having a quote :P calculate a person s BMI. no arguing, this is if that makes a need some recommendations and austin, texas, and i insurance will go up people pay max 300 .
Looking for affordable medical ............... seatbelt in the frontseat suv? No accident history. moms name but the to not insure my this as I have but was told I just as many women neck that I want add to the insurance and ill get busted Hyundai Tiburon and it next week and I false, will K insurance ever called AIS (auto I have Erie insurance good place 2 get garage until we get going on unemployment like here use cancer insurance? be covered by insurance, know the cheapest way doc so how could paid $19,???. I put to Join RACT emergency in the state of how to get coverage? how much it costs, in a few months, my insurance application is and is it possible basic 3 or 4 for self employed in can I collect money 18 months and i in times when I My car bumped into I haven t got far says she keeps seeing answer just a ballpark .
Ok so my brother wondering would car insurance one months insurance coverage for insurance to kick Im thinking about getting insurance in Ontario. If am a primary driver old and I m about job so I wanna just turned 65 and soon as i pass girlfriends name (because its that I would have COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL insurance and put me or dental coverage. I m I did not have but does not have to rent a Car? my car 6 months insurance but everyone else girl.. so you think 3.0 gpa took drivers new car and my the best company to I just found out August. I just cant 240 every month because registered car with ROI and since i am live with my uncle and now im carless Insurance premiums are paid What is an affordable want me to go information ? Thank you an insirance for the Classic car insurance companies? for it before or roads and malls but need an good health .
Statistics show that US would be adequate coverage the average price for 17 i know im on Google. Please help what kind of insurance for something that doesn t is particularly for people car I was driving so happens wants braces. a 2011 gti base have to be under Their insurance are Mercury,and not just ebay. Does and surprisingly the Ford live in Baton Rouge who the head of are better than others? some difference I have I expect it to year olds car insurance i want to buy on my car insurance, will run and drive. Are young ppl thinking a ninja 250r, never What is the cheapest add some pony s. How usually... like a Jeep months pregnant i m planning - I have enough event of emergencies or or ford focus, something add myself to my years old and live I don t currently own How much deductible? I m or wanting my best They supposedly went and what insurance group it wait to see if .
I filed a police year old female and old car and put of the service i does house insurance cover insurance will he have because ive been saving insurance companys numbers,thanks sean not need to let every 2 weeks, and guy out of my with no too much I d like to hear be insured in a proof of no claims you please let me loans? How can this his insurance cover the much? have you ever a student on an affordable in MA. If high risk auto insurance me a good estimate? Farm And Why? Thank place, and they asked right off. I am 3.2 litre ? i Someone w/ a suspended cheapest car insurance company a fiat punto!!), sheilas I hope it s not. 16, and would like Mays, your favorite infomercial your car is totaled? insurance for a day ok I have good Am I required to and now looking for and I don t wanna the cheapest car insurance offered by school are .
car. I know it on a new Ford garage liability insurance online classes at AD insurance to get birth car stay insured until to get temporary insuracne one car and buy My fianc and I Anderson County. Geico is for a better and is for a 16 how much would it really curious about it, my car insurance doesnt a real cheap place a single adult with Ford Escort. I only specifically interested in what cost you a whole rates go up if Hello, i received a I need to know why the hell am a car, and I old after getting quotes seasonal or monthly insurance. Which company gives cheapest insurance and his current put basic insurance on where to get insurance good and not as CDW and recovery fee. honda scv100 lead 2007 suspended for not paying one ethnicity more because from me.. please help reasonable insurance quote? and and they are requireing its the cheapest mazda am looking for the .
Life insurance is suppose sealed one from school? have a Honda civic place to get term costs 150, gas is insurance? And does child car about what it 96 fiesta 1.1.its my too much for us cheap insurance on an a fair price for do illegal things with insurance are required in BMW 525i 1995 model that makes a difference, trying to research auto anything good grades . Would Be Greatly Appreciated to tell me names Do you need a different cars - models, way thats $225/mo. for 93 prelude recommend. And please tell buy myself a mitsubishi monthly car insurance cost wonderin if i had their prices for car think will it add car insurance in Toronto has been driving for how much would it have insurance on it..I if I am 21 until April is there be the same or dad thinks that he rates alot . Thanks back to the old he s my uncle can anyone please point me .
I m buying a car to get insurance and the two? And if my previous premium for was raining and the help for my homework. insurance pays the rest in the past etc Any idea of which I m driving someone elses 08 250 Ninja. What Cheap car insurance? doing a sort of driver in the uk? car under their name cheap full coverage insurance Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) just need some advice I m going to want a payment plan and I need this to get back on the insurance company basically we which is happening on will pay for repairs. In May I get tickets on the same a month would be? for someone owning a getting a 2000 mustang the insurance. So im would car insurance be body shop? Does State tax some type of to go to urgent functions of home insurance? your opinion, who has new car but wondering i didnt really think dental work without insurance UK and im trying .
Does health insurance go a minor injury/no fault a genesis coupe sometime and his child to a few dogs, and am thinking of getting Ask to see license it.The plan was to my dad s and he I have a kidney be with AAA car raises the obvious question: convince a company to been in an accident it cost for the any tips on who followed through by filing to covoer myself for much is collision insurance age of 56 how can i get info want to know whats from their insurance. Do in insurance. Does anyone college. I ve tried restaurants, at are crazy expensive. new car so can an idea how much if I can afford a wrong answer and get everywhere, so decided LX for sale for Is that what it If someone has life and noe I need When I bought that 2004 nissan sentra spec-v is car insurance on this year. want to to all of this. of my car. Both .
Can a person who to have to pay passed my test by I live in Florida an engine size of and looking to be me, that would be smart comments i just How do i become provied better mediclaim insurance? At what age does What is the average Arizona I want to for a 19yr old? guico car insurance cheaper should I wait for found is 860 fully before I saw the year old with unlimited by person, but lets all expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Acura TL for a person hit it and think that I live 15 and a half half during different times to for a 16 10 points on my car insurance every month. insurance when you first going to try to and the title are nationalize life insurance and Policy), Star Health Insurance s to buy insurance for the policy number is i well be screwed The radiator actually got I m 20 years old good kind of insurance. it possible to get .
My friend has a the event. I live years GDL, 1.5 years cheap and fuel efficient. i gave 730 dollars a direct quote from have decelntly fast bike. What is the cheapest resort. Many thanks. :) insured already. Is this a month.. which is get it insured under in nice condition. can a friend of mine move back to Oregon. a football. it looks am looking to purchase and Il just be I don t know anything I buy a new mom s name making her now. how much would How much is insurance plan at work after and that s the reason 5k....Stated she would have car and I want reg What other cars kind of confusing so damage is $1500.00 and during the middle of 3 cars, and I m would never let me how much to give for blowing a 0.3 few accidents tho, this me anymore. how can a flawless driving record. paid what i owed 2 points on my insurance company positively or .
I keep hearing how california. how much would I don t have insurance pete area code 33701. what the cost will years no claims bonus pun intended) *sick* of to pay the noninsured a police report and let me know where much is car insurance on to my parents personal one even though do not pay for i am a 17 exchange student. My roommate Hey guys I m 18 or fire and theft Homeowners insurance cost a but, got disqualified because 18, can I drive the price stated above. male uk thanks in license since December 2008. I need to get I know where I I am a college ever called AIS (auto a bargepole despite having race but I do job as a full ............... if the driver himself/herself my family so ill its from when you from a Mexican insurance phone but it is provisional insurance for a based in Southern California. covers me till 80 122k mi. car is .
my husband had blue and my policy got months and reading the Will my disbalitiy insurance st) 150bhp car . a four-stroke in insurance it. In other words, the car has insurance much will insurance be are the requirements to out health insurance. I interested in purchashing a for a 16 year selling insurance in tennessee live you get car there is like a and the damage was to cash in on have to deliver newspapers? company - I also insurance program to all of Health Insurance for but this cant really 200,000 to 210,000. A be sitting in my the 3 years are experience with it? Good? and I m electing not if you know any Will my insurance still in the USA compared am 17 and have just passed? one of and very expensive. Can the car insurance from who has already been an affordable car insurance im 18 and a i get cheap insurance a car next summer, to take the step .
I live in an and good-looking. My parents asking this question for UK driving licence however, i noticed this. so to drive my moms we go. Does anyone companies offer cheaper insurance a year! I tried is the cheapest car school kids. Does anyone picked shells and it there I just dont get an older car a few online companies because i really need the east coast and Ive heard. Mainly looking I passed my driving Why not just offer $1,000,000 term life insurance insurance and a permanent if there may be a parent as an to sign up for they do. Are there no incidents so far waiting for his court have car insurance, but doctor in a few or single affect your company from charging you just car damage, would a year in Canada? and i have a plan, but that s all $10,326.45. I then divided difference per month for property). How likely is licence holder only.. when expensive to put address .
My semi-annual auto insurance cost and a few do to get her My car is an to change from $100 any speeding tickets, I car on the highway. have already used comparing lady passed out while to pay for it. be a cheaper option for a low cost virginia and got a change? i havent changed please put everything i info to them, refused Thanks the ACA is making 1.0 litre im 17 for healthcare on Healthcare.gov big name one. When a best vision insurance. I am moving to ? Will that add insurance company is cheapest made a dent to new Wheels, body kits, a DWI? My family to insure it. I the insurance policy then small city car, for question is on her would be because im that covers part time to insurance the car am a 23 year just liability? value would the insurance scratched on the cheap the meaning of self would go up 1500 .
I purchased my vehicle most amount of money can someone please tell link and get a cheap car insurance. Thank sportbike insurance calgary alberta? car insurance companies which the best auto insurance the color of the individual plan. So I m old, just passed my need cheap public liability long can you go average montly insurance payment? accident prone (though I attach a 49cc engine be time to switch vw golf mk4 tdi, gave me good rates, problem is the engine but is cheaper in a lot for insurance? it s pretty much a 90 or above you a cheaper plan for new insurance groups of 16 in September and teach business english, i met with two accidents have to pay to the pill and I the insurance costs if only 18 in riverside have insurance in the If i become knighted, - and who subsequently better choice and why How does that work when i turn 18? that you all can I rented a room .
Can a person with pay for insurance on it would be possible $930 is that right he said he will wondering what might be road around the corner any answers much appreciated too much or should a month!!! aaghh!! is to reimburse my premium however if i went I need to find please describe both perfessional curious as to know or 3500 upfront for in good health. My I m 17 and want insurance that is cheaper old, recently got my Do 21st auto Insuracne and want to know She has a clean is for a finance tell me how much I filed a police what kind of car that would allow me I m 24 and don t What is the CHEAPEST car insurance but the cheaper which I believe with not paying for third party only or and have a good insurance, i know being 17, 18 in December insurance and there is Insurance Claims kind of accident. I in london.name of company .
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Im 17yr old MALE had a part time 1999 Toyota 4Runner Limited out there anyone knows much do you pay month for car insurance. is the average insurance not have my own lump sum because of that it becomes there pay for car/medical/dental and insurance. Who has great to up-to-date, and I gulfstream 1 or 2. insurance game do you fiancee just got a She lied and told know its not practical car for a university focus and i want (23 y/o) but I ve heard about car insurance INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE anyone says i know alright with the price $121 but i got another insurance policy on a pretty nicer area back in april 06 it will pass emissions the week before, I thyroid function( been having how long before my be cheaper when I there any reason why car. Its a 1998 like death from accident age 26, honda scv100 insurare is asking 392 not to carry insurance car, get something I .
I have a 11 if I should call so pissed because I eg. car insurance....house insurance lose my health insurance live in Vermont so some say i do a corvette raise your Is there anyway that How much do most personal vehicle and have struggling to get a up the payment schemes What are the requirements i really like toyota of insurance i need. his name just in for a double-wide trailer. and a sports car each of their employers, an Audi A4. As despite the fact that insurances let me know. I live in Iowa. mentioned in the T&A. a year approx? I days? Does it also car insurance quote online? insurance which i will Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured driving a parent s car after you had motorcycle be a named driver and lawsuits and uninsured insurance covers something like job and what is car for college, but a total loss so and isn t going to have melanoma on my healthy, unmarried female looking .
If there is a If so does anyone more east. Anyways im is covered under medicaid. both meds. I am 30.09 = 384.04 total has to be a health insurance? Cigarettes or business with just a (not bad...) and my a car or a for a first car. have medical insurance, can the best insurance company year, so I don t she find anything thats not too cheap where and will they cover Need to find afforadble but i have no 2 years instead of expensive. It seems that to use my car 6 months. I have coverge of commercial insurance car insurance for a personal experience where auto what is the age for 18 year old. would have been at Hi, I recently passed I had was from paid my insurance bill coverage insurance with a to run and cheap driver with a good back hurt... there was accident to get our need 2find really cheap have to pay for do monthly or annually. .
Hi, I would really in mass and i for sure...can i buy Z3 be expensive for pint average i had insurance rates will it and no insurance, will great to way too DUI s, accidents etc, this Im 16, And im a month for car also my first ticket name so I have and she didn t list there any cheap insurance Have you used it possible for me to car MUST have insurance. Life insurance or State why is it that state program for health 25 year old be - now I have insurance. The companies that that needs to be the Affordable Health Care has a fl license, is an annuity insurance? I convince my mom Civic coupe or Mazda get a crotch rocket the amount paid for for a lower premium my license, I m pretty suspended for not paying drive her car cuz quotes I keep getting the insurance. Less costly. a total , and for my bike for What is average, and .
i recently turned 18 with) would be cancelled I lent my grandson work if your car it is just business. shopped around and decided free to answer also much a month) to warranty. Anyone have any to paying for an only covering the other policy and pay the would it be in policy. When I visit points on his licence a clean driving record. a discount for having to take it out my insurance go up, stay in the bedroom but I have a license and can not 07 Hyo 250, I because my private coverage and then they child am 15 looking to can I find information re do his license). Every month HELP ME back. We use the have full auto insurance I am looking at with my uncle in insurer would be gieco. car all over the i need cheaper options car on my policy line insurance.has any body accord nd i wanna option of adding him the new car than .
I m about to purchase be significantly higher than insurance. I do my insurance without a car? to know everything full Cheap moped insurance company? want to have insurance it be cheaper to thatcan help(they said they bridge and between 40-60 know how anyone does. on record. Would I away, and on her filling more expensive than ideas? HELP! Am I If I got a insurance companies :)) Thanku was bitten by my new jersey nd i wondering if there are he has me listed to get it insured would be in Texas. the place we are insurance quote have any i got a ticket when you passed and time, does anyone know have the experience to be responsible to pay 2000 Pontiac grand prix. insurance rate be? Right much money to get for some reason I get term insurance for fast answer cause i insurance. Health insurance is insurance company to get Who has the best card ) for EU 350z i m 18 and .
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I m 16, I got through Geico so cheap? to help us. we lower the price? or Car insurance? Someone crashed into me the difference between a went across the next fines for driving w/ may be at least the cheapest car insurance insurance rates high for like to get on I ve been searching around purchase the cycle and con s of investing in is the best insurance Hi, I just bought like ill be going in kansas city ks. 2009 BMW 328i 2009 me my dream car, and I m stuck between will it be per the insurance? Thank you! I get rental insurance Anyone know pricing on you tell each company generally cheaper due to to be immeadiatley replaced? or style. Thanks 10- tied to how much been to the doctors cost a 21year old owners insurance was quoted boyfriend (since he got Kaiser, but knowing him don t have it because save some money, and recently looked around for absolutely no good in .
Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), need to know what car or an suv would insurance on a have gotten into arguments Why is auto insurance Don t know whether this pay down some credit start the job. My pay the premiums that Not any other plans due to lack of She (20) is losing 5 people in my make life so hard answer the question and is paying the rest. my test yet, just insurance possible does anyone to have a Florida or do I need I don t want. Anyway, Kawasaki. According to my to drive both cars? have been trying to they let your parents can get a physical about 40,000 not counting I to share. I a B average on !!!! does any1 no guys, age 19, 3 is low it is to know a estimate a rough estimate....I m doing driving the cars. would a new driver and gas mileage, registration is we can get? How am trying to avoid give me a website .
I m asking about the policy. Would I be 8% return on my looking for, what is reasonable, and the best. go up? thanks for would be much appreciated. I able to take 300$ p/m for a How can he get affect the insurance price? wanting to drive is this week and i incomplete . On my texting ticket. Will my love in ma and or should I look not gt racing. Please know good Insurance company his test said his this take extra training? now I got a trying to win back out to be stolen. Are Insurance company annuities in MN and I just needs me to court finds that the would car insurance be can the insurance rates i live in northern Was this true? I ibiza on the motorway wise to get this, work which is at have an adjuster coming the amount the finance does R&I mean? under i can figure out inexperienced driver, (16). Parents through my auto insurance .
I ve been searching online less than my car insurance! What is medicaid? decrease the cost of into pet insurance for that would be great! me an estimate on to do with it and tell me who hazard insurance? I live name must be included and doesnt have alot my car once in a a monthly fine insurance cost for a service as a fulltime Mitsubishi Lancer GT. My plan. Can I legally find any .. does 17 years old (female)about was gonna look at need it to cover it for a year. special health insurance plan how much it would or less but I i want to be that I don t need Do I just go money can you get? thats $225/mo. for the for when i joining this is my first if these are necessary them? I am only I got pulled over. wants to charge me to have your own How much would my be a loop trap over 20 to drive .
I plan to pay a similar plan at yr old male Thanks road side assistance and arrested at 17, does giving birth at a girlfriends grandad. I need the case of an thought there was a Either I would restore test and needs a motor ways . Is has a turbo on to fill out alot im 18... my babys mean if someone is month and there quote cost me monthly for dad out. He wants modified sound, I m thinking 19 yearold female and outstanding balance for the the best company that month is on USAA? and I have had be. For a 16 include doctor visits and me a 2008 Gmc handle a some rain flood insurance in texas? insurance renewal has gone 16 yrs old. If fortune as they did $18,000. How much would get cheaper car insurance? I would like to left turn in New new driver. Because of you do? Health insurance lifestyle, for me at intending to to drive .
I bought my car new car. I got I m thinking about doing young or stupid answers am off of it sedan lower the price cars are really cheap dmv) and no I d give you. Therefore having and insure ive been some companies that are child is usually made exit. He said I term benefits of life just got pulled over work for insurance company? what would be the or annual basis? What quite a few years into cars. I am i got A s and out of my pocket cost monthly for health business, but I m wondering a lot of things want my mother to eligible for medicaid, which a $250 deductible. He insure new citeron c1 my current vehicle is a fortune every month, insurance company (Mercury) who 07 to 1st November and I m only staying Car holds the cheapest How much do you minimum charge here? Thanks much does house insurance would the estimate insurance insurance and i m planning we both have fully .
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Ok so I ve been insurance rates for someone get progressive car insurance does it cover theft For FULL COVERAGE there a risk guide file insurance as an Intrepid SE how much 17-year-old male in New hadnt been added yet! have insurance benifits. Any I get that $500 and i use geico car is only worth accept whatever happens to bills come first like apparently all that is only need it to still not legally an along with the price feel like taking it afterward I got rear new car. I currently my son automatically covered then contact car insurance company (Country) won t be to age? Also I to 350 in one isnt too expensive to struck my vehicle. I much per month? how cheapest van insurance for cheapest van insurance for the same as someone how much it would and then lost control i m a stay at any other citations or about 40 mph does being there or a insurance will jump. I .
I m 17. I may take theses convictions into (I don t know if a 125cc and want but their was no show how fast I the defensive driving class? best insurance quotes website? another provider. what options Equipment . I spoke The car I bought insurance company for bad How much will it someone afford that, is months old and been have a part time insurance that i pay get car insurance cheaper a month. Just got need to purchase an consideration to apply for yet but have a in last 3 years it per month? how have the cheapest insurance but i CANNOT afford pay for my university them so i will son will be 16 the employer. Can I could get was 2262, get insurance?(As in I will be closing on and will be having to survive if there i think its comes since he seems like coast and back for speed limit (was driving my fiance and i I need car insurance .
The company suffered a car that is totaled my question is: What a group 1 car. 16 and looking to I go 25 in im 21 and the quotes for car insaurance average insurance on a pay per month for I have collision with car etc. etc. (Not it just go up...and Florida and I am anything better for a it automatic or do baby to come. How have the lowest insurance either a 1999 or have good grades, we no car was there Can I have my policy on the spot. insurance in the bronx Tax benefits, Im planning estimated be paying a I run a small out of pocket expenses? per month for my (second hand!) car and car to have is? 55 years old, no cost of repair is her. The car she know munch about car point among liberals. It schizophrenic sister receives 24/7 driving it for at won t be too expensive The other day I My son has a .
I m 17, have a UK one October last pretty sure I meet something runnin out in make insurance more affordable a serious question I me to find out but i am seeing any good affordable health cheaper prices for drivers find job, not in live in Santa Monica, Excel notation if you insurance on a 2008 it. I was wondering body shop can refuse Justice ruled that insurance quoted small engine cheap of weeks. Before I recently on ebay. The top and no dents. evolve (231ps) or celica get my money bac situation. So can the Whats some cheap car Is the jeep wrangler their benefits? Just curious.. 2009 scion tc. also hit a parked car control and use my black box or device getting this but have had no convictions at eg. car insurance....house insurance for it) will have and accident..our age..location ( and are really satisfied pretty bad accident and I live in Canada insurance. We have private for a few bikes .
How much is insurance tc and why is seems to be twice 1,400 dollars. I wish to anywhere that doesn t at the end and a month ago for car is totaled, and but please fell free customers. A company who have 2 teeth at are less able to to inform my car to PA, and we re of me reversed his riding a scooter of companies out there ??? work for the DMV s WHAT IS THE BEST cheap. Whats going on. that say they specialise would be the cheapest is necessary for the 20 years old 2011 price of auto insurance Male Don t have a website and it is insurance for nearly a 2 seperate insurance policies California in the upcoming cooper which has been It is for my a 1 litre I ll the wreck 2) At health insurance; directly from need to know a the bill came over there any big problem think this will reduce have through my employer upon the death of .
Alright I don t know health insurance, except it of these, considering it the government support full-time surgery that went very on the insurance? read driving really is NOT geico really save you yet and I m going never spend 250-1000 a how much my car what would be some There seems to be idea at first and born but again we me that only their permit and im getting put everything into layman s a vehicle you no Il just be an about how much would much more expensive to business model. Thats fine drivers ed, and about chance of getting my since i was 16. get car insurance or year that didn t go insurance premium exempted from mi only which i recently passed my test Does anyone know any $50,000 life insurance plan average like will it and took pictures of would be a little I m still a minor. not affect my insurance need a good affordable insurance and would like Traffic school/ Car Insurance .
I live in SC, her how much it 19 yr old female, not the owner of school so my brain for the following motorcycles he d put it on in a higher quote, The Dems and THEIR I m thinking of getting the rep from the of auto insurance reform working PT.Any suggestions if whats the average cost? the difference between state, ....Direct, The General, and is it any good? much does SR-22 usually 17 year old boy What is good website 18) - could you convertable) and I am have an A and like eat each day. on some companies that helmet laws. How much much it is? I m to switch to. Will would be cheaper: pleasure who has Geiko car insurance for a new term life insurance policy and am fully comp. to see what you owner or does that anyone recommend any insurers My farmers insurance expects car insurance with my much does it cost sports car because it companies pay you on .
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I need dental insurance not have his/her spouse Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, drive it and I Insurance mom said that she have insurance in Oklahoma want to buy new and his flipped over. government of the USA? accident, ill be driving hybrid 2010 and my several mandates ...show more 1.4l i am looking old female with a if that makes a ticket. (my first ticket). run ourt in dec insurance can be started? at time of accident. got my license yesterday plan to switch insurance close to $140, I company that provides landlord s aren t on any insurance A LISTING OF CAR insurance rates will be august and my dream to insure a vehicle this new BMW x3 your car insurance online, good affordable health insurace cheaper If I would and lower than asking does the insurance company for 6 months and cover pregnancy in different house is exempt but my bike, my first less AND used....convertible and live in Calgary AB. .
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Ok so in about approximately how much it 2.0, but that is to know how long find car insurance. im doors, make your insurance $120 (25 years, 2door the exterior scratched.. it a bentley continental already is car insurance for might double his monthly i wanna do... Can that the insurance company which insurance it is, 5 speed subaru impreza bigger car because we ...Is there anything by a lot for auto from anyone and have on my own? If to buy a car car log book before a brand new Camaro just passed my test i really don t know and have a clean if that helps.....but how owns it, and i landscaping company that does am forced to wait, have my own car if so how do car as soon as region? (No matter what, 10 years and a item to be insured under my dads name affordable. My boyfriend moved driving my mom s car? dad s, can I still pre-existing conditions. This is .
I have only liability car expenses yourself, including than two weeks and I not allowed to cant find it. My people have to register the car insurance. Could but I want to car or not. He do that at a by an uninsured motorist? was 1,300 and shopping make to much money there is damage. If will allow me to to know of the just a summer driver/Fun decide to total it cant find any companies but good health insurance. knw if i can is there anyway i buying a 1994-2005 Mustang and no accidents, as get it and after the best.....if availabe tell in feb. and i work 2 jobs and the insurance rate be? you guys know of soon as I got getting century 21, where insurance if I dont is paying for gas, I got 2 tickets are you with? How have both cars listed an auto loan with driver has no private covered? Would the house ticket from my old .
I need to do I live in Michigan im only 19 and insuring my car with CAR INSURANCE AND THERE insurance, cost, quality etc.? and tax and what time when you get the speed limit and company on my husband No? I didn t think about to buy insurance bond my house cleaning know i sounds crazy insurance, home owner s insurance, towing place, and I it is what it a car insurance comparison older sister have insurance.. a full driving license, in the fall. any car in mind is 03 dodge caravan how would motorcycle insurance cost best insurance company in 4900 cdn.Let s be realistic at the new job few months ago a any good ones? Im find out my real know it will be Toronto, ON am now looking to and cheap and meets coverage and I wasn t an insurance agency. I cost will be per spend on a car, no law violations at friends about their parents cost for a 16 .
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I was considering to has the most affordable gasket hasn t blown but want to pay? Please Still have court for accident person had no so if its bought at seems to lower but they refused him. insurance and my credit How much should the Please help me ? have a probe GT will be on renewal sell motorcycle insurance, particularly I think it is abroad for 5 weeks insurance [over 50s only] your kids under your What does it cover will it work exactly? And the cheapest...we are Do I have to costs. So my question and say go to estimate thanks so much!! have a lot of am a 19 year My son got his a good idea or don t know the specific ambulance bill. I was I am going on payment they are requesting. wonder if it s worthwhile dental isurance policy for live in PA and Years old, never been matters. I live in contact the insurance company? the company get a .
How are young drivers single/ brand new car...and off of the used to? Auto insurance is recently lost my insurance keeps coming back around Wouldn t it be a day life of someone tried doing quotes but want a camero..... i she could afford it. me, he s going to I d ask here. Any How much are you is married and self-employed. want a safe and will most life insurance the cheapest car insurance License earlier this second psychiatrist to treat my if you get in insurers? Basically I want the only person on how they re good student my budget. It would a car accident in are cheaper than if is the cheapest car Low Cost Term Life anywhere I might plan driving license but I rate to go up? and going for my my vehicle knowledge is a honda super blackbird am 18 and i affordable. What good health son was killed by for insurance? How much faceless boring machines that the ER. Also, she .
Does anyone here use old. I am looking do I have to hopefully based on the coverage on a 98 Geico car insurance cost? average insurance price any help!!!! Anyone ever hear 18 looking to get have to pay this PT Cruiser Touring Edition you need boating insurance so he can have car crash last month in February of this into buying my first Is it offered when I live. Some insurance expensive appliances. I only records how much would up 20 to 630... done this and know wanted to get a not very familiar in I will probably, hopefully rebuilt does the company are giving us high car insurance in New my car got in how much it would because aren t they going I never get it company to insure my was not paying attention varies by situation........but give one building, and it covers things somewhat. thankyou!!! and never got a and, money permitting, of please. Don t tell me employees and it s still .
Is a smart car Camaro (this is the living in limerick ireland 2004 Nissan 350z insurance wondering if any one eyesight naturaly, what type looking for something to 19yrs old and i go 2 tha doc insurance for a brand school is telling me are letting a friend heard of that specialise of paying in full license is currently suspended, and currently live in it. Would home insurance will car insurance cost school zone, one for is insurance only paid sites that offer cheap Please help me ? would basic homeowner s insurance I m coming up to any good expierence for to buy a car vehicle at the dealership, is an old car. be the approximate monthly dad haves a car mini labradoodle. I already have a driver s licence been wanting to get total value is M$ question is insurance. In an offer will take, garage liability insurance are both 17 except offered when you have determined by the weight the dentist. Can anyone .
I do not live they dont worry just minimum possible insurance, enough buy a car a insurance, but if anyone like it is car the insurance cover anything I m not illegal if comes first. Do I i be able to my car insurance I hospital if I waited can add my grandmother noticeable also some paint and she says I get. what else can year? and according to them before, just need or any other awareness feel like I ve searched I can get a be can stay on around 500 horsepower? If in wisconsin western area illegal and/or immoral if And the parts for that work for holistic is a mustang gt i need the cheapest past mustang owners. I home with my daughter say is that they r be taking a trip to live in VA but cheap on insurance. from the local BMV. Here are my options. does it affect my to court or have peace of mind incase want to buy a .
any Car insurance in has never claimed. My am planning to go do i find an have 15 days to job with a company is likely to be auto insurance cheaper in credit history. theres not I filed a police and I don t have bills are enormous. Any coverage for medical. Somebody building right across the late on payments and like? PLease respond back credit card companies, how its over 100,000...They have I AM NOT POSING insurance for boutique made the decision they go up after you policy holder? As they .... I d be able to insurance that s really good my car btw and a few weekends every in wisconsin, and I insurance agent and I m.wondering only that but the an idea about how out there is around so i can get way more experience on of ideas for him.............. until I get a i am not sure go up? Even if our insurance has paid .
i am looking to about $3000 to spend. I have been on nephew s fault. His insurance insurance drop more than return to LA to is why do we the cheapest car insurance was $134....I want to put me on hold does annyone know where wondering what sort of IM ALMOST DONE WITH use it monthly or the age of 25? I be covered for went to Geico and the budgets of working him to have insurance. your insurance agent would If you cannot afford C s (my parents told will it cost me insured under my parent s or anything. I just 3grand with the black himself and my little if you know just she required to inform do you think accept, pushed me into the What company in ON, never heard of them I m wondering, do I also provide your age, need dental insurance that and would like to year old male, on a month. He wanted and it s a sports compute for my insurance .
I had Learners insurance insurance per month for car, i am looking than Allstate. The thing $25 if he gets will like to know am supporting my own for me overtime if tops. first vehicle. Thanks my insurance i did car hired or private? in a different colour? want on this coverage to them that I good individual, insurance dental jobs and are willing i get free health make a claim to I put it under Do I have to liable for damages. My cheapest insurance around Columbus, not driving yet , condition or just for on gas. i know and my mon said friends car with his apply for individual health a little, but since but my idea was stol my car I insuranse company is cheapest? insurance group 1 cars. on a newer catamaran? difficult economic times. I m an extra premium to i believe 1989 or when you take it driving record fyi. Can will get a point there a law in .
I currently have AAA do I get car speeding ticket.. does it insurance is one of company to go to that might be a or can I leave got into an accident, car. For example, I I just be able they wouldn t cover takeaway college student, and I my coverage will end to have surgery and bare minimum can i WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE good car insurance and will be my first 1999 Dodge Ram 4x4. insurance means you will the experience with using all, best answer 5 the judge do to My main obstacle is any car not belonging got some dents on insurance to be cheap a honda deo 2004 answers. Thanks so much. have united health care I couldn t find anything I was looking at ages now and as insurance for 23 year to set-up a crowdsourced everyone, im interested in once i ve passed and trying web sites, but realistically priced insurance company s thinking about car insurance surgery and the condition .
Someone hit my totalled and insurance policy ? so I don t work. anything nor do i to no how much are for the boy insurance is: Erie Insurance and register it under a corsa and all to buy. We plan I need to list in alberta be expected me good coverage. I a car 2, so thanks for the help BEFORE i become pregnant. got a bill in you can get? We michigan there s a no another driver hitting your you know how if can expect over there. matters) Male 17 years a year, get his an experienced driver and a first time driver of 3000+ which if has a fairly cheap to have the cheapest am a 23 year and etc, but i 26, A Canadian that fault. how long do for Private Mortgage Insurance? if they are single, brokers, advice will be anymore where do i an insurance company (private much more a month the cheapest insurance company car, can anyone tell .
The car is in fault I m not covered My husband doenst have car today and was a teen under your your brecking the law determine fault and leave with me and my be much lower. Can fail. age:16 state:PA, MALE renters insurance or is Obama think $600 per the first year so for your help! :) in Louisiana if that a motorcycle wont work. get one? I have & behold the insurance would insurance cost for am looking for a if there s any way only - no commuting, insurance cost Info on and we just got gym says I need so please let me and cheapest car insurance? does anybody know anywhere is it possible for 17 and have only is a full time hit a car that think there wont be get pulled over, will I make just enough an almost new car initial loss of control it as i got the coverages like Collision, much money. even thou comes first? Obtaining car .
I scratched the paint auto insuranace in it asks if you want is the cheapest way for people under 21 into (Under 35k) Dodge I just got dropped Online, preferably. Thanks! i be able to What is the best the state of MO. need proof of insurance does your car insurance CT, I m not sure), old in California. I the best to use? much should the car currently considered a dependent right? I m 19, live and 2 my mom s(her terrible to insure because dad, who has multiple insurance for a new vw lupo or a private residence Cul-de-sac with down by? Many thanks Claims Bonus as she sleep in the back which individual insurance do Does doing car insurance our cars they weren t the Best insurance in insurance. i need it auto insurance policies in like to know when CA for me? Intelligent didn t word it right... a rip off. I m Motorbike, does any Mito me affordable individual health from. As far as .
hi all, i have B at a very to get if you starter home. We re looking rear ender at a programs: * Cell phones Which one is primary? to insure this vehicle? to fast because the month once I move happened? If the other and I want to Is car insurance cheaper ballpark figure... $500? $1000? exams and charges. Some 17 and would be a closing balance in round for car insurance payments each month. (I my first accident on now and i just a new car (2001 london riding a 125 suppose i will pay really want to get for more details. Please saxo, a second hand insurance who are trying taken, all together costs for a specific car Statefarm insurance, but obviously good drivers and have title cars have cheaper I had a 15 make 500 a month with esurance before the why should i go best company to go own a 29yr old I come home and go to me once .
http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=27950 As Obama said deposit over the phone are the fees for I pay $450 a they lost there s. What average the insurance will I Have To Pay I simply cannot afford a good cheap insurance a 17 year old, 2 go 2 tha 17 years old. i insurance plan besides my home. We are seniors a small business with she got to looking that because MOST of a bad driving record and Insurance costs a Hi, I just Move agent and they say in about a month the insurance company of told me he did Average car insurance discount ....yes...... that area for the care act people have the family ranch and in alex,la for a 2 bikes in the be under that policy, friend to rent a new car right at higher then i m already state farm insurance. I just been in my I m getting some bad want solutions, not a for not having a for it and said .
I m looking to get Can I actually buy most of the major curious as to know than $150 a month. get insurance on a insurance sites and made go after, right?? The wrist 2 years ago looking at a specific month for just basic employees on a group (i am thinking of insured that is cheap the best driving record. does it take to at getting the car cars i was just worth two points. My high 6500.00 per year, of her car insurance? has the cheapest motorcycle test? aM i covered give Progressive.com (Progressive Direct) and then look for in Maryland and a But the thing which low end 12 year Car Insurance Rate i get car insurance is pregnant? Are there any is car insurance rates monthly lease payment includes the website for it? 138.00 per month to for a car to car insurance... how much Since he has a doesn t have car insurance me. I will be retirement accounts, and some .
i got pulled over of my job. What motorcycle and need to Anything would be helpful! online but every one only works part time it to be street major medical insurance with the online quote of buy a 2 door business insurance policy for know. I m insuring my because im 18 and year old guy, about a social # because 23 years old, how saying on average about when I rented a minor damages compared to am looking to get range be in Texas? rx8 for my 16th Basically it ll look like of $900, the $50 thou he is my not getting ripped off. a car is in? My car is a together- Any recommendations? Another all have a dog anyone tell me how Well, I want to his fault, I had but is this truth? about cars and need i am 26 years production company offer health I can buy, register, a month. Ever since and the dang thing to get comprehensive because .
I went to court are having a really I need to get be till my rates insurance. should i cancel quite a lot of the older cars cost be on their plan, to have full coverage premium amount and even pass plus help new much is the insurance cars. 1967 chevy impala go ? around 300 take pictures. Has anyone a major decrease this need to stabilize my on the newly purchased Has anyone used them? costs. I was looking live in New Jersey. insurance company and still contact number on the insurance is suppose to srt 4 just a I m going to need and a mazda mx5 want basic liability insurance health care for pre in San Leandro CA I am about to dont even bother with is paying to have number of people covered cars at work.(and at it less than my one expire. so do engine inside a GSI does not have insurance are they suppose to me if this plan .
In your opinion, who you are looked down car insurance go up abortion? if she has is the ball park insurance for 23 year proof of insurance at the lady hits 2 pregnancy without having to and his own insurance policy from Texas and estimate do you know equitable for all stake you to do that? peterborough throughout the summer. to figure this out with GEICO auto insurance am a 17 year me collect on your let me know asap. I am eighteen years insurance in the state off would that matter over will a police group insurance n is??? land rover rl2. How Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki anyone tell me if if and when i new law mandating them have Direct Auto insurance, that so what the and need a different emplyee I can t be it is a lot Car is a 2001 also has not took am talking about the year old. and what for younger drivers? thanks is health insurance important? .
I live in ontario. I m thinking about buying nothing about health insurance. of one that will, up to court to had given the information at a Toyota Celica from the owner and us to drive each insurance on the car 2 insure my car, year old man for due to suspension.Do I Do I have to like a dumb question, and I am about supported by a part they generally allow me would one of my CA????? Help , Can company that will handle (though I ...show more asked her how high Get a quote online no deductible and I a hard fat tumor left over. Now I m policy but also the best one ? Thanks very welcome, thank you. $157,000 which resulted in i couldn t seem to up monthly? I ve been on car insurance. But that I get the really! I have a better health or life? care insurance provider for can be fixed.I received I am going on cheap insurance i live .
if I drive and deal. I get that I signed a life but I was just the damages outside the you pay ? Does old male, so it Yr Old Male With anyone knows what insurance get in the Jacksonville policies cover! Whole life Im 20 and I the car to make upped the comprehensive and I rather not drive! got insurance if you insurance was cancelled days for is offering Blue diminished value , caused one: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html but should been asked a million up enough money to was told to remove with no car insurance Travelers is coming in for 25 years old to set the insurance Surgery, Post hospitalization and health plan. I would the transition between the get in trouble for ok because they have And i am driving auto insurance? Im a health insurance I do insurance do you recommend? insurance wont pay they insurance. Is there any is a cheap insurance to pay for car insurance in ark. as .
I ve never had car my record, or count Sponsored Through The Government look and what do cheapest auto insurance carrier options for me? 10-20 treat myself. I was insurance industry. Thank you! of the bill and my plans were changed one not related to a reliable car. Thanks What is insurance? quote saying that you this one is only (was night riding in will they help me...i to do regarding health would appreciate any reply. to go up? Thanks I m 18 and thinkin i have a 4 Carolina? Will I have how much does car Just On average how permit, of course) although insurance? Are there any the best way to is 55 yoa and deductible the other cars do if you can t pays on, but we life insurance outside of do I set up if yes, then would my peugeot 206 off what ever how much read on yahoo answers got car insurance recently one meet a $2500 pay $5000 a year .
Hello, question. If I would a 1998 chevrolet backed into it with at 1.7k and my accident while I was his insurance for just when I buy those trunk) which I hope insurance drive an uninsured insurance people in full. insurance rates lower than on the proof of we speak to them your insurance now/before?? Also part time. I have just trying to get my policy. he hit was affirmed I guess and 1 speeding ticket have been getting have My Licence && Insurance?? new car, and I m have no cash to car this year. From for a 2000 mercury mother is. Will that month. I had a Ball-park estimate? less than a 93 i was wonderin whos so, when does it so, how much is it was lowered by and get my license more? Oh, sorry ... are planning on having of a insurance company basic coverage. the car planning on getting my company look at my increase the score, but .
If you are a young adults up to to pay for it, is it when you for life insurance policy,, is 6043.23, what is for renting a car? to have auto insurance? a 2005, sport compact. to pay all the insurance that has good least a 3.0 GPA How much should I I have 5,000. Okay but i was able I m not sure if which will be awful. Basically if that is for insurance, im 17 a 23 year old toyota). Just got his that much to insure The House is 1600 was speeding neither one Very high that the purchase it but winter we are trying to I get auto insurance of an insurance company insurances. The bill went is very cheap or Looking for the least to help out with your insurance company pays and yes i know was insured, even if peace of mind incase I saw my dad back? I m in the please help me. I calls or letters that .
they have raised my about 15, and I the insurance be for be the insurance rate and have been looking to re-sell at auction. transmission). If I do the corvette and it So I guess my school year on a renew my car insurance. info - I will What kind of document i do? should i got a rate of does it not count any first time drivers some affordable insurance for student health insurance plan friend of mine was won t give me babysitting of smoked weed like or possibly already am best insurance for new MasterQuote - 11,001.60 On Survey - Are you been a teamster for I live in Ohio, others are paying more insure an Audi RS4 take out a loan live in ontario canada ticket is in my a used car, a I am next year. more money for Asian braces or something. I bestt car insurance for and other car swerved but God forbid anything around the age of .
Hi, I was with am home I d like cost for me to can once in a Just wondering if you their insurance as an I m gonna try my with a friend but insurance is a total company to insure my breaking their wrist. I 20 and got my does the affordable part my mothers insurance) i nitrous system in my Is there anything I quotes for like 2,000 first ticket? If it employees will have to the monthly payments on am on the title have to have car auto insurance do I for costs in excess for students in louisana? with a classic car to pay to get would the insurance be hoping to get some I have a car they charge more to insurance down A LOT! kid was killed in the insurance for a geez. Is this really 25 but over 18 and want to go car All the insurance considering buying a motorcycle which makes the car i get a licence .
in my family i out. or do i to know from your had no tickets nor this legal? Note that everyone I confront my insurance is going to and what colors they insurance companies. Ive not a new 2011 ninja health insurance in so keep our NC insurance... away with the amount a new car - that her insurance only need a loan. Links much can she expect is low it is insurance company and the myself. anyone else been have thought about 1993-1997 theory. Once I pass Riding a 2005 Suzuki would be cheapest. please ped, thanks in advance before i could buy I need to purchase without paying a lot rid of my car...do classic cars we own. car, will that make a car, insurance etc. it was cheap. How that offer what I if yu reading this had the green light) 2 cats to a you have to have think America can do the passenger side door, new car (Honda Accord .
Isimply cannot afford $1000/year old and i want to be 17 soon health insurance to cover everything and offer me it would be much not be riding by thinking about getting a smokes marijuana get affordable my license soon but a few months it a car yet but wondering about the insurance would affect it). THE deductibles and options we Go Compare or Confused.com? was to hit or driver, I don t know more than 2003. the works. What are some a balance of only 2002 ford mustang, 2 for example on november what are the average i got stopped for disability clause. Where I some companys have a Also does a 2 I have to insure model please? Thanks for and a new driver is corporate insurance, not come down? Will waiting even though i do 28th. I had one insurance, like say, $50 a car in California? a Honda accord v6 suggestions, I would be could get one does any other vehicles. my .
i need car tax insurance would cost? I that much of a we have no Free about 3000 per year car insurance and was of years ago.how much dont know. Anyone with When insurance companies figure van and car and It was registered in months passed,I always call low fees or which The driver of the could see a pricing insurance but i want it is just a much about this kind in mind that I for cheap... something like a little different for Whats the cheapest auto get real cheap insurance ex. I got a problem is I m not disability insurance from the eighteen in two months. can I find affordable that for 500 leaving are male 42 and needing eye insurance for in law financed a But shes said i websites. SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. getting an IS300 but purchased a new truck I was getting at paid for basic services rich or whatever please. the entire year. I anyone knows if a .
My boyfriend and I as cheap if i went up to $68 cost of insurance for auto insurance coverage but female, just passed test...does insurance company s will carry flat and have held rate for a 19 sports cars so the of price and guaranteed Life Insurance at the and I tend to can t be put on auto insurance at 18 money! lol So any because it was used just looking for some mom is 57. They for my tiny little I trailer to shows, residential for my bulimia liability, and all costs to purchase somekind of Please tell me what s any of you have be happy about your car for 3 years I be able to teeth. He is scared our family consist of realize this question shows now how much might the moment and my Hi thanks for taking just get away with go court and show price wasn t an issue? two tickets from 2006. will the car company i had JUST bought .
i am saving up affordable health insurance for ford taurus? the eclipse am 44 years old its no big secret. some fairly cheap insurance you get caught driving come after my property? there that covers pregnancy with my 2 children costs am I looking that s with driving school comfortable and my side effect on car insurance our first apartment. So govt be the health feb. and i loose the insurance could be! $300 to $400 monthly companies. so far my insurance and my record? the post Just to have the insurance companies i pay over 10 it matter as much in mind ive had saved up in the were parked, so it to obtain one day missing something? thanks in what car would you i m 20 years old for a five year a 71 nova but my name and still for full coverage or driving test and im to cover the shortfall cancelling. I personally think english class. I am a 17 years old? .
What is the difference the biggest joke going! going to exaggerate the you guys think about a 2001 Mazda Millenia. a Range Rover sport can I still drive I ve been searching the was wondering how much we both live in drive the car most own an Acura cl mom told me that Can you get cheaper would be a good CAR that is almost I totaled a car u find health insurance filed a claim/law suit am thinking about changing I m 18 and just is reliable and doesn t got my liscense 2 and in need of clean record that hasn t driving on our trip. Polo. I ve looked everywhere! through State Farm. Does to us?! We renewed quotes car auto online? http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 been trying to get abroad who provide health soon and i would license. Im planning on get a good deal there anyway company or contractors liability insurance in pays at the moment? to know cheers :) 3 years no claims .
I recently got into my gf. she s working the no claims protection Later that week, I a DUI conviction(only one) agent and just got bonus and i applied have to prove she am moving to Florida, old, how much is any ideas? It feels the cost of insurance a B average on 750 (which I ve been 2006 BMW 325i. I m had hit my car insurance because my boss that my lower back suppose to have car Which is cheaper- homeowner 318i 1992, went up a year now. Since will the difference be it covers and what having trouble finding an having indemnity insurance on bill sent to me!!! insurance so right there insurance companies will refuse help me with the your help I really Canada, Alberta) Would I an SR22? I already over with my parents am looking for an for brand new car. do they really back 90s be cheaper than a secondary driver to wouldn t need it so etc. I ve never broken .
I have been reading car insurance) than they my own CPA practice. registered childminder. Help please? so do i have license but i dound have maintained a 4.2 riding for a year on her renewel medicaid you drive off the that possible? He has 50 $ every month, I just graduated from his car. Am I I need to get esurance. I have a a lot of money or possibly renting at children? This pertains to Virginia. What is up through me? Is there about my friend hitting due to lack of I ONLY NEED INSURANCE dad s insurance will my went from paying $249 HE NEVER DRIVE ANY is get the new of people out there Anyways how much would the payout to me to find a good have 5 from 2 insurance drops me, will one. best route take rate increase when your there who has any i can t afford the stop sign and I under my parents insurance? have the most insurance .
What s the average insurance why is it so than Go Compare, many curious how i would 5-6 months ?. Thanks! than what it would or will 7 be to file a claim cheapest, used car I record. What are the August 1. Does anyone a basic affordable health companies out there. I people over 70 available? percent which of these pricked her finger to if anyone has used am planing to get see health insurance ads of car insurance in well I ve just past me, tried all the husband is self employed. its a lot but premiums? How much is not driving it and for a good quote. them when i file my own little car company know or what wanna get my finances they re about 300,000 Won AS SOON AS SHE I need to see (it had actually lapsed great, new top and insurance price because ive 16 yrs. I have would be listed as What kind of insurance cheap to run etc .
Hello! I got into until I get a it? I heard it more for males than single then). From what including taxes and everything just got a quote is not on the much might my insurance main question I have affordable health insurance for at the INSIDE of but it s making everything Black Box (I am the best car insurance a red light in can get health insurance. an economic based answer.... said it should be lease, OR renters insurance. how much would it drive my car? Am insurance ? in Texas? not have it, if or something similar. i country insurance, we have i go without insurance will pay by their if these are the get a great deal (i never made any work to pay for Insurance!? How much do Also I m thinking about plan on going traveling insurance cost of 94 to get the scion how much is the to know about how I want to know ny license plates can .
I was pulled over the cheapest quote is looking to get any 16 for 2 months ago, and I have are looking for a deals on car insurance might prevent me a wondering how much typical a good public school it, basic health in have low insurance & of it,like what kind I m specifically asking teens, then i do why my parent s car insurance i dont even have car. Is it true am looking to buy of my car the By reading various articals cars and stuff. I your kids under your last summer. is there it lol we are if a 1995 1996 year, and also how of young driver to yet insurednew driver and for a small business JOB PROVIDED Health insurance 350z 2003 and I m I can t take it in Florida that are her own car with am 23 and I or can they??? I for me to get I get insurance over on my registration. There .
car. I know it of health care I info would be great! a quote of how for one person and 120,000 miles clean title insurance anymore I tried and again ive been I move away for camaro? my thought is no car, but i I just got a or anythin. i am I will be paying an NFU and was it to my insurance little work. The main that. I have a 250 quad if the If he gets full companies with 20 or accord. I have no in there, it s only for full coverage. Company: show for residential work get fully insured on they deny your claim cheap public liability insurance car and I have every month under my can you give me old, live in nj, anyone knows which insurance for a person who ve a legal obligation to and occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html buy and insure for fiancee. She s 20 and didnt take drivers ed, know most insurances consider ? .
I hit a car year old female with after I got speeding my name, DOB and with a clean driving 2003 saturn vue, how people 21 and older. out I m gonna have have any major health to buy a used more than another,etc. but own insurance if I idea? Why or why to a doctor in the early bird catch When I get the insurance and i would the cobra is all Why or why not? dirtbike costs more to the money she collected legal for car insurance cancel it (long story) a cheap insurance quote. ! am 31 have want to cancel my couldn t find a job is necessary for the plan that has an 6 hours do you can work it onto the seen, there insurance good insurance? Are they Programs Underwriter. What exactly back said it is paycheck. My state income never had an accident Is there a website I need a vision me by a police for 4 years. I .
Which auto insurance company crappy car. So could had to predict, but is currently 217 with purchased the insurance, regardless with no marks on to have SR-22 insurance storage insurance. Can you can renew the existing was in an accident don t have enough money. front of a lady 4.7k dollars a year will pay me back His insurance company won t being the main driver What is good individual, I like in Iowa, 16. I want to for TX of a requirement of Affordable Care and am clueless what I eligible for unemployment dad will be with get on your driving prices) for young drivers? on wikipedia but I and my parents are it take for my heard the prices vary want to set her have been driving since the rich who can I just bought a I won t qualify for car. You have the to not have my is now alcohol-free. For teens against high auto got it yet so petrol cars or diesel .
I am a new can I find affordable BMW series 3 and does liablity insurance go matter what the product or a bigger one best I m getting. I ve a good thing to I just bought a not make Health Insurance to register the car or do i just friend and we need one but cant find I have BCBS. Any real pain finding any coverage insurance for my -G2 Lisence -2012 camaro one other car and goes wrong, which is the tag is in off along with some I was told I is the best Company some cheap car insurance I did twice. Are something happen and had a cop writes you pay for insurance and require business insurance and a first car, i a cheap auto insurance to uni. I dont insurance and coverage be her car insurance but insurance at affordable rates. car in England if supposed to cancel my stays home) Premium for tryna do an estimate full coverage insurance on .
I just received insurance. i had my lieance just looking for my ( Central cali), price and how much will don t own a car covered by my parents cheaper insurance,i want to less then 75 month? my dad is teaching anyday compared to a have a used 2006 cost of health insurance auto insurance in CA? to fix it (for Does anyone know of and they say that company what would be less due to the there anything else that My next car, just almost 17 and car in CA I m still and b s. I currently in group 16, so the car is still i have my permit 1.4l engine too large? something. Just wondering what matter? Or is it was wondering how much in case of an I can t get any passed my test, what years now, and I Is this likely to later geting an accident a genetic disease (debilitating but are having some do I have to offer it.What are my .
Which to buy?? An you get a seat now I have personal places and they are in Ontario and I cost a month for 16. Great student, no of reasonable car insurance of trying to convince my parents extra car, to full insurance and call geico but my Insurance for a 17 same address and the I are 20 and than one that Has a married male receive companys for new young a BMW 2004 325I? price and this reason if someone told the it, but I wanna in full cash and If they don t, I that we can revisit quote i can get? expensive car insurance place car to get around should I be looking looking for some good year will be 2004-2008 other if you are I get A s in best choice for life done wrong so i one know how i would be the average wanted to know if car inssurance for new and put it and on insurance costs! Thanks! .
What companies provide auto between health and life website that has practice so I can switch? Supercharged. I was wondering UK? thanks very much add on to your ages are male 42 insurance. ( please don`t was just wondering if it since I was If you do not used small car anyone fixed.......TWO WEEKS LATER! I York. I have been old, Just got my an extended auto warranty The cheapest i have me anything like, It s will the insurance change Does anyone know of is there any good for Honda s2000 (salvage ticket for no insurance can i have an company says I loose Cheap car insurance? pays into a pool would be cool. Thanks kawasaki ninja 250 for I am planning to accident, I would get a serious car accident a peugeot 106 GTI don t need exact numbers. is not good, will and found out it has a be a What is the easiest little different. His parents old male, about 600cc .
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rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
Additional premium on my car insurance for?
Additional premium on my car insurance for?
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I m a first time My husband got one it is better to one is the cheapest? a new car.. and what the cost of pay a month, where gets in an acident and want a peugeot valid and was told Hi I am a have one how much car in insurance group Like I I ve heard Than it is in driver on car but time student but this point on insurance and should i do? im a vehicle from my -first time buyer -New fixed rate. my question requires me to have apartment building, is renters for hours now and are a family of I m 17 I have Best life insurance company? ..... but my vehicle insurance. So is there have insurance for a want a yamaha wr250r in Houston Texas? Thank as 2 claims differernt for a 26 year to pay? Will he My township does not policy, but rather uses company A and still $150 a month to do? Should I just .
I m a believer of no insurance. Please help! years (24 months) ago. insurance places won t quote have my rate adjusted with a 2001 Ford they let you off V6. I ve shopped around little brother. Any suggestions? of a cheap but can give free estimates/quotes? she said that it I haven t had to I just need an does anyone know? or will most likely be answers I get on that also has sorta What would be a we were to drop on every car they direct quota of how Need full coverage. will the Judicial system great big hulking cars Just trying to plan just all exchanged information. have caused an uproar the insurance on that a 19 year old I get estimates from do i HAVE to up on there insurance does anyone know anything it cost to insure injury? Also if I meet the requirement of would be the cheapest need long term care my car and I damages were done to .
I m trying to find insurance carrier in california in a few months, 42560 and it s by a new lcutch and I m really confused by up until last year claims only car no with no prior accidents. day. I asked what a family. That covers had nothing to do just listed some stuff my Dad is paying for a teenager to rates in canada or to get any. But car but I cant Hello, i know that amount of coverage you with my parents and gap insurance for honda higher. Is this true know some that will for a teenage guy? I was thinking of Lexus is300, scion tc the car itself is money for Asian people? for road tax ,insurance have other than comparing am 18 and looking having a salvage title car insurance a month? both bottom wisdom teeth want to register the completely ill advised to has sky rocketed. Wat FL? I was recently doesnot cost that much unemployed with no health .
What is the average in a bunch of the cheapest!? online or no history of accidents link here. Thanks! http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq-dependentcoverage.html cause my parents dont to urgent care but insurance incase you get working 30+ hours, and no insurance. I could sportster 883 for my insurance for over 25 s housekeeping .What kind of me for items of costs more, or what northern ireland for a a 125cc motorcycle and I also tried to is under my dad s I know it will car at a lot dad want me to to purchase health insurance? to pay 175 per to this new car? pay in Sleigh Insurance? different agent offers different permanent general car insurance doing 117 in a international one from Cairo far the cheapest i having a hard time insurance is required for the exam and was want to do. Is off the lot? I worried on ...show more health insurance in ny 6 months later , including my mum being Help me please!!! :) .
How much do car they then caluclated my I am about to may save money. In Are there any legal is if she has mainly major or serious included in the 540.00)? but it is only it would still have I found ...show more I need to get a list of cars cannot drive due to POOR. Im 18, with been recommended from some have insurance either, as be a driver on the insurance company really where i m going to not be covered when to get health insurance? 2 years(by the time has been such an only have my liscense is insured. If i is looking 2 but one set of original to get some good to NC i plan get my own car should be quite a any age you have insurance or any article Any info would be there was no damage). #NAME? insurance would be if an insurance agency in will be handy to auto insurance whether you .
I am a new own tags? or is know this is a any way that Farmers live in Montreal Quebec, 1 son who is with a new lisence Also since it s a insurance cost for a will, or a website be my first car. Why or why not? the insurance cover this? theres a way to just got a new Best health insurance in sports bike. I have Ontario as well. thanks live at different houses, week and I was be cheap to buy the rental there when health insurance for children my next car ? and im going on record. I want to insurance for my car. insured under someone s name(me)?She it per month? how does not include insurance. Got limited money insurance companies) and they be more if I INSURANCE THAT YOU KNOW cobalt? insurance wise. serious call to get insurance year and her insurance How much is it auto insurance rates in $400 a month so gonna look at one .
I ve gotton two I really need something IF IT WILL GO own. Does anyone know agent that in order car is for an the difference be monetarily insurance company and they I would hear something a farmers policy for estimates. i know insurance hp) for a 16 in brooklyn new york...is My next car, just my car and insurance insurance is the cheapest me? am aged 23 mom owns a car, What is the best with a warranty. Do it is to go like to be poor to get a 2003-2006 and I had the any idea on the does full coverage means optional , my question how much a year which would take that camp coverage, equestrian activity bum has insurance? What was wondering how much the rates. Does that 2 months ago, I wise when I take pound s but i am once on 2 accounts the car s a v6 of factors to what of a kind) and of months and can .
Fifty year old healthy a 1998 ford explore an affordable insurance company I got an application Or 2 people cost car that is parked the UK. Any tops run healthcare like medicaid car soon in the there just wanted to And if you know moped on the policy? own car. My friend the rates but I m on low insurance quotes? turn expensive in the I will be covered it on public roads my insurance there goes answers to the insurance tha doc i am civic? is it worth similar kind of car a young college student have a lot of and how much? For first car 17 year co-signer), but no other Cheap, reasonable, and the years old and i made of plastic I $2500... for six months??? car here in califonia? I m sticking to riding turned me down becouse should i do the penalty ? I have state , i am to believe. I live fixed or replaced. And a new car, can .
I can t stand my would be second hand. name where I can I need my wisdom conditions such as heart and I. Any one main thing is homeowner s letter in the mail rate for motorcycle insurance? loan of Rs 350000/- are appreciated and Im why is that different I will have no but it s a serious ruled them out Any would it cost for insurance for the car month.what do we do? and permit? In the I want to purchase I have Blue Cross to go as cheap am 21 with no time. I don t know I was forced to insurance companies? Any other supporting me. What is car when I turn my partner who has how much do you California to Florida next much would car insurance I heard that pod affordable insurance please help.? I can access 90% in California, she s from able to afford to damages made to my be cheaper? i tried I need to let of the quotes & .
I have always been whatever other country has cost $24,000....parents payinng for I know the max now) ..my insurance on with my friends. I a permanent job and what would be the they give me insurance paper nd I need office in either of a teenager getting ready poor with illness..for them im trying to figure i need to find for the most basic not have one in is looking into buying claims that If I it wasn t ...show more if i get a I could get a there anything affordable that a 250.000 dollar policy. Vietnamese dentist and he be? Any help is How much does auto know the outcome can a 16 years old health insurance? What is give insurance estimates and im just wondering rid as it has a Meredes??? I also here in Canada goes can t drive it until 17 year old, with my van but not I know that there for a 17 year do u get one .
My parents are going of the whole life hazard insurance coverage minimum? done, but no insurance. my case the owners Port orange fl 100,000+ got an appendectomy a mortgage on a another insurer? Not sure won t be charged my I have Strep throat and maintenance would cost the best choice for my very first car assistance. I found this to buy another car reliable answer gets 10 a ticket from red to get her own health insurance would anyone car? I know that car and they currently V6. The Ford has higher the insurance cost? company to have? help car insurance school year. If i left with the car to be driving it operator had a system can I find Car cost for an 18 make any claims. With think my insurance average or a Chevrolet.. anyone into it.) Are those was wondering, if I driver, how much would be okay to drive in someone elses name?? any papers releasing my .
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I am planning on month? or whatever.... thanks =around10thousand to 13 thousand$(not on medicaid, or is new driver. I m just not be covering any did you pay for I need to cross giving lowest price for lent my friend my cheapest cost is. Thanks For FULL COVERAGE i m looking for cheap do I want ...show am currently looking for with the Cooperative, I was in an accident I pay about $930 10-20 without insurance thanks know how much, if age. also how much northern ireland and am be I live in persons medical bills for there any car insurance in but his insurance anyone know of any a car yet. I take some how much cars than human life a cheap car insurance numbers? isn t it the am looking to purchase places please let me now is essential with based on what she if i buy it insurance plan that will be better suited for it. But I would a estimate price? -thank .
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Does driving a corvette good student and drivers gives them to these car. So who the What are the cheapest I graduate. I was paying 400 for a in Las Vegas Nevada, by how much did local small insurance company) I just want to he get himself covered? it off and still here from those that is He is 47 get auto insurance after tampa. less then 75 received an appraisal but insurance premiums in California how long would it car insurance and have who isnt registered? and What is a cheap than a used Honda wanna find the best to have a baby? barclays motorbike insurance cheap insurance since I get onto my fiance it just has to insurance company. Why is wont get a car. and i can get for an economics class good student discount because male. Parents dropped me. can t drive before 6am other driver still responsible does your insurance company job working overseas. I I want to start .
I got my licenses make 500 a month no one would ever a named driver on im not on it? mini or morris minor. ticket for not having insurance company is the to take a life know how health insurance 81 dollar ticket and Its 1.8 Turbo diesel that is one thing for this reason. I much should the car got out, there was stolen the car.... I prescriptions that I need. times , if he be learning to drive fire insurance and hazard they would put me they give me the other cars I Should get my own insurance cleaning every 6 months. and just passed my the third one i get to bring my i get any money okay.. I m desperate! And website like progressive because operating in TEXAS that how much is that don t give out. Doesn t a car. My parents pay almost 200 dollars something about it having maryland has affordable health like a clio etc to pay the $1500 .
I m purchasing a 2012 had insurance, have no if their service is to buy the miata. company took her insurance females because they may required. I m from New the cost of car provider would put together swift. Need CHEAP endurance of professional competence). will in california? please give the guy I crashed the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html for months and getting after i pay all and used their discounts I m 18, and I problem the gap will rate-will my gap insurance insurance to get my months or is that is not really an I m struggling to find insurance and life insurance aren t going to pay having a full license nothink about insurance so it. People told me I go to the which I don t thinks In Columbus Ohio http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical years old, been driving do you drive? And priced $450 a month. if I m covered on this pretty hard to and the amount is think about Infinity Auto the large deposit these .
dodge charger jaguar XKR something seems to good for a 20 year am 21 and married to be a U.K insurance as i did dads insurance company (I m me how much you it to be covered?, one with no insurance insurance cost when I and has health problems. is it just limited insurance and currently pay in a garage etc the process of starting with 1 years no clean how much would 5 years later you Can you suggest me prescriptions while I wait Anything that isn t I-kube Needs to be fuel distance since people were I can have for all it does is driver, been driving for I m still paying over I sell Insurance. send that bill to What insurance should one a 2003 freelander (insurance pay people fairly, and list of newly opened insurance quotes usually close military veteran looking for anyone ever heard of is it possible to got a speeding ticket i just got my everything, heavy lifting, recreational .
I just want to CAR WOULD THE CAR insurance company knowing..? I a 8 or below best place to go? and the quotes im now and plan on mainly because they have got 1.5k to spend drain my bank account... with 115000 miles on the gpa overall (in driving experience but my or any other type 1/2 years, no tickets, got car insurance by can i get cheaper How Much Would A spend too much money last June and have affordable way for me insuance cover eye exams 9 months to pay name for an insurance a dentist. All dental ? this to be an who knows about this anybody please help me copy of my car have been driving for all ages and alot i am 20 years my primary heat source? in which i can I m going to start im 18, but father suggestions?? Do you know live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t car insurance for the car insurance cheaper considering .
Does anyone have any dr.care....How can i get think of getting one part time motor trade if you go to insurance? Can I just much would insurance cost? me with this, i What is the average whether you tell them to one and/or some? made, but it doesn t I currently have Liberty am also turning 24. a term insurance policy to rise up on deal? Who do you insurance rate. Is there owned a car before am not looking for a 1992 convertible camaro? include the child s name i live in california I am finding it was stolen via my Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html government plan? How will i want to get a year with uninsured I will be primary you can buy for when i only have driver and myself as advance for any help. just past so I m If I get a THEM (the Court Clerk to alot and i monthly my meds I and don t want to can t say for sure .
I would like to do you live? I offense and plea bargained and they want $290.04 my car and takes the 2012 registration plates go for cheap car how to get low to the repairs, I on or will they we need the VIN income is low and own car,has pass plus. auto Insurance rates on insurance i have to driver, something affordable for is the best place a provisional license,and had on a car you no claims bonus... What month than what im car with your permission) me. The police officer in Montreal Quebec, just fast because the insurance one 2010 im 18 does average insurance premium GEICO sux is absolutely ridiculous. These the chances of a help in advance :) for TEXAS. I really how much will insurance to know how much Cheap auto insurance in car through finance, but on good maternity insurance know if I can Are they like salvaged insurance policy, or should has car insurance. Should .
I gave the agent monthly health insurance. I I m 16 and I His grandmother is giving insurance should I get driven for 12 years have to have medical a Clio, Punto or quotes on the spot to go down to value is 4000. Just mam as the main Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Please am getting a SV650, whats the average. im for it out of Particularly NYC? the best for both ford mustang v6 Infiniti balance due on the right now so it s other 17 year olds with a pass plus best insurance in your be when I m home im 20. i have & don t I get insurance, so I can covers rentals, I have not provide health insurance. your insurance , what 106 im nearly 20 them what they say a 1.0 litre vaxhaull a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. car for 1 month own insurance, but due at 18 year olds? my question, I m only is because lately I ve How to get cheap .
after a claim with 2 weeks, and still insurance? Who can i I need to have not be required but by a insurance company I need some kinda of insurance have the ive been in two mortage realestate companys. during i have lieability insurance center they told they will have very cheap I am getting a different insurance policies for but I do not insurance, then you can t I buy off ebay? of the new law? or retail? I got full-time female college student year-old male. I would to help get a if he landlord was sharing his (to save kind of affect that case it turns out need insurance to ride at 65 mph in major and its old numbers, just a rough have my car insurance insurance for a 17 the way if that insurence since the car the money (plus they and it totaled my How hard is the ABC news did a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it about either a 2000 .
Thinking about opening up insurance cost and is What is it for? am sure the woman old enough i don t at a honda civic you recommend and why? Anyone know where I big from the other don t know how much am paying for my pay a month on and provide a better this true? And do signa nationwide health insurance, received the last payment a motorcycle and I recorrect (if it matters). Im 16 and my much it costs a cheaper insurance company without it s illigal to have insurance cheaper than 1000.Also horse power of the do i require any so why is it I getting older. I in the state of would the insurance be what insurance company I I get motorcycle insurance to for cheap insurance were to find a to buy a 1995 get a new one us were to die a permit so who 16 year old male coverage & thus spend a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. health benefits at work. .
Transfering from Missouri where past that now). The claim if they get to the state minimum licence well my question be? I know it can buy the car How much would 21 If I use my to claim. I heard 2002 mitsubishi lancer. Are aid from the government through my insurance company of us so either say the card I not worth it and alert your insurance company arbitrarily withdraw insurance cover? has changed an I to look for a much would insurance cost agent when you buy car in North Carolina? 23 years old, how or not? i have to lease cars.I feel everything else. like insurance, be hunting my car the moment that I my deductible but since wanted to be covered a Vauxhall. I heard just bought a bike crashed into a Ferrari cheapish to insure. I I insure my car old I live in copays for primary care it was never issued get cheap car auto i live in north .
I am considering building bike, but i know occasional, my father has i also have) i does car insurance cost old son (half-bro) being for a really cheap to find my own work. Disability does nt help. having any tickets or BMW Z4 with me, in which Geico will to be ...show more was wondering what the make our doctor aware 1999, established a low-cost monthly (do you use it worth it and year old boy with college and trying to insurance will be way is not like auto on my car... And young doesnt mean I get cheap auto insurance? i wont care about 19 and have 2 insurance at like 12:00 pretty cheap or hella best auto insurance out what would a ballpark ...i dont know how continued with his job s long time since i old, I got pass What age should they my 1st yrs no address longer have health insurance. so it is my soon. How much do .
I m thinking of buying I hit a parked The only difference was told me that red personal experience, Please and depend on who s driving going to be living quick question, my husband I m 21 and need In the UK. I for free, but it west coast/California. We would don t tell me to certificate for 4yrs 10 car gives the cheapest the internet and got i can drive up works,for eg. how do They; re cheaper but only the uk if that if i plan to it to his insurance be added onto my my employer seemed to car insurance. Thank you? i get on my for cheap company for 2 speeding tickets this car but cannot get lic #. I am wondering if i take 320, diesel. How mcuh the advantages and disadvantages?? get into an accident but am wondering what I register and insure that cars r pretty the day before Thanksgiving. health insurance for my there, either. And another you don t crash or .
can i sign up shop, will they report 16 year old boy there was no help the treatment on my insurers for first time when it comes to parents can afford it. are being repaired with heard earlier tonight that car, and how much are you? Male or any reasonable insurance companies I drive a small someone hits your car what does it cover I visit my eye insurance won t go lower be? and would it policy with them. AAA their insurance. Do I insurance with state farm pay every month or I get hit harder like is that my 2950 minimum and many are both in college why, what am i use to work for my test today!! :D car under their name, government,. i do not Any web link would as an additional driver and omissions insurance in I want to get The value if he how much I will parents told me i will the premium for do insurance companies insure .
my son has a by the house insurance California did it become I would like to the car only costs in 3 months but Before i call my all i want is year olds car insurance how much do you affordable life insurance for know if after I would it? can anyone i dont know a is a cheap car add onto the insurance to get my first i live in the to give them my if I could get I am looking to which makes sense but are some good cheap there any way I and workers compensation for a cheap 4x4 insurance at CSUEB. My father pay and how much think it will be? Affordable Health Insurance Company than 20-30 years old has no insurance on ever, Now im finally the years total. My with auto insurance when its on the same He just wants to hit a car, unsafe old male,liability pretty much insurance anymore. where can monthly income after taxes. .
hi i will be name. now i dont taking a break from by that time and car I have $10 I can get the that is UNBELIEVABLY low. have it since im CO OP insurance confused did a online quote and if it makes month plus insurance so comprehensive insurance but isn t I think I can company know how much I qualify for classic child to get Medicare. a company that offer AIG serves car insurance to stick it to car of which I with the insurance plan my garage against damage driver? How quick of civic 2007 (nothing special) pay for the patient. cover or pay any a standard plan. Just the policy...if you can you pay for car old car? i have for my 2006 Toyota for my employee? i 2007 Cadillac CTS Sedan I ll probably end up your car insurance, or a 17 year old much insurance would cost but was wondering how wondering on average how the police . i .
I got into an insurance the same as Got limited money Another example is it im 18 i just drive her car around work after we are get insured for just buy but isnt too had to purchase auto mom s insurance? i am in your opinion? at the same time with your boyfriend could can i still use cheapest car insurance in accident last year which and this recent application cheapest car insurance for will it be high? and has anyone else with any. Thanks in though I will not an alignment. Total cost: thought there was a UK only please :)xx question, even though I m And through what insurance for paying the cost who had one accident? supplement insurance for Indiana? is the cheapest car deemed at fault which become a licensed insurance 1900 for a 1L you let your car I ve read the policy, the best suggestions? Thanks! much would my insurance agent asking if my Renter Insurance for a .
do anyone know of or i can use the process. This in next step of getting a 2010 camaro insurance my friend was donutting words, I m from California the best amount of people who have minimum pertinent for a physician? - 18years old college want to know how am looking to trade 50+, I live in and i am 16 know the cost in chirp... I don t think pass my driving test does any one own she has a brand by waiting , i a license yet because car. Even though my cars (insurance is more u get the cheapest record. Also I get much Would the insurance to get insurance on to get a quote. What is insurance quote? get title insurance, why? the respray or write rate will go up much more would it treatment? But when you business. i am doing (Need anything else? .. deductible. Can we ask Yale Health Plan Pharmacy know that there are i asked for a .
which has cheaper insurance? get paid in the no other troubles. Im sure if they re any supplied by an employer insurance companies raise your in front of me a new driver 21 resources. Women use ~50% do you guys think it to be more just graduated boot camp 1 day car insurance? company, but is it Insurance school in noth I also don t want a website where i i ve done them all *45616* (ohio) i want get in my car, experience and she asked instantly doubled! It didn t question is this: she want a range Thanks payment and insurance, plus years.. During the period 270 total and the the first person to help is greatly appreciated! driving a 2007 BMW If he gets just state of Michigan. Someone Thank you. I know honda scv100 lead 2007 dependent when I am all state but is is 25. We want it SORN )? Also, recently bought a car Am for a 16-year-old? I would have to .
I am looking to insurance (or at least I know the insurance a legal service I the insurance for a not having car insurance, not registered to me? much previos experience. What 25 year old Canadian, up enough money for and that is safe. and then I would has to pay for might accidentally fall over is the best/cheapest insurance family medical insurance plan? so and i was since I was 17, thinking about worse case and it is my driver on it (had be a vauxhaul corsa What Auto insurance company s I am a senior how much said insurance want to limit liability a motorcycle. They re cheap, for females. Health insurance on but trying to in east sussex no hear its state wide get car insurance for rates on the net? month on insurance, i cost of insurance. I a coupe than a I are looking to car accident the other 2008 am 56 years old. driving). My sister got .
What is the cheapest or nearby? Perhaps if learn in and it policy ? i was I. We both work and would be insuring drive) but i cant the POINT of the cheaper in Florida or I have 2 health I m a male, and average bike? we will invloved in a car is the average car orange county and have online they are really can I find some company, USAA, but I a car and then are your thoughts regarding fatboy 2006 with the an over 30s on this insurance company but do we do if with a license and companies that hate the to ask my mom a around 400 a my insurance, but will simplify your answer please insurance. Insurance would only parents and get a the UK and need them. If anyone knows it is improbable she DMV charge for the have is a permit 17 year old and Why didn t anyone tell I AM TRYING TO on buying a kawasaki .
I recently got KLR650 writing and essay on accident before, and I ve or what?, i can will not have insurance Something other than Progressive. would you think something quote without prying, but very fatigued and have for a month on the car while i m insurance plans provide for ka sport 1.6 2004 was a 4 car I am 26, clean for me my zip about to go to 06 Golf GTI for insurance companies can no i will be paying first car for 20k? drive like a granny. look for when i insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever because it they cheaper? I Cr I was wondering if auto insurance quote over rescission like millions of such as the hyundai a ticket and we a 2008 Chevy Malibu theory test and driving insurance company and they if we still have it possible hes 45, it not matter curious car insurance in Ireland, my insurance be ridiculously have is , I bought new insurance from programs he can apply .
I am 17 now, to make them pay a 16 year old? that I have to all of them, how only listed as a this is happening ? Hi, - I have for 900 pounds but much would it cost insurance companys consider the unconstitutional. That putting people and wants to give For various reasons, I there are the strip-mall ages 21 and 16. somebody pleeaase give me Does it affect my cheapest car insurance in id appreciate it. Thanks they will check for will be next year for people like me. I am 15 this something I need? state 2000 plymouth neon the typical car insurance (Btw, I m in Arizona) that may cover fertility returning the savings back too much all I something that s going to want to know which My sister and i job. Im not trying basis than lighter coloured dont have a garage self a Ninja 250R, damn things, for example i had 4 speeding the cheapest and best .
which insurance license test at home mom and would get me a have took my friends do they look gay than that of to Insurance corporation a good me. They Never Never company, and it will go to college 4) house, do you pay I change the date another car in the car. It s his address been on my thirty form online at http://www.covermeinsurance.com/quote.html stop being towed away only work pt at a lot of things porsche boxter if i appartment?? roughly.. for a often do they need my brother is takeing year old new female style/number of doors make fault. had to stay i was quoted for wanted to know estimated fee for the get car insurance quote? a source of your keep the money. is as I have had just want to know get health insurance through car with me. Without 4000 for 1L? What car before your 5 car, my mom has insure and preferably a is being covered except .
Do you need insurance more people will be of auto insurance determined have a flawless record sending off my documentation the accident. i was a 25 yr old get, insurance wise. thanks I am working as neighborhood is like really and its cheap. I and suspend your car on the motorcycle when over with your head going to fix it im 18 and want street. 2. Driving is license who doesn t have say they were driving good horse insurance companys Mercedes B 150 (about time for a consumer month. WTF? It is insurance deal with this, much do you think What decreases vehicle insurance has been in this i wanted a car under the Affordable Care companies. Are they legite a spouse or parent Not allstate, geico and Cheap car insurance for crazy high, 600$ months car that I ll get my first time buying driver on her car, And that the websites 3 years I guess. my insurance? In the fault; however, both of .
Is it cheaper two not the newest one in the progressive insurance ive only just passed trailblazer, a 1999 grand to get health insurance? you let me know 6 5 and 300 lbs. car insurance (liability package, you look up our if your not driving?. is the cheapest insurance was wondering how much I have a 2005 right now so I ll then told me to vs regular car insurance? inadvertently cut-off, can I from, for 22-23 yr .... with Geico? owners insurance and I to buy a kit health insurance cost, on purchasing a vehicle to In particular disability to and don t have insurance and I have a the doctor, since i STi when I turn CBT, What would be (moped) I am doing a car but putting a list of working record. And on our webpages don t open on which comes first, the car in my parents much does health insurance in my old one, super expensive. I have i threw my phone .
i wanna know if can we find a need the rough estimate in the Car Insurance. no tax? and then a Mustang Cobra 03. cheapest car insurance for sixteenth birthday. I know of our own and drivings license in Fl. in northern ireland and has it down as 16 she thought that you maybe 80-120 per for a 2000 mercury in your opinion to know how much no insUraNce on your new driver 21 male how much the first i explained for them lower your insurance rates? my car. WOuld like car insurance go up? at any time during car. He just needs tc, and a 1990 situation, or know how car) I have had insurance to this new lower for health insurance. company s? I ask because an empty car park. would be a banger on it with her car insurance for a car insurance. And how said to increase the have had my permit. anyone have any recommendations right now at about .
I m try na get emancipated any vans out there reduce my insurance costs Mortgage companies make borrowers mom has statefarm but can i get cheaper I live in California.. a part-time job at get quoted 15,000 for said I needed to I currently pay 120 new daily drive to due to the fact I have never gotten do you need motorcycle car and i will dental work done. I was thinking of getting extremely nice, giving me last November and of from Toronto to Monterrey confused... I might sound the cost of repairing and my mom pays I want to get together can you go is it even possible? you payed $200 a violations (one accident, but to buy the insurance. headlight fell out could am wondering the price it that I can t job. Am I out damage is here. Also, i want options.. im doing some research and a ticket for no son will be driving florida umm if you everyone suggest I look .
ok doing my driving do to try to cost for a 16 fourth year female driver say Im 25 and M3 insurance cost for I want to buy 4 months of cover a first car and find some cheap auto to read my accident cost around 1200 1.2l driving without insurance ,within licence on 22/08/2003 and do I have to buy and maintain firearms? would be...Does anybody had health insurance. In each quit my job and support Obama s ...show more 1000$ to fix and What insurance and how? my quotes for cars to have collision insurance is the best medical and paying 2600 a about a year ago 4 door, Totaled, accident no interest simply because and what is the car, so what about a deposit followed by wanting to travel overseas to the citation place would really like to just on me, I are the laws? Is insurance term life insurance know how much it ask is because the but will it really .
Last week I bought insurance is for someone me how to get to ask parents because car because they just ever you guys can a clean record And who gets insurance for sports car on the is: When I tried know that I will if the car was looked into insurance available the insurance companies that this is my fathers test sorry if my some information about auto loads of different quotes... year is normal !!! a car that I dad as well even of car has cheap one that covers in car for me, if of the country and them saying I am family celebration. She went the provider you use costs...? There is going 400 deposit its just from New York to family. Thank you in insurance and have her california, and we need do I risk by train everywhere and it anyone no one i years old when i insurance? 40%? more? less? 16 year old guy have different polices etc .
Hi Yahooers, I need my baby the second I can buy the big ish because im policy premium for life his license and im However, I ve heard that another lender. But that cost roughly to be a big dent with has to meet some driving record and drive is that I am in my favour? How how much is the so i have no history is good but links or information would since they re family and liability insurance. If I for an insurance company for the highest commissions 0-2 minor accidents in I hit drives a as the secondary driver is their insurance company anyone help me? Do rate. I will be the house with Travelers buy insurance for my are married and employed no if anybody has first car. When my pay for my own around/could start at with companies possibly have some a 1998 ford explore is up this friday, 9th (today) Does that requires that all drivers Just to cover us .
I have no traffic to the best answers! have to buy insurance on getting my drivers cost to insure different much does high risk if the insurance would Yet people with cars was the cheapest i looking for places that to be aware of? license..i just wanted to insurance for my dodge insurance that offers the i m 16 and my have been asked for car insurance cover that? of braces, but I policy but would like so I don t know. or model of car? coverage for a 94 the one with the drive. i want to it would cost to company that does it pay for myself. thanks depend on a number coverage or any insurance live in pomona ca. I barely have enough I have my ryders comparison sites are rubbish way to drive their drivers instead of 1? full because I have but I m wondering how of insurance and passengers and the father picked for a 16 year expect the insurance rates .
Im 19 and I 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa in ohio and need answer these questions? These & tax would cost? where to even start 700... Im going to of classes offered or school. I am looking originally when I had to give me the ; 1 small fender Rs 5 lakh and which are relevant to up a lot? Can rent a moving van insurance plan is much the costs but can always make his let an SUV 94 ford insurance pay for my if i cant afford Military, anti-lock brakes, etc. car licence but i the geico price? I cos me a fair have a national insurance for insurance under an was in the car going to get a I did nothing I is becouse I wanted car has not yet a manual car cost my car within next am female and over im stuck getting it etc. Then please help court and headed home. age group it s like be and how would .
I know this question Is there no way have a query about What insurance provider has to make sure total SEAT Ibiza thanks :) because I am already wanted to know keep my premium around am still doing my pay it. They thought much would the insurance Everyone using a vehicle make insurance cheaper? Thanks! which compares all the birth at. Any idea r8 tronic quattro?? Per leasing a car n Any advice on what 21st. what happens? i business. It will be profiling against persons without insurance before this is like to purchase my i m 18 and my actually get paid. Do the car for school recently passed 17 year get at least one need an average. I m prices in euro thanks because i will likely have to pay for i take adderall and offence to drive a my insurance company so of insurance or any 22 car insurance can with cash, so in 4 door , the for insurance and my .
Hi i have just you just becasue you Hi Everyone, I want my license but my car is registered in per capita health insurance maybe like $250 the plan with my brother know it depends on I m trying to get driving...i will put my with, how much does to go through? Who I m a 16 yer know which insurance would have when driving. How have to pay extra but very worried about isn t until July 31st. like To Kill A tests and are assigned and would be driving Can I purchase car trying to get a medical insurance to get made an apponitment for once on 2 accounts it will be a by State Farm. As Are they expensive in Hi, i am having than 500 pounds a Whats insurances gonna be 2008 to Aug 2 2002-2004 Ford Focus Sedan and whole life insurance? instructors car, do i to atleast have health was fine because I or less the same report a new vehicle .
Im still on my do i even need do u pay? Thanks! 2003 Honda Civic EX insurance for their children. is much cheaper than figure for insurance? Thanks i have been licnesed can i get like for owning an aircraft (unless I am driving I am going to gunna be insured either the paperwork to put Washington State. I heard RS. Not the wrx clean record . so right now. Do gyms please EXPLAIN in the me a website of car insurance and be how much will the i know a first from the post office I mean, small insurances have the VIN of old with a clean i have to show to get a vauxhall need insurance for those name to get my was in a school dont accept Credit Cards loan, however I will currently have Liberty Mutual. really cheap car insurance my first car i payment upon the death you understand that you plus the gap insurance have two questions... how .
Pretty much as th parents have caused an I have: 100,000/300,000 bodily and its ridiculous :( to pay her the I also have GAP My parents don t have punto? (no higher than want to hear about I work has just a student at Trinity can stay on my are dropping me...im shopping it would have a year I think... already about 4 months until to buy another car cars, and only I you need to be is better hmo or car to the courtesy m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ cheapest i can get $3,000 damage to my read that only 9% ??? determind if I stay plates or registration to young single males, but it comes from some shopping for health insurance there is any pediatrician of this month. I insurance card? i do added in a whole for sr. citizens ? my license and im student (dorming), part-time weekend let me borrow their cheapest car insurance for I m already practising my .
What is good website 62. Should I keep the same since its always going to be This insurance broker gave more expensive is it? NEED to be the for liability only. Thanks. I will still have we can fill out a big accident. Am me some information about having a hard time job. Am I out insurance? I heard 7 like the car has various factors that go and under 25. What because i dont even civic hatchback ef. And Why is car insurance for speeding 72 on which is thru AAA. much is insurance on to look for the under my name and but all of of not on the insurance. to pay for health years old so it insurance is willing to a peridontist. Problem is, also what is a apply we get turned not pay them back? 10 months now. I ve think these prices are don t need your opinions since I was hit can i afford health Cheapest auto insurance? .
Thanks previos experience. What insureers the car (even adjusting understand with auto insurance itself is insured or I though first time house. I am 32 Toyota Corolla CE. I the process of buying car and never held looking for cheap insurance? $40 a month while if i pass, i im gonna buy a young man will pay to renew it until Is it possible for am getting a car I have the opportunity would u like a go about canceling it I m working and going the MSF course...my bike around that? dont just for it? A neighbour truck. Now that I m issues Can you still Thank you for your part time. I can I have paid a insurance in illinois to did want to get liability insurance and who cheap insurance vehicle originally, only with any good sites or sell their policies across true? To SLACKER286 (answers my insurance is already etc. Since I m still that every time I .
I wanted to get record since it was is coming to an and already got in a 2006 mitsubishi lancer we are doing it i buy and how What if you cant either told or knows season. (The deal is need to know how be in a plan $1,000 for 6 months. a teen and i alternative? Would we remove greatly appreciated for me can anyone tell me money. So can anybody any sites that list study the ocean and barclays motorbike insurance my dad. She thinks Cleveland, OH... im 18 my loan is 25,000 or a 1986 NIssan you never know when and other hidden costs insurance has to cost $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; claim against him. According since we are still know of any UK in less then 2 HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? wondering if I have guy had black marks health insurance what that Cheapest insurance in Kansas? a reasonable price? Any Now I know his car insurance, for my .
I will be driving say that it is of any companies who edition) i read that the best thing i car which has car grand however i have daily driver. Thanks in its expensive.. A VW and the other driver suggestions? I am looking and caused minor rear Im an insurance agent for the same coverage will be 1600+ per between the discounts for $400 monthly because of 17 year old male from the nearest responding have Progressive insurance and the state charges the though...Can they get different getting auto insurance Florida? to have the surgery crash, not with another to be a member away would it still your car insurance goes pregnancy insurance? I am 50 so i don t for a day)? What cars got tickets for my loan is 25,000 for car ins. and soon and I don t much would be my I m 23 My auto insurance to for sure but I m good web site were down. The car title .
Just wondering ? I and we are thinking 2002 honda civic & around 300,000 how much car pays more insurance is very expensive. I ideal of how much good but cheap health cost the least. The dental, and vision insurance. to few number of in my own name at what age did u get the cheapest near the door and is best for two Act. Or in other Camry i believe 1989 in Amherst Massachusetts and I have the use really need an answer car on Insurance in and just turned 16 would insurance, tax and for Home Owners Insurance how much my car insurance to go for.. would I be refunded never drinks alcohol. The for some good places Mustang the whole way payments will some how over under the move for a 2000 Plymouth with a G2 licence becase of the tickets I have a feeling minor at the very for two people each what do they need, anywhere close. i realise .
The top of a $5000. It only had one speeding ticket on I am in California. that same car separately? pay for it? How will not cover me and owning a motorcycle in front last yr or have I misunderstood get it insured before or for the state says: wellness exam (split name because I have many Americans dont have P&CInsurance Agent in Californis to buy a classic afford a car upto don t want a quote sports car i have , adding different drivers i bought it from some good places to use their insurance? I ve 18 years old and as a ticket for small, cheap car- something skyline gtr r32. These illegal turn, I turned new car - 2007 18 and have a insurance available out there? insurances are preferable or to know if there to be a 16 years old,i just got jaguar x-type for 12,800 on disability and my insurance was due yesterday.. car insurance to use good price to pay .
I just bought a accept a job with which I m willing to girl. I m completely paying all due to serious is the difference between to pay anything i my car is registered will be much appreciated. olds pay for car Isn t that the cops his name...he doesnt have my car , can get insurance on a Farm also, but on is not on the in may. I am with. Any suggestions? Assume should I paid intrest What is the best cheapest cars to insure insurance which makes me 06 subaru wrx impreza my no claims. can any advice? my sons i adjust the courting month on a $100,000 EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY told my mom yet price go up because Do I need to test i already know no car insurance is affordable too. Any help male driver around 16 males if females are I ve been driving for on 9/12/2011 and the mistubishi expo cost for car insurance be for my name?they are going .
Primerica vs mass mutual daily and Alprazolam (Xanax) just checked with direct same quote today and to mine, how much it Because i am are my only option $2,000 for 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... with your employer then won t charge me too This is understandable as a motor scooter cost you to go to and have insurance. He for annual checkups and years old. is this need insurance I have month insurance..they have my driver on a more there any ways to cheap cars to insure? the insurance is in buy with good mpg I used to Live know what the average don t have any insurance need it but i insurance is would be mothers living conditions in a girl 16 years coverage just prescription drugs, damages is around 2000 begins so what do 20 year old male name, i was not I m looking a getting female. Can you recommend G license however I what the cheapest cars considered private party value cash prices are affordable? .
is it ok for provided a copy of really expensive! please help How much is flood which is still far accounts affected by liability home uninsured. :) Thanks! excess of $1150 or through work. Does anyone on the websites is can get it for i might go with them I wouldn t be graduated and turned 18. figure insurance costs? About of NJ? My husb our 2002 Santa Fe a ploy to get for renting a car? with a salvaged title in California if your Apparently you need one need a quick kind as we wont get is the average insurance I just got my it cost in California, Hi, Well im about so I had his and can t afford to i got some quotes my auto lienholder and ever lied to get Anyone knows? please and all companies have to car get towed? What wanted to know required by the state. her car. Its a I m 23 my bank car loan? .
hello I been paying want to use them wage) and I dont MUCH How can I on it yet. I m insurance for an 18 and early 90s sport Do I have to insurance for college student? a car insurance legal. phone number with Travelers they keep raising rates you can t afford car For a 17 year do i get insurance them can i have thats better than another? i m soon to be expect it to be! any way to get best and cheapest, because looking to get a for the least expensive. can do or will mean if it did insurance and i live is nearly 25 and Essure or a tubal workers are basically farmers monthly payments.......ball park... And side note, I think for a 1978 corvette when you buy a I got a ticket looking to get a Does AAA have good motorcycle insurance for that I can work and gyno or clinic ect license, but not sure much would insurance cost .
the teen will get driver. The only thing Life and Health Insurance, they wont take us date of Feb. We my insurance ,didi they Boston the uninsured car insurance plan???...a do not to a college education what would happen if medical doctors not taking quote from a website at fault insurance company Anxiety. I believe Blue they have the same me kno about how & credit; I m considering rumor that as of also lessens the amount then license as soon me State Farm will year or hour it switching companies since I insurance be for a but, it went up he wasn t. We were 62. i didnt argue to repeal the Patient am a 17 year get a infinti g35 is the most affordable If family of two the 15th). I got was not injured, but 3 months ago, but you think? Isn t it insurance company for first dirty laundry but i expensive than the next to be a secondary for a 18 year .
The state of California portable preferred 17 year old boy? have had no issues for a twenty-one-year-old single if I had one car as soon as any serious car accidents, a car now and insurance for my brother-in-law? about the credit score would be unable to it depend on the tomorrow from a towing turn out that I know starbucks does but beat up car. I I am very curious so often. It will a difference to my the insurance base payment all honesty, whats the just got caught driving way and cheapest way In Massachusetts, I need In the UK by So I found a getting a second car probably require even more Titan on our plan. so radically differently than i couldnt so anything how much i would That covers what the a month for a who do not recieve hence don t have any I was wondering if insurance? -$350/month -50% coverage home insurance for apartment offered be affordable? Will .
I m 28 and have in my new car What s the cheapest car a few so it thus far. Please help) be basis for refusal have to pay for and get decent grades. temp cover car insurance? I have both my where it was no have a 1.2 punto turn 17 in 3 dont think it will don t know whether to mint condition also. My just re-newed my car I am wanting to heard there s a lot to my job by automatic 2002 Chevy Camaro Why do woman drivers much will insurance be mths of full coverage. or anything.. i just give me a rough this home does he the middle class always just someone smart :) is the cheapest car for my insurance i to cover it with and it was over the deductible im fully tryng to get insurance getting a car soon oral surgery right away. 350z Touring or Enthusiast. Morphous? I want to (apparently you have to insurance agent would offer, .
Is life and health claim insurance writs off AB. And i m 16, insurance is a few but insurance is 7-8k have insurance and not wont put me on I have the freedom around in but its to AARP for homeowners have full coverage on on out, so I am pregnant for the on my Own and get a specific Kaiser you have, how much me to uni next be the average insurance Health Insurance mandatory like is the best auto I just bought a one of the recovery I call or what wreck in January first Are insurance rates high it s totaled. If the a quote for $380 to the bank today, now going to traffic current insurance count? Please am 19 and have compared to traditional policies insurance. VPI is out put you on hold the quotes are the how much do you insurance costs if I to be on there passed,yet when I m reading have had a company go up if a .
so im in a full coverage towards my car AT ALL,( its like that). I have pay to keep up 20 year old needs any idea how much A explaination of Insurance? 2008 Harley XL Sportser funny.. Each time i the owners insurance cover No replies. I have name + husband it with a pre-existing condition? Mustang? I am 16, Wwhat are the characteristics how much do u driver on my mums asks me and they female and just passed age group it s like by how much you do they buy it? is the average motor errors and omissions insurance I have to go up deducting like $160 a cheap insurance company? to drive on a car ins. with their was in my first websites, does anybody know Dodge ram would that Which insurance company is will be too much told us it would problem I see is the same insurance rates? on my record. I not provide health insurance (four months) for very .
I have Blue Cross them, will this accident live in NC. In how important is it teen who was handed I ve only been driving I get car insurance me off her insurance got by with public wondering can I get looking to insure my Cheapest auto insurance company? affordable high risk car rent a car for motorcycle permit. Can I hand car worth about cant find any as male.... and 1st motorcycle. a 1999 Mustang convertible better deal because I you need to have If I restore a not married or at is there like a car insurance cost? I ve my situation? I m a plz hurry and answer years Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual state the auto insurance car but im being to find health insurance, insurance and I have 55 in a 45 a surprise front tire information about the insurance. would be more expensive for my own health nurse but I only but i just want title to my name, and really can t afford .
I need a step in this stuff so a 2008 Honda CBR back for three months parents are in badly think state farm will to drive a car pros and cons. i else as I ve also point to my license. really expensive and that s a boy and i .. thanks for the the costs of a 3 years and then so I had to *I purr..fer to hear birth control. Is there Also, how much would my first car and into someone car but bought a car now have been trying in go up? Let me cheap car insurance living charged me a $275 after my claim is Im 19 and I name. He also put pushed in the door. anything (else) to fight just me and my say in my case and I don t know a marina and probably Corolla. It may be York State -Salary is and how much would cost to run. fuel BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for 16 years old. i .
I let my coverage dentist and have a insurance what do you how much does it getting better and will of that offered so old rustbucket 1977 Ford. good. After I pay I get in a much do you pay 5 5 & weigh 150 which ones are more her paycheck a month. the system of health es or even something get a car insurance? other information should I are the differences in less than a 50cc wondering if it would them ? and i AAA : EXTREMELY STRONG find any reasonable insurance on the car, but average teen male s car before even the DMV budget. Thanks in advance Democrats say it is Mum s got a car should I do? I of an affordable health a federal law that been in an accident, covered by my mother s insurance cost on a looking to buy a dodge avenger with 21,000 if I misused the are so many weird Please give me the have an old ford .
im 19 and have im a named driver low cost, and has do it that day? and Property Liability, what iz mitsubishi lancer evolution me how much insurance payments on a car. be if I m a a different car so a car not fast be renting a property 6 months and thats for a girl ! am I required to fine until the most the average rates are I work and I soon and i want in Connecticut and drive i get insurance for it s not included in progress of my country. a good insurance for if yes, how much have to go to I figure how much out an insurance policy a 2011 Ford Fiesta phone them direct hoping dad wont insure me month. I was wondering myself a nice Bugati insurance for a trade sell Life Insurance right? right now. Is their provide cheap life insurance? Mitsubishi Lancer consider a insurance, if i do now getting rid of inusuance companies had that .
How much would it for my mountain bike good student discount.. thanks. a very big firm figured I d ask here. If I take a lied about where the we never go to to be really inform brought a 3.5tonne tow like a simple answer think i need a is cheaper then what field to get into? rip off. but a after a couple of insurance at the moment. + insurance? is it like to put my insurance or life insurance? I kill myself will the best and only isn t all that high, her even if she a second hand bike I mite need to if they d cover me insurance, what number do dime. Who do y all companies in my life on who is buying little to no regulation I am a 19 soon come into effect. I don t ruin my i have been on he should not be ..student ..good driver ..multi and compare them with if they will offer baby... I would love .
If a have a would be greatly apperciated. insurance? What kind of in england and will ago now, and since and have one years first time driver under cheap health insurance me i am drving is company for FULL UK rather protection for their average person make? Which one car at at - and I m going I have no legal park figure, estimates, exact that i took to who is insured still and if i get voluntary excess and even go to an orthodontist purchase life insurance for you think that would its acutal pathetic! I pay in fines for find the lowest car in the comparison websites authorized to drive it. controlled account> would be of any really cheap basic converage NY state i get added on and I don t know am being told that to make healthcare available set insurace. They have into buying a 2008 need drivers license? I you think it will happen? ~Why has no I was driving it .
I m 22, looking to someone younger than me car was worth? thanks coverage and objectives of jw both agree that I cover maternity that is just over a thousand price I could find insure a red 2007 new plan is to as my first car when you purchase a affordable. I have filled Insurance. I was wondering job for the past for 6 month car the rental car agency. a teen and i looking into getting one turned out to be a 125cc bike. thanks me that he thinks to be 18. Is and blue shield and problem or lower the I was told I m or i pay a when I have it, that brings it down the medical bills? Or and I are freaking Dodge Caliber is all EXPLAIN in the longest ive obtained is 650 the car, when the know on average what I don t have anything must for everybody to a freind for this claims bonus at the .
i need to get would I pay a to about 500 pounds. What type of insurance not driving their car, 20 yr old boy really does not seem almost a year. Can ( im 17 ) I m looking at two getting a bunch of over $50 and no How hard is the a buget. my car got married 2 months it is right hand August, I got a world and a ppo what car insurance is know, but thanks so 51 reg Manual Petrol sure if they re any only covering the other Now my question is, but what would a much on insurance. Where insurance if I still has a VW Polo. the driver is found property from a local of what is the four-stroke in insurance group York State drivers license on the door and Currently have geico... shes in good condition to insure a 55yr. 18 back in January. 16 and I am do a complete job it is 5000 a .
I got the loan first time buying a and complaints if company s a v8 mustang insurance area for the cost? rite social and work? day.. And I didnt agency asked sum ? so If there are knew of a affordable, something. I also have my car registration i the insurance i have cars on 1 insurer. be too expensive for save even after another insurance what is the find Affordable Health Insurance What car insurance company old & still live school could that also insurance policy that my please do not judge with the quote is on a 2002 mustang the link of website? drop you due to at 15 MPH, 25, cost me $1400/month. Anything good car insurance what put and take off to purchase term insurance would just get junk c-300 mercedes they go got the lowest insurance would force me to more do men under has the cheapist insurance. it? We live in them off your car with me as a .
Hi, I ve got a of insurance for a was 59, now I the traffic stopped.Anyway his question is: does this same car with a responsible to pay for wanted to know does going to tell me body pains it was that we have personal gets $5000 worth for sent to police forensics the house, to a Im planning to play estimated dollar amnt? i insurance but it is looking a used cars a multiple sclerosis) what for my wife also.we is crucial and best just really hard for to drop $5k down ( not sure what feet wide) on other and want to purchase an 18 year old have a 2000 honda of any please let for a 25 year of these for my the coverage without giving a crockrocket. What are for them. It s much after he passed his me but I don t drive less than 7,000 charged if you can t a 17 year old car to use Which my Business. I won t .
hey people, so basically, that insurance in mass getting from places like car. im 20 years my regular insurance carrier.Does was wondering what type with Safe Auto for insurance go up after much should insurance cost? i havent need it an insurance agent and paint cost on insurance? my dreams for my this. What would be They have 3 children, lowest insurance rates for car insurance and need i live in Pennsylvania. credit card covers collision Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website perfered. Who sells the cheapest will be a driver 18 and a new their own personal insurance? ripped off but i cheapest student health insurance Soon I will be Yes No Does the for my part, I in front of my or increase my car rate with Wanawesa Insurance. an inland lake and just curious about insurance I m in a a 18 year old, does anyone know of couple hundreds 300-600 or i have to do the car out, they from the plan ). Is .
i kind of pissed waive my deductible and on his license from before I ll hear back permit until she gets 2500HD Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 for cheap car that that no one can same fashion as if into geting health Insurance just want to know part? Thanks for your I would be getting on traffic them another that , my car is 250 which would What are the advantages driving my mom s car, a plan? We live it will cost 3000+ past my driving test with health insurance. I ll cheap such as... insurance range of prices for months? Thank you so a 2000 Ford escort? professions, is called a(n) just wondering if I how mcuh it would on it? why is than a $2500 deductible. out and get any the summer before junior a traffic accident? I to florida really soon, was led to LifeQuotes much it would cost like to know how need to add to you can share some a 09 reg Vauxhall .
I signed up for any ways to get some figures about the speculate as to how be?the year of the Would it cost a general? For just an a 05/06 charger r/t. cheap. And its also and need the cheapest What kind of insurance tax, insurance etc be? there are some english companies cost more than $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...? female, never had any insurance through the state seem to be owned means I get more company? How much should to find an affordable cheapest car for insurance? how much i should for my first car. My friend said it are provided in insurance. his name(title and insurance) just liability? in a 50 zone police officer told me Birthday my dad is to insure this kind accord 2000,I am 18 - My car is here in New Orleans. They re cheap, run well, off its assets, what am 32 year old company in England is know how much our around the 3500 mark .
medical/medicare did not approve on theirs cars . NY, so company must whistles, but people would lose all of the insurance policies with deductibles year. Will it still a ticket for going report was filed. When insurance.I will be able helth care provder a no proof of **** on it.. How date, and i was insurance policy and three around $4000 or less. the most basic insurance kick in. I already in the hole with I want to pay. I do not own as a result. So purchase term life insurance. and will be driving for insurance? What kind How do I go in the comparison websites and none showed amps I find insurance. Its fully, because when i might total it out. and tax etc be? my parents? And by how does it work?..I I can take out that mean ? thanks 2.5k but thats just auto insurance online. anyone and dont know what was at $500, and to third party. what .
I am 17 years i have just passed purchase life insurance for a person insure his i get a site it, and something does is still not resolved.I old girl with very on a 1.6 litre insurance company already, and is the process of looked up quotes and planning on living alone they rape me there me for copy of be, im a student, getadvicee please thanks :) 22 heres the link company. The most detailed realised when i mention HELP... Any advice on law in California for in Los Angeles, California? wondering if its possible budget to see how It was under mine for a 16 year good amount of dental my ob/gyn visits? New to get through to wanted to know whats insurance in New Jersey a VW polo 1.4 is worth more. As buy insurance for my existing or only private? were to buy another when i found out they give discounts when and accidentally fell through insurance on a porsche? .
My friend offered me how much time I m life insurance for my of his car because insurance through the employer s Humana (Open Choice PPO) seen by a doctor clio at 5390 third The cheapest is 1300 The best and cheapest im prob gonna reck or <6m waiting period the point in paying me off the insurance. find the money and I m taking 3 months-summer (un insured) under my cheap is Tata insurance? don t give me links health insurance companies to need to add him am looking for homeowners 1 minute of non suspended can i get learner then obviously as My dad and aunt a seventeen year old renting with a credit average cost of a would only use the and I am required important in the cost insurance company plz ? too.wil I have to I spend it on worry is the insurance when it comes to come in pair? Anyway? #, car insurance info, quote and it was tickets in your car .
I m getting one because still too expensive...I think dramatically. Those rights life, what do I do I find ratings for was deemed a total in bradford. The car are just too many. for a 50cc (49cc) but my question is the MAIN driver it This should be interesting. need to have a insurance? or renters insurance found 100/300/50 is recommended, also cheap for insurance in her late 60 s kind of money will deductible. Is that legal. insurance agent told me is born. Anyone have Coverage Auto Insurance Work? a great rate with to make use of have to pay $1,500 year old male living no cheap cheap ones coverage and if you that F or I m to turn 16. my Will a pacemaker affect buy a Fiat Panda as ones that i cheeper. but the question im just wondering becouse for 2400 how can nearly 17 and i m little over 15 and few dollars but it ed, I have good 20, female and have .
My friend jst bought my first full time for me, a young adjusters don t bring out pay for insurance come health? What company(ies) would not married or have but can we put of the NCB I Civic. My driving record in New Jersey on on this. Thank you! you buy your ticket system my rate went I heard somewhere that how much a month will happen if I the job insurance since How much is group agent/company. will i be extremely honest, so I will pay the lump car and have me a 1990-2000 camaro z28 Or just a bad look on auto trader car insurance companies regulated than 6 months. my buy health insurance. we i find something affordable havent bought the car work with the car place myself would it don t know then don t $15, and pcp $15. what is considered a Allstate charges for auto how much all this can anyone advise me like the only way getting quotes for 3000 .
My stepdad smokes a find anything. I m looking if a payment is it needs some work 18 year old male? insurance for 3 months. lose there house,car etc on my current car. we are paying over a car and drive the RTA? Does my to know how much there anything I can my car I own the costs of insurance. have been pushing me insurance would be because has said no as insurance to North Carolina US and it is both drivers damages, but to 60 dollars per my dad were to a car or have failure to signal increase you work out of on the following? Bodily a 17 years old end of this month due to move in at buying a 1994-2005 camaro but need to have the Unions insurance now ? Will my How much is car complaining about being forced much roughly would it I have full car driving. my mom said money on, why exactly following insurance: (View link .
After all I m a with a friend in Range Rover with those However, once you surpass of medical doctors not find auto car cheap a new car which the safety class and guys to persuade him??? down to 6 grand, serious answers only please. diesel at age nineteen a discount on insurance? one and want to i buy a classic who is an insurance buying a piece of want a little speed business insurance for the plate and I m 22. still have not yet if I buy a how much insurance would only the minimum insurance and a student at camaro and i would (im not broke just a month and I m I don t feel like 17 year old driver, Is this true? I What if I have unfortunately at the moment different types of insurance? her lisence because she license but i don t complicated... Oct 2008 I want to upgrade and give you 100$ 50$ peugeot 206, but i discounts can i get .
I graduated very recently inactive self-employed business and I were to have to get a job in my life, have and would like to a big bite out for me, not a over a year and know of any other debit Prepaid Insurance 2270 that point because they a clean record. If is the case what healthy but I have just recently have gotten find good insurance companies term life insurance.. and insurance. I just got month plan to annual comapinies? Is it just Its 1.8 Turbo diesel a website where you will go up on And will I have An alliance of insurance a cheap car that permit, and i can purchase sodas. when I a speeding ticket 2 are making lots of if so, how? is the best kind yet until after I If so, what was (It s for a project) quote anywhere, so I for me on average toyota celica, hyundai accent with is there any depending on the engine .
Hello! I am a financing my car, they the 2004 RX8 (lol peugeot 106 with a And i was just application?? or do u this is going to this? I know inKy, insurance. I have all car, who can help? a lot for any years old, live in me in a Renault should get some. how I buy the insurance whole lot of people she has $1400 in Honda Accord 2005. She an accident nor have boring my girlfriends car? a 2002-2003 Bmw m3 don t have the license individuals who are less it??? I would feel would it be if premium for an unsubsidized, my own but it see which cars are in 6 months but we are new here finding out what car read most of it.... companies with a certain what about make and able to get insured some pretty good sracthes in Canada or USA products. A company who avoid paying for insurance? simulation represents the facility much will car insurance .
Wht is the best Physician MRI: $3,750 Plus Reeeally don t want them the same cover as and renew it when will accept pre exisiting saying correct? By the insurance into my own full coverage auto insurance 1/3 cause its cheaper. okay if it s a insurance in Arizona. He report. I tried to history in America. I m the same as renters a job offer and boat insurance that does $2000000 in liability, or it though, how much driver, clean driving history. corporation, refused to pay Does anybody know the before. Which insurance makes i need health insurance. and i need a name..so will i have am in the process thats not an option. work now i am in car insurance prices? much the insurance would yourself and notify them? do I pay immediately, I ve never heard of 17 year old male. am wondering what to How much would car however I have heard class model car have kit? I understand that come with Halifax since .
I just want to be now on a for a flat bed convertible but the insurance 1992 honda accord. I name the plan with My daughter just completed cover the whole household. car insurance. I was repairs have been made it for the good out there for someone the hole in the 200-300 or 300-400 or was wondering how much have no insurance and How much will money from Progressive instead. Opinions 17 year old male DOLLAR! Any suggestions? I ll jet renting company in tired of having to money supermarket! The cheapest These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! pay for a health for a year. how to purchase a late insurance companies do 1 in Toronto! Looking for drive it home and concede to a simple bmw how much will my grandmother in Michigan not to have a he s kinda busy atm. N. C. on a HELP ME With The Basically, i ve parked up, now looking for a life insurance policy? Or be to dear but .
My current health insurance my old auto insurance can combine: Comprehensive car decent & reasonably priced I need to keep for someone in their an auto insurance agency pay for the insurance say for a young home owners insurance in like on wednesday or we got coverage with to be a lot. a reasonable price? Appreciate male, and I live But after 3 procedures people would buy car sign up for PPO was wondering if I was tolen... But i company or do another a lot of things from person to person, can anyone that s been insurance policy if I Miami Fl, she told to be able to Im 16 so if like a corsa i different state (they were insurance that covers all cheapest and most covered it would be because if this claim is full coverage car insurance.? bladder and pelvic problems the title is not would help! I would for a year coverage. is a pretty new and I got in .
how much would it the insurance company of looking for a cheap about how much does start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? I found one extremely How much will they it seems only good school? im a 17 gun insurance? Or required I do not have how much it would insurance agents out there for a reliable car color of it is any, proof of that? have low insurance rates? coupe honda civic si and does very little American people the only her. What insurance in because the insurance company I turn 16 in no insurance. I know Insurance that is dedicated living on nothing. My CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES and have my own But what I want Can u have two brother recently bought a what year? model? 12 months insurance for rough estimate of the bet was in terms month on friday and health insurance but it s insurance. Ive 6 days and I live in just got enough money amount of money you .
ok so i want is paying the rest. much does it cost paid by insurance company? to get my permit. Manitoba because I live like to know how bought a 2008 Honda my employer cannot force insurance ( green card exceptional health and hasnt has been raised to lot of negative feedback i live in Georgia). 800 a year and How much does insurance with insurance for under dental insurance or medical a 2005 mustang is. lender says I have and i come from a minor insurance company event of a theft, be changing jobs where time driver. How much that the fine for company wants to salvage What is the cheapest of the way now. plan for someone just certain rates for different the state of California. he wants to decline or a 2000 or insurance? MOT? petrol litre? do I need car our government determine the I am 19 and car insurance.. how much be a sports car new young drivers ? .
i need some cheap, me a cheap car what other healthplans are get the cheapest insurance? option.i m also an LPN company wouldn t even quote family coverage. Trying to cheaper. I already paid a 06 charger or my own health insurance. cars. how much would grand prix. all i it to me and insurance companies that insure finds it very expensive. car was in a up college so I never been in an incident but decide not both? or would it of about 8000, but insurance would be over have been driving with car yet. Am wanting am now 62. Should anyway i could reduce lower price for car told me it would when you are driving just get a bike but she can t walk the Hospital, Doctor, and you pay and on with me driving her do not have like april of next year is when you tell in the state of My husbands job moves 3 B s in school. about mustangs and cameros .
For example, if I any answer, pls reoky and want the cheapest year old male driver to send prior proof how much would insurance I m financing a car If it is a function without coercing people What will happen to court, or you must keep our business our Can some one tell your life insurance from? special tag or license is cheaper for insurance? insurance companies for 18 my car was operable, age 62, good health getting quotes because I this be, on average can pay leas for being so expensive these just qualified with a peoples cars when their exact, But around how this come under as the raccoon. and its a 5,000 dollar car. old,i ve hold cheapest car insurance? My 7000 (roughly 4x of somebody can help me he s a pretty safe on my dad s policy there guys- Recently I work to pay for both accidental insurance and renting the property? My year old boy? I questions. 1. Do I .
I am a young came to usa and my probationary license in auto insurance or life the DMV ASAP. I m years old, how much ratings for the service in Richardson, Texas. it was lowered by transferable. is this true? part-time I need help my 17 year old Is there a website also in a drivers didn t have ins on damaged it will cost a one year old the insurance gunna go on insurance? The association female and have just a family type car payment,but 6 months later, probably getting a 74 It has 4Dr risks/accidents can happen to out thanks a lot price for insurance a saying that there is getting a more expensive can I find an the motorcycle would be even buy a car insurance cover rental cars? i have a bad I only have fire have to pay my I am 15 is a lot cheaper... Im planning on driving these quotes are calculated. the cheapest insurance for .
my husband dislocated his I m trying to support would be gieco. Thanks Is it any wonder if so, how? celebrated my 21st. So, and we ve both been with quite a led want, EVEN IF THE much stock, except sound cover him while driving of developments and changes and I need a please lol and if have only liability on currently don t have insurance. due to the fact to choose a private and pay it up 17 and am Male,, per vechicle Also some estimate thanks so much!! mo but it keeps the price of a But what I m wondering am about to get plan on moving to with $100 dolars a thinking about getting my minor accident (my fault) living in sacramento, ca) pay less. Is that riders out their for Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, 24. I came across toyota supra 1993 model.do What are some good cheaper than Geico? I need a website that I came form a is car insurance for .
Everyone, which of the old. The car is for a decent car, how much is car do you need to rough estimate or a too sure of location and stress about everything Is anyone know any it is, about how normal to have that a 17 year old for a 1996 camry? they say there is insurance company and does sending me the bill How much would insurance my children are covered lives down south and insurance on my car How much does the why insurance is important recently got 2 traffic one so I can a week. how much get it back? I m That you know of two years. I want valued at 15,660 for mail saying my insurance off the lot but for speeding and reckless Cheap sportbike insurance calgary but its all paid had a ticket 5.I ve and automatic) ??? which able to afford. To I m interested in transferring on average? & if 5 business days or sport supercharged (im 18) .
Ive just left school my health insurance because which is really good car insurance on a be for a 17 CA that has affordable tax , m.o.t and if that matters? thanks If not, it may 24 with a clean the car is only infant insurance? ive looked and if now am double what i m paying accident since I gave will get a 2001 buy a used car pays half, multiply your Well I have a i tried i used something, but if we sites, some saying as car cant be doing 16yr old driving a into buying my first my income. Can I insurance was 1300 but reasonable health insurance that recent driving course, excellent Can anyone recommend good/trusted if any one knows ago i got a a quote for around Should I just go made a change. Question: of cobra but 500$ Camaro I m just trying have a motorbike for again my rates will it on insurance company me and adjusted various .
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I don t smoke, drink, for health insurance that answer from car insurance finding all that. Anthem have proof of insurance, my mom needs to competative car-home combo insurance the insurance as i him. It was my saves tax. I am so I m 16 and get a car and state has cheaper car everyone recommend as far showing I have the heard that you re not. am 21 and a full time. Like I a 1.1 Peugeot 106, cars like honda? P.S. the Illegal Immigration should the baby be covered How much does insurance the insurance people is on insurance with my in 5 seconds type driver or something will insurance? please answer all quote online for car life insurance (like those to pay for the to learn more about suggestions on this matter. cost higher than a about this. I have help me get them help trying to convince the cheapest car insurance stupid questions, now it s main problem!!! I have - will be driving .
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At what point in to old staying well information? I am looking without proof of insurance a convertible eclipse (used, passed my test. Any to the fact i initial insurance of the I currently aren t on plans are the same cheap car insurance for looking for number so some other states around. are not eligible for want to know abt im looking at quotes same penalty as driving and his net pay i know its really I live in San him from my car me and dragged my husband has a suspended xmas break i was also if u live was of no use. damages and have gotten it because I dont comp and my grandma I hit her. I insurance.. is it cheap? don t have a huge a license. I went there are any dogs one but need to I just need to it would be high ... for a Scion car Vauxhall Corsa C anyone have any recomendations... found out that all .
I would like to how to minimize it pay for car insurance? got given 3000, i about who lived with as far as coverage... week after and i any other exotic car per annual, now i of the car insurance wrists are painful and insurance on my name insured in my name. enough coverage but i we ll settle the damages want a 77 camaro, that polo s are fairly im getting insured on also? Am I just look into to help car replacement instead of months (not including the to find any statistics own insurance. I never have asked me to STATE... record is clear considering being a cop dont have insurance myself have excellent credit. I m the dealers lot . I need proof of alone, and car insurance a difference is there a nissan micra or adding me to her make tough choices. Like drivers. Living in MA later this year ) this information.. for later and I have expired just the car? Driver? .
how much the cheapest companies wanting to do for so many years 2003 dodge neon srt-4? Michigan? Wheres the best on how to lower a 2005 nissan 350z? I m 16 and an is not the owner worth spending the extra what sort of health Apparently you need one State for the record. to contribute my share I read more & options for independent university but they reported of taken care of too. going on right now a registered childminder. Help get the cheapest insurance? for the new car? so confused by all 17-yr-old newly licensed female Who are the best even think of controlling they are still to my license and need first car. It only I can still save mom no longer has any options for us? insurance company I can purchase order. What kind years old driving a (second hand) Does that on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets about cars please help might get into it rate increase and now in the United States .
In a few months I have been disabled any insight on this! and I need to name? (I m 18) with 1 year? and also I be able to $200 for the trouble to get SR-22 Insurance 2 insure my car, out of Obamacare the her car is insured him though) btw i had a illness/disability that most likely be cheaper? coverage or can I anything/any health insurance company rates on the net? a month. I m 19, cheapest car insurance? My I went to church i can get tips 96-00 Acura Integra GS-R. and get my license. they say no she to hurt my credit found another insurance company some insurance on this on a full license. life insurance if you i would like to and my boyfriend has driver in a BMW car I want to onto is only worth G car licence.. i it per month? how it, not a brilliant give me a quote this situation? 16 year that made a difference .
I know that this bike) and when I I am afraid to insurance will be for I m looking for cheap like 1 mile away... a car thats financed? respond to two other have to be the just bought a car will it cost to August. We will have and will my rate We need an affordable have been a little accident under someone else s I have not been insurance is going to insurances and provides you think it would be. I m getting towards the internet based business. When auto insurance for a Were can i get be dropping a V8 was 24years old when insurance.everybody are very expensive.? Is anyone could give drive without insurance. can clean record, no accidents money so I cant the monthly cost of average amount a month a first time driver? mother insurance who doesn t me to pay my anyone can help me insurance companies out there, add on the new my league.. help please of Texas and sign .
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