#houston wrestling
scarletfirepowerbomb · 8 months
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classicprowrestling · 3 months
Gino Hernandez vs Jose Lothario - 1979
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softgrungeprophet · 21 days
the real dilemma of a large canon divergent alternate timeline w very particular events is that i think it would be nice to incorporate terry somehow but
1) i can't have it be when kaine is high in nevada because that's before louise and the whole point with louise is that she's the first person who is kind to him
2) there's zero time between slc and houston (less than a year) in windowverse and he's still very emotionally unhealthy then and not in any kind of relationship in that interim
3) after he leaves houston he stops having relationships for a while again 😅
also the whole issue of ben plot stuff but i'm ignoring that for now
maybe later in life but it would probably not be in vegas in that case (i mean, maybe) and also i'm not sure how long it takes for kaine to work out his own sexuality (if he ever does) beyond the kind of reciprocal responsive thing he does out of a need for human affection... (arguably unhealthy)
though i could see him encompassing less of a "gay" vs "straight" thing and more of a gnc4gnc or androgyne4masc thing esp considering annabelle's menswear, louise's arguable butchness, etc... even if his relationship w annabelle in au is very compulsory (at least early on idk)
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capricorndevil15 · 10 months
🍂☕ Scarlet Hollow ask game ☕🍂
I really wanted to do this ask game, so I've done it! Scarlet Hollow is one of my favorite games right now (second only to Deltarune). And I just wanted to have some fun, so here we go! Original was made by @juleshollow (thank you!!).
Your "canon" trait combination? I have a couple different runs, and I haven't decided yet which is my "canon" playthrough, if there ever will be one. Regardless, I'm Powerful Build/Hot and Powerful Build/Keen Eye! (Will shorten Powerful Build to PB from now on. 🥜🧈)
What third trait would you add for hardcore mode? Tbh I haven't messed with hardcore mode yet. It's not too appealing for me (I am just not the type of gamer this mode is made for) because I feel like the consequences don't match the "crime". Conversely, I'm one of those dirty hackers who goes into the game files and changes the rules so that I can play with all 7 traits unlocked with no drawbacks. I've done this for a couple of playthroughs, but there's no combination that I super-like yet (though I will admit Mystic is a nice add-on to any existing combo). Once the game is all finished, I want to do a playthrough where I have all 7 traits and save the town. Not the hero Scarlet Hollow wants, but the hero we need. B) I will fix everything, goddamn.
What trait are you least drawn to? Probably Talk to Animals (TTA)? There are just other traits that I like more. If this game had more snakes in it, though, I'd certainly feel a different way. 🐍💕 Also, I was wary of Hot before I tried it, and still have some gripes with certain writing choices, but it's become one of my go-to traits.
Coolest trait? Fuckin PB, dude!! The one thing you always wish you could do in a horror movie, right? Be strong enough to punch the monsters in the face, beat the killers up, and it actually works! You really are strong enough, you really can protect! Maybe this says something about my psyche, or maybe I am just small and frail in real life, but dude I love to be the strong friend in this game. Also, I'm often drawn to the "regular" characters in horror/fantasy settings. Like, how does the guy without supernatural powers hold their own? What are they doing here? That's impressive and compelling.
Who are you romancing? Reese. Once he starts talking about horror movies, it becomes impossible to not kiss him.
What romance are you least interested in? I dunno? I'm probably not gonna do a Stella playthrough because I'm gettin Stabby back together if it kills me (if it kills me!). I like all the characters and think their romantic lives are interesting (I also really like Kaneeka/Reese. They are so nigthmare before christmas.)
Who would you romance if every single character was eligible? Probably Reese again LMFAO. On the real, maybe Winnie? Or Janey?
What character would hurt you the most if something bad happened to them? Tabitha. :(
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow when the week is over? So, my MC is basically a fancharacter w/ his own personality distinct from mine. That's probably assumed, but I wanted to clarify for this question. I think w/ how things are currently going, he'll either choose to stay in The Holler after the week is through, or make some arrangement where he frequently visits. Him and Tabby are very close, so they will keep contact somehow. (And if you're thinking "lol, Tabby will probably be dead by the end of the game" well, my phrasing still stands, because he will visit Tabitha's grave every month with two cans of cream soda for them to share!! So who is laughing now!!!)
Who would you vote for dog mayor? Scraps 4 sure.
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gogonzojournal · 11 months
OMG! Omega/Ospreay 2! Naz Reid Re-ups! And the Wolves Won the Draft?!
The OMG moments of Omega/Ospreay 2 at Forbidden Door, how the Timberwolves won the draft and offseason, and other NBA Draft winners.
We recap the AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door pay-per-view, discuss the Timberwolves’ extending Naz Reid, and explain how the Wolves managed to ace the draft despite holding only the 53rd overall pick. Also, NBA Draft and offseason winners and losers. Listen here or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Watch here. Who Won AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door? We all won as a result of the best AEW wrestling…
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ringthedamnbell · 5 months
Grappling With Tragedy: Damian Houston
Grappling With Tragedy: Damian Houston
Brian Damage Grappling with Tragedy is a series of articles that deal with unfortunate, tragic incidents that have occurred throughout the history of professional wrestling. It is unlike the ‘Wrestling with Sin’ series that deals more with the seedier side of wrestling like arrests, murders and suicides. Grappling looks more at particular tragic incidents that have in some instances altered pro…
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baddawg94 · 7 months
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blogofblogofblogs · 10 months
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Newspaper ad for "Polish Power" Ivan Putski's WESTERN WRESTLING SCHOOL as it appeared in the May 27, 1990 edition of the Houston Chronicle - Scanned from my personal collection
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classicprowrestling · 8 months
Dusty Rhodes vs Ivan Koloff / Texas Death Coffin Match - 1980
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jacobkinghtx · 2 years
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So happy to be back in the booth with Ricky for WrestleRave this past Saturday but also super excited to work alongside the wonderful Brittani Houghtlen who may be one of the most talented media personalities working the indies today.
I want to send a heartfelt thank you to Wrestle Rave for not only continuing to allow me to serve on commentary for their events, but also always taking the time after the show to get my feedback and genuinely look for ways to make the next event better. Nick has built an identifiable brand with that company and if I look back on what the promotion was in its infancy versus where it is now, I am insanely proud of the work everyone has put in to make it a success.
The Deathmatch element of it is something that always put me on edge. I admit that. I’m not a Deathmatch aficionado, but the characters and the passion and the intensity of the Deathmatch division has won me over entirely. Add that to the fact that you’ve got something like last night’s Monster’s Ball match on the same card where Kidd Bandit and Chris Carter put on an absolute barn burner of athletic exhibitionism and you start to see why I vibe with the promotion the way I do.
If you’ve not checked out WrestleRave, be sure to catch a replay of this show on IWTV when it goes up because last night was spectacular.
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icyg4l · 7 days
PAC: What Do You Need to Know Right Now?
Hello beautiful people. Happy Monday! Today is special because this will be my first fully intuitive PAC reading, meaning no cards just vibes lmao. This week Friday, I am having yet another Five Dollar Friday Sale so stay tuned in for that! Without further ado, please select the image that resonates with you.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: You need to learn how to surrender to the Divine. I heard “the choice is yours”. Whatever major decision you’ve been contemplating on will ultimately be up for you to decide. You choose your own destiny but you don’t have to know all the steps/details of getting there. Have some confidence in your journey. Everything will be alright. This is for some of you, if you are a business owner or your love language is acts of service, you need to learn how to say no. Turning your services down to people who don’t deserve it is okay to do. All money isn’t good money. As you try to make a name for yourself, lean into your gut feelings. Don’t navigate through this world by being willfully naive. You know more than most. Some of you may have been encountering shady characters. I am channeling the energy of Douda from The Chi; very Devil-like, King of Cups (RX) type of energy. A lot of you have been dealing with two-faced men within the past two years but I am seeing a door shutting in someone’s face in my third eye. You are going to start walking away from people/places/things that no longer serve you. This newfound courage will result in long-term abundance and prosperity. Don’t be afraid to start over. Out with the old, in with the new, babe!
extras: jenifer lewis. “candace/candy”. florist. unable to wink. listening to whitney houston. weather forecast. “maurice/morris”. feeling underestimated. desperate housewives. fearful. cotton candy. yes indeed (2018). cold at night. arm wrestling champ. loose cannon.
Pile Two: I feel like you are going through some physical changes. You could be pregnant, soon-to-be moving, upgrading your furniture, painting your house, learning how to do makeup to be an MUA, etc. You could be doing multiple things at once right now. Your ability to shift from one gig to another is admirable. You’re very versatile. You’re an independent person but you should know that you don’t have to carry the work alone. You have people around you that are willing to help and nurture your talents and skills. The car you drive was created because of team effort. The food you eat is consumable because of a team! The books you read were not solely published because of the author, but because there was a team behind them! Nobody is truly by themselves, honey! Allow people to experience your energy. I feel like it took a long time for you to be this comfortable with yourself. But ultimately, you are human and you need people around you! You will know who your people are when you get around them.
extras: diana/deana. red flags. movie theatre. drug major. oomf. cheese lover. movement. smokey. black eyed peas. rice & peas. red nails. classic manicure. turning 30/milestone birthday.
Pile Three: I feel like you’re guarding your energy right now, Pile Three. You’ve been caved in with your lover, lol. I didn’t mean for this to turn into a love reading but heyyyy, I see you! :). Your union was not supposed to last as long as it has on the surface but it did. I am sensing that it was originally a one night stand or a summer fling. However, it was divinely orchestrated to be that way. I am seeing those Pinterest drawings of soulmates in my third eye. This person is someone you’re aligned with on a soul level; this is karmic. However, karmic ≠ codependent. Make sure that you have your own life outside of this person. This person does have all eyes on you and vice versa. I can tell that the passion is mutual. If you are planning to go on a vacation with this person soon, expect a promotion in your relationship to happen. This promotion could be an engagement/wedding, moving in together, meeting the family, etc. I see you two eating slices of fruit on the beach, feeding one another while smiling and giggling amongst each other. This is a lovely connection thus far. I also see you being spoiled with gifts of your choice. This person is a gift giver for sure, along with wanting to spend quality time with you! However, this is just the beginning. Ground yourself in the present moment. Savor and soak up every waking day with this person.
extras: montgomery, alabama. jason/justin. sam. cartier glasses. fake ID. retribution. academy. pork. glamorous. marjorie. fake gym rat. attracted to pheromones. high achiever. monie/monet. kansas.
Pile Four: This is for a few of you, but some of you could have known someone that was recently released from jail/mental health facility/nursing home. You could be their caregiver/keeper. Others of you have family members/a partner that are financially dependent on you. I know that you feel burdened by this. Both the financial burden and the mental burden can be frustrating. I do see your situation improving. Someone is lightening the load. I feel like you are going to receive extra support, specifically from another woman. She is going to offer help & it will no longer be a job carried by one person. Whoever this is, they have been in your position before so you don’t have to worry about being pitied or feeling lesser than her. Another thing is that you should definitely get started on your laundry. I feel like you are going through a bout of depression right now. Start off with the small tasks first then do the big things. You need to take your time & be patient with yourself.
extras: air jordan’s. new microwave. corn on the cob. jogging. morph. telling stories. future focused. gold rings. coffee. marlboro. notre dame. golden shepard.
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naritaren · 1 year
Per Fightful:
News on a backstage AEW retirement
A fixture in AEW is retiring.
Fightful has learned that seamstress Sandra Gray is finishing up on the road with All Elite Wrestling imminently. She’s been with the company since the beginning.
Gray is well liked by the AEW roster, and has been making wrestling gear since the 90s when she was approached by Sable to make Johnny B. Badd’s gear in WCW. She ended up working with WCW until it was acquired by WWE, and then with WWE until 2015.
When All Elite Wrestling started, Brandi Rhodes was instrumental in getting Gray hired for the upstart company. We’re told that even in retirement, she’ll continue to make Cody Rhodes’ attire, which she’s done for years.
Gray has also helped make wedding dresses for on-screen wrestling wedding, as well as Houston Texans cheerleader uniforms.
We wish Sandra Gray the best in retirement.
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katy-kt-katie · 4 months
❤️What happens when the most famous woman in the world and a regular guy, fall in love?
👩‍🚀Astronaut Dana Scully is world famous for her accomplishments in space.
🦊 NASA psychologist Fox Mulder has admired her from afar, but is now tasked to keep her company virtually while she’s on a mission solo.
📖 RATED E. Chapters Daily. This is a NOTTING HILL AU. Chapter 1 below:
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I was never meant to remain alone up here. It was supposed to be hours– twenty-two to be exact; everything in space is known and measured, precisely predicted. And yet, here I am—preparing to be completely alone for an unknown amount of time.
I hear the quiet whir of machines as I bound weightless from screen to screen, trying to determine my current status. But even as I look from screen to screen, my brain wrestles with a feeling of impending doom.
“Some issue with their main rocket,” the voice in the speaker tells me, “that’s why they aborted.”
I’ve prepared for situations like these. You don’t become an astronaut by being delicate or soft. I remind myself of the tough stuff I’m made of: graduating from The Naval Academy top of my class, breezing through medical school, and being recruited by NASA. Having a successful career as an astronaut—
“Dr. Scully, can you confirm your current velocity and the pressure parameters?” a technician asks, interrupting my inner pep talk. The technician is one of many voices from Houston—the Johnson Space Center, to be precise, where several dozen engineers and scientists monitor everything that is happening up here.
“Seventeen thousand, six hundred and eighty-four miles per hour, Houston. Pressure gauges are within limits.”
“Thank you, Dr. Scully. We’re working on next steps down here. The Director suggests you might do your daily exercises and report back when finished?”
Houston ends the call. They’re still monitoring hundreds of readings—pressures, temperatures and speed among other things, but when our calls end, they mostly leave me alone.
Despite the isolation I feel at being alone here, it’s nice to have a bit of privacy in which to continue my mental meltdown. If every step I took up here was being watched as if I had a stalker…I think that would be worse.
I huff laughter at my thought—I don’t actually take steps here. I’m floating two hundred and fifty miles above Earth on the International Space Station. I push from a wall and float through a chamber into another section, finally ending up in node three.
ISS inhabitants are required to exercise daily for ninety minutes, a necessity to keep our gravity-less bodies healthy and strong. I use the weight-lifting machines and run on the treadmill—my body harnessed down so I don’t float away.
As my Nikes pound the platform, I close my eyes. I’m completely alone in space. No other human is with me, nor is anyone scheduled to join, thanks to a rocket issue with the Russians.
This was supposed to be the smallest mission on the ISS in terms of people; dubbed “Expedition 4A,” it was set to determine the minimum number of crew members that could successfully maintain the ISS between more elaborate missions. I am the lone American taking part, along with one Cosmonaut and one German who were set to join me today—but alas, the rocket failure.
I know I can handle myself up here—I’ve already been through some extraordinary situations with NASA. But, I feel haggard as I finish my run—my heart racing faster, my sweat beading harder, and my breath catching. It’s a panicky feeling I’ve experienced occasionally in life, but not in years.
I turn off the treadmill and take a deep breath, centering myself before returning to our main communications pod. Houston is waiting for me.
“Dana?” I hear the voice I recognize as Mission Director Walter Skinner booming through the speaker.
I pick up the headset—although I can hear through the speaker, the headset is much clearer. I turn on a monitor, seeing Mission Control brightly lit with dozens of bodies bustling about.
“Director Skinner. I’m here.”
“Alright, Dana. We’ve been discussing next steps. Our plan is to abort the mission and bring you back down, but it’s going to take us about a week to prepare.”
“Okay, sir,” I say. I’d love to argue the mission could continue with just me, but it’s not designed for one person, and I learned many years ago—as the daughter of a Naval Officer—that I need to accept the well-thought-out decisions of my commanders without debate.
“Also, we noticed a blip at the end of your workout—an anomaly—possibly indicative of a panic attack. Are you alright?”
How could I forget I’m hooked up to heart and respiratory monitors while exercising? Houston misses almost nothing—they can’t afford to—too much is at risk. “I’m alright, sir. I just needed a moment to collect myself. I uh—I haven’t ever been in space alone. I just needed to wrap my brain around that.”
I see Skinner nod his head. “I wondered about that. I’ve called for a NASA Psychologist to check in with you,” he shuffles his papers; “I’m not sure if you’ve worked with their team before…Dr. Diana Fowley runs the unit.”
“A Psychologist?”
“Just to make sure you’re feeling okay about the mission getting canceled and being up there alone.”
“Okay, sir.” For the second time in minutes, I begrudgingly accept the decision without further debate.
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urfavblackbimbo · 4 months
Chapter 2
hey y’all it’s been a minute but I’m back with Franklin saint and I just finished the show and I won’t spoil the show how haven’t finished the show but the people who know what happens 👀 but anyways this is still takes in season 1. I'm still a new writer so please be nice (side note: frankie has already met avi in this AU but I'm still gonna incorporate the drama that happens in the show but I couldn’t help to write pilot episode, baby Frankie he’s just such a cutie pie 🥰but I hope y’all enjoy 💕🫣)
Summary: lexi wakes up from the next day, and she has conversation with her momma, and makes a lie to her momma to see frankie to go see a wrestling match and letting her spend the night with Frankie Saint.
Warnings: afab-reader, n-word usage, sneaky-lexi, fingering, cursing, kissing, quick-exhibitionism👀, oral (fem and male receiving and giving), cum-eating, squirting, ass-spanking, titty-sucking, ball-kissing, face-fucking (let me know if missing anything)
word count:8.1k 18+ mdni+ (wholly fucking shit)
(franklin and lexi are 19 years old)
Slowly opening your eyes looking around your room the yellow shaded with spread Micheal Jackson and Whitney Houston posters feeling the pink florals cover over you, with the thoughts flashing through your mind felling Franklin hands touching you all over, felling his fingers inside of you, kissing him over and over, you sigh slowly getting up and putting on a t-shirt and shorts.
Walking to the bathroom to brush your teeth and to do your skincare, leaving to see your momma cooking breakfast making bacon, eggs and grits, leaning towards her to kiss him on the cheek "good morning, momma how was your night?” taking a seat at the table your momma gasp “OH JESUS! alexia you scared me and good morning, how was the rink?" looking at you smiling also taking a seat with two plates in her hands, sitting one down in front of you "uhmm it was fun I actually got to practice going backwards I think I getting better at it” putting a piece a bacon in your mouth while grabbing some sugar and putting it in your grits, stirring it and putting it in your mouth.
Your momma looks at you eating her eggs “and how were the boys, were they having a good time as well?” You sigh “yeah they were, and franklin and melody were just skating with each other the entire time, though and kev was mackin’ to some girl at the rink, and i think leon was just skating by himself as well.” keeping up with your lie to your mom and not accidentally telling her the truth, she nodded her head “better her than you alexia, I’m glad that you’re taking my advice when it comes to these boys, I’m telling you there not good anymore.”
You finished your food, putting your plate into the sink, starting to washing the dishes, you put your plate into the drying rack as you continue putting the rest of the dishes into the rack, you turn your head, lies slipping from your mouth “yeah maybe your right momma, it be nice to have some girlfriends too.” listening feet slowly coming towards you, feeling a hand on your back "aye maybe you can start talking to shon-shon, I hear she good peoples.” a shaky breath comes out, pulling grin on your face “yeah momma I’ll see what’s she doing for next week will that make you feel better.” your momma sighs “yes it would alexia.”
Closing your bedroom door, you jumped on the bed, felling the south-central heating up your room, deciding to crack your front window the cool breeze on your face closing your eyes, absorbing the sun on your dark skin. Obviously, you can’t stop being friends with them, you wouldn’t. Especially not to frankie, but you knew that one day you were gonna have to tell your her the truth. The barbecue smoke fills your nose, hearing the music and the laughter coming from down the street. The ice cream truck stops in front of your house, kids screaming telling the ice cream man to stop, looking out your window, seeing the man asking if the kids had any money, the children’s saying ‘no’ the man shakes his head calling them ‘broke ass kids’.
You see frankie walking up the truck, having a conversation with the man seeing franklin handing him some money, then walking away telling the kids to get whatever they want. frankie stops in front of your house, he smiles at you, looking both sides of the road to see if there’s any cars passing through. frankie finally comes up to your window “sup, baby." you licked your lips grabbing at his face, pulling him into a kiss. you feel his soft lips pushing up against you, they feel so soft, you couldn't stop. You grab franklin by the shoulder, pulling him into your room, you bite frankie bottom lip, frankie grunts up against you, feeling his fingers touching your pussy over your shorts, your moan in his mouth. frankie moves you shorts to the side, feeling his middle and ring finger inside of you, working you in and out of your pussy "god baby, you always this wet for me?'' you moan in his mouth, "yes, baby always for you frankie." moving your hips to the rhythm of his hand, your head falls back, feeling franklin fingers inside of you, hitting you soft spot, fraklin grabs the back of your neck, pulling you in closer into his lips "frannkie-e, I'm gonna cum" feeling your stomach getting hot "nut on my fingers, baby let that shit go" you feel frankie lips over your mouth, muffling your moans so no one can hear you, looking up at franklin, starting into his chocolate eyes, you couldn't help it, you let out a loud moan "yeah baby, let that shit out I wanna hear you'' you moan "uggh-h frankiee" having your climax wash over you, moaning into fraklin mouth, he puts his tongue in your mouth, to silence you. still working his fingers inside of you "god lexi, you look so beautiful when you nut on my fingers."
You feel being lowered on to your bed, franklin starting at you, his eyes drifting from your supple breast to your soft tummy, looking at your shorts to see your shorts were completely soaked, frankie looks down at his fingers to see that they were still creamy, his open his mouth to put his fingers in his mouth he groans, tasting the sweet and tangy nut that came out of you, he sucks his fingers dry swallowing the last bit, still having your aroma in his mouth, he licks his lips "how do you fuckin' taste better than last night hmm baby?" you push yourself up from the bed. slowly walking up to franklin pulling him in for a kiss, feeling his soft and luscious lips moving against you, frankie bites your bottom lip, and kiss you one more time. " aye you think I can see you later today?" you smile "of course frankie it could be anything." frankie grins at you "well lee, kev, and me were thinkin' about going to this wrestling match today.” “oh my god yes frankie, I haven’t been to a match in forever wait is el oso gonna be there, I know he’s your favorite.” smirking up at him, staring into his chocolate orbs “mhm good cause I already bought you a ticket.” grabbing you into a another kiss.
“AYE NEPHEW! WERE YA AT NIGGA!” You jumped at Jerome’s boisterous voice traveled around the hood. You push Franklin towards your window “I’ll make up a lie to my momma so I can see you tonight” “okay page me if you can’t make it.” You tilt your head, furrowing your brows “nigga you think I’m missing el oso, you know he’s my second favorite.” “Ah and who’s your favorite alexia.” frankie backs up to the window “obviously it’s Macho Man nigga.” frankie grins, finally steps out your room franklin bends to look up at you, you slowly caress his cheek, stares longingly, your thumb touches franklin lips, he gently kisses your hand. You gave franklin one last kiss, franklin growls in your mouth “god lexi you’re so beautiful.” “frankie stop.” frankie slips his tongue in your mouth, “but your lips are so sweet.”you pull away from frankie “okay you better go, before jerome come whoop your ass.” “mhm aight come by Jerome house and we’ll take the bike.” You playfully hit franklin’s chin “okay I’ll see you later tonight frankie.” frankie backs away from you with a smirk on his lips “see you soon baby.” frankie walks back down the street to jeromes house.
You lay backdown on your bed letting out a puff of air thoughts running thoughts your mind of what just happen, looking up at the ceiling, turning your head to see your house phone sitting on your dresser, you and shon-shon have been friends since forever and even though she’s cool with melody, you know were her loyalty lays.
You push yourself up, fully standing to walk over to the phone dialing shon-shon number hearing it ring a few times “hello.” you didn't recognize the voice hearing her mom on the phone “hi Ms.Jones it’s alexia is shon- shon there?” “mhm hold on sweetie, SHON-SHON it’s alexia on the phone come here!” you pull your head away from the phone, almost hearing a ring in your ear “hey girl, what’s up?” “Hey shon-shon, how have you been?’’ Hearing her talk about what’s gong in her life, talking about boy problems and what not. "hey so I called you so I can ask for a favor, you think I can tell my momma that I’m gonna sleepover at your place tonight.’’ “ mhm okay but what’s in it for me?’’ "well whenever you want to stay out with trey, just me know and I’ll cover for you.’’ Shon-shon agrees “okay well if you’re moms calls me I’ll say that you’re here with me.” you do your happy dance “thank you shon-shon I owe you big time thanks.” “yeah yeah just call me after so i can get the deets from you.” Your not too sure if you want to do that in the back of your mind you know that melody and shon are friends, and you're not ready for everyone to know your business.
You walk out of your room to walk down the hallway seeing pictures of your family, stoping to look at a frame of your dad holding you as you were a infant laying on his chest, slowly entering you momma room to see her making her bed. “hey momma so I actually talk to shon on the phone just now and she wanted to know if we can have a sleepover at her house, can I go?” as she is fixing her pillow “wow that was fast lexi, I’m glad that your branching out to get some girlfriends.” “yeah momma I told you I’m done hanging out with franklin and them” your momma puts her hands on her hips “you ain’t lyin’ to me lexi now.” you walk closer to her “no momma you can call Ms. Jones right and she will tell you.” hugging your momma “I promise momma, I’m done hangin’ out with them and you were right” you feeling your momma hugging you back, almost squeezing you “alright I believe you make sure you pack a bag, and bring some snack too you didn’t wanna show up empty-handed.” thankful thinking that your momma let you go to see franklin realizing you get to spend the night with him as well.
As you walk out the shower into your room, closing in on all your blinds, putting your lotion all on your body, putting on a clean shirt and sweats you open to drawers to look at clothes you need to pack. You grab another pair of pjs shoving it into your backpack, you walk over to the closer, slowly picking out on what you wanted to wear, yellow tubetop that just stop at your midriff and a jean skirt, you grab your necklace to put in your backpack not wanting any uncertainty coming from your momma, also pack some makeup in your bag, just little somethin’ for yourself you still have enough room to put some snacks in your bag, you put on your snacks then you walk out of your room into the kitchen.
You grab some chips, candy and two bags of popcorn as your putting everything away in your backpack, you hear feet shuffling your away “I spoke to Ms.Jones and she told me that you’re spendin’ the night with shon-shon.” showing a smile on your face “see momma I ain’t lyin’. I’m gonna go to shon’s house.” the faster you leave, the quicker you’ll see franklin “hold on sweetheart now I know you’ve them boys all of life, and I’m just lookin’ out for you, the quicker you realize that they ain’t good anymore.” you back away from momma “shon-shon waiting on me momma I love you, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Walking down the street to still see your momma standing on the porch, looking around to see kids playing around the street, looking out for cars you keep walking looking on your left to see Jerome’s house. jerome is brenching some weights, you walk on his lawn “hey jerome.’’ he puts the weights on the rail he rises up, smiling on his face “sup, lexi how you been?” “I’ve been good, I came by to see fankie is he in the house?’’ he nods “yeah he’s here go right in.” you smile back at him “thanks jerome.” as your walking up at the house jerome asks you a question “aye you comin’ to the fourth of july party it’s gonna be poppin!’ you turn around “yeah I’ll be there are you pull out the fireworks again.” jeome lays back down pulling the weight back down on his chest and pushing it back up “you know it lexi!”
Opening the door to see louie sitting on the coach in the corner of the house watching her soap operas, she looks over her shoulder “heyy lexi what ’cha doin’ here?” walking more into the house “hey louie can I came to see frakie we’re going to a wrestling match tonight.” sparking up a question “watch ’cha watchin?” “oh girl this nigga here is cheating on his wife, and this woman is planning her death and tryin’ to blame it on him, y’know makin’ it looks like he did.” “oh shit louie that shit crazy.” “yeah aye franklin’s in the back if you wanna see him.” smiling at you knowing about your little crush about franklin “thanks louie I’ll see you later.” walking down the hallway, you open the door to see franklin sitting on the floor counting money on the bed, and it's covering the whole bed. “sup baby, come in and can you close the door for me.” you nod still looking at the money “hey frankie, that's a lot of money right there.” still standing, franklin snorts “yeah baby I met this man who helped me with my business his name is avi, he’s this crazy ass Israeli motherfucka.’’ you walk closer to frankie, slowly putting your backpack on the ground, bending your knees to sit on the floor “oh my god frankie, don't tell me he tried to shoot you." franklin laughs "actually he did, he made me put on a vest to see if I was down to make this paper." "frankie can I ask you a question?'' franklin starting at you, looking into your beautiful chocolate eyes "uh-huh." you bite the bullet to ask him "why are you doing this frankie?" franklin looks confused " what 'cha you mean why I'm doin' this?" you push out air out of your nose. looking up at the money again, then looking back at franklin "like what are you doin' this for?"frankie lets out some air "Well I'm gettin' paid to learn how to run a business, do things when I want and how I want. I'm gettin' paid more than some office job and eat shit that's what I'm not after. I want freedom, freedom from all of it. and I want you to look at our future." turning your head to look at the money once more "I believe you frankie and I want to be with you through everything. I just don't you to get hurt in this." frankie pulls you into a kiss "you know that ain't gonna happen and I won't anything happen you too baby I promise." feeling frankie lips on you, you nod your head "okay frankie I trust you."
Holding onto your handheld mirror, mouth hanging open while you put on eyeliner, tearing open your backpack, looking for your mascara as you gracefully putting on your lashes, you feel franklin's hands touching you "nigga stop before you mess me up." franklin smirks at you "why you don't even need it lexi." you roll your eyes "frankie stop." focusing in your eyes, franklin turns your head "hey I mean it baby, think you're beautiful without all that stuff on your face, and I thought you were really beautiful this morning while you were nutting on my fingers." franklin pulls you in for a kiss, feeling his soft lips on you, biting your bottom lip franklin slips his tongue, sucking on it, franklin pulls you onto his lap "ugh-h frankie I need to finish so we can see lee and kev." frankie groans "arghh you know I don't want to baby.'' "well how about when we come back, we can have a little sleepover." feeling lips on your neck, slowly moving down to your chest "aye how you manage to get out anyways?" "I told my momma that I was sleeping over at shon-shon's house." "why you lyin' to your moms for? she knows me?" frankie pulls away, looking into your eyes, you pull your face down "she knows what your doin' frankie, and she doesn't like it, she wants me to stay away from you." "is that what you want?'' franklin pulls your face up to look at mahogany skin, starting into deep brown eyes "of course not frankie I'm with through the end, whatever that may end up." frankie nods, you kiss franklin once more, slowly moving your hips, franklin pulls off "okay you gotta stop, before I get hard again." you slowly move away to pick up your mirror to see your mascara smudge on your cheeks "nigga I told you to leave me alone and now I gotta redo my mascara.'' "aight aight I'll be over here. by myself.'' you start to giggle, grabbing your wipes to clean off the smudges off your face.
You look at yourself into the mirror, happy with the way you look fro pick out in a circle, a gold shimmer in the corner of your eyes cascading on your lid, a sharp wing liner, full lashes, with a brown lip and gloss on top, you change out of sweats into jean skirt, you bend down to find tube top, you felt a hard smack on your ass "OW! frankie that hurt." rubbing the sting that was still left on your ass " why baby yo ass looks so smackable though,mhmm" you finally find your yellow tube top, you step into it pulling it up too your chest, having it stop were you still showing some cleavage, you look over to see frankie dress in a orange t-shirt with black pants and white adidas. "oh I almost forgot." you bend down to look for necklace once you find it, in your front pocket, you pull it out to show franklin "can you put this on me baby boy.'' "of course baby, turn around." frankie's hands grasp your shoulders one of his hands taking the necklace out of your hands, opening the clasp, laying it on your chest, having it stop right at your breast frankie lips gently grazing your neck slowly moving down to your shoulders, hands gripping at your waist, pulling you in closer to him "god baby you are so beautiful." "we gotta go remember, the faster we leave, the sooner we get back to have our sleepover frankie." franklin groans "arghh okay, you lucky that el oso is wrestlin' tonight, cause otherwise, I would've said fuck match." you giggle that burst into laughter "yeah right frankie I know you wouldn't miss this shit for nobody."
Franklin grabs your hand to walk out of the room to the front door, you see louie and jerome sitting out on the porch, people watching "aye me and lexi we'll be back we're gonna see a match." "are y'all goin' by y'all-self." louie says "nah lee and kev are gonna be there. but we'll be back later on but we gotta go so.'' jerome nods his head "aight nephew page me if anything go down, I know y'all gon be in pico-union nigga." frankie nods as well "uh-huh I'll let yall know if anything happens." you waved at them "bye yall." frankie walks to his bike while still holding you hand, frankie digs in left pocket to find his keys, he hops on and turning on the bike, realizing you had on a skirt ''frankie I can't get on the bike I have a skirt on." frankie smirks at you ''that just means you gotta get closer to me then." you sigh, putting your leg over the bike, pulling down your skirt "frankie I don't wanna flash anybody." "you ain't gon flash anybody, and I'm the only one that's gon see it." you scoot closer to frankie, feeling his strong back, you wrap your arms around his stomach, touching his solid abs you lay your head on his back." hang on I don't want you to fall." franklin kicks up the kickstand, moving his two feet to move out of the driveway, you smile at jerome and louie, frankie is out on the street, he revvs up the engine, leaving the house, you pass by your house, you turn your head hopefully thinking your momma is not sitting on the porch, thankfully passing down your home, you turned your head back to where you could see frankie "you good?" "yeah I just didn't want my momma to see me." frankie hums, looking back onto the road "you know I get, lookin' at it from your moms perceptive seeing your daughter wantin' to be with a drug dealer." you shake your head "you're more than that frankie, I want to be with you and I don't care what my momma thinks she's not gon stop me from being with you." "well alright then." fankie comes to stop at a light, you feel frankie large hand grazing your thighs, you try to scoot closer to frankie "god baby you are so soft.'' you squeal feeling frankie long friends touching your inner thighs, inching closer to your pussy, you moan "frankie green light." hearing a horn coming from behind you, frankie reluctantly pulls his hand away from you and starts to drive off, you pull into see kev and lee standing in front of the waving them hands in the air.
Franklin turns off the bike, you hop off the bike to hug kev and lee "damn franklin what took y'all so long the match is about to start." kev says "yeah lexi here had to get ready.'' you roll your eyes towards frankie "whatever nigga." '' well me and kev gotta bet goin on to see who wins, yall in?" "hell yeah we in!" you pull on frankie hand "frankie I didn't bring any money I can't play." franklin gives you a quick kiss "I can give you some money baby I don't mind sharin'." frankie grabs his wallet, to pull out a few twenty's for you, he puts in your back pocket, gently pats your ass, lee and kev walking up to the booth ordering some popcorn and some slushies “man that’s a fine ass bitch.” kevin staring at some mexican chick, looking at her ass, lee rolls his eyes “yeah whatever nigga the machine is definitely whoppin’ el oso ass.” you order for you and frankie the same thing as kev and lee, you hand frankie a blue slushy, you sip on yours, “yeah right nigga fo’sho el oso is gon win and if he don’t I’ll double it.” you taste the sweet flavors touching your tongue, you all walk inside of the building.
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE BIGGEST AND THE BADESS MOTHAFUCKAS THAT YOU EVER SEEEE!” The commentor pointing at the crowd, screams rattle the building, you keep walking into the building looking for your seats, you kept close to frankie, feeling his hand squeeze you, “aye we right here.” kev says, stopping in the front row. kev, lexi, frankie, and lee in a row. “IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE THE UNDEFEATED THE RANGING CHAMPION ROOOCCK “THE MACHINE’’ JONESS AND THIS CORNER WE HAVE THE UNDERDOG FIGHTER ELE OSOOOO!!” Looking at the ring, there’s tall and hefty man with brown locks under his black and gold mask, and even taller white man with a purple and blue Shinglet with tease hair all the up to the sky, the bell goes off, the two wrestlers run up on each other, el oso throws the first punch knocking down rock jones, lee hands frankie a twenty, frankie smirks “yeah nigga, come on el oso take him down.” you turn to kev “are you team oso or whatever the white boy name is?” kevin smirks at you “umm jones actually delory been watchin’ him since he was young.” Jones picks up el oso then throwing him on the ground shaking the ring, you groan, grabbing the money from your pocket handing kev a twenty, kev’s eyes widened “damn lexi where you get all this money from I known you ain’t got no job.” frankie turns head, pulling in “where you think kev?” kev’s eyes shift between you and frankie “franklin now I know you ain’t gave lexi money, with yo’ stingy ass.” All three of you laugh, “yeah I might be, but it’s nice to share the wealth, you know.” frankie put his large hand on your thigh, you see kev’s eyes shift down to your legs, seeing kev to stiffen up almost looking defeated, lee looks over “aye y’all nigga watchin’ the fight almost over.” jones climbs up the rials, standing tall then to jump fallen on top of el oso, he grabs his leg to pin him down, the ref slams his hand on the mat to stop the fight, groans and screams throughout the room “AND WINNER BY PINFALL ITS STILL THE RANGING CHAMPION ROOCKK ‘THE MACHINE’ JONNESS.” frankie hands all of twenty’s to lee, looking smug, you grab your money as to give to kev, but he stops you “keep lexi,I don’t wanna be known as steal from franklin’s girl.” “we haven’t told anybody.” “well your secret is safe with me.” “thank you kev.”
As you see people watching out of the building, kev walks, you follow him, feeling frankie fingers interlocking yours, you turn your head to smile at frankie, looking at frankie’s full lips, pulling into a grin, you keep following kev to his car “so what we doin’ next I hear there is a party that one of our corner boys is throwin’.” you turn around to look for frankie, seeing him jogging to an alley calling out el oso, you turned to kev and lee to signal them to follow frankie “aye come’re I think frankie is talking to someone.’’ “aight nigga slow down.” you follow frankie seeing him getting a autograph from el oso “aye thanks man, nice to meet you.” you see frankie walking back to you “aye look oso signed this, I should get it frame.” frankie giggling, you all walk back to kev’s beat down of a car “aye so there’s this party tonight that one of our corner boys is throwin’ it’s his birthday today.” kev said “shit I’m down y’all comin’?” said lee, “nah actually me and lexi are gonna head out, her momma pagin’ me so catch y’all later.” frankie daps up kev and lee and you hug them, kev hugging you a little bit tighter, you wave goodbye, walking back to his bike you said “so you ready for our sleepover frankie.” “baby you know we ain’t doin’ that.” hopping in the bike to drive back to jerome’s house.
Frankie parks in the garage, turning off the engine you both walk up the steps into the house, the lights were on, you see louie and jerome seating on the couch watching tv, some old black love movie was on the screen “heyy how was the match?” louie said “it was so fun there was hella people there, but el oso lost.” “hmm any mexicans out there fuckin’ with y’all niggas?” “naw but I did get oso to sign this for me, pretty cool huh.” “Mhmm.” jerome and Louie nods their head in agreement “aye we need I think we need to talk business for a second, I found out where lenny and ray-ray lives, and I need some some help to get my money back, you think y’all know anybody to help me and lee out.” “there’s this guy name karvel he lives off on 23rd and Jefferson, one of the girls at claudia's club was talkin about him, but I hear he kinda crazy." frankie kept nodding his head "okay I'll page lee tomorrow it's been a few days and I wanna sneak up on them." "maybe I can come too." eyes bulge out of their eyes, in shock mostly frankie, not believing what he just heard. "what?" "I mean you could use the man power." jerome chuckles, oh god that was a horrible joke, "I just think four is better than three, and I told you frankie I want to be with you through the good and the bad, so were getting your money back." fankie flashes a quick smile, grabbing your hand to kiss, his soft and full lips grazing your thumb, "okay, but you stay in the car I don't want you getting hurt if somethin' go down." his chocolate eyes staring into you, "alright now y'all kids get out now, unless you wanna see somethin' you won't like," jerome pulls louie into his lap, kissing all over her face, she laughs "aghh aight we outta of here."
Walking in the room, seeing a fresh made bed, you hop on it, feeling the stress oozing out of you "so you really wanna do this shit babygirl. The game is not for the weak, I just want you to know what your getting into." you flip over to lay on your back "yes franklin I am and who knows maybe it won't get out of hand." you walk over to frankie, wrapping your arms around his neck, you could look at frankie, his smooth mahogany skin, frankie had a little scar on his left cheek, your thumb grazes over it "how did you get this scar frankie?" frankie chuckles "oh you don't remember, it was when we went to the park, and you were so eager to go down the slide, that you drag me down with." you smack your lips "nahh nigga you lyin’ you know I just lightly pulled you.” “hmm so since we’re having our sleepover did you bring anything.?’ you kiss him, frankie soft lips, pulling you in, frankie grabs your hips, moving down to your ass, gripping on it, you moan in his mouth “frankie we can’t be too loud jerome and louie are still up.” “I hear jerome and louie fuck all time, it’s fine.” frankie pulls you in wet kiss, frankie pecks your lips once more, feeling your pussy getting wet, you had to stop “I know I just don’t them to hear us.” “well we don’t have to sex, but we can do other things.” frankie wiggle his brows, you both giggle “maybe if you’re a good boy, let’s see how this night goes, but I do wanna change?’’ you walk over to your backpack, setting it on the bed, you pulled your night clothes, snacks and juices. “damn baby girl you got the good shit.” “you know it baby, I keep thang on me.” you change into your night clothes, frankie changes into a wife-beater and wear his blue boxers, seeing the undershirt contrasting with his beautiful skin, damn my nigga is soo fine, seeing him filling out his boxers, just swinging in there, you grab your makeup wipes, staring in to the mirror, taking off your work, in the corner you see frankie putting on a green du-rag and securing it, frankie walk over to stand behind you, looking into the mirror “you are so beautiful alexia, you know that.” “yeah but you can still tell me though.” you both giggle at your joke, frankie wraps his arms your waist, squeezing you in, frankie puts his head in neck, breathing in your scent, kissing your neck, you moved your head to give frankie more room, frankie hand moves to your shorts, his long fingers touching your pussy, “I know you said we can't have sex, but I wanna taste you.” frankie picks you up, like you were nothing.
Frankie moves your backpack and snacks on the floor, frankie gently lays you down on the bed “wait! I need to put on my bonnet on.” frankie search to find to find your pink bonnet, you put it on securing it on, you lay back down, you feel frankie hands rubbing up against your thick mahogany thighs, your eyes look down at frankie, you sit up, finally looking at your frankie, you put your hand on the side of his face, your thumb touching his scar “you are so handsome franklin, I think you are the most beautifulest person in the world and I want to be with you forever.” eyes locking on each-other, “you mean that shit baby?" you nod your head, frankie lifts up to get a better look at you, you gulped, heavy breathing, frankie just staring at you, looking so clam, like he knows what was going to happen in the future. Frankie smiles at you, eyes drifting down to your shirt, seeing that you had on your necklace on, frankie reach down to lay it on top of your shirt “you know when I got this for you this was a way to show everybody that you my girl.” “yes franklin I am yours as you are mine, I wanna your girl, maybe more than that.” frankie nods his head “I’m gonna get you out of here and your momma too, and once I’m done then we can talk about marriage and maybe even kids.” you kiss frankie, feeling his soft lips touching yours, they’re so soft, but forceful, frankie bites your lip, frankie kiss you again, you feel his hand pushing you down to the bed, the soft pillows resting against your head, frankie lifts up your shirt, throwing it on the floor, your dark nipples perk up, frankie latches on your nipple, sucking on it, frankie tongue circles on your nipple, sucking on it one more time, switching to the other one, sucking on your nipple hard, feeling the breeze washing over you, frankie lowers his head to kiss your soft tummy “you would look so gorgeous if you had my kids, knowing that something was made out of love, and that will never be harmed.’’ “you really mean that frankie that our baby will never be hurt.” “I promise alexia saint.’’ “mhhmm that has a nice ring to it, alexia saint.” “yes it do Mrs. Saint.” frankie kiss you, frankie tongue slips inside of you, sucking on it, tasting the sweet flavors in your mouth, you bite frankie lip, frankie pulls down your shorts, rubbing your thighs slowly touching your hips, “come’re.” frankie pulls you closer to him, he growls, his hand push up your thighs, looking at your pussy, soft lips, almost puffy looking, with a little pink poking out “your pussy is so pretty baby.” insecurity washing over you, slowly closing your legs, “don’t do that, I wanna see you okay.” you start to relax, trying to slow down your heart rate.
Franklin latches on your clit, his tongue swirling your pussy, you moan “o-oh god frankie.” frankie kiss your pussy, slowly sucking your clit, entering frankie tongue moves inside of you, moving your hips, your hand moves to frankie head, gripping on to his du-rag “fuck frankie you make me feel so good ah-h fuck.” “Nut on my face baby, I wanna see you shakin’.” you moan, feeling heat in your lower stomach, you put a pillow over your face, muffling your moans, you feel yourself about to cum “yes frankk-iiee oh m-y god I’m about to-o cum-m ughhh." frankie pulls the pillow off of you, putting his fingers inside of you, feeling his long fingers touching your spongy spot, frankie puts hand over your mouth, you try to gab frankie hand to slow him down, it's almost becoming too much. “move your hand baby girl and take what I give you.” you start shake uncontrollably, your eyes rolled in the back your head, moaning loudly against frankie hand, climaxing washing over you, frankie moves his hand, putting his mouth over yours, inhaling your moans, frankie kisses you, stilling inside of you moving in-n-out, you’re still moaning “you’ve ever tasted yourself before baby girl.” you shook your head no “I’ve never thought too frankie.” frankie pulls out of you, you both look at your essence, a light cream going down on frankie hand, frankie looks at you, you open your mouth, tasting a sweet and tangy flavor on your tongue, you moan, frankie pushes his fingers down your throat , you gag “oh shit my bad baby I’m sorry.” pulling frankie hand out of you, finally breathing, air fulling up in your lungs “it’s okay frankie, but I think I want something else.’’
You switch spots with frankie, looking at his boxer, standing at attention, you pull down frankie’s boxer, finally looking at his dick, bobbing back and forth, your hand touches frankie’s waist, gently touching his base, moving your hand up to his stomach, frankie rich skin kept going, you kiss frankie thighs up to balls, kissing all over them, your tongue swirling, sucking on his smooth balls “fuck-kk lexi I need you baby, please I need you in my mouth.” you kiss up his thick dick, looking so strong and girthy with a thick vein on the side from the base to the tip, you grip the base, working it up and down, frankie groans “ughh shit baby, you see how your teasin’ me baby, got me all tight in shit.” “just lay down and let me take care of you.” you open your mouth, putting fankie in your mouth, remembering to breathe through your nose, you lower head in taking frankie more, almost taking frankie in all the way, you take one more breath, opening your throat, pushing all the way down to frankie’s base, frankie lets out a loud moan. unable to control himself, frankie hand touches your bonnet, gently gripping your afro, frankie plants his feet on the bed, holding you still so he can fuck your mouth, you slip your fingers inside of you, not feeling as full with yours than frankie, you started to rub your clit, feeling your heat coming back in your tummy. “ yes-yes-yes ughh you like it when I fuck your mouth baby, stick your tongue for me baby.” you nod your head with frankie still in your mouth, you slip out your tongue out, tasting his under-shaft, frankie holds your head in place, frankie shivers “oouuhh baby fuck oh-h god I’m gon-na nut baby ughh do you want my nut baby?” you moaned, frankie stops “do you want my nut baby?” you nod your head “uh-huh.” “well you better nut on your fingers, while in nut your mouth.” you stick your tongue again, putting frankie back in your mouth, you put your fingers inside of you, working faster in your hole, frankie moves his hips faster and faster, you paid attention to your breathing, not wanting to gag on frankie “fuck baby I’m gonna nut, are you gonna nut too baby, come on baby, let it go.” bouncing on your fingers, feeling yourself to cum, your climax washing you, you groan in your throat, frankie hisses, pulling you closer to his base, frankie cums deep in your throat, you gulped it down, tasting frankie musky and strong cum, you lick your lips “you taste so good baby.” you look up at frankie, seeing him completely relax “come’re I wanna taste us.” you smiled, kissing frankie was something you can never stop doing, feeling his smooth lips pushing up against you, frankie groans, tasting a mix of sweet and tangy flavor in your mouth, “damn we do taste good, this might be my new favorite thing.” you moan in frankie mouth “oh yeah baby this might be my favorite thing too.” frankie smacks your ass, “ow frankie that hurt.” frankie smirks “I’m sorry baby, turn around I’ll make it feel better.” you rolled on your stomach, you lay your head on the bed, with your ass up, frankie is behind you, gently rubbing your sting, the pain slowly going away, frankie hands massaging your ass, spreading them apart, frankie bends down looking at your pussy, seeing your essence dripping down your thighs, frankie tongue licks up your cum to your pussy, sucking on your lips, sucking all of your cum out of you “ahh frankie what are you doing-g oh my god-d.” “I just want one more baby, can you do that for me.” you were gasping “I don’t know frankie I’ve never done it more than twice, I don’t think I can.” “you let me worry about that shit, you just relax baby girl, okay?’’ you nod your head “okay frankie.”
Frankie goes kiss your puffy pussy, his tongue slowly moving all around you, frankie slides his tongue to your clit, frankie wiggles his tongue back and forth against your clit, shivers running down your spine, you curl your toes, you move back against frankie face, “oh my fuck-k jesus christ frankie, you like how I taste baby huhh?’’ frankie growls, nodding his head, pushing in like he was trying to get inside of you, frankie pecks your pussy, feeling his lips working inside like he was kissing you, you grab frankie head “Im-m gonna cum frankie-e oh my god it’s happening.” "nut right fuckin’ now.” you let go of frankie’s head, you buried your face in the bed, you start to convulse, you arch your back, gripping the bed spread, frankie didn’t stop, you kept moaning, it became too much for you, you start to crawl to get away from frankie, he grabs on to your hips holding you in place “the fuck you think you goin’ hold still.” frankie still eating you up, you were still shaking from your aftershocks, “frankie please I feel like I have to go pee.” frankie stops “then go baby, I ain’t stopping you.” frankie sucks on your clit, sucking so passionately, you spread your legs futher, taking what frankie gives you, you feel it happening again, but this time is feels different, “oh my-y FUCK baby I’m gonna cum-m ug-ghh.” soaked essence came out of you, not realizing what just happen, feeling frankie wet lips kissing your pussy, you push frankie head away from you, not being able to take it anymore, you lay back down on the bed, feeling relaxation wash over you, you were panting, coming back down to earth, you feel frankie hand touching your ass “see told you I can make it feel better.” you grab the pillow next to you, smacking it upside of his head “nigga stop lyin’ you know just wanted to eat me.” you both giggled “yeah you right, but you like that shit didn’t you, tasting you after you nutted twice already.” my nigga is a freak, oh lord help me jesus “yeah I did frankie, but I have to go to the bathroom.” “you just did baby.” you stood up to look at the bed, a large wet spot, you jumped back on to the bed, you're embarrass, how could something like this happen I mean you heard stories of guys doing that girls, frankie senses sadness coming from you “aye don’t be like that, hey I’ll just tell them that I spilled water on the bed.” “this never happened to me before frankie, I didn’t know I could doing something like that.” “come’re.’’ frankie slowly lifts you up to hold you squeezing you tightly “it’s okay baby, I know that was a lot for you, but you were making the most beautiful sounds, I couldn’t stop and I wanted to see how you would sound if I pushed you.” you felt a kiss on your bonnet, you turned your head to kiss frankie, resting your hand on his chest. “well I’m glad I got to do it with you frankie.”
You put on frankie’s wife-beater and your underwear, you walk in the hallway, thankfully jerome and louie door was close, you walk into the bathroom to do your business, walking back into the guest room frankie already layed down a towel on the wet spot, seeing frankie already had his boxers on, with his du-rag on secured on, you walk over grabbing frankie chin kissing him on the lips “thank you baby.” frankie smiles “you know I got ’chu baby.” kissing one more time, you look to see your popcorn on the floor. you bend down to grab it, frankie smacks your ass once more “from now on you can’t be spankin’ my ass like the time, hard like that.” “what says who?” “says the one who gettin’ your spanks nigga.” frankie pouts “okay what about light pats then.” you nod your head “light pats are good baby, I’ll be back gonna pop some popcorn." walking back into the room, closing the door, you rip the bag of popcorn open handing it over to frankie, he takes a handful of popcorn stuffing it into his mouth, you walked over to grab your candy and juices, setting it on the bed, you ripped open a box of chewy candy, popping it in your mouth, you hand one to frankie, he opens his mouth wanting you to feed him, you gently place it in his mouth, you put some popcorn in your mouth, you moan “hmm sweet and salty nothing taste better than that.” “I could think of something better.” you both giggle “yeah I bet you can huh frankie.” you and frankie talked all night from what they want in the future, what kinda of trips they would like to take, franklin wanting his own plane, and what they’re children would look like. feeling your eyes closing, your head laying in frankie shoulder “you getting sleepy baby.” you nod your head, lifting up the sheets to get under the blanket, frankie turns off the light switch and getting under the blankets with you, frankie wraps your tummy, pulling you in closer, you snuggle with frankie, silence taking over “can I tell you something baby?” you flip over to face frankie “anything frankie.” you feel frankie breath, he smiles “well I know we just started dating, but we’ve known each other for all of our lives since we were kids, and you don’t have to say it- all I’m sayin’ is ummhmm I love you.” you sit up, realizing what frankie just said “arghh shit I knew I’ve shouldn’t of said that, I’m sorry baby-.” you kiss frankie to shut him up, you bite his lip, “I love you too franklin and no it’s not too early for this and like you said we’ve known each other all of our lives, and to honest with you baby I think I fell in love with you when we first met.” a gush of air comes out of frankie “oh thank god, you had me worry baby girl, I thought you didn’t love me.” “yes, yes I do franklin saint.” frankie pulls you in another kiss, slipping his tongue in your mouth, you put a hand on frankie chest “as much as I would to keep kissing you frankie, I’m sleepy.” “okay baby go to sleep, I’m gonna crack a window.” frankie walks up to the window, cracking it slightly, frankie get back into bed with you, cuddling up against you, frankie kisses your shoulder “goodnight baby I love you, sleep tight and don’t let bed bugs bite.” “and you get your shoe and you wack them until there black and blue, and I love you too frankie.”
Silence finally taking over the room, you drift off to your dream land, you and frankie are older sitting on the beach, two little kids come running up to you ‘mommy, daddy look we found a shell isn’t soo cool.’ you look to see a little boy and girl, looking like you and frankie mixed in together, they’re chocolate brow skin shining against they skin, they run back to the water, playing in the sand “I told you nothing bad happened to you and the kids.” you turn your head, looking at frankie, he’s gotten solid, a light patch of hair on his cheeks with a goatee, how is it possible that he gotten more fine over the years, frankie swats down on the blanket, taking off his socks and shoes, putting his feet in the sand, frankie smirks at you “yeah you were right frankie, thank you for protecting me and the kids.” you kiss frankie lips, feeling his soft pillowy lips, “and I’ll always will.” you hear cheerful screams 'mommy and daddy come to the water it's so warm' you kick of your shoes, frankie grabs your hand pulling you in to the water, laughter all round, not wanting to leave this dream and that one day you’re gonna make your dream a reality.
Chapter 2 is finally done AHHHGHH🥹🥹 thank you to everyone reading this I know it’s a lot but I wanted to write the pilot, cause look at baby franklin saint I mean how can you not 🥰 the next chapter lexi meets karvel 👀👀 (LET THE DRAMA COMMENCE HAHAHAHA) and shout out to @wide-nose-and-wonderful for lighting a fire in my ass to finish chapter (thank you so much sis you don’t know how sweet your message was to me it really meant a lot to me 😘💕) and lexi wants to be in the game, she has no idea what’s going to happen. And I had Who is Jill Scott album playing on the last smut scene ‘show me, he loves me, and slowly surely’ is horny sex bitch music and it got me in the mood y’all 😈, and can we talk about frankie being a EATER, like a fuckin’ much, you can’t tell me that nigga does not eat the pussy, all day every day, and sneak-peak in to lexi's life in the future with daddy saint, I couldn't help it with his fione sexy ass, thank you again for spending time to read this and one more thing… I love you❤️.
Taglist: @fairy-cores-world
Love nazzy
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