#how can i earn money online in india
ajay1234567 · 2 years
How To Earn Money Online In 2023? A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s world, the internet has become a major source of income for millions of people.
With the rise of remote work and online businesses, there are numerous opportunities to Learn How To earn money online in 2023.
Whether you’re looking for a side hustle or a full-time income, this guide will help you explore the different ways to Learn How To earn money online in 2023.
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sauravsharma3489 · 7 months
Using long-term buy-and-hold residential rentals as a means of generating income is a popular real estate strategy. People will always need a place to live, thus they will need to deal with rental properties. Three things need to be kept in mind when you source your property: location, location, location. You must exercise the appropriate level of due diligence.
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Chapter 50: Radiance -While waiting for the next wormhole, Shingen and Katsuko enjoy domestic fluff, birthday cake, and snowboarding… but an old video leads to an unsettling discovery.
Shingen x OC; Kenshin x MC (Mai)
Previous Chapter: Here
Logline - Disguised as a boy, Katsuko finds herself working for Shingen, but her dangerous masquerade becomes difficult to sustain when she falls for the man with a fatal secret.
With ten weeks until the next wormhole opened, modern Japan ended up being kind of a vacation for Shingen and I. Rather than join Sasuke in Kyoto, we elected to stay in Nagano since it was more or less home turf for both of us. Thanks to Aki’s generosity (I considered it an employee bonus and figured I had earned every penny – especially since he hadn’t ever paid me an actual salary), I had more than enough money to rent a decent furnished apartment for a few months.
Before the winter kicked in, we rented a motorcycle several times and toured through the countryside, riding down to the Yamanashi Prefecture, formerly Kai. After some discussion, we elected not to visit the Tsutsujigasaki historic site – it would be too strange and jarring. “When we go to Tsutusjigasaki Castle,” he told me, “it will be as it was, so I can introduce you to its people.”
In return, I showed him all of my old kid haunts – not that there were that many – and my favorite places to hike and climb. And of course, Shingen being Shingen, we created our own tour of Teahouses and bakeries around the city.
Sasuke came up from Kyoto every other week, mostly to hang out, but also to report what was going on with the wormhole and his investigation into the mystery of Aki. The latter was unfortunately stalled due to his parents having taken a sabbatical trip through China – they’d rented their house out to a businessman from India.
On my own, I was doing similar research on my old mentor, but to no one’s surprise, he kept an extremely low internet footprint. Nothing like putting your primary residence 450 years in the past to help you stay off the grid. Similarly, though I haunted the library and archive sites, I was unable to find a lead on “Hikosane.” If he had done something important during his lifetime, it wasn’t in the historical record.
The first weekend in December, Sasuke came up and took Shingen out for a man-bonding afternoon. That was how Sasuke described it. I described it as “get him out of the house so I can bake him a birthday cake.” The birthday meal itself, I would trust to delivery, but I wanted to at least make him something sweet.
Cooking and baking were not activities I had done a much of after my mother died, but prior to that, I’d been the primary cook, not just for meals but also desserts. I had gone through a phase where I baked the most decadent things I could find, hoping to tempt her to – Ah… maybe that was why I wasn’t a huge fan of sweets now? I jotted that down in a notebook my therapist was having me keep. I had decided to see a therapist for my claustrophobia and nightmares. They were never as bad when I was with Shingen, but I felt it wasn’t his job to deal with my mental health – I needed to take responsibility for that. Obviously, there wasn’t a lot I could accomplish before we headed back through the wormhole in the Spring (I told my therapist I was moving to Vancouver) but I hoped to at least have the tools I needed to keep moving forward.
I checked the temperature of the cake layers that were cooling on wire racks. Online, I’d found what looked like (per the number of stars the recipe had) an extremely decadent recipe for chocolate and strawberry cake. While I might never win any cake decorating contests, I was confident the cake would at least taste good. Just as I finished mixing up the buttercream frosting, Shingen and Sasuke came through the door, stomping snow off their boots.
“Sorry to bring him back early – the snow’s getting fairly deep.” Sasuke hates driving in snow. For that matter, Shingen’s not terribly fond of being a passenger when Sasuke is driving, so I ought to have expected an early return.
“No worries.” I’d been listening to the weather reports. Deep snow tonight meant this weekend I could finally take them snowboarding – an excursion that we’d planned for as soon as the weather cooperated.
“What’s all this?” Shingen eyed the cake and the bowl of frosting with the intent interest of a sugar fiend who’d been held hostage in a health spa for a decade. “If it tastes as good as it smells, then I’d say we’ve gotten back right on time.”
“I hope that wasn’t supposed to be a surprise.” Sasuke headed to the coffee machine that we kept out just for him, as neither Shingen nor I had ever developed a taste for it (though Shingen did have a fondness for those fancy caramel mocha lattes they sold at the chain coffee shop – go figure).
“No, it was to prevent… that.” Shingen had grabbed the bowl of frosting and a spoon. I took the bowl away. “That goes on the cake,” I said. He gave me an adorable little boy frown. I leaned closer and said to him quietly. “If there’s any leftover after that, we can have it later… I’ll take the role of the cake.”
Shingen had been stealthily reaching the spoon for a raid on the frosting, but upon hearing that hastily aborted the mission. I ran my finger along the edge of the bowl, scooping up a small amount of frosting on it, and held it out to him. “Will this hold you for a while?”
He sucked my finger into his mouth and licked away the frosting. “For dessert, yes. For you, my sweet Devil, not even close.” He backed me into the counter and dipped me into a kiss. He tasted of chocolate and snow and promises.
“Not a full wall, so I suppose that’s a half-kabedon,” Sasuke toasted us with his mug of coffee.
“Only the Russian judge will care.” I scooted out from under Shingen’s arms, then handed him my phone. “This cake will not frost itself. Why don’t you guys pick a place and order dinner. In this weather it could take a while to get here.”
Shingen opened up the restaurant delivery app. “Any preferences?”
“Your birthday, you pick. Just order something vegetarian for me.” I began putting the crumb coat of frosting onto the cake and pretended not to notice when Shingen stole another taste.
Sasuke rescued the cake from becoming a “naked cake” by taking Shingen into the other room to watch TV – they were working their way through the original Star Trek. I’m not sure Shingen was all that into the show, but it was fun to watch Sasuke watch it. Apparently, he and Gene Rodenberry had incompatible views on the science of space travel. Already I could hear him grumbling that spaceships didn’t need to ‘bank’ in zero gravity.
While I lost myself in the soothing rhythm of cake frosting (given the number of tiktok and youtube videos of people frosting cakes, I wasn’t the only person to appreciate the ASMR quality of cake decorating), I let my gaze wander from where I could see Shingen and Sasuke joking around in front of the tv set, to the window, where the late afternoon snow was lightly brushing against the window.
There was that word again. Away from the stress and danger of the Sengoku, Shingen and I were cocooning in this little apartment, learning how to be together without distraction. Once we got back, we’d both have our battles to fight. I was determined to find Aki and demand an explanation, while Shingen was making plans to try to wrest Kai from Nobunaga. But until then, it was nice to have this comfort of daily living together, in order to strengthen what we’d need to face these challenges, both as individuals, and as ‘us.’
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Later, after we’d finished dinner and a good portion of the birthday cake, the sugar crash hit, and we all sprawled lazily on the couch, good naturedly debating what to watch, without making any real effort to actually make a decision.
“Are you going to finish that?” Shingen indicated the remainder of the slice of cake that I hadn’t managed to eat.
Oof. Even if I thought I could move (too full), or wanted to move (too comfortable under Shingen’s arm) I didn’t want it. I’d made the cake to his tastes, not mine. “It’s about eighty percent frosting – go ahead. I’ve never liked that much sugar.”
He reached for it, then paused. “Except for the sweets from the Teahouse in Kasugayama – you liked those.”
I made a show of looking innocently at the ceiling and folding my hands penitently while Sasuke snickered quietly from his end of the couch.
Here came the forehead flick. “Really, Devil?”
“I never actually said I liked them. I simply didn’t correct your assumption that I did.” I resisted the urge to rub spot he’d just flicked. No need to encourage him.
“What am I going to do with her?” Shingen addressed Sasuke, who looked like he wanted to yeet out of the conversation completely. “She happily lies to me, steals my clothes” (oh yeah, I was wearing his shirt again), “-falls out of trees-”   
“Alright, enough about that.” I gestured to Sasuke’s tablet, which was currently wirelessly connected to our TV. “Sasuke, go to youtube.” I gave him the address of the old youtube page that Toshiie and I had put up when we were still teenagers. Hopefully after so many years, it was still there. “We’re going to settle this tree thing once and for all.”
Sasuke did that ninja typing thing again. “Password?”
“Ironman? Really Katsuko, you need better privacy settings than that.” He brought up the page. The freerunning videos were at the top, but we were going to go further back than that.
“Shut it, Spidey I was fourteen when I created this page.” No one would have been looking for it in any case.
He sighed. “At least you didn’t use your pets’ name or your birthday.”
“Sixteen ten is her birthday,” Shingen offered.
Also, Tony Stark had been the name of my cat, but I was not going to bring that up to Sasuke. “I’ll change the password later.” I directed him to the oldest video on the page.
It had been the last time I’d ever competed in artistic gymnastics – a small local competition. My mother, who normally was my biggest supporter had been having a bad week and that morning hadn’t left her bed. Toshiie had filmed the event so she could see it later. As far as I knew, she’d never watched. I’d quit soon after that – I’d only been doing it for her to begin with, and I didn’t have the funds -or the talent - to move up to an elite level. Not that that mattered now. What was on the video would likely look more impressive than it actually was.
Shingen and Sasuke watched my fourteen-year-old self tumble and flip across the balance beam. “There will be no more talk of me falling out of trees.”
“Can you teach me some of that? It would come in handy for a moderately awesome ninja.” Sasuke had a faraway look in his eyes. Likely imagining surprising Yuki or Kenshin with new tricks.
“Ah, now I understand what you meant about training as a performer from a young age.” Shingen watched teen Katsuko slide into a full split then dismount the beam with a flourish. “Are you still that flexible, Devil?”
Nobody with breasts and hips is that flexible. I was about to reply to that one with a forehead flick of my own, when the next video began. “I had no idea he posted this – Sasuke click stop.”
It was the freerunning video from the day of the wormhole – just seeing the view of the building that I was about to ascend brought back the feelings of restlessness and anxiety from that year.
“What’s wrong?” As usual, Shingen was tuned into my emotions and he picked up my hand and held it comfortingly.
“The day we got swept into the Sengoku, Toshiie filmed this. I was just surprised that he’d had time to put it on the page.” Discovering this was like time-traveling to my younger self in an archival wormhole.
“May I watch? I’d like to get a sense of the weather conditions that day – it’s a rare opportunity to have this type of data for analysis.” Sasuke had instantly become alert, ready to flip into Weird Science Mode.
“Um, if we play this, I need to warn you in advance – I was a lot more of a daredevil back then, and my brother and I fought about what I did here.” Which was why I was surprised he’d uploaded it. Maybe to try to talk me out of taking risks.
“So noted.” Shingen didn’t actually promise not to get upset, but Sasuke had already pressed start. I resisted the urge to watch Shingen, especially when I almost fell off a three-story building, but I could feel his tension at that point, and… what was that? “Wait, Sasuke, can you play that back?”
“I really don’t want to see you almost die again.” Yeah, Shingen sounded upset and his hand was almost squeezing mine too hard.
“Don’t watch me – look beyond that… left side of the roof.” Something had distracted me that day – that was why I had nearly fallen to begin with. “There.”
“I see it!” Sasuke paused the video and pinch zoomed. “What the hell is that?”
There had been someone else on the roof – a blurry, foggy figure who then vanished into the horizon almost as if they’d unzipped the sky and climbed in. “Now I am creeped out.” There wasn’t any way to tell who – or what – that had been. “Sasuke..?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like it.” He zoomed in some more, but that just added to the blur. “Permission to send a copy of this to myself?”
It might have been Aki.
It might have been Iekane.
It might have been someone completely unknown to us.
Who the hell were these people?
In any case, tracking down and confronting Aki suddenly became a lot more important.
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The snowboarding expedition was a mixed success. Sasuke’s Ninja training had come in handy, and after a few basic pointers, he had left to try out his skills on an intermediate course… or more accurately, he’d wanted to further bond with a cute tourist he’d met on the ski lift.
Shingen was athletic, but this was one of the places his height was a disadvantage. With his higher center of gravity, he’d had some trouble getting into his knees. Eventually though, he’d picked it up, and soon was swooping down the training hill. He did fall a couple more times after that, but since both times he’d managed to take me down with him, I figured those had been on purpose.
After a couple hours, he noticed I was eyeing one of the half-pipes. “If you want to do that, I’m ready for a break.”
Hm. It had been seven (or, was it eight – I was never sure how to count the unknown amount of time I’d been stuck in the wormhole) years. Could I still manage it? But with Shingen voluntarily encouraging my daredevil tendencies – why not? I gave him a quick kiss. “See you at the bottom of the hill.
In no time at all, I’d dropped in and traversed the pipe. I’d kept it simple, without trying any of the tricks I used to do, aside from simple 180 turns at the top of each wall. But the rush was still there, and I zipped to the bottom with a whoop. Flying. Me and the sky. But the bigger rush? Seeing Shingen waiting for me at the base of the hill, smiling as he watched me skid to a stop.
“I once called you a moon goddess,” he said as I disengaged from the board. “I was wrong. You’re pure sunshine – made for daylight – the most radiant being I’ve ever seen.”
I smiled up at him and took his hand. “You keep that up and you’re going to melt all the snow.”
“What time are we meeting Sasuke?” he asked, while we were waiting to return our rented equipment.
“We’re not.” I pulled a hotel key card out of my pocket. I’d already packed some luggage for both of us in order to keep this a surprise. “Sasuke took an uber back to the apartment.” Or possibly he was furthering his acquaintance with the tourist he’d met earlier. “You and I are going to that hotel over there,” I pointed to the resort attached to the snow park. “Where we can celebrate your birthday by soaking in a private hot spring.”
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Later, under the clear star filled sky, Shingen lowered himself with a sigh into steaming hot water. He leaned back against the natural rock formation and gazed out on the view of Mount Kosha. “This was a good idea you had.”
“I do have them, occasionally.” The combination of the snow kissed air and the hot water felt wonderful on my skin and ok- slightly – aching muscles. “I am a little sore after that… are you?”
“Given that I am close to five hundred years old, yes. These bones aren’t what they used to be.” In opposition to his statement, he swiftly pulled me onto his lap.
“I think you’re in great shape… for your age.” I ran my hands over his chest muscles.
“I fell a little bit in love with you the moment you said that. You had this challenging glint in your eyes.” He put his finger under my chin and drew my face up to his. “Yes, just like now. You hung onto that basket of pastry and acted like an insubordinate recruit.”
“In my defense, you had just set me up to be killed – hey!” Shingen removed my wet tankini top and tossed it aside. My nipples immediately tightened in the cold air. “That is not a place I want to have icicles dripping from.”
“Can’t have that.” He fastened his lips to my breast and warmed it with his mouth and tongue. “Hold still, Devil. I want to see if I can put the same look on your face that you had when you were zipping across the half-pipe.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him closer to me. “You do, Shingen. You might not always be looking my way when it’s there, but… you do.”
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kiranapassionategamer · 7 months
From Fun to Funds: How Playing Ludo Online on Zupee Can Earn You Real Money
Are you someone who enjoys spending time playing Ludo with friends and family? What if I told you that your love for Ludo could also translate into real money? Yes, you heard it right! With Zupee, the online gaming platform, you can turn your leisure time into a profitable venture.
Let’s delve into how playing Ludo online on Zupee can help you earn real money while having fun.
What is Zupee? Zupee is an online gaming platform that offers a wide range of games, including the beloved classic, Ludo. It provides a seamless and user-friendly interface for players to enjoy their favorite games from the comfort of their homes.
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Once you start playing, you can compete against other players in real-time matches. The more you play and win, the more rewards you earn.
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In Conclusion Playing Ludo online on Zupee isn’t just about entertainment – it’s about turning your passion into profit. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting, Zupee provides a platform where you can hone your skills, compete against others, and win real money in the process.
So, what are you waiting for? Download the Zupee app, start playing Ludo online, and embark on a journey from fun to funds today!
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hedgewitchgarden · 2 years
Romanian Witches Use Social Media
“Repeat after me! To be together with who I want.”
Those instructions come from a family of Romanian witches, who are doing a video call with a person in India.
The person is paying the witches to cast a spell - a group of secret words that are believed to have magic power when spoken.
The Internet and the Witch Community
Witchcraft is traditional in the eastern European country.
The rise of the internet and social media have helped to grow the business of Romania’s witch community. Many the country’s estimated 4,000 witches are now getting customers from Europe, Asia and the United States.
“A truly powerful witch can solve problems from a distance,” explains 20-year-old witch Cassandra Buzea.
Buzea said her generation had persuaded the older one about the powers of the ‘selfie,’ referring to images people take of themselves. Her mother quickly supported the idea.
“Nothing’s changed, the craft is the same, but now it’s much easier for us to be in contact with clients from other countries,” said Mihaela Minca, who taught her daughter Cassandra the family craft.
The witches hold many of their online meetings in a small building about 15 kilometers north of Bucharest, Romania.
They would not say how much money they earn, but they did say that a tarot reading starts at around 50 euros, or around $56.
Other more complex services, however, last weeks and can run into the hundreds.
Involvement in Politics
Minca said she connected online with nine witches and wizards from across Europe and the United States. Their goal: to make magic against Romanian lawmakers seen by witches as corrupt.
Streamed online, the group performed a magic act with their overseas partners. The act was to punish “those who don’t do their jobs, those who have bad intentions,” Minca said. She said those targeted by the magic “will lose their positions and suffer health problems.”
The non profit anti-corruption organization Transparency International, says Romania is one of the EU’s most corrupt states. The European Commission, based in Brussels, has kept the country’s judicial system under special monitoring since it joined the bloc in 2007.
Romania’s ruling Social Democrats proposed changes to the country’s crime laws last year. The European Commission said the proposed changes could undo years of democratic and market reforms.
Minca said she and her fellow witches plan to use the power of the internet once more ahead of May’s European parliament elections, “for the good of the country.”
I'm John Russell.
Emily Wither reported on this story for Reuters. John Russell adapted it for Learning English. Catherine Weaver was the editor.
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maharghaideovate · 29 days
Overview of the Digital Marketing Management MBA Program at Madras University Distance Education 
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Thinking about getting into digital marketing? MBA distance education Madras University  might be worth a look. Let's break it down without the fancy talk.
What's on Offer?
Program: MBA in Digital Marketing Management
Duration: 2 years
Mode: Distance learning
University: Madras University (counts among top distance MBA colleges)
Why This Program?
1. Madras University's Reputation:
Well-known name in education
Recognized degree
Focus on Digital Marketing:
Learn what's hot in online marketing
Blend of business basics and digital skills
Study while you work
No need to quit your job
More affordable than many private colleges
What You'll Learn
The University Of Madras Distance Education program covers:
Business Basics:
Digital Marketing Skills:
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Social media marketing
Content marketing
Email campaigns
Paid ads (PPC)
Web analytics
Hands-on Stuff:
Creating marketing campaigns
Building social media strategies
Crunching numbers with analytics
Getting In
Who Can Apply?:
Graduates from any field
Minimum 50% marks in your degree
No work experience needed (fresh grads welcome)
How to Apply:
Go to Madras University's website
Fill out the online form
Upload your documents
Pay the application fee
Based on your grades and why you want to join
No entrance exam
Job Prospects
After this MBA Distance Education Madras University program, you could be:
Digital Marketing Manager
Social Media Expert
SEO Specialist
Content Marketing Pro
E-commerce Manager
Marketing Data Analyst
Money Talk:
Fresh grads: ₹4-8 LPA (on average)
With experience: Can go over ₹15 LPA
Why Madras University Stands Out
Theory + Practice: Learn concepts and how to use them
Industry Connections: Insights from real marketing agencies
Network Building: Connect with classmates and pros online
Value for Money: Quality education without breaking the bank
Common Questions
Is this degree legit? Yes, Madras University is UGC-approved. Your degree is valid across India.
Can I study while working? That's the idea. Distance learning lets you balance work and study.
Any live classes? You get some webinars and live sessions with industry folks.
How's it different from other digital marketing courses? It's a full MBA, so you get the big picture of business, not just marketing skills.
Will I get a job through the university? They don't promise jobs, but they'll guide you and have a network of past students to tap into.
Is This Your Next Move?
This MBA Distance Education Madras University program might fit if you:
Dig digital marketing and tech
Want to understand business as a whole
Need flexible study options
Aim to level up in digital marketing
Madras University is among the top distance MBA colleges offering a mix of traditional MBA cred and modern digital skills.
What's Next?
Check It Out: Hit up the Madras University website for the full scoop.
Mark Your Calendar: Note application deadlines.
Get Your Docs Ready: Gather your degree certificates and other papers.
Think It Through: Consider how this fits your career plans.
Reach Out: Contact the uni if you've got questions. Better to ask now than be sorry later.
The Bottom Line
MBA Distance Education Madras University in Digital Marketing Management offers:
A solid name behind your degree
Skills that businesses are after
Flexibility to learn while you earn
A blend of old-school business and new-age digital know-how
It's designed for people wanting to get ahead in the digital world, not put life on hold. Whether you are starting out fresh or wanting to change tracks, this program is going to equip you with tools that will really move you in the online marketing scene.
Remember, though, a degree is just the start. The digital world moves fast, so keep learning even after you graduate. Stay curious, keep experimenting, and you'll be set to ride the digital marketing wave.
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financialninja · 1 month
Mutual Funds Definition, its types, how mutual funds work
Hello everyone. In this video I am going discuss what is mutual funds? its types,pros and cons. Mutual fund is an investment fund which pool the money of many investors & make a portfolio of stocks bonds & other security instruments managed by qualified manager. So mutual funds allow you to purchase a collection of stocks, bonds, other securities that otherwise be difficult. 
You own units of mutual funds but do not own securities directly. 
Main advantage of investing in mutual funds is that it allow you to diversify your risk across different basket of investment with small amount of money. In india RBI first introduced mutual funds called unit trust of india in 1963.first scheme was unit scheme 1964(us-64).since it's inception more than 25 million investors have invested in this mutual fund schemes. Dutch Republic established first modern investment funds, the precursor of mutual funds. Scottish American investment trust formed in 1873 by uk is considered the most obvious progenitor to mutual funds. In us it was Boston personal property trust established in 1893.. Okay,so,Mutual funds are launched by asset management companies only after approval from regulators.. All investors of a fund get their share of profits and losses of fund proportional to amount of their investment. A typical fund may have 20-100 number of securities in different quantities.
Biggest advantage is diversification. With one mutual fund you invest into various assets and many corporations. If one asset faces loss there are others for compensation. 
Mutual fund manager are highly qualified and experienced in analysing and managing their funds. Mf companies have higher access to information compared to what we or retail investor have. 
You can easily liquidate mutual funds within 2-5 working days. 
You can invest as low as 500rupees through online platforms, demat account, online bank investment account, direct through mf houses, 
Many mfs charge a penalty if you withdraw your investment before certain time frame. This called exit load. Can be high as 2%.
A mf charges fees for managing your money. If funds earns 10% return has 1% expense ratio it would mean 9% return for you as an investors. 
You often hear ads of mutual funds that states mutual funds are subjects to market risk,so read all scheme related documents carefully. It Means none of mf give you guaranteed returns like fixed deposit  ppf rd accounts.Return depends on stock market conditions for equity based funds & interest fluctuations for debt funds. You must trust fund manager as it doesn't give you any control over choice of securities. 
I think mf are  transparent, efficient, convenient way of investment but you should research risk & find best funds that suits your need. Depending upon fund schemes mf are 1.open ended fund 2.close ended fund 3.interval fund. 
Depending on management of fund these are 1.actively managed fund 2.passively managed fund.
 Depending on assets invested 1.debt fund 2.equity fund 3.liquid category fund 4.hybrid fund 
depending on investment objectives 1.growth fund 2.value fund 3.income fund . Some special are 1.index fund 2. ETFS 3.sectoral or thematic fund 4.tax saving fund(ELSS) 5.international fund.
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ukimmigrationmatters · 2 months
Bank Of England FINALLY Cuts Base Rates By 0.25% To 5% - Good News For Mortgage Borrowers
After months of dithering, the Bank of England has finally cut the base rate to 5 per cent, the first time the central bank has voted to cut the base rate since 2020.
On seven consecutive occasions the central bank voted to hold rates at 5.25 per cent between August 2023 and June 2024, despite falling inflation. There had been 14 consecutive base rate hikes since December 2021.
The bank’s successive interest rate rises between December 2021 and August 2023 were bad news for borrowers but good news for savers.
The average two-year fixed mortgage rate is now 5.78 per cent, according to Moneyfacts, and the average five-year fix is 5.39 per cent.
Right now, the lowest five-year fix is 3.99 per cent and the lowest two-year fix is 4.42 per cent, but lenders have already started cutting rates, but beware for excessive arrangement fees. 
Savers Rates
Say goodbye to great savers deals, including Santander's 5.2 per cent special edition easy-access rate and NS&I's one-year bond paying 6.2 per cent, which launched in September 2023.
One of the best one-year fixed-rate account on the market now pays 5.4 per cent, down from a high of 6.2 per cent in October 2023.
Savers should note that 1,638 savings accounts still beat inflation which is now at the Bank of England's target of 2 per cent, according to the Mail Online.
This means the value of your money is growing in real terms against inflation.
NS&I revealed it will offer a new one-year Guaranteed Growth Bond paying 5.15 per cent or a Guaranteed Income Bond at 5.03 per cent.
The offer is exclusive to existing 6.2 per cent bond holders and will be available when their current one matures, starting from the end of next month.
A saver putting £10,000 in Union Bank of India's one-year fix will earn a guaranteed £554 interest over one year. It comes with full protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme up to £85,000 per person.
Are Buy-to-Let property deals still worth it?
How will Labour’s new Renters Rights Bill 2024 affect buy-to-let landlords?
The Labour Party’s Renters' Rights Bill 2024 is poised to bring significant changes to the UK’s rental market, impacting both tenants and buy-to-let landlords. Understanding these changes is crucial for landlords to navigate the evolving landscape effectively.
Watch video version - https://youtu.be/Wx1HXgVW1bM
A Lifetime of taxes
Income tax, VAT, Council Tax, Car Tax, Insurance and Travel Tax, Green Energy Taxes, BBC Licence Tax, Stamp Duty, Capital Gains Tax, Section 24, Business Taxes and the final kicker; Inheritance Tax for your dependents!
You can legally reduce and mitigate your taxes and inheritance tax for your dependents.
Wills and Trusts
New research from Canada Life reveals that over half of UK adults (51%)1 have not written a will, nor are they currently in the process of writing one. This includes 13% of people who state they have no intention to write a will in the future.
Section 24 Landlord Tax Hike
Interview with Chartered Accountant and property tax specialist who reveals options and solutions to move your properties from your own name into a limited company or LLP whilst mitigating the potential HMRC pitfalls.
Email [email protected] for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24, Wills and Trusts.
Watch video now: https://youtu.be/aMuGs_ek17s
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teenpattiapp · 2 months
Taurus Online Earning App - India's Best Platform to Make Money Online
Unlocking Financial Freedom with the Taurus Online Earning App
In today's digital world, the quest for financial freedom is increasingly becoming a reality for many, thanks to innovative online earning platforms. Among these, the Taurus online earning app stands out as a versatile and reliable solution for those looking to generate income without any upfront investment. Whether you’re a student, a stay-at-home parent, or simply someone looking to make some extra money, Taurus offers a range of opportunities to earn. This blog post will delve into the features and benefits of the Taurus app, and why it’s the ideal choice for online earners in India.
What is the Taurus Online Earning App?
Taurus is a cutting-edge online earning platform designed to help users generate income through various activities, all without requiring any initial investment. The app is particularly popular in India, where it has garnered a large user base thanks to its user-friendly interface and multiple earning options. From playing games to completing tasks and participating in a robust referral program, Taurus offers something for everyone.
How to Earn Money with the Taurus App
1. Promote Links and Earn Commissions
One of the standout features of the Taurus app is its powerful referral program. By promoting your unique referral link, you can earn commissions whenever someone signs up and becomes active on the app through your link. This is a great way to generate passive income, as your earnings can grow significantly with minimal effort.
2. Play Games and Win Real Cash
The Taurus app offers a variety of engaging games that not only provide entertainment but also give you the chance to earn real money. Popular games include Teen Patti, Rummy, and various slot games. These games are designed to be fun and rewarding, making your earning experience enjoyable.
3. Complete Tasks and Surveys
Taurus provides a range of tasks that you can complete to earn money. These tasks include downloading apps, filling out surveys, watching videos, and more. Each task is straightforward and can be completed in a few minutes, making it easy to accumulate earnings quickly.
4. Become a Mentor and Earn Additional Income
Once you reach Level 5 in the Taurus app, you can apply to become a mentor. As a mentor, you guide new users on how to maximize their earnings on the app. In return, you earn mentor income based on the activities of your trainees. This not only helps others succeed but also boosts your own earnings.
Benefits of Using the Taurus App
No Investment Required
Taurus allows you to start earning without any upfront costs, making it accessible to everyone.
Multiple Income Streams
With Taurus, you can earn money through games, tasks, surveys, and referrals, providing multiple avenues to boost your income.
User-Friendly Interface
The app is designed to be easy to navigate, ensuring a smooth user experience.
100% Withdrawal Credit
Taurus guarantees seamless withdrawals, giving you peace of mind that your earnings are secure and easily accessible.
Testimonials from Satisfied Users
“Through Taurus, I have earned Rs 2.4 lakh by promoting referral links and playing games. The app is user-friendly and reliable. Highly recommend it!” - Rajesh, Mumbai
“I love how easy it is to make money with Taurus. The tasks are simple, and the earnings add up quickly. The best part is, I didn’t have to invest anything to get started.” - Priya, Bangalore
The Taurus online earning app is revolutionizing the way people in India make money online. With its diverse earning options, user-friendly interface, and reliable withdrawal system, Taurus is the perfect platform for anyone looking to achieve financial freedom. Whether you’re looking to earn a little extra on the side or build a substantial income stream, Taurus has the tools and opportunities to help you succeed. Download the Taurus app today and start your journey towards financial independence!
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Awesome Ideas to generate Extra Income other than Job
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Ideas to earn extra income other than job
In our generation and costly market environment, everyone wants to earn extra income. Because everyone can’t afford the new lifestyle and expensive things but they want to buy. If you are an engineer from Best Engineering College in Rajasthan, If you MBA degree holder from Best MBA College In Jaipur but you can’t buy your dream house or dream car or we can say dream lifestyle because we all know about the current situation of the market. The automobile industry gaining hike continuously, fuel is also gaining hike, etc. so, here we are discussing, how to extra income.
Here we are not talking about creating passive income with a huge amount of investment, here we are talking about the extra income with any investment rather than time and dedication.
Consulting Service
If you have expertise in some area, you can give consulting services to those who can’t afford big companies for consulting only. When you discuss a topic with your client for hours, he realizes that you have the best knowledge about that field, only you can give them an idea for execution. I assured you, there are many who are looking for someone like you, who can guide them very well for a lesser fee.
Referral Business
This is the way, by this, you can earn extra income without investing extra energy. So you can make an agreement with accompany to give them clients on a referral basis and earn extra income. This is the smart way to earn money. Like I refer an automobile service center to a car owner so obviously here is I have my cut by the service center.
Create Your Own Product and Sell It On EBay
Many websites are available in the market to sell your own product like eBay, OLX, India Mart, Etc. So you can do some handicraft and anything else, innovative, which can be created at in extra time it can be sold on eBay kind of. Or you can find some product in the market, but it's not available in another part of the country so, you can start selling that product online with your commission. Even you can sell that product also which is available in sell in low price or buy from wholesaler then you can sale it on Online portals at regular price.
Sell Your Course Online
If you have expertise in some area of technology or education, you can create a course according to you and then you can sell it on Udemy.com or Skillshare.com, by this, you can earn extra income in fees format. Like you are an expert in cooking, yoga, SEO, Designing, Fashion Designing, Python, MS Excel, CoralDrow, Etc. create rich content or course of it, record your video lectures, and done. Then you need to tie up with these websites and then earn a lot of money.
Freelancing Work
If someone has extra time at home other than office hours, then he can do work as a freelancer. You just enroll on elance.com, odesk.com, and freelancer.com where you can update your work profile and then try to hit the best bid on a given list of projects according to your knowledge. Thousands of people in India are working on it as a primary income sourse. This is huge money generation option as extra income source.
Online Tutor
If you love teaching then you should try this in extra time. You should have knowledge of a subject. You just need to update your information on educational portalstutor.com kind of then you can start teaching online. It can work best for those who are ready to work late at night because many students from US and Canada would be the right fit for you then.
Teach Some On Google Helpouts
You have skills, you can teach someone live on google Helpout, there are many options and work categories like, cooking, art, music, home, and garden decor, dietitian, etc. there are many people are available to learn something new, they give you the charges to learn.
Find Some Interesting Jobs On Fiverr.Com
Like if someone wants a logo, or brochure to be designed, or wants a mobile application then you can do it for them. That kind of task is done at Fiverr for $5 only. So you also can resolve someone’s problem on it and can earn around $5.
Rent Your House or Apartment
You can give your house or flat for rent to the needy. They can give you your required rent. Many websites are available in the market where you can update your apartment for rent and update criteria according to you and then you can create an agreement of rent with someone who fits in your mind.
Passive Partnership in Someone’s Business
We can understand everyone can’t manage the job and business together so you can invest your money, time, and some administration to run a side business with someone whom you can trust.
There are many people who have the ability and passion to do a business but they don’t have money or experience or some ideas for execution. You can with a proposal to them and offer to invest money, ideas, and other contribution.
I know it is not easy as it sounds but I definitely know that it is not tough also as we imagine. You should try it with someone, who is trustworthy for you.
These are amazing ideas to earn extra money in your free time, and it is very beneficial in your future time. You can save your extra income for your future or your old age.
Source: Click Here
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digital25 · 3 months
How to Become a Digital Entrepreneur? Easy Resell
Digital Entrepreneur
A how to become a Digital Entrepreneur is someone who runs their business online and entirely relies on web based products, services and tools to earn money. Digital Product sellers, Bloggers, Content Creators, Course Creators, Freelancers, and others are most commonly known as Digital Entrepreneurs.
Digital Entrepreneurship has opened the floodgates to money for every person in the world. All a person needs to begin their online business is a phone and an internet connection. The number is rapidly growing and many are entering this world with big dreams and aspirations.
Easy Resell hopes to reduce the knowledge gaps and provide the necessary tools for an individual to begin their Entrepreneurial journey. You must have heard of dropshipping, Amazon FBA, Youtube Channel Creation, and others while people talk of online business. While these,sound easy, the process to get into them is a little difficult and requires knowledge of certain elements that are out of reach for a common person.
The next big thing in this sector is retail selling of digital products. Many people are creating and selling eBooks, Coloring Books, Planners, Journals, and other digital products using their own websites or on digital marketplaces like ETSY, Gumroad, and others. This is an easy way to go and had worked out for many people because all you need is an account on these websites, products to sell, a little knowledge of ChatGPT and other AI tools.
How do I Create great Digital Products to sell online?
While creating  sell digital products online requires some effort, it is not much harder if you are familiar with the internet, AI websites, and know basic English.
You can get ChatGPT to write eBooks for you that you can sell online.
You can use Freepik, Adobe Firefly, Leonardo AI, Midjourney, and other Generative AI websites to create AI Art.
Coloring Images can also be generated in some of these websites which you can combine to make them into an eBook and sell.
There are some websites like storybird, Invideo that give you a video with a basic prompt. You can upload these videos onto YouTube and make money.
And plenty of other ways exist to create digital products and all it requires is a little creativity.
If everything stated above seems a bit too much of an effort, you can always buy licensed eBooks, Coloring Books, Journals, and Planners, and other sell Digital Products online.
How do I acquire licensed Digital products to sell?
But, how do you acquire legitimate digital products to sell legally? There are many websites that are selling digital products at really low prices but are they really legal? Can you sell them directly without the fear of facing a lawsuit sometime in the future?
And there are many websites that are selling Digital products like eBooks with licenses. But most of these are based out of India and are priced highly and thus out of reach of a struggling business owner.
That is why Easy Resell brings you Digital products with PLR and MRR licenses that can be sold on any of the above platforms legally. We offer designed eBooks, Coloring Books, Journals, and planners at reasonable prices with reselling licenses that allow you to sell them in any marketplace at any price. You can even print them and sell them in local markets to make more money.
Our platform is designed to uplift Indian Entrepreneurs and aims to arm you with the products and all the knowledge required to start your own online Business right now.
Where do I sell Digital Products?
Business owners can create an account on Gumroad or ETSY and list all the products in that account. For a good listing you need to have a solid product, and an attractive cover image. You can use the same cover image to post on social media like Instagram, Pinterest and drive traffic to your Gumroad or ETSY store.
You can also create your own website on Shopify where everything is just plug and play. Although it is easy, creating and maintaining a Shopify store requires some amount.
If you have a little bit of amount and are looking to invest you can create your own website and sell the products directly through the website eliminating middleman costs.
For more information Read our Blogs on:
How to Make money from PLR eBooks?
How to Make money from MRR eBooks?
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fancallindia · 4 months
The Rise of Creators Economy in India
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Imagine this: you love making cooking videos, and people can’t get enough of your delicious recipes. Or maybe you’re a gaming whiz with mad skills, and folks love watching you play. In today’s India, these passions can turn into real careers, thanks to something called the creator economy.
What’s the Creator Economy?
Think of it as a giant online space where creative folks like you — YouTubers, bloggers, gamers, and social media stars — build a fanbase and turn their talents into cash. They do this through ads, working with brands, and even getting paid by fans who love their content.
Why is it Booming in India?
Super Fast Internet: More and more people in India are getting online, creating a huge audience hungry for cool stuff to watch and read.
Pocket-Friendly Phones: Thanks to affordable smartphones, anyone can now create high-quality videos and share their ideas with the world.
Your Language, Your Way: Platforms are making space for regional languages, so creators can connect with audiences in their mother tongue.
Real People, Real Talk: People today trust everyday folks more than fancy ads. Creators, with their down-to-earth personalities, are the new rockstars!
What Does it Mean for You?
The creator economy isn’t just about making money (although that’s pretty awesome!). It’s also about:
Being Your Own Boss: Do what you love and build a career on your own terms.
Keeping Things Fresh: Creators are constantly coming up with new ideas, making the online world exciting.
Building a Squad: Creators connect with their audience, creating communities around shared interests.
The Future is Bright!
The creator economy in India is just getting started, and here’s what’s coming next:
Super Specific Stuff: Creators will focus on even more specialized areas, like makeup tutorials for glasses wearers or gaming tips for beginners.
More Ways to Make Money: Get ready for new ways to cash in on your talent, like virtual events, selling your own stuff, and even online courses.
Small Stars, Big Impact: Creators with smaller but super engaged followings will become even more important for brands.
Tech Time! Expect fancy new tools like artificial intelligence to help creators make even cooler content and keep audiences hooked.
How Can You Join the Fun?
Got a hidden talent or burning passion? Here’s how to jump into the creator economy:
Find Your Thing: What are you amazing at? What can you teach others?
Pick Your Spot: Where do your fans hang out? YouTube, Instagram, or a blogging platform?
Make Awesome Stuff: Learn some basic editing skills and focus on creating valuable content your audience will love.
Don’t Stop! Building a following takes time. Keep creating and sharing to keep your fans engaged.
Team Up! Connect with other creators in your niche to learn, grow, and reach a wider audience.
The creator economy is revolutionizing the way we consume content and empowering individuals to build fulfilling careers. As India’s creator community continues to thrive, it promises to shape the future of entertainment, education, and brand marketing. At fancall, we connect creators with its audience via personalized videocall and give them an additional source of earning.
Q. What are the different types of creators?
There’s a vast array of creators! Some popular categories include YouTubers, bloggers, gamers, social media influencers, writers, artists, and musicians.
Q. How can I become a creator?
All you need is passion, a creative spark, and the willingness to learn. Choose a platform that aligns with your strengths and interests, start creating engaging content, and build your audience.
Q. How can I make money as a creator?
There are several ways to monetize your content. Explore brand collaborations, advertising, selling merchandise, offering online courses, or paid subscriptions. But the easiest is you can join fancall and connect with the audience and get paid for it.
Q. What are some tips for aspiring creators?
Focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Be consistent, patient, and keep learning. Build a strong community, collaborate with other creators, and explore different monetization options.
Article Source : https://medium.com/@fancall/the-rise-of-creators-economy-in-india-af8aacc5bdc7
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maharghaideovate · 2 months
Marketing Careers: Where an SMU Degree Can Take You
Thinking of diving into Sikkim Manipal University correspondence courses for marketing? Well, that's a smart move. Let us talk about where this degree can take you and what's cooking in the job market right now.
Career Paths post Sikkim Manipal University Correspondence Courses:
Marketing Manager: You will be the brain behind all the marketing strategies. It's all about creativity and knowing how to lead people.
Digital Marketer: If you are always on social media, then this might be your thing. Be it tweets or SEO, you will be doing everything.
Brand Manager: You have to be concerned with the image of the company at large. Just think of it like you're a brand-new bodyguard.
Market Research Analyst: If you have an interest in crunching through Big Data, then this may be the role for you. You burrow into the data to help companies make wise choices.
Public Relations Specialist: Got a way with words? PR may be for you. You're the voice of organizations or celebrities.
Content Marketing Specialist: If you have a way with words then this is for you. You will be tasked with creating relevant content to acquire and retain customers.
Real Talk: What's It Like Out There?
The marketing scene in India is heating up by the minute. Here is the dope:
Money Talk: Freshers can take home ₹3-5 lakhs per annum. Hang in there, and you could well be earning ₹15–20 lakhs or more. Some top-level marketing executives earn crores annually.
Job Scene: Digital marketing is on fire. It's growing 25–30% year over year. More jobs for you. Traditional marketing roles are in play, but it's the digital skills that are really in demand.
Hot Skills: Digital marketing guys, people who can do 'the data' stuff, the ones who can create killer content. Skills in SEO, social media marketing, and data analytics are in high demand.
New Gigs: Have you ever heard of a social media manager or an influencer marketing specialist? They are coming up left, right, and center. Surging demands for marketing automation experts and growth hackers have also arrived.
Sikkim Manipal University correspondence courses:
Set up a study schedule and stick to it. The key to success in distance learning is consistency.
Engage with the course materials. This does not mean only flipping through the slides but also thinking about how you would apply this knowledge in a real-life setting.
Engage with classmates: Create online study groups and discussion forums
Engage with your professors. Never hesitate to ask or clarify.
Keep abreast of the latest marketing trends outside of your coursework.
Subscribe to various marketing blogs, podcasts, and industry news.
How to Get That Dream Job Right After a Sikkim Manipal University Correspondence Course
Build a killer portfolio. Be proud of the projects from your courses and the freelance work that will follow.
Network like crazy. You can think of LinkedIn as your new best friend. Connect with SMU alumni and industry pros.
Keep learning. Marketing changes fast. Stay curious, and keep updating your skills.
Get experience. Internships, freelance gigs, volunteering—everything counts.
Mastering marketing tools: Get familiar with things like Google Analytics and social media management platforms.
Soft skills development: Marketing imparts communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. 
The Future of Marketing: Looking Ahead
Armed with the Sikkim Manipal Distance Education MBA in its kitty, watch out for these emerging trends in times to come:
AI and Machine Learning in marketing strategies
Search Engine Optimization through Voice Search
Augmented reality and AR marketing experiences
Sustainability and Ethical Marketing
Big Data-driven Hyper-Personalization 
Remember, your Sikkim Manipal University correspondence courses are only the tip of the iceberg. The best marketers out there will never stop learning or be afraid of trying something new. Well, then, are you ready to dive in? The marketing world is awaiting fresh blood like yours. Who knows? In a few years, we can be reading how you used your Sikkim Manipal Distance MBA as a stepping stone to a resounding marketing career. Go make your mark!
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amazonmturk · 5 months
How BZTurk Turbocharges Your Amazon Mechanical Turk Earnings
Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) offers an incredible opportunity for individuals to earn money online by completing various tasks. But let's face it, navigating through the platform and maximizing your earnings can be a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. That's where BZTurk comes into play. This comprehensive guide will show you how BZTurk can revolutionize your MTurk experience and help you achieve higher earnings.
Quick Earnings
Quick Earnings with BZTurk mean less time searching and more time earning. This feature streamlines your job search, helping you find your favorite tasks quickly. Imagine it as having a GPS for your MTurk journey, guiding you straight to the best opportunities.
Job Suitability
Ever wondered which tasks suit you best? With BZTurk, you can discover your job suitability. The extension analyzes your skills and preferences, suggesting tasks that align with your abilities. It's like having a personal career advisor right in your browser!
Efficient Task Management
Say goodbye to juggling multiple tabs and confusing task lists. Efficient Task Management is one of BZTurk's standout features. It organizes your tasks in a user-friendly interface, making it simple to find and complete tasks quickly and easily.
User-Friendly Experience
Whether you're a seasoned MTurk user or a newbie, BZTurk's User-Friendly Experience ensures a smooth ride. Its eco-friendly Chrome extension is intuitive, requiring no special skills or technical know-how. Just install and start earning!
24/7 Customer Support
Stuck on a task or facing technical issues? Don't worry, 24/7 Customer Support is just a click away. Our dedicated team is here to assist you anytime, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
Secure and Reliable
Your privacy and security are our top priorities. BZTurk is a Secure and Reliable extension, that employs advanced encryption techniques to safeguard your data. Rest easy knowing your information is protected at all times.
Global Compatibility
Whether you're in the US, India, or any other country, Global Compatibility ensures BZTurk offers a seamless browsing experience. No matter where you are, you can rely on BZTurk to deliver consistent performance.x
Approved by Amazon MTurk
Trust is essential in the online world, and BZTurk has earned it. As an Approved Extension by Amazon MTurk, you can be confident in its reliability and credibility. Enjoy updated features and missions without any worries.
Free Trial Offer
Curious about what BZTurk has to offer? Take advantage of our Free Trial Offer in 2024. Experience firsthand its fast and reliable task management capabilities, risk-free!
Effortless Earning
In the world of MTurk, working smarter, not harder, is the key. With BZTurk's Effortless Earning feature, you can maximize your earnings with minimal effort. Let BZTurk do the heavy lifting while you reap the rewards.
Why Choose BZTurk Over Others?
With so many tools out there, what makes BZTurk stand out? It's simple - BZTurk offers a comprehensive solution tailored to the needs of MTurk users. From quick earnings to secure browsing, BZTurk has it all.
Real User Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it. Hear what our users have to say! Thousands of MTurk users have already benefited from BZTurk, praising its efficiency, reliability, and ease of use.
Tips to Maximize Your Earnings with BZTurk
Ready to supercharge your MTurk earnings? Check out these Tips to Maximize Your Earnings with BZTurk. From task selection to time management, we've got you covered.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is BZTurk compatible with all browsers?Yes, BZTurk is a Chrome extension but can be used on other browsers with certain configurations.
2. How secure is my data with BZTurk?Your data is highly secure with BZTurk. We employ advanced encryption techniques to protect your information.
3. Can I try BZTurk for free?Absolutely! We offer a free trial in 2024 for you to experience BZTurk's capabilities firsthand.
4. Does BZTurk offer customer support?Yes, we provide 24/7 customer support to assist you with any queries or issues.
5. Is BZTurk approved by Amazon MTurk?Yes, BZTurk is an approved extension by Amazon MTurk, ensuring its reliability and credibility.
Navigating the world of Amazon Mechanical Turk can be challenging, but with BZTurk by your side, you can turbocharge your earnings and streamline your tasks. From quick earnings to secure browsing, BZTurk offers a comprehensive solution tailored to the needs of MTurk users. Don't miss out on this game-changing extension!
So, are you ready to revolutionize your MTurk experience with BZTurk? Try it today and see the difference for yourself!
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itstumtosiram · 6 months
Beginners Guide To Starting an Online Business: Online Business 101
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Starting an online business can be confusing when you're just starting, and you might face many roadblocks and ah-ha moments. Then again, get lost. All this is because of not having a clear roadmap and starting wrong. When I started online, I encountered many hardships and pitfalls because I was not clear about the roadmap of starting an online business. But after four years of trial and error, I learned how you should approach when you are to start an online business. But first, let's start with a bit about why you're right to come up with the idea of getting started online. Affiliate Disclaimer: I may earn a commission from some links on this post, but it won't cost you anything extra. Your support helps me keep writing content like this.
The Internet: Your Gateway to Business Transformation
The Internet has revolutionized how businesses operate. It's not just for big players anymore; anyone, including you and me, can work remotely and earn a remarkable income. Starting: Minimal Investment, Maximum Potential A decade ago, starting a business required significant funds and patience. Today, the Internet lets you kickstart with minimal or no money. You can build an online business that scales to thousands or even six to seven figures in dollars monthly. And there's no limit to what you can achieve with perseverance, hard work, innovative work, and a bit of luck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We3Hsrgmitg
The Basics: What You Need
When I started online, I didn't know how to start making money online quickly. To do that, you'll need two things: - Product to sell, or - Service to offer. Let's begin with the product. To build a business by selling products, you can sell thousands of products online. Some things you can sell in general are Courses, eBooks, clothes, toys, and more. Services you can offer And suppose you don't want to take risks by launching a product and want to offer services. You can start offering services like Copywriting, web design, virtual assistance, video editing, social media marketing, etc.
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Image Source: Canva
How to Sell Your Products and Services
The next thing you should be doing after deciding on what to sell is to find a way to sell your product or services. Here's what you can do: - With digital products, you can use platforms like Etsy, Gumroad, Payhip, and Amazon Kindle publishing if it's an ebook. For physical products, Amazon and Flipkart can be great for the starter; you can always sell them on your website or through landing pages. - Freelance platforms like Fiverr and Freelancer can be great starting points for services. But I encourage most to create an agency and use the drop-service model to fulfill services because It's beginner-friendly.
The Power of Email Marketing
After setting up your shop, the most important thing you'll need is email marketing software to collect and nurture customers with emails. For that, you can start with GetResponse or AWeber, which are free to start if you're short on cash. These platforms come with built-in landing pages and funnel builders. So you can sign up and start using the demo templates.
Payment Providers
After everything is set up, you'll need a payment provider if you're selling the products and services on your website instead of using other third-party platforms. The best ones out there are: - Stripe. - PayPal. - Payoneer. - Wise. - RayzorPay (For India).
Generating Traffic: The Lifeblood of Your Business
Everything I've mentioned above is crucial for your online business, but the most important one is traffic generation, and it's the hardest to achieve. Without traffic (People visiting your store), you won't get any sales. So, you need to generate eyeballs for your offer through paid ads or organic methods using social media and SEO. - For faster results, you can use paid ads from Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Google Ads, and Native ads. But beware that it might drain your money quickly if you don't know about running ads. - So, I prefer the organic method. The organic method usually involves using social media and SEO-optimized blog posts to attract eyeballs to your business. It takes time but pays off in the long run.
Running the Numbers: Optimization is Key
Finally, Test, tweak, and optimize your strategies based on what works for your business. Always be open to learning. Ask questions, take new courses (Complete them), and find mentors if necessary. There are many more variables to starting an online business. But this is the most common concept of almost every online business. I hope you like the blog post. If you like topics like this, sign up for my newsletter to receive my posts straight to your email. Read the full article
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digitalgirlsposts · 6 months
How can I earn money online as a student in India?
A person’s time as a student is crucial, as is when they depend financially on their parents. With the development of the internet, students now have several options for earning money online. In contrast to the conventional part-time work arrangements for students, which need a physical presence, you can now work from home and make extra money.
Students in various ways can make money online. They can easily work remotely and earn money online if they possess the necessary passion,  abilities, and reliable internet access.
Read More- https://www.pidm.in/how-can-i-earn-money-online-as-a-student-in-india/
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