#how can you even enjoy the ship when these people are on tour side???
h00d13d09 · 5 months
Now I understand why a lot of people (casual viewers and stuff) saw b*ddie shippers as obnoxious cuz since I stopped caring about the ship I am experiencing it firsthand 💀💀
My only question is...are they not embarrassed of themselves???
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Hey friends! Are we gonna address N’s SIL following JD? I mean the signs over that side of the road are getting crazy!
I think our babies (N and L) are definitely seeing other people right now!
Does this scare me off the ship? Hell no… guys we’re here rooting for them, we’re here cause we saw chemistry and connection and feelings and we think they’re soulmates and they would be the happiest with each other. Them getting to their endgame could take a little time. It’s already a slowburn, they’ve known each other for years. The press tour definitely put them in front of their feelings but it was also complicated, with the whole world watching, other people in the middle, the pressure of being friends working together. They need time to process.
Shipping shouldn’t be just about your favourite couple being “canon”! I’ll always prefer N and L over any other option cause I love their dynamic! I love how they are when they are together. They have their own little bubble of just the two of them where they fit perfectly despite their differences. They’re their own team. Idk it’s special imo. Even if they’re not the perfect typecast significant other morphed straight out their friends groups (which if you notice A and JD are).
Ofc we’re talking real life people here so I always encourage everyone to be respectful and mindful. You can’t get mad if they end up choosing other people (let’s hope just for the time being 😉) because they’re individuals with their own agency and they don’t owe us their private lives. So be kind and if some confirmation goes out in the future talk about it in safe fan spaces and just ignore it where they can see it. But then ship who you want. Root for you want. Personally I love both N and L to pieces so if it turns out they’re happy in other relationships I’ll be “good for them”. But I will never ship them with other partners. This is my WH. That connection I saw, the world saw is special to me.
I’ll be here watching things, enjoying the gossip when it’s done tastefully and respectfully, loving their friendship (cause that is 100% given and real and it’s precious) and sipping the tea while I wait for the universe to make its moves.
Remember we’re here for the endgame. Getting to the final chapter might take story than we thought.
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toutvatoujoursbien · 25 days
Do you ever feel like this is a little too much of an echo chamber of people feeding each other crazy ideas so much that it becomes truth? I am floored by the N/L chemistry and would love them together if that’s what they want but they have never said that and it is feeling weird. Sometimes I feel gaslighted! I read something on Reddit about fandoms in general following this same pattern and I wonder if I have turned into a tin-hatter myself by shipping them (first time I have ever followed celebs like this). I hope this doesn’t get me blocked. I am feeling a little uneasy lately (I really lead a very normal life with plenty of friends and family and I “touch grass”) but just wondering if I am alone.
Anon, thank you for being brave and sending this ask. I know the past 24-ish hours have been absolutely insane in the fandom and I can understand that if anyone has a different opinion, they might be hesitant to share it (and I'm talking about BOTH sides of this "argument" right now - I know people are feeling riled up right now but everyone, please take some deep breaths). I want to make sure I'm answering your ask with thoughtfulness and sincerity, so here goes:
(Also, I started answering this ask at around 11 am EDT, so before some bombs started being revealed, IYKYK. So apologies, my brain is all over the place rn.)
I think it's totally possible to enter an "echo chamber" when it comes to fandoms and shipping. I will use myself as an example with how I was getting a lot of my info when I started in this fandom at the beginning of the year. I was really only on Twitter (cringe, I know...) and because I was interacting with one specific portion of the fandom, I had a skewed view of the whole situation. You are what your algorithm gives you on social media/what you teach it 😅 And even though I don't necessarily enjoy seeing certain things on my feed or timeline, at least for me here on Tumblr, it feels mostly less toxic.
I also think it's really understandable to feel gaslighted about the entire press tour and N/L's relationship. We watched dozens and dozens of interviews, behind-the-scenes and promos and I don't think it's a coincidence that so many in the general audience started to question whether or not they were dating. Like I keep saying, the chemistry is fucking off the charts between them. (Edit to add: I also don't think so many would have stumbled head over feet into this ship if it also wasn't for the deep and long-term friendship between them. I know that's what drew me in, for sure. There is HISTORY there.)
IMO, as much as we joke about our delulu and whatnot, I feel like as long as you're respectful and keep it to the appropriate corners of the internet, I don't think you've turned into a tin-hatter. The problem is when folks take it to their pages and/or feel entitled to individuals behaving a certain way, like an expectation is the given. Another issue I see is when projection starts to overtake para-social relationships. Lastly, I also want to emphasize that fandom/shipping is supposed to be fun and if you aren't feeling it anymore, then it's perfectly okay to take a break or move on.
Your feelings of unease are totally legitimate and you're allowed to sit in your thoughts and take time to process them!
For me personally, I'm taking the latest "photographic evidence" with grains of salt. I'm just not sure I believe a narrative other than N and JD are in the same friend group - a friend group who all attended the same festival for the most part. I'm also not sure what I think about these photos being dropped a week afterwards; the timing of all the various events over the past week is enough to raise my eyebrows, for sure.
I will also say - and this is probably an unpopular opinion - but if this rumored relationship turns out to be completely true - I will have the same issues about a power imbalance between N and JD because of their age, life experience, etc. I just have a hard time believing N, a woman near my age, would ever consider dating someone so young (and yep, aware that this is projection on my part). I just can't help but wonder that Nicola, someone we've witnessed be very private about her dating life over the last several years, has been so openly "caught" with JD without it raising my suspicions. It's at least enough to make me pause and question it all, you know? I won't get too deep into my conspiracy theories (maybe for a later post).
Anyway, I'm not sure if this has made you feel better, Anon. But I want you to know that you aren't alone. I'm always here to listen if you have any further asks 💕
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droplet-dread-cat · 11 months
Not a single moment goes by where I don't think about Sampo "volunteering" at Belobog's museum
like, listen... he has the (technically second, since he has 93 points and a random NPC has 94 but still) highest tour duration and the actual highest education value stats but absolutely zero visitor appeal
this means whenever he's uh... "helping out" (aka being forced to work by the Trailblazer) he's constantly side-eyed and sneered at and just generally avoided but when someone accidentally catches wind of how interesting his tour actually is, they can't help but stay and listen as Sampo tells them about the history of, idk, art theft linked to the paintings that are currently displayed on the wall and I feel like they don't even notice for just how long they've listened before Sampo declares the tour's end
or maybe the tours are all equally long so the tour duration stat just states how many hours in a month that character is volunteering - which I'd honestly prefer in that case, since it'd mean Sampo's basically working an entire job at the museum
it's just... aaaaah, it's such a great starting point for an AU
Museum Tourguide!Sampo AU
imagine the Trailblazer hiring both Sampo and Gepard (who btw has the second highest education value out of the non-NPC characters behind Sampo, the second highest appeal at 83 points right behind the Supreme Guardian herself who has 85, but a tour duration of 5) for the art section of the museum
first of all Gepard constantly looks like he's swallowed a lemon when he's catching sight of Sampo just casually working.
secondly, this is a great set-up. not even from a shipping perspective. there'd be an inevitable rivalry of knowledge between the two - imagine they're working five metres apart from each other and when people come to Gepard for questions (let's be real, no-one goes to Mr. Cold Feet for answers), Sampo will just shout it over the heads of the visitors and Gepard, once again, will be livid af. like it's growing into a game of who can answer the fastest and they oftentimes have disputes, since Gepard obviously only knows the official stories and not the dirty bits that Sampo can bring to light.
in any case, apart from the work dynamic with Gepard, Sampo also has to interact with Uldan, this no-nonsense gramps who was instructed by the Trailblazer to "fend off Sampo's wandering fingers" - every time Sampo tries to pickpocket someone, Uldan will play up the senile grandpa act and do a whole bit where he acts like Sampo's his actual (grand)son, making it virtually impossible for Sampo to commit any crimes within his vicinity because Uldan will just scold him super loud, like "I didn't raise you like that, young man!"
and the thing is. Sampo is good at this whole volunteer thing. he excels at it, in fact, and I feel like with every tour he guides he enjoys it more and the people, too, grow to appreciate him more the longer he works at the museum. we all know where this is headed, right? there comes a point in time where Sampo doesn't follow a lead or initiate contact with a potential client and instead heads to the museum to cover a shift. I'm definitely not saying he gives up on his ways entirely but in my mind he inevitably becomes an actual staff member. sooner or later, Uldan's going to ask him to stay permanently and I mean, come on, the angst potential? the questioning of morals and identity? the realization that he wants to work a legitimate job? come oooooon
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spunkytomboybeat · 1 month
Long post about Makoto x Elena from Street Fighter
Once more I am thinking about Makoto and Elena from street fighter and i am debating on making a youtube video on my thoughts about me shipping the two.
I had my old post on here reblogged and it got me thinking about how Makoto x Elena is a rarepair for some reason, sure there's some fans about it (I've slowly been finding people who take interest/like it) but it's somehow the least common one when talking about the street fighter 3 gals. It is significantly more common for me to see Ibuki x Makoto, Elena x Ibuki, or even Elena x Makoto x Ibuki somehow. I'm not saying any of these pairings are bad, I do like them (I am somewhat mixed on Ibuki and Makoto for a handful of reasons but this isn't about them) and I love seeing art about them, what I am confused about is that the one with the LEAST art of talk about is Elena x Makoto.
These two have been on my mind forever. A taller than average bubbly capoeira PRINCESS is dating a shorter slightly grumpy tosan karetake tomboy is so funny to me. These two are just the polar opposites and yet despite it all they are dating? Incredible.
Like through the games and side media it's fairly obvious the writers and artists commonly pair the two together now on whatever they're doing.
First it was on sf3 where despite Makoto being a new character (and even having a special intro with Ibuki), Elena was the ONLY person to have a conversation on their own arcade ladder with Makoto (Makoto has a convo with Ryu since she was trying to find him to fight). And thing is Makoto wasn't even the most welcoming at first (dialogue below)
Makoto: What's wrong with you?! Stop smiling like that! It's creepy! Makoto: I'm here for a serious fight! I'll punish you if you make fun of me! Elena: I just want to be your friend! Elena: That's the reason why we fight! So let's enjoy the battle! Makoto: Friend?! I don't think I could ever understand you. [Dialogue ends.]
And it's honestly funny that Makoto of all people underestimates Elena, a capoeirista (I'll give her the benefit of the doubt since Makoto isn't the most knowledgeable of the world and doesn't know that Capoeira is arguably one of the scariest fighting styles to have on a tall person). Girl wanted to have a new friend and up for a friendly spar on her travels around Japan and Makoto assumed she was just here to make fun of her (And I assume they either went on a draw or Makoto lost the fight since I do believe Elena is stronger between the two). But even what Makoto said, Elena is unphased and knows she didn't mean any harm, Makoto is just someone who is very direct with words and is honest about what she says even if she's not the best person at communicating. Elena likes her friends and Makoto is her friend and is there to listen, be her with a grumpy face or not, Elena isn't here to make fun of you on purpose and would rather laugh with you.
Before 3rd strike Elena was normally paired with Ibuki (Even if Ibuki was being paired with chun since she was the most famous of the 2) because she was one of the 2 girls on sf3. But after 3rd strike something shifted and suddenly Elena was being paired with Makoto more often than not, and when they weren't it'd either be the sf3 girls trio, Elena was paired with Narumi (i wish we had more Narumi content) or Makoto was chilling with Ibuki. But other than that a lot of comics and official art just had Mak and Elena enjoy their time together and i think it's really cool we have more content of them, I really want the two to interact with each other more in SF6. Capcom please put me in that writing's room when you do decide to do a cutscene story mode for sf6 that isn't world tour (I like the mode I just wish it was the real characters interacting more with each other since we finally have a proper budget and can experiment more)
I really enjoy that I've been seeing more content of the Tall goober and the short goober kissing though, really lovely stuff :3
Like imagine being a Tosan girl with barely any social experience because majority of your life you were secluded because everyone didn't care about you or your dojo's history after your father died and dressed like a tomboy and did karate so much to the point you make your hands, which are bigger than that of a common girl, bleed and also one of your interests is woodcarving and then suddenly this foreigner capoeirista taller than your doorframe (and taller than you by two heads) comes up to you smiling saying they want to be your friend because you looked like a fun person to talk to even if your past wasn't the most superb thing ever to look up to. She doesn't mind what happened to your past and isn't here to make fun of you or to shun you away because you worked all your life for a goal that you set yourself to do for years, even if it was alone, she was here because she liked you as a person and found you cute and would yell at the world that she's your friend and would go out to eat, watch movies, do work, train, spar, debate fighting styles, study and just relax with each other. And then suddenly a year passes and you're in her bed and shes sleeping soundly next to you and you call her your girlfriend that you love very much and you don't know how to react. And then the next morning she picks you up because she found it funny since she's still significantly taller than you but you love her since she's someone you care about for all this time, giving you a kiss on your big forehead.
I like these two a lot, I really do.
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domesticated-whores · 3 months
[ minor spoilers for apology tour, lowkey badmouthing stolitz, ranting and rambling ]
It's hard out here for HB fans that aren't Stolitz shippers, ngl. I get that it was a Stolitz centered episode because that's where the story is right now, but could I please have the tiniest scrap of something unrelated thrown in? No?
Glad I got to see Verosika at least, my girl fr. Always happy to know more about her, even if it's literally always only in reference to her relationship with Blitzø. Like, massive side character so whatever. I want more of her preferably without direct reference to that, but I get it story-wise.
But I so do not like Stolitz personally, so kinda sucks that that's the main plot right now and also that they're absolutely going to work it out. Like, I don't utterly despise the ship so I do even enjoy bits of it as b-plot or background noise, but not as the focus of the episode.
I find the dynamic so boring. I don't really like the idea of it working out. I think "these two characters just do not naturally go together no matter how much they try and heal and work on it, and that's okay, because sometimes people (even people that are attracted to each other, even people that do love each other in some way!!) don't work out, and that's fine!!" is a lot more interesting (and meaningful to me, personally) than "true love and hard work overcome all traumas and differences and romance has to prevail in the end!!" and, while I respect people disagreeing with me, that's what Stolitz feels like a LOT of the time.
Like, Stolas needs friends fr. Friends that he makes FULLY outside of a transactional setting. He needs some kind of social circle, so I'm so hoping that he'll actually get that from Verosika's party. I hope that continues and he makes friends and date and shit and it isn't all thrown away as him going "well, I was upset so I was using these people as a distraction and as someone to listen, but I don't really care about any of them and will drop them the second things get better" because if any chance for him to make legitimate bonds with others is dropped as something that doesn't matter or something that he doesn't need after he's in a relationship I will fucking scream.
I could write an essay about how I feel about Stolitz as a whole, maybe I will later idk, because my feelings ARE very mixed. However, I don't think they should end up together. I think similar has been done a million times in media and (while I'm not coming for HB for realistic takes) it isn't realistic, the idealism and fantasy of the dynamic has been so overdone that it would be such a breath of fresh air if they didn't get together because at least that would be interesting and unexpected and probably the healthiest to pull off. And I know it isn't going to go in that direction, so I kind of hate to see it at all, ESPECIALLY as the ONLY thing being offered in an episode. Again, they work as b-plot and background noise, when you can just accept how iffy and annoying it is.
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goshdangronpa · 5 months
Sayaka Maizono!!
Hi, anon! I'm so glad someone asked about her, she's always fun to think about. A character you can really play around with in different contexts and interpretations. It's weird that I haven't written a story about her yet.
Sexuality Headcanon: Sayaka is straight-up gay. I saw that one bit from Danganronpa S, they're no way she could like Makoto as more than a friend!
Gender Headcanon: Cis, but the type who's actually thought a lot about gender rather than passively assuming that vagina = girl. I believe she'd support a transfem idol ... so long as she remains the Ultimate.
A ship I have with said character: I recently wrote about a couple of reasons why I find ikuzono so appealing! It can be a real mutually healing relationship, with two people who've hurt and been hurt finding solace and sympathy and redemption in each other. It can also be a relationship where they bury bodies together. I've also read a truly great (and tragically incomplete) series that anyone who likes Sayaka, Mukuro, and good writing in general should check out: Sing Me a Song of Despair!
A BROTP I have with said character: Sayaka's goal is to be an inspiration for girls and women. All girls and women. As a transfem Chihiro supporter, I quite enjoy the idea of this embodiment of femininity helping Chihiro reconcile some of her gender hang-ups. Women with strength don't have to be ripped like Sakura, athletic like Aoi, or scary like Genocide Jack. They can be beautiful, sweet, girly, confident, and determined like Sayaka. I think her support would really shake Chihiro's worldview ... though Sayaka might still agree with her that it's a dog-eat-dog world out there.
A NOTP I have with said character: Sayaka is virtually the only female Danganronpa student I wouldn't ship with Ibuki, mostly because I'm really committed to a rather detailed sayabuki arc that ends in turmoil. Two teen girls hit the big time at the same time, and their managers get the bright idea of pairing their acts in a summer package tour. As they travel across the country and work hard to one-up each other's performances, they show each other the weirder sides of themselves that the public doesn't get to see. They bond over a mutual passion for music ... and, one night, discover a mutual passion for girls. It doesn't take long for them to start exploring their sexuality together, snatching kisses and cuddles in the rare moments when they can evade their bandmates and entourages. Ibuki lets herself fall wildly in love ... but Sayaka's keenly aware that the tour will end. One night, after sneaking onto the roof of a supermarket after hours to have a truly private moment and watch the stars, Sayaka asks, "You know this won't last ... right?" She lays it out: idols aren't allowed to date anybody, much less someone of the same sex, and she won't compromise her career or her dream over a little summer affair. Ibuki’s devastated. It proves to be the last push she needs to drop her own pretenses and be her true, freaky self, ultimately splitting the band and creating the rock iconoclast we know and love. Sayaka would still think about her sometimes, even listen to her new singles when few former fans would, wonder if that girl was right that prioritizing her career over her relationships may bring success but not fulfillment ... She doesn't regret anything.
A random headcanon: Sayaka didn't accept the invitation to Hope's Peak immediately because she feared it would eat up precious time in a career that's already expected to end in her late 20s at most. She eventually accepted for precisely that reason: that Ultimate status will open doors long after the industry stops seeing her as youthful enough to sing on stage.
General Opinion over said character: I'm of two minds, and both are extremely positive. 1) How can anyone possibly dismiss Sayaka as a loathesome snake when the entire goddamn point of that first murder trial is that the killing game, one of the most stressful and extreme situations a human being and especially a literal kid could ever face, could compel even an otherwise kind person to commit murder? You don't have to like her for her attempt at murdering Leon and framing Makoto, but if you don't buy that Sayaka was ever a nice person, I reckon you've missed the point of Danganronpa. 2) Sayaka has a devious and coldly pragmatic side ... and that's fun. I like the idea that she's generally kind and sweet, but a bit of a sneaky bitch when she really wants something or really doesn't care for someone. In a non-despair AU, this would be ripe for drama and especially comedy! Let her be little a snake, as a treat🐍
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ripaxed · 11 months
Sugar and Heather for the character ask?
Evil women <3
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian! Nothing too deep about it
Gender Headcanon: I don’t really have one? I generally default to thinking of her as a cis ally but I vibe with her being trans too.
A ship I have with said character: Skygar <3. Their team up went hard idc. Also I don’t really think about it much but her and Leonard is cute
A BROTP I have with said character: Not really a friendship but I think the alliance she offered to Shawn would’ve been interesting if he agreed. Her laughing at Max is funny also.
A NOTP I have with said character: Sometimes people would talk about her and Owen and it’s so. side eye
A random headcanon: With her making it far in Pahkitew, Sugar was offered more role in tv and commercials. Which let her eventually go to veterinary school, like how she wanted if she won the million.
General Opinion over said character: Sugar suffers from Pahkitew’s weaker writing a lot of the time, but I still really enjoy her. Her huge personality makes her a standout even in the season of zany characters. Plus I find her rather interesting, with her history in exploitive child beauty pageants resulting in her underhanded and competitive attitude and her lack of trust in others around. If Pahkitew theoretically somehow had a second season, she’d be the number one character I’d have wanted to see expanded on.
Sexuality Headcanon: Unlabeled! I think Heather struggled to accept she was queer for a long time, in part because no label felt “like her”. Finding out she didn’t have to fit into any particular box made it easier for her to understand herself.
Gender Headcanon: Transmasc. I have. many thoughts about this hc that I should save for it’s own post. But I first thought of it when I started to read the line “I’m the good guy?” as equating to gender euphoria and Heather being tied to being labeled a villain as she is to being labeled a girl.
A ship I have with said character: Ah Sceather, the crackship made as an inside joke that I turned unironic and I am obsessed with. Outside of that, Aleheather is so good. Genuinely just a fantastic canon ship and the backbone of World Tour. I also really really like Gweather and H-bombs.
A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Harold again! They work super well together both platonically and romantically to me.
A NOTP I have with said character: Uhh, I guess I’m not a fan of her and Courtney? Not in the sense I hate it I am just incredibly indifferent to it. Shearing sheeps pops off tho
A random headcanon: I hc they work as a union negotiator in adulthood! Based on that scene in action about her knowing union rules and wanting to organize against Chris
General Opinion over said character: Heather <3. A favorite character easily and forever. I’m obsessed with her. I think she’s under appreciated in Island. She’s not very complex but she brings such an energy that almost all of her scenes are entertaining. Also season one would be impossibly dull without her srry </3. She’s so good in the Island special where her confidence is totally shattered. In Action not only do we see her at her most pathetic /pos but also at some of her funniest. I love you bald Heather <3. In World Tour, well, what can I even say that someone else hasn’t. She’s at her peak, she’s funny, she’s completely hated but manages to scrap her way to finale, and she’s the best winner of any gen 1 season by a mile. Her history of unpopularity and horrible parents and being rejected by everyone around her it just- I love her. Heather sweep.
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h-a-r-t-k-e · 11 months
Husk x reader
- 5'2  yall can choose how you look.
  -Husk POV-
It was a normal day in hell. If you don't consider that, I'm at a bar? Casino whatever the fuck this place is called. "Ha! Read em and weep boys. Full h- Woah, what the hell. What the fuck is this place"
   -time skip after introducing and all that other stuff that happened-
   -Y/n POV-
I was just working my shift at the bar. Going from table to table, taking orders, getting catcalled. Ya' know the usual.
When I finally took my break, I saw the princess of hell on TV, and she was... singing? What the hell is that about. Happy Hotel? Hmm, maybe I'll check that out later. I need a new place to stay anyway. My apartment keeps getting broken into.
    -After shift-
I was on my way to the Happy Hotel. Which, by the way, is not incredibly hard to find due to how big the building was, plus the glowing sign that read 'Hazbin Hotel' don't know who changed the name but whatever I'm goin' anyway.
When I got there, I knocked the Mario theme on the door cause it had been stuck in my head since the beginning of my shift.
When I finished, someone answered the door, laughing. He was freakishly tall, and I recognized him as the porn star Angel Dust.
Once he finished laughing, he yelled to Charlie, saying she had another guest, and walked away.
    Translation to the madness I just wrote: Hi I'm charlie and oh my lucifer I just can't believe we have another guest other than angel dust oh I can show you around and introduce you to everyone if you like omg omg omg I just can't belive we have another guest
Once she finished her... sentence? That she spoke way too quickly. I responded, "Hey, I'm Y/n, and sure a tour would be great." I said with a smile on my face.
"Okay, follow me." She said, clearly still excited. "This here's Vaggie Co- owner and my girlfriend." ( I just love this ship, alright. No one's changing my mind, sorry, not sorry. )
Once she was done introducing me to Vaggie. She introduced me to Angel. Then, she walked me over to a bar? I thought this place was supposed to rehabilitate sinners. Whatever, I like alcohol and the bartender is kinda cute. I'm definitely flirting with him later.
"Hey, Husk! We have a new guest!" "Hmpf" was all she got as a response. "Hey, I'm Y/n." I said. "Names Husk." He said, finally bringing his head up and taking a drink of booze.
"Hello Charlie dear. Do we have a new guest I see?" I heard a radio voice behind me. I turned around to see the radio demon. Hmm, I didn't know he worked here. "Alstor pleasure to meet you, darling." He said, holding his hand out. "Y/n, nice to meet you, Alastor." ( I know most people make Y/n afraid of Alastor, but to be honest, I don't see a reason why Y/n should be afraid of this used tampon motherfucker. )
   -After eating cause I suck at those types of scenes-
After eating, I decided to go to go try and flirt with Husk. "Hey, Husk, right?" "Yea whaddya want?" "You~" I said flirtatiously. His face dusted pink, and he began stuttering a response. Clearly has never been flirted with, but I can still work with this flustered cat.
"Soooo~? Is that a yes~?" "Hmpf." is what I got as he covered his face. "I'm taking that as a yes~?" I said, grabbing his hands off of his face and leaning in slowly. Which he didn't refuse, he even started leaning in a touch. Our lips met in the middle, and he seemed more shy about it than I did, but I didn't care.
And yes, I know there will be those people out there who are like 'But you just met him' and 'You're moving too quickly.' Look, love at first sight, just shut up and let me enjoy life, mkay'?
But we parted, and he was quick to hide his face in his hands as, even under his fur, you could tell he was red as a tomato.
I chuckled a bit and grabbed a drink, and walked over to the other side of the counter to try and get this cat out of hiding.
   -682 words not including beginning introduction and this end thing. Hope yall enjoy and feel free to request in the comments, I will try my best to get to them, but I am only human and busy sometimes.-
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allthingsfook · 1 year
keeping this on anon to know your unbiased opinion
hi, i’m [insert name here] ;) (she/her). i’m like 5’2, on the petite side but kinda curvy, and i’m in my mid-20s. i have long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a beauty mark on the right corner of my mouth above my lip. i have four tattoos, five soon, with 3 of them having meaning and one being kinda on a whim, and only up to my doubles on piercings.
my hobbies are music, dance, anything nature related, collecting things (i collect snow globes and stickers, science-y shit, history shit, reading, and travel. i’m currently taking a year and a half off of school between my undergrad and masters to travel and enjoy this time in my life. when i go back i’ll enter a masters program for athletic training where i will hopefully work for a pro-team someday. i’ve thought about teaching at a dance studio recently because i used to dance and i love it (and miss it dearly).
about my zodiac… i’m a taurus sun, scorpio moon, aquarius rising, aries mercury, gemini venus and scorpio mars… i’m an astrology bitch lol. i definitely think i fit my chart. i am very loyal, reliable and honest. i am not one to sugar coat things and would rather face issues head on. i am also extremely protective of the people i love and would go to bat for them any day. and of course being mostly fixed i am very stubborn, but i can be pretty spontaneous too! my love language is quality time and physical touch. i also have a tendency to make things for those i love.
some extras: i am a vat of useless, but (usually) interesting knowledge. i did choir for 6 years and danced for about the same. i love harry potter, marvel, lord of the rings, star trek, etc. i love basically all kinds of music. i’m kinda like the ‘dad’ friend, ya know, the one who always drives, fixes things, usually has a game plan and good sense of direction. when i was young i taught myself how to play the organ. i’m randomly crafty. i have pretty good intuition, and can usually read people pretty well. lastly, i can be very loud, i’m not always, but when i need to be heard, i will be lol
sorry this was long hehe can’t wait :)
Ahhhh, awesome! I love getting anon ones to see if it’s accurate 🤩
I ship you with…
Danny ☺️
I don’t usually touch too much on physical appearance because these men are so much deeper than that, but I do usually talk about tattoos. As for Danny, I think he low key would like a girl with tattoos. He’d be so curious about whether it hurts or not and ask you about the meaning behind them. I feel like he’d expect everyone to have a story and sentimental value, but when you tell him about the one being on a whim he’d kinda like the idea. Overtime, his appeal to them would turn from curiosity to attraction. He’d often express you how sexy you’d look with more.
Danny seems like he was a kid who collected things as well, so he’d totally understand your affinity for collecting. The first time he brings you home to meet his family, he’d certainly take you to the huge Christmas store in Frakenmuth to get you a unique snow globe 😇 And he’d always come bearing gifts when he gets home from tour. Don’t imagine him in a local store, picking stuff up that reminds him of you. He’s supplying your trinket needs 😂
Danny would support you in taking time away from school, realizing it can be extremely exhausting. He’d encourage you to travel, experiment, and relax in the mean time. Maybe even invite you on tour for a week! When you decide you are ready to head back for your masters, he’d be so proud of you. He’d definitely talk you up and brag to others 😏 Going for athletic training would peak his interest when you first meet. He’d question about that with genuine curiosity, which makes you feel special and appreciated. Inevitably, that conversation would segway to golf ⛳️ Hopefully you have at least the slightest interesting in it to coexist with Danny 😁 You’d definitely walk into the living room to see him polishing his clubs on the coffee table one day!
Let’s see if I can do the astrology compatibility justice here *cracks knuckles* You being a Taurus not only means you’d jive with the twins, but also have a strong bond with Daniel. Capricorns and Taurus’ have a extremely trusting foundation to their relationships. Capricorns have little desire to lie, which makes Taurus’ feel safe. Both signs are typically on the same page about being discreet about the relationship. Not necessarily hiding it, but enjoying it for who matters most…. EACH OTHER!!! This is quite important because of Danny’s status; key to both of your mental health. Capricorns are notorious for never knowing when they need a break. Living the lifestyle he does, it’s easy for everything to stack up. You would have to help Danny identify that for himself. Running away from his work isn’t always an option, so experimenting with relaxation techniques when you are together will help him make them a habit on the road. Not only will it help him decompress, it will remind him of you 🤍 Due to your sign’s characteristics, Danny would admire your charisma, good taste, stability, and the way you present yourself. Because of his work schedule, your support, accommodation, and affection would solidify his love for you.
Moving on, Danny would come to appreciate and love your “useless” knowledge and the timing in which you decide to use it 😂 I think you and Danny would bond over a lot of your interests. He’s definitely a Marvel and LOTR guy! Most definitely will have an annual marathon of both! It’s a huge must to love all music as Danny is always dabbling with many genres. He’d introduce you to all sorts of artists to which you’ll come to love not only because they are good, but because they remind you of him when he’s away. Danny would love the fact you are a self made organist of sorts 😂 Most of the boys taught themselves the plethora of instruments they play, so they will understand the discipline and commitment it took to learn that at such a young age. Danny would beg you to play for him once in a while ✨
I hope this is ship is pretty head on for you! Please let me know, I love to hear so or if not too! 💕
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kiatheinsomniac · 11 months
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⋆    ⁺   。 ˚   ⊹ °  . 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒 | 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ˎ :ˊ-
❝I was wondering if I could get a tolkien and assassins creed matchup/ship. I’m female, she/her, 20, bisexual as hell, INTJ, and a new media artist (still in college tho). I’m 5’1 and a half with an average build, brown eyes, and black wavy hair till my shoulders. I wear clear cat eye glasses. I honestly don’t know how to describe my style cause it changes constantly depending on the vibe I’m feeling. I do however live for accessories whether it be butterfly hair clips, elf ear cuffs, arms stacked with bracelets, or rings on every finger. As for personality I am a MASSIVE introvert except for with my best friends where my unhinged side comes out. Despite being an introvert I’m very comfortable with leadership. I’m also quite thoughtful and contemplative just letting my mind drift off to wherever. I’m far from clingy and prefer to keep my own space even if I know you well. I can be a bit stubborn, and opinionated at times however. I’m a huge planner and hate when things go off schedule or when things are chosen abruptly. I also find it hard to start new things, but once I’m in the groove it's fine. As mentioned before, I am studying new media art. I love game design, 3d modelling, interactive design, visual effects etc. I also love art history, especially Pre Raphaelite Arthurian paintings, Italian renaissance architecture, Egyptian manuscripts and Greco Roman sculpture. For hobbies I love reading, gaming, binge watching, digital illustration, dancing, rollerblading, baking cookies, and listening to video essays/podcasts/audiobooks. My favourite genres are detective, classics, fantasy, folklore, mythology and lore from any of my fandoms. I love listening to music in a multitude of languages as well whether Arabic, Italian, French, Hindi and much more. Think that’s it! Thank you!❞ –@danzalladaggers
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。・:*˚:✧。 assassin's creed
I ship you with James Kidd | Mary Read! 
Mary finds it really cute how you collect lots of accessories and she’s no different with trinkets! She loves touring you around her little collection of seemingly meaningless things but behind each one of the story of the journey she collected them on. She wears lots of rings and earrings and such herself so he likes sharing them with you. James is drawn to your personality as he has a very similar one and so he enjoys that you’re not draining company to be around and you can keep up interesting and intellectual conversations with him! 
Something about your relationship that feels very precious to Mary is how the two of you are very different people to those that you’re not close with; but with each other, you both completely open up and come out of your shells and it’s a welcoming feeling for her to know that you reciprocate her openness with you. You both have a tendency to let your minds drift off and so quality time is very important for the both of you! No matter what you’re doing, you tend to be in your heads a lot so it’s easy to bond just by being together, even if you’re just cuddled up in a private place chatting or thinking. James loves learning things about everything and anything and so really loves to watch over and question you when you’re working on your artistic projects; his questioning comes from a mix of wanting to learn and wanting to see that adorable passion in your eyes when you talk about the things you love. Your interest in detectives and mystery means that Mary loves bringing you along to solve those Mayan puzzles. Puzzle-solving is a hobby of hers and so she likes how you’re able to keep up with her pace and it’s even more fun doing them with you than alone!
♡ Mary likes to collect rings for you wherever she goes! It’s just a little thing that’s become a habit now: she goes out on a journey, she comes back with a story and a new ring for you. It’s a must-do for her now. She pays close attention to the metals and designs and colours that you like in order to make sure she buys ones that suit your style and shows the attention that she pays to you and your interests. 
♡ As mentioned before, one of James’ favourite things to do with you is to just spend time with you, no matter what you’re doing. But his favourite is when you’re laid on his chest and he’s running his fingers through your hair while the two of you murmur conversations about all sorts of things. He likes to bury his face in the top of your hair and take in your scent while you tell him all about your interests and he does the same. 
♡ Coming back to the Mayan puzzles, Mary likes to make it a whole date! She’ll bring you out somewhere she knows to a puzzle that she found but had to resist solving right away because she loves doing it together! She absolutely loves seeing your mind in action, she finds you beautiful both inside and out. She’ll bring along some food and will hang a hammock so the two of you can spend the rest of the day somewhere alone with a nice view where you can just cuddle and chat or read or mull over the puzzle, trying to solve it together. 
♡ After a few drinks, James gets very very affectionate with you. He wants to get away from everyone and get alone with you because he loves you so much and just wants to show you that but respects that your introversion means you’re likely not a big fan of PDA (but if you’re fine with it, he’d still rather show it in private). She likes being Mary around you and letting you see all the different sides of her because it’s a symbol of her trust and how she truly means to spend her life with you. She’ll prop your glasses up on your head and over your face in kisses, leaving red lipstick marks over your face. James isn’t much of a dancer but this is also where he will indulge in your love for dance but it’ll have to be in private because he won’t have anyone but you see him dance. 
♡ In short, Mary just loves you so much and she could listen to you talk forever and ever, she just wants to be in your presence and share everything she loves with you. You’re the person James trusts more than anything in the world and he really just wants to spend all of his life with you. 
。・:*˚:✧。 tolkien
I ship you with Maglor! 
Maglor was first drawn to you because of your love for art. It’s a common interest of yours. He may be a renowned musician but his father is a jeweller, blacksmith, his mother a sculptor. He was born to artists and so it’s no surprise really that he found an art of his own. His ideal date is taking you somewhere peaceful and private to play music for you or to browse around public art or galleries together. He could listen to you talk about all the paintings for hours, holding your hand all the while or wrapping an arm around your waist, a gentlemanly hand on your back; he keeps the public displays of affection low-key but he really does just love the warmth of you against him. He’s a romantic deep down and that little contact with you makes it feel like he has sparks dancing between his fingertips. 
You’re both introverted and he’s aware that he has a big and oftentimes chaotic family so he actually prefers to introduce you to them bit by bit instead of all at once, starting with Maedhros of course. Typical of elves, he really likes putting braids in your dark hair. He even puts in accessories of his own – he has many circlets and clips and such. He’ll pause to lean over your shoulder every now and then as he waves through your hair to kiss your cheeks. When he first does this, he keeps the meanings of each braid a secret, but by the time you’ve been together longer, he tells you how they show that you’re his, that your heart is his and he wears equal braids to show that his own heart belongs to you too. Coming back to your love for music, he’ll compose songs in all sorts of languages for you too! He just loved putting a smile on your face with your shared interests. 
♡ Maglor isn’t really one for planning, he always left that down to his parents or his older brother. So he likes to leave the planning down to you, always letting you take the lead and doing whatever he can to help you and make sure it goes smoothly. He’s very go with the flow: if it’s something he’s happy to do together then he’s very content to just do as you say. 
♡ He once borrowed his mother’s studio for a date between the two of you. Whether you want to try your hand at sculpting or drawing or whatever takes your fancy, he makes it available to you. Meanwhile, the ellon has books stuffed with songs and poems and sonnets he’s written about you. He calls you his muse because that’s exactly what you are to him: he loves you so much and he needs to express that in his own way. 
♡ If you couldn’t already gather, Maglor is a family man, he tries to get you involved in his family because he sees you as being a part of it. Seeing how you love your accessories so much, he has his father make some for you of Maglor’s own design and he gets hands on with the process too. 
♡ When it comes to making gifts for you, he loves capturing your essence into them. He uses your favourite colours to make butterfly clips whose wings flutter and catch the light around you like a halo when you wear them in your hair. For rings, he always finds a way to make each one unique and unlike the last and yet matching so that you can stack them up as he’s noticed you do. They’re never boring or plain and you can always tell when he’s put hours of thought and effort into their creation. 
♡ He really loves to just dote on you. One of his favourite ways to take care of you is to wash your hair for you. Whether he’s in the bath with you or sitting on a stool beside it, he loves being able to massage the soap against your scalp and condition your hair while ensuring no bubbles get in your eyes and rubbing your shoulders between rinsing out your hair. You’re really vulnerable with him like this and it makes his heart swell with love for you. 
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dougrobyngoold · 1 year
Wine Tasting Tour - Tuscany, Italy
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Let me just start this post off with this comment: today was a lot of fun! Tomorrow all of our livers will need a day to recover, I think. We started off with a bus ride out to the Tuscany area for a wine-tasting experience at two different wineries. Don’t ask me the names of the wineries, I have no idea, however, I think we might be wine club members at one of them as of today. The first stop was fantastic, the guy from the winery was very entertaining, he really knew how to make it a memorable experience. We sat in a room with the people from our bus and from another tour group - probably 60 - 80 people. We tasted food and four glasses of wine. Rachel and Tyler are not big wine drinkers, but they were troopers and made it through all their wines! The food was great and the red wines were awesome. We also tasted olive oils and balsamic vinegar produced by the vineyard we were at. We made it out of there with a mixed case of wines, oils, and vinegar being shipped back to the States.....seems like I should be able to remember the name of a place that we spent that much money at! One of the side bonuses of this stop, we shared our table with a couple from York, England. When they found out that we would be coming there later in our travels, they wrote down a bunch of things for us to do during our visit and gave us their contact information (in case we get lost). So nice, hope we get to run into them during our time there.
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Rachel, Tyler, and I had vegan plates with our wines. Dan and Doug tasted meats and cheeses with their wines. Everyone was happy!
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Rachel and Tyler, becoming wine experts!
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Dan, letting me take a picture....must have been all the good wine!
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Our second stop on the tour wasn’t as impressive as the first stop. We didn’t care for any of their wines, except for this dessert wine. According to the gal at the winery, this is the wine that the priests serve at mass. We were told that it was  best enjoyed by soaking a biscuit in it - all I can say is, yes, it was! Back on the bus, after this stop, for the ride back to Florence. It was a successful excursion - worth every penny!
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We were hungry upon arriving back in Florence, so we had a late lunch at the local market. Tons of restaurants under one roof, with tables spread out over several floors. You get your food from whichever vendor you desire, find a table, and then wait staff comes to your table to handle your drink order - food was good, drinks were good, and company was great! After lunch, we headed back to the AirBnb for a rest - definitely needed!
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We completed our evening, after our rest, with some very expensive adult beverages on the plaza - Florence is pricey! Because we hadn’t had enough alcohol today....we ended the evening with some limoncello back at our place (a much cheaper place to drink). Needless to say, we went to bed early tonight!
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seointern08 · 2 years
Homestays in Aleppey
Book homestay in Alleppey with the best countryside views
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Alleppey is the perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle of a big city. This idyllic town on the shores of Lake Vembanad is home to some of Kerala's most beautiful natural sights and landmarks, including the famous backwaters that stretch across this part of Kerala. If you're looking for somewhere to stay while visiting Alleppey, then we recommend choosing a homestay here where you can experience all that this enchanting region has to offer!
Wake up to a beautiful view of the backwaters
Wake up to a beautiful view of the backwaters. The Arabian Sea is an inlet of water that connects with the Gulf of Mannar, which lies on its western coast. On every side, you will see canals and rivers that flow into this vast body of water. In fact, Alleppey has been called "the Venice of Kerala" due to its network of waterways that connect all major towns within its vicinity.
The backwaters are home to many species such as dolphins and manatees—and even turtles! You may also spot snakes or even crocodiles in these waters if you're lucky enough to visit during mating season (which lasts from April through June).
These natural resources contribute greatly toward local economies: fishing provides livelihoods for thousands upon thousands of people across Kerala; tourism brings in millions each year; transportation links mean that goods can be moved easily between houses without having them shipped via truck or train instead!
Alappuzha homestay with stunning activities
If you're looking to get a taste of Kerala's traditional cuisine, then this is the homestay for you. The host family will teach you how to cook some of their favourite dishes and also take part in cooking classes. They are also more than happy to show you around the local area, which includes nearby beaches and lakes as well as some beautiful countryside views.
Homestay in Alappuzha close to major tourist attractions
Homestay with a kitchen:
Enjoy a stay amidst nature while still being close to major tourist attractions.
If you are looking for the best homestay in Alleppey with backwater views, then this can be your best option.
Be spoilt for choice with Kerala's traditional cuisine
Kerala is famous for its seafood, spices and rice. The coastal region of Alleppey is known for its cashew harvest and banana plantations.
The cuisine of Kerala can be traced back to ancient times when it was part of the major trading routes between India, Arabia and China. Since then it has evolved into a unique blend of different cultures that have influenced each other over time.
Kerala's traditional cuisine consists mainly of rice as well as fish curry (kari), vegetable curries (solai) made with coconut milk or coconut cream; meat dishes like chicken fry or mutton fry served with parippu pappadam; fried vegetables including potato patty called puliyogaree(lemonade)(rice flour paste); eggplants stuffed with spiced mung bean paste & tomato sauce etc., depending on what is available in season at particular place/village
A homestay here is perfect for backpackers, nature lovers and travellers looking to escape the city bustle
A homestay here is perfect for backpackers, nature lovers and travellers looking to escape the city bustle.
Backpackers: If you're a traveller who likes to travel on his own without the hassle of hostels or hotels and want to experience life as an Indian villager, then this is the place for you! You'll feel like your own home here because everyone will be so friendly. They'll help you out with whatever needs doing around their house (like cooking) as well as give tours around town whenever possible.
Nature Lovers: If your reason for visiting Kerala is just because it has beautiful beaches then there are plenty of places nearby where you can go swimming or snorkeling during your stay at a homestay in Alleppey such as Kollam Beach (2 hours drive away), Vypeen Island Marine National Park (30 minutes drive away) etc...
There are many reasons why Alleppey is such a popular place to visit. If you're looking for a homestay in Kerala, there's no better place than Alleppey. With its stunning backwaters and beautiful countryside views, this area will surely enchant you! You can enjoy your stay with us by taking part in our cooking classes where we teach how to make authentic Kerala dishes like thali meals or poojas using fresh fish caught from the backwaters. We also offer fishing expeditions around the coast so that you can catch some thrilling fish which can be cooked up into delicious meals after being cleaned on board our boats or even fresh seafood salads made from one of those freshly caught abalones!
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rhonddaandallaneuro · 2 years
One last night in Mathew Lane home of the Cavern where drinks are always on the agenda rain set in so we elected to get some food and have an early night. Not going to happen with all bars and clubs packed for dining so headed off to the San Carlo an Italian restaurant that is second to none. I have to say the best Italian food and service I have every experienced. Guess it goes you get what you pay for. A great last night.
Hit the road early Monday and headed to Chester which surprise surprise was basically shut down as today the Queen is finally being put to rest. Did get to go inside the Chester Cathedral though which is stunning even with the televisions all around so people can gather to mourn the occasion. We also got to walk the old Roman wall which surrounds the old town. This is still standing in full usage and one can only imagine just how far of their time they were.
Did not go the Llangollen as planned due to the fact that all tourism was shut down driving east to Conwy where we did the worlds smallest house this is where a gent over six foot tall lived, and a fore shore walk. Did the main street and a pub had opened to honour the queen and those so inclined could sit and watch the five hour procession while enjoying a drink and play one of the two poker machines inside. Rhondda, Julie and Lindsay took the opportunity while Allan kept himself amused.
Ceremony completed we drove back and up the coast of Wales to a seaside resort known as Llandudno Bay where the old television show “Faulty Towers” could have been based upon. Serious it was driving into a time warp. The local council had elected to cover the sand beach with stones to stop people walking along it. They then had filled in the top part of beach with a ten metre wide walk way to stop beach visitors walking on the side walk. Could not find a pub but every motel/motel has its own which charged very expensive prices.
It was here that when you watched television instead of watching advertisements the television went blank in memory of the queens final resting day. The shows fully operative for first time in ten days but without advertisements. Do not understand why the shows did just not run without continual blank screens. Only in Britain.
Slow start as headed off to Ireland. Stopped off at Conwy Castle which is well worth the visit. Like Chester the wall was built to last. From here a quick whistle stop at the Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Train Station. The gift shop is larger then the station itself. Hahaha
Finally to Holyhead where we took the four hour ferry to Dublin where we quickly moved towards Meath where we stayed for the night at the Daly Inn pub and even better food and service from very friendly staff.
From here Tom Tom again took over and we drove the longest roads through more narrow laneways towards the Giants Causeway. This place requires a long walk but worth the effort to see and walk. Back in the car we drove a few short miles to the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge. A much longer walk to get to but for those brave enough to use the rope bridge dangling in the air 100 feet above the water. Allan volunteered to be the photographer and stay on the main land side.
Still trying to fill in the drive we drove through to Dark Hedges a former pathway leading to an estate. Was lovely but you are no longer allowed to drive through the walking was taking its toll. The drive into Belfast quicker without Tom Tom in control we us having drinks in our room supported by Subway.
Our only full day here in Belfast we decided to do the “hop on bus hop off” tour and not sorry we did. First stop the Titanic Museum which covers so much with a mechanical experience involved along with some great imaging and stories followed by an actual Titanic support ship. A must must do. Could have spent the day there.
Sadly we joined the bus again and did the tour of the city and visited the famous murals. The tour guide explained so much about the different murals and while one can never understand why the fact that they are at peace now is great.
Tonight we are off to the “Crown” hotel legendary for its architecture and decoy where we will enjoy a drink as the millionaires of the past Belfast lifestyle did. Should be great.
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nikkadiaries · 2 years
A Love Letter to Arrow 🎯
If you've ever followed me on my old tumblr or even encountered any of the edits I use to make that circulated this website, then you'd know that my favorite show was Arrow. It was my main content to post and reblog on my page. It's the show that dominated my dashboard and what all my mutuals would fangirl about.
My life had basically revolved around Arrow for the better part of the past decade. It wasn't just a show that I enjoyed every week, it was the show that opened the door to so many new experiences for me. My love for this show led me to go out and try new things, meet new people and create memories and friendships that I will cherish forever.
As I reminisce about the things that brought me joy, as well as go through the farewell tour of my previous tumblr page, let's have a look back at my journey with Arrow.
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I had first heard of Arrow during SDCC 2012 before the show had aired. John Barrowman interviewed Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidy about a new show that all three were part of, and talked about the hype going around the convention for this show. I knew nothing about it, I know nothing about Green Arrow or comic books. But I was a fan of John Barrowman and I wanted to watch more of him, so made a point to remember to watch the show.
When the pilot aired, I realized I wasn't that interested in superheroes or dark dramas with action. So I didn't continue on, I mean what are the chances this show survives the first season anyway? Well fast forward to the new year and the show got renewed just as I started to see more gifs of the show on tumblr. (btw this was my consensus on what shows to watch, whichever shows my tumblr dashboard was recommending)
Soon enough more and more posts and gifs about the show start to pop up on my dashboard which to me meant it was probably good. Then gifs of a particular blonde character with glasses also kept popping up. I thought she was cute and anytime I saw gifs of her and the main guy I thought they had chemistry. I figured she was probably the nerdy love interest who has a one-sided crush on the leading man - since it was heavily implied he was supposed to end up with his ex-girlfriend.
Despite how tired I am of these predictable tropes and didn't need to see another damsel in distress type scenario, their chemistry intrigued me enough to give the show another try. Besides, my dashboard seemed to really ship them as well so who could blame me, I'm easily influenced! Also, I saw gifs of this scene circulating my dashboard and I just couldn't help but be intrigued.
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So I gave the show another shot and actually watched it through. it helped that the season was already over and I knew they would have another one so should there be any cliffhanger, I wouldn't be too pissed off about it.
Lo and behold, I loved the show. And even more, I loved what I thought was the impossible ship. The ship that wasn't supposed to happen, that wasn't planned, but it all hit us like a wall of bricks. Olicity had taken over my every thought and my every being.
You see, the thing about me is that I can fall in love with any show easily. But if you give me a couple that can reach into the deep caverns of my soul and pull out my withering heart buried deep inside, then that show will own me! And boy did Arrow OWN me!
I genuinely lived and breathed this show. The 5 months when the show was off the air felt like I was suffocated and floating aimlessly, not knowing which direction is which. the only reprieve I had was stalking the cast's social media page and anticipating for any information about the new season.
In short, I lived for Arrow.
Because of my love for this show, it made me want to venture into the world of Comic Convention. The cast of Arrow frequent the Heroes and Villian Fanfest and fortunately for me, they held one every year in San Jose which is only two hours away from me. this wouldn't be my first time going to a convention but it is my first time going away for the weekend to attend a convention. And what a better one to go to than the one that the cast of my favorite TV show attends.
I went almost every year until 2019, but the years I went were the best and will forever be ingrained in my memories. Not only did I get to meet my favorite actors who play my favorite characters in my favorite show, but I also got to have my own special experiences with each of them. One that will forever live on in my mind. More than that, I got to meet quite a lot of online friends, and mutuals I've had on tumblr and other social media platforms that I befriended because of our love for Arrow. it had become a yearly thing for us to meet up and enjoy the show that brought us together.
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I have invested a lot of my time and attention in Arrow. I've also invested a lot of money in the show. Not just in the form of paying for their merchandise or anything, but with the amount of money I spend just to meet them and have these experiences where I can be with my favorite cast. From the convention to special events that Stephen Amell would hold through his wine company Nocking Point, I've attended them all.
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Arrow isn't just a show that I enjoyed thoroughly. it's a show that brought me happiness, that brought me special memories, that brought me a lifetime of friendships. Arrow still continues to give me so many blessings, even after the show has ended. I am grateful for the years I loved and poured my heart into this show.
Thank you! Thwick thwick! 🏹🏹🏹
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
Anniversary Event: Matchup for @katanaski
I match you with... Nanami Kento
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Kento & Ana
As a Cancer and Pisces couple, you harmonize very well. You can help Nanami let go of his rigid attitude and make him feel understood, and he can offer you stability and security in all aspects of life. The two of you share introverted personalities, but while you are more intuitive and spontaneous, Kento is very practical. He provides valuable advice and likes to take control in a caring and loving way. You give each other the loyalty and commitment you need.
I assign your ship the song Silence by Before You Exit
Everybody's looking for a love to start a riot, but every time I look in your eyes, the world gets quiet. I knew I was in love with you when we sat in silence
Some ship headcanons:
The two of you enjoy quiet evenings together. Staying at home, cuddling under a warm blanket while reading something or telling each other about your day, often accompanied by a drink. The hectic and loud world stays outside, and the two of you can recharge again.
You are Kento's safe haven. When he is with you, he can relax and embrace his softer side. It always feels like a little holiday to him to come home to you and kiss you hello, hug you against his chest and let himself get enveloped in your love and warmth.
To Nanami, home isn't a place but a person: You.
The two of you understand each other on a deep level. Both are on the quiet side, reveling in soft activities like reading books or watching the rain from inside your window. Or drinking coffee in a lovely little bakery while you hold hands on the table and watch the people on the street rush by.
The bakery dates are something you do regularly. Kento loves to discover new little bakeries and nice coffee shops all over the city and takes you there to try their coffee, cakes, and bread.
When you are out on your own and stumble upon a nice-looking bakery, you always go inside and buy something for your man, so he has a sweet surprise when he comes home. His face always lifts in a genuinely happy smile when he sees that you thought of him. It's so nice to see those worry lines on his handsome face soften in those moments.
Kento likes to take you on weekend trips to get away from the stress. Just the two of you and a beautiful scenery is all he needs. He feels so at ease when he can go hiking with you, enjoying nature and your loving and peaceful companionship.
On the hiking tours, Nanami looks so hot! Of course, you also find him sexy in his suits and the ties he's wearing for work, always looking so proper and handsome. But on your weekend trips, he has that relaxed aura, and it makes him glow somehow.
He looks so good in his shorts and the casual t-shirt, hiking boots, and a backpack on his broad back that pulls his shirt tightly across his chest, accentuating the movement of his toned pecs with every step. His blonde hair, usually gelled back for work, falls into his face, looking and feeling so soft.
He is such a gorgeous man. But when you tell him that, he waves it off and is like: "You are gorgeous, darling." But you can see the corners of his lips lift in a pleased, happy smile.
Kento is a very caring partner in every aspect of your relationship. He will take care of everyday responsibilities you might forget. And he will also take care of you financially if you let him.
Nanami holds you in his arms every night. No matter how late, he sometimes comes home from work. Even if you are already fast asleep, he will carefully lay down beside you and gently reach out to put a strong arm around you, knowing that it makes you feel safe and loved. And it gives him so much comfort too, to feel your warm body snuggled against his.
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I hope you like your matchup, Ana :) I think daddy Nanami would take such good care of you and be so gentle and loving!!
Thank you so much for your sweet message! I am so happy too that we are friends and grew closer! You are such a sweetheart! Love youuuu!!
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