#how can you hate Igglybuff??
pkmn-smashorpass · 10 months
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Some diverse opinions on the babies
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And then there’s this guy
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peaterookie · 1 year
Lupin's Pokemon Team
ok hear me out HAHA i like making pokemon teams for random characters so one day i decided to tackle lupin usually i pay a couple attention to the balance of the team and how strong the pokemon is, but with lupin iii being a totally different series, i decided to change my standards
this team is purely used for helping him with heists or he just sees it as something he can steal
i dont determine pokemon by how compatible it is with lupin (this is for anyone asking why thievul or aipom isn't in my list)
none of these pokemons should make him too op than how lupin without pokemons are, they simply make his heist planning easier because in reality lupin could kinda still do these things without them
i'll show some runner ups i thought of putting in after 
Here it is!!!
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I'll have an explanation for all of them and some backstory I made up
Jigglypuff (Lv. 40 with Sing / Sweet Kiss / Hyper Voice / Fake Tears)
I'd say that the team doesn't really have an ace, but Jigglypuff is probably an unofficial one since he's the first pokemon Lupin had in my story, where he recieved it back then he was a child as an Igglybuff. I remembered in a Part 2 screenshot somewhere (i haven't finished part 2 so pardon if i got anything wrong) that Lupin had a fondness for cute dolls when he was a child, so Jigglypuff reflects that!
It also shows Lupin's inner child, since the Jigglypuff in the anime was quite a troublemaker, a very dramatic one too. In Shin Lupin III "Lupin Lullaby", Lupin's sings a lullaby sung by his mother from way back when he was a kid. Part of me thinks from that chapter that maybe Lupin probably loved music, and Jigglypuff's singing ability also connects to that as well.
Asides from that, Jigglypuff's ability to lull people into sleep by Sing or confuse people with Sweet Kiss would make it a really good member in the party to use for heists. I can imagine Lupin using him to immediately put guards to sleep or at least set them back when he's infiltrating hehe
Ditto (Lv. 26 with... Transform)
This is honestly a given. I had the option to choose Zorua over Ditto, but I personally preferred Ditto because it's just so silly and it perfectly matches the series tbh.
So the story for Ditto is that one day, Lupin just so happened to come across a doppleganger that looked just EXACTLY like him, doing heinous acts that makes Lupin look bad!!! It was Ditto, and it was being ordered by its trainer to disguise as Lupin and do bad things for something to happen (this could totally be an episode premise, I'm just too lazy to think.) Lupin uncovers Ditto's disguise and also beats the bad trainer with its help and Ditto basically becomes part of Lupin's team that way.
Ditto essentially learning how to transform into Lupin perfectly has so so sooo many possibilities of fun stories, it's literally like a moving living distraction LMAO I'll leave it to you guys to think of how Lupin'll use Ditto since I'll be here forever if I list out mine.
Magnemite (Lv. 10 with Thunder Wave, Protect, Confuse Ray, Volt Switch)
With so many security options all being operated by electricity, a Magnemite can easily wipe it all out by feeding on the electricity! I also chose that Pokemon since it's magnetic ability along with it's levitation ability can prove useful in some way in heists. I feel like sometimes Lupin just grabs on it to float around lmao (it hates it)
I don't have much of a story for this one. I just think the vibe of the design suits Lupin. Lupin probably just caught it one day and uses it time to time. I made Magnemite have a very childish and moody personality, it doesn't like following Lupin's order and hates it when he plays with it. But at least he gives it a lot of food!! That's the only reason it can bare Lupin's presence. It's also very good friends with this next pokemon...
Rotom (Lv. 23 with Confuse Ray, Protect, Electro Ball, Double Team)
Rotom and Magnemite are total besties, but one obviously gets used more than the other, and Rotom totally brags all about to Magnemite's face. Other than that, yep, Lupin uses this guy a lot to research about the place he's planning to sneak into and scan the basic layouts of it. I imagined he often makes it possess a drone, one of his spying devices or a computer to get info from it c:
So the story on how he gets this Rotom in the first place... maybe it found Lupin interesting and messed around with him for fun. Like he's in a middle of a heist and it just fucks it up for no reason. Lupin then gets mad but doesn't care to chase it but it messes up another heist of his again!!! Lupin then gets even madder and he decides to outsmart it next time it comes to fuck around again and it joins Lupin's team after it gets beaten since it finds him a lot of fun. Even after being caught, Rotom still goofs around with Lupin (Magnemite enjoys seeing Lupin get mad over it.)
Cofagrigus (Lv. 75 with Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Curse, Dark Pulse)
This guy does nothing in the team except exist.
Lupin just really really wants it and basically thought it was just a treasure until it started sprouting dark hands out of the coffin and almost kills Lupin after he tried stealing it. But somehow out of some SHEER MIRACLE he makes it out alive and catches the thing. Cofagrigus also reminds me of that one pharaoh episode where Lupin gets possessed by the Tut mask and almost dies so he basically didn't learn his lesson after the first time messing around in Egypt...
Also- it hates Lupin immensely.
Latias (Lv. 67 with Heal Pulse, Psychic, Fly, Safeguard)
Heeere comes the elephant in the room!! Peater?? Why did you pick a legendary pokemon??? Because it's such a Lupin thing to own a legendary obviously!! He'd somehow do it, nothing is impossible for him, if he wants a Latias he gets a Latias.
But no I didn't pick Latias just for that reason alone, but because I needed him to have at least one flying pokemon. I noticed that Lupin usually uses this glider looking thing to escape out of a dangerous situation pretty often along the series so I wanted said flying pokemon to have an airplane-esque build and maybe be red too (because Lupin uses a red glider a lot.)
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But yeah! I also remembered how Latias could turn into a human girl in some random pokemon movie I didn't watch and I think she had a crush on Ash or something??? I don't know but that absurdity feels like it belongs in Lupin. Lupin probably met a Latias in human form and after some crazy wacky NPC girl-tv special shenanigans she joins his team.
It's probably my fav member in the team (2nd is jiggly) just because it's so funny to give Lupin a Latias.
And yeah, that's it for all the team members!
Here are the ones I considered putting in:
I don't really have nicknames for these pokemon, so if anyone'd like to name them all then be my guess! Thanks for reading this if you made it the entire way!
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vaugarde · 10 months
6, 7, 13, 16, 25 fooooor Kirby!
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Hard to say presently cause I haven't interacted with the shippy side of the fandom in some time. I guess from experience it's Meta Knight x Garlude shippers but I have not heard a single whisper from them in literal years. Is anyone saying that MK can't be gay cause he interacted with her anymore? I dunno.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
At one point it was Meta Knight, specifically the anime version of him, but I've come back around to him tbh. Maybe it's the bat wings. Dark Meta Knight used to be ruined to me for personal reasons wayyyyy back in the day but that got fixed a while ago. I guess there's Hyness cause there's kind of an attitude I've sensed about him that "oh it's not that deep, he didn't actually hurt the sisters and I'm ignoring it for the sake of making him my silly little guy", but also I already hate him in canon. So idk there either.
13. Worst blorboficiation
Mayyybe Dedede? Not cause I don't like him, I love him and I'm fond of the version I've made of him in my head, but the sheer refusal to ever acknowledge him as a villain ever like... kinda misses the mark for me. The fact that he was a villain at all and you can create a narrative of him becoming better as the games go on is interesting to me! And him sometimes being antagonistic to Kirby cause they're rivals and such is fine. It's fun! It makes the moments where the two act nice and wholesome feel all the more rewarding cause like, Dedede DOES have it out for this pink kid, but at the end of the day the said pink kid holds no grudges, man, and there are bigger things to worry about. So if you sand off that part of him, he becomes less interesting to work with, y'know?
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
"Meta Knight and Dedede are Kirby's loving adoptive dads". I love found family but those two are uncles at best. This is moreso Meta Knight though, ESPECIALLY the anime version. That guy cuts Kirby's car brakes, he is not a sweet dad figure sldkfjssfds.
I've rambled about this before, but one of my biggest fanon nitpicks is when people have an adult male fave and a child protagonist, and they'll nerf the child protagonist in favor of having the adult male fave do everything in the story and be really powerful so they can protect the child figure. And that sounds weird, I know it does, like of course the child protagonist would benefit from a parental figure taking off some of the load sometimes. But it's never quite portrayed like that and it always just reads to me like "WOW look how awesome my fave is!!! They should be the REAL protagonist and the child protag is a side character in their story!" and it's never like, emotional support or anything, it's always "suddenly the protagonist who has defeated literal gods cannot even scratch a basic enemy and needs the adult fave to save them." Like, I remember this fic where Kirby got beat up and nearly killed by a regular dark matter minion so that Meta Knight could save him, and I could not sit with it cause like... a regular dark matter minion? Really??
I don't know, if I had to approach a Metadad concept, I'd do something similar to "Igglybuff the Prodigy" from PMD where Meta Knight does serve as a mentor figure, but really, Kirby ends up being more powerful and smarter than him and outdoes him a lot, but Meta Knight doesn't mind after a while because he benefits from having a grounding positive figure like Kirby in his life. Kirby made him a better person and made him realize that he wasn't done living his life even though he'd done some terrible things. And Kirby admires him cause he's a child and he likes having another person like himself around, even if that person isn't fantastic to begin with. Like, it's a mentor relationship but it's turned on its head.
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Anything about the anime being an invalid Kirby property and you suck if you incorporate parts of it into your own personal game canon. I do what I want. Sirica and Magolor are friends.
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anonprotagging · 11 months
i trust your opinion on pokemon games more than basically anyone else on the internet. should i buy scarlet/violet. i really hate being so out of loop with the new gen, suddenly not recognising pokemon feels so bad :( but i also don’t really wanna buy the games? but i wanna play them. augh.
okay, so it's kind of hard to judge the story based on my run so far since I haven't even gotten to the first gym, but I think I've gotten a good enough grasp of the mechanics and stylization to offer some pros and cons! (under a cut to save people's dashes)
-This game is BUGGY. holy shit. I thought, okay, maybe people are just getting mad like they do with every game, but nope!
it's worse than swsh, and honestly it's nearly worse than gen 1 because at least gen 1's bugs were caused by, y'know, developers trying to optimize the hardware and assets, instead of using all the switch's power trying to render 12 billion things at once.
I got stuck in my own living room within 3 minutes, and within 2 minutes of reaching the first big city I got stuck inside a building corner and had to fly out of there.
npcs jitter around constantly, there are T-posing issues (nemona was t-posed until I got close to her, it was weird), if you catch any pokemon the camera clips through the floor so you can see the out-of-bounds of the game?? overall disconcerting but also a little funny.
-I miss the PLA controls so bad you have no idea lol. the button for dodging is now the button for sneaking??
you Can still bean pokemon over the head with a ball, even if it is just to start a battle, but the aiming controls are SUPER finnicky and won't work half the time if it's anything in the air or water. not a fan of that.
-you can change your clothes or look (except hair) at any time in the game! but the controls to find it are unintuitive unless you look it up or someone tells you (it's the left joycon's arrow buttons.) I'm sure there are more control issues like that that I haven't noticed yet too.
-no shiny sparkle sound in the overworld. also the textures are kind of... not conducive to seeing if pokemon are shiny? I killed a shiny igglybuff bc I didn't look at the screen when I started the battle to see the sparkle animation. :(
pro Or con depending on your preferences:
-I honestly don't think it's that much more handhold-y than swsh or gen 7 so far, tbh? after the opening starter bit and rival battle and a little bit of railroady plot (akin to the lillie spearow opening in gen 7), I was able to explore the whole first massive open-world section of the game with no hassle.
it might get worse later? I'm not sure. I don't think anything could be more railroady than the start of gen 7, which I love dearly despite all that, so it's not a big factor for me.
just make sure you go outside ASAP and get down the road to the place where you can start running BEFORE you explore the area around your house. it will save you so much frustration.
-there's sections inside the school with optional classes and whatnot, which I personally like? it's not quite like the hassle with gen 7's trainer school so much as it is like the school sections of Super Mystery Dungeon.
-Lots of items to collect for Lots of things to unlock. I personally like this kind of thing (helps me explore every part of the map!)
-the pokemon designs. I thought most of them were ugly and weird when I looked them up, but in-game I think they're actually quite charming!!
-big!! this is my first Real open-world game and it's very big!! a little intimidating for me as a completionist but I'm also having fun with it!
-character customization. cute for the face, limited for the clothes (and hair imo). depends on how much that matters to you -- I would look up the accessories ahead of time to see if you can make do with them if you usually play with a specific look!
-team star. I know a lot of people love them, but for me they're just some weird little combo of team flare and team skull. I've only run into them once so it's hard to judge overall, but they're going to have to work Quite hard to earn my respect.
-I personally like the music! but it depends on your taste :o
-no voice acting
-the creatures can walk with you!! they're not very smart at battling without direction though. or following quickly. BUT still better than swsh and bdsp!!
-fast travel is unlocked from the START. (obv. only for places you've already been) and can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. getting clipped into a building wasn't too bad because I could just fly to the nearest pokecenter immediately.
-the landscape is very like PLA in terms of traversing it! there are some differences -- the MC can't climb up ledges as easily, and won't take damage when they jump off a cliff, but the best parts of the PLA maps are still here!
-hehe running away from the plot every time they say "Go here!" go brr
-boxes accessible at any time! for the first time ever! very cool!!
-if you're not so much into the story, there's an option to skip all cutscenes in the menu!
-uhhh... I guess this one's subjective too, but honestly?? I've been having fun with it!! more than with the start of SWSH, less than the start of ORAS or XY or SUMO, about on par with the start of USUM or HGSS?
overall thoughts from 6 hours of gameplay without reaching the first gym? (your results will vary lmao, I don't think most people take the time to grind up and explore Every Available Corner so much FKHSDJF)
I don't know if it's worth a full $60 in this economy, but I would pay a solid $54.99 (max) for it. I got the game as a christmas gift, but it's online right now for around $42-47 pre-owned!
I would say: if you can spare 40 bucks right now, go for it! that's a pretty good deal for a Switch game!
OR if you have any friends with the cartridge, borrow it from them for free to see if you like it!
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ashestoshadows · 10 months
Back at it again with me calling out ugly pokemon and ones that make no logical sense in anyway- this is part two, so lets go!
No 1. Shiinotic
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(Shiny is on right while normal is on left)
I don't like mushrooms. There, I said it, I think they're weird but everyone's entitled to whatever. Shiinotic is a sentient mushroom, and I hate it. Like how people hated Chandalure when they came out for being a sentient light fixture.
To make matters worse it looks like it has shit on it. And honestly I chuckled as I wrote, or even thought that but it's true. It look's like it grew in the sewers and climbed out like TMNT except it was a complete disappointment.
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No 2. Lickilicky
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(Normal's on the left and shiny is on the right)
Lickilicky is the pinnacle of disappointment as a pokemon and as a whole, sometimes shiny versions win some people around to liking them. This one is winning nobody.
It's movement all throughout are uncomfortable to watch and make me want to cringe myself into a black hole caused by one of my Gardevoirs.
Stop it for the love of life
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No 3. Igglybuff
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(Normal is on the left and shiny is on the right)
If I didn't tell you or told what this list was about you'd more than likely say this is just a normal pokemon. But nope that's a shiny, and that's the normal. I think I'm colorblind.
Actually, I think we likely all are if there is a difference here besides the subtle pink added to its body. No one will, or would be, any wiser if there was no chime or animation saying it's a shiny.
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No 4. Regice
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(shiny is on the right and normal's on the left)
You're hunting for a shiny Regice, and no animation plays because it bugged out. would you think THIS is the shiny you were hunting for?
I'm editing on a bloody computer with my brightness up and I cannot if at all barely see a difference if any as apparently I'm colorblind here. And I wear glasses.
Confirmed I'm colorblind also last thing: WHY?
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No 5. Venusaur
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(normal on left and shiny on right)
Venusaur looks sick, like it hasn't seen any light or water in days and looks like it might die if not watered or something... I dislike this with a burning dumpster fire passion and I never want to see one ever again.
Water your damn plant
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No 5. Ursaring
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(Normal on left and shiny on right)
Green is never a flattering color unless its like a deep emerald color but anything more lighter than that and we might think you are radioactive. Ursaring looks like it fell into bright green highlighter liquid and it cannot come off.
Sometimes they can pull it off, but Ursaring and a few other unwilling Pokemon cannot and shouldn't yet they are. And I want their designer yeeted.
Get away ffs
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No 6. Groudon
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(Normal on left and shiny on right)
Groudon is cool, it's shiny on the other hand? No thanks, I'd need to pass on that. Shiny designers are really out here doing cool pokemon dirty in the worst possible ways.
There's nothing cool or pleasing about this- stop giving them the damned shiny Lucario treatment.
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No 7. Moltres (not the galarian form)
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(Normal on left and shiny on right)
Moltres looks like uncooked chiekn. (Yes i know its typed "chicken," but I'm keeping it that way to spite anyone who cares)
Pink for a pokemon that is already on fire makes it looks like they came from a burning house or something and it doesn't look good especially considering they also look like salmonella
Someone call KFC cause I see one of their uncooked chickens flying about who is on fire
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No 8. Zapdos (no galarian form)
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(Normal on left and shiny on right)
Can you see a real difference at first glance? Cause I wouldn't if I didn't know what to look for. Moltres and Zapdos put Articuno's shiny to absolute shame which actually look's the prettiest and more distinguishable out of the trio which is annoying to say the least.
Did they get lazy halfway through most of the pokemon so they decided to make me think i'm colorblind???
Try harder with distinguishable color schemes
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No 9. Kommo-o
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(shiny is on the right while normal's on the left)
Kommo-o is a meh pokemon to me at least, I prefer its baby form where it has a heart-shaped scale and that instantly wooed me but its fully evolved form is... meh.
It's shiny looks horrendous. It hurts my eyes and i'm sorry to everyone who hates bright pink and yellow together, cause i'm one of them, especially like this. Maybe pastel pink and yellow would've worked at least a little but this isn't winning this dragon any favors here besides being put in a box.
I need my eyes scrubbed. VERY HARD.
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hoxitdragon · 3 years
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Alright you guys page 2. In this one we finally see Veruca, sister of pop star Jigglyami. Fun fact she's actually the older sister despite being an entire evolution stage down from her. Yeah igglybuffs need max friendship to evolve and she's so toxic that she can't anyone who legitimately wants to be friends with her. Veruca is a coattail chaser of the highest degree. She attempted to copy her sister's success by becoming a popstar but due to her general lack of talent in anything really, her horrible attitude, and the fact that she refuses to bathe herself made it so no one wanted to attend anything she was a part of. Her idiotic parents still fund her lifestyle however. Mostly because their other daughter went no contact with them cause they're the kind of people who'd raise a person like this. They secretly hate her cause of how many times they've had to bribe law enforcement to keep her out of prison. They see her as nothing but a financial leech and have been trying to have another child so they can cut her off and forget about her. Veruca totally isn't based on anyone you guys (but even if she was I'd be protected by parody law). Honestly you'd have to be a really sad excuse for a human and a narcist of the highest degree to see yourself in such an awful creature. But yeah the only reason Allison keeps her around is the same reason anyone hangs around with her, her parents money. In case you guys were wondering just how they were funding this little operation. Here is the DASI link donate if you feel so inclined https://www.dasi.org/ As always hope you enjoy and tell me what you think. Sonic owned by Sega Pokemon owned by Nintendo
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doubleddenden · 3 years
I've been playing Pokémon Xenoverse and it's a very fun fan game. It's RPG Maker so I'm still trying to figure out how to make it run smoother (because in my experience RPG Maker games run the same on caveman pcs and monster truck quantum physics pcs) but the spirit and stuff presented is very cool.
It reuses the gym formula I'm tired of, but the rest of the game is made in a way that feels very refreshing, from starters to maps and plot. The starters especially are so unique compared to how it's usually done, and I've grown quite attached to my Shulong.
Fakemon design wise, it's all around decent. Not perfect, but it's got this odd authenticity to it that makes me say "yeah, that's not my taste, but it looks official". The designs that do land are GREAT. In addition, there's X Pokémon- basically fancy speak for regional variant, except these come from another dimension. You encounter them in very unique boss battle style scenarios and they have multiple health bars, AND are very powerful. Not to mention plot wise they are God damn scary. Setting forests on fire, ensnaring trainers in frozen traps, I actually felt a bit unnerved at one point, and each has unique art work that is very professionally made and looks great. My personal favorite is the fire type Elekid line. Currently I'm running Shulong, Electabuzz, Nunvil, Mylomute, and a bug motorcycle I'm forgetting atm.
The music is also phenomenal. It sounds very authentic yet refreshing at the same time. Team Dimension's theme and especially the Gym theme live in my head rental free. The characters also have really good designs, and other than one so far, they're very memorable (the water one especially. Oof)
Also, there's mystery gifts. Right now you can get a Shiny Totodile, a beta Igglybuff, and a special Masgot that has actually more than helped me out on a few occasions- it's a fakemon with various disguises like Heracross, Camerupt, Blastoise, and more. AND! There's an HM alternative system that works wonders.
That being said, the game has flaws. It's native to Italian, translated to English. It's better than nothing and 80% of the time it's passable, but it's not exactly A+ work. There's also issues with frame rate where it slows down or freezes a tad, which again seems to be an RPG Maker issue. In terms of new Pokémon, there's not quite as many as I'd like, and most have very bizarre evolution mechanics. Lastly, in X battles, there's a nasty habit of giving you some to fight, telling you it's not weak enough to catch, and then wasting a turn trying to throw a ball only to learn that you can't catch it because of story.
There's also an extra type that seems... weird. Sound. A lot of people say it should be a type, I'm of the opinion it's kinda pointless. It's not too difficult to grasp and the creator has a decent type match-up chart for it for if you don't want to do trial and error, and it's decent against certain types while giving Dragon and Electric advantages against it. That being said, some Pokémon are retconned to it and it doesn't really make much sense. Drowzee and Ekans for instance. Mechanically it's okay and doesn't take away my enjoyment of the game nor has it hindered me so far, but it's still irky to me as a concept.
I'm excited to play more of it though. It's fun and exciting, and a great placeholder until the next real game or next monster catcher comes out. It's got a lot of heart and soul in it, and even has an animated trailer and opening.
If you wanna play it, Google it. It's got a weird full real name, but I believe it's for the best since Nintendo hates their fans and would kill it very quickly if it wasn't.
8.5/10 for me
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!! this blog is so nice! may i ask for something for rocket executive Archer (from let's go eevee/pikachu + heartgold/soulsilver games) with a. Really emotional s/o. We're talking cries at the drop of a hat / will hug loved ones unprompted emotional.
Thank you! I'm glad you like my blog! :)
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• Archer is slightly taken aback the first time you hug him since he's not used to gaining so much affection from one person. He'll hug back, though it will be slightly awkward with him patting your back and looking around. He tells you that if you're going to give him hugs, it's better in private. Full blown hugs are something he wouldn't do, preferring to have an arm around your waist. He likes to keep the affections lowkey.
• What does fully get caught off guard by, is the fact that you are rather emotional. He's as cool and calm as ever, but the fact still took him by surprise. Archer had accidentally raised his voice at you after a rather exhausting day and flinched upon seeing the tears in your eyes ready to fall. He is quick to comfort you, apologizing for talking to you in such a way and kisses your forehead. Dealing with your emotional self isn't like walking in eggshells for him and the man is fully prepared whenever the tears start to flow.
• An intense glare will be sent towards anyone that even tries to mock how emotional you are. Archer is not the type to get into physical fights, but there's no way he'd let something like this slide on his watch. That person will be okay, but I will guarantee they'll think twice about making you cry again. He does not see anything wrong with showing emotion and especially hates seeing you upset. It's worse when the cause of this is someone else.
• He knows you can't help it, so there's no judgement on your character. This statement is somewhat hypocritical because although Archer states he's not that emotional, there are times where he'll hide his true feelings. This is just something out of habit during his early years in Team Rocket, but he's certainly grown past that. Old habits die hard.
• Going back to how affectionate you are, again, these sort of actions are reserved behind closed doors. It is not because he disliked you kissing his cheek before leaving off to do stuff or when you bluntly state your love for him in one of your emotional rambles. No, he very much appreciates it. All that's bothersome is Ariana and Proton snickering about how their superior is such a softy. Petrel is indifferent and does not care; just as long as you two don't get too PDA around him, it's fine. The first two are just harmlessly teasing honestly, but it does get on Archer's nerves.
• This man takes the time to find an Igglybuff just so it can be with you to help calm you down when he isn't around. You're so touched by this that you start to cry with the baby pokemon in your arms, while it soothes you immediately. Archer chuckles at this and brings you closer to wipe away the tears.
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nebulastep · 7 years
Sander's Sides Pokemon AU Ideas: Where Thomas is the Trainer (I am debating on whether to keep this detail)
If you guys have any ideas for this let me know!
JigglyPuff !Roman
participates in Contests and LOVES THEM
Wears a sash
loves to sing
Gave Alakazam a tie after Patton commented on how professional the tie looked
slightly smaller then the body of Haunter
Known for drawing on people's faces
First of the four Pokemon team
Was caught as an Igglybuff
Caught second as a Gastly
About the size of Logan's torso and head
sassy shit
when out of his pokeball, tends to hang out alone.
steals Thomas' headphones (and thomas's stuff in general) ALL THE TIME
he's already holding an item “how is that possib- ANXIETY!”
Eventually bonds with Logan
Also bonds with Togepi to a degree (don't tell anyone)
Surprisingly the only one who is willing to cuddle with Togepi during sleep (always hesitant too)
Togepi Pokedex entry paraphrased: spreads happiness, feels drained around dark hearted people
Still hangs out with Anxiety
(Anxiety's heart is still good, despite his darkness)
Thomas hatched Patton
technically  a baby Pokemon yet still acts like a parent, taking care of everyone and making sure they are all happy  (especially when Logan comes into the picture with his baggage)
Third to join
Haunter and Jigglypuff (when they are still young)have a mad cap adventure where they get lost with the egg/young Morality
Then Logan comes into picture. Patton is fascinated with Logan because of his intelligence, likes getting a reaction out of Logan.
Roman is condescending to Patton, but caring and protective when the time comes.
Anxiety takes Patton slightly more seriously, can be sassy to him but is subtly caring.
Was the last Pokemon added to the team
Became Alakazam when traded to Thomas
traded to Thomas by someone else. They didn't tell Thomas that they thought Kaddabra at the time useless because he never dodged
turns out he needed glasses the whole time
got his tie from Roman, it was a costume piece for a contest that he kept admiring.
Tallest of the group, head reaches middle of Thomas' torso when he is standing straight up
Purposely uses his telekinesis to hold himself straight up, his previous owner always focused on posture, and since Logan evolved his posture got “worse” (That is to say, perfectly normal for an Alakazam), so he not only uses his telekinesis to hold up his head, but to straighten his back
(OR he holds himself up that way because he doesn't want to be like other Alakazams. I am dithering on his backstory)
not very physically strong ( Alakazam can only use special attacks)
Logan is also known to be condescending to Patton, though he is like that to Roman too. Logan is also slightly put off by how overly paternal Patton can be despite his age.
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askingexorcists · 7 years
Yo......love your blog, also love pokemon, so may I request some pokemon head cannons for all the aoex characters (or at least all the main ones), head cannons for them as a trainer, they're favourite pokemon, other pokemon related head cannons you can think of!
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As a trainer:
He wants to become the worlds greatest Pokemon trainer
He loves his Pokemon more then anything
Put’s them first no matter what
He’s the sort of trainer that talks big but can’t win battles for shit
He gets advice from his companions and rethinks his battle approach for his Pokemon
He starts winning
He’s actually an amazing trainer
He’s getting better every day
He found a Wingull with a broken wing when he was a child, and took it to the Pokemon centre
Once it was healed, he tried to release it
But it refused to leave his side 
Wingull was his first Pokemon and they’re still the best of friends
Rin was overjoyed when it evolved into Pelipper
He received Chespin from Professor Sycamore 
He found Litten abandoned and hungry under a bridge in Alola
Befriended it and took it in
The rest he caught
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As a trainer:
He’s the Gym leader in Exorcist city
He requires 2 gym badges before your allowed to battle him
He likes to guide his opponents and help them in their journey to becoming a good Pokemon trainer
He also does Pokemon breeding on the side
He also researches Pokemon as well
He likes to analyse his Pokemon’s strengths and weaknesses and utilise them during battle
He wants to know everything about them
Because he dreams of becoming a Pokemon professor 
He’s currently studying under a Professor as his assistant to learn all he can about Pokemon
When his twin brother started his Pokemon journey he challenged Yukio to a gym battle
He made Yukio forget the 2 badge rule just for him
They argued about it a lot but Yukio got sick of Rin’s whining so gave in and accepted the battle
It didn’t matter anyway 
Because Rin lost miserably 
He swears he’ll come back stronger and win a rematch
Yukio can’t wait for that day
When he was a child, he was bullied a lot at school
When Rin wasn’t there to protect him he’d run of and hide
He was crying in the woods and an Eevee found him
It followed him around after that and protected him
It later evolved into Umbreon
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As a trainer:
She’s a gym leader in Meadowlark city
She specialises in grass type Pokemon
She took over the gym from her grandmother when she died
She isn’t the best gym leader because she’s really shy
She also doesn’t like seeing Pokemon get hurt
She often neglects her responsibility as a gym leader so she can spend time in her garden with her Pokemon
She treats her Pokemon kindly and enjoys looking after them
She feeds them Pokebeans and berries that she grows in her garden
Rin came to battle her and she was nowhere to be found 
So he looked for her and discovered a beautiful blonde girl in a breathtaking garden 
He was shocked when he found out she was the gym leader
Shiemi apologised for making him come all this way for nothing 
Rin yells at her and tells her to take her post seriously
She’s not only neglecting the trainers who want a Leaf badge but also her Pokemon who would love to battle alongside her
So he vows to help her
Rin helps Shiemi with her shyness
Shiemi asks if she can travel along with Rin whilst she’s learning how to be a real person
Her mom looks after her gym for her whilst she’s away
Once she’s experienced the world a bit she can’t wait to continue her grandmothers legacy and be the best gym leader she can be
Her Pokemon were all her grandmothers, apart from Cherrim who she caught herself
She grew up with her grandmothers Pokemon so they all knew her and loved her
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As a trainer:
He’s a very serious trainer
He trains his Pokemon every day
He monitors what they eat and feeds them special brews he creates with their health in mind
He gets very serious in battle
His father is the Island Kahuna on MeleTemple island
He will one day inherit his fathers place and intends to be ready
His favourite type of Pokemon is electric 
Because it matches(/matched) his hair
He meets Rin and Shiemi when they come to the Alolan region 
He shows them around since they’re new
He instantly takes a dislike to Rin because he thinks he isn’t serious about being a trainer
Takes it back when he sees how much courage and love he has for Pokemon and battling
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As a trainer:
He’s a new trainer in the Alolan region
He loves all of his Pokemon 
He just wants them to try their best in battle
He doesn’t like seeing Pokemon get hurt
So he carries a shit ton of revives and potions
He loves seeing the different Pokemon moves though and levelling up his Pokemon so thats why he became a trainer
And it makes his Pokemon happy as well
He has a love for cat type Pokemon
When he went to Professor Kukui for his starter Pokemon, he originally wanted Litten but they were all gone
So he chose Popplio and now he wouldn’t trade it for anything
He loves petting his Pokemon and playing with them
And feeding them Pokebeans
He is fascinated by Alolan forms
He is to scared to ride Pokemon and is really sad about it, because he would love to ride a Mudsdale or a Lapras
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Lycanroc (midday form)
As a trainer:
He has three elder brothers who are all gym leaders
He doesn’t want to follow in their footsteps
Too much pressure
He just thinks Pokemon and adventures are cool so he’s on a Pokemon journey to have fun
He’s laid back and enjoys battle
Doesn’t care all too much if he looses 
Only cares if theres a hot girl about to see his defeat
In general:
He caught his little sister a Pichu for her birthday
He low-key things Lycanroc’s midnight form is cooler
Out of all his Pokemon he is closest with Froakie
Despite how he acts, he is close with all his Pokemon
He loves them a lot 
He’s forgetful sometimes and messes up a lot 
He’s terrified of bug type Pokemon and if anyone draws one out in battle he’ll either faint or yell out random moves in fear, this confuses his Pokemon and they end up hurting themselves in the confusion, so they loose the battle
He met and befriended Rin and Shiemi and the three of them are travelling together on a Pokemon adventure
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Furfrou (heart trim)
As a trainer:
She comes from a longline of Pokemon gym leaders in the Kalos region but wants to explore the world
She will become a gym leader when her mother passes the gym onto her one day
She wants to become the best Pokemon trainer in her region and bring greatness to her family name
She takes battles seriously and hates loosing
When she looses she’ll train her Pokemon even harder
She has a soft spot for her cute Pokemon and loves them a lot 
In general:
She really wants a Sylveon
But can never catch an Eevee to evolve it
Her little sister loves looking after her Pokemon with her
She has given all of her Pokemon nicknames
She was kind of sad when her Fennekin evolved to Braixen
She loves to pamper her Pokemon and brush their fur
When Shiemi decided to go back to her gym she decided to travel with Rin and Shima
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Tapu Lele
As a trainer:
He’s known as the Legendary trainer
He’s never lost a battles
Loves showing off his Pokemon
His Pokemon are very high level as well
He’s the current Pokemon champion
He has a lot of Pokemon, probably more then anyone else ever
He didn’t catch them all, he bought some from dodgey people online
He wants to collect at least one of each Pokemon
In general:
He has so many Pokemon that he bought a whole chunk of his city just for them all to fit together
His Pokemon have the best everything 
They are always groomed and presented well
He is often featured in Pokemon magazines around the world and therefor is quite wealthy
He has one of each style of variety Pokemon
Such as all Furfrou styles and all Oricorio styles
I picked Hoopa because it looks like Sami in the newest manga chapter, uno arabian Mepphy…
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As a trainer:
He is a popular professor who is respected for his knowledge and skill on Pokemon and battling 
He’s got many Pokemon, although not as many as mephisto
He’s won multiple awards for his discoveries
He has one of the largest Pokemon labs in the world
Although he caught the majority of his Pokemon, Trubbish (now Garbodor) and Grimer (now Muk) found him and followed him around
It’s likely they were confused because they thought he was one of them
He smells so bad they still aren’t sure if he is or isn’t a Pokemon
He has a wide collection of legendary and mythical Pokemon 
Despite being highly respected person in the Poke-world, he is still extremely lazy and doesn’t seem to care about his appearance 
Some of his Pokemon like to try clean him by licking his face
This was a lot of fun for me to do! So thank you for the request! I only did some of the aoex characters but if anyone would like to request more like Shura, shiro, Nemu, Amaimon, Lucifer, Illuminati members etc…. just send the request and I’d be happy to do it!
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monkeybell · 3 years
AN: sorry for doing so many flashback chapters, I just like writing them and I hope that people will learn more about my OC from her backstory.
Warning: this chapter mentions death and rude jokes(nothing NSFW or racist)
Cami's POV
Cami, aged 5
"Mommy, I don't wanna go to school, it's scary" I try and convince my mom to let me not go to school. Mom looks at me through the rear view window since she's driving and can't turn around to look at me. "Sweetie, it's going to be ok, you'll like it there. You'll make friends and become smart" Mom says and goes back to focusing on the road. I just look down at my hands, nervous for meeting people and being away from mummy and daddy. Mom stops the car and says "We're here!" I look out the car window and see a big building, it's so big compared to my preschool. Mom gets out of the car, opens the car door that I'm next to and unbuckles my seat belt. Not wanting to make a scene with a meltdown, I just decide to go inside without a fight. I grab my pink backpack that has cleffa, clafairy and stars on it and exit the car, holding onto mom's pants.
Walking inside the hallway is scary, it's big, long and intimidating. My mom stops in front of a decorated door that says 'Mrs. Leerose' on it. Mommy opens the door and I see a big classroom. It's full of colors too. A lady around mom's age comes up to me and her. "Hi, there! Are you one of my new students?" The lady gets down to my level, I hide my face in mommy's leg. "Yes, I'm Sarah, and this is Cami. She's very shy" my mom introduces herself and me. "Well, hello there, Cami! My name's Mrs. Leerose. Would you like to go see where you'll be sitting?" I look up at mom and she nods, so slowly I move away from mom and to Mrs. Leerose. Looking back, I see mommy wave and then leave, I feel lonely now.
"You'll be with group igglybuff! You and 3 other classmates will sit with you for the rest of the year!" I look at the desks that I'll be at. A stuffed animal igglybuff is on each of the 4 desks, I wonder if we get to take it home. I see my name on one of the desks, three other names are on the others, Megan, Stephanie and Max they say. I sit down and anxiously wait for what I'm supposed to do. "Cami, this is Megan, another group igglybuff member!" Leerose introduces me to a girl with red hair, she looks shy too. She takes a seat next to me, "Hi, I'm Megan" Megan says with a quiet voice. "Am Cami" I say. Megan looks down at my backpack and says "That's a cute backpack, I got one with a Pokémon on it too" Megan shows me her backpack, it's blue and has squirtle and bubbles on it. The two other kids came, Max is funny and makes jokes, Stephanie acts spoiled and keeps mentioning how rich her daddy is.
"Alright, Good morning Class! Before we start our project, let's introduce ourselves to everyone. When I call your name, please come up to the front of the classroom and say some things about yourself. We'll start with..John!" Mrs. Leerose starts calling kids up and they say things about themselves. "Megan" the teacher calls for Megan. Megan goes up and does her best to speak louder "I'm Megan, I like blue, squirtle and drawing." The class claps. "Next is..Stephanie!" Stephanie flips her hair and walks up "I'm sure you already know who I am, Stephanie of course! My daddy is rich so that means I'm rich! I like money and I only like the most beautiful Pokémon ever, milotic" The class claps, but everyone mostly does it to be nice. "Cami" I hear teacher call me and I get up, very nervous. Once in the front of the classroom, I try and get my voice together, it's hard because i don't like having everyone looking at me. "Um..I'm, uh Cami. I like purple, uh, Pokémon and my family" I say with a shaky voice. Everyone claps, except Stephanie.
After everyone says something, the teacher gives us a project. "I want you to draw the person next to you's favorite Pokémon! You may even discover a new favorite Pokémon for yourself!" Since Megan's next to me, I get to draw hers. "Squirtle is my favorite. What's yours?" She asks me. I start to think about my favorite, it's hard because I love a lot of them. I decide to go with.. "I like Aipom." Megan nods and starts to draw. I think back to seeing squirtle on Professor Oak's show and imagine it in my head while drawing. Suddenly while drawing, Stephanie yells at Max "MAX! Look what you've done to milotic! It looks horrible." Max starts to cry and Mrs. Leerose comes over. "Max, what's wrong?" Max is talking between his sobs "Stephanie*sniff*keeps making me*sniff*start over! This is*sniff*my third milotic*sniff*drawing!" Mrs. Leerose turns to Stephanie "Stephanie, please be nice to Max. He's trying his best to draw milotic" she says and then goes back to her desk. "Tch! Whatever" Stephanie says.
Once we finished, we gave our buddies the drawing to keep. Megan liked my squirtle and her aipom drawing is super cute, I'm going to hang it up in my bedroom when I get home. We also learned about some shapes, singed some songs, and watched a video hosted by Professor Juniper that talked about Pokémon types. We heard a bell ring, "That's the five minute bell! Let's start cleaning up and getting ready to leave kids!" We started cleaning up while teacher sang a fun clean up song. Teacher also told us that the stuffed animals on our desk are ours to keep! The bell rang and we were allowed to leave. I walked out the door and saw both Mommy and Daddy waiting for me! "There's our princess!" Dad says as I run up to hug them both. "Did you have fun?" Mom asks. I nod and open my backpack, "My buddy, Megan drew this Aipom for me and Teacher gave us a stuffed animal to keep" I show them the drawing and my new igglybuff stuffed toy. Walking out with my mom and dad, I feel like I'm being watched. Turning around, Stephanie is staring at me, a tall man next to her who is also looking at me.
Time skip
It's a Saturday afternoon, I'm at Mom's daycare, helping out. I hear the door open, meaning a customer is here. "Welcome to, uh Ray of Sunshine. Can I help you?" I read my helper cards that mom made for me so I know what to say to customers. "Why is a little girl working here? Whatever, I'm leaving to go on a business trip and I need someone to watch after my darling Lillipup, Lillian" A lillipup covered in bows, and wearing a collar with diamonds on it is resting in the man's arms. "I have VERY important rules to discuss about Lillian, where is the owner? A kid like you won't understand." I get off my step stool and leave to find mom. "Mommy, a man wants to talk with you" I tell her. We walk over to the counter where the man is, he looks impatient and angry. "Finally, I don't have all day, you know! Anyway here are the rules" He hands mommy a long list of paper. All of this for a Pokémon? He goes over every single rule with Mommy while I leave to go play with the Pokémon on the playground.
I always enjoy playing with them. My mom tells me I'm like her brother, Uncle Sycamore, we are both good with Pokémon and Pokémon trust us. My mom's Pokémon are playing with me today too, they are usually busy with their own jobs. Sam the Pansear works in the kitchen, preparing Pokémon food and stuff. Sierra the Panpour helps clean up the daycare, she cleans up the mess that the Pokémon make while staying here. Finally Sean the Pansage works outside, tending to the garden, watching after the Pokémon outside and such. We all have our own jobs to do here. Once the Pokémon got tired, I decided to help out with nap time, so I got them inside and ready for a nap.
I went to go tell mommy that I put the Pokémon down for a nap and the man was still here. Not only the man, but now a familiar girl, it was Stephanie. Wanting to be polite, I greet her "Hi, Stephanie" I say quietly and wave. She doesn't greet me back, only says something snooty "Ugh, that apron does not go with your hair. Then again, nothing will go with your hair." I start to feel self conscious about my hair, does it look bad? Is the color ugly? "Stephanie, darling, time to go. Say goodbye to that simple girl" Her dad says. "Bye or whatever. I'd give you money now but if you do good with Lillian, I'll throw in a dime" Stephanie says and laughs. They finally leave after what felt like forever. "Wow, they surely think they rule the world. Just remember, people like them are a reminder to be a better person than they will ever be" Mommy tells me.
Cami, aged 9
Today's my first day going back to school. I've been away, my mother and I dealing with problems. My dad passed away while we were in Hoenn visiting some of his old friends. His time was coming to a close and he didn't want to pass away at home so we went on a trip for the last time. The funeral was held in Hoenn but he rests in a cemetery in Unova. It's been a rough time for us, my mom cries constantly and I'm just..empty, I haven't smiled and it's like my happiness is gone. Going back to school is going to be rough, Stephanie and her group of mean girls are definitely going to bully me. I see my school and take a deep breath, preparing myself for the 'I'm so sorry's' and the mean girls. "Bye, Honey. Call me if you can't handle school" mom says as I step out of the car. I wave goodbye and off she goes. Walking inside, people are already staring and whispering. 'Just get to the classroom..' I tell myself. 
Things were going fine, until I was walking to the lunch hall with Megan. "Oh, Cami! I'm so glad you're back!" My worst nightmare says, Satan herself, Stephanie. Megan just grabs my hand and drags me away, "I'm not letting her mess with my BFF today" Megan says. One of Stephanie's goons, Taylor, runs up to me and yanks my backpack back, making me fall down on my butt. "Could be worse, you could fallen down 6 feet!" Stephanie makes a cruel joke, that's when I start to cry. Megan, hating to see me sad, goes over to Stephanie and pushes her down so she falls on her face, "Oh, my bad! At least you had your butt chin as a cushion" Megan says and snaps her fingers. A nearby teacher comes to see what's happening, Megan explains what Stephanie and her friends did and also admitted to pushing Stephanie down. Stephanie and her goons got detention for a week while Megan only got a warning. I called my mom and had her come pick me up, I couldn't finish school, not like this.
Cami, aged 12
This is my last year in grade school. While my dad dying was a bad year, this year is worse. Why? Because this is the year where kids change, physically and emotionally. It's a hard year for everyone basically. Things change too, such as Stephanie. Yes, she's still rude to me and everyone else, but now she's jealous of people. Because unfortunately for her, her body changed and now she's, erm, square like. No figure is what I'm saying. So she's taking out her anger on girls that look like the way she wanted. Which unfortunately means me and Megan, So twice as much bullying this year. Things she say include 'you're actually fat', 'you may be skinny but you're ugly' and 'you look sickly'. A lot of the girls believe her lies so Megan and I help out by saying it's not true and that they are beautiful. Strange to think that in my early years, I was a doormat around Stephanie and now I stand up for myself and others. Even her goons Taylor and Jenny left her toxic self and are helping girls who are too scared to stand up for themselves.
Now it's here, graduation day. My dad's family flew here to Unova to celebrate and my uncle's here to visit me too! I'm nervous about going up on stage though, my anxiety is freaking out a bit. While we are waiting for the ok to go outside, everyone is talking about what they are going to do after graduating. "I'm gonna audition for a role in a movie that pokestars studios is making!" Max says. "I'm going to enter contests and aim for top coordinator" says Megan. "I'm going to catch all of the bug type Pokémon!" "Become a Poke stylist!" "Battle every single gym leader!"
Everyone seems to know what their dream is, while I'm still wondering. "What about you, Cami?" Jenny asks me. "I'm..not sure actually. I might just stay with my mom until I decide to start my journey" I answer. "What kind of idiot doesn't know what they want to do?" Stephanie says. "You never said what you're going to do. Let me guess, a poison type trainer?" Megan remarks. "I'm not telling you nerds! You'll just steal my idea because you guys are jealous of me" Stephanie says, honestly thinking we are jealous of her. "Trust us, if we see you, we'll find a new dream" Taylor says. Suddenly one of the teachers comes over to us "Places, people! In alphabetical order, straight lines." The teacher opens the door and we enter the wide field. Our friends and family are seated on one side while we are on the other. I can tell when my family sees me, it's hard not to notice. "CAMI!! Woo-hoo!" "That's my niece!" "Cami! It's me, Grandma!"
I feel so embarrassed, it's my dance recitals all over again. We sit down on some very uncomfortable chairs and wait for our name to be called. "Cami Belle" the principal announces. Cue my family freaking out, and holding up a sign that I guess they made to embarrass me further. I did the drill, shock hands with my teachers, got my diploma from the principal and looked at the camera they had for a picture. If I had to choose which was worse, strangers staring at you or my family being supportive but embarrassing, it would be my family. My mom was full on sobbing, my uncle was recording it so he could show his assistants back in Kalos, my grandma was taking millions of pictures and my grandpa kept waving at me and telling people that I'm his grandchild.
Megan and I's families had our own celebration party together. Which meant even more pictures and lots of happy tears. It was nice seeing my family though, catching up with everyone and such. Plus the food was amazing, buffet food and a dessert bar, and since it was our graduation, we could eat as much as we wanted. So I stuffed my face with Mac and cheese and chocolate, lots of chocolate. Totally got a monster stomach ache but worth it.
It's been about a year since I've graduated, I haven't seen Stephanie which has been amazing. Megan left for Hoenn when she turned 13 to become a coordinator, everyone else left to go on their journey too. I'm still deciding on what to do. I've been helping out at the daycare instead, but once I figure out my dream, I'll be ready.
Major events:
-Cami met Megan and Stephanie in kindergarten
-Stephanie bullied Cami for years
-it is revealed that Cami's dad passed away while in Hoenn
-Cami graduated school
AN: thanks for reading. I made this chapter so that you know who Stephanie is and what she did to Cami. I apologize for any spelling errors I may have made. Hope you enjoyed.
Word count: 2801
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vaugarde · 3 years
i should wait til ive replayed them all but if i had to rank my current favorite special episodes itd be like this
5. today’s oh my gosh. i like sunflora, and it feels appropriate to focus on another guild member and guild life, but feels like it’s only there to have five episodes instead of four, which is a more awkward number. the diary entries tell you everything you need to know about this story, so we don’t get much insight, and it’s not much fun to play through either. i mostly just play it for completion’s sake honestly. the only one i’d just call average at best.
4. bidoof’s wish. definitely a very strong way to kick off the special episodes! i find this one to be extremely charming and it makes bidoof so much more wholesome in the main game. like yes, this SHOULD be the one character that comforts partner at the end of the game. his wishes are both so cute and the one he goes with is just adorable and actually saves your life. you’re alive because of a bidoof and fuck the memes i think that’s the cutest shit ever. idk in general it’s just so sweet. it’s only low because it’s so tedious to play with snover’s hail and the boss battles. not terrible but not what i’d call fun.
3. here comes team charm. i love this episode i love lesbians. i love the lore on the second time gear and i love seeing team AWD in action since they were advertised as villains but then didn’t do anything bad in the game or anime special. and i love that the guardian is a ditto! thats so cute and charming compared to the lake guardians! it’s only number three because i happen to have more sentimental value for the others but its a fun time. also team charms theme song is a banger.
2. into the future of darkness. i hate to sound like an edgy contrarian but man i can never quite say this is my favorite, even though it is for so many people and is my second favorite. i love grovyle, dusknoir, and celebi, and playing as them, i love dusknoir’s character arc, i love small moments like grovyle being teased by the snorunt and dusknoir mulling over his personality, or the entire speech scene, the sableye running to attack primal dialga when they hurt dusknoir, its all SO good... but damnit dusknoir feels so OFF here. i know the stakes are higher and he’s panicking or he’s acting or something, but i don’t like how much of a brute he is here when he punches the sableye. it’s uncomfortable and it doesn’t feel right for his character? like... i dunno. it makes me feel less confident in his redemption arc even if it’s still neat overall. and yeah, the fandom jokes surrounding the “are you wary of me at your back grovyle?” line just make me a little more uncomfortable on recent replay. it’s still extremely good, one of the highlights of pmd2 and why i recommend sky over darkness and time, the morning sun scene still makes me cry, the art is beautiful, i love the final dungeon, it’s so good, but it’s just got little things holding it back from perfection for me.
1. igglybuff the prodigy. it’s wholesome, it’s emotional, it’s fun, it’s heartbreaking, it is the whole damn package. i love playing as baby wigglytuff and starting off his dream. i love the extra scenes on his freaky god powers being played both for laughs and for dramatic crutch. i love that ending, oh GOD that ENDING. i love how you trample everything as an igglybuff to show even further how powerful wigglytuff is for one, i love his mentor/student relationship with armaldo where it’s actually him knowing everything and teaching armaldo himself how to enjoy honest exploring again. i love how this is the origin of the “truly bad pokemon don’t exist anywhere” line. i don’t think i have a single problem with this episode besides nitpicks that don’t hold it down in any way. it’s just wonderful and an absolute joy to play through. it is my absolute favorite special episode.
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