#how did he even graduate from SNU
I'm halfway through the show, Queen of Tears, and something that I've seen floating across is the anti Hyun Woo sentiment regarding how he treated Hae In initially and was just trying to do it all for the will.
Something to understand here is that in situations such as his, where he was emotionally empty and just a shell of himself who was just functioning, he didn't have the bandwidth to understand the gravity of situation that was Hae In's terminal illness.
In Hyun Woo's mind, he didn't have Hae In's support anywhere, be it against his in-Laws or in the company. She is silent against her family and hostile and argumentative in the company. He doesn't know what all she does for him on the sly or in backstage. He is not aware and Hae In never made the effort to change that situation.
All that pressure, anxiety, gear and emotional drain took its toll on Hyun Woo's emotional capacity. Stuck in a state of constant negativity, his initial reaction to Hae In's illness might be a form of self-preservation. He shuts down completely, unable to process the additional emotional burden of her mortality.
Something to remember is also the fact, that although he was thinking of it, the one thing that pushed him to draft the divorce papers were the talk of their child, whose entire identity and life was being decided by Hae In's family while she had no opinion on that and couldn't care less. This entire situation fueled the fire of resentment burning within Hyun Woo. Here was Hae In, seemingly indifferent to the future of their potential child, the very thing that initially distanced them. It felt like a repeat of their early struggles, where her family held all the cards and Hae In remained silent, leaving him to battle alone.
This perception, however flawed it might be, explains his impulsive decision to draft the divorce papers. Exhausted and emotionally hollowed out, he saw the child issue as the final straw, a symbol of their inability to stand together. He might have been grasping at a desperate solution, a way to force a change in their dynamic, a cry for her to finally fight for him and their future.
Of course, this doesn't paint Hyun Woo as a hero. His actions were undeniably hurtful, a clumsy and emotionally charged attempt to solve a complex situation. But by understanding the immense pressure he was under, the constant negativity seeping into his core, we can see a flicker of vulnerability beneath his anger. He craved Hae In's support, her voice alongside his in the face of adversity. Perhaps, the divorce papers were a twisted plea for her to finally break her silence, to acknowledge his pain and fight for their future together.
Here's where empathy becomes crucial. While his actions are undeniably hurtful, it's important to consider if they stem from malice or a desperate attempt to cope.
Think about it this way: Imagine a cup overflowing with negativity. Hyun Woo's daily struggles with his in-laws, the lack of support at work, and the constant emotional strain have already filled his cup to the brim. When Hae In's illness is revealed, it's simply too much for him to handle at that moment. He doesn't have the emotional space to understand the gravity of her situation, let alone offer support. in fact, it's easy for him to consider her death as an easy escape since his capacity for empathy or his love for her was essentially buried under all that negativity.
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jaemified · 9 months
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last christmas | part 2
“this year, to save me from tears ; ill give it to someone special.”
❆ pairing ; strangers to ?? park gunwook x fem reader
❆ genre ; fluff, slight drama +(ft taesan/jaehyun of bnd and yunjin of lsrfm ^^)
❆ warnings ; swearing, and kinda toxic relationships
❆ wordcount ; 2.4k
❆ synopsis ; beginning your second year of college and you feel youve hit rock bottom. on your own after your ex kicked you out, and taking on a seasonal job at a christmas shop to pay off student loans? everythings gone to shit. but then, you see him for the first time. and you realize there really was a little light in the darkness — your someone special.
♡ kona speaks ! - vaguely follows the plot of the film last christmas (2 part story)
read below the cut !
you cant say you were all to proud of yourself now.
sure, you were a pretty incredible student by high school graduation, with a 3.9 gpa and all (not to mention making it to seoul national university with your beloved boyfriend).
but, that was a year ago.
who wouldve thought it was possible for your life to go so far downhill, in just a span of roughly over 12 months?
your parents had found a better job opportunity in london, but your mom wanted you and your brother to be nearby.
meaning doing so without running it by you of course, which led to her enrolling you into imperial college as a foreign transfer student.
your boyfriend was pretty upset, but nevertheless, followed you despite your best efforts telling him not to (which meant him forfeiting his scholarship at snu).
once your family first heard he would follow suit to london, they gave you an ultimatum. and stupidly, you chose love over family.
they never approved of him anyway.
it was fine for the meanwhile.
at least until you broke up, and he decided to place the blame on you.
it was your flat you bought with your own money anyway. what did he ever do for you? how dare he kick you out of your own home!
you watched while gyuvin pulled your luggage out the closet, pushing it towards you.
“what the hell are you doing!” you exclaimed as he began to pull your clothes off hangers and throw them towards your direction.
“helping you leave.” he muttered.
“what did i even do? you just wake up one day and decide its my fault you followed me to another continent despite me saying you shouldnt? i told you not to leave your dreams behind, and you chose to ignore me!”
“well maybe you didnt try hard enough! i just know that i dont feel the same about you now as i did then.”
“so thats it?” you scoffed. “you realize this is my apartment? i pay the rent. you just practically live here for free. you cant just kick me out of my own home!”
he only ignored you and shoved piles upon piles of clothing into 2 separate suitcases, before gently escorting you to the door.
“gyuvin. gyuv! kim gyuvin! you cant just leave me here!” you begged.
“im sorry y/n. but its over. maybe if you hadnt taken all that mattered to me we couldve worked out.” gyuvin spoke before slowly closing the door, leaving you out in the cold wearing only pajamas.
“what the fuck am i supposed to do now..” you whispered to yourself, thinking of the only possible places to go.
sure your number of options was minimal, but you began with the only person you thought you could count on anyway.
“what the hell are you doing here?” taesan expressed in shock while he stared at you standing at his front door.
“need somewhere to crash.. surprise?” you shrugged jokingly, trying to lighten the mood as you and your brother werent on the brightest terms.
“goodbye y/n.” he sighed as he turned to lock you out.
“han taesan you let me in this instant! you cant just leave me to die in the middle winter!” you exclaimed, stepping through the door frame so it couldnt close.
“wheres gyuvin?” he scoffed. “i mean, youre the one who left me with mom and dad to buy a house for him anyway.”
“we broke up. blamed me and said i was the reason he lost everything in seoul or whatever. and he still kicked me out of MY home.”
taesan let out a heavy breath, looking around before pushing the door out more for you to walk through.
“..you mean it?” you pondered hesitantly.
“i suppose. i know we warned you about him and all, but youre still my baby sister.” he half heartedly grinned, pointing his head in the direction of his hallway as a gesture for you to come in.
you knew he was still mad at you despite not showing it, but knowing your brother, hes still someone who you could rely on in any situation.
“yeah. and uh- just a heads up, i still live with jaehyun and leehan, plus we dont have an extra room so.. we’ll just figure it out later.”
“thank you.”
a week later and you were doing better than before. though it wasnt easy to forget the incident, you still managed with the new living situation and all.
you woke up bright and early the following morning for work, ready to sell christmas ornaments for the rest of your life under your boss, huh yunjin, as you were now on break from school.
considering jaehyuns bed wasnt all too comfortable, you still slept pretty well. youre grateful he took the couch for you during that first week. ‘maybe ill get him something as a thank you.’
“what are you doing up so early?” taesan asked, holding off on the toast he was about to eat as he watched you rush downstairs.
“got work. not like dads willing to pay student loans anymore right?”
“the christmas shop, still?” jaehyun asked from his seat on the couch.”
“cant have a full time job as a full time student. it just worked out while im on christmas break.”
your brother nudged you in your stomach, motioning for you to thank his friend for his deed.
“-oh and thanks for taking the couch. i owe you. if you want food or anything ill cover the cost and pick it up in return.” you continued.
“its fine. i get it, the last few days were rough. dont worry about it.” he smiled.
after a quick 10ish (or so) minute walk to the street side store you worked at, you realized you were about 5 minutes past the time you were meant to clock in for your shift.
walking into the store, it was no surprise it was already crowded by 8:36am seeing as christmas was 2 weeks away now.
“y/n! y/n get over here! where is your uniform?” yunjin questioned as more of a whisper yell.
before you got the chance to reply, she quickly cut you off and said, “nevermind that. just please hurry to change and come help me with all these people!”
you wave off her dismissive behavior, and speed walk to the bathroom, making sure to pass the lockers to grab your uniform on the way.
“i forgot how itchy this was..” you grumble as you slip on the ugly elf costume yet again before leaving to the front desk.
“welcome in! please let us know if theres anything you need help with!” yunjin smiled as another person walks through the door, putting on her customer service voice.
“guess you dont need me anymore?” you asked jokingly, noticing there was no one within a 10 foot distance of the check out line.
“why must you take so long to change? i only had enough time to help half those people. the other half left after mr smith came in to return all the ornaments he broke again. he really knows how to hold up a line.” she sighed, moving in the direction of a huge box of broken material.
“you cant keep letting them return damaged product. we are losing enough money as is, santa.” you gestured to her new character change yet again as you realize where a good chunk of the budget went. “what was wrong with the reindeer costume?”
“it didnt make it clear that im the owner. the shop is called santas workshop dont you know? cant call it santas workshop if theres no santa.”
you laughed brightly at yunjin while she picked up the box to bring it to the back, just as another person walked in.
“welcome in!-” you call out, before cutting yourself off as you caught a glimpse of his face.
he was pretty gorgeous, you couldnt lie. from what you noticed, he had shortish black hair and big eyes to compliment his soft lips (not to mention his build was pretty insane too. he definitely works out).
the very same guy who caught your attention came to you shortly after, seeking some assistance on picking a gift, so you were happy to comply.
“im not sure what she’d like. its hard shopping for a 14 year old.” he said.
“what’s your relation to her? just like so i know how close you are so its easier to help.”
“my younger cousin. we arent that close, but its our first family gathering in a while and my mom wants me to get something for everyone. but shes always been.. far from an open book. so im lost”
you thought long and hard about what your cousins around that age like, before coming to a final decision.
you attempt to reach for the legos, but you almost fall over as it was just barely out of reach, sitting on one of the higher shelves.
carefully, he steadies you by holding your arm and reaches to grab the item you were aiming at.
“this?” the guy questions as he hands you the orchid lego set.
“yeah! im not sure if it suites her or anything but you cant go wrong with legos. the price isnt too bad and its suitable for anyone at any age for the most part.” you shrugged.
“that actually.. makes perfect sense. youre really good at your job, no? thank you.”
“no worries. if theres anything else i could help you with, weve got a new selection of stuffed animals your girlfriend might like.” you spoke like it was nothing, acting as if you werent just trying to get information.
“i actually.. dont..i don’t have a girlfriend.” he chuckled awkwardly as he brought up a hand to rub the back of his neck.
“oh really? im surprised someone like you doesnt have a pretty girl on your arm.” you said nonchalantly while you attempted to hide your smile (as if you were going to make a move).
“oh stop!” he waved off when you pointed out how red his ears were getting, assuming you only were trying to boast his ego (hes so unaware)((please get the hint)).
you walk back with him to the register so he could pay after realizing there wasnt much more he needed. “that’ll be 45 charged to your card.” you smiled.
“thank you, ms..?” trailing off as he notices he never actually got your name.
“han. y/n han. glad to be of assistance.”
“oh and- one more thing?”
“sure, what else?”
“what time does the store close?”
“10 at night. extended business hours every saturday.”
“surely youre joking? theres no one else here but you and the owner! thats in like 13 hours. youre working a 14 hour shift?”
“yeah but i get paid way extra so its fine, i really do need it. and yeah we are beyond understaffed but its alright.” you laugh, masking your exhaustion and dread with a bit of your lighthearted energy.
“really? i could never, must be so tiring.”
“it is, beyond imagination. but we do what we can.”
“get home safely then alright? its scary leaving that late especially considering the predators go after pretty ladies.”
“youre a tricky one arent you! how dare you mask that as an attempt to flirt.” you gasp playfully, “ill be fine, its not that far of a walk.”
“walk? youre not really walking home are you?” “well yeah, its not like i can drive when i dont have a car myself.”
“by any chance, might you need-”
“y/n! leave the poor man alone! i need you to stock the shelves in the ornaments section!” yunjin calls out from the storage room and interrupting the conversation.
“ill get to it.” you call back.
“well, i should get going then. it really was lovely meeting you.” he smiles.
“thank you, take care!” you reply, waving as he leaves.
it only hit you many hours later (quite literally an hour before you clock out) that you never got his name, and you regret it oh so much!
even yunjin felt pity for you, multitasking and listening to you ramble about the mysterious man despite all the work she had going on whilst you both sat in her office seeing as there were no customers beyond 9:30pm.
“why cant we close early if theres no one coming past a certain time? its not like anyone needs to be christmas shopping at.. 9:49 at night.”
“its just in case theres anyone who needs something, we cant miss a chance to make more money when we’re low on rent money.” she reminded.
“its only 11 minutes though.”
“and where do you have to be in 11 minutes? you live with your brother and his two roommates with no boyfriend and instead worry about a man you just met.”
“ouch, you need to go out more.”
“y/n you know i love you but i have no time for that nonsense. i need to have fun, yes, but money is essential. clubbing and drinking does not get you there, we both know that.”
finally, the dreaded 11 minutes were up and it was time to lock up after a crazy long shift. though, you cant say you were looking forward to walking home after standing in heels all day.
it was all most as if your prayers were answered (or just by a really strange coincidence(?)) that someone on a motorcycle stopped in front of you as you crossing the street.
“heard you needed a ride?” the guy from earlier said as he took off his helmet.
“what are you doing here? its late out.” you replied, acting calm as if your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest.
“cant leave you to walk alone in the dark, can i, pretty lady?”
“youre smart, ill give you that.” you smile when you feel your cheeks go hot.
“ill take you home. come on.”
maybe it wasnt the best idea to give a stranger your address, but he seemed nice enough, and pretty trustworthy to say the least.
you sat behind him as he drove through the streets, with your arms wrapped around his waist, your chest flush against his back as you wore the helmet he let you borrow.
he was so naturally warm you felt his body heat through the sweater he wore, thankfully keeping you from being to cold.
soon enough you were home, and he was walking you up to the front door.
“thank you for today even if it wasnt all that much, i had a lot of fun. you made my work day more.. bearable.” you smiled.
“of course, you can always call if you need a ride or anything. dont want you getting sick when its storm season.” he reminded before slipping you a postcard with his number on it.
“id love to get to know you more, but i just broke up with my boyfriend last week.. give me some time?”
sure you technically were the one who found him attractive first but, you never actually thought about initiating something more.
he smiled without a second thought, nodding his head slightly. “of course, i understand. just know ill be here, waiting.”
“wait! i never got your name?”
“ill see you later y/n!” he called out as he left, driving off in the opposite direction.
you sighed and unlocked the door with the spare key leehan gave you, and notice him sitting next to jaehyun when you walked in.
“you have a boyfriend and you didnt tell me? how could you! i thought we were friends.” leehan expressed dramatically from the couch as you took off your shoes at the door.
“not a boyfriend, just a friend. why were you even- whatever. wheres taesan?”
“in the bathroom.”
“thanks. uh- jaehyun is it okay if i change in your room since i left my clothes there?”
“go ahead.” he reassured. “oh! also, by the time you come back the pizza we ordered should be here too.”
you close the door behind you and pull out the index card from earlier to save the number as a contact. however, you couldnt help but smile as you read what it said below.
“your personal uber when you need it! +44 28xxx0xx29 -xoxo gunwook park :)”
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kwanisms · 2 years
[22:40], Seungcheol, requested by anon
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╰┈➤ FF10 "Even if we don't talk for days, I'll always be your best friend" & F20 "everything about you is amazing to me."
summary: your best friend comes by to see why you've been ignoring his messages and calls and you wonder why he hasn't been texting you
wc: 1.7k
warnings: miscommunication, sad feelings, maybe some adult dialogue? I think that's it though
a/n: I hope you like this! It was fun to write and try to figure out how Y/N would get notifications but not from Seungcheol so I figured DND mode would work pretty well! Thank you for your request!
You let out a sad sigh, checking your phone to see several notifications but not from the one person you wanted them from.
You were well aware that your best friend had a life of his own, a demanding career as an idol, and 12 other members to look after but damn it all if you didn't miss Choi Seungcheol.
The two of you had been friends ever since you transferred school, after moving to Daegu with your family. You were nine years old and at that age, boys and girls started to divide, thinking the other had cooties.
But Seungcheol was different. He introduced himself on your first day and stuck by you the whole time.
He'd been by your side ever since. Best friends for always.
And that's how it had always been. Even in junior high when your classmates started showing interest in each other, you and Cheol never found ant romantic interest in you nor you in him, despite what your friends and family said.
Everyone was determined you'd end up dating at some point but it was never like that. You were just best friends.
You were always there for each other and when Cheol auditioned for and got accepted by Pledis Entertainment, you were the first to congratulate him.
Of course, this meant he had to leave Daegu, and unfortunately you, behind to move to Seoul.
His words the day he left were some you'd never forget.
You'd spent half the day crying, claiming he'd forget you in the first year and in true fashion, he hugged you tightly, remind you that you had six years of friendship with you.
"You are my most favorite person in the entire universe, Y/N," he said softly, holding your hands while standing at the KTA station with his parents and your own.
His hands released yours and moved to cup your cheeks. "Everything about you is amazing to me, I couldn't find a new best friend if I tried," he added, gently squishing your cheeks before pulling you into a tight hug, the only kind he ever gave you.
Five years later, Cheol finally debuted in a group called SEVENTEEN with twelve other boys. You graduated high school in Daegu and moved to Seoul on scholarship to SNU* to study veterinary medicine. Moving to Seoul meant a new chapter in your life.
And it meant you were closer to your best friend.
At first, it was difficult for Cheol to meet you but eventually he managed to find some time. As SEVENTEEN continued to grow and find more and more success, Cheol had less and less free time to meet with you in between your classes.
But you always managed to make it work.
Now, being the leader of a globally recognized k-pop group, Seungcheol wasn't as busy as before, trying to help make a name for his group, he was able to have a bit more freedom and also to see you more.
Of course, when you weren't busy with your own career.
After graduating, you managed to snatch a position at one of the busiest vet clinics in Hongdae. You were on a team of three vets, each with three of their own techs. It had a rather large client base but you weren't complaining. It paid the bills of your nice flat near Hongdae, overlooking the river.
It had been several weeks since you'd heard from and even longer since you'd seen Cheol at this point. You never tried to let it bother you before because you were adults now, not children. He had his own circle of friends and colleagues as did you.
But it hurt nonetheless when your notification would ping and it wasn't your best friend texting you or sending you some dumb meme. Your own messages to him had been left on read and of course that didn't mean anything with Cheol and you knew that. He was notorious for checking but not answering his messages.
You just tried to ignore the sad sinking feeling inside you as best as you could but sometimes, your brain got the better of you.
Like today for instance. It was a day like any other, nice weather, the city below your balcony was teeming with life, preparing for Seollal, but you couldn't be bothered to join them, even as the day turned into night and the city really came alive. You just sat wrapped up in your favorite blanket and your own self wallowing.
Your phone pinged again but you'd given up looking at it, instead engrossed in a small pint of Ben & Jerry's you'd saved in your freezer for your next inevitable breakup but decided to indulge a little sooner. And the fact that the expiration date was drawing nearer was not a deciding factor in your indulgence at all.
None whatsoever.
It was just after ten in the evening and you were about halfway through your pint of Chubby Hubby, ignoring the sporadic pings of your phone for the peanut buttery swirls of the frozen treat in your hands when there was a loud pounding knock at your front door.
You almost hadn't heard it but upon hearing it, you turned in your place on your balcony sofa and peered through the glass door.into your apartment. It was silent only for a moment before another loud banging could be heard.
You got up carefully, carrying your ice cream and spoon, blanket still draped over your shoulders as you crossed the floor quickly to see who had disturbed your date with Ben and Jerry.
Pressing the camera button on your intercom system revealed none other than your best friend, standing outside your door looking all sorts of worried and panicked.
Confused and bewildered, you set your ice cream and spoon down and unlocked the door, pulling it open enough to peer through the crack and into the hallway.
The expression on Seungcheol's face morphed from worry to relief upon seeing you. He pushed past the door, wrapping his arms around you, blanket and all, and engulfing you in a tight hug.
"Oh My God I was so worried!" he said, his words muffled by your blanket as he buried his face in your shoulder.
Still just as confused, you hugged him back, uncertain why he was acting as if you had died or something.
When he pulled back, he held you at arms length, looking over you quickly. "Why are you wearing a blanket?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing. "Are you cold? Do you have a fever? What's wrong?"
His words were all over the place, hands moving quickly as he felt your forehead, cheek, and checked to make sure you weren't physically ill.
"Cheol," you whined as he pulled you over to the kitchen island and made you sit down, readjusting your blanket. His eyes fell on the half eaten pint of Ben & Jerry's and the spoon lying beside it before they flitted back to you.
"Who is he?" he demanded. "I'm gonna hurt him."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "Calm down Rambo," you snorted. "There is no he," you added. Seungcheol pointed accusatively at the pint sitting on the white countertop, to which you shook your head.
"I'm not eating it cause I got dumped," you explained.
"Then why are you eating ice cream at ten-forty at night?" your best friend demanded.
You shrugged your shoulders. "I'm just a little sad," you replied softly. The stern expression on Seungcheol's face melted away as he took your hands in his. "Why are you sad?" he whispered, sitting across from you in the other bar stool at your kitchen island.
You shrugged your shoulders again, not meeting his gaze.
"Y/N," Seungcheol said, his voice a little louder and more demanding.
"It's nothing," you said, trying to pull away from your best friend but he was much stronger, having been in and out of the gym daily the past few years while you hadn't touched anything heavier than a house cat lately. Seriously, when did he get so strong?
"Y/N, you aren't going anywhere until you tell me why you're sad and why you've been ignoring me."
Wait… what? Ignoring him?
You looked up to meet his gaze finally.
"Ignoring you? I haven't been ignoring you," you replied.
Seungcheol looked around your apartment. "Where's your phone?" he asked. You nodded towards your balcony, lamenting the loss of his warmth as Seungcheol got up and walked over to the sliding glass door, opened it, and picked up your phone.
He returned, unlocking it with your pass code before checking your notifications. As he searched, he let out a groan and rolled his eyes.
"Did you mean to turn on 'Do Not Disturb' mode?" he asked, turning your phone towards you.
The notifications that you received earlier only came in from your boss and your mother. How had you not noticed that?? Oh, because you weren't looking at your phone the whole time.
You quickly grabbed your phone from Seungcheol and opened your chat thread with him to find many unread messages and even a few missed calls.
You let out a laugh, setting your phone on the counter and shook your head. "I think I accidentally switched it on at work the other day," you said as Seungcheol sat across from you again.
"I thought you were mad at me," he said, hanging his head and you shook yours. "I'm not," you replied. "Honestly, I thought maybe you were mad at me or something," you added, causing Seungcheol to snap his head up to look at you.
"You've been a little distant lately," you continued to explain but stopped when your best friend took your hands in his again.
"I promise I'm not mad or upset either. Work the last few weeks has been… intense to say the least. I've been so tired and stressed that I haven't been able to focus on anything else. I'm so sorry," he said softly, offering you a sincere smile and apology.
"Even if we don't talk for days, I’ll always be your best friend, Y/N," he added, squeezing your hands gently.
You returned the smile and nodded. Of course you'll always be best friends. Seungcheol said it himself. He'd never be able to find a better best friend than you and you'd never be able to find a better best friend than him.
"Now that we got that out of the way," Seungcheol said before dropping his smile and giving you a stern but bewildered look.
"Why the hell am I not included in your 'Do Not Disturb' exceptions list?"
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ilsicarus · 1 month
all ogawa yuki has ever been is desperate.
wait till you hear about this next nominee: ogawa yuki, born on the 4th of january, 1997 and bears a striking resemblance to myoui mina. they’re a first year bachelor of business administration student and one of the youngest ballet dancers to win the top prize in a major international competition by age nine — impressed yet? rumor has it they’re hoping to be a trophy wife, but personally, i think they should aim a little higher — something like the king’s club, for one. now, that suits them a little more, don’t you think? guess we’ll just have to see if they’ve got the talent for it in our upcoming recruitment round.
(ooc — hi! it’s seiji (any prns, 24) and i’m here to introduce my baby girl, ogawa yuki (cdx7, 2019 black pawn), to you all! first things first, i actually struggle with the tumblr interface so if you see any mistakes every once in a while, look away ! second, please see below the tl;dr of yuki’s background + some tidbits of her personality below the cut. i’ve also linked her bio and overview below! lastly, please do hit the like button or (do!!!) head straight to my dms if you want to plot. i actually prefer plotting in discord if that’s okay (but tumblr is fine too!), do let me know if you want to head over that platform! i look forward to wreaking havoc with you all ��
trigger warning/s: character deaths, mentions of terminal illness, implied abuse and violence (physical, mental, emotional), undiagnosed mental illness, brief mentions of hysteria
background (or see: bio + overview)
truth of the matter is, yuki was neither needed nor wanted at the time of her birth (and unfortunately even to the present). her father was preoccupied with business (and secure enough given he already has an heir), her brother was too head-deep in boarding school all the way in switzerland, her sister (hotaru) was terminally ill, and their mother was certainly too stressed to carry an entire child to term while trying to make sure her eldest daughter survives.
ogawa yuki was born and raised with a part to play—her oldest sister’s substitute for her grieving mother, the dearest little diamond (commodity) for her father and the media, and the unimposing sibling for her oldest brother. and if yuki had a say in it, she’d say she’s done her roles well, has sat well-behaved in the cage for nineteen long years before she even sought escaping.
on instruction from her father, she gets admitted into snu for business administration. every ogawa undergoes this, they study outside of japan and bring the expertise back to ogawa. in her case, though, it’s to marry her off and expand the business (but it pays well to have graduated in a prestigious university).
and really, truly, yuki is perfectly aware of the fact that marrying someone better off than her family couldn’t be called liberation in its entirety. although yuki supposes that the only way to ever get out of the gilded cage is for something even more powerful to tear through it, her marrying someone even greater would only prove to benefit the ogawas. so, actually, how could anyone say that she would be biting the hands that have fed her, when really, she’s simply leading her life the way any ogawa was supposed to?
it’s true that the king’s club was a good stepping stone to achieve her general goal but since noh hyungseo was ultimately the goal, she exerted more effort actually trying to get him instead of getting into the club itself. though she did try, still, believing that since hyungseo was a shoe-in on the position, it would pay to be a fellow member to get even closer to him. and then he dies. unfortunate, she cried over it for a week, and then she moved on.
then, she unwittingly finds herself in love with someone post-graduation. she doesn’t quite understand what love should look like but loves him anyway. they stay together for two years. she ruins some familial relationships in order to keep him, some of her friends leave her behind, she actually enjoys life a bit. and then he takes all of that away on the day he tells her he can’t marry her because he loves someone else—the wife, his childhood friend, of a familiar and wealthy businessman.
in response, she destroys that woman’s life and works hard to make sure she gets divorced from her husband. (a double-edged sword: her former lover is fine with simply watching the love of his life be happy with the man she loves, yuki takes that away from him by making her miserable; at the same time, yuki frees her from the shackles of her marriage and take her place, maybe then, her former lover would thank her for giving him another wretched opportunity. maybe this time, he can get what he wants.)
two years after the divorce, yuki is now the second wife of said businessman. she has brought headaches upon headaches on her father and brother but the point has been met, hasn’t it? her husband is more powerful than her family, but her family also benefits from the relationship either way. she’d achieved her goal, hadn’t she?
having inherited her mother’s appearance, it bears noting that even at yuki’s most cruel, she looks entirely unimposing. her education and socialization also taught her to be gentle in her words and manners. by all accounts, it is nearly impossible, if at all, to reconcile the girl with someone who could harm any living being, even a bug.
contrary to her appearance and manners, yuki can be quite aggressive, calculating, and unforgiving in her actions, though this is rarely done upfront and is usually meticulously orchestrated behind the scenes, bit by bit. yuki does not confront, but she does not forget slights against her—much like her father.
yuki can be quite thorough. because every single man was an option for marriage and because she knew she had to scope out competition, yuki actually did quite the research on her peers and upperclassmen prior to and even during the initiation phase of the king’s club. one had to know the cards they were being dealt in order to win the game, after all. it’s the very same reason she could butter noh hyungseo up the way she did, also the reason why she ruffled the feathers of even the most blasé members of the club (though she has never slipped, it was unnerving how seemingly well she seemed to be able to get into their good graces).
has always had the tendency of having tunnel vision towards her future. she believes her own worries are already heavy enough to ever mind others’ and since people rarely ever worry about her, who else would worry over her except herself? it’s always her first before anyone else. it’s easy to pretend she worries and sympathizes with friends given impressions on her, but a close friend’s depression is just as useless to her as is the notion of eliminating poverty—why should it matter to her when it’s not her suffering? it’s not that she’s incapable of empathy or care, however, it takes a lot for her to trust that someone actually cares for her and she’d rather not waste energy on someone simply just pretending before her too. she just uses the people who also use her.
at the same time, she’s never taken any of her achievements seriously—given her upbringing, it was simply a matter of course required of her by her father, nothing to be congratulated about, and is also ultimately for naught since the endpoint is to be a trophy wife anyway. unlike others, regardless of her achievements, her worth is hinged solely on her being marriage material—which is why she’s focused on it.
it should be said that because her sharpness was not honed by neither her father nor brother, hers is more uneven and irregular than any other ogawa counterpart. hers hurt because they’re driven in by an emotionally pained yuki.
driven primarily by her emotions in recent years, yuki has grown quite unafraid of consequences. she looks at the world with more ire, her sweetness both saccharine and poisonous.
before everything occurred, yuki only vied for one thing and one thing only: to be loved. she wanted someone to look at her and tell her they loved her and mean it. when she didn’t find that in her family, she tried looking elsewhere. she thought, with how big the world was, how could it be possible that there was not a single person who could truly love her? but being who she was had its caveats, she couldn’t just find someone to love and be done with it. there were too many things weighing her down that love in itself would be incapable of freeing her—hence, the practicality with which she approached it. nevertheless, she stumbles and falls unwittingly anyway and realizes it actually is possible for there not to be a single person to ever love you. all ogawa yuki has ever been is desperate but even she cannot bear to continue begging for something she will never receive.
some notable quotes (from the pinterest moodboard)
pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. (also: hollow victory)
ai to wa nani ka? (what is love?)
i have this obsession with escape. in some universe, i got away from you.
i feel trapped in my own life
i’m so much more than i let people see
sorry i’m a shit daughter
how to disappear 101
potential connections
kxe1 and rxa8! will contact you guys 🫶
yuki wasn’t looking for friends when she joined the initiates, but her unimposing nature naturally allowed plenty of space to let people in—even those outside of the king’s club.
maybe yuki belonged to a small group of friends in college?
someone she competed with in international piano competitions as children. yuki wasn’t the best, sure, but your muse liked how she played. they keep pestering her why she stopped going to competitions now or for them to play together but yuki hasn’t stepped near a piano in ages. she also has no plans to anytime soon, not in this lifetime.
a childhood friend she did ballet with. maybe your muse thought they’d be able to do this together forever but yuki has always known this wasn’t part of her future. or maybe you both only did it as a hobby but during those times, you found genuine friendship with each other. maybe you’ve both drifted away, maybe the relationship is still just as strong.
the one that came after noh hyungseo—the next best thing after the best. maybe you make yuki chase, maybe she caught you, maybe she didn’t. maybe you hate her for making you feel like the replacement of the dead (though she never says so), maybe you loved her anyway. can vary.
a few flings? maybe an ex-boyfriend (or a few) that grew to know her much deeper than she intended to? or one she grew sour with? one that still antagonizes her to this day? one that just wants the best for her? (idk, this girl kept her options open)
would love unexpected connections! (maybe your muse thought they’d get along but it turns out they just don’t vibe or vice versa, maybe your muse had a bad impression on her but turned out to understand her and became good friends eventually)
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dllamarama · 4 months
Episode 3 Queen of Tears BaekHong recap
Scene: Strawberry ice cream, Hyun Woo’s grandma cardigan and promises
Hyun Woo flexing his “supermarket prince” title to Hae In (the 3rd generation chaebol) is so funny and cringe that I’d hate to be in his shoes. So this is the day that probably sealed the deal for Hae In (from her conversation with Eun Sung in episode 8). Hyun Woo promised to be by her side even if she had a lot of debt, he was ready to stay by her side through thick and thin and struggle with her. She was touched by that sweet word. Hae In was brought up in a family that does not give her the warmth that Hyun Woo provides. He loves her unconditionally and ready to struggle just for her, and that’s why his promise to be by her side forever really echoes within her. She needs that. Because she believes that no other person in her life even her family would be able to stay by her side forever. She has been fighting alone all her life.
Scene: Hyun Woo’s sexy arm muscle and shoot!
The scene changes back to the boar attack and it was actually Hae In’s memory. She remembers that fond memory where Hyun Woo promised to be by her side in the situation where she really desperately needs him by her side. This is also the turning point for Hae In to realise that her illness could really cost her lives. However, in this scene I could barely understand Hyun Woo’s feeling about it, he was really acting based on his instinct to save Hae In. Whether he IS that competent and confident to kill the boar with only one chance or he just gambled and did it to save Hae In at any cost.
Before anything else, let’s just appreciate this super ultra max finest specimen named BAEK HYUN WOO. I mean just so much perfection (with a pinch of foolishness and pathetic-ness) for Baek Hyun Woo character; SNU law school top graduate, served in the marine in a special guard team, boxing championship winner, so many other credentials that was not mentioned throughout the series . Okay! Let us get back to point of this character and couple analysis. So, he saves Hae In from the wild boar attack without even batting an eye. As what he explains with Yang Gi, he did it out of instinct and that is to protect Hae In. Yang Gi does need some slap from me for distracting Hyun Woo from realising his feelings sooner. He has only distracting Hyun Woo by denying his feelings for her to seem that he makes the right decision to fool Hae In by staying in the marriage.
It was very satisfying to see how the Queens family starts to look Hyun Woo in different light. Hae In’s father especially starting to treat him with much more respect after that. I think he would even consider changing Soobin’s surname to Baek after that lol.
Scene: Hae In with young Di Caprio (Korean version)
Hyun Woo was definitely terrified to use the same room with Hae In for reasons; he actually scared that Hae In would jump on him, he don’t want to make “mistake” with her, he just generally terrified of her. The way he flinched each time Hae In moves or said something that does not even mean anything. While Hae In is very much affected with the situation, I mean I understand her. She was attacked with broad shoulder and muscular body that shot wild boar with one bullet to save her after two years of no action and activity. I stand with you Hae In. But, their talk on the bed really makes me pity Hae In. She misses her husband!! Her husband that used to have full of love for her before their relationship strained. There was a time where their frequency and temperature match each other, they used to be deep in love where nothing can separate them. While she remembers all their good and happy memories, Hyun Woo has already forgotten about it and numb of all their happy memories totally. I feel bad for her. For someone that doesn’t wear her emotion on her sleeve, she was trying to convey her feeling to Hyun Woo which Hyun Woo ignores (I fully believe that he knows but he chose to ignore it). We can see her feeling never changed for Hyun Woo. I’d say it was easier for her to stay in love with him considering that she does not need to change her environment, while Hyun Woo has to make a lot of changes of his lifestyle to match her family. In a way, he does suffer more than Hae In and the fact that she knew about it makes it hard to understand her sometimes.
Scene: Drunk Hae In and jealous Hyun Woo with a mission
First of all, Hyun Woo is showing more of his jealous side that he didn’t even know except it was clear to us. He finally felt some sort of emotion (that he doesn’t want to admit) towards Hae In and Eun Sung. He only know and admit that he doesn’t like that guy, that’s it. We then saw Hae In vulnerable side when Hyun Woo hold her against the tree (again, she is being attack by the sexy dynamite Baek Hyun Woo). She wonders why she wasn’t confident when explaining about their love to Eun Sung. Personally at first, it didn’t felt like she wasn’t confident but it’s just Eun Sung manipulating her. Because for me she just reminiscing about their love story that transcends wealth and differences. But from another point, it could seem as such when we consider someone with her personality needed to explain the extent of their love to someone else. And sadly, she actually agrees with Eun Sung.
I really wonder how bad was it for Hyun Woo to live with Hae In’s family until he forgotten all of their wonderful and happy memories together. To what extent was he badly treated in the family for him to totally lose their memories and promises? He was definitely happy with Hae In in her memories and their honeymoon. It’s a shame that the writer chose not to show Hyun Woo’s suffering with her family in a more serious manner instead of comedic release. It seems that Hyun Woo’ s decision to divorce was shallower due to the comedic release on his sufferings. Even after knowing what happened in episode 5, it still somehow lacking in a way although I know the event or words that really pushed Hyun Woo to make such decision.
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deijiyong · 9 months
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2015 June 18th - FIFA World Cup (JH POV)
Jooheon sighs, glancing over the things he needs to pack in order to make his trip this weekend to see his baby
He never realized how their time apart would hurt her
It really had taken YN calling to curse him out for him to realize
He had been too focused on his classes to even think that maybe Jiyeon was having a hard time without him
Didn’t realize how hard it was for him until she ran into his arms that first trip
It had been like a weight had been lifted off of him
The FIFA World Cup hadn’t really been something he was interested in, but he played along with it since that’s what Jiyeon and YN had put on
Has he talked to you a lot since then?
Almost every day
I don’t think he knows when to give up
The guy crushing on YN!!
He’s not crushing on me
Ji, please, he’s just taking pity on me since I don’t have friends
Why am I only hearing about this now?
Because it’s not important
He’s been pulling her out every Sunday to hang out 
It’s not a big deal (eye roll)
Babe, you hang out with him every weekend?
He approached you first?
Pretty sure he’s interested
Now you have to believe me
Jooheon agrees!
You’re both insane
Yeah they did
Quit changing the subject
She’s shy
Does my bestie have a crush as well?
How is that even possible? 
I wish he’d leave me alone
(muffled voice) Man, are you really leaving this weekend?
I’m gonna mute, girls, brb.
Jooheon turns to see Changkyun and he quickly pauses his video feed as well to stare at his best friend
Changkyun had changed a lot since they had moved away for college
It was like he had gone back to being the asshole that he was when he dated Sara
And Jooheon hated it
But Changkyun had been his only friend the first few weeks on campus
That was until he got into a fraternity or was considering going into one
The weekend he’d gone to see Jiyeon had ended that and he hadn’t looked back
But the friends he made had understood and supported him
Changkyun, he wasn’t even sure what was up with him lately
Are you really going?
I mean, yeah, this is Jiyeon we’re talking about
The love of my life
Why wouldn’t I go see her?
I wish I could go more often
The guys wanted you to be at the party this weekend
They’re gonna be so upset you’re not coming
Jiyeon is more important
Jooheon isn’t sure when he realizes that Jiyeon and YN can still be heard from the speakers of his laptop
Maybe around the time that Changkyun realizes who is in the call with him and Jiyeon
The look that he shoots at Jooheon’s laptop is scary
The way he stalks towards the desk where his laptop is sitting is scary
Is that her? YN?
Yeah, so?
Who is that fucker she’s talking about?
Some guy that wants to be her friend at college
What’s the big deal?
That’s when he hears it and he knows Changkyun hears it too
You’re not at some community college
You were in Seoul at SNU - so far away 
Jooheon leaves the call before Changkyun can turn his mic back on
What the fuck, Joo?
Did you know?!
If Jiyeon just found out, how the hell was I supposed to know? 
Get a grip, man
Jooheon watches Changkyun as he paces, creating a draft in his dorm room and scaring his dorm mate with how furious he looked in that moment
Hyungwon bows out, not wanting to be there if a fight breaks out
Why didn’t she tell me?
Kyun, be honest
When’s the last time you’ve reached out to her?
Jiyeon said you haven’t talked to her since graduation
(he screams, a cry at the end) I fucking miss her, Joo
I’m so scared she’s
Jooheon watches his best friend crumble
He pulls him into a hug by the back of his neck and pats his back
He hadn’t seen his best friend like this in a long time
Changkyun had been hiding himself away with booze and partying
When he cleaned himself up to do better by Jiyeon; Kyun had kept on
Avoiding you had been Changkyun’s way of coping
He couldn’t drive to see you since he thought you were across the country
Finding out that you were not even in the same country? 
Even he felt a loss with you being so far away
Why wouldn’t she tell me, Joo?
She told me she would be at a community college
I thought I would see her during Christmas when I went home
What am I supposed to do?
Why not try calling or texting her for once?
It might not be what you want
But it’s better than nothing, man
I’m sure she misses you too
(sniffles) I was going to ask her that night
The night of graduation, I was going to ask her to date me
Even though I knew we would be far apart
I didn’t want to leave without her knowing how I felt
But she didn’t come, Joo
And I flew out the next day
I know, man, I know
Jooheon sighs and tries to comfort his best friend, but it’s not an easy task
Changkyun must have been bottling everything up
This just happened to be the time it hit the hardest
Knowing that his plans and hopes resting on Winter break were no longer an option
Jooheon’s phone dings and he releases his best friend to check the message
YN said goodnight, baby
Is everything okay?
You left the call without saying anything
He looks at Changkyun and shakes his head; it’s best not to mention it
I just had to help my friend with something
I didn’t know when I would finish
Are you excited?
I’ll see you this weekend
You know it!
What did you want to do?
Just hangout or hang around town?
We can decide as we go
Whatever you want, I’m good with it
I love you
I love you too, baby
Don’t miss your study sesh, okay?
I’m going!
Jooheon places his phone on his desk and sits next to Changkyun on his bed
Are you okay?
(ck nods)
I know you’re going through it right now
But I promised Jiyeon I would be there this weekend
I’ll be back Sunday 
(another nod)
Why not skip that party this weekend?
You’re not in any state to get thrashed
And I won’t be here to bail you out
(looks at him) please?
Can we hang out Sunday when you get back?
You usually get back around mid-afternoon, right?
Changkyun stands, he looks drained of life as he leaves the room
Jooheon stands to follow him and sighs
He would just have to leave Changkyun to put himself back together for now
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checkmatehq · 2 months
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wait till you hear about this next nominee: JUNG CHANYEOL, born on the 1st of JULY, 1996 and bears a striking resemblance to LEE DOHYUN. they’re a FIRST year BACHELOR OF PSYCHOLOGY student and WON A BRONZE MEDAL IN THE U-20 WORLD CUP — impressed yet? rumor has it they’re hoping to be a TV PERSONALITY, but personally, i think they should aim a little higher — something like the king’s club, for one. now, that suits them a little more, don’t you think? guess we’ll just have to see if they’ve got the talent for it in our upcoming recruitment round.
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truth be told, chanyeol never stood a chance. mother a catalog model (“if only i hadn’t gotten pregnant with channie i could have gone all the way to miss korea! but babies are a blessing!”) turned housewife and father a second son who always lived in shadow of his more successful older brother, chanyeol’s destiny was to succeed by all means necessary. when he started playing soccer his parents sighed in relief – the kid was good, very good. but mostly, it meant they wouldn’t have to try for another kid (“i worked so hard to get my figure back!” his mother would always say to her friends “you know how men are, if i didn’t lose weight chanyeol’s father would leave me.”). and so jung chanyeol grew up an only child and his parents’ ticket to a good and prestigious life. after all, what better than to be able to say your son is a national pride?
being in the field was the only moment chanyeol was truly free. no more thoughts of being the perfect son, his focus solely on the ball and scoring a goal. it didn’t take long for chanyeol to be called up for the south korea u-20 national team. from then on life only got harder: practice sessions that left his body sore, his parents planning every step of his career – they truly believed in their hearts that chanyeol could be the first asian player to win a ballon d’or – and chanyeol trying to juggle their egos with his own wants. 
and what did chanyeol want? well, to be a top player, to play in europe, an olympics golden medal, a champions league win, a huge house, millions and millions in his bank account, adoring fans stopping his car – a ferrari, preferably – to ask for an autograph and to say how good he was and how they wanted to be like him and for the whole world to see him and recognize him and love him. just that, nothing much.
college is not in his list of wants, per se, but his parents and his manager – he has a manager now, because of course he has – say that nowadays it’s all about creating a narrative, and he will be easier to sell if he goes beyond the cliche of a dumb soccer player. and so chanyeol studies hard like the good, dutiful son he is, and goes to snu (“see that, hyung?” his father calls his uncle “better than the small college you went to!”).
“the king’s what?” he asks when he receives the invitation. it makes no sense as to why he, a nobody when compared to all those wealthy kids, would be invited. but they say initiation is a competition and they have chanyeol with it. he knows that this can open doors for him that not even soccer can and he loves a good competition. doesn’t matter what they tell him to do, he knows he can win and secure a spot. he can already envision a future that goes beyond a field – after all, a high performance athlete’s career is very short, anyone can tell you that – one where he’s rubbing shoulders with politicians and conglomerate owners and ceos and he likes what he sees. it’s easy for him to befriend the other members, everyone wants to be close to a handsome up-and-coming soccer star. 
“good riddance” is what chanyeol thinks when he hears of noh hyungseo’s death. on the outside he’s another snu student grieving the loss of their own, but inside all he can think about is how his biggest competition is out, the position of better initiate is his now.
he graduates, although that is of little consequence with his star on the rising. a starter spot on the jeonbuk hyundai motors, constant call-ups to the south korean national team ever since he was u-17, a possible transfer to an european club – not a real madrid or a manchester city, but still, it’s europe! – if he does well in the world cup, the world is his.
until it isn’t. the second chanyeol falls he knows it’s over. the doctors say they need to do more tests and exams as they help him hobble to the locker room, but he knows. he looks at the x-rays and listens to the doctor’s explanation with apathy. a complete rupture of his knee-cap tendons, say bye bye to your knee chanyeol. “you can still play,” the doctor says tentatively, “but it won’t be the same.” yes, he knows.
his pretty face and his diploma are his salvation. it’s easy for his manager to find him a spot on tv shows and endorsements. he is a beloved celebrity now, thousands of followers on social media, trending on naver every week for a reason or another. it’s not a field and it’s not freedom, but it’s the best he can do now and it’s best than to go back to where he came from. no, he is never doing that. for chanyeol it’s only up from here.
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rulette · 3 years
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hi hi everyone! name’s alice or steal (any pronouns, pst)! im so excited to be here!! im welcomin to my lovely and messy boy jinwoo or joey yoon aka the youngest son of the yoon family! he’s ur typical i-dont-want-to-conform-to-my-family rebellious son who needs a little lovin’ even tho he can’t give it. like this post if u would like to plot! i’m avail on ims and discord (salty#3480)! hmu!
23, nov 23, 1998
sag sun, cap moon, aries rising (yeah hes a fking mess)
currently a first-year law student at snu’s law school
got sent to america to study at the age of 14 and attended hs in palo alto (yeah he’s a rich kid obv)! 
he graduated as valedictorian! got a bombass resume from being an intern at a law firm, president of speech and debate club and member of the nsda honor society, and track athlete (he legit had no time to do anything)
moved back to sk and got accepted into hanbit university, graduated ofc but this time... w a little extra money (too much actually) and prestige cus of his family and got into snu’s law school
he did it this all with no motivation of actually being an attorney; only did it becus he grew accustomed to his family’s goals
realized during uni that this isn’t what he wanted at all! he went thru the stereotypical rebel route of destressing himself: partying, drinking, smoking, kissing and fucking boys and girls. did all of that shit during his uni days
he knows hes insanely smart but honestly he acts so dumb
his outgoing self gained him a lot of connections; he reached out on his own and became a socialite of his own. his ig is popping and everyone knows who he is and hes living life like a crazy rich mf
his parents didn’t like it ofc cus why tf is he socializing instead of studying? he didn’t care tho and he got away with most of it since he is indeed the youngest child
now he’s a law student and does he want to do this? no he doesnt. but will he try to get out of it? honestly he really can’t LOL!
very wishy-washy w his siblings... he either loves or hates them? but he feels like they’re wayyy too serious 
personality-wise he is an uncommitted and very very outgoing person who honestly has no filter. he is generally rly blunt and doesn’t like tip-toeing around people, plus he flakes a lot so why would he stay?
generally in a lot of friend groups and nobody rly knows him on a personal level, everyone just thinks he’s a crazy party-goer who blacked out on a tuesday night
his parents don’t rly control or monitor him beside his studies; even if they are strict, he still somehow slips out, so he is very good w his words (his life goal is this anyways
somehow is not snobby or bitchy as people expect him to be (he walks around with rolex and hangs w rich people so ofc he’ll look snobby) so he is easily approachable but that doesn’t mean he’ll want to stay
on the inside tho, he’s so emotionally constipated that all he knows rly is how to joke around and be funny. ask him to see a therapist? he’ll laugh and walk away
hates dating cus commitment so he goes unlabeled often. does the typical “its not you, its me” but really he just wants to leave
now for some plots! but very few cus its late as hell LOL
fwbs/crushes/friends/exes/enemies ofc!
an on and off ex ... i love angst... the most angst the better? the more toxicity the better? they know that jinwoo is annoying to deal with but they just keep coming back
A BEST FRIEND! the ONE friend that he talks and goes to! the ONE person that he ACTUALLY stays with LOL
childhood friend that he talked to before he moved to hs!!! they lost contact until he came back and is just “??? who r u” cus they realize jinwoo isnt the golden retriever elementary best friend they knew before
this is hard but... romance lol?
an ex-classmate that he used to share answers with
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Blossom fully (deep in my bones)
(Teacher!JK x College student!Reader) PART ONE
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Warnings: JK has anger management issues, very slight violence, a lot of fluff, don't get a heart attack.
Genre: Fluff.
Word Count: 10.3k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
I have decided to turn this into a trilogy. This is Part One, enjoy. Let me know if you want to be tagged (you could just comment, or dm me).
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Love. Adoration. Lust. For Jeon Jungkook, his entire life, they had been just words, nothing more – after all, these were just concepts made by society, what if people had not known about the concept of love? Would they still try to find it? Would they still be willing to work for it? Then, you came into his life, and gave meaning to those words.
“Welcome to the annual football championship between Seoul Nation University and Sungkyunkwan University 2020,”
“Break his jaw!” Jungkook heard the other team chant, while looking at him. He just scoffed while adjusting his gloves, as if.
“Really? Think you can do it? Go ahead and try,” Jungkook mocked them across the field, his tongue poking against his left cheek.
Jungkook was never set out for failure, it was never allowed in his life – because he knew for a fact that his father would have his throat if he didn’t turn out to be the best of the best.
At age five, he had a strict workout regime and had less than 10 percent body fat, maintained till present date. He had also learnt that he would rather be loved than feared, he hated the look in the eyes of his classmates when he accidentally punched his seatmate, Byung-chul, just because he had taken his red crayon without asking. Now, no one would sit next to him at lunch. 
He told himself that he didn’t mind it, but he couldn’t help but cry at night because no one wanted to play on the see-saw with him. He knew if he asked them, they would have no choice other than to say yes, after all, they didn’t want to end up like Byung-chul, hospitalized, with a broken arm. But what’s the use, if they don’t actually want to be with him?
Age seven, he had landed his first punch on his butler when he saw him abuse his dog. He didn’t know what to tell to his therapist, how could he explain that all he saw was red when he saw Yeontan being thrown out of the room? How could he explain that he had no control over his body? He couldn’t control the beast in him that had pounced over the man.
Age ten, he landed his position as quarterback on the national “Under 19,” football team. Soon, he had to drop out – not because he couldn’t play well, hell, he was probably the most talented played that they could’ve scouted. But, because he wouldn’t tolerate any thing that would come in the path of him and his success.
Age fifteen, he had graduated high school, gotten a perfect 1600 in his SAT, and been given a full ride to SNU. Throughout his high school career, despite having narrow minded, shallow and mindless classmates, Jungkook still wishes he made more memories, had photos with friends in his camera roll (rather than just pictures of sunsets and tattoo designs),
Age 20. Present Day, and he had earned the title of Doctor, not that he could actually perform in the surgeries because of his “anger issues”. Currently, he was a Grad student, but also taught the first year Undergrads, just because of his immense knowledge that could be on par with the old, wrinkly professors that had been teaching since 30+ years.
There had never been a championship, never an exam, never a game that Jeon Jungkook hadn’t won. He wasn’t going to lose this one either. The chants from hundreds of people across the campus stadium were deaf on his ears when he heard the other team’s captain call him an asshole.
Everyone knew Jungkook had well, anger management issues. And to say they were bad was, well, an understatement. So far, the only thing he’s learnt from 14 years of anger management classes, movies, documentaries and seminars is that – only attack when they punch you enough to make you bleed.
“Jeon! Look out!”  
Without a warning, the other team’s captain had punched him in the face, hard enough to bust his lip.
Jungkook just sighed, shook his head as if he were disappointed (He was, in fact disappointed, did this dumbass not known what he could do to him?), and calmly just brushed his white glove against his lip, internally wishing he could see his red blood smeared across it.
And there it was, a streak of blood. Then, Jungkook punched him back – not stopping until his face was almost disfigured – suits him for even trying to mess with Jeon Jungkook.
Around an hour later, Jungkook already knew he was going to be chewed out by the college dean, so he was already counting down from 100 on his way to seminar room number 3.
“54, 53, 52, 51,” he muttered under his breath, pushing back his – now long (he really ought to cut it now, it was starting to get into his eyes) – hair back with his left hand, and entered the room. He could see he interrupted a lecture, and was almost about to head back when-
“Oh! Jeon Jungkook, what a pleasure!” he heard the college dean speak in his pretentious, and extremely conceited voice, here we go again.
“Everyone! Welcome Doctor Jeon Jungkook, he’s one of our in-house surgeons. Topper of the college, topper of the board, topper of the university. In fact, he’s of the one of the best – if not the best student SNU has ever got the chance to teach. He’s got the most impeccable academic record, of all time, now going to teach biochemistry to first year undergraduates this year,” Jungkook scoffed when he heard the entire class clap their hands at his arrival, after the Dean’s speech that complimented him, but he knew better, he kne-
“But what’s the use of all that? In anger management, he scores a zero. He’s a classic example for all of you, if you can’t hold your anger in, you’re nothing more than a murderer with surgical instruments in an emergency ward. Without compassion, your degree is of no use to me. Even a low score is acceptable to me, but not that behaviour,”
Was he trying to rile Jungkook up on purpose?
“Please continue, sir, I really loved the analysis you’ve done on me, please do continue,” The words flew out of Jungkook’s mouth as he made his way up the stairs to the stage where the dean stood.
“What behaviour is this? I need you to write an apology letter to Sungkyunkwan University, and to the college board as well,” 
It was clear the dean was about to get off the stage, before well, Jungkook spoke again. The dean didn’t really think he was getting off this easily, did he?
“Football is a violent sport, the minute they entered our territory, and tried to abuse the rules, that’s the minute everything and anything is allowed. As far as the apology goes, I’d rather quit the college than write that bullshit,”
The seminar room was so quite that a pin dropped would shatter the silence. Jungkook smirked before he exited, “I won’t lose anything by leaving SNU, any other medical program in the world will be ready to accept me, the only reason I stay in this hellhole is because I enjoy the spring in Seoul. But imagine the loss of pride that SNU will experience once Jeon Jungkook leaves the establishment,”
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Jungkook walked across the campus cafeteria as he tried to find his lighter in his pocket, fiddling with his cigarette in his other hand. “Are you seriously going to leave?” Jimin runned after him, struggling with his lab coat, “what will you get out of this? Just write the goddamn apology,”
Jungkook decided to settle on a table where three rowdy boys sat, flexing their muscles, but as they saw Jungkook approaching, they simply muttered apologies before scattering away, leaving the table.
Jimin-ah,” Jungkook smiled as he puffed his cigarette, “there’s nothing for me here, besides, I was planning to move to the US, anyways,”
“And leave me and Tae here? Wow, you’re such a considerate friend, you know,” Jungkook saw Jimin pout, and smiled.
It was really a miracle that he made his first two friends ever while his second year, here at SNU. Jimin loved pets, and was practicing to become a vet, while Taehyung was – kind of – crazy, and even scared Jungkook the first time he met him. He’s pretty sure Tae would’ve set the lab on fire if Jungkook hadn’t studied chemical properties before his class. At first, he hated it when both of them would tag along, following him to lunch, inviting themselves into his mansion, and forcing him to go to the arcade with them – but soon, he had learned to love being around them.
While looking around for Tae, so he could finally break the news of him leaving, his eyes landed on your figure. Now, Jungkook had never believed in love at first sight. Hell, he didn’t even believe in love, so, love at first sight seemed a little – well, impossible. But here you were, the reason why Jungkook felt like his heart was going to come out of his ribcage, it felt as if Jungkook had been struck by cupid, because the way you looked so adorable in your pink dress had left Jungkook feeling giddy. Seoul had a lot of pretty girls, he saw them every day, some of them even deserved to be on the cover of Vogue – but you, you were different, Something about you, your vibe, your pink cheeks and eyes that curled up when you smiled, something about you was difference.
Jungkook looked down at his letter of quitting, and simply tore it down when saw your figure leave the cafeteria.
“I can’t believe this, you see one of the first years, and suddenly, you want to stay?” Jimin shouts and slams his fat book on the table, muttering curse words.
Intimidating the first years – ragging, as they called it – had always been Jungkook’s favourite thing to do. Every year he’d either make them do ridiculous tasks, like eating a living goldfish, or running around the block naked. However, this time, it was different.
He made sure he entered the class taught by the foreign professor, so he could sneak in a couple of threats without making too much of a scene in front of the directors. As he excused himself in the full class, he couldn’t help but be glad that he looked quite… intimidating today. Everyone was already, well, scared of him, but his leather jacket, motorbike, and bandages on his fingers (which are actually there because he hurt his fingers by writing too much – not from the constant fights that people think he’s immersed into), they just add to his picture.
“There’s a medical camp soon for freshmen, so I would like to make an announcement,” Jungkook smiles, but everyone can sense the chilly aura underneath that smile, “I would also like to speak in Korean, since they’re mostly fluent in it,”
“Yes, Mr. Jeon, you may continue,” the British Professor smiles back – she can’t deny him, he’s her co-worker now, after all.
“Listen to me carefully,” Jungkook lets his tongue poke his inner cheek, as he brushes back his – way too long – hair, “I’m not going to repeat this in English, and that dumbass shouldn’t get a clue of what I’m saying,” he says as he nods politely at the professor on the slightly lifted stage. Once he confirms that she can’t understand a word, he turns her back towards her, and walks across the class, staring at everyone with a predatory look in his dark eyes.
“There’s a new girl, freshman, she’s mine. Other than her, you can woo any girl you like, but if I even so catch anyone staring at her, let alone trying to get on those cute study dates, or pretending to be in the same hobbies as her,” he looks across the stadium, “you’ll end up in bandages. With a failing grade in my class.”
Jungkook can’t help but present a fake smile, “don’t look so scared, idiots, you don’t want her,” he nods off to the professor, “to think I’m saying something wrong,”
“Why does it sound like a threat?” A nameless teenager from the back speaks up, which makes Jungkook’s smile slide off faster than sound travels.
“I’m not threatening you. I’m warning you. Besides, don’t even try to outsmart me, don’t worry new girls come in every year, you’ll have your chances. Now don’t sulk, or look suspicious. Circulate this message around, I don’t have enough time to go to every single unit,” he scans everyone’s face again, making sure they digested his new given information.
Once he’s satisfied, he convert back to English, “Good luck with the camp, guys. Meet you in my class tomorrow,” and with one last threatening smile, he’s gone.
“What did he say? Why did it sound like a threat?” the teacher joked once Jungkook left, and the class couldn’t help but immediately deny the threatening tone. After all, no one wanted to face Jeon Jungkook’s wrath.
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Your nervous jitters were still present, and you don’t want to admit, but you did tear up a little when you saw your parent’s car become smaller and smaller as it continued to drive down the road, till it finally is so far that you can’t even make it out with your eyes.
While most people had roommates of their own year, you were stuck with a sophomore and you didn’t exactly know whether that was a good thing, or a bad one. She had made very clear about what side of room was hers, and why it was hers, and how you’re not even allowed to get onto her side – and that did make you a little annoyed, because how could someone be so pretentious, but throughout the span of three days, the pretentious-ness was definitely wearing out. She’d cook dinner for you every day, because you didn’t have a rice cooker and she did (which, you really needed to invest in a rice cooker because you can pretty much cook anything in that fucker), and she was amazing at giving advice for every single teacher out there. You still had to get used to her high use of curse words, but it’s just what made her, her.
“Oh damn, you got the worst professors out there, bro you better goddamn pull your socks up, otherwise things aren’t gonna look pretty this semester,” you heard her chuckle, as she sits on her bed with one leg on top of the other.
“Why? Who’s so bad?”
Fucking hell. You already had had enough of bad teachers, it’s almost like you were cursed because your high school teachers were literally out to get you – but you guess it was a blessing in disguise because that just made you work even harder (just to spite them, hah), and you somehow ended up here, at SNU, one of the most prestigious colleges in Korea.
“It’s actually not all that bad, you got Mr. Lee for microbiology. He isn’t all that bad, but just don’t sit in the front row unless you want spit on your face every time he talks. I swear it’s like he had a motherfucking fountain in his mouth. Also, he loves it when you submit your papers with a perfect format, so do that whenever you give his weekly assignments,” She says, all while applying on a red blood coloured nail polish.
You study your schedule once again, “What about Mr. Kang?”
“No fucking absolute way! You got Mr. Kang? Bitch, seems like the universe is tryna fuck you over,” she says, and then mumbles a curse when some of the rid pigment ends up on her skin.
“Is he bad? Strict?” you can’t help but already be scared of the semester, and it hasn’t even started yet.
“He’s the most pretentious fucker you’ll ever meet, he just thinks he’s the best professor because he graduated from Oxford. Big woo, motherfucker. Half of his class fails pretty much, the only two people to walk out of his class with an A* grade were this kid named Baek-woo or something, and of course, Jeon Jungkook,”
Jeon Jungkook. You swear you’ve seen that name before. Oh wait, ohhh, he was your biochemistry professor.
“Jeon Jungkook? He’s also a professor?” you look at your perfectly squared schedule, and you have his classes thrice a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
“You got him?”
“Don’t know if I should call you lucky or not, because I have no clue what he teaches like. All I know is he’s fucking crazy good at everything, and that he’s super-hot. Not that he’s really interested in any girls, also I personally think he’s mental or something,” your roommate had finally finished painting her feet, and was now letting them sway in the air, and dry.
She spent the next hour talking about Jungko- Professor Jeon was basically a murder, a thug, a gang member or whatever even. You just laughed at the thought of it all.
First day, and you’re more nervous than you intended to be. It wasn’t going well, at all.  You had decided to look chic today, with your new (way too expensive) designer blazer, and your nude high heels, but here you were, sitting in the fourth row, wearing a red polka dress that made you look like a freshman. A high school freshman, not a college freshman.
You cursed yourself for buying a fake version of the nude heels (also, you could feel a tear forming in your eyes when you saw the heel broken, when you finally unpacked your belongings, but you sucked it right back in), you also wished your roommate was dead, because now you were sitting on your bed with a coffee stain on your blazer (no amounts of sorry could fix this disaster).
Also, you couldn’t help but notice an ungodly amount of stares thrown at you – not from hate, but just from sheer curiosity, and you were just so self-conscious because of it all, that you slipped from the last few stairs down the hostel causing your bare knees to get the nastiest scrape. Fuck, that’s going to hurt.
So when you finally settled in your Biochemistry class, you couldn’t help but well, be scared. There were rumours of Jeon Jungkook, your new teacher to be. Rumours that he used to be in a gang and dealt with drugs, and underground fights. There was a rumour that he once put a room to fire, killing almost 50 people. Also, that one time when he came to school with bandages on his hands – probably because he punched people to death, or hospitalizing them. There are rumours about him running over people on his motorcycle as well, and you can’t help but be extra conscious about this class, in fact you wouldn’t even have opt for it in the first place if you knew that Jeon Jungkook was the one teaching it. But, even since you’ve transferred, you’ve just told yourself that these were just rumours, and not everything is the truth.
Till now. He entered the class, probably not following the teacher’s dress code – you were pretty positive that leather jackets and ripped jeans weren’t exactly allowed, but he just looked so hot good, that you could let it slide. His stare lingered on you for quite a while, and you couldn’t help but fidget in your seat, avoiding eye contact.
“You, in the fourth row,”
You could see him pointing at you, but you just internally wished that it wasn’t actually, well you, that he was calling. Looking around, you see several other people in your row, maybe he was pointing towards the girl on your left that looked way more presentable than you.  Or maybe it was the boy on your left with glasses way too big for his face.
“You, in the red polka dot dress, come here,” Professor Jeon looked at you, and smiled? Why would he smile when he looked at you?
(You also quickly dismissed the thought that he has the cutest bunny smile you’ve ever seen, where his eyes crinkle slightly, and his cheeks bunch up – because that’s just inappropriate, even though the age gap isn’t that big.)
He quickly examines your knees, and you swear you see a flash of surprise (and worry?), and before you can register what is going on, he kneels down in front of you, and clicks his tongue, as if wanting to scold you.
“Sit here, in the front row where I can see you,” he says, after a few seconds of inspecting your new injury, and as you adjust yourself, you can’t help but be uncomfortable from the gazes of your classmates that disappear as soon as Professor Jeon starts teaching. Getting into SNU was a nightmare, and you weren’t going to let yourself fail any classes, but instead of listening to what Jungkook was teaching – which but the way, he taught way better than any of the other staff there. But his stare. His stare was terrifying.
His aura was definitely dangerous, and red sirens were bursting in your head, telling you to keep your distance from him. His deathly stare seemed anything but inviting, and when the boy to your right asked you about the syllabus, you couldn’t help but shiver under Jungkook’s Professor Jeon’s glare. He spent the next ten minutes shouting at the poor boy, who looked as if he was about to faint any second now. Scary.
Ever since, you’ve been avoiding any contact with him, even purposely ignoring him when he asked you what happened to your knee. (You tell yourself that his sad puppy face doesn’t bother you but in reality, it breaks your heart, and every time you try to sleep, it haunts you. (You then remind yourself about the numerous rumours he’s into, and the last thing you want to get in between is drama and romance)).
The first time Jungkook heard your name was through Taehyung (no, he wasn’t jealous that Tae knew your name before him, but he couldn’t help but want to reverse back time, just so he could learn your name before Taehyung did. Why did Tae know your name before he did?), and your name was on his tongue the entire day. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, all he could think about was how your hair would feel when he would brush his fingers through it, how your hand would fit into his, how you would look in his oversized t-shirts. (Occasionally, he would also think how you would look, laying on his bed, underneath him – but the sheer thought of it gets him hot and bothered and what not, and he doesn't have the time to be fooling around, that too, with a student).
So when he saw you sitting with one hand on top of the other, in his class, he couldn’t help the smile when his eyes landed on you, you just looked so, so adorable in your little dress. The thought of you being away from him, just killed him inside so he had to ask you to sit in the front row, where he could look at you as much as he wants to, all while teaching his class. Of course, he saw red in his eyes when he saw your knees tainted with blood, and all he wanted was to wrap a bandage on it, he couldn’t bear to look at you, sitting in pain – but for once in his life, he was considerate and thought that you might not want the uninvited attention.
That consideration came to bite him in the ass, because you left before you could hear him, and as he saw you blend into the crowd, he couldn’t help but curse under his breath and want to punch the next person he sees.
There’s a lot that Jungkook changes throughout the first week of classes, he attaches a second seat to the end of his motorbike (because when you both start dating, he’ll have to take you around), and even cuts his long hair – in case you don’t like it, it could grow back anyways. He always has a packet of your favourite chocolate in the left pocket of his bag (no, he didn’t threaten the guy at the nearest 7/11 to tell him the candy you’ve been buying lately (he also denies the fact that he bought three plushies for you, that are currently sitting on his side table (the white rabbit with red cheeks reminds him a lot of you))). He can’t, but he tries to smoke way less, tries to buy less cigarettes, tries to chew gum instead, or drink more water. And he would never admit it, but he took a photo of your student profile, and set it as his wallpaper. Jimin and Taehyung exchange a couple of looks after discovering this fact, but don't say anything about it - none of their business, right?
Being an undergrad professor also has it’s perks, he can look at all your records, and well, currently, you’re failing Mr. Kang’s class – anatomy 101. Finally, a fucking excuse to talk to you, because the way you basically run after his class ends makes him think you’re avoiding him? But you wouldn’t do that to him… right?
Because of you, Jungkook has been rocking some Massive dark circles (with a capital M, because boy, they are blue and way too dark in comparison to his actual skin tone), the only reason being your existence and all he does is Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, while tossing in his bed at 3AM, thinking of how you smiled when he tried to crack a joke in the class, thinking of your pushing his fingers through your hair, thinking of how you fumbled with your thumbs before mumbling your answer to his sudden question.
“So, Y/N, what do you think out of all these,” he motions towards the options, “does not act as a restriction enzyme?”
He just wanted to coo over how your thumbs fought with each other, as you tried (key word, tried), to answer his really easy question. (It actually wasn’t even that easy, you were just too scared to get anything below a B in Professor Jeon’s class, so you ended up studying two chapters ahead of your syllabus – despite his fast pace). So, you knew the answer was Polydeoxtribonucleotide synthase, but for the love of god, you just couldn’t pronounce that word.  
“It’s, uh, polydetr-,” you swear your breath was knocked out when he started walking towards you, oh God, why was he walking towards you?
“Yes, continue,” he smiles while standing, literally right in front of you. How does he expect you to answer when he’s looking at you as if you have all the answers of the universe. As if you were, I don’t know, Aphrodite or something.
“Uh, it’s the option D,”
“And that is?”
That motherfucker. He knew you couldn’t pronounce it.
“Polydo-“ you were positive that at this point you weren’t even breathing.
“Hey, just take a deep breath and try again,” He said, while taking your left hand in his own, and massaged it. You were positive everyone in the lab was looking at you, but their stares didn’t even compare to your hot teacher’s burning gaze.
“Poly-deo-,” you take a breath in,”x-tribo-nucleotide synthase,”
“That’s right, the answer is Polydeoxtribonucleotide synthase,” Jungkook says without having any trouble with the word, and before he gets away from you, he smiles in your direction, and says, “Good girl,”
You’re left to yourself wondering if this is a dream or if that just happened.
Jungkook’s day was going just terrible. His landlord had to be the cheapest bastard he knows, who just wouldn’t fix the water system, so for a week he was basically stuck with showering with ice cold water. On top of that, he was wearing a bruise on the left side of his face, it was all red and blue because last night he was too drunk to notice his book shelf that he installed last week.
He was supposed to be in the cafeteria right now, because at approximately 1:30 PM, your stupid microbiology class ended, and you headed straight to lunch after that, before your anatomy class. It had been, well give or take, around two weeks since the semester started, and he thought he would get over you soon, but you were just so goddamn adorable, and cute, and all Jungkook ever wanted was to squish your cheeks and press your body closer to his.
He finally reached the bustling cafeteria, ugh, he absolutely hated the noise there – so he never really ate there, preferring the quite café around the corner, but he knew you were on some sort of dumb student meal plan that only profits the university, and not actually you.
He’s expecting to find you sitting with your laptop (with a red smiley star sticker on the top right, which is just goddamn adorable (and no, that definitely isn’t the reason why Jungkook too, has a red smiley star sticker on his laptop now)). But you’re there, with some random ugly boy’s arm sprawled over your shoulder, as you giggle repeatedly at his bad jokes.
He sits on the table on your right and loudly slams his old anatomy book, before taking a seat. Here he was, all prepared with notes on what you were failing, all ready to teach you what you didn’t understand, spending all night making flashcards (he also ripped that one flashcard where on one side he wrote, “Will you go out with me?” and the other side blank, so you could write your response. He argues with himself that it wasn’t because he was shy or scared you’d say no – it was because it’s too cheesy).
His blood just boils when he sees you not removing – he finds out the boy’s name is Kim Seokjin – his ugly hand from your own, and just gets up and walks away after you giggle for the nth time on his not even funny jokes.
(Later that night, Jungkook tells himself he’s way better than that Seokjin bastard, even if Seokjin’s skin is flawless, and even if he has a handsome smile, and even if he can cook, and even if he can make you smile. Jungkook couldn’t have flawless hands because of all the callouses he has from writing too much, and his bruises might take a while to heal (he even puts an icepack on them now), and he could learn how to cook something other than instant noodles, and he could learn some jokes from the internet. He could be better than Seokjin, he would be better than anyone for you).
You love the feeling when things go perfect, and today was just so perfect. You fried an egg, all round a perfect circle and the yolk didn’t even break – which it always does when you flip it. Then, you sharpened a pencil and somehow the nib came out more than perfect, which made you all giggly and what not. Everyone in your friends circle at this point knew that you were the biggest hoe for cute stationery. Then, your anatomy class got cancelled and you were just so happy, and you even made a new friend today, Kim Seokjin.
You were a little uncomfortable when he smoothly glided his right arm over your shoulder, but he was just so funny, and he bought you the special menu items today – so you couldn’t even complain. After all, you really looked at him as a big brother because all he talked about was how his roommate was a complete asshole.
(“I told him to get me some water – which he should, because I’m older than him, and he should totally respect me,” he says, with an exaggerated and exasperated sigh.
“And he did what?”
“He brought a glass full of ice and told me to wait,”)
The one thing that you were, in fact really over thinking was about that one professor of yours. Jeon Jungkook. As you let the water cascade down your body in the tiny (really tiny) cubicle of the washroom that you shared with your roommate, Hye-jin.
“I noticed Kook looking at you in the cafeteria that day, y’know the whole campus is talking about it,”
“Uh, yeah, it’s kind of hard not to notice,”
“I’m guessing you don’t know about the whole speech he gave in that one class at the start of the semester?”
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Jungkook doesn’t really believes in love at first sight, but after stalking you on social media, he knew he was a goner for you. (Especially after that one video of yours where you’re trying to pet a dog, but the dog runs away, and you end up pouting at the camera. (Yes, he screen recorded the video and watched it a billion times before sleeping)). 
He has never had the urge to protect someone other than himself, and maybe his friends. But you, it was different with you – he doesn’t know if it was the small chub in your cheeks, or the way your ears would turn red when he would ask you something, or the way you would walk, or the way you slapped your thigh when you laughed, or the aroma of your citrus shampoo when you would walk past him, or your habit of getting coming down to the convenience store to grab ramen every Thursday night at 10 PM. 
He doesn’t know it, but he knows he’s meant to love you, meant to keep you in his life, meant to be yours, and meant to make you his.  
He has endured, yet another week where he hasn’t talked to you – and not gonna lie, it’s actually driving him crazy. Every day he sees you talking to Seokjin and laughing with others, while he sits and does nothing other than gawk at you.
During class, while he did occasionally glance your way, he still has 73 students to teach, and this being his first year as a teacher, he can’t afford any sort of mishaps at all.
But every man on this Earth has their limits. And Jungkook’s limit was watching Seokjin kiss your cheek. While you did (playfully) punch him on the shoulder, and you did shout out ‘Gross!’, Jungkook was sure that you definitely didn’t mean that punch, and you definitely didn’t think he was gross.
Did you think that Jungkook was gross? Why didn’t you ever visit him during office hours? Because every single girl in his class was sure to meet him for some dumb question, or to ask for extra credit. But you didn’t. Did you like Seokjin? Did you like someone else?
The next time he sees you is on Friday, during his class and he just knows, he knows he can’t go through today without talking to you, and the only way to do that is to-
“Y/N, could you stay after class, please?” he says, without even giving you a glance.
You mutter a silent yes, and keep your head down for the rest of the class, trying your best to ignore the mumbles of the class, talking about you and why you get to be treated different from others.
“You wanted to talk to me?” you say as you walk around the long table, running your fingers along the marble shelf.
“Do you wanna go out with me?”
What. What the heck?
You chuckle, thinking it’s some sort of sick prank he’s playing, you wait for him to say ‘Sike!’ but it never comes. Then you think that maybe, just maybe he does actually want to take you out? No. No way, he probably just wants to get alone with you in an alley, where he would kill you – or even worse, sell you off.
“No, thank you. If that’s all, am I allowed to go?” you say all this, in the smallest, most polite voice possible, after all the last thing you wanted was to piss off your professor. (who might be in a gang, who knows at this point?)
“What? Why?” he says, almost panicked, and you hear a shuffle of items as he makes his way to you, trying to watch you before you leave again. He sees your face morphed into an expression of extreme boredom. Fuck, he had to do something, quick.
“Not to be rude, but Professor, I just don’t think it’s right – or even allowed for us to date,” you say, trying your best not to look at him, shuffling your bag on your shoulder, because fuck, he looked so sad – his eyes almost looked glassy, fuck, fuck, fuck.
“You don’t have to date Professor Jeon, you can just date me as the graduate student here. I’m, still a student here, Y/N,”
“And? You’re also like four years older than me,”
“Three years,” he says, pouting. Ugh, he’s so cute.
“That doesn’t make it any better,”
“It doesn’t?” he sighs.
“No, I’m still your student, and you’re still my teacher,”
“Tell me, Y/N, did you take chemistry in high school?” he asks, while quickly walking to the back and mixing some chemicals that he definitely wasn’t supposed to touch without gloves on.
“Yes, why?”
“Well, I’m currently holding, uh it’s either Acetonitrile or Iodine mixed with Vitamin C,” he says, and you can see both the liquids, which he mixes together without a worry in the world.
“And? Professor Jeon, what are you going to do?” you walk over to him, slower than ever, taking one step at a time.
‘Please, call me Jungkook. Or Kook, if you feel like it,” he gives you one of his signature smiles, that you should be used to by now – but you just get flustered every time.
“Now, will you go out with me?” he asks again, this time in a much more hopeful tone.
“No,” you say, drawing out the ‘o’, when will get the clue?
“Fine, I guess I’ll just drink this,” he looks at the two glass beakers in his hands, and pours the both of them into a much bigger glass container, “and die,”
You scoff, thinking he’s bluffing, “Yeah, yeah, go on,”
Of course, he’s bluffing because there is no absolute way that he’ll be mad enough to drink goddamn Acetonitrile, unless he wants his cardiovascular system, central nervous system, liver and kidneys to, I don’t know, stop working.
“I’ll ask this again, Y/N, just one date, will you go out with me?” he says, while picking up the glass container, closer to his face, and you actually want to play this game till the end. No way is he going to drink this.
“Okay then,” he puts his lips on the container, and by now, you’ve actually started to get a bit scared. What if he does it? What if this crazy idiot actually drinks the fatal formula?
And then it happens. He drinks it. He fucking drinks it.
“What the fuck? Jungkook!”
“I’ll ask you again, will you go out with me?” he says after taking the biggest gulp ever. Is this his way of attempting suicide?
“Yes! Yes, oh god, I’ll go out with you!”
“Don’t say it like you’re doing me a favour,” he says, attempting to take another sip of the deadly liquid.
“No! I- Can you stop doing that? Stop drinking it! I’ll go out with you. In fact, I want to go out with you! Really!” you shout, trying to take the container away from him, scared shitless.
“Fuck, do I call 911?” you say, as you attempt to take your phone out of your 110 pound heavy bag. Then you hear him chuckle and throw away the remaining odourless, colourless solution.
“Relax, it was just water, I was just trying to scare you, but hey! You’ve agreed to a date with me, so it’s a win-win isn’t it?” Jungkook smiles sloppily, perching his elbow up on the table and letting his chin rest in his palm.
You can’t believe him. You really can’t.
You pretend to pick something up from the floor, “Professor, it seems you dropped something on the floor,”
“What?” he tries to look at your hand, to see what’s there, and just as you get his attention, you smack him across the face.
“Your common sense, you moron! What the hell were you thinking? Even if that was water, this could have traces of some really harmful chemicals and you ought to know better because you’re a goddamn teacher how could you be so careless you could have actually died-”
“But I didn’t, and now you’re going out with me,”
You can’t help the smile that creeps on your face, as your eyes glass up. You really had thought that he was going to die, or at the very least – harm himself severely.
“You’re so dumb, Jeon,” you say as you punch him, trying to suck your tears right back in – but they weren’t co-operating at all, and you let them fall down across your cheeks, causing Jungkook’s, breath to hitch up as soon as he sees them.
“Wait, wait, wait, are you crying? No, please don’t cry! Oh no, oh, I didn’t mean to… I was trying to make you laugh…” Jungkook says as his heart runs at 850 BMP a minute, trying to caress your face, trying to stop the tears from filling your eyes.
“What kind of sick-o would laugh at their professor dying? Are you mental?” you choke out, while trying your god-darn best to stop crying, because he was very much alive and right in front of you.
“I’m sorry, oh god, what should I do? What do girls like?” Jungkook was absolutely mortified. The first time he has ever talked to you – and he manages to make you cry. He totally royally fucked up. Big time.
He almost googled, ‘how to stop girl from crying’ and reading the wiki-how page, but decided against it, and hugged you – because that’s what his therapist told him to do when he hurts his loved ones. He would never – it wasn’t in him to physically ever hurt you. He couldn’t even bear the thought of that ever, and so when he did hug you, your sobbing decreased by a lot, and he felt much much better. Also, after holding you in his embrace, he realized how much he needed you to be next to him – to say Jungkook was touch starved is an extreme understatement, he loved the way he could you fit under him, the way your hair had a citrusy aroma, the way your arms hugged him back, it was comfortable. And Jungkook was positive that he could stay like this forever – if needed to.
You didn’t realize when he hugged you, but when he did, you were finally over the shock of thinking your crazy, dumb and hot professor had actually had some water instead of some deadly chemicals – and you weren’t the cause of his death. You wanted to hate him, but how could you? How could you just judge him upon some rumours that were just there to fit in the pieces of his live that he wouldn’t let other people know?
“I- I have a faculty meeting in five minutes,” you hear him speak, the vibration passing through his body – shaking you with it.
You clear your throat before letting go, and can’t help but feel the embarrassment rise out of you, in the form of red cheeks. You keep your head down, as he walks out the door of the lab, leaving you behind – but right before he leaves, he reminds you of your current situation, “Can’t wait for our date, sweets!”
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From Unknown Number
[1:38 AM]
r u sleeping
this is kook btw
To Prof JK
[1:40 AM]
how did u get my num??????
also do u not THINK before assigning all this hw :(
From Prof JK
[1:41 AM]
u should be sleeping rn bby
all i assigned was some reading???? and some worksheets????  
is it too much????
im so sry
To Prof JK
[1:50 AM]
well i do have a life outside of hw yknow
also im a huge procrastinator lmao
From Prof JK
[1:51 AM]
:( why r u taking so long to reply
r u busy
r u sleepy
also what life???? i’ve only ever seen u either at the library or the internet café down the street
whats my name saved in ur conatcts ;)))))
i saved urs as princess <3
To Prof JK
[1:54 AM]
it’s prof jk
From Prof JK
[1:55 AM]
thats boring :( im ur future bf now
also wanted to remind u the date is tomo so be ready
You don’t think before you change his name to Kook ‘Jungkook’.
To Jungkook
[1:57 AM]
oh yea how could i forget the fact that u tried to fake poison urself
also what?? date???
From Jungkook
[1:58 AM]
first of all, im so sry abt that i’ll buy u ur fav chocos
second of all, BRO
To Jungkook
[2:01 AM]
i guess i changed my mind lololol
From Jungkook
[2:02 AM]
look i know its weird some nuts prof asks u to go on a date with him
i know u don’t know me
but i know me
and i know i would do anything 4 u
i’ll be anything u want me to be
i can be smart
i can be funny too
i can try to cook for u maybe???? some pasta???
i could dance 4 u?????
To Jungkook
[2:06 AM]
no offense prof, but u seem so stiff
no way u can dance
From Jungkook
[2:08 AM]
is that a challenge…???
just tell me what u want and i’ll be that for u
To Jungkook
[2:09 AM]
u r dumb
From Jungkook
[2:10 AM]
i could be that
if u want me to be
come on, just ONE date i promise i’ll leave u alone after that if u don’t like it
To Jungkook
[2:13 AM]
mm… sis i guess u should start to figure something out then
bcz this aint good enough
see ya
From Jungkook
[2:14 AM]
ugh i cant force but :( pls?
istg itll be the best day of ur life
To Jungkook
[2:15 AM]
yea ok whatever u say im not going anywhere with u
From Jungkook
[2:16 AM]
Don’t think too mucb about me
To Jungkook
[2:18 AM]
In ur dreams
From Jungkook
[2:32 AM]
oh u do come in my dreams ;))
✓ Seen by princess <3 
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The next couple of days, you get some… gifts from a not so secret admirer. And you definitely didn’t change him name from ‘Prof Jeon’, to ‘Jungkook,’ to ‘Jungkookie <3’ in the span of 11 days. (And you most definitely didn’t feel giddy from inside every time you received a notification that read, ‘One New Message from Jungkookie <3’.
“You’re not very subtle, Professor Jeon,” you stay around after his class, watching him put away his books in is leather back. You can tell he was surprised by your action of staying back, but you had to put a stop to what was happening.
The next morning after he texted you for the first time, you had a Huge – with a capital H – bouquet of red roses, and you’ll admit you teared up a bit after looking at it, after all it was your first time receiving flowers from a boy (or man? (a man that was actual eye candy, but you’ll never admit that)).
Two days later,
From Jungkookie <3
[1:53 AM]
look outside
To Jungkookie <3
[1:54 AM]
dont tell me u r outside dumbass its like 2am
Lo and behold, Jungkook’s standing in the middle of the road, holding a single red rose and smiling. There’s a stark difference between his current self, and his demeanour during class – now the moonlight hits his unmade fluffy hair and cheeks, making him look years younger than he is. You can’t help but shout, ‘You idiot! You’ll catch a cold!’ while probably waking up several angry sleep deprived students in the process, but you can’t help but laugh at the way he dances for you. On this cold, lonely night, he brought you the warmth you didn’t know you needed.
It seemed that after that, Jungkook and you were the talk of the town, people would wait for both of you to get together, place bets on when you would finally say yes to him. On the other hand, you received candies from him, you had access to the teacher’s lounge coffee (which was honestly a huge plus point, now you could save five dollars on watery coffee, and have some actual caffeine), and he had pre-paid the 7/11 dude $500 in cash, so he wouldn’t even accept your payments now. The one thing that you actually appreciated him the most for was that he made you flashcards for Mr. Kang’s class (which you were failing, real bad), and while it wasn’t much, you still bumped you ‘F’ to a ‘D’, that just remained the highlight of your goddamn month.
To Jungkookie <3
[2:08 PM]
From Jungkookie <3
[2:09 PM]
hi baby girl
:( i’ve noticed u r cursing a lot nowadays
To Jungkookie <3
[2:11 PM]
i’ve noticed u calling me baby lately but u don't see me whining so stfu
i mean i still kinda failed but it’s not a F
From Jungkookie <3
[2:13 PM]
im so proud of u, u r so so so smart
:( i wonder if u would let me teach u maybe???? tutor u???
✓ Seen 2:15 PM by princess <3
One of his much, much grander displays of affections was, well, kind of weird, he bought you a penguin. You were a proud, and extremely happy mother of a cute penguin named Otis.
From Jungkook <3
[9:07 AM]
ok but what would u want as a pet
To Jungkook <3
[10:38 AM]
You knew it must’ve cost him a fortune, and his job as a professor must not be enough, but you had always dreamed of being able to hold the certificate of your baby, and be able to monitor it, and be able to be the one to feed it (well, not literally). And he had to pay for his own grad school fees, which must be a total nightmare on its own – here you were, in his class, waiting for him to pack up so you could maybe pay him back a little?
By no means could you afford a $3000 penguin, but you could maybe ask him if there’s something you could do?
“So, Prof, how would you like me to re-pay you?” you honestly half expected a sex joke on his part – maybe because he looks like a fuckboy on steroids and snorts a lot of protein powder before hitting the gym.
“Um, maybe a hug?”
Oh. Ohhhh. Oh. Unexpected. Okay. Calm yourself down.
“A hug?” you tried not to look at his face, because you knew if you did, it would be hard, way too hard to be able to resist him. You knew he was all dangerous, and bad boy and what not – but, this man, the one with the bunny smile and the fluffy hair, and the one who smelled more like freshly baked bread rather than the axe cologne spray you had imagine, he wasn’t a gang member or a delinquent. He was simply asking for love.
“Why a hug?”
“Just… never really hugged anyone properly,” Jungkook knew he wasn’t asking for much. He could’ve asked for a date, or a kiss, or just anything, but all he wanted was to hold you.
It had been a hard week for him. Being a grad student wasn’t easy no matter how many hours of study you pull in, and no matter how much knowledge you attained – while he was way better off than his peers – he knew he couldn’t afford the failure – he was just starting to feel less and less like a human, and more like a robot. Also, it wasn’t easy to be an undergraduate professor – in fact, it was fucking hell. Your peers, and the entire fucking batch was just so hopelessly dumb – he doesn’t want to admit but he even cringes at some of the mistakes you made (who mixes up chemicals! They’re the most difficult to mess up!) and he hated it when he would just have to give you a ‘C,’ instead of the ‘A,’ you actually deserved (because you’re so smart and he can see it! But you’re also so stubborn, sigh).
Lately, it seems like without his therapist, life just seemed more difficult. When he looks at the broken pencils, the pieces of wood sitting on his table, the teared up paper, and the headache he was constantly in – he’s taken back to the 12 year old Jungkook who couldn’t control his hands, who did nothing but hurt those around him. He looks at his hands, he hates them, they hurt people without his permission. 
Sometimes, he would cry, because why couldn’t he simply control himself? Why did his anger, the red in his eyes, the strength of his arm always win over his subconscious and ability to think correct? Why couldn’t he simply re-do a question he got wrong instead of breaking pencils and tearing up everything apart? Why were there numerous holes in the wall covered by posters? Why did this animalistic rage always win over him? Why him?
Jungkook spends the night dreaming of actually being able to help patients, and operating instead of simply… being useless.
So, in that moment, he just wanted comfort. Simple as that. He doesn’t recall anyone ever hugging him in his life, maybe half sided hugs from coaches and professor, or the ones that Tae forces onto him, but other than that, Jungkook has never had an interest in physical contact with people – always thinking it was way showing vulnerability, but with you, he just wanted to be normal.
He didn’t want you to know him as the weird, crazy idiot with anger management issues, or the druggie who smokes weed 24/7, he just wanted you to know him as the real Jungkook he is. The real Jungkook who has iron man socks, and has a fear of microwaves.
So when you do hug him, and feel his arms by your side, and you can’t help but want to stay this way. Surprisingly, it isn’t you who breaks the hug, and you actually want more of it, more of that soft feel of his black shirt against your cheek, more of his hard arms closing you in, more of his warmth.
You clear your throat, and… you don’t know what to do.
“So, um, thanks y’know f-for Otis. You really didn’t have to, I mean I appreciate it I really do, it was more than anything anyone’s every done for me y’know? So like, um, yeah, I uh-“ you mentally curse yourself, just stop speaking already.
“You named it Otis? That’s such a basic penguin name,” Jungkook chuckles, hoping to make you even slightly mad, and the fact that you looked at him with an expression of shock and anger just added to his satisfaction.
Just like that, the awkward layer in the air no longer lingers, and settles to soft banter, something you enjoyed.
“Excuse me? It’s like, the cutest name ever, and whoever thinks against that is a total meathe-“
“I’ve never seen someone be angry and look adorable at the same time,”
“Well, mama didn’t raise no bitch, I will adorably kick your ass, Jungkook,”
“On a first name basis now? Guess I’m making progress,”
“I hate you so much,”
And now twelve minutes and seventeen seconds later, here you both were, sitting on the bench outside the local 7/11, sharing an egg and ham sandwich.
By no means did Jungkook ever mean to have his first lunch with you like this, he had planned it all out, first date, 100 day anniversary, his first ‘I love you,’ speech, the gift for your birthday in January – he didn’t expect to sit on the side of the road at the old, rusty (and really uncomfortable) bench, eating a one dollar sandwich.
You make fun of Jungkook after his high five got rejected by a passing by 5 year old-ish kid with his mom.
“He hates me,” Jungkook pouts and looks at his left hand with such sorrow and anguish that you can’t help but let the laughter bubbling in your throat let out.
“He was like 5,”
“Still, he totally ignored me as if I didn’t exist,”
You don’t even realise three hours pass by, as both, you and Jungkook (two nerds united together), talk about politics, how absolutely terrible Mr. Kang is (you laughed for three solid minutes after Jungkook tried to mimic his sneer), he basically forces you to let him tutor you in anatomy, because he just can’t see you not get an A next time (you scoff and act as if you’re doing him a favour by saying yes, while from inside you screaming happily only because now your grades will be much, much higher – you’re definitely not happy because you’ll have to spend more time with the funny, cute, really nice and just overall hot guy that smells so good).
“Oh my God,” Jungkook says as he extends an arm and feels the light rain on his palm, “it’s probably going to rain soon,”
You don’t pay too much heed until 5 minutes later, it’s turns into an intense round of teardrops on the concrete under you, and you’re left to whine about how you’ll walk till your dorm – and there was no way you were going to get a taxi because you literally lived two streets away from the store.
“Let’s dance in the rain,” Jungkook runs into the narrow street, without a care in the world, and you’re left contemplating whether you should join him or not.
“I thought you were sort of mental, but now I’m fully sure your mom dropped you on the head when you were a baby,” you shout from the bench, hoping he can hear your voice despite the loud splat of each raindrop when it meets the ground.
“Join me,” he says as he tries to pull your hand lightly, hoping you would come on your own, and while you haven’t had fun in the rain since you were a child, you can’t help but want to relive the feeling of the cold water hitting you, not knowing where you end up at.
Jungkook ends up leading you, and you both end up doing a sloppy couple’s dance with his hands on your waist, and yours on his shoulders. You look into his eyes and see a childish charm, you see an affection and a purity in his smile, in the cute not so perfect teeth he possessed, and you can’t help but smile. You had never had things come to you, you were never used to this, never used you things happening to you, for you.
After a good fifteen minutes of fooling around, he ends up walking you back to the dorm – both of you a mess, with clothes clinging to your bodies, webbed fingers, wet hair and sore cheeks from smiling too much. Somehow, you didn’t want to be apart from the boy who waved you goodbye, and you don’t end up closing the door until he goes down the stairs and you can’t see his figure anymore.
To Jungkookie <3
[6:17 PM]
im gonna have to use an entire tub of conditioner to make my hair not feel like hay
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PART TWO WILL COME OUT SOON XO (there will only be 3 parts).
also, just so everyone knows I absolutely adore jin, no bashing towards him, as once @kpopyandere​ said, and I quote: For real the closest I’ve ever been to believing in god is seeing Kim seokjin’s face. Only something divine could’ve created that.
I absolutely loved writing this even though it seems like it’s all over the place kind of lol. Been super insecure of my writing lately 🥺❤️ give me validation 🤩 jk but do let me know if you liked something or if u liked something in particular or idk also lmao sry there's no smut ;))))) wait for part two
taglist: @blkjmn​ @patpus​ @vantedollz​ @letmebeyour-sun​ @zeharilisharaban​ @hpnjrph​ @livewittykid​ @yzkyzkuniverse​ @nochuactivate​ @international-kpopfan​ @gvksp4ce​ @girlontheblock​ @kisskoos​ @jeonkooksgirl​ @hytibm​ @jooniescupcakes​ @teresaisla​ @lurkerarmy​
562 notes · View notes
smut4bangtan · 4 years
One Ride Home (#7, School Anthology)
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“I can’t believe you’re in college now,” you told Namjoon as you slowly ran your fingers on his new car. “I can’t wait to graduate so I can do more things and get my own car too.”
“You’re graduating this school year, right? It may seem far but it’s not. Really,” Namjoon replied with a grin, revealing the breathtaking dimples on both of his cheeks.
You suddenly noticed that a lot of your schoolmates were looking at you two and some weren’t even trying to hide it. You just shrugged them off; it’s not a big deal. You’re with the only Kim Namjoon: a man with a whooping 148 for his IQ and the one who ranked first in all of Seoul National University’s entrance exam-takers. Everybody knows him, and you must be prepared for looks and whispers as his friend.
“He’s gotten cooler after he went to college,” one girl who passed by loudly whispered to her friend who kept staring at Namjoon.
“Let’s go,” you said as you opened the door of the passenger seat. All you want to do is to get out of there and save the both of you from the awkward situation. He just followed you into the car without saying anything.
“Ah, you finally had the time to pick me up. Aren’t you glad to see your alma mater again?”
“Eh, it’s alright. Nothing much to see. I wouldn’t go if it weren’t for you or for something that would require me to.”
Namjoon turned the radio on and started driving. A mellow American pop song was playing since the sun is starting to set. His answer didn’t really surprise you because he wasn’t really friendly even though a lot of people knew him. It’s hard to get through his barriers.
“So, how’s college? You’re so busy that we haven’t seen each other in months,” you said, taking a glance at him.
“It’s not as hard as you think.”
“Lies. You’re just saying that so I wouldn’t get scared.”
Namjoon laughed. “Sorry,” he replied. “You should try getting into SNU too so we can see each other more often.”
“I’ll try.” You sighed. “How about girls? Hookups? I’ve heard that there are more chances of getting laid in college.
Namjoon just giggled and shook his head lightly. Your eyes landed on his dimples and then his nicely protruded adam’s apple, making your heart unexpectedly beat faster. It’s been a while since he made you feel this way. You missed it, so much.
You suddenly met a line of cars due to a traffic light nearby. Without saying anything, Namjoon started to search his pockets. “Hey, can you open the glove compartment? I can't find my wallet.”
Doing as he said, you opened his glove compartment—to see a box of condoms. And then his wallet which you actually forgot as soon as you read the word “Durex.” Meanwhile, Namjoon awkwardly picked his wallet up behind the box.
“Kim Namjoon. Your in debt to me,” you said, laughing to make the situation a little less awkward.
“Uh, stories?”
Namjoon was obviously speechless and you’re loving it. Your hearts beating a little bit faster and your pussy’s starting to get wet. You know to yourself that you’re dangerous and unstoppable when you’re angry, drunk and horny.
The traffic light turned green and he started to drive again.
You opened the compartment once again and picked the box up. He was obviously startled but he didn’t say anything nor stopped you. His condoms were the ones with the little dots on it.
“I’ve always wanted to try these,” you said without thinking. The two of you were shocked, but you couldn’t care less at this point.
“W-why?” He asked awkwardly. He seemed to be losing his mind as well.
“Jimin and I never used a condom.”
“O-Oh, I never tried it without one.”
“Should we try it then?”
He eyes gradually widened and looked at you. Even if he wasn’t saying anything, his gaze were screaming “yes.”
“My parents won’t come home until the day after.”
“Shall we?”
You unknowingly bit your lip as soon as you heard him. Just in time, he took a the last right turn and saw your house immediately. He pulled the brakes up with much force that you thought it was going to break. Without saying anything, you opened the door and picked your things up along with the box. You ran to the door and opened it while he ran after you as soon as he locked his car.
As soon as Namjoon slammed the door shut, you started to slowly unbutton your top, revealing your tempting cleavage. He started to walk towards you while licking his lips. He then leaned towards you, kissing you on the lips. Slowly, the both of you opened your mouths and letting your tongues fight one another. You held his hand and then placed it inside your bra. He lifted his other hand and started to massage both breasts. As you felt your nipples harden, you unzipped your skirt. It dropped on the floor, revealing your black underwear.
Namjoon unclasped your bra, freeing your breasts. “Shit,” he uttered.
You knelt to the ground and started to unzip Namjoon's jeans. As Namjoon started to unbutton his shirt, he suddenly lost his balance and fell on the sofa. His legs seemed to have lost all its strength because of everything that's happening.
As it got harder, Namjoon's cock portruted more and more from his underwear. It was bigger than you imagined.
You gently stroked his cock, making him moan a little. He bit his lip; it was obvious that he was controlling himself from making any noises. But you love to bring out the best in people, and he knows that.
You finally removed his underwear, revealing his angry cock. No time was wasted as you immediately put it in your mouth. You made sure that your nipples touched his inner thighs as you moved your head up and down.
"Oh, fuck," Namjoon said, holding you by your hair. You moved your head faster and stuck your tongue onto his cock tighter. He pulled himself out which made a combined fluid of his pre-cum and your saliva freely flow out of your mouth. It's all on his cock and the sofa.
"You liked it?" You asked while standing up.
"I almost lost my fucking mind," he replied as he removed your underwear.
Namjoon gently pulled you to the sofa while he stood up. He dove in and started to kiss and lick your inner thighs until he reached your wet pussy. His tongue started to circle around clit, making all the muscles in your body tense up.
"Mmm," you whispered and rested your head at the throw pillow behind you. Next up was your opening. He grabbed your tits as he was doing his thing on your pussy. You could barely catch your breath. He suddenly stopped and joined you on the sofa. Your eyes met, making you guys smile at each other. "I thought I was going to squirt on you."
He smirked. "So you're a squirter."
"I might be the strongest one you'll ever know."
Namjoon just giggled and placed your legs on his shoulders. He pointed his cock on the opening of your pussy and inserted the head slowly.
"Oh my God," you whispered.
"Does it feel good?" He asked, looking you straight in the eyes. You just nodded.
Namjoon held onto your thighs and started to thrust deeper and deeper. Before you even knew it, he was fully inside you. You can feel his cock completely in you, especially the head. He started to push and pull gently. "God, you're so tight."
You started to play with his nipples as he started to rock harder and harder. He moved his hands to your tits to play with you nipples as well. The more he pounded you, the more your pussy salivated.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You yelled with eyes shut tight. "Harder! Harder!" You held onto his arms as he continued to fill you up.
He suddenly came out. "Holy shit. It's slippery as fuck."
You suddenly stood up. "I'm about to squirt. Quick, sit up straight!" And so he did.
You sat on Namjoon, your back facing him. You immediately inserted his cock into your pussy, making your eyes roll in pleasure. This position is your hidden card; it never fails to make you squirt or cum. Every guy who experienced this with you always asked for a second time.
The two of you only realized now that there was a full-sized mirror facing you, allowing you guys to see the full action in 3rd person. Your eyes suddenly met through this mirror.
Namjoon suddenly grabbed your face by the chin and kissed you. "Had I known you were this tasty, I would've not wasted any time and asked you." You just smiled and patted his cheek.
You started to move your body up and down, making his cock slide freely inside you. Namjoon's hips started to jive with you as his hands grabbed your tits and moved his index fingers around your nipples in a circling motion. The rocking of his body gradually became faster and faster. Your jaw dropped and you can't even say anything anymore. Your eyes couldn't stop rolling either.
You spread your legs even wider as he pounded you even stronger. You started to touch your clit with your middle finger and play with it. "Mmm fuck! Fuck! Oh God, fuck!" You yelled.
Namjoon pounded on you deeper as soon as he saw you strum your clit with four fingers. "God, God, God. Oh, fuck!"
You quickly removed his cock from your pussy and it finally came: the big squirt.
Just in time, his cum exploded on your tummy. He held you tightly as your whole body shook wildly still.
Gradually, your senses calmed down. You stayed rested on Namjoon's body. The two of you could hear nothing, only your panting.
"This is gonna happen again, right?" Namjoon whispered to your ear.
"This HAS to happen again," you replied.
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
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Commissioned by: @blueblondewonhoishot​
Warning: Smut, Angst 
Word Count: 11.2k 
Everyone wants to fall in love, but sometimes love isn't enough to keep you together, and sometimes someone tries to break you apart. 
As the youngest child in your family, you were always the last one to find out anything, especially if it had anything to do with the family business that your grandfather worked so hard to build. 
Being the youngest of 3 had its perks, but honestly there were more disadvantages than anything, considering you were the only girl as you had two older brothers. It was clear since you could remember your father and grandfather groomed your brothers to become the perfect workers, and perfect people to take over the company when they passed. No one ever considered you, because with you being a girl, you were supposed to just get married and have children while being a stay at home mom. 
You weren't here for that life. It had taken you a while of begging for your father to even consider allowing you to work an entry level position in the company at the age of 20, but you were strong willed and determined to prove you had just as much potential and capability to run the company as good, if not better than your brothers. 
When you turned 25, you were made a financial advisor, and you'd finally earned a slight nod of approval from your father. It was the most acknowledgment at work you had gotten from him that wasn't really work related. Today was the best birthday you had, and now nothing was going to get in your way now. 
"Lee Hoseok, graduated top of your class at SNU, majoring in Finance." Mr. Park murmurs. 
"Yes sir." Hoseok nods, holding his head up high. He needed this job, Christ did he need this job. His bills were piling up, his grandmother's hospital bills. She had told him not to worry and that she was handling it while he was in school but now it was just found out she hadn't been handling it. Hoseok's parents weren't around any longer, having taken off when he was younger, so he had no one. His grandma was all that he had, and he would do whatever he needed to do to take care of her. 
"We'll give you a shot. Come back tomorrow, 8am, 6th floor. Ask for Kim Y/N, She'll take care of you." Mr Park says, abruptly leaving Hoseok sitting there, his nerves finally melting away. 
The next day, you excitedly entered the large building of Jangu. Co. You grew up but for the first time it was your first day now as a financial advisor. No more slumming it on the 3rd floor with the Analyst's for you, no, you were now hitting the big leagues on the 6th floor and you couldn't be more excited. 
"Good morning Y/N." The 6th floor secretary, and one of your best friends, Minsu smiles. 
"Ah, yes it is." You reply with a giant smile of your own. 
"Wait." She calls after you. Minsu grabs your wrist, pulling you around the corner before leaning in closely to you. "You're showing someone around today." She whispers, peaking around to make sure no one hears her. 
"What?" You ask, not quite understanding why anyone would choose you, considering this was your first day as well. 
"I don't know specifics, but just that you have to show him around until the advisors meeting at 10am." She finishes shrugging her shoulders before whispering bye as the phones begin to ring. 
You shake off Minsu's words as you walk towards your new office. 
"Oh Y/N!" You hear Minsu again from down the hall. Christ, you just want to make it to your office. Turning around you place a fake smile over your face until you notice she's not alone. Trailing along closely behind her, an extremely well built, handsome man in a tight fitted suit. 
Uncontrollably, you let out a small breathy moan as you attempt to subtly look him up and down. 
"Jesus christ." You whisper to yourself, adjusting your slightly unbuttoned top. 
"This is Park Y/N." Minsu says, bowing to the man before winking at you and taking off. 
"Hello, I'm Lee Hoseok. I was told to find you this morning. " he says. His arms made your pussy throb, and now his voice makes it throb and drip. 
You clear your throat, trying to not make a fool out of yourself. "Yes, that is right. Please head to my office and I will be there in a few minutes." You say in your most professional voice. 
You sounded like an idiot. 
"Where's your office?" He asks. 
Fuck. You didn't even know where it was. 
"Um." You pause. "I'll show you." You tell him, turning down the hall, praying that this was the right way. You look closely at each door, trying to find your name while this man follows you, likely thinking you're a giant fucking idiot. 
"Ms. Kim?" He questions. 
"Yes?" You ask, turning around. 
"Isn't this your office? Kim Y/N?" He asks, pointing to a door half way down the hall from where you currently stood. 
"Oh uh yes, good eye." You say, walking back to him. "It was, uh, test." You murmur opening the door, sneaking by him to see Mr. Park, while trying not to be too embarrassed. 
What was wrong with you? You've never been affected by a man like that before, and suddenly you become a giant mess? Get it together. 
Hoseok couldn't help but laugh at how flustered you got. Honestly, he thought you were adorable, the way you furrowed your eyebrows, the way your cheeks became red when you were flustered and embarrassed. He enjoyed noticing these types of things about women, more specifically women he found attractive. And did he ever find you attractive. He knew he couldn't never act on anything, he needed this job more than anything and he wasn't about to lose it because of anything. He needed to stay focused and do what he was there to do.
Hoseok wanders into your office, wondering where you snuck off too and when you were coming back. He wanted to get straight to work but wasn't entirely sure where he was supposed to go, so he awkwardly sat in one of your chairs, and waited for your return. 
"Mr. Park." You say, walking to his desk. Mr. Park was your father's very trusted secretary, and puppet. He did the dirty work your father didn't want to do, sometimes he wanted to keep his hands clean but Park had zero issues carrying out your father's orders. Honestly he terrified you a bit, but you refused to show it. 
"Ms. Kim. What can I do for you?" He asks, his expression lifeless and cold, as usual. 
"The new guy? What am I supposed to do with him?" You ask, crossing your arms. "This is not how I expected to spend my first day as a financial advisor." 
"Ah yes, Mr. Lee. There's a staff meeting in 10 minutes, please bring him there and I will direct him from there." Mr. Park tells you, looking down to continue his work. 
As you head back to your office, you think about what it would be like to have an office romance. You wondered if he would want to keep it a secret or declare his feelings for you in front of everyone? 
No, stop it. You can't get involved with anyone, you're working your way up the corporate ladder, you can't date anyone, let alone a coworker. 
"You." You say, standing at the door of your office. "Let's go." You finish turning to walk back down the hall. Hoseok quickly stands up, following behind you, but not too close. 
You enter the board room with Hoseok trailing behind you. Picking a seat, he decides to pick the one directly beside you. Your face heats up again. 
"Let's get this done quickly people, there's work to do." Mr. Park says, placing his papers on the table. "We have a new hire, Lee Hoseok." He says, gesturing towards him. "Everyone take care of him. He is our newest financial advisor, who will be working with Ms. Kim for the next few weeks as she shows him the ropes and how to handle the clients." He announces. 
Your eyes almost pop out of your head. Are you working with him for the next few weeks? Closely? You wouldn't.  You couldn't, you actually physically couldn't because you might do something you'd regret. Your attraction to him was very real, and the fact that you might do something was a very real possibility. Usually when you wanted something, you got it and as much as you tried to deny it, you wanted him. You knew you needed to keep your distance, as much as you could. 
"That concludes the meeting, have a productive day." Mr. Park says before abruptly leaving the room. 
"Well, shall we partner?" Hoseok smiles. You just about melt. 
"Y-Yes." You mumble, standing up quickly to walk out of the room. 
"Let's head to my office, you can show me how to set up my things." He smiles, moving to walk in front of you. 
Unfortunately for you, his office happens to be just a few doors down from yours, and you have a perfect view of his desk, you can see your desk from his. 
"Okay, so this is the client list. You can take this half, I'll keep this half." You say, deleting your half so he's not confused. "Your email is here, your phone number here, clients info is in this folder here." You say, showing him everything on his computer. 
"And this.." you begin before being interrupted by Hoseok's phone loudly ringing. He quickly declines the call, placing it back in his pocket before he pays attention again. He leans over you in the chair, pointing to something on the screen. Though as he leans, his hard chest lands on your shoulder, sending a shock through your body and slight wetness to your panties.  
He was about to say something to you, when his phone began ringing again. Once again, he declined the call but almost immediately it rang again. 
"You should probably get that if it's going to keep ringing." You say, standing up from his desk. 
"I apologize, Ms. Kim." He says, before answering the phone. 
"Hello?" He whispers as you walk out of the room, back to your office. 
"Ms. Kim!" You hear a voice before your very best friend saunters into your office with a mischievous smirk on her face. 
"How may I help you, Chae?" You ask with a small laugh. 
"New hottie. What's his deal?" She asks, sitting on your desk. "He is a goddamn snack!" She yells loud enough for surely the entire floor to hear. "Give me all the info." 
"I don't know anything. I'm a professional." You say, pulling your jacket down. 
"Professional my ass." She snorts. "Speaking of asses, did you see his ass? It's like a double layer cake, that I would love to eat, lord." She groans, mimicking a biting motion.
You can't help but laugh because she was absolutely right. The ass on him made you slightly jealous, but also made you hot. He was definitely one hot piece of ass. Seconds later, there's a knock on your door frame, and there stands Hoseok. You and Chae's laughing comes to a quick stop as you stare at him, trying to figure out if he heard or not. 
"Ladies." He smirks. 
He definitely heard. 
"Would you like to join me for lunch?" He asks, cocking his head to the side. 
"I think we're.." you begin to say before Chae so rudely interrupts you. 
"We would love to. Let's go!" She says, hopping off the desk and shakes his hand while being extra flirty. 
"Okay.." you finish, muttering it to yourself. "Let's go I guess." 
As the three of you sit at a table and wait for your food, Chae begins to ask Hoseok a list of questions. She starts off easy as usual and then she will begin the tougher, more intimate questions. 
"Where were you born?" She asks. 
"Busan." He answers. 
"Mom, dad, and two older sisters." He smiles. 
"Interesting. Y/N has two older brothers." She says, nudging your arm. 
"Girlfriend?" She asks. 
Hoseok looks uncomfortable, but lucky for him, the food arrives, saving him from having to answer her question. 
The table goes quiet as you all enjoy your food. Hoseok adjusts his legs under the table, accidentally brushing his knee against yours. Your head shoots up to look at him, only to already be met by his eyes, locked on your face. He smirks before winking at you and then continuing to eat his food. 
You feel like your heart might actually beat out of your chest. Your face gets flushed again as the memory of what he just did plays over and over in your head, making you blush a little harder each time you think about it. 
"Right, Y/N?" You hear Chae say, bringing you out of your daze. 
"What?" You say, coming back to the real world. 
"It's customary to take new hires out for celebratory drinks on the Friday of their first week." She winks at you. Clearly Hoseok had seen it, because he began to chuckle. 
"Yes, yep, it's tradition." You shrug with a smile. 
"Okay, I'm in." He laughs, taking another bite of his food.
You couldn't wait for Friday.  
That night you went home and did whatever you could to try to erase the thought of Hoseok from your mind. You didn't need this kind of distraction, or temptation if you would. But no matter what you did, your brain wouldn't let him leave. 
As you doze off to sleep, your brain decides what better way to get rid of him than to have a sex dream about him. 
You're standing inside the supply closet, the door propped open behind you. You're looking for paper for your printer, when you feel a body pressed up against you, and something hard in your backside. 
"You've been such a tease today." Wonho grunts, wrapping his arm around you, grabbing tightly to your shirt with both hands before ripping it open, buttons flying everywhere.
Your breath hitches as he cups your breasts, grinding his cock into your ass.
"Naughty girls need to be pushed." He spits, pulling your skirt over your ass before undoing his belt to pull down his pants. 
"You ready baby?" He grunts, coating his cock in some spit, pumping himself before lining himself up with your entrance. 
Your hands reach up, grabbing whatever shelf you could as Hoseok rams his cock into your pussy, not letting you adjust to his size. He continuously pulls himself out before pushing back in, stretching out your walks. 
"Won't tease me again, will you?" He grunts. 
"If this is my punishment, I definitely will." You breathe, as Hoseok's large hand wraps around your neck, squeezing tightly. 
"I want you to cum all over my cock." He growls. 
Unfortunately for you, the second before you came, you were woken up by the sound of your lovely alarm clock. 
You never did finish that dream.
As the week went on, you found yourself staring across the hall at Hoseok, daydreaming about what it would be like to hear him moan. How big his cock was, if he was any good at eating pussy. More than once he caught you staring, and only smiled in response. 
Everytime the two of you were in the same room, you swore you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. If you had it your way, you'd happily have him swipe everything off yours or his desk and fuck you senseless in the office, but unfortunately for you fucking your coworker during working hours was against company policy, you were sure. 
When Friday finally rolled around, and you were all done work, you were sitting at a table with your coworkers surrounding you, while you each had a shot and a drink in front of you, as you all laughed at some lame joke someone made. You loved that you got along so well with everyone, but you were having a hard time concentrating while Hoseok sat beside you, especially since every time he moved, his leg brushed against yours. When he would adjust his pants, his finger would lightly graze along your bare thigh. You made sure to wear a short, yet work appropriate skirt that day. 
Your breath hitches as the last graze lasted a few minutes longer than the others. 
"I'll be back. Bathroom break." You breathed to everyone at the table, needing to get yourself together. 
You stood with your hands on the sink as you took a few deep breaths, giving yourself a small pep talk in the bathroom mirror. "You've got this. He is your coworker, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Get ahold of yourself, Y/N." You growl to yourself. 
Taking one more breath, you pull the door open, only to be met with a pair of strong hands on your shoulders, pushing you into the wall. You look up to see a dark eyes Hoseok, breathing heavily. 
"What are you doing to me?" He pants in your ear,  pressing his body against yours. "I can't control myself around you." He groans. 
"Then don't." You whisper. 
Hoseok leans in closer to you, his luscious lips almost pressed against yours. 
"I can't." He breathes, smacking his hand against the wall beside you, frustrated. "I'm sorry." He finishes before walking away. 
You stand against the wall for a few seconds, trying to figure out what just happened and why he left. You shake your head as you walk back to the table, noticing Hoseok wasn't there. 
"Where'd he go?" You ask Chae. 
"He took off. Something about having to be up early." She shrugs. 
You wondered if maybe you had done something wrong? Maybe telling him to let go around you freaked him out? Maybe he had a girlfriend? All the possibilities ran through your head all weekend as you went over every detail, trying to figure out where it went wrong. 
The weekend came and gone, as quickly as it began. You laid in your bed Sunday night, wondering what Monday was going to look like. Would it be awkward or uncomfortable? Would he ignore you? Maybe act like nothing happened, although would it really be acting considering nothing truly did happen. 
You fell asleep that night worried about what the next day would bring. 
All morning Hoseok's office door had been closed, and he never left, giving you zero chance of speaking with him. You could just go and knock on his door, but you didn't want to disturb him or make the situation worse, so you left it alone.
You didn't see him Tuesday either. 
Wednesday afternoon, you were lucky enough to be awarded a lovely visit from Mr. Park. 
"Ms. Kim, you're going to be heading the Jung case with Mr. Lee. Do a good job on this. You'll be presenting to Mr. Jung and the board on Friday." He says, leaving without giving you a chance to ask any questions, like did you have to work with Hoseok? You didn't do well in awkward situations. 
Taking a deep breath, you stand up from your chair to make your way to Hoseok's office. You try to shake your nerves off while you stand right outside his door. You knock three times, gently, trying to not seem too eager. 
"Oh." He says. "I wasn't expecting to see you." He admits. 
"Yes well here I am." You laugh. "Mr. Park has put us on the Jung case." You tell him.
"I'm on that case? He's one of the biggest clients. The commission is huge?" He says, his eyes wide. 
"I know. We have until Friday and then we have to present to the board." You tell him. 
"That's barely 2 days." He says, worried. 
"I know. So we better get started." You tell him. 
Friday came quickly, and so did the slot for your presentation. Hoseok had assured you that the two of you did an outstanding job and everyone would love it. You just hoped he was right. 
"..and that concludes our proposal for Mr. Jung." You say, finishing off the presentation that you and Hoseok had worked so hard to complete.  
As it turns out, your hard work seemed to have paid off, because Mr. Jung was thoroughly impressed with what you and Hoseok had come up with for him regarding his finances and agreed to go with the plan. 
"Celebrate?" You asked Hoseok. He happily nodded his head and the two of you set out to your favorite spot for dinner and a drink. 
One drink happened to turn into two, and then three, and continued to where the two of you were currently on your fourth drink, having finished your dinner hours ago the two of you were already slightly drunk. 
"I have a confession." He says. "I like you. I've liked you since I first saw you." He says, finishing his drink before putting his hand up for another one. 
You smile as you down the rest of your drink, going to admit the same thing to him. "I like you too." You whisper. 
"Then what are we doing? Two people who like each other should be together!" He slurs. 
"I agree Hoseok." You giggle. 
"Call me Wonho." He smirks. "Can I take you home with me tonight?" He asks. 
"Please take me home." You say. He puts out his hand for you to grab. Happily you take it, after hell places some bills on the table to cover the evening. 
You're both silent in the cab back to his apartment, not touching each other. Wonho slowly guides his hand over the seat, sliding it over your hand. He curls his fingers, holding your hand before pulling you towards him. 
Wonho leans in, going to press his lips to yours, but before he can, the cab driver pulls to the side, telling you that you were now at your destination. 
Nervously, you get out of the cab, standing on the sidewalk as you wait for Wonho to finish paying. Once he does, he grabs your hand, leading you inside and to the elevator. The doors open, and Wonho pulls you in, you two being the only ones riding the elevator up. 
Wonho turns to face you, walking towards you, making you back up until you hit the wall. "I've wanted to do this for so long." He growls leaning his head in close to yours, finally allowing his plump lips to press against yours. Within seconds, he slips his tongue into your mouth, both of you eagerly needing each other. Wonho bends down slightly, placing his large hands behind your thighs, signaling you to jump. You happily comply as you wrap your legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss. 
The elevator doors open, you're on his floor but he doesn't set you down. Instead, he carries you to his apartment, unlocking his door and heading inside with you still wrapped around him. He makes it to the kitchen before he places you on the counter, standing in between your legs. 
Wonho stands back from you, appreciating you before beginning to unbutton your shirt. Wonho never breaks eye contact as he unbuttoned the last one, sliding your shirt over your shoulders and down your arms, leaving you in your bra. He slides his hands around your back, unhooking your bra before discarding it on the kitchen floor. 
He smiles as he leans his head down, cupping your breast, lifting it up to gently place a nipple in his mouth, sucking harshly. 
"God." You moan, throwing your head back. 
You raise your hands, running your fingers through his soft hair. You slowly push him away from you, sliding yourself off the counter, allowing your tits to bounce slightly before you get onto your knees. 
You lick your lips as you unbuckle Wonho's belt, and unbutton his pants, shimmying them down his legs, along with his boxers. 
"Ooh." you squeal as his cock springs free, pre cum dripping from his red tip. You tilt your head up, looking him in the eye as you lick the cum from his cock before placing it in your mouth, sucking a few times before taking in as much as him as you can. 
"Shit baby." he groans, throwing his head back. 
Pulling him almost out of your mouth, Wonho thrusts his hips forward, shoving his cock down your throat, causing you to choke a little. 
"Fuck." he moans, letting you swallow his cock a few more times before pulling himself from your warm mouth, and standing you up. He bends you flat over the counter before spreading your legs wide. He drags your skirt and your pants down, over your ass and down to the floor. 
Wonho gently sticks his fingers inside your pussy, pumping them in and out before reaching up a little more to rub your clit. 
"Oh my god." You cry out, your legs shaking as he hits the perfect spot, each time. 
"I'm going to fuck you." He groans, pulling his hand away from your clit. 
You stand up and turn around, placing your hands on his shoulders to bring him down to the floor. Wonho lays down on the kitchen floor as you step over him before bending down and lining his cock. You line yourself up with him, slowly sinking down on his cock as he spreads your pussy, stretching you out. 
"Fuck." you both cry out. You slowly start rocking your hips back and forth, making sure to rub your clit on his pubic bone as you ride him. 
With a smile on your face, you adjust yourself, placing your feet on the floor, you begin bouncing on his cock, making him moan louder. 
"Holy shit." he cries out. 
You lean yourself back, placing your hands on his legs as you continue to bounce yourself on his cock. He reaches his hand up, rubbing your clit with two fingers. 
It doesn't take long for you to cum all over his cock, your eyes rolling back into your head. 
Wonho groans at the sight of you, removing his hand from your clit and pinching your nipple instead. 
Minutes later, Wonho cums, spilling it all inside of you. As you take yourself off of him, his cum seeps down your leg as he shows you to the bathroom. You both clean yourselves up quick before collapsing in his bed, falling asleep instantly. 
The next morning you woke up, Wonho's muscular arm draped over your body. You bite your lip and smile at the memory of what happened between the two of you last night. Although you were both drunk, you remembered it all and it couldn't have been better. 
"Good morning, beautiful." Wonho mumbles, his eyes still closed as he nuzzles his head into your neck. 
"Good morning." You respond, rolling over and wrapping your arm around him. 
"Breakfast?" He asks, his voice muffled. 
"What would you like?" You ask. 
"Let's make breakfast together." He suggests. 
Your heart flutters. 
"Okay. Let's do it." You smile. 
That morning, you and Wonho spent your time together making a large breakfast, that the two of you could barely eat. Eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, toast, pancakes. It was a meal that could feed an army, but the two of you had so much fun making it together. There were plenty of kisses shared between the two of you, along with your favorite back hugs. You could feel yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with him with every second that you spent with him, and now you'd finally decided to stop fighting it and just let yourself be happy. 
You and Wonho spent the entire day together. You watched movies, talked for hours, learning all about eachother. You even told him about your father and who he was. You had thought he would have been mad or uncomfortable with the thought of dating his boss's daughter, but to your surprise he was okay. You both agreed to leave your relationship out of the office, strictly professional. 
"Relationship?" You giggled. "What, are we dating now?" You laughed. It was Sunday afternoon and the two of you had spent the entire weekend together. 
"We are. That is if you would take me as your boyfriend?" Wonho smiles. 
"Of course." You laugh. 
He laughs as he cups your face, leaning down to gently place a kiss on your lips. 
You couldn't believe he was yours, and this was your life. 
You were in complete bliss, for a while until everything began crumbling before you. 
The first few weeks of your relationship with Wonho was amazing, you kept it professional at work and passionate outside of work. Things were just working out perfectly for you both, until a rumor started going around the office about the two of you. There was only one person you knew who was into office gossip, and she just happened to be your best friend. 
"Chae." You start, standing by her in the break room. 
"Oh hey! Is it true?" She asks with a smile, wiggling her eyebrows. 
"Did you start it?" You ask. 
"Start what?" She says. 
"The rumor." 
In a split second she began looking uncomfortable. As much of a gossip as she was, she was a terrible liar and a dead giveaway.
"I'm sorry! I saw you guys out for dinner, and I told Minsu but told her not to tell anyone!" She exclaims. "But she did and then it just spread." She finishes, looking apologetic but at the moment you didn't care. No one needed to know about your personal life and you thought it was pretty shitty of her to say anything in the first place instead of coming to talk to you. 
"I really am sorry.." she whispers. 
"Yeah, so am I." You mumble, leaving the room and heading to Wonho's office. 
"There's a rumor about us." You pout as you close his door. 
"I know." He smiles. 
"Everyone knows." You say. 
"I know that too." He laughs, looking back at his work. 
"What are we going to do?" You ask, slumping down in the chair. 
"What do you mean? Who cares if everyone knows? I love you. I want the world to know that I'm with the most amazing, sexy, smartest, funniest woman, and she's all mine." He smirks. "I want all the guys to be jealous you're mine, and all the women jealous I'm yours baby." 
Out of all of that, there were only 3 words that you heard. 
"I love you." 
"You love me?" You whisper. Wonho freezes and looks at you a little shocked. He really didn't think you would have caught that. Was it too early? You had only known each other for a few weeks but he had never felt like this about any woman before. He knew you were the one the moment he set his eyes on you, the one he was going to marry, the one he was going to have children with, the one he was going to grow old and grey with. Watching your children get married, have their own children. He could picture it all with you by his side. 
"I do love you." He says confidently. 
"I love you too." You whisper, smiling while you lean in for a kiss, squishing his cheeks together with your hands. 
If this is what love felt like, you never wanted it to end. 
"It seems as though Mr. Lee and Y/N are in a relationship, sir." Mr. Park tells your father, CEO Kim. 
"Mhm. I see." Your father says, sitting behind his desk contemplating his next move. "Keep an eye on him. Report back to me asap." He finishes.
Mr. Park bows at your father before heading off to keep an eye on Hoseok. He knew your father wanted something on him, and whatever he wanted Mr. Park would do. 
"I've got to get back to work. I'll see you later?" You ask, lingering by the door of Wonho's office. 
"Yes. Let's go for dinner?" He asks. 
"Absolutely." You smile, walking from his office back to your own. 
Once Wonho was alone, he picks up his cell phone, dialing a number but first checking to make sure you were out of ear shot.  
"Hi." He speaks into the phone. "Yeah of course I'll see you tonight. I've just got something to do first and then I'll be over there." He says. "Yes I know. I'll bring it don't worry. I love you too." He finishes, hanging up the phone. Wonho begins typing on his computer, not noticing the man who heard everything walking away from his office, and directly to the office of CEO Kim. 
"It seems as though he might have someone else, sir." Mr. Park says. "I overheard him on the phone." 
"Look into his background. Dig up whatever you can." CEO Kim tells him. 
"Yes sir." 
Over the next few days, Wonho becomes a little distant and closed off, not speaking to you much, constantly on his phone and distracted. Everytime you tried to speak with him, he either had to run off on an errand, had a meeting or had to take a call. You had barely seen him, and hadn't slept in his bed with him in a week. 
You were confused. Had you done something to piss him off? Was he in some sort of trouble? 
The next day, you'd finally caught a glimpse of him sitting in his office, typing. No phone call, no meeting, nothing. You walked over there determined for answers. You push the door closed before sitting down in the chair across from his desk. 
"What's going on?" You ask bluntly. "You've been ignoring me and very secretive. Did I do something?" You ask. 
"What?" He asks, confused. "No you haven't done anything. I've just been dealing with some stuff baby, but it's done now." He smiles. 
"It is? Are you sure?" You ask to clarify. 
"Absolutely. I love you, I would tell you if something was bothering me." He laughs. He turns away from you as his work phone rings loudly. 
"Hello? Okay. Okay. Be right there." He says before hanging up. "Okay baby, I have a meeting. Dinner tonight? I'll meet you at Rizo's." He smiles, placing a kiss on your head before taking off. 
You couldn't wait to spend some time with him tonight, hopefully either stay at his apartment or have him come over to yours, since it was the weekend. Either one would work, as long as you were with him. 
5:30pm rolled around, and you left work in a happy mood and headed to the restaurant. 
6:15pm, you sat at the restaurant, waiting for Wonho to arrive. 
6:45pm, you call his phone only for him to not pick up. 
7:30pm, you try calling one more time, only to be sent straight to voicemail.
8:00pm, you finally gave up waiting and went home. 
You checked your phone constantly, but heard nothing from him that night. 
Waking up in the morning, you check your notifications, yet none of them are from him. You can't help but have a terrible feeling in your stomach, like something happened. You try calling him again, and it went to voicemail. 
You call him again, and this time he answers. He sounds tired and annoyed. "What?" He snaps. 
"What are you doing? Are you okay? You didnt show up last night." You whisper. 
"I'm fine. Look, stop calling, just leave me alone." He growls before hanging up the phone. 
Frustrated and annoyed, you get up to get dressed quickly and make your way over to his apartment. What the hell happened to make him change his mind so fast? Why was he being so harsh to you? What have you done? 
40 minutes later, you're standing outside his front door, your hand up ready to pound on the door. 
Within seconds, the door swings open, revealing a long haired beauty. 
"Can I help you?" She asks with a smile. 
Oh god you think. 
"W-Wonho?" you stutter. She was stunning. Was she his girlfriend? Fiancee? Friend? 
"Hey!" She yelled behind her. "There's a girl here for you. She looks sad." She says, giving you a sympathetic smile, that you didn't notice. 
"What are you doing here? He snaps. 
"What is wrong? What happened?" You ask. 
"Nothing happened. Christ, you're so fucking clingy. Leave me alone." He shouts. 
The girl behind him muffled a laugh as he began snapping at you. Your eyes dart over to her, giving her a confused look as she smirks at you. You try to shake it off, remembering you're there to get answers from Wonho. 
"Why didn't you show up yesterday? Something happened! You told me you loved me before making dinner plans with me!" You yell. You didn't understand how he could change his tune so drastically. 
"I lied. I don't love you. Never did. I used you to further my career, but look at what that got me. Nothing, except a clingy bitch. Now leave me the fuck alone." He spits, going back inside and slamming the door in your face. The tears that had been previously threatening to fall, spilled down your cheeks. 
Why.. how could he change his mind so quickly? He had spent the nights with you telling you his plans for the future, including you in all of them. He told you he loved you, you were the one, he didn't want to be without you. 
And now he's telling you it was all a lie, that he used you. 
Your heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces. You could barely see out the windshield as you drove back to your apartment. Your tears refused to let up, just as your heart refused to repair even a little bit. 
Wonho slid down the door after he had slammed it in your face, his head in his hands as he let his own tears fall freely.
"Who was that?" Yoomi asks, crossing her arms.
"None of your concern." Wonho snaps. "Did you pay grandma's hospital bills with the money I gave you?" 
"Yes I did. Where did you get 14 million Won anyways?" She asks. 
"Again, none of your concern." He spits, walking to his bedroom and slamming the door behind him. He didn't have the energy for her today. 
The weekend for you was nothing but a blur. After you had gotten home on Saturday morning, you cried and slept, and cried more and slept. You were pretty sure you didn't eat anything, drink anything, or even leave your bed. You were a disaster, a heartbroken mess of a woman and you had no idea how to get out of it. 
Even though you wanted to lay in bed forever, and forget the world, you got up Monday morning and put on an outfit that said professional, but was the least professional outfit you owned. You gave no fucks today. You left your hair alone, not giving shit as you looked in the mirror. Your eyes were so red and puffy, absolutely noticeable you had been crying. 
You did your best to cover up your eyes, but even makeup couldn't hide what a mess you were, so you said fuck it and decided to scare everyone today. 
Sitting in your office, you glance at your clock and it's only 11am. You want to die. Everytime you heard footsteps going down the hall your stomach dropped in fear that it was Wonho, but you hadn't seen him yet. 
Yet, and you spoke far too soon. You looked down for a brief second and looked out the door when you lifted your head, and there was Wonho, standing outside his door staring into your office. You thought you saw his face twist in pain slightly, but you could have been wrong since it went back to being ice cold in a split second. 
You could feel the tears slipping again, and you refused to let him see you cry again. You quickly log off your computer and grab your phone and purse, not caring about anything else before walking out of your office, past Wonho and to the elevators. You needed to get the fuck out of there and grab a drink. 
Thank god for the bar down the street. 
Glancing at your phone, you're a little shocked to see it's already 7pm and you've been drinking for 7 hours. Unlocking your phone, you decide to message one person back, the one person you knew would be here within 10 minutes if you asked her too. 
"Fucking Chae, telling Minsu about Wonho and I.. it's her fault. She's the reason he left me." You mumble to yourself. 
"Bitch!" You hear from across the bar. "What the fuck happened?" Chae asks as she sits across the table from you. 
"Bitch? You're the bitch." You spit. Chae's taken aback. 
"What?" She asks, confused. "What did I do?" 
"You and your loud fucking mouth had to tell Minsu about Wonho and I. You're the reason he fucking left me. Maybe if you sucked a few more cocks you wouldn't have time to gossip about me." You slur, flipping her off before standing up and staggering out of the bar.
Sober you knew that Chae and her big ass mouth had nothing to do with you and Wonho breaking up, you were sure there were much bigger issues than that but she was there and easy for you to take your aggression out on. 
You knew you shouldn't have done it, even plastered you knew you were wrong but it all came out like word vomit that you would most definitely have to apologize for another day. You cried a little more as you staggered to your apartment, flopping on your bed. 
You weren't going to work tomorrow. 
Instead when you woke up, you ate all the junk food you could find in your house before ordering more, along with more alcohol. 
This was how you spent your week. Binge eating junk food, drinking and crying while watching couples get together in your favorite Korean Dramas. 
"Fuck you Hyungsik for getting your happily ever after." You bawled. "Where's mine!?" You cried, throwing your bag of cheeseballs at the TV. 
To say you were a wreck, was a heavy understatement. 
On Sunday you were feeling a little better and had decided you were going back to work on Monday, but as you were trying to decide what to wear, everything looked like it would be too small. Surely you hadn't gained that much. You stepped on your scale, and almost fainted. In your one week of being home and bringing, you had gained 15lbs. Usually, it's not the end of the world but you were nowhere near mentally strong enough to deal with that much of a weight gain in such a short time. 
You ran to your phone, dialing the number of someone you knew could help you. 
"Chang-wook? I'm hiring you, starting tomorrow morning. Jaggu. Co gym, 6am. See you then." You finish, hanging up the phone. 
Ji Chang-Wook was an old friend of yours, one that you're not afraid to admit you found him wildly attractive but he was more like a brother to you than anything else. He had the body of a god and could easily help you get back into shape. You didn't want to be this girl, torn apart after a break up. You repeated the quote your mother always told you to live by. "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours and if it doesn't, it never was." 
If Wonho was meant to be yours, he would come back to you but you needed to give it time and show that you were doing okay while you waited. 
Monday morning rolled around far too early for your liking. You cursed yourself for binge eating but more so cursed yourself for calling drill sergeant Changwook. 
"You're late." He exclaims as you walk into the already busy gym.  
"Bite me." You snap back. Your eyes scan your surroundings, and just your luck, Wonho is standing in front of the large mirror, pumping what you can only assume are the biggest weights in the building. "Shit." You whisper, turning around. 
"Why are you attempting to hide?" ChangWook asks, looking you up and down.
"My ex is over there." You whisper, jerking your head in Wonho's direction. "The one pumping iron and the reason why I'm in this situation currently." You finish bitterly. 
"Okay, well let's get working." He says, placing a loud and hard slap on your ass, causing you to yelp and Wonho to turn and look to see you laughing with ChangWook. 
"Shithead." You murmur as he drags you over to the treadmill, making you run for 45 minutes straight, without a break. 
When you're done he drags you over to weights, and other machines you wish you could name but honestly you weren't paying attention. Part of you just didn't care, but the other, larger part was too focused on what Wonho was doing, and the fact that the two of you continuously made secret, discreet and flirty eye contact. You were pretty sure, well you hoped it wasn't all in your head. 
After spending all day in the gym, which turned out to only be an hour and a half, you said goodbye to the man who would be responsible for your death and went to collapse in the shower for a few. 
When you finally felt like you'd survive, you got dressed for your day at work, hoping the rest of your day was a little easier than your morning. 
And it was. You only saw Wonho four times throughout the day, and only cried three out of the four times, so you were making progress. 
The next few days were hard, you had to work semi closely with the man you once saw a bright and beautiful future with, while he acts like he doesn't have a clue in the world as to who you were. That hurt the most, the pretending you two had nothing but you still wanted him. Despite all he said to you, or did to you, you still loved him. 
"Ms. Kim, you'll be paired with Mr. Lee for this project. You all need to present tomorrow morning, and Mrs. Seo will choose her advisor after the meeting. Work hard." Mr. Park announces before taking off immediately after he ends the meeting. 
"What the fuck." You whispered under your breath. You were annoyed you had to work with him, things were going very well with you and him by keeping your distance. You didn't want to have to actually speak to him or work with him, but you didn't have a choice now, did you? 
"Should we go to my office or.." Wonho quietly asks, standing behind you. 
"Mine." You snap, standing up quickly and stalking off. 
Wonho silently shuffles behind you, keeping his distance from you but also keeping pace. 
You sit down in your office chair as Wonho pulls one up to your desk, ready to work. 
"So I think if we went with this approach, it would absolutely save her more money in the long run." Wonho suggests. 
"Oh would it? Would it save her more money? Thanks so much for your input." You snap. 
You knew you should be professional, you knew you were being a shithead but you couldn't help it. He was acting like he didn't tear your heart out and stop on it before chopping it into pieces with an axe. 
"I'm sorry.. I was just.." he starts. 
"No it's fine. I'm sorry. It's a great idea. Let's go with that." You say. 
The next thing you know, it's 2am, and you and Wonho are still working, although almost done. 
"End it like this?" He asks. 
"Yeah, that's good." You say with a yawn. Standing up from your chair you stretch your body, bending over to stretch out your back while forgetting your skirt happened to be one of the shorter ones you owned, that just happened to slide up ever so slightly over your ass. 
Wonho's breath hitched as he watched your skirt slide over the curve of your ass. "Shit." He murmured, feeling his cock twitch in his pants. Without thinking, he walks towards you, biting his lip as he gently presses his semi hard cock to your back side. 
You stand straight up, shocked. You try to walk away but Wonho wraps his arm around your waist, keeping you against him. He places his head in the crook of your neck, taking in a deep whiff of your scent. 
"Fuck, I miss you." He sniffles into your hair. 
"Then why.. why did you.." you start before Wonho backs away from you. 
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have.. I can't." He mumbles, grabbing his briefcase and taking off. 
You went home that night and cried yourself to sleep. 
Wonho went home and cried in the shower, his cock still hard at the memory of being so close to, pressed up against your ass. He knew this would be hard, but he really didn't think it would be this hard. 
"Mr. Lee, thank you for joining us." CEO Kim says as he sits across from him and Mr. Park. 
"Of course, how may I help?" Wonho asks. 
"Your grandma is fairly sick, isn't she?" CEO Kim asks. 
Wonho is slightly taken aback, he wasn't aware anyone else besides family knew about his grandma. 
"She is." He answers. 
"Now, what's your relationship with my daughter?" CEO Kim asks, his face now becoming more stern. 
"Oh, um, we are in a relationship." He announces. He wasn't sure if he should have said anything, but truthfully it was his boss and your father, he couldn't lie. 
"I see." CEO Kim says, clearing his throat. "My Y/N is a sweet girl. Smart, kind, passionate and comes from a well off family. She needs to be with someone more like her, which is why I have her husband picked out already." 
"You're marrying her off?" Wonho asks, shocked. "Does she know?" 
"No she doesn't know. And she won't know until everything is ready. Her and Park Seojoon will be happy once they learn to love each other, but we have an obstacle. You." He says, pointing at Wonho. "She can't be with you. So you're going to end things with her." 
"I-I can't do that." Wonho says, standing up. 
"You can and you will. Do you enjoy living in the apartment you're in? Because one call from me, I can have you evicted with nowhere else to rent. I can fire you from this job and stop you from getting any other job in your field, you'll be slinging burgers for $5 and hour. I'll also tell her about your dirty little secrets" He threatens. "You're sweet grandma, you're very behind on her hospital bills. Agree to my terms, and your debt is covered, along with all payments every month to the hospital. Your job is safe and so is your housing. What do you say?" 
"Fine." Wonho agrees, he has no choice. 
"I don't care what you tell her, or how you tell her. End things permanently."
Without another word, Wonho walks out of his office, ignoring your calls to see where he was for dinner. Ignoring the fact that he should be at the restaurant with you, not planning to destroy you. What choice did he have? 
"Hello?" You answer your phone in the morning, feeling like it was far too early to be getting a call. 
"Y/N, come for breakfast this morning." Your mother says. 
"Is it necessary?" You groan. 
"Yes. Now please. And look presentable." She says. "Love you." 
Great, a breakfast can only mean one thing. You're in for quite the surprise. 
"Thank you for showing up in a timely manner." Your mother says, giving you a quick hug.
"What's this about mom?" You ask, your stomach nervous. 
"Just eat, Y/N." You father says, keeping an eye on the door. 
A few seconds later the door opens, revealing a very attractive man in a suit. He looked to be about your age, maybe a few years older. 
"SeoJoon! Thanks for coming." Your father laughs, standing up to hug the man. 
"Y/N, this is Park SeoJoon. He's the heir to Park Foods, and.." your father pauses, looking at your mother. "Your future husband." He finishes. 
You choke, you choked on your melon as soon as your father said the word husband. 
"I'm sorry, WHAT?" You partially yell. "Nice to meet you, but no?" 
"Y/N.." your mother starts. 
"Don't Y/N." your father growls. "Be kind to your future husband." 
"I'm not? I'm.. sorry, but again no. Every Time you've brought this up I've told you I'm not marrying someone for financial gain, or for company mergers. I'm marrying for love." you say.
"You'll end up loving him eventually.." your mother sighs. 
"I'm not in it for eventually. I want the reason that I marry someone to be because we love each other, not because we're forced." you sigh. "In fact, there's already someone I would love to marry." you finish with a whisper. 
Your mother perks up at your announcement, while your father seems angry. "You better not be talking about that new hire!" he yells, slamming his fist on the table. 
"I am actually." you spit back. 
"That's over. I took care of that! it didn't take much for him to leave you! Some threats, and a few million dollars? He's weak! SeoJoon is the one for you!" He yells. 
"You took care of that?" you ask, tears brimming in your eyes. 
"Oh Hyunjo, you didn't.." your mother gasps. 
"That's why he left me? Because you threatened him to the point he was terrified and took some money?" You laugh, but the humor is nowhere to be found. "I always knew you did some shady shit, but this is low, even for you." You cry. "I'm your daughter! And you treat me like my life means nothing. I can't believe you." 
Without a second thought, and ignoring the pleas from your mother, you burst through the front doors of the house and went straight for your car. You have one destination in mind, and you hoped he was home when you got there. 
Arriving at Wonho's apartment, you violently bang on his front door, yelling for him. 
"What?" the woman who was there last time answers. 
"Is he here?" you ask. 
"I don't know. But what I do know is that you should leave now." She says. 
"Wonho!" You yell again. "I know about the threats and the money from my father! Please, talk to me." you yell over her. 
Seconds later Wonho comes into view, moving past the woman that had been there previously. 
"You know?" He whispers. 
"I do..and I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me!?" You cried. "I could have helped you!" 
"I didn't know what to say. How do you tell someone you love their father threatened them and paid off a large amount of debt and hospital bills? That's not something that comes easy to say over dinner or drinks." He tells you. 
"I get it. I just wish I could have prevented it." you cry. "I could have done something." you sigh.
Wonho doesn't say anything, but instead pulls you into him, tightly wrapping his arms around you, holding you close. 
"I'm sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean it." he whispers, nuzzling his face into your head. "I have never, for one second stopped loving you. It broke me to say those things to you, to physically see your heart break. I'll never forgive myself for that." He finishes. 
"It's not your fault. It's my nosy ass father, who by the way, tried to marry me off today." You scoff. 
"Oh, so you met SeoJoon?" He asks. 
You back away from him. "You knew?" 
"Kinda? I guess? He told me there was someone he wanted for your husband, but we didn't dive in any deeper than that." Wonho replies. 
"Same shit. Christ. He's psychotic." You grumble. 
"Come on." Wonho laughs, grabbing your hand to drag you inside. 
Immediately your body stiffened as you remembered the girl that's been here far too often for your liking. 
"Soya!" Wonho shouts. 
"What do you want?" She asks, coming face to face with you. 
"This is my girlfriend, the love of my life, now please get the fuck out." Wonho smiles at the woman who now looks offended. 
"You're seriously kicking me out?" She scoffs. 
"I seriously am." Wonho laughs. 
"Nice to meet you girlfriend, I'm his sister, Soya. And I'll be going now I guess." She snaps, grabbing her jacket and storming out. 
"That's your sister?" You ask, relieved. 
"Yes? Who did you think it was?" He wonders. 
"A wife or fiancee." You laugh, feeling stupid now. 
"You're the only one I want to be my fiance and then my wife." Wonho smiles, placing both his hands on your face and pulling you in for a kiss. 
Fuck you missed him so much. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled your body in close. 
"Come" you whisper, pulling away from him and grabbing his hand to drag him to the bedroom. 
You close the door, before facing Wonho with a loving smile on your face. 
"What?" He laughs. 
"I just missed you, and I want to show you how much I missed you." You whisper, gripping the hem of his shirt before pulling it over his body and throwing it out of your way. Placing your hands on his chest, you lightly push him back to fall onto his bed. Wonho moves himself up the bed, laying on his stomach while he waits for what you're going to do next. You quickly discard your shirt and bra, while also tossing your pants to the side, leaving you only in a pair of black panties. 
"I want you to tell me what you want, and how you want it. Okay?" You whisper, placing kisses along his back. "This is all about you."
"You don't have to do this baby." Wonho groans as you run your hands up and down his back. 
"I do. Now shhh." You whisper, stroking his shoulders and around his neck. You run your fingers up the back of his head and through his hair, tugging lightly. 
You move yourself down his body, straddling his ass, so you can lay yourself flat against his back, peppering small kisses along his shoulders and his neck. Your perky breasts pinned against his back as you whisper some of the things you love about him. 
"I love your smile, your eyes, your laugh." You whisper. "I love your arms, your abs, your voice. So handsome, so strong." 
Sitting up, you rub your hands down his arms that are now spread out. You lay yourself against him again before you slide off, laying closely beside him. Wonho rolls to his side, cupping your face before leaning in for a kiss, one which you dodge, moving down the bed to rub your hands up and down his legs, making sure to relax him even more. Your hand reaches down between his legs and gently rubs his balls for a few seconds before moving back to his legs and ass. 
"Seriously." He groans, rolling over abruptly. 
Now you straddle yourself on top of his front, just above his hard cock. You run your hands up and down his arms, over his chest and down his abs. 
Leaning forward, pressing a kiss to his forehead, before his hand reaches up, grabbing your head to pull you in for a kiss. 
You smile as you break the kiss, looking him in the eyes. "Do you trust me?" You whisper. You stare at him until he nods yes. 
Biting your lip as you wiggle yourself down, gliding your clothed pussy over his erect cock, earning you a groan from him. 
You bite your lip as you move your panties over to the side, placing his cock in between the lips of your pussy, and grinding on him. 
"Oh my god." He groans, his hands coming up to reach for your waist, helping your hips grind against his cock. 
"You tell me what you want baby," you groan, his cock perfectly sliding against your clit. 
"Suck my cock." He groans, using his large muscles to halt your movements. 
"Anything you want, baby." You moan, sliding off him to get on all fours. You hover over him, licking up the pre cum that spilled from his cock, with the tip of your tongue. 
"God. Don't tease me." He groans, bucking his hips slightly. 
Opening your mouth, you take in as much of him as you can, making sure to hit the back of your throat as you go down. 
"Such a good little cock slut." He groans, bucking his hips harder this time.  "Come here." 
You crawl towards him, leaning down to place a kiss on his lips. Wonho lifts his hands, cupping both your breasts, squeezing before pinching your nipples, tugging on them slightly. 
"Do you like that?" He asks. 
"Yes." You breathe. "This is supposed to be about you though." You partially whine. 
"It is about me, I also like to make you feel good." He smirks. "Now put my cock back in your mouth." 
After you deep throat his cock a few times, you come up for a breath and see Wonho's eyes dark, full of lust. 
"Sit on my cock." He growls. 
Without a second thought, you line your entrance up with his cock, slowly sinking yourself down on him. 
"I missed the way your cock filled me up." You moan, your eyes rolling back slightly.
"Move." He spits, placing his hands back on your hips to make you start riding him. 
Your hands move to his chest as you lift your ass up and slowly sink back down on his cock. "Fuck. I love that." Wonho groans, lifting your ass up to do it again. 
You move yourself slowly against him, wanting to keep things loving and slow, but Wonho seemed to have other ideas, beginning to get a little impatient as he waited for you to speed up. 
"Ride my cock baby, before I take over." He growls. 
You smirk as you continue with the same pace, wanting you both to slowly cum together. 
"I warned you." He snapped, sitting up and somehow flipping you so you were on your back, without his cock ever leaving your pussy. 
"This is about me, right baby? Well I want to destroy your pussy." He snaps. "Open your legs wider." 
With no hesitation, you spread your legs as wide as that can go while Wonho fucks you harshly. His hips snap as he pumps himself into you, desperately seeking his release, along with your. 
"Rub your clit." He demands, watching your hand move between your lips and begin rubbing. "That's right baby, rub your clit till you cum." 
"Fuck." You cry out, loving the sound of his voice when he talks dirty to you. 
"You gonna cum baby? Let your pussy cum all over my cock." He groans, his pumps becoming faster but sloppy. 
"Oh my god." You cry out, your orgasm bursting through your body, causing you to shake as you ride through it. 
"Good girl." He smirks, his grunting becoming louder. 
"Cum.. cum in my pussy." You cry out. Wonho grunts as he shoots his cum into you, painting your walls. 
"Fuck." You both huff, laying in his bed together, catching your breath. 
A few days later, you and Wonho were sitting in the cafeteria at work, having lunch together, when you received a message on your phone from your father. 
"My father.. wants to see us bother." You tell Wonho, surprised. 
"Let's go." He says, shrugging his shoulders. 
"What? I was going to ignore it." You laugh. 
"Well you could.. but I don't want you to not have a relationship with him because of me." Wonho admits. 
"Trust me. You wouldn't be the reason." You say, rolling your eyes and heading up to his office with the love of your life in tow. 
"You wanted to see us?" You say as you barg into the office. 
"Hello, Y/N." Your father says. 
"Hi. What?" You snap, unimpressed. 
"Look." He sighs. "I want to apologize for my actions. I have realized I was very out of line, and should have more regard for your life and what you want to do. I just want you to be taken care of." Your father admits. 
"Sir." Wonho interrupts. "I have every intention of taking care of your daughter to the best of my ability. I would and will do whatever I have to, to make sure she has everything she wants and needs. She will never be without." 
"I sure hope so, son." Your father replies. 
Nothing could take the smile off your face as you watch your father accept the man you love, and your Wonho forgive your father's terrible actions. 
8 years later, and you and Wonho are still together and more in love than you were the day before. 
A few days after you had sat down with him and your father, Wonho had gotten down on one knee and proposed.
Of course you said yes. 
1 year later the two of you got married. 
2 years later, your eldest son was born. 
2 years after that, your second oldest son was born. 
2 years after that, your youngest and last child was born, a daughter. 
1 year ago, your father passed away from a heart attack. You were happy he was able to see your happy life with Wonho, and meet his grandchildren, but you missed him dearly. He had offered you the position of CEO, when he passed. He had said you were far better qualified than your brothers. 
You happily declined. 
As you sit on your deck, you watch Wonho run around, playing tag with your boys. You laugh as you watch them try to catch him, but fail to do so. Your heart flutters as you watch your daughter run to him, wanting to play but knowing she wasn't fast enough. He picks her up and cradles her in his arms as he carries her, allowing her to play with them. You never wanted your life to be anything different. 
There was never a moment of doubt in your mind where you had not thought Wonho wasn't the one for you. He might have been a temptation in the beginning, but now he was your forever.
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theright-sideofme · 4 years
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The nine friends walked into hotel ball room their school had rented. It wasn’t anything super fancy, it kinda looked like a super cheap wedding, but for most of the kids here, they didn’t care much about how it looked, as long as they got laid at the end of the night. Y/n was probably the most excited one at the ball to be completely honest. She loved spending times with her friends, she loves making memories. After all, memories will be all she has to keep her company as she adjust to her new life in the states.
When Y/n got the scholarship, she didn’t know what to do with herself. A full ride to NYU? She didn’t even know how she managed to do that. But she was fully ready to turn it down and go to SNU with Mingi, just like they had always planned. But once Mingi found out about the scholarship there was no way she would be staying in Korea. Mingi practically forced her to accept, saying it would be the dumbest thing she’s ever done if she turned it down. As much as he wanted to go to college with her, he wanted her to Succeed more.
“Okay we’re here, now what” Jongho huffed once they reached a table. “Now we have fun, stop being a party pooper” Y/n pouted as she shoved the youngers shoulder. “Ignore him bub, he’s just cranky cause it’s past his bed time” Seonghwa jokes as he ruffled Jongho’s hair, which made Y/n giggle.
Mingi looked over at her, listening to the soft sound come out of her mouth, and he just melted. Of course Mingi had a crush on Y/n, he spent his entire life in the house next door to her, he grew up and watched her change from a clumsy, dorky little kid to a slightly less clumsy, gorgeous woman. Once he realized his feelings for her he became extremely awkward, fumbling over his words and avoiding eye contact. He even stopped going around her house. She started to think she did something wrong. She had spent countless nights crying herself to sleep, thinking that she lost her bestfriend, until she met San. San was (and still is) a complete mess, but in the best way possible. He’s loud, and clumsy, and everything y/n is times 10. Meeting San helped pull her out of her little funk, it also was a huge slap to the face for Mingi. One day he looked out his window and saw her sitting with some kid he didn’t know on their bench. It was just what he needed for him to see that he was being a complete idiot. From that day forward, he decided he wasn’t going to let his feelings for her get in the way of their friendship, he wasn’t going to lose her. What Mingi didn’t know was that she also had the fattest crush on him. She was a complete clueless school girl when she was around him, blushing easily, laughing at everything he said, trying to get closer to him. But then he started distancing himself, and her gigantic, jupiter size crush shrunk. It never fully left, but she was too scared to risk a lifetime of friendship over what she deemed to be a silly crush.
Mingi didn’t realize he was staring at her, completely lost in thought, until she waved her hand in front of his face. “Yo, earth to Mingi” she said for the second time, trying to gain her bestfriends attention. By now everyone had dispersed, Jongho and Yeosang sat by the spiked punch bowl, Seonghwa and Hongjoong sat at a table, trying not to feel old (even though they only graduated last year) and San, Wooyoung, and Yunho were dancing once the dance floor like the little freaks they were. So it was just Y/n and Mingi.
“Hm” Mingi hummed as he snapped out of his daze. “I asked if you wanted to dance” Y/n repeated her question with a breathy laugh, wondering what was going on inside her bestfriends head. “I don’t dance” “fucking liar, your captain of the dance team” “okay, fine, I don’t slow dance.” Y/n pouted up at him, grabbing one of his larger hands with both of her hands as she looked up at him with her big puppy dog eyes, “please” she asked in a soft voice. Mingi cursed under his breath, griping her hand tighter as he pulled her over to the dance floor while she smiled victoriously behind him. A life time of friendship will teach you a few things.
Y/n and Mingi swayed to the rhythm, her arms wrapped around his neck as she played with the hair at the nape of his neck; his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her flat against his chest. The closeness made her heart beat out of her chest and she just prayed he couldn’t feel it. It’s not like they were never this close, they cuddled all the time, movie nights, naps, watching tv, scrolling mindlessly through social media. But something about the way he looked in the dim orange lights and how good he looked in his suit made her stomach do flips.
“So, this is really our last dance huh?” Mingi asked as he started rubbing her exposed back, his touch leaving goose bumps in their wake. “You make it sound like I’m dying, I’ll be back winter break... and spring break, and summer....” “too long” he mumbled as he pulled her closer, resting his head ontop of hers. “I know” she sighed out, resting her head against his chest. Mingi wrapped his arms further around her to hold her tighter and she felt herself slowly slipping from reality. Mingi had a way of making her feel like the two of them were the only people in the world, like nothing else mattered as long as they were with eachother. He’d been making her feel like that ever since they were kids, like the time she was learning how to ride a bike. She was doing it, she was riding a bike with no training wheels, no help from anyone else! She thought she had it down, until it can time to turn. The handle bars jerked, turning the front wheel completely sideways and sending her to the ground. Mingi was the first to run over, not her mom or dad, not her older brother, Mingi. He was quickly to make sure she was okay, to wipe her tears and to put a smile onto her pretty face. Ever since then she new Mingi was her safe place. But now she was leaving, in three weeks she would be in a totally different country, where they spoke a totally differently language and where the culture was vastly different, and to top it all off, she was leaving Mingi, the one person who made her feel safe.
And as if Mingi could tell she was working herself up, he pulled away just enough to see her face. “Stop that” he whispered, his hands moving from her waist to her face. “You’ll call me everyday right, and you’ll answer my calls?” The shakiness of her voice has Mingi’s heartbreaking, did she really think he would just ignore her? “Bug I’ll be calling you so much you’ll probably end up blocking me” he joked, feeling better once he saw her smile. “I’ll never block you, who’ll get me my midnight mcdonald’s if I block you?” Mingi rolled his eyes playfully, the smile he tried to hide slowly creeping onto his face when he heard her laugh. “But I’m serious, I don’t care if I have to stay up until three o’clock in the morning, I’ll call you and text you everyday, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep anyways unless I know you’re alright.” Y/n could feel the heat creeping up onto her cheeks at his statement and quickly hide her face in his chest, making him laugh.
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{2} Mutually whipped culture
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For Life | Song Mingi x reader
taglist: @amarachi-luv
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solieldoux · 3 years
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when brush meets canvas; a collection of thoughts and happenings ( @wclfsun​ )
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   five years ago, snu campus tour
he’s  not  listening. ethan  liu  has  the  attention span  of  a  a  goldfish when  it  comes  to  irrelevant things.  there’s  the  center  of  the  campus, there’s  the  café  (there’s  great coffee  there!),  dorms are  that  way,  class  buildings one  and  two  over  there  (  “  they’re  close  together  so  you  don’t  miss  classes!” )  …  so  on  and  so  forth. he  can  keep  pace  with  the  group  well  enough on  auto-pilot.  the  ‘highlights’  of  the  greater campus  are  irrelevant to  a  student who  plans  to  spend  four  semesters  holed  up  in  a  dorm  room.
“  sorry!  i’m  so  sorry!! “
he’s  rather  responsive for  someone  on  auto-pilot.  she  crashes  into  him  out  of  nowhere. his  arms  reach  out  to  catch  her  and  stabilize them  both.  it’s  not  until  after  he’s  done  it  that  ethan  truly  realizes that  something  happened, and  he’s  got  his  arms  around  a  brunette  who’s  expression  reads  utterly  horrified by  her  own  actions.
he  lets  her  go,  waving it  off,  “it’s  fine.  you’re alright?”
yes  she’s  alright, and  she’s  very  sorry,  and  she’s  sometimes so  clumsy,  and  she  wants  to  make  it  up.  ethan  continues to  wave  her  off,  shaking his  head  because it  really  is  fine.  it  takes  some  talking  down,  but  she  ultimately  accepts it,  and  she  shifts  herself off  to  the  side  a  bit  so  she’s  not  walking  so  closely  to  the  man  she’d  just  collapsed  into.  
ethan  sighs.  the  walk  continues. now  they  know  of  each  other’s  existence; any  time  they  catch  glances he  gives  a  small  nod  and  she  alternates  between mouthing  ‘sorry!’  and  giving  him  a  gentle smile.  he  finds  it  funny. and  it  makes  the  rest  of  the  tour  considerably less  grating.
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   five years ago, coffee shop
ahh.  that’s  why  she  asked  what  my  coffee  order  is  the  other  day.
leia  is  settled at  a  small  café  table  –  in  front  of  her  a  tall  glass  of  iced  coffee  and  a  slice  of  crumb  cake.  across from  her  in  front  of  the  opposite, empty  chair  is  another  cup  –  this  one  a  large  ceramic cappuccino  mug  with  two  slices of  lime  set  on  a  separate  dish  to  the  side.  it  too  is  accompanied  by  a  slice  of  cake.
“  did  you  wait  long  ??  “  he  asks
she  didn’t  wait  long  at  all,  she  just  got  there  a  little  early  and  decided to  order  for  them!  she’s  fine  with  paying  for  it,  and  ethan  certainly shouldn’t  worry.  she  hopes  she  ordered  the  right  thing, she’d  written  down  what  he  said  a  few  days  ago  about  liking  to  mix  lime  into  his  coffee.  she  thinks  it’s  very  interesting, and  she  almost ordered  it  herself. and  she’s  talking and  rambling  to  much  and  she’s  sorry.
ethan  is  to  used  to  her  by  now  to  be  phased. he  simply  sits  in  front  of  her,  lets  her  ramble  a  minute  while  he  adds  the  lime  to  his  drink  and  takes  a  fork  to  the  cake.  after  a  moment  she’s  quiet,  shyly  looking  down  at  her  own  setting. ethan  shakes  his  head.
“  you  worry  to  much.  “
she  knows.  she  can’t  help  it.  
“  i  owe  you  for  this.  “
no  he  doesn’t! it’s  completely  fine.  she  doesn’t mind.  and  ethan  doesn’t  care,  as  he’s  already  reaching across  the  table  to  pocket the  receipt. leia  sighs  a  bit.  she  just  wanted to  be  nice.  ethan  tells  her  she’s  nice  without trying,  and  it’s  one  of  the  many  reasons  he  likes  being  around  her.
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   five years ago, leia’s apartment
leia  is  rambling, as  she  always is.  only  this  time  she  rambles  while  dumping  new  dishware  into  the  sink  and  unpacking boxes  of  this  and  that  and  things from  home  into  cabinets  and  into  drawers. ethan  is  listening, as  he  always is.
if  he  doesn’t want  to  enroll in  snu,  then  he  shouldn’t! he  should  definitely join  two  star  if  that’s what  feels  right. and  she’s  supportive of  his  decision. and  yes,  it’ll  be  harder to  start  school without  him  if  he  chooses not  to  go,  but  she’ll be  alright!  and  they  can  still  text  and  hang  out,  and  everything  would  be  fine.  and  she’s  seen  some  of  the  lyrics  he  wrote!  and,  oh,  they’re so  good  no  wonder  two  star  entertainment extended  him  a  contract!  
she’s  practically  bouncing up  in  down,  bubbling  up  with  all  the  excitement one  would  expect ethan  to  have  after  receiving a  personal  invitation from  the  company’s ceo.  but  he’s  just  standing there  with  his  arms  crossed, watching  her  with  one  brow  arced  and  a  smile  tugging  at  the  corners of  his  mouth.
“  when  was  the  last  time  you  took  a  breath?”
leia  pauses,  her  body  going  stiff  for  a  moment as  she  manually takes  in  a  breath,  then  lets  it  out  again  with  an  embarrassed  smile. she’s  just  so  happy  for  him.  and  she  wants  what’s  best  for  him  and  wants  what  makes  him  happy. ethan  moves  towards her  and  puts  his  arms  around  her  waist.
“  i  have  a  lot  to  be  happy  about  these  days.  “
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   four years ago, leia’s apartment
over  the  past  year  or  so,  ethan  has  come  to  learn  how  every  aspect  of  leia  is  soft  –  lips,  voice,  demeanor.  more  recently,  he’s  learned  that  the  rest  of  her  body  is  no  different.  the  discovery  wasn’t  by  chance.  it  was  planned  and  executed  with  comfort  and  assuredness  in  mind.  the  location,  however,  was  a  bit  unplanned  –  the  intent  had  been  the  bedroom,  but  the  living  ended  up  serving  just  as  well.  and  that,  ironically,  turned  out  to  be  for  the  best  as  ethan  discovered  something  else  that  very  same  afternoon.
leia’s  back  is  a  wonderful  canvas.  the  better  part  of  the  next  hour  had  been  spent  in  quiet  conversation  as  he  brushed  unplanned,  but  ornate  designs  onto  her  skin.
“  it  washes  off.  “
she  knows.  she  wouldn’t  really  have  let  him  do  it  if  it  was  permanent.  or  maybe  she  would  have.  maybe  his  art  would’ve  become  a  beautiful  back  tattoo.  she  wants  a  picture  of  it  when  it’s  done,  because  she  can’t  see  for  herself  what  she’s  doing  and  it’d  be  a  shame  to  wash  all  his  hard  work  away  without  remembering  it.
why  do  i  love  you  so  much?
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   two and a half years ago, leia’s apartment
he’s debuting! she’s so excited, and she always knew it would happen. there’s no way ethan would’ve gotten two invitations to the company if they didn’t want him. imagine how different things would’ve been if he’d gone to snu instead! she misses him a bit when she’s alone on campus, and she does sometimes think it would’ve been fun to go together. no wait! oh, she didn’t mean to say that. she shouldn’t have said it, and she doesn’t want him to worry about her. because she’s fine! she’s doing great on her own! she’s only got a couple more years and then she’ll be graduating, and everything will be fine.
“ i’m moving into the dorm this week. “
she’ll help him pack!
“ you can’t come to the trainee dorms, leia, i’ll get in trouble.”
oh right.
her smile is still soft and gentle. their relationship had been quiet and incredibly comfortable til now. never something either of them spoke to openly about. not out of shame, but just out of natural inclination to not speak to often about personal matters to other people. but now it’s necessity.
“ …. no one knows about you except hyunsik. i think it needs to stay that way. it’s for your safety, ultimately.”
it’s okay! she completely understands. she doesn’t want to jeopardize his career and she loves him enough that she’s okay with keeping things quiet. really, she’s fine. she’s completely okay.
ethan wraps his arms around her tightly, presses his lips to her forehead. he’s never wanted to shout that he loves her more than right now. more than this moment where he’s realized that he can’t.
“ i love you. “ he settles for a soft whisper in her ear.
she loves him too.
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   six months ago, d:fi dorm
“  ethan  ?!  yah  –  ethan  !!  “
the  force  of  leaving  the  trance  sends  ethan  tumbling off  his  chair  and  onto  the  ground where  he  catches himself  on  all  fours.  
“  you  okay  ??  you  weren’t  responding …  can  you  hear  me  now??”  hyunsik asks,  kneeling  by  his  side  and  putting an  arm  him.  
ethan  shuts  his  eyes,  squeezing them  so  tight  that  he  feels  pressure in  his  forehead, “…yeah.”  he  says  finally.
the  past  hour  of  his  life  is….  nothingness,  as  far  as  ethan  can  recall.  but  the  state  of  the  dorm  room  indicates  otherwise. dropped  brushes,  a  tipped  over  cup  of  mucky  water. tubes  of  acrylic paint  are  scattered across  the  floor, some  burst  open  from  the  force  of  being  stepped on.  paint  had  splattered  onto  the  wall  and  floor, even  onto  some  of  the  furniture.  his  easel  is  turned  over  on  it’s  side,  and  the  canvas ethan  had  been  working  on  lay  on  the  floor, slightly  smudged  due  to  making contact  with  the  bedframe  before hitting  the  ground.
“  what  were  you  doing  ??”
“  i  don’t  know.  my…i’ve been  off  recently. i  don’t  know.”
suddenly  ethan  pushes himself  up  and  whirls  around to  look  at  the  painting. he  feels  a  pit  form  in  his  stomach  as  he  examines it.  it’s  messy, it’s  smeared  with  dark  reds,  browns,  and  auburns.  but  he  knows  exactly  what  he’s  looking at.  the  creature hunting  them  all  –  the  being  known  as  aries  –  holding leia  aloft.
his  hand  is  around  her  neck.  she’s  bleeding  profusely. her  body  is  limp,  but  her  eyes  are  wide  open  in  horror.  the  sight  breaks lose  tears  form  ethan’s  eyes,  and  hyunsik snatches  the  painting up  and  turns  it  around.
“  stop  it.    leia  is  fine.  ethan  –  leia  is  fine.  “
“  you  don’t  know  that.  ”
hyunsik  puts  himself between  ethan  and  the  painting, places  both  hands  on  his  forearms  and  squeezes  tightly, “  i  do.  two  star  is  protected. and  leia  is  right  downstairs.   there’s  nowhere  else  she  could  be  that’s safer.  she’s  fine.  she’ll  be  fine.  nothing’s going  to  hurt  her.”
ethan  uses  all  his  force  to  push  hyunsik  aside. the  elder  doesn’t expect  it,  and  so  he  tumbles  to  the  side  and  into  the  bedframe. ethan  snatches  the  painting  back  up  and  flips  it  over,  trying to  understand  what  part  of  his  brain  decided  to  concoct  this  monstrosity  of  an  image.
what  is  this  panic  induced nightmare  sitting  at  the  forefront of  his  mind?  why  is  his  stomach sinking  the  more  he  looks  at  it?  why  does  it  feel  so  real?  so  possible? so…inevitable?  he  feels  the  tears  begin  to  fall,  and  they  plop  onto  the  canvas,  causing bits  of  it  to  run  because  of  still  wet  paint.
hyunsik  gets  up  again  and  tries  to  pull  the  painting  from  ethan’s  vice  grip.  the  elder  ultimately wins  the  scuffle, and  the  painting is  pushed  off  to  the  side  of  the  room  face  down  and  smeared across  the  floor. ethan’s  body  racks  with  sobs  as  hyunsik pins  him  down.  loud,  anguished cries  as  realization  sets  in  of  the  future he’s  seen  for  leia.
  [     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   last night, d:fi dorm
leia’s  asleep,  curled up  in  a  blanket  while  ethan  sits  beside  her  with  one  of  his  sketchpads.  over  the  course of  the  evening, a  series  of  elaborate  mandala like  designs  have  blossomed  onto  the  page.  it’s  not  until  the  very  early  hours  of  the  morning where  light  is  peeking  into  the  window that  ethan  realizes he’s  been  awake  since  the  moment  leia  arrived.  with  realization  comes  exhaustion.  his  vigilant  watch  over  her  was  bound  to  come  to  an  end  eventually, but  he  remains uneased.  like  he  can’t  trust  the  locked doors  and  magical wards  around  the  dorm  to  protect  them.
considering  how  monsters had  broken  through them  before,  though, were  his  concerns truly  misplaced?
he  sets  his  sketchpad  aside  and  slides down  into  the  bed,  wrapping an  arm  around her  and  leaning into  her  back.  leia  stirs  and  turns  to  face  him.  worry  is  written all  over  her  face  as,  even  through her  glossy  eyed  half-asleep  daze,  she’s  picked up  on  something troubling  him.  ethan  smiles  a  bit,  shakes his  head.
“  i’m  fine.  just  thinking. why  do  you  always  know  when  i’m  thinking?”
she’s  too  tired  to  form  a  meaningful response.  her  words  come  out  practically  inaudible and  a  little bit  slurred.  exhaustion is  evident,  and  so  ethan  just  strokes her  hair  and  her  arm  and  tells  her  to  go  back  to  sleep. it  doesn’t  take  long  before she’s  out  again  and  he  is  left  to  his  thoughts.
would  you  have  ever  spoken to  me  if  you’d  known  this  is  what  your  life  would  be?  constantly chasing  down  or  running  away  from  monsters…fighting  against the  threads  of  time  and  having  to  figure  out  what  fate  looks  like  for  you…?
he  knows  what’d she  say  if  she  were  conscious.  she’d  say  yes,  of  course. she’d  say  it’s  worth  it  and  as  long  as  they’re  together, she  knows  she  safe.  she’d  say  she  doesn’t  want  to  be  a  burden, but  she  wouldn’t want  it  any  other  way.  though  if  he  wanted to  leave  her,  she’d  say  she’d  understand. it’d  break  her  heart,  but  all  she  wants  is  for  him  to  be  happy  –
ethan  realizes  that  he’s  rambling for  her  and  lets  out  a  small  laugh.  she’s  so  much  a  part  of  him.  maybe  to  much  now.  ‘that’s  what  soulmates  are’,  he’s  sure  someone  in  the  dorm  would  say.  hyunsik  or  reese.  and  yeah,  perhaps that’s  what  they  are.  no…that is  definitely  what  they  are.  nothing  else  would  explain why  it  feels  as  though leia  has  a  cord  around his  soul  and  is  constantly pulling  at  it.  he  welcomes every  tug.
and  god  save  whoever tries  to  sever  that  cord.      
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daddychims · 4 years
Offside Pt 9
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Series Masterlist!
Genre: Smut, Soccer AU, College AU
Pairings: Soccer Player! Jungkook X Sports Trainer! Reader
Word Count: 2k
Other BTS members all make a cameo as well because I’m an OT7 Trash!
You work as a sports trainer, providing basic first aid and injury management for the Hanguk University’s soccer team. Going with your mundane life of caring for the dozen of guys hurting themselves in the soccer game takes a turn when one of the guys catches your eyes. It’s not his breathtakingly good looks or his muscular athletic body usually seducing girls at the campus that catches your eyes. But the action plan in your kit, indicating he is diagnosed with Asthma is what draws your eyes time and time again to the Golden Boy of Hanguk University.
Warning: Slow burn, eventual smut, Taehyung being a freaking tease the whole time, Fuckboy!Jungkook, Asthmatic! Jungkook , mentions of episodes of Asthma, Take your Ventolin kids, Take your medications kids!
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"J-Jeon," You breath heavily, the sensation of his hard member brushing against your thighs running a rush of arousal between your thighs "open the door!"
He raises an eyebrow with a smirk flying on the corner of his lips "Sure?" he asks, pressing himself against you and grinding his lower abdomen
"I-Aah-" you moan out when he finally touches you where you need the most, eyes widening at the realization that the lewd sound has finally left your lips "J-Jeon!"
"See?" He smirks as he continues traps you between his two veiny arms that rest just beside your head on the wall "You just gotta let go and enjoy it," he leans closer, lips pressing close to your ears "Trust me, I can make you feel so good, you'll forget everything."
"B-But Jeon-" you voice out the words weakly, every nerve In your body fighting against your logic for more stimulation
"Just like that baby, " he nods in approval as he traps your earlobe between his teeth and nibbles on the soft flesh "Call my name like that"
You close your eyes, his seductive voice and sinful action against your core making you lose a momentary control when a loud knock on the door snaps you back to the reality, and you immediately flinch against his touch.
"Jeon, your girl is asking if she should go home?"
You hear Taehyung's words yelling against the wooden door, your eyes wandering on the guy whose face is resting a few inches away from your neck, eyes hooded and dark.
"Tell her to go home," He yells in annoyed tone "I'm busy."
"No!" You immediately retract as you guard your arms up against his chest to establish the space he's trying to occupy "Jeon, Stop messing around and open this door! Seriously!"
He raises an eyebrow with a smirk flying on the corner of his lips "You sure?" he asks, rolling his hips skilfully against yours in attempt to change your mind
"I-" you breath out, struggling to form the words "I'm sure!" you nod, trapping your bottom lips between your teeth to prevent any further sounds leaving your lips
"Fine!" His expression hardens as he rests one hand on the side of your head while the other plays with the lock of the door, you watch as his eyes glance between you and the door lock, gaze dark and unimpressed as you just wait for him to finish his task.
You sigh in relief, feeling the pressure off your thighs as he finally ceases his misbehave down there and unlocks the door with a click.
"I guess I'll see you soon," you murmur the words weakly, in an attempt to fill out the awkward silence between you
"In two days," He confirms as he grabs your arm and pull you to the side to open the door
"Can we meet on campus?" you quickly ask, trying to prevent the future risks of being alone with him in his room again
"No, I don’t really want people to see us."
"Oh" you respond with the sound of disappointment, as something inside you sinks unexpectedly, so he's embarrassed to be seen with me, you think.
"Meet here?" he asks, breaking the silence as he looks at you with intrigued eyes
"S-Sure!" you nod reluctantly as you quickly avert your gaze and turn around to leave his room.
When you open the door, Taehyung is waiting outside looking at you with a mischievous smile
"Here they are," He flashes you his usual goofy smile before bringing his eyes to the girl beside him who's standing there staring at the two of you, more specifically at Jeon "I hope we didn’t get in the way of anything."
"Nah its alright, we're done."
You hear Jungkook's words and immediately turn around to look back at him with furrowed eyebrows at how quickly he changed his plan with you.
"What?" He asks raising an eyebrow as he rests his weight on the doorframe "Do you have anything else you wanna discuss?"
"No." You reply dryly, trying really hard to hide the roll in your eyes at his smug act
"Okay then," he nods as he reaches forward and grabs the girl's arm and pulls her inside his room, giving you one last smirk which is tainted with annoyance before shutting the door in your face.
You hear Taehyung's comment but decide to just shrug it off as you make your way down the hallway, trying to hide your own emotional turmoil and the fact that you were about to fall for the fuckboy's act a few seconds ago.
"I thought you guys were up to something," you hear Taehyung's voice as he wraps his arm "But I guess even Hanguk's golden boy cant get into your pants Sugar."
"Why? You wanted to call dibs on his girl?" You look at him with a teasing smile  as you stand just before the entrance and look back at him "Sorry I ruined your plan Tae!" you fake pout
"Not exactly my plan," he smirks amused at your response as he leans closer against your lips "I was more thinking about joining the two of you." he wiggles his eyebrows
"Maybe you can join them?" You point at Jungkook's room, tone tinted with a slight saltiness that is foreign to your own ears
"Nah," he throws his shoulder up, hands reaching up to mess his freshly showered hair "Jungkook will probably take his anger off on the poor girl, don’t wanna get in his way."
"What? Why?" You furrow your eyebrows, gulping nervously as you hear his words
"So unfair," he murmurs as he arms wrap around your neck and pull you closer to his face as he looks into your eyes "You pissed him off, but the poor girl will be walking with a limp for a week," he then smirks as if he's imagining what will happen in that room as he mutters "I'm pretty sure she'll love it though!"
You just stare at him with lost eyes, a cold shiver running down your spine as you digest every single word when he finally releases his hold on your neck "See you at training, Sugar!" he waves as he turns around and walks down the hallway to his own room.
"I can't believe you woke me up at 7 AM on a Saturday morning for a professional development seminar."
You bring your eyes from the pamphlets in front of you to the whining guy who's sitting across you, sipping on his iced coffee
"Joon, I'm sorry but literally no one in my group of friends are nerd enough to do this with me," you pout as you quickly take a slice of the cake in between you on the table and bring it to his mouth
"So what's with the sudden interest in Exercise Induced Asthma?" He asks leaning closer to look at the piles of notes you made in the one hour seminar "I thought you don’t wanna work in Sports!"
"I still don’t," You nod as you try to avert your gaze clumsily "But you know, the job opportunities are limited and who knows what I'll get once I graduate. Just trying to keep my options open."
"Very convincing," he laughs "Even my dog knows you want nothing to do with sports physio since year 1. who are you trying to fool?"
"I-" you hesitate before quickly bringing your pinky finger "Swear you wont tell anyone?"
"Woah, this is more serious than I thought," he nods intertwining his pinky with you "what is it?"
"You know Jeon from Hanguk's soccer team?"
"Of course," he nods "Hanguk's Golden boy, who doesn’t know him?"
"He has asthma," you murmur, looking around to make sure no one is hearing you
"Oh, that …" his expression hardens as if he remembers not very foreign memories "I knew that," he averts his gaze as he continues "Earlier this year when we were doing the team admission, the school asked me to give them a hand in the selections."
"He applied for SNU?" your eyes widen in surprise "and then chose Hanguk over SNU? That doesn’t make sense!"
"Well no," he shakes his head "Both schools were trying to recruit him," he takes a sip of his coffee as he continues "they kept upping each other's offer trying to lure him in and in the end he chose SNU!"
"Then why is he in Hanguk now-"
 "A week after he applied for the team, SNU rejected him and that’s how he ended up In Hanguk's team."
"Why would SNU let him go? Weren't they trying to recruit him in the first place?" you immediately ask trying to connect the dots "Why …" your eyes widen at the sudden realization "because of his Asthma?"
"You did NOT hear it from me," he quickly warns "This is highly confidential information, they will kick me out of the school if they know I told anyone."
"Oh," you nod, biting the corner of your lips "so that’s what happened!"
"Yeah, its shame he couldn’t join our team. the guy has a lot of potential," he nods with a pout  "I was looking forward to having him."
"That's why he's so adamant about it," you whisper as things start to make sense in your head
"Why are you suddenly so interested in Jeon?"
Joon's question brings you back to the moment and you part your lips to answer when his pupils dilate
You bite your lips, sending an apologetic smile to a couple of people who are doing their work in the pleasant silence which is now disturbed thanks to your friend.
"Joon can you please keep it down?" You scold as you quickly cover the guy's lips
"Y/N, you cant!" he quickly pulls your eyes down and hold them as he looks at you with stern eyes "I'm not allowing this."
"I'm not sleeping with him," you rush the words trying to calm him down
"Then why?" his eyes widen again "Do you like him? YOU LIKE JEON?" he raises his voice again receiving another unpleasant glare from those around you
"No, Oh My God Joon can you please let me explain," you sigh as his expression finally softens and he nods "I've been given a homework by Dr Kim, the clinic's Sports medicine specialist to work on his medication before the games. That’s it!"
Joon furrows his eyebrows trying to put the new information in the context
"That’s why I wanted to go to this seminar today," you explain pointing at the pile of papers in front of you "I thought it might help me understand his condition better."
"Are you sure that’s it?" He asks after a few moments of pause "Jeon is a good guy on the field," he continues "But from what I heard he's the type that bets on his tally counter of girls he fucks in a week," he hesitates as he reads your expression "he's not your type of guy Y/N."
"Joon," you smile, heart warming at his words of warning "I live on Hanguk's campus, I've heard about his reputation. You have nothing to worry about me."
"You don’t really get what I mean," he sighs as he leans with a worried smile "I'm not worried about you," he hesitates, chewing his words as he adds "I'm worried about him and his effect on you."
You gulp nervously, the words of concern hitting differently this time. If you were quite honest, you were also worried about the golden boy's effect on yourself . No matter how tough you were, it was only a while before you gave in to his games if he really wanted to repeat what he did yesterday.
"I'll be fine, he doesn’t even look at girls like me," you quickly form the words, trying to not worry your best friend with your abnormally long silence "really Joon, don’t worry."
“If you say so,” He nods, still unconvinced by your reassuring words before he mutters "by the way, You don’t think you paid me back with just a cake and coffee, did you?"
"What?" You ask in a confused tone "I thought we're even now!"
"Incorrect," he shakes his head "Now that I accompanied you to your nerdy morning, you need to do me a favor!”
"I should have known," you sigh, staring back at the guy "You sounded too enthusiastic this morning, you planned this all along."
"I'm a man of passion," he says in a proud tone "I do anything to get what I want, even if that means waking up and dozing off in the most boring seminar of my life."
"It wasn’t that bad," you pout as you gather your papers "Fine, what time and where?"
"That’s my best friend," he grins through his teeth "I'll text you the dets."
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A Promise I Could Not Keep - The Tragic Melo of Shin Hyun Jae
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@have-yet-to-decide​ and I agreed that Hyun Jae x Young Hee deserved its own separate melo. While the screen time focused on Young Hee in the earlier part of the drama, Hyun Jae received more screen time towards the end, and I loved how Choi Chan Ho delivered a convincing performance. Boy, did I cry a lot during his scenes.
One of the little gems the drama managed to tell was his relationship with Young Hee’s mother. Young Hee might have thought that her situation was a burden to Hyun Jae, but it was not the case for Hyun Jae. He loved Young Hee for who she was, and never did it occur to him that she was a burden.
And because of that, he had a good relationship with her family. Even when her mother did not ask him to help prepare for her late father’s memorial, he insisted on helping out, because to him, her late father was his own family too. I mean, they have been dating for over ten years for God’s sake!
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Spoken like a true SNU law school graduate
He knew how Young Hee had a tendency to wallow in self-pity and put a barrier around her, even with her own mother. He knew her mother felt guilty for not being able to provide her with a normal life like an average person, and how Young Hee resented that. He knew her mother felt she was a bad mother for making Young Hee too independent.
Despite that, Hyun Jae tried to assure Young Hee’s mother that he would become the person Young Hee could lean on, so she did not have to continue worrying about Young Hee living alone in her fortress of solitude.
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This was not easy, given Young Hee’s victim mindset and tendency to cut off people from her life because she believed everyone who entered her life would become miserable.
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Hyun Jae knew he had to be with Young Hee, not because he felt sympathy for her, but because in his mind, it was her and her alone. Young Hee was the reason he became a good husband material. He was a high school trash before he met her. He knew she was her North Star, her guiding light, and he was willing to throw away the good life his parents had been providing him, just to be with her.
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However, he also acknowledged that he could not beg her to stay with him, because she was hurting and resenting herself while they were together.
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He knew it very well, but he could not make himself walk away. Ironically, he himself had been miserable since breaking up. Young Hee’s intention to push Hyun Jae out of her misery made him live within his own misery instead.
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So he decided to linger around her, always ready to catch her whenever she fell down.
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True enough, she did finally reach out to him.
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A happy ending for my boi 🥺🥺
But Hyun Jae would have to live the rest of his life, knowing he could not stay by Young Hee’s side when her mother passed away. He would have to live the rest of his life, knowing Young Hee’s mother’s last memory of her was a daughter who stayed in her fortress of solitude. Sure, they believe in ancestors being able to see what happened in the world from the afterlife but she could not be there in person to see Young Hee getting married and become a mother herself, and that was her biggest wish - to not let Young Hee cry when she was becoming a mother because she missed her so much.
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Having failed to keep his promise, Hyun Jae would carry that guilt to his grave.
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solediem · 3 years
when brush meets canvas; a collection of thoughts and happenings ( @solivaganted​​ )
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[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   five years ago, snu campus tour
he’s  not  listening. ethan  liu  has  the  attention span  of  a  a  goldfish when  it  comes  to  irrelevant things.  there’s  the  center  of  the  campus, there’s  the  café  (there’s  great coffee  there!),  dorms are  that  way,  class  buildings one  and  two  over  there  (  “  they’re  close  together  so  you  don’t  miss  classes!” )  …  so  on  and  so  forth. he  can  keep  pace  with  the  group  well  enough on  auto-pilot.  the  ‘highlights’  of  the  greater campus  are  irrelevant to  a  student who  plans  to  spend  four  semesters  holed  up  in  a  dorm  room.
“  sorry!  i’m  so  sorry!! “
he’s  rather  responsive for  someone  on  auto-pilot.  she  crashes  into  him  out  of  nowhere. his  arms  reach  out  to  catch  her  and  stabilize them  both.  it’s  not  until  after  he’s  done  it  that  ethan  truly  realizes that  something  happened, and  he’s  got  his  arms  around  a  brunette  who’s  expression  reads  utterly  horrified by  her  own  actions.
he  lets  her  go,  waving it  off,  “it’s  fine.  you’re alright?”
yes  she’s  alright, and  she’s  very  sorry,  and  she’s  sometimes so  clumsy,  and  she  wants  to  make  it  up.  ethan  continues to  wave  her  off,  shaking his  head  because it  really  is  fine.  it  takes  some  talking  down,  but  she  ultimately  accepts it,  and  she  shifts  herself off  to  the  side  a  bit  so  she’s  not  walking  so  closely  to  the  man  she’d  just  collapsed  into.  
ethan  sighs.  the  walk  continues. now  they  know  of  each  other’s  existence; any  time  they  catch  glances he  gives  a  small  nod  and  she  alternates  between mouthing  ‘sorry!’  and  giving  him  a  gentle smile.  he  finds  it  funny. and  it  makes  the  rest  of  the  tour  considerably less  grating.
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   five years ago, coffee shop
ahh.  that’s  why  she  asked  what  my  coffee  order  is  the  other  day.
leia  is  settled at  a  small  café  table  –  in  front  of  her  a  tall  glass  of  iced  coffee  and  a  slice  of  crumb  cake.  across from  her  in  front  of  the  opposite, empty  chair  is  another  cup  –  this  one  a  large  ceramic cappuccino  mug  with  two  slices of  lime  set  on  a  separate  dish  to  the  side.  it  too  is  accompanied  by  a  slice  of  cake.
“  did  you  wait  long  ??  “  he  asks
she  didn’t  wait  long  at  all,  she  just  got  there  a  little  early  and  decided to  order  for  them!  she’s  fine  with  paying  for  it,  and  ethan  certainly shouldn’t  worry.  she  hopes  she  ordered  the  right  thing, she’d  written  down  what  he  said  a  few  days  ago  about  liking  to  mix  lime  into  his  coffee.  she  thinks  it’s  very  interesting, and  she  almost ordered  it  herself. and  she’s  talking and  rambling  to  much  and  she’s  sorry.
ethan  is  to  used  to  her  by  now  to  be  phased. he  simply  sits  in  front  of  her,  lets  her  ramble  a  minute  while  he  adds  the  lime  to  his  drink  and  takes  a  fork  to  the  cake.  after  a  moment  she’s  quiet,  shyly  looking  down  at  her  own  setting. ethan  shakes  his  head.
“  you  worry  to  much.  “
she  knows.  she  can’t  help  it.  
“  i  owe  you  for  this.  “
no  he  doesn’t! it’s  completely  fine.  she  doesn’t mind.  and  ethan  doesn’t  care,  as  he’s  already  reaching across  the  table  to  pocket the  receipt. leia  sighs  a  bit.  she  just  wanted to  be  nice.  ethan  tells  her  she’s  nice  without trying,  and  it’s  one  of  the  many  reasons  he  likes  being  around  her.
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   five years ago, leia’s apartment
leia  is  rambling, as  she  always is.  only  this  time  she  rambles  while  dumping  new  dishware  into  the  sink  and  unpacking boxes  of  this  and  that  and  things from  home  into  cabinets  and  into  drawers. ethan  is  listening, as  he  always is.
if  he  doesn’t want  to  enroll in  snu,  then  he  shouldn’t! he  should  definitely join  two  star  if  that’s what  feels  right. and  she’s  supportive of  his  decision. and  yes,  it’ll  be  harder to  start  school without  him  if  he  chooses not  to  go,  but  she’ll be  alright!  and  they  can  still  text  and  hang  out,  and  everything  would  be  fine.  and  she’s  seen  some  of  the  lyrics  he  wrote!  and,  oh,  they’re so  good  no  wonder  two  star  entertainment extended  him  a  contract!  
she’s  practically  bouncing up  in  down,  bubbling  up  with  all  the  excitement one  would  expect ethan  to  have  after  receiving a  personal  invitation from  the  company’s ceo.  but  he’s  just  standing there  with  his  arms  crossed, watching  her  with  one  brow  arced  and  a  smile  tugging  at  the  corners of  his  mouth.
“  when  was  the  last  time  you  took  a  breath?”
leia  pauses,  her  body  going  stiff  for  a  moment as  she  manually takes  in  a  breath,  then  lets  it  out  again  with  an  embarrassed  smile. she’s  just  so  happy  for  him.  and  she  wants  what’s  best  for  him  and  wants  what  makes  him  happy. ethan  moves  towards her  and  puts  his  arms  around  her  waist.
“  i  have  a  lot  to  be  happy  about  these  days.  “
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   four years ago, leia’s apartment
over  the  past  year  or  so,  ethan  has  come  to  learn  how  every  aspect  of  leia  is  soft  –  lips,  voice,  demeanor.  more  recently,  he’s  learned  that  the  rest  of  her  body  is  no  different.  the  discovery  wasn’t  by  chance.  it  was  planned  and  executed  with  comfort  and  assuredness  in  mind.  the  location,  however,  was  a  bit  unplanned  –  the  intent  had  been  the  bedroom,  but  the  living  ended  up  serving  just  as  well.  and  that,  ironically,  turned  out  to  be  for  the  best  as  ethan  discovered  something  else  that  very  same  afternoon.
leia’s  back  is  a  wonderful  canvas.  the  better  part  of  the  next  hour  had  been  spent  in  quiet  conversation  as  he  brushed  unplanned,  but  ornate  designs  onto  her  skin.
“  it  washes  off.  “
she  knows.  she  wouldn’t  really  have  let  him  do  it  if  it  was  permanent.  or  maybe  she  would  have.  maybe  his  art  would’ve  become  a  beautiful  back  tattoo.  she  wants  a  picture  of  it  when  it’s  done,  because  she  can’t  see  for  herself  what  she’s  doing  and  it’d  be  a  shame  to  wash  all  his  hard  work  away  without  remembering  it.
why  do  i  love  you  so  much?
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   two and a half years ago, leia’s apartment
he’s debuting! she’s so excited, and she always knew it would happen. there’s no way ethan would’ve gotten two invitations to the company if they didn’t want him. imagine how different things would’ve been if he’d gone to snu instead! she misses him a bit when she’s alone on campus, and she does sometimes think it would’ve been fun to go together. no wait! oh, she didn’t mean to say that. she shouldn’t have said it, and she doesn’t want him to worry about her. because she’s fine! she’s doing great on her own! she’s only got a couple more years and then she’ll be graduating, and everything will be fine.
“ i’m moving into the dorm this week. “
she’ll help him pack!
“ you can’t come to the trainee dorms, leia, i’ll get in trouble.”
oh right.
her smile is still soft and gentle. their relationship had been quiet and incredibly comfortable til now. never something either of them spoke to openly about. not out of shame, but just out of natural inclination to not speak to often about personal matters to other people. but now it’s necessity.
“ …. no one knows about you except hyunsik. i think it needs to stay that way. it’s for your safety, ultimately.”
it’s okay! she completely understands. she doesn’t want to jeopardize his career and she loves him enough that she’s okay with keeping things quiet. really, she’s fine. she’s completely okay.
ethan wraps his arms around her tightly, presses his lips to her forehead. he’s never wanted to shout that he loves her more than right now. more than this moment where he’s realized that he can’t.
“ i love you. “ he settles for a soft whisper in her ear.
she loves him too.
[     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   six months ago, d:fi dorm
“  ethan  ?!  yah  –  ethan  !!  “
the  force  of  leaving  the  trance  sends  ethan  tumbling off  his  chair  and  onto  the  ground where  he  catches himself  on  all  fours.  
“  you  okay  ??  you  weren’t  responding …  can  you  hear  me  now??”  hyunsik asks,  kneeling  by  his  side  and  putting an  arm  him.  
ethan  shuts  his  eyes,  squeezing them  so  tight  that  he  feels  pressure in  his  forehead, “…yeah.”  he  says  finally.
the  past  hour  of  his  life  is….  nothingness,  as  far  as  ethan  can  recall.  but  the  state  of  the  dorm  room  indicates  otherwise. dropped  brushes,  a  tipped  over  cup  of  mucky  water. tubes  of  acrylic paint  are  scattered across  the  floor, some  burst  open  from  the  force  of  being  stepped on.  paint  had  splattered  onto  the  wall  and  floor, even  onto  some  of  the  furniture.  his  easel  is  turned  over  on  it’s  side,  and  the  canvas ethan  had  been  working  on  lay  on  the  floor, slightly  smudged  due  to  making contact  with  the  bedframe  before hitting  the  ground.
“  what  were  you  doing  ??”
“  i  don’t  know.  my…i’ve been  off  recently. i  don’t  know.”
suddenly  ethan  pushes himself  up  and  whirls  around to  look  at  the  painting. he  feels  a  pit  form  in  his  stomach  as  he  examines it.  it’s  messy, it’s  smeared  with  dark  reds,  browns,  and  auburns.  but  he  knows  exactly  what  he’s  looking at.  the  creature hunting  them  all  –  the  being  known  as  aries  –  holding leia  aloft.
his  hand  is  around  her  neck.  she’s  bleeding  profusely. her  body  is  limp,  but  her  eyes  are  wide  open  in  horror.  the  sight  breaks lose  tears  form  ethan’s  eyes,  and  hyunsik snatches  the  painting up  and  turns  it  around.
“  stop  it.    leia  is  fine.  ethan  –  leia  is  fine.  “
“  you  don’t  know  that.  ”
hyunsik  puts  himself between  ethan  and  the  painting, places  both  hands  on  his  forearms  and  squeezes  tightly, “  i  do.  two  star  is  protected. and  leia  is  right  downstairs.   there’s  nowhere  else  she  could  be  that’s safer.  she’s  fine.  she’ll  be  fine.  nothing’s going  to  hurt  her.”
ethan  uses  all  his  force  to  push  hyunsik  aside. the  elder  doesn’t expect  it,  and  so  he  tumbles  to  the  side  and  into  the  bedframe. ethan  snatches  the  painting  back  up  and  flips  it  over,  trying to  understand  what  part  of  his  brain  decided  to  concoct  this  monstrosity  of  an  image.
what  is  this  panic  induced nightmare  sitting  at  the  forefront of  his  mind?  why  is  his  stomach sinking  the  more  he  looks  at  it?  why  does  it  feel  so  real?  so  possible? so…inevitable?  he  feels  the  tears  begin  to  fall,  and  they  plop  onto  the  canvas,  causing bits  of  it  to  run  because  of  still  wet  paint.
hyunsik  gets  up  again  and  tries  to  pull  the  painting  from  ethan’s  vice  grip.  the  elder  ultimately wins  the  scuffle, and  the  painting is  pushed  off  to  the  side  of  the  room  face  down  and  smeared across  the  floor. ethan’s  body  racks  with  sobs  as  hyunsik pins  him  down.  loud,  anguished cries  as  realization  sets  in  of  the  future he’s  seen  for  leia.
 [     🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·  ] ⠀━━   last night, d:fi dorm
leia’s  asleep,  curled up  in  a  blanket  while  ethan  sits  beside  her  with  one  of  his  sketchpads.  over  the  course of  the  evening, a  series  of  elaborate  mandala like  designs  have  blossomed  onto  the  page.  it’s  not  until  the  very  early  hours  of  the  morning where  light  is  peeking  into  the  window that  ethan  realizes he’s  been  awake  since  the  moment  leia  arrived.  with  realization  comes  exhaustion.  his  vigilant  watch  over  her  was  bound  to  come  to  an  end  eventually, but  he  remains uneased.  like  he  can’t  trust  the  locked doors  and  magical wards  around  the  dorm  to  protect  them.
considering  how  monsters had  broken  through them  before,  though, were  his  concerns truly  misplaced?
he  sets  his  sketchpad  aside  and  slides down  into  the  bed,  wrapping an  arm  around her  and  leaning into  her  back.  leia  stirs  and  turns  to  face  him.  worry  is  written all  over  her  face  as,  even  through her  glossy  eyed  half-asleep  daze,  she’s  picked up  on  something troubling  him.  ethan  smiles  a  bit,  shakes his  head.
“  i’m  fine.  just  thinking. why  do  you  always  know  when  i’m  thinking?”
she’s  too  tired  to  form  a  meaningful response.  her  words  come  out  practically  inaudible and  a  little bit  slurred.  exhaustion is  evident,  and  so  ethan  just  strokes her  hair  and  her  arm  and  tells  her  to  go  back  to  sleep. it  doesn’t  take  long  before she’s  out  again  and  he  is  left  to  his  thoughts.
would  you  have  ever  spoken to  me  if  you’d  known  this  is  what  your  life  would  be?  constantly chasing  down  or  running  away  from  monsters…fighting  against the  threads  of  time  and  having  to  figure  out  what  fate  looks  like  for  you…?
he  knows  what’d she  say  if  she  were  conscious.  she’d  say  yes,  of  course. she’d  say  it’s  worth  it  and  as  long  as  they’re  together, she  knows  she  safe.  she’d  say  she  doesn’t  want  to  be  a  burden, but  she  wouldn’t want  it  any  other  way.  though  if  he  wanted to  leave  her,  she’d  say  she’d  understand. it’d  break  her  heart,  but  all  she  wants  is  for  him  to  be  happy  –
ethan  realizes  that  he’s  rambling for  her  and  lets  out  a  small  laugh.  she’s  so  much  a  part  of  him.  maybe  to  much  now.  ‘that’s  what  soulmates  are’,  he’s  sure  someone  in  the  dorm  would  say.  hyunsik  or  reese.  and  yeah,  perhaps that’s  what  they  are.  no…that is  definitely  what  they  are.  nothing  else  would  explain why  it  feels  as  though leia  has  a  cord  around his  soul  and  is  constantly pulling  at  it.  he  welcomes every  tug.
and  god  save  whoever tries  to  sever  that  cord.      
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