#how do you people draw rinnes hair
tinylittlelilac · 1 month
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Very fun birthday present for my sister!! We are amagi bro fans together :]] WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
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posebean · 1 year
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fantasys your crazy:B‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ 
fantasy AU stuff... alkaloid later...world building + details stuff under read more maybe dont look if u dont wanna be spoiled for the 2 fics that i already wrote for this au
in general magic is kind of weird there’s multiple methods to cast the same spell those being spell components, incantations, somatic (gestures). each has their merits and flaws/ u can choose to use only one/ any most people stick with 1-2
there’s all kinds of spells and people are either born with an innate specialty in it or grow up developing it; power is how strong their magic can be, control is how much of a grasp they have on their magic, the lower control is compared to power the more easy it is for someone’s magic to go out of control (aira in this AU but i’ll talk about that when i have the alkaloid one made). if someone has more control than power they’re able to do very precise things with their magic with no focus at all while others would need some focus; general populace has both equal, usually people that dont hone their skills (common villagers) stay at 1 star for both
niki’s outfit is very simple and inspired by his fs2, very versatile and such because he’s always out and about chasing after exotic creatures to add to his checklist cloak HGFSDH he learned to sew from Aira’s mom when he was little and made most of his clothes himself, his satchels, and even helps the others when they need his skills whenever hes in town. even though he clearly puts spices etc. on one side compared to his components on the other, he still mixes them up because he is silly Aka is very fluffy and has kind of wild hair like. someone we know. i wonder who bright blue eyes (also like someone we know. ) but foxes are funner to draw with just closed eyes
RInne just has his normal village clothes with like longer and some changes to make it more. fantastical???? idk im soooo bad at designing clothes lmfao but before the “fox” is out of the bag he doesn’t really shift back much except to stretch and mess around with meru so he doesnt really. get different clothes. def after the reveal he stays in that form more around niki and they do get him different clothes. idk what they would be maybe niki would make them because he gets sick of seeing both hiiro and rinne in his house wearing the same things all the time. oh yeah i havent gone over this yet but yeah hiiro does refuse to leave because rinne refuses to leave so he just. lives with them on niki’s couch LMAO. who knows. maybe he becomes a denizen of the beehive rinne also still shifts because he finds moving around as a little guy more convenient and also niki still finds that form cute and cant say no if he does the puppy eyes so it usually goes like niki: rinne-kun, no rinne: boo-hooo.. niki~kyun.... (swishes his finger and ina  poof hes aka again with round blue eyes) niki: niki: i know what you’re doing, its not going to work this time aka (rinne): whimpers niki: niki: (throws his hands in the air) oh my god fine rinne: (quickly changes back and grabs niki and cheers)
i havent gotten to kohaku’s fic yet but he’s good at stealth magic. like really good. he can make himself vanish and no one will be able to find him when he’s right next to them. think about that as you will. when aira brought him to the beehive he only had a yukata and worn down sandals and since he and aira had similar builds he just ended up getting clothes from aira for most of the time; he does have shirts that are specifically his because they all have little pockets sewn on (by niki!) for rabu-han junior but with coats pants and outerwear he and aira just share except kohaku stays away from some of aira’s more. fancy clothes ?? lmao not to his taste rabu-han junior is a little hamster familiar that he met one day and made a familiar pact agreement with. rabu-han junior usually sits in his pocket, but if need be rabu-han junior can grow MASSIVE from 3 inches to 6 feet. Big mode. in big mode he can easily carry. 4 people. lmfao. rabu-han junior also shares magic with kohaku and technically is as strong as him and from that logic. rabu-han junior is better at magic than poor rabu-han (original)
merumeru’s clothes are all from kaname except the coat the coat is tatsumi’s. no idea why himeru hasn’t thrown it away though. maybe somewhere deep in his heart he does care for tatsunn his main reason for leaving was he didnt want tatsumi to always be in pain from seeing him, the very spitting image of kaname
all of him is just like kaname except: slightly older, longer hair, hair dark grayish at the ends and its not visible much and he does do illusion magic to change it but he has cat eyes pupils kittymeru is mainly dark gray (the same color as his human hair ends) with kaname-blue highlights and the long strand, the proof that kaname was the one that conjured him and essentially put part of himself in meru
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honeybeewhereartthee · 5 months
"...you know something...." His blue eyes that once full of tears become dull as he look at the false god setting upright on the sofa.
"Who knows~ do I 'know' or do I not..." Kanata said In a sing a song, trying to test the patient of the phantom without sense of fear.
"..." The phantom gaze at the false god who flick the strings that tries to held him --to give him answer--in a choke hold, the strings all turn into dust in his touch. Giggling as he stares at the anger in those blue eyes. Amused.
"ooohhh... Are you 'mad'? Good....good..." Kanata laughs as he stood up and give a side glance at the figure in the floor before he takes the doll off his arm. Kanata skip holding the almost finished doll.
"Im 'glad' I was the first one from all of us...." His emerald eyes shine in full of glee. "It's mean, I have watch and know everything unfold..." With a cryptic smile he disappears before everyone with a golden glow. "I was the one "trusted" unlike any of you..." Was his last words to DDs in the house.
".........." -mayoi.
"well now that's something new you don't see everyday." Rinne commented as he drink some soda. He was watching how it all unfold and damn was the drama legit.
"Did you get it recorded?" He sneakers as he whisper to aira. Who was recording everything. "N-no!!" aira lieds as he hide his phone.
"Don't be shy, share it to me later. MC will laugh at this once they come back. Gyahahaha." The monarch chuckle before he went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Tatsumi and hiiro went to comfort Mayoi who was not moving from his spot.
"Mayoi--" Tatsumi called out for the phantom but the said person disappear from where he was seating earlier to who knows where.
You look at the old tojou who's sewing something. "Are you making a toy again?" You ask him as you yawn. "... Where you not the one who told me about this???" The old tojou tilt his head in worry and confusion about your reply.
"Greedy children gets punish." The visitor of the old man says as he look at you with aurora eyes. His fluffy hair bouncing around as he move.
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"Do you know something about this?" The old tojou stared at his visitor, his very concern about your lack of memories as you start to look through some journals you found in your room.
"Wow those writing are so bad. Ahahaha ~" you chuckle not even able to read your own writing nor remember them.
"in some sense, yes..." The visitors nodded his head. "It has some bits of mine... And some other worldly beings'magic." To be able to grant wishes to that extent. It's a very much a huge fit. He thought.
"Hey, do you know? Some magic can be fueled by treasured memories. If you sacrifice some memories for a hint of magic, you got some cool stuff ya see..." He pointed out. He open his hand and a ice rose appear.
"It's something that long livid beings can use in their advantage yet a human like you did some thing like that... That other worldy being most have taken your memories instead than your lifespawn."
".... Kids those days are really concerning." The old tojou sigh. He give you two one more look before he went to return to what's his doing. "Hmm... How does this work." He start to trace the pattern you once given to him to the fabric.
Your focus is on the journal your read, more like looking at the pages. You saw an drawn image of a big house. Some happy people smiling.
Some funny scene and a portrait of different people in some angle, there some that's more than others. You can't read the names of those people but they look very good looking.
"ikemen..." The visitor who's looking at the drawing over your journal commented. "Those people most be in some false or click bait otome games or something. Ahaha." He pointed out.
"what's that?" You tilt your head in confusion. "Some games full of handsome lads. Out to get your money." He answers.
"Btw... You have some weird stuff inside of you.... Hmm... Your soul. It's barely there. Only a connection you have linked with someone, some people is the main reason that's making you live till this day. " He notice those as he come closer to you.
"Based on what I see... You only have a few years left." How odd. There's some hint of that thing that cause you to be in that state. That other worldly magic... Just what up with this kid.' he thought as he went back to his seat.
"that's very rude to say I'm going to die soon." You laughs not thinking much about it. But your words have shaken some fluffy creature and made some cries and worries for you.
"It's not that soon. As long you don't do anything dumb you'll live to see modern age." The visitor corrected you.
"hell na. And be called as a witch? No way." You laughs as you look at the work of the old tojou.
"Hey! your doing it wrong!" You don't know why you think so but you quickly taken the pattern from him and corrected the stitches. Doing the other side in one go and was about to finish it when a hand pulled your need away.
"That's weird." The visitor clearly notice how your lifespawn seems to decrease a bit when you sew that pattern. He wanted to see what's up with that as he rudely takes the pattern and did some sewing too.
He felt something being absorbed but it's not that much he should concern about. He did the final stitches as you did the rest before him. He look at the doll body that's faceless. It's like a rug doll but with beautiful and loved stitches.
"you kids have no respect for this one." The old tojou who saw you two have taken his job for him can only sigh in disappointment for the new generation. "Is that it?" He pointed at the doll. "What's the next step then."
"who is to test it out with." The visitor stares at the fluffy creatures that's all surrounding you all. They all look fearfully at the doll body as it's something unknown and off to them. It was weird and scary for some.
" Ok jump to My hand if you wanna." They added and from all the fluffy only one jumps without fear to your hand instead of the visitor hand. It is as the blue with hint of green one. "Those fluffy thing sure is based." The visitor commented as he sigh.
"cutie." You give a soft kiss to the courageous fluffy who's willing to do it before the others. The little creature jumps up and down in a slow motion in Glee at your words before you put him close to the doll body.. gesturing him to go on and soon he jumps into the doll. You stared as he taken over the doll with a soft blue-green like the sea that reflect the never ending sky.
An image of blue haired who's familiar yet not comes in mind
"... My beloved dollmaker... I'll accompany and assist you till the end..." You heard a soft voice as you close your eyes from how bright it was. Once you open them, a beautiful blue haired stranger with jellyfish like hairstyle. His emerald eyes that's stares at you with admiration and happiness.
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"Kanata Shinkai... You can "call" me Kanata." He introduced himself as he found himself use to be able to speak finally. He who watches you since the beginning with everyone else. Cannot help but smiles so warmly and sweetly at you, his "glad" to take the first step than others.
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shytastemakerthing · 6 months
Hi! How are ya! I saw your matchups are open so… could I request a matchup with Any of the Ensemble Stars Characters? so I’m a ftm person who’s 5’5 and I have shoulder length brown hair (which I’ll cut off eventually), i have brown eyes as well and I dress as a trad goth/medalhead! my MBTI is a ENTP I’m very bold and creative, im also very curious as well and I’m not afraid to disagree with people and I also have a playful/cruel-ish sense of behavior, i may be awkward at first but I grow out of it eventually, i also have to add that I overthink a lot which I call “looping”, but anyways my hobbies are gaming, drawing, making music(im a beginner vocaloid producer), and that’s it! I hope this is all good^^
A/N: Hello and thank you for your request! I hope that you like your match-up and enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with..........
Rinne Amagi
Rinne is someone who is not at all afraid to disagree with someone or stand up to any form of authority. It is actually something he is very well known for, more so than the other members who are in his unit. He is someone who encourages you to speak your mind if there is something that you do not agree with and seeing that you are the same way brings that smug and handsome grin to his face.
Another one with a playful sense of humor! Can he be cruel at times? Indeed he can, but a lot of the time it's more so just some playful banter that he has going on. The both of you will certainly throw some playful humor at one another, trying to one up each other to see who can get who to crack first. it's pretty much a tie between the both of you.
While he may be out there, extroverted as hell, causing some trouble here and there, and sometimes just being a bit of a gremlin, he notices very easily when you begin overthinking. While it may not show on your face, he sees it in your eyes as clear as day. This is when we see a more reserved side of him, the part that cares so deeply that he wants to make sure that you are okay. If it is a situation that is causing this or even a person, he is rather quick to interfere and help you any way that he can. Anything to make this less stressful for you.
Please come and see his unit perform! He'll give you his jacket and that way, he can easily see you from the stage. Better yet, he'll get you some front row tickets, right where he will be, and he'll toss you his coat from the stage! Honestly, it's just so big and warm and it smells like him. It's very comfortable.
His unit mates love you, by the way. Crazy B! isn't always as crazy as the name suggests, so they'd love to be able to just chill and hang out. Nikki will even make you all something to eat while you unwind after a long day.
Overall, while Rinne may be an over the top kinda guy, he is someone who will do the same in your relationship, but more so in the sense of making sure that you are happy and have everything it is that you need. This is all new to him, so he really wants to do his best. Just tell him what he needs to do and he will do it.
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dayseternal-blog · 2 years
do you know any good modern au fanfic? it's better slowburn since i love read something long. thank you
I generally don't often read slow burn... I tried to compile here all of the longest modern aus I've ever read.
Multi-chapter Modern AU NaruHina
“Serenity Prayer” by @katarinahime - Rated E for domestic abuse, substance abuse, and smut, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing.  In the midst of picking themselves up from failed marriages, Hinata and Naruto cross paths years after losing touch with each other. 
“Common Side Effects” by @katarinahime  & “Medicated” by @szajnie - Rated E for a lot of things, Crime/Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto and Hinata, in a struggling relationship, must confront the pain inside before they can love each other.
“21 Days” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E includes dub-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Anonymous internet friends decide to meet up IRL and give each other their first times.
“Gilded Butterflies” by Kid Crisis - Rated M for depictions of violence and miscarriage tw, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Tenshi, beautiful prostitute of the Villa, realized from a very young age that people seem to do nothing but empty her, and not even Naruto seems capable of convincing her otherwise.
“put on your warpaint” by @borzbois - Rated M, Tattoo Artist/College AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata meets a stranger with beautiful tattoos. She never could have guessed the turn her life would take when she asked to draw him.
“If You are the Sun I’ll be the Moon” by vinczu - Rated T, Modern Soulmate AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata is afraid, she really is. Naruto after three years of military service is finally back, and she is happy. She really is. But she can’t touch him, she just can’t what if he isn’t her soulmate. What if he is.
“I want you to cry” and its sequel “I want you” by Devahhole - Rated E for graphic murder, dub-con/non-con, and smut, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. A sociopath blinded by revenge runs into his greatest opponent.  
“Fatal Attraction” by aisha12894 - Rated M for character death, Crime AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata’s life was simple. Yet all of that changed when she witnessed a most heinous crime, which caused her to be the subject of numerous threats on her life. She most now trust her life in the hands of a certain blonde haired blue eyed cop.
“You love like you’ve always been lonely” by @linisen - Rated E for smut and referenced rape in the past, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete.  After a party-gone-wrong, Hinata decides to disappear for good.  A decade later, Naruto finds her.
“Second Chances” by enzhe - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Namikaze Naruto was abducted, then declared dead. Twelve years after he disappeared, his parents find him: now a scrappy, reckless teenager, with good friends, a lot of trauma, and ties to the murderous, anarchist Nine-Tails gang. As the family tries to put itself together, trust breaks, hurts heal, and the power struggles that led to Naruto’s abduction resurface.
“Missed Years” by Rinne-Kami - Rated T, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. The act of one night gave birth to their future. And now, with years past since that one night, they were left with years to return. Seven years of love to find, seven years of trust to rebuild, and seven years of fatherhood to return.
“I Met You at the Sex Shop AU” by @journalsofagoddess - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Prompt #169: “I work at a sex toy shop and you come in frequently so I assume you have a significant other, but you just like coming in to make fun of how weird the toys are” AU. They both never really thought that their encounter would lead to more…fun and happy times.
“Opposites Attract” by KyuubiLover100 - Rated E, Yakuza AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Citizens of Konoha all know that “The Light cannot exist without casting its Shadow.” It’s the unspoken system that the city runs on. Everyone knows their place and their roles. Those in the Shadows do what those in the Light cannot. Uzumaki Naruto knows this and has known this since he was young. Hyuuga Hinata knows this as well and understands her Father’s wished, but still…
“The Cinderella Makeover Naruto Style” by CharismaHarmony - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. When Hinata’s best friend, Naruto said that she wasn’t the type of woman men fall in love with, she bet him 1000 she’d have a marriage proposal in 3 months.
“The Lustful Maid” by HoneyWriter78 - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata Hyuga wakes up in an unknown room on an unknown bed, after one of the most worst days of her life. Her only memory is knocking into a tall blonde handsome guy with her juice spilled over him! Was it a dream? I think not as now she has signed a contract to be his very own personal maid!
“Pink Chiffon” by @scalding-coffee-cup - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. During the day, she wears pink chiffon and nude pumps; her glossed lips curve into an innocent smile. At night, she struts down the alleyway in black stilettos and wears a scowl on her red lips. The pistol is her most expensive accessory.
“The Girl in the Elevator” by TheseFourWords - Rated G, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. AU in which Naruto and Hinata live in the same building take the same elevator on their way to work each morning but are too shy to speak to each other.
“Serial Killer” by Raven Young - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. She’s a Sociopath. She’s a Supermodel. She’s a serial killer. She’s a girl in love. She is Hinata Hyuga. And he is her undoing.
“Hard Love” by HoneyWriter78 - Rated E for smut and non-con (includes Sakura-bashing), Gangs AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata Hyuga was always kept within her father’s estate. Until her father comes home after losing everything. A powerful family comes and she makes her escape only to be caught and handed to the son.
“Echoes of Silence” by @ellaroundpanda - Rated E, BDSM Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata Hyuga was trapped. Her relationship with Toneri was leading to nowhere and she wanted to find a new Dom. Naruto Uzumaki seemed to be the answer to all her prayers, but her fiancé wouldn’t give up that easily…
If anyone can think of other long modern aus, please add them!
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primtenps · 3 years
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open  ♡ send ‘heart eyes’ and my muse will talk about a ‘crush’ without using their name. // @executefaces
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Talking about someone in this manner was hard for him normally, but to have to do it vaguely in not saying their name? What type of hell was this? Surely it was pointless given that as soon as he started talking someone would probably know. Rinne wasn’t exactly the most discreet when showing he liked someone—- but the soft side of things? Yeah that was a whole other level to him. Being real and raw, while it’s something he wanted to do it was just hard. He hated being vulnerable emotionally —-even if he’s sure they knew. He likes to think he proves that alone by breaking that ‘no kissing until marriage’ rule he tried to set for himself, but it’s hard isn’t it when you feel so in love that touches by the hands aren’t enough.
“Yer want me to blubber about the guy I like? Eh? Pretty sure he knows it but whatever I’ll play, guess it’ll give him an ego boost that he’s got me talkin’ like this.”
Besides he really hasn’t poured his heart out like he’s really wanted, but a first time for everything right? Maybe it won’t be that bad —-as long as he’s not picked on afterwards of course, but why would he of all people not tease him for doing this? A groan slips out.
“Ugh…he has this way of drawing people in and making them smile, making me smile.” He sways on the balls of his feet, “doubt those people see his real smile much and melt… fall in love. I-..mean I’m sure they fall in love kinda hard not to fall for that idiot.” He huffs and his eyes roll, had he really blurred on he was in love that fast? Wow he really was going to be teased wasn’t he?
“Ya know he makes me feel good about myself, I feel alive around him. I hope that he seems the same around me, I hope that he can relax and feel happy like really happy not that fake bullshit he tries and pulls.” Rinne shook his head before smiling a little, “I didn’t think I’d ever fall in love with someone that I was fallin’ around with. I dunno if that’s the same for him, I could say so much more but it’s stuff I’d rather tell him y’know? Some things I’d like to keep just between us.”
A hand runs into his hair “I ain’t good at this shit, I sure as hell ain’t gonna be any better when it’s just him and I. But I’m just glad to have him in my life, he just does what he can for those he gives a shit about.” Rinne felt his cheeks heat up, “the things he hates about himself I hope I can help him with that, I hope we can work out all those things no matter how long it takes.” He pinched the bridge of the nose, “I want him to know we can deal with everything together.. if he’d like.”
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konpithepuppy · 3 years
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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A gravure of 6 people who gives off a wonderful aura that seems like will make you fall in love the moment your eyes meet. In the interview, the members's value towards "love at first sight" is highlighted. (The interview was done at the middle of March.)
Q1. Does love at first sight exist?
Q2. What specific first impression of a girl has a good impression on you?
Q3. What is the item that you fell in love at first sight and bought it?
Konno Taiki
A1. It is relatively possible (LOL).
But, not just based on the appearance, I may also be attracted to her inner side. I think I will find her cute when I try talking to her and will find out that she is an honest and airheaded girl. Basically, since I want for the move to come from me (T/N: lit. push myself harder), so on the contrary, I don't like to be told, "I fell in love with you at first sight." Without suddenly asking her contact address, I want to do things step by step (LOL). And then, when I also think that it is okay on her side (T/N: lit. she's good), I want to confess to her finally.
A2. Since I like someone who is an airhead, I can recognize if the person is an airhead or not on the first meeting. Since there is something that impresses only me (LOL). Being too much of an airhead is a problem but I like someone who is an airhead to an extent that I can tease. When she said something wrong, I want to pester her saying, "Can you try saying it again?" (LOL).
A3. I like a lot the black bomber jacket that I bought last year. I like the color black, and I came to like simple styles too. I first saw it in the internet but I am the type who buys things that I have seen in actual so I went to see it at the actual store and bought it there.
Recent Happening
I want to go and buy spring clothes but I refrain from going out too much so I can't go and buy...An email from the brand that I like came saying, "Our new collection is out" and I desperately want those (LOL). I buy sweater and parka every year but this year I am greatly troubled [whether to go out and buy or not]!
Nakamura Reia
A1. It totally exists! Since the personality shows on the face, if I like the face then I will like the personality too I think. I think the type of person I will like depends on the situation I am in at that moment. Like, I think a person who seems kind when I am tired is nice, and I will be attracted to a person who looks like I can have fun with when I am in high-spirit. But, on the contrary, I might get turned off at the person who falls in love at me at first sight.
Since I am putting a fake face in front of a person who I am meeting for the first time (LOL). It is not the first impression but I feel really being liked when the person responses back to me as an answer to my approach.
A2. More than being fixed with clothes that are in trend, I like better a person who shows "I like this!" with her clothes and small accessories. I want her to be a nerd of something. We will be excited together if we have the same hobby, and if we have different hobbies, I want her to teach me her hobby. For example, I am an indoor type but if she likes fishing, I want for us to try doing it together.
A3. A black setup with a dragon embroidery on it. It is very stern (LOL), but the material is very soft and it feels good wearing it, and I don't have to think of a coordinate so it is easy to wear. I often wear it to the filming site of 「Gekikaradou」.
Recent Happening
I bought a Pachira and started to raise it. Honestly, I wanted an animal but plants are cute too! I usually place it at the entranceway. But I sometimes bring it next to the window so it well get some sunlight.
Yabana Rei
A1.There is. It's just that I am shy of strangers so it takes time for me to make some move. I will consult for roughly a year (LOL).Or perhaps I should say, as long as there's no proof that I can make a move, it may take forever for me to make a move. If it will strangely destroy our relationship then it is better to just stay as friends. Even if a girl falls in love with me at first sight and approached me, I am thickheaded so I will probably not be able to notice it. I will not know if I will not be clearly told, "I like you."
A2. A person who can behave. For example, I like someone who stays silent in a quiet establishment, or someone who can read the room. Also, I think I will be happy with someone who has the same hobby as mine. Like we happen to like the same genre in music. My tension will rise the most with a person who likes cars.
A3. I don't think I am the type who buys impulsively at things that I fall in love at first sight. Even though I falll in love at first sight at something, I'm the type who will think properly about it. The black bass with a drawing of a bird that I bring on stage until now is a bass that I found by chance in an instrument shop. Even though there are other choices, after thinking too much about it, I thought, "The appearance of this one is cool after all," and I went to buy it the next day.
Recent Happening
3 more days and my sticker as a new car driver will be removed! Among the members, Taiko, Konpi (Konno), and Rinne-kun rode already but Taiko and Konpi are substantially banned from riding [my car]. Since they went on a rampage inside the car. They misunderstood a person's car with a jet coaster (LOL).
Motodaka Katsuki
A1. I don't fall in love at first sight but I think 1st impression is important to an extent. I think I will gradually like the person, who I thought is nice during our first meeting, while getting to know her. I am bad at dealing with someone who falls in love with me for the first time! But I am worried that that person will fall in love with another person (LOL). But if that person asked me, "Should we grab for a delicious meal?" I might be lured with food...(LOL). Moreover, I will be like "I know a shop with a delicious taco rice" and it seems like if I was told about something I am a maniac of, I will definitely talk about it.
A2. I am interested with the lips. With natural color, it has a sense of cleanliness, and lips that are not dry is nice. Things like lipsticks with loud colors, I don't like that much those that are shiny. A color that is close to a bare lips has a good impression in me. Wanting to kiss those lips without thinking, lips like that.
A3. I fell in love at a flounder in a fresh fish market and I bought it. Since its body is big, I was thinking that I could fillet it into 5 fillets. I filleted it into 5 fillets immediately at home, and I broiled some in the burner and I also made sushi.
Recent Happening
Abe (Ryohei)-kun gave me a parka from a brand I thought was good before. Before the filming of 「Q-sama!!」, he casually gave it to me saying, "Oh, which reminds me, here." I was really happy but it is super valuable that I can't wear it (LOL).
Sugeta Rinne
A1. I often think, "This person is cute" (LOL). But, I definitely do not tell it out loud! Finally, when I liked her inner side, I might be the type who will advance to being a boyfriend from being a friend. Even if how cute the person is, I don't like those who use words like 「w」
「草」 「sore na」 in mails (LOL). (T/N: w = laugh (LOL), 草 = literally, it means grass but people in the internet use it like "w" which means "laugh (LOL)" because "w" looks like a grass) Conversely, I will be a happy if a person falls in love with me at first sight, but I will completely doubt and ask, "Really?" If I am invited as a friend and gets confessed to, then my suspicions may loosen.
A2. A person who has silky hair, light makeup, and without colored contact lens. To exert a great amount of effort to be pretty is wonderful, but I think I like it better when it is not overly done. I like a neat and tidy person who looks good in white tops and denim pants!
A3. Before, I often fell in love at first sight with clothes, but I have a lot of failed purchases from buying clothes without trying them on. Like, when I bought a black long tee with a lion print on it, it turned out to be a dress for ladies (LOL). What I am currently aiming at is a sneaker with orange print on a white background. Since I haven't tried it on, I plan to buy it after I tried wearing it.
Recent Happening
Since I don't move extremely in the stage play「Hidamari no Ki」, my muscles toned down. My belly is protruding because of gastroptosis, so I was asked "Are you full?" during the dressing of Hakama (LOL). I must go back to training.
Sasaki Taiko
A1. There is. Isn't love in this world is approximately like that? I think there's not much of those who advance from friends to lovers. But since I want to know things about the other party, I want for us to exchange messages for around a month. And then, I want to meet the parents. Since it seems like we can properly date if I know the parents.
A2. A girl with pretty legs. I maybe looking at the legs more than the face. I like those girls who take care of their legs. But that doesn't mean I like girls to wear mini skirt, I am on the pants side. Lately, I think I came to like those pants like flare pants where it is tight in the thigh area.
A3. A large quantity of water from a large supermarket. 500mL of water came in a set of 40 bottles and it was very cheap. Also, I impulsively bought toilet paper. I bought so many that everything can't fit in the house so I gave some to my high school friend (LOL). Since I got my driver's license, I can now go in the supermarket alone and I go there around once a week lately. It feels like, "I've become an adult~." My next aim is the big potato chips!
Recent Happening
In the "Taiko Challenge" in ISLAND TV, when I uploaded a video of putting candy into a carbonated drink, I was surprised that the official account of the candy tweeted about it. Moreover, it is in English. Isn't that amazing? A CM may come after that...it will be my advance to the world. I might really do it! (LOL)
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beneathtreemomo · 5 years
21 Questions Tag Game
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
Tagged by: @lunastarward
1. nicknames: MoMo, Mo, Kenzie, Kenz, Lil Mac (as a joke cause Dad’s Big Mac), and then when I was little dad would call me Spring Flower sometimes.
2. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
3. Height: 5′2/ 157.5
4. Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff through and through, baby~
5. Last Thing Googled: other ways to say tit for tat
6. Favorite Artists: Music- Starset, Set It Off  Drawing- Lu, Jazer, misterpoofofficial, fubuki99bae, wa-shoi, cosmicguts, raynef-art, rinn-crft, and many many more!
7. Song Stuck in my Head: I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead by Set It Off, which is actually kinda funny because that’s not a song I’ve listened to recently nor is it a favorite of mine xD
8. favorite time of the day: hmmmm idk. Communications wise usually late morning cause that’s when I have people to talk to that aren’t my dad or myself, but nature/going out wise I’d have to say afternoon to early evening (so about 1pm-7 or 8pm)
9. favorite color: blue shades
10. Following: 88 and i sincerely hope it doesn’t get much bigger if at all
11. Followers: 37
12. Do i get asks: Mm, not really! Sometimes friends’ll send me something but my inbox is usually a ghost town, and I’m actually pretty ok with that!
13. Amount of sleep: If I get less than 8-10 (usually ten) hours of sleep I will crash before 4pm
14. Favorite number: 3. idk why, but 3 is my fav. I think it’s because in elementary school that was always my number on the roster?
15. There’s no question 15: K you do you you cryptic game you
16. Dream Job: An author! Or at the very least a job I really enjoy. Maybe a teacher if I ever decide to go to college
17. instruments: I have a guitar but don’t know how to play it
18. Language: English, pretty much. I know bits and pieces of Spanish, but any chance of following conversation flew out the window by the time I was a senior in high school.
19. Favorite Song: Different Songs by Set It Off is definitely a top favorite right now, hands down.
20. Random Facts: When I was little, Halloween stores terrified me and I hated visiting them. Once I started having fun with Halloween and enjoying the stores, all the unique hole-in-the-wall stores closed down and the exact same decorations were sold at the ones we could still find. Teen/adult me = Absolutely crushed.
I regret throwing/giving away clothes that still fit me but I never wear because I somehow never fail to want or need them later in life and copies are impossible to find.
21. Aesthetic: campfires, roasted marshmallows, rain, lakes, thunderstorms, video games, ripped jeans with chains, dog hair-covered sweaters and blankets, coffee, and half-finished books
Tagging: @maryseph @demuredelcatty @possiblyfree @fubuki99bae @alicethemadhatterapprentice and whoever else wants to do it (those I tagged by name, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to)
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j-exclamationmark-l · 5 years
Kiryu Youtube video synopses
From November 2018 - December 2018 These are synopses, not direct translations, despite the fact I began to forget that during the top one, which I wrote last.
【本人解説】己龍最新アルバム「転生輪廻」マル秘トーク! Kiryu talks about their new album Tenshou Rinne!
Synopsis: The five members gather together and give their thoughts about their new album.
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Tsurushi Mitsuki: This is an older song I wrote, back in 2017. I made Mahiro sing in a very low register. Mahiro: I like the distortion effect in doubling my voice. Junji: I was surprised by this song, it has a nice balance between quiet and movement. Muku Mitsuki: This is the song where I began using a seven-string guitar. Hiyorin: The balance is very difficult to achieve, but once you get it, it's incredible. Junji: Between quiet and movement... THIS SONG IS DEFINITELY MOVEMENT. Oborodzukiyo Hiyorin: This kind of sounds like the kind of song we would have written in our early days. Takemasa: I think this song is more popular with our male fans since it's kind of R-rated. Mitsuki: I wanted to make a song that was dark and disturbing. Mahiro: I like this song. Junji: Between sun and shadow, this song is shadow. Ibitsu Mitsuki: This is maybe the prettiest song on the album, and a bonus track. It's a song about pain. Hiyori: The bass solo is very significant. Takemasa: After having written some hundred songs together, we've yet to have made a song like this. I'm glad we put it out now. Junji: Between strength and gentleness, this song is gentle. Hansuu Mitsuki: This is a song Takemasa wrote for us. It has a nice balance and it's really fun to play. Hiyori: It's fast and busy. Takemasa: I wrote it mostly on my iPhone. Mahiro: The speed and rhythm of it really makes it a unique song. Junji: This isn't a normal rhythmic pattern for Takemasa. It's all... (sings the pattern). That's it. That's all it is for me. [Then Junji compares it to some manga thing I'm not familiar with]. Tenshou Rinne Mitsuki: This is the kind of song that people who like Kiryu will enjoy. It's a very Kiryu song. We don't use normal phrases for us, though. Hiyori: It's really nice to hear you singing for us, Mitsuki. Mahiro: That was my idea. I thought it would add a nice kind of unique sparkle to it. Junji: This is a fast song. Watashi ha Kairai, Sarugutsuwa no Ningyou Mitsuki: This is a rather slow song for us. Hiyori: I felt like this song was a sort of turning point for us, that this is the song that shows we're no longer kids. Like we grew beards for this song. Mitsuki: I don't understand what on earth you're talking about. Hiyorin: Don't you feel like you finally grew pubic hair? Mitsuki: What? Like in junior high school, weirdo. How old are you, do you still not have hair there? Mahiro: I really like the balance and sound of this song. Basara Mitsuki: This song is called "Basara," AKA Take-punk. Takemasa: WHAT? WHY?? Mitsuki: Every time you submitted a demo of this song, the feeling of it was very uncertain. But the underlying sound was always kind of punk. Hiyorin: Thank you for all the deep feelings held in this song! Mahiro: I like this. Junji: I hate the rhythm. It's the same thing over and over again. Nopperabou Mitsuki: This song was born out of my want to write a song that had this sort of bass rhythm. For you, Hiyorin, it's all bass slaps. Hiyorin: Oh yeah! This is the most difficult song to play on this album! The rhythm is hard, and when I was recording, you kept asking for more and more. Mitsuki: And the lyrics, I really felt like I was able to write something significant and deep... Hiyorin: It is a sufficiently Micchan song. Junji: When you sent it to me, I couldn't even begin to imagine what the chorus would be like. Takemasa: We had to do so much reamping and such, this was also the most expensive song to make. Mahiro: There were just so many levels to making it. But in the end, it was fun. Mitsuki: How about it, Hiyorin? Can you go more? Hiyorin: ..I'm going to have to say for now, I'd like to stay at this level. Gekkabijin Mitsuki: This is the most Japanese-sounding track on the album. It's like Kiryu-pop. Takemasa: I had absolutely no idea where to insert this song in the album. Mitsuki: Maybe we should have made it a bonus track? Mahiro: Sometimes I forget we have songs like this, too. Junji: It's Mitsu-punk. Basara is Take-punk and Gekkabijin is Mitsu-punk. Harushigure Hiyorin: This song really conveys the feeling of now. This is really Takemasa's song. Kairai is Mitsuki's song of growth, and Harushigure is -- Takemasa: HAIR? HAIR? HAIR? Hiyorin: Your beard. Mitsuki: This is the world's beard. Mahiro: From the start, I knew this would be a good song. Junji: Takemasa wrote the music and Mitsuki wrote the lyrics, so it kind of feels like a thing you both peed on together. (Everyone laughs). No, it's a good song. It's good. I just hate it. I only play TAN-TAN-TA OVER AND OVER. Except at the end, I play DO-DO-DO. Then tan-tan-ta. But it sounds nice and sparkly. Jou no Ka Mitsuki: This is THE single Junji: The song that charmed the world. Mitsuki: We used this song in an anime. The concept came from trying to tackle something we couldn't do before. I wanted to do that. Everyone: Thank you. Hiyorin: I didn't cry, but I felt as though I might. It's a moving song. Junji: But then, seeing your name appear on the opening credits as the writer was kind of a blow. This song... between light and dark, this song is light. Mahiro: I really like this song. Kuroyami ni Madou Esoragoto Mitsuki: This song is "Kuroyami ni Madou Esoragoto," AKA the Take-ballad. Junji: This sounds like something he wrote when he was in school. This is back when it was just us in a Take-band. Prince Take hasn't changed a bit. Mitsuki: This song is just so heavy. Takemasa: I thought about all the things I wanted to say, the messages I wanted to get across. But I wasn't the one singing it, so I knew if Mahiro couldn't feel it, this song wouldn't resonate. Mahiro: It was really difficult to sing. Every line felt like a wound. Hiyorin: Usually songs feel like a journey. You hit this place, then return. Then you hit this place and return. This song starts with an intro that I expect to come back to, but you never come back to it.
5000万円以上⁉コンビニATMに入金できる額の限界を調査 Over ¥500,000,000!? Let's see how much money a convenience store ATM can take.
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Synopsis: Takemasa gathers a TON of money and tries to break the ATM by putting too much in at once. Result: Eventually, the ATM does stop accepting the money after depositing ¥305,000,000. Notable: Holding THAT MUCH money at once is genuinely terrifying. Takemasa tries to make a joke about it, but you can tell he's truly nervous to be holding that much in public.
【黒崎眞弥を観察する会】サイン書き Watch Kurosaki Mahiro write his signature
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Synopsis: Mahiro announces he will now sign posters. He then begins silently signing posters. Result: Posters have been signed. Notable: That one time he moved a poster. It was magical.
己龍 九条武政より、今までありがとう。 Thank you for everything up until now. -Kujou Takemasa, Kiryu
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Synopsis: Takemasa talks about his past in an overly dramatic way, how he decided that as long as he's in public, he will always wear his mask. As long as he has his mask, he is Kujou Takemasa. Result: In Macau, while bungee jumping, his mask flies off, and he pretends he died the moment the mask came off his face. Notable: OVER THE TOP.
【初���験】まだ見ぬ仙台の味を求めて【雑談有り】 [First Experience] We found a new flavor of Sendai (chat included)
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Synopsis: Mitsuki and Hiyorin go to Sendai and talk about the kinds of food it's famous for: gyuutan, zunda, sasakama... but NO! They will not try these foods today! Instead, they'll try the first hamburger shop that was opened in Japan. Result: The two agree the hamburgers are good. Notable: Mitsuki relays a story. "Sometimes, when I go buy food, an old lady will say, 'please enjoy this with ketchup.' Sometimes the kids will write their names on their food in ketchup, too. And young couples will write each other's names." "That's sweet," Hiyoin comments. "They even draw a heart around it... the little shitheads," Mitsuki laughs. "GROW UP, MITSUKI!" Hiyorin manages through his own laughter.
メントスコーラリベンジ Mentos-Cola Revenge
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Synopsis: Mitsuki analyzes what went wrong in the first mentos and cola video and decides to try again. Result: A huge mess explosion. Notable: Mitsuki isn't sure about trying by himself, and wonders if someone very special will hear him call out for help, no matter where they are... he calls out, "HIYOOOORIIIIIIINNN!" and surely enough, Hiyorin sweeps in to save the day. Notable 2: It's rather humanizing to see Mitsuki and Hiyorin cleaning up their own mess.
【企画会議】みんなでネタ考えよう! [Meeting Regarding Future Plans] Let's all think of ideas for videos!
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Synopsis: Chamu (Codomo Dragon) and Mitsuki ask for help thinking of Youtube videos people would like to see. Mitsuki claims he's only good at thinking of food-related things. Later, Mitsuki recruits Zero Hertz's Gaga and Rio to help him try different toast toppings while Chamu films them. Result: Nori tsukudani (seaweed simmered in soy sauce) Mitsuki: Too salty, but otherwise good. Rio: It's like jelly. Gaga: Salty, but good. Ume gonomi (pickled plum) Mitsuki: Too sour. Rio: Too sour. Gaga: (feigns vomiting) Ika shiokara (salted and fermented squid) Mitsuki: SALTY!! Rio: (makes a face and groans while Mitsuki asks "is it that bad?") Gaga: Yum! Delicious! The best one we've tried so far. Salmon flakes Mitsuki: It tastes like margarine. Rio: (no comment) Gaga: It tastes like normal bread. Tarako flakes Mitsuki: Where did the tarako go? Rio: It's bread! Gaga: It's like eating sand. The ensuing laughter sounds like agreement from everyone. Minorusaki menma (fermented bamboo shoots) Mitsuki: It's good! Rio: Good! Gaga: Yum. Tastes like something sold at a ramen shop. Nametake (enoki mushroom) Mitsuki: I don't taste it. It's good, but it doesn't taste like nametake. Rio: (makes a face) Gaga: (nods) Natto (slimy fermented soybeans) Mitsuki: DELICIOUS! Rio: Yum! Gaga: It's good! Mitsuki's conclusion: Everything needs more mayonnaise.
【武道館ドラマーが】ドンキーコングトロピカルフリーズをまったりプレイ Part.2 A Drummer Who Has Performed at Budoukan plays Donkey Kong Tropical Breeze part 2
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Synopsis: Junji plays Donkey Kong. Result: Junji plays Donkey Kong. Notable: Nothing.
おまえは誰だ "Who are you?"
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Synopsis: Hiyorin tests the urban legend about going insane from asking your reflection in the mirror "Who are you?" repeatedly. Result: Nothing happens. Notable: A weird tapping around the 64th time Hiyorin asks his reflection "Who are you?" Hiyorin says that this must be the spirits coming after him.
【悶絶】辛味の奥に眠る旨味は見つけ出せるのか!? [Watch as we pass out in pain] Can we bring out a dormant, delicious new flavor from spicy foods?
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Premise: Mitsuki and Hiyorin try mixing a number of spicy soups together, despite both hating spicy food, in their quest to find something new and delicious. Result: Mitsuki decides, after getting over the initial pain, that it really does taste kind of good. Hiyorin dies from agony and says he can't tell if it tastes good or not because it's too painful to eat. Notable: Mitsuki flailing in pain.
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bluerosesburnblue · 6 years
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Extremely late to the party, but I finally finished reference drawings of my Hogwarts Mystery MC, Seren Dwyn, and her hopefully not dead bro. Sorry if the colors are weird, I had to manually adjust them when I switched computers
Assorted Information under the cut
Seren Dwyn
Full Name: Seren Aisling Dwyn
Birthday: July 29, 1973 (yeah, it’s just my birthday. I got lazy)
Blood Status: Half-blood (and 3/16 Siren)
Nationality: Half-Irish, Half-Faroese (lives around the shore of Malin Head, outside of Ballyhillin in County Donegal)
Wand: Acacia wood, Unicorn Hair core, 12″
Boggart: Has two. The Voldemort boggart, which represents her fear that Jacob wasn’t the person she thought he was, and Jacob as he was before he left telling her that she was a disappointment that shouldn’t have been born. Only Professor McGonagall saw the latter the one time it appeared, the Voldemort one showing up more often in Year 3 as that was the fear at the forefront of her mind at the time
Favorite Classes: Care of Magical Creatures (!!!), Charms, and Herbology (aka her chill out class)
She and Jacob were pretty much raised as Muggles due to the fact that their father was a Squib and disowned from his pureblood family and their mother was a Muggleborn from a Durmstrang-covered nation and so grew to resent magic as she received little education on its workings
So, like, they went to Muggle school until Hogwarts and knew of most things magic and Wizarding World, especially with their limited interactions with their father’s mother, but they were mostly removed from Wizard culture
Jacob’s nickname for her is Rinn, because it potentially means the same thing as Seren and is phonetically similar to the last part of her name
Her first bit of magic was hiccuping up floating balls of water when she was less than a year old. That was when Jacob knew she was going to be talented at magic
Her favorite candy is peppermints
Was just barely a hatstall between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Like, six seconds over time. The hat was insistent that she go to Hufflepuff, but Jacob told her he wanted her to go to whichever house was best for her, not just his house. It took the hat a while to convince her that Hufflepuff was the right house for her
She’s loyal to a fault, but also has no personal ambition. Literally everything she does is for the sake of people she cares about. No dream job, no future plans, nothing. She also has a strong sense of justice/fairness, which comes out as both a strong desire to help others, even at the expense of herself (literally most sidequests) or knocking others down a peg when they start acting unfairly and hurting others (most interactions with Merula)
That said, she’s really creative and treats magic like a science. She experiments with it, and is extremely gifted in magical theory. Prefers to understand why a spell works as opposed to how, and once she does she casts it extremely well
Starts out at Hogwarts as extremely shy and skittish, which just gets worse the more people compare her to Jacob. Bucks up a bit during second year, starts getting more sarcastic in third year, and completely snaps after the Vault of Fear. She comes back in fourth year Much Angrier, with less of a filter, and a bit more Punk™ (but not much)
Literally snaps because she can’t stand how Dumbledore is treating the situation. Constantly reprimanding her and then unfairly awarding her? Not just gathering a team of Curse Breakers and sweeping the school over the summer when no one’s around like she suggested? Yeah, no, she lost all respect for him and may or may not get it back depending on where future story updates go
“Well damn, if everyone wants me to be Jacob 2 I may as well give them what they want” but she knows the rules so well she manages to break them in spirit without breaking the letter and weasels out of trouble most of the time because she never technically broke the rules and does so out of spite
That said, it’s still Seren, and she’s a genuinely nice person and a snarky dork, she’s just no longer taking unfair punishment lying down and lost all sense of self-preservation
Seren cares too much about other people, but hides it behind a facade of snark that occasionally comes across as a bit dismissive at times
Very stressed, acts chill, but breaks down when she knows people aren’t looking. It’s hard dedicating your childhood/teen years to finding your missing brother
Loves magical creatures. Loves them. Fire crab? Sooo cooool. Bowtruckle? Aw heck yeah little buddy you go! Murtlap? Oh, what a sweetheart. Sickleworth??? Mine now!!!
She’s loved Augureys ever since she was a kid. They’re her favorite magical creature
This love extends to normal animals but they don’t teach that at Hogwarts
Named the bowtruckle Jacob because she just wants her big bro back, dammit
She has a plush baby seal from when her family went to the aquarium when she was a toddler. Jacob used to do a voice and pretend the toy was alive to cheer her up as a kid. She still sleeps with it
Her owl, Arlo, is actually Jacob’s owl whose care she took over when he disappeared. The rest of her pets were found around Hogwarts, and she has her friends take them home over the summer because her parents would KILL her if she brought four animals home
While she’s good at Transfiguration, she kinda hates the class most of the time. Anything involving turning living creatures into inanimate objects or vice versa just skeeves her out so much and opens up WAY too many existential questions
That said, her favorite teachers are Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Kettleburn
She likes Professor Sprout well enough, but she’s her Head of House and Seren has a crippling fear of disappointing others, so she’s constantly worried that Professor Sprout secretly hates her
She doesn’t share a lot of personal information with the gang. She would if asked (usually), but since Jacob was her only friend growing up and he knew this stuff already, she never really thinks to share
She will never tell anyone her middle name because she’ll die before any of her friends find out her initials are SAD
The gang kind of considers her Team Mom/Team Big Sister because of her proclivity for taking care of everyone’s emotional states. Ironically, she’s the youngest person in the group, though no one in it is aware (because she’s never shared her birthday and at this point refuses to because she doesn’t want anyone making a fuss over it, especially since it’s not like any of them will see her over the summer to celebrate it)
Seren gets kind of protective over her friend’s siblings. Percy doesn’t like her much due to her chronic disregard for rules, but she still looks out for him. Fred and George think she’s cool but can also be a killjoy sometimes. Ron and Ginny both adore her. And if Penny’s sister Beatrice ends up in Hufflepuff and Seren’s a Prefect? “Oh boy, Penny, I’m stealing your sister she’s mine now!”
The gang has a minor freak out when they find out that Seren “Frequently an Irish Stereotype” Dwyn is actually only half-Irish and hates potatoes
Madam Rakepick makes her really uncomfortable... because she sees too much of herself in her. Rakepick kinda represents a “who you could be if you were an arrogant asshole” and Seren, being very Hufflepuff, wants to be anything but arrogant
Rakepick really does like Seren, or at the very least thinks she has potential, and has ever since Seren’s response to dueling Ismelda was to immediately disarm her and go into a leg sweep. Rakepick’s gotta respect a kid willing to fist fight if it helps their cause
Seren has no desire to be a Curse Breaker and chafes a bit every time someone tells her she should be one. Breaking curses is just a necessary part of finding Jacob. She doesn’t particularly care for it
Her courses are geared towards Curse Breaking, but it’s more because she has ZERO plans for her future beyond locating Jacob and at least it’s something she’s good at
She stole Jacob’s old sweaters at the start of year 4. It’s not like he’s using them. Team sweater vest all the way
Had she gone to Ilvermorny, her house would unquestionably be Wampus. Girl gets things done, especially once she gets over her shyness, but the fighter potential and defiance was always there as evidenced by the way she kicked Merula’s ass for harassing Ben and Rowan in their first year
5′3″ and steadily getting angrier every year
A lot of people think she just blindly worships Jacob, but she really doesn’t. She’s aware that he was a pretty flawed person, she just doesn’t care. He was good to her and she loves him and that’s all that matters
Jacob Dwyn
Full Name: Jacob Caradoc Dwyn
Birthday: December 15, 1968
Blood Status: Half-blood (and 3/16 Siren)
Nationality: Half-Irish, Half-Faroese (lives around the shore of Malin Head, outside of Ballyhillin in County Donegal)
Wand: Maple wood, Dragon Heartstring core, 10″ (broken before expulsion)
Boggart: Seren’s nearly drowned body that he can’t resuscitate*
Favorite Classes: Flying, Charms, and Transfiguration
Five years older than Seren but only four years above her in school due to where their ages are in relation to the cutoff date. Would’ve been in the same year as the prefects
Seren’s nickname for him is Jay, or Jayjay if she’s trying to be annoying/cute. Jake just never caught on for him
His first real bit of magic was accidentally charming a room full of people while singing in a school pageant when he was four. He’s been afraid of singing in front of other people since, despite having a really good voice
His first reaction to being told that he was going to be an older brother was “Oh boy new friend!!!” The first time he met Seren he let her grasp his finger and told her he was gonna be the best big brother ever
He then started hating her for a few months because she just would not. Stop. Crying. And her room was right next to his so he heard it constantly
Warmed up to her when he realized that she was just scared of loud noises and would sing her to sleep after that (and she’s the only person who he’s comfortable singing around now)
*His boggart comes from a moment when Seren was three and he was supposed to be watching her but was so caught up in his own adventure he didn’t notice her get too close to the cliff edge and she fell into the ocean. He jumped in after her but she was completely submerged and her leg was stuck in some seaweed. She definitely would’ve died if a nearby Merrow hadn’t pulled her out. And he didn’t know CPR (he was eight) so he was lucky she coughed up the water herself. The event traumatized both of them. Seren was afraid of going into the water for years and Jacob got super protective of her and developed a fear of being unable to save her, which is what his boggart represents
Firmly believed that rules should never prevent you from doing the right thing, which would really inform most of his actions at Hogwarts
Has two main goals in life: become a cool detective and go on a world tour with his family (though once he’s estranged from his parents for good it becomes go on a world tour with Seren)
Loves liquorice and liquorice wands. Was known to eat whole bags of them at once
Was a true hatstall between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, but was ultimately placed in Hufflepuff because he would throw away everything in a heartbeat to benefit someone he loved, he valued loyalty above all else,  and preferred to do things on his own merit rather than cheating. He got a rush from genuinely overcoming challenges
That exhilaration when he overcomes challenges led to him really loving puzzles and mysteries of all kinds. In a way, Seren was half-right when she speculated that his reasons for looking for the Vaults was that he wanted to overcome a complex puzzle. It was why the search became addicting, but not why he started looking in the first place
He was notably impatient and had a habit of acting without thinking through consequences a lot. Honestly, Seren was a good part of his impulse control and he took a lot more risks at Hogwarts than he would have if she was there
His witty and cunning side tended to get him into trouble, too. Boy had a hell of a sarcastic streak and never could keep himself from snapping back at people who made snide remarks at him (looking at you, Snape)
Say what you will about his bad habits, but he was a very good brother to Seren. Their parents were always pretty distant so he became the emotional support that she needed. He’d let her sleep with him when she got scared during thunderstorms, would hold her whenever she got upset after being teased in school (and helped her with her homework as much as he could), and at one point climbed up onto their roof without a second thought when she got herself stuck up there by an accidental use of magic... and then he realized that he didn’t know how to get either of them down. He played games with her until their parents came home and got them down
The entire faculty was aware that he would gush about his sweet baby sister if given reason to. Most of them already knew who Seren was before she started at Hogwarts because of it (”Hey Professor Sprout, what plants would be good to mail to my sister? She loves flowers!”)
The only way I can reconcile a Hufflepuff!Jacob going on a search for the Vaults is that he thought something in them/someone looking for them was going to pose a threat to either the student body or Seren, so that’s what I’m going with until proven otherwise
Honestly there were a lot of reasons people thought that he was certifiably insane. Beyond raving about Vaults that most people didn’t believe existed he:
had a tendency to just Not Sleep when he was working on a project and was known to down bottles of Wideye Potion and then not sleep for days. He always looked tired in his later years
got really twitchy when he didn’t sleep, so he was always nervously fidgeting in his later years
was so impatient that he’d jump off of part of the Grand Stairwell to get around faster
once had a serious craving for fish (due to his Siren blood, which neither he nor Seren are aware of) and ran into the Great Hall in a panic, grabbed cod with his bare hands, and then ate it while jogging out of the room. This was one of Angelica Cole’s few interactions with him and one of the only times Bill Weasley ever really saw him in their 1 & 1/2 overlapping years (”Seren, your brother was weird.” “Yeah, I- ...yeah. That sounds like Jacob.”)
was kind of a mess just before he was expelled. His shirt was never on right, he was lucky he could even get his tie on, constantly forgot his robes, and he was using Reparo on his clothes nearly every day because they kept getting torn up with Vault related stuff
is farsighted, but refuses to get corrective glasses or fix the issue, leading to him squinting a lot when he reads and such. He just can’t freaking see
Also, it’s canon that he has godawful handwriting and can’t draw to save his life. Boy’s a living disaster sometimes
If he hadn’t gotten involved with the Vaults, he probably would’ve joined the Quidditch team as either a Beater or a Chaser, and likely would’ve also been the male prefect of his and Jane Court’s year
He and Jane absolutely hated each other, but the kind of hate that involves some belligerent romantic tension. The kind that would probably lead to an emotionally abusive relationship if they ever got involved when they were older, but mutual attraction was still there. It’s a good thing they never got to that point, but I could see Jane trying to sneak him a love potion in 6th or 7th year if he hadn’t gotten expelled
If you asked him about it, it’d take him a while to remember who Angelica Cole was. He’d need you to describe her. He was nice to her, but their interactions were limited and he was usually distracted by the time she started talking to him more
I actually have a hard time seeing him in a long-term romantic relationship with a British/Irish witch or wizard due to his reputation. I could see him with a foreign magic user, maybe an Ilvermorny alumni or something
I could very easily see his Ilvermorny house being Thunderbird had he attended school there because he’s always wanted to travel and always yearned for adventure. Not super relevant, just some interesting personality trivia
Also, he’s only an average 5′9″ at maximum height, but he’s taller than Seren and that’s enough for him
He got expelled about a week before his 15th birthday. The last time Seren saw him, he was hugging her while sobbing and just kept muttering “It’s gonna be okay. I love you. I’m so sorry,” over and over again. He was gone the next morning and Seren hasn’t been “okay” since
Both of them are trilingual at Hogwarts (English/Irish/Faroese) and may eventually learn Mermish in the future
Their mother taught them Faroese and their father thought it would be fun to do the same with the language of his country, even though he did not speak Irish himself
They make a lot of very similar expressions and have similar body language, which most Hogwarts professors picked up on fairly quickly (”Miss Dwyn, I know you’re lying. Jacob used to make that face when he was lying, too”)
Jacob’s patronus would be a Sea Lion* and Seren’s a Common Seal*
*I actually haven’t settled on whose is whose. Dunno if I want their patronuses to represent the caster or their sibling more
Seren is unable to cast a patronus unless Jacob is found alive. She cannot cast one before they find him and will never cast one if he is found dead or irreversibly evil/insane/corrupted
I was actually pretty against it at first, but I’ve gotten attached to the idea of both of them being Raven animagi, with Jacob being unregistered and Seren’s registration status up in the air right now
Both of them keep their eye color when they transform, which is much better for Jacob since Ravens tend to have similarly colored brown eyes
They also both have a chuckle that sounds like the clicking noise Ravens sometimes make
Being a Raven animagus makes Jacob’s tendency to transfigure things into black quills to hide them way more ironic
Assuming Jacob is found alive, in the future they end up starting a private investigation/private detective’s office where they take jobs that the Ministry has turned down. They get a bit of a reputation for not turning anyone away who needs help: human or not. Also espionage
If Jacob is found dead (and Seren does not also wind up dead) then Seren either takes odd jobs with no real purpose OR joins the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Beast Division, depending on the circumstances of Jacob’s death and how well she’s able to cope with it
Goodfuture! Jacob and Seren both get very good at Legilimency and Occlumency, Legilimency due to its uses in their profession and Occlumency due to paranoia arising from the entire Vaults incident. They practice on each other
Jacob is slightly better at Occlumency than Seren, Seren is slightly better at Legilimency than Jacob
Reading each other’s minds as much as they have leads to them being even closer than they were before. They now know secrets the other will never speak, and they can predict each other’s thoughts fairly easily. It also helped them work through Vault-based trauma
At some point they get really good at communicating wordlessly through magic. It freaks people out
Their siren blood does effect them, but I feel like that’s grounds for its own post
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pretty-idol-hell · 6 years
Kiratto PriChan Episode 13 + Special Tournament Poll Results
Alright, first let’s see who you guys picked....
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Meltic Star is the fan favorite, or course. Miracle Kiratts actually only started catching up in the past few days. Meltic Star was winning by a landslide most of the time this poll was up. 
Despite my long history of always rooting for the rival team, my vote was actually for Miracle Kiratts this time. Because I really like Emo right now, and despite the fact that up until now always thought Mirai was about as interesting as watching pink paint dry, I actually started bonding with her for the first time last week when she was trying to land that jump. 
Of course.... when you compare their ACTUAL performances... Play Sound is FAR superior to Ready Action..... but..... 
Oh, and I don’t fault the people who checked “Don’t care” since it’s not like this tournament has any stakes anyway. 
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You guys know your Pri-series anime. Well, you were right. No Meltic Star, no tie, no nothing but a straight up Miracle Kiratts win. They fooled me when both of those buttons came down into thinking maybe just maybe they would tie but... no...
But isn’t this the result I originally wanted?
I was rather disappointed in Miracle Kiratts performance. Last week when they were planning it, Rinka showed a drawing of Mirai in the pink version of Emo’s cheerleader PR, and since that actually is a real coord I was hoping she would wear it. I was also hoping SO HARD that they would sing Suki Suki Sensor together.... but.... this is Pri-Series (not Aikatsu) so that didn’t happen. I am happy for Mirai but damn she looked dumb doing cheerleading acrobatics in her big fluffy KR. Oh well. 
With like four tournaments left and only two teams competing, surely there will be an upset and Meltic Star will win at least one of them......... SURELY.................
It turns out none other than PriChan universe Aira is one of the designers seven, and it prompted one of the biggest reactions I have ever given to a Pri-Series show. Looking back a few hours later, I guess I’m dumb for not seeing it coming since it was arguably spoiled by the arcade game? But since that was a Pretty All Friends collab I never thought it would be connected. I actually still think it’s just a coincidence. I hadn’t even been expecting that the designers seven would be actual characters, so it wasn’t even in a part of my brain which would have allowed it to be spoiled it I saw spoilers I think haha. 
It of course raises a lot of questions. Are we actually going to meet seven designers? Are they all going to be classic characters? I actually think it would be overkill if they ALL were, but gosh I’d like to see Cosmo or Ajimi in there for one. 
ALSO Anju talking about how Miracle Kiratts and Meltic Star aren’t reaching their full potential while showing Rinka and the purple one pretty much directly spoils their debuts. Well, Rinka was already spoiled quite a while ago, but I think people were still doubting Purple. 
Yesterday I was thinking about this and came to the conclusion that Purple definitely had to debut because... has anyone else noticed that the color theme and number of characters in PriChan directly matches Rainbow Live? Think about it. 
(Note, I am not saying these characters have anything in common other than color but:) 
Pink (Mirai/Naru), Yellow (Emo/Otoha), Blue (Rinka/Ann), Red (Anna/Bell), Green (Sara/Wakana), White (Anju/Rinne), Purple (Ito/...........)
RIGHT?! And they were based on prism stone brands themselves. PriChan is surprisingly old school. 
Another thing about Purple is that she (and her brand Universe Queen I am assuming) is probably pop-type to balance things out. 
It’s hard to think about a pop-type idol with long purple hair but. Well. She’s coming for us. 
And she will probably be a big deal considering the whole Meltic Star logo is PURPLE ITSELF..... haha
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to the Wardens, Nikki! Your application for a THE SEEKER has been accepted with a Caitlin Stasey FC.
The application can be found under the cut. You have 48 hours to create a roleplay account (cannot be a sideblog) for your character and we will be updating our opening date soon!
O O C - I N F O
Name: Nikki
Age: 20
Timezone: PT (Soon to change, will be traveling during the summer but this is my ‘main’ one!)
Activity Level: In the coming week or two, things will be a bit hectic because I’ll be traveling to visit relatives overseas but I will most likely be on every few days. If any longer absences come up, I will definitely notify the masterlist or the OOC chat.
Extra: – (Sorry if the app is a mess, I got excited when I started thinking of things and now here we are.)
S K E L E T O N - I N F O
T H E - B A S I C S
Skeleton Title: THE SEEKER
Name: Tuilelaith Rinne
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Class: Ranger
Faceclaim: Caitlin Stasey
C H A R A C T E R - D E T A I L S
Nationality: Crywrenian
Appearance: Her brown hair falls in thick waves to her mid-back. Often, it is let down, allowed to spill over her shoulders, though sometimes it is pulled back or adorned with a simple band of flowers. With a height of 5'1" and features, star-touched eyes and restless lips, hinting at naivety and youthfulness, Tuilelaith is often brushed aside. She is summed up as a pretty thing of pleasant presence. Riling at her unearned dismissal, she tries to command attention by emulating a confidence and courage that she does not feel she possesses. She may stand as a tree or a rock, noble and immovable, but on occasion she may waver. The times she wilts are not too apparent. One may notice a flash of uncertainty, a shameful timidness before she excuses herself or squares her shoulders and lifts her head again.
(-) Single-Minded;; With the pained cries of the Balance sounding so clear to her, Tuilelaith can not help but doggedly chase after any hint of a cure. Her inability to fix it pains her. There are spans of time when all she does is hunt for a solution, disappearing from others and submerging herself in research. She can only work on one problem at a time, or rather this problem has haunted her for far too long that she can no longer ignore it.
(-) Stubborn;; Tuilelaith feels as if she must prove herself. She needs others to believe that she is capable and strong. To do this, she stays her ground on things and in competitions that she would be better of letting go. Once she has made up her mind, it is nearly impossible to get her to change it.
(-) Judgmental;; She is wary of others and this wariness causes her to draw quick conclusions about the people around her. She has strong feelings about both crooks and people who show off their fortune. Having history with both, however, her opinions are rather muddled. Depending on her judgement of someone’s character, she may try to avoid them.
(+) Appreciative;; Though cautious of others, Tuilelaith can be won over by shows of sincerity. She is grateful to any act of kindness and isn’t one to let herself stay indebted to someone. She remembers what others have done to and for her.
(+) Brave;; She has learned how to wear confidence through imitation and so courage almost seems easy. Tuilelaith can be shaken. She is not one for fights but feels a duty to aid in combat. She is aware of death and of how quickly her mission could end if she falls. She is scared but her mother urged her to be brave. It is a command that echoes during times of weakness.
(+) Earnest;; There is too much happening, too much chaos, to worry about someone else’s feelings about her. Her words will be sincere, perhaps not too blunt, but should she dislike someone it’ll show. She will not hide her feelings and, if she can help it, her thoughts.
C H A R A C T E R - B A C K G R O U N D
   Tuilelaith had lived, for a short time, in a town. At most, she can recall the looming mountains and the shadows of surrounding woods but that is all. The only faces she can remember are those of the shopkeeps her mother and her visited but their names escape her. Most of her childhood was spent in a cottage in a small valley hugged by the mountains of the Fydheim Highlands. Her mother, Muirgen, and her older brother, Fintan, would hunt for their meals and for hides and furs to sell. Her father, after they had gathered and prepared enough for a cart, would journey for days to a distant town to sell them. Tuilelaith, being only five then, did not think of their living as anything other than normal. It was lonely. There were days when she would only have herself to fill the silence. She would go out to walk among the flowers, raise her voice in song or hold imaginary conversations with the animals around her. Fintan later told her, when their mother had gone to gather wood, that their father had been run out of town.
    Lachtna, Tuilelaith’s father, did not know how to fight but he knew how to talk. He knew how to weedle his way to higher profit and he knew how to cheat customers for small amounts of money. When one of his regular customers found out, the word spread. He was to be brought to trial and then to justice. Muirgen, having known some of her husband’s tendencies, had prepared an old family cottage of hers for them to run to, to live in. They became a family that not only cheated but refused to face justice. Theirs was a family without honor. She did not know what to think of this.
    When she was seven, she dreamt of a tree. And it sang to her.
   Tuilelaith woke to the murmurs of life. She could feel the nature around her, the Balance, singing. It was a song that she could not replicate but she tried. When her family left her alone and she could walk out into the valley, she tried to join the singing. She would talk to flowers, ask if she was doing her part correctly, then listen to see if they would reply. They did not answer her, not directly, but she did learn from them. Coming across a flower stem broken in half, Tuilelaith felt the weakening hum of it, and willed it to get better. Putting her hands gently around the stem, the two halves connected once again. She ran to tell her family.
    Becoming a Ranger was a difficult task. As she grew, Tuilelaith experimented with her gift to the best of her ability but she lacked experience and training. She needed knowledge. The Balance was like an ever-present friend to her, a guardian, and, over the years, she could hear it weakening. She did not know what to do but she knew that something had to be done. She needed to leave and to learn. Her family would not let her.
    Lachtna warned her of his enemies and told her how dangerous others were. He, himself, was a person who lied and cheated and those who weren’t called for blood far too eagerly for his liking. Stay where you are safe, he said because they would not follow her. Their home was here and if she was leaving the nest she would be doing it on her own. He was angry, not so much at her, but of the people outside and of his own mistakes. He had lost his fortune and lost the home he had claimed for himself. The Rifting will come, Lachtna knew that, but he was a bitter man that did not want to see his family raise a hand to help those that didn’t deserve it.
    What can you do? He asked her, telling her to leave adventures and fighting to people who were more capable and more suited to die.
   Fintan raged then sulked. He was a fire that would blaze then cool to ash. He was older by six years and, still, he hadn’t left their family for any longer than a journey to town. You don’t do anything. He had been the one to care for their mother when she had gotten sick. He had been the one hunting for their family, travelling and trading for their family. She was young and he was burdened. And their family was something to be held above all because of how they lived and how they had run. They only had each other and she was leaving. It was a betrayal.
    You know nothing but your own needs. He said nothing else.
   Muirgen was quiet and still. After Tuilelaith announced her decision to leave, Muirgen had simply turned to silence. This lasted for days and broke only when Lachtna and Fintan left to sell their goods and to escape the tension. She packed Tuilelaith’s things and spoke to her softly about how to be brave. She told her of how stars are small but burning things and of how she, too, could be that. How she, too, must be that.
    And, love, pursue good and believe you are strong enough to grasp it.
Reason for joining the Wardens:
 After arriving in Siften, Tuilelaith searched for the Druids of the Fenarious Faith to learn from them. There was a rising urgency in her development as a Ranger. Everyday, she took notice of the dwindling magic, the disturbances in the Balance’s song. But she did not know how else to help. She could help nurture plants and animals back to health but the progress was slow and the effect unnoticeable. Her efforts did nothing. When she heard of the Wardens, Tuilelaith found that she could finally breathe. This was something. They had to be something.
    For all her will and fire, she knew nothing. The Wardens, however, might.
R O L E P L A Y - S A M P L E
(Please provide a sample of your writing to one of the prompts below or use another setting which fits with your character’s background and story.)
   Three hours down the Spine Mountains, the chilling winds cut less at one’s skin in favor of taking ice-brushed nibbles. The path through the mountains and into the Targun Forest was marked with rocks frosted over white from dropped temperatures and storms turned to cold. Tuilelaith strode in expert silence, shoulders dusted with snow, in a thick fur-lined dress that seemed warm enough but unusual wear for a mountain traveler. She had no horse or any weapons that one could see. If it were not for the backpack she carried, almost bursting with its burden, she would have seemed to be a ghost, a lady of the mountain that was all but a dream.
    But she was real and her dress seemed a fine thing and she, herself, appeared as if a doll. To the shadows around her, the grinning squinting gloom, she was a target of opportunity. A lady alone, seemingly rich. It was luck.
    Tuilelaith walked to the side of the road and rested her hand on a tree trunk. To the bandits laying in wait, she seemed nothing more than tired. But, she had heard them. They were clumsy fellows, loud fellows. Their footfalls, rushed in their hunger and carelessness, had been like distant thunderclaps beneath the nipping winds. As she concentrated on the nature around her, the tree roots in her mind extending in pulsating green, she caught glimpses of where the bandits were. She pressed her forehead to the bark and whispered her thanks.
    Turning, she put her back to the tree and lifted her dress by a few inches. Tuilelaith bent down and took off her slippers, placing them neatly beside her. After shrugging off her pack, she stretched her hands in front of her. She stood still, relaxed. Closed her eyes. Felt the sharp air frost over her lungs. Then she lifted her chin, eyes open and challenging.
    "You’ll be given five seconds to leave. After that, I will try not to kill you but I will also be trying not to die. Please consider this, I do not like fighting.“
    Four cloaked figures broke from their cover. One, a lanky fellow that seemed all elongated bones beneath a darkened face, grinned. His eyes were the black beads of crows but without the bird’s innate wisdom, only the glazed brightness of malice. "Tell ya what, lass,” The voice that came from him was the scratching of stone against stone.He shrugged, the movement traveling up his spine to his shoulders. “we like gifts. Leave yer gold-”
    With one quick stamp of her foot, four tree roots shot out of the earth to knock the bandits down. The man, surprised at the interruption, was shoved prone to the ground, the root then snaked over him and dug back into the earth. One root clamped around one bandit’s leg while another wrapped around one’s torso. There was a single bandit that managed to leap back. With a flick of his hands, two knives sliced towards her.
    Tuilelaith moved with a nimble grace that appeared almost as if she were dancing. The knives hit the tree behind her, embedding themselves deep into the wood. As Tuile finished her spin towards the bandit, she traced the tips of her toes in an arc on the earth. Dirt kicked up as another root broke the surface, jetting towards the bandit in a smooth curve. It curled around the bandit’s chest, immobilizing him.
    Without a glance towards any of the other bandits, she hurried to dig out the daggers from the tree’s bark. “Thank you for the aid.” With a pat, Tuile healed the tree’s wounds. “As for all of you…” She turned to the bandits and looked over the one who had spoken to her. “Fighting is a mess and I do hope you stop this because if I do see you a next time attempting thievery I will have to hurt you.” Then, with a hefty kick (sometimes multiple), she knocked each of the bandits out.
    She left them with their clothes and their rations, hiding away all their weapons save for a single knife they could use to hunt. The roots sank back into the earth when she walked off carrying, still, her pack, her gold, and her shoes.
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Ramblings: Thoughts on Raanta, Shattenkirk, Stone, plus more…
Thoughts on Raanta, Shattenkirk, Stone, plus more…
Don’t forget to pick up your Fantasy Guide, if you haven’t already. There’s so much in there that I haven’t read it from cover to cover, but I find myself referring to it every day.
We’ve officially reached a time in which there is little to no hockey news of much consequence. So I had to reach out to the good people of Twitter for some topics today.  
Maybe I'm having writer's block, I don't know. But I could use a topic or two to write about in the Wednesday Ramblings. Hit me up and I may write about your topic if I can compose more than a few words about it.
— Ian Gooding (@Ian_Gooding) August 21, 2018
Here are my responses to some of your topics, all of which were related to hockey and none of which were related to hair products (I guess you guys think Cam has better hair than I do, which I’d kind of have to agree with). I apologize if I couldn’t get to yours; however, I’ll keep them on file and may respond in a future Ramblings, when I could run into writer’s block again (which is quite possible).  
THN ranking Antti Raanta 8th in the league for goalies … ahead guys like Rinne, Price, Quick, Jones. https://t.co/iUunUIYN2D
— ᗰɿқ૯ ⚽️ (@MikeGT79) August 21, 2018
I’ll clarify that the above article isn’t necessarily a fantasy article – it’s probably more of a Vezina Trophy power ranking (although fantasy value and Vezina Trophy votes should be positively correlated). 
Am I brave enough to rank Raanta in that spot? No I’m not. There are at least 4-5 goalies listed below Raanta (John Gibson and Frederik Andersen are two more beyond the ones that you’ve listed). But sometimes you have to take a bold stance because you’ll look good when it pays off. But there’s also method to Mr. McCaig’s madness.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: Raanta is criminally underrated. That is at least partially due to the team he plays for. We tend to associate bad team with bad goalie, but in Raanta’s case this is simply not true. Does your league count GAA and SV%? Then you should probably know that Raanta’s .930 SV% and his 2.24 GAA were the best in the league among goalies who started at least 35 games. Maybe he caught lightning in a bottle, you say. Well, Raanta’s .927 SV% and 2.20 GAA are the best among goalies who played in at least 100 games over the past four seasons.
The low win totals obviously decrease Raanta’s value, and it’s hard to have much faith that the rebuilding team won’t hang him out to dry. That’s why I wouldn’t put him in the top 10… yet. But we’re at least at the point where we can say yes, absolutely, Raanta is a darkhorse to win the Vezina.
See the Twitter responses to this question for further discussion and a debate between Raanta and Andersen, who are each valuable in different types of goalie scoring formats.  
Could just wing it and debate Mark Stone being left out of the top 20 wingers.
— Chris Wassel (@ChrisWasselDFS) August 21, 2018
I won’t try to steal Rick’s thunder, because he’s got a Cage Match involving Stone coming up. But if it’s Yahoo you’re referring to, we’ve already discussed that their rankings aren’t perfect. Want a few reasons Stone’s ranking might be low?
Injuries – an average of 64 games played over the last two seasons
Relatively low shot totals – never taken more than 160 shots in a season
Plus/minus risk (and possible production risk) from playing on a struggling Senators team
Having said that, I think Stone is an absolute steal at 136 in Yahoo leagues. There are those reasons to be concerned about him, especially in multicategory leagues. But we’re talking about a player who produced at a point per game last season and could very well do so again.
How’s that for winging it?  
Veterans (30 and over) most likely to surprise with 65+ points who didn't have good seasons last year
— Rex Devereux (@rexdevereux94) August 21, 2018
That’s a hard one that I’m drawing a blank on. But am I allowed to answer one question with another?  
— Cameron (@DH_jcameronmetz) August 21, 2018
Okay, well I don’t think Shattenkirk will reach 65 points. And he’s not quite 30 yet. But he should at least be on your list for potential bounce-back players with what I believe will be a safe 40 points (health permitting) with upside for 50.  
Ranked at 193 by Yahoo, Shattenkirk is a defenseman that you could pull significant value from as a late-round pick. Because he was playing through an injury, Shattenkirk wasn’t on pace for his best season (41 points over a full 82 games). But this was a blueliner who recorded a much higher scoring pace (56 points in 80 games) the season before split between St. Louis and Washington. He had also recorded at least 40 points in each of his last six full seasons.
Unless you consider Anthony DeAngelo to be a significant threat, Shattenkirk should be in no danger of being bumped from the first-unit power play. With a mostly youthful defense, the Rangers should lean heavily on their $6 million defenseman. Don’t forget about him in fantasy drafts, because he’s not at the point where we can say his production has fallen off a cliff.   
Pick 4 dates. Read your articles from those dates. Could spark something.
— Bet Consensus (@betconsensus) August 21, 2018
I like the creativity in this suggestion, so I’ll pull one date at random… let’s go with one year ago today, the closest date to that being August 20. I wrote about different league platforms (Yahoo, CBS, ESPN, Fantrax), Travis Zajac/Pavel Zacha, Henrik Lundqvist, and Brock Boeser. You can read it here.
I’ll give you the summary if you don’t feel like clicking:
Zacha could not capitalize on Zajac’s early-season injury and never really recovered after that, finishing his second season with the same number of goals as his first (8) and just one more assist (17). In fact, his power-play production dropped from 13 PPP to 5 PPP, with a corresponding drop from 1:50 PPTOI/GP to 1:18 PPTOI/GP. He will obviously need more time to reach his full potential, but an improvement in power-play time would really help his numbers.
I predicted another 30-win season for Lundqvist, which he fell four wins short of. In defense, we probably didn’t know at the time that the Rangers would start a rebuild at the trade deadline. I also noted that his ratios were trending downward (2.74 GAA and .910 SV% in 2016-17), which was enough reason for me to let someone else reach for him. The save percentage improved (.915 SV%), but the goals-against average did not (2.98 GAA). My stance on Lundqvist today hasn’t changed; however, more fantasy owners probably now know that he is a low-G2/high-G3 at best in 12-team leagues.
Boeser: “He could either basically lead the Canucks in goal scoring, or he could spend significant time in the AHL.” I’d say the first statement came true, as Boeser led the Canucks with 29 goals in spite of missing 19 games. Barring another injury, I’d say Boeser has a better than 50-50 chance of scoring at least 30 goals. His 16% shooting accuracy is higher than that of many players, but his incredible shot should be the reason that you shouldn’t be too worried about regression.
I did also mention that the Canucks had 15 forwards signed to their roster at this time last season, which was the highest of any Western Conference team. Want to know how many they have now? The same number. The kicker is that number does not include Elias Pettersson, Nikolay Goldobin, Tyler Motte, Jonathan Dahlen, Reid Boucher, or Darren Archibald. So if the Canucks could dress seven forward lines, they’d be all set! Needless to say, I wouldn’t target the Canucks as a source of potential sleepers unless you’re looking right at potential super rookie Pettersson. But I will also predict that within this massive logjam of forwards, there will be one or two solid sleepers that will emerge, since the Canucks really only have one bonafide scoring line at the moment.  
That was fun. I might have to try that again sometime.  
You could do a very early Calder selection plus dark horses!
— PQsFantasyHockey (@FHPQuinn) August 21, 2018
Pettersson for Calder? He should be on short lists right now, I would think. I’ll predict that it won’t be Rasmus Dahlin, simply because of the time it takes for young defensemen to blossom. Casey Mittelstadt is another legit option. As is Eeli Tolvanen, if he can push his way onto a scoring line and the Predators are willing to take the training wheels off. 
Dark horse picks? I’m going to say someone from the Carolina Hurricanes. I suppose Andrei Svechnikov isn’t a true dark horse pick. Martin Necas might not be either. But what about Valentin Zykov? Apparently he is still a rookie. Zykov played in 10 games last season (scoring seven points) while playing just 2 games the season before. I mentioned in an earlier Ramblings that the Canes moving Jeff Skinner could benefit Zykov tremendously.   
In case you’re wondering, according to the Hockey Operations Guidelines, “To be considered a rookie, a player must not have played in more than 25 NHL games in any preceding seasons, nor in six or more NHL games in each of any two preceding seasons. Any player at least 26 years of age (by September 15th of that season) is not considered a rookie.”
For more fantasy hockey information, you can follow me on Twitter @Ian_Gooding.
  from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-thoughts-on-raanta-shattenkirk-stone-plus-more/
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