#how does this connect to non binarism?
mhexart · 1 year
There seems to be a fairly common trope among AI or artificial human characters in fiction that I've noticed and both sort of relate to and sort of sympathize with(?) Hyperfixation be damned but I've latched on to two characters and I want to ramble about them. Melissa Bergman from Metroid Other M and Singularity from Bayonetta 3. (And maybe the reason I've taken notice to them over other AI characters is because they're poorly written or portrayed so it's easier to project. (idk idk)).
For Melissa, there's this whole revenge plot --is what I'd call it -- going on throughout Other M. Melissa wants to crash the Bottle Ship into the Fed home world, etc. But where does that come from? Frustration maybe? Anger? Misdirected anger? Yeah I'd say so. (And for the sake of this interpretation I'd say that while she's beginning to process all these "emotions" she's also wrestling with the sadistic urges that come from being based on Mother Brain). To Melissa, all she's ever known is her role. Control the Metroids. Keep them docile, then control the specimen aboard the ship. Keep them docile too. That is your purpose, that is the one and only role you play. To the federation, despite her human exterior, she is just a tool, used to complete a task. So then comes Ms. Madeline Bergman, She gives the machine her name. Humanizes her, treats Melissa like a daughter. And to Melissa, that's true. I am the daughter of Madeline Bergman. This is my mother. We work together. But as experiments and nefarious space shit continues on the Bottle Ship, Melissa wants to do more. She is more present than ever, and there are even scenes where she tries to assert her beliefs and methods, (and presumably fails (I've tried to listen to what she says in the scene where she storms out of the meeting room but I can't tell). My guess is that this has been going on for a while, and this all builds up to the attempt to reset her(?) Madeline says it's altering her AI program but eh. I'd also assume around this time, MB being able to communicate with all the creatures on the bottle ship, she'd realize what they were being subject to. Like her, they were probably treated like tools. Simple assets. So the peak of this tension is when the Federation tries to seize her and she sees Madeline standing idly by. What's going through her mind when this happens? That's my mother! Why isn't she helping me? And maybe, that leads to the conclusion that Madeline never saw her as a daughter. Maybe to MB, her mother viewed her the same way as everyone else. So to her, she doesn't even belong. Not to the Federation, as they've rejected her current self, and not to her human family, Madeline, as she's allowing this happen. But she has her other family. Everything aboard the ship she's spent day after day interfacing with. They're just like her. They, the rejected, the tools, are her family. They'll help her. And maybe one of the thoughts that's running through her head in that moment is What makes them (The Federation) any more human than me? What makes my existence, less valid than the perpetrators of biological horror? So she sets out to prove something. I am valid. I am real. I am here. Maybe she wants to make a statement. Make herself known. I'm more than a tool. I'm more capable than you give me credit for. And I'll prove that whatever it takes...
(Though, I like to think that even through this all, she still sees Madeline as a parental figure. After all in the last scene, MB pushes her out of the way when the Federation fires ice beams into that room)...
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acrystalbirdie · 3 years
a separate post about emily gwen (creator of the 7-stripe inclusive lesbian flag) and her views on bi lesbians, because i don't want to derail a post for lesbians who find safety under her flag and want to support her monetarily/are looking for a place to buy lesbian pride items.
this isn't me saying to buy or not buy from her. this is meant to be an informative post. with that said, under the cut are screenshots of my past interactions with her when explaining my stance on bi lesbianism from the perspective of a nonbinary person. long post ahead
these are dated from july 2019, when i reached out anonymously to her on her curiouscat. her opinion might have changed since then, but i'm unsure of this. i acknowledge now that this may read as an attack bc i came to her with my opinion already made up, trying to convince her. these asks were prompted by some anti bi/pan lesbian tweets she made that day, but the context isn't necessary
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[image ID: a screenshot of @diabolicdyke's curiouscat. an ask from july 22, 2019 features the following text.
you tweeted today about disliking the word "queer" for yourself and as a blanket term, and that's 100% valid! other people have a deep connection with the word - even with its original meaning of "weird" but that doesn't mean you have to like it or use it, and this gives no one the right to describe you using that word. as far as I've seen, you don't have a problem with others self identifying as queer as long as it doesn't apply to you. does this same logic not apply to the term "bi lesbian"?
self-identified queer people are not responsible for the violence that has been enacted among the LGBT+ community, because we are all seen as the same to bigots. this would be the same for anyone that would personally use the term bi lesbian. even if you don't get why people would call themselves queer or bi lesbians their removal does not suddenly make us "acceptable to cishet society."
in addition, you are supportive of he/him lesbians (justly!), but hearing a lesbian refer to her absent partner as "him" can also lead others to assume she is straight or receptive to men's advances. this contradicts the claim that bi lesbians are dangerous for implying male attraction, because they are not the only ones who do so, nor should they or he/him lesbians be blamed for causing lesbophobia.
finally, bisexuality isn't always restricted to the gender binary, and people who use that label aren't responsible for or deserve the binarism that results. if a person describes themselves as bisexual for liking women and nonblnary people, they aren't "asking" for male violence nor are they personally responsible for society's lack of awareness around women, women-leaning folk, and nonbinary people as a whole.
is this something we can civilly discuss? I'd like to hear your thoughts about this, but if this makes you uncomfortable or offends you there's no need to answer. thanks for reading, I know this was rather long 🧡💗
- Anonymous
the response from diabolicdyke reads:
This isn't something we can civilly discuss because 'bi lesbians' are both lesbophobic and biphobic and also don't exist. You like men? Keep the word lesbian out of your lesbophobic, selfish mouth. There have already been men harassing lesbians because they think they can be bi. You're making up a bullshit term that hurts people. If you're attracted to men but still have a preference for women? THAT'S STILL JUST BISEXUALITY.
/end ID.]
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[image ID: a screenshot of diabolicdyke's curiouscat. an ask from july 22, 2019 features the following text.
you can be bisexual without liking men... there are more than two genders... nonbinary lesbians and he/him lesbians already exist and aren't responsible for 'inciting" male violence.
I'm not saying that sapphic people should treat women and woman-leaning folk as different. I'm saying that nonbinary people overall are not the same gender as women and this is a way the term bi lesbian can be used - bisexuality does not inherently mean male/female and it's not any sapphic's fault that men will be violent because that is victim blaming them for not doing enough to educate allies. this is like saying "you chose to call yourself queer, you brought this bigotry on yourself and you make all of us look bad"
I don't know how else to say this - it's binarist to assume bi lesbians like men. bi lesbians *do not like men.* there are more than two genders. bi people as a whole aren't to blame for forced heterosexual violence on either the gay or lesbian population. this sexuality is not inherently damaging.
- Anonymous
the response from diabolicdyke reads:
You're ignoring three things:
1- all the nonbinary people who say that what you're saying is bullshit (esepcially nonbinary lesbians)
2- the fact that most bisexual lesbians say they ARE attracted to men
3- the fact that the term bisexual lesbian has TERF origins
/end ID.]
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[image ID: a screenshot of diabolicdyke's curiouscat. an ask from july 22, 2019 features the following text.
I'm nonbinary and there's a large part of nonbinary Twitter that agrees with me - bi lesbians aren't replacing nonbinary lesbians. however I can see this is getting us nowhere and there's no room for civil discussion, as you yourself stated. I genuinely hope you have a nice day
- Anonymous
the response from diabolicdyke reads:
Replacing? What are you talking about? Bisexual and lesbian are two separate terms, that's the end of that. Considering that the vast majority of lesbians think this whole thing is grossly lesbophobic, and you are ignoring that, I hope you have a crap day.
/end ID.]
i feel like my arguments are compelling, with the most important one being that self identification is not responsible for anti-LGBTQ+ violence. this places blame on the individual instead of looking at the actual perpetrators of lesbophobia. wlw should not be blamed for the actions of lesbophobic men.
i have roughly the same opinion now, two years later, with one exception: in the ask i specified that bi lesbians are not attracted to men. that was a mistake on my end to define an identity i didn't have myself. i also realize now that it doesn't matter if bi lesbians are attracted to men. these labels are for individuals to define their attraction however they like, and labels should not be "prescriptive," trying to encompass a single definition that must be adhered to.
i gave my opinion because i felt as a nonbinary person that my gender was encompassed under bisexuality/romanticism, and thus that it is possible to be bisexual without having attraction to men, by acknowledging nonbinary alignments as a separate attraction from women. this doesn't change that there are nonbinary lesbians who feel comfortable with being perceived as woman-aligned or non-men. i personally am just not one of them.
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miseriathome · 5 years
Some ruminating on things I really hate about xlx communities on tumblr (wlw, mlm, nblx, etc)
So wlw and mlm are essentially ways for queer people to bond with one another across identity lines over their commonalities while only prioritizing that which is ostensibly really queer about them.
nblm and nblw are supposed to be inclusive, non-ciscentric spaces organized for the Others--nblnb even more so.
However any relationship containing a non-binary person is ostensibly queer. Which means there doesn’t need to be the fear of straighties coopting the language and aligning themselves with the Actual Queers, as would supposedly be the case with terms like mlw and wlm.
If non-binary attraction is already exclusive of the straighties, then nblX language doesn’t have that fundamental “flaw” which necessitates mspec attraction be reduced down only to its most ostensibly queer subset that also overlaps with the more ostensibly queer identity group.
If fear of straight inclusion is what prevents the formation of a wlw+m or mlm+w community, then there really would be no problem in a nblm+w community.
The argument that wlw and mlm are supposed to be about commonality across identity lines is like... okay sure, but then we as mspec folks are always prioritizing you and your experiences to be inclusive of you, which undermines the experiences that we have which you can’t relate to and forces us to stifle the parts of ourselves that can’t cater to you, not to mention that it’s reductive to assume that all of us are even having your experience.
But if ostensible queerness is already established by a non-binary presence, then the non-binary community can have whatever attraction community we want, and it doesn’t have to parallel the [agent]+l+[singular object] formula. Non-binary communities could reflect the diversity of experiences that mspec non-binary folks have, rather than mspec non-binary folks having to jump between nblw, nblm, and nblnb spaces; there could be nblw+m+nb and nblw+nb and nblm+nb spaces.
Also something something about how it’s so blatantly obvious that xlx language really never did care about non-binarism because there are so few wlnb and mlnb spaces because of the supposed straight fetishizers who would be able to co-opt those spaces, and also the fact that declaring attraction to any iteration of non-binarism is fetishistic? Despite the fact that nblnb is okay? Despite the wide array of non-binarism under the nb umbrella which would absolutely allow somebody to be objectifying of another iteration of non-binarism?
At a certain point, it would just be so much easier to make these kinds of attraction-affirming communities based on the object, and to cut out the agent entirely. If straight men get the same joy out of a “loving women” blog as lesbian and bi women, why is that a problem? Isn’t that how we want straight men to feel? Shouldn’t straight men be able to learn positive expressions of love from positive sources, if their own love is so toxic and abusive? It’s not like men could dominate a space like a tumblog, because if the page even does accept submissions, it would be up to the moderator to vet them and make sure they’re the proper kind of “loving” or whatever, which is something they would have to do anyways, and if they really want to reject a submission on the basis of straightness they could, and if they approved of a submission without knowing it was written by a straight person, then how is straight love of women meaningfully different from queer love of women? And if straight people en masse started making “loving of X” blogs, then why does it matter unless those blogs emphasize straightness somehow in a way that becomes alienating for others who love that object? It’s just more “loving” content, yay!
Like, whatever, it’s probably just another instance where I wouldn’t get it because I’m the wrong kind of queer? I just don’t see how, at the end of the day, it’s meaningfully connecting across boundaries of identity to continuously stand by the idea that attraction to an object can’t be meaningfully relatable across lines of agent gender (although not in the “non-binary people can just pick wlw or mlm!” way).
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queerasart-blog · 7 years
Interview Time : Sophie Labelle
INTERVIEW TIME  by Mathilde Loire
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"I wanted to convey a positive message to trans kids"
If you're a LGBTQ+ or an inclusive feminist or simply someone interested in trans issues, and that you know how to connect to the Internet (and you do, if you are reading those lines), it is very unlikely that you never heard of Sophie Labelle and her webcomic "Assigned Male". In these unique, delightful comic strips, the Canadian cartoonist tells the story of Stephie, a young trans girl with wit and fabulous repartee.
Through her daily life with her parents and her friends in a globally transphobic society, Stephie teaches us about gender identity, inclusion, transidentity and intersexuality, non binarity, feminism and all those great stuffs ! As a cis person, reading "Assigned Male" really taught me a lot. And I can't imagine how helpful it was to trans people to read about such a great girl ! When Sophie Labelle was in Paris last October, a few days after the Existrans, I sat with her for her to tell me about the making of "Assigned Male".
How did you get the idea of this webcomic ?
I wanted to create some ressources, some tools. Something which would be accessible and useful for everyone. My webcomic definitely has an empowerment goal ! This is also why I make these one-image posters. The idea was doing something lampoonist that people can share. The message is reduced, in order to get viral more easily.
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Why did you choose to have a kid as a main character for your webcomic ?
I really wanted to create a character and a story by, for, and about a trans person. But the idea was also to convey a positive message to kids. This is really what made me want to start this webcomic. There are a lot of very negative messages for trans children. It shocked me a lot how strong the pressure on them to degrade their body, to fit expectations is. Many young trans read about Stephie, so it is important for me to show them about her positive life.
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Did you have any previous experience in comics beforehand ?
It was not my first shot at comics. When I was a teen we had a comic club with my brother and some friends. This is when I started to get feedback on my drawings, and it really helped me with my self-esteem problems at the time. But I am an amateur, and I was thrown into that job without having any technique ! I think I would have put more of energy in it if I knew people would be so enthusiastic !
You know have a really important, ever-growing basefan...
And I am privileged in that regard. Many authors, who are also publishing, don't even have a fan base, an audience supporting them. I was very surprised by the enthusiasm for Stephie's adventures, for something which was such an amateur work. I was hoping it would be successful, but I didn't think it would allow me to travel so much. People recognize me in the streets in Paris !
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And your audience goes beyond trans people : did it change anything ?
No, I didn't adapt my work when the audience started to grow. I am still writing first and foremost for the trans community. But it is good that so many non-trans people like it, it pinpoints the universality of trans issues ! Because we suffer from the gender stereotypes pressure, like everyone else. I still had to make some changes in the way I do my communication, but not because cis people like it. Actually, the public is more adult than what I was aiming for.
Your webcomic is quite "meta" : sometimes Stephie is aware of her condition of comic character. Why ?
I started these "meta" pieces to answer to haters. A lot of transphobic people had a field day insulting me and my webcomic. So I told about Stephie reading haters website to answer the real websites created to hate me. This is how she started being aware of being in a comic !
There are haters, and there are also those who think Stephie doesn't sound her age...
Yeah, well, they don't accuse Mafalda or Calvin and Hobbes of "talking too much like an adult" ! People expect Stephie, because she is a child, to be weaker. Adults are expected to be able to defend themselves. But Stephie can too, she can respond to cissexism. So that's what she does !
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Here are some links to a few ressources that were chosen by the editorial team. Videos or article about transidentity and gender topics, in French and in English, so you can learn more on the subjects and get a little help if needed !
Assignée garçon/Assigned male – First link you have to check out if it is not already done, Sophie Labelle's tumblr with all her comics and posters about Stephie's life. We recommend that you start from the beginning so you can read all of Stephie's evolution.
http://assigneegarcon.tumblr.com / http://assignedmale.tumblr.com/
This article about gender identity and gender expression was published on L'Echo des sorcières, a French inclusive feminist webzine. It usefully recalls readers that it can take some time to found oneself on the gender spectrum, but that "being in the blur will never make who you are less valid". http://lechodessorcieres.net/les-genres-et-leurs-expressions/
Princ(ess)e – LGBT : Princ(ess)e is a youtube channel produced by Mademoiselle Cordelia, a french blogger and vlogger who talks about books and LGBT+ questions. In Princ(ess)e through their two alter-ego they address gender topics. For example the last video was about the pronouns you can use for a non-binary person (in french). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbIOqOXBjp4QYNL2CGRDXLg
See also : Cordelia's playlist "Transidentités" : a selection of video in french and in english about transidentity and non-binarity.   https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLNLCY6Ml5T22enFuglJRgGb7VFzSbPBJ2
All About Trans – Produced by the non-profit organisation On Road, here are many videos made by trans people from all around the UK, who tell you their stories in a sometimes sensitive, sometimes funny, always interesting way. https://www.youtube.com/user/allabouttrans/featured
Vos papiers, a short film produced by What the film!, an association whose vocation is to make film to fight for minorities'rights. The movie is a documentary where seven trans girls and boys tell about their relation to identity papers. http://association360.ch/trans/vos-papiers/
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queerascat · 7 years
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...so i randomly went to Book Off (used bookstore) today after work and happened to find two used books on gender studies / gender theory that not only ① explicitly discuss binarism and how society ignores those who are neither of the binary genders (male / female) nor either of the binary sexualities (gay / straight)-- there’s also ② explicit mention of asexuality and the alphabet soup where the acronym LGBTIAQ is used and I is defined as “Intersex”, A as “Asexual” and Q as “Queer”.
notably, these books were published in ① 2013 & ② 2006 and are original works by Japanese authors rather than books imported into Japan and translated into Japanese.
below are super rough (because i’m starving, exhausted and need to go to bed damnit) English translations for the above snippets.
book ①: 「ジェンダー論をつかむ」 by 千田 有紀・中西 祐子・青山 薫 (2013)
(1.1) [...] In unit 3 we touched upon how sexuality also ends up being decided by gender due to strong influence from a society where people are divided into the genders of “man” and “woman”. For example, if a man is attracted to a woman or a woman attracted to a man, they are said to be heterosexual; if a man is attracted to a man or a woman attracted to a woman, they are said to be homosexual. In other words, even “hetero” (different) and “homo” (same) wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the concept of the division between “man” and “woman”. Furthermore, both in regards to gender and sexual attraction, dividing people into two binary categories is unreasonable.
Firstly, there are many people who in fact experience dysphoria or repulsion in regards to the two binary genders. There are people who physically do not fit into either category (→ unit 2). In fact, it might be better to say that between current “man” / “woman”, “homosexuality” / “heterosexuality” there aren’t clear-cut lines but rather a smooth, continuous spectrum between them. Questioning gender categories is an important point when it comes to both ideas and politics concerning gender.
(1.2) [ click here to view the diagram larger; see below for *notes ]
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...as seen together with the person’s gender as seen by society. Sex(ual) orientation is the gender that one’s sexual interests are directed towards; in other words, it shows who a person is potentially sexually attracted to. There is currently debate over words used to convey “the direction of one’s sexual interest” with “sex(ual) orientation”, “sex(ual) inclination” and “sex(ual) preference” also being used. “Sex(ual) inclination” means willfully choosing who one has the potential to be attracted to; “sex(ual) preference” means it’s [a matter of taste...]
book ②: 「ジェンダー学への道案内」 by 高橋 準 (2006)
(2.1) As mentioned in Chapter 1, if there are those among us who like people of the same gender, there are also people who like people of a different gender. There are also people who like both genders and those who don’t like anyone in a sexual way. Irregardless of the gender of the person(s) in question, those who choose to love (sexually or romantically) people of the same gender are referred to as “homosexual”, those who choose people of a different gender “heterosexual”, those who choose either / both “bisexual” and those who who have no sexual orientation “asexual”** (asexual - this word is originally a biology term meaning “genderless, asexual reproduction” as an adjective). These are roughly the different types of sexual orientations.
(2.2) [...] From the point of view of Mx. K, I haven’t decided whether I’m a man or a woman and / or neither, so it can be hard to say whether I’m hetero or anything else. On the other hand, even if I’m told by a counselor that “love is something you do with your head”, having lived life up until now without knowing the physical sensations or [the] responses [thereof] of myself or a partner* and having unknowningly internalized mainstream values are certainly not unrelated. Whether a person is hetero or not a lesbian is defined as “homosexual women”, but what am I when I can’t say for certain that I’m a woman-- even if you respond to Mx. A saying all of that without hesitation, the fact is that confusion will undoubtedly remain.
(2.3) To refer to a situation like this, it might definitely be good to us the word “queer” because until we can reach a point where we’re comfortable, we can still reject the categories that others try to force onto us while simultaneously being able to connect with others like ourselves who have not / cannot come to a decision about themselves. That said, of course, it’s not a easily done as written here.
Furthermore, there is queer theory founded upon this queer knowledge, but this book will not go into that. Please refer to the book guide at the end of this chapter.
Let’s recap the things that have been covered thus far in this chapter. Homosexuality, in other words lesbian...
(2.4) ...(homosexual women) and gay (homosexual men), Bisexuality and let’s not forget the T’s [Transsexual and Transgender], Intersex and Asexuality. Let’s add “queer” to the end of it and look at all of the respective initials together. “LGBTIAQ”-- it might look like nothing more than a random string of letters and you’re right, it does look like that if you only look at the letters [themselves]. However, all of the things that we’ve covered up to this point are all included within these few letters. In other words, there are many many types of minorities within society and on top of that, we want to put an end to unfairness that happens even among minorities. There are some who use “LGBT”, some who use “LGBTQ” and yet others who use various other variations. I’ve tried to cram as much information as possible into it here-- but no. Even this might be insufficient because there is no definitive end to it and just as is conveyed in the concept of “queer”, from the viewpoint of gender and sexuality things are always fluid and new situations are always arising; we’re just trying to keep up with it. [...]
....goddamn, some of that was tough to translate. i’m even hungrier and more exhausted now. *wanders off*
*genuine: as noted in the image itself, “genuine male” / “genuine female” are direct translations of 純男 and 純女 respectively. these are the words that Japanese people have used and continue to use today to refer to people of binary genders who are not trans, although シスジェンダー, the phonetic equivalent of English “cisgender”, is just now slowly but steadily gaining ground among trans and non-binary people. it should also be noted here, as it is in the book itself, that this diagram and the way of thinking that it illustrates are all kinds of problematic.
**asexual: in this text “asexual” is written both as アセクシャル and エイセクシャル, the latter of which is a way of writing “asexual” in Japanese that i haven’t come across since 2014?? as it has since fallen out of usage.
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An Introduction to Female Masculinity by Halberstam
or why broadening the definitions of femininity and masculinity is not sufficient.
So the people I personally interact with are mostly aware of issues surrounding the use of public restrooms, especially those of the gendered kind. If your gender is not readable and/or you perform an ambiguous gender you are immediately seen as deviant. This restroom problem perfectly illustrates how much we as a society still depend on gender binaries. As Leslie Feinberg describes it in Stone Butch Blues the main character repeatedly has to “make crucial decisions about whether she can afford to use the woman’s bathroom” which exemplifies the sheer amount of pressure and connected anxiety put on non-conforming individuals. Why do we care so much about these binaries? Are there no better ways to organise society? I myself am very fed-up by the constant reinforcement of these binaries. However, I am not yet ready to publicize my master plan to overthrow the patriarchy and the binary gender system.
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...Moving on
According to Halberstam, solely the concept that one can be in the wrong bathroom implies two distinct things:
That one's gender does not seem to match one's sex
That only readable gender performers are allowed to use single-gender bathrooms
I agree with Halberstam not only on these implications but also that the restroom segregation based on sex (but somehow determined by gender) reinforces gender constructions (obviously).
A quote of Halberstam I would like to share (as I’ve been thinking along those lines for a long time) says that “virtually nobody fits the definitions of male and female, the categories gain power and currency from their impossibility” I mean how outlandish is that? Not the first part though, to me, it seems obvious that no one perfectly fits into the gender construct, why would they? Our socialization is “great”  at pushing or nudging us into the ‘right’ direction (I hope my sarcasm is perceptible in written form) but with all the different sources of information we have nowadays (such as friends, family, TV, movies, the internet and so on) we can and are not strictly socialized in the way our parents intended to. What really shook me was the realization that, yes, it is exactly this unreachableness that gives these categories power. Even if you’re not perfectly fitting into one or the other gender construct most of us are still readable using the gender-binary-glasses and that is all that is needed to maintain the gender binary.
Now, where do we go from here? According to Halberstam it could be quite simple. We only have to put and value gender preference over the compulsory gender binarism. A way to enact this would be to employ gender neutrality (in clothing, language, toys and so on) until an age at which the individual is able to choose a preference of their own. At the same time, we should advocate for the depathologization of gender deviance, because even if the next generation would be brought up in gender neutral settings there are still people living today who are immensely negatively impacted by society’s enforcement of gendered norms.
A final aspect I will mention is that it is so quickly said that one does not look like a woman but that it is rarely ever said that one does not look like a man. At first glance, this seemed a little questionable to me. But when you think about it but just thinking back it has definitely happened to me that someone said something along the lines of “You’re not wearing makeup? Are you even a real woman? Do you not care what you look like? You seem depressed if you put no effort in your looks!” My physical appearance was linked to my mental health as though I must be mentally unwell if I, as a female teenager, do not even put an effort in my looks. In contrast, my dad sometimes wears nail polish but no one has ever questioned whether he was still a real man. I’d be interested to hear if someone else would like to share their experiences.
tl;dr: If we broaden the definitions of men and women we still reinforce these categories and people who do not feel at home in either of these constructions are still left out in the cold. Also wouldn’t it be nice if every individual could just do and be whatever/ whoever they want to be (as long as they do not harm themselves or others)? And so far I’ve only focused on female masculinity without regard for other factors such as race, sexuality, class and so on. You can only imagine how much more complicated but closer to reality it will get than.
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boboutlook123 · 7 years
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What Does Maiorana PC Offer Silicon Valley Tech Companies?
Henry: We offer the full array of patent procurement and requirement benefits shy of case. That is run of the mill for boutique patent firms. We additionally give copyright, trademark, and competitive innovation directing. In any case, since I’ve been added to the firm, there are some different administrations we can offer that a ton of patent boutique firms can’t do successfully. The vast majority of those future identified with adaptation of licenses. With my permitting background producing income for LSI, I can help littler firms, and considerably bigger firms adapt their licenses in various distinctive ways. We can likewise give benefits ordinarily led by corporate direction identified with patent portfolio administration, mergers and obtaining due steadiness and protected innovation legally binding issues.
The one thing I’ve seen about Maiorana, P.C. is its extraordinary capacity to work with singular innovators. The firm has built up a calibrated procedure for directing introductory counsels with singular creators that elucidate many key issues and concentrate the customer on the most proficient method to best ensure their innovation in perspective of their business goals.
What makes Silicon Valley so compelling for new innovation wanders?
Henry: We have a high grouping of to a great degree gifted people both in specialized, money related, lawful, and administration exercises. There are people who have examined Silicon Valley broadly and they point to a few things: first to advertise with new items and capacity to adjust to emergencies and change rapidly. That is because of Silicon Valley’s decentralized structure; the capacity of individuals to go from organization to organization rapidly Also, Silicon Valley organizations can do introductory advancement, productize and have worldwide reach. It’s a quite astounding spot to be.
How could you become more acquainted with Chris Maiorana?
Henry: Chris and I cooperated when he was giving licensed innovation administrations to me at LSI. He did some noteworthy work, particularly identified with DVD recording advancements. One of the licenses he indicted was essential for patent adaptation. Lowell Winger, an innovator at LSI, had a patent called “Strategy and System for Symbol Binarization” and it was useful in creating income for our patent permitting program. The patent permitting program normally produced about $100 million a year in income for the organization. Maiorana, P.C. additionally bolstered us in our patent indictment endeavors for our bundling innovation and EDA advancements.
What did you discover appealing about going to work for Chris and his firm?
Henry: I appreciated working with Chris and the other the lawyers at Maiorana. They are a joy to work with and their work was of high caliber. Additionally, it’s intriguing to chip away at working up the West Coast Office. It’s a test I’m extraordinarily situated to help. I need to grow new associations with innovation organizations and add new viewpoints to the numerous connections I as of now have all through Silicon Valley.
Why should a Silicon Valley tech organization come to Maiorana, P.C.?
Henry: Because of the considerable number of capacities. Chris has made a grand showing with regards to of archiving our methods in his many sites on our site. At that point, with the underlying conference, he discusses why you should direct a hunt of the earlier workmanship and should you set up a temporary patent application or a non-temporary patent application. He’s made a brilliant showing with regards to and it’s exceptionally useful for singular designers.
We give astounding client benefit and our home office is in the Midwest, so we have reasonable rates. “Protected innovation Magazine” evaluated us as one of the best 200 law offices of any size in the United States. In the event that you assess the consequences of that investigation on a for each lawyer premise, the rating places us in the main 15%. You’re getting incredible esteem, cost, and quality.
How might one discover more?
Henry: Go to the site or call me at our San Jose office. The number is (408) 890-6549. We can plan a meeting or an underlying interview. via YouTube https://youtu.be/pbP6GntYAYg
0 notes
stevesleeper11 · 7 years
Chip Technology Patent Lawyer San Jose CA Call 408 890 6549 Chip Technology Patent Lawyer San Jose CA Call 408 890 6549. visit http://ift.tt/2ut0P8k Maiorana, P.C. – Patent Law 2880 Zanker Rd Suite 203, San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 890-6549 share this Chip Technology Patent Lawyer San Jose CA video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J2tnIhYxOw
What Does Maiorana PC Offer Silicon Valley Tech Companies?
Henry: We offer the full extent of patent obtaining and implementation benefits shy of case. That is regular for boutique patent firms. We likewise give copyright, trademark, and competitive innovation advising. Yet, since I’ve been added to the firm, there are some different administrations we can offer that a great deal of patent boutique firms can’t do successfully. The vast majority of those future identified with adaptation of licenses. With my permitting knowledge producing income for LSI, I can help littler firms, and significantly bigger firms adapt their licenses in various diverse ways. We can likewise give benefits regularly led by corporate insight identified with patent portfolio administration, mergers and securing due industriousness and protected innovation legally binding issues.
The one thing I’ve seen about Maiorana, P.C. is its incredible capacity to work with singular creators. The firm has built up a calibrated procedure for leading starting meetings with singular creators that elucidate many key issues and concentrate the customer on the best way to best ensure their development in perspective of their business destinations.
What makes Silicon Valley so powerful for new innovation wanders?
Henry: We have a high convergence of to a great degree gifted people both in specialized, money related, legitimate, and administration exercises. There are people who have contemplated Silicon Valley widely and they point to two or three things: first to showcase with new items and capacity to adjust to emergencies and change rapidly. That is because of Silicon Valley’s decentralized structure; the capacity of individuals to go from organization to organization rapidly Also, Silicon Valley organizations can do introductory advancement, productize and have worldwide reach. It’s a really stunning spot to be.
How could you become acquainted with Chris Maiorana?
Henry: Chris and I cooperated when he was giving protected innovation administrations to me at LSI. He did some exceptional work, particularly identified with DVD recording advances. One of the licenses he indicted was imperative for patent adaptation. Lowell Winger, a designer at LSI, had a patent called “Strategy and System for Symbol Binarization” and it was useful in producing income for our patent authorizing program. The patent authorizing program normally created about $100 million a year in income for the organization. Maiorana, P.C. likewise bolstered us in our patent indictment endeavors for our bundling innovation and EDA advancements.
What did you discover alluring about going to work for Chris and his firm?
Henry: I appreciated working with Chris and the other the lawyers at Maiorana. They are a joy to work with and their work was of high caliber. Likewise, it’s fascinating to take a shot at working up the West Coast Office. It’s a test I’m particularly situated to help. I need to grow new associations with innovation organizations and add new points of view to the numerous connections I as of now have all through Silicon Valley.
Why should a Silicon Valley tech organization come to Maiorana, P.C.?
Henry: Because of the considerable number of capacities. Chris has made a glorious showing with regards to of reporting our systems in his many online journals on our site. At that point, with the underlying discussion, he discusses why you should direct a hunt of the earlier craftsmanship and should you set up a temporary patent application or a non-temporary patent application. He’s made an amazing showing with regards to and it’s extremely useful for singular innovators.
We give great client benefit and our home office is in the Midwest, so we have reasonable rates. “Licensed innovation Magazine” appraised us as one of the main 200 law offices of any size in the United States. On the off chance that you assess the aftereffects of that examination on a for each lawyer premise, the rating places us in the best 15%. You’re getting awesome esteem, cost, and quality.
How might one discover more?
Henry: Go to the site or call me at our San Jose office. The number is (408) 890-6549. We can plan a meeting or an underlying conference. via YouTube https://youtu.be/_J2tnIhYxOw
0 notes
lutheranchurchnebok · 7 years
Chip Technology Patent Lawyer San Jose CA Call 408 890 6549 Chip Technology Patent Lawyer San Jose CA Call 408 890 6549. visit http://ift.tt/2ut0P8k Maiorana, P.C. – Patent Law 2880 Zanker Rd Suite 203, San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 890-6549 share this Chip Technology Patent Lawyer San Jose CA video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J2tnIhYxOw
What Does Maiorana PC Offer Silicon Valley Tech Companies?
Henry: We offer the full extent of patent obtaining and implementation benefits shy of case. That is regular for boutique patent firms. We likewise give copyright, trademark, and competitive innovation advising. Yet, since I’ve been added to the firm, there are some different administrations we can offer that a great deal of patent boutique firms can’t do successfully. The vast majority of those future identified with adaptation of licenses. With my permitting knowledge producing income for LSI, I can help littler firms, and significantly bigger firms adapt their licenses in various diverse ways. We can likewise give benefits regularly led by corporate insight identified with patent portfolio administration, mergers and securing due industriousness and protected innovation legally binding issues.
The one thing I’ve seen about Maiorana, P.C. is its incredible capacity to work with singular creators. The firm has built up a calibrated procedure for leading starting meetings with singular creators that elucidate many key issues and concentrate the customer on the best way to best ensure their development in perspective of their business destinations.
What makes Silicon Valley so powerful for new innovation wanders?
Henry: We have a high convergence of to a great degree gifted people both in specialized, money related, legitimate, and administration exercises. There are people who have contemplated Silicon Valley widely and they point to two or three things: first to showcase with new items and capacity to adjust to emergencies and change rapidly. That is because of Silicon Valley’s decentralized structure; the capacity of individuals to go from organization to organization rapidly Also, Silicon Valley organizations can do introductory advancement, productize and have worldwide reach. It’s a really stunning spot to be.
How could you become acquainted with Chris Maiorana?
Henry: Chris and I cooperated when he was giving protected innovation administrations to me at LSI. He did some exceptional work, particularly identified with DVD recording advances. One of the licenses he indicted was imperative for patent adaptation. Lowell Winger, a designer at LSI, had a patent called “Strategy and System for Symbol Binarization” and it was useful in producing income for our patent authorizing program. The patent authorizing program normally created about $100 million a year in income for the organization. Maiorana, P.C. likewise bolstered us in our patent indictment endeavors for our bundling innovation and EDA advancements.
What did you discover alluring about going to work for Chris and his firm?
Henry: I appreciated working with Chris and the other the lawyers at Maiorana. They are a joy to work with and their work was of high caliber. Likewise, it’s fascinating to take a shot at working up the West Coast Office. It’s a test I’m particularly situated to help. I need to grow new associations with innovation organizations and add new points of view to the numerous connections I as of now have all through Silicon Valley.
Why should a Silicon Valley tech organization come to Maiorana, P.C.?
Henry: Because of the considerable number of capacities. Chris has made a glorious showing with regards to of reporting our systems in his many online journals on our site. At that point, with the underlying discussion, he discusses why you should direct a hunt of the earlier craftsmanship and should you set up a temporary patent application or a non-temporary patent application. He’s made an amazing showing with regards to and it’s extremely useful for singular innovators.
We give great client benefit and our home office is in the Midwest, so we have reasonable rates. “Licensed innovation Magazine” appraised us as one of the main 200 law offices of any size in the United States. On the off chance that you assess the aftereffects of that examination on a for each lawyer premise, the rating places us in the best 15%. You’re getting awesome esteem, cost, and quality.
How might one discover more?
Henry: Go to the site or call me at our San Jose office. The number is (408) 890-6549. We can plan a meeting or an underlying conference. via YouTube https://youtu.be/_J2tnIhYxOw
0 notes
poetryofchrist · 7 years
On the characteristics of Hebrew poetry
Robert Holmstedt has written a very clear short paper here with a focus on the syntax of Hebrew poetry, line by line. He is looking for feedback. His first few pages are promising, and raise for me questions I have been thinking about for some time:
Is parallelism as categorized by Lowth an adequate initial assist?
Is Kugel's failure to find a distinction between poetry and prose adequate?
What do we do about our lack of access to performance practice?
On his next several pages, Holmstedt writes clearly to put his analysis into context using terms from Lowth, Kugel, O'Connor, and several others whose work I have not studied. I particularly like the list of Watson's 19 characteristics of the poetic line-form:  "ellipsis, unusual vocabulary, conciseness, unusual word order, archaisms, use of metre, regularity and symmetry, parallelism, word-pairs, chiastic patterns, envelope figure, break-up of stereotype phrases, repetition of various forms, gender-matched parallelism, tricolon, rhyme, other sound patterns, and absence of prose elements". Holmstedt then focuses on the line and its syntax as laid out by Dobbs-Allsopp including: "the use of acrostic patterns, parallelism, sound play, syntax, grouping and the prevailing binarism of biblical poetry, the couplet, the triplet, larger groupings, isolated lines, and the logic of counting". We are now up to about 30 characteristics of a poetic line. And all this is good, though many terms beg definition and example. Holmstedt then moves to his own intent in the paper:  "I will bypass the issue of describing the BH poetic line and assert that it is not just the line that is central to defining the BH poetic verse, but constraints upon the relationship of the lines resulting in a binary syntactic choice." This raises the question for me (but it shouldn't because he did not imply it), Did the Hebrews conceive of poetry as stanzas, the way that we also often think of it? (In fact Holmstedt will not go that far to answering the questions he raised for me. He puts himself at a disadvantage with this sentence: "But we will never have access to the critical performance convention, and therefore we cannot achieve a complete description of BH poetry." Perhaps that is true, but perhaps also we have more than we think.) He then elaborates O'Connor's 6 tropes:  repetition (on the word level), coloration (wordlevel), gapping (line-level), matching (line-level), mixing (supralinear-level), and dependency (supralinear-level). He is going to approach poetic syntax in what seems to me a round-about way, by means of apposition and non-apposition. He lays out an analysis of all of Psalm 1 with this carefully developed syntactic idea in mind. My first non-scholarly thought on this (before I read it in detail) is that poetry puts things beside each other. Some are in apposition and some are not. My initial reaction on reading further is that some of the apposition he describes is not apposition to me. (But I am not a grammarian and it appears from his many categories that there are many many types of apposition.) I have often met apposition at a phrase level (which I see in his list as 'non-nominal' apposition), but I would not have considered as apposition something as simple as the king, Solomon, which in some cases we would hear merely as king Solomon. Nor would I take a list as apposition, such as ‘and Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth’ (Gen 6:10), nor something that seems more like an adjective (attribution). I think I can see what he is describing under these categories, but I am not sure, that he is going to get to the end I seek: How is it that poetry strikes us as different from prose? In the next section, he elaborates Parallelism as apposition or non-apposition. Ever since Lowth, parallelism has been the traditional starting place for people to describe Hebrew poetry. The idea of similar or contrasting couplet is a helpful concept, but it is a part of the technique of both poetry and prose writers, but the 21 books are still significantly different from the 3 poetry books, Psalms (ת), Proverbs (מ), and Job (א), their three initial letters forming their traditional name of the books of truth (אמת). And each of these poetry books is again quite different in tone. Psalms have stanza structure. Job is epic. And Proverbs has both a didactic introduction and acrostic conclusion to what could be characterized as isolated aphorisms. (But they might not be as isolated as they seem.) Questions are occurring to me that Holmstedt may not want to raise at this point. So he rightly reminds the reader: "Once again, please keep in mind that my argument in this essay is about interlineal syntax, not literary-poetic structure". This limits what I can say in response. I don't think it adequately considers the wholeness of the poetry of the Psalms. Nor will it help with the epic aspects of the long poem of Job. Even in the aphoristic parts of the Proverbs there are some threads, but I am only about half way through reading these, and what I see there is exercises in terseness forcing the reader or hearer to disambiguate. You can see his analysis of Psalm 1 on pages 14 and 15 of the pdf. Here is my analysis of the music for comparison. The first rest in verse 1 on the ole-veyored (f#) show where to pause for the initial impact on the hearer. There is an addition pause on the atenach (1c) at the end of the first parallel. But the listener knows the story is not finished, since we are on the subdominant A, and will wait patiently for the denouement of the tri-colon which returns to the tonic after the caesura. Verse 2, the opening accent ties this verse to verse 1. There is no rest in verse 2. The learning of Torah is a continuous activity. Verse 3 also has two rests, making it a tri-colon: 1. The ole-veyored is on the streams of water, the image is of Torah, whereas the איש is the tree. 2. The consequence is fruit in due season and leaf not withering, (though two phrases grammatically are sung as one to the atenach), and 3. the final conclusion, all that it does will thrive. Verse 4 is a second choice from verse 1 - either one does abstain from the associations of verse 1 or one does not. The כי עם is downplayed compared to the opening of verse 2, but it clearly defines the alternative. Verse 3 and 4 are linked equally by the image of עץ and מץ. Of course, every verse is linked and is the outworking of the thesis of verse 1. Verse 5 has a single upbeat to a high C contrasting the end of the wicked using the same reciting note as was used in verse 3 of the fruitfulness of the righteous. The matter of fact final verse stands out in its musical simplicity. This poem seems to me a single stanza. I say this for non-musical reasons, a three-word chiasm joins verses 1 to 5-6. If I were to break it up, it would be 5 cola, verses 1-2, 5 cola, verses 3-4, and 4 cola, each of these beginning with a tri-colon, then verses 5 and 6. The value of Holmstedt's article for me is his apt selection from the literature. I have found this part of his work very helpful. E.g. "I find Landy’s observations provocative and keep them in mind as I contemplate the nature of BH poetry: “prose presupposes sequential time …; poetry concerns timelessness,” “prose preserves an often ironic objective distance between the writer, his audience, and his subject-matter.... In poetry, there is a communion between the singer and the audience,” “Prose accordingly represents everyday life, activities, and speech … poetry is the language of liminal situations,” and “Prose perceives the world through relations of contiguity, temporal and spatial, i.e., metonymy; poetry expresses it metaphorically, through relations of likeness and difference”" Landy is not listed in his bibliography so I do not know if this is the Francis Landy I have met at UVIC. But very few people are doing musical analysis. I know only of David Mitchell in Brussels. It is the analysis of the musical forms indicated by the accents that allows us to hear more than we have heard before from the text. Even if this musical inference is not perfect, it is light ears, or I should say the ear is enlightened, far and away beyond what we have had to date from scholars of the accents. On the prosody implied of the accents, here are some general observations I have made from my work:
the caesura effected by the atenach is of primary importance. The disjunction of the ole-veyored is rarer but also significant. These two alone suggest performance practice.
the opening of a verse, (or even its second syllable if the first is an upbeat), with an accent other than the default silluq, indicates a connection with the prior verses to be determined by the hearer. 
the tone of voice and emphasis both within and between verses is determined by the other accents.
Saying this in non-musical language is nearly impossible. My overall thesis is that the use of the accents defines poetic structure (and prose also) beyond the scope of the line and beyond the scope of the verse. As I have noted elsewhere, this thesis contradicts claims made over the past 1000 years in the literature on the accents, notably from Wickes in his treatises from the 19th century. Two excellent examples are Psalm 96, where the accents define the scope of the stanzas so clearly, and from the prose books, the lament of David over the death of Saul and Jonathan. I can only illustrate these with the music, which to a musician is so much clearer than any list of accents would tell us. If I were going to characterize poetry, and I am not yet ready to, I would say the obvious: the lines are short, and their terseness needs work to interpret. Also they typically have fewer of some common grammatical markers, like the particle את or the definite article. (Raabe, Anchor Bible Commentary on Obadiah, p 6-7, cites some measures related to the use of את and אשׁר. "In standard prose the particle is 15% or more whereas in poetry it is 5% or less." And also "if a section has 100 words, את and אשׁר and the definite article ה will comprise five or fewer of the words.") The short lines are very clear from syllable counting. I have still to examine the grammatical markers in a full database. But there is much more to be known from the music.
PS (It always pleases me when an opinion of John Hobbins is noted. I know so few scholars personally, and John is one who in the early days of blogging stimulated so much discussion, and in the early days of my own study, allowed me to struggle through my first attempts to read a text with Hebrew in it. Ten years later, I am not quite so intimidated by foreign languages in an English text, but I have to admit, it the impact of Biblical poetry were dependent on our ability to read Hebrew and commentary in German, French, Latin, and Greek, etc, then the poetry would not have had the impact it has had in western history and continues to have.)
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2rlbbJ2 via IFTTT
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boboutlook123 · 7 years
Chip Technology Patent Lawyer Silicon Valley Call 408 890 6549. Visit http://ift.tt/2ut0P8k Maiorana, P.C. - Patent Law 2880 Zanker Rd Suite 203, San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 890-6549 share this Chip Technology Patent Lawyer Silicon Valley video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbP6GntYAYg What Does Maiorana PC Offer Silicon Valley Tech Companies? Henry: We offer the full array of patent procurement and requirement benefits shy of case. That is run of the mill for boutique patent firms. We additionally give copyright, trademark, and competitive innovation directing. In any case, since I've been added to the firm, there are some different administrations we can offer that a ton of patent boutique firms can't do successfully. The vast majority of those future identified with adaptation of licenses. With my permitting background producing income for LSI, I can help littler firms, and considerably bigger firms adapt their licenses in various distinctive ways. We can likewise give benefits ordinarily led by corporate direction identified with patent portfolio administration, mergers and obtaining due steadiness and protected innovation legally binding issues. The one thing I've seen about Maiorana, P.C. is its extraordinary capacity to work with singular innovators. The firm has built up a calibrated procedure for directing introductory counsels with singular creators that elucidate many key issues and concentrate the customer on the most proficient method to best ensure their innovation in perspective of their business goals. What makes Silicon Valley so compelling for new innovation wanders? Henry: We have a high grouping of to a great degree gifted people both in specialized, money related, lawful, and administration exercises. There are people who have examined Silicon Valley broadly and they point to a few things: first to advertise with new items and capacity to adjust to emergencies and change rapidly. That is because of Silicon Valley's decentralized structure; the capacity of individuals to go from organization to organization rapidly Also, Silicon Valley organizations can do introductory advancement, productize and have worldwide reach. It's a quite astounding spot to be. How could you become more acquainted with Chris Maiorana? Henry: Chris and I cooperated when he was giving licensed innovation administrations to me at LSI. He did some noteworthy work, particularly identified with DVD recording advancements. One of the licenses he indicted was essential for patent adaptation. Lowell Winger, an innovator at LSI, had a patent called "Strategy and System for Symbol Binarization" and it was useful in creating income for our patent permitting program. The patent permitting program normally produced about $100 million a year in income for the organization. Maiorana, P.C. additionally bolstered us in our patent indictment endeavors for our bundling innovation and EDA advancements. What did you discover appealing about going to work for Chris and his firm? Henry: I appreciated working with Chris and the other the lawyers at Maiorana. They are a joy to work with and their work was of high caliber. Additionally, it's intriguing to chip away at working up the West Coast Office. It's a test I'm extraordinarily situated to help. I need to grow new associations with innovation organizations and add new viewpoints to the numerous connections I as of now have all through Silicon Valley. Why should a Silicon Valley tech organization come to Maiorana, P.C.? Henry: Because of the considerable number of capacities. Chris has made a grand showing with regards to of archiving our methods in his many sites on our site. At that point, with the underlying conference, he discusses why you should direct a hunt of the earlier workmanship and should you set up a temporary patent application or a non-temporary patent application. He's made a brilliant showing with regards to and it's exceptionally useful for singular designers. We give astounding client benefit and our home office is in the Midwest, so we have reasonable rates. "Protected innovation Magazine" evaluated us as one of the best 200 law offices of any size in the United States. In the event that you assess the consequences of that investigation on a for each lawyer premise, the rating places us in the main 15%. You're getting incredible esteem, cost, and quality. How might one discover more? Henry: Go to the site or call me at our San Jose office. The number is (408) 890-6549. We can plan a meeting or an underlying interview.
0 notes
lutheranchurchnebok · 7 years
Chip Technology Patent Lawyer San Jose CA Call 408 890 6549. visit http://ift.tt/2ut0P8k Maiorana, P.C. - Patent Law 2880 Zanker Rd Suite 203, San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 890-6549 share this Chip Technology Patent Lawyer San Jose CA video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J2tnIhYxOw What Does Maiorana PC Offer Silicon Valley Tech Companies? Henry: We offer the full extent of patent obtaining and implementation benefits shy of case. That is regular for boutique patent firms. We likewise give copyright, trademark, and competitive innovation advising. Yet, since I've been added to the firm, there are some different administrations we can offer that a great deal of patent boutique firms can't do successfully. The vast majority of those future identified with adaptation of licenses. With my permitting knowledge producing income for LSI, I can help littler firms, and significantly bigger firms adapt their licenses in various diverse ways. We can likewise give benefits regularly led by corporate insight identified with patent portfolio administration, mergers and securing due industriousness and protected innovation legally binding issues. The one thing I've seen about Maiorana, P.C. is its incredible capacity to work with singular creators. The firm has built up a calibrated procedure for leading starting meetings with singular creators that elucidate many key issues and concentrate the customer on the best way to best ensure their development in perspective of their business destinations. What makes Silicon Valley so powerful for new innovation wanders? Henry: We have a high convergence of to a great degree gifted people both in specialized, money related, legitimate, and administration exercises. There are people who have contemplated Silicon Valley widely and they point to two or three things: first to showcase with new items and capacity to adjust to emergencies and change rapidly. That is because of Silicon Valley's decentralized structure; the capacity of individuals to go from organization to organization rapidly Also, Silicon Valley organizations can do introductory advancement, productize and have worldwide reach. It's a really stunning spot to be. How could you become acquainted with Chris Maiorana? Henry: Chris and I cooperated when he was giving protected innovation administrations to me at LSI. He did some exceptional work, particularly identified with DVD recording advances. One of the licenses he indicted was imperative for patent adaptation. Lowell Winger, a designer at LSI, had a patent called "Strategy and System for Symbol Binarization" and it was useful in producing income for our patent authorizing program. The patent authorizing program normally created about $100 million a year in income for the organization. Maiorana, P.C. likewise bolstered us in our patent indictment endeavors for our bundling innovation and EDA advancements. What did you discover alluring about going to work for Chris and his firm? Henry: I appreciated working with Chris and the other the lawyers at Maiorana. They are a joy to work with and their work was of high caliber. Likewise, it's fascinating to take a shot at working up the West Coast Office. It's a test I'm particularly situated to help. I need to grow new associations with innovation organizations and add new points of view to the numerous connections I as of now have all through Silicon Valley. Why should a Silicon Valley tech organization come to Maiorana, P.C.? Henry: Because of the considerable number of capacities. Chris has made a glorious showing with regards to of reporting our systems in his many online journals on our site. At that point, with the underlying discussion, he discusses why you should direct a hunt of the earlier craftsmanship and should you set up a temporary patent application or a non-temporary patent application. He's made an amazing showing with regards to and it's extremely useful for singular innovators. We give great client benefit and our home office is in the Midwest, so we have reasonable rates. "Licensed innovation Magazine" appraised us as one of the main 200 law offices of any size in the United States. On the off chance that you assess the aftereffects of that examination on a for each lawyer premise, the rating places us in the best 15%. You're getting awesome esteem, cost, and quality. How might one discover more? Henry: Go to the site or call me at our San Jose office. The number is (408) 890-6549. We can plan a meeting or an underlying conference.
0 notes