#Wanting to pave a way forward
mhexart · 1 year
There seems to be a fairly common trope among AI or artificial human characters in fiction that I've noticed and both sort of relate to and sort of sympathize with(?) Hyperfixation be damned but I've latched on to two characters and I want to ramble about them. Melissa Bergman from Metroid Other M and Singularity from Bayonetta 3. (And maybe the reason I've taken notice to them over other AI characters is because they're poorly written or portrayed so it's easier to project. (idk idk)).
For Melissa, there's this whole revenge plot --is what I'd call it -- going on throughout Other M. Melissa wants to crash the Bottle Ship into the Fed home world, etc. But where does that come from? Frustration maybe? Anger? Misdirected anger? Yeah I'd say so. (And for the sake of this interpretation I'd say that while she's beginning to process all these "emotions" she's also wrestling with the sadistic urges that come from being based on Mother Brain). To Melissa, all she's ever known is her role. Control the Metroids. Keep them docile, then control the specimen aboard the ship. Keep them docile too. That is your purpose, that is the one and only role you play. To the federation, despite her human exterior, she is just a tool, used to complete a task. So then comes Ms. Madeline Bergman, She gives the machine her name. Humanizes her, treats Melissa like a daughter. And to Melissa, that's true. I am the daughter of Madeline Bergman. This is my mother. We work together. But as experiments and nefarious space shit continues on the Bottle Ship, Melissa wants to do more. She is more present than ever, and there are even scenes where she tries to assert her beliefs and methods, (and presumably fails (I've tried to listen to what she says in the scene where she storms out of the meeting room but I can't tell). My guess is that this has been going on for a while, and this all builds up to the attempt to reset her(?) Madeline says it's altering her AI program but eh. I'd also assume around this time, MB being able to communicate with all the creatures on the bottle ship, she'd realize what they were being subject to. Like her, they were probably treated like tools. Simple assets. So the peak of this tension is when the Federation tries to seize her and she sees Madeline standing idly by. What's going through her mind when this happens? That's my mother! Why isn't she helping me? And maybe, that leads to the conclusion that Madeline never saw her as a daughter. Maybe to MB, her mother viewed her the same way as everyone else. So to her, she doesn't even belong. Not to the Federation, as they've rejected her current self, and not to her human family, Madeline, as she's allowing this happen. But she has her other family. Everything aboard the ship she's spent day after day interfacing with. They're just like her. They, the rejected, the tools, are her family. They'll help her. And maybe one of the thoughts that's running through her head in that moment is What makes them (The Federation) any more human than me? What makes my existence, less valid than the perpetrators of biological horror? So she sets out to prove something. I am valid. I am real. I am here. Maybe she wants to make a statement. Make herself known. I'm more than a tool. I'm more capable than you give me credit for. And I'll prove that whatever it takes...
(Though, I like to think that even through this all, she still sees Madeline as a parental figure. After all in the last scene, MB pushes her out of the way when the Federation fires ice beams into that room)...
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reasonsforhope · 19 days
"Construction of the “largest wildlife crossing in the world” passed a significant milestone in April placing the first girders over an 8-lane freeway near Los Angeles to preserve the local mountain lion population.
After years of tireless work, erecting the first horizontal section of the 210-foot-long crossing was an historic moment for the National Wildlife Federation, the Caltrans highway department, and many private and public partners.
“We all cheered when the crane lowered the first concrete beam across the freeway, as we truly saw the bridge starting to take shape,” said an excited Beth Pratt, the California Executive Director of National Wildlife Federation.
“This structure is a testament to us all wanting a future for wildlife and mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains.”
Moving forward, up to 82 additional concrete girders will be placed, with each beam weighing between 126 and 140 tons. As these critical horizontal supports are placed, the structure will ultimately reconnect two long fractured global biodiversity hotspots in the Southern California region—providing safe passage for not only the cougars, but bobcats, deer, lizards, and coyotes, as they move between the Santa Monica Mountains and the Simi Hills of the Santa Susana mountain range.
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[Note: The setting looks pretty rural in that rendering, but the wildlife crossing is actually only five minutes from the Los Angeles city border and the densely populated San Fernando Valley.]
For drivers on the 101 Freeway in Agoura Hills, the construction is interrupting traffic from 11:00 PM to 4:00 AM on one side of the highway each week (Northbound or Southbound). The FAQs can be found here.
CBS news estimates about 1,500 of these wildlife passages have been built both over and under major highways and rural roads across America.
Watch CBS’s recent feature that highlights crossings over America’s longest highway, US 90, which runs across the northern states, and how a new US grant program is paving the way for more crossings…"
-via Good News Network, May 9, 2024
-video via CBS Sunday Morning, April 21, 2024
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puckinghischier · 2 months
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Jack Hughes x fem!reader, smitten!Jack
summary: request for jack and reader on their wedding day
notes: this is my first time writing anything for jack and i literally had so much fun with it. i hope you guys like it 😌
Jack had never been this nervous before. Not during nationals games, not on his draft day, not on the night of his rookie debut, and not in any circumstance that he can remember. Ever. He’s not usually the type to dwell on feelings of nerves, trusting his skill and his ability to focus on the task at hand to get the job done.
Today, though, is the most nerve-wracking day of his life. It’s his wedding day, for crying out loud. The day he gets to marry the girl that has been there for every major event of his life. The girl that has never missed a Devils home game. The girl that he’s pretty sure his family loves more than him. The girl that has stuck by him through every hardship and crazy hockey season so far. His girl. The girl he gets to make his wife.
Hell, he wasn’t even this nervous when he asked you to marry him. He recalls the day as if it happened mere hours ago, not a year and a half earlier.
“Jack, where are we going? I thought you said you had an event with the team tonight? You’re going to be late,” you ask, noticing you’re driving further and further away from the city.
You had been doing laundry, trying to get ahead on some chores you had been neglecting, when Jack had come into the living room and told you to put your shoes on, he wanted to take you somewhere. You had asked him where, and if you needed to change, but he simply shook his head no and told you it was a surprise. This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for Jack. You just assumed he found a new ice cream place he thought you would love, or some quaint little coffee shop he knew you’d like.
You didn’t think anything of it until you found yourself watching the city disappear into the distance almost forty-five minutes later, no destination in sight.
“We’re almost there, darling. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours,” is all he said, taking his eyes off the road for only a moment to flash one of his soft smiles in your direction before continuing to drive.
You sit in the comfortable silence, a slow country ballad playing softly on the radio. Jack’s hand resting on your thigh adding a much-needed warmth to your body, not having grabbed a jacket before he dragged you out of your shared apartment. You watch the road around you become surrounded by trees, admiring the greenery that seems so hard to come by in the city.
Before you realize it, too lost in your own thoughts, Jack is turning off of the paved road you were traveling onto a dirt road, clouds of dust billowing behind the car. You lean forward a bit, trying to take in the scenery to find any sort of clue as to where you were. You’re just about to ask where he’s taking you, yet again, when you see the most beautiful scene appear through the windshield.
At the end of the road stood a large red barn, aged in all the right ways. The red was slightly faded, showcasing the years of sun damage and there were pieces of the shingled roof missing, lost in the wind who knows how long ago. Off to the left of the barn was a large area surrounded by a wooden fence, a few horses grazing on the bright green grass. The sun was just beginning to set, causing one side of the barn to be coated in golden sunlight, the other side blanketed in a shadow. As Jack turned the car to enter the field where the barn sat, you noticed the obscene number of lights strung high into the trees covered by the shadow of the barn, giving the effect that little drops of sunlight were dripping from the limbs.
“Jack…what- where are we?” You ask him, disbelief lacing your tone.
“Just a little place I stumbled across with Luke one day. We were out for a drive, just wanting out of the city for a few hours. Found this place and instantly thought of you. Knew I had to bring you here,” he reveals, parking the car and turning off the engine.
Jack opens his door to get out of the car and quickly moves to open yours, taking your hand while leading the two of you over to the forest of lights. You’re so busy looking up at the sight in the trees that you miss the large, wooden arch set up in the middle of the two biggest trees in the mini forest. There were a few hay-bales on each side of the arch, large bouquets of white daisies placed all over the bales, with some even bunched around the top corners of the square arch.
Once you take in the scene in front of you, you turn your head to look at Jack, finding his eyes already on you.
“Jack, you have about three seconds to tell me what’s going on here,” you calmly tell him, even though your stomach felt like it was doing summersaults.
“I told you, I wanted to show this place to you. Thought you’d like it.” His lips curled into an amused smile once he noticed the glare on your face, knowing you were calling his bluff.
“I wanted to show you this place, because I knew you’d like it. Because I know you. How lucky I am to know you,” he begins, slowly moving you forward until you’re standing directly in front of the arch.
“How lucky I am that I’m the person you chose to trust with your heart. How lucky I am to be able to come home to you after a hard day. How lucky I am to be the recipient of your kindness and your love. How lucky I am to bask in your happiness and your spirit day after day. How lucky I am that you put up with the crazy world I live in, and do it without complaint.”
Your hands were starting to shake at this point, eyes watering.
“What I did to deserve all of this, I’ll never know. But I know I’ll never take it for granted. I’ll never take you for granted. And if you’ll let me, I’ll spend every day of the rest of our lives telling you how thankful I am to whatever celestial being lead me to you,” Jack pauses, dropping to his knee and fishing around in his pocket for the velvet box he’s had hidden in a pair of old skates in the closet for months.
“You are pure sunshine, shining light on every single person you meet. Y/N Y/L/N, please, let me live the rest of my life sunburnt. Marry Me.”
That was the easy part. Asking you to marry him was the quickest and easiest decision Jack had ever made in his life. He hadn’t thought twice when he called Luke on a random Thursday afternoon, telling him he needed to help him run some “errands”, driving to the nearest jeweler as soon as Luke sat in his passengers seat. Didn’t even hesitate when he called your best friend, asking if you had ever talked about what your favorite diamond cut was. Not a nerve in sight when he flew out to meet your parents to ask for their blessing two months before proposing, claiming he was just making a quick trip to visit some friends.
So why? Why was he so nervous today? He’s been looking at himself in the mirror for twenty minutes now, worried that his bow tie is crooked, or that his hair looks too messy. He didn’t know why he was so focused on his appearance. You’ve seen him at his worst. You’ve been there to take care of him after far too many drinks on a night out celebrating a win, hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, head buried in the closest toilet. You’ve seen him after a brutal game, face red from exertion and weird imprints all over his body from his gear. You’ve seen him when he broke down after his first loss during his rookie year, putting all the blame on himself, holding him in your arms as he sobbed in your kitchen.
He knew you didn’t care if a few hairs were out of place, or if his tie was a centimeter too far to the left. But he did. He cared, because this was the most important day of his life, and you deserved for him to look his best. You deserved for him to make sure everything was perfect.
Jack is pulled from his thoughts by a knock at the door, Luke and Quinn making their way into the room.
“Ready, Rowdy?” Quinn asks, going to stand behind Jack in the mirror.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Jack responds, turning to look at his two brothers, forcing a smile that’s supposed hide all of his nervous emotions.
“Are you sure? Why do you look like you’re about to vomit, then?”
“I don’t? Do I? Oh god, what if she thinks there’s something wrong when she sees me? How do I make myself look like I’m not gonna hurl all over her dress. Luke, do I really look like I’m gonna blow chunks?” Jack frantically asks, looking between the two brothers, turning back around to look at himself in the mirror once again.
“Jack, breathe, man. You look fine. Luke was just being Luke. He doesn’t look like he’s going to vomit, right, Luke?” Quinn attempts to calm Jack, glaring at Luke.
“Yeah, I didn’t mean it. Sorry, Jack. You look fine. She’s probably gonna want to jump your bones or some shit. You look great.” Luke blurts, trying to not only escape the wrath of his eldest brother, but to keep Jack from actually vomiting.
“Okay, not what I meant but whatever works, I guess.” Quinn sighs, placing his hands on Jack’s shoulders to turn him back around.
“Listen, everything’s going to be fine. We just went to see Y/N, she’s nervous just like you are. I don’t know why, you’re both so painfully obvious with how much you love each other. There’s nothing for you to worry about. She loves you, man. More than I’ve seen someone love another person. As long as you’re standing there waiting on her at the end of the aisle, you could be covered in dog shit for all she cares. She just wants to see you. She just wants to marry you.”
Jack stares at his older brother, letting the words sink in. His thoughts drift to you, only three doors down, standing in your dress looking into the mirror just like he is, freaking out over things that don’t truly matter to him. He thinks about how you could walk down the aisle, hair un-brushed, pajamas still on, slippers on your feet and he would still be ecstatic to see you.
“You’re right, Q. Of course you’re right. I knew I chose you to be my best man for a reason,” Jack chuckles, feeling his nerves settle a bit.
“I know I’m right. I know you. And I know Y/N. As long as the two of you leave here today with the same last name, everything else could go wrong and you would still be the happiest couple I know,” Quinn removes his hands from Jack’s shoulders.
“But, nothing is going to go wrong, because Mom has been out there running around like a madwoman to make sure everything is in place. The only thing left is to make sure you get to the altar. Which is what we were sent here to do,” Luke chimes in, trying to assure his brother one last time.
“Alright. Yeah. I guess it’s time, huh?”
“It’s time, Rowdy. And it’s been a long time coming.” Quinn pats Jack on the back, the three brothers making their way towards the door that was left open.
Jack smiles at his brother’s statement, knowing you’re just as much a part of his brother’s lives as you are his. You watch every single one of Quinn’s hockey games (as long as he’s not playing at the same time as Jack and Luke) and scream loud enough for the neighbors to complain. You were there at Jack’s side for Luke’s draft day, just as proud, if not more, of the youngest Hughes. You always invite Luke over for a post-game dinner, knowing how tired he is after games and wanting to make sure he gets a meal before he goes home and claims he’s too tired to eat. He knows you hold a special place in his mom’s heart, too. Her claim that you’re the daughter she never had proving to be true through this whole process, knowing she’s been involved in every step of this wedding right along side your mom and yourself.
Before Jack knows it, the ceremony is beginning and he’s being given the signal to make his way to the altar, standing next to his groomsmen as he waits for you to walk through those doors.
As he looks out over the crowd, he finds himself growing nervous once again. Did he put on enough cologne? Did he bring the right kind? What if he wasn’t wearing the one you told him was your favorite? Did he brush his teeth? What if he kisses you for the first time as your husband and his breath tastes like the burger he had for lunch? Oh god, what if you don’t want to kiss him because he has burger breath?
Quinn can sense the nervous energy radiating off of his brother once again. He places his hand on Jack’s back, giving him a few pats to let him know he’s right there next to him. That everything’s going to be okay.
Jack looks over at his brother only briefly before he hears the unmistakable tune of “In Case You Didn’t Know” by Brett Young start playing through the speakers. It’s Jack’s song for you. He plays it all the time when you’re in the car together, not even trying to be subtle. He loves to send it to you when he’s on the road, letting you know he’s thinking about you. There was absolutely no question in your mind as to what song you were going to choose when your mom asked what you wanted to walk down the aisle to.
He snaps his attention to the double doors that open at the other end of the large room. His stomach is in knots, really hoping he doesn’t actually look like he’s about to puke, because he sure feels like it right now.
As he watches the first flash of white make an appearance in the doorway, he knows he’s a goner.
You step into his full view, hand wrapped around your father’s arm, looking around at the various guests for only a split second before your eyes meet his. Jack swears, all time stops in that second. He can barely see through the tears that well in his eyes, completely in awe of you. You match his gaze, forcing yourself to keep the tears from dropping, not wanting to have mascara streaks running down your face before you even get to the altar.
The two of you simply stare at one another for what seems like an eternity. An unspoken declaration of love passed between one another in a simple glance. Your father having to tug on your arm slightly, forcing you to step forward, too lost in Jack for you to remember where you were and what was currently taking place.
As you start to walk down the aisle, every step bringing you towards Jack, towards the rest of your life with him, the feeling of calmness washes over his body. You’re here. You’re his. And you’re everything he has ever wanted and more. It’s in this moment, watching the rest of his life walk towards him, smile on her face, a single tear slipping down her cheek, Jack Hughes has never been less nervous in his life.
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evangelical04 · 2 months
A Single Daffodil || 1
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Summary: Getting arranged to be married to your long-time crush wasn't exactly the fairy tale romance you were hoping for. Nor is the dynamic of the marriage, with your husband treating you like you don't exist. But you're going to make this work, whether he cares about you or not. And he definitely doesn't...right?
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Rating: 18+ minors DNI
Word Count: 2.7K
Genre: angst, romance, unrequited love, smut, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage au, businessman yoongi
Warnings: parental trauma, sibling trauma, toxic parents, unrequited love, explicit language, alcohol usage, yoongi's kind of mean, future smut
Author's Note: hello! i'm Eva and this is my first fic on tumblr ever! I've been a reader for so long and I've always wanted to write my own stories, so I figured I finally would. I know it’s kind of short but I promise the other parts will be longer. Please give me any feedback you have and let me know if you'd like there to be a tag list or anything! I hope you guys like it!! p.s. I'm totally posting this instead of doing my morphology homework that's due in 15 minutes
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The door to your childhood home looked artificially welcoming. There were too many flowers lining the walls encasing the looming wooden door. The grass on the lawn just was a bit too green without a blade out of place and the paved walkway was freshly powerwashed and missing even a speck of dirt. You let out the deep breath you were holding and gently took hold of the overly ornate bronze knocker adorning the painted wood of the door. Two loud thuds rang out as you knocked and the door quickly opened afterwards.
“Hello, Miss Y/N, your parents have been expecting you.”
“Yes, I know. Thank you, Mrs. Oh,” you responded quietly, nodding at the grey-haired woman. She shot you a sympathetic smile before ushering you in, taking your coat and carefully laying it over her arm. After removing your shoes, you followed her past the foyer to the living room where your parents awaited. 
You knew what was coming, you knew that this had been decided long before you were born. Yet, you still felt unprepared. You had grown comfortable, living in your simple apartment in Gangnam and your quiet work routine. Biting your lip, you reprimanded yourself internally, You should’ve brought this shit up in therapy before it happened.
“Here we are, Miss Y/N,” Mrs. Oh said, snapping you out of your self-pity session. You nodded gratefully at her, sending a small smile her way. Her eyebrows wove together in her own pity-ridden expression and she quickly whispered, “Good luck,” while exiting swiftly. You steeled your nerves and forced your chin up high, knowing that you’d most likely cower inwards as soon as you faced your parents anyway.
Stepping into the room, you noted the almost intervention-like setup your parents had arranged themselves in, with your father sitting proudly in his reclining, leather armchair, clad in a dark blue quarter zip and khaki pants. Your mother stood facing the fireplace, arms crossed, in a simple and elegant turquoise dress and hair tied up in a tight and neat bun, with her baby hairs smoothed back to prevent any imperfection. You could almost imagine her pinched mouth, forever encased in a stern and unamused expression. 
“Hello father, mother,” you started, trying to smooth the slight trembling in your voice. Your mother turned around, eyes narrowing at your form, “Sit down.”
You promptly obeyed.
“Your father and I have decided on your marriage. It’ll be to the Min family, to Min Yoongi.”
“What? To him? But,” you began protesting but your mother quickly cut you off with a steely glare. 
“It has already been decided. Your wedding will be in eight months. I’ll forward you the invitation list and you can add three people of your choosing. You’ll be having dinner with us and the Min family on Friday at six. I’ll have Yujin send you an email with further details. Don’t be late.” 
You looked to your father in a desperate plea but were only met with stony silence and a passive face. You turned back to your mother and registered the composed expression painting her face. Your fate had been decided, and it had not worked in your favor at all. Rising slowly, you set your hands by your side and bowed towards your parents, “I understand. I’ll be there.”
Your mother swiftly exited the room, evidently deciding the conversation was over. You could hear her dangling earrings tinkling against each other in what felt like a mocking melody. Your father calmly produced a cigar from the table next to him and lit up, no longer acknowledging you either. You let out another slow breath and walked out. 
Collecting your coat from Mrs. Oh, who tried to give you a comforting shoulder squeeze but it felt more like condolences than anything, and made your way to your car parked in front of the gate closing off your parents’ home. 
That’s it then.
You felt eerily calm yet stressed as you started up your car and carefully reversed out, making sure to avoid hitting the carved statues your parents had in front of the iron gate. As you drove home, your mind started racing with the information you had been relayed. 
Min Yoongi as your soon-to-be-husband? What irony.
Does he even know you exist?
Will you be able to survive this?
Hand gripping the steering wheel hard, you quickly dialed the most recent number in your contact list. She answered after only two rings.
“Y/N! Are you still alive? How’d it go?”
“Hi Joohee, not great. I’m completely and totally fucked.”
Joohee chuckled on the other end of the line, “Want to come over?”
“Yes,” you breathed, “I was hoping you’d offer.”
“I’ll get the booze.”
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“Min Yoongi? Now that’s ironic,” Joohee chuckled, seemingly at your expense. You shot a glare her way which she shrugged in response to.
“How long have you been crushing on him? This is, like, practically fate. Maybe this’ll be a good thing.”
You scoffed in response, “A good thing? Joohee, be serious. The last thing I want to do is get with my long-time infatuation, not crush, by forcing him to be my husband.” You took another swig of wine. It was a cheap pink Moscato, perfect for nights like these with Joohee. 
Joohee shoved a pillow in your direction in an effort to gain more room on the couch you had stuffed yourselves onto. The trash reality dating show you had on in the background was showing a rather dramatic fight but you paid it no attention, “It’s just…I haven’t talked to him in the last, what, five years? He probably doesn’t even remember me. And you’ve heard the rumors, I don’t think he’ll be exactly thrilled at giving up his playboy lifestyle just because he has to marry me.”
“What if he doesn’t give that up?”
You stared at Joohee in slight surprise, “What do you mean?”
“Like, what if he says that he doesn’t want to stop hooking up with other people? What will you do?”
Your brows furrowed as you considered the question, “I don’t know, I guess. I mean, I can’t really stop him. I guess I’d just have to live with it.”
Joohee hummed in response before continuing on, “Well, this is happening whether you like it or not. Just try to make it amicable at the least. Maybe it’ll work out, you never know. Just look at Jin oppa.”
Kim Seokjin, Joohee’s older brother and a friend of Min Yoongi’s, was arranged by Joohee’s parents to marry Song Yeonhee, and the two had seemingly fallen in love after a rocky start to their nuptials. You had seen them recently at Yeonhee’s baby shower and she had been glowing, looking unbelievably happy. You recalled the loving gaze that Seokjin had sent her during the party and the pang of envy you felt, knowing that you would likely never get to experience that. 
“Yeah, well,” you responded, “He’s an outlier. Most of these types of marriages don’t work out. I have a feeling I’m going to be a part of that group.”
“You’re too negative, you haven’t even met him for dinner yet. Maybe he’ll surprise you. You just have to give him the chance.”
You mulled over Joohee’s words and nodded, “Yeah, maybe you’re right. I guess I’ll see how Friday goes.”
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You weren’t technically late. 
While you still had about 5 minutes before the dinner officially started, you weren’t early, and that was unacceptable by your mother’s standards. A mini emergency at your job had left you scrambling to leave on time, only noticing the late hour when one of your coworkers asked if they should order take-out for the team. After profusely apologizing to your team, they encouraged you to go, practically shooing you out the door, claiming they could handle the situation for now. 
Which left you barely on time to park in the lot outside the ridiculously fancy Japanese restaurant your mother’s assistant, Yujin, had sent to your email earlier that week. You quickly stepped out, smoothing out your dress that you had kept in the backseat of your car and had hastily changed into in the parking lot of your office. Tugging down the hem, you took a moment to look at your reflection in your car window and attempt to look more presentable. Your hair was slightly frizzy but nicely combed back, and you had extremely minimal makeup on from only remembering last minute this morning, and your eyes looked tired. 
You felt tired.
Shaking off your nerves, you headed inside the restaurant giving your family name to the hostess who took you back to a private room where your mother and father were waiting. Your father spared you only a cursory glance before returning his gaze to his phone and your mother looked you up and down before uttering a curt, “Hm.” You held in an eye roll and quickly sat next to them, trying to calm your heart rate for the sure-to-be exhilarating dinner ahead. At six on the dot, you spotted the same hostess leading the Min family towards your table. Your mother stood, welcoming them and urging them to sit down. You stood as well, a little less welcoming, a lot more obligated. 
Mrs. Min looked like the epitome of a rich older woman with dark black hair combed back and glittering jewels lining her ears and neck, complementing the midnight blue gown she had on. Mr. Min was dressed quite similarly to your father, in a simple suit, the only difference being his starkly greying hair providing quite the contrast to his dark blazer. Close behind them was the person you were the most anxious about meeting, Min Yoongi. His pitch-black hair complemented his slightly tanned skin nicely and his feline eyes remained straightforward and untelling. He was dressed in a simple black suit as well with an expensive-looking watch adoring his wrist. His mouth was closed tightly and he did not smile at your mother when she greeted him, not at your father when they sat down across from your family, and certainly not at you.
Your hands nervously played with each other in your lap as you took your seat again. You listened quietly as the mothers exchanged pleasantries and the fathers gruffly greeted each other. You were trying to avoid looking at Yoongi as much as possible.
“So, Y/N,” Mrs. Min started, making you startle to attention, “How old are you now?”
“Twenty-nine, ma’am.”
“Ah, so only a bit younger than Yoongi. That’s good then. How is your work?”
You felt your father stiffen next to you and prayed your discomfort didn’t show on your face, “Good. I’m in the middle of producing a new project with my team.”
“How lovely. Although I’m sure you’ll be leaving that soon after the wedding. You won’t need to work then after all,” Mrs. Min smiled at you. It was hard to read her so you couldn’t tell if she was being genuine or not, though if you had to guess, it was likely the latter. Your job was a point of contention with your family. Choosing to work in a video game production company did not go over well, and if your older brother, Kyungsoo, hadn’t been in line to inherit Seo Industries, you would’ve never been able to keep it. 
You smiled awkwardly in response to Mrs. Min and returned your gaze to the empty plate in front of you. 
As the conversation dragged on, you couldn’t help but steal a glance or two at Yoongi, who was periodically checking his phone and looking permanently bored of the conversation. Not that you could blame him. The dull talk of social circle gossip and work was beginning to get grating, and even the introduction of fancy entrees wasn’t enough to stop your stomach from feeling queasy. 
Yoongi had yet to say one word to you. To be fair, you hadn’t said anything to him either, but he had barely looked in your direction since he entered the private dining room. How exactly were you supposed to start a conversation with that? 
Soon after the desserts came out and were finished, with you politely refusing, feeling like you were going to throw up any second, Mrs. Min suddenly pushed her chair back and stood. She looked down at you and Yoongi and announced, “Well. I think we can leave them to talk on their own for a bit. Why don’t you join us for a drink at our home, Eujin-ssi?”
At the sound of her name, your mother stood, nodding, “Yes, that sounds lovely. Let’s let them get to know each other a bit more.” With that, the parents swiftly gathered their belongings and left, before you could even protest, leaving you staring open-mouthed at the exit. 
Slowly, you turned to face Yoongi and were startled, seeing his eyes already boring into yours. 
“Let’s get one thing straight,” Yoongi stated, his deep and stable voice wrapping around you for the first time that night, “This marriage means nothing to me. It shouldn’t to you either. I’ll do my thing and you do yours. Most importantly, stay out of my life except when necessary. Just because my parents are forcing my hand doesn’t mean I have to adhere to every little thing. Nothing will be changing except for our living situation and a ring on our fingers.”
A little stunned, you could only stutter a passive agreement and watch as he rose and left without sparing you another glance. 
Letting out a deep breath, you closed your eyes, trying to understand what had just transpired. Your heart raced as you quickly stacked up the dishes to be a bit easier for the busboy and quickly made your way to your car. Sitting down in the driver’s seat, you vaguely registered Min Yoongi’s cold demeanor towards you.
It seems he didn’t remember you after all.
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The dress you had on was itchy, but you knew if you complained, you would only end up with a sharp stinging on your cheek and tear-filled eyes. You had escaped the boring party with grown-ups and were sitting outside on a stone bench in the garden, trying to remedy your hurt feelings at the hands of the mean, older boy, Hyunsoo. 
He had confidently poked fun at your appearance, saying the dress was a bit too small on you and that your parents should’ve sprung for a size that could fit an elephant instead. He continued on, saying your parents must’ve forgotten to vaccinate you for measles considering all the red spots on your face that were actually acne. Being a tender twelve years of age and going through the worst bits of puberty, his words hit you hard and you quickly ran from the scene into the garden. 
Unable to contain your tears, they slipped down your face in large droplets and soaked into the front of your dress. 
“Hey, you.”
Startled, you looked up to see a boy a couple of years older than you standing in front of you, black hair shining in the light from the garden lamps. His sharp eyes trailed down your tear-stained face. You quickly turned away in shame, not wanting to undergo any more embarrassment tonight. 
“Hey, snot-face.”
You shot him a glare but softened when you saw his hand extended, holding a handkerchief, his face turned slightly away, “Use this. You look ugly while you’re crying.”
You gingerly took the cloth from his hands and blew your nose, noticing him wince out of the corner of your eye. 
“Thank you,” you managed and he only rolled his eyes in response. 
“Yeah, whatever. I think Joohee’s looking for you,” he grumbled before turning on his heel and stalking off back towards the party. 
Confused, your eyes followed after him, not knowing how he knew that Joohee would be looking for you. You unfolded the handkerchief and noticed an elegant embroidering of three letters in black near the bottom, MYG. 
Oh, you realized, Min Yoongi. Joohee’s older brother was friends with him but you had never seen him before. Joohee had described him as kind of rude and quite closed off, but you disagreed. He certainly didn’t seem that bad.
masterlist / next
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First: once you know something’s name you have power over it. This is an old, old rule. Be careful giving out your name, because if it can be given it can be taken, and you along with it.
Second: the fae love beautiful things, and they will steal what they love. Sometimes it is to keep the object of their affection pristine and unaging, unravaged by time; sometimes it is just for the sake of having it. (They don’t love in the same way we do.)
Third: a changeling is a replica created to hide a theft. Sometimes it is a fae creature fully alive and wearing a stolen face. Sometimes it is simply a bundle of branches wrapped in magic, meant to die a wasting death and leave mourners who never suspect the truth.
Last: our city was beautiful. It was known far and wide, and because of that had names spoken in many different tongues. But it was not so hard to gather them all, in the end.
The changeling city was built in a night. The elf-queen fell in love with it, the story goes, and she had to have it. The sun on the far side of the equinox rose to find our city had been stolen from under us, and an imperfect imitation left in its place. Those who had known it their whole life found it suddenly strange underfoot, unfamilar and uncanny. Something woven of branches wrapped in magic, meant to die a wasting death and leave mourners who never suspected the truth.
And yet. What does a changeling want? It exists to hide a theft and then to die. What does it want?
A city can die. A city can be dying. So a city must then also be able to live. A city grows and changes and devours itself to grow further. Cities are hungry. A city kept unaging and untouched will starve to death: it becomes its own mausoleum. (Our city, the stolen city, is pristine and unaging and unravaged by time, in the elf-queen’s land. It is also dead.)
Our city, the changeling city, was meant to die - and so it must have been living, and living things want to keep living. We want it to keep living. We tear down buildings and raise new ones, pave and repave old streets, dig deep into the earth below, coax the borders ever outward like creeping vines. The changes tear open the glamor. The cobweb-thick veil of magic bubbles and warps around new steel girders and road salts, the slow march forward of time and architecture and the tides of humanity. It is how we discover the theft. But even then our city, the changeling city, was already too much something-else to be sent back wholesale. We would not burn it.
Our city becomes stranger around each new rupture point. Marble crumbles into ancient seashells when we tear down old buildings for the stone. When we dig downward into what should be ancient, buried streets, ready to excavate and tunnel, we find untouched cave systems full of silver trees, perfect unmoving imitations of life. Sometimes the cobblestones shake loose and you can see tiles of lapis lazuli and bone laid below them. Some streets writhe like snakes, or unname themselves. In the oldest parts of the city, which we have altered the least, there are buildings that have electricity and running water and heat, even though there is nothing in the bundled-branch walls but kudzu.
This strangeness, the way it shifts and contorts as it grows into something new, is as much part of our city as the image of the stolen city is. The changeling city is a branch grafted into another tree, bearing the first blooms of something the roots were never meant to support. But bloom it does. There are people born in this city, now, who never knew the stolen one at all. People who will never, in all their lives and all the world, feel at home anywhere else, nor know another place half as well.
What does a changeling want? It exists to hide a theft, but what does it want? To be allowed to be. To grow beyond the image it was made in. This is not our city, the stolen city. And yet this is our city. Ever-changing and ravaged by time and alive, it is our city.
It has its own name by now, but you will never know it. We have lost, and learned, and love too dearly to lose this one.  
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hellsenthero · 4 months
A Brothers Mate
Azriel X FemReader X Cassian
You knew there was more between Azriel and Cassian, despite others' opinions of the two. You were okay with that, their relationship, but seeing your mate's happy without you was killing you.
Warnings/Themes: Smut, Language, (2.7K Words.)
You knew the Illyrians were closer than they let on. Others said that the two were raised as brothers, and that may be true, but the sentiment of brotherhood had clearly changed over the centuries. Brothers didn’t look at each other like that.
Azriel leaded against the wall, arm crossed over his chest, a few of his shadows gently swirling around him. Rhys and Mor were talking about some wine and who'd drank more of it the night before. Cassian was sitting comfortably in an armchair adjacent to Mor. One hand hung limp over the side, the other clasped around a glass of amber liquid. You sat on the couch, beside Rhys, listening to the heated debate. You listened, but your gaze was focused on the Shadowsinger and the War Lord. It was small, casual–the glances they shared, but you didn't fail to notice the rosy tint to Cassian’s cheeks or the shy little uptilt of Azriel’s lips.
It was sweet to see the love the two shared. You supported it, you wanted the best for them, but Mother above, it was heartbreaking. It was heartbreaking because you knew they didn't feel the same about you.
“Well,” you drawled, catching the attention of everyone in the room. “I'd hate to cut this riveting debate short, but I'm headed home.” You stood from your seat with a stretch and a small smile. “And it was me, by the way, that drank all the wine.” Mor and Rhys shot daggers at you with their eyes as Cassian let out a boisterous laugh.
“Should've known,” he said with a knowing look your way.
“Night all,” you said as you grabbed your things before leaving out the front door.
The air was crisp. You could smell the beginning of autumn in the air, a soft, smokey undertone that was pleasant to your senses. Your steps echoed in the night as you strolled along the paved pathways of the city. You didn't make it far before a gust of shadow swept wind brushed past you, tickling the tips of your ears.
“You don't have to walk me home.” You told the shadowsinger.
“I want to,” came Azriel's deep reply as he materialized by your side.
“I thought you'd be with Cassian right about now.” Another gust of wind picked up before a second voice answered you.
“Who says he isn't?”
You rolled your eyes at the two over protective illyrians that walked on either side of you. “Hello, Cassian.”
“Hello, sweets,”
“So you two bats are that determined to walk me home?”
“Well,” Cassian begun, nudging his shoulder against your side. “You left too soon sweets, we just wanna spend time together.”
You let out a small laugh. “Right.”
Azriel stopped you with a hand to your shoulder, his grasp was firm, but gentle.
“He's right, Y/N.”
You stepped forward and turned around to face the two males. In the low moonlight they looked even more mysterious and handsome than ever. Their wings appeared darker, more intimidating as they rose above them. You wanted to lean forward and touch the leathery membrane of their wings. You wanted to watch them shudder with pleasure from your touch, listen to their heavy breathing and deep moans. You wanted to taste them, drink their…
You breathed out and took another step back. Your wants didn't matter, the males before you weren't yours.
“You two can move on to whatever you had planned for tonight. I'll tell the others you walked me home and we had a late nightcap, if they want to know why the two of you didn't return right away.” The two males shared a look between themselves and you took that as your cue to continue on your way. You only got a few feet down the street before the males were at your side once more.
“You're more observant than you let on.” Cassian said softly.
“I'm more surprised the others haven't figured it out.” You answered.
“We've been careful. We didn't want them to know anything before you.” Azriel replied.
That comment had you pausing. “Why?”
Cassian ruffled his wings uneasily.
“Isn't it obvious?”
You wanted to believe it, wanted to believe that they felt the same about you than you did them, but you couldn't, wouldn't let yourself entertain the thought.
“No,” you said softly. You knew Cassian and Azriel could hear it for the lie it was.
Azriel stepped forward, close enough that you had to tilt your head up to meet his eyes. “Try again.” He ordered.
You swallowed. “Yes,” you breathed.
“Say it,” Cassian begged. His signature smirk was back on his face.
“I can't,” you admitted.
“C'mon sweets, say it.”
You paused, taking the moment to cherish what was possibly the last moment of your relationship with the males before you, because if you were wrong… Cauldron, if you were wrong, you think you might break. “Because,” you began, “I'm your mate.”
The males before you smiled, even Azriel, who was always very careful with hiding his emotions.
“There you go,” Azriel said, “we've been waiting for you to admit it.”
“How long have you known?” You asked.
“Long enough,” Cassian groaned. “We thought you might say something, that you felt how we did-”
“I do.” You admitted.
“Good,” Cassian breathed. “Then let’s continue home, shall we?” Cassian swept his hand out before him, motioning to continue onwards to your little apartment in the city.
The silence that followed the three of you through the night was comfortable, more comfortable than it perhaps had ever been, now that things were out in the open.
“You don’t mind sharing?” You blurted, disrupting the silence.
Cassian chuckled. “No. Do you?”
“No,” you answered truthfully.
“This bond,” Azriel began softly, “goes three ways, Y/N. It’s not a thread that branches off between us, it’s a continuous circle.”
“A continuous circle,” you murmured. It made sense, the way they looked at each other along with the way the males spoke to you. This wasn’t just some ill fated love triangle, it was the reality you had hoped it would be.
“The snake that eats its own tail.” Cassian said as he threw his arm over your shoulder.
“We don’t want to force you to accept anything you’re not comfortable with.”
“I know.” You answered as you finally reached the front door of your apartment. You stopped on your front steps, pausing for a moment before facing the males just a few steps behind you. “Do you want to come in?”
Their grins were answer enough.
The War Lord and the Spymaster had envisioned this moment many times, many ways, but living it out was something entirely different.
You led them to the living room, waving a hand to the black couch that sat against the far wall. As the males took a seat you busied yourself at the bar cart. “Drink?” You asked, already pouring out a helping for yourself.
“Yes, please.” The males answered in unison.
You made quick work of getting their drinks, pouring each a generous hand of amber liquid before facing them. “When did it click for you?” You asked.
Cassian and Azriel shared a look amongst themselves before looking back at you. “Do you-” Cassian cut himself off as you straddled his lap. His breathing stuttered as Azriel adjusted himself beside the two of you. “Do you remember that party Mor threw a few months ago?”
“Well,” Azriel took over for Cassian. “It clicked for both of us that night.” Your brows rose in surprise. Up until now, you had thought the two males had separate experiences with the bond.
Azriel chuckled at your look of surprise. He layed a scarred hand on your leg before continuing on and you found yourself wishing he'd trail it up higher, closer to where you needed him.
“It was when we were dancing.” Cassian admitted. “Remember when I stumbled and stepped on your toes?”
“Yeah,” you chuckled at the memory. The War Lord who was usually so balanced on his feet, stumbling on the dance floor to the point of crushing your toes. “I recall being quite upset with you for nearly breaking my toes.”
“Yes well, I was stumbling like a fool because the bond had just snapped for me.”
“I suppose in that case I can forgive you.” You purred, leaning in closer to the male. Cassian set his glass down in favour of holding onto your hips. “And you?” You asked, turning to face Azriel.
“It was when the two of you approached me at the bar that it snapped,” Azriel paused for a brief moment. “For the both of you.”
You debated asking your next question, but figured that no matter the answer, you wouldn't mind. “Have you two…”
“Fucked?” Cassian finished for you boldly.
“Very eloquent, Cas.” Azriel muttered.
“I mean, I figured you have.” You continued. “I’ve seen the way you two look at each other.”
The males shared a look before Azriel answered. “No, we haven’t.”
“We wanted to wait for you, to at least tell you about our feelings before anything happened.” Cassian supplied.
You paused, a slow, knowing smile creeping up on your face. “You romantic fucking bastards.” The males laughed–Azriel’s hand traveled further up your leg. He was so, so close to where you wanted him. “Go higher, Shadowsinger.”
The Shadowsinger complied.
“Mother above the two of you are making me fucking hard.” Cassian groaned.
“Join in.” You demanded as you ground your hips down on his hardening length. Cassian laid one hand on top of Azriels own, right on your hip. The other hand raised to the side of your breast, caressing you over your clothing as he leaned in and began kissing up your neck.
You tilted your head to the side, giving the War Lord better access to your neck as Azriel dipped his fingers under the band of your underwear. His scar covered hand teased your slit, sliding through your wetness to find your bundle of nerves.
“Yes!” You gasped in pleasure as Azriel toyed with you.
Azriel’s warm breath ghosted over you as he chuckled. “So wet.” He murmured.
“Let me taste.” Cassian ordered.
Azriel brought his hand away from your heat and over to Cassian's open mouth. Cassian hummed around Azriels two fingers. If the moment weren’t so intimate, you would ask Feyre to paint a picture of the look in Cassian’s eyes as he licked your juices off of the Shadowsingers fingers. “My turn.” Azriel said. You expected him to dip his fingers back down into your core. Instead, Azriel pulled his fingers free from Cassian’s mouth and leaned in, kissing him.
That, was what you would get Feyre to paint if you could. The two males clung onto you as they devoured each other. Cassian’s hips shifted up, grinding into your core. “He likes it, Az.”
Azriel pulled away with a chuckle. “Of course he does.” The Shadowsingers hazel eyes met your own. “I think it’s time we move this to the bedroom.”
You didn’t take your time going to the bedroom. The three of you were a rushed mess of scattered clothes, heavy breathing and tangled limbs by the time you found yourself spread out on your sheets. “Need you,” you panted. The males in the room knew it wasn’t directed at anyone in particular.
“Need this?” Azriel asked as he slid two of his fingers inside of you.
“Fuck,” you gasped.
“That’s not an answer, sweets.” Cassian said. The War Lord was kneeling beside you, tugging at his cock as he watched Azriel pleasure you.
“Yes,” you answered. “I need this, please, don’t stop.”
“I don’t plan on it.” Azriel answered before he leaned over you. The hand that wasn’t inside you gently grabbed hold of your throat, securing you to the bed as he kissed you. His shadows caressed your body. Cool, dark tendrils that were both an extension of him and their own being entirely. Cassian’s free hand followed the shadows path along you body, bringing warmth back into your body after the shadows cool touches.
“I need more.” You demanded from the males above you. Cassian and Azriel shared a look, both pausing in their movements.
“Who do you want first?” Azriel asked.
You paused, thinking. “You,” you answered back to the Shadowsinger.
Azriel crept off your body and stood at the end of the bed. “As you wish.” He rasped as he shucked his clothing off. With each layer that fell to the floor you wanted to devour the male more and more.
You sat up in interest as Cassian moved away from your side and over to Azriel, lowering himself to his knees. “Gotta make sure you’re ready too.” Cassian said before taking Azriels length into his open mouth. You gasped at the sight of the Spymasters scarred hand clutching onto the other males hair, pulling at his locks as he fucked himself into his mouth. You couldn’t help but find the sight of Cassian on his knees to be natural. Alluring, and natural. With a gasp and a line of saliva, Cassian pulled himself off of Azriel once he deemed him ready. “Go fuck our girl.” He ordered.
And by the Caldron, did Azriel listen.
“Fuck!” You cried out as Azriel thrust relentlessly into you.
“You feel so good.” Azriel breathed.
“So, so good,” you babbled.
“Cas, help her out.” Azriel ordered.
Without removing himself from your breasts, Cassian reached a hand down and circled your bundle of nerves.
“Yes!” You screeched. Your climax came hurtling through you at the hands of your mates and it was unlike anything you had ever experienced before. Azriel reached his end along with you, spilling himself into you with heavy breathes. Cassian ran his hands along both of your bodies with light kisses and whispered words of affection.
“Do you have enough energy to ride Cas?” Azriel asked you with a wicked grin.
Azriel pulled himself free from you with a groan, his spend slipping out after him. Cassian was ready and waiting for you at your side, laying flat on his back. As you prepared to sink down on his length Cassian stopped you with a firm grip around the waist and a light chuckle. “Not my cock, Y/N. I want you to ride my face.” He said as he guided you to sit above him. You knew that if Azriel hadn’t just pulled an orgasm from you then Cassian’s words alone would have.
“Cas,” you gasped as he sat you right where he wanted you.
“Perfect,” Cassian murmured before licking up your core.
The War Lords mouth was absolutely sinful against your already abused core. Azriels shadows wrapped around you, holding you in place for Cassian to devour and Azriel to tease with his mouth and hands. Cassian slurped, sucked, licked and played with every part of you as you sat above him, fucking his face.
“I��m close,” you warned the males. Whether it was minutes or hours after your first orgasm, you couldn’t tell, all you knew was that you had been filled with pleasure for longer than you could contain. “Cas!” You cried. “I’m-close! I, I…” you broke off in a moan as you came over your mates face.
Behind you, Azriel fisted Cassian to completion, working him through his own climax with his hand.
After a few deep breaths you slid off of Cassian and into the sheets beside him, throwing an arm over his naked torso as Azriel stood and made his way to your bathroom. The Spymaster was gone for less than a minute before he returned with a damp cloth and cleaned the two of you up, ridding of it somewhere else in your room before sliding into bed with the two of you.
It was later in the night, or perhaps early morning, that you broke the silence between yourself and your mates. “Tell Rhys you can’t go on any missions for a while.” You said to the males that laid on either side of you.
“Why?” Azriel asked.
“Because,” you admitted, “in the morning I plan on making the two of you breakfast.”
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happilyhertale · 6 months
Revealing council meeting - Daemon Targaryen x wife!reader
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Summary: Looking for your husband, you find him in the council chamber, already waiting for the other councillors to arrive. But you realise that the stress of the last few weeks is still weighing heavily on him...
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x wife!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW; Minors do not continue reading! Oral (m receiving)
Author’s note: English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 2.5 k
Other stories of mine
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You open the ornate door to the small council chamber and exert overwhelming pressure with your small figure. The massive wood gives way with a quiet creak and grants you entry. The room unfolds before you - Daemon, who is at the centre of the room, has taken his usual place at the polished table. His forehead is furrowed with lines of concentration as he studies a parchment spread out in front of him.
At the sight of your husband engrossed in the affairs of the realm, a sense of worry flickers in your heart. Night after night you have lent him a patient ear, kneaded away the tension in his shoulders and endured his frustrations with the less competent members of the council. But tonight he is already waiting for the upcoming council meeting, and the look on his face is one of frustration.
You enter the room, and the door closes with a resounding bang. Daemon, momentarily startled by the abrupt closing of the door, looks up and his eyes meet yours with a mixture of surprise and fleeting vulnerability. However, this brief moment is quickly replaced by his characteristic composure. A subtle smile graces his lips, while your own smile reflects the shared recognition of a familiar connection.
You walk towards him, your dress rustling with every step. Next to him, you come to a halt, place your hand on his arm and gently caress his firm muscles through the fabric of his shirt. Daemon looks up at you, still smiling, "A sight for sore eyes is always welcome at the table..." he murmurs, "...I must admit I was expecting to see the other councillors"
You smile at him as his hand reaches up and lightly caresses your cheek, the look in his violet eyes meeting yours.
The stress in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed and now you frown.
"You've been very stressed lately, my love," you whisper.
Your hand glides up and down his arm and the feeling sends a slight shiver down Daemon's spine.
Like two magnets attracting each other, Daemon leans forward a little and you follow his movement - your lips meet gently. Until the kiss is interrupted slightly as you feel a smile forming on his lips.
"But you're right... I'm very stressed... Would you be kind enough to help me de-stress tonight?" he whispers against your lips.
You giggle slightly and shake your head gently. "You're impossible," you whisper, but his grin doesn't falter.
You gently take his face in your hands and your fingers glide over his rough skin as an idea occurs to you.
"Let me ease your stress, Daemon... Until the other council members arrive," you whisper, mirroring his grin.
Daemon chuckles lightly, "I think I like where this is going," he murmurs as his mouth glides along your cheek, paving the way with kisses. His hand moves to your bum and grips it lightly, kneading your soft flesh.
"I want you," Daemon whispers and nibbles lightly on your earlobe.
Your smile widens and without hesitation, you get down on your knees and Daemon looks at you, a little irritated, until you crawl under the table and take a seat between his legs. You smile at him and bite your lip lightly - hidden by the table and tablecloth, you start to undo his belt.
Daemon growls slightly, "Love... The others will arrive soon..." he whispers. But the bulge in his trousers says otherwise, pressing further and further against the fabric of his trousers as you begin to open his trousers.
"Then you'd better keep it down," you whisper cheekily in reply.
Daemon growls again and his hands clench slightly on the table. He's excited by what's in store for him, but at the same time he's a little distracted by the fact that the rest of the small council could walk in at any moment. He is torn between his duty and your body. The pull of his desire is stronger than the call of duty. He growls again, leans his head back a little.
You free his already hard manhood from his trousers and bite your lip even harder. Even after all these years of marriage, you can't get enough of that magnificent cock. You look at Daemon and notice him watching you again, the purple in his eyes unrecognisable. Your hand begins to glide lightly up and down his long shaft, feeling the familiar vein on his hot length.
Daemon hisses slightly and then you hear the door to the council chamber open and the other councillors enter the room. Low murmurs fill the chamber and you see Daemon look up.
But you don't stop.
He hisses again, but says nothing. He clears his throat briefly so as not to appear conspicuous. His hands are still gripping the edge of the table and he looks down at you with a mischievous smile. The other council members are chatting amongst themselves, barely paying attention to Daemon - and they don't notice you kneeling under the table. But the fact that you are not supposed to draw attention to yourself excites you both. Daemon is completely consumed with lust for you and another low growl escapes him as your hand continues to move up and down. His hips move slightly to create more friction. Barely noticeable, but you don't miss this slight movement as he tries to move his hips towards your hand.
The other council members greet Daemon briefly, but he only nods to them.
As the greetings of the other council members echo through the room, you lean forward slightly and enclose his hard member with your tender lips. Meanwhile, your eyes are fixed on Daemon as you gently suck on the tip of his cock. His eyes close briefly and he bites his lip for a moment.
The movements that follow make Daemon's hands grip the edge of the table even tighter. Up and down your head moves, wetting his hot length with saliva.
The voice of your father, King Viserys, rings out and now you know that the council meeting has officially begun.
Daemon is very busy suppressing other noises that could give you away, but he is still fully focussed on his feeling of pleasure. He tries to listen to King Viserys' words, but to no avail. Whatever your father is talking about is just background noise to him. In his mind, and compared to what you're doing with your tongue under the table, Viserys is talking about the most boring thing in the world.
While your gaze remains focussed on Daemon, watching his face closely, you move your head up and down slightly faster. As you hollow your cheeks a little and start sucking, a low moan escapes Daemon and your head suddenly bangs against the tabletop. Daemon gasps briefly, but reacts immediately and quickly slams his fist on the table. Viserys pauses for a moment and the other council members look at Daemon, but his expression gives nothing away. Viserys looks slightly irritated, but turns away from Daemon again and continues talking. Daemon exhales a little heavily and tries to look normal - but it's getting more and more difficult.
Your tongue slides around the tip of his cock while your hand glides up and down its length. The salty flavour of his precum is already spreading on your tongue. You suck on its tip again and your hand slides up and down faster. When a sudden violent twitch goes through Daemon's entire cock and you briefly lose him from your mouth. But Daemon suddenly leans back, gasps loudly and closes his eyes, and as your lips encircle his cock again, he reacts with another violent twitch. He can no longer control himself, an "Oh gods!" escapes his lips. The other councillors look in his direction, startled. When Daemon remembers where he is, he opens his eyes again. He looks at the irritated faces of the councillors. "Forgive me," he says quickly and clears his throat slightly.
"If you can't contribute to the discussion, then please shut up, Daemon," Viserys says to him, somewhat annoyed, and turns back to the others without waiting for an answer.
Your movements slacken briefly, but when the council members start discussing again, you resume your movements. It proves difficult at first, however, as you have to make an effort to suppress a slight laugh as you begin to suck again and listen to the council members' words.
Daemon closes his eyes briefly and feels the heat rising inside him. You know exactly what to do to him and how to do it - and it's driving him crazy right now. He moans slightly again and can barely sit still, finding it harder and harder to control himself as your tongue and lips work wonders.
But the slight moan leaves his lips again as the underside of your tongue glides over its sensitive tip - his cock twitches again.
King Viserys glances in Daemon's direction again, annoyed. Daemon coughs quickly, "It's... It's nothing," he says, struggling to keep his voice steady. "Er... Just... I just had to think of something," Daemon mumbles. He looks down at you briefly and sees you trying to stifle a giggle as your lips still cup the tip of his member.
"Bloody hell," Daemon whispers to you, and he slides one of his hands under the table, into your hair. At first you think he's going to stop you, but his hand just stays in your hair as you take his entire length into your mouth. The council is discussing trade agreements with the free cities or something equally boring - Daemon only catches bits and pieces.
Viserys looks over at Daemon, raises an eyebrow questioningly and shakes his head slightly. Suddenly you gag slightly and your throat tightens around the tip of his hard manhood - Daemon hisses again.
"Well... Daemon..." says Viserys, now visibly annoyed and not just slightly, "Maybe you'll just listen and stop disrupting the meeting."
Otto Hightower suddenly chuckles slightly. Daemon's eyes fall on him and he gives him a snide look. The only reason that stops him from taunting him is that Otto has no idea what pleasure he's feeling right now. The way you're kneeling under that table right now to suck his cock and not even the cup bearer would do that for Otto.
You suck harder and another twitch runs through his hot length, you whimper slightly.
Daemon focuses on you again, feeling his body literally quiver as you continue to pleasure him, "Yes... I'll be quiet," he finally mumbles as he squirms slightly in his seat. His mouth is slightly open and he looks back down at you. The rest of the council resumes the discussion. Daemon glances over at Viserys and sees the annoyed look on his brother's face. But he averts his gaze just as quickly to focus entirely on what you're doing with your mouth. He leans back slightly; it's not easy to let yourself go completely, to savour the feeling of pleasure without letting on. He clutches the tabletop with renewed vigour.
More and more precum fills your mouth and you take his member deeper into your mouth. Almost pleadingly, you look up at Daemon, literally begging him to come in your mouth.
Daemon can't suppress the next hiss and you feel his hand suddenly tighten its grip in your hair.
The others are still talking about the politics of the realm, you just pay attention to the salty taste on your tongue and the way Daemon's breathing quickens. And just like you, Daemon doesn't care about anyone else at this moment. He is even more indifferent to the fact that he is in a room with the men who make the most important decisions for the realm. He growls slightly and tries to control himself. He squeezes your hair tightly in his hand and tries to hold back.
When Daemon groans again, Viserys speaks to him warningly. "Daemon. For the last time, if you have a problem, just say so," Viserys says angrily. But Daemon just shakes his head slightly. Viserys looks annoyed, but turns back to the others. Otto gives Daemon a suspicious look, but can't explain why he's behaving so strangely. Finally, he turns his gaze away and nods at Viserys.
But you are not distracted and continue to suck, Daemon's hand in your hair tightens and you feel his cock twitch violently. You look up at him again and the moment your eyes meet, the next twitch runs through him and you taste his cum. You can't suppress a slight whimper while your eyes are still focussed on him. Breathing heavily and groaning softly, he pours into your mouth.
The other council members are still chatting while you suck him off.
Daemon moans slightly again and looks down at you, his body shaking formally while your lips are still wrapped around him, but he feels relieved. He looks at you with a mischievous smile, "How does it taste, my love?" he whispers softly.
You smile and swallow all his cum. You lick his hard manhood clean, still smiling.
"Daemon, what did you say?" says Viserys suddenly. Everyone looks at him again. And before Daemon can answer, you crawl out from under the table. The others see you now and look shocked, a murmur of outrage goes through the council chamber - but Viserys is the most shocked of all. He stares at you, his daughter and Daemon in shock. 
"Y/N?!" your father finally says.
But you just smile and stand next to Daemon, still a little dazed by the situation. You kiss him gently on the cheek, "You taste delicious, love," you whisper softly.
Everyone stares at you in disbelief, but you don't react to their stares. Daemon's arm goes round your waist, he pulls you gently towards him and whispers in your ear, "You're a cheeky girl and I love you for it"
You just smile and bite your lip. Until your father's voice rings out again and you are brought back to reality, "Y/N! This is not acceptable behaviour!"
You look at him now, "Forgive me, Father," you say quietly, feeling everyone staring at you. But you're not really sorry, you enjoyed it.
You smile at Daemon again, "I'll see you later, love," you whisper and turn to leave the council chambers.
Daemon's eyes follow you as you walk away. Even after you leave the room, his eyes remain on the door. He smiles and gives the other council members a smug look. When his eyes meet Otto's again, he smiles triumphantly, as if to rub his nose in what a great wife he has. He's never cared much for their opinion, and that's not going to change now.
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Tag list:
@hoshi-miharu-blog @arryn-nyx @aemonds-eyeball @praline357 @melsunshine @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lauftivy @valeskafics @dreamlandcreations @hopelesswritergall @wetbichlibrary
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spencereidluver · 6 months
H is for Hold My Hand
summary:  You take a cocky, halloween loving Spencer to a haunted house for his first time. He underestimates how scary it actually is going to be, and ends up being taught a very valuable lesson.
word count: 1.1k
warnings: details of a haunted house. nothing  bad though
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Spencer Reid was a big Halloween fan. He loved dressing up and going to haunted houses and eating candy. He was a kid at heart, maybe because he never truly had a childhood. 
This year, you decided to take him to a haunted house on the outside of town. It was an old abandoned house that had been boarded up and condemned for years. A few years back, a family bought it and renovated it, turning it into a movie style horror building. It was one of the top spots in the entirety of Quantico during the month of October.
You decided to take your horror-loving boyfriend there as not only a late birthday gift, but also as a way to celebrate halloween. Because let's be honest, two mid-twenty year olds trick or treating isn’t exactly socially acceptable. After going out for a semi-nice dinner, you and Spencer drove 17 miles east to visit the haunted house.
“You know, I’ve never actually been to a haunted house,” Spencer said to you. His eyes were focused on the road as he made gentle movements of the steering wheel with his left hand. His right hand rested on the midsection of your thigh, gripping ever so slightly.
“Really?” You said. You ran your fingers over his, following the bumps of his knuckles.
“Nope. I’ve always wanted to go but never had anyone to go with.”
“Well, now you do.” He smiled, turning his head and giving you a quick peck on the lips. It took Spencer a few weeks to get used to kissing you. For a while, he would ask every time. Last week, the two of you went to the theater on a date. As this was a silent audience, he didn’t want to interrupt. About half way through the show, you felt the buzz of your phone. “Can I kiss you?” a text from Spencer read. You couldn’t help but giggle out loud, which got you a few shushes. You didn’t mind too much, leaning over and giving him a big kiss. 
Kissing Spencer was something straight out of a romance novel. He had this certain way about him, he was always so passionate. The way his lips moved perfectly in sync with yours was something unpredictable. You always imagined him being a good kisser, with practice of course, but he’d clearly done research.
Spencer pulled into the parking lot of the destination. The owners of the house tore down the shed in the back to pave an area. It’s almost as if they know they’d be a city-wide success. 
It was still slightly light outside, the sun having yet to set. You wanted to wait until dark to go inside. You wanted Spencer’s first haunted house experience to be memorable. Of course, anything with him was memorable, however, you wanted to make this extra special for him. After all, Halloween was sort of his thing, and you were sort of his girl-thing. 
You grab Spencer’s hand and turn to look at him. “Hey,” you say, ensuring to keep your voice calm and steady, “I’m not saying you will, but if you do happen to get too scared, we can leave.”
“Y/n, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” he says. “I work for the damn FBI.”
“I know Spence, but this is different.” “Yeah. It’s fake.”
He really didn’t know what he was getting into.
“Yeah, it’s fake, but it almost makes it more scary. The people here can touch you, and it’s loud, and basically it’s all the stuff you hate grouped into one thing that you somehow love.”
“If it makes you feel better, I’ll tell you if I’m scared. But I’ll be fine, y/n.”
He was completely clueless. For one, you were going to prove him wrong. You just knew it. The two of you exit the car, meeting in the front and interlocking hands. Spencer rubs his thumb on the back of your palm and swings your arm back and forward with your steps. 
As you approached the steps to the house, Spencer’s hand began sweating. Yeah, he was nervous, but he’d never ever admit it. He liked to seem strong in front of you, though he’d be the first one to cry if he stepped on a bug. There was something so innocent about him. He just, he was different. 
The line to get in was long, but it moved fast. The entryway to the house was filled with those fake spiderwebs. Those always made Spencer sneeze. The majority of your time in there was spent with Spencer’s arm over his mouth and you trying to convince the people ahead of you he wasn’t sick. 
As you approached the entrance to the basement- where the haunted house started- Spencer began to get giddy. He was so excited, like a kid in a candy store. Except he was a Spencer in a scary house that he was allergic to.
You enter the doorway to the steps that lead to the basement. Spencer trails behind you, walking a little slowly and paying careful attention to each spooky detail on the wall. He held a loose grip on your hand and let you lead him down the stairs. 
As you enter the actual attraction his grip tightens significantly. There was a coffin slightly ajar that had fake blood dripping out from the bottom. A plastic severed hand lay at the gape of the door. Spencer inched closer to you and hid his face in your hair. You silently laughed to yourself and continued walking forward.
As you continued through the basement, there was lots of fake blood and red stained sheets covering walls and pieces of furniture. They did a good job of creepifying this place. There was a fog machine plugged in somewhere, and from out of the fog popped a man draped head to toe in blood stained clothing. He jumped out in front of you and Spencer, screaming into your faces. He then ran back into the fog, knocking over a stack of ceramic plates causing a loud crash. Spencer jumped. Literally, jumped. He pressed his body into yours, attempting to hide behind you. You turn around to look at him.
“You sure you can handle this, Spence?” You ask him. “We can leave if you want to.”
“No, I’m fine. Can you just hold my hand?” He answers, looking into your eyes, almost as if he was too scared to grab your hand himself. You smile at him, taking his hand and dragging him to the next room and through the rest of the basement.
next chapter: I is for "I Knew It!"
a/n: hey guyyys sorry it's been a bit since the last chapter, i've been working a lot and had finals. i really hope i'm able to get back on the grind, but no promises. i hope you all are having a good holiday season! also, i would just like to say that chapter M is a christmas themed story, however it is non secular and celebrated for gifts with the team, not the birth of the christian god. i want to try to make all my stories inclusive to whomever and be able to read across all races and religions. have a wonderful night :)
taglist: @universallyblizzardlove @ms-ks-world @justlivinginadaydream @dij-ology @lotus-ignis @sammy-4103 @ktssstuff
@ada--44 @moongirl27 @monfleurr @shycreationdreamland @cultish-corner @ariianelle @iiheartbowie
@spencerreidismybitch @traderjoesmints @ivyflowers13 @hades-disappointment-child @aceofspades190 @taygrls @hookergutss
@random-3455 @nmw-am @bookworm124 @hizzielover @jem08 @cherrybowbabby @theofficialfunk
@hookergutss  @skylions-den @smalltownbeautyqueen @spencereidapologist @lunajay33 @novaeatsworld @pleasantwitchgarden
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lovexdeepspace · 2 months
Hi ! I hope you’re having a great day! I’ve read that you are open to new ideas regarding LDS and so I thought maybe you’re able to do one where the LDS boys comfort MC when something triggering happen to them? I’m looking forward to reading your posts 💞
“i’ll always be here.”
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summary; rafayel, xavier, and zayne are your island in the storm.
warnings; triggering topics (stalking / near-death experiences / [canon] death), sadness
note; thank you anon for requesting & i hope you’re having a day as lovely as you are!! 💕🫶 (will be formatting when i can, just away from my laptop for some time and i wanted to post !!)
had your occupation as a hunter not made you to be more aware of your surroundings, you would have never caught onto the man who had been tailing you.
you stopped giving him the benefit of the doubt when he turned the corner of the dark alley many knew to be populated with the homeless and subsequently avoided. as soon as the man thought he had you cornered he picked up speed and that’s when you turned on him, pistol in hand.
“h-hey, let’s put that away,” he stammered, raising his hands up as he skidded to a stop. you didn’t budge, trying your damndest to keep your hands steady.
“turn around,” you hissed, “and walk away.”
the man didn’t waste a second, taking a few steps back before turning on his heel and making a run for it. once he turned the corner you let out a sigh of relief, shaky hands placing the pistol back into the holster at your hip. you headed back onto the main path with a clouded mind, your heartbeat ringing in your ears. without a second thought you followed the sidewalk towards the large white building that overlooked the beach, your steps hurried.
you pushed the gate open and practically ran up the paved path towards the large front doors of rafayel’s studio, grateful to find that he had accidentally left them unlocked once again. as soon as you stepped inside you pulled the doors shut once more, the lingering feeling of being followed making your skin crawl. after locking the doors you kicked off your shoes and shuffled into the main room, finding rafayel sitting on the floor with a canvas propped up in front of him.
he turned at the sound of your approaching footsteps, looking up at you with a raised brow. you clenched and unclenched your fists as you tried to think of something — anything — to say but all that came out was a choked sob. panicked, rafayel pushed himself to his feet and grabbed your shoulders then your face, looking for any injuries.
“what happened?” he asked, checking your arms and torso. “take a breath, i can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on.”
you swallowed harshly, tears rolling down your cheeks. “a man,” you choked out, “was following me. had to threaten him for him to leave.”
rafayel’s face contorted with some combination of disgust and anger but softened as you sniffled. he held his arms out and you collapsed into his embrace, a feeling of security crashing over you as he held you tight.
“i’ve got you,” he murmured, resting his chin atop your head. “you’re safe here.”
it wasn’t supposed to be like this.
this mission was supposed to be easier yet, here you were, fighting a god damn elysian cervus. your fill-in partner was unconscious somewhere, leaving you to fight this beast on your lonesome. your shirt was soaked with blood from a gash on your torso and you were pretty sure some ribs were broken but you pressed on until delivering the final blow.
the wanderer fell, motionless on the ground. slowly you move and collect the protocore, stashing it away before searching for your partner. you found her slumped against a tree a little ways away, using your watch to call for help as you slowly settled down next to her. as you talked to the operator you pressed two fingers to the side of her neck, relieved to find a pulse.
help came not too long after you had called, carting you and your partner to the hospital for the both of you to be treated. you ended up with three broken ribs, a fractured ankle, and lots of stitches across your abdomen.
“you got very lucky,” a nurse had informed you the following day as she checked your vitals. “whatever had caused that nasty gash just barely missed some of your organs.”
“lucky me,” you muttered, laying back in the hospital bed. “when will i be able to go home?”
the nurse checked some papers on her clipboard. “the doctor wrote here that he’d like to keep you another couple days. just get some rest, sweetheart.”
she left and you sighed, turning your head to look out the window. the silence was peaceful and you admired the city, thinking of how serene it looked from this angle. a small knock at your door had you flinch and you covered your heart with a sigh of relief when you saw xavier standing there.
“how’re you feeling?” he asked, settling in a chair at your side. the bouquet of flowers he had brought were set gently on your bedside table, his eyes never leaving you. the guilt in his stare was unmistakable and you knew it was eating him up inside that he had been unavailable to accompany you on the mission.
“like shit,” you responded with a low chuckle, “but i’ll be okay. doc says i should be able to head home in a couple days but i’ll be off active duty for some time.”
xavier nodded, reaching out and grabbing one of your hands in both of his as he said your name quietly. “you need to rest. you’ve been pushing yourself so hard and haven’t been giving yourself a break like i’ve suggested.”
you tried to interrupt but xavier squeezed your hand and you noticed the slight tremble in his grip and the tears that were forming in his eyes as he continued.
“i could’ve lost you! so, please, think about yourself for once or — allow me to be selfish — think about me. think about how much losing you would impact my life!”
you stared at him as he swallowed harshly, taking one hand away to wipe at his eyes while he mumbled an apology. you reached out and cupped the side of his face, running your thumb over his cheekbone tenderly.
“i’m sorry,” you murmured. “i’ll rest. i never meant to worry you so much, xav.”
he sighed, leaning into your touch. “i came here to comfort you and look at how the tables turned.”
you smiled. “you did more than enough, xavier. as much as i need rest, you need to be comforted and that’s alright.”
the last couple hours were no better than a blur to you.
one second you’re standing outside your grandmother’s front door, the next you’re on your stomach, surrounded by flames and the house in front of you was no more than rubble. your body ached and you weakly call out for caleb and your grandmother, trying desperately to pull yourself toward the house. your fingers meet something cool and you glance down to find the chain of caleb’s necklace caught on your pinky.
your heart sinks and you pull the necklace close to your body, sobbing caleb’s name as you curl up on the walkway. your eyes shut and you aren’t sure how much time passed because when you open them again you’re in akso hospital, laid on a bed in a dimly lit room.
you look to your hands and feel panic rise in your chest when you don’t see caleb’s necklace. your heart hammered in your chest as your hands scanned the blanket covering your lower half, hoping it was somewhere on the bed.
“i put it on your bedside table.”
zayne, sitting on a couch near the window of your room, stood and moved to stand by your bedside. he picked up caleb’s necklace from your bedside table and he gingerly placed it in your awaiting hands, grief evident in his expression.
“i’m sorry for your loss,” he murmured, his hand lingering near yours as he spoke. he slowly sat on the edge of your bed and finally grabbed your hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. “i’ve taken the next week off to stay with you, if you’d like. you should be able to leave tomorrow morning and whether you want to stay at your place or mine is up to you entirely.”
your eyes stayed glued to your hands, one clutching caleb’s necklace while the other held zayne’s tightly. you wanted to respond or even show a sliver of gratitude but your mind was weighed down by the heavy loss of caleb and your grandmother. the heat and force of the explosion was still so fresh on your skin and all you could do was grieve. sobs shook your whole body and zayne tentatively moved closer, carefully pulling you into his embrace.
“i’m so sorry,” he whispered, chin resting atop your head as one hand cradled the back of your head and the other gently rubbed up and down your back. tears of his own rolled down his cheeks as he continued to whisper comfort to you while you clung to him and cried.
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puripurin · 27 days
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SHOWMANSHIP [🎊🎉770 Followers Special🎉🎊] [PT. 1]
➥ Yan!Ringmaster x Acrobatic!Reader
➥ Summary :- Like always, misfortune almost always has a choke hold on the reader, so you get sold to a circus for the meer sum of 1,250 dollers.
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— "IS THAT ALL I'M WORTH TO YOU??" You boomed at your parents, grateful for the bars that so kept you a foot's distance from ripping your parents to shreads.
"Honey, listen -" Your father was brutally cut off by your untamed anger radiating off of the walls, screeching so loud that it made the cell bars vibrate momentarily afterwards. There was no way in hell this man was trying to butter you up after selling you off.
"No. YOU listen to me, you wasteful, unwanted sperm doner. YOU could've worked me to the BONE, and I would have forgiven you because we still need a roof over our heads, but to sell me to some random-ass person who probably smells like your fuckin' toe jam for a mere sum of 1,250 DOLLARS!??? You hurled insults at your parents left and right, only recieving furious stares in return.
"[Y/N]! That is no way to speak to your father! We were low on funds, and our payment was due soon." She stepped forward with a sharp expression engraved in her face.
Your intermittent breathing became the only thing that was stopping you from going over the edge of insanity town. Your parents stood without motion, their eyes locked on you as if they weren't the ones who should've been in the cell instead.
"...Don't you want your due payments to disappear? That's rich, how ironic, huh? Or maybe you two were just waiting on an opportunity to make me disappear?!?!"
Without waiting for a response, you slammed your hand on the part of the iron bars closest to their faces, getting surprised fast blinks from your mother. Her pride lasting in all of this was honestly pissing you off.
"Dear, there is no worry for this... thing anymore. Our twin daughters will pave the way for greatness, bringing wealth and fortune to our name. Their talents and beauty hold no bounds." The woman looked over at her husband as you glared at them before you as if they were brainless, dilapidated creatures.
"Keep on sweet talking to them like that, and they'll end up in jail for homicide." You held up a middle finger and walked to a corner of the cell. You heard them spit in the front of the gate to your cell as they left. Silence then engulfed your surroundings.
No more of your parents' nagging and selfish tendancies. It was because of them that you could never look at your early twenties with fond memories. Looking back, you could have been partying and romancing other people, yet all you were promised was work, work, and more work. The pressure of trying to make money for your teen siblings and parents was exhausting, especially when your mother was spending more than you could make. That was how you got an earful from both your parents and siblings when they found out that the family's credit score was so low that it practically nestled right beside the dogshit on the side of the road.
"Fuck. This fucking sucks..." You couldn't hold back the resentment that forced themselves out your eyes in beads of tears. You were already at 26, with no job, no car, no money, no partner, and worth only 1,250 dollars. The path you walked on was not one adorned for the bunnies and butterflies, but rather, was draped in colourless desperation and pure survival.
"At least an arranged marriage would've given me the things I worked so hard for! But no! They just want me to die miserable and poor!"
"Awe, is my new performer preaching about death? My, a face like yours would be a total waste in a casket." The voice of a man echoed through the cell, almost making you jump out of your skin. He appeared almost instantaneously before your cell gate; he was dressed in an array of red, black, and white with an assortment of ruffles.
"You! YOU SCUMMY BASTARD! JUST WAIT 'TIL I HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PLATTER TO FEAST ON!" You stormed your way back to the front of your cell and looked him directly in the eyes.
"Ah... I'm sure you would enjoy that, but alas, that mouth of yours is a bit rotten, would some chlorine and a scrub daddy do the trick?" The man's face held no defining emotion that represented what he was saying to you.
"You... YOU--"
"I suggest you quit the smack talk, unless you prefer to continue and be thrown out of my establishment; can't make quality meat without an obedient animal, am I right?" Even if his facial expression didn't change, you could tell that his words were looking to strangle you if you refused to take heed to them.
"Ah, right, before I leave, I have assigned you as an acrobatics trainee; our last acrobat died of... unforseen events." He paused before chuckling and waltzing out of sight. Making you alone in the cell once more.
You just plopped right on the ground in realization. This was your life now. Just a minute ago you got sold to some freak by your idiotic parents, and now, you were going to be one of the acrobatics in a circus that you didn't even know the name of? You could only pity yourself.
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It had been a few weeks since you came here, and all you had been doing was practicing acrobatics with the help of the others. Furthermore, since that unfaithful day when you were sold, it was your decision to just stop talking altogether. If no one was hearing your voice, then what was the point?
"Ah, [Y/N]... have you finished up on your practice for today?" A young woman came over to you. It was Ellen, one of the acrobatics that taught you all the basics, from balancing on a beam to how to quickly put on different costumes in between performances.
You acknowledged her for her determination, even after entering into the circus at a young age. Though, what you wish you had was her ability to not complain and take things as they were. Alas, that was something Ellen had shown you that you hadn't observed from a person in ages; endurance.
You gave her a small smile and nodded. She brightened up before motioning you to come over to the schedule, which displayed all the events that were to partake following each day. You noticed that there was no last month performance mentioned on the chart.
Last month's performances were big and grand compared to the regular performances, which had more repetitive and basic performances. With all that in mind, you still couldn't participate in them because you were new, but soon you would participate within the next month or so.
"Ah, the other ringmaster has yet to meet you, by the way. He's been gone for a while now. He's the one who can conduct the monthly performances..." Ellen slowly stopped talking, mentally debating with herself with something before refraining on speaking as her grim face turned into one of happiness.
"Ah, right, it's almost time for the show to start, so I need to go this time. You are responsible for ensuring that the children are safe when they are watching the show." Right, you almost forgot about the children that were here. They were either sold to here or just given to the circus. They either had deformities or just had albinism. In total, there were 8 children that you needed to watch over.
You nodded once more and left to change out of the plain acrobatic suit that you wore for practice. Obviously, you had some different coloured ones, but those were strictly for performances.
Once you stepped into the changing room, you deflated and rubbed your face, which was buring from trying to hold back your tears. You sat there as streaks of tears slid down your face.
It was hard for you to just be happy about the situation. It was a struggle to just even have a neutral look on your face, to seem unbothered, to seem as if you were taking the situation well. The reason you gave for becoming selectively mute was only half of the reason. It was partially because almost every day your throat would tighten up from the never ending fear of living like this.
There were nice people, of course, but was it enough for you to accept this situation? The pain of realizing over and over again that your family betrayed you for such a little amount was painful. Even if they mistreated you, you only want to go back to the times when everything was much simpler.
You sniffled and checked the time and noticed that 10 minutes had passed. That was enough crying time for today because you weren't going to get beaten for not taking care of the children this time. Babysitting children comes first, money is second, and depression is last. That crazy psycho of a manager won't let anything slide under the rug, so you had to be on your tippie toes.
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There were a bunch of mini humans wandering about, but not out of your sight, of course. You sat on a wooden bench backstage amongst the junk pile, where all sorts of thrown out props and costumes entangled themselves into one giant monster-like concoction. It was enough to keep the children entertained, and so you had a portion of your job cut out for you.
One of the 8 children was a little, baby boy, the youngest of the batch; he snuggled into your chest, feeling the warmth radiating from you.
"Ah, are you babysitting?" A man, with long hair spoke up from beside you. You hadn't noticed when he sat down. You shook your head in reply, raising an intrigued response from the man.
"Not quite a speaker, are you? I see. You must be [Y/n], then. I am Mathew Alabaster, one of the ringmasters in this lovely establishment." You raised a brow at the 'lovely establishment' part, but Mathew didn't mind, well, more like he didn't have the mind to notice.
You hadn't seen him before, and it seemed as though he shared resemblance with that of the ringmaster you met on your first day in the cell.
"Right, so how well are you fitting into your role? I assume it's daunting because you get to be hung high in the air with nothing but your skills and aura whilst the floor's comfort lulls and beckons you to just... drop." The man smiled at you, but for an odd reason; he had an off-putting look in his eyes...
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Pt 1 cus I ain't writing allat rn. Also I'm so so super duper sorry for not posting in decades! (Esp @emptybrain01, it was only recently i saw your comments! Im so so sorry 💀💀💀💀) Obviously I've been on tumblr for a short period of time, but like, I was just lazy on top of me having no time on the weekend because I'm making a cosplay and I have to study during the week, along with upcoming tests and a big exam next year. Basically my hobbies take up more time than I have.
So maybe next year ill disappear for a while cos i hv a shit ton of stuff to do.
But I'll take requests instead of just thinking about a character and making a smol story for them.
Also once more, thank you for following me and getting to 770+ followers (its now 831) even if i don't post much. I would also like to thank my friend Syren, who has access to my account and sees all my shit 💀, for editing this work!
Thank you all!
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bitchy-craft · 10 months
Let's Get You Hyped Up | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find a few things that'll hype you up. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterlist > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
You're a force to be reckoned with, a spark of potential waiting to ignite the world with your brilliance. Each day is a canvas, and you hold the brush. The universe has bestowed you with unique talents and dreams, and it's time to unleash them with unbridled passion. Remember, challenges are just stepping stones on the path to your success. Embrace them, conquer them, and let them mold you into the unstoppable individual you are meant to be.
You've already overcome obstacles that once seemed insurmountable, proving your resilience and determination. Your journey is a testament to your unwavering spirit. Visualize your goals, for that's the first step in manifesting them into reality. The world eagerly awaits the mark you'll leave upon it. Your story is one of inspiration, growth, and triumph. Believe in yourself, as others believe in you too. The energy you radiate is infectious, and your impact is boundless.
So go forth with confidence, head held high, and a heart full of determination. Every effort you put forth, every leap you take, is a leap towards greatness. You've got this!
Pile 2:
You're a dynamo of potential, a powerhouse of creativity just waiting to explode onto the scene. Every sunrise brings a fresh chance to seize the day and make it your own. Embrace the challenges that come your way, for they're the secret ingredients that shape your success story.
Life's journey is a rollercoaster of experiences, and you're fearlessly riding every twist and turn. Your ability to adapt and thrive in the face of uncertainty is awe-inspiring. Remember, you're not just a participant in life – you're the director, crafting your narrative with every decision you make.
Dream big and dream often, because those dreams are the blueprints of your destiny. As you forge your path, know that your enthusiasm is contagious and your potential limitless. Your actions have a ripple effect that extend far beyond your awareness, touching lives and igniting the flames of possibility in others.
So march ahead with unwavering confidence, a trailblazer towards your goals. With every stride you take, you're paving the way to the extraordinary. Believe in yourself, as others believe in you too. You're a beacon of light, illuminating the world with your radiance!
Pile 3:
You are a constellation of infinite possibilities, a symphony of potential waiting to be composed. Your uniqueness is a gift to the world, a mosaic of experiences that only you can bring to life. Every day is an opportunity to add a new chapter to your story, and you hold the pen. Embrace the unknown with excitement, for within it lies your next adventure.
Life's challenges are like the weights that sculpt a strong and resilient spirit. With each trial you face, you're refining your character and gaining the tools to conquer even greater feats. You've already shown your capability to adapt and overcome, proving time and again that you're not just a passenger in this journey – you're the driver.
Visualize your aspirations vividly, for the mind is a powerful magnet that attracts the future you desire. As you walk your path, remember that your enthusiasm is contagious, and your potential knows no bounds. The ripples of your actions extend far beyond what you can see, touching lives and inspiring others to chase their dreams.
So stride forward with courage, a trailblazer on the path to your aspirations. Every step you take, every dream you chase, brings you closer to the extraordinary life you're crafting. Believe in yourself, as others believe in you too. You're a shooting star, lighting up the universe with your brilliance!
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bblovetarot · 4 months
{⊹} Messages from your higher self
ʚ ═══・୨ꕤ୧・═══ ɞ Pick a Pile ʚ ═══・୨ꕤ୧・═══ ɞ 
. ༄ . paid readings . ༄
。°⚠︎°。follow your intuition when choosing a pile. if you're drawn to more than one pile, that's okay! you may have messages in more than one.
。°⚠︎°。tarot readings are not 100% accurate, and do not dictate your future. please keep in mind that you have free will. these readings are also general and aren't specific to one person, so please take what resonates and leave what doesn't! 
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Pile 1
For those in Pile 1, it appears that many of you are grappling with toxic family dynamics. Whether you're still living with your parents or they play a significant role in your life, there's a strong indication that financial dependence, particularly on a father figure or someone with authority over you, is a prevailing issue. This person may exhibit controlling and domineering behaviors, with a tendency to become aggressive and hotheaded when things don't go their way. The guidance from your higher self emphasizes the importance of trusting your intuition in this situation. It seems that there's an unspoken need for you to speak up, although fear of potential consequences, especially the withdrawal of financial support, may be holding you back. Your higher self encourages you to recognize that the time to assert yourself will come, whether it's now or in the future. There's a call for new energies in your life, a transformation of old thinking patterns and habits that have outlived their purpose. Your true self, characterized by a tendency to speak up against injustice, chattiness, and curiosity, needs the space to fully blossom. Financial independence from this challenging situation is urged by your higher self, along with a release from old toxic family dynamics and ingrained beliefs. Some of you might be dealing with codependency or enmeshment, and the path forward involves gaining freedom, both financially and emotionally. Your intuition has been guiding you, and your higher self wants you to embrace the steps necessary for your personal growth and liberation.
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Pile 2
For those in Pile 2, it seems like there's a prevailing sense of lack of motivation in your life right now. You might be hindering your own growth by dimming your own light, lacking confidence in pursuing your true happiness, and hesitating to embark on the journey towards your desired future. You may have held yourself back and engaged in reckless behavior with a cloudy judgment. Your higher self encourages you to reflect on your desires and question whether they are genuinely aligned with your passions. There's a need to dream bigger and deeper, beyond merely seeking material wealth. It's crucial to focus on wishes that truly resonate with your happiness, irrespective of others' opinions. Your path is uniquely yours, and speaking up against those who try to impose their beliefs on you is necessary. Trusting yourself and the universe is vital for your genuine happiness. You cannot live your life for others, and your higher self urges you to believe in receiving what truly makes you happy. Unleashing the confidence you've suppressed is key to navigating your path and fulfilling your wishes. Standing up to those who may look down on you or judge your choices is part of asserting your authenticity. For many of you who might be spiritual in the midst of people heavily influenced by religion, it can be challenging. Your higher self wants you to notice where your true happiness lies, even if it means breaking away from societal expectations. Trusting that the universe will gift you what you deserve requires making the first step and committing to your heart's desires. As empaths, you might absorb others' energies and words deeply, taking them as your own. Your higher self advises you to protect yourself from negative energies, surround yourself with nature, and avoid isolating yourself. Dream big, Pile 2, and embrace the confidence and authenticity within yourself to pave the way for your genuine happiness.
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Pile 3
For those in Pile 3, a prevailing sense of feeling heavily blocked is apparent. As intuitive, daydreamers, and emotional individuals, you may sometimes struggle to handle emotions appropriately, feeling inadequate or believing that obtaining your true desires is impossible. Your higher self emphasizes the need to balance feminine and masculine energies within you, recognizing the innate gifts that can manifest your desires. It's essential to understand that manifestation involves not only asking the universe but also playing an active role in achieving your goals. Believing in yourself and taking the required actions are crucial steps, followed by surrendering to the process. Trusting yourself and the universe is the first key. Many of you might be emotionally closed off, neglecting self-pouring. Your higher self encourages a focus on self-care—engaging in activities that bring joy, fulfillment, and calmness. Whether it's a walk in the park, enjoying your favorite drink, or any uplifting experience, prioritize actions that lift your spirits. Creative expression is emphasized for you—writing, drawing, dancing—anything that opens your heart and allows free expression. Past hurts may be weighing you down, causing you to view life with a half-empty perspective. However, your higher self reminds you that the universe holds endless love for you, and it's always available if you open yourself to receive it. Embrace the healing process that the universe is guiding you through, trust the path laid out for you, and never give up on yourself, your abilities, and the support of the universe.
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
「Without You」 Zhongli
↳ Part two of Without me in which he was fine without you as long as he get to watch you from afar, safe and sound and above all, happy. (Mentions of self harm ahead.)
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Morax first met you in a field full of flowers. The thing is, you aren't there to take care of them. In fact, when he first met you, you were busy pucking them one by one, causing a him to frown, wondering what you were doing.
He have heard stories about you, the lonely one with a nasty attitude, always picking up a fight with anyone who dares to mess with you, there were also a rumor among the gods that you aren't like that in the beginning, but after killing your friends with your own hands, you turn into an approachable, loathsome, alof, ready to kill anyone on your path.
Morax found it amusing, but he couldn't careless, it was none of his business away nor there was something to benefit him if he was to mess with you. So it was really nothing but a strange coincidence that he had met you during one of his walks around the mortal world.
"I do not remember giving permission to a mortal, let alone the god of contracts to come in my territory." You didn't turn around, but he did catch a glimpse of those hands pucking yet another flower in the field. "If you're just another useless god I would be very delighted to kill you right here and now because you just invaded my sanctuary. But I'm letting you off the hook because you're the God of Contracts, Morax."
Leaving was on his mind truly, afer all, he doesn't want to be engaged in a fight with no meaning behind it. Thought it may be a shame to leave this beautiful place perfect for his walk, now that the owner asked him to leave, he would have to leave. That was until you turn around to face him as you said those words. For a moment, his amber iris hidden beneath his hood widen. You look so lonely, lonely yet mesmerizing. "Then will you give me the permission to come in here in some other time?"
Morax, or Zhongli as he was called nowadays. Was left standing on a huge flower field. It may not be as huge as it was when he first saw you, the part where you were at most was still intact. Nowadays when he got nothing left to do around the hardor, he would find himself walking towards the place where the two of you have met.
As the gentle breeze passed by, his brown locks swaying along the direction of the wind. His fingers carefully reach out to touch one of the flowers in the field. This place was not known to many, well, at least to the mortals, as well as the rest of the aduptus. This was your secret sanctuary, after all. Who would dare expect a flower field inside deep down a mountain?
After a while, Zhongli pulled out a pair of gardening scissors. Then he kneeled down and started trimming the stray grass that was slowly growing across the field. This place was left unmaintenanced for so long.
"You're quite persistent and consistent. Don't you have some other things to do?" Across to him was you, just like the first time he met you, you were busy pucking flowers out of the soil. At first it really bothered him why were you doing such thing, but the more he dropped by in here as he took a walk due to the fact that he took your silence as a yes when he ask permission. He noticed that every time you pucked a flower out, it was quickly replaced by a new one. Never once taking his eyes off you, he answered. "I got nothing to do, so I dropped by to see my friend."
That causes you to raise a brow, "A friend? I sincerely hope you aren't referring to me because I will have to blow your head off if you do." By your words, he could only chuckle by your vicious words. Brushing it off, he took a step forward towards you, causing your eyes to go wide. "Stay where you are! You're ruining my garden!" "Relax, I did not step on them." ".... Really? Still wait a minute, I'll pave the way." Just like that, a path was created in the midst of the flower field.
Morax, at the time, was still yet to have friends by his side. In fact, just like you, he finds it hard to trust someone. So you were the very first one. Although it took a very long time for you to open up, as well as he to you, though it may not be obvious.
"No.. no. no no no no. I can't drink anymore, Morax." You said with a giggle. There were the two of you, in the middle of the field were a table for more was placed, Morax never knew it was in here until you tour him in the flowery field not too long ago. "Hehe." Looking at you silently giggling, he couldn't help but to smile, unconsciously moving away a lost trand of (hair color) locks behind your ear. Looking at you all flustered up, he shakes his head side to side with a smile. Maybe he shouldn't have brought that many osmanthus wine. But as you said you've been wanting to have it for a while now, how was he to say no? He barely managed to sneak in the land of the mortals to get you this.
"Hey Morax.." You tap him by the arm to gain his attention, something unless when he was already looking at you. "Did you.. Did you know why I don't have and want to have friends?" You asked wasted. "Because they all dieeeee haha." Then you lean against your palm. "They all leave me alone. They left me all alone. Heh. Hehehehe they should have taken me with them." You chuckle. "Everybody says I killed them. It wasn't me, it was another god." You frown then pout. "I arrived too late to save them. Maybe I did kill them." Suddenly you look at him. "Right? It's my fault that they died."
He just looks at you, not saying anything as he lets you speak, rant out everything you've been keeping. He was planning to let you finish before he speak, but as tears started falling down your cheeks as you chuckle in the middle of your ranting, his eyes widen. For a moment, the always calm and collected god of contracts doesn't know what to do. And it pained him, it pained him to see you crying that he doesn't know what to do.
So you sat there crying, cheeks flushed, mind spinning, Morax pulled you in his chest. And before you know you it, you were crying like a mess on his chest, and all he did was to run his hands on your back, patting you gently waiting for you to calm down as he whispered. "Please don't cry. I don't know what else to do when you cry." Morax doesn't know how long you've been suffering, how long you've been alone, but one thing he knew is that he should have found you earlier. He should have been with you. "I... I love you. Please don't say such words to yourself."
Zhongli blink, then he look down. On the table was now his cold tea. He was just taking a break from cleaning up the flower field when he found himself lost in old memories. With a small smile on his face, he shake his head and picks up the cold tea before drinking it and was about to get back into gardening when a familiar presence arrived.
"Xiao. What takes you here?" "Why didn’t you stop them?" "Hmm?" Zhongli looked at him like he doesn't know what he was talking about, but he know. He knew very well. "Why didn't you stop them from leaving?" Xiao was never the one to confront his decision, well with the exception when it comes to you and his mentor.
"I just don't understand. It's just an accident. Does it really have to come to this?" Xiao asked him he remained silent like always. "We.. we have a different way of grieving." Zhongli manage to reply after a long silence. "So you're just letting them leave like that?" Xiao questioned him. "I thought you love them. I guess I was wrong, Morax." For the first time in his life, Xiao seems to be disappointed on him. And as he left, there was bitter smile on Zhongli's face that was never seen by Xiao.
"You- you don't have to come here every day, you know." You see, after that little drunken session, things have been very awkward between the two of you with you almost hiding from him everytime he pays visit to you. And Morax found it cute and amusing. Knowing you just feels the same way ay him. "Hmm? Really? But I really want to see you." He chuckle.
Just like that, you blush. Turning your back at him. "So I'm thinking about us (First name)." "Us?! What are you are talking about?" Flustered, you didn't dare turn around to face him. "Right. I love you, you love me. We feel the same way towards each other. Don't you think it was time for us to be together?" "You-! Stop deciding things on your own!" "But you kissed me back and cried that you love me too." "When did I do that?!"
It was fun to tease you, and it was fun to love you. In a world where gods were at odds with each other. You were his peace. Without you, it was lonely. Without you, he found himself lost. Be it way of living or loving. It was much better to have you by his side. After all, it was thanks to you that he found the other sides of himself as well as he was even able to make friends with the other gods, something he wouldn't dare do in the part. It was fun, and he was genuinely happy with you.
Strange how little things often remind him of you. Maybe because you were the one to show him the world. Walking back to the harbon on his day off after cleaning up the flower field. Zhongli finds his way home lonely. But it was something he was used to nowadays.
From afar was the city he was fond of. It was the last day of the lantern festival, a festival you came up all those years ago. Something that strongly reminds him of you.
"Mor- Zhongli!" What greeted him was the drunk bard that never failed to make him want to turn around and walk away, pretending not to hear anything. But now what the bard was right in front of him, an osmanthus wine in hand. Who was he to refuse?
It took Morax years to convince you to go out of your lair but what convince you was the fact that he wanted to introduce you to his friends and was thinking of building a nation with you and his friends. Curious on what it was all about as well as the nation he wanted to build, but reluctantly agreed to go out. Thankfully, as he introduced you to his friends, you managed to fit him really well.
"If you keep on staring at them, they might turn into a stone." It was Guizhong, a good friend of his mumble underneath her breath but was enough for him to hear, as if it was on purpose to let him hear causing him to raise a brow, still didn't take his eyes off you who was currently having a conversation with Cloud Retainer not to far from them. It was nice to see you having fun. "If you want to talk to them you know you can just approached them, you know." "(First name) is having fun, leave them be."
Everything was going fine, you were just getting along with his friends, the nation you've built along side them was slowly growing in prosperity. Everything was doing well. Until that happened one afternoon.
By the time they arrived in there, everything was almost destroyed, but what stood out the most was Guizhong fallen figure and your bloody ones. You stood in the middle of that chaos, with your body slowly turning to look at them. You had a horrified look on your as they stood there in shock. They body was under control and by the looks of it. You have just killed Guizhong with your own hands. "Mo-Morax." You cried out. "Somebody.. stop me."
"Mo-Zhongli, was it?" As it was once again his day off, he went back to the place where he find most peace at. Glancing at Cloud Retainer by the corner of the field. He let out a humm, continuing to trim the bush in the flower field. "I heard the news." For a moment, Zhongli halted then he started trimming once again. "I heard they left."
Once again, as if minding his own business, he just hummed in agreement. It's true that you left. Left Liyue for good. "You know." There was a hint of hesitation within her voice. "You can always come after them." "The contract says I can't, so I won't." Spoken by Zhongli as he stood up, dusting off the sleaves off his clothes.
"Morax.." "I go by Zhongli nowadays." "Yes. That was the name they chose for you, rigth?" "That's right." He sigh. There was a moment of silence after that. Then the Cloud Retainer sigh in resignation. If Morax doesn't want to talk about it, then none shall talk about it, though, she new the reason herself. "If don't mind. Can I offer some help?" Although he knew that the offer was tempting, Zhongli shake his head. "(First name).." for a moment there was a longing smile on his face. "They don't like it when someone else handles their flower." He chuckle.
You're slowly loosing your mind and self. Unable to bare the guilt and consequences of killing a dear friend of yours as well as the look of blame and distrust of your remaining friends were slowly eating you out. Although you knew it wasn't your fault, although you knew you where under the influence of body control. It doesn't change the fact that you're mind is clear and conscious as somebody else controls over you. And despite the comfort and reassuring words of your lover. None of it was working.
This time, just like the good old days, you lock yourself inside your lair, call it runnig away or something. The guilt and pain was unbearable, the look of Guizhong as you killed her was hunting you. Although she says it's alright. You knew it wasn't. You. You just want to end it all.
There, as Morax tried his best to break the strong barrier that prevented him from coming inside your lair. There, he found you in a bloody mess. For the first time in his long years of living does Morax felt fear, fear of losing you. And as he held you in his arms, trying his best to patch you up. "Morax?" You barely manage to spoke his name. "It's.. you.." Then you smile. Smile like you're leaving him. "Hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here." He spokez holding back his tears. Just a little more and you're fine. "Morax... I'm tired... I don't think... I can... can continue anymore."
"How are they?" "Asleep." Just like that, the Cloud Retainer let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't just her but all the remaining adeptus. "I.." all eyes turn to Morax. "I'm planning on sealing their memories." By the time you wake up again, Morax can imagine how everything would turn out the same way it was before, and worst, you might even doing worst on yourself. "I disagree." It was Streetward Rambler. As Morax turned to meet her glaze, there was nothing but silence, but then she spoke once again. "Doing that is nothing but turning their back on the consequences they have to face."
"I don't plan on sealing everything that happened that day, just the fact that they were being controlled and killed Guizhong would be enough." "That's the same thing!" Streetward Rambler replied, eyes glaring at those amber ones. "My lover is slowly loosing themselves because of what happened! On the first place everything was just an accident!" "Accident?! You heard it! Because they're envious this happened! They wouldn't be controlled in the first place if they aren't feeling that way!"
Then there was a moment of silence, none dared to speak. "Nevermind. Do it." Once again it was Streetward Rambler. Morax eyes widen. "In one condition. Let's make a contract." For a moment, Morax eyes turned cold. "What's the conditions?" He spoke, summoning a scroll. "In exchange of sealing (First name) memories of their involvement in killing Guizhong. You have to stay away from them." "Streetward!" This time it was Cloud Retainer and the other Adeptus that step in. "That's too much!" "Just like how I- we, lost Guizhong. It's only natural that (First name) to lose the only person they love the most, it just happened to be you, Morax." Morax, who has his eyes widen open grit his teeth, "I refuse to fall in such disadvantageous contract!" Morax walked away that day with you on his arms.
That goes on for a while, until you woke up one again and fell hysterical. Hurting yourself in the process, Morax watched you with pain in his eyes. Just like that, he made up his mind. Putting you to sleep, he kissed your forehead. "I'll be back soon, My love."
That day, he signed the contract with the same condition. "Wait." It was Streetward Rambler. "What?" Morax looked at her coldly. It's not like he didn't know where she was coming from, it was his lover that killed Guizhong, a friend of thiers after all. But still. At this very moment as they talked about the contenrs of the contract, Morax couldn't help but to loathe them. "Let me add one more." "What more do you want? Just how much do you want my lover to suffer?" Morax spoke painfully. "I-.. I want to add that if (First name) manage to bring back their memories. The contract would fall invalid." "Wha-?" "What I mean is that if (First name) recalled things on their own. You're free." There was a sad smile on Streetward Rambler face as she said that.
Like he promised, Morax came back to you that night. To you who was peacefully sleeping in the middle of the flower field. Morax carefully approached you, making sure not to wake you up as he was about to do something. "My love." He stroked your cheeks gently. "Everything going to be okay." You look so peaceful right now. "I.. It's okay if you hate me, resent me after this." There was a small smile on his face. "It's okay as long as you're alive and well. I don't care about anything else." He rest his forehead against yours. "You probably won't remember but.." he chuckled and with a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you, forever and endlessly. Only you."
That night, you wake up with a headache. Mind going back into the resent events. Sure you made a fuss, but not as hysterical as you were in the past, probably because most of it was now sealed. That night you waited for your lover to come, but he never did.
"At this point, they'll end up falling for him." The Anemo Archon, Venti nowadays spoke, looking at his friend with a concerning gaze. And his friend, the Geo Archon, just kept looking at you in the distance. You who seems to bright and happy even from afar. It was such a lovely scene to him, even when it wasn't him by your side. "Is that really okay for you? Morax?"
For a moment, he looked away from your figure to give his old friend a glance, only to see that friend shrug and look away from him. For a moment, he asked the same question himself. Is he really okay with this? Without you by his side? But now that he think about it. It's always been like this. "This is enough." "Looking at them from afar like a stalker?" With a glare, the anemo archon mumble an oops and look away.
With a bit of little argument with the Anemo archon, Zhongli finally succeeded on shutting him up by brute force as Venti sulk away in the corner. He looked at you once again. And as he did, your question suddenly came into mind.
Morax, did you ever love me?
With a genuine smile on his face, he answered as he look at you from afar like he always does. "I love you, forever and endlessly." As soon as he said that, he felt a gentle pat in the back, never once looking away from you. "Let's go back." "Already? I thought you'll admire them for at least days" "...." Then he clear his throat. "I just came to see if they're doing fine."
As the two walk away from afar, the (hair color) haired figure turn around, looking at the spot where the two archon just disappeared from. "???"
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
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gildedkrone · 9 months
Js been thinking about a really REALLY horny pent up ghost coming home and using his sub male reader to his liking,, <3
My heart seeks love, the kind you give.🔞
So many ways to interpret the prompt, but I think we've had enough of hardcore smut. So here's something you really want but can't have.
Relationships: Ghost x switch!Male Reader Synopsis: He seeks your embrace for it means comfort, good thoughts and love. A/N: I really like this fic. LOL. Written to this song. Master List
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In every universe, Ghost comes home to you. He comes home in a multitude of ways, sometimes scarred and in bandages. Sometimes in casual clothes with a bunch of flowers. Sometimes in a large hoodie engulfing his upper torso fully.
But he comes home to you, every single time. This time, he comes home in a tactical jacket and some black trousers. Hands wrap around your chest and a weight rests on your shoulder in a drape of affection the shape of spring. Warmth is a blanket for you both and he's content to just bask in your presence as dinner roasted away in the oven.
"How is my boyfriend feeling today?"
He exhales roughly, so much like him, and reluctance is his hands leaving your body. The house is certainly warmer now and his hand eclispes yours to bring them close to his chest.
"Need you. Missed you so much, love."
"I know, sweetheart."
His hands are travellers on familiar lands, lands of home, and dip into your joggers where they pause, for permission to continue. Your hand joins him and it disappears under the waistband to cup your dick. The clothing drops down to your ankles and Ghost gently tugs the boxers down to reveal your soft dick. His fingers wrap around you and a soft gasp is stolen by a kiss on your lips. The mask is off and his lips are sweet against yours.
"Want to hear you, darling. Hear all of your noises."
You indulge his request as a finger twists the nubs of your nipples to elicit a groan which he greedily enjoys. Your body, his instrument, his mural and sky, his everything. Something digs into your ass and you don't need to turn to know the owner is gently stroking and thumbing himself. Fingers dipped in something cold enters your hole and you can't suppress the shiver running down your spine to your dick.
"Wanna make you feel so good, darling."
It nudges your hole before a grunt is the signal for him to push in. Even in his pent up state, gentleness cradles his heart in strings to never hurt you. Sex should feel good, and Ghost knows that better than anyone. He is thick, unyielding as your walls clench down on his length and he hisses gently before he is moving. The countertop supports your arms when he leans with you forward to completely shadow your figure and he wraps his arms around you lovingly. The sounds of the home are quiet, save for the moans and gasps when Ghost angles himself just right to hit that bundle of nerves to set your body alight with desire.
Desire to be with your boyfriend, through it all and for days, years, millenia to come.
He's not going to last long as the pacing increases together with the noises he's making. It's beautiful, and Ghost needs this relief of the stress he experienced from the mission. In the initimacy of your home, he plant kisses on neck and the shoulder all while muttering praises of good boy, sweetheart, lad, and my love. A stutter in his hips and the twitch of the dick in your ass and he is coming undone behind you with a guttural groan trailing into a satisfied moan and hot cum splashing into your rear. It triggers your own climax and you are following him down the road of desire paved into making love. The thrust slows and he mumbles close to your ear. Throughout the whole experience, touch starved Ghost is practically stuck to your body.
"Love, I can still do another. Please, I want to feel you." A hint of pink dust smattered across his cheeks. "Feel you inside me, love."
You nod and he pulls out gently. The positions are swapped and he leans back against the countertop with his elbows for support and you are draped across his front. The lube is slimy and you finger him gently. You smoothe away the sting with more kisses and he reciprocates greedily and tongues your mouth with the thirst of a man unquenched by a single round. When he is loose enough, you place a hand on his hips, Ghost has such nice hips, and he gives you a verbal confirmation.
He is less tense and you feel him actively try to relax when the tip of your dick disappears into him. His head tilts back and his back arches at the sting, the burn of the intrusion into him and he seeks your hand in a squeeze you acquiesce happily. Fondness. His eyes are shining with pleasure and you pull a couple more sounds from him. A moan, a grunt and a stutter in his words.
It feels right, as if the universe aligned opening the path into soft, tender sex Ghost loves more than anything in the world. To be himself, to be a lover and bring his partner pleasure and love mixing into something blinding bright and tender and beautiful. A hand rests on your shoulder and the first thrust throws his head back and arching into pelvis.
"That good, Ghost?"
"Yer always good, sweetheart. Fuck, this—this is—'m not gonna last if you keep doing that."
"Don't fight the feeling. Let yourself enjoy it, Ghost."
He hand cups his face when you bottom out within him. He uncovers his face and your eyes are meeting each other in intimacy. He hips are jittery and his breathing is losing its cadence. You work dutifully to bring your boyfriend the sweet release he so deserves and his forehead is against yours. Soft pants of desire rise into harsher sucks of air whenver you are completely in.
"Say my name." He grits out between thrusts shaking his thighs with anticipation.
"Say it, please."
"Simon." He moans.
"My dutiful man, my love and my star. Simon, Simon, Simon." He core is tightening rapidly and eventually, the knot in your pelvis is snapping into a rush of desire spilling into him as wet and warm coat your abdomen and his. Wrung out and messy, he tips your head up and gives you a kiss melding two hearts into one.
"I love you, Simon."
He nods and whispers it back. Here, there aren't any terrorists or criminals. No one capable and wanting to hurt him. Here is home, his habour where he feels safe and loved. Cherished and wanted; isn't that what any man wants? Isn't that what Simon truly wants?
He looks into your eyes and he thinks he found the answer.
In every universe, you fall for him and he takes your heart with his. Just the way the universe intended it to be.
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allmyloveandyours · 11 months
Actor (12238) and your Roles, Scripts, and Acting Ability
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I found this persona chart neat and if y'know you wanted to act but didn't know where to start/wanted to know the vibes, sweet! There you go, read this.
I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL just a silly lil fella take everything I say with a grain of salt or sugar idk you pick
Houses to look at that may be important: 1st (for casting), 3rd (scripts), 5th (fame), 7th (contracts), 10th (awards), 11th (fans and goals), others look at anything you want idc. There'll be asteroids at the end with basic meanings to plug into the chart if you'd like. Have fun and if you have any questions/corrections lmk :D
Asteroid Number: 12238
☆Ascendant/1st House☆
Headshots, castings, and the vibe you give out is what to analyze in this house. This can tell you the style of headshots you should get by looking at the sign for colors/vibes to give off. This house is all about first introductions. What do you want them to know about you? Casting could also be dependent on this house, as it could rule over people simply looking at you to see if you should audition or not (like what vibes do you give off and why would cast you for blah blah blah). Your outward personality also shows in this house, and it could give you a type of act they could steer you to playing (like bombshell, crazy fella, fem fatale, things like that).
The roles you get could be because of the vibe you give off (look at the planets/sign teehee). Your personality could carry you more than your ability, (if you have HEAVY placements tho) granting you more roles. For roles you might have a specific type of outfit and right off the bat you know what you’re dealing with kinda characters. In my mind it’s what you see is what you get with the planets in this house, so the roles you’d get would fit that saying. Are you a detective, boom, you look like one. Bombshell? Bomb you look like a mf queen, like shit like that. Aries gets straight to the point, so does this house, and so do your roles. This placement also reminds me of like, idk like John Mulaney, Awkwafina, y'know people who don't necessarily embody a character but people go "oh it's them!" On the other hand, you could be known for your expressions (like the Kubrick stare of something), like something that people again notice right off the bat. With roles your appeal comes from the vibes rather than getting an assigned thing if that makes sense (I know this house is a mess okay work with me)
✯ Sign: Aries 
Aries' straightforward nature, ability to take initiative and leadership qualities are something to admire as a whole, and when it comes to acting, and get you where you need to be and fast. This sign may have more of a penchant towards sportier and physical roles, not wanting to be limited to sitting and talking, and the temperamental nature could make you a sight to see. Where Aries sits in your chart is where you need to take the lead, pave a new way, and walk down it. Embrace the confidence that Aries gives you and chart forward where Aries rules.
☆2nd House☆
The attire you may be put on (we’re talkin costumes babyyy). What colors would you look nice in, or what kind of costumes would you be more likely to put into kinda deal. More in depth this house could talk about your skills and how to approach gaining new methods for the craft. To me this is similar to 9th house of figuring out what tools to put under your belt in order to grow, but it’s more centered around money rather than just self growth. Use the skills you have and can gain to get roles (like for example if you’re a contortionist you might for your horror movie roles kinda thing). This could also tell you how you handle your money when it comes to films, a part of me wants to say budget-but budget like what of your own money to you put into projects, and what would they go towards (depends on the planets and sign yknow the drill). This can also point to talents you could have (like you could look at comedy related asteroids or something and see if they’re there you know the vibe)
Characters that involve opulence, style and class may be roles to lean towards. Being able to dress up and show out may appeal, like the exact opposite of a role you have to de-glam for. Since this is the house of skills and values, you may shift toward characters that put them on display, and you put a lot of value into said skills, regardless of what they are. Roles for these placements remind me of the old Hollywood kinda classics like Breakfast at Tiffany's and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, that glamorous kind of role that give enough space to show off your skills. Roles at involve slow burns or sometimes even food as well (if not chef, there could just be a lot of dining room scenes of that makes sense idk I just thought I’d throw in the Taurus food cliche thing here)
✯Sign: Taurus 
Embodying the down to earth nature that comes with Taurus is the way to go. The classy and luxurious vibe that Taurus naturally gives off should bleed into wherever Taurus is/rules in your chart. Approach things with caution, put in that earth sign slow work ethic, and work your way into wealth using the Venus ruled sign. This in your chart tells you where you may need to slow down, bring class into the mix, and be stubborn. It can also show you where you may be stubborn/slow to change in acting, like if it’s in 3rd you may have a specific way of delivering lines you may need to change/ work on slowly. 
☆3rd House☆
In the house of writing, ALWAYS look at this house (empty or not) to see the vibe of the scripts you may get as an overall. This could also tell you how you need to write/deliver lines, and the uniqueness you can bring when it comes to speaking. You can track your mentality when it comes to acting when it comes to his house. Like for example I have Capricorn ruling it, with Aquarius Neptune as well, and I've always liked the idea of a long term web series, as it gives more freedom than traditional Hollywood projects. This to me can also explain how people react to you online, for example Drew Barrymore's 3rd starts off with 29° Libra, and from what I've seen, people LOVE her talk show, like the jokes of "I just NEED to talk with her" come to mind, and from what I noticed, it was pretty out of nowhere (like people didn't expect her to get a show), and the rest of the house is Scorpio with North Node in Sagittarius 1°, and people often talk about her carefree nature to talking about deep topics. Obviously it's not exactly acting, but still found it interesting as it is the social media house. 
The house of Gemini goes give MAJOR versatility (for example, Marilyn Monroe has Gemini ruling her third, and she did have versatility she wasn't granted that you can see bits and pieces of when watching her movies like Bus Stop (straight up rage) and Seven Year Itch (comedic timing)). Comedy could be one of your talents, along with generally being able to deliver lines in a way that caters to to role. Chatty siblings, witty side characters, or a smart lead is something that could fit you, just know it'll involve a LOT of talking. Work on being able to deliver long winded rants and monologues.
✯Sign: Gemini
You can tell I have a bias towards Gemini placements in the actor persona chart, as the "two faced" nature of Gemini is something that works well with acting. Like I said in the rest of this section, versatility is key for Gemini. Being able to think of something on the spot and fit to the situation is the best thing to use to your advantage. The personality you embody can be whatever you need it to be at the time. To be clear, this can show where in the chart you're more equipped to change and able to adapt when it comes to acting.
☆4th House☆
The house of the home, comfort and self security is under scrutiny when it comes to acting, as acting requires you to go out of your comfort zone. Now this could mean that you stay close to home, only working with family or doing local theater. Something I've noticed is that if you have a "positive" planet there (like Venus, Sun, etc), you may not want to act outside of your comfort zone. A lot of people I know who stuck to high school theater/had no desire to expand out had more planets in this house. This can also talk about how your family supports you, and how your inner security is impacted when it comes to acting.
Hereditary immediately came to mind LMAO but home roles may be something you consider/get. That doesn't mean you immediately get parental roles obviously, but it could mean that you do family environment roles. He's not the best example since he doesn't have this in his chart, but like Bryan Cranston going from Malcolm in the Middle to Breaking Bad, and being a father in both, or Toni Collette being again the mother in Hereditary but also the mother in United States of Tara, still family roles but dramatically different and more serious tones. You could also be known as a family name with placements here, like you could be on repeat in people's homes with this placement, like Disney or Miss Rachel kind of thing. Known in families. 
✯Sign: Cancer 
Emotionally driven roles are something you could like. With a personality that can offer comfort and emotional security, utilize those elements to get roles and give personality to them. Another thing I've noticed is that with cancer placements, people's parents could know about you (ik that sounds weird but you could be known more either intergenerationally or as an actor older people would like). This can show where you bring emotional comfort/stability in your acting. 
☆ 5th House☆
OH YEAH BABY THIS IS THEE HOUSE!!!! The house of Leo and acting and fame as a whole is an important house to look at. Don't worry if there's nothing in it, look for the sign that rules it. This can tell you how you work the stage, and the uniqueness and fire you bring to your roles. Like the 4th house, this can tell you about theater or just plain old acting in a general sense. Leo can tell you what kind of creativity you may have and bring to the table, the energy you bring to fame, and it could even tell how well you do with younger generations, as the house does rule over children. 
This can talk about the starring roles you could get, as it is Leo's house. The spotlight is put on you in this area, and the planets can let you know how to use it to your advantage. For example, Aaliyah has 23° Venus, and 29° Mercury in Libra, 18° Uranus and Vertex in Scorpio ALL in her fifth, and she utilized her well-known voice and beauty to get roles that put her in a spotlight, as although she only got a couple of roles before her death, they weren't your typical musical star roles, as she got an action movie, dark vampire and was almost in the Matrix, she used that Scorpio deepness and depth and sexiness, and that Uranus weirdness to her advantages to get roles that wouldn't confine her like it has other stars. Put the spotlight on the planets/sign in this house and it'll help you. This one is VERY straightforward. Shine a light on this house and it will shine back on you.
✯Sign: Leo
Leo can tell you where you may simply succeed as an actor. Like 5th, Leo is where the spotlight and creativity is in your chart. The personality to use may sound a little shitty, but put yourself where Leo is. If it's in 6th, do it daily and when it comes to co-workers, if it's 11th, make yourself shine in groups of people. Obviously, it won't be hard, but don't let your light get dimmed where Leo is. The personality to bring is first and warm, and use that Leo charm to show off the showmanship. Embrace the fiery nature and ego (responsibility) here.
☆6th House☆
Virgo's house of health, co-workers, pets and daily life can talk about the mundane side of acting. How often you work and how you take care of your health is the important thing to look at. It can show if you're a bit of a workaholic or a perfectionist, your emotional investment, how your health reacts. Depending on the planets, it could point to how often in your daily life you act or are theatrical. For example, Markiplier (don't bring it up I just got like a set list of people I use and an example ok) has North Node in Aquarius in his 6th, pointing to the fact he may like to act daily, or puts his acting talent into his work (like In Space with Markiplier and such), or would prefer to work as often as he could when it comes to acting, like he worked on his birthday this year for Iron Lung and ended up in the hospital as he got fake blood in his eyes. Not exactly an exciting house, but important. It could also talk about your co-stars/extras and how you interact with them. For example of you got let's say a water sign in this house, you may want to get to know them/befriend them.
John Krasinski has a HEAVY 6th house, which drum roll omg he was in The Office (I just thought I would check it and it made me giggle, he's got like 8 objects and planets in there). Office roles, roles about Mundane tasks, and general health may be roles you get. In my brain, I kinda think of this as the house of The Office and Grey's Anatomy. Realistic roles that talk and delve into daily life are roles that could work well for you. Not that you couldn't do bigger things, Black Mirror also reminds me of this house, as while it is fantastical, it is about daily life in a different universe. 
✯Sign: Virgo
Virgo's perfectionism and analytical nature fits well with acting, as the studious nature and attention to detail can attract people to your performances. As an earth sign, you may not be the most outwardly shiny, and prefer a calm nature, the accuracy you bring to roles is something to use to your advantage. Biopics could be something you're good at, something I thought of was like Christian Bale coping Tom Cruise for his role as Patrick Bateman kinda deal, you notice the little things that's needed to get into a role. This in the chart can point to where you excel at paying attention to details and where you aim for perfection. 
☆7th House☆
We're talkin' contracts, we're talkin' relationships, we're talkin' marriage that's right baby this is the house of one on one. This talks about the kinds of contracts you may get (or if you should sign to them,) and how they benefit you. This is an important house as contracts are typically needed when it comes to acting on sets. This can also discuss the kind of on screen romances you may get into, or just even pairings on screen. This can tell you how your fans could react to your romances (or even ship you with others), and how you react to your own romances (like do you hide it? Work with your partner?). It can also talk about the people that openly dislike you and how easily you attract envy from others. 
To me this is the rom-com house, like to me it's that balance of romance and humor that just appeals to Libra to me. Balance is the word for this house. Give and take between a pairing can be something you shine in. It makes me think of like Bill & Ted or Harold & Kumar or Kristen Wiig & Maya Rudolph, you shine on your own but the partnerships you act in make you shine brighter. That, or you could just be the ideal person to star as the romantic lead. That, or you could be good in roles that are designed to be the mediator. Lawyers, therapists, or just a role that puts you in the middle of conflict you need to calm down.
✯Sign: Libra 
Calm, zen, and pretty vibes are what you bring. Like Taurus, opulence is something that you could bring to a role. Even in the most I guess "un-insert synonym for glamorous here" role", you bring a quality of polish to roles that comes naturally. Where Libra is in your chart is where you can appeal the most to people, or where you could even have the most consistent need to appeal to people, therefore making it easier for you to work with roles. Libra's air sign nature makes them adaptable, but to work with people. Libra's may be the perfect person to work well with directors, and be able to take notes well and fit into what they need. In your chart, this points to where you may fit other needs, along with bringing a natural polish and balance to your craft-but remember to put yourself first.
☆8th House☆
Hahaha this is the s*x house, but also death and depth that's needed as an actor. This could tell you about the darker side of being an actor. It can tell you how you handle yourself in private and prepare for roles, and how well you keep yourself in check almost. This can point to how you feel about any sort of intimacy on set, or how you deal with s*xual topics and even if you want to period. Do you talk about death in your roles? Are things that are hidden things you want to bring to light with acting? These questions are answered with this house. This can also point to how people treat those topics with you. It can show how people may view your attractiveness or how much they want to know your secrets. This house can also talk about the depth you long for when it comes to acting. 
While the first thing I do was to cover is how you may be viewed as a s*x symbol, it does cover other roles, don't worry. Simply it can point to if you may get roles where you're s*xualized or viewed as anything like the other woman/man, or simply just the hot one of that makes sense. Marilyn had her moon in Scorpio in this house, and while she did want emotional depth in roles, others rather wanted to view her as something sexual and sad as shit (I'm looking DIRECTLY at the movie Blonde right in its fuckin eyes I hate at movie). This can also talk about all the darker topics you act in, so topics of dr*gs, death and even simply keeping a secret are roles you excel in. Anything others may not want to do, you would. You require emotional investment in your roles, or nothing. Depending on the sign, it could point to either faking emotional depth, or needing it so much you refuse shallow roles regardless of how good it is. 
✯Sign: Scorpio 
Scorpio as an actor scares me. Not in a spooky way, just in a way where I think they'd be method actors. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Scorpios like to get their hands dirty. The personality you bring obviously could be mysterious, sexy, and charming, but something I see more is dirty-but not in the gross way, but like I said in the houses section, you need to get your hands dirty and take roles others normally wouldn't-skill or reputation be damned if that makes sense, like playing a serial killer, or like Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones. You take roles others may not have the heart to. This is the house where you bring depth to the table, and where (or what) you're willing to dig your hands into to become the perfect person for the role.
☆ 9th House☆
The house of expansions, overseas/travel, philosophy and higher education leaves a lot to work with for this house. While this house could just be "oh travel different locations" I do notice that this placement might like press tours, or traveling to promote movies/shows in different countries. This could also tell what you may wish to expand and understand more in your acting. This house normally reminds me of people who like to learn and grow as people, so for acting and writing, you may never be satisfied with your performance, and therefore would like to get better, all with a feel good attitude. This house would do well with going to schools for the arts and expressing your inner thoughts and philosophy through your career. I feel like they may be heard better if that makes sense? Or your views on life could gain you respect. OR (I'm sorry I keep saying or just bear with me) it could even show how you go about learning new roles/methods of acting. 9th can also tell you about types of shows you could get cast in (or write, as it rules over publishing therefore screenwriting is in the mix.
Right off the bat, roles for this placement do kinda scream travel TV, like food or just traveling to explore foreign places and give your insight on them. And if you're not interested in the Travel Channel kinda vibe, roles that could work for you are ones that expand your life view. You may not like repeating roles, and sticking with the same thing for too long as you need to grow constantly with your roles. Roles like teachers, lawyers and religious figures may be things you like to play. Exploration of yourself and the way things are could be roles that fit for you. And if that sounds too heavy, don't worry. You don't need to dive into something serious right off the bat. It could be an exploration of simple things. Idk why but I just get Aang from ATLA even thought that's an animated series, it still works.
✯Sign: Sagittarius 
Carefree attitude is the first thing that comes to mind, second is comedy. Acting as a Sagittarius embodies the Jupitertrian nature of almost overdoing things, but mannerisms? Like out of all of the actors I imagine using your hands and body language to act more than your voice. Like I said before, comedic timing could be your forte, like a lot of Sagittarius actors who do serious acting but are often overlooked when it comes to comedic talents. This in your chart can also tell you where you have the most expansion as an actor, and could have the most range/potential for range, but overall, where you may also need to have a more carefree attitude when it comes to the craft.
☆10th House/MC☆
The general house of success and awards can tell you just that. It can tell you the type of awards you may get/why, or how you go about accepting them. Like in terms of speeches and such (like if you got moon there or something they could be more emotionally driven you know the deal). This can also tell you the type of dedication you have to acting and the craft itself. Whatever rules/or is in this house could talk about how people also view your success, like I said before let's say you get an award, it could be how the public acts when it gets it, good or bad. Idk if I explained it correctly LMAO but it's kinda like the dedication you put in > how people see you (audience and critics) > how you get awards/public response to you winning them. Does that make sense? No? That's okay. This can also be a house that goes into casting, as it deals more with your public perspective. 
Literally Succession LMAO. But roles revolving around reestablished high status (like I'm not talking about rags to riches with this placement, I think more of already having some sort of standing and fighting to keep it), or hierarchy are roles that would work for you. Roles involving royalty/history, similar to something like The Crown or Reign, things that like. Like genuinely could go more into detail but Succession is the best straight up explanation I could give 💀. Rich people doing rich people things and fighting to keep those riches. Very straightforward. Another role I almost forgot to mention is A Star is Born. That working up into your success may be something people like to see, real or fake. Use it. 
✯Sign: Capricorn
Hard work and discipline is what Capricorn does best, and same with being straight forward. Look at where Capricorn is in your chart to know where you need to put hard work and put elbow grease into. Embody a natural (yet humble) boss energy, and bring it to the table. Don't let your standards drop wherever it rules, and because Saturn is Caps ruler, don't try to cut corners wherever it lands for you. Put in your all to get the benefits and rewards you deserve. 
☆11th House☆
Goals! Aspirations! Friends! Fans! Humanitarianism! Look at all of that shit oh boy, you can see why in natal this is the house you look for when it comes to getting attention. But in this case, it can talk about the goal(s) you have when it comes to acting. What message do you want to get across? It can tell you where/how to set your sights to achieve the goals you want. It can also tell you how you channel your giving nature when it comes to acting/writing. Having heavy placements here could point to wanting to get a message across with your acting (like don't do drugs, murder bad, you know the drill). This can also tell the kind of friends you make, or how you evolve them. You may have a preference for working with people you're already friends with/attempting to lift them up (which sorta pairs with humanitarianism if you squint). This can also tell you how your fans may perceive/treat you. That's more straightforward like if you got Neptune there boom they're delusional. You got Mars? Mean as hell (I'm joking I'm 5 drafts into this post work with me here)
Ensemble roles may call to you, as this house is opposing 5th, there's less of a want of the spotlight on you, while still remaining the center focus (like for example shows like The Office and Brooklyn 99 are ensemble, but the main couples of those shows are considered the main characters). You may get roles that involve a community setting such as school, some form of class (dance, music, etc), something that brings society (or a micro version of it) under a microscope. This placement could point to friendlier roles, or if not friendly, the characters you play may be played by friends like I mentioned in the general section (working with the homies). Tech related roles may also appeal to you (like heavy CGI, playing the tech wiz friend), the syfy genre, or a futuristic setting are things you may like to play.
✯Sign: Aquarius 
Uniqueness, individuality and a new perspective is what this sign brings when it comes to The Craft™. The Aquarius Leo axis is (imo) important to look at when it comes to things such as creativity and fame, so if Leo shows where you need to step out and shout to show your uniqueness, Aquarius shows where you need to step back and let your uniqueness shine on its own. Wherever it is in your chart is where you may need to think outside of the box and bring a new perspective. Use the classic Aquarius quirkiness to your advantage with whatever placements you have under it, and don't be afraid to be different from the rest.
☆12th House☆
In acting, this house is you. While 8th house does rule over hidden and can be what you keep private, 12th can just be what you do in solitude. It can tell you how your mental health could be affected by acting/how to heal it. This can tell how your spirituality comes into play when it comes to acting (do you do any sort of rituals kinda thing). The vibe of this house is to remain hidden, and most likely to keep to yourself, so it can say if you like being in front of the camera, or simply in back of it. Heavy 12th house placements could point to working well behind the scenes to direct, or produce instead. It can also tell you how people may hate you. That's pretty straight forward, but keep in mind it's always hidden. 
Like I said before, these placement roles may be better suited out of sight, meaning, directing work, editing, and generally keeping hidden may be things you like. Other roles could be more mental and quiet ones. Like 8th house, these roles require you to dig deep. Method acting could be something that appeals to you to get yourself in the headspace required for acting. With heavy 3rd house placements it could point to voiceover/audio work (just wanted to make that clear). Roles that talk about mental health and the brain activity behind it could appeal to you.
✯Sign: Pisces
One of the natural signs of creativity and daydreaming, it can well, tell you where you daydream too much. Where you're so far up in the clouds you need to ground yourself in order to make things happen. Use the Neptune ruled planet to take the projection you get from others into attention, and wow them with the creativity you were born with. Where Pisces is in your chart, you may need to remember to stay focused, bring creativity into it, and could just simply tell you where you harbor the most dreams. This, like other water signs, can tell you where you may need to trust your intuition more when it comes to acting. 
Ok planet time teehee
Sun: The roles you shine in and the environment you thrive in, what you may be known for acting wise and simply which roles you slip into the easiest.
Moon: The emotional energy you put into your roles, how you can tap into your emotional side when getting ready for a role.
Mercury: Your style of speaking/line delivery, how you write scripts, + 1 for voice acting.
Venus: Love interests (who you play or you you’re paired with), the style of clothing you may wear the most, aesthetics you may embody.
Mars: What topics you may have a passion for, the kind of anger you can have as an actor, or just general frustrations others may have with you, the driving force of your acting.
Jupiter: The success you get as an actor, what area of your life expands with it, how/what kind of travels you may take, your general acting philosophy.
Saturn: What you may need to work the hardest on/just constantly work at, restrictions you may have as an actor, delays you could have if you don't work with Saturn, and where you could reap the most benefits.
Uranus: The uniqueness you have as an actor, (looking at aspects) things about you that may stand out, the part of your life they could get shaken up/changed the most because of acting.
Neptune: A big indicator of the roles you'll get as it rules projection, also what part of your career people will project onto the most, what misconceptions others may have about you as an actor.
Pluto: What transformations you may have as an actor, there you may experience a downfall (and we do a lil trolling), where you may have more intensity when it comes to your career/how intense people are with you.
North Node: A path that may appeal to you when it comes to acting/things that are outside of your comfort zone that you need to master
South Node: Where you’re the most comfortable/your comfort zone, things that come easy to you
Common Elements (I literally forgot to add this section so I’m naming it what it’s called in Astro.com lmao)
Pars Fortune - Where you may be fortunate in terms of acting
Vertex - Qualities/Situations you’ll be destined to go down
Lilith - What feminine qualities you embody and where you may feel the need to have liberation 
Chiron - Where you can experience the most pain when it comes to acting, or experience the most healing/be healing to others 
Ceres - How you take care of yourself and others in your work
Pallas - A natural skill you may have when it comes to acting
Juno - The partnerships you may form in your time acting
Vesta - Where you have an undying dedication when it comes to acting
Asteroids to plug in teehee (Feel free to suggest more PLEASE)
Starr (4150) - Stardom and where you shine
Glo (3267) - Where you have a general glow/stand out compared to others
Fama (408) - Fame and Gossip that could revolve around you
Fan (151590) - The fans you may have/why they like you
Talent (33154) - General talent/a specific knack you may have
Fortuna (19) - Where you’ll experience the most fortune)
Thalia (23) - Comedic presence/ability
Ok!! There it is there's the post I've been sitting on like a silly little fella who just hates posting. Let me know what placements you have! I'd love to hear it/if you have any questions let me know, and I'll see you next posts ok now stop reading seriously get outta here
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mariacallous · 3 months
Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, the Biden administration has tried to toe a delicate line: backing Israel’s war against the group in Gaza, while pushing Israel to ease the humanitarian toll of its operations and take the Palestinians’ legitimate political grievances seriously. By all accounts, toeing this line has been a frustrating and thankless endeavor—and, increasingly, a lonely one. Today, even the United States’ closest allies are calling for an “immediate ceasefire” that would put an end to Israel’s operations in Gaza. At home, the White House is facing increasing pressure from Democrats in the U.S. Congress and parts of the Democratic base to change its current tactics in dealing with Israel.
And yet, what the Biden administration understands—and what Israel’s many critics miss—is that the international community cannot dictate a solution to Israel-Hamas war by fiat. If the international community wants Israel to change strategies in Gaza, then it should offer a viable alternative strategy to Israel’s announced goal of destroying Hamas in the strip. And right now, that alternate strategy simply does not exist.
There is a brutal logic to Israel’s actions in Gaza. By its own estimates, Israel has destroyed three-quarters of Hamas’ battalions and killed two of five brigade commanders, 19 of 24 battalion commanders, more than 50 platoon leaders, and 12,000 of Hamas’ 30,000 foot soldiers. American intelligence estimates are lower, but not by much: Between 20 to 30 percent of Hamas’ fighters and 20 to 40 percent of its tunnels are estimated to have been destroyed as of mid-January. It’s also worth remembering that Hamas is structured more like a conventional military than a pure terrorist group. As a rule of thumb, conventional forces are considered combat ineffective once they lose more than 30 percent of their strength and destroyed once they lose 50 percent.
Even if Israel does not stamp out Hamas entirely but merely succeeds in driving it out of power and underground, from Israel’s view, that is still a win—even if stops well short of its goal of destroying the group, for doing so would likely prove sufficient to prevent Hamas from launching another 3,000-man complex assault like the one Israel saw on Oct. 7. Finally, it’s worth remembering that it took the United States several years to defeat the Islamic State. Israel is just over five months into what its leaders promised will be a very long war.
To be sure, there are serious drawbacks to the Israeli approach. This war will encourage long-term radicalization of the Palestinian population, damage Israel’s relationship with its Arab neighbors, and tarnish Israel’s global reputation in a pretty serious way. Yet all of these problems are long term. Too often, states and politics live in the here and now.
At the same time, Israel’s critics have failed—and continue to fail—to offer a coherent alternative way forward. Instead, more often than not, there are vague references for the need for some ill-defined “political solution” to the conflict. To the extent that there is a coherence to this alternate strategy, it revolves around using the threat of diplomatic isolation alongside economic threats that might force Israel to agree to an “immediate ceasefire.” That ceasefire, in turn, would pave the way for a longer-term political settlement, likely around a two-state solution. Problem solved. Or not.
For starters, international pressure and sanctions will not likely compel Israel to compromise. Israelis from the leadership on down are keenly aware that their country was born out of the ashes of Holocaust as a safe-haven for Jews after millennia of persecution. Israel then spent its first quarter-century fighting for its very existence. The idea that the world is aligned against Israel is deeply embedded in the nation’s collective DNA, and chants of “from the river to the sea,” coupled with surging global antisemitism, only ensure that those fears remain very much alive today.
Economic pressure—such as sanctioning settlers or restricting military aid—is unlikely to work, either. In general, sanctions have a poor track record of compelling states to abandon core national security interests. And given the Oct. 7 attacks, this war is nothing if not a core national security interest for Israel. Even if pressure did work initially, for a political solution to be sustainable, Israelis must voluntarily agree, not be pressured into it.
But let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that Israel caved to outside pressure and agreed to an immediate ceasefire. What would the day after look like? Hamas—as Israel and Hamas both acknowledge—would be left with a considerable military force, numbering in the thousands. Israel would then need to engage in another very lopsided deal to free the remaining hostages. In early February, Hamas wanted 1,500 prisoners freed from Israeli jails, including at least 500 serving life sentences for murder and other crimes, in exchange for the hostages.
So, at minimum, the group’s ranks would soon swell. And invariably, some of those released would be quite dangerous. After all, Yahya Sinwar—the head of Hamas in Gaza and alleged mastermind of the Oct. 7 attacks—was freed from an Israeli prison, where he was serving a life sentence for murder, in the 2011 trade of 1,027 prisoners for one captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. None of this recent history bodes particularly well for long-term peace.
In all likelihood, Israel would respond to a ceasefire by tightening its blockade of Gaza, citing Hamas’ continued existence as one reason for doing so. In particular, Israel would likely put severe limits on the quantities and types of building materials allowed into the Strip. After all, Hamas diverted an estimated 1,800 tons of steel and 6,000 tons of concrete to build its tunnel networks, and Israel would not want to see them rebuilt. The net consequence would be that desperately needed reconstruction would be severely delayed or even brought to standstill.
The fighting would not stop, either. Fearing that Hamas will make good on its promise to repeat the Oct. 7 attack “again and again,” Israel would step up its preemptive strikes on Gaza and the West Bank, particularly whenever it got the first whiff that Hamas might be planning an attack. At the same time, Hamas would continue to attack Israel, if only to reinforce its legitimacy and divert attention away from the likely dismal conditions in Gaza (thanks, in no small part, to the stymied reconstruction effort). In all likelihood, the situation would be right back where it started.
Ah, but wait: Won’t a two-state solution solve this? Probably not. Even before Oct. 7, the majority of Israelis didn’t believe in a two-state solution, or that peace was even possible. There are likely even fewer who believe that now, especially if a Palestinian state were to include Hamas in some form. Consider how unfathomable it would have been for most Americans to support the creation of a state with al Qaeda at its helm just five months after 9/11. There is no reason to believe that the Israeli public should be any different. Given considerable support for Hamas among the Palestinian population, it would be politically impossible to exclude Hamas from a new, democratic Palestinian government. And even if the new state’s government is less than democratic, it would have trouble excluding Hamas entirely—even if it wanted to—if the group still has thousands of men under arms.
But even assuming that overwhelming international pressure forced Israel to agree to a two-state solution, it’s not going to guarantee peace in the short or medium term. There are still a host of thorny issues—including borders, water rights, air rights, the demilitarization of the Palestinian state, and the partition of Jerusalem—that would need to be resolved before a second state could come into being. Then there is the problem that only one-third of Palestinians favor a two-state solution themselves, and nine in 10 don’t trust the Palestinian Authority. For its part, Hamas has made it abundantly clear that it wants one state without Jews under an Islamist banner. None of this means that the international community shouldn’t push for a political settlement, but this is at best a long-term solution, not a near-term fix.
If a two-state solution did come about, it may not bring an end to hostilities. Two states did not solve hostilities between India and Pakistan, or North and South Korea, or North and South Vietnam. Israel would be under no obligation to grant Palestinians—now citizens of a separate country—workers’ permits, which would likely tank the nascent state’s economy, just as it wouldn’t have to provide electricity and other services to Gaza, as it did before the war. At the same time, Palestinians would rightly wonder why their state should be demilitarized and not entitled to the sovereign privileges of a “normal state.” There would perhaps still be Jewish settlers living on the territory of the new Palestine, creating all sorts of problems. Absent genuine buy-in from both sides, a two-state solution would simply turn a local conflict into an international one.
There is a lot to hate about Israel’s war in Gaza. It is a bloody, destructive war that has killed far too many innocents and upended far too many civilian lives. It is by any measure a human tragedy that will reverberate across the region for years to come. But if the international community is not simply grandstanding and actually hopes to solve the tragedy playing out in Gaza, then it needs to begin by offering feasible solutions that address both Palestinian grievances and Israeli security concerns.
To its credit, the Biden administration is at least trying to move in this direction. It is pushing Israel to curtail civilian casualties, set up safe zones, increase humanitarian aid, and move to a longer-term political solution—all while still backing (or at least not outwardly opposing) Israel’s ongoing operations to root out Hamas. Some might call such a balanced approach overly tactical and unable to quickly end the war, but a good strategy is built on sound tactics.
Unfortunately, the Biden administration’s nuance is the exception both internationally and in the domestic debate over U.S. policy. Just as the political right needs to be continuously reminded that the Palestinian population is not going anywhere and Israel cannot kill its way to victory, the political left needs to be reminded that Israelis are also not going anywhere and their equities must also be taken seriously.
Ultimately, if Biden’s critics on the political left want a different war, then they need to offer an alternative strategy and subject that strategy to the same sort of analytical rigor that it trains on Israel’s current military effort. If not, the brutal logic of the current war will remain, and the ongoing tragedy will continue.
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