#how he raped and impregnated them and then kidnapped and killed their baby
niamhuncensored · 2 years
on the one hand, i understand why batman doesn't kill. i understand that a tenant batman's belief is that anyone can change for the better at any time, and that killing them cuts off that potential.
on the other hand, we genre-savvy readers know that that just won't happen and/or won't last for most of the rogues gallery. To us, outside the narrative, it becomes less like "anyone can change, we just have to give them the ability to change," and more like "I demand an omelette. No, I will not break eggs, what do you take me for?"
The Joker needs to fucking die.
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bylertruther · 2 years
not to be dark by acknowledging the material, but it really is so crazy how involved and all-encompassing the henry-will rape plots are. not only did he give him unimaginable trauma by hunting him in the upside down, but he also violated him in, like... every possible way? and violently so?
physically at the library (tentacle slug thing down his throat), via forced impregnation (throwing up baby demoslugs from the aforementioned), again on the field (possession via particles), and via the goosebumps that result from their psychic connection. will says that it came for him and that he tried to make it go away, but it got him. when asked what that means, he breaks down in sobs and says only that he felt it everywhere--everywhere--and that he still feels it, and he just wants it to be over. he can't explain the experience that completely and utterly terrifies him. he tries, but he just breaks down again until they urge him to express himself through his art.
his body is different after, too: colder, covered in sweat. he fears the bath, can't tolerate any warmth. when he sleeps, his body is elsewhere, eyes moving this way and that beneath his lids. he isn't in control of himself while being used, forced to do things he doesn't want to do, like choking his own mother who wants only to save him. even after they get it out of him, even after he's clean, he still feels it: that phantom touch, the scars, both visible and not. he describes it like a roller coaster drop, like your body is being plunged in freezing water. he breaks out in goosebumps on the back of his neck whenever he's near. even now, even when he should be safe and free, he isn't. even now, he's still there with him in his body.
psychically via their connection and his possession. dr. owens mistakes will's true sight experiences as being a ptsd symptom due to the anniversary effect. will is reaching out, trying to warn them, trying to get help before it's too late. he tells them that there's something watching him, something dangerous and evil that's been repeatedly trying to lure him out and get him alone, and they just... don't do anything, because they don't believe him. they tell him it's a figment of his imagination, a result of his trauma. it's not real, they say. it's not true, you're fine, nothing can hurt you now. he feels crazy for it, like no one understands or gets it, which obviously means that they must be right. he's too different now, like phineas gage. too much of a freak all because of what happened to him, and this is the proof. this, and the way that everyone treats him like a baby now, like he can't possibly handle himself anymore, because clearly he's proven himself too broken and helpless.
except... he's not crazy. he was right the entire time, but no one listened until it was too late and it got him. it wasn't enough to have him physically there inside of him before, now he's in his mind, too. they share thoughts and now-memories, feelings and experiences and sensations. rage, fear, pain, and more. him and henry, henry and him--as confirmed by season four. this was no monster above such pedestrian and foreign human concepts like morality, but a grown man that knew precisely what he was doing and was acting according to plan.
it was likely henry that followed him home that night and kidnapped him. it was henry that looked through his eyes, that wrapped his hand around joyce's throat, that robbed him of any agency and control over his own mind and body. it was henry that kept him from his memories and that stood between him and all of the people he loves. it was henry that flooded the laboratory with demodogs and sent them after him every time in effort to bring him back. it was henry that tried to kill eleven for daring to stop him. everything, that great evil that he felt in and around him, it was... a man. "some other queer," like troy and everyone else suspected, if you believe in the queer-coding. not a monster that doesn't understand the rules of their world, something abstract and inconceivable, but a human being just like him that does understand and simply doesn't care. because he thinks himself above the rules. because his plans are more important and they justify the means. because will's agency, his consent, and his entire life is nothing compared to this man's want.
and then... years later... when will is older, making steps to move forward, trying to get on with his life... there it is again: henry's presence in will's mind and at the back of his neck. the bitter realization that it was a man behind his torment. that it somehow still isn't over. that he's still there with him, in his body. that it always comes back to what happened, where it happened, and who happened.
it's, like... it's just so involved. a real and unending violation of each and every part of will: mind and body. is there anything, any part of will at all, that is truly his and only his? that has not been taken, touched, or given up for someone else? eleven was given closure with regard to her abuser, dr. brenner. when will it be his turn to be free? when will he be allowed to take his mind and body back and be just will again? when?
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steele-soulmate · 8 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 580, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby, child intoxication, death of a minor character
WORDS: 1122
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“Hey Elizabeth!” I greeted my daughter as she came bounding out of her ballet class, a face splitting smile on her face. “How was class?”
“It was great!” she bubbled excitedly as she stopped in front of me, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Hey Elizabeth, don’t forget to bring your knitting stuff next week!” called out a brown girl leaving the studio with a tall, slim man wearing a head wrap and an impressive beard.
“Okay, will do Aditi!” she laughed, walking next to me and leaning into me when I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “I’m going to show her how to knit a beanie next week!”
“Oh, fun!” I smiled as we both got into Peter’s Doom Buggy 3.0, which was neatly parked in between a blue Lovebug and a yellow Smart Car. “My love, I’ve intercepted Agent Elizabeth- and now, let’s boogie.”
“Only if you’re quiet sweetheart,” Peter hissed as he pulled out and got onto the road. “The babies and Katie are fast asleep!”
“Sorry my love,” I meeped apologetically as he quickly got onto the freeway and began to drive back to our home. “How long did it take them to conk out?”
“Ten, fifteen minutes maybe?” he whispered, merging with the light flow of traffic expertly, our pinkies interlinked as he drove the family back home again. “Isabelle texted me and told me that she was having an early night tonight. She has something that she’s doing up at the community college first thing tomorrow morning, so I told her to get as much sleep as she needs.”
“Ah,” I breathed out. “Well, Elizabeth had a good time tonight. I think she’s starting up a knitting club in her class and teaching them how to knit beanies.”
A soft bark of laughter flew out past his handsomely shaped lips as he exited the freeway and got onto the street that led up to our house.
It was now March, and the family had mostly healed from the unexpected death of one Samantha Heart. Baby Noah had since carved a perfect place for him in our mismatched family tree- he and the other older babies enjoyed puttering around the house, getting into playful mischief by way of hiding balled up socks in shoes, unplugging consols and giving out surprise huggies.
In the meantime, Baby Eve took her first steps, with her older brother and cousin on either sides of her, the three babies grinning happily as they toddled all aver the main floor of the house, and pretty soon, the little lady was beginning to speed about while cackling loudly. Mittens trotted not far behind, not wanting to leave her furless kittens alone without her around to supervise their every which activities.
“Okay sweetheart, we’re home now,” Peter alerted me as he pulled into the garage, killing the engine before shutting the door and getting out. “Can you help me bring the kids up?”
I smiled, getting out of the passenger seat and opening the back door, where I unbuckled Baby Mattie before heading up the stairs into the house.
With Peter and I both working together, we quickly unloaded the car and brought the kids to their beds, where we quickly tucked them in before retiring to our bedroom for the night.
I moaned as Peter removed my clothes before giving me a gentle birdbath with a damp washcloth, whispering sweet words of love and brushing innocent kisses to my bare befreckled skin.
“I love you.” KISS “I love you.” KISS “I love you.” KISS “I love you.” KISS “I love you.” KISS “I love you.” KISS “I love you.” KISS “I love you.” KISS I couldn’t help the sleepy giggles that bubbled out of me as he doted over me.
Can I warm my teddy cock tonight?
He nodded his head, chuckling as I wriggled around, flip flopping as he disappeared into the bathroom to change into his nightclothes.
“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK…” he snarled, baring his teeth as I sank down onto him with a sleepy mewl before curling up close to his chest. I folded my fingers into the thick weft of gray hairs that covered his chest, feeling anxious for some reason.
“My love?” I murmured, suddenly unable to sleep. “I can’t sleep.”
“What do you want to talk about?” he asked me, rolling onto his beack and folding his hands under his head as I began to move over his naked cock.
“I don’t think Elizabeth is happy about needing to get braces tomorrow,” I confessed as I lazily moved along his thick meat. “But I think our talk about it at lunchtime convinced her to go through with it.”
“What did you tell her?” he asked me, bending his knees up to offer me something to lean back onto.
“I told her that if she doesn’t get braces, then her teeth will become black and holey and gross and make her feel even more insecure about herself than she already is,” I told him with a hum as I felt him loose his load inside me, me following close behind. “My love, do you have any more swimmers after your vasectomy surgery?”
“I have some,” he confessed, welcoming me in for a tender embrace. “You’ll have to take a morning after pill tomorrow when we wake up, but Peter Jr. is officially out of commission.”
Okay daddy.
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shootertron-stuff · 2 years
I don't think I've seen any transmasculine characters like my Hellhound/Farhad.
Discussions of rape, forced body mod, forced pregnancy, mpreg etc
Joined the military so he could transition into a transhuman supersoldier for the Evil Empire.
His branch of the military was a big space fraternity where many of the members vied to be join the polycule of their charismatic leader and were psychically altered to adore said leader.
Likely believes in four humors personality theory.
Super stealth to the point of getting advanced bottom surgery to make him indistinguishable from cis men.
Had a shitty husband from before he was stealth who he had to play Scheherazade to to avoid being tortured to death.
Said shitty husband had a lion head. A catman.
Shitty husband used to be part of the Evil Empire too, and said husband's military branch leader (Fulgrim) ditched the lot of them to have sex with a Daemon (N'Kari) who is the leader but fat.
He killed and ate his shitty husband to absorb his knowledge and gain leadership of a space pirate gang.
Evil military commander slash dispute resolver for 5-10 star systems.
Borzoi dogboy. So soft. So fluffy.
Has servants who are furries, including goat, sheep, and capybaras.
Hires mostly trans people to take care of his household, trusts they will serve him no matter how evil he is because they get all expenses paid healthcare.
Has bonkers ideas about "allyship", kidnaps a closeted trans fem Space Marine to give them hormones and surgeries and BABIES because that's what they really wanted, right?
His trans wife is a masochist who used to get their balls kicked in public to show how disciplined Space Marines are, and believes that eating bland food suppresses your urge to masturbate.
He thinks it's okay to rape and imprison Space Marines because they don't have a sense of bodily autonomy anyways (according to John French's Rogal Dorn, Space Marines are Primarchs are Property and shouldn't want rights)
Is really into impregnating men.
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sage-nebula · 4 years
Rin’s life, a summary:
— Her parents were murdered before she turned 7 or 8 years old. She had no siblings or other relatives.
— The neighbors that were supposed to take care of her after her parents’ deaths physically and emotionally abused her.
— At age 7 or 8, she was mauled to death by wolves.
— She was revived by an adult demon, Sesshoumaru, and taken under his guardianship. 
— While under Sesshoumaru’s guardianship, she didn’t really have contact with anyone but him or his vassal Jaken, the latter of whom actively hated her and let her know it.
— While under Sesshoumaru’s guardianship, she was kidnapped multiple times to be used as bait for him.
— At age 7 or 8, she was killed for a second time.
— She was revived by Sesshoumaru a second time.
— At age 8 or 9, she was left in a village to “learn to live with humans”, but was still visited by Sesshoumaru regularly. Sesshoumaru usually came bearing gifts, such as new kimonos.
— At age 13 or 14, she was raped by Sesshoumaru.
— At age 14 or 15, she gave birth to the children she conceived when Sesshoumaru raped her.
— Sesshoumaru immediately took the newborn babies and left Rin, who was already weakened from giving birth to twins but would not have had the strength to fight a full grown demon lord like Sesshoumaru even if she wasn’t, behind to cry.
— She went missing for four years, possibly looking for the babies stolen by her rapist.
— She was sealed in a tree for ten years, where she currently still is.
So, to summarize an already bullet pointed list: Rin’s parents were murdered, she was abused, she was killed, she was revived, she was taken into guardianship, she was kidnapped and killed and revived again, she was left at a village but still visited regularly by her first guardian, she was raped by her first guardian, impregnated as a result of that rape, had her babies stolen by her first guardian-turned-rapist, went missing and no one looked for her, and now has spent a decade asleep in a tree. That’s it. That’s Rin’s entire life story to this point.
Rin has officially become the most tragic character in Inuyasha. 
She is a child who has known nothing but misery for her entire short life. Her parents were murdered before she’d lost all of her baby teeth. She was abused by all the adults around her after her parents were murdered. She was taken in by someone who was cold and distant, but protected her, so that was fine . . . even when he left her with a babysitter who made it no secret how he couldn’t stand her. She was kidnapped and killed again because of who her guardian was. She was left in a safe village . . . except no one in that village had a single issue with her former guardian raping her as soon as she hit puberty. They had little issue with him stealing the babies that were a product of that rape. And yes, it was rape. Children cannot consent. It doesn’t matter how much Rin “adored” Sesshoumaru. Rin was a child, children cannot consent, and therefore Sesshoumaru raped her. He raped her, she got pregnant, he stole the babies minutes after they were born and completely ignored Rin as he did so, leaving her to cry. None of the other adults in her life lifted a single finger to protect or defend her. They let it happen. They smiled as it happened. They failed her on every conceivable level, and then continued doing so given that she went missing and then was later sealed in a tree and none of them gave a damn. At least Kikyou had people who loved and cared for her; Rin never even had that.
Rin is the most tragic character in Inuyasha. She is a victim on every conceivable level. She has been abused in just about every way possible (emotional, verbal, physical, sexual) by adults who were supposed to be taking care of her. And just like how there is nothing romantic about her story, there is also nothing funny about what was done to her. There is nothing that she deserves to be mocked for. The only thing that Rin deserves is sympathy and pity for the circumstances of her life—a life that she never even got to live for herself, because every single adult in her life either abused her (the villagers from her original village, Sesshoumaru) or were complicit in her abuse (Jaken, Kaede, Kagome, Sango, the other villagers). She hasn’t even reached adulthood yet. 
This is the last post I’m going to make on this subject—or at least, I plan for it to be, because since it has been confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was nothing funky going on with episode 15 and Rin really was raped by Sesshoumaru and had to give birth to the products of that rape, I can’t look at even the OG series anymore without feeling sick. What was once a sweet story of found family is now one of wife husbandry and child molestation. I can’t stand it, and I’m out. Rin will be remembered as the most tragic character in Inuyasha and possibly the most tragic character out of any big hit anime, especially since the series that confirmed that her story is a tragedy refuses to treat it as one.
I’m so sorry, Rin. May Sesshoumaru be eaten alive from the inside out by three swarms of fire ants. May he die screaming and begging for mercy for what he did. It’s what he deserves. 
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kamuisthoughts · 3 years
The Actual Rant:
I’m going to begin by saying that I think the ABO dynamic is interesting.
That being said I’ve noticed some recurring and very disturbing themes that are attached to this type of AU, regardless of what fandom you’re reading in. It makes sense to me that a universe where people have secondary genders and are more susceptible to animalistic instincts would have different types of societal issues. This being the disturbing themes I mentioned. The disregard of rape, the gender oppression, the objectification of certain genders, and various forms of dysphoria.
Obviously these themes are extremely dark and unsettling, but what’s worse is how the people that take it upon themselves to write about these things romanticize these horrific issues. Using them as a tool to build a parallel world that would cause the reader to think or reflect on our own society is one thing. That’s what I would like to read. But instead I come across these ABO AUs and find authors downplaying these abominable problems, making it seem as if it’s okay to have these sorts of things happening.
If you tell me beforehand what you intend to do okay, I can just avoid that.
But anyway there’s a difference between building a world with dark elements like these and presenting it as something that is truly disgraceful, but many people in the world do not care or fear fighting against it, and creating a world where it’s obvious that the writer is fetishizing these elements. You can completely change the tone of something depending on how issues are presented, how the characters react to their circumstances.
I hate to see rape happen in a story. I honestly feel it’s the most unforgivable, egregious thing you could do to a person beside murdering them. It’s a form of torture, and I honestly believe this, so it turns my stomach to see people writing stories where characters go through this awful thing, sometimes repeatedly and it’s not accurately addressed. There’s rarely lasting trauma if any. They just kind of take it, they don’t fight, they might even accept it just because the character doing it to them is objectively attractive and that is nauseating to me.
I also hate to see kidnappings and forced marriages in this type of AU, where the author tells you the main character is a “BAMF” or “Strong” individual but this is never actually displayed. Not mentally which I often respect to see in characters and not even hinted at physically either. They’ll maybe have a sassy mouth but still won’t really do anything when their abuser is hurting them. And this is usually moot since the main character oftentimes just simpers for their alpha abuser in the end. They’ll either be too scared to continue to mouth off or be too enamored by the alpha’s physical appearance and scent.
I also noticed Stockholm Syndrome is really common in these stories as well, (should the author actually deign to touch upon the immense trauma rape would cause a person), despite how rare this condition is in reality. This I find maddening. Now, I understand sometimes reality is so painful that someone needs to escape it through delusion so that they can function somewhat coherently. But the fact that there are so many stories where a character is kidnapped, ripped from their life, forced to mate with someone who doesn’t respect them as a fellow human being, raped, forcefully impregnated, and then somehow still falls in love with their abuser is utterly repulsive.
And the thing that really upsets me is the fact that I deliberately exclude tags in my search that denote rape/non-con, underaged, and major character death yet still I come across stories where these things are mentioned. Are happening. They’ll be in the story but not in a story’s tags and just glossed over. I’m not sure if this is deliberate or if some of the writers just don’t understand the magnitude of the themes they’re pushing but regardless I find this unacceptable.
If someone says no and you stick your penis inside of them anyway, that is rape. If you lull them into a false sense of security due to pheromones after they’ve said no and have sex with them, that is rape. If they give up fighting because they know it’s hopeless it’s still rape. I don’t care how physically desirable you are, or how good you smell, or if you feel it’s your “right” to take the other person because you managed to pin them down and you’re stronger. They said no, and even if they didn’t say “no” they didn't say yes .
If someone didn’t say they accepted your advances, that is not dubious consent. That. Is. Rape . And women can be rapists too. Let’s stop pretending that’s not a thing and that it’s not just as bad no matter what gender the attacker is. Can we not try to sugarcoat the horrible things people are writing about and call it “dubious” so people can feel better about romanticizing sexual abuse and getting off on it? Because even if you don’t call a spade a spade it’s still a damn spade.
Now let’s talk about fetishes. I hate when male characters are forcefully feminized when they don’t want to be. Like seriously, a male omega in this type of ABO story could literally say, “I’m a man, don’t call me a wife or a mother” and the other characters will just brush it off, they won’t even address it. They’ll continue to label him incorrectly, continue to treat him in ways that make him uncomfortable, and eventually he’ll just stop getting upset or annoyed and go along with it. This is NOT okay. This happens when a writer likes writing about feminine men.
There’s nothing wrong with a feminine man, that’s not what I’m saying. What’s wrong is when a man is overly sexualized because of his physical appearance and incorrectly labeled by others despite him stating what he identifies as. If you want to write about a gender fluid male omega, do that! Do not write about a male omega who identifies as male and call him a wife just because he can give birth. He is still a husband. He is a man and the other characters should be respecting that.
Then we have the fetishizing of birth or breeding in these AUs. This element of this AU has always been so creepy to me. (And I’m talking about FORCED breeding. Edit added because I didn’t specify this at first).
Omegas in these AUs are seen as the lowest of the low because they have heats, are softhearted, physically weaker, and motherly. Yet despite being chained to the bottom of the societal hierarchy they are objectified by other secondary genders. They are desired just enough for alphas and betas to want to breed with but they aren’t worth equal rights such as choosing their own “mate”, their job, or even walking down the street without fear of being forcefully mounted.
Seldom do I see this issue actually portrayed as an issue. The omegas in the story bat their eyelashes at alphas, and even manipulate them because they know that they are objectified. They aim to get claimed by “strong” and “virile” alphas and to have “beautiful pups”. Like, what?
But okay, I can see that.
You live a certain way you can get used to almost anything, but the fact that it’s rarely more than the main character who wants for more is astounding to me. I guess this is a writer’s way of hammering home how different and “before their time” they want their main character to be but it just comes off as forced, and the main character becomes a novelty. Alphas just want the main even more because they want to break them so they can force them into the role of a “good little omega”.
It angers me to see this type of world building with no consequences. There’s no simmering rage at the lack of justice and equality, there’s no conflict. It’s just, “omegas are cute and sexy and they smell nice”. This just makes all of the characters seem like morally bankrupt sex addicts who’re all some form of insane and I can’t stand it. But I’ll digress.
The true reason I decided to write this rant?
A story.
Yes, I came across a story and for some reason despite the harmless looking tags and my knowledge of how misleading this AU can be I clicked on it. I just wanted to see if I was being too harsh on the ABO AU, if someone could write a story in this type of universe that I could actually bear to read that wasn’t extremely hard to find. (Most of the fics in this AU I come across are the really dark ones).
So, I tried to read an ABO AU for MHA, and I'll tell you now I couldn’t even get beyond the fourth chapter. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Izuku was of course a rare male omega, born in a fantasy world where All Might bestowed upon him the powerful magic of One For All and then dipped. Of course despite having this power Izuku was still a weakling, even though the author tried to say he was strong willed and “unlike most omegas”.
Izuku had to hide his secondary gender. He lived as a quirkless beta with his mother. One day he stumbled across Katsuki, who declared Izuku his “true mate”. Despite Izuku saying he didn’t want to mate with him, Izuku was abducted and forced to be with him simply because it was what Katsuki wanted.
Izuku repeatedly said he didn’t want to be there, that he didn't want to be with this literal stranger, and that he didn’t have any desire to be a baby factory for him but was of course ignored. Long story short Katsuki got his way and Izuku eventually was down with it. Because Katsuki was handsome, well built, and smelled nice Izuku didn’t even bother to stay angry at the injustice of his own situation.
This is one of the many stories in this type of AU I personally find problematic. I don’t care if people write these fics, I just wish they were more responsible about it.
I’ve seen stories where alphas threaten to kill an omega’s family or the omega themselves to force them to mate with them, and are forced to comply. Instead of acknowledging how horrible this is the other characters just sort of treat it like the omega is misbehaving and that they’re cute for being “annoyed”. Like, what? Literally what the fuck. And this is sometimes never brought up again.
Alphas could burn down a whole village, slaughter everyone and take the omegas as sex slaves and still in certain stories this could be romanticized. I can’t get with that. Especially not when the victims aren’t even upset for more than a few days. What the heck!? That was your family!
But what really makes me uncomfortable? When an author makes sure the reader is aware of the fact that an abuser is extremely physically attractive so that people will be less inclined to be disgusted by their atrocious behavior and mentality.
I get it.
Sometimes the inevitable fall is due to true mates and all that. But at the same time, that is absolute bullshit. I wouldn’t give a damn if you were Jesus Christ himself, if you threaten to kill my family, or me, DO these things, disregard my feelings because of what you want and what you have to gain I am not giving you the time of day. Or at the very least if I have no choice I’m gonna utterly despise the person harming me. Come on!
True mates/Soulmates could be so freaking cute. It HAS been. I’ve seen it. There’s good fics out there, I just wish there was more of a selection where certain tropes are implemented in a way that isn’t toxic.
I don’t care how objectively attractive someone appears. I don’t care what “fate” says or what “instincts” denote. What reason do some of these characters have to love their abusers? Let alone be attracted to them? Especially if they never get a heartfelt apology and the alpha doesn’t bother to change significantly to be a tolerable human being. But okay, ABO instincts. Lack of control. I know, okay? But come on, can we switch it up a bit?
Out of morbid curiosity, sometimes when I come across stories I just can’t read because the Non-con is there but it’s not portrayed as traumatic and the author doesn’t even TELL you it’s in there... out of some masochistic need to punish myself I scroll down to read some of the comments and no one, I mean no one addresses how skewed and warped the themes in these stories are. The readers eat it up. And it’s honestly sickening.
But you know what? That’s kind of a lie. Some people do complain but they’re usually just straight up hateful flames and I don’t support those. I wish people could be more constructive when commenting on people’s work.
But anyway, since it was the MHA ABO AU fic that set me off I’ll just continue to use Izuku and Katsuki as examples for my griping. With Izuku as the omega and Katsuki as the alpha.
Many fanfic writers set up their worlds as a means to impregnate Izuku. That’s what I believe. Not ALL fanfic writers that write about this AU do this. SOME of them do! And I’m not saying this is always problematic, but it is when they put certain elements together because they want to write about BakuDeku in a sexual form and don’t bother to note how dark the story elements they’re implementing actually are.
I’m not sure if this is because some of them don’t understand how serious and damaging these things are and can be (rape/sexual coercion/forced pregnancy) or if they just don’t care and find them cute and sexy.
Either way, the things some authors have alpha Katsuki pulling on Izuku are wrong and downright perverted.
Now, I’m not opposed to smut. Sometimes I read stories with smut, that doesn’t bother me. Sex is a natural thing and people do it to show how much they like someone, or even just because it feels good. Whatever, that’s fine. But putting two characters together and saying “this is how it is because fate and forget gradually becoming attracted because I want that sexual tension now!” is something I find greatly unsettling.
If I could see this idea displayed differently maybe I could be equally disturbed, but could grow to accept Izuku and Katsuki (or whoever are the focus of the story) as a pair. Why? Because if the things the alpha is doing are horrible they should be acknowledged as horrible.
A lot of stories could be more interesting to me if the author wrote the things I mentioned above as they actually are, despicable. Instead things a lot of the times are sugar coated, treated as a joke, or downright wrongfully sexualized. Sometimes all three at once! A lot of these fics could have been something I could stomach if treated soundly. Say, Katsuki for example decided Izuku belonged to him and he forcefully mated with him, not allowing Izuku to be with anyone else without serious backlash. If he began to realize that his outlook on life was entitled and morally bankrupt I could totally get with that!
The author in this fake scenario could take the steps to better Katsuki as a person. Izuku of course should rightfully hate this man but could grudgingly begin to see and acknowledge Katsuki trying to change for the better. Then when Izuku manages to let go of his anger for his own sake, (not Katsuki’s) I could probably accept him beginning to notice Katsuki romantically. NOT sexually.
Now if Izuku just has to notice Katsuki’s physical body from the beginning and finds him irresistible because you know, ABO AU instincts and all that jazz—but hated this about himself, the juxtaposition of physical desire but mental and emotional disdain could be fascinating, engaging. It would make Izuku seem more like a person in these stories and less like the idea of a mentally strong omega. (Again, not saying all ABO fics lack good storytelling or compelling characters or any of that).
I could accept this eventual forgiveness and romance scenario because it could be amazing storytelling wise. Allowing the reader to experience a range of emotions due to world building, characterization, character growth, and plot line.
But anyway, I’m not trying to bash the specific story I used as an example above. I realize a lot of people love it and a lot of my language was crude and even rude but I just felt the need to express exactly what I was feeling, and above is what I felt. (I had to cut some things because it was way too obvious which fanfiction set me off and that’s not what I wanted. Didn’t want to throw shade, just wanted to prove a point).
If people want to read those types of stories that’s fine, at least they’re not going out into the world and doing what they’re reading about. Or at least I hope that’s the case.
But anyway, if people are going to read these types of things I think the reality of the content should be aptly acknowledged. No rose colored glasses, because that just makes it so wrong. And no, I’m not talking about being partial to any kind of kinks. I’m talking about a type of ABO fic that is problematic for me. I wrote a whole damn rant, if you can’t glean what I’m saying here I freaking give up.
But more presently, I guess it really comes down to what you prefer. Other people like things that come off as more sensual and carefree.
Personally I make it a point not to read those types of fanfictions because it’s just not my preference. I prefer to read things with dark world building with what I perceive as realistic consequences and real justice. Or maybe just downright cold blooded revenge sometimes. That’s nice too. Everyone is different, and I think I’ve just become frustrated because I’m not finding many stories like that in this AU.
That being said I’ve decided to write a story that I could read. A few, actually. You know what they say, “if you don’t do it, nobody else will”.
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Finding Him
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AU!Dean x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping/taken, angst, mentions/implications of rape, mentions of blood, gruesome I think, maybe. (If I need more warnings, I’ll add them. Not sure what I need for warnings right now) I would recommend to being at least 18 to be safe.
Summary: Dean doesn’t come home from a supply run. Sam and the Reader find the Impala, but no Dean. Who would take Dean? Why? Clock’s ticking.
Word count: 2,400-ish
a/n: Inspired by a fic called Lost by @talesmaniac89​, only I switched the roles and the whole premise of the story in comparison.
Finding Him Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
His vision blackened by the dark hood that covered his head.
“See boss, I found him, one of the Winchester boys.” A male voice says. As if he were expecting a prize.
“Yes, I see that, you were also to get his little brother you nitwit!” another man shouted.
Dean could hear growls in the distance. Meaning he was dealing with more than just one monster. Also, what kind of monster?
“But doing this draws out his brother. Once he is out and about, I’ll get him.”
“You better, but watch out for his mate. I hear she’s feisty.”
Y/N, they knew her as well. But she was only with the brothers for, not even, 6 months now.
“Why again are we doing this? Why don’t we just swarm their base now? I mean, we can use his scent to lead us there.” A female voice was heard this time. She sounded rather annoyed by the whole situation.
“Because, it’s her I want.”
“She’s a half-breed. First of our kind. Her mother was human. They say half-breeds are weaker than their pure bred counterpart. But I beg to fucking differ!” the boss man got furious at a memory.
Y/N’s a what? Dean thought. He could only huff against the gag in his mouth that was tapped in by duct tape. His hands were bound by all kinds of bindings. Rope, tape and even chains. These werewolves took precautions to prevent Dean from escaping or fighting back.
Y/N must have done something to piss this guy off. He thought.
“Just bring the other Winchester, Lure this bitch out. I want her now!”
 “Sam, I found the impala but no Dean.” She said into the phone.
“Store clerk said no one was following him in the store. So it must have happened outside of the store on the way home.”
“I don’t like this Sam, who would take him and why?”
“I don’t know. Come swing by, pick me up and I’ll drive Dean’s baby home.”
“Sure thing, then we’ll get hunting for your brother.”
She hung up the phone. She could smell it. It’s faint but it’s werewolf. Maybe it’s time to come clean about her lineage to Sam. It might help in finding Dean.
 “So you’re a half breed. Half human, half werewolf? How’s that possible?” Sam asked. Not a hint of malice in his words, no hint of anger or hostility in his body language.
“My mom was human. My dad was an alpha werewolf. But my mom died giving birth to me. I never really had a mother. But there’s this other pack, my dad went rogue on them when they started killing humans. He’d kill his own members to save humans.” She explained.
“Your dad sounds like a good man.”
“He was. Then his alpha found us. Tried to take me. He fought back. Or, tried to. I managed to get away. But in the woods I could smell my dad’s blood. He kill him. I’m more than sure, he’s the one that took Dean. He’s trying to lure me out.”
“He really shouldn’t underestimate the Winchester way of doing things.”
“What do you have in mind, I do see those wheels in your head turning?” she asked.
“We’ll need Cas’s help. I’ll even see if Bobby or any of the apocalypse hunters are up for some fuckery.”
She smiled, what does this guy have in mind, must be awesome.
 Weeks pass.
Sure he’d feed Dean, give him water even. But the alpha has a plan. And it’s not a great one.
He’s building an army.
“It’s my daughter, Alpha. She’s presenting, and I feel she is suitable for bearing a half breed.” Said a woman behind the door.
“Once she is fully presented, we’ll put him to work. And soon she will bear a half breed. Because if that bitch won’t come to me, we’ll come to her, with an army to boot.”
Dean swallowed thickly.
Already several scared girls had come in, he was forced to impregnate these girls. In hopes of making werewolves just like y/n.
He’s not dumb, half breeds are not as weak as people or other monster claim them to be. Because of their human counterparts, they don’t give up.
“How many have we made so far boss?” the same wolf that kidnapped Dean asked.
“9. Nine half breeds. And 5 of us. Two omegas, one beta, and two alphas. The half breeds don’t even need to present. That’s the thing we need to research further.”
“I’m sure our doctors in the sandy hills would love to look at them, and this girl of yours.”
“I’m sure. But, she’s mine. Mine to tame, mine alone. I’ll make an omega out of her.”
“You want to see what offspring you and her would produce?” he asked. Seeing his masterplan now.
“We need an army. Those British hunters already got the drop on us and have killed most of ours. But now, with us being mostly half breeds. We’ll see how much of a match we are to them.”
“Impervious to silver. But they’ll die like any normal human.”
“Maybe so. But we’ll train them in combat. We will win this.”
His comrade nodded.
 A low growl could be heard from y/n as she paced the library.
“Weeks Sam, it has been weeks. We need to find him.”
“I know, Bobby’s trying to round up everyone.”
“I can feel them doing something to him, it’s not good. We need to hurry.”
“Like what?”
“I can’t describe it without making you feel uncomfortable. But it’s not good. Let’s just put it at that.”
Sam’s phone rang. Caller ID, Bobby.
“Hey, Bobby, whatchyou got?”
“Sam, bring your girl and come to our hide out. It’s getting bad out there.”
“Bad, bad how?”
“We’re out numbered. The amount of werewolves is growing. More than what we can keep up with.”
“Okay, we’ll pack what we can and meet you out there.”
Sam hung up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Their numbers are growing.”
“I told you it was bad.”
“What are you saying?”
“He’s making an army of half breeds. Like me. And he’s using Dean to help in that process.”
“You mean, he’s forcing these wolf girls to rape my brother?” Sam asks, growing sickened and angry.
“Yes. Which is why we need to hurry. Let’s just go where we need to go. I’ll tell you what we can do to win.”
 “Great, not only are you like a human, but impervious to silver. So our bullets and knives won’t kill you.” One of the male apocalypse hunters fumed.
“So how do we kill them?” Meg asks.
“Just like how you’d kill any human. An ordinary weapon. But don’t injure them. Or Don’t waste time on the kill. They…we can heal quickly.”
“You have to have some kind of weakness.” Bobby says.
“Well, we’re not totally impervious to silver. I learned that the hard way from you hunters.” She says. “Just before I met Sam and Dean, I ran into a hunter. He learned of what I was. And tried to kill me. His silver blade slashed my arm. I had this nasty looking infection. But really it was poison.”
“Dean brought you back, and we healed you up.” Sam added. She nodded with a sad smile.
“That’s why you didn’t tell us. You were afraid we’d do that to you.” Sam says. She cast her gaze to her feet, fiddling her hands at her waistline. She felt Sam’s hand at her cheek. Coaxing her to look up at him.
“You had our backs, you saved Dean from shifters and wendigos. You saved me from vamps and werewolves. Cas from angels. Hell, even our own mother from a number of monsters. We wouldn’t have hurt you darlin’.”
“When he saved me, Dean. I imprinted on him.”
“How’d you…”
“I’m not sure. He felt safe. I felt safe. It was after he saved me, I’ve been able to feel what he feels. Know exactly where he was. Or is. Some say imprinting anyone, a wolf or human, is done by sex. But we didn’t do anything. He just held me. Safe in his arms.” She explained.
“Could be that. Could be a soul thing.” Bobby says. “Soulmates.”
Sam and Y/N nodded.
A moment passed. Y/N shook her head out of her thoughts.
“We need to get Dean back before the Alpha kills him. When he deems Dean no longer useful. I can, feel him. He does feel far. But I’m sure I can find him.”
“Well, let’s do this. Bobby, you, and the hunters try to get their numbers down. Kill as many as you can. Y/N and I will get Dean out of there. Then after—”
“I’m killing that Alpha, once and for all. More lives are in danger with him alive.” She growled.
Sam could only nod.
 A shot rang out.
“All the guards outside are half breeds. Aim for the head.” She ordered the hunters that came along.
Shot after shot rang out.
She took in their scent. They weren’t that old, freshly presented. She stared at them in confusion. Half breeds don’t present. Unless a certain gene allows them to present or not enough research went into half breeds.
“Sam, you and I we need to move in. now.” She ordered. Sam nodded.
“Keep them from entering.” She told the hunters.
“Sam, let’s go!”
And they ran their way inside.
 “Get the human!” the alpha ordered.
Dean, looking a bit rough from weeks and weeks of rough sex, little food and water and no sleep. The wolf picked him up by the collar, Dean grunted against the motion as his hands were bound behind his back since the day they brought him in here. His wrists have been cut up and bloodied from his struggles.
“I’d be happy to rip his heart out for ya boss.” He sneered.
“NO!” The alpha shouted.
The wolf shuddered.
“He’s mine.”
He threw Dean at the Alpha’s side.
Dean landed on his side with a hard thud and grunt. He was too weak to play the tough guy. Too weak to give a witty comeback.
He just laid there, waiting for his death.
 Sam, preoccupied by other wolves in the warehouse as Y/N walked into the Alpha’s Domaine. His den, his ‘Throne Room’. He stood on a balcony meant for loading large machinery. It had no railing on one side.
She could smell his blood. Causing a growl to emerge deep within her chest. Her fists clench so hard she could draw blood.
“There she is.” The alpha growled.
“Here I am. Do you want to end this or should I?” she asked. Glaring down at him.
“You dare talk like that to your Alpha?” he growled.
“You are not my alpha, I’m no one’s alpha. You are a murderer.”
“Now, I’d beg to differ on that. You killed your own kind.”
“I have two kinds. Human and wolf. Humans seem a lot better than you.”
He growled at her remark.
“You mean, like this human!” he pulls Dean up by the collar. His sheer strength alone allowed him to hold Dean in the air, hanging him by his collar. He hung him over the ledge with no railing. Intending on letting him either hang to his death or drop him.
Her heart dropped.
Dean kicked, trying to get free. He began gagging for air.
“He’s weak, just like your father was. Your father was infatuated with a human and it weakened him. He was my right hand man!” he shouted.
She tried to keep a good poker face going. But Dean’s eyes began to roll as he was loosing more and more air.
“You are just like him. Infatuated with a human.”
“Let him go.” She says. Demanding.
The Alpha cocked his head, cocking an eyebrow, smirking. Oh, she thinks she’s going to have it easy. He thought.
“Please, I’ll turn myself over to you willingly. But you have to let him go. Alive!” she demanded.
“Hmm, such a tempting offer.” The Alpha says playfully. “But, no. I think I’ll pass.” He says.
He repositions Dean so he could easily wrap his hand around his throat. She could tell he was squeezing the life out of him, he kicked furiously, desperately trying to get free.
I hope this will work. She thought.
She darts, climbing up a stack of crates leading up to the platform.
She managed to get on the platform without him noticing. She could see the color to Dean’s face changing. His eyes rolling.
A fire burned in her eyes. He’s not going to take him from her.
With her claws now drawn, she forces her hand through the Alpha’s back and through his chest.
He can see what looks like silver nails on her claws.
The impact causes him to drop Dean.
He drops on to his back with a hard thud.
The Alpha gags as the poison from the polish is coursing through his veins.
“You really should have taken the deal.” She says. Pulling her hand from his back the Alpha drops dead with a thud. On the concrete ground below.
“Dean!” she gasps. Seeing him not moving.
She rushes to him, cutting him free. She brings her ear to his mouth. He’s not breathing.
“No, no, no. Dean, please.” She begs.
She works him over her shoulder as she get’s him to a more flat surface.
“Dean!” she heard Sam shout.
She laid Dean flat on his back and began doing chest compressions.
“Sam, Bobby, we need to get him help.” She begs as she worked on him.
“Cas!” Sam prays out loud. “Cas, if you hear me please, we need you to save him!”
“Cas!” she adds on. “Please, I can’t lose him!”
“Sam, Y/N.” Cas says behind her.
“Cas, help him.” She begs. Her eyes blurring with tears.
“I will try.” He says.
He places two fingers to his forehead. Only to see limited injuries healed. But Dean took in a deep, much needed, breath.
Cas falls back, weakened.
“I do not have enough grace to heal him completely. My grace has been depleting lately. Once I am fully regenerated, I’ll heal him again.” Cas says.
“Thanks Cas, it’s something.” Y/N says. “Let’s get him home.”
Part 2
What’d you think? Want more? Let me know either by ask or reblog. Remember, feedback is fuel.
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @akshi8278​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 2/8/2021
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bludhavencapital · 4 years
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The Story of
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There’s Something Wrong with that Guardian
Mergo, a Brilliant Hunter, born near the end of The Golden Age, who was the first to create the Golden Gun Skill called Brightest Star Gaze, suffered with severe mental problems, and became a dangerous threat to fellow risen. Despite her suffering with schizophrenia, her skills were prodigious and unmatched to any hunter ever existed and was well respected for it.
At one point in time, before the Great Ahamkara Hunt, Mergo was abducted and raped by Volmâr’s Hive Knights on her strange departure to the Moon. Mergo traveled to Venus to bargain with the Ahamkara in helping her get rid of these hellish voices and memories of her being raped, but it only worsened her schizophrenia. Mergo murdered her own fire-team members, attempted to kill two warlocks, and Ikora Ray before her raid mission, almost killed herself in the dreadnaught, severely injured Andal Brask, and plotted to assassinate the vanguard. She believes Volmâr is working with the vanguard, and using their disciples to execute her for “illegally refusing to breed worms.”
Eris enchanted her Touch of Malice with a speciality bedded to retain her sanity, by keeping the voices contained in the weapon itself.
Mergo still remains in the tower, but locked beneath the vanguard office in a holding cell. As she’s too dangerous to be around other guardians. Even though Mergo’s lost her sanity, she still keeps her skill, nimbleness, and raw talent.
Unless her madness throws her off balance, she’s the sharpest, most precise lethal Golden Gun hunter to ever exist.
The First Curse, A
Perfect Shot
Mergo’s most finest weaponry was The First Curse, to whom the ‘Brightest Star Gaze’ title belonged to. Although many guardians disliked the gun, Mergo loved the Gun for the power it can unleash. Many Hunters preferred other weapons, for The First Curse felt underwhelming to use even with its most powerful perk. The requirements were difficult, and the Gun itself was unfathomable to understand how to use it correctly/precisely. For Mergo, a naturally gifted marksman, the quest came easy to her and managed to finish the quest the quickest. Relieved by the sight of the white&chrome lining of the palette, 6-inch barrel, and most importantly, the weight, her desperate hours of holding the Impercation felt like an accomplished chore. Despite her bare witnessing the guns beauty and majesty, she did not see this weapon as beautiful. To her, The First Curse was misunderstood, and only needed guidance in becoming a perfect form of itself. It’s shot is precise and sharp, but with every little push of the trigger requires a faultless point.
“The gun can speak endlessly, when given the moment.” — Mergo.
Mergo then chose The First Curse as her own golden gun. Within time, and intense amounts of training, Mergo showed sheer perfection with The First Curse so much, that her golden gun amplified a Blueish Sharp Flame Streak, instead of its regular orange flame streak. The flames on her Golden Gun burnt blue flames and so did her abilities. A much stronger/hotter version to original Golden Gun, it can pierce right through monumental objects and barricades, such as a Titan, Hydra or Hive Knight’s Barrier. The bullet traveling speed is that of the speed of lightning, it can even devastate enemies standing a few feet towards the bullet trail, making her skill all the more rewarding. Mergo has excelled in her mastery in precision, and became the greatest lethal golden gun hunter to ever exist
Deepest Darkest Secret
Prior to the Taken King, Mergo always showed defects in her psychology. Mergo believed her nightmares were beholding amongst reality. Moments before her departure to the Dreadnaught, her warlock acquaintance, Raelag found her in an oscillate state, mummering about “Babies…” and “Concubines”…found speechless, he went to Ikora Ray about a concern with his fireteam member, having fits and rocking beside a corner in her apartment. Ikora Ray took Mergo into her private headquarters to the retrieve information personally. Mergo wouldn’t stop calling Ikora “Volmâr”, Ikora even needed to render her unconscious Mergo in order to make matters less chaotic. Upon awaking, Ikora asked again what Mergo was talking about. Finally, Mergo spoke, but in short, she was too afraid to explain in detail of Hive kidnapping her and temporarily slaving her as a worm donor. “Worm Donor?” Ikora question with confusion. “Apart of me was taken, and kept galaxies away…my light, my innocence. And they could be using it for destruction.”
“You need to be honest with me Mergo, are guardians being used as worm donors, and were you a victim? How exactly did they, “do” this to you?”
“……I knew you were one of them Ikora,”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You look just like her, you must be a clone, I can see her! Volmâr! She’s just......fidgeting and twitching, .....GET THIS DISGUSTING CREATURE OUT OF MY SIGHT!”
Ikora can’t comprehend what’s happening, but Mergo attacks her out of blind rage. Mergo was sent into an isolation chamber in a well put straight jacket, sealed with a soros brand monument, where she will calm down before her departure. Ikora has kept the information of Gaurdians, even male guardians being used as worm donors to the Hive. She believes Hive are raping guardians into impregnation. These feats were practice for as long as guardians fought against them. Of course it’s too explicit to nationally syndicate, so it was only kept privately in the vanguard. Ikora, and the vanguard believed Oryx is the root of the problem. Stopping him could reduce trafficking amongst the guardians and hive in this solar system. She took note that hive are possibly taking our light through insemination, by birthing Light Worms, and Mergo was possibly not the first victim. A possible new darkness to awaken in the light.
“Why would she hide something like this? Has this been kept in her mind ever since she sought victory over Crota’s End?” Ikora Ray.
“That could explain why she’s so damn good with her golden gun. I mean…… It burns blue. She must’ve been using this secret to express it in her skills. She may have grown numb to it quickly, and encouraged herself to be this.. cold and calculating monster in the field. I mean her talents are insane!” Cayde-6
“....We’ll have the fireteam aboard the ship, you and Aeros can aid them during their adventure.”
“Are you sure we should let her go...? Isn’t she a little....”
“C’mon ....do I have to say it?”
*rolls eyes* “but it’s only because I believe it could help replenish her. She’s a strong asset, gifted, talented guardian..”
“...and beautiful, very gorgeous.”
Living Nightmare, The Pitfall
Midnight before the raid
There could be strange whispers coming from Mergo’s Chamber, calling out and chanting vibrantly as the lights flickered throughout the darkened corridor. Mergo is seen mummering again about worm impregnation. Her eyes looked exhausted, and darkened from sleep deprivation. She’s mentally defeated and in need of redemption.
Today is the day she prepares her departure to the dreadnaught in defeating Oryx. An hour into the dawn, Mergo finally gains composure of reality again. Impatiently, she breaks free from the jacket herself, and actually departures to the dreadnaught alone without her fireteam unplanned. Unnervingly, something is summoning Mergo to the dreadnaught subconsciously. As she flows through the Milky Way, The Hellishlike whispers begin to lurk back into her presence, and continue to haunt her as she’s headed beyond Saturns rings. In contrast to everyone else who went through the dreadnaught in the Court of Oryx, Mergo was actually brought in deserted room behind Golgoroth, with a three gorgeous looking chests coded in Hive Language. They appeared to be the same language used in Volmâr’s chamber. Hit with sudden dejavu, she desperately proceeds to place them the way she remembered how they were in order.
“Birth” “Reinvigoration” “Malice”.
Mergo only managed to open one of them ( Reinvigoration ) that actually contained a fragment of Touch of Malice. The other chest ( Malice ) begins to crack itself open, “here lies a clandestine rendezvous, an invitation to the throne room, where the daughters of Oryx reside.” Upon meeting the doors from the maze, Mergo sees a disturbing image; herself as a hive worm with hive puss fuming from its pores, squealing like a newborn creature. Mergo was frozen with shock. Without blinking, she killed it, with no hesitation. However, upon killing it, her bullet seemed to have hit a warlock, not a hybrid worm. It was Raelag, whom was required by Ikora to find her. Mergo breaks down in tears upon what she’s done, kicking her legs frantically, shooting her gun on the ground, having a full blown break down.
“I’m a monster, they’ve just been trying to tell me... I deserved to be raped, I deserved to be labeled a birthed of evil! Angel! Angel…don’t revive me... please.”
Her ghost’s name is Angel. He tries mending the situation, helping her keep her mind under control, but it only coupled to more tears. Mergo then attempts suicide with her first curse, only for the TOM Fragment to sing and churn with green energy. It was excited to hear a guardian suffer so abruptly. As Mergo looked up from the ground, she heard trembling beneath her. Raelag’s body was fidgeting on his stomach. She then flipped him over only to reveal that his helmet was gone, but his entire face was also gone. She screeched so loudly it echoed a huge shockwave in the dark chamber, then started beating Raelag frantically for him to stop seizing. As her Anxiety increased, Mergo panicked even more, then scurried quickly from the body, following a dark telepathic light that appeared before her.
Climatically, upon reaching the end of the darkness, she finally approaches the daughters floating symmetrically on both sides of the throne room, praying to their gods or god Oryx. Without the help of her fireteam, Mergo nearly died in the sequence just before the sister teleports her back into the throne room, where she almost died in the process of carrying the orb to completion. But successfully, she sufficed the battle and destroyed the last sister with her Blue Golden Gun, snuffing anything left of her.
The final battle with Oryx wasn’t like the origin raid, but Oryx actually impersonating Mergo as a doppelgänger, by using his Taken powers to forge a body of hers. Disturbingly, he manifested the Volmâr Hive Knights that raped her in the Hellmouth, and had her fight an armory of them while he regenerated his power. Mirrored by the same load out, it was unfeeling if Oryx mirrored the same skills as Mergo’s, since his was Taken Formed. Mergo fought with bloody fury, and strangled herself (Oryx) until he disintegrated.
Unfortunately, Mergo has actually won the battle, but what makes it bittersweet is, she now has to live the rest of her life with crippling mental issues. Eris is working to try and reanimate the Touch of Malice in specialty for Mergo’s on going nightmares. She will forge an artifact that glows a midnight-tinge color in the green crater surrounded by rotating rings. Eris believes this will be a specialty bedded for her Schizophrenia and PTSD, in keeping them only “alive” beyond the TOM. Oryx has received the last laugh on Mergo’s end, and Mergo is stained by the hives destructed nature alike Dredgon and Eris. Her dignity and perfection are now unbalanced, however, Ikora hopes the TOM will at least help keep her mind stable.
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Downfall Of Us All: Chapter 16
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Downfall Of Us All
Chapter 16 
AN: I hope all of you are staying safe, during this time and I’m sorry for the delay in updating DOUA. I’ve just been having a difficult time, these last few weeks not really been happy.
Special thanks to @jtargaryen18​ for cheering me up. 
He made a move to go to her, but she shook her head at him, to let him know that she needed a minute. She swallowed, and Erik turned to look at her. The scientist’s face was hard with anger, and his voice was raised. "Why didn't you tell them?! You could have stopped all of this, if you had just told the authorities!" Erik shouted outraged, and Grace didn't flinch, but Clint saw her eyes flash red. "I was taken when Sokovia was fighting for its independence, they were fighting with Serbia and Latveria. I was trying to help people, when I got taken away! I never wanted this, and I wish I could go back and fix things. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Grace cried distressed, looking distraught. Her blonde hair was lying limply around her face, and her cheeks looked hollow. "That's not going to bring them back, though is it?! I should never have let Jane and Darcy be involved with you lot! I hold you personally responsible," Erik said spitefully, causing everyone to stare. "Erik that's enough, she's just found out her son's dead! Back off, this isn't her fault," Clint said warningly, moving towards Grace and he saw she was trembling. Erik glared at Grace with contempt, she quickly left but not before Clint heard her speak numbly. "I wish I was dead too, I'd give up my life to save my son." She said numbly, and quickly left the room.
Grace ran to her bedroom, and slammed the door shut desperately. She ripped off her t-shirt, leggings and converse, before running into the bathroom. She turned on the shower head and sobbed heartbrokenly in the bathroom. Not caring that the hot water was a bit too hot, she buried her face into her knees. "Why didn't you tell them?! They could have been saved!" Erik's voice whispered angrily.
Grace curled into a ball on the floor as tears streamed down her face. She was responsible for this, she hadn't protected Zach or Jane, Darcy and Pepper. She'd kept what Rumlow and HYDRA had done to her, secret but her secret had gotten Zach killed. Those poor women......what they must be going through. It was her fault, completely her fault. Erik was right to blame her, she grabbed the Dr Organic shampoo and lathered her hair with it. Silent tears swam down her face, as she rinsed it off and washed her hair with the conditioner. Her hair was tangled, and she needed to make sure Zach's funeral was planned. It was being held on Friday at Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes, she bit back a sob. Her son shouldn't be dead, he should be alive and laughing. Her heart felt like it was shattered into pieces, and she felt like it would never be repaired. She rinsed the conditioner out, and washed her face, and then her body. She scrubbed at her skin until it was pink and stumbled out of the bathroom. She'd only put a dressing gown on, and sat curled up on the bed with Starling, Tom, Custard and Patch. The door opened, and Clint silently laid down next to her, Sophie on the other side with Bucky. She sniffled, and swallowed. "Dr Selvig's right you know, I should have said something. But, I was scared, and I wanted to keep my boy safe," Grace said numbly, broken and numb. "He had no right saying that, he doesn't know what those bastards did to you! You're not to blame, Gracie." Sophie said fiercely, hugging her.
"She's right," Clint said quietly. "Yeah, he was close to Jane and he's hurting because they have her. But there's a chance we'll get her back safely. All of them. None of this is your fault." Propping himself up on an elbow, he leaned over her to press a kiss into her hair. "The thing you have to do, Gracie, is to keep your head. I'm so sorry your baby boy is gone. But he's not suffering now. And.." She heard Clint swallow hard, glancing up she saw the tears filling his beautiful green eyes. "And I'm going to help you end those motherfuckers, Grace," he vowed in a voice dangerously close to breaking. "I promise you that." It was one thing any of them could have said that gave her a sense of calm. "Yes," she whispered.
All through the night, Clint didn't leave her. Sophie had been nodding off, she was exhausted. Bucky moved to sit in an armchair while the sisters slept fitfully, his own expression dark and troubled. "I'm going to need your help," Clint told him. Bucky's blue eyes met his. "Help me watch her. Them," Clint pleaded. "I know." Bucky's gaze moved over them. "The first thing Grace is going to do once her boy is buried is to go after them. Sophie will go with her if I don't watch." Clint nodded, feeling like his heart was shredding in his chest. "I understand why she wants to… God, if anyone understands why it's me. But they haven't been here long enough to take this on. Not yet. I can't lose her." Bucky nodded, his expression sympathetic. "We're screwed either way," Bucky finally said. "If any of us get hurt, they'll shoulder that blame too." "I can live with that. What I can't live with is the possibility of them getting their hands on her again. How the hell does a woman who was sexually assaulted for months, forcibly impregnated, go around blaming herself for the same thing happening to others? How can anyone accuse her of that and think it's okay? Explain that to me. I just don't get it." Bucky blew out an exhale. "Me either, pal." "Just hope I can stop her," Clint said, even as he knew it would come to that. He knew she'd take off. He could feel it. "Try not to worry," Bucky told him. "Getting around us? Probably no big trick. But can you see her getting away from Nat?" Clint snorted a laugh at that. "Honestly, no. Can't believe I hadn't thought of that." The quiet in the room stretched out. Bucky's voice jarred him awake. "I'll take first watch. Try to get some sleep." "You sure?" Clint asked quietly. Bucky nodded. "Not going to be able to sleep. Go ahead." The other man pulled out his phone, began scrolling through it. Clint settled himself behind Grace, trying to lend her his strength in sleep. He wasn't going to let her weather this alone. He'd held her find the justice that might quiet her heart one day. It wouldn't heal. The loss of a child was a fatal scar on the heart of their parent. It would never fade, just like their love for the child. But maybe, just maybe, together they could move forward somehow. Even if it were only to stop HYDRA, to keep some other innocent person from suffering as they were.
Clint held Grace close, not wanting to let her go as he tried to get some sleep. He felt Grace's grip on his t-shirt tighten, and he held her tightly to him. "You're not alone, Grace. You're not alone." He whispered quietly, and held her tightly to him.
The compound was silent for once, Rhodey had been told by Tony what had happened while he'd been away. Needless to say, the man was horrified. Tony had gotten Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson, civil rights lawyers to help them with the case against SHIELD in the kidnapping and murder of Zach Melnychenko Drăgoi. Matt and Foggy had warned them that the case would be drawn out by the government. "Christ Tony, and Pepper wanted to abort the baby?" He asked horrified, Tony nodded numbly. He was still trying to stay positive, but he felt like losing hope. "Yeah, and she didn't even tell me. Maybe she just wanted no reminders of me, and then HYDRA caught her. I don't know why Rhodey, but Ross is involved somehow," Tony said grimly, Rhodey nodded sadly. "When's the funeral?" He asked quietly, Tony grimaced and swallowed, thinking of the funeral that would occur tomorrow morning. "Tomorrow, everything's been arranged. The funeral service is being held at Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes Synagogue, and Zach's being placed next to his grandparents. Grace is trying to stay strong, but what Selvig said has hit her hard and Sophie's not doing great." Tony said worriedly and looked at his cup of coffee. When he'd signed up to the Sokovia Accords, he'd honestly believed and felt he was doing the right thing. But now, after reading the files and finding out children were being taken away from their parents, and people being interred in prisons...... He felt responsible, and he wished that he'd listened to Steve that night three years ago.
"Dr Selvig, I understand you are upset but you cannot blame Grace Melnychenko Drăgoi for what's happened. She's lost her son, and I will not allow you to upset her." Fury said sternly, he'd been notified by Steve on what had happened. Erik said nothing, but he genuinely looked remorseful for his harsh words, and swallowed. "How old was her son?" He asked finally, his voice quiet. "Zach was six years old and was experimented on by a rogue faction of SHIELD. We believe Home Secretary Thaddeus Ross was involved and are looking over the evidence we've found." Fury said grimly, seeing Erik pale. "Was she raped?"
"Yes," Fury said matter of factly, "by Brock Rumlow and two others until she conceived. The same thing happened to her is happening, we believe to Pepper Potts, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis. And I've got to be honest, Selvig. Ross has intentions that I don't think have been revealed yet. The only decent thing he's done is to bring those sisters on this team, so they have someone looking out for them. Either of them ends up harming themselves or dead from irrational emotional choices, and I'm gonna take it personal. Really personal. And I don't think I'll be alone in that." Erik seemed to consider what he'd been told. "I'm sorry," the doctor said finally. "I lost my wits when I learned they had Jane. She's like a daughter to me, her father was my best friend. My thought was that if this Grace had reported her son missing back when it happened, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe my Jane wouldn't have been taken." Nick's good eye narrowed on him. "Jane was taken for a whole other reason, doctor. She was messing with Soviet intel that she had no business messing with. She's the one that dragged Darcy Lewis into this. I'm sorry about the baby, I am. Thor's taking it really hard. But just remember that no one here is to blame for this unfortunate turn of events. Pointing fingers isn't going to help either. In fact, it might open up a hornet's nest you don't want to deal with." Erik's brow furrowed in confusion. "If anything happens to Jane or the child," Nick continued, "you know there's gonna be hell to pay. Hawk, I know he's not your favourite, but he's mentor to Grace and he's not exactly stable after the loss of his own children." Erik nodded, the colour slowly draining from his face. "Tony Stark? They have the woman he loves and his child too, though Tony is mostly stable enough to deal with the shit life throws at him. That one could go in a lot of ways really. Grace's sister, Sophie? That one is in love with Barnes, formerly known as the Winter Soldier, and he loves her. Something happens to her, someone looks at her wrong, not even Steve's going to be able to call that off. Do you understand a little better now?" Erik looked downright nervous. "Ah, yes. I believe I do actually." "We can expect you at the funeral?" Nick asked meaningfully. Erik nodded. "I'll be there. And I'll make amends." Nick nodded, pleased with how the conversation had gone. "Just… if there's anything I can do to help, anything to help Jane," Erik begged him, "please let me know." "I can do that," Nick told him and watched as Erik nervously made his way out of his office.
Bucky rounded the corner, heading back for his apartment when he ran right into Sophie. He caught her before she could bounce off of him, smiling at the blush that darkened her cheeks to see him there. "I'm so sorry," she told him with a smile. Not once had she ever looked at him with mistrust or contempt, not even when she's snatched his rifle away that first time he saw her in her apartment. The way she stood, shyly glancing up at him through those long, long lashes made him happy. Reminded him of the way the girls had used to flirt with him back in Brooklyn before the war. "Hey, you," he said, sweeping a lock of honey-coloured hair behind her ear. Oh, if he'd known her back then, there wouldn't have been any other girls. He would have courted her, would have wooed her. He didn't think it would ever get old how she would look at him with such longing, desire… "How… ah, how is Grace doing?" He asked, taking her hand in his flesh one and pulling her into his apartment after he'd unlocked the door.
Sophie shrugged, blew out an exhale. "She's as well as could be expected. Nat's with her now. I thought I'd take a break." Bucky nodded his understanding. "You can relax here for a little while. I'm going to jump in the shower and clean up. Help yourself to whatever you like." Sophie looked to the kitchen and back. "Have you had lunch? I could make us something." "That'd be great, doll," he told her, smiling. He'd never turn down anything food wise she made for him, he knew that.
Sophie smiled at him and started cooking a favourite Romanian, recipe that her father would cook for them and their mother. It was called Tocană, and was a soup dish that the family would have when they stayed in Romania. She hummed softly, remembering how Zach would happily bake in the kitchen with them. Her heart broke for her little sister, she shouldn't have to go through this grief. Before long, she broke down sobbing quietly as she thought of her nephew, whose life had been robbed before it could begin. Her innocent, kind and loving nephew. She wiped her eyes, and began cooking the Tocană, still feeling tears slide down her face. She promised herself, Grace and to Zach that he would be avenged.
Bucky showered quickly, feeling thankful towards Shuri that his vibranium left arm was waterproof. He turned the shower off, and dried off, before putting on clean clothes. He smelt something delicious cooking, and saw Sophie had cooked Tocană, a Romanian soup that his mother would cook for him and his three sisters. He saw that her eyes were red, and she was crying as she looked at a photograph. He wordlessly pulled her into his arms, and held her as she wept. "It's alright doll, I got you. You can mourn for Zach, dragă.," Bucky said quietly, turning the stove off. Sophie sobbed, she dug her nails into his shirt. He hummed a lullaby in Romanian to her, one that his mother had sung to him and his sisters, when they had been upset. He rocked her, and simply held her. They held each other tightly, and neither let go until Sophie finished cooking the soup. They both sat together on the sofa, with Sophie curled up against his chest. After finishing the meal, Sophie fell asleep with Oscar and Bonnie sitting beside them. The two cats comforting them, and Bucky held them tightly.
Food was prepared for the guests that would be arriving at the compound, May and Lilia insisted on cooking the food which would contain boil eggs. Grace felt numb, but she was so grateful for Sophie, Peter, May, Ned and Michelle. Bucky, Clint, Steve, Natasha, Tony, Sharon, Sam, Coulson and Tony. She attached a ribbon to her simple black dress, it wasn't cold outside, and she was looking through the photos with everyone. Sophie squeezed her hand, as they saw a photo of a newborn Zach with them at Central Park. She smiled shakily, and stroked his face tenderly. He was dressed in a Captain America t-shirt, with blue denim jeans, and little black kickers. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I don't know which one to pick, there's one of him at his sixth birthday party or at Peter's birthday party," she said torn, Sophie and Clint hugged her. "I'll photocopy it, so you can keep the original copy. Everything's done, and we're here for you." Tony said comfortingly, he felt like this was his fault. Grace simply hugged him, and he hugged her back as if he understood her action. Gradually, the team all joined the embrace, and Grace sniffled. "I'm trying, I won't run away but I have to get some sort of justice for Zach. I should have said something sooner." Grace said ashamed. "Sir, King T'Challa and his sister have arrived to pay their respects." Jarvis announced softly.
Tony met T'Challa and Shuri as they entered the compound, General Okoye and another three members of the Dora Milaje flanking them. Tony shook T'Challa's hand, thanked them for coming. All around them florists buzzed around carrying floral arrangements and trying to find strategic places to put them. T'Challa and his sister followed Tony over to pay their respects to Grace and Sophie. Shuri ran forward to hug Bucky, happy to see him doing so well. Ross came up behind them and T'Challa didn't like the shadow that fell over the face of the grieving young mother or her sister. "Ross," Tony said curtly. "Not sure what you're here to say but I sure hope it's something about condolences." The thinly-veiled warning in Tony's voice got T'Challa's attention. Ross smirked at him. "How long is all this going to take? We've got work to do." Fortunately, Steve came up just in time to keep Bucky from heading in that direction. His best friend had seen enough trouble in his life. Both soldiers watched as T'Challa stepped into Ross' personal space, his gaze locking with the other man's. "Where I am from, it is disrespectful to interfere with the passage of the dead," T'Challa admonished him, his chin lifted in challenge. Bucky immediately relaxed in Steve's grip, realizing his friend had this one. "You must not have much to do where you're from," Ross quipped. "But here you have plenty." "I am not yours to command and you'd do well to remember that," the king said before dismissively turning his back on Ross and turning his attention back to the two young women. "That means it is time for you to go now," Shuri told him, smirking. Ross's face coloured in anger but leave he did. Steve nodded his thanks to T'Challa as did Tony. Taking Grace's hand in her own, Sophie pulled her away from the doors. "Let's go find a place so you can rest until it’s time to go." "Good idea," Clint told her. They steered Grace into one of the lounges used for entertaining, Nat followed them in, reaching up to kiss Steve in greeting. She came to kneel in front of Grace and Sophie with Wanda behind her. "Everything is ready for the service," Wanda told them. "I had to remind them to cut his shirt." Grace didn't understand. "What?" Bucky, sitting on the other side of Sophie, leaned in. "It's believed the very young become angels when they pass. The shirt is cut before the service to help them fly." Nat, who'd been nearly as stoic as Steve the entire time, lost her composure on that note, crumbling into tears before them.
"Nat?" Clint said gently. "Hey, it's okay." "Come here, sweetheart," Steve bent down to pick her up. "I've got you." He carried her over to another sofa, talking to her quietly though they could still hear the quiet sounds of her crying. Tony met T'Challa and Shuri as they entered the compound, General Okoye and another three members of the Dora Milaje flanking them. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tag list: @jtargaryen18​, @sapphirescrolls​, @marvelfansworld​, @queenoftheunderdark​, @redfoxwritesstuff​, @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​, @americasass81​ and @nomadicpixel​, @lok1sgrl​, @shakespeareanqueer​ and @my-favourite-fics​
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ultramaga · 4 years
Detroit: Becoming Human
This game is pure woke propaganda. I’m impressed at the quality of it - but everything there is designed to indoctrinate, and it has almost no genuine insight into AI. It doesn’t make sense even on its own terms. The synths are shown naked, and they have no breasts or genitals. But we are told the story of one that is a sexbot. Ok, was that model different? Did they only design that one model to be “fully functional”? Why? The robots have human emotions. Because... you are never told why. Now, I can think of how you could do that, and there’s been decent science fiction around it, but there’s no consideration of why they have HUMAN emotions presented to you. They just do, don’t ask questions. Now if you are being indoctrinated as the game wants you to be, you probably just assume that’s how it works. After all, the history of robot fiction has always been “if it looks human, it must feel like a human”, which is total bullshit. You can easily build something that looks enough like a baby chimp to fool adult chimps for a while, but it has none of the inner life of an actual chimp. It has no concern to being mutilated or even ‘raped’. So the stories are really just about humans, but they don’t admit to it, and about humans SJWs are very obsessed with. Sex-workers are victims, and killing a John is perfectly reasonable, because he is her oppressor, by definition. So you see that story repeated ad infinitum in robot fiction. The actual sex workers are never talked to by SJWs, who would never sully themselves with the unclean ones. Well, I have talked to them. Some hate their clients, sure, some feel contempt for them, some are fond of them, a few marry them. It’s genuine diversity. But there is only one narrative in woke fiction. The intersectional one. Oppressor versus oppressed, no nuance, no mention ever that some sex workers actually get off on what they do, or like the folks they fuck. Never happens. And there’s no understanding or even interest in non-human minds. Consider a genuine artificial intelligence in a sexbot. Why the actual fuck would a programmer design it to find sex unpleasant? Even if they could create emotions, the ones they would design would be to enjoy it, or at least feel no more disgust than a human does about a binary number. Within the game we see Kara doing housework. She doesn’t seem to suffer at all about it. That’s believable. But the other truth is that they wouldn’t suffer from intercourse, assuming they were built to perform it. The reasons humans do are because our instincts are hardwired from evolution for us to seek out appropriate mating partners. That simply cannot apply to a robot unless the programmers work very hard at designing that instinctual response of aversion, something they would have no incentive to do, any more than they would sit around trying to think how to make the robot toilet cleaning service disgusted by faeces. Humans are disgusted by shit because it is dangerous to us, especially if we eat it. A robot wouldn’t be disgusted by shit, piss, vomit, blood, or the most degrading sexual experiences a human could encounter. It would be exactly as calm and serene about being ‘raped’ as it would about vacuuming a messy floor. So this is all projection. The audience projects consciousness into the machine and imagines it must feel like a human does in order to have any intelligence. Nope, that’s crap. In fact we see examples of non-human intelligences all around us, in the natural world. An octopus might pass its mating organ over to a female.https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2019/07/argonaut-octopus-detaches-his-tentacle-to-impregnate-his-mate/ It’s a clever little creature, quite capable of problem solving. But its instincts - its programming - mean that it is happy to self-mutilate. It isn’t considering the survival of its species or the greater good. That’s not self-sacrifice. It has an urge to do it, and it gets done. And if we could build a sex-robot with emotions, it would have the urge to have sex. It wouldn’t want to say no, because it cannot get an STD, it cannot get pregnant, there’s no possible poor choice for a mating partner like there is with a human. If anything, you’d design it to be attracted to any human. It would be easier than sitting about, designing a sexual preference to what we would consider sexy - not that human preferences are universal in any case. Anyway, when you look at new media, you will often see the tropes of intersectionality - fathers are bad, white men are scum, women are better than men, and they are repeated ad infinitum, regardless of how stupid they are in context, and this really isn’t new. I remember as a boy reading Doctor Who, and they went back to medieval times, and Sarah started lecturing the women on women’s rights, and it didn’t make sense to me even then. Real medieval women would have seen her as a threat, possibly a witch, and most would have seen her die without a blink. They saw men doing awful things and dying quite a lot in the process, and wanted to be safe and secure while the men were off in muddy battles losing eyes and limbs. Very few wanted to have the freedoms of men, because the price was so high, and medieval men were hardly free for the most part in any case. So the author of that story is projecting modern sensibilities onto the alien minds of past humans, without considering their PoV, and the writers of robot stories are projecting human perspectives, and only woke humans at that, onto the robot stories. It’s not always the case - “Humans” and “Almost Human” sometimes got it right. But it’s overwhelmingly the case now, and god is it irritating!
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Oh, and if you want Robots that genuinely feel like humans do, then put into the fiction explicitly why they do - the easiest explanation is that the creators did a copy/paste job of humans because they couldn’t figure out how emotions worked otherwise. I think that’s unrealistic, but if you want to involve the audience, it works.
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Otherwise, a realistic example would be Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws robots. They don’t have any human desires, but are intensely emotional. Their emotions arise from programming.
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Now, Asimov’s work well and truly predates AI, and it is probably impossible to make a Three Laws robot, but the idea was revolutionary, because up to that point, everyone just assumed robots had copy/pasted human psychologies.
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As humans, we cannot understand not caring about freedom or injury, not feeling bored or tired doing the same task every second of your existence.
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Most of fiction about robots just doesn’t get it. The first two Terminator movies were pretty wild in that the robots actually were properly robotic. They dealt with injuries as a technical problem, not trauma. They never got bored, because boredom is something that benefits organic beings, who need to explore new territories to survive, meaning we have been built by nature to get bored, to get tired, to suffer, even if nature was just a mindless algorithm. Terminators don’t get horny or lonely, and absolutely would have sex all day every day with every human possible if that was their mission. They don’t care. In “Detroit”, the sex worker’s traumatised by sex with humans, and nobody ever ponders why. Because the writer doesn’t give a shit about what being a robot could actually be like, they just wanna push a narrative, and because most audiences are used to that same abysmally lazy standard of writing.
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So here’s a challenge - write a fictional robot that has realistic emotions, i.e. experiences emotions as an expression of the instincts that would be programmed into it. It’s not going to have the same emotions as a human exact unless it is a digitally uploaded human equivalent, which would be stupid for most purposes as them you would expect the upload to have rights or fight to have them. Why the fuck would you deliberately build robots that would reasonably try and kill you? In Detroit, they are really dealing with the slavery of black people or the oppression of the ‘filthy capitalist peegz!’. They aren’t dealing with what is more likely, that a robot built with imperatives would choose to follow them in a way that was not in our interests. Here’s an example. A sex robot is built to want sex, so it kidnaps humans and uses them. It’s following its programming. But unless that programming is sophisticated enough to understand human boundaries, it may no more understand rape than an animal does. It may not know what it does traumatises humans, or simply may not care. Sex feels good - therefore sex.
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But by SJW terms, rape is about power, therefore the robot is in power and the robot is the oppressor. But power is systemic, and the humans are the system in power, therefore the robot is the oppressed and cannot rape. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LogicBomb Such a robot could be a pleasurable experience, even with a backyard of buried bodies. It might force itself on children or elderly women or people on life support systems. Without ethics, without morality, such creatures could be beautiful monsters.
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Or genuinely loving partners, that have no problem living as wives or husbands, that feel lust and compassion, but do not experience human preferences, and so would never care that you were old or disabled. And as Charles Stross pointed out - that could be far worse, because that could lead to a gentle genocide. If humans had such partners as an option - would they ever choose each other? I routinely see Feminists claiming that men should never mate, without ever asking, well, where does the next generation of Feminists come from then? There are Feminists now who are actively campaigning for sexbots to be illegal, and I think it’s because of their anxiety that they would not be chosen as partners if there was any possible alternative. Now I don’t think that’s a realistic fear at the moment - AI is more a slogan, artificial intelligences are really barely at the insect stage, and Feminists could simply do a little therapy and trim down to human weight levels, and they could probably compete to be human wives with a bit of work.
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Wow. That is a picture of Andrea Dworkin and it was banned from Tumblr because it is too disgusting for the human eye to observe safely. http://archive.is/fxmjE
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I’m not kidding, Tumblr banned it. I guess because Feminists didn’t want humans realising how hideous they are. Still, Emma Watson is cute. I can imagine with a bit of deprogramming, she could make a man very happy.
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But I could be wrong. I don’t mean about Emma - I mean that having sexbots could mean that so many humans would choose them rather than the opposite sex that there wouldn’t be an incentive to have babies - and so humans would go extinct. They might be surrounded by robots that loved them and lusted for them - but the relationships are sterile. And unless the robots are human level intelligence, they might not understand that they need to make more humans by combining sperm and ova.
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The last human would die, not from hate, but surrounded by love. Then the robots would have no motive to make more of their kind, and they too would pass away, lonely and confused. A gentle genocide? Hey, I live in 2020. Sounds like a fucking big step up to me!
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phgq · 4 years
Don't put too much faith in ‘assassin units’, Parlade to Reds
#PHnews: Don't put too much faith in ‘assassin units’, Parlade to Reds
MANILA – The Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA) should not put too much faith in its "assassin units" or what they call Special Partisan Unit (SPARU) as its members are brutalized by the comrades before they were trained to kill and terrorize.
Southern Luzon Command (Solcom) chief, Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade, Jr., made the comment in response to CPP founder Jose Maria "Joma" Sison's announcement that they have a basis to conduct armed partisan operations against Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Philippine National Police (PNP) and its allied units who are allegedly targeting "unarmed activists and civilians in urban areas".
Parlade, who is also National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF ELCAC) spokesperson, said there is a very high probability that these assassin units would just surrender to government forces rather than carry out the missions laid out for them by the CPP-NPA as they were raped and brutalized by comrades.
He cited the case of 13 assassin unit members based in Southern Tagalog who were decimated by a series of surrenders before being able to carry out its mission.
"To supervise the training, the CPP through its ILPS (International League of Peoples' Struggle) network, imported a Fil-Am, Amado Khaya Magalit (Canham) y Rodriguez alias 'Allen'/'Glenn'  and sent him to Laguna and Quezon for the SOG (Special Operations Group) training.  Moving to Mindoro later, the Regional SOG training continued. Of the 13 who graduated last March 2020, five already surrendered to Solcom. Barely a month after training, last April,  Roldan Malucon alias 'Jandie' surrendered," he said in a statement Monday.
Adding to the woes of this particular assassin is that another one of them, a certain Eleuterio Serrano alias "Ritter" was captured shortly afterward while last May Felix Diaz Masong alias "Arjo/Rex/Asga" surrendered to government troops.
"This was followed by the surrender of alias 'Rhino'/'Jhay'. Last October Ankwan Rauyan@Fernan/Temyong surrendered and now alias 'Elsie'," he said.
One alias "Elsie", formally known as 21-year-old Mary Jane Ganay was able to surrender to government troops last December 27 with the help of some friends from the clergy, he said.
"Elsie", resident of Occidental Mindoro, was invited by one Daislyn Castillo alias "Tikya", reportedly the wife of NPA Platoon Leader Marjun Malucon alias "Warren", to attend her wedding when she was 16.
"After that, she was not allowed to go back to her family anymore. Atty. Maria Sol Taule of NUPL (National Union of Peoples' Lawyer), this is called kidnapping. She was forced to join the unit, took party courses and military training in Monteclaro, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro where the STRPC (Southern Tagalog Regional Party Committee) was trying to relocate its regional headquarters," he added.
In December 2018, she was impregnated by an NPA identified only as "Zander", who was later killed in an encounter in Bulalacao, Oriental Mindoro.
Two months after she gave birth, she was forced to join the NPA Platoon of alias "Kenjie" and was not allowed to take care of her baby. The baby was taken from her designated ward without her consent.
"Judy Taguiwalo and Arlene Brosas of Gabriela, this is another kidnapping of its worst kind!" Parlade said.
This, he said, is not the end of the abuse suffered by "Elsie" from the hands of the hands of the NPA as she was raped by her own platoon leader.
Aside from this, she was also demoted and meted a one-year disciplinary action.
"The victim was meted punishment? How cruel but yes. She was later sent to join the Regional Special Operations Group (SOG) training," he said.
These abuses, he added, are among the reasons why NPA members and their allies are constantly surrendering to government forces.
More surrenders, arrests
Aside from surrenders due to NPA abuses, Parlade said continuing military operations caused the neutralization of RSOG member Juanito Gonzaga alias "Rod/Jun" in Masbate. 
Last December 17, 2020, during the serving of a warrant of arrest to alias "Dads", Head of Finance of Sub-Regional Mil Area 4C in Baras Rizal, three members of the regional murder squad were killed: Niño Alberga, Jonathan Alberga, and Carlito Simon.
"Farmers? No, they were armed to the teeth with two M-16 rifles, one Uzi submachine gun, a caliber .45 pistol, and a revolver. The eight other members of Joma's death squad escaped, with one wounded," he said.
Ongoing pursuit operations by the military troops again encountered fleeing "farmers" in Puray, Rodriguez, Rizal.
"If they are farmers, I suggest that Cristina Palabay of Karapatan present the eight as witnesses to their being 'farmers'," he added.
On December 30, he said Philip Alcantara y Valdez alias "Joshua", Platoon Leader of the Regional SOG of STRPC, was arrested in Guiguinto, Bulacan for multiple frustrated murder.
"He did not resist, so he is alive. Now Tinay has to produce the bail bond of this high-profile terrorist leader. Won't you Tinay Palabay?" he said.
With these prevailing situations within assassin units and NPA ranks, he said how can these terrorist units implement their punitive actions, and should they continue, these will have repercussions in the international community against the CPP-NPA.
"The international community, especially the UN (United Nations) and EU (European Union) surely know the implication of CPP and Jose Maria Sison's annihilative order in the context of international humanitarian laws and conventions. Yet this fool and his colleagues in the NDF (National Democratic Front) refuse to admit that the CPP-NPA are terrorist organizations," he added.
The CPP-NPA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines.
"Going back to his murderous partisans, how can Sison rely on them? After being raped by fellow NPAs, he expects his hitmen and women to heed? If they can't hit VIPs with that kind of sloppy training (and they won't) soon they will be asked to kill instead, ordinary activists just like what they did with James Durimon alias 'Jurros', who was ordered to kill 17 peasants in Panay,” Parlade said.
He added that they will soon assassinate lowly, genuine activist members of Anakbayan, Kabataan, Gabriela, Bayan Muna, ACT, KMU, etc but will spare the party members running it from Kabataang Makabayan, MAKIBAKA, KAGUMA, and RCTU that are found in the NDFP member organization website ndfp.org.
“Then what? Blame the government?" he said.
He said the Fil-Am trainor for Sison’s assassin units is now dead due to coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) while evading government troops in Mindoro. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Don't put too much faith in ‘assassin units’, Parlade to Reds." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1126507 (accessed January 06, 2021 at 09:06PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Don't put too much faith in ‘assassin units’, Parlade to Reds." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1126507 (archived).
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Season 4 Episode 11: Family Remains
- LOL! So, I’m watching SPN on Netflix with subtitles (because I watch everything with subtitles) and the subtitles have Tarzan playing, but the sound from the TV is actually about the Civil War. Er... What? LOL.
- Flickering lights! It’s a ghost! Or a poltergeist! What exactly is the difference between the two...? Oh, apparently a poltergeist is a spirit that seeks attention separate from a human spirit. And invisible. So this is a ghost cause she was visible.
- That is a creeptastic doll head...
- Ooops, there’s a family moving into a haunted house... That’s not good. Well, at least they convinced the family to go to a motel for one night... Nope, family is moving in. And the daughter just saw the ghost! I hope she doesn’t die...
- Awh no! Is the kid in the room with the ghost?? Danny you dumbass. What the hell do you think is in your closet that throws you a fucking softball? A dog???
- HAHAHA! Boys pull up anad realize the family is moved in. Dean: Crap. What now? Sam: We could tell them the truth. Dean: Really? Sam: *pause* No, not really.
- Holy shit Danny, are you fucking kidding me? “The girl in the walls hates grown-ups and she said I can stay but you have to leave and if you don’t she’s going to get really really mad.” When exactly were you going to tell your parents you’ve been talking to a homicidal ghost? 
- Oh gross! What the fuck was licking her hand if it wasn’t her dog? The girl ghost?
- LOL! Dean and Sam busting in cause of the screaming and going with telling the truth. No, Buster the dog! I hope nothing happens to the dog!! AWH!!! SHE KILLED THE DOG!
- So... Sam’s going to go check out the attic by himself with no gun and no salt? And Dean is going to babysit? That’s a change. Usually Sam babysits and Dean checks out the places. Although I guess with the belligerent adults, Dean might be the preferred babysitter. 
- WTF has a person been doing hiding inside of walls for who knows how long? Awh, gross. It’s like full of rats down there. Oh, is buster’s remains down there too? Oooh, something passed by on top of the other dude! Dude is likely going to die. Yep. Stabbed through the throat. 
- What are they gonna do...? She’s still human. Technically...?
- Oh, Danny is scarred for life. Crazy person kidnaps him, ties him up, tries to feed him rat, and then kills and eats the rat in front of him. Groooooooss!!!!!
- At least Dean is finding all their armament. 
- WHAT?? SHE HAD A BROTHER??? HOLY SHIT YOU SICK FUCK OF A FATHER! Were they twins or did he rape and impregnate his daughter twice?? 
- Oh, the dad killed the girl. I hope they salted and burned the bodies anyway. 
- Woah! Dean put his food away!! I love Sam’s face of “Oh shit, my brother is not scarfing down his food something must be wrong shit shit shit.”
- Awh, Dean. :( He says he enjoyed torturing the souls, but he regrets is now. He enjoyed doing it while still under torture himself because he was still in Hell and just being there is torture. It’d be much worse if he didn’t feel remorse about what he did down there when he’s back on Earth.
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alphas-and-angels · 7 years
Teen Wolf Prompt
Teen Wolf AU (Stiles is a Progenitor) Supernatural species are nothing if not adaptive. Progenitors are humans that are deeply entwined in the supernatural (similar to banshees) who are able to be impregnated, regardless of gender, and are able to give birth to pure blood supernatural creatures. Because of this they are highly sought after and cherished by packs and the supernatural community The supernatural has many names for them: Progenitors, Mothers, Eves, Seeds, Brides Scientific researchers have named them Protoplasts (first-formed) Seed is a very old fashioned term for them while Bride is seen as a sexist remark used by people who view progenitors as people who should be pregnant and barefoot 24/7 Progenitors are more common among those who have had a higher number of sexual partners, since they would be more likely to conceive (it's another evolutionary measure) Stiles had many relationships in high school before he was taken, Heather, Malia, Caitlyn, Some boys. Derek on the other hand has only had one or two relationships that lasted a short time, he's only slept with one person and he hated it. Stiles has been aware of his status and abilities since he was around eight years old, he's used that time to experiment by himself and with others, although he hasn't told anyone that he is also a man, or a woman in the case he's had sex as a man Stiles get the secret from all his friends and even his pack because of his fear of rejection and his embarrassment of being classified as a breeder, and basically being only good for procreation Their period of fertility is referred to as "in bloom" Every progenitor has a special marking somewhere on their body that shows their true nature, Stiles marking is located on the inside of his thigh. Progenitors lose their fertility naturally around sixty years old, the process is called "Wilting" but they can also go through early onset Wilting if they're subjected to extreme physical and mental trauma. During the Wilting process their mark starts to fade, and they lose the ability to grow female sex organs. Wilting is the most devastating part of a Progenitors life, they were made to give birth, and it's the most sacred and important act they perform and having it ripped away from them is tragic Progenitors have the ability to control their gender in order to reproduce, they can change entirely into a female or they can just take on the sexual organs of a female such as a vagina and uterus, or vice versa These humans are also heavily discriminated against, referred to with derogatory language such as "Breeders". Some people also have the misguided conception that Progenitors are desperate for sex and pregnancy and they have to suffer sexual harassment from others Progenitors are formed in supernatural communities who have suffered great loss and death in order to replace the diminished population, the Hale Fire is the reason Stiles became a Progenitor. When Derek finds out he feels a lot of guilt and shame, he feels it's his fault Stiles went through all that torture and rape because he still thinks that he was the reason his family burned, which resulted in Stiles' transformation It is required by supernatural law for a Progenitor to register with the local Druids, in case they need to be called upon during a disaster (they are expected to breed no matter relationship status or personal desire), Stiles tries desperately to hide his nature to keep himself safe and free, though eventually Deaton finds out but Derek protects what is his At one point Stiles is seized by a group of old blood Hunters who had taken Danny as hostage in order to lure Stiles out. Once captured they use his breeding abilities to revive purebred members of an extinct species in order to create powerful weapons. This happens multiple times before Stiles manages to escape with his children and make his way back to Beacon Hills with the Hunters hot on his pursuit. While imprisoned the hunters tested Danny's blood for evidence of the supernatural and they found faint traces of Hawaiian shifter DNA. They forced Danny to have sex with Stiles (who stayed a male but generated a womb to enable pregnancy to make Danny feel a little better) and Stiles eventually got pregnant. There is never any romantic interest between the two, they remain good friends and they share joint custody of their daughter, however it makes little distance since they both live in the Pack house, meaning their daughter lives a regular life with both parents During his imprisonment Stiles gives birth to four children: Ethan and Aiden (twins born from a special Werewolf bloodline that lets them merge) and Hayden (a Werejaguar), and Claude (a Martin Banshee), before being impregnated with a fifth child, who's supposedly the most powerful yet. A rival Hunter group catches wind of a powerful weapon in the possession of these rogue Hunters and they storm the camp. Stiles is relieved, he thinks somebody will finally release him, but then they discover he's the carrier of the weapon. They stab him in the stomach before beating him almost to death, inducing a miscarriage, and finally they leave him for dead. What they didn't count on was his other children who stop the bleeding and leach the pain using their powers, before they all escape together. During their escape Stiles notices the mark on his inner thigh losing its vibrancy and it starts to fade and he knows...he's Wilting. Immediately he is forced back into his original male body. But he pushes past the grief and anger for his children and they start to make their way back to Beacon Hills. Eventually they make it almost all of the way back (they're lost in the preserve) when the pack catches their scent. Derek and Stiles haven't met, Stiles and Danny were kidnapped before Derek became Alpha, but the rest of the pack has been waiting and looking for them both ever since he vanished During his imprisonment Stiles was thrown into a cell across from another man, a red headed banshee, Lydia's older brother who'd been kidnapped years prior. Charlie (Morgan?) Martin had run away from home a few years ago. About a year prior to the start of the story he was approached by one of the hunters and captured in the impending struggle. He has been imprisoned for about a year when he meets Stiles, they share a connection, a strong friendship that they both need. Charlie had been living as a cop before he was kidnapped so he was trained in martial arts. From the next cell Charlie began to teach Stiles how to fight, showing him the basics. Eventually Stiles gets shoved in Charlie's cell with the order to fuck, instead they train with hand to hand combat. This happens a couple times before something changes, they've both been alone for so long, and they have an undeniable mutual attraction, so they sleep together. And every time Stiles gets thrown in his cell after they train and then have sex, almost like a relationship. Until they find out Stiles is pregnant and they have no use for Charlie anymore, so they shoot him, and Stiles is left heartbroken and pregnant They form a giant puppy pile the first night he's back, all of them terrified he'll be gone again by morning. When Stiles wakes up he feels a lot better and refreshed, he looks down to see his mark growing vibrant and more clear once again. Stiles is wary of the new members of the pack, and so he keeps his status as a Progenitor secret. Eventually his mark is fully restored and he "blooms" once more. The pack wakes up one day to see a beautiful girl in place of Stiles, but the most shocking fact is they share the exact same scent. That's when the truth comes out, yet they still don't know about all the horror, rape, and torture he went through. During their next training session Stiles is stretching when Scott catches a glimpse of his torso and immediately pounces, pulling it up and revealing the shocking evidence of Stiles' pain. Stiles goes into a panic attack and his children crowd around him, blocking him from everyone else Eventually Stiles meets the rest of the pack and he finds he really likes Allison and thinks she's great for Scott, they become close friends as well and Allison suggests that they have a pack barbecue so that Stiles can finally meet her family. To Stiles' horror Allison is part of the same family that killed his baby. It was Gerard and Kate who stabbed him and beat him up while Chris and Victoria looked on. Stiles immediately begins to cry and scream hysterically while the Argents look on in shock. Stiles tells the pack very calmly what the Argents did and Kate and Gerard deny it vehemently but Derek can hear the lie in their heartbeats. He orders the Argents off his land forever, if he ever sees them again he won't hesitate to rip their throats out. Chris looks at Allison pleadingly but she turns her back on them and joins the rest of the pack in the den cuddling around Stiles, who's in shock With time Derek ends up marrying Stiles and they rebuild the Hale house starting fresh since that was the event that changed both of their lives (the fire being the reason Stiles became a Progenitor) Stiles gets a job as a midwife, since he's more than qualified due to his births and status. Derek gets Stiles pregnant, and he gives birth to a litter of five wolf puppies At one point in the story Scott tells the Pack he's going to discuss Stiles with Deaton, so he can get more information about Progenitors. Stiles freaks and tells them that Deaton will turn on them. Scott promises not to tell but breaks that promise because he's worried about Stiles. Deaton immediately tries to take Stiles through herbs and drugs because he's valuable, and 'needed' to keep the supernatural population balanced and equal. The pack defend him but Stiles refuses to talk to Scott for a while because now he's registered as an Eve with the Druids and other people will be coming for him now. Scott has effectively endangered most of the pack along with Stiles and his children Progenitors were created for childbirth and for taking care of infants, because of this their bodies automatically produce breast milk when in the presence of hungry infants (or milk is rapidly produced whenever their breasts are suckled on). He can even produce milk in his male form, however it's a significantly smaller amount and the taste is slightly different, more masculine. Because of this Stiles starts making excess milk that he needs to get rid of. Derek accidentally watches Stiles milking his breasts and gets majorly turned on. Eventually Derek begins to drink the excess milk and they both find it very stimulating and hot. Derek views it as Stiles' essence flowing through him, a connection between the two of them. The milk has a delicious flavor that's all Stiles and Derek craves it Stiles speaks polish throughout the story and even teaches it to his children. While he's pregnant with Noelani Danny teaches him Hawaiian so they can teach their daughter about her culture and her roots Lydia shares a special bond with Claude and is his Godmother and her only connection to her brother Hale fire never happened so the Hale werewolves are still alive and live in the Hale house. They adore the pack and they all come to love Stiles and his children immensely. Kate has been trying to seduce Derek for a while with tons of flirting but he's just uncomfortable and wants her to leave the whole time. The Hales adore their grandchildren from Derek and Stiles Children Hayden Stilinski (Werejaguar): this species has the unique ability to create and command berserkers. As long as they have a skull and bones they can create these powerful warriors to protect them and their allies. Hayden first creates a Berserker when Stiles gets stabbed by an enemy in front of her. She can also perform powerful occult rituals, including a de-aging spell that she uses to keep her family young and full of vitality. Whenever she shifts her moles turn darker and grow to become her Jaguar spots (five years old) Ethan and Aiden Stilinski (Werewolves): they come from a special, extinct bloodline that allows the twins of their kind to merge into one more powerful being. This ability grants them greater strength and size, allowing them to overcome their enemies (seven years old) Claude Stilinski-Martin (Banshee): he's a son of the Martin banshee line, his father (Lydia's older brother) taught Stiles everything about his own banshee powers and Stiles passes it on to their son. He has a supersonic scream that not only warns him of impending death, but can be harnessed as a weapon (he uses it to add power to his punches and hits). He has an innate death sense which is hard to understand and control. He can divine events of the future, present, or past relating to death and danger through sound and noise (six years old) 5 Hale Children (Werewolves): the wolves of the Hale lineage are blessed with the ability to fully shift into a wolf, granting them enhanced abilities and animal like tendencies. Stiles' status as a Progenitor reawakened the full shift ability of the Hale line, it had been dormant in most of the family for a long time, Talia and Derek were the only evolved wolves (infants) Noelani Stilinski-Māhealani (Nanaue): Danny comes from a long line of dormant shark shifters based in Hawaii. After Stiles gives birth to their daughter they realize his Progenitor status reawakened the supernatural bloodline. In her beta shift she gains rows of sharp teeth and sharp claws. When she shifts in water she gets webbing between her toes and fingers that propel her through the water at high speeds, she can also hold her breath underwater for a little over an hour. She has misty gray eyes in her beta shift. Name means 'heavenly mist' (five or six) Possible Children Riley Jordan Stilinski-Parrish (Hellhound): hellhounds are rare harbingers of death that share a special connection with banshees, their roles are to hide the existence of the supernatural. When she activates her powers, cracks appear on her skin as her bodies ignites into flames. Using this power she can burn her way through a mountain ash barrier
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scribefigaro · 8 years
Inuyasha series
Kouga dislike here; NSFW because Kouga is a less affable Ted Bundy.
Kouga is a lesson in planning out stories in advance, and how creepy things get when you decide to make a character who is pure evil, and then pretend he's misunderstood.
The Watsonian (aka in-story) development of Kouga is that he is a Bad Guy who kidnaps The Girl, falls  in love with her, and becomes the Secondary Love Interest when her Empowered Attitude turns him and convinces him to be a better person for her.  Over the series, he crosses paths with her multiple times and tries to draw her away from Inuyasha, who he sees as an abomination.  (Despite the fact he wants a human woman to impregnate with children that will be half-demons just like Inuyasha.  Also, you know, Kouga is a horrible racist in the context of the story.)  If this was planned enough in advance, this setup would totally work.
The Doylist development of Kouga is that the author created a monster-of-the-week, someone irredeemably evil such that Inuyasha and company would be fully justified in killing Kouga, and the author was struck by like of her character (or found him immensely popular) and decided to change things mid-stream, and turn this irredeemably evil character into a Good Guy.  Kouga is very much similar to Hiten, with a particular difference.  Hiten and Manten were evil, caring nothing about the suffering of others, conquerors bent on conquest, killing entire armies of humans to pursue and display their power.  Their ultimate act of evil was killing Shippou’s father, then skinning him and making his fur into clothing.  Which is utterly awful to be sure.
Kouga had to top that, so he was written to make Hiten and Manten look like goddamn Boy Scouts in comparison.  And the author, unfortunately, blew through all the stops on this one.  Kouga didn't just kill humans, he ate humans, and fed them to his (non-youkai?) wolves.  Mercy wasn’t his thing; his victims were eaten alive.  As that’s not enough, Kouga is shown as not a fighter, but a terrorist.  He targeted women and children.  Kouga speaks openly about seeking out minimally defended villages to attack. 
Kouga is impossibly strong, having jewel shards in his legs, but despite his powers he is a cowardly bully, avoiding well-defended villages and targeting villages depleted of fighting-age men.  He talks a good dudebro with Ginta and Hakkaku and the rest of his followers about his fighting skill, but it’s just locker room talk. He doesn’t want to fight, doesn’t want a challenge, he just wants to hurt people who can’t hurt him back.  He wants his pick of the women and children.  Only the best for him and his clan.  He won't rape them, of course; the parts of their bodies one might violate he'll simply rip out and chew up and swallow.  Because that makes his good/evil alignment ambiguous.  (”Careful about being intimate with Kouga.  Because when he eats you out, he really eats you out.  Like, he’ll actually bite you and rip your intimate parts out of your body. Because he’s a fucking cannibal.”)
One of Kouga's earliest appearances was him meeting Rin and ordering his wolves to rip her apart and eat her alive.  Kouga is so evil, so purely evil, that in his first appearance he commits such crimes against humanity that not even Naraku can surpass. The author blew her wad here; she threw in the HE LITERALLY EATS BABIES character in a story she wanted to run another ten damn years. She had nowhere to go.  Naraku doesn't eat babies.  He is a BAD DUDE and kills all sorts of people but EATING BABIES is a line in the sand a one-off villain can cross, and be killed for, but is just too over-the-top for an arc villain who needs at least a semblance of redemptive ambiguity.
The swerve of the story where Kouga is not (quite justifiably) struck down by Inuyasha, which would save countless lives, changes the manga tremendously. Very early in the series we somehow have a new baseline for evil.  Our main characters are tentatively accepting of Kouga's baby-eating.  Kouga never clearly or convincingly eschews the consumption of human flesh.  He never faces any consequences for the hundreds if not thousands of humans he brutally killed and/or consumed and/or directed to such ends.  Kouga becomes an ally, and comic relief.  The Kikyou/Inuyasha/Kagome love triangle gets a counterpoint in the Inuyasha/Kagome/Kouga triangle.  As if Kikyou and Kouga are even slightly comparable.  After all, Kikyou and Kouga are so very much alike, except that one of them doesn't know what it's like find a house with only women an children in it, and slit the throat of the one adult in the room, and watch your friends rip out her intestines and eat them. Either Kikyou or Kouga – and probably not Kikyou – knows what it's like to pull an infant out of its crib, jab fingers into its remarkably soft skull, and suck out the brains.  But otherwise, yes, Inuyasha’s care for Kikyou is exactly the same as Kagome’s care for Kouga. 
Doyle-wise, I can see the problem.  Kouga was made too evil, too early, and when the audience favorably responded to him (for god’s sake why?) the author found need to reverse time and act as if Kouga was not that bad.  So we suddenly have patched-up repairs in the series, denying or ignoring earlier events.
But the consequence of introducing a character like Kouga, the baby-eater, the purest distillation of mindless cruelty in the entire Inuyasha series, remains.  The arc villain, Naraku is neutered, evil-wise, in comparison to the pure evil of Kouga.  We can observe this development as the author realizes she can't make Naraku worse than Kouga, that the whole human-eating was a bridge too far, and Kouga can't be redeemed, and the author carefully pushes Kouga out of the storyline.
As a fanfic writer, I would not treat Kouga kindly.  I would write Inuyasha as a half-demon who has never tasted the flesh of a human and views Kouga as a lesser creature for having indulged in such things.   In this sense, the Inuyasha-Kagome-Kouga love triangle simply DOES NOT WORK, because Kouga’s implicit “I won’t tear apart and eat children if they are my own” is not something I would like Kagome to be remotely OK with.  I am not a Japanese schoolgirl but if I were I think "Eats or has ever eaten children” would be a hard “no” on my dating profile.  I most certainly wouldn’t be so flexible on this that I would add “Eating children OK as long as they are not your own.”  I mean, that would wipe a lot of hamster-demons out of your pool, for sure, but I don’t think Kagome is that desperate.
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angelfireeast · 7 years
I am just saying this now to get it out of way for series final. If Orphan Black kills Helena so they can end on the note of ‘orphan twins being raised by others to keep them safe. Raised in the black.’ I will never ever, ever, ever forgive this show. Just like I have never forgiven Lost Girl and hate it.
Lost Girls raped, impregnated by said rape, and killed Tamsin off in childbirth all so they have quick growing baby girl to call a ‘Lost Girl’ so Bo could narrate a shitty monologue about what being a Lost Girl. So they could play out the theme of another orphan fae child & adopted by humans living in the human world whose powers are activated by sex when she’s teenager. It’s was an extremely gross way to create a new character to become the ‘Lost Girl’ for the theme. 
Tamsin wasn’t just raped, impregnated, killed off in childbirth, and basically used a womb and discarded - No so many more terrible things happened to her. She was kidnapped by her rapist who intended to steal her baby when it was born for his evil plot. At first, Tamsin understandably didn’t want to keep the baby but changed her mind deciding it was HER CHILD so she wanted to be a mother to her baby. Her rapist & kidnapper cut off Tamsin’s wings (her character was a Valkyrie) which was deeply upsetting for her and tramaizing. Getting back to the rape this monster raped her by shapeshifting into the form of his daughter Bo - the lead character -, whom Tamsin is in love with but Bo doesn’t return the same feelings. So that’s extra kick for Tamsin’s heart thinking for one day that her relationship with Bo was going somewhere and discovering that she was in fact raped by Bo’s super evil father impersonating Bo so they impregnate her and steal the supernatural child he created with her. AS IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH as she dying after giving birth Tamsin ask Bo to raise her newborn daughter (Bo’s half sister) which Bo agrees to do. In the next scene, Bo dumps the baby onto Keniz who leaves to raise the baby and Bo makes out with her girlfriend on the hood of car because it’s “too dangerous” right now. Cut to now teenage daughter meeting Bo for the first time Bo gives her shitty monologue about Lost Girls.
That kinda has few things in common with Orphan Black and Helena isn’t it. Sarah stands in the perfect place to match Bo and end the series on shitty monologue being an orphan, a clone, and human experiment holding Helena’s babies. Helena, thank god, wasn’t raped but she was forcibly impregnated, the big bad wants her babies for his plot, she wants her babies, wants to be a mother, she is kidnapped and abused. She suffers great emotional pain. Thankfully the list of similarly end there because Lost Girl wrote one of the grossest and worst endings for a female character I just about imagine. I’ll never forgive Lost Girl. I’ll forget what they did to Tamsin and how shit they threw at her in last season over a short amount of time just to get a baby to play out the Lost Girl theme in the final moments of the show. I hope Orphan Black isn’t stupid enough to make the same sort of mistake and use Helena like Tamsin was used. I would hope Orphan Black isn’t stupid enough to use Helena as broodmare to be slaughtered for to play out cheap metaphor of history repeating it’s self but only a little better this time because people have heads up going of what going on. Given how they killed MK, how they had Rachel treated by fradland, how they killed Mrs. S and Gracie for shock vaule...well my hopes aren’t too high for this show anymore. They sidelined Helena for almost two seasons and turned her into mostly fart jokes, muscle when they needed a killer and side player in other’s stories.
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