#how many days until he goes to chop chop the hair off place your bets now!
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It was like 2am when you posted this go to bed Omar
Omar via IG
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inanotherheadspace · 3 years
The Adventures of Team Lune - Chapter One: Home Coming
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Summary: A dragon slayer, a demon slayer, and a god slayer walk into a Guild Hall... and all goes to hell
Pairings: Natsu x Fem OC, Gajeel x Fem OC, Gray x Fem OC, Sting x Fem OC, Laxus x Fem OC, Loke x Fem OC
Word Count: 4144
Masterlist  - Next Chapter 
The guild hall was noisy. Not it's normal noisy, but still overwhelmingly loud. May's footsteps were hurried, the tips of her shoes slapping the concrete lightly. The rain pattering down around her, soaking the tattered fabric of her cloak, along with her ridiculously-long blonde locks. It had been six months. Six months since she left for a quest without notice. The mission was long, at first it had been said that it would take at least two years, but the client had been pleased with her progress; she had done what needed to be done and was released early with full compensation. A small grin lit her features at the hefty sum of a reward, as well as seeing her home once more. Her smile quickly melted to a grimace, as she remembered her cloak being torn to shreds.   Now she could only hope that Calypso would be able to fix it, although it seemed completely ruined, and she would have to buy a replica somehow. Her frown remained until she reached the guild's doors. She silently prayed to the God's that Calypso would be there, drinking as she usually was. Or even Astria, maybe Ria would fix it for her. She cringed at the thought, No, definitely not, Ria would probably further ruin it somehow.  She then placed her palm flatly against one of the doors, sighing silently as she gave herself a moment. Everything would be normal in there, nothing new. As she inhaled once more, she let her intrusive thoughts clear, pressing the door open and letting herself into the hall; her eyes glued to the floor. She continued letting her feet move her, bit by bit until she let her eyes wander from the wooden planks, searching for Calypso's wine-purple hair.   "May! Welcome back!" The old man's voice ringed through her ears, as the guild hall fell eerily silent. Swallowing a deep breath, she offered a small wave heading toward the drunken plumette. The girls tanned forehead rested against a table as she snoozed, Cana sitting beside her with - what May could only assume - was a barrel of booze. Right now, wasn't a time to interact with other comrades, guildmates, or friends. She needed her cloak fixed, and now. May's paler hand reached out to the drunkard's shoulder, gripping it and shaking the body part, leaving the poor girl to wake with a tremor due to the force.   “Oi! Five more minutes! I'm fuckin' tired!" May's face twitched at the woman's slurred voice. With a small eye-roll, and the ignorance to those around her thoughts or voices, she placed her other hand atop her other shoulder, shaking with even more force. "What!" Calypso huffed rather loudly, pushing the small girls' hands away as she thrashed in her seat.   May's head turned to the side, giving a rather quizzical look as her eyebrow propped up. Her voice was soft and quiet, trying to divert any attention that was placed on her home coming.                                                      
"Good morning, sunshine.” Calypso's head shot up then, her eyes widening comically. "I need to stop drinking... I'm starting to hallucinate..." The woman muttered, looking back down at the table as May tapped her fingers upon the wood. "Wait- May would never let her cloak get ruined- May!" She jumped from her seat, grabbing the petite girl in front of her and rolling her into a spine-crushing hug. Calypso swung the woman around like a ragdoll, her blonde hair messily waving around.  
"Oh, my gods! It's really you! Where the fuck have you been, you stupid brat!"  
May's hands found themselves patting her back soothingly, quickly turning into small slaps as she was being crushed to what she presumed was death. "I-...I took!" She squeaked as her lungs were being drained of the air she so desperately needed.  
"Huh? You leave for six months! Six goddamn months! Leaving me and Ria to wither here! How could you do that to us! You didn't even leave a note!" Calypso placed the girl on the floor, her hands leaving her weakened body, before they were placed firmly on her shoulders shaking her senseless. Well, at least she can breathe now. "You literally disappeared! We thought you died or something! You're insane!" As Calypso ranted, May found herself chuckling lightly, her cheeks growing warm in embarrassment.  
Her fingers found the back of her neck, scratching sheepishly as she averted her gaze. "Well... You see, I um, took a really long mission- I figured you guys wouldn't mind much since I left rent money for about two-years," it seemed Calypso didn't mind the attention being drawn to the two, the thought resonated deeply within May however, leaving her entire body flushing with the warmth of embarrassment- that or it was just her blood circulating properly now.  
By now, most of the guild's attention was on the two, truly unbeknownst to them. "Uh... Calypso by the way... Could you, y'know, possibly fix this?" The girl muttered, still blatantly upset about her cloak as she untied it from her pale neck. She folded the fabric strands- more like strings now as she handed the delicate piece to her friend.  
"I bet you cried for hours over this, huh?" The shit-eating grin Calypso sported as the words left her lips made May fill with murderous intent. Her emerald eyes glinting with what seemed to be pure remorse. As soon as the tension was heavy, another familiar female presence was felt beside the two; before two arms shot out, palms placed sternly on each of their shoulders. The body moving between the two.  
"C'mon May! You just got back, no need to go killing each other, yeah? And you-" Astria's palm moved from Calypso's shoulder, raising upward and slicing into her hair in a chop-like motion. Calypso groaned from the impact, raising her hands to rub her temples. "Don't go provoking her."   Calypso nodded sheepishly, before turning her attention back to May, "But seriously, we thought you fell off the place of the planet or something. Don't go worrying us like that again." May gave a curt nod, offering nothing but a small pout-like smile. The flimsy fabric that rested in Calypso's hands was placed onto the wooden table as she let out a small sigh. "I missed you, you dumb brat."
"Me too!" Astria let a small pout form across her face. "Do you know how many times I wanted to spar with you! And you weren't even here! That's so mean! Not even a note!? Seriously!" The smaller girl was hysterical by now, as she turned to May raising and slapping her fists against the other's chest comically. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Before the punches could begin to get more forceful, May's hands grasped at Ria's wrists, pinning them in front of her own chest. 
"I get it, okay? But now isn't the time! The cloak is ruined! Like completely ruined!" The tears welling up in May's eyes seemed to glimmer under the hall's lighting, giving Astria a key to back-off for now, as May's pout deepened; Astria's formed as well.  
"I'm sure Caly can fix it..." She carefully lied, her teeth grinding together as she neared closer and wrapped her thin arms around her friend, gently patting her back to try soothing her. From afar, most of the guild mates found themselves amused by the interaction, silently chuckling as small smiles graced their faces, others weren't so silent- talking quietly amongst each other at the comrade they hadn't seen quite often but still found themselves missing. However, there were a few who had no idea who the girl was, thinking she was a new guild member who was very much to their disliking, overreacting over an article of clothing. But one of the latter were not new whatsoever, standing straight with his arms crossed over his chest as his brows furrowed.  
He stepped forward, stalking silently toward the girls. Calypso stared at her two friends, feeling complete as Team Lune was finally together once more, her feeling of half-emptiness now long-gone, fleeting as if it were nothing but an empty premonition. The three S-Class mages stood silently as May tried to keep herself from unraveling into silent sobs. Astria couldn't help but be amused, still feeling sorry for her dear friend, but finding her attachment to a simple article of clothing comical. 
The man however, seemed very annoyed with the upset woman. As he neared the three, his pink hair flopping with each footstep, he felt the incline to slap her. "Are you serious right now? You're upset over a cloak you bought? While your friends and the guild have been here waiting for you to finally return?" His tone was harsh, piercing May's demeanor with poisonous irritation.
"Natsu..." Astria looked up from her friend, shaking her head no softly, as to not disturb May's panic.  
"I'd understand if maybe a parent gave it to her or a friend or something, but seriously? Over clothing?" The oblivious boy seemed to have chosen ignorance that day, as Astria's eyes widened in reaction to his outburst. She could only imagine the anger beginning to dwell within May, as the other girl's body began to tremble slightly. "It's kind of," he seemed to search for the word as May unwrapped herself from her friend, pushing her away gently as her tears remained in the brim of her eyes, “...childish?”
"I'm sure you'd know all about that, because of Igneel's scarf, huh?" She peeped, feeling herself become even smaller in front of Natsu. The two girls backed a bit; knowing there wasn't any way this would end in a positive outcome.
"Watch your mouth, Dragneel." The girl stood, unwavering as her arm stuck out in front of her with her small palm facing openly toward him. "Or so help me, I will kill you right here."
"Hey, hey! He has a point! You're a part of Fairy Tail! How could you hurt your own friend?" A blonde girl asked, stepping closer with concerned eyes. "Can you even call yourself a part of this guild- no, this family if you really want to hurt one of us?" The girls question turned into a shout, allowing May the time to shift her attention to her with a quirked brow. May's head tilted to the side, before turning back to Natsu, seemingly completely unbothered by her questions. This only enraged the blonde. The girl took a few steps closer, before letting impudent words roll of her tongue. "I won't let you hurt him! You can't storm in here like that! You're not a part of this family!" The girl's words left May's ears ringing obnoxiously, as she fully turned to face her.  
Her face was stern, unwavering and stone cold compared to hers, who was now on the verge of tears as Natsu remained in the air due to whatever magic the mage was using. "Natsu, could you keep your girlfriend on a leash?"
"Lucy," Laxus's voice warned calmly as he stood up, offering the other blonde a small shake of his head. "I'd stay out of it."  
Lucy, as May learned had now turned to Laxus offering him a helpless look as her frown deepened before walking backwards and toward the scarlet haired woman, a woman May was highly fond of. Erza however, seemed completely unbothered toward the situation, simply shrugging to Gray as they stood by Happy, an exceed May had learned to love when hanging out with Astria and her company. However, three new faces stood beside the two she had known so well, a pale and pretty bluenette and a rather burly man whose hair raggedly grew beneath his shoulders. The man's attention seemed to drift from the soon to be brawl to the plum haired mage standing beside her and Astria. May's attention turned back to Natsu who only stared back in exasperation as adrenaline pumped through his veins like poison. He couldn't stay here, not like this. Not helpless. He hated that feeling.  
Unbeknownst to the other guild members, besides the likes of Laxus and the Master, May hadn't harmed Natsu. She simply - yet complexly - made it seem that way. Natsu however, was also oblivious to this fact. The impact had been made using her magic, shattering some of the sheetrock which covered the wall's interior, milliseconds before she had moved Natsu swiftly, holding him in the air with an invisible force, and against the wall's rubble.  
"May, you can stop now," Makarov turned his face to the blonde, offering a curt nod and a small smile. "Welcome back, my child." The girl nodded, letting Natsu fall to his feet as she left her arm drop- relinquishing her magic into nothing-ness.  
"I'm home, Gramps." She shot him a warm smile, which allowed the pinkette dragon slayer to run up to her, uninterrupted. However, the woman wasn't oblivious, rather the opposite. As he neared her, fist clenched and ready to brawl- she swiftly ducked, grabbing his fist and enveloping it in her palm. Successfully stopping his attack. At what could be assumed was the speed of light, May disappeared from everyone watching's line of sight, reappearing behind Natsu, her whisper left his blood cold as he shivered from the close-proximity and her words brushing his neck as a shiver ran down his spine, clawing at it. "Boo." Before she stepped back completely, and once again appeared beside her infamous team. "I really don't feel like fighting when my cloak is... ruined." She pouted once more, sheepishly letting her arms fall behind her back and holding her small hands together.  
"You started it!"
"No, you did!"
"You did!"
"You did!"
"Natsu.." Astria peeped, looking between the two as they bickered.
"You started!"
"No, you!"
"Stop bluffing! You were bitching over a cloak!" At this, May's eyes turned to slits. A soul piercing glare fell across her features.
"You brought up-"
"Natsu! You started it! Just calm down both of you, yeah?" Astria hurriedly looked between the two. Not even twenty-four hours into May's home coming and she already had to mediate fights. The girl sighed in defeat, waving her hand to the two. May let out a simple huff, crossing her arms under her chest as her face turned into a pout, Natsu mirroring her actions as they both turned their heads to opposite sides.  
"She didn't even really hit you." Calypso noted, swirling her finger in the air.  
"I know! And that pissed me off!" Natsu huffed, making Laxus let out a simple and low chuckle as he now neared the two.
"If she did, you'd probably be actually dead." Laxus smirked to Natsu as he stood beside May, letting his palm rub into the top of her head. "Welcome back, kid."  
"Oh, what a warm welcome." May chuckled, waving his hand away as she turned back to Calypso whom had already begun drinking with Cana again. "I'm guessing that cloak will never be fixed."  
"You don't need a shitty piece of fabric to be a mage, y'know." His deep voice was smooth, less gruff than usual as he offered a small grin, now facing Natsu.  
"But I really liked that one."
"You'll get over it. I still don't know why you love them so much." Erza stated, smiling toward the group in front of her, shaking her head slightly in amusement.  
"It's practically a part of her being now," Astria stated, offering a small smile to Natsu who was still pouting in annoyance. "Y'know Natsu, we can spar later so you can get over your little temper tantrum." His face sparked up at her words, nodding furiously to her before grabbing her wrist and tugging her quickly toward the door.
"No time to waste then! I'm fired up!" At his words, May couldn't help but let out a silent sigh, a small shake of her head following. After watching her two old friends leave through the guild doors, one by force and one thoroughly adrenaline pumped, she turned back to Laxus.  
"So, what'd I miss?" She asked hesitantly, looking toward the new members wearily. Before the others could respond, Calypso's voice rang through the guild loud and clear.
"Lucy, dear-" she started as Cana poured her another glass, "make sure you know all the information before you come after someone. I'd hate to see you hurt because you started something out of ignorance." Calypso's grassy eyes flickered menacingly to meet Lucy's. "If you dare say anything like that to one of the members of my team – I'd have to kill you. Understood?”
The blonde’s eyes widened innocently, and she fervently nodded her head. Calypso sighed, breaking through the deathly silent guild. “What the fuck is everyone pouting over – our May has returned relatively unscathed. We should be drinking! Be merry or whatever!” A loud cheer rang through the hall, returning it to its normal volume.
“Well- somehow, Caly has become the peacekeeper in the guild. We’ve gotten a few new members too – all shitty brats if you ask me.” Laxus grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest. “The troublemaking brats are just as loud as usual. They cause even more issues now since they’re all on the same team too.” May chuckled as she looked around the guild. Her eyes stopped at Calypso and Cana’s table – sitting next to Calypso was the male with long, scraggly black hair that reached below his shoulders. She recognized him from earlier when he was standing beside the pretty bluenette.  
“So, the blonde who barks a lot is Lucy, is her skill good? I could use a new sparring partner.”
“Nope, all she has going for her is her body. Some of her stupid keys have merit.”
“And she’s on a team with Gray, Erza, and Natsu?”
“Natsu brought her into the guild no less.”
“Poor Ria...” May mumbled as her heart ached with the thought of her teammate made roommate’s lifelong friend. “Who’s the dude with Caly and Cana?”
“Gajeel, he’s an iron dragon slayer from Phantom Lord. He shouldn’t be here if you ask me, fucker attacked our guild and still fucking got in. Gramps let two of those assholes in.”                               “Now, now Laxus, there’s no need to go slandering people just because you can’t see eye to eye with them.” The small grin May offered, reminded him too much of Mirajane for his liking; instead of calming down, he graced her with a short eyeroll. “Sounds like the kinda guy she likes to hang around. Who’s the other one from Phantom Lord?” Her eyebrow quirked in amusement. He offered a short scoff, tilting his head in the direction of the bluenette from earlier.
“Her names Juvia, she’s obsessed with Gray,” He offered a small shrug, earning a light smack to his chest from his petite friend.  
“And her magic?”
“Water.” May nodded, soaking in the information of her new comrades. People she’d eventually have to fight besides, it was becoming apparent that it was not going to be easy.  
“And you said Lucy uses keys?” Laxus nodded to her question, raising his own blonde brow as she patted her pockets for something, before pulling out a thin and bright silver key. “Like this?” His head tilted comically as he stared between May and the key.  
“Since when do you use celestial magic?” May then mirrored his action.
“I don’t, but the quest I was on had a lot of rewards, y’know? This was one of them.” The girl simply shrugged, continuing to observe the key. “I’m not really into holder-type magic.”  
“Doesn’t yours have some similarities though?” The shorter blonde let out a snort at his words.  
“Don’t talk about things that you have no idea about, Dreyar.” His face fell into an arrogant smirk, as his hand rose to grab the key to inspect it himself.  
"For something so small, it’s kind of heavy, no? Are you going to keep it?” He questioned as he continued to fiddle with the key.
“Holder-type magic tends to be heavier, since not all of the magic is stored within the user’s body. That and the key seems to be pure silver. To answer your other question, I usually would give it to someone in the guild that would use this kind of magic.” The blonde let out a sigh as she snatched the key back from Laxus. “But because of how nasty that girl was to me, I’ll keep it for now.” He clutched his sides as he let out a deep laugh.  
“Aww does the little princess hate being disrespected?” Laxus mocked as May stared daggers into his soul. She took a small step back from him, letting out a short huff as she folded her arms underneath her chest.  
“I’m not talking to you anymore.” He offered a small snicker in return before patting her head once more.  
"Hey, hey weren’t you the one who said not to dislike others because of their differences? Some shit like that, huh?” She let out another short huff, before walking toward one of the two who had come from Phantom Lord, to properly introduce herself, Laxus hot on her heels. As she neared the girl, she wearily glanced toward her, seemingly nervous for some reason.  
"Hi, I’m May, it’s nice to meet you. Welcome to the guild.”  
“May, she’s been here for a few months now.” At Laxus’s words her cheeks flared up, the warmth casting a dark pink shade to arise to her cheeks.  
"I was just trying to introduce myself Laxus!” At her outburst, the blonde man did nothing but snicker at her misfortune of coming home on the one day he was around the guild. Truth be told, it had been a while since he had been around. For the past few days, he had felt an inclination to hang around, sensing something out of the ordinary; he just couldn’t figure out what. Seeing May now, hadn’t been what he was expecting. Sure, he hadn’t seen May in a while. A little over six months to be exact.  
He couldn’t exactly be furious with her considering he had gone away sporadically on missions with his team without notice as well. But looking at the girl by his side now, he knew she must’ve seen and raised hell on whatever mission she was out doing. There was no way she was still the same brat from before. Sure, she had grown; but he had seen her at least regularly, so it wasn’t that. He let his gaze wander down, finding his eyes glued to her paler, bared shoulders. That had been the most skin she had shown in a few years. Cloaks really had been a part of her being. It felt weird to see her this way, her pink halter top only granting so much coverage.   “You might’ve had a point. With the whole being a cry baby over a cloak. It’s like you’re naked without it.” The guy scoffed, suppressing his own amused chuckle with the ball of his fist. “It really is weird.”
“Hey, don’t call me naked!” The girls scold came out in a shriek, her voice catching the attention of more than half the guild for the umpteenth time that day. A voice cut through, following May’s; “Yeah, no Laxus is right, you’re in the nude right now, May.” The blonde girl twitched at the statement, slowly turning toward the voice’s owner; blood turning cold in her veins in pure rage at Calypso’s words.  
“Fix my cape, you damn drunk!” The words came out in a squeak, in a rather unintimidating manner as it usually would be. Truth be told, May had crossed the line of embarrassment long ago; her cheeks remaining a deep shade of vermillion.
The plumette cackled at her friend, waving her hand haphazardly. “After this drink, dear.”
May inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as she let her breath out. If anyone needed a drink, it was her. Her feet worked faster than her brain as she stormed up to Calypso, her dainty fingers gripping the woman’s blushing ear, causing an even deeper color to surface as she pulled her up from her seat next to the iron dragon slayer. The small girl began to drag the woman out of the guild, by the tips of her ears, much to the guild members’ amusement.
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Six
“I took the pill.” You complain to Oscar,”I told you we should have been using condoms.” You say and run you hand down your face in annoyance, Oscar standing there with a victorious smile,”You did this to me! Again!”
“If I remember correctly it takes two to make a baby.” He chuckles and places the positive pregnancy test down on the dresser,”You weren’t complaining about me not wearing a condom when I was hitting it the other day.”
“Ugh, shut up.” You groan and pull your hair into a messy bun,”You won, congratulations. I’m having another one of your kids.” You weren’t mad, you knew you could have been smarter in preventing yourself from getting pregnant but the truth was you hated what birth control did to your body and you did not like the way a condom felt. You were just annoyed that Oscar was going to rub this in your face forever,”You fucked yourself, because now we’re going to have three kids in our room, you get to explain that to Angel. He already hates sharing the bed with Alex.”
“Those two have a shared room upstairs, and their own beds. So by the time my little girl gets here they are going to be well trained on sleeping by themselves.” Oscar says simply,”They have a few more months left until we have to kick them out.”
“Girl? Ha!” You laugh as you throw one of the couch pillows at him,”I’m positive it’s another boy seeing as we’ve already done this five times.”
“Hormones already changing?” He teases as he lets the pillow hit him in the chest and fall to the ground,”How far along do you think you are with my princesa?”
“Oscar, I swear to you if I have to carry another one of your boys I’m getting my tubes tied.” You pout, ignoring his question
“Mami, you don’t have to worry. It’s a girl, it has to be.” He says as he walks over to you and pulls you into his arms,”Six kids, it’ll be more than perfect.”
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see if your right. Probably not.”
“I will be, try and get an appointment in as fast as you can okay? I want to know how far along you are so we can start planning.”
“I can’t be more than eight weeks, I just took notice in my body changing, but who knows since you almost never manage to pull out in time.” You say smartly
“It’s harder than you think, and it’s not exactly what I’m focused on when I’m trying to finish.” He defends
“Whatever, your pull out game is weak. I’ve known this since you got me pregnant after the first time we ever did anything. Best five minutes of my life.”
“I was sixteen that does not count.” He laughs,”It was more like seven if you want to be technical.”
“You keep telling yourself that papi.” You say with a shake of your head,”Go pick up the kids from you brothers house, I’ll get dinner started. Looks like we got some big news to tell them.”
“Okay.” He says and pecks your lips,”Make sure you eat enough for my bebecita. She’s gonna have a appetite like her daddy.”
“Go away!” You laugh and lightly push him towards the front door,”I’m going to get the last laugh when we find out it’s most definitely not a girl.”
“Wanna bet money?” He challenges as he grabs his keys off the hook.
“Your money is my money, and my money is my money.” You grin
“Niña mimada.” He teases, giving you another kiss,”See you in a bit, love you.” He mutters against your mouth.
“I love you. Drive safe.” You say, not shutting the door until he’s in the car and out of the drive way.
“Mommy!” Angel says as runs into the house and hugs your leg tightly”I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” You say and lower the heat on the final smothered pork chops you were making. The sides already done and waiting to be served,”Did you have fun at Uncle Cesar’s?” You ask him, the rest of your family coming in.
“Yeah! We stayed up all night and watched movies.”
“It was not all night. Angel passed out at 10.” Anthony replies amusingly before sending you a wave,”Hi mom.” He says, coming over to give you a side hug,”I’m gonna go put my stuff away.” He informs before heading up the stairs with his over night bag.
“I missed you mommy.” Carlos says, his turn to hug you now,”It smells really good, did you make macaroni?” He asks with a toothy grin.
“Yup. There’s also mashed potatoes and cheesy broccoli.” You tell him as you run your fingers through his hair,”So go upstairs and put your things away, the food will be ready in a few minutes.”
“You got it.” He says, giving you one more squeeze before taking off.
You pick up Angel, checking on the food one last time before heading to the living room, Junior and Oscar in conversation as your husband holds Alexander,”Too old to come say hi to your mom?” You say to your eldest, who was home for the weekend like always. So you were a bit sad when he decided to go over to Cesar’s last night since you only had limited time with him.
“Never.” He grins, towering over you as he gives you a big embrace,”Missed you mom.”
“Hm, what did you get up to last night?” You ask, knowing that out of all of your kids he was the closest with his uncle. Only because they were so close in age and you all lived together up until Cesar hit legal age and moved out.
“Nothing.” He shrugged,”Just chilled with Cesar.”
“Uncle Cesar.” Angel corrects him
“Yeah, yeah, Uncle Cesar.” He chuckles,”Smells good mom, like always.” He compliments, grabbing his own bag as well as the bag that you packed for the two little ones,”I’ll take it to their room.”
“Thank you.” You smile and turn to your husband,”Did your brother say anything about Alex?”
“Just that he was stuck on Monse’s hip all night. Only wanted to be fed, changed, and put to bed by her.”
“Ladies man.” You laugh and swap kids with Oscar, pressing a kiss to your still bald babies head.
“Just like his daddy.” Oscar says amusingly
“Excuse me?” You say with a raised eyebrow,”We’ve been together since we were teenagers. You were never a ladies man. I’m your only lady.”
“I had game before you. That’s how I pulled you so easily.”
“You were trying to get at me since I was 12, I didn’t cave till I was 15.” You respond knowingly, the two of you heading into the dining room so you can sit the boys down in their individual chairs,”And the two girls you did try to show off to make me jealous we’re not even on my level papi.”
“I was still pulling though.” He chuckles as he secures Alexander in the high chair.
“Yeah so was I, remember Javier Gomez? He was in your grade...He was why I didn’t give you the time of the day.” You smirk, Oscar knowing about the little crush you had many years ago.
“Man, you always got to bring him up.” Oscar says with a smack of his lips,”You should have married him if you liked him that much.”
You quickly fix Angel’s hair after he’s in the booster, tying it back in his usual curly ponytail,”See that was my plan.” You start, going to the kitchen to serve the plates,”But another tattooed, muscle shirt wearing cholo got my attention and ended up trapping me with a baby.”
“More like you trapped me.” Oscar says, pressing himself behind you as you put food on all of the plates,”You climbed onto me, we were suppose to be watching tv.” He reminds, pressing a small kiss to the side of your neck, his hands wrapping around you and resting on your stomach,”Now here we are, 20 years later with almost six kids.”
You grin and lean back into him,”Hmh.” You hum, grabbing two of the finished plates and turn around so he can take them to the table,”I’m sure Javier would have given me my daughter by now.” You say, shoving the plates towards him.
“Alright I’m sorry, I was never a ladies man. Please stop bringing his ass up.” Oscar says as he grabs the items with a pout.
You smile and peck his cheek,”Fine, now go put those down and come back for more.”
Oscar nods and does as you say,”Come eat!” You shout, serving more plates as Oscar takes them to the table when they’re ready.
“Thanks mom!” Anthony says as he zooms past you and to his usual seat.
“Mac and cheese!” Carols cheers as he does the same.
“Thanks for cooking.” Junior smiles and takes the last plate to the table for you. You grab the pitcher of water and bring it over to the table, sitting down as you all begin to eat. Alexander just eating the mashed potatoes with his hands, the only thing you served him along with his bottle of milk.
After while when most of the kids are near finished you clear your throat to grab their attention,”So, I have some news. Well me and your dad do.” You start
“Oh god, your pregnant again aren’t you?” Junior guesses,”I’ve been through this conversation four times and you always start it off like that.”
“Three times for me.” Anthony chimes in before taking the final bite off of his plate.
“Are you mommy? Are you having another baby?”Carlos asks excitedly
“Well yes, thanks for that Junior.” You laugh,”I took a test this morning so I don’t know how far along I am exactly.”
“Hey, I’m just saying. I’m use to this.” He shrugs,”Still, congratulations mom. Dad, glad to see your not getting too old.” He jokes as he stands up with his dishes, taking his younger brothers as well.
“You’re not to gown to get smacked around fool.” Oscar jokes as he tosses his balled up napkin at him, Junior laughing as he goes to rinse off the plates.
“Baby?” Angel says, confusion etched on to his face,”Alex is baby.”
“Yes he is a baby, and now mommy has another baby in her belly.” You explain
“Two babies?” He asks with furrowed brows
“Yes, two babies.” You confirm
“No thank you mommy. No more babies.” He decides with a shake of his head
“Well it’s too late for that mijo.” Oscar chuckles, reaching over with a new napkin to clean off Alexander.
“No more brothers.” Angel disagrees
“What if it’s a girl? A sister?” You ask him as you stand up to let him out of his booster chair.
“Yeah! A sister.” Anthony and Carlos say with glee.
“Girl?” Angel repeats, thinking it over,”Okay mommy. Only baby sister, no brother.”
“Let’s hope you’re right.” You laugh and let him run away after setting him down, the other two boys getting up and joining him in the living room to play with the LEGO’s.
“So is this the last one?” Junior asks, coming back for more plates
“See I want to say no, but seeing as all of you guys -besides Alex- were surprises I’m just going to say maybe.”
“It would have been cool if you could have had a baby closer to my age.” Junior says as he takes your plate along with Oscar’s.
“Are you crazy? We were too young and besides we had Cesar to take care of too. He’s practically your hermano.” Oscar answers as he gets up with the baby.
“Still.” Junior shrugs, heading over to the kitchen again to empty his hands.
“Besides you got to enjoy us all by your self, and I got to enjoy my first baby.” You say and bump his side with yours playfully.
“I guess your right.” He smiles as he cleans,”It was fun, sometimes I wish we could go back to the old house and relive the days when it was just us and Cesar.”
“It was fun. I miss it too sometimes.” You admit,”But the future is always better, at least for us it was and is...I’ll finish up. Go study or get some work done.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, go.” You nod and take over, Oscar going ahead and putting Alexander in the bath.
It doesn’t take too long until the kitchen is once again spotless, sending Carlos and Anthony up stairs to get ready for bed. Angel following you into the bedroom,”I take shower with you.” He says, already pulling off his t-shirt and putting it into the hamper.
“Okay.” You laugh, the two of you walking into the bathroom to find Oscar drying off the baby,”All clean?”
“All clean.” He reply’s, reaching for the lotion and lathering up Alex from head to toe.
You don’t reply and run the water, Angel getting completely undressed and running over to his potty chair that sat in the corner.
“All done.” He says aloud, you already in the shower and Oscar dressing Alex.
“Hurry up, before the water gets out.” You urge, pushing open the glass door and letting him step in with you. The two of you taking a quick shower before getting out and drying off. Angel leaving to his room to grab his pajamas and a night pull up.
“You look like your already showing.” Oscar says from where he lays on the bed, Alexander already asleep on his chest.
“I’m just fat.” You laugh as you walk over to the closet, pulling on a over sized tee and a pair of underwear,”I’ve always had this belly.”
“Nah, I know your body. That’s definitely a pregnant belly.” He chuckles, a now dressed Angel coming back into the room and closing the door behind him.
“Scoot over daddy.” He sighs,”You knew I was coming.”
“My fault.” Oscar reply’s, scooting over to his side so Angel could lay in the middle. You shake your head and turn the light off, sliding in the bed and turning some cartoons on for him to fall asleep too.
“I can fit the baby right here.” Oscar informs you, patting his chest,”If it comes down to it.”
“Be quiet.” You laugh
“Sólo estoy diciendo la verdad.”
“We can not co-sleep with three kids. So like I said earlier, you better have these two in their own room by the time this thing inside of me gets here.”
“Yes mam.” Oscar says teasingly,”I can do that easily.”
“It’ll be a walk in the park.” You say sarcastically, already knowing that this was not going to be a easy task to complete. Nothing in your life being a easy task to complete when it came to your family,”I’ll call the doctor in the morning, I’m sure she can schedule me in sometime this week.” You add, referring to the same doctor that you used for all of your kids.
“Just let me know, I’ll try to call off of work.” Oscar says happily.
“Okay.” You yawn, your mind still processing that you were once again creating another human life. That the love between you and Oscar already blossomed 5 amazing boys. That you guys had enough love left to be able to give it one more go. Even if it wasn’t exactly planned on your part you knew that baby was going to bring much more joy into your family’s life. Your lucky little six.
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sapphire-strikes · 4 years
Jimothen would absolutely take FK and Parsley camping! Since Dallas drives out, I can't imagine he'd pass a chance to tag along - and I imagine Parsley would be more willing if FK was there. His dad is a lot and everyone know it! Manly camping!!!
I just want to say thank you so much for this request I had a lot of fun with it!
• Out of all the father son bonding time Parsley is forced into, camping is his least favorite. He's not a very outdoorsy person at all. The bugs, the burnt food, sleeping on the ground; it's not exactly his idea of a good time and Jimothan's insistence on roughing it as much as possible only makes it worse.
• Jimothan proudly brought up their upcoming yearly trip at the Lounge one day and you mentioned that you hadn't been in a while and that camping sounded like a lot of fun. This immediately caught Parsley's attention and he was quick to suggest you come along with them.
• Jimothan was surprisingly okay with this idea as well. He'd always been so insistent on it being a father-son trip but he was already proudly blustering on about showing you how to pitch a tent "the right way".
• Parsley on the other hand was just happy to have someone to suffer with. And who knows, his dad might even tone it down a notch with you around. He almost felt bad, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into.
• A few days later while hanging out with Dallas you mentioned getting to tag along with them and he congratulated you, wistfully mentioning how much he loved group camping trips. A few minutes later and you're making a call to Parsley asking if there was room for one more
• Jimothan remembered Dallas from their time at the Habitat but overall didn't know much about the guy besides what he usually orders at the bar.
"I don't know, the kid's one thing but we only have so much room in the truck. You ever been camping before, son?"
"Allll the time, daddy-O~ The mystique of the forest really scratches the id, y'know? Makes for a excellent atelier~"
"What in the sam hill does that-"
"He goes there to paint." You clarified "Oh and don't worry about space! We can just take Dallas's bus, he's got plenty of room."
Dallas flashed Jimothan the "OK" symbol and though he still looked reluctant, Parsley was already on board and looking more excited about going camping than he had in a long time.
"I'm just happy I don't have to ride in the bed of the pickup this year." Parsley sighed in relief.
"Oh don't complain. I always tell you; the Breeo X Series 19 Firemaster has to sit up front with me for safe keeping."
• When it comes to actually camping, Jimothan is old fashioned but impressively efficient. When you pick out a spot and begin unpacking your things he's already working on setting up the tents and starting a fire. Fishing, hiking, rock climbing, he tries to fit in as many outdoorsy activates into the weekend as possible. .
• Dallas takes a much more relaxed approach to camping. He brings a lot of modern amenities and prefers to sleep in his bus instead of out in the open. Spending most of his free time finding a good place to set up a temporary studio and painting
• Much to Jimothan's dismay, Parsley latches onto this laid back approach to camping and ends up spending most of his time with Dallas.
"C'mon, Pars, Marv told me the lake north of here is full of biters!"
"Uh, thank, dad...but I'll have to pass for today. Dallas and I are gonna go swimming though, so maybe I'll see you up by the stream?" Parsley was awkwardly dancing around his dad's enthusiasm and you weren't blind to the dejection and annoyance that was building in Jimothan's eyes every time Dallas stepped in to join one of their activities or offer an easier alternative to Jimothan's bare bones way of camping.
• Dallas really was just doing his best to be friendly even going out of his way to strike up conversation with Jimothan despite the older man's gruff attitude.
• Considering that Parsley never shared his love of camping, Jimothan gets pretty excited if you show interest in what he's working on or ask him to assist you with something. Though he does tend to take over and show you how to do it as opposed to just helping.
• You do your best to keep him from feeling left out but unfortunately this backfires and now you're the one he's waking up at 5am to go hiking. You had to admit you felt bad for him but you were beginning to understand what Parsley meant about his dad being a lot to handle. Still, it's actually kind of sweet. He really does just want someone to share a common interest with and pass all his tricks onto. He just lacked basic communication skills.
• Speaking of Parsley, he seemed to genuinely be enjoying himself this time around. He got along really well with Dallas, even modeling in front of the sunset for him at one point.
Unfortunately Jimothan’s over eagerness begins to wear on you and you find yourself tempted by the dark side. "You sure you don't want to stick around? Dallas is gonna show me how to make dream catchers." Parsley asked, scooting over to make room for you near the fire.
"I probably shouldn't. Jimothan already asked me if I wanted to go rock climbing with him."
"Rock climbing? You mean on that 30ft tall cliff by the waterfall? You nodded wearily. "Yeah, he already tried to get me to go too, buddy system and all that. But I get forced into that stuff every year. Missing it this one time won't hurt him."
"I don't know, he seemed pretty excited." Just as you were struggling with your decision Dallas emerged from his bus holding an assortment of crafting supplies.
"Heyy, little buddy, are you going to be joining us? I've got some pressed flowers you could use for yours, it'll fit your aesthetic perfectly~" Before you could answer, Parsley pulled you down to sit beside him.
"You bet they are!" Okay, maybe a quick crafts break wouldn't hurt.
• Before you knew it three hours had passed and you were doing outdoors yoga alongside Dallas and Parsley with flowers braided into your hair. The serene atmosphere only being broken by Jimothan stomping into camp. He was soaking wet and looked like he had taken quite the tumble. The annoyed look on his face only reconfirmed this theory.
"So...how was rock climbing?" Parsley asked nervously. The only response any of you received was a furrowed brow before he angrily retreated into the tent to change.
• After a bit of time he eventually returned and went about readying the camp for dinner. It was beginning to get dark so you, Dallas and Parsley were sitting on the top of the bus watching the stars. The view was nice but there was just one thing missing.
"Hey, Jimothan, you should get up here, the views amazing!" Parsley seemed to catch onto what you were doing and followed your lead.
"They're right ya know. It is pretty cool up here." Parsley seemed to finally have caught his attention and he looked to actually be considering it for a second but shook his head.
"Nah, you kids have fun. I need to get this fire started." There was a hint of sadness to his voice as he went back to smacking his wet flint and steel together. They must have been in his pocket when he took his tumble down the waterfall.
Dallas leaned over the railing at the top of the bus. "There's no need for that, my guy. If you can't get that started I've got a microwave in the back, we can have Pad Thai." He seemed to be trying to raise the mood but Jimothan didn't offer his addition so much as a glance. He did however huff and begin smacking the flint and steel together much more aggressively.
You and Parsley gave each other a worried glance but it was interrupted by Dallas placing a hand on each of your shoulders. He winked and seemed to be giving you a look that implied, 'let me handle this', before effortlessly vaulting over the railing and sliding down the side of the bus.
Without missing a beat he kneeled down beside Jimothan and pulled put a ligher. Quickly flicking it alight and holding it beside the piece of newspaper he was trying to start the fire with. "I feel you though, nothing like cooking over a real fire, right?"
• Jimothan looked at him in awe for a moment and Dallas just gave him a friendly smile. Then Jimothan threw down his flint and steel, stood up and marched off into the forest.
Parsley slapped a hand to his forehead and slouched backwards, "Oh boy..." You scrambled down the ladder to stand beside Dallas who was still staring in the direction Jimothan had stormed off in.
"Did I say something wrong?" He looked at you worriedly but before you could answer Parsley slid down the ladder to stand beside you.
Nah, not really. He's just...not good with change."
• Jimothan goes pretty quiet after that, eventually returning to huffily chop wood not far from the camp. After a bit you offer to go talk to him but Parsley steps up insisting that he should be the one to do it.
• You and Dallas sit by the fire, just barely being able to make out their shapes as they talked off in the distance. You couldn't hear what they were saying but just watching their silhouettes interact told the whole story.
• Jimothan seemed to be ignoring him for a while until Parsley picked up an axe and started chopping alongside him. There was an obvious struggle on Parsley's part that was enough to catch Jimothan's attention and soon he moved to show him how to do it properly. Adjusting the wood on the chopping block, showing him how to hold the axe right and demonstrating the proper chopping motion. He then stepped back to let Parsley try again, giving a small applause as he successfully split a log down the middle.
There a moment of stillness as Parsley seemed to be speaking then he walked forward and hugged his dad. Jimothan froze for a moment then hugged him back. They stayed like that for a bit and you almost wished you could have heard what they were talking about.
• Not long after that Parsley came walking back into the light with Jimothan close behind him. There was a clear bit of awkward tension in the air but Dallas was the first to stand up and apologizes for having done anything that may have upset him. This was enough to get Jimothan to speak up, and he insisted that Dallas had nothing to be sorry for.
"You're here as a guest. I'm sorry for causing a scene. If Parsley happy doing..." He vaguely motioned to Dallas's bus, "whatever it is you've been doing... then maybe I need to open up a bit"
Parsley was smiling at him proudly but he raised a hand, "Just a bit though!"
• The next morning all four of you went spear fishing then later that evening Dallas set up a projector and you had a little horror movie marathon. You even got Jimothan to make a dream catcher. It was a disastrous collage of fish hooks and rocks but he seemed proud of it so you hung it up with the others.
• Dallas plays the acoustic guitar and Jimothan plays the Banjo and as it turns ou the two of them have a mutual love of campfire songs. You're forever grateful to Parsley for thinking ahead and bringing an extra pair of noise canceling headphone for you because those two go on for hours. Seeing them both go all out together is incredibly sweet though.
• When it comes time to pack up and leave Jimothan offers Dallas a hand shake but Dallas goes straight for the hug. Leaving Jimothan to give him an awkward pat on the back as he half returned it.
• Parsley has already assured you that you're definitely coming next year, no exceptions. And who knows, they might even make it a tradition to start bringing some of the others as well.
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Nineteen
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
(Fluffy fluff! It’s the Thanksgiving part fam!)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen
Wednesday was a half day at work. Harry was busy at the beginning of the week, trying to wrap up his work before the holiday. It was a casual day at the office, so you decided to wear jeans and a cardigan. You and Niall walk out to your cars together.
“Have a great time with Sarah this weekend, her family is really nice.”
“Thanks.” He smiles at you. “Good luck tomorrow. I know Harry’ll be with ya, but-“
“I know, if I need you, I’ll call.”
“And don’t forget my dessert.”
“I won’t.” You say, rolling your eyes. You two hug goodbye, and off you go.
You drove right to the grocery store to get everything you needed for tomorrow. You had to make three different kugels. One for your dad, one for your sister’s house, and one to keep in the freezer to bring into work on Monday. Everyone would always beg you for the sweet casserole.
Harry keyed into your apartment around three, and found you cooking up a storm. You had loud music playing while the exhaust fan was on. You had your mixer going to beat all of the wet ingredients together. He smiled when he saw you wearing his apron. He had been leaving more and more of his things at your place. You didn’t mind. He walks over to you and waves hello. You’re startled, only for a second, and pause your music.
“Hi sweetie.” You say with a big smile, kissing him on the cheek. “I’m almost done, just need to pop these in the oven.” You put the casseroles together, put them in the oven, and set the timer. Your kitchen only took a few minutes to clean up since you tended to clean as you went. Harry is leaning against the counter, waiting for you. He opens his arms for you, and you happily go in for his embrace. “How was your day?”
“Good. Got a lot done. I feel good about takin’ a couple days off.”
“Good!” You look up at him.
“How was your day?” He squishes his nose to yours.
“Quick, thank god. We all mostly sat around and chatted. It’s hard to work on a project during a half day.” You brush your lips against his. “I missed you.” You squeak.
“You did?”
“Mhm.” You were trying to be more vocal with him. He needed reassurance just as much as you did. He kisses you, and you kiss him back.
“I like this on you.” He says, tugging at the apron.
“Really? I like it better on you.” You let go of him to untie it. “I couldn’t find mine for some reason. Must’ve gotten mixed in with the laundry.” You place the apron on your island. Harry lifts you up to sit on the counter, standing between your legs. You wrap your arms around his neck, and his go around your back. You liked when you two just hugged. You loved the smell of his cologne and the way his breath always smelled like mint.
“I love you.” You melted every time he said it. It didn’t matter how often he said it, you couldn’t hear it enough if you were being honest.
“I love you too, Harry.” He nestles his face into your neck, just nuzzling in. He was being soft with you today.
You realized that Harry had many personas when it came to you. Sometimes he was just your soft boy, looking for cuddles and small kisses. Your soft boy loved to be held at night. This side of him usually came out when he was tired. Then there was your quiet, yet cranky boy. When Harry was overtired or ravenous, he would get cranky. He would pout his lip out at you, and essentially act like a baby until you figured out how to make things better for him. Another side to Harry was when he was full of lust and domination. You wanted to refer to this as daddy Harry, but you would never tell him that. He was also careful not to be too dominating, in fear of scaring you, but you liked when he would take the lead.
You had your different personalities too that he would pick up on. How you were always so shy after he would make you orgasm, and that shyness seeping into the morning. He was a sucker for when you’d act like the baby. When you just wanted to be carried or taken care of. He also noticed slowly that you liked being in control in the bedroom. You liked telling him what to do and how to do it. Your confidence was so sexy to him.
Today he was being your soft boy, and you couldn’t get enough of it. The attention he craved from you knew no bounds. He picked you up off the counter and brought your over to the couch to lay with him.
“How ‘bout some TV?” He asks, taking the remote in his hand, switching on Parks and Rec. He grabs the blanket from the back of the couch, and throws it over your bodies. You feel cozy and warm laying against him. “Hey, whatever you’re makin’ smells pretty good.”
“Oh, thanks! It’s called kugel, remember?”
“So, just how Jewish is your family? Am I going to look like an idiot if I don’t know much?”
“Not at all baby! My brother married a gentile, and my sister is dating one.” You laugh. “You’ll be in mixed company tomorrow. As for the rest of us, we’re pretty Jewish. We all had bar and bat mitzvahs.”
“You can speak Hebrew?”
“Well, only from the Torah. I haven’t practiced in a while, but I have a lot of the prayers memorized so I don’t really need to read it. I can’t like, ask you how your day was in Hebrew or anything.”
“Did you go to temple a lot as a kid?”
“Yeah, for the most part. I went to Hebrew school on Sundays, and then once I graduated from that, I went to temple on Saturdays and had prep classes on Monday nights…for like two years.
“That’s a lot of work for a thirteen year old.”
“Sure is, why do you think we have such a big party once it’s over?”
“I bet you were so cute, up there, speakin’ Hebrew.” He giggles to himself.
About an hour or so later, the oven goes off, and you peel yourself off of Harry. He helps you get the kugels out of the oven, and he takes a big whiff.
“Oh my god, this smells incredible. I may have to try some tomorrow.” He winks at you.
“What do you wanna do for dinner tonight? I grabbed some fresh veggies and rice, I could whip up a stirfry or something.”
“You’ve been cookin’ all afternoon, let me make dinner.”
“We could cook together.”
You take out the veggies from the fridge while Harry starts a pot of water for the rice. You both chop up some zucchini, asparagus, and mushrooms. It was fun to actually cook together. He let you taste test the veggies in the pan before adding the rice. You both scarfed down the stirfry, and sat back down on the couch.
“So what time do we need leave by in the morning?”
“Um, I’d say nine to get there for ten. Hang out with dad for a few hours then go to Erica’s.” Harry looks at his watch.
“Might turn in early, love. Don’t wanna be too tired.”
“Good idea. Hmmm.” You both stand up and walk to the bedroom.
“I’m trying to decide if I wanna shower tonight, or tomorrow morning. I’ll be able to sleep in a little tomorrow if I shower tonight.”
“Good thinkin’, I’ll join ya.” He’s already taking his clothes off and turning the water on before you can answer him. “Are ya comin’?” You giggle and take your clothes off.
You get your hair wet first, and push it out of your face. You go to grab your shampoo, but Harry snatches it.
“Um, I need that.”
“I wanna do it, like how you do for me.”
“Oh.” You blush. “Alright.”
Harry puts a small bit of shampoo in his hands. You turn around and tilt your head back. His fingers massage into your scalp, and you can’t help but let out a small moan. He reaches above you to grab the shower head so he can scrub the shampoo out of your hair, the way he’s seen you do it a dozen times. Once he’s satisfied with his work, he puts the shower head back.
“Thank you baby.”
“Not done yet, conditioner.” He picks up the other bottle, takes the ends of your hair and works the conditioner in, then he turns you around so the water hits your hair. He grips it and wrings it out for you.
“Quite observant, aren’t you?” You wrap your arms around his neck, and go up on your tiptoes to kiss him. He wraps his arms around you, and gives your bum a squeeze.
“My turn please.” You giggle, but do as he says. He loved when your nails would really rake through his scalp.
Once you’re done with his hair, you take a wash cloth to wash his back and chest. He does the same for you. It was a nice, relaxing shower. You flip your hair over, and wrap it in a towel. You remember the first time Harry actually saw you do this. He laughed hysterically, but you were able to shut him up when you showed him the picture Niall had taken of him when his hair was long, and he would wrap his hair in towel. You wrap another towel around your body while Harry wraps one around his waist.
You brush your hair out after a few minutes, and begin to blow dry it. By the time you come out of the bathroom, Harry is curled up with his phone in bed. You throw a t-shirt on, and climb in with him.
“Goodnight baby.” You say to him with a soft kiss on the lips.
“Goodnight love.” He turns over like you thought he would, so you could spoon him.
Your alarm goes off at 7:30 the next morning. You’re soaked in sweat as Harry yet again managed to roll completely on top of you. He groans into your neck as you turn the alarm off. He rolls onto his back, bringing you with him on top of him, you squeal from the unexpected action.
“Harry, we need to get up. I need to do my hair and makeup. I haven’t picked an outfit out yet either.”
“But I’m so cozy.” He says, voice still thick with sleep.
“Well, you can stay in bed a bit longer, but you need to let go of me.” He groans again, but releases his grasp on you.
You go into the bathroom to do your morning routine. You plug your curling iron in, and get to work on your hair. Once you’re satisfied, you put your makeup on, and go back into your room. You smell nail polish remover and frown at the sight in front of you. Harry is hunched over on the side of the bed, rubbing his nails with a tissue.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“It was startin’ to get chipped, so I thought I would take it all the way off.” You frown. His nails were still done from when you went away that weekend. He was trying to hold onto the color for as long as he could.
“Well, I have some quick drying polish if you wanna do them up quick.” You go into your dresser and take out some black nail polish. “See?”
“I think it’ll be fine for today if my nails aren’t painted. I don’t want to give off any weird impressions.”
“Oh Harry, I want you to be yourself around my family.”
“I will be. I’m still wearin’ my rings, and s’not like I can take my tattoos off.” He gives you a reassuring smile. “Tell ya what, when we get back tonight I’ll let ya paint my nails for me.”
“Alright.” You smile back at him. You open your closet and furrow your brows. “What dress do you think I should wear?” He gets up and stands next to you to look over the options.
“How ‘bout that navy one?” You liked your navy dress. It covered your breasts, and had a thin belt to help show your curves.
“Excellent choice.” You kiss him on the cheek.
Harry goes into the bathroom to do his thing while you put a lace bra and panties on. You take out some nylons, and roll them onto your legs.
“Holy shit.” You look up and see Harry staring at you.
“You look so…fucking sexy like that.” Your cheeks flush.
“We do not have time for this.” You step into your dress, and pull it up. “Please come help me zip this up.” Harry pads over to you, and slowly zips your dress up, lingering for just a moment to kiss the back of your neck. “What are you going to wear?”
Harry goes to the side of the closet you had cleared for him a while ago. You wanted him to be able to leave some dress shirts and pants at your place. He pulls out a white button up and a pair of green dress pants.
“How ‘bout this?” You loved his green pants. They were a nice forest green that helped bring out the color of his eyes. You also liked when he would wear a white button up, so you could still make out some of the tattoos on his arms.
“I think that would be perfect.” You slip on your navy flats and head into the kitchen. You pull out two casseroles from the fridge and set them on the counter.
Harry comes sauntering out of your room. He has those light brown Chelsea boots on he loves so much. You watch him walk by and can’t help but notice the perfect curve of his butt in his slacks. This was going to be a very long day.
“What?” He asks, noticing you staring.
“Nothing, you just look handsome.” He blushes. He knows she wants him. “Help me carry these down to the car?”
Harry slips his jacket on, and grabs the casseroles from the counter while you put on your p-coat. You grab your keys, much to his dismay. Harry preferred to drive, but you told him since it was your family thing, you would drive.
“Looks like it’ll be a nice day out.” He says looking out the window as you pull out of the parking lot.
“Yup, just a little brisk out.” You hit a spot of traffic thirty minutes into the drive, and you groan. “I hate the way people drive.” This was the first time Harry would see you drive on the highway. You were trying to keep your road rage at bay.
“Holiday traffic, love. Nothin’ we can do about it.”
“I know, we should’ve left earlier. I figured yesterday would be the bigger traffic day.”
About an hour later, you get off at your town’s exit. Harry looks around, having not explored the area before. It was a good size town, there were lots of shops and places to go. You slowly pull up to your childhood home. It was a large white house with a detached garage and long driveway.
“Well, this is it.” Harry gives your hand a squeeze before getting out of the car. He jogs to your side to open your door. You roll your eyes at him.
“Just in case the old man is watchin’.” He winks at you.
You walk up the steps to your home and open the door. Usually your dad kept the door locked, but unlocked it knowing you were coming.
“Dad! We’re here!” You yell, nearly making Harry drop the food. You shrug and take your coat off, then grab the food from Harry to put in the fridge. Your dad had a huge kitchen, an addition he had put onto the home only a few years before your parents separated. Harry takes his jacket off and hang it up where you put yours. “Where is he?” You sort of ask yourself. You go down the hall to where the basement door is. “Dad! Hello!” You yell again. Harry smirks at your behavior.
“Hi!” You hear your dad yells up.
“Jesus, someday when my voice gives out maybe he’ll get a hearing aid.” Your dad comes up the stairs.
“Sorry, I had the parade on.” You two hug. He gives Harry a look.
“Dad, this is, um, my boyfriend, Harry.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” Harry extends his arm out, and gives your father a firm handshake.
“Why don’t you give the boy the tour while I heat up breakfast?” You dad says to you. “Probably the first time I’ve ever let a boy go up to your room.” He laughs to himself, and steps by the two of you.
“As far as he knows.” You whisper to Harry. You take his hand and walk him in the living room.
“What’s down stairs?”
“Just his man cave. I’ll show when we come back down. Figured we could start from the top down.”
“Sounds good to me. Should I take my shoes off?”
“Nah, it’s fine.” Still holding his hand, you walk with him upstairs. He stops to admire the photos of you as a child on the wall.
“Look at that hair! And I thought I had a mess of curls as a kid.”
“Don’t make fun.” You pout, sticking your bottom lip out.
“M’not, you’re just so cute.”
“Jesus, come on.” You drag him up the stairs. You walk him through a room that looks like a den. “So this used to be mine and my sister’s room when we were really little. Then my dad turned our attic into a bedroom for Erica and I, and my other sister kept this room.” You turn to open the door up to the attic.
The stairs going up were really steep. Harry hit his knee twice trying to go up. You were used to the stairs so you practically flew up. The room was pretty bare, having not lived there in years. All that was left were the two twin beds you and your sister used to sleep on.
“Pretty big room!” He says walking all around.
“The desk was over here, and we had three dressers over there. All of our toy boxes were along that wall. We could never keep it clean up here. My sister and I are such packrats.”
“I find that hard to believe, your place is spotless.”
“I have storage unit I keep a lot of my old shit in.” You smile at where you used to keep your Barbie’s. “Erica and I used to dump out this big blue bin that had all of our Barbie’s in it. We would play for hours and just leave them around until we were ready to play again. It drove our parents nuts that we just never cleaned up.” You sit down on the bed, he sits next to you.
“So, this is where the magic happened, yeah?”
“Maybe for my sister, I never brought a guy up here.”
“Why not?”
“Didn’t date much in high school.” You shrug and stand up. “Come on, there’s more to see.”
You both go back downstairs. You show him your brother’s old room, which was now a guest room. Then you brought him back down to the living room. You could smell your dad’s latkes. Then you brought him down to the basement. Your dad had quite the man cave. Big TV, surround sound, and a small bar. There were shelves full of tapes and DVS’s. He had sports paraphernalia everywhere.
“Real New England fan, huh?”
“You have no idea.” There were pictures of you and your siblings everywhere. He stopped to look at a picture of you and your dad with a trophy.
“When was this?”
“Oh! That’s like my favorite pic of me and Dad. The Red Sox had just won the World Series in ’04, and the trophy was on tour. They brought the trophy to the high school, so my dad brought us. They even let us touch it, it was so cool. I think I was like nine or ten.”
“Cute bangs.” You roll your eyes at him.
“Someday I’m going to see where you grew up, and I’m going to make fun the whole time.”
You take him back upstairs to the kitchen where your dad was putting everything on plates.
“Need any help?” You ask.
“Nope, let’s sit at the dining room table.” Your dad brings the last couple of plates over, and the three of your sit down. “So, Harry, what do you do?”
“I’m a photographer for a geographical magazine.” He tugs his shirt sleeve down to try to hide his anchor tattoo. “I also do a lot of freelance work.”
“Harry also has his master’s degree.”
“What does a photographer need a graduate degree for?”
“Well, a couple of reasons. Quite frankly, I wasn’t ready to leave school. My two best mates and I all enrolled to get our MBA’s. It worked out in my favor though because I learned how to properly run my freelance business.”
“Why stay with the magazine then?”
“Health insurance.” Harry shrugs. “And other benefits.”
“Makes sense. I told (y/n) that benefits was one of the most important things when looking for a job. She got lucky where she ended up.”
“I was lucky an alum from the college worked there to help me with the interview.” You all take some food and dig in. “Dad, these are so good.”
“Found a recipe that used parsnips. Ever had potato pancakes before?” He asks Harry.
“Oh sure, never as fresh as this though.” He smiles. Your dad looks down and sees the cross on Harry’s hand, which leads his eyes up to the anchor he was trying to hide on his wrist. Your dad squints at the rings on Harry’s fingers as well.
“Got some tattoos there, I see.”
“Um, yeah, just a few.” Harry’s heart was starting to beat faster. He really did want to make a good impression.
“You know when mum and I were still together we used to joke about getting each other’s names tattooed on our butts.” He starts laughing.
“Dad!” You laugh as well. Harry gives a bit of a nervous laugh.
The conversation stay pleasant from there. You tell your dad about your current project at work, and he fills you in on his volunteer work at the food pantry. Harry helps clean up the dishes when you’re done eating. Your dad turns the parade on in the kitchen. You decide to sit down at the piano in the living room. You open it up and tap on a couple of different keys. Harry hears you from the other room.
“Is that her playing?” He asks your dad.
“Yup, when she was really little she would flip it over and start playing. My wife’s great aunt had that piano and gave it to us. All the girls learned how to play. My son learned how to play the guitar.”
“Musical family.”
“I suppose. I’m hoping someday when she buys a house she’ll take it. She’s the only one that’ll play. Don’t tell ‘em I told you this, but she really is the smartest out of the four. She sees things clearly from every angle.”
“She’s very bright, I’m a lucky guy.”
“Don’t you forget it.”
Harry and your dad come out to the living room to listen to you play more clearly. You’re not playing anything crazy, just some songs you remember learning as a kid. You finish and turn to face them.
“I’m glad you keep this in tune.” You smile at your dad. You look down at your watch. It would take another thirty minutes to get to your sister’s house. “I think we have to get going.” You stand up to give him a hug.
“Happy Thanksgiving honey.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, dad.”
“It was great to meet you Harry.” He shakes Harry’s hand.
“Same to you.”
You both walk out and get into the car. You can’t believe how well that went. You were fully expecting your dad to ask Harry a million different questions.
“I think I sealed the deal with him when I talked about my health insurance.” He chuckles.
“Oh, for sure.” You pull out of the driveway and drive towards Erica’s.
“In all seriousness, how was that? He was sort of quiet at first.”
“He takes some time to warm up to people.”
“You never mentioned you could play the piano.”
“It never came up. It’s not like I’m some prodigy or anything, if I was they would’ve kept paying for lessons.”
You get to Erica’s in exactly thirty minutes. You see your mom’s car is already there. Your brother’s isn’t there, as you assumed because he’s always late. You see your uncle’s car is there already as well. You take a deep breath, and wrap an arm through one of Harry’s.
“It’s gonna be fine.” He smiles down at you.
The door is half open when you walk in. Loud voices roaming through the house. You hear a distinctive, and familiar laugh.
“No fucking way!” You squeal. You run toward the laugh leaving Harry behind to rush back to you. “Nannie!” You throw your arms around you grandmother, tears nearly forming. She wraps her arms around you giving you the best hug possible. “Mom, are kidding me? How could not tell me she was coming?” You say giving your mom a hug and kiss.
“She wanted it to be a surprise.”
“How long are you here for?”
“Just a little over a week, precious.” You give her another hug. You look up and see Harry holding onto the kugel.
“Whoops, sorry, Erica!” You yell for your sister, who comes running into the room to give you a hug. You take the kugel from Harry’s hands, and give it to your sister.
“Yay! Thanks.” She turns around to bring it into the kitchen. You take Harry’s coat, and put yours and his into the coat closet.
“Alright, mom you remember Harry?”
“Of course, hi dear.” She gives him a gentle hug.
“And Harry, this is my Nannie.”
“I’ve heard so much about you.” He gives her a hug and you could nearly cry at the sight.
“I’ve heard about you too.” She takes his hands in hers. “What beautiful rings. I love a man that can wear his jewelry, your papa never left the house without his gold on.” She says to you. Her eyes catch his anchor tattoo. “Oh for the love of god, her uncle will just love you.”
“He’s got quite a few, I’ve seen them.” Your mom says. Erica comes back over to you.
“So, is this him?”
“Yes, this is Harry.”
“Thanks so much for coming. By the way, mom made an extra dessert to bring to Niall.”
“Oh perfect, thanks!”
“Harry, can I get you anything to drink? We have beer and wine, and we have some other alcohol too. Or if you want water or something?”
“Um, a beer would be great actually.”
“We have bud, bud light, corona…”
“Bud light is fine. If you tell me where it is, I can get it.”
“Just through the kitchen, out to the patio.”
“Want anythin’?”
“Glass of wine please.” He walks off to fine the beverages.
“Oh my god, how do you keep finding these crazy attractive guys?” Your sister says to you.
“I told you he was cute, his pictures don’t do him justice.” Your mom says.
“And how polite was he? He seems sweet honey.” Your Nannie says. Harry comes back shortly with a glass of red wine for you, and a bud light in his other hand.
“Harry, you’re a photographer?” Your Nannie asks him.
“What made you want to go into that field?”
“Don’t know really, I just always had a camera in my hand growin’ up. Figured I’d want to get a job doing somethin’ I actually liked.”
“And you grew up in England?”
“Yeah, a few hours outside of London.”
“(y/n), where’s that cute Irish friend of yours today?” She asks you.
“He’s started dating my friend Sarah, so he’s with her this weekend. He sends his love. Harry and him are actually best friends, Niall introduced us.”
“Oh! How nice, well, I definitely know you’re in good hands if Niall had something to do with it.”
Harry snakes an arm around your waist to pull you a little closer to him. This environment was a lot less relaxed than your dad’s house was. About thirty minutes later your brother showed up with his wife and baby. You give them a few minutes to settle in before going over to hold your nephew. You take him in your arms and snuggle him giving him light kisses on his forehead.
“Harry, this is my brother and sister in law.”
“Hi, nice to meet you.” Harry shakes both of their hands. Your brother and sister in law give each other a look.
“Nice to meet you too, man.” You brother says. “Wanna hold him for a bit so we can say hi to everyone. We don’t really want Mike’s family all over him.”
“Well it’ll be torturous, but I’ll manage.” You say sarcastically.
“Mike is Erica’s boyfriend, right?”
“Yup.” Harry watches as you bounce the baby, lightly rocking him from side to side.
“He’s awfully cute.”
“Isn’t he?” She kisses his forehead again. “I could just snuggle him all day.”
Harry loved babies, he had mentioned it to you several times. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he just had this natural thing with babies and kids. He liked seeing how easy and comfortable you were with your nephew.
“Hey, (y/n), can you come help me in the kitchen?” Erica asks.
“But I’m holding the baby.”
“Have Harry hold him, I need your help.” You suck your teeth and roll your eyes.
“Fine.” You look up to Harry. “Do you mind taking him for a minute?”
“Will your brother mind?”
“No, it’s fine.”
You hand your nephew off to Harry, who is trying to hold his excitement in. Your nephew looked up at him with big blue eyes. Harry walked him into the kitchen to see what your help was needed for. You looked at Harry and smiled. He looked so comfortable carrying your nephew around. You were helping your sister get her buffet table together now that everyone was there.
Your Nannie comes over to help as well.
“I’ll take him.” She says to Harry. He gently passes the baby off her to her. “Isn’t he precious?” She kisses him. “Now that’s delicious.” You giggle. This is going much better than you thought. Your uncle comes walking over. He hasn’t had a chance to meet Harry yet.
“So, this the guy?”
“Yes, this is Harry.” The two shake hands.
“Do you have a sleeve?” He asks, noticing the tattoos peeking through his shirt.
“Um, not technically.”
“And don’t give him any ideas either.” Your Nannie says. You wrap an arm around Harry’s waist, hoping he’s not uncomfortable.
“Oo, you two are so cute, let me take your picture.” Erica says. You hand her your phone, and lean into Harry while she snaps a couple shots. “Everybody! Dinner is good to go!”
“Harry, why don’t you sit down with my grandmother and I’ll make you both a plate. Save me a seat between you two.”
Before he can protest, your Nannie gives the baby to your brother, and grabs Harry to go sit with her. You make up a plate for him with every vegetable you can find, along with some mashes potatoes. Your mom makes up a plate for your Nannie. You stack another plate for yourself and pile on some green bean casserole, vegetables, and mashed potatoes. You put Harry’s plate in front of him, and sit between him and your Nannie.
Harry sits quietly as he eats, listening to the vibrant conversations your family has. He notices that your oldest sister isn’t there, and makes a mental note to ask about it later. Your mom starts telling a story about when her and your uncle  were kids, and your Nannie started choking, and had to slap the back of neck to get the food out. Between tears from laughing your mom says,
“And she says, ‘you ungrateful bastards! I could’ve died!’” Everyone at the table was laughing. Harry started laughing just from the sight of you, tears streaming down your cheeks, trying not to choke on the food you were eating.
“That is the best story.” You say, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“It was scary you know! You two are a couple of bastards.” Your Nannie says, not really meaning it. “Harry, you must think we’re a bunch of lunatics.”
“Not at all, I think it’s great you all seem so close.” He says with a smile.
“I cannot get over that accent.” Erica says. She was sitting across from you. “How come you stayed here and didn’t go back overseas?”
“I just really liked it here. Fell into some good opportunities and didn’t feel the need to leave.”
“So do you have a work visa?” Your brother asks.
“I started off with a student visa, and then had a work visa once I graduated. About a year after that, once I knew I wanted to stay, my mates and I all took citizenship tests, so I have dual citizenship. Annoying process, but it makes it much easier to travel now.”
“How did you two meet again?” Your brother asks you.
“Niall set us up on a blind date a few months ago.” You smile, giving Harry a squeeze on the thigh.
“Where did you guys go a couple weeks ago? The pictures were so pretty.” Your sister in law says.
“We went up to New Hampshire to check out the foliage. It was incredible.”
“Harry, do you do any freelance work?” She asks.
“Quite a bit, yeah.” She looks at your brother.
“Do you ever take pictures of people? We’d love to get a little photoshoot in before Christmas if possible. We’d pay you of course.”
“Sure, I’d love to. Do you have a specific date in mind? I’d have to book it now just cause I’m startin’ to fill up.” He takes out his phone and opens his calendar.
“Um, would two weeks from Saturday work? In the afternoon?” Harry looks at the date.
“I have from like two to four open if that works for you.”
“That should be great! Oh thank you so much. It’ll be nice to have some professional photos to send out. You’re really good, we sorta creeped on your Instagram page.”
“That’s what it’s there for. I’m happy to help.”
After dinner, you all have a little dessert. Most of your immediate family migrated to one part of the house. You were sitting with Harry on the couch when your siblings came over to sit in the same room. Your Nannie sat right next to you. The couch was getting crowded. Without thinking, Harry pulled you onto his lap. You got a few looks, but no one seemed to mind.
“Alright, I’d like to see more of the tattoos.” Erica says, glass of wine in hand.
“I don’t know if your grandmum will appreciate that.”
“Oh go ahead, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious.” He looks at you for approval, and you nod.
Harry adjusts himself so he can untuck his shirt, and unbuttons it. He shimmies his sleeves off. Revealing his heavily tattooed left arm. His right arm only had a couple. He pointed to a few that had meaning, and explained that others were just for fun, or from when friends asked to practice on him. He pointed to where the large butterfly sits just below his breast plate, and the others near his collar bones and hips. He points to where the large tiger is on his thigh.
“Didn’t all of those hurt?” Erica asks.
“Not really, you sorta get used to it after a while.”
“Have you ever done one yourself?” Your sister in law asks.
“Um, yeah, I wrote the word big on my big toe.” Everyone bursts out laughing. “I did say they weren’t all meaningful.” He shrugs his shirt back on, and buttons it up, not bothering to tuck it back in.
“Can I hold the baby again?” You ask. Your brother passes him to you, and you rest his head on your shoulder. “He’s so cozy, I love it. Erica, take my picture with him.” You hand her your phone. She takes one close up, and then backs up a bit to get Harry in the shot. “Thanks.”
After a couple more hours, you both decided to call it a night. You started saying your goodbyes throughout the room.
“Honey, can we come see you Sunday? Nannie hasn’t seen your apartment yet.”
“Sure! You know, I could drive back home tomorrow and stay with you a couple of nights while she’s here. That way she can get around if need be.” Harry tries to hide his slightly fallen face. He wants you to spend time with your grandmother, he was just looking forward to another long weekend with you.
“Don’t be silly, you don’t need to do all that driving.”
“I know, I just want to spend time with her.”
“We can spend the entire day Sunday together.”
“Alright…” You hug your mom, and go to give your Nannie a big hug. “Guess I’ll see you Sunday.”
“Okay darling girl, I love you.” She gives you a big kiss.
“Love you too.”
“Will Harry be around too?” You look over to him and he nods yes. “Wonderful, we can keep getting to know each other.” Harry gives your mom and grandmother a hug goodbye and waves off to everyone else.
“Want me to drive us back, love?” He asks as you walk out into the cold air.
“Would you mind? I’m suddenly realizing how tired I am.”
“Not a problem.” You hand him the keys, and get into the car.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 3]
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Chapter 11: Don’t Rain on Me By Joji
Things weren’t as tense as I thought they were gonna be. I really did hurt my own feelings! As for the group punishment, Aunty Mimi didn’t fuck around and worked us until we cried. My body hurt so much that the showers I took stung.
-5 days before returning to the dorms-
I finished my shower and saw that it was just mom and I at home. She was in her office, laying on the day bed. I’ve always wondered why there was a day bed in here and why it was facing the window. But the scene was nostalgic to me, so I floated over to lay next to my mom. Just like I did when I was little. When I put my weight on the bed, she sensed me and put her arms around me.
“How was your training mijo?” she asked softly.
“It was rough, she had us pull a semi-truck up a hill without quirks” I groaned “luckily it was just the truck part and not with the cargo part.”
“She’s going soft on you guys” she chuckled, pulling me in closer “at least it’s not wilderness training.”
“Heh yea” I looked up to see her calm face, eyes closed but awake and gently running her hand through my curly hair. It made me wonder if I really do share an image with her, am I going to look like this when I get older? If I grew out my hair, will I look more like her? The only way to tell us part are the tattoos on her torso... hmmm, that makes me wonder about her what her high school file said about her. “Hey mom.”
“Yes mijo?”
“Can you tell me about your tattoos?” I asked as I poked her shoulder blades “The two skulls on your shoulder?”
“Oh these ones?” she asked as she pulled down her wide neck long sleeve from the top, exposing the two tattoos “I got them before I came to Japan.”
“Why? What do they mean?”
She pointed to the one on her left “I got this one before I left home, it represents my culture. So I never forget where I came from.” She pointed to the one on the right shoulder “This one I got in Austria, where I did my basic training before going to my final destination. It represents the death of my old life, to remind myself that things will never be the same and that I have to mourn and move on at some point. To move forward with my new life but never forget those memories.”
I traced the one on the left with my finger, it was a sugar skull “Was it hard leaving home and everyone behind?”
“It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I did it because I loved my family and I didn’t want them to get hurt over my doing. My life was going well for me before, I even had a long term boyfriend” she chuckled and blushed “I planned to marry him when we turned 18 and live the rest of my short life with him, start a family after I finished college and see where things go from there. But I guess his dreams were shattered too.”
“Wow you had a plan and everything!” I paused to think of my next question “When why did you fall in love with dad? If you planned to marry the other guy?”
“To be honest, I thought I was never returning home. Life was overwhelming me here and I thought I was just going to be alone for the rest of my life” her face shifted into sadness “I cried everyday as I prayed for someone to make my days less lonely, someone who’d make me feel complete. It took a while to see that it was your dad but he did make me very happy, even if we were just friends.” Her eyes got dewy “Then I got the family I yearned for, and at that point, I didn’t mind if I never returned home. Because I made a home here with all of you! And that was enough for me.”
Her words moved me to tears “Even if we’re little shits?”
She laughed “YES! Attitude and all! I love all of you because you’re the little pieces of me that I love the most about myself. I could never hate my children, no matter how bad.”
“Then, what will happen if you get word you can return home?”
“Well, the plan was, that I go back and live with my parents. If my boyfriend was still alive, then I’d reunite with him too and pick up where I left off in my life plan.” She listed “But that was before I started the company, got married and had children! Now it’s more that I’d go for an extended vacation back home. Because the new ordeal is that I was going to retire at both my jobs, hand over the company to a replacement, go visit my childhood home and visit all of my family members to show that I’m alive.”
“Will you take us with you?” I asked, scared of what she might say.
“If you guys want too” she looked at me “I know your dad wants to, he said before we got married that he wanted to accompany me because he wanted to see all the places I talked about in my little childhood stories. But I don’t know if you or your siblings would, I guess it would depend if you’re in your careers or not by then.”
“What if you want to stay there?”
“We’ll see, I haven’t thought that far ahead” she put her chin on my head “one day at a time Iwata.”
“Hmmm, okay one more question” I declared as I felt that I was maybe annoying my mom “Why are we protected citizen status? So many people don’t know about your children and act all surprised that I exist.”
She shifted her arms and had more of my weight rested onto her “Remember the night of the incident? And how we hid in Mr Hitoshi’s house for a few days?” she started off “I was waiting until you were a bit older to tell you the full story, but here it goes. The home invaders hacked into the protected housing database to get my personal cell number, they called me as a distraction so they could break into the house. I knew right away that I had to protect you guys but I wasn’t at my best because I was still healing from giving birth. I alerted Jin and Mimi to take you and the others to safety because I was ready to lay my life on the line.”
“Why did you do it?” I choked up, now understanding what I saw that night.
“I said I was going to protect my family and that if it costed my life, then so be it. I kissed your father goodbye and he understood that I had to do what I needed to do. So while he gathered you guys in the nursery to await uncle Jin’s portal, I fought this intruder but he made the mistake to tell me his motive.” She choked up a bit, trying to keep her composure “He said that he wanted to take my children and I away for quirk experiments. That they were going through the quirk registry of the country of double quirked citizens, us first, then the Todoroki family. That didn’t sit with me, I fought even harder but I pushed myself too hard and ended up face down and backed into my doom. I closed my eyes coming into to terms that this was it but at least my family is safe. But then I heard your little voice shout for the intruder to get away from me, and I shot up to use the last of my energy to protect you. But it didn’t matter what I did, you defeated them with your awakened quirk, I just finished the job with a shot to the spine to cripple them.” She took a deep breath “I saw that you were going into catatonic state, so I picked you up and held you, staggering my way to the nursery with everyone else for the portal.”
“You’re alive because of me?” I realized.
“Yes mijo, and I’m so thankful that you did. I couldn’t imagine a life where my children lived without their mother and only with a father that knows nothing about raising four very rowdy kids.” Her body curled around me “I informed the commission of the breach and everything got tighter security. I took an extra step and put the protected status on all of my children. Everyone on the Japan data base with a double quirk was advised to do the same or choose one quirk to have on the registry. But you’re just like me in a way.”
“You rose to the occasion and fought to protect the ones you loved, even if the chances of losing were high. And at the end, you won but life will never be the same and you live with the trauma of that day everyday.” She answered “Now you’re stronger, smarter and still have your loved ones around you...history repeated itself.”
“Damn, it do be like that huh?” That part blew my mind.
“Yea, but now all I wanna do is continue this nap” she closed her eyes again “Stay awhile longer Iwata, if we pretend to be asleep when dad comes home, he has to cook dinner.”
“Okay” I chuckled and closed my eyes “I’ll stay.”
I was no longer conflicted about my thoughts on my mom. She’s incredible and loves her family so immensely! She isn’t an empress, she’s divinity, love reincarnate. My wish is to feel that much love someday, maybe I will when I have a family of my own.
-3 days before returning to the dorms-
“How are you holding up chief?” asked Hoshi as he came outside to where I was “Last day of punishment training eh?”
I was face down on my trampoline that I jumped onto because there was a layer of snow on it and my body felt like it was on fire “Yea, and I want to die.”
“Bet” He chuckled as they sat on the rim of the trampoline “I brought berry tart for some cafecito with the fam.”
“Ooh that sounds lit” I lifted my head up, savoring that cup of hot coffee with dessert “Are you staying over today then? Lili won’t be back until dinner time.”
“Oh I know, Lili doesn’t know I’m here” he gave me a look “I don’t plan on sticking around too long, I just came to drop off the invite to my dad’s wedding and some...other news.”
I squinted my eyes in suspicion “What other news Hoshi?”
“You’ll see over some cafecito” He kept tight lipped.
“Ugh fine!” I put my head back down. I hate it when I get those responses!
Mom finally came home and Hoshi set the table for a cafecito. He even made the coffee so we could all sit down at the same time.
“Okay now that I have everyone I wanted to talk to here” spoke up Hoshi as we were eating our slice of tart “You’re probably wondering why I gathered everyone here.”
“No” blurted Hanaka.
“Because you fucked up” blurted Tensei.
“You got a job?” blurted Mom.
“You’re getting top surgery?” I blurted.
“Oh! It’s because you’re graduating early in the spring?” Dad blurted with an arm chop.
“What? NO!” He said to disarm us “I don’t know what I was expecting from such an outspoken family! But I gathered everyone here because” he took a deep breath and just broke out in a deep blush and grin “Wow this is harder than I thought it was gonna be! Heh, I was hoping to ummm” He looked at our awaiting faces “Hoping if I’d get your blessing to marry Lili, because you’re all so good to me that I want to take the family name. Do you accept this trans-boy as your future-son/brother-in-law?”
The whole table was in silent shock...until Tensei spoke up.
“Imma say it” he forewarned “It’s about fuckin’ finally Hoshi, the family name is unexpected tho.”
“Oh Hoshi! Of course you have our blessing!” Mom said as she hopped up to give Hoshi a hug “But I have to agree with Tensei, it’s been long awaited, huh Tenya?”
Everyone looked over to dad, tears pouring down like waterfalls “Oh my baby is gonna get married! She’s growing up too fast” he blew his nose on his table napkin “I approve and just so happy for you two! It feels like last year she was still screaming to welcome me home from work, and last week like she just entered high school.”
“Oh babe, don’t cry” Mom comforted “you’re embarrassing the kids.”
“Seriously daddy, put the water works away!” huffed Hanaka “Every time we do anything new you start crying!”
“I can’t help it! I didn’t think I’d get to see the day my children get married!” Dad wipes his tears “Someday you’ll understand when you have kids of your own.”
And so we spent the rest of our time together prying details from Hoshi on when and where will be the proposal. He said he’ll wait until they both finish school because he recently got in touch with his mother’s estranged family and found out that there was some inheritance waiting for him and his brothers. So no matter if they get jobs out of college right away or not, they can live off the inheritance comfortably for a good 3 or so years. Good on them! Maybe thats what I’ll do with my money...what’s with this family and inheritance?
-Day of returning to the dorms-
I pack my bag and savor the last of moments of home comforts. I really didn’t want to go back to the dorms but I still need to take my hero final.
“OwO r u decent?” chirped Hanaka from the door “Hewwo? Mr. Obama? May I come in?”
I sigh tiredly “No, pewish.”
“Too bad we’re coming in anyways” Lili said before busting in like Big Bird in that one meme video.
“WHY CAN’T YOU TWO JUST OPEN THE DOOR LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE?!” yelled Tensei from his side of the room, arm chopping “THE DOOR WAS UNLOCKED!”
“Ugh shut up DAD!” said the girls in unison, mocking the arm chop.
“Why tho?” I asked, hand on my hip “I need to finish packing.”
“We just wanted to do one last thing before you go!” Hanaka said bouncing up and down.
“I’m not dying guys! We’ll see each other in like 2 weeks for the Welcome Estate Ball” I turned back to my packing “What’s so important that can’t wait until-”
“Iwa look out!” warned Tensei.
I looked back to see the girls mid pounce, giving me just enough time to zip toward the door “Thanks Tensei!”
“Don’t try to escape the dog pile Iwa!” taunted the girls, eyes locked back onto me “It is futile!”
“Save yourself!” Tensei stood in the way of the girls with arms out.
“No! Don’t sacrifice yourself foo!”
“I have already excepted my fate as bottom of the pile” said the little brother as the girls picked themselves up “GO!”
I nod and dash out of our room to escape the dreaded dog pile. Since we were kids, we did these really full contact contests to see who ends up on the bottom of the dog pile. It was fun at first but now we run in fear at the sight of a pounce! Anything goes in this game! We use quirks, fists, throw objects, use distractions...but the moment mom stops everything, it’s game over. I just gotta run outside and get mom to insure game over!
Lili does a front rocket flip to stop me from running to the front yard “You’re not going anywhere Iwee!”
“When the hell did you learn that move?!” I was semi-impressed but still in fear for my life “that was clean as fuck!”
“OOOOOOO! You cursed!” Hanaka called out from the stairs “I’m telling daddy!”
“You little snitch! You wouldn’t dare!” I gasped.
“Watch me! Here, catch Tensei real quick” she said before tossing her twin over the railing, then parkour’d down the stairs to the backyard.
I couldn’t let Tensei just fall like that, so I caught him with my telekinesis before he could hit the ground. But I made the mistake of turning my back on Lili.
“Got cha- oof!” Lili got sight teleported by Tensei.
“Go get mom!” said Tensei before slumping over “I’m done for, they gave me a mad ass wedgie.”
“I’ll avenge you brother!” I did my dramatics before running toward the front door again.
The front door opened “Sopresa puto! It’s me!” Hanaka said as she ran full speed “fell right into my trap!”
I didn’t have time to stop, both of us were going top speed! So we crashed into each other, followed by Tensei that got in the way to soften the fall, then Lili that was in the right place at the wrong time.
“I heard a thud and some Spanish cursing! What’s going on-” said dad as he opened the sliding door from the back yard, poor timing as he got bodied by the four body mass going a full speed. We all slammed onto the just defrosted grass that dad finished doing.
“Oh shit dad are you okay?!” asked Lili.
“This takes me back” groaned Dad with a smile “you kids would always dog pile onto me every time I was laying down in the living room when you were little kids.” he chuckled “No so little now! That knocked the wind out of me.”
“Tenya, is everything okay back there?” asked Mom as she came though the side gate “I heard some- phfffff!” she started laughing “Look at you guys! Piled onto dad like that!” She levitated us off one by one “One last house mischief huh?”
“Yea, we haven’t done all of the winter break antics” grunted Hanaka as she got peeled off me “And I really wanted to spend more time with everyone! Tensei doesn’t wanna always play with me, even if I ask nicely.”
“I’m busy with my band and debate competition cases! We can’t play arson all the time” Tensei defended himself “Are you forgetting that we start middle school in a few days?! It’s time we get a little more serious with our education.”
“Oh wow it’s like listening to a recording” giggled Mom, setting us down on our feet “Your dad would say that last line all the time when we were in high school! It sent me back to those days” she sighed lovingly and turned to face Dad “Remember those times when everyone teased you for calling me up to explain strategy homework?”
Dad turned red and fixed his glasses “It was a difficult subject! I was just doing everyone a favor by asking you to come over to tutor us.”
Lili caught on to his body language “Oh I get it~ You say it’s for ‘tutoring’ but you did it as an excuse to spend more time with Mom” she did her little smug face with arms crossed “You had a big dumb crush on her, didn’t you dad?”
“I- well- I didn’t know how else to spend the maximized amount of time with her” He turned even brighter red and cleared his throat “She was intelligent, charming and super talented. How could I not develop feelings? If only I wasn’t such a coward and confessed when I wanted too, things could’ve been so much different.”
“It’s true, but those what if’s don’t matter anymore” Mom smiled “because we’ve exceeded our wishes and daydreams.” She turned to us “Now, lets get back to what we were doing! Iwata has to leave soon and I don’t want to keep the staff waiting on him all day.”
I go back to finishing up my packing, now with all my siblings in the room on their crackhead shit. When I took my bags down to the driveway, they didn’t want me to leave. And of course Mom had to pry them off me so I can get in the car in peace. The drive with my dad was calm.
“Hey dad” I asked as we stopped at the first light “Did you really pick a fight with Mr Hitoshi over mom?”
“I did” Dad said with a hint of regret “I wasn’t proud of what I did, but I didn’t know how else to express my hurt feelings. Your mom hailed me as her chosen family and I wanted to always be by her side, through whatever life had in store.” We move again “Imagine my hurt when she hid her relationship and shared living situation from me, only finding out by chance. And it was a stupid thing to do, I pushed her away even though I very much still loved her. But we all made up before the wedding and I’m close friends with Mr Hitoshi and Nieto. We go on double dates and other couple things with them, it’s so much fun.”
I thought about my next question carefully “If mom did have a child when you reunited with her, what would you do?”
“Funny enough, I thought about it before I reunited with her” Dad smiled “I was willing to help her raise a child. I’d babysit, teach them things, tuck them into bed... everything a parent would do. I wanted to show your mom I’m capable of providing and nurture, I really wanted to be as much as a man as I could be for her.”
“Did you show her all that?”
Dad chuckled “I didn’t have to try very hard! She had forgiven me way before we reunited and revealed to me that she had always had feelings for me” We turn into the final stretch of street before the dorms “But it felt so lovely to finally say it and have them reciprocate the feeling. I knew from then on, I’d never let her go and be outward with my feelings. Everyday I wake up next to her and think about how much I don’t deserve such an incredible woman nor the family that we made” he looked at me “But I guess I’m worth it.”
“Even if we’re disobedient, rowdy, weird pieces of shit?!”
“Yes, because life would be boring with out all those traits to balance my traits out!” Dad turns into the dorm parking lot “Well Iwata, you really threw us in a loop this winter break. Do your best on your make ups.”
I look at the dorms and take a deep breath “I’ll do my best, thanks dad.”
I waved him off until he was out of sight, then I took my bags into my dorm. Nobody was back yet in my class, mainly because our winter training was canceled due to the villain attacks back in September. I put all my things away and see the empty bed in my dorm. It made me miss Beizu, we’ve never been separated like this before. It’s about 2:45pm and I couldn’t delay my test any longer, to the hero dorms I go!
“Iwata! So nice to see you back in one piece!” beamed Mineta sensei.
I cringed “Don’t tell me my mom told you what happened.”
“No your dad did” Sensei corrected me “I have to say, never did I think it would be you to push it too far. But your dad did the same thing when we were in high school” He hands me the written exam “Alright, take your time on this.”
The written exam wasn’t too bad and I got it done in under an hour. I was excused for the day because the physical part of the exam was going to take place in one of the practice gyms at school in 2 days. Before I could leave to my dorms, the usual clowns saw me.
“Yo Iida-kun!” greeted Gon “You’re back so soon?!”
“Yup, had to take my exams that I missed”
“I heard what happened to your relative” Kage said worried “Are you alright? Sorry about your loss.”
“We’re good, I just had to help with the arrangements” I said relieved that they didn’t know about the other shit “I learned a lot about family this break.”
We went in Gon’s room to chat “...so are you going to take the hero licensing this year?”
“I guess so? But it’s not like I’m going to see you guys there” I responded “Everyone has their license right?”
“No, three people didn’t pass” said Kage “So they’ll be joining you on that.”
“Does that mean you’ll be in the sports festival too?!” Gon jumped excitedly.
“I’m still not sure” I gestured to have him calm down “I don’t want to do an internship for hero work and I don’t want to be on the scope for these villains. And don’t act like that’s not the reason why y’all get attacked on the regular!”
“I guess you have some reasoning there” Gon pondered my words “But imagine you kicking ass out there?! You’d easily get in the top 3!”
“Yeah Iida-kun! You’re one of the strongest ones in the class!” Kage joined in on the hype “At least think about it.”
I looked at the two and slumped in my bean bag chair “Ugh fine I’ll think about it!” I groaned “Still gotta figure myself out though.”
“Like what?” asked the two in sync.
“I’m thinking about getting a support item for my legs” I pointed at my shins “Even after all this training, I still can’t get my legs to keep up with the kick of my arm engines!”
“That would be helpful” Kage looked over my arms “Still can’t believe you haven’t figured it out.”
-Fast forward, afternoon of the Welcome Estate Ball-
“...Your tuxedo Iwata-chan.” said a butler as he draped the formal wear on the bed “Anything else you might need before I go?”
“Thank you, that’ll be all!” I said carefully, not to sound too aggressive.
To tell the truth I’m freaking out about all this! It feels like I’m a prince or something and I’m about to get coronated. Thankfully Beizu agreed to come with me to the estate to take the edge off and be moral support.
“That bath is no joke! Like damn bitch you can live like this?!” Beizu said as he got out of the joint bathroom in a robe in my estate quarters “Ooh! The champagne and snacks are here!”
“Bei I’m freaking out!” I slam myself onto the bed “I’m no rich boy, I’m on this ironic lucky streak that’s becoming my literal nightmare!”
Beizu walks over to me with two glasses in his hand “Iwa, it’s not like you’re pretending that you own everything! Nobody hates you and you just gotta be yourself, as corny as that sounds, it’s true” he hovers the glass of champagne over my face “Lets get a little loose before we have to go socialize with your family.”
All my worries took backseat “Okay a few drinks, I don’t want to puke and embarrass my uncle.”
“To inheritance!” Beizu toasted as I sat up “May you live comfortably the rest of your life!”
I toasted and really thought about those words. Yeah I am going to live comfortably but I also want Beizu to be part of that lifestyle too. In between getting whisked into conversations and having to order servants, I try to get some quality time in with Beizu. Yeah we dorm together but school is kicking our butts and we hardly have time for the usual hanging out. Finally there was a moment where we slipped away into the Lineage Hall for some peace and quiet.
“Wow, look at all the portraits” gasped Beizu “Fucked up eyebrows do run in the family!”
“Right?! Glad my mom has stronger, pretty genes” I chuckled as I led Beizu by the hand “This way! I want to show you something.” All the way at the end was four plaques “Here’s were my portrait will someday hang, alongside my siblings!”
“That’s so cool! When are you going to get yours done?” asked Beizu, taking a closer look at my plaque.
“I want to get mine done when I get married, ya know, so I can have couples portrait” I get a little choked up on my words and blurted “Hey Bei, would you be down to get married at 25 with me, if we’re both still single by then?”
Beizu froze and slowly turned to me, face flushed beet red “Wha?! You want to marry me?!”
“Why not? I trust you and I don’t care what others will say about it” I bring our hands together “Maybe it’s all the alcohol in me, but I want you to take part in these riches with me. You said you’d marry me when I told you how much I inherited, you might’ve been joking around but I mean it! Won’t you be part of my family and riches?”
Beizu pursed his lips to give it a thought “I’ll do it BUT I’M GOING TO HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE IWATA EL ROCA IIDA!” he posed and pointed at my nose “If by the time of the stroke of midnight on your 25th birthday and theres no ring on my finger, I’m going to propose in the most extra way that you’ll have to say yes.”
“Deal, I trust you’ll keep me accountable” I pulled them in for a hug “I don’t ever want to go through life without you.”
He brought his hands around my waist “That’s my line, silly” Beizu laughed as he rest his head on my shoulder “I don’t want to go through life without you too.”
We walk down the hall after our little moment to see my little brother having what looks like a mental breakdown. And just outside the window of the hall, in plain view, my parents were really going at it with the making out. It was just so weird looking at them making out like that when Beizu and I spent most of our first year of high school peeking into young mom’s romps with other boys. As for little bro Tensei, I’m sure it’s fine and he’s not on the brink of anything! He’s just a boy after all. Shiet, I’d breakdown if Hanaka was my twin sister too. Beizu and I just minded our business and re-joined the others in the main hall to drink a little more. I hope for more moments like these, then maybe life wouldn’t suck so bad.
-Chapter 11, End-
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Anniversaire (Klaus x Reader)
Anniversaire (noun; French)  /a.ni.vɛʁ.sɛʁ/
Someone’s date of birth. (ex: Happy birthday!)
A date that celebrates a meaningful event. (ex: It was their tenth anniversary.)
Synopsis: Post TUA No Apocalypse!AU in which Y/N is Klaus’ childhood best friend. Even when he lived far away from the Academy, he always took time out of his doubtlessly busy schedule to celebrate her birthday. It’s their tradition.
Word count: 11,3k (May I suggest you settle somewhere comfortable?)
A/N: As always, there’s some slight physical description for the third person reader, because it was written with an OC in mind. Either ignore or enjoy.
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“My birthday party,” she grumbled and reaffirmed her grip on his arm. “Birthday, my ass! This rather looks like your party,” she accused a very much inebriated Klaus slouched against her.
She wasn't frail but Klaus was tall and not exactly a lightweight either. The walk was a slow and tedious one for (Y/N), who had to drag along her friend's heavy, useless carcass out the back door of a clandestine underground club. Trust Klaus to know the existence of this place.
Klaus' half conscious mind tried to force his feet to move and help (Y/N) in her endeavor, but they weren't very synchronized, if at all, with her steps. He mumbled something against her shoulder and (Y/N) acknowledged him with a hum but did not answer. What was there to answer to an incoherent mumble anyway?
He could feel the alcohol course in his veins and still felt hot all over from the stifling, humid air of the club where he had dragged his best friend for her birthday. After twenty-two years of knowing each other, he was starting to run short of ideas. It was easier making shenanigans when they were kids, they could get away with a lot more than now. Hell, he was lucky (Y/N) was always up for whatever foolish, crazy plans he came up with; she never shot him down for being too childish or silly.
He suspected she sometimes only agreed to make him happy; Klaus didn't have a lot of people in his life who put his happiness before their own, especially on their birthday. His (Y/N) was something else.
(Y/N) wasn't really into big celebrations but they usually did something with just the two of them. Stuffed their faces with Agnes' donuts, booby-trapped Diego's entire bedroom, tried to sneak into the sacra-saint office of his now dead father, or – now that they were adults - just sat at a bar and pretended nothing else existed for one evening. Not his powers, not other people around them, not all of this constant noise.
They had met in rather unusual circumstances as children, and were quite inseparable since then. Klaus, of course, did not stay at the mansion much longer than he needed to, especially not with his abusive father looming over his shoulder all the time. (Y/N) did not enjoy watching him turn to drugs to drown out the white noise and to escape his reality, nor did she like hearing he had skipped town from one day to the next.
She would have liked a goodbye.
But he always came back and that's all that mattered. Of course there were the occasional surprise visits whenever he was close-by and felt like saying hell, but more importantly, he came back for a very specific occasion. For her birthday, every year for the last ten years, he had shown up at her doorstep bright and early, somewhat sober, and told her to get ready, chop-chop, because he had planned the whole day for them. It usually turned into a long week-end - whether or not her birthday was on a week day did not matter at all to him - and (Y/N) learned to take sick leave for a couple days after the first two years.
How long would it take for her boss to figure out that she was “sick” every year at the same date? Time will tell.
This year's celebrating wasn't particularly inspired as he had only meant to bring her to a club and dance the night away. At the beginning, she had indulged him, because his father's death anniversary – and the family reunion that goes with it - had taken place only a week before and he had struggled to push through without turning back to drugs, so his mind must have been elsewhere. However, (Y/N) could not keep up with his drinking, and she soon realized she might have to be the one who stuck to water in order to make sure the other one would go home safely.
There was no doubt in her mind that Klaus had been in worse predicaments than simply being drunk at a club and unable to go home – she knew for a fact that he had slept in back alleys before and wasn't afraid to do it again. During Sir Reginald Hargreeves' lifetime, any place was better than the damn academy. Then again, (Y/N) wasn't as adventurous as Klaus, and a soft mattress was a must to end the night.
When she reached the corner of the street, (Y/N) was sweaty and felt damp all over. They both smelled like the bottom of a tequila bottle, but she hoped someone would still let them climb into their car. She hailed a cab, with Klaus still leaning on her like the passed out idiot he was, and the man in the driver's seat shot them a nasty look, but she smiled kindly and he reluctantly nodded.
Thank the fuck. She wouldn't have been able to haul his ass all the way back to the academy and she did not want to try sleeping in a trashcan. The ride was silent except for Klaus' barely audible mumbling in her ear and snuggling against her like she was his favorite pillow.
“Happy 28th birthday to me,” she grumbled and rolled her eyes when he began to snore loudly, his hair tickling her cheek.
Ben sat riding shotgun, smiling to himself while he watched them in the rear view mirror. She couldn't see or hear him, though she was aware of him following Klaus around pretty much all the time.
“Happy birthday (Y/N),” he said, and disappeared. He wasn't needed tonight, Klaus was taken care of.
Why was that house so damn big? There had only been the ten of them who lived here, so what were all 42 bedrooms for? Why did she have to drag Klaus' limp body through an unnecessarily big house? And why on earth was his room all the way to the back? He was just lucky she could navigate through the many corridors and didn't get lost thrice before finally seeing the door to his bedroom.
“You are so damn heavy, you know that?” she asked him, if only to make conversation for herself.
Unexpectedly, he answered, “Hey! I can hear you! 'm not fat.”
“Must be the weight of your idiocy then.” She shook her head and kicked open the door, nearly losing balance and falling over, Klaus and all. She could have blamed it on her short stature, but elected to blame Klaus' tall figure instead. “And for heaven's sake stop leaning on me you jerk, or I'll drop you right there.”
He did somewhat relieve her of some of his weight but she was still navigating them both through the mess on his floor. Why did he have to live in this garbage?
“I don't feel so well,” he admitted, his head hanging on her shoulder.
“That's what you get for charming almost everyone in this club into buying you a drink,” she huffed with a laugh.
She couldn't remember how the topic first came up but she bet Klaus that he wouldn't be able to seduce a really hot girl into paying for his drink. He wasn't one to back out of a challenge, especially if a free drink was on the line, and he did get the drink, much to (Y/N)'s bafflement. He didn't stop there though, and serial-flirted with every single soul who dared come near him until he was too drunk to even dance anymore.
So this was really all his fault if you thought about it, because (Y/N) only challenged him to win one free drink, not ten.
“But I feel really awful,” he insisted, nudging her a little to make her pay attention.
“I bet you do. Also, eww, your breath smell like death, man!” She scrunched up her nose and waved her hand before her face to dissipate the smell. “We can't put you to bed like this. Bathroom first.”
“Why is the room moving?” Klaus slurred out the question just when (Y/N) opened the door to the bathroom across from his room.
Hadn't she carried him around for a lifetime already? That was that for her weekly exercise, no need to go to the gym this Tuesday. The bathroom was cold and dark. She was always taken aback by how uninviting this manor was. It was so richly ornate, so vast and in-your-face that one would think the rooms where at least heated correctly. But a shiver ran down her spine when she took the last few steps towards the single chair sitting next to the tub.
(Y/N) dropped Klaus on it, then she stretched her back with a delighted groan when her joints cracked a little. Ah yes, she could finally stand upright. When she lifted her arms to stretch, she realized that she didn't smell like roses either, but this was due to carrying Klaus around, she was sweating now.
A quick shower would do her good once she had taken care of her sleepy best friend. He was very pale in the face and rocking between sleepiness and exhilaration. Kneeling down, (Y/N) placed her hands on Klaus' knees and shook him a little to gain his attention. She did not expect what she got instead.
Klaus toppled over and before she could process what he was doing, she felt a distinguishable warm, sticky substance spill on her thighs.
“Fuck! Klaus!” she shrieked, forgetting about anyone else being in a nearby room, asleep. “What the hell?!”
After all she had done for him tonight, he just barfed on her jeans? And the stench... She was going to be sick too. She quickly grabbed a towel and wiped most of it off before discarding said towel. They had enough bathrooms anyway, one missing towel wouldn't be the end of them.
“'orry, s'rry,” Klaus was muttering, barely audible over the sound of (Y/N) fuming and cursing tequila.
She wiped him clean as best she could; her jeans would have to wait until she was done with him, even though it disgusted her. The stench was plain unbearable. Klaus regained some colors, which was the only plus side to this debacle.
“We'll see how sorry you are tomorrow morning,” she snapped, throwing a towel to his face – albeit a clean one, she wasn't like that. “I wish you a hangover!”
“You don't mean it,” he laughed a silly kind of laugh. His upper body was slowly leaning towards the left until (Y/N) stopped him from falling over and sat him upright again.
“C'mon now,” she sighed and took the towel from his hands. “Let's get you cleaned up and call it a day. You know, we're getting too old to party like that. I don't know how you keep up with this lifestyle.”
“I don't,” he blurted out, staring straight at her, sounding more sober than she had ever heard him. “But tonight's your birthday,” he added quickly, breaking into a sloppy grin again, making (Y/N) wonder if she was staring to mishear things because of how exhausted she was.
“Yesterday, actually. It's well past three in the morning.” He seemed to have fallen back into a half slumber, so she added, “Clothes off now!”
He didn't need more convincing than that and allowed her to remove his jacket and shoes, tossing them in a corner. Then she handed him a glass of water to rinse his mouth. This required a little effort from him and he swallowed some wrong and ended up coughing for a solid minute.
“Nearly there, now be a dear and use this mouthwash, because you reek or liquor and puke,” (Y/N) said teasingly, though Klaus was too far gone to notice her playful tone.
He obeyed and when she was satisfied he wasn't too smelly anymore, she nodded to herself.
“Shirt off,” she ordered, holding out her hand. The task was a tedious one but Klaus finally handed the sweaty shirt over and she tossed in the same corner as the rest of his clothes. “Now the pants, and then I'll let you sleep.”
Part of her was glad he was too fucked up to see the blush on her face when she said that. It really shouldn't be there, they had been friends forever and there was nothing she hadn't seen already. But removing lace-up leather pants was an entirely different ordeal than taking off a t-shirt, and Klaus groaned in protest.
“Don't be a baby, Klaus! I wanna go to bed too!” He wouldn't do as she said, so she made him stand up. “I can't believe I'm doing this!” she grumbled to herself, counting on the fact that Klaus wouldn't remember anything that happened tonight once morning came round.
Otherwise, God forbids she ever did what she was doing right now. Her hands fumbled awkwardly with the front laces of his pants and she had to admit it was quite the task. No wonder Klaus didn't want to do it, even she struggled to open them.
“Mmmhm,” Klaus let out a sort of giggle, sort of sigh. “What are you doing, (Y/N)?” His voice shouldn't have been so deep, it made what he said sound sexual.
What was she doing, indeed? Fuck that! He would just have to sleep in his dumb leather pants! She gave up on the task and left his pants half open at the front, raising both hands in the air as a sign of defeat.
“Nothing!” she told him, running a hand through her hair. “Let's get you to bed.”
The short distance between the bathroom and his bed was much more easily covered than their walk here. Klaus fell heavily on the bed, face first, and crashed into his swarm of pillows. Would he be able to breathe like this? (Y/N) briefly wondered. Well, he survived up to his thirtieth birthday without her checking if he wouldn't stifle in his sleep. She shrugged and returned to the bathroom to take a rapid shower. She had deserved it.
Once clean and smelling like Klaus' coconut soap, she hopped out and dried herself. No way she was going to slip into her disgusting clothes again! Her jeans were done for, she would have to burn them. She put her underwear back on and made her way to Klaus' room wrapped in a towel, then she searched through a drawer until she found a shirt that looked clean. This would do.
And finally, blissfully, (Y/N) went to bed too. She pushed Klaus over to make room, and slipped under the covers, passing out almost instantly.
Klaus was the first to wake up, and he was extremely confused by everything he saw. First of all, he tried to remember what happened last night. It was (Y/N)'s birthday, so they went out, obviously, but where? How long? What did they do? Oh God, what did they do?
When he startled awake, he first thought he was cuddling his bolster, but it moved and pillows usually don't move. His eyes opened, and he realized his arm was wrapped around (Y/N)'s middle, pressing her back up to his chest, and their legs were sort of tangled. Immediately removing himself from her, as though he had burned himself, Klaus's eyes widened in shock. What the hell was this? What happened? He had clearly spent the night nuzzling (Y/N), why didn't she just push him off the bed?
Having been in this sort of situation before, Klaus' first reflex was to lift the duvet and check what he was wearing. A sigh of profound relief fell from his lips when he saw his pants were still on. But- wait. The front laces were... undone? And (Y/N)'s pants were gone altogether!
His brain slowly powered up while he blinked away the remaining traces of sleepiness. If he based his reasoning on his current position, last night must have seriously gone off the rails. How drunk had he been? Surely he had known worse, because he wasn't too hangover this morning. He had never made a move on (Y/N)! What could have happened that made him do it last night? Why did she let him?
Oh fuck. He couldn't think about this before coffee. He needed coffee. Thank the fuck for Number Five who brought caffeine back into this house after their father's death. May the old prick rest in pieces.
Klaus sneaked out of bed without waking up his friend, grabbed a clean shirt, and headed downstairs. Yes, coffee first, dealing with his drunk-self's decisions later.
The house wasn't as full as it should have been so soon after their reunion – a real joke, if you asked Klaus. He had come because the timing was great, he had planned on flying over to see (Y/N) anyway, and this time Allison had paid for his trip because she wanted them all to be together.
She was the first to go, soon as the last toast had been given, she'd flown back to her life of glitter and gold. Luther hung around for no other reason than he did not know what else to do. Ever since getting back from the moon, he had been aimless. Number Five was stuck in a fifteen-year-old body and could not go live on his own yet. He lived in the academy all year round, and sometimes Diego came too. He was on the move now that detective Patch was dead. Vanya lived nearby but she didn't stay too long, the place held bad memories for her.
Klaus hated the academy, but it was still his home. He didn't have a place of his own like (Y/N). Coming was no choice for him, it was the only thing to do. At least Grace and Poggo were happy to see him.
He had been sitting in the kitchen, his right leg nervously jumping up and down, eyes wide open staring ahead of him while he bit the nails of his left hand and held his third cup of coffee in the right one. His memories from last night were still hazy at best, he did not remember much apart from getting a lot of free drinks, and dancing with (Y/N).
The logical thing to do was to wait until she woke up to ask her directly, but Klaus wasn't known for making rational decisions. Were it anyone else, he would have bounced the moment he woke up. Shit. He had done so well all these years, being the best friend, never crossing the invisible line, why'd he have to mess up now?
“How much longer are you going to be like this?” Number Five asked from his left. He was reading the newspapers, not even looking up as he asked the question.
His question did not even register in Klaus' brain. Five looked at Luther who sat across from him.
“I think someone broke Klaus,” he told the number one.
Luther grumbled something about it not requiring much given the state Klaus was usually in, before grabbing his bowl and putting it in the sink. Just when Luther left the room, (Y/N) swooped in, looking refreshed despite their late night activities – Jesus, it sounded so bad, even in his head. She was basically at home here, and knew her way around the house, greeted everyone like they were family.
But when Klaus saw her walk in wearing nothing but one of his shirt and underwear, he nearly tipped his chair over. Some steaming coffee spilled over the edge and burned his hand right when (Y/N) greeted them.
“Good morning,” she cooed, stretching like a cat when she stood in front of the counter, probably thinking about what she wanted to eat for breakfast.
Klaus' appetite had yet to make an appearance today. His eyes were glued to her until he realized he was staring a little too hard too long at his best friend's butt. When he turned his head back, he caught Five sending him a suspicious look through narrowed eyes.
“(Y/N)!” Klaus couldn't help but exclaim. Both Five and her stared at him curiously, waiting to see what he wanted to say. “There's a child in the room, have a little decency, please.”
Five rolled his eyes and his attention went back on the newspapers. Meanwhile, (Y/N) smiled wickedly and slowly turned back around, taking extra care to show her backside while she leaning forward to place two slices of bread in the toaster. This usually would have made Klaus laugh, even if it was tainted with longing, but after last night, it just made him swallow hard.
“Five is two times you age,” she pointed out. “Also, how's the hangover, Klaus?” Her fingers were tapping along to some imaginary tune against the counter while she waited for her toasts to pop up. (Y/N) then hopped on the counter and sat there, a butter knife in her hand. She began to unscrew the pot of raspberry jam.
“Not in this timeline,” he argued. “And I replaced alcohol with coffee, I'm fueled up for the day,” he assured her, lifting up his cup. “Don't remember much though.” Except his vague memory of (Y/N) fingers tugging at his pants to undo the front lacing, and some other flashes of disturbingly enticing memories.
“You're shaking, how many have you had?” She pointed at his left hand and Klaus had to admit she was right, it was shaking slightly. It took some focusing to steady it but he shot her a confident smile.
Klaus glared daggers at Five for betraying him like this; Five looked totally unfazed. The toaster dinged then, and Number Five folded the newspaper and stood up.
“If you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than sit here and watch you two make small talk to avoid the tension in the air.” Klaus was so going to get back to him for this, child or not. “Nice seeing you, (Y/N). Catch up soon.”
“The tension in the air?” (Y/N) repeated to herself, wondering what Five meant by that. She bit in a toast and walked to the table, sitting where Five sat only seconds ago. He sure as hell did create tension with his comment, but the air had always been clear between Klaus and her.
“Did we sleep together?”
Klaus' question came just as (Y/N) was about to take another bite from her toast, but instead it fell from her hands and landed on the wrong side on the table. What kind of question was that? She always crashed in his bed whenever they came back from a night out. It was how they did things, it had been this way since the beginning.
“Yeah,” (Y/N) answered with a shrug. “I mean unless you woke up on the floor, in which case I'm sorry for pushing you out of bed.”
Ignoring her humorous comment, Klaus gasped and nervously bit his fingers. She frowned but elected not to make anything of it. It was Klaus after all, he must still be out of it from last night. He poured her coffee in a robotic manner, as if it was born out of a reflex more than an actual intention, like when some people walked all around their room when they made a phone call, because moving helped them think.
“Why aren't you wearing pants?”
(Y/N) groaned before taking a sip of coffee. “Oh, thanks to you my pants are lost to the world! There's no getting them back. I was hoping you would lend me something to wear.”
Klaus nearly had a stroke, picturing the two of them bumping from wall to wall along the corridor leading up to his room, kissing feverishly and scattering clothes along the way. Speaking of, where were his clothes? He put on a shirt before going to the kitchen this morning, but he didn't forget that he woke up half naked, cuddling his equally half naked best friend in his childhood bed.
Why was she acting so natural around him?
“My closet is your closet,” he answered, somewhat mechanically too.
He saw the way she frowned at him before attempting to pick up her face-down toast. He watched her dip her finger in the jam on the table then lick it clean a few times, he closed his eyes right before the sight turned him insane. He could feel his body react to her; the mixture of apprehension and this enticing sight made him all kinds of confused and horny.
“I think I need a shower,” he stated and stood up quickly, before (Y/N) could catch sight of his current state. A cold one.
“You sure do,” she agreed and nodded without detaching her eyes from her newly jammed toast. “I'll be going home soon, but I'll see you again before you leave, right?” she asked hopefully, a second before Klaus stepped out.
He wanted to turn around to tell her this face to face, but he really had to get out of here before she saw what she did to him.
“I think I'll stay a bit longer.” This came as a shock to (Y/N), whose lips parted slightly, asking a silent question. “Can I come by tonight?”
She nodded, a smile on her face.
Klaus' head had been a mess all day. Especially after he got out of the shower and found (Y/N) in his bedroom, putting on a shirt he had once stolen from Allison. It was all too much and the cold shower he had taken minutes before did nothing for his hazy memories and slight dizziness.
In the evening, when she opened the door and saw him standing there, grinning wider than the Cheshire Cat and looking twice as mad, (Y/N) she was in for one of their endless contemplative conversations. She popped out some fancy glasses and mixed them each a cocktail, and off they were to her fire escape stairway. Access to the rooftop was banned since her 25th birthday, the year Klaus thought he would surprise her with fireworks. It was a nice idea, worth being forever banned from up there. So the stairway was the next best thing.
Immediately after they downed their drinks, Klaus' mood shifted and he blurted out the last thing (Y/N) expected. She had noticed how frantic he acted this morning, and was hoping he would be back to his normal self by tonight, but he clearly had something to say. It wasn't always easy being a Hargreeves, this wouldn't be her first improvised therapy session, except they usually only started after the fourth drink.
“(Y/N), I see dead people,” Klaus breathed out as if it were a hush hush secret and not a widely known fact.
“I know Klaus,” she laughed and tipped over her empty glass, watching the melting ice cubes swirl around.
“You don't get it.” He shook his head, his fingers nervously tapping against the railing. “I see everyone, the living, the dead, hell why not throw in the undead too? Sometimes I'm not sure who is who. I'll be talking to someone and I won't realize they are dead until I catch other people staring at me like I'm a freak,” he began rambling, staring off into the night. (Y/N) didn't dare interrupt. “I am, aren't I? I'm a freak. Why would someone like you stick to my side for so long? It makes no sense, so what proof do I have that you're alive and not some ghost following me around?”
(Y/N) extended her hand for him to take, except Klaus, in his state of existential crisis, did not take it right away and simply started at it like he had never seen a hand before in his life. (Y/N)'s nails were painted black because he had done her nails last week, for the memorial, though the polish was chipping off now, and the pure silver ring Klaus had once gifted her as a diploma gift was on her right middle finger.
He tried to remember a time when she wasn't wearing it but couldn't come up with anything. (Y/N) had been wearing it day in day out since he gave it to her – both as a way to celebrate her passing her exams and also to stick it to his old man. It had been a very lavish and expensive gift whose real value was known only to Klaus himself because he knew (Y/N) never would have accepted it otherwise.
His eyes moved back to her eyes. They shone bright like uncut stones, and her rosy cheeks swept by the evening wind made her look terribly adorable. She rolled her eyes after a while and simply grabbed his hand in hers. For whatever reason, he seemed taken aback. As if he had expected her hand to go right through his.
“You can touch me,” she told him, a slight blush warming her faces. True, he had developed the ability to physically interact with Ben now, but he had always been able to touch (Y/N), from the very first moment they met and he had grabbed her arm to pull her out of the way just when a car came crashing into the front façade of a pawnshop. Good times. “And your family see me too.”
“Right. But it still doesn't explain why you stick around. I'm a mess!” He laughed a sad, hysterical laugh that broke her heart, his eyes glowing under the harsh light of the nearby streetlamp. “You should have left years ago, when I started using. Do you know I don't even remember a bunch of your birthdays because I was so high? Who does that? Who celebrates their best friend's birthday high off their ass and forgets about it afterwards?”
He had abruptly let go of her hand. It hurt to hear that some memories that she cherished weren't shared, but (Y/N) never blamed Klaus for trying to escape his distorted reality any way he could. Doing drugs wasn't a good solution, but if he hadn't found a better one yet, who was she to try and force him to face his demons? She had always thought that he would do it in his own time, when he was ready. And he did.
“It's more complicated than that. I know that you-”
“It really shouldn't be. I should have been there - and I mean really there - for you. Why did you wait for me? Even when I left town, you waited for me.”
His sputtered out sharp, accusing sentences; his breath was short, erratic, a bit like when he was coming down from a high. But this wasn't it. Drugs didn't have anything to do with this.
(Y/N) found it difficult to swallow and it took her a little while to decide on the right thing to say. Her feelings for Klaus had always been a touchy subject, but so far he had never questioned their relationship – they were simply the bestest of friends, and that was that.
“I don't know what else to do,” she admitted, feeling the emotion built up. This really was a bad time for her, she becomes weirdly emotional after nightfall and even more so if she drank on an empty stomach. “If you weren't a part of my life anymore, I'd have a huge gap to fill. I look forward to seeing you show up at my door every year for my birthday. You never give me a heads up but I wait for you every damn time. There's no one I would rather get stuck on a deserted island with. You're my ride or die person.”
“I'm not reliable. Ask...” He gestured vaguely. “...literally anyone.”
“You've never let me down so far.” She shrugged. “The rest doesn't matter to me. Now stop questioning my reasons for sticking around. I love you Klaus, what else is there to say?”
He couldn't do anything but stare. (Y/N) wasn't a coward but her courage deserted her suddenly and she had to look away, ignoring his hard stare on her, willing her face to stay cool. Ben was glaring a hole into the side of his head and told him what he had been repeating Klaus all day, slowly driving him insane.
“Tell her. Tell her you love her too.”
Klaus would've told him off or hissed at him if he wasn't hyper aware of (Y/N) patiently waiting for an answer. What he settled for was even worse.
“Your mistake,” he eventually said before letting his head fall back. It was meant to be funny but it came out the wrong way.
“Are you fucking kidding me!” (Y/N) shouted all of a sudden, stung by his comment. “You are one whiny bitch, do you know that? Just accept that you're stuck with me for the rest of your life and move on, because I'm not turning my back on you regardless of how much you bitch about it.”
“You said 'bitch' twice,” he pointed out.
“Yes but one was a noun and the other was a verb.”
“I still don't get it,” he insisted.
Ben scoffed and turned away, as if he couldn't bear to witness Klaus' stupidity in action any longer. Klaus had to admit – at least to himself – that he was being stubbornly dumb with (Y/N). He didn't really know if he wanted to make her mad so she would leave him alone like he deserved, or if he was in complete and genuine denial of his own feelings.
“I don't get how gravity works but you don't see me floating away,” she replied, her tone settling down and getting relaxed again. “Whether you believe or not doesn't change the way things are. This ain't Neverland.”
There was a pause. She waited for a reaction. Klaus rubbed his hands over his stubble.
“I don't understand this reference,” he admitted, very begrudgingly.
“It's from Peter Pan, Klaus! How do you not know that?” (Y/N) raised both hands towards the sky in frustration but her smile betrayed how she felt.
“I've had a pretty rough childhood,” he chuckled as if it was an inside joke. Reluctantly, (Y/N) joined in and they shared an understanding look. “I feel like I lost the superpowers lottery,” he added. “The award for the worst superpower goes to Klaus Hargreeves.” A humorless chuckle. “I can't do anything with it. Nothing heroic at least. I can ask David Bowie if he likes my outfit before going out, but that won't save anyone's life.”
“You saved my life,” (Y/N) reminded him.
“We saved each other's life, it's a draw,” he shot back, frowning as he usually did when (Y/N) brought this up. It had happened eons ago, they were children for fuck's sake. “I couldn't protect you today. I'm not strong, I can't travel through time and space-” he paused, his eyes glazing over for a second as he no doubt remembered Dave, “or force people to do as I say, I can't even throw knives. Anyone can throw knives! You even don't need powers for that, but I still can't do it.”
“I don't need protection.”
“You will if you insist on staying in my life. Trouble always finds us - it finds me,” he added the last part a bit more quietly. “Trust me, I tried to outrun it for years.”
“I don't remember a time in my life when trouble didn't know exactly where I was and when to knock me off my feet,” (Y/N) assured him, setting her empty glass down now. She felt she would snap it in two if she kept twirling its stem between her fingers. “Whether you were there or not.”
“I know you're talking about your time in college, but that's just how college is I think,” Klaus chuckled. “Not that I would know, but that's what I've heard.”
A sad smile etched on (Y/N)'s lips forced Klaus to be serious again.
“It's not just that,” she told him quietly. “Also, you would've loved college. I know you're smarter than you let on, and it would have bought you four years away from the academy. Four years of absolute madness with Yours Truly.” She gestured at herself, grinning bright and wide.
“See? You should have listened to me, that's exactly what I told you ten years ago,” Ben added, much to Klaus' annoyance.
He didn't like when his brother meddled with his conversations with (Y/N), especially not if he teamed up with her against him – she didn't need that kind of support, she was right most of the time anyway.
“I would've blown it. I don't do well with authority,” Klaus argued, mostly to deflect Ben's argument than (Y/N)'s.
Ben huffed and disappeared again. Good riddance, don't come back before I go home, Klaus thought. Just because he's dead doesn't make everything he says cool and mystical.
“Whatever you tell yourself to feel better,” (Y/N) chuckled and grabbed a beer from the edge of the window behind them. “You look a little... off, Klaus. What's bothering you so much? Been seeing more ghosts again?”
“No, I mean yes, but that's not why I'm weird today,” he fumbled with words, pressing the cool beer bottle against his forehead to calm the whirlwind of thought in his head. It was just (Y/N), there was no need for such anxiety. “I don't understand how you can be so relaxed about it.”
“About what?”
“Don't act like you don't know!” He pointed an accusing finger at her and (Y/N) stared at it with wide, confused eyes, blinking slowly.
“I don't know what you're on about, dude. Is it something that happened last night?” A light bulb seemed to light up above her head suddenly. “Did you finally remember how you barfed all over me? Wasn't your most brilliant moment I have to say.”
“I did what now?” Klaus asked, baffled. “No, I don't remember that, and I sure hope I never will.”
“Then what's gotten your panties in a twist?” (Y/N)'s frustration was growing. If he didn't tell her right the fuck now why he acted like that, she would have to tease it out of him some way or another. “You are testing my patience, I can only handle so much nonsense, you know it.”
“Don't I,” he whispered to himself. “You know what? You're right, I'm being dumb. It's not a big deal, we're adults.”
(Y/N) frowned deeper, not having a clue what he was raving about, but deciding she was going to wait until he finished another beer to push the matter. His mind was clearly a mess, who knows if he even knew what he was talking about? Let's change the subject.
“You know, I'm glad this year's celebration was on the legal side, I really didn't want to be arrested again, and if we can avoid any and all near death experiences in the future, that'd be cool too.”
“Yeah,” he drawled out. “I thought we'd go back to classics this year,” he told her. “Since you vetoed all the fun stuff!”
Last year had gotten out of hand, which prompted (Y/N) to set some ground rules for future birthdays and other celebrations.
“I trust you to make even a plain, boring night at the club special,” she assured him, stroking his ego like nobody's business – it wasn't like anyone else did it anyway, his head would still fit through the door in the morning. The other umbrellas and his father always underestimated him. “I've never spent a dull evening with you.”
“So many compliments! Are you trying to get into my pants, (Y/N)? Because that's exactly how to do it.” He poked her cheek when her dimples showed and (Y/N) gave him a pointed look.
Yes, this was easy, this he knew. Just act normal, Klaus buddy, and she'll never know how freaked out you are about spending a night of drunken passion with your best friend, thus defiling your childhood bed.
“I'm way out of your league, man,” she scoffed in mock disdain and turned away from him. “You'd be lucky to get a hand job out of me.”
“Do I hear a challenge?” he asked immediately, jumping to the occasion to tease her further – he knew exactly what it took to make her turn beetroot red in the face. He liked how she tried to hide it behind a curtain of her dark hair. However, he knew he was treading on thin ice, and he had to keep himself in check if he didn't want to fall through.
“No, it's not Klaus!” she fired back, turning red alright. “It's a hard fact.” Fact, my ass. It wasn't even true. “Beer won't do if that's where the conversation is going. I'll be back.”
She climbed back into her living room and disappeared from sight. Klaus let out a sigh and looked into the night. It was mostly silent tonight, except for the cars driving by and the light music (Y/N) put on for background noise.
What kind of a mess had he put himself into? And fool as he was, he kept digging deeper and deeper. He needed to watch his tongue and stop making innuendos all the time. But it's what he usually did, so wouldn't it be weirder to simply stop? Would (Y/N) notice? Well, of course she would, she knew him better than anyone, except maybe Ben, but this was merely due to his ghost status that rendered privacy nearly impossible. Geez, did this mean that Ben saw the whole affair? Klaus dry heaved at the sheer thought that his brother had seen (Y/N) and him in action.
Also, if he couldn't remember shit about it, than it wasn't fair that Ben got to.
“Hey!” (Y/N) called, and Klaus felt something cold and damp against his arm. It was a glass of what he assumed was a gin tonic that she pressed against him to make him snap out of his bubble. “Are you going to take it or should I dump it directly into your mouth?”
God, he thought, accepting the glass but not taking his eyes off her, maybe Ben was right.
He squinted his eyes when he realized she was holding something else, a piece of paper, or was it? He couldn't tell, she was clearly trying to hide it in her palm.
“Since we're already on the subject of sensitive topics, I have a question for you,” (Y/N) told him as she sat down, her arm grazing against him and her eyes meeting his. “I've been meaning to ask you for a while now, but it never feels like the right time.”
He wasn't very good with social cues most of the time, but he had learned to pick up (Y/N)'s. Right now, he knew she wanted to have a serious conversation, her eyes told him so. It prickled his tongue just to know that for once he wouldn't be able to joke his way out of a situation, he would have to answer her truthfully, whatever she asked.
Neither of them drank the gin tonic she brought. (Y/N) thought it might give her a bit of courage if she drank before diving in the great unknown and asking the question that burned her lips. But she felt she might become sick if she so much as brought the glass to her mouth. She set it down on the iron railing.
Soon enough, her eyes prickled a little. Damn, why did she have to be so emotional after dark? It was exactly like when she was little and spilled all her secrets to her friends during a sleepover – the next day they told everyone who her crush was. Guess (Y/N) hadn't learned her lesson yet. No, she wasn't going to cry. She wasn't. Klaus' eyes were still glued to the side of her face, waiting for the anticipated question.
“Why did you leave, Klaus?” Even her voice was full of tears, but she somehow kept them from falling. Her eyes were trained on the photograph in her hands – an old picture of Klaus, Ben and her that Allison had taken a few weeks prior to Ben's death.
It was then that Klaus had fallen well and good into self-medication, and she knew she had lost him, she had seen his departure the following year coming from a mile away. Though it didn't hurt less when he disappeared without a goodbye.
“You know why.”
(Y/N) laughed a little. Klaus rarely used this serious a voice, she must look a fright if he didn't try to tease his way out of her questioning.
“That's not what I'm talking about.” No, she wasn't talking about Klaus skipping town at age twenty because he couldn't take the abuse anymore and still grieved his brother. “Reginald is dead. Why'd you leave last year? I thought you might want to settle down somewhere now that his influence can't reach you anymore.”
He shook his head and resting his elbows on his knees, burying his face in his open palms.
“This house isn't home. I don't see his ghost but his bitch ass haunts the place as sure as I am the hottest sibling. I can't even sleep in this house when you're not here,” he scoffed and slammed the full glass on the ground too.
It took (Y/N) aback. She blinked away the remaining tears and a put herself together. He still couldn't sleep. How did that affect someone's daily life?
A childish, idealistic part of her wanted to tell him to come live with her. He knew he was always welcome, she never rejected him. But the adult part of her knew it wasn't that simple. He couldn't spend his life on her couch.
He could just sleep in my bed though.
No, she shook the thought away, that was just plain stupid. The silly, naive teenage girl she never truly stopped being clung to an old hope. She had to let go of this.
“Sorry,” she muttered, feeling the ridicule of her sudden outburst now that it was over. She hadn't gotten the answer she was hoping for, but at least she would wonder anymore. “I ruined the mood, didn't I? There was a time I wasn't so serious, see what happens when you're gone too long?”
Shit. She closed her eyes and kept them tightly shut for a second. That wasn't the right thing to say. It came out all wrong, but Klaus still huffed and laughed.
“You mean you becoming boring? Tell me about it, I should take you out of this soul-sucking city before it's too late.”
(Y/N) thought she might like that.
All night they talked, and talked, and talked, but now once did Klaus mention what really bothered him. (Y/N) sat and listened to his jokes and his stories about Five going through puberty again and she laughed with him and huddled under a blanket with him when the night became too cold.
Yet he still would spill the beans to her. It was the first time she felt as though he was withholding information from her, that he didn't just refuse to talk about something, he refused to talk about it with her. Made her wonder if she did something wrong. The only reason why he would hide her something was if she was the source of the problem.
It pained Klaus to see her wait in expectancy all night, hoping he would open up to her. But the more he looked at her – really looked at her, her shining eyes, her smile, the way she shook her head when he told her something funny – and the more he realized he was living a lie he told himself. Ben had always been right. But (Y/N) couldn't know.
So she obliviously kept laughing with him, hoping that whatever preoccupied him so much would soon be dealt with, one way or another. God knew how long he was going to stay this time.
“... I mean, adolescence sure doesn't sit well on Five, he's been insufferable since I suggested he bust a nut to unwind. Something about cheating on Dolores,” Klaus kept going on and on. “Can you imagine? How long will it take for him to recognize I gave him valuable advice? Even you and I did it the other night, and we're fine as fiddles.”
(Y/N) blinked slowly, feeling a wire snap in her brain.
“Wait, what?”
(Y/N) didn't have a superpower. Or maybe she did, only different from the kind of power the Umbrellas had. Klaus wasn't sure. All he knew was that she made things go quiet and he needed that in his life.
When she was sitting next to him the dead didn't come too close. When he held her hand he didn't hear their heart wrenching moans. And the best part was that she didn't even realize, she just hung out with him because they were friends.
One day, he mused, Luther said something in a fit of anger that Klaus hadn't forgotten since, despite the years. He told him that he used (Y/N) for his own benefit and that he would step out of her life if he cared for her at all. That was shortly before Klaus skipped town and became a regular at rehab and the ER.
But he couldn't stay away, he couldn't abandon his best friend. He came back at least once a year for her birthday and tried to come by as often as he could without relapsing. Yes, he was a shitty friend, but he tried. And once a year, for a few precious hours, he was at peace.
He already lost his love once, he won't let it happen again. There was nothing he wouldn't do to keep (Y/N) in his life. Sometimes he still thought of Dave, of course. It lasted a flicker beat, during which he wanted to reach for the dog tags - except they weren't there anymore. He had kept them, put them somewhere safe as they were precious memorabilia, but they were no longer part of his everyday attire.
At the beginning he needed to feel them again his chest, they grounded him while he mourned. But over time they began to hang heavy around his neck, weighing down on him instead of helping him keep his head out of the water. That's when he decided to take them off, as painful as it was. Dave was in the past, far, far away in the past, and he was dead. How long could Klaus hold onto the memory of a dead person before it drove him crazy? He was unbalanced enough as it was, no need to add to it.
But as recalled holding (Y/N) against his chest, he thought maybe there was still hope for him. Maybe all the good parts of him hadn't died with Dave in Vietnam. It wasn't her job to fix him, obviously, Klaus knew that, he was aware he couldn't rely on her to fix himself. Perhaps though, waking up next to her and seeing her smile was all he needed to give him the courage to get better. The strength to get out of bed and not dread the day ahead. Maybe he had found a secure place for his heart again - he knew she would take great care of it, she always had.
He shook his head.
He was just putting the cart before the horse. Who said she felt the same as him? Sure, he thought that she act strangely calm after their drunken “hook up”, but he knew now that it was all in his head. She acted normal because nothing happened. She made it very clear that nothing occurred between them, so much so that Klaus would have taken offense if he wasn't busy feeling all kinds of other troublesome emotions.
This was giving him a headache. He had been hiding in his room like a teenager for days now. A few horrendous, boring, restless days during which he barely got any shut eye, for various reasons.
For now, he would enjoy his bath, but how long until (Y/N) barged in here to demand an explanation?
“Where's Klaus? He's been avoiding my calls,” (Y/N) asked Poggo the moment the large double doors opened.
He gave her a crooked smile, and made a slight head movement to the left. She sometimes thought Poggo knew when she was going to come before she even took the decision. She thanked him and stormed in, heading straight for his room and banging on the door. No answer. Her hand flew to the handle and she burst in uninvited. No one. Fine.
There was only one other place he could be if he wanted to avoid people and that was the bathroom. This time (Y/N) did not even knock and simply waltzed in, shutting the door behind her so abruptly that Klaus nearly dropped his headphones in the water.
“(Y/N)! You scared the shit out of me!”
Did he just... summon her? No, that didn't sound right. It was a mere coincidence.
“You should've answered my calls, it would've spared you a heart attack,” she replied, walking straight to the tub he was soaking in. “What's the matter, Klaus? Just say it so we can move on.”
“It's nothing!” he exclaimed, his voice too high pitched to be telling the truth.
“I don't believe you.”
“Just tell her. You know she won't drop it,” Ben told him with his usual 'I am full of wisdom' voice.
They would really need to have a conversation about how dying doesn't make you smarter or give you permission to spy on people's bath time.
“I know!” Klaus shouted at Ben.
(Y/N) took it for herself.
“Then why don't you spill the beans? I'm not going to judge you, whatever it is. Have you had a relapse?”
“No...” Klaus rubbed his eyes both his thumb and pointer finger, feeling tired already. It was barely past noon and he wanted nothing more than find cover in his bed.
“Why are you hiding it from her? Maybe she loves-”
“Shut up!” Klaus yelled, his head snapping to his right.
“Wait, is Ben here?” (Y/N) asked. She knew how much Klaus hated to have more than one conversation at a time, what with ghosts always trying to get his attention. It made it hard to focus and that's what made him turn to drugs in the first place. “Do you mind? It's rude to eavesdrop.”
Ben smiled even though she couldn't see it. She was standing there, fists on her hips, trying to look stern while Klaus sat naked in the tub, unable to avoid this conversation. Reassured that he would not just jump out of the water and try for a run, Ben nodded.
“You can't avoid this anymore. It's long overdue anyway,” he told his brother right before leaving them alone.
“He's gone,” Klaus informed (Y/N).
His shaking hands removed his headphones and reached for the window's edge to grab a cigarette. What had him so nervous? (Y/N) grabbed the lighter and lit his cigarette for him before he burned himself or dropped it in his bath.
“Please, Klaus. I'm getting worried.”
Her eyes shone in the bluish light filtering through the opaque window. He couldn't resist those big puppy eyes. (Y/N) sat down, back against the side of the tub. When his arm extended over the edge to hand her the cigarette, she took it and placed it between her lip.
“Is it something I said? It's not still about last week, is it? I told you: we didn't sleep together like you thought we did,” she said, blowing out smoke and watching it swirl skyward and dissipate before hitting the ceiling. She handed it back to him but he didn't bring it to his mouth.
(Y/N)'s gaze got stuck on his goodbye tattoo.
She, too, had been thinking over and over again about their conversation. When he admitted he thought they had spent the night together, she was taken aback. So much so that her first instinct was to deny vehemently, maybe too much even. It didn't come from a bad place, she was just surprised and shifted into her default denial mode. Whenever someone asked her if Klaus and her were a thing, she flipped and sputtered out something about male and female friendship being possible without developing romantic feelings.
Truth was, it was possible. It simply wasn't the case for her. She had always had a thing for Klaus, and she always thought he was aware and elected to ignore it for the sake of their long standing friendship. She realized how she felt upon seeing the enormity of the emptiness in her life, right after he left.
More than once, (Y/N) almost took a leap of faith and confessed, but they saw each other so rarely already, what if he simply walked out of her life for good after that?
She was blind and that was it. They were already so far from each other on a daily basis, she had nothing to lose, nothing at all. If he didn't share her feelings, they would still have a whole year to put that behind them and get their friendship back on track for her next birthday.
(Y/N) took the cigarette back. Klaus still hadn't answered her. Her fingers lingered on his hand and slid towards his tattoo, circling it.
“You surprised me, to say the least,” she started, still wondering what she was going to say next. Sometimes autopilot was the best option. “On the one hand, I'm glad we did nothing because you were drunk out of your mind and would have forgotten it all – which honestly would've crushed my self-confidence – but on the other, I think it would make for a memorable birthday present.”
It sounded better in her head. When she looked up, she met his eyes and it nearly broke a dam inside her. He looked so vulnerable, so heartbroken. She hadn't seen those eyes in years – or so it felt – and they rendered her helpless. (Y/N) swallowed, unable to look away, trapping by his big, glossy eyes.
“Don't say that,” he breathed out. She barely heard it, as if he was talking to himself and not to her. But she did catch his words and they burned in her mind.
“I am saying it. We've been together for so long now, I should have said it eons ago and not wait for a dumb misunderstanding before finally telling you.” He was so silent, everything was silent, almost like they were alone in the house. A shiver ran down (Y/N)'s spine and her heartbeat picked up its pace. “Say something, Klaus. Anything.”
“I hate this place.”
Well, it wasn't what she was hoping for, but at least he said something.
“So I hate coming back. It makes me feel wrong, it's like a poison,” he tried to explain, finally freeing her from his gaze.
“Maybe you shouldn't come back then,” (Y/N) said, feeling herself growing sick.
“I can't,” he admitted, his voice desperate all of a sudden, breathless almost. “I can't stay away, as much as I hate it, I have to come back, because you're still here. And I can't leave you.”
It was difficult holding up his gaze now. What was he saying? Why couldn't he speak plainly? Then again, neither could she. It was so hard putting yourself in a vulnerable position – it was like exposing your neck to a hungry lion and seeing if he would bite you or spare you.
“I can't live without you.” His confession hit her like a thousand bricks, knocking the air out of her.
“Why does it make you so sad?” (Y/N) pushed.
“I already told you. I'm no good, I can't protect you, I'm a forever work-in-progress, you'll nev-”
“Don't presume to tell me want I am, or want, or need, Klaus,” she warned him before he could go any further.
“I can't even sleep most of the time. My life is a nightmare when you're not right next to me,” he whined, pressing his palms against his temples.
(Y/N) extinguished the cigarette on the tiled floor and stood up, kicking off her shoes. When her hands reached for the front button of her jeans, Klaus' shook his head.
“Wha- what are you doing (Y/N)?” he asked, blinking as though he thought he might be seeing things.
Soon, she stood (once again) half undressed in front of him. What he genuinely did not expect, was to see her take a hold of the edge of the tub and slowly climb into the water with him. Water spilled over the edge of the tub but they didn't care. Klaus froze and blinked dumbly, staring at her as if he didn't trust his own eyes. She was sitting in the tub, straddling his waist to be face to face.
He would lie if he said this hadn't happened already in some of his fantasies, but when he extended his hand to touch her arm, she was real.
“Do you know how difficult it is to take off wet jeans?” she said as an answer to his previous question – which he had completely forgotten about. “Why are you staying in cold water by the way? It's freezing in this bathroom.”
“Welcome to creepy manor,” Klaus replied on reflex. “Where everything is as cold and dead as Sir Reginald's stone heart.”
“You're joking because you're nervous,” (Y/N) said with a blinding smile. Klaus shot her a crooked little smile.
“Guilty. I'm only a man, and you just took a very sexy initiative, bravo.”
He licked his lips. (Y/N) let her fingers trail up his forearms, leaving a path of wet in their wake, little droplets running down to his elbows and returning to the tub. For the first time, she allowed herself to touch him in a new, unfamiliar way. Klaus stopped breathing altogether until she stopped her exploration and simply moved her hands to his neck, her thumbs brushing along his jaw.
He wasn't so cold anymore now, and (Y/N) must have felt it too. He was stark naked, there really wasn't anything he could hide from her, now could he? It wasn't fair, now that he thought about it, it was only right that she dropped her top too. His hands slid under the hem of her shirt and lifted it; she got the message and helped him take off the wet garment.
Klaus seemed to finally come alive when his hands settled on her waist, and (Y/N) replaced her hands where they were. Their proximity was exhilarating: they could feel each other's hot breath against their skin, they got drunk off of it. Klaus' head spun a little. His eyes locked with (Y/N)'s seconds before they met.
Seeing no hesitation on his part, (Y/N) smiled and touched the tip of his nose with hers, making him break into a similarly wide grin. Then, she leaned forward, sending some more water over the edge, and finally kissing him. One of his hands moved to the small of her back and pressed her to his chest, urging her to deepening the kiss. (Y/N) wanted to taste him first, savor the softness of his lips, enjoy the tickle of his facial hair.
But she was hungry too and she was done holding back and being a good girl. Their kisses became more frantic, they lingered; their lips became swollen and red too. Soon, Klaus' lips trailed down towards her neck and her collarbone.
(Y/N)'s hand shot out and held Klaus' throat, cutting short his ministration. Their chest heaved and they grinned madly at each other, completely forgetting the cold water. The rest of (Y/N)'s clothing was soon thrown across the room, hitting the door in a wet splash, triggering a round of giggles.
“Are we really going to do it in a tub?” (Y/N) asked, biting the skin right under Klaus' left ear, sucking it lightly to leave a mark.
“It's no smaller than my bed,” Klaus pointed out with a laugh, though his brows remained knitted together and his eyes closed in delight. He held to deploy an extraordinary effort not to moan out loud.
There was a glimmer in his eyes when he stared at her, as though he still didn't quite believe she wasn't a ghost or a figment of his imagination. He pushed back her hair, taking a fistful of it without ever stopping to look at her like she hung the moon in the sky.
He pulled her closer to him yet, and (Y/N) dived on his lips before answering, “there are 42 rooms in this house. Just imagine the possibilities.”
Neither of them was going to get out of this tub before quenching a thirst that had kept their throat dry for years now. It was messy at best, water everywhere, fumbling hands, voracious kisses, bites, nails marks – they laughed it all off, feeling so light they would fly away.
When they joined, there was a moment of silence, of holding onto each other for dear life, taking it all in and accepting that this was the beginning of something new. Klaus was the first to snap out of it, and his cupped (Y/N)'s cheek, watching her nuzzle his hand and place a soft peck on his palm.
Of course he loved her. How could he ever doubt it?
“What are you thinking about?” (Y/N) asked Klaus with a sly smile, already shifting closer to him as she pushed his hair out of his face.
It had been a long, tiring day – both emotionally and physically – and it had been no small feat to sneak out of the bathroom and into Klaus' room without getting caught. Five would have plucked his own eyes out and Luther might have spontaneously combusted.
Huddled together in Klaus' bed to warm themselves after the cold but no so cold bath they share, they fought to stay awake. Klaus' mind jumped back to his earlier musing about waking up beside (Y/N), and he knew he had been right.
“Nothing,” Klaus lied right away, refusing to reveal the ridiculous musings that crossed his mind. (Y/N) leaned into him, her breath hot again his neck when she spoke again and whispered
“Liar” against his skin.
His Adam's apple bobbed up and down again as he swallowed. The scariest part was behind them now, there was no need to be nervous. (Y/N) hand was placed over his heart and he briefly thought she could feel the desperate thumping of it in his ribcage.
“I was thinking-” he started, his throat a little dry, eyes lost in (Y/N)'s hopeful ones. “I was thinking I could stay for a while.”
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mummytoamelia · 5 years
Pregnancy, the good, bad and truly ugly!
At the beginning of my pregnancy, I had extremely bad morning sickness...like really really bad! I spent a lot of my time with my head in the toilet, and this lasted for about 4/5 months!
I started to get really annoyed with it because so many people kept telling me to “just enjoy your pregnancy, it’s over before you know it” and while I knew that was true, I didn’t need to hear it constantly when I couldn’t help being sick.
It had started to annoy me, more than anyone else, mostly because I kept having to take time off of work because I couldn’t keep my head out of the toilet...fun times... I think my boss felt like I was taking the piss a wee bit, but I really wasn’t, I physically couldn’t stand half the time and felt like I was going to keel over! I was coming into work and my boss was taking one look at me then sending me home!
Around 7 weeks of my pregnancy I began to bleed. This was THE most terrifying day of my life to date at that time! I remember being at the toilet, wiping and seeing the blood...I froze...I didn’t know what to do or say, I felt as though I was going to pass out right there!
I quickly gathered myself up and headed down to my work station, fighting back the tears, I began to chop the peppers I’d been assigned to, eyes stinging from holding the tears back, one of the older women I worked with asked if I was okay “no I don’t think so” I said to her and she asked what was wrong, I told her about the bleeding and how I was scared, she asked me if I wanted her to tell Ricky (our supervisor) I didn’t feel comfortable telling him so I said yeah. She came back and told me to go straight to Oonagh (our boss lady) so off I went to tell her, she told me to go straight to the hospital and not to worry about work! 
So I got let out of work, I went home and rang Thomas instantly. 
I rang him again... 
At this point I had worked myself up so much I was starting to hyperventilate. I tried him on more time, still no answer so I rang his work and asked for him to be put on the phone. “Thomas, I need you to take me to the hospital, now!” “Why, what’s wrong?!” I could hear the panic in his voice “I’m bleeding and I’m terrified” I said to him between sobs. He hung up and I lay on the floor, feeling like my world was falling down around me, body convulsing from the sobs...how could I love something so tiny so much? 
I was terrified laying there waiting on Thomas to come and take me to the hospital, I didn’t know what to do and I had never been more scared, the tears were now a constant stream down my face and neck, dripping onto my top, plop...plop...plop... they hit my phone in my hand. My heart was breaking the whole way to the hospital. 
We arrived and the triage nurse took me in and did my bloods, now let me tell you, I had my bloods taken more times while I was pregnant than I ever have in my life prior to this! She did a few other tests and hooked me up to a few machines...she sent me over to the main building of the hospital for a scan to see if they could find a heart beat because I wasn’t far enough along to be able to pick it up with the trace. 
The appointment wasn’t until half past 2 that afternoon and it was only 10 O'clock in the morning. So there was a lot of worrying and waiting. Thomas kept brushing the hair of my face and trying to comfort me, reassuring me that everything would be okay. 
The time came for the scan and the nurse squeezed that cold jelly I came to hate, on my tummy, she began to press into my belly with the doofer thingy...they couldn’t find a heartbeat...naturally I began to panic, the tears started again and I squeezed Thomas’s hand, far too tight I’m sure...
The nurse moved the doofer about a little more... THERE IT WAS! 
A tiny heartbeat, so loud! So constant, that was my little baby, that I had so much love for already...even though it probably looked more like an alien than an actual baby at this point!
Relief flooded through my body a the speed of light, I felt like I had been given the gas and air already, I was on cloud 9, no one could have brought me down after that! To this day I will never, ever forget that sound or hearing it for the first time! It was amazing! I was already so in awe of what my body was doing, and could potentially achieve. 
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As the weeks began to fly past my bump became ever more predominant, I was beginning to have a pregnancy waddle! As I came into work one of these mornings, at 6am,I was already exhausted from being up most of the night with morning sickness (which by the way, is a myth, it hits at EVERY hour of the day!). 
Ricky slammed down in front of me a list of things he wanted completed for 8 O’clock in the morning, he wanted myself and another girl to have a ridiculous amount of things done in a really short time frame. We both knew it wasn’t going to happen. 
Around half 9 and one of the other girls said something that had all of us in a wrinkle, laughing. “Are you finished over there, cause there’s an awful lot of laughter coming from you lot!” Ricky shouted from inside the fridge, he came out and goes “well, are you done?!” I said no, we’re not done, he goes “well then pull your fucking fingers out cause it’s now half 9 and I wanted this done and on the shop floor by 8!” So on we continued. 
A quarter to ten rolls around and the rest of the girls start to head off on their break, I started to untie my apron “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!” Ricky roared at me “On my break” I said back to him, I was not a bit impressed at this point, not only had I been in there from 6 in the morning I felt like I was about to pass out “You’re not finished, you’re not going anywhere!” He continued to roar at me. I replied rather swiftly “Rick, it’s almost 10 o'clock, I have been here since 6, I’m hungry and pregnant, I need to fucking eat so I’m going on my break!”his reply made my blood boil and I don’t think I have ever been more furious at someone in my life “I couldn’t give a fuck if you're pregnant or not, when I tell you to do something I expect you to do it!” So I took of my apron and chucked it down in front of him, “It’s like this Ricky, I owe you nothing, and you can bet your arse, the life of my unborn child means more to me than having enough melon and strawberries on the shelf, I’m going on my break” I said and walked towards the  door “That’s alright, but when Oliver comes shouting at me about the shelf not being fully stocked I’ll send him to you!” “Send him my way, I’ll be sure to inform him about the gross misconduct and neglect of a pregnant staff member, by that of a supervisor” I shouted back to him as I walked out the door. 
As the time continued even further, and my tummy swelled even more, we were drawing close to our 20 week scan, and we could not be more excited! We were going to find out if I was cooking a little peaky blinder or a teeny Disney princess! As the day for the scan came ever closer I started to panic, what if the baby had an extra limb or a missing eye? Could they even see that on a scan? I was so nervous, I felt like I was going to be sick, and this time not due to morning sickness! 
We pulled up to the hospital and I had my green notes all ready to go, we headed in through the door, Thomas was exited and I was nervous, we were  about to find out what our little squish was! In the waiting room, I gave the nurse  my pee, got bloods done, more bloods done, blood pressure and now waiting...waiting...and a bit more waiting “Dah-Nah co-vill” Why could no one ever pronounce my name I remember thinking to myself as I walked towards the nurse who was going to do my scan!
Into the room, hop on the bed, jelly on, and there it was the familiar kicks I got every time went for a scan, little squish hated the jelly too!The nurse did all of the measurements, she had zoomed right in so wee could see if all four chambers of the heart had developed properly... it was perfect, wee could see the tiny fluttering of the heart beating, she even let us listen to it...whoosh whoosh whoosh, such a fast beat for such a tiny body! The nurse zoomed out a little and I couldn’t make sense of what I was seeing, I couldn’t see the baby’s head or limbs I was really confused and all that was going through my head was Rachel from friends in the scene where she cant see Emily! 
Tears began to fill in my eyes as I looked at Thomas and said I couldn’t see a baby! “Dana, it’s okay, look” he said pointing towards the screen, and there it was, a perfect little image of a baby! The nurse hadn’t fully zoomed out so what I had seen was in fact, the whole heart rather than the individual sections. I still couldn’t quite believe that this little human was growing inside me! Just as I was thinking this, I got several big kicks, from the tiny baby in my belly, whatever I was having, was clearly having fun! My eyes started to well up again, I was so happy, in that moment, nothing could have turned my mood. 
“Would you like to know the gender?” the nurse asked before she examined the lower half of the baby. “Yes, of course!” I said without hesitating! The nurse hovered over the middle of the baby, poking and prodding for a while, little squish was being rather difficult, which was preemptive alright! “You’re having a little GIRL” The words I will never forget hearing, we had found out what our first little baby was going to be! I was so nervous before hand and now everything just seemed to have fallen into place! I was so bloody happy! 
I was convinced she was going to be a boy, but I had really, REALLY wanted a girl, for the obvious reasons, to have a little mini me! “Are you happy it’s a girl?” I remember asking Thomas, “Dana, of course I am, I don’t care what it is, as long as it’s healthy!” He reassured me. I knew in that moment, this was, without a doubt the person I wanted to raise a family with. 
Walking out of the hospital that day, I was so full of pride and love, at what my body was currently achieving, and in how far Thomas and I had come, from when we first met! We were actually starting a family together, something we had both dreamed of and wondered about for years! That day, was a good day!
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To this day I have never seen a clearer scan photo, but this, was our little princess in the making and boy were we excited to meet her! 
I’m going to finish this post hear, and do my pregnancy in two parts, other wise we’ll be here for the next year reading one post! Writing this part of my pregnancy has been both fun and an eye opener, I really hope you enjoy reading about it! 
All my love, 
                   Dana                           xx
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todokanai-suishou · 4 years
Excerpt of a fic I didn’t know I still had
Vanilla Twilight - an excerpt of what used to be a ceo!JJK AU fanfic written at three AM somewhen in november. I don’t know why I didn’t choose names.
Neither do I know why I’m posting this. Good Night. WC: 2,4k
„As many times as I blink I'll think of You tonight“
It's been what? Three months now? Yeah, it must have been about three months since she told him „I don't want to see you again.“ Three Months since the love of his way too young life just stumbled out of it completely, three months since he's been drowning himself in work,
and yet, only two days since his father told him not to.“You need a break“ he said. „You'll die before you reach my age if you keep overworking like that.“ „Take a leave for the next week or so, the company won't go down in flames because you're missing for a few days.“
But yet it felt like the company was the only thing that held him together anymore. It may have been unhealthy to work that much, but sitting on his rooftop right now and starring at the sun that was setting wasn't any better. The company might not have missed him, but he missed her and if he was wide awake like that, from the lack of work or excercise to keep him from falling asleep as soon as he even saw a bed, it was worse.
There was nothing to distract him now. No means to make up for what he had done and no reason to not think of her this very second
on this very day, that once was so special to them both.
A tear ran down his face as he gripped the magnetic bracelets tighter with his left hand. Two years had passed since he's got his.
„If my heart was a house, you'd be home.“ they'd say. The compasses reacting to each other wildly, needles swinging left to right beneath the glass as the bracelets were pressed together.
At one point, after she left hers at his place that night, he stopped wearing his. Though for the time being, he still looked into the little flowery treasure chest in his closet to see if hers was still with his, Hoping she'd secretly somehow come to sneak in and steal it like she did his heart three years ago, or that it was all a bad dream and he woke up with her next to him like they did on every trip, or back somewhen two and a half years ago when she fell asleep in his apartment after watching some movie he didn't want to watch in first place. He still hoped, wished, dreamed he could go back to that.
And every time it was devastating. It was devastating to see her bracelet next to his, lying there and just pointing at the other as theirs would if they were within a few metres.
But she wasn't. And he had no idea where the hell she was. And it killed him. It killed him when he told her she'd never change, that he made her say good bye instead of letting her into his apartment, when he was the only one she trusted with her deepest thoughts, the only one she felt whole around and when she was the only one he ever really loved that loudly, and he didn't tell her until she walked out of his life,her still saying „I'm sorry“. When, to him, he was always the one that should be saying sorry for the things he said and did that night.
Or maybe they shouldve both just said sorry, talked it out.
He sighed „no.“ She made it clear that she didn't want to talk. She didn't want him to apologize, or at least not accept it. Letting her pride led by the pain get in the way ...and that was just what it was.
He created a hole in both their hearts and for a second he contemplated just throwing both of these bracelets down the 24th floor into the rose planted and flower filled garden, so he wouldn't find them even if he tried - and They could fall anywhere.
Another sigh from him as he clenched his hand tighter around the bracelets, holding them up as though he was ready to throw them as soon as the sun would have fully set.
But he didn't. He couldn't.
He just got flashbacks of that night when she gave it to him.
„I swear to god if you ever lose or break yours, or if I see another person with it, I'll kill you.“ she'd say smiling, but he fully knew she meant it. „There's only two of them“ „They were custom made.“ They were his blessing and now his curse. He looked up into the sky, somehow trying not to cry while it seemed like the same full moon from back then came to taunt him now, laughing at him with „Tsuki No Usagi“ laughing along at how pathetic he was.
But he cried. He cried a lot, clutching both of these bracelets over his heart. He couldn't do anything to them. He knew he wouldn't.
Except for the smell of her perfume on the couch pillow she prefered to lean her head on and hug, they were the only thing of hers that was still with him and he thought that maybe, just maybe...
in another universe he'd still be with her, with these bracelets.
And maybe in this world one day, he'll get her back, give her the bracelets and somehow everything goes back to normal. Despite the trust being broken, the wishful thinking didn't stop. A sillouette to build him up again.
However when  he cried his last, he didn't mean to get up. Something drew him to the stars that night. All he got was a blanket before tiredly making his way back up just to continue whatever he meant to do.
He fell asleep a few hours after getting the blanket she gave him, on the roof that night, in between looking up at the stars, looking up at the constellations trying to find the ones she tried to show him before. Failing miserably, like tonight, two years ago, and almost laughing through the tears he shed, at how she showed him a million times and he still couldn't figure out all that astrology stuff, or how they worked, and so “well”.
All he knew was that looking for even the slightest signs of stars and constellations in the sky, brought him a little closer to her.
Maybe she'd be looking up tonight too, probably in a different timezone, to a different time, he didn't know.
But what the did know was that for a second, while actually finding the little bear, he was happy. „I did it,love, I did it.“ For the first time in forever while thinking about her, he actually smiled.
It was a weird feeling of, not quiet feeling content, but better, a little less sad. Maybe he'd always spend like three hours just ripping strands of his black hair out while trying to find anything in the sky. Texting you like he did that night.
“And love, you won't see it, but, I did it. I found one of the constellations, I bet you'd be so proud now. I'm still lost though. I wish you were here with me. To tell me about all of them. And your days. And you and what I missed And see your probably already new hair do and hear you laugh and rant about your literature professor. I just want to see you. Hear you. Happy. And mostly I want to give you your bracelet. I can't even remember which one was yours though. Please remind me.”
A lie. He knew exactly her bracelet had a little slit on one of the wooden pearls, as he accidentally lost track of the knife while cooking. He was apologizing so many times that night while she yelled about him almost chopping her arm off and he almost had to laugh again. She raged that night, but eventually they'd laugh about it later on.
„JK, I'd never forget“ he wrote below a photo he sent. Him wearing his bracelet for once while looking at how the compasses searched for each other. Knowing well the photo wouldn’t reach her though. That she still had him blocked, yet...
Wondering if one day she'd search for him again. Knowing she'd be the only one who could find him instantly.
„Good Night, flower girl.
I Really Miss you terribly“
„Sincerely, me“ he typed, deleted „yours tru-“ deleted.
„- The dumb ass that almost chopped your arm off about 16 months ago.“
If she could read it, she'd no doubt, be laughing but for now he'd hoped someone else would make her laugh the way he used to.
That she could focus on her studies and not the loss of him and the few grams she no longer carried around with her.
He wished her to be as happy as he can't be right now, as happy as she can be and with other, possibly better people, who would treat her well. Also that she got better at smash bros and mario cart so people wouldn't laugh at her being terribly bad again.
„Maybe I should also take on drawing lessons“ he whispered before tiredly closing his eyes „but I guess if she ever found out, she'd be the one to almost cut my arm off“
slight reminders of her telling him the only thing she was really good at was drawing and how she showed him and he really didn't figure out how anything worked at all flashed in his mind as he calmed.
„I'll teach you“ and only she could.
Well, technically she couldn't. He was a hopeless case and they both knew. Clowns. Clowns in love, for she loved him as much as he loved her, but the words always stayed unsaid. She'd make an impression that she did the night he ruined her, but he was too far gone.
Never from her mind though. He was still what she'd draw on the weekend when she was not in the mood for her theses or working. He. Though painful, was still her healing in some kind of way.
„You're working on that again?“ Her new dorm mate said as she sketched his face from memory. They had a different model in the art class she enrolled in right now but the face portraits still always went back to him. Much like the pictures where someone posed with scrunched up noses or peace signs.
She really didn't mind it though, for some reason, unless she found the initial sketch of their bracelets, drawing him was therapeutic, falling asleep on those pictures was therapeutic.
And her just getting a hick up as she started sketching reminded her „If you get the hick-ups, someone's thinking about you. My mom used to say that.“ She laughed back when she told him one night at one of their week-end trips, half drunk and laughing. Him responding with „Yeah, or someone talks badly about you, my three times divorced and landlord-hated aunt said. She had a hick-up problem.“
More laughter to the backround noise of „if my heart was a house” followed by slurred lines of „sugar we're going down“ and „american idiot.“
She chuckled quietly. „Oh shut up, I want to sleep“ her roommate exclaimed. It wasn't that late though, was it?.
Seven pm, still early, the sun not yet setting. Yet, with the full moon above, she couldn't wait for the sunset, night fall.
She stared at her phone. „Approximately 15 Minutes till the sun starts setting and you usually can't fall asleep until it's getting cotton candy skied, what's wrong this time?“ a chuckle escaped her mouth.
„Bad break up.“ the other girl murmured. „That's the 4th time in 15 days. I think you should get a new guy.“ - „That's also the third in  a month. Love just doesn't work for me, believe me.“
„It will.“ The artist said. „Even if the person you think you'll end up with isn't the one, one day, with the right person, it all will.“
She didn't realize tears were falling on her piece of paper as she switched to his contact on her phone, contemplated unblocking him, but eventually she didn't.
It would be better this way. She said good bye and it was irreversible. It always was irreversible for her. Gripping her empty wrist and letting go of the pen for a while she smiled through the tears and said, in a cheerful yet shaky voice.
“Even if it wasn't him, one day, there's someone who won't leave, who you won't leave. One day, I promise.“
Not knowing if it was to reassure her friend, or herself and not realizing she held her breath, until she felt two arms and a blanket wrap around her signaling that „everything will be okay, precious, everything will be okay“
and for once, even without her telling the context of the story no one really knew about, she started to let down her walls and cry to let out the emotions all the parting had led her to.
Even if her friend didn't know or understand her infatuation with Jeons son. She just held her as though the fragile soul, whining loudly like a child that fell and came running with a bleeding knee, would break if she wasn't there to give her the warmth she deserved and obviously needed in that very second.
„You know, I miss him so much.“ a little inaudible whisper said and her friend didn't understand what she meant, but „shhh, shhh, it gets better.“ Came from her until her roommate fell into a deep slumber.
All she saw was the name on the display that wouldn't go off. The display picture looking quite familiar.
Name saying „Jeon Jeon Jeon“ and the caring one wondered if the girl had been catfished and dreams crushed by that person on screen, and if that was exactly why she blocked that number. Ideas about unblocking him and investigating filling her head but then again, as much as she wanted to. She couldn't just meddle in a broken hearts story, especially not her friends.
So she kept her theoretic, tangled and still curious thoughts, knowing they'd stay just that - and left the blanket above the girl that was fast asleep, closing the book with the drawing of the Jeon boy and replacing it with a pillow to slobber on, instead of the art she created.
„Good Night, lovely“ she said as she went outside to take snapshots of the sky, making sure to get her friends beloved constellations on camera, as the sleeping beauty usually did herself. Sneaking in trying not to wake the other up again.
„Good Night, dumbass“ the artist almost fully asleep whispered as her friend said good night the way he did. Some things wouldn't fade and her roommates complaints the next morning, for insulting her, though accidentally, would be surely be one of those.  
It’s 3am and I have no idea why I’m posting this. 
The Idea Of “Vanilla Twilight” is part of a ceo!Jungkook fanfiction I never posted because I usually don’t post my writing for..uh...reasons. 
“If my heart was a house -” fanfiction was created on national novel writing month and is a full on trainwreck that might never be finished. The Name as Well as reasons for the writing & inspiration for the bracelet design is lowkey because “if my heart was a house, you’d be home” by Owl City was kind of their Song since they first met and they do be soulmates so... >-<
Said magnetic bracelets stam from the line “if my heart was a compass you’d be north” and basically have magnets pulling “needles” towards eachother whenever they’re close. (They’re custom made, which is why they’re that special to OC & him. Also expensive as hell and she’s a poor lit/art student.) It was partially brought up by OC in a former chapter after they lost eachother at a fully crowded market and didn’t find eachother again for about two hours despite being like 2 minutes away from eachother the whole time. 
I don’t even know why I’m writing this it’s three AM lord help. Good Night. 
0 notes
ruknowhere · 7 years
Coyotes On The Beach
there are always risks, some small like losing this document, others of more significance like losing a life.  I’ve done lost lives and find myself alone in a cabin in a dying forest of grand old sequoia trees.  Thought about taking a bath this morning but there is a spider living in the tub and it seemed wrong to kill her with a flood.
The road flooded on my way here so I ended up spending a night in overpriced inn with a noisy clock that i took the battery out of.  Never have been able to figure out why anyone would want to hear each second of their life click away.
There are icicles hanging from the cabin gutters
been a long time since I have seen icicles, the last were actually made of glass by Dale Chihuly.  I took my daughter and fiancee to a spot I know in Leavenworth Washington.  A faux bavarian town set in real lovely mountains.  It was a pre wedding trip.  Time for them to relax and for me to try to pal up with my son in law to be.  Well three years later I am still trying to pal up with that guy but he is that guy for my daughter.  They love each other and what more could anyone want for their child then happiness
I sure want happiness.
Leigh owns this cabin which is in one of the prettiest dang places I have ever been and I have been to many.  This is a forest from another time.  Huge trees fit for huge creatures.  Now it is empty.  I saw a marmot or at least that is what I am calling it and a few squirrels.  
Not many birds and zero people.  empty Odd, here in this national forest, set aside as a monument by Obama, nobody wants to venture out anymore.  
The campground is nameless now, all the signs removed, perhaps for winter or perhaps forever.  It used to be call Belknap Campground and it is in the middle of a sequoia grove.
Anyway Leight I bet is a piece of work.  From her pictures and various little bits gathered online I suspect back in the day she was quite a piece of ass too.  I know you can’t talk that way anymore but after all we are nothing but mammals wanting to do it like they do on the discovery channel.
Leigh’s cabin is reasonably well built but it is devoid of any human touches.  To say it is furnished sparsely would be an exaggeration.  Not even a spatula for cooking an omelet.  There is a small radiant heater built into the wall with a warning note attached that says not to move it because it goes off.  As far as I can tell it is always off but I am nothing if not resourceful and have found that the oven and stove burners do a fine job heating the place and the fireplace makes for some ambience deluxe.  The wood bundles I bought at the Springville store crackle and have a nice smell.  It is warm enough now to be naked.  I have a picture of a naked gal laying on an oriental rug.  She has a perfect body, long blonde hair and the rear view of her cunt makes my cock tingle.  I know I shouldn’t say cunt but for guys of my time the thought of a moist cunt with a cock thrusting in and out until you can hardly tell whose cream is oozing out unless you lick it up is well simply divine.
Fire on the mountain
the thing about being alone is you are not really alone
you’re left with all your memories
come and go
that can be good
or bad
but there is always the loneliness
the new memories are missing something
the other day facebook said it was your birthday
funny for some reason I thought that your were born in july
oh well doesn’t really matter
anyway I bought some beer in your honor
a limited release from Lagunitas
Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale, 9.7% Alc and 66.6 IBU, especially bitter as they say
they also say Beer Speaks, People Mumble
I mumble and ramble thinking of the ESB ale at Rogue we drank on occasion
and remembering some of the great places we went together and especially the music
funny how people’s lives touch and nudge one another in new directions
I was remembering a picture you showed me once of you and some blonde hippie girl, maybe girls, back in the days of your youth standing in some sunny place
don’t know if you have been to death valley, if not you gotta get here, one of the most spectacular places I have ever seen and it has those high vistas you like
this whole trip has been pretty fucking beautiful.  
California highway 190 from the deepest darkest forests near the coast with huge old sequoias
remnants of another time
falling snow, mudslides and flooded roads made it interesting
to the painted molded rocks and mountains here in the desert
thinking of you
saxophones guitars
blonde girls I never knew
Yazmeen Sophie (is it Sophia now?) and Will
happy birthday dude wherever you be
see that’s how it is with being alone
friends come and go
but still I wish I had
on this trip with me
what a long strange trip it’s been
I started this life as a tumbleweed
blowing across a Texas highway
carried to a cabin in the woods
and a house in the jungle
babies were born and grown
before the wind carried me elsewhere
when nobody knows you you can be anybody
the danger is you are nobody or you can’t remember who you are now
a coyote ran across the road
2 cars stopped and people got out to take pictures
coyote stopped and looked back at them with a real wtf kind of look
he smiled at me when I drove by
one of those smiles you are not sure what to make of
especially from coyote
early into my hike this kind of shady looking guy sez to me
you got go up there to the right, just a little way it is worth it
you really got go up there it is worth it
I was in a good mood so I thought why not
I got kind of a suspicious feeling though when I saw a wrapper that said 10 times more
absorbent and more so when I saw a woman putting a pad in her panties
her red bush caught my attention
I asked her if she was alright and she said oh sure and told me
a nice guy with a welcoming smile had seen her in a bit of a panic because she knew she was bleeding and didn’t know where to go
he told her to go to the right, just a little way
not sure what his intentions were when he sent me up the same path and come to think of it his smile reminded me of that coyote
I walked away but she said stay as she buttoned up her pants hiding the red bush which was still in my mind.  She asked if I would walk a bit with her.  I really didn’t have anything to do for the rest of my life so I said why not.  We got to talking and her story unfolded.  She was forty seven, worked most of her life as a waitress or such in nameless towns but really just wanted to back pies and fuck.   Well I like pie and like to fuck so I decided to walk with her a bit more.
Darwin Falls, Edward Abbey and De-evolution
bet you are wondering what that has to do with fucking and wondering more if this story is a story.
Nothing and maybe or depends on your idea of a story
I do promise there will be some fucking complete with juicy cream pies
but not just yet gee we hardly know each other
The road to Camp Nelson was the victim of a flooded bridge and mudslides
I was a victim of the closure of the road to camp nelson where my cabin in the woods was waiting for me.  This meant spending the night and a lot of money at the local inn but the bartender Lois made it interesting and at the cafe there was a big moose head mounted on the wall.  Bad days for mooses.  Sitting at the table under the moose was a lady maybe 70 years old and definitely attending to internal stimuli, or fucking crazy as they say in the biz.  She was eating a bowl of gruel, drinking coffee and talking up a storm.  We ended up talking about storms and mooses much to the dismay and annoyance of the dad and his two young kids who looked sternly at the two of us and the moose and walked out.  Earlier the waitress a curvy hispanic gal bursting out of her clothing had spoke with this dad in a soft voice I wasn’t supposed to hear all about my unusual behavior.  I must say she was pretty unfriendly especially since when I came in there were no other customers talking to her and I was being all friendly.  But me and crazy Lois talked a bit more.  I paid $10 for 2 eggs, toast, potatoes and coffee and left, Lois still carrying on many conversations and men across the street were getting ready to cut off limbs from an old tree which was thinking about taking out a roof and garage.
So before we go much further into this story I have to tell you some of what happens is true and the names have been changed because mainly I can’t remember them or didn’t know them to start with.
So now we can go much further with the understanding that there will be shameless self promotion, lots of fucking some things that you might not have known before
advice of all kinds and questionable scientific explanations,  if that kind of shit bothers you it will be one of many reasons not to read anymore of this vulgarity.
I once had a dog named Blossom.  We were living on a commune called Folly Farm, way more folly than farm.  It was me and blossom, Flannagan my forever best dog, shaggy terrier poodle mix.  Blossom was a husky shepherd mix and poorly named due to her tendency to cut the smelliest dog farts with no shame.  There were other hippie type people who maybe will show up here and include a long lost cousin with great tits, long red hair and criminal ways.
Blossom liked living on the commune.  She found a way to escape the fenced in abandoned garden she and flanigan ran in among the mullein and foxglove. The first thing she did when she got out at night was kill and mame our ducks.  Not really a good way to be on a commune.  One of the women there was a bit of witch and great at most all commune type things including chopping the heads off the wounded ducks.  Later I discovered she gave great head.  We lived together for awhile until her husband came to get her and the kids.  I learned a lot from her about mind connections over long distances which I am using right now as I think about a mermaid I know.  Blossom developed some kind of weird relationship with a group of the local coyotes and ran around with them made lots of noise (she could howl with best of them)  and killed lots of things like pets and farm animals which made the neighbors not too happy but they didn’t know if was blossom because for some reason she didn’t fart with the coyotes.
At the Daze Inn in Vegas I learned that if you plan on drinking a lot of tequila and smoking lots of legal weed it is important to know how to navigate to one and only one light switch.  Safety First.
Once you have found that light you can go on drinking and inhaling
Viva las vegas
Where anything is possible but not likely to happen
I was married once, hmm grammar check once when I was married cause I was married twice legally.
I was married once, married a long time until I thought it would be a great idea to be swingers and she found out there was someone she liked to fuck better and in fact who loved her more and better than I ever did and she knew she loved him as opposed to me who she knew  she never loved.
But enough about me.
to be continued?
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xxiliad-blog · 8 years
✩ Geoffrey & Zoey
ship - Zeoff, aka how Geoff is a giant nerd innocent baby 100% of the time, a lot of these are guesses too butwhatever :3
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Zoey cause Geoff is spineless lolWho threatens to leave but never actually does? ZoeyWho actually keeps their word and leaves? Also Zoey (Geoff wouldn’t threaten anything cause he’s a dweeb)Who trashes the house? Neither?Do either of them get physical? NoHow often do they argue/disagree? RarelyWho is the first to apologise? Definitely Geoff, it’s probably going to be all he does
Who is on top? SwitchWho is on the bottom? SwitchWho has the strangest desires? Most likely Zoey  Any kinks? Geoff doesn’t know wtf a kink is so... ??? Who’s dominant in bed? ZoeyIs head ever in the equation? Of course. Always.If so, who is better at performing it? Probably ZoeyEver had sex in public? Never! Too scared!Who moans the most? ZoeyWho leaves the most marks? ZoeyWho screams the loudest? ZoeyWho is the more experienced of the two? ZoeyDo they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Make love of course - see alcohol clauses below xDRough or soft? The most gentlest of lovemaking - unless drunk then he’s like WHOO BBY How long do they usually last? Geoff likes to take things slow, so probably a while - unless alcohol is involved then all bets are offIs protection used? Yes, but probably not right now lolDoes it ever get boring? Not in Geoff’s opinionWhere is the strangest place they’d have sex? The couch lol he is not adventurous
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? WHELP looks like it’s headed that way lolIf so, how many children do your muses want/have? Going to be one (hopefully no surprise twins lol)Who is the favorite parent? Probably Geoff cause he’s a pushoverWho is the authoritative parent? ZoeyWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? GeoffWho lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? GeoffWho turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both of them!Who goes to parent teacher interviews? BothWho changes the diapers? BothWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Both.Who spends the most time with the children? Both, but most likely Zoey because of Geoff’s jobWho packs their lunch boxes? Zoey, otherwise it would all be sweets and chips (he’s a terrible doctor lol)Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Probably Zoey because Geoff would in no way be able to say that kind of stuff to his childWho cleans up after the kids? BothWho worries the most? Geoff...all those books about ‘what can go wrong’Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Zoey? Geoff doesn’t usually swear
Who likes to cuddle? BothWho is the little spoon? ZoeyWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? ZoeyWho struggles to keep their hands to themself? ZoeyHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Right now, a while, probably not very long once Zoey gets mo’ preggoWho gives the most kisses? Zoey probablyWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? idk probably some cute ass shit like going to the farmer’s market, watching cooking shows, making cookies - cute. ass. shit.Where is their favourite place to cuddle? On the couch watching TV or reading - or both!Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Zoey...especially with all them hormones!How often do they get time to themselves? Whenever they aren’t at work, so a lot
Who snores? GeoffIf both do, who snores the loudest? GeoffDo they share a bed or sleep separately? Sharing!If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Snuggling unless Zoey gets uncomfortableWho talks in their sleep? Geoff, the most random doctory stuff everWhat do they wear to bed? Old shirts, underwear, cute shitAre either of your muses insomniacs? NoCan sleeping pills be found by the bedside? NoDo they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Both, depending on comfort/preggo levelWho wakes up with bed hair? Geoff because he’s a messWho wakes up first? Depends, I’d say it switches offWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Geoff most defWhat is their favourite sleeping position? shingles or loosely tethered, Geoff can run a bit hot at nightWho hogs the sheets? Zoey - which he’s fine with as mentioned aboveDo they set an alarm each night? Not if they have the next day offCan a television be found in their bedroom? No, otherwise he would be up all night watching old episodes of Chopped and Cupcake WarsWho has nightmares? ZoeyWho has ridiculous dreams? Geoff...like a penguin nurse or somethingWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? ZoeyWho makes the bed? Geoff - habitWhat time is bed time? 9 on a tired night, 12 on a ‘wild’ nightAny routines/rituals before bed? Teeth brushing, alarm setting, normal thingsWho’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Zoey
Who is the busiest? Time-wise, Geoff, actual work-wise, ZoeyWho rakes in the highest income? GeoffAre any of your muses unemployed? NopeWho takes the most sick days? Neither, maybe ZoeyWho is more likely to turn up late to work? NeitherWho sucks up to their boss? NeitherWhat are their jobs? Geoff is a doctor, Zoey is head of publishingWho stresses the most? Both a lot lolDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? They love itAre your muses financially stable? Yep. boy’s a DOCTA
Who does the washing? BothWho takes out the trash? GeoffWho does the ironing? GeoffWho does the cooking? GeoffWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? ZoeyWho is messier? Maybe Zoey? Geoff is a lil bit of a neat freak, he can be messy while cooking but HAS to clean it up immediately afterWho leaves the toilet roll empty? NeitherWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? NeitherWho forgets to flush the toilet? NeitherWho is the prankster around the house? Neither?Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? GeoffWho mows the lawn? GeoffWho answers the telephone? No? One? Has? Landlines? Anymore?Who does the vacuuming? BothWho does the groceries? Both together, but mostly Geoff because he cooksWho takes the longest to shower? ZoeyWho spends the most time in the bathroom? Zoey
Is money a problem? NopeHow many cars do they own? TwoDo they own their home or do they rent? RentDo they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Neither? Coast? Idk?Do they live in the city or in the country?  City outskirts, almost suburbsDo they enjoy their surroundings? Yes What’s their song? *sweats* I Can’t Help... cause he’s a fuckin SAPPPPPWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? Normal life stuff, texting each other now and thenWhere did they first meet? Blind dateHow did they first meet? A mutual friend set them upWho spends the most money when out shopping? If it’s food, Geoff, otherwise ZoeyWho’s more likely to flash their assets? If this is talking about body parts ZoeyWho finds it amusing when the other trips over stuff? Probably Zoey, Geoff just worries that she hurt herselfAny mental issues? ???Who’s terrified of bugs? Geoff, though grossed out more so than terrified?Who kills the spiders around the house? Zoey, but Geoff if he has toTheir favourite place? Where they had their first date~Who pays the bills? BothDo they have any fears for their future? Pff. Dear god. Geoff is a big ball of worry and fearWho’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Geoff, though it’s not so much a surprise??Who uses up all of the hot water? ZoeyWho’s the tallest? GeoffWho’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? ZoeyWho wanders around in their underwear? ZoeyWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Both, Geoff if he’s cookingWhat do they tease each other about? Their age gapWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Neither, they’re both well-dressedDo they have mutual friends? The one that got them togetherWho crushed first? Probs GeoffAny alcohol or substance related problems? NoWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Zoey, though not anymoreWho swears the most? Zoey
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pokefan531 · 6 years
Yuki’s Story Chapter 72 - Rin’s Bet
Chapter 72 In the courtyard during lunch, Yuki is having food with her fans and Minoru. One of the fans gives her a spicy sushi. Boy1: Wanna taste the most spicy sushi? Yuki: You bet! Yuki eats it and swallows it. Boy1: Wow! You didn't even spit it out or sweat. Yuki: I ate plenty of spicy food before. They are far from intolerable for me. Boy2: Wow! Minoru: You ate hot spicy chips before. Yuki: Absolutely. Surprisingly, I was able to eat those. They clap for her. Later after school, Yuki and Ryo are arm wrestling. Yuki: I bet I will win this. Ryo: No way, Yuki. Yuki: I can feel your strength. Ryo: Yours too. Yuki: But not as strong. Yuki beats Ryo. Ryo: Ahh? Yuki: Sweet. Don't worry. I can see that we're becoming more competitive. Ryo: 2/3 on this challenge. Yuki: Exactly. I don't always win, but mostly on competitions. You're almost becoming as strong as I am. Ryo: Ever compete with Minoru? Yuki: He's not a physical type for games, but on video games, we're nearly on par. Ryo: I see. The next day at school during gym class, Yuki plays softball with Rin. Yuki: Ready? Rin: Yes. She pitches the ball to Rin, and she hits it. Yuki hits it again and Rin misses the shot. Yuki: Score! Rin: Not again. At the end of the game, Yuki win against Rin. After school, Yuki, Minoru, and Rin walk out from the school. Rin: This is the third week that I hardly get any shots. Yuki: Yeah. At least you don't miss the first few shots of each round. Rin: I know, but you're too of a high level for me. Yuki: Then why you decide to compete against me? Rin: I'm trying to do better in gym class, and want to be decent at softball. Yuki: Losing is learning. You gotta find your instincts. Minoru: Maybe find a more simple activity. You're good at cheerleading. Rin: Well, I can't argue with that, but I want to do better on a few more. Yuki: For your grade. Rin: Yes. You've been doing challenges lately. Yuki: Oh yeah. I pretty much do interesting challenges. Minoru: Remember you challenged Ryo on the sour candy? Yuki: Super sour, yes. Turns out we tied. We liked those, so we didn't break on that. Rin: Exactly. Rin thinks on her head of how Yuki is made more interesting. Rin: Yuki, I know some day, I will beat you on a challenge. Yuki: It's pretty hard for you to beat me, considering your level. Rin: No. Yuki: Umm, how many challenge have you tried? Several times. Rin: I bet that I will beat you on a challenge one day. Yuki: And what is exactly your bet? Rin: I bet that I can stay a character, being a tomboy for the entire day. Yuki laughs. Yuki: Hahaha! Rin, are you serious? You're willing to put that off? Rin: I can guarantee that I can stay in character. Minoru: It's a hard challenge concerning we know about you. Yuki: Yeah, you don't even like the stuffs that I do. You're very girly so it's pretty hard to see you as a tomboy. Rin: I can be one for a day to see how Yuki's life is like. Yuki: Really? Minoru: Why do you want to do that? Rin: To show her that I can nearly be as good as her. Yuki: It takes skills for physical activities. Rin: It doesn't have to be that all that sudden. Yuki: Okay. I'll have to judge you on that though. Rin: That's fine, and I will plan to see what happens if I win. Yuki: All right. Minoru: Saturday is a good day. Rin: Exactly. At Friday night, Rin is in her room, having her clothes for the bet. She is texting Yuki in the group chat. Rin: I am ready. Yuki: Cool. So, did you plan what happens if you win or lose the challenge? Rin: Yes, but I won't reveal it until the end of the day. Yuki: Why? Rin: It will be more fun that no one would know so my challenge won't be affected. Yuki: I see what you mean. Stop by my place at 10. Rin: You got it. Rin puts her phone down and sees herself in the mirror. Rin: All right. I can do this. Being a tomboy is like seeing how Yuki's life is like, so I may learn more things. I just have to wear a ponytail and a cap. In the morning, Rin quickly changes her hair style and changes clothes to simple stripes with black and white and jeans. She takes off her straps and went outside. Rin: All I gotta act is a typical tomboy. She went to Yuki's house and knocks the door hard. Yuki opens the door. Yuki: Oh great. You're ready. Rin: Yes, Yuki. What do you want to do today? Yuki: Actually, you should think about what do you want to do, in this moment. Rin: I wanna play Softball. Let's go out! Yuki: The nearest court is most likely in use, so wanna get in before we head there? Rin: Yes! A while later, Yuki, Rin, and Ryo are in Yuki's room. Yuki shows Rin a video game. Yuki: I got this game. Rin: I heard it's pretty gory. Yuki: Exactly. Are you able to handle this game? Rin: Well, it's a mature rating. Ryo: I got it and I decide to give it a share. Yuki: Yep! You demanded hard games, so this is it. Rin: (mind) It does look pretty violent. Yuki: I'll put it on. Rin: Umm, sure. In the game, Rin is the only one playing. The character in the game slices foes with knives. Rin tries killing them. Rin: Do they start with many of the foes? Yuki: They do, but more will come later. Rin: It's a bit challenging. Yuki: Yep. Later, Minoru came and sees Yuki, Ryo, and Rin at the table. Minoru: Hey guys. Rin: Hey Minoru! Minoru sees her as a different style. Minoru: It seems that you are taking the challenge more serious. Rin: That's right. Today, we are going out and play softball. Minoru: That's cool. Ryo: Is Retasu coming? Minoru: She told me that she'll come straight to the field. Yuki: I saw that message just now. Ryo: Amazing. Minoru: So, what did you do so far? Rin: I played their new game. It's a mature rating. Yuki: Slashing Collabs 5. Minoru: Oh. How did you do on that? Rin: Decent. Killing the mummy looking creatures and chopping the skeleton's heads is all I did. Yuki: Don't forget you threw boulders at them. Rin: That too. Later, they went to the tennis court, getting some softballs and tennis rackets. Retasu shows up and runs to them. Retasu: Hey guys. Rin: Retasu, ready to play? Retasu: Yes. Ryo: You and Minoru are playing against Rin. Yuki: It's best that to match her level, and you both are a perfect fit. Retasu: And you're playing against the two of us? Rin: Yeah, because I want to take this the hard way for me. Minoru: Wow. You're really up for a challenge. Rin: Yep. Let's move on. They are at the court. Rin: Ready? Minoru: Yes. Rin pitches the ball, and Minoru hits it, and then Rin tries to hit it hard, and she hits it, and passes to Retasu, to Rin, to Minoru, and Rin tries to hit hard again, and she tries to hit it with full force, and she successfully hit it directly and Minoru misses it. Minoru: Hmm. Rin: Excellent! Later at the last round, they play and Rin tries to hit the ball hard, but she hits it with light force. Retasu hits it, and Rin is a little exhausted. Yuki: Exhausted? Rin: No. I'll play this round. Rin is sweating a little and decide to focus on the ball. Minoru passes the ball to her, and Rin hits the ball with full force, and Retasu misses the shot. Retasu: Wow! You really improved a bit. Minoru: You got 4 goals and we got 6. Rin: Well, even though I lost, I still have fun playing. I no longer got one or two goals from you both. Ryo: That's cool. Yuki: I think your used to lack the force of hitting the ball and running too. Rin: Now I realized how better I got today. I still want to play. This time, I'll play with either Retasu or Minoru, depends who is more good at softball. Minoru: Well, she plays more than I do. Retasu: Yeah, I played them with my brothers before. Yuki: That sounds fun. Rin plays with Retasu, and Rin did tie with Retasu. Retasu: Wanna play a round, so that there is no tie? Rin: Sure. Retasu passes the ball and Rin runs and hits the ball with medium force. Retasu hits the ball hard and Rin watches the speed of the ball, and she hits it normally, and then Retasu passes it. Rin gives another try and hits it hard and Retasu misses. Rin: Cool! I won! Retasu: It looks like you had some skills from class. Rin: Yeah, but I decide to play it as hard as I can. Looks like we're almost as good. You have more experience. Retasu: Yeah. Ryo: So, what are we doing next? Rin: To Yuki's house! As they walk, Rin sees a yard with a plastic pipe that is dirty. Rin: Guys! Look at that pipe! Wanna see me get through it? Yuki: Sure. Minoru: All right. Rin decides to lean down to the ground and goes inside the pipe, and she sees a lot more dirt there that she expected. Rin: Umm, it's all dirty, but I'm not giving up. Rin tries to wipe away all the dirt with her hands to get through, and she comes out from the other end of the pipe. Rin comes out with little dirt. Rin: Tada! I did it! Retasu: You know it's dirty inside, right? Rin: Yeah, but I went through it. Ryo: Okay. As they walk, they see a small spider behind Rin's back, and Yuki grabs it and flings it out. Minoru: Good. It's creepy. Yuki: I know. At the house at the backyard, Rin tries on Rollerblades. Rin: So how do I use it? Yuki: Remember ice skating? I bet you would know about how to skate. Rin: Sure. Rin runs around the yard, hoping she doesn't fail. Rin: Cool! I'm doing it. Minoru: It seems like you are starting to do it well. Rin continues to run around, until she hit the tree branch and falls. Rin: OW! Retasu: Rin, are you all right? Yuki picks her up. Yuki: You're all right? Rin has few tears. Rin: I'm hurt a little, but I can't stop myself from crying. A while later, Retasu checks up Rin and she doesn't see any pains. Retasu: You're all right. Rin: Cool. They watch Minoru trying on Rollerblades. Minoru: So how long did you have this? Yuki: For a few years, but I had a few ones before that and donated them since the old ones don't fit my feet anymore. Minoru: Sounds interesting. Later, they went to the dining room and have lunch together. Yuki: The meal looks really good! Minoru: Yeah! Rin: So you enjoyed being a tomboy all your life? Yuki: Well, yes. As a little kid since then, I find myself engaging on boy's activities. I never find feminine activities fun for me, and so I do a couple of things that I enjoy. I always know that I am a girl, just in my own way. Retasu: So as a kid, you act like a troublemaker? Yuki: Oh yes. I pull some funny stuff and do some risk taking to do what I need to do for the class. As a kid, I wanted to be a ninja, and always practice a lot of moves, and I go out and get dirty and come home, smelling like spirit. Rin: Uhh, okay. Ryo: You still do. Yuki: Because I love doing sport activities and geeking out. As a kid, I was the most hyper kid in the family, and running around. Minoru: Cool. After they finished lunch, they went outside and do some activities with Rin. After hanging out for the rest of the day, Yuki and Minoru went to Rin's house while following her. They went to her room. Rin: It was so fun today. Yuki: You bet. You challenged yourself many times this evening. Rin: Well, I was a hit and miss on those, but I did not give up. Minoru: It was a fantastic experience, right? Rin: I kinda see how those activities are really fun for you, Yuki. Yuki: You bet. So many experiences for many years, I have. Rin: And now I smell like spirit. Minoru covers his nose. Minoru: So are you gonna shower? Rin: Yeah. Well, it's almost night, and I wanna end my challenge right here and you guys tell me the results when I come out. Yuki: Sure. Minoru: Love to see what's next. Rin went to the bathroom and showers herself. She comes out from the bathroom with her pyjamas. Rin: So, what did you guys think about today? Minoru: We thought you really know how to stay in character. You got good acting. Yuki: And it shows that you are trying to be a tomboy for the day. Your results are interesting. Rin: Cool. So looks like I won! Yuki: Yes, you have. Minoru: That's cool. Rin: It is! Remember what I said what happens if I win? Yuki: Oh yeah, tell us. Rin: All right. You have to do it since I won. Minoru: But first, what happened if you lost? Rin: If I did, I would've have let Yuki pass gas in front of me. Yuki: I tried not to. Rin: And sometimes, you do. Yuki: So what do you want me to do? Rin: Well, are you up to play a feminine version of yourself? It has to be the entire day, tomorrow! Yuki: Are you kidding me? I'm not good at playing girly. Rin: Well, I won, so you have to. Yuki: Fine, but can it be somewhere else, not in Sapporo? I don't want anyone else to see me wear frilly dresses. Rin: Just stop by here in the morning. Yuki: It better be outside the town, and no photo taking. The next day, they are at Rin's house, and they see Yuki dressed with two pink bows in both sides on her hair, a hair extension on her sides, pink frilly dress, white leggings, and high heels. Rin laughs when she sees Yuki dressed this way. Yuki: It's not funny. This is totally embarrassing. I don't even like high heels. Rin: Well, you have to wear those as part of the bet. Yuki: I have no idea how you got hair extensions, the ones for my sides. Minoru: Can you walk well in high heels? Yuki: Yes, but I can't run. Rin: Well, you can't run in this bet. Yuki: That's lame. Rin: And you better not ruin my dress. I had fun playing my bet yesterday, so you should too. Yuki: We'll see. A while later, Yuki, Minoru, Rin, and Retasu are in Rin's backyard. Yuki plays a role of a girly character with a soft voice. Yuki: Howie. Rin. it's so good to meet you. Retasu, thanks for coming along. Minoru, you're such a sweet boyfriend. Rin: Hehe. Well, today is a sunny day. Yuki: Yes, Rin. Yuki picks up the basket from the ground. Yuki: I'll go grab something special. Yuki walks to the garden and looks at the iris flower. Yuki: These are your favorit righ... (SNEEZE!) Yuki walks backwards a little and steps on a rock on her right heel. As she is wearing high heels already, her right foot is unbalanced and trips to the ground and drops the basket to the ground. She goes back to her normal voice. Yuki: I almost twisted my right foot. These heels are bothering me. Rin: I hope the dress isn't dirty. Yuki stands up and Retasu sees that it's fine. Retasu: It's still looking good. Minoru: I thought you know that flowers are your allergic reaction. Yuki: I'm trying to play a role, but it's not working out. I can't do this. Yuki takes off the hair extension from her sides and pins out the ribbons too. Rin: Hey! You're in a bet. Yuki: This is just too silly and I can't even go on without my feet getting squeezed. Retasu: Different size. Rin: That's all I have for the biggest high heels from my closet. Yuki: Well, I'm sorry, but I can't continue. I rarely give up, but I can't think of what the girly character would usually do. Rin: Fine. Let's go back to my room. A while, they talk about the bet. Yuki is already dressed back normally. Minoru: It seems like Rin's challenge went a lot great yesterday. Rin: That's right. Yuki: I'm trying to tell you Rin that I don't always win. Rin: I know, but you quit. I mean, you did get a hard start, so I understand. Retasu: Rin, you had fun playing a character yesterday. Rin: Yeah. Minoru: Yuki, what also made you quit? Yuki: Umm, I lack fashion sense, so I wouldn't know how to play right as a typical girly character. Rin: I understand. Well, I did have few hard moments yesterday, but it was somehow easy to stay in character. Minoru: We are really great actors on role playing, it's just that we can have few weaknesses on what the character shoud be based on the actor's knowledge. I don't even know how to be deadpan because I lack sarcasm. Yuki: You're right. It is based on a person. So congratulations, Rin. You beat me of who plays the character the best. Rin: Yeah. I knew you would have a hard time, but we learn about each other, regardless of how long we are friends. Retasu: Yeah. Later, Yuki and Minoru went to Yuki's house at her room, watching a rerun of My Hero Academia with Ryo. Ryo: So how was it? Yuki: It only lasted quarter of an hour, and things didn't work out for me, so I left. Ryo: Hmm. Yuki: It was so silly anyway, and I didn't know how to play girly. All I was thinking about is doing something epic like these guys on the show. Minoru: Interesting.
Next Chapter: Yuki's Offer A classmate, Leo. He has two things happening on him. He has a crush on Kyanna and talks to Yuki about it. She and Minoru tells him about her and how to approach her. Second, he is afraid if Team Phase is watching him. He is concerned about that because of the incident where they got Rin few weeka ago. How will Yuki solve these problems, with or without anyone? Tune in next time!
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