#oh what I would do for a job where you could be awake whenever you wanted (mostly)
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It was like 2am when you posted this go to bed Omar
Omar via IG
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buckyalpine · 8 months
Bucky x civilian reader
I wrote this for my most precious bb, @jessybarnes congratulations my angel, you deserve ALL the followers.
Warnings: angstttyy, Bucky's an idiot, fluffyy, friends with benefits to lovers, I hope your chest itches a lil.
Prompt: "I can't keep doing this, I can't keep giving you chances just for you to break my heart over and over again."
"Morning Doll" His husky voice stirred you awake, the cool tips of his fingers sending shivers down your spine as he traced up and down your bare back. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
Bucky barely gave you a chance to respond, throwing the covers off, exposing you to the cool air of your bedroom as he rummaged around for his boxers which he'd tossed off haphazardly the night before.
"Alright" You mustered a smile as he pecked your head, seeing himself out and locking the door with the spare key you gave him. It would be weeks before you saw him again, going back to your regular schedule while he was off saving the world.
You had an interesting relationship with Bucky Barnes.
You'd met when he came to return a copy of the Hobbit at the library you worked at, tossing your a charming smirk before going to browse for more books. One night after a few more flirty comments and innocent touches later, you found yourself with your hands down each others pants, his lips smashed against yours to keep your moans down, the both of you hidden between the bookshelves.
He eventually started coming over to your place instead, exploring every bit of your body like he owned it, spending hours taking you both to new heights until he couldn't move. It was pure sex and the absolute best you'd ever had. Bucky made you forget your own name, only having the ability to moan and take everything he was giving you.
It was the perfect arrangement for him; something lowkey to help with the stress of his job without having to commit to much more. After you started to pick up more shifts at the library, you even gave his own key to your place to let himself in on days where you hadn't gotten home yet.
That was nearly a year ago.
You sighed, pulling the covers back over yourself, his scent still lingering on the sheets and pillow making your heart flutter, already waiting for the next time he'd be over. You hated the feeling, knowing your feelings were going further than what Bucky wanted. You hated every time he had to leave, the butterflies in your tummy fluttering wildly whenever he his name popped up on your phone.
Your heart would beat faster every time he kissed you, biting your tongue from telling him you didn't want him to go, you couldn't just be a person to keep his bed warm, you wanted more, you loved him-
You loved him.
You shook your head, ignoring the tightness that started to constrict your throat, feeling worse than the last time he'd left.
Why the fuck did you fall for him.
"Maybe we could go out?" You tried, hoping for once one of your rendezvous wouldn't be just sex. Bucky hummed, holding you closer to his bare chest, your bodies tangled under the sheets after he'd taken you apart, coming straight to your place as soon as he jet had landed.
"Sure, how about we grab coffee next time?" He mumbled, rutting his hips up, already hard again, rolling on top of you, peppering kisses down your neck before you could respond.
"Wait, Bu-oh god" Your words melted into moans as he made himself comfortable between your legs, neither of you brining up those plans again for the rest of the night. He stayed over as always, leaving before you stirred, the bed cold and empty when you woke up the next day to a text message from him.
Had to leave early, see you when I'm back x
You blinked, chewing your lip, debating on how to respond, a part of you still hoping he'd be open to spending time with you outside of just needing something physical.
Sure! Let's go to the cafe nearby? I've been dying to go
You typed and deleted the message 3 times before finally hitting send, tossing your phone aside, anxiety clouding your mind wondering how he'd respond.
Then he didn't.
You waited the entire week for him to respond to your message, the read at 6:03 staring you in the face, making your cheeks heat up from embarrassment, imagining the way he probably opened and closed the chat, forgetting your very existence until he had needs again.
Why did you even try.
You harshly wiped the tears that streaked down your face, chewing the inside of your cheek, freezing when the lock of your door turned, the familiar sound of his bag hitting the floor. You quickly splashed water onto your face, hiding any evidence of emotion when Bucky popped his head into your room, finding you in the bathroom.
"Hi doll" He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist, dragging you to bed and flopping over, making him self comfortable with his head on your chest.
"Hi Buck" You cleared your throat, hoping he wouldn't hear the shake in your voice, carding your fingers though his hair, instantly betraying yourself and melting into him when his hands made their way up your shirt.
"Missed this" he groaned, his sinful lips kissing down your neck and shoulders, slotting himself between your legs. "Thought about it all week"
All week.
When I waited for you to reply at least once.
You felt your eyes sting, forcing back the way your felt for what was happening in the moment. He made it clear what he wanted from you but you weren't sure how much more you could take. You succumbed to his charm, the sheets warm, your body slick with sweat, your face resting against his chest, his arm holding you securely, letting his warm breath tickle your skin.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" Bucky's nose nuzzled into your neck, pulling away slightly when he felt you tense in his hold, not responding, "Doll?"
"Maybe-maybe we shouldn't do this anymore" Your throat burned with how hard you were trying to keep from crying, keeping your eyes trained on his chest instead of his sweet baby blues you'd fallen for.
"Why not" Bucky frowned while you shifted uncomfortably.
"What are we Bucky"
"Y/n, we talked about this" He groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. You hated the way his arms loosened around you, pulling away his warmth with it, your body curling in on itself as he got off the bed to put his clothes on.
"I know but- I just- I feel used, it's like I'm some dirty secret" you brought your knees to your chest, digging your nails into your palms while he pulled his hoodie over his head. "We've never done anything else other than fuck in my apartment!"
"Its not like that" He argued back, sitting back down at by the edge of the bed.
"Bucky, no one even knows I exist. Tell me, does Steve even know?"
He chewed his lip before shaking his head. He hadn't told anyone about you, not even his best friend. You scoffed, feeling more pathetic than ever, your stomach churning seeing the distance already starting to grow between you both.
"See what I mean? You won't even go out for coffee with me, is just all sex. Is that all I am to you?"
"We both agreed to keep this casual, you know I'm not ready for a relationship y/n, I-I never saw you like that" His words cut deeper, the pit in your stomach growing heavier as he looked at you with pity. "Y/n-
"Fine" You blinked back the stubborn tears that kept welling in your eyes, harshly swiping your cheek as they started to stream down your face, "I get it"
"So where do we go from here" Bucky sighed, a part of him wanting to reach out and wipe the tears that streaked down your cheeks and hold you in his arms, hating the way he could see your heart breaking because of him.
"I can't keep doing this, I can't keep giving you chances just for you to break my heart over and over again." Your voice began to crack, wrapping your arms around your knees, pulling them to your chest, "I-I keep waiting for the day you'd feel differently but I get it, it's not happening"
"I'm sorry" Bucky whispered, almost reaching out to hold you one last time, deciding against it as he got up and made his way out of your room for the last time. His chest ached when he heard the first sob slip past your lips, softly closing the door behind him.
You cried your heard out, the pain far worse than you imagined it to be, wishing you'd kept your feelings to yourself because now you'd lost Bucky forever. You wouldn't wake up to him sneaking into your room for cuddles. You wouldn't walk into your apartment to find him crashed on your couch. You wouldn't wake up wrapped in his arms, legs tangled together with naughty kisses first thing in the morning.
Why did you fall so hard for him.
"Alright, what's going on with him" Tony huffed, "He's more grumpy than usual and I'm going to lose my billionaire status with how many punching bags I've replaced within the last week. Rogers?"
Steve shrugged, equally confused and worried as to why his best friend was far more moody than usual. There hadn't been any particularly grueling missions recently and there was nothing scheduled for the month. Over the past few weeks, Bucky had been closed off, secluded in his room, only leaving to spend time in the gym, breaking bags left, right and center.
"What's wrong with you" Steve found the soldier in the gym, grunting between punches, sweat dripping down his body, jaw clenched as he landed another hit, causing the leather to give way with sand spilling to the floor.
"Nothing" Bucky shook his head, hardly registering the sting of his split knuckles, panting while his heart thudded against his chest, having gone at it for the past hour, non stop.
"Buck, this is the fourth bag you've broken" Steve sighed, while Bucky huffed in response, already making his way to the rack to grab a new one.
"This wouldn't have anything to do with a girl, would it?" The blonde smirked, carefully watching his face. Bucky's eyes grew wide, blinking while Steve stared at him knowingly.
"N-no" Bucky shook his head, no, this had nothing to do with a girl, nor did it have to do with feelings. He didn't actually care about this girl or miss her, he didn't crave to feel her warmth, he was perfectly capable of falling asleep without cuddling her to his chest. He didn't miss her sweet laugh or cute shy smile. He didn't care that he couldn't hear her voice anymore and she didn't appear in every single one of his dreams, making his heart yearn for her more-
"Buck, seriously?" Steve deadpanned at his best friends lovesick puppy face while Bucky chewed his lip.
"You knew?"
"Not a lot" Steve shrugged. "Saw you talking to that cute librarian once when I was out for a run with Sam. S'not hard to figure out, considering you went from acting like the world was full of sunshine and rainbows to being a grumpy asshole all over again. So what happened"
Bucky only intended on giving Steve the most sparse details but once he started he couldn't stop. The more he spoke, the more it dawned on him that none of it was casual to begin with, that he'd fallen hard, deeply in love with you.
"You love her" Steve stated, seeing clear at day his best friend was an idiot.
"I don't love her" Bucky scoffed, his cheeks blushing at the way Steve cocked an eyebrow, "I love her"
"Go tell her you punk" Steve smacked him upside the head, chuckling as Bucky dashed out of the gym, running straight to his room to shower and change. He trembled like a leaf he entire time, feeling a mixture of excitement and fear, feeling awful for hurting you, awful for bottling and ignoring his feelings while hoping and praying you'd forgive him.
He thought about all the times he wanted more with you, about what it would be like for you to be his girl, fuck there had been nights where he'd even dreamt of spending his life with you. He hid it all away, convincing himself he didn't need anything else, that it was for the best for both of you even if you did make his heart feel whole.
He knew he wanted to be your man, every time he walked through your door, the stresses of his day instantly melting away, feeling like he was home. Nothing comforted him more than holding you in his arms, never wanting to let go.
He hopped onto his motor bike, swerving through the streets, taking the stairs two at a time to get back to you as fast as he could, not wanting to waste another minute. He shamelessly pulled out the spare key, knowing you'd be home around this time considering he had your scheduled memorized by now. Usually around this time, you liked to lounge on the couch under a pile of blankets with your comfort show on.
"Doll?" Bucky quietly unlocked the door, toeing his boots off, the scent of your home already causing his emotions to fly around wildly. He felt like he was home, whole once again, why did he ever let this go.
"Baby, where are you" Bucky called, frowning when he saw your house keys still hanging by the door yet found the living room empty. He continued to search for you, quietly pushing your bedroom door open, melting at the sight of your curled up form, sleeping under a pile of blankets. He felt a pang in his chest seeing tear streaks down your cheeks, evident that you'd been crying.
You stirred at the sound of the door creaking, shifting in your sleep as he quietly made his way over, gently coaxing you awake.
"Hey doll" he whispered, stroking your face with his metal hand, like he always did when he came over in the middle of a night, usually when he couldn't sleep or whenever missions finished and he immediately needed to come and see you.
"Bucky?" Your voice cracked, rubbing sleep from your eyes, unsure if you were dreaming when you felt the bed dip and his cool melt fingers stroking your cheek, the familiar scent of him making you feel giddy after you missed him so much. "What-what are you doing here"
"I- He paused, unsure of where to even start, guilt already consuming him for making you feel like he never cared for you in the first place. "I'm sorry doll. I'm so sorry"
"For what" You scoffed softly, sniffling back fresh tears that wanted to spill, still struggling to mend your broken heart, "Was there something you needed again" Your defeated voice made Bucky feel worse, realizing you probably thought he was back to use you, when you had all the rights to kick him out of your room immediately.
"No! No baby, never. I-I'm not here for that y/n, I promise" Bucky scrambled to your side, reaching for your hands, pressing them to his chest, his heart hammering against his ribcage. "I'm so sorry for what I said to you baby, it wasn't true, I didn't even realize how I felt about you. I missed you so much" HIs eyes were desperately pleading with you to believe him.
"You-you said you never saw me that way" you whispered, shrinking away from him once again, too scared to let him hurt you a second time. "You left me Bucky"
"Baby, look at me" He begged, hesitantly reaching out to cup your cheeks, relaxing a little when you didn't flinch away. "Please sweets, I mean it. I did see you that way. I care about you, fuck, I love you y/n" As soon as the words left Bucky's mouth, he felt complete like never before. It was like his heart stitched itself back together, feeling free, realizing how true it was. He loved you, more than anything else.
"No you don't Bucky" you couldn't bring yourself to believe him, gasping when he pulled you into his arms, his thumb stroking your face.
"I do doll, I promise I do. I was too stupid to realize it even when it was obvious. I thought about you every second of the day, you know that? Whenever the jet would land, I'd run straight to you because I just wanted to come home. I just wanted to come straight to you. You were my everything, i wanted to keep you protected, just live in a world where it was just you and me. I fell in love with you angel, tried to convince myself every single day that what I felt for you was nothing more"
"Steve knew" Bucky cut you off, chuckling at your confused, pouty expression.
"He knew. He didn't know everything but he knew enough to piece together why I was acting like a love stuck idiot. You have no idea what kind of effect you had on me doll. I was the happiest I've ever been with you. My heart was breakin' without you baby, I just wanted my girl back"
"Your girl?" You whispered softly, your cheeks heating up at the thought while Bucky nodded, pulling you down to lay with him.
"My girl. All mine. Can't believe I tried to ignore it, I've been in love with you for so long doll. M'sorry I hurt you angel, I'll never break your heart again, I promise" He held you to his chest, his words making your eyes water, burying yourself in his warmth. He kissed the tears that spilled from your lashes, before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "Will you be mine? Really mine?"
"M'yours Bucky" your voice was muffled, clinging onto him while he wrapped his arms around you, stroking your hair.
"Y'know this means you'll have to put up with Steve and Sam" Bucky playfully teased making you giggle, already aware his friends would probably start to follow him once they officially found out about you. "and you'll have to be my date for all of Tony's extravagant shit"
"That doesn't sound so bad" You quipped, while Bucky rolled over, tucking his face against your neck, needily cuddling into you, craving your warmth after weeks of having been apart.
"That's because you've never seen me drink, sugar" Bucky hummed, sleep already starting to claim him, hugging you tightly as he closed his eyes. "Might even drunkenly ask you to marry me"
"I'd drunkenly say yes" you hummed, wrapping your body around his, he warmth of his skin making your eyes grow heavy.
"I love you doll" Bucky whispered before falling fast asleep in your arms, the world once again filled with sunshine with rainbows now that he was finally with you.
His girl.
His home.
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sea-lanterns · 1 year
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synopsis: genshin women trying to find your ring size
featuring: eula, yelan, miko, ningguang
rating: sfw (anyone can interact)
warnings: gn! reader, fluff, kissing, affectionate physical touches, slightly suggestive content (miko's), already established relationship, not proof read.
art credits: whisper me a love song
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When you got home that evening, you noticed that Eula wasn’t waiting for you in the living room like she usually did, ready to greet you the moment you set foot through the door. That’s fine, she’s probably somewhere else in the house then, right? Either that or she was still working late and won’t get home until later. You didn’t mind, you could wait for your girlfriend as long as it takes!
See, that’s what you thought at first. However, as you went to set your work stuff down and take off your shoes, you hear rummaging in your bedroom and the sounds of Eula’s frustrated grunts.
“Now where would they…”
Oh, so she was home, she was just in your bedroom! You smiled and set your bag down to make your way over to your room, peeking in through the illuminated crack of the door to see what she was up to. Eula was busy hunched over the dresser that housed all your clothes, digging through a wooden jewelry box you kept atop the dresser, while pushing through various bracelets, necklaces, and other jeweled accessories. 
“Wh-…” you decided not to say anything and settled for hiding behind the door to see what she was doing. Why was she rummaging through all your stuff? She didn’t need to be so secretive, if she wanted to wear some of your jewelry she could just ask…
“Ah…finally…” Your eyes lit up as Eula pulled out one of your rings, admiring the glisten of one of the gemstones and holding it up in the air to examine. “I think this is it, it should be their size…” She smiled softly and cupped the precious ring in her hand, rubbing her fingers over the smooth, worn out metal.
“This time it’ll be a real diamond, my love…”
Your eyes widened at her implications, turning away from the door to quietly walk away and pretend like you didn’t see anything. Was this real? Did you just…witness her plans to propose to you?
You almost let out a squeal of excitement, yet also bashed yourself for having caught her in the midst of it. Whatever! It wasn’t like you knew when she was going to propose…
“Home already, darling?” You heard her say, turning around to face your girlfriend with nervous eyes. “Ah…yeah, I just got home a minute ago. How was work?”
“Sufficient, I suppose…”  Eula smiled and walked over to plant a kiss on your forehead, your eyes noticing her slip the ring into her back pocket. “I missed you, but I need to make an errand now, my darling. I’ll be back soon.”
“Oh? Where to in this late hour?” You tease, folding your arms and smiling expectedly at her. 
“Mm, nowhere too important.” Eula chuckled, picking up your hand and planting a small kiss on your ring finger. “Let’s just say I need to make a special order…”
Your heart hammered at the implications. 
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Usually you’d go to bed without Yelan. That’s okay, you understood what her job was like and enjoyed the little sprinkles of time she gave to you whenever she was off duty. Though sparse, she loved you dearly, and you didn’t mind too much as Yelan would always try her best to finish missions early so she could come home and snuggle up to you.
Tonight was no different. As you slowly stirred awake at the sound of your door lock clicking, you smiled and tried not to open your eyes when you heard Yelan’s careful footsteps walking down the hall. She didn’t know this, but you made a habit of memorizing her walk patterns. From the click of her heels to the tired yet sexy sigh she exhaled after a long day, you could tell it was her…
Like a cat, she slowly crept into your bedroom, smiling at the sight of your figure all balled up on her side of the bed. How cute, she’d always find you sleeping on her side, a sight so precious she’d often wish she could just photograph it. 
“I’m home…” she’d mutter softly, your eyes still closed as you wanted her to think you were asleep. “…Ah, out like a light I see.”
You resisted the urge to smile as Yelan pressed a chaste kiss against your forehead, the sounds of her rummaging through her closet —presumably to change into her sleepwear— and going to lie down beside you, spooning you from behind. She let out a breathy sigh and wrapped her arms around your waist, you’d think she’d start passing out by now judging by how tired she was, but your instinct told you she was still awake.
That’s odd, was she still staring at you? You wanted to turn around and open your eyes but sleep was starting to slow you down. Perhaps she’ll fall asleep at some point and just—
Then Yelan reached out and gently caressed your left hand, picking it up like it was made of glass. Oh? What’s this…? Your heart sped up as she held your hand carefully, fingers circling around your ring finger as she quietly hummed in thought. 
What was she doing? Her fingers were rubbing at the circumference of your left ring finger as if she were trying to gauge something. Could it be…? Was she trying to figure out your ring size?
Yelan sighed and you could just feel her smile from behind you. Her hand is still holding onto yours while she buries her face into the back of your neck, fingers entwined like a lock while she exhales breathily into your skin.
“I should use paper, it’s more efficient that way…”
With one last sleepy grumble, she finally closed her eyes to let sleep overtake her, unaware of the blushing person who heard her coddled up in her arms.
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As sly and cunning Yae Miko can be, she was absolutely stumped with how to find your ring size without you noticing. She’s tried countless times to measure the circumference whenever you were distracted, yet your intuitive gaze would always catch her whenever she tried to do something sneaky. Leading to her utter defeat, as it was hopeless to distract you long enough to mark the measurements she needed.
The kitsune huffed and slouched over her work desk with a frown. Her tail wagging sporadically out of annoyance as she wanted nothing more than to just flat out ask you. 
“Hm…how irritating…” she crossed her arms as sparks flew out of her vision with fury, lighting threatening to shoot out if not for the calm and soothing voice of her lover. 
“Morning Miko,” you hummed, walking into her office like you owned the place. “Eh? The air is all dark and frizzy. Did you accidentally get fur in your tea again?”  
“I— no.” Miko chuckled nervously at your statement because while that wasn’t the reason she was  frazzled, she did in fact get some fur in her tea due to shedding season. ‘Now is not the time to tell them that. I’ll just cut to the chase.’
“Morning little one, how was last night’s rest?” She hums, walking over to kiss you lightly on the lips. Enjoying your little sigh of satisfaction, she grins and leans forward to kiss you a little deeper, taking notice of how you grew so lost in the kiss, that your eyes fluttered shut in response. ‘Oh…this gives me an idea…’ 
As you broke away from the kiss to catch your breath, Miko suddenly nudged you back so you would start backing up in the direction of her desk. “Ah…Miko, I can walk you know—”
“I know I know…” was her voice getting…sultry? Oh no, you can’t do it here! You’re in her office! Plus, you did it last night already…
“Miko, wait…we can’t…”
Little did you know Miko had bigger plans…
“Mm, don’t worry, little one. I won’t go too hard on you…” She purred and put on her best seductive facade, reaching forward to grasp your left hand gently. “Just relax…and let me take over…” 
As she leaned forward to keep you locked within a deep and passionate kiss, her hands were busy at work as she had no time to spare! Hands grasping over her desk to grab a slip of paper, she slid it over your ring finger, creasing the edge where the ends meet. ‘Perfect. I got it.’
Pulling away from the kiss with a grin, she chuckled at your dazed face and brushed your hair back to tease you, enjoying the way you whined. 
“I got what I needed, thanks for the help little one…”
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Ningguang is a busy woman, and busy women don’t often have the time to sneak around to get your ring size. While the thought is incredibly charming, she’d rather find your ring size in a rather…flashy, yet secretive kind of way that only a woman like herself could pull off.
What do I mean by flashy? I mean this woman literally went out to buy a ring of every size from the jeweler and gift them all to you in the disguise of a harmless present. An efficient, yet very expensive move as not only will she be able to figure out your size, but she’d be able to figure out what your taste in gemstones was like…
How clever of her. No wonder Ningguang was such a smart woman.
The moment you entered the Jade Chamber, you were surprised when her three secretaries suddenly pulled you over to a room that housed various shining rings with different little gemstones. These small, little gifts were probably worth a fortune to many, leaving you speechless at the sight of your girlfriend smirking in confidence.
“Hello there, dear,” She waved a hand over for you to join her, “Happy early birthday, I picked some presents for you to try…”
You raised a brow at this and chuckled amusingly at her gesture, finding the whole ordeal rather extreme. Though, Ningguang was a very extreme woman, perhaps this wasn’t so out of character for a woman like her… 
“My birthday is in four months,” you giggled, eying the rings with a peculiar curiosity. “Don’t tell me you’re celebrating it this early…”
She laughs and grasps your hand with a clawed finger, lightly scratching at your palms while she leads you to their cases. “I just wish to spoil you a bit, that’s all. You may have all of them if you’d like, but I’d like you to tell me how they feel and what you like about them.”
She smiles innocently. “Just to know what you like in the future.”
Okay, that was a little odd but whatever, it was common for your girlfriend to spoil you in riches whenever she wanted to. While material wealth wasn’t what made you happy in this relationship, Ningguang always seemed to enjoy it as she adored the shocked looks on your face whenever she’d bring you something expensive. 
“A little too loose.”
“I think it’s a little tight.”
She hummed in agreement when you slipped the bejeweled bands over your finger, taking mental notes of what was too small and what was too large. “And the gemstones? Which ones do you like?”
The moment you listed off the kinds of shapes, colors, and more importantly, the size of what you liked, Ningguang finally had it. The perfect ring for you. 
“Thank you my love, your input means wonders for me,” she quickly plants a kiss on your lips as she rushes to head back to “work.” 
“I best be going now, enjoy the gifts. I’ll be back for dinner with your favorite.” You were confused as to why she left in such a hurry, but just assumed she had some work to catch up with. Oh well, you chose to ignore it and go back to placing the rings back in their cases…
…Little did you know, Ningguang was actually not rushing to work, but to the jewelers again.
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anantaru · 1 year
i just remembered that one trend on tiktok where you get onna fake phone call and pretend you're getting some juicy gossip just to see how ur s/o would react and its so funny to imagine how the gossip bfs would be so nosey.
Kaveh full on turning the corner to stand beside you after hearing you "gasp in shock" and kuni slowly peeking his head around the doorframe and getting caught LMFOAIOJDJWJS
- 💳
cw. none, crack, gn! reader, gossip bf kuni & gossip bf kaveh, modern au!
synopsis. you play a fake phone-call prank on them
a/n. help nonnie i love this idea i had to write a little something to it <3
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— scaramouche
"no, i do not believe this!"
dramatically pondering into the phone, you had made it your own personal duty to prank your boyfriend once again, unbeknownst to him of course.
but as might be expected, kuni wasn't stupid, so this had to be perfect, mind-blowing and you lowered your breathing to get in step with your devilish play.
scaramouche was currently in the living room, comfortably laying on the large couch while resting his eyes for a brief moment— today was one day like any other, needless to say it was demanding, becoming fatigued was only one of the many negatives of his job.
but then, before drifting off into a tranquil nap, your voice shook him awake, his eyes split open at your perceptible tone, scaramouche knew something big must've happened for you to be this all over the place and noisy.
and he knows better not to question it— that he was awfully bad at containing his excitement for any gossip, really, as long as there was something to gush and giggle about, complain or chitter chatter to his hearts content, kuni would always be right around the corner, cocking his ears to catch onto your words.
"but why would he do this?" you yell again, this time a step louder, "wait what?! he did what with his money?"
"who?!" bingo— you sink your teeth into your bottom lip to prevent yourself from laughing, it was way too easy to pique scaramouche's interest.
"tell me who? hey!" he peaked from behind the couch— his voice a little breathy, lower too so he wouldn't interrupt your phone call which, unsuspected to him, was fake.
"i can't believe he would do this, wow." it's over, kuni assembles the remaining power in his body to push himself off the warm confines of the couch before stomping towards you.
"what happened?" he asks again and tilts his head in a confused manner, but you do not respond.
"end the call, i want to know."
and this time you couldn't hold back the bristling power of an incoming laughter as you hiccuped and howled at his pleading face.
"it's a prank!" you giggle, lips split into a contagious smile, "i‘m sorry!" but he wasn't having it, instead scaramouche purses his lips at you, closing his arms around his chest— which fun fact, he'd always do whenever he wanted to appear more stern or poised.
"tsk." he clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, "you better make it up to me now."
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— kaveh
"tell me!!"
kaveh restlessly whispers from right behind your body, once again— begging you to spill the beans, if it helps he'd even go on his knees for you.
but you further slant onto the kitchen counter, unbothered by all of this while motioning a short 'psst' sound with your lips so he'd keep himself quiet and wouldn't interrupt your oh so important phone call with your friend.
that admittedly, they weren't on a call with you right now— because in truth and nothing but the blatant truth, you began to play a little prank on him— quite evil, but what's new?
it was befitting too, to catch a glimpse of your boyfriends sweet tendencies to be hungry and eager for each and any gossip you could provide to him.
kaveh was unnerved— excited for something to gossip about because your stories tend to be so much better than his own which would mostly include his roommate alhaitham being a menace to society.
"wait!" you inaudibly gasp and dramatically place your hand on your chest, right above your heart for that extra special nuance that whatever was said right now, must've been huge, "so she went home with her?!"
"with whom??" kaveh whimpers, nudging his finger into your shoulder, once twice— beating frantically against your skin like he was trying to win a contest on; 'how to annoy your significant other the best'.
"who baby, say a name, please!"
"psst, kaveh!" you scold him and he squints, though you're a natural at concealing your amusement, "but i want to know." and he stomps his feet on the ground while sloping his body forward so he could hug you from behind and crush you with his weight— maybe even listen to the voice coming from your phone himself.
"i don't hear anything!" he pushes himself into you more, ear tightly planted against your hand that was holding your phone, "wait are you messing with me?"
he cocks a brow, pulling himself off you so he could look at your face and discern this mystery himself. he knows it in the way you suddenly hid your mouth with the back of your hand, sneakily placing the phone on the kitchen counter while giggling to yourself.
it doesn't help that you're so sweet— or that kaveh was madly in love with you, one of the two, otherwise he would've been actually mad at you now.
"seriously, i was so excited baby!"
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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underscorewriting · 9 months
stupid bracelet.
König x reader
Warnings: fluff, maybe a little angst
Hope you enjoy! :)
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It was amusing to him how such little pieces of thread could calm him down. But they did. And here he was, his fingers mindlessly fidgeting with the thread of a bracelet. A red bracelet to be specific. One he would’ve called „stupid“ not too long ago. But now, could he even call it stupid if it had become a part of him in such a short time?
In the military many men and women had something that reminded them of home, of who they’re here for, who they’re fighting for or want to return home to. Some had photos. Yes, König did also have them, he had his pockets filled with small things that reminded him of her. Others had small stuffed animals laying in their rooms back at the base. And again, König, of course, had them too.
He loved having small things to remind himself of her, to keep himself grounded. His friends also knew better than to touch his stuff, especially the one teddy bear wearing small traditional leather pants holding a gingerbread-heart with a writing on it saying „Ich liebe dich.“, like it was tradition in Austria.
When it came to small reminders of his love at home, he was the one that had everything. Of course his friends thought he was crazy, but he needed those small little things desperately to get him through the day. The one little bracelet that had him fidgeting with whenever he was feeling slightly on the edge, as he was now, was one he got gifted early on in their relationship. He hasn’t taken it off ever since.
This little piece of thread, knotted together with some beads, was the most precious thing he owned.
A small smile tugged at his lips underneath his masks as his mind wandered back to how he even got it.
It was a late tuesday evening when she walked in with a bright grin playing on her lips. „Oh no, what’s going on in your head again, Schatz?“ He couldn’t help but chuckle. „We, my lovely boyfriend, will make some bracelets!“ The excitement in her voice was unmatched by anything he ever heard, he couldn’t say no, but he was tired.
König had just returned from one of the first missions he had ever since they got together and all he wanted was to snuggle down with her, have her in his arms reminding him that he’s not all he is out there in the field. He’s not s psychotic insane killer, not like his opposites think. Yes, he might be a war hero, but so we’re thousands of others. Yes, he was good at his job, but he was only as good as the next one.
He knew that whenever he comes home, that that’s where he’s most important and most needed. „Schatz…“ His voice was draggy, hesitant to tell her that he just wants to sleep.
Sleep all the pain and worry off.
Sleep all the nightmares snd blood off.
Sleep off ever needing to be away from her.
A soft smile replaced the overbearing grin on the girls face. „You’re tired, aren’t you?“ Guilt. It was the first thing he noticed in her voice, the quick change from barely manageable excitement to this unsure sound of guilt in her voice, made his stomach turn. He didn’t want to lie to her though, he also didn’t want to pressure himself into staying awake and possibly snapping at her if everything got too much.
He had the tendencies to do so if he was overly exhausted.
With a simple nod and an apologetic smile he opened his arms slightly, making room for her to lean against his chest. „How about that, ja? You can lean against my chest, make your little bracelets, while I hold you, watch you, maybe get a small nap in…“ His smile turning into a soft grin as the girl climbed into his lap.
She didn’t ask questions, she never did. She knew he wouldn’t ask if he wasn’t really exhausted. That’s who he was, he would do anything for her, even put his own needs aside just to make her happy.
Settling down onto his lap the girl took the thread and beads and placed them next to her, before getting to work. König couldn’t help but admire her more than the show she was watching. Small giggles escaped the girl as she bit her lips in concentration, her mind going god knows where.
She was adorable.
She was perfect.
She just fit right in his arms.
Soon his chin found her shoulder as he rested it against her. „Red bracelet, hm?“ His voice was soft, interested in what she was doing and what her beautiful mind had though of as an outcome.
Nodding she leaned towards him slightly, her nose brushing against his as both of them grinned like giddy lovesick teenagers. „It’s gonna look great and you know it.“ Going back to work he couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her enthusiasm.
Her enthusiasm and optimistic being was what he loved the most about her. It was what he admired the most and needed the most.
An hour passed, the loving couple was still all snuggled up. König was resting his eyes a little, he still held her tightly against himself. With a huff the girl threw the bracelet onto the couch after she was done, her movement waking König up.
A frown was settled on her face and he couldn’t help but reach out to caresses her cheek. „Whats wrong, mein Schatz..?“ He was worried, he hated seeing her upset. Anger and disappointment flashed up in her eyes and she shook her head, her hair falling into her face, making her seem even less at ease than before.
„It looks stupid… I made a mistake and now it’s all weird!“ König caressed her hip softly as he leaned over to pick up the bracelet. She threaded all the red beads onto the bracelet. „Where did you mess up?“ With a huff the girl pointed to a place where she knotted the thread wrong, it was barely visible under the beads.
A soft chuckle escaped König as he pulled her closer. „I think it looks great, Liebling… you can barely see the Knoten there.“ He turned her chin softly so she was looking at it and pointed to the at the barely visible know that was hidden underneath the beads.
“I see it, and I don’t like it…”
A moment of understanding silence fell between them. He understood her need to be perfect and to make everything the way she wants them to be.
“I see it and I love it, Liebling.”
His voice held a soothing tone, knowing it would help her calm her nervous mind.
“You do?”
“I do…”
With a soft smile and an encouraging nod he underlined his opinion. He loved it. A lot.
“Can I have it?”
A small smile formed on the girls face, excitement returning. Königs heart swelled up at the sight of her bright eyes searching for his. A disbelieving look on the girls face.
A soft chuckle left König as he kissed the spot between her shoulder and her neck while nodding softly. He knew she could get insecure about things she likes doing and the image she has of things and how they should look in her head, so it’s his job, and always will be, to make sure she sees that its perfect even if it doesn’t turn out how she wants it to be.
“Of course, would you please tie it around my wrist?”
With quick movements the girl tied the bracelet around his wrist, making sure it’s secure and wouldn’t fall off the next time he moved his hand. The bracelet was extremely visible on him,, making her unsure if he’ll actually wear it for a longer time.
A soft kiss on her cheek made her squirm but also cleared her mind from the doubt she was feeling.
He’ll wear it. She’s sure of it.
“Who knows, Liebling. Maybe Ghost or Soap will want one too if they see it, ja?”
A soft and quiet giggle made König smile proudly. The image of him threatening the two men just for them to call his girlfriend and ask her about the bracelet she made, was already imprinted into his mind.
Yes, he would even threaten them with his gun up to their head just to hear the excitement in her voice again, because whenever he heard it he felt like he could breath again.
With every small giggle that left her, he felt like his heart beat again.
With every smile or simple look she gave him, he felt like he was alive again.
On days when he felt depressed, couldn’t leave the bed because of all the things he had been through. She was there.
He’d be damned if he wouldn’t try to do everything to make her even the slightest bit happier.
In their quiet and precious moment, the girl turned towards König, straddling his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face between it and his shoulder.
“Don’t lose it, okay…?”
It was a simple question, but the meaning behind it was something so deep that hurt his soul. This was one thing, one worry, he couldn’t take away from her. He hated himself for it.
“I won’t.” His hand caressed hee back softly making sure she knows he’s here.
Making sure she knows he’s going to come back home, like he always has.
The voice of one of the recruits snapped him out of his thoughts as he heard their voices all mix together. With a small smile under his mask and a last look down to the bracelet, his eyes softening at the thought of coming home.
“Like I always do…”
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lila-lou · 3 months
✨ His only exception - Pt. 12/? ✨
Summary: 12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another. One evening, however, something changed.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, Smut and more Smut, Language
Word Count: 6263
A/N: This is part 12 of “His only exeption”.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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The next morning, as the soft light filtered through the curtains, you and Ben were startled awake by a series of loud knocks on the door. Annie’s voice, muffled but unmistakably annoyed, filtered through the wood.
“Ben! Open up, damn it!”, she called out, her tone aggressive and urgent.
Ben groaned, rubbing his eyes as he sat up in bed, a scowl crossing his features.
“What the fuck does this woman want now?”, he muttered, irritation evident in his voice.
You exchanged a tired glance with him, both of you equally puzzled by Annie’s unexpected intrusion. With a resigned sigh, Ben swung his legs over the edge of the bed, pulled on his sweatpants and made his way to the door, grumbling under his breath. As he opened the door, Annie’s furious expression greeted him, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at him.
“Where the hell is (y/n)? She isn’t in her room!“, she demanded.
You quickly scrambled out of bed, throwing on some clothes as you rushed to join Ben and Annie at the door. Ben opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it, offering a hurried explanation.
“Oh, hey Annie”, you said, trying to sound casual despite the nervous flutter in your stomach. “I just needed to grab my charger from Ben’s room. He borrowed it”.
Ben raised an eyebrow at you, a silent question in his gaze, but you avoided his eyes, focusing on Annie instead.
Annie's suspicion lingered in the air as she glanced between you and Ben, her expression unreadable. “Your charger, huh?”, she said skeptically, her tone tinged with disbelief. “At this hour?”.
You nodded quickly, trying to maintain your composure despite the rising tension in the room. “Yeah, I just realized I forgot it”, you lied, hoping that Annie would buy your excuse.
"Are you sure everything's okay?", she asked, her voice tinged with concern. "I just… I worry about you, (y/n). Especially when you're with him". You offered her a reassuring smile, doing your best to appear unfazed by her probing questions. "Everything's fine, Annie", you insisted, your tone as convincing as you could muster. Ben remained silent, his gaze fixed on you with a hint of disappointment lurking in his eyes.
Annie nodded, seemingly satisfied with your response. "Okay, well, breakfast is ready whenever you two decide to join us", she said before turning to leave, her footsteps echoing down the hallway. Once the door clicked shut behind her, Ben turned to you, a raised eyebrow signaling his expectation for an explanation. His expression was a mixture of curiosity and a bit hurt, as if he already knew the truth but wanted to hear it from you. You met his gaze, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your neck.
"I… I just didn't want her to… you know, get the wrong idea", you stammered, struggling to find the right words to explain. Ben's stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently brush a stray strand of hair from your face. "Wrong idea about what?", he teased. "That we fucked? Again?".
Ben attempted to mask it with a casual shrug, but you could sense the tinge of hurt beneath his facade. "I get it", he said casually. "Just didn't expect you to be so eager to avoid being fucking caught with me".
You felt a pang of guilt at his words, realizing that you had wounded his pride. "I'm sorry", you murmured, reaching out to place a hand on his arm. "I just didn't want things to get complicated with the team".
Ben forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "It's fine", he replied, his tone clipped. "Let's just go grab some breakfast, yeah?".
The two of you joined the rest of the team in the kitchen, trying to act like nothing had happened. As everyone chatted about their time off, you and Ben remained silent, exchanging only brief glances that spoke volumes.
After Kimiko and Frenchie finished sharing their stories about their time in Paris, Hughie and Annie took their turn, recounting their adventures in Austria.
As the conversation flowed, Butcher's gaze eventually drifted toward you and Ben, his gruff voice breaking the jovial atmosphere. "So, how was your vacation?", he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied the two of you. "I'm guessing it was good, seeing as you two are talking to each other again."
You exchanged a hesitant glance with Ben before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, it was… fine", you replied, trying to keep your tone neutral despite the lingering tension between you. "Nothing too eventful".
Ben offered a nonchalant shrug, his expression carefully composed.
Butcher nodded, though there was a hint of skepticism in his gaze. "Well, fucing glad to hear it", he grunted before turning his attention back to his breakfast.
As the conversation carried on, you couldn't shake the feeling of Annie's suspicious gaze lingering on you. Finally, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, she spoke up.
"You know, (y/n), you look different", Annie remarked, her tone casual but her eyes sharp with scrutiny. "You sure nothing interesting happened?".
You felt a flush rise to your cheeks as you exchanged a glance with Ben, who grinned mischievously but said nothing, focusing instead on his pancakes. Frenchie's curious gaze joined Annie's, followed by Butcher's, and soon all eyes were on you, awaiting your response.
You swallowed nervously, trying to keep your composure. "Uh, no, not really", you replied, your voice unconvincing even to your own ears. "Just… got some sun, I guess".
Butcher raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical, but he didn't press the issue further.
As Ben's hand squeezed your thigh under the table, a jolt of surprise shot through you, momentarily distracting you from the conversation. His touch was firm, almost possessive, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking as he engaged in a discussion with Butcher about Homelander's whereabouts.
Despite the tension simmering between you, Ben's demeanor remained unchanged as he delved into the conversation with Butcher, his voice steady and unwavering.
You forced yourself to focus on the discussion at hand, trying to push aside the lingering discomfort that gnawed at the back of your mind.
With the rest of the team heading off to Supe Affairs for a meeting, you and Ben found yourselves with some rare downtime at the apartment. As the others filed out, you exchanged a glance with Ben, a sense of relief washing over you at the prospect of a quiet morning.
As you slipped away to the bathroom, the sound of running water filled the apartment, signaling your intent to unwind in the shower. Ben, lounging in his room, couldn't help but notice the familiar sound. He rose from his bed, padding quietly to the bathroom door.
Without hesitation, he turned the handle and pushed the door open, his eyes meeting yours as you stood in the midst of undressing. A faint blush crept onto your cheeks at the unexpected intrusion, but you couldn't help but be amused by Ben's boldness. "Can I help you?", you teased, a playful glint in your eye as you met his gaze.
Ben grinned mischievously, leaning casually against the door frame. "Just making sure you don't fucking drown in there", he replied, his tone light and teasing. "Wouldn't want to have to fish you out".
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head at his antics. "I think I can handle a shower on my own, thank you", you retorted, though the warmth in your voice betrayed your amusement.
"Oh, I have no doubt about your little showering capabilities", he remarked with a smirk. "But company never hurt anyone, right?".
Again you rolled your eyes, unable to suppress a small smile at his persistence. "I suppose not", you replied. Despite his teasing, there was an underlying warmth in his gaze that made you feel unexpectedly at ease.
As Ben stepped closer to you, his hands wandering down to your sweatpants, you couldn’t help but feel a rush of anticipation mingled with excitement. His proximity sent a thrill coursing through you, and you found yourself drawn to him.
“Would you be ashamed if anyone found out about us fucking?”, Ben asked, his voice low and husky as he pulled you closer. You paused for a moment, considering his question before responding. “Well, you’re the one who told me not to tell anyone in the first place”, you pointed out, a hint of amusement in your voice. “So I guess that’s on you”.
Ben chuckled softly, his breath warm against your ear as he leaned in close. “Fair enough”, he murmured, his tone tinged with amusement. “But that just counts for taking your virginity. I’m not about to be seen as a fucking pussy, but your sweet little pussy being mine in general? Well, that’s a fucking different story”.
"Yeah, well, I'm sure the team wouldn't stop teasing us if they found out", you quipped, trying to hide the nervous flutter in your stomach.
Ben chuckled softly, his gaze lingering on you with a mixture of amusement and something else you couldn't quite decipher. "Let them tease", he replied nonchalantly. "As long as they don't get in the way of us having some fun".
You raised an eyebrow at his boldness.
As you discarded your sweatpants, leaving you just in your bra and panties, Ben’s gaze lingered on you appreciatively, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. “They don’t need to know about us having some fun”, you remarked, trying to sound casual despite the flutter of uncertainty in your chest. “I mean, it’s not like we’re together or anything”.
As you hoped for Ben to reveal something deeper than just the physical aspect of your relationship, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment when he didn't. However, you pushed the feeling aside, trying to focus on the present moment.
"Right", Ben mumbled in agreement before pulling you close again, turning you roughly so your back was against his chest. His arms wrapped around you, holding you tight as if he never wanted to let go.
You leaned back into his embrace, the warmth of his body comforting against your skin. Despite the uncertainty swirling within you, there was a sense of security in his arms.
As Ben's hand traced over your naked stomach, slipping down inside your panties, you couldn't suppress the shiver that ran down your spine at his touch. His lips began to pepper kisses along your shoulders, sending a tingling sensation coursing through your body.
You tilted your head to the side, offering him better access as his kisses trailed down your neck. With each kiss, each gentle stroke of his hand, you felt yourself surrendering to the heat of the moment.
Ben's hand slipped inside your panties, his touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through you. His fingers traced tantalizing patterns against your skin, exploring every curve and crevice with a gentle but firm touch. With his other hand holding your hips in place, he kept you close, ensuring you couldn't escape the sensation.
His fingers rubbing over your sensitive skin, teasing and coaxing you to the brink of ecstasy. Every stroke, every caress, sent sparks of pleasure shooting through your body, building the intensity of the moment with each passing second.
You arched your back, pressing yourself against him, desperate for more of his touch. The rhythm of his movements matched the pounding of your heart.
A smirk played on his lips as he relished in the control he held over you. "You like that, huh?", he murmured. "You're such a fucking needy little thing".
You bit your lip to stifle a moan, unable to form a coherent response as the sensations consumed you.
Ben pressed his erection against your ass, his intentions clear, you could feel the heat radiating between you. His breath tickled your ear as he leaned in, his lips trailing along your neck before biting down slightly.
With a low grunt, he whispered huskily in your ear, "You're mine now, sweetheart". The possessiveness in his tone sent shivers down your spine.
Your breath hitched as Ben's hands moved swiftly, ripping off your panties with urgency. The suddenness of his action sent a jolt of electricity coursing through you, your body responding instinctively to his touch.
"You've got such a perfect little ass", Ben murmured, his voice husky with desire as his hands roamed over your back and down to your ass, squeezing both cheek firmly.
You gasped at his touch as you leaned into his grasp.
“You still sore?”, Ben asked as he pressed his body against yours. You bit your lip, feeling a twinge of soreness lingering from the previous night’s activities. “A little”, you admitted, your voice tinged with nervousness. Ben smirked. “Well, I can’t promise to be gentle this time”, he replied.
Determined to prove yourself, you squared your shoulders and met Ben's gaze. "I can handle it", you declared, your voice firm despite the lingering apprehension. Ben's smirk widened as he sensed your resolve.
"That's what I fucking want to hear", he mumbled.
Ben pulled down his sweatpants and boxers just enough to free his throbbing length. As he pushed inside you, his movements weren't overly forceful, but for someone inexperienced like you, it was enough to make you whimper in pain.
You gripped the edge of the sink tightly, trying to steady yourself as he filled you, his pace slow and deliberate. Each inch of him stretched you in ways you hadn't anticipated, a mixture of pleasure and discomfort coursing through you.
"Easy, sweetheart", Ben murmured, his voice laced with a hint of concern as he noticed your discomfort. "Just relax and breathe".
As Ben moved inside you, his muttering filled the air. "You're still so fucking tight", he murmured, his voice a mixture of admiration and frustration. The strain on his face was evident, his cock pained by the tightness, a testament to your inexperience.
His grip on your hips tightened, leaving bruises in their wake, adding to the already tender marks from the night before. Yet, despite the discomfort, there was a sense of exhilaration in the intensity of the moment, in the raw connection you shared with Ben.
Ben paused, giving you a moment to adjust to his size. You tried to stand up a bit straighter, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure, but Ben pushed your back down again, his hands firm on your hips.
"Stay down", he murmured, his voice low and soothing. "I've got you".
You nodded, trying to obey his command as you focused on controlling your breathing.
You struggled to catch your breath through the pain, your body still adjusting to his size. Despite the discomfort, you tried to focus on the sensation of him inside you, clinging to the anticipation of pleasure amidst the ache.
As Ben started to move his hips slowly, a mixture of pleasure and pain washed over you, sending waves of sensation coursing through your body. You couldn't help but moan and whimper uncontrollably.
His gaze fixed on the sight of his cock disappearing into your tight pussy, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he savored the sight. With each movement, he drove deeper into you.
“You gonna take it like a good girl?”, Ben grunted. “Or do I need to fucking show you how to handle me?”.
As Ben pushed even deeper, you let out a sharp gasp, your breath hitching in your throat. Sensing your hesitation, he leaned in closer, his voice low and commanding.
"I asked you a question", he growled, his grip tightening on your hips. "Don't make me ask again".
You shivered at the intensity of his tone, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through you.
"I'll take it", you whispered, your voice barely above a hoarse murmur.
Ben's lips curled into a smile, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. "That's right", he murmured. "
You swallowed hard, the realization sinking in that you were completely at his mercy.
As Ben picked up the pace, his thrusts growing more intense and relentless, you couldn't help but whimper with each movement. The mixture of pleasure and pain sent waves of sensation coursing through you, overwhelming your senses.
"Please", you whimpered, your voice barely above a desperate murmur. "Slow down".
Ben pulled you up by the back of your neck, his roughness causing you to whimper again.
"I thought you could take it like a good girl", he growled, his voice tinged with annoyance as he held you firmly in place. "Don't fucking disappoint me now".
You nodded frantically, your lips trembling as you tried to hold back a whimper.
With that, he pushed you back against the sink, his movements more determined and forceful than before.
Your legs began to tremble as the intensity of Ben's thrusts increased, sending waves of pleasure and pain coursing through your body. With each deep penetration, your lower belly started to ache, the relentless pounding leaving you breathless and overwhelmed. "You're taking me so well", Ben praised.
Despite the discomfort, you clung to the edge of the sink for support, surrendering yourself to the sensations that consumed you. Ben's words of praise echoed in your ears, driving you to push through the pain as you struggled to keep up with his relentless pace.
As the pleasure mounted and your body trembled with anticipation, you couldn't help but wonder how much more you could endure.
As Ben’s thrusts grew more fervent, your determination surged, fueled by a desire to prove yourself to him. Each movement was a testament to your resolve, your body eagerly responding to his every touch and command.
Yet, despite your efforts, there was an underlying tension, a sense of urgency that lingered in the air. Your breaths came in ragged gasps, your heart racing as you chased after the elusive peak of pleasure.
In the mirror, Ben’s gaze bore into yours, a silent acknowledgment passing between you. He could sense your struggle, the need for release that still eluded you.
With a subtle shift in his movements, he adjusted his pace, slowing down just enough to give you room to catch up.
As Ben slowed his pace, you could feel the tension in the room ease slightly, his actions a silent admission of his concern for your pleasure. It was a gesture you hadn’t expected from him, and it left you feeling strangely touched.
“Having trouble getting there, sweetheart?”, he teased. “Looks like we’ve got some work to do on that problem of yours”.
Without saying a word, you just looked at him pleadingly through the mirror.
Ben sighed softly. "Alright, let me get you there first", he murmured.
With practiced ease, he shifted your body slightly, his movements purposeful as he positioned you to hit your sweet spot. You felt a surge of anticipation coursing through you as he guided you.
As he pushed into you nice and slow, you couldn't help but shiver at the sensation of him filling you completely. A low moan escaped your lips, the pleasure building with each inch of his cock buried deep inside you.
"There we go", he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper as he savored the moment.
Ben couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he lazily and easily brought you to the brink of ecstasy within seconds.
Your body quivered with pleasure as you surrendered to the intense sensation, your breaths coming in ragged gasps as the wave of climax washed over you.
"See? Wasn’t that hard", he remarked, a hint of pride in his voice. "Told you I could get you there".
With a satisfied smirk, Ben leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "You're fucking welcome", he murmured, as you continued to cling to the sink, breathless and still reeling from the intensity of your orgasm.
"Now that you've had your fun", he murmured, his voice tinged with amusement, "can I finally have mine?".
You hesitated for a moment, still feeling the lingering aftershocks of pleasure coursing through your body. But the desire in his voice was unmistakable, and you found yourself nodding, giving him the permission he sought.
With a satisfied smirk, Ben began to move again, his movements slow and deliberate as he resumed his rhythm, each thrust sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through you.
As Ben's thrusts became faster and harder, the intensity of his movements threatened to overwhelm you.
Each powerful thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body, but beneath the surface, there was a hint of discomfort as well. You could feel the force of his thrusts bruising your insides, pushing you to the brink with each powerful motion.
Yet, despite the physical strain, there was a strange sense of exhilaration in the air. Unbeknownst to you, however, this level of intensity was far from the roughness Ben usually exerted with other girls.
His restraint, though not immediately apparent, spoke volumes about the depth of his connection with you.
As Ben reached the peak of his pleasure, his thrusts grew even more fervent, driving deeper and harder into you with each motion. With a guttural groan, he finally released inside you, his hot seed filling you to the brim.
You could feel every pulse of his release, the warmth spreading through you as he emptied himself inside you.
As his orgasm subsided, Ben collapsed against you, his body trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure. He buried his face in your neck, his breath hot against your skin as he rode out the last waves of ecstasy. "Fuck", he muttered, his voice rough with emotion. "That was… intense".
You could only nod in agreement, your own breath coming in ragged gasps as you tried to process the intensity of the moment.
As the last tremors of his orgasm subsided, Ben softened inside you, his body relaxing against yours. You could feel the gentle throb of his cock as it pulsed weakly within you, the remnants of his passion mingling with your own.
His weight pressed you against the sink, the cool surface providing a stark contrast to the warmth of your entwined bodies. Despite the lingering ache between your legs, there was a sense of fulfillment that washed over you, a deep satisfaction in knowing that you had pleased him.
Ben's breath was hot against your neck as he nuzzled closer, his arms wrapping around you in a protective embrace. For a moment, you simply savored the intimacy of the moment, the feeling of being held in his arms.
Eventually, Ben pulled away, his soft smile betraying the tenderness he felt in that moment. With a surprising gentleness, he gave your ass a playful slap, his touch a stark contrast to the intensity of moments before.
"Good job, sweetheart", he murmured, his voice husky. "You're making progress".
You couldn't help but grin at his praise, a sense of pride swelling within you at the acknowledgment of your efforts.
"Come on, take your little shower", Ben grinned.
As he made his way out of the bathroom, you took a moment to catch your breath, your legs feeling like pudding beneath you. The intensity of your encounter with Ben had left you feeling a little dizzy, your heart racing in your chest.
As the warm water cascaded over your skin, you couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between you and Ben. The way he had looked at you, the tenderness in his touch—it had stirred something inside you.
As you emerged from the bathroom, you found Ben sitting in the living room, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips as he sniffed a few lines. His eyes trailed over you appreciatively as you made your way to the kitchen, clad in shorts and a top that clung to your curves in all the right places.
"Well, well, look who's all fresh and clean", he remarked, his voice tinged with amusement. "Feeling better after our little workout?".
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his teasing tone.
As you filled a glass with water, you couldn't shake the feeling of Ben's eyes on you, his gaze burning into your skin with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. With a playful smile, you took your time, relishing in the opportunity to tease him in return.
Once you had your fill, you sauntered over to where Ben was leaning against the couch, his arms spread out on the backrest as he watched you approach. His eyes traced every curve of your body, a smirk playing on his lips as he took in the sight of you.
"You know, for someone who claims not to be that interested, you seem pretty focused on me", you teased, your voice laced with amusement as you stood before him, your gaze meeting his with a challenge.
Ben chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin. "Can you blame me?", he murmured, his tone low and suggestive. "You're quite the sight, sweetheart".
You felt a flush spread across your cheeks, a thrill of excitement coursed through you at the knowledge that you had his undivided attention.
As Ben leaned back against the couch, his eyes never leaving you, a smirk played on his lips. He licked his lips slowly, savoring the sight of you standing before him. “You know, you look even better up close”, he teased.
You chuckled softly, feeling a rush of heat rise to your cheeks at his flirtatious remark. As you moved to sit down on the couch, ready to engage in some light conversation, Ben interrupted you with a subtle gesture.
"Uh-uh", he mumbled, nodding towards his lap, a suggestive glint in his eyes.
You settled onto his lap, Ben's arms wrapped around your waist, drawing you closer. Your back pressed against his warm chest.
He leaned in, his lips grazing your ear as he whispered, "You know, I could get used to having you here". You chuckled nervously, the tension in the air palpable. "Careful, you might start to spoil me", you teased, trying to lighten the mood.
Ben's grip tightened slightly, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Oh, don't worry", he replied. "I'm not in the business of spoiling girls like you".
You shifted slightly in his embrace, turning to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Girls like me?", you questioned.
Ben smirked, his gaze lingering on you as he replied, "You know, the ones who think they can handle me".
You chuckled softly, shaking your head at his cockiness. "And can't they?", you countered.
Ben's smirk widened, his grip tightening on your waist. "Guess we'll just have to find out", he replied, his voice low.
Ben's hands trailed lazily over your stomach, his touch sending shivers down your spine as you leaned into his embrace. His gaze remained fixed on the news playing on the TV, but his words held a hint of sincerity.
"You know, so far you've handled me better than I expected", he admitted.
You couldn't help but smile at his admission, feeling a sense of pride swell within you. As his hands continued to wander, you found yourself sinking deeper into his touch.
You resisted the urge to tell him just how sore you actually were, not wanting to ruin the moment. Instead, you simply leaned into his touch, savoring the warmth and intimacy between you.
Ben's hands continued to trace lazy patterns over your lower belly, his lips brushing against your neck and shoulders in a gentle rhythm. Despite the distraction of the news playing on the TV, his attention remained focused on you.
As you felt his cock slowly stirring awake underneath your ass, a thrill of anticipation coursed through you. Despite the soreness lingering between your legs, you couldn't deny the growing desire building within you.
You shifted slightly, feeling his erection pressing against you more prominently, eliciting a soft grunt from Ben. His hands gripped you tighter, his growing arousal evident in his touch.
"You like that?", he murmured.
You couldn't help but smile at his question. "Maybe", you teased.
Ben chuckled softly, his breath warm against your skin.
His hands sliding down to grip your hips firmly, guiding you to move against him in a slow rhythm. His dick growing with each movement, his lips trailing kisses along your neck and collarbone.
"You're a natural at this", Ben murmured as he guided your movements against him. His hands tightened on your hips, urging you to continue the tantalizing rhythm.
You let out a soft moan, the sensation of his lips trailing kisses along your collarbone sending shivers down your spine. "Feels good", you whispered, your voice laced with desire.
"You have no idea", he groaned.
As you continued to grind against his clothed erection, Ben couldn’t help but feel a surge of arousal coursing through him. The sight of you, lost in pleasure, was beyond hot.
"You're so fucking sexy", he groaned, his hands sliding up to cup your breasts as you rocked against him. In the heat of the moment, you felt your climax building, growing stronger with each movement.
With a sudden burst of intensity, you came, your body convulsing with pleasure. But before you could catch your breath, Ben was already taking action, his movements swift and determined.
In a matter of seconds, he had discarded his sweatpants and boxers, pulling your panties aside as he positioned himself. With one powerful thrust, he pushed you down onto his hard cock, knocking the air out of your lungs as pleasure washed over you in waves.
Ben's hands gripping your hips firmly, as he let out a satisfied sigh. "Just sit on me, sweetheart", he murmured. "Keep my cock warm while I catch up on the news".
You complied, lowering yourself onto him more with a shiver of anticipation. With his cock buried deep inside you, he leaned back against the couch, his eyes fixed on the TV screen. "Good girl", he praised. "Now just stay put and let me enjoy the show".
You bit back a retort, choosing instead to focus on the warmth spreading through you from where you were connected with him.
Ben reclined against the couch, his hands gripping your hips firmly.
"Can't sit still, can you?", he chided, his tone laced with a hint of condescension as you kept moving. "Always fidgeting like a little girl".
You rolled your eyes at his comment, trying to find a comfortable position while ignoring his jab.
"I'm just trying to get comfortable", you retorted, your tone tinged with annoyance.
Ben's cock twitched inside you, a silent testament to the arousal simmering beneath his teasing facade. All the while, you were simply focused on getting comfortable, oblivious to the effect your movements were having on him.
As you continued to shift, Ben's patience wore thin. With a frustrated grunt, he grabbed your hips forcefully, pushing you down until his cock was completely buried inside you. A groan escaped his lips as he felt the fullness of your warmth enveloping him, while you whimpered at the sudden intrusion, feeling a pang of discomfort as he held you in place.
"Stay fucking still", he commanded, his grip on your hips unyielding as he forced you to remain in place. The pressure on your sore pussy only added to your discomfort, but you dared not protest.
As Ben held you in place, his attention shifted back to the news playing on the TV. He began commenting on the latest developments, his voice a steady stream of commentary. Meanwhile, your discomfort seemed to amplify with each passing moment, your pussy clenching involuntarily around him.
Despite the lack of movement, the sensation of your tightness pulsating around him sent waves of pleasure coursing through Ben's body. He gritted his teeth, trying to maintain his composure as he felt himself nearing the edge of climax.
"Fuck", he muttered under his breath, his grip on your hips tightening reflexively. "You're gonna make me come just sitting there like that".
As Ben grew increasingly frustrated, his arousal only intensified, a battle raging within him as he struggled to maintain control amidst the overwhelming sensation. His breaths came in ragged gasps, his body tense with pent-up desire.
“You’re driving me fucking crazy”, he growled, his voice strained with the effort to hold back. “I swear, if you keep squeezing like that, I’m gonna fuck you again, no matter how fucking sore you are”.
You could sense the turmoil in his voice, a mix of frustration and arousal that mirrored your own conflicted emotions. Despite the discomfort, there was an undeniable thrill in knowing the effect you had on him.
As the tension mounted, you couldn't help but continue clenching around him, the involuntary action a testament to your heightened arousal. Despite your efforts to control it, your body had a mind of its own.
"I can't… I can't control it", you whimpered, the strain evident in your voice as you struggled against the overwhelming sensation.
Ben's own restraint slipping with each clench of your muscles.
As the sound of footsteps approached the hallway, Ben's senses sharpened. He leaned in close to your ear, his voice a low murmur as he mumbled about the others being in the hallway. "They're back", he whispered, his grip on you tightening as he held you in place.
Panicked, you tried to get off him, the fear of getting caught growing. But Ben's firm grip held you in place.
"Stay", he commanded, his voice urgent as he pressed you down onto him, refusing to let you go.
As you tried to wriggle free from Ben’s grasp, he watched you with an amused smirk, clearly enjoying your futile attempts. “Give it up, sweetheart”, he teased, his voice laced with amusement. “You’re not going anywhere”.
You shot him a glare, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. “Let me go, Ben”, you insisted, your voice tinged with desperation. “We can’t get caught like this”. But Ben only chuckled, tightening his hold on you even more. “Relax sweetheart”, he replied, his tone nonchalant.
As the sound of the door clicking echoed through the apartment, Ben finally released his grip on you. With a swift movement, he pulled up his sweatpants, his demeanor cool and composed as if nothing had happened.
You quickly straightened your clothes, your heart still racing from the close call.
As Butcher and the rest entered the living room, Annie’s gaze caught your flushed cheeks, her eyebrows raising in silent inquiry. “You two alright?”, she asked, her tone casual but her eyes betraying a hint of curiosity.
You forced a smile, trying to play off the tension in the air. “Yeah, Ben just won’t give me the remote”, you lied.
As you sat down again, Ben eyed you with a raised eyebrow, clearly amused by your quick thinking. You shot him a warning glance, silently urging him to play along.
Meanwhile, Butcher announced the details of the next mission. Ben's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he listened, his expression unreadable. It seemed he wasn't too thrilled about the prospect of heading to Europe for two weeks, following a lead to Homelander.
Butcher continued, assigning tasks to each member of the team. You and Frenchie were tasked with staying behind, keeping an eye on things in case there were any developments while the rest of the team dealt with Homelander in Europe.
As you thought about being apart from Ben for two weeks, a sense of unease settled in the pit of your stomach. Despite the ups and downs of your interactions, the two of you had started to click in a way that felt surprisingly genuine.The prospect of being separated now felt daunting, especially with the uncertainty of the mission looming over you.
Ben’s thoughts, however, were consumed by a different kind of anticipation. While he outwardly grumbled about the mission and the inconvenience of being away, inwardly his mind raced with thoughts of you. He couldn’t shake the image of your tight pussy, the way you had responded to him earlier still fresh in his mind.
In his own twisted way, Ben couldn’t bear the thought of you being alone while he was gone.
As Annie asked you to help her prepare dinner with Kimiko, you nodded in agreement, grateful for the distraction from your swirling thoughts. With a quick glance at Ben, who was already engrossed in a discussion with Butcher, MM, and Hughie about the mission details, you followed Annie and Kimiko into the kitchen. As you chopped vegetables, Annie turned to you.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 13
Taglist: @deangirl96, @thatgirljayy, @suckitands33, @deans-spinster-witch @mimaria420 @kaz11283 @uncle-eggy @jackles010378 @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @mostlymarvelgirl
232 notes · View notes
adelliet · 7 months
My hoodie
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Summary: You are Mike's good friend and also the babysitter for his younger sister Abby. But when Mike recently took a new job where he works overnight and his shift doesn't end until 6 in the morning, you watch over Abby even through the morning. You don't mind, you like spending time with her and plus, you have a chance to see Mike more often. But one day you "accidentally" forget to bring warm clothes, so you borrow Mike's hoodie...what happens next?
Warnings: 18+, unprotected sex (piv), swearing, after sex care, fingering
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"-and they lived happily ever after" you finished reading the last sentence on the last page of the cinderella book, and looked at Abby, whose eyes had long been closed. She was holding her loyal stuffed rabbit tightly under her arm and her nostrils were frequently flaring, whenever she breathed in. She was so cute and you couldn't help but chuckle, she really does remind you of Mike sometimes.
You put the book on the nightstand and turned off the light. Then you quietly crept away from her room and as you closed the door, a deep sigh of relief left your mouth. You finally had a moment to yourself and could do your favorite traditional activity - lying on the couch and watching TV.
You jumped on the couch and covered yourself with a checkered soft blanket. You pressed the red ring-shaped button on the remote and switched channels until you found your favorite: How I Met Your Mother. You put the controller on the table in front of you and made yourself comfortable. It didn't take long before yours eyelids began to close with fatigue and before long you were in a deep sleep while the TV was still playing in front of you.
You suddenly felt cold, goosebumps started to rise all over your body. You were awakened from your beautiful dream, by a nasty cold, that spread throughout the apartment. You didn't want to get up, you were too lazy and tired for that, so you curled up in a small ball and covered yourself properly with a blanket, thinking it would help. Unfortunately, it didn't help, and if you didn't want to catch a cold, you had to get up and go get something warmer. You had now several options.
1.- You can go lie down in Mike's bed, but you don't have enough courage for that. If he came back home, having you in his bad, what would he think?
2.- You can borrow Mike's duvet, but you don't want to carry it from the bedroom to a living room and then back…it's too tiring.
Finally, here is the last and your favorite option, which you wanted to do for so long, but never had a suitable opportunity for it. Borrow Mike's clothes. With the speed of lightning, you snooped a bit and curiously opened Mike's closet, rummaging through some of his pieces.
Bingo! You found his, and yours, favorite. You immediately grabbed it and pulled it over your head. It was comfortable, nice material, but most importantly, it smelled like Mike. You could get high of his sweatshirt, how often you sniffed it and still couldn't get enough. But then, you started feeling like a psycho, so you immediately stopped and crawled back on the couch under the blanket, pretend that never happened.
You felt warm right away and fall asleep really fast, just as Abby did. A huge smile appeard on your face, when you could still smell Mike's hoodie while laying down and trying to sleep.
The rays of the sun began to bother you through your eyelids and you had to turn your back to the window, but at that exact moment, you heard a quiet but inaudible crack from the main door. You could no longer sleep but just sat up and be ready for any action. "Oh hi, you're already here?" You asked and in the middle of the sentence yawned, showing enough that you had been asleep until now. "Yeah, and you're finally awake I see" you turned to Mike, who was in the kitchen, so you couldn't really see him, but even through the walls you threw a blank look at him. "Finally?" You got his adorable but ironic giggle as an answer. "Mhm, I already took Abby to school and make some breakfast" huh?! You were shocked and kind of worried, because if you were still sleeping while Mike was already here, you had no idea what is Abby doing, if she is still sleeping or not, if she is even in her room or even in this house. You had no control at all and you expected, that he is gonna send you home and tell you to never come back again, but that didn't happened.
,,What time is it?” You asked him, your full body including your voice shaking. Another cute little giggle from Mike. He came out of the kicthen and sit on armchair right next to you. ,,10:20” ,,WHAT?! I over slept that much?!” You put your head into your hands and started shaking your right leg. You are a really bad babysitter. ,,Awh come on, it's okay, you don't need to stress about it-“ ,,No it's not! What if something happened to Abby? I wouldn't do anything!” You started panicking and making over-drama, but Mike just smiled, looking at you like you were some really funny TV show, which you definitely were at that moment.
,,Why you're not mad at me?” When you calmed down a bit, you asked him. Mike looked down and move his lap up to make his seat comfortable, but that move makes you feel things down there.
,,Because I know you're smart, reliable girl. Nothing happened to Abby, so don't worry about it anymore, you better come and have breakfast with me” he point his head towards the table next to kitchen and got up from his seat. You sighed, he was right again. ,,No way that you made this” You said in disbelief as you look at all the food. ,,Excuse me?! I am amazing chef! Try it” he pointed at the plate with some bacon and egg, quite basic, but it still smelled really good.
You sat next to Mike on your own chair and give him last look before you take a bite. It was delicious. The flavors of saltiness and meat melted on your tongue every time you chewed. You close your eyes and enjoyed this divine breakfast. You really didn't expect it to be this good. ,,Damn” you finally said with your mouth still full of bacon. Mike laugh at you, again. ,,I told you, I am amazing chef” and with those words, he finally stopped staring at you while you were eating, but take a bite of breakfast too.
,,You really should be some chef in a restaurant…” you both laughed, because you both knew that this won't happened, but never say never right? ,,And how was work by the way, anything crazy?” you asked to change the theme already and talk finally about Mike. He huffed under his breath and looked at you. ,,No, not really…” he looked at you, up and down and then continue: ,,But you know what's crazy?” ,,Hm?” ,,That you are wearing my hoodie” you were too stunned to speak, when he finished his sentence with devilish smile on his gorgeous face. Fuck.
Your pupils got bigger, your eyes widened and you stopped every movement you were doing, even chewing the last piece of food in your mouth. Your heart stepped a beat and your whole body was full of goose bumps and purred. You felt a strange anxious feeling in your stomach and your face was so red. ,,Um…” you finally mumbled something and akwardly put your cutlery down on the table, as you looked down at Mike's sweatshirt, that YOU were wearing.
,,Look, it was cold and the blanket is too soft and not warm at all and since I know I shouldn't turn on the heating, because of money, I decided-" you wanted to continue your defense but Mike's mockery rudely interrupted you. You stayed in the same position as you explained Mike why you were wearing his hoodie, your hands still in the air and you didn't blink once, while Mike next to you almost choked with laughter. ,,It's fine...only if I knew you look so beautiful in that hoodie, I would have lent it to you way earlier" confused, pleased, a bit horny. These were your three emotions after Mike said that cute sentence.
Your hands slowly returned back to your sides and you felt your cheeks turn red. ,,Please stop I am gonna be like tomato” you said as you were shyly covering your already red face. He laughed again, telling you he likes tomatoes. ,,Ew, weirdo” you both giggled as you finished the sentence.
You looked at the clock, up on the wall and your eyes widened as you saw the bigger arrow on 11 am already. ,,Shit, I should probably go” you stand up from the table and wanted to take off Mike's hoodie, but before you even grab it, Mike stand up with you and stopped you. ,,Awh come on, do you need to be somewhere?” ,,N-no but-“ ,,Do you have any plans today?” He interrogated you like your mom. ,,No-“ ,,Then where's the rush?" he asked and relaxed a bit. "I don't want to bother you" you said shyly and looked at the tips of your feet. Since you didn't get any answer and the silence was too loud, you looked up to see Mike's angry expression. ,,Bother? Do you really think you're annoying me? I'm always alone at this time, some company won't hurt me" he smiled and convinced you. "You really don't mind?" "Not at all...unless you're in a hurry?" "Not today, I'm free" Mike seemed to see Santa Claus as a twinkle reflected in his eyes. ,,Awesome! Then sit down, relax, we can watch some film if you want and enjoy our presence” you swear you would cry, how amazing this man is, but he just doesn't realize it. Abby can be so thankful for brother like this.
,,I noticed that you like to watch the series...what's the name...how I met your mother? We can watch that if you want to" "But you don't watch TV" you frowned at him and raised one eyebrow suspiciously. "No, but I think I can handle it with you, somehow" he said sarcastically and take our dirty dishes from the table, right into the sink in the kitchen. He then turned his back to the sink and folded his hands on his shoulders as he looked at you with a faint hint of a smile but seemed emotionless. He must have had millions of thoughts and things going through his mind that you badly wanted to see.
"Uh, I should probably take this off" you broke your too long eye contact and reached for Mike's hoodie on you, so you could finally take it off. "No no no please keep it. Go sit on the couch, I'll make some popcorn" he winked at you and walked towards the cabinet where he pulled out a bag of popcorn. You somehow couldn't process the fact that he specifically asked you to keep his sweatshirt on, and that wink at the end? You should probably ignore it, but it doesn't quite work that way.
You do as Mike told you, sitting on the couch while sun rays was hitting you through the window. You decided to close the blinds, but you were still incredibly hot. After all, you were still wearing a shirt under Mike's hoodie. You wanted to take it off before Mike came, but unfortunately, yoh didn't have time. "Choose something" he sat down next to you and handed you a remote with a face that relied on you to select a good program. You swallowed and gently took the remote. You don't understand what's wrong with you. You feel weird, both, mentally and physically, but it's probably just the heat...or is it?
After few minutes of laughing and crunching some popcorn, you started to perspire. You were dripping with water, as if you had just run a marathon. You couldn't take it anymore. "Turn around," you ordered out of nowhere and looked directly into Mike's eyes. He, with raised eyebrows, did not understand your point. "I'm terribly hot and since you won't let me take off your hoodie, I want to at least take my shirt off" you explained to Mike. He understand it god damn well, but he smiled ironically under his breath, thinking that you wouldn't notice. "Okay..." he was looking at the TV, quite focused, so you took advantage of that. But you didn't really trust Mike anyway, and even if you wanted him to look at you, privacy is privacy.
You turned slightly, so that he couldn't see anything in his peripheral vision and you finally take off the shirt with hoodie, which you then put back on. When you finally changed, you felt way more better and could smell Mike's scent from the hoodie again, like if he just got out of shower. You turned back to face the TV and when you checked Mike, he immediately looked away. Of course he was looking, bastard.
,,I thought you are always cold” he said while still watching TV and brushing his lower lips with thumb. He looked really hot but you needed to stay focused. ,,Well, I mean yeah but now I am hot…is it bad or?” ,,No…I am just sayin’” he raised his lap a bit, to make himself more comfortable on the couch. Your pussy started pulsing right away, you needed to cross your legs to calm the girl down.
"Are you seeing someone?" out of the nowhere, when you were in the middle of season 3 episode 5 of How I Met Your Mother, Mike randomly asked you. You flinched as soon as you turned your head directly to Mike. "Huh?" "Nothing...forget it-" "No, I'm sorry, it's just...it's a pretty random question you know-" "I know, I just didn't want to sit awkwardly in silence and watch TV all day" he tried to save the situation, but it is very clear that he did not ask because of this reason.
,,Sure…” you said, giving him a suspicious look and suit yourself on the couch for better and more relaxing position. ,,No, and you?” ,,Nope…” he answered you before you even finished your question. ,,´kay…” you said quietly, not knowing what to say to that and just continue watching your favourite show. Now, this was pretty akward. You wanted so badly for Mike to speak, say something, literally anything but he just sat and watch, just like you. Fuck.
,,I never thought I would laugh at such a bullshit” after few minutes, you finally get out of the ‘akward silence’ phase and laughed loudly, more than with anyone else. ,,Hey! It's not bullshit!” You slapped Mike's arm, and you needed to to admit that it was not only a risky but also a flirtatious move, but he was okay with that actually. He laugh even more. ,,It is, I don't understand how can anyone watch this” ,,You do” Mike nodded his head to the side, you got him. ,,You're right, but just because of you!” He nudged you gently, starting the war.
You opened my mouth offensively and Mike knew very well, what was coming. You started slapping, tickling, kicking each other. Of course, Mike was being really gentle with you, if he had just added a little more of his strength, you would have been already on the floor, covered in blood. Even so, Mike was quite stronger than you and most importantly, he found your ticklish weak point, which he immediately exploited and you couldn't control myself. "Stop it!" You screamed with laughter and kept closing and opening your eyes.
After a while, his touches on your weak spot started to slow down, until they stopped completely, and you could open my eyes. Suddenly, Mike was on top of you, his head right in front of yours, both hands resting on the couch, right next to your head. His cute puppy eyes looked so hungry and adorable at the same time. His lips looked so juicy and kissable, his hair looked so soft to touch, god you felt the tickling in your stomach, more specificaly, butterflies. You didn't know where to look first, if in his eyes, or lips, or hair, or just face, but Mike helped you to choose.
His lips conected with yours, your eyes both automatically shuted, and the typical squelch sound, rang your ears pleasantly. You automatically slipped your fingers into his silky hair, as Mike gently cupped your cheek with his palm and stroked your face with his thumb. Each kiss got hungrier and hungrier. You have both wanted to do this for an awful long time, but the right opportunity never presented itself, or you just didn't have the courage.
His kisses and touches were not like others. He was gentle, kind, loving...until you started tugging at his wavy locks from time to time and innocently digging your sharp nails into his back, even through his t-shirt, there must have been blood lines there.
Mike started twitching with his lips, moves, touches and his silent, almost unhearable moans were now really loud. You tormented him, but he tormented me too. You waited for him to take the next step, grabbing you and undressing you like a wild animal. It was as if he read youe mind, and just when you wanted it so badly, he stopped kissing you, grabbed your back and forced you to wrap yourself around him like a monkey. When he got on his feet, his face was screaming that he has sinful intentions with you, and you were so into it. You both giggled a bit, before you kissed again, but this time finally more roughly. The atmosphere around you started to get hotter and heavier, your lust for Mike grew fast and his hand placements were definitely more fearless.
With your legs around his weist, your arms around his neck, he was holding you by your back and walking with you carefully but fast towards bedroom, to more comfortable place with huge space in a bed. He opened the door with your back gently and placed you on the soft bed. He closed the door, even there was just two of you in the house, and immediately get above you, kissing you while smiling.
You both couldn't take it anymore, you couldn't slowly touch each other, slowly undress, this was out of the question here. Everything was so rush, that you blinked twice and suddenly, Mike was only in his shorts, while you were still fully clouthed. Of course, Mike take care of it quickly and take off your pants, immediately put his face closer to your red delicate panties. You breath shakily, as you saw Mike's head between your legs. You always dream about this moment, but never thought it would happened.
Your whole body started vibrating, as Mikes hands were, this time slowly, exploring your naked legs. He lightly ran them down, to the sides and back again. He was looking at you, watching your every move, but mainly trying to analyze your facial expressions. Whenever you winced more than you should, he focused mostly on that point. For a moment, you didn't believe Mike was real.
,,Gosh you smelled so good” he whimpers quickly as he kisses your inner thights, making your vagina pulse even more than before. Mike definitely notices your quiet moans were getting kind of out of controll and you try your best to not scream or moan loudly Mike's name. You could feel his devilish smile forming into your soft skin, full of goosebumps.
But Mike's seductive kissing of your legs instantly turned into biting and creating hickeys all over there. You pulled Mike's hair, arched your back and bit your lips. You were desperate, you wanted to just pull Mike's face right into your core and just let the man do what he should. But Mike couldn't stand it for long either. His penis was twitching in those thight shorts, and in that moment, it was his dick who take the role, over the brain or even heart.
He pulled his lips away from your legs and pressed them to yours this time, dry but thirsty for his. His tasteful saliva melted into yours, your tongues were so synchronized like some pretty song and Mike's hands were finally going in the way you wanted. He slowly pulled up your (his) hoodie up, but just a little bit, to unreveal your gorgous panties in all their beauty. He stopped kissing you for a moment, just to quickly checked there and smile a bit. Then he continued into glueing your and his mouth together.
You felt his fingers getting under the panties, just traveling on your skin slightly, before finding your clit and began to rub it a little. This is where the fun starts. You quietly moan into Mike's mouth, pulling his hair and moving your legs randomly. Mike has magical hands, and it didn't take too long for him to find the perfect speed and rhytm, that make your body go wild. ,,Shit” you couldn't hold the kissing anymore. You rolled your eyes and dig the back of your head into the pillow, while your eyes were shut strongly and you teeth started making blood staints on your lips.
,,Do you like that?” Motherfucker knew damn well you love that, but he just have to ask. You roughly nodded and try to hold the moans and tension in yourself. But Mike wanted more, so without warning he inserted not one, but two fingers into your vagina, which made you automatically drop your jaw open and whimper as loud as you could.
As if Mike had known you and your body for years, he knew exactly what to do to make you writhe like a snake, panting uncontrollably and digging your nails into not only Mike's hair, but the sheet next to you. Mike wiggled his fingers inside of you as he teased your clit with his thumb and was so in sync...even you don't do it that well to yourself.
You mumbled, moan, whimper, you had no control over your vocal cords anymore, not over your body either. You couldn't stay still, your entire body succumbed to a pleasurable tension, your legs began to shake and close until your stomach clenched, you leaned back and sighed so loudly, that even the neighbors could hear you miles away. ,,Fuck~” That's the last thing you whisper before you climax on Mike's fingers, whining and breathing like you just ran a marathon without a break.
You open your eyes just to see Mike, smiling at your relief. It was comfort, but also sort of horny smile that he has on his face, making him even more attractive, than he was before. He slowly pulled out his fingers out of your core, making you moan really quietly, that even mosquitos couldn't hear you, and he poke the two fingers, still glistening after your orgasm, into his mouth, sucking all your cum out of them. Even though you experienced the strongest orgasm of your life just a moment ago, you can't feel your legs and your core is still recovering, this maneuver by Mike immediately moved you and prepared you for the next round.
,,You taste so freaking amazing” Mike said quickly, almost desperatly with his husky voice and roughly put his lips into yours again. These kisses were definitely different, than before. These directly hinted at what would happen next. They were full of passion and the atmosphere around you smelled of sex.
After few moments of wildly kissing, you could hear how Mike is finally taking off his trousers, thus finally freeing his hard erection. You felt his hardness, poking you into your inner thigh. Mike didn't waste any time and took off your panties roughly. He treated them as if they were standing in his way, which they kind of did.
You exhale a little, when you felt the fresh cold air hitting your naked core. Mike stopped kissing you and he looked into your eyes to give him permission. When you nodded, a small hint of smile flicked on his face, before he burried his face into your neck, sucking and kissing there, while he slowly started moving his hips, brushing his tip against your thrusting core.
Mike nuzzled your neck pleasantly, tickling you, but you were preoccupied with your desire and arousal, which was already above average. Mike notice your body, how it twitched and moved, trying so hard to reach his tip and just ride him like a horse. ,,Please” this word was enough for Mike, without any much warning, he slowly started to slide his cock inside you. You tried to catch your breath at how much he was stretching you. Your eyes couldn't see it, but you felt very well how big his erection was. You could feel every vein.
It was endless, you were already full, you thought you would burst in no time, but Mike still wasn't all inside you. You whimpered, tears automatically streaming down your face. Mike placed gentle kisses behind your ears and comforted you with phrases: good girl, just like that, shhhh. It helped a bit, but you still felt the pain down there. Finally, Mike stopped moving and let you relax a bit, while he get up from your neck and now was above you, admiring you. Your eyes were closed, teeth cut deep below the lips and both hands squeezing the sheet on either side. You knew Mike had changed his head position but you didn't have strength to open your eyes.
After few seconds, the pain was finally getting better and you felt like continue. You open your eyes and smile at Mike. He look like a cute puppy, waiting for your permission to continue or to do practically anything. You nod slowly and Mike exhale in joy and happiness. He adjusted himself a bit and started slowly and carefully thrusting into you. Right from the start he started to hit your sweet spot, and that pain that was just a few seconds there? All gone. Now, it was all just a pure pleasure.
Your mouth was slightly opened, leaving quiet and sweet sighing. You couldn't keep your eyes open, all your senses were starting to slowly disappear. A pleasant feeling began to surround you and your quickening sigh signaled Mike to pick up his pace as well. Wet slapping started to get loud, Mike's moaning wasn't in rhytm anymore and both of you could feel that you are close.
The amount of swearing that leave Mike's and your mouth was endless. Mike's moves started being sloppy, the bed with both of you were moving just as Mike was roughly thrusting into you, you started seeing stars with your eyes closed. ,,Mike I-“ you wanted to inform him that you won't take it much longer, but Mike knew it damn well. After few more thrust, he burst his face into your neck again, going much deeper into you than you though it's possible, and with one last strong and wet slap, he whine loudly as he orgasm. You climax just as he put his head into you neck, your legs shaking, full body vibrating and the sweat was dripping all over Mike and you too.
You too take a break for a moment, before Mike slowly pulled his dick out of your wet and stretched core. You both sighed at the lost. Mike colapsed on the bed right next to you, still trying to catch his breath. But it wouldn't be gentleman, if he didn't take care of you after sex. He grab a duvet and cover your lower naked part and him too. He turned his head to look at you, but you looked so done. ,,Are you okay?” he asked worriedly, his heart beating more faster than ut probably should. You just nodded, you had no energy to even respond with words. ,,I am gonna give you some water 'kay?” he sat up and give you comfort kiss on forehead, before he get off bed, put on some shorts and went for some water.
You were devastated. Your body was numb and you couldn't tell if you could feel any parts of your body or not. You felt fantastic. It's been a long time since you last had sex, but even though you tried to find as much as you wanted in your head, it was never as good as Mike's. As if he had enough experiences, but how? He sleeps all day or takes care of Abby or goes shopping and in the evening, he has that traumatizing job...but before you could think deeper, your thoughts were interrupted by Mike, who gently sat next to you on bed and handed you a glass of water. You try to sit up but your hands were so weak that you couldn't do practically anything. Mike immediately helped you, placing the glass on the bedside table and carefully lifting you up so that you were leaning against the wall and finally sitting. You smiled at Mike as a thank you and he laughed.
"I guess I've destroyed you enough, huh?"
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salty-croissants · 8 months
If its okay to request, could you do some relationship headcanons for Rayman (and later Ramon?) with a s/o who's been working with him for a really long time? Like a PA? If that's too specific though I totally get it.
Thank you for the request ! 
Don’t worry , it’s not too specific , it’s actually a very interesting concept :D
Hope this turned out okay ! 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ;
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Rayman 🧡
You have been working for Rayman for quite a few years , handling various business matters for him in the position of the voice of Eden’s personal assistant , and over time his charming presence and confidence completely won you over …
… and you weren’t the only one who felt that way .
The more time he spent with you , the more Rayman started to notice little things about you that him smile : the way you were always so kind to the other staff members working behind his shows , the way you laughed , the way you seemed to know what to say to him whenever he was having a bad day , even bringing him coffee when he ended up working overnight …
It wasn’t long before your relationship grew beyond more than just a professional one , and when eventually Rayman revealed his true feelings to you you were overjoyed …
Now it’s been a while since you two started dating , and you both really couldn’t be happier about your decisions .
I think Rayman is someone who overworks himself quite a bit , with the Board of Directors constantly monitoring what he’s doing and giving him more and more things to handle , so you definitely have to take care of him whenever he ends up not doing it himself …
< Ray , it’s 1:00 am … you need to get some sleep . > 
< Ah , don’t worry about me y/n … I need to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting , it’s really important , and - > 
< Well , I assure you that you will barely be able to stay awake at tomorrow’s meeting if you don’t get some rest , and having you fall asleep live in front of everyone doesn’t sound like the best way for it to go . > 
< I - 
Heh … touché . > 
Since you’re always working together but can’t really display too much affection in public , Rayman likes to surprise you with little kisses when no one is looking , smiling in front of your adorable reactions to them …
Before he heads out to one of his shows , you make sure to wish him luck with a kiss of your own , adjusting his bow tie while feeling his loving gaze on you .
< You got this sweetie , you’re gonna do amazing tonight . > 
< Thanks love … I’ll meet you back here as soon as this ends , don’t think I forgot about our date ~ > 
You actually got to see up close the catastrophic interview with Red that lead Rayman to lose his beloved job  , and you were the only one who remained by his side to comfort him when he was in shambles , desperately trying to bury his sorrows in alcohol rivers …
< That’s … that’s it … m-my life is … it’s all over … I have no goddamn purpose left , how am I even going to … > 
< Ray , you do have purpose … we are going to figure this out together , I promise . > 
Your words mean more to him than you’ll ever know , and as he lets you hold him in your arms Rayman can’t help but be thankful for having met you , the person that was able to fill the emptiness in his heart created by a life of loneliness and fear …
With you by his side , Eden’s now ex star doesn’t need to be afraid anymore . 
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Ramon 🖤
Now that he is fully aware of the atrocities Eden committed , atrocities that he unknowingly allowed to happen , Ramon’s only wish is to find you and explain everything to you .
He knows you would never blame him , he knows you will understand , and yet he can’t help but feel incredibly nervous as soon as he take a few steps into his lounge where he knows you were waiting for him to come back …
< Oh Ray , there you are ! I was worried something happened to … you … > 
Your relieved expression immediately turns worried when you see just how troubled your boyfriend looks … he looks … different , for the lack of a better word . 
< Oh god … sweetie , are you okay ? Are you hurt ? >
< Oh … don’t worry , that’s not mine . > 
Ramon briefly points at the blood on his face before walking towards you , holding your hands in his . 
< y/n , there is something I need to tell you …
It’s … probably gonna be hard to accept , but I need you to listen to me .
Can you do that for me ? > 
You nod in response , staring back into his tired eyes and giving him your full attention .
< I’m listening . > 
When he finishes speaking , Ramon’s worries about you blaming him for being so blind to all the terrible things the Board of Directors had been doing behind his back immediately vanish as soon as you wordlessly lock him in a tight embrace …
< Is … is it really okay … ? > 
< Of course ! The Board of Directors was really good at keeping all of this hidden all these years … there was no way for you to know . 
Besides , I … did indirectly work for them too , so we’re in the same boat right now . 
I could never be mad at you over this . > 
He is so relieved to hearing you say that … 
< Thank you , y/n … I … I love you so much … > 
< I love you too , Ram … nothing that happens from now on will ever be able to change that . > 
Even now that the two of you have basically started your own little resistance , some things haven’t changed that much between you … like you constantly taking care of him whenever he gets hurt during a fight .
< y/n , I’m okay , really , you don’t have to - > 
< Yes I have to . 
Now please stay still honey … I need to finish patching you up . > 
Ramon is always , always going to be watching over you , no matter the circumstances : 
you’re heading out alone ? He will come with you , and if he can’t he’ll still end up following you from afar , his guns always ready to shoot any possible threat to your safety .
You’re sleeping ? He’s ready to immediately wake up if a sudden , suspicious noise reaches his ears … you sometimes wonder how he can fall asleep comfortably with a big gun under his pillow .
< Are you sure that’s comfortable for you , love ? You might get neck pains , sleeping on a hard surface every night … even if your neck is invisible , I think it could count , and - > 
< Pfft … you’re so cute darling … thanks for caring so much about me , but it’s fine , really . I just wanna be ready for anything at all times : I won’t allow anyone to hurt you . >
Even tough you often tell him not to worry too much about you , Ramon just can’t help himself : you know him better than anyone , you mean everything to him , and if he were to lose you … 
Let’s say he does all he can to avoid thinking about that horrible scenario .
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adore-laur · 7 months
— a blurb from the dadrry universe 🤍
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Harry's skin must be woven with threads of magic. There has to be an otherworldly magnetism entwined in his veins, bestowing captivating warmth on anyone who touches him. Or perhaps there's an underlying spell coursing through his bloodstream, effortlessly soothing deep-rooted aches and vociferating cries. 
It's been said before, but it bears repeating: Harry is a natural when it comes to being a lover. He has been by your side through every trial and tribulation life has cruelly thrown at you. He has willingly taken your pain during grief-stricken times and selflessly shared the burden. You've navigated the rollercoaster years of dating, marriage, and parenthood with him, all the while watching him adapt to each role with unwavering patience and grace. 
Witnessing him be a dad makes you firmly believe it's what he was made to do. It was written in the stars.
When you wake from a deep slumber—a long and uninterrupted one at that—the house smells like blueberries and homemade bread. Well, if four hours of sleep count as uninterrupted. You'll be the first to admit that you haven't missed the lack of sleep involved in caring for a newborn. 
You slowly make your way to the kitchen, surprised by how quiet it is except for the sizzling sounds of breakfast being cooked. Your tired eyes regard Harry swaying by the stovetop, a spatula in his grasp, and his one-week-old baby girl cradled in his opposite arm. She's wide awake, her swaddled body cuddled perfectly in the crook of his elbow as she mesmerizingly stares at her dad skillfully take a loaf of bread out of the oven. He has on his favorite fleece robe with the sleeves rolled up, and his hair— that's getting quite long—is flatly pushed back due to him restlessly tossing and turning all night. 
It's baffling how whenever Harry holds his daughter, she's completely content as long as her skin touches his. You don't quite understand it. You're well aware that skin-to-skin contact is essential, but it's wondrous how much she loves it with him already. 
You stand still and watch him for a few more moments, thinking about how, nine months ago, you observed him from the same spot as he made pancakes with his eldest daughter. Back when the baby he's holding now was just a tiny bump he would fawn over, growing rounder each month and getting plenty of kisses each day. 
Eventually, you refocus on the present and shuffle over to where your sleep-deprived husband is yawning and shutting the oven door with his hip. The both of you got a dreadfully short amount of sleep last night, but you think it isn't so bad when mornings look like they do with him. 
"Hello," you say, making your presence known before appearing next to him.
Harry loosens a golden-brown blueberry crepe with the spatula and sets it on one of three plates. "Morning, sweetheart." 
"When did she wake up?"
"'Bout an hour ago," he replies, his voice hoarse. "Just little whimpers, so I took her to the backyard for fresh air. She told me she wanted to make breakfast with me." 
You amusedly tilt your head to the side. "Oh, she told you that? I didn't know you could translate her baby sounds." 
"I can, actually. She also told me she wanted milk." He looks over at you and raises his eyebrows. "Pronto, preferably." 
"Here, give me her. She's definitely hungry." You take her from him and kiss her soft, munchable cheeks. "Thank you for making food, by the way." 
"That's my job," he says melodically as you walk over to the couch. You sit and slide the strap of your silk pajama top down, then remove the white swaddle from the baby's body. She instantly latches onto your nipple, causing you to wince as a dull ache initiates. 
As you feed her and zone out, you hear Harry plate the food and open the fridge several times before you sense him coming up behind you. He leans his torso over the back of the couch and rests his chin on your head. Breastfeeding has never been uncomfortable around him since you know he's appreciative of what a woman's body can supply and how draining it is to be the supplier. Often, like right now, he will silently observe his daughter fall into a state of tranquility as she suckles. It's beautiful to nurture another human using your body, and even though it's terribly time-consuming, the special bond formed during it is always worth it. 
"I'm going to get dressed," Harry says after a while, squeezing your arm.
You turn your head and pucker your lips for the first kiss of the day. He grants you several soft pecks that taste like blueberries, each with a satisfied hum, before leaving a long, dramatic kiss on his daughter's head.
A few minutes later, he comes back just as you finish breastfeeding. He's wearing a patterned jacquard-knit sweater and loose denim jeans with ripped holes near his knees. He stands before you and takes his baby girl from your arms, kissing and blowing raspberries on her full belly until she's screeching happily. 
"Who's ready for tummy time, hmm? Is it you?" She coos with a toothless smile, and Harry pretends to eat her cheeks. "I think it's you." 
He gently sets her on the blanket on the living room floor, then lies on his stomach next to her. You grab your phone from the coffee table and snap a quick picture of the sweet memory. 
After five minutes of encouragement and tracing every feature of her face, Harry picks her up and burps her. Meanwhile, you wander into the kitchen, grab the plates, and then slide the patio door open with your shoulder. You head out to the backyard, with Harry following closely behind. You're not too worried about your other daughter since she'll definitely be cranky if you wake her up this early. 
As you set the plates down and sit in the wicker lounge chair, Harry passes the baby over and settles beside you, chewing and swallowing a bite of bread. He says, "I was thinking of going to the beach later and swimming with the girls. The water is pretty calm today." 
You nod and pick at your crêpe. "Yeah, go ahead. I'll probably take a nap or something." 
"You don't want to come with us?" he asks, scrunching his eyebrows. It's gorgeous out." 
"I don't really feel like swimming. I'm not feeling my best." 
He leans closer to you and places his palm on your forehead. "What do you mean, love? You feelin' okay?" 
"I'm just tired," you lie partially. "Don't worry about me." 
"Hey, look at me." He takes your hand in his. "I'm going to worry about you. You just gave birth a week ago. Gotta tell me how you're feeling mentally and physically. Otherwise, I don't know how to help you." 
"I know, but I swear I'm—" A fussy cry cuts you off, and you sigh as you start rocking the baby. Harry soothingly massages the back of your neck, leaving a comforting kiss behind your ear. 
"We'll talk about it later, okay?" he murmurs. 
You just weakly smile and hope he'll forget about it. 
The sun has just begun to set, and the evening sky is a bright, beautiful orange that makes the ocean glimmer. All of you are on the beach to spend time together before an early bedtime. Harry had made dinner and is now shaking out a blanket so the both of you can sit on the sand. Your eldest daughter is distracted with her beach toys, talking to herself as she toddles along the shoreline in her swimsuit and floaties.
There's no time for peaceful watching, however, because once you plop down on the blanket with the baby snuggled to your chest, Harry sits right by you and clasps his hands over his bent knee like he's about to give a lecture. He jerks his chin and says, "You know what I'm going to say." 
It's impossible not to roll your eyes. "Do I have to?" you mutter with a sheepish grin. 
"Yes. You're legally required to talk to your husband and baby daddy." 
You just groan and prepare yourself to vent about all the postpartum feelings that have been swirling in your pessimistic brain over the past seven days.
"I'm scared of losing myself," you say, exhaling heavily. "I remember the first time I became a mom and how I didn't even recognize myself some days. It took so much energy out of me, you know? With breastfeeding, being up all night, and trying to get my body back to normal, I guess I just don't want to fall into that dark mindset again." 
Harry nods understandingly. "Do you recognize yourself right now?" 
"A lot more than last time," you reply quietly. "I mean, we're both more experienced with how to handle a newborn. That definitely helps." 
He swallows, and his serious expression reveals that he sees right through you. "Can I know the real reason why you didn't want to go swimming earlier?" he asks with a gentleness that could break you if you dwell on it for long enough. 
You sometimes wonder if your skin is made of glass or if he knows you well enough to notice all the cracks. 
"If I talk about it, I'll start crying." 
He tuts and nudges your foot with his. "And what's wrong with crying?" 
Shrugging, you defeatedly mumble, "It makes me feel like a little kid." 
"You're my wife, not some stranger to me," he stresses with a soft laugh. "I hate that you think crying in front of me will put me off. Please be vulnerable with me. I don't want you to keep your feelings bottled up." 
Your lips wobble, and a teardrop escapes as you look downward. "I don't feel good when I look at my body. I don't think I could put on a swimsuit and have you see me." Harry scoots closer and wipes your tears away, a sympathetic frown on his lips. "And I spent so long trying to accept it last time I gave birth," you add, "and now having to bounce back again seems exhausting." 
"I don't expect you to bounce back," Harry says gently. "I don't expect anything of you that involves changing your body. It's your body. Do whatever you need to make you feel good, and do it at your own pace, all right?" 
Your heart lovingly falters at his statement. "Once we can finally have sex in five weeks, it's going to be terrible. I'll probably cry." 
He laughs, and you let one out too. "Is that really what you're worried about?" 
"No." He gives you an unamused look with a hint of a smirk. "Okay, maybe. I just don't want you to look at me. I could blindfold you or something." 
"Can you look at me right now for a second?" Harry asks earnestly. You adjust the baby in your arms and meet his eyes, which sparkle in the sunlight. I look at you and see a goddess," he says, holding your free hand. "A mother to two beautiful girls who make me smile every single day. You're my safety blanket. The body you think I don't want to see is the one that grew life. That is so precious to me." 
He begins tracing his fingertips across the light striations on your thigh as he continues, "The stretch marks on your skin are there because you grew two humans, which to me is the most powerful goddamn thing I could ever watch you do. And you've done it so effortlessly that I can't help but fall in love with you more and more each day." 
In that moment, you wonder why you were ever doubtful in the first place and how the man sitting next to you can always easily drag you out of any momentary insecurity. 
Harry suddenly stands and carefully pulls you up with him. He then kneels on the blanket and spreads his arms out. "Look at you," he says over the crashing waves. "You're literally glowing in front of me, holding our baby girl that you brought into this world all by yourself, and making my heart pound just as hard as the first day I met you." 
"Stop, Harry," you tell him, heat expanding across your face. 
"No, because look at you!" He exhales sharply and lowers his arms. "I worship you. Everything you do or say, every smile and laugh, every time you look at me... I'm hooked for eternity."
You kneel in front of him with tears threatening to spill over. He cradles your cheeks and kisses you with an intensity similar to the evening waves pelting the shore. Is there a way to thank the ocean for bringing him to you? 
As the sun says its routine farewell, you bask in Harry's glow that cascades from the solicitous words he speaks and the tender touches he gives. Skin that's unquestionably loved by him, and skin that you will love at your own pace. 
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levitiquee · 9 months
Hello. Could you do a Captain Levi x female cadet reader where Levi always seems cold and hostile towards her but then they have to go on a mission as just the two of them and the reader gets really sick and Levi has to take care of her and shows her a softer side? Thanks and I love your fics!
Hiii, so this is probably not what you expected and it's probably a little too long too, but uh, here's a little something 🙏
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Cw: Sick!reader
"So, it's just me and you this time," You said brightly as you waited before Wall Maria for the gate to open that leads you outside.
"I'm glad you're finding it so enjoyable." Sarcasm evident in his tone, Levi was on his own horse, slightly ahead of you. The hood over his head hid most of his face in the shadow, but when he turned his head towards you, there were no mistaking of the narrowed gray eyes and furrowed brows.
That's the only version of Levi you've ever seen, pissed off and irritated.
"Just so you know," Levi spoke quietly. "I didn't choose you to be here. I'd prefer Eld over you for such tasks. It was Erwin who thought you'd be good for this."
With one last heated glare at you, he turned away. "So, try not to fuck up, brat."
"My pleasure as always, captain." You mumbled under your breath as the gate opened, the heavy sound of stone against stone drowning out your voice.
You tried to tell yourself that he's like that with everyone, but you always noticed how his scowl would noticably deepen everytime you were in his sight.
No, Levi Ackerman did not like you at all.
And he never tried to hide it either.
It didn't bother you anymore, his unkind words. It used to sting, when you first became his squad member. You just couldn't understand what possible reason he has to dislike you so much.
Sure you were a little careless, maybe a little too energetic, you laughed a little too loud, talked a little much. But you never thought yourself to be that irritable, specially when everyone else seemed to get along with you just fine. It's just him that seemed to have a problem with you.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't hurt the first time he snapped at you, for something so entirety silly you weren't even sure why he was so angry.
"Don't mind him," Petra had rubbed your back as you tried not to cry. "He's like that to everyone."
"You and I made the same mistake." You had muttered, while sniffling. "But he only scolded me."
But you got used to it, after all the years. You learnt that he doesn't mean half the shit he says. Sometimes, you even retort back, nothing too over the line, just a few easy dialogues to see him get pissed even more. It honestly became your entertainment at one point watching him storm out of the room infuriated.
Because if he torments you, you torment him back.
Oh, he'd give you the nastiest cleaning duties later for sure though.
As for the mission you were shouldered with, you were actually surprised when he told you. Because why on earth would he want you around for three days?
The goal was simple, to clear out a certain area for the next overnight expedition camp outs. It wasn't a rough job, that's why only two person was sent. The special operations squad had already scouted the area last week, so it was pretty much clear already. You've been on missions like this with him before, but never alone. Usually Eld or Petra tagged along. And even then it was a total nightmare with him chewing you out constantly and whenever he could.
But oh no.
Three whole days with him. Alone.
You could already feel the headache coming.
Levi clicked his tongue impatiently. His eyes kept glancing back to your tent. He'd been awake for hours, he had already eaten breakfast, repacked his own tent and fed the horses and yet there were no sign of you. The sun came up a while ago, the titans should be up and moving. And so should they.
If not for your dumbass probably sleeping in.
He pursed his lips. Unlikely.
You were always an early riser. There had never been a time where anyone had to wake you up, you were always the second to wake up right after he did.
Finally, he couldn't sit still any more. He walked towards your tent.
"Oi, you." He called out, making himself sound as irritated as possible to try to hide the tinge of worry underneathe. "You're planning to move after the sun sets or what?"
There wasn't your voice to answer. There wasn't even the slightest sound of anything to indicate you've heard him. Oddly quiet.
You were never quiet, he thought.
"Are you even in there?" He muttered. "Did a titan crawl inside or something?"
He waited a few more seconds. But the lack of response was making the air heavier.
"I'm coming in." He finally said after a while, bending towards the entrance. "If you're half naked in there, then that's not my fault."
You were in there alright.
You shifted, curling up tighter and pulling the cover on your face as the sunlight entered the space, the brightness sending an even more excruciating jolt of pain through your head then it already was. You heard footsteps trailing towards you until they stopped right beside you.
"Are you dead?" Levi's cold voice reached you, the sound was like a million pins stabbing your temple.
You sighed, turning around, peering one heavy eye from under the cover in response.
"Not dead." He muttered. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Not dead, but in the process of it." You mumbled quietly, your voice meek, timid and hoarse. "Good morning to you too, captain."
Levi frowned at how weak your voice sounded. It was barely audible. But he didn't say anything, only raised a brow inquiringly.
"Do you always barge into girl's rooms like that?" You said, slightly smiling at how he twisted his face.
"I called on you first. You didn't response." He answered, gritting his teeth.
"Yeah, sorry about that." You went back under the cover, the light was stinging your eyes. His staring wasn't helping either. "I'll be out in a while, captain. Give me 10 minutes."
"Are you sick?" He almost sounded worried, uncertainty lacing his tone.
"No." You shook your head. "Just a migraine. I get these a lot. I'll be okay in a while."
"You don't sound okay."
"But I will be. Don't worry, I can still use ODM. It's just a headache."
There was a silence. You could almost feel the heat of his gaze through the cover. You felt him shift besides you, he crouched down.
"Turn over."
You only pulled on the covers tighter. You felt his hand tap your arm.
"Turn over. Let me check if you have a fever."
"I don't." You shook your head. "I told you, it's just a headache."
"Turn over before I dump the water pallet on you.' He said firmly.
You cursed under your breath, but you did flip around, facing him. You lowered the covers so you could glare at him. He glowered back in response.
"Stop acting like a five year old. You're too old for this." He murmered, pressing the back of his head against your forehead. His eyes widened the moment he felt your temperature.
"Fuck, you're burning." He hissed, pulling his hand away.
"No way," You jolted as panic set in you. Anxiously, you pressed your own hand against your face. You can't get sick, not now.
"It's not hot." You frowned.
"Yeah, it doesn't work like that, you dumbfuck." His eyes scanned your face, your sunk eyes and chapped lips. "You even look like shit too. Did you sleep at all last night?"
"Nice." You grumbled. "You're so nice to me."
He ignored your sarcastic remarks. "How do you feel?"
"I can still go-"
"Hell no." He firmly cut you off before you could even finish your sentence.
"What? I can do it!"
"It's just surveying, captain. I promise I'll be fine."
"Don't make me repeat it."
"But you're going to have to do it alone then!" You protested. "I won't just stay in here." He stood up, brushing his clothes.
"I don't think I can go either." He said, frowning. "I can't leave you here like this." Your face fell.
"But the mission-"
"That can wait."
And then, without giving you a chance to say anything, he walked out.
But you realized too as the fever started kicking in, your blood running hot and head getting heavier. He was right, you can't go out like this.
It had been hours since, the sun was setting. Levi had been in and out, checking in every once in a while but also staying out. Whether that was to keep an eye out for titans or to stay away from your germs, you didn't know. As surprised as you were with Levi and this...not very hostile side of his, you felt guilt weighing you down.
Not only you did fuck up the mission—which he warned you not to—you have also become a burden. Specially, as you knew, Levi and his unwillingness to go anywhere near germs or sick or anything such. He never even went to the hospital unless it was absolutely necessary.
You catched the little vial he tossed at you, turning it over in your hand. You were sitting up straight now, the cover draped over your shoulder.
"What's this?" You asked, curiously. The writing was too small and your eyes hurt too bad to focus.
"Meds. Nausea meds. Not sure how well it'd work for fevers but this'd have to do."
You nodded sheepishly, opening the vial and bringing it to your nose. You blanched when the smell hit you.
"Nausea meds?" You scrunched your nose. "This is triggering my nausea."
"Don't throw up here. I will smack you over the head, I swear." He warned you, reaching out a water container. "No one told you to smell it. Just swallow it down."
"That's what he said."
Levi was utterly scandalized. "Do you ever stop spouting shit?"
"No." You grinned as you downed the meds with a gulp of water. And you almost gagged, it was so disgusting.
"Serves you right." He muttered under his breath. "Tell me if you start feeling...shittier. I don't even know if this is any good."
"You don't have to do this." You blurted out after a pause.
"Do what?" He raised an eyebrow. His face was flat, as if merely bored by this whole outplay of events.
"..taking care of me?" You said. "You don't like germs. Additionally, you might get sick if you keep so close to me."
"Don't say shit. I'm tired of you enough." Was all he said before dropping on the ground, folding his knees.
You huffed frustratedly. "My point stands."
"Your point is ridiculous. I'm not leaving you here to die just because you're ego is too big to accept help."
"That is not-" You started defensively, but stopped when he glared at you. "Fine. But you should go. You don't have to stay here all day. Just because I can't do shit, doesn't mean you have to stay stuck with me as well."
"I'm not leaving you here alone." Was all he said before spreading his own covers in a corner and lying down, his back facing you.
If the first day was bad, the second day was worse. The headache was splitting your brain open, your eyes were bloodshot, derilious and hazy, and you could barely keep them open. You couldn't even speak when Levi tried talking to you, only ragged breaths and pants. Your eyeliashes fluttered wispily as you went in and out of consciousness. And your temperature was so, so hot, it was burning through Levi's skin.
And you shifted, flipping from side to side, and no matter what you did seemed to have given you any relief at all. Agonized cries and whimpers escaped you every once in a while, making Levi jolt. He'd see you, your face scrunched, lips pursed, tears rolling down the sides of your cheeks. He didn't even dare leave the room, watching you from a corner as dry coughs racked you, because what else could he do?
He didn't think you'd get this bad overnight.
Levi barely got any sleep, even less compared to what he usually gets. But he couldn't even focus on his own fatigue as he was too stressed about you. He checked your temperature every once in a while and it was as if it only got worse every second. Water compressions would help, but even the nearest water source was too far, and he wasn't sure if it'd be wise to leave you here. So, he had to depend on what he had and pray it wouldn't run out.
He was stuck here. With you. And your face ashened with every hour.
You needed medical attention, he knew. Instantly. But there was no way to get back to the walls, it was too far. You were in no condition to journey and his only hope was that either you'd get well by the next day or backup would be sent when they hadn't returned even after 3 days.
Just a fever, it was just a fever, he told himself.
You were not going to die.
But what if you die?
And he wasn't sure why he cared, but he shook the thoughts away like they were omens. As if not thinking about it could make you feel better.
And as if it already wasn't bad enough, then came the chill. It was the end of the fall and the temperature had started to lower. But for some reason, it became especially colder that day. At least, for you it was too much.
Levi didn't think that far, you ending up like this was not part of his plan. He didn't pack things accordingly. At the end of the day, he had to clear out his own bag to find whatever piece of fabric he could find to heap on you— uncaring of the cold himself—and yet your shudderings didn't lessen one bit.
As for you, you don't remember much. But you remembered the gray, gray eyes that seemed to be always there whenever you opened your own.
There was fog in your brain. Parasites crawling underneath your skin. A pounding in your head.
And pain. All of it hurt so much.
You craved heat.
It was so cold. So, so cold.
Where were you again?
A relieved sigh escaped you when you felt a touch of warmth on your forehead, your eyes fluttering open.
Furrowed brows and narrowed eyes.
Levi flinched. The first sign of coherence you had shown in hours.
"Hey." Was all he said. Soft. Gentle.
He was sitting right beside your head, his palm pressed against your temple. You wondered if it was the fever haze. You have never heard him speak in that tone. He shifted to move his hand away from your head but your fingers wrapped around his wrist.
"Sorry." You mumbled. "Don't. That feels good."
His eyes widened fractionally, surprised. There was just the slightest hint of uneasiness in his expression but he didn't pull away. His fingers thread through your hair and you swear that lessened your headache by half.
How unusual it was to see him this way, you thought. For the first time in all you've known him, it appeared his face was twisted, not from irritation, but worry. The way he was looking at you, the way he talked, his fucking fingers in your hair.
"You're looking at me like I'm dying." You muttered, eyes falling shut.
"Well, you look half-dead. And you were practically dead the whole day." He pointed out.
You only gave a sheepish nod. "Bet being a nurse was the last thing on your mind when you set off."
"Yeah." He sighed. "Never imagined you'd end up like this."
"Me neither."
"You feeling better?" His voice was concerned, worried.
"Barely." You grimaced. "Better as in, I can assure you I won't die."
You pressed the back of your hand to stifle your coughs. They weren't so bad now as it had been the day before. He didn't say anything, but you felt his posture relax slightly.
"I'm sorry." You blurted out after a while. "I didn't mean to fuck up like this."
"I know." He said.
"Are you mad?"
"Do you think commander Erwin would be mad?"
You closed your eyes. Your lids felt heavy against your skin.
"...so what changed?"
"What?" There was surprise in his voice, confusion.
"You're being nice to me."
A pause. "You're sick. It's called common human decency."
You groggily shook your head. "But you hate sick." You stated.
"I do."
"And you hate me."
"I don't."
You stayed silent a while, going over his words. The fever haze was like a drunken stupor, and perhaps, that is why you said the words you did.
You sighed. "But it feels that way sometimes."
"Because I'm harsh with you?"
"You're not just harsh, you're cruel." You snorted. "You used to make me cry."
He paused. The next words were hesitant.
"I didn't think you cared. You always laughed it off." He said quietly, as if he wasn't quite sure of his own words.
"Yeah. Yeah I did." You nodded. "That doesn't mean it didn't sting."
Silence filled the space between you. You were too scared to look at him, scared of what you might see in those eyes. The same irritated scowl back again?
But no, instead his words were soft. Slow and clear.
"..I don't hate you."
You stayed silent, pondering over his words.
"No, I know." You finally said, hazily opening your eyes, he was looking down at you. His eyes weren't cold as you had feared…they were warm. The warmth touched you all the way from here. There was something else in your eyes that you couldn't quite place.
"You'd leave me to die if that was the case."
He didn't say anything.
You shook your head, you weren't really even talking to him at this point, almost as if you were talking to yourself. "You were always there." You whispered under your breath, watching him tense with every word. "I saw you. Your eyes. Wherever I go. And you always protected me. You'd yell at me later sure, but you always protected me."
Levi let out a tight breath, his jaw tightening.
"But you're always so cruel, sometimes I forget about the good parts of you." You sigh. "What about me makes you so angry, captain? What makes you so mean?"
Levi stared silently for a few seconds. He didn't know what to answer. How is he supposed to answer when he didn't even know the answer himself?
Why did you get under his skin so much?
He didn't necessarily hate you. You didn't even have to do anything and he'd still feel pissed at the sight of you. And he knew, you didn't deserve even half of how he made you feel, of the words he called you sometimes.
But why he did that, he didn't know.
From the moment, he set his eyes in you he knew. You were too overwhelming. Too much. Everything about you. You were never any less.
Talked too much. Joked too much. Laughed too much. Always. He never really quite understand how to handle you.
But he didn't hate you. You were never the problem.
Perhaps he merely hated how you made him feel.
He hated how he'd feel uneasy if you were out of his sight for too long. He hated how he felt when he saw you with someone else. He hated how his focus somehow always went back to you whenever you were in the room. And he hated how absolutely pathetic and helpless he felt when he watched you cry in agony just a few hours ago, knowing he can't do shit.
And maybe he really, really hated how his heart would beat a little too fast whenever you were near.
He could hardly breathe sometimes.
He didn't hate you.
He just didn't know what to do with the unusual things you made him feel.
Was all Levi said as he walked out, leaving you there.
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@sad-darksoul @anxious-chick
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Hello! For the bingo thing could you please do maid!reader with Andrew Garfield/Peter Parker with prompt # 5 or 9 where reader makes a mistake and she gets punished! Please and thank you !! I also love your writing!
—𓆩[you missed a spot]𓆪—
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thank you so much anon!!
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Billionaire! TASM! Peter Parker x Fem! Maid! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, angst, smut
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 4.0K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - As soon as Peter graduated college with his degree, he was gone. No one appreciated him enough, so he was going to show them — all of them. After making billions with everything he made and keeping his alter ego a secret, the only thing he’s missing is someone to share his life with, but you quickly fill that whenever you come in applying for his maid job.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - cursing & foul language || no romantic relationships with Gwen but she still died || Peter has an alcohol problem || my poor baby is lonely :( || but you fix that!! || lots of timeskips || kind of fast acting relationship? || kinda mixed universes in a way? Gwen died but Peter is still friends with Harry, idk he needs friends don’t question it || you do like to cook and clean sorry comes with the job || peter’s spidey-senses pick up on your ovulating || Peter gets drunk and does stupid shit || I got carried away I’m so sorry- || smut, unprotected sex, multiple rounds, cumming, this was definitely more plot based ||
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Peter didn’t understand why he needed a maid per Harry’s request until he came home after a two week business trip in Milan. It made sense when he saw all the dust buildup on things he barely touched, the fact that his house wasn’t actually a home made it different.
His house hadn’t been a home since he moved in, but he might as well take care of the multimillion dollar home.
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From there, he started interviews. At first, it was just him and dozens of women who were either too fan-crazy for the billionaire or too bland.
That was when Harry stepped in, joining in on the interviews as Peter tried to sleep. He was really fucking tired after a night full of hero things, Harrison being his little voice in the suit making sure he didn’t fall asleep on the Statue of Liberty.
It wasn’t until he heard your voice that he was wide awake, watching as you sat down in the chair in front of his mahogany desk of his study.
His study made him feel extremely rich.
“It’s Y/N, right?” Harrison asked, his cheeks already tinted pink as you nodded.
“Yes! Yes, it is. Uhm, it’s nice to meet you-”
“Harrison,” he offered his hand, your smile slightly faltering before you took it. “Harrison Osborne. Friends call me Harry.”
“Well uhm… isn’t this for a position for mister uhm…” you look down at your resume where you had the name at the top. “Mr. Peter Parker.”
You were the first one to actually notice that, or at least voice it out.
“That’s right,” Peter spoke up, leaning forward to look at you. “That’s me, you can just call me Peter.”
“Oh, it’s nice to meet you!” Your smile was back immediately, a giggle falling from your lips as you took your hand from Harry’s and pushed it forward to offer it to him. “My name is Y/N L/N, I’m here to apply for your cooking and cleaning job.”
“His maid job,” Harrison corrected you as Peter firmly shook your hand, your face twisting. “I mean, you would be his maid. It’s a live-in position, but you would cook, clean, wash his clothes, what else do maids do?”
“I-I’m aware I would also be doing those things,” you say quickly, swallowing. “I’m not sure if that was clear.”
“It was,” Peter smiled at you. “Why do you want this job?”
“Well, I was a personal chef for two years, and then I filled in maid positions for people who were elderly that couldn’t do it themselves. I enjoyed it because I like to clean and cook for people.” You say, smiling at Peter who quickly found himself smiling back at you.
There was something about you he just liked.
“When can you start?”
You pause, gaping. “I-I… are you sure you don’t want to see my résumé? O-Or-”
“Were you lying about something?”
Your face scrunches, but you shake your head. “No, of course not! I just-”
“Well, if you want the job, it’s yours,” Peter interrupted, smiling. “So, you can have your stuff moved in tomorrow and can start the day after. Sounds good?”
He watched as you paused, picking at the edge of the manilla folder before nodding. “Sounds great, Mr. Parker.”
You have gotten perfectly settled over the past few months. You memorized every inch of Peter’s house, making sure everything was clean when he was gone and even cleaner when he was here.
Peter didn’t really eat at home much though, but you weren’t going to let your culinary degree go to waste.
So, for breakfast, you decided on making him some classic chicken and waffles with a cup of coffee and some fruit. You knew he was used to eating out for quite literally every meal, but you thought it would be better for him to eat from home more often, even if his body showed no proof of his bad eating habits.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Peter had just gotten done with his morning workout, the savory smell of fried chicken and the sweet pancakes making him smile. “Wow. It smells so good.”
“Oh, I’m so glad you think so!” His words make you giggle, but you tried to hide your blush as he walked toward you, his body shining with sweat and the small curls of hair leading down the v of his abdomen catching your eye before you look away. “I just thought you could eat something from home because you always get something delivered. You need to give my cooking skills a chance, Mr. Parker.”
“I’ve told you before to call me Peter,” he was close, taking another whiff until he noticed that the pancakes wasn’t the only thing that smelled sweet. “Y/N, you smell very nice. Really nice.”
You paused, gulping. You hadn’t put any heavy perfume on, just a light body mist and some deodorant. “Th-Thank you, Peter.”
He smiled when you said his name, humming softly as he came closer behind you, watching as you slowly moved around the chicken in the oil. “Please be careful. Don’t burn yourself, I’m going to jump in the shower real quick and I’ll be back. Will you eat breakfast with me?”
His words make you freeze, swallowing. “Y-You want me to eat with you?”
He tucked his face into your neck, taking another slight sniff to smell the sweet scent absolutely flooding off of your form, a soft gasp coming from your mouth making him pull away. “I’m so sorry Y/N, you just… you smell really nice, but it’s not like perfume. I-I’ll be right back.”
Peter quickly left you in the kitchen, your mind slightly hazy until you could smell the slight toastiness of the chicken, quickly taking it out and letting it settle on some paper towels as you finished cutting the fruit and cooking the waffles. You finished cleaning up and setting everything to the side, preparing both of your plates and setting it on the table as you waited for Peter.
Peter on the other hand was slamming his head on the wall of his shower. Did he really fucking sniff you?!
You probably thought he was so fucking weird, sniffing you and saying you smelled sweet. Oh but just that thought made a spark run down his back, his cock hardening. Maybe it was his spidey-senses kicking in where he smelled what was coming from you, but it was naturally sweet and making his mind hazy.
He couldn’t jack off, not when you were supposed to clean his room, restroom, and study today. So with a quick push of the touchscreen in the shower turning it to cold, his cock was quick to soften as he forced himself to think about something other than you.
It wasn’t long until he finished his shower, inhaling as he got dressed and went back downstairs, watching as you bent over the table and set down the plates. For fucks sake, he had just gotten his cock soft and there you were making him hard again.
“Oh, hey Peter,” you quickly saw him, smiling. “Breakfast’s ready, are you hungry?”
“Yeah, I am,” Peter smiled as he walked over, fixing his shirt. “You need help?”
“No, but if you want to grab your coffee from the counter, I made it just how you like it.” You smiled widely at him as you put down some silverware, Peter nodding as he grabbed his mug and your reusable cup that was filled with an iced coffee.
He sets it down where you were going to sit, pressing a soft touch to the small of your back as he smiled over your shoulder. “It looks so good, Y/N, thank you.”
You shrug, smiling back. “Just doing my job, Peter. Can I get you anything else?”
He shook his head, pulling out the chair for you. “Sit down for me, Y/N.”
You do, sitting down as he pushes in your chair with a giggle. “Oh, you’re so sweet, Peter, thank you.”
“No, thank you, Y/N.” He smiled as he started to eat, both of you munching on the food you cooked in silence before you cleared your throat.
“I was going to clean your room, restroom, study, and do laundry. Is there anything else you want me to do?”
Peter paused, looking down at his watch to see the date. “Uhm… do you mind doing the study another day, please? I’ll probably be in there the rest of the day.”
You nodded, sending him a slight smile. “Whatever you say, Peter.”
You both finished up eating fairly quickly, Peter thanking you for the food and walking to his study after putting his dishes in the sink and giving them a quick rinse. It makes you smile, thankful he didn’t leave all the sticky syrup on it as you washed the dishes, quickly going through everything you had to do throughout the day.
After making yourself lunch around 12:30, you made Peter a plate and went up to his study, knocking softly though you spoke loudly to ensure he heard you. “Peter? Peter, I made us some lunch, are you hungry?”
You could hear his voice, but it was weird, too soft and maybe even slightly slurred. 
“I’m coming in!” You set the plate down on the floor along with the drink you gave him, walking in and gasping at the sight in front of you.
Peter looked a mess, the suit that he must’ve changed into absolutely horribly messy, his tie loose around his neck as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. “Oh… Y/N, you’re here,” his voice slurred as he smiled at you, four empty crystal bottles of liquor on his desk as he laughed. “You want some-” he hiccuped. “-you want a drink?”
“Peter, it’s barely noon.”
“I’m embracing-” he hiccuped again, laughing. “-my Britishness.”
“You’re not British, Peter,” you walked over, going around his desk to start collecting the bottles of liquor, wondering why he hadn’t passed out yet. “Come on, you need to get in the shower and-”
His arms wrapping around your waist makes you gasp, his face pressing into your side as he takes a deep inhale. “Fuck, Y/N, you smell so good. Don’t know what it is about you, you smell so good and look so pretty all the time, can never stop thinking about you.” He burped softly, chuckling. “Excuse me.”
You inhale deeply, trying to make sure you didn’t do anything rash as his fingers play with the hem of your shirt. “Peter, please let go of me.”
He inhaled, closing his eyes as he softly kissed against your back. “So, so fucking pretty. Can’t stop thinking about how you’d look-”
You were quick to try and push off his hands, his arms tightening as he let out a noise that basically sounded like a whine. “Peter, let go!”
“No, don’t leave,” Peter whispered, voice breaking as his fingers softly trail along the skin he exposed. “Please don’t leave.”
“Peter, let me go, now.” You whisper, straightening when you hear Harry’s voice.
“Y/N? Y/N, where are you? Peter? Peter!”
“Harrison!” You yelled out, pushing on Peter’s hands as you inhaled sharply. “Harrison, in the study!”
“Y/N?!” Harry’s voice was filled with concern as he rushed up the stairs, Peter’s hands freezing as he glared at the open door.
“Why is that fucking bastard here?” He basically growled, pulling you closer as he shot a web to close the door just as Harry got to it. “Not gonna let him take you from me like his dad took Gwen, I’m not gonna lose you.”
“Harry, get the door open!” You yelled, quickly pushing Peter’s hands off now that he was distracted, the only thing you could think about was getting away from Peter, especially his hands.
You didn’t blame him, not whenever he was drunk off his ass, but whatever he was doing must’ve been what he had been wanting to do, and that wasn’t right. It wasn’t going to happen when he was drunk and you were sober and he didn’t know the meaning of no.
“Wait, Y/N!” Peter’s voice was hoarse now that he was yelling, another web attaching you to the wall right next to the door. “You can’t leave, you can’t. You can’t leave me, can’t you see that I need you?”
You couldn’t focus on Peter and his watering eyes, his hands finding your hips as he pressed his face into your neck, taking another deep inhale – not when Harrison was yelling to get a ‘damn jackhammer or some shit!’ as you softly pressed your hands against Peter’s chest. “Peter please… please, stop.”
“I-I’m just… I’m just trying to keep you safe, can’t you see that?” He whispered, slowly taking the webbing off of your wrists. “I can’t keep you safe if you go running toward the danger.”
“Peter, Harry isn’t the danger-”
“I’m not going to let him take you from me like his father killed Gwen.” Peter’s voice was stern as he leaned forward, stroking your hair softly. “I’m not letting anything take you from me.”
You gasped when the door opened abruptly, Harry jumping onto Peter’s back and yelling at you. “Y/N, get out!”
You certainly didn’t have to be told twice, running out as Harry pushed a syringe into Peter’s neck, his fighting instinct being laggy because of the alcohol as it hadn’t worn off yet. You didn’t miss his scream as you ran into your room, closing and locking the door as you opened your closet, quickly grabbing your bag.
You had enough saved up to book a hotel room for almost three months – not a janky motel room, but a good, expensive one – besides, you would definitely need it after this. Shoving your clothes inside the bag and some necessities, you jumped when someone knocked on the door.
“Y/N! Y/N, it’s me!” Harry announced, sighing softly. “Peter’s… Peter is sobering up. Can I come in?”
“No! I don’t want to see you!” You yelled, shaking your head. “Go away!”
“Y/N, let me in, please.” Harry sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll answer any question you want, I swear… where are you going to go? You signed a three-year contract, Y/N, you can’t back out on it.”
“I’ll pay the got damn-”
“Five million?”
You pause, sighing. Curse rich people.
Slowly, you moved to the door and opened it. “Who’s Gwen?”
Harry walked in, sitting on your bed, explaining everything to you. “Gwen was a friend of Peters. She was in love with him, but he didn’t reciprocate the feelings, though he still stuck close by her because she knew his identity and wanted to keep her safe. My dad… my dad killed her. He was a villain, and he almost killed Peter.”
“So why is he still friends with you?” You whispered, confused.
“I still ask myself that question,” Harry shrugged, looking over at you. “Y/N, you don’t understand how in love he is with you.”
“I don’t care,” It was a lie and you knew it, but you wouldn’t be with someone who drowned his sorrows in alcohol. “I want to leave. Harrison, please… please, help me. Help me, I-I’ll pay you back, I swear.”
“I can’t do that Y/N,” Harrison whispers, shaking his head as you reach for his hand. “Y/N, please-”
“Will he remember what he did?”
Harrison nods.
“I’ll stay only if he gets help. No other way.”
Peter did get help, lots of it. Therapy, both mental and for his slight dependence on alcohol.
You had been with him a little over a year, still unable to do anything even slightly romantic with him, including eating breakfast. You would go to the in home gym that he had every night like clock work, interrupting his nightly work out after dinner to see what he wanted for breakfast in the morning, but tonight it was different.
You walked into the gym, confused when you didn’t see him before you saw the lights on outside in the pool. The sight of him lounging in the hot tub smoking a cigar made your chest tighten as you walked out, notepad and pen in hand as you tilted your head.
“Peter, what are you doing?”
“Smoking, Y/N, I’m smoking.” His voice was strained, frustrated as his mouth twitched before he took another long drag. “I’m not drinking.”
“You’ve been sober for months, Peter.”
He scoffed, shaking his head as he took another deep inhale. “Being sober and not having the urge to smoke are two different things, Y/N.”
You shake your head, sighing. “Oh Peter-”
“I’ll let you out of the contract,” Peter finally said, leaning his head back as you straightened and he let out a large plume of smoke. “There’s no point in you being here. Not anymore.”
“You’re sober now,” your voice comes out soft and hushed, Peter staring as you shake your head. “You wouldn’t do that again.”
Peter laughed cruelly, shaking his head. “You’re so fucking dense.”
Your face pinched as you glared at him. “Don’t call me that.”
“I don’t want you as my maid, Y/N,” Peter said, exhaling the smoke before inhaling it through his nose and letting it back out again. “I want you in a way that no boss should want their employee.”
For fucks sake, could he be any hotter?
“Put it out.”
“Or what?”
“Put it out,” you repeat, setting down your pen and notebook and slipping your phone from your back pocket, already unbuttoning your shirt. “And I’ll get in with you.”
Peter pauses, shaking his head. “No… no, you can’t, not if you don’t want to.”
“I want to,” you respond, already unbuttoning your shirt. “Put it out.”
His eyes darkened as they scanned your form, watching as you finished unbuttoning your shirt and slipped it off as he pressed the end of the cigar into the concrete, staring at your body that started to show more and more skin. You were more beautiful than he could ever imagine, your panties a see through with chiffon and soft pieces of fabric in shapes of butterflies and flowers, a soft coral color that didn’t match your black lace push up bra.
He swallowed as you slowly stepped into the hot tub, the jets getting water higher on your body as you slowly walked in front of him, the bottom of the pool slightly rough until his hands slipped into the water. “Can I… can I touch you?”
“Mhm,” you whispered, tilting your head back as his hands held your waist, pulling you between his legs. You gasped when you felt the prominent bulge between his legs, tilting your head back as he ducked his face into your neck. His breath was hot, hands palming at your hips as you exhaled heavily, holding his face and pulling him closer. “I never said you could kiss me, Peter.”
He cursed softly as you pulled away, looking down at the water and swallowing when you saw no fabric covering his thighs, his whole body completely nude as his hands trail over your waist. “I have a new role for you, darling. If you’re up to it.”
Your new role came with a new outfit and a new contract, extra pay of course. In a way, your relationship with Peter was official, and the money you made was just something you could have for yourself. Peter would have gladly given you more if you wanted it.
Besides, being a topless maid for your boyfriend wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
“You missed a spot, baby,” Peter whispered, coming behind you and rubbing your hips firmly as he pressed soft kisses to your neck. “A big one.”
“I-I was getting to it, Peter,” he whispered, cursing as his hands pushed between your thighs and teasing your wet cunt with his fingers. “P-Peter, I’m not done-”
“You can finish it later, darling,” his fingers easily slid into you from last night's endeavors, his tongue sliding down the side of your neck as he pushed you forward to press your chest against the marble countertop. “I’ll fuck you so good, baby, so good. After this, I’ll hire another maid to takeover your position and you’ll be coming with me on every fucking business trip and I’ll fuck you every damn day.”
“F-Fuck, Peter!” You gasped as he slid inside of you easily, holding your hips as he groaned loudly. This wasn’t the first time you both had fucked today, but out in the open, the cold bite of the kitchen air making you groan loudly. “F-Fuck, fuck fuck fuck!”
Maybe this was where his spider senses came in. He knew whatever you were feeling, your stomach twisting as you neared probably your fourth orgasm of the day, all of them thankfully spread out and not causing overstimulation to settle into your body. You could feel the tightness, though, the tightness in your stomach and your nails scratching against the counter.
You were thankful you had just cleaned them, thankful for the fact that the odd feeling didn’t spark coming up your fingers. Even then though, your body was weak, immediately giving out under the force of his thrusts as you groaned against the counter, the smell of lemons making your mouth water. It made you thankful that you used all natural cleaners and no chemicals.
His hand pushed between your cunt and the edge of the counter, his fingers rubbing firmly against your clit as you rutted your hips into his touch. You gasped against the cold marble as his strong fingers rolled your hips into his touch, eyes rolling back.
You could barely think, mind hazy as he roughly thrusted against your ass, his mouth hot as he kissed against your back, the coldness of the marble firmly pressed against your nipples making them harden as he pushed another hand into your dress. “Come on baby, come on. You’re going to cum already? You’re drooling all over the fucking counter, fucking hell darling… getting my counter all dirty.”
“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” You gasped, screaming out as his fingers squeeze your clit, tipping you over the edge perfectly as you came.
You gasped as he twisted you around, the pool of your drool got into your hair, his hands quickly ripping open your uniform as you panted. “You think I’m done? I want to keep going baby, please, please.”
You nodded, panting. “Y-You can… you can, please.”
Peter smiled. “I’m not going to let you regret that, baby. Ever.”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡ keep them coming for Bingo!! please make sure to check the main post to see what is available!!
and if you weren't able to request now, i have another event coming up as soon as i finish bingo!! love you guys, thank you for your support!!
also, i am so sorry for the inactivity!! college sucks, but i'm making time for writing and i hope to be back to uploading frequently!!
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪 𓆩[@theonetheonly-mee]𓆪
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪 𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪 𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪   𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪   𓆩[@dizscreams]𓆪   𓆩[@asrt5]𓆪   𓆩[@xoxomoonlightbabe]𓆪   𓆩[@wenvierismycomfort]𓆪   𓆩[@copypastedaphne]𓆪   𓆩[@f-aggotry]𓆪   𓆩[@ineedmentalhelp123]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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Can you please write something where the whumpee had to take some medicine which made them pass out/fall asleep for many hours and when they wake up all dazed and confused on the verge of tears hyperventilating because they don't remember anything , caretaker arrives and soothes them and just fluff
I really really love your writing too!! Thanks
Hi Anon! Sure! Thank you for the kind words, and for requesting this! Sorry it took so long, but here you go!
Whumpee was floating. They felt like they were drifting in a black ocean, the waves rocking them back and forth. Whenever Whumpee would try to think of anything, the waves would gently pull them under until their mind became blank again. Whumpee was just returning to the surface of the water when their eyes fluttered open.
They looked around the room- their room, they were pretty sure. But they weren’t sure of anything else, like how they ended up in their room or why they weren’t in the ocean anymore. The uncertainty scared them, so much so that their breathing quickened, and tears formed in their eyes. Why were they here? What was going on?
The door to their room- again, only partially sure that the room was theirs- opened, revealing a familiar face.
“Hey,” Caretaker greeted, “finally awake? Oh, oh my gosh, sweetheart-”
Caretaker quickly made their way to Whumpee’s bedside.
“What’s wrong?” Caretaker asked softly.
“Where’s the ocean?” Whumpee asked tearfully, “why am I in my room? This is my room, right?”
“Yes it’s your room, of course it’s your room,” Caretaker said, running a hand up and down Whumpee’s back.
“But how did I get here!? Why is the ocean gone!?”
Whumpee was fully sobbing now, and their breathing was so quick they were hyperventilating.
“Shh, shh,” Caretaker soothed, “Whumpee, honey, it’s okay. The ocean, er… the ocean just had to leave, okay? You were in an accident, you went to the hospital, they treated you, and then they sent you home on bed rest. I’m taking care of you, but you’re on some weird meds that might make you feel funny. Please calm down, Whumpee, take a deep breath. Come on, like this-”
Caretaker took a deep breath in and waited for Whumpee to do the same. Whumpee took a deep, shaky breath. Caretaker exhaled, and Whumpee followed suit.
“Good job, a few more times, alright?”
Caretaker walked Whumpee through the breathing exercise, at which point Whumpee had calmed down a little. They weren’t hyperventilating anymore, and their sobs had reduced to the occasional hiccup.
“Good, very good,” Caretaker praised softly, “I knew you could do it. Can I sit with you?”
Whumpee nodded, sniffling. Caretaker smiled and climbed in bed with them. They held Whumpee close, careful to not jostle their still-healing injuries.
“There now,” they said, “let’s just sit a minute. I’m making lunch you know. Wanna guess what it is?”
Whumpee shrugged.
“It’s bacon sandwiches,” Caretaker said with a smile, “you love those.”
“F-for me?” Whumpee asked, eyes wide.
“Mhm,” Caretaker said, “just for you.”
Whumpee still felt disoriented, but the promise of lunch had taken their mind off of the black ocean. They snuggled into Caretaker’s chest, their worries melting away.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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munchmemes · 1 year
fall out boy lyrics, so much (for) stardust edition
❛  what would you trade the pain for?  ❜
❛  we were a hammer to the Statue of David.  ❜
❛  we were a painting you could never frame.  ❜
❛  you were the sunshine of my lifetime.  ❜
❛  i'd never go. i just want to be invited.  ❜
❛  every lover's got a little dagger in their hand.  ❜
❛  there's no way off the hamster wheel on this rat race.  ❜
❛  give up what you love before it does you in.  ❜
❛  no matter what they tell you, the future's up for grabs.  ❜
❛  is there a word for bad miracle?  ❜
❛  we could dance our tears away.  ❜
❛  it's open season on blue moods.  ❜
❛  i guess i'm getting older 'cause i'm less pissed.  ❜
❛  you put the 'fun' in dysfunction.  ❜
❛  hold me like a grudge.  ❜
❛  the world is always spinning and i can't keep up.  ❜
❛  part-time soulmate, full-time problem.  ❜
❛  i guess somehow we made it back with a few dreams of ours still in tact.  ❜
❛  i got no map to my own treasure.  ❜
❛  i thought i knew better, i thought it would get better.  ❜
❛  i figured somehow by now, i would have got it together.  ❜
❛  if you put your heart in it, then we'll do more than just get by together.  ❜
❛  i'll call you up and demand you have no fun without me.  ❜
❛  i make no plans and none can be broken.  ❜
❛  do you laugh about me whenever i leave? or do i just need more therapy?  ❜
❛  love is in the air, i just gotta figure out a window to break out.  ❜
❛  i didn't take the love when i had the chance but i swear i'm not sad anymore.  ❜
❛  we all started out as shiny dimes but we all got flipped too many times.  ❜
❛  we did it for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never gonna change.  ❜
❛  i will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me.  ❜
❛  tell me, when the party ends, will you still love who i am?  ❜
❛  save your breath. half your life you've been hooked on death.  ❜
❛  be careful what you bottle up.  ❜
❛  i closed my eyes inside of your darkness and found your glow.  ❜
❛  shake things up and see what comes down.  ❜
❛  i got this doom and gloom in my mind but i feel all right.  ❜
❛  feeling so good right now 'til we crash and burn somehow.  ❜
❛  i know i've made mistakes but at least they were mine to make.  ❜
❛  all of my wildest dreams, they just end up with you and me.  ❜
❛  let's drive until the engine just gives out.  ❜
❛  i'll be whatever you need me to be.  ❜
❛  i cut myself down to whatever you need me to be.  ❜
❛  it's all just a random lottery of meaningless tragedy and a series of near escapes.  ❜
❛  i take pleasure in the detail, you know? a quarter pounder with cheese. those are good. the sky about ten minutes before it starts to rain. a moment where your laughter becomes a cackle.  ❜
❛  here i am, not sure you should take a chance.  ❜
❛  i like playing dumb, letting you figure me out.  ❜
❛  just another day spent hoping we don't fall apart.  ❜
❛  let's twist the knife again like we did last summer.  ❜
❛  i'm just trying to keep it together but it gets a little harder when it never gets better.  ❜
❛  late at night in my room, i lie awake and think of you and all your little dooms.  ❜
❛  last night, i dreamt i still knew you.  ❜
❛  i carved out a place in this world for two but it's empty without you.  ❜
❛  i've got all this love i've got to keep to myself.  ❜
❛  all this effort to make it look effortless.  ❜
❛  confront all the pain like a gift under the tree.  ❜
❛  oh please, i can't be who you need me to be.  ❜
❛  one day every candle's gotta run out of wax.  ❜
❛  time is luck and i wish ours overlapped more or for longer.  ❜
❛  but you know what they say, if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself.  ❜
❛  what is there between us, if not a little annihilation?  ❜
❛  i'm pretty sure as far as humans go, i am a hard pill to swallow.  ❜
❛  i spent ten years in a bit of a chemical haze and i miss the way that i felt.  ❜
❛  i felt you at the beginning but needed you at the end.  ❜
❛  stop me if you have heard this all before.  ❜
❛  oh, but you don't know me anymore.  ❜
❛  that's the way, the world, it used to be before our dreams starting bursting at the seams.  ❜
❛  we're out here and we're ready to livestream the apocalypse.  ❜
❛  the view's so pretty from the deck of a sinking ship.  ❜
❛  everything is lit except my serotonin.  ❜
❛  everything is lit but my lightning bolt brain.  ❜
❛  i just need someone to hold me even though you don't even know me.  ❜
❛  what a time to be alive.  ❜
❛  they say i should try meditation but i don't want to be with my own thoughts.  ❜
❛  when i said 'leave me alone' this isn't quite what i meant.  ❜
❛  bad news, what's left?  ❜
❛  i'm in a winter mood, dreaming of spring now.  ❜
❛  i feel like something that's been stretched out over and over again until i'm creased and i'm about to break down the middle.  ❜
❛  the stars are the same as ever but i don't have the guts to keep it together.  ❜
❛  life is just a game, maybe i'm stuck in a lonely loop.  ❜
❛  we thought we had it all.  ❜
❛  i need the sound of crowds or i can't fall asleep at night.  ❜
❛  i'm pretty positive my pain isn't cool enough.  ❜
❛  ache it till you make it.  ❜
❛  i think i've been going through it and i've been putting your name to it.  ❜
❛  i used to be a real go-getter. i used to think it'd all get better.  ❜
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oblivious-idiot · 1 year
HI- so I was wondering if you could do a Lockwood x reader where she comes home early in the morning and collapses as soon as she steps foot into the apartment and worries everyone (but if affects Lockwood the most)? Thanks :) ❤️
Patching Up
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Warnings: mentions of injury, hurt/comfort, pining, teasing, fluff <3
Word count: 1k
Pairings: Anthony Lockwood x fem!Reader
All throughout your childhood, especially since working as an agent, you never had any help when you got injured, your parents never really caring for your wellbeing as long as you were bringing them cash. You were never sure on how to open up about the whole thing, but you did notice how much Lockwood worried about you whenever you returned from a case bloodied and bruised.
Of course, if you were obviously injured it was hard to escape the situations where your colleagues turned into trainee doctors, especially Lockwood. He wasn't the best at tending wounds that was for certain, but you couldn't make yourself push him away, because most of the time you needed the care. Although you knew it was selfish, but seeing Lockwood wanting to care and tend to your wounds made your heart ache. Was this what it was like to have someone love you?
Tonight's case was one of your most dangerous yet, with multiple encounters from Type Two ghosts, many of which the team didn't have much experience with dealing firsthand. The agency had taken a job in which to clear out an old country house that had been empty for over a decade due to a series of deaths from small group of ghosts, your employer being kind enough to tell you very little about. With the wide range of Talents your group had - Lucy being a Listener, Lockwood having Sight, while you and George were best at Touch - you would think that you'd all be pretty well off when it came to battling Ghosts.
Of course, that was never the case, tonight especially. While Lockwood and George took care of the Sources, you and Lucy dealt with the Visitors - though they were a lot more powerful than you were used to handling. The Ghosts were Spectres, angry ones at that, and they were not happy to have the living there at all. After a long night of throwing salt bombs and being thrown around, George and Lockwood finally secured the Sources and the house went quiet.
Dawn had arrived when the cab pulled up outside 35 Portland Row, everyone dragging themselves out of their seated positions to head up to the house. "You did great today y/n," Lockwood called out behind to you, though you didn't feel great, but you stumbled up the front steps into the house. You must've stood up or gone up the steps too quickly because practically as soon as you placed down your kit bag in the hall you began to feel dizzy, and before you knew you crashed onto the cold hard floor.
"George, will you go grab a glass of water? For when she wakes up?" Lockwood said, worry tainting his voice "Lockwood, why don't you go get the first aid kit? I'll keep an eye on her" Lucy's voice calm and soft. You groaned and your hand lifted to the side of your head where it has collided with the floor, you could feel the swelling under your fingers "What happened?" you croaked out as you opened your eyes to see that you were laid on the couch in the living room. "You passed out practically as soon as we came home, gave us a right fright" George said as he came back in the room with your glass of water, Lucy helping you sit up on the couch, you winced as your hand clutched your side. "Y/n! Oh thank goodness you're awake!" Lockwood beamed as he rushed into the room before his eyes met your pained expression and hand on your abdomen "What happened?"
"I'm fine, really. It's probably just a scratch and the adrenaline from the case has worn off." you finally say as you sat up fully, giving your team a pained smile. "You're clearly not fine y/n," Lucy says, her voice sounding more worried as she knelt beside you "Do you mind if I take a look?" "Do I have a choice in the matter?" You joked as she slowly lifted up your shirt to reveal a large gash across your side "Bloody hell y/n, how did you do that!?" Lockwood said as he rushed to your side, first aid kit in hand "I- I don't know, I was too caught up with those Spectres to notice. It was probably when I got thrown into that glass cabinet" that comment didn't do you any favours though "you got thrown into a glass cabinet!?" cried both Lockwood and George.
After Lucy cleaned you up the best you could, you hobbled upstairs to your room so you could shower, letting them all know you'd be okay and you'd put on a fresh bandage when you were done. You noticed you'd gained a fair few new cuts and bruises from this case, cursing as the hot water hit your broken skin. Taking you by surprise was Lockwood waiting for you in your room when you were emerged from the shower "Anthony, why are you still awake?" you called to him which directed his eyes to you "hey.. sorry, I was worried and I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he let out, trying to hide his worry with one of his signature smiles.
You found out a fresh bandage from the first aid kit and sat down on the bed next to him "Trust me, worse has happened" you chuckle softly "Do you mind giving me a hand?" you ask as you hand him the bandage for your side "I- oh yeah of course" Lockwood replied as he took it in his hands, his cheeks glowing pink. You let out a sharp breath as you felt Lockwood's cold fingers graze your hot skin as he pulled up your top just high enough to see the cut. "Jesus, Lockwood, you could've warned me you were freezing" you joked as he placed the bandage over the cut, his fingers softly smoothing down the edges so they stuck "I'll make sure I warm them next time" he teased back as his eyes met with yours. His fingers slowly intertwined with yours, you could practically feel his breath on your lips "Promise me you'll be more careful next time y/n" "But then how else are you going to practice your medical skills?" you teased before he pulled you into a soft kiss.
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astrox · 11 months
ᝰ ⊹ . · 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 / 𝟎𝟑
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sorry for the late updates <3
ᝰ ⊹ . · 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀
⇾ nothing
ᝰ ⊹ . · 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒
( previous chapter )
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Awoken by the waft entering through the gap in his window, Sanemi felt an ache in his chest upon the revelation of past events and what lead him here. He had someone to protect. His brother, Genya. When their den had been discovered, Sanemi chose to run, leading the hunters away and saving Genya from death. Never in his life has Sanemi imagined himself abandoning his brother, but it's for his protection. Sanemi regrets his decision and how it almost cost him his life. Every night, it seems that Genya is haunting his dreams, reminding Sanemi that no matter what, he can't stay with his brother.
"Nemi, why did you leave me—" Genya's cries echo in Sanemi's head. For months on the run, he underestimated the hunters. They won't give up until he's dead and his head hanging on their wall like a trophy. His nose caught a whiff of magic, guiding him to your cottage and you, dressed in that awful bright red hood. He thought he was dreaming, thinking the blood loss made his head loopy. He thought wrong once he finally regained consciousness. 
Dried eyes struggled to open at first. He unhurriedly blinked, the feeling of sleep and the ache of his muscles causing him to groan out of discomfort whilst his hands gripped the covers. Suddenly, a wave of relief washes over him once he stayed perfectly still and his eye stayed glued to the ceiling. Mental images of Genya flashed in his mind, specifically their last moments together.
"Genya," He spoke softly, a shaky hand rubbing his face. Slowly but carefully, he leans ups on his elbows and then his palms. However, he would regret moving an inch, causing his wound to flare, and painful sensations felt like needles piercing the same spot. 
Sanemi moves the covers and lifts the shirt you put on him. He eyes his torso covered in clean bandages and pats the edge, where he wouldn't carelessly tear his stitches. Whoever tended to my injuries did a good job, he thought to himself. 
Suddenly, Sanemi's wolf ears perked upon hearing footsteps entering the cottage. He hears a voice speaking childishly, calling out a name. His nose picked up a sweet scent of wildflowers and a wet dog. He assumed that's why the person was babbling gibberish. 
"Who's a good girl, huh?" He heard a sweet voice.
"Does Winter want a treat? Good girl!"
After what felt like moments, the footsteps draw near and what Sanemi does was lie back down right as the bedroom door swings open. He pretends he had just opened his eyes and looks over the door. The sudden movement took aback you, eyes meeting momentarily, and you sighed in relief. Like in his visions, standing there is you, dressed in your hood. Struck by your curvaceous figure, Sanemi swallowed the hitch in his throat.
"Oh, you're awake," you mumbled, unsure of what to do next. Hesitantly, you took a step until the man before you rose, resting against the headboard. You held a hand in defence of yourself. "Don't worry, no harm will to you. You're safe her-"
The wolf ears on his head fluttering cut you off. You finish your sentence. "Here,"
Sanemi wrapped an arm around his side cautiously, his nose twitched and his eyes spots your ring. He senses no danger, nothing that could risk his life, yet he hides his wound. You know you don't pose a threat and you know he's ready to protect himself whenever he feels threatened. Luckily, you left your knife in the kitchen. To save yourself, you quickly come up with a solution.
"My name is Y/n, and this is my home. You sort of pounced on me when you were chased by some hunters and were hurt pretty bad." You explained calmly but slowly so that he was following along. "I let you inside before the hunters could track your scent and kill you. You've been in and out of consciousness a few times....but you probably can't remember that so-"
Your lips snap shut up tight, humming. "Huh?"
"Why are you helping me?" He asks, his voice dry.
"That's a brilliant question...I don't have a specific reason." You cleared your throat, thinking over your answer, and take a deep breath. "I guess my reason is that I care too much. I can't stand seeing others in pain, no matter who or what you are. It didn't feel right to let you run off when I could've done something to help."
"Huh?" The man cranes a brow, unsure of what to say. However, before he spoke up and questioned you about your intentions, your dog runs in and jumps up on the edge of his bed. Sanemi froze upon seeing the dog eye to eye, Winter had stepped on his leg and licked the tip of his nose. You piped up, stepping in closer to stop Winter from moving up any further and pounce the poor man. 
"Ah, Winter, no!" You picked Winter and carried her out of the room. After you closed the door behind you quickly apologized. "Sorry about that,"
Silence is all you got right when an empty stomach growls. You looked down at Sanemi holding his stomach, embarrassed. You huffed out a laugh, opening the door with one hand. "I'll make you something to eat," 
With that, you leave Sanemi to his lonesome and prepare to make him stew with slices of bread on the side. Made of mostly meat and vegetables, you cooked enough for two people in the biggest pot you own. You quickly peeled potatoes with a knife, cutting carrots into little bite sizes. It takes you no more than an hour to finish cooking the food and as for the bread, you offered the slices you save for yourself instead of baking another loaf. 
Plating the stew in a bowl, you set it on a tray and place the bread slices on a little saucer plate. You also gave him a cup of fresh water, you'd bring a jug later on in case he needed a little more to drink. Taking care to not trip over Winter as you tread down the hallway and open Sanemi's door with your foot. Still leaning against the headboard, you walked around his bed. 
Sanemi kept an eye on the food, mouth watering at the meat swimming in the broth. You set the tray on the clear nightstand, smiling. "I hope you like beef stew, it was quick to make," 
Surprisingly, you watch sanemi reach out for the water and indulge in its contents. A few gulps later his cup is empty, and he gasped a breath. Covering your mouth to hold in a laugh, Sanemi slams the cup on the nightstand. That was your cue to leave and let him eat on his own. 
Alone, Sanemi took the bowl into his hands, stirring the stew with the spoon sitting inside. He brings it close, inspecting and sniffing the stew in case it had been tampered with. He found nothing but meat and vegetables. At first, Sanemi mistook it as a trick—that your kindness was meant to throw him off, make him vulnerable.
He cautioned himself, taking a blistering swig of the broth. Eyes widening, he pulled his lips from the edge, his tongue licking a drop spilling over his bottom lip. Sanemi tried the meat next, then the vegetables. Everything is stuffed into his mouth despite the heat of the soup burning his mouth. He repeats the process with the bread, scoffing it down as if it were his last meal. Still alive by the time he devours the entire tray, Sanemi sits there bewildered and his belly full. 
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© 𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎 — all works belong to astrox! do not plagiarize, recommend, or translate my work without my permission
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journey-to-the-attic · 11 months
I would love to hear more thoughts on the AU 🙏
i'm VERY GLAD you asked, okay so:
i've been calling it the 'infernal friends' au based on the idea that, when ik first gets the ritual book, one is marked 'summoning infernal companions', but she doesn't know what infernal means so she just thinks "oh this spell summons friends!!"
so in this au the demons are a bit more.... demonic isn't the best word to use but it's the only one i can think of
basically they adhere a little bit more to common tropes in, like, horror movies and stuff, where they can be summoned by ritual (as ik does), and they also initially do act all monstrous and stuff
they're still themselves while at home, being summoned is like a job to them and they've gotta be Evil while they're on the clock
rather than just sort of existing entirely separate from humans, in this au demons as a whole are more used to the idea of being called upon to do nefarious favours or whatever
(although none of the main cast has been summoned before this on account of their sheer power level)
it's also sort of a nb situation, where their default is their demon forms - they'd actively choose to disguise their horns and wings/tail if they were to go regular form
so it all starts when ik performs the ritual and somehow manages to summon the most powerful (awake) demon in the devildom. this was actually because she pronounced the incantation wrong and ended up changing its meaning entirely
by all accounts it still shouldn't have worked, and she doesn't show any signs of magic otherwise, so everyone's stumped as to how she managed that
when asked, diavolo just says "i was summoned by the heartfelt wish of a very nice child who needed me"
and i know diavolo takes pacts VERY seriously in-game, but it would be very funny (and quite sweet) if he immediately made a pact with ik so that she could summon him to hang out whenever she wanted
failing that, he might just enchant an object in her house to act as a magical link to him
after a few weeks he also gives her that contact list to use if he's ever too busy to come - that contact list being for the seven brothers + barbatos
he doesn't actually tell the brothers about this until afterwards (from their pov, diavolo's just been disappearing in mysterious circumstances a lot recently)
and it's also too late to take it back (plus diavolo won't let them) so uh this is their life i guess
(diavolo's already made barbatos come to meet ik before this, so she's already familiar with him, she just didn't know how to summon him on his own before)
i don't have an idea for everyone, but they do each have a unique ritual
asmo's involved chanting into a mirror, levi's would involve filling the bathtub and then he'd like pop his head out of the water, mammon's would probably use a piggy bank or something
lucifer's would be marked as needing 'music', so ik plays twinkle twinkle on one of those little plastic toy pianos
she picks asmo to summon first because diavolo's mentioned he likes dressing up and that's what she wants to do
for a certain time after that, she disregards the contact list, since she's got three options for friends already and that's the most she's ever had
but asmo convinces her to try some of his brothers too because he's been telling them over and over that this little kid is SO sweet, you'll LOVE her, and none of them believe him
so ik takes a look at the list and picks belphie next because she likes his name
she says it a little wrong at first (she has trouble with the 'lph' sound, so she says it like 'bepphie') but luckily saying 'bephhgor' during the ritual didn't mess it up
and then belphie gets back afterwards like "guys. asmo was right"
and none of them believe him AGAIN
so one by one each brother gets summoned and immediately is like "oh hell yeah i love this kid", while the remaining unsummoned demons are unconvinced right up until they meet her
basically it goes like this:
demon before being summoned: "that's nice and all but it isn't for me. i've got better things to do than babysit some random human"
demon after being summoned: "if my new best friend (child) doesn't ask to play with me again within a week i'll cry"
beel gets summoned last out of everyone because ik didn't know how to say 'beelzebub' and was embarrassed to ask
she had trouble with just about everyone's names except mammon's (often dropping syllables - e.g. "lucsssfer" - or just misreading the word - e.g. "santa")
this is because she grew up speaking chinese at home, and while english became her primary language after starting school, she's mostly non-verbal with anyone who isn't her dad at this point, so she doesn't have a great grasp of unfamiliar phonetics
she's chattiest with diavolo and mammon (the former she met him first, the latter because he's very energetic and she's trying to keep up with him)
and she's quietest with lucifer and belphie (the former because he's got a stern and intimidating demeanour, the latter because he's also quiet and is good at communicating with her without words)
everyone else she's varying levels of loud with
also while lucifer doesn't SEEM to do the 180 after getting summoned, he also let ik take a nap in his lap during that first summoning so he totally still did
this way ik gets a whole catalogue of demons to hang out with while her dad's away!!
zhao's just glad she's getting taken care of
conducting the rituals is the fastest way to summon (and also the demons can't really choose not to), but it's a hassle to do, so everyone else would also either make a pact or enchant an object that calls them
everyone's objects would be:
a rock pet (diavolo), the toy piano (lucifer), a novelty coin (mammon), a rubber duck (levi), one of hyde's cat toys (satan), a plastic tiara (asmo), an broken saucepan (beel), an old blankie (belphie), and the teapot from a play tea set (barbatos)
that's all i got for now but i can guarantee i'll have more soon so stick around!!!
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