#how to boost immunity in toddlers Ayurveda
How Ayurveda Can Help Optimize Your Child's Growth and Development 
As parents, we want to ensure our children get the best care and nutrition for healthy physical and emotional development. Ayurveda is a science of life that offers holistic health solutions and simple ways to nurture your child's growth. Discover how Ayurvedic approaches can support and sustain their natural immune system, provide nourishing foods, and implement lifestyle measures to protect their health in the long term.
Identifying Nutrients Needed for Optimal Growth & Development
Ayurvedic nutrition emphasizes a balanced, nourishing diet for health. While each child's individual dietary needs may vary depending on age and constitution, some essential nutrients are required for them to grow, develop and thrive. These include proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils, vitamins, and minerals. Eating a nutrient-rich diet made up of whole foods provides an array of benefits for physical well-being, as well as emotional intelligence and psychological health.
To ensure that your child is receiving all the essential nutrients needed for growth and brain development, it is important to understand which foods provide them with the most nourishment. Eating an ayurvedic diet is all about balance, so you should prioritize home-cooked meals, in which they should include fresh vegetables and fruits, organically balanced grains, nuts and seeds, spices such as turmeric and ginger, healthy fats like ghee or coconut oil and a variety of proteins like organic meat or dairy products. Serve food in smaller portions throughout the day to maximize digestion. Finally, make sure that regular exercise is a part of your child’s lifestyle: outdoor activities and playing sports can not only improve health but enhance mental ability too.
Utilizing Herbs and Natural Remedies to Address Health Conditions
Ayurvedic Clinic in Prayagraj uses natural herbs, plants and minerals to effectively address common childhood health conditions such as allergies, colds and flus, digestive issues and skin problems. Some of the best known remedies include the use of turmeric to boost immunity and clear up infections, ginger to reduce inflammation and nausea, ghee to aid digestion, lemon balm for tension relief and neem oil to treat skin conditions. Incorporating these methods into your child’s healthcare regimen is a natural way to promote gentle healing without causing any harsh side effects.
In addition, Ayurvedic Doctors at Prayagraj provides guidance for healthy eating practices for the whole family. It recommends using organic, simply prepared, seasonal ingredients to nourish the body and keep the digestive system functioning at an optimal level. Having regular herbal treatments such as Shirodhara or Abhyanga can help to find and maintain balance in your child’s growth pattern and give their immune system a much needed boost. Taking a holistic approach to nutrition allows your little one's body to naturally thrive while they grow up happy and healthy.
Learning Ayurvedic Massage Techniques for Baby Care
Ayurvedic wellness centre in Prayagraj includes massage in their wellness package as a way of promoting health and well-being in newborns, infants, toddlers, and children. Massage can help relax your child and provide physical and emotional comfort. Furthermore, it helps to improve circulation, lymphatic drainage, and elimination of toxins in the body. For babies, the use of repetitive strokes with warm oil is encouraged to promote growth and development. Additionally, these massage techniques help stimulate the digestive system, facilitate muscle relaxation, and bring balance between body systems.
The most commonly used oils for massage are almond oil and sunflower oil used by the ayurvedic doctors in Prayagraj. To make the massage more effective, herbs like triphala, Shatavari, ashwagandha, and licorice can be added to the oil. Depending upon your baby or child's constitution, you can pick a proportionately heated oil suitable for their body type. Warm massage therapy helps with sleep quality and stimulates cognitive growth in children by promoting improved concentration. Follow up these Ayurveda-guided massage techniques with nourishing dietary practices like using ghee and herbal supplements according to the child’s age and health needs.
Incorporating Healthy Lifestyle Practices (e.g., Meditation, Yoga)
Incorporating a daily practice of yoga and meditation at the Best Meditation Centre in Allahabad in your child’s routine can help them with many physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Yoga encourages body awareness and helps with strengthening, stretching, and balancing. Meditation calms the mind and helps children learn the power of concentration. Combining yoga and meditation creates an overall sense of well-being in both adults and children alike. In Ayurveda, these practices can be especially beneficial for stimulating growth hormones and supporting development.
Because children are growing, their bodies need more energy than adults and therefore require careful nutrition in order to build strong bones and healthy organs. Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into your child’s diet can help provide additional nutrients they may not be getting from their existing diet – such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and specific foods that support the needs of a growing body. Adding these beneficial ingredients to recipes along with focusing on mostly organic and non-GMO products should become part of your weekly menu plan in order to ensure your children are getting all the nutrition they need.
Integrating ancient Ayurvedic principles into your child’s lifestyle can promote optimal physical, mental and emotional growth. From foods to sleep habits to the practice of yoga and meditation, each habit is an important part of achieving a balanced life. Small changes done consistently over time can add up to a healthy, happy life for your little one.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
मानसून में बच्चों की इम्यूनिटी को स्‍ट्रॉन्‍ग रखने के लिए उनकी डाइट में शामिल करें ये 8 चीज़ें
मानसून में बच्चों की इम्यूनिटी को स्‍ट्रॉन्‍ग रखने के लिए उनकी डाइट में शामिल करें ये 8 चीज़ें
Best Immune Booster Foods For Kids: इन दिनों मौसम बदलने का सबसे ज़्यादा असर बच्चों पर पड़ता है. उनकी इम्यूनिटी वीक होती है, इसलिए मौसम में थोड़ा भी बदलाव हो, तो बच्चे परेशान हो जाते हैं. मानसून आते ही सर्दी, खांसी और बुखार की प्रॉब्लम बढ़ जाती है. सीजनल फ्लू से बच्चे को बचाने के लिए हर पैरेंट्स जतन करते हैं. अगर आपके बच्‍चे को बार बार खांसी, सर्दी, बुखार होने की समस्या बनी रहती है, तो आपको ये जानना…
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It is said that you are what you eat. Rather, what you eat today will shape how you live tomorrow. There is an indelible truth in every word of this statement. Immunity is perhaps the key factor that decides your health. With the seasonal changes and unpredictable weather, your child becomes more susceptible to diseases and infections like common cough and cold. How To Increase Immunity In Child Naturally-Ayurveda? Wherever you go, you watch your kids play in the playground alongside kids with runny noses or with severe coughs, or maybe with conjunctivitis too.
Read Best Home Remedies To Cure Cold & Cough Naturally.
You watch helplessly as those same fingers go into their mouths or the nose, and there it is- the perfect inlet for the germs and eventually infections. As a parent, you have 2 choices –
1) Become over-cautious. Do not let the children play out considering risk to hygiene factors.
2) Let them play in the open and ensure they immediately have a good bath before resuming their studies, eating and ensure you are building their immunity to protect them from the possibility of an infection.
Read How To Stop Diarrhea Fast In Kids
But haven’t you enjoyed rains as a child?
Haven’t you jumped on the little puddles and made paper boats?
Haven’t you eaten golas & pani-puris on the street?
Haven’t you had the orange ice stick ice-cream at the beach?
Then why shouldn’t your kids enjoy the same in their childhood? Why do you not want your children to enjoy these wonderful moments?
So, what can you do as a mother? How can you boost your child’s immunity?
Foods That Help You Increase Immunity In Child / Kids
Yoghurt & Probiotics
Yoghurt boosts ‘Gut Health’ as it contains beneficial bacteria that prevent cold & flu in both children & adults. Serve Greek at least once a day, pair it with fruit and homemade granola to make it yummy & healthy. If your child does not acquire a liking to yoghurt, try low-fat curd in any form like raita or lassi to improve the digestive system of your child.
Lemons and other citrus foods – Best Food To Increase Immunity in Child
Lemons are considered to be one of the super foods packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, folate. It has become an essential in our everyday diet. Lemon juice can be added to many of the dishes and make it tangy and tasty. You can have ½ a lemon a day diluted with water or added to foods.
I have read that studies show that lemon juice destroys the bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria typhoid and other deadly diseases. An added benefit being that it also destroys intestinal worms. Thus, making it very useful and relevant when it comes to kids’ health, as we all know what all goes into their little tummies. Above all, it is very helpful in boosting the immune system.
Garlic – Best Foods To Improve Immunity In Child
Garlic is used widely in the Indian cuisine in curries and gravies. It adds great flavour to the dish and has fantastic anti-viral,anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial properties. It improves the production of White-Blood Cells which fight infection in the body. Use liberally to avoid constipation, cold & cough in kids.
Read Quick Healthy Lunch Box Recipes For Kids using these ingredients.
The famous tagline that we all associate with the National egg campaign in India is “Sunday ho yaa Monday, roz khao Andey”. This initiative has gone a long way in promoting the consumption of an egg every day in kid’s diet. Be it in the way of scrambled eggs, boiled egg, raw egg or omelettes, no other food can substitute eggs, as it is one of the only foods with naturally occurring vitamin D. They also include a number of other immune-boosting nutrients such as B vitamins, selenium, B12 vitamin and folic acid. It is important to note that the egg is a complete protein food and has 6 grams of proteins per serving.
Oats and other whole grains
Oats and other whole grain cereals like wheat, rye, barley, maize, corn, ragi and lentil, to name a few are very rich in Vitamin B. Vitamin B6, pantothenoic acid and folic acid are helpful in strengthening the immune system. Vitamins can not only help fight the bacteria away but also give the necessary impetus to the immune system to fight back in the event of any disease or infections. Thus, it is very important to include them in your kid’s diet.
If may interest you to know Oats Are A Healthy Way To Increase Weight In Children.
Almonds, Walnuts & Nuts – How To Improve Immunity Home Remedies
Instead of munching on the crunchy chips, chocolates & cookies, give your child a generous helping of almonds, walnuts, raisins, figs, pecans, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds that are power houses of proteins, Vitamin E, minerals, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, zinc & Omega-3 Fatty acids – critically essential if you are a vegetarian. Although, they are high in calories, they are good calories. You can introduce nuts in the powdered form to toddlers above 6months in the form of porridge to begin with for ease of digestion.
Green Leafy Vegetables – How To Increase Immunity Power Naturally
As much as some kids dislike GLV’s, they promote DNA repair and hence a must for growing children. They contain anti-oxidants, iron, folic acid, zinc & essential vital vitamins. Incorporate greens at least 4-5 times a week in different forms – cooked, baked, raw or boiled. Spinach, kale, broccoli are power houses of essential nutrients. They also help fight cancer.
How To Boost Immunity In Toddlers – Ayurveda Foods
Ayurvedic medicine for immunity power has proven to have significant improvement in overall health as it is not about suppressing the symptoms, but about addressing the root cause of our imbalances. It is the oldest medicinal system that has originated from India. It does not just combat infections and diseases but more importantly works towards the prevention of the development of diseases.
Ayurvedic Foods That Help Promote Immunity
Ayurveda concentrates on immunity-enhancing foods.
Any food which transforms itself into ojas is good for immunity, hence creates radiant good health & stable emotions, promoting quality liver functioning, and a balanced endocrine system.
If the food creates ama, it’s bad for the body. They include hard-to-digest foods or caused due to bad or untimely eating habits.
Read more on Banyan Botanicals.
Easy-To-Digest Foods
Dairy products like curd & paneer, lentils like pulses and dhals, fresh vegetables, fruits & whole grains that are not processed are quickly converted into “Ojas” which enhance immunity.
Strictly avoid packaged food as they contain harmful preservatives, chemicals which turns into “Ama” and does not reach the cells for absorption of vitamins & minerals.
Avoid meat – Ayurveda advocates intake of only vegetarian food.
Avoid sugar, alcohol, canned foods, microwaved foods and gluten.
Asafoetida destroys poisons and bad bacteria. So, do include in all the main dishes.
Read on why you should avoid packaged & junk foods
Eat Your Meals At The Right Time, The Right Quantity & Right Manner
Digestion is the best when the sun rays are at the peak. So your lunch(mid-day meal) should be the heaviest; followed by ‘Breakfast’ and then ‘Dinner’ being the lightest of all.
A routine helps normalize the digestion process.
Eat only 70-75% of your normal capacity for optimum digestion.
Consume 150ml luke-warm water along with your meals to ease digestion
Do not over cook. Let it be soft but not mushy.
Eat seasonal foods that are locally grown in your region.
Fast once a week to cleanse your system (if possible).
Scrape the tongue daily to remove bad odour and harmful microbes.
Ayurvedic Foods That Increase Immunity In The Child
Green Leafy Vegetables – Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli and Mustard Greens contain iron, flavanoids and antioxidants and mentioned earlier.
Use mild spices like Turmeric, Cumin, Coriander & Black Pepper while cooking food for your child to strengthen the intelligence of the immune system.
Whole Grain Foods – Barley, Ragi, Amaranth and Quinoa are superfoods when consumed regularly.
Fruits like Pomegranate, Papaya, Plums, Peaches, Apples, Pineapple which are sweet contain fibre and antioxidants which are great to taste and super healthy.
Yoga & Meditation
Yoga helps to dissipate tension, remove stagnation, and promotes fluidity throughout the tissues, through the mental and emotional spheres.
Meditation cultivates passive awareness and helps us to engage with our lives in a vivid and detached manner. This skill when developed, calms the nervous system and decreases stress.
Adequate sleep is extremely essential for your body to recoup.
Pranayama and breathing expedite digestion and help maintain a calm positive state of mind.
Read on the Best Yoga Poses For Kids.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Help Increase Immunity In Child
Ginger: Fresh ginger, dried ginger or ginger root kindles digestive fire, and cleanses the blood and lymph. It promotes blood circulation and removes excess kapha from the lungs.
How to consume: 25-30 drops of Ginger juice in water 2-3 times a day.
Turmeric: Known as the “Golden Spice”, it purifies blood, eliminates toxins from the digestive tract. Can be taken as freshly ground turmeric powder or liquid extract.
How to consume: Either incorporate it in your daily diet in curries, gravies, etc. atleast twice a meal or take 1-2 tablet everyday.
Tulsi: Tulsi has several benefits and is a common household plant widely worshiped in India. Some of them include – blood circulation, respiratory disorders, cold & cough, digestion, mental clarity.
How to consume: The ideal way would be to eat fresh 2-3 fresh Tulsi leaves everyday.
Chyavanprash: It is a herbal jam made from amalaki fruit. It buffers against stress, and bolsters the immune system. Consumed everyday, this nutritive jam can support energy, vitality, and overall well-being.
How to consume: Take 1–2 tsp daily.
Ashwagandha: In Sanskritit means “smell of a horse” its name implies the strength, power and virility of a horse. Ashwagandha is a rejuvenative herb that nourishes the tissues, reduces anxiety and stress, increases libido and fertility, balances the nervous system. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
How to consume: As recommended by the doctor.
Trifle, Giloy, Shatavatri add solid herbal support to the immune system.
How to consume: A combination as directed by your Ayurvedic Expert.
Ojas Drink – Ayurvedic Medicine For Immunity Power
Once of the best ways to build ojas is to make a morning drink on empty stomach. Blend the following ingredients in 300ml of milk (organic, non-homogenized or raw cow milk) or almond milk: – 1 tsp ghee – 3 tbsps blanched almonds
– 2-3 dates
– 3 to 4 strands of saffron – 1 tsp shredded coconut – 1 tbsp raw honey
Tips To Boost Immunity In Child During Winter
Massage regularly warm oils such as sesame or sunflower that  strengthens the skin, muscles and nourishes the tissues.
Take bath in lukewarm water with epsom salt and essential oils with ingredients including cardamom, eucalyptus, rosemary, cinnamon, cedar, pine, juniper, basil.
Honey & Amla can be included in your daily diet raw or in the form of juice.
Regular exercise eliminates strain, moves stagnant emotional and mental energy, enhances blood circulation, improves digestion & promotes good sleep.
I hope you include these superfoods in your child’s diet but in case they are fussy eaters or need an extra boost, you can always look into including food supplements in their diet. With the extra immunity boost, you can let them do all those things that you loved to do as a kid including letting them play in the rain!
Source - https://confusedparent.in/increase-immunity-in-child/
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Chaata Churan: This Secret Ayurvedic Preparation Can Improve Digestion In Toddlers Naturally
Chaata churan is fed to toddlers in Punjabi and Sindhi households.
The powder is a mixture of various cooling spices and herbs.
It has anthelmintic properties and can kill off parasites in the body.
Any Indian who has grown up around her grandparents will have a wealth of home remedies or gharelu nuskhe that are like quick fixes for almost every physical ailment. These remedies involving natural ingredients like everyday spices and herbs have been passed down through generations of Indians, who still believe that these work better than any chemical medicine or treatment. There are certain lesser known yet magical concoctions and potions prepared in various ways by different communities across the subcontinent, which are yet unknown to others.
One such preparation is the ‘chaata churan‘ that is fed to infants in Punjabi and Sindhi households. I remember a small steel container sitting on my one-year-old nephew’s bedside cabinet. My aunt would often feed him just a little bit of the greyish white powder from that steel container, before every meal. It was only later that I came to know that even I was fed the churan, when I was a kid, and that it is supposed to improve digestion and prevent constipation in babies.
The churan is a powder made by grinding several Indian spices including cumin or jeera, carom seeds or ajwain, dried ginger powder or sonth, crushed almonds, cardamom or elaichi, rock sugar or mishri and finally fennel seeds or saunf. All the ingredients are ground very finely, mixed together and fed to kids, either mixed with a spoonful of honey or in a bowl of milk. But how safe is this churan for toddlers?
According to Ayurveda expert Dr. Dhanvantri Tyagi, the churan is ideal for kids between ages one and eight and that it’s good for multiple reasons. “This is a traditional preparation and all the ingredients in it are great for digestion and also promote liver and stomach health.” Dr. Tyagi says that the powder can be a great immunity booster for kids and adds, “The dried ginger or sonth in the powder is a good appetite stimulant and it also regulates body temperature, while mishri acts as a tonic for the kids. This powder can also give an energy boost to the kid. Moreover, this churan is also anthelmintic in nature, which means that it has anti-parasitic properties and it can kill germs in the body.”
Dr. Tyagi says that all the ingredients in this churan are cooling for the kids’ bodies, adding that there’s a similar preparation for kids between ages eight and 14 called trikatu. “This powder is made from three ingredients- sonth, kaali mirch (black pepper) and pippali or Indian long pepper. But this is not good for toddlers as the pepper can result in vomiting and diarrhea in kids that small.”
The chaata churan, on the other hand, is perfectly safe, is easy-to-prepare and store and is extremely beneficial for newborns. It should be stored in air tight containers and just a pinch of it can work wonders for the digestive health and immunity of your toddler.
The post Chaata Churan: This Secret Ayurvedic Preparation Can Improve Digestion In Toddlers Naturally appeared first on Breaking News Top News & Latest News Headlines | Reuters.
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