#How can I make my kids immune system strong
stardust-sunset · 13 days
Hi I don’t know if you’ve answered this before but I just saw the headcanons you made about Soda being sick and I was wondering if you had any headcanons about how everyone likes to be taken care of when they’re sick? And could I be your 🎃 anon if it’s not taken? Thank you!!
Ooh ofc!! I’ll do my best!
With Ponyboy, he’ll never admit it but he just wants to be held. He probably won’t seek it out but the gang knows to just hold him for a bit. He doesn’t have the weakest immune system? But he does have a VERY weak stomach and gets stress induced stomachaches very easily and it’s always obvious but he tries to hide it because he feels like a burden to his brothers already, even post book he feels like a burden so he just tries to hide it but he has a VERY vocal tummy that has no problem ratting him out. He also likes being red to. It’ll put him to sleep in five seconds flat.
Soda likes constant cuddles, but unlike Pony he’s VERY vocal about it. I feel like he’s whiny too when he’s sick lol-like you try to get up for even a second and he’s whining for you to come back because he wants more cuddles. Soda has a very strong immune system (probably because he ate rocks and dirt as a kid but shhhhhh) but he too feels like a burden. But it’s very obvious when he’s sick. Sometimes Darry will take off work but it’s kind of rare. If he and Pony have work and school Pony will tell Steve and Steve will up and skip school for him. He just loves being held.
Darry is difficult. I think he’d want to be left alone because god forbid he gets the rest of the gang sick. He also really just doesn’t want to be touched because he feels gross and sweaty. He does however really enjoy sick foods like soup and crackers. It just makes him happy. He’s VERY stubborn’ tho and Pony/Soda need to literally threaten not to talk to him if he pulls that shit. He has a fairly strong immune system. But when he’s sick it’s really intense. He gets headaches a lot and that paired with chronic back pain it just isn’t pretty.
Johnny…it’s hard with him. He’s not really used to being taken care of? So he honestly probably just hangs out in the lot because he doesn’t want anyone else to get sick. However usually Dally or Darry will see him and they’ll drag him to wherever they’re staying. I feel like he just wants to get better as soon as possible to get out of everyone’s hair, but in all honesty it feels good to be taken care of. I feel like when he gets sick it’s like…these really awful things. He doesn’t get to eat often so he probably eats from dumpsters and whatnot (or at least he used to) but he’s gotten worms and shit. It’s intense. But he has the strongest immune system I think. He’s learned.
Dallas doesn’t get sick. But when he does he’s a complete ass about it and makes it everyone’s problem. He’s constantly trying to leave and refuses a lot of the medicines and stuff because “he doesn’t need that pussy shit” but he does. And they probably have to wrap it up in a slice of ham like he’s a damn dog. He hates being sick though, like he’ll literally straight up walk out and Darry has to carry his ass back clawing and screaming. He’s silly. shut he has a very strong immune system. Either that or he tries to drink it off but he can’t hold it down and he gets mad.
Two Bit
Two gets really delusional. It’s like he’s high. He’s like his normal self just a lot slower Like he starts having hallucinations and stuff. It’s mildly concerning because one second he’s just staring off into space and the next he’s yelling about the Ketchup Man or something. He doesn’t mind being taken care of though. He probably tries to live off beer and cake but he throws it all up. He doesn’t really have curtesy though and will like…cough on people lmao
Steve is hard 😭 I think he’s kind of like Dally how he hates being taken care of but the only one who can get through to him is Soda and Soda will drive his ass home from the gas station to just lay down and relax. Steve gets genuinely mad that he’s sick lmao-like he’s so mean to Pony too like Pony will be coming home from school and he’ll just look at Steve and Steve’s like “what’re you lookin’ at” with a puffy nose and watery eyes. He gets lowkey mean but never to Soda (or Darry because Darry will kill him) but he’s SO mean to Pony (well Pony’s probably mean back lmao) but in the end he just wants to be sleeping. He sleeps a LOT. Like seventeen hours a day lmao
I hope these are good!! Had to kinda rush things a bit towards the end, sorry 😭
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Helloo Smooches!!
I had an idea about mixing in two ideas - childhood friend + fragile!reader with Pantalone (let's not let Dottore steal all the spotlight)
Basically, bc of living in poverty reader is very weak and Pantalone concludes you'll be dead any day soon. But despite everything Reader keeps pushing through and he's intrigued. Not only you somehow keep living, you're so nice and try to help others around you any way you can, including Pantalone. I think after becoming friends he advices you to care more about yourself, seeing your frail condition
At one point your condition becomes worse and you need medicine which is already expensive, but for you? You can only get it if you work 24/7, but you physically can't. However, miraculously, you get that medicine. After some time you learn that it was Pantalone who worked all day and night for you and reader can't thank him enough. You may learn he didn't eat for a few days and worked in ungodly conditions just to save you. Reader feels very guilty about all of this, but Pantalone reassures them that it's better than you dying. And it's so strange, even for Panta himself. Like, there are tons of kids who are in the same condition as you or even worse, then why he's so keen to save you?
The rest is history. You two become inseparable, helping each other get through life (no one of you mentions it, but Pantalone works harder and more than you, due to your illness).
When he becomes the Regrator, you're still together. But now he can properly take care of both of you, since you were damaged pretty badly by your childhood. But if Pantalone's immune system got very strong and he only really has bad eyesight, then you... It's not a pretty scene, but he can keep you in stable state thanks to all the expensive doctors, medicine and anything you need for your comfort. I also feel both of you get flashbacks and nightmares about past, so both of you are here to comfort each other
However, if you did die before seeing Regrator in all his glory... He's devastated. He makes sure your grave stays in top-notch condition. Pantalone is grateful for the time you were with him, when Reader became a little ray on sunshine in his dark life, but won't deny he wants you back. However, even endless wealth can't bring reader back. But at least now Pantalone knows for sure he won't lose anything close to him due to lack of mora ever again
-🥀, who went insane
Pantalone just not caring about you in the beginning is unfortunately true at first 😭 He is well aware that it is a dog-eat-dog world out there, especially in the environment where you two are. Everyone is out for themselves, no one will look out for each other lest they get stabbed in the back eventually. The young boy has seen more death and suffering than a child of his age should, and he thinks that soon, you will become one of them... but you don't. And despite your ailing condition you still find it in you to help others and the younger kids... he thinks you are simultaneously the strangest, kindest, and dumbest person he's ever met. How could you be so kind in a world like this? You've surely seen the same things he has... you should be putting yourself first, you're squandering what life and health you have left on random people!
He just doesn't understand... he doesn't seek to figure you out first, but you are the only kid his age around these parts, and you do always try to hang around him... so he relents. He becomes your friend. And he... comes to like you. To care for you. The boy has never felt that to someone else before. It makes him act different around you. To go to certain extents he would never dream of doing for anyone but himself. To get little trinkets for you, that really aren't worth anything at all, but he likes how they make you smile. To share bits of his meager rations with you, to which you always giggle and ask if you could feed him. It's strange, even stranger when he goes beyond that. Did your medicine deal a significant blow to his savings? Yes. Did he care? No. Seeing you smiling seemed to satisfy some hole in his chest that has been empty since birth. Pantalone can't help but want you to stay by his side. And you do too.
Ugh yes he would treat you higher than royalty like you deserve after how much you suffered with him for all of those years. I imagine he would be so overprotective and concerned for you, if you had even the most minor health scare he would be more worried than YOU. Regardless you bet he will fulfill every single wish you had since childhood, nothing is off the table, Pantalone WILL make it happy. Yup I imagine Pantalone sometimes has nightmares about losing everything he built his way up to and going back to the poor boy alone on the streets... and you have your own trauma from your condition so just :( lots of nighttime cuddles and soft back rubs
🥀 ANON YOU JUST HAD TO END IT WITH ANGST... To say he would be crushed is an understatement. Part of his motivation and reason to ascend to the top was to be able to give you the life you deserve - a comforting, peaceful, and rich one. But you were gone... he was so, so close to saving you. He still loves you so much. And although he has the Mora to never lose anything close to him again... will there really be anything like that for him ever again after he lost you?
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orange-orchard-system · 6 months
Continuing this little vent-fest of mine, I really hate how people will just... absorb whatever misinformation they hear about DID. Like, sure, I get it, you want to believe the person who has the stigmatized disorder when they talk about it. But sometimes people with the disorder are just fucking wrong, too. Sometimes we also need to unlearn our biases, incorrect assumptions, and ideas that sound right but actually aren't. We're not a perfectly unbiased group. We're not granted omnipresence about every presentation and facet of our disorder.
And it frustrates me so much because it's always framed as though the people correcting the misinformation are evil, ableist bigots. As if we're the problem and not trying to handle a situation before it gets out of hand and people get hurt. They'll always absorb the misinformation because the person spreading it has DID but anyone fucking correcting it is "clocked" as a faker lying for unspecified malicious reasons. Omfg. Grow the fuck up and admit that you just uncritically absorbed the first thing you heard about whatever aspect of the disorder we're talking about this time. Grow the fuck up and accept that DID is complex and involves a lot of phenomena that might sound far-fetched at first. Especially when it comes to the complex ways we might be traumatized and show the effects of our trauma, are you kidding me. You are not immune to misinformation. You are not immune to exclusionism. You are not immune to hurting people in the name of protecting them.
I did eventually end up reaching out to the person who reblogged that post calling a specific subset of systems, as well as a specific form of abuse, a conspiracy theory. No word back as of yet. But I'm going to try to let it go and focus on my own projects for right now, because that is a ball of yarn I am not going to untangle overnight, but I can at least start sharpening the scissors for someone else to cut through it one day. Confrontation is not my strong suit, and I'm tired of being treated like shit for trying to correct misinformation about the disorder I work to destigmatize. Best to focus my efforts elsewhere.
If you've dealt with this kind of thing, seen this kind of post where people will spread the most obviously incorrect shit because they don't want to accept all the complexities and unusualities of DID, my heart goes out to you. It sucks. But I refuse to believe that it's going to be this way forever. No matter how fruitless it may seem, we are making headway in awareness, understanding, and acceptance. Some asshats who want to stick their head in the sand and only accept the most simplified, sanitized version of this messy and varied disorder are not going to stop us from making a place in the world for ourselves.
Keep your head high and your mind open. We're gonna make it through this shit.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 6 months
James Potter hadn't always done reasonable things in life. He had made mistakes. He had hurt people. He wasn’t always nice. And he felt ashamed of it.
As a kid, James had everything he wanted. The coolest toys, the best parents he could ask for, money, a big house with a large garden and a pool, a dog to play with, delicious food to choose from and most importantly endless love. That's what made him a bit of an asshole.
It was James's need to make friends, to make kids his age like him that made him act like a selfish twat. He bragged without noticing how others might feel. He made jokes that sometimes could hurt people's feelings. He did pranks to others that sometimes got out of hand.
For James, these things weren't wrong. He found them innocent. Just to have fun. Just to be cool. James was just a kid who wanted to have friends, be liked and have as much fun as he could.
Then James grew up and things started changing around him. He started noticing that not every kid had the luck he had. For example, Sirius, his best friend, had money and everything he wanted but horrible parents. His other friend Peter lacked of confidence because his father disappeared the moment he was born. But yet, James made those two the same way he was. It was more about forgetting about their issues while pranking, breaking the rules and having fun than actually fixing anything.
There were three things that made James open his eyes.
The first one was Remus Lupin. When he arrived, James wasn't happy. He felt threatened by how close he was of Sirius. He got a bit jealous. So he was a bit cold, even mean with Remus. It was until he found out about his past life. Remus had been made fun of, pranked and bullied by other kids his entire life for being trans. And James wondered: "Haven't I done similar things to others?"
The second one was Lily Evans and the way she had called him an arrogant bully. The way she said it wasn't like the silly insults she repeated to him after he tried to flirt with her. This time she had yelled full of rage, leaving James speechless. It had been fair since he had tried to ask her out after her father had died (although he didn't know about it at the time). James understood that the girl he fancied really hated him.
The third and more important reason happened just now, the day before New Year's when James overheard a conversation between his parents he should have never heard.
"We should not tell James for now" his father was saying "You know him. He would act as if this is serious"
"But it is serious, Monty!" Hearing his mother cry had broken his heart "We are not going to pretend you are okay because you aren't."
"Is not that I am sick, Effie. My immune system is just a bit weaker"
"Weaker? Just with a tiny fever you can actually die, Fleamont. You can bloody die and leave me alone"
The way James knew it was something awful and serious was because Euphemia cried. She was sobbing into Fleamont's chest. And Euphemia wasn't a crier. She was always strong, hiding away her emotions. So what James felt in that moment was fear. It was more like panic. Like the one he used to feel when he was little and he was afraid of the dark. His hands shook. His heart raced. He felt his skin shiver in cold.
When James returned to his room, his mind was flooding with thoughts. Maybe he was dreaming. Maybe his hearing was as bad as his sight. Maybe his parents had been exaggerating. This couldn't be right. Fleamont was the strongest man he knew. Sporty and healthy. A bloody rock if you asked him. This couldn't be right.
"So, did you ask them?" Sirius asked as soon as James crossed the door.
In James's mind that question didn't make sense. It felt wrong that Sirius looked as happy as he did after those news.
"Ha?" It was all that came out of his mouth.
"Marlene confirmed she is going to some club with her brothers" Sirius said as he texted "I thought you were asking your parents if we can go"
"Not to be rude or anything but this grown up party is boring" Peter added "Plus you like the McKinnons"
"He workships them more like. Especially Adam" Sirius added with a chuckle "Wait until you see Prongs following Adam like a lost puppy, Moony"
James wasn't even listening. For the first time he wished his friends weren't around. Or any adult that was downstairs. He wanted it to be the three of them. His parents and him. So they could discuss this. And Fleamont would tell him everything would be okay.
"Are you okay, James?" Remus asked with concern when James didn't answer.
The others noticed his expression because they stopped smiling and waited to hear the bad news. But James wasn't ready to tell them. It would make it true. He didn't even know what was going on.
"I don't... I don't think... we should... go...out" James had never spoken as slowly and low as now.
"Why not?" Peter asked "You were the one to say you were bored as an oyster"
"Shut up, Wormtail!" Sirius snapped "Did something happen, James?"
James looked at Sirius. His second in command. His best friend in the world. His brother. How could he tell Sirius?.
"Yeah!" he cleared his throat before his voice broke "I mean they said no... Fleamont and Euphemia... They want us to stay"
"What? Why?" Peter pouted.
Remus kept looking at him as if he knew everything.
James shrugged, grabbing a football from the floor.
"I'm going to kick it for a while..."
"Now? It is almost midnight" Remus reasoned. James just shrugged.
"Want us to come with you?" Sirius asked with his eyebrow raised.
"No! You stay here and finish those beers" James faked a smile to calm them down. Even if he wanted to die in the inside "I'll be right back"
"Be back before midnight!" Peter yelled as James climbed down the stairs two at the time.
James unleashed his frustration with the poor ball kicking as hard as he could, tossing it to the other side of the property and hitting it like a punch ball.
All he could think about was that his father was sick, probably dying and James was so terrible, he wouldn't make him proud. Fleamont's son was arrogant, a brag, a rebel who had been into trouble several times and probably a bully. What was there to be proud of?
"Only you would play football on New Year's in this cold night"
Fleamont had been James's role model since he could remember. He had promise to grow just like him. But he was horrible. He wasn’t the man his father was. Why wasn't James sick instead of him?
"You shouldn't be outside, Dad" James sniffed rolling the ball between his feet, eyes locked on it "It is freezing"
"Dad, is it now? Weren't you too cool to call me that? You've been calling me Fleamont or Old Man for a while now. It actually sounded weird to hear that, you little brat"
James's eyes were burning with tears at this point.
"Do I have privileges now that I am a bit sick?"
James's head turned as quickly as possible. Fleamont Potter was smiling under the moonlight. His glasses reflected the light. His hands were on his pockets. He was dressed elegantly for the party looking casual. But James noticed the bags under his eyes. Sucked cheeks. More wrinkles. Whiter hair. Skinner complexion. James saw Fleamont's illness reflected on him.
"I know you heard my conversation with your mother, James. I saw you through the door"
"Are you dying?" James was surprised how small his voice sounded.
Fleamont took a deep breath "No..."
James had spit and pushed his father in the process. That made him ashamed. Jokes aside, he had always respected his father. Now he felt terrible. So he started crying.
James felt his father's arms wrapping around him. And James hugged him back, clenching from him as if he would disappear any moment. James didn’t want to lose him. He loved him. He loved him so much. And he needed him.
"It's okay, my son. Sh sh sh. It's okay" Fleamont sighed as he stroked his son's hair gently "I'm not going anywhere"
When James calmed down, they sat on a bench and they talked about what was happening. They missed midnight and the celebration inside but James didn't care.
Fleamont explained that years ago the family's fabric used other chemicals for their products. Poisonous ones. That many workers ended up dying. This changed with time and The Potters discovered other chemical-free ingredients to continue producing. But Fleamont had visited the fabric back then plenty of times when he was younger. And the exposure to those chemicals had damaged his blood and immune system.
"So, you're okay?"
"Doctors said I need to have a healthier life" Fleamont explained "That knowing your mother, she will follow rigorously..." he snorted "But I am not precisely sick. I need to slow down a bit. Take care of myself. Try not to get sick. Because any kind of problem would be dreadful to my organism"
James nodded, now feeling better "If you don't follow the doctor's orders, I'll kill you myself, Old Man"
Which made Fleamont laugh.
"No Dad anymore?"
"You bloody scared me, Fleamont"
The man just responded with a smile and a soft pat on James's shoulder. Though James was still sad and very very scared.
"Do Granpa and Nonna know?"
Fleamont shook his head "Not yet"
"Maikee? The guys from the fabric?"
"Only your mother besides you and me"
"But you didn't want to tell me"
"Because you're just as exaggerated as your mother. Even worse"
"Watch it! Old Man" James pointed a finger at him.
Fleamont let out a soft giggle.
"Should I tell Sirius?" James twisted his mouth thinking about Sirius’s reaction.
"I think we will find the right time to tell him. The three of us. Okay?"
James nodded in response. He was still restless. He was still scared of his father being so vulnerable and fragile.
"Dad..." James said carefully which made Fleamont smile "Are you proud of me?"
Fleamont opened his mouth but James continued before him.
"I'm... I'm not a good person" James said "I've been kind of a twat with a lot of people. I've been mean. I've been selfish. And I haven't been the most obedient son... I've driven you and mum mental many times" James shook his head "I am awful. You don't deserve me"
"I am very proud of you, James" Fleamont answered with a soft smile. James was surprised that he sounded genuine.
"Didn't you hear..."
"Yeah" Fleamont nodded "I am not proud because you are perfect. Because you are not... I am proud because you are an amazing person and a good human being. You've might have made mistakes or hurt people. James, you are so young, you are a kid. We are all a bit awful at that age. But I see you are maturing... You are becoming an incredible man. Even more than me"
James expected some scolding. Some sort of disappointment from his father.
"But I..."
"Have you ever wanted to truly hurt someone?" Fleamont asked.
James shook his head.
"Then it had only been silly mistakes of a kid. From now on, James, be a man. Start doing things right. Silly pranks, jokes and mischiefs are fun. But there comes a time in one's life when he needs to take care of serious matters. And I reckon you are doing an amazing job"
"So you don't think I am a bad person?" James's eyes filled with tears.
Fleamont shook his head "Of course not. You have the best of your mother and me. And we are very proud of you"
James wrapped his arms around the old man as tears ran down his eyes. He was willing to change and ammend his mistakes. It was time to grow up. Yes, he was only sixteen. He was still young and he could still have fun. But he was going to be better. He was going to stop making fun of others. He was going to stop bragging. He was going to make Remus feel welcome no matter who he was. He was going to take care of Sirius and Pete. He was going to stop showing off and asking Evans out like an idiot. She deserved better probably. He was going to be a good person. And make his parents proud. New Year, new James.
"I love you, Dad" James said as he squeezed his father tightly.
"Love you too, my son"
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miya-twins · 1 year
sick rn so have some hcs of the twins being sick
they're both super whiny if sick. you'd expect it from atsumu but osamu is the same, he wants to be pampered!
atsumu learned his lesson from kita sending him home once, and properly rests whenever he feels sickness coming on, even if he'd much rather play volleyball
meanwhile osamu just puts on a mask and goes on working if he feels like he can. until the day kita comes to deliver him rice and scolds him for working when sick. he's never risking a stare that icy ever again
they always get sick at the same time. when they still lived together they never really wondered about it - they eat the same food, are around the same people in the same temperatures and breathe the same air all while sharing an immune system, obviously they'd both get sick if one of them does. but the first time atsumu is living on his own and gets sick he calls osamu like "hey you're a chef now and I'm sick come make me some soup" and osamu just coughs into the receiver like "forget it bro I can barely get up" so they just chalk it up to twin magic (aka they keep blaming each other if they get sick like "hey I have an important game coming up how dare you get sick and drag me down with you" "fuck off you went out in the cold with no jacket again and here I am, suffering" "that's because you took my jacket >:(" "that was always MY jacket you asshat!")
they always watch old movies from when they were little kids when they're sick. their mom put some on to shut them up when they were tiny, and now it's essential to them getting better. if they can, they'll watch together even after moving out, even if just through a voice call. and even if that means fighting over whether they should watch the third or the fourth pokemon movie. osamu likes daddy entei but atsumu always get emotional over the sammy oak plot twist
worst thing about being sick for atsumu is not getting to move around. like he'll enjoy laying in bed for a couple hours and then gets restless. worst thing for osamu is that food tastes weird when sick. his biggest joy taken away :(
atsumu is horrible at swallowing pills because he has a strong gag reflex, osamu is horrible at swallowing pills because they taste nasty and he spits them back out on instinct
if all else fails, they call their mom to make them her homemade soup, the placebo effect of that is so strong it'll cure whatever they have like a miracle
if left alone together when sick, they will bicker and fight until they're too exhausted to keep going, then cuddle up to each other and fall asleep like that
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shamera · 9 months
top manhwa reccs this month
So this month I seem to have thrown myself into manhwa, and oh boy I sure read a lot to calm myself down through the holidays. I find that my favourite stories are always the ones that really immerse you, and make you love the characters a lot. So here's the top 3 stories I could not put down until I got to the latest update!
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A Stepmother's Märchen
The story of a 16 year old girl who finds herself a widowed stepmother of four with a story spanning across two timelines. In one timeline Shuri von Neuschwanstein grows and struggles to connect with her stepchildren for a decade and ultimately thinks herself a failure when she's told her eldest son doesn't want her at his wedding, only for her to be murdered on the celebratory day. She wakes to find herself eight years in the past newly widowed, determined to this time connect with the children so they won't exclude her from their lives.
Top of the list because I genuinely could not put this down while reading. It's beautiful and emotional and really delves into how family is what you make of it. The characters are all so good and genuinely feel like kids who are struggling on their path to growing up. They are imperfect, immature, make all the wrong decisions, but so very wise at random moments and the misunderstandings (that break my heart) all feel realistic and not at all forced. Gave me Fruits Basket vibes!
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2. The Player Who Can't Level Up
Kim Gigyu thought he finally had the chance to give his mother and sister a better life when he became a player with a unique ability... only to spend the next five years struggling to take down the simplest of dungeon monsters, unable to get above lvl1. He chose instead to guide other players so they can get strong, until one day he steps to take the first test of the tower and encounters an Ego for the first time: a sentient sword who will be his partner and level in his stead. With his unique ability 'partner of Egos', he sets out to find other pieces of Ego and unravel the mystery of the tower and just why it appeared in the world.
Normally for this genre I have to read over 100 chapters before they start hinting at the mystery of the world. This one started in chapter 12. It's also refreshing as it has a good balance between fighting and building character relationships as there are plenty of chapters where Gigyu spends time with his family and friends. Also there are great positive male friendships! There are lots of badass girls! The main character talks to other people about his traumas and his worries!! The growth feels plausible and I-- I have a weak spot for the Egos. They are now part of his family, I don't make the rules.
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3. Dungeon Reset
Jung Daeun was thought dead after he fell into a death trap, and when others cleared the dungeon floor and moved on to the next, he was still stuck when the floor reset to respawn all the defeated monsters. He had no fighting skills, and instead decided to survive by building a shelter and figuring out a food source. He soon figures out that because players are all moved out of the dungeon when it reset, he's now a glitch in the system with partial immunity to the worst things, but also without the benefits that other players get. After accidentally affiliating with the Dragon of Life, Daeun starts running the dungeon his own way-- by building and farming and learning how to not just survive in a dungeon, but live in it.
aka the one where a Minecraft player is hacking a dungeon Death Game? So fun. It's a pinch of Dr. Stone mixed into a good food anime and dropped onto the dangerous dungeon trope. It's got characters who all end up so human and a main character who is absolutely a little shit doing what he wants aka sure he wants to pass the Dungeon Game and go home, but he's not going to live like an animal while he's doing so. He's going to make good food and have a good bed and take baths and develop hobbies while he's at it. He's going to make friends and learn new things and show that winning isn't all about fighting, but about perseverance and adaptability. Sometimes you don't have to win the fight-- you just have to survive it.
Honorary Mentions (aka I read through it! It was pretty good!):
Trash of the Count's Family
SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
Solo Farming in the Tower
The Lone Necromancer
Return of the Frozen Player
Solo Max-Level Newbie
And then there are series I've read but didn't finish as it didn't appeal to me personally:
My Daughter Is the Final Boss
SSS-Class Gacha Hunter
Tomb Raider King
The World After the Fall
The Beginning After the End
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || Bed-Time Tales
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"How are my poorly babies doing?" Natalia asked, carrying soup into the twins room, Archie was tucked up with Bambi, in her bed, Daryl was sat beside them, making sure they were all cosy, whilst Evie was laying cold flannels on their foreheads, Dog layed his head on the end of the girls bed.
"They're fighting it." Daryl told her. "Kids are Dixons."
“They’re also Moores, thats what scares me.” She muttered, chewing her nail.
"It seems pretty easy to pass through." Evie explained. "The main concerns are their fevers and considering they've never even had a cold before, their immune systems are gonna be pretty weak, they need to gain their strength and stay hydrated."
"That's okay, you can both eat your veggies, and Mommy's gonna find out what special remedy's are gonna make my angels feel better." Natalia shoved Daryl off the bed, taking his spot, giving her kids kisses on their cheeks.
Evie grimaced at her father, who just rolled his eyes with a shake of his head.
"I've been gone for days, they get a lil sniffle, and all this?" She grumbled.
"Mommy, I don't like green food, it's yucky." Bambi pouted, holding tight to her bunny.
"Yuck." Archie stuck his tongue out.
"Yeah, they might be, but they're gonna make you big an strong, an' Daddy'll make them taste so good you can't even notice that they're veg." Daryl bypassed Evie's comment.
"That's okay, Daddy, you're not the best at cooking, but Mommy is." Bambi patted his hand, letting him down gently.
"Yeah, you weren't around when she wasn't." Evie grimaced.
"Alright, I want you two to get some rest, and stay in bed, Mommy is gonna take some soup to Auntie Ro's and make sure she's okay, and Daddy is gonna stay here and make sure my sick babies are taken care of when I'm away." She then turned to Daryl, her smile dropping and her brows narrowing. "Aren't you."
"Y-yeah, yes." He cleared his throat. "I got it, alright, ain't nothin' gon' happen to 'em."
"Bye-bye." She kissed their heads, again. "Mommy loves you, I'm gonna be right back, okay? I love you."
"Love you, Mommy."
"Bye-bye Momma." Archie waved his little hand, twirling his hair in the other.
"Aunt Nat, Daisy's trying to use the stove, again!" RJ called from the kitchen.
"Daisy Caroline, get your ass out of that kitchen!" She shouted down, pointing at her husband before talking to him. "Daryl, don't let him do that, it'll tangle into a huge knot, and he's not gonna like it when I have to brush it out. I'm gonna swing by the cell, too, make sure they're actually feeding Lydia, hopefully convince her to leave, too." Natalia told him, as she got up from the bed, and heading out of the room, ignorant to the huff and puff her husband let out as he resumed his seat, gently pulling his son's hand out of his hair.
"Wait, why's Lydia in the cells?" Evie asked Daryl.
"Your boyfriend attacked her, that woman yer mom kept arguing with, she was killed by Negan when he was helping her, an' she's beating herself up about it." He explained, in a low voice, trying not to raise suspicion from the six year old.
"Who, Gage?" She gasped.
"Yeah, that prick." He scowled, leaning his chin on his fist, as he ran his thumb along his youngest kids cheeks, as they fell back asleep.
"Daddy, Mommy told us to come up here so you could watch us, but she said we're not allowed in the room." Daisy stood at her doorway, staying beyond the door, RJ was stood beside her.
"Yeah, stay away from yer brother an' sister, you don' wanna come in here and catch this nasty bug." He nodded. "Yer Mom leave yet?"
"Yeah, said not to follow her." She rolled her eyes.
"Alright, Eve, why don' you-"
"Can't, gotta go handle something." Evie stood up from the chair in the corner of the twins room, rushing out to leave.
"Eve?" He hissed after her, but she was already out of ear shot.
"She's a wild one." Daisy shook her head, folding her arms.
"Says you." RJ looked at her.
"Daisy, shush or I'll puke on you." Bambi fluttered her lashes as she failed to sleep, with all the noise. "Daddy, can you tell us a story, please?"
"Don' you wanna go sleep?" He asked, picking at his nails.
"No she doesn't, Daddy I want a story too, remember me, your other kid."
"My Mommy tells me stories about the brave man."
"Yeah, and our Mommy never tells us stories about her, I want to hear about Mommy." Daisy pitched in, again.
"Alright, alright, how 'bout I tell you a story about both of yer Moms."
"Okay." The three cheered, though, Bambi's was a lot weaker.
"Back at the prison."
"The one in Georgia." Daisy added.
"Shush." She was hushed by not only her twin sister, but also the boy sat beside her.
"Dadda." Archie outstretched his arms, per usual, wanting a cuddle, cause he didn't know what else was going on, but his father obliged, picking the boy up and resting him on his lap.
"Alright, so, it started out with this one kid, Patrick, me an' yer Mom, we spoke to him, only that morning, he thanked us both for this huge feast we brought back, that we kept palming the thanks off to each other, this was before yer Mom took a liking to me."
"Did you have a crush on Mommy?" Bambi asked.
"Yeah." He chuckled, untangling Archie's hair with his fingers. "I hadda big crush on Mommy, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen on the planet, an' for a while now. Anyway, so whilst we were all asleep, Patrick, the illness had started, and he died in his sleep, an' you know what happens when you die, right?"
"Yeah! You become a walker." Daisy answered.
"Right, an' the bad news was that, cause it was at night, and everyone was asleep, no one knew, so he just went about feasting on the people around 'im, and no one knew to stop him, until the next morning, when the other people woke up to the walkers coming at 'em. So they started screaming, me, Momma/ Aunt Nat, Uncle Rick, Uncle Glenn, an' Aunt Sasha, we raced over to check what was going on, the whole area was under attack, but it was all people who didn't have a clue what ta do, an' It was yer Momma that was saving all the kids, she was, she's incredible, faster than me and Rick, she had it, we were just back up. Anyway, we eventually found out what had happened, that an illness was breaking out around the prison. We had nothing to help these people, and they were thinning out, we had a murder case on our hands, our fences were falling down, people were dropping like flies, it was a mess."
"What happened with the fences?" RJ asked.
"'Cause of the gunshots, attracted a whole buncha walkers, they were clinging onto the fences, tryna tear them down, an' it was already bad before that, we were struggling to keep 'em up, when Nat, she had the idea of using the sick piggies, luring them out, letting the walkers go after them, whilst they fixed the fences, so me an' Uncle Rick, we rode out and did that, see, she don' think Rick gave her any credit for that, but he did, he told me, he always gave yer Aunt credit." He spoke to RJ. "They loved each other a lot, respected each other, but Jesus did they argue, like a pair of siblings, just as bad as these two." He nodded to the twins. "Well, anyway, Uncle Glenn and Aunt Sasha got sick, an' they were in quarantine."
"What's Quaran tin?" Daisy asked.
"Its uh, it's a place that very sick people go, so that they don't get other people sick." He told her, slightly loosing attention when something out of the twin's bedroom window caught his eye.
"Then what happened?" Bambi asked, when he got up from the bed, staring out the glass now, his brows furrowed.
"Uh, how 'bout I finish this story later." He said, putting Archie back down on the bed. "Think Aunt Carol's up to somethin' stupid, again."
"But, Daddy, you haven't finished the story" Daisy complained.
"I know, sweetheart, I will later, need ya to all wait here for yer Momma or sister, 'kay, tell her Daddy had to take care of something important."
"Mommy says to not leave us unattended, we're only little." Bambi told him.
"When I was yer age, my old man left me at home for weeks on end, ma mom was always at work or asleep, you'll be fine, just sit still an'... talk about Math, or something. Dog, come on, boy." He told them, stepping over the kids at the door, and jogging down the stairs, only thinking about what the hell Carol could be doing, wanting to leave Alexandria, Dog excitedly followed behind him.
"We're six, what the hell do we know about Math?" Daisy asked the other two kids.
"I don't think Daddy knows what we do in School." Bambi shrugged, shaking her head as she gently led Archie to lay back down with her.
"Your Dad's not very responsible." RJ told them.
"At least we have a dad, RJ." Daisy snapped back at the poor boy.
"Daisy, I'm gonna throw up again." Bambi warned her.
"So pass me the bin!"
"Okay!" She rolled her eyes, covering her mouth whilst she entered her own bedroom, reaching for the bin.
"I feel like utter shit." Rosita groaned, sitting up, after barfing into her own bin for the past five minutes straight. "it's making me feel worse knowing the kids are going through it, too."
"We all get a stomach bug, they'll live." Natalia told her, letting go off the ponytail of hair she had been holding, for her friend.
"Thanks, by the way, Nat." Rosita told her, giving her a weak smile.
"Hey, its fine, I got you, always, remember how you helped me when I was pregnant with the twins?"
"You were awful." She laughed.
"Yeah, I was." Natalia agreed. "But hey, at least you don't scream and shout at me, like I did to you."
"You were so mean, kinda glad you were in the woods when you had Archie."
"Oh, I think I was much better when I was Pregnant with him, I only had one baby, and I had the kids constantly around me, couldn't do much to lash out on anyone."
"I missed you, when you were gone, so bad."
"I missed you, too."
"You never came to visit." She leaned against her headboard, Natalia climbed in beside her. "I thought that you might, y'know, to see Maggie, to see me and Tara, but you never did, I really wished you would."
"I know, I'm sorry." Natalia brushed through a strand of Rosita's hair, beginning to braid it.
"I never came to see you, because I thought you wanted to just be left alone, Tara said that if you wanted to be around people, you would be around people, that the both of you just needed space, time to mourn, not just Rick, but everyone and everything, take off all the weight you both been carrying this whole thing."
"I wanted to see you, I did..."
"But you never came."
"I know." She sighed, "I was just so fucking busy, and with Daryl, I just... I couldn't leave, not at that point, he needed that break, I needed to be around just my kids, it was selfish, but I just... I didn't know how much more I had left in me."
"Yeah, I get that." Rosita Whispered.
"Eat your soup, before it gets cold." Natalia told her.
"Yes, Mom." She teased, dipping her spoon into the soup Natalia and Daisy made together, but when she brought it to her lips, sipping the liquid, she pulled a sour face, desperately trying to neutralise it though. "Oh, wow, oh wow, can I guess who added the salt?" She wheezed, accepting the glass of water Natalia passed her.
"Daisy insisted Auntie Ro loves her salt, and Daisy knows Auntie Ro so much more than Mommy." Natalia recounted, in air quotes. "Let's just say Bam and Arch will be having something else for dinner, to make them feel better."
"Oh, yeah, but I can have this." Rosita scowled.
"Hey, I couldn't get away with leaving it, and you need at least something. Daisy'll be asking you how much you liked her soup, when you're better."
"And I'll be telling her it's the best damned thing I've ever eaten, in my life."
"Good girl." Natalia nodded approvingly.
"Y'know, I always wanted a little girl, a daughter, since I was little." Rosita told her. "Obviously that was before I realised I was in love with a woman, Tara and me, we were talking about it, only a few weeks before..." She started to choke up. "Said we'd have dibs on the next orphan, I don't think she really wanted a kid, guess she only agreed with it because that's what I wanted. I miss her, so much."
"I know." Natalia rested her head on her friends, holding her comfortingly. "We all miss her, she was amazing, she was... she was Tara."
Natalia eventually went home, letting Rosita sleep, but made sure to let the woman know that she'd return every few hours to make sure she was okay and on the mend.
"Kids? Daryl? I'm home!"
"Mommy, we're up here, still." Daisy called down to her.
"Where's your father?" She called up, heading up the stairs, spotting Daisy and RJ looking rather bored as they sat in front of the Twins bedroom.
"Daddy said he had to go stop Aunt Carol from doing something stupid." She answered.
"So he left the four of you unattended to go do something stupid?" She clarified.
"He told us to sit and think about math." RJ added.
"You're babies, what the hell do you know about math?" Natalia furrowed her brows, stepping over the two kids to check in with the other pair, who were sound asleep.
"That's what we said!" Daisy threw her hands up in the air, frustrated.
Natalia swept back Archies curls, feeling his forehead, that still felt rather hot, Bambi's was the same.
"Where's Evie?" She asked, stepping over the two once more, heading towards the bathroom to fetch two freshly cold flannels.
"Said she had to go deal with something."
"Wait, wait, hang on, let me get this straight." Natalia paused.
"Not only did Daddy, who said he would watch you, kids, his kids, his sick and young kids, decide to leave, but your sister did, as well?"
"No, Mommy, Evie left first." Daisy answered.
"Ho!” Natalia scoffed loudly, heading back towards the bedroom. "So he purposefully left you guys alone?"
"Is Daddy in trouble, is he gonna be grounded?"
"Yes, your father is in deep, deep trouble, do you know where he went, when he'll be back."
Daisy shook her head.
"Uncle Daryl said he would finish his story later." RJ let her know.
"Uncle Daryl might not be alive to do that, honey."
"Why isn't Daddy gonna be alive, Is Aunt Carol going to kill him?" Bambi, who had stirred awake, only moments ago, asked.
"No, baby, I'm going to kill him, go back to sleep."
"My mommy's actually killed people, she's so gonna kill my dad." Daisy whispered rather loudly to RJ.
"I wouldn't wanna be Uncle Daryl when he gets back."
"Daisy Caroline, you and Richard are going to be sleeping in your sister's room, tonight." Natalia turned on them.
"But, Mommy-"
"Go make yourselves comfortable, I'll be starting dinner in an hour, oh, and I'll be bringing your bedtime things down in a bit, I don't want to catch you going through their things, Daisy."
"I wasn't gonna." The girl rolled her eyes, folding her arms as the two young children stomped down the stairs.
Natalia was chopping vegetables when the front door sounded, the tapping of paws against the floor told her who it was.
Dog greeted her excitedly, jumping at the counter to see what she was doing, whilst Daryl strolled in.
"How's Rosita?" He asked.
Natalia ignored him, but her knifework got more aggressive, the carrot she was chopping was getting tinier and tinier.
"She okay?" He pushed, approaching her side.
She slammed the knife down, the hilt of it stabbing into the chopping board, staying upright on it's own, she then moved away, tossing a bowl of pasta into a pan of boiling water.
"You ain't talking to me?"
The next job was squeezing up tomato's blending them up for the sauce.
"Daryl, you fucking- don't, just piss off, okay, go." She turned to him, glaring daggers, pouring her anger into her sauce.
"What's yer problem?"
"I can't believe you." She shook her head.
"Hey, talk to me." He took the tomato's away from her.
"Our children are up there, sick. Ill, very, very ill. I asked if you could do one thing, just one thing! Be with our kids, stay with them, so I could help our friend." She pointed between the both of them. "And you couldn't do that! I have to come home to all four of them, alone, by themselves, because you wandered off! What the hell is wrong with you, Daisy and Bambi are six years old! They are babies, Archie is a literal baby, you left a one year old alone with his sisters, that can't even tell their lefts from their rights, and RJ, he's not our kid, Daryl! Which means, we can't make decisions, like leaving him unintended, if something were to happen, that is our responsibility and we, who we have to explain to Michonne if anything happens to him, do you not understand any of this? You are a father? It is your job to protect those kids, and as my husband, it's your job to do as I say! Not go gallivanting with your best friend whenever you feel like it! What if something were to happen, what if- what if our sick children, what if one of them were to have dropped dead-"
"Natalia!" He warned.
"No, Daryl! I am still talking. Our child drops dead, then they come back, they start on the other one, heading for the next, do you think Daisy could kill her own siblings, that a six year old can do that? Do you, cause I don't think she can, and I definitely know for a fact that RJ couldn't. Here's another scenario, the man, that had it out for us, kept me and you as prisoners, treated as dirt, because he wanted us as his "pets." he's just escaped, no one can find him, what would happen if I came home, and he was stood over our children with a knife, with a gun, with a pole. Or, his bat? Because, y'know, we are the ones who helped defeat him and his people, and had him locked up in a cage! Oh, yeah, we're at war, right now, with a crazy person and her clan of crazy people, who have been witnessed to do crazy shit, she knows us, she knows our faces, she knows we have kids, you especially know she's not above killing kids-"
"We took one of her people." He interrupted her.
She blinked, then again, then her face morphed into confusion.
"Carol was sneaking off to go look for her horde, couldn't let her go by herself, stuff went down, now we got one of her people in the cell, Nat, I'm sorry, I had ta go."
"Oh, I'm aware of how high you have Carol on your list of importance, I just didn't realise where your kids were, till now."
"She lost her kid, Nat! You have no idea what she's going through, she's unstab-"
"There is no fucking way you just said that to me, right now." She cut him off. "I can fully understand and sympathise with her pain and her loss, and I get why she is so hellbent on this, but it's not your job or your place to act like her damn babysitter, dropping everything to run to her side, you have your own children you should be babysitting. If Carol's so determined on killing Alpha and finding this horde, that is her decision and her mission, not yours! So leave the damn woman alone and let her grieve."
"Is Aunt Carol in trouble?" A small croaky voice came from the hallway.
"Bammy, what are you doing out of bed?" Natalia asked the little girl, her bunny was in her lazy grip, a sad expression on her small face.
"Daddy said he would finish his story when he got back." She stated.
"What story, lovey?" Natalia asked her.
"About the sickness at the prison, and how you saved everyone's lives, and the piggies, and that Daddy had a huge crush on you, too."
"Bam-" He tried to cut her off.
"We got to the part about Uncle Glenn and Aunt Sasha getting sick, but then you left, what happened?" She then started having a coughing fit.
"Honey, honey just let it out, alright, don' force it." Natalia told her, rubbing the girls back, as she fell to her knee's.
Daryl was moving to get her a glass of water, but Natalia stopped him.
"No, Daryl, I boiled some, up there, get her that." She told him.
"On it." He said.
Bambi was still coughing when he also dropped to his knee's beside her, helping her slowly drink out of the glass.
"Hold on, baby, don' breathe and drink at the same time." Daryl told her, waiting for Bambi to stop catching her breath.
"Did anyone ever mention to you the special remedy Hershel used whilst we were at the vets?" Natalia asked Daryl.
"Nope, we were too busy being under attack."
"And everyone who was around are either dead or gone." She grumbled. "Carol would probably know, right? She knows shit like that."
"Mhmm." He nodded.
"Mommy... you said "shit" was a bad word..." Bambi whispered in an hoarse voice.
"I did, didn't I? Well, Mommy's a hypocrite."
"Does that mean we can swear?" Another voice asked.
"No." Daryl and Natalia both told Daisy.
"Bebe, are you okay?" She asked, half hiding behind the wall. "Mommy?"
"Yeah, baby, she and your brother are gonna be okay, speaking of which, I'm just gonna go find Aunt Carol, which also means that Daddy is definitely going to stay here and finish his story, aren't you."
"Yes, I will." He pressed.
"You should know, I do love you, but the love I have for my kids is more stronger than the self restraint I have from killing you If you put them in danger, again." She told him in a low voice.
"Ain't nothing gonna happen to them." He replied, in the same serious tone.
"Good." She nodded, getting up from the floor.
"Bee, get back into bed, your fathers gonna finish the story, Dase, you and RJ can go listen, as long as there's a window open and you stay away."
"Okay, Mommy." They both answered.
She went to walk towards the front door, but it had already opened, Carol coming through it, bits of food was stuck in her hair, also on her face, and neck, and clothes.
"The hell happened to you?" Daryl asked.
"Kids, go upstairs, I think this might have something to do with what Daddy and Aunt Carol snuck off for." She told the twins, still staring at Carol.
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silverloreley · 2 years
Death (or lack thereof) on the Isle of the Lost
The Descendants wave is still on for me and I have to take this thing out of my mind so I can (hopefully) go back to do irl things I actually have to do.
So, the Isle of the Lost. We (the fandom) already talked about many things, but there is one that always makes me ponder, aka the supposed mortality rate.
A lot of fanwriters/headcanoners and so forth insert the death of parents for many Isle kids, but how is it possible, I wonder, that Villains were brought back to life, only to die again? Then why bringing them back to begin with? Let them stay dead!
Unless there was a reason for it. Unless the Villains had already escaped death in the first place (like they did in the webseries Villain’s Lair) OR there was a concrete chance someone on their side could bring them back (and here I call back to Nasira, she’s been the culprit in my top tier headcanon until some time ago).
I already mentioned the Auradon Handbook hints that the Villains briefly ruled the world and there was a Heroes’ revolt to defeat them again, so it’s likely the Beast was elected King in one of the most ancient ways, aka for prowess on the battlefield.
And, if the Heroes had already killed their Villains in the past, and had to fight them again, then it’s likely there was a lot of fear going around it could happen again. Another war, more fights in the lands, more chances of the Villains taking control.
The Isle was made for this, to keep everyone in with no way out, not even death. Because death, for some Villains, is reversible. Because them being alive in seclusion was safer than having them dead.
What does it have to do with the Isle’s mortality rate, you ask? Everything. It means the Barrier very likely doesn’t allow Villains to die, hence no mortality rate in there, not for them.
Now, that would poise a problem, aka the Villains believing themselves invincible. “How to force them to keep each other in check?” someone must have been thinking during the planning.
Through the single thing more dangerous than despair: hope.
Follow me: some of the princesses (and perhaps a certain Fairy) likely thought that if Villains had their own kids to care for, their flesh and blood to protect and nurture, they’d learn love and the value of life and compassion (”even Villains love their kids” echoes very strong here, no?). Very nice, I guess, although a tad too idealistic. Someone with a bit more, uh, common sense may think that as a harsher punishment, not as a chance for redemption. Someone a bit less kind may say: you made us suffer, now watch as the one you may love suffers too, with the little inkling of hope they one day could break you out just to escape the misery. Learn compassion through pain.
Therefore the possibility geriatric characters had children. And one may argue men’s fertility has phases during their lives and older men can still procreate, but women? Once menopause hits, it’s done, no more babies. And yet! Yzma, arguably the oldest of the oldest female villains - biologically - has not one but two children. TWO! I always found it so very weird and the only explanation is that the Barrier’s system is even more cruel than it seemed at first sight, that it kept the Villains in good enough health to allow this for a precise aim.
Because adults can’t die, children can. Children did. All the deaths on the Isle are in the second generation.
Let that sink in. It’s impossible that children are equally immune to death because, otherwise Mal would have known she couldn’t drown when she and Uma were little, or the kids would be a lot more reckless than they are, therefore children can face death, that’s a fact. Perhaps the Barrier keeps them in better health than the living conditions would realistically allow, but death is still a real possibilty for Isle kids.
At the same time, adults can’t die, we said, but how to make sure they won’t ignore the need to protect their perspective progeny (especially before it existed) and go on bloody sprees against each other?
And here comes my idea. Adults can’t die on the Isle, but they can feel the wounds, suffer from the illnesses, feel the pain just as strongly and, in case of lethal situations, since they can’t die, they suffer a thing a few princesses did: a sleeping spell, or rather, a coma-like living death, with some perception of the outside, but no real consciousness nor ability to act. Fear of that would be enough to restrain even the most calloused Villains, especially the ones who are obsessed with control because what can be worse than not having control on their own selves for them?
There’s one more thing I headcanon the Barrier does, and it’s that it mellows the Villains’ minds. I already talked a bit about in the post mentioned above, so I won’t delve into this again, the point is that the weakening of the Villains from a mental point of view can be the Barrier’s doing. Why? It’s possibly the only measure put forth to prevent a too high body count for the kids, other than prevention in the remote possibility they might get out. Because, if the Villains are scatterbrained and uncaring and less evil overall, the kids have better chances of survival, and if they are less cunning they are easier to defeat (evidence of this? I’ll give you one that speaks for itself: Maleficent mistaking the fridge for a safe and being unable to open it).
OR it ould be that every time they should have had a death, they wake up from their coma a little less than they were. A little less smart, a little less quick, a little less elegant, less fearsome, less anything. The more time they “die“ the more is taken from them. As an unpredicted aftereffect of cheating death.
And, ooops, this is a lot darker than I anticipated when I eleborated the idea in my head.
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rhysintherain · 8 months
As a follow-up to my rant about mRNA vaccines, there's a question I get a lot about acellular and mRNA type vaccines:
"If there's no virus in there, why did the COVID shot make me sick as a dog the next day??"
Because viruses generally aren't what makes you feel sick.
Your immune system is.
Few viral infections, on their own, give you a fever, joint aches, and a stuffy nose. If you had no immune system, a virus could kill you without producing most of the signs and symptoms we associate with viral illness.
Those things you have with a flu are the direct result of your immune system fighting back.
Lots of microorganisms are vulnerable to temperature fluctuations. Fever is your body trying to cook the germs.
Inflammation is a concentration of immune cells at a given location doing their job. Lots of them go to where the infection is, which makes tissues puffy and painful.
Cough, congestion, and nausea are your body trying to flush out attacking organisms by removing them from your airways and digestive system. If it can get rid of them before they get into your cells, that's half the battle.
Which means that you don't actually need to have an infectious illness to feel like you have a cold or flu.
Your immune system just needs to THINK you do.
Vaccines trick your body into fighting an intruder that isn't actually a threat, much like allergies do. Your immune system throws everything it's got at the vaccine material, and creates antibodies against future infections from the same attacker.
So when you actually get COVID, or measles, or seasonal influenza, it'll be ready.
That immune response that makes you feel like dirt the day after your COVID shot is actually a good sign, because it tells us your immune system bought the ruse and treated it like an actual disease.
Which means it's also planning ahead in case you catch that disease again someday.
Working at the vaccine clinic, I heard from a lot of people about how the COVID vaccine affected them, and what I heard was incredibly consistent: maybe swollen lymph nodes on the first vaccine, but otherwise nothing. On the 2nd, 3rd, and later doses, almost everyone felt sick enough to stay home/in bed within about 24 hours.
This is good news, because it means the mRNA vaccines are producing a very similar immune response in most of the people who get it, and it keeps producing a strong immune response after multiple doses.
Anyway, the moral of the story is we need to feel sick for many vaccines to work. Think of it like a building fire in a big city: a building catches fire, the fire department is called, and traffic slows to a crawl.
This isn't because the fire slowed down traffic; fires don't do that, but firetrucks rushing to put it out do.
The same thing happens if somebody's kid wants to know what'll happen if they pull the fire alarm: the firefighters rush to the scene, traffic slows down.
But in this case there's no actual fire; the fire department gets the signal for a fire and responds accordingly without the building actually being in danger.
Vaccines pull the fire alarm for your immune system to make sure the firefighters know how to do their thing when a fire actually starts. Your immune system responding like there's actually something wrong is what makes you feel sick the next day.
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layzorr · 10 months
Okay trying to process Scavengers reign episodes, just finished the nest so shhh. No spoilers.
1. New people! Mix of the themes. People who genuinely care, like Barry, genuine bond between the three. I don't know if they're family or found or whatever but there is some genuine care it looks like. And also the selfishness. This show is very much so far people having equal capacity to be awful and also really really good. Kamens selfishness getting everyone in a horrific dangerous situation, Ursula sticking around to look after Sam even when she could technically go on her own. The blonde seeming to be planning on backstabbing Azi, Barry hearing the distress call and thinking "we need to do something." Azi growing to care for Levi even when she's initially upset at her for changing, Terrance trying to look after Barry. The older lady offering medical treatment immediately, Ursula offering to take her with them on the ship. It's about selfishness and acts of kindness and how when shit is horrible what makes it worth it is people sticking together. I get the vibes Kim selfish but as in "nobody gives a shit about me , why would I wait for them to let me down?" so she only trusts the specific group she trusts.
2. The old lady worries me. It's hard for me to get processing so that's what I'm trying to do. I don't think she was malicious. Like Sam, infecting him seemed to be a compulsion. Not her plan from the start. She saw him injured and didn't hesitate to drop everything to help care for this stranger shed never seen before. Again, the theme of "in distress people are both capable of awful and good things. Nature and people aren't inherently Bad or Good. Nature just Is Like That. People are just Like That. Horrible things happen and that's life. Good things happen and that's life." I don't know how to explain it. I think it's a thing of the creature keeps her alive, but also takes a massive toll on her. It hurts her. I think it's like the fungi in ants. Compelling her to spread it without her even noticing. I wonder how it got there. Is it a seed? An egg? A plant? Weird ass. It seems to be preying on their weakend immune systems. I'm assuming the lady was sick too? Or clearly something happened if that dramatic emphasis on the photo means anything which. Prolly does. I'm getting Vibes. My bets everyone got injured and she used that weird thing to survive.
3. That shot of the fucking BUG in Sam was horrifying and is creeping me out. The music and lighting combined to make it fucking terrifying and. No! Nope! Fucking nope! Holy shit! I'm not looking forward to next episode I almost threw up. Holy shit. I'm eating right now I shouldn't talk about this fucking GROSS.
4. Ohhh god Azi's conflict between "it wasn't all bad" and "keeping to myself is what kept me alive out here." She'd fucked herself over so much happiness wise with never reaching out to anyone. Only focusing on her work. Never letting herself be happy. She was happy in that brief period where she connected with Levi. She's so angry and bitter and freshly traumatized and. Man. That scene where she tries so hard to extend that kindness to Barry .... Man. Please let my girl be happy. Also poor Barry. Kids too young for this shit. He's too young.
5. God. Ursula getting so fucking exhausted after caring for Sam for so long. Her hitting a mental wall. She was so terrified in grief and now it's all catching up to her. She's been through hell. She had to keep strong so Sam didn't fucking die and I can see she's gonna have a breakdown soon. It's all building up.
I want Levi back guys. I want Levi 😭😭😭
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Redacted Summer Camp HC Pt. 1
Hi and welcome back! Since summer is now officially upon us and I want to live vicariously through fictional characters and pretend my summer started well, I’m building headcanons (And a story but that won’t be posted until July if I get it done in time) about the redacted characters and whether or not I think they went to camp, what kind of camp, what did they do, ect. 
Redacted Masterlist   Part Two
HERE WE GO! Starting off strong with thee..... *drumroll please...* UNEMPOWERED (+Cutie)!
Aaron - I wanna say yes, but after his recent audio it doesn’t seem like he got much of a chance to even HAVE a childhood. So he was never a camper at any summer camps. HOWEVER, since being a counselor was a pretty easy summertime job, he signed up for that. (more on this in part two :P) He didn’t enjoy having screaming children to wrangle, but he got paid which was the whole point.
Smartass - They were the kid that had to be supervised during arts and crafts. You KNOW if they had a chance they were bringing scissors with them from the art barn to carve their name into the bunk bed frame (and maybe also a swear word). Also overnight camp. I headcanon them as a problem child, so any peace their parents could get, they took.
Ollie - Yes. But only because his parents forced him. And only when he was in elementary school. He gives me the vibe of the kid that really just wanted to stay home, and tried his best to be ignored by everyone, campers and counselors alike. He made pretty good friends with the camp chef, but it was only a day camp, so he only had to be away for a few hours. When no one was looking, he would sneak off to the kitchen to see if he could help the chef make lunch and maybe eat a few snacks himself. If only the baby learned about the camps made for the geeky (affectionate) people.
Mentor - Yes, but they got involved in summer camp when they were like... 10-12ish. So they were only ever with the older kid groups. They were a counselor for one summer session and never again. They never went to any overnight summer camps, but that was fine with them. Once they were old enough to get a job, they did that instead of camp.
Ivan - I’m not actually sure. For some reason he gives off the vibe of playing soccer/football when he was a kid. So if he did go to camp, it was a soccer camp. After weeks he was miserable and quit.
Baby 1.0 (pre-vega) - Yes. They were in that soccer camp with Ivan. They didn’t quit though. 
Baby 2.0 (post-vega) - No. Just no. I feel like their family took trips during summer instead of camp.
Geordi - We know his parents are geeks, so he was definitely sent to those geeky camps. Like the Camp Half-Blood RP, and Space camp. You’d think all that exposure to so many people would have made him less nervous but no. He can get along well with other geeks, since he knows how to share interests. But anyone outside that group and he’s all anxious. Give him a hug.
Cutie - I feel like there would be camps specifically to help newly manifested empowered to learn their abilities. So Cutie was definitely sent to a telepath camp, even though their family already taught them. It was just so they could learn more about their magic and become a stronger telepath.
Guy - YES! HIS PARENTS WANTED HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE! They couldn’t handle him home all day every day for the entirety of summer vacation. This extroverted dude was totally cool with going to camp. He got to experience and put his immunity system to the test. He was the kid you could dare to eat something and he would do it as long as he was going to get something good in exchange. Also he would come back home (since sleepaway camps he was scared of. Homesick baby) with several pet rocks shoved in his pockets. He filled up buckets and his parents would slowly take the rocks out throughout the summer. He did become a counselor and he was the best fucking counselor in the whole camp. Everyone wanted him. 
Honey - They were a camper. A sullen little thing that didn’t want to be there. By the end of the day though they had fun, even if they refused to admit it. They went to sleepaway once and never again. They prefer day camps, especially the ones connected the local school system. (Honey meets Guy at summer camp fic anyone?) They did become a counselor (Guy counselor with Honey fanfic anyone?). They were that counselor that everyone but their campers were scared of. They basically gave their camper scary dog privileges, but they would spoil the hell out of their campers when no one was looking. You could also bribe them with sweets.
Next up! The Wolfs and the Mates! (+Vincent & Lovely) (Part two will contain DAMN, and the others. Idk if there will be a part 3. maybe.)
David - Only because Asher convinced his dad before David was able to stop him (See more on this later). He’s not happy about it, but he will go. The only problem is, he’s that snitch of a kid that the bunk counselors leave in charge when they go to the nightly meetings. He’s left in charge. All the kids that don’t know him that well are too scared of him so it just leaves him, Asher, and Milo to do the shenanigans themselves. He makes sure they always clean up afterwards. He never became a counselor even though he would have been the most responsible. Not even Asher could make him. Besides, when he was a teenager he was preparing for leading the pack, so he was busy. 
Angel - I can feel it in my bones that they were like Smartass in the way that their parents wanted some peace. I feel like Angel went to the same day camp for June and then during July they would do sleepaway camps. They ended up becoming a counselor at both their favorite camps once they were old enough. They were the most popular counselor because they let the campers get away with all sorts of nonsense and would join it with a grin and three cans of silly string. If you got them as a counselor, you were having a bomb ass summer vacation. As a camper, Angel was a total anklebiter. They would throw that dodgeball at your head, they didn’t give a fuck. They would also be the kid the lurks by the prize table so they don’t have far to go if their name was called. It never got called, but they had a fun summer nonetheless. (Basically the same as Guy since similar energy. Although now I wanna write a fanfic where Guy and Angel are paired up to be camp counselor and the shenanigans as Honey and David watch on in growing horror.)
Asher - He went to boy scouts camp, I just know it. His favorite part was the archery because David would get all pissy when he pretended not to know where to point it. Asher would routinely get lost  in the woods and would just randomly show up hours later with twigs in his hair and a toothy grin. No one knows where he went or what he did to this day. If it’s ever brought up he just starts grinning but doesn’t answer. He also snuck in candy into the camp and would stay awake eating it with Milo while David lectured them on the importance of routines. When he was old enough to be a counselor, he got a job as a pool lifeguard instead. Camp was fun, but it’s too restrictive in routine for him to properly claim as enjoying his summer vacation.
Baabe - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Baabe gives off such an artsy vibe. They definitely went to a day camp or even a sleepaway camp dedicated purely to arts and crafts. They had a blast and came home with paintings, pottery, string art, sketchbooks, tie-dye clothes, ect. They were never a camp counselor though. And they only went to camp once, but spent the rest of their summer doing whatever.
Milo - He was brought along to the boy scout camp along with David and Asher. David cleaned up from the pranks, Asher did the pranks when he wasn’t lost in the forest, but Milo was the one that got the original materials. He claimed since he was shorter than the other two, he would be able to sneak it out easier. He really just finessed his way into getting the counselors to pretend they didn’t see anything. He loved the rock climbing, but could have done without the heights. David told him it was counterproductive and Milo told him to get off his ass. He did, however, volunteer at the geeky roleplay summer camps for kids. He liked being able to chase kids around and make them laugh. He especially enjoyed the werewolf oriented camps for empowered kids, and he would become like some kind of mother duck. Like, he would walk out of the tree line in his wolf form with a bunch of pups following him like baby ducklings. It didn’t even need to be in his wolf form. He routinely came back since the campers basically worshipped him. It helped him build up his confidence.
Sweetheart - They were a master at the obstacle courses at scout camp. A menace not to be trifled with. But they didn’t ever really enjoy it. They did enjoy going to empowered focused camps and playing the games there. They were the undefeated winner of hide and seek, magic or no and seeker or hider it didn’t matter. They were going to win. They also pulled several pranks but no one ever thought it was them, so they got away with it. But I also headcanon that Sweetheart knew what they wanted to do with their life, so when they were old enough to be a camp counselor, they were too busy training to enter the Department.
Darlin - Oh they DEFINITELY WENT TO CAMP! They hated the activities where they needed to work in a group. If they went to a scout camp, their favorite part was swinging the knife around at arm’s length to represent their “blood circle”. The knife was taken away after that. But they also were the kid the chased other kids with a worm on a stick or something. They were a menace. But when they didn’t have something cool they wanted to show others, they were pretty quiet. They tended to sit away from everyone else and be quiet. The counselors didn’t know what to do with them. No they were never a counselor. Sleep away camps were their favorite.
Sam - Horse. Camp. Cowboy. Camp.  Nah but for real, he does seem like he would spend his summers on local horse ranches. I can feel it in my bones that Sam liked the calm atmosphere that horses can give off. It also taught him to be patient and not express his temper as much. Valuable lessons. He was never a counselor, but he did keep volunteering to help when he could until he left to go to DAMN.
Vincent - Despite his fancy attitude, he seemed like the rest of us average mortals in his first video. I think he only went to a two week long day camp every summer with his friends. It wasn’t ever about the activities. He just wanted to hang out and goof off with his friends. But he was a camp counselor. He was labeled “the hot counselor” behind his back. He was well aware though and as awkward as it was, it was also kind of flattering. He was a really fun counselor though and would try to make sure that his cabin always got the good shit. He also tried to follow the rules, only allowing a small bend in the rules. He doesn’t want to get a bad reputation after all.
Lovely - They were the fantasy rp camper. They found every single one that they could, attending each other as much as possible. Everyone who was a permanent staff member there knew their name by heart. Lovely was content to just go along with what they were supposed to do, mainly just excited to be there. And yes, they did become a counselor there. If only because they wanted to continue to experience it.
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
fym the librarian isn't counted it's literally us like 🙄 anyways ship game gimme 14 18 19 27 and 48!!! RIGHT NEOW!! (also maybe add a little 50 for angst 👀)
Ship ask game
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Lmfaoooo 😂😂
It makes me so soft to know you guys wanna hear more about Professor Boba and his princess jgslkdjsklgjs anyways here we go
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
Boba is a more private person by nature so he doesn't do overly much in the ways of public displays of affection, saving those for more private times and places while she's more comfortable with PDA but respects Boba's boundaries and doesn't force him to show more than he's willing. He does encourage to voice her wants and needs freely and trusts her to respects his comfort, so if she asks to hold hands or have a kiss in public he'll almost always give it to her
(also I must add that although it's not really PDA but Boba absolutely keeps a hand on his girl's thigh at pretty much all times when he's driving with her in the car 🥴)
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
Oh hoo boy if she's not feeling well because she's sick/on her period/having an off day it is absolute princess queen goddess treatment because he cannot stand knowing his babygirl is even the slightest bit uncomfortable (unless she wants to be 😈). If he can't be physically with her, it's phone calls and messages and making sure she has everything she needs as best he can. If he is able to be with her then he is, stopping by between his classes to bring her soup or meds and making sure she doesn't lift a finger. If she's having cramps, he's more than happy to be her personal heating pad, letting her snuggle up against him while he rubs her back.
Miss princess is just as astounded by Boba's superhuman immune system (how is the man never sick??) as she is frustrated at his tendency to put aside his own comfort to power through whatever task he's set before himself, whether that be staying up too late grading papers or not taking it easy at the gym when his knee is giving him trouble. She usually resorts to threatening him with such punishments as not sleeping until he does or putting Fennec on his case, but if she's really concerned about him she'll sit him down to talk about things.
(I have some plans to write a little something about princess taking care of her professor in Volume II of Ex Libris 🤭)
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
Ok listen I am going insane over the thought of library princess making like a lil friendship bracelet type thing during like a library program or something and giving to Boba just to be cute then her realizing that he's been wearing it every day since dkgjaljggajg
Now since our beloved princess is a reader insert she doesn't have a body size so I can't say she would be able to wear any of Boba's clothes (so it's up to you my lovely readers!) but in a future Ex Libris chapter Boba is going to give her his class ring to wear on a necklace 😭
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Answered in this ask
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
So far, both of them have just been enjoying their relationship with no real expectations for the future (marriage, kids, etc.) but the way they're building their relationship easily leaves it open to those type of discussions.
Now when the topic of the future does come up and Boba tries to pull the old man card ("don't waste the rest of your life on an old man, princess") just know that she fucks him six ways from Sunday until he gets it through his head that she's not going anywhere without him 😌
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
@baufraus how dare you bring up angst in a house that enjoys angst (with a happy ending sksksk)?!?!!?
With the strong foundation that the two of them have set, I don't think there's a lot that could break the two apart. Both Boba and princess value and have made communication a cornerstone of their relationship inside and outside the bedroom so if there's something that could possibly be relationship ending, they would do their best to talk about it and figure it out before it gets to that point.
NOW for the true angst: what if for some reason they did break up???? Boba is shutting down internally, just completely closing himself off to any emotion. He's throwing himself into his work and won't see the light of day unless Fennec yanks him out of his office by his collar. He'll carry on but in black and white, without the joyful color his feisty babygirl brought to his life--no more flowers on his dining room table, no more kisses stolen before class, no more laughter snuggled under sheets.
BUT that's never going to happen because library princess is never going to give her man up without the fight of a lifetime 💖
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Taglist 💖
(if you don't wanna be tagged in ask stuff just let me know!)
@agirlnamejacq @burningfieldof-clover @marierg @dukeoftheblackstar @imarvelatthestars @saradika @baufraus @historianwithaheart @andrakass2 @samspenandsword @liadamerondjarin @sleepingsun501 @sgt-morgan @rescuethewretched @rexxdjarin @ladytano420 @writingwintermoon @pheo-nixpas-calian @acatalystrising @erinthevampire @xxladysquishyxx @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @kimiheartblade @shinyshayminflower @wings-and-beskar @thirsty-boba-fett-posts @wolffegirlsunite @echocola @100lxtters
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yourlilkaiju · 3 months
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Ok, I am going to get political here and I really need you guys to bear with me. If the sign doesn't say enough, then this should. Project 2025 was created by the heritage foundation and it is a document that is intended to support what is viewed as the "American Dream" and "Strong Family Values". However, the American Dream does not support marginalized groups nor does it aid those in distress or in need of financial assistance. Ergo, if you are poor, you're on your own. The Family Values they are referring to does not include anyone who has melanin in their skin, does not practice Christianity and essentially is not of the cis or straight and narrow. So what does this mean, for the rest of us?
Well for starters, let's begin with the folks who are poor.
Those who are poor and are barely making ends meet are often disabled, unable to keep a job due to overstress and burnout. Which is often led to developed mental illness and can even intermingle with anxiety. Because of this the production of serotonin in the brain can even cause a negative impact on job performance. Especially given the low wages that will eventually lead to the employees inability to make ends meet without obtaining another job. However, as of recently, it has gotten to a point where it is a crime to be homeless in public. And part of Project 2025 is the decision to cut the section 8 program.
So as you can see, that quarter million people as mentioned will only get larger due to the growing cost in food, unregulated rent, cronyism and bribes from major corporations. With that being said, how will we speak up? What can we do when we are so hell bent on just complaining about a situation and doing nothing? We protest and say vote. Voting in a two party system has gotten us absolutely nowhere. In the past four years, the LGBTQIA had their rights held hostage and threatened by the DOC as a means of voting for them in the next election. Police have received qualified immunity across the board and have even received pardons, not punishments for their actions against BIPOC folks and other marginalized groups of people. Educational programs have been cut and reformed into a nightmare and social systems have slowly been chipped away by small government systems for the sake of saving money. Doctors now have a right to turn people away for being unable to afford treatment. Doctors also have a right to turn patients away if their lifestyles do not match their political beliefs, despite their Hippocratic oath. I can rant and rave about how the MTV website was completely deleted off of the Comedy Central platform. I can tell you how 30 years of queer history just disappeared at the drop of a hat. I was born just at the end of the AIDS epidemic. Music was still going strong and I remember dancing around in front of my grandma to the colorful pop videos as a kid. I remember the silly and weird Bumble Bee music video and the Captain Jack stuff that was not quite appropriate for television. I even remember Daria.
That was thorough documentation that was gone in the drop of a hat. Namely due to the fact that much of it was crucial to human history that needed to be observed, studied and matched to our culture today. To see how we interact with eachother and learn from the past. Also to learn how we dealt with LGBTQIA identities and the losses that occured in the fifteen years prior to 1995. At the same time, it is a history that was wiped out as a means of rejecting diversity and protest against a system that does not work for the people.
Gen Z, I am looking at you on this one. You focus too hard on being an adult and on superficiality. You need to knock it off. You act like you are against the system and yet you play into its hands just to look like old money. You make fun of millennial's constantly and hardly know the the world history that we picked up and grew up learning in high school. Namely because before you got there, small government cut funding. We don't blame you for that. We do blame you for educational negligence and wanting change. You don't even know what it is you want to change. You only know that you don't want to be poor. And it pisses you off that you are. Which I totally get. But you need to work within your means and get creative, babe. Stop selling thrift shit online. You're ruining goodwill for the rest of us. It's not cute and we miss our gucci bags and louis vuiton sun glasses. You little shits aren't going to get those with a side hustle, unless you marry a slum lord that you hate. So stop playing into the system. Get weird and go repurpose a barbie doll like the rest of us. I made a lot of fae and pirate outfits that way. I even made a freaking belly dance outfit like that.
That and I went to micheals and joannes...
a lot.
Circling back.
Be Gay, Do Crimes, Burn the entire Establishment Down to Make Way for a More Equitable Means of Government that is not only by the people, but of the people and for the people. Project 2025 is not only dangerous but it is a threat to those of us who want to live and prosper. I want to have children and become an actor. I want to have a long life and grow old enough to see my grand children live out their dreams. Or at least see my children live out fruitful and happy lives.
I'm sure that many of you want something similar.
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Reggie definitely has a weak immune system, because his parents never paid him much attention, and he was so underfed as a child and growing up. He probably ate more after he’d ran away to be in Sunset Curve, than when he was living at home.
So, when 2020 comes, and the boys become human again (they’re part human part ghost, but they can eat and stuff), and its COVID-19 time, Julie is confused watching not only Alex, but also Luke going into full panic mode. Like, the second news of COVID-19 hits, Alex and Luke are locking all of them in the Molina household, and they had all kinds of sanitisers and hand wipes and soaps in the studio. Literally, one sanitiser was always within a hand’s reach.
When Julie questions the overboard planning, Alex tells her, “Reggie has a really weak immune system. He never had the chance to build a strong immune system as a kid, and when we get sick, it hits him the worse.”
Julie, then, joins in on the crazy precautions. She’s pretty sure that at one point, she’d ended up spending her monthly allowance on just face masks and sanitisers. But, if it means Reggie will be okay, then she’ll happily do it.
Now, because of all of the crazy planning, Alex and Luke sort of forget to take the same precautionary methods when they’re not around Reggie, and they end up getting COVID during the peak months. The two lock themselves in the studio, and just generally stay away from each other so that they can get better quickly. Reggie and Julie made them soup and stuff like that for them day and night, and would have to leave it outside the studio door. The only way they could talk to each other was through the phone that Luke and Alex had in the studio, and even with the amount of pictures and videos and jamming sessions when they were feeling better, the boys sent to Julie and Reggie, it still hadn’t been enough. Reggie missed his best friends, and if he ever cried at the scary possibility of never being able to see them again, that was his business.
But, the boys got better, and once they were out of the studio, Ray, Julie, and Carlos had deep cleaned the studio.
They were all okay after that, mostly.
AND THEN, in 2021, Reggie and Luke went out to get pizza, because honestly, they were all craving it. How could they not? It’s freaking pizza!
But, a day or two after the pizza night, Reggie starts showing symptoms of corona, and it freaks every single person in the house. Reggie shifts to the studio, and they give him all the necessities that he would need, and damn it, they’re trying so hard not to cry because the risks are just higher.
Two or three days go by, Reggie’s fever gets worse, but no one can tend to him like they want to. Alex and Luke each have breakdowns at different times of the day, and Julie tries to comfort them the best she can.
“It’s just, he had us when he used to get sick, y’know? Now, his fever is off the charts, he can barely keep his eyes open, and I can practically hear him coughing from the studio, and I’m so scared, Jules. I’m so scared that I won’t be able to protect him from this, and he’s my best friend. I’ll become a country band if he wants!” Luke cried to her. Julie wrapped her arms around him, letting her tears fall, mixing them with Luke’s tears.
They would talk to him on the phone as much as Reggie could, and on the days that he was feeling better, they would just play music together. Every time Reggie would be smiling and happy on the screen, Luke, Alex, and Julie would smile so softly but their eyes would be filled with tears, because Reggie Peters is an angel and if something were to happen to him, they would all lose their minds.
Some days, he’d get worse right after getting better, and during his calls with Luke and Alex, he would try and make jokes when he saw their worried looks, “Do you think it’s possible to die after already being dead?” They’d laugh in front of them, but they’re definitely holding hands under the screen, lending each other comfort and support, because is that really possible??? Can Reggie die after already being dead?? Were they going to lose him??
But, slowly, Reggie got better, and he’d insisted to remain isolated for an additional week to make sure he really was okay.
When he did finally come home (the studio was also home, no doubt, but the Molina family and his best friends were the first home he ever had), it took every ounce of self control every member of the family had to not just go up and hug him. They still had to be cautious.
But, it would be light touches here and there. Julie’s hand on his waist when she leaned over to see what he and Ray were cooking, or Ray’s hand against Reggie’s shoulder for a second, or Carlos poking Reggie every now and then to make sure that he was real, or even tía ruffling his hair (“tía, im a badass guitarist! You gotta stop messing up my hair”). Alex and Luke would just lock their pinkies with Reggie, and follow him around like a lost puppy (Luke already was a lost puppy, but Alex became one too). And sometimes, if Reggie needed both his hands for something, they would find a sliver of skin poking out from somewhere, and just feel his warm skin.
When the vaccines come out, Reggie is the first one to get the shot, because they are not going to go through that kind of pain again.
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helianskies · 1 year
Hnnnnn I'm a weak woman so
Spaport and pruk if you want to for the ship ask thingy
weak on my knees uGH i'm about to gush about some of these how dare—
[ find the ask game here! send me a ship! ]
PortSpa 🌹
gives nose/forehead kisses: port
port very much dishes out more gentle displays of affection, and antonio is a big ol' sucker for forehead kisses.
gets jealous the most: toni
man is a literal green-eyed monster. he is very protective over those he cares for in general, and in any relationship, is both capable of being in a mood and seeking comfort from port in the face of his insecurities, or having strong words with anyone he thinks is a potential threat. like a dragon defending its hoard.
takes care of on sick days: both
they're both exceptional care-givers in this sort of scenario, and know exactly what's needed to make the other feel better both physically and emotionally!
drags the other person out into the water on beach day: port
do i even have to explain? i mean, toni may not need dragging, but port is making the first move, without a doubt!
brings the other lunch at work: toni
port forgets to eat lunch? no problem. his kitchen-savvy boyfriend will happily prepare him anything he asks for while he continues to work hard! his pleasure!
tries to start role-playing in bed: port
people might not immediately expect it, but port generally takes the initiative in matters of the bedroom. toni is open to trying most things without needing too much persuasion.
embarrassingly drunk dancer: port
and he knows it.
firmly believes in couple costumes: toni
it can and will become a thing they do for any event that requires costumes. toni will present his options and port gets the final say, to make sure he's comfortable before toni impulse-buys something. but it just feels right!
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas: toni
port deserves every penny spent on him, even if he refuses to accept or believe that. toni will do anything to ensure port knows how much he cares for him, even if it means breaking the rules they've both agreed on.
makes the other eat breakfast: port
if port forgets to eat lunch, then toni is usually the one who'll skip breakfast. he isn't a morning person and tends to wake a bit later, and hasn't always got the energy for breakfast. so, port makes sure he doesn't let himself go without!
remembers anniversaries: port
out of the two of them, he's better at remembering things by a... pretty fair amount.
brings up having kids first: neither (toni)
they'll say it was a mutual agreement but toni mentions it one night after a few drinks and a sappy movie, and before port knows it he's got a kid in the shape of a cat. he considers himself to be a fair parent. mostly. (but in reality, they don't really strike me as the couple to have kids together...)
kills the bugs: both
#nofear (but if it's something that might sting him, port will quite happily hand over the reins!)
first to define them as a couple: toni
let's face it, toni is ready to call them a couple the first time port so much as looks at him. he's certainly the one with the schoolboy crush daydreaming about the life they'll build together, while port is trying to work out why this guy keeps staring at him.
who hides their guilty pleasures longer: toni
port helps him get there eventually. but it does take toni a bit more time to open up about certain things, whereas port tends to be more upfront.
snorts when laughing: both
PrUK 🌿
gives nose/forehead kisses: arthur
arthur loves a good forehead kiss. and the fact that gilbert will turn into a flustered ball of lovey-dovey gloop if kissed like that has nothing to do with it!
gets jealous the most: arthur
he just is. like toni, it won't matter who he is with—his insecurities can and will make him a bit paranoid about their relationship and whether or not gilbert is happy with him.
takes care of on sick days: arthur
with the idea in mind that gilbert has a questionable immune system, he tends to become ill more often. but arthur easily falls into the roll of doctor, and will put everything on hold to do so.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day: arthur
to be fair, neither is rushing to get into the water, but arthur will suggest it and then spend five minutes persuading gilbert to go with him. and a begrudging gilbert may eventually agree.
brings the other lunch at work: gilbert
gilbert's love language is acts of service. a part of that is preparing food and giving arthur a hand with looking after himself (because he's not so great at that), and he enjoys acting as a provider in that respect.
tries to start role-playing in bed: arthur
we all know, deep down, who out of arthur and gilbert is going to try to spice things up.
embarrassingly drunk dancer: both
again, we all know this. they're clearly made for each other!
firmly believes in couple costumes: gilbert
arthur isn't against it after the first two or three times, but he does his best to make sure gilbert won't embarrass them both too much in front of their friends!
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas: both
and they'll argue with each other about it afterwards. they both want to constantly make the other happy, cheer them up, make their strong feelings clear in gestures rather than words. but they're both equally stubborn, and don't like having that money spent on them!
makes the other eat breakfast: gilbert
gilbert the cook at it again, making sure arthur looks after himself.
remembers anniversaries: gilbert
gilbert does his best to organise both of them. things like dates, be they important for themselves or those around them, are recorded in a minimum of three places and he'd probably have a countdown app of some description to stay on top of it all.
brings up having kids first: gilbert
it's an off-handed comment that becomes a genuine possibility. they both think the other is great with kids, and then realise... well, actually, why can't we be great with our own kids. and you just now those kids are going to have one heck of a upbringing.
kills the bugs: arthur
gilbert would never harm any of god's creatures, great or small (lies).
first to define them as a couple: neither (both)
they'd be at the alter exchanging vows and wouldn't call themselves a couple. (but, in fact, they're the sort who would sit down and need to clearly establish: are we dating now? and go from there).
who hides their guilty pleasure longer: gilbert
turns out, gil's a lot of talk. it takes some serious trust for him to actually delve into the more intimate aspects of himself, in any sense of it.
snorts when laughing: gilbert
do you even need to ask?
in conclusion: 🥺
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
However, the second the conversation turns threatening, we get protective Tallulah again who will not stand for being separated from her dad and is probably equal parts terrified and angry. And the Eltoiles’ obvious threat sends Tallulah over the edge. And listen, the infections and the gold veins and eyes are already cool, but being able to destroy entire objects? Amazing. I wonder if they knew their kids could do that. Also, while I’m talking about the immunity, I think it’s very neat that it’s not just “oh these kids are immune. They get away unscathed.” no they get very obviously marked and they lose their Voice. And also get some form of powers apparently.
Also, it’s really cool to see how much tension you can get out of two sides hiding the same secret from each other without making it too obvious or drawing out. They see each other as a threat and have good reason to be scared. And I’m gonna be honest, I’m still not sure if they knew or not. I think some people like Phil did while other’s didn’t.
[“I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” Cellbit then said.] This makes me feel like they didn’t know and now realise that of course Wilbur would try to hide Tallulah’s infection. Also, his entire defence of Tallulah makes it very clear that this is someone on the same wavelength as them, so he’a not a threat to the kids at all.
And then we get all the children joining their parents because that really is the easiest way to show Wilbur that they are safe. And they were waiting up there the entire time, so it really was just a matter of seeing if they are safe before introducing the kids to their new friend. Also, BOBBY! He’s alive! Yeeaay! And of course Chayanne is the first to say hi. Also, do these kids make each other stronger by being together? What’s the reason for glowing gold? Is it anger or just strong emotions in general?
Also, [“Yes,” Quackity said, his voice echoing through the room. “Stay.”] circling back to the conversation before Phil. Quackity is asking him to stay, so Wilbur is staying. Something something. Mending broken pieces. Something something. Meant to find each other. Something something. Found family. It’s nice. It’s really really nicee. I will be rereading this one a lot. Also, Bad learn to read the room, geeez.
yeah the idea I had for the ichor children regarding their abilities is that the ichor becomes a part of them in a way. although these are just my loose thoughts on it, it's essentially an adaptive immune response due to the fact that children's immune systems are still developing unlike adults. so while adults will always die from an infection, on rare occasions a child's body can accept the infection and survive with it. technically speaking, the kids CAN spread the infection—but only if they want. that's basically what tallulah does to etoiles' machete. she lets the ichor on her hands spread to the machete, and the ichor itself does the rest. the kids are just able to control whether or not the ichor will spread to whatever they touch. (also yes the adults did know that the kids could do that. there have definitely been times when the kids get into squabbles with each other and will destroy each others stuff or fun lol)
as soon as they all saw tallulah was infected everything made 10x more sense. of course they get why wilbur was acting the way he was. they would do the same thing for their kids. so the instant they see how he protects tallulah, they know he's not a thread to their kids.
I couldn't find a way to explain this in the fic but emotions influence how visible the gold is at any point. if the kids are calm enough, they can look completely like normal child—even their eyes will go back to normal. but whenever they feel any strong emotion (fear, anger, excitement, etc.) the gold will start making itself known. first it's the eyes that will change, hence why wilbur was so hellbent on making sure tallulah kept her eyes hidden. then if stronger emotions get triggered, the gold veins will appear. usually it starts on their hands, but if the emotion is REALLY strong then the veins will spread to their face. when the kids run down they're all excited and curious about what's going on, hence why all of their eyes are gold. as they get more excited to meet the new kid, the gold veins start popping up as well. however, there also is a factor of the ichor getting brighter when it comes in contact with more ichor, which is what happens when chayanne and tallulah shake hands.
(also ya i was debating whether or not to include bobby and I just decided to bc I miss him)
YEAHHH we circled back to that convo with wilbur and quackity at the end. this time, quackity can ask wilbur to stay, so he does. the rift from before is mended. wilbur was meant to find this place and now he's in a better situation with tallulah than he ever could've dreamed of.
lmao bad definitely needs to learn to read the room
tysm for this I'm so glad you enjoyed!!
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