#how to change icloud password
learnaside · 2 years
A Quick Guide To Recover iCloud Account In An Android Phone?
However, many Apple users do switch to android phones and continue to access their iCloud services.
But there are times when they face the “forgot password” issue and then comes the major situation — HOW TO CHANGE YOUR ICLOUD PASSWORD ON AN IPHONE, this is why this article will guide you with all the essentials steps to get rid of such situation.
Steps To Recover iCloud Account Password In An Android Device
First navigate to the web browser of your Android phone and then open-up the iForgot Apple page in it
Enter the username or email address of Apple ID, click on the continue button and then choose the “I need to reset my password” option
Again select the continue button and then simply select the Get an email or Get a text option
Hit the Continue button and then on the Done button to receive the recovery link on the selected option
Now click on the Reset Now button and then you’ll be redirected to the password recovery page where you will have to enter the new password for your Apple account and save the confirmation
Furthermore, you can contact technical support to seek any assistance on iCloud account recovery from the experts.
Source Url - https://medium.com/@emmae6581/a-quick-guide-to-recover-icloud-account-in-an-android-phone-c6dd2f29a930
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icyhotness · 1 year
Tears in the Club
Words: 5k (read here or on ao3)
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content/Feminine Reader
Relationships: Todoroki Touya/Reader
Bakugou Katsuki is a natural genius. He's good at practically anything he tries, right off the bat.
So when Ashido asks him if he can twerk it's very natural for him to be good at it right away. It's just that no one expected how good.
Todoroki feels a type of way about it.
or: Todoroki watches Bakugou twerk and has a spiritual awakening.
The thrumming bass pulses through your veins. It echoes through every inch of your body and, without it, you’re sure that you’d be nothing but a hollow shell.
The synths of the music—the pounding of the 808s—become your heartbeat. It is the very strings that control your marionette visage.
Your steps—though awkward and unsure—propel you forward. 
You’re alone. 
You know you shouldn’t be. Being alone, dressed like you are in such a place, is a recipe for disaster. And normally, you’re not this type of girl anyway. 
You’re the kind that would be sitting at home. By now, you would be curled up in bed. But not asleep. No. You would be wide awake.
Wide awake and waiting for him to get home. 
He promised you that it was just work that kept him away. That he was just simply a busy man. And so of course he would be busy at work late. His work—his hard work and effort—is what kept the lights on. Kept food in the fridge. It was what afforded you such a comfortable lifestyle where you didn’t have to work.
You did. But you didn’t have to work to sustain yourself. To keep food on the table and to keep a roof over your head.
You worked at a flower shop part time, a few days a week. The other days, you spent taking care of your home and keeping yourself in shape.
No, you didn’t have to work to survive. 
But you did work to satisfy him. To appease him. To show him that everything he did was worth it because you were grateful. You didn’t take any of it for granted. 
So you were the good girlfriend. The obedient girlfriend. 
When he told you to change into something else, no matter the reason, you listened. When he told you that he expected dinner to be ready by a certain time, it was. When he told you to stay home—to not go out with your friends—and instead wait for him, you did. And when he told you that he would be home late because of work, you believed him. 
You believed him.
But stupid, stupid you. 
You should have known better. 
He’d left his iPad out. 
Normally he kept it in his at-home office. A room that you obediently avoided after being told to not enter it. 
But it was on the nightstand on his side of the bed. 
Innocuous. Unassuming. 
You had grabbed it just to simply put it back. It was a good deed. A deed you were sure he’d thank you for. But then you noticed there was an unread message from a mutual friend of yours. 
Well…she was more your friend than his. 
Or so you thought.
You unlocked it. You unlocked the iPad. 
It was easy.
Perhaps he never put a password on it because he figured he had you so obediently trained. Perhaps he never put a password on it because he figured that you would never dare to touch something that usually stayed in his office—a place you were never to step foot in.
But you did. You unlocked it and it had no password so it was incredibly easy. And with his icloud connected, you could easily read the text messages between him and Itsuka.
The messages that denigrated you. Disparaged you.
They made fun of you. They bad-mouthed you and belittled you. 
You were nothing but a toy to play with. To use and throw away. To laugh at. 
He was cheating on you with your friend. Your friend who had no qualms about her actions. Who made fun of you. 
They sent photos back and forth. Nude. Explicit. They sent videos of their affair back and forth, too. They talked about it. Bragged about it. Joked about how you were an idiot that was none the wiser.
But of course you weren’t. You were just simply an obedient doll.
You put his iPad back in his office—back where you remembered seeing it on the few occasions you had even dared to look in. 
And then you waited for him to get home. Dinner was on the table, hot and ready. When he came home, he kissed you on the cheek and smiled. He talked about his day at work and when your meal was done, you cleared off the table and cleaned the dishes. That night, as he always did before going to sleep, he told you how much he loved you.
For the following days, you continued to sneak into his office and read through their messages. 
It hurt so much. So fucking much. And yet you couldn’t stop yourself. You had to know what they were saying about you. It was an insatiable obsession. A mistake, really, but it was the only thing that you could think of to do.
And then you realized that it was not only Itsuka that he was sleeping with. 
There were more. So many more. 
Some were your friends. Others were women he’d sworn were just friends. And the rest were women you’d never even met before.
You were sick.
For days you couldn’t eat. And when you did, it came right back up. When you laid beside him at night, you did not know rest. When you weren’t sobbing as he rested so peacefully, you were just silently staring at him as you wondered what you did to deserve this.
You were good to him.
You listened. You obeyed without question. 
But in the end you were nothing but a doormat. 
Takami Keigo took you for a fool. 
Not like you gave him any reason to treat you different…or so you told yourself. 
It has been two months since you found out about him cheating on you, and now you are nothing but an empty carcass. A walking corpse of the woman you once were.
Of course he does not notice. You are no better than the lap that sits atop the nightstand on his side of the bed. You are of no more importance than the utensils that sit in the kitchen drawers. As long as you keep working as you always have, he does not notice the absence of your spirit.
But Rumi notices.
She is the only friend that never showed up in his phone. She is the only friend that continues to check on you. To make sure you’re okay. The only friend that continued to invite you out despite you always passing on the offer. 
And she is the only friend that never quite liked Keigo.
She recognized the subservient role he’d placed upon you and firmly—vehemently—disagreed. 
She tried to warn you. But you didn’t listen. You assured her that she was merely overthinking. That Keigo was a good man. A wonderful boyfriend. That he was simply protective, but that he constantly showed through his actions how much he loved you.
You wish you had her discerning eye.
So it was only natural for her to notice the shift in your being. In the very essence of you.
She invited you out to cheer you up, never once expecting you to agree. But you did. In fact, you had asked if you could stay the night at her place afterwards. 
It had been so long since you had accepted her invitation, let alone stayed at her placed, that she agreed right away.
You went to her apartment. You borrowed a dress and some heels from her. You followed her out the door and to the club.
It’s been so long since you’ve been to a club. Since you’ve been out without Keigo by your side. It’s been so long since you’ve worn something that you picked out yourself—that you’ve worn something so revealing.
The dress you borrowed clings to your body. It reveals every curve and so much skin. It accentuates and flatters. 
You haven’t worn something like this in years. But you feel sexy. 
If only you didn’t feel so out of place. 
Rumi was by your side. She had glued herself to you and wouldn’t let you out of her sight. Not because she did not trust you. Not because she thought of you as incapable, but because she was worried. 
But the more alcohol that entered your system the more you felt stifled.
The more you felt smothered.
So you slipped from her side. 
Some guy had been hitting on her and while her attention had been taken, you escaped.
Now, you worm your way through the crowded club. One awkward step after another. There is a glass in your hand, but you quickly empty it and set it down someplace you have no intention of revisiting. 
The dance floor is just ahead.
As you swim further away from shore, the waves of bodies begin to swallow you. They pull you in further and further, making it harder to fight against the current. Making it harder to turn around. Making it harder to return to safety.
Not like you intend to.
Trapped and with no escape route, you stand still in the mass of dancing humidity. 
Your eyes close and you stand there, just simply soaking everything in. People brush against you. Bump into you. Someone steps on your foot. But you don’t care. You just stand there until your head grows dizzy. 
Dizzy, from intoxication. 
You grow drunk on a combination of alcohol and environment. 
Sin and wickedness lap at your heels and the moment you stop moving, they swallow you whole.
Your body is moving now. 
The music is now your master. It is now the one controlling your strings. And you let it. 
You give yourself to it entirely.
It doesn’t matter who is around you. 
Someone grabs hold of your hips. They tug you into them and grind into you. Their hands wander your body in ways that, if you were in your right mind, you would never accept. But you’re not, so you do. 
The hands disappear from your silhouette, but you don’t stop.
Your body continues to move without any control over yourself. As if possessed. But really, you kind of are. Not like you mind.
It does not scare you. In fact, you welcome it. You welcome the mindlessness. You welcome the way you do not have to put any thought to anything. You simply dance. You simply move. 
More pairs of hands come and go. You dance with an innumerable amount of people, but that is all that you do. You just dance and dance. Moving to the whims of your melodic master and nothing else. You drown in the dulcet beats and find sweet comfort in the stupor it gives you.
“What’re you doing crying in a place like this, looking like that?”
The voice is deep. Husky and raspy. It brings you out of your trance as though popping a bubble.
The haze of brainlessness disappears.
How many songs have passed? What time is it? Who is it that has their hands on your waist?
You turn around and the man behind you is tall. Taller than you, for sure. He’s got deep seated bags under his eyes and a few facial piercings. Tattoos cover the entirety of his neck and his arms, from what you can see. He’s muscular, too. That much is obvious.
He’s hot.
He’s sexy. 
“I’m crying?”Is your response.
And then you reach up to touch your face, shocked to find that you are actually crying. 
“That would be a weird fucking pick up line if you weren’t, don’t you think?”
It would be, that’s not what you’re thinking about at the moment. Now, you’re wondering when you had begun to shed tears. How long have you been crying?
His hands that rest on your waist pull you closer. “So, are you gonna answer my question sweetheart?”
Normally, you’d wrinkle your nose in disgust at being called such a thing by a stranger. But you don’t mind it coming from his mouth. You don’t mind the lustful gaze or obvious flirting, either. 
So instead, you swallow to clear your dry throat and lick your lips.
“Yes, that would be a weird pick up line.”You tell him and then quickly follow it up with, “I’m having problems with my boyfriend.”
He nods his head and you quickly realize that perhaps you misspoke. This guy is clearly hitting on you. He’s clearly flirting with you and…well—despite the heartache you’ve been through these past weeks, you still have love in your heart for Keigo.
But you’re not opposed to the attention you’re getting right now.
“I’m breaking up with him. He’s cheating.”
You say it then immediately regret it. 
The alcohol has loosened your lips and liberated your tongue. The words that you couldn’t even fathom articulating to Rumi, you have blurted out to the sexy stranger in front of you. But if he is at all bothered, he does not appear so. 
Instead he wipes a stray tear from your face and then leans in. His lips are all but brushing against the shell of your ear. A shiver runs down your spine at that. But his words are what cause your legs to go weak.
“Don’t worry darling, I was going to pursue you whether you were in a committed relationship or not.”
And then he pulls away.
Not completely though. Just enough for you two to make eye contact. But when you do, it feels like you’ve been shocked with electricity. And you welcome the moment his lips touch yours.
As his tongue slips into your mouth and your hands tangle in his hair, you vaguely register how troubled you are by his words
Mostly because they remind you of Keigo. 
Did he ever stop—did he ever hesitate before approaching someone? Were you ever on his mind as he slept with one person after another? 
Probably not. 
You gave yourself to him in ways that he could never.
And so you let all inhibitions go as the sexy stranger feels you up. His hands mark his territory in ways that were unfamiliar to you until just now. They grab and grope. Fondle and caress. 
“You wanna continue this somewhere more private?”He asks and though his words are not explicit, you understand fully what he means. 
And you do. You want to continue this. 
So you nod your head but let out a bit of a gasp as he takes hold of your hand and begins leading you out of the cacophony of bodies.
You’re not sure where he’s taking you, but he seems so sure of himself. As if he knows exactly where he’s going. So you let him lead and merely follow. You are now mindful of your absence from Rumi, though, and look around to hopefully spot her. 
She stares with wide, surprised eyes.
She begins walking over to you, but upon seeing that you are not alone, the surprise in her eyes turns to downright shock. 
You give her a thumbs up to let her know that you’re fine and soon, you’re disappearing from her sight once again.
You feel bad. You feel bad for disappearing from her. For, undoubtedly, worrying her. For not explaining anything to her. For using her and her kindness as a means to enable your night of mindlessness. 
So you remind yourself to apologize. 
Because now, you’re being pulled into an office. The office. The one that clearly belongs to the owner of the club.
The stranger grabs your chin and pulls you in for a kiss. His tongue slips into your mouth once again while his hands settle onto your ass, giving your cheeks a firm squeeze. You two shuffle backwards, uncaring as you knock a few things over. 
But eventually your ass meets the edge of the office desk.
And then he hikes up your short dress before dropping down to his knees and pulls your underwear to the side. He does not even bother to take them off of you, instead he pushes your legs open wide and buries his head between them. He leaves wet kisses, biting and nipping all along your thighs.
“W-Wait.”You say, pushing his head away from you. He stops and looks up, biting his lip and playing with his lip piercing. “What’s your name?”
“Call me Dabi.”Is his reply.
It’s clearly a nickname, but you don’t mind. 
This is nothing but a fling. His real name does not matter. 
“Y/N.”You tell him. 
He nods his head. “Can I eat your cunt now?”
Dabi licks a stripe up your wet pussy, promptly shutting you up. His tongue licks against your wet folds, clearing away your juices that leaked. Your hips buck so Dabi holds your them down. 
“Fuck.”You groan, drawing out the word as your eyes close and your head falls back.
You can’t remember the last time Keigo did this. The last time he had bothered to eat you out—the last time he even bothered to fuck you—but even still, you don’t remember it ever feeling this good. You want to rub it in his face, spread your pussy all over Dabi’s face, but the hold on your hips keeps you from doing so. 
His tongue circles around your twitching hole teasing it, causing you to moan. He’s teasing you, but, you remind yourself, at least you are getting eaten out while he’s doing so. At least your mind is filling with pleasure as he toys with you. 
He runs the flat of his tongue over the expanse of your pussy before circling the tip around your clit. 
Your entire body jolts. 
“Dabi―”You moan, clamping a hand over your mouth tightly when you realize just how loud you’re being. 
It feels so good though. So fucking good.  
You let out a muffled “fuck” as Dabi sucks on your clit. While his hands still hold your hips down, his thumbs spread apart your lips to give himself more access to you. 
“Fucking delicious,”Dabi mumbles and you want to respond. Want to tell him how good he’s doing―compliment him somehow, but his tongue starts flicking at your clit and there’s nothing you can do but keep your hand clamped around your mouth as moans fall from your lips. 
You can’t help the yelp that comes out when his hands momentarily leave your hips to grab hold of your thighs. He picks you up a tad, and puts your legs on his shoulders. 
One hand goes back to your waist while the other goes straight to your sopping pussy. One finger, quickly followed by a second, fucks into you as Dabi’s mouth feverishly eats your pussy. 
You can’t help the way your entire body shudders. Your legs, that dangle off of his shoulders, tighten but with what little consciousness you have left, you remind yourself to not suffocate him. But it’s hard. So hard to not completely let go like you had done on the dancefloor.
That had been different. Unique. It involved no one else but you and the music. The sensuous, melodic notes that filled the air.
But this. Being with someone else besides Keigo, and giving the responsibility of your pleasure to them, is different. In fact, it’s a bit scary. But then his fingers crook up inside of you—hitting your g-spot—and the tight, apprehensive grip that holds you back begins to slip just a little bit.
Your hands drop from your face and instead, one shoots back—planting firmly on the surface of the desk to give you stability—while the other tangles in his dark locks.
“Fuck―Dabi.”You moan, not being able to contain yourself anymore. You’ve given up on muffling yourself in favor of gripping the desk to keep from falling over. “So good. So fucking good I―” 
Your pussy pulses around Dabi’s fingers and your words catch in your throat. It’s impossible to speak now as you know that moans, far too loud to be appropriate, will be the only ones coming from your mouth. It’s like your body begins to tremble―vibrate, and because of the lack of restraint on your hips, you begin to buck into Dabi’s face uncontrollably. 
“Dabi. Dabi, fuck.”You moan as your nails dig into the desk.“I’m cumming. I’m gonna cum. I―” 
He ignores you completely. Instead, he continues to finger fuck you as he sucks on your clit. 
Warmth washes over your body and tingles take over your lower limbs, slowly spreading to the rest of your body. Your entire body stiffens and your stomach muscles clench, causing your back to arch. Your orgasm crashes into you and it’s like your body freezes, your head is thrown back and your mouth hangs open but no sound comes out. 
Juices gush from your cunt, some squirting out but he is ready for it. Waiting with his mouth open. It’s then that he finally looks into your eyes, holding contact with you and makes it a point to show you how he swallows every last drop he’d managed to get into his mouth. 
You are struggling to catch your breath, but if you weren’t then you’d probably start singing him praises. 
Dabi doesn’t waste a moment, standing up from his knees and pulls down his jeans, taking his underwear down with them. 
His dick is hard, the head impossibly red and precum leaking from the tip. He reaches around you to open up a drawer to the desk, grabbing a condom from it. You’re slightly curious about the relationship between him and this office, but not enough to ask. Especially when he taps his condom covered cock on your clit, smirking as you flinch. 
“Don’t tell me you’re already tired Sweetheart.”He teases you. 
He’s a sight to see, that’s for sure. His hair is mussed and his lips are red, but what’s truly eye-catching is the glistening slick wetness that coats his bottom lip and chin. 
You lick your lips, “Not tired I just―”But you’re cut off as Dabi rubs his dick along your clit, causing you to once again choke on your words. “You’re not playing fair…”
He lifts you up and sets you down on the edge of the desk. And now that you’ve left the dimly lit dance floor, you realize that his eyes are a gorgeous turquoise blue. A beautiful turquoise blue that is saturated with lust and desire.
“Playing fair, hm?”He asks, his lips descending on your neck. “I’m not sure if such a thing exists. 
Dabi enters you, careful to not hurt you but clearly impatient. He’s rough in a surprisingly gentle kind of way. It is paradoxical. It makes your head spin. It makes your cunt throb. It makes you want him even more. 
Dabi’s hands and mouth felt good but his cock—his thick, long cock is heavenly. Magical.
You cry out and your nails now dig into and scratch into his back. His shirt is still on, so he is protected from whatever damage you might have inflicted but very quickly you realize that you want to change that. You want to leave your mark on him. Some kind of reminder of what happened this night. 
So you tug at his shirt, urging it off of him.  Your efforts, at first, are either unnoticed or ignored, but soon he is chuckling and assisting you. 
And you’re in no way prepared for what was hiding underneath his shirt. 
You could tell he was muscular. You could tell he was in shape—fit. But the rippling abs and deep cut v-line make your mouth go dry. 
It would be a lie to say that Keigo isn’t also fit. That he, too, does not sport a similar physique. But when was the last time you had gotten more than a glimpse of it as he got dressed or undressed? You were always a tactile lover—needing to touch and be touched—but you have long since been deprived.
At first, you simply touch him. Your hands simply reach out to feel his muscles. But one, short touch becomes a lingering graze, which inevitably turns into a needy type of pawing—where you are seemingly desperate in your endeavors to feel as much of him as possible. 
His strokes are still slow, but intentional. Purposeful as he drives his cock straight into you. Dabi’s head is tipped back and his eyes are closed, apparently taking in the moment. 
His eyes snap open, though, when you lean forward. Just enough to connect your tongue to his skin. Your hands grab hold of his hips now as you trace his ever connecting tattoos with your tongue. 
“Shit, you’re fucking insatiable.”
“Sorry…”Is your mumbled reply, bashful and a bit embarrassed. You haven’t been with anyone besides Keigo in so long that you’ve lost sense of what behaviors are appropriate or inappropriate during a first time fuck. “I just haven’t been touched in so long.”
He stops fucking you to look straight at you. It is the first time that you’ve looked at each other so clearly. He’s observing you and you’re observing him. You can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking. You can’t help but worry that you’ve ruined the mood.
But then he reaches around, quickly undoing your bra. He pulls the straps off your arms and throws the garment behind himself. Without it, your dress neckline slips and droops, which is apparently what he wants because he slides your straps down your arms.
His hands, large and warm, cup your breasts. His touch is gentle—experimental. When Dabi touches you, he watches your every reaction. He notes your every gasp and shuddering breath. Goosebumps cover your skin as his fingers circle your nipples, his nails scraping along the sensitive buds. 
And then he pinches them. Tugs and pulls.
The moan you let out raises into a sensuous wail as he punctuates his actions with an abrupt, deep thrust into your quivering cunt. 
It feels ridiculous to admit to yourself, but you’re surprised by just how good you feel. And he doesn’t stop. He continues to toy with your sensitive nipples as he fucks you. 
You’re loud now. Uninhibited and uncaring. You’re in a club for fucksake, it’s loud. And if anyone happens to hear through the door, then what can you do? Besides, it’s not like you care much anymore. It’s not like you’re thinking much of anything at this point. 
Your nails dig into his skin, leaving tracks of red in their wake. Your legs tremble, already weak but the way Dabi fucks into you makes them grow weaker. Makes your entire being weak—pliant and loose.
“Don’t worry Sweetheart,”Dabi says as he rams his cock into you “You can feel as good as you want to feel. I’ll make you feel good.” 
Something about that…about what he’s said. Perhaps his tone. Perhaps the words themselves. Or perhaps it’s the look in his eyes. Whatever the case maybe, you lose the last bit of your inhibitions. The last of your restraint melts away. You give into the pleasure and euphoria. Your head becomes light and you become entirely unabashed. 
Your cunt tightens around Dabi’s thick, long cock. And finally, he seems to lose the last bit of his control as well. 
He’d been softly groaning this whole time, but now he moans. His deliciously deep, raspy voice is right in your ear. His head rests on your shoulder and his grip on you has tightened. Over and over he mumbles “fuck”. 
Your mouth falls open but no sound comes out. It’s like the moans are stuck in your throat. Caught and unwilling to come out but your mind is a whirlwind. Dizzy and intoxicated off of carnal desire, you can’t help the way your body goes completely limp.
You fall back against the desk and rather quickly, Dabi is right on top of you. His lips are on yours and his tongue has slipped into your mouth. It quiets you both down, but just barely. 
And then he reaches down between you to give attention to your sensitive clit. 
Your toes curl and your back arches off of the hardwood desk. Your nails dig into him once again, more trails of red scratches. You cry out, completely unbridled. His lips are long forgotten now as you drown in your own pleasure. 
Your pussy is convulsing around his dick now, and your body trembles terribly. Dabi fucks into you like he’s been starved. The dull, muffled pulsing sounds of the music and your moans that fill the room are joined by the sound of your skin slapping together. 
There isn’t any room to be ashamed or shy any more. As Dabi’s cock hits your gspot over and over again, your brain melts further and all you can think about is how good you’re feeling and how much you love Dabi’s cock. And how much you miss being fucked.
How much you miss this.
You’re hearing yourself as though you are listening to someone else. You sound so pathetic—whining desperately and mewling. 
“Go ahead Princess, cum for me.”
With the magic words finally spoken, you completely break down. 
Your orgasm floods into your every limb, sedating you completely docile. And yet Dabi continues to fuck into you and while you are beginning to suffer from overstimulation and oversensitivity, you can’t bring yourself to try and push him off. So instead you just lay there obediently. 
His body grows tense and as you look up at him, your gaze hazy with pleasure and satisfaction, Dabi thrusts into you one last time before he’s emptying himself into the condom.
You thought that he, too, would collapse or at least be too tired to move, but instead he pulls out. He takes off the condom and ties it before tossing it in the trash. It’s almost humiliating, the way he seems so completely done with you.
But then he’s back on you.
His lips are all over your neck. Your chest. Your breasts. 
His tongue circles one of your nipple before taking it into his mouth, nibbling on it.
“F-Fuck.”It’s too much. You had never known yourself to be so sensitive and responsive, but you can’t help the way your body jolts. “Please―” 
Your toes curl and, once again, your hands tangle into Dabi’s hair as he takes your nipple back into his mouth and begins sucking and nibbling on it again. The way Dabi sucks on them―rolling the sensitive bud around with his tongue and kneading your other breast with his other hand—is enough to cause you to moan loudly and lewdly again. 
His lips trail from one breast to the other and he pays them the same attention.
You thought that you were finally starting to get your mind back. You thought your mind was finally becoming clear again, but then you feel his fingers slip back into you and you’re in a haze all over again.
This time, though, it does not take much.
Another, weaker orgasm hits you. It hurts a bit—it’s never hurt before but it does now. Your body is spent. You can’t take anymore. 
And really, even when you and Keigo were good—when your relationship was at its peak—you’d never felt like this before. You’d never experienced this kind of fatigue. It feels good. Experiencing this makes you feel good. Even better, really.
“Too much.”You whisper almost inaudibly, tugging at his hair to get him to stop. 
Dabi pulls away from you and this time, he’s got a satisfied smirk on his face. From the look in his eyes, it’s obvious that he is pleased with himself.
For a short while neither one of you say anything.
The air is dense. Heavy with the smell of sex and lust. And while you lay there on the desk, you think about what you’ve just done and why you don’t feel even an inkling of guilt.
You sit up finally, and put back on the bra he has retrieved. While you do so, he puts on his own shirt and further fixes his appearance. And then he walks back towards you, extending his hand for you to take. 
So you do.
He helps you from the desk but your legs are so weak you would have completely fallen if it had not been for him.
And the amusement glinting in his eyes lets you know that he knows that. But thankfully, he doesn’t comment on it. Instead, he retrieves your purse for you and, when you’re ready, walks you to the door. 
“Your boyfriend is fucking stupid, by the way,”Dabi whispers as his large, warm hands soothingly rubs up and down your bare arms. And then he leans in, kissing you softly on the lips. He cups your face in his hands while yours hold onto the hem of his shirt, gripping it tightly. And when his tongue enters your mouth, you welcome it.
But the kiss ends before anything new can start up and you can’t help but feel a tad bit disappointed. 
You know that this is goodbye, though. 
Of course it is. 
This was a one time—one night thing. 
But you’ve received more attention in this one night than you have received in the last eight months from your supposed boyfriend.
You don’t look back as you walk out the door. 
Or, at least, you try not to.
It’s hard not to, but you fight every urge and instinct to do so. 
And just as you walk back out onto the main floor, Rumi is snatching you up and pulling you off to the side. 
“We’re leaving.”She tells you. 
Which you don’t argue against. With the night you’ve had, you certainly aren’t in the mood to dance anymore. In fact, you could really use a shower and a nice, warm bed right about now.
Besides, you know that you owe it to her to explain. And, maybe, as you explain it to her, you can make some sense of it for yourself as well.
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sidewayspeace444 · 2 years
My iCloud was hacked. I have no idea why/how this happened, considering I’m a nobody. I record all of my zoom readings so I hope it’s just a glitch. If we’ve had a reading on there I’m sorry!
Has this happened to anyone else? It says I changed my password and I didn’t…
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37q · 2 years
so yall know i gotta lor sis righ. well. fuck dude. those obligations from earlier. part rant part support seeking skip to the very end for that second part
context. 17 y/o not in school, homeless, lowkey estranged from her parents. father is unemployed and lying abt it, abusive and his ego is constantly reacting to his material precaritys impact on his manhood, sits at my old shop all day doing nothing. mom, actually employed, covering for dad, also used to work at my old shop before being fired for stealing a stack of cash, getting worse w her precarity and also sits at the shop a lot a lot. no idea where her lor bro sleeps. no idea how old he is too, could be 12 in an 8 year olds body for all i kno
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so i pick her up at 1030, we go to the mall and check the ubreakifix type place and they dont work on iphone 8s. bet. we have a spare XR she bought off her big bro. missing sim tray, got a free replacement from the shop. go to the apple store, the XR is permalocked unless factory reset from the icloud acct tethered to the device (truly dystopian imo), schedule genius bar appt for tmrw at 11. take her back to her friends house, the one i hired a month before i left so she could have a comrade and a place to stay nearish work that isnt her moms (although they were kicked out of their motel right when i hired steven i think. so, unhappy coincidence?).
sis works then so i drop her off at work at 9 and take her phone w me. go home come back to the mall. genius at the bar says its busted, whatever. not like i been sayin that. its missing like the bottom 1/5 of the backing like straight up exposed circuitry and she leans it on its bottom edge on whatever flat surface she can find at her perpetually wet food service job. refurbished options more expensive than the cheap 'new' products, not saying much tho. deliver busted phone and info to her -- her mom and dad are there ofc -- go home. later pick her up that night (last night) and drive her to her gfs in the heights. oh also dropping steven and their mutual friend off at stevens on the way. whatever its like literally en route its actually kinda perfect every time.
apparently im picking her up this morning. Okay. oh yeah shes locked out of her paycard account. she locks the card when shes at 0 in case she gets an auto withdrawal thatll overdraft her. she got paid today so she was gonna unlock it but how did she access her acct previously? thumbprint. no password memory whatsoever. pretty fair, id say? she texted me asking for the last 4 of her SSN this morning. nobody picked up her call to the bank(?) until she called them in the car with me. the form required to change login credentials when u dont have account access required those digits and a form of photo id. no ability to access it from her ADP because the pw changed at some point but it still took her print.
reminder. shes homeless and out of school. she has a birth certificate but thats where my certainty of her documentation ends. ive run into this before where i wanted to start a real bank acct for her but they require legally viable photo id and even non driver state ids require 1. proof of permanent residence (X) and 2. proof of enrollment in school for minors (X) at the MVA.
so anyways weve kinda hit a wall with the limitations her unsupportive parents / guardians have provided! its taking up a large portion of my emotional, mental, physical, and temporal space in life right now so i wanted to make a post about it. my little bandaid desire is to at least set her up with a new phone which i estimate would be $200 minimum for actual 'verified third party vendors of used phones' but ugh i didnt budget for this.
oh the support seeking! if you know me and wanna ease the load on my sisters shoulders a but, id be grateful for some help raising funds for a new phone! ill include some $ links. if were unacquainted but youre reading this anyway and have a spare $5 wed love the support! thanks for reading :)
cashapp: $rmwperfect | venmo: @rmwperfect | paypal: @37q
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icloudunlockios · 2 years
iCloud Bypass - The Easiest Way to Unlock iPhone 13
iCloud Bypass is an online web tool that bypasses the iCloud activation lock. It is straightforward to use and has a user-friendly interface.Using iCloud Bypass, you can unlock your iPhone and iPad without entering an Apple ID and password. It is also safe to use, and there are no risks involved.
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Introduction for iCloud Bypass
iCloud Bypass is a tool that enables you to unlock your device without having to enter the Apple ID or password. The tool is ad-free and works on both Windows and Mac computers.
Choosing the best iCloud Bypass tool depends on several factors, such as compatibility, ease of use, and price. However, the most crucial factor is the software’s ability to bypass the iCloud activation lock.
Another aspect is its customer support. Many iCloud bypass tools come with a trial version allowing you to try the software before buying. Some even offer a money-back guarantee.
Some online unlock services work by hacking into Apple servers and unlocking your device. Others require you to access and install software onto your computer.
iCloud Bypass is one of the best ways to remove iCloud lock from your iOS device without jailbreaking it. The process is easy and fast and can be completed within minutes. You can use it on various instruments and models, including iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
Unlock iPhone 13 using iCloud Bypass.
If you own a locked iPhone 13, you may wonder how to unlock it. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest is to use iCloud Bypass.iCloud Bypass is a tool that can help you remove an iCloud activation lock on an Apple device without the need to enter an iCloud ID and password. It is a straightforward process and can be done in just a few minutes.
However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before using this tool. First, you need to understand what iCloud Bypass is and how it works.After that, you must access the software and install it on your computer. You also need to connect the locked device to your computer.
Once the application is installed on your computer, you must select your device and click “Bypass iCloud Activation Lock.” This will start the bypassing process. Once it is completed, you can use the device as a standard. Please do not disconnect the device until it restarts, and do not launch iTunes while this is happening.
More about iCloud Bypass
iCloud Bypass is a powerful software that helps you unlock the iCloud lock without a password. It is one of the most reliable iCloud bypass tools available on the market, and it is also virus free to use.
When you buy an Apple device, it comes with an iCloud activation lock to protect your data. This lock prevents unauthorized users from acquiring and using the device.Sometimes, you may come across second-hand iPhones or iPads still locked with the previous owner’s Apple ID. These devices can be challenging to unlock without a valid Apple ID and password.
However, it is possible to get around this security system. To do so, you need to change the iCloud DNS address on your iOS device.This method can be helpful in cases where you are purchasing a second-hand iPhone or iPad and don’t know the previous owner’s Apple ID or password. It also works if you have forgotten your own Apple ID and password.
What is the main reason for using this Tool?
Having an iPhone, iPad, or Mac that is locked due to iCloud activation is frustrating. But there are ways to unlock iCloud and access your Apple device.Using an iCloud Bypass Tool is the most efficient way to do this. It can remove the iCloud lock from an iPhone, iPad, or Mac in just a few minutes.
It is safe, legal, and fully guaranteed. It also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
There are many iCloud bypass tools in the market, and it must be challenging to choose the right one. Here are a few to consider:
CheckM8 is a popular iCloud Bypass tool that allows you to remove the iCloud lock without jailbreaking. It works on a Mac computer and has a risk-free trial version.
Another tool is iSalvor which is available on Windows and Mac. It has a slick user interface and works on most Apple devices. Salvador also has a hassle-free trial to help you test it before purchasing a license.
The legal background of using iCloud Bypass
One of the most exciting aspects of Apple's iCloud is that anyone with an Internet connection can store and sync all their digital media. To prevent unauthorized access, the company has introduced an iCloud id lock that requires a password to be entered on startup. The iCloud id has helped curb the number of iPhones on the streets, but it has also given rise to a new industry - iPhone cloning. iCloud cloning is a lucrative business for enterprising thieves, coders, and hackers who scour the web looking for the latest and greatest. iCloud cloning has its pitfalls, and if you're not careful, your newfound wealth could be a squishy a$$ instead of a sparkling smartphone.
Advantages of using iCloud Bypass
iCloud is Apple's cloud-based service that keeps your data safe on all iOS devices. It can store photos, files, email messages, and much more. It also allows you to synchronize your devices so that the same information is available across them.
Whenever you set up your device after a factory reset or restore, it sends an activation request to Apple's server. This activates your device and enables it to use iCloud features, such as Find My iPhone, iCloud backups, and iTunes purchases.
  You can bypass the activation process by using the iCloud DNS Bypass method, which changes the activation path sent from Apple's server to another DNS server for authentication. This means you can access your device without signing in with your Apple ID and password.
Bypasser is one of the best iCloud Bypass tools and is very easy to use. You can access a malware-free trial version to test it out and buy a license if you are confident it will work for your device. You can even buy a lifetime license to use it on as many devices as you like.
Conclusion on iCloud Bypass
If you own an iPhone or iPad, you know how frustrating it can be when the iCloud activation lock osmosis is in full force. Whether it's your iOS device or a second-hand one you've purchased, the iCloud activation lock is no fun.
The best way to get around it is to use a tool that is available ad-free on the internet and can easily unlock any Apple device. However, choosing the right iCloud unlocking app can be challenging, especially since there are so many options.
Luckily, we have reviewed seven top-rated iCloud Bypass tools and come up with a short list of the most important ones to consider. Before you can start your search, you need to be aware of the features and specifications of each product. That way, you can find the most relevant iCloud Bypass tool. That includes the legality of the software, its unlocking time, customer support, and other valuable features that will make your iCloud unlocking journey a success.
Finally, on iCloud Bypass
iCloud Bypass bypasses an iPhone/iPad’s activation lock using a software application. It is a popular method among iOS users and has helped many people to unlock their Apple devices.
However, the iCloud bypass process may harm your device in some ways. For example, it can allow other people to access your data. In addition, it may affect the performance of your device.
A few tools out there claim to bypass iCloud, but most of them are scams. They are usually designed to separate a desperate user from their money.
Some of them have been reported to cause damage to a device and can be easily hacked by irresponsible users. Therefore, choosing a legit iCloud bypass tool is a good idea.
Many methods can help you bypass iCloud, including iCloud DNS Bypass and CheckM8. iCloud DNS Bypass works by changing the activation path from the Apple server to another DNS server for authentication.
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govindhtech · 4 days
Password Manager Google Rises Passkey Support to Desktop
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Password Manager Google
Google Password Manager
On any device, logging into your preferred websites and applications ought to be as simple and quick as opening your phone. This is when passkeys are useful. It getting closer to a pass wordless future with these safer and more user-friendly alternatives to passwords. You can securely sign in to apps and websites using your fingerprint, face, or screen lock.
Only passkeys for Password Manager Google on Android could be saved up till now. Though you would have to use your Android handset to scan a QR code in order to use them on other devices.
Organize passkeys in Chrome
With a passkey, you may quickly and safely log in using a fingerprint, facial scan, or screen lock. Without the need for a password app, passkeys are an easy and safe method to access all of the websites and applications you care about in addition to your Google Account. To increase the security of your account, you might be required to generate or use a passkey while logging in to a website.
Recommendation: Since passkeys are based on industry standards, you can utilize them on numerous platforms.
Password manager
Further information on passkeys
Passkeys are cryptographic key pairs; this is how they differ from passwords. A website-specific key pair is used. Half of the information is stored on your device or password manager, while half is shared with the website. Instead of using a password that could be forgotten or stolen, websites and applications authenticate your access with a code that is created securely.
Passkey advantages include:
You won’t need to commit a string of characters, digits, and letters to memory.
Accounts can be accessed via facial or fingerprint recognition technologies.
Passkeys work with both websites and apps, and they are compatible with a variety of browser ecosystems and operating systems.
Passkeys are protected from hacker attempts because they are powerful enough to never be guessed or reused.
Because passkeys are linked to the app or website for which they were intended, you will never be duped into logging into a phony app or website with your passkey.
Password Manager Google passkeys are compatible with all Android applications.
Make use of passkeys
Passkeys are stored on your devices. The procedure varies depending on the operating system and might not be accessible on all of them.
Keep passkeys in Windows storage
Passkeys are available for use if you have Windows 10 or later. You need to configure Windows Hello in order to store passkeys. Passkeys are only saved to your PC because Windows Hello does not presently support synchronization or backup. Passkeys are lost if you lose your computer or reinstall the OS.
You must have Windows 11, version 22H2 or later on your PC in order to use passkey management and passkey auto-fill.
Passkeys can be kept on an Android device
Important: Your device has to be running Android 9.0 or higher and have the screen lock enabled in order to save passkeys.
Passkeys are kept in your Password Manager Google and used on your Android smartphone. Your Android devices securely sync and backup your passkeys.
Keep passkeys on an iPad or iPhone
Passkeys are available in iOS or iPadOS 16+. The iCloud Keychain syncs them with iOS, iPadOS, and macOS devices. Passkey auto-fill is not available in iOS.
Securely keep passkeys on a key
To keep your passkeys safe, you can utilize a security key.
Important: There is no backup for passkeys kept on security keys. You cannot get your passkeys back if you misplace or reset the security key.
It releasing changes today that further simplify the use of passkeys across all of your devices. Passkeys for Password Manager Google can now be saved from Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android; ChromeOS is also available for beta testing. After they are saved, they will sync automatically across all of your devices, so all you have to do to log in is scan your fingerprint.
Google releasing a new Password Manager Google PIN that will allow you to generate passkeys and access saved ones across all of your devices. This PIN provides an extra degree of protection to guarantee that your passkeys are completely encrypted and inaccessible to anybody not even Google.
You will need to know your Android device’s screen lock or your Password Manager Google PIN when you first use passkeys on a new device. You may safely retrieve your previously saved passkeys and sync fresh ones between your Android devices and PCs with these recovery factors.
For well-known websites and applications like Google, Amazon, PayPal, and WhatsApp, passkeys are already available. You may also start using Password Manager Google right now without downloading any additional apps because it is a feature that is incorporated into Chrome and Android devices.
Is Google Password Manager Safe
In general, Password Manager Google is regarded as secure. Google uses robust encryption to safeguard your credentials, and they have a security staff on hand to keep an eye out for any threats. Like any internet service, there are some risks involved.
Here are some important things to think about:
Your Google account and security are linked
Your passwords may be at risk if your Google account is hacked.
Although Google offers local encryption,
It is not activated by default. Local encryption is therefore optional. This implies that in the event of a data breach, your passwords are kept on Google’s servers and may be accessible.
No master password
Google Password Manager does not necessitate a separate master password, in contrast to certain specialized password managers. This implies that your saved passwords are directly accessible to anyone who manages to access your Google account.
To improve your safety
Turn on Google account two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds another level of protection.
Though Google Password Manager is handy, you might find that a specialized password manager is a better option for people who require high levels of security because it frequently provides more sophisticated security features.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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ashwington · 1 month
Can I Recover My Apple ID If I Forgot the Answers to My Account Recovery Questions?
Apple ID is a crucial part of the Apple ecosystem, as it allows users to access various services such as iCloud, the App Store, iTunes, Apple Music, and more. Ensuring the security of your Apple ID is essential, but there are instances when users find themselves locked out of their accounts. This often happens when they've forgotten the answers to their security questions. In such cases, many users ask, "Can I recovery apple id if I forgot the answers to my account recovery questions?"
In this detailed guide, we'll explore different methods and strategies that can help you regain access to your Apple ID, even if you've forgotten your account recovery answers. One particularly valuable resource is Apple's "iforgot" tool for resetting your password and account recovery. This guide will also shed light on other potential solutions for restoring your Apple ID and ensuring its continued security.
What Are Apple ID Security Questions?
Before diving into the recovery process, it is important to understand the role of security questions in your Apple ID. Apple requires users to set up security questions when they create their Apple ID to provide an extra layer of security. These questions are used when Apple needs to verify your identity, particularly during password recovery and other critical processes, like changing security settings.
Typically, these questions cover topics such as:
"What was the name of your first pet?"
"What was your dream job as a child?"
"What was the model of your first car?"
The answers to these questions are meant to be unique and personal, something only the account holder would know. However, if you’ve forgotten the answers to these security questions, gaining access to your Apple ID can become a bit more challenging. Fortunately, there are several recovery options you can try.
Steps to Recover Your Apple ID Without Security Question Answers
Apple provides multiple ways to recover your Apple ID. Here are the steps and options you can explore:
1. Use Apple's "iforgot" Tool
One of the primary methods to recover your Apple ID if you forget the answers to your account recovery questions is to use Apple's official password recovery tool: iforgot.apple.com.
How to Use the "iforgot" Tool
Visit the "iforgot" Website: Go to iforgot.apple.com on any device.
Enter Your Apple ID: You will be prompted to enter your Apple ID email address. Make sure to provide the correct email.
Verify Your Identity: If you've forgotten your security questions, the system will guide you to verify your identity through other means, such as using two-factor authentication, receiving a verification code on your trusted device, or answering questions about your Apple account that are not part of your security questions.
Reset Your Password: After successfully verifying your identity, you will be able to reset your Apple ID password. Once you’ve done this, you can regain access to your account.
This method is effective for many users, especially if they have two-factor authentication enabled or access to their trusted devices. If, for some reason, this method doesn’t work, there are other approaches to consider.
2. Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
If you've set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for your Apple ID, you can bypass the need for security questions altogether. Two-factor authentication is an added layer of security that requires a code in addition to your password when you sign in. This code can be sent to one of your trusted devices, such as an iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
How to Use Two-Factor Authentication for Recovery:
Sign In with Your Apple ID: On a new or untrusted device, attempt to sign in with your Apple ID and password.
Receive the Verification Code: Apple will send a six-digit verification code to your trusted device(s). Enter the code when prompted.
Reset Your Password: Once verified, you will be prompted to reset your Apple ID password. You can then regain access to your account without the need for security questions.
It's important to note that if you haven't set up two-factor authentication, you should consider doing so in the future to enhance the security of your account and make account recovery easier.
3. Use Account Recovery
Account recovery is another method Apple provides if you're locked out of your account. It is designed to help you regain access to your Apple ID when you cannot reset your password or receive verification codes.
Steps to Initiate Account Recovery:
Visit the "iforgot" Website: Start by visiting iforgot.apple.com and entering your Apple ID.
Select "Don’t have access to your security questions?": If prompted for your security questions, you will often see an option to bypass them if you cannot remember the answers.
Start Account Recovery: Follow the prompts to start the account recovery process. Apple will guide you through providing as much information as possible to verify your identity.
Wait for Recovery: Account recovery can take several days, depending on the information you provide and the complexity of your case. Apple may contact you via email or phone to confirm your identity.
Regain Access: Once your identity has been verified, Apple will allow you to reset your password and regain access to your Apple ID.
This process may be slower than other methods, but it is essential when other recovery options have failed.
4. Contact Apple Support
If you've tried all the methods above and still cannot regain access to your Apple ID, contacting Apple Support directly might be the best option. Apple Support has access to additional tools that can help in difficult cases.
How to Contact Apple Support:
Go to Apple's Support Website: Visit support.apple.com and navigate to the Apple ID section.
Explain Your Situation: Describe your problem, mentioning that you’ve forgotten the answers to your security questions and have tried the "iforgot" tool and account recovery without success.
Receive Guidance: Apple Support may guide you through additional recovery steps or escalate your case for further investigation.
While waiting for support, be prepared to provide as much information as possible about your account to confirm your identity. This could include your previous passwords, details about your Apple devices, or payment methods linked to your account.
Preventing Future Lockouts
After recovering your Apple ID, it's essential to take preventive steps to ensure that you don't face the same issue again. Here are some best practices:
1. Set Up Two-Factor Authentication
If you haven’t already done so, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your Apple ID. 2FA is one of the most secure ways to protect your account, as it requires not only your password but also a verification code sent to one of your trusted devices.
How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication:
Go to Settings: On your iPhone or iPad, open the Settings app and tap on your Apple ID at the top of the screen.
Select "Password & Security": In the Apple ID menu, tap on "Password & Security."
Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Tap on "Turn on Two-Factor Authentication" and follow the prompts to set it up.
By doing this, you'll add an extra layer of security to your Apple ID and avoid issues related to forgotten security questions in the future.
2. Update Security Information
Ensure that your recovery email address and phone number are up to date. This way, Apple can reach you if you ever need to recover your account again. You can also review and update your security questions periodically to ensure they remain relevant.
How to Update Security Information:
Sign In to Your Apple ID Account: Visit appleid.apple.com and sign in with your Apple ID.
Select "Security": Navigate to the "Security" section, where you can review your trusted devices, phone numbers, and security questions.
Update Your Information: Make any necessary updates and save your changes.
3. Use a Password Manager
To avoid losing access to your Apple ID due to forgotten passwords or security answers, consider using a password manager. These tools store your passwords and recovery information securely, so you don't have to rely on memory alone.
Some of the most popular password managers include:
By using a password manager, you'll have a secure way to store all your account details and recovery information.
Recovering your Apple ID if you've forgotten the answers to your security questions may seem daunting, but Apple provides several tools to help you regain access. The iforgot.apple.com tool is an excellent first step, especially if you have two-factor authentication enabled or a trusted device. Account recovery and contacting Apple Support offer additional methods if the basic options don't work.
Ensuring your Apple ID is secure by setting up two-factor authentication, keeping your recovery information updated, and using a password manager will protect your account from future lockouts. These proactive measures can give you peace of mind and make managing your Apple ID easier and more secure.
Ultimately, while forgetting security questions can be a hassle, with the right tools and practices, you can successfully recovery apple id and continue using Apple's vast array of services.
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macswire · 2 months
Iforgot.Apple.Com Scam: How To Avoid?
Imagine receiving an email with the subject line “URGENT ACTION NEEDED!” The body of the message claims your Apple ID has been compromised due to suspicious activity. Panic might set in, but before you hit that “reset password” button, take a deep breath. This could very well be a phishing attempt designed to steal your login credentials.
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Phishing scammers are on the field again, this time targeting Apple users with emails claiming their accounts have been compromised and directing them to a fake website (iforgot.apple.com) to “reset” their passwords. Don’t be fooled. In this article, we’ll discuss the Iforgot.apple.com scam and How to Avoid it.
What Is The IForgot.Apple.Com Scam?
Before knowing about the scam, let’s know what iForget is. iForgot is Apple’s official website to help users recover their Apple IDs and reset passwords. So, if you have forgotten your Apple ID password, head on to the website to ensure prompt and secure resolution of iCloud ID issues. Then what is the scam all about?
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That’s where the scam starts. Cyber scammers and fraudsters exploit the iForgot feature to get your Apple IDs and passwords. They will send you fake emails from the iForgot email ID, containing fake links and malware. The email would resemble the original email that you received from the official iForgot website. When you tap on the link or download any attachment, you’ll be redirected to a website where they’ll ask you to enter your old Apple ID and password.
How Does The IForgot.Apple.Com Scam Work?
Here’s how the iForgot Apple scam works.
The Phishing Email: You receive a cleverly disguised email, supposedly from Apple Support. The subject line might be alarming, something like “Your Apple ID has been locked” or “Unauthorized sign-in attempt.“
Sense of Urgency: The email body creates a sense of panic. It might claim that your account has been compromised or that suspicious activity has been detected. The message insists you must act immediately.
The Fake Link: Within the email, there’s a prominent link that seemingly leads to iforgot.apple.com, Apple’s legitimate password reset site. However, the displayed text and the actual link destination are different. This trick is designed to fool you.
The Phishing Website: Upon clicking the link, you’re redirected to a fake Apple ID login page that closely resembles the official one. Unaware, you enter your Apple ID credentials and password.
Data Theft: The moment you submit your information on the fake site, it reaches the scammers. They now have full control over your Apple ID.
How To Prevent IForgot.Apple Scam?
If you receive anonymous mail, the safest thing you can do is ignore it or even delete it. If you don’t click on any link, download any software, or interact with the email in any way, there’s nothing a scammer can do. The scams only work if you click on their links.
To save yourself from falling victim to such scams, exercise caution with any email or message requesting personal information, particularly if it comes from an unfamiliar source. Always verify the sender’s authenticity before clicking on any links or providing login details. If you’re uncertain whether a website is genuine or fake, it’s advisable to navigate directly to the official Apple website and log in from there. Here are some other things that you can consider:
Never click any link from emails: If you want to reset your password, go to “iforgot.apple.com” directly in your web browser or navigate to it through the official Apple website. Never click links within suspicious emails.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication: This adds an extra layer of security to your Apple ID. When you enable it, you will need a code to log into your Apple account.
Strengthen Your Password: Use a unique, complex password for your Apple ID and change it regularly. Avoid reusing the same password across different services.
Trust Your Instincts: If something feels “off” about an email, it probably is. The safest thing is to be vigilant.
How To Spot An IForgot.Apple Scam?
The iForgot scam mail is received by many users. To protect yourself from such scams, you need to know what the mail or the scam looks like. Here’s all you need to know about the mail:
Email Sender: Carefully scrutinize the sender’s address. While it might look official at first glance, it likely won’t end in “@apple.com.” Scammers often use slight misspellings or unrelated domains.
Poor Grammar and Spelling: Genuine Apple communications are rigorously edited. Typos, strange phrasing, or awkward wording should raise suspicion.
Urgent Mail: Scammers want you to panic and make rash decisions. In the mail, you’ll see aggressive time limits like “verify within 24 hours” or dire threats like “your account will be permanently deleted.”
Unexpected Links: Hover your mouse over any links in the email (without clicking) to reveal their true address. If it doesn’t match a legitimate Apple domain, it’s a scam.
Requests for Personal Info: Apple will never ask for your password, credit card numbers, social security numbers, or similar sensitive information directly in an email.
What Happens If You Mistakenly Click On The Link?
If you get a link in your email asking for your Apple ID and password or just an attachment to download, it’s better not to open the link. But what happens if you open the link and even enter your ID and password? Here’s what can happen:
Account Takeover: Scammers could immediately change your password, locking you out of your account.
Identity Theft: Access to your Apple ID allows access to personal data like your name, address, and potentially credit card information.
App Store Fraud: Scammers might make unauthorized purchases on the App Store using your linked payment methods.
Data Hijacking: It could give them iCloud access, which means photos, documents, and other sensitive files.
Phishing Your Contacts: Scammers controlling your account could send similar scam emails to your contacts list, spreading the trap further.
That’s all about the iforgot.apple.com scam and how you can avoid such scams. The scam works only if you give your information. If you don’t react to such mail, it is useless and will not cause any harm. In case you have already entered your ID and password, it is better to change your password as soon as possible. If you can’t, head to the nearest Apple center. The best prevention is to be vigilant about such mail. Refer to the article for more details. In case of any doubt, do let us know in the comment section below.
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techfusions · 4 months
How To On Sideload Apps Iphone Using Altstore
Using AltStore to sideload apps on your iPhone is a great method to get access to more apps than just those available in the official App Store. With AltStore, users may install apps from outside the Apple ecosystem with greater customisation and flexibility than with other app installers. Sideloading with AltStore can provide endless opportunities for anyone interested in exploring new programs, be they a developer, beta tester, or just an app enthusiast. We'll walk you through the entire process of sideloading apps on your iPhone with AltStore in this in-depth guide, making sure it's a safe and easy approach.
What is AltStore?
For iOS devices that aren't jailbroken, AltStore is a substitute app store that may be used to sideload apps. It offers a more open and flexible method of managing apps by enabling users to install programs from sources other than the App Store. With the use of the user's personal development certificate, AltStore, an iOS app, resigns apps and forwards them to AltServer, a desktop program that installs the resigned apps back onto the device via iTunes WiFi sync.
With security in mind, AltStore offers comprehensive details about an app's permissions directly from its store page. In order to guarantee sideloading with trust, it also automatically notifies users whenever an app's permissions change. A committed two-person team develops the open-source app store, which is fully funded by community donations. Users have the ability to peruse applications from reputable developers or add more "sources" to expand their selection.
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What Is the role of Altserver? 
As your computer's companion app, AltServer is an essential part of the AltStore ecosystem. Enabling AltStore to sideload software onto your device is its main purpose. AltServer needs to be directly connected via USB or operating on the same WiFi network as your iPhone in order to accomplish this. This enables AltStore to interact with AltServer and carry out different operations like sideloading, refreshing, and turning on and off programs.
In the first place, Altstore is installed via AltServer as well. You can manually update your AltStore if it expires by reinstalling it using AltServer and leaving the current AltStore intact. This guarantees that the sideloading process continues smoothly. Furthermore, AltServer facilitates AltStore's weekly automated app refreshes. AltServer can be made to run in the background and be launched at computer startup to make sure AltStore can work effectively. In general, AltServer serves as a conduit between your computer and iPhone, making sideloading easier and improving the user experience all around.
How to setup Altstore?
Prior to executing the stages, it is important to keep a few things in mind. Users will require a PC with iTunes and iCloud installed, as AltServer requires weekly Apple ID login. Additionally, customers running iOS 16 or higher must enable developer mode. This is how you do it:
Open the Settings app.
Navigate to Privacy and Security.
Scroll down to Developer Mode.
Toggle it on.
Additionally, make sure you download and install iCloud [here] and iTunes [here] from Apple's website rather than the Windows Store if you intend to install the server on a Windows device. After downloading:
Download AltStore on your computer and transfer it to your applications folder.
After installation, connect your iPhone to the computer and designate it as a trusted device.
Download and launch AltServer on your computer, then run it.
Open the iTunes app and enable the “Sync with this iPhone over Wi-Fi” setting.
Click on the AltServer icon located in the top left menu bar and select the “Install AltStore” button.
Choose your device from the dropdown menu.
Enter your Apple ID and password.
You should receive an AltServer notification confirming that the app was successfully installed.
On your iPhone, navigate to Settings > General > Profiles & Device Management, then click on the Trust button.
Install apps from Altstore
 You must configure AltServer on your Windows computer and link it to your iPhone or iPad in order to install an app from AltStore. Install AltServer first by downloading it from the AltStore website. Next, launch the AltServer application on your computer and adhere to the instructions to install AltStore on your gadget. Make sure your iPhone and PC are linked to the same wireless network. Locate the app you wish to install using AltStore on your device, then choose it by clicking the "Install" button. Your device will receive a sideload of the app. By choosing the "My Apps" tab and pressing the "Plus" symbol to add the IPA file, you may also install apps using IPA files.
open the AltStore application.
Find the software that you want to install.
Maintain the AltServer app open and make sure you are linked to the same wireless network as the server device.
Once the app is installed, you're done!
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samandre567 · 5 months
Mastering the Art of Apple ID Recovery
In the digital age, our lives are intricately woven into the fabric of technology. Among the many facets of our digital existence, our Apple ID holds a paramount position. It serves as the gateway to a myriad of Apple services, from iCloud and the App Store to Apple Music and message. However, what happens when you find yourself locked out of this digital fortress? Fear not, for Apple provides a robust system for recovering your Apple ID, ensuring that you can regain access to your digital domain swiftly and securely. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various methods and best practices for recovering your Apple ID, empowering you to navigate this process with confidence and ease.
Understanding the Importance of Your Apple ID
Before delving into the intricacies of recover apple id, it's essential to understand the pivotal role it plays in your digital ecosystem. Your Apple ID serves as a unique identifier, linking you to all your Apple devices and services. It enables seamless synchronization of data across devices, facilitates purchases and downloads from the App Store and iTunes Store, and provides access to essential features like iCloud backup and Find My iPhone. With so much riding on your Apple ID, ensuring its security and accessibility is paramount.
Common Scenarios Leading to Apple ID Recovery
There are several scenarios that may necessitate the recovery of your Apple ID:
Forgotten Password: Perhaps the most common scenario, forgetting your Apple ID password can happen to anyone. This could result from infrequent usage of your Apple device, changing your password and subsequently forgetting it, or simply human error.
Account Locked: Apple may lock your Apple ID for security reasons, such as multiple failed login attempts, suspicious activity, or violation of Apple's terms and conditions.
Lost or Stolen Device: If your Apple device is lost or stolen, you may need to recover your Apple ID to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data.
Change of Email Address: If you no longer have access to the email address associated with your Apple ID, you'll need to update your account information or recover your Apple ID using alternative methods.
Recovering Apple ID via Apple's Account Recovery System
Apple provides a streamlined account recovery process designed to assist users in regaining access to their Apple ID. Here's how you can initiate the recovery process:
Visit the Apple ID Account Page: Navigate to the Apple ID account page using any web browser on your computer or mobile device.
Click on "Forgot Apple ID or password": This option is typically located beneath the login fields. Clicking on it will prompt you to enter your Apple ID.
Enter Your Apple ID: Input the email address associated with your Apple ID and click "Continue."
Choose a Recovery Method: Apple offers several recovery options, including email authentication, answering security questions, and using two-factor authentication (2FA) if enabled.
Follow the On-Screen Instructions: Depending on the chosen recovery method, follow the on-screen instructions to verify your identity and reset your Apple ID password.
Contacting Apple Support for Assistance
If you encounter difficulties with the self-recovery process or if your account is locked for security reasons, you can reach out to Apple Support for personalized assistance. Here's how you can contact Apple Support:
Visit Apple's Support Page: Navigate to Apple's official support page using any web browser.
Choose Your Device and Issue: Select the device associated with your Apple ID and describe the issue you're experiencing.
Schedule a Call or Chat Session: Apple offers various support options, including phone calls, chat sessions, and scheduling appointments at an Apple Store Genius Bar.
Verify Your Identity: During the support session, you may need to verify your identity by providing personal information or answering security questions.
Follow Support Team's Guidance: The Apple Support team will guide you through the recovery process, offering tailored solutions to address your specific issue.
Best Practices for Apple ID Security and Recovery
While Apple provides robust mechanisms for recovering your Apple ID, prevention is always better than cure. Here are some best practices to enhance the security of your Apple ID and minimize the likelihood of needing to recover it:
Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a verification code in addition to your password when signing in to your Apple ID from a new device or browser.
Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Avoid using easily guessable passwords and refrain from reusing passwords across multiple accounts. Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely.
Keep Your Account Information Up to Date: Regularly review and update your account information, including your email address, phone number, and security questions. This ensures that you can receive notifications and reset instructions in case of emergencies.
Stay Vigilant Against Phishing Attempts: Be cautious of unsolicited emails, messages, or websites requesting your Apple ID credentials or personal information. Verify the authenticity of such requests by directly visiting Apple's official website or contacting iforgot.apple.com.
Backup Your Data Regularly: Regularly back up your important data to iCloud or other trusted backup solutions. In the event of a lost or inaccessible Apple ID, having a recent backup ensures that you can restore your data seamlessly.
Your Apple ID is the linchpin of your digital identity within the Apple ecosystem, granting access to a wealth of services and features. In the event of a forgotten password, account lockout, or other issues, Apple provides robust mechanisms for recovering your Apple ID and regaining access to your digital domain. By familiarizing yourself with the account recovery process and implementing best practices for security and prevention, you can ensure the safety and accessibility of your Apple ID, empowering you to enjoy the full spectrum of Apple's offerings with peace of mind. Remember, with the right knowledge and a precaution, mastering the art of Apple ID recovery is well within your grasp.
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c0ntr01z3d · 6 months
Digital decluttering
Day 3
Today I got a new phone - the original one was in a pretty shitty condition (cracked screen, poor battery life and so on), so it was high time to change to a new one.
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First, my idea was to give this device a brand new iCloud profile. Then, I did not want to create another account (again), I already have so many accounts that I cannot really keep track of them at all anymore. So I decided to use my original account with the new phone BUT without syncronizing all the things I had on my previous iPhone. Start anew! Yes, baby! What a great idea!
No. It was a TERRIBLE idea. I have so many apps, so many profiles with different passwords on my previous device that it's just silly not to transfer all the stuffs from there. To realize this, I had to download and log into all the apps I use on a daily basis... Such a waste of time.
I also had to face all the unnecessary photos, notes, voice recordings, pdf files etc. that made my iCloud stuffed. They made me soooooooo nervous. Why did I let these things pile up and take so many place? Anyway, I deleted a lot of stuff - it was intersting to see to which files I was not able to say goodbye, some examples:
photos of nice places, people and memories,
gosztonyi Street Podcast episodes,
song ideas that might be hits one day.
And what's next? I'll move my previous phone's stuff to the new one. It might take some hours. I need to be patient. No rush (though first I rushed this thing through). I wish I had done it in a way I was told in the mobile shop.
Sometimes I think, I know the tuti - but honestly... deep down I knew it wouldn't work out - there must be a good reason behind why people don't do this phone upgrading thing the way I originally imagined. Still, if I can really move all the settings to the new phone, I'll have to continue my digital decluttering. DAMN, I COULD DELETE EVERYTHING. Good God, I can be so impulsive, you know, when I want something, I want it NOW. And what do I want? Order. Peace. Everything to be at it's place. Trash needs to be thrown into the bin. Treasure needs to be digged. It takes so much time.
How I'm feeling now in one song:
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helphowblogs · 9 months
How to Change Your Apple ID Email Address
The easiest way to change email address Apple ID is with your iPhone or other trusted device. A trusted device is a device that you're already signed in to with your Apple ID.
Please note that you cannot use an email address that is already used by another Apple ID. If you use services like iCloud or Messages, make sure you sign in to those services with your new Apple ID.
How to change your Apple ID email address on your iPhone or iPad
Go to Settings, then tap your name.
Tap Sign in & security.
Next to Email and phone numbers, tap Edit.
Tap the Delete button next to the email address and then tap Delete.
Tap Choose another email address and enter your device password if prompted.
Enter the new email address, then tap Continue.
Enter the verification code that was sent to your new email address.
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itmlab · 11 months
How to Unlock an iPhone Without the Passcode? - ITMlab
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For more visit: How to Unlock an iPhone Without the Passcode? - ITMlab
If you’ve forgotten your iPhone’s passcode, you’ll need to find another way to unlock it. There are two ways to do this: resetting or unfreezing the device. You can only use these methods if you know the last date and time that someone used the phone last, but it’s worth noting that it doesn’t matter whether or not they’re still using it today. In this article we’ll show you how to unlock an iPhone without a passcode using both methods so let’s get started!
How to Unfreeze an iPhone
If your iPhone has a passcode, you can use it to unfreeze the device.
In Settings, tap Passcode (or Touch ID & Passcode on an iPhone X or later).
Enter your passcode and tap Turn Off Screen Lock or Change Passcode if prompted to do so by entering an old one that’s no longer valid and then creating a new one for future use when prompted again by iOS 11+ devices or earlier versions of iOS 10 – 12+.
Once the screen is unlocked after entering your security code correctly, go back into Settings and navigate down until you find General > Reset > Erase All Content & Settings; then tap Reset All Settings near the bottom right corner of this page next time you need help with any kind of problem related specifically towards these two different types as well as other common ones involving battery life issues etc., which are often caused by third party apps installed on top of stock apps preinstalled within Windows Phone 8 OS software packages themselves rather than being caused by hardware itself failing due entirely instead due partially maybe even slightly due mostly perhaps entirely too much stress placed upon physical components inside those phones’ casing which causes them eventually break down over time leading up until eventually breaking down completely leaving nothing left behind except maybe some dust particles floating around inside air pockets created under pressure between different parts connected together tightly enough together tightly enough so not too many particles escape through cracks created during production process at factory level back when manufacturing line workers were still working hard trying hard laboriously day after day night after night
How to Unlock a Locked iPhone Without the Passcode
If you’re locked out of your iPhone and don’t know the passcode, there are a few ways to unlock it.
Use the emergency call option: If you can’t use Touch ID or Face ID because of an injury or other reason, go to Settings > Emergency SOS and tap “Call.” You’ll be able to make an emergency phone call without unlocking your device.
Connect the phone to a computer: If you have access to a computer, connect it through iTunes or iCloud (depending on which service was used when setting up the passcode). In both cases, this will allow iTunes/iCloud Backup & Restore options that will let you restore from a backup without entering any passwords or passcodes at all!
How to Reset the Passcode on an iPhone 7 or Older
If you have an iPhone 7 or older, resetting your passcode is a little different than unlocking it.
First, turn off Find My iPhone in iCloud settings. Launch Settings on your device and select General > Reset. Scroll down and select Erase All Content and Settings, then tap Erase iPhone (or whatever name pops up).
Resetting the passcode on a newer iPhone is slightly different. First, turn off Find My iPhone in iCloud settings. This will prevent the phone from being locked if it’s lost or stolen in the future. Then, launch Settings on your device and select General > Reset. Scroll down and select Erase All Content and Settings, then tap Erase iPhone. Wait for your device to reset itself and then set it up as a new device from scratch using its default settings.
If you’re trying to unlock an iPhone without the passcode, here’s how:
Resetting the passcode on a newer iPhone is slightly different. First, turn off Find My iPhone in iCloud settings. This will prevent the phone from being locked if it’s lost or stolen in the future. Then, launch Settings on your device and select General > Reset. Scroll down and select Erase All Content and Settings, then tap Erase iPhone (or Erase All). Wait for your device to reset itself and then set it up as a new device from scratch using its default settings.
You can use one of these methods to unlock your phone without the passcode
There are two ways to unlock an iPhone without a passcode. If your phone is not protected by a passcode, then there’s nothing stopping you from simply pressing the home button and seeing if it unlocks. If it does, then great! You don’t have to worry about anything else right now.
If your iPhone is protected by a passcode but you forgot what it was set up as (or if someone changed it), then there are still options available for unlocking it without entering that code.
If you’re looking for a way to unlock your iPhone without using its passcode, then this article is for you. We’ve discussed all of the different options available to you and explained how they work in detail. Hopefully, one of them will work for your situation!
Outline of the Article:
I. Introduction
Importance of iPhone security and the significance of unlocking methods
Brief overview of the methods covered in the article
II. Using Face ID to Unlock iPhone
Explanation of Face ID technology and its setup process
Step-by-step guide on unlocking iPhone using Face ID
III. Unlocking iPhone with Touch ID
Introduction to Touch ID and its fingerprint recognition system
Instructions on setting up and using Touch ID for unlocking
IV. Using Siri to Bypass Passcode
Cautionary note about the risks associated with Siri bypass
Steps to attempt unlocking iPhone using Siri (if applicable)
V. Using iCloud to Remove Passcode
Guide on using iCloud’s Find My iPhone feature to erase the passcode
Detailed steps for remotely unlocking the iPhone through iCloud
VI. Contacting Apple Support
Importance of reaching out to Apple Support for professional assistance
Information on Apple’s verification and security procedures
VII. Conclusion
Summary of the methods discussed and their implications
Emphasis on the importance of iPhone security and responsible unlocking practices
For more visit: How to Unlock an iPhone Without the Passcode? - ITMlab
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govindhtech · 8 days
Apple’s Passwords App In iOS 18: Basic Privacy And Security
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Apple introduces passwords app
The updated Passwords app in iOS 18 is a major step forward for Apple’s ongoing goal of improving security while streamlining the user experience. With this new strategy, Apple users can still anticipate the same high standards of privacy while also benefiting from improved password management, streamlined login procedures, and better security measures. Examining iOS 18’s main features, usability, security improvements, and how it stacks up against alternative password solutions, this article will examine Apple’s most recent attempts to streamline password management and security.
Overview: The Mystery of the Password
iOS 18 passwords app
Though they are one of its weakest points, passwords have long served as the foundation of digital security. A significant security risk is created when users reuse the same password across several services since they frequently find it difficult to remember multiple complicated passwords. iCloud Keychain and the Passwords app in iOS 18 are two of Apple’s recent efforts to address the problems caused by passwords. The company was made aware of these difficulties in the past.
Built with a more intuitive UI, biometric authentication built in, and seamless cross-device syncing, the Passwords app in iOS 18 is an improved version that builds on earlier advances. In some circumstances, Apple’s method can completely replace traditional passwords, as it not only streamlines password administration but also integrates emerging technologies like passkeys. With iOS 18, Apple ensures that consumers can enjoy convenience without compromising security by providing a comprehensive solution to the password dilemma.
Important Characteristics of the iOS 18 Passwords App
In order to enhance user experience and security, the Passwords app in iOS 18 has a number of new features. These characteristics consist of:
Consolidated Password Administration
Using iCloud Keychain and additional stored passwords from apps and browsers, the new Passwords app centralizes all of your login information in one location. Users can simply access, manage, and update all of their passwords on various devices, including Mac, iPad, and iPhone, thanks to this.
The Future of Login with Passkeys
Passkeys, which seek to do away with the necessity for conventional passwords completely, are one of the most noteworthy features in iOS 18. Passkeys use public-private key pairs to authenticate users without passwords. Face ID or Touch ID protects passkeys, which are stored in the Secure Enclave on the user’s device. Since passkeys can’t be phished or published online, they’re more secure.
Better Authentication Through Biometrics
App and website secure login is made simpler and faster with the Passwords app’s integration with Apple’s biometric authentication methods, such as Face ID and Touch ID. Not only does this integration guarantee that only authorized users can access user credentials, but it also removes the need for complicated password entry.
Passwords That Automatically Adopt
When creating new accounts, iOS 18 has the capability to automatically suggest strong, one-of-a-kind passwords as part of Apple’s ongoing effort to promote excellent security practices. Passwords app users can change the generated passwords to their liking, and these ideas are safely saved inside.
Exchange of Passwords
With iCloud Family Sharing, iOS 18 brings secure password sharing. Without disclosing other private information, users can communicate some passwords to dependable family members. Families that share subscriptions or accounts may find this option especially helpful.
Handled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Integration
Two-factor authentication (2FA) codes may now be easily managed by the app. When signing in, users who depend on this extra security layer will have less friction because it can create 2FA codes for websites and apps that enable it. These codes will automatically fill in.
Security Recommendations and Auditing Passwords
In order to verify that saved passwords match databases of known compromised credentials, Apple has improved the password security auditing capability. Users can change their passwords and receive advice from the Passwords app if any of their credentials have been compromised. Not only that, but users receive recommendations for better, more secure passwords to use in place of weak or repurposed ones.
Apple passwords app
With iOS 18, Apple continues to prioritize security and privacy. A number of security measures are incorporated into the Passwords app to guarantee that user credentials are kept secret and safe.
Encryption at the Device
End-to-end encryption is used to protect all passkeys and passwords, which are kept locally on the device. As a result, consumers may be as private as possible because not even Apple has access to their credentials.
Protected Area
A specific hardware element in Apple products called the Secure Enclave is where passkeys are kept safe. Apple makes sure that their authentication data is safe from hackers and malware by storing passkeys here and limiting access to just the user.
Not using a centralized database
By keeping critical information decentralized, Apple’s solution differs from standard password managers that store user data on cloud servers. The iCloud allows passwords to be synchronized between devices, but they stay encrypted and can only be unlocked on machines that the user has designated as trusted. Mass data breaches, a frequent weakness for password management services, are significantly less likely as a result.
Secure Biometrics
Using passkeys and accessing the Passwords app requires biometric authentication, which adds an additional degree of protection. You would still need to enable Face ID or Touch ID to view or use your passwords even if someone were to physically reach your device.
Summary: Using iOS 18 to Simplify Passwords
Apple has committed to enhancing security and user experience once more with the release of the Passwords app in iOS 18. Apple is spearheading the shift away from passwords and toward a future where they are not only easier to manage but may someday become obsolete with its advanced features like passkeys, integrated 2FA, and secure password sharing.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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thebigphonestore · 11 months
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A Step-by-Step Guide on Factory Resetting an iPhone
Restoring your iPhone to factory settings is a useful procedure whether you're getting ready to sell it, are having technical problems, or are just looking for a change of pace. Please be aware, though, that doing this will remove all of your phone's data. Thus, before moving further, it's imperative to make a backup of any important data.
There Are Two Ways to Factory Reset iPhone
You can reset your iPhone to factory settings using one of two main methods:
Step One: Before doing a factory reset, log out of iCloud to circumvent the iCloud Activation Lock. Open Settings > General > Reset > Delete All Settings and Content. Next, to start the reset process, enter your Apple ID password or passcode.
Step Two: Factory Reset from Your Computer: You can use iTunes or the Finder on your computer to carry out a factory reset if you are unable to access your iPhone. To reset your locked iPhone, connect it, launch recovery mode, and choose "Restore iPhone".
Before you reset your iPhone, make a backup
It's important to make a backup of your iPhone before doing a factory reset. You can perform this by connecting your iPhone to your computer, opening iTunes or Finder, and choosing "Back Up Now"; alternatively, you can do this using iCloud (Settings > [your name] > iCloud > iCloud Backup).
Take Out Your SIM Card and Look into Upgrade Options
Once you've successfully performed a factory reset, your iPhone will be like new. Don't forget to take the SIM card out of your phone if you plan to trade or sell it. The Big Phone Store UK can help you determine the value of your iPhone if you're thinking about selling it. We make sure you get the best possible deal by constantly monitoring the costs of our competitors and providing free shipping to refurbishing centres in the UK in addition to our affordable rates. Working with a qualified refurbisher can increase the trade-in value of your iPhone. Visit https://blog.thebigphonestore.co.uk/how-to-factory-reset-iphone/ to find out how much your iPhone is worth.
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icloudunlockios · 1 year
iCloud Unlock iOS 17.0.1 Official Application
iCloud Activation Lock is a security feature designed to protect your iOS device from unauthorized access. While it serves its purpose well, there are instances where you may find yourself needing to unlock your iCloud-locked device. In this article, we will explore the concept of iCloud Unlock and discuss the possibilities and limitations of using an official application for iCloud Unlock on iOS 17.0.1.
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Understanding iCloud Activation Lock
Before delving into the details of iCloud Unlock, it's important to understand what iCloud Activation Lock is. This security feature ties an iOS device to an Apple ID, requiring the user to enter the correct credentials to access the device and its data. It's a vital feature to prevent unauthorized access in case your device is lost or stolen.
Why You Might Need iCloud Unlock
There are several scenarios where you might need to unlock iCloud:
You've purchased a secondhand device, and the previous owner's iCloud account is still linked.
You've forgotten your Apple ID and password.
Your device has been locked due to multiple unsuccessful login attempts.
Official iCloud Unlock Applications
Official iCloud Unlock applications are tools designed to help users unlock their iCloud-locked devices legally and safely. These applications are developed by reputable companies and are a legitimate way to regain access to your device.
What Are Official iCloud Unlock Applications?
Official iCloud Unlock applications are software solutions that work in compliance with Apple's policies. They ensure that the iCloud Unlock process is secure and won't harm your device or data. These applications offer a user-friendly interface and a step-by-step guide to help you through the unlocking process.
iCloud Unlock iOS 17.0.1: Is It Possible?
With the release of iOS 17.0.1, many users are curious about the possibility of unlocking iCloud on this latest operating system. It's important to note that the effectiveness of iCloud Unlock applications can vary depending on the iOS version and device model. As of now, iCloud Unlock iOS 17.0.1 is possible with certain official applications, but it's essential to choose the right one.
The Latest iOS Update
iOS updates often include security enhancements, making it more challenging to unlock iCloud. However, reputable official applications adapt to these changes and provide updates to ensure compatibility with the latest iOS versions.
How to Choose the Right iCloud Unlock Application
Selecting the right iCloud Unlock application is crucial to ensure a successful and secure unlocking process. Consider the following factors when making your choice:
Reputation: Look for applications with positive reviews and a history of successful unlocks.
Customer Support: Reliable customer support can be essential if you encounter any issues during the process.
Price: Be wary of excessively high or low prices, as they may indicate scams or subpar services.
Security: Ensure that the application prioritizes the security of your data and device.
Step-by-Step Guide to Using iCloud Unlock iOS 17.0.1 Official Application
Here's a step-by-step guide to using an official iCloud Unlock application on iOS 17.0.1:
Access the chosen application on your computer.
Connect your locked iOS device to the computer using a USB cable.
Launch the application and follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the unlock process.
Wait for the application to complete the unlock. This may take some time.
Once the process is finished, your iCloud-locked device should be accessible without any restrictions.
Safety and Legality Concerns
While official iCloud Unlock applications offer a legitimate way to unlock iCloud, there are still risks involved. Scammers often pose as legitimate services, so it's crucial to exercise caution and avoid the following:
Unrealistic Promises: Services guaranteeing immediate or 100% success are likely scams.
Payment Upfront: Avoid applications that demand payment before unlocking your device.
Phishing: Be cautious of any application that requests your personal information or Apple ID credentials.
Always research and choose a reputable official iCloud Unlock application to minimize risks.
Unlocking iCloud on iOS 17.0.1 is possible with official applications, provided you choose a trustworthy service. Remember to prioritize security and legality to avoid falling victim to scams.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is iCloud Activation Lock?
iCloud Activation Lock is a security feature that ties an iOS device to an Apple ID, requiring the correct credentials for access.
Why would I need to unlock iCloud?
You might need to unlock iCloud if you've purchased a secondhand device or forgotten your Apple ID and password.
Is it safe to use an official iCloud Unlock application?
Yes, using a reputable official application is safe, as it follows Apple's policies and safeguards your device and data.
How can I tell if an iCloud Unlock service is legitimate?
Check for positive reviews, reasonable pricing, and responsive customer support to identify legitimate services.
Are there any risks associated with iCloud Unlocking?
While official applications are safe, there are risks if you fall victim to scams. Exercise caution and choose reputable services.
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