#how to cure kidney infection
felinefractious · 4 months
hi! love your blog, i love getting to see all these cool cat colors i didnt even know were a thing LOL like i didn’t know there was such a thing as lilac or cinnamon but theyre so pretty.
ive been looking into getting a ragdoll in the future, the ones i have met have been the sweetest cats and they’re so pretty.
ive been doing research into possible health concerns they can have, and all im really seeing is the same things your typical random little guy could have when improperly cared for and things like that. kidney disease while on a bad diet, issues with hairballs when not brushed and groomed properly due to being long haired, etc. ive seen a few places say that they’re more prone to respiratory issues and heart disease, but the latter also seems to be something that breeders work to make sure their cats are safe from? at least in my research.
i guess im basically just wondering if you know anything else that can affect ragdolls specifically, or if there’s anything horribly unethical that’s totally swept under the rug or hidden about them! additional things to research and places to look would be appreciated, i never know where to research stuff like this reliably and you seem to know where to find some good info and stuff on cat breeds :)
thank you in advance for any help you can give, i hope have a good day!!
I’m glad you enjoy the blog and are learning about some new colors!
Ragdolls are definitely cool cats and they’re a pretty health breed, one of the major things to be mindful of is that this assessment only applies to well-bred individuals from good breeders.
Common breeds mean a lot of breeders which, unfortunately, also means a lot of scammers and bad breeders.
And the Ragdoll is a very common breed so there are a lot of not so good breeders out there… and the temperament and health of these backyard bred cats is a gamble, one that can end in heartbreak.
Now with that warning out of the way the big thing to worry about with the breed is Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Fortunately the mutation responsible for this condition in the breed has been identified and can be tested for. Staying on top of heart health is an absolute must for a good breeder, this means regular echocardiogram’s as well as DNA testing.
The other big ones are Polycystic Kidney Disease and Progressive Retinal Atrophy, both of which can be tested for. These are common inherited disorders in the purebred population, you’ll have a hard time finding a breed which neither of these have been documented in.
Mucopolysaccharidosis VI is a storage disease that has been documented in the Ragdoll breed but it can be tested for and I’m not sure how common it is in current breeding populations.
A breeder shouldn’t cut corners when it comes to health testing, there are several commercially available tests which look for a wide variety of inherited disorders. Optimal Selection is becoming increasingly widely used, although personally I would feel most comfortable with testing submitted through somewhere like UC Davis.
But HCM is the big big one because heart disease is a silent killer. With the other conditions clinical symptoms will be apparent but a cat with HCM could appear normal and you wouldn’t know without testing. And remember - not all cardiac cases will have a heart murmur, either!
The other thing to keep in mind with Ragdolls is they seem to be more prone to developing Feline Infectious Peritonitis. This one is a little more complicated.
FIP occurs due to mutations in the feline coronavirus, which is a common viral infection in cats. Until recently FIP was considered nearly 100% fatal but thanks to Dr. Niels Pederson we now have a promising cure. One of our patients was actually one of the original study cats and has been doing well all this time, she’s amazing to work with - like a piece of living history!
One of the big problems with the treatment is the legality of it… for a long time it was only available through the black market and could easily run you thousands of dollars. Treatment is gradually becoming available through legal venues but it depends on where you live.
Anyways, the point is that we don’t know exactly why these mutations occur in some cats and not others but there’s strong evidence that there’s a genetic component - it’s common for related cats to develop FIP, we’ve seen this multiple times with littermates. We also know that it occurs at a higher incidence in some breeds than others…
And presumably your kitten wouldn’t have been exposed to feline coronavirus at the cattery but it’s not unlikely that they would be exposed at some point in their life given they don’t reside in a bubble… and if or when this happens what are the chances it’ll become the dreaded FIP?
So mitigating this risk when purchasing from a breeder can be a little more complicated… it’s not something I think should turn you off of the breed but it is something to keep in mind - and if you look into a breeder that seems good but has a lot of reviews or reports of their graduate kittens and cats developing FIP? Probably best to keep looking.
I think that’s a pretty good summary on the breed’s health but people are always welcome to chime in!
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answersfromzestual · 25 days
I'm so terrified of sepsis after surgery. Or a UTI from the catheter that leads to sepsis. My mom nearly died from sepsis caused by uti and I have horrific trauma now and I'm worried it'll put me off getting my surgeries I need to become stealth
That is a scary, and I understand your drawbacks to surgery because of it.
I want to try to calm your fears.
Surgeons want the best results. With the amount of gender affirmation surgeries happening, doctors have gotten very good at their jobs. There is also a bit on you though, you would need to let your clinic know about anything unusual. Surgeon and clinic help are available after-hours, or at very least a nurse will talk to you. When I had my bladder infection it was extremely noticeable, I could not get comfortable, I could not stop wanting to take the catheter out.
But you do not have to get Urethra Lengthening (urethraplasty), if you do not want to either. You would just have to remain sitting while urinating, but you'd still have a functioning phallus.
I think about your mother, she got sick because she let the infection get out of control, she was too busy living life to either notice or care about the slight discomfort at first. It's not her fault, she has a family and to mom's they always come first. She may have been so busy she didn't even notice it until it got bad.
I just want you to know there are many signs before a Urinary Tract Infection can cause sepsis.
I have issues with my kidneys and bladder. It was very common pre phallo for me to get UTIs. For them to cause real damage they have to develop into infections further in the body, usually the kidneys. I'm saying this because I want you to know that generally having a UTI is not dangerous. There is a lot of discomfort involved however can easily be cured at early stages (even many later stages) by simple antibiotics.
I do not want you to feel that I am trying to say your fears aren't valid, because they are. But I think your mother was an extreme circumstance. Not all situations will lead from UTI to sepsis.
An indwelling catheter is very safe as long as you take the proper precautions. They do not require them to be in for nearly as long as when I had urethraplasty as well.
This is why I stress the importance during the healing period to ask questions to, be cautious, and be mindful of how your body feels. You will also have a surgical team at your beck and call, they want and need to know if anything is going on, such as: feeling feverish, the area around your urethra is hot to the touch, general discomfort, difficulty sleeping, vomiting, diarrhea, not being able to eat, and pain. These are all things you need to take really seriously. It's better to contact the clinic or your health care provider with a false alarm, then to not check in, and have some kind of infection develop.
A clinic will make sure that you are taken care of, so that you will have the best results you can have.
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fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
Au idea: full metal alchemist au where peach and gray are small town alchemists that plum keeps trying to recruit to be state alchemists but keeps failing to
Love is stored in the full metal au.
I gave this mild thought once, I think peach was an alchemist that used medicine as a weapon, but otherwise was known as a doctor. People would say she’s a good person who despite her grouchy behaviour would actually never hurt a soul undeserving. She’s swooped in and taken out military folk bullying towns people, and thrown hands with the worst kind of thugs around who’d come to her turf and start fights. Her alchemy is rooted in the idea that you can change the base structure of a human body, it’s just chemistry. You don’t have to touch the souls, that’s too far even for her, but the physical self? Hell yeah. Every human contains bacteria and acids that’ll spiral out of control in no time under the right conditions. She just…sets those up and accelerates them. She’s put stomach acid in place of cartilage, the fluid in your brain? Yeah that’s all filled with bacteria from your colon. She may just fill you with tumours, there’s potential in every body to do that. You will slowly rot, and by the time you die, she’ll be long gone. Your lungs? Yeah. They’re gonna swap with your kidneys now. Nothing works in your body without air, game over. She is boarder line horrific in a match and because she doesn’t like to use that kind of ability normally without real reason, she’s jacked and fights you with her fists normally. Her body is littered with tattoos. Each is a circle unique to her area of study, that frees her up from drawing the big complex diagrams normally used in a fight. She’s got one on the wrist however that is for turning her rings into knuckle dusters and back again. For a little aid if she’s not about to destroy someone’s entire physical being.
Greys the doting loving man she does not deserve, though his specialist I’m not sure of yet. He’s gentle and sturdy and creative, clever, but not fast nor mean, always the one to talk peach down from her rage, and she usually listens. Or makes someone sick in a way that it’s a ticking time bomb. They’ll perish elsewhere, and grey things she’s spared them their life. She has not, she’s just good at making it look like she has. Benefit to being a doctor, you know how long a body has to handle something like an infection or thinned heart walls, can essentially set up a heart attack. Who’s going to blame you? Natural causes right there.
Anyway yeah, grey. Idk, ideas? He’s not a fighter, but very smart. Maybe he could have looked into the study of automated machinery, not bound with souls but like, robotics? Sort of? I’m not sure if that’s a good fit, he’s a;ways the tough one to match.
Plum however was born into a military family, never cut loose, never wanted anything else, just to rise through the ranks and make her family proud. Thing is the more she sees, the more she realises the military isn’t all that good an organisation, and her want to be a pillar of justice and honesty is going to fail if she’s doing it under the guise of what her family stood for. She goes to make her own path, but does so from the inside of this institute. Her first job? Track down some worthy alchemists to take the places of those she’s lost along the way. A few come and go, and sure, they’re good at their job, but not groundbreaking, not special. That is until she hears of a doctor and her partner out in the middle of nowhere, curing things with alchemy in ways that haven’t been done before. The rules are followed, this isn’t a philosophers stone incident, but the doctors using a combination of new theories, modern practice, and alchemy baselines to make injuries that would take months to recover, heal in days. People go to her unable to walk due to injury, and she’s finding ways to fix it. A doctor like that would be useful.
Thing is, the closer plum gets to this, the more she realises this doctor is actually no doctor at all, unhinged, genius yes, but completely ungovernable. She follows no rules, she obeys no man, and refuses to cooperate at all when asked to sit and chat about military options. Plums tried to catch her in her garden, and ends up barred by huge bramble walls, or yeeted out by the very earth she stands on.
Plums actual alchemy itself is grounded in tradition, a practice handed down through several generations. She is smart, educated on many matters, and uses her abilities in a very flamboyant way, something she picked up from her mother. She is highly adaptable and has branched out to study as much as she could.
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arpmemething2 · 2 years
Scott the Woz sentence starters
Send one for my muse’s reaction.     Feel free to change pronouns as needed. 
“Something better than a lobotomy?”
"Poverty? No thanks."
“Here’s a gun, kill a frog”
I always base my decisions off of what Crest does."
"I smell pointless!"
“Oh, hi! You caught me in a goose!”
“We can put it in a wheel, put it in a gun, put it in a kid”
“These simply look really nice. ‘Like ants’”
“... Oh s**t, it’s pronounced ‘breast’? I thought it was always pronounced ‘beans’”
"Yeah, okay, I wanna f**k a font. Who doesn't?"
“Meet up with a meteorologist, tell him to stop the rain”
"NASDAQ was only my 47th word."
"Hey, hear that? I'm a penis!"
"This is f**king incredible!"
"Oh s**t, it's a white guy!"
"F**k you, house."
“He’s not addicted, he just does it everyday”
"I've always wanted to feel like a Walmart."
"Technically speaking, IBM owns the weather."
"It's dangerous to ask me words."
"Which pregnant woman will squirt one out first? Place your bets and let's find out!"
"I made Lowe's."
"You know what I could go for right now? A working kidney, I have three days to live"
“Death is the most common cause for death”
"Hi, I'll take one corn dog."
"I really shouldn't have spat in this to mark my page."
“If you can’t sue a person, why talk to them?”
"I got f**king soap."
“And I definitely transformed it into my own little virgin circus”
“I like candles, sue me.”
“Something better than a sponge?”
"There's a strict no skin policy! If it ain't covered up, it's getting thrown out. If you don't abide by this policy, you must have flashlight taped to crotch"
"I f**king hate circles!"
“He’s a snitch, he’s a killer, but he’s my friend”
“It really keeps you on your toes, like a mouse”
"Join the club, own a bag."
"Oh f**k, the letters are evolving!"
"Three "ho"s and a merry Jesus' birthday is on December 25th."
“‘Do you agree to practice safe sex?’ What is this, middle school? Lame!”
"With Thanksgiving around the corner, what am I going to do if I can't cook? Be thankful?"
“What, does it look like I’m made out of blood to you?!”
"Finally, the cure for all sex."
"Diet God is still God."
"Let's talk sponges."
"Yeah, you can get laid, on the go."
"Oh please God help, I don't wanna look like a jackass playing Wii Music!"
"What the f**k WAS THIS THING?"
"Here we have sex wall."
“Come on, this is America, I like Mickey Mouse and f*cking my wife”
"I want to feel smart but I don't want to do anything about it."
“‘What does a woman say after a man purposes?’ I’ll think about it”
“F**k yeah, now that’s what I call a baby!”
"Here's a message to all you serial killers out there. STOP."
“Did you know hands could hold garbage and f**king garbage?”
"How do you think it would feel if they didn't pick you, they picked a dead you?"
"Studies show that 9 out of 10 gamers play video games!"
"We're selling soup now."
"I've always wanted to say yes to Guy Fieri."
"Now, I am the least musically viable soul on the planet so it's just cool to me that the cardboard's making noise."
"Pump the brakes, Speed Racer, nobody puts religion in my Dig Dug."
“Oh my God, he has a face?!”
"Hey all!"
“I always leave my fridge unplugged to save energy”
"First things first: this game has controls. We use them to play this game and playing results in a win or a loss."
“I don’t want to wait to be disappointed, this isn’t a pregnancy!”
"I've been staring at this all day, I still don't get it."
“It’s my honor to tell you that you have a urinary tract infection!”
"Beep beep, disappointment coming through."
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contentment-of-cats · 2 years
Cancer: The Journey
First Steps
I can't say anything as brave as 'battling cancer' or 'fighting cancer.' I think that the best thing I can say is that I am enduring cancer. Pronounced to be in remission the last week of December, I understand that I am not cured. Instead, I have what I have chosen to call Schrodinger's Cancer - they don't know if it's there or not, but we are choosing to proceed as if it is until blood tests and imaging indicate otherwise. Even after five years, when they pronounce one to be 'cured' - there is always the chance of recurrence or a new type of cancer altogether. There will always be a sword hanging over my head, as my chemobuddies taught me.
I found out about my cancer by reading my discharge papers from a place I will call Asshat Central Hospital. They referred me to Asshat specialists who from my calls in the middle of February could not see me until the end of march, and in some cases as far out as May. I needed to see an oncologist and a urologist urgently. Over the next two weeks, I was stumbling and fumbling as I tried to get care out of my HMO network, two more visits to the ER got me a shot of morphine and a CT scan, another list of referals, and finally pain meds.
I woke up on the morning of March 3rd in so much pain that I thought I was going to die. I knew if I went back to Asshat Central, Dunno Medical Center, or Clowncar General that even with my PPO, that I would die. I got my ass in an Uber and over the hill to Cedars-Sinai. I was upstairs and in a bed in a matter of hours, I had painmeds and that first night I remember sleeping so deeply. I was safe and getting care. Within two days, all the care that was weeks or months out started rolling in. Colonoscopy. Nephrostomy and stent. MRI, CT, ultrasounds, x-rays. Cardiac, oncology, urology/nephrology, and all the ologies rolled through my room and them me all over the hospital - it hurt, was terrifying, and in the end the platform needed for care.
Killing the Cancer Instead of the Patient
On March 18th, I had a power pump installed in my left arm for drawing blood and administering chemo.
Five weeks of chemoradiation began shortly after. Radiation Monday through Friday, with a chemo pump Monday through Saturday, a Monday infusion of Emend, Kytril, and dexamethasone, followed by Wednesday and Saturday fluids with Kytril and dexamethasone. Here is what I will tell you about this phase and how to survive it.
This will knock you down so hard that you will not know which way is up. Radiotherapy and oncology like to point fingers. Fuck the fingerpointing. You will be so fatigued that sleeping 12 hours per day will be about all you can do.
You must stay hydrated and it's hard even with two hydration bags going in twice a week I ended up in the hospital with dehydration twice and a whopping kidney infection. Enterade is a drink that helps calm everything down after radiation and chemo and helps to limit the GI damage both can cause. Get Ultima drink powder, make up two gallons and put them in the fridge and pre-fill four one liter bottles - keep them next to you so that you can see them. When you wake up, down one.
Kiss your appetite good-bye. You still need to eat. I found that baby-food stayed down the best. Once upon a Farm is a good national brand, and so is Yumi. Kate Farms makes tasty nutritional shakes that don't give you explosive diarrhea.
I could not stomach meat or dairy, and managed to take only gummy vitamins and gummy pre/probiotic supplements. Spices hurt my mouth and throat and my stomach kicked them right back out.
My doctor prescribed Zofran sublingual, compazine, and Ativan - compazine in case the Zofran didn't work, Ativan when the nausea and vomiting was driven by anxiety. I spent a lot of time carrying around a one gallon ziplock - they came in handy. Saltines and plain soda water do help!
You'll have a break after chemoradiation - at least two weeks. Sleep.
About Power Ports
GET THAT PORT. INSIST ON THAT PORT. It will save you endless bullshit with collapsing veins later as chemo and radiation both make your veins brittle. Insist on anyone drawing blood or giving an infusion use that port. Get ready to call bullshit when they say that they can't. I had bruises up and down my arms until I told them to get someone to access the fucking port or I would damn well walk to Cedars if I had to.
Be aware of the increased risk of blood clots. Your arm may swell and that needs to be seen and treated right away, usually with a three-month course of Eliquis or other blood thinner. You could take aspirin as a preventative with your doctor's approval, but I'm allergic to that and other NSAIDS. Turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and cayenne all have blood-thinning properties, but I could not keep them down. Likewise, grapefruit juice or supplements can enhance (not in a good way) blood thinning medications.
About Nephrostomy Bags
They fucking suck. A nephrostomy should be reversed six to eight weeks after the surgery, and the stent in the ureter (not the urethra) takes over. You cart your piss bag everywhere, wake up to make sure it's not overflowing. You're at an increased risk for kidney infections. Here's my tips for living with the motherfucker.
Order only name-brand bags from Amazon. You'll want to change out the bag once per week. Keep the big bag for when you're at home, the little bag for when you have to go out. Coloplast, Bard, and Medline are all good to use. There are bag covers, bag carriers, and even clothing to keep your bag concealed, catch leaks, and stop punctures. You might want to tape your connections to prevent accidental decoupling. Also, insist on a home health nurse to change that dressing - the angle is such that you can't do it yourself.
You will make friends in radiation and infusion waiting rooms. You'll share space with them in infusion clinics. You may lose them. It will hurt. At the same time, you'll be happy and heartbroken. You'll share tips and tricks, highs and lows, and a fellowship that can't be described, only experienced.
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amian-elf · 1 year
Water Vampires
Tumblr media
Place the shell against the ear, expecting to hear her heartbeat,
But the truth is, yours is.
Your heartbeat is.
Their diet began with the nails, old sticks and fallen limbs,
Until they shifted to the chestnut fingers and healthy leaves.
It was never enough, though, even if they already had all that’s necessary.
The translucid blood, which floods the flow every full moon,
Couldn't escape their fangs either.
Such is the call they hear in the night and in the shell,
Her heart throbbing for life, though they never truly hear it.
And they tuck their fangs into the earthen leather,
Hollowing out the maternal cloth, crafting uninhabitable habitats,
Picking apart precious bones and lustrous teeth, wrecking aquifer kidneys
And choking up water veins in the process.
And the bacteria and other bio-cells?
Where shall they be? Should they be authorised in this new age?
Does that even matter whether they remain or not, 
Since the large majority has now been destroyed, and the other majority is endangered?
And there is more to be stated,
The first majority has not been destroyed as those of the Ice Age.
And when the tornadoes and the hurricanes,
The droughts and the floods,
The tsunamis and the earthquakes get sent in for reinforcement and combat,
How come they qualify as catastrophes?
You never call it a catastrophe when you ingest the capsules to combat
The respiratory infections,
The difficulty in swallowing or the inability to stop coughing,
The high temperatures and the dizziness,
The digestive problems and the excess acid in hydrochloric acid?
They do end innocent lives, otherwise
How else would it be to dispose of the virus?
We have been spoiled rotten, bacteria get out of control
And fire has its own way when it has more fuel than necessary.
Only antibiotics will cure the Earth, and we will never invent those.
We are, after all, the water vampires.
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twen-nee7 · 1 year
it is the first week of june, 2023. my partner was supposed to be here at the end of april. he moved to portland, oregon, at the beginning of 2022 and we planned to live there together, but things didn’t work out on his end, and we decided to regroup in west virginia for now.
he got very sick in april. there’s a lot going on. i wish i could afford to go see him in the hospital, but i can barely pay the bills. we were supposed to see the cure together this sunday ):
weird little story below the cut.
march, 2022: partner moved to oregon, having landed what he thought was his dream job in appraisals.
i wasn’t thrilled. i don’t like cities, they aggravate my sensory issues, but i was living on disability with my dysfunctional and sometimes-abusive mother; i just wanted out.
i was putting in hundreds of job apps for the portland area, but then my partner stopped me. he hates it. we shouldn’t live there, get a job where i can tolerate and he will figure it out. he planned on being here in december.
i got my bachelors degree and a shitty job as a proofreader at a law firm, secured a place to live near the office in west virginia, and eagerly awaited my partner to get here.
except, he couldn’t find a job. his industry is niche. it’s how it is. march, he said. still no job. finally, he finds one! yay! april!!!
i’m barely making ends meet. any extra expense is impossible as i eat every third day of the week. soon, it’ll be okay and i can have food daily and not cry about money, maybe fix my credit score.
the flight date is inching forward, but my partner gets kidney stones. one is the size of a quarter. he goes to the hospital.
no antibiotics. no urinalysis.
tw: graphic?? his urethra is shredded, and he needs to use a catheter until it heals. they send him home. it develops an infection, so he goes back; he is in the hospital for a day as they siphon liquid out of his penis with a giant needle. there’s no way he’s making his flight. reschedule.
the day before he flies out, he has a high fever on his antibiotics. i tell him to go to the hospital, and he does. they run tests… and he has MRSA. in his penis. they give him antibiotics, but don’t listen to his allergies.
his heart stops for four and a half minutes after they administer antibiotics he is allergic to.
there is an indescribable feeling that comes along with someone you love being resuscitated from actual death. the story of what he saw was harrowing, yet enlightening.
that hospital lets him out the next day after they killed him, giving him pills for MRSA after a mere 24 hours on IV antibiotics. plane is rescheduled.
it is the day before the flight, today, but he isn’t going to be here.
a week ago now, he went to a new hospital. the MRSA spread. he had a stomach ulcer. his penis was turning blue.
due to the mistreatment from the prior hospital (which likely gave him MRSA in the first place, along with a whole slew of other problems), the bacteria was running rampant, eating his penis from the inside out. sounds kinky, but it has eaten through so much muscle and tissue that the outlook isn’t great.
my partner is the most cishet person i know. as such, he is very attached to his genitals. as of this weekend, he has daily talks with therapists to help him learn to cope with the very real possibility that his penis will be useless sexually. reconstructive surgery is in his future, and he will “only” lose “some” feeling if he’s lucky. (the use of therapists indicates to me that “functionally useless” will be the most likely outcome, though)
i feel so badly for him. truly. i can’t imagine what he is going through right now, all alone… it’s terrible.
i’m not worried about my end of the sex life, but i am worried for him. i find it odd, though, and maybe feel somewhat at fault for always saying i’d never date anyone who could get me pregnant… maybe i shouldn’t have thought like that. it’s stupid to feel guilt right now, too; my partner, who i’ve been with for seven years, is suffering a continent away from his friends and family.
but… the whole thing. it’s so odd.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
File: The Smile Tapes
original creator @Patorikku_
Go Suport their Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@Patorikku_
Code Name: The Jester Plague/ Smile Fungus
Object Class: Keter Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: The city where SCP-AHT first manifested has been safely walled off before surrounding areas could be infected. Efforts are currently underway to properly contain and extract samples out of the infected city without causing another outbreak. Every civilian safely rescued by Foundation forces are to be given Class G Amnestics and the cover story that the city is under a biological terrorist attack. After the unknown extraterrestrial arrived spontaneously, SCP-AHT had been eradicated with all infected being wiped form existence. Instead MTF: Apollo-1: Orion's Belt and MTF Artemis-2: Star Chasers are to search for any evidence of the extraterrestrial entities that destroyed SCP-AHT.
Description: SCP-AHT is a highly contagious, mutagenic, and resilient fungus. SCP-AHT has the anomalous abilities of forcing its victim to smile and commit vile acts of violence and sadism while laughing. During the first week of infection by SCP-AHT the host will experience headaches, facial twitching and cramps but nothing major. It should be noted the telltale sign of infection even before symptoms appear is dreaming of floating through space before meeting a strange man who will smile at the host before they wake up. Unfortunately, the fungus making up SCP-AHT is so resilient that modern medication has no effect. The fungus latches directly onto the brain, the only means of treatment is the complete removal of the fungus. The only other method of cure is use of SCP-500.
"Thank god we finally figured out how to clone the drug" -Dr. Wicked.
After two week(s) of infection SCP-AHT forces the host to smile despite the host still being in pain. Host is unable stop smiling, has meningitis, constant headaches, a feeling of stressed and stretched muscles all over the face, and the lack of ability to blink properly. Host remains sane in this stage but is fully conscious of the mental and physical pain they experience during infection.
After three weeks of infection SCP-AHT has completely taken over the brain of the host by chemical means. SCP-AHT has not only forced the host to smile to an unhealthy and painful degree but also makes them laugh without stopping. The host also claims they are happy while chasing and killing whoever they see. This is typically where the host dies, not due to natural infectious causes but due to them being killed by those they try to harm. It should also be noted that at this stake the hair of the victims starts to degrade. The hair of the host either starts falling off or turn black and rough.
After four weeks of infection the fungus starts devouring and degrading the flesh of the facial structure and the rest of the body. the vocal cords, lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, and intestines all become corroded due to either extreme strain or degradation by the fungus. However, the host's hostile tendencies and their motor functions decline leaving them weaker and less of a threat. Despite the damage the fungus leaves on the body for whatever reason fungal growths on the face will always grow and attach to certain parts of the face to maintain the smile expression of the host. At this point recovery is still possible but massive amounts of mental therapy, physical therapy, Physical muscle surgery, skin transplants, and organ transplants are needed to recover from the damage of infection.
After five weeks of infection the host has experienced extreme degradation to the body. The damage is similar to an elder near death or a corpse that has just started decomposing. The organs have degraded to the point of nonfunctional and rotting internally in the body. The brain has degraded to a point no different from a brain under the effects of stage 7 Alzheimer's disease. Very few patients live up to this stage if any at all; however, at this point it's impossible to consider the host a threat anymore due to every portion of their body has corroded. Though they are no longer a physical threat, hosts that make it to this stage typically end up coughing up a massive cloud of spores after death. Every host regardless of what stage of infection they are cough up spores after death. However, hosts that manage to live up to five weeks cough up the most spores with a maximum range of 10 meters. Therefore, despite the internal and external damage of their bodies they are potentially the most dangerous of all infected.
SCP-AHT was discovered in 1/1/1995 when an insane man named [data expunged] suspected to be under the influence of drugs was killed after going on a rampage. During a New Year's part at the [data expunged] plaza of [data expunged] local police forces were sent in. [data expunged] was seen holding a knife laughing while wearing a grotesquely large smile on his face and slashing through several people. SCP-AHT was originally believed to be a drug that caused the effects. After [data expunged] was killed several other infected individuals were found inhaling the spores for euphoric purposes and were intentionally throwing the powdered spores at unsuspecting victims. This seemingly confirmed the idea of SCP-AHT being a anomalous drug that encourage its users to commit horrible acts while smiling and force others to get high on the drug as well. However, after reviewing autopsy reports from the [data expunged] hospital revealed that it was a fungal infection.
it is unknown where exactly SCP-AHT originated form, it was just known that the original "spore puffers" found SCP-AHT and started inhaling it to feel its euphoric effects, unaware they were accelerating the infection within themselves. Due to the spontaneous infection rates within the city of [data expunged] the city had to be quarantined and walled off. Mobile Task Force Ares-1: "Mushroom Eaters" where deployed into the city to termination the infected, gather SCP-AHT samples, and rescue noninfected civilians. 
The cover story is that a mutagenic fungus outbreak was unleashed in the city and the CDC is responsible for walling the city and evacuating survivors. The U.S. media is not permitted to release any more details. Foundation forces inside the city are working closely with the [data expunged] hospital to treat patients and determine whether or not they are infected so that they can be evacuated. It's also thanks to the hospital that the Foundation has extensive knowledge on the fungus. It is with hope that with MTF Ares-1 the city will be fully evacuated and SCP-AHT will be contained by the end of the year.
Update: 11/21/1995, Two new variants have been reported to mutate leading two new variants of the disease. As such hosts infected with the first variant of SCP-AHT are now labeled SCP-AHT-1 instances.
Hosts infected with the second variant are called SCP-AHT-2, they are not like the first variant and still retain their sanity and health. However, the spores spread through their coughing and sneezing making them infectious carriers.
Hosts infected with the third variant are called SCP-AHT-3 instances. SCP-AHT-3 instances are extremely dangerous as they are bullet proof, possess inhuman strength and speed, enhanced senses, and increased sense of violence and sadism.
Due to the SCP-AHT-3 instances almost all MTF Ares-1 forces have been killed and the survivors were reported infected thus had to be incinerated by the Foundation. Foundation forces at the [data expunged] hospital are holding out, for now. Due to the desperate and prolonged situation the Global Occult Coalition stepped in to assist the Foundation. Joint Task Force Demeter-2: "Apocalypse Now" comprised of Foundation AFA-2's and Coalition WD-5′s were sent in to reestablish connection with the [data expunged] hospital and rescue the survivors.
Update: 11/27/1995, Demeter-2 has confirmed that they are stuck and surrounded by SCP-AHT-1 and SCP-AHT-3 instances making escape impossible. The only option is to hold out.
Update: 3/31/1996, All SCP-AHT-1 instances have been confirmed dead however there are still over two thousand confirmed SCP-AHT-3 instances roaming around the city. JTF Demeter-2 as well as the doctors and civilians they are responsible for, are still trapped inside the city. It is conformed they are suffering casualties every other day and running out of resources. Due to the desperation of the situation the O5 Council made a direct request for an Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance meeting.
Notice Under the Order of the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance.
O5 Council of the SCP Foundation, your request has been sent due to your report of an overwhelming threat located at The United States on 4/1/1996. Reasoning for Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance action was called due to a subject concerning the following: Highly contagious pathogen, Unknown hostile Anomalous Group's involvement suspected, Potential danger to the veil of the global status quo, massive loss of life, Overwhelming anomalous threat, and Anomaly has unknown origin. All organizations of Anomalous Fate Alliance are required to participate in an emergency meeting concerning the subject.
Current Organizations within the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance:
Global Occult Coalition
SCP Foundation
Horizon Initiative
Church of Maxwellism
Eight Wings of Mekhane
The threat level has been confirmed to be 6 of 10, therefore participation is mandatory.
All organizations are present, begin mission program.
Assessment: Anomaly originally thought to be a highly hazardous drug is actually a fungus causing anomalous effects on its infected hosts. Despite local forces, Foundation, and GOC forces best efforts, the infected of the fungus are still an overwhelming threat with the possibility of destruction and further infection. Massive loss of life predicted if anomaly is left to it's deceives.
Solution: Complete Eradication of the anomaly. No containment will be permitted.
Orders:  Church of Maxwellism and Eight Wings of Mekhane will lead a project to design and create a new cybernetic ground force capable of combating the army of anomalous threats.
Probability of Success: 95% begin right away.
Update: April 2nd, 1996 - Probability of Success has been lowered to 58%. Sarkic forces have infiltrated the city and are trying to get the anomalous spore out to infect the outside world. All Organizations, deploy all available forces outside the city as quickly as possible. Do not let the Sarkic Cult get out.
Suggestions: All organizations, please submit possible solutions to-
Update: April 3rd, 1996 - Unknown lights have been reported over the city. Possible new anomalous threat has arrived and will soon wreak havoc on-
Update: April 3rd, 1996 - Satellite scans have confirmed that the extraterrestrial anomaly has disappeared from the atmosphere, they are gone.
Update: April 5th, 1996 - SCP-Foundation: MTF Apollo-1 "Orion's belt", Global Occult Coalition: Strike Team-7445 "Space Dragons", and Eight Wings of Mekhane: 7-8-W/128-F "Soaring through the Abyss" have not reported any sightings of the anomalous extraterrestrial entities within our solar system. Before or after the incident. All Ground forces are moving into the city, no sign of anomalous fungus or the infected.
Update: April 7th, 1996 - Ground forces have take back the city and subdued the last of the Sarkic forces, no more immediate threats within the city. Ground forces have confirmed that all infected have instantaneously disappeared along with the anomalous fungal infection itself.
Mission Status: The anomaly is gone; however, the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance was not responsible for the anomaly's eradication. Therefore, mission is considered a failure. All organizations, if at all possible, find any evidence about the origin of the anomalous fungus infection and the whereabouts of the unknown extraterrestrials. Level 6 alert has been lifted; action form the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance has been concluded.
After the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance meeting concluded the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition worked on the coverup. It was agreed to kill most of the heavily mutated sarkics that infiltrated the city. The one's that looked the most human were pinned the blame as the bio terrorist who spread the disease in the first place. The U.S. government sentenced them to death thus they were sent back to the Foundation as D-Class personal. The rescued civilians were given Class G Amnestic's and told the story of a biological terrorist attack making them think their overwhelming fear caused them to hallucinate the SCP-AHT-1 and SCP-AHT-3 instances.
According to the reports from one of the surviving doctors they had found the biological origin of SCP-AHT to be somewhere in the Yucatan Region. Furthermore, their DNA testing has shown that SCP-AHT's DNA structure has no biological match to the fungi found on earth, as well as any other organism found on earth. This implies that SCP-AHT was not meant for earth and therefore was of extraterrestrial origin.
As requested during the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance meeting, the Foundation created Mobile Task Force Artemis-2: Star Chasers. MTF Artemis-2 is comprised of the 30 of the fastest and most flight capable Space Jets the Foundation could manufacture. The ISLJ-7 Hawks are equipped with interstellar clocking armor plating and a miniature artificial sun generator allowing maximum stealth and speed of Mach 15. However, they lack weaponry systems due to their priority being to fly out of our solar system and scout the neighboring solar systems to find anything they can. Their mission will last 10 years and thought they are a search and discover unit their main priority is to find the whereabouts of the extraterrestrials that destroyed SCP-AHT.
Update: April 7th, 2006 - No evidence or information has been located by MTF Artemis-2. MTF-Artemis-2 are to return to earth and await future orders. 
Doctor [data expunged] and the other survivors were given the choice to join the Foundation due to the "sole survivor" protocol because of their contributions of understanding SCP-AHT. Doctor [data expunged] agreed and so did some of his colleges as well as some survivors. Those that didn't were given the proper amnestic’s, new houses within new cities, as well as $700,000 for their contributions despite them not remembering.
"Though it was technically a happy ending and a bright new day for everyone a lot of people in the Foundation and of course our allied organizations can't help but feel it was still a failure. We were so close to figuring out how what the hell SCP-AHT even was and yet it was snatched away from us. Though to be fair those SCP-AHT-3 instances probably would have taken another year to eradicate and contain, you can only keep the media silent for so long. I guess at the end of the day this is about as good as it could have been. We got a "get out of jail card" and you'd be stupid not to take one of those.
Though there are still some unanswered questions and... well actually... I didn't really think it mattered at the time but now that I think about the one of my subordinates came to me about a report from the Global Occult Coalition about a strange single. Apparently, they started recording the single back on November 4th of 1994, but they couldn't make out what it was saying. The best they could understand where random numbers but that was it, they couldn't even tell where the signal was coming from. I thought it was a waste of time to investigate so I denied the request for investigation help. I was thinking the GOC was just wasting their time. However now that I think about it, I might have made a mistake. What if it was the aliens trying to tell us something, if it was, I could have organized an investigation and cyphering team to find out what it all meant... so much for that now." - Site Director Veil
Site Director Veil reported directly to the O5 Council his blunder and as punishment he was forced to not only create an investigation team but also participate in said team despite having no experience in cyphering. 
The best that could be determined was the message TRANSPORT WITHIN WEEK, MAKE THEM HAPPY. The rest of the message still can’t be deciphered correctly or to any sensible message. Despite the collaboration between the Global Occult Coalition and the SCP Foundation, there was still nothing that could be determined the full message of the signal or its origin. Further investigation is needed.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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bharathomeopathy2 · 7 hours
Effective Kidney Failure Treatment Without Dialysis: Alternatives to Dialysis for Better Health
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What are Kidney Diseases and Complications?
Kidney disorders refer to kidney conditions that impair kidney work, affecting the body’s ability to filter waste and manage liquid balance. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common type that progresses slowly over time, often leading to more severe conditions like kidney failure if left untreated. Treatment for kidney failure may require dialysis or a kidney transplant, but it will be very painful; thus, many are seeking kidney failure treatment without dialysis as an alternative option.
High creatinine levels are a significant indicator of kidney dysfunction. Creatinine is a waste product produced by muscles, and the kidneys normally filter it out. High creatinine treatment is crucial in managing kidney diseases, as elevated levels may indicate the need for prompt medical intervention. Chronic kidney disease treatment typically involves medications, lifestyle changes, and dietary restrictions to slow disease progression.
Complications of kidney disease range from fluid retention to cardiovascular problems. Kidney disease can also lead to anaemia, bone disease, and neurological changes. Therefore, finding an effective cure for chronic kidney disorder is important for improving patient outcomes and quality of life.
How Do Kidney Patients Feel the Symptoms of Kidney Disease?
Symptoms of kidney disease are often subtle at first but become more pronounced as the condition worsens. Many people may not realise they have kidney disease until it has reached a more advanced stage. Early symptoms can include fatigue, swelling in the legs and ankles, and difficulty concentrating. 
As the condition progresses, patients may experience more severe symptoms, such as nausea, loss of appetite, and changes in urination patterns, such as increased frequency or blood in the urine. These signs often prompt individuals to seek kidney problem medication to manage their condition. One of the most telling symptoms is persistent high creatinine levels, which usually signals that the kidneys are not functioning optimally.
Patients with advanced kidney disease may experience more distressing symptoms, including chest pain, shortness of breath, and confusion, indicating the need for chronic kidney disease treatment. Addressing these symptoms early can help prevent the disease from advancing to kidney failure, which would then require more aggressive treatments like dialysis.
What Are the Causes of Kidney Disease?
Several factors can contribute to the development of kidney disease. The most common causes are diabetes and high blood pressure. These conditions damage the blood vessels in the renal, making it difficult for them to filter waste properly. In addition to these, chronic infections, autoimmune diseases, and genetic conditions can also lead to kidney problems.
One of the major issues in diagnosing kidney disease is that it often progresses silently, with high creatinine levels being one of the first detectable signs. This is why early high creatinine treatment is crucial. Individuals who already have risk factors like hypertension or diabetes should closely monitor their kidney health to avoid the need for more intensive treatments later on.
Infections, toxins, and certain medications can also damage the kidneys, leading to acute kidney failure. While some causes of kidney disease are beyond a patient’s control, adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of developing this disorder. If you want to stop the progression of the disease, You are suggested to adopt Treatment for kidney failure.
Is Kidney Disease a Painful Condition?
Kidney disease itself is not always painful in the early stages, but as it progresses, the discomfort can become more noticeable. Many patients report feeling fatigued and general discomfort, while some experience pain in the lower back or sides due to the buildup of waste products in the body.
In advanced stages, kidney disease can become a painful experience. Patients may feel discomfort from fluid buildup, which can lead to swelling and difficulty breathing. Some also experience severe pain as a result of complications like kidney stones or infections.
Treatments such as kidney problem medication or high creatinine treatment can help manage the condition and alleviate pain. However, when the disease reaches the stage of kidney failure, many patients may need to explore chronic kidney disease treatment options to relieve symptoms.
People seeking alternatives often look for kidney failure treatment without dialysis, aiming to reduce the pain and complications associated with traditional treatments. The good news is that ongoing research aims to discover new, less invasive ways to cure chronic kidney disease and manage symptoms more effectively.
Kidney diseases present a range of complications that can significantly impact the quality of life. From high creatinine levels to the need for chronic kidney disease treatment, managing the condition requires timely intervention and ongoing care. Understanding the Signs & symptoms, and causes of kidney disease is vital for early diagnosis and treatment. While kidney disease can become painful in its later stages, early cure for chronic kidney disease and lifestyle changes can slow its progression, offering hope for better management and even a cure.
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Kidney Transplant: A Lifesaving Treatment for Renal Failure
A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure performed to treat patients with end-stage kidney disease or chronic kidney failure. This condition occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to filter waste from the blood effectively, resulting in dangerous levels of toxins in the body. When kidney function falls below a critical level, dialysis or a kidney transplant becomes necessary to sustain life. A kidney transplant is considered the best long-term solution for many patients, offering the potential for improved quality of life and freedom from dialysis.
How Kidney Transplant Works
A kidney transplant involves replacing a diseased or non-functioning kidney with a healthy one from a donor. The donor can be a living person (such as a family member or friend) or a deceased individual who has chosen to donate their organs. The transplanted kidney takes over the function of the failed kidneys, filtering blood and removing waste products through urine, much like a healthy kidney would.
During the transplant surgery, the new kidney is placed in the lower abdomen, and the blood vessels from the donor kidney are connected to the patient’s blood vessels. The ureter, which carries urine from the kidney to the bladder, is also attached. The patient’s original kidneys are usually left in place unless they pose a specific health risk.
Who Needs a Kidney Transplant? 
A kidney transplant is typically recommended for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). This is the final stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD), in which the kidneys have lost about 90% of their function. Common causes of ESRD include diabetes, high blood pressure, polycystic kidney disease, and glomerulonephritis. While dialysis can help manage the symptoms of kidney failure, it is not a cure, and many patients opt for a transplant to improve their quality of life.
Not everyone with kidney failure is a candidate for a transplant. Factors such as age, overall health, and the presence of other medical conditions play a role in determining eligibility. For example, patients with severe heart disease, infections, or cancer may not be suitable candidates for the procedure.
The Kidney Transplant Process
Before undergoing a kidney transplant, patients must undergo a thorough evaluation to ensure they are medically fit for surgery. This includes blood tests, imaging scans, and consultations with specialists. Patients also need to be matched with a donor, which can take time, especially if a deceased donor is required.
Once a suitable donor is found, the transplant surgery is scheduled. The procedure typically takes 3-4 hours under general anesthesia. After the surgery, patients are closely monitored in the hospital for several days to ensure the new kidney is functioning properly. Most patients can return home within a week.
Life After Kidney Transplant 
A successful kidney transplant can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life. They can enjoy more energy, better appetite, and greater independence compared to life on dialysis. However, patients must take immunosuppressant medications for the rest of their lives to prevent the body from rejecting the new kidney. These medications lower the immune system's ability to attack the transplanted organ but can increase the risk of infections.
Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor the function of the new kidney and ensure the patient’s health. With proper care, a transplanted kidney from a living donor can last 15-20 years, while one from a deceased donor may last 10-15 years.
A kidney transplant offers hope for patients with end-stage renal disease, providing them with the chance to live a healthier, more active life. Although the process involves risks and lifelong medication, the benefits of freedom from dialysis and improved well-being make kidney transplantation a highly effective treatment option for those suffering from chronic kidney failure.
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medicineforcare · 13 days
Rifagut 550mg
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Rifagut 550mg Tablet is an antibiotic that treats hepatic encephalopathy, a condition in which the liver fails to remove harmful toxins from the blood, leading to brain damage. It is also used to treat infectious diarrhea. It works by killing and stopping the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines.
This medication may be taken either on its own or in conjunction with other medications. It can be taken every day, ideally at the same time, with or without food. The doctor's recommended dosage and duration should be followed. For best results, take it at the same time every day. You should continue taking this medication for the entire prescribed duration. If you stop it too soon, the infection can return and become more difficult to cure. 
Side effects include nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, rashes, joint pain, and depression can happen to certain persons. Usually transient in nature, these side effects disappear as your body becomes used to the medication during therapy. If these side effects annoy you or do not go away, speak with your doctor. This medication may cause your urine to turn red. However, it's usual and safe.
You should inform your doctor before beginning this medication's treatment if you are expecting, nursing, have liver, kidney, or cardiac issues, or if you have an allergy to any medications. 
Benefits of Rifagut Tablet
In Treatment of Hepatic encephalopathy
Severe liver disease called hepatic encephalopathy can alter brain activity and result in disorientation, tremors (shaking), insomnia, and even unconsciousness. Agitation, disorientation, muscular issues, trouble speaking, and even coma are among the symptoms. The Rifagut 550 Tablet has an adverse effect on the brain by reducing blood levels of bacteria that produce ammonia. When used as directed, this medication can lessen hepatic encephalopathy symptoms and enhance brain function. 
Side effects of Rifagut Tablet
Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them
Common side effects of Rifagut
Peripheral edema
Ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity)
Nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the throat and nasal passages)
Joint pain
Muscle pain
How to use Rifagut Tablet
Take this medicine in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Swallow it as a whole. Do not chew, crush or break it. Rifagut 550 Tablet may be taken with or without food, but it is better to take it at a fixed time.
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diagnosticpoint · 14 days
Essential Basic Health Check-Up Tests in Bhubaneswar for Early Detection and Prevention
Taking care of our health is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity. With the hustle and bustle of modern life, people often neglect their health until a serious issue arises. This is where the concept of a basic health check-up becomes crucial. Early detection and prevention are the keys to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and in Bhubaneswar, several health check-up packages are available to help you stay ahead of potential health risks. These tests are simple, non-invasive, and designed to give you an accurate picture of your overall health.
If you're looking for basic health check-up packages in Bhubaneswar, this blog will guide you through the essential tests you should consider for early detection and prevention. We will also cover convenient options for those in Odisha who prefer health check-ups at home.
Why Basic Health Check-Ups Are Essential
Many serious health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, develop without noticeable symptoms in the early stages. By the time you feel unwell, the condition may have already progressed. Regular health check-ups can catch these issues before they become severe, giving you time to take action and improve your health. Prevention is better than cure, and a basic health check-up test in Bhubaneswar can help you identify any early warning signs of illness.
Essential Basic Health Check-Up Tests
Here are some essential tests included in a basic health check-up package that focus on early detection and prevention:
1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
A CBC is one of the most common tests included in any basic health check-up test in Bhubaneswar. It gives a detailed overview of the different types of cells in your blood—red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Abnormal levels can indicate infections, anemia, immune system disorders, and other health conditions.
2. Blood Sugar Test
Monitoring your blood sugar levels is crucial, especially for detecting diabetes early. A fasting blood sugar test checks your glucose levels after not eating for several hours. This test can help detect prediabetes and diabetes, enabling early intervention to manage the condition effectively.
3. Lipid Profile
A lipid profile measures your cholesterol levels, including LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol), and triglycerides. High cholesterol is a significant risk factor for heart disease, which is why this test is essential for anyone interested in preventing cardiovascular issues.
4. Thyroid Function Test
Thyroid health is often overlooked but plays a critical role in regulating metabolism, energy, and mood. Many health check-up packages in Bhubaneswar include a thyroid test package in Odisha, which assesses your T3, T4, and TSH hormone levels. This test can detect conditions such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), both of which require medical intervention.
5. Liver Function Test (LFT)
Liver health is crucial for detoxifying your body and metabolizing nutrients. An LFT checks for enzymes and proteins in your blood that indicate how well your liver is functioning. Elevated levels can point to liver disease, fatty liver, or the effects of medications.
6. Kidney Function Test
Your kidneys filter waste from your blood and regulate various essential functions, including electrolyte balance and blood pressure. A kidney function test measures the levels of urea, creatinine, and other waste products in your blood to assess kidney health.
7. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
For those at risk of heart disease or with a family history of heart problems, an ECG is a non-invasive test that records the electrical activity of the heart. It can detect abnormalities in heart rhythm, which could be a sign of heart conditions.
8. Urine Routine Test
A simple urine test can provide valuable insights into your body's metabolic and kidney functions. It can detect infections, diabetes, dehydration, and other metabolic disorders.
9. Vitamin Deficiency Tests
Many people suffer from undiagnosed vitamin deficiencies, especially in essential nutrients like Vitamin D and B12. These deficiencies can lead to fatigue, mood disorders, and other health issues. Checking for vitamin deficiencies as part of your health check-up test packages in Odisha ensures that you are not missing out on any essential nutrients.
Choosing the Right Health Check-Up Package
With so many basic health check-up packages in Bhubaneswar, how do you choose the one that’s right for you? Here are some factors to consider:
1. Your Age and Risk Factors
If you're young and healthy, a basic package that covers the CBC, lipid profile, and blood sugar might suffice. However, if you're older or have a family history of certain conditions, you might want to opt for a more comprehensive package that includes tests for heart health, liver function, and thyroid health.
2. Customizable Packages
Some healthcare providers offer customizable health check-up packages. This means you can choose tests based on your personal health needs. For example, if you're particularly concerned about thyroid issues, you could add a thyroid test package in Odisha to your check-up plan.
3. Convenience
In today's world, convenience is key. Many healthcare centers offer health test packages at home in Odisha. This means that you can get all the essential tests done without leaving the comfort of your home. This is especially beneficial for individuals who have busy schedules or find it difficult to visit a healthcare facility.
4. Price and Value
While it might be tempting to opt for the most affordable package, it's essential to consider the value you're getting. A slightly more expensive package that includes critical tests like the thyroid test package in Odisha might be more beneficial in the long run.
Benefits of Health Check-Ups at Home
One of the most convenient options now available in Odisha is health test packages at home. This service allows healthcare professionals to visit your home, collect samples, and provide you with results without the hassle of visiting a clinic or hospital. Here are the main benefits:
Convenience: No need to travel or wait in lines at a diagnostic center. You can book a time that suits you.
Comfort: For elderly patients or those with mobility issues, getting tested at home is much more comfortable and stress-free.
Accuracy: Even at home, trained professionals collect samples with the same precision and hygiene standards as they would in a clinic.
Comprehensive Packages: Many service providers offer a wide range of tests, from basic CBCs to more specialized tests like thyroid or kidney function assessments.
At Diagnostic Point, for example, they offer health check-up test packages in Odisha that can be customized to include essential screenings, all performed at home by a team of experts.
When Should You Get a Basic Health Check-Up?
If you haven't had a check-up in the past year, now is the time to consider one. The frequency of health check-ups depends on your age, lifestyle, and medical history. Here are some general guidelines:
For young adults (18-39 years): A basic health check-up every 1-2 years is advisable. If you have risk factors such as smoking, obesity, or a family history of diabetes, you may want to consider more frequent check-ups.
For middle-aged adults (40-60 years): You should have a health check-up every year, especially to monitor cholesterol, blood sugar, and heart health.
For older adults (60+ years): An annual health check-up becomes even more important as the risk for chronic conditions increases with age.
Early detection and prevention are key components of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By opting for a basic health check-up package in Bhubaneswar, you're taking a proactive step toward managing your health and preventing serious conditions from developing. Whether you visit a clinic or prefer the convenience of health test packages at home in Odisha, regular check-ups can make a significant difference in your long-term well-being.
Diagnostic Point offers a range of customizable health check-up test packages in Odisha, designed to meet the needs of every individual. Book your check-up today and invest in your future health.
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sidshospital · 29 days
Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
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Being one of the best kidney specialists in Surat, our experts say that the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, yet many are unaware of their condition until the disease has progressed significantly. This silent threat to health can have serious consequences if left unchecked, but with early detection and proper management, many people with CKD can lead full, active lives. In this blog post, we’ll explore what CKD is, its symptoms, causes, and available treatments to help you better understand this common but often overlooked condition.
What is Chronic Kidney Disease?
Your kidneys are remarkable organs that filter waste and excess fluids from your blood, regulate blood pressure, produce hormones, and help maintain bone strength. Chronic Kidney Disease occurs when these bean-shaped organs are damaged and can’t perform their vital functions effectively.
CKD is typically a progressive condition, meaning it worsens over time. Renal specialists from SIDS Hospital, well-known as one of the best hospitals in Surat, say that it’s divided into five stages based on how well the kidneys are working, with stage 1 being the mildest and stage 5 (also known as end-stage renal disease or kidney failure) being the most severe.
Recognizing the Symptoms
One of the reasons CKD is often called a “silent disease” is that symptoms may not appear until the condition has advanced significantly. However, some people may experience:
1. Fatigue and weakness
2. Difficulty concentrating
3. Decreased appetite
4. Trouble sleeping
5. Muscle cramping, especially at night
6. Swollen feet and ankles
7. Puffiness around the eyes, especially in the morning
8. Dry, itchy skin
9. Need to urinate more often, especially at night
As the disease progresses, additional symptoms may include:
10. Nausea and vomiting
11. Shortness of breath
12. Chest pain
13. Persistent itching
14. High blood pressure that’s difficult to control
It’s important to note that these symptoms can be caused by other conditions as well. If you’re experiencing any of these persistently, it’s crucial to consult with the best kidneys stone specialist in Surat for proper evaluation.
Understanding the Causes
Chronic Kidney Disease can result from various factors, but the two leading causes are diabetes and high blood pressure. These conditions can damage the blood vessels in your kidneys over time, impairing their ability to filter waste effectively.
Other potential causes of CKD include:
1. Glomerulonephritis — inflammation of the kidney’s filtering units
2. Polycystic kidney disease — an inherited disorder causing cysts to grow in the kidneys
3. Prolonged obstruction of the urinary tract
4. Recurrent kidney infections
5. Certain autoimmune disorders like lupus
6. Overuse of certain medications, particularly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
According to the best kidney stone specialists in Surat, some people are at higher risk of developing CKD such as:
- Being over 60 years old
- Having a family history of kidney disease
- Being of African American, Native American, or Asian descent
Having a history of cardiovascular disease
Treatment Options
While there’s no cure for Chronic Kidney Disease, various treatments can slow its progression and manage symptoms. The treatment plan will depend on the underlying cause and the stage of the disease.
1. Lifestyle Changes: Often, the first line of defence against CKD progression involves lifestyle modifications. These may include:
- Following a kidney-friendly diet low in sodium, phosphorus, and protein
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Quitting smoking
- Limiting alcohol intake
- Regular exercise as approved by your doctor
2. Medications: Various medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms and complications of CKD, such as:
- Blood pressure medications
- Medications to lower cholesterol levels
- Drugs to treat anaemia
- Medications to relieve swelling
- Vitamin D and calcium supplements to protect bones
3. Treating Underlying Conditions: If diabetes or high blood pressure is causing your CKD, managing these conditions effectively is crucial to slowing kidney damage.
4. Dialysis: In advanced stages of CKD, when the kidneys can no longer filter waste effectively, dialysis may be necessary. This treatment uses a machine to filter waste from your blood.
5. Kidney Transplant: For some patients with end-stage kidney disease, a kidney transplant may be an option. This involves surgically placing a healthy kidney from a donor into your body.
Prevention and Early Detection
The best way to deal with Chronic Kidney Disease is to prevent it from developing in the first place. Regular check-ups with the best kidney specialists in Surat, especially if you have risk factors for CKD, can help catch the disease early. Simple blood and urine tests can detect CKD before symptoms appear.
If you’re diagnosed with CKD, remember that knowledge is power. Understanding your condition, following your treatment plan, and maintaining open communication with your healthcare team from the best hospital in Surat can significantly impact your quality of life and slow the progression of the disease. Many people with CKD lead full, active lives.
If you have concerns about your kidney health, don’t hesitate to speak with our renal experts at SIDS Hospital. Early detection and treatment can make a world of difference in managing Chronic Kidney Disease and maintaining your overall health and well-being.
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doctorrekha · 29 days
Use of Eranda (Castor) for Reducing Pain and Detoxification
Castor or Eranda (Ricinus communis) is highly valued in Ayurveda for its powerful medicinal qualities. The various health advantages of this herb is now backed by modern research. 
Known for its strong purgative and anti-inflammatory properties, Erands helps reduce pain and purifies the body of toxins. Ricinoleic acid - the main active ingredient in Eranda  is well known for its ability to stimulate the digestive system. This helps improve intestinal motions and liver function and thus helps in detoxification.
Uses of Eranda
For over a decade, Ayurveda  has used the leaves, oil, and seeds of Eranda, owing to its health advantages. Its purgative, anti-inflammatory and narcotic qualities are highlighted in ancient writings, making it an important part of natural medical procedures.
Eranda offers numerous medicinal benefits, owing to its rich chemical composition. Important elements consist of:
A fatty acid with strong painkiller and anti-inflammatory qualities is ricinoleic acid.
Antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress like flavonoids and phenolic compounds.
Alkaloids and Terpenoids can assist in pain, detox and cleansing properties.
Eranda for detoxification
One of the main uses of Eranda is removing toxins from the body. 
Liver Detoxification
Eranda oil promotes liver function. By breaking down and getting rid of toxins, the liver is an essential part of the body's detoxification process. Ricinoleic acid boosts the liver as well as its capacity to flush out toxins and improving general liver health.
Lymphatic Drainage
The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins and waste products from body tissues. Traditionally, castor oil packs have been used to increase lymphatic circulation. Applying warm castor oil packs over the belly helps improve the lymphatic flow/ This lowers the strain on the kidneys and liver through detoxification.
Stomach cleansing
Castor oil is frequently used to detoxify the intestines since it is a powerful laxative. It encourages removing waste and toxins from the body by stimulating the bowels. This promotes good digestion and gut health critical for general health.
Eranda for Reducing Pain
Eranda is also a great pain reliever.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Ricinoleic acid in Eranda also offers anti-inflammatory benefits. It blocks the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, thereby reducing inflammation and the discomfort associated with it. It works especially well for diseases like arthritis, where ongoing pain is a big problem.
Analgesic Effects
The anti-inflammatory qualities of Eranda provides pain relief. You can experience relief from menstrual cramps, joint pain and muscular pains by applying castor oil to the affected region. The deep tissue penetration property of Eranda is useful for treating various pain conditions.
Better Blood Circulation
Regular use of castor oil also helps improve blood circulation, which, in turn, helps manage pain. Better circulation ensures oxygen and  nutrients reach tissues more effectively by fastening the healing and reducing discomfort.
Modern Uses Of Eranda
Eranda is not only used in traditional medicine systems. They also play an important role in modern medicine in curing various health conditions:
Skin Health
Because of its healing and moisturizing qualities, castor oil is often used in skincare products. It promotes skin regeneration and reduces inflammation, and, therefore, cure different health issues, including skin disorders.
Hair Care
Castor oil also helps treat scalp problems and promotes hair growth. Its nourishing qualities minimize dandruff, strengthen the hair roots and  stop hair loss.
Wound Healing
The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities of castor helps heal wounds. It promotes the formation of new tissue, elevating the healing process and avoiding infections.
Are you looking for more valuable insights? Head onto our blog section!
How To Use Eranda?
Even though Eranda has several health advantages, it is best to use it under the supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to prevent negative consequences.
Oral Consumption
It is important to adhere to suggested doses while taking castor oil as a laxative or for liver detoxification. However, over consuming it can lead to dehydration and severe diarrhea. Therefore, consult with a qualified doctor before starting a cleanse detoxification program.
Topical Application
Administering castor oil topically helps relieve pain and cure skin conditions. The oil is generally harmless. But, it's always safe to do a patch test before you use it externally. 
Combination with Other Therapies
Combining the use of castor oil with other medical procedures like massage or heat therapy are found to enhance the effectiveness of the treatments. Therefore, creating a comprehensive health program that includes Eranda  can have some really good outcomes worldwide.
In short, Eranda or castor is one of the best remedies out there for pain relief and detoxification.
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the-duckless-pond · 1 month
My best friend has been radio silent for a while and I thought she might respond when I told her that Boo was sick but she didn’t and that’s okay and I’ll keep updating her on Boo’s health but I super need to vent and I have literally no other friends to talk to and am very alone because I would talk to my mother but whenever I try she just tells me she has too much info in her brain and can’t hear me. So. Yeah. I’m dealing with this absolutely alone. And I’m stressed as fuck.
Last Friday the 16th Miss Boo was diagnosed with probably stage 2 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). It is terminal. There is no cure. But there is treatment, so that’s good. She could have months or even many many years left. There’s no way of knowing. I am trying to prepare for months but I am hoping for years.
She is on a diet now, Hill’s Prescription Kidney Care both wet and dry. Wet at specific time and dry for free feeding. Although as of today there is a strike or a protest or something because neither Boo nor Callie want to eat their wet food. I got so frustrated that I cried. Boo has lost an alarming amount of weight since April. Almost an entire pound. I need to get calories into this cat SOMEHOW. And I like to include Callie because I love her and want her to feel good and loved. So I tried the wet food today. Nothing. I tried mixing in their old wet foods. Nope. I tried CatSip. Nope. I tried their favorite treats. Nope. I tried homemade chicken broth. Nope. I tried turkey broth. Nope. They are just refusing. And I got so upset and frustrated and hopeless feeling that I collapsed on the floor very dramatically and cried because I don’t want my cat to waste away and I need Callie to eat her senior food because she is older too and it will help her. But they just refused everything. They are still snacking on the kibble so at least there is that, but hydration is a problem in CKD and I need Boo to be eating wet food. So I sobbed about it because it was just too much after the day I’ve had.
Jumping back to the lead in to the sobbing, when Boo had her blood work and urinalysis last week they found cocci bacteria in her urine but no blood cells so they assumed it was a contaminated sample. Which is dumb because it was taken directly from her bladder with a needle so like… how. But. Whatever. I talked to the vet and she assured me it was fine. It was not fine. I went on my support group and shared her test results and others noticed the cocci as well, and urged me to look into the symptoms of UTIs as they can be common in CKD cats. So I did, for hours I did. And then I spent the next 24 hours watching her. She was drinking more and urinating more than normal and in small amounts. And I found out that she even went outside the box twice - a first in all our thirteen years together. All signs pointed to a UTI.
So I made the soonest appointment I could get, which was next Tuesday. And then I panicked and watched her like a hawk and checked her urine for blood because these things can turn into kidney infections if left untreated which can speed up the progression of CKD and lead to crashing. So basically the nightmare. I spent hours panicking and debating on whether or not to take her to the kitty ER down the road. It was awful. And so very stressful. And I didn’t have any of my as needed anxiety meds.
Fortunately the vet contacted me this morning, literally right as I had decided to take her to the ER, and told me that given the symptoms I listed when making the Tuesday appointment they were concerned it was a UTI. I felt so vindicated! I was right! They wanted to start her on a trial of antibiotics and then check in four days after the course was complete, in roughly two weeks, to do another urinalysis and look for bacteria. If they are present then we will do another round of antibiotics.
God, that was such a relief. I was dreading hearing her crying out while urinating or something or finding blood in the box. Dreaded. It was stressing me the fuck out to the point where I had trouble sleeping. I even overnighted some puppy pee pads to place around the litter boxes in the spots she has been going so that I could know if there was blood in her urine (and also to protect my carpets but much less so).
Anyway, as soon as the medicine was ready I picked it up and took it home and read the instructions. This is my first time medicating a cat so I was, and am, feeling overwhelmed as fuck. I emailed the doctor a bunch of questions about how to give it to her and basically I could mix it into anything I wanted as long as I made sure she consumed the entire dose.
I chose CatSip, because that is her favorite treat (that is getting daily because any calories are good calories). I made a bowl for Callie too so that she wouldn’t feel left out. The antibiotic liquid is a creamy white just like the treat so I needed to separate the bowls so that I didn’t get them confused. So I set Callie’s bowl down and mixed the medicine into Boo’s and called her over. She didn’t come.
Where was she? Drinking Callie’s snack. Sigh. It was all gone, too. I apologized to Callie and told her she would need to wait just a little longer. I picked up Boo and took her and her medicine snack to the bedroom and closed the door. Thus began thirty minutes of trying to get her to finish it because she had already had some and didn’t want anymore. Ugh. So, that was stressful. She finally did finish it, and according to the website it starts working within two hours but I might not notice changes or her feeling better for a day or two. I choose to believe that she is starting to feel better already.
We left the bedroom and Callie finally got her snack. Boo tried to steal it again (naughty girl!!!) but I redirected her and Callie was able to have the entire serving.
Then everyone was happy and I felt better because Boo had medicine in her and that was an improvement over prior. They both napped in the living room with me while I read the news.
And then I realized boo’s next dose would be at 2:30am. And school starts in just a few days and I’m trying to fix my sleep schedule. And I got stressed all over again because what am I supposed to do? Just go to bed like normal and hope she doesn’t suffer overnight? Stay up to give her the medicine and hope it doesn’t fuck up my sleep schedule too much? How am I supposed to do this alone? Stress increasing by the second.
I decided to stay up until 2:30am to give her the medicine. And then tomorrow she won’t get her next dose until about 5pm. I am going to increase it by just over 2 hours, which is according to what I read online in articles, an acceptable grace period. Then I’ll wake up at 5am the next day, and her following dose won’t be until 7pm. Then, finally, we will be on a 7am and 7pm schedule. That gives me like 2 days to fully fix my sleep schedule which is only going to add to my stress levels but I honestly don’t know what else to do and I am so fucking tired
I haven’t been sleeping well at all. Ever since we got back from the vet last week, she hasn’t slept in bed with me. And this cat has not missed a single night in 13 years until now. I have gone to sleep with Boo snoring on my pillow since I was 17 years old. So you can imagine how poorly I am sleeping with silence. And how fucking lonely it all is without her. She sometimes comes to check on me but she never stays. Most nights I cry myself to sleep from missing her so much. It’s awful. I started having to put on podcasts to be able to fall asleep because Callie doesn’t snore. She started sleeping in the tower beside the bed so I’m not like alone alone but it’s not the same. She doesn’t snore and she’s not on my pillow where I can hold her little paw and whisper how much I love her. And meanwhile Boo is in her tower in the living room so far away from us and me and the walls in the new apartment are really good and I can’t hear her snoring through the wall. I can’t hear it at all. And it all makes me so fucking sad that I can’t help but cry.
And I know she is t feeling well and she is doing what she needs to do and I respect that and won’t disturb her but I miss my baby. I miss normal bed routine. I miss when she wasn’t nauseous in the mornings. I don’t have anything to help with that yet so she just has to deal with it. My poor girl. I just want to help her feel better. I guess at least I can do something about the UTI and keep giving her her antibiotics in the CatSip. That worked really well. I’ll just have to separate her from Callie before and after and Callie will have to wait until we are done to have hers. Sorry baby. I am doing my best but there is only one of me.
Everyone is resting but me now. It is almost 10pm. Four and a half ish hours to go. I am planning on either reading or watching a show. I might take a bubble bath. I might try to make muffins because they sound so soothing and nice and I sure could use something soothing right now I am so fucking stressed and overwhelmed and out of my depth.
Or maybe I’ll pass the time reading nonsense and pretending that it makes me feel better. I did that last time I couldn’t sleep and it kind of helped.
I keep wanting to work on my story but honestly how am I supposed to think like this? With all this on my plate? I have no clue how to do it. And school is starting soon, too. Gah. More things to enter my brain and distract me. And I’ll have to actually focus on that. Learn. Absorb. Ugh. I’m not ready.
It’s a lot. A lot a lot. I have a good vet and I have a good therapist but I really wish I had a friend right now. That’s all I really want right now. A friend to listen. Just so that I don’t feel quite as alone dealing with all this.
It doesn’t matter does it. Not like people actually care about me these days. It hasn’t felt like anyone has given a damn about me in a long time. I guess I just have to live with that.
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bharathomeopathy778 · 2 months
Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment: Alternative Medication for Natural Kidney Disease Treatment
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About Kidney Diseases
Chronic Renal Disease is a progressive condition signified by the gradual and progressive loss of renal function over a successive period of time. The primary causes of CKD include diabetes, hypertension, and glomerulonephritis. High blood sugar levels may affect and damage kidney tissues, while hypertension exerts excessive pressure on kidney blood vessels, impairing their function. Glomerulonephritis, an inflammation of the kidney's filtering units, can also significantly impact kidney health.
Other causes of CKD may include polycystic kidney disease, a genetic disorder causing fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys, and prolonged use of certain medications or exposure to toxins. Lifestyle causes and factors such as unhealthy diet, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can aggravate these conditions, causing a higher risk of developing CKD and necessitating chronic kidney disease treatment.
High Creatinine: Causes and Treatment
High creatinine levels are often an indicator of impaired kidney function. Creatinine is a waste product generated through muscle metabolism, and healthy kidneys filter it out of the blood. High creatinine levels can signal that the kidneys are not performing optimally and require a proper high creatinine treatment.
The causes of high creatinine levels include acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, dehydration, and certain medications or supplements. Conditions like urinary tract obstruction or severe infections can also lead to increased creatinine levels. To manage high creatinine, addressing the underlying cause is crucial. This might involve kidney problem medication to control blood pressure, managing blood sugar levels, or treating infections. In severe renal disease cases, proper medical treatment for kidney failure may be necessary.
How High Creatinine Affects Healthy Kidneys
When creatinine levels rise, it reflects a decline in kidney function, which can have various adverse effects on overall health. Elevated creatinine levels can lead to fluid and electrolyte imbalances, resulting in symptoms like swelling, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. Persistent high creatinine levels may cause further damage to kidney tissues, reducing their ability to filter waste effectively.
Healthy kidneys typically manage creatinine levels efficiently, but when they are compromised, the body struggles to maintain homeostasis. This disruption can cause complications such as anaemia, bone disease, and cardiovascular issues, which are often associated with advanced kidney disease.
Homeopathy Treatment Benefits for CKD
Homeopathy offers a comprehensive approach to managing Chronic Kidney Disease. Homeopathy treatment focuses on stimulating the body's natural healing processes through highly diluted substances that match the individual's disease-specific symptoms and overall health condition. Benefits of homeopathy in managing CKD include:
Personalized Treatment: Homeopathy takes into account the individual's unique symptoms, lifestyle, and emotional state, allowing for a tailored plan offering a cure for chronic kidney disease.
Holistic Approach: It aims to improve overall well-being, addressing not just the physical aspects of CKD but also the emotional and psychological dimensions.
Minimized Side Effects: Homeopathic remedies are typically very diluted, which decreases the risk of side effects compared to conventional medications.
Improved Quality of Life: By addressing the disease-related symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and swelling, homeopathy can help improve the overall well-being and years of life for CKD patients.
Chronic Kidney Disease Homeopathy Treatment Benefits
Homeopathy can offer several benefits when used as a complementary approach to managing Chronic Kidney Disease:
Symptom Management: Natural homeopathic remedies can help alleviate symptoms such as pain, nausea, and fatigue associated with CKD.
Supportive Care can complement conventional treatments by improving general health and reducing the side effects of other medications.
Prevention of Complications: By addressing individual symptoms and promoting overall well-being, homeopathy can help prevent the progression of CKD and related complications.
Patient Empowerment: Homeopathy encourages active participation in one's own health care, empowering patients to make informed decisions about their treatment options.
Treatment for Kidney Failure
Renal failure occurs when the renals are no longer able to efficiently filter waste products from the blood. 
Treatment options for kidney failure include:
Dialysis: This is a procedure that artificially removes waste products and excess amounts of fluids from the blood. There are two main significant types of dialysis: hemodialysis, that involves filtering the blood through a machine, and peritoneal dialysis, that uses the lining of the abdominal cavity to filter blood effectively.
Kidney Transplant: A kidney transplant involves replacing the damaged kidneys with a healthy donor kidney. This option is often considered when dialysis is no longer effective or feasible.
However, homeopathy comes with a significant advantage in treating renal disease without dialysis and transplantation. It is exclusively designed and customized to cater to every patient’s needs and symptoms individually in order to provide an effective and side-effect-free treatment. 
Medications: Homeopathic medications may be prescribed to manage the disease-related symptoms, control blood pressure, and treat complications associated with kidney failure.
Lifestyle Changes: Adopting a kidney-friendly diet, managing diabetes and hypertension, and avoiding nephrotoxic substances can help support kidney function and overall health. In summary, understanding the causes and management options for Chronic Kidney Disease and high creatinine levels is essential for a suitable effective kidney failure treatment without dialysis and maintaining overall health. While conventional treatments play a critical role in managing these conditions, homeopathy can offer supportive care by addressing symptoms, minimizing side effects, and promoting a holistic approach to wellness.
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