#how to prove you either A) did not read any of my previous posts on this or B) have zero reading comprehension
yin-shimo · 6 months
Collective (and final) Post
- because I'll be deleting the previous posts and hoping this singular one is good enough for everyone.
Let's get the biggest issue out of the way,
Yes, I am a proshipper and no i don't care how you feel about it. As always, please feel free to block me now and not bother to read the rest, its the reason i was open about being one in the first place.
I never cared i was banned from yoonie's server. i never talked in it and i wasn't there to make friends. I was in there solely to see if they said anything about me and yeah they did. You can go crazy and call me a stalker for that too, I get it. What they said is irrelevant (such as my cc, i don't know why its made out to seem like im upset abt that..) to why im upset, i just disliked them viewing my account like stalkers even tho none followed or liked me. Thats it. I would have never called out names etc if yoonnie hadnt vague posted me.
secondly, for all the csa and sa mentions and me supposedly posting weird ships or whatever. Please, please actually scroll through my account and show me where i have EVER talked about any ships (aside from wx), posted images abt the topic, or anything similar.
while youre at it, please show me where it was that i failed to tag such 'problematic' nsfw posts. you do know i only tag them with #xian: spice, my oc tags and occasionally #simspice, right? My pinned says im an 18+ blog, my description says 18+ only, how many warnings are expected of me?
next, where and when did i ever interact with anyone, especially from that clique, that made them so uncomfortable? it couldnt be in yoonie's server. i didnt talk about my self or interests and no one ever posted in the nsfw channel of my own server when it existed. so again, it couldnt be there either. I dont even interact with minors on discord or tumblr!
please, please understand that i KNOW there are many many topics people arent comfortable with (i have some too) and theyre 100% valid! especially to block/unfollow me for! Aside from one recent render, I have never posted anything worth a CW (and the render is properly tagged with #cw: implied abuse) and if i do again, it will always have the proper CW. I am not trying to trigger anyone.
If somehow, my pfp, description, etc, is enough to trigger you, please please just stay away from my account for your own sake. and the yarichin argument is weak and only proves the people so uncomfortable and 'triggered' by me apparently still look at my page and saw my current pfp lol
the only post that will be left is the ask i answered showing how harmful corona 'jokes' are towards all asians whether theyre chinese or not
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averyaddamsromance · 1 year
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Ok, Hunter in the pool was supposed to get your attention X_D sorry!
The last few days may have been somehow tough for our wyler community. Shippers and their ships could be the core of fandoms, and I am really sorry that in 2023 someone still doesn't get the lesson…anyway…
I decided to make a post sharing some of the fan-fictions which made the last 2 days brighter after knowing that Jenna Ortega is killing the romance in Wednesday- which I repeat, is not bad for Wyler since we couldn't get any romance in s2 anyway as you can read in my previous post. I just hope this is not going to affect the unresolved sexual tension between Tyler and Wednesday. I am curious to see if views won't drop without that. Because audience is fickle and untamable: dear Jenna, today they are clapping when you say "no romance" then in 2 years (when we will be even farther from the effects of covid 19 on people's emotional life) will start complaining about the lack of intensity in the series. For me, this is a challenge and I am curious to see who's right here.
We are forced to accept the decision to castrate Wednesday Addams, dark and sarcastic woman, yes, but still daughter of one of the most passionate couples (Morticia and Gomez Addams). How is possible that to prove women's independence and strength in 2023 we still have to castrate them? Did men do anything like this since the beginning of civilization? Wouldn't be great to affirm our sexuality together with indipendence and strenght? Is it so dangerous for a woman to get an orgasm thanks to a man, really?
Anyway, now back to fanfic:
ALL IT TOOK WAS YOUR SPARK by @wincestation
For me this is royal blood among the fan-fictions I read, latest chapter was out just a few hours before or after (don't remember) the interview Jenna did at The Tonight Show.
It's impossible to describe how much I love this fanfic- and how much I laugh when I read it. Wincestation has established herself as one of the best wylers writers already. She is building an AU and her Tyler and Wednesday can actually challenge in terms of quality the original characters of the series.
Wincestation, I am one of your cheerleaders.
YOU ARE STILL A TRAITOR by @suchaladyy
Another gem I read immediately after Jenna's interview and I loved the warm feeling left in my heart -I really needed it.
Suchalady is producing fanfictions at an impressive speed and her +18 explicit collections is for true connoisseurs. And I won't even bother to hide that after Jenna's attempt to castrate Wednesday I feel even more sadistic pleasure to read explicit +18 fanfictions where she is completely unleashed by Tyler -sorry Hunter, you find yourself in the middle of a war.
I AM TYLER, BY THE WAY by Kiranightshade @therulerofallpotatos
Gosh how I loved this piece! And I am seconding all the comments asking for the sequel! But I know that Kira is working on another more complex fanfic, so I patiently wait here.
+18 EXPLICIT that as I already said I am enjoying even more after Jenna's interview, as useless absolutely pointless personal vendetta.
BUT IT'S NOT REAL (AND YOU DON'T EXIST) by @the-strangest-person
WOW. I am new to Stranger Person'fanfic but this one hit me really hard.
There's some drama but I am pretty sure that if those poor screenwriters (Wednesday's ones) were allowed to write their own thing we would have gotten something similar.
ROUGH DAY by @realmermaid333
Realmermaid333 won't disappoint you, ever. I loved this explicit fanfic! It was fresh air, really hot but somehow sweet (Tyler can't disappoint you either) as only realmermaid can be.
THE WOES OF SELF DISCOVERY by SwedishlittleOwl @fandom-geek17
So damn hot, I started to read it and then I was like "noooooo it's not completeeee" I need others chapters! I am so curious to know what's gonna happen!
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garoujo · 1 year
hi ! as you guys have probably seen on dash, in tags, in your inbox there is an anon + a blog @/ffflowers going out of their way to not only spread lies but also to completely try everything in their power to harass and ‘expose’ me.
if you’ve had them in your asks or seen their posts you would’ve seen a link to a callout post from 2021 regarding a conversation that took place on an old blog of mine. their agenda with this callout post is to ‘prove’ that i apparently ignored this completely and got ‘run off’ tumblr without taking any sort of accountability for what was said or making any sort of apology.
this is not true, back in 2021 i took and still take full accountability for what i said and have never denied it, i made 3/4 separate apologies at that time, one of which was my pinned post for around a week and have continued to grow and do better as a writer and as a person since.
this particular discourse was resolved at that time, i never avoided confrontation and admitted i was in the wrong because i was, i was caught off guard and panicked with a topic that i felt intimidated by — i apologise and take accountability for my own ignorance.
while on the subject of this discourse post, i’d just like to prove my statement in this post where i said this particular situation was not what drove me to leave tumblr temporarily— this can be proven by these screenshots. as you can see, the callout post was dated on the 8th of June 2021.
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like i said again in my previous post about this, this did not drive me off of tumblr — i owned up to everything i said, even went back to tag every post regarding the discourse so people could read through and make their own opinion — i did not run from this. i continued to write on this blog for months after this discourse which can be proven by the literal date in which it says my blog deactivated at the top — 20th of October 2021. almost 5 months after the callout post. either i’m a slow runner or my statement is correct. again, this was 2 years ago and this person has harassed me ever since.
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but while i’m on the topic, the reason i actually left that blog was due to the anon who is continuing to harass me now. i received consistent and constant death threats by the same anon for months, following the same pattern — when i stopped posting their asks, they then decided to try a different approach. they began to force themselves into other peoples safe spaces to tell them they “couldn’t write certain characters because i selfshipped with them and they belonged to me” before going on to send those creators hate and death threats under the guise that i sent them — also not true.
i left tumblr for my own safety, this anon has my private and personal details, my social media and my face reveals but i refuse to let them ruin my safe space for me again. they’ve began to add more to their stories with sudden plagiarism and ‘black fishing’ being suddenly mentioned into their posts which is again absolutely not true, my guess is their current posts weren’t getting as much attention as they expected and they had to make it a little more eye catching.
they’ve also been consistently sending me anon asks hoping to bring relevance to the situation by urging me to post about it, they will send me hate before deciding to try and pretend to be another, nicer anon urging me to ‘hear my side of the story’ or showering me in compliments about how they ‘need an explanation because they know i’m too nice for that’ again, it’s obvious it’s them since they go back to being horrible when they’re ignored, and quite frankly it’s terrifying the lengths they’ll go to harass and manipulate me.
this morning while i was at work i had received an anon urging me to do that exact thing, to talk about the discourse, they sent me consistent asks until i made my post talking about how i will no longer be mentioning it on dash, they then sent me another nastier ask immediately after before then going to post on their blog @/ffflowers almost immediately after that.
also this is part two of them harassing me here and the reason i left my last nsfw blog + them doing the exact same thing they’re doing now, they have a pattern — they will wait a few months before bringing themselves back into my inbox, when their hate asks to me are left unanswered then they play their way into other peoples inboxes hoping they will post + bring attention to the ‘discourse’ they are trying to spread. also another post i’ve made about this situation lastnight here.
they’ve become increasingly more angry and violent the longer they’ve been with me, i’ve been doxxed, threatened, consistently told to die and kms + had my character ripped to shreds on a site where i simply post writing for fun. i apologise to anyone who’s been dragged into this or harassed by this person, they are nasty and this probably won’t be the end of them either — but i refuse to let them drive me off of this app again.
i’ll be taking a small break for a few days to calm down, anon will remain off so they can’t contact me because at this moment i don’t feel safe and will be laying low on my personal acc for a while until i feel better. i apologise again for everything, the posts and my actions included, but i have no secrets.
emmie <3
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markipliers-madhouse · 7 months
Hello? Hello Hello?
...Well, this place has been dead for a little bit, hasn't it?
Mentioned a little bit before on that collab piece I did, but figured I'd be better to do a full post bout it here!
So, this AU...has been laying dormant for quite some time, and there's not really any excuses for that. I've just been a little busy with school and life in general, but mainly...haven't had much motivation to do it in all honesty, and their's two main factors to that unmotivation.
1. I kinda realized I'd be needing to write a lot for this story, and though I love writing in general...the scope of this would be like writing a few novels if I continued on, and I just wouldn't have the time or sanity to do that, but more on that later for a solution...
And 2. ...I kinda fell out of FNaF for a moment. Well- Not entirely, I'll always love this series, but I guess it was mainly...the state of the fandom after one certain game...Security Breach. After that game came out, it kinda broke the fandom in half. One half being those who hate the game and left the franchise entirely, now seeing it as nothing but for kids and not taken seriously, and the other...well, actually kids. Y'know the ones. You know.
So that kinda left me kinda unsure for my AU, since I thought if I put stuff out now...it wouldn't really be that appreciated. From the start it was meant to harken back to the original classics of FNaF, but with the fandom mostly filled with newcomers for just this one game, and the original fans gone and unhopeful for the franchise, I just kinda...left this place dorment till I felt motivated again.
...And then the Ruin DLC happened, which gave me a spark of motivation. Seemed this franchise was starting to to head to a better place, getting some old fans back, so that's nice. Got me thinking more bout this AU again...
And then the movie happened, and now i've been slapped in the face with motivation.
SO- Guess that's my excuse for why things have been so empty, but now...I AM READY TO OFFICIALLY SAY IT IS STARTING BACK UP! And not just that...but starting fresh! ...Which, isn't saying much, since I only wrote two chapters for it...y e a h - But there's a reason I'm starting fresh, not just for improved art or retconing some of the mistakes of what I did give out, but mainly because...
I'm turning the AU into a comic!!
That's right! Gonna be drawing the whole thing start to finish! Figured this would be better to me since it's quicker then writing it all, and get to show and improve more of my art, so works out! (You can already kinda see some of that with the new pfp and header) Maybe might get some help in the future, maybe might dable in some animation, maybe a lot of things, but guess we'll just hafta see where it goes from here!
What does that mean for the previous content though? All...f o u r of it? Well, that stuff is gonna be non-canon from here on out! It'll be easier this way since those stuff have either some continuity errors that'll effect the story in the long wrong, or just simply I've changed my mind on some things and it'll be a bit more different! I'm still leaving them up, however! Just cause I think it'll be fun to see how far I've come, and ey some art pieces there weren't bad! ...Too bad...okay like one or two were d e c e n t
TLDR of it tho is this: AU's getting a reboot, gonna be made into a comic now, previous stuff is non-canon, and this page should be a bit more active now!
But yeah! Big things are coming, and I am excited to start up this AU again! I have so many plans for this story that I'm just hoping you guys will love, wanna do justice to both sides of the story! So keep an eye on this blog, might take a little longer, but hoping to get things officially and finally started soon!
And to prove some of that, before I go...you guys deserve a a bit of a sneak peak of what's to come, so...hope you enjoy these redesigns >:]
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puckish-rogue · 2 months
Lore Dump: The Chairmen
Note: The Chairmen is a concept that I've been playing around with in my head for some time now, and was made in order to expand on my own interpretation of the SR universe given that the original series has been done with for some time now. I would also like to clarify that while this is going to be a somewhat brief summary and work off of vague ideas, please expect this post to be expanded upon at some point in the future once I've fleshed out more ideas. Additionally, I would also like to encourage anyone reading this, who may be interested in having crossover threads with The Boss and my version of SR, to incorporate The Chairmen in one way or another if that's something that happens to interest you. All I ask is for you to talk to me about these ideas, and to just have fun with it.
Many decades ago, during what some may consider the golden age of organized crime, a handful of gang leader's—all fairly powerful in their own right—had come together inside of a bar in order to discuss growing concerns they had over the state of the criminal underworld. Not only had it become quite hard to maintain their respective businesses, what with the increased presence of law enforcement cracking down on seemingly anything they did. But the need to adapt to an ever-changing world had led to many of them questioning just how long they could keep their very young empires afloat.
So, after what seemed to be hours worth of discussions, and several rounds of drinks, these men had all come to the conclusion that if any of them were to pursue their lofty ambitions, it would be wise of them to set aside whatever differences they may have and work together. This would prove itself to be mutually beneficial not only in the sense of strength by numbers, but connections, profits, and most of all an increase in power would skyrocket as well.
The Chairmen is what they would name themselves later on in life as they began to amass more and more into their fold. To the point where, if you truly wanted to let the world know how big of a deal you were, then you'd do best to get yourself an invitation to their Board of Directors. Something which only the most noteworthy of gang leader's even have the slightest change of making it on to.
While The Chairmen aren't considered a group that oversees the entirety of the criminal underworld and all who operate within it. They are quite the dominant force, with connections deep within certain spaces such as politics, business, law enforcement, and so on. Most people on the board will do just about anything to expand the legacy they have built off of from decades prior. Others are simply happy to be in a comfortable position that allows them to play around with the power they wield. In any case, they are an extremely dangerous faction with the resources to back them up. And if you were to somehow interfere with their work, well, let's just say it wouldn't be the first time they've completely erased a person's existence in the world.
A Few Facts about The Chairmen:
They are structured similarly to the way a conglomerate is. At the very top are the Board of Directors, which consists of every major gang leader who has proven themselves and earned a seat on the board. Each member of the Board has their gang act as a parent company, which brings in revenue from whatever businesses are done under it. Below the parent companies are small gangs that are considered subsidiaries. They are heavily monitored and must pay a large tribute in order to remain within The Chairmen's proverbial safety net.
Subsidiaries have the potential to earn a seat on the Board in several different ways. The following are just some; impressing the Board of Directors, replacing a previous member of the Board either by their firing or total destruction, arguing for a position, and so on.
The Board of Directors are, more or less, in a neutral alliance with one another. No member will interfere with the work of another unless it is to provide assistance of some kind. However, provided assistance must be repaid at some point or another. Failure to do so will result in the member who had requested the help to be punished in some fashion.
Bi monthly "business retreats" are the main way in which The Chairmen gather together as a whole in order to discuss what may be going on in their respective ventures, and with the world at large. Outside of that, they are more than welcome to keep in contact with anyone they wish to.
The current iteration of the Board of Directors is more than 5 but less than 15.
Members of the Board reside from different parts of the world and are wildly different than what the group considers their "founding fathers".
Some have kept up with the antics of the 3rd Street Saints for far longer than The Boss currently realizes.
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bluerose5 · 1 year
An Easy Job
Yes, I made a fic inspired by my recent post about Hawke and Anders meeting earlier than canon. Click here for the link to read on ao3.
Rating: M
Pairing: Pre-Relationship Male Hawke/Anders
Word Count: 6,655
Content Warnings for Blood, Injury, Slavers, & Violence
Summary: Garrett's line of work sometimes required that he operated out of Darktown.
It wasn't quite how he imagined meeting the Undercity's healer, but he made the most of the encounter.
Garrett Hawke was told that it would be an easy job.
He was a fool to simply take Athenril's word on that, but her information usually proved to be somewhat reliable most days.
Turned out, that day wasn't one of them.
Meet their middleman, retrieve their cargo, and return to base. It was supposed to be that simple.
As soon as Garrett showed up to the spot where their meeting was arranged, he knew that something was off, and it wasn't because they were prowling around the murkiest depths of Darktown either.
No, at least that was to be expected. In their line of work, dealing with the criminal elements all over Kirkwall was a necessary evil, and that included those who operated out of Darktown as well.
Other than the fact that he was an apostate in a city overflowing with templars, the reason why Garrett was so on edge all of a sudden was because not a soul was in sight.
Cooped up in the alley together, Carver hovered at Garrett’s side, his fingers twitching for his weapon.
"I don't like this," Carver said, his brow furrowed as he surveyed their surroundings. "He's late."
"That, he is," Garrett replied. "I'm usually all about being fashionably late to parties, but you would think there would be some semblance of professionalism when it came down to business. I mean, it's everyone's coin on the line here."
Carver scoffed, his face pinched up in disgust.
"Did you expect any less from that slippery bastard? What happened anyhow?" he asked. "I thought, after that last stunt he pulled, we weren't gonna run any more jobs with good ole Slack-Jawed Pete."
"We weren't, but—"
"But things change, apparently," Carver muttered. "Without my input, of course."
Garrett glared at him.
"But," he said, continuing his previous statement, "things came up. Sapphire was our original contact, but something went down at The Blooming Rose, so he had to fill in for the night."
"Too bad," Carver griped, his arms crossed over his chest. "I bet you would have loved to see your boyfriend. Now, you have to settle for Pete's ugly mug instead."
"He's not—" Garrett grumbled in frustration. "Listen, Athenril promised a big payout for this. If things go sideways, then I…"
He trailed off when shadows fell over them.
Both he and Carver tensed, their eyes trained on the group that gathered at the end of the alley.
"'If' things go sideways?" Carver whispered under his breath.
As if to hammer home his point, he elbowed his brother in the side.
Garrett grumbled.
"Okay, when they go sideways," he corrected, watching the man at the head of the pack step forward.
"Well, well, well, what do you know?" he hummed, eyes narrowed at them with a sinister grin. "That nug-for-brains idiot was right, men. Here we have two strong, able-bodied, Fereldan men, just ripe for the taking."
"And who in the bloody Void are you?" Carver spat.
The stranger merely shrugged off his question.
"Names have no meaning for men in your position," the fellow answered. "Either you submit to what we have in mind, or you fight us and lose. Your choice."
The group started to close ranks around them. Garrett counted about ten of them altogether, but he and Carver refused to stand down.
"Well, that doesn't seem like much of a choice at all," Garrett deadpanned. "Where is my secret third option? For instance, I could tell you lot to scram, and you scamper off like a pup with its tail between its legs before this ends badly for you."
Speaking of dogs, what a perfect day for Garrett to leave Barkspawn at home with his mother and uncle.
Easy job, his ass.
At least Carver backed him up, though.
"Or," he said, "there's the option where we go ahead and kill those who stand in our way, then we go on about our day."
"Even better," Garrett agreed.
They readied their weapons, a greatsword from Carver's days of battling the Blight and a battleaxe that was passed down from Malcolm to Garrett.
The nameless leader laughed at their audacity.
"Cheeky buggers, aren't you? No matter." He shrugged. "The clients we sell to will enjoy breaking your spirit." He glanced at Garrett then, at the pointed tips of his ears peeking through his hair. "And they'll pay even more for a couple of mutts. Half-elves are a hot commodity right now."
Garrett clenched his jaw, rage threatening to boil over inside him, but he breathed through it, forced himself to harness that anger instead.
He and Carver had been shifting towards the other end of the alleyway, but several others suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as if reading their minds. They spread out and closed in, not much room left between them to slip through.
Shit, they were surrounded.
Carver spoke then, a futile attempt to buy them some time while Garrett recited an incantation under his breath.
"What quarrel do you even have with us?" Carver snarled. "Why target us? As if Fereldans don't already get kicked enough while we're down, especially 'round these parts."
Sparks of electricity hummed at Garrett’s fingertips, but he knew that he was hardly casting at full-strength. Spells oftentimes relied on the most minute details to work at their most effective states. The strength and volume with which a spell was spoken. The precise movements and positioning of one's hands and body. The pool of mana available to the mage. The very fabric of the Veil itself at any given location. All of it contributed, but Garrett didn't have the time nor the distance to unleash his full potential.
Still, he had to do something.
Luckily for them, bastards like these, especially those in charge, loved to hear themselves talk.
"Ah," their good friend Nameless tsked. "It's nothing personal, you see. It's just business."
Tension built in the air, but the group didn't question it, not yet.
The hairs on Garrett’s arm stood straight.
"Who put you up to this?" Carver retorted. "Was it Pete?"
Of course it was, but let them feed into the bastard's ego, let his crew think that they had control.
"A mutual acquaintance was offered triple what your pitiful excuse of a job could provide. Tell me, how could anyone possibly turn down such a handsome sum? Of course, that was just for him to hand your cargo over to me." Nameless smirked. "He threw in your location as a bonus."
Carver and Garrett exchanged a pointed glance.
"Great, so he sold us out to a bunch of worthless slaver trash," Carver said.
A sweltering heat started to grow around them.
Nameless snickered, spreading his arms out on display.
"Such a weighted term. I prefer to think of myself as a procurer of fine goods and services."
Garrett tasted a metallic tang on the back of his tongue. The air was thick, similar to the moments before a thunderstorm lit up the countryside with bouts of lightning.
"Call it whatever you like," Carver drawled, "but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…"
"Then, it's a duck," Garrett finished, eyeing their enemies up and down. "Although, I figure they're probably smarter than your average slaver."
In the blink of an eye, he brought up a wall of fire between the main group and themselves.
Within the same motion, Garrett turned and let that tension pull taut, snapping it without hesitation.
Those sparks from his fingers grew into large bolts of electricity.
With a single word, he unleashed the full brunt of his attack onto the few enemies blocking their escape. Unfortunately, as he predicted, the spell was nowhere near concentrated enough to down them for good, but it still gave them an advantage. One after another, their enemies seized, frozen into place.
Garrett and Carver unleashed battle cries before rushing forward.
They only had enough time to take down one person each, the flames at their back already dying down, weak enough for the rest of the slavers to join the fray.
Metal clashed, and blows were exchanged.
Outnumbered as they were, they held their own.
Until they couldn't.
Nameless faced off with Garrett the second he could reach him, his eyes wild, crazed.
His face was split open by an unhinged smile.
"You think that your buddy Pete didn't air all of your dirty laundry to us beforehand?" All pretenses were gone by then, his expression tightening with more of his crew slain from their efforts. "Even rumors sometimes hold a grain of truth to them."
He scraped the blades of his daggers along one another, then stalked forward.
Compared to the others, it was no wonder why Nameless was the leader of the group.
He was beyond skilled with his blades. Wielding them was second nature to him. He fought on a whole other level than the others. Each attack was a flurry of activity, heavily reliant on speed and dexterity to strike.
Garrett parried and blocked, but he barely had time to swing his axe around before the next onslaught started. Sweat beaded at his temple, but Nameless kept pushing forward, relentless in his pursuit of victory.
Then, he got a hit in.
His blade sliced through the skin of Garrett’s arm, barely more than a scratch, but it was enough to work its magic, so to speak.
Within seconds, Garrett’s vision blurred. The whole world spun. It tilted, and it–it wouldn't stay still.
His energy was quickly waning, mana depleted.
He shook his head, but then he lost all sense of direction. His body refused to respond to his commands.
One step alone sent him stumbling backwards.
Nameless smirked.
"What—" Garrett gasped. His stomach lurched. "What did you—"
"Have to love magebane. Expensive shit, but it gets the job done."
Disoriented and confused, none of the words were sinking in. They all went in one ear and out the other.
Garrett didn't even notice the rogue sneaking up behind him, not until it was too late.
At the sound of footsteps creeping closer, he turned in place at the last second, right as the knife sank into the flesh at his side.
He was lucky, though, considering the original target had been his spine.
With a roar of pain, Garrett balled up his fist and landed a blow to his assailant's face, hard enough to make him stagger before Garrett hit him again. This time, directly in the chest.
Winded, the poor bastard was knocked down onto his back, staring up at Garrett, wide-eyed with fear.
When he brought up his axe, the man had the audacity to plead for his life.
Unfortunately for him, those worthless pleas fell on deaf ears.
Garrett cleaved him in half, his cries cut short.
He stepped on the body to yank his axe free, but he knew that he was taking too long, the dagger still embedded in his side.
When he felt a cool breeze at his back, Garrett abandoned his weapon, turning in place as Nameless's dagger glinted in the darkness.
The blade lashed out into a vicious arc. It cut through Garrett’s cheap, leather armor, splitting open the skin of his chest.
Garrett was shoved off-balance. His knees buckled.
He clutched at his burning chest as even more poison entered his system. His muscles twitched, uncontrollable.
The metallic taste of blood pooled into his mouth.
He was burning alive from the inside-out. Desperately, he scratched at his skin, feeling as if it was melting, sloughing off away from the bones and flesh.
Red stained his lips when he coughed, collapsing onto the filthy ground, weak and cold and tired.
Nameless loomed over him with a triumphant sneer.
Garrett turned over, tried to crawl away, but all that earned him was a boot to his leg.
Nameless stomped down onto the limb with a vengeance.
It snapped under the force.
Garrett could barely cry out before he was choking on blood and bile, attempting to cough it up, all to no avail.
He caught sight of Carver, who met his eyes, cornered by three men.
Time itself seemed to slow in that single second.
Garrett’s heart raced. Each beat pounded loudly in his ears, deafening in volume.
Carver shouted out to him, but Garrett didn't hear.
All he could think was that he needed to help.
He needed to get Carver out of there.
He couldn't fail him, too. Not like how he failed Bethany.
Garrett scraped at his mana, gathered the smallest scraps that yet remained.
He focused then with Carver as his center.
In a blast of force magic, the three men surrounding him were tossed back at a blinding speed.
If the initial impact of their heads against cold, stone walls didn't kill them, the whiplash alone from such a pull would have surely snapped their necks.
Nameless dragged Garrett up by his hair.
"You ruined everything," he hissed into his ear, "and now you will pay."
The barest whisper of metal grazed along his throat, pressed in until a tiny drop of blood beaded to the surface.
His body numb and limp, Garrett closed his eyes, awaiting the final swipe of his blade.
"No!" Carver yelled.
He stormed forward, running into them so that they were all sent sprawled out onto the ground.
Their weapons slid from their grasp, but Carver was quick to recover.
He reached out and grabbed the nearest weapon, one of the slaver's daggers.
Before Nameless could get up, Carver was on him in a fury. 
"You can't have him!" Carver snarled into his face, teeth bared.
The blade sank deep into his chest.
"I won't let you take my brother!"
Over and over again, he stabbed him, blinded by rage, fueled by bloodlust. A red haze clouded his vision, and he screamed out all of his pain and frustration.
Garrett struggled to breathe.
He blinked past the dizziness, reaching out for him.
"Car–Carver," he gurgled.
With a final plunge of the knife, Carver stared down at the lifeless body beneath him.
Then, he glanced up at the carnage around them.
Bloodied hands trembled, but not because of all the death. 
It wasn't his first kill, after all.
But it was the first time that a job went so astronomically terrible that one of them faced near-certain death.
Between the two of them, Carver never expected to come so close to losing Garrett.
He scrambled over to him on his hands and knees. His hands hovered over his body, uncertain.
"I need to pick you up," Carver warned him.
Garrett’s head lolled to the side. He managed a single bob of his head, his eyes threatening to roll back.
With their weapons long-forgotten, Carver adjusted himself to a better position for leverage. He worked his hands carefully underneath Garrett’s body, then lifted him up into his arms.
His blood was instantly lit aflame. Garrett cried out as white-hot pain lashed out within him. He panted out between clenched teeth, his chest heaving with every breath. Blood and spit sprayed from his mouth, dripping down his chin.
Carver adjusted his grip, careful not to nudge the dagger wedged into Garrett's side.
"Hang on, big brother," he told him, his tone forceful yet desperate. "I—"
An idea hit him then.
"The healer!" he exclaimed. 
He set out without delay, his stride long and purposeful. Garrett groaned as he was jostled within his grasp.
"Remember what Lirene mentioned the other day? The Fereldans in the refugee camps? There's a healer in Darktown! What did they say? What did they say?" he muttered to himself. Outside of the alley, he glanced around for help, but people turned away at the first sign of trouble. "Shit, shit, shit."
Garrett wheezed out, "The–The lantern."
Realization dawned on him.
Lirene's words came rushing back to him in a snap.
"'To find the healer,'" Carver repeated, "'look for the lit lantern.'"
He hurried in search for it, refusing to fall victim to anyone else looking for easy prey.
However, when all seemed lost, Carver found it.
The last thing that Anders expected that evening was for someone to come barreling through the clinic doors. 
He had a few patients still there when it happened. A struggling mother-to-be whose pregnancy was taking its toll, a young lad who was fighting a rather nasty illness that spread to his lungs, and an elderly gentleman whose constant aches and pains exacerbated to the point that it gave him the fits.
Anders had been tending to the bedridden mother when a tall, bulky man all but crashed through his doors.
Caught off guard by the sudden intrusion, his skin flashed bright with light, there and gone in the blink of an eye.
Anders instinctively placed himself between the man and his patient, but that was when he noticed the person cradled in the stranger's arms.
"Help!" Carver croaked. Searching the room, his gaze soon landed on Anders, making a beeline for Darktown's renowned healer. "Help us, please!"
As they neared, Anders took one look at them, covered in blood and clad in armor, and started to shake his head.
"Oh, no, no, no," he snapped, barging right up to them to try and shove them out. "You lot should know by now, I don't want any trouble with the local gangs. Keep your turf wars out of my clinic and away from my patients!"
"Look!" Carver retorted. "We don't want any trouble. I just want him healed. What would you take in exchange, hm? Protection? We can provide that in exchange for your services."
"Because you two did a fine job of protecting yourselves," Anders deadpanned.
"We were ambushed!"
"Listen, I don't need your protection, nor do I want it."
"Please!" Carver insisted. "He's my brother." His eyes glazed over with unshed tears. He stared down at Garrett, lower lip wobbling. "I—" His voice cracked. "I can't lose him, too."
Garrett stared up at him, then glanced over at Anders.
Anders instantly met his eyes and held his head up high, curious about what he would say.
After a moment of contemplation, Garrett turned to Carver again and whispered hoarsely.
"Let's go."
"What?!" Carver hissed. "Garrett, by the time we find another healer—"
"We can't draw attention to this place or these people," Garrett countered, surprisingly lucid for the moment. "We'd have even bigger problems to worry about if we bring the templars down on us all." Jaw clenched, he repeated himself, firmly so. "Let's go."
He shuddered, curling in on himself in an attempt to keep warm.
His skin, once a warm shade of brown, paled in comparison.
He broke out into a cold sweat.
Watching him closely, Anders pursed his lips.
Against his better judgment, he relented.
"Come with me," he ordered. When Carver didn't immediately follow, he turned to them with a curt look. "Now. If he has any chance of surviving, he needs to be treated, and soon."
His words spurred Carver into action, following close at his heel.
"Set him down there," Anders said, waving towards an empty bed. "Carefully, mind you."
Once Garrett was laid out atop the cot, Anders hovered his hands over him, surveying the damage.
His brow furrowed in confusion.
"There's something else here beyond the more obvious wounds," Anders noted, swallowing thickly. "A poison in his blood." He glanced between them. "Do you know what it is?"
When they remained silent, he scowled.
"Listen to me, if I don't know what I'm dealing with here, then I don't know how to treat it, especially if I have the means to craft an antidote," Anders stated. "Your other injuries won't mean much if a large enough dose of that poison got into your system already. Your heart might have already been damaged, for all we know. Help me, so that I can help you."
Garrett and Carver exchanged a wary look, then Garrett nodded in acquiescence.
"It was—" He sucked in a sharp breath, his body’s injuries catching up to him yet again. "It was magebane."
This time, when his eyes rolled back, Garrett promptly passed out.
Anders gaped, but he didn't have time to think.
He needed to act.
"You." He pointed to Carver. "Close the clinic doors and lock them. Come back, and I'll walk you through how to make the potion we need while I try to stabilize his wounds."
It took him a second to process the orders he was given, but he quickly nodded, prying himself away from Garrett's side to do as he was told.
Anders took a deep breath to steady himself.
He knew what to do. It was all a matter of execution from there.
First things first, he had to stop as much bleeding as possible, which meant taking advantage of Garrett’s unconscious state for the time being, mostly to minimize any pain or struggling. Anders quickly healed the deep gash across his chest, flesh and muscle knitting itself back into place before his very eyes.
From there, Anders turned his attention to his broken leg. A piece of bone protruded from the skin, but Anders has seen worse. 
He had treated worse.
He stopped to down a lyrium potion, tossing the flask aside as he returned to Garrett’s side, his mana rejuvenated.
He knew from experience that mending bone was a huge drain.
Taking the broken limb in hand, he harnessed Justice's power for a split second, his otherworldly strength giving the boost that was needed to set the bone properly back into place.
Magic poured from his fingertips. Slowly but surely, the limb began to repair itself under Anders' guidance.
Carver returned to his side, but Anders didn't dare look away from his work, brow furrowed in concentration.
"Okay," Anders told him. "Follow my instructions exactly as I say."
While he continued to cast his spell, Carver ran around his potion-making station as he directed, mixing various ingredients together, grinding them into dust or paste using his mortar and pestle. Some of the herbs were unfamiliar to Carver, but others were common enough to recognize at first glance.
For the most part, the recipe called for equal parts embrium and elfroot with a dash of Prophet's Laurel for that little something extra.
When Anders finally moved on to the dagger in Garrett's side, he knew that he had to be quick yet precise.
Once he removed the blade, he started to heal Garrett's wounds from the inside, gradually working his way out. Jagged edges slid closed until only scars remained.
"Mix what you have with one of my lyrium potions," Anders said to Carver. "Take it slow. This is the last step, but the lyrium is supposed to act as a catalyst of sorts. If you rush the process, it might just ruin the whole thing. Stir the concoction until it is evenly mixed through."
After Carver finished, he brought the flask to Anders.
With a whispered spell or two, Anders' palms heated up, brought the liquid to a boil, and then cooled it back down to room temperature.
Swirling it around in slow, even circles, he reached out to cup the back of Garrett’s head.
Garrett stirred at his touch. His eyes opened only a sliver, struggling to focus before they locked onto Anders.
"The magebane is still in your system," Anders explained to him. "I won't be able to get it out with my spells alone. It's resistant to magic. Do you understand?"
Had he not been looking for it, Anders would have missed it.
There was a small nod of his head, barely there, but Garrett managed one nonetheless.
Anders took a deep, bracing breath.
"I need you to drink this potion. It should act as a counteragent to clear your blood," Anders continued, "but it won't be pleasant."
“Heh.” Garrett spared him a ghost of a smile, the corner of his lips twitching in amusement. “About as ‘pleasant’ as getting stabbed then?”
Anders raised an eyebrow at him.
“Something like that.”
Incredible. Even in his current state, barely able to draw breath, he wasted what precious few he had to crack a joke.
Part of Anders could respect it, at least.
“Here,” he said. “Help me sit him up.”
With Carver’s help, they were able to support his weight and better angle him. That way, he hopefully wouldn’t choke.
Anders pressed the flask to Garrett’s lips, slowly tilting it back.
“Drink,” he encouraged.
Difficult as it was to do so, Garrett obeyed, swallowing the first drops that slipped past his lips, followed by the next.
The taste definitely left much to be desired, but he focused on Anders instead.
Who was this selfless man, hiding out in Kirkwall’s Undercity?
Breathing through his nose, he choked down all of the potion, down to the very last drop.
Once he finished, they set him back down onto the cot, but the antidote was already kicking in by then.
If the magebane felt like fire in his veins, then the antidote felt as if his entire body was being burned alive.
Garrett’s back bowed off of the bed. He clawed at his throat, his mouth agape as a silent scream tried to break free.
His heart crashed against his ribcage, threatening to burst free.
For a split second, he collapsed, but that didn’t last long before Garrett started to writhe in full-blown agony, begging for someone to make it stop, make it stop, make it stop…
The torches in the clinic blazed in response.
Spikes of ice erupted from the ground around the cot.
Both Anders and Carver just barely managed to escape its reach.
“Maker’s breath,” Anders gasped.
Quickly, he dispelled Garrett’s magic with his own, holding the spell long enough to retrieve one of those herbaceous powders that Carver whipped up.
“Restrain him,” Anders barked out. “Before he hurts himself or anyone else!”
Carver rushed forward to do so, pinning his brother in place while he screeched, bucking against his hold.
“If you’re going to do something,” Carver snapped, “then do it now!”
Anders didn’t have to be told twice.
Dipping his fingers into the powder, he closed the distance to draw a sigil upon Garrett’s forehead, all while reciting the incantation for another spell.
After it was placed, Anders pressed his palm to Garrett’s forehead and hissed the final word, filled with intent and purpose.
It was a matter of the mind then; but in Garrett’s condition, it took little for Anders to overpower him, his focus and willpower dedicated solely to casting the spell.
The sigil lit up beneath his palm, and Garrett’s eyes slid closed.
He fell limp, unconscious once more.
Carver looked between the two, cautious of their power.
“What did you do?”
“I cast a spell to help him sleep off the effects of the antidote,” Anders answered. “Hopefully, now, he won’t feel a thing.”
After that, healing the rest of his injuries was simple, as easy as breathing.
While he worked, Anders did his best to assure him.
"You should go home and rest," he said. "I'll send word if anything happens, Serah…?"
He trailed off in question.
Carver pursed his lips, but he figured that he earned his name at least.
"Hawke," he introduced. "My name is Carver Hawke, and that man that you saved?" He nodded towards his brother. "His name is Garrett."
“I wish we had met under better circumstances then, but I am Anders.”
“Not your real name, I take it?” Carver asked.
Anders flashed him a secretive smile.
“It is now.”
“Right…” Carver sighed with a shake of his head, running his fingers through his hair, only to wrinkle his nose when he remembered the blood on his hands. “I do need to go get cleaned up. And I should really try to retrieve our weapons, if no one else got to them first.”
“Go do what you have to. I’ll need to watch over your brother anyways to monitor his condition. He’ll be safe here,” Anders promised.
If nothing else, Anders was sure of that.
“He better be,” Carver warned. He weighed his options for a moment, then agreed, albeit reluctantly. “I’ll be back.”
“Yeah, I’m counting on it,” Anders grumbled.
After Carver left, Anders locked the clinic up behind him. He rounded on all of his other patients, setting them at ease, before he eventually returned to Garrett’s side.
With a wet cloth in hand, he knelt near him, carefully washing the blood from his face.
He chose to ignore how his heart skipped a beat.
Dark brown curls clung to clammy skin.
Against his better judgment, Anders reached out and brushed the strands out of his eyes. 
Even asleep as he was, Anders could recall with perfect clarity how it felt to be on the receiving end of his stare.
Part of him was curious, wanting to trace the tattoos that framed his face, or perhaps the swipe of red painted across his nose.
Before he could act on such impulses, he reined himself in, withdrawing his touch as he scolded himself.
Such actions, let alone such thoughts, were hardly appropriate.
Anders busied himself with cleaning the clinic, taking stock of his supplies, but that only kept him busy for so long.
Before he knew it, he was back at Garrett’s side. He had dragged a chair up next to his cot, watching over him with a fine mixture of curiosity and fascination.
“Garrett Hawke, huh?” Anders murmured. He crossed his arms over his chest, his head cocked to the side. After a moment, he groaned, dragging his hands down over his face. “Andraste have mercy, Anders, what did you get yourself into?”
Not that he was going to receive an answer any time soon.
By the time Garrett awakened, night had turned to morning, dusk to dawn. What little sunlight there was streamed into the clinic. All other patients were gone.
An old, worn-out blanket had been draped over him some time during the night. Someone had apparently bathed him, his skin free of blood, tattered armor switched out with casual attire.
Given that he recognized the clothing, his bets were on Carver cleaning him.
Great. He’ll never let Garrett live that one down.
Garrett peeked an eye open, then the other, reaching up to rub the sleep from his eyes with a loud yawn.
He smacked his lips, his mouth dry yet thick, as if stuffed full of cotton.
Garrett turned over, only to catch sight of his savior, fast asleep in a nearby chair.
He tried to sit up, but a sore ache surged through his body, his muscles tense.
His head spun. A subtle throb radiated at his temples, slowly building.
Burying his face into his hands, Garrett groaned.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Carver soothed, instantly at his side, opposite of Anders. “Take it easy. You’ve been through a lot.”
“Yeah?” Garrett grunted. “Well, you should see the other guy.” 
“You mean the one that I killed?”
Carver snorted, but he couldn’t hide his relief.
“You ass.” After a moment, he clenched his jaw, his eyes lit aflame with a poorly-concealed rage. He leaned in close to whisper to Garrett. “As soon as you’re ready, we need to discuss our next move.” He tossed a glance at Anders, glad to find him still fast asleep. “In private, preferably.”
“Yeah,” Garrett muttered. “No arguments there.”
The issue was, Athenril had grown bold, arrogant even, in the year since they joined. Because they worked at a higher efficiency than her usual hires, she treated them as if they were invincible, able to take on anything and everything she threw at them, no questions asked.
This wasn’t the first time she made a bad call on their part, but it was the first time they paid such a high price because of her carelessness. As a matter of fact, this was only the latest in a rather long string of other bad calls, but no more. Garrett had only joined up with her over Meeran to establish connections where it actually mattered, rather than to do the dirty jobs for a bunch of washed-up nobles with a grudge.
By that point, he and Carver had repaid their debt in full, and then some.
All things considered, they established themselves well enough. It was probably better to cut ties with Athenril as soon as they could before she got one of them killed.
Garrett might have already been looking into other, much bigger offers circulating around Kirkwall.
Then, there was the matter of Slack-Jawed Pete.
Seems like they needed to pay him a visit.
But that could wait until later.
For all they knew, he had gone to ground already, but that bastard never left Kirkwall for too long.
He always came crawling back for more.
Besides, Garrett had more pressing concerns to attend to.
“What did you tell Mother?” he asked. “About why I didn’t come home?”
Pressing his fingers to his temple, he cast a small healing spell to calm his headache.
Carver smiled sheepishly, which prompted Garrett to narrow his eyes at him in suspicion.
“I might have told her that you spent the night at Sapphire’s place,” Carver said, unable to keep his laugh at bay.
“Seriously, Carver?” Garrett huffed. “You know she wouldn’t approve of that.”
“Exactly why I said it.”
“Who’s Sapphire?”
Both Garrett and Carver jumped at the sudden question, startled by the sound of Anders’ voice.
He frowned at them, stretching out his long limbs before popping his back. A quiet groan of relief slipped free when the stiffness unraveled.
“That your girlfriend or something?”
“Ha!” Carver snickered. “That’s funny. As if dearest big brother would have a girlfriend.”
Garrett rolled his eyes at him.
“Don’t mind Carver. What he meant to say is that Sapphire is a fine man, but he is not my boyfriend or anything of the sort.”
“Try telling him that,” Carver joked.
“He has a crush, and that is all,” Garrett said, “not me.”
“Well, at least he has good taste,” Anders said, shocking both Garrett and himself with the comment. “I mean, uh—”
He hopped to his feet, nearly knocking his chair over in the process, but he managed to catch it before it crashed to the floor. 
“You must be thirsty!” he shouted, then forced his voice back to an even tone. “You should stay hydrated. I’ll get you some water.”
Righting his chair, he scrambled to fetch the pitcher that he filled earlier while Garrett was sleeping. His hand trembled a little as he poured, but Anders paid it no mind, passing the cup along to Garrett once he returned.
Their fingers brushed as he handed it to him.
Their eyes locked, and Anders felt his breath leave him, all at once.
Garrett flashed him a charming smile.
“Thank you,” he said, “for everything.”
“Oh, it’s no problem.” Anders brushed some stray strands of hair back behind his ears, his cheeks warming with the beginnings of a blush. “Really.” He shrugged. “Helping people is sort of what I do.”
Carver stared at them, unimpressed.
“And what am I?” he asked. “Chopped liver?”
Neither one of them answered, if they even heard him in the first place.
“So, you’re an apostate,” Anders noted. Not a question, but a statement.
To distract himself from all the thoughts running rampant in his mind, he left them at the cot to start preparing his poultices for the day.
Not that Garrett was deterred in the slightest. He quickly downed his drink and followed after him like a lost puppy, walking with a slight limp.
“As are you.”
Carver rolled his eyes.
“‘Thanks for dragging my ass to the healer while I was on the verge of death, little brother. You really came through for me,’” Carver said to himself, mimicking the cadence of Garrett’s voice. “‘No problem, Garrett. That’s what family’s for.’” Shaking his head, Carver got to his feet and called out to them. “I’m gonna go wait outside until you two are done doing whatever it is that you’re doing. Remember, Garrett, we have to discuss business today if you’re up to it. Don’t keep me waiting too long.”
This time, he at least got Garrett to acknowledge him.
With a nod, he told him, “I’ll be out shortly.”
Once Carver was gone, Garrett returned his full attention to Anders.
“You know what, I don’t think I caught your name,” he said, offering his hand out to him. “Clearly, as my brother so helpfully pointed out, I’m Garrett.”
Anders stopped what he was doing. 
After a moment, he took Garrett’s hand with a firm shake.
“Anders,” he introduced.
Their touch lingered, causing Garrett to chuckle.
“Is this the part where I try to be smooth and kiss the back of your hand?”
Anders laughed.
“Maybe next time.”
“‘Next time,’ huh?” Garrett nodded, eyeing Anders up and down with a grin. “I can work with that.”
“I’m sure you could,” Anders replied, both of them releasing their hold on one another.
“Although, I do have to say,” Garrett hummed, “usually I don’t stay the first night after meeting a guy, let alone without knowing his name.”
“Does that mean I should feel honored that you stayed?” Anders asked, amused by his antics.
“If anyone should feel honored, it would be me,” Garrett said. “In all seriousness, though, I want you to know that you have nothing to fear from me. We have a common enemy in the templars, after all. Plus, I owe you a great debt.”
“You owe me nothing.”
“Not how I see it, but I will repay you, however I can.” He nudged him softly in the side. “We could offer protection for your clinic.”
“Actually, I think I have that covered,” Anders said, his tone dismissive.
“I heard my brother offer the deal in exchange for your help,” Garrett explained. “That’s not something I take lightly. I intend to uphold our end of the bargain.”
Anders shook his head at him in disbelief.
“I don’t have any coin to offer you.”
“Good thing that I didn’t ask for coin then.” When he could sense Anders’ resolve falter, he tried addressing the matter from a different angle. “What if I come back tonight? You get to check on how I’m doing, and I get to give you a taste of how I operate. If you’re not satisfied with my service, then I’ll leave the clinic’s security to you, no questions asked.”
Trailing off, Anders chewed on the inside of his cheek, thinking it over. He really shouldn’t let him get too close. Knowing that he was an apostate was one thing, but if Garrett found out about Justice, there was no telling how he would react.
“How do I—” Anders scoffed under his breath. “How do I know this isn’t some elaborate plan to try and get closer to me?”
“Well, it kind of is,” Garrett admitted, as shameless as can be.
“At least you’re honest,” Anders sighed, “but what if I told you that getting close to me is a bad idea?”
Garrett stared at him, unafraid.
His expression gentled, his body shifting closer to him so that their words were kept between them.
“Then, I would say, let me decide if the risk is worth it.” When Anders didn’t immediately respond, Garrett fidgeted nervously. “So… I’ll see you tonight?”
That hopeful tone of his was enough to make Anders’ willpower crumble to dust.
“Yeah, I’ll see you then.”
The words were worth it, simply to watch his face light up in response.
Garrett beamed at him with a joy so contagious that not even Anders could resist.
“You take care,” Garrett said.
On his way out the clinic, Anders waited until he was out of sight before whispering, “You, too.”
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i am sorry but Keith is white or atleast incredibly white coded in canon and it goes into how he and Pidge are treated vs how canon characters of colour are treated in the show. The name "Kogane" comes from previous iteration and is not canon and he is commonly hc'ed as Korean because of his va (which is not an evidence because otherwise Shiro would have been latino and Lance and Hunk would have been white). Why is this important? Because Keith and his arc is given way more importance and was treated way better compared to characters like Allura, Shiro, Lance, Hunk who were through out the show consistently humilated, bashed, sidelined, and used as angst fuel for Keith to shine. And that goes both in the show and the fandom.
Look hc whatever you want but stop calling people gross for calling him white especially when 1) there is no evidence for Keith's heritage beyond being half galra (which in the show are a colonizing empire and heavily white supremist coded) 2) a lot of people calling him white ARE Poc who are frustrated with blantant white favoritism in show and in fandom when it comes to Keith because lbr despite being hc'ed as Korean not much thought is actually put in this hc given even the surname Kogane is japanese in origin and yet still used to prove that he is korean and is only used as an aesthetic choice. And no that galra racism arc is not an evidence either. The so called racism arc was a black coded genocide survivor not trusting the people who destroyed her planet, and said species have been colonizing and destroying the entire universe for 10000 years i do not need to explain why it was problematic.
yeah i did not walk into this situation with any sort of preparation or knowledge. i watched voltron like, one time, and from what i had read in the handbooks and comics and stuff that i had known to be canon, he was korean, and so i always just assumed everyone knew that and that was how things worked. he def was treated the same as the non poc characters, and the show treated the poc characters like shit often to his benefit. you're right. and the reverse racism garbage w the galran background WAS weird and bad.
the ask i received was from someone who i know to be a person of colour, and i hadn't bothered to check to comments to see what the other opinions were, so i just said something i pulled out of my ass and assumed it was The Correct Opinion basically. that's my bad. i've edited the post already and will be more conscientious next time thank u for sending me the ask
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mrprince3 · 2 years
Why SaNami Over LuNami
Let me first start by saying I'm not here to offend the contrary. My goal is not to prove why SaNami is better than LuNami but simply show why I think SaNami is a good ship. Also, similar assessment has probably been done before so I might be repeating what other people have said without knowing so just know that. I've read a lot of posts from LuNami supporters and their evidence as to why they think it's a good ship and to be frank, I'm quite surprised because they had a lot of 'evidence' but not really at the same time but that just what I think you don’t need to take it for granted. Once again, this is my personal opinion. I'm not here to do anything negative of any sort, I'm simply just sharing my thoughts. Without further ado let's begin.
1. Nami is Sanji’s number one + More
Yes, wow! Amazing right? I know I know. Okay, if you're the person who is going to disagree with me now and say "But Pudding loves Sanji so they should be together." Then, you either hate Sanji or you like Sanji and you just want him to be with a person that actually loves him. Which I wholeheartedly understand but as a person who likes Sanji very much I think Pudding doesn't deserve Sanji. I'm not gonna explain why as I already did in my previous post so read that if you want to know. Nonetheless, I do want to point at one thing about Pudding that I haven't noticed in my post regarding her. Big Mom said that Pudding will have an awakening that'll allow them to decipher the poneglyphs. I think she was referring to the special ability of the 3-eyed tribe. Big Mom may have been defeated but she is definitely not dead because Zeus didn't disappear and she said it herself that it wasn't enough to kill her. So perhaps we will see Pudding again and if Oda ever tries to add more on her redemption maybe just maybe I could accept her and even be willing to say that she deserves Sanji depending on how significant her redemption is. Viola is another contender that I see, as of now I’d rather have Viola instead of Pudding, because both Sanji and Viola shared mutua romantic interest. However, the problem lies in developing their relationship and the two just weren't given the time to do so. Even if they are both in love, Sanji is gone. Unlike Pudding, the chances of Sanji seeing Viola again is very low because she has no other roles to play except for her role as a princess of Dressrosa. My point being that Sanji will just become more attached to Nami or have more interactions with Nami which may or may not further advance their relationship. Now let's start talking about Sanji. Some LuNami fans disagree with SaNami because of the fact that Sanji loves all the ladies in the world. So he automatically doesn't have the sense of commitment which I think is false. He was committed to the marriage with Pudding and was ready to give up his adventures with his crew and dreams if it meant saving their lives including his father figure Zeff. I mean he was so committed that he didn't have his usual reaction (heart eyes) when seeing Nami enter a whole yonko territory to save him. Sanji's kindness and bias towards women probably won't change but I think Sanji is definitely capable of commitment. You can’t hate Sanji for liking other girls because he isn’t into a relationship with anyone. It's all a gag that I personally find funny but preferred to be lowered down. Oda has undoubtedly made Sanji more perverted than he ever was post time skip and it's hurting his character. I do think after Wano things will become much better for Sanji and I do hope he doesn’t encounter female opponents. I do think Nami is conscious of Sanji's affection towards her so he does take advantage of that sometimes but I really don't mind and Sanji enjoys it so who cares. Nami also cares a lot about Sanji (She wanted to get Sanji back as soon as possible Zou and WCI highlights). Despite saying “I’ll never forgive you” to Sanji in WCI, she was overjoyed when Sanji caught her, preventing her from falling to the ground.
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Part of me thinks she's just playing hard to get or even acting like a tsundere sometimes but I'm probably wrong. I mean who wouldn't fall in love with such a dependable and smart man? The only thing that's ruining Sanji’s chances is his lack of commitment and out of control perverted behaviors which annoys Nami often. Sanji's post time skip has undeniably become worse in regards with his pervertedness towards pretty ladies. But out of all the female characters in One Piece Sanji had most of his interactions with Nami. They had several moments with each other which just forced the belief on me that being them being together in the end. Oda could've simply not have included those moments but he did like the wedding theme exclusively for Nami and Sanji the groom and the bride. I don't know why but their relationship reminds me of Usui and Misaki from Maid-Sama if you know you know😉. If you don't know, I'd recommend watching it. Misaki's confession is how I would imagine Nami confessing to Sanji though the chances of this happening is probably close to zero. The difference is that Usui is an actual giga chad and is only dedicated towards one girl. I think Sanji and Nami just need a scenario where they can better understand and develop their feelings towards one another. Though the chances of this is very low due to it being a battle shounen it's still possible. Since Sanji has been with Nami all this time and has had some sole moments with her I do think that she's more special compared to other girls given that she's the only girl Sanji calls with San suffix and he’s the only guy Nami calls with Kun suffix. Which could just refer to respect but then again at the end of the day I find it cute because it's what a couple would do. Towards the recent chapters it was shown that Sanji actually lost control of himself and even gave Zoro a heads up to kill him if he ever goes berserk. 
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 Maybe at one point Sanji will be forced into transforming into a monster to save his friends, probably more towards Nami and Robin. His emotions of course are what will cause this transformation. He'll unleash the devil that is hiding inside of him to save the person that he cares for the most, Nami (biased). I could really see this happening to Sanji. Sanji transforming into this monster will finally make Nami realize that she isn't just any girl for Sanji and she might be aware of this already but who knows. Nonetheless, perhaps Sanji could lose control like his siblings and have no remorse or the sense of value like he once had. Then, maybe Nami could do something to calm him down which would prove to her that Sanji's love for her is more special than she may have initially thought. This is all speculations and chances of it happening is slim to none. At any rate, Sanji and Nami's relationship is undoubtedly just going to progress. I would also like to mention those people that say “Romance between the crew would destroy the image of friendship that they have going.” I understand what they mean but you have to understand one thing: Sanji has had a different intention towards Nami ever since they met. Yes, they are friends as of now, but them being together wouldn’t destroy anything because Sanji has viewed Nami more than just a friend and in chapter 991 Sanji actually calls her MY nami-san. Perhaps you think oh it’s gonna ruin it because it’s going to be forced since it’s a one sided love. Again, I understand what you mean but them being together has yet to happen and I don’t think Oda would simply make Nami love Sanji romantically for no reason. 
For the second part of this talk I will discuss some of the plausible hints that may or may not prove anything. Though one thing before I do that, I wanna talk about some of the reasoning of LuNami fans and try to interpret it with my own logical reasoning instead of biased reasoning. Please bear me with me. 
1. Nami and Luffy are the only ones wearing crowns on some of the color spreads which apparently shows that they are both King and Queens meaning that they will be together at the end. Now this could be the case, but it could just show that Nami is the heroine of the story, the main girl. Similarly, Luffy is the protagonist and has a crown on him and it would also lead to the idea of his dream being the KING of pirates which is mentioned by him a lot. However, the idea of QUEEN of pirates has never been mentioned of any sort. The closest we got is Boa Hancock being referred to as Pirate Empress. Therefore, calling Nami that is just pure speculation with no relevance to One Piece but I do understand what the LuNami fans mean. 
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2. Nami and Luffy are the only ones that appear to be raising their hand on some of the color spread. Now Luffy is raising his hand because there's  treasure which would mean he'd be able to eat a lot of meat. Similarly, Nami is raising her hand also because there's treasure and as we know Nami loves treasure.
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3. Luffy putting his straw hat on Nami's head. Now I have no idea how this turned into a romantic gesture but I guess there's no point in questioning it. If anything though, Luffy giving his straw hat to Nami shows his trust to her even though she betrayed them which shows that Luffy still considered her as Nakama. Luffy knows his nakama very well and will do anything for them. Sanji literally went on a brutal beatdown on him and he took it without using haki because he understood Sanji’s sacrificial motive. Unlike Nami, who believed Sanji’s act, Luffy knew the truth. Sanji just thought of it as Luffy just being selfish but Luffy knew what Sanji really wanted, which was to be back with them. It’s one of the reasons why Luffy is such a good protagonist his always true to his words. It goes to show the lengths Luffy will go to once he views you as a nakama. Luffy treasures his nakama and puts his hat on Nami and says "Of course I will" after Nami asked for help. My point being, his hat is his treasure and was a way of confirming to Nami that he still viewed him as one of them. This is because Luffy could've just said "You're my friend, of course I'll help you." Instead, he took the hat route as means to say you're my friend and I view you as my Nakama.
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4. LuNami fans like to use movies, especially strong world, for hints. But those movies are not canon...in other words it never happened in the real story. You can call it fanservice if you will. Some argue and say what matters is Oda's intention. I'm just like😂🤷 because sure it was his intention FOR the movie which is not CANON. The hints or moments in the movie are for the movie exclusively. It's like blood type just because we're both humans doesn't mean we have the same blood. We can't use each other's blood if they DIFFER as means for transfusion. (I was not arguing please don't hate me.)
5. LuNami fans also bring up Usopp Gallery where Oda apparently called one of the SaNami fan arts 'stupid' and 'delusional'. All I can say is it's called Usopp Gallery for a reason which means that it's Usopp's commentary not Oda! Even if we say it was Oda's intention it just wouldn't make sense because Oda made those Sanji and Nami moments knowingly that it'll create some sort of ship between the two. So if it was his commentary then it wouldn't make sense because it's like his calling his own creation stupid. Usopp though calling it stupid makes a lot more sense. Also, one of the fan arts indicating SaNami commentary stated "This is Sanji's dream" which would prove SaNami right? Since One piece is all about reaching your dreams. Again, We don’t have a way of confirming it 100% if it was Oda's intention or just Usopps but if you're a SaNami fan don’t take it for granted and let it deviate your initial thoughts.
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6. Portgas D. Rouge, the mother of Ace, apparently looks similar to Nami. We don’t know anything about Rogue history to make comparisons in regards with character. So saying they’re similar is quite invalid. Appearance wise they do not look alike at all: different hair color, eye shape, and eye color. I also don't think she's a navigator or part of Roger's crew because the navy didn't seem to have known her. Luffy and Roger are comparable but not really in terms of character. Roger is more intelligent than Luffy in terms of being captain; he knows what he needs to achieve his goals. Luffy on the other hand, was just lucky enough to stumble upon the right people and had to save them to build trust vice versa. Roger seems to not have a problem killing people as he did for Squard’s crew. Luffy is less proud because he is in fact willing to kneel in exchange for favors and mercy. Whilst, Roger seemed to contain a lot of pride as we can see with Ace. Luffy also has the ability to draw everyone on his side which I doubt Roger had. Luffy and Roger share the same passion of becoming the King of Pirates but they are very much different. As a result, they are not gonna have the same outcomes except of course becoming the king of pirates.
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7. Nami’s punches working on Luffy actually means something other than being a GAG. Garp calls them “Fist of Love '' so LuNami fans think that there's some connection between the two. In reality, unlike Nami, Garp knows Haki so it makes sense that his fist actually hurt Luffy. In an sbs Oda confirmed that it’s not that Nami’s hurting Luffy physically but his spirit.
8. They would also point out Oda’s wife cosplaying Nami and use it as a hint and say Oda thinks of himself as Luffy. However, when asked what he thinks about Luffy Oda said that Luffy is what his “ideal child” would be. Did you know that Oda’s a chainsmoker and a pervert? Well now you do. That reminds me of someone that we One Piece fans know very well…..Ohhhh that’s right, Sanji! My point being, if anything Oda is more of a Sanji than a Luffy. Thus, this hint is logically more favored towards SaNami.
The main reason why I choose SaNami over LuNami is mainly because I don't see Luffy as someone who is interested in romance. I don't think Oda will change Luffy's character and turn him into a character that appeals for romance like Sanji. This could possibly change after he is able to achieve his main objective of becoming the king of pirates like Roger suddenly having a baby. However, for Roger he had a reason why he wanted a kid which was to inherit his will of becoming the next king of pirates. As you can see the Roger pirates were too early. 
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So he made sure to have a kid that could inherit his will which we now know as Ace. Unfortunately, Luffy will be the man Roger is waiting for and become the one that he hoped his child would become. Therefore, Luffy wouldn't really need a child to inherit anything because he already will be the one finishing the mission. Now, Luffy can still definitely have a kid but he is the embodiment of freedom. I'm not sure if Luffy would desire such responsibility. Luffy can also just end up with someone with no child like Rayleigh. Sanji has a sense of commitment as I established earlier; he just needs to be loved back and taken seriously. Despite Sanji being one of the more intelligent straw hats he has yet to discover the WAY to Nami's heart. Nami could personally just ask Sanji to do so and Sanji would probably be able to maintain composure and just love only Nami and still be kind to other girls which is not a problem and Nami actually favours it though not the point of him killing himself because of it. Like how Nami respected his chivalry in Enies Lobby. Personally, I just find SaNami really cute even though it's one-sided as of now. The slow burn romance of two friends slowly becoming true lovers at the end MaMa Ma Ma! that would indeed be sooo satisfying. My headcanon is getting more severe as we speak. If you have read until here you're a legend. T'was mostly nonsense coming from me but thank you for reading have a beautiful day.
Today marks the birthday of Nami-Swaaan July 3rd
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guiltycorp · 2 years
skittybliss here: Idk I'd rather they not explicitly tell us over Twitter. I'd rather get the answer through the text itself - especially if they really are planning moments that will answer our question in S2. They wouldn't spoil whether a straight character has feelings for another character on a show, so I don't see why they would do it for Viktor if that's the direction they're taking. Not to mention, if the answer is truly no and they did not intend to queer code him and they come out and say that, then that will forever be used to dismiss the queer reading of Viktor. I think they're balancing it well. Literature is meant to be read through different lens. We don't need an author to tell us the "correct" interpretation of Viktor. A text written by an author who didn't mean to write in any class themes can be analyzed in a Marxist lens. Same for the queer lens. Author intent matters but if we make it the end-all-be-all answer to a text, we get into dangerous territory. People who don't read literature critically will always accuse people of being "delusional" for applying critical lens they don't agree with.
We don’t really disagree that much, but... The twitter writer answered that question (‘was viktor intended to be queercoded or is that just something people are looking too much into’) when she absolutely didn’t have to, that’s the problem. As it is, she only vaguely refuted the ‘queer’ part while leaving the actual ‘baiting’.
Queer reading of Arcane!Viktor is and will be dismissed until it becomes literal text, that’s how regular homophobes and various antis work and always have, and yeah, it doesn’t matter what the authors’ intent was when it comes to viewing the text with a critical lens. Such confirmation would only help verify that the ambiguous reading is more likely intentional than not and thus 100% relevant to the character arcs, but it’s not necessary.   It also doesn’t mean it’s not upsetting when creators play to both sides, giving one side an argument to ‘prove’ that this reading is delusional and the other side hope that it still might happen after all.
With current strides that lgbt fiction makes, an outright confirmation that the writers didn’t mean for Viktor to be queer wouldn’t be too much of a deal either way, especially now that Riot finally allowed some mlm rep in League (the previous post was written before that happened). Plus Arcane is very much a collaborative project, and a lot of cues come from the visuals which were wholly on artists’ shoulders, so we’d still be free to theorize however much we wanted. Plus there’re also League iterations haha.  
But in itself asking for confirmation from only one writer is a very innocent thing.  Like, I wouldn’t ask such a question precisely because I’d also rather wait for s2 and see what they do with Viktor next, but I understand the curiosity! And I have wondered myself whether it was intentional in s1, that was what my original post was about after all. 
You say 'they wouldn't spoil whether a straight character has feelings for another character on a show, so I don't see why they would do it for Viktor', but just compare these answers about the possibility of Jinx having friends and Jinx having more interaction with Ekko... and the way she went off about Viktor. Do you see the difference there?   
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It wasn’t even a ‘wait and see’ at first, only some confusing found family reference and that there’s no stigma against LGBTQ+ in Arcane’s world so naturally affection between men is more freely allowed. Only then followed by a more straightforward ‘wait and see’ after people became upset, familiar to anyone who came across queerbaiting before.  Oh, maybe I’m not being very fair, perhaps she was roleplaying as Jayce?  — Mr Talis, there are rumors that you and your partner might be partners in more than just Hextech, how do you respond?  — Well, you see, luckily there’s no stigma against affection between men and Viktor is like my brother, so I suppose yeah, we’re more like family than just professional associates :^) Not sure about Viktor’s view of our relationship though, we’ll probably learn that when he finally stops dying. Thanks! 
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faeiapalette · 1 year
My biggest problem with Ayato is his stans. 😭
I don't mind if his stans want to make a thousand posts a day about how much they love him, but what does bother me is that they always try to throw in his face that he "is the only canonical/true route". I even read that "the real Yui" is only the Yui that appears in Ayato's routes. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
I swear, his stans are so annoying. Yui is the "real Yui" in all the damn routes, NOT just Ayato's. All routes are equally canon because at the end of the day it's us fans who decide who we prefer to see Yui/MC with. In any case, Yui/MC loves all the guys in her harem in equal measure, there is nothing she has done or said for Ayato that she hasn't done or said for the other Diaboys. And in fact, she has died more times protecting Yuma than Ayato, (that's never mentioned by Ayato's stans, why is that?)
Something I can't stand either is that they say that Ayato's Dark Fate route "is the best route of all the games", literally in Dark Fate you have routes like Carla and Shin's, who are new characters and yet have better development and a much more interesting background than Ayato could have had in four games.
Same anon, same. (Wow… the statement about Yui 💀. The idolism got to that point? Come on 😅. And i thought the level of entitlement couldn’t surpass the “Ayato is the main character”.)
Though my problem with them is
1, They think they have the priviledge. To whitewash (idk how this word works yet, like is it only apply to skin color? Or does it mean “bleaching one’s wrong doing” too? I’m going with the 2nd one) their oshi; for example, “Ayato has never engaged in harmful coping mechanism and never project it on others.” In Bold. That’s blatant lie. Check out Sakamaki Saga for more detail plus his LE route too! I don’t remember much about HBD MB and DF but i think there are some. Mainly in the first two games.
While they reacted like sodium meeting water whenever the other boys did an equal bad thing. Some even make up tell tales about them. Way to go.
To say “not a positive opinion” about other boys, but non-Ayato fans can’t. “Ik everyone has their opinions but why don’t keep them to yourself if they’re not positive ones??? Don’t wonder why Ayato stans reacted that way because everyone would defend their fav Diaboy. Acting like he isn’t the Sakamaki most prone to put his life on the line for others pfft. Girl, you will obviously get such negative”reactions if you start drama. You claim you don’t want to but you did start it already because you spread hatred in this fandom with your “opinions”.
Lady and gentlemen, look at that mindset. These priviledged people allow themselves to shove fake facts into other people’s face. They be dissing your fav boys everyday and people applause them for that. Then when you raise your hand to voice out your not-a-one-way-tunnel thoughts, they brand it as “negative”. Why negative? Oh. Cuz you don’t support Ayato and put him on an altar; instead, you tell them that “Ayato’s at fault too”. That means you hate him right? You want to discredit him, right? You want to start drama, right?
2. Some of them just love to assume. Pulling things out of no where. If you have time do take a look at the previous asks on my blog. Oh my. If you say smth on the level of “perceiving” they’ll think that you’re “complaining” and attack you. And this one will be the complement for
3. They prone to put things in boxes. Because they don’t understand perceptions and perspectives, plus, they’re so used to reacting, they won’t be able to see that you’re only giving an opinion that could be the complement for their opinion to create a complete picture. They’ll think that you’re reacting. That you’re attacking them, their oshi, anything of such. So they attack you.
4. They value fairness, but only if Ayato’s in the picture. For all the rest… nope.
Prove is what you just said anon. “Ayato’s the real route”, “Yui’s the real Yui in Ayato’s route”, ect. I don’t have to say more than that.
(Oh your last statement. 🤔 True true some characters “have better development and a much more interesting background” plus mindset; AND, by “interesting” i don’t mean that i’m encouraging their twisted behaviours and wrong doings. Just that they would be fascinating subjects to do research on. This note is for the Ayato’s fan who haven’t been able to see things seperately yet so that they don’t jump onto me and attack me for things i never said. 👌
Though i barely check the T boys out… Maybe later. Carla’s question for Yui at the Tsukinami Prologue and for Subaru in Subaru DF pique my interest. Defi will read.)
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galactichelium · 2 years
Very long ramble abt brain things (moral OCD and how it Works) below the cut. I'm not expecting anyone to read this (though it would be very nice) this is more to get my thoughts out. Also to explain what it Even Is more, because I constantly worry it's something that'd be easily misinterpreted.
I feel like when I say "moral OCD", people who don't properly understand what OCD is might make completely wrong assumptions on how it even... works, or how it would affect me or other people with it. Like. I hope people don't assume that I'm like obsessed with everything being morally pure or w/e and that I try to push what *I* think is morally pure onto everything and get upset if things don't go along to my morals. OR assume that I'm purely worried about other people's thoughts about me. These couldn't be further from the truth.
It's more like... I constantly doubt my own morals. Often going down spirals that make me unsure of what my morals even actually are as what's real and what isn't, when to trust my gut and when not to. They all get twisted as my brain bounces between thoughts from multiple different perspectives.
Before I was aware I had moral OCD, this would often result in me digging myself into a hole where I always assumed the other person was correct, never trusting my own thoughts on things, and tearing myself up on the inside about even doubting them. And feeling like absolute dogshit when I'd do something "bad" and either didn't know it was bad or didn't know why I even did it. Now that I am more aware, it more goes into a continuous loop. Where I first try to determine how rational my thoughts even are, if it could be my moral OCD or if it's a genuine concern. And often get really anxious even when I know it's 100% irrational. There are also lots of times I am unable to determine whether it Is irrational or if it is my moral OCD. There are so many times when I just feel frozen, unable to do or say Anything, because my moral OCD has made me go through all the hoops so many times that I am unable to determine what's right and what's wrong, so I would worry about being wrong either way, no matter how much I think it through or talk about it with other people.
Of course, my moral OCD Does also make me worry about other people's perceptions of me, but it's less about Those Perceptions and more about, to my brain, "What it would mean about me". If someone else believes I have done something bad, it's very hard to convince myself that this isn't inherently true.
You may also be wondering how compulsions could exist with this kind of OCD. Well. For me personally. My compulsions tend to be things like, for example: Repeating opposing (if applicable) or neutralizing thoughts in my head to "prove I'm not actually a bad person". Replaying previous events, or ongoing events, in my head over and over again to make Absolute Certain that I didn't do anything wrong/am going to do the right choice. OR to repeatedly remind myself of bad things I've done in the past, to make sure I won't repeat them. Upon seeing discourse that I have a bad gut feeling about, or makes me doubt any previous opinion I had, showing it to my friends. Not even mentioning my feelings on it, to confirm or deny whether I was right to have that feeling. (<- Unlike my other compulsions, this is one I'm never actively aware I'm even doing until it's too late. It never helps. If I'm right, friends will express they disagree, which obviously isn't great for my moral OCD. If I'm wrong, they'll express they agree, and then I just have to sit there with my anxiety rising feeling like I'm an awful person and can't even talk abt it). With of course, the thing being with all of these that if I don't do them it would make me a bad person. There are definitely other things too but these are what I came up with on the spot and this post is long enough lmfao. But I will say overall, for me it definitely is more obsessions than it is compulsions.
This of course makes navigating online discourse very difficult. But no, this did not start with online discourse. I probably would've had this either way. I've always been obsessed with the idea of morality, probably in some part due to autism, but also as a way to prove to myself that I didn't "deserve" the bullying that I was receiving. Because I was so good and kind, why would I deserve something like this. I always refused to ever retaliate, even this one time when I remember my mum Encouraged me to, because in my head, doing so would be "wrong". I remember being like this even as young as 8 years old. My parents constantly talk about how I was "easier to raise", because I was always very strict with rules. If something was bad, I wouldn't even understand why anyone would Want to do it! And I would always get very anxious if I was wrongly put in trouble, trying so desperately to prove that I didn't do anything wrong. I felt even worse if I did do it but didn't know it was bad, or did it but didn't know why I did it. Of course things later down the track would progress into full OCD (pretty sure this happened around when I was 13), with things like online discourse not helping. But I feel like it didn't really have much of a hand in that at all, as I wasn't that involved in it until I was 15. Though it does now have a hand in giving me constant triggers.
Really the main differences from before I had my OCD and now is that, unlike then, well for one, I understand the idea of nuance. But also, now I have... the obsessive thoughts and compulsions, lmfao. The things that make OCD, well, OCD. And I'm now also riddled with a lot more self-doubt.
I really hope I can get proper access to therapy soon lmfao I am so sick of being anxious all the fucking time.
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starlit-dreaming · 11 days
re: in the back of my mind [ch1]
Fandom: WMMAP / SBAPOD Rating: M Main/Eventual Ships: OC x OC, Lucathy Minor Ships: Felily, Calena, and more Note: I FINALLY REWROTE ITBOMM (i post on ao3 first, tumblr second, and wattpad third)
Cross-posted with AO3 and (eventually) Wattpad under the same title.
Prologue || 0 Act 1: Beginning of the End || [1] // 2 // 3
“Maybe next time.”
Athan was what one might call an anti-fan for The Lovely Princess novel — that is, he loved to hate it. It was total garbage, but the writing was pretty lit. Imagine his surprise when he finds himself reborn as a baby in that same garbage novel’s universe.
Or rather, a Lovely Princess fanfic he always reread in his previous life.
//A retelling wherein Athanasia has a younger twin brother… or at least, that’s what it should’ve been.
1. let's just live day by day
“Let’s just live, day by day And not be conquered by our sorrows The past can’t hold us down, we must break free Inside, we’re torn apart But time will mend our hearts” Song: Let’s Just Live — Jeff Williams ft. Casey Lee Williams
Act 1: Beginning of The End
The day was unremarkable like every other day — a simple repetition of eat, sleep, play, and start over. He was a baby, so he did what he does best: cry, look cute, and relax.
Unfortunately, his newly acquired sister didn’t get the memo.
For god knows why, she was constantly thinking about her plans for the future. She was scheming left and right about gathering as many treasures as she could in order to secure her future funds. Granted, none of those thoughts ever went into detail.
(Technically, he was also included in her planning, but he elected to ignore that in favour of doing absolutely nothing but sleeping.)
‘You think too loud,’ he thought tiredly.
‘And you sleep too much!’ Athy huffed. ‘Lily’s worried about that, y’know.’
‘I’m a baby, it’s okay,’ he flatly thought.
‘That’s your excuse for everything.’
‘SNORE,’ he thought to her, pointedly closing his eyes.
‘Seriously? You’re literally just saying it. You are such a…’
‘Snore, snore. I can’t hear you! I’m sleeping.’
‘Fine! Sleep for all I care!’ she pouted.
He could admit that sleeping all the time was, in fact, boring. Although, when it came down to sleeping or worrying about his life like his sister did, it was clear which he would rather do.
Besides, what they needed was confirmation about the world before planning.
Lily was proof enough that they were definitely in the world of The Lovely Princess novel. Athy confirmed that their father had the same name as the deadbeat tyrant from the novel based on a book Lily read to her — which happened before he transmigrated. He needed to know more, though, and that wasn’t happening until they were five at the very least.
Their first meeting with their deadbeat sperm donor would prove if they were in the world of a fanfic. If there wasn’t any meeting, then it’d be even more likely the world of the novel, in which case, nothing really happens until Jennette comes along. By then, he and Athy would be able to solidify their position as the prince and princess.
Plus, he was already convinced that they transmigrated into the fictional world. They can’t do much until they’re older, anyway.
Even if Athy’s going through the five stages of grief at the mere thought.
‘She worries too much,’ he thinks to himself, watching her throw a fit over the head maid stealing. It was only a recently resolved problem, and he did understand how annoying it is, he just didn’t want to hear her huffing over it. ‘But I guess that’s fine in this case.’
He frowned, looking at his sister.
‘So, what exactly is your plan?’ Athan raised a brow. ‘We’re both blonde with the Emperor’s eyes. What’s the plan for hiding that, genius?’
His sister froze.
She didn’t think about that.
‘Figures,’ he shook his head. ‘Wigs exist, but not eye contacts. We’d have to use magic, but I don’t think either of us are able to use any when we grow up.’
‘Maybe we befriend a court mage?’
‘Did the novel even mention any in the imperial court? It only talked about our deadbeat dad and a few knights. I don’t think there were any in the fanfic I read, either…’
Back to square one.
“Among the mages of the empire, there’s a tale known as The Witch in the Tower,” Lily read, smiling as she looked down at the picture book. “As the name suggests, there was a mage who lived in a tower. She decided to devote her life to granting wishes for the happiness of everyone in all of Obelia. The mage was so strong that she could grant any wish that everyone asked of her, but there was only one that she couldn’t grant, a wish that she desperately wanted to come true.”
‘Boring,’ Athy absentmindedly thought. ‘It’s one of those stories where she wants to find love, then falls in love with a prince, and they live happily ever after, right?’
“Except for one… thing,” Lily frowned, her voice faltering. “Oh my. Hmm… that wouldn’t be very appropriate to say,” she murmured softly, worried. “Is this really how the story goes…? I must’ve picked the wrong version of this story…”
‘Oh?’ Athy blinked, looking up at Lily.
‘Guess you were wrong,’ he stuck his tongue out.
‘C’mon! Wouldn’t you agree with me too?’ Athy pouted. ‘It sounded like a cliché!’
‘Until you realize that the original versions of fairytales in our old world were pretty fucked up regardless of how it ends,’ Athan noted. ‘In Cinderella, her step-sisters pretty much maimed their feet to try and fit the glass slippers if I remember correctly. And then there’s the Little Mermaid who has to kill the prince if she wants to live, which was all encouraged by her sisters, otherwise she dies by turning into sea foam.’
“I suppose I can just… skip over that,” her eyes read over the text, skimming over a few paragraphs before a relieved look bloomed on her face. “Except for one thing,” Lily repeated. “A friend.”
‘That’s totally a lie,’ she frowned, peering over the book.
“Oh my, Your Highness!” Lily said with a cheerful smile as she gently pulled Athy away from the pages. “I won’t be able to read the book if you cover the pages.”
Athy pouted, but didn’t try to attempt to look as closely as she did before.
‘What was so bad that she couldn’t say it?’ Athan tilted his head. ‘Is it a dumpster fire situation?’
‘I think it’s talking about the witch wanting to kill someone,’ Athy suggested, squinting at the words. ‘But I could be wrong.’
‘For real? Damn. That’s rough, buddy.’
‘Didn’t she literally talk about mages freezing their hearts before though? Why omit this?’ Athy wondered.
‘Probably doesn’t want to talk about mature crap. Didn’t you have a hard time sleeping for a while because of the maids gossiping about this place? Maybe she’s worried we’ll have nightmares.’
‘Yeah, but that was ages ago.’
“Eventually, she befriends a prince, a lonely boy without a family. They fall in love, and she uses her powers to protect the empire, wanting to forever keep everyone safe for the sake of happiness.”
‘Sounds fake,’ Athy looked at the book curiously. ‘Is that the actual story?’
‘Fuck if I know. It’s a miracle that you can read along with this shit.’
‘Luck, mostly. I think Obelia’s language might be inspired by Hangul and Hanja, but I’m only good with Hangul. Hanja trips me up sometimes. It’s a little hard to read it though because I think it actually is its own language… I can sorta pick up on the patterns, though.’
‘Well, I’m fucked then. I only know English.’
‘So… what’s this about an ex-fiancée? I think I vaguely remember you thinking about it a while ago,’ Athy wondered.
‘Hm? Oh. You know how there’s a villainess-in-love type of stories? Like… the jealous ex-girlfriend terrorizes the new girl, or something. That’s Verena, except she’s engaged to Athanasios and falls in love with Ijekiel.’
‘For real?’
‘Of course, it’s from a fanfic, so there’s a chance it might not actually happen, but yeah. Verena pretty much manipulates Athanasios — she was damn upset that Athanasios gave up his right to the throne so she plots to get the twins both on her side, while turning them against each other.’
‘What a two-faced bitch!’ Athy fumed. ‘You better let me know if you meet her.’
‘Chill, dude. She’s just a kid right now. If we actually do meet her, she’ll probably change for the better — happens all the time in isekai stories.’
‘You have no self-preservation,’ Athy shook her head.
‘You’re fucking kidding me,’ Athan thought. ‘Did you live under a rock?’
‘Hey, I was poor,’ Athy huffed.
‘But spam musubi!’ Athan cried. ‘Fried rice! Rice porridge! You can easily survive as long as you have rice!’
‘I just ate whatever the convenience store threw away, to be honest.’
‘Athy, you said that you had a rice cooker because your neighbour bought a new one and gave it away. You could’ve done so much with that!’
‘So? I could barely afford groceries! All my paychecks mostly went to rent and maybe clothes and stuff.’
‘You just don’t know how to cook, do you?’
‘…no. I never learned how. Didn’t have time to learn, either. There wasn’t a point.’
‘I’ll teach you once we get the chance to. We can go to the kitchen and watch the chefs, too. Learn a couple of new recipes, maybe. We’d be able to save so much money by knowing how to cook and budget. I may be shit with budgeting, but we can learn about it with Lily together.’
‘…I’d like that.’
‘You’re getting fatter,’ he noted.
‘This punk!’ his sister glared at him. ‘No I’m not!’
‘You’re bigger than me — Lily was the one who pointed it out first,’ Athan stuck his tongue out before smiling innocently. ‘Not my fault that it’s true!’
A second.
What the fuck?
Did Athy just spit on him?
‘Fucking gross!’ he cringed, crying out as Lily immediately started fretting over him, wiping his face with a handkerchief. ‘So immature!’
His sister giggled, ‘Ha! Bitch.’
‘I am so gonna rat on you when we get bigger, mark my words,’ he sniffed, turning to focus on their nanny. Lily tried to comfort him as he wept, picking him up into her arms. ‘Lily, you saw what that lil’ shit just did, right? You’ve gotta stop calling her a sweet baby angel!’
‘Cry about it.’
‘Teaching you memes was a mistake,’ he shot her a dirty look.
‘What? You don’t remember anything from your previous life? Even I knew the basics of mine…’ Athy frowned, absentmindedly twisting her body back and forth in small movements.
‘I was in college… I think,’ he says, giving it some more thought. ‘That doesn’t feel entirely right — maybe I was a drop out.’
‘Dude, what the hell?! I would’ve given anything to get a higher education!’ Athy huffed, face scrunching up in anger. ‘And you’re telling me that you dropped out?!’
‘I’m saying that I don’t know,’ he shot her a flat look in response. ‘I literally don’t remember. It’s just the vibes I’m getting from myself.’
‘Uh… what does vibe mean?’
‘Well, in the context I’m using it for, it means a gut feeling.’
‘Huh? It’s used in another context?’
‘Some people would be talking about a sex toy, but they usually use it for the gut feeling. At least, people I knew, anyway.’
‘It’s slang! People say vibe check to like… randomly check in with someone. Or in my case, when I have a dumbass moment, but in a fun way. I guess. You gotta embrace the dumb shit in life, Athy. Positive vibes only!’
‘No thanks, you’re enough of a dumbass for the both of us.’
‘Wow. Fucking rude. 10 out of 10, not passing the vibe check. How the hell are you my sister?’
‘Question,’ Athan stated, staring up at the ceiling. It was the middle of the night in a moment where they both woke up for a few minutes. Athy, however, was slowly drifting off while Athan’s ADHD-addled squirrel brain was kicking into gear in hyperfixation.
‘What,’ Athy sleepily shifted beside him.
‘Lily. Gay or nay?’
‘Okay, here me out.’
‘No,’ his sister yawned.
‘Lily’s a noble, right?’
‘Well, that’s what the novel said.’
‘We don’t know how high her status is, but I’m going to go off and assume that she’s the daughter of a Marquess at minimum, maybe even a Count’s daughter, cause there’s no way a Duke would let his daughter do something like this.’
‘Frankly speaking, a typical nobleman’s daughter wouldn’t become a royal’s nanny, even if we are the only known imperial heirs, because we’re hated on. She literally became our nanny because Diana captivated her. Therefore, do you think Lily is gay, or at least bisexual?’
‘They never even met though,’ Athy gave him a tired look, as if exhausted just by listening to him. ‘Lily only saw Diana perform one time.’
He continues on, ‘So? Love at first sight exists! Besides, I feel noblewomen are likelier to be gay — case in point: Emilia and Ophelia from The Bad Ending of an Otome! You can’t tell me that shit was just friendship. Ophelia literally imagined Emilia in a wedding dress in a totally platonic way? Yeah, right. That’s super gay, Athy!’
He could practically remember it now — the way Ophelia describes the wedding dress. And the fact that Emilia claimed to have all of Ophelia’s love, while the three guys came out with jack shit? Definitely tragic lesbians. Bisexual, in Emilia’s case.
‘…why are you so adamant about these types of things? I hope you remember that I never really had time to read any other novels or manhwa or whatever in our previous life,’ Athy wearily thought. ‘Anyway, if you’re done, I’m going to sleep.’
‘But Athy! What do you think? Gay or nay?’
‘Nay. Now let me sleep, dammit!’
‘Alright, but I highly believe that Lily was at least a little gay for Diana, and I’ll probably be making up an internal monologue that doubles as an essay. Just ask, in case you’re interested.’
She huffed at him, adding nothing more to the topic as she drifted off to sleep.
‘There is just no heterosexual explanation for Lily to get captivated by Diana to the point of—’
‘Bastard! Scumbag!’ Athy screeched, whacking her hand against the storybook. It was yet another book that had an image of their father, aka, their sperm donor.
He eyes his sister from the corner of his eye before curling up against Lily. Athan didn’t transmigrate at the same time as Athy did, but he can vaguely guess how she reacted the first time around when she found out about Claude.
‘I’m going back to sleep,’ Athan tiredly thought, closing his eyes, dozing off to the sound of his sister screaming out obscenities.
‘What do you wanna do when we get older?’ Athy asked curiously. ‘I never thought much about it.’
‘When we get older…’
(It’s a flash of a memory.
Just him, the stars, and her.
They’re seated in a small field, surrounded by trees and wildflowers.
It’s a moment between only two children, just [][][][][][][][] and [][][][][][], forever and always.
Just like you, the stars say nothing, always silent and observing.
“What would you wish for?” [][][][][][] asked him.
“…I’d like to be happy.”)
‘…?’ he blinks, confused. Since when did he ever have a conversation of that nature with someone else?
‘Athan?’ Athy shifted to look at him from where they laid in their shared crib. ‘What’s up…?’
‘Sorry. Spaced out,’ Athan shook his head. He didn’t want to close his eyes — the remnant of the odd memory lingers in the back of his mind, seeming more and more unsettlingly vivid if he ever keeps his eyes closed for more than a second. Don’t think about it, his instinct demands. ‘What’d you ask, again?’
‘Geez. This kid,’ Athy huffed in exasperation. ‘When we get out of here, what do you want to do? Y’know, when we get older!’
(Another memory flickers in his mind.
Seated at a table, an untouched slice of cake, a cup of cold tea, and sitting across from him was dear old [][][][][][]. He knew she wouldn’t like it, not a single word of it, but important things needed to be said.
No matter how much it may hurt.
“And you think travelling will make you happy?” comes the question dripping in bitterness and simmering rage. A young woman he knew quite well, seething, as if personally wronged. Maybe he really is at fault, or maybe neither of them were.
Circumstances change, and nothing ever stays the same. So… maybe this was inevitable.
“Travelling will mean that I’m free, [][][][][][].”
“You promised to stay with me.”)
‘…I think I’d like to travel.’
For some odd reason, the words escape him before his mind fully agrees with it. Still, his heart aches at his own statement. He shouldn’t stay in this place, he needs to be somewhere different.
(He did promise her that before, didn’t he?
“Things change,” he tells her, watching dark purple-blue eyes narrow at him. “That was then, this is now.”)
‘Hannah and Ces were talking to each other about how cute Adam is while you were sleeping, and—’
‘Who’s Adam?’ Athy interrupted, eyes curiously peering over to him.
‘He used to be one of the trainees for the kitchen crew. Been around for over a month, I think.’
‘Oh. Carry on.’
‘Yeah, and that’s when Elena comes in to check in on us and watch over us ‘cause it’s her turn on the schedule. She starts chit-chatting with Hannah and Ces, asking them what they were talking about.’
‘And that was Adam.’
‘Yeah, and the second Hannah says his name, Elena holds up her hand and asks her to say no more, that she already knows what he did and that he’s getting the boot.’
‘Huh. He did something?’
‘That’s the thing — Hannah and Ces were confused. Ces asked her to elaborate, because they were only talking about his appearance and how nice he is, and Elena. Spilled. The. Tea.’
‘What is it? What is it?’
‘If you ever wondered what happens if you start courting multiple girls at the same time, then wonder no more! Adam fucked around and found out. Elena was one of the girls he was flirting with, and she actually thought about giving him a shot — she wasn’t too mad about it, just impressed by the audacity of that bitch.’
‘That cheating scumbag!’
‘Exactly. He would first strike up a friendly conversation with every maid he came into contact with. Then, he would start diving into flirty territory, to the point that he was leading on more than ten maids. Only seven of those ten kissed him. Not sure if there was more than just a smooch, but I wouldn’t be surprised.’
‘Then what happened?’
‘They confronted him and beat his ass, I’m guessing. Regardless, Lily gave him the boot. She was pretty relieved about kicking him out, I think. He flirted with her too from what I heard.’
‘Ugh. I wish I could’ve given him the fucking boot myself. No wonder we never see guys here instead of girls.’
Something is wrong with him.
Athan isn’t entirely sure what the issue is, but maybe there really was more to it. Every time he thinks about his past life, trying to pry into the memories, often it comes up as a blank.
As if gaslighting him, telling him that nothing had ever happened.
He finds himself laying in bed in the middle of the night, staring at the ceiling as the moon shines through the translucent curtains. Curling up in the warmth of his blankets, he starts tearing up.
What was this feeling? Why does he feel like this?
His memories are still blocked out, and some of them give him headaches, terrible headaches to the point that Lily had once brought in a doctor, worried about him.
Everything feels scrambled and out of place, and Athan has to wonder if maybe it’s one of those transmigration situations where his body’s too young. That the trauma of dying in a past life was too much strain on his body.
But why…?
(“Maybe next time.”)
‘I ship it,’ Athan nodded, looking at Hannah and Ces who were both standing around, talking as they watched over them. They were both on their stomachs — tummy time, apparently.
‘Ces x Hannah — friends to lovers? Slow burn. Maybe a 50k fic… man, I miss AO3. Maybe I should write fanfics when I’m old enough to write.’
Athy looked at her twin brother wearily. ‘I don’t want to know any more.’
‘It’s a pretty good scenario, right? The cool, calm, and collected senior and the cheerful and friendly freshman! Although the opposite is just as cute and nice — the mature freshman and the bright senior; I still don’t know who’s the older one of the two, but it could work either way.’
‘You’re delusional.’
‘Oh, c’mon. It’s not like we have anything better to do.’
‘Well, we could work on brainstorming how to improve our situation,’ Athy flatly thought, shaking her head. ‘Instead of fantasizing relationships involving our caretakers.’
‘What’s the point? We can only crawl if we’re being supervised. There’s nothing we can do even if we have a plan. Besides, you overthink more than enough for the both of us.’
‘You just don’t want to focus.’
‘Nah, I have ADHD, and brainstorming how to get outta here isn’t one of my interests. Brainstorming scenarios is one of mine, though.’
‘Surviving isn’t one of your interests?’ Athy asked incredulously.
‘Not how you go about it. Sounds like a stressful thing to go through the same possible scenarios over and over again. Makes me wanna sleep hearing you go on and on.’
‘Well, fuck you too. See if I ever include you when I escape!’
‘Question,’ Athy thought, crawling over to Lily who held a golden ball. Lily cooed and cheered her on, watching over them with a bright smile.
‘Answer,’ he shifted to look over to her, playing with his own toy. By that, he meant drooling on the gold rattle as he flailed his little hand against a pillow.
‘Do you agree that avoiding Claude is a good plan?’
‘Well, if this world really is the same as the novel, then no. I think building a relationship with our sperm donor might be simultaneously a better and worse choice. There’s a chance he’ll consider us good enough to keep around, or he’ll want us dead faster.’
‘And if it’s anything like the fanfic you used to read?’
‘Then the situation is more dependent on our interactions with other people,’ Athan explained. ‘Deadbeat Claude is our main person of interaction, but we have to interact with as many people as possible. In the fanfic, Claude acknowledges us both as the imperial prince and princess, but that’s it. We start getting basic lessons from a lot of people, people who could be useful to us.’
‘How so?’
‘Marquess Milford has two sons and one daughter, and he’ll be in charge of history, military tactics, and sword training. His oldest is Eriol Milford, a knight in training who’s studying abroad in Arlanta this year — if he becomes a knight for us, then it shows we have the support of their family even if we don’t. His daughter, Charlotte Milford, becomes one of the flowers of high society — befriend her, and you’re golden. Ferdinand Milford, who’s the same age as Ijekiel, I think, and Marquess Milford’s adopted son, ends up dying in Arlanta which sparks a war between Obelia and Arlanta. So if we can prevent his death—’
‘A WAR?!’
‘…did I not mention that before?’
‘Athan, I swear to god… no! No! You didn’t mention it!’
‘Oh. Well, surprise! There might be a war between Arlanta and Obelia in our future!’
‘This son of a…’
‘Hey, I know he’s a bastard, but don’t talk about our deadbeat sperm donor like that. It’s disrespectful to grandma who birthed him.’
‘I’m talking about you, asshole!’
‘Steady… steady,’ Athan thought, wobbling on his two chubby legs as he made his way over to Lily who looked on with such a bright and happy smile. ‘This is so much effort. I hate it.’
‘You think everything is too much effort,’ Athy scoffed, hugging her gold ball. ‘Most of the maids like you just because you’re a calm baby who doesn’t want to do anything except sleep.’
‘Stop throwing tantrums and maybe they’ll start cooing over you, too,’ Athan flatly thought, falling over into Lily and flashing her a happy grin as he hugged her. ‘Praise me for my hard work, Lily!’
Athy rolled her eyes.
‘I hope I can learn magic,’ Athan hummed, plopping down with a magic-based fairytale book in his arms. It was nice to finally be able to move around, even if it was still limited.
‘Same. Magic is so cool!’ Athy gushed, wiggling before she climbed up the sofa to join him. ‘Maybe we could even change our own appearance with it! We won’t need a mage!’
‘I kinda wanna prank people, not gonna lie. Teleportation is one of those convenient skills.’
‘Fucking gremlin. You’re gonna give Lily gray hair, I swear.’
‘Says the one who keeps bursting into tears every time they think of deadbeat Claude. If anyone’s giving her gray hairs anytime soon, it’s you.’
‘I can’t help it!’ Athy cried. ‘Doesn’t it terrify you, Athan?!’
‘Yeah, but our sperm donor isn’t just a murderous asshole to me. He’s a murderous asshole to all of us! Meaning, he’s fair in terms of being an absolute dick — not even Jennette is spared from his attitude until he warms up to her.’
‘We’re doomed…’
‘Y’know, I’m glad Lily fought the previous Head Maid on this.’
Athy looked up at him, curious, ‘About what?’
‘Our living arrangements. Wouldn’t they normally separate us since we’re different genders?’
‘Oh, yeah. It’d probably be hard for either of us if we lived separately. Now that I think about it, it’s weird that they’re not giving you special treatment in a patriarchal society…’
‘That’s another reason why I think we’re in a fanfic. If we were in the novel, I would’ve been the heir due to being born in a patriarchy. In the fanfic, Athanasia became the crowned heir by default of birth, even though she had a brother — she was the oldest known child, and therefore was the Imperial Crown Princess, despite being a girl. Athanasios was next in line, but when Jennette was revealed, he chose to waive his right to the throne to show support to his sister.’
‘Hmm. Were there any issues involving that?’
‘Instead of fighting over the prince or the princess ruling, it became a fight between the imperial faction and the noble faction. Jennette was favoured by the aristocrats because she was the daughter of a noble and was considered naïve and would be easily manipulated if not for Ijekiel — nobles favour nobles and all that. Athanasia was favoured by the imperial faction, mostly because her teachers fell under that category, also because she was an intelligent princess in comparison with everyone. Deadbeat Claude was considered a neutral party considering that he overthrew the previous monarch, though the nobles liked to boast that Jennette had a better relationship with him, even if he had no personal impact on the fight for the throne.’
‘Ugh. So we still have to watch out for political crap?’
‘Not necessarily. Madame Pompidou, who became Athanasia’s dance instructor and etiquette teacher, did the major part of weeding through people that the twins would interact with. We won’t have to be too careful.’
‘That’s convenient, I guess…’
He could feel a twinge of curiosity radiating from his sister’s direction.
‘What is it?’ he frowned, having a bad feeling about this.
‘Do you think you’ll end up falling in love with Ijekiel like Athanasios did in that fanfic you used to read? He does end up being a pretty handsome guy, apparently, and him being a gentleman to boot?’
Oh, was that it? It was a pretty reasonable question. Second life or not, he was still a bona fide bi guy. ‘In all honesty? No. I can’t imagine a guy like him being my type.’
And that’s not to say that Ijekiel wasn’t attractive. He’s seen the Tumblr fan art in his previous life. He owned the hard cover copy of the novel too, which contained additional illustrations. The issue with Ijekiel’s portrayal in the novel felt too unnerving — a picture-perfect image of prince charming.
Athanase was always more into the confident yet shy type of guys. They felt much more genuine by comparison, and that’s what he considered to be attractive — someone who knows their worth, and yet were easily flustered with a few flirtatious comments. It would be heart-warming, he thinks, if he could make a guy feel weak in the knees by confessing his adoration.
He hated the whole hot and cold response and couldn’t stand assholes, but perfectly princely type of guys were the worst characterization, even more so because he would get jealous all across the board, and in Athan’s personal opinion, dealing with jealousy was annoying.
‘Aw, don’t be like that. I’m sure he’ll be your dream man!’ she seemed to gleefully tease.
Never mind, he absolutely hated her. Athy whomst?
‘Good night, Athanasia.’
‘C’mon, Athan!’
‘Good. Night.’
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mythleague · 10 months
The Sad Boys Have a Bomb
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(Image Description: Player stands facing Lucas with a pair of Galactic Grunts behind him.)
Before we move forward, we really do need to deal with the our favorite gang of space cases. They've apparently stolen Lucas's pokedex which is just... peak pathetic sadboy behavior, c'mon guys. We get Lucas his pokedex back easily from the grunts, but the Warehouse and Veilstone HQ are both locked up tight so for now we'll just have to head to Pastoria. With Pastoria city comes access to route 212, which means more moves! So we take a detour to nab Toxic for Joringel and have the local Move Tutor teach Jorinda Ominous Wind and a lovely STAB Air Cutter This proves to be a very good move (no pun intended) as, before I can check out the Pastoria gym I'm waylaid, once again, by my favorite blondie. Between hidden power ice and air cutter he proves to be no trouble at all, and given that Pastoria's gym is water, I suspect the gym won't be much of a bother either.
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(Image Description: Player confronts Crasher Wake in his gym)
Sure enough, while Gyarados proves to be a bit of a problem, overall the battle goes easy and we get our fifth badge.
No time to celebrate though because THERE'S A BOMB AT THE GREAT MARSH!!! and I am sent off to deal with the perpetrator.
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(Image Description: Looker stands next to the player on the beach. Text reads "Oh, no, no, no! How did I miss it?")
I dunno man, maybe you were too busy playing the slots.
Why am I, a child, being sent off to deal with an actual terrorist? Plot I guess. I give the guy a sound thrashing, but before I can ensure he is brought to justice, Cynthia shows up to give me some Psyduck-safe ibuprofen... thaaaanks, just what I needed in this. exact. moment. A psyduck cure and a quick delivery quest later and we find ourselves face to face with yet another Galactic terrorist, and it is our job, once again to deal with them. While they are easily dealt with, however, their boss, and our favorite monologue-er, shows up and is far more dangerous.
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(Image Description: Cyrus stands in front of the player and Cynthia's grandma who are standing in front of an ancient mural of the lake trio. Text reads "Why would you want to protect this incomplete world?)
I dunno man... I kinda live here.
The biggest hurdle is Sneasle's ice punch, being super effective against Joringel, and 4x effective against Jorinda! I find myself too low a level to get past it and have to go back and train a little more. Even at level 40, 6 levels above our opponent, he still manages to knock out Joringel. Thankfully Jorinda is able to sweep up the rest of his team, but I can tell Cyrus is going to give us even more trouble later. Neither form of Shaymin can learn any fighting or fire attacking moves, and earth power isn't available until post-game T-T. The good news is that, with Cynthia's g-ma handing over the Surf TM, I can finally nab Giga Drain from route 209. It has the same power as Magical Leaf, but with the added bonus of recovering some hp, which makes it a good fit for Joringel. Now that we've kitted up and found our last TM, Cynthia wants us to check out the Canalave Library, so that's what we're gonna do.
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(Image Description: Player stands next to Cynthia in front of a cave. Text reads "But those Team Galactic people...! I thought they were harmless.)
Famous last words. Never underestimate the destructive powers of anyone who tries to rock a blue bowl cut.
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orphancookie69 · 1 year
Real Estate: Dreams, Dead Lines, and Continuing Education!
Real Estate runs in the blood, in the stars, and it makes life interesting. I am currently licensed and renewing my Salesperson License. Here a tune plays in my head: “let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start”. I posted this to a previous business blog, but I got into Tumblr as a way to continue marketing and marketing like activities despite the burnout from the marketing business. But enough about marketing, let’s talk Real Estate!
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7/2017: First attempt to learn the courses needed to get my Real Estate exam after I quit my W2 job and started to focus more on my/partners business becoming self employed.
7/2018: Did not complete the courses in time and re enrolled.
7/2018-10/2018: Finished course 1 of 3
10/2018-11/2018: Finished course 2 of 3
11/2018-12/2108: Finished course 3 of 3
1/2019: Enrolled in crash course
2/2019: Applied/Qualified for Examination
3/2019: Studied and Scheduled Exam
3/15/19- Realty Pro 100’s newest agent!
9+ Months
4 Books Read
1,700+ Pages Read
63 Quizzes taken
2,990 Questions
4 Certificates
$600+ Total Costs (So Far)
= 1 Salesperson License!
This is normally where I would be like, “Look at all the free time I have and how much money I have made!” But working for yourself, especially in this capacity-means you have no check unless you finish a deal. So between that taking up more time than you would think, and working with a partner-I sadly can not tell you how much that license has paid off for. I am glad to be licensed and do work that needs a license, as I was doing it without one at one time. I also know I would not spend enough time with my partner if I did not work with them, so in that regards also worth it. 
“Life ain’t about what you do, it’s who you do it with”
Fast forward to 4 years later and we are in 2023! My license is up for renewal, or I could go for my Brokers License? If I got my Brokers license, I would be the Broker of Record for my partners property management company. But to do that, I have to prove I have been actively working the last couple of years. Most agents when they do a transaction-have their name on it. I work with my partner, so his name is on any transaction I have ever done. So I will keep my renewal simple and just renew my Salesperson license. 
Something that shocked me is the amount of...options? Videos? E Books? Books? and then....like 7 different Continuing Education options? Implicit Bias and Expanded Fair Housing were automatic inclusions, thank you soft society. I decided to go with the Property Management one, and away we go!
2/2023: Started the continuing education with First Tuesday. 
45 Hours of studying (25 hours of Landlords, Tenants, and Property Management; 2 hours of implicit bias, 3 hours of office management and supervision, 3 hours of Agency, 3 hours of Fair Housing, 3 hours of Trust Funds, 3 hours of Ethics, 3 hours of Risk Management)
2 books read
580+ pages read
30 quizzes taken, 9 Exams
300+ questions
1 certificate
$59.15+ Extra Costs! (Only +$245 to renew it for another 4 years...)
= Renewed Salesperson License!
My reactions were either: (this is a law?) or (that’s how that works!) or (I give up on California). Fun fact, did you know if you have x amount of years of experience being licensed, plus turn 70 years old...after 70 you don’t have to do any more continuing education? So, assuming nothing majorly changes, I have one renewal down and about 10 more to go? 
Did you know that I am actually a 3rd Generation Real Estate Professional? My Grandmother did and does it, to this day, with the help of my sister and uncle. My mom did it, she used to be the agent while her 2nd husband was the loan guy-I was the person that helped put up signs for open houses. And then there’s me. In a business/personal relationship with an Investor who has his brother help with property management, whose momma used to do loans, whose brother’s GF does escrow, whose best friend is a contractor. I don’t know why I thought I would get away from the real estate side of things, unless of course I got into cars instead! Did I mention, we are also a car family? Vroom Vroom!
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jaehyunssi · 1 year
I saw the previous post and not to be rude but did sm press charges against taeyong’s false accusers? No. Taeyong apologised for something he didn’t do on camera and in person which is way more than what Lucas had to do. SM let’s these stalker fans around the idols without pressing charges either. When so many other companies have blacklisted fan sites and publicly release those lists every year. I am sorry but I see no point in trying to clear up rumours made up by accounts which get deleted. They could’ve filed a case instead if they were really wronged. I also agree that accusations should be proven real first. And why hiatus? Because chinese fans are performing witch hunting rituals against him from the very moment this news came out. That, is more horrendous than gaslighting. P.S: if you’re a law student then maybe please show us proof about all the S.A people are talking about? As someone who really wants to see it from a professional who sounds like they know what they’re talking about. :)
Oh wow… I thought the previous one was the last #ops I’m going to answer but… I think I have to. Anon, you have my last answer regarding to what I think about this case ok?💪🏻
First of all, SM did release a statement regarding to Taeyong’s false accusation and told that SM will be pursuing legal actions if the false accusations continue. (Not that I say that it’s fast enough for them to act, but they did act). As what I remembered, SM is not alone in clearing up the false accusation.
Second of all, clearing up rumors is definitely needed especially because Lucas is an idol working in both kpop and cpop industry (which is now having hard time from the kfans and cfans to side with him), with that being said, it’s enough for it’s own reason for the company to release a statementㅡ it’s their main market after allㅡyou can see in realtime how cfans and kfans react to his new photos.
Third of all, I believe you can understand that every single thing including SA are alleged/rumored. To sum up on my next paragraph, I’ll give you a moment to read this description:
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So, to ask my credibility as a law student for proofs of any Lucas’s allegation or rumor is… amazingly absurd.
To summary: you can’t really force anyone to really believe in Lucas until an official statement comes up, just because you believe in him doesnt mean everyone does, and one thing to make it easier to prove his innocence is by an official statement and it’s not that hard to make. And please, please don’t act like I threw some disgusting hate on him🙏🏻 I appreciate Lucas as a celebrity and it’s normal for a fan to seek out for truth over some allegations/rumors, no?
I appreciate your time on reaching me out and I appreciate if you try to understand what other people think about the situation.
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fourfour4 · 2 years
Don’t Make Me Close One More Door - Part 1
Between being extremely busy and waiting for my response to be posted on Complaints Boards, I haven’t been able to post anything here. Now that I have received a reply from CB saying that since Magnolia/CH “resolved” the complaint; I can no longer post anything new, I have to open a new complaint. It’s not the shutting down of my complaint and preventing me from responding that requires writing posts; it is the the accusation of lying. Along with omitting facts to suit her needs. This is a new law for Magnolia tbh. I’ve heard it all from previous accounts, some exist some disappeared from the internet but to say I’m lying when all the emails are available is disgusting and pathetic. Really it’s one thing to be petty, close my accounts, and act as if they did no wrong but to accuse me of lying — this is where I draw the line.
Since I don’t have much time, I’ll be posting five posts consecutively. 
This is a part 1 and an addendum to my response which you can read here:
Data and information removal due to closing an account:
- Is this another excuse of yours to justify your shortcomings? You claim to pay for developers for the forum yet your shop can’t keep information of allegedly suspended accounts? The forum has decade-old posts and has gone through changes through the years but the shop conveniently loses all the account’s data once the account is closed? Ah how convenient. You always have the perfect answer for your failure and poor service. Perhaps this is an area you should look into and improve. Losing the accounts’ data I mean. Your services on the other hand are beyond hope. 
-I will not address your name-calling as its usage speaks to the lack of substance for your argument:
MAG: “well that wasn’t very polite!”
Me: “Perfect, I wasn’t trying to be polite; f*ck you”.
This whole “I’m the better person in this discussion” is an old trick mostly used by the wrong party and/or abusers. Boomers love to utilize this tactic too.
I’ll quote someone from Reddit regarding this topic:
“Look into Green Beard Altruism, there are genuine arguments that respect needs to be earned in order for altruistic behavior to be properly incentivized within a society. The whole “unrelenting kindness” attitude can end up incentivizing bad people to take advantage of good people”.
I don’t have to be unrelentingly kind to you when you were and still are a complete jerk. No wonder you closed the review, you don’t want any further exposure of your behavior.
Lack of substance — when you yourself admitted of not sending the write-ups at all either before the suspension or after it. Which is the point of the review. I’m unsure you recognize the goal of this; it is to prove CH’s incompetence. I’m not looking for a money because I’m not money hungry like you, or write-ups because since you’re disorganized and tend to monkey about with orders - it is simply to show how you run your business.  You walked right into that one by yourself, I don’t have to prove anything. 
The only thing lacking is your poor work ethics where people have to chase you to receive the writing portion of any order. It happened to many people and we see that all the time in the forum. 
Imagine Amazon not acknowledging complaints or even fulfilling orders because the customer was not “earnest” enough lol I hope you realize how ridiculous you sound. 
-We do take complaints & criticism from anyone who brings it earnestly with the respect and weight that is deserved:
Earnestly? You mean brown nosing? I didn’t know I had to grovel at your feet. Respect? Oh you mean the type of respect CH has shown me. Okay now I get it. 
You can’t take any criticism. You always poke holes in the review to make yourself look good. Read old people’s reviews and recounts, the one common denominator is your inability to address criticism properly and trying your best to twist everything to appear like you’re a victim of a vicious slandering campaign while being simultaneously condescending. 
I’m not even looking for any write-ups, I’m not interested in any. I doubt you’d be able to offer any, since even before my suspension you didn’t deliver any despite my repeated requests. It’s just the fact that you openly admitted you didn’t deliver any + you seem so casual and nonchalant about your failure of delivery that it shows the level of services you offer. 
The review (and my blog posts) are there to help people make an informed decision. Meta and para have become very popular and many people have been discussing those interests. Your forum isn’t the only outlet. People share their experiences and exchange information. I have the right to share my experiences whether you find my experiences valid or not. Of course you’ll invalidate my experiences just like you do with every single “unfavorable” review. Wouldn’t expect anything less. I have written many reviews in your forum about other sellers, I’m going to re-write them to avoid DMCA claims (because I believe you are this petty) and publish them too. I just started with your shop and forum to get my experience out there since my other experiences are already posted in the forum. You absolutely love to believe you’re targeted because you think you’re way important and above criticism. 
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