#how you get the girl 🌃
hoes4hoseok ¡ 6 months
how you get the girl part iii: jake’s not-so-secret admirer
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your neighbor, heeseung, gets on your nerves. he’s full of himself, makes more noise than all of your neighbors combined in the middle of the night, spreads anti-superhero propaganda in your political science class, and, unfortunately, is the most attractive man you have ever laid eyes on.
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pairing :: lee heeseung x fem!reader featuring :: jake sim, jeon somi, kim sunoo, yang jungwon, & more! genres/au’s :: superhero au, neighbors to lovers, sorta-enemies to lovers, college au, fluff, angst, nightwing!heeseung chapter warnings :: mentions of and references to sex, minor violence, suggestive, intoxication chapter word count :: 4.8k (including the texted parts!) tag list (open) :: @thejjrl @grace1852 @tsunchani @hanniiesuckle17 @mjr4fnaf1997 @goldenhypen @3nh4luvr @hobistigma @ditzie-s @nomy0520 @koroktsuya @beansworldsstuff @ronnierites @simplhee author’s note :: posting this early because i can't help it YAY i had missed writing this <3. please let me know if you liked this or have constructive criticisms (or if you have predictions 👀) because they really help me. i hope you enjoyyyy beta reader :: @fandomgirl489 thank you for your help! playlist :: here's to you
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3. Gestures of Appreciation No one likes to have their effort and affection gone unnoticed — show her you care and appreciate her being in your life.
“Wow, this childhood friend is super rich, isn’t he?” Y/n peered inside the sizable truck in awe as Heeseung opened the door, its lights turning on the moment he did. The truck itself wasn’t too flashy, but Y/n could immediately tell that its contents cost more than her tuition.
“Yeah,” Heeseung replied sheepishly, offering his hand for Y/n to brace herself as she stepped in. She took it, giving him a small smile of gratitude.
“Alright, first thing’s first — let’s see if we can get a visual on Somi,” Heeseung began, closing the door behind him, “I, uh…I think Jungwon can access security cameras from his set-up,”
Perhaps Y/n could have detected how odd that was if she wasn’t blinded by gratitude for Heeseung’s friend, but she didn’t.
“Okay,” she nodded as Heeseung sat down, gesturing for her to do the same before unbuttoning the top two buttons on his shirt. In front of them were five to six monitors, all mounted to the side of the truck.
“Lee Heeseung,” he stated, bending over slightly into the microphone. Y/n’s eyes widened in astonishment as the screens turned on simultaneously.
Heeseung typed persistently, ignoring her gaze, but it felt like she was burning holes in his neck. He didn’t want to know whether or not gears were turning in her head — that was tomorrow’s problem.
Y/n had several questions, but she knew that would slow everything down, and ensuring Somi was okay was the priority.
“Okay…” Heeseung mumbled, “here…is the live fee—”
Y/n’s hand flew to Heeseung’s arm, instinctually moving further from the door and closer to him.
In the future, Heeseung would insist that she felt safer with him, to which Y/n would roll her eyes. And maybe secretly agree.
“It’s alright,” Heeseung stood up, Y/n’s hand grazing down his arm as he did so, “it’s probably just Jungwon,”
Y/n nodded, looking back at the door in anticipation while it swung open.
“Heeseung!” Jungwon grinned, engulfing the man in a hug, “Ah, I’ve missed you!”
“I’ve missed you too,” Heeseung replied before hushing his voice to a lower volume, “remember what we talked about,”
Jungwon nodded as he let go of Heeseung, redirecting his attention to a now-standing Y/n.
Jungwon was shorter than Heeseung, definitely younger, but carried himself in a similarly confident way. He didn’t seem to cross over into cocky like Heeseung did, though.
“Y/n, Jungwon. Jungwon, Y/n,” Heeseung gestured between his “friends”. He wouldn’t label either of them with that term.
“Hi,” Jungwon walked over to Y/n excitedly, extending his arm, “I’m Yang Jungwon, an old friend of Heeseung’s from Gotham,”
“Y/n,” she replied, shaking his hand, “Heeseung’s neighbor,”
“Ah, that neighbor,” Jungwon nodded, his smile turning to something of a smirk.
Heeseung cleared his throat, “So, Jungwon, where’s Jake?”
“He’s coming,” Jungwon was almost wincing, “but there’s been…an unexpected complication,”
“Jake’s here?” Y/n tilted her head in confusion, “Why?”
“I just can’t believe that I never noticed how kind and handsome you are, Jake,”
Y/n’s eyes narrowed. Sure enough, Jake and Somi stood a few feet from the truck, her arm wrapped around his. 
Jake stared down Heeseung as he stepped into the truck with his new admirer, eyes wide as if to say, “What the hell is happening?”
“So…how did this happen?” Heeseung asked, closing the door before pointing at the two of them with an amused expression.
Somi grinned, “Well, Jake was so brave and rescued me from those horrible people. And then I realized how much I’ve overlooked him while pursuing a lover. But here he is. My perfect man,” Somi touched his face with her left hand, brushing her finger over his cheek.
Y/n’s mouth fell agape in disbelief, “Somi, what the—”
“Somi, let’s have Jungwon give you something to change into,” he cut Y/n off, gently pushing her towards the boy.
“Oh — okay,” Somi frowned but followed Jungwon to the back of the truck.
“Wow, you’re quite the ladies' man,” Heeseung joked as soon as Somi was out of earshot, earning a punch to the arm from Jake.
“Not funny,” Jake heaved a sigh, crossing his arms, “something’s wrong with her. I don’t know why she’s acting like this. I didn’t even save her, I just told her to follow Jungwon and me when she was already out of the building,”
“Yeah, she didn’t even act like this with old boyfriends,” Y/n added, glancing at her friend with a look of concern.
“Well, I’ve seen this happen with—” Heeseung stopped himself, “I mean, I’ve seen this happen in movies. It’s usually an aphrodisiac of some sort,”
“Oh my god,” Y/n rubbed her forehead, “Phenylethylamine. It’s phenylethylamine,”
“What’s that?” Heeseung asked, crossing his arms.
“You know, the love molecule? Just look it up,” 
Jake pulled out his phone as she continued, “It’s what Somi and I think was stolen from my biochemistry professor’s lab,”
“Web MD says…” Jake began, “phenylethylamine is a chemical with stimulant effects — it’s found naturally but can also be made in a lab. Phenethylamine stimulates the body to make certain chemicals that play a role in brain chemistry,”
“Okay, but on its own, there’s no way one of those goons could just spray some diluted phenylethylamine on her and make her act all heart-eyes over Jake,” Heeseung countered, “They must have done something to it to make it an actual love potion,”
“True,” Y/n nodded, “plus, we know they don’t have the exact sample from the lab because Nightwing stopped the robber. Who knows whether the original sample was even an attempt to make a love potion?”
Jake and Heeseung took a wary glance at each other. The conversation had turned to Nightwing. Of course.
“What did I miss?” Somi sang, making a beeline toward Jake, now wearing a large graphic tee and sweatpants.
“Not much,” Jake started, feeling especially grateful for her now, “we were just talking about going back home for the night, it’s late,”
“It’s only 10 PM, Jake,” Somi reasoned. “If we’re not gonna storm back in there to demand to know what the hell Mr. Kim is up to, then let’s go have fun! We could do karaoke or something!” 
“Somi,” Y/n took her friend’s hand, “Jake will still be around tomorrow. He’s not going to disappear. Right, Jake?”
“No, I won’t disappear,” Jake smiled, “in fact, I’m spending the night at Heeseung’s with Jungwon,”
“Oh, perfect! I can see you first thing in the morning then,” Somi replied, “I’m staying with Y/n tonight,”
Y/n shook her head with a grin, “the minute we figure out how to snap you out of this, I’m teasing the living daylight out of you,”
“Says the one who gave Lee Heeseung a lap dance,”
Jake gasped, an unmistakable grin on his face as he looked at Heeseung, “She did?!”
“Did what?” Jungwon asked, approaching the rest with a neatly folded pile of Somi’s angel get-up in hand.
“Please, in his dreams!” Y/n scoffed.
Well, it would be after today.
“I just…sat on his lap so no one got suspicious,” Y/n explained, hoping Heeseung wouldn’t notice her cheeks growing hot, “it wasn’t a real lap dance at all,”
“Exactly,” Heeseung nodded insistently, “it wasn’t,”
Jungwon raised his eyebrows as he looked over at Jake, but decided to let them have the win.
“Oh and Y/n,” Jake began, “Do you want a change of clothes too?”
“I think I’m okay for now, thank you” she replied, stuffing her hands in the pockets of Heeseung’s suit jacket, “We’re going home now anyways, right?”
“Yeah,” Heeseung smiled, pushing the sleeves of his button-down shirt up to his elbows, “Let’s get home,”
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“Poison Ivy’s victims were infected with a kiss,” Jake began, staring up at the ceiling. “Unless I planted one on Somi without being aware of it, they can’t be related,”
The boys had fought briefly over who got the bed, but Jungwon ultimately won, being ‘the guest’. Jake may have acted annoyed, but he had missed Jungwon just as much as Heeseung did.
“That may be true, but figuring out what’s in the antidote could help us, right?” Jungwon asked. 
“Yeah, maybe Jungwon could look into that tomorrow while I work on the antidote using the lab sample,” Heeseung proposed. “I have a bad feeling that Somi will only fall further in love with you until we find a solution for this,”
“What should I do?” Jake asked, “Stay away from Somi, I presume,”
“Well…maybe,” Heeseung clenched his jaw slightly, “but I think you should still see her once or twice so she doesn’t get mad. If she does get worse, I don’t want to endanger Y/n,”
“Heeseung, Y/n will be fine,” Jake reassured his friend, “she can handle it,”
“I don’t wanna find out that she can’t,” Heeseung swallowed, taking a deep breath, “and Somi is in danger now, too. They know what she looks like. They know what all of you look like,”
Jungwon peered down at Heeseung from the edge of the bed, a small smile of sympathy on his face. “They’ll be fine, Heeseung. I’ll make sure of it,”
Heeseung nodded, muttering a small thank you before the room grew quiet. The curtains on Heeseung’s window were far from opaque, so Jake found himself watching the array of lights dance across the room intently as his friends drifted off to sleep. 
“Jake,” Jungwon whispered after a few minutes, “does Heeseung know about…”
“No. He doesn’t,” Jake sighed, voice soft, “I don’t think I’ll tell him, either,”
“What? Why?” Jungwon sat up to look down at his friend. 
“Even if I’m lucky and Heeseung and Y/n get over themselves and start dating, it just feels so odd to say, ‘Hey, I’m in love with your ex-girlfriend! Who probably doesn’t even think of me in that way, so I’m jeopardizing both of our friendships for fun!’”
Jungwon lay back down, letting the quiet sounds of Bludhaven traffic fill the room momentarily. “I’m sorry, Jake,”
“Don’t be. I get some damn great friends instead,”
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Y/n woke up to the smell of something burning. “Somi?” she asked, still groggy.
When she got no response, Y/n pushed the comforter off her feet and stood up, making her way to the kitchen. “Somi, whatever you’re cooking is definitely bur…ning,”
Okay, now she was awake. Somi stood in the kitchen with a bowl in hand, peering over a pan filled with butter that had likely already turned black.
“Oh, good morning, Y/n,” Somi smiled, “I’m just making some pancakes to bring to Jake and his friends,”
“Okay…” Y/n came closer, tying her hair haphazardly, “Do you need some help maybe?”
“Nope, I’m alright,” Somi insisted, continuing to pour way too much batter into the pan as she dismissed her friend.
“Somi, don’t you have work to do?” Y/n inquired, tilting her head in disbelief.
“Eh, I’m thinking about quitting,” Somi shrugged, “if I’m going to be devoted to Jake, I need to give him more of my time. And my job takes up way too much of that time,”
“What?! You’re going to quit your job over a guy? Before a single date, too?!”
“You know what, you’re not being very supportive right now!” Somi yelled, waving her arms around, “I am head-over-heels in love with Jake Sim and if you cared about me you’d see that!”
Y/n sighed in defeat. “I do see that. Just please take a day off of work before you decide to quit altogether,”
“Fine,” Somi nodded, her voice lowered, “and I really do need help with these pancakes,”
Y/n smiled mischievously, scooting in next to her friend to remove the possibly ruined frying pan, “so Jake, huh?”
“Yeah. He’s sweet, isn’t he? For saving me?” 
Y/n knitted her brows. She had been so caught up in all that happened last night that she never stopped to wonder — why did Jake save Somi? Why was Jungwon there? Sure, they were probably there to help Heeseung find out who attempted to steal from his professor, but why would a guy like Heeseung care enough to do that? And now that she thought about it, as much as she thought she was commanding the situation, it was Heeseung who had the cards in his hand all night.
So…either Lee Heeseung is hiding something, or he’s secretly…a good guy?
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Y/n had meant to thank Heeseung for whatever the hell happened yesterday, but he had already left for class by the time she and Somi delivered the pancakes next door.
Throughout the day, she found herself checking her phone more often than usual, especially since she and Somi were both working from her apartment. She didn’t know what she was waiting for — after all, Heeseung never texted her. Why would that change today of all days? 
She’d just have to trust him and his friends to knock on her door with a cure for her best friend in the next few days. Y/n knew she could be useful in that pursuit, but they insisted she stay with Somi for the day and make sure she didn’t get into any trouble. Trust him. Why was she trusting him with something so important? Someone so important?
She didn’t take the time to rehash her questionable thought process, choosing instead to immerse herself in her classwork and article for the Scoop once she managed to convince Somi that Jake would come over after his classes.
He and Jungwon both came to see them around dinner time, which came as a surprise to Y/n. They even managed to get Somi’s favorite type of pizza and played board games with her until she fell asleep. Damn. Was that making Y/n the slightest bit…bitter?
Y/n stared down at her laptop screen intently — it was now nearly 10 PM. Though she managed to finish her work for her midnight deadlines, she had made an embarrassingly small amount of progress on the article she offered to take on for Somi. Out of the Five Ways to Win a Girl’s Heart Y/n had to come up with and write about, she had only completed two. Sincerity and Reliability.
Y/n scoffed at herself. ‘Hm. That’s funny. The two things you can’t decide whether Heeseung has,’ 
She didn’t even bother lying to herself this time. Y/n was interested in Heeseung. Sure, she’d always had the tiniest urge to make out with him, but the more she started to question everything she knew about him, the more she enjoyed his company. 
Y/n shut her laptop with a soft groan before glancing at her watch. Somi was fast asleep. Heeseung should still be awake — at this time a week or two prior, he was probably making his and his girlfriend’s sex lives the whole floor’s business.
This was a bad idea, right? 
Ah, who cares? No one was awake to tell her it was. 
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Okay, so there was no response to Y/n’s knocking. Maybe Heeseung was asleep. Maybe he was working late. Maybe he was just listening to music. Maybe he was…with someone else?
No matter what the case was, Y/n wasn’t going to let this rattle her, even if she did leave feeling a bit dejected. 
With hand warmers in her pockets and her trusty pepper spray and taser on her lanyard, she looked back at her door in consideration before turning around and heading up the stairs. She wasn’t in the mood for walking tonight. 
Luckily for her, there weren’t any of the usual smokers on the roof — it was too late for them and too early for the drinkers.
Somehow, she felt colder in her parka now than she had in her stripper corset and shorts from the night before. It was probably a result of not having the time to notice the temperature while running from fugitives, but now all she could think of was how bitter it was. This night, she decided, did not feel like a synth-pop album. She missed home and Sunoo and her warm bed. The quiet one. The one that wasn’t attached to the thought of Lee Heeseung and all the subsequent thoughts. And it was nights like these that made her so eager to graduate early and get the hell out of Bludhaven.
The ground was still damp from the previous day’s downpour, but Y/n sat against what she assumed to be a broken air conditioning fixture (summers were hell in this apartment for a reason) anyway. There was too much light pollution to see any stars, but she liked getting to look at the sky regardless. She sat there for several minutes, taking note of the planes passing overhead and which lights turned off through the course of the night.
“Uh, Miss?”
Y/n jerked her head toward the source of the gravelly voice, grabbing her pepper spray instinctually. Her eyes widened. “It’s…it’s you,”
“Yeah, it’s me,” Nightwing put his hands up defensively. “No need for pepper spray then, right?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” Y/n dropped the bottle from her hand, letting it dangle from her lanyard once again. Her heartbeat could’ve powered a freight train. “W-what brings you here?”
“I was wondering what you were doing all alone out here this late,” Nightwing explained, “It’s not safe for — for anyone,”
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. “I’m just fine, thank you very much,” she sat back down, returning her hands to her pockets. She wasn’t in the mood to listen to anyone, especially not the man who was (sort of) the reason Somi may never have free will again. Okay, Y/n, that’s a bit of a stretch.
“Do you…have something on your mind?” Nightwing offered, looking down at her while she avoided eye contact, “I’m a pretty good listener,”
“No…” Y/n lied, gnawing on her lower lip. “You can stay if you want, though,” she added, half-expecting him to turn around and leave.
“Sure,” Nightwing smiled and sat down next to her. “I can stay,”
On their last encounter, Y/n hadn’t gotten closer than 20 feet to Nightwing. Now, he was right beside her. Wait. Now, he was right beside her.
“I don’t want to talk, but I’d like to listen to you,” Y/n quickly pulled her phone out from her pocket, “Would be willing to interview for the Scoop? I’d have to record it, but only for formality's sake. I only use quotes, so no one would be able to hear your voice,”
Nightwing smiled at the ground for a moment before nodding. “I’ll agree to three questions, but no recording. Only transcriptions,”
“Okay, I’ll take it,” Y/n beamed, “let me just pull up Somi’s — er, my colleague’s questions,”
“You never told me your name,” Nightwing reminded her as she searched her pockets for a piece of paper.
“Y/n L/n,” she replied, scrambling to retrieve a creased paper from her pocket sitting against her knee and a pen in hand. 
“Good to know,” Nightwing nodded. “You have a lovely name, by the way,”
“Thank you,” Y/n contained a smile, “First question: What do you have to say about the accusations that you’ve caused an increase in crime in Bludhaven?”
“Are you asking if I believe them?” Nightwing began, “Because if so, the answer is no. The crimes that usually go under the radar are being accounted for now rather than just muggings and violence. That’s why crime rates have gone up,”
Y/n nodded, not taking the time to look up until she had finished writing his response word-for-word. Somi would kill her if she got an interview with Nightwing and somehow fucked it up.
Heeseung Nightwing, on the contrary, was smiling to himself as he noticed how Y/n knitted her eyebrows in focus as she wrote.
“And…” Y/n finally looked up, “why did you choose the name ‘Nightwing’?”
“I was inspired by a hero Superman told me about. From his home planet,” he explained, eyes darting away to avoid suspicion, “Nightwing was the great rebuilder; the catalyst of change. So that’s where I took the name from,”
“Oh,” Y/n tilted her head in surprise, “that’s interesting. I’d love to hear more abou—”
Y/n’s eyes widened at the distant cry for help.
“Duty calls, Ms. L/n,” Nightwing stood up, backing away from her as he spoke, “I promise to answer that last question that I owe you if you go back to your apartment now,”
“Uh, sure, yeah,”
“Perfect,” Nightwing gave her a wink before disappearing off the edge of the building with a jump.
Oh. Wow. These were foreign feelings.
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“Hi,” Y/n blinked in surprise — how many times was she going to be surprised today? Heeseung at her doorstep.
“Hey,” Heeseung gulped, trying to suppress his nervous energy as he lifted the plastic bag he had in his hand. His hair was disheveled and seemed slightly damp, which, as Y/n noted, was not a bad look for him. “I, um…I got some Thai takeout to eat after work if you maybe…wanted to join me,”
Y/n knew better than to take anything other than the words “I want you” as a sign, but the thought of the overconfident and flirtatious Lee Heeseung being nervous because of her made her giddy.
“Yeah, sure,” Y/n nodded before looking down at herself, suddenly self-conscious of her Bat-symbol pajamas, “Let me just change real quick and I’ll be over in a minute,”
“Don’t worry about it,” Heeseung stifled a laugh, “I think they’re cute,”
“Thanks,” Y/n smiled, hesitantly pulling the key out of her pocket and locking the door, “My friend Sunoo got them made for my 16th birthday because the guy doesn’t sell them himself,”
“Oh yeah?” Heeseung asked, pushing open the door to his apartment.
“Yeah!” Y/n continued, following him inside, “It seems like an untapped market, but I know selling stuff with the Bat-insignia would make it less meaningful. That didn’t matter to me when I was 15, though,” 
“Well, legally sourced or not, I like them,” Heeseung declared as he started to empty the plastic bag on the table.
Y/n raised her eyebrows — Heeseung took what seemed like ten boxes of food out of the bag.
Heeseung only noticed her expression once the bag was empty. “What? I didn’t know what you liked,” He shrugged. “I’ll just donate the rest tomorrow before class,”
Y/n pretended not to be as (oddly?) touched as she was by that, nodding in agreement before picking up a box of flat noodles and a plastic fork. “Do you donate food often?”
Heeseung seemed to hesitate at that question; as if he was going to admit that he just said that to impress her. But to Y/n’s surprise, he said, “Yeah. I do,”
“Oh. That’s kind of you,” she continued, “Where should we sit?”
“Well…we could sit right here,” Heeseung gestured toward the table, “Or we can sit on the couch and put on a movie. Whatever you’re comfortable with,”
“Okay, pause,” Y/n put down her fork to place her hand on Heeseung’s shoulder, “I know that willingly spending time together isn’t something we’re used to, but you don’t have to walk on eggshells around me now that you’ve seen my legs. I know you liked what you saw,”
Wow. Y/n didn’t know what came over her to be confident enough to say that, but it worked — because the Heeseung she knew was back. “Oh, I liked what I saw?” Heeseung scoffed, his cockiness returning with a vengeance, “You nearly choked on your saliva when I unbuttoned my shirt like a Victorian woman,”
Y/n glanced at Heeseung’s chest momentarily, only making his smirk widen. “So, the couch then?”
“Yeah,” Heeseung grabbed a box and a fork, “the couch is great,”
The neighbors, despite their arrogant smack talk about being unaffected by each other, sat on opposite edges of the couch in silence as they started eating. The two of them were far too busy overthinking the implications of the conversation that just finished to find it awkward.
“So…you like Batman but not Nightwing? What about Superman?”
Heeseung shook his head, eyes fixed on his food. “I’m not a huge fan of any of them, to be honest,”
“Oh,” Y/n said softly, an air of disappointment filling the room. Right. The other reason they weren’t friends. She could ask why, but she already knew why. He had listed all the reasons just a couple of days ago in class. Y/n noticed him clench his jaw in the slightest — he was biting his tongue.
After a moment of silence, Y/n continued. “Nightwing got me coffee too, once,”
Heeseung broke a smile. “Are you trying to make me dislike him more?”
“Nope,” Y/n shrugged, “Just gauging your reaction,”
“Oh my god,” Heeseung’s mouth dropped open in faux disbelief, “You don’t care if I like Nightwing, you want me to be jealous of him,”
“No, no, I do,” Y/n replied. He was half-right, so she wasn’t really lying. “Besides, you’re the one who assumed I was trying to make you hate him,”
At this point, the two of them had put their food on the coffee table and gotten considerably closer to each other. It was very intentional.
“You’re blushing,” Heeseung added, still grinning. “You totally have a crush on me,”
“What are you, 14?” Y/n scoffed, touching her right cheek instinctively, “I don’t get crushes. I either date someone or I don’t. And clearly, this is an ‘absolutely not’ situation,”
“Huge crush,” Heeseung repeated, leaning in closer to Y/n as his gaze trailed down to her lips. 
Y/n, despite acknowledging that it was a huge exaggeration, knew that already. She knew she liked Heeseung. But she found it odd that he only started being nice to her the night of the stripper fiasco…all she knew was that he was attracted to her. And maybe nothing else.
She winced. “No,” Heeseung’s eyes darted back to hers in surprise, his flirty energy dying on impact. “I won’t be your week-long rebound,”
“Y/n you’re not a—”
“I know what a rebound is, Heeseung,” she continued. “Don’t feel guilty. I just uh, can’t be that for you,”
Heeseung furrowed his eyebrows, “I…I like you, though, I mean that,”
Y/n scoffed. “That doesn’t carry a lot of weight considering when you started acting like…” she moved her hand up and down to gesture, “…like this. The night after you got dumped, you saw your kind of hot neighbor in a strip show — I get it!”
“So you don’t believe that I like you?”
“I think you’re into me, but no. I do not think you like me,” Y/n crossed her arms protectively, “I think you’d date me for a month or two, realize you’re still in love with your ex-girlfriend, and then dump me because you ‘don’t wanna string me along’ as if that wasn’t what you were doing the whole time,”
Y/n watched as Heeseung swallowed, struggling to come up with something to say in return. He opened his mouth for a moment, but closed it again. Giving Heeseung a pity-laced smile, Y/n stood up, touching his shoulder as she did. “Thank you for the food. That was sweet of you,”
She walked out. He didn’t follow her.
She wished he did.
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3. Gestures of Appreciation No one likes to have their effort and affection gone unnoticed — show her you care and appreciate her being in your life.
Hold on…what?
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73 notes ¡ View notes
welcomingdisaster ¡ 1 day
pov: you're browsing the "#hidden city" tag on first-age beleriand tumblr
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💜 elfcontrol Follow 'speciecism' 'gondolindrim privilege' 'anti-anti-noldolante' you sound insane please go outside. please touch grass. please listen to the song of the stars
⛅ gil-ass-tel Follow can't i'm in nargothrond #underground #hidden city #think before you speak
(231 notes)
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🌸 skunkmaid Following i have to be honest i didn't realize we weren't allowed to leave gondolin. was really busy embroidering a tablecloth and didn't notice until yesterday when i tried to walk out (needed more blue thread)
💠diamondcraft Mutuals girl it's been 200 years
(31 notes)
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🌬️feeeeacalimë Follow idk & idc how drunk the king was he was so real for this
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#its down now #should have kept it up #hidden city life fr
(2099 notes)
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🌻sweetflowersofspring Mutuals Personally I'm a huge fan of how every once in a while the King just brings a Man or 2 around. go off keep it fresh #i liked the two little ones #but ngl tuor is hot as shit #tuor call me #hidden city
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🌃wordsmithfoul Mutuals i think it's actually awesome and exciting that finrod let murder-cousin1 and murder-cousin2 into the kingdom! they're really well known for getting along with all of their kin! oaths dont work underground or anything this won't backfire! 🙃🙃🙃🙃 #how some of y'all sound rn #hidden city discourse
(131 notes)
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🪨 madattwilight Follow A Union of Souls | 2.8k | Idril/Maeglin
Summary: When Idril Celebrindal meets her cousin Maeglin for the first time, she does not spare him a second look as a romantic partner. However, after he sits her down and logically explains to her that he is the best possible mate due to a variety of factors (good looks, intellect, ability to mine at incredible speeds) she leaves Tuor to wed him under the stars.
READ MORE ON MY WATTPAD! #rpf #idrilmaeglin #dontlikedontread #lemon #sex #cousinsex #hopethishappens #no betas we die like that stupid toddler should #hidden city (2 notes)
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🧵broiderycreature Following its wednesday my dudes everyone post pictures of orodreth looking bored and despondent and slightly wet in court #wednesday posting #hidden city (128 notes)
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🌟 starstrewn Follow
🌟 starstrewn Follow
✨⛔this post is not for kinslayers⛔✨⛔kinslayers do NOT reblog⛔✨⛔kinslayers do not interact⛔✨
#adding that since i see whos reblogging #cant believe that needed to be said
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reputayswift ¡ 9 months
(☝️🥁✌️🥁☝️✌️🥁…wait, is this the song with the drums? 🤔)
I met a guy 🙋‍♂️ in the summer 🏖️ and I left him 🏃‍♀️💨🙍‍♂️ in the spring 🌷 he argued with me 🗣️🙄 about everything 🤷‍♀️ he had an:
ego 😎
and a temper 🤬
and a wandering eye 👀
he said he’s 6’2” 😌🧍‍♂️📏 and I’m like, “dude, nice try” 🤥🤏😭 but he was so much fun! 🥳 and he had such weird friends! 🤡🤡🤡 and he would take us out to parties and the night would never end! 👯‍♀️💃🪩🕺🌌 another:
☝️ song 🎶
✌️ club 🌃
☝️✌️ bar 🍻
✌️✌️ dance 💃🕺
and when he said something wrong 🗣️🤚😡 he’d just fly me to france 💁‍♀️✈️🇫🇷🥖 so I miss him some nights 😔🌠 when I’m feeling depressed 🙍‍♀️⛈️ (‘til I remember every time he made a pass at my friend 🤔💭😘🧍‍♀️) do I:
love him? 😍🥰
hate him? 🏃‍♂️🗡️🏃‍♀️💨🤬
I guess it’s up and down 🤷‍♀️⬆️⬇️ if I HAD to choose I would say right now…🤔
get him back! 🏃‍♂️🗡️🏃‍♀️💨
make him really jealous 😠🟩 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
make him feel BAD 😭💔👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
get him back! 🏃‍♂️💕🏃‍♀️💨
(‘cause then again 🤔 I really miss him 😔💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 and it makes me real SAD 😭💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨)
SWEET revenge 🏃‍♂️🗡️🤪
him again…😔💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
to get him BACK 😩 (BACK, back…)
so I write him all these letters 📝👩‍💻 and I throw them in the trash 🫳📃🗑️ ‘cause I miss the way he kisses 😔💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 and the way he made me laugh 😔💭🤭 yeah, I pour my little heart out 👩‍💻🤳🏻💕 but as I’m hitting send 👩‍💻👉💌 I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends 👩‍💻💭🫣🤢🥴🙄 because everyone KNEW 🧐🧐🧐🧐 all of the SHIT that he’d do 💩 he said I was the only girl 🗣️🤚🤭 but that just wasn’t the truth!! 🧍‍♀️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 and when I told him how he hurt me 🤬🗯️ he’d tell me I was trippin’ 🙄💬 but I AM my father’s daughter 👨‍⚕️🙋‍♀️ (so maybe I could fix him 🤷‍♀️👩‍⚕️🩺🧍‍♂️)
get him back! 🏃‍♂️🗡️🏃‍♀️💨
make him really jealous 😠🟩 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
make him feel BAD 😭💔👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
get him back! 🏃‍♂️💕🏃‍♀️💨
(‘cause then again 🤔 I really miss him 😔💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 and it makes me real SAD 😭💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨)
SWEET revenge 🏃‍♂️🗡️🤪
him again…😔💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
to get him BACK 😩 (and then? 🤔 🗣️ and then!!!!)
to get him BACK (back…back…)
key his car…🚙🔑🤏😈
make him lunch 🍲✨👌😇🪽
break his heart…💔💥🔨😈 (then be the one to stitch it up ���️‍🩹🪡🤏😇🪽)
kiss his face 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 (with an UPPERCUT 🤕💥🥊😈)
meet his mom 😇🤝👵 (just to tell her HER SON SUCKS!! 🗣️🗯️🫢)
I WANNA key his car…🚙🔑🤏😈 I WANNA make him lunch 🍲✨👌😇🪽I WANNA break his heart…💔💥🔨😈 stitch it right back up ❤️‍🩹🪡🤏😇🪽I WANNA kiss his face 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 with an UPPERCUT 🤕💥🥊😈 I WANNA meet his mom 😇🤝👵 and tell her HER SON SUCKS!! 🗣️🗯️🫢
🗣️👏 I WANNA:
get him back! 🏃‍♂️🗡️🏃‍♀️💨
make him really jealous 😠🟩 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
make him feel BAD 😭💔👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
🗣️👏 I WANNA:
get him back! 🏃‍♂️💕🏃‍♀️💨
(‘cause then again 🤔 I really miss him 😔💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 and it makes me real SAD 😭💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨)
SWEET revenge 🏃‍♂️🗡️🤪
him again…😔💭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
to get him BACK 😩 (and then? 🤔 🗣️ and then!!!)
to get him BACK, back, BAaAaCK…
🎸🎸🎸 I’ll get him! I’ll get him! I’ll get him! I’ll get him 😈💕BACK!!💕😈 (🗣️👏🗣️👏) Get him back!! (🗣️👏🗣️👏)
🍺🥴 I'm gonna get him sooooo good, he's not even gonna know what hit him…he’s gonna love me and hate me at the same time 😇😈💕 (🗣️👏 you better get him BACK!) shsjdidk I got him good I got him REALLY good 🗣️🍻🥴
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chaosology ¡ 7 months
—sam kerr x reader | social media!au
based off this request, i hope it's okkkk - Sam and reader cekebrate CNY together.
sam masterlist
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liked by samanthakerr20, maryfowlerr and 17,834 others
y/n_kerr nobody told me having a kid meant them getting all the good stuff… what have we done?
samanthakerr20 complaining like she wasn’t swimming in red envelopes earlier! 🙄
y/n_kerr did i ask? 🤨 shhhhh
y/nismommy so true but at least ur a milf
samkerrupdates Happy CNY you guys! 🫶
caitlinfoord 😭😭😭
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liked by macca.thegoat, deuxmoi and 392 others
samkerrupdates Sam in Y/N’s younger sister’s story! Celebrating with her family for the upcoming new year, I wonder if we’ll get some baby content 👀
y/nfloral omggg the first one i’m crying it's so cute
iheartchelseagirls tell me how i know for a fact her ass can’t properly fold the dumplings
tilliesmylove the zoom on sam lmfaoooo
y/narchives is this in perth?
samkerrupdates pretty sure, yes! both their families live there
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liked by y/n_kerr, maryfowlerr and 13,599 others
samanthakerr20 when you chuck a fit every time mum puts you in red so now you just have to go as the rabbit instead 😍
charli_grant Omgggggg
kerrkerrkerr everytime i am reminded she has a kid i fall further in love
y/nfloral that's MOTHER fr
stephcatley Where's my invite?
y/n_kerr stop exploiting our child and get in the car samantha 🙄
samanthakerr20 brave words from the girl who just asked for another 😩
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liked by samanthakerr20, roxannekerr20 and 19,028 others
y/n_kerr cny dump 🐇 🧧 🌃
samanthakerr20 ❤️❤️
kerrkerrkerr u guys r too cute !!
maryfowlermarryme that should be me wtf guys
roxannekerr20 Love you three!
y/n_kerr ❤️
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artoodeetootired ¡ 2 months
it’s messy inside a girl’s head
a masterlist
♾ so far ♾
📱 smau
✍🏼 one-shot/blurb
🍷 yk... (prolly not anytime soon tho)
📖 series
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op!81 🐱
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🫧 lowkey 🫧
“us in a king size, keep it a secret. say i’m ur queen, but i don’t wanna leave this lowkey.”
🥀 dress 🥀
“say my name n everythin' just stops. i don’t want u like a best friend. only bought this dress so u could take it off…”
🔜 dress (ii) 📱📖
ln!4 😴
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ob!87 🐻
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🔜 🚑 campus 🚑
”but i see you walking 'cross the campus. cruel professor, studying romances. how am i supposed to pretend? that i never wanna see you again?”
🔜 🌃 someone to you🌃
“if the sun starts setting and the sky goes cold; if the clouds get heavy and start to fall. i really need somebody to call my own. i just wanna be somebody to someone- someone to you.”
cs!55 🌶
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dr!3 🦡
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mv!1 🦥
cl!16 🦮
ls!2 👮🏼‍♂️
anakin skywalker 🌌
💠 how you get the girl: 📖 (i) (ii) 💠
im super open to any requests for any one of these drivers (besides the ones already sitting in my draft), any other f1 driver, or any other character you'd like me to write for !
extra: your votes !
f1 (i)
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fiapartridge ¡ 5 months
quinn x oona | how they met pt. 1! 🚙🌃✨
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author's note: this is like kinda how they met??? like when they first saw each other, but they haven't learned each other's names yet, you know???? anyways hope u enjoy their little universe! send in asks for this au!
Who has a party at 2:56 AM on a Tuesday in the middle of February? Stupid ass people, that’s who, and Oona was ready to blast a hole through the wall that connected her living room to the apartment beside it. Honest to God, the only thing that was stopping her from going full-on Hulk on that piece of thin fiber cement was, well, the landlord and her roommate, Grace Castellan (Gracie to everyone who knows her, and ‘that one talkative white girl’ to everyone who didn’t).
Oona met Gracie in her first year at NYU. They were in their Intro to Theatre Studies class when Gracie talked up the ear of anyone in a 10-mile radius of her, and the only person who didn’t mind and actually enjoyed Gracie’s endless tangent of how blackholes are somehow exactly like the Kardashians’ reality show, was Oona. They sat next to each other for the rest of the semester, and once they graduated college, they decided to move back to their home city of Vancouver, Canada where, coincidentally, they both were from, using this time to audition for roles and hopefully land themselves a part that will guarantee them a ticket to Hollywood, or at least a ticket back to New York (rent is hard to manage there when you’re living off of small commercial roles and hand modeling gigs).
As Oona sat on her living room couch, a snoring Gracie and her long pajama-covered (they have unicorns on them) legs were limp across Oona as she tried to push her tired limbs off and slip towards the door without making a peep. But, much to Oona’s sheer luck (she isn’t a very lucky girl), a peep was made and there Gracie was, sitting up in so much alarm you would think that an intruder just busted through the door and screamed at her to put her hands up.
“I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING! OONA HAS MONEY STORED IN HER UNDERWEAR DRAWER! PLEASE DON’T KILL US!” Gracie screamed, still half-asleep and disoriented.
Oona groaned, lightly slapping Gracie’s cheek. “No one’s here, you psycho. I’m just getting up to go somewhere.”
Gracie peeled her eyes open, brushing her messy hair with the tips of her pink-and-white-painted fingernails. “Where are you going at,” she took a moment to check the Apple watch on her wrist. “2:56 AM?”
Oona walked closer to the door, slipping on a pair of Uggs and tying her hair into a messy bun, pulling out strands to frame her face correctly. “Do you not hear that? They’re louder than your brother was at that time we went to the mall and he was screaming at you to buy him that ugly RC car.”
Gracie shivered. “I’ve gotten a lot of weird looks in my lifetime, but those 40 year old women in the toy aisle of Sears? I still get chills.”
“See? Now I’m going to go over there and make them wish they never even moved here.”
Gracie rolled her eyes. “No way. The last time you said something like that, you ended up being the one apologizing. You’re the biggest pushover I have ever met.”
Oona scoffed. “Am not! I just—”
“Want everyone to like you,” Gracie interrupted. She was right. Gracie was always right when it came to Oona, but Oona would never admit that. She was a people pleaser, but who was that hurting? If she said yes to everything and if she was nice to everyone, then no one was sad and no one got what they didn’t want. Well, except for Oona.
Sighing, she said, “I’m just gonna go talk to them. Maybe they’ll come to their senses.”
Gracie laughed, tilting her head back slightly. “Yeah, right. I saw them on the elevator last week; they’re hockey douchebags to the max.”
“They can’t be that bad.”
“They’re having a party at almost 3 AM, if you combined every player on that team, they would probably make up one brain cell, and I can smell the beer from here, but yeah, sure they’re great people.”
“Fine, fine,” Oona huffed. “But I’m still gonna talk to them. Maybe they’ll change,” she smiled, a too optimistic smile for a dire-looking situation. Because who ever heard of a hockey player changing his ways? No one, that’s who.
Opening the door, Oona walked the small five steps over to the neighboring apartment. She knocked once, twice, three times, even. Nothing. The blaring music must’ve drowned out her pounding knocks. Just as she was about to go in for a fourth, the door opened and her body quickly went with it. 
“Woah there,” a voice echoed through her ears, holding her body up as his hands softly gripped her arms. She stumbled back, landing on her two feet and managing to stay vertical despite the embarrassment rushing through her cheeks and the small little voice in her brain telling her to get the hell out of there immediately. 
The man standing in front of her was tall, taller than anyone she knew, and he had short blonde hair and the clearest green eyes she had ever seen. He had an accent that she wasn’t too familiar with. German maybe? Or possibly Swedish? 
“Um, do you live here?” she asked, tapping her nails against the metal frame of the door. And looking beyond the tall Swedish man, she could tell that it wasn’t much of a party, but a hangout. More tall men were lingering in the living room, beers in hand and potato chips spilled on every counter. On the center island in the kitchen lay an abandoned plate of celery and carrots, most likely a tribute to their strict hockey diets that apparently no one was following.
He shook his head.
“Okay,” she talked slowly. “Um, do you know who lives here?”
Breathing deeply, Oona tapped her fingers a bit harsher against the doorframe, still maintaining a gentle smile on her (now) slightly red face. “Can you bring them here? I need to talk to…whoever it is.”
Nodding, he turned around, cupping his mouth with his large hands and yelling, “Huggy!” before waving him over to where they stood at the entryway.
Huggy? Oona chuckled at the nickname. Who nicknames a ferocious hockey player Huggy?
But as the shorter boy moved through, somehow, still energetic bodies and met the two at the door, Oona felt something crawl around her stomach and make the fading red of her cheeks come back in harsher hues. His hair was a chestnut color and it looked soft and smooth, like you could run your hands through it a million times and it still wouldn’t be enough. He wore a gray hoodie and black jeans, his hands in his pockets as he smiled politely at the blushing girl.
“Can I help you?”
Her mouth ran dry as she licked her lips. She tucked the thin strands of black hair behind her ear and proceeded (or tried to proceed). “It’s 3 AM and I’m trying to sleep,” Oona said, hoping he would take the hint and quiet down a bit.
He scoffed, smirking with his cute lips and his cute hair and his cute gray hoodie that looks so soft you just want to wrap your cold body in it. And it probably smells good, too. It probably smells like his scent in the mornings, woodsy yet fresh like white linen sheets and candles that would make you think he has a woman living with him, but nope. That’s just him. But Oona’s just guessing. Not to make things weird or anything. She’s totally not dreaming about what her handsome neighbor’s hoodie smells like because that would be weird—haha. Totally weird.
He leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over themselves, and while he wasn’t as tall as the man that initially opened the door, he made Oona feel just as small. His smile was infectious, but not in a big ‘bring it in, let’s hug way,’ but in a more sultry way. Like you can feel a rollercoaster rumbling in your stomach despite him not saying a single word. 
“Are you?” he asked.
She laughed at that because there was no way that he was serious. It didn’t even sound like a question, God it sounded like…like flirting? But that wasn’t even the bizarre thing, no the bizarre thing was that somehow made Oona 10 times angrier. Why was he flirting with her? Does he think that she’ll just fall into his trap and let it all slide? Does he think that she’s just a stupid girl that he can get to do anything he says? Because that’s not Oona Hashimoto. Not in the slightest. And if he wants to play that game, then fine. 
Let’s play that game.
She stepped closer, her hand landing on his bicep as he stuttered for a moment. Like he was on high alert all of a sudden. His eyes wandered down to her hand, and then he relaxed because she was falling right into the palm of his hand, so he thought. She raised her head, staring him right in his deep green eyes. She pouted a bit, changing her whole demeanor. Because they’re playing the same game here. It’s just a matter of who will crack first.
“Please?” she asked, gazing up at him with brown doe eyes. “I won’t say a word after tonight. Just do this one thing? Please?”
He sighed, straightening up and causing her hand to fall off his bicep. “As much as I’d love to do that,” he grinned. “I don’t want to.”
Her brows furrowed, her doe eyes turning into burning rage, and lips turning from a pout to a pissed off frown. “What do you mean you ‘don’t want to?’”
He shrugged. “Exactly that. Goodnight,” he smiled before placing his hand on the door and slowly shutting it before Oona held it open, scoffing.
“No, you don’t get to be an asshole and then just shut the door on me. All I’m asking is for you to just turn down the music!” 
“Yeah, well it sounds like the person being loud is you,” he pointed. Bending down to Oona’s level, he whispered, “You’re shouting.”
“You are insufferable, you know that?”
“Yeah, you said it a couple of times. Can I go now or do you want to keep going?”
Oona crossed her arms, fury burning through her veins as she watched him smile as if he did nothing wrong. As if he was enjoying this. “Go to hell.”
“See ya there, neighbor.”
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hellolovers13 ¡ 24 days
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💟I Hope We Never Change💟
Harry/Louis | E | 13k | genderfluid harry, angst, canon compliant, gender dysphoria
“I just wanted to try how it feels.” “The clothes?” Niall asked .Harry nodded. “Is that, that's too weird right, I shouldn't-” “Hey, stop it. I told you already, it's not weird. It's just how you feel. That's okay. You can try whatever you want, okay. And you can always, always talk to me. Remember that.” or Harry is confused about everything, so is Louis. At least they have Niall.
🌱Plant New Seeds🌱
Harry/Louis | T | 2k | meet cute
L: i think i might have a watering ghost. There’s water on that plant and it sure wasn’t me Z: 👻💦 either that or you’re just sleepwalking. Best guess is still the magical plant thing. Lemme know if you find your princess 😘 or Someone was desperately trying to keep Louis' poor houseplant alive.
💞Up on the Roof with a School Girl Crush💞
Harry/Louis | M | 4k | meet cute
Harry was just trying to get some work done and have a quiet night in. He did not expect to become host to a drunken Louis, who had overestimated his Halloween costume's ability to fly.
Harry/Louis | M | 1k | TW: miscarriage, stillbirth
Before 24 weeks it's considered a miscarriage, not a stillbirth. No matter that he had to go through labour. No matter that he was holding his child in his arms.
🍼fragile line🍼 (second part to haunted)
Harry/Louis | M | 2k | TW: talk of abortion and suicide, mention of previous miscarriage, stillbirth
Now, five different fonts told him the same thing. Pregnant.
Harry/Louis | G | 3.5k | getting back together, momrry
They hadn't seen each other in four years, why was Louis still writing songs about Harry? Larry take on the song Chicago
🛏️London🛏️ (second part to Chicago) Harry/Louis | M | 2k | fluff, kid fic, momrry
A lazy morning in bed. Finally home.
👶Glasgow👶 (third part to Chicago) Harry/Louis | T | 2k | fluff, kid fic, momrry
Louis' first moments with his newborn daughter.
🎄Every Snowflake Is Different (Just Like You)🎄
Harry/Louis | E | 20k | meet cute, christmas fic, genderfluid harry
Turns out, getting snowed in with your not quite One-Night Stand wasn’t actually that bad. But the snow wouldn’t last forever. Was there a chance for love even after the snow had melted?
👄Slow Hands👄
Harry/Niall Harry/Louis | E | 3k | smut, dom louis, sub harry, genderfluid harry
“Wait. So when you say you’re genderfluid, that means sometimes you’re a girl, right?” “Uh, yeah.” “So when I asked what you’d do if you were a girl and you said ‘Niall’. Does that apply now?”
📞Love In Conversation 📞
Harry/Louis | T | 5k | meet cute, baking fails
King Arthur Baking Hotline. Your bread fell flat. Your cookies crumbled. Who do you turn to? The King Arthur Baker's Hotline. or Louis has a severe baking breakdown. Thankfully, he gets help from baking-hotline operator Harry.
❄️love drunk, waiting on a miracle ❄️
Harry/Louis | T | 15.6k | coffeshop au, christmas fic
Harry has a bit of a crush on a customer. Thankfully, the feeling is mutual. These are their first 24 days together.
🍆Pretty Miscalculations🍆 (part one of the Mess Me Up Series)
Harry/Louis | E | 5.2k | dom louis, sub harry, sex toys, nipple play, aftercare
After rudely interrupting Louis’ Christmas shopping, Louis offers Harry a choice and an opportunity to try out his new purchases.
🌶️Hits Different🌶️ (part two of the Mess Me Up Series)
Harry/Louis | E | 4.8k | dom louis, sub harry, spanking, daddy kink
After their one night together Louis had not expected Harry back for more. Turns out he was wrong.
🍼known it all this time (of tiktoks and baby making)🍼
Harry/Louis | E | 1.7k | smut, pregnancy kink, momrry
If Harry doesn't stop sending Louis those videos, who knows what's gonna happen.
👑The Pros and Cons of Breathing👑
Harry/Louis | E | 82k | A/B/O, arranged marriage, historical fantasy, angst, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, trauma
Omega Harry has always known he'd be married off someday. It's to be expected, given his station. So his betrothal to Prince Louis comes as no surprise. While he's nervous about leaving his home, and the life and people he knows, he's still hopeful for a good match and a happy marriage. But when Louis avoids him at all costs, and is downright cruel to him at times, it leaves Harry trying to make sense of his new life alone. Can he find happiness - and a home - even in a broken marriage?
🌷Something Secret🌷 (TPACOB - Companion)
Niall/Zayn | E | 3.5k | A/B/O, fluff, falling in love
Eternity starts with a pink rose.
👰Wed’n Walk (Or, We Went to Amsterdam Together)👰
Harry/Louis | E | 11.4k | friends to lovers, fake married au
When Harry had first started planning his honeymoon to Amsterdam, he had not envisioned ending up there with his best friend. Or getting fake-married to him for 24 hours.
Harry/Louis | M | 4k | strangers to lovers, trans harry
Please do not disturb my plant She needs 2 hours of sunlight a day and I live in a sunless flat I’ll be back to collect her soon Thank you and stay well. or Louis should've looked where he was going, then he wouldn't have to desperately try to save a little flower now.
🏆Brit's AU (The Kissing Game)🏆
Harry/Louis, Niall/Lewis Capaldi | E | | 1,5k | crack, one direction reunion, kissing
Lewis' quest to reunite One Direction via kiss
😟play pretend😟
Harry/Louis | T | 1k | gender dysphoria, depression, implied self harm, trans harry
just a bad day for him for her
🩷His and Hers🩵
Harry/Louis | T | 1.8k | trans Harry, canon compliant, fluff, tiny bit of angst
It's just a blanket, it shouldn't make Harry freak out like this
🌇Together We're the Greatest🌇
Harry/Louis | E | 4.6k | dystopia, getting back together, blood and injury, angst, soulmates, misunderstandings, hand jobs, hurt/comfort
“How the fuck does this always happen to you?” Louis huffed, pulling Harry's limp body into the half fallen apart car he'd borrowed for this. Well, he didn't intend to give it back, really, but insurance covered theft, did it not? And this thing was basically held together with duct tape and good faith, so really, the former owners should thank him for taking it off their hands. - It's not the first time Louis has to stitch Harry back together, but Louis will make sure it is the last.
🏳️‍⚧️Hold Me Tight (Or Don’t)🏳️‍⚧️
Harry/Louis | E | 13.6k | trans harry, famous/non-famous au, fangirl harry, angst, falling in love
Falling in love with Louis is easy enough. Separating Louis from the singer persona Harry has been a fan of for years, however, is not. But she's not the only one making assumptions.
💗Til the Afterglow💗
Louis/Niall/Harry | E | 8.1k | A/B/O, heats, falling in love, smut
When Harry goes into heat in a random hotel room a thousand miles from home, there's more than one Alpha offering his help. Harry can't possibly be asked to choose.
☕I'll Get You Through☕
Harry/Louis | G | 1.1k | pining, domestic
Louis will always pick up when Harry calls. Always.
Ί we don't fight fair Ί
Harry/Louis | E | 2k | A/B/O, smut, non-traditional A/B/O dynamics
“What, you think I'll just roll over for you now?” The smirk on Louis’ face was almost devilish. “Yes,” He breathed against Harry’s lips, cocky and sure, like it was a fact of life. It sent all kinds of shivers through Harry. God, but he wanted to. Wanted Louis to have him right against this wall, let everyone see how he fell apart under him. But not tonight. Harry fixed his posture, standing up straighter and trying to get himself under control. “I don't think so, omega.” Or: Nothing like a little chase to start off Louis' heat.
👗Secret Moments👗 (First Part of the She Series)
Harry | G | 1.7k | trans harry, gender things, gender euphoria
Harry's first dress.
🫂The Truth In Me🫂 (Second Part of the She Series)
Harry & Zayn | G | 1.1k | trans harry, coming out, harry & zayn friendship
Harry is ready to come out to her best friend.
💄Hold On Tighter💄 (Third Part of the She Series)
Harry | G | 1.4k | trans harry, coming out, angst & feels
Harry finally has the house to herself again. Or so she thought.
📿Take the Moment and Taste It📿
Harry/Louis | E | 4.6k | strangers to lovers, smut, cheeky harry, meet cute
“You made him a bracelet?” “Yeah. It’s a whole thing, people make these friendship bracelets and trade them at the shows. I got a bunch from fans while I was there, but I wanted to give Harry one, with my number on it.” “Your number as in 28, your squad number, or your phone number?” Louis smirked. “You know which one.” or Louis didn't get the chance to give Harry his bracelet in person, but Harry isn't one to leave fate alone.
🧹Disenchanted Series🧹
Harry/Louis | E | 25.2k | witch!harry, strangers to lovers, Magic AU, slow burn
Witch Harry is just trying to live his life. Then there's Louis.
The Potion
If Harry were a calm and collected person, he would simply take the scroll back now and leave. Sadly, his mama had blessed him with lots of wonderful things, his soft curls, his biting green eyes, his magic affinity, but he had not inherited any of her patience. So instead, he got right up in Hedgehog’s face, thrilling at the fact he had to bend down just the tiniest bit to look into his eyes. Such a shame, too. This guy had pretty blue eyes and if he wasn't drenched in the stench of The Hunters™, he might've even made a decent fuck, but that was neither here nor there now. or Harry is a witch minding his own business, Louis is a nuisance.
The Escape
Harry is still minding his own business, Louis is still annoying. Well, fine. Maybe he is the tiniest bit helpful, too.
The Healer
Harry is trying to- Louis is- He's going to make it. Harry will make sure of that.
The Curse
Time for Harry to confront his past. Or not?
The Heart
True love isn't something that was ever going to be in the cards for Harry. It finds him anyway.
🧛If You Leave me🧛
Niall/Zayn | E | 5k | Vampire AU, Exes to Lovers, angst, smut, overthinking
Niall spends too much time in his own head, almost breaking his (and Zayn's) heart in the process.
💌Lonely Cards Club💌
Harry/Louis | T | 25.8k | Advent fluff, strangers?/exes?/friends? to lovers
Harry's life in Cardiff is rather uneventful. Until he receives a strange Christmas postcard. It gets even stranger when he finds another one the next day. 💌 An Advent story about missed opportunities and second chances.
🫂It's okay, 'cause you're not alone🫂
Niall/Zayn | T | 1k | panic attacks, canon compliant, hurt/comfort
Niall focussed on Zayn’s steady heartbeat, tried to use it to ground himself. thump, thump, thump One, two, three. He was safe. Always safe in Zayn’s arms.
💚Dreaming of a Green Christmas💚
Harry/Louis | E | 4.2k | Size Queen Louis, sex toys, Harry in panties
Harry opens the wrong package by mistake and finds the sex toy Louis ordered for himself. That's not an opportunity Harry can pass up on.
✒️What's in a Name✒️
Harry/Louis | T | 2.6k | Soulmate AU, Trans Harry, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers
Louis had always known Harry was his soulmate. The name on his arm disagreed. But what did his soulmark know about true love anyway.
Louis, Harry | T | 2k | Major Character Death, Zombie AU, fatherhood
A father's desperate journey against time.
🚪On Love's Doorstep🚪
Harry/Louis | T | 1.6k | Fluff, Harry in a dress
Harry Styles: a day in the life ☑ Stuck in a dress ☑ Abandoned by his best friend ☑ Date with hot neighbour All in all, not the worst day ever
53 notes ¡ View notes
doukeshi-kun ¡ 7 months
a promise is a promise
daddy's home 😘
🌃-anon here ^^ hooray!!
okay okay phew it's been so long i forgot how to write anon ask but, a comeback is desperately needed to save the day. I'm here to talk about professor!nikolai agenda. your girl started uni and i need to cope.
while collegestudent!nikolai has been eating my brain like crazy, professor!nikolai is as needed. i might hit you up with college student nikolai someday tho cuz my classmates are all weird and i need that daily dose of delusion that someday, i'll meet a student as awesome and as fun as nikolai is in my head
little disclaimer to anyone reading this: dark content ahead. we dont do any of that irl it's just fiction, so if you're sensitive to prof x student shit keep scrolling. i say reader is 20-ish and papi nikolai is pushing 30 😁
random prof!nikolai headcanons ahead 🗣️
prof kolya is definitely one of the cool teachers on campus yk? the type that's loved by all of the students because of how laid back he is and how much he doesn't give a shit yk??? like "prof we didn't study for the test tomorrow can we postpone it?" "we will. i havent put the text either" 💀 that type you know?
BUT simultaneously, he can also be really strict depending on the context yk? while he's chill, he can't tolerate disrespect like, not at all. he jokes around with his students but with limits and boundaries.
clothes-wise i feel like he dresses super well 🤔 as opposed to headcanons I've seen, i dont think he dresses weird or in an eccentric way like canon nikolai is, he wears casual clothes :3 fashionable? yes. but nothing weird. he's tall, broad with really unique features (i imagine nikolai with one of them typical european noses and plump looking lips. this part is totally up to you tho)
prof kolya was a really unproblematic physics professor (yk in canon he has teleportation abilities so uh) that is until y/n took a course with him,
we're met with two cases: y/n is calm and quiet in class, y/n puts herself out there. now let's be for real, teachers love good students so the higher the grades the better the sex more you'll get attention from him (god imagine nikolai praising you😮‍💨)
now if you're quiet- OMG since he gets along well with students i feel like he'll openly joke around with students except for you (if you're quiet) he'll just talk with you in a low voice (btw i imagine classes like, small classes not amphitheaters or any of that) let me elaborate: you're in class yk he's explaining quantum physics or some shit and occasionally interacting with his students. his gaze falls on you once he's standing right in front of your desk and lets a small question slide like "is it ok?" "do you get it?" or flashing you a small smile or so 🤭 he's not mocking you or anything he's being genuine (for once) bc you're openly his favorite
and by that, and as someone who's a favorite for nearly all my professors so far the privileges i get isnt anything like grades or whatever but more like validation? im a good student i dont need their crusty dusty extra credits. one of the privileges i get is for example, during exams, the prof tells me "so, [name], we're scoring an A+ in this test too?" yk and it's genuine so nikolai i that type too.
(i leave anything sexual or suggestive for you to develop bc im really bad and awkward at that)
conclusion: he shamelessly favorites you in front of other students.
though you two would become a thing faster if reader is on the more loud type in his class: always participating, asking questions, joking around maybe.... i feel like when you have a question thats a little long to explain, he'd ask u to come to his office and what happens there is up to your imagination dear bean
will quickly become your number one emotional support throughout college 🥱 imagine not doing well in the exam and you go to his office to talk to him about it and he comforts you by [redacted]
anyways i could go on and ramble forever. i'd love to hear your dirty thoughts on this nikolai au :3 what i wrote is hella long and messy but we're mere disciples beanie, you're the writer here hehe
as usual, have a good/day night!!
I REALLY LOVE YOU SO MUCH *sloppily kissing slop slop*
first of all, yeeee goodluck with college and don't die bcs i almost did 😎👉 and secondly, no let's NOT get nikolai pushing 30s. HE IS 35 ATLEAST IDC HAHAHA im gonna reply to each one headcanon bcs you deserve it girlie 💋✨
yes! he totally gives me the vibe to be laid-back at his work. he's so gonna do something like that lmao. also, despite his laid-back persona and he's always like “ehh~ just answer this easy ass quiz and i'll take it as your assignment mark”, i do think he does his job greatly. there's a time where he needs to get things done and while it doesn't seem like he's doing shit, he actually GETS. SHIT. DONE. that's why he isn't fucking fired 💀
strict prof. nikolai.... ugh *spreads legs*😝 i agree. he does have limit and i feel like he wouldn't scold people or raise his voice but certainly when he's being colder and quieter, oooh you fucked up big time
i do think he wears classic style to go to classes! i'm thinking... dark academia. and yes, he's tall and broad and so big✨ i feel like it also depends on the subject. if prof nikolai is teaching theatre or drama... those kind of things, he will wear something maximalist, if that makes sense? imagine a mad hatter-themed suit but formal. unfortunately, i can't draw for life.
physics professor hmmmm why don't he come here and expand the space of my quantum pussy😏😏
i can imagine raaaaaaa :barkbarkbark: him praising you in front of the whole class because you got quite high marks for physics ahakss😝
HMMMMMMM SOFTY :feral: i can't fucking breathe😩 yes he'd totally be loud to those who are loud with him but if you're quiet and serene, he'll be soft as fuck rrrrrrrrr imagine him noticing you not understanding something and he takes the initiative to come to your desk, teach you with the softest (yet deep) voice ever. NOT MOCKING ME TOO? woah what a green flag 💚
lmfao i can totally relate with you😭 honestly, validation is too pressuring, stressing and overwhelming for me. i hate when teachers are like “so, elie, you can score A for this right?” bih i just barely got the B-grade fym (burnt-out gifted kid be like;). anyway, i'm half-half on this. but i do think if he makes such comments, and he notices you aren't uncomfortable, he wouldn't go put his way to directly say that. maybe he just makes comment that implies he does have certain expectations on you
(i'll develop the sexual things myself *takes off his pants and develop his wood*)
conclusion: he becomes my favourite subject😝❤️
i'm honestly thinking that he prefers it if you are an active student. idk, for me, nikolai (in general) likes challenges and fun. so if you're actively questioning this or that, he'd take interest in you really quick. also, i will invite myself into his office tyvm
definitely get emotional. lmao imagine ranting about other professors with him and he just supports you
well my dirty thought is that he becomes my private tutor. HA HOW BOUT THAT HUHHH but in all honesty, i love the thought of him riling and teasing you instead of yk, playing favourite and get you alone in his office. he likes edging people and he'd surely likes it if you tease him back too ayy papi😝
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avkima ¡ 8 months
Sneak peak: Invisible Strings
Jamie flatters x original character college AU
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Tags: friend groups, Bailey Bass is your bff, Avatar cast, Sam and Zoe are your parents simply because they can be, fluff, friends to lovers, angst, love triangle if you squint, unrequited love but it’s really not, closed door smut.
I truly don’t think I’ve lived before I found you.
But it was always meant to be
I never saw the world until I looked into your deep brown eyes.
You were there in the little things, but how had our paths never crossed?
I never felt alive until I felt your touch.
As a connected duet we preform this experience together.
I wish to dance with you forever.
For eternity—
Not just till death do us part.
“Shall I compare the to a summers day?” “I’m more of a fall to be honest”
When you became friends with Jamie he had this air of unattainable in your mind as he got closer he also got further away. Not because of the life he led or the way he held himself, and you instantly thought he was gorgeous but still that wasn’t exactly it either… it was because he was all you’d ever wanted. You knew his flaws but still, he was perfect to you. Too good to be true too heavy a heartbreak if you lost him. So, you kept it all to yourself—you were surely in the friendzone anyways.
Your best friend Bailey is trying to get you out of your antisocial rut that started with your breakup. You hit it off with one of her friends but he’s Jamie, the film major guy every girl wants and he’s not that kinda guy so he’s even more irresistible. Coffee is just coffee though, friends get coffee…
Big friend group vibes, dinner parties, and love triangles
Chapter 1 coming soon -oxoxox💋
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hoes4hoseok ¡ 1 year
how you get the girl part i: nightwing’s guardian angels
previous ☆ next ☆ series masterlist
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your neighbor, heeseung, gets on your nerves. he’s full of himself, makes more noise than all of your neighbors combined in the middle of the night, spreads anti-superhero propaganda in your political science class, and, unfortunately, is the most attractive man you have ever laid eyes on.
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pairing :: lee heeseung x fem!reader featuring :: jake sim, jeon somi, kim sunoo, and more! genres/au’s :: superhero au, neighbors to lovers, enemies to lovers, college au, fluff, angst if you squint, nightwing!heeseung chapter warnings :: mentions of and references to sex, minor violence, suggestive chapter word count :: 3k tag list (open!) :: @thejjrl @grace1852 @tsunchani @hanniiesuckle17 @mjr4fnaf1997 @goldenhypen @3nh4luvr @hobistigma @ditzy-e @nomy0520 @woniewhite @koroktsuya author’s note :: prior knowledge of nightwing and DC comics is not necessary to read this work! also ty to @lethekoo for all your help :) playlist :: here’s to you
so…long time no see ('_') honestly i really never thought i’d return to this as of a few months ago, but my new writing class really has me feeling motivated! so i’m back :) i find it really funny that this chapter was supposed to come out march 31st of last year but HEY at least i’m back 🤧 anyways, i changed the prologue a little bit so you might wanna look over it again before reading this but TY TY TY FOR READING LOVE YA
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1. Sincerity It matters what you do when you don’t think she’s looking. She can tell whether or not your heart is in the right place.
Heeseung was tired. It was 6 am. He had only just gotten home. His body ached from the particularly strenuous night, and yet all he could think about was 1. having to go to class again in a matter of hours and 2. the fact that someone was knocking on his door at the crack of dawn. “Be there in a second,” Heeseung groaned, peeling his suit off before quickly pulling on his pajamas.
Heeseung winced a little seeing Y/n standing at his door from the peephole. He was in no mood to be reprimanded, let alone interrogated. The whole ‘pretend you’re having sex’ cover was Jake’s idea, of course—and it was not working. It just gave his prickly neighbor a reason to be mad at (and potentially suspicious of) him. 
Seriously, he had stamina, but not that damn much.
Which is why he needed a new cover as soon as possible. And why he needed to open the door right that second.
“I know, I know, no sex, no fun, whatever,” he puffed as the door swung open.
Y/n smiled, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “Oh, it’s alright, I slept fine,”
He could tell she hadn’t slept a wink. The circles under her eyes were the biggest giveaway. Nevertheless, she was fully dressed, woolen hat in her hand. Why was she lying?  
She wanted something. 
Heeseung had two options: turn her away and get some sleep, risking being reported (as she threatened every night but never seemed to do), or help her. He chose the latter. His brain would hate him for it later.
“Okay…so what do you want? Why are you knocking at this hour?” He asked, rubbing his shoulder.
Y/n met his gaze. Heeseung could tell from her hesitance that he was the last person she wanted to talk to right now. But alas, here she was.
“Do you happen to have a printer in your apartment?”
Heeseung heaved a sigh of relief upon realizing that the task didn’t require leaving his apartment or donating a pint of his blood (it’s happened before!) “Yeah, I do,”
“Do you mind if I use it real quick?” Y/n scooted straight past him, “The print center doesn’t open for an hour and I need to get this draft to the Scoop before then,” she explained, looking around the room cautiously. Honestly, for a woman who thought her neighbor was a sex addict, Heeseung didn’t blame her for expecting his place to be something of a sex dungeon.
“Sure,” he closed the door behind her, “just send me the file on my school email,”
“Thanks. I already did,” Heeseung tilted his head in amusement at her confidence, “I was really counting on you letting me use your printer, I knew you had one. Figured you owed me a night of your sleep,” Y/n grinned as she walked around the room.
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” he replied, opening his laptop as he stood by his desk, “I’m sorry, it’s just that we usually can’t meet at her place.”
Y/n froze in place, turning her head toward the man with a smirk on her face. “Hold on…‘her’ singular?”
“Yup, my girlfriend,” Heeseung looked up briefly to confirm before looking back to his computer, “she lives with her dad, so that makes it kind of hard to spend time at her place,”
Heeseung’s jaw tensed up. He didn’t like bending the truth, but it came with the job.
“Ooh, exciting! What’s her name?” Y/n inquired, scurrying over to Heeseung as he received the printout.
“None of your business, hon’” Heeseung sneered, placing the freshly printed article against her chest. “Anyways, debt repaid. Take it,”
Y/n groaned, “you’re no fun. It’s like our late-night exchanges mean nothing to you,”
“Yeah, yeah,” Heeseung sighed sarcastically, “I appreciate it so much when you look for an excuse to talk to me every night!”
Y/n blinked repeatedly in surprise. Fuck. Heeseung messed up. Was she offended?
To his relief, Y/n just scoffed as she walked past him. “Well, thanks anyways,”
“Anytime,” Heeseung replied as he turned around, “...but not really. Don’t come again unless I owe you another favor,”
“I don’t plan on it. See you in class. And please, don’t leave right at the beginning again, or else we’ll have to hear the ‘importance of attendance’ speech for the second time in the week,”
It took every shred of Heeseung’s willpower to not make a smart remark about how Y/n wanted to see him again, but he resisted. It would have been overcompensating.
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Y/n was thrilled to hear about this new development in the Lee Heeseung saga—he had a girlfriend! This meant he had sex with the same girl for hours every night and this mystery girlfriend managed to arrive and leave without being seen by the neighbors. Impressive! She couldn’t wait to tell Somi. So, she didn’t. 
“He has a girlfriend?!” Somi exclaimed, sipping her morning coffee, “That’s insane!” 
The two of them met at the coffee shop outside Y/n’s building before class whenever they woke up early enough. Honestly, it wasn’t a common occurrence.
“Well, it’s not that insane, considering that the moans sound pretty similar every night,” Y/n reasoned, taking a bite of her bagel, “I guess I thought he had a super specific type? Now that I say it out loud, I’m surprised the girlfriend thing didn’t cross my mind earlier,”
Somi shrugged, “nope. The man seems like a fuckboy. I don’t blame you for jumping to conclusions. It’s not like you spread rumors about him,”
“True, I’m innocent,” Y/n let out an awkward laugh.
“So,” Somi rubbed her hands together in anticipation before picking up the small packet on the table, “how’s your advice piece going?”
“I came up with an idea!” Y/n beamed with pride, “I’m gonna write about five ways to win a woman’s heart. Or ‘get the girl’. They both sound a little misogynistic, but I’ll make it work,”
Somi waited a moment before replying, “...is that all you’ve got? A number?”
“Well, I have one idea that I wrote about for the first draft that I submitted today,” Y/n explained, “I tried to make it as universal as I could,”
“Go on, read it,”
“Sincerity,” she summarized the page she had typed, “none of the following tips matter unless you’re sincere. Women can tell if you’re just trying to do something to get in their pants—it’s imperative that you do these things because you care,”
“Well, it’s certainly true,” Somi nodded, “wording needs some adjustment, but good work,”
“My essay is already kicking my ass, having you in the mix will not help,” Y/n threw a playful punch at her friend’s shoulder. “Now tell me about the real article here. Got any new stuff on Nightwing?” 
“Nothing from the source himself, obviously,” Somi sighed, “I was kidding myself to think I could get a word in with him. I’m not even awake when he’s out. He was patrolling this morning from 3 AM to 5 AM according to the Nightwing subreddit,”
“You should pull an all-nighter next weekend,” Y/n joked, “maybe then you’d get him,”
“I really would if I didn’t have responsibilities to take care of during the day,” Somi groaned, “this article could make or break my career,”
“Well, what do you have?” Y/n asked, “We can start somewhere other than his personal account,”
Somi straightened up, opening her notebook on the coffee table, “I did find some info on the guy who wrote the slander article,”
“Ooh, okay,”
“Apparently, ‘Patrick Lumbard’ isn’t his name—I can’t find his real one yet, but I looked him up in the city records and there was nothing,” Somi wiggled her eyebrows, “but, according to the Scoop’s records, he got fired from his last job, yet he’s writing front-page articles after four months of being here!” 
“Watch out Lois Lane, here comes Jeon Somi,” Y/n giggled. “Nice job!”
“And here's the kicker—I looked up a digital archive of a 2003 article about our new boss, Mr. Kim, last week,” the blonde explained, “I took notes on it, but that doesn’t mean much because the article is gone. It isn’t in the records or online,”
“What?” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she took the last bite of her bagel.
“Yeah, I can't see why,” Somi continued, frustration seeping through her voice, “the article was pretty neutral; it just described his acquisition of an abandoned Wayne Enterprises project,”
“Weird. Wayne Enterprises is a little fishy if you ask me,” Y/n lied back in her chair, finishing off her drink. “Keep me posted. Good luck,”
“Of course,” Somi smiled, grabbing the trash from the table and tossing it in the bin beside her, “But I think you’ll need the luck for class with Heeseung,”
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“You see, these vigilantes, particularly this Nightwing guy, is doing nothing for Bludhaven,” the professor claimed, removing his glasses, “they spread fear and undermine our police,”
Y/n took pride in the fact that typically, her professors liked her. Sure, sometimes her grades wavered, but she was a well-favored student. But then, in a way-too-hot room with 30 students all facing the center, that track record was at risk.
“I disagree,”
Jake. Before Monday, Y/n had never expected him to be in this class—but she had never been happier to hear his voice than now.
“Well…this is a discussion,” the man replied, “explain your stance, Mr. Sim,”
“I think he’s helping us out,” Jake shrugged. “Sure, ideally, we wouldn’t need him to save us every night, but we do. Before Nightwing got here, this city wasn’t safe for any of us,”
Whew. And Y/n didn’t have to say a word! 
“How do we know that he has our best interest at heart?”
“That’s a good point, young man,” Professor Jung pointed towards the seat adjacent to Jake’s where…Lee Heeseung sat. Of course. As if Y/n didn’t have enough reasons to dislike him. Screw him and his t-shirt for knowing the professor would crank the heat up way too high. What was even worse is that he did have a point.
“We don’t know,” Y/n piped in, the already hot room feeling even more stuffy as she stared lasers into Heeseung, “But look at Gotham and how much Batman has improved the overall safety and morale of the city—maybe it’s worth the risk if Nightwing could do something similar here,”
“People being above the power of law enforcement is dangerous,” Heeseung countered, staring right back at the woman across from him. 
‘Hold on…was that a condescending smirk on his face? Right now?’ Y/n was pissed. The lack of sleep was catching up to her.
“Yeah but—” Y/n cut Jake off before he could even start.
“The rich already are,” Y/n scoffed, “and if law enforcement can’t serve us all, maybe heroes that do are exactly what we need,”
“And with that, our discussion comes to a close,” Professor Jung interjected, “we started too late to have a full-blown debate, sorry about that. Great job, everyone,”
Y/n was proud of herself for countering the word of the professor and formulating her argument so fast. She could not, however, understand what she did that was so worthy of ridicule that Jake started giggling the moment class was dismissed.
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The nap. It was the best part of Y/n’s day ever since Lee Heeseung and his girlfriend started having sex in her building. Even if she wished it could restore her life free of consequences, it could not. 
The first problem it brought was that she always woke up feeling like she had just gotten off a 10-hour flight. The better the nap was, the more this rang true.
And, as expected, the second consequence was that it made her sleep schedule even more irregular than it already was. Usually, when she couldn’t sleep later in the night because of Heeseung, Y/n would put in her earbuds and hope for the best. But on the nights that she snuck in a nap? Hopeless.
Tonight was one of those nights. The lights were off, the moans were louder than ever, and she was wide awake. Somehow, knowing Heeseung had a girlfriend made the noise even more unbearable. A little. She wouldn’t be able to tell you why if you asked. Regardless, she needed air.
Usually, Y/n would have been smart enough to not go walking alone in the middle of the night in Bludhaven. She’s no idiot. But she had pepper spray and a fairly strong taser on hand. She was going to be fine. (I promise!)
There’s something about nighttime in Bludhaven that Y/n found so special. It was unsafe in areas, certainly, but every once in a while, the night felt like one that a synth-pop album would be written about. Somehow, it made her miss her family and friends back home while making her feel glad to be right where she was at the same time. On nights like these, she would get a coffee and go for a short stroll—usually with Somi.
“Hi, can I get a small decaf coffee? Two sugars, two creamers?”
Brenda’s Cafe. Best coffee in New Jersey. Open 24 hours (now that Nightwing is around).
“Sure, coming right up,” The barista smiled, taking the cash from your hand and heading to the back.
Y/n scrambled to reach her phone, “Hello?”
“Y/n! How’s it going?”
“Sunoo,” the woman grinned as she paced around the cafe, “hi! How’d you know I was awake?”
“Eh, figured it was worth a shot with the whole neighbor problem I keep hearing about—you have the sleep schedule of a cat who works full-time now,”
Sunoo and Y/n had known each other since middle school. Now, Sunoo was working on a movie on the opposite coast. It was difficult to time their calls with his packed schedule, to say the least.
“Yeah,” Y/n replied with an amused tone, “How are you? How are your fancy schmancy show-biz friends?”
“Well, I certainly made some more,” Sunoo began, “the cast of this movie is hilarious and they take me out to dinner all the time, so we’re getting closer,”
“Yes, I love to hear it!” Y/n exclaimed, grabbing her coffee from the barista’s hand and giving a nod of thanks before heading toward the exit.
“And how’s the hot snickerdoodle neighbor?”
Y/n’s eyes widened as she pushed the door open, “I called him hot one time. And that was before I knew he was a jerk…that had a girlfriend,”
“Girlfriend, huh?” Y/n could hear Sunoo’s misplaced pity through the phone. “That sucks,”
“No, it does not suck,” she insisted, adjusting her scarf, “I’m fine. Besides, you know that I’m trying to graduate this semester. That’s the only reason I haven’t reported the guy,”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sunoo dismissed her, “still sucks,”
Y/n rolled her eyes. He was not going to let this go. “Anyways, how is your sist—WOAH!”
Y/n’s phone and coffee flung out of her hand as she was firmly pushed towards the road, nearly falling to the ground if it wasn’t for another force pulling her back by the jacket.
Y/n paused for a moment in disbelief. What the fuck just happened? 
“Y/n?” the woman heard Sunoo’s voice coming from her phone quietly between the sounds of footsteps getting further and further away. 
Her phone was safely lying on the side of the road. Her coffee? Not so much. It had spilled everywhere. Including her new coat. But as thoughts raced through Y/n’s head, her coat was the furthest thing from it. ‘Someone pushed me because they were being chased…by someone who took the time to save me,’
Her disbelief quickly turned to excitement as she put the pieces together. Could the person who saved her have been Nightwing? 
“Y/n, what happened? Are you okay? Do I need to call Somi?”
Y/n scrambled to her retrieve her phone, “I’m fine! I’ve gotta run, but I’ll explain everything tomorrow,”
“Wait, hold o—”
She thought about calling Somi right that second, but she needed confirmation. So she made the questionable decision to follow them. Somi’s reporter instincts were clearly rubbing off on her.
After walking with a comical level of caution for a few minutes, Y/n decided to turn back. As I said before, Y/n is not an idiot. She makes educated choices. 
What. A. Night. She was eager to tell Somi—despite the fact that she’d criticize Y/n’s poor educated choices, she would be happy too. 
All of a sudden, interrupting her train of thought, Y/n heard a whistle from across the road. 
There he stood, in all his blue and black glory—Nightwing.
A skin-tight black suit with blue accents adorned his tall frame and he had a pair of nunchucks in his right hand, which he tucked away before placing a cup of coffee on the ground next to him.
This was a moment that Y/n would remember for years to come. But right now, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Nightwing, the man responsible for taking down the biggest supervillains and mobs in Bludhaven…bought her a coffee. She waved to him in gratitude, to which he waved back with a smile on his face before disappearing into the shadows.
After he left, Y/n rushed over to retrieve the coffee cup, her heart racing with elation.
Brenda’s Cafe Start your day with a smile! decaf coffee two sugars two creamers
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1. Sincerity Do things she appreciates because it’s the right thing to do for someone you really like as a person. It matters what you do when you don’t think she’s looking. She can tell whether or not your heart is in the right place.
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previous ☆ next ☆ series masterlist ☆ masterlist
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helloiamadrawer ¡ 11 months
Ladies and gentlemen
I present to you...
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BIG fan of pda would definitely take the chance to hold your hand anywhere at anytime
If you're shy it makes it more fun for him to tease and compliment you cause he thinks you look adorable when you blush
Late night conversations 🌃
You love watching him practice his hero poses, it's just so cute and hilarious when Gamma 1 is involved.
One day you tried on his uniform and he walked in on you and then suddenly Gamma 2.exe has stopped working
Your phone's home screen is a collage of various Gamma 2 pictures that you made yourself, but you would never tell him that teehee
Has so many creative nicknames for you
Whenever you're feeling insecure or just down on yourself, he's your personal cheerleader and would do anything to make you happy
You're the same to him as well when he has some new ideas for hero poses or other crazy ideas
He's so excited when you come to visit him from working in the RR base he's like a puppy uwu
Oh..Hedo built a reproduction switch in him alright cause he's so h o r n y
Eyefucks you from across the room ISTG
And when he gets the pounce on you..
He's just a lustful mess just wanting to slip his cock into your awaiting slit,not wanting to waste any time just to make you his.
He's a switch but more sub leaning cause his moans...omg so whiny 😩😩
"Oh baby I want you so bad~" he would say as you slowly stroke his cock, slowly falling apart from your praises to him until he comes undone (an angelic sight to see imo)
HAS RECALLED THE IDEA OF GETTING GAMMA 1 FOR A THREESOME (but you will have to do the begging ;) )
Praise kink 👏 praise kink would tell you how good your taking his cock like the good girl you are.
His cock just hits all the right spots inside you all fucking 7 inches of it just fills you right up.
After 2-3 rounds he's instantly asleep to recharge.
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thetriplets3 ¡ 1 year
hi, i love your writing style! could you please make an imagine where matt and the reader go on a late night car ride through the city?
thank you so much <3 i hope this is what you were looking for
🌃 when the city sleeps 🌃
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There’s something so special to me about waiting until your brothers go to sleep so we can go for a drive, just the two of us. Don’t get me wrong I love spending time with the 3 of you but you and I rarely get to be alone together. I look forward to the days we get to go for late night drives and feel truly free while the city sleeps.
Quietly we make our way out of the house to the car before setting off on our little adventure. Before heading into the city we make a quick stop at a gas station picking up some snacks and drinks. With our snacks in hand we get in the car and you connect your phone to the aux putting on our playlist, it’s a mix of your favorite music and mine.
You rolled the windows down allowing the cool breeze to blow through our hair. It wasn’t too cold, perfectly cool enough to calm the warmth spreading through my cheeks from being alone with you. This will forever be my favorite thing. Driving through the city in the middle of the night, hardly a soul to be seen, it’s like we have the city to ourselves. Just you and I, soaking up each other's presence. It’s moments like these that I feel truly at peace.
I shift in my seat so my body’s facing you with my knees tucked to my chest and reclining the seat so I’m almost laying down. One thing I love about these drives is that we don’t need to talk, the silence is comfortable. As I munch on my snacks I can’t help but admire you. The way you quietly sing along to the song playing even if you claim not to like it, the way the moon dances over your good side, how concentrated you are when you drive, and my favorite is how the city lights reflect in your eyes making them sparkle more than usual. Taking a glance over at me curled up in my seat, you give me a soft smile. I extend my hand out offering you some of my snack, nodding in response I dig into the bag grabbing a piece to feed you as you keep your eyes focused on the road. Finishing the snacks together I reach my hand out, silently requesting yours. You take my hand in your and place a delicate kiss to the back of my hand causing me to smile up at you.
We’ve been driving for probably 2 hours when you look over to see me curled up, eyes growing heavy in the passenger seat. Slightly lowering the volume on the music, you head back home. You rub your thumb back and forth against my hand, filling me with butterflies.
“I look forward to moments like these with you, there’s something peaceful about being awake when the city sleeps” I quietly mumble before drifting further into sleep.
“Goodnight sweetheart” you whisper with love pouring from your words.
@im-a-matt-girl @iluvmatt @stxrniqlo
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leonaluv ¡ 8 months
Your debut show
Pick a pile ,to choose a reality show you , would join .
🔮🥹⭐❤️‍🩹🫅 / 1-5
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Zoom in ,Zoom out ahaha
I was thinking of doing concepts like this , of where the company , you work in would send you , for your first gig .
Pile 1
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The show is going to be centered around you and your family and best friends. It's either a show where you and your friends are like impractical jokers or where your friends are controlling what you say and do while you pull pranks on each other. Or the show will be more family-oriented but still full of drama, showing your love life and all aspects of the home. Most reality TV shows are centered around love, hookups later in the season, and your marriage life. Seasons highlights are you meeting your lover, the audience will eat up all the relationships plot, and you have one where you leave your partner because of his bad spending habits. Have era where your just clubbing and partying it up with musicians,although more of a badboy/bad girl type. To make things spicy,  some of you will choose to come back to your spouse or lover and have kids. You are just showing off your luxurious lifestyle and connecting with different people.
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Your show would run for 7 months, but because of all the other opportunities you will be presented,
How will people feel about you? They see you as a reliable and practical person. They see you as someone who has huge influence and is good at making and keeping money. You know how to make things trend and just know what people want to see.
Now they see the people you have on show all differently, which isn't surprising because it's more general reading. Some people think it's something else for your family—some type of Illuminati stuff happening. They think your family has some secrets that need to be exposed.
7 cups, 4 wands, judge, wild 🌃, king of pentacles , the moon reverse 
Shows: keeping up with K. Husbands of Hollywood (so funny), impractical jokers, kind of like infinite challenges (a Korean show).
Pile 2
Survival of the fitness, you are naked and afraid. Starting off with nothing, not even a map or anything, you find yourself in a random forest with someone who has good athletic sense like you. It's giving Eve and Adam, your going to be in your element 😜  Nature is your friend, and the person you are with does all the heavy lifting  Of course,you'rer helping along the way.  Even though you may be more of the "feminine"one ,you are still able to do well with the challenges.  Until then, you decide to break a rule , yet it seems like a game changer. They decide to make the game better after your guest appearance.  You bought in tons of ratings .
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Pile 3
A wholesome reality TV show—these shows I'm not familiar with at all. It has a church or does good deeds for strangers. It reminds me of toddlers going to chores on that one Japanese show, so I guess a show involving kids, like Superman (a Korean show). Healing program, Lee Hyori show where she let her home be a guest house, BTS in the soop. 
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Pile 4
You choose a game show, either the ones that are like the Genius show or A mystery show like Zombieverse, Busted, and On Show required you to use your strength as well. There are lots of YouTube shows like this. So your normally with different types of entertainers, singers, actors, comedians, and sometimes they invite police or army people on these shows. You have a good chance of winning on the show with the nine of pentacles.
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Another show is Running Man.
 Cards: the world, 9 pentacles reversed, goddess, exorcist
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Pile 5
Romance 💕💒, show, dating show, your company decided to put you on. Now, I have seen people get judged the most of these types of reality shows, the premise is trying to find love in five days to weeks. Sometimes they have experts on the show to help matching making, but it's up to the person to find their true love. Shows, we got married, love is blind, or single inferno. You would have time at first finding love ,but you walk out with loving yourself more out of this crazy experiment. Also finding a sweet partner to out of the show. People, like how , articulate you are and just how you present you. The show either last for seven days or seven weeks.
Cards: 3 wands reverse. Ace of cups
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kae-luna ¡ 10 months
🌃//Writeblr Intro//🌃
Hello! Welcome to my corner of the internet. I am Kae Luna. You can call me Kae or Luna. I am pretty new to Writeblr, so please bear with me.
╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
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(Banner made with canva)
🌊About My Writing🌊
✨Genres: sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, action, drama, psychological, LGBTQIA+
✨Subgenres: dystopian, cyberpunk, biopunk, solarpunk, post-apocalyptic
✨Common themes: diversity, anti-capitalism, female empowerment
Since I like both anime art and storytelling, I'm planning to make light novels. Some of them may be short stories, standalone novels, or series. :3 Going to put some of them on Wattpad and Tapas.
I try to balance unique settings with complex characters.
🌊About Me🌊
I've been writing and drawing since I was little. And before I could write, I would tell my mother my story and she'd write it down for me. I've always had a crazy imagination. When I was a tween, I got into anime and manga, so I learned how to draw in that art style.
I am 25, queer-romantic asexual, and feminine-presenting nonbinary. I identify as both a girl and a demi-boy. You can refer to me as she/her, he/him, or they/them. I don't mind. I'm also white and have ADHD, dyspraxia, anxiety, and depression that prevents me from getting a "real" job.
I'm pretty shy and anxious, but once you get to know me, I may say some weird stuff and dad jokes. I'm a big nerd and simp as well.
I am also a Vtuber, but made this alt identity since I didn't think my work would fit that persona.
🌊About My Blog🌊
Here I am going to post about my WIP stories and some of my art. I will also reblog others' art and writing. Many aesthetics, fandoms, and other stuff may be reblogged as well with tags if it inspires my work.
Here I hope to find more creators to connect with and find some epic creations. Feel free to message me if you'd like, though I am kinda shy. :3
I am okay with:
✨Tag games
✨DMs. I'm happy to make friends. :3
🌊My Likes & Favorites🌊
✨Aesthetics/genres: vaporwave, cyberpunk, pastel, eco punk, nature, grunge, post-apocalyptic, solarpunk, steampunk, fantasy, LGBTQIA2S+
✨Movies: Alita: Battle Angel, Ultraviolet, Aeon Flux, Spider-Man 2, Howl's Moving Castle, Black Panther, The Matrix
✨Shows: Doctor Who, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, The Witcher
✨Anime: Death Note, Attack on Titan, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
✨Games: Skyrim, Baldur's Gate 3, The Sims 4, Minecraft, Fallout
✨Cartoons: Aeon Flux, Batman The Animated Series
Ultra Drive - Intro Post | Directory Post
Links: Wattpad | Tapas (coming soon)
✨Genre(s): sci-fi, cyberpunk, action, drama, psychological, dystopian
✨CWs: government stuff, pandemic mention, gore probably at some point
When AlexiKa was a child, her world was changed forever when her family was forced to immigrate to the imperial city of Venicula after the Ebony Plague - caused by mysterious eumalyptus spores - infected her home town. Now a young adult, she works as a courier (and secretly an anti-corporation activist). When going on a delivery, she accidentally uncovers dark secrets and ends up infected with the same Ebony Plague that haunted her hometown as a child. But when she survives the illness and instead develops superhuman abilities, she joins a mutant resistance group to fight against the Veniculan Empire, the Gaia Corporation, and other mutants with immoral goals.
Adventures in Alsteria - Intro Post (coming soon!)
Links: N/A
✨Genre(s): fantasy, comedy, slice of life, action, adventure, LGBTQIA+
✨CWs: None ATM? Violence probably?
A trans femboy wood elf named Nel finds the homeland of his people - the rain forests of Falinor - and goes on an adventure to form a guild of adventurers! Still kind of in the vibes stage I guess, but I have some ideas formed for lore and characters. :> Something more cute and lighthearted for me to write in contrast to Ultra Drive.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't have much that I can share at the moment due to much of my writing being lost (school assignments or lost on old computers) or attached to other identities. I also had a looong writer's/art block.
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apolloanddaphnis ¡ 10 months
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Liz and Billy
II. Should I Stay or Should I Go
Warnings: Allusions and tales of infidelity. Mentions of alcohol abuse.
Disclaimer: it will get more exciting after this chapter.
♡♡Colson POV♡♡
Six days and twelve hours.
I didn't text her, but I was keeping up with every single Instagram post and every single snap story.
And we haven't spoken since the day she came over to fix my life and left it as soon as. Well that's not true, she texted me a verse from Goodnight Moon on the night of.
Goodnight stars
Goodnight air
Goodnight noises everywhere 🌟 🌃 
I've been reading that text for six days, once every hour.
She's strange, she never puts on a show but the way she talks you think she does. Always speaking with that Mid-Atlantic accent and in quotes, Megan says she has always been like that.
It's like she walked right off an old movie and into the 21st century, so fucking beautiful. About 5'3 of pure tease. Dewy and rosy, olive skin, a perfect China bob that frames her perfectly round, moon face. Full, wide lips below a cute pug nose that I might have fantasized biting. And those fucking eyes, those eyes are just as famous as her hair and her ass, her thick, juicy, Bonita applebaum ass. When I first saw Minka Farrah on TV, it was a really good horror film, Possession, she starred in it and she was mostly naked. They never showed between her legs and now after what Megan told me, I know why. But the world saw plenty else, her perfect dump truck ass, all hers and you can tell the difference between silicone and real. 
So thick with wide hips and shapely thighs, she's soft and curvy with an hourglass dip in her waist and a soft stomach, and perky soft looking very small tits. Probably double As, when she pushes them together with her arms they knock down a letter, and the nipples are huge, puffy, and so pink they were almost cherry-tipped. I've written a lot of songs I didn't dare release about them. Her iconic ass drew me in like her iconic eyes, a perfect shade of violet, a mixture of indigo-purplish almost blue hues. They always look like they're flirting, with very thick, long black eyelashes and a hooded appearance.
Have I always lusted after Minka? Yes. Do I have a crush on her ever since she fed me and listened to me? No, she's just a friend I happen to find hot. I think Dom's hot and we only fucked around like once.
They always say sex dreams almost never have anything to do with sex, there has to be a psychological meaning behind me dreaming about stuffing her hole with my cock, watching her ass red from hand bouncing all juicy on my thighs as she looks over her shoulders at me with her violet-blue eyes.
"Yeah, it means you wanna psychologically fuck her rectum up." That's what Pete said to me when I told him.
I missed her though.
I missed how she heard that I was toxic to Megan and yet she still wanted to make sure I was okay, I missed how the short amount of time she was in my house made it feel like a real home and not a party pad. I missed that she made me breakfast and talked to me. She's so easy to talk to, and doesn't want anything from me. 
I found out where she was, I had to see her. She was filming a movie down at the studio. When I pulled up she was walking out looking fucking unreal, in a pink skirt with green stems and flowers that looked like a sarong, easily I could make out the shape of her thick thighs, her little cherries were hidden beneath a cropped green vest with gold animal buttons, and to complete her style were creamy caramel and white cowgirl boots. She was laughing at something a good looking, edgy, tall blonde guy was saying, and I wanted to knock his teeth out. I recognized him as Henry Creel from Stranger Things.
I rolled down the window of my F-Pace and her stunning lavender-blue eyes finally acknowledged me. She looks so happy to see me, take that Stranger dick. This girl's smile is out of this world, her plump pink lips spread to reveal her pretty and slightly crooked teeth that strangely turn me on, especially that gap between her two front teeth. Such a cutie.
"Colson!" She ran over to me and I got out of the car, she wrapped her arms around my waist and I pulled her close and kissed her head. She smells amazing, woody, earthy, and floral like a fairy.  
"Hey Mink." 
She stood on her toes with a little bounce  to reach up and ruffle my carnation pink hair. I briefly closed my eyes at the feeling of her fingers in my hair. "Needs a touch up, it's fading." She commented with a hum.
"Oh you're a hairdresser now?"  I teased.
She giggled, all teeth and crinkled eyes as her nose scrunched up like a bunny.  "Well my cousin Alicja is. She teaches me everything."
"Not your stylist?"
"I don't have one." She said simply and kissed my cheek. "Darling, are you up for introductions or shall I give my apologies to Jamie?" She gestured to the tattooed string bean, like I had room to talk.
"I just wanna hang out with you, not trying to be a dick but I mean…it's been six days."
She laughed softly and playfully pinched my cheek. "He's been counting, how cute." 
I rolled my eyes and she gave my hand a gentle squeeze with her soft one. "I'll tell him you're not feeling well, give me a second, gorgeous." With that term of endearment She ran back over to the actor.
Jamie looked disappointed, but only to see Minka go. I bit back a frown when she gave him a peck on the lips and a chest-pressed hug before running back to me.
I honestly don't know why I did it, but I wrapped my arm around her and opened the car door before practically placing her in.
"Let's go to your place and have lunch, I'll make it." She suggested. "But we should stop for candy and wine." She exclaimed. 
I laughed "Sounds chill, but maybe we should Doordash it, I'm not prepared to get ambushed."
"That's true, oh but you know what's better than Doordash? Kai-dash, I'll text Kaiden. What teeth rotting goodies do you want?"
"You have good taste, you decide."
Megan was at the spa, she usually spends a while there before going to get a botox touch up. Casie is at her mom's for a couple days, so it was going to be just the two of us.
"Kaiden will be here with our snacks in twenty minutes." She said as she followed me inside. 
"Does he want to chill with us?" I hoped that would be a big fat no, kinda just need some Minka time, she's therapeutic. 
"No, he has plans, I promised not to bother him for the rest of the day.'' She smiled. "May I take off my shoes?"
"Yeah of course, get comfortable. "
I really shouldn't have said that, especially with my kinks. Because when she sat down and removed her boots and everything, the most beautiful well pedicured pair of feet whorishly revealed themselves to me. They looked soft and smooth, painted a dusky rose color and trimmed to perfection.  I wanted to suck on each toe, I needed them rubbing all nine inches of me.
She took my staring the wrong way though and looked sheepish. "What's wrong with my feet?"
"Shit, nothing, the color is really nice." Good cover, Col.
She relaxed and gave me that pretty smile of hers. "Oh, thank you. It's teak rose by Revlon. Maybe I'll paint yours later, okay?"
She's so sweet, and has no idea that I'm imagining ungodly situations with those model pair of feet.
"I'll get started on making lunch." 
I got up to follow her. "Need any help?"
"No thank you, you can relax, let me take care of you."
"I'll just chill in there with you." So I've been in a clingy mood lately.
She didn't seem to mind though. "Sounds perfect, you can choose the music. "
I told Alexa to play the Appetite for Destruction album and Minka lit up like a Christmas tree. "This is one of my favorite albums!"
I felt myself grinning. "Yeah? That's fire, I love that 80s rock."
"Me too, Duff McKagan is one of the best bassists of all time, definitely giving props to his punk roots." Could she be any more perfect? When girls talk music, it's so hot.
 "You a punk fan?"
She nodded enthusiastically.  "The Clash and Theatre of Hate are my favorite bands."
"The Clash is fire, Theatre of Hate I never heard of."
"I need to show you them, they're from England early 80s. Lead singer was romantically involved with Boy George, basically all of Culture Club's music is about Kirk Brandon, the lead singer of Theatre of Hate."
"Holy shit, you know a lot. Why didn't you go into music?'
"I'm a homebody, I don't know if I could tour."
I nodded. "Makes sense, I'm a homebody myself and it can get a lot."
"Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed on tour, call me up Colson, I mean it." She said it with such tenderness, I felt that shit in my throat. 
'`You didn't mention you aren't musically talented, are you?' I decided it was safe to change the subject.
As she was cooking she briefly looked at me with a secret smile. "I'll never tell."
"You and your secrets. "
"They're all I have to myself. And clearly that's not even true anymore." She was referring to the recent apparent scandal.  It was fucked up to call it that. Makes me mad all of the ignorant assholes on social media, it got so bad she had to take down her socials.
I felt an overwhelming urge of protectiveness over the sweet little actress, and went over pulling her in a bear hug. She hugged my arm and kissed it. Her smell and how she feels in her arms was too good, too comfortable, I didn't want to let her go, didn't want her to leave, just wanted to shield her from the world.. 
We stayed like that for a while, and she went back to making lunch. I checked my phone when the doorbell rang, and saw Kaiden. So I got the snacks from him before he ran off to a hookup judging by that smile.
Looking in the bag I saw cherry peel able twizzlers, a box of See's Candies chocolates, Milano's, Godiva chocolate covered strawberries, Haribo rainbow worms and happy cherries, Albanese gummy bears, sour patch kids, Ferrero rocher bars, some Häagen-Dazs, 
"Lunch is ready."
"Smells so good, what did you make?"
"Bang bang tacos and shrimp quesadillas."
"Tryna fatten me up? I know I'm skin bones." I laughed. "I'm shocked you're not married by now."
"28 is much too young to get married! And as much as I admire Elizabeth Taylor, I don't want seven names, I want my forever."
For some reason, my imagination went wild, thinking of this as an everyday occurrence.  My arm around her curvy little build, as she's cooking over the stove, laughing at something I said. 
It's not cool, I'm engaged to Megan. Even if I'm starting to feel like somebody else gets me.
"But you've been asked."
She looked up at me with her lavender-blue gaze as she put my plate together. "What would you like to drink?"
"I'll take that as a yes."
She took out sparkling lime waters from the fridge and sliced up some lime to put it in. 
"Who was it?" I didn't mean to ask s aggressively, but I had to know who had tried their hand at claiming her and failed.
"Which time?''
Why am I not surprised? "Go in order." I put everything on a tray and I took it to carry to the living room. 
"At sixteen–".
She laughed at my frown. "Sixteen, I wasn't even seeing anyone, I was a shy little virgin who was newly starting acknowledging myself as Minka. My best friend at the time, her dad, offered to leave his wife for me, marry me, and pay for my surgery."
I was really pissed off that some grown ass man tried to take advantage of a kid like that. Especially Minka.
I sat down and she joined me. "What a creep, I'm sorry you had to go through that."
She shrugged. "It doesn't phase me, I just honestly thought about how depressed I'd be if I left my family. I never considered it. Then at eighteen it was my boyfriend, Taylor. He was a trans man, related to some beatniks who did really well for themselves, he himself was a punk which was funny considering he grew up with three houses. He owned five motorcycles and four sportscars. He was forty two."
I got my stash out and started rolling.
"I cannot imagine you with some wannabe bad boy. " I laughed. "You always with an old man?"
"You're quite right, I much prefer the real ones. But yes I love older men, they're obsessive and that suits me. But I said no to Taylor, but not at first." She grinned like the cat that got the cream.
"Wait, you were engaged!?"
She laughed and took a bite out of a taco the same time I did. Damn if I could choose what to eat everyday. 
"For seven days, in London. He had a flat there in SoHo. Seven wonderful days, he proposed to me with Elizabeth Taylor's ring from Richard Burton that he bought off of Kathy Ireland."
"You and your old people."
She playfully slapped my arm. "Hush, I'm storytelling!" He giggled. "I can stop anytime."
"No" I touched her knee. "Don't. So, he proposed with your idol's ring…
She nodded.  "Seven days we were engaged."
"What happened to Prince charming?"
"I missed my family, I cried calling my mother. I was sobbing in Polish on the phone, you'd think I was kidnapped. Poor Taylor… I have such an attachment to my family. Even now, i bought Jerzy, my brother , a house two doors down from mine and Petra lives there with him, my sister."
"Was Taylor your last proposal?"
She laughed. "Absolutely not, the year before I became big I met Jamie when we were visiting my mother's sister, Aunt Ewa, in London. It was 2014. We stayed in the summer. I met Jamie at a show. His band didn't know it, his band is a side but they're so good. He saw me in the first row and took me backstage. We spent every day together, mamusia loved him." She looked a little conflicted at the moment. "The youngest man I've been with and he's seven years older. Well, it was my happiest relationship. We had so much in common, and I could handle his alcohol problems. " I took a drag of my joint feeling of jealousy and anger course through me. "Even when it got bad, even when he hid me from everyone. Only my siblings knew we were together. My parents thought we were just best friends, and he got me a role in a movie…he wanted me to be a star." I offered her a smoke but she shook her head and continued. "When the summer was ending he didn't want to lose me. He proposed to me in secret, even though he was already engaged to Lily Collins. I knew that but I was too caught up to care, I get so romantic sometimes. He proposed to me with an amethyst and diamond engagement ring, for my eyes and my birthstone. I wore it on a necklace and hid it. He got me a spot in the West End theater and told my parents, so I could stay with him." She smiled but it didn't meet her beautiful eyes. "And it worked, and  he put me up in a SoHo townhouse he bought for me for us, away from Lily and his family. I was trained in the west end and quickly got put in films. He was my manager…my best friend, and my fiancé. It was…well it became a little much and after two years I permanently moved back to America.  But he didn't allow anyone to try and seduce me or woo me. We were still engaged. Up until three years ago." She got up and headed to the kitchen, I followed as I felt so much rage. 
She found a bottle of wine and poured a glass. 
"Hold the fuck up, is that the same Stranger Things dick I saw you with today?!"
She took a big gulp and nodded "We're friends now, we've been good for a year, we're good now. I just…going through the memories again–"
"Minka, what the fuck– I don't want you to–"
"You have no right, don't start talking mad now darling. " She set the glass down and walked her hip swaying walk into the living room. 
"Mink, fuck. I don't give a fuck what you say– fuck, he still wants you! This sounds toxic–
"Colson, darling. Let's not get hysterical." She climbed into my lap and cupped my face, I couldn't breathe. My nostrils flared like a bull from rage and sexual frustration, and all I can smell is her. I think about Jamie acting like it's all fine but it isn't and I want to beat his face in. He thinks he still has her. The thought of him touching her having her…I want to kill him, why am I feeling like this?
I pulled her close, gripping her hips so tight. I noticed her pretty face wince, her skirt was bunched up around her shapely thighs. I pressed my forehead against hers. 
"Take a deep breath now love, in…" I inhaled like she said. "And exhale…" I let go and closed my eyes, she guided my head to her chest and she stroked my hair, it felt so nice. 
"Now button, it's dirt under a rug isn't it? Nothing to upset your stomach over, hmm? Now Jamie knows we are just friends. I have made it clear, we have been through too much to never say anything to one another again." She kissed my head and I hugged her closer. "Let's watch your favorites, okay monkey?"
I laughed gently. "I'm not a baby you know."
"Of course you are! You're my baby." She was teasing but I didn't want her to. The thought was nice. 
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emily-mooon ¡ 7 months
More 1980s Tumblr!
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👩‍🎤starmanss follow
I’m never going to get over the fact that THE DAVID BOWIE and QUEEN made a song together like omg my two faves teaming up to make the ultimate song is awesome!!!!!!!
987k notes
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💋robbiesmith follow
I’d like to think I’m a nice person
🔁🏜boysdocry follow
Didn’t you roast a smiths fan so hard they deactivated?
🔁💋robbiesmith follow
New year, new me
🔁🏜boysdocry follow
That was a month ago
🔁💋robbiesmith follow
1.8m notes
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Update: I cried. Like full on sobs. Haven’t done that in years since
Same guys same. I’m a mess
I’m still crying at that last bit
🔁🧛🏻belalugosifucks follow
Do you all want a hug? Especially @hookysbass cause girl what happened
Ian’s death happened
9k notes
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🪨combatrocks follow
🔁📻thisisradioclash follow
i think I’m going to throw up
🔁🥊ifoughtthelaw follow
Show a Clash Stan this and they will tell you their deepest darkest secret
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🔁🪨combatrocks follow
🔁 🔥londonsburning follow
Hey guys guess how long it’s been now:
967k notes
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💋robbiesmith follow
I want this man to kiss me passionately on the mouth:
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🔁🕸 spellbndgrrl follow
Well I want her to step on me:
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Yeah break my back with those black leather heeled boots 😍😍😍😍😍
91.5k notes
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🌕killingmoon follow
It’s always Robert Smith this and George Michael that, but where is the respect for the incredibly strange boys?
🔁🐶campervanlassie follow
It’s been years since I last heard the name David Byrne spoken on these hallowed grounds. He was once the king for us weridos but now he’s not and it makes me sad. Miss seeing that loser in his big suit everywhere on my dash
25 notes
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(Prev fake dash)
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