storiesofobjects · 6 years
I had the earth fall out of my bum today. Oh god I got home with muck in my knickers and tights. Just awful. I couldn’t get to a toilet in time. I had a shower but I feel really upset at what happened on my way to nearest loo (home) it was just so upsetting. I’m with tummy ache and been resting after my ordeal. If I were near Tower Ramparts I’d have been okay there just wasn’t time.
It’s been a week or so since I’ve had this problem it’s embarrassing and upsetting. It’s humiliating and traumatic. I’m usually very good at just catching before it all comes out of me, just like a turtle but this was very different consistency it was more ice cream texture than fudge! Ew.
I’m afraid to go out now. As I walked home the stench of poo eminated from my tights. It was a mess. My shoes have been affected and I’d not be surprised if I left some pieces dropped through the holes of my tights. There was one time I went to dash into a coffee shop toilet and left a trail in the store. It was awful. Such a mess. It can’t be helped. I’m seriously considering having inco pads as it’s happening so much. I’ve resisted for so long having them. But I see I need to.
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echoartists-blog · 7 years
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Angela Dawn Wright 
Street Secrets Are Precious (framed assemblage of mixed media) £75      [19.5cm x 19.5cm x 3.5cm]   
Artist Statement 
Admitting something…..or not is what Angela Dawn Wright’s work is based from, the journey we go forth with our own integrity and what we disclose to each other, or withhold or castigate others for.
Working in many differing media such as Performance Art, Sculpture, Installation, Public Interventions, Blogging and Vlogging as howbenefitgalworks and activism in schools promoting the arts in education her work is defined by her disability of mental illness and the stigmatisation and misguided prejudice of such disease is explored in her work.
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
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#ginghamfilter #angeladawnwright #angeldawnwright #gracie #howbenefitgalworks #selfies #iphonecamera #ilove (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
Dr. George Pratt and Ann Rea
Well worth getting the book Code To Joy and doing the exercises.
Watch and totally entrust.
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
Bipolar Adapting
I’m recovering from a big high with my bipolar it’s “catching up with myself time” and recalibrating from having all that energy and drama taking over me. I have more lows than highs always have. It’s a case of go with the flow and adapt.
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
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#clarendonfilter #unisuffolkphoto #ipswichwaterfront #ipswich #river #quay #quayside #uniofsuffolk #angeldawnwright #angeladawnwright #lalalawright #howbenefitgalworks #photography #photo #panoramic #pano #thewinerack #cargo (at University of Suffolk)
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
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#nofilterneeded #nofilter #artist #suffolk #studio #artiststudio #positivevibes #lookingbetterthanifeel #howbenefitgalworks #angeldawnwright #angeladawnwright #art #creativity #makingart #smile #selfie #artistselfie #asylumstudiosuk (at Asylum Studios)
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
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#nofilterneeded #nofilter #artist #suffolk #studio #artiststudio #positivevibes #lookingbetterthanifeel #howbenefitgalworks #angeldawnwright #angeladawnwright #art #creativity #makingart #smile #selfie #artistselfie (at Asylum Studios)
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
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A great quote by Ann Rea, it is very true, I have a great feeling that things are going to be positively fruitful in selling my art. It is great to be on this course. It is helping me loads and loads to understand being creative and having and gaining confidence. And yet it is also true that in the video with Ann Rea is that “Knowledge is not power, power is in execution.” This is so true. I am feeling like I am feeling that I need to be making my list of things to do tomorrow and for the week ahead. And stick to my timetable!!! Yes it helps, and I am flexible dependant on health.
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
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#nofilterneeded #nofilter #courthouse #formercourthouse #ipswich #suffolk #civicdrive #slabs #architecture #architecturephotography #stone #concrete #design #blocks #construction #style #colour #bland #beauty #street #streetart #town #townlife #contrasts #contest #creative #serious #seriously #howbenefitgalworks #angeldawnwright (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
We All Have The Need To Be Appreciated
This weekend I am feeling very rejected and unwanted this Easter, I suppose Jesus felt this in much more depth when he was sent to the cross and knew what was to happen to him.
Just found out today that no one likes me because I laugh at times that I have helped out clean up some awful places, all of us laughed at the time....now I have discovered people are rejecting me because they’re afraid of me being in their homes in case I do that about their homes. How awful. That’s never been my intention to humiliate just as I have been judged and humiliated for helping loved ones out at the expense of my own home.
Sadly due to my finger injury I have been unable to do my washing up since Mother’s Day in March, because I helped a friend move and had to do loads of cleaning, which I did for love and it was appreciated. We both of us laughed at things at the time, she was most unhappy and that manifested into some grime. If I hadn’t helped her she would have had to struggle on her own. How could anyone leave someone on their own to tackle that? I’ve been there I know how tough it is. But we kept each other going having a laugh at stuff and I hugged her so many times because I knew to some extent the overwhelming sensation moving does, and upheaval and uncovering all the nightmares. But we did it together, by laughing and just getting on with it, I couldn’t have helped her without her help and vice versa.
So now I have been told that a loving wonderful friend whom I’ve known for many years is afraid of me coming round because her rug needs a vac and she’s afraid of having me round in case I look around and criticise and laugh at her. I’m so upset. Is that why no one wants to see me over Easter? That my family reject me that I have to have time away from their rejection because I am such an awful person to be around?
I feel utterly shocked. People especially my sister often said that I look down on them, but the people who know me best know I never ever do that but they aren’t around me this weekend but have contacted me unprompted and expressed their love for me (former in-laws!!!). Maybe it’s not me, maybe it is that people have made assumptions about me. I don’t criticise I observe but now I realise that I need to reign it in and not laugh as much about stuff, only with those who understand me and know how traumatic it is to face such horrors worse than most people have, I have never seen black on windows in such thickness, it’s sad that someone thought that was okay, but I came along and cleaned it on my own for the love of a very good and wonderful friend.
To criticise is not constructive, so I am going to be very careful about what, who and how I say things to who I share things with.
Maybe being rejected is a positive thing? I don’t know, I’ve always been bullied and rejected by family, teachers, students, friends... I don’t know any different, maybe it is my fault as pointed out by my sister that I am always seen to be looking down on everyone, I always had to hold my head up high because when you are being criticised all the time for being ‘stuck up’ ‘pathetic’ ‘adopted’ ‘always trying to make yourself look good’ it’s tough to be anything except ourselves. By putting me down, what do people get from that? I don’t know what to do or how to make amends for not being what people want from me. All I know is rejection. It seems that people want to reject me for fear of judgement yet that’s happening to me, so I respect their opinions and I will do my utmost to change. I know for sure not many people would do what I have done for those who have struggled, so I will keep my trap shut and not say anything about cleaning ever again. As if I am the cleaning malitia ;)
I ask for forgiveness, I am sorry 😕
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
Love this by Iggy Azalea
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
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#nofilterneeded #nofilter #spring #springhassprung #crocus #flowers #howbenefitgalworks #urbangarden #home
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
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So very true!!! Thanks Jen Sincero!!! https://instagram.com/p/BgunzMmDAbr/
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storiesofobjects · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0rZ1NUSvsY)
their present lists are art and wine!!!
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