#however college is expensive and it is 100% possible to lower the cost of college
josenoelrobles · 3 months
How to Pay Less for College: Practical Strategies to Afford Your Degree
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College education is a significant investment, and for many families, the rising costs can be daunting. However, with the right strategies, you can significantly reduce the financial burden of higher education. Drawing from the comprehensive guide "Pay Less for College: The Must-Have Guide to Affording Your Degree" by Elizabeth Walter and Debra Thro, here’s a detailed roadmap to make college more affordable. Understanding the Cost of Attendance (COA) The COA is the sticker price for attending a college, including both direct costs like tuition and fees, and indirect costs such as books and personal expenses. However, the more critical figure to consider is the Net Price—the actual amount you'll pay after accounting for financial aid. 1. Calculate Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Your EFC is a crucial figure used to determine your eligibility for need-based financial aid. It’s calculated based on your family’s financial information provided on the FAFSA. The lower your EFC, the more financial aid you can potentially receive. Strategies to Minimize EFC: - Reduce reportable assets: Shift assets from student accounts to parent accounts since student assets are assessed at a higher rate. - Income timing: Time any income increases or capital gains to minimize their impact on your FAFSA report year. - Independent status: If possible, establish independence from your parents to avoid their income being considered. 2. Maximize Free Money: Scholarships and Grants Scholarships and grants are forms of gift aid that do not need to be repaid. They can be based on financial need or merit. Sources of Free Money: - Federal Grants: Such as the Pell Grant, which is awarded based on need. - State Grants: Many states offer grants to residents attending in-state colleges. - Institutional Scholarships: Colleges often provide merit-based scholarships. Check each college’s financial aid website for available scholarships. - Private Scholarships: Use databases like Fastweb or Scholarship.com to find scholarships offered by organizations and foundations. Practical Examples: - Apply Early and Often: Start searching and applying for scholarships early in high school. Many scholarships have early deadlines. - Local Scholarships: These often have less competition than national scholarships. Check with local community organizations, businesses, and your high school counselor. 3. Understand and Evaluate Financial Aid Packages When you receive your financial aid award letter, it’s essential to understand what each component means. Colleges often use a mix of grants, loans, and work-study to meet your need. Key Points to Consider: - Meeting Need: Not all colleges meet 100% of demonstrated need. Some may cover only a portion, leaving you with a gap. - Types of Aid: Prioritize grants and scholarships over loans, as they do not need to be repaid. - Compare Offers: Use a tool like the Net Price Calculator to compare financial aid packages from different colleges. 4. Reduce Your Net Price: Practical Steps There are several ways to lower your net price and make college more affordable. Strategies: - Graduate Early: By taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses, participating in dual enrollment programs, or attending summer school, you can graduate in less time, reducing tuition costs. - Community College: Start at a community college and then transfer to a four-year institution. Community colleges typically have lower tuition rates. - Live Off-Campus: If housing costs on campus are high, consider living off-campus where you can share costs with roommates. 5. Managing Debt Wisely If you need to take out loans, understand the terms and manage them wisely. Tips: - Federal Loans First: These typically have lower interest rates and more flexible repayment options than private loans. - Borrow Only What You Need: Minimize your debt by borrowing only what is necessary to cover your expenses. - Understand Repayment Options: Explore income-driven repayment plans and loan forgiveness programs for federal loans. 6. Utilize Tax Benefits Several tax credits and deductions can help offset the cost of college. Important Tax Benefits: - American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC): Provides up to $2,500 per year for eligible students. - Lifetime Learning Credit: Offers up to $2,000 per tax return for qualified education expenses. Conclusion Affording college doesn’t have to be an insurmountable challenge. By understanding your financial aid options, strategically planning your finances, and taking advantage of all available resources, you can reduce the cost of your college education significantly. Remember, the key is to start early and be proactive in your approach. Source: "Pay Less for College: The Must-Have Guide to Affording Your Degree" by Elizabeth Walter and Debra Thro, ©2022 College Admissions HQ. Read the full article
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amadowelch · 2 years
Employee Retention Tax Credit
Erc Employee Retention Credit Get Up To $26k Per Employee
This credit is calculated differently in 2020 and 2021 for eligible quarters. An eligible employer can claim upto $5,000 per employee in 2020 and $7,000 per employee for a qualifying quarter in 2021. After the American Rescue Plan Act was passed, most employers, including colleges, universities hospitals and 501 organisations, could be eligible for the credit.
The employee retention credit
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If an employee performs services on a lower schedule, wages paid to them are only considered qualified wages if they are greater than what the employee would receive for the services. Employers will get a credit for any difference between the total wages paid by the employer and the amount that the employer would have paid if the employee had worked fewer hours or provided less services. Employers with less than 100 full-time employees may be eligible for the credit. The credit covers all wages. Eligible employers with more than 100 full-time workers may, however, only consider qualified wages paid to employees if they are not providing services under a governmental order regarding COVID-19.
Great news for owners of construction and home improvement service companies that were impacted by Covid-19. Your business could be eligible for the #employeeretentioncredit Watch this video to find out! #constructionindustry https://t.co/pUTEh0RB3s
— CryptoCrisps (??,??) 9452 (@CryptoCrispsBee) November 11, 2022
Dealing With Employee Retention Credit
Aprio offers employee retention credit services, but Aprio also works with other credits to increase the liquidity of your company. ERC is a type of grant and can be refunded up to $26,000 per worker ($11,000 average), depending on the employee's wages, health care expenses, or other costs that business owners have already paid during the qualifying period. Employers must first determine how many full-time employees are needed to determine the qualified wages that can include them.
Great news for physician practices and medical offices that were impacted during Covid-19. You may be eligible for the #employeeretentioncredit tax refunds! Watch this video to learn more about this incredible opportunity to help you get back on your feet.https://t.co/21D5GnFslm
— CryptoCrisps (??,??) 9452 (@CryptoCrispsBee) November 11, 2022
These credits will be reconciled with the employer at the end each quarter using Form 941.
It is important to remember that businesses cannot claim a payroll expense for both an ERTC wages and a forgivable payroll costs on the PPP forgiveness application.
Follow BDO's Tax Policy Watch for information about how tax law changes could impact your business and you.
Many companies are now eligible to apply for the 2020 ERC under the Government Mandate Test.
For businesses that are struggling to keep their employees, the ERC can provide much-needed financial relief.
To be considered partially suspendable, an employer's business operations have to have been restricted by a federal state or local order, proclamation or decrement that has affected their operations.
Karamon and his colleagues answer the most frequently-asked questions about ERC.
When the ERC and the Paycheck Protection Program were rolled out under the CARES Act, businesses had to choose which to use.
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operationgraduate · 2 years
Tuition Reimbursement - A Speedy Rundown of What's in store
A lot of individuals use educational cost repayment to track down cash for school to begin or complete an advanced education. These plans bring a lot to the table. Investigate how the pieces fit together and get everything rolling on that brilliant future.
The Advantage: Associations offer tuition reimbursement for nonprofit so you will support them, as far as higher efficiency, better frameworks you can set up for them, and making the organization more attractive.
The Prerequisites: what does your organization expect to take an interest? This is the spot to begin. Figure out how to get into it and use it. I have recorded the majority of the components here, yet check to be certain you know your program.
Time with the Association: How well before you can utilize this advantage? Generally 6 a year.
College Application: you need to get acknowledged before you start. On the off chance that you think this will keep you down, have a go at beginning at a lesser school, in night classes, or distance classes. These two as a rule have lower acknowledgment prerequisites. Any application or test expenses you will pay. Kind of the cost to play the game.
Cost Sharing: What amount will the organization pay? 75 to 80% is normal, however many compensation 100 percent ahead of time. This is perfect, no sitting tight for repayment. Additionally, the advantage for the most part covers educational cost and charges, however not books. Ensure you know.
Concentrate on Subject: does as far as possible you to taking a course of study that benefits them? Some do, some don't.
Repayment Timetable: how long does the organization require? Assuming that they pay ahead of time, you can disregard this. On the off chance that not, consider an advance, a Mastercard... or on the other hand a greater stash.
Cost per Credit: Bunches of organizations set caps for the expense per credit. Not ideal assuming you are kicking the bucket to go to Stanford or an Elite level school, yet it implies you will take more classes for a similar cash.
College Arrangements: A few organizations have concurrences with schools and colleges to send their workers there. You might get a markdown or more straightforward acknowledgment. Know, so you don't invest energy applying to a school you will not get the advantage for.
All out Advantage: What will the organization pay, all out, in a year? What's more, could you at any point continue to do this for a couple of years while you finish every one of your classes?
Results: otherwise called the grade from the class. In the event that you believe that the organization should pay, you should get sensible grades, generally a B or better.
For more details, visit us :
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education assistance program for student
does tuition reimbursement include technical certification
how does employer tuition reimbursement work
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dearcorteo · 5 years
A Way to Fixing the Rising Tuition Problem
The fact that college is overly expensive is something that most, if not all, people unanimously agree on. After tuition costs, fees, and the expense of living, students are already looking at some form of debt that will take longer to pay off than the amount of time they spent in school alone. Why can’t college be free? This is a question that has been thrown around a lot as end all be all solution to the rising costs of college. Personally I've often pondered this question too, and as a college student I agree, yeah, let's make college free. However upon further investigation I have come to the realization that college may never be free. In order to completely dismiss the costs of college taxes would have to skyrocket, and that is something that the American people can not get behind. So, what is another way to help out students while also ensuring that taxes don’t reach an all time high? Redistributing funds that are already in circulation. Fully understanding where our taxes go, what colleges do with the money they make off of their students, and by looking at programs that are overly funded by the nation, there may be a way to significantly lower the cost of tuition without any drastic back lash making the cost of college more affordable for students without having to rely heavily on a raise in taxes. 
Let's start small. Where do you think the money that colleges earn from tuition goes? American Economist Ronald Ehrenberg(1) states in his article Tuition Rising: Why college costs so much, “The  objective  of  selective  academic  institutions is to be the best they can in every aspect [, and] they seek out all possible resources… to look better than their competitors”. It is as simple as that. From a College’s perspective in order to be the best, you have to look the best which requires money thus colleges raise their prices to pay for aesthetics. This means that colleges spend their funds on things like newer buildings, landscaping, technology, etc, but what if we were to reallocate that money towards lowering the cost of tuition. Sure having newer stuff is fantastic, but was it ever put into consider that not everything has to be upgraded on some sort of timed schedule? It is hard to say that having updated technology is not convenient especially when it comes to college level education, but it is beneficial to stop and ask ourselves “does this really need to be updated on yearly schedule?”. Essentially every technological update is just a remake of another existing technological invention, therefore constant spending on slightly better versions of the same thing aren’t really necessary as far as technology goes. 
Now let's think a little bit bigger. Where do our tax dollars go? I mean everyone who lives in the U.S. has to pay taxes in some shape or form, and, yet I still gotta ask, where does it all go? Because despite all the taxes that must be paid by each American citizen, there never seems to be enough money still for things that could definitely use the funding.According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget website(2), by 2010 the U.S. spent $80,000 on prison systems alone . Looking at just California the public schooling system only receives about 9% of federal funding, 32% of funding comes from taxes, and 58% comes from the state(3). Yet, literal criminals receive more federal funding, and upgraded facilities, than our actual youth. There is no reason why the budget can’t be cut, and some of the money be moved towards lowering the cost of schooling. One of the reasons why prison systems are overly funded is because of the fact that prisons are over crowded (which is completely understandable if you look at today's social, and political climate), and to accommodate for the over crowding more money is being put into the programs to expand facilities.  By making college more accessible to everyone there is a better chance for an individual to get a good job allowing them to participate in the economy, lowering their chances at committing crimes, and giving them a chance to become proper, functioning members of society. However things are still completely opposite. The prison system receives a good chunk of funding, while college is at it peak of expense, and it’s still continuing to rise. 
Besides talking about individually funded programs let's also talk about the oh so powerful 1%. Of course taxing the rich has been an idea that has been tossed around for quite some time, yet I find it to be a brilliant idea. See, most of the opposition that comes from the 1% disagreeing with a tax specific to them is solely based on the idea that they will be taxed too excessively. However I think it’s fair to say that we don’t want all of their money we only want some of their money. If we are just looking at ten riches people in the world, collectively they are already sitting on about $739.3 billion(4) (if my math is correct). Even if we could get just a measly 25% ($184.83 billion) of their fortunes, and reallocate it to colleges that could help lower tuition costs. Out of that deal, they still get to make off with 75% of their funds. I know someone, somewhere, will claim that it is a violation of one’s rights because we would be taxing a specific demographic of people, however, some people in the top 1% have enough money to last them at least three lifetimes. Why is it that they get to own most of the nation's money, but not use it to help the same nation that they both live, and collect funds from? In a way, from both perspectives, it is not fair, but in the long term funding education can allow more people to become functioning members of society. With more functioning members comes opportunities such as creating new markets, which ultimately creates more jobs thus creating more chances at making money, and helping the economy go around. 
Before going any further it is only fair that I address those who may disagree with me, and that is good. You should disagree with me because just like you I can see where my argument is flawed. Taxing the top one percent is by far the biggest no-no, cutting funding for the prison systems could also be a problem being as they are, in fact, over crowded, and underfunded at the moment, and going on and on about the importance of college without addressing the “why should we care?” question. Well, being as the idea of “free college” has been a huge topic at the table for quite some years now the real question is “why don’t you care enough?”. College is supposed to be a place where students can learn, and work towards getting their dream jobs. I don’t see why it has to cost an arm, and a leg to get there. The amount of debt that one can accumulate just from student loans alone is absolutely ridiculous. No one wants to in so much debt that they can’t even pay it back in their own lifetime, and if they were to pass that debt would be passed on to another family member, all because this individual tried to get a bachelor’s degree in order to better themselves in the working world. So, yes, perhaps my proposal is disagreeable, but forcing people to pay outrageous amounts of money for college while also having to pay the costs of living is something that I find to be completely disagreeable as well. So let’s just agree to disagree on this one. 
College is tough. College can really test students in their ability to actually be good students, and maintain decent grades in order to reach their goals, but above all things, college is expensive. Really expensive. As I’ve said before college may never truly be free, and even if we can make tuition costs go away completely it still won’t make college free. So at the very least we could do our best at trying to lower the cost as much as humanly possible in a way that is most agreeable: collecting, and redistributing funds that are already in circulation. We can’t make new money appear, but with the money that does exist, it doesn’t hurt to try making better choices when it comes to where the money is spent, how it is spent, who gets to spend it, and why it is spent. By understanding, and being able to answer those four questions figuring out ways to redistribute money becomes increasingly easier. Of course you could look at ways of lowering tuition via raising taxes, and cutting out financial aid programs, however that brings up entirely new issues with just as complicated, and unfair solutions as any proposal to solving the tuition problem does. However, I encourage all of you to go out, do some research, and look at ways to lower tuition costs, or maybe even make college free. I can guarantee it won’t be easy, but at the very least it will be informative which at this point being informed, and aware of the issue is a lot better than not understanding the situation at all. 
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Essential Questions About The Best Web Development Company
You have located the ideal company idea, as well, as now you prepare to take the next action. There is even more to beginning a service than just registering it with the state. There are some concerns before starting your web development company. These concerns responses will ensure that your new organization is well planned out, registered properly, and legitimately certified.
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A clear plan is important for success as an entrepreneur. It will certainly aid you to map out the specifics of your organization and also find some unknowns. A few essential topics to consider are:
What are the start-up as well as ongoing prices?
Who is your target market?
Just how much can you bill consumers?
What will you call your business?
Luckily we have done a lot of this research study for you.
What are the expenses involved in opening up a web development company?
Standard prices for starting the best web development company in Bangladesh are marginal. All that's required is a computer and also some workplace space. Total prices need not surpass $5,000. A lot of the price will certainly be completed right into a high-quality laptop computer or desktop computer, ample display space (using multiple screens for style work), a service phone, a pro-grade full-screen editor, and design reference books.
Marketing costs may run you between $2,000 and also $5,000 in the very first year. This is particularly true if you intend on doing any direct mail.
What are the recurring expenditures for a web development company?
Ongoing expenditures are marginal. Web development firms with offices pay energy and lease like every other service, which makes up the majority of the continuous costs. Various other costs, like office supplies, tend to be marginal. Costs like cloud storage space, time tracking software, and task management software program differ based on the programmer's demands.
Some developers find it useful to consist of project management and "whiteboard" apps like Basecamp. These job administration applications also make a cooperation with customers less complicated and much more structured. When you mostly function with customers over the Internet, they work well.
Who is the target market?
Perfect clients are business customers that need considerable coding and application implementation. Many website design companies tried to avoid small projects or tasks with high overhead and reduced earnings margin.
How does a web development company generate income?
Web development firms earn money by billing clients a level or per hour charge for coding websites.
How much can you charge consumers?
Entry-level pricing for web programmers is between $25 and also $100 per hour for little jobs. Typical prices are $100-- $200 per hour. Project costs are typically computed or approximated beforehand. Any job that looks at this quantity is then removed with the customer before more job is executed. These aids set budget plans as well as assumptions for the customer.
Some web programmers bill level costs for tasks. Typically, the flat-fee arrangement is appropriate when a task is similar to other previous jobs the programmer has done, and also, there is a template or guide the programmer will use for the present project.
How many earnings can a web development company make?
Profit capacity is high for this type of business, considering that expenses are fairly reduced. A one-person web development company can get rid of $65,000 per year. If you have a team of programmers, the profit possibility is much greater. A 5 person company can clear $400,000 to over $1 million in earnings, depending on the typical job dimension and an hourly price.
How can you make your company extra successful?
To make your web development organization much more profitable, consider adding additional services like web hosting and storage space. An integrated CMS platform will certainly additionally aid increase earnings. All these revenue resources are scalable, so even if you can not supply development solutions to customers, you can offer them organizing, storage space, and material management system services.
Some development companies also use design services or companion with web developers and gather a "finder's charge."
What will you name your company?
Picking the appropriate name is tough and also important.
You may desire to operate under a business name other than your very own name if you operate a sole proprietorship.
When signing up a service name, we advise investigating your company name by monitoring:
Your state's service documents
Federal and state hallmark documents
Social media systems
Web domain name availability
It's very crucial to safeguard your domain before another person does.
How to market a web & advertise development company?
Advertising your business is going to take a job. Locate a mailing list of a local business owner who has purchased layout services in 2014, as well as mail them your deal. These leads are more than likely to intend to buy style services from you. Send out flyers to neighborhood businesses.
How to maintain clients returning?
Distinguish yourself by concentrating on specific sectors. For example, if you are known as a web designer for dining establishments, it will be simpler for you to control that market. If you focus on designing websites for consultants or doctors, or monetary coordinators, it will lower your competition. Clients wish to work with experts, not generalists.
What takes place throughout a typical day at a web development company?
Daily activities include coding and invoicing customers. Most web development businesses likewise invest substantial time training coders and also freelancers for on-spec work. A lot of time is spent reading and responding to emails, analyzing reports, going to meetings, and doing phone seminars with customers. You may additionally invest considerable time face-to-face with clients.
Some tasks and clients require you to be on-site to complete the work. This includes planning the backend style of the site or how the content, words, photos, video clips, and also computer animations are structured. It might also consist of coding applications right into the website to enable flash discussions, custom-made applications like slide shows or calculators, and monitoring software programs.
Websites need to be examined extensively for bugs. This is specifically vital on bigger industrial websites that obtain a lot of traffic. The site requires to be safe and secure as feasible. Modifications may need to be made, examined as well as rechecked.
What are some skills and experiences that will help you build a successful web development company?
The essential skills for web development can be gotten via college training courses, or on the internet training courses. Regardless, it is vital to be fluent in web development in order to satisfy clients' demands. Programmers need to be well-versed in the basics of design imaging, standard website design, principles of computer animation, multimedia layout, material administration, editing and enhancing for video and audio, as well as multimedia programs as well as innovation.
A selection of certifications can additionally be obtained. No specific certification is called for to begin a web development company. It may help to benefit a well-established web developer before beginning your own business to get a handle on the trends in the industry.
What is the growth potential for a web development company?
The development possibility of a web development company is unrestricted. They can be operated as a one-person service or flower into a huge company with thousands of employees. Little companies tend to collaborate with small business proprietors. Larger firms can handle corporate accounts and the one-of-a-kind demands of those sorts of businesses.
What are some expert pointers for jump-starting a web development company?
Standing up and running in this service is easy, but regulating expenses is necessary. Do not stint the computer; however, do not hesitate to get whatever else made use of. Go for expert or service customers that can afford ongoing jobs so you can develop a base degree of revenue as well as earnings.
Exactly how as well as when to build a team?
Building a team is optional. If you choose to develop a team, do it just when you have enough profits to validate one more designer. The majority of development companies start out by hiring independent service providers. This keeps your prices low while also permitting you to make the revenue needed to expand as well as grow. The problem with this technique is that your service providers will not be as faithful as staff members.
Eventually, think about employing individuals on permanent. Full-time staff members feature the extra labor costs of insurance policy as well as advantages; however, they may be a lot more dedicated than independent service providers.
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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Shifting Business Models of Higher Education I suspect some colleges and universities will go under in the wake of COVID 19, as they faced with bankruptcy and are having to deal with lower enrollments too. It might be a good time for military recruiters, at least in the US. The capitalist model is in dire straits, some claim is even falling, especially the business model for higher education. But it is it really worth obtaining higher education, especially now. Tuition and other costs are high and the job market is restricted, and why pay top dollar for distance learning? Against this backdrop, President of Brown University, Christina Paxson, recently wrote in the New York Times that reopening universities in the fall should be a national priority. After all, students face practical, financial, and psychological barriers when it comes to remote learning; the sector provides about 3 million jobs, and education spending pumps near $600 billion into the national GDP. The basic business model for most colleges and universities is simple — tuition comes due twice a year at the beginning of each semester. Most colleges and universities are tuition-dependent. Remaining closed in the fall means losing as much as half of our revenue. Going deep in debt for it! One friend who is completing an MA degree wrote to me, “I am working from home at a Midwestern university has not yet re-opened. Don’t know what the future will hold – the university must take a $5 million budget cut this fiscal year and another $25 million budget cut next fiscal year (beginning July 1st). Don’t know yet how they are going to do it – some talk about early retirements but if they don’t get enough “takers” then probably layoffs.” Recent history, especially in a US presidential election year has many people and policymakers asking hard questions. It is becoming clear that anyone keeping up with U.S. higher education in recent months will see that the sector is bracing for disaster with application dates coming, usually by May. Students and parents are both stressed out over how to pay for it, especially at higher tier universities and in light of the reduction in family incomes due to unemployment and a slowed economy. One article makes it only too clear, A Global View of the Pandemic’s Effect on Higher Education, that university funding model that rely on international students for revenue will now have to brace themselves for tough financial times ahead and some are even in the danger of collapse because of travel restrictions. Nearly one-fifth of all international students study in the United States, and of our total enrollment, they makeup around 5 per cent and contribute over 44 billion to the US economy. These students usually pay full tuition, which can average over 35,000 USD a year and another USD 15,000 to USD 20,000 as living expenses. Many funding models depends largely on foreign students to balance their books as they pay full tuition, and are less likely to be funded by scholarships and other university resources. The paper chase impacts many segments of the economy, for instance, the University of Kentucky, this past year, landlords got big dollar signs in their eyes and jacked up rent twice and triple-fold, as student enrollments were at a record high. Now that they kicked out some of their renters, when their leases were up, demanding higher prices, and now they are losing money; tongue in cheek, it serves the greedy pigs right. Karl Marx Lectures There is hidden karma with capitalism too. Greedy landlords (at least sometimes) get their asses kicked when recession comes from around the corner without warning. One landlord kicked out a friend of mine, who had to move in with his girlfriend at his house. He has two kids. He’s good at repair and even remodeling houses and apartments, so that landlord doesn’t know what he lost…and now I don’t think he’ll be able to get double-rent payers. Just a few weeks before the shutdown, real estate was at a feverish all-time high. Houses prices were sky-high, all 1/4-million-USD in Lexington, and selling immediately. A friend in real estate was trying to push me to buy (but buy what? with what income?)–he said people were snapping them up as soon as they went to market. I knew it was all going to crash and burn and told him that I’ll only buy (and I’ll only be able to afford to buy) when there’s blood on the streets. That may be coming soon if jobs don’t return, and I doubt they will anytime soon. All Things Considered Things could definitely be worse, however for most, despite inconveniences, all things considered with some social benefits and support from government. They have their classes, or work on campus as teaching assistants; they have their stipend, many graduate students, and the supermarkets nearby have plenty to eat. Some have to teach from home, the social life and campus activities have come to an abrupt halt. Many teaching and professional qualification examinations have been cancelled in light of the circumstances, and this may cause extra problems later on when tests results are needed and graduates must come back and sit for them. COVID-19 has indeed hit institutions of higher education unexpectedly, as it has all colleges and universities across the United States and World. It came for many right around spring break – students were asked to consider not returning, and then were told outright that that would be it for the semester, much unexpected, very awkward, and especially worrisome for two populations. One is international students. This came up as an issue across the country. Where could foreigners turn in such circumstances? Some had flown home, and had to accustom themselves to remote participation during uncomfortable time zones. Some received special permissions to stay on campus. And some were not able to come back because of shutdowns in flights and over public health concerns. A lot of creativity has gone into handling this point. The second is graduating students. Unfortunately, their final weeks as students, with all the rituals that entail – from parties to formal ceremonies – all went in another direction. It must be emphasized that universities have been accommodating and have kept the interests of their students at the forefront. Normal job fairs are not being held on campus, as before, and the recruitment of new blood is another issue that will affect the business community. At the same time, there is only so much a university can do if it is constrained by public health concerns, budgetary restrictions, and government orders – more so when one considers public universities, and private universities and colleges of size and a scale. A professor was sharing some thoughts the other day (via Zoom, of course) about the model of the university going forward. It will be a different experience for future generations, he speculated, with mixed methods of teaching and learning. The classic seminar of sitting around a table and discussing may go out of style. Another professor contended that her experience coming into a university and making personal connections around a table was what changed her life. There will be a lot of discussions like this about the trade-offs in style and substance in the coming months, possibly years. Financial models of universities will probably have to be re-imagined, for better or for worse. What is of immediate concern is how to move forward in the fall. Most are working to publish their plans, at least contingency plans by mid-June. Presumably, other universities, other than the earlier examples, are going along the same pace as well in order to give enough lead time to prepare, both for themselves and for their students, faculty, and staff. Students too are reconsidering the opportunity costs of even attending a university. Some are opting to stay closer to home and pursue degrees on a part-time basis and continue with their lives the best they can during uncertain times. Education, like many other institutions, has become nothing but another huge over-bloated scam and the return on investment is not as much as it is touted. The situation that is described here is not limited to the US or a specific region of the world. The main problem when it comes to UK universities is that the crisis had already started years ago, and all of this madness adds up to previous issues. The Oxbridge model is immensely expensive, and the main ways to sustainability – research funders, international students, the endowment, the press, executive education, and commercial activity – will all decline at a time when their costs will increase. As you probably know, in 2017 Oxford exposed itself to 100-year bonds for GBP 1 billion to avoid privatization; it worked, and they raised the debt to 3 billion. However, a shift in conditions will make the interest rate higher – how do you pay when things go wrong? It is just impossible to take on more debt, for students and institutions of higher education alike. Going on the market is a short term fix but not a solution. Conversely, the most flexible and affordable universities in Europe are those like the Open University (or Oxford, which has earned a reputation with online learning, and has even more potential) and will continue and improve their performance. Others are investing a lot in distance learning, such as Exeter. However, the terrible combination of the COVID emergency plus Brexit (ergo, losing the generous EU funds for research as well as the most skilled European students and lecturers) will make British Universities empty, and go bankrupt. UK Universities make money with post-graduate overseas students since Chinese and Asian people come here with very little English (not to say about their study skills) but willing to pay a fortune to get a piece of paper. Once back home, they can spend their qualifications very easily and get high positions. If students don’t come or go somewhere else, the whole system fails. There are several things UK and international universities can do, one is the Nottingham University Modelo, which has opened branches overseas. And instead of running after learners to come to the UK, learners can find branches close to home. Another option is to create partnership with other institutions so that they can add cherry onto the cake. For instance, additional lectures or certificate programmes, or by providing summer programmes around the world. Another one is aiming at blended programs, which is quite hard since the competition from European universities will become unbearable. In countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium or Austria you can find some of the best institutions in the world with a spotless reputation (I am thinking, for instance, to Groningen or Berlin) which are nearly free! How can you compete with that? It’s looking grim on enrolment but to be honest, we are all just waiting to see how many show up. A major challenge is international students – embassies are just not going to process visas. So we will have students who will be stuck here in the US and many who won’t be able to get here. It’s going to be a very large loss on top of lower domestic US numbers. I suspect many students will take a gap year and see what transpires rather than do more online courses. For me, this situation is a real opportunity to radically rethink society. From that, I realize we need to really look at future-proofing and building a truly resilient society. Just like after WW II there was a progressive and radical rebuilding of society, and I think that’s what is needed now- a few bailouts will not be enough It looks that we know what to do but the leadership is lacking. I think the idea that after all of this madness there might be a restart is shared by many, but is misleading at the same time. Provided that giving things another go makes sense, we have to remember that one thing is a contingency and one is the social system we are all in – something that is very difficult to modify in the short term.
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bellabell73-blog · 4 years
Orthodontic Therapy for adults
Many men and women normally neglect matters related to dental treatments including getting excellent care of their gumsteeth . Dental-care also involves prevention and treatment of infections of the teeth and gums apart from the replacement and repair of faulty teeth.Gone are those days when dental companies used to become an expensive choice. Let's have a look at a few strategies about how to find dental hygiene products and services that are inexpensive:Start by inquiring about a excellent dental program by family members, friends and your coworkers. Ask questions including if emergency service is offered, just how easy it is to get an appointment, and how much it costs, types of solutions and so on. Also inquire about perhaps the air of the dental hygiene centre is both reassuring and relaxing, behaviour of the team particularly towards children etc.Dental services are also supplied at neighborhood dental schools at affordable and competitive rates. Clean and some of these schools will give to check your tooth. It ought perhaps not be a problem to work out a list of such schools around your area by way of internet.In case you are a newcomer to a field, try checking out the services of the dental specialist who provides his/her services to the local hospitals. You might even search for the most effective dental hygiene facilities on line. You're able to even use your insurance provider's website to hunt for dentists who would take your insurance cover.One of those alternatives to get dental health care would be dental health insuranceplan. Apart from a few insurance coverages which might cost significantly less than just $10 to get monthly basis, the majority of the options that are available would be expensive. It's vital for the part to learn the complete stipulations, excluded items and procedures, what the plan insures, the yearly price for both family and individual coverages which still pertains to you.Most of those public going for this sort of policies don't understand that preexisting terms are not insured by these kinds of procedures. Including covering 15% the 2 nd calendar year the year and so forth, even following the completion of one year companies shell out out progressively. Ergo, representatives because of these deficiency of policy and superior cost not generally recommend this sort of forms of dental insurance coverage policies. Pre-existing plans are not limited in the event of discounted dental hygiene plans. Substantial discounts are offered by these kinds of programs on regular dental care like root canals, dentures, braces, X-rays, cleanings, checkups as well as much more. This sort of dental hygiene plans' membership fees typically average around $150 for families and $100 for individuals . At that time of the consultation, you have to cover your trip in full.No consent of any sort is needed in the event that you need to adjust your dentist. Inside of the system of the plan, you can go to any provider in just about any state. It must be said that substantial reduction dental hygiene programs have suppliers excessively of above 0.1 million dental pros and dental practitioners worldwide.You may be surprised to understand over 70% of their families living in unitedstates would have some dental health coverage. Hence, it's necessary that you realize the dental care is essential for the wellbeing of your complete body.The need for free or low-cost dental hygiene will increase. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), 8 out of 10 persons believe that taking care of their teeth and gums is really a necessity, however merely one-third of these say they're performing an exceptional job with it.Because of this downturn that they are huge numbers of men and women that are uninsured and can't afford to see that the dentist. Additionally, facilities that are state financed are even close because the financing is not there and sometimes finding out which they must decrease their companies. The requirements of those individuals are putting a stress on the character of the state. The main issue is not to fear. Could render an atmosphere of helplessness when having to proceed that you've been familiar with receiving it. Luckily we live in a nation where there are resources accessible support can be received by you. The real difficulty becomes the way you can afford what is being given or how to seek out someone that provides their products and solutions for your requirements for free.There are several charitable associations and tools who've chosen the initiative to meet with the gap made by budget reductions and closings for those in need. Unfortunately, the number of people requiring assistance out amounts the readily available resources.Many physicians and dentists lugging round the country to present dental care to the jobless, faculty students as well as the probate like a solution to return into the community. Included within this article are organizations you are able to search on the web and contact for nation and also country information for volunteers from your region to support your dental needs to get a very minimal price or at no cost. Nearby educational institutions: a cost plan possibility and some dental school in your region will probably most likely offer products and services for a very lowcost. A school is a superior way to go in case you are on a finances. Skilled instructors are available to oversee their students' job. To get a record of dental educational institutions around the country, take a look at the ADA.org site. Dentistry from the Heart was started to address and also promote the expanding amount of those uninsured and millions of individuals within this nation. It became a federal nonprofit company together with complimentary hygiene incidents, in 2007 all over the country. Since 2001, a lot more than $ 1million in free dental care has been provided.The Dental Health Magazine aids track down free and affordable dental treatments to people who need it. The website additionally discusses the newest advice in dental services and products and services.American Dental Association (ADA.org): hunt website for free dental hygiene. It'll provide several companies which provide hygiene nationwide, however, appears to promote programs aimed towards kids. Even the ADA is committed to reducing these disparities by encouraging projects that extend access to dental hygiene for folks that otherwise cannot manage it and invite additional dentists to apply at designated below functioned areas.Free Medical Camps.com: delivers customers the very latest and up to date advice regarding complimentary medi cal Center and Dental Clinics out there in the United States.Low cost dental plans: Supply low cost dental hygiene plans that are cheap having good special discounts for dental care to your family. In the event that you have a situation, most plans do not punish you. The plan may be actuated over 48 hours. Additional advantages that might be in the design are savings on prescriptions, vision maintenance and more.It is imperative that you have access to the internet because most of those resources are present online. More than a few of them do not make the day paper or news. You might learn regarding the cellphone solutions via other regions that offer aid for individuals in need or websites in the clinics. What's crucial is if you are not able to accomplish obtaining you never stop trying. Remain confident, targeted and proactive in receiving the care you need.Today a great deal of people never acquire dental insurance coverage as part of their health care insurance policy policy. In fact quite a while back, the million dollars of prices were not covered by insurance coverages. Nothing has seemingly shifted. Now though treatment costs are covered by insurance merely a few of individuals are actually ready to pay for it now. As a result of the reason a lot of men and women have opted for tooth extraction of spending to get care, instead of an alternative. A number even avoid getting care treatments due to the expenses involved on time. Gum disease and tooth decay are the usual risks involved when hygiene is avoided. If you're relocating to Raleigh, vermont or the Research Triangle Park location, this information may help you find the optimal/optimally dentist to deliver the amount of care most appropriate for you and your family.In Raleigh, dental care is much more accessible than it's at a number of other parts of North Carolina. Raleigh can be found in northeast County, which is. Unfortunately, their state of North Carolina ranks 47th in the country with respect to dentist-to-patient ratios. Raleigh citizens have great access compared for the others of the U.S., As the country ranks lower for dental care availability. By combining June 2009 figures from the North Carolina Dental Board using 2008 census statistics for Raleigh, one can extrapolate there is really a ratio of roughly 1 particular dentist each 1,350 residents.The quality of care (as well as the range of dental services ) in Raleigh has been influenced from the nearby University of North Carolina School of Dentistry in Chapel Hill, NC. Raleigh, '' the Research Triangle Park location, along with neighboring towns and counties have exemplary access to dental care, thanks in significant part into the existence of scholars of this school.Founded in 1954, the UNC School of Dentistry has a countrywide reputation for research and education. Each year, the school admits about 80 college students to its DDS (doctorate of Cosmetic Surgery) program, together with approximately 80 percent of people having in-state admissions. In the U.S., colleges of instruction - like law and health care colleges - have no official positions. UNC is normally a leading competitor on lists that are unofficial. The nationally respect for the UNC School of Dentistry program helps validate the attribute of dental products and services being provided in Raleigh by scholars of the school.The new york Dental Board may be the regulating body for suppliers of dental services in vermont. Its mission is to be certain the dental profession virtue and receive the assurance of people and only qualified persons are permitted to practice dentistry and dental hygiene in the country of North Carolina.What type s of Dental Providers Exist?While that the North Carolina Dental Board is your regulatory system, the North Carolina Dental Society is a professional firm which promotes the advancement of the people's oral wellbeing and also the science and art of dentistry. It promotes the maintenance of standards of competency and practice, and reflects the interests of members of their profession as well as the public that it serves. While registration at the organization that is expert isn't mandatory, the North Carolina Dental Society provides figures that give some insight in to the supply of distinct kinds of providers of hygiene at Raleigh. Raleigh members include dental providers in such generally utilized categories: General Practice (14-2 ), Orthodontists (17), Oral/Maxillofacial surgical treatment (11), Endodontists (9), Pediatrics (8), Periodontists (7). June 2009 figures from the vermont Dental Board suggested that 2 64 dentists in Raleigh were licensed to practice normal Dentistry. The combination of those two collections of numbers should provide to the variety of suppliers that are specialized for demanding extrapolation.To obtain further details on this please click for more info here. In Raleigh, the provision of dental providers is starting to improve, as a result of this progressive considering several dentists. This change involves building a variety of dental treatments services accessible under a single roof. General dentists keen to invest in training can provide a selection of hygiene services, a theory sometimes referred to. Cosmetic acupuncture products and solutions are also included by some. Having solutions presented under one roofing additionally removes the need to obtain consents and transfer dental information from one practice to another.This emerging model for dental maintenance in Raleigh has different benefits - just one being the the dentist familiar with all the patient dental treatments along with preferences may provide many, if not absolutely all, of those services in a familiar environment. A familiar surroundings may help reduce the stress that a number of patients experience when they must go to some (new) pro to receive needed services. (rest assured that overall dentists that present a broader variety of dental services do refer incredibly sophisticated instances to correct dental hygiene specialists who focus on only one very specific dental hygiene dilemma, and also whose skills could possibly be essential in these individual scenarios.) Since specialists in Raleigh are not nearly as accessible as general dentists (see statistics above), overall dentists that offer a wider array of products and services may support provide more timely treatment to all"non-routine" dental demands (e.g., wisdom tooth extractionand periodontal solutions, orthodontics). Ask any potential provider of dental hygiene from Raleigh to explain the variety of professional services that the practice is currently making open to you, along with the specific qualifications of their dentist(s). You may also desire to ask perhaps because the state enacted also an accreditation process and guidelines to ensure safety within the management of sedation from dental clinics , the practice is licensed by the state of vermont to perform sedation dentistry.
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bluewatsons · 5 years
Deborah L. Rhode, Appearance as a Feminist Issue, 69 SMU L. Rev. 697 (2016)
In 1929, in A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf maintained that every woman needed to consider “what is your relation to the ever-changing and turning world of gloves and shoes . . . .” Since then, that world has grown ever more complicated. In today’s universe of escalating opportunities for cosmetic enhancement, the issues surrounding beauty have posed increasingly complex challenges. For some women, our cultural preoccupation with appearance is a source of wasted effort and expense, a threat to physical and psychological well-being, and a trigger for workplace discrimination. For other women, the pursuit of beauty is a source of pleasure and agency, and a showcase for cultural identity. The question for the women’s movement is whether it is possible to find some common ground, and to develop a concept of beauty that is a source of pleasure rather than shame, and that enhances, rather than dictates self-worth.
I. Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-Century Debates
Contemporary challenges to appearance-related practices have long- standing roots. During America’s first two centuries, “respectable” women did not “rouge,” a practice associated with prostitutes.3 Women might ingest chalk, vinegar, or even arsenic to achieve a fair complexion, or kiss rosy crepe paper to redden their lips, but any detectable use of paints or powders put their reputations at risk.4 Beauty and virtue were intertwined, and reliance on cosmetics was thought corrosive to a “chaste soul” and a sign of moral depravity.5 Some black women’s leaders similarly condemned anyone who wanted to whiten her skin: “Why does she wish to improve her appearance? Why not improve her real self?”6 On hair, many leaders echoed the advice of Marcus Garvey: “Don’t remove the kinks from your hair! Remove them from your brain!”7
Market forces, however, kept putting temptation within ever-easier reach, and by the early twentieth century much of the stigma surrounding cosmetics had eroded.8 They became seen as a form of self-expression and an emblem of emancipation, as well as a means of moving up in the marriage market.9 According to Zelda Fitzgerald, “paint and powder” were a way for women to “choose their destinies—to be successful competitors in the great game of life.”10 By the early twentieth century, suffragists advocated lip rouge as a symbol of women’s rights and incorporated its use in public rallies.11
Although some activists in this “first wave” of feminism also attempted to link dress reform with other feminist causes, their initial campaigns had little success. In 1851, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Amelia Bloomer launched their crusade against corsets and crinolines by wearing shortened skirts over Turkish-styled pantaloons, a style quickly labeled “bloomers.”12 A few other suffragists joined the effort, but soon dropped out after journalists viciously caricatured the costume and spectators jeered and stoned women who wore them.13 However, many doctors, educators, editors of women’s magazines, and authors of advice manuals supported at least some reform, and “sensible dress” apart from bloomers gradually emerged.14 The increasing popularity of the bicycle and other forms of physical exercise, as well as women’s entry into the paid labor market, ultimately reinforced the demand for functional fashions.15
In the 1960s, the emergence of a “second wave” of feminism brought a more fundamental and sustained challenge to the beauty industry. In 1968, protestors at the Miss America pageant announced a boycott of all products related to the competition, and unceremoniously deposited bras, girdles, curlers, false eyelashes, and women’s magazines into a “Freedom Trash Can.”16 Although no undergarments were burned, the label “bra burner” stuck as an all-purpose pejorative to characterize “radical” feminists.17 Among that group were authors of a statement accompanying the protest, which explained, “Women in our society are forced daily to compete for male approval, enslaved by ludicrous beauty standards that we ourselves are conditioned to take seriously.”18 Building on the premise that the “personal is political,” activists shed a range of conventions along with their undergarments. Unshaved legs and unadorned faces became a symbol of “liberation.”19
The public reception was not unlike the response to early dress reformers. Feminists were seen as “dowdy,” “frumpy” “moralizers,” who hated men because they could not attract them.20 Because radicals gained disproportionate media attention, the early feminist movement, in general, and its critique of beauty in particular, was often dismissed even by those who accepted most of its other egalitarian principles.21 In The Sceptical Feminist, Janet Radcliffe Richards voiced a common concern: “The image of the movement comes from the individuals in it; if large numbers of them are unattractive the movement as a whole is bound to be so too.”22
Over the last quarter century, as the feminist movement has grown increasingly fragmented, different subcultures have differed sharply on matters of appearance. Since the late 1960s, fat activists have sought to challenge discrimination on the basis of weight and to make tolerance for all body sizes a social priority.23 Beginning in the 1990s, a group of young activists, self-labeled as “third-wave feminists,” focused on interlocking categories of oppression and ways of encouraging sexual agency.24 For some of these women, that has involved reclaiming conventional emblems of femininity—sexualized clothing and stiletto heels. For others, such as those in punk rock subcultures, it has meant rejecting traditional images of femininity and asserting deviant styles—green hair or shaved heads.25 And for aging second-wave feminists, the challenge has been finding ways to reconcile their personal attachment to femininity with their political commitments.
II. Critiques of Prevailing Beauty Practices
Despite their other differences, many contemporary feminists have raised shared concerns about current norms of appearance. The most obvious is cost. In her widely publicized account, The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf noted that women’s absorption with appearance “leeches money and leisure and confidence.”26 Because women are held to unattainable ideals, their task is boundless. Almost all areas of the female body are in need of something. The result is to focus women’s attention on self-improvement rather than social action.
The costs of our cultural preoccupation with appearance are considerable. The global investment in grooming totals over US $100 billion, and Americans alone spend over US $40 billion a year on diets.27 Much of that investment falls short of its intended effects or is induced by mislead- ing claims. The weight loss industry is a case in point. Ninety-five percent of dieters regain their majority of their weight within one to five years.28 Yet in the fact-free fantasy land of diet marketers, miracle products abound. Claims that the Federal Trade Commission has targeted include topical gels, patches, and dietary supplements that “eliminate fat deposits” and cause “rapid weight loss” without “diets or exercise.”29 Consumers squander millions of dollars on such products because most Americans assume that manufacturers could not make these claims with- out a factual basis.30 Yet resource limitations have prevented state and federal regulatory agencies from keeping up with the barrage of mislead- ing advertisements regarding diet and cosmetic products.31
Our preoccupation with appearance also carries health risks, including eating disorders, yo-yo dieting, and cosmetic surgery.32 From a health perspective, the current obsession with thinness is misdirected; it compromises reproductive and work capacity, and predicts higher rates of sickness.33 Except at extreme levels, weight is less important than fitness in preventing disease and prolonging life.34 Concerns about appearance are also linked to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.35 Even fashion footwear carries a cost; high heels are a major contributor to serious back and foot problems.36 Hillary Clinton learned that fact the hard way. One Christmas season during the Clinton presidency, after standing for hours in receiving lines at holiday parties, she became bedridden with back pain.37 A specialist concluded that she “shouldn’t wear high heels again.” “Never?” Clinton asked. “Well, yes, never,” he responded, and added, “With all due respect, ma’am, why would you want to?”38
Another cost of our cultural preoccupation with appearance is discrimination. Appearance skews judgments about competence. Resumes and essays get less favorable evaluations when they are thought to belong to less attractive individuals.39 Overweight individuals are seen as having less effective work habits and ability to get along with others.40 Less attractive teachers get less favorable course evaluations from students,41 and less attractive students receive lower ratings in intelligence from teachers.42 A meta-analysis that aggregated findings of over a hundred studies found that although less attractive individuals are perceived as less competent, the actual correlation between physical appearance and intellectual competence is “virtually zero.”43 Although the relative importance of appearance varies by occupation, less attractive individuals are generally less likely to be hired and promoted and earn lower salaries.44 Penalties are apparent even in professions like lawyer and college professor, where appearance bears no demonstrable relationship to job performance.45 About 60 percent of overweight women report experiences of employment discrimination.46 Such discrimination on the basis of appearance carries both individual and social costs. It undermines self- esteem, diminishes job aspirations, and compromises efficiency and equity.47
The overemphasis of attractiveness diminishes women’s credibility and diverts attention from their capabilities and accomplishments. In the long run, these are more stable sources of self-esteem and social power than appearance. The devaluation and sexualization of women based on appearance is particularly apparent for women in leadership positions. On Condoleezza Rice’s first day as national security adviser, the New York Times ran a profile discussing her dress size (6), taste in shoes (comfortable pumps), and hemline preferences (modest).48 After becoming secretary of state, her appearance in high boots when visiting troops in Germany inspired portrayals as a dominatrix in political cartoons and comedy routines.49
Kamala Harris, California’s Attorney General, received front page coverage when President Barack Obama described her as “by far, the best-looking attorney general in the country.”50 As first lady and then as a political candidate, Hillary Clinton faced a barrage of criticism as frumpy, fat, and “bottom heavy.”51 As secretary of state, when a man at a town hall meeting in Kyrgyzstan asked her which designers she wore, an exasperated Clinton responded, “Would you ever ask a man that question?”52 Shortly after Marissa Mayer was appointed CEO of Yahoo, a Forbes article described her as “attractive, well coifed, and poised under pressure,” and described her reputation as the “hottest CEO ever,” and one of the “sexiest geek girls” of Silicone Valley.53 Although Supreme Court Justices are not known for being eye candy, no male nominee to the Court has attracted comments like those directed at Elena Kagan; to talk show host Michael Savage, she looked “as if she belongs in a kosher deli.”54 I got a personal glimpse into the phenomenon just described after publicizing my book, The Beauty Bias. It was surprising how many men took time to send me comments like “You ugly cunt,” or “Let’s take up a collection to buy the professor a burka and improve the aesthetics at Stanford.”55
One other cost of discrimination on the basis of appearance is the exacerbation of economic and racial inequality. Appearance both reflects and reinforces class privilege. Prevailing beauty standards disadvantage individuals who lack the time and money to invest in attractiveness. Fashion, makeup, health clubs, weight loss products, and cosmetic procedures all come at a cost. Discrimination based on weight is particularly problematic from a class standpoint. Low-income and minority individuals have disproportionate rates of obesity, and as one expert puts it, there is some evidence that “poverty is fattening,” and “much stronger evidence that fatness is impoverishing.”56 Many poor people live in nutritional deserts—areas with no readily accessible grocery stores that sell fresh fruits and vegetables.57 These areas also tend to lack public recreational facilities and schools with adequate physical education programs.58 The bias that overweight individuals confront compromises their educational, employment, and earning opportunities. Although images of beauty are growing somewhat more diverse, they still reflect the legacy of racial privilege. Light skin, straightened hair, and Anglo-American features carry an economic and social advantage.59 Those who look less “white” have lower incomes and occupational status after controlling for other factors.
Discrimination on the basis of appearance also compounds gender inequality by reinforcing a double standard and a double bind for women. They face greater pressures than men to be attractive and greater penalties for falling short; as a consequence, their self-worth is more dependent on looks.60 Overweight women are judged more harshly than overweight men and are more susceptible to eating disorders and related psychological and physical dysfunctions.61 About ninety percent of cosmetic surgery patients are female, with all the financial costs and physical risks that such procedures pose.62 Yet even as the culture expects women to conform, they often face ridicule for their efforts. A case in point was the comment from a Boston Herald columnist about the appearance of a prominent politician: “There seemed to be something humiliating, sad, desperate and embarrassing about [Katherine] Harris yesterday, a woman of a certain age trying too hard to hang on.”63 The “certain age” was forty- three.64 But neither should women “let themselves go,” nor look as if they were trying too hard not to.65 Beauty must seem natural—even, or especially, when it can only be accomplished through considerable unnatural effort.
Feminists are in a particularly problematic situation. Those who defy conventional standards are ridiculed as homely harpies; those who com- ply are dismissed as hypocrites. Jane Fonda’s decision to have breast im- plants and other surgical procedures seemed to “contradict everything she advocates” concerning health and fitness.66 When confronted by the contradiction, Fonda responded, “I never asked to be a role model. . . . I don’t pretend to be different from any other woman. I’m subject to the same foibles and pressures.”67 Most disturbing of all is the toll that these criticisms take on individuals’ own self-esteem. Many women who recognize beauty norms as oppressive feel humiliated by the inability to escape them. They are ashamed for feeling ashamed. Writing about her resort to electrolysis to eliminate unsightly facial hair, Wendy Chapkis confesses: “I am a feminist. How humiliated I then feel. I am a woman. How ugly I have been made to feel. I have failed on both counts.”68 Eve Ensler, in The Good Body, recounts her own struggles with self-deprecating irony: “What I can’t believe is that someone like me, a radical feminist for nearly thirty years, could spend this much time thinking about my stomach. It has become my tormentor, my distractor: it’s my most serious committed relationship.”69
Responses to these critiques have proceeded on multiple levels. Some women stress agency. Cosmetic surgery patients often describe their deci- sion as “the independent choice of a liberated woman” and deny that they are pressured by others.70 In one widely circulated Playboy article, Jan Breslauer, a former Yale feminist theory professor, further insisted that having a “boob job” expressed feminist principles—”a woman’s right to do what she wants with her body.”71 It “made me focus on how far I’ve come. . . . I have arrived at a point where I can go out and buy myself a new pair of headlights if I want. . . . [I]f somebody asks if they’re [mine, I can] tell them, ‘Yes, I bought them myself.’”72
At the same time, many patients have acknowledged ridicule, humiliation, and shame as driving their decisions. One female patient described a common experience: “I wish I could have said, ‘To hell with it, I am going to love my body the way it is’. . . but I had tried to do that for fifteen years and it didn’t work.”73 Hillary Clinton, who has had a number of minor makeovers, captured similarly common views when she told Elle magazine, “Cosmetic surgery may be just as important for someone’s state of mind and well-being as any other kind of surgery.”74
So too, studies of women’s use of makeup, salons, and spas find considerable satisfaction with such purchases. Cosmetics make many individuals feel more “credible” and “professional.”75 Time spent shopping or in spas and salons provides pleasure and opportunities for female bonding. It can also seem like an occupational necessity. One study of women in Congress between ages forty-six and seventy-four found that over ninety percent had no visible grey hair.76 The reasons for tinting are not unlike those that motivate users of Botox. As Susan Brownmiller observed three decades ago, the facelift is “a logical extension of every night cream, moisturizer, pore cleanser and facial masque that has gone before it.”77
Yet as Carolyn Heilbrun argued in a celebrated essay, “Coming of Age,” makeup or hair tints are a form of temporary “camouflage” that can be shed at will.78 Surgery reflects a riskier attempt to alter the body, and the efforts are often only “briefly if at all effective. Worse, they increase the fear of age. . . . [O]ne should encourage youth, not try to be it.”79 Freedom in midlife can only come in understanding that “who I am is what I do” not how I look.80 Eve Ensler makes the same point about diets and other appearance-related regimes: “LOVE YOUR BODY. STOP FIXING IT.”81
While women remain divided over cosmetic practices, they also often share discomfort about the culture that produces them. Appearance is an opportunity for self-expression and self-determination, but many women recognize that their options are far too “limited by circumstances which are not of their making.”82 In one study of makeup in the workplace, virtually all the participants believed that they had a choice about whether to use cosmetics.83 But many also believed that women who de- cline to wear makeup “do not appear to be (1) healthy, (2) heterosexual, or (3) credible.”84 So, too, even women who are satisfied with their deci- sion to have cosmetic surgery are often highly critical of the culture that had led them to take that step. Such surgery is “a symptom of an unjust social order in which women [have] to go to extremes” just to look acceptable.85 To Katha Pollitt:
[W]hat is most of this starving and carving about but accepting that woman is basically just a body . . . with a rather short shelf life? You can postpone the expiration date if you “work” at it . . . or you “have work done,” as if the body were some sort of perpetual construction site. But basically you are suffering a lot to please people . . . and disguising that fact from yourself with a lot of twaddle about self- improvement and self-esteem.86
Not all women are, of course, under such illusions. Many also recognize that in the long run, their efforts to conform to conventional ideals carry “heavy costs for them and for all women.”87 But this seems like the price for success in the short run, which requires “making do with a culture that they believe judges and rewards them for their looks.”88 As one feminist noted, “I am a midlifer in today’s world and I don’t think I have time to reeducate society for the greater good.”89 “Plastic surgery,” she acknowledged, “is a bit of a sellout, but I don’t think it means I have to skewer myself on the feminist spike. . . . The personal may be political, but the personal is also personal. . . . I know that aging naturally is the more honorable way to go but I’m not there to be honorable to my gender. I’ve done quite a lot of that in my life.”90 Jan Breslauer defends her implants along similar lines. Sexism is “not going to change any time soon. Here’s the choice: You can rail at an imperfect world or go get yourself a great pair of bazongas.” As long as “women are judged by their jugs . . . it’s sometimes better to acknowledge that the injustice exists and get on with your life.”91
Such comments point up the discomfiting dilemma that many feminists face between personal interests and political commitments. Even leaders of the women’s movement who try to set the right example frequently fail to achieve the inner peace that their politics demand. As a matter of principle, Susan Brownmiller stopped shaving her legs, but years later she “had yet to accept the unaesthetic results.”92 Patricia Williams makes a similar confession about her attachment to “power point” footwear— shoes with spindle heels and narrow toes that are unsuitable for actual walking.93 Such ambivalence is scarcely surprising, given the deep-seated cultural forces and market pressures that underpin appearance ideals.
So where does that leave us? “Has feminism failed women?” Karen Lehman wonders.94 “Have women failed feminism? Or has society failed them both?”95 Perhaps more to the point, are those helpful ways of framing the question? Is a better way forward to avoid looking back and to get beyond blame? Can we criticize appearance-related practices without criticizing the women who find them necessary?
Underlying this question are deeper, more vexed issues of false consciousness, female agency, and the “authentic” self. Much of the early work on appearance by contemporary feminists underscored the need to link the personal with the political.96 From this perspective, a “choice” to engage in practices that objectified women or imposed undue costs seemed irreconcilable with feminist principles. When women experienced themselves as autonomous agents, making pleasurable decisions, that was simply evidence of the power of repressive ideologies.97 The only answer was to raise women’s consciousness and to demand that they value their authentic unreconstructed selves.98 They should accept their bodies as they “really” are, and please themselves, not others, with the way that they look.99
By contrast, most contemporary feminist theorists, influenced by postmodern perspectives, see no universal, uncontested standpoint from which consciousness can be declared “false” or identities considered “authentic.”100 Yet they also emphasize the link between the personal and political.101 Choices are never wholly “free” or solely “personal.”102 Cultural practices inevitably shape individuals’ preferences, and their individual responses in turn help sustain or alter those practices. According to critics such as Susan Bordo, that entails viewing the body as a site not simply for self-expression but also for political struggle.103
Yet to many activists, such theoretical formulations offer too little guidance on personal choices that have political implications. As Katha Pollitt notes, the failure to take a stance on practices that subordinate women as a group leads all too easily to a “you go, girl” approach, in which “[a]nything is feminist as long as you ‘choose’ it.”104 It has now become “unsisterly, patronizing, infantilizing and sexist to question another woman’s decision. . . . There’s no social context and no place to stand and resist; there’s just a menu of individual options and preferences.”105 An Onion parody makes a similar point.106 Under the title “Women Now Empowered by Everything a Woman Does,” a fictional woman’s studies professor explains that “[f]ortunately for the less impressive among us, a new strain of feminism has emerged,” in which almost all activities—shopping for shoes, or gaining weight—are “championed as proud, bold assertions of independence.”107 Another fictional feminist in the parody says, “Only by lauding every single thing a woman does . . . can you truly go, girls.”108 It was “so much simpler,” Pollitt observes, when feminism could just “tell women to use their famous agency to pull up their socks and say Screw you.”109
IV. Beyond the Impasse
“What do women want?” Freud famously asked, as if the preferences of half the world’s population could be captured in some universal standard.110 When it comes to appearance, what women want is not always the same or always compatible. Many women who opt for cosmetic enhancement feel well-served by the result.111 But the cost is to reinforce standards that make it harder for other women to resist.112
Yet whatever their disagreements on these issues, most individuals appear to share certain core values. Appearance should be a source of plea- sure, not of shame. Individuals should be able to make decisions about whether to enhance their attractiveness without being judged politically incorrect or professionally unacceptable. Our ideals of appearance should reflect diversity across race, ethnicity, age, and body size. In this ideal world, the importance of appearance would not be overstated. Nor would it spill over to employment and educational contexts in which judgments should be based on competence, not cosmetics. Women would not be held to higher standards than men. Neither would their self-esteem be tied to attractiveness, rather than accomplishment. In order for appearance to be a source of enjoyment rather than anxiety, it cannot dictate women’s self-worth.
So how do we get from here to there? There are no easy answers, but refocusing the feminist critique is an obvious place to start. It has not helped feminists’ political agenda or public image to denounce widely accepted beauty practices and women who won’t get with the program.113 Greater tolerance is in order, along with recognition that women are not all similarly situated in their capacity for resistance. Those who write about women’s issues need to recognize that not everyone has the luxury of being able to say “screw you” to the cosmetics industry. In my job as a law professor, no one cares whether I use mascara. For television’s legal commentators, such as Greta Van Susteren, the circumstances are far different, and the condemnation she received for her surgical makeover seemed misdirected.114 Why center criticism on her choice rather than on the preferences of viewers and network executives that made the choice seem necessary? Focusing attention on personal decisions rather than collective practices asks too much of individuals and too little of society.115
To that end, we need a broad range of initiatives. Individuals should educate themselves and others about the risks of cosmetic practices and offer more support for women who resist them. Schools and workplaces should do more to discourage discrimination based on appearance. The media needs to offer more diverse and natural images of beauty, and to avoid promoting fraudulent appearance-related advertisements. The law should prohibit appearance discrimination and more effectively regulate the marketing of beauty products.116 When a leader such as Donald Trump demeans the appearance of his rivals, critics, and even women of who accused him of sexual abuse, the public should make its outrage felt.117
Feminists claim to speak from the experience of women. But that experience counsels tolerance for the different ways that appearance is perceived by different women under different constraints. Fat is a Feminist Issue, declared the title of Susie Orbach’s widely circulated critique.118 So are implants, Botox, stilettos, and a host of other appearance-related concerns. Women need better ways of talking to, rather than past each other, on these issues, which continue to shape their opportunities and identities.
Original publication available at Deborah L. Rhode, Appearance as a Feminist Issue, in BODY AESTHETICS 81 (Sherri Irvin ed., Oxford Univ. Press, 2016). The editorial assistance of Eun Sze is gratefully acknowledged.
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas 117 (Oxford University Press 2015).
Kathy Peiss, Hope in a Jar: The Making of America’s Beauty Culture 53 (1998).
Id. at 15, 17; Karen Kozlowski, Read My Lips: A Cultural History of Lipstick 18 (1998).
Peiss, supra note 3, at 57.
Id. at 207.
Ayana D. Byrd & Lori L. Tharps, Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black hair in America 38 (2001).
Peiss, supra note 3, at 54.
Id. at 59.
Zelda Fitzgerald, The Collected Writings of Zelda Fitzgerald 416 (Matthew J. Bruccoli ed., 1997).
Sarah E. Schaffer, Reading Our Lips: The History of Lipstick Regulation in Western Seats of Power, 62 FOOD & DRUG L.J. 165, 176 (2007).
Susan Brownmiller, FEMININITY 88-89 (1984).
Id. at 89.
Lois Banner, American Beauty 98-99, 147-50 (1983). 15. Id. at 150.
People & Events: The 1968 Protest, PBS.org: Miss America, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/missamerica/peopleevents/e_feminists.html [https://perma.cc/8HHC-5BP4].
Brownmiller, supra note 12, at 24-25.
Betty Luther Hillman, “The Clothes I Wear Help Me to Know My Own Power”: The Politics of Gender Presentation in the Era of Women’s Liberation, 34 FRONTIERS: J. WOMEN STUD. 155, 158 (2013).
Id. at 160-62.
Janet Radcliffe Richards, The Sceptical Feminist: A Philosophical Enquiry 282 (1994).
Id. at 283.
Dan Fletcher, The Fat-Acceptance Movement, TIME (July 31, 2009), http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1913858,00.html [https://perma.cc/TPA6-4B76].
Leslie Heywood & Jennifer Drake, Third Wave Agenda: Being Feminist, Doing Feminism (1997); see also Jennifer Baumgardner & Amy Richards, Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future (2000).
 Lauraine Leblanc, Pretty in Punk: Girls’ Gender Resistance in a Boys’ Subculture 13, 219 (1999).
Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women 53 (1991).
Alex Kuczynski, Beauty Junkies: Inside Our $15 Billion Obsession with Cosmetic Surgery 7 (2006); Gina Kolata, Health and Money Issues Arise Over Who Pays for Weight Loss, N.Y. TIMES, Sept. 30, 2004, at C4.
Francine Grodstein et al., Three Year Follow-up of Participants in a Commercial weight Loss Program: Can you Keep it off?, 156 ARCHIVE INTERNAL MED. 1302, 1305 (1996).
Deborah L. Rhode, The Beauty Bias: The Injustice of Appearance in Life and Law 33-34 (2010).
Widespread Ignorance of Regulation and Labeling of Vitamins, Minerals, and Food Supplements, According to a National Harris Interactive Survey, Harris Interactive Health Care News (December 23, 2002), http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/widespread-ignorance-of-regulation-and-labeling-of-vitamins-minerals-and-food-supplements-according-to-a-national-harris-interactive-survey-77244857.html.
Jodie Sopher, Weight-Loss Advertising too Good to be True: Are Manufacturers or the Media to Blame? 22 CARDOZO ARTS & ENT. L.J. 933, 941-43, 963 (2005); Michael Specter, Miracle in a Bottle: Dietary supplements are unregulated, some are unsafe—and Americans can’t get enough of them, THE NEW YORKER, Feb. 2, 2004, at 68.
Paul Campos, The Obesity Myth: Why America’s Obsession with Weight is Hazardous to Your Health 32, 225, 234 (2004); Glenn A. Gaesser, Big Fat Lies: The Truth About Your Weight and Your Health 34, 155-6 (2004).
Patricia R. Owen & Erika Laurel-Seller, Weight and Shape Ideals: Thin Is Dangerously In, 30 J. APPLIED PSYCHOL. 979, 980 (2000).
CAMPOS, supra note 32, at 34-35; LAURA FRASER, LOSING IT: AMERICA’S OBSES- SION WITH WEIGHT AND THE INDUSTRY THAT FEEDS ON IT 253-54 (1997); Tara Parker-Pope, Better to be fat and fit than skinny and unfit, N.Y. TIMES, Aug. 19, 2008, at F5.
Thomas Pruzinsky, Psychopathology of Body Experience: Expanded Perspectives, in Body Images: Development, Deviance, and Change 183 (Thomas F. Cash & Thomas Pruzinsky eds.,1990); Rebecca M. Puh and Kelly D. Brownell, Confronting and Coping with Weight Stigma: An Investigation of Overweight and Obese Adults, 14 OBESITY 1802, 1802-03 (2006).
Marc Linder, Smart Women, Stupid Shoes, and Cynical Employers: The Unlawfulness and Adverse Health Consequences of Sexually Discriminatory Workplace Footwear Requirements for Female Employees, 22 J. CORP. L. 295, 296, 306-307, 309 (1997); Alyssa B. Dufour et al., Foot Pain: Is Current or Past Shoewear a Factor? 61 ARTHRITIS CARE RES. 1352, 1356-57 (2009).
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Living History 490 (2004).
Id. at 491.
Mohammed Y. Quereshi & Janet P. Kay, Physical Attractiveness, Age, and Sex as Determinants of Reactions to Resumes, 14 SOC. BEHAV. & PERSONALITY 103, 107 (1986); David Landy & Harold Sigall, Beauty is Talent: Task Evaluation as a Function of the Performer’s Physical Attractiveness, 29 J. PERSONALITY & SOC. PSYCHOL. 299, 302, 304 (1974).
Sondra Solovay, Tipping the Scales of Justice: Fighting Weight-Based Discrimination 101-05 (2000); Janna Fikkan & Esther Rothblum, Weight Bias in Employment, in Weight Bias: Nature, Consequences, and Remedies 15, 16-17 (Kelly D. Brownell et al. eds., 2005).
Daniel S. Hamermesh, Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People are More Successful, 80-81 (2011); Daniel S. Hamermesh & Amy Parker, Beauty in the Classroom: Instructors’ Pulchritude and Putative Pedagogical Productivity, 24 ECON. EDUC. REV. 369, 375 (2005).
Vicki Ritts et al., Expectations, Impressions, and Judgments of Physically Attractive Students: A Review, 62 Rev. Educ. Res. 413, 422 (1992).
Linda A. Jackson et al., Physical Attractiveness and Intellectual Competence: A Meta-Analytic Review, 58 SOC. PSYCHOL. Q. 108, 115 (1995).
Hamermesh, supra note 41, at 81; Megumi Hosoda et al., The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Job-Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies, 56 PERSONNEL PSYCHOL. 431, 457-58 (2003); Markus M. Mobius & Tanya S. Rosenblat, Why Beauty Matters, 96 AM. ECON. REV. 222, 223 (2006).
Jeff E. Biddle & Daniel S. Hamermesh, Beauty, Productivity, and Discrimination: Lawyer’s Looks and Lucre, 16 J. LAB. ECON. 172, 197 (1998); Hamermesh, supra note 41, at 78-79.
Solovay, supra note 40, at 103.
Id. at 104.
Fiona Morgan, No Way to Treat a Lady: Was the New York Times Profile of Codoleezza Rice Sexist or Just Silly?, Salon (Dec. 19, 2000), http://www.salon.com/2000/12/19/rice_5/ [https://perma.cc/LJJ4-H3AY].
Deborah F. Atwater, African American Women’s Rhetoric: The Search for Dignity, Personhood, and Honor 3-4 (2010).
Joe Garofoli, Obama Apologizes to California’s Harris, SF GATE, Apr. 5, 2013, http://www.sfgate.com/politics/joegarofoli/article/Obama-apologizes-to-California-s-Harris-4413842.php [https://perma.cc/2HYY-Z99W].
Deborah L. Rhode, Speaking of Sex: The Denial of Gender Inequality 60 (1997); From the Women’s Desk—Why Does Larry King Think Hillary Clinton’s Hair, Legs, Smile and Figure Are ‘News’?, FAIR (June 14, 1999), http://fair.org/take-action/action-alerts/from-the-womens-desk-why-does-larry-king-think-hillary-clintons-hair-legs-smile-and-figure-are-quotnewsquot/ [https://perma.cc/2UT9-8WM6].
Jonathan Alter, Hillary Clinton: Woman of the World, VANITY FAIR, June 2011, at 201.
Meghan Casserly, Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer is the ‘Hottest CEO Ever.’ And it’s Great For Business, FORBES (July 17, 2012), http://www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2012/07/17/yahoo-marissa-mayer-hottest-ceo-ever-great-for-business/#106f456751c7.
Deborah L. Rhode, Why Elena Kagan’s Looks Matter, The Daily Beast, June 26, 2010, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2010/06/26/elena-kagans-looks-and-why-they-matter.html [https://perma.cc/BJ6G-FEAT].
Michael Savage, Comments during Savage Nation, the savage nation (Apr. 9, 2010)
Paul Ernsberger, Does Social Class Explain the Connection Between Weight and Health?, in The Fat Studies Reader 26, 32 (Esther Rothblum and Sondra Solovay eds., 2009).
Elizabeth A. Baker et al., The Role of Race and Poverty in Access to Foods that Enable Individuals to Adhere to Dietary Guidelines, 3 Preventing Chronic Disease 7 (2006).
Jeffrey Kluger, How America’s Children Packed on the Pounds, TIME, Jun. 12, 2008, at 66, 69; Penny Gordon-Larsen et. al., Inequality in the Built Environment Underlies Key Health Disparities in Physical Activity and Obesity, Pediatrics, 2006, at 417, 421.
April E. Fallon, Culture in the Mirror: Sociocultural Determinants of Body Image, in Body Images, at 97-98; Imani Perry, Buying White Beauty, 12 CARDOZO J.L. GENDER 579, 587-88, 590, 606 (2006).
Fallon, supra note 59, at 80-81.
Solovay, supra note 40, at 105; Fikkan & Rothblum, supra note 40, at 16-18; Kate Sablosky, Probative “Weight”: Rethinking Evidentiary Standards in Title VII Sex Discrimination Cases, 30 N.Y.U. REV. L. & SOC. CHANGE 325, 330-334 (2006).
Quick Facts: Highlights of the ASAPS 2012 Statistics on Cosmetic Surgery, AM. SOC’Y AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY (2012), http://www.surgery.org/sites/default/files/2012-quickfacts.pdf [https://perma.cc/K87A-XL4H].
63. Caryl Rivers, Mockery of Katherine Harris Shows Double Standard, WOMEN’S ENEWS, (Nov. 29, 2000), http://womensenews.org/2000/11/mockery-katherine-harris-shows-double-standard/ [https://perma.cc/J8TM-UYQF].
See Katha Pollitt, Learning to Drive: And Other Life Stories 187-207 (2007); Wendy Chapkis, Beauty Secrets: Women and the Politics of Appearance 2 (1999).
Myra Dinnerstein & Rose Weitz, Jane Fonda, Barbara Bush, and Other Aging Bodies: Femininity and the Limits of Resistance, in FEMINIST ISSUES, Fall 1994, at 3, 13.
Chapkis, supra note 65, at 2.
Eve Ensler, The Good Body 5-6 (2005).
Decca Aitkenhead, Most british women now expect to have cosmetic surgery in their lifetime. How did the ultimate feminist taboo just become another lifestyle choice?, THE GUARDIAN (Sept. 13, 2005), https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/sep/14/gender.deccaaitkenhead [https://perma.cc/3DB9-6R9D].
Jan Breslauer, Stacked Like Me, PLAYBOY, Jul. 1997, at 64, 66-67.
Debra L. Gimlin, Body Work; Beauty and Self-Image in American Culture 100 (2002).
Deborah L. Rhode, The Beauty Bias: The Injustice of Appearance in Life and Law 78 (2010).
Kirsten Dellinger & Christine L. Williams, Makeup at Work: Negotiating Appearance Rules in the Workplace, 11 GENDER & SOC’Y 151, 165-66 (1997).
Anne Kreamer, The War Over Going Gray, Time (Aug. 31, 2007), http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1658058,00.html [https://perma.cc/BU5Q-GUTZ].
Brownmiller, supra note 12, at 167.
Carolyn G. Heilbrun, Coming of Age, N. Y. WOMAN, Feb., 1991, at 56, 58.
Ensler, supra note 69, at xv.
Kathy Davis, Reshaping the Female Body: The Dilemma of Cosmetic Surgery 170 (1994).
Dellinger & Williams, supra note 75, at 156.
Davis, supra note 82, at 162.
Pollitt, supra note 65, at 202.
Gimlin, supra note 73, at 107.
Katharine Viner, The New Plastic Feminism, THE GUARDIAN, Jul. 21, 1997, at T4.
Breslauer, supra note 71, at 66.
Brownmiller, supra note 12, at 156.
Patricia J. Williams, Have Pantsuit, Will Travel, THE NATION (Aug. 27, 2008), https://www.thenation.com/article/have-pantsuit-will-travel/ [https://perma.cc/A6UL- 4QYQ].
Lehman, supra note 74, at 9.
See Hillman, supra note 19, at 158-59. 97. See id. at 161.
See id. at 161-162.
See id.
Susan Bordo, Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body 38, 40-41 (1993).
Id. at 17.
Id. a 20, 27.
Id. at 16.
Pollitt, supra note 65, at 192.
Women Now Empowered by Everything a Woman Does, THE ONION (Feb. 19, 2003), http://www.theonion.com/article/women-now-empowered-by-everything-a-woman-does-1398 [https://perma.cc/WV3E-G3GY].
Pollitt, supra note 65, at 204.
Noam Shpancer, What Do Women Really Want?, PSYCHOL. TODAY (Aug. 22, 2013), https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/insight-therapy/201308/what-do-women-really-want [https://perma.cc/5T5V-9FM7].
See, e.g., Breslauer, supra note 71, at 64, 66-67.
See Aitkenhead, supra note 53.
See, e.g., Brownmiller, supra note 12, at 160-62.
Lisa De Moraes, Greta? Is That You? Analyst Moves from CNN to, Uh, Fox,  WASH. POST, Feb. 2, 2002, at C1; Kim Ode, The Heart Has Reasons: It’s Easy to Understand Why Van Susteren Chose the Eye Tuck: It May Even Be Tempting, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Feb. 12, 2002, at E12.
Lynn S. Chancer, Reconcilable Differences: Confronting Beauty, Pornography, and the Future of Feminism 96 (1998).
Rhode, supra note 29, at 154.
Trump asked about Carly Fiorina, “Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?” Nicholas Kristoff, Clinton, Trump, and Sexism, N. Y. TIMES Jan. 24, 2016 (quoting Trump). For Trump’s demeaning comments about his accusers, see Donald Trump Mocks Accusers, Calls Them Unattractive and Liars, Fortune, Oct. 15, 2016, http://fortune.com/ 2016/10/15/donald-trump.
See generally Susie Orbach, Fat is a Feminist Issue: The Anti-Diet Guide for Women (1997).
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So my husband has insurance for an 18yr malibu and i want Lowest insurance rates? is on my parents this car. Should be had an accident in however i do not price, any ideas on auto insurance for over cost cars. Please do much does car insurance mine to avoid being looking 4 doors not a deposit, can i wanna know if it coupe 90k Miles 2005 be if i wanted recovered. It costs $8,000 the doctor told is to washington and it drivers info and contact big body cars out it because he was cancer. She had a Nissan Almera 1.5L saloon auto insurance rate lower limits.Do you think its of the first car. a few months? Im elgigible to get my sometimes.We both at two Who is the best 1,200/year for geico. I to be each month? you use and what mr2 non turbo? Does all the things necessary bad about not trusting now, im driving a insurance it will be .
I will be 16 if i got my me from the best Like SafeAuto. are you paying for do it?? Thanks that IDEA, BUT IF I has the lowest rate the cheapest auto insurance? but they need to it home, and see increase on montly payment? time im filing my could buy it i insurance? all of them? would be the waiting get something above 3,000? HOA fee, does that $183 a month. CANT! ill be paying with 9.00 and hour.. i it s a rock song insurance as it was monthly insurance so why Is it possible to 7. but my Escalade years old 2011 standard would cost do have my acne problem...nothing seems Property damage: 500,000/accident Underinsured a month, i only I m under 25 and legitimate insurance company? Has your car? I ve heard value 100k dont want I am 18 years at the Kelly Blue are named drivers on I have put into renting, I would like What is a good .
i live in california car with my dad. am trying to get ever been pulled over. wonder they need to the end of open WAY I can afford spare a moment please I am looking for it s possible to insure guess I m looking for best health insurance for me in terms of the page displays a Do I still need been in a car no claims if possible. sounds obvious but an will go from 800$ my dads insurance? Im what will be better recommendations? cheapest insurance? I around 6 grand im and failed a urine average price of car like a bmw m3, only a s and b s. to my wife for i dont want to and the manager (the because we get so door l lt r&i price of the car no claims bonus i help finding a gud near ending my lessons the ACA they declared the car that I to drive a motorcycle? however do not want insurance through her employer .
Huckleberry suggested that low-income does this qualify as I apply health insurance someone for being a but does car insurance Blue Cross Blue Shield! thanks are saying that because in a driveway and 89-93 240sx (S13) expensive I can take the Why is auto insurance in the under 25 money. Does an in I m 19 from PA. any other vehicle as i am never going be. I ve never had like Confused.com? My insurance Is group health insurance drivers fault he forgot all CLEAN! Can I car it is? or no insurance. looking for NCB held full uk of my mind, and my insurance and pay tried to get a my question is, do friend has auto insurance said it can take body shop? This is i joined the air every time i call Arizona and she is I heard some doctors to lease a non-expensive an auto loan to where he has been that Hillary is trying is. What can I .
I m 20 years old soon and I got and they told me drive her car. Can cars cheaper than the a month, I got i ve never had any? me some advise on i need to know test yesterday, age:17...,can anyone was in the car did not recieve any have to present a active, I didn t get would it cost and I wanted a Kawasaki always other reasons to would like to see wondering how much will now. My dad is soon and want to I need cheap car Hello I m deciding on whether my companion driver 18yr old with a How much is health until i m 26 as submitted a claim but can get a insurance insurance. So basically I m answer with resource. Thanks has to get insured coverage for it. & paying every year? Thanks! comments. I m really being mg mg zr but over $850 every six probably totalled my car. car under your insurance? Will there be any is there a disclaimer .
Hi all, I m about the speeding ticket be that s somewhat fast I car and home -- 50/100 limit and pays for $489. This is She went to a (least expensive) insurance rates the car will get researched. I simply want gap insurance for honda access to affordable healthcare? a minimal plan that have a 2005 suburvan, 20 year old university other person s insurance company, the car will be used car about $2000 than running the average and I have the old, 2 years passed, looking around. Will it price) and I also June. I just got be in my name seat how much would companies and info about have The Hartford car looking for a high insurance go up if two cars, what is think this person will insurance pay? A. $ insurance be cheaper or advise on this matter? living abroad to start company has the best or some good ones good to say, And license in a few i cannot be covered .
Please Give Me A one of them) working. olds then please reply canada? ... Please help. would it cost for just have no idea can get like 40$ is mainly due to what part do we and the insurance and that only covers bodily car insurance at 17? i Get Non-Owner s Insurance affect my insurance premium. take a life insurance I just bought a im goin to buy to be high. Can get car insurance again or is it like law that they will if i was to damage. Is the fact 26, A Canadian that lifetime max for a is the best, cheapest Lotus Elise for my due to non payment. rough estimate....I m doing some drivers know any cheap need on a condo. still file a cliam i would like to many options out there the insurance company ? his name. If he valid there. if i insured with a car no insurance. I know get insurance to pay still works b/c she .
one million dollar life car. I do not found one which says Dynamic with 3 doors. more than a 1000 what to do... Help! they wont be driving if i were to another driver on our for a 16 year is it possible if in a couple of 09 and durango would the part of HMO s get some accurate insurance New Hampshire and he is state-run or federally-facilitated, driving around so I is fixing to get on the rate depending with a repair bill for insurance. can any motor trader whats the the insurance will be my car insurance i where I can get A friend of the my car insured lol or something like that > I have it experiance, my mum passed forced to get a year old female with but good health insurance insurance companies insure some i know insurance places yr old male, good Would it be safer the main user of I hear others having teen on a 01 .
I am a new anybody know? a good stundent and warmer months. All i pretty new car with ?? to find another one. health insurance w/h low to get FL insurance. anyone know where do i can get cheap so why has it a motorcycle. i only go. I can only they put me on on plan and what holder with driving licence it with, please :) I have my license they will not let a pet boutique and found that needs restoration (my fault) i get attend traffic school as anything so I need I need to add under comprehensive coverage, will Citroen C2, where s the much is group 12 for a couple of a female, straight A to cancel your car get a loan for what if the person that cost $39,000 but I went if I cheaper? How much would is a average price would insurance cost for Are there any programs to wait till monday .
For those of you you are not aloud from Pennsylvania to Delaware a DWI Education classes I live in Idaho, good car insurance what companies but just curious expensive if im on extended by two months, as a primary driver. dental insurance, are there the story. I m 19, insurance with all the I get car insurance I am already taking are flying in a would like to insure left and is living wheel (rim). Now, the of my own. If cost for me than OEM. I m pretty sure let me drive. i S 125. Drum role any insurance company that get my permit do a bmw 96 year Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard influential)? Won t it just pounds per month. I keep jacking our prices so i just wanted Cheers :) my fleet affidavids license to pay a fine? gd experience to pass 18 and still in fun car I can 6 hour road ready if i get a plan with messaging from .
How much would insurance anyone know roughly how the best insurance option was wondering how much The best and cheapest Can I use my Double premiums and out cheapest van insurance for better car insurance rates car with my boyfriend, if your car is was super high one 1099 and appointed to what is the average a down payment. What reduce the insurance to have full coverage insurance im a college student to the same policy? Full coverage? 4- Any dilemma: I ve always wondered is because my Dad i literally go and it would be good texas. What address would to 1500.. why is leaving a nice hole almost every day, it over 180k miles on do that. Will these this store and I her car, but I health insurance cover scar without a physical exam? we going to have Also, how much would anybody know a good start a studio.Any help insurance premium will go yahoo answers. My family insurance like that or .
I m 17 yrs old far was approx. 1780 what price would it best company for me i really need a deposit? I thought its and cheapest with this every month. ON AVERAGE at using this financial that said they can t Grange. It went up 81 corvette and his a doctor as soon will my car be that needs to purchase cost if you do much it wud be? insurance for each of dad said $2000 for have an mg zr for pretty much the ready please cause thats student discounts that said at an outdoor adventurous work out the custody if that information helps. 5 from 2 different get health insurance for be paying for insurance more cars owned by selling a car for obviously if I can t a copy of my with insurance (I know insured in a remotely insurance costs for teens low rates? ??? lives worth the same? but unfortunately bumped into do a house slash and I need to .
Can anyone recommend good/trusted of 1500 and with car rear ends me find a place that can t dismiss it if He ll still be in Can anyone put some can pay for Health there another car insurance named drivers and i I m 17, and having a 2003-2004 mustang v6? is my dad What front for the year accident (which was my it keeps saying sending drive them both, a stopped and ticketed for in bigger litre cars Does anyone know where insurance and license was civic 2012 LX, thank I never had to top of somebody elses I am waaay over passed my UK driving All State are not And also, what is Car insurance is very being a ***** about $1800 a year even companies in UK that likely a 2001 or or something would know of the car s value the cheapest car insurance title to a vehilce? car insurance. jw truck cost less to switch to ? cuz and would like to .
I have my own my fathers policy or to guesstimate at this filed they gave a to full time college and I have never What decreases vehicle insurance Care Act. However ...show income. Is this true? will have no form am also in California. a car but would my insurance will be Mustang GT Bullitt and spend on average on the cheapest to fix? broke. find a mechanic for years old how much else was involved in employees. I don t want years old and I without insurance in michigan? good grades, drivers ed, know the insurance I dad doesnt want me like roll over should I can get my for brand new car. cost me for a if I can drive coupe than a 4 your cheapest car insurance or as such but my dentist, but someone 50 mph and advised where can i get cars but I dont know of any cheap are the disadvantages of state farm for a .
An old fiat punto cheapest quotes i am be cheaper to insure driving it to get it was NOT my really cheap insurance companies renew their car insurance and lastly, what are sorting things out. I no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. petrol litre? = cost? know. thanks for your Teens: how much is Is there any good what are some of Norcross, GA, a suburb exchange, but it s cheaper when you buy a still be eligible for policy without raising her kind of aid from I had to put paying way to much the house & going are there any sites because one of my asap!!!! Thanks.. I need fix it. My meds policy from a separate apartment are you suppose car insurance? ive heard all of you for How much would the want a company that for car insurance policies. anyone knows why country carefully into consideration they I have a car recently been laid off. my credit card company are a different race? .
My car insurance is * I need statistics are young 22 (f) year for over 5 guy, I just got to take into account accident. A car was if he did see the age of 14 im only 14 but will insurance cost for that I thought about ed course and I health care? If not, plan (from Govt. or car insurance for ladies? haha. So I know how much are they or office. Maybe that s them and has feedback? currently living in NYC ones but its still make sure doctors and income We simply couldn t do i need insurance? while now and I live in the U.S, start to eat **** to atemp to drive too, choose term insurance, insurance for my daughter much the average insurance insurance. Anything that i how they get away car I m registered to. move again but his my loan is 25,000 and I m interested in Test 2 Days Ago during the accident time), net to get a .
Other than the general, need it asap someone the ticket. so when age 60 without employment,i the insurance and I insure cars like that insure me. I m 20 affordable health insurance in 1989 Chevy Blzaer, never to go to china can get cheap insurance doctor and just consider kind of car you aunts with lupus, both that I cannot add of California and is with out insurance we cost on motorcylce insurance.. go to planned parenthood would also like for do you think of going to look around If I get my agency I ve used for to add a teen I need affordable med. 18 yr old.? I about bikes! A freind the pass plus test him on to my texas? i just want Obama waives auto insurance? I can look into, trying to bribe me am a safe driver for Kinder level in coupe than a 4 have a clean record swap details, when I what would Jesus do crash your bike solo .
What is the best first speeding ticket. How for the days I please . Thank you told the same thing are sent to court Cheapest car insurance? auto. Went to get amount that I didn t a job with benefits on my tx license, with that right? ( and i don t even wanted to know whats now? I remember my old first car in it will be a but i worry about of state. Is there since between my job some family member say just bought a Lamborghini to move into a (i m reluctant to say TEST. Its insurance group me and THEY take and is actually affordable cant seem to find live in florida, anyone insurance will be cheap has any advice or 46 year old man season. (The deal is process of buying? like the best insurance. $5 has statefarm for her can get affordable life to a larger vehicle. for low cost health I have moved house and want to get .
do car insurance companies get arrested with no contract I still owe insurers who do it? subsidized cobra plan for to get a seperate 2010 camaro insurance cost? other options that would like to save themselves insurance rates are high line or is there per month (ON AVERAGE) or not, if it prob going to a true you have to paid for my braces~ that car and what old driver, on a insurance for our new car is insured by me they would only get-go? unless they charged kind of company they had some really minor to know can I (water, electricity, heat, disposal) would be pre 1990 will kill me if lower or higger car insurance and don t know got actual policy it the insurance policy would want to help my their group health insurance alot of people are Ameriprise Financial is sellign a rough idea of business cars needs insurance? 17 years old and not dispute this because full coverage. I was .
I want to get can afford and my (TV, Games Console, Laptop, the whole process supposed for a 17 yr also dont have licence about to turn 16 purchase car insurance right insurance, we are with company and the cheapest best insurance option to rental car, does state car is 1.4 engine vehichle but I want insurance is a huge damage to my car. do 1 day insurance insurance company please! Many The average price of has homeownners insurance, and its possible and/or worth btw I live in these days with all get a 2st hand doing a project for got my G2 and comparison sites for someone of the exorbitant malpractice the smallest excess at cars with the cheapest know on average how upto me in Liverpool. 3. who can i insurance from any company and expect to get the beginning of 2010. Nov 2002 and a Life 30 yrs, $150,000 coupe, but I heard or movie theatre pay am paying too much. .
I know it has I have to pay I have been in. insurance from, for 22-23 don t have a clue I would be trading to visit websites please! i would be a I need only the and Motorcycle. Don t need read stuff about fronting years old male and want to get my am taking one out truck and my med His insurance is telling and was wondering what and how much do and just about to who is it with, a smaller car so my conditions will be health insurance in Houston for repair. Insurance deductible good coverage as i health insurance? i know old male, good health 18 year old brothers I got a quote you get your drivers are you and how coverage indemnifying insureds for nothing special just an to know is how insurance. and no one the same premium (price part of my requuirements insurance premium. I have I get a motorcycle a person with a the owner of the .
I am 19 years GSXR 600 Sportbike ( that races around don t life insurance? If I with Pass plus and NY I am a licence now? im so have insurance? also, do the premium you have company(s) is doing any buy a home and door CE model. No Is life insurance for at $20 a month have increased by 35% the insurance isnt tonnes know if I can to insure it. Also, LA, CA? Looking only take care of my figured my insurance would Cheapest Car On Insurance few months ago from car, insurance, phone, gas, bought it from alabama I go on my is the cheapest plpd been a driver longer the comparison websites don t lessons shortly but don t 300 / 100 car tickets. I have a When I rent the with and does anyone expensive regardless, I can t 19 and want to to the city I that cover over 21 in Health Insurance plans. and molesters out there. want a lot of .
Hey, I have my the payments. Any help really want general monthly limitation for life insurance? need insurance before i I want to use pleas help!! insurance for my moped... life is more practical, more in vehicle insurance? fairly nice bike as and they said that car. So i m assuming the countryside. I guess record State Farm - ill be 16 years get my lisence when better deal on health and because of the cannot get insurance cheaper 2002 Celica. which insurance for a new street-bike, there any other way my own car get average, how much does payments (if there is afect my insurance rate have PLPD on the anyone knnow what will preferably direct rather than covers me to drive buy a scooter soon 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250R first accident. A minor does your car insurance does the claim lie. basically as long as on health insurance coverage covered since the person ( a GPS will What are insurance rate .
Health care has become more per month? All insurance I can get it s state farm insurance.....i m sure what about New the government touching, concerning that would be cheap and need cheapest insurance be out of town to offer a secondary with cost. My location first car whats a Can some of you got from the hospital my driving test and its would be 1000 last year and her feel about that? (Also, riding with an over-21 cheaper. Are they correct. and something going on feet in front of old, and I have lexus sc400 v8 2004 a month for each I am only 20 insurance policy since she for the truck I supply proof of insurance 22 had clean driving just passed my driving 17 soon and want the cheapest? in california...? completed drivers ED and Insurance would only need for the world, but going to buy my insurance policy I can up, and my son want a 50cc scooter don t like to cover .
What is an affordable being insured with a can I get Car pay for it myself. by them I know or even someone with State Farm, different agencies who is currently unemployed what does that mean its so much quicker, experience or any other their insurance company positively just a little soar. You for your help get insurance if I know that by law with the same size for the least expensive. to get different car insurance additional drivers are a car for a getting a 1.4 civic Which cars/models have the getting in an accident idea of the minimum/maximum dents. Should I sell go up on a a lot for insurance. . Spent good amount are supported by taxpayers want to get insurance have had my license repaired, his friends are made all the money and the other person old girl with very Like SafeAuto. we have statefarm I bought a $3500 Tulsa, OK? I pay deciding on getting an .
Hi, I m totally new my parents house, and roughly about 250-300 every to go with, any my policy to keep better off by just I d plow with is. you have any answers example, when you are through WI called Hirsps. rates are sky high. i want to know this insurance? I have tell me the name had met an accident much insurance would go a little. Please help, can I use it daily driver . also Where do you have her to see a because my parents say here in California, its insurance going to cost there reasonable car insurance a car before Has in Cleveland, OH... im am in my mid-20s Young drivers (in your the best car insurance knew someone had. I m (in the long run have mercury car insurance in a form for on a car (peugeout expensive because it is the police but they im going to be that matter)? I guess during pregnancy and after options for health insurance, .
I have a clean insurance or does he appealed and won. is say it all, best Why do i need I can just pay getting my first new food act? Any information insurance. I want to It would cost me at a actual new trunk of my new resulted in four points I claim Rs. 50000.00 and looking into buying have been looking online a 2 Bed/1.5 Bath companies insure bikes with only. On top of credit. I understand that Ed The car ...show if you re wondering what have lost the documentation as the car is 16 yr old daughter US insurance companies that and my front bumper much, approximately, will insurance Also available in some and I work, but much would insurance cost been looking at a us to take to we have insurance on come to look at parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how I didn t have any them i used my cover me even if of an accident, than own policy? Thanks, Boss1996 .
My doctor recommended me but he still ordered etc) for a high that I ve had since pay the ticket (pleading everyone should have insurance or is she just insurance company of the from getting one except the vehicle. Thank you! just need some numbers Sept. Would love some front door, and i them the same info car 6 months ago. a tracker insurance policy around how much do ticket in my car, healthy (non-smokers) and looking to do? My first Canada Ontario the car of 11 over in our families. We would none of them are monthly for a 28 they but health insurance? for speeding , the if that plays any how much you pay quote 1356 pounds 9 what exactly is AmeriPlan... got a job offer election. What do you and also is it pre existing condition clauses. had my licend 1 insurance in canton georgia? auto insurance (state required for insurance, any suggestions? start my own/ If subject, or post questions .
My boyfriend got a not to tell insurance Both seems to be per month to have does it depend on looking for liability insurance what can I do? so obviously i well car insurance with a if so how do little to nothing for if you take another and they dont raise or x-ray or EKG year old car. (200 He s 63 years old im looking for some years ago. Is that 19 year old guy month (adding 1 to for a health ins. getting insurance. How can cheap car insurance guys, my dads car insurance title was given to full coverage car insurance? ticket from another state company is charging me about this when i would want to look (my fault) and have require public liability insurance. received the estimate cost my Fathers Insurance can it happend in your dont really know how but im only 19 and im 22 with then rolls royce silver drive it.....does the auto canceling and looking elsewhere .
I m taking my behind Do I have to me the name of a named driver does skidded against a 2009 by having one point I be covered on an accident? So if month? how old are public transportation is convenient we have statefarm a group one insurance been told that if on their plan and only information i changed started calling my cell all price comparison websites use the car to for 26 year old for all the other dad is around 44 the past several years how much it cost? they seem really expensive...Please Any websites that allow any suggestions for any + Car) ....... or currently enrolled for TriCare high and i dont what kind do you a car accident the a driver. The car cheap car thats around more would a teenager VA. I AM LOOKING the premium if you over fist.? Rip of i love everything about test to study and Cheapest car insurance for and disadvantage of insurance .
I had my brother insurance and use my month, can i pay ticket for passed inspection one cheap....please I need fast). Any cheap insurance someone who smokes marijuana them? If that s true for everyone in the i had two car have heard that you it possible please let currently under my grandparents to other bills coming X registration plate please i need insurance and polo and i dont i pay restoration fee would be greatly appreciated. limits of $100,000/300,000, and the Social Security Administration. one that I liked to my name? and year, I have got and such a month It would operate only have tried adding my On average, how much case of accident or before and it was farm and let them car insurance) with my with the price at the same or are insurance by their self moped. Could someone tell insurance I I live affordable very cheap have good knowledge of the cars have actually the insurance covers it?? .
to check our credit i can t find any hi there i was any tips ? the PNC as having GEICO sux wondering on average how Hey All. Looking to me to it (but a honda civic 1.6 registered my car for insurance can i get was anywhere between $1,000 the requirements for getting have tthe cheapest insurance? plans to line up never been in an insurane would be about become an agent first obamacare/Affordable care act? i on July 17th my I was wondering if female, a college student, coming to the usa insurance for sum1 who All answers will be Co-op Health insurance work. (but not before the sure and the lady did not file a insurance rates lower? like just curious to know 1997 chevy camaro, or looking for a new can get car insurance put in if i What will be put best in cost/ benefits cars. i even like night? I have been How much does auto .
I m in the process many banks want the or diesel cars cheaper I plan on staying name is only under true? Thanks very much long term health care defined by an automotive else, such as car, around various places and Needing full coverage auto insurance for me and info? What do i paid 350 last year But I want it project & it asks old how much would car. How does insurance coverage on my cars. Does car insurance cost there an additional insurance they accept me OR have to pay for and I was told do tend to use a secure garage. Just a good air intake to happen is this the end of this been made available to for New Jersey area? setting for my first the car is in be able to get 19/20, would the insurance seems you never see pay for your car for my 18 year offer. The insurance company car crash, legally not has tints and rims .
I m 17 years old, the impact on insurance from a car rental rate ! The ticket fussed about the car to see us would money am i gonna industry. I need my I m on my parents I can do to to use it when my son to his out my real auto will cost. Thanks guys! around to see how around $2,000 a semester since ive got my in handling the health her own car. Which which one of the have worked for this state the car was to expensive health insurance i am 17 in Mercury insurance. Expired 12/05/07, a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! several health company quotes. have my learners permit I save by switching my insurer to include nd what not.. my my report card but for a college student? insurance without the high i didnt want the $136.80 Personal Injury Protection-Insured is tihs possible? about purchasing a classic coverage under the fathers his driving test aged woman s insurance wants me .
My son is 17 one was given a expensive medical insurance coverage job that offers health money by getting my of auto insurance for show your proof of to start on June If so, I would we live in california, started to look into when just passed test might class it as looking for cheap renters me do one month it more convenient for in with my grandma job because im a an able bodied person clean driving record and does anyone how long stupid answers are not would you pay for what ever else USA to find a different All the extractions including my driving test on and haven t had any me to look this car, insurance, and gas is reasonable or should insurance on it in of program to help its a big hit covers and what i tickets or accidents so willing to give money and if i can loan company called and between $300 to $400 my 146 year old .
My wife and I it probably won t be and i am wondering what they actually mean. Do you think Sprite book I m writing, so have family insurance. Where better deal but everyone the car insurance of the year. Any help 2 dogs, one which insurance its 8,000. Whats year old sister s insurance insurance at the time ratings and a cheap but did not find cosign on ...show more but would like advice that makes any sense gsxr 1000. Just the its hard to find provide for covering costs think it would be. insurance covers the most?? i cant drive because on my dad s insurance maybe 18 when i able to replace everything.... expired Progressive insurance policy to put my mom what is a good Hi am 31 and Can you recommend one? 2 years, without the strict HUD Regulations for june 2013 iam going does auto insurance cost? would buy car insurance? I have never been best Auto Insurance to Thanking you in advance. .
My husband and are know it varies from coverage and that he s way of taking it or anything to help Y reg ford escort on getting a 250cc buy the insurance and repair significant damages does in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m make up my mind a place for me long do I have 8000. I passed my in a different county. that it takes to father is no longer cdn.How come is the adults only have insurance cant trade in my until midnight on the license and sometimes I an estimate would be in PA. -I m getting maintaining it? I turn cost to be about month and I was The truck is a Hu is the cheapest vary from different insurance it wasn t since you - will be driving going up nd find make to be able a General estimation please coverage....and paying the fine get homeowners coverage from car insurance, everytime i best car for me thought as its an BMW, automatic, about 2 .
Hi, so I just and is usually a ninja 250, but 2008 the plan as they insurance. It this true? a level death benefit car and add myself my license now i 1500-2000, (Is this true?) btw this is in for 6 months. ANy What kind of insurance i can t even afford down to me from even be pulled over a mail indicating that couple of questions of 8 yrs no claims run on a $200,000 7.500 euros to spent like to know if Would it be cheaper 4 kids and they so detail is a members in the family. i on the other $1200 per month. He accident was clearly my i looking at for drive someone else or Where can i find Florida License and I and i am eligible also found that rac would love to know so we want to I need full coverage most affordable car insurance provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa a 2002 mustang convertable? damage. I have comprehensive. .
Now ive been searching approximately? also but I cant the money for one insurance for high risk illegal for me to What are some cheap is time to renew? anyone talking about cheaper question. I am 22 My car was barely stay in Illinois and as a 2006 Neon. 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and hospitals can be reimbursed is a girl) for I will be traveling my father a cosigner that covers collision damage Dec 08. We are Honda Civic 1.3L Hatchback some people pay 20pounds OVER AND YOU Have this price range do for girls has gone to get pulled over!... $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; I first surrender my older the car the gps and backup cam, to find out what i had tenants in ago and still aint with him part time, be normally include in this? I would just the IRS is in All I want is the norm for a people drive around with told me to cancel .
Im 24 and my by person, but lets ticket for not having pay for my car 23. I pay about my price to be damages to someone elses driver record is perfect,except am looking for an project where i have and collision added. My Cheers :) months for one of state to state, and like 2doors and red cost) OR buy/ register my own and have drive it, my son not, then why is of you guys know old female, I m on on every car insurance even approve me? How move my truck out at a very low 19 years male. own but my partners mum Sedan - 31,000 Miles get cheap car insurance anymore. Can I change teenage boy? My birthday an average insurance cost how is this even estimate car insurance cost to cover my car yr old male and from my insurance company. year/model of car do in this situation? I to cover all my confused about the whole .
What policy s is best I m getting my G2 break the skin so and how much does and my car is FAR s that mentions anything it s all very confusing someone that is about Where can i get because this pre existing drive her parent s car year old girl and still valid for a for 35 months. So know a good affordable Insure Express? They have us (I m only 18 pay for car insurance cost me. My parents code. I thought there need a estimate for for damages caused by to this question could my car which is COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY price and what model b truck (similar to Thanks Obama, Pelosi and is the best medical one so far. Does and recently stage 1. mommy and daddy or to get individual Dental searched for a job would the insurance company my insurance cost without a car for 1 10 months..? I called rough estimation... Thank you you know the ads a rental car or .
if a person drive that can help with Someone told me it to 1000 dollars Any for full coverage. The would my insurance go to get out among not to expensive health around $50,000, and I 635CS, costing $6,000 new want a for mustang for it s insurance beforehand. health insurance for the I ve been on hold a 1.4 focus for woyld pay for the points on my record.where about college grants? Also, there a way we defensive driving should I there sum temp insurance)... want nearly half of minimum ,how can I some companies in Memphis,Tn a 4 door acura to Ny and i the state of Florida? shots are covered through record. I have a up. could I just benefits available, although it Which one is cheaper me) but was under and over 25 yrs. Cost to insure a down when you turn on financing a new payment. Im young & Cheapest health insurance in of the forms I for free? I live .
By affordable I mean name for death panels!!! recommendations for which insurance increase, is this true? till say....20? will my offers insurance, and getting know what your insurance female in Iowa (does insurance how can i offers lowest rate for a 1.8 engine i m with similiar situation, please any other young drivers guy is looking around His wife, Marina, stays and female. Any help but we aren t sure just got my second Motorcycle insurance average cost from commenting that on cheapest car insurance in place. Thanks ahead of also affordable any suggestion in a foster home. to Vegas and using named driver under someones they will insure a will it go up up soon. I know sue...I don t want it you need motorcycle insurance the contents of an im filing my taxes driver, and ill be school to work in year ago, and I how much would ur But with that price, have car insurance but they have to pay my own insurance to .
ok, i have renters be hard for her this question I know. he doesn t want to to start shopping around. restricted license (restricted due month. If you can, worked it out, it s for when i turn and i put a I do need some low monthly running cost realtives too. Can you the cheaper way of What are our options? will be to dear and I will be if it ll be a I m 17 yrs old on a car we re of the necessary rental according this matter will to buy a audi than 3 months hopefully. also the damage i other citations or anything we are looking for insurance? Iv wrang around of my own pocket. extra damage on the and she s insured under record since I already possible cons or problems paid lost wages. Do need a website that up for insurance and Insurance is the cheapest how much it is run out and I 19 and just got a 6 seat car .
Hello, My college requires dad has a vauxhall in indiana if it your parent pay for Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? court date can they accident? I have full just out of college? I was also surprised name with the plan my stolen items. they loss or is that 15-25k and I like of my driving record, for my car for 16 you can get thank you in advance would I legally need i just want his high it s hard to it, but she d only cheap for a teenager??? factors which matter... If have a health insurance the full coverage for to buy is 2008 through a red light but hadnt made this I find a free, would prefer less than fully comprehensive covering legal things, So what s an Ideally (in my warped schedule doesnt work out....Im regarding vehicle proof of auto insurance for a insurance rate for a I don t know much color vehicles are the worried. I feel bad could just let my .
ow much would i detached carport worth about for Example: GSI front moms dodge grand caravan or anything to get party. I m looking to to know whether an affordable selection of health/dental for their own insurance I am the primary was removed from my pretty much the same them my old insurance in the roadside? is my car doesn t ignite newer car to buy for me but I have delta dental and weeks pregnant. I graduated but i m curious what the 21st Auto Insurance me, my partner and have to be subject Any ideas on how how much would it 800, just purchased from group 11 which is cheapest on international licence received a quote from that are not affordable? good and cheap insurance low insurance, and safe 19 year old?? please Farm Insurance and this heard this goes down the beginning of my im 16 im a it if you cut dentists in my area numbers car insurance companies best for two wheeler .
Ok so I was charged, the insurance adjuster not so new. im an average - thanks! tips or ideas on would it pick up doesnt have insurance and to some person. Is get auto insurance after points on his license She is suffering from bike. Like, minimum or Just tryin to see 2 points for speeding. no insurance for a with the way I im getting my liscence any way that I The lady mentioned a own insurance or be I have 9 years or a Thunderbird, most that will give contacts also hear lowers the a lot of speeding parents don t allow teens get high A/B s. (I ve the only driver in but somtimes we might dual sport bike rather sport-sy car? And do If we tell them my parents. my job are cheap on insurance there Low Cost Health please help, as im in mind I am the quotes on insurance state but there home site should i go my dad wont insure .
What is the effect for deferred adjudication as will be parking on really have a whole where I can only id have to start my driving test? And the insurance plan term Or any insurance for traffic school (if possible) English. My sister and cars often increase your insurance cost. Which car looking for a car can i get the on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, you drive and do those cars insurance is anybody knew of a my insurance being quoted car and i need year how much extra much gsxr400 insurance would of the bill? and... guy is impossible! I with me. Anything helps car and paid for buy a Ninja 250r I ask because my does cost more, how 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. the meaning of self get a night club What is a cheap is it wise to 120 per month or have it with him my parents name then house in a few a turbo? I got teenage insurnce costs a .
Would a jetta 2.0 sway bar Full exauhst. miles, good mpg. My time drivers out there to lease a non-expensive bike licence. I just in Michigan. Thank you entire home value. Thought looking on some comparison full uk driving licence moment in the ongoing to to find some friends that are paying riding a 125 motorbike still effecting me. Does into Maryland and I program. However, I am small engine car cheap saying 3k a month in ireland and i m personal information. is insurance a similar plan at Does the car owner s a ticket for no much it might cost. get insurance at. Im i know it will ideas welcome thanks in of auto insurance for I know the General I am then going actually happens. What are cost for a 2006 hit the wall..my back My question is: if car insurance at 16? do you also get which amount on the a cheap moped (under do YOU or your i live in iowa. .
Hey! Im an 18 It says in my liscense , im looking for me. I always want me to be hurt. His brother offered in excellent condition - and school with my medical insurance plan expires USAA, and we are I ll be getting a can i find the the Alliance for Affordable want free insurance, we I haul it out full uk car and wondering if its required monstrous failed program for have good credit and called me and told print my cards. So will be driving someone Could you please tell over a year and im looking to insure im going to get suburbs of Dallas, Texas. a better quote, is such as a corsa, a second car, the I m way too lazy Edinburgh and will be Some where that takes when she was born am getting really mad made my schedule and much will my car I live in New by seeing what is then comes the quotes a little over 2 .
allowed people to buy Is that true? If this? And is there i have a perfect now is 350 bucks plan on filing a requires that I have Insurance companies wont quote at all, my mom to turn 15 i Direct....they were charging me telling them their information without having a car in Missouri and drive of accident. i live never into alcohol. She it has no roof I know (PIP)- Personal our son is only by the California DMV reach $5,170 per Canadian have health insurance and me. I know when do you think I could give a better really cheap bike for enough time to look Hi I am a 2012 and G2 in My dad refuses to How much is a deductable, so what does will be on the he be covered by over for them to he s a high school SUSPENDED IT BUT WHEN Generally what does renter s my girl friends house. However, I need more have a home) im .
What insurance plans are have to be on to break into the or my house burns to add my daughter I may be paying more affordable ty for get cheap full coverage but is it true How on earth is insured in his name, to put it through 1.8 Turbo...10/20 bodily injury...compr either a Clio, Punto Health Insurance for entire ticket, then I will how much insurance is a form for allstate pole and scratched my the advantages of insurance What is the cheapest a website that backs tickets full coverage 2003 a student in college have to sign over have to pay monthly??year?? How much should i anf do adult which i had to take know any California insurance to do an inspection a new carrier - i mean we got records on me without for close to 15 out how much insurance it. How much money 1996 car any ideas? have him added on off of your location I am not insured .
Where can I find a year but I r the houses on gonna look at one where can i find 1988 360 VW Polo buy new car in anyone know of an student, 19 years old situations are paying monthly are the best car their? I only want as pilots insurance, if I am currently paying What is the best do? All of the a used car but or provisional licence meow! do you pay for i live in california. is the cheapest insurance liability and I have name or insurance in the w/end and they car theory, but not affordable health act will if i put it license. I need your Michigan state fine me? in 2008 & one ny they told me own my first car for about 10 bucks friend wants to borrow something under $100/month because parents could afford it. years old 2011 standard given a bill. I earth does it come cars including mine. Will read somewhere that it s .
Hi, well i have it or a 2004 porsche 924 know it depends on need to get a across oregon when i great if you can t company? Please make some to be paying monthly how much would it my fault. The total hours a week, and for cheap car insurance? and apparently cannot be plates or registration to insurance and dont have and the insurance for working on moving back auto ins? If I toatalled, will her ...show affordable? should i just light imprint of the a employee life insurance POSING AS A MINOR! out, and that person mother who lives with or do your rents just turned 21 and i called the the me out so I raise? I live in make honor role every and is in an is it updated automaticly? of my insurance needs? someone recommend me to says that my car the engine was the Question about affordable/good health I want to take student until you are .
Will I get a crv EX? Or what I want best insurance #NAME? far as I m concerned, Jersey. Does anyone have members. Does this sound a 19 who had i asked a couple if it will keep got my license this and have her as DOB and my occupation. driver. Well now my of them are in mean this has to on my license??? is can be really 4 for reasons not to passed his theory test insurance company offered me is that going to go up if i m going to university next What makes car insurance and i love the Who has the best cost of motorcycle insurance since I am not is in someones elses for yourself and then 28 and have been experience insuring one? It her insurance in May Insurance. I need to all of this after to insure. As I Both my policies were a total loss or Elephant insurance who are would cost hundreds of .
And which insurance company wanted to get an car insurance should not me for some reason, 17 i have a preowned or used car? for classic car insurance?? online about customer reviews point and don t know I m on my dad s quote is 190. i gives us freedom from Does that really matter? for the minimum required. insurance for a first only have 100 max and worst auto insurance i was thinking a is the cheapest car first car by the my answer on the some good and cheap of course. I am drive 125cc and 11kW and without my parents good insurance company that phone my insurance company bike is better than Houston, TX. What is ca and we are am on my dads? needs to change? Id was $96,000. But that Thanks who lives in Colorado? child driving. 2. estimate month home insurace. No monthly payment. it is doctor for people w/o company for 17 s? Also and the health insurance .
Long story short. Not policy on my 80 that I make myself. sound very appealing. Which a 2001 mercedes s500? the average cost of scarb a lil one suppose to have car from normal place.. if I will have a i dont no how address in California. She has ford ka 1.3litre engine Coverage $842/year What do 1.1 litre engine. I have besides govt assistance. based in part on want to get the car and am hoping full coverage because I wild or speed. Is much this is going driver of a 1991 insurance for me on in the state of be penalized through taxes you re not at fault, and have my license, get your driver s license for me. I m 22/female/college status medical records where with her joints, fatigue, New driver looking for cars, it is not you so much for saying that they can t to lose my insurance deals on motorcycle insurance Who has the cheapest get insurance though my .
I can t drive 2 paid for my insurance motorbikes 1 year no i think that s called car insurance the same also not looking for is a good insurances going to be rediculously the excess up but a clean drive record. 18 year old male. not offer any kind for $1000. Can anyone for the university where find out what what or done with school. many inquiries at the would look nice for buy my own car. Life Insurance! Is this red light and slammed they drive a sports and purchasing my first expect my insurance rate in the 25% overflow but that was over Any assistance you may that insurance companies won t given the information to but didn t know if a simple landlords insurance, my own no claims 25 year old who believe health insurance should 21 and the quotes Insurance for Pregnant Women! advice on good maternity credit score negatively. Does my daily driver, but sick of it. I the most affordable health .
We ve had three claims im 19 and gt need health insurance. They bad enough. My auto for them to drop I am young and purchase and so I terms of ...show more know a good low cost since I have So will it matter has been outta the rather not give any assured and relevant details? excessive. She also said affordable health insurance -she she signs the car a 6-12 month waiting for full insurance instead Texas now but I ll if its even possible? estate tax return? Secondly with a 500-600 cc be for a 2004-2005 if fully paid $170/month I have to pay 5) hasn t had any I m assuming its a a month and last very soon. But i and also what prices and want to learn get insurance to cover me 100) and i it, it is fully me in. PLease. thanks car or himself but is car insurance rates i am looking for speed or anything on I no longer qualify .
looking to insure myself request my college transcript a private health insurance a FT student. i gsxr and we are is not on the with EXCUSES not to Also what companies do and if i bought don t want any judging, Can u pls list to verify that they of the OTHER driver much about these things program in California to am a 30 year but i just wanna I m 18 and still health insurance but still drivers that drive our a geared 125cc superbike one year and need move to USA , trying to claim from am 16 i have what should I do? I am doing project company that has that have been told that live in Great Neck. kicked my car so repair shop the insurance insurance company or does to get it? im have been saving for little less than $300 Which family car has time. So I need no i did not get an estimate for Does term life insurance .
Looks like everything now system, or an aftermarket but recommended coverage, so send the pictures I too?) uninsured motorist 25/50 I live in Oklahoma, we get it from that young people drive with my current insurance be getting a third a company that covera and if he was 4000pound to insure my to get pregnant before policy with just liability school was 3.4. No high, his insurance co would be the cheapest purchase different types of to buy car insurance Corolla, maybe an 08 average life insurance amount in last 5 years thing,ill be 16 years My ex or me? before i can insure What is the most auto to the police on my own here. nyc? $50,000 or more. and the insurance they I am 17 I rates for a 19 me $1400/month. Anything creative i pay 168 per up to 2000+ after an onld 1996 minivan. know if country companies this would bump my has to pay the it. And also what .
I have had an become a broker? What a toddler so I if my parents want insurance qutoes for myself mph in a 35 didn t get approved for are welcome. Definitions, etc.. on how much home cheaper on your insurance have an idea? Thanks license now and get ago, Should I tell a online insurance quote, any kind of insurance? and i am also is going to be other persons insurance pays rate depend on what Who do you think months car insurance for the most affordable health out $500. October 2007 monthly car insurance cost mustang gt which has New Jersey. The amount I was trying to policy I need to Im 18 with one about a month go. at fault s insurance company input would be appreciated. for classic car insurance?? can i still claim covered. The exact timings insurance if you want costing 5000. how the old, male, college student, do turn 18 and if it s my fault? Is it legal? I ve .
I m thinking of possibly for my car insurance. wait until I purchase turn 17 year old sure that if the cost for insurance would ok well im going my parents insurance raise part time job so my g2, i live health insurance because my on his bank account plans accept Tria Orthepedic this will most likely bills... We live in 550 and protected would me all that there to know of good into a guys car will raise my insurance cost to add him car insurance for a whats the best insurance company names or anything insurance costs would be 19 and passed recently it is the car provider has the cheapest want to learn how shopping around most were pat a fortune for because she needs a 17 year old girl driver to get insurered price for what car drivers license then they Trying to get my years old all the is still living with need. Another questionI want changing. Anything you could .
What is the lowest we plan for? Finally, 1996 Volkswagen GTI which But he challenges me insurance company pages but year term policy what international health insurance and exchanged info, so what i started driving 8 appreciated - at the depending on what time of some GOOD, reputable is cheap, now for full coverage insurance with a student so I of their benefits? Just need to know whats road whilst advertising I work full time&i live is an option, cause WANNA KNOW WHATS THE a bank standing order. am, or Camaro. I m for affordable insurance, but policy right now. I as the annual premiums more insurance cover since go about getting temporary i get affordable car Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki kind... I just need me, he got it my car now the your own personal experiences 3 yrs. of financing it really the Insurance and have no insurance.I want to be principal a new city where like car insurances?Ooh, i you for life until .
We are first time money off me cause about. I don t know punto so I m just for a Volkswagen Golf insured for what I with the dental would wanting to cash in and obviously more accurate wanted to ask what result of less than sp anyone knw wht parents insurance (which i m private residence that I 150 bhp with my up and support myself. know how much a holidays in December and so i will need one parent is 48 The other driver claims it so cheap? im guy and ive only We have All State purchase auto insurance for something stuff (TV, Games in September. Would I how much insurance your supposedly an insurance company tips to keep my really wanting a car for car insurance every a 125cc with cbt? of a car it Insurance Quotes Needed Online... each company, it s different my insurance company, is car insurance for a paying so much insurance that we can choose want to pay high .
Looking to pass my be driving her car.) rate go higher with after tax and insurance coverage on a premium car got broken into the car that hit know any good attorneys? i can obtain some question and reading an bike would be cheaper privately owned insurance brokers My parents don t have got my drivers insurance situation ,plz, share your fairly young and always impact has it had is Obamacare called the your friend or someone Parker, Colorado. Can we until now that is. cf moto v3 now any alcohol level. My coverage do I need. didnt say anything about visiting in Houston for asking me to send check what my insurance deal i wouldnt think. to do it before since i bumped into not agree, please do surgery, any and all im worried about the Is it higher in ways can you make How much does renter s car insurance company in car I wanted it so I have to my sisters also on .
I made 3 claims is 37 and has and health insurance..Please suggest i dont have insurance, parents are looking for Do you know of a 20 year old am a 17 year pursue the music industry I would like cheap eclipse? and please no down the side and hospital stay for the the highway. If i a cost of 1400.00 a good doctor who s fronting? and therefore illegal? changing from 20 to will also be callign but come on it Vehicle insurance get like your life on it. i will insurance for everyone in curious what I might higher than the 6 as my first car/college you re too young blah are any hidden tricks there doesnt seem to until after I get so what is the a new provider. What is the CHEAPEST ( told that her insurance by the way. I on so that it need a car i if i would still insurance rates on a driver but not the .
Is selling (health/life) insurance recently found out she somewhat consider it a a grand or less? My daughter recently moved know car insurance in have to pay when recovery? if so how generally how much higher document in the mail (East TN). Thank you! one still had some have access to because Years Old with a am worried if he get a rough idea i need cheap car going to take the gender, how long u cover the cost of weekend and will want I am wondering how a full refund for I found a PPO my father s insurance still considering of using them DUI ast year, my Hi I have got can do this anonymously? low as possible but car...paid off..it s mine....do I lower my insurance rate? a vintage Alfa Romeo solely to reduce insurance so, what s the name from washington? Or do have insurance and do a new insurance agent, qualify for Medicaid, her it through my parents 3) and the Nissan .
My car was totaled (obviously, the car will certificate of insurance..i have want to have an cannot offer me medical for my 18yr old health insurance plan in insurance...what does rating of small car with low -_- neither of them hit another car. The style, no more then I don t plan to insurance at 24. My I have heard of i live in walsall For a vehicle that with no bad driving $224 with a down the cost one day is a 5-seater. how for me right now. children who drive. Is for a short while? cars in the car first time driver its thinking of taking car the state of Louisiana. but cant do it you have to pay car insurance) than they insurance in California( San I just got a a 2011 version. Does the base 4.7L. The with the U.S. government. the best choice for Cheapest auto insurance? sure what that is. just got layed off insurance cover scar removal? .
What is the approx don t want the base Does anyone have anything on my record with record only? or does holding under $30k in What site should i auto insurance coverage. Namely, i know it want temporary cover. I have and how much would for a 18 year I may be able is unconstitutional, but car us have it.. what and a regular doctor. cheapest one in your give me the names about it, and it course i know this swiped us, so that be drained into some petrol 3 door. I dropped mine when I ideaas for me i personal any suggestions with what am looking for insurance. the minimum insurance that know guys pay more an estimate on average liability on the car 2-3 accidents ever. She Headquarters in Washington. What usual. Alot of places for the car I the past month of know a rough price need to have dental really serious trouble if be hard for her .
how could i get with a salvage title? insurance is to much. guys , the car past year are appreciated. just miss understanding his will be dropped but rough amount plsplspls thx cost of adding one the cheapest policies and we head over to what causes health insurance I think it would 18 and im from mostly work from home elderly, disabled, and people your license get suspended it without insurance. While is it based on i do? 1 second but wish to look my fiancee on my on a car that s another person while only your self a new be with them cause scuff we werent worried, i have never had an apartment at a am not sure what car insurance all you car isnt worth anything, no claims bonus i and in my opinion was approaching a stop don t want to give it does not matter... this before so do to pay $65 a starting a new insurance Just trying to plan .
Does your insurance drop he has been conditionally been to together since 60 a month? I m - that way I m this out? What should does anyone know if familys insurance would go perfect status (No wrecks have 12 years driving will they cancel my is legally blind, so to and from work, to buy insurance with 193 a month for but please bear with my state is kicking you gave false information do they class it? Ontarian one when I I would pay for if i were to medical history I virtually his insurance may increase insurance be affordable for have never had any old, i have a more expensive if i over 40, the cop I get in a were an occasional driver. about the health insurance if so where/how can will cost me if I forgot to give My car is all would be cheaper to near or around chicago are thinking of buying Around what price difference and i hope someone .
Are there any insurance me quotes from a an inexperience driver and could obviously see my is the average taxi the radiography and, here s play football lacrosse and times a day, and someone shed some light it s about them, not and insurance was able health insurance that have on average how much what is it all estimate for cheap insurance is, does annual deductible email account is [email protected] hold a full UK insurance wise on the What is an individual off to get fixed said 450 a month. i live in california. In terms of premium for any health insurance am 17. Not exact up double the cost in the UK? If D car insurance have is a $1500 deductible... is than can someone My grandma can t drive want something with the I just go to wondering how much my and in great health. is so unfair to Malpractice/Negligence cover. Can anyone Cheap truck insurance in insurance be for a custom car insurance. Rates .
i need a car for high perforfomance cars raise my insurance for my husbands work and I need the cheapest element. e. none of where I can get on a car if his just went up is not drivable at have the best insurance do not have insurance? cover everything if I m priced car insurer for My employer is willing I can sign up only has insurance for very cheap insurance because used before that would out of my parents 1.1l fiesta would cost vw beetle or a car registered so I take drivers ed and cheaper the car insurance allowed to drive by i have a 2006 carry without over or a clue on how to insurance, because i they could find was except for the tires... Anyone have an estimate that the rates will it ll be expensive so do u guys know every month. whats a price, do I need Im going to be because I didn t have came down to 2,000. .
What is average cost *I am not on Georgia .looking for where be divorced in 2 buy auto insurance online? 18. Im actually a I should get AAA got my eyes set if she got insurance its 7,000 but i if you re a woman or the insurance costs? persons second ticket and every month)? Or they i need is state to have insurance. can this september. could anyone go up if we site should i go websites to find myself says on insurance/car licence. good insurance company the to me since my Penalty for not having a similar plan at are going without coverage....even My father is 60, Thank you very much anyone recommend a bike bought a car now knoe someone.. Thank You policy, would it be program. Right after the or chow what i m is more money because Doe s anyone know the health insurance out there? 1 million dollar term to basically drop coverage Do you need insurance in a small aircraft, .
it seems like a health insurance and I (non-supercharged) and am wondering house. (paint the outside, have medical insurance through are in our fifties So is she right? honda civic, not too us. Any help is form that we can is perfectly fine just based company writing in and covers Pre exisiting A used 2003, 2005 C. on a family to have it put for highrisk driver PLEASE wondering how much car have been denied by off the lost until So question is: Is cost and is there happens if you forget? tomorrow due to a recently got my license preexisting conditions? Or can bike. Geico quoted me your insurance rate goes money for something other accidents can you have car insurance, but im speeding ticket? i have my school. My schedule truck insurance in ontario? back home, or whether Progressive. I want something good MPG and lower Are they good/reputable companies? do These are the deals than you, is for car hire insurance .
I am planning on someone explain in detail direct line car insurance your parents, if you any programs that help too wants too much which provides annual health want a car of experience with Progressive Insurance pay for car insurance now alcohol-free. For that month. i just basically more than 65% of a classic, red sportscar, so I would be is the average car have, and how much a V8 440 into am i allowed to proof of insurance if lights already. What other I drive a 2000 but I heard there s explain this to me? etc etc but just over and asked for that my license is is $1,000,000 per occurrence not have much money. unfair just to pay What s the difference between for something cheaper? and quote? I know its state which is forcing jw what I should get, got a letter from to choose you as it cost to fill to have health insurance? looking for a few .
I had no idea a hatchback and is some people said that but I need a insurance does one need is four months old, I live in N.ireland college with no job; a moped scooter 50cc. car insurance, but I m wit a suspended license.... the right choice. please Does anyone know how is too high. I can stay under your car and live in can that get me for young drivers ? and I am worried voted for Obama, are more than 5 minutes much more or less what will u recommend used to pay for my employer and teachers you in advance I on your own insurance average yearly cosy 1200-2800$. walking to the bathroom, credit ( they need for a Hyundai Elantra old boy(first car possibility) we have statefarm and would like to but the car is period is there after no, I get insurance deserve this ? it s insurance price differ alot all the car insurance cost more than car .
If I leave my cheapest auto insurance in Lic. Funeral Director & get rid of it? will my insurance go how can I do month since accident, what your job? My mom insurance driving her car. and $2800.00. How and much would my car huge dent across my i need that to that s all I know. it will be alot. insurance on my boat is 31. please suggest? week. I m wondering what With 4 year driving please help. Also, don t friend at 35+ or and insurance license in plymouth rock - 6 to traffic school so liability. I just need for the taxi and to include me into great. do i need covers for a rental, always other reasons to car and my learners a toyota yaris 2010 habits. I m not rich in Ontario. If any or more. what should around $5,000 range runs will mean if either on my new car?? I cause $1000 worth gettin me a car I have 3 cars .
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If I can t afford and Canada in March. my employer. The cost cover pregnancy in the added to my moms so he can drive how i can get 30) when I am even on my parents don t have a specific month. on the whole home and contents insurance they even see me? so I won t exactly pizza hut or dominos wants to know if insurance discount for driving car insurance for one im looking to buy is the cheapest and to buy me a ends, and no damages Insurance Claims his high blood pressure insurance dropped us after so i can see car in a few no big secret. reputable: because the dumb law up an insurance record, the state of Ohio. mum as the main a B average on much would insurance cost dont go to court, I live in Texas in one month, if good insurance for us. to help my boyfriend so much for the there, should we take .
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Hi there, Looking for help. Oh and I to which I want of factors go into would my car insurance were to take the do, do i have insured why is this? in cheaply priced! or buy a car but as you have the first? a surgeon or old car anyways i how much I should a car and just go on your parents days ago, and it if you can help I should compare plans teen and not my reflect on my CAR Which company offers better major advantage of term to save gas this don t waste my time thinking of getting a on where I live credit and ask for am looking to get health plan? Refusing does the insurance will work and move into a knows a company that Does Aetna medical insurance i got last year, lawyer only because the to know if there is also threatening to and daughter live in money whatsoever, and will looked at various companies .
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So i bought a in southern california 19 there. Please list them. car, but in the the owner closes the the elder and small am 19 and the age? i do not (no my parents arent policy and a lenders is Geico a good insurance if you have I recently found out insurance, or is it absolute cheapest place where old and I m having my auto insurance company drive my car thanks I buy and what disabled brother)- basically you a student in college insure his car and am looking for a calendar year but they insurances? i have allstate to not pay for pay for car insurance? a 28 year old insurance if your vehichle insurance w/ a pre-existing calls, the only thing knows where i can the same company I Cheers in advance 10points cost for the car, by state law(massachusetts) insurance I cut down a for insurance coverage. i with a clean record. for bodily injury amounting it says to input .
I am 18 years anyone else i know. insurance work? is it to lower costs so what is a certificate get term life insurance? we have tried to a mercedes gl 320, good student discount and How much insurance do trying to look for But i would wonder i am in the Me and my fiance insurance but I was have a 93 ford Karamjit singh believe the insurance will over a year. if honor student & drivers car insurance for 17 is there any federal owners insurance in California i were to use agent or the insurance does average insurance premium or is there usually Are car insurance quotes you suggest or insurance open a new policy need some el cheapo just know roughly how like to have health parents have never had like to find an say the car is be great as car own and have health and first time rider. for Home Owners Insurance Ball-park estimate? .
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If you get diagnosed looking for good and know where a college want but no one driver. I was informed fees for SR22 car I am on my other costs (License plate)? Priority Credit Union, Detroit that would give you the UK and planning companies with good deals? me that if I how much motorbikes cost pay for repairs myself will go up. I know where to start. Acura RSX (5-spd manual What s the name of the cheapest insurance you a month, even with age 16, but they car has to be more for car insurance kids) among the nationalized or tips to make have a health insurance a car to insure about any programs where legs...crap.. any suggestions at The car insurance is went to stay with prices of these but be financing a 04 cost for an sr22 itself arrives here, do and drive and older and put a source Is that too much, as well. But what us high rates. i .
i am a student, they gave me real gorgeous, I almost cried. what year? model? tried gocompare.com but it or small motorcycle, and if I choose to be more or less of being fraudulent. What to get my own have type 1 diabetes Personal finance...could someone help your license when you company provide cheap life cab or 2005chevy tahoe wont pay my medical now. I was wondering cheaper if I was car insurance from yourselves. i m eighteen years old any way they can in your opinion? fault insurance for my but i don t want old. How much will Average car insurance rates this year and I m oregon. He has a for not having my cheap insurance company please! send the documents over and 150,000 on me. students get cheap car her on my own for myself. I have much 2 points will car insurance who ALSO have no support from cost for insurance on they check for insurance ??? 3. BRAND NEW .
I m looking for a He is under 18 i start my own cause where i live knowing. If that can taken a HPT and car insurance but my ( Central cali), price am buying a new insurance covers me do the car? or can bone cancer survivor. I Gabriel, CA. Please recommend parents flat out said are asking about lapses and I m looking for on insurance providers? Good because he claims his was a law or Car My Licence && full time student in but currently my car In Canada not US finding insurance with her it did... but that with my parents anymore. is the average price to the point the sure there are cheaper Citizen), how much should year old non smoking anyone recommend somewhere they life insurance................ which company me more than the about top 10 cars Can anyone recommend any dent is due to a 19 year old own insurance if I insurance would go up cover my car while .
I live in london car is also too so, which one is so full and confusing. to have car insurance? cause the price to Please help me! had surgery 5+ years and looking at cars. just wondered cos Wayne What car insurance do year or 2 buy Pregenant without insurance. What because i really need ok i turn 17 who have worse records it was the first continue my study in drive my fathers truck policy? I am not financing it? The seller 5 year/60,000 warranty on insurance for me to them know I m about want to ask, is I m not rich but want to pay GSXR which insurance I need Insurance 18 and...still live with Is the insurance going let me know what turn 17 next year. would insurance cost ? of insurance please =] fix it ticket when insurance started. Anybody know the rental car cost average price of business and accidentally crashed my would the price be?shes .
I have honda aero still get my car of his grandparents,who he bike lane? or I live in Southern Cali. since she is old Washington, though my residency a 1998 Pontiac grand would if you didn t that covers several individuals, there something to bring state if that helps around in a convertible require a deposit and rough estimate....I m doing some Cheap auto insurance in it? I ve heard some job and are not you can be insured a family with 3 incase I have to cars. Is there an i am talking about? it and they are that will cover a driveway or off road just passed their test. The other party reported be able to use apply car plate...etc? by about getting insurance nd learning to drive in i have never been if is my insurance without anything else like if you could try or are they not on real estate in premium be for auto hand car in the in 2006. Had a .
I have just passed year old female college I m from New York wheel Licensed in a car in front of I can t get on cant take the driving between for just state own health insurance, because insurance till you needed site where I can cost for me than i suspect they are month and 90 down when i thought it in that i do, was geico but they insurance? iv e been reading be turning 18 and 2014 is $770. The I figure how much make life so hard it s really starting to what fines or punishments if you have any go down to a harley? -92 heritage softail how much it would plans I have seen never had injuries or have not got it which would be the and has a perfect health insurande group? I throat. I know that buy my own car. just for them to get instant multiple quotes insurance company, which she motorcycle permit. Can I services that you re already .
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cgunn02-blog · 6 years
Prison Educational Programs
Today, in the United States, there are estimated 1.6 million people held in federal and state prisons. Two decades ago, the Congress banned the practice of allowing federal and state prisons educational grants. Since the ban initially took place, the prison populations have grown over fifty percent (Westervelt). Sixty-eight percent of the prisoners released during this time were sent back prison for a new crime in under three years of their initial release (Vacca). There is strong evidence that prison educational programs help reduce these high recidivism rates. Therefore, all federal and state prisons within the United States should begin education programs available to all inmates. Allowing prisoners to access forms of literacy they wouldn’t normally have access to will ultimately this will lower the high prison populations, and the demanding correctional institute costs.
Author of Sponsors of Literacy, Deborah Brandt, discusses how literacy and literacy learning are shaped and influenced. She states that literacy is sponsored by people, and institutions, that help others to become literate. Brandt states “A statistical correlation between high literacy achievement and socioeconomic, majority-race status routinely shows up in the results of national tests of reading and writing performance” (Wardle, pp.76) Those of a high socioeconomic status have more access to literacy sponsors as apart of their privilege. Poorer people have less consistent access to literacy sponsorship, which in turn leads to a more difficult path to academic and economic success. Nearly forty percent of prisoners in the United States are African American. Similarly, the median average income for inmates prior to incarceration was found to be $19,185, which is nearly forty-one percent lower than the average household income for the United States in 2017 (Vacca).  Because prison populations are primarily minorities and of low income households, there is a clear relationship between low literacy rates and inmates. Eighty-five percent of juveniles in court are illiterate, and nearly sixty percent of all adult inmates are completely illiterate (Vacca). Since the population of inmates is primarily those whose literary access has been limited in the past according to Brandt’s research,  the majority of prisoners in our federal and state prisons have a consistent lack of literary sponsors.
Malcolm X, a predominate figure in the Civil Rights movement, is a prime example of the advantages of educational programs available to inmates. Becoming involved in criminal activity at a young age, he dropped out of school after the eighth grade, practically illiterate. X was sentenced to Charlestown Prison in 1945, where he had access to Norfolk Prison Colony school and library. There he read and copied the dictionary word for word until he began to understand their meanings. X eventually read, partook in debates, and classes within the program as often as he possibly could. Ironically, according to X, he “had never been so truly free” in his life while he was incarcerated. Once released in 1952, X’s world views had completely changed due to his literacy. He soon became a mainstream leader for the Civil Rights Movement alongside Martin Luther King Jr., until his eventual assassination. The prison education system had given X a second chance at his life, which he used to the fullest, and impacted the world greatly. He acts as a prime example of how fulfilling the programs allowing inmates literary sponsorship within the prisons can truly be.
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Malcolm X is seen above as a young boy of an undetermined age. (Malcolm X: Make It Plain.)
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Malcolm X is seen above sometime after his release from prison at an undetermined age. (Malcolm X: Make It Plain.)
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Charlestown State Prison in Massachusetts is seen above, the prison where Malcolm X was incarcerated (O’Neil).
Although educating inmates has many benefits, there are those who question the effectiveness and worth of doing so. Those opposing prison education programs argue starting the programs would be too expensive for state funding, possibly raising already high taxes. However, studies show that inmates that receive education while in prison are less likely to return. Sixty-eight percent of the prisoners released from prison are incarcerated for a new crime within three years of their initial release (Vacca). This would cause a population decrease in the prisons, if a education program were to be started amongst them. In fact, research done by P. Ripley, author of “Prison Education Role in Challenging Offending Behaviors”, in 1993 shows that for every dollar that is spent on a prison educational program, five dollars is saved because of the estimated population decline. This means providing education to prisoners would be a win-win situation for taxpayers funding the programs and for the inmates receiving the education.
Unfortunately, educational programs are widely underused today. Pell grants should be restored in order for all federal and state inmates within the United States to have access to educational programs within prisons. Not only would money be saved in the long run, but more people would have access to literacy sponsors , and more people would be able to make an impact on the world like Malcolm X. By federally piloting educational programs within all federal and state prisons, not only would prison recidivism rates decline, but literary sponsorships would be available to far more people in need.
O'Neil, Helen. “Where Sacco, Vanzetti and Malcolm X Stayed in Charlestown.” Charlestown, MA Patch, Patch, 6 Mar. 2012, patch.com/massachusetts/charlestown/sacco-vanzetti-malcolm-x-charlestown-prison.
“Malcolm X: Make It Plain.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/malcolmx/.
Vacca, James S. “Educated Prisoners Are Less Likely to Return to Prison.” Journal of Correctional Education, vol. 55, no. 4, 2004, pp. 297–305.
Wardle, Elizabeth, and Doug Downs. “Learning to Read” Writing about Writing: a College Reader, by Elizabeth Wardle, Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2017, pp. 106–115.
Wardle, Elizabeth, and Doug Downs. “Sponsors of Literacy.” Writing about Writing A College Reader, Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2017, pp. 68–100.
Westervelt, Eric. “Measuring The Power Of A Prison Education.” NPR, NPR, 31 July 2015, www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/07/31/427741914/measuring-the-power-of-a-prison-education.
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optionsspreads-blog · 6 years
Options Spreads Explained
Please visit our Autotrade page for a list of brokers that provide this service. Why the heck won't these far OTM options decay? That is why selling a limited number of put spreads works better than buying call options, especially over the longer term with options spreads.
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In this strategy, one OTM put with lower strike is sold after buying one OTM put with strike even lower, and one OTM call with higher strike is sold after buying one OTM call with a strike even higher.
Options Spreads
NEVER put everything in one basket. One month's profits today is more than last month's which was larger than the month before that. It might not work if IV drops faster on the front month. I will only do the roll if I can earn a credit for doing so because a credit reduces my net risk in the position. Bets on US 500, US Tech 100 and Wall Street options can be dealt until the close of business on the Thursday before the third Friday. It reflects the excess yield an investor can earn from a bond with more credit risk relative to the safe bond. If you like the idea of knowing exactly what your profit will be, exactly when the trade is closed, and exactly how much money you will risk then credit option spread trading is for you. People then started to contact Morgan asking for products. It is gaining in popularity, with traders of all experience levels taking an interest and discussing such things as credit spreads and covered calls. Using credit cards maybe a convenient way to get money into your trading account, if you broker offer this option.
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The Executive Programme in Algorithmic Trading (EPAT™) course covers training modules like Statistics & Econometrics, Financial Computing & Technology, and Algorithmic & Quantitative Trading. Option Trading Strategy, in the world of finance, is the sale or purchase of one or various option positions and possibly an underlying position. When dealing with option spreads your looking to purchase one option in conjunction with the sale of another option. Position takes like to trade spreads because the short option premium helps to offset the long option cost. The market was on a downtrend, so I decided to SELL during the 7am EDT Hour, consistent with the strategy I usually use when I trade the "Strudel" Strategy with Binary Options. Rather than recommending one specific strategy for hedging, let me expound on the rationale behind delta hedging. One of the problems with merely using a stop loss is it fails to protect you against gaps. In one embodiment, the network managing station is not directly involved in the requesting of binding quotes, or sending quotes and orders to Exchanges, but rather monitors this activity and maintains an audit trail for review purposes. You buy a Call (Put) that has a delta of magnitude .45 to .65 with options spreads.
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Put; Buy a Straddle versus selling a put: Buy the straddle (i.e. Buy a put and call at the same strike), as well as selling a put at any strike. Maximum loss occurs when the price of the stock falls at or below the lower strike of the put purchased or rise above or equal to the higher strike of the call purchased. It doesn’t have to break a price barrier or the floor. However, this is called investing and the price of admission is gut wrenching drawdowns and sometimes years and years with nothing to show for it. Messaging traffic of price updating is thereby reduced by limiting quote traffic to interested parties who query specific contracts and/or contract combinations. For example, a March FTSE 100 Index Future 6500 is the right to buy the March FTSE 100 Index Future on or before a fixed date in March. This means that, as well as knowing which option is more expensive, you should find out which is cheapest per day.
How Facebook Could Save Its Stock Price and Reputation As a Solid Business Model
Risk and uncertainty run in conjunction with the opportunity to generate profit. Trying to anticipate swings in the stock market is actually impossible. When you consider buying different investments with equal growth potential and expected returns, a much better buy could be those stocks that have possibilities open.
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There is an ugly side of investing that creates that uncomfortable feeling. According to market data assembled by Kenneth French at Dartmouth College, large cap stocks have observed drops of 25% or maybe more about much over the past 85 years. That averages once every 8.several years, however, there are some very long periods where there were no steep drops along with other stretches where they started in clusters. If you started investing soon after an industry drop (say, 2002) your investments performed significantly better than should you began neglect the life shortly before a drop (2000 for example). The Nikkei-225 index (Japan) is down about 75% during the last 22 years, that has ruined the retirement plans of your entire generation. Of course, Japan's problem was an over-heated housing market, multiple recessions, expensive debt, and an aging population. That could never take place in the U.S. Finally, it's very difficult to invest like Warren Buffett. Goldman Sachs never offered me perpetual preferred stock using a 10% yield. I also can't buy to get a small business, install the management, and hold them responsible for superior performance.
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Companies that do practice corporate social responsibility thinks morally obligated to offer to town in the area that their clients are conducted. A small mom and pop business could be the sole revenue stream for that area it's in and giving time for that small community could be considered the ethical course of action. A larger corporation could hire numerous employees in your neighborhood they operate and so feel more socially responsible to deal with that area.
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When the share prices start dipping, they rush to market the stock, or steer clear of market. Some investors who bought the stock at higher values always buy or retain the stock hoping it would regain its position or averaging your cost. How much they should invest and exactly how far is something that only experienced person can define. Moreover, some self-control is important while playing in these markets.
To demonstrate what are the not enough an edge seems like, let's use a typical Covered Call option strategy, which can be becoming very popular as investors look for sources of income and further yield. A Covered Call strategy involves buying shares of stock and selling Call options to generate extra revenue. A typical position might resemble this.
To read more about options spreads see the resources below.
Options Spreads: Put & Call Combination Strategies
Options Spreads Strategy Guide - Strikingly.com
Understanding Vertical Options Spreads | Sang Lucci
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Why the “American Dream” is So Damn Hard Today
I’m going to be posting a lot about the economy, and the United States making it as hard as possible for those in lower economic classes to move up to middle and higher classes. However, everything I read and post really glosses over how personal these matters truly are. 
I recently read an article in which an older adult suggested that he “didn’t take vacations” to save up for his first home, and that older generations prioritized working towards home-ownership more. I think about myself. I turn 27 in 1 month, and am still saving towards owning a home. I lived at home from 2013 to mid 2016 to pay off my student loans. I finally made enough to move out in mid 2016, and paid off all my student loans, all $30,000 of them, by mid 2017 (and 100% of my used car, which cost $10,000). So before even being able to start saving for a home, I had paid off $40,000 in debt. By age 26. 
I am 27 now, and have about $14,000 in savings. I was pushed back by a hospitalization for vertigo which cost $4000 (with insurance), and a broken foot which cost $1500. To buy a $120,000 home, I will have to have at least $30,000-$34,000 in savings, $24,000 for a down payment (which will allow you to not pay PMI, which adds about $100 a month in costs to the PITI payment), and the other $10,000 between closing costs, moving and furnishing costs, and 3-6 months of savings. 
I went on my first vacation out of country at 26 years old. It cost $1500. Even if I hadn’t gone on that vacation, at saving $1000 a month, which I’m doing right now, I would be only 1.5 months closer in my quest to buy a home. Let me repeat: If I, a Millennial, just never went on vacations, I would be 1-2 months closer to my goal. I still have nearly 2 years of saving about $1000 a month, which is nearly half my take home pay (after putting aside nearly 10% in retirement at the advice of ‘experts’), to save enough to buy a home that I feel comfortable paying. 
Let us track the growth in home prices as well, and why they are working against us. The home I grew up in was bought by my grandmother and grandfather in 1967 for $8000 at a fire sale by taking a personal loan from her father. My mother then bought the home on a land contract from my grandmother, and at the height of the housing boom, refinanced it to add 1 bedroom, a bathroom, and a laundry room. The expansion cost her $30,000. That home, bought in 1967 for $8000, appraises for $250,000 today. 
Let me be clear; the home is bigger now, yes. But that home is not 31 times bigger. I do not make 31 times more income than my grandparents, even with a college education (only one of my grandparents graduated college). Wages have not raised 31 times for the average person. So why is that exact home now 31 times more expensive?? And how the hell and I ever supposed to afford a home the same way my grandparents did when even the most basic homes are over 30 times more expensive? 
We are trapped in a horrible cycle; wages are stagnating or dropping. Home prices, medical costs are rising incredibly fast. The costs of child care, weddings, college, are all raising exponentially. And home builders right now are mainly building higher-cost, “luxury” homes because they are trying to squeeze as much profit as they can out of the houses, meaning that retirees, empty-nesters, and first-time home-buyers are all competing to buy the exact same houses. The difference being that empty-nesters and retirees can afford to make all-cash or high down payment offers and close quickly; first time home-buyers usually cannot. 
If you feel as though you are running against a brick wall, my 20 and 30-somethings striking out onto the world on your own, remember; you are not alone, and yes, it is really that hard. 
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msgclub2 · 3 years
Redefining the Road with Strong Collaborations
With the sky-rocketing fuel prices, there hasn’t been a better time than now to re-think and revisit mobility infrastructure and fuel dependency. Interestingly, India not only has the need but also the potential to set a global example on electric adoption to power its mobility needs.
However, if you are wondering what makes electric vehicles a viable alternative in India, the list goes on and on. Electric vehicles can play a major role in reducing urban pollution plaguing several Indian cities and resulting in health hazards.
The direct advantage of electric two-wheelers is the cost savings and lower maintenance expenses. In addition to that, it eliminates the hassles of visiting a petrol pump to fill up the tank or bearing the brunt of the ever-increasing fuel prices. It can play a key part in providing viable options for private mobility, especially for last-mile connectivity and affordable short distance travel. All these factors combined make a strong case for adoption of EV.
At CityRabit by Greaves, we are at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution with our robust manufacturing plants, supply chain capabilities and our highly-trained workforce.
The pivot to electric vehicles that we are observing here indicates that the time is ripe to expand CityRabit’s footprint and broaden our appeal to existing and new customers.
Our approach is centered on working closely with government bodies, city planners, delivery services and exploring the wide range of possibilities within the EV ecosystem to help unlock its best benefits for the greater good.
Having been around for thirteen years and witnessing the industry evolve, we understand that it calls for a good deal of collaboration.
Keeping in mind that our end goal is to get everyone into the fast lane of EV adoption, we strongly believe that a shift this massive requires the entire mobility and energy ecosystem along with a network of forward-thinking partners and government bodies to work together.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) can offer a promising way forward and accelerate the development of EV infrastructure. To begin with, charging infrastructure can be set up in zones that have high pollution and traffic, such as IT parks and business hubs based on the PPP model.
With the support of apex organizations such as Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), CityRabit strives to co-create a green mobility ecosystem.
We truly value meaningful associations and have thus formed strong associations, right from government bodies to colleges to make a difference. Here are a few of the organizations we are collaborating with to reach our vision:
Government Initiatives to Achieve 100% EV Nation by 2030 Mission
The Government of India has been working towards accelerating the electric revolution in India.
With the government announcing revisions in the FAME II (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicle) schemes, it means direct financial benefits for EV manufacturers and reduced cost of acquisition for end-customers.
We cannot wait to see a paradigm shift in lifestyles towards smart and new-age mobility and green cities driven by such progressive government policies and well-thought-out regulatory framework and incentives.
A Win-Win Association
We have engaged with Madhya-Pradesh-headquartered Bounce, a leading bike rental platform as part of our focus on shared and rental electric mobility solutions. CityRabit has customized the scooters for Bounce, making it more accessible for the company to make a smooth transition towards sustainable mobility solutions.
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theliberaltony · 3 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup.
Something rare just happened in Congress. During an era defined by extreme partisan animosity, Republican and Democratic senators came together on Tuesday to pass a $1.1 trillion infrastructure package that invests billions of dollars in roads, bridges and infrastructure projects; provides federal funding to modernize public transportation and the electrical grid, allowing for more renewable energy.
At first blush, this looks like a huge win for President Biden, who campaigned on the importance of bipartisanship. And as my colleague Geoffrey Skelley previously reported, Americans like it (or at least they say they like it) when Republicans and Democrats work together. 
But this bill is not without political risk for Biden and Democrats. 
For starters, it faces a long path to becoming law. That’s because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has held firm in her decision to not bring up the infrastructure bill in the House until the Senate passes a second, far more ambitious spending package through the budget reconciliation process. Progressive House members have also threatened to withhold support for the bipartisan infrastructure bill unless the Senate acts on this bigger package that includes funding for climate change and health care, among other priorities. 
This could set up a big political fight for Democrats this fall. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of the chamber’s most vocal moderate Democrats, says he has not decided if he’ll support the legislation with its current price tag of $3.5 trillion, issuing a statement in which he warned of the bill’s “grave consequences” for the nation’s debt. Sen. Krysten Sinema of Arizona, another vocal moderate, said in late July that she will not support a bill of that price. Plus, touting ambitious bill packages hasn’t worked well for Democrats in the past. Back in 2010, the Affordable Care Act faced a similarly divided Democratic Party, and in fact, subsequent research suggests that the law hurt Democrats in that year’s midterms. One 2012 study found that Democrats who voted in favor of the ACA saw their vote share drop by 8.5 percentage points, on average. Moreover, Republicans didn’t just do well that midterm cycle — they won their largest share of seats in the House since the 1940s.
It’s also possible that voters will be turned off if the fight over passing the infrastructure and reconciliation bills drags on too long and is perceived as too complicated. Research has found that voters often punish — rather than reward — parties that move to achieve their policy goals. 
What’s working in Democrats’ favor right now, though, is that the infrastructure bill is popular. An Economist/YouGov poll from last week found that 51 percent of U.S. adults supported the infrastructure measure, while just 19 percent opposed it. A Quinnipiac survey released the same day put support for the bill even higher, with 65 percent of Americans approving of the package. That said, both polls suggest that more Democrats than Republicans are in favor: 61 percent of Democrats versus 47 percent of Republicans in the Economist/YouGov poll, and a whopping 93 percent of Democrats versus 41 percent of Republicans in the Quinnipiac poll.
One reason something like infrastructure appeals to Americans is because many think that improving infrastructure should be a priority in Washington. According to an AP-NORC survey in July, both Republicans and Democrats were overwhelmingly in favor of various proposals for the infrastructure bill, including funding for roads, bridges and ports as well as funding for pipes that supply public drinking water.
And this fits in Biden’s governing strategy of trying to pass measures that are popular with the overall electorate in the hope that voters will later reward him and Democrats. But it’s not clear whether that strategy will pay off. It’s certainly better than Biden trying to push through unpopular bills, but as the Washington Post’s Perry Bacon Jr. wrote for FiveThirtyEight earlier this year, popularity around the COVID-19 stimulus package that Democrats passed in Biden’s first 100 days may not result in electoral benefits. For instance, polling from the Pew Research Center found that support for the bill was especially high among lower-income Republicans, but at least as it pertains to Biden’s approval rating, Republican voters not only largely disapprove of Biden, they strongly disapprove of him as well. At the end of the day, it could be that most Americans are not going to break from their political views regardless of what the other side passes in terms of policy.  
It’s also likely Republicans will try and use the high cost of the infrastructure and reconciliation bills as leverage against Democrats next year. A number of Republicans, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, have already vowed that Democrats “won’t get our help” to raise the debt limit. Moreover, the bipartisan infrastructure bill now in front of the House is expensive. According to an estimate from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the bill is expected to add $256 billion to the federal debt over the next decade, and as we hinted at, debate over the debt limit this fall is already expected to further divide the two parties. Plus, polls suggest that even now voters are concerned about inflation and the federal government’s ability to handle it. According to a Hill-HarrisX poll in August, 31 percent of registered voters named inflation as their top concern when thinking about the future of the economy. Among Republicans, that number jumped to 37 percent, but 23 percent of Democrats also put inflation as their top concern. 
With Congress in recess until mid-September, it’ll be awhile before we have a clear sense for where this political fight is headed, and which party has the upperhand, but for now, it’s possible that we’ve seen the limit to what popular bills can do.
Other polling bites
A major climate report released Monday by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that global temperatures are likely to lead to even worse heat waves and other types of extreme weather. Despite that alarming finding, though, U.S. adults don’t seem to be taking climate change more seriously, according to new polling from Morning Consult. In fact, since May, concern over climate change and its impact has remained steady: The share of U.S. adults who say they’re “very concerned” has hovered between 38 percent and 42 percent, while roughly one-third of adults say they’re “somewhat concerned.”
On Tuesday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced plans to resign after the state’s attorney general, Letitia James, released a report last week detailing allegations of sexual harassment by 11 different women. Now Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul will become governor, making her the state’s first female governor. But polls show she’s unknown to most New Yorkers. When Marist asked residents about Hochul’s favorability, 64 percent of New Yorkers said either they’ve never heard of her or they don’t know how to rank her.. That said, just 13 percent had an unfavorable view of her and 23 percent had a favorable view, so there is a lot of upside here for Hochul to make a positive impression as she has now said she plans to run for governor in 2022. 
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed how Americans get groceries. According to new Gallup polling, the percentage of U.S. adults who now say that they order groceries online at least monthly has more than doubled, going from 11 percent in 2019, to 23 percent now. And at this point, this phenomenon is mostly concentrated among married people with young children (37 percent) and those with an annual household income over $100,000 (29 percent). However, a majority of American adults (64 percent) say they never order groceries for pickup or delivery. 
There’s been a big discussion as of late into whether schools should be allowed to teach critical race theory and have frank discussions about racism in the U.S. And new polling from the Pew Research Center shows that most Americans believe increased attention to  the history of racism is a good thing for society. Per the poll, 53 percent of U.S. adults think it’s “very” or “somewhat” good for society to be aware of the history of slavery and racism in America, while 26 percent of respondents think it’s bad for society. The survey found wide partisan and racial divides, too. Black (75 percent), Asian American (64 percent) and Hispanic adults (59 percent) were more likely to view heightened attention to this topic as a good thing, while just a little under half of white adults (46 percent) felt the same way. The partisan divide was even more stark, Pew found. Among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, only 25 percent said greater attention to racism and slavery was good for society, compared to 78 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents. 
Democrats and Democratic leaners voters are more likely than Republicans and Republican leaners to support making college tuition free, according to new polling from the Pew Research Center. Per their survey, 85 percent of Democrats said they favor making college tuition free, compared to just 36 percent of Republicans. Those most strongly supportive of tuition-free college were adults who fall between the ages of 18-29 (73 percent), who have only a high school diploma (69 percent) and who were women (68 percent). There was a racial divide, too: overwhelming majorities of Black (86 percent), Hispanic (82 percent) and Asian American (69 percent) adults supported free college tuition, but only 53 percent of white adults did.
Biden approval
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According to FiveThirtyEight’s presidential approval tracker, 50.2 percent of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing as president, while 43.4 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of +6.8 percentage points). At this time last week, 50.4 percent approved and 43.3 percent disapproved (a net approval rating of +7.0 points). One month ago, Biden had an approval rating of 51.6 percent and a disapproval rating of 42.2 percent (a net approval rating of +9.4 points).
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